HomeMy WebLinkAbout01242008 Historic Preservation Packet~fistoric preservation Commission Agenda ~1'acket January 24, 2008 Special Meeting City Council Chambers l3eginnin~ at noon Seward Historic Preservation Commission Special Meeting ./anuary 24, 200tS /Z noon City Coun<'il Ch(rmbers Shannon Mnvar C'hnir 'l'crm fapires US/l U Tom Stivann 1. Call to Order Vice-(.'hair Term Expires US/!0 John French 2. Upeaiag Ceremony L'ommissiortcr Term Ecpires US/08 GregC'arpenrcr A. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Term Erpirks S/U9 3. Roll Call Jolund Lurfrer 4. Special Reports Commissioner Term F_tpires• OS/U8 A. City Adnunistration Report Linda Lasota C'ommiss'ioner R. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations Term Fxpirer US/09 Doug Capra S. Citizens' Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled for Cummissianer Public Hearing and Other Items Not Included on the Term Fxpires 5/v9 Agenda. (Those who have si~t:ed in wit! be given the tits! PhiltipUates vppurtunity !u speak Time is limited lu Z minutes per City Manager speaker and 3U minutes lu[ul time jar this agerukr item/ Bob lucks 6. Approval oC Agenda and Consent Agenda. (Approval of Community Uevetq,mem nirtcmr Consent Agenda pluses all routine iteme indicated by acteri.ck ('). Consent Agenda items are rtnt considered separately ,Nateolm Brown unless a Cnmmiscinner .cn requests. !n the event of such a Planner request, the item is retunmd to the RegtdarAgcnd(r.f Donna Ulcrr Planning Assistant Anne Bailey Fxerurive Liatmn historic Preservation C'ommissinn Special :ifeeling Agenda Jamrcrry Z•l, Z(70S Put;e I 7. Puhlle HeariuKs [Limit canraents to S minr,tes. Those tivlm have si~mec! in wi11 be given the first opporttcnih~ to speak) -None S. I:nf`mished Business -None 9. New Business A. Resolution 2UU8-U2, renewing the Seward Historical Leclure Series (Fireside l_'hats) and requesting the support of the Seward City Council for the project......... Pale 3 B. Resolution 2UU8-U3 selecting "Alaska, SU - Years of Slalchuod" as the Commission project for National Pres~zvalion Month of May 21108 and rcqucsling City Council support for the prgjcct ................................................................................... Page 6 10. Informational Items and Reports (Aco actin, required] -None 11. Commission Commcnts 12. Citizens' Comments (T.imit to .5 minrtles per indn~dua! - Lac1t ittdividua! has one opport:mitr to speak) 13. Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Commcnts 14. Adjournment Historic Presen•ation Commission SE,eciul Mee[in~,~ Agenda ./nmee,n• 24. 2003 Puke ~ IIistoric Preservation Agenda Statement Meeting Date: January 24, 2UU8 'Chrough: Bob Hicks, Community Development Director From: Donna Glem Planning Assistant ~(~ Agenda Item: Resolution 2(108-02 Renewing the Seward Historical Lecture Series (Fireside Chats) and Requesting the Support of the Seward City Council lur the Prpj~a RACKGROITiD & ~TT7STIFK'ATTON: In the !all of 2003, the Seward historic Preservation Commission wanted to foster a forum for presenting and preserving the personal historical accounts of local residents, so the Commission initiated and hosted the First Friday Fireside Historical Lecture Series. Several very successful Fireside Chair were held over the winter of 2003!2004. Pollow~ng the winter season the Commission was unable W locate a group or organization willing to take over tlx; organization and preparation for the Fireside Chats. The Commission had other obligations and was unahle to continue the Chats at that time. At d~c Uctobcr 17~' work session the Commission requested the topic of the Fireside Chats be added to the November Agenda for discussion_ The Commission sel and held a work session on January 9, 2008 and te;yuested stall' to bring forward a Resolution in support of renewing the Fireside Chats and requesting City Council support for the project. CONSISTENCY CHECKLIS'T': Yes No I. Co»prehensive 1'l_a~1020) X The Comptt:hcnsivc Plan states "The Seward City Council sets policy for historic preservation matters while the city manager and his staff implement the necessary local ordinances and resolutions" (Volume ^, page 73). 2. Strater/c Plan (/99!I) X The Strategic Plan states "We value and protect Sew•arel's historic character, culture and physical attribulcs, all of which contribute to its strong sense of community." (page 13) 3. Seward Historic Preservation Plan (1996) X The I Iistoric Preservation Plan supports a wide variety of preservation activities. RN;COMMF.NI)ATTON: Approval of Resolution 2008-02, renewing the Fireside Chats and tLgwxting City Council support for the project. 3 Sponsored hy: Staff CI"l'Y ON SEWARll, ALASKA HISTORIC PRF.SF.RVATTON COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2008-02 A RF.SOLU"PION OF THE SEWARll HISTORIC YRESERVAI'ION COMMISSION, RENEWING THE SEWARD HISTORICAL LECTIJRF. SERIES (FIRESIllE CHAPS) ANll REQUESTING THE SUPPORT OF THF. SF.WART) CITY COGNCII. FOR THF. PRO.TF.C'T WHEREAS, the Seward Historic Preservation Commission initiated the First Friday Fireside Histurieal Lecture Scrics (Fireside Chats) during the 2UU3-2UU4 winter; and WHEREAS, the Commission worked to 1'osler a forum for presenting and preserving the personal historical accounts of local residents through the Fireside Chats; and WHEREAS, the F'iresidc Chats wcm very well attended and enjoyed by the public; and WHEREAS, the Commission held a work session on January 9, 2W8 to discuss and plan the renewal of the Fireside Chats; arrd WHEREAS, the Commission reyucsts the support. of Seward City Council in the renewal of the Fireside Historical T.ecture Series (Fireside Chats). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEll by the Seward Historic Preservation Comrnissiou that: Section I. The Commission hereby renews the Historical [,ecture Series (Fireside Chats). Section 2. 'The Conurrission rcxluests the approval of Seward City Council to move forward with the development of the Historical Lecture Series (Firchide Chats). `~:•crion 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Scwtjt'd Historic Preservation Commission Resolution 2008-U2 Page 2 PASSED AND APPRnVF.D by the Scward Historic Yrescrvation Commission this 24`" day of Jtuniary 2UU8. THE (:1'1'Y OF SEWAKD, ALASKA Tom Swnnn, Vice-Chair AYl?S: NOES: .gB`~1/N'1 :~HST;vS~"s: A"I "TEST: Sean i.ewis, CMC City Clerk (City Seal) IIistoric Preservation Agenda Statement Meeting Date: January 24, 2008 Through: Bob Hicks, Community Development Director r'rom: Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant Agenda ]tem: Resolution 2008-03 Selecting "Alaska - 50-Years of Statehowd" As the Commission Ptnject for National Historic Preservation Month of May 2UU8; and Rcyucsting City Council Support 1'or the Projeca BACKGKOUNll & JUSTIFICATION: The National Trust for Fistoric Preservation provides leadership, education and advocacy to save Atucrica's diverse historic platys and revitalize our wmmurutics. Each year a topic is selected and communities across the country celebrate during the month of May. At this time the 2008 topic has not been announced. Preservation Month is co-sponsoteJ by the State of Alaska, Alaska Association for Historic Yrescrvation and the National 'T'rust for Historic Preservation. The Commission held a work session on January 9, 2008 and rcyucstcd staff to bring forward a Resolution supporting "Alaska, 50 -Years of Statehood" as the Commission's project celehmting National Historic Preservation Month, May 2008 and reyuesling City Council support for the project. The Seward Historic Preservation Cotmission is charged by the Seward City Council to work toward the wntinuing education of citizens regarding local historic preservation and cotntntutity I11SIOf'V. COnSIS'I'ENC'Y C'HECKLIS'T: Yes No 1. Comprehensive Plun (2O1U) X Supports the promotion of Seward's history. 2. Strategic Plun (19991 X _ The Strelegic Plan stales "We value and pmteet Seward's historic characaer, culttuc and physical attributes, all of which contribute to its strong sense ol'wmmunity." (page 13) 3. Seward IIistoric Preservation Plan (161 X _ 71tc Historic Yreservation Plan supports a wide variety of ptrservaGon zu:Gvities. RECOMMENDATION: approval of Resolution 2008-03, which designates "Alaska, 50-years of Statehood" as the local Historic Preservation Comtission project in celebration of National Preservation Month, May 200R and requests the Seward City Council support for the project. W Sponsored hy: Staff CITY OF SEWARLI, ALASKA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION RESULUTION 2008-03 A RESOLUTION OF 'l'HE SEWARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, SELECTING "ALASKA, .50-YEARS OF STATEHUOU^ AS THE COMMISSION PROJECT FOR NATIONAL IIISTORIC PRESERVATION MONTH OF MAY 2W8; ANU REQUES'I'1NG CITY COUNCIL SUPFORT FOR THE PROJECT WHEREAS, National Pn;scrvalion Mundt, May 2UU8, is cosponsored by the State of Alaska, Alaska Association for Historic Preservation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation; and WHEREAS, the Seward Historic Preservation Commission held a work session on January 9, 2008 and selected "Alaska- 50-years of Statehood" fix:usutg on the renewed Fire Side Chao as rite local cclcbratiat project for National Preservation Month during the moth of May 2008; and WHEREAS, the Commission plans to involve the local students, educators, civic organi~sttions, State and local public figures and the general public in the celebration; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Seward realize the significance of historic preservation in the community. NOW, '1'HEREFORF,, BF. IT RF..SOLVED by the Seward Historic Preservation Cnmmision that: Section I. 1'he Commission hereby designates "Alaska, 50-years of Statehood" as the local celebration project for National Preservation MunUt, May 2008. Section 2. The Commission requests the approval of Seward City (:ouncil to move forward with the development of "Alaska, SU-years of Statehood" focasing on the May rite Side Chats as the local celehmtion project for National Preservation Month, May 2UU8. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Seward Historic. Preservation Commission Resolution 2008-03 Page "? PASSEll ANU APPROVED by the Seward Historic Preservation Commission this 24°i day of January 2Q(1R. TILE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA Tom Swann, Viu:-Chair AYkS: NOES: AI3SF1~iT: AB5"FAIN ATTEST: Jean Lev<~s, CMC City Clerk (City Seal) 8 bruarY 20Q$ 6 -- i. ~..__4 - _ - l~'Obam PANf~MeecMp 12:DOp~~ 1' --6:OOp~ Cyb Ca1~G~ ~k ypscion (~'iet'~' T~ dim ~ti knekne y~.~m) 7:3ow^Gily Ccar:i~, t~ttg l0 11 ti jp 21 12 21 ~ }~ 13 26 11 ~` ~~ ]! ~ 17 P a4 ~fl FndaY ~~,f 1 r-~- - - _ ~ ~~- --ai -- ~"J~ ~~ -- - 15 lA - --- _ -- - - 1 -- ~-~--- ~'___~~- 21 tia; 5yylrln R~ ~~ 9:90am ~ US Cum~~ -_ ~~ i ---- ii 29 ---f 4 1-~"