HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956 City Council Minutes 1 \\ "..~ o , . ~.... ~'r ;~w I I /' -t {~'- L Sl:."'WARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting March 5, 1956 Cont inued Clm. Petrovich stated that though the APVI inspector was looking out for the government interests, he did not think he was necessarily looking out for Seward's. Mr. Hardinge stated that with this building he would be here and he would rr~ke inspections himself. Clm. Petrovich then stated that for the matter of record, the matter of responsibility rests with the City Manager and the City Engineer, is that correct? That is the normal procedure, stated 11r. Hardinge. "I move that the hospital specifications be accepted as recommended by the City Manager, and the responsibility for inspection rests with the City Manager and the City Engineer's office," stated Clffi. Petrovich. Seconded ur Clm. Hall. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. In regard to the Hospital Lease, Clm. Hall wondered if it should say the City of Seward rather than the Town of Seward. Mr. Southard stated that in the laws of incorporation, it sets it forth as the "Town of Se~ard"; however, we are now classed as a first-class City. The City Attorney arrived, and it was decided to go on to other business while City Attorney Tyner and Mr. Southard read the proposed lease. Ordinance No. 263 was read for the third time, and Mayor Anthony asked if tnere was any discussion and if not, we would consider it the final reading of Ordinance No. 263. Upon advice of the City Attorney, Clm. Durant moved that Ordinance No. 263 be passed as read. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. Vote: Clml Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Petrovich; yes; and Stockton, yes. Motion carried unanimously. In regards to the General Liability Insurance for which bids were called in October 1955, a recent check with the Agent indicates that to cancel as of March 15th the City would be returned $1003.62, and the initial premium was $1967.89. This means that up to March 15th tris policy cost the city $964.27, plus the audit as it will have to be audited to close this out. Mr. Smith's bid of $1354.95 was a token bid and subject to audit also, stated Mr. Harclinge. Ci ty Mgr. Hardinge stated that he thought on the city insurance, there is a lot of this insurance that is non-competitive, in other words the rates are the same on fire and extended coverage. He continued that we could just take those policies and group them and divide that amount of insurance three ways to the three agents in town. Then take the other insurance which is competi ti ve and call for bids on that and award to the lowest bidder. Clm. Hall inquired in this respect would all the companies be equal, whereupon ~rr. Hardinge stated that each agent has several companies and the Council could specify which company it desires to have the policy written with. elm. Hall tl~n asked what is your rec~"endation now regards these bids on t he general liability and r,;r. hardinge repl ied that these Dids were asked for the lcwest bid ;:;,"t ycuhave thE:; 1i:;ht to reject any or all bids, - that would be the cheapest way right now. Clrr.. }et.rovic;"sb'd i",hy don't we have the City tlgr. instructed to go into this and oome up with a plan and recorrur,endation, and incorporate 1.hi:o ins~rance plan in the next budget. Pat Williams was present and she stdted that so many of these policies were here because she bought them, - she bought out Baumgartner and al so Webb and by buying theffi out, I took over the policies, which is a perfectly legal thing to do. On why all these policies are expiring month by month, L'1ere have been different councils and you have acquired property thru the years and you have added on to the buildings so you had to add on insurance. This has also been done so the City would not have the burden of one large premium at one time. It can be corrected by your suggestion to put it all on a yearly basi s, - there are a nu.-nber of plans that could be worked out. I want to see Seward have a good comprehensive insurance plan,- it doesn't have to be me, - it can be John or it can be West. A blanket plan is an excellent plan for a City, continued Mrs. Williams. If you had a blanket policy on all of your buildings, you would be covered on all of your buildings all of the time and you would have 100% coverage unless the whole works burned up and that is pretty remote. The companies don't like to take over 50,000 dollars on anyone policy, she continued, you could get $500,000 from say 10 companies, but you could not get it in one oompany. Mayor Anthony asked what about the general liability and do you want to ~o along with the Hanager's recommendation and have him set up a plan for all the insurance, l,/ SE\<lARD, ALA3::A Regular Meeting March 5, 1956 Continued Clm. Durant stated, "I make a motion that the general liability policy be continued until its expiration date in October, and that the other bids' on the same policy be rejected in view of the plan now contemplated for an over-all program for City insurance." Seconded by Clm. stockton. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Relative the Conmunity Hall insurance bids and the award to Harry West, and West's decision that he did not want the policy now, Clm. Hall asked why Mr. West did not want it and he Hought that since West had bid and was awarded the bid, he had to write the policy. Once a person submits a bid on a policy, and he gets it, he has it, is that right asked Clm. Stockton of the City Attorney. That is right, stated City Attorney Tyner. Mayor Anthony instructed the City Manager to inform Mr. West that his bid was accepted and he should go ahead and write the policy unless he can ~~ show some reason why he shouldn't write it. elm. Stockton made a motion that the City Hanager start formulating an over- all program and to process all present insurance and that which is likely to expire between now and the new fiscal year, by the method we just dis- cussed, mainly minimizing the number of policies on each physical installa- tion we have and picking it up with current policies. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. elm. Petrovich stated that at the last meeting, Mr. Hardinge had given assurances that if he elected to leave, he would give us ample notice, and Mr. Hardinge replied, "That is correct! Clm. Petrovich felt that that should include at least a tentative budget and }rr. Hardinge stated that he would do that, that he had already started working on the next budget. "I will move that all bids on the school building and furnishings, fire d,pt. pump house and equipment, be rejected, stated Clm. Stockton. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. In regards to the proposed hospital lease, the City Attorney stated that on Page 3, Part "C", line 4, the words "and having no connection with lessee" should be added. After a brief discussion, Clm. Petrovich stated, "I move that the hospital lease be adopted as proposed and as corrected." Seconded by Clm. Stockton. I am opposed to it, really, stated Clm. Petrovich, but frankly, I see no other way out of it. I am slightly opposed to it by reason of the length of the lease, stated Clm. Stockton, however, it was pointed out that it could be terminated by six months' notice. All councilmen present voted in favor of the motion by Petrovich, motion carried unanimously. A check of the termination clause was made and it was for the lessee only, whereupon it was felt that perhaps this warranted further discussion. Clm. Hall moved to reconsider the hospital lease. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. It was decided that this clause should be changed to indicate that either party may terminate this lea~e upon giving to the other six months' written notice. Clm. Petrovich stated, "I move that the hospital lease be adopted as further corrected." Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. In regards to the Utility bills, Clm. Petrovich moved that the utility bills be tabled pending an early joint meeting of the Utility Board and Council for mutual problems. Seconded by Clm. Hall. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney's bill for $310.50 came up for discussion and Clm. Hall stated that he would like to have a clear understanding as regards Yrrs. TynerfB as to what she gets $200. a month for. I am fairly new on the Council but I can't see getting a $300.00 bill for drawing up some ordinances. The City Attorney stated that in the first place, the $200 was a retainer fee which has been paid for a number of years and this is basically to refrain from taking business from someone against the City. The retainer fee accounts for numerous telephone calls from the City Mgr., the City Clerk, Chief of Police as well as the public, all for which the City does not get billed. Clm. Stockton stated that this is correct and when the City had Hellenthal & Cottis that is the way it was handled, and when Miss Tyner was hired, it was by this same agreement except that before the City Attorney was not required to attend the Council meetings b1t now the Council desires the presence of the City Attorney. Dorothy Tyner 1 ,,,,,I i.',": ......."., v- ":..0:' ....,^ " i:;;J I I ,.~I I,~ "4.j_ SEWARD, ALAEKA Regular Meeting Harch 5, 1956 :::ontinued continued that }rr. O'P~ra had come over and talked to her and they had figured out the rate of an attorney's time, which in Seattle, n0t to mention Alaska, is $20.00 an hour, and we figured out the calls and the time I spend per month, not to mention that I lose fees in not being able to represent others against the City, and it came out to $350. per month, and he said to forget it. However, it was never brought to the Council's attention in my presence. Whether you want to keep me or whether you wouldn't, I do suggest that you have a City Attorney, possi- bly on a straight monthly salary basis. If you start farming it out, you wouldn't have an attorney interested in t~e City's business. I wouldn't want to continue as it is as I know you are not satisfied, and I don't want my bills questioned all the time as it seems to me it is questioning my proressional integrity. What, in your opini~n wouJd be a fair salary to handle all fr,e City's rosiness, asked Clm. Petrovich, whereupon City Attorney Tyner stated that frankly, I think the ISdst one could do it ror would be $500. per month. How much outside legal help would we have to have, asked Clm. Hall. Clm. Stockton stated that it seemed to him that the healthy situation would be on a monthly salary rather than a retain...r. Hayor Anthony suggested that the Council take this matter under consideration and think about it until the next meeting or so. Clm. Durant made a motion that the bill from the City Attorney be paid. Saconded by Stockton. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. The Rettig, Scott & Co. bill in the amount of $4025.00 was read. Clm. Hall asked if it was the Councilor the former City Manager who called in Rettig, Scott & Co., and Mayor Anthony stated that he believed it was on recomrr~ndation of the Council that the City Manager called in this audit firm. The chair will entertain a motion that the manager be instructed to pay what the City can pay at this time, stated Mayor Anthony. Murl Trevetha.n stated that the reason the Utility Dept. changed auditors was because the audits were given so late that they were practically worth- less. The audits were camin~ in in August for the year ending in Dec. of the previous year. "I move that the City Manager be instructed to negotiate with Rettig, Scott & Co. as to how much we can pay at this time, . stated Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Wi th the Council's }:ermission, I would like to take care of the people present, Stated Mayor Anthony, and it was decided to by-pass for the time being, the balance of the old business and ta.ke care of the }:eople present. Mrs. Phil Nicholas presented Q letter relative a dog training program, free of charge, and a request that the UOO bldg. be made available for this program. I move that the request be granted, stated Clm. Hall. Seconded by Clm. Durant, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. No other person present with anything to discuss, and the old business was returned to. In regard to the proposed changes in the paving project, City }~r. Hardinge stated that in view of the fact that the Alaska Road Comwission is planning on paving Third Avenue, starting at the pavement and coming across the lagoon and on down to Rai lroad Avenue, he thought we could save a little money by eliminating the strip on Third Avenue, and then go ahead and put in sidewalks along the side street from the new high school over to Fourth and on down Fourth St past the grade school and on down town. It will give us sidewalks f or the children and which we cbn't have set up now. I changed the plans and sent one to Juneau and one to our engineer and got approval from the APW in Juneau. The City Attorney advised that the Ordinance would require changing and another 60 day wait, and she suggested that if there are to be any other changes, they be considered now rather than have to Change the Ordinance again as each time it is changed, a 60 day waiting period is required. "I move that we approve or the proposed changes in the paving project as recommended by the City Manager," stated Clm. Stockton. Seconded by Clm. P~ll. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Clm. Hall stated that in regard to the proposed Electric Rate Schedule, next item on the agenda, "I move that we table the proposed electric Rate Schedule until a joint meeting with the Utility Board and that will give us time to look it over.w Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. It was decided to have the special joint meeting with the Utility Board !:J SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meet ing March 5, 1956 Continued on Monday ni te. March 12th. Jay Carroll preeented the pole line progress report for the months of December. January and February. and Clm. Petrovich asked, "Are we loeing money or making money?" Jay Carroll stated he was happy ae can be about it. City Mgr. Hardinge stated we are not Showing so far a lot of profit over the contractor's price, but we are doing a lot of t he heaviest and hardest work now. We are not losing money and th ere is a lot of the charges for equipment that wi 11 come back to the City. continued Mr. Hardinge. "How many working days have you put in," asked Clm. Hall, whereupon Mr. Carroll replied that they had hired the full crew on the 12hh of January and we had three employees since the first of December. About 45 days. stated Jay, but not 45 working days. Harstad's engineer replied it was arout 34 working days. How are we getting along, by way of compari son, asked Clm Petrovich. are we getting the best for our money? "1 believe we are," stated Jay, "I am not going to put up for any loes on the pole line, I would be the first to complain if we were losing money on it." "Everyone agreed that the fi rst mile was goirq to be the tough one. he cont inued, " and there is a $1006 difference more than the contractor would have done, but we have paid the City Departments $3000 in equipment. Mr. Hardinge stated. "I do honestly think that so far. we are in pretty good shape on this job here financially." No further discussion on the progress report. Mr. Hardinge presented the organization chart dS he had prepared it. and reported that he had talked to Mr. Yancyy James who had stated that he would advise him this week regarding the position with the City. Mayor Anthony and Clm. Durant advised that Mr. James had informed each of them today that he could not consider the position. There being nothirq new on the position of City Clerk, there was no further discussion. It was stated that th! meeting with Mr. Madison of the APW regardirq transfer of the new school was postponed until March 19th in view of the fact that the School Board had not recei ved the tobacco tax refund from the Terri tory and was not in a position to make th! down payment on the school. Letter to the Seward Heal th Council, dated February 29, was read by Mr. Hardin;;re. Also letter from the Seward Heal th Council, dated March 5th was read. Letter of March 1st from the Seattle Trust and Savings Bank in Seattle was read regarding the che~ for $301,250, payable to the City of Seward, for the $300.000 in electri c bonds. It was reported tha t this check had been received this morn- ing and had been turned over to Mrs. Chaney for deposit to the proper funds. Letter of February 20th flUm the Coast Guard was read relative to the navigation light at the small boat harbor and in which they advieed that this light would be repaired and a temporary conversion to battery operation on or about May 1. 1956. Letter of March 1st from Del. E. L. Bartlett and his enclosed letter from Col. Carl Farrell of the Corps of Engineers in Alaska was read, relative the Lowell Creek Flood Control Tunnel. Letter of resignation from Mayor Anthony was read. "I make a motion we regret- fully accept Mayor Anthony's resignation", stated Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Petrovich. All in favor. motion carried unanimously. Clm. Petrovich stated that he felt we really should have the full Council here before con- sidering appointment of a new Mayor, and all agreed. Meeting adj ourned at 12:43 A.M. APPROVED: ~~, ",,7. 4J.tv AYOR A1TEsr: i~~~ - ... ... ... - - -- - - ... ... - ... ... - - - ... - ... - - - ... - ... ... - ... ... - ... ... - ... ... - ... ... ... ... - 1 .,.-"",,,< 'A "".~~ l:~ I I < ;", SEwARD, ALASKA Special Meeting March 12, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:20 P.M. for the purpose of appointing a new Mayor to fill the vacan~y created by Mayor Anthony's resignation. C1m. Petrovich moved that C1m. Stockton be appointed Acting Mayor for opening the meeting. Seconded by C1m. Durant. All in favor, motion carried. Acting Mayor Stockton in.the chair, present were C1m. Blair, Durant, Hall and Petrovich, also City M;rr. Hardinge. Absent, C1m. West. C1m. Blair stated, "1 move that C1m. stockton be appointed Mayor to finish out the term of Mayor Anthony." Seconded by Hall. C1m. Hall asked would this be the complete un- expired term and it was explained that it would be only until the next regular election in October. All Councilmen voted in favor of C1m. Blair's motion, motion carried unanimously. The special meeting of the City Council and the Utility Board combined was then called to order at 8:23 P.M. Utility Board members present, ~ Myers, Painter, Steear, Trevethan and Turner. 'The purposes of the special joint meeting were as follows: 1. Discussion of the Water Ordinance, 2. Progress Report on the Electric Construction, 3. In- vestment of surplus funds of the Electric System in Government Bonds or other manner, 4. Taxes on Assessed values of the Water System and Electric System, 5. Payment of utilities bills by the City, 6. Chlorination request by Health Council and 7. Proposed Electric Rate Schedule. The Council also to discuss the application for Permit to handle Ammonium Nitrate, by Alaska Steamship Co., and Resolution No. 96 ~lthorizing an application to be filed with the Federal Power Commission to construct the Crescent Lake Hydro Electric Project. Our first item of business tonite is the present Water Ordinance, stated Mayor Stockton. There has been considerable discussion since the freeze-up time, and the Council has had a lot of pressure put on them, and proPab1y the Utility I~rd has too, concerning various problems, but foremost is that regarding the responsi.hility of the property owners. The water Ordinance stated that the property owner is responsible for the property connecting line to the main. C1m. Durant asked if tl1at ordinance had always been that way, and Mr. Carroll explained that it was changed to be like the Anchorage ordinance in February of last year. The property owner owns from the main to the house, including from the main to the shut-off cock, continued Mr. Carroll. City Yqr. lfurdinge stated tffit it is this way practically every place and the City could not aSSlli<e this responsibility, as if they did, then the" individuals would not care how often the ./ater froze if they did not have to pay for the thawing. Utility Board member Painter stated, "1 think tffit the Utility Board, if they are going to handle this, should make every effort to help the customer where it is known to be in the loop; however, if the City is going to take the respondbility to do it, it is just like Mr. Eardinge stated, the individuals are not going to care so much and will not look after it. City l':gr. Eardinge stated, "I think we should rai se the water rate4 by one dollar per month." I di sagree, stated" C1m. Petrovi ch, a dollar a month is going to do nothing but create antagonism, if you are going to raise the rates, I think we should go ahead dnd make it so we don't have to make another increase later on to take care of chlorination or anything else. Get it on a paying r~sis, rr~r~ it d ;;2.50 rai t;c'. "I v;j 11 .]0 alo:1;r ,>lith you on tnat." stated City ~'0r. Hardinge, "I QJ figured you 1tlould want more." "I will go for that", stated Utility Board member Fainter, "if the plan can be found to be sOllnd and can be explained to the pebple, but I won't if that money can't be put aside and an explanation given to the people." J: suggest thEit the Council refer t~'is back to the Utility Board for some possible solution on a rate increase, stated ~~yor Stockton. How does the Council feel on this, or would you rather go on with the discussion? Jv'..r. Painter asked if any thought or discussion had been given to how Anchorage is going ahead on this same problem, whereupon Payor Stockton advised that he be1eived that would be a very good plan for our City Mgr."to check on with the City Manager in Anchorage. C1m. Petrovich stated that the question had cOme up about Mr. Toner going to sue the City and I think a portion of this rate increase should be used for mapping and planning and if this is Toner's responsibility, I think s:>mething should be done to get the maps from him. That was part of the deal that he would furnish maps. That and pressure from the Women's group for chlorination is another reason for rate increase. Mr. Painter stated that he would like to undertake a volunteer job and with the help of the City Clerk and the City M;rr. dig back and get all the correspondence from P.r. Toner, and make a full report to the Utility Board and Council, and in that way, if he is lacking in anything, maybe we can bring it out right there. '.--. .. ~~ SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting !-larch 12, 1956 (Continued) Mr. Trevethan stated that he would like to make a point, and that he maintained that it hasn't cost us anything but the oil for what thawing we have done, and if we were to just charge the people what little it costs, they would feel better about it than paying sixty or seventy dollars. We haven't had to put on any new men to do this thawing, - we have done it wit h the per sonnel we have. Mayor Stockton stated that if everyone feels we are pursueing the right course, we can have Mr. Painter and the Utility men and the City Manager probe into all this and the Utility Board can go ahead and map a program. Further discussion was carried on relative the use of thaw machines and whether or not anyone person had a concession or monoPQly on this, and it was brought out that anyone with the proper equipment could do this work so far as the utilities dept. is concerned. If it is agreeable with this body that Mr. Painter work: with the various dept. heads on t his report and that the Utility Board will take under consideration our"problems of cllorination and better service, staten Mayor Stockton, we can proceed with our agenda. It was agreeable with the Council and Mr. Trevethan stated that it is agreeable with them,- it cannot be done overnite~ but we will go ahead with this. " , ' The progress report on the electric construction was then brought up and Mayor Stockton asked if there was anything new to add to this whiCh they had reviewed at the" last regular meeting of the Council. Mr. Carroll reported there was nothing to be added, and Clm. Petrovich asked just what the breakdown on the wages was, just who was included. Mr. Carroll advised that that includes all the mem except himself and the office help, anyone who did work on the pole line. Everyone except the meter reader had something to do on this pole line, he continued. Clm. Petrovich then questioned the rental of equipment for the complete month when actually it may not have been used every day, and City Mgr. Hardinge,pointed out that on this basis, the rate is lower than on a daily basis. The meeting then moved on to a discussion of investment of surplus electric monies either in government bonds, or a continued attempt being made towards obtaining a favorable rate of interest from the local bank on this money on deposit there. City Mgr. Hardinge stated that he had been working wi th the Bank on that and lu the authority for this had to come from the Anchorage main office, and Mr. Roth is awaiting a schedule from them. When this arrives, they will see just what this Bank can offer. Mayor Stockton stated that he would suggest all the haste you can make on that would be to our benefit and we will place that item on the agenda for the next regular meeting so we will know what action can be taken. The general feeling was that in the event we cannot get a favorable rate from the Bank, that the money be invested in government bonds rather than try another bank; however Mr. Painter pointed out that when Mr. O'Hara was here he had been unable to negotiate with this Bank, but that the City National Bank in Anchorage stated they would take it and pay 210. In regards to the possibility of taxes on the assessed values of the Water System and the Electric System, it was pointed out that when Mayor Anthony had been in Seattle he had discussed this with Mr. Sheppard of Grande & Co., who had advised that the bonding company would not look unfavorably on thill, were it done in the proper manner, that being that each system be assessed and taxed and they could pay quarterly or any way deemed best; and the City should pay its utility bills currently. It was felt that a letter from Mr. Sheppard to this effect would be better rather than going" on verbal dis- cussion. Mr. Hardinge presented figures as prepared by City Assessor Southard, as follows: Assessed value Tax Electric System: Block 6, Town $131,200.00 @ 16M $ 2,099.20 Power House Equip. 250,000.00 ) Trans. & Distribution, ) est. total of 15 miles ) @ 26 M 10,205.00 at $7500. . . . 112,500.00 ) Misc. Equipnent . . . . 30,000.00 ) Water System: owns no real estate, has rights & easements only. 225,000.00 @ 26 M. 5,850.00 $18,154.20 I \.'~4 V~ ". . ".~ ,:.:~ ",.,~ ~,q I I j ~ -+ 4 SEWARD, ALASKA Special Heeting March 12, 1956 (Continued) Estimated annual Power Bill to City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,400.00 Estimated annual Water Bill to City . . . . . . . . . . 5,700.00 $17,100.00 Mayor Stockton stated that if it is agreeable, I will make it a point to see Mr. Anthony and I am sure he will write down what his interpretation of Mr. Sheppard's talk was, and then we will write Mr. Sheppard and ask him if that is correct. It was decided that this should be done, and upon receipt of Hr. Sheppard's letter further discussion and action be taken. In regards to the City's utilities bills, Clm. Petrovich inquired if this too couldn't be taken care of along with the taxes and combined in a letter to Sheppard. Clm. Hall felt that this should be handled in this manner, and Mayor Stockton stated that this would be included in the letter to Sheppard. to The meeting moved on/the discussion of chlorination of the water, and Mr. Painter inquired if the Alaska Department of Health had requested this again and were we being pressured. Hr. Hardinge pointed out that the Dept. of Health had not written the City in this regard, it was merely that the Health Council had requested it by a resolution. He continued that the Health Council is working on some of t hi s research and they wi 11 advise him when t hey have any- thing to report, also I am working on some of it too. Clm. Petrovich stated that the source of our water contamination is not necessatly from the water itself, but more from the poor connections and the cross connections. He felt that that the water superintendent could make the necessary checks bl{ going into the basements of the places where he has thaw work and when cross connections or poor connections are noted, report same to t he City Manager for action to eliminate. The water superintendent stated that there are some people in town who are using Heet and "Ban-Ice" in attempts to keep their lines open. Hr. Hardinge was instructed to publicize this and advise that it is illegal as well as very dangerous. A lengthy discussion was held on the various reasons for water contamination and it was generally agreed that chlorinat ion would be of benefit; however, before such an in- vestment is made, the necessary corrections be made towards eliminating all causes of contamination. Mayor Stockton instructed City M;r. Hardinge to advise the members of the Heal th Council that this topic had been dis- cussed and that we have found out about the possibilities of contamination and refer it back to them and perhaps they will look at this chlorination in a new light. The proposed electric rate schedule came up for discussion, and Hr. Trevethan advised that the Utility Board had already approved it and had turned it over to the Council for their action. He continued that he had talked to Hr. Anthony and asked him if Mr. Sheppard had asked that it be passed, and Gil told me that Sheppard had requested that the Council pass on this. Here is the important part, the more you use after a certain figure, right now in order to have a hot water heater, you have to have a separate meter with a $30.00 deposit and on that meter only do You get the lower rate, but with the proposed rate schedule, you would get it on all usage and on one meter. Clm. P~trovich stated that we can't give the rate increase without a public hearing. Mr. Harding. stated that this schedule is designed to increase the load rather than the revenue. The individuals have to use the kilowatts in order to get the lower rate. Th~ rates for business or commercial use were discussed and it was felt that if residential usage could be boosted and in this way the revenue also, then it should next follow that the business rates be lowered. In regards to a public hearing on this as well as on the water, Mr. Hardinge stated that he had to go to Anchorage and he would check on these things, and it was decided to leave the proposed rate increases and any action on them, until after his trip to Anchor-age. Resolution No. 96 was read relative thecapplication for FPC permit on the Hydro project. /~ '~ SEWARD, ALASKA Speci al Meeting March 12, 1956 Continued RESOLUTION No. 96 A RESJLUTION AUTIDRIZING AN APPLICATION 10 BE FILED WITH THE FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION FOR THE <;:lTY OF SEWARD 10 CONSTRUcr '!HE CRESCENT LAKE HYDRO ELECTRIC PROJEcr. WHEREAS, the City of Seward has undertaken to construct a hydro electric plant at Crescent Lake, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a permit f rom the Federal Power" Commission for the construction of said project, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT REOOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA: that an application be filed with the Federal Power Commission for the City of Seward to construct the Crescent Lake hydro electric project with 3750 KVA initial capacity and 11250 KVA ultimate capacity, together with the necessary transmission and distribution system, as outlined in the plans of the City's engineering consultant, HowarG T. Harstad & Associates, of Seattle, Washington. DATED this 12th of March, 1956. /s/ PERRY R. S'lOCKTON, JR. MAYOR /s/ ERMA WALKER Ci t'y Clerk I move that Resolution No. 96 be adopted stated Clm. Pettovich. Seconded by Clm. Blair. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton asked if the Utility Board had anything further they wished to bring to the Council's attention. It cannot be acted upon tonite, but if there is anY.thing, we can act on it at the next meeting. Mr. Carroll stated that quite some time ago the Utility Board sent in a request for the Council to authorize 25 more street lights and there has been no action taken on that. I would like to point out that 95% of the overtime of the line crew has been on the old system and that overtime runs awfully high and it has been quite an item of expense this winter. I think it would be wdl for the Council to consider the new street lighting system. By paying the last street lighting bill, it would gin us the funds to pay for this new installation and we could then carry this cost on our books for another year or so before billing the City. Mayor Stockton stated that this would be added to the Agenda for the next regular meeting. I move that the joint meeting be adjourned, stated Clm. Durant, and the Utility Board members were excused. City Mfr. Hardinge then read a letter received from Alaska Steamship Co. relative their request for a permit to handle 1,601,000 lbs. of Ammonium Nitrate over the Army Dock. "1 make a. motion that we grant the permit," stated Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Blair. All, in favor, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated that the next item of business would be appointing a new Councilman, but I think I had better resign. I resign as Councilman by reason of being appointed Mayor to fill out until the next general election in October. "1 move that ,Clm. stockton's resignation be accepted," stated Clm. Blair. Seconded by Glm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimoul5ly. City Mgr. Hardinge then stated that the usual procedure f or appoint!. ng a new Councilman was to chose the man who had the next highest number of vates in the previous election. Thi~ would be Arnold Anderson. It was a.sked by Clm. Hall if Mr. Anderson was out of town a great deal. Other names were mention as possibilities, and it was felt a few should be first contacted. "1 move that we table the appointment of the new councilman until the next regular meeting," stated Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Petrovich, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. ~I q4 SEWARD, ALAEKA Special Meeti ng March 12, 1956 Continued Meeting adjourned at 11:06 P.M. APPROVED: ---') ~.~ ' --/ ~' lie ..y--t/f- . .. ,., _~O.J:. _. ___ PERRY R.\ STOCKTON, JR. - OR I ATrEsr: *~,~o~ / E Wal ker; i ty lerk: Regular Meeting March 19, 1956 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:09 P.M. Mayor Stockton in t re Chair. Present Clm. Blair, Hall, Petrovich and West, also City Manager nardinge and City Attorney Tyner. Clm. Durant arrived at 8:20 P.M. ! i..i Minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting of March 12th were read and ell scussed and approved as read. Clm. Hall asked if it was necessary for Stockton to be sworn in as Hayor, and Mayor Stockton stated he had been sworn in by the City Clerk. I In regards to the mention of the progress report in the minutes of March 5th relative to the $3000 paid back to the City for equipment, Clm. Durant and Hall felt that the word "Rental" should be added. Also, Clm. Petrovich questioned that City Vqr. Hardinge had stated he reccommended a one dollar water rate inceease at the ~arch 5th meeting, he felt that Utility Board member Painter had stated that. City Mgr. Hardinge stated that the minutes were correct, that he had made the reccommendation. First item on the agenda was the appointment of a Councilman to replace Clm. Stockton whose appointrrent to the Mayor's seat had left a vacancy on the Council. Clm. Blair reccorr~nded that we follow Mr. Hardinge's reccommendation in that we appoint the man who had polled the next highest number of votes in the previous election. Clm. Petr.ovich stated that Mr. Ray Lee had been approached on filling the vacancy, and in view of the fact tbat Mr. Lee has shown continued interest in City administrrd ion and that he does attend thG Council ~e~tings, and he did poll write-in votes, he felt that Mr. Lee should be ap]~inted. "I move that Ray Lee be appointed to the position of Councilman," stCited:::lm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. West. Vote: Clm. Blai r, No; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Petrovich, yes; illest, yes. Hotion carried. ~iayor Stockton requested Mr. Lee to come to the Council Kmd table and be sworn in, which was done. I Yrr. ~iadison of the Legal Division of the Alaska Public Norks was introduced and he stated that in regards to the transfer of the new High School, he had a resolution and a bond ordinance which has to have action of the Council, and it calls for a payment of $309,550 for 50% of the cost, and it will be necessary for the council to pass a resolution authorizing the payment of $83,550 to the U. S. Goverlli~ent for the down payment, and the rest will be in bonds with payments of $10,000 yearly up until 1972 and then they go up to $15,000 on to 1976 at 2% interest. If we could present this bond ordinotnce to the Council for their approval, we could transfer the title to the school building, continued Mr. }aellson. Mayor Stockton asked if the Councilmen had any questions before they go :it}( to the School Board for their reccommendations. Mr. Carlson, Suptl of Schools, stated that as far as he had been able to observe, the building had been built according to specifi- cations and the little trouble with the heating system had been minor and the other things also had been minor maintenance problems. Of course, we can see how it can be improved and there are a number of things that will have to be taken care of later. The difficulties we have had have just been the normal operating problems, continued ~rr. Carlson. ."} , SB1ARD, iiLASKA Regular Heeting March 19, 1956 (Continued) Any difficulties within the building will be taken care of as far as the government is concerned by the contractor, stated Mr. Madison. We certainly will hold the contractor to meet the specifications, and he isn't released from it by the transfer of this, and furthermore, there is a years' guarantee after. "Does that hold true on all APW projects,,?", asked Mayor Stockton, and Mr. ~~dison stated, "That is true, it does." In regards to the difficulty with the furnace, Mr. Madison rec~ommended that a formal letter be written to the contractor, and Mr. Leon Lewis of the School Board stated that such a letter would be written, with copy to the AIW. City Attorney Tyner stated that she had checked the bond ordinance and the resQlQtion as presented by ~rr. Madison, aBd as far as she could see, they are legally correct. 11r. Carlson stated that the School Board was able to make the initial payment, and are also able to meet the annual payments, and this was verified by Mrs. Beryl Wagner, President of the School Bo.ard. Clm. Durant stated, "1 make a rootion that we vote for the suspension of the rules in order to pass this bond ordinance at this time. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes, Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; P&trovich, Ho; West, yes. Hotion carried. Clm. Durant stated, "1 make a motion that Bond Ordinance No. 265 be read by title and put to a vote." Seconded by Clm. Blair. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, No; West, yes. Motion carried. Bond Ordinance No. 265 was read by title. "AN ORDINANCE providing' for the incurring of an indebtedness of Two Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars t$226,000) pursuant to a Project Construction and Sales Agreement between the CITY OF SE'dARD, ALASKA, and the UNITED mATES OF AMERICA as authorized by the Alaska Public Works Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 627, 48 U.S.C. 486-486j) the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars ($226,000) fixing the form and details of said Bonds, providing for the payment thereof with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent (2'7.) per annum and for the delivery of said Bonds to the United States of America." The chair entertained a motion for the adoption of Ordinance No. 265. "1 make a motion that we adopt Bond Ordinance No. 265", stated Clm. Durant. Seoonded by Clm. Lee. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant; yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, No; West, yes. Hotion carried. Clm. Petrovich stated that he would like to state his reasons for voting against the above issues, "My reason for voting no is because I haven't even read the Ordinance yet," stated Clm. Petrovich. "1 feel the same way," stated Clm. Hall, but there is nothing else we can do. Mayor Stockton stated, "1 believe Clm. Hall asked for a recpbmmendation from the School Board first, which we did." "To reassure Clm. Petrovich", stated City Attorney Tyner, "This is the standard bonding ordinance, there is nothing different about it." Mr. ~~dison stated that as a representative of the government, he did not want to shove it down anybody's throat, and to clear the issue, he believed it should be read in its entirety. Resolution No. 98 was read in its entirety. I would like for a matter of record a rec~mmendation from the school board, stated Clm. Petrovich. If they rec~mmend passing this, I will vote yes, stated Clm. Petrovich. Mrs. Wagner reccommended, as the School!. Board' a representative, that the Council pass this resolution. "Would you rec~ommend passing this Resolution," asked Clm. Petrovich of the City Attorney, whereupon she stated "1 will re~ommend that you pass this resolution." Clm. Petrovich asked the School Board if the school budget had ever been revi sed so we would know what definite obligation we will have to assume and Mr. Carlson stated that the budget will not increase as the last budget included this item." RESOLUTION NO. 98, by title - APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING acceptance of a deed, transferring all right, title and interest of the United States in and to a high school blilding with equipment on the basis of estimated costs of said high school blilding with equipmnet and authorizing payment of the purchase price. "1 move that Resolution No. 98 be adopted," stated Clm. Petrovich, and included in that, on reccornmendation of the School Board and the City Attorney.w Seconded by Clm. Lee. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. I ,1 ; _ll I I .' SEWARD, ALASKA.. Regular Meeting Narch 19, 1956 Continued Mr. Madison then asked if it would be proper now to give tb ion and Sales Agreement for the Hospital to the Council. B required the action of the Council inasmuch as bids are aba .U (J * Mayor Stockton wondered if it would be proper to act on thi ~ 8 2.2 3 had had no word f rom the Women's Di vi sion of the Methodi st ~. 4 1.7 5 the lease which the APW desired. The City Attorney stated cz.uwotJJ 5 1 7 61 think the City could lease the hospital without an election ~.J L). c 7 3'61 we could negotiate another form of agreement. Clm. Petrovi ~/'~, 2 2'88 these payments would be incorporated in the budget and Mr. ~~S~. k~ 3' 3 0 that they would be incorporated in the long range budget. ~),,~ 4 2'00 a certain amount had been set aside in this years' bud;ret a ~~L2L<JIJd _ 7:09 stated it had been. Mayor Stockton asked City Attorney Tyn &U r~.J'~ 4.70 was correct and advisable for the Council to act and approv~<~,,;., 7.5 U~' and she stated that it is. Clm. Durant asked if the legal ' ~ ~. 1 5.75 the property had been checked over and the City Attorney ad m.t3.m~~~6 0.0U had checked that and it is all right. Resolution No. 99 w /??~.&....'+""'1 3 3.6 U authorizing the execution of an Agreement for construction, tiAl.C C.,, 1 O.~ ~ /e~~~i~f6vich stated, "I will move that Resolution No. 99: "~~ 1 7.U ~ approved by the City Attorney." Seconded by Clm. West. Vo ~~ 5.,: U Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes ~~.alrC!o 1 5.(j ~ motion carried unanimously. i'tJj(j;'. .4i. ' 05.00 .~ i/.::ua 1, 5 0 .U 0 A letter dated March 19, 1956 from Gordon Black of the Dreal~ j-..Ayck 3.40 presented and read wherein it was requested that the Counci: f~,J._VAi-a;d;;~ ~.8 ~ Black that his request to make an addition not to exceed th~4' ~ -. ?1 .8 east end of the building would be approved, City Attorney l5=1trHi m.c. 1,0 57.? 7 did not feel that the Council could take any action on this ./ ;;;:j.'~ 8 ~.; ;. if the addition would encroach on the alley, it would be at ... ~-:-7 ~. . Clm. Durant stated xut, "I would like to go on record that v' -?::,~"'I 4 4.~ 1 is of the opinion that anything that can be worked out to g:~;/ 4 7 5.00 this request should be rone." After further discussion, ell { .~, 2 4 25'~ 50 stated, "I move that the City Engineer, if at all possible, ~O( 2.U Black a temporary permit to expand the recreational facilit: '7fSJ~.-buc. 1 ~.~ ~ ladd, Bowl." Seconded by Clm. Hall. All in favor, motion C1 ~o-f~ 8 b 4:18 unanimously. tlL 2 8.25 Regarding the Utility Board's request for new street light Clm. Hall felt that this should be tabled for the time bein~ motion that we pass over item 3 (b) of the Agenda at the pn Ifd-)v stated Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. 'west. Vote: Clm. Blc ~. + Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, No; West, yes. P~l.RM,~. ca.rried. ~ [~ . ~tJtvd, Ci ty M;,r. Hardinge stated that in regards to the interest rc (/' , Reserve Electric Funds, Mr. Roth had not heard as yet from t ~ I/f(. /7 in Anchorage, but expected to tomorrow. "1 move that this k later when we hear," stated Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. favor, moti on carried unanimously. 5, 4 4 1.3 8 e 5, 4 4 1.3 8 * ~- 0 J?1S" ;i, s-. <fo <II I <I / c l ~.-o -3/~fl{tr; tC:j')t Letter of awlication from Hargaret Anderson for the posi tic was read. It was decided to check on her qualifications. stated, "I make a motion that we table Hrs. Anderson's appli the next regular meeting at which time we will decide on a l~p"'c....<>.""""' Seconded by Clm. Petrovich. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. In regard to the date for the hearing on the Proposed Electric Rate Schedule, Clm. Durant made a motion "that we set Friday, April 9, 1956 as the date, 7:30 to 9:30 P.M., on the Electric Rate Public Hearing." Seconded by Clm. Lee. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Southard advised the Council that in regards to the delinquent tax roll, he could start on it any time now and he wanted the go-ahead from the Council. "I move that the City Assessor be given authority to make the proposed list and proceed with the delinquent tax roll postings," stated Clm. West. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. The bills for the month of February were read in the amount of $6118.17. "I make a motion that we pay the bills as read, with the exception of the Seward Electric System and Seward Water 5ystem~ stated elm. Hall. Seconded By Clm. Petrovich. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; fall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West not voting. Motion carried. ; ~ ..:. SE'tlARD, ALA~A Regular Meeting Harch 19, 1956 Continued Resolution No. 97 relative the appointment of Judges and Clerks for the Territorial Primary Election on April 24, 1956, was read. I move for the adoption of Resolution No. 97, stated Clm. West, seconded by Clm. Durant, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. Clm. Durant stated he would like to make a reccomrnendation that the judgeS. and clerks do not park in frOllt of the polling place and Mayor Stockton asked that the City Clerk so advise the election board that as a matter of courtesy they leave the parking places in front of the polling place vacant for the voters. Clm. Hall stated that he would like to have the Chief of Police be instructed to look into this dog situation and he cited an instance where he had counteQ 12 dogs in one outfit near his home and he did not think that there wasfoN~ person out there at Clearview who had purchased dog licenses. The City ~r. was instructed to take this up with the Chief of Police for action. Clm. West departed at approximately 11:45 P.M. City ~r. Hardinge read a letter from the Bureau of Land Management relative the Resurrection Canyon Dump Site wherein it was stated that the purchase price for this 160 acres is $1,760, and they requested advice relative the City's position in the matter. City Manager Hardinge advised that while he was in Anchorage, he had talked with Mr. Seiser who had stated that the payment would not become due unt 11 the land was surveyed and it would be at least 9-10 months before they could get it surveyed. He continued that he was to get a letter off to Mr. Seiser, after which time, we would be gi ven permission to use the site. Mr. Hardinge reported that Mr. Hellenthal would be down this next week and he wondered if it would be possible to get the Council together, and he wants to get the Council's pennission to go to Seattle to deal with Mr. Harris on this telephone deal. He thinks he can settle this law suit with Mr. Harris and for the telephone exchange. Getting back to the letter from the BLM, Mayor Stockton stated that he believed that Mr. Hardinge could be instructed to try to talk to the ELM on the price of the dump site and see if we can't get a little better price. No further action taken. Two letters f rOlll the Seward Women's Group were read, one f rom Mrs. Blue and one from Dorothy Russell, Secretary. Letter from the Seward Builders Supply was read relative the decision of the City to limit the movement of explosives. Mayor Stockton stated that Fire Chief Kielcheski had approached him regarding a couple of trips on fire calls out of town and they had been paid $200.00, $125.00 of which had been paid to the Volunteer Firemen. This left a balance of $75.00 and Mr. Kielcheski wondered if the Council felt this should be turned over to the City's General Fund or retained in the Fire Dept. It was generally agreed that this should come back to the City's General Fund, and Mayor stockton instructed Mr. Hardinge to infonn Mr. Kielchesti to this effect. Meeting adjourned at 12:33 A.M. APPROVED: (;11/~ Q _-'.irJt:.J PER R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATrfm, ~,~ WALKER, CITY CLERK 1 , , - I I t~ " l' ~ ., I' SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting March 29, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 2:00 P.M. for the purpose 1. Discussion with Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler relative the telephone issue, and 2. Resolution No. 100 authorizing the School Board to borrow $25000 for the purpose of construction of Armory-Gymnasium in conjunction with the Alaska National Guard. Mayor Stockton in the iakix Chair. Present Clm. Blair, Durant, Hall and Lee. A'bsent Clm. Petrovich and West. Also present City Mgr. Hardingel Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler. Mayor Stockton stated that this meeting was called at the request of Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler for the purpose of discussing the status of the telephone deal. Mr. Hellenthal stated that from what we can determine, this receivership isn't going to last too long, the company is just hopelessly insolvent. He continued, "I think now the City could step in and make a deal with the receiver and take over any rights that the telephone company has. It would appear to me that it probably would be best to approach the Trustee to see if a contract could be made to purchase the systen and I don't thin~ the price could be over $10,000 at the most. The increase in rates will expire in about a month and you don't have to give them another. It would be a pretty good time to approach them and I would reccommend that you institute negotiations to buy them out. I would think it would be in the best interests of the City to buy them out for about 5 - 10,000 dollars and I woumdn't go over that~ Mr. Bauler stated that it is better in the interests of bond selling, etc. if you could say you were in the business. Mayor Stockton asked if Mr. Hellenthal's fees for this telephone would come out of our bond ordinance, whereupon Mr. Hellenthal stated that if he had to go to Seattle to negotiate, and any other fees involved in this negotiation, would come out of the bond ordinance. In connection with the lawsuits pending, Mr Hellenthal stated that they had never billed the City and they had got $1000.00 from the telephone company, and that he thought what the City would owe now would not amount to over $1,000. Mr. Hellenthal continued that the negotiations as planned might run into some money as there would have to be a hearing in Seattle and there would have to be someone there representing the City. Also, this should be done immediately as Mr. Bauler feels that the sooner the better so he can go ahead and get his report ready and also find out just exactly the under.vriters want. If we had to go to Seattle, it would be $100. a day plus the ticket for each of us, altho Mr. Bauler pointed out that the City would not be obligated to pay him until this was thru. Mayor Stockton advised that our financial circumstances here would make it financially unsound unless we were assured that it could come out of the bond issue. Mr. Hellenthal stated it is definitely a part of the project to get this deal thru and he felt it could come out of the project and he stated he would keep in touch with Mr. Har&inge constantly. Clm. Durant stated, "I make a motion that we authorize Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler, in cooperation with City Mgr. Hardinge, to take initial steps with the receiver for Alaska Telephone Engineering Corp. to negotiat,,"","' possible transfer of ownership of the telephone system now operated by Alaska Telephone Engineering Corp." Seconded by Clm. Blair. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes and Lee, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hellenthal advised that they would go ahead then and get the best deal they could. In regard to Resolution No. 100, Mayor Stockton advised that he had asked that this Resolution be drawn up and presented to the Council at this meetin& not necessarily for action, but mainly so that they could know about it and think it over. Resolution No. 100 was read relative authorizing the School Board to borrow $25,000 against anticipated revenues for the Tobacco Tax for the construction of the Armory-Gymnasium in conjunction with the Alaska National Guard. It was pointed out that if properly handled, this should not cost the City's General FUnd anything. As suggested by Mayor Stockton, no action was taken and it was decided to consider this until the next regular meeting. Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.M. ADPROVED: ,"2 ,~' , _"-~_--c r.~ .' -ILl DEHRY R.' TOCKTON, MAYOR ~ ATTEST: ~ "'<:./~~ ___ ~ KElt, CITY CL~RK ,j ..' SE',.J'ARD, :\Ll1SKA Regular Meeting April 2, 1956 The regula r meet ing of tre Counci 1 was called to order at 8: 1 0 Fe H. l-'iayor stockton in the Chair. Present, Clm. Blair, Durant, Hall, Lee and Petrovich. Absent, Clm. West. City Mgr. Hardinge present and City Attorney Tyner. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting of March 29 were read, and Clm. Durant stated that in connection with the meeting with Mr. Bauler and Mr. Hellenthal, he had definitely stated that they were not to make a trip to Seattle on the basis of his motion, but that they were to contact the Council before making any trips. It was generally agreed that this was thor- oughly understood by both Hr. Bauler arrl Mr. Hellenthal, even though Clm. Durant had not included this specifically in his motion. Clm. Durant made a motion that we accept the minutes the special meeting as read. Seconded by Clm. Lee. carried unanimously. of the regular meeting and All in favor, motion Clm. Hall stated that he thought it would be wise if we had the City Mgr. advised to give a little more time on the radio before the Electric Rate Hearing. Mayor Stockton instructed the City lI.qr. to call the radio and have them announce on the radio the date and time of the electri c Rate Hearing so tha t everyone will know about it. In regards to the Planning & Zoning Ordinance #260, Mayor Stockton advised that this ordinance has been kicked around a great deal, though he didn't think it was the Council's fault and it was presented to us sometime ago and we asked that a special meeting of the Council and the Planning Commission be arranged. I have asked that it be placed on the agenda for the purpose of di scussing its present status and find what the Council wishes to do at this time, he continued. "I would like to make a motlon that we table this until we can have a special joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission," stated Clm. Lee. Clm. Petrovich stated that he believed that there was enough good in the ordinance to supersede any errors in it, and he believed it should be passed. Clm. Hall reiterated that he felt this ordinance is all right for Anchorage, but for a town this size, it is too much. Clm. Lee's motion was seconded by Clm. Hall. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. Resolution #100 authorizing the School Board to borrow $25,000 for the construction of the Armory-Gymnasium in conjunction with the Alaska National Guard was read. Clm. Petrovich asked if they could legally borrow this money, and the City Attorney advised that they could. Mayor Stockton stated that Lt. Bell had stated that any materials XIlX the City has could be used in the construction and they would be given credit for the amount in their share of the construction price. Lt. Bell's address is USP & FO FOR ALASKA, l3J~ 968, Mr. VIEW, Alaska. I move that we adopt Resolution No. 100 stated Clm. Hall. Seconded by Clm. Durant. All in Favor, motion carried unanimously. Vote: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; and Petrovich, yes. City Mgr. Hardinge was asked to compile the information regarding the listing of materials and forward it with Resolution No. 100 to Lt. Bell so that they can proceed. Clm. Blair stated that we should remember that anything we spend for surplus materials comes as a saving to the tobacco tax and if we have to fPend any money on this or freight, storage or demurrage, then we should not do it. City Mgr. liardinge advised that he was not getting anything that the City trucks could not bring down,- there will be nothing shipped by freight. In regard to the Reserve Electric Funds, l-'tr. Hardinge stated that the Seward Branch would pay two per cent (2"/.) on the $28,000. Clm. Petrovich asked as more is added to it, would the 2% still apply, and Mr. Hardinge advised that. is correct. In regard to the appointment of a new City Clerk, a discussion was held, and Clm. Durant, after a discussion of wording, moved "that we offer Mrs. Margaret Anderson the position of Clerk in the City Hall at a starting salary of $350. per month, and if at the errl of ninety (90) days, she qualifies as City Clerk she be retained as such at a salary of $550. per month." Seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Vote: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried unanimously. 1 - 'r;"'; -,.... ,.,,.,.t>' "." "pJ' w I I l:i:' ,j,' SE'v'lARD, Jl,k'\Sf:A Regular Meeting April 2, 1956 Continued Proposed revisions and amendments to the Police Ordinance #212 were read by City Mgr. Hardinge, as presented by Chief of Police Seymour. Clm. Petrovich asked what was the purpose of these revisions,- would it give better control, more revenue or what, whereupon Chief Seymour stated it would give them better control. nI make a motion we table this for further study until the next regular n~eting,n stated Clm. Lee. Seconded by Glm. Hall. The City Attorney advised tha t she felt it should be redrafted, and she suggested that a separate sheet be made explaining these provisions, rather than writing the whole thing into the ordinance. V~yor Stockton stated that if there is no objection from the Council, he would like to give the City Attorney and Chief of Police instructions to act as suggested and redraft this ordinance and present it at the next regular meeting. Clm. Lee's motioll Toted on, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated that Mr. Southard had just handed him a slip indicating that as of now the following amounts are outstanding on the 1954 and 1955 Real Property Taxes: Year 1955 - $14,716.19, and Year 1954 - $2,640.57. This, according to Mr. Southard's records. Persons Present, Mayor Stockton stated that our Fire Chief Kielcheski and Mr. Lee have made a report on the fire hydrants, and ViI. I:ielcheski presented a map of the City indicating location of fire hydrants, and frozen and open ones. He stated that out of 32 hydrants inspected in the City proper, there are 15 frozen. In Clear View, they had inspected 7 hydrante:, and there were two frozen, one of those being out of the City limits. TIlis is a pretty critical situation, continued ViI. Kielcheski, and I wonder why the water superintendent hasn't reported some of this. I didn't like to fool wi th these hydrants be- cause the more you open and close them, the more likely they are to freeze, and I would like to know what action to take on this. There is one fire hydrant serving the main part of the town. It will be until June 5th to 15th before tl ese hydrants would open up by themselves. Vayor Stockton suggested tDat thiF: matter be taken up with the Utility system for same action, and Mr. Eardinge was instructed to take care of this as soon as possible by g'9tting on the Water Dept. to get these hydrants opened just as soon as possible. Bids for Workmen's Compensation insurance were presented by l~. Eardinge as follows: Gould & Gould (for their Agent, Pat Williams) $3208.51 estimated annual premium, with a proposed deposit premium of $750.00, and quarterly payments based on payroll audit; Voigt, Walker & Co., Inc., Frank Burna,Inc.; and P~nsen & Rowland, Inc. (all for their agent, Harrv West) and all bidding $3208.51 edin:ated annual premium, proposed deposit premium of $750.00, and quarterly payments based on payroll audit, all indicating employers' liability limits at $50,000 each person and $100,000 each accident; and John P. Smith bid $2846.98 eatimated annual premium, proposed deposit premium of $500.00, and quarterly payments based on payroll audit, and indicating Employers' Limits of Liability to $100,000 anyone person or anyone accident, policy to be written wi th the Public National Insurance Company. "I move that John Smith's bid be accepted as the lowest bid for the Workmen's Compensation insurance and Employers' Liabilityn, stated Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Durant, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eardinge stated that the cornerstone at the new high school will be laid April 28, 1956 by the Washington Lodge and he would like to know what records or papers the Council desired to have placed in the ceremonial container. He stated he felt the names of the Councilrr~n should r~ placed in the container. No definite action taken on this. City ~qr. Hardinge explained that the insurance on the Community Hall and Jail which was awarded to F.arry West as low bidder in the amount of $237.69 premium, had been placed and billed, and now we have received another bill for an additionnl premium in the amount of S83.l9 to cover change in rate. "I move th"t- 'iT'" accer,t t\ce incr"""3"", stated Clm. Petrovich. I~() seconct t::> this motion. "1 rrake a motion that -..a rp.ject the increase and call for new bids," stated Clm. Lee. Seconded by Petrovich. Hotion withdrawn by Lee also the second bv Petrovich. "I make a motion to reject the bill for the rate increase" st'lted Clm. Lee, seconded by Clm. Hall. All in favor, motion carrip.d unanimcll~ly; ~,!'< SEh' FJW , ALASKA Regular Eeeting r,pril 2, 1956 cant inu"d Rev. Yelin reported that he had observed two girls coming out of the Civic Center late one nite and upon checking the building, had found that all of the lights were out and several 8th grade boys and girls downstairs in the locker room. Mayor Stockton stated that he would suggest that that place be locked up tight and only children that are accompanied by proper adult supervisors be allowed to get in there. Mr. Hardinge was instructed to take steps to lock up the Civic Center, but if anyone comes in with a request for the use of the hall wi th the proper supervision, then every consideration should be given, pointed out the Mayor. Progress Report up to Harch 15, 1956, on the Electric pole line construction was read by ~rr. Hardinge. Work accomplished amounted to $18,310.63 as compared to contractor's price for same amount of work $17,590.00. It was asked if they were on schedule, by Clm. Hall, with no answer forthcoming. They are making progress nOlll, stated Hr. F.ardinge, a nd this will be reflected in the next report. Suggested revisions to the Sales Tax Ordinance were presented by the City Attorney and she stated that she had used the City of Fairbanks ordinance in making some of the revisions. It was suggested that the sales tax on new car sales should be set at $20.00 .. and 2~ not to exceed $5.00 on used cars. It was decided that the Councilmen would consider the drafted revisions, and in the meantime, the City Attorney make the suggested changes, and this could come up again at the next regular meeting for action. Mayor Stockton suggested that a }~yor Pro-Tern be appointed and Clm. P.all a.ked if this couldn't be done at each meeting, and it was felt that it could. Letter dated ~~rch 21, 1956 from Felix J. Toner was read, relative the bill owed him from the City for the Water system installation. Letter dated ~erch 26, 1956 from R. L. Sheppard was read, relative payments from the utilities in lieu of taxes, and wherein he stated that he had written at great Yength on this same subject to Mr. O'Hara. It was asked if the letter written to Mr. O'Hara which Hr. Sheppare had mentioned was on hand, and it was requested that if this letter shows up, it be put on the Agenda. A check of the files in the City Clerk's office had not revealed this letter, nor did M:rs. Chaney feel that it was on hand in the Utilities office. Letter from the Corps of Engineers was read relative the proposed new floats at the small Boat Harbor and their request to be advised if the City could forsee any detriment to navigation in this construction. Heeting adjourned at 12:19 A.M. .'PPROVED,Q~Q .)I~ PER R. STOCKTON, lIJJ\YOR ATTEST: ~tL h~ E WALKER, City Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting April 6, 1956 A special joint meeting of the Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 8:11 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Cahir. Present were Clm. Durant, Hall, Lee, Petrovich and City Mgr. Hardinge. Absent Clm. Blair and ~est. Present also R. E. Baumgartner, Rev. Clapp, Jack Roth, Hal Gilfillen and stan Neigemann, members of the Planning & Zoning Commission, absent Jack vlerner and Claude Berg. Mayor Stockton stated that the reason this meeting was called was because the Council had sev<;!ral questions in regards to Ordinance #260 before final passage. He asked when this ordinance was presented to the Council, was it the intention of being accepted as it stands, i or for review and suggestions and questions. Mr. Baumgartner stated, '~e did not expect it to be passed in its entirety, but when it was in our hands it was given special consideration and we spent a lot of time on it and had hearings on it and talked to the people who were eHe@hd by it. 1 i: " ,.,/,,' ",,"" .~ ..-i. t_:J I I ,', SEWARD, AU,SKA Special Meeting April 6, 1956 Continued Now after about a year, it finally comes to the attention of the Council,- when we handed it to the Council, TIIUtx<<*~xRlltxk~~/ll:~, we thought it was a good ordinance. Now, if there are any objections, we will be glad t,:) cooperate so that we can arrive at an ordinance that will be satisfactory to the community.w }hyor Stockton advised that there are certain things t in the Ordinance that the Council was wondering about and our question is shall we go ahead and pass the ordinance and then make exceptions after, or make amendments then. The Council specifically wor0ers about the zoning on Third Ave. north of Jefferson Street where it is known that a business location is proposed for construction. Other questions were raised concerning businesses already located in residential zones and Mr. Baumgartner advised that what is already there stands as it is, but this ordinance restricts any more being put in. }'Jiiyor Stockton asked if this ordinunc:e was modeled after Anchorage's and Hr. Baumgartner stated that was the one that was most closely followed, and the Planning and Zoning Commission from Anchorage came down here and discussed this at great length and they advised us of the things they recommended and also advised us of the things they didn't like or things that had not worked out too well. It was the theory of the Planning Commission that the Council could safe-guard the people's interest in the community and if they saw fit to allow a business or otherwise, then go ahead and let the person do it. This particular ordinance gives something to start off with. We had hoped that this would be adopted earlier and forestall a lot of these difficulties that would come up this year, continued Mr. Baurr.gartner. City }'~r. Hardinge pointed out that most courts will not tolerate or uphold spot zoning, and it would be better to change a zone rather than permit one business to move in. Mr. Roth stated that this ordinance is not necessarily the way the Planning Commission wants it, but it is the way the people in the areas want it. }hyor Stockton asked if the Planning Commission felt they could take the ordinance and define the areas and have it back to the Council for action by the next regular meeting on April 16 and they felt they could and would do this. He then stated that if there were no further questions, this portion of the meeting could be adjourned, and he wished to thank the Planning Commission for their time and explanations. The joint meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. The Council meeting contineed in order to take care of item 2 on the Agenda which was to set a new date for the Electric Rate Hearing. V~yor Stockton advised that since the Notices had not been posted and the City Attorney felt this should be done, it would be necessary to set a ~ew date for the Hearing. After a discussiun, Clm. Durant made a motion that we set the date of April 23, 1956, between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 P.M. as the date and time for the Electric Rate Hearing. Seconded by Clm. Lee, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. [IPPROVED :. a~y a JL/L PERRY1t. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: ~ J_ A j' . MA WF.LK~;rk ,':.'",- ;) SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting April 16, 1956 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:14 P.M. in the Chair. Present, Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, and Petrovich, also Hardinge. Absent Clm. Durant and West, and City Attorney Tyner. Mayor Stockton Ci ty Mana ger Minutes of the last re@llar and special meetings were read and approved as read. E Clm. Durant arrived at approximately 9:30 P.M. City Attorney Tyner arrived at approximately 9:00 P.M. The proposed Lease for the operation of the new Hospital, as signed by the Woman's Division of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, was read. I move that the Mayor and the City Clerk be permitted to sign this Lease, stated Clm. Petrovich, seconded by Clm. Hall, all in favor. Motion carried unanimously. Vote: Blair, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. In regards to the Planning and Zoning Ordinance #260, it was asked if it would be possible to pass this at a special meeting and if it could, Clm. Hall suggested that a special meeting be held tomorrow nite to consider this ordinance. Clm. Petrovich asked if Clm. Hall would object to having it put last on the agenda and see what time it is then and decide. This was done. Mayor Stockton passed over the next item on the Agenda, Revisions to Ordinance #212, to return to it later. Clm. Hall questioned this and it was explained that Clm. Durant had requested that this item be put over until he could be on hand at approximately 9:30. Clm. Hall felt that if a person takes on a responsibility as a Councilman, he should see to it that he is present and on time. He stated that he had nothing against leaving this item and returning to it later, and the suggested revisions to the Sales Tax Ordinance No. 190-A were then taken up. Clm. Hall stated that he had talked to a car dealer and he had said that $20.00 would be too much; however, he felt he could see $10.00 on new cars as well as used cars. City Attorney Tyner stated that where she had made reference to the 1953 Session Laws of Alaska, it should be 1949 Session Laws, Chapter 38. In going thru the suggested revisions and amendments, it was decided to add the following words to Section 4, paragraph "C", on page 3, "Transportation for hire of persons or property". In Section 4 (f), City Attorney Tyner ad- vised that we want to be sure to get business offices in that rental of rooms. Section 5 (e}, page 5, add the word "such" before "commodities awaiting ship- ment or in the process of being shipped". On Page 6, Section 6, is a copy of Section 3 of 190-A, and the thought was to insert a penalty for late filing of returns, stated the City Attorney. Mayor Stockton asked City Mgr. Hardinge what his recommendation is on this, where- upon City Mgr. Hardinge stated that he thought there should be a penalty for late filing, but just what the penalty is is up to the Council to decide. A brief discussion ensued, with no action taken. The City Attorney stated there would be added to this proposed revision, another Section, #14, which would state that all taxes outstanding under the old ordinance are still outstanding and remain due and collectible. Mayor stockton asked about absorbing the tax or having everyone pay. City Attorney Tyner read a letter she had received from the City Mgr. of Fairbanks which stated relative to sales tax collections, bars as well as taxi operators do not collect sales tax in line with the ordinance; however, they do not draw the line that fine. He continued that they do not worry about how the business collects it, so long as they pay the City. City Attorney Tyner stated that the Fairbanks ordinance does not allow it, and according to the Territorial Statutes, it is not legally allowed to absorb it, but Fairbanks tolerates it. Several persons peesent gave their views on the sales tax, including Jack Werner and Hal Gilfillen and Sam Romack. City Attorney Tyner again stated that the City could not legally allow absorption, and Clm. Hall stated we have to go by what our Attorney tells us,- if it is not legally correct, we can't do it. A question was raised regarding collection of Sales tax on mail orders placed with Sears, and Wards, and the City Attorney stated that if these mail order houses offered to collect the tax, it must be legal; however, she hesitated to give a firm legal opinion on this. Mayor Stockton stated that they would instruct the City Manager to inquire from Sears and Wards, whereupon, City Mgr. Hardinge stated that this should be done by the City Attorney rather than himself. City Attorney Tyner stated, "May I suggest that I draft this revised ordinance in final form before the next regular meeting, and in the meantime, check on this and get the information." The City Attorney was instructed to go ahead in this manner. I ."