HomeMy WebLinkAbout11192008 Historic Preservation PacketSeward Historic Presei^vation Commission Regular Meetin November 19, 2008 Regular Meeting City Council Chambers Beginning at 6:30 pm Seward Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting November 19, 2008 6.•30 p. m. City Council Chambers Tom Swann Chair Term Expires OS/]0 Jolund Luther Vice-Chair Term Expires OS/11 John 1~'rench Commissioner Term Expires 05,11 Greg Carpenter Commissioner Term Expires 5/09 Vacant Commissioner Term Expires OS/10 /,inda Lasota Commissioner Term Expires 05,09 Doug Capra Commissioner Term Expires 5/09 Phillip Oates City Manager Patricia Linville Lihrary Director Anne Bailey Executive Liaison Ryan Reynolds Library/Museum Staff L Call to Order 2. Opening Ceremony A. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Special Reports A. City Administration Report R. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations 1. Friends of the Jesse Lee Home Update-Swann 2. Website Updates -Luther 3. Alaska Statehood Experience Grant- Linville 4. Alaska Historical Society-Capra 5. Citizens' Comments on Agenda items Not Scheduled for Public Hearing and Other Items Not Included on the Agenda. [Those who have signed in will he given the first opportunity to speak. Time is limited to 2 minutes per speaker and 317 minutes total time for this agenda item) 6. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda. [Approval of ConsentAgenda passes adl routine items indicated by asterisk (*). Consent .Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Commissioner so requests. In the event of such a request, the item is returned to the Regular Agenda.] Historic Preservation Commission Regular Meeting Agenda November 19, 2008 7. Public Hearings [Limit comments to S minutes. Those who have signed in will be given the first opportunity to speak] -None 8. Unfinished Business -None 9. New Business A. CLG Grant Discussion ................................................................................... Page 3 B. 2009 HP Commission Meeting and Agenda Cut-Off Dates .......................... Page 5 * C. September 17, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes ............................................. Page 7 * D. September 23, 2008 Special Meeting Minutes ............................................ Page 12 10. Informational Items and Reports (No action required) -None 11. Commission Comments 12. Citizens' Comments [Limit to S minutes per individual -Each individual has one opportunity to speak) 13. Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments 14. Adjournment Historic Preservation Commission November 19, ?008 Regular Meeting Agenda 2 Historic Preservation Agenda Statement Meeting Date: November 19, 2008 Through: Library llirector, Patricia Linville From: Library/Museum Staff, Ryan Reynolds Agenda Item: 2008 Certified Local Government Grant Providing Public Access to the Seward :Historical Site Inventory on the Seward Historic Preservation Website BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: Work is underway on the 2008 Certified Local Government Grant ``Providing Public Access to the Seward Historical Inventory." The Commission needs to update the information in the Seward Historic Inventory, photograph the properties and prepare the information for placement on the Seward Historic Preservation Commission Website. The Commission has determined the photo assignment and the standards for taking photos of the items on the inventory. The grant timeline is shown below: Each July, October, January, and April until Submit to OHA a quarterly progress report for required completion documents are approved the previous 3 months, describing project by OHA activities and referencing dates and items in _ this Scope of Work. June-December 2008 Update information and photograph the properties in the Seward Register of historic Places and the Seward Historical Site Inventory. October-December 2008 _ Prepare request for proposals, advertise, and select database and Website designer for the project. Provide the OHA with a copy of the Rl?P and resume(s) of the contractor. January-June 2009 Design the database and Website. Provide the database and photographs in web compatible format to the City of Seward to add to the Seward Historic Preservation Commission webpage. July-August 2009 Add information and photographs to Seward Historic Preservation Commission webpage. Se tember 30, 2009 Submit final products to OHA: 3 1) 5 copies of the database information. 2) a narrative project report that describes project activities (who, what, where, when, why) and includes website address. 3) minutes of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission meetings showing its awareness and participation in the project. 