HomeMy WebLinkAbout01112006 Historic Preservation Packet J{istoric {}>reservation Commission fl-genda CPack.!t . ,. .~ January 11, 2006 Regular Meeting .. City Council Chambers Beginning at 6:30 p.m. Seward Historic Preservation Commission January 11, 2005 Regular Meeting 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers Shannon Kovac Chair Term Expires 05/07 Tom Swann Vice-Chair Term Expires 05/07 Michaela Walker-Hettinger Commissioner Term Expires 05/08 Greg Carpenter Commissioner Term Expires 5/06 James Rowell Commissioner Term Expires 05/08 Valerie Park Commissioner Term Expires 05/06 Shannon Huber Commissioner Term Expires 5/06 Clark Corbridge City Manager Malcolm Brown Planner Donna Glenz Planning Assistant 1. Call to Order 2. Opening Ceremony A. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Special Reports A. City Administration Report B. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations 1. Swann - Jesse Lee Home activities 5. Citizens' Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled for Public Hearing and Other Items Not Included on the Agenda. [Those who have signed in will be given the first opportunity to speak Time is limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 30 minutes total time for this agenda item] 6. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda. [Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk (*). Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Commissioner so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to the Regular Agenda.] Historic Preservation Commission January 11, 2006 Regular Meeting Agenda Page 1 7. Public Hearing-None 8. Unfinished Business A. Discussion and updates on the following ongoing projects: 1. Fonnation ofa Register of the local Historic Trees and Plants. .. . . . . . pg. 3 2. Hoben Park - National Historic Register application. .. . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY -06. .. . . . . . . . Pg. 3 3. Updating the Seward Register of Hisloric Places. ., . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 9. New Business Approval ofHisloric Preservation Meeting Schedule for 2006. ., . . . . Pg. '-/ October 26, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . Pg. it; A. * B. * c. November 9, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . Pg. / L 10. Informational Items and Reports (No action required) A. January 2006 Heritage Newsletter. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. J 7 11. Commission Comments 12. Citizens' Comments 13. Commission & Administration Response to Citizens' Comments 14. Adjournment Historic Preservation Commission January 11, 2006 Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 MEMORANDUM City of Seward Community Development Date: January 11, 2006 To: Historic Preservation Commission Through: Malcolm Brown, Planner vdtw-- From: Shannon Kovac, Chair Subject: Seward Historic Preservation Commission 2006 Ongoing Projects Seward Historic Preservation Commission 2006 Ongoing Projects Item 1: Explore the development of a heritage plant inventory and the implementation of a local Heritage Plant Program to recognize trees and shrubs related to historic Seward. Item 2: Work with the City and the State Historic Preservation Office to secure the Hoben Park grant to replicate historical wrought iron fencing. Research and complete the National Register of Historic Places application for Hoben Park. Include data on Seward's population and rail and ship passenger numbers during the park's period of significance. The partially completed application is on a CD in the Community Development office. (Mobley's report Historic Architecture Survey of the Waterfront, Seward, Alaska, for the Proposed Institute of Marine Science Facility 1994, and microfilm of the Seward Gateway, which is stored at the Seward Library, may be helpful.) Item 3: Continue to update the Seward Historic Register verifying all data except ownership (Commissioner Kovac will continue to update ownership). . AHRS numbers are currently on a CD in the Community Development office. . Any properties not included in the inventory, but thought to be 50 years old and older, may be added. . The addition of digital images would increase the value of the inventory. .3 Historic Preservation Commission Agenda Statement From: January 11,2006 Malcolm Brown, Planner.#~ v{ Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant ~~ ~ o~ Sl;~ ~~~ !: A~;.~, ).. .. ~. ~ u ~~ ~ ..__ ~~ a ~~ ~~!tt' ~iAS\4:~ Meeting Date: Through: Agenda Item: 2006 Historic Preservation Meeting Schedule BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: The Seward City Code states that the Historic Preservation Commission shall meet at least twice each year. Several years ago the Commission decided to hold meetings only when there were action items to be handled, for a variety of reasons that did not work well. Due to not having regularly pre-scheduled meetings, the cohesiveness of the Commission began to fade. The Commission revisited the meeting schedule and decided to schedule a regular meeting on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month. The attached proposed schedule shows the dates for the third Wednesday of each month. RECOMMENDATION: Commission approve meeting schedule for 2006. G:\Community Development Folder\formats - Donna\Historic Pres\HP Meetings\Agenda St. Schedule Mtgs 2006.doc L/ Memorandum CITY OF SEWARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Date: To: Through: From: Subject: January 11,2006 Historic Preservation Commission Jean Lewis, City Clerk Malcolm Brown, Planner /I,!fd.