..' ,,-":': C_1.J I I . (,~" , ' SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meetine April 16, 1956 continued Amendments and Revisions of Ordinance #212 was then taken up, and this Ordinance was given No. 266. Ordinance No. 266 was read in its entirety. Clm. Durant stated that he would like to know how and who is going to enforce Paragraph lty" under section 102.1, Sale of Cigarettes to Minors. Clm. Blair suggested that we go item by item right from the beginning. Regarding Section 102.1 (bl, a lengthy discussion was held relative the use of the word "drunk". City Attorney Tyner and Police Chief Seymour stated that they had used the same words as the Terri.torial Statutes, and Clm. Hall stated that he thought we had to go along with Territorial law. Clm. Durant stated this would leave it a metter of policy of the Police Dept., and Chief Seymour ex- plained that the department had regulation forms which, when filled in with the answers, left no question or doubt as to whether or not a person is ltdrunk"; however, if still tI':ere is doubt, there is a place for the physicians report. He continued that our department has these forms, and we use these forms. Clm. Blair stated that since the wording is in accordance with the Statutes, he didn't see what we could do about it, but he did not really approve of the wording. Chief Seymour stated that they had made fewer arrests than any previous department, and that should set the Council's mind at ease, in that they do not call a man drunk, if he is not. Clm. Lee raised a question regarding the use of the word "boat", and stated that he didn't think any city police officer had the ri ght to go aboard a boat. The City Attorney advised that if the boat is within the jurisdiction of the police, the police will enforce this, otherwise this would not apply. Clm. Lee then asked about vending machines for cigarettes, and Mayor Stockton stated that he did not think that the Council objected to the ordinance stating that children under 18 years of age could not purchase cigarettes, but they felt it was not enforceable. Chief Seymour advised that this was already in the old ordinance and con- tinued that if the Council is not going to trust your police to use good judgement, you might as well not have them. In regards to Paragraph ltddlt on Page 5, there was considerable discussion on this dealing with registration of small arms. Mr. James Watts stated that he was present mainly for this, and in summary he stated that he believed this is not a question of whether a person has the right to bear arms, but rather a question of national security, and he would rather not have this paragraph become a part of this ordinance. Mr. Carlos Carson, also not in favor of this paragraph, read several articles from "Bulls Eye" and the American Rifleman's Magazine wherein reasons were given against such laws requiring registration of concealable weapons. Mr. Harold Horton also spoke against such a require- ment, and stated that he did not see what purpose this would serve, other than bein g a nuisance. Clm. Blair stated, ltI would make a motion that Section ltDD" of this ordinance be crossed off of this ordinance." Clm. Hall felt that we should first hear from our Chief of Police, and Chief Seymour was asked to state~ his reasons for this~ which he did~ after which CLT,. Blair stated, "I would make a motion again that Paragraph ltdd" of Section l02.1 be cut off from this revised ordinance." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Vote: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes, Hall, No; Lee, yes; Detrovich, yes. ~~tion carried. In summary, the following chanees were made, in addition to deletion of paragraph ltdd": Article ltZ,II on Page 4 - Strike out the words "to which fuses are attached or which are ign:i.table by means of a match." 4 - Add words "of age". words "Afoot or in automobiles" 7 - Insert at the end of this paragraph, "subject to Council approval". Section 102.4 ,- Add words "or by posting in three public places". Section 1'74.3, page 9 - the word "of" should read "by" Article Section Section "y" on Page 301.1 - Add 102.2, page Mayor Stockton then asked if the ordinance as amended was satisfactory, and with no ~lrther discussion, he suggested that this ordinance be ready for its first official reading at our next regular Council meeting. A question was then raised regarding peddlars and solicitors, and Mayor Stockton asked if it was the Council's wish to have something inserted to cover this. It was agreed that it was and the City Attorney was instructed to add this. SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting April 16, 1956 Continued Among people present, Mrs. C~rry Bass reported that a Tourist Information Center is being set up in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, and this will be open for business within a week or so. Mr. Fred Kielcheski, Fire Chief, reported he had been looking for a report on how many fire hydrants had been thawed out, and he wondered what has been done and how many had been thawed. Jay Carroll stated they are working on them, but he did not know as they had come up with any solution as to how to thaw them and he did not think anything had been done in this respect. Mr. Kielcheski stated that another item he wanted to report is that drainage from the street is going into our salt water line and Mr. Manley of the Alaska Railroad has to have a letter regarding this before the contractor can be authorized to clean this mud and silt out. He requested that a letter be forwarded to the General Manager of the Alaska Railroad asking their assistance. He then asked if it would be possible to get the 2000 gallon tank and keep this trailer tank filled for use on fire calls during this emergency time when the hydrants are frozen. Mr. Hardinge advised that they were working on this now and getting it in working order, after which it would be used for this purpose. Clm. Hall stated that we had gone two weeks and there had been nothing done regarding the fire hydrants, and we are just lucky that there hasry't been a fire. Mayor Stockton requested that Mr. Hardinge look into this right away, and see that something is done towards getting the fire hydrants back in working order. City Mgr. Hardinge stated that he had talked to Mrs. Anderson regarding the position of City Clerk, on the terms that we had talked of at the Council meetin g, that is take over the City Clerk with the office work only and Mrs. Walker contin.uing with the~books, and Mrs. Anderson had agreed to do this at a salary of $350.0q/,:i'h\iT"the first of July at which time it will be decided whether she will take over the complete job. He continued that under these conditions, he had appointed Mrs. Anderson to start work this morning. City Mgr. Hardinge read a letter from Mr. Banfield and one from Mr. Harstad relative the Notices of Appropriation of Water on Crescent Lake and Carter Lake. Mr. Carroll stated that he believed there is a mistake in these notices, where it states "creek", it should be "lake". Mr. Hardinge advised that it would take a motion to authorize posting of these notices. "I will make a motion to authorize the City Clerk and the Mayor to sign these notices," stated Clm. Hall. Seconded by Clm. Lee. All in favor, motion carried unani- mously. Mayor Stockton stated that he had been approached by several of the young gentlemen in our comrrunity who are willing to take an active interest in the supervision of the activities in the Civic Center, making themselves responsiele for the welfare of the building and its contents, and they have asked that they have an entrance so that they can come to the Center and gain a key, which would be returned on leaving. These men include Dale Lindsey, Leonard Gilliland, and Don Steele. "T make a motion that we turn it over to them on a 30-day trj al basis," stated Clm. Lee. Seconded by Durant. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. In regards tofue welfare insurance for City employees, Mr. Hardinge stated that he thought he had something on this, but it has disappeared; however, he would endeavor to have something ready for the next regular meeting. elm. Hall stated that if we are going to consider this, we should advertise it or get in touch with the other agents and have them submit a program also. City Mgr. Hardine;e advised that on that last bill that we turned down from Ha.rry West, there was an error in his rates from the beginning- this just for the Council's information. Bills for the month of March in the total amount of $40]8.88 were read, as follows: Andy's Oil $566.]8, Automotive Parts & Equipment $51.74; Bay City Moters $12.25; Bill's Parts & Service $7.40; Durant's Hdwe. $2.88; Fred Kielcheski $5.00; N.A.D.A. $7.00; National Municipal League $5.25: osbo's Electrical Supply $4.95; Public ,~inistration Service $5.12; Petty Cash $9.86; ~g Rettig, Scott & Co. on Rccount $1]00.00; Seward Builder.'! ~5.40; Oeward DruC $].80; Sewar1 Electric $946.05; Seward Rarryware $4.90; Health Council (Glenn Tressler) $$10.12; Seward Machine Shop $76.80; Seward Plunilling & Heating $27.42l Seward Trading Co. ~88.46; Standard Oil Co. $414.58; N. W. Swoboda $25.0C; Harry West $24.11; Wast~rn Standard Supply $60.08; Win Ervin Motor Co. $4].56; Yukon E~uipment Co. $5.77, Seward Water System $]25.00. "I move that the bills be approved and paid, with the exception of the water bill and the Electric bill, " stated elm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Lee. All in favor, motion carried unanimously. I ,;'-'-1 ii,""" '. . ~,~' Of' F. ] SEWARD. ALASKA April 16, 1956 Continued Regular Meeting Letter from the Harbormaster was read, dateJ April 16th. After a brief discussion, it was decided to set a special meeting for 8:OC P.M. tomorrow nite, April 17th, for consideration of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance and for action on the letter from the Harbormaster, with the Harbormaster to be present. Mayor Stockton stated that Mrs. Blue had be~n present, but had to leave; however. she is interested in the dates for Clean-up week, and if May 19th is agreeable, we will set that date as the start of Clean-up week. Mr. Bassof the radio station stated that he had quite a bit of material on that and he would do everything he could to promote this Spring Clean-up Week. Mayor Stockton stated that if there is no objection, he would like to proclaim that week as such. Clm. Lee raised a question in that he believed it was recommended that our Police Dept. be cut, and he asked how many men were on the Police Force. where- upon City Mgr. stated there are 4 men plus the Chief. Clm. Lee then stated that he had noticed Mr. Hardinge's boy working on the truck, and that makes three men from one family on the payroll and he felt this work should go to the head of a family, and he was sure there were such men who need work. City Mgr. Hardinge stated that he would advise Mr. Ross that he is not to hire his son again. ,,'" Clm. Lee then inquired if any of the City equipment had been rented out to <~ private individuals and Mr. Hardinge and Mr. Southard stated that it is not W~ being rented out. I I Mayor Stockton read a wire which he had received from Mrs. Margaret Hafemeister while she was in Juneau, wherein it was stated that a free survey of the City's needs for juvenile detention facilities would be made by the Juvenile Division of the Dept. of Welfare, upon request from the City. Mayor Stockton stated that he thought that since this survey would be made free of charge, it would not obligate the City of Seward to request this, and he had a letter prepared to this effect. There were no objections and no further discussion. Meeting adjourned at 12:]6 A.M. ATTEST: ~~<t/ ~ WALKER, C~ty Clerk . ,-") APPROVED: ~~A'fl~ C? ~~~ PERRY STOCKTON, MAYOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA APRIL 17, 1956 A special lOOeting of the council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in tie chair. The purpose of this meeting was to hear a report from Mark Walker, Harbormaster, on the needs of the Smill Boat Harbor, the first reading of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance No. 260, and to discuss the Seward Water System bills. Councilmen Present: Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich and West. Absent: Durant and Ci ty Manager, Hardinge. Mayor Stockton called upon Mr. Walker, Harbormaster, to give his report on the neess of the Small Boat Harbor. Mr. Walker proposed drums be used in refloating the float at the SnaIl Beat Harbor. He said that the drums would probably last about five (5) or six (6) years which would be about as long as logs would last. Mr. Walker said he had approached Mr. Hardinge in regard to getting the drums which had been aquired from the Army llistrict Engineers for Ule on the float. Mayor Stockton asked Mr. Walker if t he drums would be sati sfactory among the timbers and he in turn stated they would be all right. Mr. Walker continued that $1000 had been set up in the budget for the Small Boat Harbor and be believed that the money should be used on repairs to the float now. He stressed the vnportance of doing the job now because when ice is on the float it is sunk. He further stated that the float was really in bad shape. Mr. Walker proposed that outlets be made available for the boat owners to attach to. Other small boat harbors in Alaska--Corclova & Ketchican--have electric and fresh water facilities he continued. Mr. Walker was asked how he proposed to keep fresh water in the winter and he in turn stated that fresh water would be available only in the summer months. Clm. Lee suggested tha t fresh water be made available only on t),..~ loading ramp and boats could come there to get it.. This was considered a good idea. ("', { S1WARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING April 17, 1956 Conti nued Mayor Stockton said, "Mr. Walker, providing we are agreable as far as using the drums for the float would you have any ideas in regard to construction and exactly what materials are needed?" Mr. Walker replied, "1 have seen pictures in regard to how the construction was done, but I would rather contact a reputable engineer to plan the actual construction and I think Mr. Hardinge, being an engineer, would be able to direct the building of the project. Clm. Blair suggested we contact engineers who have been building other floats i~ Alaska and ask them to send us information and suggestions on the construction. Discussion followed on how the barrels would be installed on the floats. Mr. Walker pointed out that 8 barrels per float would not be sufficient. In line with suggestions from Clm. Petrovich, the Council asked that Mr. Walker make a complete inventory of materials on hand, also that the City Manager . write to the District Engineers in regards to the possibility of getting more barrels and that he also write to other engineers in Alaska for suggestions and information on the proposed re~irs to oUT float bringing out the point of using barrel s. in place of logs. It was not known when work would start on the new floats that the territory was installing but it was suggested that Mr. Hardinge write to the the contractors and find out how much they would charge to do our work also. Mr. Walker pointed out that our peliminary repairs should be made before the Territory starts on the new floats. The _ float is about 30'0 feet long, continued Mr. Walker, and there is no pay meter on it. Mr. Southard suggested that we contact Mr. Tollefmeyer in regards to doing the electrical work. At the suggestion of the council Mr. Southard was to accompany Mr. Walker to the Stmll Boat Harbor to see just what he wants, also they Should talk; to Mr. Tollefmeyer 01 Mr. Kesselring to see which one is available to do the electrical work. In regards to the water installations, it was the desire of the Council to get onto the utility board. Mr. Walker asked the Council what they wanted to do' about the rental fees for the boats. He pointed out that $3 and $4.50 a month should not hurt anyone, however many of the boat owners are not paying the fee, also the owners wi th boats on the beach are not paying. The Council felt that the boats in the water as well as the boats on the beach sould be charged. Further discussion followed about the congestion in the area around the Small Boat Harbor. The Council felt that it would be difficult to dJ. mu~ about it inasmuch as the area is under lease to the Fish and Cold Stora~~irt regards to cleaning up the area around the Small Boat Harbor. Discussion followed on the Fish and Cold Storage lease and what buildings it involved. Insert _ However Mr. Hardinge was to write a letter to the Fish & Cold Storage - Mr. Walker continued, in his report to the Council, that he did not know where they were going to put the boats COIre this SUIlllller. He felt that the Small Boat Harbor could be one of the best money makers tha t the city could have if proper improvements were made. He stated that more people are bringing their boats down from Anchorage and paying months in advance while there are people who stay on their boats the year around and make no effort to pay anything. Mr. Walker asked the council what enforcement actions should be taken. It was the consensus of the Council that the ordi nanc. be followed closely and it was suggested that Mr. Walker and the police departma.nt work out a ma.thod between them to enforce this ordinance. Mayor Stockton said, "In regard to the Plan~, ing and Zoning Ordinance No. 260, I believe it would be best to read the ordinance in its entirety tonight and consider it the first reading and at the next two regular ma.etings we could refer to it by title and number for the second and third readings. I think this prodedur. would be better than pass. ng the ordinance under suspension of the rules tonight." ORDINANCE NO. 260 was introduced and read in its entirety for the first time by the City Clerk. "An ordinance regulating and restricting the heights, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures; the percentage of lot that may be occupied; the size of yards, courts, and other open spaces; the density of population; and the location and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence, or other purposes; for said purpose dividing the city into districts; providing for administration and enforcement, and repealing ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflice herewith." Clm. Blair said, "In Section 12 D 3 the words "or posted in three (3) conspicuous places" should be added after "City of Seward". -----......-.".~._,-,.~".,--.........-..._._..-~......~ I I I 6"' ') , " ~ -, SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING April 17, 1956 Continued Mayor Stockton said, In Section 12 D 1 and Section 12 D 2 after the words City Manager" the words "or Mayor" should be inserted. Mr. Southard was instructed to compare the proposed ordinance with the building code. The Mayor suggested that at another meeting we go over the ordinance by section to take care of any other changes. A motion was made by Clm. Hall that we accept the ordinance as read with the few minor changes and consider it the first reeding. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Blair, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; and West, Yes. Motion carried. Mayor Stockton said that the water department had contacted him in regards to the city making some effort to pay their water bills for the last few months inasmuch as the water department was in need of funds. The City clerk reported that we owed $1,750 in water bills. Discussion follnwed and the council decided that until the water department could put itself on a paying basis, the bills would not be paid. No action was taken. Meeting adjourned 11:10 PM. ATI'EST: APPROVED:_Q'V~ Q --1tniL PERRY . STOCK'IDN, MAYOR -------------------------------- SEWARD, ALAt'KA S? ECIAL MEETING May 4, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 1:20 P.M. The pur;>ose of this maeting was to hear a report from Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler on the proposed thelphone issue. Mayor Stockton in the chair. Present: Clm. Durant, Lee, Petrovich and Hall. Also present City Manager H. Hardinge, Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler. Mr. Hellenthal, in his report to the Council, brought out the following points in regard to his trip to Seattle. The Alaska Telephone Corporation is $783 a month in debt. The corporation has made efforts to reorganize. Most of their equipment is rented raBer than owned. Officials of the corpo- ration continually pointed out that they would not discontinue service. The corporation was thinking of selling to the Juneau Douglas Telephone System, however Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler stated they stopped off at Juneau and talked with the company officials and they stated they had no intention of buying the Alaska Telephone Corporation. Richard D. Harris, trustee of the Alaska Telephone Corporation, told Mr. Hellenthal that there was no possibility of reorganization. Mr. Harris further stated that the corporation was going to be declared bankrupt. In our efforts to buyout the company, Mr. Hellenthal continued, we were not too successful, but at least our application is being considered. The jUdge, Judge Van Griffen, was very helpful and seemed to want to do the right thing. They at least could not offer a better suggestion than what we had. Mr. Hellenthal said he told them the city would be willing to pay the market value of the business. He continued that we would be purchasing the business because most of the equipment was being rented. He thought from $3,000 to $5,000 would be a fair price. Mr. Hellenthal said they had talked with the bonding people and they indicated that they were willing to go along with the financing. He said we should advise the Telephone Corporation that we are not going to authorize another rate increase and should further advise them that when the present agreement expires, we are going to revert back to the old rate, which would be the present rate less 20~. Then he said we should line up some other equipment--Possibly Palmer may have a board-- just in case the worst happens. Clm. Hall stated that they owe us four (4) months sales tax for last year July, August, September, and October and Mr. Hellenthal made a note of this. Mr. Hellenthal also pointed out that they owed us personal property tax. Mr. Hellenthal said that on May 24th a hearing will be held as to whether or not they should be judged bankrupt and he was certain the corporation would be judged bankrupt. ~",. , " Considerable discussion followed and it was decided by the Council to authorize Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler to do the following. 1. Line up equipment with no expense to the City. 2. Notify the Alaska Telephone Corporation that we were not going to renew the telephone rates. 3. Advise the bonding company t go ahead wi th the bonds. 0 Clm. Petrovich said, -I make a motion for Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Bauler to go ahead with the procedure as authorized in the minutes.- Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Durant, Yes; Hall, Yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, Yes. Motion carried. Mayor Stockton asked Mr. Hellenthal if it could be arranged to have his fee come out of the bond ordinance in as much as the cities financial situation was so bad, whereupon Mr. IDDC stated his fee would come out of the bond ordinanee. Hellenthal In closing V~. Hellenthal said he would keep us posted and get to work on it right away. Meeting adjourned 2:20 P.M. APPROVED: ,.Q Q~ PE~. STOCK'roN, MAYOR ATTEST: Aif~~~ ty Cle rk: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING MAY 7, 1956 A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:06 P.M. with Mayor stockton in the chair. The following Councilmen present: Clm. Durant, Hall, Lee, Petrovich and West. Absent: Clm. Blair. Also present were City Manager Hardinge and City Attorney Tyner. Minutes of the last regular meeting, April 16, and two special meetings, April 17 and May 5, were read. Clm. Hall stated that it was Clm. Blair who recommended that Section DD in the police ordinance be delated. Upon checking the minutes, however, they were found to be in order so it is surmised that either the City Clerk read this portion wrong or Clm. Hall misunderstood. Mayor Stockton said, -The minutes stand approved as corrected.- Clm. Durant made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Ordinance No. 260 be read by Title and Number so as to constitute the second reading. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll: Clm. Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion carried unanimously. The City Clerk read the Planning and Zoning Ordinance No. 260 by title and Number. Ordinance No. 267, an ordinance amending Sales Tax Ordinance No. 190-A was read in its entirety by the City Clerk. -An Ordinance providing for the levy and Collection of a consumer's sales tax of 2 per cent of the selling price on all retail sales and services of 25 cents and more made within the city of Seward, Alaska, proceeds thereof to be placed in a special purpose account to be used for said special purpose; providing for administration and methods of collection of such tax; providing penalties; for other related purposes; and repealing tax Ordinance No. 190-A. - -', It was pointed out that Section. (f) should carer the service of renting roams, office or offices. Clm. Durant recommended that the operation of slot machines be deleted in Section 4 (j) his contention being that they were illegal, however City Attorney Tyner pointed out that the operation of slot machines is legel, but the transportation of them is illegal. Clm. Hall suggested in Section Z (c) after the words -Over $5.00 straight 2~- we should refer to Section. (a). City Attorrey Tyner stated that section 7 (a) which refers to paragraph J:: SectionfL should read paragraph J Section 4 ~yor stockton said, -We can consider this the first reading of Sales Tax Ordinance No. 267-. Ordinance No. ~66, an amendment to Ordinance No. 212' was read in its entirety by the City Clerk: t ! I . ,-", -'I ---t tv"' " ,--( I I ,l;,~ t:; ;. , :: ~ SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting May 7, 1956 Continued -An Ordinance to amend ordinance 212 by amending sections 101 of article 1, Chapter 1; Sections 301.1 and 302 or Article 3, Chapter I; Sections 101.1, 102, 140.3, l~l of Article 1, Chapter II; Section 803.1 of Article 8, Chapter II; and to add section 201.6 of Article 2, Chapter I; Sections 124.1, 125.~ and 174.3 of Article 1, Chapter II. Mayor Stockton stated, -You have heard the first reading of Ordinance No. 266. Are there any suggestions or corrections?- It was pointed out that in section 102.3 the word should be -dray- instead of -dry-. Clm. Durant asked if it was the intention of the ordinance for the curfew to be 10P.M. every nite. He felt it should be later on Saturday nite. Clm. West commented on the length of the ammendments and it was his thought that an entire new ordinance be drafted. City Attorney Tyner pointed out that Section 11 paragraph 604.1, partial invalidity, will cancel out some of the existing ordinance. Clm. Durant asked how far the cities juris- diction extended as far as boats were concerned whereupon City Attorney Tyner stated that the police had no business on documented vessels. It was felt that the ordinance should state where the police dan go and where they can not go in regards to boats. City Attorney Tyner was to check on thi.. Soliciting and the issuing of pennits to soliciters was siscussed and it was pointed out that the police chief should issue the permits and check with the City Clerk s' she would know about the sales tax collections. It was pointed out that the ordinance should cover reasons for the issuance or non-issuance of pe~its. The mayor suggested that we all study this before the next meeting and City Attorney Tyner was instructed to check on it also. Clm. Lee suggested that a more liberal time be set up for especially in the surr~er months when there is no school. would be a better curfew during the summer months. t he curfew, He thought 11 P.M. Vance Hitt stated in regard to the section that states no person shall sell persons under the age of 18 years cigarettes, He suggested that the Council give this some thought because he felt it waw pretty hard to draw the line on that. Discussion followed and it was brought out that a child could get cigarettes from a coin machine and there was no law covering the use of cigarettes by persons under t he age of 18 years. On page 3 (aa) -Sell use or explode any firewor~s- was brought up for discussion and it was decided that this portion was included because fire- works were considered a fire hazard. Clm. Lee again suggested that paragrap h 301.1 and 302.1 be changed to have the curfew changed to 11 P.M. instead of 10 F.M. No action taken. A number of townspeople expressed disaproval to the Council in regards to the section dealing with cigarettes to minors and the mayor advised them that the Council was contemplating a change in this particular section of the ordinance. Mayor Stockton stated, -We may consider this the first reading of Ordinance No. 266. Murl Trevethan, Chairman of the Utility Board, was called upon by the mayor to give a report on the proposed electric rate changes. Mr. Trevethan stated that the Utility Board had come up with a little better proposal in regard to the rate changes in Ordinance No. 164. We put this up to our engineer and he agreed with the change, so before the present rate change is acted upon, we would like to make a further change. Under the present proposal, continued Mr. Trevethan, the only ones who got the 2~ KWH were the ones that had an electric hot water tank. After considerable discussion with a number of our customers, we brought ourselves to realize that customers would not heat there hot water with electricity if they had a better way of heating it. With this new proposed rate the -A- user will also get the 2~ rate. BeDore the -A- user would never get below the 4~ KWH rate. For the A Domestic User the rates would be as follows: $9.30 for the first 100 KWH, Next 200 KWH would be 5~ KWH, the next 200 KW would be ~t KWH. After using 500 KWH the rate would drop to 2~ a KWH for the "A- domestic user. We feel this change will do away with any discrimination in regard to the hot water tank. We checked in regard to dryers being included in the 2t rate and we thi~many of the people will get the dryers on the 2~ rate ~cau~ of the higher usage. We believe this change will build up our load and will make us a little money stated Mr. Trevethan. ~t SF.WARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting May 7, 1956 Continued Clm. West stated under the "AA" rate you have to go over 600 KWH before you get the 2~ rate. You still have to pay a little more under the "A" rate. Clm. Petrovich stated that we should try to give the commercial users the 2~ rate whemupon Mr. Trevethan stated that the business man would be in line for a reduction next. Martin Goresen expressed his objections against the rate change because it did not include him as a commercial user. He felt he should fall into the domestic bracket. He was told the proposed change would not affect him in any way. Clm. Petrovich asked the utility board if the townspeople could have there KWH w01[ked out against the proposed changes at the utility office. Mr. Carroll stated he would be glad to have the townspeople stop in the utility office and have their KWH checked against the proposed rate. Mr. Carrol further stated that the only increase a user would experience would be 30~ on the first 100 KWH. Mr. Trevethan stated they had secured a change in regard to the hot water tanks capacity being changed to 30 gallon instead of 40 gallon. The homes in Clearview will now apply stated Mr. Trevethan. Clm. Petrovich said, "I move we adopt this rate schedule." Motion seconded b y Clm. Lee. Roll: Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 262 was read in its entirety by the City Clerk: "An ordinance Creating Street improvements district No. 1 within the City of Seward for the purpose of paving str~ets therein, and providing for the levy, apportionment and assessment and collection of the cost thereof against and from the property within such improvement district: Determining generally what work shall be done at the expense of the owners of the adjoining, contiguous or proximate property, or non-contiguous and other properties within such improve- ment district specially benefitted thereby, and providing generally for the manner of making, apportioning and collecting assessments therefor." Clm. Hall and Clm. Durant questioned whether the ordinance had to be published in a newspaper printed in Seward and they wondered if the Pettycoat Gazzette would qualify. City Attorney Tyner stated that Jfue felt it would qualify in this respect in view of the fact that the ordinance did not specify whether it had to be a newspaper of general circulation. A short discussion followed in regard to the p:iving on Third Avenue. "Are there any other questions in respect paving ordinance," stated Mayor Stockton. the fi rst reading". to the proposed changes in this "If not, we will consider this Mayor Stockton called upon the people present. Mr. Carson stated that he had seen a number of dogs around town with no-dog tags on. It was pointed out that when the police department enforced the dog ordinance, there were over 100 licences sold. Mr. Lambel'(, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Nanson spoke of the dog situation and they stated it was a danger to our childred to have so many dogs running lose. Yu. Nanson pointed out that he was afraid a child was going to be seriously injured before any action would be taken. Mr. Martin Goresen and Mrs. Shannon stated that unless people can take care of their dogs they shouldn't have them. Mr. Hardinge stated the only solution to the problem is to fine the dog owners. Mr. Hardinge was instructed to instruct the police department to enforce the dog ordinance more strictly. Mayor stockton stated he was in receipt of a petition presented,to h~ ~y Mr. Martin Goreson. The petition stated the undersigned,we:e d~ssat~~r~ed with the police protection and petioned the council to d~s~~ss th~ Ch~ef of police. This petition has approximately 98 signatures on ~t cont~nued Mayor stockton. Mr. Martin Goresen stated that they had been. classed as longshoremen and that as such the department has picked on th~s one class of people and they are not considered a part of the community. He further stated that more eople wanted to sign the petetion but they wanted no persons names , on th~ Detition who had been in trouble with the police department before. Another petition was presented to the council and this petition stat~d tha~ the undersigned, in the interest of 'justice, asked that an open h~ar~~g ~ a fair trial be given before any member o~ the police Department ~s d~sm~ssed. This petition carried approximately 188 s~gnatures. Clm. petrovich suggested that since the :)eople, had g~n~ to the pO,lls and voted for a City Manager form of government th~sepet~t~ons~houla be turned ,'t M for proper pT'oc"d111"o 'olnrl ,n,s d,>,c L" Lon. over to the Cl y anager ,- 1 ,.."oJ '. . "....;' ,,,...'!" :' " .'.., I I ~."",',' r , SEiiARDM ALASKA Regular Meeting Ma,y 7, 1956 Continued Mayor stockton stated that the names on the petitions had not been checked against the registration book or the tax roll. Clm. Petrovich asked if either of these two groups had ap, ,roached the City Manager in regards to the problem, whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated that no one had come to him. Clm. Petrovich stated that in view of the City M~1ager form of government, we have to have the cooperation of the conununity. I would appreciate the Council consideration for proper channeling of these petitions through the City Manager. Clm. Hall concurred with this and stated we could not do otherwise. ~~. Martin Goresen stated that since they knew when the Council meets, they felt they should come up and present their case and let the City Manager take it from there. He further stated that because a ~rson is drunk in public he should not be thrown in jail and fined. He stated that people from Anchorage and other communities are afraid to corne down to Seward for fear they will be fined or jailed. Mrs. Loeser spoke along these same lines pointing out that c,nstruction workers coming in from out of town to have a good time in Seward were often arrested just for being drunk. Mrs. Shannon stated that she didn't think Seymour would throw anyone in j ail without just cause and she thoufSht Seymour was "okay". Mr. Suddath pointed out that the least thing you can give any man is a hearing such as is set forth in one of the petitions. Mr. Griffin stated that he is a longshoreman and he doesn't think he is considered a low-grade. He said that he thought the chief was a fine person. The bone of contention here seems to be when a oolicemen finds a drunk on the street should he arrest him or take him hOme. "])0 we want our policemen to be "baby sitters" to the drunks," continued Mr. Griffen. Mr. Ed Goreson stated that they were being surpressed and and we don't think we are being treated right and therefor we ~hink we should do somthing about it and that is why we are here tonight. Mr. Trevethan stated that he didn't think a person should be picked up just because he is a bit wobbly, however he stated we don't want a wide open town either. Mr. Deck asked if this Council agreed to discharge Chief Se,ymour before the first of the year whereupon Mayor stockton replied, "Not to my knowledge ". Mr. Deck continued that it looked to him like the City Manager and the Chief of Police had the council buffaloed. Clm. Hall stated that he knew nothing of this and didn't know what he was talking about. It was not the ease as far as he was concerned and he felt he was speaking for the whole Council. Clm. Petrovich stated that when we hired Seymour we told him to enforce the ordinances with temperance and tolerance and he has no other alternative but to enforce the ordinances. .z #1/ '''0, Pt:l Mr. Hitt stated that we lost ~,ooe.oo last year in the town of Seward bec~lse of our police department. When :'ut-of-toWlers are picked up and taken to jail, fingerprinted and photographed they feel they have been 11ade criminal of when really they have not ,~~1l.l' conunitl!d a crime. 1rr. Gallow~y said that the biggest gripe seemed to be the police departments handling of drunks and it seemed he heard in the minutes that the present department has made less arrests for drunks than any previous department. Chief Seymour reported that back since 1940 the high for drunks ',"as 340 while the low was 118. In 1955 there were 105 drunk arrests. Your police department recovered $42,000 worth of stolen?roperty last year and $8,480 during the first 4 months of this year, continued Chief Seymour. Mr. Ed Goresen stated that the petition was presented to protect the rights of the citizens, not to ,rotect the drunks. Clm. Hall stated that the Council had discussed at great length how to get by with less policemen and they don I t see hoVi they can do it. An:r ;n' 'f'€'s+jons 'un' 1 h, ".ine '.\could be appreciated continued Cl;i1. Hall. Ed I}oresen asked wIlY there were two men seen ridinf, around in the patrol car whereupon Chief Seymour expl_ained that the time put in by reserve officers was free and it Was part of their traininG to accompany the patrolman while he was on duty. In the event of an emergency, these men can be used in the regular crew. Other times when on officer is off duty, he will go ';'l'ith th other patrolr.Jan on duty ,md he is donatL'1g his time also. Mr. Mart:i.n Goresen stated the police force was under-size and under-age and therefor could not enforce the law Vii th au thori ty . Mr. Griffin stated that he felt the City Manager would take into consideration the fact that there are 100% more people on the side of Seymour than there ,are against him. Mr. Hardinge was asked what the system of hiring was in regard to the Chief of Police, whereupon Iv~. Hardinge stated that there is an examination paper which Ole has to take and pass. :..' ;..... 3EiVARD, ALA3KA REGULAR MEETING May 7, 1956 Continued "I move that the petitions be remanded to the custody of the c't M l Y anager, that.theY,be checked fo~ accuracy, procedure, and disposition and a definite meetlng nlght be proclalmed as the following Monday the 14th at which time the situation will be aired," stated Clm. PetrovidJ.. S~conded by Clm. Hall. Roll: Clm. Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich yes. West, yes. Motion carried unanimously. ' , This isn't with the idea of constituting a hearing stated Clm. Petrovich and Mayor stockton said that it would not mean a hearing and the Council would hear Mr. Hardinge I s recommendations and act on them. Mrs. Walker, in her financial report for the first 9 months, July 1, 1955 through March 31, 1956 brought out the following points in line with questions asked her by the councilmen. In regard to the special service fund, 200.02 Mrs. Walker explained that this account constituted mostly terminal leave taken by the policemen. Also included in that acco~ are wages for matrons and any extra policemen that are hired for a shift or two. Estimated salaries for the next three months in the 200.01 account is $7365.00. In the 303.01 account which constitutes hydrant rentals, we will use the $150.00 that is left and possibly more. It is p.vident that we will go over on some accounts. In the street department salaries account, 404.01, Mrs. Walker estimated for the next three months $8325.00 and she thought we would come out below the budget on thi s account. City l'Janaaer Hardinge stated that the reason the 400.02 account, salaries "ftz ,tl;/': part time, was because of so much snow removal last winter. There is very little overtime worked now he pointed out. the street lighti~~_account, which has $256.60 left will go over the budget. This averages/l1r!i94 a month. Clm. Hall asked why the City Managers travel account was over $1300 and it was pointed out that most of this was used to get Mr. Hardinge to Seward. In summary, Mrs. Walker gave the following estimate in regards to what the expected revenue and expected expendi tures would be as of June 3J, 1956. Balance 3/31/56 $41520.66 Estimated Revenue 46000.00 $87520.66 64132.00 23388.66 13100.00 Estimated Expenditures Less Revenue we will not receive Balance as of 6/30/56 $10288.66 In line with suggestions from Clm. Petrovich the Council felt that we should curtail service as much as possible to get us through the fiscal year without a deficit. Clm. Petrovich felt we should not have to borrow money The Welfare insurance bids were referred to Monday Nights Meeting, the 14th. In regard to the saall boat harbor Ordinance No. 256 it was suggested to the Council that they repeal the rate schedule submitted in August b" the Harbo~- master and adhere to the ordinance in order to avoid confusion. -I move that we repeal the rate schedule as adopted in a letter dated August 15, 1955 and that we adhere strictly to the rates as set forth in Ordinance No. 256.- Stated Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll: Clm. Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, Mes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes: Motion carried unanimously. A letter was read from Mr. R. N. Whitman, General Manager, Alaska Railroad in regara to the salt water pump in the new dock area. A letter was read ffom John E. Manders, lawyer, in regard to the accident at the San Juan Dock with the Coastwise vessel, Pacificull. The letter infonned the city that Coastwise Lines was goirq to hold them liable for any loss or damage arising out of the incident. Mr. Hardinge was instructed to ask Mr. Riley of the Seward Fish & Cold Storage Co. to submit a complete report on the accident for the next regUlar council meeting. Letters were read from the Tax Commissioner in regard to sales tax comparisons and a letter was read from Hugh J. Wade in regard to Alaska Business license refunds. A letter was read from the Seward Health Council in regards to Rat control at the City dump. No Action was taken. A1TE5T: ~~:~~~r~,__~u_,u APPROVED ?-O(,~ ~, jJ;Jfp0 PERRY . STOCKTON, MAYOR I ....-; , .~ " ",..',,. ""'f t:JJ I I f; ,.~ SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING MAY 14, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order with Mavor stockton in the chair. The following Councilmen were present: Clm. Blair, Dm~ant, Hall, Lee Petrovich, and West. Also present was City ~~nager Hardinge. Mr. Hardinge presented the Bids for Welfare Insurance to the council under Plan I, Plan II, Plan III. It was Mr. Hardinge's recommendation that we poll the employees to find out what they want in regards to carrying dependents of not carrying dependents. Also, in view of thi s we can determine what the City wants to pay. Clm. Hall asked what employees the plan would cover whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated the street department, police department, Fire Chief, and City Hall employees. Mayor Stockton asked how long it would take to get a poll of the employees whereupon Bity Manager Hardinge stated he would have it ready for the next meeting. The City l~nager recommended our share of the premiums be 50~. -I move that the bids be tabled until the next meeting at which time the report will be made", Stated Clm. Hall Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, ye.; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. The next item on our agenda, stated Mayor Stockton, is to hear the recommendations from our City Manager in regard to the petitions submitted in favor of and agaist the police department. City Manager Hardinge first read a commission issued to Chief Seymour by City Manager O'Hara January 2~~ 1955. He then read a letter written in regard to the Reserve Police force which sited that the reserve officers worked with no pay, bought thier own uniforms and were required to work a minimum of 8 hours a month. This system was set up under Chief Jackson in July of 1954. In a report on the petitions, Mr. Hardinge, reported that in the one for a fair trial out of 190 signers 112 were registered, 73, unregistered, and 5 illegible. On the petions for dismissal of the Chief of Police out of 99 signers, 55 were registered and 44 were unregistered. Since the last meeting continued City Manager Hardinge, no one has brought any charges to me in regard to misconduct by Chief Seymour. Under the cir~stances, there ia ;'0 charge that I can dismiss Chief Seymour on. "I move that the recorrmendations of the City Manager be accepted in the good faith it has been presented," stated Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Hall. Mr. Y~rtin Goreson objected to this because he said he had specific charges that he wanted to report to the council. It was pointed out to hi~ that this meeting was not to constitute a hearing. Clm. West, Lee and Durant wanted to hear Mrl Goresons charges however the rest of the Council felt that he should present his charges to the City Manager and the city Manager would in turn report them to the council. The motion maHe at the last meeting in regard to referring the petitions to the City Manager was read and Clm. Petrovich clarified, in as much as he had made the motion, that he did not mean his motion to constitute a hearing. Considerable discussion followed. Roll for the motion on the table was as follows: Clm. Blair, yes; Clm. Durant, No; Clm. Hall, Yes, Clm. Lee, No., Clm. Petrov~ch, yes; Clm. West, No. Mayor Stockton voted Yes. ;;W~ ~ Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. The special meeting re~onvened at 9 P.M. to consider a request by the Foster Brothers to transfer the fill from the new hospital sile to lots just para[el. Discussion followed on hew this fill could be used elswhere particularly the dump site, howeyer it was decided by the Council that we did not have enough money in our budget to Xk stand the expense of loading and hauling the dirt out to the dump. Mr. Hardinge reported that our City Engineer was not in favor of putting the dirt in the lots next to the hospital site because he wanted that ared for a park. -I move that the City ~~ager be authorized to notify the City Engineer that it is the councils wish to allow the Foster Brothers to dispose of the oyer burden from the new hospital site on to lots 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 Marathon Addition, and on to Lowell street according to the City Eaqineer. recommendation.- stated Clm. Durant. Motion Seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes, West Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 9:35 P.M. SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING May 14, 1956 Continued ATrlm, )-~-4~ ~) City Clerk /] ~ V-l/~ Q,~ ~. ._ __ PER R. STOCKTON, Mayor SEWARD, ALASKA RIDULAR MEETING MAY 21, 1956 A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:0) P.M. May 21, 1956 with Mayor stockton in the chair. Roll was as follows: Clm. Blair Hall, Lee, Petrovich and West. Late: Durant Also present Was City Manager Hardinge. The minutes of the previous regular meeting of May 7, 1956 and the special meeting of May 14 were read and approved as read. The first item on the agenda under old business was the third and final reading of the Planning & Zoning Ordinance No. 260. The City Clerk,read ordinance No. 260 by title and number. Mayor stockton asked if the Council had any suggestions or changes in regard to this ordinance . " I move we accept Orrl;n'm~e No. 290 as presented" stated Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, Yes; West Yes. Motion carried unallimously. Mayor Stockton stated the ordinance would be effective now. Mayor Stockton called upon Mrs. Bedford for her comments in regard to the sales tax ordinanoe now ready for its second reading. Mrs. Bedford stated that she felt that beauty operators and barbers should be listed as professional workers just as doctors and denists are and therefor whould not be required to pay the sales tax. The \'fashington and California Beauty Laws, Mrs. Bedford continue(\ do not require the p8Yffi-ent of sales tax. I have paid the sales tax however I feel my professional work constitutes salaries which are sales tax exempt. It was the consensus of the Council that they should check with the City Attorney before taking action on this request. Mrs. Bedford stated that she thought this was a bonafide request and she pointed out tb the Council that you had to go to school to learn the profession and you sell your services. Clm. West said, "Veterinary should be included in that also." Clm. Blair stated that it was ~oing to leave us vnde open on other things. Mrs. Bedford also1oLntcd out t:1at beauty operators were required to have a Territorial License to operate. It was the desire of the Council that the City Clerk advise the City Attorney to check on this reguest. HI'S. Bedford said that there were four (4) Barber Shops and 1two t2) beauty salons in to'/m. Clm. Hall stated that if we go ahead and exempt them, we Vlont know where to stop. City Manager Hardinge stated you could stop it by excluding those persons who hold Professional licenses. Councilmen pointed out that would_in~lude doctors, denists, beauticians, C.P.A. IS, surveyors, and engineers. Har~said it would not make too great a loss to us. Mayor Stockton said, "it has been suggested by Clm. Lee that we refer this question to City Attorney Tyner. We still have a final reading nextmeeting." . - Clm. Blair asked HI's. Bedford if she had many compla'nts from her customers in regard to aayllmg the sales whereupon she stated the customers complained because they did notfeel they were getting what they called a sale. Clm. Blair stated that he .rushed we could sell the people to the fact that the sales tax was going for a good cause and that we need the revenue very bad. Clm. Lee said he believed it should be referred to the City Attorney and have her look it over before definite action be taken on it. The Council felt that the City Attorney should have a copy of all the suggested changes o~ amendments and they should be incorporated within the ordinance before final passage before the council. "l move that the City Clerk or the City Manager instruct the City Attorney to look into ~he feasibility of deleting all sales tax for licensed professions k professional licenses issued by the Territory, II stated Clm. West. Seconded by Clm. Blair.Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, ,fre$;Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Sales Tax urdinance No. 267 was referred to bf Number. and Title by. the City Clerk constituttngthe second reading. Mayor stockton asked lf there were any corrections or suggestions in regard to this ordinance. Clm. Petrovich asked if insurance would be classified as professional whereupon Clm. West answered that on :insurance law no further taxe~ shall be added, and he further stated that that was in the Territorial code. II If there are no further questions, we vnll consider that the second reading of ot'dinance No. 267,11 said Mayor Stockton I ~-'''1 ." .r, "'--'.. ,.,..... ~~,...!" ~.c D~1J I I ., ~ r SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING MAY 2/, 1956 Continued Ordinance No. 266, an ordinance amending Police Ordinance No. 212, was referred to by the City Clerk by title and number. '"You have heard the second reading of police ordinance No. 266 by title and .umber. Are there any questions ot amendments?N stated Mayor Stockton. Are we going to pass this as the sales tax ordinance asked Clm. Petrovich. The ordinance should be amended and it sould be completed as the Council wants to adopt it. City Manager Hardinge stated that Mrs. Tyner is fully aware that the council wants the ordinance in that form, before the final reading. She should take the minutes of the previous readings and correct any places it has been changed continued City ~~nager Hardinge. In Ordinance No. 212, elm. West questioned 101.1 (y) which delt with persons falsely assuming to be a magistrate or peace officer and it was pointed out to Clm. West that this was in the old ordinance also. Mayor Stockton stated that this ordinance should be studied very closely for things we think should not be enforced. Chief Seymour asked the Council to consider having Ordinance No. 266 incorporated with Police Ordinance No. 212 without having to change the nurrber. It was his suggestion that we refer to it as No. 212 as amended. He pointed out that it was confusing to have to refer to two (2) ordinances. Clm. Petrovich thought was that is would take an ordinance to cancel an ordinance and Clm. ,~a Ll pointed out that we had already lost a month on this ordinance ancJ.: we were to do this we would have to start allover again. [t was pointed out that maybe we were set up to have all amended ordinances and the City Attorney may have a legal point on this. Mr. Hardinge stated that when he went to Anchorage he would take it up with John Hellenthal and find out how it should be done. Chief Seymour stated he would rather wait and have it right. Mayor Stockton stated that we should instruct the City Manager we wRnt to make sure that our passage of ordinances will be correct. "If there are no further questions on any phase of Ordinance No. 266 we will consider it the second reading of Ordinance No. 266, which amends Ordinance No. 212." stated Mayor stockton. ' The City Clerk was instructed to read the raving Ordinance No. 262 by number and title. There being no questions or suggested amendment~ the Mayor stated we would consider this the Second reading of Ordinance No. 262. In re~ard to the Electric rate changes, ordinance No. 268, City Manager HarQnge asked that this ordinance be passed under suspension of the rules because they were getting ready to hook up customers on the new line and if it is carried over for three readings, they will not be able to get any service out there because they don't know whether to put in two meters or one. Mayor Stockton pointed out that should it be accepted under suspension of the rules it would take five (5) affirmitive votes and he also stated that the City Attorney had advised him that it could legally be passed uneder suspension of the rules. urdinance No. 268 was read in its entirety by the City Clerk. Clm. Hall stated that there never was a public hearing on M~y 7th. We only had one rate hearing and that was on the 23rd of April. Members of the Council pointed out that there was another rate cna~ge introduced on May 7, however thatdid not constitute a hearing. A hearing has to be adverii sed and the Council wondered if another hearing ~ouldntt have to be held for this other rate change. Since this was a rate reduction, it was felt that another hearing .(,uld not have to be held. Clm. West asked why they had included the off peak time switch when they were only going to have- one meter. It won't work thRt w~y he stated. M~yor Stockton suggested that, if it is agreable to the Conncil, that we have City Manager Jrardinge get in touch vri_th the Utility Board and iron out these differences a'1d if necessarv a special meeting will be ca Ued if it is considered that much of 3.n e:ilergency. Discussion 1'u lowed on 'low ';mch revenue the syste'll would derive lrO'll this rate change a:ld how it would effect the custo'-'ers and how the rate change would effect the hydro project. "I move that the Crdinance be tabled for the present time and a meeting be held v,Lth the Utility Board in the very near futurell, stated Clm. Blair. ;econded by Clm. furant. Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, 'res; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West yes: Motion carried unanimously. A report was read from Mr. Tom Riley of the Seward Fish and Cold Storage in regard to the accident at the San Juan Dock with the Coastwise vessel, Pacificus, on April 8, 1956. The council felt that the City should keep in legation until the time when it is necessary ~or us to enter the case. Clm. Petrovich asked if it was true that the dock had no other insurance except fire insurance. Mayor 3tockton suggested signs be erected on all of our property that person or persons are entering on their own risk. -,; SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING May 21, 1956 Continued ~. Discussion followed on insurance to the Small Boat Harbor and the dangerous condition of the float. Mayor Stockton pointed ou~ in regards to the accident, that if the dock lines which were furnished by the dock had not broken the accident would not have ha;:>pened. It Was also pointed out that according to Marine Laws they do not have accept lines that a dock might give them. Mayor Stockton stated that we should make it a point to stay abreast of the situation. Mr. Hardlinge stated that Mr. Riley had pulled three (3) piling at the request of Coastwise. They wanted to inspect them to see if they were rotten or not. Mr. H rdinge stated that the piling didn't seem to be rotten. ~ City Manager Hardinge reconnnended that we go along and not take action at aihl and try to stay on the outside. He will advise Mr. Riley to keep him poSed on this. We can be a spectator for the time being, continued City Manager Hardinge, however if it comes to it we should back up Seward Fish and Cold storage to protect our own interests. City Manager Hardinge asked the Cohncil, in regards to a report, that he have a pos-tponement of this until ll!lxlt Monday night, after he has had a chance to investigate it more comple~,. Mayor stockton pointed out that if we had a meeting next Monday night it should be consolid",ted with the utility Board so we don't have to have so many meetings. City Manager Hardinge pointed out he had to go to Anchorage, and he would have the information by next meeting.. The Progress Report for the Seward Electric Utility Construction through April 30, 1956 was discussed. It was felt by the Council that Mr. Harstad wasn't giving this project his undivided attention. The point was brought out that we should be conforming more to C.A.A. standards. City Manager Hardinge stated that when Mr. Harstad came up here, he would arrange a meeting with the Council, utility Board, and Mr. Harstad. If Pioneer Electric had done the work they would be finished now without so much loss of revenue. The Council thought the time element Was just as important. It Was reported that the Pole line was completed to Metcalf's. Clm. Durant stated, in regard to the hiring of men from the union in Anchorage, that they are leaving us flat now when we really need the men. In the event the union can not furnish men we can hire locally. Clm. Duran. t also pOited out that interest is accruing at the r. ate of $1,250.00 a month and thi . s over dalaries and general operating ex:)enses. City ManHr;er Harding stated that this was an accepted report as far as tednicanties were concerned but it was not very explanatory. City Manager Hardinge stated that he would not go along with any .1Ore force labor jobs. He stated that the labor and material shou Ld have been let together. City Manager Hardinge continued that he was trying to get the lob done as soon as pOSSible, keep it under the price, and have it to Mile 8 by the end of June. City Manager Hardinge stated that he was not aware of the fact that they were having a hard time getting men on the job and he said he would libok into that. Closed shop labor was discussed and Mayor Stockton suggested that when the Gi ty Manager went to Anchorage he should get in touch with Larry Moo~in ~egard to this closed shop. Clm. West suggested he talk to Mr. Niem~, head of the electricians, and see what he thinks about it. ra.." Lee "sked Clm. Petrovich if he had any suggestions on any way it can be made 'better, whereupon Clm. Petrovich stated that he felt we were in a very unfortunate position. The only way you have is the people Nanted it and you will try to give it to them. We can not blame the Utility Board for what the engineers have instructed them to d~ continued Clm. Petrovich. Mr. f{arstad was planning the whole hydro project and planning the line anu he didn't have permit # 1. City Manager Hardinge stated the F. P. C. advised us that-they recieved the notice we Gent them on May 7. Clm. West asked how long it will be before they accept it and whether or not there wmlld be any objections. City Manager Hardinge stated he knew of no reason ~y we should not get the F. P. C. permit. The bills for the month of April were read by the City clerk as follows: Alaska Telephone Corporation, $112.66; Alaska Surplus Property, $106.68; Andy's Oil Delivery, $169.56; Automotive Parts & Equipment, $4.58; Bay City Motors, $15.00; Bill's Parts k, Serviee, $130.02; turant's Hardware, $26.52; Win Ervin Motor, $13.00; Hoyt Motor Co., $17.53; Municipal Finance, $3.\l0; Northern Commercial Co. $188.16; Osbo' sElectric, $17.21; John Paustiener, $17.00; Ray'S Oil Service, $206.28; Seward BUilders, $34.04; Seward ~g, $1)7; Seward Electric ~~56.20; Seward Metal Works, ;?l~.OO; Seward Machine Shop, $49.07; Seward Hardware, $74.59; Seward Plumb~ng ~ Heating, $24.02; Seward Water Works, $335.00, John P. Smith, $500.00; Standard Oil Company of California, $197.51; Norbert SWOboda, ,$25.00; Tokheim Co., $7.65; Tofflemire & Bogan, $84.00; 1rerner's Market, $94.03; westward Motor Co. $106.55; Pat R. Williams, $1225.31. Total April $4742.37. "l move the bills be paid with the exception of the water and electric bill, II aid Clm. West. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll: Bla.ir, yes;. Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Mot~on carr~ed unanimously. J'~ ~) ~ ~.& SEW~RD, ALASKA REGULAR 'olEETING !l1AY 21, 1956 Continued Clm. Lee asked if the Council would consider giving permission for remodeling of the Fire Chief's quarters. They have no windows and no natural light h. pointed out. It would not take a great deal of money. Clm.'Petrovich suggested we figure on it for next year. We should request the amount and incorporate'it in Bext years budget. Clm. Lee stated that $l5o~p.00 would do the job. If H is made available in the next budget, the work c~lld still be done this su~er. The Council pointed out that ne (fire chief) should put in a request to the City Manager for the work. It should be handled on a bid basis. I City Manager Hardinge stated he would h~ve a draft of th~ budget in June and Clm. Hall stated it should be the first meeting of June. '; ...'''~ Clm. Blair stated a number of people had mentioned to him the fact that 3rd avenue is being soaked with salt water by the trucks hauling fill for the dock. Salt water is very damaging to cars it was pointed out, and when we agreed to let the trucks go through town it was not with the understanding that they soak 'our streets with salt water. 'This problem was referred to the City Manager. ~ 1'"- ~/s Do~ Lowell was present and he stated he had a letter from Richard D. Harris'7:~'~'~~ ~,.y outlined in this letter, that if ~ d~'t give them an extension they would have to curtail service from 12 Midnight to 8 A.M. M~or Stockton stated that he believed this letter should be re~erred to ~w. Hellenthal. It was the consensus of the CoUncil that the )Jresent rate would go on by a d~ to d~ basi,S and it would not be cut back without notice to the Telephone Corporation. We should hear from Mr. Helenthal in a few days. 'Clm. Petrovich pointed out that we were a tird party participant on this. ~.!. ',::J A letter from Herman E. Wick was read. It was in regard to the additional premium charged on the Community Hall and Jail fire insurance policy, by Harry West. . The Letter stated that unless the additional ;Jremium was paid it would beco~e necessary~r the policy to be cancelled and it this was done, it Was suggested that the insurance be awarded to the next lovler bidder. I Clm. Blair as)<;:ed vrhat the City Man,v"ers recommendation was on this, wheeeupon the City iila,nager recommended that we pay the additional premium. He felt Mr. West had 81aced the bid in good faith and tile i'aul tactually la,yed with the Bureau in, quotinG the '!Trong rate. "I move that we 1'0 low the Gi ty ',:a11ag;ers recormneddation, that we pay the additional, premium of )83.19 on the Jail and CO"T1U'lity Hall fire insurance," stated c;lm. Tl,c;ll. ,econded b;;r 'Clm. Lee. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; ,~st, No Vote. ljotion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 11:05 P.M. .Q'U-ii "1 ~ ~~/j/;,d or ATTEST: ~, ~~ ~~er ~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I SEWARD ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING MAY 24, 1956 A joint meeting of the City Council and the Utility Board was called to order by Mayor Stockton at 8:30 P.M.. Councilmen Present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich and West. Late: Clm. Durant. Utility Board members present: Chairman, Murl Trevethan; Board Members Chet Steers, Alan Turner, Absent: Myers and Painter. Also present Mr. R. L. Sheppar., Vice president of Grande & Co., Inc. and Superintendent of the utilities, Jay Carroll. Mayor Stockton stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss with Mr. Sheppard, of the bonding company, questions which have arisen in the last few months. Clm. Petrovich asked 11r. Sheppard what his thought was on the payments in lieu of taxes. He stated that we had not paid our utility bills for the laat few months. He explained trat we did not want to jeopardise the new expansion program and we realize they have to keep their 1.5 coverage, however we need revenue also. Mr. Sheppard stated that this problem had come up before and whenever a city reaches a financial crisis the first thing that happens is that they examine every way there is to get funds and if they have a good solvent utility system, they think this is part of the cities funds and we will jEttake out of this fund. A lot of pe~ple are not aware of the legality of this continued Mr. Sheppard. The bond ordinance sets up how the money should be allocated. They have to be sure that that revenue be correctly handled. Your basic Ordinance No. 202 specifies that you pay your utilities and you are going against your own ordinance. The bond ordinance very clearly does not permit the payment of moneys in lieu of taxes. We would not object to a P3-yment to the city for taxes if the utility System could stand it and we knew no one wa s be ing ha rmed. 1.[hen we find that the Seward Electric System is in top operating condition, when they have adequate working capital, 3 months gross earnings $30,000.00 to $40,000.00 when bond accounts are ih good shape-.at that point we are perfectly willing from a policy stand point if you want to levy taxes. The levy should be made on the same basis that personal property is being assessed. A general equLtable levy should be made. If they can pay the bill without hurting themselves, we shall certainly never object. So far the Seward Electric System hr never reached that point. There are times when it seems they have nice surplus, however they been building out of their revenue.fun continued Mr. Sheppard. / Clm. Petrovich asked Mr. Sheppar.d in the event we had a new Ci ty Manager that haanything at all to do with the utilities, ~lhat would be your recommendation for the City Manager to get the most return for wkat we are }:.Elying him, whereupon Mr. Sheppard answered that he didn't think one person should serve as ~Bter on two different operations. lIe felt that the city in its general problems should keep a City Manager busy morning noon and night. The operation of the utilities is more technical. The City Manager has to carry out the policies the Council makes. He should be a skilled man and a man of sound judgement. He should not necessarily operate the utilities. If you have a technical operator of the utilities who is at the same time in a position to administe~ the City }~nager should be allowed to discuss problems with him and be able to report to the Council any happenings. By having the City Manager manage the utilities, you are enroaching on the Utility Board function and defeating the purpose of your form of government. Mr. Sheppard further stated that he didn't mean you should put up an iron curtain between the City Manager and the utilities. The Utiibity Board and the Council should get along and things should be set up so there is never any argument on when " ones authority ends and when it starts. From an administratite stand point, the Utility Board functions with out any interference at all. We don't have this ~rt of thing in Washington. The two bodjes should discuss problems and thrash them out. Discussion followed on the City Manager form of government and what should be expected of Mr. Hardinge in regard to the utilities and it was felt by the Council that City ~~nager should be able to answer questions put to him by the Council in regard to operation. Mr. Sheppard stated that things were much better now than before. He stated he could look over the books and see just what was going on. Revenue is up $8,200.00 over the first 4 months of last year and that is without the benefit of the new expansion~continued ~tr. Sheppard. Clm. Hall asked why we were paying the highest price for juice and Mr. ShepparJ stated the pride of juiee is influenced by a number of things and how long ~ou have been in business is one of them. He stated it was not fair to compare those with hydro to those that just started 5 years ago. I ,""I l'" ~.~~ ~;~ ;'~J I I ,~. r . '\ SE'wARD, ALASKA SPECIAL J.lEETING MAY ~4, 1956 Continued !