HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2003-024 Sponsored by: Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2003-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, CONCERNING THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND SITE PLAN IN THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AND US FOREST SERVICE SEWARD WATERFRONT STUDY REPORT, DATED AUGUST 152003 WHEREAS, the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission is required by the Seward City Code and the Council Rules of Procedure to review and promote public interest in issues relating to community planning which; and WHEREAS, the Commission reviewed and discussed the recommendations and site plan for the National Park Service and US Forest Service Seward Waterfront Study Report, dated August 15 2003at the November 5th, 2003 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Commission held a work session October 21,2003 in order to further review the Waterfront Study Report recommendations and site plan; and WHEREAS, at its December 2nd, 2003 meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed an approved positions on the recommendations and site plan in the Waterfront Study Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. The Commission shall approve the following positions on the Waterfront Study Report's recommendations and site plan: Recommendation (1): Encourage automobile traffic to move from Third to Fourth Avenue. The switch over (with good signage) might occur at Jefferson Street, or even several blocks further North. Commission: Unable to support this recommendation, due to numerous safety issues associated with routing traffic through neighborhoods to the North which are predominantly residential. Recommendation (2): Disperse parking to several existing parking lots, and provide additional consolidated parking areas to be shared by more than one facility. Create attractive parking areas through use of vegetation and clear layouts. Increase the extent and efficiency of street parking on Fourth Avenue. pUl~ uo!su13dxa JO sall3l luala1J!p Ol anp 'apola pw ){013l0 Ol S){I13Map!S aql aSn130 Sa!l!l!ln '3Ufpwlold aq.L 'pa'313mooua aq Plnoqs saowualilldd13 laqlo PU13 SlU13lpAq all] 'Slq'3!1 l;);)llS S13 qons '){J13M;)P!S ;)ql q'3nollll ;)pwlQld qO!qM S;)!l!l!ln lOJ ){013ql;)S 13 'laA;)Moq ';)OH013ld poo'3 13 S! s'3UfpJ!nq PUfqaq '3Uf){md 'S!ql S;)SS;)lpP13 UO P;)){lOM '3U!aq U13ld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwoJ ;)ql 'paM;)!A;)l aq Ol P;);)U op '3U!UOZ ;)ql Aq paqS!lq13lS;) SlUaW;)l!nb;)l lU;)wdOI;)A;)P PU13 s;)sn ;)q.L :UO!SS!WWOJ '<J:Ju<Jl.l<Jdx<J U/MOIU/MOp puv :!ulddolfs <J1f1 :!ul.l<Jpullf IOU Inq :!u11.l0ddns - s:!ulPllnq pUllf<Jq P<JIV:Jol ,(l1u<Jlu<Jlluo:J <Jq Plnolfs Slol :!up[.Ivd 'PV<JISU/ 'Slol :!up[.Ivd 1f11/M dn u<J'Io.lq <Jq IOU Plnolfs s:!ulPl!nq fo Mlnu!1uo:J <J1f1 puv 'IIV/M<Jpls <J1f1 01 dn <Jwo:J