HomeMy WebLinkAbout08012007 PACAB Packet SEWARD PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting August I, 2007 NOON COUNCIL CHAMBERS Deborab Altermatt Chair Term Expires 2007 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Karl Van Buskirk Vice Chair Term Expires 2007 3. ROLL CALL Paul Scbuldt Board Member Term Expires 2009 4. SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS A. ARRC Representative Louis Bencardino Darryl Scbaefermeyer Board Member Term Expires 2009 B. Chamber Director Laura Cloward Ron Long Board Member Term Expires 2008 C. KPB/EDD - City Councilmember Valdatta D. Administrative Report Vacant Board Member Term Expires 2008 5. Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing. [Those who have signed in will be given the first opportunity to speak. Time is limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 30 minutes total time for this agenda item.} Theresa Butts Board Member Term Expires 2009 6. Approval of agenda and consent agenda [Approval of Consent Agenda passes all routine items indicated by asterisk Phillip Oates City Manager Scott A. Ransom Harbormaster 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Anne Bailey Executive Liaison A. Project Status List- On-Going, Discuss adding a joint work session with the Seward City Council in November in the Project Status List.................... ..Page 3 City of Seward, Alaska July 18,2007 P A CAB Agenda Page 1 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Select Topic for August Work Session ..................................................... Page S * B. July 18, 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Regular Meeting MinutesPage lv 9. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No action required)- A. Letter from City Manager Philip Oates to President and Chief Executive Officer Pat Gamble in regards to expansion of the rail road dock... ............ ... ... ... ............ ... ....................... ..Page \ \ 11. BOARD COMMENTS 12. CITIZENS' COMMENTS [5 minutes per individual- Each individual has one opportunity to speak.] 13. BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENT 14. ADJOURNMENT City of Seward, Alaska July 18, 2007 PACABAgenda Page 2 . tDen ~ m "'ll z ;0 )> en z :E: 0 c: .." en )> )> ;om ~ i!! m 0 !:j :E: 0 )> 0 "'ll Cii !!: ;0 ~ m~ ;0 en ~ 0 ::g ~ ;0 ~ ~ :E: 0 ;0 )>)> tD ~ 0 ... m r- tD 0 0 ~El 0 z !" 0 ;0 :!l :E: 0 .... ;0 z 0 a ;0 c.n ~ ;0 m m ~ ~ c: 0 ~ CIl 0 ~!!: 0 ;0 )> m 0 3C tD .... )> .... m 0 ;0 <: x 0 z ~ 0 0 r- m m)> ;0 "'ll ;oi!! .." ~ m ~ m "'ll ... ~ ;0 ~ 0 ~ CIl m )> ;0 il: :E: OZ ;0 "'ll ::!! m Z m 0 il: o' =v mm ;0 )> r- Z CIl < s i 0 r= eno m Z r- m 0 m > m -m 0 CIl ;0 il: .... Z ;0 ~ (i)z 0 )> (i) z m r- :E: 0 Z.... s:: ;0 -< z ~ CIl m om )> z ~ .... z CIl .... m;o 0 z =v .." .... 0 g m c: .." 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G) ... ... m 1Il 0 m 0 m ;lJ m 0 m ~ ~ CD ;::u ::J C 0 ):> m 0 );! 0 c.. en 0 Ui ~ c m ::!! i!! -l ~ ... z c.... G) 2S ~ 0) III m n m z z m z (/) - ... G) m m en G) () m :T 5 UI c: )> t\) m -l m :x: -l G) z 2' N en E, , m 0 m ):> "TI Z 3 z 0 C ~ 0 0 m ~ z m 0 (j) 1Il (Jl 0 .... < 0 );! ;lJ ::> ~ iii' ~ () ):> 0 () Ui ..... Ui ):> -l ):> .." ~ =l ... r m z c tD m S' 0 l: Z IlO Z :x: 1Il m i!: 0 !2 0 :x: -l () ~ (/) i!: Z ::a 6 - "'[l )- m 0 :i' "'[l 0 G) z ~ 0 5 ~ G) ;lJ m ,.. -l OJ 0- 0 "'[l 5' m ., ~ ;lJ c.... m (Jl ia 0 c:5 m z ~ ~ -< () .:::i m "'[l -l 6 () Z -l ); m m C (Jl )- z p 3 MEMORANDUM Date: To: Through: From: Subject: August 1, 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory B~j..t:? Scott Ransom, Harbor Master,.A' ~~ Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison o..~ Joint Work Session with the City Counci)-l BACKGROUND & JUSTlFICA nON: The Port and Commerce Advisory Board has suggested that a joint work session be held with the Seward City Council in November to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Board. This work session could be added to the Project Status List, in order to help keep track of the Board's desire for the work session. Once the roles and responsibilities are clarified the Board will be able to maximize their efforts and resources to accomplish desired tasks. Staff will help coordinate with the Clerk's Office and City Manager's Department to place this item on the Council's Work Session schedule. RECOMMENDATION: Motion: "I move to amend the Project Status List by adding a joint session with the Seward City Council in November." 4 y MEMORANDUM Date: August 1, 2007 To: Port and Commerce Advisory Board Through: From: Scott Ransom, Harbor Master ;n Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison 0-'0 Subject: August 15,2007 Work Session The Board's current Work Session in August is scheduled for noon on April 15th. Possible Work Session topics for discussion could include any items off the Priority List or emerging topics Board Members might be aware of. Due to the summer season the Board could cancel or reschedule the Work Session to a later date. The Board should set a topic for their next Work Session. Ifneeded, the Board is allowed under Seward City Code 2.30.320 (a) to designate their own time and place for Meetings and Work Sessions. RECOMMENDATION: The Port and Commerce Advisory Board set a topic for their August 15,2007 Work Session. t 5 City o/Seward, Alaska July 18, 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, Page 230 CALL TO ORDER The regular July 18, 2007 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12: 11 pm by Board Member Long. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board Member Butts led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. There were present: Ron Long presiding, and Darryl Schaefermeyer Theresa Butts Paul Schuldt Absent: Deborah Altermatt Karl Van Buskirk comprising a quorum of the Board; and Scott Ransom, Harbor Master Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Christy Terry, Engineering Executive Assistant ARRC Representative Louis Bencardino Bencardino stated the City and ARRC had a great meeting. He informed the Board that Mr. Oates wrote a letter in response to Pat Gamble stating that he'd like to work together to extend the dock since it would benefit both parties. Bencardino discussed the option to take gravel from rivers and streams to extend the dock. He stressed his dock space problem elabomting on all the vessels that would like to come in and the cruise ship issues. He stated that extending the dock would solve these issues. Bencardino stated that a few weeks ago the ARRC received gravel from the waterfall and extended the dock 130 feet by 250 feet. He stated that they would be ready for TOTE or the property would be used for stomge. Bencardino gave an update on the cruise ships, that a company came to discuss opening another business in the building, and the railroad supported return of the ferry. t In response to Butts, Bencardino stated that accommodating the ferry is another reason to extend the dock. Schuldt asked what the progress was on the 800 foot extension. Bencardino replied that Pat Gamble suggested that the dock be extended 800 feet and that Gamble had brought this topic up in Anchorage and thought this could be a secondary port for Anchomge. Co City of Seward, Alaska July 18, 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, Page 231 In response to Schaefermeyer, Bencardino said that ARRC may be able to bond this project and the estimated cost would be 16 million. Long asked about the activity of the Round House Pond and coal. Bencardino replied that they had obtained a fill permit. Schaefermeyer inquired about the coal dust. Bencardino stated that a study had been done and a solution would be created. He continued that they may shut down during part of the year but he suggested that due to certain wind conditions off loading would be stopped. He discussed other problems and solutions and the need to be prepared. Butts clarified the location of the Round House Pond. Chamber Report Laura Cloward - Not in attendance. KPBIEDD - City Councilmember Valdatta - Not in attendance. Administrative Report Ransom responded to questions from the last meeting. He stated that the A VTEC fire training lease was with the state and the SMC dock would be discussed by John Bird at a later date. He gave an update on the float project stating they were down to the punch list with the contractor on the floats, the water was on and the goal was to be done by the Salmon Derby. He stated that on Monday there will be a proclamation for Coast Guard Day on August 4th. He introduced Anne Bailey as the new Executive Liaison. Christy Terry gave a brief history on Anne Bailey and gave the Board her work number. Schuldt asked what would legally be done with the new Harbor Fill Area and estimated time for responses. Ransom replied that two projects needed to be completed. He stated that the City needed to receive an okay in a written form from the Corps of Engineers and the FEMA map needed to be updated, which he was unable to address and was unsure when an answer would be provided. He stated that parking would be allowed on the weekend on the SW area of the road to alleviate some issues. In response to Butts, Ransom stated that the bathroom contracts should be completed by the end of August. Ransom stated that they are coming to budget time and that they passed on applying for grant money from the state. He continued to explain why they passed on this grant and what they should do in the future. I City of Seward, Alaska July 18,2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, Page 232 In response to Schaeferrneyer, Ransom said to receive the grant funds the City would have to apply, the amount of money awarded would be determined and they needed to scale down the project would be the D float. In response to Butts, Ransom replied that if we wanted to get the money a rote increase would have to be placed on the harbor users next year. Citizens' comments on any subject except those items scheduled for public hearing-None Approval of agenda and consent agenda Motion (Butts/Schuldt) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The following items were approved under the Consent Agenda: April 4, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes UNFINISHED BUSINESS- Project Status List- On-Going NEW BUSINESS- April 4, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes Discuss Resolution 2007-02 providing a recommendation to Council for pursuit of Andy Baker's YOURCLEANENERGY LLC, Lowell Creek and Marathon Creek in-stream hydroeledric projects as a source of alternative energy for the Seward Utility District. Butts stated that she went to a Council meeting and presented a brief summary on the project to try to sell the next phase but found that Utility Manager Tim Barnum had presented a letter to the City Manager opposing this project. Butts continued that she spoke for P ACAB and stated that they had worked hard to address issues that concerned Council and that she was disappointed because a lot of effort was put into this. She continued that the City Manager apologized for not getting the memo to them and she stated that Barnum's analysis was inaccumte and continued to explain inaccumcies. She stated that she had faxed Andy Baker the memos to give him a chance to reply and a memo was received today. She asked the Board how they'd like to proceed. Schaeferrneyer added that this is indicative with the role ofP ACAB. He continued to express his fiustmtion and stated that he did not want to spend any more time on this topic until some problems were resolved. He stated that they would probably not be able to change Barnum's and Oates' stance on the issue. 