HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 PACAB Minutes 45 City of Seward, Alaska February 2,1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 45 1. CALL TO ORDER The February 2. 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:15 p.m. hy Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Dorothy Urbach, ARRICBC Representative Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT was: Dale Hoogland (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Anderson moved to approve the December 2, 1993, special meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCfION OF GUESTS/SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Whittier City Council and Representatives. Pruitt introduced Whittier City Manager Gary WiHiams. Williams noted the need for the two communities to network with one another in terms of future development. Williams introduced Whittier's representatives; Mayor Ben Butler, Vice Mayor Scott Walther, Councilmember RoNn Gaboury, and Councilroember Rick Singsaas. Williams also introduced Jim Barnett, Whittier's advisor relating to legal, business and policy matters. Seward Mayor Dave Crane introduced Seward City Manager Tyler Jones and Seward's Councilrncmbers; Hugh Darling, Bruce Sieminski, Pat O'Brien, and Margaret Anderson. 46 City of Seward, Alaska February 2, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 46 Jones noted that Whittier and Seward shared common interests; both were railbelt populations, both had a lucrative visitor industry and marine related industries. Jones stated that the purpose of the joint meeting was to initiate dialog and that a key interest was the relationship the cummunities had in common with the Alaska Railroad Corporation. Jones mentioned the harbor projects each of the communities had in its planning; the Whittier Shotgun Cove Small Boat Harbor proposed project and the Seward Nash Road Small Boat Harbor proposed project. Williams noted the main issues with respect to economic development were; Whittier's relationship with the Alaska Railroad Corporation, the evolution in ARR thinking and the process of forming a new relationship; increased access to Whittier; and the increase in the tour ship industry. Williams stated that the ARR maintains 60% ownership of Whittier's downtown core as well as the entire waterfront. In response to William's question regarding how the ARR is working with Seward and what initiatives have been offered, Pruitt stated that during Seward's attempt to fill the needs of the University of Alaska, Alaska Marine Highway system, and the tour ship industry in terms of the B Street Dock project, the ARR suggested expansion of its facility and that Seward could utilize its dock. Pruitt noted that a comparison study had been conducted on the ARR Dock and the B Street Dock, and the results would be furthcoming. Dunham noted that the ARR had improved passenger service and each year the demand increased. He further stated that the Seward community continued to engage in an attempt to tie in a round trip passenger service with the cruise ship industry. Urbach mentioned that new personalities may have influenced the change in ARR behavior, that Jim Blassingame and Dick Knapp have been involved in much of the ARR decision making. She noted the ARR had begun to listen to the Seward community as opposed to past decisions having been based solely upon ARR needs. Elaine Nelson, Seward Chamber of Commerce Director, stated that with Urbach's help the ARR had been informed of a means to transport passengers to and from the train in Seward, mainly by using the Trolley that is controlled by the Chamber of Commerce, and that the ARR is considering this alternative. Jones proceeded with a synopsis of the B Street Dock concept, parking committee tasks, and tourism issues. There was further discussion about ARR issues, such as; the history of ARRlcity land transfers following the quake, recent ARR interest in community goals issues, and increased tourism and ARR passenger train service. Williams noted that an environmental impact study would determine what impact the Whittier access road will have on the city of Whittier and what the alternatives would be. A subsequent urban development and design study would determine the impact on costs, water, sewer, and refuse. 47 CiJy of Seward, Alaska February 2,1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 47 Rick Singsaas noted the Felleral and State interest in Prince William Sound accessability, and its future development as a marine park. He also noted that Whittier had been referred to as the "gateway to Prince William Soundll and suggested that Whittier and Seward work together to meet the imminent marine demands. Williams noted that 2,000 boat slips would be needed immediately because of tbe recreational marine demand. He stated Whittier planned to redevelop 232 slips in its boat harhor and that 800 new slips would result from the devc10pment Df the Shotgun Cove Small Boat Harbor. Jones stated that the Department of Transportation had indicated there was room for two new harhors. Jones noted that the SeaLife presentation would commence following the recognition of additional meeting participants; Samwhan representative Bill Wong, KPB representative Pat Reilly, SeaUfe administrator Darryl Schaefermeyer, Seward Chamber of Commerce Director Elaine Nelson, Kevin Walker, Seward City Clerk Liuda Murphy, Seward Harbormaster Foster Singleton, Se::ward businessman Blaine Bardarson, and Tim Moffat B. Alaska SeaLife Presentation. The narrative and slide show was presented by Darryl Schaefermeyer and was followed by a period of questions and answers. The presentation illustrated the concept of the project as weU as its history, funding levels, current starns and the probable impact to the community. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Andersun moved to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby and carried withuut objectiun. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbaeb - ARRlCBC Urbaeb noted that 94 cruise ships had been scheduled for Seward this year. She also stated that the ARR would have full trains during the season and that the community is working toward year round passenger train service. 7. CORRESPONDENCE None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS None 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None 1 L BOARD DISCUSSION Nooe 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION 48 City of Seward, Alaska February 2, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 48 There was brief discussion with respect to the train service to Seward and its track system. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned all :07 p,m, " ----; ~~:# Ja es T. Pruitt aIrman . , (City Seal) , "1.,4 " ~ ,,; . h . ;, ,) : "'. , " ." ! . . . ::-"" City uf Seward, Alaska February 16, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 48 The February 16, 1994, regular meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Board did not convene due to the lack of a quorum. ~~;;-2# hairman (City Seal) 4-9 City of Seward, Alaska February 22, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 49 The February 22, 1994, regular meeting of thc Port and Commerce Advisory Board did not convene due to the lack of a quorum. , {;, "I ,,- ,!,Nt:",~, (('--1 Lind S. Murphy, CMC/AAE City Clerk " ~ k--3/ _.J~ Jam T, Pruitt Chairman ,,-,' (City Seal) , '. .-, " , " .. City of Seward, Alaska March 2, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 49 The March 2, 1994, regular meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Board did not convene due to the lack of a quorum. J/ ' _" f , 0'1 /. J. ;,/^ ! /11"1';' , Liodli S. Murphy, CMC/AAEi ,I City Clerk ~Q,d Jam T. Pruitt Chairman (City Seal) " - :;0 City of Seward, Alaska March 9, ] 994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 50 The March 9, 1994, special meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was canceled due to tbe lack of attendance. ~M~~ 1 mes T. Pruitt Chairman ",L ...;.,., ".-~ (City Seal) ;;;' ", /. .' '0;' i, " ., . ", . - ' ~., " ~ 1D 1 '-, ~ '.' " " .~ - 'J, f'" ....,., " City of Seward, Alaska March 16.1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 50 L CALL TO ORDER The March 16, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:48 a.m. hy Chairman James Pruitt. 2, ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown Jack Goodwill Dale Hoogland Doug Lechner Ron Long comprhdng a quorum of the Board; and Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Foster Singleton, Seward Harbormaster Kerry Martin, Community Planning Director Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT were: Willard Dunham (excused) Jack Scohy (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 51 Cily of Seward,. Alaska March 16, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 51 Long moved to approve the Februll1}' 2, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Anderson, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS/SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA Anderson moved to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Lechner and carried without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Louis Bencardino ~ KPBIEDD Bencardino noted Business Development Director Mike Sims' departure from KPB and stated a new director had been chosen. Several EDD prujects were mentioned including Sandfish, the Volcano Center, and the Mariculture Technical Center. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Noted 8. UNFlNlSHED BUSINESS Chairman Pruitt advised the PACAB report would be given to Council at the upcoming meeting and asked fOf recommendations. Anderson motioned that the Seward Marine Industrial Center become a priority~ with preference over B Street Dock and the Alaska Railroad Dock for any available funding, and that any revenue in excess of operations be returned to the North Dock for maintenance and improvements. Long seconded; and the motion passed without objection. 9. NEW BUSINESS Board attendance and the Ketchikan Shipyard issues were noted. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Kerry Martin - Community Planning Director Foster Singleton - Seward Harbormaster Martin and Singleton brought the Harbor Use Agreement to the board for discussion and recommendations to take to Council. Martin noted a harbor plan had been done last year and from the prior public meetings it had been determined that parking, existing underdeveloped lease sites and tideland development were the public's concerns. Recently Council directed Martin and Singleton to negotiate lease proposaJs. Martin was now attempting to update the former harbor plan. Martin asked the hoard to consider the best use of and how to develop city owned land, permits for parking, issues concernjng existing and potential lease areas, and building code requirements. 52 City of Seward, Alaska March lb, 1994 PorI & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume J. Page 52 Lengthy discussion ensued by boardmembers relative to limited available lease land, tideland ownership, present lease sites, building codes, the proposed north launch ramp construction and restroom facilities, parking availability, anu parking options. Anderson stated there should be one concept plan for the entire harbor area and noted the possibility of hiring a consultant to develop a whole scheme from the SeaLife Center to the Seward Marine Industrial Center that included parking and the potential traffic flow in the city. Long motioned to negotiate witb tbe Corps of Engineers to acquire tbc tideland in tbe nortbca..t section of tbc harbor. Anderson seconded; and tbc motion pilBSed unanimously. Following discussion relating to acquiring the land and taking no further action until an entire plan is developed, Hoogland motioned to schedule a joint work session with Councilmcmbers, Planning and Zoning members, and Port & Commerce Advisory Board members. Anderson seconded; and the motion passed unanimously. The board agreed that work session topics should include: the proposed northeast launch ramp, COE owned tideland acquisition, eastside parking, and westside leases in addition to an entire harbor plan, Anderson proposeu that the Port and Commerce Advisory Board make a firm effort to develop SMIC areas, specifically, to pave the North Dock and surrounuing areas as an incentive to the users of the facilities. Bencardino agreed and suggested that the city demonstrate to the users that the needs have been recognized and have been or are being met. Anderson noted the need to stress to Council that the North Dock should be a priority issue to gravel fill and pave as well as to pursue funding possibHities for the North Dock extension and breakwater in correspondence with increased use. Discussion continued relating to the management of increased North Dock activities. Anderson suggested the involvement of users in planning and board members agreed to invite u~crs to subsequent meetings. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION None 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was aujourncd at 2:04 p.m, /), . !JI/ft I k".Jxi",-t ;(.iJlJ tf1 Lindo! S. MurP.:W;:CMQAAE'. , City Clerk t ,..',..' .. :.:: .. "~ . _ 0 ::: c : ,_. ., ,.' . :" ,.:, - \',. : . .' '<'-.. "':::"HC' ,'. (City Seal) 53 City oJ Seward, Alaska April 6, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 53 1. CAll TO ORDER Thc April 6, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11 :40 a.m. by Boardmember Doug Lechner. 2. ROll CAll There were present: Doug Lechner, prcsiding Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown Jack Goodwill Dale Hoogland Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Margaret Anderson, City Council member Tykr Jones, City Manager Kerry Martin, Community Planning Director Foster Singleton, Seward Harbormastcr Dorothy Urbach, ARRC Representative Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Gwynne Pilch, Port Marketing Assistant Elaine Nelson, Chamber of Commerce Director ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Willard Dunham (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES Pilch noted the minutes of the last meeting were unavailable, that the computer containing the documents had failed and was presently being repaired. 4. INfRODUCTION OF GUESTS/SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Nonc 5. APPROVAL OF REGUIAR MEETING AGENDA Anderson moved to approve the Rcgular Meeting Agenda.. presented; the motion was seconded by Long and carried without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES 54 City of Seward, Alaska April 6, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minute..~ Volume 1, Page 54 A. Dorothv Urbach - ARRlCBC Urhaeh noted there had been no change in the Alaska Railroad schedule and the Seward line will operate as planned with full trains. She stated that the Seward line continues to he profitable in terms of ARRC Opt;ration. Urbach advised the corporation was currently involved jn massive reorganization. Discussion ensued regarding dredging and scheduling. Goodwill mentioned that there may bc no dredging this year, that users will live with the current schedule and current depth. Anderson stated she hoped that the city will continue to maintain constant communication with ARRC in an effort to keep users satisfied. Jones noted that Dick Knapp was concerned ahout the level of unhappiness with ARRC and will cuoperatively work out any problems with users. B. Louis Bencardino - KPBIEDD Bencardino provided an update concerning the Volcano Center and the recently chosen Business Development Director who is expected to begin on May 1st. He also informed members of a proposed study to supply natural gas to Horner and Seward. Bcncardino also noted thc difficulty fishermen have been experiencing in actual1y locating the elusive Sandfish. 