HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1961 PETTICOAT GAZETTE ____~______N.9_"'_~!1lQ~r_. 30. 1961 CLASSIFIED ADS -t per word, 50~ minimum charge. Mail ads to P8tti~oat Gazette, Box 696, or Phone 5934. FOR SALE 2 I:edroom, completely furnished house, garage, basement, corner lots. G. I. approved. Denny Thompson, 5435 after 6. 25-26,' j, I I ! November 30, 1961 Clean, warm, furnished 2 bedroom apartment. !'~~._--- . Tub, shower, refrigerator and automatic washer.!. Phone 5680, Troy Bogard. 21tfc I -~ * ~. ,I~ ~ I ~J!:,'i.VICEs.: 24 hour, Ba;"~e: ;l:nbing & Heating; I fipe Thawing. Bill Vincent, 508 Second Avenue.! Phone 3077. 14tfc , , ! ~:( ,.'t ;:;~ ,J, ..', ..... "'I" C::)mpletely furnished house jA 4-5713 valla rd Dunham. 14tfc :::;::. ~::. ,;, ;;,~, ,;, 6 New Zealand :8 months old. Goed producers. Pass, Alaska. white rabbits - 5 does, 1 buck; 6 cages with next, 3' x 5' . $60.00. Phone 33-124, hoose 26p ':::. ,;::. :::j: ,;, :::' FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment, furnished. , ! I Phone 5626. i 26tfc ! ;;:::: ,;, * )~( ;;~ Clean, furnished apartments, close to town. Reasonable rates. Marathon apartments. Call S?81,. 7tfc ::;c * ,;::: ..t~ ...', ..... ",' 2 apartments, Duplex - 335 Second Avenue. Call 5491. 20tfc ;:l:: ,;, :::' ':::: )f )~ ::;::. * "," ~::. fREE: Black female Cocker Spaniel. oldo See at 604 3rd Avenue. 7 weeks 26-27p * ,;, ::;::. :::;::. ~( HAPPY ANNIVERS1J\Y-- November 24 - Mr. No;'ember 27 - Mr. Nuv'ember 28 - Mr. & Mrs. & Hrs. & Mrs. Boyd Shaffer Jack Sadusky Robert Kujava - .... ',-~--,---..,., -. f'/"I D {'Ai r --{,)jJ (. r. .1:: ___- _1,/- Income property One 2 bedroom house and O,le I bedroom house, both for $6000.00 cash; partly furnishedo I- I 11 ~ ~ ~ * ., .~ I' l,___._~__.___ P!'opel'ty on 1st Avenue SMITH'S INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE ..32 - Jrd CA 4-3050 -p e Page 10 ~i (;: 4 " LEGAL NOTICE City of Seward, AlSlska The following entitled ordinance was passed and approved by the City Council on Nov. 3, 1961. Publication hereof is maie pursuant to Section 4.2 of the Municipal Charter. t '.' ORDINANCE NO.2QL I, AN OHD INANCE REPEALING SECT IONS 6.302, 6.303, f.. 105, 6.306, 6.307, AND FcEPEAL- I~!G SUB-SECTIONS 6.304 (d), (,. 304 (e), 6. 304 (f), AND RENUMBERING SECTION 1.."'\04 to 6.302 AND SUB-SECTION 6.304(g) TO 6.302 (d), OF THE CODE OF ORDINA~TCES RELATING TO CLEARING SIDE':fALKS OF 3NC~J AND ICE. ~. Posted on the City Hall bulletin board on the 27th day of November, 1961. /S/ Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk ,. f , r [ ! I I , ,. , I , f , I ! ! I ! \ I ! I f I , r \ f ( I r i ! i , i ! i ! I I LEGAL NOTICE City of Seward, Alaska " I .i ( l It $ ~ ~ t ,\ , . ~\ I ! 1 i 1 ~ ( I ~l I I I, ~ # i I The following entitled resolutions were passed and approved by the City Council on 10/9/1961, 11/3/61 and 11/3/610 Pub- lication hereof is made pursuant to Sec- tion 4.2 of the Municipal Charter. RESOLUTION NO. 239- A:~PROVING THE PUR- CHASE OF AND DEDICATING Lor 29, l-lARA- THON ADDITION, SEh'APJ), ALASKA, TO PUB- LIC USE AS AN ACCESS RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE MT. YiARATHON WATER SupPLY. RESOLUTION NO. 182- DEDICATING Lor 4, MARATHON ADDITION, S~~AHD, ALASKA, TO BE USED SOLELY AS A SITE FOR A WELL TO PROVIDE v~ATER TO TH~~ CITY ONNEn SE'iIARD GENERAL HOSPITAL. RESOLUTION NO. 242- APPROVING TRAFFIC REGULATION NO. 5 WHICH IS "THAT FIRST AVENUE BETWEEN ADAHS AND JEFFERSON SHALL BE A ONE WAY STREET WITH TRAFFIC MOVING SOUTH, THAT IS FROM JEFFERSON TOviARD ADAMS DURING ldINTER-TJME vrnEN THE STI;ET IS SO POSTED. Posted on the City Hall bulletin board on the 27th day of November, 1961. YLLbI:._YOU BE THE LUCKY WINNER?--Have you seen the ;"fa.:.:..t:Lful c;uilt on display in Anderson's Furni- t'.l re S""ore? It was pieced by the members of the Marathon Homemaker Club and by vote of the group ~,e profits derived from the sale of the quilt November 30, 1961 w.iJl go to aid the Student Exchange Fund Pro- L __., ..~._. gram. The drawing will be Dec. 15th at 2 p.m. a"c ilnderson's Furniture Store. Tickets may be p:jrCdlaSed from the Rainbow Girls, Anderson's St,cre or members of the Marathon Homemakers ('.'1 ,,"!.- '..f'.,Lu.:-Io :::' ::;, ~:;; ir:; ::;, /S/ Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk HAPPY BIRTHDAY-- November 24 - Annette Cass Val Glasser November 25 - Michael Nelsen - Roy Woods November 26 - Michael Stanton - Kathy Neitz November 29 - Dorothy Urbach - Joanne Lemas * ;::.:::: ~, ):::: ):' , PETTICOAT GAZETTE MOHE BO,.LING lfu'WS........ TOGETHERNESS LEAGUE Week of Nov. 26, 1961 TEA~i STANDINGS WON The Compatibles 30 The Moms & Pops 28~ Funny-Bone Four 17 The Four Amours 12~ HI TEAJvi SERIES The Compatibles 2323 HI TEAM. GAME The Compatibles 811 WOHEN'S -- HI SChATCH SERIES Dolly Blume 490 Rosie Eitel 485 HI SCRATCH GAYlliS Dolly Blume 184 R')sie Eitel 182 HI HDCP GJUilES LOST 14 15~ 27. 31~ Noyembe~~1961 Lola Smith Inger 1:latsjold MEN'S HI SCRATCH SEEIES Marty Kowalski Dick Kirkpatrick HI SCRATCH G,':"lIlF.oS Harty Kowalski GaJ..en Albert30n HI HA):,UIC.'V SERIES Galen Albertson Marty Kowalski HI HDCP GAlvE3 Galen Albettson Marty Kowalski O. B. Eitel Doc Wagner HI An,iAGES Marty Kowalski Dick Kirkpatrick Oscar Viatsjold Page 9 144 143 600 537 218-212 192 613 603 224 219 213 211 189 180 173 );:: ;:c >.'"' ~( * : ~ ffi 1.. I!~l ( (' f IT'S WELL WORTH THE TO SOLDOTNA JUST TO BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS MARVENES DR I V E EN I S CITY HDCP LEAGUE SEe: THE 'leek of November 27-28 GOODS A T TEAM STANDINGS lamingo Lounge 2. National Guard 3. Seward Trading 4. Solly'S Lounge 5. Durant's Hardware 6. Watsjold Ramblers 7. Seward Hardware 8. Alaska Shop HI TEA}! SERIES Flamingo Lounge 2888 ...... ~~Ug.llil~rlu:~ ~_____~~_.!~J_ WON 13 11~ 10 10 9~ 9 9 8 LOST 7 8~ 10 10 10~ 11 11 12 ':-\. . . BLOUSES PURSES NEGLIGEES NECKLACES S~ SLIPPERS EARRINGS ~1~ 'r" ",V SWEA TERS PINS ~5 {'-::,'<' )f~iVC:f' SDlcl. ()tnJ. .~ r ~l'~ WE REGRET TO ANNOUNCE THAT TELEVISION SERVICE FROM THE TRANSLATOR, ON THE MOUNTAIN, WILL BE DISCONTINUED EFFECTIVE DEC. ~, tl96tl; UNTIL SUCH TIME AS MORE SUPPORT IS RECEIVED TO WARRANT CONTINUED OPERATION. WE WILL AGAIN SET THE SWITCH, AND FURNISH A T~~~VISION SIGNAL, AS QUICKLY AS WE RECEIVE ENOUGH SUPPORT TO WARRANT OPERATING FOR THE COMING YEAR. To DATE, ONLY 23% OF THE FAMILIES NOW OWNING A TV SET HAVE MADE ALL, OR PART, OF THEIR ESTIMATED CONTRIBUTION. WE FuRNISHED A SIGNAL FOR EVERYONE, THE PAST YEAR, AS WE PROMISED. WE ALSO HAVE MADE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADD~D A LARGER, MOR~ POWERFUL TRANSLATOR, AS PROMISED. BUT WE WOUND UP THE YEAR IN THE RED. Now IT IS UP TO YOU, THE V!EWERS, TO ADD YOUR SUPPORT TO ENABLE US TO CONTINUE TO PROVIDE THIS SERVICE FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 3033, OR STOP AT OUR OFFICE AT 229 4TH AVE., DOWNTOWN SEWARD. 158 150 (Y>OV+ r.,,1 "mY>) MARATHON TELEVISION COMPANY HI TEAM GAMES Flamingo Lounge Watsjold Ramblers HI IND. SERIES Dick Kirkpatrick Marty Kowalski 997 973 IROaif.;' Eitel Peg Kirkpatrick - D :en$' Blume I HI AVERAGES . Donna Kowalski I Ddly Blume 224 221 215 598 577 (c'td p. 11) - . ~"'se -tember 7, 1961 PETTICOAT GAZETTE r I I t NOTICE OF ELECTION Nc.t Le is hereby given t.hat on the third day of Oct.aber, 1961, there will be held in the Council Chamber at Fourth and Adams in the City of Seward, an election fer the rurjJOSE: of electing Three C\) CouDc.ilmen for two (2) yedr terms, and One (1) ~~yor for two (2) year term, and I". nl'W (1) School Board ."ember for five (5) year term. One (1) School Board ~ember for one (1) ~ year this being the ren~inder of the ~ 1957~1962 term. t The polls for said election will be opened I at eight 0' clock aomo on that day and will close at eight o'clock porn. on the same : day, a nd all qualified electors of. thS8 City of Seward who have registered_o as ln ec- ~I. tion 3.102 to 3.108 inclusive of the Code of Ordinances provided (School Board elec- tors exempted from registration by Section f }.102 (b) and Section 3.103 (c) of the Code t of Ordinances) will be entitled to vote at ! said election. Dated this 5th day of Sept., ~ 1961. I September 7. > 1--- i\ /S/ Beatri~e E. Watts City CJ.erk 14. 