HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-017Sponsored bY: Oates CICY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ~ RESOLUTION 2008-U1] A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'rHE CITY OF 6EW AItD BUPPURTING TIIE PASSAGE UFSENATE BILL I I9 (AN ACT RELATING TO GRANT PRUGAAM6 TO SUYPURT LIBRARIES) W [IEREAR, pub lie libraries aze gesusvlly fundcA by twat gov esnmrnts and school hbrmies am lbndal by the lornl orregioiwl school diatricw;and WIICREAS, 6ermte Bill I I9 pmvidas for muoh nccdW ntna funding for Alaska's libmrice, bosh school and public, mrd WHEREA6,Seetion 2 ofSeiutc Bill l L9, AS 4.56355,oddressen Aluska'spubltelibsarics needs for more wd dim nt space; and WHEREAS, Section 2 of Sartaw Bill i19, AS 456355, wi6 calablish a motohing gcant program That coulQ mbjec[to appropriations, aw~ml up to 50% ofthe total graotproject wst, either new conavuclion or renovation, with 2U% lium local government amity and l0% from private donors; end \vHEREA6, research shows that children io schools with larger book colladions mode better gains in wading and WHEREAS, Section l ofSemm gill 119, AS 14.56.360, estvfilishes a poblip eGlool library collwtive development Krant program m award end administer armual grants of np to 53,000 "m expand and impmve d~c library collection m inoh,de mbvant and current renting materials"; and WHEREAS, it is rho invent of this resolntion to ecek support far SB 119 fm~n the City Cowcil of the City of Seward. NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CICY COUNCIL OF THE CCCY UN SE WARD. ALASKA that Section 1. The Sewmd C'.ity Council supponspassage of Senate dill 119 "An Act relating to grznt pmframs to snppnrt librmics" Swoon 2. The citymonageris dirccmd to forward tfiis resolution ofenpport to all membea of the Alaska State LrKislnture by MvrcF I5, 2W8. Seetlon 3. 'Hris msolmion shell take afieet immrdialnly upon its vdaption. PASSF,D AND AYYROVED by the City Cnuneil of We Ciry of Seward, Alaska, this IU'" day of March, 200A. CITV OF SEWARD, ALASKA RF.SOi.LT1ON 2008-019 THF. CITY OF SEWARO, ALASKA Clark Core AVES. Dunham, Valdatta, Bardareoq Amberg Smith Kellar, Corbridge NOES: None ABSENT: Nooc ABSTAEJ: Nooc ATTEST: 1 r ]~~ Lew ytMC City Clark Iciry Sexy ;e`~'F1O'F.., J~ .'0,5 o. _v-' `°a •':qu, t1,M1~M1,~ir t `'>FOF ALN'3•• r Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: March 10, 2008 Through: PWIIiP Oates, City Manag~ Ymm: Yatrida Livvillq Library llvcctor Ageedn item: A Resolution of the City Cwncil of the City of Seward Suppnning Passage of Senate Ril l 119 (An Act Relating m Omnt Programs to Support Libraries) Alaska libraries open Nev doom to ell citizens, providin6 education, hdbnwtion ewes and entwwizwent. Yet, our public libraries me solely tunAed by IoW govenwent rntities WWIe school liMaries are fwded by the local nr regional school district. Swate Rill 119 offers stae funding to help small Alaskan commwitiex provide library space and materials to its citizens. Swdun 2 of Sewte Bi11119 ercuUvg AS 14.56.155, addresses AWka's pubhc Gbmries aced for ore cad diti vl space. This bill will auWodze awards up l0 50% of the IoW grwl pryacl wet, either now cowvucdon or renovatlon, w w Wigiblc applicant from commwAUes wltlt a populaUOn of less Uten 10,000. Eligible cownusdty 6ovemmrnt rntities would provide not less thw 20% of the protect total with private donations aupPlYin6 the remaiWng funds. While still providing materials for education cad entertainment m their communities, Alnxka's public Ibrvries have also become the center for public intemet accexs. Initially library pavws used Me intemet for persotW wmmmdcatian. As all levels of govemmrnt provide their documents and f rms un-Iwe intemn use az the library hex became w esumUal service. Alaskans swking IRS forms, applying 1'or Ihair PYU and/or neWivB City licenses and dwuments come to the library daily for assistanw. Macy ofthe buildings that serve as public libraries Nrooghoot Ne etamam too srusll wdlor lack Useelectrical capacity and apaw to el5urntly and eBectively Drovide these services and technologies. Por eligible school libraries that suMnit a grwt applicatioq AS 14.Sfi.36Q creatM by Senate Rill 119, affecs up m $3000 awuWly "m egpwd cad improve the library collection tv include relevant cad coven[ reading materialsTAlaska's school libraries need eomistwt fwding to provide updated and cumnl material to students. ]'his bill woWd promote the goal that children Woughout Ne stale, whether when or rtnal, woWtl have awass W new matedals every year. 1'hc bill will auppott our school cffotte to produw mom pmficicvt modem at all grade levels. Resemch shows clWdrcn w schools with larger book collections made better gains iv reading.' '5epmeawes 6eopee~Ing libaWywllGiwu'epgtw~obo llnkNrosmesr a^biavemwn "ThOllbrarias In tnonlgRpn(oeming ..~n~m. ro.*~ ~.U xsw ~~a mug.. M m~kY.~e nom n,.v..iw. z. I ao.wd..~e m~ maK m u~ I~.-r~*r~i~s ~nunl... PJaseaalcenaxere, r ae, M xonm nu.g'n zlwo INTENT: 47 It in iheintwt of Ws resolution to have the City Cowcil ofthc CBIy of Snwarvl support Senate Bill 119 by paving this resolution wd fnnvardin6 it [o members ofthc Alaska Swie Legislazwe before the wd of the event legislative sesxion. f,UNSISTENCY CI~CE115T: Where apphceblq this agenda awnmevt is consistent with Ue Seward Ciry Coda Charteq C.nmprehensive Plws, Laud Usc PIanR Stramgic Plan wd City Cow l Rules of Precedums. Other FISCAL NOTE: Approved by Fiwnw Deparm:mt ~/(/ RF.COMM1fENDA'I'ION: City Cowcil nfthe Cityof Sewatd Supporting Yassagc of5wate 8111119 (An Act Relaongm Greet Programs m Support I,ihrariex). H3