7. CORRESPONDENCE No action 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 9. NEW BUSINESS None 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Tyler Jones - Proiects Status Report Jones stated he is aware that the PACAB made a formal recommendation on the North Dock, B Street Dock and SMIC. He noted the subsequent B Street Dock meeting and stated the Seward Phoenix Log had represented the issue appropriately. Jones stated he intended to bring to the board a formal recommendation that laid out an interim step for working with the University of Alaska, the Alaska Marine Highway system, and the Alaska Railroad Corporation to coordinate the userst movement from the Fourth Avenue Dock to the ARRC dock for the time being, while maintaining the possibility of an opportunity for wholesale change in the future. Jones encouraged the board to act on the issue and make a recommendation to Council. Jones responded to Scoby's question regarding the permit stating the original permit was for a p~riod of two years and that a request for an extension would be submitted. Jones pointed out the necessity of protecting that option. He stated the land fill pcrmit was difficult to obtain. Urbach asked about the remaining $300,000 and Jones stated it could he reappropriated. He stated he would come back to the board to suggest and solidt a particular recommendation for the use of those funds. Jones noted Lechner's suggestion of utilizing the resources available to determine what can be done, since we now have ideas of what cannot be done. He said another option could be to use the resources to determine how the city can work amicably with the ARRC. Jones said a third option could be to work with the ARRC anJ to use the resources to restore/maintain their dock. He noted a fourth option could be to utilize the resources for the North Dock. 55 City of Seward, Alaska April ~ 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 55 Jones disclosed information regarding recent developments with Seward Forest Products and its potential closure. In addition to board discussion Jones provided insight to the industry's and the export market's present situation. Jones noted that he was working with Foster Singleton on a SMIC management plan that had been requested by the board, and North Dock improvements. He also noted the city's and the state's negotiation with a harbor management plan and provided the current status of the process. Jones mentioned that Kerry Martin had brought a copy a memo circulated to the board relating to the Harbor Management Plan and that he hoped to ohtain dialog relating to the board's preferences in this regard. Harbor Management Plan Martin noted that the land issues were most critical at this time and provided information regarding specific leases. He reiterated that Singleton was working with the state on the management agreement that had a Jot to du with the operation of the harbor basin. Jones stated that he wanted to give PACAB the opportunity to offer clear signals of what direction it wished the city to take in terms of harbor planning and develupment. Four Seasons Boat Storal!e Lease Martin began with an explanation of the property leased by Four Seasuns hoat storage for a term to 1995. Following discussion Scoby motioned that the city reacquire the lease land from Four Seasons boat storage upon its expiration date to utilize the area as a boat storage area until such time as sufficient funding is generated to develop the land as a staging area or for other appropriate use. Anderson seconded the motion. Discussiun related to options for a higher and better use of the location. The motion passed by unanimous vote. Westside Harbor Tideland Proposals Martin next explained the lease tidelands on the west side of the harhor, some proposals for its use, and board discussion followed. Anderson motioned that the city have no tideland leases available on either the east or west side of the barlJor. Scoby seconded; and the motion passed with Hoogland opposed Alaska Treks and V ovages Lease The property currently leased by Alaska Treks and Voyages was next discussed. In response to Anderson's question of whether a covenant could be placed on the leases that would ensure a level of upkeep and appearance, Martin stated the language could be included in the lease agreement. Long motioned that the city does not renew the city property that is currently leased by Alaska Treks and Voyages; Hoogland seconded. Hoogland asked that RFPs would be solicited following the lease expiration and Jones stated that is was normal practice. The mODon passed by unanimDU~ vote. Boardwalk Leases Martin noted the seven short term boardwalk leases. The board discussed at length planning and development as weB as priorities to optimize revenue opportunities with harbor resources. 56 City of Seward, Alaska April 6, 1994 Purt & Commerce Advisory Board Minu.tes Volume 1, Page J6 Council member Anderson noteJ the budget hearing on April 11, 1994, and urged all Port and Commerce Advisory Board members to be present and involved in the harbor enterprise budget hearing. The board agreed to continue the meeting the following day. ADJOURNMENT The April 6, 1994, meeting was adjourned at 1:16 p.m., until Thursday, April 7th at 12:00 p.m., to resume the Harbor Management Plan discussion. (City Seal) ~~~~ James T. Pruitt Chainnan CALL TO ORDER The April 6, 1994, adjourned meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:40 p.m. on Thursday, ApcH 7, 1994, hy Boarctmember Doug Lechner. ROLL CALL There were prescnt: Doug Lechner, presiding, and Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown (late arrival) Jack Goodwill Dale Hoogland Ron Long Jack Scohy comprising a quorum of the Board; and Kerry Martin, Community Planning Director Foster Singleton, Seward Harbormastcr Gwynne Pilch, Port A"istant ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Willard Dunham (excused) 57 City of Seward, Alaska April 6, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Va/urne 1, Page 57 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Harbor Manse-erne"! Plan I Boardwalk Leases (continued) Anderson asked for an explanation of the last lease expiration date of 1997. Martin stated the Chamber's boardwalk lease was the latest to expire in 1999 but the original goal was to end the terms in 1997 and at that time to take a look at the entire plaza; to create possible options. He noted the present hoardwalk leases have no permanent foundations and no restroom facilities and that some have expanded to or beyond property restrictions. Martin advised that none of the leases arc far from meeting code requirements. He stated the major concern was the boardwalk, its pieced construction, and its potential liabilities. Martin noted that all leases have the appropriate insurance coverage. Following discussion the board agreed that the short term leases should be renewed in increments to a final term in 1997. Following the 1ast lease expiration date, the dry should solicit RFPs to determine the best po"tential for the entire property as well as the most lucrative proposal whether from individuals or from a singJc developer. The 1997 "sundown" will alluw sufficient time for the current lease holders to prepare for the end of their terms without considerable hardship. North Launch Ramp With regard to the proposed north launch ramp, Huogland asked Singleton if the 200 space requirement could be transferred in any way to the road. Singleton stated the conditions of the grant stipulated that 200 double parking spaces mnst be dedicated to the ramp project. In answer to Long's question of paid parking, Singleton advised that grant money cuuld be used to pave and stripe the parking area hut any monies generated from the dedicated parking area or for the use of the ramp in excess of operational costs must be returned to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. Singleton added that Mr. Donnick favored restroom facilities at the ramp site, and that in the event funding was not sufficient to pave the dedicated parking area, Donnick would attempt to acquire additional funding to complete it. Following discussion relating to the north launch ramp, dedicated parking, the impact to the immediate area, and the possible eastward expansion of the boat harbor in the future, Andenon motioned that the city go fOlWard with the construction of a boat launch ramp in the northeast comer of the harbor with the condition that Foster Singleton seck additional funding next year tu pave the dedicated parking area. Long seconded; and the motion passed without objection. Ferguson Lease Proposal Martin stated that Counci1 had directed the administration to negotiate a lease with Mr. Ferguson. Martin noted that the Corps actually held the deed to the tideland in question, however it Was highly probable that the city couJd acquire the deed from the Corps. Following lengthy discussion the board agreed that the 1997 "sundown" clause should apply to the tideland as well; a short term lease and the building should be temporary in construction. At the end of the lease term the city should solicit RFPs to determine the best use of the area, 5~ City of Seward, Alaska April 6, 1994 Port & Commuce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 58 Martin asked confirmation from the boaru that lts inclusion to the harhor plan (update) would be that all or as much of the harbor shoreline be shcetpiled and dredged in order to be better utilized. The board also confirmed that they wished to see no long term lcasl;':;s on the east side of the harbor, whether tideland or upland, that the preference is to utilize the area for staging and for loading. BOARD DISCUSSION Lechner suggested that the board quickly compose a resolution to cancel the B Street Dock project. Pilch I;:;xp}ained the procedure was more involved than quick. The board agreed to discuss the issue during the joint work session with Council, P & Z, and PACAB on the 12th, however Pilch noted that meeting would likely be postponed according to the City Clerk. The board concurred that Pilch would draft a resolution for the board's review. Martin asked for clarification un the agenda for the joint work session. He noted that there had been considerable confusion regarding whether the planning would involve merely the boat harbor or SMIC or the total port. The board concluded that the session should begin with the harbor and continue un to consider the entire area from the SeaLife Center to SMIC. Anderson noted that World Explorer Cruises has generated good business for Seward. She stated the cruise ship Universe passengers spend an entire day shopping and touring the town before an evening departure. Anderson felt a letter should be directed to World Explorer in appreciation of the business they generate for our community. Discussion ensued relating to the Universe at the ARRC dock and whether it received sufficient accommodations. The board directed Pilch 10 contact Urbach in this regard and to draft a letter of appreciation to send to World Explorer Cruises. Long motioned that Council should send an amiable letter to Midrex to reaffirm the city of Seward's position and to encourage Midrex to consider all possible sites in Alaska for its operation. Anderson seconded; and the motion pa.~lIiled without ubjection. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. ~y,~~[~/~~ ~~ ';:: '., Chairman .' , (City Seal)' '. " ;.: '. . :; c ~~ '. " c .' . ~. ";",'., ....~.. ., ~'":. , 59 City of Seward, Alaska April 20, 1994 Port & Lommerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 59 1. CALL TO ORDER The April 20, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Buard was called to order at 11:40 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Patrick Brown Jack Guodwill Dale Hoogland Rou Long Jack Scoby comprising a 4uorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Louis Bcncardino, KPBIED D Representative Foster Singleton, Seward Harbormaster Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT were: Sharon Anderson (excused) Doug Lechner (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Pilch noted that the repaired computer had been received, hall faUcd a second time and was suhsequently returned for additional repairs. The minutes remained unavailable for the board's approval at this time. 4. INfRODUCTION OF GUESTSISPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Long moved to approve the Regular Mooting Agenda as presented; the motion wa. seconded by Goodwill and carried with an objection by Dunham. Dunham asked to include additional topics to the agenda. It was suggested he enter the topics during board discussion. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES 60 City of Seward, Alaska April 20, )994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 60 A. Dorothy Urbaeb - ARRlCBC and asked to be excused. Dunham noted that Urbach was in Anchorage B. Louis Bencardino - KPBfEDD Bencardino noted recent discussion relating to the proposed study for a less expensive source of energy to the Homer and Seward areas. He stated there was a real push to conduct the study, that both communities are seriously interested in the alternative and that he should have more information following an April 26, 1994, meeting. 7. CORRESPONDENCE A. Dan Blanchard letter. Dunham stated he agreed that slip holders wanting to leave for a period longer than 72 hours should have longer term parking available, but not in the immediate vicinity of the harbor. Dunham would rather see longer term parking availahle in an area that would not disrupt or affect the daily activity of the harhor businesses. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Joint Work Session Pruitt noted the work session had been postponed and asked when the session wuuld be scheduled. Pilch stated the City Clerk had advised that Mayor Dave Crane would hring the issue before Council at the May 11, 1994, regular City Council meeting. 9. NEW BUSINESS Harbor Development Proposals Dunham noted the Phillips Cruise proposal and motioned that the board support the Phillips proposal to extend the float. Long seconded. Following was discussion relating to policy for new husinesses to the Small Boat Harbor. Pruitt moved to approve a policy that if a business wants a preferred slip they submit a development plan that meets the approval of the city and the state, and that proposal meets 200% of their needs. Scoby seconded Following discussion the subsidiary motion was taken to a vote and passed unanimously. The motion to approve the Phillips proposal was taken to a vote and passed unanimously. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Tyler Jones - Proiects Status Report Jones noted the EDD study for natural gas to the Homer and Seward areas. He also provided information regarding the status of the Seward Forest Products mill. Jones gave an update on the harbor management agreement with the state. 61 City of Seward, Alaska Apli/20, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 6} 11. BOARD DISCUSSION There was general discussion relating to Point Mackenzie, Seward Forest Products, SMIC, the recent announcement to implement users fees in the harbor area, a joint work session with Council, Planning & Zoning, and P ACAB, as well as a harhor plan. that would encompass aU of the waterfront areas in Seward. Pruitt questioned the status of the new boat ramp and the dedicated parking area. The board noted their recommendation to Kerry Martin was to go forward with the project. Pruitt reiterated he was opposed to the dedication of land to parking. Pilch noted the board had not made a formal recommendation, that they had merely given direction to Martin. 12. CITIZBNS'DlSCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1 :24 p.m. f-Yr,';; ^ I 'j"/"../t", ?J Iintlil S. Murphy, CMCIAAE ' City Clerk .,.,i.,".' ...,~." '.-> :.,' , .:; .. '" " " :'. (, - . " .' ." ';:. ,', .' , -:. . '.' ....', ~c;;;;]2~( J es T. Pruitt 3lTman (City Seal) .' ~.. J City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 1994 1. CALL TO ORDER Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minu.tes Volume 1, Page 61 The May 4, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:36 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: 62 City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Puxe 62 James Pruitt. presiding, and Willard Dunham Sharon Anderson Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Dorothy Urbach, ARRICBC Representative Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Eric Olsen, Kenai Fjords Tours ABSENT were: Pat Brown (excused) Dale Hoogland (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Urbach noted the April 6 minutes indicated Pilch was to contact Urbach regarding the ARRC and cruise ships. She stated that although she had not been contacted by Pilch she had received several other calls in this respect. Anderson moved to approve the March 16, April 6, and April 20, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Goodwill, and the minutes were approved as noted without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 5. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA Anderson moved to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda as presented; tbe motion was seconded by Lechncr and carried withont objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC Seward Train Schedule Urbach noted full trains are scheduled for Sewaru beginning May 21 through September 5. After September ARRC will make weekend trips to Seward. Cruise Ships Urbach noted she spoke with Dick Knapp regarding World Explorer Cruises and that Elaine Nelson of the Chamber of Commerce had also contacted him with concerns. Knapp conveyed to Urbach that the cruise line had not contacted ARRC directly with any complaints or concerns. Pruitt noted that the cruise ship issues were scheduled for discussion. 6'.,' v City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 1994 Port & Comme.rce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, Page 63 7. CORRESPONDENCE The Coast Guard letter and response was noted. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ocean Class Vessel Proiect Dunham questioned the citylS response to environmental issues relating to the Ocean Class Vessel and Singleton addressed the letter's intent and the subsequent response. Dunham stressed the city's involvement in tracking the project and maintaining prominence in attracting the vessel to Seward. Pruitt noted a current legislative attempt to reappropriate to the Ketchikan Shipyard $1.5 million of AMHS funding. Anderson expressed concerns whether DOT had a policy that determined ferry routes. Jones noted that the city had directed similar questions to Jim Ayres, the former director, and no response had been returned. Anderson further inquired whether the state as well as our local representatives were aware of the city's interest in the ocean class ferry. The board agreed to write a Jetter directed to the AMHS and to local representatives that reiterates Sewardlg interest in maintaining a connection in the ferry system. Dunham suggested that Commissioner Bruce Campbell be invited to Seward after the legislative session. Pruitt suggested inviting the Transportation Committee to a board meeting. Urbach stn:ssed involvement with the state before the completion of the ocean cJass ferry due to the political nature of the AMHS ferry scheduling. 9. NEW BUSINESS Fishing Industry Issues Pruitt noted the board might investigate available funding to aid local fishermen. Anderson suggested that Pilch or the city write to the state senators and representatives and to approach other impacted communities to investigate their strategies. Long felt local industry representatives should first come to the board with information. Dunham suggested contact with a Congressional delegation and the Governor and felt the local industry representatives should come to a board mceting. 64 City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume J, Page 64 Jones noted the city had contact with a state agency associated with economically impacted communities. Councilmembcr Anderson advised the 1995 legislative budget reflected a lower fish tax return. Scoby noted a move to change the taxation base to the point of landing rather than from point of processing. He felt it would. be in the city's best interest to pursue and advocate this proposa1. Dunham noted the political pressures involved in the past and at present. At Long's suggestion, Pruitt stated the issue would he left on the agenda to al10w investigation by board memhers and that representatives from the industry will be invited to board meetings in the future. Anderson motioned that City Council investigate the possibility of changing the fish tax from the point of processing to the point of landing. Scohy seconded; and the motion was carried without ohjection. In answer to Long's inquiry, Jones stated the city could make community inquiries without prior Council approval but questioned whether industry representatives should be contacted first. AMHS/IMS Alternatives Discussion ensued relating to the interim and/or long-term alternatives for the Alaska Marine Highway ferry and the Institute of Marine Science research vessel and B Street Dock permit and funding issues. Jones responded to Andersonts question about B Street Dock cost breakdowns and various options. Pruitt asked what it would take to keep the permit in place. Jones noted the administration expects to cume back with recommendations on how to pursue various courses of action: the permit, the fiJI of B Street, funding, the 4th Avenue Dock, the Alaska Railroad Dock, and the North Dock. Following wH1 be expectations from the board of its recommendations relating to the issues. Pruitt suggested tabling the issue until the board receives a report and recommen- dations from the city. Discussion ensued following Andersun's question about the cost of paving the North Dock. There was further discussion relating to feeder service operations. Councilmember Anderson noted that Council was involved with the FY95 budget and that if the board felt strongly abuut an issue to make a presentation to Council. 65 City of Seward. AIasku May 4, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 65 Dunham motioned that in light of the two barge lines sbowing an interest and actively ntilizing the North Dock, the time has come to budget funding to reswface the North Dock to further enhance its marketability and promote its use. Anderson seconded; and the motion was approved withont objection. Jones noted the May 10 Corps of Engineers Port of AnchDTage meeting. Cruise Ship issues Anderson felt the board's position was facility related. Pruitt felt the issue was relative and advised he would provide a copy of the "Port Holell to board members that gave a slim and perhaps inaccurate profile of Seward. Eric Olsen nuted that Dale Fox, who had done a study fur SAAMS, stated that in his estimate Princess would be a factor that determined how the ScaLifc Center would fare. Fox felt that the city should be in constant contact with Princess as the project development continues. Dnnham noted that the Alaska Railroad had acquired funding for the Ship's Creek areal and felt they should also utilize available resources to make themselves more attractive in Seward. He further noted the cruise ship industry participation in funding improvements in other communities. Anderson questioned who the Universe had been communicating with, whether contact had been made to the Southwest Stevedores in lieu of the Alaska Railroad. North DocklSMIC Scoby asked if the city had ascertained who would clean up the North Dock in the event Seward Forest Products terminates operation. Singleton stated the North Dock area is currently being cleaned up at the staging area. Dunham suggested that the hoard make a recommendation to Council to take immediate action regarding the imminent closure of Seward Forest Products, debt service to the city and clean np of the lease property. Singleton stated the city was aware and highly involved in the issue. Pruitt asked for an administrative report regarding this issue for the next meeting. Small Boat Harbor Proposals Scoby noted the Phillips' proposal from the last meeting, the buard's recommendation, and the resulting public responses. Pruitt stated his understanding was that the board made a recommendation to accept the proposal, satisfying 200% of the users needs, providing that it was within the guidelines of the state and the city. He felt the recommendation nceded clarification. Singleton noted he had recommended refusal of the original proposal. He stated an alternate proposal had been developed that allows Phillips a permanent herth on the south side of F float. In exchange, Phillips will construct four float fingers on H fluat that will herth eight vessels. 66 City of Seward, Alaska May 4, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisury Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 66 from the waiting list. Singleton noted he had addressed all of the concerns that had been received in respunse to the proposal with the exception of parking and stated he recommended the alternate proposal to Council. A1DENSeward Ship's Drydock Long asked Pruitt to provide an update to the hoard. Jet testing Anderson noted for information her participation with F15 low level testing in the Seward vicinity on Thursday, May 5. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Tyler Jones - Proiects Status Report Nash Road Small Boat Harbor Jones noted ongoing dialog with respect to the Nash Road Small Boat Harhor and that the master plan was diligently being pursued. Harbor Management Agreement Jones stated the city was aggressively negotiating with the state a nt::w harbor management agreement. Seward Marine Industrial Center/North Dock With respect to the North Dock, Jones stated that Harbormaster Singleton had prepared a management plan that would be further refined and subsequently brought to the board. 4th Avenue Dock/Interim Berthing for Users Jones noted the Alaska SeaLife Center requested that the city resolve the matter of when the 4th Avenue Dock use would be terminated and to make appropriate interim accommodations for the Vniversity of Alaska research vessel and the Alaska Marine Highway system ferry. Budget Work Sessions Jones advised the first budget work session on the harbor was held last week and that the next budget work session was scheduled May 7. Written Administrative Reports Pruitt asked whether Pilch was receiving a "hard copyn of the administrative reports from the city manager and Pilch stated she did not. Pruitt stated that he would like a report in written form provided to the board eaeh meeting in order that the is.\'Ues be reviewed at a later date. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION SMIC Clean Up ResponsibiJity Dunham stated that absent from the minutes was his request to the city manager regarding the clean up responsibility in the event Seward Forest Products vacates its location at the Seward Marine Industrial site. Pruitt directed Pilch to list in the minutes the reports from the Representatives as well as the city manager. 67 City of Seward, Alaska May 4, }994 Pori & Commerce Advi:..ory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 67 12. CfI1ZENS'DlSCUSS10N None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:28 p.m. ~~' , /A .'/;:7 '/ /, ,'fj7:l(J' t/' /,/1'.)( ,,'<</~f'J'''r Lin<l~/S. Murp y, CM~' j C'ty"CI k .,;'P>'. .'. 1 er ." - (,' ". . . - . Jtif:!";;;Y~ Ja ~s T. Pruitt aIrman " (City Seal) . . " ., '- ~ li . . \;, ," /. ';'.".. ...-{,.,~. ; ',', ",'.' " . ...... City of Seward, Alaska May 18, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 67 1. CALL TO ORDER The May 18. 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:40 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harhormaster Louis Bencardinu, KPBIEDD Representative Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative Margaret Anderson, Councilmember Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Chris Smith, Seward Phoenix Log f't) \';V City of Seward, Alaska May 18, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 68 ABSENT were: Dale Hoogland (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Anderson moved to approve the May 4, 1994, regular meeting minutcs as presented; the motion was seconded by Brown, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Anderson moved to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Brown and carried without ohjection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC Urbach noted she had made contacts relating to the World Explorer Cruises issue and will relay subsequent responses to Anderson. She stated that the Seward trains would commence scheduled runs beginning this week. Urbach also noted the corporation would consider winter scheduling if demand demonstrated the need. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bcncardino noted the SewardlHomer natural gas study, that $2,500 in matching funds was necessary from each community to begin the process, and stressed the importance of th~ study to the Seward community and outlying areas. He stated that primarily home fuel use did not make the project financially feasible at this time. Bencardino noted, however, that if a consumer materialized with heavy fwd demands the project would be guaranteed and would meet the heavy industrial needs as well as residential needs. Bencardino advised that both Homer Electric and Enstar were interested in the project and that Homer was also considering the revival of their gas fields. Seward Forest Products Bencardino noted the co-generatiun possibility being punmed by the University of Alaska and Department of Energy with respect to the mill as well as the recent reorganization of the millls corporate structure. He noted the mill's reduced work force was engaged in the North Dock clean up. Bencardino stated that a coordinator was needed to avoid congestion and delays to users of the dock and staging areas at SMrc. 7. CORRESPONDENCE Noted. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 69 City of Seward, Alaska May 18, 1994 Port & Commerce AdviWJry Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 69 Fishing Industry Issues Jones noted he had received from Carulyn Touvincn a Dislocated Worker packet. With respect to the Pacific fishing industry situation and the federal aid being sought by lower western states, Jones noted that it appeared that the sawmill employment crisis did not meet that criteria and the prospects for local fisherman in the same regard was also doubtful. Junes stated that the criteria would change if and when government says to stop fishing. Cruise Ship Industry Pruitt distributed copies of an article from the Port Hole that inaccurately described services and cruise ship activities in Seward. Urbach stated another dock needed to be found and discussion ensued relating to lite ring passengers from cruise ships to shore, dock configurations, and alternative berthing. Anderson noted that Alaska Maritime Agency agents are concerned about cruise ship industries and their continuing with Seward schedules. Shc stated that Seward was stuck in the middle. Anderson stressed the importance of keeping dialog open and communicating the city's desire to accommodate cruise ship activity. 9. NEW BUSINESS Downtown Infractions Urbach asked Jones about cycle ordinances and noted her observation of several bicyclists endangering pedestrians on downtown sidewalks. Jones stated the issue and related topics had been discussed at the recent staff meeting. He noted the activity was illegal and that the city could publicize the fact. North Dock Paving In response to Sharon Anderson's question of Nurth Dock paving, Councilmcmber Anderson advised the administration had in its capital improvement budget funding for street repairs and that City Council could look at including other streets to its list for repairs. She noted the issue would be discussed on the following day at noon in Council Chambers and encouraged board members to attend. In response to Sharon Anderson's question of Dl at the North Dock, Jones replied that it was a good alternative and that the issue was revenue driven. Jones noted that first was the commitment to dock use and second was the city's meeting those needs. Further discussion ensued related to North Dock and SMIC land use. Pruitt asked for a SMIC management plan outline and Singleton advised that the plan had been shown to the city manager and that he was currently waiting on figures. Cook Inlet Navigation Meeting Ron Long advised 26 people had attended th~ meeting in Anchorage representing Southwest Pilots, Coast Guard, AIDEA, and the Port of Anchorage. The Mat-Su Borough representation was not available. Orson Smith, COE, provided information regarding the Knik Arm Shoal and the dredging study. 70 City of Seward, Alaska May 18, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, POKe 70 Long stated Smith read a document on behalf of Midrex and that the news of Nikiski's and Seward's inclusion to the consideration came as a surprise to Smith. Long noted that in any event AIDEA was prepared to spend money on the project. Long noted the next meeting would be in July and that Smith advised he would inform Long of the date and time. Board members expressed appreciation for Long's participation at the meeting. Jones noted that both AIDEA and Midrex were pursuing the project objectively and were not committed to anyone site at this time. He also expressed appreciation of Long and of the Seward Chamber of Commerce and its involvement in the issue. Bencardino noted that Dames and Moore representatives had recently heen in Seward to look at various sites and that they were also impressed with Long's assistance and expertise relating to water currents and marine issues. 10. ADMINlSTRATIVE REPORTS Seward Forest Products City Manager Tyler Jones stated the mill was attempting to establish potentials in terms of a log supply, thc joint vcnturc partners, the dry kiln, and the availability of state funding that would keep the mill operating. Midrcx Jones noted the on-going exchange from the city with AJDEA relating to the Midrex ore plant project and the consideration of all potential sites. He stated the firm had looked at SMIC and its electric and watcr availability. Anchorage Public Meeting/Seward Small Boat Harbor Jones noted that the May 25 Anchorage meeting announcement was published in the quarterly newsletter that had been distributed to harbor users, slip holders, and waiting list customers. In addition, a special note would be mailed to those with zip codes north of Seward reminding patrons of the meeting. Jones noted the meeting would he conducted by city administrators and that its purpose was to bring harbor users up to date on issues. 