21, and 28, 1961 LEGAL NOTICE I Notice is hereby givGr: that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the City Council at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept- eaber 19, 196::', at the Council Chambers for the purpose of foro\liding an oppor- hwity for the Alaska Telephone Corpor~ at.lon to present proposed new telephone se-'vice rates and DGed for same to the eit izens of Seward and to hear the qu<~e,- thms and opirlions of the citizens. Ddted and r..03;:.ed at City Hall B\]~lletin Be,ard this 5th day of Sep-!:;ember, 1961. Beatrice Eo Watts City Clerk 3eptemt'er ? and 14, 1961 ~-' CHURCH CALENDAR il..:~~::mbly of God Church - Sunday School -~ "lasses for all ages Svnciay l",orning,'orship 2:ll.nday E'ia:1gelistic Servi(;e iJ,;dne:'lday.. Bible StudJ' and Prayer Fnday - Christ Ambassadors (youth) ,Page 12 LEGAL NUnCE The foliowlng re;:;olutior:s were I]assed and approved by the City Council of Seward, Alaska, September 1. 1961. ! , ! ~ ~. ~ Res. No. 235 ~ Providing for readlng e1ectriclty meters every 3 mor:ths afl,j for bills on ar: average estimation fer lntervenlng months. ReD, Noo 236 ~ I?roviding for advance< estimated utility bills on request whee customer will be out of town over d,"e date, ~~. Reso:utions No. 235 ~ on the bulletln board I ~ /s/ \ . i and 236 are p~:t~d at City HaE. Beatrice E. Watt::. City Clerk-.Trea ",'J.1'031' SePtember 7, 1961 I I I I I ! . Y \ I I I , Christian SdE:,!lce Services SeWard Public Library Sunday 00...0.'...000.........,.." 0"' 011:()J a.m. Sunday School. 00'" o. _........ .... ,... 9:45 aom. ILa st \-Ied. ea ch .month. .. .. 0," .. " : 00 .. ~: O? r. .In, tSunda-.- Radio Programs on KIBH.. 0..0' .1.<: ~4) t- .m. j ~:::: ~:::: >;::: 7:30 Board of Deacon's Meeting 8: 00 Church Council Meet ing 5:45 Children's Chapel KIBH No Sunday Schoo} 11::)0 Nornin? Viorship ServL.E ar,d Gommur.ion. Receptior d New M.embers will be held at trl 'co aervice. J ,30 Ll.;'"hGran hour KIBH ,,-:00 Services aT., Soldatna The regular meetinl' (;1' tJ,e Sew~ ard LLltheran '~lcmen will not .:.e field. It will be held the followirl[' Nonda.:', d'].6 to the Alaska Co.nfeI'f'n:e being held at Ketchikan. '7 ~ 00 Youth Choir Pra ct iPf" Seward Lutheran Church News Thursday: Friday: Sunday: Monday: 'dedne3day: Next Sunday, September 17_, the new!Jarsonage wi"ll be. d ed.i~at ed Q The ser~...i<:~e. will beheld at 3: 1)0 (JIlt "ide -, rle na rsorl'.lge, wea1,her perrrd.tt.~:;g. The adJress d the narsonage is 50~, -= First AV8v Sel':a r d LI~1.. hex.'an C~ur,~t'_l hopes it:-:;~ rnany f c 'iend:... ::...n i.he cIty \.ill be with us on "his (;~,;a:':lCi~. 10:00 AM 11 : 00 AN 7-10 PM S . Ii . C th I" o~O _ a~red eart av C l~ 7u PH. .3'00 ~ '-c' A-'VIYO 7:30 PM ~ .. )~. . - n Prayoy for the .3ick ~,~ ,'. ..1- '.... ...' "I' ':;ll.L.r'.,h :)f the Nazarene- 4t.i"1 & "C" Sts. Hugh E. Hines - Pastor 51Jllday 10:00 a.m. Sunday S.;hool 11:00 a.m. Morning ~rorf;hip ::_~lS porno "Showers of Blessing" KIBH 7:00 porn. Junior Service 8:00 p.m. Evangelistlc Servi:oe \iednesday - 8:00 p.m. Prayer Neeting. ~:( ,;, ,;c (next col e ) ,'- ~'- ,',.. 'I''' ~" "I' Church Sunday t<Ias:Y''1 DailJ' Masse:: Confessions.. Saturday 1~GO a~mo ,= 7;",)(' pnIllo 8~OO aomo 7:~~0 poIT,. ..', -.', ~I. "'~ ..... ..\~ }1ore Ch1lrcr. New" cont.. page Hk)PY BmTHDAY~~ Sept STIlu'"r ';J .- Rosem:lry Ko-.1alski Dianne Lefton Sept8!l11.:-.:.:,c ,:_()-~ Evelyn Loesar ,~ J..:.hn St.Le;:'.",-;y B\cL Plantnb8rg ~::::: "::::: ;;;~( " ...L.J;)(I" "0 PETTICOAT GAZETTE Seutember 7. 1961 Page 11 ~-....----_.------- Phone: 556 0 KINAI C O"Op Your Cash and Carry Store Friday and Saturday Specials...September 8 & 9 o C 0 r,l A CUT-UP FRyERS......... 5 3 e lb. Pepsi Cola or Teem..................6 cans for 7 9 e F res h Pro d u c e I i ! S & ~~ Chunk Style Light Tuna...........3 for $100 0 Cucumbers...1 9 e ea Yakima'Prunes...2 9 e lb. Peaches...2 9 e lb. -or __<1"~ t r.. .. L ~. .- for her cookies. Susan Hall, with a red ribbon for her cookies, and a blue ribbon for her brownies. Gayla Gay, with a red ribbon for her cake and 1st YEAn PINS-- one for her cup cakes. Christy Zentmire, with a red ribbon for her Dawnelle Ronne, with blue ribbons for her cookies and a white ribbon for her muffins. blouse and skirt. Susan Schaeferrneyer, with blue ribbons for Diane Sadusky, with a red ribbon for her her cookies and cake. blouse, and a blue ribbon for her skirt. Phyllis Heisler, with red ribbons for her Jody Gentles, with a blue ribbon for her cookies and pie. blouse, and a blue ribbon for her skirt too. Janis Stockton, with red ribbons for her Susan Rlltledge, with red ribbons for her muffins and banana bread. skirt and blouse. Susie Lesko, 'r1ith a red ribbon for her cookies Janet Hall, with blue ribbons for her skirt and a white ribbon for her pudding. and blouse. Diane Deck, with a red and a blue ribbon for Shelley Kirkpatrick, with blue ribbons for two kinds of cookies. her blouse and skirt. Diane Smith, with a blue ribbon for h~r <::ook- Helene Dunphy, ,rith blue ribbons for her caul- ies, and a red ribbon for her biscuits. iflower and brocolli, and red ribbons for her Paula Casey, with red ribbons for her date carrots and jelly. muffins and muffins. Cheryl Gay, with a white ribbon for her carrots, Michele Gay, with red ribbons for her cup blue ribbon for her leaf lettuce, and red ribbons cakes, cookies, and cake, and a blue ribbon for her parsley and jelly, for her brownies. Christina Johnson, with a white ribbon for her Robin Nicolet, with a red and blue ribbon brocolli, and red ribbons for her cauliflower, cont 1. JIM HOLBEN ;~.rIHlA/l/J O/JTIIJBUTOHS 5 5 7 7, "'-1'-'.' ..... ......_"'~~ .1M___ ...4 loot ~ More 4-H AWAhDS-- for his carrots and cabbage, and red ribbons for his celery, leaf lettuce and jelly. / / ~s.;::;:., ~I r ROD STEVS:NSJ 3 0 6 71 \ I . \ I \ I '. I '. \ I / \\ ,., f BE SURE AND GET YOUR NEW OIL STORAGE TANK INSTALLED BEFORE WINTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . KEEP IT FILLED WITH T E X A C 0 HEAT I r~G 0 I L l-- .- .. - :::::---- ~ -- ................ /-', , .... . .,. /) ) X::":"" , /0 -,', ". -, .,/' ' _/,;"'- \-::-~- .1'.,.- ?i, \::~ I ;-_ CALL US TODAY FOR REGULAR LISTING /. ,,/ /.", '!.r /. l ~I:-"-:)l ~/..,./' . ~ -~ p~~; '-'\. C H \.1.\ ---~--'-- -- HEATING OILS PET TIC OA T GAZETTE . . August LEGAL NanCE Those persons unable, for physical rea- sons, to come to the City Hall to regis- ter to vote, r.~y request the City Clerk or the Deputy City Clerk, to call upon them for the purpose of registering, as provided by resolution No. 175 passed and approved by the City Council on September 24, 1960. I . ~ ~ " 'f , i I , ;..---..--"- , K I t i 5 I ( I i I f. I I Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk August 10 - August 17, 1961 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION (AMENDED) Notice is hereby given that at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. on the first day of August, 1961, the registration cards of the City of Seward were open at the of- fice of the municipal clerk for the pur- pose of registering all qualified elec- tors, nineteen years or over, who are citizens of the United States of America and who are bona fide residents of the State of Alaska, and who have been such residents continuously during the entire year imrrlediately preceeding the election and who have been such residoents contin- uously for thirty days next preceeding the t'luction within the corporate limits of Lhe City of Seward, who are able to read the Constitution of the United States in the English language and to write the English language. All electors must, ex- cept those voting for members of the School Board, before voting register their n~~es and qualifications with the registration officer. All above quali- fications except registration are required to vote for School Board. -!