HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 City Council Agendas THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30~~~., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 , "' ,r' ~..... / 3. t '/' N ! -'. 1. C~Jl.to, Oreler:' ,->, ,r' '.... /'/ ..- \ 2. tOpening'Ceremony: : \ \ ROll---€~: Mayor \ - William~l. (3)(1) 7\ Council~ers - Joanne oogla~d I - E. G. Skin ,(3) I - Phil Ha~dy(l) ~! , - Donald 1.:1. HcClo \ / - Bernard y\--Hul \ / - r10nty H:, Ri chards (1 ) ~ ApproVayof'M1nutes. as presented or c~~Q......f~the boitom vlIeitfilrd of page 58 through the': top one/third of page 60(Regu1ar meeting of December 8, 1969). PASS \ \ 5. Executive Session relative to a personnel matter. '--..... '~~ Magistrate's Report: CANCELLED 13. 7 J City Manager's Report: 81 COIlIIIUnications: 9. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: I 1. Public Hearing on the proposed lease of real p perty to Northern Stevedoring and Handling Corporation Tracts \ 3 and 4 of the Seward Waterfront Tracts(4th Av nue Dock) 1~ CoU:::~.DiScussion: '\ 1'. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: J , 1. Resolution No. 765, a Resolution confirming Cou~cil "-'" expectations of the Police Department relatiye'to '" ,~olations of city or state laws in conne~t'fon with t"e saTe of"distribut4-en of intoxicating ,Mverages. 12. ~epo \ of the Borou~l~n: l 2. ournment: 11;-tJO P.f.l. "-'" - ~ 3. --. '- 'j (- -< ....,.....".. 6" . ""'!I ueMg ~ "" . /\..J . . and a veJuj Happy New Y f--'---~ NO OBJ. NO ACTION (none needed) American Legion Post #5 PASS Ferry berthing PASS MEETING 3:12 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., I40NDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: ~~yor - William M. U11om(3) Counci1members - E. G. Skinner(3) - Joanne C. Hoog1and(1) - fJjonty H. Richardson =(1) - Bernard C. tlu1m (2) - Donald L. McCloud - Phil Hardyabs(l) 4. Approval of Minutes, as presented or corrected, from the top of Page 57 through the top two-thirds of Page 58(Regu1ar ~leeting of November 24, 1969). PASS 3. Roll Call: 5. City Manager's Report: 6. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing on the proposed lease of real property to Seward Fisheries of Lot 10, Proposed Seward Waterfront Industrial Subdivision. 8. Council Discussion: NO OBJ. 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Approval of agreement with State Department of Public Works, Division of Aviation, to provide electricity to Seward airport lighting system. PASS 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting: 2:29 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE ~~ULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT ;:;'0 P.M., r~ONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - William M. Ullom (3) Councilmcmbers - f.-nard C. Hulm (2) - l\lonty H. Richardson (1) - Joanne C. Hoog 1 am( 1) - Phi 1 Hardy - Donald L. McCloud - E. G. Skinner(Abs -)(3) 4. Approval of Minutes, as presented or corrected, from the top of Page 55 thi'ough the bott.Jai of Page 56(Regular f'leet'lng of November 10, 1969}. APPROVE 5. City Nanager I s RC:I1:wt: 6. Comnw'l'icatbr:;;: 7. Citizc:)s I DisclJ.';<;'!;:,';! imd t'ublil:: Hearings: 8. Council Discussion: 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance No. 31'1. an Ordinance ('"'!lending Section 20 of Ordinance No. 351. cha~ges for collection and disposal. Final reading and passage. PASS 2. Resolution No. 767. a Resolution authorizing a dock license to Seward Fisheries fo,' use of portions of the City and Boat Lift Docks. PASS 10. Report of the Boruugh AS$emblJ~en: Meeting: 1:21 '1 li~4-? I ;} 1~ ID 1'] D - i/,M;~/ /7 ci~ ~~ r~ v 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. THE CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA I'.GtNDl1. FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.~1. ,MONDAY. NOVEMBER 10.1969 1. Cn11 to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3 . Roll Ca 11 : Mayor - William M. Ullom(3) Councilmembers - Monty H. Richardson(l) - Donald L. McCloud - Phil Hardy - Joanne C. Hoogland(l) - E. G. Skinner(2) - Barnard C. Hulm (2) 4. Approval of minutes, as pr"esented or corrected, from the top of page 52 through the bottom of page 54(Special Meeting of October 30. 1969) 5. City Manager's Report: 6. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Transportation group - Kenai - Special Presentation 8. Council Discussion: APPROVE Delayed NIM 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Approval of liquor license applications for the year ending December 31. 1970. a. Solly's Lounge b. Gil's Lounge PASS 2. Ordinance No. 371, an Ordinance amending Section 20 of Ordinance No. 351, charges for collection and disposal. Second Reading. PASS 3. Resolution No. 763. a Resolution authorizing preferential berthing rights to vessels of the State ferry system in excange for 4th Avenue Dock improvements. PASS 4. Resolution No. 764, a Resolution authorizing the use of moveable structures on the grounds of the Seward Elementary School for instructionally related purposes. Pass 5. Resolution No. 765, a Resolution confirming Council expectations of the Police Department relative to violations of city or state laws in con- ~.eecc"':.tliqn \ with the sale or distribu,tion o..f...;i.Jl,toxicating beverages. i~ 1/0 'I i1<O , w V1'Ilf /,'/,.;:e.. ~..... Report of the Borough AssemblYmen: 10. 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. ~/o ']~q " ~ ~~D{ ~ ~~ ti,/~ ~)o '/0/'; ,~eC PlD I /^ p'i-/l.~' ~~11~ ~V7 Meeting: 2:59 [lh PASS (l......... /l tilt?? flr City 0/ Seward CITY MANAGER CA 4-5214 CITY CLERK-TREASURER CA 4-5216 INFORMATION CA 4-5215 P. O. BOX 337 SEWARD. ALASKA 99664 NOTICE OF. AND AGENDA FOR. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1969. AT 7:30 P.M.. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Ro 11 Ca 11 : Mayor - William M. Ullom(3) Councilmembers - Phil Hardy - Bernard C. Hulm(2) - Joanne C. Hoo91and(1) E. G. Skinner(2) - Monty H. Richardson - Donald L. McCloud 4. Approval of lease agreement terms for use of TRansit Shed #1 by the MDTA Traing progra~. APPROVE 5. Authorization of temporary or specification water line to Lot 9. Block 1. Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision. $700.00 fee (If Council is willing. the work session items scheduled for Monday could be taken up following the Special Meeting) (6. 4th Avenue Dock Improvements) PASS MEETING: 1: 27 THE (tTY Q' $twARD ~~E~rA"~f~ nE71UU~~nl~aM~=V~f ~'uliIYa~~'n~ i. Call to Orde~i 2; Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: ':1IYO,. . . .. Will hill M. U110111 (3) Cblfl1cil"efS ;:: E; G. Sltillh.r(2) .. "oa~net..~~l'htt:l) ... ~lOl1ty H. ,R1~hardson .. Berna,.d C. HulA( 2) .. Donald l. McCloud .. PMl Hardy 4. l1inutes. as preserite~ or corre~ted.Jr~ tfje b6ttfllll th~e~tou,.thjf" ,tf Page 50 through the bottom of P4ge Sl(R~gijlar Hee.ing of Octobef 3). APPROVE 5. City l-tanager's report: 6. Citizens. Discussion and PubliC "earings: 1. Transportation group.. Kenai .. Speci.' Presefttatien 7. Communications: 8. Council Discussion: 9. Resolutions. Ordi~..~e$ -.,d ..er Action items: 1. Resolutibn No. ~61, a Resolution changing the name of Railway Avenue to Anns'trong Avenue. Hold Over N/M PASS 2. Resolution No. 762, a Resolution approv'.... the Jea,. .tf .., ,~ to the United States Anny for a boat dispatetl faei fly. 3. Award of the Garbage Contract to Seward Sfrv'ce. 4. Ordinance '.0. 311. an Ordinance Mlending Section 20 of Ordinance He. 351. charges for collection and disposal. First reading. PASS PASS PASS 5. Approval of liquor license applications for the year endingDet. 31, 1970. a. Solly's liquor store i. Flamingo L~e ALL' b. Yukon Bar . j. Tony's Sar . c. Yukon Liquor Store k. Pioneer Bar PASS d. Dorothy's Cocktail lounge 1. Pioneer liquor' Store e. Harbor dinner club ~. Tony'S Liquor Store f. Seward TRading Co., Inc.. g. Palace Bar and Cafe h. Seward Elks Club 6. Review of appointll1el1ts made at thepleesure of the MayOJ' . a. ~::.'~~~l:~r:~:tat~ ~ClII~~i~\ ~A~tionpr'ogr'arn b. Harbor Conmission :Keith Knighten, ChainQan ;Andy Endresen :A1Scm.oyer :Phil S. Durant :dames y.tsic APPROVE APPROVE c. Planning & ZonfngCommission V:-H..... E. lei reI". thai . Ilia.. 2115/6J'-J9. v:Oeretlty K. l:Jrb6dl' lilS/e,-f&... v~n"'1ettU)~\I& --_.'----21-15/6110-- :RObert A. Morgan 2/15/68--71 ;..;~N{ R.. M/lbA.d~'~tR.,~.;o K...13((1. 211$/68-11 '"'1l)on 1a "Mat Z/15/6S-1l :Phil S. Dur.Uft 2/1$/69-12 :~il Y. Helson t/l$/69~~2 :Ra1lllOhd C" An~rso~ 211516942 ----------.--- , APPROVE Herman E. Leirer - 2/15/73 Bob Grindrod - 2/15/73 Lloyd Blondin - 2/15/73 ..... ........ AGENDA - REGULAR MEETING- - OCTOBER 27, 1969 Page 2 d. City representative to Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning and Zoning Commission. PASS :Herman E. Leirer 7. Approval of proposed platt of the Oceanview Subdivision as submitted by the Alaska Stat~ Housing Authority. APPROVE 10. Report of the Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting: 2:57 KPB Economic Development Dist. Board of Directors John Galea - ends 6/1/71 Bill Vincent - ends 6/1/73 THE CITY OF SEVARD AGEj~LA FOR TI:[ Rl.GULI\R l'IEETUG OF TIlL CITY COUilCIL TO bE HlLV AT 7:30 P.li., VlObUl\V, OCTCGER 13, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: 11ayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilrr~rnLers - tiernard C. Hulm(2) - r;onty 11. Richardson - Oliver Amend(8) - Joanne C. Uooglancl(l) - l'i11iam Ii. Ullom(3) - t:illiam C. Vincent(4) 4. Approval of Hinutes, as presented or corrected, from the bottom one/half of page 4fi through the top one-fourth of page 50(Special heeting of Oct. 8th, 1969) APPROYE 5. City hanager's Report: 6. Citizens' uiscussion and Public ilearings: 1. Public Hearing on the proposed USE. PERl-iIT that \'J111 allo~! installation of portable structures on the grounds of the tJ11liam H. Seward School for the housing of Skill Center Trainees and related instructional use. 2. Public Hearing on the proposed Land Use change in the City's Comprehensive Plan that \'Iill allotJ the Jesse Lt::e HOOle structures to be used for COIlI- mercial purposes. 7. Conwfunications: 8. Council uiscussion: 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Consideration of time extension on the proposed demolition of the buildings formerly used as the Jesse Lee 1I0me. EXTENDED 10. Report of BoroLl9h Asser.1b lymen : 11. Swearing-in of ne\'Jly elected Hayor and Council/iiembers: 1. l'Jilliam i-l. Ullom - ~iayor 2. L G. Skinner, j;Jonty H. Richardson and Phil Ilardy - Council,uer.IDers 12. Presentation of Certificates of Election: 13. Seating of netl memLers, Roll Call of Council: [-layor - Hilliam rl. Ullo" Councilmeubers - Joanne C. Hoogland - uarnard C. Hulm - l. G. Skinner - lfiOnty H. Richardson - Phil Hardy 14. Adjourllilent: 11 :00 P.i';. Meeting: 3:17 THE CITY OF SEUARD NOTICE OF. AND AGENDA FOR. A SPECIAL ~1EETING OF THE SEUARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1969. AT 5:00 P.M.. IN THE COUtlCIL CHAr'IBERS. 1 . Ca 11 to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - Wi lliam C. Vincent(4) Joanne C. Hoog 1 and( 1 ) Bernard C. Hul~bs(2) Monty H. Richardson William M. Ullom(3) Oliver Amend(8) 4. Canvass the ballots of the October 7th. 1969. General and Special Nunicipal election. Approved Election Board tally. Meeting: 1:05 THE CITY OF SE~J^RO AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIn COUNCIL TO BE IiELD AT 7:30 P.i4., MOW)AY. SEPTEMBER 22 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony 3. Roll Call: ~~yor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - William M. Ullom(3) - Oliver Amend(8) - ~'illiam c. Vincent(4) - Joanne C. Hoogland(l) - Bernard C. liulm(l) - Monty H. Richardson 4. City Manager's Report: 1. Approve water treatment for boilers. 