Plnolfs s:!ulPl!nq 'U/MOIU/MOP <J1f1 Ul1f11/M 'sl IvlfL 's<J:Jvf 1<J<J.lIS <J1f1 :!uolv IU<Jwdol<JII<JP :!ulPl!nq fo Mlnu!1uo:J <J:!vJno:Ju<J Plnolfs :!U1UOZ <JIfL 'su.I<JIIVd IU<Jwdol<JII<JP puv IfI/MO.l:! P<J.lls<JP <J1f1 <J:!v.lno:Ju<J m/M 11 Ivlfl <J.lnsu<J 01 :!uluOZ <J1f1 Sf!pow 'Pl.lIS1P luo.lj.l<JIV/M U/MOIU/MOp <J1f1 .Iof :!uluOZ <J1f1 /M<J1II<JN :(L) uO!1vpu<Jwwo:J<JN 'SU'3!S aA!ll3l;)lW;)lU! ;)lOW '3UfPP13 ;)lOJaq P;)qs!lq13lsa ;)q Ol P;);)U s;)u!lap!n'3 P!llS 'l;)nnp ImS!A ;)lOW Ol P13;)1 Plnoo su'3!s ;)lOW ''3UfPUl3lq Aq lU13;)W S! l13qM JO UO!l130mmp PU13 M;)!Mll;)qllI1J P;);)N :UO!SS!WWOJ ':JI<J 's<J!.IOIS 's<J11!lpvf Mlunwwo:J 'IS<J.I<JIUl fo SIUlod's:!U1Pl!nq ,(<J'I :!ulSf!IU<JPl 'U/MOIU/MOP .Iof w<JIS,(S suo!1v:Jlunwwo:J Ivnslll puv :!ulpuv.lq <JIIlsu<JIf<J.ldwo:J v <J.lvd<J.ld :(9) uO!1vpu<Jwwo:J<JN 'mod uO!l13pU;)WWOO;)~ U! S13 SUOS13al ;)W13S ;)ql JO AUl3W lOJ 'UOH13PU;)WWOO;)l lU;)II;)OX;) UV :UO!SS!WWO;) 'p.lV/M<JS fo .I<Jpv.lvlf:J <J1f1 <Jlv.lq<JI<J:J - slvl.l<JIVW puv s<JI,(IS fo Mls.I<J1I1P v .Iof :!ul/MOIIV <Jlllf/M u:!ls<JP ,(1!Ivnb <J:!v.lno:Ju:F/ :(S) uO!1vpu<JWWO:J<JN 'SlU;)P!S;)l ;)qlJo ;)J!lJo Al!lmb ;)ql s;)owqua pw AllsnpUf lOl!S!A ;)ql Oll13pyau;)q PU13 ;)A!P13lll13 S! PU13 13){S13IV JO al13lS aql Uf punoJ AI;)ml S! qONM ';)mpal!qom OPOlS!l{ paAl;)sald lIaM S,pmM;)S al13llSUOW;)P Ol ;)nUfluOO II!M s!sl3l{dw;) S!q.L 'uO!l13pU;)WWOOal S!ql lloddns :UO!SS!WWO;) '(S/M<J1II s,<Jsl<J <Juo,(uv UO p<Jffv <JS.I<JllpV UV <Jllvlf IOU m/M If:Jllf/M puv) U/MOIU/MOp fo <Jpls IS<JM <J1f1 uo ulVlunow <J1f1 fo <Jsvq <J1f1 :!n If Plno:J Ivlfl :!ulsnolf fo uO!1d<J:Jx<J <Jlqlssod <J1f1 1f11/M s<J!.IOIS <J<J.l1f1 .I<JIIO s:!ulPl!nq /MOIIV IOU op 'U/MOIU/MOP fo <Jlv:JS :Jl.lOIS11f <J1f1 ulVIUlvW :(1') uOlIVPU<Jwwo:J<JN 'p;)padS;)l aq Plnoqs SpOOqloqq'3!;)U 113!lU;)P!S;)l asoqlJo swall13d luawdopA;)P 1130pOlS!q ;)q.L 'SuOHl3l;)ua'3 AU13W lOJ I13HU;)P!S;)l AJ!W13J ;)1'3U!S AIlU13U!wop;)ld ua;)q OSI13 S13q pmA;)lnoH ;)Uf13I113H pw ;)nU;)AV qlX!S '3uOI13 PU13I ;)ql PU13 'paiH;)S S13M pmM;)S ;)OUfS ;)nUaAV Pl!l{.L JO lsaA\ aql Ol PU13I aql JO ;)sn 113!lUap!Sal AJ!umJ ;)1'3U!S U;);)q S13q al;)q.L 'oyp;)ds ;)lOW ;)q Plnoqs "UMolUMOp" S13 Ol P;)ll;)j;)l13;)m aq.L 'wld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwoJ ;)ql uo pas13q ;)q Plnoqs SUo!l13pUaWWOOal AW ';)lOj;)laql 'Al!SU;)P '3Ufpm'3;)l aowp!n'3 ap!AOld II!M UO!SS!wwoJ '3U!UU13ld ;)ql Aq uo pa){lOM '3U!;)q AllU;)lillO U13ld ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwoJ Pl13M;)S ;)q.L :UO!SS!WWO;) ',(I<JS1/M <J:J.lnos<J.I snop<J.ld <J1f1 <Jsn - puvl U/MOIU/MOP :!Ululvw<J.I fo lunowv P<J11w!I <J1f1 .Iof s<J111su<JP wnwlulw .I<JIf:!llf Ifs!lqvIS:F/ :(f) uO!1vpu<Jwwo:J<JN ''3U!UO!l13013A JO ;)ml13U p;)!llnqun ;)ql Ol ;)np 'sa;)Aoldw;) Al!lP13J U13ql S;)OWlS!P l;)'3uol '3Uf){J13M Ol ;)Jq13U;)W13 ;)q Plnoqs lnq ''3Uf){md ;)lmb;)p13 P;);)U SlOl!S!A 'UO!l13PU;)WWOO;)l S!ql lloddns :UO!SS!WWO;) l a'313d vl-mOZ uOHnlosa~ UO!SS!wwoJ '3UfuoZ PU13 '3UfUU13ld pmM;)S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 2003-24 Page 3 contraction. Recommendation (8): Strongly encourage city acquisition and maintenance of mid-block, East-West pedestrian ways and connections between Third, Fourth and Fifth Avenues. Commission: This recommendation needs further review. Removing private commercial land from a taxable status should be subjected to extensive study and review, due to the low number oftaxable properties in the community. Recommendation (9): Encourage downtown development that supports year-round housing, employment and retail services. Given the impact of seasonality and the limited population growth, the burden will increasingly fall into the public arena to support downtown retailing. Until such time as Seward begins to experience significant population growth and, therefore, additional spending dollars, parking, streetscape, lighting, street furniture, public plantings, and other "tools" that support the downtown retail experience will, most likely, need to seek funding from a variety of public sources including the City of Seward. If possible, Alaska legislative grants and congressional grants should also be sought to assist with downtown revitalization. Some examples of "tools" for assisting downtown stores and buildings could include: Low interest loans Commission: Fully support; Fafade (buildingface) grants Commission: Fully support; Tax increment financing Commission: This recommendation needs considerable review; Streetscape, street lighting and street furniture Commission: Fully support as these amenities make the downtown more attractive; Public parking Commission: Do not support as the Central Business District currently allows for 100% lot coverage and the public rights-of-ways are already used to support the parking needs of the businesses, taking more land out of a productive status should be discouraged; City-sponsored advertising and public relations Commission: Support, as the City of Seward already provides this service by sponsoring the Seward Chamber of Commerce; advertising and other marketing functions are their specialty; Bus service from the train and ship terminal to downtown Commission: Fully support, this will lessen congestion and encourage cruise ship passengers and crew to visit the downtown; pUV PiJUMO fo XlUl v 8u!pnpu! 'p.JviliJlnof/ iJU!VlIvf/ puv iJnUiJilV lflXlS 8uOlv puv iJnUiJilV P.J!lf'/' 8uOlv piJ8v.Jno;)uiJ iJq Plnolfs 8u!snolf s,!SUiJP Uln!piJUI puv lf8!H 'P!.JIS!P UMOIUMOP iJlfl U!lfl!M SiJUlOlf PiJlf;)VliJP {1!UlVf-iJI8u!s iJ.JOUl (UV I!UI.JiJd IOU 0([ 'UMOIUMOP iJlfl puno.Jv puv U! iJU!snolf M!SUiJP .JiJlfiJ!lf pUV Uln!piJUI 'iJiJv.JnO;)UiJ puv '.10) illiJlV!.JOO.Joov iJUOZ :(1'1) uO!1vPUiJUlUlO;)iJH 'S;):)illO/l;)lU;):) lOl!S!A A:)U;)~V-!llnw ;)qllOJ ",!Slll ~U!lloddns IllHU;)SS;) Ull Sll l;)lU;):) :)!A!:) II ;):)UllUY Ol Al!;) ;)ql ;)l!nb;)l Ol ;)W!l S!qllll U;)pmq AlllSS;):);)UUn Ull ;)q Plno:) 1I 'P;)fOld S!ql JO ;)SlllJd lU;)nb;)sqns II Sll P;)l;)P!SUO:) ~ Plnoqs S;)Hpopd IllUO!llll;)do ~U!AmA ql!M S;)PU;)~ll ;)ld!llnw ~U!lll:)ol-o:) JO s:)HS!