4th Avenue Dock Meeting Jones noted the Friday, May 27 meeting relating to relocating the users of the 4th Avenue dock hy 1995 in accordance with the SeaLife Center conceptual design process and encouraged boardmemhers to attend. He stated that the contractors plan to begin the construction phase of the project in Spring 1995. State Harbor Manal!ement A~rccmcnt Jones advised he would attend a special session with DOTjPF to continue negotiations with the management agreement. He stated that their goal was to have the agreement in place by July 1, 1994 following a 30 day comment period. Ocean Class FenylEnvironmental Impact Jones noted that Foster Singleton was currently summarizing a document from the state concerning the environmental impact to Ii City of Seward, Alaska May 18, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advimry Board Minu.tes Volume 1, Page 71 communities by the proposed Ocean Class Ferry. He also noted for boardmember information the related teleconference on Thursday, May 26, at 7:00 p.m. Cook Inlet Navil!ational Issues Jones thanked Ron Long for his attendance at the May 10 Anchorage meeting and recommended as a board topic Lung's review. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION B Street Dock Tn response to Dunham's question about significant problems with the B Street Dock issue, Jones advised that 80% of the problem was the lack of funding. Dunham urged that the area development pursuit continue and Jones noted that the concept had not been abandoned. Gravel Expurt Anderson noted the potential ~conumic growth with r~spect tu utilization of the coal dock by Meteo shipping gravel to Akatan. She stated further shipments were anticipated. Seward Ship~ Drydock Pruitt provided an update on the building construction. He advised that AIDEA had approved the loan and fulluwing subsequent criteria the concrete would be poured. There was discussion concerning waste oil collection and certain environmental constraints hy EP A. Foster Singleton advised Pruitt he would look into the question of why the harbor can collect and burn the waste oil from harbor users and Seward Ships Drydock cannot. 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:57 p.m. /1"-. /' f. I //', ,r'. .k" it' #(.. ,i(({~ 01 LindaS. Murpby, CMC/AAE City Clerk ~~ Ja es T. Pruitt alfman (City Seal) t.., ... ",' ." . "," . '. . ~:..; <, ",; " 72 City of Seward, Alaska June 1, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 72 1. CALL TO ORDER The June 1, 1994, regular meeting ofthe Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:45 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2 ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Sharon Anderson Patrick Brown Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Louis Bencardino, KPBIEDD Representative Margaret Anderson, Councilmember Foster Singleton, Harhormaster Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Chris Smith, Phoenix Log Karl Vanbuskirk ABSENT were: Jack GoodwiH (excused) Dale Hoogland (excused) Doug Lechner (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Anderson moved to approve the May lR, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUcnON OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. John Baird. Seward Fisheries. Inc.. Manal!er. Baird provided the current fishing industry status, noting the effects of reduced supply, limited openings, and inclement weather to fishermen from the Bering Sea to Prince William Sound. Baird stated the areas had been over-fished in the past and that the individual fishing quota (lFQ) heing implemented next year may prove to be a positive step toward increased supply. Baird stated that a number of canneries had closed and that Seward Fisheries, Inc. was the only cannery currently operating on the Kenai Peninsula. He noteu the thousands 7? n.> City of Seward, Alaska June 1, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, Page 73 of displaced crewmen, that alternative career training was necessary and that A VTEC had been informed in order that they might tailor their curriculum to meet those needs. Baird said that fishermt:n were looking for improved electrical facilities on city docks, increased water supply availability, improved loading and staging areas (with additional cranes) in the northwest curner of the harhor, and reduced moorage rates. He stated they were also looking fur equitable treatment from the city. Baird noted the flexible criteria for seasonal businesses as opposed to criteria imposed on established year-round businesses. He stated the "playing field" should be consistent, that there scemed to be a double standard with respect to how and to whom the city leases property and at what ratc. Baird said the standards should be fair and equitable tu evcryone. Baird noted that SF! had always supported the city in terms of financial input and that previously they had returned fish tax monies to the community but was doubtful that the gesture could be repeated this year. He stated that SF! now needed assistance from the city. Councilrnember Anderson stated she wished to reinfurce Baird's comments and noted that Seward Fisheries was the highest tax payer in town. Boardmernber Anderson stated that a policy should be in place. She noted that Seward Fisheries had heen a friend of the community for many years and that it provides services to mariners year round. She stated that she fully supported businesses paying property taxes. Dunham commented that SFI and the city had in the past maintained a close working rclationship. There was general discussion relating to SF! assistance, suggested wharfage rate increases, liability insurance, and changes in signage. Jones notcd that he and Singleton were working on a proposal with respect to the long-standing issue of dealing with everyone doing business in Seward in a fair and balanced manner. He urged hoardmernbers to relate public concerns about unequal treatment to the administration. Anderson directcd Jones to outline policy and procedure statements and provide the draft to the board at their next meeting. Pruitt directed boardmembers to contact community members for input and to offer suggestions at the next board meeting. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA '7l!. . ". City or Seward, Alilska June 1, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 74 Anderson moved to approve tbe Regular Meeting Agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby and carried witbout objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD EDD Meeting in Seldovia Bencardino noted EDD bad met in Seldovia and provided an economic overview of the city. He stated the community was attempting to do away with its city status and return to a mayoral form of government. Bencardino said there were no jobs and no benefits, that the fisheries was not operating, that its harbor needed dredging, and that the dock in need of repair was being eliminated. He noted that the community in general was struggling in terms of its economy. EDDlHomer BcncarJino also noted that Homer had a new dock, that its chip facility was not operating, and that Homt;:;I citizens felt that Seward had already been chosen as the site for the oyster farm. 7. CORRESPONDENCE None 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS North Dock Improvements Anderson noted dlat on the Anchorage meeting agenda the North Dock was number four on thc capital projects list and she wanted to see the project placed higher on the list. Jones stated that at the time the list was compiled for Council there was insufficient funding for the dock\s improvements, but the priorities could he amended in light of the current demand for its use. 9. NEW BUSINI;:SS Parking A'isessment Fces Scoby noted for information that with respect to the parking assessment fces he had heard that smaller business operators had retained attorneys and intend to protest the ordinance. Harbor Maintenance Scoby noted that three pilings were loose in the northern area of the barbor near tbe SF! icebouse. Baird thanked Scoby for the report and advised the mattcr would be resolved. He also noted for information that four pilings were scheduled for replacement with steel piling. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Tyler Jones - Proiects status report. 75 City of Seward, Alaska June 1, 1994 Pon & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume J, Page 75 State DOTIPF Public Meetin. Jones noted a State DOTIPF Planning Section public mediug relating to project priorities was being held in Council Chambers on June 2 at 7:00 p.m. He stated the administration was drafting its list to place on the state's priority list. Midrcx Jones advised that the Japanese partners of Midrex would be in the area un Of around June 19. SMIC Jones stated that the administration was working on short term lease properties as well as a development summary relating to the North Dock and the SMIC management plan. He stated the documents would be provided in the subsequent meeting packet. Small Boat Harbor/AMHS Teleconference Singleton summarized the weekend harhor events that resulted in extensive vessel and dock damage. He also informed the board about the Ocean Going Ferry teleconference on May 26 that related to questions of socio-economic impact to the community. 4th Avenue DocklUser Relocation Jones noted the 4th Avenue Dock meeting on May 27, that the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System representative and the Alaska Railroad Dock representative demonstrated positive efforts to work out the relocation issue resulting from the SeaLife Center design process. Anchorage Public Meeting Jones commented on the public meeting held recently in Anchorage and its apparent success. Singleton provided further information regarding the meeting1s agenda and the positive reception from the Anchorage boating public. PACAB Meeting SU~H!estions In terms of regularly scheduled PAeAB meetings, Jones related that community members had suggested occasional evening and/or weekend meetings. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION Meeting Dates & Times The board discussed meeting date and time alternatives that would accommodate the public appropriately. The issue was placed on the subsequent meeti ng agenda. PolicieslProcedures - City Businesses The board agreed to contact business merchants and to offer suggestions at the subsequent meeting relating to business policies and procedures. The issue included established and transient business operators, vendors, fish buyers, and other merchants. The city administration would provide a policy/procedure draft for information and board discussion. Following the board would recommend a policy standard to Council. Seward Ships Drydock Pruitt provided an update to the board relating to the building construction at the drydock. 76 City of Seward, Alaska June 1, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 76 Midrex Representatives Brown stressed the importance of the city demonstrating hospitality to the Midrex Japanese partners when they arrive in Seward this month, and indicated that the site selection may be determined on the basis of personalities as opposed tu primarily geographical and/or logistic considerations. 12 CmZENS'DISCUSSlON None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:12 p.m. (City Seal) ~~ ames T. Pruitt Chairman Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 76 1. CALL TO ORDER The June 15, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:43 p.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Patrick Brown Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant John Baird, SF! Plant Manager Kevin Walker Chris Smith, Phoenix Log 77 City of Seward, Alaska June 15. 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 77 ABSENT were: Sharon Anderson (excused) Dale Hoogland (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dunham acknowledged Baird's comments regarding SF! and its support of the city. For the record, Dunham reiterated comments he made with respect to reciprocal contributions by the city to SFt in terms of equipment acquisition and bond issues that helped to ensure the stability and security of the facility. When Dunham questioned the minutes indication that the board had taken formal action on policies and procedures, Pilch acknowledged her incorrect wording of the board's activity: the Chairman had made specific suggestions, and, although there had been no objection, neither had a board member motioned to participate in the suggested activities. The June 1, 1994, minutes were approved, as amended, without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. Mike Szymanski. FCA Re!>resentative Pruitt introduced Szymanski who stated that although many fishery-related companies were going bankrupt the Fishing Company of Alaska, centered in Dutch Harbor, had gone through a period of growth during the past several years. Szymanski advised that FCA vessels had moved out of the Gulf of Alaska due to the political pressure from the long-liners with regard to trawlers in the Gulf. He noted they had moved to depths of 300 fathoms and noted that the ground fish fishery was stable and increasing in population. With regard to the health of the fishery Szymanski gave credit to the National Pacific Fisheries Management Council and its efforts in monitoring and pacing the industry. He stated the Council is considering license limitations as well as a more stringent limited entry moratorium to counteract over-capitalization of the industry. Szymanski remarked that entrance into the highly competitive fishery is difficult at this time. Szymanski identified the IFQ implementation as a costly enforcement program and that ground fish fisheries may be affected by its regulation in the future. As a result of the IFQ program, however. Szymanski observed that some fishermen were realizing opportunities by means of catching, processing, and marketing fish themselves in lieu of selling their catch to processors. Szymanski recommended that communities pay particular attention to the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to look for future opportunities. He noted that Tyson - Arctic Alaska may significantly change the makeup of offshore/onshore processing with the concept of 78 City of Seward, Alaska June 15, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Millutes Volume 1, Page 78 secondary plants processing portion meals. Szymanski felt that Seward would be an ideal location for a secondary processing plant with its close proximity to rail and air service. The bycatch issue was discussed, and Szymanski cited that a separate change in the industry may be detennined by the environmentalists' continued efforts to pass legislation for 100% retention. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Dunham moved to approve the Regular Meeting Agenda; the motion was seconded by Scoby and carried wilbonl objeclion. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC not present B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bencardino stated there had been no EDD meeting since his last report. Pat Brown reported on a series of committee work sessions relating to business development. He advised they were proceeding with some of the previolls ideas and concerns and that following the June 26 meeting he hoped to have information to relate. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Foster Singleton - Proiects status report Singleton provided a report and an update on issues and projects relative to the Small Boat Harbor and Seward Marine Industrial Center. Jones briefly discussed the latest developments concerning the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor. He noted the previous meeting discussion about the city's policies and procedures and informed the board both he and Kerry Martin would pursue the issue with regard to businesses. Jones discussed existing policies and enforcement issues and apologized to John Baird for the inconsistency. He stated that regular and aggressive policy enforcement would be established. Jones noted the Downtown Business Association committee was attempting to establish the status of the former Adams St dock in terms of market demand and its useful purpose and that they hoped remaining B St dock funds would be committed to a cruise ship dock in their vicinity. Jones discussed the various dock alternatives and solicited board member appointments to an ad hoc committee that would work with the DBA committee in this regard. The board discussed clean up efforts at the Seward Forest Products mill and at the Inlet Salmon dock, the fish dock issue and garbage containers, tour boat project commitments and COE permit issues, dock electricity, and X float repair and replacement. 79 City of Seward, Alaska June 15, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, Page 79 In answer to a question from Scoby, Singleton stated Kerry Martin was currently updating the Harbor Master Plan, and that stipulations could still be incorporated that dictate where boardwalks are to be constructed. Singleton also advised the board members that Cook Inlet Processors would be monitored closely in terms of its fish handling operation on the dock. 8. CORRESPONDENCE No action taken 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS No action taken 10. NEW BUSINESS None 11. BOARD DISCUSSION Nooe 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:26 p.m. -/fc>~)'J Gwynn 'Ich ...- , Port Assistant :.- .. ff:~~~di Jam T. Pruitt Ch irman o. . (City Seal) ,~ ". .. '.' - ,. " 0' . .' ,. " " City of Seward, Ala.