5. Communications: Vet service in Seward. 6. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: Beitinger/highways(3rd Ave.) G1ud/Jesse Lee Waggy/Jesse Lee and Cemetery improvement 7. Council Discussion: 1. e1ectroysis in Harbor - street signs - Marathon fuel agreement 8. Resolutions. Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 758. a Resolution appointing Judge Inspectors, Judges, and Clerks of Election for the 1969 Municipal Election. 2. Approval of application for pemit for authorized games of skill and chance for Seward Women's Bowling Association. 3. Res. No. 759 - FAP 31(3rd Ave) PASS 4. Res. No. 760 - 9. Report of Borough Assemblymen: PASS APPROVE Borough Fire Marshal PASS 10. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. 1 : 33 mi n 1lIE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR 'mE REGULAR MEETING OF 1lIE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8.1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner( 2 ) Councilmembers - Joanne C. Hoogland(l) - Bernard C. Huim(l) - Monty H. Richardson - Oliver Amendabs(8) - William C. Vincentabs (4) _ William M. UllOlll (3) 4. Approval of Mi1U1tes. as presented W~. frOlll the top 0 f Page 45 through the top one/half of Page 46(Regular Meeting of August 25. 1969) Volume 14. PASS 5. City Manager's Report: 6. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 8. Council Discussion: 9. Resolutions. Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 757. a Resolution calling a Special Election to approve or reject 1. issuance of liquor licenses in the Marina Subdivision and 2. amendment of interest limitation on $108.000.00 unsold Harbor im- provement General Obligation Bonds. PASS 2. Consideration of time extension on the proposed d8lOlition of the build- ings formerly used as the Jesse Lee Home. ae1ay to 10/13/69 agenda 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. :54 min. WE CIIT OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR 1HE REGULAR MEETING OF WE CIIT COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., ~10NDAY. AUGUST 25, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner()) Councilmembers - william M. Ullom(3) - Bernard C. Hulm(l) - Joanne C. Hoogland(l) - William C. Vincentabs(3) - Monty H. Richardson - Oliver Amend(7) 4. Approval of Minutes, as ~WW corrected, from the bottom one/half of Page 43 through the top three/fourth's of Page 44(Regular Meeting of August 11, 1969) PASS 5. City Manager's Report: IBEW CONTRACT - ASHA MAP - AML LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP pass pass resign 6. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Mr. Mason Wade, Alas~a Dist~ict, Corps of Engineers Letter to Borough for 2. Mr. Lew Seager, DuBo1s Chem1cals NO ACTION areas outside city. 3. Public Hearing - East 1/2 Lot 12, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial District - 30 year lease to Mr. O. R. Bertoson. NO COMMENTS 4. Public Hearing - West 1/2 Lot 12, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial Subdivision - 30 year lease to Mr. Roy E. Johnson. NO COMMENTS 5. Public Hearing - All of Lot 13, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial Subuivision - 30 year lease to Mr. Ben Suddath. NO COMMENTS 8. Council Discussion: 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Extension of tinle on note due for the Supply Center(Lantz Estate). DELETED 2. Resolution No. 754, a Resolution authorizing the lease of the East 1/2 of Lot 12, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial Sub- division to Mr. O. R. Bertoson. PASS 3. Resolution No. 755, a Resolution authorizing the lease of the West 1/2 of Lot 12, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial Sub- division to Mr. Roy E. Johnson. PASS 4. Resolution No. 756, a Resolution authorizing the lease of all of Lot 13, Proposed Seward Small Boat Harbor Industrial Subdivision to Mr. Ben Suddath. PASS 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. 2:37 Ijlin THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Counci1members - E. G. Skinner (2) - Oliver Amend (7) - William C. Vincent(2) - William M. Ullo~l3) - Bernard C. Hu1m (1) - Joanne C. Hoogland abs (1) 4. Approval of Minutes, as ~W corrected, from the bottom one/fourth of Page 41 through the top one/half of Page 43(Regu1ar Meeting of July 28, 1969). PASS 5. City Manager's REport: Approve Miche for Code work 6. Communications: Approve Church of God Harbor Food Sales during Derby time 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: Alex Rule re:Dogs Ben Suadath re: lease Railway 8. Council Discussion: Hume(rename X~XX~~~~ Avenue: Armstrong Avenue 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Appointment of replacement Counci1member to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Leonard J. Olson. Monty Richardson 2. Report of the Comptroller General of The United States regarding Seward, Whittier and The Alaska Railroad No Action 3. Recommendation on Dock Use License to Keith Knighten regarding use of the gas float in the Municipal Small Boat Harbor. Five year perior in License retro to Standard Oli purchase 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. 