HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957 City Council Minutes I I I .OJ 7? i; ~.' Motion was made by Amend - seconded by Knight, ffto accept Clm. Painter's resignationff. Roll was called as follows: Amend. Yes: Durant, Yes: Hall; No; Knight. ,Yes; Petrovich, No. Motion carried. It was requested that the cover letter of the petition be read again by Mayor stockton, and discussion followed pertaining to feelings of the audience and Council.! Mayor Stockton remarked that the expressions were well summarized, and referred to the petition, which probably could have been ,avoided. Several persons in the audience asked for recognition and voiced their qplnlons. It was explained,that Mr~ Seymour was the best qualified man that we had available at the time, and the Ordinance stipulates that a City Manager is required to be in office at all times. Various discussions followed with audience and City employees on phases of previous discussion pertaining to Off duty time, Overtime, etc. Clm. Hall made a motion - -that the petition be accepted and tabled for special meeting not later than one week. for-consideration-. Seconded by Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Knight, . Yes; Hall, Yes: Durant, No; Petrovich. Yes. Motion carried. Following was more discussion with Utility Board members and employees. A motion was made by Clm. Durant,-In the form of a directive to the Acting City Manager that the Utilities office be returned immediately to the former location,- and that the Acting Ci~y Manager be instructed to refrain from any administrative direction whatsoever over any utilities office or field personnel without first contacting the Utility Board, for a period of 45 days-. Seconded by Clm. Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Hall ~; Knight, P~'i~Ult; Petrovich, Present; . Motion carried. f-'r':"$~ -1'f.... e....... After a 15 minute Recess - Attorney Buckalew confirmed this motion as carried correctly by referring to Ordinance #86 and read excerpts from it. The next item on the Agenda was a report from the Acting City Manager. He read a letter dated. December 31st. from Mr. Harde and it was suggested that he keep Ranger Porterfield up to date. The Progress Report is still not what they are seeking on the Forest Service Pennit. Information regarding the San Juan Dock Lease - that matter is now in Court. A letter f~om our attorneys was read regarding the Marathon T.V. Corporation agr~ement-, and 4. t was found- O.K. Acting City Manager also reported on the Telephone matter and the Garbage Contract. Mayor Stockton advised that the final document of the Garbage Contract be processed. It was agreed to subscribe to Information Service with the International City Manager's Magazine at $35.00 annually. Reference was made to a letter, dated January 4, 1957, received from Mr. Sheppard of Grande & Co., regarding financing of the pole line from Mile 8 to Mile 32. Attorney Buckalew stated that the Council should enter into a contract re- garding Impounding Vehicles, and repeal the present Ordinance. He also stated their study of the City Sales Tax Ordinance is valid. Ordinan~e #271 - Rezoning Lots 1 & 2 and motion that the rules be suspended, and adoption of this Orltinance was made by Clm. Knight. Seconded by Amend. Roll was called as follows: Petrovich, Yes; Knight, Yes; Hall, Yes; Durant, Yes: Amend, Yes. Motion carried. OrBinance #272 regarding Liquor Establishments extension of hours. Motion was made by Amend. -to table this matter- - seconded by Knight. Roll ~ called as follows: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Hall, Yes; Knight. Yes; Petrovich, Yes. Motion carried. Clm. Petrovich tendered his resignation stating his reason being.a matter of record (referring to his statement regarding Mr. Glenn Richey). A motion was made by Clm. Durant. "that Mr. Gus Johnson be appointed as Councilman to replace Painter and to make a quorum" - seconded by Petrovich. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes: Durant, Yes: Hall, Yes: Knight, Yes: Petrovich, Yes. Motion carried. The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Gus Johnson by the City Clerk. Motion was made by Knight, "to accept Clm. Petrovich's resignation". Seconded by Clm. Hall. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Durant, Yes; Hall. Yes: Knight. Yes. Motion carried. Clm. Hall tendered his resignation and gave the following reaSons: Quote: "In as much as I feel that the present Council cannot function as the City Manager Fo~ of Government ,should, and, furthermore, since I will not be a party in bringing a City Manager to Seward under the conditions that he would have to work - as the first time he steps on s~eones toes he will have a petitiqn against him - this resignation is to take place immediately". Unq~ote. Motion was made by Clm. seconded by Amend. Roll Knight. Yes: Amend. Yes. Knight, "to accept Clm. was called as follows: Motion carried. , , Halls' resignation" - Johnson, Yes: Durant. Yes; Returns on City Manager inquiries were studi~d by the remaining Coftncil members. and one new applicant's letter, (Mr. Henry Tyler), was read., The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to infoI1ll the Utili ty Board that all applicants materials are ready for their study and help in selection. Meeting adjourl!ed at 12:05 A.M. APPROVEfu ~QJ~ PERRY . STOCrrON, MAYOR A'lTEST: r~' lJ;. 8.lv.J CLERJ:: ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,.. SEWARD. ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 10, 1957 A special meeting of the Council was held at 4:00 P.M. on January 10, 1957, with Mayor Stockton presiding. Present: elm. Amend, Durant, Knight, and Johnson. Also present was Mr. Carter E. Seymour, former Acting City Manager. . . The Mayor stated the purpose of this meetirq was (l) to appoint an Acting City ~nager, (2) to discuss the appointment of two (2) new Councilmen. A letter of resignation from Carter E. Seymour was read by Mayor stockton. The following motion to accept his resigna U'on was made by Clm. :Knight: ' "With regret I ~ccept Carter Seymour's resignation" - seconded by Durant. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes: Durant, Yes: Johnson, Yes: Knight, Yes. Motion carried. Discussion followed regarding Mr. Seymour's status on the Police force. Mr. Seymour remarked he would continue to be the Commanding Officer of the Police Department, and would as~ist in any way possible with outstanding matters in the office.j He expressed his feelings regarding the COUncil and Mayor Stockton and the Councilmen all offered sincere concern. Mayor Stockton stated our City Ordinance requires that there ,be a City Manager in office at ali times. Erma Walker was consulted and was asked for her assistance providing the Cou~cil agreed on her available hours.. It was unanimously decided to appoint her as Acting City Manager. Clm. Knight made a motion, "that Erma Walker be appointed as Acting City Manager with salary to I ,"i : ') ;-:~') ..