HomeMy WebLinkAbout04132009 (2) City Council MinutesCity of Seward, Alaska April 13. 2009 CALL TO ORDER City Corutcrl Minutes Volume 3R, PuKe 58 The April l 3, 2009 special meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 10:05 p.m. by Mayor Clark Corbridge. OPENING CEREMONY Police Chief Tom Clemons led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Clark Corbridge presiding and Bob Valdatta Betsy Kellar Willard Dunham comprising a quorum of the Council; and Kirslin Vesel, Acting City Manager Jean Lewis, City Clerk Cheryl Brooking, City Attorney ABSENT -None Marianna Kcil Tom Smith ,Tear Bardarson CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON ANY SUBJECT EXCEPT THOSE ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING - Nane APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA Motion (Kell/Smith) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Resolution 2009-029 was removed from the consent agenda. Motion Passed Unanimous The clerk read the following approved consent agenda items: Resolution 2009-030, Supporting Seward Police Department "Recovery Act: Office Of Justice Programs: Office Of Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention FY09 National Youth Mentoring Programs: Application In "1'he Amount Of $20,000. Resolution 2009-031, Supporting The Seward Police Department's "Recovery Act: Assistance ,,,_ To Rural Law Enforcement To Combat Crime And Drugs: Category I: Combating Rural Crime" Application In The Amount Of $7.5,000 For Traffic Radar Enforcement Equipment And Digital Dash Cameras. City of Sex~tn'tl, ill~eska Anril 13, 1009 City Council Mlnutec Volwne 38, Puxe 59 Resolution 2009-032, Supporting The Seward Police Department's "Recovery Act: Assistance To Rural Law Enforcement To Combat Crime And Drugs: Category IV: Facilitating Rural Justice Information Sharing" Application In The Amount Of $170,000 For The Purchase Of A Digital Storage Unit, Programming, Networking, And Mobile Data Terminals. PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolution 2009-021, Authorizing The City Manager To Proceed With The Acquisition Of Lots AW, AV, AU, MM, DA, DB, DC, DE, DF, DG, QQ, And Tracts 1, 2, 3, And 4 Of Forest Acres Subdivision In Seward, Alaska For $429,000.00, And Appropriating Funds, For The North Forest Acres Levee/Road Project. Acting City Manager Kristin Erchinger stated the fish and habitat pem~it only authorized in-water work from May ] 5 to July 15. in order to get in the water by May 15, the city must have the permit in hand. Erchinger informed these resolutions were ti me sensitive, and that the city must own nine parcels with restrictive covenauts in place, which was the mitigation put on the project to offset fish and habitat. Another timeframe was the 30-day waiting period after any property purchase, which left little time to negotiate and also meet these windows for purchase and constriction. Erchinger declared appraisals were completed by MacSwain & Associates, and a technical advisor was also hired by HDR, to ensure the city had solid figures and was in compliance for the land acquisitions, in case the next step of eminent domain was needed. Erchinger stated the city would be paying the full value for some parcels and give a ten percent signing bonus to not postpone the project for another year. The negotiated price was $429,000. She stated to fully complete the project o f land acquisitions there were some parcels that did not have final appraisals yet. Another land acquisition was set for a special meeting tomorrow, with restrictive covenants on all the aforementioned properties awaiting approval at the end of those meetings tomorrow. Notice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by lacy was noted and thepuhlic hearing was opened. No one appeared to address the Coancil and the public hearing tivas closed. Motion (Smith/Bardarson) Motion Passed Approve Resolution 2009-021 Unanimous RECESS Motion to Recess (Bardarson/Kcil) Council recessed this special rrteetang until tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 5:00 p. m. or as soon thereafter° the scheduled 5%~ecial Meeting at that dcry was adjourned, becaatse addressing the restrictive covenants (Resolution 2009-022) nnt.rl he approved after art agenda item on that already scheduled Special Meeting. City ofSewarrl. Alaska City Cnunc•il Miriuaes Apnl 13, 2009 hol~nnc 38 Pagc 60 The meeting was recessed at 10:26 p.m. JetYii Lewis, CMC City Clerk (City Seal) +*~d~~,~ ~, Syr:, ~, r~'s,;~ '..•:.. ~~,. ~, ~, .~ ,~ ~, n'Y fb CY f' ` (~ Y" ~ M ~ ~ ~I a W b~ j ,~k~mttasee slR'3~~r®Jq$ Clark Corbridge Mayor