2:19 min. THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., ~'ONDAY, JULY 28, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Sk1nner(2) Counci1members - William M. Ullom(3) - Joanne C. Hoogland - William C. Vincent (2) - Oliver Amend(?) - Bernard C. Hulm(l) 4. Approval of Minutes, as ~~~~~Hx~~ corrected, from the bottom 2/3's of Page 37 through the top 3/4's of Page 41(Regular Meeting of July 14, 1969). 5. Acting City Manager's Report: i. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: Authorize Police Dispatch from City Hall during office closed hours. 8. Council Discussion: 9. 'Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Proclamation - Willing Water Week 2. Appointment of Hennan E. Leirer to represent the City of Seward on the Kenai Borough Planning Commission. 3. Approval of extension of the City's garbage contract for an additional sixty days or until necessary revisions can be made. PASS PASS PASS 4. Approval of extension of the Coghlan Temporary Use Pennit fop an add1tional ninety days or until necessary survey work is completed. PASS 5. Approval of Bid Award for the purchase of a replacement police car. PASS 6. Consideration of request from Boy Scouts of America to sell herring in the Municipal Small Boat Harbor area. PASS* *relocate building 7. Consideration of request from private vendor to operate a food sales unit in the Municipal Small Boat Harbor area during the Salmon Derby. FAIL 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting 2:35 A Work Session is scheduled immediately following the Council Meeting to afford employees of the City's electric department and their representative to discuss wage negotiations with the Counc 11 men. THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MONDAY, JULY 14, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hulm(l) - Leonard J. Olson(l) - Oliver Amend(7) - William C. Vincent(2) - William M. Ullom(3) 4. Approval of Minutes, as presented or corrected, from the bottom 1/2 of Page 37 through the top 3/4's of Page 39(Special Meeting of July 8, 1969). 5. Acting City Manager's Report: 6. Communications: 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 8. Council Discussion: 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance No. 370, an Ordinance establishing a Curfew, Parental Responsibility and Defining Hours, Places and Penalties for vio- lation; Repealing Ordinance No. 361. Final Reading and Adoption. 2. Resolution No. 753, a Resolution appointing James R. Filip City Manager/City Clerk-Treasurer at an annual salary of $18,000.00. 3. Acceptance of resignation of Councilmember Leonard J. Olson. 4. Appointment of new Councilmember to complete unexpired term of Councilmember Olson. 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting: 2:00 Hrs. PASS PASS ACCEPT NO ACTION City of Seward CITY MANAGER CA 4-5214 CITY CLERK-TREASURER CA 4-5216 INFORMATION CA 4-5215 P. O. BOX 337 SEWARD. ALASKA 99664 NOTICE OF, AND AGENDA FOR, A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1969 AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - William M. Ullom(l) - Oliver Amendabs(7) - William C. Vincentabs(2) - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hmlm(l) - Leonard J. Olson(l) 4. Presentation and consideration of proposed Temporary Use Permit to be issued to Roy Johnson, Shrimpco, Inc., for the purpose of installing an ice machine on the West 1/2 of Lot 12 in the Seward Small Boat Har- PASS bor Industrial Subdivision. 5. Council review of proposed contract negotiations between The City and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union regarding City participation in an Electrical Workers' pension plan. CONTINUE NEGOTIATION 6. Adjournment: Meeting Time: :48 min City of Seward CITY MANAGER CA 4-5214 CITY CLERK-TREASURER CA 4-5216 INFORMATION CA 4-5215 P. O. BOX 337 SEWARD. ALASKA 99664 NOTICE OF, AND AGENDA FOR, A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: MAYOR - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - William C. Vincent(l) - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hulm(l) - Leonard J. Olson abs(3) - William M. Ullom abs(3) - Oliver Amend (6) 4. Council review of proposal to install ice machine on a portion of Lot 12, Small Boat Harbor Industrial Subdivision. NO ACTION Meeting Time: 59 min. City of Seward CITY MANAGER CA 4.5214 CITY CLERK-TREASURER CA 4-5216 INFORMATION CA 4-5215 P. O. BOX 337 SEWARD. ALASKA 99664 NOTICE OF, AND AGENDA FOR, A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Ro 11 Ca 11 : Mayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - Bernard C. Hulm (1) - Leonard J. 01sonabs(2) - Oliver Amend abs(6) - Joanne C. Hoogland William M. Ullom (2) - William C. Vincent(l) 4. Council review of proposed equipment use agreement between Halibut Producers Co-Op and The City of Seward on Individual Qwick Freeze unit(IQF) . NO ACTION SEE 7/14/69 5. Council review of lease ap~lications for Lots 12 and 13 located in the Small Boat Harbor Industrial subdivision(opposite HPC building).NO ACTION 6. Adjournment: [Should the meeting be completed in time, a work session would be highly desirabllieefollowing adjournment] Meeting Time: 1:40 min THE CITY OF SEWARD AGEI~DA FOR THE REGULAR j'lEETING OF THE CITY COUiiCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P .n., NONDAY, JUNE 9, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner (2) Councl1members - l'Jilliam H. Ullomabs(2) - Bernard C. Hulm(l) - Joanne C. Hoogland - William C. Vincent - Leonard J. Olson(l) - Oliver Amendabs(5) 4. Approval of fviinutes, as presented ~~t(6!4, from the bottom 1/4 of Page 34 through the top 1/4 of Page 36(Regular I>jeeting of !>iay 26, PASS 1969). 5. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing on the proposed f.lunicipal Budget for 1969-70. NO OBJECTION 6. Acting City ~mnager's Report and Communications: DELAY JESSE LEE BURN 9/15/69 7. Council Discussion: 8. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance Ho. 370, An Ordinance establishing a Curfew, Parental Responsibility and defining Hours, Places and Penalties for violation; Repealing Ordinance No. 361 and any and all parts of other Ordinances in conflict herewith. First REading 2. Resolution No. 749, a REsolution accepting the annual audit for the year ended December 31, 1968 for the General Telephone Company of Alaska. PASS PASS 3. Resolution No. 750, a Resolution establishing a Municipal Harbor Commission, consisting of five members, appointments to which sha 11 be made by the i'layor. 4. Approval of Sale of the City-owned gasoline sales facility located APPROVE TO SO in the Small Boat Harbor to the Standard Oil Company. per letter 5. Appointment of Richard O. Gantz of the firm of Hughes, Thorsness, L~re, Gantz & Clark; Attorneys at Law, as City Attorney for The City GANTZ of Seward. PASS, as amended 9. Report of the Borough Assemblymen: 10. Adjournment: 11 :00 P .N. 3:07 min THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MONDAY. JUNE 23. 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner(2) Councilmembers - Oliver Amend (5) - William C. Vincentabs(l) - William M. Ullom (2) - Bernard C. Huln{n - Leonard J. Olson (1) - Joanne C. Hoogland 4. Approva 1 of r'li nut~s, il.S pres en ted JOO<~~ from the bottom 3/41 s of Page 36 through the top 1/2 of Page 37(Regular Meeting of June 9. 1969) . 5. Acti ng City r.]anager I s Report: 6. Communications: Lounsbury offer to plat Jesse Lee Home site & Waterfront industrial area 7. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 8. Council Discussion: 1. Clmr. Ullom's report on Washington trip. Res. 751 9. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance No. 370, an Ordinance establishing a Curfew, Parental Responsibility and defining Hours, Places and Penalties for vio- lation; Repealing Ordinance No. 361. Second Reading. 2. Resolution No. 752, a Resolution adopting the 1969-70 Municipal Budget and establishing a 20 mill levy. 3. Approval of relocation of liquor establishment from 236 4th Avenue to 214 4th Avenue(Flamingo. Inc.). PASS Pass PASS PASS PASS 4. Approval of application for permit for Authorized Games of Chance and Skill(rer,ewal), submitted by International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union. PASS 5. Appointments to Harbor Co~mission: 10. Report of the Borough Asser;iblymen: Knighten & Yatsic 11. Adjournment: 11 : no p . [vI. Recess to Executive Session - Personnel matter Adjourned: 10:42 PM. Meeting time 3:12 min THE CITY OF SEWARD NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING AND AGENDA FOR SPECIAL MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 1:30 P.M. ON FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1968 FOR THE FOLLC>>lING PURPOSES: 1. Call To Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - R. W. Kirkpatrick Councilmen ... Tom P. Smith - Maynard Willburn - Oliver Amend - Lawrence Urbach - Bernard Hulm - E. G. Skinner 4. Resolution No. 698 stating emergency and time limits involved to enable scallop processors to get into operation. PASSED 5. Resolution No. 706 approving sublease of City seafood process- ing building and land by Halibut Producers Cooperative, Inc. to Alaskan Scallop Processors, Inc. and Alaskan Scallop Fleet. PASSED 6. Approve Resolution No. 669 renewing Halibut Producers Cooperative annual License to use a portion of the City Dock. PASSED as amend 7. Resolution No. 707 authorizing City Manager to execute purchase agreement with Lewis Refrigeration company for additional equipment. PASSED 8. Resolution No. 708 authorizing interim financing and procedure for sale of $108,000 unissued harbor improvement bonds through EDA. PASSED 9. Authorize remodeling and new facilities at City's seafood process- ing building leased to Halibut Producers Cooperative in order to house new freezing equipment. PASSED 'lHB CIft OP SEWARD AGENDA PeR '1'HB REGULAR MEB'l'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7.30 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 27, 1968 1. Call To Order: 2. Opening Ceremony. 3. Roll Call. 4. Minutes. 191-199 Conwenc.i.nq Page ~ Regular Meeting April 1, 1968 - Mayor - R. W. Kirkpatrick Councilmen - Tam P. 8mi th - Maynard Willburn - Oliver Amend - Lawrence Urbach - Bernard C. Hulm - B. G. Skinner 5. Citizens Discussion and Public Hearings. 1. Public Rearing on Fluoridation of Water. 6. Communications. 1. RecCll1ll1lendations of the Advisory Committee for Study of the Home Rule Charter. 7. ordinances, Resolutions and Other Action Items. 1. Proclamation: Alex Petrovich Day. PASSED 2. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 364 Changing ing date of the Planning & ZOning Commission Wednesday of each month. the regular meet- to the second PASSED 3. Resolution NO. 699 authorizing lease of Lot in Block 1 of the Marina Subdivision to Keith L. and Dorothy Knighten for use .s a charter boat dispatch center and souvenir gift ShOP.PASSED 4. Reconsideration of Resolution No. 702 naming the city Manager to act for the City in the negotiations concerning property exchange between The City of Seward and General Services Adm.PASSED as amend 5. Approval of final and preliminary plans for Alaska Marine and Bquipnent , Inc. building to be constructed in the Harbor area. 3na/~ PASSED 6. Resolution No. 6rI8' establishing dates for the destruction of certain additional categories of records. PASSED 7. Resolution No. 704 naming those to sign withdrawals against various City accounts with Seward Branch, First Nat. Bank of Anch. PASSED 8. Resolution No. 705 amending Resolution No. 624 to name those to sign withdrawals against the 1967 Harbor Improvements COnstruc- tion account at National Bank of Alaska. PASSED 9. Resolution No. 703 namift9 those to sign withdrawals against th2 1967 Harbor Improvements Bond account at National Bank of Ala~::a. PASSED 10. Approval of contract for pole line relocation by the State of Alaska due to reconstruction of the old Airport Road. TABLED 11. Accept resignation of Fr. R. P. Mendelsohn, Chairman, from the CClI1II1littee to Study AlCOholism in the community effective 5/27/68. PASSED O. Reports from the Borough Assemblymen. 