~.",. 'J , I I ,- I; ~. "Ii be agreed upon at a meeting between she and the Council. Pending such meeting, the Mayor shall be authorized to work out the terms of the salaryH. Seconded by Durant. Roll Was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated the second item on the Agenda was to fill the existing vacancy of two Councilmen, Hall and Petrovich. Clm. Amend recommended that Herman Leirer be appointed. Discussion followed and Clm. Amend made a motion: "that Herman Leirer be appointed to the Council". Seconded by Knight. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Knight, Yes; Johnson, Yes. Motion carried. Clm. Johnson made a motion, "thElt Don Lowell be appointed to fill. the remalnlng seat". Seconded by Durant. Roll was called as follows: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Knight, Yes';-Joh'nson, Yes. Motion carried. ----- Meeting adjourned at 4:50 P.M. APPROVED : ~~CJ ff~ PERRY . STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: =f/{rJlIiJw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 21, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M. with Mayor Stockton presiding. Present were: Clm. Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Also present was Acting City Manager EImI. Walker. Late: Clm. Amend and Durant. Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and approved. Clm. Knight stated that no action was necessary regarding the petition to dismiss Acting City Manager, Seymour, because it was absolved without a Special meeting. The Mayor reported that Mr. Murl Trevethan called and he was on his way to report their decision in selecting a City Manager, and it was suggested that the next item on the Agenda be taken up at this time. A letter from Kay & Buckalew dated January 18, 1957, was read regarding the opinion on our City Sales Tax and the agreement between City and National Guard on Armory issue, alsG more information on Barber's and Beautician's. '. The Acting City Manager read a letter dated December 24, 1956, from Richard D. Harris, trustee of Alaska Telephone Corp. Discussion followed pertaining to erecting the poles across the Lagoon and Jay Carroll stated this could be done shortly. The appraised value and assessed valuation of $20,000.00 was stipulated for the Telephone Co. on January 3, 1957, in the History Inventory. Clm. Knight stated the Revenue and Service were the two para- mount issues at this time. A Blanket Insurance policy was discussed and Pat Williams advised that Mr. Nelson would arrive to set up an orderly plan which would be easy to follow. A Special meeting was arranged at which time Mr. Nelson and the Council would discuss the Bayview School Insurance Plan With regard to Sewani Volunteer Firemen's Insurance, a motion was made by Kniqht "to advertise for bids for the Health Policy and contact local insurance agents by letter" Seconded by Durant. Motion carrled unanimously <;> '"Y~' ~ ,Mayor Stockton read minutes of the Utility Board meeting and a quorum of the Utility Boa~d felt that Mr. James Johnson of Chandler 8f Arizona seemed to fit our needs the !;lest. Mr. Aneas Kane of San Francisco was the second choiee, and Mr. William Douglas of Fairb~nks the third choice. It was their opinion that the City Manager Ordinance gave the 6ity Manager too much powe'r, that it should be amended, limiting his power and thereby eliminating the possibility of the Ordinance being repE!aled. Mayor StQckton also read a le~ter from J. W. Jeffrey regarding information sent frol\,l his friend, Mr. James L. Gray, Professor of Engineering and City Planning, Oregaon State University, Corvallis, Oregon,with pertinent information which is helpful in selecting a City Manager ' I~ was the Councils' opinion that Mr. William Bordwell's application be reviewed before any action be taken. C~m. Durant and L~ell stated that this appiioant has a high background of valued experience and the fact that he is an Alaskan, would save travelling expenses. Conversation followed regarding a meeting with the Utility Board in selection of a City Manager "as soon as possible _ and further discussion disclosed that an administrative and engineering person is very difficult to find, and a City Manager very rarely has these two qualifications. Mayor Stockton reported that City Manager Slackert of Fairbanks called and offered assistance in our present crisis. A wire from Kenneth Gustofson was read by the Mayor regarding his interest in the position of City Manager. A motion was made by Clm. Lowell ..that the Utility Board and Council members be ready to make a decision for the City Manager appointment on January 28th" Seconded by Amend. Mation carried unanimously. The bills for December in the amount of $4,693.48 were read as follows: Alaska Communications System, $78.98; Alaska Telephone Corp. $44.05; American National Red Cross, $10.00; Anchorage Oxygen Co., $4.50; Andy's Oil Delivery, $680.63; Bills Parts and Service, $12.09; J. Vic Brown & Sons, $70.24; Commercial Stationers, $354.60; Communications Equipment and Service Co., $52.14; Dr. Deisher, $7.00; Dept. of Justice, $7.50; Win Erwin Motor Co., $80.75; mateway Drugs, $3.50; Holbrook Printing Co., $40.05; Don M. Kantola, $5.68; Kenai Lumber Ce., $17.28; Marathon Bakery -(Delaney's), $10.36; Osbo's Electric, $3.00; John Paulsteiner, $17.00; Petty Cash, $26.41; Alex Petrovich, $226.57;Seaport Auto Supply, $7.52; Seward Builders Supply, $135.34; Seward Drug Ce., $3.04; Seward Electric System, $1,035.75; Seward Hardware Co., $16.58; Seward Machine Shop, $137.56; Seward Plumbing & Heating, $288.41; Seward Trading Co., $96.53; Seward Water System, $475.00; Seward Water System, $20.17; Standard Oil Company, $307.84; N. W. SWoboda, $8.80; Roy A. Tachell, $21.60; Western Standard Supply, $.70; Pat R. Williams, $69.00; Yukon Equipment, $317.61. Motion was made by Clm. Lowell to pay these bills excluding Electric, Water and Seward Machine Shop. Seconded by Amend. Roll was called as follows: Amend. yes; Durant, no: Knight. Present; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. (Johnson asked to be excused from voting as he had a bill presented). Motion carried. Motion was made bv Durant ..to pay Leaque of Alaskan Cities dues totallinq $300.00 based on population of 3.000 Seward residents". Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion carried unanimously. The resignation of Alex Petrovich as Seward Director of Civilian Defense was read, and the excerpt - quote: "no property being involved &s personal items of office, etc" as a matter of record. Motion was made by Durant to accept this resiqnation. Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion carried unanimously. The resignation of Motion was made by Seconded by Amend. Carter E. Seymour as Chief of Police was read and accepted. Clm. Knight..t. accept Carter E. Seymour's resignation" Motion carried unanimously. The resignations of Ronald Smyth and Foster Riker, pelioe department were read and the Mayor stated they should be directed to the City Manager. Discussion followed and Clm. Knight made a motion ..that the City attorneys be consulted regarding the wording of and legal matter expounding the legallty of Riker's claim for Overtime or background material, for an opinion". Seconded by Leirer. Roll was called as follows: Amend, yes; Durant, No; Knight, yes; Johnson, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. I . J .."'.... .. ,.. '.- .", "'-"'~.<f ::-~ I . ..". "';" i' 1 Mayor Stockton read material regarding Health Department and the School Budget. Mr. Leon Lewis of the School Board, and Mr. Carlson, Supt. of Schools stressed the urgency of Sewardites to write to the Legislature regarding the necessity of contributi ng more to our School Budget and Health Dept. Mr. Jack Werner stated he would exercise his efforts in contacting the proper sources when in Juneau. It was also suggested that Mr. Metcalf, local elected Legislator, be contacted before he left for the Legislature session. Mrs. Blue stated the Nurses Association and other organizations had already written letters regarding this lIi!ltter. A request was made by Father Custer for use of the Civic Center for st. Patrick's Day festivities. Clm. Knight made a motion to this effect,-that the Catholic members be given the use of the Civic Center on March 26th- Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Motion carried. Towing and storage Agreement submi Hed by Kay and Buckalew was tabled until Council members have time to study. Ordinance #272 - extension of Liquor Establishments hours t. 3:00 A.M. - Clm. Leirer made a motion-to table this matter for further study.. Seconded by Knight. Motion carried unanimously. Acting City Manager, Erma Walker, reported that Mr. Leibelt needed a mechanic and the Council authorized Mr. Leibelt to hire a mechanic, however, he would have to lay a man off due to a matter of budgeting. It was pointed out that the Street Dept. has gone over their budget in beth"the salary account and the part time account, as well as a couple other accounts, and it would behoove Mr. Leibelt to economize wherever he can. A letter from Harsted & Associates was read regarding construction license (dated Jan. 15, 1957) granted by FPC, and contemplated work for 1957 in the power line from Hile 8 to 32. Mr. Jack Werner presented a very enlightening point of interest to all citizens in respect to proposing a monthly salary of $50.00 for each active Councilman, and the second 5uggQstion that a Citizen's Advisory Committee be formed t. advise City Council members and lend assistance. Discussion fUllowed, and Clm. Leirer nade a motion -to create a Citiaen's Advisory Committee up to 12 members to advise the City Council members on important issues and help the members to create a definite policy for City i~nager's and Council to follow. That the 12 members be invited as follows: (3) business persons, (3) labor persons, (1) city employee, (1) housewife - said members to serve for an indefinite time-. Seconded by Clm. Amend. Motion carried unanimously. It was suggested that each councilman contact likely individuals and that it be placed on Agenda at next regular meeting. Mrs. Bass from KIBH offered available time for programs to enlighten the residents of Council happenings, with time to be used at the discretion of any of the Council members or interested groups. Clm. Durant suggested the Citizens Committee be actively engaged and he proposed that something be done at our next election. Motion was made by Clm. Leirer -that this plan be placed on the Agenda at our next Regular meeting on February 4- ... Seconded by Amend. Motion carried unanimously. Planning & Zoning Commission letter from Mrs. Joe Edwards was read and it was agreed that our attorneys be consulted before we get into some sort of program to demolish or remore any designated building, etc. Mayor Stockton read a letter from the Heart Fund regarding 1957 Heart Fund Radio program over KIBH, and asked if anyone knew of a rarson interested in working toward such a program. Meeting adj ourned at 12: 10 A.M. APPROVED: G;~ Q. ~1;~~ P Y R. STOCK.TON MAYOR ATrEST: ~Ju~ CI CLERK SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY ~, 1957 A Special Joint meeting of the Council and Utility Board was held on January 25, 1957, at 8:15 P.M. with Mayor Stockton presiding. Clm. present were: Durant, Knight, Johnson, Leirer, Lowell. Amend arriving late. Utility Board members present were: Trevethan, Chairman; Gilfilin, Myers, turner, and stanton. Mayor stockton stated the purpose of this meeting was to have an interview with Donald A. Schmechal, Attorney for Trustee, Alaska Telephone Corp., also an interview and possible appointment with Mr. William Bordwell, re- garding the City Manager position. the CIty io wi11i..g to 90 ihtlt Cay]. .... v~~...lh...., 01 to faeilitate Ilomeofte t"9- it wera de a~.j.e_.Jie br~l.l .1t1: +RA -.1"""[ -......-- T'i--a f~ bonafide gffer to-lle- li'~itt9Q to tbe J"Cq.. U. lit.tee! tla.t Mr. "T91US'ud, h. appraiser nali' set $25,000.00 value OR the syetem, .Ad su~~e5t~a~ 5&6~ ;( co.s.Lnf "lpprisal BPd .uis~ in .equid Him. DisCll.luiElA f-Ell1~ree pertainiftq . ~~ Di. d ,~...t.911l .Rd I119RtbR4il<J., tbh R.91I' w/steR! e.e.d8.S8liene il\ Ilh~lI. He-- .bo p~nut an impTnv..rl ....TV'''... {'ro..lu'oJ lh.. Uyuon, etc.'-'*-,zo"s8---in-~ry as ej....st1oh.ci..iddiscun:1on folliMea rega'MiNi in.. p1;eseatunderpaid ttelel'hol'le etlerator'a-~i:tto, Tl\e'.-=rdine. t1 on of's:H.-UHHti-e1l WC10 hrther discusllsd and' ~'quelltion arose reqar~iftq a,tJRi-..a\Jr88R18Rt. lire :Jchmechal, Bttorney for Tnlstec, Abska Telephone Gorp., was present for for 8.n intervie\'l VJit~ the COU11C;.1 re[9rdinE' the Telephone Co. He "tel ted thot his T~ain reason for ap,JeBrinE' before the Council I'1aB to [,ive the City the i'ir~Jt ap. ()rtunity in purchesing this systen: at a fair price. He suggested we ,Jork frem thO) crigir,a1 a ,Jpr8 isal a nd he ind ic', ted t,,8. t t,'je trustee \Iould be :rece::,t,jve to any reAsonnbJe ~:lslJ for f:lr:~(311CiD~ (,r.e rCj,uisit:ton, Gubject to tjie 8:::urt s cl.I'prOVS 1. He:: skGd ~~~- t in 30-60 0S ys the City of ;,)eVJ,'3 rd C=.. ve their fine 1 decision reg'nding [,rice [l nd a ppre i sa 1. He further ~tg ted t;18 t economies could be effected, by consolid'ltin[{ all utilities GnJ using the sa",e p'3rsOllJlel thot vie h8 ve emp lo~'ed nO':1 on Uti Ii ties, and gr6 dUB lly converting over to the DiG 1 .:>Jsten. 