-- LJ1 Donna Glenz, Planning Assistantc~'Q . 2006 Historic Preservation Meeting Schedule This memo is to provide a current schedule of the Historic Preservation Commission Meetings for the calendar year 2006. Unless otherwise noted the Historic Preservation Commission regular meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. and any work sessions will be held on as needed basis with a preference of Wednesdays. Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Ree:ular Meetine: Work Sessions January 11 th (rescheduled to 2nd Wednesday) February 15th March 15th April 19th May 17th June 21 st July 19th August 16th September 20th October 25th (rescheduled - Alaska Day Holiday Oct 18th) November 15th December 20th If you have questions or concerns, please call 224-4048 or email dglenz(Q)citvofseward.net. G:\COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOLDER\FORMATS - DONNA\HISTORIC PRES\HP MEETINGS\HP 2006 MEETING DATES.DOC r:- City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 246 Call to Order The October 26, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, Shannon Kovac. Opening Ceremony Park led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Shannon Kovac-Chair presiding, and Valerie Park Tom Swann Shannon Huber Michaela Walker-Hettinger Greg Carpenter - arrived at 6:40 comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant Absent were: James Rowell- excused City Administration Report Brown gave an update on City activities as follows: * The Grant application had been submitted to the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, for a Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY-06 to assist with restoration of the Seward Historic Register site of Hoben Park; he noted however further work was needed to place Hoben Park on the National Historic Register. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations Tom Swann - Jesse Lee Home Restoration Work Sessions Update Swann stated that there had been no new developments on the project. Steve Peterson _ National Park Service on the determination of eligibility for National Historic Resister properties. /c City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 247 Peterson provided an overview of the National Historic Resister process. He noted that the National Historic Preservation Act in 1966 established the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), located in Anchorage. What is the National Register of Historic Places? - It is a commemorative action, that recognized the importance of the history of the site or structure; local, regional or national. He listed the two main steps or test in the process to the register. I. What is the history of the structure or site? A. Important because of the event that happened B. Places because of who was there C. Design of the structure D. Archeological site - potential of what it could offer II. Does the structure / site have Integrity A. Location B. Design C. Setting D. Materials E. Workmanship F. Feeling G. Association He noted that all the information was available on the website. Greg Carpenter - Update report on the Hoben Park Restoration Project Carpenter noted the lighting had been installed. He stated that the City Project Manager, Tom Shepard had stated that no other proj ects were planned until spring. Carpenter thanked Brown, Park and Kovac for the work that had been done in applying for the Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY -06. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing Paul Sorenson, Portico Group, stated the group was very pleased that the review process for the Mary Lowell Center had started again. He noted that many public design meetings were planned and invited the Commission and the public to attend. Stu Clark, inside the City. Supported the construction ofthe Mary Lowell Center and noted that in the distant future he hoped the Center would be considered a significant historic structure. Jeff Mow , Superintendent Kenai Fjords National Park. Stated the petition to vacate a portion of Washington Street had been submitted to the Kenai Peninsula Borough. He stated that it was scheduled for the November 28,2005 meeting and the packet deadline was November 11,2005. He stated the schematic design was of the Mary Lowell Center was currently being worked on. '7 City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 248 Kirsten Vesel, Assistant City Manager. Supported the Mary Lowell Center and the vacation of Washington Street. She stated that she and the Mayor were currently discussing the option of appointing a design committee to be involved with the Mary Lowell Center. She hoped that a member of the Historic Preservation Commission would serve on the proposed committee. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Staff noted that the Consent Agenda included the September 21, 2005 regular meeting minutes. Motion (SwannlPark) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business Grant application submitted to the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, for a Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY-06 to assist with restoration of the Seward Historic Register site of Hoben Park. Commission felt the topic had been discussed enough earlier on the agenda. Noting that continued work was needed to complete the National Historic Register application. New Business Discussion of a recommendation to Council and the Kenai Peninsula Borough regarding the proposed Vacation of Washington Street Kovac declared the possible appearance of a conflict of interest. She noted she was currently employed by the National Park Service. She passed the gavel to the Vice-Chair, Tom Swann and removed herself from the dais. Hu ber declared the possible appearance of a conflict of interest. She noted she was currently employed by the National Park Service and removed herself from the dais. Brown stated he had not put the recommendation in the form of a resolution because he was unsure of the Commission position on the issue. He noted that the issue before the Commission was to prepare a recommendation to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission on the proposed vacation of Washington Street. He stated the recommendations were 1. Recommend approval of the vacation. 2. Recommend denial of the vacation request. Or 3. Request postponement for further review. Brown reviewed the process that was to happen at the Borough level. He stated what had been submitted to the Borough Planning Commission was a hand-drawn concept of the vacation ?{ City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 249 request. If the Borough Planning Commission were to approve the concept the applicant had one year to bring the concept back in the preliminary plat form. Which would come back before the City Planning Commission for review then be forwarded to the Borough Planning Commission and following final approval of the final plat by the Borough the City Council had a 30 day veto period. Brown noted that following a discussion and direction from the Commission a Resolution could be ready for the November meeting. Swann requested the rules be suspended to hold an informal discussion with the audience on the vacation issue. No objections were voiced. Park stated she had done a review of the public comments and information provided to the Commission, she voiced concern for incorporation of the "Ole Solly" concept into the new building. Carpenter voiced concern with loosing the view of Resurrection Bay from Washington Street. Jeff Mow, KFNP, stated that many discussions were currently being held on the design of the building. He noted many options were out for discussion. Carpenter stated that he had received numerous comments, emails and public input and felt that the vast majority ofthe community was strongly opposed to the vacation of Washington Street; however he was concerned that Planning and Zoning had approved the concept of the vacation. He also voiced strong concern for the Solly building. Swann stated it was very important the Mary Lowell Center incorporate and maintain the historical significance of the historical Seward downtown grid. Park stated that the original plat and downtown grid of Seward was the issue of historic significance. Swann stated that he supported the vacation if the significance of the historic grid pattern was incorporated into the design of the building. Carpenter suggested that the resolution be written with the understanding the Commission was not opposing the vacation but was not in support of interruption of the historic grid pattern. Following a lengthy discussion the Commission requested that staff bring forward a resolution at the November meeting that incorporated the thoughts of the Commission. Kovac and Huber returned to the dais Discussion of proposed changes for meeting dates for the months of November and December 2005 and January 2006 q City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 250 Kovac requested the November, December and January meeting dates be changed to the second Wednesday of the respective months. She stated she was unavailable to chair the meetings on the scheduled third Wednesday dates. Swann noted it was necessary to reschedule the November meeting to allow time for the resolution on the vacation of Washington Street to be included in the Borough Planning packet. Also the Commission historically had not met in December and he supported the reschedule of the January meeting. Commission discussed and