~yor Stockton asked ~x. 8heppard how he felt about the progress of the expansion program, "Thereupon Mr. Sheppard stated in view of the hard winter, I understand they are behind hawev~~ he added/the cost can keep in proportion if they ease off. Your costs are less and I don't think you will lose. Clm. Petrovich ask~d ~J. Sheppard if he would entertain tl1e idea of financing the telephon~ system and what would be thp. fasability of a telephon~ system corrulated with the hydro electric. Mr. Sheppard stated ne didn't think you could operate the telephone with the electric system and be tho'_:,-,-l>t, it would be a big mistake to try to combine the two utilitie~. Each utility should stand on its o~ feet. Telephope bonds, M~. ~eppard continued, have,not been too much of a money making proposition and they have had to doubl~ their rates. Electricity is the consistingly growing picture and I will assure you that what isn't good for Seward isn't g09d for the bonds. There will always be a market for hydro ~nd I am sure you won't have any trouble selling it if you get. it, and also you h_ave to have a long tann plan for somthing like this Clm. Durant pointed out that by the 1st of August we were going to have to pay $7500.00 in interest and we don't have any customers ~oked up yet. I would like to know where that money is <;:;cing to come from. Sl1eproard stated tbat or, (cC'c.:: un:; they do take money out of the bond issue if provisions , were made in the engineers estirrete. You can borrow on the bond money during the construction period. Clm. Durant stated that in the establishment of tn~ 1-1/2 to 1, there were 83 customers in Moose Pass. Today tl1ere are 53 customers in Moose pass and they are all gooked up. Mr. Harstad is far shart of l1is expectations. I am for hydro, continued Clm. Durant, but I don't know how we can go on their estimates. Mr. Sheppard stated that he would want a complete revamp of how much revenue was comi~g in. I would not issue more bonds u~less I was sure it was financially feasible to do so. Discussion followed on the f~asability of going through Moose Pass and it was pointed out by Mr. Sheppard that we could go to the city limits of Moose Pass and the forrest service permit would allow us to go around Moose Pass then surely YOll will be able to undersell them on their juice. It was also pointed out that Moose Pass was not an incorporated city and therefor they ean't give a franchise. #"" 1<1<< ~ Clm. Blair asked Mr. Sheppard how long he would study this phase of the operation before drawing a true picture, whereupon Mr. Sheppard stated he l'lOuld like to see the seasonal c.'langes. If we had a few months of summer and a few of winter worked up I could take the meter r~~dings and the billings from that point. Of course the full impact of plentiful power would not show for a few years. Discussion followed on the new proposed electric changes in regards to another hearing on the May 7th proposal. ~k. Carroll pointed out that a rate reduction such as this does ~ot constitute another hearing. It was point ed out that the only increase a customer would eXf:eri<!!nce would be from $9.0() to $9.30 on the first 100 KWH and also this was set up as an incenti ti ~re for customers to use more power. Discussion followed on how the off peak lOi'\d ,~ould work under the 1 meter service and J.k. Carroll stated that in the event we didn't receive any back load, we xould refer to the ordinance and ask people to go back on an off peak basis. It is best to keep this part of the ordinance flexible. Clm. Durant asked lIr. Sheppard if the feasibility of the whole proj eot was based on what Mr. Harstad said and Mr. Shepp:!rd said no) that the uttlity had enough revenue coming in to make if feasible to expand. ~tr. Steer pointed out that the ol:l system is helping to pay for the new system. Hr. Sheppard said you haven't subsidized this and you are doing forward planning. He said he would not issue any more mends unless he was sure it was i economically sound. In regard to the F. P. C. Permit y~. Sheppard stated he could see no reason why Wp would not get it. Mayor Stockton asked if we should ask the for rest Service for em extension inasmuch as we were be"_ind, whereupon Mr. Sheppard stated he wouldn't do that right ncw but he would wait until you see how you finish up out here. They know just what you have rlbne and they know you are acting in good faith. Mr. Sheppard also pointed out the importance of having the new rates go into effect as soon as possible to take care of the out-of- towners. It was the consensus of opinion that :a. ordinance No. 268 should be acted upon at Monday night's meet ing. '~' ;".~: SDNARD, ALASKA SPECIAL ~ffiETING MAY 24, 1956 Con ti nued Discussion on the payments in lieu of taxes followed and Mr. Sheppare again pointed out that if the City tried to collect the $750~.OO that was set up due from Seward Electric, he would put a stop to it. The fact that the general'fund is in need of revenue doesn't mean you can, point the finger at the Seward electric and say you pay. Mr. Sheppard continued that of the $225,000.00 of personal property, depreciation should be deducted--this figure is on the auditors report,.- fron-, -the value of the property before the tax is computed. He also pointed out that the water utility should be assessed as well as the electric utility. You can not turn extra funds from the utility system into the City General Fund. Mr. Sheppard said he thought the utility should be able to pay their taxes very shortly, but he said we should not try to knife them for the $7,500 for '55 and the $8,895.00. for '54. He further stated that had he known about the payment of $7500 made in 1953, he would have stopped it. The Council felt that this item should not be showed in the budget because it throws it out of balance. Mr. Carroll pointed out that you may be able to expect payment in the next fiscal year. Meeting adjourned 11:10 P.M. APPROVED: Gl ,Q ff~ PERR~. STOCK'roN, Mla'OR o \ A~E~:~~~~~~~~) Ci ty Cle rk SEWARD, ALASKA . SfJEC1AL MEETING MAY 31, 1956 A suecial meeting of t~ Council was called to order at 8:30 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Present: Clm. Blair, Durant, Hall, tee, Petrovich, West. Also present City Manager Hardinge and City Attorney ryner. Mayor Stockton said the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the following subjects: Standard Oil Company easement rights, Electric Rate Changes, Ordinance No. 268, Report on the Al~aska Telephone Corp., Maggie Edwards for temporary Magistrate, appointment of James P. Wellington to police department, and a report from City Manager Hardinge - on results of investigation of charges made against the police department. A letter was read from Mr. A. C. Hinckley of Standard oil Com)any asking easement rights on a pipeline right of w~y for a tw~lve foot wide section of Railroad Avenue. A plan was submitted showing the proposed changes. Mayor Stockton stated that this will necessitate a change in storage facilities and it will be necessary for them to run their under ground pipes under Railroad Avenue. They seem quite urgent that an answer from the City be given. City Manager Hardinge said he had not had a chance to study the plans. City Manager Hardinge Was to check the plans against our sewer for interferences. "I move that this matter be tabled and that the City Manager report on this at the next regular meeting, Monday June 4th, which till give him time to check on the easement plan~" stated Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. -;Iest., Roll: Clm. Blair, yes; Durm t, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich; No; West Yes. Mo~ion Carried. Clm. Petrovich said if it doesn't conflict with the sewer, why can't we let the City Manager take care of it, whereupon City MRnager Hardinge pointed out that on easement rights it took leg~_ action from the City Government. ordinance No. ~68, Electric rate changes, was brought Un for discussion and it was pointed out by City i\tt0rney Tyner that the first hearing of Auril 23 was .eld acc'Jrding to 13.w arld she further stated that 'ohe did not consider it necessary to hold another hearing and it was perfectly proper as it Was. I L Clm. Petrovich said, " I m,ve we suspend the rules." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll: Blair yes; ~lrant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes ; Nest, yes. Motion carried unanimously. City \+,t,0rn'~Y '!'-"O:JL' T:-. -'jed it would be correct to refer to tl:e Ordinance by ti tIe Clnd number however Clm. Hall stated he felt the ordlnance :;h-ould be read in it3 entirety. "Ordinance No. 268, an ordinance repealing SECTION I Oct ()~!m::'T\~TCj<= lID. 164, AND A',lE'~DPJG ,:;j<=C'1'ION 4 OF O;"tD! NANCE NO. 135" RE~L31 (} ~Hi~ RATE SCl1ED11LE OF TiE ::;EWA1D Ef,ECT:iIC SYSTEMI1 WaS read In lts entlrety by the Ci ty Cle rk. SE'NARD, AI~!;3EA 3PE3IAL '-1~ETING MAY 31, 1956 continued 77 Clm. Petrovich a~ ed if it included that other cha.nge for out of to\"m rates, whereupon Mr. Carroll stated that it was in the other one. "I move. ur~!}anc2.fi~. J1aQ,8;cp~ passed under suspens:ion of the rules, II Clm. Durant."",1t'o"l'T:.-v l:lf'air, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovil::h, yes;vVest, yes. Motion carried unanimously. said I A copy of a letter dated Mqy 16, 1956 was read which was written by Mr. Hellenthal and addressed to Richard D. Harris, Trustee, Al ska Telephone Cornoration in Seattle. It stated that as of June 1, 1956 the rate v.,ould revert back to the schedule in effect when the last increase was granted. Mr. Harris was further informed that the franchise the City of Seward has with the Alaska Telephone Corporation is forfieted. A motion and affidavit for Order to Show Cause was issued by Richard D. Harris, Trustee on Mqy 25, 1956, and an urder to Show Cause Was issued to the City of Seward M~ 25, 1976 by the United states District Court for the Western District of Washington, Northern Division in Seattle, Washington. r-I l'~ City M~nager HRrdinge reported that he had talked to Mr. Hellenthal and Mr. Hellenthal told him. he was in error in curtailing the rate as of June 1st and he had informed Mr. Harris that the rate would go as it was on a d~ to d~ basis. Mr. Hellenthal also inform~d City Manager Hardinge that Washington Courts carry no jurisdiction over Alaska. Clm. Lee asked if we would continue to have service on this d~ to dqy basis, whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated yes, as long as we don't break the rates back down to the old rates. City Manager Hardinge, informed the Council that any information that might come up he will have it put on the Agenda for discussion. OF,",: < i:.LJ M~or Stockton stated the next item on the agenda was the appointment of a temporary magistrate. City manager Hardinge stated he had contacted Mrs. Maggie Edwards and she said she would act as magis trate for $5.00 an hour. We could group the cases and hold court once or twice a week. This was the City Managers recommendation. "I move we accept the City jlianagers recommendation of hiring a temporary magistrate, II said Glm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, No; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion I::arried. I City Mana~er Hardinge reported that Ole Bahr of the police department had resigned and he had appointed the top reserve man, James P. Wellington, to take his place. It was reported that the man was 22 years old and he was hired on a permanent basis. I In his report to the Council on results of an investigation of charges made against the police department, City Manager r~rdinge, stated he had contaced the ~4rshalls office and Deputy Marshall Roberts. They claimed they get along very wt11 with the Chief and they thought he stayed out of Seward politics. He also taJAifld ~ i.h'l lliyfhlei aRl! to Mr. Williamson of the }~rshalls office in Anchorage, and they stated that their relationship with the Seward Police ~epartment had always been satisfactory. City P~nager Hardinge stated he couldn't find anything any place to substantiate these so called charges. In one charge where a person was arrest~d under one charge and the charge was changed, City Manager Hardinge stated that in Hds case the first charge was being drunk while dri ving and the charge was changed to a lessor offense. The charge of people being arrested out. fdde the city limits was discussed and City Manager Hardinge stated a letter had been written by our City F.ttorney to Hr. C. N. Carson to clear up any misunderstandings. The second charge of the police department picking up ambulance cases thMs leaving the city open for law suit was brought up and Clm. Hall stated that if a person waR hurt the important thing Wa.R to get them to the hospital. The charge of depriving citizens of civil rights was discussed. City ~anager Hardinge reported that in regard to the Carl Empey case the prosecuting attorney in Anchorage said the case had to be prosecuted. Mr. Martin Goreson stated that gambling in the City of Seward has not been stopped by the Chief of Police and the City of Seward has been'black balled#all over the Territory. All of the objections were read by the City Manager as presented by ~artin Goreson on behalf of the signers of the petition to discharge Chief Seymour. Clm. Lee stated that he had talked to 5 crew members on a ship that comes into Seward and 3 out of the 5 were afraid to come up town in Seward because they were afraid they would get in trouble with the law. The Junior Police Force was discussed and Edward Goreson stated that th~ purpose of this organization was to be Nstool pigeonsN on the rest of the children in school. He felt this organization should be run by the school officials rather that the police department and that trouble that might ~"I.' F' i Y'" ~ SE'tlARD, EILAE'KA SPECIH MEETING MAY 31, 1956 Continued occur should be reported to the school rather than the police. It was pointed out by the Chief of Police that 19 boys got awards far being Junio. Police. Mayor Stockton stated he could see nothing wrong wi th the organization and that he was proud of the toys. Chief Seynour staten 21 boys had turned out and 1 became ill and dropped out i'\I\d the other one lost intierest. A number of townspeople spoke out in favor of the Junior Police Force being operated under the Police Depa rtment. A letter was read by the City Manager from Chief Pride. It had been presented to the Council by Martin Goresen. Letter addressed to Whom it l-'.ay Concern was read from the Washington state Patrol Dated June 6, 1951. A letter was read from the City of Kodiak dated September 2, 1953. This was a letter of recommendation, and it was signed by Mr. Hedlof, City Clerk Treasurer. A letter was read from the Seward Cramber of Commerce commenting on the efficient way the 4th of July was handled by the Police Department. A letter dated January 17, 1956 was read from Mrs. ~atherine Evans and it stated the police department was a credit to the city of Seward and to thier uniforms. A letter was fead from the Chief of the Washington State Patrol Al?eo, and it was dated May 2, 1956. City ~~nager Hardinge recommended that after talking to all the enforcement agencies in Seward and Anchorage, and on the grounds of the investigation, he found no basis for these charges. He recommended to the Council that they have a special meeting and take those articles out of the orHinances that they do not want enforced. " 1 move we accept the City ~~nagers recommendation," said Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, No; Petrovich, yes; West, No. Motion carried. Discussion follo.,qed on how much time the Council was spending on this. Clm. West stated that either City Manager Har&inge is wrong or he had been lied to be certain people. City hanager Hardinge stated that he was quite willing to have Clm. West talk to these varios people. Clm. Petrovich stated that under the City ~~nager form of government the only thing we could do is to follow the Ci ty !'"anagers recomlll!ndation on these matters. Discussion followed on how it could be put to the people whether or not they still wanted a city Manager form of ~overnment. It was decideg ~{ the Council that it whould be included on the ballottwh~ther to retain or not to retain the city manager form of government. City Attorney Tyner asked that the Council clarify the changes they wanted in regard to the Sales Tax Ordinance and the Rli ce Ordinance. in the Police Ordin~Bce No. 266 the portion dealing with the selling of cigarettes to persons under the age of 18 years was discussed and it was the consensus of the council that this portion could be deleted. The setting of the curfew at 11 o'clock was discussed for off school months and it was decided that the curfew would be 10:00 P.M on nights preceding a school day and 11:00 P.M. otherwise. In the Sales Tax OrdiaaDce No. 267 the section dealing with the coll~ction of tax from the revenue of slot machines was discussed 5~C fJc.,.) f and it was decided by the Council that this ~n should be Ie t out of the ordinance. Mayor Stockton stated that Y~. Carl Thomas was present and he was going to openMs mine over by First Lake. He wanted permission to take water out of First Lake thus lowering the lake. After a short di scussion V.i&yor Stockton suggested that Mr. Thoma s work out the details with City Manager Hardinge. In a report to the Council on the Armory project, City Manager Hardinge stated that the bids were higher than the estimate by about $30,000.00 and the school board was going to have to borrow more than they anticipated. The money would not come out of the General Fund and it would be borrowed against expected r~turns from the Tobacco tax which comes in ev',ry year. It is possible we could do the grading and bulldozing, continued City ~anager Hardinge, and get it down to a rough grade. By doing this we can get up to $10,000.00 credit on the job. He stated that the project was not being rejected but that the school board had to make the decision on this. The City Yanager said he would keep the Council posted. "I' {' ,j ,j SEWARD, f'L!~3CA SPECIAL MEETING MAY 31, 1956 Continued Meeting adjourned 10:36 P.M. APPROVED 1~1~Y' c;J ~;t;;)L,J FER IR. STOCKTON, 11:iyor 1 ATTEST: ~"".v'" AJ;:.h#-w) City Clerk SEWAR.D, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 1956 '."" A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Councilmen Present: Clm. Blair, Durant, Lee, Petrovich. Late: Clm. Hall Absent: Clm. Viest. Also present, City Manager Hardinge. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 21 we re read and Mayor Stockton stated, in regard to the discussion held on the accident at 3an Juan Dock with Coastwise vessel, Pacificus, it was his understanding that the accident was partially caused by the breakage of the muoring lines, however he did not want to go on record as stating that was the actual cause ')f the accident. The minutes of the Special Meeting of May 24th were read and the minutes of the Special Meeting of May 31 were read. During the reading of the minutes of May 31, City Manager Harding pointed out, in regard to his report on the investigation of charges made against the police department, that he did not see Lieut. Mayfield while he was in Anchorage. Clm. Hall sup;gested that it be incorporated in the rninlltes the fact that,,-. .~lgeo is not Chief of the Washington State Patrol now, however he was chief during the time Seymour Was employed. According to Chief Seymour he retired in 1950 or 1951. The minutes stand aD'1roved as corrected. I The first item on the a,;enda under old business was the City Managers recommendation on the request from Standard Oil Company for easement rights to install a pipe line under Railroad Avenue. City Manager Hardinge stated he thought it would be perfectly allright providing the pipe line did not interfere with sewer or water lines. The City Manager stated he had talked with Harry Southard about it and he is in agreement that it is okay providing the pipes are buried deep enough. Clm. Lee suggested that it should be incorporated in the permission that the Standard Oil Company will maintain the streets aDd other things. "I move the Standard Oil Company be granted easement for laying a pipe under railroad avenue, as per their request, subject to an agree- ment of liability and maintenance of the streets," said Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion Carried. I Ordinance No. 266, amendment to the Police urdinance No. 212, was brought up for discussion. Section 10l.1 (c) Page 1 was discussed and Clm. Lee stated that boats should not be included in there. He further stated that the police should not be allowed to go into anyones home. It was brour;ht out that "to the disturbance or annoyance of person or personsll would cover that and the police would not go in without a complaint from someone. Clm. Petrovich pointed out that this portion, he understood/had been taken from the Territorial statutes. City Manager Hardinge stated he was of the opinion that these cases could be tried but the question was whether they were going to be tried in the City C, Jurt or in the Territorial Court, and whether we are f(oing to ~et the money or the Territory is going to get it. If you don't w~ it in there take it out. Clm. Lee stated the law left the City wide open for suit. ~Xr. Baker and Mr. Lowell, among the townspeoDle present, pointed out that any boat over ~ ton can be documented and from 16 feet up it has to be registered. Clm. Petrovich asked for the City Managers recommendation on this and whether or not it would leave the door open. City Manager Hardinge stated he didn't see how they could take it out if they were going to keep control of the Small Boat Harbor. "I move we have a definite decision by our attorney before we act on this ordinance in regard to the boats," said Clm. Lee. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll Blair, yes; Dura'1t, Yes; Hall, No; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, No. Motion carried. 'j(';' SEWARD, JlJ...ASKA REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 1956 Conti nued Mayor Stocktmstated that we should advise Mr. Tyner and if necessary re- word the ordinance in regard to the police powers on boats. C~m. Hall stated that if we can't trust our police department then we should not have it. Mayor Stockton stated that Ordinance No. 266 has been officially tabled until the next regular meeting. The Sales Tax Ordinance, No. 267, was the ne~t item on the agenda. City attorney Tyner recoIT~ended that we do not delete barbers and bauticians, her contention being that actually there are only three (3) professions, Preachers, Lawyers, and Doctors. As far as the Territorial licensing is concerned, many professions require a license to operate. It would leave us wide open. S he further stated that the City ~~nager in Fairbanks stated they had difficulty collecting it, but they do tax them. This recommendation was given to the City Clerk and she reported it to the Council. A brief discussion followed on the City Attorney's recommendation and the Council decided to accept the recommendation. The City Clerk was instructed to read Ordinance No. 267 by title and number. H AN ORDIN~~CE PROVIDING FOR THE LB~ AND COLLECTION OF A CONSUMER'S SALES TAX OF 2"/.. PER CENT OF THE SELLING PRICE ON ALL RETAIL SALES AND SERVICES OF 25 CENTS AND M:lRE :t-tI\.DE WITh1:N THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALA.--"'KI\. PROCEEDS THEREOF TO BE PLACED IN A SPECIAL PRUPOSE ACCOUNT TO BE USED FOR SAID SPECIAL PRUPOSE: PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND METHJDS OF COLLECTION OF SUCH TAX: PROVIDING PENALTIES: FOR OTHER RELATED PURPOSES: ~~D REPEALING TAX ORDINANCE NO. 190-A. H HI move we adopt Ordinance No. 267,. said Clm. Lee. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, Yes. Mati on Carried unanimously. Clm. Durant asked if people present couldn' t be put under the reading of the minutes so the people wouldn't have to wait so long to have their say. It was the consensus of the Council that this should be done and the City Manager was instructed to incorporate this cla nge on the agenda. The next item on the agenda was the third and final reading of the' paving ordinance read on May 7th constituting the first reading and read on May 21 constituting the second reading under the number of Ordinance 262. Inasmuch as this was the wrong number to the ordinance the City attorney instructed the City Clerk to ask the Council to make a motion changing the number from 262 to 269. City Manager Hardinge explained that No. 262, a paving ordinance, was Passed in February before we found out that A. R. C. was going to pave 3rd Avenue. This ~rdinance No. 269 is to delete 3rd Avenue from the paving program which is set up In this ordinance. Ordinance No. 269 will repeal Ordinance No. 262 he further stated. After don- siderable discussion in regard to the wording of a motion to change the number and incorporate the dates of the first eeading, May 7th, and the Second reading, May 21, it was the consensus of the Council that it would be better to suspend the rules and forget the other two readino!". City Manager f!.ardi nge thought that would be a better idea to. I nr move for suspension of the rules for this reading of Ordinance No. 269,n said Clm. r~ll. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll- Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion Carried. Clm. Petrovich asked if this would jeopardise our public Tote on No. 262 whereupon City ~~nager Eardinge stated no, that these bonds were voted on and we are excersising the will of the people. Discussion followed on whether or not the ordinance should be published in the Petticoat Gazette inasmuch as it was not an acredited newspaper. City Manager Hardinge pointed out that tn this case it is necessary to have it published in a newspaper of local circulation. He further pointed out that the City Attorney said it ~ould be acceptable in this case. The City Clerk was instructed to read Ordinance No. 269 by title and number. ~ . ," , " "I SEI'lARD, ALASKA REGULJl.R lI1EETING JUNE 4, 1956 Continued "AN ORDINANCE CRE:SING STREET IMPROVEHENT DISTRICT NO. 1 \AJITHIN THE CITY OF SE'ilfl_RD FOR THF FURPOSE OF rAVING STREETE', THEREIN, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY, A APPORTIONMENT AND KSESSlf;ENT .:\ND COLLEGrION OF THE COST TIiERU OF AGAINST J\ND FROM THE f'RQPER1Y It!ITHIN SUCH IMPRCVEMFNT DISTRICT: DETERMINING GE}TERALLY ~lHAT (,IORK SH~LL BE DONE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE O,>INERS OF THE l\DJOINING, CONTIGUOUS:)R PROXIWI.TE PROPE.1{TY, OR NON- contiguous and other properties within SUCD improvement DISTRICT SPECIALLY BENEFI'ITED THEREB , AND PROVIDING GENERALLY FOR THE l'iA.NNER OF JV!J\KINS, APPORTIONING TiliD COLLECTING ASfESSMBNTS T} ft<i::FOR, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 262." I N1 move that Ordinance No. 269 be adopted as read,. stated Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by elm. Lee. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yeSj Hall, yes; Lee, yeSj Petrovich, Yesj Motion carried. ,~"i Under people present, Mr. John Wm. Baker repurted tc the Council that he had been taken cff of his documented boat by the police and t'ken to jail because he had violated the Small BOat Horbor Ordinance by not paying his rent. Mr. Baker stated that the ~ple down there were willing to pay if they got something for their money. If we pay the rates, Mr. Baker continued, the City should be responsible for the damage done to the boats. Mayor Stockton stated that the Council had instructed the Harbormaster and the police department to enforce the ordinance and collect the rentals. Also the Harbormaster wa:,; to install water facilities and he believed that had been done. Mr. Baker claimed that he believed that the ~l Boat Association was trying to chase the fisherman out of the Small Boat Harbor to make room for the Anchorage boats. He stated it would be fine if we had facilities like we had in Ketchikan, a full time Harbormaster, fresh water and electricity. Mr. Baker pointed out that he had done a lot of work on the float such as cleaning the ice off of it and he said he put cable up to hold the float in place. There should be a telephone, some CO-2 fire equipment, continued Mr. Baker, and there are no toilet facilities and no fire hydrant and he claimed he was doing a lot of the Harbormaster~ work. ,,- (I,... :;-~ .^~'": .e.~~ r.:.-J I Mayor Stockton pointed out that we wanted to put in the proper facilities down there~ but we were lacking in revenue. Mr. Baker stated that ~ tax out of every gallon of gasoline sold to boats goes to the Territory. At Cordova and KEmHIKAN they don't pay their harbormaster, but the Territorial Tax revenues pay the harbormaster and they keep the float in shape also. In regards to the police coming aboard a documented vessel, Mr. Baker pointed out that the only officials that could come aboard was the Coast- guard. Mr. Baker stated that the water facilities were on the dock, therefore, difficult to get to/and the electricity cost 2~ for 3 hours and in many cases you only want to use electricity for 5 or 10 minutes and you still have to pay the 25~. Mayor Stockton pointed out to Mr. Baker that Mr. Walker, the Harbormaster, had been bo the Council on different occasions asking tor improvements. Mr. Baker suggested ~e go after the Territory tor the mone~ inasmuch as they are the ones ~ are supposed to pay. In line with qUestiofP put to Mr. Baker by Clm. Durant~in regards to mooring at the gt~ Boat Harbor being worth something, Mr. Baker commenCed that it would be wortt/something if they had a place to tie up and it you got something for your money. '/ I Discussion followed on whether or not the Small Boat Harbor area should be considered City property. At one time we salvaged a lot of material that we were going to use in repairing the tloat with, stated Mr. Baker, and Portlock Cannery came and took all of the material we had salvaged away. The Portlock Cannery is out of Seldovia. City Manager Hardinge was asked for his recorr~endation and he stated that he thought we had learned something tonight about Samll Boat Harbors and he was going to see Reed about it and find out about the other places in Alaska that ha.ve Small Boat Harbors. Mr. Baker stated that the boats go 25 and 30 miles an hour in the SBBll Boat Harbor area and makes a big wake thus pounding the boats against the float. He thought that the speed limit should be enforced at 4 miles an hour whereupon Mayor S~f..9):to!L.stated that Mr. Baker had us wondering where our jurisdiction was inIt1rg ~B.11 Boat Harbor Area. ~I'," , , #;~ SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING JUNE 4, 1856 Continued Mayor Stockton read a letter which was given to him by Mrs. Blue. It was addressed to Charles Malin of the Seward Chamber of Commerce dated May 28 and the letter was from Mr. J. M. Honeywell of the Bureau of land manage- ment. Mr. Honeywell pointed out that the land "anted for the new dump si te had not been surveyed and the bureau lacked qualified personnel to ),'H"~ this work done and this was the reson for the slowness of action. Discussion followed on xa. how the aty could get the land surveyed at little cost and it was decided that Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Bass, and Mayor Stockton would see Mr. MaLnix and Mr. Sa udders of Me- nix & Stolte to find out if they would donate a s~veyor for the lob. Discussion fOllowed on how the cleanup Was progressing and City Manager Hardinge stated the trucks were gaving difficulty keeping up with the pick ups. Mrs. Blue stated we had a health ordinance with meat in it and all it needs is a little enforcement. City Manager Hardinge stated we could send out notices to pebple to clean up their lots and if they didn't comply the City could clean them up and charge the owners. Mrs. Bass reported that the Seward Chamber of Commerce had a list of boys who were willing to give their time in helping with the clean-up program. Mayor Stockton reported that Mr. Booth of the Health Department who had made the recent survey in town suggested that the rat control program be curtailed until the rubbish is cleaned up in the alleys of Seward. According to Mr. Booth the warferin should not be put out until things are cleaned up a little more. Mr. Seeley Hall was present and he asked the Council for permission to plant trees along their street in front of the houses out in Clearview. The possibility of telephone poles being erected, curb lines, and side- walks being installed was discussed. Mr. Hall stated they did not want to plant the trees and have to take them out later on. The Council instructed Mr. Hall to see Mr. Baumgartner of the Planning and Zoning Commission and if he acquired permission from the Planning & Zoning Commission he could go saead without coming back to the Council. If he received an adverse decision in regard to this request he should teBn come back to the Council. Mr. Jeffrey was present and he objected to Carl Thomas draining First Lake for mining purposes thus making it impo,' si ble for swimming. Considerable discussion followed and Mr. Jeffrey stated that until we have a indoor pool, he felt it was important to keep First Lake open for swimming. Quite a few people have put in a lot of werk and filled the lake bottom with gravel to make it safer for swimming. Mayor Stockton suggested that Mr. Jeffrey get with ~~. Hardinge and settle this matter. A letter was read from Irving Reed, Highway Engineer, in regard to the Small Boar Harbor and Mr. Hardinge also read an agreement which furnished the city WlLth $25,000.00 to add to the existing noat. The letter WaS dated May 28, 1956. The City Manager reported that originally they had $20,000.00 set up for the 2 new proposed floats then when they came down here and inspected the old float and made the drawings they saw the present float Was in such condition that they would not authorize jying tW8 good floats to it. That is when the drums Ca'1le up ant} they wern't about to approve of the Jrums. Finally Mr. Hubbard C2ne down and they agreed to add another $5,000.on to the )520,:100.00 to make it $25,000.00. They gave us the ::>25,000.00 figuring that we could 'i get t.he floats built cheaper than what they c01,l.ld with their own contractors. When they bid to the the Territo~ they UD the bids and he stated if we can get the contractor to build the 2 new floats and repair the 1 float for the :)25,000.()O that would be fine. Tn other words, continued Cit:r Manager Hardinge, he is giving us the option for us to get as "luch out of this as we CM. vIm. Ha t as::ed i.f i. twas q;-Jing to cost us an:rthing and City Manar:er '1ardinge stated if it Was p,oing to cost us anythin~ we couldn't do it. City 1"anager Tlardinge continued that first they had the plans drawn they -Nould not let the contract for the repairs of the oresent float. Now I am dealing with Sontag to see if we can I t get this all done for the ..,2'5, ono .00. That money is available right now if we can get the deal through. Sontag h85 to do some fif,Uring on it and Foster is doing some figuring on it to. City Manager Hardinge recommended that we proceed with the present procedure and not do anything with the agreement untiL they find out more. It was suggested to the City Manager Stllit he correspond with Mr. Reed and let him know what we intend to do and"'Cl.ty Man-'lger stated he would kee.J in touch with him. The City Manager stated that the new floats ,vill not be short sections but they will be one piece TOe loose floabs were not considered good. Discussion followed on ~ the floats would be installed. I (......,..:'IJ ~, ," . ;;) ....~~ ,,>, j", ... < , , SE'NARD, ALASKA REGULAR lEETING JUNE 4, 1956 continued Clm. Hall asked the City Manager about the budget whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated he would h~vp it to the Council by the end of the week. After you decide about your chapges I dll have stencil made for the final draft, which should be aporoved the first meeting of July. fleeting adj ourned 11: 35 P.M. APptWVED: (J "~, ~ ~ _..-'" 'J[,' . r '" * Pl!t{iy~. ~ ~, ;;tiyoR ATTEST: ~~~--,., SE:'VAl,D, AT,AS!(~, JUNE 8, 1956 SPEleI ~L MEETING ",.,' A joint meeting of the Council and the Utility Board was called to order at f;;-l 7:30 P.M. in the Utility office. Mayor Stockton Was in the chair. Clm. Present: Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich and West. Absent Clm. Durant. Utility Board Members Present: Chairman, Murl Trevethan, Boa:t:d Members, Myers, Steers, and Turner. Absent: Painter. Mr. Harstad was present and City Manager Hardinge arrived shortly after the meeting got under war. I I Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to hear a report from Mr. Harstad and give the Council and the Utility Board a chance to ask Mr. Harstad questions. Mr. Harstad reoorted that we are starting to get ahead of the contractors bid and they have been behind. Last months report worked up $8766 agahst the bid price of $10699 which shows 20 to 25% for that month. The decision to go force account has saved you a little money and I expect it to go up. Some things didn't go right and shoulcln' t have ha~)pened. I have issued a credit memorandum for the erroneous staking that took place. I have gone over it with J<<y Carroll and there were 3 holes that were dug wrong and 3 poles placed there. We have given credit for that. There are 6 poles that have run out of line from 4 to 6 feet and I have given an estimate on that. That total estimate is $750.00. If my organi~ation is costing you money, I expect to settle with you, I want to reJort that we are t.aking care of our own troubles stated t~. Harstad. Mr. Harstad continued that the contract ca led for 80 working days, but I think we can save a littLe money by not pushing. I think it is goin1 to go over the 80 working days and after ID" discussion wi th Jay Carroll my feeling has been lets do the thing in an economical way. I can't get to conterned about the 80 working days continued Mr. Harstad. Mayor Stockton pointed out that the pids would have been lower if they had more time for the job whereupon Mr. Harstad stated tha' the contractor has a different situation and he has to think of overhead and get the job done as quickly as possible. I don't think it would be very substantial. Our gain last month makes up fOr it. We may have gotten a little better price. Clm. W..st asked !v!r. Harstad how much interest we were paying on thesJoonds where- upon Mr. Harstad stated we are paying 6-3/4 % and no prinCipal payments. elm. West asked if this would off-set the cost you might have in revenues. MY answer is a little general, stated Mr. Harstad, but I don't think there is very much involved in trying to be strictly accountable to. I will figure up just the revenue and I will advise you what I figure. Clm. Hall stated that you have been saying if we go over the 8'lars and I thin k it is over 80 days now. How much of the whole project has been don.. Mr. Harstad stated he Vlould get a work schedule out and aleo a loss of interest and revenue. The revenue has to be estimated of coura-. Clm. West stated that quite a few people out the "'oad are getting awful anxious to hook up to the lines, and Mr. Harstad reported that the delivery schedule of material is sadly behind. We have quite a bit of line out but we don't have the transformers. Jay Carroll reported that they would be in. !i!r. Harstad said that the trans- fo~rrers were the controlling thing. !v!r. tiarstad reported that we haven't been able to get a penalty clause in regards to equipment. No one is /!poked up as yet and they don't have the 3 transforiiler Lines. Dick Myers stated if this 80 working days is to be completed by working overtime is that worth doing it if we are not in a big rush. (,.,.,/. SEWA;W, AT"ASKA SPESIAL T!'11\ETING JUNE 8, 1956 Continued Discussion. fo Llowed on the difficulty involved in keeping a good crew and IVJr. Harstad pOlnted ou~ that the only substantial reason for ~orking overtime is to keep a substan~lal crew on. The union men are looking for long hours so they can ma-ke thelr money fast. Mr. '!arstad stated that working overtime is a matter of policy that you. gentlemen can decide. It is a matter of policy whether or not you are gOlng to go for oV8rt,',ae. ,t '0'111 SUC;C;C'3t ';'11, 'on .i it,: ~;()~r'F_ CO'<;~lc.~e}'~,tion ,-,0 J Ih. r..:ou}-'l.. ,1.:.:~,-1 '/0 situation. I contacted the Forrest Service, stated :.lr. Harstad, and discussed with them the time schedule and I mentioned to them that our June 30 to mile 8 was rather "nip and tuck". If our transformer arrives in time we ;;:111 have to energize on that. The Forrest Service suggested that if it were to go over the time limit we should make a formal application for an extension. The reason we have to do this is because we have a few people looking at us and shooting. There is no penalty for hot being up there by June 30th. Mr. Harstad had discussed vdth llr. Carroll that they should keep a small crew durinr; the rough ,veather. Mr. Carroll stated that they had 10 men in now and called in for 2 more from the union. There are 17 men on the books, but they won't come dorm. T'!ere is only one that will come down. Mr. Carroll stated that the average overtime worked is 3 hours a week for each man. Mr. Harstad stated sometimes it pays us to work overtime to finish up a particular job, and if you are only averaging 3 hours a week that is real good. Mayor Stockton stated that in our meeting we WJr. Sheppard it was understood that we are going to have to take a big look at the second stagJof this project. Mr. Harstad stated that in June you will havetreport from your ~uditor on the revenues, on the operating expenses for the first 6 months plus the work to June 30. By a little later in the summer you will have the information you want and I want to see the figures mYSelf stated Ivlr. Harstad. In regard to the feasibility the reason to go to Moose Pass is to get to the hydro. If it was just to serve Moose Pass, it would be different. This is a part of a program and was never a strict time schedule. We can show the 1.50 coverage and vie have a good margin of safety. I thl* we are 9% aiJove last year. ,If we had one good solid customer on it woul e ~l over the mark. If you got Homer it would be mOre than enough to et your deal. You have adopted this new rate schedule and over a period of quite a few months that will show a larger load and a lower cost to customers. In answer to a question put to Mr. Harstad by C:IJn. Petrovich, Harstad stated that the total investment sun~ into the hydrg exclusive of the fringe is, roughlty around $50,000.00 and that might bemgh estimate. Mr. Harstad explained about the insta lation of the wires and gave some technical information in regards to the line to Moose Pass. He pointed out that before we get hydro we carry 69,000 volts and we are just going to run 3 m,res to Moose Pass. He also pointed out that we were going to Moose Pass only to get to the hydro project. I think, said Mr. Harstag, that stewart saved the City of Seward $25,000.00 for the Moose Pass system is obsolete and the transformers are sub-standard. If you can avoid buying that system, you will get the power anyway. Selling power from Seward to Homer was discussed and Mr. Harstad ststed that if we wern't going onto hydro I wouldn't think you would want to sell power from Seward, however since you are going on the hydro you could say that it is available right now. Mr. Harstad pointed out that there are quite a few factors now that are changing your load. Clm. Petrovich asked if we were going to carry insurance to protect the people and Jay Carroll stated we are fully covered for insurance and we are protected against any accident. We have to follow the National electric CJde and insurance coverage is required in there. The airport poles were discussed and it was understood that took a Jim outlook on the poles at the head of the airport. stated we should have picked it up, however we corrected it was caught in time. Things like that will corne up, pointed however we will correct them. Cordova Airlines Mr. Harstad and that one out Hr. Earstad, Clm. Petrovich asked if Bear Lake was going to take power from us and Pa. Harstad stated that they weren't figured in the estimate, however there is some talk that they are going to take power from us. I know the first month you are not going to get the load as shown on my estimate. Clm. Lee asked if we would have surplus power to supply Homer~~nd Jay Carroll stated that it would not be firm power. If we lose our 12~ilowatt we would suffer a power shortage, and also if we lose our big machine. ~~en your hydro is installed there is nothing wrong with doi~ it and we would still have firm power with the deisel generator. If you picked it up the diesel would be on standby in case of emergency. Mr. Harst~ pointed out that the hydro unit I ., ;,''''', , > ., "'...... ....'~~ ;:J I I /" ,.... "i. :'":: S.t:WARD, ALASKA SPECIAL HEETING JUNE 8, 1956 Continued is highly dependable and with 3500 hydro and 28CO diesel, you will have the best protected system in F~aska. The .hol~ project is being checked up and is first :rate continued Mr. Harstad. \'lhen the June reports are in and the first 6 months of the system, probably sometime late in July and August we can appraise if com~letely. You figure man hours plus overhead, plus equipment rental. Jay carroll stated that according to the contract estimate, we are about 1/3 complete. We are more than that oomplete as far as the work is. In line with questions asked by Clm.. ; 'etrovich in regard to the lllaintance crew and \'lLere their time was being clarged to, Mr. Carroll stated that :tX eacl> men haa a card and he allows how much time he puts on each job. On equipment the time is shown in regards to how much time is actually worked on the maintance of the equipment. All of the maintance is charged off to the utility and the actual hours worked is charged to the place it is supposed to go. Mr. Carroll pointed out that we are covered by T~rritorial law to have so many men on a crew and we will have 3 men steady~ Discussion follo'Ned on a letter which Has drafted by Mr. Harstad to the Federal Power COllllllission in l>lashington, D. C. in regard to the City of Seward objecting to the licensing of the Cooper Lake Hydroelectric project to the Chugach Electric Association because the project will int...rfere with the Seward Crescant Lake project. Mr. Herstad stated that l1e had tried to incorporate everyones views on this. I-Ie also pointed out that this should come from the City. Chtrman of the Utility Board, Mr. Trovethan took a consensus of opinion from the utility Board members and they were one of the same in agreeing to file the objection. It was suggested that we incorporate in the letter the fQct that 3eward Can presently supply Homer and Kenai with power from its diesel plant while the hydro project is under way. City ~~nager Hardinge suggested that in regard to the officials of Chugach purchQsing Xoose ~ss for the purpose of interfering with Seward's project that that was something that couldn't be proved and the words napparently for that reason" should be included in tl:tere. Mr. r~rstad explained each papagraph of the letter and discuss.on followed on each point as the letter was read by the City Clerk. "1 move that we recommend to the City Council that the objection be filed with the Federal Power COIT~ssion," s~id Board Member Turner. Motion seconded by steers. Roll: Trevethan, yes; Steers, yes; Turner, yes. Motion carried. "1 move that the Utility Boards recommendations to file the letter of protest witl> the Fedpral Power Commission be accepted and the City Manager be instructed to sign this letter on behalf of the City Of Seward," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll: Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, Yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. APPROVED: W't-"1: 4 \.,,;; --Lt-J1:,) PERRY R: STOCKTON, M:iyor ATTEST: $1fr~ /.v~ o crT'[ CLERK i - - -.... - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - -... - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ ' ,. . -%) -} SE'NARD ALASKA REGULJl..R MEETING JUNE 18, 1956 A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. wit~ Mayor stockton in the chair. The following Councilmen were present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich. Late: Clm. Durant & Clm. West. Also present, City Manager Hardinge and City Attorney Tyner. Hinutes of the regular meeting of June 4th and the special meeting of June 8th were read and approved of as read. Under people present Mrs. Blue stated she wondered how it happened the city allowed a quonse". hut within the city limits. ~rrs. Blue was referring to the new business that had just started up on 4th Avenue and she stated that it was her understanding that there was a time limit on how long quonset huts could stay wi thin the city limi h. Clm. Petrovich stated th:'lt we had it brought before us one time that Andrews was to reestablish/.fActuallY he had neverdtisoontinued sales in that building. If he hasn't been out of business,we can't deny him the right to operate the business now. Mrs. Blue pointed out that the business is now operating under the name of Bayside Sporting Goods. Clm. Lee as.ed if the business was licensed properly. ~xs. Blue stated that the business people were not trying to scare new business out of town, but that they were trying to improve the looks of the City, and she also wondered about the things which were sitting out on the sidewalk and if womething couldn't be done about that. Harry Southard reported that the City has an ordinanoe which was adopted in 1945 which qave the owners of the quonset huts 5 years to have them out of the City limits, however it was never enf1)rced because of the city owned quonset huts. Under the present code, continued Mr. Southard, you couldn't give Andrews a permit for any alterations for that building. Chief Seymour was asked for his opinion on this and he pointed out that in Ordinance No. 212 there might be something in there about creating a hazard and also it was required under law that a business have a Territorial Business License to operate. Clm. Lee suggested that we check to see if the guilding was a fire hazard. After further discussion the Council decided that we should check to see if Andrews had a Territorial Businecs License to operate. Mr. Blue reported to the Council that on the West side of 3rd Avenue just below Jefferson street on down all of the cars park nose into the sidewal~ therebY leaving nb place for the pedestrians to "Talk. This situation was discussed and Mayor Stockton suggested tha.t we ask them to ~rk parall~l. The Council instructed City Manager Hardinge to look into the parking situatiGn on Third Avenue. Ordinan~~o. 266 the amendment to the police ordinance was brou0ht up for discussion. It was tabled at the last regular meeting pending a legal report from the City Attorney on boats. In regard to Section 101.1 (c) the part which referred to boats and what the police powers were on boat~, City Attorney Tyner reported that she had nBde an extensive search into Federal statutes and Territorial laws ~nd could find nothing that says a boat may not be boarded by the police if it is moored within the corporate limits of the City. The City doesn't own the land under the water, but nevertheless it has the jurisdiction whether it is a document8d vessel or not. I have not found any probate against it and if there is such it is some Federal legality. It is my opinion thAt the City would have jurisdiction on any boat moored to any dock within the city limits. Clm. Durant asked where the City limits extended and if the Army Dock would be considered within the City limits whereupon Mr. Southard stated that the ~hole water front was within the City limits and that would include the Army Dock to. City Attorney Tyner stated that the city was about to m~ke health regulations and in going on the vessels you would check with the skipper or the person in charge before going aboard. Vayor Stockton questioned our authority on the small boats and City Attorney Tyner stated we would have complete power to 00 on those. V~yor 3tockton as~ed that the City Attorney keep ohe~~in~ on this and let us know if shj.finds anything to the ~ontrary. City Attorney ~Jn~r fpco~~ended that we^not remove the word "boats" from the ordinaA~.~A~~is for the protection of the ci tizens. Mr. Sontaa was ask8d for his opi~~~~~on this and he told of a mase in Valdes - .. be last winter where ~ City Police wouldn't take a man off a boat cause he fel'; he didn't have the authority without the Marshall. He stated he had heard of another case where the district court had thrown a case out of court because they took them off of a boat without the Marshall. Of Course, Mr. Sontag continued, if the dock or such is aBministered by the City I would think that they would have authority to go aboard a toat, also big cities have harbor police. Federal Officers or the Coast Guard are the only ones that can take a man off of a ship or boat on the high seas. !"-,"", i":" 4 . , SE\-lARD F.LASKA ItEGULAR HBETING JUNE 18, 1956 Contin'-lad Clm. Petrovich stated that he wouln go along with the City Attorneys Recommendation. Ma~rStockton said that we could keep looking and inquiring on this and if we are honestly mistaken, then we can change it if we find we are out of our jurisdiction. I Clm. Durant stated tpat De heard there ~as a law suit pending against the City in regard to those ~ersons being j:icr.:ed up at the Small Bci"tt harbor for non-pay~~nt of slip rental fees. Mr. Bads was j:resent and he st.ated that he had seen the lettp"( and the lawyer had agreed to take the case inasmuch as the ci ty l~asn't furni shin,] the services they were charging for and therefore he had a good point to sUe on. Mayor Stockton stated. in regard to Ordinance No. 266. that inasmuch as tre ordinance had been tabled at the last regular meeting that the City Attorney had advised him thiit in so doing it was her opinion they would have to start allover with the first reading or pass the ordinance tonight under suspension of the rules. '~.'.~"l Discussion followecl on Ordinance No. 266 and Cl ty Manager Hudinge reported to the Council that he had sent out a letter along with a questionaire to various cities in Alaska asking about their Small Boat Harbors. He stated he had received answers from Cordova, Ketchikan, and Sitka. He stated that these cities carried liability insurance on their small boat harbor and Cordova charged $24 to $75 a year slip rental. Ketchikan and Sitko. charged no alip rental. Clm. Petrovi~h stated that this could have a direct bearing on the situation on tris &nd when we get the rest of the answers back, we ShOll1d be able to rietermine just '."hat the extent of our liabili tv is. City l%nager Hardinge stated that Bob Sharp of Ketchikan is having the .same trouble ,.Jith the fi sherman down there, in regard to the cities jurisdiction ~n the Err~ll Boat Harbor Are~ ane they threaten them with law suits and so forth. . " ....'-i~ iT..:] I "1 move that the rules be suspended." said Clm. ,-'etrovich. Seconded by Clm. Hall. City Attorney Tyner suggested that the rules be suspended for the adoption of Ordinance. No. so and RO inas~uch as it has been tabled and it had been read twice before. I "I move the ru10S be suspended for tDe purpose of ~assing Ordinance No. 266. Reason for suspension of the rules is because Ordinance No. 266 was. tabled for legal discussion and. had," all ready been read twice. I move that Ordinance Ne. 2E:6 be passe.i tonight.,. said Clm. Petrovich. "'f'conded by Clm. Hall. Roll: Clm. Blair, yes;. DuraTlt. yes; P.&ll. yes; Lee. Yes; Petrovich, yes; l-lest. No. Notion cdTried. City }finager Hardinge re~d the agreemenHfrom the Territory Highway Engineers authorizing $25.000.00 for thZ-City of Eeward to build two new finger floats at th~ Small Boat I~rbor. t~rdinge stated that t:bis was in accordance with v,;cat we ha':! Cl,iE.cuE,sed previously on the S:ni'l1l EO'lt Earbor. He stabc' that Hr. Huhhud of the Territorial Engineers Office was here and '.'€ have gone into it l...-ith Sontag. Mr. contag will repair the old float and build the 2 new floats for the $25.000.00 and the City will fumish the harct...rare which ",rill am:)'lnt to about $708.00. '~:e have that n:oney left in tpe Small Boat Harbor fun:l. City Hanager Hardinge reported that tDE' present fl oat will 1:c,? timbers and it will 'ce i!1 Eections same as it is now. Discussion folJ.owed on how tle floats would be repaired. The Fardware will consist of bolts, cable drift pins and the like stated the Ci ty Nanaqer and will conLe to about :;>7rn. The new float 1>ri 11 be one solid f] oat. T11e job will start as soon as tlw breahnteI' job is co:nplete. Mr. Sontarj wa s present and Ci ty lI.anager 1-fardinge stated that lIr. Sontag understood all trBt had been mentioned ~re. The float is to be built by the Territorial plans find he 1,[ill get 20% until the job is dompleted and there will be progress reports. I'Ir. Sontag pointed out that it ',,,ould only t",ke about two tidE'S to fix He old float and they wouldn't do it on the ,:lays of the salmon derby. Clm. Petmvi ch aakwl if we were (1ojpg to be ahle to supply the facilities thC'.t we intended to supply and Mr. Hardinge stated that in next years budget there is an amount cet up for the facilities. J.!.a;ror f.tocJcton stated that thiE' agreement was with the T9rritory and asked if we had an 5<;;r"ement with }ir. Sontag whereupon City P.anager Hardinge stated that the a'Jreement with Sontag wqs verbal until we get it made up and before I can do that I have to get this ~;reement approved. "r make a motion we accept the Territories proposal relative to repair work on the float at the Sma~l Boat F~rbor," said Clm. Durant. Motion Sec,:mded by Clm. ',.Jest. Roll: Blair; VI'!s. Durant. yes; Hall, yes; Lee. yes; Petrovich. yes; West, yes: Motion c~rried. " SEWARD, ALAEKA REGULAR NEETING JUNE 18, 1956 Continued Mayor stockton suggested that the City 1'la.nager have another agreement ready for the next meeting. City Manager Hardinge asked that item (c) on the agenda be moved to the first item under New Business. There were no objections frl'lJTl the Council members. City Manager Hardinge stated that Mr. Gillespie has an asppalt distributor at Kenai. "I have looked at it and I have had Mr. Ross inspect it and the asking price is $3750. I personally think it is a good buy and so does Mr. Ross. I would like a special appropriation from the Council to purchase this distributor." said City Manager I~rdinge. They have 3,000 barrels of asphalt at Fairbanks that we can get. It may cost something to bring it down however, the Railroad can give us free freight if we improve some of the streets adjoining the railroad to the amount of the freight. They indicated tnat they would go along with that. This is a special appropriation from this year. Councilman asked Mr. Har~inge where the money was goinW to come from whereupon he stated that he would like it to come out of the Capital Improvement fund.- There is $9,000.00 in there which will not be used untill next year and we can pick that up on next years budget. There are 2 other people interested in that distributor, continued the City Manager and I have been trying to get one ever since I have been here. Clm. Petrovich pointed out that even after we get pavement there are still going to be some streets without pavement and we can use the distributor on those strpets. Mr. Gillespie stated that it was a brand new machine and it has only had steady work on it about 8 days. It is in top shape and is mounted on a GMC truck. The city f~na~er stated that he would want 50G of the drums of a~phalt in Fairbanks and it is Army Surplus and 2~ of the aquisition price would be about 14* a barrel, then we have to buble that with fuel oil. Clm. Petrovich stated that he didn't think there was a peoparty owner in town that would object to a moderate assessment to have the str~ets asphalted. Clm. Durant asked about the permanancy of the job and Gillespie stated that the streets would only have to be asphalted once a season. Clm. Hall stated that we were behind in the sales tax fund and that we had to support the schools and if the sales tax fund won't do it we will have to take frbm the General Fund. If we can't pay for it now and the new budget won't stand it, then we shouldn't get it. City Vanager Hardinge stated that you couldn't take out of the General Fund and rut in the Sales Tax Fund. Lengthy discussion followed on the purchase of the asphalt distributor and l~yor Stockton suggested that we hold it over and discuss it along with the budget. Clm. Hall stated that we could not give it justice tonight and we should hold it over, however Mr. GillesFie' stated that he couldn't hold and he would have to know tonight because he was leaving for Kenai soon and would want to tell the other party yes or no. Clr,-Yptrovich pointed out that last year when we set the millage rate we provi- ded~to~sed for improvement of the streets and other things. The City Yanager estimated a saving of 10~ maintenance expense on the city strpets. Mr. Southard stated that we could use the equipment to keep the Sust down if we have the money to pay for it. ~xs. Blue stated that she thought it would be a shame to pass ur an opportunity like that and the dust is a very unhealthy situation in Seward and sorrething should be done about it. HI make a motion that the City ~~nager be authorized to negoiate for the purchase of the asphalt distributor down at Kenai," said Clm. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, No; Lee, No; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion Carried. The next item on the agenda ~as the setting of the dates for the Equali- zation BOGrd meetings. Mr. Southard stated that he would like the board to meet in the second week in July. Discussion followed and Mr. Southard suggested that they meet Monday Through Saturday the 9th through the 14th bm evenings and four afternoons. Resolution No. 101., a resolution fixing the dates for the Board of Equalization meetings the second week in July, was read. "I move that Resolution 101 be adopted and designate July 9th through July 14th as Equalization Boerd Meeting week," said Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll: Blair, yes; Dlilrant, yes, Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Motion carried unanimously. A letter was read from YJ. Southard to the Mayor and the City Manager asking for the accquisition of Lot 13 Marathon Addition for the p~npose of improvinJ the hospital site. Mr. Southatd stated that everyone all around would be better off if we had that open area around the hospital. Mrs.- Ray had not been contacted yet. Discussion followed on the number of city cwned lots around town and that they chould be put up for sale. l~. Southard stated that some sort of a retaining wall would have to be built and that would cost more than the cost of the lot, however if we had it it , .f~ ., , 8&lJ\RD, i'LASKA ~EGULAR MEETING JUNE 18, 1956 Continued I could be graded off to a gentler slo~~ which would ~,ke the entrance more accesRable. I think she may take it if she can get her money out of it continued Mr. fouthard. 81m. West stated that we should gpt some money out of some of the other property around town that we own. Clm. Durant sugges~ed that we put the lots up for bid and see 'rhat we can get for them. ~~yor stockton suggested that maybe WP. could swap on of our lots for that one of hers. Clm. Fetrovich asked that before the next maeting that Mr. Southard spot with colored paper on the map the city owned lots and have an estimate on what ,..re mey be able to get out or them. ,..,"....,1 J~~ The School Bud;Je$' was moved '..lp next on the agenda. ,', letter of transmittal in regarn to the Seward School Budget 1956 - 1957 w~s read by the City Clerk. ~tr. Carlson, Superintendent of Schools,was presEmt and he explained that t}',e budget was about $1281.CO less than last years budget. $137,140.00 is the amount that is actually to be raid into the school board and the city also pays the debt service on the addition to the elementar,r School and ",Jf'O the insurance. $67,140 to the Seward School Board plus $14,380, plus approximately $2200 on insurance premiums would be the amount p~id bv the City. Clm. Petrovich asked if the Armory was worked in on this and Mr. Canson stated th3t if the Scnrr) Board g08S in on the Armory that eATense would come from the Tabacco Tax. City 1-lanager Hardinge point"!ri ('ut that the $67,OOO.OC, the insurance and the bo~ payments are set up in the sales tax fund. Mr. Carlson stated that the bonds and the insurance 0n the new high school is paid from the tobllcCO tax. The ~67,140 set up in the budget is used for si':-laries) e:juipment operccting <'!xpens€s) and main- tananBee. T~e fact that the sales tax is falling off was discussed. l'..r. Carlson pointed out that they wern't going to spend the full amount of this years budget inasmuch 1l" they thought tr.ey were ~~ing to have to employee 36 teacp~rs, however the new high school wasAmade available for so long that thl"-Y had tel:Jtay on a double shift bads nits they only employed 34 teachers. Also, we have postponed buying equipment thet we could have used, cdmtinued Mr. Carlson. elm. FE'trovicr "lsl,pd I" ':ne ~,,11q,1 1-JC\Jld expect full payment and Mr. Carlson stated thet he thought they were over drawn at Juneau but he '!lould like to have the benefit of this years audit l~fore saying. The City owes about ~3n,000.00 no.; on this years budget. Mr. Carmson continued, in saying that the tuition on children outside the city limits just about breaks even. ::,:) ,~ -~? ~-.l... [<..'l I "I move that the propo~ed Seward School Budget as presented to us," said Clm. Hall. 3econded Hotion Carried Unardm:n.cly. Roll as follows: teall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yeF; "no vied, 1956 - 1957 be adopted by Clm. Petrovich. Blair, yes, Durant, yes; Ye~. I The next item on the agenda was discussion of the Small BOat Harbor Ordinance No. 256. Mr. Don Lowell Was present and he presented a petition to the Council with about 20 signitures representing the small boat owners on it. Until such time as there are improvements on the :float such as water on the float and electric power, stated Mr. Lowell, we are willing to pay ~O for small boats and .~J.OO for cabin cruisers and up. Mr. Lowell reported that onl;r 2 persons refused to sign the petition. We are vulling to pay something but we do think $8.00 is a little too high. We are asking that the ordinance be exempt as far as charging the higher fee until I such ti~:1e as the float is fixed up. We are asking that any boat moored over 5 days will pay the fee. If this is adopted, stated Mr. Lowell, we feel there will be more harmony about it all the way around. We .are behind the City Council and we are vvilliBg to pay something and when the Boat Harbor is co;npleted we are willing to go right back to what the ordinance says. The City Manager stated that he was working on the possibility of getting the toilet facilities and Mr. Lowell stated that he was having a 'hone installed for free. Discussion followed on some type of fire equip- ment on the dock. City Attorney su:t,gested that we draw up another ordinance suspend the rules and pass it. ;le can have this ready for the next meeting, July 2nd. We can leave the rates b '.ank and the Counci~ can decide what they want inserted and then if the rates are to be adjusted that m~ be done by resolution. Mayor 3tockton suggested that we have another meeting on Thursd~y night at 7:JO P.M. to discuss the 1956 - 1957 Budget. This was agreeable to the Council. 'T'hA Bills for tr? Hon+J1 of M~'. "'"re read and they were as follows: '-'J SEWARD, ALASKA REDULAR ),"EETING JUNE 18, 1956 Continued Alaska Communication System, $12.84; Alaska Telephone Corporation, $49.90; AmArican Public Works Association, $10.00; Andy's Oil Delivery, t?388.44; R~.E. Baumgartner, $100.00; Bill's Parts & Service, !~0.50; Glenn Carrington Company, $56.81;. Win Ervin !,~otor, $10.00; Holbrook Printing Co., $43.80; Northern Commerclal Co., $14.03; Pacific Coast;tamp Vrorks, $20.49; Pete's Paint & Body Shop, $65.00; Petty Cash, $49.29; Ray's Oil Service, $72.00; Seward Builders :3upDly, $5.20; Seward Drug, $18.75; Seward Electric, $886.40; Seward Hardware, $7.20; Seward Machine Shop, $17.52; Seward Trading Co. $87.95; S'eward 'dater System, $W.5.00; Standard Oil, $291.09; Norbert Swoboda, $25.00; Yukon E~lipment, c,?439.78; T,rler Products, $29.48; Dorothy T,yner, ;$150.00. Total $3326.47. The question of carryinr; the water bills and the electric bills over as a liability for the rest of the year was brought up. The bil.L from Er. Baumi~artner was discussed and tl1e City !L'mager stated that he had authori'7,ed the hiring of Bamile;artner for the case. The c c,y Clerk read a letter from Dorothy ~'~er and it set forth a reauest for a sum of :?400 a month starting July 1st for legal services "rendered to the city and t'?P letter wa; dated June 18t. h. Discussion followed on v{hether or nO~he legal 8ervices for City Attorney could be put out on a bid basis. The point Was also discussed as to nhether or not the cases that were pending J'ould hang fire and City Attorney T,yner pointed out that no attorney would leave a case hang fire. The cases ';iould either be left w th the present attorney or be turned over to another attorney for disposition. The City Attorney was aSked about a report to the Council on what cases were pendinp; and ',',hat was beinG dme on certain cases. The CitT Attorney said that the only report she had ever been asked to make was v{hen O'Hara was here and he asked me to make a yearly report. Clm. Hall asked what the procedure would be when you are not in town whereupon City Attorney stated that as it is under this 3'!t up I would be responsible for everything, however in this case with Empey it was an emergency and you had to have an attorney. As it is now it is a part-time arrangeilent. "I move that the bills be approved with the exception of the water and electric bills and that they be carried as liabilities, and add Mr. Baumgartner's bill to that until Mr. Hardinge can arrive at an opinion on that., II said Clm. Petrovich. Seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll ~ir, ye, Durw1t, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; Vrest, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. , I City Manager Hardinge stated that he would c~eck with the Territory on that and that he would talk to Maggie Edward~on~. It was Jointed out that the district attorney stated the case had to be prosecuted an d if they had won the case the C~illnissioner would have gotten the money. Hardinge said that he would check and make sure. Clm. Petrovich stated that if they prosecuted the case they have to pay, however the City Manager authori.7,ed the bill and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of p~ng the bill. Thi s r'~port Wi'] ~ A sanitary survey 1~a3 reai by the City Clerk. from the Denartment of Health, dated June 11, 1956, and it was the results of a survey Oonducted here in Seward by Mr. Frank Booth Anc:i JV'..r. Glenn 1-:c}TN'8H. A letter dAted June 18, 1956 was read from Dr. J. B. Deisher in rQg~r~ to putting Lots 1 and 2 up for bid and changing the zoning from anJ R-l district to an R-3 classification which would permit the cOI1strnction of a doctor's office upon them. Dr. Deisner st~ted trot he had talked to most of the members of the planning & 70ni.nq Commission and they stated it should be no proble~ to have that district re~onedt if no one in the ciistrict objects to the rezoning. Tl1e matter of puttin'1 the lots up for ~id was discussed and the point was brought out that the City has the riqht to rejAct any and all ~ids. HI move we authorise the City ~~nager to have lots I and 2 of the ~Brathon Addition put up for sale,H said Clm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Blair. Motion Carried and Roll W~S ~R follows: Blair, yes; Durant, VfOf:; -,!dll, Present; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes. Discussion followed on the other city owned lots i:< tovT:'l awl the City Manager W~3 to check on the sale value of them. lrr. Hardinge stated that some of tl1e ~eeds are olaar, however some of them will take some research. Jl. letter was read from +11.. Soward Chamber of COml'llerCe in regatd to the oontrol and licensing of bicycles in th", City of ~~I:ld.. 1)iscussio~. followed in regard to settina up an educational ~~ ~~lth t~e pollce department";: teach~ a child the rul"ls of handling a Lit cycle properly. The police could set up a.n oral training program. The Council had no objection to the City Manager '..-orking with -;:;1e police department in setting up a program such as this. 1'\ .~ S2\AJARD, ALF.SK.A REGULAR MT:ETING JUNE 18, 1956 Continued A lett...r was read from the Seward Chamber of Commer<"e in regard to the dust situation on 3rd Avenue. Discussion followed on the speed the trucks were going within the City limits and the City }~nager reported that a numb€'y of tickets l:\ad been issued to the trucks. elm. Lee stated that if we lose a child we will be very sorry we did not pnforce tne ordinance. A request from a local ba.,ber wes presented asking that his sales tax ne n,funded. Petrovich stated that when Hr. Simi came up to pav his sales tax he waw uneer the impression that all the other barber!" were paying. No actio!" THS taken on this request. I The !_arhng limit on 4th Avenue was ciiscussed and Clm. liall stated that we should aSJrthe Seward Chamber of Commerce to ask the merchants not to park on the main street or in front of their stores all day. r~etin~ adjourned at 12;40 A.M. '''-4 I\PFROVED ~ ; '\ ~::) ~J:: (:'::J ATTEST: )J;~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, A ASKA SPECIAL :1EETIPG JUNE 21, 1956 A sD8cial Cleetine; of the Council was called to order about 8:15 P.U:. with Mayor stockton i" +ne chair. The following Council men were present: Clm. Blair, Ha];l, Lee, Petrovich, and dest. Late: Clm. Durant. Also present Ci tv Manager Hardinge. I Mayor 3tockon stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the 1956 - 1957 Budget. I The sales tax fund was discussed and City Hanager Hardinge stated that all other funds that operate from the general fund when they come to the end of the year any balances should revert back to the general fund. All departments do this except the school budget stated l.Ir.ardinge. The po nt was brou,~ht out that the School Board should not try to 3tock pile their funds and if all of their bills are paid and they have money in the bank they should make an adjust- ment on the budget for this year so we nouldn' t have to pay back that $3h,ooO.00. The money could have been used on improve'Ilents had they had the money. Mayor ~)tockton suggested that we should have the benefit of the schools audit before we D~,,.on the budget and the Gity Manager stated that PO;3 sibl4f we ~~~ get the audit back until August or September. This :$34,ooo.ob now is a booLkeeping problem and will be set up as a liability on next years books. The thing is, continued the City Manager, you set up a budget for what each departmest wants to operate on. At the end of the year any adjustments should be made and any balances should go back to the general fund a.'1d be real'Located. Every rmdget is a single operation and your budget is just for 12 months. Discussion followed on how short the sales tax fund was and City Manager Hardinge stated that we shouldn't penalize other funds just because the sales tax fund is short. Clm. Hall stated that even if we took in another $15,000 we 'lIould still be short and vre started out this year with a ~~5,(~0 deficit from the budget of last year. City Manager Hardinge in his recolllmendation on this matter stated that 4r~smuch as the sales tax isn't covering the school expenses he woule suggest we set up an inde~~.,c'l"'1t school district. That way you can tax anyone \'iho is in thesehool district. In e1l1 independent school district it would cost you an extra .