\'ka July 6, 1994 Port &: Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 79 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 6, 1994 regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:38 a.m. hy Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Sharon Anderson Pat Brown Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Ron Long Jack Scoby 80 City of Seward, Alaska July 6, 1994 Purt & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 80 comprising a quorum of the Board; and Elaine Nelson, Chamber of Commerce Director Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Kevin Walker ABSENT were: Doug Hoogland (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dunham moved to approve the June 15, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Anderson, and the minutes were approved without objection. Kevin Walker asked to have the minutes reflect that there had been no opportunity for citizen's discussion at the last meeting. PnJitt assured that the issue could be discussed today during citizen's discussion. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS f SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None S. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Dnnham added the AMHS ferry Tustumena to Unfinished Business. The regular meeting agenda was approved, as amended, without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC No report due to a prior commitment B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD No report due to a prior commitment 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS None 8. CORRESPONDENCE Noted for suhsequent discussion 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PACAB meeting schedule Following discussion Anderson moved to conduct. the first meeting of the month at 11:30 3.m. at the Harbor Dinner Club and the second meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers if available. Scoby seconded. Further discussion involved evening meetings, appropriate public notification, and business meeting/work session procedures. 81 City of Seward. Alaska July 6, 1994 Port & Cotnl1U!rc:e Advisory Board Millutes Volume 1. Page 81 Dunham asked Pilch to confirm with the City Clerk whether the process to convene a business meeting, recess for a work session, and reconvene the business meeting the same evening is procedurally correct. Pruitt moved to amend the motion to a meeting time of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and to pIace citizen's presentation with prior notice on the agenda. Scoby seconded. The amendment failed by a 4/4 vote. Tbe motion passed by a 5/3 vote. City's policies and procedures The board discussed at length concerns about exposure and liability to the city, constraints on and control of private vs. public property, and enforcement of existing policies. Nelson suggested that the hoard recommend criteria that would make the codes more restrictive and encouraged board members to participate in the influence of what is and is not acceptable in tenus of business conduct & activities and regulations. Pruitt noted the allowances for transient/itinerant businesses and asked what incentive, fairness, and protection was afforded to established resident businesses in this regard. Dunham spoke in favor of competition and stressed that the community should not become anti-business. Long agreed, and noted possible discrimination liabilities. He suggested that the board seek from the administration the active rules and regulations in order to avoid duplication of what has already been established. Following discussion, Pruitt moved that the rules, regulations, and safety require- ments that apply to established businesses be applied to and required of trausient and itinerant businesses. Anderson seconded. A consensus of the board approved the motion without objection. Pilch was asked to transmit a memo to City Council members and the Planning and Zoning Commission relating the board's concerns with regard to policies and enforcement, particularly in the area of public use land, and asked that P&Z perform an active review of the existing rules and regulations. De<a> Water Dock Committees PACAB dock committee members Anderson. Goodwill. and Lechner agreed to participate in the Deep Water Dock ad hoc committee in conjunction with the city and the Downtown Business Merchants Association. Anderson noted that Larry Johnson had been invited to the PAeAB meeting to discuss his views with regard to a cruise ship dock. The board discussed the community effort regarding projected cruise ship traffic accommodations and that the issue is not exclusive to one particular group. Discussion ensued concerning the protection of remaining funds from the B Street Dock project and determining the best location for a deep water dock. ~r; -- City of Seward, Alaska July 6, 1994 Pan & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 82 Anderson asked Pilch to obtain the FY93 and FY94 revenues across the dock at the North Dock, the Syncrolift Dock, and the Inlet Salmon Dock. 10, NEW BUSINESS Long asked for discussion regarding the administrative response to Gary Taylor's letter. Pruitt suggested a SMIC update for the board's information. Harbor Management Plan Discussion ensued regarding a total harbor management plan as well as the SMIC management plan. In response to questions from Anderson and Pruitt, Pilch noted the board had received a copy of the latest Harbor Management Plan Update draft that had been distributed at the recent Anchorage public meeting. She noted the plan is updated on a yearly basis. Pruitt motioned that the PACAB assist the city In the development of a total harbor management plan that encompassed the entire waterfront and included the airport and to discuss the issue during the joint work session with City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission members. A consensus of the board approved the motion. Kevin Walker discussed with the board his written comments related to the Harbor Management Plan Update document. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION Anderson noted. the lagoon was filthy and in need of clean up efforts. Issues for subsequent meeting and joint work session discussion dealt with SMIC electrical hookup, lifts, docks, staging and scheduling; the M/V High Seas moorage at the city dock; and the utilization of a kiosk and summertime youth employment for boat launch fee collection. Seward Forest Products and its clean up project was discussed and a status report was requested for the :mbsequent meeting. Pruitt mentioned the July 22, 1993, work session notes that outlined established board goals and committees. Anderson asked for redistribution of the document. The board engaged in discussion about Midrex. A consensus of the board agreed to extend an invitation to Tyson, the president of Arctic Alaska, to be our g",~st in Seward. Nelson suggested that the demonstration involve the Chamber of Commero" city of Seward, PACAB, and olher interested groups in a facility lour and community profile. "~'I v.... City of Seward, AIlYka July 6, 1994 Pon & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, PaRe 83 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION Walker reiterated that citizen's discussion be allowed prior to adjournment and continued with his views on freight and shipping to and from the Alaska interior. He stated that rails are for freight, roads are for cars and expressed his concern about the deterioration of the highways resulting from increased overland freight activity. Nelson asked the board to develop a list of agenda issues for the joint work session with Council and P&Z. She noted she would ask P&Z to do the same in order to arrange a productive meeting with content. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m. If./' 'I; dj..J Gwynn~ilch I>ort l\ssistaunt ~~ Ja sT. Pruitt :urman (City Seal) . . , . " " o City uf Seward, Alaska July 20, 1994 Pan & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 83 The July 20, 1994, meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Bo:ud did not convene due to the lack of a quorum. ?Jlk/-) Gwynne l'i1ch Port Assistant .. ~<-' ~ (City Seal) 84 City of Seward. Alaska August 3, 1994 Pon & Commerce Ad~"sory Board Minutes Volume 1. Page 84 1. CALL TO ORDER The August 3, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:45 a.m. by Vice Chairman Willard Dunham. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: Willard Dunham, presiding, and Jack Goodwill Dean Kasischke Ron Long Kevin Walker comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative Margaret Anderson, Councilmember Elaine Nelson, Director Chamber of Commerce Eric Fry, Seward Phoenix Log Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT were: Sharon Anderson (excused) Doug Lechner James Pruitt (excused) Jack Scoby (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The July 6, 1994, regular meeting minutes were approved witbout objection. 4. ORGANIZATION OF BOARD A. Selection of Chairman Following the nominations of James Pruitt and Doug Lechner, Walker moved that nominations of Prnitt and Lechner remain on the record and that the nomination process continue at the subsequent meeting. Scoby seconded; and the motion carried without objection. ,.- 1)b City of Seward, Alaska August 3,1994 Port & CorfUncree Advisory Board Minute.~ Volume 1, Pa~e 85 C. Setting meetin~ schedule Following lenghty discussion, Goodwill moved to table setting the meeting schedule until Council Chambers availability and options for the second meeting were ascertained. Walker seconded; and the motion carried without objection. A consensus of the board agreed that adjustments to the meeting schedule were not implemented until September. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA The regular meeting agenda was approved without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC Urbach noted ARR related issues that included dredging, implementation of stringent cruise ship security, and monies spent by ARR for dock improvements. The board engaged in lenghty discussion concerning the sedimentation from Resurrection River, the subsequent need for water depth maintenance, and the focus on a universal strategy that would resolve the complete agenda of issues. Goodwill noted that it was imperative to dredge the 27' higb spot near the ARR dock. Further discussion involved present accommodations, scheduling and the future needs of cruise ships. B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bencardino reported on the recent interest and possible acquisition of Seward Forest Products and of project considerations. He noted a KPB/EDD distribution packet for which current information would be provided to KPB/EDD that related to Seward, the continued natural gas study, the interest of other communities in the Volcano Center site considerations, Tyonek's recent interest in the Midrex site selection, and the availability of EDD Small Business loans. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Foster Sine-Ieton - Projects status report Singleton noted the Syncrolift maintenance and annual inspection, the progress of the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor development plan, the Deepwater Dock Committee meeting on August 4 at 4:00 p. m. in Council Chambers, the recent completion of the new northeast harbor launch ramp, and the B float repair and replacement project status. Vice Chairman Dunham appointed to the dock committee Walker in lieu of Anderson and Long in lieu of Lechner. The temporary appointment was for the purpose of attending the August 4 meeting only. He also discussed with Singleton a concept for launch fee collection. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Noted 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 86 City of Seward, Alarka August 3, 1994 Pan & Commerce Advisory Board Minute~' Volume I, Page 86 10. NEW BUSINESS A. SMIC Development Plan Outline The board engaged in discussion relating to a SMIC marketing strategy that included market targets and lease land issues, and oil drilling rigs. Other suggestions to the development plan outline were upgrading the Nash Road extension; the growth pattern, utilization and expansion of the shiplift and focus on the original multiple user concept, identification of and expansion on the long term maintenance costs related to the Syncrolift; and the North Dock wharf and barge ramp upgrade becoming a high priority. Singleton stated he would like the board to provide their written comments and that the outline would be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission for input as well. He noted the ultimate goal was to present a full development plan to City Council for approval. Long reinforced that each member should take the time to identify priorities in terms of the SMIC development plan and urged that the board maintain focus on the plan's completion. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION None. Vice Chairman Dunham welcomed the newly appointed members to the board. 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. ');:(J~ Gwynne Pilch Port Assistant .' " . A, t2J /:i!ft '1fi //- / Willar Dunham Vice Chairman jJ~ (City Seal) ~.., " :.:' ( " " . - - . = 0 ~' ~ . .< ~ ' .' ~," ' t';".' ", City of Seward, Alaska August 18, 1994 Pori & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 86 1. CALL TO ORDER The August 18, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11 :46 a.m. by Vice Chairman Willard Dunham. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: 'i/I City of Seward. Alaska August 17. 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 87 Willard Dunham, presiding, and Sharon Anderson Jack Goodwill Dean Kasischke Doug Lechner Ron Long Kevin Walker comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Murph O'Brien, DOT/PF Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative Margaret Anderson, Councilmember Eric Fry, Phoenix Log Brad Snowden, New Seward/Best Westeru Hotel Stu Clark Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Jack Scoby (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Dunham noted that the minutes should reflect his comments relating to the inclusion of projected growth or involvement of SMIC and that the issue should part of any harbor planning. Anderson moved to approve the August 3, 1994, regular meeting minutes as amended; the motion was seconded by Long, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. ORGANIZATION OF BOARD A. Selection of Chairman Lechner moved to take from the table the nominations for Chainnan. Anderson seconded; and the motion was carried without objection. Lechner and Dunham declined nominations as Chairman. Following discussion, Anderson moved to call for a decision of Jim Pruitt selected as Chairman. Goodwill seconded; and the motion was carried by unanimous vote. Lechner nominated Dunham for Vice Chairman. Anderson moved to close the nominations for Vice Chainnan. Long seconded; and the motion carried without objection. A unanimous decision of the quorum chose Jim Pruitt as Chairman and Willard Dunham as Vice Chairman. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA ~8 City of Seward, Alaska August 17, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 88 Anderson moved to place Item lOA and 12A (the City/Slate Boat Harbor Agreement) under Item 6C. Long seconded; and the agenda was approved, as amended, without objection. 