requested staff to reschedule the November and January meetings and cancel the December meeting. Informational Items - (No action required) October 2005 Heritage Newsletter Commission Comments Swann stated he would be willing to represent the Commission at the design meetings for the Mary Lowell Center should Council make that request. He noted that it was very important that anyone interested or concerned with the design of the Mary Lowell Center needed to attend the meetings, not wait until the design stages were over and then try to change things. Kovac thanked the Commission for the great job tonight while she was unable to participate and for rescheduling the November and January meetings. Thanked Steve Peterson ofthe National Park Service for the presentation and noted that she felt it was very important to keep the "feeling" of Seward in mind during the design of the Mary Lowell Center. Walker-Hettinger also expressed an interest in representing the Commission at the design meetings. Carpenter encouraged everyone to attend the design meetings for the Mary Lowell Center. Citizens Comments Bill Hearn, inside the City, noted he had attended the meeting earlier in the day on the Mary Lowell Center and that it had been stated that the entire requested footprint was needed for the building. He stated the thought for pedestrians at the meeting had been to allow 8 feet on the north property line of the current Legions property as a pedestrian easement. He noted that he felt the view was very important to all the people of Seward not just the people in the proposed Mary Lowell Center. Heam stated the Portico Group also felt it was very import for the Mary Lowell Center. He quoted the statement made to support the vacation of Washington Street, "Whereas constructing one building for the Mary Lowell Center at this location will provide an unobstructed view from the conference center". He stated that it appeared the feeling was the people who travel thousands of II) City of Seward, Alaska October 26, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 251 miles to visit Alaska and went into the center to look out at a view were more important than the people of Seward and visitors that do not go into the building. He felt the view was more important for the local people and visitors outside the building. He continued to speak strong against the vacation of Washington Street. Commission & Administration Response to Citizens Comments - Brown thanked Hearn for his comments and interest in the proposed vacation of Washington Street. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Donna Glenz Planning Assistant Shannon Kovac Chair (City Seal) II City of Seward, Alaska November 9, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 246 Call to Order The November 9, 2005 regular meeting of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by Chair, Shannon Kovac. Opening Ceremony Carpenter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Shannon Kovac-Chair presiding, and Greg Carpenter Valerie Park Tom Swann Shannon Huber Michaela W alker- Hettinger comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Malcolm Brown, Planner Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant Absent were: James Rowell- excused City Administration Report Brown stated no new Historic Preservation activities since the last meeting. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations Jesse Lee Home Restoration Work Sessions Update Swann stated he continued to work with Mayor Shafer and the Assistant City Manager Vesel on recognition issues for the Jesse Lee Home. Hoben Park Kovac stated she had met with Jo Antonson at the State Historic Preservation Office in Anchorage regarding the nomination for the National Historic Register. She stated it was important to include the photos, documentation, and time line in the application and that Antonson had stated the nomination appeared to be a stretch but she would go ahead and support it. SHPO was requesting the backing of the City for the nomination. Kovac noted she was still working with Karin I). City of Seward, Alaska November 9, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 247 Sturdy, Parks and Recreation Director on what involvement the City felt the SHPO office would have in the restoration of the park if it were to be placed on the register. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing Carol Griswold, inside the City. Stated she had provided a hand out on the Seward Heritage Tree Program. She noted the intent of the program was to recognize significant trees and plants in our area. Lynn Hohl, inside the City. She informed the Commission the Friends of State Parks planned a meeting for January 18,2005 at Resurrect Art Coffee House. Approval of Agenda Motion (Walker-Hettinger/Swann) Approve the Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business Resolution 2005-02, statement of position regarding the proposed Vacation of Washington Street Chair Kovac stated she was no longer employed as a seasonal worker for the Park Service and therefore no longer had the appearance of a conflict of interest. The Commission agreed and she remained as the Chair. Commissioner Huber declared a conflict of interest as an employee of the Park Service and removed herself from the dais. Brown stated that a the October Historic Preservation meeting the Commission had heard public comment and discussed the proposed vacation of Washington Street. He noted issue before the Commission was the historic impact of the proposed vacation of Washington Street not the design of the proposed building or other building around the area. He reviewed the location of the proposed vacation. Motion (Swann/Carpenter) Approve Resolution 2005-02 Motion (W alker- Hettinger/Swann) Amend Resolution 2005-02, fIfth Whereas, add ((and historic views" following transportation grid. /3 City of Seward, Alaska November 9,2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 248 W alker- Hettinger supported the current historic view where the proposed Mary Lowell Center was planned to be built. She noted Jeff Mow of the Park Service had stated "the design team has already proposed several ways that the grid pattern and historic views be intergraded into the decision of the facility that spans Washington Street". Swann spoke strongly against the historic views he requested clarification of what views were to be protected by the motion. Walker-Hettinger stated the views from Washington Street and Fourth Avenue. She noted that public comment had strongly supported maintaining the views from these streets. Carpenter reminded the Commission that the focus of the resolution was on the vacation of Washington Street not on the design ofthe building. He stated the decision was not to be based on what mayor may not be designed into the building. Motion Failed Unanimous Motion (park/Swann) Amend Resolution 2005-02, Fifth Whereas, remove does not actively and add "s" to oppose; Sixth Whereas, remove if Washine:ton Street were to be vacated; SectIon 1, remove does not actively and add "s" oppose. Commissioner Park strongly supported the historic grid of the original townsite. She stated she was not able to support the vacation of Washington Street. She based her decision on the acknowledged historic significance ofthe transportation grid. She supported maintaining the view from Washington Street. She noted that the proposed vacation did not meet the goals of the Historic Preservation Plan, Comprehensive Plan or the Strategic Plan. Walker-Hettinger noted the Park Service had stated the Mary Lowell Center could address the grid pattern into interpretive features of the building. Swann supported the vacation. He stated that the grid pattern was more thanjust Washington Street. Kovac noted that she was very concerned that the proposed vacation did not meet the goals of the Historic Preservation Plan or the Comprehensive Plan or the Strategic Plan. Kovac stated that by amending the resolution the goals of the plans would be met. Motion Passed Yes: Park, Carpenter, Kovac No: Swann, Walker-Hettinger Vote on Resolution 2005-02 as amended )~ City of Seward, Alaska November 9, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 249 Motion Passed Yes: Park, Carpenter, Kovac No: Swann, Walker-Hettinger Commissioners Huber returned to the dias New Business Discussion regarding the creation of a Seward register of significant local trees and plants Kovac noted that Griswold had spoken earlier about the recognition of the local historic trees and plants. She stated while doing the research on the Hoben Park she had been struck by the lack of the historic plants and trees that had been in the park. Kovac requested input from the Commission on the idea of developing an inventory similar to the Seward Historical Site Inventory. In response to Walker-Hettinger, Kovac stated the inventory was just a listing and provided no regulatory or protective action of the trees or plants. Brown and Kovac both thanked Griswold for her time and research of the local plants and trees. Swann voiced strong support for the inventory and felt it was a very good place to start to develop a program that could in the future be enhanced to further recognize the importance of the historic trees and plants in Seward. The Commission felt the project was suited for a work session. Discussion of City owned artifacts recovered during the construction of the Alaska Sealife Center Kovac noted that when the Alaska Sealife Center was constructed there was archeological works done. She noted that work was done on both City and State lands. The City was not interested in the artifacts. The Park Service has stored and had custody of the artifacts for the last 10 years and now has requested that a permanent home be found. Chugach Museum has requested that the City gift their portion ofthese artifacts to the museum for further study and secure housing. The City has agreed that the City portion of the artifacts should be gifted to the Chugach Museum. The State portion ofthe artifacts