~5 a year per person. Clm. Hall stated that he had heard through the grapevine that the Chamber of Commerce/(new of 30 businesses in town that had never :laid any sales tax. Seeley Hall, a member of the Chamber of COI:unerce, was present and he stated he knew nothing of this. City Manager Hardinge reported that he is having the jales Tax Ordinance printed in booklet form and whenae receive them Vie will send a copy to every business in town. Discussion followed on having a business license in the City just to keep track of the .)ales tax. Mayor 3tockton said that he thought it would be a good idea to have a meeting with the school board and disCUJS with them just mlat they have to have this ;1pJ4,OOO for. .1 " ~ , c.t. SEiJARD, ALASY.A ;PECIAL ',;j;;E'rING JUN,;; 21, 1956 Continued Discussion 'Cloved on the balance of the budget and Clm. Hall asked if the salaries were going to be the same as they are now and City 1mu~ager Hardinge stated that he did not change the salary schedule. at all. Clm. Lee asked if it was going to cost more for the garbage contract to make the longer haul and City Manager stated that he had talked to Gallow~ and he said he would get a packer if we would let the contract for 5 years. Discussion of Page 1, the Revenue Sheet, followed and it was noted that therG was nothing set up in the 1016 account, Sale of Property and we may be able to expect somettin3 in that acc~lnt for next year, however ... Ci ty anager Hardinge stated that r.e '...rould !;tate to say how much we were going to sell and it would be hard to estimntp.. Clm. Hall ~ointed out that the budget alone was $11,000.00 over even if we take everything in we say we are going to. }byor Stockton u5ked if we had figured anything on the 11elfare Insurance and City Hanagar hardinge stated that he hadn't yet. Clm. Hall stated that the word "Taxi" should be added so Acoount 1007 will read Taxi M. V. Drivers Licenses. The water departments financial situation was discussed and the Citv Manager recommended that the City take over the Water department and then you would only have to have 2 employees and it could be Horked in with the street deputment. The rates were discussed and the City Manager stated that the rates were going to have to be adjusted sometime because they were falling behind on their bond pay_ ments. The Street Lighting account '...as discussed and it \'/as pointed out b', the City Manager that the street lights were on one meter. Discussion follcy...red on haw it came out tr.e same each month and the tho1!(:rht l'/as that it was set up on a flat rate basis rather than a kilowatt basis. In the folice Department account the ac~ount Meals for Prisoners was discussed and the City Clerk e~lained the the credit for the care of Federal Prisoners is applied against this accounI~ay come out ahead at +~~ ~nd of the year. The Equipment M. S. M. was discussed and it was the thought of some of the Councilmen that there should be another acco1mt set up for vehiGle replace:mnt. Miwor stockton 8C'.id that the idea 4 years 'igo wee to r"'pl~()",the vehicle every two years. Over a period of time the n:ainanance of an old car off sets the cost of a ne'" one. Clm. Lee stated that if a vacancy occurred in the jJol ic '" departw'>nt, Mr. Forrest Kennedy said he could operate the police departn~nt ...ith one less man and thaYrwould be $6,000.00 less. Clm. Hall stated he would b~ glad to find out hCY~ he could do it. Clm. Lee statpd that he has been here 25 years and I understand he would work c shift. JfJthink we should give it a little thought if ~e can save $6,000 contim:l'd :lm. Lee. The handling of prisoners for the Federal Government l.HS discussed and the Council th'Ju.]"h t we shOll 1:1 loo\:: into the feasibi 1 ty of turning the prison over to the Federal Governmer,t. Ibyar stockton sug.gest..d that the City }1::.nager conto.ct Mr. Casey of the Fe:c,E:rc,1 ]"n System and see if he would be intQrestod in this proposal. ~e possibility of the Territorial Folice tdkin~ over the City Police duties was discussed and Clm. Hall stated that it would interesting to see wnat fi:Jll!''O!s they would have on it and City Manager Hardinge stated that it was difficult to get the answers until you find out what you want. All of the cases would be tried over in the corrmissioners court. It was the consensus of the Council that Unifonn Allowances be cut from $432.00 to $260.00. I ."1 ~ "".. .",') .' I, .-f' . ., "," rl ...", I I ,;~. q '. SEWARD, ALASKA. SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 21, 1956 Continued The fire department budget was discussed and Clm. Lee stated that Fire Chief Kielcheski was asking for a plid driver in this years budget and the reason for this was because there was a p02sibility of the insurance rating beins lowered. Discussion followed on corrulating the paid driver with the jailor in the police department. The City manager stated that he had never seen a report from the fire underwriters. Clm. Lee stated that the Fire Chief was ove~~rked and he does most of the maintance on the equipme~t hin:self. City Manager Hardinge suggested that Clm. Lee take Mr. Kielchesld.' s proposed budget for the fire department and work it in wit~1~~ had recommended. Discussion followed on the Street Department budget and City Manager Hardinge explained that 404.01, Additions and Extensions ~ ~k8 B~ was for the pruchase of the new dump site. Clm. Hall asked if we were going to continue paying Swobede. $25 a month for tool rental and he further stated that he wOuld rather see it on street salary basis than that $25 coming in with the bills each month. The City Manager explained that when he came here he froze the salaries and that is why we pay Swoboda the tool rental over and above his salary. the dump M.S.M., Account 401.01, was discussed and City Manager explained that that amount was for covering the old dump and maintlning the new site and the amount in the 402.04 account was set up for the purchase of a tractor for the maintance of the new dump. Mayor Stockton asked the City Manager if he had set up an amount for an excess road to the new dump and he stated that would come out of the general operating expense of the street department. Clm. Petrovich pointed out that there was a lot of maintance to that road to Jap Creek that comes out of the street department and he thought that time and labor should be charged to the water company. The City Uanagers accounts were disc\lssed and Clm. Lee asked if it. was true that the City had paid for two cars being brought to Alaska when the City Manager was hired. Ci ty Manager Harclinge replied that there was never anything said about one car and he had had no h~,:sehold furni ture. I had no contract, continued City Manager '-Iarcl.lnge, however it was understood in the interview. Clm. Petrovich stater! that with no furni ture it offset the co:,t of bringing the other car up here. The Taxation iihf7ineering & Inspection Fund was the next item for discussion anu the r~,"'c ~r of Mr. South:i.rd consic:ering part time vr'rk 'Na::; Ji3cussed and also ';.hether or not the ci t,r (~',uId afford to pa.y t]-,is amount of c;al.ary the 'T'car around siqr.e l'1 the )ast it was ;:; t"ree :onth job . City ;me.goY' '];1i',Ji'1 T stated he "ouldn 't consider abolishing the job until after election b~caus~ if the ,)eople cmose to vote out the ':;i ty !;nnai>;er for::! of f:OVern:"ient you are l~oin'; to l1ave to 'lave sOrJeone,;ho is familuar vIith the set-up until you );et your feet on the ground. The General City Administrati.on Fund was next and the City Attorney's request for 1,40, a month was disc'lssed. The Council was not in fayor, of the increase of $2400 in the ,)rese'1t budget and they were not satlsfled Vii th the City Attorney's services. The Ci ty Manager ~Ias asked wha~ he tholJc;ht of the Cit:,T jettarney and he stated that the Clty Attorney lS barred ['1'0'1 the jurisdiction of the City Manager. Clm. Petrovich stated that if "he T;ouLd be here at every meeting a!ld do all the w<Jrk she said $he would it miR;ht be allright. Clm. Durant asked the City Manager if' he thOught it would be im;:1ractical to hi.re a qualified assessor to come in and assess the property and the City Manager replied that he didn't think it would be i::!practic2~. Meeting adjourned 11:30 P.M. 4~ ~ ;'i' ~ . . :;~luf: Mayor ATTEST: p~~ fvl 'J 0 '~,1, ,_ SEWARD, ALASH SPECIAL ;"EETING JUNE 29, 1956 A, sne;:ial m~eting of. the Council was called to order approx".TIately 8 P.M. Wlth "layor )tockton In the chair. The following Councilmen were present: Clm. Hall, Lee, Petrovich, and West. Late: Clm. Durant Absent: Clm. Blair. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to hear the readini7 of a letter from the Forrest Service and to disc1l5s the 1956 - 57 Budget. The C~ty Clerk. read a letter from 1~. J. R. Hardy of the Forrest Service g:antln? the Clty an extension of time to complete the p8le line to Mile 8. DiSCUSSlon followed and the point was brought out that the second section which would be to Mile 32, should be completed by the first of 1957. ' Mayor .3tockton suggested that we make copies of this letter and send a copy to Mr. Shepard and a copy to lfJ1'. Harstad and City Manager Hardinge said that he was going to write a letter to ~~. Shepard and ask him if he thinks we are ~oi~g to get the. money to go ahead with it and if we are not going to get It from them I WJLll have to work with Juneau on it. Mavor Stockton stated the hext item for discussion was the proposed budget fo:r. 1956-57. Clm. Lee asked in regard to the rental for the Marine Ways which amounts to $5,000, what portion of the ~p5,000 is expended on interest and City Manager Hardinge stated roughly about $2500.00. He stated that money could not go into the general fund and we can~ even use that money fo~ improvements until the bonds are retired. Clm. Petrovich asked that the City Manager explain the liabilities once more and City Manager Hardihge stated that the only liability included in the budget is the $1309.50 for Rettig & Scott so the only thing you '1'';,11 carry is the electric and the water bills. Clm. Petrovich stated he didn't see why we should carry the later System Bills as a liability when they owe us $11, 198.58. Discussion followed on tnis so call~d anticipated revenue from the water compeny and the point was also brought out tnat when P~. Shepard was here ne stated the electric system should be able to start paying t~eir taxes and a general assessment would be close to $12,000.00 on them. It was the oonsensus of the Council that when the water rates are raised after the hearings and so forth that we should assess them also and we should ask them to try to pay this $11,000.00 off. The City Manager was asked where tnis $11,198.58 should show and he stated that it would be in the audit, however they could show it along with the liabilities. The City }anager stated that this was just a working budget and the audit would show all the accounts receivable and the liabilities. Ci ty !'ianager Eardinge reported to the Council that the Water Company were behind on their bond rayments and Clm. Hall asked if the utility Board was concerned about it and City Manager stated that so~~ were and some wern't. They think that if the City would pay their water bills they could meet the bond payments. The matter w~s discussed and it was the ~~i~.~f the Council that they should be as concerned about the $11,000.CO item they owe us as we are about our back water bills. Clm. Hall asked how we could wake them up and make them aware of this Bituation dnd Mayor Stockton stated that they should be ~e aware of this. It was the opinion of the Ceuncil that Anticipated Revenue of $11,198.58 from the Water Company should be inserted and also approximately $500.CO in labor which was charged to the Water Company and which was performed ty the street DepartIT~nt. 'The Police Department fund was discussed and Clm. Hall asked the City ~nnager when we would know whether or not we could get rid of the jail and the City Manager stated as soon as he could get an answer and it might be 6 weeks before '",e could gE"t it straightened arouncJ. The number of hours a man should have to work was discussed and Clm. Hall stated th"i t we should decide how many hours a week we should work our men and he thou~ht 48 hours was enough. Clm. Lee stated that 60 hours a week wouldn't hurt them a bit and Clm. Hall stated he was against working the men 60 hours a week. Clm. Hall stated the only way, if you w~nted around the clock coverage, is to have the jailor act as the Fire Department driver also. Dis~ssion followed on consolodating the police dppartment and the fire department and it was decided that it would be pretty hard to do. Discussion followed on how we could provide for a new car in this budget for the police departrr~nt and keep the totals the same. The general feeling was that the present car was costing too much money to operate and we should get a new car. We could call for bids on a standard black I l'd'>"'1 lr.' ,........, ".. < "',1 1-..... I I '~' ~ ....: SEwARD, .t'\LASKA E'FECI P.L YiEETING JUNE 29, 1956 Continued sedan and we could fi x tne old car 1:1) and sell it outright. "I mov~ that the $2,000.00 under ~ the 201.01 account be changed to the 202.03 account and the $100.00 in the 202.03 account be deleted," said Cl~. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. JJiscussion follrJ1'T8r1 on this motion and it was pointed out that sometl:1ing l:1ad to pEl provided in the 201.01 account to provide for gas and oil, etc, and the City FJ(inager pointed out that it 'Nasn't necessary to have a rr.:>tion on all of this if it was the general agreement of the Council and inasmucl:1 as this was not the final draft of tl:1e b~dget. Clm. fetrovich withdrew his motion and !JIm. LE'" "Ji thdrew }1 i s second. The Counci 1 made the following r"'Ocnrrilnendations in regard to tl:1e rolice DepartmE,nt Budget. Reduce 201.02 to $50.00; 201.03 to ~50.00; 201.05 to $50.00; 20'2.0::> to $llle.OC; 202.03 increase to $2,000.CC; 202.04 reduce to iSC.CC; and the City Hanager ::::..r, estimate an amou:\t fer :2('1.01 account to run this new car on. Clm. Hall stated he wanted to go on record as being against working policeman 67 hours a week, and t""t, is wl:1at we are 'N"YVlrw j-}1em now. If we have 5 pol;~~~en it is an average of 67 hours a week. With one on the j&il and one on patrol that is 57 hours a week and I think that 'Nt' are expecting too IT,uch. It is true that the fir.. cDief works hard, continued Clm. Hall, however Catter 3eym o~.'r is on 24 hour call to. The ~rl~~u forg~t is the fact that we are runn:rw hie der:'artn'ents, a jail and a ,.. department. If 'Ii"! cion't have any j 8.il w~ ~ould n:n it on 4 people fine. The g"neral wil'h of tl:1e Council in regard to tLe ::-olice D",partrnent Budget ,laS tha t the' City H:ma'}er "-'1:1' to redrdft it to inc1u<ie a new vehicle wi th- ant eJ-,anging the total J DisCCll'sion followed on the Fire deI=<irtment budget and Clm. LE,e stated that he JlQUl:hbd:k. didn't think thot the hydrant rentals should be ..,1 o~Ll '-~ -";'~.(~cr tILE:; fi~e depsm:ent aC(;n11nt.. !liZCi':'c~i":::1 :=c:'::CT,/t:d en \-.l,y '~T~ e[10ulrl /t.. ~. eVl'n !cve tc' l)ay He rydrant relltc<1. ellD. Lee iiL;o V,i:',tec1 o\;.t tL_at i:ll~ of the heat for the bui1cling "iBE charged to the fire departm'lnt i:,r'-:J'"rt 7ft~-"::; ,'rr' r e U, otc,rt CCIledJ i~'<:i sh:,uld be dene about that, however the City l';anager peinted out that they claimed the building belonged to the fire deI=<irtment, ICO they should pay for t},p l'eat. LEe asked that arrou~,ts be set: Ui-J for tLb f':L~.rcl 6.'=::1:: '.:. f }3Un,(; ;1(~V. ~~(~'~:'f::' ~; red ,;., ~- (; 11,;.1 , , 1_. "'~ i~ for building a station on the lagoon road. The cost for remodeling the fire chief's quarter:o c":" ,->", ~3,lOO.OO instead of ;:;15C10.0(), cOT\tinlJ~d :::::C',. L'~e. TIe ca" !h'1'1iJ"lY'laS instructed to write to otner cities in Alaska to find out hO'"", the;' handle their hydrant rental and whether or not, when the utilities ar~ 8itv owned, if the city has to pAY for the hydr&nts. '!\'" C-"n::il t!',::-t:CTl'd: t':l'it if the r:;'cr:;"1t Rental wee' cut out they might consider hiring a paid driver for the fire department. Vi'lriolls accounts were di sCl\ssed in the street l"!partment :--udc'...t .l'1c1 Ci ty !1anag€r Eilydinge expla tned wrc:t ""''-1:1 covered in each &eCOlmt. The CO'l':1cil recorr~ended that we cut the 402.01 acoount to ~100.00 and the 402.02 account to ~2CO. 00 and that th.. 402.04 aCcolmt be> ,,!C!l,,,t,,,d. The Clerk Fund was diBcu ssed ani it was decidied to reduce the 50(,.01 aC'-''''cnt to $6600.00 and set up $1,000.00 in the 500.02 account making a total for salaries ~f 57600.001 The City ~anagers fund was discussed and it was decided to cut the 605.02 account from $500.0[1 to ~300.00 '",itl:1 the understanding t}-,,,t if the City M6n/iger found it nec,~:,'sary to travel over this expense he should check witl:1 the Council. The Taxation, Engineering & Inspection Fund was discussed and it was decided to jelete the 702.02 account, Field Equipment. The City Hall Fund was discussed in j:Erticular Account 801.03, Civic Center and Clm. Lee suqgested th&t we write a letter to the Volunteer Fireman and ask: them to take over the Civic Center and take care of it as they did in the past. It also might be well to offer them the ;$100.00 to maintain it find make minor repairs, continued Clm. Lee. You shoul~ write1:o stan Niegemann, President. ~ / A"./, S<<CI-t'/tnJ' -' 7/d,;{-", ~ , ,. ....1 -" 3:0','; r\RD , ALASKA ~rECIAL MEETING JUNE 29, 1956 Continlled 'rhe City Attorney's Salary, Account 901.01 ~ under General City Administration Fund was discussed and the T~commendation was to delete the the City Attorney Salary and transfer that amount down under account No. 900.05, Special Counci~ making a total of ~3400.00 in that account. ./ " , Account No. 905.12 was discussed and City Manager Hardinge stated that the asphalt l"ill come from that account and he asked that something be left in that account. The Council recommended that $1,000.00 be cut from 1 the 905.12 account and $500.00 added to the 905.11, Social Security, account. The Council asked that the City ~anager make up an account schedule showing just what went into each account to accompany the budget before its final draft. Clm. Hall asked wha.t the $20,000.00 '",hich is to be transfered to th~ Capital Improvement fund waG earrrarked for un~ City ~~nager F~rdinge stated it was for the hospital and the school bonds. Clm. Hall stated that we should have a statement showing same. The Education, Public Health & Sanitation Find, Account No. 205.01 was cut to $100.00. The matter of an acting ~ayor was brought up and it was the Consensus of the Council that Clm. Petrovich should E,ct as Mayor. It '.vas pointed out that a mayor could be appointed at every regular rileeting and it should be pIa ced on the agenda. ) Meeting adjourned at 1:00 A.M. ATTEST: - - - - - - - - ----- - ----- ----------- , ~ I 'r" -j " r'",\ .;..~... c:) ~< ""~"': ~s-l I I ~-~ ''? SE1dARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING July 6, 1956 The regular meeting of the Council which was scheduled for July 2, 1956 was post- poned to this date because of lack of a quorum on July 2, 1956. The meeting was called to order at approximately 8 P. M. with Acting Mayor Petrovich in the chair. The Roll was as follows: Present: Blair; Hall; Lee; and Petrovich. Late: Durant. Ilbsent: West. Also preset, City Manager Hardinge. The appointment of an Acting Mayor was first on the Agenda to replace Mayor Stockton who was vacationing in the states for the next month. Clm. Hall moved that Clm. Petrovich be appointed as Acting Mayor and the motion was seconded by Clm. Blair, All in fa 'for motion carried. The minutes of the last regular meeting of June 18, 1956, and the Special Meeting of June 21, and the Special Meeting of June 29th were read. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked if there were any corrections or additions and it was pointed out in regard to the minutes of June 29th that stan Niegemann was Secretary of the Volunteer Fireman, rather than President. Clm. Lee brought up another correction in the minutes of June 29th in regard to the City Manager stating that the Fire Department Fund should pay for all of the heat for the City Hall building. Clm. Lee asked the City Manager if he had made this statement and the City Manager stated that he didn't think he had said that. Discussion followed and City Manager Hardinge pointed out that the reason the heat waS all charged to one account was because it all was heated from the same plant. Clm. Lee pointed out that the fire Department shouldn't have to carry the load for the whole building and the heat should be properly di.ided. If this was done, it would look a little better for the fire department and would provide for about $2,000 against the paid driver we are asking for, continued Clm. Lee. Discussion foliowed on the status of the building and Clm. Lee pointed out that the City of Seward actually owned the building, but it was built through volunteer labor from the fireman. Acting Mayor Petrovich stated the minutes stand approved as corrected. Under people present there waS Mrs. Aylen and her son Peter, and Mrs. AYlen stated that her son was here to observe a Council Meeting as one of the steps towards earning a Merrit Badge. City Manager Hardinge reported that a Mr. Charles V1!0los ... an auctioneer, wants to know about renting the Civic Center Wednesday & Thursday. He is wiiling to pay $75 for the two nights and will pay a police officer to stay on the door. This company auOtions name brand merchandise, continued Hardinge. Acting Mayor Petrovich suggested we take this item up under New Business. Under 0111 Business"Cl:m. Hall asked what the status was on the Small Boat Harbor and the $25,000 which the Te~ritory had allo~d us and why the Resolution was not here tonight. City Manager Hardinge stated that the Resolution was in process. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked if Tyner was still our City Attorney inasmuch as we were operating under a new budget and we had decided to eliminate a City Attorney. City Manager Hardinge reported that the Small Boat Harbor Ordinance is being held up until we can get some information on this law suit and in regard to the Agreement with the Territory we have to have the Resolution before we can get that. Discussion followed on the Small Boat Harbor Ordinance and The City Manager stated at first they had decided to rewrite it, but in view of the circumstances it would be senseless to rewrite the ordinance now and then find out we don't have the jurisdiction down there. Clm. Hall pointed out that the Resolution authori.ing the agreement should have been here on July the 2nd and now it isn't even here tonight. I wonder if the Territory will go for this long delay, continued Clm. Hall. City Manager Hardinge stated that we wouldn't lose out on the $25,000 and he assured the Council that the Resolution would be ready for the next meeting. Clm. Durant asked if there wasn't some forms for making up these resolutions in the Alaska Law books. It was his contention that we could handle a lot of these legal forms ourselves. Discussion followed on the City Attorney and whether we should have one or not and Clm. Hall said the City Manager was running the City and he should decide what to do, and the City Manager stated he had no jurisdiction over the City Attorney or the City Treasurer and his recommendation was to cut out the City Attorney and pay for any legal work as we got it. SEWARD, ALAJllAA REGUIAR MEFl'ING July 6, 1956 Dontinued City Manager Hardinge asked the Council for permission to retain a lawyer for this suit that has come up against the City by Martin Korbo and John Baker. He stated that if we dontt appear within 20 days we are liable for default and he recommended that we retain Hellenthal for the case. "I move the City Manager be authorized to engage an attorney to represent the City on this particular case of Baker and Korbo against the City of Seward," said Clm. Lee. Motion Seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called, all in favor, motion carried. Clm. Lee asked if there was a report from the Utility Board and he wondered if they hadntt been a little delinquent in their reports to the Council. City Manager Hardinge stated that we hadntt gotten the one for the month of June yet. Clm. Lee asked what the staus of the new dump site was and the City Manager stated we had some correspondence on that and it would be read under correspondence. Mr. Southard had colored in red pencil the City owned lots and the map was posted on the map board. These City owned lots were discussed. Clm. Lee aSked about Lots 1 and 2 in the Marathon Addition and if they had been put up for bid yet, and City Manager Hardinge stated that it had to be rezoned first before they could be put up for 8ale. He stated it had to be changed to an R-3 District by the Planning and zoningCommi..ion. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked the status of the asphalt equipment and City Manager Hardinge stated that we have everything except the oil and I couldntt do anything before the 4th of .July because we were so busy. He reported that 4th Avenue from Adams to Washington would be asphalted first. The street will be closed from Midnight one night all that day until about 6 otclock the following morning. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked how the Council would feel about setting a moderate assessment to recover some of the money spent on asphalting, and the Council felt that it would have to be on a volunteer basis. waB City Manager Hardinge asked if he had any report back on Baumgartnerts bill for $100 and he stated he had talked to Maggie Edwards on it but he had received no final answer yet. Acting Mayor Petrovich stated that in the event we have to engage another attorney and in view of the things we have discussed do you think we should advise City Attorney Tyner that she is no longer actually the City Attorney and City Manager Hardinge stated that we shouldntt until the Council makes a motion to fire her, however we could advise her of the Cpuncilts intentions. Further discussion followed and Acting Mayor Petrovich stated that it was the wish of the Council that the City Manager advise Mrs. Tpner of the Councilts wish to hire her only for specific jobs. We will leave it up to the City Manager to decide what should be done. but of course now we will have to let it go until the end of the month. City Manager Hardinge stated that he would like to have it go until the end of the month and he would talk to Hellenthal about it. It may be required that Municipalities have an attorney and I want to know for sure whether it is required or not. ,~,. 4' Acting Mayor Petrovich stated that1would ask the City Manager for a report on this as soon as he got back. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked about the dust situation on 3rd Avenue and he stated that it was his understanding that the contractors were to sprinkle the streets and he wondered what had happened to that arrangement. He stat6d that it had been done last year. City Manager Hardinge stated that it was a verbal agreement.. <i:lm. Hall stated the trucks were slowing down. He also said he had talked with Mr. Suanders of Mannix & Stolte and Mr. Saunders told him that if any of the trucks were speeding he would like to know which ones and he would put a stop to it because the City had been very good to the contractors and they wanted to do what was right for the City. elm. L~e asked about the contractors that were hauling lumber and materials out to the city dump and burning it and he noted how 'many nails were on the streets and it was his thought that the streets should all be gone over with a &agnet. It was brought out that they were given permission to use the dump and Clm. Durant asked why they were given permission to use it for free. City Manager Hardinge reported that had pushed everything out to the end of the dump and they had allready left town. I ':--~ ):",:, ",,-"! ~-~ , :",J I I {t, ;~t SEWARD, ALASKA REGUIAR MEEI'ING July 6, 1956 Continued A short discussion ensued on the school budget and the fact of whether or not the school was going to depend on the deficit of last years budget to operate on. Acting Ma~Petrovich stated that he felt there was still an urgent need for a meeting with the School Board in the near future, and City Manager Hardinge stated that the School wanted the benefit of their audit before making any commitments. Clm. Hall asked the status of our budget and when we were going to be able to work on it again and City Manager Hardinge stated that as soon as they got the taxes done up they would work on it. The schedule for the Board of Equalization was made for the days each Council- man was to be present and it was set as follows: July J, Monday 2 - 4 P.M. Blair and Lee: July 10, Tuesday 7 - 9 P.M. Durant and Hall; WedneSday JUly 11, 2 - 4 P.M. Blair and Lee; JUly 12, Thursday 7 - 9 P.M. Petrovich and Hall; July 13, Friday 2 - 4 P.M. Lee and West; and July 14 Saturday 2 - 4 P.M. Lee and Petrovich. Petrovich was to fill in in the event someone could not show up. Under new business the request of Charles W'olos'""a auctioneer was taken up for discussion. Clm. Lee stated that he was against i~ if it enroached on city business. elm. Lee moved that no renting of the City faci1itites for the purpose of public auction be allowed. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll called, all in favor, motion carried. Clm. Lee stated that the City of Seward should give some thought to getting a mental Institution here, and City Manager Hardinge stated that he had allready looked into it and the San group is ahead of us, however the Dept. of Health has labeled the present San a fire hazard and it would cost more to fire proof the building that it would cost to build a new one, continued City Manager Hardinge. The Methodist will be glad to come in and spend some money on this if they have to. It would be posslble to add another wing onto the present hospital. The possibility of the Methodt8t adding a wing to take care of the the T. B. patients Was also discussed. A letter was read from Mr. Howard Harstad dated June 29, 1956, in regard to the pole line construction. This letter covered the loss of revenue during construction and the estimated date of completion. Discussion followed on this letter. Clm. Hall wondered if we were absolutely suit proOf on the poles out by the airport. He cornrrented on how low they were and he thought they were quite danger,)us in the present position. City ~anager Hardinge stated that the line was being constructed according to specifications. Clm. Lee said he had talked to Trevethan on this and they had at one time considered moving the poles 700 feet back, however nothing had been done yet. This matter was discussed and the thought was that the fww extra dollars to make it more safe would be worth it. Acting Mayor Petrovich said we should check on tris and also we should be certain that we have proper insurance coverage. The completion date was discussed and City "'''anager Hardinge reported that even if the job had been let under contract, they would not be done because the transfoDllers were not delivered until June 20th. The new all electric rates were discussed and it was the thought of the Council that the rates had proved higher than anticipated. Acting Mayor Petrovich suggested that we write to Mr. Harstad and cover the question of what our liability is on this new pole line and if we are covered properly and also the fact that the new all electric rates seem much higher than anticipated. These two points specifically should be covered, continued Acti ng Mayor Petrovich. A 1ett..'r was read dated June 26, 1956, address..d to Howard Harstad and the letter was from John L. Emerson, Assistant Regional Forester. Also a letter from H. Harstad to the Seward Electric System dated June 29, 1956 was read, asking that the City of Seward authorize construction of a stream gauge on Crescent Creek. A draft of the proposed letter to the U. S. Geological survey was attached and it was also read. The estimated installation charge was $1,000 and the annual operating cost was $700 and the letter stated that actual payment would be made from the Seward Electric System. City Manager Hardinge stated that this was a requirement of the Federal Power Commission. Discussion followed on why there was such a delay in getting this and City ManfJger Hardin~ stated that he had no knowledge that it hadn't been arranged for. We have already lost the spring lIunoff, continued the City Manager. "I move that we authorize the construction of the stream gauge at Crescent Creek," said Clm. Lee. Petrovich seconded the motion. Roll: Blair; yes; Durant, No; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried. "" .' SE'W ARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING July 6, 1956 Continued Acting ~~yor Petrovich asked the City Manager to address a letter to Mr. Harstad asking him why this was given to us at this late date. This was the wish of the Council. Petrovich asked the City .'!anager if he had heard from him in regard to the extension ix=:rmit frolH I:h= F\)rr,:5t 3",rrieJ8 a,Lt ~h(' Ci ty Manager stated that he had not heard from hirn yet. ~he easment rights for poles going accross private property was discus5ed and the Council wondered if the Seward Llectric had all of the easments and the City hanager stated that he could check on that right here. A letter was read from the Bureau of Land ~~nagement dated July 3, 1956 and it stated that as soon as publication of the application had been ~de and the purchase price of $1760.00 paid, the land could be put to use for a new garbage site. -I move that the City Council authorize the publications for the acc~uisition of the new dump site from the Bureau of Land Management as per their requirements," said Clm. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Hall. Rol~: Blair, yes; Durant, yesi Hall, Yes. Lee, YeSi and Petrovich, yeSi Motion carried unanimously. A letter was read from the Seward Chamber of Commerce asking a donation for the Supportof the information Caehe here in Seward. The City ~~nag~r recommended that we donate $4. The City ~~nager reported that as of July 1st V~s. Anderson's sala~ increased to $550 .00 and she was now City Clerk in full status. Acting Mayor 8etrovich read a letter from Elsie Blue, a member of the Community Achievement Group. Acting Mayor Petrovich commented on the fine way the 4th of July was handled by the Police D~partment. Meeting adjourned at 11:21 P. M. ATrEST: ~/'~.-J . ty Clerk: ------- ..---.- ------ ---- ------- -------- r --~ SE'I'lARD, ALASKA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ~~ETING July 9, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council chambers from 2:00 O'clock P. M. to 4:00 O'clock P. M. with C1m. Lee and Clm. Blair present. Also present was the City Assessor, H. E. Southard, and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. Mr. George Galloway of Seward Service was present and he stated that his personal property was assessed too high. He further stated that his personal property should only be about $3500.00. Mr. Southard asked Mr. Galloway if he had made out a return and sent it in, whereupon Mr. Galloway stated that he had overlooked sending a return in. Mr. Galloway stated that on the trucks and the personal property the assessment should be about $3595.00. The land valuation is assessed at $800.00 and the improvements at $2500.00 and that was as it has been for the last four (4) or five (5) years. With C1m. Lee and elm. Blair in agreement with ~x. Galloway. ~I. Southard stated that the personal property assessed valuation of Geo~e Galloway of Seward Service owner of Lot 12 in Block 28 Original TC1flnsite, is changed to $3595.00 Mr. Galloway reported that his brother, Glenn Galloway, had been assessed for $2000.00 on personal property and he didn't think his brothers personal property was valued at more than $100.00 and besides that he was in the Army. Clm. Lee stated that he was in favor of writing that off and Clm. Blair stated it would be allright with him. Mr. Southard stated that upon the recommendation of the rest of the board, Glfnn Galloway would be cut out on personal property. Ruth Brown was present to contest her personal property tax assessment. She stated that apparently they were assessed for a car and they don't own a car. A Delo Ray Chevrolet was sold to George Ennis before June 1, 1956, continued Mrs. Brown. A short discussion ensued on the valuation of the furniture. The Equalization Baard changed the personal property assessment for Ruth and Chester Brown from $2500.00 to $1000.00. Mr. Southard noted that there was no return sent in. )<~d-//~ Ci (' Clerk ------------ ---------------- SETNARD, ALASKA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING July 10, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council Jhmbers from 7:00 O'clock P. M. to 9:00 O'clock P. M. with Clm. Hall present. Also present was the City hssessor, H. E. Southard, and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. There were no adjustments made on personal or real property at this meeting. Pat starr was present and she thought her assessed valuation was hiqher than last year, however when Mr. Southard checked the taA boo~ they were found to be the same. '~/ / /" /A 0'~l.._ Cfll Clerk I,' ,--- , SE\>lARD, ALASKA BJARl?_ OF EQ\[ALIZATION_ .11.SETING JULY 11, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council chambers from 2:00 O'clock P. M. to 4:00 O'clock P. Me with Clm. Blair and Clm. Lee present. Also present was the City Assess or, H. E. Southard, and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. There were no townspeople present to request any adjustment on their real or personal property assessments. f~,d~ Ci ty , lerk - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA BOARD OF EQUAL I ZATION MEETI NG JULY 12, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council chambers from 7:00 O'clock P. M. to 9:00 O'clock P. M. with Clm. Durant and Clm. Hall present. Also present was the City Assessor, H. E. Southard, and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. Mr. Wayne Heinbaugh was present to contest his tax assessment on the valuation of his land improvements. He stated that his total assessment for last year was $9634.GO for his land and land improvements. I was granted by the Equalization Board of last year a reduction of $1,000.00. That was granted mliJ because the house wasn't finished and the house is in the same status as it was before6 continued Mr. Heinbaugh. Mr. Southard stated that there had been an error on the addition of this years assessment and he changed that a~d stated that the assessment on land and land improvements stand the same as last year, $9634.00. Mr. Heinbaugh stated that the house on lot 19 is for $3,000.00 and there is one quonsut for $1750. 00 and the Equalization Board, last year, granted me $1,000.00 reduction last year because one of the houses was not finished, however the tax receipt shows that I only got a $750.00 reduction instead of the $1,000.00 reduction the Board granted me. A lengthy discussion followed and the book was checked throughly and Mr. Southard stated that he had been granted a total reduction of $1950.00 last year, on land. improverrents. Mr. Hei nbaugh reque sted that a card for each lot be sent out to the property owners so a person will know where he stands as far as the assessed val uation of each lot is concerned. Mr. Southa rd stated that would be too difficult to do and would entail too much work. WThen you think that the assessed valuation of your property is $250.00 too high,W asked Clm. Hall of Mr. Heinbaugh. Mr. Heinbaugh stated that he wanted $250000 off on this year.He stated he was not contesting what he had to pay on la~t year but he wanted it changed this year. Clm. Hall stated that he would leave it up to Mr. Southard to make the adjustment and he would go along with his recommendation. Mr. ~outhard stated that Mr. Heinbaugh had asked for $1,000000 reduction and had gotten and reduction of $1950.00 on all of the property. Clm. Durant recommended that we give Mr. Heinbaugh the reduction that he requests. Mr. Southard stated that o~ Lot 19, quonsut would be at $800.00 and the unfinished house at $2,000.00 , on lot 20, a quonsut at $1750, and an occupied house at f3,OOO.OO making a total for land and land improverrents, $9384.00 which is $250.00 ess than last yearo This was the adjustment of the Equalization Board, for Mr. Heinbaug - savARD, AlASKA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETINGS JULY 12, 1956 Cont inued Mr. Sam Romack was present and he stated that the assessed val ua ti on of hi s land and in~rovements and also the personal property was too high and he wanted an adjustment. Mr. Romac~stated that the personal property was assessed as $15000.00 and it should be much less than that. Mr. Southard stated that it had been valued at the same as it was last year and it had been cut down last year and Mr. Romack stated that it was still too much. Mr. Romack was asked if he had filed a return and he stated he had not. The imPDMtance of filing a return was explained to Mr. Romack and the Board suggested that in the future he file a return with the assessor. Mr. Romack stated that the old Seward Bar Ouilding is worth nothing now and he stated that the personal property was worth no more than $2,000.00. There should be some form or depreciation on things of this nature, continued Mr. Rorrack. The Board of Equalization did not grant Mr. Rorrack any reduction on his assessed valuation and they suggested that next year he file a return. Mr. Huston Heird was present and he stated he didn't live within the City Limits but he lived in the country. When I got the license for my 1955 Chevrolet pickup ~ put my address as Box 521 Seward, Alaska, but actually I live in the country and get my mail here in Seward, continued Mr. Heird. I sold the pickup to Howard Smith in May of this year, however the 1956 license is in my name said Mr. Heird. Mr. Southard stated that Mr. Heird's personal property assessment is deleted because he live. outM side the City Limits or Seward. Clm. Durant suggested that we check the valid owner of this car so we will be able to pick up the taxes from someone else. Mr. Heird said the License No. is 15407 and that it now belonged to Howard Smith. >>~ rdi~~ ~y Clerk SE'I'lARD, ALASKA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING July 13, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council Chambers from 2:00 O'clock P. Mo untill 4:00 O'clock P. M. with Clm. Lee and Clm. West present. Also present, City Assessor, Mr. H. E. Southard and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. Mr. Willard Midby was present and he stated that inasmuch as he lived out of town he should be non-taxable. Mr. Southard stated that his vehicle would not be taxable but anything that was left in town would be taxable. Mr. Southard recommended $250.CO personal property tax and Mr. Midby was in agreement with this change. The Board of Equalization reduced the assessed valuation of Mr. Midby's personal property from $1,000.00 to $250.00 on account of Mr. Midby being a nonresident of Seward. Marianna Nicholas requested that her personal property assessment be reduced. Mrs. Nicholas stated that inasmuch as the cars are a couple of years older the personal property assessment should be $l600.0po The Board of equalization adusted the assessed valuation of the personal property for Marianna Nicholas from $1800.00 to $1600.00. Mr. Robert Muller was present of Seward Plumbing & Heatingand the personal property assessment was set at $20,OOO.OC be the Equalization Board and it was mentioned that the trucks were valued at $700.CO apiece. ~r~ II . i r I SEWARD, ALA3:A BJARD OF EQUALIZATION MEEI'ING JULY 14, 1956 The Board of Equalization met in the Council Chambers from 2:00 O'Clock P. M. to 4:00 O'Clock P. M. on the above date with Clm. Petrovich and Clm. Lee present. Also present was the City Assessor, Mr. Southard and City Clerk, Margaret Anderson. Mr. Gerard La Blanc was present and he asked for an adj ustment on the assessed valuation of his buildings. Mr. S,;uthard stated that the personal and the land valuation is the same as last year. Mr. La Blanc stated that he had 3 lots, Lots 7, 8, and 9 in the Cliff Addition, a quonsut as a house and one quonsut as a garage. He stated that the two buildings are not worth more than $3600.00. Discussion followed on hew the assessments had been set up on quonsut huts and Clm. Petrovich stated that it was his understanding that a higher rate had been set on quonsut huts to encourage ewners to put up better dwellings. Mr. Soutrard stated that his property had stayed the same for some years with no protest. The quonsuts, continued Mr. Soutl~rd, are assessed fram $800.00 on up to $1800.00. In some they don't actually live in and some are different sizes, however the same scheme is used on evaluating all of them. Mr. La Blanc stated that if his house and garage were to be compared with some others in town, his would prove to be higher, whereupon Mr. Southard stated that one might be assessed at $2000.00 and the next one at $400.00. It is in line with the general average, continued Mr. Southard. Clm. Lee recommended that we give Mr. La Blanc a reduction of 8500.00. The rest of the board was in agreement. The Board of Equalization changed the valuation of buildings on Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 6 in the Cliff Addition from $3600.00 to $3100.00. Mr. Walter Blue was present and he stated that he had filed a return on the perllOnal property after the deadline date. He wanted his personal property assessment revised according to the new schedule that he had sent in. Mr. Blue stated that he wasn't here wnen the return was to have been in. The stock in the Blue Shop is considerably less than it was last year, continued Mr. Blue. The stock is about $6,000.00 and the fixtures and equipment is about $3,000.00 and then there would be a new 1956 Mercury Montray added to that to. the Equalization Board adjusted the r;ersonal property assessment of Mr. li Mrs. Walter Blu~ operatars of the Blue Shop from $15,250.00 to $12,560.00. ) Mr. Victor ~itherup was present and he stated that he had moved out of town about the middle of May of this year and he is renting his house. The personal property in the house is not worth more than $300, continued Mr. Wi therup. Mr. Southard asked if he had filed a return, whereupon Mr. Witherup stated that he had not. Mr. Southard stated that he had no way of knowing and that he had just taken the figures from last year before. Mr. Witherup stated that he had had the car out b~ the first of the ye.r and that he didn't feel that he should be taxed for He car. The Board of Equalization adjusted Mr. Witherup's assessed valuation on personal property from $2500.00 to $300.00 inasmuch as Mr. Wi therup is not a non-resident. Mr. John W. Brown was present and he stated that he was not the owner of an automobile as of June 1 of this year. He stated that he had sold his car to Don A. Saunders in April of this year and he had a Chattel Mortgage on it. The Board of Equalization deleted the personal property assessment of John W. Brewn in the amount of $2,OPO.00, on account of the car not being in his possession of of June 1, 1956. r I I I . ~ , SEWARD, ALASKA OOARD OF EQUALlZATION_ MEETING JULY 14, 1956 Continued Mrs. James Webb was present. She stated that she had calcuated her return wrong. It was calcuated at $2800.00 which was the value of the fumniture when it was purchased, however it was purchased in 1954 and the actual value now would be about $1600.00, continued Mrs. Webb. We no longer live in Clearview, however we do have a car, added Mrs. Webb. Mr. Southard recommended that we cut off $500.LO of the assessed valuation of the personal property. Mr. Southard stated that personal property assessment of James & Cheri Webb be cut from $2800 to $2300.00 and that figure includes the car. Emma Lu Garret presented her claim for a reduction in personal property assessment in the form of a letter. Her assessment was $9,084.00 and she asked that it be cut in half. Discussion followed and Mr. Southard stated that the value on the furniture and fixtures was low now, however it was felt by the board that we could not contest what she reported on stock. Her report showed $1500.00 worth of stock and Clm. Lee stated that he didn't think she could do business on that amout of stock. The Board of Equalization made the following change in regard to the personal property assessment for Emma Lu Garret, &~ Lu Garret doing business as the New Northern Bar the personal property assessment is reduced from $9,000.00 to $5,417.98. ~~*~~ cr, Cle rk 1 f ~ \~ SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING Julv 16, 1956 n regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 P. M. with Acting Mayor Petrovich in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Blair Hall, Lee, Petrovich, West. Late: Clm. Durant. City Manager Hardinge and City Attorney TYner were also present. Clm. Blair moved that Clm. Petrovich continue on as Acting Mayor and the motion was seconded bv Clm. Hall. Motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the last regular meeting of July 6, 1956, were read and there being no additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. Under people present Mrs. Blue of the Senior Women's Club was present and a number of other women representing the same group and they were concerned about the dump site and wanted to know why it was still being used. Mrs. Blue stated it was her understanding that a Use Permit could be acquired for the new dump site and with this permit we could start dumping there immediately and she wanted to know why this permit had not been acquired. Ci ty Mare.ger Hardinge read a letter from the Bureau of Land Hanagement dated July 3r~the same letter that had been read at the last regular Council meeting, and it stated that after the notice of application had been published for four weeks and we paid the purchase price of $1760.00 we could use the land, however, the City Manager pointed out, until this is done we can not use the land. This thing has been pending for months, stated Mrs. Blue, and I just wonder if the City is doing their utmost to get this new site and start covering the old dump. City L'Lanager Hardinge stated that there had to be a road built into the dump. Clm. Hall stated that everything was in progress now and it would just be a matter of waiting a short time. City ~~nager Hardinge stated that he thought he could get a Use Permit and use the land before it was paid for up until the time he got a letter dated May 9th, from The Bureau of Land Management, which stated that inasmuch as the City was planning to purchase the land a Use Permit would not be necessary and when I pinned them down to an answer they said we couldn't use it unil we paid for it. Acting ~~yor Petrovich stated it was his understanding that we had to locate the land by survey befor" we could start using it whereupon the City Manager said we wouldn't have to wait because this notice explains it close enough and the notice has been published, and after we pay the $1760.00 we will be able to use the land. Mrs. Blue then asked the City Manager when the present dump site was to be covered and City Manager Hardinge stated it was hard to tell how long it was going to take but we are trying to get Third Avenue paved and now it is planned for the middle of September and there will be 6 thousand yards of material that will come off of Third Avenue and that material will cover the dump. It is in the contract that the dirt that comes off of Third Avenue will be used to cover the present dump site. Now it looks like it will be in September, however we don't know for sure, continued the City ~~nager. If we start now and haul dirt off of the beach it will cost $6,000. or $8,000 when it is just a matter of waiting awhile we will get it done when the road job is done. We will have the new dump site next month as soon as the tax money starts coming in about the middl(l of August and the first of that money will go to the Land Office in payment of that land, said City l'lanager Hardirqe. Mrs. Blue thanked Mr. Hardinge for this information and stated she was glad that it had been brought out in front of all of these people. Mr. Blue asked where the access road was going to be situated and Hardinge stated he wasn't sure just yet. He stated that possibly the road ~ the trucks use now could be u~ed, however he didn't want to use it becuase he wanted to get that road away from those low poles out there. Mrs. Blue called to the attention of the Council that it was found in the recent health survey in town that the City owned lots were one of the ma~or offenders of rubbish, old cars, and piles of lumber. Mrs. Blue stated that during cleanup week we reported so many things and called so many times and the things we asked about were not followed through. Spadaro's cars were not moved after we talked him into cleaning up and got permission from him to move the cars, continued Mrs. Blue. The City Manager stated he had instructed Ross to move Spadaro's cars and he would look into' it. Mrs. Blue conti rmd in stating t~fJ trees had been cutdown where the. ambulance garage had been erected ana~area was to be cleaned up and nothing had been done to that. 1 , .. .~ ri ., ,.:.1 I I 4 ',)-1') J t., ,'1 SEW ARD, ALA....9:A REGULAR MEETING July 16, 1956 Continued Mrs. King of the Health Council pointed out in the recent Health SUrvey Report it was brought out that it would be a was~ of time) effort) and money to set the poison for the rats out now because of the many breeding places that were left. Acting Mayor Petrovich stated that t~e Council was aware of the eyesores in town and we are working hand in hand with the Planning and Zoning Commission to right the situation. Discussion followed on the old cars that were around town ani Chief Seymour stated that unless a vehicle was on a public right away or Through Fare they could not legaly move it. Discussion followed on the Garbage Ordinance and Mrs. Bogard asked if there wasn't some provision in the Garbage oontract tnat they were to clean up around the garbage cans. The Council felt th5. t if this wasn't covered, it liould be incorporated on the next garbage con tract. The City Attorney was asked for her opinion on this and she stated that she was sure that the Heal th Ordinance would cover anythinq of this nature l:ut she didn't know off hand just what the degree of enforcement was on it. Mrs. Blue extended an invitation to the Council for luncheon on August the 7th, Tuesday, and she stated that at that time the representative from Sears is going to be here to present this check and of course I would like to see the town look its best, continued Mrs. Blue. Discussion followed on the to,vnspeople dumping on the present garbage site. The City Manager stated that weW)uld have to keep a man out there all the time if we were really going to enforce non dumping, however after we close that site there will be a :$25.00 fine for anyone caught dumping there. Mrs. Erwin asked if there couldn't be some coverage made on the dump before August 7th and the City Manager stated there waS s me fill being hauleu in there now and justbefore the 7th it would be leveled off. Ci ty Manager Hardinge reccommended that we place a man on the dump site to police it. City Attorney Tyner referred to Section D in the Health Ordinance which pointed out that we could have the garbage contractor clean up around the cans and charge the owner. /IIu.~;" Reverancl ],IALJ'Rl was present and he reported to the Council there was an excursion train from Anchorage cominf; to Seward on the 12th of August and they "rill be running regularly to Seward and he asked that the City errect a sign at the beginning of the Marathon Trail on First Avenue so that the people who desire to climb Marathon will be able to find the trail. After discussb.g the request thourouly Acting Mayor Petrovich offered to have the Carpenter's Union make the sign at no cost. Mr. Iken of the Fire Rating Bureau was nresent, but he had no statement to make at this time. Mrs. Schaefermeyer Was present and she wanted to knowwhat had happened to our First Lake Swimming pool and City Manager Hardinge stated that since you have the new high school there s~ near the lake you have a problem because the lake is the same level -s the school and by allowing the creek to run where it was it could jeopordize the whole school because the overflow from the creek would go into the school basement. He stated he was still afraid of some seapage because the sch 01 was put down on such low ground. Mrs. Schaefermeyer stated there was a terrific problem in town because of swiJlillling <soing on in stagment unsupervised lakes. The First Lake Swimming Pool situation was discussed, however there was no action taken. The City Manager stated the only answer to the situation wuld be to get a swiuL'uinr, pool in tOVI11 and he further stated that the City has three lots r ght accross from the Grade School that they would be v.1lling to donate f.;r such a cause. Discussion followed on what had been accoT;lplished toward th e new swimming pool and it was learned that the Junior ilomen' s Glub had done quite a bit of research on it and had the cost figllres and~lm. Lee stated that possibl, we could get volunteer labor and we could probably p;et the cement free also. It vias f,ol t bv the Cnunci 1 that it wou I.d be well to soark some re:cl action on this pr',~raru by next year. "Irs. '3chaefer'never renrf;, Ii:.', 1: ,;,,' "ec;C!rJ to the '['ennis Gourts they had been tryiwcf.o <'et 1milt the one reason why they couldn't get t em rione was because of lack of coopcration~nd tho helD that at one time had been promised to them. The' Ci ty Manager 'Jtated that after we get the asphalt deal rnlline; vie wi 1 be able to black top the school p;rounds. The Ci tv turned over .i~1250 Which is in the P. T. A. Fund and we collected ~.nother '~1250.00, continued !iII's. 3chaefermeyer, a"ld then 'lIe paid out !$l25'J.iO and we stil have nothing. ,Ie just simply are stymied a"ld also it was my understanding that the cement Vias to be donated but we had tn pay :72.00 a sack. Ciy~ Manager Harcinge stated he had talked to ,3uperior Cement on this andAthey are p;oing ahead with the swi,'1lming pool project he would r,et busy with Superior Cement Company. Fu",t ier discussion followed c:nd it was the Consensus of the Council that they be given SO.'18 S) rt of a report and the Council pledged the City Manager's cooperation and guidance on this project. 1'" ' 1 ~l '".\- SEWAR D. ALASKA. REGULAR MEETING JULY 16. 1956 Continued Resolution No. 102. a resolution covering the agreement with the Territory for the building of new floats at Small Boat Harbor for $25.000.00 was the first item on the agenda under Old Business. The City Manager explained that the Territory requires that signed copies of the resolution must accompany the signed agreement and the Agreement had already been passed by the Council. now it ~necessaryy that we act on this agreement now. ,IS . REOOLUTION NO. 102, A RESOLUTION AUTIDRIZING THE AO:::EPTANCE OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT BET\I/EEN THE CITY OF SEWARD AND THE TERRI1DRY OF ALA....CU, THROUGH ITS TERRITORIAL ENGINEER, FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SMALL IDAT HARBOR~ was read by the City Clerk. HI move for the adoption of Resolution No. 102,w said Clm. Blair; Seconded u Clm. .west. Roll as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. A proposed agreement between the Ci ty Manager, City of Seward, and Herman Sontag was read by the City Clerk. The agreement pointed out that in addition to the construction of the 2 new floats Mr. Sontag would repair the old float by installing new float logs, remove and replace damaged decking, remove and replace damaged tieup rail, repair iron linkage between floats, replace two broken end-piling of float and replace cross-ties for same. The City of Seward is to furnish the necessary hardware together with the use of City equipment and all this is to be done for the sum of $25,000.00. Also, all work was to be under th.. supervision of the City !'lanager. Clm. Hall asked the City banager if he had found out in Anchorage wmether or not we had any jurisdiction over the Small Boat Harbor Area or not, whereupon the City Manager stated that the lawyer had assured him that we should go ahead because we did have the jurisdiction and I will cover this more thoroughly in my report which is further down on the agendat WI would Ilke to malie it known that this agreement was made possible with the cooperation of several people main~y the Tressler Brothers Lumber Co. they cut the price of the logs so it was possible to get the whole job done for the one price,H said City ~lanager Hardinge. WI move that the City ~~nager be authorized to enter into the Agreement with Mr. Sontag as readH, said Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll as follows: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, Yes: Motion carried unanimously. a An Easement granted to The Standard Oil Company of ~11if~rnia by the City of Seward was read by the Ci ty Clerk. Members of the "Coune! I mentioned the fact that it did not have the clause in their about Standard Oil Company assuming all liabilities for the streets and the City Attorney pointed out that this was a 12 way foot easement and you are giving them permiss~on to have easment rights now. Recording the Easement was brought up and the City Attorney recommended that Standar. Oil Company record it inasmuch as they are the ones who are responsible now. It was also suggested by Clm. hall that Mayor Stockton be del eted and Acting Mayor Petrovich put in it 5 place and the Ci tv Attorney said this would be done. The City Attorney was asked why she took 50 long in preparing this Easement she stated she had been waiting for Standard Oil to fUllnish her with the legal description, of the land. 'l'he next it_ on the Agenda was the City !'lanager's request for clarification on how Lots 1 & 2 Marathon Addition were to be put up for sale. HI move that Lots 1 and 2, Marathon Add! tion, be advert! sed for bids, wi th the bids being sealed and the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids,w said Clm. West. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Discussion followed before the roll was called and the City Manager stated that the dirt there now is going to be moved out of there and it will be leveled off. What should be accepted as a minimum amount for tre lots was discussed and it was the consensus of the Council that the mimimum amount shmld be set as the assessed valuation of the property. Clm. Durant's thought was that this Should be included in the motion, however Clm. West choose not to change his motion, therefore a vote was taken as follows: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, No; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes; Motion carried. Ci ty !'!anager Hardinge stated he would post the bids tomorrow and they would be opened at the next regular meeting on August 6, 1956. 1 ,;"..J ~ : ~ '. . ,. " ~."I I I ;'~~f) SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting July 16, 1956 Continued C1m. Blair asked how the asphalt program was progressing and the City Manager stated that they wouldn't have time to work on it untill after the 22nd. He stated they were too busy with this Civil Defense preparation planned for the 22nd. We are expected to set up tents and sanitary facilities and they will ship all of the necessary materials down that is to be set up, continued the City Manager. Clm. Blair asked if it was true that the people driving down could not come into town with their cars and the City Manager stated that the purpose of the Civil Defense was to educate the people to the fact that they had to assemble and report to a camp. A lengthy discussion followed on all phases of the Civil Defense operation Plan and the City Manager reported that they were presently making arrangements for buses to run back and forth from town to the camp site. There vill be First Aid Stations set up and Mr. Bass of the radio station has been advised of all of the pertinent announcements to be made. C1m. Blair speeking for the rest of the Council stated he hoped it would be understood by the people that are coming to ~eward that it was not our idea to keep them from driving into town and he suggested they be advised of the fact that we are not in Charge of the operation. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked if there was anymore old business to be brought to the attention of the Council. Acting Mayor Petrovich informed City Attorney Tyner that the Cohnci1 had decided to terminate her services as of the end of the month and the City Manager reported that he had discussed this with Mr. Hellenthal, Attorney at Law, while in Anchorage and he had been advised that there was no law statbg it was necessary that a municipality have a City Attorney, but it was always best to have one. It was the wish of the Council that we dispense with the services of the City Attorney and hire her only for specific jobs. City Attorney Tyner asked about the present suit pending against the City of Seward and she stated that the papers had been turned over to her by a member of the Police Department and the City Manager stated that case had been tur~ed over to Hellenthal. Clm. Lee asked if anything had developed on Baumgartner's bill and the City Mana~er stated ~e were ePing to have to pay because the Territory won't pay for 1t and the prosecuting Attorney doesn't have to come down here for one case. Maybe I shouldn't have done it but I approved of it and I will have to take the blame for it, stated the City ~ager. Clm. Lee said he didn't want that situation to come up again and we should keep our nose out of things like that. Clm. Hall said, "The City Manager said he had to get someone for the case.~ In regard to the asphalt program the City Manager stated we got 600 barrels of aSRhalt in Anchorage at 2% now we have to transport it down here. He stated we could bring 46 barrels down in one trip and by Ross going after it we aren't taking a man off of the streets. He stated the asphalt we are getting now is already cut. The first item on the Agneda under new business was the appointment of a City Magistrate. City Manager Hardinge explained that upon checking the Territorial laws he found a city could only have a temporary magistrate for a period of 60 days. City Attorney Tyner varified this. The Council is going to have . to appoint one tonight because we wont have another meeting until after August 1st and that is the expiration date, said the City Manager. He recommended that inasmuch as we were going to have the additional expense of a Magistrate, we should. charge court costs of $2.50 to offset the additional expense of a Magistrate. The City attorney was asked for her recommendation and she stated inasmuch as the Court Costs were set up in the Ordinance we should charge them. '''', Clm. West voiced his views on the situation by stated he thought it was an unhealthy situation for the Commissioner to act as the City Magistrate. Discu8sin followed on the appointment and the City Manager said that the City Magistrate should be an attorney and inasmuch as we will no longer have a City At~~~~ she may be interested in taking the City Magistrate job, however, I hav&ltalked to Mrs. Tyner in regard to this. I know Bob Baumgartner will not take it, continaed the City Manager. Discusr-ion then followed on how much we would pay the City Magistrate and it was b~ght out that at the $5.00 an hour it cost us $100 for one mont~. The thought was that whatever salary was paid out the court cost could offset the salary expense. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked the City Attorney if she took the job if there lI'ould be conflicting duties, whereupon she replied that if she prosecuted for the City she would be losing some money. The consensus of the Council was to leave the appointment of a City Magistrate up to the City Manager and have the court charge the Court Costs of $2.50 as set up in the Ordinance. 1 Hi; ." ' SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR M.EEI'I NG JULY 16, 1956 Continued Tae next item on the Agenda sas th~ Engineering & Financial Study of the Proposed New Municipal Telephone System as presented by Alaska Engineering Associates. Clm. Hall moved that this be tabled until the next meeting, however there was ".~ second to the motion. The City Manager explained that this was the feasibility report that goes out to the bonding houses. Discussion followed on the present telephone system and it was brought out that they are trying to hook up 150 more phones and they are trying to improve the system. Ctty Manager Hardinge reported that Hellenthal had advised them that their franchise was Null and Void when they asked for a new rate hearing. The point is, continued the City Manager, we have to go along with the Alaska Telephone Corporation now until we can get something that is adequate of our own. I will call Mr. Hellenthal first thing in the morning and ask him for the papers we had sent up to him and I will ala8 ask him to come down here and explain or bring us up to date on this telephone situation. Discussion followed on the present phone service and the fact that they were trying to improve it, but they could go back to the old racket any time of poor service. The City ~mnager stated that in all of our dealings with them they chose to ignore Mr. Hellenthal alltogether. Hellenthal has notified them they no longer have a franchise and his contention is on the legal notices we have been getting from Washington that Washington has no jurisdiction over Alaska. In the proposed new rate schedule they plan to cut about $1.00 off of the little fellow and add about 40% to the business phones. Acting 1~yor Petrovich asked that the City Manager make up a report on the status of the telephone situation. The next item on the Agenda was a report from City Manager Ha~dinge on his trip to Anchorage. He said Monday they opened the bids for the new Armory and Clements was the low bidder. The base bid was $165,000.00 with Alternate No. 6 in the amount of $895.00 making a total of $165,895.00. Federal Share City share 75% of the Total or $124,421.25. 25% of the Total or $ 41,473.75 You then have to add the alternates to the Cities share of the cost and they are as follows. City Share of Base Bid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 41,473.75 Alternate No. 1 Maple Floor . . . . 6,298.00 Alternate No. 2 Gym Seats . . . . . . 3,000.00 1,992.00 Alternate No. 3A Girls Fixtures . . . Alternate No. 7 Labor on Girls Facilities .. . . . . 16,000.00 TOTAL CITY OF SEWARD EHARE ............ $68,763.75 City Manager Hardinge continued in his report to the Council that the money for the Armory will come from the Tobacco Tax. We have to work up a Bond issue with the School Board for the $70,000.00 payable over a 10 year period. We will be able to buy the bonds at 4% and pay the money back out of the Tobacco Tax Fund over a period of 10 years. Discussion followed on the question of legality of the Tobacco Tax and the City Manager pointed out that there were hundreds of schools being paid for out of the TobacCO tax and if they with- draw it they will have to make some other arrangements to pay for these various projects. At the end of the 10 years the Armory will be the property of the school. acting Mayor Petrovich asked what action was required from the Council tonignt and the City Manager stated there would have to be a joint meeting of the Council and the School Board. The bids haven't been ~ accepted in Washington yet and also you will have to have an election on ~ this, and it can be put on the same ballot as the general election. We i'~/~ ~l~ not get the Armory this year stated the City ~nager. ~/~~ On Tuesday I got with George Shannon, City ~nager of Anchorage, on the ,1, School Board prospect and Mr. Shannon stated he had the same trouble we have had until they got the independent school district. I found that the School is to operate as any other department of the ?ity af~ any funds left over at the end of the year after the bills are pald areArevert back to the gaaBral Fund, It was pointed out that we didn't know for sure whether or not that money we owed the school board on last years budget is for surplus or not. 1 '"'~'~ .'.". "' ~'.