4) final billing. The total project cost is anticipated to be $6,955.00 with agrant-share of $ 4,173.00 and a local match of $2,782.00. The local portion will be matched by the in-kind services of the Historic Preservation commissioners. All work must comply with The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission provide an update on the progress of the CLG grant. 4 Historic Preservation Agenda Statement Date: November 19, 2008 Through: Patricia Linville, Library Director From: Ryan Reynolds, Library/Museum Staff Subject: 2009 Historic Preservation Meeting and Agenda Cut-off Schedule BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: The Seward City Code states the Historic Preservation Commission shall meet at leasttwice each year. Several years ago the Commission decided to hold meetings only when there were action items to be handled, for a variety of reasons that did n.ot work well. Due to not having regularly pre- scheduledmeetings, the cohesiveness of the Commission began to fade. Approximately four years ago the Commission revisited the meeting schedule and decided to schedule a regular meeting on the third (3`d) Wednesday of each month. To allow for proper public notice all Public Bearing items must be presented to staff three weeks prior to any meeting and regular business items must be presented two weeks prior to any meeting. The Historic Preservation Meeting Agenda must be presented to the City Clerk for publication two Monday's before any public meeting. The attached schedule and agenda cut-aff dates reflex these requirements. Special meetings may be held at the call of the chair or the city manager, and at such other times as the Commission may determine necessary. Work sessions may also be scheduled as needed. Both special meetings and work sessions must also meet the public notice requirements. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2009 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting and Agenda Cut-off schedule. 5 City of Seward 2009 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting and Agenda Cut-Off Dates Unless otherwise noted the Commission shall meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the 3rd Wednesday of each month Public Hearing Items Variance/CUP/Plat Reviews (3 weeks prior to meetin Non Public Hearing Notice Items (2 weeks prior to meeting) Meeting Date December 31, 2007 Janua 7, 2008 Janua 21, 20Q8 Janua 28 February 4 February 18 Februa 25 March 4 March 18 March 25 April 1 April 15 April 29 Ma 6 Ma 2Q May 27 June 3 June 17 June 24 Jul 1 Jul 15 July 29 August 5 Au ust 19 Au ust 26 Se tember 2 Se tember 16 September 30 October 7 October 21 October 28 November 4 November 18 November 25 December 2 December 16 December 30 January 6, 2009 January 20, 2040 6 City of Seward, Alaska Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 17, 2008 Volume 2, Page 93 Call to Order The September 17, 2008 regular meeting of the Seward Historic Preservation Conunission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Tom Swann. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Carpenter led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Chair Tom Swann presiding, and Jolund Luther Greg Carpenter Doug Capra comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Donna Glenz, Associate Planner Patty Linville, Library Director Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Ryan Reynolds, Library Staff Absent were: Linda Lasota- Excused John French- Excused Special Reports City Administration Report- Associate Planner Donna Glenz reported on the following issues: • City Council Work Sessions had been scheduled for September 23 and 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Efficiency Study. • At the October 13, 2008 City Council would appoint a five member special Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee to name the Long Term Care Facility. If interested a letter of urtent was due to the Clerk's Office by 5:00 p.m. on October 6, 2008. • Agenda item number 5 under Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations had been cancelled due to a city employee emergency. • Due to the human resource organization the Executive Liaison position will be transferred to fulfill the Administrative Assistant position for the City Manager. Library Director Patty Linville and Ryan Reynolds would provide staff support for the Commission. • Thanked Bailey for her help with the Boards and Commissions. 7 City of Seward, Alaska Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 17, 2008 Volume 2, Page 94 • Thanked the Cortunission for all the work they did for the City and stated she had enjoyed working with the Cormmission for the past eight years. • Introduced Library Director Patty Linville and Library Staff Ryan Reynolds as the new staff for the Historic Preservation Commission. Library Director Patty Linville reported on the following issues: • The Alaska Statehood Grant group had met and she provided an overview of the event occurring May 1-2, 2009. Linville requested the Cotrunission add the Alaska Statehood Experience Grant as New Business stein E. • Requested the Commission add the FY'09 Certified Local Government Grant to the agenda as New Business Item F. • Linville stated she and Reynolds were excited to be the staff for the Historic Preservation Commission. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations- Friends of the Jesse Lee Home Update-Swann- Swann stated there had been a problem with the request for bids, the project was moving forward and they would break ground in 2009. Website Updates- Luther- None Hoben Park- Karin Sturdy- Glenz reported the fountain had been completed, the Parks and Recreation Department had submitted a check request to pay Harmon Construction and the maintenance staffwas researching ordering a cover for the fountain. She concluded the Finance Department was responsible for the final submission and the FY'2007 Certified Local Government grant would be completed in time. Alaska Historical Society- Doug Capra Capra stated the Alaska Historical Society Conference would be held in Anchorage from October 15-18, 2008. He described the Conference to the Commissioners. Luther stated he would attend the Conference from October 16-18, 2008. Linville stated she would be attending on October 16, 2008. Swann requested the Hoben Park report be removed from future agendas and the Alaska Statehood Experience Grant be added. 8 City of Seward, Alaska SeptembeN 17, 2008 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume ~. PaQe 9 s ' ag,.~ u..,.~,.„.~.:__ t~__:_ n . • [pulled by staff until further notice. Citizens' Comments on Any Subject Except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing- None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (Carpenter/Luther) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Swann added New Business Item E. Alaska Statehood Experience Grant and New Business Item F. Fiscal Year 2009 CLG Grant Discussion. Main Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Consent T'he following items were approved under the Consent Agenda: August 20, 2008 Historic Preservation Regular Meeting Minutes Public Hearing -None Unfinished Business- None New Business- Scward's Day Celebration Follow-Up Glenz stated at the last Historic Presewation Meeting they requested more information about the request by the Pioneers to participate in the city-wide Seward's Day Celebration. She stated the Pioneers were going to do a small project and staff recommended the Commission discuss participating in the celebration in 2009 or in 2010. Capra stated he thought the Commission had enough on the agenda and consider doing it on 2010. Luther suggested doing a Fireside Chat in conjunction with the celebration. The Commission further discussed participating in the Seward's Day Celebration. By general consensus, the Historic Preservation Commission declined participating in the 2009 celebration; requested staff send the Pioneers a letter and consider participating in 2010. CLG Grant Discussion 9 City of Seward, Alash-a Historic Preservation Commission Minutes September 17, 2008 Volume 1, Page 96 Luther stated he had not taken photos yet. Swann explained to Linville the FY'08 CLG grant, the requirements and the site uwentory list. In response to Carpenter, Bailey stated staffwould post the notice for the Conunission to take photos in October. "Eye to Eye with Ivan" National Guard Movie Discussion Glenz reported the Commission would host "Eye to Eye with Ivan" on September 30, 2008 at the Rae Building. She provided a brief overview of the logistics for the event and staffrecommended the Commission determine who would bring refreshments and other logistics. Swaim and Luther stated they would not be present. details. The Commission discussed the event in more detail and staff would help coordinate the Alaska Statehood Experience Grant Luther discussed some of the symposium speaker concerns raised by the Alaska Statehood Experience Group. The Conunission discussed the speakers and the logistics of the event in more details. Linville clarified the library museum and the historical society would help with the event and would like to focus on the Seward connection. The Commission fizrther discussed the logistics ofthe symposium. Fiscal Year 2009 CLG Grant Discussion Linville stated the City had received the 2009 Certified Local Government Grant; the Commission had completed the Hoben Park Fountain grant and were working on one right now. Linville recoirunended the Commission not apply for the 2009 CLG grant due to staff changes and other commitments. In response to Capra, Bailey discussed the logistics ofthe grant and what projects the grant was looking for. Luther stated the Commission had created a grant priority list last year to prepare for upcoming grants. 