~OI ;)qllnq ';)A!Plllllll S! ld;):)uo:) ;)ql :UO!SS!WWO:) 'S.JiJlflO pUV iJ;).JiJUlUlO:J fo .JiJqUlVlf:J P.JVMiJS 's'f.JvJ iJIVIS V'fSV1V '.JiJIUiJ:J iJU!.Jvn P.JVMiJS '.JiJIUiJ:J iJf!7 ViJS V'fSV1V iJlfl 'v'fsvlV fo S,!S.JiJil!Un 'siJ;)!ffo s.!/sn 'siJ;)!ffo SJN 'l..tv.Jq!l iJlfl 'lIvH S,D sv If;)ns siJ!1!lpvf ;)!lqnd SPiJUUO;) IV'll P.JVMiJS UMOIUMOP U! .JiJIUiJ;) ;)!ilP V dOliJiliJ([ :(f[) UO!IVPUiJUlUlO;)iJH 'SlU;)P!S;)llll:)OI ;)ql JO ;)J!I JO Al!lllnb ;)ql pUll AllSnpU! lOl!S!A ;)ql Ollll!:)y;)U;)q AI;)W;)l]X;) S! l! ~U!Al;)S;)ld pUll 'll"'!sllIV U! s~U!U;)S lUO.IJl;)lllM II1JHnll~ lSOW ;)ql JO ;)UO Sllq PlllM;)S 'lloddns Annd :UO!SS!WWO;) 'SSiJ;);)V lV;)!s{lfd pUV SMiJ!il 8u!p.Joffv - iJ;)VOS UiJOO SV U!VUliJ.J Plnolfs IUO.Jj.JiJIVM iJlfl UO iJ;)VOS UiJOO iJU!IS!X(} iJlfl fo If;)nn 'IUO.Jj.JiJIVM uvq.Jn iJlfl .Jof piJ8v.Jno;)uiJ iJ.JV SiJ!l!il!PV iJil!I.Joddns pUV 8u!'f.Jvd 'SViJ.JV ;)!lqnd '8u!IUVld 'IUiJUldoliJiliJP 'f.Jvd lVUO!I!PPV :(U) UO!1VPUiJUlUlO;)iJH 'S!Sllqdw;) ;)WllS ;)ql SlllJ UO!PrulSUO:) l;)pUn wId ;)A!SU;)q;)ldwo;) ;)ql 'UOHllPU;)WWO:);)l poo~ II S! 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UV;) IV'll spvdUl! lvp!fiJUiJq IUV;)!f!u8!s ISOUl iJlfl fo iJUO 'P!.JIS!P IUO.Jj.JiJIVM iJlfl 01 s.JOI!S!il PV.JIIV 01 s.JOI!S!il Ivoq .Jnol puv d!lfS iJs!n.J;J {q UiJiJS (';)liJ 'SiJolnlf;)o.Jq) slv!.liJIVUI 8u!1.Joddns puv iJ8vu8!s '8u!S!I.JiJilpV iJlfl SV lIiJM sv 'iJlno.J UlV.JI iJlfl u8!siJp puv iJlvnlvil;;J 'uMOIUMOP iJlfl 01 UMV.JP iJ.JV s.JOI!S!il IV'll iJolnSSV puv p!zfUO;) S!lfl iJillOSiJ.J 01 MOlf iJU!UI.JiJliJP Plnolfs d!lfs.JiJPViJl s,!unUlUlo:J :(0 [) uO!1vPUiJUlUlO;)iJH 'P;)SodOld ~ Plnoqs UO!Pll JO ullld :)yp;)ds ;)lOW II lnq UOnllpU;)WWQ:);)l poo~ II S! S!ql :UO!SS!wwo:) .Joq.Jvlf iJlfl puv UMoIUMOP UiJiJMliJq uO!1v.JiJdoo;) PiJSViJ.J;)u/ V ;)~lld vl-toOl UOnnlos;)1! UO!SS!WWO;) ~U!UOZ pUll ~U!uullld PlllM;)S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 2003-24 Page 5 rental units. Develop a variety of housing types for full time and seasonal use, including apartments, condominiums, row houses and urban cottages that keep within an appropriate scale in terms of building height. Commission: To move forward on higher density housing would require extensive review. The residential mix and housing types adjacent to the downtown area is a product of generations of use patterns and reflects the future desires of the current property owners. Creating more residential congestion in this part of town should not happen unless lengthy and thorough review has been performed. Higher levels of density would also require expensive modifications to the existing utilities