-:r Cr.) I I l' "\ J'", I' ;: r >~ SEWARD, ELASKA Rf:GULAl{ l1EETING July 16, 1956 Continued The problem of Sales Tax collections was discussed and Clm. Hall suggested that we turn some of the uncollectable ones over to the Police Department for collection. City Attorney Tyner stated she would rave a list of the changes to the City Manager by Thursday and we should send a copy of this list and a copy of the Ordinance to every business and to those who are delinquent we send a letter advising them they have 30 days to bring their sales tax up to date and if they haven't brou4rht it up to date by that time we then can turn it over to the Police Department. City /lilanager Hardinge, continuing in his report, stated on Wednesday he saw Hellenth:ll and went out to the Engineers Depot: and got a Transit for the City but they didn't have a Tripod and I had to check one out on account- ability. In regard to the law suit at the Rrnall Boat Harbor we had to get Affidavits of statements and present to the court. We also have to get an affidavit from Perry Stockton and also a certified copy of the ltJarrant. The suit says they had no Warrant and none was issued, however there was a Warrant. City lIJanager Hardinge reported that while he was in Anchorage he got another Low Boy Trailer. We had to pay $87.00 for tires from Seaport Auto and this Low Boy has 8 brand new tires on it and it cost $33.20. I brought back the traller and some equipment for the quickway and some things for the Welfare. They have a D-8 Cat with a blade that is going at 2~ of $15,800.08 under Surplus that is still in the warehouse and I have a requisition in on that. The next item on the Agenda was the openinq of Bids on the Police Car. The City ~anager stated we might have jumped the gun on this a little because we couldn't buy this car until1. the money starts corning in sometime in September, and I am against borrowing any money when it is just a matter of waiting a short time. If we cant negotiate with them now we may have to call xx. for bids later on again. Bids were presented as follows: Bay City Motors - Plymouth without trade in Win Ervin Motor Co. - Chevrolet - 8 Cyl $2475.00 6 Cy. 2400.00 Trade in on Present Police Car $175.00 6 Cy. Chevrolet with trade in $2478.31 2225.00 Sew,ud Machine Shop - Ford - 6 Cy1. Trade in allowance on Present Car 2300.00 200.00 2100.00 uiscussion followed on the. type of car the Police Department needs and Seymour explained that a 6 cylinder model is better because they won't carbon up as bad as an 8 cylinder. The wish of thH Council was to leave the purchasing of this car up to the City Manager. The City Clerk reported that the Bank Balance was $5152.33 as of July 16th for the General Fund and if we paid all of the bills now we may not be able to meet, the July 30th payroll in the amount of $4700.00. She reported that the 1954-1955 delinquent taxes on Real and Personal was $16,780.00. Bills for the month of June were as follows: Alaska Surplus Property Administration, $732.51; Alaska Communications System, $8.75; Alaska Telephone Corporation, $49.90; Anchorage Printing eo., $82.50: Andy's Oil, $313.09; R. E. Baumgartner, $100.00: Bill's Parts & Service, $29.22; J. B. Deisher, $10.00; Durants Hardware, $17.78; Margit Edwards, $100.00; 1:Jin Ervin Motor, $30.35; Holbrook Printing Co., $32.55; Northern Commercial Co., $12.11; Osbo's Electric Supply, $4.21; Petticoat Gazette, $50.00; Petty Cash, $27.95; Seward DI"Ug Co., $10.85; Seward Electric, $843.20; Seware General Hospital, $158.55; Seward Hardware, $19.45; Seware lIJachine Shop, $378.97; Seward Plumbing & Heating, $24.50; Seward Trading Co., $86.60; Seware Water, $435.00; Standard Oil Co., $247.52; Norbert Swoboda, $25.00; Seward Builders, $2.60; U. S. Corrmissioner, $11.50; Harry West, $44.53. Total for the month of June $3889.25. The Ci ty Manager explained that the statement from the Seward General Hospital in the amount of $158.55 was for copper pipe and tubing that was billed to the Hc~pital, however the City has it and part of it is going to be used on the new Hospital. "I move the bills be paid with the exception of the water and the electric bills," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. blair. Roll: Blair, yws; Durant, No Vote; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, No Vote. Motion Carried. The City ~~nager said we would pay the bills as we got the money. "qh\ SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING July 16, 1956 Continued The Progress Report of the Seward Electric System was read by the City Manager and work completed as bid by the contractors through June was $5945~.16, whereas the work by Seward Electric through June is $52,585.17. Th1S 1S about 10% below what the contractor bid, stated the City ~nager. They are hooking up customers now and they had 28 or 29 hooked u~he other day. They are going on to the Nash Road now. A man fr~n R. E. A. was here, stated the City Manager, and I discussed our power situation with him. The feasibility of hooking up with Homer was discussed and the City Manager stated that if he could get an agreement wi th Homer, the line to Mile 57 would be very feasible. APPROVED: Meeting adjourned at 12:16 A.M. ATl'EST: p~~ CITY C RK ----------.---- -------------- SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 6, 1956 A regular meeting of the council was called to order at 8:05 P. M. with Acting Mayor Petrovich in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich, West. Late: Clm. purant. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. The minutes of the previous regular meeting of July 16th were read and the following corrections were discussed: The minutes of the last meetin; qUGted the City Manager as saying we would not get the Armory this year, however the City Manager stated that was not so and Clemants was given the go ahead on the amory and he can start con-- struction any time now. Clm. Lee stated that at the last meeting City Manager Hardinge made the statement that he was going on with the hydro project and no onA was big enough to stop him. Clm. Lee felt that statement should have been included in the minutes and also he asked City Manager Hardinge to clarify that statement. City Manager Hardinge explained that when he came to Seward th~t project was given to him to put through and also 90"10 of the wishes of the people of Seward showed their desire for more power and the hydro electric project in an election. Since I am working for the people of Seward, continued the City Manager, and since it has always been my understanding that this is what the people want that is what I am working towards. Clm. hall asked the City Manager what was behind the statement that no one was big enough to stop you from going on with the hydro project, where- upon the City Manager explained he was referring to Co-op 17 because they are the ones that have been trying to stop it and they have tried to block our permits. "Mr. Hardinge has taken the "Bull by the Horns" and it is gratifying to see a person really take a hold on this project," said Clm. Petrovich. Discussion followed on whether Mr. Sheppard thought it would be feasible to go on with the project and whether or not he was going to put up the money. City Manager Hardinge asked if he had the backing of the Council to sell Mr. Sheppard on continuing with the project and he expl<'lined that if we don't get started on the se~)nd phase by the 31st of December our project would be killed because we would probably lose our Forest Service Permit. City Manager Hi;din'Je stated he was going to go right ahead and try to sell Mr. She~pa~ on going ahead with the project. 1 __wi ~ (..... ::.,"~ '"' ~':. ...,'f w" 1 ~.....<-t I I <' ") :: ~ ;'1 Sl:.'WARD, ALASKA REGULAR V:EET=NG August 6, 1956 Cont inued In a recent cOD"versation wMh R. E. A. officials,,,continued the Citl Manager I learned they didn't likeAC:>oper Lake Project. Lhe Army is goinq 0 expand' in Homer this year and with that being the sase Horner is not goinq to have enough power, so if we can get out to Mile 57 theY can pick up our line from there. Acting Mayor Petrovich stated we can'g 410 beyond Sheppard's feasibility and if he is set on it I don't know why anyone should worry about it provided the market is feasible. Acting J1ayor Petroyich stated the Minutes stand approved as read. The next item on the Agenda was the appointment of an acting Y.ayor and Clm. Durant moved that we d'point Clm. Petrovich as Acting Mayor. The Mot inn was seconded by Clm. Lee and Roll was call.ed as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, Present; West, yes: Mati on c:arried. Under pe,ople present there was a deleg.3ttion representing Forest Acres, among them Mr. Lawrence ?unchas and Mrs. tmil Nelson. HI'S. Nelson acted as spokes- man for the group and she asked that the proposed new dump site be explained as to location. City Manager Hardinge got a map, which was supposed to be one of the latest and up-to-date rraps of that area, and pointed out where the dump site was si blated. Hr. Southard also had a map and he pointed out the site also. Considerable discussion foIl ')wed and the persons from Forrest Acres informed the Conneil trv,t '-"ey didn't want somthing as unsiqhtly as t~e dump put in their back yard. Clm. Lee stated, after st~dying the map, that if was a mile to the nearest residence from the proposed dump site. The City Hanager pointed out that the new dump will be on a cut and fill basis and a cat will be purchased for exclusive use on the dump. It was aqain pointed out to the people present that the nearest residence was from a mile to a 1/2 Mile from the proposed dump site and it would be a system of controlled dumping with all garb~ge being covered. Mr. Pickett, of the Forest Acres Group, suggested thRt we find out where the access road is going in at, because I don't t~ink you can get into it where you think you can. Actinq i'layor Petrovich stated we would take this under consideration. Mrs. Bedford and Mrs. Zentmire were present and they were representing the barbers and beauticians in town in regard to the 2'10 Sales Tax. They felt they wer'~ being discriminated against in regards to their profession having to pay the 2"10 Sales Tax when other professions were exempt from the Eales Tax. Mrs. Bedford, continued in saying they were now making a direct approach to the Council members in having Barbers and Beauticians exempt from the Sales Tax. Clm. Hall stated we had discuss~d it before and decided to leave it as it was. When the Ordinance was being read we covered it and I don't know why we should start chandng it now. HI'S. Bedford pointed out that the Attorney General in Washington had thrown a case out where they had tried to collect Sales Tax from Barbers and Beauticians because they were considered professional. Clm. West stated a mechanic could bc' considered as professional whereupon Mrs. Zentmire stated a mechcnic was considered a trade and they are not !'equired to carry a profe,;sional license. Actinq Mayor Petrovic\{ stated when it was brouiJht up befor~dthe Ci ty Attorney checked on it and her interpratation of the law was that Beauticians and Barbers were not listed under professionals and tnerefor~ could not be exempt from the Sal es Tax. The Ci ty Attorney' 5 decision is what governed our action on this. Considerahl,~ discussion followed on this request and the ladies pres':mt again pointed out that they were required to have a professional license along with a Territorial License to operate and they also had to take a Territorial examinc'lthn. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked the City Manager to c~eck into this once more and report on it at the next regular meeting. , Hr. Floyd Johnson \>las present and he asked for pennissioil for the Legion Post ~ to use the Civic Center for a Holl~'ween Dance with bar priveleges. The question was raised of whether the law would pe-rmit it and Chief Seymour said thG ordinanc"l provides for a party permit for charitdbl,~ purposes. Reverand Malin stated it 'Nas contraCT t,) Teo-ritorial La'N. Citv Manager Fardinge reported that he hadn't been able to fend anything specific in NM Territorial Law or the Ordinances. keverand Malin pointed out that you wereAallowed to operate within 200 yards of the church and you have to have a license. Consideral:le discussion followed on the legality of having the bar privileges and City Nanager Hardinge suggested he, call Judge J. 1. McCarrey and 9'et his recommendation and clatrificatlon. He furtber stated it was difficult to get an answer out of the ~ttoIney General because they ah.'ays refer you to your Ci ty Attorney. It was the consensus of the Council that the City Manager check the legality of this and if he fouid it was legal he could grant the necessary permission. 1 "; 0:,; J!._ .l SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 6, 1956 Cont :nued Some discusst0n followed on what kind of an answer the City ~~nager might get if he asked and Chief Seymour stated he was sure he would get a No answer. Mr. Johnsorl'stated they ha4$ked on other occasions for use of the Center with bar privileges and had been turned down while other organizations had been able to use it and he felt the Legion was being discriminated against. City Manager Hardinge stated that if he found that the City could get into trouble on this he would not grant the use of the Civic Center for bar privileges to anyone. The first item on the Agenda under Old Business was the opening of bids for Lots I and 2 of the Marathon Addition. The City Manager stated there was only one bid and that was from J. B. Deisher, and it was in the amount of $1650.00. Clm. West asked what the assessed valuation of those lots were and it was reported that lot No.1 was assessed at $788.00 and Lot 2 was assessed at $790.00. "I move that Lots 1 and 2 Marathon Addition be sold to Dr. J. B. Deisher as set forth in his sealed bid in the amount of $1650.00", said Clm. Durant. Motion was seconded by'Clm. West. Before a roll was called on this moti on Acting Mayor' Petrovich called upon the Council for distlussion. Clm. Lee stated there should be some provisions made for that dirt on the lots to be removed. Acting Mayor Petrovich asked if we were sure that this would in know way jeopordize the new hospital and the snow removal and he also asked where we were going to e3pand the new hospital and Mr. Southard stated that in order to expand that way we would have to close off Lowell street and there is a water line run.,ing up that street. Clm. Hall stated he hated to enter into this but his thought was that we had spent X a long time on this Planning and Zoning Ordinance and we just passed it and now here we are ready to bust it wide open and if that is the case we just as well through the zoning out. Clm. Petrovich stated that when Dr. Deisher stated he wanted those lmts he indicated he would take the rezoning problem up with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Acting Mavor Petrovich asked if we wern't "short selling" the hospital location and he further stated .. that any expansion was going to have to go up the si de of tDe road and he asked Mr. Southard for his reconmendation, whereupon Mr. Southard stated that personnaly he was opposed to having those lots sold and having them dump the dirt there. He continued in saying we needed as many holes in Jefferson street as possible in case of an over-flow from the tunnel. Ci ty Manager bardi nge pointed out in regard to the snow removal that we were going to have to haul the snow out. Clm. 'lest stated that he nought Seward was property Poor and we should get some people paying taxes on these City owned lots by selling them. Acting Mayor Petrovich stated we had a moti on before the Council and he a sked the Ci ty Clerk to call the roll and it was called as follows: Clm. Blair, Yes; Durant, yes; Hall, Present; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, No; and West, Yes. Motion Carried. Discussion followed on whether there was a sewer theI'e and the City Manager stated there was a sewer in front of that property. Discussion then followed on the number of pelDple in town that were not hooked up to the sewer and the Council wondered if there was any way in which the people could be forced to hook up, also that they ~uld not be allowed to build a cesspool if they could hook up to the sewer. Mr. Southard stated that they had to have a permit to build a cesspool and if they could hook up to the sewer they were not given a permit. The City Manager was instructed to check into the ordinances and find if there was any way that they could force the ppmple to hook up to the sewer lines. Acti ng Mayor Petrovi ch stated tllat in the planning of the ordinance a time limit for attac"inl] to the sewer line should have been set up. Clm. Hall asked wra t t I,., present status of the Planning and Zoning Commi ,,"sion was and if we really had a full Board. The City Clerk reported that she hed discussed with Mr. Baumgartner..who was serving on the cOITUPlssion,land found that quite a few of the terms of office had expired and there were persons who had resigned and tr.eir offices had not been reappointed. Discussion followed on what the Planning and Zonning Commission should do and Acting Mayor Petrovich stated they should set :':IP' as a board of appeals and many of these planning and permit problems could be turned over to them for disposition. Acting Mayor Petrovich called a meeting for next Monday night and 8:00 P.M. with the Co~ncil and the Planning and Zoning Commission for the purpose of reorganizing and appointing new rnerr~ers fer the Planning and Zoning Commission. The next item on the Agenda under Old Business was a report from the City Manager on the Accquisition of Lot 13, l'arath:m Addition owned by Nrs. L. V. Ray. The City Manager reported she was asking $1500.00 for that Lot. "I move that the matter be tabled,H said Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was cal ],~d as follows: Blair, yes, Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Le, yes; Petrovich, yes; West, Yes. Mr. Southard reported that the contractors will give him a figure for a small retaining wall to tnb~ care of; it. I ,.,-! t"..... .-...., v' '.e:":., --..... ..-..... r-:.1 I I SL\~ARD, PLAG':fl. R: GUU\R l::EETING 111 AUGUET 6, 1956 Cont inued The next. item on tre Agenda under Old Business was discussion and clarific.-'lti:)n on how 1:1:1e delinquent Sales Tax is to be prosecuted. City "'anager Herdinge reported that the situation stands now that a letter has been sent out giving t;,e:n 30 days to bring their sales tax up to date or warrants will be issued against them and I have heard that there will be some c:mtpstinq it. It was th., consenS1lS of the Council that \'Je Sould issue the 'flarrants and attempt ta collect. The City l"anager asked for permission to hire an attorney to prosecute the CaS'>':; and this p"rmission was grante-i by the Council. Chief of Police E;evrnour sugqested that we let those cases accumulate" 1:'1at are contpsting" then we wouldn't reve to hav'3 an a+torney up here all the time or for every case. The Council thought this would be a good was t.:) handle it. The Chief of 1'olice stated this 1tlOuld just be for the Magistrate Court of course and thpv could appeal to the District C-Gurt. The City Manager was asked for a report on the status of the telephone situation whereup:.n the City I'Janager stated Mr. "ellenthal was gOIng to come dO'..n and rep::>rt on it and als:l the feasiibility report had been sent out to vari.:)us bonrj ng houses. The firE-t item on the Agenda under New Busine:,s '"as the setting of the mElage rates for the 1955-1956 taxes and Mr. Southard gave the following informcltion. For 1955 the millage was 16 Mills for Real property a t:lta1 of $98,548.54. for 1955 the millage was 26 Mi lls for Personal prop" rty or a total of $63,098.49 a total for both redl and personal of $156,744.03. The 1956 figure at 16 Mills on Real Property will be $93,260.06 and on the Personal Property at 26 Mills it will be $62,195.31 or a total for both Personal and Real of $155,455.37. The 1956 Tax is $1288.66 less than last yedr. The 1956 tax roll hasn't been thouroughly checked as yet but I don't think t1-is figure will vary very much. Mr. Southard pointed cut that the perced-:l'J<>. of collections would be hiqher this year because he has b'?en gradually eliminating those that have "i ven Se'..ard as their addl'ess thouqh they don't actually live here. There are about $20,000.00 in !(eal and Pers.:.n",l property taxes that are Delirquent for Idsl' year and we h:iVe collected $83,074.88 in Real I-'ropert:v and $54,515.76 in Personal Property. Mr. Southard reported tnat we would get the real property and we wouldn't lose any money on it because we would charge the individual f::.r the advertising ani the legal and court expenses. City l"anager HanE nge had made some changes on the Budget and he report0d same t,) t~e Council as follows: Business Licenses Territory was changf~d to $14,000.00 and an amount f-:)r Sale of Property was put in as $2500.00 and Court costs were added in th,? affi0unt of $150C.00 and tha t made a total for Revenue as $201,748.00 aCld t;,e total for Expenditures was $201,492.00. Hr. Soutre rd explair1ed bJJ.t whern a per:~'_m has bot:, real and personal property when we go to court we can :;ei,28 both but where a perso" just has p"rs.)nal propedy you have to serve a warrant of distraint and thdt can get quite involved. The City Hanager was asked for his n,co:mnend.:lU',)n as far as the mi 11 age rate was conc.,>rnHd and he recommended that the millag-e rate remnn the same, at 16 Mills for Real Property and 26 Mills for Pers)n",l Froperty. Clm. Lee stated that we had so many irons in the fire he didn't know how we were qoinq to pay everything off and he thought the mill,~ge rate should be rai sed. Ci ty l>lanag,~r Hardi l\-::;8 pointed out tha t everyone is a skin-"] for some service and in servinq the people you are ab-lays running short of money and then you ilee the taxes so you have a littlA surphlS then you undertak'~ some- thing else and you run in the hole and raise the t<lxes again. Tne purpose of the Ci ty l1anager is tn operate to the figure you reve to operat!' on. You sho\lld operate as a business op"rates and it is a business proposition. I like to see things don" for the Ci ty but at the same timp I d6 not see any justification in raisin'J the taxes because actually they are too high now. If you b~ep raisinq- the taxes you will be driving tne people out of town and in the long run you wi'.l be collecting le"s and less. The thing to do is operate with the funds you have on hand and try to live within the proper millage rate. Clm. Hall asked if we had any large outstd:ldin bills and the Ci ty Jvlanager reported that we were starting out fairly even. HI move that Mr. Hardinge's recommendation of the millage rate of 16 for real prop"rty and 26 Mi2.1s for pers'_Jn."l property be acc<"pte,l for 1956 tax pnrposes, H s'iid ('l,m. Blai r. Mot ion seconded by Clm. Hall. was called as follows: Blair, yes; lJurant, Yes; Hall, Yes; Lee, Yes; Yes; West, Yes: Motion carried unanilnously. Mills 1955 Roll Pe trov ich, Actin'] Mayor petr::.vich asked if there was anymare new busines,; and a member of the Council asked how many dog tags had been sold to date, wher<-,upon the Ci ty Clerk reported there had been 48 sold. The Chief of Police stated they had received a number of compldlhnts about dogs, however we haven't been able to keep up with them. We have disposed of about 30 so far. '1i -~ ~/ 'J.. t;... SFMARD, ALASKA REGl'LAR MEETING August 6, 1956 Con Unued Clm. Lee said he foresaw a problem down at the Small Boat Har~or on the 10th, 11, and 12, Salmon Derby Weekend, in regard to traffic and he thought there should be a man down there every day directing traffic. Chief Seymour said we were going to need help and the Boy Scouts had donated their services, however they w?uld get someone to direct traffic. It was also brought out that the Coast Guard was going to be here and they were qoing to take jurisdiction of the Small Boat Harbor so it wouldn't be necessary for the policman to go on the floats. They will take care of the float and we will take care of the traffic, stated Chief Seymour. A Petition for issuance of a Show Cause Order Directed to the Territory of Alaska dated July 26, 1956, and an Order to Show to The City Seward, Territory of Alaska, dated July 26, 1956 the City Clerk. Ci ty of Seward, Cause Directed was read by Clm. Hall stated he would like to know about the Sales Tax and those amounts they p~y the Utilities on the rental of the Poles. The City Clerk reported they had not paid their sales tax for those three or four months last summer however they had been up to date since then. The City Manager stated that Hellenthal says that Washington has no jurisdiction over Alaskan courts and the City Manager thought we had very capable representation on this. Clm. Lee asked if we had an ordinance regulatinq the heights of the wires from the ground and City Manager Hardinge stated we were regulated by Territorial Law and 14 feet is the standard height. A letter was read from Mr. H. Harstad dated July 20, 1956. The City Manager was asked if he had heard anything from Mr. Sheppard in regard to the finan~lng of the line onto Mile 32,whereupon he stated he had written to Mr. Sheppard but he had not heard from him yet. Clm. Hall stated he was still concerned about the poles ant the road by the airport and he considered them dangerous because they were so low. City Manager Hardinge stated that Harstad is within the law in all requirements and if we decide to change them we will have to pay. A letter was read from the Resurrection Bay Sil~er Salmon Derby Committee dated August 6, 1956. Clm. Durant moved that permission be granted on requests one (1) and two (2), and we have the Mayor issue a Proclamation naming this week as Resurrection Bay bilver Salmon Derby '.'leek. Motion was seconded by Clm. Lee, Roll was called and Motion carried unanimously. There being no further budness, Acting Mayor Petrovich adjourned the meeting at 11:15 P. M. ft1 '; 1,1 / . / .,,-/ {/'it17!Jt ~ l LEX ~ROVICH, Acting May r ATTEST: SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING August 13, 1956 A special meet ins of the Council was called to order by Mayor Stockton at 8:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers. This was to be a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission, however there were no members from the Commi,'sion present. Roll was called for the Council as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, and Petrovich. Absent: Clm. Durant and West. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the present status of the Planning and Zoning Commission and appoint new members. From the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission it was determ~ned who were now members and haw many had to be reappointed and for what terns. SEWARD, ALASKA SPECII\L MEETING ~i P 'C ~ ~' AUGUST 13, 1956 Continued The original 3 year term appointed on February 17, 1954 wad Claude Berg, Ray James and George Dangler. Claude Berg is still an active mel!1-ber of the cOITh'Tlission and his term of office will expire in February of 1957. Mr. James resigned and Hr. Jacaqlle Roth was appointed on June 14, 19~i4 to replace Ray James and Mr. Roth's term of office will expire on February of 1957. George Dangler resigned and ltobert Stanton was appointed to replelce him and then Mr. Stanton resigned and no one was reappointed so that left one unexpired term vacant. The original 2 year term appointed on February 17, 1954 was Pat Tdi 11 iams. R. E. Baum;rartner. and Harold Gilfillen and that term was up in February of 1956. 1 The ori~jinal 1 year term appointed on February 17, 1954 was Dave Thompson. Russell Clapp, and Gale Shingleton. Alex Petrovich was suggested as a member, however when he ran for Council John MacAnerney was appointed and his term was to expire in February of 1958 and he left town so that leaves his term of office unexpired. Vance Hi tt was a~'pointed to serve until February of 1958. Russell Clapp was to serve until February of 1958 after his reappointmE'nt, however he has left town lea,ving his term unexpired. f""~ ! 1"'; ,'. ,~ R. ]:'. Baum;rartner's term has expired and he has never bl?en reappointed and Jack Werner and Stan Niegemann were appointed in December of 1955 but for no sj:ecific lengths of terms. .......-:- '-, ,','-1 iJiscussion followed on who should be appointed to fill the unexpired terms and the expired terms and Pat Williams who was present stated the original plan was to have the commission represent pemple from all walks of life, such as a business manl, a home owner, a contractor, a labor and so forth. The Council appointed Pat ',h] Iiams to fill Russel Clapp's unexpired term and her term would expire on February 17. 1958. Pat Williams accepted her appointment. I The Council suggested Harold Gilfillen for John McAnerney's unexpired term find his term would expire on February 17, 1958. The City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Gilfillen and if he didn't accept the following alternates were suggested for tl1is term: Geon]e Ennis, Vic Starry. Coke Foster, Cecil Kramer, and Neville Hodson. R. E. Baumgartner was a~pointed for a ten:! to expire in February of 1959 ,:;nd the Ci ty Clerk was advi sed to wri te to Mr. BaUIrgartr:er and advise him of his a}pointrr~nt. ThE Council decided to put Jack Werner and stan Niegemann on the tern of office fl:at expired on February of 1959. The Council suggestE!d Marylin Edwards to fill the unexpired term of ,Hr. Stan'ton of the original 3 year term ,,,hich would now expire in February of 1957. The ~ity '-'lerk was ir,stz'ucted to write to Mr~. i;;cTh:ard~ and if she didn't accept the following alternates were suqgested for this tern: Mrs. WinJlle Leiler, I-:rs. Horner Boe, Mrs. Racheal Puckett, If the above appointmentt:ccepted th(~ Planning and Zoning 60mmission would sbwd as follows: J CIa ude Berg Jacque Roth t'Jiirylin Edwards Expi res I:xpires Expires 2/17/57 2/17/57 2/17/57 Vance !litt Expires Pat 'V{illiams Expires Harold Gilfillen " 2/17/58 2/l 7 /58 2/17/58 I Jack Werner 9tan Niegemann R. E. Baumgartner Expires Expires Expires 2/17/59 2/17/59 2/17/59 Mayor Stockto;c stated tl1at either he or th2 Ci ty Banager should plan 1110 attend the first meeting so we can out1ire their duties and function. Pat Williams stated that the Cormnission should knoH what their pOl'iers axe and they should know what they can do and never go beyond tl1eir powers. The City JifJanager recommended that the Cormnission issue all the building permits and Cl!il. Hall asked if that would take very- long. The City t'Jiinager stated that whoever i,-sued the permi ts if they t1.0Lg);t it was allright tl1ey could is[;ue it right then, however if they thought the request did not comply wi. th the ordi nance a special mE,eting could be called and it could be brought before the commission so n,ere weu] d not be a delay. ;'Jothing will comE' to the Council unless it is a controversial issue. The City l-Ianager continued In saying tl1at tl-e Commission does not have the power to cnange the zones, and tree only one who has power te, cl1ange the zones is the C.~uncil. 1 1. 1 Sn'lARD, ALASKA SPECIAL !'JEETING August 13, 1956 Conti rued Pat Williams asked what we could do to encourage an active Planning and Zoning Corr~ission, whereupon the City ~~nager pointed out that it wasn't a powerless group by any means. Pat Williams asked about the Cemetary and whether that was within their jurisdiction and the City ~anager stated they had no jurisdiction outside the City limits nor on the Lagoon, however you can plan other Parks in town. You have a lot to do with the palnning and growth of the town. The Council will always be referring request to you that you will have to handle and also there are a number of projects you can take up. A letter was read from Mr. Sheppard of Grande of Company in regard to the issuing of bonds for the pole line out to mile 32. There being no further discussion on the Planning and Zoning Commsssion the meeting adjourned. rJ~~ \;; ~/(J41 '..J). ~ ) PERI?:( R. STOCKTON, Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~ /4 ~~~ '1ITI LERK - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA SPECI AL MEE.TING i1ugust 18, 1956 n joint meeting of the Council and the Utility doard met in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll for the Council was called as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich. Late: Clm. Durant Absent Clm. West. Utility board Members Present: Chairman Trevethan, and Mr. steers. Absent: Myers, Painter, and Turner. Also present was City Manager Hardinge and Mr. Howard Harstad, engineer for the pole line and hydro project. Mayor Stockton said the purpose of this meeting was to get together with Mr. Harstad to discuss the progress that has been made on the hydro project and any possible stages that may be contingent on the expansion program, and we should air any problems and also look into the future and air any ~OCXKX possible developments. In his report, Mr. Harstad first gave a run down on the status of the contract work and he stated that last month the utility showed an increase of 37"/0 onder the contractors bid and that included equipment rental, over- head cost~'lbe over all picture shows the utility Board is ahead by aoout 16 or 17~~#~the contractors bid. The crew seems to be well shaken down now--every organization goes through a shake down period-- and Jay hasn't had to layoff or replace anyone. Also when you are finished out here you will own some equipment that will prove to be of considerable value. Now is all they have to do is finish up and then Jay has been saving quite a bit of work that they can do in the winter when the weather is so bad. From all indications, Mr. Harstad contineedj the 'lser is getting into a lower power bracket. This new rate schedule that we just put into effect is not going to benefit just over-night but it is going to take awhile. Mr. Harst~ stated that sales in r~ were up considerably over last year. The wages for last year were about $40,000.00 and the cost of operating your diesel plant is over $75,000.00, whereas the cost of constructing a hydro plant would be about $130,000.00 and it would only be aoout $30,000.00 a year to operate such a plant and the savings you derive from operating the ~ydro rather than the diesel would pay for the hydro plant. The bonding houses reguire a 50"/0 coverage to pay for the bonds, however you can payoff your present indebtedness out of revenue derived from the Seward Electric and also on to the next I'ltep of the line to Moose Pass. ~ think the proj ect is feasibly sound stated Mr. Harstad. Mr. Harstad, continuing in his report stated that fue' oil just went up 2/10 of a cant and it will probably continue to raise. I don't think we should go on with the line to 32 until next May, and by that time we will have some clearing done and have some nf the survey work partly done and their won't be anything hanging over our heads. ~~y~r Stockton asked Mr. Harstad woo t his opinion was on the s tanding of the Forest Service Permit under the plan he had just outlined, whereupon Mr. Harstad replied that he felt the Forest Service would go along with them if we proved to them we were tryin~ to meet the requirements. He said there was a difference in I ...../ .'..... ...,," ~'J I I SEW.l\RD, ALA3KA '" ~ J' SPECIAL NEETING AUG;]ST 18, 1956 Continued someone who was trying and somecne who was doing nothing. Also, if we ShOl'1 good faith in proving to them that we aret.cgett ing ready to start by next May I think they wi'l go dlong with us. /~not working in the winter, I don't believe they wo~ld ask us to do something in an inefficient manner such as that would be. Clm. Dur'ant asked },ow many customers were hooked up out the road and neither Mr. Harstad or Jay C~rroll knew off hand, Clm. Durant pointed out that we had to ~ay interest and ~rincipal on the bonds and he wanted to know where that money was coming from. Mr. P.arstad mentioned a report that he knew Mr. D~r~nt had seen with adequate estimates in there to cover payment of the bonds and interest. Mr. Harstad stated it was too early yet to have any line readings on the poles out the road but he was sure there would be guite adequate revenue tc cover the bond payments. Chairman of the Utility Board, Mr. Trevethaf) stated that Christma<3 should give them plenty of time and after those 4 or 5 months we DlIJI(1 should have some good 301id fdCts to point to. In a discussion in regard to tr,e Dond principal and inte~r"st paymerm Mr. Harstad pointed out that the interest was on the unpaid balance and all pay- ments come out on a level debt service. Yry.! f>ave tQ pay $20,or)(1.00 a year on principal and interest and that amounts to about $1750.a month. Mr. Earstad indicated he would not recorrJl:end we go to Nile 32 just to pick up a distribution line becauEe it I'lOuldn't be feasible. The only reaSQn we are ('wing to Mile 32 or further is for th<'? hydro. If you gc' beyond Mile 8, it is "it\; hydro in mind. There are nnly ab.Jut 135 cLstomers beyond mile 8 and thri,t would not justify an expansion now, however, Alaska is goin9 to grow; and as time goes on you will pick up more customers and if you get Homer, that will make it all t]-,e more fectsible/ I i Mr. Sheppg.rd has given you the go agead on the! lin,,, to Nile 32 and has indicnted he vIi 11 finance the project. He asked me to report to you about a Territorial Guarantee on bonds and he said if we could get that '>!fe would be able to get a mud better interest de'll ilnd we wouldn't have to have that toug:-. 50'7. coverage. Harstad stated that we should allow ourselves another $400,000.00 to get to the hydro site. The possi.ble contrar:t wory was disCl.lsspd and the problem of havino thi:; All up for bids and havin9 everything ready by the fir:st of May. Mr. Harstad outlined the following program on letti.ng the bids. Pe stated he bought it would be fin'" to let the mat<'?rials an.j the clearing on a bid basis, but he suggest8d that the acb.ill pcle setting and line work be left the way it is now, bec,iuse you can do the work much faster and more efficiently wi th your pre sent organi za t i on. Discussion followed on the fe'isibility of a hydro project and the high cost and Utility Chairman Trevethan pointed out the last time this pmblem came up they decided to expand their deisel plant rat':1er than go into hydro and we c,)uld have paid for the hydro plant by now out of whll tit has r'n st us to op?rab~ th," dEisel plant. At t':1e Utility Board meetinq the otner niqht we authorized $15110.80 to go a~ead and finish proj'lcted line out the road and approval of the location so it will be ready for May. Ha;rsb.id again pointed out that he didn't want to fi<Jht another winter and he th0u9ht r:onst- ruction shuuld be dom- when it can }.e done most efficiently. I'Jayor stockton asked hm~ much mabnials we had left over and Hr. Carroll rep'HtAd tr.ere wasn't even a half mile of poles left over. l".ayor Stockton stat(~d that should the Council decide to go a~ead on the next stage 'Nould you have to survey the land, whereupon Mr. Harstad reported thclt he had had Ray Hadley do SDme of the survey work ard r.e cot.:ld go ahead on som morn prelocation work. It should be cleared aqead before you get the actual location. You could start clearin'J the first of tlJdr:::h and you cOl,ld get the mab~rials up here in two months. I believe it would be cheaper fo r you to have the crew do the acturtl pole setting. You would be E t:t:incr 7010 of the work in the cle<iring and the materials and the last 3007. could be done cheaper by the present crew and also you have your own equipment now ~. Clm. Lee stated that the contractors would have probably given us a much beth2r price had they had this long to complete the, line in. Mr. liarstad continued in saying that by the end of the year \om would have the audit and they could make their desicion the first of Febr-.ary and let the bids about then tc. Clm. PetI'ovich stated Pa t we had a big proj ect ahead of us and we are being press'lred by a permit and we have to resolve a policy of whether to go force c.ccount or whether to put this up for bid. Can't vIe go ahead with the plan then at least we cc.n say we are re<il1y going ahead. 11 ~) SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIJl.L MEETING AUGUST 18, 1956 Continu<;!d I City Manager Hardinge introduced Bob Porterfield of the Forest Service and asked if he had anyt!1ing to say in regard to this discussion. Mr. Porterfield stated that this particular permit was a regional office permit and anything official would have to come from them and he stated that Mr. Hardy was racking his brain on this particular problem right now and he was due down here the next day. Mr. Perterfield stated there was one point he would like to have cleared up and that was he wanted to know if the Council knew whether they wanted to go to Mile 32 or not. Before the Forest Service considers extension of the permit they are going to awk for a firm committment on your part that you are qoing to Mile 32. Considerable discussion followed on this and Mr. Harstad sur.ured it up thi s way: By next May we should have t!:1e F. P. C. Permit, the Load Growth, and all other prelininary work done on this 50 you will be able to start right in. City ~~nager Hardinge reported that we had heard nothing definite from Homer and he and Painter and Mayor stockton wer e goiner to make a trip down there and try to get something concrete evidence. Mayor Stoc~on asked if the Council had any other questions they would like to bring out and Clm. Durant stated that he had never had anyone prove to him there were 83 cUst~mes in Moose Pass when there is only around 50. Mr. Harstad stated that his report did not show 83 customer in Mc)ose Pass be- cause there are only around 51 customers there. There are 51 customers in Moose Pass and 25 between Lawing and Moose Pass and about 15 in Lawing. Clm. Hall asked Mr. Hardinge for his recommendation on this, whereupon Mr. Hardinge stated he would like to see Mr. harstad auth~rized to make plans on this. We are gambling a little on funds, however the right of way plans should be made ready for the bidding the first ot the year and that is what I would like to see don.. I sti 11 think bis'~s a very good thing for Seward and it is feasible, however you have to take some gamble. Clm. Hal: said if we authorize Harstad to go ahead and then we decide not to go ahead, how much money will we be out and Mr. Harstad said it would be about 6 or 8 thousand. Considerable discussion followed on the feasibility of continuing with this project and Mr. Harstad explained that the electrical business seems to be very sound and is constantly going ahead. "I move that Harstad and Associates be asked to proceed with engineering plans and specifications for continQance of the power line from Mile 8 to Mile 32 so the bies can be asked for by the 1st of February," said Clm. Hall. Motion Se~)nded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was called as follows: Clm. Blair, yes; Durant, Yes; Hall, Yes; Petrovich, Yes; ~ Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Carrol stated that at this time he would like to make a reco!1lm;!ndation and that is we shouldn't ask the Seward Electric System to bid against the electric~l contractors because we have the benefit of labor and we have a lot of things over the contractors that they wouldn't want to bid against. Mr. Trevethan pointed out that the land on the Moose Reserve had been leased by major oil companies and if they develop it will make our line all the more feasible. Mr. harstad again pointed out the importance of going after the Territorial Guarantee of our bonds, because they will bring our interest rates down. He indicated we shouldn't have too muc', trou,ghe getting it because we were a solid operation whereas other places in Alaska were asking for them and they were depending on growth only. Mr. Harstad reported on his survey of the water system and he stated that there was going to have to be a substantial increase in the rates. We are considering the things you are going to have to do in the future and I wouldn't want to recoramend a rate that would just get you by now. There are w(~den pipes that are going to have to be replaced and other work also. elm. Blair asked Mr. Harstad if he was looking into possible cllorination whereupon Mr. Harstad replied that he was looking into the possibliltiy of infiltration and if he could get the water to infiltrate into the system it would eliminate your dirt and unsanitary conditions. He inddcated he could not get concerned about chlorination because there was know one living around the SOllrce of water su,ply. He indicated we would be better off to have the water supply oome from Lowell rather than Jap Creek. Mr. Harstad stated we were paying for the entire water system out of revenue from monthly statements and if you had charqed for the connections it would have made a big difference. The connectio~ fee now is $110.00, however the point is whether you \.,ant to charge for water on monthly stateroonts ur charge for extentions and replacements. SEWltl{D, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 18, 1956 t 1 ,..,. 1;. 4 Discussion followed on the water system and how the situation could be improved. There being no further acti on or discusslon the meet ing adj ourned at 10: 1 S F. 1-1. ~ ~ ':L~ ~/L 't- Cj ,:;f ~ :t,) PEi?R't R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATT~;m': I ,!JJ;trd ~ TY CLERK , ..'~ 1~ :~ -'''' ,~. <~ ..~ ~j~ I I 1 '" ."', I "4 ~ ,..~ ~ .".'~:: ;:u I. I 1 ) ~ SEWARD, AlASKA. REGULAR d~ETING AUGUST 20, 1956 A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. With Mayor Stockton being absent Clm. Petrovich took over the chair and called the meeting to order at approximately 8:20 P.M. Roll wascalled as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Lee, Petrovich, and West: Absent: Clm. Durant and Hall. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. The minubes of the previous meetings of August 6th, 13th, and 18th were read. Clm. Petrovich asked if there were any corr~~~~ons or additions and Clm. Lee pointed out that in the minutes of August 6tn.Should read 200 feet rather than 200 yards in regard to the legal distance between a li~uor establishment and a church. Clm. Petrovich said the minutes stand aI)proved as corrected. The first item on the agenda was people present and the first ones to speak ~ the group representing the barbers and beauticians and their request was that this group of professional people should be exempt from payir,g the Sales Tax. Clm. Petrovich asked if there were any new developments since the last meeting and Mrs. Zentrnire stated that at the last meeting there was some question as to whether barbers and beauticians should be classified as prof- essionals or not and upon checking they had found that they represent the second largest group of licensed professions in the Territory. City Manager Hardinge asked if we could leave it status quo until he gould get some more information. City Manager Hardinge asked how their license read and Mrs. Zentmire presented the City Manager a copy of the license for his study. Clm. Lee stated that in the Territorial Code the only ones that are classed as professionals are doctors. City Manager Hardinge said that the Sales Tax was covered in the 35 and 39 statutes, however it is not in the present ones. City Manager Hardinge said he was going to Anchorage tomorrow and he would take a copy of the Sales Tax Ordinance with him and he was going to see Kay and Hellenthal and he would see Judge McCarrey also. Clm. Petrovich explained to the group the financial status of our Sales Tax Fund and the fact that we were about 25% in the rears on last years budget and we owed about $30,000.00 on last years budget. Considerable discussion followed on the Sales Tax situation and the possibilities of an independent School District however no action was taken on deleting the barbers and beauticians from the Sales Tax Ordinance. Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Knight were present from the Junior Womens Club and Mrs. Edwards stated she Was interested in the Council taking some final action in regards to setting aside land for the use Of 8 swimmlng poole. City ~~nager Hardinge stated that when they were up here before he had informed them that the land across from the Elementary School was available, however he found that that land had had been set aside for use of the new telephone system the City was planning. Clm. West stated that we should do some research on it. Mrs. Edwards stated that those lots across from the School would be a very desirable location for a swimmlng pool. Hardinge stated that if the telephone building was put up on 3rd Avenue that the system would cost about $26,000.00 for cable and the location across from the school is more centrally located and it would be cheaper to set up. Clm. Lee suggested that possibl, there was enough space there for both the telephone bUilding and the swimming pool. Mrs. Edwards asked if the swimming pool could be put on the school grounds and she further stated that she had asked Mayor Stockton about this and he stated that he didn't think it could be put on the school grounds. City kanager Hardinge stated he would look into this further and he stated that possibly some of the lots on the New High School could be used inasmuch as that land is for Park or School purposes. Mrs. Edwards stated the reason for wanting the swimming pool close to the school was so the children could get swimming lessons in conjunction with their gynm classes. City Manager Hardinge suggested building the swimming poole on' to the school and then the school could assume part of the operating expenses and also possibly it could be heated from the schools heating plant. City Manager continued in saying that we had the land for them, however we couldn't tell just yet where it is going to be, ',;nd in the meantime he countinued he would look into the possibility of having it on the school grounds. annual George Galloway of Seward Service was present and he presented hiadreport on the Garbage service for the past year. Mr. Galloway stated that Mr. Winey from the Alaska Department of Health was in town recently and he drove himn around on an inspection tour of the town and Mr. :.;alloway asked him for his recommendations. Mr. Winey stated that all persons should be re~uired to have garbage stands and also they should have lids for the cans. Mr. Winey did say it was getting better than when he was first here. Mr. Galloway continued in saying that to really clean up the town it would be necessary to have the cities full cooperation and the Health Ordinance would have to be enforced. Mr. Galloway asked about the new dUlnp ~ite and about the road that will se Boing into it and he..xx also mentioned the problem of keeping the road clear in the winter. Clm. Petrovich stated we were planning on getting a cat for use on the dump and it could also be used for keeping the road clear. Petrovich stated that there may be times when you would have to use the cat to clear the road yourself. 1 .':. ~~.. J /, q SEWARD, ALA&Q REGULAR MEETING August 20, 1956 Continued The bid notice for the new Garbage contract was discussed and City Manager Hardinge pointed out that the City has the right to reject any or all bids. Hardinge stated they were extending the contract for a longer period of time so the individual who gets it will be in a better position to do more. If the bids do not have the right equipment they l'i11 be thrown out. Clm. Petrovich stated that from the date of notice they had 90 days to get the trucks. Mr. Galloway recommended that the new Contract be written as of the first of the month so it will eliminate the confusion of half month billings. City Manager Hardinge stated he would go along with that and the new Contract would be as of the 1st of October. The first item ont the agenda under Old Business was the confirmation of the new appointments of the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Clerk Confirmed the appointment of Mrs. Marylin Edwards, Harold Gilfilen, and R. E. Baumgartner. The Next item on the Agenda was the Discussion on the Alaska Telephone Corporation Notice of Hearing. A letter was read by the City Clerk from the Attorney Mr. Schmetzel asking for permission to use the City Hall for the Hearing. City Manager Hardinge stated he told them they could meet here and he said Mr. Hellenthal, our attorney would be here as an observer. Hardinge said he would see the Police Department about setting up their tape recorder and getting a record of the hearing that way. Clm. Lee asked what had been found out about the renting of the community Hall for Dance and Bar purposes, whereupon the City Manager reported that he had checked with Mr. Hellenthal and he had said it was illegal, and the presidence from now on was going to be that the hall would be rented to no one for Bar priveleges. Clm. Blair asked the City Manager if he thought our street renovation is at a stand still, whereupon the City Manager stated it was as long as it was raining. City Manager Hardinge contineed in saying that the streets would have been in better shape had they been able to leave it closed over night so they could cover it with sand, however because of the Salmon Derby coming up and all the business people wanted it left open. He said they did get some sand on the center while the traffic waS moving on it. The City Manager further reported that they were awful slow in getting it on and they didn't get it rolled like it should have been. The Sales Tax came up for discussion and Clm. Blair stated he would like to see a statement put in the Petticoat ~~~tte as to what percentage of the Sales tax goes to the schools. Clm. Lee.a6out the list of delinquent accounts being published and City Manager Hardinge stated he had sXBK discussed this possibility with an attorney and he had advised against it. The City Clerk reported that as a result of the letter Mr. Hardinge had written quite a few of the delinquent accounts had been brought up to date. City Manager Hardinge asked the Council how long an account should be delinquent before it should be prosecuted and it was the consensus of the Council that anyone that was more than 3 months delinquent should get a warrant and they should all be issued at the same time. Mr. Hardinge was asked what the status of the new telephone system was, whereupon the City Manager replied that the feasibility report was now in the hands of the brokers and the attorneys in Seattle are working up the bond on it and at present they are trying to get the best interest rate possible. The first item on the Agenda under New Business was the opening of Bids on the Equipment Fleet Schedule Insurance Coverage. Clm. Petrovich stated we couldn't act on these bids now and Clm. Lee suggested that a Special meeting be called to take care of it. Clm. Petrovich stated ~e could give the City Manager authority to award the bid and Clm. Lee stated he couldn't do anything but award the low bid. Clm. Petrovich stated we could read the bids and the lowest bid could be awarded. Clm. West stated that on all bids they should be reveiwed thoroughly because there is always the possibility that something could be overlooked that should be in there and that is why they should be checked first. He stated the expiration date was not until the 28th of August. Clm. PetrOVich stated we would have a speCial meeting Monday, August 27th and he tnstructed the City Clerk to notify Mayor Stockton. Clm. Lee asked the City Manager if there were any new developments on the Armory, whereupon the City Manager stated they were breaAfng ground now and they have 150 days to complete however, he didn't think they would get done in that time because this is a pretty rough construction season. City Manager Hardinge also stated that they had w!shed the inspection of the building off onto him. I , ,"- ..-'" I I SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR iii1'.:ETING AUGUST 20, 1956 Continued I 'l f .8. ,r:1 1 The bills for the month of July were read by the City Clerk, as fo] lows: A &. B Service, 8.68; Alaska Shop, $34.64; A. C. S., $49.82 ; Alaska Telephone Corp., $49.90; Anchorage Printing Co., $75.30; Andrews Army Surplus, $7.00; I Andy'S Oil Delivery. $409.24; Artic Office Machine; $4.~0; Automotive Parts &. Equip.; $1723.98; Margit Edwards, $90.00; Equipment Service Co.; $6.25; Win Ervin Motor, $18.50; Kenai co-op, $82.92; Northern Commercial, $299.51; John Paulstiener, $33.00; petticoat Gazette, $78.25; Pettibone Corp., $49.51; petty cash, $19.80; Quick Way Truck Shovel Corp., $4.98; Rutledge Johnson &. Tryck, $7.52; Seward Builders, $15.72 Seward Drug, $29.91; Seward Electric, $802.85; Seward Hardward, $7.95; Seward Machine ShOp, $30.41; Seward Trading Co., $18.20; Seward Vlater, $455.00; John P. Smith, $621.~; Standard Oil, $244.72; Norbert Swoboda, $25.00; United Janitor Supply. $175.w; Harry West $63.90; Pat WiJ.liams, $665.00; Yukon Equipment, $285.02: Total $6-,...g~.'JO. ~ ""~ #3 Clm. West asked what the bill from Pat V!illiams for $665.00 .as for and the City clerk stated $25.00 was for a bond renewal, $40.00 waS for fire insurance on the utility building which would be billed against them and the $600.00 was for a 3-year policy on the Grade School. The City Clerk continued in saying that Pat had explained that the 3-year plan and the premium in advande was a saving of 6 months. Clm. West stated that you get a much better deal out of an annual renewal plan. Clm. Mr. West explained the blanket type of policy also and he said by having a blanket policy you get 100% coverage for 90%. He said he would like to set up an insurance program for the city that ould save them some money. Clm. West continued in saying that Ray James was to evaluate the city property some time ago and he wondered why that had not been done. Clm. West continued in saying that it was his thought that every building ~f the city including the utilities should be covered under a blanket deal and a binder system. Considerable discussion followed along these lines, however no action was taken. "I move the bills be approved as read with the exception of the water and the electric bills," said Clm. Blair. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, yes; West, yes:. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. M' /~ I (j!fi~\: $~;}t-zC / ALEX PETROVICH, Acting Mayor ATTEST: /f,1d~~~ City Cl k - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL MEETING August 27, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Blair. Durant, Hall Lee Petrovich West. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to award the bidS~ the insurance coverage for the automobile fleet schedule and the rea~~1rome correspondence in regards to the telephone issue. City Manager Hardinge gave the following breakdown on the bids for insurance coverage on the automobile fleet schedule: HARRY WEST Bodily Injury Liability $50,000 - $100,000 property Damage - $10.000 Comprehensive on Ambulance Only Fire (On specified EqUipment) Theft ( Ambulance Only) $100 Deductible Coll~sion(Ambulance Only) Additional Charges for endorsements 1 &. 2 $832.33 707.21 27.00 428.01 5,40 124.00 ~~ $1962.95 1 ,,', '" , ' .r- .ll-' SEWARD, ALASL{A SPECIAL 1,l!!;ETING August 27, 1956 PAT WILLIAMS Bodily Injury Liability $50,000 - $100,000 Pro pert y Dama ge - $J!fl J ,.:,oa / (), po" Auto Physicial Damage $862.55 722.36 265.90 $1850.81 The Auto Physicial D&~age covers fire insurance on all items in policy showing fire for last year, comprehensive, and $100 deductible Collision on the ambulance and Non-ownership liability. City Manager Hardinge stated that along with Mr. Wests bid there was a compete breakdown of all the equipment and it showed just what catagory they were covered under as far as Fire, Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Clm. West stated that his insurance company had furnished this right along with their bid. City Manager Hardinge stated that it seemed that no matter what he did he couldn't seem to get a breakdown from Pat Williams and this quotation here doesn't tell me a thing. The City Clerk reported that she had checked Mr. Wests schedule out against the old policy. Mr. West stated that there was piece of equipment that was to have been deleted, however he had failed to pick it up and also there was one serial number that had to be changed and one serial number that had to be added. The City Clerk also reported that she had talked with Pat Williams and had gone over the two deletions and the two additions and she was acsured that Pat Williams had picked them up, also she reported that Pat Williams had checked over the policy that was now in effect and she told the City Clerk she was sure she had picked everything up. City Manager Hardinge recommended that XXI Harry Wests bid be accepted inasmuch as he had presented a thourough breakdown of each piece of equipment and it has all been checked out. There is one more thing, continued the City manager, and that is", the person who holds this policy should furnish the City Clerk with copies of all claims processed against the policy so there will be a record of loss on file in that office. Harry West assured the City Manager this would be done if he was awarded the bid. The difference in the bids was $112.00 "1 move that the fleet policy be awarded to Harry West at the price of $1962.95," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, yes: West, Not Voting. Motion Carried. A letter Was read from Metcalf & Johnson dated August 20, 1956, offering telephone utility operation in the City of Seward. Clm. Hall suggested that ~e turn this letter over to Mr. Hellenthal for a negative answer. Clm. Durant suggested that we include in that that becuase of the uncertainty of the future we have no coment at this time. Disucssion followed on the recent telephone hearing and the telephones systems plans for renovation of the present system. After a lengthy discussion the Council decided to have Mr. Hellenthal And Mr. Bauler make the telephone company another offer in regard to the purchasing of the syste!"" here. By making impovements, the cost of the present system is increasing it was brought "J out. A letter was read from Mr. Hellenthad to the Honorable William J. L~ndberg of Seattle dated August 23, 1956. City Manager Hardinge explained that accor~ng to Hellenthal, the court has no jurisdiction to answer on contract rights and the only place they can appeal is the court in San Francisco and we are both trying to avoid attorneys fess. JJiscussion followed on whether or not the telephone company had permission from the Utility Board to string their lines on our poles and Clm. ~urant called Mrs. Chaney, of the Utility System and she told him they had not received any permission as far as she knew. The fact was also brought out that at one time O'Hara told them they couldn't put in poles accrossthe lagoon. Clm. West stated that if we bought the telephone Gystem we \'-'ould have to operate it out of revenues and Mayor Stockton stated that if we could extend our service it would be very economically feasible because the same force can take care of a lot more customers. At 9:00 P.M. the Council went into a closed executive session. Mayor Stockton called a special meeting of the Council at 10;45 on August 27, 1956. Roll was called as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Durant, Hall, Lee, Petrovich, and West. Also present was City Manager Hardinge and Attorneys Wendal Kay and B~k~~0 Mayor Stockton stated the ~tpose of this meeting was BO pass a Resolution. 1 "' I )...'~ ~,) c~',: ",4 . .1.. ::':-1 I I 1 'l ') ~, ./! SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING August 27, 1956 Resolution No. 103 was dictated to the City Clerk by Wenda 1 Kay, Attorney and the follwwing action was taken: ) "I move for the adoption of Resolution 103," said Clm. West. Clm. Petrovich seconded the motion. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; West yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. /) ,/J. t;.g_ kf,. , \./ "- ,~,,(/ dL 6fjc"",~", PESi'Y R. STOCKTON Mayor ATTEST: ~/ -y . -&#...) City C rk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- E;P[2: Jl.L E-:ETI NG Jl.uq'.lst 31, 1956 Jl. special IT\€E,ting of the Cou!\Cll '.-Ias called to order at 8:C6 ; .1'1. with l"Byor stockhJn in the chair. The roll was called as fd:Lm"s: Present: elm. Blair, Durant, Hall, Lpe, Petrovic.>o and West. Jl.l~;c present was Chief of f'clice SeYlf,Qur "nd Cl ty l"imager ha rdinge. r /lli'ivor ~'tockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to have a ra~ional di~cussiGn on the ramMfifications that came about upon the serving of wa1'rants to the various businesses in regard to the Sales Tax. Also, to hi'lve a better understanding just where we stand as to policy and enforcerr:ent is concerned and to try to answer some of thr-) quest'i.:ms tnat haye come up as to how serious an offpnse has to be to fingerprint and photogroj:h. Clm. Petrovich asked C},ief Seymour to give the Council a run down on the various offen1;es by seriuusness i;nd how eacn case '.-Ias tr<::ated. Chief ~e)~our stated the more be arrested without a warrant investigat ion. / serious crime was a Felony and a felony case can and you can \',old the victim for 24 hours for /' ./ Mayor Stockton stated he wot;ld like to establish the proct,'aure they CfO throuJh and would like :::hief Seymour's veri"ion of when they finJerprint and photo?raph ard '"hen th~y do not, whereupon Chief Seymour stated that everyone> that is Cooked is finqer- pnnted and photographed, and if we have facilities to make an extra photO-Jraph we send to the Buri'~au and if we don't we adiise then: there is on<" avai liable. He stated it is d ffi','ans of identification dnd eVer:rone ch.:irqedwith a gross misdeamenor or a felony ar.? booked. elm. Hall wanted Chief Seymour to explain what he meant by h ,uj:ced and Chief Seymour stab~d that meani' enbH into the nlotter or broucrht in for 'l.ru~"t on a HaIrdnt. Drunk driving 1m3 reckless driving is always bo;ked and negl;gc:mt dri vinq is sJ:nr-:times booked. Gross l1isdedmenors and feloDles are all booked and misdemeanoL'; are sOffiptimps book.,d. On speedin~ off"ns"" Y01~ :-".11 the dri'rer you clIe going tn sit'~rhim into court and you ask him to sign the ticket and if he ~ailfs to sign it,fis the office"r;:; alternibve to hke hil1 in fur bail. one \....ll...lt::J I....CyJill...\.ol..1. OLC1..~tl -rnat contested cases Involvlr0 printirtl,J and photoql'b,r:bing ;'-tild r. su::' ted in Ue Federal Courts ruling that Ue n~ was no viola+ ion of ones constitutional nor Civil Rights. Refer"ncet; in which the courts have held no infringemE~;lt dr:d tho> decesion ca:, be found in th: fnll'~',wing citdtion; in Federal Codes and Cas"s: Holt VB U. S. 8. 218 U. 2. 245 Paqe 252 J';stice Holms presiding: U. 2. Vs Kelly 55-F-(2D) 67 January 18, 1932. We follow prescribed police procedure or what we call standard pelice pnlctice. ,t, '1 ~ ! L-" SE1.'lARD, ALASKA SPECIAL VJ:ETING August 31, 1956 Cent inued Clm. L0e asked if t~is particular case wasn't an inter-corr~~nity problem and wasn't it just a minor violation, 'dhereupon Chief Seymour stated it was a crime against the people and their property XKHXI*Xj~~ and in this particular case the Council xarl:l!.n instructed the departments concerned to enforce t~e Sales Tax Ordinance and at the tirr,e the complaints were being drawn up and warrants were being issued I knew t~at we would be placed on the /Xln so I t~erefore disussed the procedure to be followed with t~e hagistrate and at this time I would like t~e follCl1Ning to be read into the record: Hreading from a sr:ecial report dated 8/29/56 subject: processing fales Tax Violators on Warrants issued. Di rected to<tFrom ungersigned. Via inter-off ice COIIJI,unication on above date at approximately 12:05 P.~l. we were preparing complaints and warrants for individuals in violation of Ordinance No. 267 we discussed booking printing, and photl."JFopI,ing said vioators with l'<lagistrate Edwards. Since prescribed procedure was to book, photograph and print all subjects taken by Warrant on bailable offenses, or to photograph all subjects that are booked, and since in some instances we sometimes bypass the procedure we wished a definite stand on these ;:art:cular warrants. The quest:on was adeed of the Magistrate should we print, photograph, and book all the subjects, some of the sllbjects or none of the subjects? fince some should be it was decided and we were so instructed by the ~Bgistrate to book, print, and photograr-~ all of tre indiviry~dls before allowing then to bail. I then stated that it might be il lit tIe expensive to shoot all the pictures cind vie might just skip that part since we rray wind up paying for the film ourselves and the l'lagistrate stated to go ilhead since surely there would be enough fines to take care of the costs. Present Clt the time of these instructions was mys"']f, officer 2I11]i:tr and Officer !,'Iellington. Clm. Petrovich asked why Chief 2eymour was on trial here wher, we lnstructed them to g<J ahead OIl Lhis dnd "Ie knew it was going to stir up somethin.] and Mayor stockton stat"Jd Chief Seymour was not on trial t',at the purpose of thi 5 meet inq was to try tn achieve more harmony between the Police Depa rt.mm t and the Council. Clm. Bla ir asked Whii t the outcome would be if the Council set a pol icty of no photographing on misdeamenors, whereupon Chief Peymour stated that the seriousness of t}le misdedmenor warranted whether they would be booked or not, and some misdeamenors defenitlv should be bOl)ked. It is a watt'er of police procedure And in most places it is left up t:J the police depa rtmp.nt. Bill Lantz, a~ong the people present stated that after a person is arrested whenever you cITP. applyinq for a job it hcts to so st,"It<e on your application i'ind Chief Seymour stated th"lt many applications read ever arrest0d fur a felony charge and Lantz also stated that applicat:i0ns ask if you have ever been fined more thi'if\ $25.80 'lnj ehief Seymour statpd the decision as tJ the seriousness of an offense waul,:! rest with tl1e r:erson invl!stigdtin::r thH applicant. Chief Seymour continued in sayinq that thei r departm8nt gets many inquiries on applicants. He stated tha t in the past 18 months we have checked up on 1 wanted individual and we had him booked in on a misdeamellor charge. He stated unforturni'itel'f we have a large num!J<H of peibple in the Territ"ry who have rect)rds. ~ l Clm. Lee stated that it ,..JaB his understandinq tna t at a previous meeting the City Hanager was given some instructions on finger printiWJ and pJhotographing and Mayor Stockton stated he didn't recall any final instn.lctions, however we had discussed it A number of times. City l'ianager Hi'lrdinge stated he did not remember qetting any s;;ecific instrlctions on it. Clm. Hall stated he did not remember of any instructions given the city manager either. Chief Seymour stated he knew he had never received any specific instD~ctions as to polity or procedure ho.,ever on numerous ocadons we have requested it. and for that matter we have written letters an::! -lirected them to the city manager office asking if there 'tlere any specific instrlctions or a set policy for us to follow i"Ind I would like to read into the record exerts from two leth,rs that have been directed up he re quote _ H letter dated August 19, 1955 and dired8d to city manager Har':iitv;re excert 4th paragraph on this date was learned tni'll: a case was dismi ssed by the Magi st rate court wi thaut hearing testimony and without duly processing same and since we have previoul~ requested that all cases be handled without P'irtiality we are now asking that your office instruct us on thes"j matters. This office feeln th"t if certain individuals are to be i'M'une from certain citcttions tho same tn'at- ment snould be afforded one and all unless we are otherwise instructed by your office I will dired: the officers of this department to refrain from iss'_'ing certain citations until a set poli:::y is establis~'~ci awi hctnded down to mv office -_ one which indicat"!s who is to be arrested and who is not, or whether or not to continue as we have in the past allowing certain individuals to be processed through court without testimony and the appea,rance of witnesses. I have tri.'d on occasion to re:nody the situi'ition and since 1 fdiled this office has notified the Unitedtstates P,ttorneys office that we no longer wiSh to be subj octed to the presen' set up. ~ ~) 1P' ,; ,t.;.; ,1) ET'r,RD, ALASKA You will Ti"Cbll our discussion in t~is J1'dtt~r on j::revious occdssl.ms and thE! ,3-forementi"n"',i action tab:!s l1'e from t;,e p;)s~tion of havin'J hoo:l:i i:lforrnation back rr,garding ot:--,r>r comji.laints from Federal offi cers in deiiling with our present iilt!:. procedure. This letter was foll:J\</ed bv anotJ-.er dated 8/22;55 para;rraph 2 "'de again ask for a directive as to policy and procedure iNit;, respect to drrHst asking if our procedllrr~ was to be changed. Jur j::rocedure has beer. and will continue to be in accordance with standard police procedure without favor partiality to none. ',~e close this letbn in the last para;rraph ~e arA awai~tin::r instructions on the above. .~. ~' Lengthy discussion followed on how one would detr,rrdne what procedur.= should bR used and Clm. Durnnt stab-=d tho tit seemed to him t'1d t t, is question had come up 1 or 5 ti:nes before and sorret:,iil] sh~)uLl be don" ah:cut it. Clm.bL di recti IV;; his qupst.ions to Shief Seymour stated t~dt he was inst ruct""i to uJ.' hold up the law and the city ordinances in all instances and you are -lnder the jurisdL::Uon of the CitY' Manager and if the City l'Janager instructed you to change yaur p:::olicy in regards tD fi ngerpr inting and photographing wouldn't you hay,? to do it, where:Jpon Chief ~'eym'JJr stated if he did i": it ,^o'.;l<i be und,'!" protest for his own protection. Clm. Lee further stated that this was a small town and this sales tax deal could have been handled very mEdley, wr,erel-1p:)n Mayor Stockton stated t~.'it the way the Sales TalC violator3 was han-ile::i was not on trial. elm. Lee saij tr1af. ina..s"T':'iucl'. as t'r,is wa;:;: a. sm.311 town the police depdrtm~mt coul:i t'JTn their backs on some things and by doing S0 the re w'oul d be no harm done. 1 \".,,~ l:0 1,..,;/ ..