was currently being worked through the process. It was hoped that the State would also gift their portion to the museum, keeping the artifact collection all together. Informational Items - (N.o action required) None Commission ComJqents /~ City of Seward, Alaska November 9,2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 250 Carpenter thanked Kovac for her time and effort on the Hoben Park project. Citizens Comments Carol Griswold, inside the City, thanked the Commission for the interest in the Seward register of significant local trees and plants project. She volunteered to help with the project and requested a date for the work session. She noted that many of the historic trees and plants in the City had already been destroyed without any cataloging or recognition so she hoped that the project would move forward soon. She thanked the Commission for what she felt was the correct recommendation on the proposed right-of-way vacation request. Commission & Administration Response to Citizens Comments - Carpenter suggested that the Commission set a work session for the significant local trees and plants project. Following a discussion the Commission set January 4,2006 at 12:00, upstairs conference room for a work session. All Commissioners were available except Swann. The meeting was adjourned at 7 :40 p.m. Donna Glenz Planning Assistant Shannon Kovac Chair (City Seal) 10 Heritage Newsletter Page 1 01'5 ~parks Boating Safety Hist./Archaeology Grants Trails Volunteers Index Natura' Resources I find Office of History & Archaeology Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Rec. State of Alaska> Natural Resources> Parks and Outdoor Recreation> History and Archaeology Heritage Newsletter . January 3, 2006 IN THIS ISSUE o HistoJj~..preserv9tion E!Lnd n_ew.s o 81i:lsk_a AnthrQQolQ91cal AssQciation annual meetin9-Qb~1r1!cts dues o Creating..Ala~ka ..symQosj!.Hl:t a nd..J;l..9cumentary....Q[emJer o Inte fJ2r~..ti ng....8m~ rica '!?_Hlstpri!;:..Eface~RrQgLgm see ks....Qp...Q I i~ations o ti~ritQ9.e..b~qlth indexL~j:>or:t:..QJ.l.!:>IiSJleQ Ot!eri1age.. subs_Q:]QtiQJ1Jnformation o PI.e..serY1!t.l9JL..CQlendar Historic Preservation Fund news The FY 06 appropriation for the Historic Preservation Fund is $72.9 million. It allocated $36.07 million for state programs, $3.98 million for tribes, $2.00 million for historically Black colleges and universities, and $29.86 million for Save America's Treasures, of which $5 million is for the Preserve America program. The Office of History and Archaeology received notice that ten percent of the money for state programs is being held back. This action is believed to be made to help pay for Hurricane Katrina recovery programs and the war in Iraq. For the Alaska program, the reduction means there will not be development grant funds available this year. This year, 2006, is the 40th anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act and lOOth anniversary of the Antiquities Act a great opportunity to build awareness and support for historic preservation. . Alaska Anthropological Association annual meeting abstracts due The deadline is January 7, 2006, for submitting paper and poster abstracts for the 2006 Alaska Anthropological Association annual meeting, to be held March 1-4 at Kodiak. Sessions being organized include: - Anthropology as Preservation, Amy Steffian, Alutiiq Museum - Anthropology of the Western Aleutians, Debbie Corbett, u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service - Friends of the University of Alaska Museum, Dan Odess, University of Alaska Fairbanks - From Kodiak to Canada: Papers in Honor of Donald Clark, Patrick Saltonstall, Alutiiq Museum - Oral History in Alaska Where We Are and Where We Want to Go, William Schneider and Karen Brewster, University of Alaska Fairbanks - Social Transition in the North Memorial, David Koester, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Nelson Hancock, Amy Craver, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Rachel Mason, National 1__ _ /_ 1+ _ n_ __~...__.... 1-.._ /1 1 /Q /? OOt; Page 1. 01 ) Heritage Newsletter Park Service For more information about the program contact Amy Steffian at amy@alutiiqmuseum.com. Creating Alaska symposium and documentary premier Alaska's constitutional convention will be the subject of a symposium to be held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on February 4, 2006. Convention delegates, staff, and journalists who participated in the historic event will speak in the afternoon and the documentary film production will premier in the evening. For more information contact Joe Hardenbrook at 907-450-8599 or creatingalaska@alaska.edu. Interpreting America's Historic Places program seeks applications The National Endowment for the Humanities is soliciting for applications that will implement historic place interpretation projects. Projects can interpret a single historic site, series of sites, a neighborhood, a town, or a larger geographic region. The place must be significant to American history and the project