5a'loaries ':Jere disoLlssed and he advised no higher rate could possi- bly be psid under the "resent set-up. He concluded hi. discuBsion with the Gouncl, by t11anking ther.J for the ppporttmi ty to appear and poinc:.ing out the urgency of the situation with regerd to the Council's coning to a decision in the near future. l':r. "1m. F. Bordwell a ppea red before the Gounci 1 (ond Uti Ii ty Boo rd members for an interview. His a t'Plic8tion vms read and his backgrou:1d ':lork and cXI'erience Etppeared to be very benefici81 to tile position of Gity l'aIJa[er. le!r. Bord."lel1 '.-J'ho is l)reoent 1y e:Ll"- +' ,yed b~T t}ie A Is eke Di ~:trict Ene:ixJeers, ~\l')chor'-{ e;e, ;) 8 Realty Assictnnt, ~~ fOr':'~lf~r .,3enior Ad:':;1.Dit~tr3tive A~3istc:.nt to Er.. }f3')rge ~l'..anrj()n, Gity !.Tanager of Anchcrrjge. Dic~uDsiorJ 'follovJed and the Councilmen Bnd Utility Bosrd me~bers agreed th~t his qU81ificetions were reviewed 3nd pre-vious conte ct \'Jith hir1 on an""Jther QCCD,oioD, geve t~"1ern 1::" mutus 1 unJerGt::::ndinG ~J:~e\t they recc<~_ler1ded he be appointed. fPolJ oioJing 8 half ~J.our irJter;:oission bU8i::ess ,'i,,5 reGu'!ied and Clm. Durant ':;Jade a motion: II I move i;ht,t ;':r. \'1m. F. Bordwell by ~irtue of en acceptsble applicstion to the ~ity Council aDd the u::lsnin;: .us .J. :,provD J .Jf t~JC Utility BOE:i.'d, be el1f'"q~ed 0 c 'Jit~l ;:~,;:j,._ r:er aD ~:? 8al~:~.rv Oil sis Q s pro'Jided for in the prof 'Jsed 1;;'56-57 ':;'-'<.1 ~",t, G.r:d that cff'ecti ve d~te of err:plovrnent 8>,,,,11 COi'TnenCe UPOI1 date of his actual report.:,,!:. for duty ,;s full tLie ~i ty lhnar::er. 1I Secor:ded by Cl:u. Leirer. Roll vJas ca lIed as f,.-' 1101018 t Amend, yes; Durant, ycS; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Hotion carried unaniGous1y. I'i:". Bord\,ell stR ted t1lat he \v,Juld be 3vad1able not later t'ml1 hlo weeks from l'~onday. Ji,,'cuss:lOYl fcllO\\'ed :Jert8iniY![ to ,;er'inite policies to follo\'1 fror:! the Council a8 absolute master. Pey for ;;aD[uinetti, Riker, aDd Ffol:Qer on the ',vater 3ystem \'i3.S 8i1rlyzed and cliscussed. 1,Ir. Eurl Tregetha n, Gh3 iU'1D of the Utility Bon rd suggested the ~ity pay these ;;len and a bill be sent to them. It 1;0 s sgreed th8t they be paid the City's rate of pay at ~2.99 per hour. Glm. Knii!ht madell_motioll "I Authorize this bill be paid at the rate put by the ~tility S:rstem, and if upon examination, these figures are found correctll. Seconded by Glm. A mend. Motion csrried un- animously. ~;a yor ;;; tockton sts ted tha t a sp eoisl meeting I,Quld be held soon to di BCUSS Hr. 6eymour1 s resignation UpOD advice from our attorneys I. ATTEST: APPROVEDt O~ ().. ~ Pr:.'RR R.' ;rOCKTON, MAYOR i.1eeting I "J 1 ~; ,.:"J I I .~ -") I . ':'Ev.;2D, AU..iKA SPECIAL XEXa :::EE'fli:1 JAKUARY ~1, 1957 A Special Fj~cting of the Council \~eG held on ,.h~~lu2ry ;11, 19:;7, g,t ,3:00 P.t:., ~.\lith I~;a;?or Lltockton presiding_ ~ouncilmen present '",>e:re: Durant, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. GIn. A :~end erriving 13te. Also preeer;t was Gity J.lansger Vim. F. Bordwell. ],';oyor ~tockton et8t.ed tl1at 1.11'. Bordwell took his oatbol' office this daYJnd wr:s reedy to "ssume his ne\'1 duties - effective February 1st. The ch;rification of motiol: accepting 3dY1110Ur I s resignation a s Chief of Police 'via s first on the Agenda. The ]18yor stated our ettorneys I Kay and Buckalew sugp;ested a thoro3ugh study be wade of Point "3" included in the resignation. DiscusBion follo..,ed gnd 11,1'. Jeymour \'1ho ',1213 present, :;8ve a mutusl agreement in a statement to olarify this resignation. Seymour etsted - :':uote: 11 If it vli11 help any'we C8n correct II, pars;:rraph to read thu.~ This resiv.nation dO~'2.t in any \'lay constitute s \'Iaiver of any rii'htfl and/or recourse as to liability of tl"e City 031' 5e1<!8rd, \'!ith resFect to a certain injury received in the line of duty as sh'\'In in a report of injury filed 'Nith the City on 1-7-57, and occurring on 1-6-')711. elm. Dunwt made the followin>r motion: lito ,rescind Sec. #3 of ;,11'. Seymour2 resir:I1Eltion, dated Januarv 21, 19'57, as Chief of Police, and that a ne\'l 'lOrding: of Sec. ii''5 y~inserted in the orip:inal resi.'Zmtion ai3 shown by the Hinutea of t~:b.:~, meeting:tl. ueconded by ell". Knip:ht. Roll VIElS called as follo\'ls: Amend,~; Durant, yei3; Johnson, yes; Knij"ht, yes; Leirer, yea; and Lo\-Jell, yes. Hotion carried unanimously. l-lr. ;.)eymour said as a matter of record - :~uote: III 'tlill submit an additional resignation ',-lith Part if') of the original resignation corrected t~..I~ad as ~greed upon at this l~eeting:". Unquote. T::e Police Report ~laced second on the Agenda \'1813 then given by Nr. :Jeymour in a summation of activities, and a thorough report of expenc.itures. Hayor Gto::kton c,sked ]:1'. Bord'!lell when he vms 3ble to :'i11 the job of Gity Nanacer, snd he replied that ;'13 \1813 available b;:"edi~,tely. }lel~ting adjourned at 9::50 P.E. A FPROVEDI Q SA ---1k11- .'__ p~."rOCK70K, HAYOR A TTE~T: J,'1~~., '})/ ~ 01 Y ~QLEl3Jr:' ,"~. SEWARD, ALASKA February ~ 1957 The regular meeting of the Council weB called to order at 8:06 F.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present wer~ Councilmen Amend. Durant. Knight. Leirer and Lowell. with elm. Johnson arriving during the reading ~f the minutes. Also y.I'esent City Manager Ym. Bordwell and City Attorney Wendell Kay. Minutes of the last regular meeting of January 21 were read and corrected as foll~st Clm. Leirer requested that his motion relative creating of a Citizen's Advisory Committee be read again. after which he stated that it shQuld have included one minister. one doctor, one Government employee, and one school teacher. Also regarding the Citizen's Committee. Clm. Lowell atated there was something in those minutes about the next election and this should read "the next regu]ar meeting.". Clm. Knight stated, "I be- lieve that the motion I made accepting Carter Seymour's resignation should include the words '"as read.. That was the wa:y I made my motion. stated Clm. Knight, upon questioning by Clm. Durant. whereupon Clm. Durant stated that he would not have voted for a motion made that way. That is the way I made it. stated Clm. Knight. I believe it was taken care of at the last special meeting stated Mayor Stockton. and Clm. Knight concurred and stated. .. I am willing to drop it". With these corrections. Mayor Stockton inquired if there were others and with none. stated that the minutes are approved as corrected. Minutes of the special meeting of January 25 were read.t and corrected as follows: Clm. Knight stated th~ he didn't believe that tha $2.99 figure should be in there as the agreed upon figure for the pay for the men who worked on the water system. Mr. Jay Carroll concurred with Clm. Knight's statement. Mayor Stockton stated that he didn't believe that Utility Board member Turner was present as indicated. