HomeMy WebLinkAbout05082008 Planning & Zoning MinutesCity of Seward Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 Volume 6, Page 2 ~ 2 Call to Order The May 8, 2008 Regular Meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Marianna Keil. Opening Ceremony Commissioner McClure led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Marianna Keil presiding, and Sue McClure Margaret Anderson Steven Heinrich comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Bob Hicks, Community Development Director Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Absent was: Sandie Roach'- Excused City Administration Report Community Development Director Bob Hicks updated the Commission of the following business items: • A Planning and Zoning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission Joint Work Session was scheduled for May 20, 2008. Information for the work session had been provided. • The SMIC Plan had been approved by Council and copies were available at the Clerk's Office. • The P.A.R.K.S build was from May 13-18, 2008 and volunteers were needed. • The Community Development Office had been receiving applications for business license renewal and began enforcement on prior violations and had denied a few licenses. In response to Keil, Hicks discussed some of the business licenses that had been denied. Commission recessed from 7:34 p.m. to 7:36 p.m. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations -None. ..r Citizens' Comments on any subject except those itetfis scheduled for Public Hearing -None City of Seward, Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 Volume 6, Page 2 7 3 Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Motion (Anderson/McClure) Approve the Agenda and the Consent Agenda By general consensus, the Leirer Subdivision legal description in Resolution 2008-08 was added to Unfinished Business and the April 15, 2008 Special Meeting Minutes were removed from the Consent Agenda. Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Consent Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing -None New Business Items requiring a Public Nearing -none Unfinished Business - Leirer Subdivision Legal Description in Resolution 2008-08 ~,,, Anderson referred to the amendment noted in the April 15, 2008 minutes reflected on page 31 of the May 8, 2008 packet. She stated the motion made and passed unanimously was correct in the minutes. She explained that she and Hicks observed the area under consideration and identified the Leirer Subdivision differently than what was described in the minutes. She clarified there was not an error in the minutes but the amendment was for the Leirer subdivision only. Kell stated Anderson and Hicks were authorized to obtain the legal description of the area for City Council. Anderson stated the description went to the City Council correctly. In response to Bailey, Anderson stated the information should be included under unfinished business to clarify the legal description vn Resolution 200$-08 and what was presented to Council. New Business - RESOLUTION 2008-09, Approving the 2008-2009 P & Z Priority List Motion (McClure/Heinrich) Approve Resolution 2008-09 Hicks stated staff was working on some of the items on the priority list. City of Seward, Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 Volume 6, Page 27 4 In response to Anderson, Hicks stated people he had talked to did not live within the Seward City limits and he was unsure how to recruit members for the Commission. Heinrich discussed the Seward City Limit requirement and discussed different options. He discussed his current living situation and mentioned there was a whole group of people the Commission could not tap into. Anderson interjected the Commission was governed by the laws of the City because they were more of a legal body. In response to Keil, Hicks stated he did not know if it was a statutory requirement but it could be a problem if someone who resided outside the City limits made decisions on inside City limit issues. In response to Keil, Hicks stated wind turbines would be dealt with in Title 15 and explained issues that could arise and may need to be addressed by the Commission. The Commission discussed wind turbines and how the Commission would like to handle them. Anderson suggested that all wind turbines need to come before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit and be considered on an individual basis. The Commission continued to discuss the possibilities of wind turbines and requirements for the conditional use permits. Motion (KeiUHeinrich) Amend Resolution number 8, Wind Priority List 2008-09 b3' striking Turbines, from the Heinrich stated this was a small issue but it may behoove the Commission to discuss the size of the wind turbines. Anderson discussed the importance of the items and how she thought flood management was more important than the Nash Road Bench Study and items needed to be moved around a little bit. Hicks stated flood management was almost completed. Bailey called a point of order to vote on the motion on the floor. Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (Anderson/Heinrich) Amend Resolution 2008-09 by striking i„ Flood Management from the Priority List City of Seward, Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 Volume 6, Page 2 7 5 Heinrich clarified that flood management would be removed from the priority list since it was almost completed. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent In response to Heinrich, Hicks stated the Nuclear Power Discussion was civil and informative. Hicks stated he had books about nuclear energy that the Commission could use. The Commission continued to discuss nuclear power and priority list number 9, Meet with Port and Commerce Advisory Board to discuss the South Harbor Uplands, City Owned Land and the Possibility of Nuclear Power. The Commission discussed the priorities and how they would like them prioritized. Motion (Anderson/McClure) Amend Resolution 2008-09 by moving item number 3, Rewrite of Title 15 to item number 2 Keil agreed this was a good amendment. Motion Passed Motion (Anderson/McClure) Unanimous Consent Amend Resolution 2008-09 by moving item number 6, Enforcement, to item number 5 Motion Passed Motion (Anderson/Heinrich) Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Amend Resolution 2008-09 by striking "...City Owned land and the Possibility of Nuclear Power" from item number 9 and moving item number 9, Meet with Port and Commerce Advisory Soard to discuss the South Harbor Uplands to item number 6 Unanimous Consent In response tv Anderson, Hicks explained the Two Lakes Park Replat and the Waterfront Park Replat. In further response to Anderson, Hicks stated the Waterfront Park Replat was probably more important than the Two Lakes Park Replat. Motion (Anderson/Heinrich) Amend Resolution 2008-09 by making the Waterfront Park Replat item number 7, City of Seward, Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 Volume 6, Page 27 6 the Two Lakes Park Replat item number 8, the Nash Road Bench Study item number 9 and the . Annual Community Values Meeting would be item number 10 In response to Anderson, Hicks stated he did not have an issue with the new priority item order. Motion Passed Unanimous Consent In response to Heinrich, Keil listed the new priority order. In response to Anderson, Keil clarified the city Land Disposal Policies and Procedures was included. Main Motion as Amended Unanimous RESOLUTION 2008-10 Granting a second 6 month extension to Conditional Use Permit No. 2007-03, issued to Tom & Lori Swann for the development of an 11-room hotel at 504 Adams Street located in a Central Business District (CBD) Hicks reported the construction had been delayed to the spring of 2009 due to another construction project. In response to Keil, Hicks stated the Commission could only extend the Conditional Use permit for six months at a time. Motion (HeinrichlAnderson) Approve Resolution 20118-10 In response to Keil, Hicks stated the conditional use permit may be issued for six months because conditions may change that would affect it. The Commission discussed the conditional use permit and the extension limit. Motion Approved Unanimous April 15, 2008 Meeting Minutes Keil stated that the April 15, 2008 meeting minutes had been taken care of under unfinished business. The Commission took no further action on this. Informational Items and Reports (No action required) - City of Seward, Alaska Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2008 volume 6, Page 2 7 7 Scenic America Letter Commission Comments - Anderson thanked Hicks for his hard work on Title 15. Heinrich concurred and stated Hicks had explained the changes well. Keil stated she looked forward to reviewing the rest of the code. Hicks commented on his Title 15 progress. The Commission granted Keil approval to discuss an informational item. In response to Keil, Hicks discussed the Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance Lawsuit and the appeal to the 9~' Circuit Court. In further response to Keil, Hicks explained the permit issue. Citizens' Comments --None Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments -None Anderson requested the Commission return to the scheduled work session to continue work on Title 15 after the meeting. Adjournment Motion (AndersoniMcClure) Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. ~~~ ~~ ~~ Anne'Bailey, .~~J Executive Liaison ~ $~ ~~~. o w ••. Ci Seal ~~ ..««...,' ~'~ o+~r~'4-~. ( ty ) ~~ ~. ~ . • ~~~:,'~ ~ ~.- ~ 0 ~- ~ 9 Na~..N ~. ~~ oF~ a~~;~'~Y Adjournment Unanimous Conseat 0 ~. ~~ M 'anna Keil Chair