must covey that importance to visitors. Partnerships are encouraged. February 6, 2006, is the deadline for applications. More information is available from the NEH Division of Public Programs, 202-606-8269 or publicpgms@neh.gov. Heritage health index report published Heritage Preservation and the Institute of Museum and Library Services have published their survey of the condition and preservation needs of archival, museum, and historical society collections. The report addresses more than 4.8 billion artifacts, books, natural specimens, photographs, historic and archaeological artifacts, paintings and sculptures--in more than 30,000 institutions. It notes the nation's cultural treasures are not only in institutions, but are on the streets of cities, in parks, and in homes. The survey concluded that all types of collections in large and small institutions are in danger because of improper environments, lack of emergency planning! and inadequate staff and funding. For a copy of the summary report contact Heritage Preservation! 202-233-0800; the complete report is available at www.heritagepreservation.org. Heritage Subscription Information Heritage is produced by the Office of History and Archaeology! Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation! Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Please send your comments! suggestions! and information via email to jOi3@qnr.sti3te.ak.us. All issues are posted to our web site at www.dnr.state.ak.us/parks/ and distributed via e-mail. Paper copies can be sent to individuals and organizations that specifically request them. To be added to our e-mail subscription list! please send an email to oha@alaska.net with "Heritage! subscribe" in the subject line. If you do not wish to receive Heritage, please send an oha@alaska.net with "Heritage! unsubscribe" in the subject line. Preservation Calendar JANUARY 2006 . January 7 _ Alaska Anthropological Association annual meeting paper and poster abstracts deadline (Amy _ ..1__ 1_1_ _ 1L. _-=.......,........ .....+- /9 1/9/2006 Heritage Newsletter Page 3 ot5 Steffian, amy@alutiiqmuseum.com) . January 11-15 - Society for Historical Archaeology annual conference: Life on the Edge, Sacramento, CA (www.archaeocommons.orgjsha2006) . January 13 - National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program grant applications due ( Kristen Stevens, 202-354-2037 or www.cr.nps.govjabpp) . January 15 - Vernacular Architecture Forum nominations due for Buchanan Award for Excellence in Field Work and Interpretation (Mark Reinberger, reinberg@uga.edu) . January 19 - National Trust for Historic Preservation America's 11 Most Endangered Places application . deadline (National Trust, www.nationaltrust.orgjllMostjindex.html). . January 29 - Alaska Association for Historic Preservation annual meeting, Anchorage, AK (Jamie Chatterton, 907-929-9870 or preservation@gci.net) FEBRUARY . February 1 - National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Fund Grants application deadline (Melita Juresa- McDonald, melita--.Juresa -mcdonald@nthp.org) . February 3 - National Park Service, FY 2006 Historic Preservation Fund Grants to Indian Tribes, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiian Organizations applications due (202-354-2020 or www.cr.nps.govjhpsjhpgjtribal) . February 4 - Creating Alaska symposium and documentary premier, Fairbanks, AK (Joseph Hardenbrook, 907- 450-8599 or creatingalaska@alaska.edu) . February 6 National Endowment for the Humanities, Interpreting America's Historic Places application deadline (Division of Public Programs, 202-606-8269 or publicpgrms@neh.gov) . February 11 - Alaska Historical Society, Alaska - 67 Symposium, Anchorage, AK (Frank Norris, 644-3474 or fra n k_norris@nps.gov) . February 11 - Association for African American Historical Research and Preservation (AAAHRP) 3rd annual conference, Seattle, WA (Ed Diaz, history3@comcast.net) . February 13 - National Park Service, Heritage Documentation Programs (Historic American Buildings Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, Historic American Landscapes Survey) summer employment application deadline (Judy Davis, 202-354-2135 or judy_davis@nps.gov) MARCH . March 1 - Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) consultation and documentation grant application deadline (Michelle Joan Wilkinson, 202-354-2203 or NAGPRA_Grants@nps.gov) . March 1 - American Association for State and Local History award nominations due (Jo Antonson, 907-269- 8714 or joa@dnr.state.ak.us) . March 1-4 - Alaska Anthropological Association annual meeting, Kodiak, AK (Katie St. John, 907-486-7004 or katie@alutiiqmuseum . com) . March 8-11 - American Association of Physical Anthropologists 75th meeting, Anchorage, AK (Christine Hanson, 907-786-6839 or afclh@uaa.alaska.edu) . March 12-16 - National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) annual meeting, Bethesda, MD (Elizabeth Szufnar, 202-624-5465 or szufnar@sso.org) . . March 23-25 - Fifth National Forum on Historic Preservation