HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1959 RISOltU'l'IOJf NO. BE IT RDOLVD b7 tbe Clt7 councU or the 01tJ' or SeWU'd.. state of Alallka: WSBRIU.. Standal"d on COIpaD1' of cal1tomta bu applied foro a pel"lll1t to uee a. port1on. of Rall~ Avenue tor the purpoae of conatNct1n&.. ma1Dtallllns and :repalr1ns thereunder certain pipelines tor the conve;yance or petroleum pZ"Oduou.. a.nd WHER1.WJ.. the \lite of the land on which 8l.IOh pe1'Jld.t would be IJ'Bftted 18 no longer neoeaear,v tor lIIdDic1pa1 pUl'pO..., Now.. 1beret01'e .. BB rr JUmOLVID that .. MiQ'Or. and C1t!7 C1.ftl'lK. be &nC1 aq hereby are au,;nQrUreG ~ wouli8 db taaue.. tor and on behalf ot the OU,. of 1e1fUd. a U8e pera1t putlDa ...1d SteM_", on ~D7 of C&l1tornta the 1'1&ht to 'WIe a port1on of BaUwq Avenue tor p1pel1ne pUrpOH8 tor a period of not .... tban twentJ' (20) yeaJ"lS on the teNlt and oCll'ldltiona ..t torth in a oop,. of pl"O- posed street U8e Pem1t 8U'bwl tte4 berewttb and tUed nth the m1nutel or th1s ..tlag ~ the CCNIlOU. OKRTIlleAfB 'Ibis oerttt1e8 that the toreso1nS i8 a. cOlllplete. tl'Ue and CorNot copy of a ruolutlon a.d.opte4 at a ft&U,lar -.tq of the City counoU ot thectt1 ot 8ewud. A.1.Uka.. held on the dIq of 1959J tbat 8&14 ..t1ng va. C&J.J.ed and held as 1-e4'l1l'eG ~ me ian ot A1a.1ka and the oNi- oances of 1&1d Cl_. .. CJUOl"UlI ... pt;aent when tbe ... ._ adopted and. the St1"eet tJae Pe1'lll1t -at aabed hereto 1_ 10 the tom 8UbJIS1tte4 with ...14 1"UlOlut.loo and tUe4 nth the mtnutea ot a1d meettns. 1flll'.lfDS m;y hand and. the '''611 01 8&1d City' th1a .. 1959. of ~ City C1e1'1c