6. REPORTS OF' SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC Urbach noted the ARR would issue collector stamps illustrating steam locomotives and various Alaskan communities. Urbach encouraged suggestions to resolve the financial aspects of dredging and additional dock space that would help ARRC executives, board members and cruise line agencies. She noted the million dollar improvements to the dock would be reimbursed through cruise line tariffs for the next three years. Urbach advised the ARRC board meeting is scheduled in Fairbanks on September 13. She also noted that after a year and a half the Marine Highway Task Force, to which she and other fonner members had been reappointed, had reorganized. Urbach said a report on the MHTF development would be given sometime after September. B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Not present due to previous commitments. C. Murph O'Brien - DOT/PF - Boat Harbor Agreement City Manager Tyler Jones noted that both agencies felt the negotiated agreement was good as was the increase in public involvement. He said future changes to the agreement would be subject to the public review process. Jones acknowledged the cooperative efforts of O'Brien and Singleton throughout the negotiations as well as the support of City Council, and introduced Murph O'Brien. O'Brien explained his function in the agency and provided history relative to DOT/PF responsibilities and former agreements with respect to Alaskan harbors. O'Brien staled the goal is to make each harbor self-sufficient, and to transfer the facility ownership to some cities. He described highlights of the proposed Boat Harbor Agreement. O'Brien noted that the spirit of the agreement was already in place with increased hours of operation at the harbor and the public information program of cards and newsletters. He echoed the cooperative efforts between the agencies. O'Brien opened the floor to public discussion. Anderson asked whether revenues generated in the harbor would be sufficient to cover the maintenance requirements as opposed to fee increases. O'Brien stated the current agreement based on the $31 fee should be sufficient to meet the requirements. Following brief discussion, O'Brien provided further detail regarding the harbor enterprise fund, state facility revenue generation, city administrative costs, PIL T, and the maintenance funding criteria. In response to Kasischke's question concerning parking fees and head taxes, O'Brien noted the state's interest in the harbor was limited to the floats, the launch ramp, and the fuel <:<" '.",;) City of Seward, Alaska Augw,t 17, 1994 Port & Commerce Adviwry Board Minutes Volume 1. Page 89 float, and that the city controled the uplands. He recognized on the on-going harbor parking issue. George Leighton asked whether the northeast long term parking area was for 72 hours or for extended periods, and whether the area would be patrolled. He noted that areas should be considered for longer periods than 72 hours. O'Brien said he recognized the demand for long term parking and would work with the city in that regard. Gary Taylor stated that although he liked the plan in general he was concerned about the preferential moorage given to charter vessels. Discussion ensued concerning the COE permitting process and the recent change that affected the Klondike proposal for the time being. Singleton noted the PACAB recommendation stipulating that anyone wanting to do business in the harbor would submit a proposal which satisfied 200% of their needs. O'Brien clarified that the concept should not be an impact on the haroor, hut should provide additional moorage on behalf of the proposer. Taylor asked Singleton to review the power usage policy, the bicycle issue, and to enforce the "no wake" policy in the harbor. He briefly mentioned the parking problems in overcrowded lots. Taylor later discussed and offered suggestions to the diminishing dry storage areas, logistics of boat lifts, and fee increases. Margaret Anderson asked whether revenues from paid parking, if implemented, would go to tbe Harbor Eoterprise Fund and O'Brien advised that theoretically they should. Kasisehke asked if anything had been done in terms of the off site parking that day cruisers were to provide as outlined in the Harbor Plan. Singleton noted the issue had been a fe<;ommendation and had not been implemented by Council. Brad Snowden asked several site-specific questions concerning ownership and jurisdiction in the harbor. In response to his question of whether one float could be designated for day cruisers, O'Brien responded that although he recognized the contlict, the agreement is black and white in terms of eqnal treatment to all harbor users. Margaret Anderson noted item 5A and derelict vessels. Jones and Singleton noted the changes in language and commitment from the former agreement. Long queried the issues of funding, permitting, and the state's position on derelict vessels. O'Brien stated he would help the city with the procedural hurdles and legal interpretations. Long and Dunham asked about waiting list turnover and the percentage of and transfer of vessel ownership. O'Brien and Singleton explained the terms of the new agreement in that respect. O'Brieo responded to Dunham's questions and concerns regarding state owned boundaries, routine maintenance, major repairs, catastrophic events and legal fees. Dunham was concerned about the general fund in terms of the percentage of administrative costs and PILT from the harbor enterprise fund to the general fund. Further discussion ensued about 90 City uJ Seward. Alaska August 17, 1994 Port &: Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 90 the financial terms of the agreement. Dunham said he would like to see removed from the agreement the section relating to restaurants, bowling alleys, and other non-marine purposes. O'Brien reminded that the comment period continues through September 6 and encouraged written comments regarding concerns of and/or suggestions to the agreement. The board concurred without objection to defer the remainder of the agenda. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Foster Sineleton - Proiect Status Report Singleton reported on the Syncrolift inspection at SMIC. He provided details of SMIC improvements and activities. Singleton noled the record number of participants in the derby this year and the traffIC flow improvements due to the new northeast launch ramp. He commented on the ramp dedication ceremony scheduled for August 25 when ADF&G Torn Donek, and USF&W Dave Watsjold would be in Seward. Singleton noted harbor projects that included X float and the south harbor float system. In response to Long's concern about X float pilings, Singleton advised that the insurance benefits from the previously sustained damage was forthcoming. He said the city was under no obligation to repair the damage and that remedial efforts would continue until the entire float was replaced in the fall. Anderson advised Singleton of congestion problems at the city dock resulting from offloading in a fire lane. Urbach complimented Singleton and the city for solving the boat and trailer problems in the harbor area. In response to Dunham's queries pertaining to SM1C, Singleton explained criteria for cable replacement and the projected revenue status of the Syncrolift. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Noted 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Deferred to subsequent meeting. 10. NEW BUSINESS Moved to 6C. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION None 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT f)"! Vol City of Seward, Ala.vkn. Augu.vt 17, 1994 Port & ClJmmerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 91 The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. ,.' ,~/-. /H;//:J /, /~ / \ GC)~7' / 7/1 k_tg'I/0c:C /24JA/'''Z-~ __ Gwynn'[,Pilch /" ,.."',. " WIllard Dunham Port AssIstant / . Vice Chairman . (City Seal) :' ' .. . . '", r, '" ~ , . . .. ., ';:,', <'. ,,' '. '. . City of Seward, Alaska Septemher 7, 1994 " Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 91 1. CALL TO ORDER The September 7, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:45 a.m. Boardmember Ron Long. Vice Chairman Willard Dunham had notified he would arrive later. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: Ron Long, presiding, and Jack Goodwill Doug Lechner Jack Scoby Kevin Walker comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative Eric Fry, Seward Phoenix Log Bob VaJdatta Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant ABSENT were: Sharon Anderson (excused) Dean Kasischke (excused) James Pmitt (excused) Q<) City of Seward. Alaska September 7, 1994 Pon &: Comml'rce Advisory Board Mi1lutes Volume 1, PUKe 92 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scoby moved to approve the August 17, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Goodwill, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Walker moved to approve the regular meeting agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Lechner and carried without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARR/CBC Urbach announced that Bob Hatfield was in Seward. She also noted the hand delivered material from DOT/PF that she asked board members to review and to provide input. In answer to Lechner's question, Urbach stated the summer 1994 ARRC passenger report was not available, however, she felt the numbers had increased. She also mentioned the draft 1995 cruise ship schedule had been completed and that the tentative schedule indicated this season's cruise ships would have similar schedules next year. B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bencardino noted EDD's loans to promote KPB small businesses and advised that the First National Bank of Anchorage would conduct a training session on September 26 to help existing and potential small businesses. Bencardino discussed Russ Trask, DBA Bainbridge Marine Services, and his interest to lease and to improve SMIC property on which to operate a boat repair business. Discussion ensued regarding the possible lessee, the anticipated SMIC land appraisal, the merits of the city adopting an established plan to encourage additional businesses to the SMIC area, and concerns about the potential misuse of leased SMIC property in terms of legitimate business operations as opposed to dry storage. Other issues briefly mentioned by Bencardino related to the forward movement of the Peninsula gas line study and that some form of commitment to the Sawmill may be forthcoming on Friday, September 9. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Foster Sine-Ieten - Projects Status Report Tyler Jones presented the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor Master Plan previously submitted to the administration by Schafer. He outlined the steps involved in the process, the stage of development and the administration's recommen~ dation to Council to approve the plan contingent upon eight master plan requirements. Jones invited comment prior to the recommendations' submittal to Council on Monday, September 12. City of Seward. Alaska September 7, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, Page 93 Singleton noted the completion of the Syncrolift inspection and advised the inspection report would be forthcoming. He and Iones discussed the Council's recent denial of Seward Ships Drydock's lease extension and the administration's work with Seward Ship's Drydock in terms of a new lease proposal. Further discussion ensued regarding SMIC issues, requirements, and developments. Singleton also noted the B float repair and maintenance project, the electrical system repair and replacement project, the request for additional funding from ADF&G for the north east harbor restrooms, the pump-out station project, and the questionnaire that had recently been devised and circulated to cruise lines and related agencies. He acknowledged the efforts of Tom Tougas who had been instrumental in the questionnaire's refinement. Jones noted his correspondence with AMHS Greg Dronkert and the status of the ferry relocation issue. In response to Goodwill's question regarding the road surface to the North Dock, Singleton advised the area would be filled and graded. With respect to Scoby's concerns about the electrical outlets at the North Dock, Singleton replied that varying levels of service panels would be installed. Singleton also acknowledged Scoby's mention of the congestion problems at City Dock. Singleton noted that in association with the deep water dock committee, Harvey Smith would review all potential deep water dock sites to make appropriate comparisons. In response to Dunham's recommendation to take a serious look at the area south of Anderson's dock for a potential deep water dock, Jones noted that Harvey Smith would be contacted to locate the previous DOT information on the area to include in his comparative review. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Mariculture Technical Center and Shellfish Hatchery A consensus of the Quorum agreed to convey in the form of a resolution to City Council support of the Mariculture Technical Center located in Seward. The board also agreed to invite representation to a subsequent meeting for the project's status report. Seward's AMHS dockine: facilities Boardmembers echoed Long's appreciation of Jones' letter to Greg Dronkert. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS PACAB Meeting Schedule Following discussion Scoby moved to continue the Port and Commerce Advisory Board meetings on the 'fIrst and third Wednesday of each month commencing at 11 :30 a.m. at the Harbor Dinner Club. Lechner seconded, and the motion was carried by a unanimous vote. In addition, a consensus of the board concurred with Long that in the event a particular meeting was running late, the remainder of the agenda would be deferred to the subsequent meeting and an opportunity for citizen's discussion would be 94 Ciry of Seward, Alaska September 7, 1994 Port &: Co"unerc:e Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 94 presented. Members determined that on a quarterly basis public comment would be solicited well in advance with regard to current and future issues, and that special schedules would be arranged to accommodate public requests. SMIC Development Plan FolIowing brief discussion a September 13 deadline to submit written comments was determined. Foster Singleton advised he would provide to members a copy of the draft SMIC Development Plan at the September 21 meeting. 10. NEW BUSINESS None 11. BOARD DISCUSSION Brief discussion ensued related to cruise ship businesses. Appreciation was expressed with regard to the expertise and the role that Tom Tougas had taken in cooperation with the community. 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION port Brochure/SMIC Bob Valdatta presented to the board a brochure (Port of Anchorage) Ihal he fell should be modeled for a Port of Seward brochure. He stressed Ihe necessity of having informational material available for SMIC prospects. Valdalta displayed an area map that illustrated his view of the SMIC area development. He suggested that selection of a small ad hoc committee to assist with the activity in and development of the area. In response to boardmembers' request, Valdatta advised he would prepare and circulate among Ihe board a legible copy of the map. Valdalla commended the simultaneous activity at the North Dock and the Syncrolift area some weeks ago that illustrated a level of use for which the industrial center was originally intended. He also urged that the city work with Pruitt in terms of the building requirements and its financial affect on Seward Ships Drydock in the long term. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m. (City Seal) - \'" -..'l~t, ,,,,.: ,". ..."'. "..' .~.; < '"'''' .,' ~.-<..,.."."'. ::(.,. "..',." " ~ .... '.- ~ . . .-.., ~ . ~ . : f): t, - . - . . ". . . .> ,,' ~!..". ~" " " ~,.. /'?U Dunham Vice Chairman d/J ~/' ) ;0 l./ Gwynn ilch Port Assistant (',r ,1,-1 City of Seward, Alaska September 21, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 95 1. CALL TO ORDER The September 21, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:38 a.m. by Vice Chairman Willard Dunham. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: Willard Dunham, presiding, and Sharon Anderson Dean Kasischke Ron Long Jack Scoby Kevin Walker comprising a quorum of the Board; and Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Kerry Martin, Community Development Director Margaret Anderson, Councilmember Louis Bencardino, KPB/EDD Representative Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Richard David, City of Homer Harbormaster Denny Erlandson, City of Homer Port Administrator Eric Fry, Seward Phoenix Log Robert Valdatta ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Jack Goodwill (excused) Doug Lechner (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Urbach stated the minutes erroneousty reflected her comments 00 the 1995 Cruise Ship schedule. She clarified that the 1995 schedute indicated there would be a lot more double docking and a lot more ships visiting Seward during the season. Anderson moved to approve the September 7. 1994. regular meeting minutes as amended; the motion was seconded by Long, and the motion was approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Harbormaster Singleton, who arrived with guests following the meeting commencement, introduced City of Homer Harbormaster Richard David and Homer Port Administrator Denny Erlandson. 