HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1959-126 r (' ~ I ~ , / CrT\' OF SK";.l\HD 1 ALASKA REDDLt'l'ION NO. 126 A RESOLUTION' DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PREFARE THE DELINQUENT TAX ROLL AND TO CAU3E TIff, FORECLOSURE: LBT TO BE PUBLIf>HED. The City Clerk of the City or Seward l!Ihall. and he is directed to. make up a roll in duplicate of all real property subject to foreclosure uponll.'hich taxea have not been paid to the City of Seward and upon which taxes are now deUn quent. Such roll shall show tneNton the names ot the persons appeAring in the lateet tax roll a,s the respeetiYe owners of the ts.x delinquent propertie$~ il description of each such property a. it appears on the latest ta~ roll, the year or years tor ,mioh taxes are delinquent, the amount of delinquent t.axell for Meh year and penalty arid intel'Mt th.non, and the City Clerk shall en- doree under hill hand and the corporate seal of the City a certificate to the efteat th&t thl"! delinquent tu roll is a true and correct roll or the del:i.n- quent tues of the City for the yeare there.hown. Said roll shall be here.. atter known as the foNtclosuNt 1bt of the City of Seward for the years 1954, 19S5, 1956, and 1''-'. '!'he orifd,nal of the foreelo5ure list shall be fi.led by the City 01erk in hiB office and reuin open to inep.cUon of the public. The City Clerk is further directed to cause to be published on the 20th day of February, 1959 in the Anchorage Daily Times, a newspaper of general circulation in this city, a notice under the hand of the City Clerk setting forth that the forec108ure list of real property for the years 1954, 1955, 1956, and 1957 has been completed and is open to public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, and that on the 25th day of March. 1959 at the hour of 1~30 PM or a8 800n thereafter as lII&Y meet the convenience of the court, the fort/closure list for the years 1954, 1955, 1956, a.nd 1957 will be presented to t.he District Court of the Third DiVision. State of Alaska, together with a petition eeeking " judgment and order of sale. The City Attol"ney is dil"eeted to pl"epare a petition for judgment which shall be submitted together with a eertiri~ copy of the foreclosure liBt, on the 2St.h day or March, 19S9, to the District C.ourt of' the Third Division, St,ate ot Alaska. r- I I , Resol. # 126 Page -2- The City Clerk of the City ot S..rd 18 directed to give notlce of such foreclo3ure procElt,dinge by four weekly publications of the foreclosure list in the Anchorage Da.Hl' Time.; that the first publication shall be on the 25th day ot Karch9 1959, and successive publications ot '~he foreclosure list shall b. in the &ame newsp&p4tl' on the 1st day of April, 1959, the 8th day of April" 1959, and on the 15th ~ of April, 1959. T11. publica.tion of the torecloalU'e Ust ahall be sufficient service on each person intere&ted in atV' of t.he propert.ies, and it shall not be nece5sary to ail COPT of any not1ce to the owner or to any other per80n interested in the property. All peraou own1q or clabd.ng to own, or hating or claiming to have, &ny interest in IUl)" propen., included in the foreclosure list are charged with notice of sucb proceedings and of all steps thenvnder. During the time of' the publication or post.ing of the fonclo.ure list and up to Ule time of 5I!le, &n1' person can make paJ'lHnt on IIJ!J7 piec_ or tract ..t torth therein, together with the penalty and inter.st, aM proport.ionat.e share of the coate of publica- tion and toreclosure J and "h. City Clerk sDal1 uke propel' notation of such payment on both the original and delinquent tax roll and foreclosure 118t. On receipt of the delinquent tax payment as to any particular property any tim.e one week prior to the filing of the foreclosure list and petition, the Tax Collector shall remOVH the property trom both the list and the petition. A mortgagee or other holder of a recorded lien on real property may file the request with the City Clerk that notice of any foreclo';ure list including such real pro~erty be given to such mortgagtll! -':>1' lienholder. The request shall oontain the name and address of the person filing it. the descri.tion of the property and the nar:ll! of the owner or reputed owner thereof, and the date of expiration of the mortgqge or lien. Notiee need not be given after expirqtion of the mortga!l;e or lien, unless a further request therefor is filed. If the ~r\&age. or lienholder furnishes a duplicate form of requ..t for the notice, the C1~y Clerk shall certify thereon the tiling and return the duplicat~ tc the person making ~h. requlilt'lt.. Whenever any property described in the request for notice is inclu,led In ,71 foreclosure list. the City C1erk sban send by r --~---~~.~ ------., Resol. Ii 126 Page -3- registered mail written notice thereof to the mortgagee or other Ihmholcler. At the time of mailing the notice, the City Clerk i'lhall note that fMt In ink in the latest tax roll opposite the description of the property. The notation in the tll.X roll 1e pr:1.m.. hcie evidence th,,':. t.he Mtice WIle mailed. Wbere the same mortg~gea or lienholder has filed requests for notices on two or mor$ properties included in 8. foreclosure list, ,me notice may be issued covering all such properties. The w':.Jrd Ittaxl/ as used in this resolution shall apply to special IlSIHlBS- ment,s for improvements a.s authorized by ::ection 16.-1-81 through 16-1.-90, ACLA 1949, as amended, and such delinquent special &n8lllSmentB shall be inc~,uded in the nellnquent tax roll and in the fOT(lclosure list, but shall be stated separately and the penaltiee I1nd interest due on each shall also be stated separately. Publication or this resolution shall be made by posting a copy hereof on the City Hall bulletin board for a period of ten days following its r.assage and approval. An emergen~ is hereby declared to exist, and the rules governing the passage ot re~olutions are hereby suspended and this resolution shall be given effect immediate Ly u"on its pMsage"l.nd ",Troval. Passed and. approved this 12th day of Febru1u7. 1959. APPHOVEDI ~cay Y? ffJdv~~? Perry R. Stockton, Jr. / Mayor, City of Seward ATTEST: \..'.' I i ,{ ,1 I" j. / ~l- , /'#>- . Cene Snyder, , City Clerk. City of Seward ,