HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-012Sponsoretl by: Oams CI LY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2008-012 r A RESOLUTION OF THF, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CtTY OF SEWARp, ALASKA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAOF.R TO PURCHASE A 20^ EXTENSION FOR THE 30 TON TRAVELIFI WITH ALL NECESSARY TUBING. ANU HARDWARE FOR A PRICE NOT-TO-EXCEED $9,885.00 AND FOR A LEAD TECHMCIAN TO3UPERVISE THE IN6'1'ALLATION FOR A PRICE NOT-TO-EXCEED 56.020.00 INCLUDING AIRFARE, ACCOM1IMODATTONS, VEHICLE RENTAL, PER DIEM,AND LARORAND APPROPRIATE FONDS WHEREAS, in 200fi [he Harbor purchased a new 50 tan TraveliR with the intention of widetdnK thwnaohiue wbrn ¢ new IiR dock was built; vnd WHEREAS, thevew extensionwill allow Ihel{¢rhorto be oapablu ofliltlvgwider boats in the 40' ro 50'range; and WHEREAS, Iheuew lift dock ismnrcntly wderwnsnucdon and scheduled to bewmpleted by mid March; and WHEREAS, "Marine TraveliR" is the Inclusive manufacturer of pans, and bolds the werranry for the Seward Tmvelift, ¢nd ... WHEREAS, professiov¢I services that regoim epcclal knowledKe wdjudgment or aWcr speciali>ed services ere cxompl Gom thewmpetitive prowremcut procalurq wd WHEREAS, the public imetest would be hest served by notrequinnK the wmpetitive hid process. NOW, [HEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVRD RY THE CITY COUNCIL OETHE CITY OF $F.W ARU, ALASKA IhaL Seellon L The City Manager is authorized m purchase the 2U^ cxmmion for the 50 ton TraveliR form Kendrick tlOnipment al the price ofnot-m-exceed $9,SSSUU. Section A The City Manager is authoriz4 t0 approve the Lead Teclmicien Irvm Kendrick Equipment to supervise the inetallalien at a priunot-to<xca 4,$6,020.00. Section 3. Fonds are hereby appropriated Gom the Harbor Retained comings account nU. 401-OOOOJO50lo the Itarhor 50-Tqr LiR Division aauwl no. 401-0150-5930. 9cctiov 4. This resolwiov sh¢II take effect imvmdiatcly upon its adoption. PASSED AND AYYRUVED by the City COUncil of the city of Seward, Alaska, this 11'" day of February, 200A. C)TY OF SEN~ARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 200&013 THE Cl'fY OF22SFWARD, ALASKA Clerk~ge, Ma AYES: ValdaugDWarsoq Ambug, SmilM1, KClIer, Coebrid6e NDES: Noae ABSENT: DuN~am ABSTAIN: Nooc A'PIES'1': 1~ Lcwie, C1 lC ry Clerk (C ty Seal) .,~ J'~LTsvr' o .: `Go~~1, ~~'n.a, a ~t J Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: Prbnmry 11, 2008 To: Phi6P Oates, City Manager Nrom: Iim Lv:wis. Acting Har W m~as4;c Agenda Item: PurchainK a 20" extension to Nrc SU t0v Trevelift aM authodun stead Technicienm sucervix the installmion, RACKOROUND &.IUSTIPfCATION~ In 200fi, the k1azWr pmcbaxda rvw 50 tort Tmvclift with replan to widrn the lifl wNCn anew lift dock wa hunt. 'fhc widevivg of the Tmvelift will allow the harbor the nhility m IiR mt ever growing numM of boats 16' 101].5' and in the 60 to 50 t t range. The new lift duk is nearing wmpleaon and ehe curtent dock willbe haviugwmk Mneon it eo itwill rwrbe availahM. Ateod Teulmician is recommended to supervise the safety and ovemeo the potential liehility o4 the instsllmi0n. This item was not facmred into We 2008 budget. Wben the new duck ismmpletedmound mid-March, Ox Trevelift will nM M ablcto use itbeesuse the machine will npl be wide movgM1 without this extcvsipn. The pmt had m be ordered 6 weeks Prior to insmllatiov because the manufacturer had to asmnbla it The technician is ¢utatively scheduled to superviecthc installffion ov March I], 2008. Them is an urgency with the timing of this insWlaNOn. Once the rxw vavcliR duck is in, the old vaveliN dock will nothe available dueto re-deckinK thatwill hegira afterfie completiunofthenew travcllft dock, Nerefnre the machine would not by available to Me pvhlia without Ws oxtension. If it had tu go though an RPP pmm%q this mechhm would ba dowv for at lea ttwo mouths, IosirtK potemial revrnue eud the ability to lift boat dudnK emergency siluatiovs. Fnr the reasons sorted below inthe Seward citycodc, wwuil can dceidetha[[he public's best wteresiwill he served by not reywring wmpetitive bids ou tWS project 1) 'Iho article is patented and exempt of Ibe wmpeNtiva Pmcumment proceduros order SCC 6.10.120ia)(1). 2) Insmllatimr and the useofnon-MaNne 9'mvcti4 paM will void the wartmrty ofthc lmvatift machine This le cx0mptofthecomP¢NNvepracwemenlpruceduresundm3CC6.10.12U(a) (A). 3) This msmllatirnt fulls under prolessiuval services [hat rquve special knowledge and J udgmem or other specidi isd scrvias, wbich are exempt ftom Ox wmpeNNve Pmcmement pmccdures wder SCC 630.120 (a) (8). Ail 4) If those services wore provided by z tympany other thin Mwinc'frxvelifl, wiW Ric time fie involved, ure poleufiel mas nrre~wne ane me rw~ tharihewarrmry nfine~cnae will ba voided is not N the publio interest. The Harbor Departmwt behoves thatihc publio would be best served by not requiring wmpetitive bids forthis purebaee, whicfi the comcil is allowed wder SCA 6.]0.130. INTENT: To allow the Ttaveli0 more -exibiliry m luting veseels awl to fit i nm We design of the new Gft dock. f.ON615TENCV CHECLT,[ST: Where applicable, ibis resolufion is wnsistentwish [be Seward Cily Code, Chmtu~r, Comprebevuive 1'Ims, Inntl Use Plans, Shategic Plm and City Council Rules ofprvwdure<. Dthee CAL NOTE: The price for the 20" exlwsion ineloding all tubing and hanlware is $Q885.00 and for Ore Lead TeeWUCian cisarges are an addirionel $(1020.00. This includes a'vfare, eccosmm~datinns, vehicle rentnl, per diem, and labor. ~/ ~ ~ Approved 6Y Finance [kPonmcnt:a/4t6t+~: !?z~ w+~ Rk;CUMMENIIATIUN: ~` Council approve Rewhrcion 2008 bl), authoridng [be Ci ry Manager to purchase a 20"extension for Ne 50' [ravelift and approve the use ofa head Techrdcian N supervise Ne insUllatium 49