96 City of Seward, Alaska Septemher 21, 1994 Purt & Commerce Advisory Board Mi"utes Volume 1, Page 97 the north east harbor launch ramp complex; additional float fingers, a sewer pump-out station and a restroom facility. He advised that he had contacted GTE in reference to phone installations at the complex. With regard to Scoby's question about water service on D Float, Singleton advised he would contact Ainsworth of Public Works and report his findings at the next meeting. He also stated that Ainsworth had filled the large hole at SM]C that had been the subject of considerable discussion at the previous meeting. Singleton advised that comments to the Harbor Use Agreement were being reviewed by Murph O'Brien and would be compiled and discussed with City Manager Jones. He noted that the revised document should be received by September 26 or 27. The board asked for timely distribution of the revisionary document lIpon its receipt, and discussed the possibility of a work session. The board agreed to submit to the City Clerk a request to place the PACAB's "Presentation with Prior Notification" on the October 10 Council agenda to address concerns about the Harbor Use Agreement prior to Council's determination. Draft SMIC Development Plan Martin asked the board to consider and determine: ]) What are the land uses? And, 2) What is SMIC? - the ]00 acres or the entire valley? Martin explained his task of identifying, naming and platting land through the borough, and discussed various rights-of-way, subdivisions, and phases of the platting process. In response to Anderson's concern about survey costs being imposed on lessees, Martin advised that the board could resolve the issues and concerns during the development phase of the plan and by the board's subsequent recommendations. He noted the focus should include land uses, utilities, management, security, the fish pond, and recreation. Following discussion of SMIC utility service, specified lot size, and the designation of lot rates in lieu of designated land use, Martin encouraged the board to create a concise development plan in the best interest of the community as opposed to the city's former "reactive" response to each SMIC development proposal. Scoby moved that in tenns of a Seward Marine Industrial DeveloDment Plan that the board confine its focus to the specific and useful development of the 100 acre tract of land commonly referred tn as the SMIC, while Martin and/or other gronps identify the adjacent tracts of bmd and refine the subdivision as a whole; Anderson seconded. Following brief discu:;sion the motion was carried by unanimous vote. Long agreed that at this time the board's planning efforts should foclIs solely on the SMIC area, but added caution in terms of excessive restrictions as the city shifted from a reactive posture. He urged each member's considerations of development prepared in written fonn for discussion at the next meeting. Singleton noted that the draft document would be circulated for comments among city administration, PACAB, P&Z Commission, and the public. The combined comments would be ,~\r7' :-' f City of Seward, A]ash, September 2], 1994 Port & Commerce Advisury Board Minutes Volume I, Page 96 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Walker added AMHS related discussion to Urbach's Report and Dnnham added the Harbor Use Agreement to Unfinished Business. The meeting was approvedf as amended, without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC In response to Walker's questions about the AMHS ferry and Ketchikan shipyard, Urbach advised that Mayor Crane met with Commissioner Barton on Monday and that it would be two weeks before a decision would be made with regard to dock and dredging issues. She noted that City Manager Tyler Jones was meeting with DOT/PF in Juneau. Urbach said she would attend the first AMHS task force meeting in Juneau on October 17. She again encouraged the board's input on the ferry, docking and dredging issues, and the Ketchikan shipyard. She felt the task force would likely address matters affecting Southeast and the Ketchikan shipyard, and said that she would involve in the discussions Seward concerns as well. Boardmembers discussed dredging issues and the Resurrection River affecting the ARR dock and the airport. B. Louis Bencardino - KPB/EDD Bencardino announced the next EDD meeting would be held at A VTEC in Seward on September 29 commencing at 10:30 a.m. With respect to Midrex, Bencardino noted that renewed efforts had generated sufficient funding from busines5i community members to finance the compilation of pertinent data to provide to the firm. He mentioned PN&D's role in the development, Enstar's change in perspective, and the community's alliance to attract the industry. Long noted that Seward's private sector, having taken the lead in the effort as opposed to strictly by municipal andlor political means, demonstrated to Midrex a level of community support and commitment. In response to Kasischke's question regarding the sawmill acquisition, Bencardino stated it still looked good. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Foster Singleton - Projects Status Report Singleton noted that since the arrival of materials, B float was currently 25 % complete. He invited members to examine the project and emphasized an innovative, effective process that had been developed locally; each flotation billet was encased in fiberglass to defy corrosion. Singleton noted discussions hetween the city and Seward Ship's Drydock on an altemative lease agreement. He noted the ADF&G grant and the additional funding request associated with 98 City of Seward, Alaska September 21, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes VolUlTle I, Page 98 incorporated into a revised plan for review by PACAB prior to its submission to Council for approval. Singleton responded to Dunham's comment regarding the multi-user concept. Scoby moved that the board's response to the Draft SMIC Development Plan be tabled for further consideration and deferred to the subsequent meeting; Kasischke seconded, and t.he motion was carried by unanimous" ....te. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Syncrolift Contract/Lease Topics The board examined the lease agreement discussions as opposed to formal negotiations. Proposed Coast Guard Regulations Discussion ensued concerning the extended comment period to the proposed Coast Guard security regulations (33 CFR Parts 120 & 128). Walker volunteered to draft a letter to the ARRC that would express PACAB concerns about the regulations. Anderson suggested that the letter convey a spirit of good faith and cooperation. Dunham emphasized that there had been no opportunity for public comment from South Central Alaskan ports. He felt that the SCA ports shoulu coalesce and request that the Coast Guard schedule a SCA port hearing. Singleton noted that the State Harbormaster's Convention in November would likely include the issue on its agenda. Dunham asked that the Harbormaster compose a letter to the five key ports in South Central to consider a request to the Coast Guard for a public hearing in South Central Alaska before the security regulation is implemented, and recommended that the letter be copied to the Congressional delegation. Anderson added that the letter should be sent to oUlers as well. She stated that she felt that every port, every port advisory board, and private marine venture moving freight would be in arms against the regulation. 9, UNFlNlSHED BUSINESS Resolution 94-01 10 support of the MaricuIture Technical Center and SbeUr.sb Hatchery was approved by unanimous vote or the board. Pilch advised that the resolution would be faxed to Dames & Moore Dave Erickson, ADF&G Commissioner Carl Rosier, ADF&G Jim Cochran, et aI, following the meeting's adjournment. 10. NEW BUSINF.sS SMIC Development Plan Previously discussed. It. BOARD DISCUSSION Nash Road Small Boat Harbor Walker reported on the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor master plan and the project's development. He noted the obstacles in terms of an agreement 09. , ,," City of Seward, Aluvka September 21, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume I, Page 99 with adjacent property owner(s) by the deadline. The board discussed alternative for harbor expansion as well as deep water dock issues/communications. Walker moved to recommend to City Council with respect to the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor proposal and the time.certain development phases, that extensions to previously established deadlines are denied. Council is urged to actively pursue altemati'ves to barbor expansion; Anderson seconded, and the motion was carried by unanimous vote. The board engaged in discussion about ARRC dredging issues. Dunham recommended that dredge material be added to upland areas in lieu of deep water deposits. ARRC owned upland lease areas were also discussed in terms of city planning & zoning issues, cargo staging issues, and tourist industry lessees deterring or altogether eliminating the development of the hydro-train concept. 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION Bob Valdatta provided to the board a map of the SMIC area illustrating his ideas of development. He also mentioned the hydrobarge concept and the sawmill 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. '0:. A ,. 'f; U(yj Gwynn!"'Pilch Port Xssistant <c; <</!,&r@._z~ Willard Dunham Vice Chairman ,~: ".~ ' ."~' t' (City Seal) , ~ ", ~ . . ~ .. '." - .. ., .. .~, ':" "> ,. Ciry of S~ard, Alaskn October 5, 1994 Pan & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 99 The October 5, 1994, regular meeting of the Port and Commerce Advisory Board was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum. /11/" 1 '/t /;^-) Gwynne . ch Port Assistant ~(/ ;;W _//',)~ ,--i- Ja T. Pruitt Cliairman (City Seal) .' . . , 100 City oj Seward, Alaska October 19, 1994 Port & Commt!T'l't! Adl'isory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 100 1. CALL TO ORDER The October 19, 1994~ regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:44 a.m. by Boardmember Ron Long. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: Ron Long, presiding, and Jack Goodwill Dean Kasischke Doug Lechner Kevin Walker comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Kerry Martin, Community Development Director Scott Ransom, Deputy Harbormaster Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative Margaret Anderson, Council member Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Elaine Nelson, Chamber of Commerce Director Eric Fry, Seward Phoenix Log Robert Valdatta D.J. Whitman ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Willard Dunham (excused) Sharon Anderson (excused) Jack Scoby (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Walker moved to approve the September 21, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Goodwill, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Walker moved to approve the regular meeting agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Goodwill and carried without objection. 1m City of Seward, Alaska October 19, 1994 Pon &: Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 101 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urhach - ARR/CBC Urbach reported on the first Alaska Marine Highway System Task Force meeting in Juneau. She noted the positive dialog among the representatives present from allover the state and the group's accomplishment. Urbach hoped to have the written form of the meeting's activities at the following PACAB meeting. She advised the next AMHS Task Force meeting was schedule in Juneau on January 23, 1995, at which time members plan to meet with legislators. There were several related discussions. B. Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD not present 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Foster Singleton - Proiects Status Report Deputy Harbormaster Scott Ransom provided the status of various harbor projects as well as those at SMIC. He noted that the COE had anchored a marked wave gauge buoy in the Bay that sends data to a Harbormaster office computer on a 24-hour basis. Ransom said the information will be compiled over a three-year period to establish wave, current and wind patterns. He noted the information is intended to be available to mariners. Seward Forest Products Mill Jones noted that Jim Harris advised him the acquisition was moving forward in a positive manner. Jones stated he made a strong request to Harris to be informed of its developments. 8. CORRESPONDENCE AMHS - ferry berthing Jones provided a summary of his recent trip to Juneau and the state's position with respect to alternative berthing in Seward. Urbach noted she may have additional information from the ARRC at the subsequent meeting. AMHS 1995 Summer Schedule noted Seward MTC/SH It was noted that Seward had been selected by the ADF&G Commissioner as the site for the Mariculture Technical Center and Shellfish Hatchery. In response to Nelson's inquiry about shellfish seedstock at SMIC, Martin advised that Jeff Hetrick asked about growing box-contained shellfish on city-owned tidelands through the winter. Martin specified to Hetrick the areas that would have little impact from or on the project and stated to the board that those areas did not include SMIC property. According to Martin, Hetrick advised he would provide a letter to the city regarding the project. Martin was uncertain the project mentioned at SMIC was the same that he and Hetrick had discussed. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 102 City oj Seward, Alaska October 19. 1994 Porr & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 102 SMIC Develooment Plan Following discussion, there was not objection to Long's deferral of the written comment deadline to the subsequent meeting. Harbor Use Aereement Jones explained the key changes to the amended agreement that would be presented to Council October 24 for approval and asked for board action. Following discussion, Walker moved to endorse the amended Harbor Use Agreement. Goodwill seconded; and the motion was carried by unanimous vote. Long gave special recognition to those who had participated aggressively in the amended agreement. 10. NEW BUSINESS Cellular Ooe - SMIC Conditionat Use and Lease Pro.posal A copy of the proposal was circulated among board members and meeting attendees prior to commencement. Martin described the conditional use permit and lease proposal, the city's option to relocate if/when a better use for the site is determined, and noted that tbe proposal would be considered by the P&Z in November. Whitman mentioned that the site was not exactly prime development property and was not opposed to the proposal. Following discussion, Kasischke motioned that the board endorse Cellular One's conditional use and lease proposal at SMIC as presented and that Martin proceed with the lease negotiations. Lechner seconded; aod the motion was unanimously approved. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION AMHS issues Jones recommended that AMHS issues be placed on the subsequent meeting agenda under New Business. Nelson added discussion to Jones' comment that he would be working with Urbach in this regard and noted that she will attempt to keep the issue "up front." Valdatta voict~ concerns about the need for two ocean-going ferries. Walker added comments related to Chenega's new dock and the ferry system's scheduling. He noted his research into the proposed Coast Guard security regulations and hoped he could provide the information prior to his departure. Boardmember resignation Walker gave his verbal resignation from the board and advised he had accepted a position in Nome beginning November 1. In response to Lechner's question of whether any response had been received from the letter sent to Tyson Seafoods, Pilch advised to dale there had been none. He raised questions about SeaLand's projected scheduling. The board asked Pilch to draft a letter ofappreciation to SeaLand for utilizing Seward's port and facilities. In response to Lechner's inquiry about the status of Midrex, Nelson noted that the firm would make an announcement in November. SeaLife Center Jones discussed developments of the proposed SeaLife Center and its status in response to Long. There was some discussion about how and from what source the animals would be fed in response to Valdatta. Nelson noted that a resolution had been introduced at the recent Alaska Visitor's Association annual convention held at Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, which received unanimous support from the AVA membership. 10~ City of S~'ard, Alaska October 19, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minute,f Volume 1, Page 103 Marketine Nelson noted that the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce Business Digest would soon be going to press, that it has a wide distribution, and suggested a joint ad from the city, the port, and the Chamber to market SMIC. Kenai Fiords National Park - Lands Buyback Nelson noted the effort of Castellina to buy land in the Kenai Fjords National Park that had recently heen dedicated to native villages. Iones added that a resolution would be presented to Council October 24 to approve the land acquisition proposal. 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION SMIC Develol'ment Plan Valdalta noted that zoning was a major problem at SMIC, that it currently restricts land use to industrial development only. Valdatta raised concerns about lease revenue allocation, rock quarries, ice houses, manufacturing concrete beams, and potential shellfish projects which conflict with the tlbest use" lease land issues. Jones thanked Valdatta for bringing to light the shellfish projects issue and its potential conflict with SMIC development. Nelson noted that the P&Z Commission was addressing with Martin the SMIC zoning issues, its planning and development. Jones explained the process by which the Development Plan would be refined in response to Whitman's concern about numerous conflicts in the plan. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at I :02 p.m. OV"'" .,,' ({r!.J<' , Gwynn itch ,'. Port Assistant ~':' " Ron Long Boardmember (City Seal) , . " .,' > . " " City of Seward, Alaska November 2, 1994 pon & Commerce Advisory Board Minute.