Practice: A Critical Look at Authenticity and Historic Preservation, Baltimore, MD (Megan Cornett, 410-337-6200 or mcornett@goucher.edu) . March 29-Apri/1 - Northwest Anthropological 2006 Conference: Beyond Description, From Data to Understanding, Seattle, WA (Laura S. Phillips, 206-685-3849 or archy@u.washington.edu) . . March 31 - Alaska Association for Historic Preservation 2006 Endangered Historic Properties nomination deadline (Jamie Chatterton, 907-929-9870 or preservation@gci.net) APRIL . Apri/12-15 - Popular Culture and American Culture Associations joint conference: World's Fairs and Expositions, Atlanta, GA (http://www.h-net.orgjtvpcaaca) . Apri/18-21 - Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) annual conference: Digital Discovery: Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage, Fargo, ND (Jeffrey T. Clark, 701-231-6434 or www.caa2006.orgj) . Apri/19-22 - National Council on Public History and Organization of American Historians Joint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (David Vanderstel, 317-274-2718 or ncph@iupuLequ) . Apri/19-23 - United States Committee for the International Council on Monuments and Sites (USjICOMOS) Jq 1/n/"^^E Heritage Newsletter Page 4 of5 9th Annual International Symposium: From World Heritage to Your Heritage, Newport, RI (Donald J. Jones, 202- 842-1866 or don.jones@usicomos.org) . April 26-30 - Society for American Archaeology 71st annual meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico (saa .org/meetings/index. htm I) . April 27-29 _ Pacific Northwest History Conference and Northwest Oral History Association annual meetings: Making Sense of Place: Regional Identities and Communities in the Pacific Northwest, Portland, OR (Katrine Barber, Program Chair, 503-725-3979 or barberk@pdx.ed . April 27-30 Preserving the Historic Road: Fifth Biennial Conference, Boston, MA (Michael Steinitz, 617-727- 8470 or michael.steinitz@state.ma.us) . April 30 _ Alaska Historical Society paper proposals due for annual conference: Passages: What were they seeking? Juneau, AK (Katie Ringsmuth, 907-830-2251 or katmaikate@aol.com MAY . May 10-14 - Council on America's Military Past 40th annual conference, Chattanooga, TN (camphart1@aol.com) . May 12 _ Seminar for Historical Administration applications deadline, Indianapolis, IN (Karla Nicholson, 615- 320-3203 or Nicholson@aaslh.org) . May 25-27 _ Narrative Matters 2006 Conference: The Storied Nature of Human Experience, Fact and Fiction, Wolfville, Nova Scotia (Pat O'Neill, 902-542-7533 or narr-mat06@acadiu.ca) JUNE . June 7-11 _ Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation annual conference: Roots and Routes, Halifax, Nova Scotia (AHLP, www.ahlp.org) . June 14-17 - Vernacular Architecture Forum annual meeting: City Building, New York, NY (vernacu la ra rch itectu reforu m. org) JULY . July 12-16 _ International Oral History Association 14th conference: Dancing with Memory: Oral History and Its Audiences, Sydney, Australia (Janis Wilton, 61-2-6773-2107 or www.une.edu.au/ioha2006 ) . July 26-30 - Paths Across the Pacific V, Sitka, AK (Nancy Davis, nydavis@alaska,net) . July 27-30 - National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Forum 2006: Bound for Baltimore, Baltimore, MD (Drane Wilkinson, 706-542-4731 or napc@uga.edu) OCTOBER . October 4-7 _ Alaska Historical Society/Museums Alaska annual meetings, Juneau, AK (AHS, 907-276-1596 or akhist@gci.net . October 4-8 _ Association of Personal Historians conference: Celebrating Stories: Passage to the Past, Flowing to the Future, Portland, OR (Julie Zander, 360-864-6938 or conferenceprogram@personalhistorians.org) . October 11-14 - Western History Association annual meeting: Making Common Ground, St. Louis, MO (WHA, 505-277-5234 or wha@unm.edu) . October 11-14 - Association of Moving Image Archivists annual conference, Anchorage, AK (Bob Curtis Johnson, 907-786-4980 or bob@amipa.org) . October 11-15 - Western Museums Association annual meeting, Boise, ID (www.westmuse.Qrg) . October 25-29 - Oral History Association annual meeting: Generational Links: Confronting the Past, Understanding the Present, Planning the Future, Little Rock, AR ( Madelyn Campbell, 717-245-1036 or www.dickinson.edu/oha) . October 28-November 18 - 47th Seminar for Historical Administration, Indianapolis, IN (Karla Nicholson, 615- 327-9013 or nicholson@aaslh.org) . October 31-November 5 - National Trust for Historic Preservation annual conference: Making Preservation Work, Pittsburgh, PA (Walter Gallas, 202-588-6095 or walter_gallas@nthp.org) NOVEMBER . November 10-12 - Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory (CHAT) annual meeting: Method and Practice in Archaeologies of the Recent and Contemporary Past. Bristol, UK (Dan Hicks, Dan. Hicks@bristol.ac.uk) .. I 1. _ n~ __~....._ __ 1-L-... j1) 1/9/2006 Heritage Newsletter Page 5 of 5 ... Last updated on Tuesday, 03-Jan-2006 09:55:43 AKST. Site optimized for Netscape 7, IE 6 or above. Not sure who to contact? 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