HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1957-117 " I I I I ~ ::L~SOLvT::\;H I~O. 117 \'flL;_~.~. tllC:: people of t,~e City oi' Jeward, seek tLrcu",h tLe (,OJ,ilJiCn Council. the benafit to be derived from tLe devdlopment of nydroelelOtric power Clt Cresent L,d",e ne--1' J::'iile thirty-two (]2), .sew~,rd .-nchor-be hibl,wd.Y, and t/;u;;<::..w, it is necessary to con~truet an Electric f'ower Transmission line in orddr to transmit the said hydroelectric r,ower to the City of .JewClrd, Clnd "{l;E;')~,..s. in the construe t ion of said transmission line it has become neceSS'o1ry to cross the rie;ht of W'-lY of the Alaska Railroad at two points, which said points are defined as, Crossing No.1 (Prim Rose) at railroad lViile Post 18.1, and crossing No.2 (Lawing) at Railroad Mile Post 2~.7, and WlL:::RK":", tile ",':'0.512 Railroad has offer"d to extend a permit i or th" Co bove mentioned crossin.,; to ti,e City of Sa'lard ;lUrsuant to tI,e provisions L'f a QocJJllent identified by the AlaSKa Railroad Contract as No. 14-04-0G3-l445. which said cuntrad provicies am..ng otLer thinGS for an initial fee of thirty-five ($35.0C) dollars plus a continuinG fde of twelve ($l~.OC) dollars to be paid anually in advance to the railroctd, and w,-;~, it is necessar;; that the ~bove llientioned contr,.c:t be executed on behalf of tJ,e City of StMdrd. anJ. that paY-l"ent of the fees hereinuDove described be made. lW-.'f 'i.cfu;;ciEFCRL: BE IT RBSULV..ID. thcit the I'IaJor of tice City of Sewcird be, cd1d he is. Lereby autho~^ized to execute th" c..aia Contrad on behalf of the City of 3e\ol3.rd, and IT lS YURI':_JFi RE3l,LVw, that the Seward Electric Systelli be, "nd the." are hbreby directed to n,a1.e payment of the fees her"inabove and in the Contr,.ct set forth. AN EH:J:"G:.::NCY IS RE,,~Y DECLh.HED, to exist, and the rul~s ",overnin,:; the passag" and r"soiution aI'" her"by suspended and this resolutjon shdll be given immediate ef~ect ctS of th" day of its pass_g". PaLsed and approved this / -<.z:3 duy of ~L)r: . 1957. c2 Q Jb~~>j, 71'~YOr ;, / aIT;;aT I 4~'~<Z/'~~L/ Ci ty Clerk