HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1962-264 RESOLUTION NO. 264 RESOLt1lION OF CI'l'Y COUNCIL AS THE BOARD OF ADJUS'DfBNt Cln OF SEWARD. .ALASKA WHEREAS, the application of Mark Walker bas been made for a permit to utilize premiaes on the Northwest corner of 3rd Avenue and B Street, located in the City of Seward, Alaska. for a service and filling station. a residential district. and WHEREAS the granting of such application requires a variance from certain provisions of Title 12 of the Seward General Code. and WImRBAS the Seward City Planning COIIIId.ss1on. at its regular meeting of February 12. 1962. considered the application. and recOllllll8n- ded approval of the s... with safeguards to prevent the premises from becoad.ng una1ghtly. or from being used for the storage of old cars. parts of cars. or JUDle. and WRRRRA$ the City Council. as the Board of Adjustment. considered the aforesaid application at a public meeting and hearing on the Uth day of March. 1962. at which all persons desiring to be heard were heard. and notice of such hearing having been given in the IIIIlDD8r prescribed by ordinance. and the Board of AdjustMnt finding that the conditions specified in Section l2.117(B)(3) exist. and being fully advised in the premises, and at least four (4) members of the Board of AdjustMnt concurring herein, NOW. THBRBFORB, BE IT RESOLVED: That the aforesaid application for permit to erect a filling or service station be and tl1e a.. hereby is approved. subject however to the following conditions: a. The subject premises shall not be used as an autOlDObile wrecking yard. salvage yard. JUDle yard, or autOlDOblle burying ground; b. That no nuisance. public or private. shall be _iuteined on the premises; c. That the plans for construction of a gasoline filling station upon tha premises. a copy of which is annexed to this resolution. shall not be changed, altered. or deviated from during the course of construction. or modified after construction. without the consent of the Board of Adjustment; d. That the Board of Adjustment retains. pursuant to the provisions of Section U.1l3 of the Seward General Code. the authority to require changea in such plan in relation to ya.a. locations of pUlllpa and buildinga and other facilities as it _y deem best suited to insure aafety. to m1ntmlze traffic difficulties and to safeguard adjacent properties; e. That the premises _y be used for providing gasoline and oil to autOlDOblles. and related services. and for the perfor- _nce of minor repairs or adjustments within the building to be ~ I , r- erected pursuant to the variance hereby granted, provided however, that no machinery of any kind, other than the machinery designated in the attachecl schedule, shall be employed. AND BE IT P'URTHBR RESOLVED that the appropriate City officials be notified of this resolution, in order that a permit subject to its terms and conditions may issue, and in order that this resolution and its terms aDd conditions may be duly :1mp1.