HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-005L CITI' OF SE\Y'ARI), ALASK:1 RESOLUTION 2008-IIUS Spousorrd by: Oates A RESOLUTION OF "I H@' Cl'fY COL"NCIL OF THF: CITY OF SEV1'ARD, AL:1SK.1, e1UTHORI7,ING'I'HE CITY YI:INAGF.R TO'1'EKAiIN:\TE TIIE 2004 JOINT USE AGRF;E\IENT WITH STATF. OF' ALASKA FIRE SERVICE TRAINING .ANU ALASK:1 VOCATION.AI. hECHNICAI. EDUC:\TION CENTER AND F;N'1'ER INTO;1 LE;\SE AGRF.F.YIF:N'I' W'1'I'H THE STATE OF ALASKA DRPAR7'1\IENT OF :1D1\lINISTRATION FOR APYROX1~1;1TEL1' 7.79 ACRES UFSCRIBEll :1S TIIE UNSUBDIVIDF:U KFMAINDER OF BLOCK I, FOURTH OF' JTILI' CRF.EIi SUBDIVISION, SF'.\\'ARll Y1:1RI:YE INDUSTRIAL CFN"I'F:R, SE\\':1RD RECORDING DIS"I RIC'h, I~HIRD JUDICLIL DISTRICT, STA'T'E OFALASKt1, FOR TIIE PCRPOSF: OF CONSTRUCTING AND OPF.RA'1'ING A FIRE/S:1FF.Tl' TRAININ(~ F'AC1Ll'I'1' BY TIIE :1LASKA VOCATIONAI. "TECHNICAL EDUCATION CF;N'TER \~'HFRF.AS, in 2[104 the City entered into ajuinl use agreement for cooperative uae ofCity- owned land in the Seward Marine Industrial llistrict [or purposes of constructing and operating a fire.safe[v training facility; and ~ WIIEREAS, the Alaska Vocational Technical Education Center ("AVTEC"), as an V instrumentality ofthe State of Alaska, would like M lease the land tiom the City, which would allow AVTEC to utilize State funds to continue construction and expansion of the facility; and V4'IIEREAS, the Dcparment of Administration is the department of the State that coordinates leases, would pay a reduced rent of $500 per year and would caninue. ro allow the City to use the site for fire and other safety training purposes;and \i'HERE:\S, a lease for less than fair market rental value will service the public interest by providing benclits to the City inhaving a fire/safety training facility available, and other intangible henefits to the conununity lium having trained emergency responders in our commm~ity. NO\1','I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY COUNCII.OF THF.CITY OF SF.\\'ARD, ALASK.a, that: Section 1. 1'he City Manager is hereby authorized to terminate the 2004 joint use agreement related to [he fireitraining center and enter inro a the Icasc agreement with the State of :Vaska Department ofAdministration and the use agreement with the Alaska Vucetiunal Education Center, bah in substantial form as presented at this meeting. Section 2. Tho recitals above are incorporated herein by reference. ('I7 Y O[' SE~i'ARD, :1LASKA RL;tiOI.L"TIO:V 2008-005 Section 3. This resolution shall take effect thirty days after its adoption and hosting. PASSED AND APPROI'Ell by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 28'h day of January, 201)8. THF. CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA Clark Corbridge, IVtayor , Al'ES: Dunham, Valdatta, Bardarsan, Amberg, Smith, Kellar, Corbridge NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None :1TTF.ST Jean ;Lewis, CMC,;City Clerk (City S~IJIJ~ ~GGKP~t{q*:'' J'+„ <~~' ~`' U ? :. •`~ ~ j S1 i1.y~ : O Y h l~~j~fUCU sa~.L`. Council Agenda Statement ~4eeting Date: January 28. ZOUb Through: Philip Oates, City Manager ', -~ - from: Kirslcn Vesel, Assistant Cily Manager ~i/ Dave S~luires, fire Chiel' Agenda Item: Authorizing the City Manager to terminate the. joint use agnemcnt and enter into a Lease Agreement with tttc State ofAlaska Department ofAdministration for use of land by Alaska Vocational Technical F_.ducation Center (AVTF.Cj fur conslructirtg and operating a tin: training facility and signalise Agreement with AV'fFC'. BACKGKOIINT) & JUSTI<' ICA'1'1O~1: The City and AVTEC are currently working under a joint use agmement to provide fire h~aining services un land owned by the Cily in the Seward Marine Industrial Center ("SMtC"), AVTT'sC, through the State of Alaska, desires to leace the land at less Utan fair market rental value and in consideration for the reduced rent the City will continue lu have use of the site for training purposes. •4 public hearing was scheduled in May 2WV for the purpose of seeking council approval for a lease, but the lease was pulled from the agenda at AVTI;C's reyucst. hr August 2006, AV"I"!rC notified the City it was interested in purchasurg, rather than leasing, the property. In late L'all ?006, Council held a work session to hear lium AV'TF.C representatives, and others, ideas about leasing or purchasing the land, and continued joint rtse by the City. Following the work session, the City Manager met with AV'T'F.C represenlativcs to discuss terms of an aF;reement, Since that tune period City Stall'artd Administration have had many diseassions un different versions ol'the (case and axe agreements. 'The lease preseartud today for Council's approval would lease approximately 7.79 acres of City land to the SWIG ul'Alaska for $500 per year rent. The City would be permitted to continue to use the facility !Detraining Purposes. The State, through AVTEC; would coustruct the ncxxssary Facilities to provide fire and emergency response training under a variety of scenarios. Upon execution of the leases the existing agreement for joint use would terminate. As apart of the lease a new use. xgrecrnerrt was devetupcxt which clearly identities each parties resporesibitities fir the Fire Training Facilih . cowsrsT~irct' cTT~C!<LTST: \'~'here applicable. this resolution is consistent with the Seward City Code, Charier, Comprehensive Plans, Latui Use Plans, Strategic Ylan and City Council Rules of Procedures. FISCAL N()TF.: l'he (:ity would n~:civc $500 per yeaz rent and would retain use of the facility for training purposes, Approved by Finance Deparimcnt (~~ •, if ~ RECOMMENllA"1'1UN: Council approves Resolution 2008- 005 authorizing the City Manager to terminate We 2004 joint use agreement and enter into a Lease with the State of Alaska Department of AdnurusVation for the fire training facilig~ in SMIC for $500 per year rent and sign the Use agreement with the Alaska Vocational Technical Education Center. ~f J