HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1962-256 OFFICE OF: CITY OF SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA SEWARD. ALASKA RESOU1TTO~7 NO. ?56 R1<;<;0LTl"!'II)N ATJTllOREINl': nUNG 0"' "^.PPLIct\TTot' WI'1"~ 'l'qE HOt"HNG ,!I~1D HO>'1E Fn'A~7CE AGENCY, UNITED STATES OF ~_MP."'T(,~., 1"('11 .^. I.O,^}: lJ1.IDER '!'HE T~!'Y~ 0"' P'JBl.Ir. !.4\N ~4r;, R4Tl-T Cm'!~RESS, A:?P~OVJm M'GI'ST J I, 1 Q55, <\S A"'Pl'IDlID. l-JHF:PE!\S, unop,. th" terms of 11?:l.(! Pub'i.c La,,' 345, th(> Tlni,ted Stat('s of America ha~ "uthorizeo th" MllJdng of 'o11ns to publ i C :1~end,f's to aio in financing thp ~(lnf,truction of specifi c publ:l.c pr('lj"cts: ~~w. THF.REFORE, ~" It Ref.olved by th" Common Coun~il of the City of Seward, ftlnska: 1. That Ch~st~~ ~. Kunz, r.ity ~anager, he ?n~ h~ if, hp~f'hy authorized to "XC cute and file an application on b"half of CITY OF S~WARD. ALASKA - SEWA"'D WATER SYSTF.M wi. th tlJe 'lousing and l'/ome Finane" Agency, 11ni ted States ~overnment, for a loan to aid in finan('ine tn" construction of i~rovemeT'ts to th", supply and d:lstr:O",ti('ll1 ('If the existing City wat"r system; ~. That Chpst~r ^. Kun~, City Mpnager, h" and he i<; hpr~"y Butho,.i:,:ed Ilnd ni!,p('t~d to furnish ~'lcn infn'l"- mlltioT' as tnp HO'lsine and Ho,.,e Financp '0\8en('y may reasonably r~que<;t 5n connect:l.on with th~ applicati,on v7hieJ, if hp!,,,fn authori.:,:ed to h~ fi.lE'd. '!'his R~solution to be in full fore" :md "ffect iTTmled5atp1y u:,,'n passage and a!'I'roval. ppf<;ed and apI''t'o,-,''d hy the Common ~ollncil of thp Cit~' of 'O",,',rr1, .^.laska, this 11th d:>y of~_r't'~l, 1962. AttE'st: ~Lu <2 ;r: 'zU~ e:Jtrice ":. T.ll'tt", r.ity Cl"rk-Tr"l'sur"r c2 Q ~~) ~e~ry R. fltockton 'fllyor