9. Reports from the City Manager. 10. Council Discussione 1. Summary of Revenues and Expenses & Budget CQIIlparison at 4/.10/_' 11. Adjournment: THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA t\l~ THE REGULAR NEETlNG OF THE cn T COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M.. MONDAY. i4AY 26. 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Nayor - E. G. Skinner (2) Councilmembers - LeOClard .J: Ols 0tl (( 1)) - \.Ii 11 iam 1'1. Ullom 1 - Joanne C. Hoogland - William C. Vincent - Oliver Amend (4) - Bernard C. Hulm (1) 4. Approval of Ninutes, as ~1m:(;~;QX' corrected for Nay 12 and filay 19. 1969. 5. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 6. Acting City Manager's Report and Communications: 7. Council Discussion: None Pay Lewis balance owing. 8. Resolutions. Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 748. a Resolution requesting the State to apply for recertification of the M/V Bartlett to provide ferry service from Valdez and Cordova to Seward. PASS 2. Sale of city-owned marine gas and oil facilities located in the Seward Municipal Small Boat Harbor. Hold over 6/9/69 3. Authorization for continuation of occupancy for McKenna Wemark in house located behind Jesse Lee Home buildings. au~horize day-to-day only occupancy. 4. Authorization for agreement behind the City and the City Attorney. Del~t~d folr addltlona 5. Authorization for continuation of garbage collection con~ract n~J exg3tred~69sptUdj ExtenslOn to July :1, 1::1 ass 6. Authorization for installation of a fish hoist on 'ity-owned Boat lift dock. $l.OO/year on year to year baS1S only. 9. Report of the Borough Assemblymen: 10. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting time 2:30 min. THE CITY OF SEWARD NOTICE OF, AND AGENDA FOR, A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, !<lAY 19, 1969, AT 8:00 P.14. IN THE COUNCIL CH~iBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Ca 11: Nayor - E. G. Skinner (2) Counci1members - William M. Ullom (1) - Oliver Amend (4) - William C. Vincent - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hu1m (1) - Leonard J. Olson (1) 4. Completion of Agenda for May 12, 1969, as follows: 6-2: Final recommendation on the Chappell lease. Lease a "nullity" 7 Council Discussion 8-1: Resolution No. 746, a Resolution expressing non-confidence in the abilities and activities of Harold Strandberg, Commissioner of TABLE Public Works. 9 Report of the Borough Assemblymen 5. Authorization for payment to Lewis Refrigeration Company. Pay contract portion 6. Resolution No. 747, a Resolution requesting continuation of weekly passenger train service to Seward by The Alaska Railroad. Pass 7. Presentation of Hospital Lease between The City of Seward and The Seward General Hospital Association. Informatil 8. Approval for a temporary use permit to be issued to Jack Coghlan for the use of a portion of land in the Seward Waterfront Industrial Area(old Railroad property) Use Permit approved for seven weeks 9. Adjournment: Meeting Time: 3:06 min THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CtTY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 12, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner (2) Councilmembers - Joanne C. HOOgland) - Bernard C. Hulm (1 - Leonard J. Olson abs(l) - Oliver Amend (4) - William C. Vincent - William M. Ullom (1) 4. Approval of Minutes, as ~tf~fMlf~~t corrected, from the bottom one/third of Page 30 through the top two/third's of Page 32(Regular meeting of April 28, 1969). PASS 5. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Mr. L. C. Cramer. Director, Seward Youth Program 6. Acting City Manager's Report and Communications: 1. Color slide presentation showing the rail and trainslip facilities at Whittier, Alaska. Nil> Acti on 2. Final recommendation on the Chappell lease. 7. Council Discussion: 8. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 746, a Resolution expressing non-confidence in the abiliti~BLE and activities of Harold Strandberg, Commissioner of Public Works. Hold over 5/19/69 2. Sale of City-owned marine gas and oil facilities in the S~o~~do~~i%int1769 Small Boat Harbor area. f"t. 9. Report of the Borough Assemblymen: 10. Adjournment: Meeting Time 3:12 min STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Ro 11 Ca 11 : Mayor -W. C. Casey Councilmembers-Janet Viale -Diane Sadusky -Diane Deck -B. H. Thorne -Mike Clinkscales -Leona Schafermeyer 4. Citizens' Discussion: 5. Acting City Manager's Report and Communications: 6. Council Discussion: 1. Jesse Lee Home Disposition 2. Dog Control 7. Proclamation: 1. Clean-up 8. Ordinance #370--An Ordinance establishing a curfew for young adults 9. Adjournment: THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.H.. MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner (2) Councilmembers - Leonard J. Olson - William M. Ullom(l) - Joanne C. Hoogland - William C. Vincent - Oliver Amend (4) - Bernard C. Hulm (1) 4. Approval of JVlinutes, as presented WW~~from the bottom one/third of Page 29 through the top two/thirds of Page 3O(Regular Meeting of April 14, 1969). APP 5. Citizens. Discussion and Public Hearings: 6. Acting City Manager.s Report and Communications: 7. Council Discussion: 8. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 745, a Resolution proclaiming Nay as Clean-Up. Paint-Up, Fix-Up Month in Seward. PASS 2. Proclamation - Law & LOy'a1-Ty Day Pass 9. Report of the Borough Assemblymen: 10. Adjournment: Meeting Time: 3:06 11iE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR 11iE REGULAR MEETING OF 11IE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M.. MONDAY. APRIL 14. 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor - E. G. Skinner abs(2) Councilmembers - Oliver Amend (41 - William C. Vincent - Willi.. M. Ulloa(l) - Bernard C. Hula abs(l) - Leonard J. Olson - Joanne C. Hoogland 4. Approval of Minutes as presented, JI<<I(~Wf from the top of Page 27 through the bottom two-third's of Page 29(Executive Session of April 7, 1969). APP S. Ci tilens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 6. Acting City Manager's Report and CClIIIIIlunications: 7. Council Discussion: 8. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Resolution No. 743, a Resolution setting the salary and te1'lll of appointment of Acting City Manaaer JUles R. Filip. 2. Appointment of Alvin Schmoler to Harbor Commission. 3. ~es. No. 744, supporting off-shore oil exploration in Alaska 9. Report of the Borouah Asscbl)'llen: 10. Adjournment: PASS PASS Pass Meeting Time :32 min NOTICE. OF AND AGENDA FOR A SPECIAL rlEETING OF THE SHARD CITY COUNCIL TO P-[ HLIJ ON MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1969, AT 7: 30 P .1'1. IN THE. COUNCIL CHAi"IiERS. 1. Call to Order: 2 . Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: rayor - E. G. Skinner (1) Councilmembers- Leonard J. Olson - hilliam 1,1. tillom (1) - Joanne C. Hoogland - ;"!illiam C. Vincent - Oliver Amend (4) - Bernard C. llu1m 4. Acceptance of resignation submitted by City Manager Kester L. Dotts. ACCEPT 5. Appointment of Acting City l'1anager. James R. Filip 6. Adj ournment : :07 min EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Call to Order: 2. Discussion relative to a matter affecting the finances of the City. 3. Atljourrunent: mE CITY OF SEWARD AGEHDA FOR 'IHE REGULAR MtiETING OF 11iE CITY COUNCIL 1'0 BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MOODAY, MARCH 24, 1969 1. Call to Older: 2. Openini Cere.ony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor .. E. G. Skiuer ( 1) Counciblember .. Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hula - Leonard J. Olson - Oliver AIIend ( 4) .. William C. Vincent .. William M. Ulla (1) 4. Approval of Minutes. as presented or corrected. frOll the bottOll 3/4's of Page 16 through the top 2/3' s of Page 22 (Vol. 14). Regular Meeting of Pebruary 10, 1969. APP Approval of Minutes. as presented or corrected. froa the bottca 1/3 of Page 22 through the end of Page 26(Vol. 14), Regular Meeting of March March 10. 1969. COR S. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 6. City Manager's Report and Cc:aIIIlications: 7. Council Discussion: 1. Jesse Lee Home Buildings Preservation Report. 8. Resolutions. Ordinances and other Action it...: 1. Reconsideration of Chappell lease application. PASS 2. Resolution No. 741. a Resolution opposing Whittier, Alaska, as a State Perry port and proposing Seward as an alternate port for the Valcle&- PASS Coldova run. 3. Resolution No. 742, A lesolution authorhing the Chappell lease in the Marina Subdivision. PASS 4. ApPQintment to Planning and Zoning Commission. Henrietta Aldous Arcoho1ism Steering Committee - James H. Rose & Mrs. Eunice Pu11ar 9. Report of the Borough Ass_blymen: 10. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting Time: 3:13 EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Call to Order: 2. Discussion relative to a .atter affecting the finances of the City. 3. Adjournaent: Meeting Time: 10:50 P.M. - 12:15 A.M. mE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF nlE CITY COUNCI L TO BE HELD AT 7: 30 P.M.. lilONDAY. MARat 10. 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: t4ayor - E. G. Skinner (1) abs. Councilmembers - Bernard C. Hulm - Leonard J. Olson - Oliver Amend (4) abs. - Joanne C. Hoogland - William M. Ullom (1) - William C. Vincent 4. Approval of Minutes. as presented or corrected. frOll the bottODl 3/4's of Page 16 through the top 2/3's of Page 22(Vol. 14). Regular Meeting of February 10. TABLED 1969. S. City Manager's Report It COIIlIIlUIlications: 6. Resolutions. Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Proclamation: National Wildlife Week PASSED 2. Approval of Chappell lease authorization. 3. Approval of Liquor License Transfer - Dorothy J. Ralls It Northern Bar. Inc. to Dorothy J. Ralls. PASSED TABLED 7. Council Discussion: 1. Lease of City-owned marine gas and oil facilities. APPROVED - Work Session 3/15/69 8. Citizens' Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Public Hearing - Proposed location of liquor establishment in Small Boat Harbor area. Completed 9. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 10. Items for the good of the Council: 11. Adjournment: 11:00 P.M. Meeting Time: 2:06 .t~;~i~~~;~.~ CITYi,~F SEWARD '.\!:::;.~,~'<1~~ . -7.. p.o.lOXr'- . SlW4~ 9f664 ",.".". ......111(4,.. 'i '.,'i"'~....'-" .....: :~~ .1...., '.".r ..~,..." ..._;'::};~~'-;4~ i;'~.''';;~~:~!~i~;:,i .', ....