HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1952-022 r- TEfmI'l'ORr or ~ ~rtment ot Educaticn UsOJ;,U1t'ION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENT ,.. ,. "l../ , 'Section 2, Chapter 60 SLA 1949 CSubinit original and first carbon) , ..., u~, * __ . ~ , has ade aAa1ieat.1ct1 ..plftl- (leg~ame or-Dritrict) ~ipat, 1n ~.4!stribution of funds :under Section 2 of Cbapter 60 SLA 1949, and ~~ tmder tb, tel"l'llS ot Section ~ ot Chaptel" 60 SLA 1949, tl1e, fund is to be uud for the construction and ,l'lIIl81lr of ,ohool buildtugll tft' the "fa...1d ti 1 Wi.t....~, , " YmItEAS, the. (~~Jil___,:;' conside.red and is tully intGl'la8Cl of the provi.i~et ,~ ~id Section and Chapter, and 1JIfIItIAS, .the, eaid, ,Q!!l C~l ~ 18 ad'Viaed that ita r II in- : (strike outithe ~e) inS .I~ i_ ,tl.,l'53 .85, and -. WHEREAS; the said ~ Council~, ,~s ct1 deposit in the . (strike out th.~.) , " ,',', " of" ,\ ' ......-...a,., ,. . . ' tbe sum of name 0 . . -c~.T. . I " .... ' whicb "presents 10.. ' .-tebing tor each eft. dClllar ~d major traction thereof of Territorial money received, and WHEREAS, . the said. ~ Coun'9U prOJDi.ee that the _'ching " (strIkeout the .) f.. wU1 be uaedct1l)" tor con.tn1ct1Qrr and repair ot school building. , ,~NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RFaOLVED BY ~, ~~~u ~',n. "pPUcable) l~ That' all ~,~ granted to the , . ~ '~Df, School d111tric'\ under ,SElq~~~ ~ bpte.. 6Q SLJ\. 3:9 9 ~ '., be ,-nded for thf ::':~l!r~. of eon.truc~ion and repai. of achool bt"'~l'liS, 2. 'fhat the s~ooi BQard ~ su~\: 'Q the COIIIIl1.~... ot ~ticn, ~ d.~ed:1'ePOl't cf -'Qel), ", ' . .' Ul Deoembet 31 aJid. ,'-. ,3D" each ~$t\lJ1tll the totaJ, of $I.: , '85 plue _t,Qb1ng f\md~,lIave.~ cCllllpletel,. exha.ult.td."..: ' li~ '(' h. &:f: ~~JJq r--- 1 2 .,._- 3 REOOLUTION FOR SUPPLEMENT PAYMENT - 22 4 WHEREAS, the CITY OF SWARD, has made application to participate in the distrillution of funds under Secti on 20 of Chapter 60 SLA 1949, and WHEREAS, under the terma of Section 2 of Chapter 60:1SLA 1949, the fund is to be used for the construction 5.nd repair of schOll wildings in the aforesaid district, and WHEREAS, th~ oid City Council hilS consideredand is fully informed of the provisions of the said Section and Chapter, and WHEREAS, the said City Council is advised that its remaining share is $1,153.85, and WHEREAS, the said City Council has on deposit in the Seward Branch 1st National Bnnk of i>nchorage Qf Seward, "lallka, the sum of 403.85, which represents $0.35 matching for each one dollar and. major fraction thereof of Territorial money received, and ifHEREAS, the said City Council promises that the matching funds will be used only for con:,truction and repair of school buildings NON, THEREFORE, BE IT REOOLVED Bn'HE Seward City Council, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. That all monies granted to the Seward School district under Section 2 Chapter 60 SLA 1.949 shall be expended for the exclusive purpose of construction and repair of school buildings, and 12 13 2. That the School Boa rd will submit to the Cormnissl. oner of Education II. Detailed report of such expenditures on D.CfJIIlber 31 and June 30 each year until the total of $1,153.85 plus matching funds have been completely exhausted. CERTIFICATE OF SCHO:lL BOARD OR CITY OOUNCIL 14 15 16 We, the undersigned members of the School Board or the City Council of the City of 17 beward, Alaska, do hereby certify: 18 1. ThRt the attached Resolution is a true and correct cop, of the Resolution finally adopted at a meeting of the Seward City Council held on the 4th day of August, 1952, and duly recorded in the official minutes of the City Council; 19 20 21 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and .. legal quorum was present throughout the meeting. 22 A. G. McR.. Russell Painter C. E. Johnson Thos. E. Howell Kent E. spaulding Leon D. ....ia Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of ilugust 1952. Councilman Councilman Counc ilman School Board School l30ard School Board 23 24 25 26 Sigrid Stea rns, City ~lerk (SEAL) 27 28 29 30 31 32 Page