HomeMy WebLinkAbout07012008 Planning & Zoning MinutesCrry oJSeHmrd. A/askn p(Qaning Commiss/on Minutes Ja/v L 2008 /olume 6, Page 2 7 8 Call to Order 'Che July 1, 2008 Regular Meeting of the Sewazd Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chair Marianna Keil. Opening Ceremony Commissioner McClure led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call "there were present Marianna Keil presiding, and Sue McClure Margaret Anderson Steven Heinrich comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Bob Hicks, Community Development Director Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Absent was: Sandie Roach' City Administration Report Community Development Director Bob Flicks updated the Commission of the following business items: Tfie Parks and Recreation Department needed 14 to 17 year olds [o work on the ALPAR project for four hours a day. The Alaska Blood Bank would be in town July 2-3, 2008 from 8:00 a.m, to 2 p.m. for blood donations. An appeal had been filed from a notice of violation in regaeds to construction in a flood plain. The Commission would receive this issue in their quasi-judicial capacity, they were encouraged not to discuss this issue with the public and the time of the appeal was uncenain. Keil noted for the record she had an ex pane contact on the issue and would declare it at the meeting. She suggested the Community Development Department send out a notice of items that may be appealed so the Commission would know what they were able to talk about. Hicks stated the appeal was with Afognak Construction and [he property was the bridge crossing Japanese Creek. _ cry ~~s~„rd, ln.,an lulu 1. 2008 Planning Commission Mlnu[es Volume 6, Paee 27 9 Keil suggested the Commissioners go out to look at the Japp Creek area. In response to Keil, }licks stated pictures would be available at the meeting. In response to Anderson, Hicks stated that the appeal must occur within 30 days of the notice of appeal and would probably take place at the end of July. He discussed the appeal process and stated the City Clerk would set the hearing date. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations -None. Citizens' Comments on any subject except those items scheduled for Public Hearing -None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Motion (Anderson/McClure) Approve the Agenda and the Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The following items were approved on the Consent Ageuda: Apri115, 2008 Special Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing -None New Business Items requiring a Public Hearing- RESOLUTION 2008-11 Recommending Kenai Peninsula Borough Approval of the Original Townsite of Seward, Swann Replat, Coneieting of the (Location 1) 504 Adams, East 2/3 of Lots 21, 22, 23 and the South %: of the East 2/3 Lot 24, Block 17; and (Location 2), Comer of Ballaioe and Railway, Lot 7A, Block 7, Lindsey Replat and Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 7, Original Townsite of Seward Hicks reviewed Resolution 2008-11 and explained the situation with the two lots and what was being done on the plat map. He noted the Commission approved Conditional Use Permits to allow the Swamt Nest Inn to become a hotel and to construct townhouses in 2008. Hicks stated staff recommended in favor of the replat. In response to Anderson, Hicks stated he thought the two parcels were combined under the same plat for economical purposes and he assumed the district recorders office would accept the areas on one plat map. CiN OfSewarq Alaska Planning Commission Minu(ex July [, 2008 Volume 6, Page 2 B Q Notice of public bearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. `~ Tom Swanu, inside City limits, stated the surveyor recommended the locations be replatted at the same time to save money. He clarified there was one replat being done for two different properties. Magdy Aldo F,1 Sourougy, inside City limits, stated his concem was with the hours of construction and did not want them working at 9 or ] 0 at night. Charlie Finn, inside Ciry limits, stated she had questions for Swann and wanted to know if there was access to the plans. She noted the disappointment in losing the view and wondered about privacy, the dirt road and asked about the new lots. The Commission suspended the rules to allow the public to speak. Swann explained there were several different odd sized lots and the replat replaced the old property lines with new ones creating four separate areas. He stated the alley would remain the same. Motion (KeiU) Take a recess to allow the public to discuss the items and take a look at the plans Motion Failed Uue to a lack of a second the public discussed the alley and other issues of concem. In response to Finn, Swarm stated the lawn would not be affected by the construction and the stakes were placed there for reference. River Sheldon, inside City limits, voiced her concem with privacy, fire access, where the parking lot would be and not having a picture of what the townhouses would look like. She mentioned the dust problem and wondered if something could be done to alleviate the problem. She reiterated her concerns. In response to Sheldon, Keil stated the fire department had approved the plans and stated privacy may not be an issue. In response to Sheldon, Swam stated he did not bring the plans with him, was unsure how to address the privacy issue and discussed the townhouses further. Swaun stated he would attempt to address the dust problem. In further response to Sheldon, Kei] and Hicks stated there was a noise ordinance. Sheldon stated she had wished they had known about this earlier. Ciry of Seward, Alaska Julv 1. 