( Volume J, Page 103 1. CALL TO ORDER The November 2, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11 :45 a.m. by Boardmember Ron Long. 1(111. City of Seward, AllUka Nuvember 2,1994 Port & Commerce Advi.vory Buard Minutes Volume 1, Page 104 2. ROLL CALL There were present: Ron Long. presiding, and Sharon Anderson Jack Goodwill Dean Kasischke Doug Lechner Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Mike Yanez, Deputy City Manager Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Dave Calvert, Engineering & Public Works Manager Kerry Martin, Community Development Director Dorothy Urbach, ARRlCBC Representative Margaret Anderson, Council member Gwynne Pilch, Port Assistant Elaine Nelson, Chamber of Commerce Director Tom Tougas, Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc. Eric Olsen, Chamber member & KFT, Inc. Mark Anderson, First National Bank of Anchorage Christy Johnson, Business owner & DBA member Louis Bencardino, Businessman Herman Leirer, Businessman Robert Valdatta, Laborer Dave Collins, Phoenix Log Editor Eric Fry, Phoenix Log Pat Reilly, Attorney Brent Whitmore ABSENT were: James Pruitt (excused) Willard Dunham (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Anderson moved to approve the October 19, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS ., r - ~. ~..' City of Seward, Alaska November 2, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minute~' Vulume 1, Page 105 It was noted that Alaska Railroad Director Dale Lindsey and Alaska Railroad President Boh Hatfield were present to address the board. Long asked guests, board members and attendees to introduce themselves. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Lechner added Hatfield's presentation to Urbach's report, and a recommendation to Council for the board vacancy under New Business. Scoby suggested that Hatfield's comments be added to Item F, Correspondence. Anderson moved to approve the regular meeting agenda and amendments; the motion was seconded by Scoby and the agenda was approved, as amended, without objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach - ARRlCBC Urbach introduced ARR President Bob Hatfield and ARR Director Dale Lindsey. Hatfield discussed the sedimentation problems stemming from the Resurrection River diversion, the dredging issues and the ARR's position in terms of its priorities and available finances. He noted the dialog and correspondence among the ARRC, City Council members and the city administration. Hatfield suggested that the community consider allocating the remaining $323,000 from the B Street Dock study grant monies to help [mance the immediate dredging needs. Lengthy discussion ensued. B. Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD not present 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Sine:leton provided an update on harbor projects which included the COE reconnaissance study of the breakwater at SMIC, the COE installation of a wave buoy and two anemometers in the bay, the Nash Road Harbor status, the Deepwater Dock Committee status, additional grant-funded northeast launch ramp projects, the B float upgrade status, and grant-funded projects that were subsequent to the passage of the Harbor Use Agreement. Discussion ensued regarding the city's "no charge for using the proposed pump-out station at the northeast launch ramp and federal mandates on environmental standards. Singleton explained that the system was funded by USP&W to support the sport fishing industry, that its location will eliminate commercial vessel waste disposal. and that a "free token" method of customer service would be employed as a means to monitor EPA standards compliance. 8. CORRESPONDENCE "' ()!.", :!..V'-' City of Seward, Alaska November 2, 1994 Pan & Commerce Advi.wry Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 106 Aquatic Farms Discussed briefly. Midrex Anderson commended those involved in providing informational material to the corporation. There was no objection from the board to Kas.ischke's proposal to send a congratulatory letter to Nikiski and to Anderson's addition to send a commodation to Midrex for choosing Alaska. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS SMIC Development Plan Singleton reported that he had received some comments to incorporate into the plan. He added that after comments are received from P&Z adjustments would be made and the final draft would be presented to the board for review prior to its submittal to Council. Brief discussion ensued regarding the document and the approval of the Harbor Use Agreement. Singleton said he hoped to present the final draft to the board in early December. SMIC Work Session In Chairman Pruitt's absence and at his request, Pilch suggested that the board schedule a work session on SMIC in terms of marketing, development, planning, and other issues that had been the focus of discussion. Following brief discussion, the board agreed to schedule a work session once the final draft is received. Board Vacancy Recommendation Lechner noted the limited number of applic.ants from the previous board vacancy recruitment, that Bencardino had worked closely with the board in addition to his term as Council member, that he had solicited Bencardino's interest and consent and spoke with Murphy regarding procedures. Following brief discussion, Scoby motioned to send a letter to the Mayor recommending tbe appointment of Louis Bencardino to tbe PACAB; Lechner seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. 10. NEW BUSINESS AMHS issues Briefly discussed and tabled for further information. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION There was brief discussion regarding the dredging issue and of careful consideration before tbe B Street Dock funds are reappropriated. 12, CITIZENS' DISCUSSION Robert Valdattti, suggested that Roger Swenson should be nominated for Alaska's SmaH Business Person of the Year 1995. He noted that close attention should be paid to and information should be sought from Cape Yakataga. Valdatta voiced concerns about the ARRC. - "\r7 JII: City of Seward, Alaska November 2.1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minule.\' Volume 1, Page 107 Elaine Nelson invited all interested persons to the Chamber of Commerce meeting on Friday, November 4, at which time Tom Tougas would offer insight relating to tourism and the Mayor of Juneau would address the attendees. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. (City Seal) ~,~".-.;.:;, ~:: t, ...~,"'-'; (':F ,'" ." b:'\, " -'. :: ~ : b - . .... "'" :: "'i ~ . - ' .' .' ." .' , -. ~~. . . . . /~ (.1 A,..... (- Ron Long I Boardmember :J/il~/) Gwynne Pilch Port Assistant City of Seward. Alwka November 16, 1994 PaN & Corrunerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 107 The Novemher 16, 1994. regular meeting of the Port & Commerce Advisory Board did not convene due to the lack of a quorum. [lfJ. / ;/(1./0 Gwynn Hch Port Assistant ,'/; J es Pruitt hairman C:-~1 (City Seal) , . . . " , City of Seward, Alaska December 7, 1994 ., Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 107 1. CALL TO ORDER The Decemher 7, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at I \:45 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL 108 City oj Seward. Alaska December 7, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 108 There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Willard Dunham Jack Goodwill Dean Kasischke Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Tyler Jones, City Manager Foster Singleton, Harnormaster Kerry Martin, Community Development Director Dave Calvert, Electrical & Engineering Dept Manager Bruce Sieminski, KPB/EDD Representative Dorothy Urbach, ARR/CBC Representative Louis Bencardino, KPB Representative Rachel James, Community Development Assistant Elaine Nelson, Chamber of Commerce Director Mike Wiley, KPB Assembly Representative Tim Sczawinski D.I. Whitman ABSENT were: Sharon Anderson (excused) Doug Lechner (excused) (vacant seat) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Scoby moved to approve the November 2, 1994, regular meeting minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Goodwill, and the minutes were approved without objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS / SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Jones introduced Steve Colt and Mark Foster who win discuss under item 8D the Kenai Peninsula Natural Gas Study. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Long moved to approve the regular meeting agenda as presented; the motion was seconded by Scoby and carried witbout objection. 6. REPORTS OF' SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES .. nl"'\ -i.V.~ City of Seward. Alaska December 7, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minut~. Volume 1, Page 109 A. Dorothy Urhach - ARRlCBC Urbach noted a news article related to the AMHS task force. She reported on the recent changes in Juneau and the possible affects on the task force. Pruitt suggested that the DOT committee be invited to Seward. Urhach noted an ARRC meeting and the contributions the ARRC had made to the community during the past year. Discussion ensued related to AMHS. B. Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD Sieminski reported briefly on the gas study report, the incubator system building acquisition, and timber. Bencardino noted the efforts being made to assist with the sawmill. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Foster Singleton - Proiects Status Report Singleton noted the information that had been sent to COE Ed Sorenson, the engineer responsible for the North Breakwater at SMIC, and that the project was underway. Singleton provided an update on harbor projects. He also noted that John Baird would be transferring to Petersburg and that Melody Jordan will be taking his place at Icicle Seafoods. Singleton thanked Kerry Martin for his role in developing the SMIC Development Plan. In response to Scoby's question regarding COE pennits. for harbor projects, Singleton explained the various projects would be submitted at one time, at the COE's request, to obtain a blanket permit for harbor construction projects. Urbach thanked the city of Seward and Dave Calvert for a job well done during the Thanksgiving holiday power outage. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Dredging Issues Jones noted his correspondence with ARRC John Bums. He stated the goal has. been to get the ARR and the city into a more structured relationship in order to work together. He noted his recommendation to Council to approve the loan of $323,000 to the ARRC for dredging. Jones discussed the sedimentation problem and the agencies involved. Discussion ensued. Kenai Peninsula Natural Gas Study Status Report Steve Cope explained his and Mark Foster's role in the study. He further explained the purpose of the study and circumstances that have been encountered. He encouraged members to contact him if they had any questions or information that would be helpful to the study. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS He City of Seward, Alaska December 7, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 110 SMIC Development Plan Following lengthy discussion the board determined to convene on December 14 as opposed to the regularly scheduled date of December 21 and to dedicate the entire meeting to the plan. 10. NEW BUSINESS Municipal Land Plan Martin explained the process of developing the plan. The board agreed to review the draft and discuss the plan at the December 14 meeting. Prison Exoansion Issue Dunham noted the current state of the prison industry in Alaska and proposed that the Spring Creek Correctional Center should be expanded. He advised that at the time the facility was constructed, the infrastructure had been set in place for future expansion and that the facility is currently 50% complete. Dunham suggested that Pmitt draft a letter to Council to review the prison expansion issue and that the letter also be sent to the Commissioner as soon as possible. Following discussion, the board unanimously approved Dunham's motion that the Chairman should send a letter from the board to the City Council that raises the issue of expanding SCCC. 11. BOARD DISCUSSION None 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION Robert Valdatta raised the issue of the incubator system concept being pursued in Kenai and the possibility of similar funding opportunities for Seward. He suggested that Seward should have a full-time representative on the payroll in Kenai. 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. Q .'iJ . ( (f Gwynne lch Port ASSIStant /' :~4Q~ J es T, Pmitt hairman .<-:- (City s~L ' '-, ,', ., " " ~, ' - , . ::. 0; ,- , ~ . .' . " ' .-' , ,,'_ r._. .-; .' , ~~ , " "lw"... // ;11 City of Seward, Alaska December 14, 1994 Porr &. Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 1, Page 111 I. CALL TO ORDER The December 14, 1994, regular meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 11:46 a.m. by Chairman James Pruitt. 2. ROLL CALL There were present: James Pruitt, presiding, and Sharon Anderson Dean Kasischke Ron Long Jack Scoby comprising a quorum of the Board; and Foster Singleton, Harbormaster Kerry Martin, Community Development Director Gwynne Pilch. Port Assistant Eric Fry, Seward Phoenix Log Robert Valdatta ABSENT were: Willard Dunham (excused) Louis Bencardino (excused) Jack Goodwill (excused) Doug Lechner (excused) 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The December 7, 1994, regular meeting minutes were approved without Objection. 4. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS I SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA The regular meeting agenda was approved witbout objection. 6. REPORTS OF SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES A. Dorothy Urbach. ARR/CBC Not present. B. Bruce Sieminski - KPB/EDD Not present. 112 City {if Seward, Alaska December /4, 1994 Port & Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume J, Page 1 J 2 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Singleton acknowledged the board's desire to dedicate the entire meeting to SMIC Development Plan discussion and noted that the projects reflected little change from last week's progress report. 8. CORRESPONDENCE Noted 9. UNF1NISHED BUSINESS SMIC Development Plan Martin explained the planning process and noted that the SMIC Development Plan, being advisory in nature, would serve as a guide. He also noted that various SMIC issues drawn from the 1985 and the 1990 Comprehensive Plans had been included in the draft document. Board members' ideas and suggestions at the December 14, 1994, meeting related to planning the development of the industrial area include, but are not limited to: Use the least restrictive language in the plan. Remain "open" to any and all possibilities in terms of lease proposals. Omit the restrictive marketing text clause pertaining to "types" of businesses. Appraise lease land to establish baseline data and set values. The highest rate of return should be the city's top priority. Identify and illustrate at the site what is available for lease. Lease land nearest the waterfront to year-round marine-dependant businesses; Lease land near the back of the development area to seasonal marine-dependant businesses. The strip of land east of Olga Street without electricity dedicated to boat storage; the strip of land west of Olga Street with electricity dedicated to work stations. Maintain city control of the dock staging area north of the North Dock. Hire an Uoutside" consultant to assist the city in the development of a SMIC marketing strategy. Expand and develop the entire industrial complex systems in terms of water. sewer and electrical servke prior to an implemented marketing strategy, If possible, dedicate a percentage of SMIC revenues specifically for the pnrpose of marketing the industrial complex. City of Seward, Alaska December 14, 1994 Port & Commerce Adl'isory Board Minutes Volume 1> Page J 13 Martin asked that the board perform a final review of the document and submit to him any additional comments. He noted that the draft would be revised and submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission on January 4, 1995, for a resolution recommending the SMIC Development Plan to the City Council for approval on January 23. 1995. Martin noted the material would also be provided to the PACAB members for the January 4, 1995, regular meeting to recommend the SMIC Development Plan to the City Council for approval on January 23. 1995. 10. NEW BUSINESS None 11. BOARD DISCUSSION None 12. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. t/Ii'h:JJ Gwynn~ Pilch ,\,'t.,'1~:~,,1- P rt A . tan --- 4 01' " o SSlS t 4J.'::-~~ ,.":.:;:: ":", ~" \,,)":_i';"'" ./", ~ ,- " (City Seal) S :.t - . ~ 0: .. . '" . .~ . ",'. ,:'''''''_ "1. ~, {; ~ . - ", ,\", " ~.; -::'. >, 1, ~ ;.' +:,. '" ",q< c.',.' " ',".' ;' ,.,,' ~.'&, .'~. ','. I ~/J:!; i ~ ~~\ -. ~"~ ,. '. Li . . ~ '. '"