- The registration cards will be opened every day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, beginning August 1, 1961 during the following hours: Ti1 the Friday next preceeding the first Tuesday in October, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. That said registration cards will be dosed at 10:00 o'clock p.m., Friday, o8ptember 30, 1961. That said election will be held on the first Tuesday in October for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three Councilmen for terms of two years each and for the purpose of electing two School Board Mem- bers, one for five year term, and one for the remainder of the 1957-1962 term. Dated at Seward, Alaska, this 16th day of August, 1961 Isl Beatrice E. Watts, City Clerk August 10 - August 17, 1961 17 f 1961 r I ! I I . Page 12 OFFICIAL NOTICE I ! \ I ~ l JI ! I I I f , j , I ,j ~ ~ ~l ;" Notice is hereby given that Resolution No. 232 was approved and passed at the regular mAeting of the City Council on August 4, 1961. Said Resolution No. 232 approved the following Traffic Regulation No. 4 to be effective the date of publi- cation of this Notice in accordance with Section 8.101 of the Code of Ordinances: f ~ Regulation No. 4 - That the maximum rate of speed under any road or driving condi- tion for all vehicles traveling across the lagoon on Third Avenue between the City Limits and Van Buren be increased from twenty-five (25) miles per hour to thirty-five (35) miles per hour. A copy of this Notice and the Traffic Reg- ulation is posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall. Isl Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk August 17, 1961 SEALED BID , I t f The City of Seward has called for sealed bi~s on rental of the Warehouse on the Dock at the Seward Small Boat Harbor, Seward, Alaska, by lease on a six-months term basis, renewable month to month thereafter. Terms upon which to bid are set forth in the Invitation to Bid posted on the bulletin boards at the City Hall and the Small boat harbor. Bids .dll be accepted until 4:00 P.M. August 29, 1961, at City Hall, except that bids may also be delivered at the Council Chambers be- tween 4:00 P.M. and 4:15 P.M. August 29, 1961; and bids will be opened publicly at the Council Chambers at 4:15 P.M. August 29, 1961. For further details contact City Hall, Seward, Alaska. August 17 - August 24, 1961 SEALED BIDS The City of Seward is calling for sealed bids for furnishing the equipment and ma- terials only for standby heating system for electricity generation plant. Sep- arate sealed bids are also being requested for l-lightweight crawler tractor bull- dozer. Interested bidders may secure com- plete specifications by calling at tity Hall or by writing to them at Box 156. Both bids will be publicly opened at the Council Chambers at 4:00 P.M. August 28, 1961. August 17 - August 24, 1961 PETTICOAT GAZETTE Page 11 THE BIG A D V E N T U R E . August 17, 1961 increasea exposure to disease due to associat- . ing with large numhers of children in a congested Chi~dren entering sch~ol ~or the firs~ t~e area. Needed is protection against small pox~ 8xperlence one of the hlghllghts of thelr Ilves.diphtheriA, whooping cough typhoid fever and This is such an important event, that most of poliomyelitis, ' , us recall our own first school days and our These immunizations may be obtained at the cf- first grade teacher. . . fice of the family doctor or at the Health Center Unl:ss w~ stop to thln~, we do no~ rea~lze on each Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. the blg adJust~ent our.flrst grade ls.golng to School registration is on August 30. The have to make, In changlng from an env~ronment children start school Sept. 5. Call your family dominated by the home to one greatly lnfluenced doctor for an appointment, now. by the schooL ' One of the most important things t.o consider is r-he matter of a schedule so the child will arrive at school on time, properly clothed and fed after a good nights' rest. The parent needs to be sure that a well child is being sent to school - that the child d0es not have a sore throat; is not feverish or broken out with a rash; is not complaining of toothache or earache, or that he does not have a severe cold. If he has been vomiting or has had diarrhea, he should be kept at home and medi~al attention obtained, as should be done for the conditions previously mentioned. The beginner should know his own full name, his parents' names and his street address, By this age, he will be dressing and undressing himself. If his clothing is large enough, this will be easier for him to do. He will have learned to take some responsibility for his clothing, especially the articles he wears when going out of doors, In preparing the child for his school exper- ience, it is necessary to have the family doctor give a thorough physical examination, so that any defects which might handicap him in school Note: The White Oak does it too. may be corrected as soon as possible. This examination should be done before school regis- tration, It is the responsibility of the pa~- ent to call the family physician to arrange for an appointment. The child's immunizations should be up to date because of the hazard of (above) tf ENAI C o.,op v- "'lI' _______,___.-.._....._________~""'"""",..__.____~.....,...,....._'.......'...__..,"_~_ ,......--.-- Your Cash & Carry Store.. J~hich Saves You Money PHONE 5 560 1--- SPECIALS Friday and Saturd"ay S P E :: I A L S $ 3. 6 9 20 4 5 size-------------------------4 / 1. 0 0 Fresh Cucumbers............2 1 ~ ea. Potatoes - outside - new - 10 lb/55~ Coffee....,lO oz. $ 1. 5 9 A R ~:j 0 U R CAN NED S m 0 ked $ 8. 9 5 5. 2 5 4. 6 0 2. 8 9 Pu 11 man 6 lb. 5 lb. 3 lb. Scott Towels .....150 Mortons Frozen Cream Pies...,...6 g~ ea. Nabisco Oreo Creme Sandwiches 1 lb./55~ Hills Bros Ins tan t Signed, J.fJary LeFevre, PHN. ~::: ::::: ~, * THE SCRUB OAK TREB By Herbert Merrill Some twenty years ago an acorn dropped Into a rocky place where limestone showed A few white teeth and where the forAst stopped Before the red slash of a ~uarry read, It had no business to be hatching there, Split ting the brown eggshell and thrusting out A skinny leg of green life on the bare In hospitable ledge, A week, no doubt, Would see it shrivel up and starve itself, A pinch of failure in a cuP of stone, But there it stands today upon its shelf, Its talons in the rock, I freely own The whole thing baffles me, and I can show Statistics proving that it couldn't grow" ..1.. ..I, "I" ',' * ~c HAPPY ANNIVERSARY-- August 24 - Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Claide Berg James E. Davis ..I.. ..I~ "," '," ~:~ ):c HAM S Pic n 1 C _, ,~, '. ~..-. . W~" .. . ! l:RTnCO~I~::t~N~~::c:':-;~-'--'~~;.:1~~~~'V.'_"~"_'---~::-:~------I REAL ESTATE i City of Seward~ Alaska I I I Equity in 3 bedroom ~me in Clearview. I, The follovQng Resolutions were pa&sed and I r:mt:" $105.56 per mOr;Yh. Newly painted \\ approved by the City Council C'n May 19~ 19610; ::.nslde and out. J i Publication hereof is made pursuant; to ! II Section l~' of the Cone of Ordinanees. I :2 bedroom home nice lawn and garden. 1 : 1 Will V.A, or F. .A. oj RESOLUTION NO. 214 - Amending PerrTIlt FeJe Ii Schedule Under Ordinance No. 298 (Garbage I; and Refuse) to Permit tile use of the City' I i Dump for Burning Confidential Papers by It Residents of the City for a Permit Charge of $0.50 cer Year" into bus- Gift Shop Excellant 0 portunity to get i.ness for yourself O. Brien. s and Fountain. ,:<*** ....'1 ! j: I I I,; I' , ' LEGAL NOTICE NUl' ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of call for sealed bids for supplying furnace oil and stove oil for the City of Seward, Seward Electric Sys- tem and Seward ';vater System, to be opened I' at 9 a.m. viednesday, June 14~ 1961. ! Bid call will be provided on request and ! i" posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall I as of May 24, 1961, Publication hereof is in accordance with 3eco 12.3 of the MunL,'Lpal Chart'er. ~J.ay 25 and /s/ Beatrice E, Watts' Beatrice E, Watts City Clerk June 2, 1961 LEGAL NarICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council ..ill hold a Public Hearing of t,he Proposed 1S'bJ.-62 hurdc:Jpal Budgetlt 8:00 p.m. June ') ~ 196I. ",'d Budget is available The Pr;' at City Hall for inspect,ion by the publico Th':'5 t-;otice and -"ublic Hearing 1:1 accordan- ce ..ith Scct1.0n 6.3 of the Hunicipal Charter. Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk ~une ~I., 1961 GOVERNOR EGAN HONORED Governor William A. Egan has been awarded the Cross of Malta, highest award bestowed by the Alaska Department, Veterans of Foreigh \'iars, "for outstanding services rendered to the 'jeter-ans of Foreign 'liars and to the people of AlaSKa in an effort to make Alaska a better place to live," The colorful award, as well as a separate di~,tinguished service award, were presented tc the Governor May 2200 by Dr. Paul Jaeger of ftnlnorage, Alaska VFW commander, during the organization's State convention gathering in Juneau. ***'~ Resolution ,c,", 2il - Setting forth the oro- cedure for securing, opening, tabulat.ing and/or evaluating all bids for routine pur~ , chases by the C Lty of Seward, Seward Electric! System and S~wdrd Water System. Resolution Nc'o 214 and No. 218 are posted on the City Hall bulletin board on the 31st day of May 1961., /5/ Beatrice E. Watts Beatrice Eo Watts, City C1e~k , June 2, 1961 ~_..""--~._'_.--------_......,~'...,.,.~.,--"~._-_...,~_..~-'_.~...., HOMEMAKfi:R'S SHORT COURSE PRCXXRAM TAKES SHAPE An exciting week of probing deepl;)" into some areas of concern and interests of home- makers is in store for the Alaskan Homemaker Club members who attend the annual Short, Course Session in College this year~ MiE5 Agnes Sunnell, State Home Economics Leader, advises. Dates of t~is annual event are June 5 to 9. Club members from all parts of the state will converge by rail, a~to and air C~ the University of Alaska campus on S~~day~ June 4. The program will get under way Mon- day morning and wind up Friday night, June 90 Delegates will head for home Saturday morn- ing, June 10. I'Iiss Sunnell. said the week-long '[;rograrp. will follow the general fcrmat of last yeal' '3 session. Each delegate will have a cho1ce of classes to at.tend in addition to the regula: morning and afternoon sessions planned :/."oc alL The Homemaker Club delegates will have an opportunity to explore leadership program;, in public affairs, health and safety, inter- national picture of the status of women al:d how to plan club programs to meet the "Cl,al:"- enge of the Sixties". Among the elecGive~ are workshop courses in Flower Gardening for Alaskans, Family Life, Newswriting, HOwe Planning, and Astronomy for Everyone. Traditional program features of the Short Course Session agenda includes the annual meet.ing of the Alaska Homemaker's Clubs Council, the election of ol'ficers, talent night, picnic night, an afternoon ~ea; and the installation banquet. ~ic>:~* ANNIVERSARIES June 3 - Mr. June 6 - Mr. Mr. and Mrso and Mrs. and Mrs. **** Bob Mor Audin Sando James Schaefermeye~ .\ , \\l" t' '\ ,~; . \\, \ \ '"', \ ' ,.,,\\. \i' j\' PE'rnco.,T GAZETTE Jun~ SOCIAL :JECURITY CHANGES CaNT. ~quarters elapsing after 1950, to one quar- ter of coverage for each calendar year elapsing after 1950. A3 for disability "onset dates"; present law provides that individuals can have periods of disability established, through June 30, 1961, which can go as far back as the onset of the disability. The proposed change extends the cutoff date throuph June 30, 1962 to set up disability, back ~o onset dates. As for the financing provisions, the max- imum taxable amount of $4,800 a year is un- changed; the tax rate for the self-employed is net chanRed from 4~ per cent for 1961, but would increase to 4 11/16 per cent for 1962; 1963-65, changed from 5~ per cent to 5 7/16 per cent; 1966-68, changed from 6 3/4 per cent to 6 15/16 per cent. The rates for employees and employers for the same calendar years also reflect some ch~nges, ~lthough no change from the present 3 per cent rate for 1961. For 1962, it would e AMANA Home Frozen Foods FOR MORE INFORMATION - CHECK ANDREWS HARDWARE FOURTH AVE. OR WRITE RALPH PAULSON BOX 354 SEWARD, ALASKA APT. 5, 4TH AVE. APARTMENTS 'L L_l2..6l_..______ _ ____.__.____.____.._____......__ Paw" lJ,. ~UITABLE RA!LROAD FREIGHT R{@ Although stating the legis'lation,."~'"Ci not affect the work of the offi.ce, the C'H:r:>- troller Gcmeral of the United States :3ba"'::d he would not object to the tems 'If :)e~i\ Le,]! Grue ning, s bill seeking to have tri3nbc:c:,t., c;_ ental railroads 3.poly the eX',Jort-iffiu'Y1t. rates for shipments to Alaska ra (,r,;3," tta . the domestic rates applied on 8hl~'m",rt3 t,:) the other States. n Such lower export-import rates ,j",P3 adopted by the railroads to mec,t ccmV3t.i- tion ,1ith :::;11 water carrie:rs a5 to tra~~'in moving to and from the Orient, II Con;: t r;)} :',y!" General Campbell wrote ChairnlEifi 'vi.; ,"Ten S. Magnuson, Chairman of the Sena t.e C(,mmerce Committee>> "in order that the tran5conti:l<~r}-. tal rail lines could participate :.n m(J1i1Jlg traffic by rail to the Pacific CO'l3t r-,,~rt~' and thence by water to the O:'ient. Howeyer, the all water competition as to traf~ic to and from Alaska has not been aU,Jr, to dai.c! that the railroads have voluntarily ~,,:'"ud~'d to such traffic the lower export-imf'.1.:+ X",t ,:;;;, One graphic example of the d.i.fJeret\C'." in rates was given by Senator Gruem.ng Vif'.>0i, he introduced' the bill with co-spon',orsr.:ip by Senator Bartlett. It costs $~.;:' more f C'r the railroad charge to ship an aut,omc.bi:", from Michigan to Seattle for tranl!'-fOhi;)rr,'lr11: to Alaska than for shiop:;.ng the "ame (~r t) Tokyo. "If the bill were enacted, ""hE C'.'!l:r- troller General stated, "thE) United Stat i'J::\ as a major shipper to and from Alask", 'tJc,u1J. benefit from the application of tbe I'M,'i' freight rates and we have nc objectiot,. 'f.C the legislation being gi\ren f!lv:,r"ble :'cn- sideration tv your committee.1i ):o:o~ SUBSTITUTE POSTAL ~iORKERE) TO B~~ ALlUIED1"e: HOUR I'IEEK , AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES TV SUFPLIES & RADIO SUPPLIES Supply Center MOTOR ACOUII,.R ;?" B I CYCLE Sl;PH_IE:S RUBBER ,STAI~f:'S SPECIALTIES MAKE YOUR ADDRESSES, DEPOSITS, ORDERS, ETC., QUICKER AND NEATER. SEE US ABOUT A RUBBER STAMP TODAY. PRICES QUOTED WITHOUT OBLIGATiON. FOR Rf\D 10, TV, YOUR BEST BUY IS AT PHONOGRAPHS, RECORDS OR AUTO PARTS- - - - - - THE SUPPLY CENTER 229 4TH AVE........SEWARD,AlAS~A )~ to 3 5/3; 1966-68, from 4 to 4 1/8 per cent clnd for 1969 clnd after, from 4~ per cent to 1+ 5/8 per cent. It is expected the committee will act on the me~3ure late next week, to report it to U,e Sen;>t8 floor. It is not known what fur- ther chi.lnges fhe committee may recommend. ~:c~(*:::!; TUITI()!I: hATE FOR ALASKANS '..JlJil" in Oregon recently, Senator Bart- lett WilfO ddvised by State Senator Jvlonroe 3weet1and thdt the Oregon Legislature voted to contini" the special tuition arrangement made for AI'lSkOl. residents attending state colleges in Oregon. For several years students from Hawaii and Alaska have been charged th'8 same fee as if they were Oregon residents. *"--:c:~ Postmaster General Day, who ';1.~i ~e::i. Alaska recently at the invitation c',[ :::'~t,at , Gruening, infonned the senator t;-;i,~ .w""''';," t L::t substitute employees of the POiltal ::'e~.,"::'''"l ',,;. Alaska will be allowed a work week of '.';: .J.(, 48 hours. This is an exception fro", 'it ~"'C6:~J ly announced agen:.:y-wide limit of .ilU :lO',lr;:. "The problem faced by the 51lb~titute,!\ i:: Alaska is unique," the postmaster feniC!'a} notified Senator Gruening, "and no (th~;;" .:.L...." is being allowed this exception", Senator Gruening had presented -tee) tb, postmaster general the plight. of w(:~'~"':": i,~ Ala ska who would be unabl.e to supf-'ort thuL',' families on pay for only 40 hour!" aL t,hc, .'- Yd hourly rate which is the maxjJrr:~m w!1:i.:h bJ L,"l can be paid to substitutes. ~~::::::::):( /--- 4t ~------------ May 4, 1961 \ Pa.ge u PEI'TICOAT GAZETTE l LEGAL NOnCE City of Seward, Alaska The following entitled Resolution was passed and approved by the City Council on April 21, 1961 to be effective May 1, 1961. Publica- tion hereof is made pursuant to Section 12 of General Provisions of the Seward Code of Ordinances, RESOLUTION NO. 210 A}ffiN~ING RESOLUTION NO, 197 AND ESTABLISH- ING MOORING CHAnGE FOR BOATS OVER 65 FEEl' IN LENGTH. Posted on the City Hall the 3rd day of May 1961 board at the Seward Boat day of May 19610 bulletin board on and on the bulletin Harbor on the 2nd . Beatrice E. Watts, City Clerk --~""_.