HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1981-031 r 8/6/81 FA/MH/s "',' 81- 31 f: C r ' .:11''1 <i!~' ~)-l..'WA :'() bf; }.'M. ..~ r ,~ ' ~;: ?Ql~ ..; ,;;"'~.u c, ' B! VIRGI1ilf\ Lhf',; J', \,;, .,\:: t:'.,,? (''lty )l1JlGl1 for' t'l t~, c' ~~ ,,,', t, :. Wi::; in the pu.r;,l " ',,: ~ In,,: re-" 1 rc ~t: In'' t.o 't-he Fourtt: ,:. C c1\.U'l C~, ~', j" .J.:",,, t'flE :ity ,Jf Sewa~c1; J.nd ~ ... t;" h" :~t..y COUl','" f 4 p~:':"')\l' U~.'''' (;~ . ~'ld il ()n ~arch 24". .~ the t<.'JdYlg "<.1 '.:"515 t.o the F'ou, t '~(:'m., i nand f '1 ) , :: l ~ t," .J ."',.l al, S~Wa~ A.lask;:o ,'''U;;b:'' ,-;'r(B L' ,.;1 OV.i J' 'ld as to' .' .- () :J-,,"l' d,U "",'. l\pp.rai sal Company of Ala~" '~ val , between 16.. 9:1 and 2D. 4st per ;~q\", , \n rginia '1arling, t;he oster,~...' :lescribtec1 in the exhibit .t.:.( ~'''''''IU~' 'j 2 C . 4, pEr .s r..1a r. e +-' : 'l~.E ~ BE .:' IT r '-">SOt.'H~ "..'i'~", ,1\:'"AGKA " '" "t' c.;: 'J'Hr::, '" , " thousand do11ir~8,OOO) .: lOth 7 ",l'.:V':;,;':' "" ( -ui~_- "l ~ .~ ..'..... r ' i ,J..- '. y..... , ..... ,.~\..,_..I ;:. " ;. Sixty-eight I~~-----~ 81-31 CAMPBELL, CRIPPS, GILLESPIE, HUGLI, O'BRIEN AND SWARTZ 'l';;",: NONE ';:;31'1'1" SORIANO f~ TTf?S'I ~ (1&c,:,o,~:~~~ I."...,. ,-,l~Lr cr A:2PROVEO ,\5 '1';, FUf,y' ~ :iUGHES, Tb);,':',m::~sS, GANT~, POWELL & EPU~~I~ - ~~~, --- Fred B. !r~ Ci ty A t 1~orncy r City of Seward, Alaska Resolution No. 81- Exhibit A ~ F :.~, tJ; ,j ,P) c. i~\"d I")c~ted W;Uil~" Sl.. '. ~ rownshi p 1 South, Range 1 Vi"", ~ , 'Jiarly described as fo!low~; ;"n':J Gc" ,'" ,",", ;it l.o~_ "" ':'If Section ,,- '! 'VI""j; Alaska Ll"lng more ,','" ing at thp. CE1/16 COrner of said SecL/on :; thence NooOO'4S"[ along -: /1/_, ;i",<.' , 783.37 feet to a point en a curve, said point being tne :' '.!.Ff.-S?.t=-. e E:_ C l_:~!'!. iN C ; th...nce along said cw rve, being conc.ave to thl? ,t',...; ,:.,t (1);:''11'10 a de~ta congle of 9021''-.2'', a radius of 12,'?3_7; fe-et, a ,'': )l";JrinG':": S~7?22'24"E, and an arc len!,jth of 199 86 fe!:t) to a pOInt of ," ~,,:;,r.c y, the"lc~ ~S?"41'34'T, 343. ':11 f(;'l;:1. to a pOInt on iJ curve f thence ",~<;, ~<C'.il"~i" ~'~Jtln cO"I:.cve to the southwe5t (t-,cvit,g d dE"..a angle of 7'?\"" ~<.ldius of 7GB 51 f("<;;;, a chord be..rmg ,:;4' ;.,45"02'50"1:, and an :Ji" ;.~r")'c fee11 to) a point of tangency; tt':ence S!,;,:.':,G"l,.; .'...,00 ',n(.t: s;;:('. S'4?"r I 196.09 f{;e1.; thence 522"06'38"[, \3f fj f",e' k, ;" -,,/,;.--' tl'"l' CE1/15 corner of $ald Se-ction "\ beor;. S8S":::'~<:(" :.. \)~ t,,,,~' t >11 ~e S38051129"E, 173.52 feeti thence S12C>38'S.:;?"E, 1:.2,07~. il poi;')! -, a curve; thence along $il,d curve being concave to ncrth,,,': I,-whg .. deiT.i:l angle of 13"54'55", a radius o~ 905.37 feet, Cl chord bl~",,:ir.9 :: S"04'OS"f, and a/"l arc length of 219.89 feet) to a po!r;t {:f t.::I";0~' ': : I," 't~ -":)~."'58t(,7"W', 25.00 feet to iJ point on <l curve; ~~ienrEo c" t"" :'l;; concave to the nortne<:!st (~.i!lVjn9 a delta ang Ie 'J~ ..... "', ~";"i ,)7 ~e~t, ~ ~:hcrd bE":ari,~,; ()~ :..42'>S~.'ty:"; j ::1")(... ,;!:,I" J..,' ..., ... '.' rl'f 't:'~~G,:~r'- ~ - '.-~ t;M~ "'~1:1r.;;. ..; I"'fl ' . :~t ," ~ "':.J. ';1, ; '~.'I, ..,' , )'" beir-.;.. ~",.,",,' " "~;: -,;',',J"I',:-,. l (iliJ'IJlrlG iJ delta <-,"g:~ (;.t ",.,. ,,', .730., Cl c bC3rirg of N42059'01 "W, and an Cli'C ieng1r 1,~f'''.) to a ~ ,', ~,angfn~; thence N(,>1"5S'"tfl"C 192,42 feet; 'f' na~~,:, \ COf7"'\-( t'ler., rnil"51'04"W, 1:,] ,OS fee! tc '" point ,C -, bc,.,'$ ',S9059'34"E, 434.117 h.et; ~ ",' ~ '., c. . .3,::", ..' 't",l, '1 ::-;.0 . ~ f.. -:,:,,(}C' \,v, ?O': 41:: . "~~ JD',r:~ Dr- " run.c', thence iii'n; :aid {;o.'.,riir.:J a (.e;~;'d angJe- Of ,,~~.o.;'r2a", [~ "" ' :-- .. .-, '1; r",f' r City of Seward, Alaska Resolution No. 81- Exhibit A - Page Two ',;, Ii' '. :n'j, ,~_< ,.; .~ '. ,I' < " (, 'j ~ :JB" ~c: ' .iJ ~n .ore lE'n9th .,'~ J ,f ~ '" .."J 31:3 'J1 fee> '[0 a ,'.:',' , ...... , ! {.'f._I: f .'\ " (";" f":;l ,;" pcil1t 1,' ~.." ,- ul'"Vfi:: f' tht-f'.":::... .,j :':.dld -, <,',{) t"le sQuthwe,$t ("av.,,~) ;; ,Jt'ita ;0. i;' chord hearing of N~.3":iO'3S"'W, an' of 1i"3S )3", a c.re. t"" Ig:." :::d pcp,.,' of tangency,; t.hence 50"00'45''''', 1 ;":,, ", fee: to ' \':~ ''"; -"~:aHl,~">g 332..~';;7~ ~!~L';;rf f,:?(~~t "-7 h4~ Lit ;e~) l'r!OI.e ....l'r' le~~s, ,