infrastructure. Recommendation (15): A town sauare or Dublic Dlaza is recommendedfor downtown Seward to accommodate and encourage large-scale gatherings and events. Commission: Accommodating large scale events and public gatherings is good for the economy and enhances the sense of community within Seward, encourage the use of the existing plaza at the Sealife Center as the town square. Recommendation (16): Involve the telecommunications companies and other stakeholders (the University, ASLC, NPS, the City, the Library) soon to begin the process of uDl!radinf! the district's data infrastructure. Create a unified voice, via a committee of representatives from the community, to work with the utility and determine a schedule. and reasonable cost for providing service. Commission: Creating a unified voice for the data infrastructure needs of the community is a good recommendation. Recommendation: "The City of Seward can utilize a variety of means and methods to make the redevelopment successful and incorporate the recommendations listed above. They may include: Vacating a street right-of-way Commission: Continue to review. Vacating the portion of Washington Street shown on the site plan on page 49, should be dealt with via a transportation plan. Modifying existing traffic patterns Commission: A transportation plan should be consulted before moving forward. Putting power service under ground Commission: Fully support, as long as it is paid for through municipal funds as part of the infrastructure. Moving utility lines (water and sewer) Commission: This is not a good recommendation. In Downtown Seward the water lines run North-South in the streets and the sewers run North-South in the alleys, providing as much horizontal separation as possible from each other. Moving them would be extremely expensive, funding used for that should be allocated to replacing aging, defective water and sewer mains. oUOndOpB Sl! uodn AI;JlB!p;JWUI! p;J]P ;J){Ul HBl.{S uO!lnlos;J1 S!l.{l .Z: UOH33S O;JdB:>SPUBI :>pOlS!l.{ S,pmM;JS p;JlQ1d pun ;JAl;JS;J1d ';JlB10WO:>U! 'U!BlU!BW Ol ;JpBW ;Jq Plnol.{s 1l0lJ3 OSlOl!S!A Ol .lB;JddB qlll:>" U!BlU!BW pmM;JS dpl.{ U!M W;Jl.{lllll!A1;JS;J1d pun lSBd S,pmM;JS l.{l!M UO!l:>;JUUO:> llu01lS 13 ;JP!A01d Ol p;JSn ~ Plnol.{s A;Jl.{l ollU!PUnq ;Jpn:>.IV ;Jl.{l pUB sAlos 1lll!lB:>!ld;J1!<Jll!10lS;J1!<Jll!PrulSUO:>;J1 ;JllBlllO:>u3 :UO!SS!WWO;) s:Ju/pl!ng ;J/JOIS/H :UO!1vpU;JUlUlO;J;JN OS;JP!l.{;JA]O S;JdAl ;JS;Jl.{ljO Sn!pBlllll!Ulnl ;Jllml ;Jl.{l Ol ;Jnp 'l;J;J1lS ;Jl.{l Ol A;JHB ;Jl.{l WO.l] l.{lnos ;Jl.{l Ol SS;Jlll;J Ol S;JP!l{;JA ;J:>!A1;JS pun s~:>rul ;JlIJ 10] l;Jp1O U! ~:>Bql;JS ~ Ol p;J;JU ll.{ll!W ;JnU;JA V ABMU~]O Sl;JUlO:> ;Jl.{l uo sllll!pl!nq ;Jl.{l oS;JP!l.{;JA ;J:>!Al;JS A:>U;J1l1;JW;J pUB S;JP!l.{;JA ;J:>!A1;JS Al!l!ln UB Aq ;Jsn 10] ;JpBW ;Jm SUO!S!A01d SB lluoI SB 'UOnBpU;JWWO:>;J1 pooll 13 S! 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