-"---",,,,,- Methodist Church Activities Sat, May 6; 1:30 p,m. Candle Lighters Sunday Hay 7 10 a,m. Church School Children's Day Program All parents are invited 11 a.m, !Vlorning Worship, Sermon: "Dedicationll 6 p.m, Junior High Methodist Youth Fellow- ship, No evening worship because of Every M_..lber Canvass 8 p.m. Senior High Methodist Youth Fellowship Tuesday 7 p.m. Junior Choir Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Frayer and Bible Study 8 p,m. oenior Choir ,I~ ,I, ,Ir ,I.. ,I.. ,I, "I' "," I.' ...... ",'" ,of" N OnCE-- The regular business meeting of tthe Seward BPW will be held Tuesday, May 9th at 6:30 r.m. at Don's Cafe. The election of new officers for the coming year is on the agenda and all members are urged tc plan to be present. r---- HA~:;~:; INSU~AN~~-:~ENCY I Box 836 Phone Ca 4-3021 ! Located in Seward Distributors office just south of Seward Trading ~ompany. Complete Fire Insurance All Types Automobile Insurance Standard & Sub-Standard coverages All types of Liability coverages Marine and Inland Marine -- Aviation -- Workmen's Compensation-- Lloyds for unusual risks All insurance coverages serviced by a time agent and written in first class companys. \~hy settle for less than the best, full .j'''-._-'''=::~~'::":;>;'''o:...:';:::-''~""."."""~_,~~""",~"",,~.:!'',:,;,.,,,:-,,';o..''':'"'':'''-,...~,~- ~ PT A NFdS The evening of !VIay 2nd found the al:i-p,LrrKse room of the High School overflowing witn pa rentE and children. This was the regular mee-cing of the PTA, the prognm for the evening bel.ng p.::: on by Mrs. Gilbert's kindergarten. This P"c'~ ~ram was much enjoyed by al~, and the c:hiLire.n ~nd Mrs. Gilbert are to be commended fvr t t:~ ine cooperation shown within the group. F.:ll. wing this program the 4th grade mother-co; 3<:^C"~G oolaid and cookies to all the children \vh~:.'d~ he parents enjoyed coffee and also coc.k:i.". , The business of the evening followed _,,~,':,,~~::,~ ents. Jvir. :'Jeagle and Reverand Cousart ga Vi'; n interestinf' report on the convention whll'!l hey attended in Anchorage. The Kenai PenlD- ula and Kodiak now are officially designaHd s District 5, Mrs. Mary Howkins of Nini.l<::h:iK . :s chairman of District 5, and it is planned . that a Council of PTA of District 5 will be /formed. Hr. Neagle wa~ ~a~ed State Chai~an of Health and Safety dl VlSlon. Reverand v' '> : sart gave an interesting resume of the tQlk : given by Dr. Calvin Reed and also reported ':n I the legislative program. . l'lr. Rauch reported on the manner that thf' high school teachers had decided to spend the $50 allotted to them by the PTA for items ne~c". ed, and were as follows: 1. Educational film guide, 2. Eecords for the Science Depar,,:.ment~ 3. Record for ~ocial Studies, 4. Record fer English Department. The PTA voted to hold a reception following graduation on the evening of May 17 in the all- purpose room. Mrs. Strother and Mrs. Hous~ volunteered to head this committee. !VIrs. Kay Ferguson discussed the eye program at the school and asked for volunteer:1 to he:,.p finish the program before the end of the '3"J'lenl year. Mrs. Hugh Hall installed t he new off2 ce-r', for t he coming year; Reverand ~ousart~ presi- dent; Hrs. Lay Andres, vice president; Mrs, Oscar Watsjold, 2nd vice president; Ers, G...::r::1.-, , ~ secretary, and Mr. Nelson, treasurer. The <i':"'- ecutive board was given the power to act fo'" the PTA during the summer months. The new president announced the new comm:i... ttees for the coming year as follows: tea'hfcl12 reception corrmittee-executive board; budte"':. a!"j finance; Mrs. Gwer Cobban, chairman, and Mr. 1 Nelson, Program: lYIrs. Hugh Hall, chairma'l. ! Hembership: Hr. Neagle, chairman, Mrs. Fab~",- I cious, ami Mrs. Clarence Larsen, Hosp:tal::~y. I /Ilrs. Lucille Faust, chairman, Health and Sai'etJ'. Mrs. Casey, chairman, Publicity: Sanna LeVan, r chairman, Mrs. Hatsjold and Mrs. Gus Joh[~cen1 ! Room motherc; Mrs. Nancy Sadusky 1 chairma"~ Parlimentarian; Mrs. Gilbert Nelson~ PublitCi1- tions: Mrs. Cousart. The penny-pot was won by Hiss Wen!l€rs: 1" ';;,1.3 sixth grade. ,,~ ~,~ -'. 4' "I' "I' ::::-:: ;::~ ,,;, ::;( Assembly of God Church Sunday School - classes for all ages Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evangelistic Service Wednesday - Bible Study and Prayer Friday - Christ Arr.bassadors (youth) 10: 00 A11 :'1; 00 PJi[ ?~ ..~O PM ?~:'C PM ?~-)C p~.y Youth Choir Practice - Tues. Thurs, 4000 PM ... PETTICOAT GAZETTE Page II _____11~.Y:.44_- ~_2.~1_._____ __ . . --- -.--.--.--.-.,-,-- IT ',IA;; THt:llt O\JN IJ).2;A Last j.jonday afternoon (Lay lJay) at iJ. little WHEREAS, the Benevolent and Protective Order after three o'clock, children from the grade of Elks has designated May 8, 1961 as Youth school, fourth grade up, swarmed over alleys and Day to honor America's Junior Citizens for vaC&'1t lots in a "clean-up :3e,lard" attack thilt their accomplishments, and to give fitting re- startled some residents and challen,;ed others cognition of their services to Conununity, State to a like effort. j.cc;ompanied by teachers and and Nation; and, some mothers as '"ell as olo.er students frO);1 "he WHEf..EAS, Seward Lodge #1773 will sponsor highschool, the youngsters did a "bang-up job" an observance on that day in tribute to the as well as a clean up job despite considerable Junior Gitizens of this Community; and, horse play. Une has only to take CJ, tour of the WHEREliS, no event could be more deserving alleys to see the difference. of our support and participation than one de- "ilhy bother I-lith the alleys? This question dicated to tl-Jese young people who represent was askeci by some irldignant parents who felt the nation's greatest resource, and who in the the "work" had been forcedL;pon their offsprinb years ahead will assume the responsibility for and that it ',iii.S beneath their aignity. the advancement of our free society; and, "This '.eIaS the children I s own idea", l'l.rS. WHEREAS, our Youth need the guidance, in- l.lildred l.irkpatrick, chairman of the lkii clean- spiration and encouragement which we alone can up committee, states. 1.la.nY of the suu;estiops give in order to develop those qualities of for needed action in specific areas dere be/ond cnaracter essential for future leadership; and, the scope of children, but this '"as one thing ~~HEREAS, to achieve this worthy objective they could do, and they worked it out themselves we demonstrate our partnership with Youth, our with only the assistCUlce of the comuittee imd understanding of their hopes and aspirations the city street department in the donation of and a sincere willingness to help prepare them trucks and drivers. ill'. Herman Leirer also help- in every way for the responsibilites and opp- ed by lending his big truck. ortuni ties of citizenship; It Vlould surprise the grownups to kno'tI how NOii, THEREFORE, I, ALEX PETROVICH,J1fJ.AYOR, the youngsters feel and notice (culd do not fail of the City of Seward, Alaska, do hereby pro- to point with scorn) at the "dirty" spots. Vlhen claim l'laY 8, 1961 as YOUTH DAY, a nd urge all they took a hand to clean up it put the rest of departments of government, civic, fraternal us on the spot to follow up a good example. and patriotic groups, and our citizens gener- Although they expected no reward for (wing a ally, to participate wholeheartedly in its ob- civic duty, it seems the least we could do in servance. ackno'lledgement is to have a party.- Henc:.;, the signed: Alex Petrovich, plans for a big "weenie-roast" on oaturday <'.fter Mayor, City of noon, at about 6 o'clock at the bonfire (which Seward, Alaska the kids are to provide). Individuals and 30me ,;, * 'f ,;, ,:< * ':' organizations \'iill provide the \'Ieiners. ALL children, moms and dads, and ever,ybody who enjoys this kind of party are invited to be present. Let's sho\'l our youth that we a) 'preciate their efforts. GUier]:; TO TIlli PAltTYl YOUTH DAY 1961 - PROCLAMATION HAJ:'l'Y BIRTHDAY May 11. Elaine Inglis May 12, Eva Stal~ett Goodwill, Mor an Jacquelyn Phone r, u ,~ P E ,... , L ~ ;) l- ,I ) I Friday and 3aturday S P E C I A L S Fisher's Blend F LOU R.............................. 5J /7 9 rt S & W Whole K ern e 1 Corn #303......2 7 rt can Stateside POT A TOE S . . 