8 City of Seward, Alaska July 18. 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3. Page 233 Long thanked Butts for her efforts and stated that he agreed with a few points that Baker and Barnum made but pointed out that some comments seem to be personal. He stated that continuing with this is not constructive and suggested that Baker should engage with Council and Administration. He stated that this was not meaningless but to continue would be detrimental and encouraged those to present this individually. Ransom stated that Barnum was on annual leave but that he would be able to attend and the next meeting. Schuldt believed that it would be beneficial to have Barnum explain his statements. Butts agreed but stated that it may not be productive but she. would pursue this as an individual. She suggested that future agendas should discuss PACAB's role. In response to Schuldt, Long stated that it would be possible to schedule a work session with Council to discuss P ACAB' s roles but suggested that they wait until after the Council election. He stated that he is not inclined to have Mr. Barnum come in for a discussion. Butts distributed and discussed a lay down regarding electrical costs. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (No action required)- Alaska Coastal Management Program Seward Boat Harbor Travel Lift Public Notice WTCAK's Trade Development Programs Focus on Alaska's Top Markets and the Search for New, High-Potential Markets on the Future Long stated that he appreciated the updated WTC information. Status of SMIC Development Plan Update Long said he was pleased to see the Planning and Zoning Commission look at the SMIC Development plan. WTACK's Passport to Profit Special Report BOARD COMMENTS- Schuldt thanked Butts for her dedication on the Lowell Creek Energy proposal. Butts stated that this Board was more than qualified to analyze the topics presented to them. She requested that a sign be posted in the Clerk's office to remind them that a meeting is taking place. She stated she was optimistic about the new Administration. q City o/Seward, Alaska July 18, 2007 Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, Page 234 Schaefermeyer stated that he'd like to get an update on the Seward Marine Center from Mr. Bird. Long thanked Butts' effort on the project and reitemted that her work was appreciated. CITIZENS' COMMENTS [5 minutes per individual- Each individual has one opportunity to speak. ] Acting Planner John Bird discussed the SMC dock and stated that it was not progressing. He explained that there was not any funding for this and it was due to the verbiage tying it to the ferry. Bird stated that if they can rewrite the language at the Fedemllevel, it may be accepted. BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS- None. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 1:05pm. Anne Bailey Executive Liaison Ron Long Board Member (City Seal) \0 City of Seward P.O. Box 167 Seward, Alaska 99664-0167 Main Office (907) 224-4050 Facsimile (907) 224-4038. City of Seward, Alaska 1963 1965 2005 ~-)> 7,' ,~*~*,*.*.*, ;"ii1[1 July 13, 2007 Mr. Pat Gamble President and Chief Executive Officer Alaska Railroad Corporation 327 W. Ship Creek Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Freight Dock Extension Project Dear President Gamble: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Tuesday. I felt the meetil.lg was highly beneficial for me and zpembers of my staff. The City of Seward looks forward to working closely with the Alaska Railroad on areas of mutual benefit. As a result' of our discussion, I think a collaborative stakeholder effort qo1,1ld accelerate the freight dock extension project and provide significant benefits to multiple agencies. The stakeholders might include the City of Seward, the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and its Alaska Marine Highway System, the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, homeland security agencies, the United States Coast Guard, deployable military organizations, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. '.J'. Per our discussion, construction of the dock could provide the City of Seward with many benefits that include (1) reducing stream bed-loading by using our gravel to build part of the extension; (2) growing jobs in the area to support increases in freight, passengers, and ship support or ship maintenance; and, (3) providing the terminus of an emergency maritime highway. The emergency maritime highway would provide additional emergency response options for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, and Alaska Marine Highway System. The freight dock could benefit the United States Coast Guard by providing additional space for berthing of its larger vessels, and a deep-water ice-free port of refuge for larger distressed vessels. The dock could enhance capabilities for rapid deployment of military equipment and vehicles from Alaska. Finally, the dock could also provide the University of Alaska Fairbanks with an interim solution for berthing the Alaska Region Research Vessel until the university dock is built. 1 \ The freight dock extension is a project that could bring local, state, federal, and private interests into alignment. In that respect, the project has the potential for funding from many levels of government and the private sector. The City of Seward would be willing to host or participate in a meeting by the Alaska Railroad Corporation to discuss these ideas with any or all of the aforementioned stakeholders. Please let us know if we can do anything to facilitate your efforts. Again, thank you for meeting with me and members of my staff. Sincerely, ~,~~ City Manager \2-