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he had one question regarding grammar. that it seemed to him he heard "requisition. mention in the possible "acquisition'" of the telephone system. It should be "acquisition", stated Mayor Stockton. With no further corrections. Mayor Stockton stated that the minutes stand approved. Minutes of the speeial meeting of January 31 were' read and corrected: May~r Stockton stated that the final paragraph seems to be in error. I believe the question was asked in regard to when Mr. Bordwell, the City Manager. felt he could fill the job of Chief of Police rather than City Manager. The minutes as corrected were approved. People present- Mr. Bordwell stated that Mr. Jack Verner had approached him after the agenda had been prepare~ for approximately 10 minutes, whereupon Mr. Werner made a presentation showing what one of the Committees of the Seward Chamber of Commerce has done toward the idea of locating the Alaska Mental Hospital in Sewar~. Mr. Werner stated '" It is aur thought that thia insti- tution should be built in one complete unit that is self-sufficient. Water. telephone and lights are available. and it isn't hard to Bee what an institu- tion of that sort would mean to the City. We plan to present one of these books to the Governor. one to the Surgeon General and the Legislators and to anyone else who is interested. On the back page we would like to have a letter aigned by the City Manager. the Mayor, and the Council. urging that the City Gf Seward be considered. In about three days we woul d like to have a copy on the deak of each Legislator in Juneau. Also if you can find any way to chip in $100. to $150. to the cause, it would be appreciated. but I wiah you would consider the tetter.. The Legislators determine the location and make their recommendation/the Surgeon General. Mr. Werner stated in answer to a question put by Clm. Durant. Mayor Stockton stated he would like to thank Mr. Werner on behalf of the City and for the work that has been done. In regarda to your letter. if the Council would so move by motion. if you think it is necessary, then the City Manager and I could write auch a letter. "I move that the City Manager and the Mayor prepare a letter to be signed by themselvea and the members of the Council to be ~ttached to the presenta- tion," stated Clm. K1iight. Seconded by Clm. llmend. Motion carried unani- mously. When asked the number of original letters needed, Mr. Werner stated about 40. Clm. Knignt advised that when the letter is drawn up he could produce a few of them. First item under old business was the fire insurance on Bayview School which expires February 12. 1957. Mr. Bordwell advised the Council that it is his intention to review the complete insurance program and determine if we have sufficient propertiea and values to warrant a blanket insurance program. He continued that he would recommend that we take bids on this and cover it for a minimum period because certainly within a year. among other things. he would have completed that study and shlDUld be prepared to lay a program before the Council showing very definitely that this is the way to go on r;, ~ Regular Meeting - February 1f. 1957 continued " municipal insurance coverage to obtain the greatest saving in this. Mayor Stockton stated that our coverage or fire insurance on the Bayview School expires the 12th and he wondered whether we would have time to put it out on bid. Mr. Bardwell felt that the agent carrying the coverage would ~~ bind this and Mrs., Williams was present and stated that she would. Mrs. Williams stated that this building is coy-ered to 90% and is valued lower than it shQuld be and wondered if the City preferred to cover it more fully or leave it as is. Mr. Bordwell stated that Mrs. Williams is indicating something like $60,000 and he would like to check that,- it might come out at 55.000. though Mr. James, I believe, aet forth $60,000. In this respect, eontinued City Mgr. Bordwell, I would like to have the Council allow me to advertise for bids for 90% of the value. Clm. Knight -I move that the City Man~er be authorized to advertise for bids for insurance for a periGId of oneyear on the BaYViev School to 90% of the buildin~ls present actual value and that the bids shall be opened at a s~ecial meeting of the council on Monday, F~bruery 11th." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion carried unanimously. I , " , . - :' ~! ...-1'" The creating of a Citizen I s Advisory Colllllli ttee was discussed and names presented of persons who had been apprmached and who had stated that they would serve on such a committee. elm. Amend advised that he had approached Russell Painter who had said that he would be willing to serve on this commi ttee. Clm. Johnson presented names of Oscar Wa tajold and Barbara Bedford, the former as a business man and the latter as a housewife as she plans to give u~ her business this summer. Clm. Leirer presented the names of Jack Werner as a business man and Chet Steears as a Govt. employee. Mayor Stockton advised that though this defines who we need there is no reason why we should not get more names. He continued that' he felt we should have in mind what we should like to have this committee do, and we might keep this in mind for our next regular meeting. Clm. Leirer asked if we could table this until the next special meeting on the 11th, and Mayor Stockton asked Mr. Bordwell to have this on the agenda for that special meeting. This ColllInittee. asked Clm. Amend. would assist the Council in just certain problems that we would run against that would take more time than we could give it, and would they have to attend each Council meeting or just certain ones that things might come up on? Mayor Stockton stated. "I believe they would function as a committee of their own and have their own meetings and that'way they would have to know what was being done at Councilmeetings,~ that was my own interpretation of this. They should work in conjunction with our Ci ty Manager.- :' ~ II Insurance bids for Health and Accident Insurance covering the Seward Volunteer Firemen and Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps were o~ened: HARRY WEST Bid- coverage $5,000 principal sum, $40. weekly indemnity and $2500 medical payments, Total Premium one year $,88.05. PAT R. WILLIAMS Bid: coverage, $5,000 principal Sum. $40. weekly indemnity and $2500 medieal payments, Total Premium one year $368.15. City M:lnager &rdwell advised that inasmuch as Pat R. Williams is the lowest and best, the City Manager's recommendation is that you accept Pat R. WillIams'. In response to a question put by Clm. Amend regarding the restriction, Mrs. Williams a~ated there are no restrictions. Clm. Durant stated. "I make a motion that Pat R. Williams Agency be given the bid for Health and Accident insurance on the SVFD and SVAC on the basis of the lowest qualified bid.