10# / 99rt Valamont Sliced Apples....No. 2 can...3 2 e Gaines Dog Meal...5 #...90rt Cello-wrapped Celery......2lrt lb. e - PETTICOAT GAZETTE -----~ Classified Ads 5i per word, 50i minimum charge Petticoat Gazette, or phone 5934, --e----- BAlt11T r?E8.LLY Ma'ran :'::j; .L',;IOI Modern, Furnished, 2-bedro0m apartment Phone 3021 4l 42 Phone 5667 43 tf 320 First Ave. Furmshed Ed Burke, Phone 5688 Mail ads to Help Wanted Shrimp cannery workers needed person at'Seward Seafood, Inc-, tween 8 a,m and 5 p.m Please apply i cannery be- East Point Seafoods Lawrence P Johnson ~c ':::: ':::: ):< * Notices 4-H Bake Sale, March 25th at McMulleni s Store. Money to go to the Library Building Fund 40, 41, 42.9 43.;: Income Tax Service by mail or in my Marjorie P Johnsort, 920 East 12th, Alaska. Phone BRoadway 5-2364 home. Anchorage, 37 tfc For Sale I-floor med. sized 3-bedroom fenced-in yard; easy terms, Dave home, close in; Blune, 1953 Mercury, brand-new engine.. $450 1953 Ford F-3 Pickup, R&H, Call CA 4-3019, 42, 43c. Large planter with plants; sturdy garbage rack; bottle capper and misc items Phone 5694 42 tfc. 2-bedroom house, furnished, in town, low down!, payment 42, 43c~ , take I #3 aftfr 42 43/ 1959 Ford-6. $300 for my equity.. you over payments, Contact 4th Ave- Apt _5 p m Eugene Neagle, in Jlpprec(ationl ! Many thanks to the Seward businessmen who tl sponsored the radio broadcast of the State Chalnpionship games here last week, and to Jac . Hoth whose announcing made me see every play s though I had been there :instead 01' :in a wheel chair beside the radio. Only the Shut-:ins of , many years can fully appreciate the wonderful gift made by sponsors who pay for such broad- cas ts. And to the glory-covered, fight:ing SEAHAlvKS- I am as proud of you as though you were each my own sons! Donlt be downhearted, Boys, your loss by one point does not lessen in the least de- gree our esteem for the courageous spirit and SUf€rior sportsmanship which make you victor- ious in defeat! In all s:ince~it, j ~ ~ T&>-' .'1._ !-1rs. George Fo ter ~.;)~ I-bedroom house with Zoned for business" 905 4th Ave large shop in rear Excellent terms. See at 42, 43p Modern} 4-unit apt house, desirable location Low down payment - Phone CA 4-3021. 41,42,43('; p . .-- __..;."age,,~:, I I QUONSET HUT-- Sell for $30000 cash. Good shape.1 I i ~ I ~ t'., D '.....J ' ',. 4 bedroom, grade school area L;)w overhead. 50 x 100 conNER, On pav:ing! $100'J 00,c.e.rmfL 332 2nd, Con,p1etely furn. Floor furfi Pase Needs some repair, will reduce from :$63()(1. XI to $5300.00, ~1000 down. $60 00 n~. 338 4th Ave 'rel, 3032 For Sale or Trade Will trade equity in Duplex fer t raller h~.,-,se or pickup; will accept cash 5::'8 oLh Ave 4::' ~ .,-+3p, For Rent Single 0-:: : o,lp~.e I.:: tf: ~( ::~ >::t: * ~( Legal Notice,~ City of Seward; Alaska. The following entitled Resolutions werE' paS58(\ and approved by the City Couno::il on Nuvembe;' 18, 1960, January 6, 1961, and Mar:h 6, 1961. respectively. Publication hereof is made p,-,-,~ suant to Section 12 of General ProviS.lun:, 0':' the Seward Code of Ordinancei5 RESOLUTION NO. 188 PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE AND REGm~ATI()NS FOR PEmUI HOLDERS UNDER (GARBAGE & R~USE) ORDINANCE NO 298. RESOLUTIO~ NO ,cSf!.J. PERSONNEL REGULATIONS (HARBOR rvIASTER) IlliSOLUTION NO 19' MOORING AND OI'HER CHARGES UNDER ORDINANCE NO 302 (SEWARD SMAU" BOAT HARBOH) Posted on the City Hall bull=t~l1. toard on th~ 22nd day of March, 1961, Re:3cL..'liom N(lc. ~9~! and 197 also posted on the bllletm board at the Seward Boat Harbor.. signed.: Beau'ice E C,lty Cler~: ~c~~*~~~~ i Wat~ The Intramural Spelling Bee, to detprminethe Wm! H. Seward School spelling ,'hamplOi'! a~1d the champion and alternate to go to the Etate: Spelling Bee, will be Blllid 211 the all'~r:-u:-pc:3e room of the Seward High S::;ho!).l. en Mar :.c'l9t.J. at 7:30 p m The publi: is ,::crdlal1y lrJvited ~:' ;:.:' ;:.:' ::::' ~~.' Mrs - Vi Fish as 4-H grow.p, :h" i'Hapj:'y Hel;:.e r3H . held their first meeting Satuniayo Ma~:n _th and their second meeti,ng Mar 'h L8ch~96: Plan to see you at the bake sale Saturday March 25 Reporter, Phyllls He.L:ler ".-,."..._--~------_._~.._.._..".~,-.~~...,,,.,...,-"..---,-"'".~ .".~.., page t3 March 2'3, 1961 ________Page '7 Meose Pass News ,. continued from: :l,';flr:. :.: PETTICOAT GA2EI'TE Recita~, cont from Now th~ Day Is Over. St:eLeVan. . . ~ , (l C< " : 0 It e e e " . 0:> " Barnby In spite of weather conditions Satc;,rcia;;l" nig,ti';" quite a few social events were ';-;~::"l a:ttended., Pupils who assisted in making this program a Some folks went to the ball ga.m<e s others t,:Of,_ success: Mrs. Knutson, Fleming, Larsen~ Brya:h, in the Elks:1 Purple Bubble BaL\., and, r.,thef'~ Hasty Special mention to Mrs House and Mrs, went over to the Coope:ri s L8cnd.j~ng S-l: - F'[),tritlt" ~ LeVan dan:;e Everyone seemed to have i3 ~e'2'~. gocd: ~m", Mr and ~lrs. Ace Hudson and family were oyer The State Division of Lalld:~ w:1l1 nol.o a ,-,6ildng ~aturday to visit with the Woods ~ and they tookon the classification of tideland.s en l'lar:n 2".'; K,'s Woods back to Soldotna with them at 8 p,.m in the city eoun~n:h8.l'1be' The pu,rpose of the hearing is to glye' the pllbUr. an opfortunity to make suggGat1.on~ :eg.s,rd-'.ng th~ tidelands that extend be;}<'ond the cily l'J.m.:LtA:; oj:' Seward" State law requires that -~r.e tideli.mJl~ be classified before they Gan be lea3edc )to:: ~( ::l:( ~:( ,!( ~~M~~,,~,~~~~~ ~@. :'::RAl'"S ~:~~O;b PHONE 5268 BLOUSES............... .assortrnen~ of "" cottons..batists..and miracle blends Team one of these pretty little blouses with a skirt for your "Little Hiss Fashion Plate" for l!;aster' >,< * * * * Moose Pass News by Joanne Miller Mrs Roy Woods was over from Soldotna for a couple of days last week to spend some time with her son Bob and f~mily Hr" and Mrs Phil Nicholas, Mr. Liebelt~ and Mrs, Corky Liebelt visitors at the Bob Woods' , and Mrs. Bob were Sunday Bru~~ Ainsworth celebrated his 11th birthday Friday with a dinner party at his home The Moose Pass Brownies had their regular meeting at Miller's Wednesday afternoon. May Day baskets were finished and then Andrea Shaffer demonstrated a dance that looked so much like fun that everyone joined in and learned it BOX 65 HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS OREGON CHIPPER CHAIN ROUGH AND DRESSED lUMBER PLYWOOD, NAilS, ETC. S E WA RD. . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . A L AS K A All ~ajor Appliances IN STOCK at Phil.cc, Amana, !tCA Whirlpool Nagie Chef, I,lorge."..... ANDERSON I S Furniture with Character Friday night the First Aid Class ~et at Masonis We started a little early and ~hen tuned in to hear the last half of the ball gam~ There have been several cases of the flu the past week. Among those. who have been quite ill were Tillll11Y Laird and Rockey McElveen- Joanne Miller did nQt accept the position on the Ho~pital Board to fill the remaining two years cf Don Vor~'B term The Moose Pass shooters went cY~!r '~::'~"O::;L el' ~5 Landing Wednesday evening and fhi.isiled. 1(,he:n~ targets for the shootin" fest, ):c ~,~ * *' ~( Tideland Classifi ca tiOD. Hear;,ng C ongrat ula tions" Willna Zentmire was elec:ted ::orT"€spondl'16 ,se'::-o retary at the Alaska State Hairdreeser~ and Cosmeticians Associatior,confeT'6nce i:0. F'au:~ banks last week. ::;::: )::: ~:.:: ':::: * Remember the Easter Seal DriYe~ Sunday~ Marc2b\ Wee sizes too.~ GAL A X E F ALe 0 N MODERN MOTORS Woody Mahurin and Pat 01 Br~en ma.de 2, u:q: ':c Hope Tuesday for the Seward CTi.pp~.ed C'i:,ldrE'(':'.: Asso ciation., Mr, 1ve1(' :flDo'(:~1 Ne",rho'ls~ e:.\.'Pre:"s~ ad his desire to par'tldpata "'JJ..th tht A;;so i8. tion >l( :::;.: >:.;; J;::: ~( The next regular meeting of the will be devoted to National S. evening, Ma rch 28tn, 6 de p :1: The committee has a v~ry inter~:c planned Guests will be w"'.J.~om~ Metz John3on for a Y'eseY>\~"~',i<>~': Sewar<i 3PW T\,l.r:)~~d8..: DG/!L: .~, !C&..f~ ~ ng p-rog:-alj'''1"i .' .A.:t ca__,~., - Deceliiber 22, 1960 - -e- Pa.~e 6 c ..<; '-((,\I.... .1).. j '. I ~ 1~"0;o. I ~ ~ fJtr<'1/,. J/~~ . <t (~ } ~ . ',:1 II~ '!Jd /) I ,~;~ ;'::'Iid/Wl ~ht.II>~. il 't ...... "4r;.t.i..;;//Jf/ Ji ~ \. '/~_"'- "LI / { all/<::://tF~ .' " ..'... . . )Ji,,'I~ '_11.--).." ~~ . r-~~~ -'-7- -"", \ l. ... - \' I _ \ ~ -' ',-- ,,?