~'~:: r.:~ Re\'erand Malin was present and he asked what the resuli:s w"uid be if they took Clm. B1dirs suc;gestim\ '3-[d not print or photogr:iph misdeamenors, where- upon Cllief ~."ymour stahd :t 'would result in an open rift bei;wN'n the other Terntorial Police Departments dn:1 th", F. B. I. i'H)r:! it would dlso resul": i:1 a br(3!aki.nq 10wn of in.f~}rrr'.d~,ir)n exc:LFo.l\qf.'. T,^Je just 'won't h~ve tnt~ n0t~eSsary i nforrrl3 tion to gi.ve theine I City i';anac;er Eardin'J8 stah.d trot it was out of !-.irc jurisdiction tl) set a p()li'~Y fur t~lC' poli ce department tl' abide by, h:>wever if the C:oun,:il wishes tl.'; issue me specific instructions, I will liavc n::J altl~r;13t:~rr-'.: but t'J carry your wis1;.'2s out and S<J ir~,stl-..lct tl-\e pl.,lice deportmnt, hOVle,!r">r I r_rlVA no wish t8 enter intc stan,iard p211ce procedur0. ,- elm. L":2 ask~d Chief Sevm:>"r if he h'id found in tllE~ code books that: was .::ompulsoTY 1:1 t:,e Territorial La~J and the Federdl Law to fiwwrprLd, and ph.:,tt)'Jc:iph, w}ier(.?upon Cheif Se:/'rc;'.)ur Stdt2d it WdG:'"\'t c(>vi~r(~d in the Ter-ritorl'il La1r1 h01rl<BV,:r it WdS a Feder;.;l rulinq. The point is, statpd ~':;hief Seyrno'J.r aft8r a rli scu ~;si 0:1 on the pr()s~~cu.ti un of t!'1~~ Snl\:-~..; t:lX, is th.3.t in c. s~nr311 trwn you can't help rot stAp on a few toes and t:-,f} }:-tel't is to "tr'-?c,t7 C;,v(~ry.)n.:~~ thE? 3.'i::ne and in t.\.iF par~lr::::ll.ar c-::s~: I ~.;XPT(~:;61y d/,',:...j t'l~ l>'lct(jis!:ra~.e for inst-ructioDs. Clm. Hall stated thClr C:cief SCj'IT:oGr {ind t:.P Polic':~ Dep.'3TtHY~nt s}-:,...:.lld btJ G--~:-~"1m,?r-,':k~'J fcr :1oinq it tr",! :-J~r,-1 '\.;&y. elm. Tl!e~3t state.J th:3.t he thow:;ht that Chief Seymour like:! doi71'J t}'>:~S(~ things whereupof Chlef ~'::~/r~:GUT stated :l2 liked beli1'~ a p~)lice :>f.ficPr"t ~'-:>~d0v'~~r ;.e il~n't like tG be drug out ~n t~o carpat every time ther~ is a ~i3~Utp on sornethi:l"J. H~~ st5.t:(~:l t:-lat :Jr\ occ,3.s.i_'-.J~\:s th,~y inve~;ti':.J3.t,..~ ca~;e~:i (-ind sO:YJ"times find out t!l'- a~.-rest warra~lt shouldn't have been iStllle:i an -i tl',5 t .....a8 :-:;1" Cci.se in :)n,? of t.r,',:':;~; sales tax WUYJd11t:,s. Mdy'.)T 2tO,~i.:t.o:t sugqest.}j that '.tl8 wri t:e to ot~er ci ties In AlcH::}'.A and find cL:t..rcat t:,:'i 7' peliey is on this and get sOIr.e mere inE ot':C'itioCl bnfc)H! settino;J a d",finite peliey. (:::hief feym:lUr was excused becau~;'~ of an (";,,er'}",ncy. I HI move t:l.'ij~ t:.V3 City 1-1anag(:r or the City ...:lerk write t~! several t:)'WTlS in Alaska and find out what t}\~ir policv is on ~ procedur~! on arrestirlg indivi,lual;'l hr rr.isdeam<~nors,n said Clm. Hdll. Notion fc'conl"!d by Clm. Blair. j;:oll 'Nfl" .::all(,,-! and t~e 'lot,? '"as as follriWs: Blair, ye1i; Durant, No; ~lall, yes; Lee, No; Petrwlch, yes; \<lest No. Hayor stoci',ton , Yes. 1'10ti;)!) c<irri"j. City l<lanO-'J"c 1'c1rdia';re stated thdt he would writ') t-, the City "1C'a'';<J>'rs and have the Ci ty Clerk write tc. t1-,e Pol;,ce Chiefs. Thp Cit:r "'anager conL1ued in sayinq that ),<C led tall'wl '<'lith the d"-tcrr,ey Gen'3ral and he statel XX(J!;%JlI that 57'70' cf tb.8 peoplf? in Alask,s. had records. The Coun:::il f81-t this was rr:.icL1K011 and th'2n~ m1.'~:)t be SC\ffie error. Clm. Lee stat-=d that ir:asmuch as the yrnuirement of fin<:;erprlnting &nd phot(Y;r,;.ipr.ir'.l; was n':lt COVf)rf~::i in th~ Terri toria} Laws he tnnll']ht we c()uld leJiily abolish it or get alon<; 'ATithc,;': it. Mec.tiih} c:..dj.)urnp."l ;jt 9:5~.l P.N. 1. q~ I..~ \,j SE'wARD, ALASKA f'PECJ AL N~~ I::TJ ~G aUGUST 31, 1956 Continued ATTEST: ${,:~~~ Cl ty erk ..----; !~ ..- di!. fA- -<::':::<f ,..-A ~jl/;'c '.~ F mRV R. STOCKTON Hayor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 195~ A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at approximately 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. The roll was called as follows: Present: Clm. Blair, Hall, Lee, Petrovich. Late: Clm. Durant. Absent Clm. West. Also present was City ~Bnager Hardinge. The City Clerk read the Minutes of the last regular meeting of August 20th, and the Special meetings of August 27th and 31st. Mayor stockton asked if there were any additions or corrections. Clm. Petrovich asked for clari- fication of the minutes in regard inst~~ctions made in the Minutes of August 27th, to write to Mr. Hellenthal instructing he and Vrr. BauIer to make the telephone system another offer to buy them out. Right after this statement the minutes say the present telephone system is making improvements and Clm. Petrovich's contention was that it sounded like the City was making another offer in view of the improvements, and this was no so. He thought the minutes should so state that they were not writing this letter to Mr. Hellenthal to ask him to make another offer to buy in view of the present improvements. Mayor Stockton stated the Minutes stand approved as amended. The first item on the Agenda was pebple present, and the agent from Harbor Insurance Company, Mrs. Pat Williams, stated she wou.d like to protest the reason her low bid was not accepted as referred to in the minutes and she wanted a further explanation from Mr. Hardinge. Mayor stockton stated Mr. ~est's bid, which was $112.00 higher than yours was accepted because Mr. Hardinge reco~~ended it, the reason being he was unable to get an itemized statement from you as to the equipment, and the Council acted upon Mr. Hardinge's recommendation. City Manager Hardinge stated that on 8/15/56 you placed a biti on the City Equipment and the City Manager read the original letter. The bids were held over to another meeting to give you a chance to give more of a brea~- down and I asked Margaret to call you for a breakdown and on 8/27 you returned to Margaret the following breakdown; Bodily Injury Liability, $50,000 - $100,000 $862.55; Property Damage $10,000 - $722.36; Auto Physical Damage - $265.90: The Auto Physical Damage covers fire insurance on all items in policy showing fire for last year, compre- hensi ve, and $100 deduct ible ColI i si on on the ambulance and ~!on-Ownership Liability. On the fire insurance you say all items covered on the policy for last year however you give no mention of the Asphalt Distributor which was not covered last year. I want a break-down as to each piece of equipment so I will know for sure what is beinq covered and I have to require this to protect the City. This schedule I am asking for gives me every item and what it is insured for and I can give it to Margaret and we know the stuff is covered. I asked you for that and you didn't give it to me stated the City Manager. Mrs. Williams stated she had never been asked for a break-down as to each piece of equipment. I was called once ana asked if I had deleted the ambulance and another call was on th e a sphal t distributor and I got that for $3750.00 on Fire, Had Mr. Hardinge asked me for a break-down as to each vehicle, I would have been very glad to submit it. I might add, continued Mrs. \<fil Iiams, that my bid was placed th0 same way the City of Anch0rd~e asks for tteir bids on insurance. I was given the bid as other agents and I had to work from information available in City Hall and that inforITntion was available in the form of a policy and from that policy I listed each vehicle and piece of equipment and checked over the endorsements. I asked for the loss record so I would have some idea what to give as a credit and I was told the loss record was not available; I asked if the loss record was available to the City and I was told it was not. I found out what the loss record was from another source and the credit enabled me to give the City the lower bid. Mayor Stockton stated he was in complete agreement tha.t the agents should not " ~;. ;."'1' ",', ,j SI::."WARD, ALASKA REGUlAR Mf:ET1NG SEPTEMBER 4, 1956 have to dig for the information but it should be made available to them on the original bid. City Manager Hardinge explained that we were so short handed at City Hall that it had been done that way and also that is the way it had been handled in the past, however if you want it changed we can do it. Clm. PetI~vich stated that for once he knew what he was votirq on in regard to the complete breakdown Mr. West present with his bid. Mr. Malin present stated that submission of a bid is soliciting City Business and he thought the City was in a very bad position and he thought we were acting illegaly by awarding a higher bid presented by a City Councilman. I Clm. Bledr stated he thought there had been some lnjustice done here. .", Mrs. Williams discussed the Blanket - Type policy briefly and in so stating said she had brought the idea up to the City Council a number of times. City ~anager Hardinge stated that when he first came here the Blanket-Type Policy was brought up and I asked Mrs. Williams to corre up and talk to me about it. Mrs. Williams stated she felt there was little point in discussing insurance from my office until this was cleared up. City Manager Hardinge stated he had tried for a year now and this is the only way I can see to do it. ?"'~ ~..~.... ~<. Clm. Hall stated the point is if we have been unfair to Mrs. Williams, is there anything we can do about it. Clm. Lee felt the same way. Clm. Petr'ovich asked the Ci ty ':'anager if he felt there had been some misunderstanding. City i~nager Hardinge stated there must have been some misunderstanding in regard to the schedule asked for. The City Clerk stated that when she called Mrs. Willliams for the break-down she did not ask her for o. break.down as to each piece of equipment but just for the break-down of liability, property damage etc. The City ~~nager stated the fact x~mBi remains that in regard to the fire coverage he still has no proof and it is just worH of mouth. ..,......,- .~ ,=-W I Clm. Petrovich stated that when we first set on the Council we had no list at all and when this particular bid was called for Mr. West had to get the inforrration on a field inspection tour that he did himself. Clm. Hall stated that there was one thing he wondered about and that was that some time ago Mr. West had been given a bid on something and the next thing he knew they were getting a bill for a higher amount. Clm. Lee stated they had made a mistake in the rates in that ~rticular case. Mayor Stockto""stated that our system of awarding bids is wrong and we should be more specific. City Manager Hardinge read the bid notice and it did not state that a break-down 1I(jJ[ of eacr. piece of equipment was requi red. The City Manager reported that Mrs. Williams held 8010 of the cities insurance. Discussipn foll owed on what the Council could do about thp situati on and Mayor Stockton asked if the present policy could be cancelled, say wi thin 30 days. Mrs. Williams stated that would be expensive to the 8ity. Mrs. Williams further stated that she would be happy to work with Mr. West and the City Council at any timE' to wOIk out al'insurance program for the City. "I move the award of insurance in the amount of $1962.95 be cancelled within 30 days and the bids on the automobile fleet schedule policy be recalled with- in 30 days and on the new bids a participating list of all vehicles and equipment should accompany the bid," said Clm. Petrovich. Mot ion seconded by Clm. blair. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, Yes: Motion carried unanimously. I Mrs. zentmire was present and she asked what had been decided in regard to the barbers and beauticians on sales tax, whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated the lawyers all seemed to be of the same opinion that are yp~protessionals. I talked with the Attorney General when he was here and he said he had talked with Mrs. Bedford, and Mrs. Zentmire stated that he had told Mrs. Bedford that they were to be considered professional. Lengthy discussion followed on ttis problem and it was brought out that the Territory didn't list them as , . l 0/'>'1'-$0/1;1"../ ur- -I,,"-/, "A'",~/T, ~ ~ of "I move this matter be tabled", said Clm. Hall. r)etrovich. Roll was called at> follows: Durant, Petrovich, yes. Motion carried. Motion seconded by Clm. No; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Under Old Business, Clm. Hall asked the present status of the Telephone, whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated that Mr. Bauler wa~ in Seattle with the brokers and Hellenthal is on is way to Seattle and he is going to try to be there on the lOth when they are going to have this hearing, in court. Clm. Lee stated the lawyer should be advised as to what is taking place now. Mayor Stockton suggested that Mr. Hellenthal be advised emmediately as to what is taking place in regard to the new lines going up on our poles, and whether they can do that or not. ;. '2' '''I., SEWARD, !LASKA, REGULAR IlEE.TING Sept. 4, 1956 Mayor Stockton asked the City Manager if there was any truth to the rumor that the City had given the Armory contractors permission to store the materials to be used on the Armory outside and tarp them ane the City Manager stated that they didn't get permission from hi~ to do this, however they got permission from Juneau to buy the lumber locally and stick and stack it so it ~ould dry. Clm. asked about the employment of Ray James and City Manager Hardinge reported that it was arranged through the school board to employ Mr. James as inspector . assessment "~n IDl~DlIl:t of che utilities for tax purposes was discussed and it was pointed out to Mr. Hardinge that he should have access to the books at the utilities office and therefore should be able to come up with a fair assessment. The City Clerk read Ordinance No. 270 in its entirety. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE eI'l'Y OF SEWARD, ALASKA TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NEGOTIABLE INTEREST-BEARING GENERAL OBLIGA'l'ION BONDS OF THE CITY OF BEllARD, IN THE SUM OF SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS OR SO MUCH THEREOF AS MAY BE NECESSARY '1'0 PROVIDE FU1'LS FOR THE CITY'S SHARE elF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION A COMBINATION fJRMORY AND GYMNASIUM ADJACENT TO nIB SEYIARD HIGH SCHOOL, IN CONJUNCTjON WITH THE ALSKA NATIONAL GUARD: SAID BONDS TO BE SUPJ:'ORTED AND SECURED BY A PLEDGE OF THE GENERAL REVENUES DF THE CITY OF SEllARD AND TO BE RETIRED FROM THE SAID CITY'S SHARE OF THE TERRITORIAL TOBACCO TAX FUNDS. Clm. Durant asked what the connection was between this Ordinance and the Resolution the Council passed authorizing the School Board to borrow $25,000, whereupon City Manager Hardinge stated that was to get started on until the Tobacco Tax Money starts coming in. If the School Board borrows all the money direct from the bank they have to pay 6% interest whereas if the bond issue passes the interest will only be 4-1/2% and of course the City will stand behind the bonds. The money will not come out of the city's general fund but will come from the tobacco tax fund. Discussion followed on where the revenue for the interest was coming from and Clm. Blair stated it was his thought that we were going to be stuck for it. City Manager Hardinge stated -") it was going to come out ~f the Sales Tax Fund. Clm. Lee asked what the charge was for the excavation done on the Armory and the City Manager reported that it was $168.00. "I move Durant. Durant, we suspend the rules in order to pass Ordinance No. 270," said Clm. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was calied as follows: Blair, yes; yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, Yes. Motion sarried unanimously. "I move Ordinance No. 270 be adopted," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 104, A Resolution appointing the Judges and Clerks for the October 2nd City General Election was read by the City Clerk. Clm. HallHs)'/! about the proposition mxkx on having the question of whether to retain a City !~nager form of government ~t ~the ballot and City Manager Hardinge read from the Alaska Compiled Laws that a petition had to be presented to the City Council with 25% of the registered voters signatures and notice has to be given within 30 days of such election. "I move that Resolution No. 104 be adopted," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Mtm Motion carried unanimously Resolution No. 105 was read by the City Clerk, A resolution appointing the Judges and Clerks at the Territorial General Election to be held October 9, 1956. "I move that Resolution No. 105 be adopted," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes Hal+, Yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, yes; Motion carried Unanimously. The next itenl on the agenda was Council authorization to have Mr. Ray Lee on the payroll. Mayor Stockton stated that Mr. Lee was a member of the fire department long before he was a councilman and therefore there should be no c:l1itisism. "I move that /fay Lee be placed on the Payroll to replace the fire was on vacation," said Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. called and motion carried unanimously. chief while be Roll was The next item on the Agenda was the request from the Auditors to act on the following items~ 1. Wil the City of Seward recognize as a liability the balance of the 1955-56 Schuol Budget? 2. Is the City of Seward to consider that the Seward Electric System owes the City the $7500.00 payment in I '''"1 ,,- , . ':~) :~," ..~.~ ,,;.'-1 I I ~ ~,~!) SEWARD, ~ASKA REGULAR MEETING SEPT]; 4, 1956 Continued lieu of taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, also the $7500.00 owing from the previous fiscal period? .,,/It!" "I move that we table until Friday ~ the matter of recognizing the school bUdget deficit as a liabiltiy, " said Clm. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was called and motion carried unanimously. Item 2 of the Auditors request was discussed and City Manager Hardinge asked that the City Clerk read the notice we receved from the Seward Electric. The notice read as follows: City of Seward $9,172.65. The Heward Public Utility Board requests your electric account be paid in full immediately and At'ept paid in full monthly or service will be discontinued. This notice was discussed briefly, however no action was taken. Clm. Petrovich suggested that the City Manager senM the utilities~property assessment forms and have them fill them out and at such time as the utilities declare their taxes we will pay our bills. It WaS the consensus of the Council that the City Manager send the utilities a property assessment return. It was the consensus of the Council that the $15,000 be left on the books until such time as the Seward ~lectric System is shown on the tax roll. An appraisal of City owned property as submitted by James Construction as compare against the insurance coverage was read by the City Clerk as follows: appraisal Insurance Coverage Hospital U. S. O. Building C1 ty Hall City Utilities Office Ci ty Utili tes l'.'heelhouse Bui] eg. City Shop School Building, Old BRyview ~3chool $68,000.00 46,500.00 82,850.00 13,800.00 12,00~.00 8,500.00 372,000.00 71,300.00 674,950.00 $35,000.00 33,000.00 45,000.00 3,666.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 264,000.00 46,000.00 City Plant Seward Electric Barage 176,000.00 ~OOO. 00 197,000.00 The City Clerk reported building and equipment. felt this Was the first buildings. that the Insurance Ceverage included coverage on both Discussion followed 011 the appraisal and the Council step towards the blanket coverage of City owned mhe next item on the Agenda was the opening of bids on the garbage contract. City Manager Hardinge read the Notice of Bid then opened the Bids as follows: Seward Service, Box 14, Seward, Alaska. To the City of Seward $301.00 per month. 7 day optional service for the business district between May 1 and September 30th. 20% reduction of rates for approximately 50% of the business district. Packer-type Garbage Truck on the route by October I, 1956. sir: George Galloway. From WXxXx Andrew W. A. Johnson Bid was as follows: The rates would remain the same and the City of Seward would get $260.00 A month. Theodore ~~itbeck bid the same rates, same service and $275.00 per month to the City of Seward. Rupert Kulin Bid same rates, same service and $190.00 a month to the City of Seward with the following equipment: 1956 International truck with Heil 13 Cu. foot garbage unit or its equivelant. Clm. Petn)vich asked fo r the City Managers Recommendat ion, whereupon City 4'4anager Hardinge r.~commended the bid be awarded to Seward Service. Mr. Gallowa~, pres~nt stated the new rates would not go into effect unt11 the new truck was 1n serV1ce. Mr. Theodore 'tJhitbeck was present and he stated he didn't feel the bids were let on a fair tasis and there was no inforrration available on what the bid should be based on. The City Manager reported that each bidder was given a copy of last contract, and I gave them all the information I had available. -I move that the bid from Seward Service be accepted,- said Clm. Blair. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Galloway said he had a few questions he wanted to ask. First I have a ~estion in regard to the sales tax. I am assuming the City Sales Tax for a few customers outside the City limits and I am wonderinq if I should collect the Sales Tax for customers outside the City Limits, and the Council fe~that Mr. Galloway should continue to collect as muc~ as, possible. Mr. Galloway also sked f clarifiqation on Municipally owned buildir~s Bnd wanted to know whether te shou~a cnarge tor-the schools or not. Clm. BIlBr suggested that when the .t~ <;:;:; cafeteria is open and the school we can charge them, however the rest of the Council felt the schools themselves snould not be charged. Under ~rrespondence a letter was read from the Aleutian Marine Transport Company dated August 25, 1956, asking for permission to moore at the Small Boat Harbor. It was reported that the Harbormaster was very mucn opposed to this. The Council felt there wasn't enought room at the Small Boat Harbor for a boat of this size. Clm. Lee stated that a boat of this size would draw too much water and the new construction would not permit them to moore and also it mught endanger the smaller boats. The dock space they ask to lease is already out on lease. The City ~anager stated there was another place in the small boat harbor that draws 12 feet of water at low tide and it might be possible that arrangements could be made where they could build their own dock there. The Council instructed the City Manager to contact the Aleutian Marine Transport Co. and try to work out a solution to their problem. Meeting Adjourned. .. :.JJi-~ Q J~jIN PERRY'YR. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATrEST: ~ ~~~~ 'IT'{ LERK - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEt:TING S~ptember 17, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Durant, Hal~ Lee, and Petrovich. Absent Clm. West. Also City ~~nager Hardinge. at 8:00 P.M. with Pre sent: Blai r, present was The minutes of the previous regular meeting of September 4th were read and Mayor Stockton asked if there were any additions or corrections, whereupon Clm. Lee pointed out that the minutes stated,in regard to him being covered on the payroll to replace the fire chief, the vote was unanimous and he did not vote on that particular motion. Mayor Stockton stated the minutes stand approved as corrected. Under people present Mr. Jack Werner reported that the new post office would be ready for occupancy in about three (3) weeks and they planned to put in the side walks themselves. Mr. Werner requested that the city bring the street grade up to levelon Third and Jefferson by puttiwJ in about 1-1/2 feet of gravel fill. Clm. Durant asked, when they established the grade for the building, what did you use as a base figure, whereupon Mr. Werner stated they got the figures from the City Engineer, however when the excavation was completed it was found that we were 4 feet off and we finaly got some figures from!fut!'';f' Johnson and Tryck in Anchorage. Mator Stockton asked if the materials taken from the hospital site would be suitable for fill, and Mr. Cameron/who is connected with the post office constructioa, stated that that particular fill was fil~ed with big rocks and would be too susettable to frost heaves. Clm. Petrovich stated he didn't wee why the City should assume the responsibility for this and he also pointed out that we had discusscd this thing on horizontal and verticl grades and he didn't think we had Passed on the grades yet. Mr. Clements, of Clements Construction}.was present and he suggested the fill from around the Armory be used to fill in at this particular place. Mr. Cameron stated he t.'1ought tha t would be acceptable material. Ine regard to the sidewalk, the City Manager reported that it is the space between the street and the property line and there is about 6 feet allowed. Also, continued the City Manager, there would be no "ore expense involved in moving it from the Armory site as there would be from the Hospital site. Discussion followed on Mr. Werner's request and whether we would be establishing a pre~~e~~ or not. Clm. Petrovich stated he would not want to see our desision here establish a pre~~en~ as to what we would do in similar cases in the future. --,_.......__..,..~-_._----~~---_.__.-...~.. ..,._~._-~.~-----~-- -..-.--.<- I l~"...,1 !, p'"' " , ..--,~ '~::: ~(:t i-"J I I ~ ", 1 ~"\ ' SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING Sept. 17, 1956 Conti nued Discussion followed on the engineering work Rutledge Johnson and Tryck did for the City and it was wondered if we had a copy of the map showing the established points on the streets. Mayor Stockton sug'~ested the City Manager contact the engineerknl} finn and see if this inforuation could not be made available to the City andi~n file here in the office. City Manager Hardinge reported that it would take abo~t 20 five yard loads to complete the fill and it would cost about $75 or $100 and would come out of the street department operations. Clm. Lee moved that the City divert 100 years from the Armory site for the pllrpose of fillinq in at Third & Jefferson. This motion was seconded by Cl~. Durant, how- ever Clm. Lee withdrew his motion and Clm. Durant withdrew his second for more di scussion. Clm. Petrovich stated that in case t~is came up again later on the City could say they had the fill available and it was part of the citys long range street planning, and their a,ction here tonight would not necessarily establish a precidense. It was also suggested that Mr. Cameron come up and go over the maps with Mr. Hardinge so they could establish the permanent grade for the sidewalk and street purposes. "1 move that the stn'et depart:nent divert 100 yards of fill from the Armory site and bring to an approximate grade the Southeast corner of Third and Jefferson adjacent to the new Post Office building," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Clements of Clements construction was present and he referred to remarks made in the previous meeting in reference to the contractors storing materiiils outside and he stated the specifications allowed them to store in the working area. Mayor ftockt::m explained the Cour,eil thought the weathE'lJ" may harm the ma terials before the construct ion season. Mr. Kramer representing the barbers and beauticians was present and asked the Council to again consider exempting the barbers and r~auticians ax from collecting sales tax. He stated it was difficult to make change duri~g their busy periods and before they had absorbed the sales tax, but operatin~ expenses have proved so high recently that they have found they will be unable to absorb the sales tax any longer. Mayor stock.ton stated that he felt they were entitled to an answer and he would so entertain a motion either to change the Sales Tax Ordinance or to loove it as it is. Mrs. Bedford stated she had talked with Gerry Williams when he was he re and he- stated he would not have anyt:ling to do ~li tj, the Sales Tax and I asked him if we were to be classed with the doctors and lawyers as professionals and he said definetly we would be in the same class. let "I move that we IKUI the Sales Tax Ordinance remain as it is," said Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was c"llled as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, No; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; Motion carried. Mrs. Blue ,-,;as present and she had some questions in I'egard to the Sales Tax Fund. She asked how the 3 uses of the Sales Tax Fund were divided and if there was a cert,lLin amount set up for each purpose and how they were divided. The City Manager explained they were not Eiivided equalll" The Welfare)~"'the rental of the welfare office only. On Health it ~ the Public Health Center rent and $800.00 against supplies and a portion of her salary and the rest goes agalimst the. schools! She asked if it was general practice to borrow from this fund, and the Council informed her it was net. She also asked if it would be possible to make this information available to the public, whereupon the City manager sta,ted it would. It was suggested that the inforll'dtion be published in the Petticoat Gazette. Mrs. Tyner was present and she presented a Resolution to the Council for action and it involved,j:s+ clearing ti tle on Lots 31 and 32 in Block 25 of the Original Townsite. - RESOLUTION NO. 107, A REs:JLUTION DIRECTIHG TAX DEED 'ID BE ISSUED TO THE CITY OF SE'..JARD, ALA:?KA, FOR 'CElHAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIlY OF SEWARD was read by the City Clerk along with a Quit Claim Deed on the North one-half of Lot 29 in Block 25 of the Original Townsite and a Tax Deed on All of Lots 31 and 32 in Block. 25 of the Original Townsite. "1 move that ResolutIon No. 107 be adopted," said Clm. Durant. IIlotion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, Yes; Petrovich, yes; Motion carried unanimously. Pat Will i11ms was pres'lnt and she stated she had just purchased a home in Forest Acres recently and thoughl she still paid taxes in Seward, and maintain.,d a business hen~J she wondered if she was to be considered a non-resident of Sewarct and if so... it would be necessary for her to submit her resignation on the Planning & Zoninq Comm. \ 1_" : L S1wl,RD, ALAEKA Y'~ /5~.It was the consensus of the Council that Mrs. Williams should be considered a I~~resident of Seward. ~1j~~b:ief discussion followed on the possibility of a new Federal Building here in ""'- Seward. r 0.,..)/'/<, ,,~,.. tt!:ti::liil:r Reqular Bgenda ~ 81d Business, Clm. Hall asked the present status of the telE~phone system, whereupon City Manager Ha rdinge stated that Hellent ha 1 wasn't back frolr. the states yet. REGULAR MEETING SEPT. 17, 1956 Continued Clm. Durant stated the City Manager was to get in touch with Capt. Thompson of the Aleutial Marine $ransport Co in regard to the mo~ring of the Expansion in the Samll Boat Harbor and he wonder'~d what the Jute ,me of this was. City "'anager Hardi nge roporbdhe went down and looked over the possible dock si tie with Capt. Thompson mtxt..xax and also talked to Sontag about driving the piling and Mr. Thompson was to let Sontag know. Thompson wanted to know if he stood the cost of driving the piling and building the dock if the City of Seward would allow him to get the cost back in rentals. City Manager Hardinge continued that it looked like the job would take about 5 piling. Clm. Lee stated we should know how much it is going to cost the City, and Clm. Blair stated he thought it would be a marked improvement to the Small Boat Harbor. Mayor Stockton asked if there was anything else under Ola Business, whereupon Clm. Lee asked if the City Manager had received answers to the letters he had written to the chiefs of police and City Managers in other towns in Alasma inquiring about their policy in regard to fingerprinting and photographing. The City Clerk read the letter the City Manager had written along with answers from the City Manager at Fairbanks, Kodiak and Ketchikan, and also the letter the City mlerk had written to the Chiefs of Police and the answers from Kodiak, Ketchikan, Nome, Anchorage, City of North Pole, Juneau, Petersburg, and Cordova. Chief Seymour, present read a portion of a letter from the U. S. Marshall, Department of Justice, dated September 6th, and it pointed out that persons called i~~ summons could also be fingerprinted and photographed. Chief Seymour had answers to letters he had written to various police departments in Alaska and he stated each of his letters set forth the same policy in regard to the handling of misdemeanors. Discussion followed among the Councilmen and it was pointed out that the Sales Tax Ordinance did not provide for a summons and it Clearly stated in the ordinance that a violation of the ordinance was a misdemeanor. Chief Seymour stated that we were not set up to issue summons. Lengthy discussion followed, however noi action was taken and the City Clerk was instructed to file the Various lette/s. Under old business Clm. Lee asked if the fuel for the City Hall building might be charged to the City Hall account rather than against the fire department. There being no objection to this suggestion the City Manager was instructed to take Care of this in the budget. City Manager Hardinge was asked if we got anything back from the Utilities yet in regard to their assessment,whereupon the City Manager reported they had heard nothing. The City Manager was also asked when Harstad was expected to complete the water survey and the City Manager reported that he had expected to hear from him by now. Under New Business Mayor Stockton read a letter of resignation from Harry West dated September 5, 1956. Clm. Hall asked if we couldn't table this until later inasmuch as this Council only had one more regular meeting and Clm. Lee said he thought Mr. West wanted his resignation accepted now. "I move we accept the resignation of Harry West from the City Council," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by elm. Durant. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, Present; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda under New business was discussion regarding possible purchase of a rock crusher. City Manager Hardinge reported that this rock crusher is on surplus and I have looked at it, but Mr. Ross hasn't had a chance to look at it yet. Petersburg and another City are interested in it so we will have to decide tonight whether we want it or not. It will cost $675.0:) and the price is so good normally I would jump at it but it is a big piece of eqUipment and there would be a problem of moving it. We can't take it on our low-boy bu~_I can arrange with Chet Stears of B.P.R. to bring it down. It would have to~ransferred in two pieces. It is a Big piece of equipment--bigger than we need and we can take a chance on waiting for a smaller one to come along. We also have the problem of finding someone viho Can operate it. City l1Ilanager Hardinge continued that there is an asphalt plant up north going for $800.00 but trans- portation was the problem there again and he didn't want to stand the expense of having it come down on the railroad. We don't have to decide on the asphalt plant right now. Ross is going up tomorrow to look at the crusher and to pick I '""'1 :I,") .'''",,", ,~~, .; "~.,, ~ ~c:r: ':!J I I SEWARD, ALA3KA REGULAR MEETING Sept. 17, 1956 Continued 'j- up 500 feet of 14" transit pipe, 800 feet of 8" cast iron. We plan on using this pipe to replace the box sewers down behind the hospital. The City Manager was instruced to contact Mr. Munter, who is with the United General Contractors Inc. and ask him to 1001 at the crusher. The Council felt we should go on the recommendation of Mr. Munter. The next item on the Agenda was a Resolution No. 106 amending Resolution No. 104. Mayor Stockton stated that when he was appointed Mayor it was with the understanding that it would be just until the next general election, however he learned that ~he law provides that a mayor may only be elected every two years and a person appohted to the mayorship would be for the full unexpired term. A letter was read f~om ~eIi.~ Ralph H. Cottis, Attorney from Anchorage to substantiate this. Resolution No. 106 was read, a resolution amending Resolution No. 104 by deleting Mayor among those to be elected at this next general election. "I move that Resolution No. 106, as read amending Resolution No. 104 be adopted," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion carried. The Bills for the Month of August were read as follows: A & B Service, $21.03; A. C. S. 7.70; Alaska Telephone Corp. 49.90; Alaska Stationers, 105.83; Alaska Surplus Property, 71.54; Anchorage Times Pub., 19.50; Andy's Oil, 65.52; Airport Machinery, 37.89; Automotive Parts, 24.04; Bill's Parts & Service, 80.71; C.0.2 Fire Equip. Sales, 57.50; Durant's Hardward, 2.88; Duro-Test Corp. 151.68; Margit Edwards, 110.00; Win Ervin Motor, 55.00; E. D. Etnyre, 52.13; Charles R. Griffin, 22.14; N. F. Hodson, 145.00; James Construction, 150.00; Northern Neon Sighn Co. 45. jOt Northwest Bolt & Nut Co. 751.22; N. C. Co. 36.10; John Paulstiener, 33.00 Petty Cash, 3.33; Petes Electrical Service 53.35; Seaport Auto, 310.67; Seward Drug, 2.29; Seward Electric 799.80; Seward Hardware, 56.48; Seward Machine Shop 104.42; Seward Plumbing & Heating, 13.00; Seward Water System 475.00, John Smith 239.63; Seward Chamber of Commerce, 35.00; Standard Oil C~. 376.11; Norbert Swoboda, 38.00; U. S. Pencil Co. 10.90; Werner's Msrket, 91.36; Yukon Office Supply, 5.85. Total $4710.50 Discussion followed on the bills and Clm. Hall questioned the bill from James Construction in the amount of $150.00 and he syated he didn't remember the Council ever authorizing the appraisal. Clm. Petrovich stated he thou~p this was a part of the long range insurance F-T~wT planning we had in mind for the blanket policy type coverage. Clm. Hall asked XXxXtx how it was that West had a copy of the figures before the city got theirs and it seemed to him that was not right. City Manager Hardin e stated he "ould check on this. Swoboda's bill in the amount of $38.00 was questioned and the City Manager explained that the other $13.00 was for a radiator Swoboda had repaired in his home. City ~mnager Hardinge stated he would not authorize anymore work like that. Clm. Durant questioned the bill from Hodson in the amount of $145.00, and the City Manager stated that was for a recorder which they had been using downstairs in the police department for quite some time and he thought it was a very valuable piece of equipment. "I move that the bills be paid with the exceptio~ of the Seward Electric bills and the Seward Water Bills," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was ca.lled as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, no; Lee, yes; Petrovich, yes; Mmtion carried. Mayor Stockton asked if there was anymore New Business and Clm. Lee asked if we couldn't take steps to assure us of the Salt Water ~ain being opened this winter. He stated in the winter time they d~pend on the salt water main. City Manager Hardinge asked if Lee and Murl wouldn't get together and draft a letter and he would send it to Manley of the Alaska Railroad. Clm. Lee stated he got a long distance telephone call recently and there is an individual who is very interested in the San Juan Dock and the lagoon area. I told him he v-'ould have to see the department of interior about the lagoon area and I would inform the Council of his interests and weite to him. Unaer correspondence, a letter to the Alaska Railro~d with a copy to the City dated September 6, 1956 was read. A letter was read from the Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps. dated September 4, 1956 and a letter from Oliver Amend, dated September 17, 1956 and both of these letters were in regard to the La Salle Ambulance. "I move we put the La Salle Ambulance, owned by the City of Seward, up for bid," said Clm. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll was called and the motion carried unanimously. SEWARD, ALASKA REGUALR MEETING Sept. 17, 1956 Continued A letter was read from the Seward Chamber of Corrmerce dated September 10, 1956, and it was in regard to the hxpansion being moored at the Small Boat Harbor. Clm. Hall suggested we write to the Chamber of Commerce and inform them that the City Manager has been working on this. Mayor Stockton read a letter of resignation from City Manager Hardinge effective 30 days from tonight. "I would make a motion that the City Managers resignation be accepted effective 30 days from this date," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called and motion carried unanimously. City Manager Hardinge stated this would leave the new Council the opportunity to pick a man of their own choice. Clm. Durant said he thought Mr. Hardinge was an honest City Manager and he thought he had tried very hard and was working for the best interests of everyone. The City Manager was asked if he had given any thought to his successor and the City Manager replied that he had not but he couid probably put a notiSe in the News Letter asking for applications. The City Clerk suggested a special meeting be held before September 30th to award the bids on the automobile fleet schedule which are being called for on Sept. 25th. Mayor Stockton called a meeting for Tuesday, September 25th and also to be covered at this meeting would be the school budget deficit and ~'e could call the members of the school board. Meeting adjourned at 12:02 A.M. () Q J~ 1-1 APPROVED \--"~ .. __'" ..dd'.f!:k:fi-u,u.._ P:E.."illY' . STOCKTON, MA.YOR ATTEST: ~"'4<1~~ y Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Ala ska Special Meeting September 25, 1956 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stocton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Blair, Durant, Hall, and Lee. Absent Clm. Petrovich. Also present was City Manager Hardinge, Carl Carlson, Superintendent of schools, and rnembers of the School Board, Howell, Lewis, Wagner, and Whitmore. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to have a joint discussion with the school board on the 1955 - 56 School Budget Deficit in the amount of $31,921.00, Auditors recommendations on 50% reserve on Personal Property Tax, Write off $16,048.00 Land for Resale. Opening of Bids on Autoruobile fleet policy, Letter from William W. Renfrew, and a letter from the General Services Admlnistratio In covering the first item on the agenda, Mayor Stocton stated this meeting with the sehool board is long over-due and the Council has been quite concerned XXxkmxKmK about the $31,000.00 deficit on last years school budget. We have to know bow how to carry that $31,000.00 on our bookds and we would also like to have the school boards views on how they managed to operate last year when we wern't able to meet our budget. Mrs. Whitmore stated the reason was that we only operated the new high school for a few months out of the year. Mr. Carlson stated that they had accumulated a surplus over the years that the Territory holds out on rebate and it is in the amount of 10%. We had a surplus of about $6,000.00 and then at the end of the year ,""e held up on some of our bills until we got our check on tuition from the Territory. Mayor Stockton asked if we had jeopardized the operations of the school by teachers not being hired or did we hold up on school planning. Mr. Carlson stated bhey had just held up the MxxJxx May and June bills until they got the money to pay them. Mr. Carlson reported that there was repair work and painting that had not been done becuase they didn't have the money. Mayor Stockton asked how the School Board carried the $31,000.00 on their books, whereupon Mr. Carlson stated that their audit wasn't due until the end of the year so they hadn't b~en too concerned about how to carry it as yet. ~~. Lewis stated that starting in with July 1st, the Territory starts paying ahead and they get $10,000.00 a month, however the pinch comes at the end of the year when the Territory stops their payments. I ...j '1'"1 ;-,.; ;:") 'l."'~:: .,... .~ ;:Q I I '; i'~' SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL :llEETING September 2 5, 1956 Continued Clm. Hall asked what was going to happen to the schools if the City was unable to get money for the schools, whereupon Mr. Carlson stated they v'ould just have to get by someway. Clm. Hall stated we would be luc~y if we could ksep up this year. Mr. Carlson stated they had budge~for 4 First Grade Teachers, however they only hired 3. That will reduce the deficit figure by about 20%. Mrs. Whitmore stated that they have been using the money that shoudl be set aside for the purchase of new buses and she stated if this continued when it came time to purchase a new bus we wouldn't have the money. Clm. Hall stated he would like to ask the school board what they will do if the Sales Tax Ordinance is thrown out and Mr. Lewis stated that was the citys problem as to '''here the money comes from, the general fund or the sales tax fund. Mayor Stockton asked the School board if they had any ideas on how they could get money to run the schools and if there were other types of systems which could be used., such as an independent school district. ~~. Carlson stated an independent school district has its advantages and its disadvantages and as far as Seward is concerned the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. For one thing we would be loosing the tuition furnished by the Territory. It would be very vostly the first year mainly in setting up the tax office. The school district would probably extend out to Gr~use Lake and of course the people outside the City limits as '1:ell as in vould have to vote themselves in. Mayor Stockton asked if there wasn't some way thic School Board ane the Council could work closer together. Mrs. ~~itmore stated it was a help. when the City Manag~~S~'aftend a meeting. ~Jiv\)r Stocktnll c.2b'd the Ci tv l'lanager it it was too much to ask of him to attend the school boani meetlT1gs, wherei'l" the City Manager reported it was impo:csible to attend all of them because there are times when more than one meeting fall s on tre same night. Getting back to the revenue problem, said Mrs. Wagner, there is a lot of exteriour painting to do and some of the floors are in need of repair. Hr. Carlson stated their audit would show a different type of an operation than ours. The enrollment in high school is increasing and the/allocate our staff on the number of students. The rebates from the Terri tory is based on what we spend on certa.in items. At the present time, continued Mr. Carlson, we get 80% of our ex~enditures on operation and sometimes it is difficult to determine wret is operation and '..,hat is ITIaintanance. Clm. Lee suggested we turn our small rotary snow plo,," over to the schools in order to keep thir sidewalk's cleared of snow. Mr. Carlson also requested this be done. "I move that we transfer the rotary snow plow to the schools for needs of the school grounds," said Clm. Lee. Hotion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, Yes; and Lee, Yes. Hotion carried. It was pointed out that this was just a transfer of equipment from one department to another. The City Clerk was instructed to advise the auditors that the school board felt they couldn't give us an answer until they received their audit and it was brought out that the same auditors that are doing our books will be doing theirs to. Mayor stockton said we should ask the audi tors for their suggestions as to how to carry it. Members of the Council expressed their reluctance at having the full amount set up as a debt. The City Clerk reported that the auditors request permission to set up a 50% reserve for personal property taxes ratrer than a 100"10 reserve as has been done in the past. There is approximately $8,000.00 outstanding in Personal Property ta.x for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and the auditors wish to estimate collecting 50% of this amount. The reserve is to adjyst the income originally set up in the Revenue section and it will make a difference on the balance as of the end of the year. In the P:-t:=tyea r we collected approximately $3,000.00 in rersonal property tax, half of" ,..: was outstanding, therefore in view of past experienc,? they believe a 50"70 reserve would be a more accuta.te estimate. The auditors also request permission to write off the amount of $16,048.00, land for resale, to land surplus. Tris land was set up on the books prior to 7/1/53 by Auditors, Beaver and Van Seventer and no basis for the entry can be explained by the citys administrative officers. Land buildings etc should be set up as an asset and until such time as the City can list their assets it is not advisable they carry some and not others. "I move we accept the auditors reco~~endations on section A and B," said Clm. Blair. Motion seconded bv Clm. Durant. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes. Motion carried. ,", '1) SEWARD, ALASKA SEECIAL MEETING Septe. 25, 1956 Continued The next item on the Agenda was the opening of bids on the automobile fleet policy. The notice of bid was explained by the City Clerk and .he reported that under fire coverage there were some items that were deleted and some items added and the valuation of the equipment and vehicles were checked against the Blue book price and most of the values had reduced. The bids read as follows: Bid Submitted by Pat R. Bodily injury Property Darrage Non Ownership Bodily Injury n n Prop. Darrage Comprehensive Fire Collision Williams $894.86 753.23 5.80 1.10 14.10 239.89 38.00 1946.98 Bid submitted by Harry West from Canadian Fire Ins. Co. Bodily Injury $833.26 Property Damage 705.64 Comprehensive (Ambulance)23.50 Theft (Ambulance) 4.70 Fire 307.13 Collision (Ambulance) 124.00 Employees Non-Ownership 35.12 TOTAL BID 2033.35 Less 10% Schedule Credit TOTAL FIRM BID Pat Williams $1752.28 Bid Submitted bv Harry West From Houston-American Ins. Co. Bodily Injury $50,000. & $100,000 Property Damage $10,000 Fire Insurance, per schedule Comprehensive Collision (Ambulance Only) Theft ~mployers Non-ownership, " 784.29 664.07 314.52 23.50 62.00 4.70 " n Bodily Inj. 24.47 Prop. DmJe. 12.65 $1890.20 The bid notice also specified that a schedule of each vehicle and piece of equipment must accompany the bid and upon inspecting Pat Williaw~ bid it was found that the second page of the schedule wa. mssing. The totals were checked and the City Clerk found that on each item, Bodily Injury, Property Damage etc., the tape was short as compared with the total figure on the bid which would indicate that the items were covered, hGleVer they didn't show on the Rchedule. Rev. Malin was present and he offered to get in touch with Pat and ask her to come up and explain. This was agreeable and in the meantime the Council took up the next item on the Agenda, a letter from William W. Renfrew dated Sept. fO, 1956, in regard to the sewer near the Hotel Renwald property. City ~~nager Hardinge reported that upon investigating this matter, he learned the Sewer had been put in there in the 20's and t1e line going down that alley is not low enough to connect to the basement level of the hotel. City Manager Hardinge continued that they had run dye through the main and we know it is open so it is the part from the hotel to our rrain that is stopped. The law reads that the property owner is responsible out to the main and not just within the property line. I have talked with the present owners and told them the cheapest way out would be to put a lift pump and a closed sump and lift the line into the present new sewer but she said they wern't going to pay for anything. Discussion followed and Clm. Hall asked roughly what would a pump of that nature cost. whereupon the City Manager stated about $500.00. The City ~lerk also reported that Mrs. O'Brien had called and complained about the skating rink ~ being a detrement to her business and if we didn't have an ordinance that controlled things of that nature. Mayor Stockton suggested we tloulx turn nis over to the Planning and Zoning Commission. f' Pat Williams arrived to explain the reason for the page ~tng missing on her bid. She said she turned this over to her company and in computing the bid ~nd returning same to her they had failed to return the second page of the schedule. She contined she had been tryino to get the figures bv phone and hoped they would arrive ln the mail, however they hadn't. She continued in saying she had considered not submitting a bid, but had tiecidcd to anyway and it iR a firm bid and I can support the total figures. I, of course will understand any action you wish to take. ~Byor Stockton suggested we settle the sewer problem first then go to awarding the bids for insurance. The City ~~nager re~orted that he didn't think a living soul knew exactly where that sewer actually was and the only thing he kne~ was that the sewer is about 10 feet beloy the water main. It was pointed out that the letter said that after wo~~~~tne water department the trouble had started. The City ."anager reported that Hrs. O'Brien had talked to Richey about it and Mr. Muller has worked on it to. Mayor Stockton suggested we table this until XMmRXtMx the City Manager can find out some mOTe information from Muller and Richey. I ,-I lQ ;;) -- ~.::; w I I SEWARD, ALACKA SPECIAL HcETING SEPT. 25, 1956 Continued "I move we table this rretter until the next regular meeting," said Clm. Blair. Hotion seconded by Clm. Lee. Roll was called and motion carried unanimously. Discussion followed on the disposition of tte insurance bids and the City P~nager read a note from Harry West in regard to the cancellation of the previous Canadian Policy. It stated that if we cancelled out as of Spetember 25th the cost to the City of Seward would be $215.93. Discussion followed and Clm. Hall suggested we ~eep the policy now in effect and by doing this we would save money, however it was brought out that in the motion calling for new bids in specifically says the policy 'Nas to be cancelled. Inasmuch as the bid Pat ltlilliams submitted""id not have the complete schedule and that was what the controversary was about before, the Council felt they should award the policy to Harry West's lower bid. "I move we accept the bid of Harry Wests with Houston American Insurance Company in the amount of $1890.20. The reason for accepting the bid was becaule of lack of Xx sufficient information on the bid submitted by Mrs. Williams," said Clm. Lee. Motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Lee, yes: Motion carried unanimously. A letter was read from the General Service Administration dated September 20, 1956. and it was written by a Mr. Carroll E. De PUYe The letter stated that a Mr. Win Ervin had stated that if the Federal Office Building, which the government owns was sold or put under private ownership the City would undoubtedly condemn it as unfit for occupanc~. The Council instructed the City Manager to answer Mr. De Puy's letter informing him that Mr. Ervin had no basis for this statment and members of ~he Council suggested the letter be firm wi th a copy going to the Seward Chamber of Commerce. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. APPROVED: Q-UVl/y Q .J~~ PERRY R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: ~-~) CLERK H"yor Sto,~kon read a lettc.r of resignation from City Clerf, Margaret Anderson, resignation to be effectiye December 1, 1956. The City ManaCJer reported that he had hired M. J. Bauer to possibl'f work in on the City Clerk's position. ----------------- There bei ng lack: of a quorum, t'12 regular Council meeting scheduled for October 1st, was not held. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL HE:::TING October 3, 1956 A special meeting of the Seward City Council was called at 4 :00 P.H. fer the purpose of canyassincj" the ballots of the results of the City General Election held Octob,}r 2, 1956. Roll Ivas called as follows: Pres'mt: Blair, Durant, Hall, Lee, and Petrovich. Mayor Stockton was absent. Clm. Lee moved to appoint Clm. Durant at Acting Mayor, motion seconded by Clm. Blair. Motion carried. Acting J:.jayor Durant appointed Slm. Petrovich and elm. 31air to ac'sist the City Clerk in canvdf'sinq tlle ballot, The results of the City Gp.mrdl Election held on October 2, 1956 beinq as follo-rs: Armory Bond Issue $75,000.00 For 283 Against 32 SchooLBoa.rtifi ve YeB;.L'Ie):!!lt Casey, E. C. Griffin, Irene Jeff rey, J. W. McRae, E. G. Viale, Marvin 129 47 113 103 54 " "1 SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETI NG Oct. 3, 1956 Cont'd. Council (One.Year Term) (One_~l_ect.e_<tl. Council (Two-Year 't~L(Thre.e.J::}ected), Bedford, Barbara L. 48 Hodgkinson, Pat 40 Johnson, Floyd R. 89 Lee, Raymond C. 117 Petrovich, Alex 149 Amend, Oliver J. Brooks, Arthur R. Hardy, J'. R. Hayne, Arlee 'N. Hughes, Joe F. Knight, Arthur P. La Ford. L. P. Lowell, Donald Pai nt er, Rus sell (Writein) Mac Swain, James 258 48 106 144 75 178 108 171 203 1 Utility Board (Three-year Term) (One Elected) Purinton, C. G. wJim" 149 Stanton, Barton L. 277 Utility Board (Five.Year Term) (One J:.la::ted) Gilfilen, Hal (WriiBin) Urie, Sol Smith, Joe La Ford, L. P. Purinton, C. G. Adkins, Charles 318 9 1 1 2 2 The canvassing oonuni ttee reco:ncnended that the results as set forth by the Election Board of the City General Election be accepted. "I move we accept the canvassing boards recommendation," said Clm. Hall. Motion seconded by Cl~. Lee. Roll was called as follows: Blair, yeSi Durant, yesi Hall, yesi Lee, yesi Fetrovi<::.'1, yes. Motion carried unanimously. A short discussion ensued on the voting of the Armory Bond issue. It was brought out that in past elections on General Obligation Bonds that personal property owners as well as real property owners were elibible for voting, however in this election only real property holders were allowed to vote. The City Clerk reported that Dorothy Tyner, Attorney at law, x~ax~.mxthat only real property owners were to vote on this issue. state Meeting adjourned at 4:23 P.M. ~~,." Ci ty of Seward PHIL DURANT, ACTING MAYOR ATrEST: "kf.{/~ A:v.t:~.rm.d__ CITY ERK SEWARD, ALASKA SPEcr AL 11~:ETING October 8, 1956 A special meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Pres"mt: Clm. Amend, Durant, Hall, Knight, Painter, and Petrovich. Also present was Ci ty Manager Hardi nge. Mayor stockton stated the purp<)se of this meeting was the indoctrination and welcome of the New Council Members which were sworn into office on October 5, 1956 and a discuf'sion regarding mooring of the Expansion at the Small Boat Harbor and possible action on Resolution No. 108 reg'! rdi fig same. The City Clerk read a semon from the Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated, 1949, section 16 . 1 - 56 which stated that after an election new officers take office the first Monday after election. Mayor ~tocktan welcomed the new members to the City Council Mayor stockton stated that Capt. Thomsen of t'he Aleutian Marine Transp::>rt Company, has bGen working with the City Manager regardinq the possibility of having the Motor vessel Expansion muore in the Small Boat Harbor. At present Mr. Vance Hitt holds the lease for a portion of the dock and the warehouse, however he is willing to releitse that lease for moorin'"J purp0ses of the Expansion. f I January 28. 1957 i"ir. Hichard 1). Harr1a. Trustee A1aslua T6l1ephone Corporation 304 Spring stre.t Seattle 4. Waahington Dear 1-l1'. Harris. Rl:1:: Alaska 'Ielephone Corpor&.t1on At a r.cent meeting ot the Council a diacWi6ion vas held ressrd- ing th~ request OOutained ill YOUl' letter 01 ~oember ~4. 1956. that being wbieb of tw ~ro~ wo\4ld tbe Cit)' deaire you to undertake this 8ummer. The city is conaid.r1n~ the inatallat10n and e~et1on of pol.. aoross the l~~n. und it 18 the unan~~s pretor8n~e of the Counoil that you UIld.ertau the pro~ 01 iiuppl,y1~ telephone ..rvloe to subscriber. beyonli the la~n. I Aa .tated to Mr. Sobmeohal at a 8peoial _ehns on .ruWU'Y 25. the liQunoil would like licW.1tional time to WiD li thoroUSh .tudy and disoussion betor. making a dec1s10n as to the purchas. of the Alaska Tel.phone ayst.-a. A new Oi iy .MADa68r 111&8 appointed at the abo.... special meeUI1& and the Counol1 des1ns to have hie advice and nOCBll8n4at1ona on this matt.r. He 18 to aaaume hi. dutie. on or betore February 11 and you w111 be ad...i.ed Just a8 800P thereatter as po..ible. lll!r. Sobmechal'. ldndneaa in &oi.o& oyer the d.-.l1. aDd in .ettiD6 torth po..ible methoda ot approach to thia nesot1at10n i. greatl,y appreciated. aDd ",e ",iah to thank you as ",ell alii Mr. Scbluch&l for your consideration aDd cooperation. Very truly youra. (MRS.) ERMA WAUWl Aoting City Man&6ern I , . \.~ I MJTION MISSED IN REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ON '::),:t /1//tl iJ. ;:: I IlBCEIBJ n: 1957 C1m. Leirer made a motion - "that Acting City Manager Erma Walker, write to Mr. Harris regarding service extended across the Lagoon and addi Hona1 time before we make l! thor~ in- ~ 1<J E-<-"".do""", <>( /:AP ?w, .,.:l. /. L- vestigation of the natter". Seconded by C1m. Lowell. Motion carried unanimously. ~ (Acting City Manager Walker wrote a letter dated - January 28, 1957 t. Richard D. Harris - attached) '*- "'~ ~, I I I "".., " ,"'''\ . . .. ,""" '. .. ,."O'! P''t {."T~ I I ::1. SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING CCTOBSR 8, 1956 Continued City MandtTer Hardinge reported that Mr. Pitt wants the City to buy the improvements for $1200.00. Capt. Thomsen si'iid he would give the city $1200.00 a year and a fi....e year lease and he gave me the following list of items to be bcorp'::Jrated within the lease. It is dated September 30, 195(. 1. Leftse to be for five years wi th option for rene;o1al for an addi tional five years. 2. Renhil to be $100.00 per mont~, payable in advanoe. 3. Aleut ian Marine Transpor~ has righ t to termi na te lease at any t ima, wi thout penal ty. 4. Aleutian I'ldrine Transport Company to nave the right to make such improvements as they may ::lesire to the buill::linq' f,x th,~ prupose of office and storage space. 5. All improvem'~nts to the buildings to becc-,me the property of the Cit'l of feward, upon tenlLl"ation of tree lease. 6. Dock to belong exclusi vely to the Aleutian I';arine Transp'~'rt Company cluri nq tne period of the lease. 7. City of ::'eward to maintiiin th,? dock (proper), with regdrd to piling and decking, etc. City l'Ianager Hardinge contin\~ed in saying thdt there was only one clause they had not discl1SS..d :ind that was the dock to belong exiusivelv to th,~ Aleutian Harine Transp'Jrt Company durinq the term of th" le:'lse. I told him when ';le wer'~ disGussinq the terms of th,,, lease that we must have acce's to the dock for the oth'~r boats and he Said that would be alriqnt, however when he sent tHs in it was th"I'e. That is th,~ only objection I have to it. Clm. Hall asked if there had been a change of heart, becaus"! it was his underste.ndin;r th" t we had all agre<-Jd tn" t t'1ere wasn't space in the Small Boat !larbor for the Expansion. Mayor Stockton stated that the City j'ianager has been working ';lith Capt. Thomsen for a number of weeks now and going over with him what faeil it ies we had availahle for them. During that time it was brouaht out that poc'sibly Sontag could drive some piling and make a dock of their ~Iwn, then about a week ago it was leClrned that the Expansion 'was moving to Kodiak so of cours._; we approached Captain !Thomsen an" encouraC1ed him to stay in Seward. Di scuC'sio:->, followed on the manner in which the EXp'l~'\sion would dock so it would facilit'ite the dockin,} and loading of the otner boo ts and Clm. l\mend suggesb~::l it be stipul,.,bd in the lease th,at they dock in a c-ertain manner. Hark Walknr, Earborrraster was present and he stated that the ::;oasbJUr;I'd requlations say bo:'lts un::!er 65 ft. are to be consideT"::! 5Wl1. boats and over 65 ft. an'! lar']e boats. If we ever put in a new float he isn't goinq to be able to get in t~,e re ,-1nd even no"'" I don't thinm h'? can safe 1y moore there. Mr. Walker asked whiit r.,1ppen,~:l to his '::Jri'Jinal idea of builning his own dock ",he re,!pcm t'1", Ci ty ]VJdlldger sai d Thomsf-'n wouldn't go for i t becaus'~ he thought it would boo expensi ve. " I Clm. retrovi~h stated thdt he was against havinq to purch<'is'oe the improvem(mts from Vance Hitt for $120'1.00. City l'lanaqer Hardin'J'" stated you could qet arollnd purc!tds!n-1 tho; improvement s by saying you are purchas.inq t:,e lease, for the $12no.oCJ The Citv )\1andger c"ntin'~ed in saying that the Territory balds !\C' riqU:s to:) :'h.. S'lliE 30it nHb)r and ]." didn't :bnk tr.en' was any law "".viner wr,at size mat could rr:oorp the:re. Clm. f,,-trovich stated tl<it n(.t!-ing should bp c:mstnl('d as it being Ol:r desire t:> kick Vane'? Fitt out and It was his opinion tl:at if Hr. Hitt would relenquish his lease we ;,;oul-:l be in a better rositicn to deal with Capt, Thomsen. City l'Janager Hardinge stated that fiitt had about $4000.CO in that building and that doesn't coveT the prccessinq equiprrent. The Harho:m" ~;ter explained trA.t probably by next SU:fJrer we would be very short of space agdir. and in need of new floats and they ;,;ere going to have to see about dredging on the north side of the present floats and Hat will have to g'J through the district engineers office. The original letter sent requesting mooring in tne small boat harbor was read by H,e City Clerk and Cibm. Painter stated tl:at indsc<\Uch as His was thE: beginning of tl:eir mail n:m there must be sor.,e other reason for '\:]-,e[[, wanting tc meare in the Small Boat Harbor area, tlvd. just to get away frorr, the "inter storms doesn't seem likp a good enough reason. Discussion followed on the necessity of carryinq llabil ity insurance. Mr. Walker stated that the dock was the only loacLng zone we he,d in tre Smal 1 Boat Harbor and r.e didn't see how we could lease the whole dock to the Expansion with no thouoht for tDe othd' boats. Clm. Amend stated the Expansion wac only g~inr; to be in port about 10 or 12 days. Clm. Painter suggested we lease i~: to hin, on a six months trial basis and trat should give both sides a cr:ancE' to watch the sitl:ation, Cln. Armnd also stated Hat: it sr,ould be stipulated in the lease Hilt ne refuge or' garbage be dumred in the Small Boat Harbor and that should also include dunnage. Mayor stockton called Capt. Tr,omsen and requested him to come up and di scuss this with the Council. /'"_;' ': SbWARD, ALAE'KA SPECIAL MEETING october 8, 1956 Conti nued In summary the following items were to be discussed with Capt. Thomsen: Liability insurance has to be held fof damage to other boats and to the dock, and no refuse to be dumped in the Small Boat Parbor, cannot give exclusive use of dock to the Expansion, and possible six (6) months trial basis. Mr. Walker stated that normal wear and tear on the dock especially the fender piling could amount to quite a bit because with a large boat like the Expansion there they will probably be pretty rough on it. When Capt. Thomsen arrived Mayor Stockton explained to him we were trying to make what facilities we have available to him but we have corne up with some problems that only you will be able to answer. Bayor Stockton called upon the members of the Council to ask Capt. Thomsen questions, and in line with ~estions put to him by Clm. Petrovich in regard to a boat of that size mooring in the Samll Boat Harbor, Capt. Thomsen replied that he thought the size of a boat was based on the tonnage and he thought when you got up over 300 gross tons you were getting into the larger boats and the Expansion was under 300 gross tons. Capt. Thomsen continued in saYin9l~~t he would carry a half a million worth of liabili ty ian.':I~;tcand that would'~ damage to the boats ood to the dock also. I would also take fire insurance out on the dock. He said he would replace any damage the Expansion might do to the dock and he considred maintance on the dock to be renewal of the piling every 15 years or so. Mayor stockton stated that the Council felt they couldn't give the Expansion exclusive right to the dock and pointed out that other boats would have to use it. Capt. Thomsen stated that he was XKXJXIK~X gone about 17 days out of the month and he wouldn't object to any boats using the dock while he was gone. He also stated he would have no objection to other boats loading accross the Expansion and would offer his gear if necessary to facilitate the loading of other boats. He pledged his cooperation wi th the other boat owners. Capt. Thomsen continued in saying he was interested in making a permanent home for the members of his crew and wanted a safe place to moore so it wouldn't be neces~ary for them to stay aboard the boat. He stated he was interested in a plan that would be permanent. I am interested in improving the present building there and making it into a warehouse, then I will probably rent office space up town. ~~en asked about taking some exception to the refuse, Capt. Thomsen replied that they, of cours~ would haul that away. He also stated that in the summer time there might be the possiblity that he wouldn't moore there. Capt. Thomsen stated that as a result of his trip to Seattle this last time he found that the storage and handling as charged by Northwest Freight Lines was way out of reason. nornally and to all other Steamship companies warfage and handling is .375 a leO Ibs, however to the Expansion this charge is just $1.00 more ora.375 a 10~ lbs. It is cheaper for me to load in Kodiak than here. I load about 60 or 70 tons out of Seward. To load here it cost about $700.CC and to load~ same in Kodiak it cost about $60.00. Capt. Thomsen gave some background' the Aleutian Marine Transport Company. He said it was a stock company with him owning 25% of the Sock and 5 men in New ~ork owning about 30% and people in Ketchikan owning about 401.. He stated that the contract with the government is on a more permanent basis than it was and if the service is satisfactory it is prabable that they will be awarded the contract again. He said it has been taken off of a bid basis which makes it much better. Capt. Thomsen continned in saying the reason he had to know now whether some permanent arrangements could fe made here in Seward was because a person in Kodiak had offered him the use of ~is dock and this person wanted an answer now. Capt. Thomsen was asked if he had any objections in regard to having the lease put on a 6 months trial basis and he said he would because he wouldn't want to have to move out in 6 months. He said he would give notice when he was going to arrive in ~xmt port so the boats thBt might be tied up to the dock could move before he comes in. Capt. Thomsen also said he would expect to receive the revenue derived from mooring at the dock. He pointed out that if nothing was charged they would rather tie up to the dock than at the floats where they would have to pay mooring fees. Mr. Walker said he would like to s"e it on a 6 morths b~sis. Capt. Thomsen pointed out that he would be wil] ing to see it on a trial basis for both parties. Capt. Thomsen left and told the City Manager that if any problems came up his office Manager Miss Lae could probably help him. Mr. Walker stated that he was afraid this action might cause hard feelings among the boat owners when they are asked to move away from the dock. ~ity ~~nager Hardinge read Resolution No. 108 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE LEAE~ING OF LOT OR TRACT L AT TEl: SM'LL BOAT HARBOR IN TIlE CITY OF S8.JARD, ALASKA in its entirety. : ~ ~ SDtJARD, ALASKA SPECI A.L lV;,:ETING October 8, 1900 Conti nned After a sl,ort discussion the following action was taken: "I move that Resolution No. 108 be passed," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Painter. Roll '....as called as follows: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes; ~~otion carried.unanimously. Clm. Painter stated tl1at the real reason came out for the Expansion wanting to move and he thought it was time Northwest Freight Lines got their wrists slapped. Mayor Stockton lflfacKi!:ilI suggested that we call tDe prElsident of the Chamber of Commerce iiTId give him this information and inasmuch as Capt. Thomsen gave his perjllission that this be put in the minutes I think it ffould get proper publicity. I Neeting Adjourned at 10:23 P.M. ---/ \.,<ii" .,:,tI ,,~" II .~"~ .~ :i:l I I APPROVED: (?~",9~~J PLRRY R. ,~O~KTON, MAYOR City of Seward [iTTEST: ~:A#/' .A.L~ CIT CLERK ' ---------...- ------------------------ SCvARD, llLASKF. REGUL.I\R MEETI NG October 15, 1956 A regular meeting of the Seward City Council was CB,Iled to order at 8:00 P.H. wi th Mayor stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Clm. Durant; Hall; Knight; Painter. Late: Clm. Amend ani Clm. Petrovich. Also prcs.?nt ",as Ci tv Hanager Hardinge. The minutes of the Regular Heetiner of September 17th and the Special Meetinqs of Septer-mer 25, October 3, and October 8 were read bv the City Clerk and Mayor stockton a,,ked if t:-.ere were any additions or corrections, wher,"upon Clm. Hall referH~d to the minutes of September 17th in which the Council ruled that Pat Williams. who recently purchased a home in Forest Acres, could still be considered a Seward Resident and Clm. Hall stated the mimd:es sho'~ld stat", the ree..son was that Nrs. Williams planned on maintaining an apartment in the same building as her rIace of businnss and that was thE' reclson 'She could still be considerpd a Se','lard resident. Mayor E't ockt::)O sdi d the mi nutes stand a Pl.r oved a:; c0rf"(~(~ted. of Und",r people present, !1rs. Blu,o state::! she had som" point:3 she wantei to bring to the Councils att~nti;.)n. 1". She askf3d if t~ere was an Ordinanc~ a-:rdll1st th", US(' of &:e Bee guns anI stated s)',c' hid notioed a nu::nber of windo~'s had bc,en pepperrd. Chief Seymour stated ]-,is department war: keepin::r "bre'l:;t of t' , t ~ , - r.e n.u~,l:n, anu they had C':-.fi:'3catei a nunber of bee bee guns ~"ithin the last slX'montrs 2. Mrs. Blue rep:;rted th.:;t the cars p:lrking so close to th" fences on 3rd F,ve, rL;. e' has left no side walk space dnd it has becc:.me increiisin:;ly iiffleult for L~e pedestrid:ls. 3. Mrs. Bl'J.e askc-i s.i.n.-:~e '.'1e rad th'? equip:nc~nt t~~ u~c '211 the neTt! --lump 'llhy couldn't we sta:r~ u$inq it and cloE''''-' the old iump. Citv l'A.:anager FArdinge repl~'l;t(?j tnat we r.ar! 1--aid ti-e p~lrc}rl s.:,: r rice and we ..v0r:.? wai ti rV""1 fro r +}-;n roYrrl' + to Cn]""t.':i l....Jc1.. .:: ... '- .