~~'."6' ..' . ;~~'j"~,4J;'~J,f~ s-,..t ":1L,',;rf':: NOTICE OF AGENDA:FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Vice-Mayor' Councilmembers - E. G. Skinner - Oliver Amend - William C. Vincent - William M. Ullom - Bernard C. Hulm - Leonard J. Ols.on - Joanne C. Hoogland (3) (1) 4. Appointment of Mayor to.fi~l unexpired term of R. W. Kirkpatrick. SKINNER 5. Appointment of Vice-Mayor. HOOGLAND 6. Resolution No. 740 - requesting the members of the Alaskan delegation to Congress to present to their fellow Congressmen specific proposals to PASS improve port facilities in Seward. Meeting Time: :35 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL '1'0 BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Councilmember - R. W. Kirkpatrick (2) - Oliver Amend (3) - E. G. Skinner - William M. Ullom (1) - Bernard C. Hulm - Leonard J. Olson - Joanne C. Hoogland 4. Change of O~fice: 5. Proclamation: 6. City Manager's Report 7. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Swearing-in of newly appointed councilmember. VINCENT 2. Proclamation: Know Your City Month + 3. Resolution No. 739, authorizing the lease of Lot 2, Block 1, Marina Subdivision to Emery G. and Frieda O. Sample. PASS 4. Ordinance No. 368, final reading and passage, an Ordinance regulating motor vehicle traffic within the City. PASS 5. Approval of lease extension for Halibut Producers Co-op. TABLED 6. Appointment of delegate to represent The City of Seward at the Alaska Exhibit in Los Angeles. SKINNER 7. Reappointment of Phil S. Durant, Raymond C. Anderson, and Emil V. Nelson to Planning and zoing Commission for three year tenns ending February 15, 1972. PASS 8. Council Discussion: 9. Citizens' Discussion: 10. Report of Borough Assemblymen: 11. Items for the good of the Council: 1. Presentation of Jesse Lee Home Preservation report. TABLED 3/24/69 12. Adjourr~ent: 11:00 P.M. Meeting Time: 4:06 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGUL.1\R MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.~M., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Councilmembers - R. W. Kirkpatrick abs(2) - Leonard J. Olson - William M. Ullom abs(l) - Joanne C. Hoogland - E. G. Skinner - Oliver Amend abs(3) - Bernard C. Hulm 4. Citizens Discussion and Public Hea.rings: 1. Discussion concerning the proposed Borough Hospital Service Areas. 2. Proclamation - National Beauty Salon Week 5. communications: 6. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance No. 368, an Ordinance regulating motor vehicle traffic within the City(Second Reading). Pass 2. Resolution No. 737, declaring street and rights-of-way for Alaska Route FAP-31 and allowing the City to cooperate with the State in the construction of this route within the City Limits. 3. Resolution No. 738 - Congressional Investigation - Whittier 7. Unfinished Business: Pass Pass 8. Reports from the Borough Assemblymen: 9. Report from the City Manager~ 10. Council Discussion: 11. Adjournment: Meeting Time 3:15 NOTICE OF AND AGENDA FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1969, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Councilmembers - R. W. Kirkpatrick abs (1) - E.G. Skinner - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hulm - Leonard J. Olson - William M. Ullom - Oliver Arnendabs (2) 4. Discussion on revising the Council Agenda in order to promote the orderly presentation of business during meeting hours. App. 5. Discussion on the Whittier problem and the role of the Alaska Railroad as they relate to Seward. Action postponed 2/10/69 Meeting Time 2:37 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M.. MONDAY. JANUARY 27. 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Councilmembers - R. W. Kirkpatrick - William M. Ullom - Bernard C. Bulm - Joanne C. Hoogland - E. G. Skinner - Leonard J. Olson - Oliver Amend (1) 4. citizens Discussions and Public Hearings: 1. Presentation of the Seward Urban Highway Program by representatives of the State Highway Department. 5. Communications: 6. Resolutions, Ordinances and other Action items: 1. Ordinance No. 368, an Ordinance regulating motor vehicle traffic within the city(First Reading). Title Only - 1st to 2nd 2. Bid Award - Petroleum products for the period 2/1/69 - 1/31/70. 3. Bid Award - Tires, Tubes and Batteries for the period 2/1/69 - 1/31/70. 7. Unfinished Business: 1. Item 10-1 (Regular Meeting 12/30/68) to wit: Discussion on the use of unmetered electric power to illuminate a Christmas decoration. namely, the star on Oliver Amend's property. FAIL 8. Reports from the Borough Assemblymen: 9. Report from the City Manager: 10. Council Discussion: 11. Adjournment: Meeting Time 5:11 THE CITY OF SEWARD AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M., M~NDAY, JANUARY 13, 1969 1. Call to Order: 2. Opening Ceremony: 3. Roll Call: Mayor Councilmembers - R. W. Kirkpatrick - Joanne C. Hoogland - Bernard C. Hulm - Leonard J. Olson - Oliver Amend (1) - E. G. Skinner - William M. Ullom 4. Approval of Minutes, as presented ~ from the bottom one/fourth of page 13 through the top one/fourth of page l6(Post- poned Regular Meeting of December 30, 1968). PAS 5. Citizens Discussion and Public Hearings: 1. Citizens Petition opposing the destruction of the now-vacant structures formerly housing the Jesse Lee Home. Spec Meeting 1/17 2. Request from Seward Boosters Club for funds to help defray the printing costs for a Seward Recreational Brochure. No Actior 6. Communications: 7. Resolutions, Ordinanaces and other Action items: 1. Appointment of Emil V. Nelson and Robert A. Morgan to the Planning and Zoning Commission. PASS 2. Requests for approval of permit for authorized games of Chance and skill from A.) American Legion Aux., Unit #5 - Renewal: B.) American Legion Post #5 - Renewal: and C.) Sacred Heart Guild - Renewal. PASS 8. Unfinished Business: 1. Authorization to reimburse Radio Station KIBH for the initial supply of propane used to sup~ emergency power (tabled from 12/30/68) . PASS 9. Reports from Bo~':,',ugh Assemblymen: 10. Report from City Manager: 11. Council Discussion: 12. Adjournment: Meeting Time: 4:18