10 City of Seward, Alaska Septemher 17, 2008 Historic Preservation Comrnission Minutes I/olume 7 Pao e ~ Carpenter and Capra recommended not applying for the 2009 CLG Grant and waiting until 2010. Swann suggested writing the grant for the Hoben Park Planters. Luther agreed with Swann and wanted to pursue applying for the grant. The Conunission and staff discussed the grant in greater detail. By general consensus, the Commission decided to apply for the FY'09 CLG Grant. The Commission set a work session to Discuss the FY'09 CLG Grant on September 22, ZOOS at 6:30 p.m. and a Special Meeting on September 23, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. Informational Items - (No action required)- None Commission Comments- Carpenter thanked Bailey and Glenz for their hard work and welcomed Linvile and Reynolds. He apologized for missing the Hoben Park site visit and he wanted to start taking photos of the historical sites. Capra apologized for missing so many meetings this summer. Luther thanked Glenz and Bailey and hoped they would have the same interaction with the new staff. Luther reminded the Commission there was a Historic Preservation vacancy. Swann welcomed Linville and Reynolds. Citizens' Comments [Limit to S minutes per individual- Each individual has one opportunity to speak] -None Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments- None The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Anne Bailey Tom Swann, Chair Executive Liaison (City Seal) City of Seward, Alaska September 23, 2008 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Tjolume 2, Page 93 Call to Order The September 23, 2008 special meeting of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Tom Swann. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Swann led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Chair Tom Swann presiding, and Linda Lasota John French Greg Carpenter Jolund Luther comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Patty Linville, Library Director Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Absent were: Doug Capra- Excused Special Reports-None Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations-None Citizens' Comments on Any Subject Except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing-None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion (Carpenter/Luther) Main Motion Passed Public Hearing -None Unfinished Business- None New Business- Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Unanimous Consent Resolution 2008-06 Selecting "Hoben Park Phase III- Planters" as the Grant Project for the FY'09 State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, 12 City of Seward, Alaska September Z3, 2008 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 2, Page 94 Historic Preservation Fund Grant, and Recommending City Council to Authorize the City Manager to Submit the FY'09 Grant Application to the Office of History and Archaeology, Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation Motion (Carpenter/Lasota) Approve Resolution 2008-06 Linville noted a clerical change would be made in the resolution. Motion Passed Unanimous Informational Items - (No action required)- None Commission Comments- Lasota thanked Bailey and Linville for putting the grant together. The Commission thanked Bailey For her hard work. Citizens' Comments [Limit to S minutes per individual- Each individual laas one opportunity to speak) -None Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments- None The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Anne Bailey Tom Swann, Chair Executive Liaison (City Seal) 13 N O\/Q ~ ~p~ ~oo~ November 2008 December 2008 Y~r `r S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 1Z 13 91D1f 12131415 14151617181920 16 17 18.19 20 21 22 21 2223' 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 30 Monday Tuesday Wednesday- Thursday Frida y November 3 ; 5 - -~--- 7:OOpm-CC WS Budget General Election 12:OOpm PACAB Meeting - - --`-- 7:OOpm CC Budget WS 10 7:DOpm City Council Mtg. ' 11 eteran s Da Offices posed 1 I ~ Y- i - - ~ - -- - 17 18 9 ' - - 20 - - _ ' ~' 2 I 6;30pm ~~1,!~~' p0 -_ ; 6:30pm Historic ---- - ---- 9:OOam Social Security Preservation Rep Meeting 24 2 2 ~ 2 ' 2 7:OOpm City Council Offices Closed Ha Thanks ivin Offices CI Meeting '°"" ^""`Y 1 11/14/2008 11:47 AM ~~ `~~ ~~~ c ~00~ December 2008 S M T W T F S January 2009 S M T'W T F 5 1 2 3'4 5 6 1'"2 3_ 7 8 9 10 l 12 1& 4 5 _6 7 8 9'10 14 1516 17 18 19:20. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25'26 27 18' 19 20 21:22 23 24 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .:Monday -- Tuesiia' Wednesday ' -- Thursday Friday becember l 2 3 - _ _ =- _. 7:30pm P&Z Meeting 12:OOpm PACAB Meeting 1:OOpm PACAB WS r - _ _ a~ __ _ ---- 7:OOpm City Council Meeting ~ :_ .-- 6.30pm 12:OOpm P ., *~ ~% 6:30pm Historic Preservation Meeting -- -~ ------ --i~ 9:OOam Social Security , Rep ~ 7;OOpm City Council 22 __ Meeting ...,291 -__ _ - __ I _ __ Z 12:OOpm Christmas Eve Offices Closed 1/2 Day Nanci Richey 2 11/14%LUUB 11:4/ AM