~, 1-"-' ' '- '-' ll~ U.l _~~I a1:;0 ~p. '''':':lnt:?d tr:: IdY t:tl') 3it:~ out. Clfil. PAtrl.)vi;~:; stat(~d. ...:r.:~ c:':-:;11,i l:)c:itc it u.~'lJ tna.t it: a simplE? matter. 1,~!e have t~ lakf~ a n-eas~n-i-::nr.~11t an':i find a line, an" 1,....~tl1 thi~ ~e !.-ri~~l kn(YIl we arr:> ~oJ:thin o,~r d[f~':l sc we can stdr~ dU.l1pin'J. The Burcd_:J of Land ~1an.2qeml"nt.: wilJ giv,? it d c0n:plt~:'r SI,1!"V'3Y v:nen trv:c:'v h:1V(~ a CrFrtl aVdJ..labl;?!. City Eanager Earclinq.::: statc~.:i th1t a.s so\~n as he and- Petr'.Jvi-:h could SVlt it they would ;:id : +: tn use. . 4. Hre. Blu.:? askr:d '~r,o \....<3.3 resp'-'~:: ~ bi "\ for +GI'> rp.t:1' <:'r;.. at I'ptc\ t':1~ .....Tr-~~ # .'~ .:-.d. ~~p' ;::....[."..L..:j. -._,,......;..... .,----. .'-'~ _.....i,.;:l..,. '-,:'" .~':._J......;i:::SJ,;ldC(;> ~r;. ~:'. r ~~ ~~ ,_.rl. . lS:".u.":,":';'J.,..hl as to whetner 1 twas t:ndp1'" an 0S:6.:-n or t:,(.> rOfipo!l.?ib.j 1 it'l theTern.orv, Me'F'r StOCKtoc, SW!CF"3ted W" i:<struct Mr. Hardin:re to find OL:t who > IS r(::!spoflsible. 5. As d final ite:r.l# Hrs. Blu'~ rep-.:;rte'd th,jt therf~ \"lere still a Tl'J.mU.JT of old Cd~S ~m t:-C,-, stre,;,t:3 ani in th,~ vacant lots. It Waf: the conspncc:s of th" ConnelL tc'dt we could not tou:,), the cars on tlv" V'3-Ccnt lots. -~ ,. <' -:-", ~ ' .', SI-7Il ARD, ALF\:=:l:A l1'EGULAR M,:ETING october 15, 1956 Continued Revenand Malin stated his young peoples group wanted to know if thev coulci rent or borrow our roller sk.ates for a party just for one night. After some discuE'si,:m as to ~o was responsible for the skates and where they were it was sugJ0sted that Reverand Malin contact the Recrea ti nn Counei 1. Mr. Suydam, the, coach was presc'nt and he asked i:' the U. f. 0 and gymn couldn't be used for practice and ga'TIes this cominrr season. He stated ther') were liqht bulbs needed and several window '0 t:hat were out tl14f!' should be replaced. The Ci ty Manager reported, that in the past, the sch::):)l paid for half of the fuel and tI-,e City paid for ffilf of it. Suydam continued in saying they had purchased a new lock. for the do(~r, one that extends clear l!lccroS$ and they have cleCln"d up the gymn and put the floor sCcilor on. Fe allC',) stated there has b, en so:re intel'est shown for a City League. Clm. Petrovich sU0gested ,Ie turn the Civic ,::::enter over to tb~ tempardl''l custody of th,? school and have therr take care of the, mainten,',nce 'inr:! heat ing and so forth. "I move that the Counc i 1 grant the scho ,1 pe rmi ssi",,, to ust' the gymn for practi ll:e anr:! games and if it were, !,ossible to foYil', a City League under the COiich'2 super- vi si on, th,,; t pe rllli ssion be granted also," said Clm. Knigh t. Mot ion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll W6,S caLed all in f'Hor, motion carried. Coach SuydaICl also suqJesh>d that the gymn be kept open one night for the Grade School, one night for tr.e Finh School and one night for the City League with thrGe reliable partip.s supervisiTlg. He said he \~ould lo.:>!: into this po,,'dblity. Mayor ~tockton suggested we filter this ided to the ~ch(h,l Board of turnin'7 the gymn over ta them for operatlnq. M6. 'lor Stockt::>n stated that Mr. Ben Vaughn had pres'm ted some recorrunenddti ')[15 in conr,€'c1:ion to the Ci t'r Ass.,ssors posi:ien and he suggested that }'1:!'. Vauqhn submit a lettClr of apt.,liciltion and his would be considered along with the rest of the applications. Tl1e first item on the Aqenda under Old Business was a report from the City Mane-ger on an investigation inv0lvin(! th", se'der behn,i th? Renwald Hc,tel. City Mana'Jc,r Hardinge stated he had discussed with l-luEer and Richey the sewer problem and was unable to f imi ou t anymore information. Muller thinrs the stop"age is in the basement wall and he wants to :Hcr it from th,? basemer.t. !-lrs. O'Brien stated she couldn't understand thilt '"hen tl1ey ran a snell:e 44 fp,'t thr;)ugh ij.nd outside the buildin<J. Aft,~r diqginq 2 holes outsidp. on th,,, street and biU/ng me $150.0(' ne 8ngq8st,~d he dig up my bas8ment flCl'H. I1r1". O'Brien stated she> didn't see why the sewer lin'~ cO'lldn't have been droJ:,p",d, whereupon tll'C> City ManCiger sclid the reason was we had to be en a steady grade. Clm. Petrovich stated thp. new line didn't run ,'ill th,,, way ddlwn to the waterf font 'out vle had an existiil'J line in thoro ow] tn'" n8W sewer 1 ine nad t") tie into t::.", old one, ther"fore v;c had to maintain the same grade. !-Irs. O'Brien stdh":l th"re war: 1"ome seapage thrcJuqr, t'10 lif'-'" now. J)iscussi:m follow'2d or, ""h,,,re the trouhle might be an:! Mrs. O'Brien stater] tney went out e,ith'r 44 or '17 f8pt an'] th,y fi'J'lr<',{ about 15 feet of that W;lS outside t\e buildinq. 1<uller quit when h,e did beca'lSP the next day was the: 4th of July. The pOEsi.bilLt'T :)f installing ,'i :;um;.:; p\lmr.; 'i!"-S '1:""";::;3"'1 an.] th, ;,j:j:c,xic,na t" cost c,f thilt would lor, atout $5['0. It 'Nas brought cut that a nunbel' of people could not hook up to the sewer Lecause of the h'pt)' of their basements anrl it was np.ceSSdr'( fDT tl1crr, to use [.:.umps. l'-irs. C'Brien stated th::it a terrific torrent of water went into tl1e dr",in betw0cn the hotel 1nd thf' theatre last spring and she thOUGht possibly th' se\~er I:ligl,t lad collapsed right the1e. Ci ty l'lanas;er Hardinge reporteci tJcat the City Sewer line wac; clear, and he continued in saying riG wouldn't vlant to be responsible or liAhle for any cave-in involvwl in diggin~1 so close to the cuilding. Also, it would be necessary to go dmm eV"I' 13 feet and YOLl wculd hilve to be caref1i;.1 of the Welter Ii ne to. "I move the City Manager be inst ructE:d to else City equipment to aC'sure the fault and responsibility of the Renwald }Totel sewer line," said Clm. Petrovich. Motien seconded by CIICl. Durant. Before thE' roll was calied a riiscussion ensued. 1',,,1 To\'ich stated he mc'ant this just to find ,-,1]+ what is wronq with the line and whose responsibility it is to fix it. She should consider the expense of putting in a new line if the City does the digging. Mrs. O'Brier. stated she would be wi} J ing to pay whatever 'She had to pay. Rell Was called, all in favor, motion carried unanimously. ~Byor Stockton suggested this be done as soon as pos~ible so possibly Mrs. O'Blien cO'J]d provide for more rooms during tIle corning C}'ant,er of C:omm H:e Convent~:'n. 81 ty l1anager Fa rdinge stated they would try to qet to it thi s week. I I I " ..( S2,1!1.RD, [''oLFi::l~F'o REGULAR t,!~\'TING CJCTCBE!< 15, 19~)(; CO~it~nued .1\ reqt;r,st was read froIT, the Cl ty M-maqe: in regard~ to him being dllm~e-:l to remain 01' ir, tr,e O;if:aolty of City Hanager ,lnt~l December 15th. l.javor ~tcckton explainerl that our ordinances require us to have a City 11anager at al ~ times. Clm. Hal] suggested thi s matter be tabled unt il after correspondenoe and there belDq no obj eel' ion s the Council turned t:) the next item of old Bus iness, Counci 1 api,mval or the 1956 - 57 Budget. Clm. Petrovich asked '.-Jhat had bee;) dcr.€' about the re'luest to write to Various fir,? .:!C]::ari'lTIenb: regarding their polloie:,; on hydrart rentals. City Nanager Hard inge stated tha t somp rlFl oes pay it and som e l=.laces don't. Clm. P",t 1 cvich askccl '",hat had been rlone, urout the pre,perty assessm8nt :Jffi,s We had gi v"n the utilities to fill out anrl return. Jay Carroll said t'.pre !-ad not heer: a Utili ty Beard t:leeting since tl-.ey Teceived th,,, fonns. A discuzsi,)n f(>llowC!d :m how the utll i ties s!-:ould as~ess t'-1rir rroj::erty and it was the consensus of opinicn tho'1'- th" deprEciated value as sho"in on the 1\"di tors Report for re,,-l an" p=Ts:'nal property would be acceptable and po,-sibly th", 2udi tors cculd fill in the ferm. It was rpntiJ)!"l'xl that wi 1:' the hiriD9 of '1.ncther city maniJger ir tbc. future, we wm.:lrl have to revise t!-,e City l'",nager budget. Nembers of the Scuncil expresserl a rlesire to have more 0f chancp t:J study the budget'. "I move we postpone the pass,;g'e of the 1955 - S7 budget until the mayor calls a special :neet~ng fer that purpose," said elm. Durant. ~otion seconded by Clm. Painter. Roll was called, all in favor, moticn carried. elm. Hall asked, under old business, what the presc'nt status of the, telephone sitt:.'ition was in regard to the rates and lines. Ci ty 1~3rtager !-Iardinge r",ported that t}'e 'Citv had received notice from the court that the rFlteG had been ordered put in effed1. Nayor stockton asked !-ow the courtE: could do tl1at when they were SUPfos<"d ~o be out of th",j r jurisdiction. Also, tl1<' people were \'Iill1ting to know whether they should pay under ;::rotest or not. The Citv Yi'lnager stated that he had c0ntacted H"llenthal a n',lmncr of tlmes and he keeps telling him he ;.;ill send the Council a letter and t~at is the last I hear from him. Clm. Hall stated he wc_,~' i,!'etty disgusted with not.hing beir:g done. He continued in sayi:lg Hat a m~nth dqO Ec~Lenthal vias supposed to be in Seattle gettinC} thLs thing GtIai';htened out and '-If' stlll haven't he(lrcl anyt'unq fyon; him. Cln'. Dura::lt sug~!esterl, that if it is ']dng t::> },(lrm ,,'3, w, s)-oulrl Cjet il new lawyer. Discussion follo,,:ed en the new tf'lephone lines c!Ding up on ')"r r-:.eles and Jay Carroll pointed cut that the telephone comlJa!1Y didn't need }:€r!llisf'i~m if they still had ii franchise, and the Sity ~lanager stated tr,e Court had !""lsd th,€.ir franchise still ir. effect. Clm. Petro'rich st:'ltf'd that we sk,uld have SCD;8tlcing right nOli and if ,,'e tats th0 stand U,at they L-:FlVe no jurisdiction and no franci:is8 then we should :jd out dn injunction. !vlayor Stoeten stated he would call Hell enthal when )-.e went to i\nchorage thee npyt day and the:> Ci ty Milnager st-=t(?d tbA t s:-)rre(>lV~ cught to "='() to Anchordqe to ~ee him to. The first item on the _~genda under New Business WaE: Ci discussion on tn'" P.laRka Telejhcne Corporatio:1 Personal property a<Tessment for 1956. The City l,;lerk explained thCit last y"'ar the pre'perty ",-as asser?ed at ~40,(!00.OO a:1rJ nis year it WCiS just cut in half or $20,OOO.OC. Tn"'y r.ad ',d filed a personal property asseGsment return. 'tlhen the Telephone CO'l.pany paid half of their taxes they asked about the cr~nge in assessment. We wrote to Mr. hellentahl and ~sked him if he had issued any dir'?ctive on it or if he had any suggestions on what we sh()uld do about it, but we h'l,ren't heap:! from him to date. Cln. Petrovich stdted that pORsibly Hr. Southard harl discussed tLis win the er.glneers on the new telephon'" system and they had sugqested thi s aE:SE ssmen t. Ci ty Manager Hardinge said he wO'lld like to talk to Hellenthal about this because possiblY there was somethiwr Of' the legal end c fit tha t we were net aware ':Jf. The next item onthe agenda was the opening of bids on the La Salle r~ulance. Oliver l\roend submi Hed h:5 bid in the iiIDout of $50.013 befon' he was a member of the Council. "I move we sell the ambulance to Mr. Amend for $50.00," said Clm. Knight. Hotion seconded by'::lm. Dur.ant. Roll was called as fcl}O'.'ls: P.mend Not Voting; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Fainter, yes; Pet:--ovid., yes; l:ction carr~fd. elm. Petrovich referred back to item A unrler new business, the personal property asseSSrrE'nt of the Alaska Telephone System, and he stated that Mr. SoutlHrd userl th" same figure the engineers used in evaluating the present system. SEWARD, AU\SKA REGULAR }!I:ETING OcrOBER 1 Si, 1956 Ccnti nued The next item on the agenda was the opening of bids on the General Liability Insurance olicy. The Notice of Bid was read along with the schedule of premiurr. base and remunerations. The stipulation was included in the notice that a ~hedule setting forth the premium base and the remunerations must ~ccompany the bid. It was explained that in the remunerations the,maxiumum amount for last year was given as a base and it was hoped that would eliminate a high adjustment at the end of the year. In the past it was found bidders bid low to oet tre policy then there was a high adjustment at the end of the term of the policy. Bids were opened as follows: Pat Williams from Maryland Casualty Company - $3272.92; John P. Smith - $1456.09. In checking the bids out against the notice it was found that Smith's bid did not have the 30 Ft. frontage on City Hall and also his premium base for E't. Cleaning l'laintenance was $10,0[10.00 lower than what was set forth in the notice. "1 move tha t the bid be awarded to Pat Williams for the City General Liability Insurance," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knioht, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, Yes; Motion Carried. The City Clerk was advised to notify the insunmce agents to give not less than six (6) weeks notice of a policy expiration in order to give the City Clerk a chance to check bids before the Council is required to act on them. The bills for the month of September were read as fol!ows: A & B Service, $8.56; A. C. ~. 65.33; Alacka Stationers, 7.10; Surplus Property, 43.48; Andy's Oil;346.14; Automotive Parts & Equip, 1977.02; Bill's Parts & Service 124.71; Commercial Equip. 13.70; Durant's Hardware 6.00; Margit Edwards $100.00; Win Ervin 35.00; Holbrook Printing 139.95; Legion Cab 188.50; Northern Corrmercial Co. 144.09; Northwest Bolt & Nut 242.25; Petty Cash 12.44; Petticoat Gazette 77.0C; Seward Builders 10.80; Seward Drug 1.35; Seward Electric 841.90; ~eward Hardware 25.76; Seward Plull'bing & Heating 51.40; Se':,ard Machine Shop 14.84; Frank Spadaro 95.32; Standard Oil 529.35; Seward Trading 68.43; Norbert Swoboda 25.00; Sontag - Eads, 300.00; Dorothy ~fner 30.OC; Harry West 2474.61; Western Standard Supply 78.76. Total for the Month of September, $8078.91. Discussion followed on various bills and Clm. wanted to know why we were buying gas from Bill's Part's & E'ervice for 35i when we can get it as the shop for 28i. Chief Seymour said the pump was broken dO\"I\ part of the time and they don't have a key to the pump and can't always g~t down there when they are open. City Manager 11ardinge stated that he makes Ross keep a running check ,on all the gas used and if he gives out the key they wouldn't b" able to keep track of it. Clm. l-'etrovich suggested they make it a point to qet gas berore they close up the shop. Seymour suggested havinq their own pump for the one polic," car they use city gas in. Further discussi on followed, however no action was taken. Clm. Painter moved that the bills be paid; discussion follo',;ed on excludjng the electric bill in that motion. Clm. Petrovich stated it was our idea to pay tr.e utility bills evenh:ally, but we had been slort :)f funds this year. Mr. Carroll stated that when Mr. Sheppard was here the Council had indicated to him we were going to pay our utility bills and if he findE out you haven't, I believe it is going to reflect on the amour.t of ["coney he ',;il: loan us to continue with the hydro project. Mr. Carroll continued in saying that he thou:rht the time had corne when we should iron this thing out. Clm. Hall stated that possibly if we wait another month, we may have some tax money. Mr. Carr'oll said we couldn 't "oTo~t any tax money until after the audit and that would be sometime in Janu3-ry. The City Clerk reported the our liability to the Seward Electric through Sept. was $10,814.35 for light bills and $6328.18 r.;et up in the CRpital Improv,"ment Fund for Street Lighting improvements. 'iJe owe the Seward V.Jat,o,r Systcm through August $3865.80. The Seward Water System owes us $11,198.58 on a loan and $1659.31 on miscellanious billings such as labor perhnn,ed by the street department: emplovees, insurance, parts, etc. T he Se'ward Electric System owes us $1339.71 in miscellanious billings plus the $7500.110 in lieu of taxes. "1 move the bills be paid wit', the exception:Jf the electric system bill," said Clm. Fai'"lter. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll waf; Cilll,?d as follows: Amend, yes; Durant Not voting; l~ll, yos; Knight, yes; Fainter, yes; and Petrovich, yes; Moti':Jn ca ried. [)iscur5sion follo~18d on th" stn,el: light installations th",t sh::mld be made and I1rs. Benford reported that there ~ler8 not stn~et liqhts on First {,venue. Nr. Carrol stated thi'it they would not be able to put more stred liqhts in until the City paid for the last installo'itions in the dmDunt of $6328.10. "1 moYc that th9 bill be paid to the SeHard Electric System in tl1e am0unt of $6328.10," said Clm. Painter. Botion sec,:m:1ed by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend yes; Durant yes; Hall yes; Knight yes; Painter yes; Petrovich yes; Botion carried unanimously. I ,- S17.1JIJCD, ALA;cKA REGtrLAR MEET ING Octob~r IS, 1956 Continued Mr. Carroll askw:} if thp. Council would authorize t:-:e insLillation of mere str'2,~t li<]hts and it was brouqht out that t",'?r0 was only on': liGht on First Avenue. "I move that the Sewarc::l Elect ri c:: System be author 1 :~ed to purdklse and in~;tal i iippr-:;xi:nilbelv 25 lights for tr'~ apprOXill:Bte sum of $~j,OOO.OL,H said Clm. Petrovich. lI::Jti ,'n sec,)nded by Clm. Kni-}ht. Roll was calle:i as :rollows: Amend yes; Durant yes; Hall Yes; Knight yes; Painter yes; Petn),l'loh yes: MotL:>n carri.?d unanimousl',. l'~yor Stockton asked if there was anymcl",e ne,1 bushess and r::lm. Durant asked what the status of the Johnson Tryek survey was and if the r",cords were still in AnchoT;tge. Ci ty Man'iger Hardinge reported that som-" of the ree.)rds are here and some of the work waz ione before he came here, also the A. R. C. pavi I1g survey :,ad been paid for. Cln,. Fetro',ich suggested we write t:-:."rr, a letbH askinq the'o f()r a report on what work they hA 'Fe done for the City. Mayor 8tocJctof'_ advised the Council that at their first rec,nlar meeting after el'3ction they were to reapl;oint the City Treasurer and Ci t? Attorney. We :-:avp. nc City JItl:orney and Aron Ericson haG been the City Tressurer for SOIrf' years. "I move that Nr. Aron Ericson be reappointed as Ci:y Treasurer: Said Cll~,. Kniqht. ~" Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend yes; Durant yes; --) Hall yes; ](nlght yes; Paint,er yes; Petrovich yes; Mot ion carried. ,.".- ,,~ .". ;>J I I Discussi:,;' followed on the Magistrat", position and it was the conSf=nsus of the C,)uncll that at this time of reappointments another persof'_ should be con:3ijer,~d for this position. l'J"s. Southard was rrentioned as i'i possible applicant: for the position and Clm. Hall stated thai: her experience as the commi:;sione:r would qualify her. Clm. Petrovich ~t'ih:d thai: Pat H odgJcinson has had som'> legAl background Oind police work. It was sn.ggested tl1at Mr. Hardlnqe cont'tct Mrs. :"ollthind in rer]drd t-:J the Maqistrate pos-ition ilnd in the mei'intime we could clill for aprlic.,tio:1s._ "I move that the City Manager rnake ar:-aww:nents for advertising for a ne'lT City Magist r"i ty and also noti fy the present lnagi st r:i te of thi s action," s"lid Clm. Amend. Motion sec'_mded bv Clm. Kniqht. Roll was called as follo"ls: Amend yes; Durrlnt yeS-j Hallyes; Knight yes; Painter yes; Petrov:li~h yes; M:Jtion carr l,~d. Under correspondence, a letter was redd from the SewiiCd Chamber of COmIllt~rG8 datwl 8er'temher 25, 1956, reYlCclinq the deplorable condi ti ,)r of tl1e cemetary and requesting tr,"1 a cQnlll1ili t' -~e be ar;rointed to work out a plan to beautify the cemetary'. Dis cUSSiOfl followed on the cemeta ry condit ion an.J Clm. Painter sta ted he thow;h t we had ah::nt 13-l/'2 acres out there, hot,ever they have been uni'lble to find th" r._c1rk'Hs, aLD th", land WiS d,?eded to the City. }~yor Stockton stated t:,e Planninq & Zonln9 ComrriS;O-':lon sl..:<YJ.ld be advised of t~ds s() they can \-J,:)rk with us on it. FL:st, it Wd,~ decided we would have to get t":1'? land locdted ann thAt information 'Nould CCilW from the'! Bureau of Land t-Jan,"lgemont, in the mGantime -:l1e Iv'",yc)r ,:lnd the Presid'mt of the Cr'amb"J~ of Correro ree would arrange a committee to work on this problem. A letter dilted October 11 from the s'lwari Chamber of Commerce was read and it was in regard to the loca.l radio station being sold. A lAttAr WilS read from conventi:J' to ce held sendinq a deleqation. the League of AlasJc~n Cities dated October 12th regarding t~e in Ketchikan Novc~mber 1, 2, and 3 and the pOf'sibility of Seward After a brief discussion the following action was taken; "!. ffiO"C t:'clt ','Ie authorL~e th", expenditure of the mayor to attend the meetings of the Lea'Jue of Alaskan Cities and if he can": go, his apl-,ointment of an alterni'lt" be aprroVEd to go," sa~d Clm. Duran t. Mot ion secDn::ied by Clm. Pet rovich. Roll was caL"d as follows: AJ1\end yes; Duriiflt yes; Hall yes; Knight yes; Pair,ter yes; Petrovich yes; 11otion carried unanimously. A lctt<H of application for t:ce City Ckrk podtion dated October 13 W.:iS n~i'ld frot:\ Mr. D. P. Ba 1m,} t . "I !l'()VP thclt it be filed," said Clm. t'etrovich. Mot:LOr. seconded by Clrr.. Durant. Roll was Cell :,~d, all in f:ivor, rr,ot ion car r i,:d unanimously. )\ letter was read from R. I:. Baumgart!1(~r dat8d October 15th advising that the deadline for liquor licens'3S W"lS .ope rO'lching and suggested the City distribute the aPrlic:i_ti:>n forms. ThE' City Clerk read a form she had preparc-d to serd outf\"'t:ce various li cqu:Jr license :-:olders ,c,nd i: verified no outstanding ut ili ty bills, taxes or sales tax and was apprf:Jvf.:;d b'; the fire chief, Chi8f of Polic(3 and City M9.na~]er berore c.:\rnincr tr) the Council for approy,_~l on November 15th. '- "I n;-:Jve tl1c.l: the City Clerk distribute thes'" forms that she has prep:ired and read, to th" pp~f;ent holders of liquor lic"nses," said c'lm. Knight. !<lotion seconded by Cl:r.. Painter. R::;ll '..ras call(d as follows: Amend yes; Durant yes; Hall yes; Knight yes; Painter yes; Pet rovich yes. Mot i on caTr ied. SE'NARD, ALASKA REGULAR MF,ETING october 15, 195C Continued The Council referred back to the City Managers re(juest to remain on until Dec8;nber 15th and a discussion ensued on adjourning to an executive se:;:oiol1 to discl1sS this letter. City Manager Hardinge was excused from the executive se:3sion. "1 move we adjourn to an executive session," said Clm. Durant. Clm. Hall. Roll was called as follows: Amend No; Durant yes; Painter yes; Petrovich yes. Motion carried. Motion seconded by Hall yes; Knight eyes; Meeting adjourned 1:40 A.M. APPROVED~Q~ PERRY STOCKTON, Ma yar ATrEST: ~~-~).... TY C ERK SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING October 16, 1956 Continu>::!d from Regular Meeting. A special meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at approximately 2:30 A.~l. by Mayor Stockton. Roll W'iS called as follows: Present: Amend Durant Hall, Knight, Painter, and Petrovich. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meetine] was to act upon a letter that has been submitted by the City Manager requesting that he remain on until December 15th. Mayor f'tockton asked what the wish of the Council was on this and discussion followed on h~ving Mr. Hardinge remain until November 17th in the capacity of Actinq City Manager. Disc'lssion also followed on limitinq the r.ity Managers purcha.sinq" power. "1 move that Mr. Hardinge be retained as Acting City Manager for 30 days from the effect i ve date of his resigna t ion t:Jr unt il November 17th," said Cl'TI. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Kniqht. Roll was called as follows: Amend,yes; Durant, yes; Hall No; Knight, yes; Fainter No; Fetrovi~h, No:.. Mayor Stockton, yes: Motion carried. "1 move that the City Clerk forward, as soon as possible, advertisf?ments to any sourc~ available, advertising for a City Manager for the City of Seward," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called all in favor, motion cacried. Meeting adjourned approximately 2:45 A.M. AFPROVED: Q~ Q,.J!I;;~ PEii'R R. STOCKTON, Mayor ATrEST : ~vL~ TY CLERK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I .."j .' ") ., '"," !,...,' .A r~"-'l I I f SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR ME1TI NG November 5, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Amend; Hall; Knight; Painter ane Petrovich. Late: Clm. Durant arriving at 9:30 P.M. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. The minutes of the previous regular meeting of October 15th were read and Mayor Stockton asked if there were any addttlans or corrections and there being none he stated the minutes stand approved as read. The first item on the agenda was people present and Mrs. Blue reported on the following: 1. The transformers being errected in front of the new hospital Mrs. Blue reported were very unsightly and she wondered if something couldn't be done about moving them. She stated she had called several members of the hospital board and h~. Green, Chairman of the board, is here. 2. I~s. Blue continued in saying that it was her understanding that Sears and Wards had been written at one time about collecting Sales Tax for the City and she wondered if they couldn't be approached again. Clm. Painter said he could see no objection to writing them again. 3. When the postal inspector was in town, he was asked if it would be po. sible to have the post office open an extra hour either from 8 to 9 or from 5 to 6 to enable the working people to mail packages etc. Mrs. Blue stated that this could be arranged and she suggested that the City go on record and request this change be made. She gave Mayor Stockton a list of persons to write to regarding this, Mrs. Blue stated she would like to publicly thank Mr. Hardinge for helping them on their many problems and also for the many things he has started. The transformers being errected in front of the llospital were discussed and George Green, Chairman of the Hospital Board, stated that ~ite a few people had approached him regarding the fact they were in front of the building and unsightly. Althought it is a logical place to have them, continued 1~. Green, so close to the building we have to look at it from the stand point of that building being there a long time and if there is any possible way we could arrange to relocate the transformers now that they have just started, it would be appreciated. Er .~'" 1 r.,~ ~ c ': c.'" .,1 t )>I~. f rn: en C 1," ,. I. >.i1 s1: "l~- ~n~ :-;""',' '0';' " 1.1' '::"l .:..~if~'~il 1-:>::. t.,' fl.! i~ t:'.-.:,.,r ',o!':':''> ,'f::-\ ":' t ~,t t,,,;'~;u1 ~r:,,~lv'?; .revi~:-:;.lL:r a:)',,; -::i " , :' c f 1 i (~;' ,.;; . c::;:;:r--: .~. ~ ~~ l' ~ ~,p~~: : ~ ; -~ t'", ... , _~f t :1(; ~lrr. i"P-tt''',7i.':', stlt~'.;-l ~~>-:t .,y-~ Vdr~<...,::'":i t i.-~: .~~,. l>..... tr'"in".r ;;-;,: ',....:: ii 1 n::t c;:)\.'.r ,~;l'" i: i~.': unf:;rtunab~ 1..'.... ; ld n" r. t. :'." i" :':...:.:"l~,'-lf_: 2.'~' i,'. 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':",'1\"':' 1" .",;:~.1,,-;(,;jE: to ;J.'0",;:.l,~~. 'l..;..i'~ (:>.' ,-,(.. ,- ....'-i, ....:11 . ...,;- h, .~ (' ~:;t (jl. ::_; . L.~jli-;]~d,_, 1.'" ,-}c,"_..t.tiCdl c~.,;..J,-t~(:~. ~, d:- l~l-- " -' h~. ~'~Ji'V :L.l 'u.r.'k:Y' :1 J ,'~~'~ ncc':,':::; 'i.'>i[:; ~'r~E) :rc:;;. 'r-; ~": ~ ;;" ~~~~ t'I i<cln':1Cic'r 1. ' .- . ~ t,"..,;;\~: Y' r,.i_"...:-:k',..:.......j rCf~l rt'<:.-~ tL3t i}'(l--' ,'::\1 '-~:-\-~l.!:'.JS .:',:'Li:Y:1 " . en:,,'e:.ll ~j ,t-)..:.. . - - - ~- ~ ~ ~i. ~'Y E(-':n(Jr.;;;~~r I.at) r1::nn,:;;'--l 'J. rri;~ ~" ilnch,..'r ;I':jr, ~~ t: ' -iim~:> tl:i~~ w:)rk ''I'1:l:~ t.,.., 1".,j7( 1-.ner '~..;r;t-~ :;c ;~;} --:'~;ntac~'f:'d RG~j5 at:r:, ask"J'" : In- t::. ~~,~ ahef1,i ....,....f.;- it. :-r:-~r: ;lt~.r cii:in#t Tl!'.' j .I. ~, ,)i l-" ~ v'''' "'rJ.lp:rFr,t t~, CJ1C t1::1:: fdr so Frar.k ':T '1;"; ..;:~. . [' t(j Ci- ed aiF'~ :'.:. a\~ .fr'ed t<:) clo t'h,~ job ':Ji ~:J' ~~12, ;~:ic.:k hoe. T1 ("';' '::en-t -J.cw:i a:" f1Y :l~ +:LE'Y G'_',ulrl 'Ili"t}-.. t~';, }-,ri~~k h,:,w ,,,c, 1-::": ::'"-::2 1/ fr..,-::t :':l"' :::')re (-::nd t" ," -]u~ ::-':r:" C,'..f fpet by hand. '.i'l-,r> ,iir:,-.~ir.'~1 ',,,,'32 ..L_' a, .-1ic:':1."nd.l line ~~ccr()ss tr:~::~ :..lloy ';fi,t~- t:i" 1:- \1;[ + .::f "~Jr>rtl>111y intE:r(~ept':'~';J ~"rJ] SC';..iC:r ,:"l'~(~.r(:.s:3 t~,.-; ~:jlle'l, ~'c;v...~~:V(:; ~.>!L:.;,,<! 1tJd;:~ Y_',p:d. =.t: WaS r(:: ..Jrt-:,"~ t}'s:t 'l-' t-~\n: ir~t,-, :,ur ~:~.!.~ li.;'i'" i~.. T,!C.S \'.,T':..d:"ing. ~'>'l?_l :t~{~k!'0:'l ("~.;~ltl!Y!,1'''''d iT E::;'r~n''"';' ti'~i'jt ':Ihe!: it >lci:: l~~(:1nl'''' 1 t!'dt \-.jC Lcd ]",'Jne .:.is far as ,'0 c~:ul'i br: f"'";l}.,-,r~ 1 r.. C':''flc:7 roc:, :"l:'l~(~"'~ }-.,:-.r 1: \,.;rJ' Wa,ntn,"~ t,~, ";::: an~! fuyt1--~0r ",':it~. ~~. ,-!"'~i :::-;1 r- '~,>1n't s~,: :--~C' ir;c+r'._.::tr'l :.)0:3[, t.~ ::jC J.!-t",.l:l ~ ;,~ (~JVI.:f t.~.(, : }(1. '-:lJ.'~.r Ldna ;F~Y :>i~",E~~:r:or-;';~~._I t.;~d tl~~.~t !C ;',.; '1 :", 1';;:r:1 ~..~~ '~~d 1',- ~':.if' ,J.r,d tr,E' ~~r.~r ~l,":rl-. r:~rC~~~:0--~ l:-'''it '.~f': !",-,:;,',ivn,'! ,:. hi}] fr':lm. f'~,-,~:'\k ",fo:;,"1 ~r, thr:: :i;;;~"J.,.:t :.f 31~O.[!C fGf t.'t--J::' jc.:b. ~lr~1. j';.':':~nri ',{(:r:, ';)~cu~;C'j .1~~ 9:C5 P.:<. IJ'r1]thy ,.U SC:lJ.~~~':Li.;"Jn f" -ll(;'""'.:r~ c'n this ser,.Te:- 1=!:-or:10lT~ 1-y rrp;rJ':''E~,r";: :-,;,f -t:-~( (:~'".lncil anj ~:r~~. C'':iriAn ~tOW9vs::'r n:, s'"-.lut:: '''r. '1':6S ::t~.,,,::'~,-~:. ~~:<:1y'~!r C't ~cl. :cn 3.rroir:t~~d u "~~_:T:;'.i t.te!? ~:f t-.I'!(), ~l~ retr,~~' i -'.. 2r. 1 ':10:. r.~ir1t{'!r tl. i:1Yc:.st.ia'3t,:-~ :1-.is r~c.r.':"r'; dn~ Co7"PP 1-""'1(_'1: ~.< t1- 3 J-:-:-'SG';'c ..:.(~ ,,::,:;::' \.' t l. _If',. TrJ" r'lcxl: iter: _r: -r;-;c OJ n 1:1 ~/;d8 :1-:~2 City ~l,s.p....,gerE: !""POIt ::.n ~- L~': tr1:r::- +-.. f:.rtl'~rag'? City r'i~:r:agr;r E" !'"rLn'-J0 redd a teleqrilil( rllltE'c1 :".:r;t-jrer- ,Stb f-rcm ]:.::h:i :'r>11sntbf.il ar'id it st':::.ted t"'"l~1t the? SCat tie ~_',urt w:)~lld :lot t,?rminate rp'~r}iv(::;rs}-,.Lp r~'.r~"(~E.'edi rgs and the referr:0 .:::pc~:i~'~l ;y~(:::;:)tf.':r' insi~ts on aprr()xi:Tj.lpl~r' $BO,C':CC.CC :'1;:: ~.'E:l1...:e :ft-}L0 ll:::.nt. frr:(l \-J:r~ f11rth~:,<! s~~tD.-i tl\C:I.~ ~~'.f~ C:.G.'-',::::~ ~-' "1...:)..'"1 'Ii"", t: l: Lt t', ~cr~e,i1:1ir7 ratp h0Ci:riLg ;:::,,'~ ,jd;j.c.st'"inq rates E'...> thrc?\1" ...-:,y,';' ':.:.r~2i ::~,0:-,t ::~ tl-l s(,!yvi,cP r.::'r. ~(:>r\."'-l. It f'J..rt1'er stf:..tcrl thh:-- {1 l:~f'-l-f'r f.1r1.S b~:ing rrcviJ";<-:.j. i!:(~'-.l~:,..~rJ'}ti:-.~ 1\-.:. ,::: \";0(-'[3+' -,n,"'" f.._Ir S:~'''':'''1c~1 actir.~'n.. ;: ~~ SE'.^lARD, ;\LJl~~KP. RI:CUU,R l'>i:ET=~;r:: '! '_JV cn-l~(: r- ~, J 9 ~ G S~n t i nued The City l'A"'lneger in his n~port, stated that 1'0 reel hid d conference wi 11 ;1r. 'j,'iUler and Bauler stat"rl there 'NdS notJ-inc, ),,? coulrl -::Ie un+il ',rr d t'~rreys clear up !:Yc present telephone situation. Ba.uler :5&id the 1:xonclil1'J houses w,uln C!C,t b€ interested urlless Wp take A. T. C. out of ttle picture. Clm. llall stated t[;n t ',JO s!could aske jjpl1enth"l Tn COil,,, 'J.own and !:"l} 11, is~v(>r wi tl, the Council iind (jet it st raiqh tened out. Let s get hir" down here and we can meet 'Ni th him at a special se~'0ion. TJ-.1S was tre consercus of the Council so Mayor 2tockton asked Hr. !Ia rdi nge to a .range for a IT,lIeti EC} wi tl Hr. E(Ollenthal wi thin a wr'ek or so an.j can call d special rrj(~et in9 when he c mes down. Tr,e City 11anager c:)nti.nuod i.n hi_~ rep.:Jrt by saying t:'.,)t Mrs. Gorsuc}--" a rpf.:reser.t'3.tive for Kel10'] Company, informed me tr,at tl'(,ir Sngineers ha:! prepared necessary plans for bi-::ldi:1g a comple~ automatic systeIT. for Seward and she would hF! "lad to talk;' to the Council on "JdYS of firanoing same. Mn,. Gor::;uch's phone numb0r is Anchorag8 71111. Kay and Bucklew have every tIling ready to file the San Juan case as soon as they receive the blldinq rep:,rt from Ray James. I also discussed with then: the City Attorneyship anel \'Ie have a letter pertaining to that under correspondence. The City Manager in continuing wi th his report staterl t),;; t hR 'r.a4 I,rocurre-i another 500 ft. of 14" transite pipe, anrl Ross ]-,Cl~Jled it all down and it is on th~ lot. (.;lm. Hilll askecl if anythin(j else \-Jas lxught besides the pipe.; where1Jipon the City Man,~ger stated that a roller was purchased before he went to Anchorage. Clm. Hall stated he knew nothing about us purchasing or autho,:izing th" purchase of a roll.er, i'tnd the Ci ty Manager stated we had a request in on it for some time. Clm. Petrovich stated he had bE'en approached on this mat ter. Ci ty l~nager Eardinge rf'ported that we had the promise of the first secondary rock crusher that becc'me availc,ble, and the,re is also available another D-8 cat, hovJe"er he didn't f0el we needed it right nO'N. The roller, the City hanager reported, will cost about $400.00. The City Manager stated that he retained lvendel Kay to prepare the bonds for the Armory aDd they cire to deli"er them witrun a sl10rt time after they are rrinted. The Land office at Anel "rage has clean'd the dump site and all papers t:a,,', gone to Juneau an:! we should receive a letter "er' soon aut'rorizinq use sirce no objections have b'een filed. "I move that item c, d, e, and f be tabled until an executive session," said Clr:!. Hall. l.~ot ion seconded by Clm. PetrcNich. Discussion fcllowed. Clm. H"ll ::;!:at~d thdt t'.~H?rf= \Ven~ (}Pr:li~3at:..:; tha.t t::::kc::;cl th,'"":t. th0:r dPr'1.~ca.ti;+)ns b0 kc.pt COltfiJ<:::nt:ial and bc~;ides we wDcjl--Jn' t hdv{:! tirr,e tc :)0 over t:-.cm dll tonight. Clm. V'ii nr>:}r stdtcd thd t h~ thou:rht t~pv sLculrl hc t-s.kp.r. up at an or:er:. session and SB.W no rc,:r3,)Y1 for an exe~utive scrFion ex~ept th~s0 t~~t as~ed +~ he kept confidential. Roll O~ t~~ above ITotion wa3 Pdinh,r, No; Petr'.Jvich, Yes: Cul~(?:1 ar; follows: Durant, Xotion Not carri,~j. No; EaE, yes; Knight, No; HI "'OV'_! tho! ltem c d e awl f be tabl,:!d until tb, nd:llr", of Clm. F_men--J or until t,e end of t:lE~~ mpetinrj," s~id elm. Paintc.r. Hot.ion secon,jed r)? elm. petcj.)vich. Roll was called as follows: Durant, yes; Hall, No; Knight, yeG; Painter, yes; Petr()vich, yer;; f':ot.ion carried. A Stn>"t Use Permit granting :3tandard Oil Company the ri<Jht to hs t"ll underground pipe lines under Railway f\"enue .....'io' n~ad alan'] with \O",s,:)lut.',)n No. 109 authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and iSS'-1c, this FermiL "I mov,," t~t we adopt the Street Use, Fermit along with Resolllt~on No. lOS, at' re~j," s'iid elm. Hell. !-lotion seconde-j by Clm. Fainter. Roll was cdlL",cl as follows: Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Kniqht, Not Voting; ?aint.'r, yes; and l'etr':wich, yes; l'>~oti'Jn carried. Tr.e reaRon for pa,;sinq t'1i2 Percnit in place of th,> Easemcent P'l,~",d last July, 'Nas becaus,--~ thE Eas8;r.~-"rd. :.irl not have an att-d(~}lr.,::i r0so1ution aut.hc)uri;~inr::r the Mayor an--J the City CIeri:. to execute., th2 docu:nent. !v~fiyor ~":'tockton stated tn.~t t:ier(~ sA~med to b-:: some contr.:Jv;;~rsy on the lOI::d-r:.on of the proposed Federdl Builiin. instiqata>y the GenPDil Penrice i\dministration. City l'-iartr-,crer Hardinge stated that the administrdtion had sent the City an inqt.:iry and a liRt of infomation they desired which included a map of t:1e town, th,", PlanniwT and 7:onin'J Ordin:'inc'=, and they requesb,d th."t Llis he kept c()nfidential r',""';ause -' i t hasn t t evr)[1 been submitted t.:) T~'!asr inqton yel. T1--:e U\fip will shl..r....r the available locd'rions and trwu, are s.2v,,,rill sites, 'hbwever there, ]-'AS been 0 commitment made. Tr'J~ City lV4nfi~Jer contin'..:i(,d in sayinq thi3t they La"-: ">~lL::d hir~ fr:J!r. Sp',~1ttle. < ~ , ~ S 'r,,;/\~::), r.IJ\?r~rL P E~T.}L/l.!( t"~~=TI N(~ ~.~ .;....~ ':-.;nb,~~ r :, 1 9 ):~ C:;,~nt-i nl1r>d It was r0~~rt,'i th~t t~is Iptt~r Wd~ receive,] abJut a week ago ~nrl it ~6rl ta~~n ~. "l.t ,...-r: ~':T"I-'"I '+'" '''''lnn1'lp +-~p var~')us inf:)rr.~'jl'i0n. C:11'r:. DUrdn1" rccorrmen,i-2r1 thdt '..1.) ;.1. j. _,, , '.~'....J 1- - ,--.. -, - -' ",-'v. iC::l""l~~(";ln"'~f~'i ~(:>rv',''''e "dministr~-ticn th:l-~ we <l.re r,oJorkir:.q 0:1 their re1uest, ancl (,.l ~~~ .~..~.._.1..........~ ....... ..~ f:)r',.J6rd i.t 11;: s,)~~n ~~l::~ fQssible. quitf) \':8 TIJ i::"l I ~'la,!ur ~t ')(~r.t. 1'1 a3~-.c.d if there was an~' 't:in~J f'~rtre:r tl-,r'!V 'Noul i lik~ t,:) brinq ur under new ~:'pi':I--'s~~ an:::l Clm~ rc.ll stdtRd hp, ho.,j on'.'" lJ.ttl~~~ t"~in'J 3.nd t:"j:",'hl:~ -1,'_,,::~ W]V the A:,j'" ~.:':' ':<:l~'l,;l'-)~ Hi' e:ta+f:">i he jidr"+- t'\.,.inJ... it "Ias fdl.r to haY~~ Amt:'nj'.s r,c1frlj:-a c:3.1';:;j . .- - .J.. ":'l:-' -- ..L '. ~ -... . -" .' ...: <- . . ~.' ..' ..,'-.' I..L.' _ ': ' r'...J _ ., 1 ~ t"-' t'j 1 ("-> :lir.~t all the t~rr~e and "..fa:3 ~..,onjerlng If t~e r:::,.i.L c-.l__1.'in r:r: C':t.i. _'-"'_.1 Cir,)~...rv~ t r'! J~,__" 't, '..1.- 1 -J I I' ........'1 ~. c....,> ,....)""'. .'Cr.' t:-, fl.: """, '-,c,'("','<1.1',~,'''' :--,p, '/L". i' 1 .J t'" l' n thp t::,~ "iil.: ziny- :.'"" f:H1.-1 ~. ~ ~~:.J;-' , rr"'1.1:(' ,Jny _..1_ _ _ ,-1_ _. ,. _....... ...... ~ .~....~ 1 W5;r. Th~ Clty Cl-;'\r~ d5!-~e-J if T,t.[C: 1..Jern't: t,-) db...-:le L~l Rr2,h~~rt/s :<\....lc~s ,)f 2rdc.~r: ,snd vtJ'3.sn! t tl.d~' t-~"'J:; ~'l,::l~f it WaS dc.:::iJ:;'l"!>-.i i:~ th~re, wher(~up:"lj '~l:r,. Fall stdt~:>d r,{~ had '" '~' '0, l-' P] " ~ -' r lJ'v')r "'t. .-,l.t -,,, "'''~cJ-,~+pd nev,'"'r -:::':'11;,'1 (l~~:y,::'~ln-J ")[1 1_ 11) l..or.l~r_ :::; ..UCS ;, Jr.lf'. .',::;1.(' k----',-F_ -!.....- i:l'..l_;I~ _'L:" ., t1-,lS :-:h,",rlY-' ~_'''-~ rr.l3rl':~ i:" :::~_~1:".~th8 y,.)ll at tj:-r.~~s. '~l;:l. Knlr;:tt il:::;ked '..-Jhy th0. strr.:>et ,ir:J.Y:~r~T:;~;-'! W,:i::"L't r:l(~;1ning up the birj n}C1"~-~ -h.l-J up 't f' -J' 'tl +- d l" , \.-",,1---" "l~ -'r l 1,r..s" '1.....-r.I---''1 C-J.T-r:>~ t r:::5 -....;, r:>~;;l.l. n' .-:Jrd:,....ln:;. l~e ::cr:~1.;)n8. '.:.T'\ o.no "';',_1. ...V(~;.\'..i.!::~ u V-l .-V'>Ql .[,_1<'..'--' '-'Ll,":,.:.. [':1". Oav(~ :dr::'::i:'Jf: 'Ija~; pre:3,-'nt Qn~ }-,e ~t.t:d:'-'~ t~F~-.r ;~3."j f'iil'3rl tJ lev':~:!.. off" U-,,:, l' )lc t}-~(~\r 1-'d,j "~8V':::.1~t~-i bl Don' 3 Cafe and thS'r(.:. \",'Qi""; 3~cL big rocKs th~r.::~ tIlt::? s~riipl:":1 tLe _':1- F:<:1n )7', ~:-JJ ("d_r~ }~c; stdt")1. th..! i: v';:.iS ~i:3 t:.;:;u:~'h'~: t:~i' Cit., of ~er,'JC1r~l wct.l-i Q':'" l,i.dtlf~ f::..y' >1';1'Tl]"C~ :1:';-'-' tj ~drG in U..,O::: !'f:?JS~~<~ct. -=~J,..~r H5rt:1''3cr Er.i~,i....:t-J(' ~tdt-0(! 11".: '.ff()~~]j D"': dovi,;5.... t:':l'-:: Str e!.. ~~l'=!part:r.0rtt 6il-l c~::}..Jl_J.iii.".j tltrJt ~~r>v reBel b('"r:~f', '.':.: rkili';'; 0\.1+ or; th~~ l"tU::lP f:j r ~ll i t p ;1 ......r1-, i l;~ ;" !:"Vi. r';n'ie!- -;_!['"~~;i'.<)'1('~riJ~8 d It?t:!'~:~r war; r8'9.d fr'Y~ '.endel: P.. t:<JY d,~t':'1 C'r.t:)br--;r ~7, 195~~ ~r.()t-inq l':".,C'. :.ffo!': COlicr::rnin'7 ti---te 11?'J':::' :'J~ :;~;- -:;~ ::,f t~-p ~ll"v :~,f S'::>1,-':,)f"l. rr',.,....\f :,f'f",-,",l ." . 1 C' f "2r.:;,r ......,. ~ ,-I-1~ +0 ".-,' ,. "::1'1 lc~~'''' ".-.~ l,_,r"'. 1._....'~1.-1;.'c. :~":"':r c('--'rv~'"""~:~" ;:l~ a l:;~ 0. ";,---,~,.....,.,, d rr.I...!r.,...... (,._1\f' ~J.J.. ,;.itl"."'~ ,l-:;\._- :J .,-'..:.............J l~. t ir~t.,l' t: i ,)n,. w1,]~1;t: i J;'J ')f :..:' r~.;. Il, i i'."C'?:i, l'2'Jii 1 'livL~0 :::\'1 l~t':r".q one f t;,~ :u':n,'.'" rs ,;. t'.'(:'!r ~i.-nAl:S'"5tt"pn.j ::it ]8-::~'~ ,f,l-; (\:,u:";c,ll ~<0€:t:n'1 ~ rr:cnth. p.s ~i~': i:t'-~rn,.:tL"';'.~ thr.;v ,:::"ff'~'~,~,-~ :1""ir sr-'"'::Vl::r::S f::..r t: r~Ll.lnc~"" fee :',~ ::?s.r'(' Fi :7J..:nt:. ~:l:~?:-: t,,1-"~~J c,....:,'-..llj c~"cirrJ('~ n:-?d;,:;:!i,::iblr: ,J.;-!,,~ C~l:::t '-,:;~r'J f"C~2 [:-'1' is}: 1(;':)'11 s(~r',': .>-:~..: :l::'~~ _vi:1:r ;.-.~rr'..:r:1:~:? 1. ~',:~,,:~ ;~'_r't:~;. ;'<P;-,~.:::!r::; ,_f th'J CGutv;i:.. ~.\'(J;'" i:l friViJJ" :Jf t~-:.~,s :)ffl,~r d:l-1 '~i.E:(>~( ~::,..Jn f'I:~j,.:ed cr:;J~"~:rr~:.nq- pDS~3ible codificatL{\:l Df t:~'1 ord~nan:::'2~'::' trJ he .:.n:-'l'~df~rl 1,''1 t""'ls. ~';;~;:'} _ c t'~... ~c.xn~;~:" C';rJ.:.-.r(:~:-'::J.?r~ ~ :--0_ dC~Eiri-~ to ~',.-:v;'" t.l.-.:. :-i rm CO:Et~ :1 (Yt!i\ dn:! "EE'~',,:;'~; if;:::: ~:_,.J-,~,~:" :,,;"~tL tL~.' -=:--,u.ncil -3_n'-1 CI'n. 16inp!' s'U:::lJ,~:::d:2j ':i\~' >,~'J':-~ th'7~ ~lc:k 'N~:-i:r-3. lcttp~' t,:' t1.~;I:', ~t~::.l~~~~l~t 'I...;e ,5r~:> inter~':~tt;.1 d~,-i '......:;1_..]-.1 iil)r,reci.:~'; It ::.f ~:l-.r"/ ~~cluld C'-lr">'? .-Jovl~; an-:1 d:5'":~"s tJ.1S ::~rll'~ t~r Wl.~r, us _~ur.t-,he.r, arlvisinq us 'N-~'::>r. tl"'('~.' rL.;;l "";();rinq ::G ~'TC rnay (~,::-ll:~ a ~'~:-,~:,:..-]l rrJ'~nr.iri'J. I ~lm. l'At(':)v.i.:~1' r}:';~'J~'--:' 'f!b.st" trf> f:t,~t-1) _'f +-},,-~ 1")1;:- L:,ne ~ 'nstcJction rtJitl-:. respc':::t. t:J ::--,l' inf~-,n::,~~it~.)n th(lt :.:r. ~~eprxlrd want~Jd in re ~I-ird t::J t1-,,"'\ lss~inq cf :1:.)r'~ tY~r: !s. ." 1<:-:.::-:-",,' ~'\'d: n::6-J. f-;::;n: fat -r;Ji-:li~,ms dah::d :'T~"'v"'1n}__Y'1 ~:\ 1:3.56, I--<;.i!"'.ti!1q ;-)ut t~n~-? -r.,~_~;1 t1-'clt t~,e !3"J:rV.L_~'d r':,~',,)()l ~das insu!",'"~d. ....J: tr a 90~o dV'''?:'d..,~;' c1..:1".l~~f'::' 'ij;d. sh.? .:;U'~ETr:.st'J'i +:h-:it ~71 Vi(~ll'l of tl~(' r~.:c~nl :1pr:r."li!all-'-'f :(_iY ];G;"]!"~~.~ th:-lt r~,-? am':",\llt :Jf ins;~r~'1(>':' ::-;'l;~:..:~rJ ;---: _TK".rr>~~.:~-1 ::;:.; ~hf' ':':.....v,i' V,!~.!i,'_1 :-;~.t: 1'0':;':-'- in Cc.~~-, ::.,f' :ir~i.il lu[s.::-;. \fp ern '')1'lv .~.-~vnTi",.l ap to 'J41,~~~G ':;~"I' Jar~es I~r-rr:j.l..s.::ll i::.- ~?1,200.~C. JJ~..:::'~s,Sl,)r; fo:lcwe:-3 :.....:-; tLi,: ITc:!,'?f" :jn', :'}.d,r ',..,r:. _"1~' i :1~~'_j r ,TIC.'" pr~>JrcJ)r.. T1- r r::~ +':y :"~:in'l 7'_: r rpr -)1' ti? i t'h,"-!: n:} f r ~,~"_~ r.~~" 1- "'i'i C,?I?,L ,"'::I ::.l~:'. It W\i;~ r-;r",'~ r'lt .,::11: ~h~-::t 1>i Di~JjcL fr0c' c;- \11 '1 e S ,1.11-) ('i~' ".t'? tir~':~ '.'~j'1( 5~: Gr~ l_rrLl$al i1r.:i ".:li':':.. l':-il :~'h':r' :.:f:-:.h:-.j r'" 1-,1.3 '!-fC ~-::~ Jur"~~: '::n t-~at :J.~-\ J ',' t:..:.1 rL,.'::_~ it .:".f- ",f >;i~ fil~~~~ dt: ;1.;:r.e. Cl!r.. !>lll st-:!l'e-i 1-.(; tl (ju'Jht >;,-, ::::l~~)ijl-1 hi1\rn 1:;\;('" j.:~"";rl :)fl:~' ar-:rr:1i~)l' C;1 i~ , , 3. ~ i" ; !,' ~.. .i', 1~ \'~J.'l lv:v,? 'HI'!:c\';k x(-,li".'-' d~,\,t~--'.r :iJ:'J. L~~.....~j:=ll '1:-;-1 ~:-,--'j_r will (Jive Uf; sD:rr:t11 ,'J t,) :1-:) ;}TI. an,:1 ;:i It l(1rH' , p 1 :Si', th'it ""ants t , ..' ..i..,':"l-. ,~~ t ; + A letter was read from the Planning and Zoning Commission dated November 3rd recommending to the Cit1 Council that they change the zoning on Lots 1 and 2 in the Marathon Addition. Discussion followed on the Council's next course of action and seCltions were read by members of the Cc)i/JJcil. Clm. i'etrovich suggested we apPoint a committee to study this further. I "T move that we turn this over to the City Managers office and he can work with an attorney to determine how this should be handled so we may have a basis for our action," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. :iD Roll was Called as follows: Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Petrovich, yes; Amend, yes; Painter, yes; Durant, yes: Motion carried. Reverand Malin asked if something couldn't be done about the lot that Midby has where the newspaper office used to be. There is a sheer drop there of about 20 feet end Reverend Malin thaght it should be fenced because it was a definite hazard. City Manager Hardinge was instructed to take steps to have that area fenced in bj the sidewalk and he in turn instructed Chief Seymour to have this done. Seward, Ala ska REGUIAR MEliTING November 5, 1956 Continued Mrs. Blue asked again about the Post Office opening and closing hours. Reverand Malin stated that with an extra hour in effect this would be considered a Class A Post Office and the Clerkswould get a basic pay raise. Mayor Stockton asked what hour the Chamber of Commerce was asking whereupon Malin replied from 9 to 6 Monday's through Fridays. Mayor Stockton suggested that since this was a Chamber of Coumerce function we should let them go ahead and carry the ball with the City's backing and any individuals wishing to write may obtain the addresses from the City Clerk. Applications for the position of City Magistrate were read from Pat Hodgkinson and Mrs. Bonnilyn Southard. The merrits of eack application was discussed and also the salary. "I move Amend. Knight, that we accept Mrs. Southards application at $100 a month," said Clm. Motion seconded by Clm. Kni~t. Roll was cal1edas follows: Hall, yes; yes; Petrovich, yes; Amend, yes; Painter, yes; Durant, yes: Motion carried. The City Clerks applications were discussed briefly and City Manager Hardinge stated there was a possiblity of Erma Walker coming back. Clm. Petrovich suggested we hold off appointing anyone until we can find out for sure because/of cours~ we would want to take advantage of her experience and background. "I move that the matter of a selection of a City Clerk be tabled until Monday Night," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Petrovich, yes; Amend, yes; Painter, yes; Durant, yes: Motion carri ed. The City engineers applications were discussed briefly and the matter of selecting a City Engineer with the thought in mind of having him do the assessing was considered. The thought was that we had more time to select a City Engineer and in line with this the following action was taken. "I move that we table the city engineer applications until we arrive at a desision on a City Manager, Said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Painter. Roll was called as follows: Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Petrovich, yes; Amend, yes; Painter, yes; Durant, yes: Motion carried. Reverand Malin stated that he knew of an engineer, who is chinese, and presently employed at the Jessee Lee Home. He does survey work and seems very qualified and could probably be hired on a reasonable basis. "I move that the City Manager applications be tabled until Monday night at a special meeting," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. ROLl was called as follows: Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Petrovich, yes; Amend, yes; Painter, yes; Durant, yes; Motion carried. Meeting adjourned midnight. APPROVETI 9dt:iip;lQ-1Y~ . R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: m~/~.~ CITY CIERK SEWARD, AIASKA. SPECIAL ME.ETING November 8, 1956 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 4:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Amend, Durant, Knight, Petrovich. Absent: Hall and Painter. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to act on a Resolution authorizing the school board to barrow another $20,000.00 on the Armory project. RESOLUTION NO. 110 was read by the City Clerk, a resolution authorizing the School Board to borrow $20,000.00 for the construction of the Armory project. Leon Lewis, School Board member, was present and he explained that so far they had used up $ .19,900.00 of the money the Council has authorized they borrow and they had a $7,000.00 estimate for materials and there isn't enough to cover it. Until the bonds come out--and Mr. Roth is as anxious for them to be prepared as we are-- we have to continue to borrow at the high rate of interest. Hardinge stated that he had talked with Kay this morning and he said he was working on the bonds with the bank, however Jacque Roth said the bank didn't know anything about them. I ,'---/ ~ ,) ~./ ) ...~.... (:::1 I I SEWARD. ALASKA SPECIAL MlETING November 8. 1956 Continued At such time as we get the bonds. stated Mr. Lewis. we will just sell them to the bank as we need them, but in the meantime we have to meet these estimates we get every two weeks for materials and payroll etc. W. will just borrow $7.000.00 now and we will repay it as soon as we get the bonds. This $20.000.00 will just carry over in case the bonds aren't ready in two weeks. The reason v:e are so anxious to get the bonds is that we have to borrow money now at 6% whereas if we had the bonds it would only be 4-1/2%. "I move we adopt Resolution No. 110." sai d Clm. Knight. Moti on seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Knight, yes; Petrovich, yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:20 P.M. A?PROV]J) G~ a -ItJ:k Y R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATI'EST: ~~ ~-Lh".J ITY C 'RK - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALABKA SPECIAL MEETING NoveWber 12. 1956 A special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Amend, Durant, Hall Knight, Painter. and Petrovich. Also present was City Manager Hardinge. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was a review of the City Manager applications. a review of the City Clerk applications and a discussion regarding Employee vacation policy. The City Clerk stated she had broken the applications down into three groups--one group that consideration was questioned--one group of applic~nts with administrative and accounting background --and the best group-- those applicants with municipal ana adminmstrative experience. The applications were read by the above groups by each CounCilman, and by the process of elimination the best applications were read. The application of Paul J. Flynn was read by the City Clerk. Mr. Flynn is a government worker and resides in Yiash ingtc)n, D. C. The Council thought this application should be considred, one of the better ones. William Douglas Jr. letter of application was read and t:is applicant resides in Fairbanks. Application from Raymond O'Hara v"as read and also the letters of recommendation from local officials and business people. J."~lIl.,:\l; t Y' :;It::r,S >1r-I..r':"3T,"(;-:iS :"('JI r-,-1' :/,; ,::. :,rni"r ;.:..1./ l~, :',. i ::. 11c-:"':'_1~_~ f.". ~:l", Discussion fo Howed on whether or !lot here and Mayor Stockton stated it was the book. but it is not always done. it is customary to pay their way. it was necessary to pay the a Metter of policy and they If they are to be called in persons way up reconu[ended it in for an interview. Clm. Amend. Knight and Painter were of the opinion that Mr. O'Hara's application should be considered. Clm. Painter stated that it was the Council's job to get the best man for the City in order to protect the City. With Mr. Hardinge leaving the 17th the problem of an Acting Uity Manager was discussed. Clm. Petrovich asked if the City could afford to take a casual outlook on our problems until a permanent City Manager was appointed. Clm. ;,all stated it would take from 6 weeks to 2 months to get a new City Manager, and Clm. ~etrovich added that we couldn't affoulto have someone on just a check signing basis, and he recommended we put Mr. Seymour in as Acting City Manager. Clm. Hall stated he didn't know of anyone ~~~..liixKix who is in a better position than he, inasmuch as he has attended every Counci 1 meeting and has a good idea of what is going on in the City. Mayor Stockton stated that his thought was to let the Council handle more of the business and he suggested we change our ordinance so we will have a meeting every Monday night and in that way we can take care of the busBiness while it is curre;nt. City Manager Hardinge stated that the Council was going to have to appoint a Civil Defense Director for the City of Seward. He said Don Lowell has been appointed area director and you will have to appoint the City Director to assist him. elm. Amend asked if possibly Erma Walker would consider taking it for a couple of months. however Mr. Hardinge stated that she couldn't because her Mother was unable to come here and take care of the children. Clm. Durant stated that the Utility Board should have something to say about who the person should be. SEWARD, AIASKA SPECIAL ME:t.TING November 12, 1956 Continued Mayor Stockton stated that he didn't think Mr. James had officially applied. Clm. Amend stated that he had verbally indicated that he would do it. Clm. Durant asked how far a person could go in an acting capacity. "I move that ~arter Seymour be appointed as Acting City Manager," said Clm. Hall. , Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, No; Durant, No; Knight, yes; Hall, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion carried. Clm. Amend asked how his job is going to police department, and is it going to be pre~.:f?n!:. an....:J :",:.-: ~t';-l+'-,,--i tl-"i.dt ':"~E'p,;.~rh~H~nt /.t1is. be covered, what is going to happen to the at his present salary? Mr. E"e'fmour ','f';;; th".:rc:~ 'I'lrJuld br-; n:) t"r.)u',)le. T:~er(~ viil~ he a cha:nqt~ of pr~rs'l~'l'i,;~)l effecti.v'> t~'I:'> l~~.t"'- "in" : wi 11 A;::r'"")l.nt s'::::rG',')'j"': in ch,.. rq';. ',',;1-1(">'1 '-'i;:1:r:;d rt::h':~l th~, r,pr~:'i.~it \":i~, l"~r. ~C'~/C_ijr ,n:!1=-li(~.1 it was th,::-~ forn1f?Y Cart. of th,~) u(?p-:i:r-tmi.:lnt. 3al'::iry W':1t-~ d:EC1:':::S..,'o--] dDd Cln:. ~~:ni,~},t .::.~;~,.,'d i:: ;~.e '.,/:_,_l'i ~:J:':'i.:i,-;i. 1}-".: t-'.:.,~:~iti.:)ii. at his rrf.2~~ent ::.;alrlry and :'lm. retro~ri,-:: st;~l:,--.-J trat fr)r trH-1 ':.i-1-L.t~ ::\ .1. '..',:,)r~r. load it s},I~\\llri h,~ WiK:kt wort~l H:':jre. j<:;. [""r'v::,_'..;..: st6h\-1 ~''1~lt. 110 ,..Ju:.:L~1r~'t a~,~cpt .it just as d check Gi'J'('liT1i:1 doL':>.:1 ani hI? It/a::) s:J.rr-~ ~f:: e,l.ll'l }-'rln11.-:' th, .~::,h. E."? ':~ont.Lnuc~~J in [;ijY~_:11J ~::h 11 }'i.::-: }-r!'~~l:'nt sa.larJ was ~6S0.:J= 611,'1 if, at t'\.,~"' '?nd of ti-(,~,~ ~'eri,"~i, th~ ::Oll:;(.~l~ t~-;':::lrJht it sL .'ul-i hI": r:1~_"'lr,.:::, ':.JC: c:Jul') rr:aK'? ,:.:in ddj-...tstment then. elm. KJi.i.-:]ht: 601-:)2.:1 .1:- tb(~n: '.~(i:": :iny .~iefinj1:IJ;l of ~3r: r,ctir:n City !"41n::JJPr's .-Ldie:: '.~:-; i l'lrl.'r~)r .stockt~)n sti'itCj tl-;e~r vloulr'.i be tl-.:-"' S~~..~,~ ,~':~' U-,,:" ':1 ~'~," ~:.:n <.l~~r:.:"';. !<,rr _;r StocktO:1 su,....(..-CJf,;1:' 1 LL~t it Jur np;{~ reg1..l1rl( mec't-i'l'f 'vJe n:~vf:-'_t~.! dn''! n"'\'; i"l;: li'-':df-i:l'lS f,)r C.:;. t7 ran~.t .7P - ,~in i !-J: t} '':'__i/h tit wct:l i }-;(; bt:~!)t tv ':'"ct [~'-,m"',H":;:;' ':H: :j l-;I'f':'-! ::'.~'1t r:6sis as SOl)Il as p08[;iblo. Thearr().i.nbil~)nt of j~ctin,} 2it'f f'l,:::.r:.i'T or ;.~;--. uld tak~? place th;:~ -i('~y tL(:;:> rre::r-nt: City r':rJIl\i 'C'L ter1!,in,~d,t'.");-'; his servi.:;.?.s. H]. E'oym'~>J.r said he would li1:0toqo overwi:hHr. Eor(1int~e itE?tns tD.at cl-i.ll1rlbe tended t:l right n:Y...v. T~le I.....i ty Clerk: Wd.~ instru(:tj~d t:) f'en.J 0Ut reff2fen:-:c f:)1.1_oit.l-Ui-JS :)f', the best (11-,,'p1: ':allts. Clrr.. Di.lrant Cl.:3k"?-=1 hO'\I'1T l~)nq it '.Veul, b~;.f'")r,? ,J'I-::(~yu cou::"d star~. a.nd Nayor S"t.ockL:)n st'.j[pj it 1JJGtLJ.d he about 3 w'-'c-1"-::.,. Th,."';- ::t~;, Clork r"',sitli)il vlar~ di.s(~!j~:-;,,:::',--) '~fl,i f"!~-; ~~tat-,~d rJl_,f'I("? F..rs. e..7Cili:i."r.' v.fa~1 t..nc.blG to take 1-: eV:;~q ,-on d b~rr.t>:'ra[Y b3.sis. -=lm. }:'111 ;::;,k.;~~ i~ t"h._' p,.:.,sitior. h,5.1 besn advertised in the j:,nchcrage }JaP0T anrl it \-1a3 rer',)Y::l:}j i~~ was n:Jt. The City L:lerk ;ikerl 1:1)1::: ':;'_'J.n~ Ii i ~ t}y~y had decidc,'1 to split t:l.l.':? po:si Lion a,nd City l\\~nq(_J~~r' FIr-IT 1 in:J8 sta.tf?d th,.d' 1-:1'. E~uc-'r C':>ul..1 keep t-lv: books, but you wi~l need sc\mcunCJ to c::J!I!P In ;:ind ~j:, tht::"> typin/; anrl the shurthc..rv:1. Yt)u coulri Lire aT". 3~;ses.:;"r ft)r ."1 mor.th:3 Jut of thl? yed.r. Th2 Council ch,:-,o:5' to wait for morf:; apl lic,d~ions befGre ;~. i1...ing 6 {l~~f':':lit,? de::'!,;:~:;r:i. i;v:.mnl:~1-; i)::' ~':Y_'~. I:n.-1c,r;..... agr(,e-! t .:-rd./ on u~ti=. I;';:>(.>ir]:J(\( 1Sti-:. 1'~dY~:'l' ~tc'cki ,)n stat;.:,J tlF: t Hrs.. H:i~)S :if! ll::>ition Lad jU~:it h2<:'I1 ....1 :::1'1rrj\4lL. "1 ;E~:V(~ th~t lIVe ajvr:.~rti3e in the lincltoyc!',j'(: J..Xiper, for t1-c Citv ...~lt?.rk BJ_'.pl.i.(:, :J_; 'DS," i::',:;j,'-] r::-:1Hl. Kni<jht. l';oti,")I[ sec::.:r.dnd .hy elm. l'l.~:ill. t(nJ.J. ',;Jr;U; c:ril=-n'i d.:S f01: ,WB: t'\.rr:er,d, ye~-)i JurrJnt, Y23i Knlq-ht, yc>s; l:i6.11, yr:s; P:--j.:.nb:.?r, '.,r(~Si li,:~tr')71ch, YC':It3;' E:"d:i.)r~ ::or:rl(~-1. ;:'lm. FaintE~r sUQqestE~d ,tie list it wit}! the Te:rl'it:jric:tl I:mpl:rrrf.pnt ;:'ffi(~\~ a150. 71:':2 next ite:n on, th2 r...-r~::>nd':i ."'as cr:lr,l\.J'\'(?,.r; va.~ati:,:~.1 policy and l'Bynr ~i:uckt,~-,,-; r~r::,",rted t:ult tir. Buntz of t~~,::\ 3tr("'c~ l.>:.:pdr1:rdi~n-t 1".(1.-'1 h en l::1;'3tructp,j bv I<o~.'~ that l~r hai t"~ ta1::.~~ ]:i5 V'~SC,11......1_.i.l -_:r l:;.~)e it. Cit"l b"--irLI.,~"r'i~ =~,lr(:L 'l'.Je st,}b"""J t:r>-,rr: ~qC)c: SCTTf mis- l.lndf~r:3~'.indi. ['J tnere that vacation Has not cillo~,"';~J: tc -5. ~c'u!riul::lt,~ r:l=~"'''' tb'.:ir\ ,-,D(~ YC:'lr, 6~1d_ annual leavc? WaD ;:aid only in the Cnse of termindt i')11 and Yv~i cO:l1dn't take , f r-- ~. - Ti".. 'w,~,'.,:l:..J r.,"_'.l~~':-) t,~_, '.,.rr-' ri" ;"~r', ".+,1,)~-:>.', r":"... 1 o_~ ,:,"' -,r '-.>.r,: t. -..,r, 1-;e ',~...)1...r fey in .Lieu 0 Vd",,'j':~,'_)J1. ~_ '-'_,_,~ \" '...J" ,. _. _ ~.~:' 1 _ l-':)i"';::~::';':: 18 -L1Y": "i_"'lJ ..)nly 18 days Cdll b',~ ~,:"il:,,:::; .J.t on,:, .. :<1'. [\int';;:: i.;:; J'''',i-'.Pl:1I::' ~~:Jon a.nd didn't Ltiant to take r.is VaCd1:i.,:)n jUt:t befor~ he left. TYc'r;.:; W~;' ne, f::r~r~l:' r' ~i.SCU2Si.u:1.. ~.:r. Dc.n~ LCf^'pll ~.qH.'3 r:res(;nt :lnrl hr> 1/Jdni:{.,j t:.~ diFC!l~S 7,.,r.:_th t~-le 2ity ~<)url,c.i.l ;,:: f~~vilio:'in Dl?fpn,":< pIon. l<r. LuvJell, th,~ '-;ir'-~;:j dir~:}:::t:)r, ::~t~ted 1-,.-;_' i!Joul-l li1.'? tCI worl: something -JuL .."it1-: th,,: ....ity on ITlrlinteLcn,::,.;:. Gf t1-.("- tnlcl: furni:~~-,.d for this PU!l~-J:~"- "'In'i 6.1$0 :J;V<_' th(. :1.ty dOIL1J 5,~'j:n,~ of t~>::, S(i.~~.._(:.'. Alex :t'etruvi':h J/;jS ~ir:l<)i.i.d'i:-,d "'1:3 Cit~r D~Tectl~l.r Cin,j } C~ lS tl; .::iJ-;l-J':.iGt subordin,-:t,,:s tL;lt :.'1."111 :::>:n.tl" tp t}~~ t9ct'icJ[l '~';. ~-L t' '."'S";- or t~~,~ ,~,re\.j: Dirp.ct Jr. It ....r(~s a.lso f.:ur]qest'2d tl>~t h(~ ./Jork 'ditl; 1.1r. L,..,'...1{:;1.1 ':li.d presPi"',t 3();r~(~ fi:::"urcs (~t; t:-, hu...: f:'~lJ.C~, th~... City ic ('xp~~:::te.::l t G~.)r>tr.ibut:e. T}~ i---;~')j-'-'6::':~ 1,.).-..-:>'; ';.":.~,!.-.,e:_':.:r t"':1--'" ~i+-v of ~f~...'.~(~ri r;n:] ~r'- i".lel~~'~. H(jrir~n T.rt.:rt;_l_ _,rt ~J"Ti;.>jTl'/ ',>;:3.5 rC:dd dnd item (: irr.1 i.t~;:r, J '-'ley,. :~i8 ":;U:."8;::::1. .:. t: 'J'I-i:: 8~:'J)': ::t.c<~tl ,'\ 1- - 8; i hI / 1 tem G COL:.l j be re\~TC; rde.1 an:1 i>cO "I~.::\:r 2to:::ok- t ):, cu.-f':j'::':'; t:"'! -i t h,,,;!' fl'. '2 C~i t ';' J f [;'-"',.:,jr,-J 1:r~1] rl.:)t r~ i~y'~)lv\?-J :;r f-~nt:er intJ ',in? It1r.JY ,j.i~ErY.lt.,,~,: br; in':~,: r;J:).r I;, ~ i-:1t::l the Ie., ;". :(C"f"Llnd r~,l ~:\ "tdl.c"'-! lk hdd talk,"'d ,,; i t!\ D;~r:ot"try T::nr.'r rd she Wd'- ~_:1-,<lt- i4:: ls'.:3S i.11(''-Jr~1 ::.1 limit th~ vJtin'~~ 0;' (:->'l?'r,~l :1"-lig.:t; i"l B:-,~'ds + :~H' ..';pinj';\1 "",) Tf~.,J ",~;.rt~r dr.':' it; ')nl-" . T\. ," .l-,: '0 c . 1;.',",' . l'.~ ,;, Lv~":::V 2 n.: ,ictl','"' , .; ,_11 ~ :.. : =' C """,. "\ 'n'~ 1',"" ; ,;-. ~ "' -, -,,-' .~ '": -':- ~ -'- ',~" 'J,"'" ~ T - ~~\ . g c? JI;,-).b ~" r""''1r'',;rT;'~ ... .... ." .. ,__.", .~ l., _ ., ~ , '...,--T- ~d~ J'" =~',L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I SEWARD, ALAfl::-A REGULAR MEETING November 19, 1956 A regular meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on November 19, 1956, with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Durant; Hall; Knight; and Painter. Late: Amend: Absent: Petrovich. Also present was Acting City Manager Seymour. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5th, the Srecial M,oeting of November 8th, and the Special Meeting of November 12th, were read and Mayor stockton asked if there were any additions or corrections and the rc. being none, Mayor stockton said the Minutes stand approved as read. '4 I ) '~:) ..~"'-'~ Mayor stockton called upon people present, and there being no one present who wished to take any matters up w~th the Council, Old Business was taken up. rJ I Acting City Manager Seymour reported first on the status of the new Dump Site. He reported that Mr. Robert Cof mn from the Bureau of Land Management office in Anchorage and Mr. M. O. Allen, from the Juneau office were in town last week to investigate protests regarding the dumping of garbage at the new d1mp site. Seymour fur the r stated that upon checkin;r the files, it was found tlat we had not received our Use Permit yet. It was further reported that the representatives from the Bureau of Land ~~nagement and Seymour contacted several of tJ:e people who lad entered the protests and it was found to b~ a ma tter of misunderstanding in most cases and he was reasonably sure that we dl>>uld get most of the protests wi thdrawn. The reason for !lOst of the protests was the fact that papers and'portions of loads were being spilt on the road through Forest Acres and tha t should have been a problem of the Board of Health and the Territorial Police. The Bureau of Land Management are sending us down a copy of the protests, reported Actin;r City Manager Seymour, and I feel confident that in the way we are handling it now, it will corne out favorable with the City. Mrs. Blue stated that one of the protests was the danger of fire and at the time of the protest the garbage contractor didn't have permission to bJ.rn. Clm. Hall asked about the Use Permit and the Acti n;r City Manager reported that Bureau of Land Management representit ives advised him that it might be three (3) to four (4) years before we would get our Patent the reason being they have engineering problems. The Bureau of Land Management is aware that we are dumping there and they do not object to it. A report on the status of the Armory Bonds was given by Seymour and he stated that upon calling the parties involved in tJ:e preparation of the bonds it was found that not.,? , much progress had been ITl!l.de and Mr. Buckalew, of Kay & Buckalew Law Firm, ineJ1llY.d_- that the bonds would have to be approved by the Seattle ~ Attorneys H1a-, . TKn'chorage Bank !I I ,I and advised us to mail all pertinent papers involving the election, bond ordinance, certifications, along with a financial survey and the need for the project to the bankers attorneys in Anchorage. Mr. Buckalew was asked if we Se-', t all the necessary papers to him, if he would check them and process them for us and he agreed to do~ts Acting City Manager Seymour reported that wither one or the other or b:lth of the Law Firm of Kay & l::luckalew would be present at the next regular Cojncil meeting on December 3rd to discuss the City Attorneyship and other legal ITl!l.tters. I Act in;r Ci ty Manager Seymour reque sted tha t rezoning procedures for Lots 1 and 2 of the Marathon Addition be postponed until the next Regular Meeting to give his office more of a chance to study it. Clm. Amend asked Dr. Deisher if this postponement was going to hold him up any whereupon Dr. Deisher stated that he proposed to start building this clinic in May and I would like to go on with the Architural plans without any further delay. Discussion followed on the steps to be taken by the Council in rezoning the lots _ and the following points were brought out: L. A hearing had to be called and all property owners in a 300 foot radios notified of the hearing. 2. If 20% of the property owners immediately abutting the property bo be rezoned, objected then it would require a 2/3 vote of the Council to rezone and Dr. Deisher pointed out that the City owned the lots on 2 abutting sides and he owned the area on one side and there were only 3 other lots in question and they were 21, 22, and 23 in Block 26 Townsite. Acting City Manager Seymour pointed out that we w:luld have to draw up an ordinance to amend the Planning & Zoning Ordinance. Dr. Deisher stated he would like the City to give him permission to remain in the present building after the hospital moves until such time as he can get his new quarters. Dr. Deisher also stated he would like to have the Council's assurance that tJ:e building of this clinic meets with their approval so he could go aoead wi th his plans. tJ'" - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING November 19, 1956 Conti nued -I move that the City Council express their sentiments of approval towards Dr. Deisher's project at this time,- said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes: Durant, yes: Hall, present: Knight, yes: Painter, yes: Moti on carried. Acting City Manager Seymour asked that a Committee of two (2) be appointed to work with him on a master plan for administration and organization for Us City prior to presentation to the Council. He further stated that he could see a savings of at least $20,OOQ.OO in the first years operation. Mayor stockton appointed Clm. Knight and Clm. Amend to work with the City Manager on this project. City Manager reported that he had written the various mail order houses in regard to collecting Sales Tax. The next item on the agenda under old rosiness was the review of the City Manager applications. It was the consensus of the Council that the application of Eneas J. Kane should be considered. Mayor stockton asked if the Council wished to take any action on the applications considered best so far. No action was taken. The City Clerk was instruct~d to send reference follow-ups on Mr. Kane, and also to write to the best applicants (the ones presently under consideration) and ask them when they would be available. Clm. Knight suggested we write Mr. Douglas for references and then follow up on his. Mayor Stockton stated he didn't think we whould have to run down any aiditional references. Under review of the City Engineer applications, one was read from a Mr. A. Y. Haung. Discussion followed on Mr. Haung's ap~l~q~on and the fact that he wouldn't be available until September of 1957. Tfie Cl~y Engineer fell under the scope of the City Managers office, it was pointed out. Acting City Manager Seymour reported that he had took the liberty of appointing Kathryn Baker as City Clerk and he had wi red her today. Mayor stockton stated he had checked with Mr. Carlson as to her qualifications and found that 1She took short- hand and typed well, however she may need a little help with the bookkeeping. Clm. Painter was asked if he had anything to report on the Renwald Sewer findings and he stated that he and Mr. Petrovich had been unable to get together to investigate it. Clm. Hall asked about the status of the telephone issue and Acting City Manager Seymour read a letter received from Mr. Hellenthal dated November 10th saying he would be down ei ther Monday or Tuesday. elm. Durant asked when this letter was received and thete was no date on the 1 etter and he suggested we get a date stamp and stamp a letter with the date and time it was received. Acting City Manager Seymour stated he would see that we got one and he stated he would follow up on this telephone 1ilssue and try to get a comprehensive report on it ~ the next meeting. The first item on the agenda under New Business, Mayors report on League of Alaskan Cities Convention, was tabled until the end of the meeting. The next item under new business was approval of the liquor license applications, and Acting City Manager Seymour stated that the following were applying for renewal, Nobby Club; Yukon Bar: Palace (Knot Room): Werner's Market: Gil's Lounge: American Legion: Nugget Bar: Seward Bar: Tony's Bar: Tony's Liquor Store: Seward mrading Co.; LaFord's Dinner Club; Seward Elk's Club; Surf Bar: Solly's Liquor Store; Solly's Lounge: Yukon Liquor Store: Flamingo; The New Northern Bar. Acting City Manager stated that all were appl~ing for renewal with the exception of the Tally-Ho Bar and xx. Gil's Liquor store--The Tally-Ho being burnt out recently and Gil's Liquor Store not planning on doing business next year. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that there XBX. was action pending on the New Northern Bar, four (4) cases pending on appeal against the establishment. He stated that all applications had the necessary certifications on them with the exception of the New Northern Bar which did not carry the certification of the Chief of Police. -I move that all of the applications for liquor license renewals be accepted including the one with the action pending against it," said Clm. Durant. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. A discussion ensued before the roll was called on the possible results of this action. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that the Attorney General will go on the recommendation of the agency that asks for disapproval and Clm. Uurant .tated that if the Territory requires that action be taken by the City Council then their word must be final. Seymour stated that in approving of this license you are in effect saying that the City Court and your City Police are wrong in the action that was taken. Roll was called on the above motion as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, No vote; Knight; yes; Painter, yes: Motion carried. I '1 } .~ #'...., " ~. .1, ....-~:: r.::.~ I I .~ r~ r? SEWARD, AlASKA REGULAR M1LTING November 19, 1956 Continued A Personal Surety Bond in the amount of $20,000.00 was read covering Mr. Howell, Treasurer of the School Board and it was explained that this bond had to be accepted by the City Council. "I move we adopt the surety bond in the amount of $20,OpO.00 for Thomas Howell," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called. Motion carried unanimously. The Bills for the month of October were read as follows: A &. B Service. 7.30; A. C. S. 65.33; Alaska Surplus Property 1579.88; Alaska Telephone Corp. 88.l0i Anchorage Oxygen Co. 110.30; Andy'S Oil 176.97; Airport l~chinery 79.05; Automotive Parts; 37.22; Ballovl Wright 15.91; Bills Fts. &. Service 42.02; Burroughs 21.80; Glenn Carrington Co 85.25; Daily Alaska Empire 15.12; Daily News Minor 21.01; C. O. 2 Fire Equip. 50.00; J. B. Deisher 20.00; Durant's Hdwe 6.24; KI Margit Edwards 100.00; Win Ervin Motor 169.95; E. D. Etnyre 13.58; Gateway Drug 1.10; Jessen's Weekly 7.50; Ketchikan Daily 10.08; Northeripst Bolt 15.05; N. C. Co. 71.83; Novelty Carriage Works 79.50; Pete's Paint Bondy if 27.44; Petty Cash l7~4; Pettibone 19.82; Petticoat Gazette 3.00; Seattle P. I. 42.00; Swd. Builders 25.59; Swd. Electric 858.05; Swd. Hardware 83.41; Swd. Machine Shop 54.10; Swd. Plumbing Htg. 143.50; Swd Trading Co. 30.55; John P. Smith 870.25; Std. Oil 377.46; Swoboda 25.0p; Swd. Water 950.00; United Janitor Supply 195.28; Wm. Vincent 8.50; Watsjold Groc. 16.37; Harry West 74.29; Pat Williams 3573.59; Frank Wood 160.00. Total $10446.03. Bill from James Construction for $150.00 for appraisal of the lJarine Ways was read and also the statement from Rettig and Scott for the audit in the amoun~ of $2895.27. The Alaska Surplus Property bill was discussed and it was pointed out that the D-8 Cat had been purchased under the head of the Seward Public Schools and was to be used only for Education, Public Health and Welfare purposes. There was a short discussion on bills being paid without pt~or m. authorization from the Council and it was pointed out that freight bills were paid on the recommendation of the City Manager. Clm. Durant asked if the City was going to continue the purchase order system and Acting City Manager Seyn~ur stated they were. "I move that the bills be paid," said Clm. Painter. Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: ~ Amend, yes; Durant, Not Voting; Hall, yesi Knight, yes; Painter, yes: Motion carried. "I move that the bill from the James Construction Company Fund," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, be paid from the Marine Ways Roll was called as follows: yes: Motion carried. The bill from Rettig &. Scott in the amount of 2895.27 was discussed and Acting City Manager Seymour recommended that half of it be paid now with the balance being payable before the end of this fiscal year. "I move that half of the Rettig &. Scott bill be paid and with this payment a letter explaining the reasons for this," Said Clm. Painter. Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knig:t, yes; Painter, yes. Motion carried. t~yor Stockton suggested we require people, who wiSh to bring problems before the City Countil, to go through the City Managers office and arrange for an appointment. He stated this would cut down on the length of the meetings and perhaps make the people more aware of their problems being taken care of through the City ~~nagers office. Mayor Stockton stated he believed this is the way it is being handled in other cities, Discussion followed on this proposal and it was pointed out that if a person could not get satisfactory results from the City Managers office then, of course, he should be placed on the agenda to take the matter up with the City Council. The point was to sift the various problems through the City Managers office. It was also suggested that a copy of the agenda be placed on the diJor before each meeting to familarize the people present with the business that was going to be taken up. "I move that the City Council adopt a policy requiring that the problems of the people present be brought through the City Managers office and if he is unable to solve them that they be placed on the agenda for the next regular Council Meeting," said Clm. Knight. Mati on se"onded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called and motion carri ed unanimously. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that Mr. L~well had contacted him on having a proposed lease read at the Council Meeting tonight, however it had not been put on the Agenda and he asked that it be considered now. A proposed lease for pole rental to be entered into by the City and the Marathon Television Corporation for the purpose of closed circuit television was read by the City Clerk. Mr. Lowell stated that the corporation represented local people and he would like action on it as soon as possible so he could go to work on it. He stated this lease was similar to the one entered into in Ketchikan and Nome. Mr. Carroll said he thought this should be acted on by the Utility Board and they meet the second Tuesday of Each month. It was the consensus of the Council that this matter be channeled through the Utility Board for action~ Mr. Trevethan stated that they could act on it even if they had to call a special meeting and it should be ready for the next Regular Meeting. SEWARD, AIASKA REGUlAR M1ETING November 19, 1956 Continued Acting City Manager Seymour stated that through a discussion with Clm. Knight he learned that the City had been purchasing Supreme Gas and upon checking further learned that our equipment did not require the use of the higher priced gas. He stated that he was ~~~ going to adivse Standard Oil to deliver regular gas and thoupht this would initiate a savings of $400.00. A letter was read from Foster & Marshall, holders of the water revenue bonds, dated November 15th and it was in regard to the cities difficulties in meeting the water bond ordinance provisions. Mr. Trevethan, Chairman of the Utility Board,was present and he explained that Rettig & Scott had recommended a change in the bookkeeping set-up and he was corresponding with the bonding company in this respect, and be combining the funds we will be able to eleviate the situation. We have to Xk have about an 18% increase to ~ get the 1.5 coverage required. The firm doing the engineering survey recommeded a rate increase. By operating the water workds with one man, continued Mr. Trevethan. it would made a difference of about 5,000.00 a year. We have authorized the purchase of a new bookkeeping machine with the idea of getting more efficient office operations. Mayor Stockton pointed out that if we choose to raise the rates we will have to have a rate hearing and Trevethan pointed out that if we could cut expenses enought it would note he necessary for us to raise the rates so much. Clm. Durant asked if we were behind in the bond redemption fund and Mr. Carroll stated that by combining the accounts, we should be able to bring it up to the level it is supposed to be. We will have to have the bond ordinance changed around the first of the year. It was suggested that the City Manager write Foster & Marshall immediately outlining the steps that are presently being taken to relieve the water bond situation. A letter was read from the Seward Volunteer Fire Department dated November 9, 1956. ~ This letter referred to the emergency salt water system and the possible abanding of it due to the construction at the new dock site. The letter pointed out that the salt water system is vital to our fire protection in the down-town area and they recommedded that the council obtain 2,000 lineal feet of water pipe to run a line to the Electric Systems power house where a well has been dug. The department also requested that a hydrant be installed on the Loop Road to Jessee Lee home to insure fire protection in that area. Clm. Painter pointed out that the well by the power house is now non existant. Discussion followed on this and it was decided that the Acting City Manager and Mr. Trevethan would draft a letter to the Alaska Railroad, channeling it to the proper authorities, and ask them for their cooperation and assistance keeping the sal t water main in operation. In regard to the hydrant reques1; it was decided that possibly we could use one of the three hydrants we got from Surplus some time ago. Mayor Stockton gave a short report on the league of Alaskan Cities Convention he attended in Ketchikan and stated that the City Clerk had a copy of the report they gave if anyone carred to look at it. He reported that $250.00 had been authorized for the trip and he spent $269.00. The League of Alaskan Cities carries quite a bit of influence in the lagislature in Juneau, continued Mayor Stockton, and even a City as small as Seward, if adequately represented, can get legislation through. He stated he thought we were missing out on some revenues involving the raw fish tax and stated that should be check on. Carter Seymour ~ was represented on the Resolutions Committee and I was on the Legislative Committee. He stated that originally Carter Seymour went to represent the Chief of Police Association and they had paid $100 against his expenses, but inasmuoh as Mr. Seymour represented the City, Mayor Stockton asked if the City would look favorbly on reimbursing Mr. Seymour for the balance of his expenses whioh amounted to $165.56, from the City Managers Convention expense account. -I move that the bill for $165.56 be authorized out of that fund and also the $19.00 for the Mayor,- said Clm. Painter. Motion seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll was called All in favor. Motion oarried unanimously. Acting City Manager Seymour requested the use of the 1953 Ford in the course of his buwiness as City Manager. He mentioned he would like to keep in contact with the office and he would be able to do this because it has a radio in it. He also asked if he could draw gas from the City Shop. HI move that Mr. Seymour be allowed the use of this vehiole in the oourse of his business as City Manager and he be allowed to draw gas and oil from the City Shop along with reasonable maintenance; said Clm. Knight. Motion seoonded by elm. Hall. Roll was oalled, all in favor, motion oarried unanimously. Meeting adjourned 11:55. APPROVED: ...."..........---- PERRY R. STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: $~~ ~- "."... I ',".,.".1 ;,:.1 I I SEWARD. ALASKA REGULAR MEETING December 3. 1956 A regular meeting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on December 3. 1956 with Mayor Stockton in thecharr. Roll was called as fo~lows: Present: Hall;; Knight;; Painter;; Petrovich: Late: AllIend (Arriving during the reading of the minutes) Durant (Arriving at 9:40 P.M.) : Also present was Acting City Manager Seymour. The Minutes of the previous regular meeting of November 19th were read and Mayor Stockton asked if there were any additions or corrections. Clm. Hall stated that he voted Present instead of No Vote on the Liquor License applications approvals. Mayor stockton stated that the minutes s~nA approved as corrected. Mr. Don Lowell was the only person listed under People Present and inasmuch as he had not arrived yet the Council moved on to Old Business. i\.cting City Manager Seymour requested that Item D onder Old Business on the Agenda, dealing with the discussion regarding the proposal of Kay & Buckalew on the City Attorneyship. be moved up to first, under old business inasmuch as Mr. Buckalew wanted to start back to Anchorage tonight. Seymour read the original proposal from Kay and Budkalew dated Octdber 27, 1956. The Acting City Manager stated he had discussed with Mr. Buckalew the proposal and recommended to the City Council that they accept proposal No. 1 and retain the firm for $250.00 a month. He continued in saying that by rnak: ing th e appointment retr08cti ve to November 1st we wi 11 not be cha rged for the sui t pending on the lease nor the work being done on the Armory Bonds and he recommended th:it the appointment be !Mde as of November 1st. Mr. Buckalew stated that th ey would like to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred in travel expense and after discussion it was the consensus of the Council that the attorneys should be allowed $25.00 for each trip. Clm. Petrovich asked if the codifying of the Ordinances would be covered in the monthly fee whereupon Mr. Buckalew stated that they hadn'.t figured on codifying the ordinances when they set forth their proposal, h~ever it should be considered as part of the job. Clm. Petrovich asked if this could be worked on a contract basis, and Mr. Buckalew stated that he didn't think this was necessary and it should just be on a retaining basis with the City being able to dispense with their services at any time they wish. He continued in saying that attorneys have an ethipal duty and they wouldn't consider leaving the City in a lurch on legal matters and we will stick wi th i.t as long as we are satisfactory to the City. Clm. Hall asked what would happen if after six months it was decided by either party to diSDlve the attorneyship and there were 4 or 5 cases pending~- what would happen to those cases whereupon Mr. Buckalew stated that usually pending litigation was tu med over to another attorney and again .he pointed out that they were ethically bound to take care of such matters. WI move that we adopt the appointment of Kay & Buckalew Law Firm as City Attorneys on a $250.00 a month basis plus $25.00 for travel expenses as indicated in their firms proposal and thisnappointrnent be retroactive to the First of November, 1956w, said Clm. .Hall. Motion seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Petrovich, yes; Knight, yes; Hall, yes; Painter, yes; Amend, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Clm. Amend asked what would hapj:en to the case of Korbo and Baker and Mr. Buckalew pointed out that they would continue on that case against the City and Clm. Hall stated that we would have to get someone else ;0 defend us on that case. In regard to the Armory Bonds, Mr. Buckalew stated that they had examined the transcript that the City had sent up and we have explained the matter and talked it over with Mr. Baker of the Bank in AnChorage and he has Bent the information to the attorneys in Seattle. They willhave the bonds printed in Seattle in $1,000.00 denominations and we hope to get them back any day now and we wi 11 send them to Mr. Baker who will in turn send them down here. Mayor stockton pointed out to Mr. Buckalew that the legality of the Sales Tax ordinance has been challenged. Mr. Buckalew stated that anything we wished a legal opinion on we could send all the information and material to them and they in turn would write a n opinion on it as to whether it was valid or invalid and mail their findings back to us so we would have a written opinion on certain things. He further stated that they would want to do research on our questions before giving an opinion. Mayor Stockton stated that the barbers and beauticians wanted the ordinance amended to exempt them from collecting taxes and the Council had ruled at one time not to change the ordinance. He was wondering ~ this could be checked and pointed out that this group did not wish to break the ordi nance but only to amend it. Mr. Lowell. presented his problem in regard to the Marathon Television Lease. He said the Utility Board was going to have a m~eting and make a defi nite decision and a recommendation and he continued in saying that inasmuch as no meeting was called he was br~nging the mat~8r back before the Council for action. He said he had a consulting engineer waiting. to come up here and he did not want to delay the project any longer. He also pointed out that the City was losing Sales Tax Revenues and the pole rental revenues. The granting of another lease. stmilar to the one now presented. was discussed and it was the thought of some of the Councilmen that this other lease dealing with a television franchise was just handled through the City Council. Mr. Carroll was present and elm. Knight pointed out that the decision would probably be left up to the Utilities Superintendent anyway. SEWARD, ALASKA. REGULAR MEETING December 3, 1956 Continued Mr. Carroll reported that the Ut~lity Board didn't have a scheduled meeting before to act on this mat~er and they hadn't planned on a special meeting unless they had other matters to bring up a~,they hope to cover this item at their next regular meeting on Tuesday, December 11th. Mr. Carroll continued in saying that we should give the matt~r some thought and study before entering into a franchise for linea on our poles. C~. Petrovich stated that the Utility Board was going to act on Mr. Carroll's recoDllllElndation and he asked Mr. Carroll for an Oi-inion whereupon Mr. Carroll st~ted that he just received a copy of the agreement tonight and would want more of a chance to study it. He continued by saying that we had to consider the fact that more lines were going to be put on the poles by the city such as their telephone lines, and electric lines and the space element would have to be considered and also that everything was being done according to standards. Mr. Lowell stated the superintendent of the utilities would have the right to step in at any time and make sure things were being done correctly. He further stated that the project was up to the standards that are being used in other cities. elm. Petrovich stated he wouldn't want to accept it unless it was reviewed by our attorneys. Further discussion followed and Mr. Carroll stated that he would want to see the construction plans before he would consider a franchise on our poles and Mr. Lowell stated that he didnlt want to pay a consulting engineer if they weren't going to approve of the project. Mr. Carroll stated they should certainly have same engineer check it whether it was ours or theirs. Mr. Lowell pointed out that the telephone company pays the City $30 a year for pole rental and this represents 11'4 of the cost of the 30. year life of a pole and his company RIans on paying for another 1/4 and that would mean that 1/2 of the replacement value of the poles are paid for. Mr. Carroll again pointed out that he was not prepared to made a recommendation and the matter would merrit further study as far as he was concerned. "I move that the proposed contract be turned over to Kay & Buckalew for a legal opinion on it and then the matter be turne' over to the Utility Board so we may have a recoDllllElndation for our next Couaci& Meeting." said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. .Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Hall, yeSj Knight, yes; Painter, yest Petrovich. yes: Motion carried. Seymour was instructed to solicite an opinion in writing on the wording of the lease from our attorneys. It was pointed out that we would have an .pinion back fram the utility board by next Tuesdayand if we had a special meeting after that we could act on it and if not we could take the matter up at our next regular meeting. "I move that the Utility Board be directed to act on the proposed 1_____ contract with the Marathon Television Corporation,- said Clm. Petrovich. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as fo~lows: Amend. yes; Hdll. yes, Knight, yes. Painter, yes~ Petrovich, yes: Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a report from the office of the Acting City Manager and Mr. Seymour reported on the followingl Re: Dump Site. we have received copy of protests and we have some withdrawals also the new garbage truck has been received and it will be put into operation tomorrow. Status of the Armory bonds was explained by the attorney. Insurance Program ..We have asked the insurance agents to submit a program for blanket coverage and I have discussed the matter with same of the agents. We have also asked them to submit a welfare plan for City Employees. It is necessary for the City to set the appraised value of the buildings and Acting City Manager Seymour asked if they wished to aceept Mr. James appraisal to be used in computing the blanket coverage plan. The consensus of the Council was that we should table the action until the Councilmen had a chance to compare James appraisal with that of another appraisal made by an insurance c~mpany two years ago. Regarding the letter sent to the mail order houses regarding Sales TaJ5.. Seymour stated that they couldn't collect it for us because it was sales taking place outside the City limits. He reported that there was a steady increase in the Salas Tax Revenues 8IB a result of. the enforcement measures taken some time ago. Regarding the telephone issue Acting City Manager Seymour reporte~that he had called Mr. Hellenthal ;;on November and Hellenthal advised him that he would call him back as to the status of the telephone issue that day or he would have a report in his hands by today and Seymour advised that since then he has heard nothing. Acting City Manager Seymour was instructed to go to Anchora&e and get the information and possiblY turn the matter over to another attorney. Regarding the Water Bonds , Seymour reported that a letter had been written to Foster and Marshall and he is making inquiries as to the water rates in other Alaskan cities. It was ~re~orted that a letter was received from the Forest Service requesting a progress report on our pole line twmediately. We wrote a letter to the Forest Service and also a letter to the Electric System regarding submission of the Progr.s~ Report. Mr. Carroll reported that Mr. Harstad. the engineer. is to submit the progress report and it was just an oversite and he stated that he didn't think Mr. Porterfield was too concerned about it inasmuch as he had called him on the telephone regarding the due date and Mr. Carroll stated he I ,--,l 1(; -- , .A ."'.\. r.~ I I , I, SEWARD. ALASKA REGULAR MEm'ING December 3. 1956 Cont inued had asked Mr. Porterfield to write to the City Manager inasmuch as he wanted everything channeled through his office. Clm. Petrovich asked about the survey and engineering report for the second phase of the projectand Mr. Carroll reported that they had a copy of the preliminary pole line and we are going to send it b~ck to Harstad for the final drawings. The delay of this report and the possiblity of it putting out bonds in jeopardy was discussed and Clm. Petrovich stated that it was our obligation to have those reports in on tima. it was also pointed out that Mr. Porterfield represented the Federal Power Commission. Mr. Seymour stated that he brought this to the Councils attention to keep them informed on what was going on. In continuing with his report Mr. Seymour stated that we had received a letter from Weaver Bros. concerning the San Juan Dock and if any Councilmen wished to see the correspondence on this matter they were welcome to check. The condition of the City equipment was discussed and Mr. Seymour reported that the Pettibone Grader was down and we have spent $1129.70 as a purchase price for it and Mr. Rosa reported that $600 worth of repair wouldn't go very far on it. and that it needed a complete over-haul. The H-D 5 Allis dhlmers loader was discussed and Ross reported that the former City Manager had instructed them not to replace the bad clutch in it and it could go out of commission any time now. It was the consensus of the Council that the Loader should be repaired immediately and a new clutch ordered for it because we might need it any day now. It was felt that we didn't really need a 3rd Grader so we should not repair the Pettibone at this time. The condition of the No. 12 Grader was discussed and Mr. SWoboda, Mechanic for the Street Department, pointed out that the clutch trouble was chronic with that machine. He continued in saying that he had called the shop foreman in Anchorage and they had bfown having the same trouble until they changed clutches and we got the No. of the part from them. Mr. SWoboda suggested) from a mai ntenance stand pointJwe should get the same type of machine that we already have. Continuing in his report Acting City Manager Seymour reported that a Mr. Snodgrass from the General Service Administration was in town for several days and he is from the Seattle office. We furnished the various information that he wished to have, however most of the matters are still of a confidential nature. Seymour pointed out that it ~uld not be the City that would choose the spot, but it would be General Service Administration that would locate the proposed site for the new Federal Building. We furnished him wi th the spots that were available and the services, such as sewer, water, and telephone, that were available, and also pictures of the various sites. Mr. Seymour stated that the representative advised him that the project may take 3 or 5 years unless private individuals decide to finance it. He reported that th e pipe derived from Alaska Surplus Property was undersized for the use on culverts and we will have to install new culverts in place of the snaIl ones that were installed thie r:unurer. Mr. Seymour stated he had an appointment with Mr. Thompsen of the Aleutian Marine Transport Company and it is expected that he and Thompsen will be able to work out the wording of the lease agreement",Othe satisfaction of the City and the Company. It was reported tra t a date and time stanp, for use on receiving lettere, had been ordered and it should be recieved any time now. Acting City Manager Seymour reported that the Railroad had installed a culvert pipe approximately two (2) feet higher than the one removed and the water table was quite high and there was a possible flood problem on the lagoon. Mr. Cook of the Alaska Railroad wrote and advised us that the culvert was installed one foot lower than the original one, however we went out and checked on it, continued Seymour, and it is higher. We have written another letter to Mr. Cook and asked him to check on it. Acting city manager Seymour presented a letter from the American Power Association reporting that it issues publications and eervices and he was going to refer it to the Utilities. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that he did not have a complete monthly activity report because of the lack of reporting by the departments, however he planned to institute Daily work reports and he would be able to report more complet~1next month. A commdttee report from Cl~. Petrovich and Clm. Peinter on their findings on the Renwald sewer problem was given and they brought out the following points: 1. They found the sewer left the building at the Southwest Corner. 2. It ran up-hill out of the building. 3. The water lines leave the building at approximately the same place. 4. The stoppage is located outside the building about six (6) feet. 5. They gave Mrs. O'Brien the information and left it up to her as to .nat she wished to do about it. 6. It was possible to hook up ~o the new sewer line and was just a matter of digging about 9 or 10 feet. !he committees recommendation was not to assume any liability because of loss of revenues involved in the hotel not being able to use the basement for renting purposes, and they further recommended that the City should not .L _ ~ SLWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING December 3, 1956 Continued ~assume any liability unless it is found the stoppage is in our line and that point has been cleared because a dye wa~ put through the sewer line. The committe reported that there was no shut off valve in the building and Acting City Manager Seymour stated he had written to Mrs. O'Brien asking her to install one because it was a danger to the health and property of others inasmuch as the whole main would .have to be sh~t off in order to turn the water off in the building. '~~ next committee report was from that of Clm. Knight and Clm. Amend and the Acting City Manager regarding the proposed administrative, organizat!onal and operational changes and al50 present~d was the organizational chart. Acting City Manager Seymour covered the nine phases of the operations program which, if iniated) would represent a savings of over $:1,6,000.00, In tre first full years operation, and the City Manager further stated that when those were in full working orqer and the additional medium range and long range plans were in full operation he was confident that at least $30,000.00 could be shaved off of the present cost of operation. Clm. Knight stated that we should take immediate steps on some of these it~ms. Clm. Amend stated that one thing he was not too much in favor of was that we should pay no overtime and he felt that when members of the street department were cailed out on an emergency they should be piid for it. Discussion followed in this regard and Seymour stated that cities the size of Seward just do not pay overtime. Clm. 1inend fel t that di fferent working conditions could be worked out for each department. Clm. Painter stated that when Mr. O'Hara was here the Council took definite action to abolish overtime. Seymour stated that a schedule could be devised on compensatory time and he also proposed to set up a work schedule .0 there could be someone there on Saturday and he further stated this could be worked in with the cooperation of the individuals involved. Mr. ~obert Liebelt speaking in behalf of the Street Department, presented their views regarding compensatory time in place of being paid. He stated they did not wish to go out and work in any kind of weather and not get paid for it. The compensatory time is practically fre~ inasmuch as it is given at the discretion of the Dep:l.rtnent heal and if we don't want to take it, we are working for free. Mr. Liebelt also pointed out that possibly the overtime also represented extra help that had to be hired because the crew just couldn't perform the work. In regard to staggaring the shifts, Mr. Liebelt continued, you won't have a large enough crew to do the work becau se even now we barely have en ough to get us .., through ~storm. Mr. Liebelt stated they didn't feel they worked an excessive amount of overtime and didn't even care about working it, however when they did work it they wanted to be paid for it. Lengthey discussion followed al~ng these lines and Mr. Ross pointed out that in this fiscal year they spent a lot of overtime going up to Ancrorage to pick up surplus equipment, and also there was a lot spent on the asghalting of 4th Avenue. Clm. Hall left at 10:30 P.M. Discussion followed on possibly hiring Foster Bros. to load the snow and dispose of it on a possible loading ramp down by the depot. Cl~. Petrovich stated that we had to cut costs someplace and we just couldn't afford to over..expend this year. "I move that this be tab~ed X. until the next meeting,. said Clm. Knight, Motion x..m.x seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called all in favor motion carried unanimously. Acting City ~~nager Seymour stated that some of the steps had already been iniated. He stated that he was through studying the program and that was what he had in mind. By next month we should know what we are doing per hour, per day, per man. The Counci 1 asked tra t thi s be put on the Agenda for the next meeting. The next item on the Agedda under Old Business was the rezoning of Lots 1 and 2 of the Marathon Addition and the suggested date of hearing was December 27, 1956 . Acting City Manager Seymour stated that the hearing was to be before the City Counci 1 and his thought was that if any protests showed up we would call ahe members of the Council. The Acting City Manager set the time of the hearing on December 27, 1956, between the hours of 2 to 4 P.M. and he stated that notice of the hearing would be sent to all property owners within a 300 foot radius of the area to be rezoned. The appli cat ions for City Manager were reviewed and the Counci 1 wi shed to consi der the application of James E. Johnson and the City ~lerk advised that she had send follow-ups out on him. Under new business/Urban renewal was discussed briefly and Acting City Manager Seymour reported that under this plan for clearing slum areas the government is ready to spend $2 for ever $1 the City wishes to spend. He reported that he had written to Mr. Gagnon, of the Alaska Housing Authority, and asked him to come to Seward. Mr. Gagnon is also the Urban renewal supervisor and possibly he will be here the end of this week. I ~"I r"~ ..,.,,"1 ",<I.'" " ~.,,~ .. ;:':-=1 I I 8E1/iARD, ALASKA RE:}U1J.R l>1':ETING December 3, 1956 Continued Resolution No. 111, a Resolution authorizing the City 1llinager and the City Clerk to enter into an'agreement with the Board of Juvenile Institotions, was read by the City Clerk. Acting City Manager Seymour explained that by entering into this lease we would institute a savings in the handling of juveniles inasmuch as the Territory would reimburse us for part of the ~ operations of the jail. Discussion followed on this proposed contract and Seymour pointed out that they would have to have separate quarters for the juveniles and they were altering the jail to meet the requirements. The proposed contract which had been entered into by the City of Anchorage was read. "I move that Resolution No. lll.be adopted," said Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Petrovich. Roll was called as follows: Ament, yes; Durant, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion carried. Resolution No. 112, a hesolution directing Tax Deed to be is::ued to the City of Seward, Alaska for Lot Eight in Block Four of the Laubner Addition, was reaa by the City Clerk. "I move that Resolution No. 112 be adopted," said ~ Clm. Painter; Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes; Motion Carried. The next item on the agenda was Council authorization for the setting up of a Tax Sale Fund for those monies received in excess of taxes and penalties due at the time of a tax sale. The City Clerk reported that this was a recommendation of the auditors and the amount to be set up was $439.96. "I move that the City Clerk be authorized to set up a bank account called the "Tax Sale Fund", initial deposit to be in the amount of $439.96 and that the City Clerk, City Manager; and City Treasurer be authorized to countersign checks," said Clm. Petrovich. Motion secunded by Clm. Painter. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes: Motion carried. A letter was read from Cordova Airlines dated November 20, 1956 and it comme~ded the Police department and the street department for their help and assistance regardine the recent crash of one of their airplaines. A claim was presented and read by the City Clerk from Norbert W. Swoboda and it was in the amount of $193.89 and was in regard to flood damage as a result of a ~XrEBX creek overflowing into his basement. The claim was discussed and it was decided to process it through our insurance company for payment. The Acting City Manager pointed out that we had not admitted liability. Seymour also pointed out that the culvert pipes are too small to carry off the water a~d they would have to be replaced. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 ATTEST: AFPROVETI: ~~ 9 ~~ PERR R: STO'CKTON, MAYOR ,)<~~-?k....J City ct rk SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL M:EI<.TING December 17, 1956 A joint meeting of the City Council and the utility Board was called to order at approximately 1:15 P.M. Mayor Stockton presided over the meeting. Roll was called as follows: Present: Amend, Hall, Knight, Painter, and Petrovich. Absent: Clm. Durant. Utility Board Members Present: Chairman Trevethan , Barton Stanton, Hal Gilfilen, Alan Turner, with Dick Myers arriving late. Also present was Acting City Manager Seymour. Mayor Stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss with the Utility Board certain policy matters that the Council and City Manager wished to initiate and how these matters would affect the utilities, and also any other matters of information that may be beneficial to both groups. Mayor Stockton continued in saying that Mr. Seymour had been to Anchorage and talked with attorneys Kay &. Buckalew and had received a written legal opinion with reference to the City kanager form of government and how it effects the utilities and their operation. This written legal opinion was passed around to the utility board members for their review. utility Board Chairman, Mr. Trevet~an, pointed out that the original Utility Board was formed in 1947 and that 81liginal ordinance was replaced by Ordinance No. 202 in 1952 Mayor Stockton pointed out that the Utility Board O~dinance and the City Manager Ordinance conflict, however he felt that was a minor point and it was more of a matter on how it was applied. . The water rate increase was discussed and Mr. Trevethan pointed out that the water rate study Wasn't quite ready for submission to the Council yet, but it possibly would be by the next me~ting. Further discussion followed and it was brought out that there was oposition to a water rate increase and members of the Council pointed out that all economy measures possible should be taken before a rate increase is enacted. It was brought out that as far as the City was concerned we were ready for 3rd Avenue paving and the A. R. C. might have gone ahead with it this summer, however as far as the utilities were concerned we were not ready inasmuch as new water lines should be installed before paVing. ~~. Trevethan pointed out that most everyone looks at our water system as just having undergone all new construction, but they don't understand that all of the $400,000.00 did not go into new construction and it was necessary to pay for the old water system all at once. AS a re:;ul1:; of this, continued Mr. Trevethan, we did not get all of the work we wanted done. Mayor Stockton asked if we were going to raise customers rates to go into new constructio~, or are we going to have~~loat another bond issue for that purpose. Mr. Trevethan stated that Harstad's report shows an 18% increase would get the bonds paid off and we would have some additional money. With a 40% increase we could take car. of the new ~struction ahead of the paVing. If we could get an 18% increase, and floa~nother bond issue we would have to pay interest on the bonds whereas if we got it from revenue it would be "heaper. The 18% increase will not take care of any new construction. Mayor Stockton pointed out that the water rates are high now and the Board was going to have to find a selling point for this new increase. Mr. Trevethan stated the new system of accounting on the water system books is going to cut down expenses some and possibl~ we could eliminate the one extra man now employed as the superintendents helper. Mr. Gilfilen stated something was wrong when out of $60,000 or $70,000 revenues it cost $30,000 to $34,000 to maintain the system. Mrs. O'Brien's $600.00 a month salary was discussed and Clm. Painter stated he couldn't understand why she made that much. Mr. Trevethan pointed out that when Mr. O'Hara was City Manager he instigated a wage scale and set her top salary at $600. Clm. asked if the installation of the new billing machine, would elillinate her job and Mr. Jay Carroll stated that it would still be necessary to have two (2) persons in the office with the amount of work to be done. Mr. Seymour stated that we are presently using five pe~ple to the tune of $2500 a month plus some part-time work. I know it can be done for $2,000 a month, continued Mr. Seymour, and cover the whole program and have four people and move the utility offices up here to City Hall. Mayor Stockton stated our purpose was to stream line our City government so we can save money. ~~. Seymour stated that Mr. Rettig had advised him t at all of the accounting could be done out of one General Fund with separate accounts set up for the bonds. The money can be broken down account wise within the office, however it can be deposited in one account. Our billing procedures can also be stream- lined, continued Acting City Manager Seymour, and along with the water and lights possiblp the garbage billings can be taken care of here all under one bill. The attorneys have advised me that the gargage contract is so much garbage and there is a question as to who is to collect the funds for,the garbage collecti ons. ~ I ''''1 l'j t::) .,.-'1 ~:t :CJ I I SEWARD, AlASi:;A SPECIAL JOINT Ilu:ETING December 17, 1956 Continued Acting City Manager Seymour continued in saying that possibly the taxes could be prorated so a person would know how he stands tax wise each month. I am not to sure yet that a water rate increase is what we need stated Seymour. Clm. Petrovich asked if any effort had ever been made to recover some of the cost involved in extending the water lines to the property line and he wondered if efferts could not be made to collect some of this money now. Itr. Trevethan stated that they had furnished all materials and labor for extending the water lLes to the property line and at that time they had no ordinance covering the collection of this service, however now there is an ordinance in effect that takes care of that. xmr. Trevethan continued in saying that all of the labor involved ~as not maintenance for this year that some of it was new construction in that some new hydrants had been installed. ~~yor Stockton stated that the Councils thought waS to streamline the operations in any way possible and ~x. Stanton asked if possibly something could be worked out with the street department. Idr. Carroll stated that most of the material was on hand for the 3rd Avenue job and he stated that he, Mr. Hardinge, and fur. Richey were all aWare of that situation and they would have had the job done before the paving went in. Itr. Carroll asked Mr. Seymour what he had to prove all of these savings with and how do we know these figures are right. What background do you have for these figu.res you are presenting. Can you tell us how each one of these programs can be effected and who they will effect. The question was raised as to what powers the utility board would have over the City Manager. Mayor Stockton pOinted~t according to the law the City Manager has jurisdiction over all departments. 1w. Carroll stated that LIT. Seymour was only Acting City lf~nager and possibly the next permanent City Manager would have different ideas, whereupon 1~yor Stockton pointed ~ut that the Council wanted to initiate these changes and who- ever was City Manager would be obligated ,,:) ma":e Lhem. n,:,. Seymour state': tlJtJt in the past the City :Manager has been only managing two (2) departments fornis $10,000 a year and the City has not been getting their moneys worth and when the people went to the polls and voted for the City Manager form of government he was sure they had in mind that the City ~IDnager was to manage the utilities as well. N~. Seymour stated that h~. Carroll lnade about $12,000 a year, and when asked b~. Carroll confirmed this. Acting City Manager Se~our stated he proposed to abolish Mr. CarrOll's position as we don't need it. Seymour continued in saying that he proposed to change the job set up and he thought it would inittate a savings of at least $7,008. We can put the utility offices up here and have the Welfare and Health Center down in the present utility building and we also have someone who is interested in renting that building. Seymour stated that presently our main objective was to get the offices centralized. Mayor Stockton stated that he didn't think anyone is against effecting a savings as long as it is a savings everyone can see. Mr. Stanton stated that it was going to be necessary to use some discretion in instigating this change and he would like to see the board give it further study and in making the possible change make SUre every- thing is kept running right. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that he would like to effect a smooth change over and he thought it would take from 3 to 5 weeks to have everying set up. Discussion reverted back to posable savings by the water department and w~. Turner pointed out that this was a very difficult system to maintain and in some blocks there were only 5 or 5 customers on the line, however they still had to be main- tained. Members of the utility Board and Mr. Carroll pointed out that they have been studying ways to cut costs on their water system and when they SaW their bonds were not going to be covered they authorized an engineering study for a rate in- crease howeve~ they tco,were considering savings in costs of operations. I~. CE~roll stated that a $330,000 a year business required special management and whether they could do it under the City Manager plans he didn't know. You will find stated Mr. Carroll that one of the biggest assests to a utilities is your employees and you will not gain anything by cutting salaries and losing good employees--you will only tend to degrade the utilities operation and service. Acting City Manager Seymour pointed out that 1~. Carroll Was continually referring to the Utilities and he wanted us to think in terms of the City of Seward and everything being for and under the City of Seward. l'f~. Stanton stated that this vas the second time the City Council had given serious consideration to the utilities--First when it was in such bad shape it needed a special board to run it and--Second when it is on a paying basis you want it back so that the monies will go into the General Fund. Clm. Itnight stated that in iniating our savings progr~,~~~o~lA~~~~te~( the street~ department we couldn't pay them overtime and v:e cut ~~w~ln employees . of the electric and water make twice as much as they. Mr. Carroll stated that electrical employpes were skilled and couldn't be classed as just laborers, and skilled employees received a higher pay scale. ,\ t. SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING December l?, 1956 Continued Clm. Knight stated that it was certainly not our intention to run rough shod over the utility Board and Acting City Manager Seymour stated that we most certainly needed the Utility Board, however we want to corrulate our efforts towards what is best for tbe City of Seward and not what we might like personally. Mr. Stanton asked just what control the Utility Board would have over the City Manager and any changes in the present operation or the reduction of man power that the City Manager might wish to make. Clm. Petrovich stated that the City Manager would di scuss anY che-nges with the Council and the Utility Board and both bodies would arrive at a course of action. Clm. Petrovich stated that in the past the Council hasn't had the cooperation which it should have had from the City Manager in keeping them abreast of the utilities operation and giving the Council a closer view as to their problems. Mr. Turner asked if we really needed'a Utility Board and if it wasn't going to have any say SOl or any powers he just as well resign. Mr. Turned stated that the lJtility Board is always criticized by the Council for what they do anyway. Clm. Hall stated that we needed the Utility Board and there were a lot of things that the Council was not familiar with and we needed their advide. I take your word for things as I haven't had a chance to study some of the points it is necessary to take action on, con~inued Clm. Hall. Mr. Turner pointed out that the electrical employees were under a Union Contract and he asked Seymour what he intended to do about that and seymiJsu replied that when the contract ~meS ~ for negotiations in April he propose J ~ ~.b- . J.......,e~....:& ~~ AI/ lJ€-fJ~' 1i',.~<." ~4-"""'.r~ r <e ~"';'lf-T'<. 7>"'#,D~r S J, 4-6 fl.e..#f~dAlLI( t11f!,J,";~.<. ~Q~/F!,.A-€1'1f!.41"1!1#"'" Acting City Manager Seymour pointed out that the Utility Board recommended to the City Coancil and the City Manager recommended action to them, however it ' is the City Manager who can be indicted for mt'smanagement of afflirs or revenues. Further discussion followed on the proposed changes and Mr. Carroll stated that he was of the opinion that most of this was just a manufacturec problem and most of the water system problems were being taken care of. Mr. Trevethan stated that J~$. Chaney had about all she c?uld take care and even with the bookkeeping machine there would still have to be two full time employees. Clm. Painter stated that the Water Company still owed the General Fund $11,000.00 and some effort should be made to pay that back. This money was to start new construction and Cl~. Painter continued in saying that when the Bond holders, Foster & 1furshall, heard of the loan they stated that that was no way to do business. Mr. Stanton asked what the Council wanted the board to do and Mayor Stockton stated that he thought the members of the Utility Board should work with the City Manager form of government and try to solve this thing. Mr. Turner stated that he didn't ~ant him to come down there with the thought in mind of firing people and Acting City Manager Seymour stated that he waS thinking from the best interests of the people of the City of Seward and he thought by having the the files, the books, and the personnell up nere ft was to the peoples best interests. As a result of this change there jwst won't be some jobs. Mr. Carroll is definetly a valuable employee and I hope he stays on, however it will have to be in a lesser position, stated Acting City Manager Seymour. Mr. Carroll stated he had worked up from the bottom for 15 years and he wasn't going to step down nor was he going to take any orders from a Chief of Police. 1fuyor Stockton ppinted out to Mr. Carroll that Mr. Seymour was put in as City Joonager by the City Council and he would have to take orders from him. Cl$. Painter stated __that no matter who was City Manager they would have to make some, changes. \lIe are obligated to abide by the City Manager form of government and if we aren't going to abide by it then we should get rid of it, stated Clm. Painter. . ~~. Stanton stated that we could sit down with the City JAanager and work with him on his proposals and if we don't like what he has,_ all we can do is tell him so , but w~ can certainly give his proposals and recOmmendations due consideration and possibly work them in with our program. Mayor Stockton stated that is ~nat ~ he had hoped for/that the Utility Board would work these various problems out witg the City Manager and the Council will run the Utility Board from this ta~le. Mayor Stockton pointed out that the pebple voted in the City Manager form of government and we were obligated to follow it up. Mayor Stockton stated that the purpose of this meeting wasn't to finish everything, but it was to face our problems and work them out and the City Manager will work with the Utility Board and the Council in instiga~ing these proposed changes. Acting City Manager Seymour asked when they could set a meeting and Chairman of the Utility Board, Trevethan, set a special meeting for December 18th at 8:00 p~, O'clock for the purpose of working with the City Manager on his proposed plan. Meeting adjourned at 1:10 P.M. , AW~ST: ~~ CITY LERK P':: APPROVJ!.'D: PERRY R. STOCKTON, MAYOR I ,,'-j ::J " ) ~~ t. ......r' ,,,;:J I I r;;; The Utility Board approved of the Marathon T.V. lease with a few minor changes. A wri tten opinion regardi ng the legality of the wording is f expected from our attorneys. Clm. Hall stated that he thought we had o.~1 waited long enough, and should not be delayed any longer. Mr: Lowellt/fP'- also indicated that it has been delayed too long. Seymour pOlnted out ~ that this was a lease-use permit and not a franchise. Clm. Hall made /;: the follo~ing motion: ~ move tla t the City Council enter into a lease /7 p with the uarathon Television Corp. when we get a wri tten favorable p report from the attorneys" - seconded by ~night. Amend, yes; Durant, Yes; Hall, Yes; Knight, Yes; Painter, Present; Petrovich, Yes. Aleutian Marine lease agreement was brought to the attention of the Council by Acting City Manager Seymour. He pointed out that the word "operation" had been changed to Administration and other sugqested changes made by Council and Mayor had been incorporated into the lease and was now acceptable to Captain Thompson. Council and Y4Yor instructed Mr. Seymour to proceed and enter into the agreement and also take care of lease recission with Mr. Vance Hitt. It has been the intent of the Council, discussion showed, that the recission for entering into the Aleutian Marine Lease was to draw the extra families to the City, which would be an asset to Seward, since most crew members have families. The bills for the month of November were read by the City Clerk as follows: A & B Service 10.05, Alaska Telephone Corporation 44.05, Alaska Surplus Property Administration 336.00, Airport Machinery Co, Inc. 22.40, Anchorage Times Publishing Co. 4.20, Andy's Oil Delivery 514.26, Automotive Parts & Eqa!pment 7.82, Bills Parts & Service 22.07, Ballou & Wright 212.97, Civil Service Assembly 41.25, Daily Empire Alaska 10.08, Duro-Test Corp. 5.35, Margit Edwards 10.00, Win Ervin 5.00, Gateway Drugs 3.50, Jensen's Weekly 15.00, Robert Kidd 10.00, John E. Manders Law Office 50.00, Nat'l Instituee of Municipal Clerks 10.00, The Oregorian 30.42, Osbo's Electric 98.60, Pete's Electric Service 370.25, Petty Cash 20.50, Rutledge Johnston & Tryck 1,839.00, San Francisco Examiner 68.40, Seaport Auto Supply 4.50, Seward Brug 5.00, Seward Electric System 939.82, Seward Hardware 31.77, Standard Oil 449.46, N. W. Svoboda 25.00, Dept of Justice 8.00, "lerner's l-'.arket 122.10, Western Standard Supply 3.08, Yukon Equipment -Anchorage 299.52, Yukon Equipment- Seattle 8.69, Yukon Office Supply 112.00, Dorothy Tyner 60.00. Total for the month of November -$6,305.11. Clm. Petrovich moved to pay the bills excluding the water bill for the month of November - Seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, Jes; Knight, yes,; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes. Carried unanimousl.JL.'dcL4-e 1~-IIi.s(.;) "" f' "'" ,)A .tI., /IIIt&S r-""-c;:I :f('.J1"" 1''''_ Ud/</. ..1~.(" F.rt D,,.r, '7'1i".,."//n'V eYI" ....a ~,,, d " ;>"11'I e;....."s ,.. -61>. ,.". 1>.",. 'f:h'" w.rfl a.Js~r8" I')dehG",,,,.s IN'''. ~u All 7>r/a. .. Public Safety and Fire Department was discussed and questioned as to what the City ~anager planned to do about the Fire Department, which is still on a volunteer basis. They were given the assurance that a paid driver would be hired after the Budget was officially adopted. Also incorporated in the p~an is a possible reduction of Fred Kielcheskie's hours. Clm. Knight commented that the situation would be remedied. Some question followed pertainin~ to the City ~anagers authority to hire or fire personnel. Mayor Stockton clarified the discussion by saying the Council can recommend to the City }~nager or suggest in this respect, however, Ordinance provides he hire cert~in personnel. kiSIti~xMaxkKMxkeKK.XK~XKHm~XOC~KxBx~~xX~xXkR~tteRtk~x~xtkR~K~Xi ~xk<<tiK~x~tt~xMaK~<<XX~~KXXXXW.~~KkE~X~KtXt<<~xxkk. The Mayor instructed the ~lerk stop advertising for applicants for City Mgr. position4 Any further action on the applications was tabled until after the budget has been considered. Clm. Petrovich made a motion to this affect _ Seconded by Clm. Knight - all voted unanimously. The new City Manager applications were revie1...ed and the Council chose to not consider any of them. Progress on Urban Renewal was reported and nothing will be done until after the applications could be considered, and action was held in obeyance for the -.lime beinq.________ ~ A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read supporting this Program, also a letter from Planning and Zoning Commission was read - urging that .plans be made to enforce the laws regarding condemnation of unsafe buildings and plans are to start removal by March. I I ! I I I I I I \ \ ~ . AA I. I ~ I II 'h APPROVED 't 170-(./0>4 IN't.s .".,aae^C/.,.., rtal/ ~ If( -;- y ,_______ ~: the Ma$"t~r- Pia... /or- adlk.,.(}/:'"r17/NUf, ",~J ~dJ-pl?!1?';;!tZr;~ a~ a urt1nea. .;5;;.t:'. 6"1 a-W'fn;r-"_ 7ii// f ~~ "'J ~ , ti/116>H ~ ~~, ])",ra~r, Wo. Ha,p, Y,g~ JT>,,;rhT. /_~ ~ Dc7__r__ c.. A Ii v M ' "'I'~~,1<7,-, ,-, -",per 7irr"""~'/"(!?J CllI CL.ERIE- -- f'/o!u'-'t. ('C1r/'/~d, - ~ /6iJ I ---,,+ L:1 - ~ ~.~, .... ...."'..,. --'t~ ~~ SEWARD, ALASKA t.' ~ 16'7 SPECIAL }/.EETING DECEMBER 31, 1956 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 10:00 A.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Present were: Clm. Durant, Hall, Knight, Painter, Petrovich. Absent: Amend. Also present was Acting City Manager Seymou:r. 6,305i1 939-82- 4 7 5.0 0 - u.." 4,890290 /., h /L:E/~C;; o 10.05 44.05 3 3 6 .0 0 22.40 4.20 426 Mayor Stockton stated the reason for this meeting was to discuss the actions on Utility matters that the City is now faced with. Lengthy discussion followed regardinq the present critical condition due to lack of personnel and knowledge, to get the audit completed. With the condition prevailing as it is, the auditor cannot complete the work with- out the assitance of the Utility personnel. Mayor Stockton read a telegram from Rettig and Scott, Auditors, in which they stated that 1956 records can be completed ready for audit by January 30, 1957, if ch'irF)'e to previous status for period of 120 days to pennit the following: (1) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) Completion of 1956 Utility Records Orderly completion of Utility Audits Orderly consolidation of Utility Billings and Collections as previously scheduled Calm consideration of move to combine with City offices and preparation for such if determined advisable. Steps should be taken that no City employee becomes entirely indispensable, stated Mayor Stockton. The Council agreed unanimously that more information should be kept in records and on file instead of memory routine, in case such "10 tie M-D"'''- ever occur again. j;;'IC /",cd: -n? -= ~ the work assigned for a definite deadline, has not been 'f I oe, the auditors have bookkeeping included in the annual ita Gl r- ,ted out by Clm. Hall and Acting City Manager Seymour that . ~ ~ the Utility Board at its last meeting that it would take /., <;;'1, r. 's and he would need extra help to complete the audit at lion followed wh ich showed that from the telegram and the 'tatement to the Board that the time to complete the audit I I I regarding the present critical condition and the failure oyees back on the job for the good of the City. It was City offices back to the former location, and a motion ch - "To assist in completion of 1956 audit, the utilities I to fonner location. They will be under the supervision e City Manager form of government. Such movement will be d on February 14, 1957, by a complete movement of all City Building at 4th and Adams." Motion was seconded by aIled as follows: Durante, Yes; Hall, Yes; Knight, Yes; vich, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. l~9~ Jilas discussed to the extent that ~ ity Manager form of government in departments - all personnel. tl1e City conduct its t rue sense, s informed to continue with present program outlining he consolidation, centralization, and streamlining of rative organization. t 11 :40 A.M. APPROVED: s.2e~ ~ Mayor ry stockton q~~ ~i ty Clerk . , ~ /6'8 /~ <'1\ SEWARD, ALBSKA REGULAR HEETING DECEMBER 17, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council was called to order shortly after 8:00 P.M. with Mayor stockton in the chair. Roll was called as follows: Present: Clm. Amend, Hall, Knight, Painter. Late: Clm. Durant and Petrovich. Also present was Acting City Manager Seymour. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 3, were read by the City Clerk. Mayor Stockton asked if there were any additions or corrections. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that he would like to point out with regard to the Marathon Television Corporation lease the word franchise was used whereas actually it is a lease-use agreement for the rental of the poles. On the letter re~arding Urban Renewal,Seymour stated that the letter went out over the signature of the Mayor's office. Mayor Stockton stated the Minutes stand approved as corrected. ,'\ . Mayor Stockton called upon the Barbers and Beauticians who were listed under people present. E::tockton aomnented first that he lffide a trip to Anchorage and consulted with the City Attorneys' regarding the City Sales Tax and the legality of it. Mr. Buckalew informed the Mayor that he hadn't had a chance to study the legality of the ordinance, however he had read it and it seemed to be legal as far as he could tell. Mr. Seymour discussed the same matter with him and the attorneys' wanted to give a written legal opinion on it, and Svy.mour was planning to bring it back with him, but he was called back to Seward early. Mr. Seymour stated that the attorneys had advised him that the present set of exclusions were reasonable. Mayor Stockton stated that the first steps would be a study of the ordinance by the attorneys oofore the Council would consider making possible amendments enclosing other exempt persons. Mayor Stockton read the letter from Mr. Renfrew, dated November 7, 1956, this letter pointed out that the Sales Tax Ordinance was invalid. Mr. Renfrew further pointed out that the City could not produce a copy of the ballot, Another letter was read from Mr. Renfrew dated November 19, 1956, and this letter pointed out that the exemptioDl:J showed unreasonable discrimination. It was clarified that it is not the intent of the Barbers and Beauticians to break the City Sales Tax. Clm. Hall suggested that these Letters be sent to our City attorneys, and Mayor Stockton stated that the City attorneys had already seen these letters. Acting City Manager Seymour stated that the Attorney General had pointed out that the same type of ordinance was in effect in Juneau, and he paid his 2i on a dollar, however he couldn't give the Barbers and Beauticians a legal opinion. Mr. Kramer asked for a copy of our attorneys written legal opinion. ~'1 ~, ''''I , '. "l':~ ::.J The first item on the agenda was a report flUm the City Manager's office. He first reported that the Marathon Television Corp. lease was correct as to wording and the attorneys find nothingw~ong with it. The next item the City Manager reported on was the gar~ge contract and the attorneys advised us to make some changes in it. Seymour pointed out that the contract does not provide for the method of collecting nor who should collect the payments, and how they should be collected, and the attorneys advised that it was not wise to contract by ordinance but everything should be stipulated in the contract. Mr. Galloway made two (2) recommendations to the contract. 1. Being to make the contract nontransferable with him not being able to transfer the contract without the consent of the City Council. 2. That the contractor be re~uired to carry workmen's compensation. Seymour suggested that he and Mr. Galloway get together and work these things out. Mr. Gallaway stated that our attorneys had just copied Clauses from the ordinance #192 and we are bound by a claase in our contract to this ordinance. It was a consensus of the Council that these changes could be incorporated into the contract. Mr. Gallaway further pointed out that in the call~ for bids that the cont~act would be let on the same basis as the previous one. He continued by saying that he did not feel that the City Engineer or City Manager should tell him who he should hire, and he felt that he was responsible for the conduct of his employees, and did not think the City should have any say in it. Acting City Manager pointed out that the new pcoposed contract was given our attorneys by the AnChorage City attorneys. Petrovich emphasized the need for a long range plan for the future and also mentioned that the attorneys could possibly revise the Health & Sanitation ordinance when they codify the ordinances. Mr. Seymour stated that the attorneys did not realize what they were getting into and they had a different outlook on codifying the ordinances now. It was agreed that City Mana~er Seymour work together with Mr. Galloway on the contract and if there were any disagreements to bring it back to the Council. r~ ~ /70 A~ting City Vnnager Seymour suggested that we repeal the Impounding Ordinance and call for bids and enter into a contract to impound vehicles. In regard to the Copper Tubing and Valves acquired from Surplus Property, for use on the Hospital that were found to be below specifications, the Acting City l"lanager advi sed that they had reached an agreement with t:te plumbing contractor and had notified A.P.W. that the City would stand for a reasonable adjustment to the plumbing contractors. Mr. Seymour reported that the Armory Bond Issue was stalemated and it might take legislatmon in order to make it legal. A City cannot issue general obligation bonds on a dual owner-ship basis. City Manager furthered re- ported that we could not find any agreement between the National Guard and the City however,fherfound one in Anchorage in the Property Room of Nat'l Guard which had been signed by General Noyes and Mayor Painter, and we requested copies for our files. This conttact indicates that we would not have full ownership until after 25 years. It is hoped we can get the Territory to relinquish their ownership altogether. Culvert on the lagoon underneath the Railroad, the Acting City Manager reported was actually a 6th of a foot lower than the old one. An invest- igation by Mr. Tessendorf and myself revealed this stated the City Manager - the possible flood problem is due to ahigh water table and also to glaciering. We have also requested from Mr. Cook a second salt-walter pumping station, be installed. Mr. Kielcheski requested that a large hydrant be installed near the new High School and he suggested it be set up so water can be pumped from First Lake. He stated we had two large buildings there and no fire protection. The present driveway at the new hospital would be unusable all winter and we have suggested to A.P.W. that they make another approach into the hospital. The City l"lanager reported that Cordova Airlines had asked us to do some grading for them out on the airport and since we had the time we did the work and billed them $455.00 for it. The Hospital Sewer work reported the City banager is ~ing completed. Mr. Svoboda's insurance claim is in the hands of the insurance people reported Mr. Seymour. The parts for the H-D-5 loader have been ordered, continued the City l"lanager and will be corning from Anchorage. He remarked that he had not had time to contact Foster Bros. on the snow removal proposition, however he would do that soon. Discussion followed on the starting of a proposed Question and Answer Radio Program to inform local residents of the City's activities and accomplish- ments. This is a public service and we believe it will serve to get a better relationship between the City lV~nager's office and the people of Seward. The San Juan Dock Issue is ready for Court action now. Acting City Manager Seymour continued in his report that he had met with Mr. Cottis regarding the telephone issue. Mr Hellenthal was in Seattle. Seymour reported that he was advised that Hellanthal was going to stop by and discuss the matter with the telephone people in Seattle. The various violations of the franchise were discussed by the Council, and it was brought out that we could not hold the trustee or the individuals who are running it now, responsible for what the other party did, and Cottis stated he thought we could do nothing further in the matter. Acting City Manager Seymour informed Mr. Cottis they could make up a bi 11 for their service on this case. Mr. Harris, trustee for the company was here in Seward and some of the members of the Council met with him, and Harris reported that the system had been approved between $22,000.00 and $27,000.00 and we were only ready to offer $3,000.00 for the system. They have had $15,000.00 in equip- ment and improvements recently and if we wait intil the summer it will be that much more. nI move that we sever relationship with Hellanthal, Hellanthal and Cottis and they be directed to send us a bill regarding the Telephone matter, and that pending suits be withdrawn", ssid Clm. Knight. Motion seconded by Clm. Durant. Roll was called and motion carried unanimously. \.....1..111. .uu~nnL mUVl:U LHd.L . W~ seve~ .erm~l: 7fL.J..\JO as per requeSL: oy ""[ne UL'lll"[Y Boardn - Seconded by Clm. Amend. - If, II "", a"II,,j /1s F"II"",~ l,4_f~J., 1iS P...I"....:t,f.N; /I"tl, f;frl>; XTl/f~-l-. 'i's, P",dlr, 1(,'1; P&{.".~/'~. y.$, ,VJo+ll1V\ c-o...,.,<t4 \.l ",41/\", i/OU.~'1' ~ /10 A~ting City ~nnager Seymour suggested that we repeal the Impounding Ordinance and call for bids and enter into a contract to impound vehicles. In regard to the Copper Tubing and Valves acquired from Surplus Property, for use on the Hospital that were found to be below specifications, the Acting City i:'lanager advised that they had reached an agreement with the plumbing contractor and had notified A.P.W. that the City would stand for a reasonable adjustment to the plumbing oontractors. Mr. Seymour reported that the Armory Bond Issue was stalemated and it might take legislatmon in order to make it legal. A City cannot issue general obligation bonds on a dual owner-ship basis. City Manager furthered re. ported that we could not find any agreement between the National Guard and the City however,fherfound one in Anc~orage in the Property Room of Nat'l Guard which had been signed by General Noyes and Mayor Painter, and we requested copies for our files. This conttact indicates that we would not have full ownership until after 25 years. It is hoped we can get the Terri tory to reI inquish their ownership altogether. Culvert on the lagoon underneath the Railroad, the Acting City Manager reported was actually a 6th of a foot lower than the old one. An invest- igation by Mr. Tessendorf and myself revealed this stated the City Manager _ the possible flood problem is due to ahigh water table and also to glaciering. We have also requested from Mr. Cook a second salt-walter pumping station, be installed. Mr. Kielcheski requested that a large hydrant be installed near the new High School and he suggested it be set up so water can be pumped from First Lake. He stated we had two large buildings there and no fire protection. The present driveway at the new hospital would be unusable all winter and we have suggested to A.P.W. that they make another approach into the hospital. The City i:'lanager reported that Cordova Airlines had asked us to do some grading for them out on the airport and since we had the time we did the work and billed them $455.00 for it. The Hospital Sewer work reported the City l'"anager is ireing completed. Mr. Svoboda's insurance claim is in the hands of the insurance people reported Mr. Seymour. The parts for the H-D.5 loader have been ordered, continued the City ~~nager and will be coming from Anchorage. He remarked that he had not had time to contact Foster Bros. on the snow removal proposition, however he ~ould do that soon. Discussion followed on the starting of a proposed Question and Answer Radio Program to inform local residents of the City's activities and accomplish- ments. This is a public service and we believe it will serve to get a better relationship beb.een the City ~~nager's office and the people of Seward. The San Juan Dock Issue is ready for Court action now. Acting City Manager Seymour continued in his report that he had met with Mr. Cottis regarding the telephone issue. Mr Hellenthal was in 8eattle. Seymour reported that he was advised that Hellanthal was going to stop by and discuss the matter with the telephone people in Seattle. The various violations of the franchise were discussed by the Council, and it was brought out that we could not hold the trustee or the individuals who are running it now, responsible for what the other party did, and Cottis stated he thought we could do nothing further in the matter. Acting City Manager Seymour informed Mr. Cottis they could make up a bill for their service on this case. Mr. Harris, trustee for the company was here in Seward and some of the members of the Council met with him, and Harris reported that the system had been approved between $22,000.00 and $27,000.00 and we were only ready to offer $3,000.00 for the system. They have had $15,000.00 in equip- ment and improvements recently and if we wait inti! the summer it will be that much more. The proposed letter to relinquish the Ptarmigan Lake permit was read and Seymour stated that the letter had been prepared by the engineers. Clm. Petrovich stated that in the event the Crescent Lake Project fell through we did not want to have the door close in our face, and questioned how we could keep the permit alive. This was a reoornmendation by the Utility Boo Clm. Durant moved that "we sever Permit #2156 as per request by the Utility Board" _ Seconded by Clm. Amend. - ,,/1 ,,,,,. a"ll,d As p,IIOItI& :/1-,,,,<1., ~~S p..r".,T, y"'; ;{"II, ~~; Xll',~.j... 'f"5, P.,I/fH, f(,1I; Pe-fr.~.,~, y.S. ,Vi ,,-l-il1t'\ co,.,.totc4 1..1 1\41/1." .'/0" $.1'1' r r ,."d ~~w. ;~.J 1,1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ? The Utility Board approved of the Marathon T. V. lease with a few minor changes. A written opinion regarding the legality of the wording is expected from our attorneys. Clm. Hall stated that he thought we had waited long enough, and should not be delayed any longer. Mr. Lowell also indicated that it has been delayed too long. Seymour pointed out that this was a lease~~ permit and not a franchise. Clm. Hall made the following motion: "I move that the City Council enter into a lease with the Marathon Television Corp. when we get a written favorable report from the attorneys" - seconded by Knight, Amend, yes; Durant, Yes; Hall, Yes, Knight, yes; Painter, Present; Petrovich, Yes. Aleutian ~~rine lease agreement was brought to the attention of the Council by Acting City Manager Seymour. He pointed out that the word "operation" had been changed to Administration and other suggested changes made by Council and Mayor had been incorpor~tedinto the lease and was now acceptable to Captain Thompson. Council and Mayor instructed Mr. Seymour to proceed and enter into the agreement and also take care of lease recJssion with Mr. Vance Hitt. It has been the intent of the Council, discussion~'~a, that the Recission for entering into the Aleutian Marine Lease was to draw the extra families to the City, which would be an asset to Seward, since most crew members have families. A letter was read from the Volunteer Fire Department dated l2~11-56, re~arding ex- planation of any plan changes in the Fire Department. They were assured no changes were to be made. Public Safety and Fire Department was discuss~d and questioned as to what the City Manager planned to do about the Fire Department, which is still on a volunteer basis. They were given the assurance that a pdid driver vI0111d be hired after the Budget was officially adopted. Also incorporated in the plan is a possible reduction of Fred Kielcheskie's hours. Clm. Knight commented that the situation would be remedied. Some question followed pertaining to the City ~~nagers authority to hire or fire personnel. Mayor stockton clarified the discussion by saying the }.l .I ''6: See-BaGlE~-Page' A motion was made by Clm. Hall that the Master Plan for Administration, Operation, and Organization as outlined be adopted. Seconded by Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, no; Durant, no; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes;. Motion Carried. all voted unanimously. The new City ~~nager applications were reviewed and the Council chose to not consider any of them. Progress on Urban Renew~l was reported and nothing will be done until after the applicati ons could he~conside:z:ed, _and-action was held-in Gbeyanee-fer tfte~time being. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read supporting this Program, also a letter from Planring and Zoning Commission was read - urging that plans be made t ~ enforce the laws regarding condemnation of unsafe buildings and plans are to start .removal by March. The bills for the month of November were read by the City Clerk as follows: A & B Service $10.05, Alaska Telephone Corporation $44.05, Alaska Surplus Property Administration $336.00, Airport Machinery Co, Inc. $22.40, Anchorage Tim~s Publishing Co. ~4.20, Andy's Oil Delivery $514.26, Automotive Parts & Equipment $7.82, Bills Parts & Service $22.07, Ballou & Wright $212.97, Civil Service Assembly $41.35, Daily Empire Alaska $10.08, Duro-Test Corp. $5.35, }argit Edward $10.00, Win Ervin $5.00, Gateway Drugs $3.50, Jensen's Weekly $15.00, Robert Kidd $10.00, John E. Manders Law uffice $50.00, National Institute of Municipal Clerks $10.00, The Oregorian $30.42, Osbo's Electric $98.60, Pete's Electric Service $370.25, Petty Cash $20..50, Rutledge Johnston & "ryck $1,839.00, San Francisco Examiner $68.40, Seaport Auto Supply $4.50, Seward Drug $5.00, Seward Electric System $939.82, Seward Hardware $31.77, Standard Oil $449.46, N. W. Svoboda $25.00, Dept. ~f Justice $8.00, Werner's Market $122.10, Western Standard Supply $3.08, Yukon Equipment - Anchorage $299.5~ Yukon Equipment - Seattle $8.69, Yukon Office Supply $112.00, Dorothy Tyner $60.00. Total for the month of November - $6,3,05.ll. Cibm. Petrovich moved to pay the bills excluding the water bill for the month of November - Seconded by Clm. Knight. Roll was called as f911ows: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Painter, yes; Petrovich, yes. Carried unanimously. There was a discussion regarding the extension of the Forest Service Permit. . Councilmen advised by Acting Ci ty ~~nager tm t work was being done on this, however, the Forest Service still hadn't received the Progress Report. The Council instructed City Manager to contact Harsted and Sheppard and request their early attention to matters concerning the Hydro-Project. " '"\' 'I, 1 j i.. A motion was made by Clm. Hall that the Master Plan for Administration, Operation, and Organization as outlined be adopted. Seconded by Knight. ,Roll was called , as follows: Amend, no; Durant, no; Hall, yes; Knight, yes; Palnter, yes; Petrovlch, yes;. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12;40 P.M. APPROVED ~ ~j~ ATTEST: ~"'M Ii~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M., with Mayor Stockton presiding. Present: C1m. Amend, Durant, Knight, Painter. Clm. Hall and Petrovich arriving late. Also present was Acting City Manager Seymour. Minutes of the last regular and two special meeJings were read and approved. Clm. Durant asked for another reading of the Motion regarding the moving of Utilities offices to the former location at 4th and Adams - inserted in the Special Meeting of December 31, 1956. Mr. Gus Johnson presented a letter to Mayor stockton regarding a petition to dismiss the Acting City Manager. There were 372 signatures, and Clm. Hall requested the Mayor to abide by the wishes of the letter - that the names be read. After reading the signers of the petition, Mayor stockton asked the Council if they had anything further, to which Clm. Petrovich stated that he thought some precedent had been established so that the Council have the power to take such a matter up with and among their own Council body. C1m. Hall read a letter written by himself and pointed to various matters of future predict- ion with special emphasis placed on lack of understanding and good-will. Clm. Petrovich made the following statement as a summary, ~ote- -that as long as he was an administrative official of the City, he would never work for the City, with reference to Mr. Glenn Richey.- Ul4~e. (of the Water Dept.) C1m. Painter then addressed the Mayor, Citizens of Seward, and Mr. Glenn Richey. He commented that for personal reasons in the best interest of harmony and one common goal -A Better Seward-, he tendered his resignation, which was read by the City Clerk.