- Seconded by Clm. Amend. Motion carried unanimously. I Discussion was held on a proposed vehicle and impounding contract as proposed by City Attorney and City Mgr. Bordwell stated he would like more time for study, so that he could bring the contract back to the Council with recommendations. -I move we table it for further study by the City Manager," stated elm. Durant. Seconded by Clm. Knight. Motion carried unanimously. A proposed Ordinance (#272) which would revise Ordinance #255 and permit cabarets to remain open until 3:00 A.M. nightly vas discussed and there was some question as to why and how this all got started. The City Mgr. was requested to make a check on this and Mr. Bordwell stated that he recommended that the establishments should make their request in writing setting forth their reasons and/or public necessity. ~or ~ockton felt that it might be well to check with the Police Dept. to determine whether or not they are complying with the present ordinance. Regular Meeting - February~. 1957 continued In regard to the Master Plan as adopted by the Council prior to Mr. Bord- well's appointment as City Manager. Mr. Bo_rdwelA stated. " I have re- viewed everything I can find tha,t purports to be the Master Plan and here I am referring to the first phase of this plan which appears to cOll,sist of an administrative re-orgdization of the. City. pr:ima:rily . designed to merge several departments and accounting functions and effect considerable savings. etc. With this master plan. ~ analysis is in sympathy and ~ cannot disagree but it only partially hits at the entire problem which is one of complete re-organization. I think that as a Master Plan that the ter.m is mis-used. The Master Plan belongs to an activity of the proposed Citizen's advisory committee. I feel eompell.ed, to a~k that the Master Plan be expunged from the record. We cannot long go without centralized financing as you will see when you are presented an analysis of the various funds. If this appeals to the gouncil, I would recommend that our Auditors, who are aware of our funds. be commissiqned to giv~ us a qUotB'1i8n....~ffulh~taaao:fR~ld coat to set up such a central account1ng systeml t strongiy recommenggthat you consider our making an exploratory proposal with Rettig and Scott on the reorganization of our accounting on an administrative basis." It was brought out that this accounting includes purchasing. Clm. Durant stated this would be another expense and wondered if Mr. Bordwell had any idea of what it might cost the City. whereupon Mr. Bordwell replied that he had no idea. Mr. Wendell Kay. City Attorney stated that the Comptroller of the Territory ha~roposed just such a thing for the Territory as Mr. Bordw~ll suggests, and he estimated the savings in the ~ext bi-annum. once he geta it fully implemented, to be better than a million dollars. I don't know whether ie is right or not, continued Mr. Kay, but I hop~e is. It indicates the savings to be made by machine accounting. Mr. Bordwell continued that he would like to bring all the Ci~y's financing together in a, centralized "ball of wax" where we have the control we need, and perhaps obtain a machine designed for tax billing aa well as utilities billing. Perhaps thamachine which the Utilities has 9n order could be used also for this purpose. Upon a question put by Clm. Durant relative the Utility Board, City Mgr. Bordwell stated this is an operational matter and as I gather from the Board, as they were sitting here. they have no objection whatsoever and I gathered that they have no objection to even a merger. What you want. asked Clm. Knight, is Council approval for you to explore this accounting plan, whereupon City Mgr. Bordwell stated, Yes. Clm. Knight stated, "I move that in order to permit Mr. Bardwell to proeeed alon~ lines he thinks most beneficial to the City, that the motion adopting the Master Plan now in effect be rescinded." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Motion carried unani- mously. The idea is primar.Uy an over-all improvement for the City. stated Mayor Stockton, and does not mean necessarily that we are rejecting the plan for saving money f~r the City. We want'to know~ stated City Mgr. Bordwell. how Seward can become. thru our efforts the sort of placrin which we want to live. with the community faeilitiea and the appearance and the standard of living that we would like to have. This willi take much. study. this ",ill take many years to develop and will take much effort on the part of everyone in the City. There are streets and gutters. there are parks. urban renewal development. lttc.. each one' of these can become a proper form of inquiry far the Citizen's group. As the Master' Plan is developed. it shows what Seward will be~- what, we hope to make it. When, we have arrived at that.t point. then the Citizen's Committee will. take and estimate the S'eJ!,:Ume f the people and assign priorities to the various segments of the pla. It will be up to another committee, working closely with me and the Couneil, to determine a long range financin~ plan whereby the Master Plan can be achieved without disrupting our finances. Clm. Kn,ight sta,ted that he felt that all the Boards. Commiss ions and committees should meet together w'ith Coun.cil every two or threa months to keep everYGne abreast of developments and activities and so that they can work together whera necessary or helpful. Th~ MaYGr stated that the Councill needs the leadership and recommendations of the City Manager and they wauld support him and he should lead. City Mgr. BordweLL continued with his report and stated that it was neces- sary to make a temporary appointment to the Chief of Police position and Marvin Miller is the temporary and acting Chief at this time. Also. at the present t'ime we aTe operating with five. men and this can Cilllly go on I ,., ~t " '; .; I . 