~. ~-_. ,~ ",f" ~.",y link ~@@)~WOO ~~$J PETTICOAT GAZETTE PETTICOAT GOSSIP oontinued from page 5 Four of Seward's fledglings=-Dermis Ku ,lcheski Joe Doshen, Bob Muller and Gaylor Lanman=-who left this spring for a stretoh of duty in the National Guard are home and reEdy for 'What comes next, The boys 1'-ere all in the Tran= sportation Corps and spent their training time at Fort Ord and Camp Roberts~ It's nioe to ha ' them around again" * * * * * * * MESSAGES FOR SANTA-- Dear Santa, one of your litt teners wri tes-=" I wonder if you throat Santa, because you sound you did last ar?" Another lit ,Ie fan wonders if she might have a bag of grapes in the toes of her stook- ing this year instead of an apple or an orange? T nk you could manage? And Si at the Drug St,,,re might have something for your throat? * * * * * * * Mr, and Mrs. John SaHt are spending the Christmas holidays in Ancftorage with their son; )hn. and two daughters--Mary Ann and radio lis- ,',ve a sore different than GIVE ALASKA'S 1~GAZINE this Christmas~ First subscription $5; eaoh additional only $4 Box 1271 gift ALASKA SPORTSMAN Juneau · ~ {f;" CIf Ji.~ A --'~j J_.+'..O__A ~ :[' 7~ ',"'K, ~~ 0-"- ....' , .' '".:~,.~,ji" Jcn( 1/ ',' ," >~--,---"".f -.:J Q2I 71:( G~~ . , (. l'-~ osi&. ,-e.i~ (Jonlj~~ ~ Eleanor-=and their families (six grandchild= ren) * * * * * * * Bill and Franoes 0 rien arrived home from their short coatic, in Seattle, They tell us they had a wonderful time but are glad to be home, where the tempo is a wee bit slower" * * * * * * * A HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ OFFICIAL NOTICE Notioe is hereby [;i ven that Resolution "wc192 was approved and passed at the regular meet- ing of the City Council on December 16, 19600 Said Resolution No. 192 approved the follow- ing parking regulations to be effeotive the I date of publication of th",3 Notioe in 9.0cord~1 anoe with Section 8elOl of the Code of Ordin~ l 1 1 , \ i I I ance r 13gulation Noo 10 No vehic:':', shall be parked on any oity street or alley in excess of forty-eight (48) hours continuou, 'Yo Sundays and Legal Holidays shall not be included in thi s 48 -hour per i 0 , Rc'c;ulation No,. 2., No vehicle shall be parked on any oity street in such a way or so loaded that it will obstruot an operator's view of any traffic sign or signal while approaching suoh sign or signal in a legal mannerc A copy of the Notice and the Parking Reg~ ulations is posted on the bulletin board at City Hall- Signed: Beatrioe Eo Watts City Clerk PAT WilliAMS .' . ~ 1\'1. ~ :.II/!I;/i/ '. 1(,: .1'II.~ !-'II/( '?>:-..::S;;" ' 1-" i OUR APOLOGIES-~ In reporting the officers for t he Pioneers Igloo '#9 we lost some of the names in transit, Russell Painter; John Paulsteiner and Vance Hitt were elected trustees, The Auxiliary officers )uld have inoluded Mrs, Dorothy Turner" S ,'geant at Arms: Mrs., Lillian Costello, Doorkeeper and Mrso Pat Williams, ~ustee" Sorry~ Just so you missed will be present for the installation~ * * * * * * _~ _ _____ _ __~eo~ber 22, 1960 Par,e 5 Vi'EDDING BELLS AFAR We learn that Jimmie Lawton has taken unto hinself a bride At a beautiful formal oere"< mon~' held November 27th at st, Clair's Catholic Churoh, Santa Clara, California.. Rosemary Dios" daughter of Mrs. Mary Dios.. beoame the bride of James lawton . son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lawton of Seward" The bride who was given in marriage by her oldest brother wore a ball~ erina length, white dress fashioned in a prin~ oess line of ohiffon over satin, Her finger tip veil was he ld in place with a jewc 1 .'rown, Bridesmaids were gay in dre sse s of red ordffon over red taffeta. Their ensembles were oom- pleted with white fur head orowns and they oarried tiny white fur muffs. The bridegroom. and his attendants wore white tux and black trousers ., Jimmie greaduated from Seward High with the class of 1958: He made all-star basket- ball in his last year of sohool,. He joined the Navy in the fall of 1.~8 continuing; his education at Norman, C'dahoma, He was 6th highest in his class at Norman, He was trans- ferred to Memphis, Teruless ee.. to complete his training; as a jet meohanic; and is now sta~ tioned at Moffitt Field The young couple are pre sently at home at 948 DiGuidio" Santa Clara, California. Our conKratulations and best wishes to tl~m~ '" "'* * * '" Mrs, T, J, Ras,:mus:,en of Kimball" Nebraska, has been visiting her daughter, Marie, for the past week Marie fell the first of the month and injured her wrist and her mother is help- ing Marie who is definitely not a "south paw' learn the art of usinr, that one left arm., Marie and her mother will be leaving this week-end for Anchorage to spend the holidays with another sister and daugr,ter" Mrsc L018 Cal v:tn", '" * * * * '" * '" MERRY CHHISTMAS TO A L LH HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD TIMER' Dick Llyers was happily surprised with a buffet bi~thday dinner party Tuesday evening, Deoember 20th to get him properly started in his sixtios, His young gral'ddaughters, Linda a.nd Janice presented the birthday oake----.., lighted with six candles--singing "Happy Birthday." They added the extra verse letting Grandad know they knew he "was now sixty years ole" even though there were only six candles on the cake" ~lests were Edana and Perry Stookton and the girls, Arom Wicklund, Mr" and Mrs. Henry Olson, Mr, and Mrs. Georg;e Dangler, Lennie and Doll Gilliland with their wee son ( the most attended g;uest there) and Doroth:, Frost,., * * * * .. * * Mrs. Alice Dunn, Coalunga" California arrived in Se ,'lard Friday morining to spend Chri stmas with her son, Jean Dunn, who is stationed here with the Ala::ka Department of Fish (0 Game.. 'I'his is Mrs. D1''1llS' first -;;rip to Alaska, She flew all the way and enjoyed the trj p., She tells us that sinoe Jean couldn't come home for Christmas she came up to cook him a turkey dinner * * * * * * * Dr, and Mrs. Russell Wagner droVe to .Anchorage last night to pick up their son.. Peter, who is home for the holidays, Peter has a part-time teacL'r-:; position while he continues his ed- ucation at the University of Arizona, at Tucson, Weloome home Peter l, * * * * * * * Mr, and Mrs, Ray James left to~day to spend Chrhtmas in Corvallis, Oregon, with their daughter and son-in~law, Jane and Chuok Belke and the three grall.lohildren, Ray plans to return to Seward right after the holidays and Luella will continue on to San Franoisco to attent the United Nations Study Conference, which is meeting there January 17th and 18th., * * '" * * * '" CHURCH N:&:;1t/S Seward Ch1.:.r,'h of Christ} 433 Fourth Avenue Sunday Worship Senrice5 n AM and 6: 30 PM GueE'+. speaker from '~he Anchorage Church of Christ each Sunday :::;:: ;;.; ~;:::: * ~~ Seward Lutheran Church News Sunday 9 ;.1; S Sunday School Classes 1: :00 Morning Worship Service : .,0 Family Night Potluck Supper Tuesday 3: Confirmation Class 7:)0 Annual Meeting (reconvening) Wednesday Ladies Aid Cleanup Day at the ( hun~h Thursday B:QO First meeting of newly-elected Chu:,,:h Council The Family thght Potluck Supper at 5 :30 Sunda;y' evening will be hosted by Mr, and Mrs Jack Hoogland, Mr and Mrs Chester Kunz, and Pas= TJOl and Mr3 FJelstad. It will feature the ptesentation of slJ.,des by Mrs a. L, Gilbert The re.',:,nvernng of the annual meeting on Tues- day is of ex,cept ional importance to ev'"Y'Y member All ladies are urged to come to the churd: on Wednesday for the annual cleanup of the :hu,:h ;.;~ ,~::: }:~ ~::: )~::: Metho;1lc,t Chu,t"h A::tivities Toni~lt. Thursday. Jan 26: ? p, m Exe :ut,-''ie meeting of the Met.hodist Men in tne Pastor's study 2 p m HOlr: h13' meeting of the Woman'S Society ')f Chr:,'tian Service at the home of Nrs, Dille Wood Miss Bertha McGhee 'd,ll,l be J.l.3cussion leader on the topi'~ "Hen,':,age and Horizons in Home Mission Sunday. Jan,;ary :"9 1.0 8. m Ch\l r:' t1 S',:hc:ol 11 a m Mcpung Wor3hip "'It:" P"o'tlem of Hlgh MYF at Sermon Topic: Evilll the Howells' Diane Ada.ms A B Peggie Shallow Z A 2 B Wayne Tressl..er 2 A !\" B Donna 3v,..renson J A 1 B Jayne Tressler " A 1 B ./ Beverly Thomason 1 A 3 B Wayne Ronne 2 A <. B Sharon Gronhcldt 2 A 2 B Luella ,Johnson 2 A 2 B Lorraine Sr>anton 1 A 3 B Ricky Jackson 1 A .3 B HONCRABLE MENTION Bill Swi(;k 3 A 1 B 1 C Emil Nelson 3 B 1 C Russell Murkows~i 1 A 2 B 1 C Mary Schnell 1 A '2 B i f" v Judy McClane 1 A 2 B 1 C Terry Turner j A 1 C Dennic :1H t <- B 2 C Kathy Larunan 1 A 2 B 1 C Dennis Jones 3 B 1 C ~:~ ,'- ;::~( -'- i" " -e Methodist (()nt Sunday.. 