-nted. Dated this 7th day of Kay, 1962. !' CI'l'Y COUNCIL AS 'l'BE JKWtD OF ADJtJSl'MBH'r, CI'l'Y OF SEIfAR:Q c9ht1 a A;/LJ Mayor Perry R. Stockton, Chairman Attest: ~~~~ 7: 'lOd/L Beatrice E. Watts City C1erk-Treasurer I have read the foregoing resolution, and I accept the terms and conditions of the ...., aDd 1 agree that the construction and operation of a service station by 1118, my successors and assigna, at Third Avenue aDd B Street, Seward, is subject to aDd conditioned up~onliance with the foregoing resolution. . l~')Dated at Seward, Alaska, this b d day of //2.1/1 c.~-It- , 19 se~':. '... ~C ,p~~ ~ '1(/ ~ '/i/' ~, 118 er -~~ - -~---~- ~'--'-' ~~"- ..~- -',., - /;' / /f./' a ., ..............'-. --. .. ' City Attorney ;) '~ ~ 0. a .,~l~,,,,,-/ J€"C Z/ tV'- L cJ..'" (f,/ /" ~ ) ;' - J ??f~/L/ f Ld)'- I <-/. -. '-1 ?f'~fJ~ /-< ,. ~ ,/ c'r;t~j v // ~.c7yL 7P--e~'- -" <j~A ,-. c( CU'IJ;( cV; ~ . Approved as to form: i,~ ~"'~N'Q.I.lM.I ()1J., ~D.I'ff~,.f\N' Of C~"I"JJ,RfiiA'. W.w..i~i IJJiM1..tJ11i~( {NJb. i3'H r()LR:~t AVlNUE <:;E- AT ft F 11 . 'N"C:;;.jINr;-;-OI\t I~' icT'NG DE:PA..T....!NT ,,,,,,,,,.,,A f 4J'" a.- rT"lIlh", [ ') . .~, L F- HU....T \ ' . .,.... "'" l.. ...~ ....0:;0 ~.. .' D!: MARTINI ~ ......., """-... Ii" . ....AS SChl ((:if, ."1.-. .AI.-o" ..",.,....~u, ", L lItoeons ',. ...,.". /l1(...10"l"1.- """fI"." c ~\ t Y :;[ if< VIU"f1 i.:ievard, ,.~ ~'14fl A't1iellt1on~ Mn. Jlea-;clce I. Wa~u uear II(r.. Watt.: Reter t.c ,your 1ett.er ;,f ~ 9. 19612, 1n nIfIard to plaDa tor a propoaect a..nice h' 4 tloo tC' b. cocarnlcled at tbtrd .....n'.- and . ItrMt. \lie haY(' .11..t nr-ent 1y t'tnalhe<l Opt1OCI to pu.reha.. tbl. .i.OCat;lClD and Vii... "Jt-l!ll' :lrOllOlI&l tl' tt&a rrar ::11<:0 tor tJ:.1r approval. When 0\.Lr propow h -,pproved ar.r: 'a1.1.1 r: -VJ' rav~ ':....8::1 f'tIrv&l"lie1 to our Seattle oft1ce, Vie 11111 f'un:llal:l you .nt~ -opl.. a~ .'''que!'lt~" l'bI t'oUOV1~ lqu1plleOt will be tnltal.1e4r ) . t'cap.l"1Dc .t..r iUQl1nct JlUI%lP' - under~rQUIl. 8P<'>11ne stoup telL, - m<!ul(round Mlit In-. 1)11 'tank .. - undltrei,lol.lld \l'all' e 011 taok 1 - &.1 r COILp!" . 1;,' r . ~ aut, ho11Jt i-. - }J p:allm'> lutncati!lfl: oU t6llk1l , - &ir and vfI,t.r J"I/'Ielt All equ1~at y,l1 b.. to8t&1.1llcl tn a Ilafe __.. eD4 'tilt JII'OpoeM.tN1l.c11n<< Y111 ~t ~r.r~ ~~1:1t~7 ~~ requ1~t.. oIcru:~ 1t ~,.. N>\lI'1:'." tt'l final1t.. -:~<k pertrtt t(. ~onlltru':t a ...rv1No ,t,atlo.' ;at v: '1~ oK- "" Ir.::'W' !urN t,U18 p~rt.. ~11 ~ uM<! rt;" t,l;to P'Jf1lOlM 1.ntencSe1 1t .,.. "j("r' \"'td .ur ',VT1""" t,~ j)'lr 'rA.e. ~ \01'111 at tblll tt.. l\g!"W to tbP tel'1ll8 ....1 -OOdJt~~.lS '}.If'!Clrl~d 10 that r...)l\L~lon ~ Ilttachf'd tc ~\" let~,"r. 'l'b1lt r.., . t,111 ,r"'l.Q bfo 1" tt.,. n..- of dt,..~d&T1 011 Cclllpany eof G&l1t'bmla, rlAM.6ll !i-1"1.... 11' 1he.... VlU.1Je ezJ.y d1tflC',~lty tr.. If\rul~, ~t~ -oendt at th1. t1ll't- You.n very truly, O. .J. DIMAJft'UI BJ'_ JlI) J t