HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1953-032 r ! 10 11 12 1 RESOLUTION NO. 32 2 City of Seward, Alaska. 3 WHEREAS, by virtue of the second paragraph of Section 13, Chapter 77, of the Session Laws of Alaska for 1935, the City of Seward is presently indebted to the Seward Branch, 1st National Bank of ~chorage ill the amo~t of, 15.,500.00, which is due February 3, 1953, and 4 5 6 ::~, ~ \>1HEREAS the said City of Se'lotard does not have on hand adequ.te funds to pay the said indebtednus by napon of the faqt "Ul4t the W.t;e~,,~paJi.tm.~1: Rev..., ~ Issue has not yet been comPleted, and the Clty therefore can expect no substantial amount of bond money pri<lJ:' to April 3, 1953, 7 8 WHEREAS the 1-1&:\;eJ:' De~~nt of the CUI of Sew&r~, .ne4ld. the, foreqoing amount to meet its current obUgatioN, and " NOit:,"Dt;EREmRE~ -!:~:;tlI!IlRES:lLttDhtlhrit:~efMliifwr4incl., C~~y ,qJ.e~k of "the City of Seward be, and they hereby are, .u~ori.ed lP\dQi:r:.c~.d. t.o ,exeRt4l oae promissory note substantially in the rorm he'reiwtu set forth to the order of the Seward Branch, 1st Natiol\8,l Buk of Allchorage,whiClh .e.11 be for t5, aOQ.oo aM interest at the rate of 61. per llQIlWI1 frOlll the date thereof, and 9 13 BE IT FUI?l'HER RESQLV:sD that the fom of, Mid note shall be aubStatlUally as follows: 14 . Febroary, 1953 Seward, AlalJka 15 Por val.ue receiTBd, the C:i.ty of ~, Alaska, a IlIUnictPe;l corporation, does hereby promise to pay within sixty (60) days frQlll the :dUe hereof t.o the order 'of thes.wardBranoh~ 1St ' National ~nk of hnchorage the sum of 35,500.00, and interest thereonfraathh <lilts until the dite of paY'llienf, at' the rate of 6'1. per annum; and to secure the said payment the City of SlIward ,hereby pI".. to the lto1dtfr. hereof such portion of its tax revenues to be collected by April 3, 1953, or as so~n there- after .apOS'.1ble, a. MY be necesSary to satisfy the said obligation in full. 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~~~L. sse Painter, yor . 22 23 It 24 Publication of this resolution shall be made by posting a copy hereof on the city hall bulletin board for a period of ten (10) days fo1lowinq the passage hereof. 25 26 Introduced, passed, and approved this 2nd day of F,b~ary, 1953, the ~l., gove~.i~q the introdaetion and passage of resoluti6ns'haveing been suspended. ~ ' "~L ) aeJt'~ Painter, Mayor City 'Of Seward 27 28 ATl'E3'l': ~ .. ~ ~1..., .8!grld earns, i ty Clerk Ci ty of Seward, Alaska 29 30 31 C g R '1' t F.I CAT E 32 I, Siqrid Stearns, Clerk of the City of Seward, Territory of Alaska, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true, full and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the City Council of said city on the 2nd day of February, 1953, and Pagethat the same has been entered in the minutes of the meeting of said Council for said date. Sigrid stearns, City G1erlk