HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-004Sponsored hy: Phillip Oates CITY OF SE11';1RD, :1LASF:A y KF;SULU"110N 2008-004 A RESOLUTION OF TILE CITI' COiIVCII, (_IF"l'HE CI"1'1' OF SER':1RD, ALASI~.A, ;1CCEPTING A GRANT IN THF, AMOI: N'I' OF 51,299.60 FR0111 I HE ALASK:1 IIIGI11i'AP SAFETY' OFFICF. FOR 2008 SECOND (2UAItlER :1STEP SEATBELT ENFORCF.1bIF.NT CA111P.41GN AND APPRUPRI:1'LIVG FUNDS WHEREAS, the Seward Police Dcpartrncnl has been awarded a Program Coordination Grant from the :1aska Highway Safety Office, in the anwunl of 51,299.60; and WHEREAS, the City is not required ro provide any cash ur in kind match; and WHEREAS, the use of these funds nmst be for the purpose ofproviding overtime saturation patrols by the Seward Police Department for the enfurccntcnl ufseatbeh violations during.lanuary, February and March 2008; and WHEREAS, these funds are essential [n the Seward Police Department's ability to enforce scatbclt violations. N011', THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVF.D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTIIE CITI' OF' tiEW'AKll, AL.ISF:A, that: Section 1. The Cily Manager is hereby authorized to accept the 2008 ASTEP Scalbelt Enforcemcut, Alaska Highway Safety Office grant in the amount ofS1,299,60 and cuter into a gram agreement. Section 2. Funding in the amount ufS1,299.60 is hereby accepted to grant revenue account no. 101-f10f10-4680-0200 and appropriated to the police department's overtime account, nn. 101- 1210-020. Section 3. This resolution shall take cllcct immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPR01'F.D by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 28'h day ul'January, 2008. 1.~ (`I'I'Y OF SP.~~'ARll, ALASKA RF:SOLU'1'IOti 2008-004 ... TIIC CITY OP SEWARD, AL.ASK:1 ~~ Clark Corbridgc, Mayor AYES. Dunham, Valdatta, Bardarson, Amberg, Smith, Kellar, Corbridgc NOES: None AB5EN"I': Nonc q{3titA4N. None ATTEST C o ' ~1 ~~~ i o Council Agenda Statement ?~Iceting hate: lanun« 28.2Q48 1'u: Phillip Oates, City Manager~f From: Tom Clemons, Clicfol'Pulice Agenda ltcm: Alaska highway Safely Grant (AS'SI:P SEA'f'SELT 'OR Secnnd Quartet l:nforcentcnt) B:1CKGRnUNll & JUSTIFiCA'I'IUN: l'hc .Alaska }ligMvny Sali•ly Office, AHSU, has requested that the City of Seward continue to participate in the Alnskn Strategic Tratlic Enforcement Partnership, ASTGP, Seatlxlt Overtime F.nforccmcnt campaign by providing overtime saturation patrols. Fiuring selected holidays, the blitz campaigu, and assigned weekends, the Seward Police Department will conduct high-visibility Seathelt euforcemrnl patrols. AHSU has awarded a grant in the amount of $1,299.60 for January, February and March 2008. 17ris program is a 100% grant funded project, with no local matching funds requircd- the terms of the grant and the meant hudget arc attached. INTENT: "fhe intent o1 this Rant is intended lu reduce deaths and injuries by increasing compliance with A{aska's priutary seat belt law. CONSISTENCY CIIECKLiST: ~'hcse app{icah4e, tizis resulutiun is can5istenl with the Seward City Code, Charter, Cornprehettsive Plato, L.:utd Use Plans. Strategic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. nthcr: FISCAL NOTE: There is no local landing required to match these grant funds. Approved by Finance. Depat'lment:4~ /~(~^~ - RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve Resolution 2008-OOr(_, accepting a grant 1'rum the Alaska Highway Safety t)ffice in the amount of$1,299.60, and npproprialing funds. :~ 1