200R Planning Commiss7on Minutes Volume 6. Puee 281 No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. In response to the public, Keil stated the Commission had access to the plans at a public meeting a work session had been held and notice of the project had been given. The public continued to discuss the request to see the plans. Keil called for order and restated [hat the public hearing was closed. Motion (Anderson/McClure) Approve Resolution 2008-011 Heinrich stated he understood why the applicant wanted to put the two locations on one replat and he did not have a problem with this. He asked for clarification of the locations. A member of the public began speaking and Kcil called for order. Anderson noted the Commission was here to address the replat and the building permit process had already gone through [he planning department. She stated the Commission had already approved the townhouse plan. Keil hoped the builder would take into consideration the concerns of the public and would try to keep the noise levels within the requirements of the City. Anderson commented if anyone had any problems with the construction process it should be discussed with the planning department. Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business -None New Business - RESOLUTION 2008-12, Recommending Kenai Peninsula Borough Approval of Lot 19A, Block 26, Original Tawnsite of Seward, Lemaster Replat, at 401 Second Avenue Hicks reviewed Resolution 2008-12 and stated the owner would like to build a residence and a small apartment on the lots which required the owner to vacate the internal lot line. He stated staff recommended the approval of Resolution 2008-12. Motion (Heinrich/MeClure) Approve Resolution 2008-12 In response to Heinrich, I{icks stated the apartment would probably be similaz to a mother- ,~ in-law unit and not a large complex. Crty o~Sewar~l .A7nska July 1. 200H Motion Passed Unanimous Planning Commission Minutes VolumeQ Pape 282 Set a Work Session to Discuss the Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedures Hicks stated Bailey had worked on the Planning and Zoning Rules of procedure and it was ready for Commission review. Ry general consensus, the Commission set a work session to discuss Planning and Zoning Rules of Procedures for July 15'" at 6:30 p.m. In response to Anderson, Hicks stated Title 15 had not been completed but he was continuing to work on complefing i[. In response to Anderson, Bailey stated the Land Usc Planning portion of Title IS was discussed at the previous work session. Hicks stated the Commission would be given the opportunity to discuss the Land Use Planning portion of'fitle 15 again. Informational Items and Reports ~n aclion required) -None Commission Comments - [vlcClure stated she felt bad for the public who attended and wished there was a way w educate the public on P &, Z procedures. She believed the public got the wrong impression because they were not aware of what the Commission was discussing. Anderson interjected [hat people did not get upset until work began and stated notice on the townhouses had been provided. She stated it would behoove the city to identify areas to put bed load. She stated the rail road had beuefitcd from the bed load and she saw areas that could benefit from bed load use which could benefit the Ciry financially. She menfioned hiring consultant engineers and using the hydrologist hired by the Borough to review low lying areas. Heinrich sympathized with the public, believed many of the questions were answered and discussed some of the publics concerns. He requested a map that showed the name of the City's subdivisions. Hicks stated the Community Development Office could construct a map for review. Kcil commented staff had sent out a notice to the building owner and it was the owner's responsibility to contact the residents of the building to let them know a public hearing was happening. Hicks stated staff could attempt to make an extra effort to notify the tenants. Ciq~ aJ Seward, Alnska The Commission discussed methods of notifying the public. Citizens' Comments -None Plann(ng Commfssian Mlmdes Volume 6, Pape 283 Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments -None In response to Anderson, Kei] stated the July I5, 200R Work Session would begin at 6:30 p.m. Adjournment Motion (McClure/Heinrich) Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Ann Hailey, Hxe olive Liaison ~....uwap SEw4 (City Seal) ~.U},ry ~F. '~'~ •. . ~ v ,;i v e F / Adjournment Unanimous Consent r ianna Keil Chair