7 pm, '. Evening Worshlp & Hymn Sing Topic: "HO'W' to Preach in One Easy Lessor/' 8 p,m Semor H::.gh Methodist. Youth Fellowship Tuesday c Ian 7 p m" Junlor ~h0ir Practice 8 p m Meeting of the Con1!lllssion on Steward- ship s,nd Flnancc, Wednesde,;y,. Feb 1 7:15 P ill Prayer and Bible Stud:/T 8:00 p m Senior Ghe-i:r Pra'.'tice ~c ~c: )~ ~:::: >::: T The Wome,1"s BowlIng ASs0ciatlor, wlll hold a rummage sa. G lTI ,,~1e l:nL,ldir;.g ri8xt to the Alaska Steamship Offlce, Fet-FUa!'] :;,rd & 4th 35: ~RD D\STR\BUTORS CAL,L. US! IF vOJ'RE A NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA, OR ARE NOW USING ANOTHER FUEL, Ci'LL OR WRiTE.. 'NE'D LIKE TO ADD YOU TO Q~R LIST OF SAT,::;FIED CUSTOMERS" 5 577 PETT~IQQ~~r G~l~'IT:E_________________ J an U?F-,L;~~L 196:______.._~__ . p ag~.~lQ~ Red... too J.ate to das s ify FelL C LAS S I FIE DAD S 5~ per word, 50~ minimum charge, r1ail Ads t::: PetticDat; Gazett;e % Mabel Wisdom~ or phone 5934 or 579 RENT~ Small furnished apartment - 4trl & Had ison,:bqui'e rete ~" Shon, Phone: .5l.91, 35 t.fr;. Pa:i.nt & Body The Women!:;i Bowling Associationwi11 hold a rummage sale in t<he building next t,o t,he Alaska St,;,amship Office9 Febru,,r;ry .3l'd and 4th.~ 35.::; AttentL,cl HCJlJ3ewiveSA Let, us pick up your poat Ch!'lTLmas rurrnnage at your convenience for our rummage sale February 3rd and 4th, spon- sored by t;he Womens i Bowling ASGoc.iat,ionn Can r-;44~ ;'lft,ernoonse 34)35,)6c * -:f * .~- -:f FDR SALE 441. Heatform fireplace units, circulating fansr Call 3095 complet,e with 20Uc Four whee -: drive 7;;'" n, hydraulic C8. h- ~:7 58 ***** tractor~ 1300 x 24 tires} bladeo Contact Bill Puncheso 34.35p *-{~~1-*-* 195::5 J:o'ord F3 PJ.ckup, Recently completely overha1l.1edc $750~ or will trade for boato See at Modern Mot,ors. 35~ 36c ***** Used... TV Sets low as $95.00~ to~;, Guarent,eed, Terms. repaired and ready Call )033 days .35c ***** Combe. RadJ.O & h speed Phonc.- A-I condo Terms, $125000,0 beau Lifu.l cabinet'J record storage $pa,;83033 days 35c *-~~}** Brand new 2:1" Console full \llarranty, terms. Centero TV 9 few small sera t,ches,. $50 off ,0 see at Supply 35c * * *.:f * FOR SALE OR RENT: 2 houses, Ed Burke, Clt:)rview 5688 *-:}-~~}* 318 First;, Call 33tfc 2 bedroom Call SSQ? FOR RENT house I' furnished9 cl.ean9 close ine 3Hfc -*. .~t- * -~~- '* F:'., niA!'3] ape!' \.ment wit.h garage, Ph one 3021 33, .'J4.. 35 -.... -..<' {f- {t> -~ 2 bed:r'oolf: furnished house, Call at 608 2rd Ave. 35tf':~ -~ -~~, -}(o -:f -;t- i Ii'll rnished modern :2 bedroom ap&l't,r/t",r:': 0 Phone }O:~l 35$)6$3';'0 * -~:- ~~ * * BUILDING, CORNER, COHHEHICAL & LIVING Completely furn, FULL basement, REDUCED t,c- $7 sOGO.,OO, Now' DC'cupiedc $1000 dr" t:,3.l like rent., DUPLEX, ins",hoc'-L area, .W/all fUI'n, I)" one side. SELL EQUITY, Owner leaving .:i ry_~ t,ransferred, Cottage9 at,ucco, fenced., good neignbc-rllOodo Complet(lly' furn" Ideal for 'couple 9 or bacheJ.or. ONLY $3500,00. Low d, pay" Neat Catt.age, gr"1de school arear ,: bed:room1L Priced t,o Be11 at $38000000 $300 dn, Bal -w45 mo" CORNER LOT SOx J.oeL, On paving, 1,Ji11 t,alre $1000. TERMSn a 3 bedroom, Close-ine New roof r Nice rami]: Ii ving '. 3 bedroom heme for RENTo Clos8".in, Cottage for rent.., Full casement, Furnished" BALMAT REALTY CO, 338 4t,h-Tei 3032 3).::: OFFICIAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Resolution Noo 195 ,.AS approved and passed at the regular meeting of t, he CH~Y' CourJ.cil on January 20., 19c..L Sai.d Resolut,i.on No- 195 approved the following Parking Regulatiuri to be effective the date ci' this Hotlee ln ac':ordance wi:Lh Se,:ti,)n B 0101 of the Code d' Ordinance.s:; ~~i,;uJ.~~~~~>~ .} 0 The Nort,h side of Rail.road Avenue between Third Avenue and Four.t.h Avenue is hereby' d.eclared a "Loading Only Zene" bet'ween the !l0urs of 8::00 a,mc Md 6:00p.m. ex- ",ept on Sund~, A copy of thQ.J Notise and t he Parking Reg- lation is posted on 'Jhe Bullet.,in SOArd at City HalL ~; signed, Be a t,r'ice 1IJ 0 'da t, t:s .... rr.. lL , ' "~ ';" 'C:"7"--..---_~---"~-.~ -- --~";-J!;-::-~ -." v~iJ._.!~II1.~~~~~.a.:,'lIh1(l't:1?J!!N'I:'f~'<'""'-''''''''''''-,...,........,.>':'......,..,.~.,.,.i,.;Jll-~..--.,,~ I ;'1 Ol~;j)~..TA'tL - :.'~' ;";"PTICO'!.'" (.' /.IN';'E ..~~; I '"..:\, . itil1lllk ._ r l;FFICIAL NurI:::C:;~ Notlee is hereby given that the fO:U.cviing heei'. olut ions adopted by the City COlAIlcil ~eptt'Inber 2L, 1'160 are posted on the Bulletin J':a~d a': C:..t:y Hall on September 27. IQ60: Resolution No 174 - Establishing ffiU:Will :1.' ...b sen:.ee voting for shut-.ins or ,,:hose r:l1~i/S~i :Ci,j.J_y' unable to go to the polling p::'a2e Hesolution Nc 175 - Naming a Iiepu".y C~c;Y' C'ler. for the purpose of registering to vo~e those who are t)hysically unable to go LO Oi ty Ha.l.:. 'co register Bea t ri: e E, \1a:t ': Cit-y Clerk [MUnCE TELEVISION VIEWERS Mara thon Television is) at the p,'eser-;i-, t.J.rn.3 . cunducting television signal tests Plea.',e I note that the se are strictly tests i).DC OT)t)ra,- .1 ,t. ',:t,iOdD will be i~tedr'mfittent unt~l sni'!.::c Cle!1~ '1\ j 1 un s are recelve or operatlon "e ,,;i....-'- DO_ l:>8 in operation officially this year 'Lint :.1 WE, I rai3e the total of $15,500 00 thr8L:.i'!'~ '~c'ntrl- iJutlons by you 1 \ 1 I The sooner you contribute $50 00 $7~ 00 or <11>100 00 to community televi5:.oD(.he ""on' er we will furnish regular televisl.on c3].gnals direct Any amount will be accep':ed a,:\d If ;{Ou are ;;mable to give a full casn ::OIl1:-j.rhlt- :Lon. you may give us a pledge to pay ':te amCUl:t Ln Heekly or monthly payments, but pIe ,S(' de It as soon as possible. Also, please take advantage of our free ad~ Vl.ce on antennas and proper .installat Lon Ma ny perscnE, are buying the wrong t;'-p8 of antf;!l DdS for good televislon reception VJe will hd ve on hand a stock <...f ant.,]I1,'i.jS de <;,-gned foythe best reception 1.1.1 thls area o' l.ong with instclllation kits ~nd TV acc8J:.Jries. These antennas may be easlly ,lnsta~_}ecl t:y =.rc:..;. I' ,. 'v,e wl.ll instJall them for ;'iDcl !-~I.arat}ion i\. 'It:.;''v' L-=;:_on 2LCj h t} 1 it \, '::Yl .L'- I The Alaska Music Trail',;llJ ''';-, :.t" '0'.1.",-,,'3"'." th season 'c 196()"-~1961 in SeVla2~i wit,h ~)n,,::, py'es. \:;nt~t;.C:1 cf hi~hard Dyer-,Benn€'~ /~r!~'2l l,.,\;::1 t,e lov..::d Folk Singer J'wlr, Dyer :)~!L c;~' t :-,'2 m~.>::/.. ~)opular artlsts ever to ha\"~:, 3Y r,~ :)} ,..::~l '.'ll ;,1'1(: Al,~ka husic Trail (spring 195~) W~~ h~ in >;evlf(l r'd or;, tI1e evening of October ? j ,'# ..'... ..'# ..'.- "1'" """'" "".. "'t" ::;;;: ~:~ ~~ h.,l-::1i'l'HUN HUhEhAKcJ.S HOLD INSTALLiJ.'T':ON hsmuers and guests of tr,e l'iar'3.t,h0:l Hom"",;\C\,;' e['S met l.lunday eveninf, Sept. 19 at 're h:'me of Edana otockton. for a potluck 2,"l',)('; foLlowed by the l1.1stallatioT C,[ (ffl..:"r" lo~ the new ysa:- T\'lr::J oeth Delsher pr-.'_ 'nted a. p:-CJ..~r?,m Cr. ;j"ltlShTGCmS in Alaska; showing var.:.e::,ie:- 2.:'2\Jnd ~:)eward:1 both pOlsonous and non"TJu...sc<n.c.\u.s pr-e88m: viewed slides ta.ken by the De..shen3 '." rnJ.shr:. :',Tll varie~~J..e::, In thTS arl2a Leers for t.he year were l""c:a:.'f"d cH [r;l 10"[8 President~oCarol Lind5sy 11,':,' Pre" .t.d('I1!. Eda .~iYcr3,} Sec':y~~",A.rlene 'Vvoodo TYea3c..:Yl;.~ h'l"l.:r!.C1 h.l.r~patrick} Project Leader.s-cL.ill::.oc, ., dnd E-the.l. Bell. Three new membf~r~, W'e'~ \i'f'(,._:.'~'rn €'d. to the clr-i.t \, Nrs c. NOl'1l.e Peter;::; :'rJ hr::: El..hfj 1- tJel.:_, ancl I'll'S. tieba Habarlll. l - fj,'ne (:t=t ~ Jl:f:;C ;'!1..:_0..'"' mnr.:.:):_ :. :~" ~i:: ~;; "' .' 'J LTnde:"':: Y' ,-,.:'-~ {,!lgn': --;~C\ t.n!:?, ~)':: ~, - :r~.e':\~.'~' t:; :' ,:> ~:~;.e :,neR'~:, i\":,C;: e:' .: ~l~" v.:crf:: O.C :c-i"::r.:' _,,'.[:'(1 3C.::- r::-:-)(~"T~r,~i R'i a~xi~j,a:] 'd2~ sr~ V8:',/ -:.~.c'.Li ,.?:-.::~'.\~::, 11~~t1.C had t>:-.;!:C of ~':86 ~ ::e; , ., ~ ",, (,... '~.k "ie; .L;::~ 'I.i.. r 2:-1.L ~,-\. 3._..~a C,:-.,~ ~. ~ :; ,- ' :. '-.;C ~ ::::1. ~">i. ,- ,('I(:;l.:~ ::~l t;2 . r:t:,~~ C, T .~,;, t; ;', i:J;Y ~:; I ': ~. VI c ,~ ~l(::":_ ("''':': In', -,;\;,,;. ..~:;', ':-:.:l). ;' ,- 1'["..; '- ~'I: y' ( .~, >"::-:-:. "'-::." ,.:3:". j-l ~. ',J M 3-;~ P::'" ;,up: I~ c.r <..-',.; :\, , ,.rIle::' :::',rn '1' rD. \'~l n'a L81--:; Ii"': '~,,:.: C:-_l.H. :51':8. De;:)~', '. c:. 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