'J Sewall'd, 'Alaska Regular Meeting - February f; 1957 continued for about six weeks and I will have to go to six men which wil~ provide us with police coverage to the extent that we need it and each man will work six weeks straight and have a full ~eek atf so that he may lea~ the City,- go fishing and actually accomplish something in his tUne off for his own personal reat and relaxation. " The morale of the Department has been sadly hit-- the nucleus of the Department is acting Chief Miller and Sgt. Wellington. There is no appointment to- the capacity rd Captain. This arrangeu1ent cd six men Wiil~ insure a five man forcefn the City "at all tUnes, which allows us to uae the off duty men if emargencies shQuld occur. I have examined the department's operation. the facilities, and I must compliment Chief SeymclUr an his police recQrds keeping,- they follow all the best standards with which I am familiar and administratively, in the Police Dept. my observations all'e that he was a good Police Officer in that respect. I would like to touch on the Police Benefit Fund if the Council permita and I will explain the fund to you at Bome future time if you do not care to touch on it at this time. I have checked on this and have found that the funds are well kept and strictly all right. Further with theCity ~r.'s report, Mr., Bordwell stated that on the telephone system Mr. Murl Trevethan received a letter from the business agent of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers who have jurisdiction over our Utilities property and over the telephone property and he indic9tes in this letter that they ha~e notified Mr. Harris and the Federal Conciliation Service of their intention to strike the telephone operation at an early date. He goes on to say that from their point of view a consolidation or merger of the telephone system would be a great help to the City,- this I queation, stated Mr. Bordwell,- and to say that they would be very willing to write a contract with the City which would permit an interchange of the City employees on electrical work and tele- I!hone work. Short discussion followed- no act ion suggested. Mr. Bordwell then asked if the Council could enlighten h~ on the status or arrangements concerning the Civil Def'em:se vehicle, inasmuch aa he is confronted with $347.00 in bills on this. Mr. Don Iowe11 who ia the Area Director of Civil Defense stated that he had approached the Council and asked for help on this since he is in no position to carry the burden of the expense himself. Mr. Lowell continued that he had talked to Mr., Seymour and Mr. Petrovich. then Councilman, and they authorized permission for me to go ahead and get the car fixe~ up and from then on'it would be just gas anq6il and arrangements are to get this from the. City Shop. The vehicle was Ilonated to the City for Civil Defense. Mayor Stockton stated there had been $1500 set up in the budget for Civil Defense work and he believed Mr. Lowell had approached the right person since it was an administrative function, but he didn't think that City Manager Hardinge was awara that this vehicle might be purchased or donated and so there is not mGre in that fund than the stated $150Q. This vehicle should be included in the insurance fleet policy, continued Mayor Stockton. Mr. Bordwell stated the fund is notVdepleted. City Mgr. Bordwell then went on to report that there have been some changes in the hospital specs and one is th,6aint job which he had checked on and the charge seemed to be reasonable and it was the incom.plete approval of the Council that we go ahead. The City's share of that will be roughly $725 to paint the interior with semi-gloss rather than flat white. Mr. Wendell Kay, City Attorney, then reported on his file and stated on the San Juan Dock case~complaint has been filed and the firm of Moody and Talbott have filed on behalf of the Seward Fish andCold Storage,- they merely entered their appearance as attorneys for the Company. They will probably follow that up in a week or ten days. We will then know where we atand on that caae. It is not on the docket as yet. They are now in the pro-cess o:f preRBring their answer and will then go' on the calendar for setting a trial date in Court. I wouldn't antiCipate that that will be Boon. Regarding the Armory, Mr. Kay stated, we have had a great deal of corres- pondence with the attorneys relative to the legality of the City issuing bonds o.n a project which it does not in fact own. 'l'he first question was raised by Mr. Thorgrimaon and upon reviewing the documents relative to the Armory, we CQuld find no statements as to who the owner of the pro- ject was and we have prepared astatament and sent everything down and he persisted in his opinion that he doubted the City had the authority or right to issue bonds under the circumstances. We prepared a brief on this and sent it down to him and we got a letter back stating that he Regular Meeting - February.tr, 1957 continued would not have a bond issue on this without a Court case on this or unless we are able to change the Agreement so that the City would in fact be the owner of the PI'Cll:I,1aI'ty. We. have submitted that request to the National Guard people and. to the Attorney Generalis office in Juneau and suggesting that something be worked out along that line. I left the material with Mr. Bu~lew to proceed further along that line this week and I expect to hear from l:\1m as to whather something can be worked out and if l1C-t, in order to Mr. Thorgrimson ~e will probably have to have a test case. Whiche~er way we go I think there is nothing insoluble about the whole. thing,- just a matter of aatiafying the bond attorney.. A matter came up on this this afternoon which I don't care to discuss at this time. hQWever, I feel Mr. Bordwell will want to discuss this at an executive session. Also, Mr. Kay continued, I received a letter from Af'W asking me' to send a complete record of the proceedings of the City of Seward on the Paving project and I too'k that up with Mr. Bordwell and I think he has that ppretty much in hand. ,I will write them that I have referred that letter to Mr. Bordwell and it will be taken care of. We had a request regarding the Plann~ng and Zoning request for permission to perhaps take some action under this Ordinance relatlve to condemnation indicating that they would like to take action in February. I talked this morning with Jim Fitzgerald in Anchorage and it just happens that he had prepared an orc:linance on this for the City of Anchorage and he was kind enough to give me same copies and I find nmthing in this ordinance which would not work out very well here. I have brought these coRies and if there are any c;hanges or anything additional, we W1Quld be glad to supply. They have done exactly what your Planning and Zoning Commission asks be done. I think YCilU will nead this ordinance to implement the c;lean-up work suggested. Clm. Leirer inquired about the court case between the Seward Fish and Cold Storage and the Coastwise Lines and it was wondered if the City should enter into this in vi~Wi of.the fact that those ,connected with Seward Fish and Cold Storage seem to be pulling out and just leaving, as observed by members of the Council. The Council felt it would be wise to have the C~ty Attorney look into this case and Mr. Kay stated he would look into that eaaa and advise the City whether he felt it advisable to enter into the case. The Council also requested Mr. Kay to look into the matter of,a Sales Tax Case that may be pending in District Court and advise the City Mgr. of the status of that case. Mr. Jack Werner then asked to have the rules suspended snd go back to new business. He stated, for a long time I haven't heard anything about Third Avenue paving, and there is enabling legislation which will allow paving of Third Avenue from the existing paving on down to the dock and the contractors will be ready to start paving fram Mile 38 and Mr. Wilder of the BPR indicated that when that section of the road is finished that they would consider paving Third Avenue right here in town,but the water services from the main line to the property have to be fixed before I would want to see any paving done. We have to be ready by the time they are finished out the road and I wonder if anyone ~~ has hear4 anything on this. Mayor Stockton stated. we had a joint meeting with the Utility Board and the Council urged the Utility Board to make that a number one priority so that we would be in a position to accept their offer to pave Third Avenue. The Utility Board is fully awar& that we are watching them and urging them to get the necessary wat~r digging completed there at the earliest possible date that they can. Jay Carroll of the Utilities System stated that this work is planneg.;; however. this is an obligation of the customer and not of the City. Meeting adjourned at 11~23 PJM. APPROVED: c2~ Q, ff~ PERRY . STOCKTON- MAYOR ATTEST: ~a-~k A ting City Clerk I ".,j ~ ,,~ ". " ",,,, <':~ , -4 I ...1 ~-, ~ SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 11. 1957 A Special meeting of the Council was held on February 11th and called at 8:00 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the chair. Also present was City Bordwell. Councilmen present were: Johnson. Knight. Leirer. Lowell. Amend and Durant. (fire) (insurance) Mayor stockton stated the reason for this meeting was to open bids for Bayview School and to make a more complete selection of Citizen's Advisory cOIlllllittee. to order Manager Absent: The insurance bids of John P. Smith. Pat R. Williams. and Harry West were opened and found to be the same. Clm. Knight said, "I move that on the basis of previous satisfactory experience. the bid of Pat R. Williams being low and qualified. be accepted". Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Roll was called as follows: Jo~nson. yes; Knight. yes; Leirer. yes; Lowell. yes. The Bay- view School insurance includes extended coverage in the aggregate amount of $56.800.00 being divided- $51.700.00 on the building and $5.100.00 on contents and equipment and with 90~ average clause. for the period of one year, from February 12. 1957 to February 12. 1958. Mayor Stockton stated that an appointment of more members to the Citizen's Advisory Committee should be made. He asked if the Councilmen had contacted any new prospects. Clm. Knight replied that Victor Mahan would serve - also Floya Johnson. These two would be classed as working men. and Mrs. Bobbv Bauer as a housewife. It was suggested that Clm. Johnson see the ministry while Clm. Leirer contact a doctor and City employee. Clm. Lowell and Knight were to contact a local working man. Discussion followed pertaining to various functions of the Citizen's Committee in working with other committees and reporting to the Council and City Manager of any plans and to strive in bringing civic problems to the fore in working out different solutions. Lengthy discussion followed on paving and prior work on this project. City Manager Bordwell stated that he had oontacted Mr. Tryck regarding survey findings and the fact that we have nothing in our files here indicates that the Alaska Road Commission has all data. which ~1ll be forwarded this office. Mr. Bordwell said a letter was directed to them requesting this information. A ~ggestion was made to analyze expenditures to Rutledge-Johnson-and Tryck for the year 1955. or back as far as 1953 when the first steps were taken and application was issued. Mr. Bordwell continued by saying that the A.P.W. application was very good. however we fai led to take some follow-up steps and repair work is needed to get the project in readiness by 1959 or 1960. Mr. Bordwell pointed out that there are three kinds of bonds - (l) Revenue. (2) Assessment. (3) General obligation bonds. Mayor stockton suggested that our attorneys intervene in the San Juan Dock issue to protect ourselves. The Seward Fish and Cold Storage are $6.200.00 in arrears. Discussion followed regarding a nurses car, and Clm. Lowell mentioned that he had looked into a used '49 or '50 Chevrolet car in Anchorage. He reported that the car was in good shape but needed a heater installed in it. The Mayor asked if the Territory would purchase the nurses vehicle due to the fact that her itinerary takes her out of the City limits. It was suggested that the purchase of such a car be looked into very soon. )II Meeting adjourned at 10:06 P.M. APPROVED: :? Q ~y;,.~.?t- __ ~ PERRY R. STOCKTON MAYOR ATTEST: ;C;ro:;C;".M"tI'1Jl- 8~. . U CITY CLERK -,'I' SEWARD. ALA3:A REGULAR MEETING- February Ie, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. It was moved by Clm. Johnson that Clm. Durant be Acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Stockton. Seconded by Clm. Lowell, carried unanimously. Present were Clm. Durant, Johnson, Knight and Lowell, with Clm. Amend arriving at 8:55 P.M. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. Minutes of the last regular meeting of February 4th were read and approved. Minutes of the Special Meeting of February 11th were read and approved. Among people present, Mr. Jim Adams of the Bear Paw Flying Service presented a letter for reading by the City Manager relative a complaint against Mr. J. J. Carroll, a City employee, flying commercially on a private flying ticket and interfering with private business. Clm. Lowell stated that everyone of us has known this and known about it going on all these years and the Councils have never taken any action on it, and I think it is time right now that something is done. ecting Mayor Durant stated that the Council had taken this up with the Utility Board and Mr. Jay Carroll had stated that every time he flew the time was taken off his annual leave time and we could check the records on this. Acting Mayor Durant continued that he thought it takes a complete investigation by someone other than the Utility Board. Clm. Lowell stated that he knew that Jay Carroll had flown on three different occasions for a week at a time. If that isn't flagrant abuse of their duties as Utility Board men, I don't know what it is. to Mr. Adams stated that he didn't want to go/the CAA,- he didn't want to go that far. Acting Mayor Durant stated that some changes ought to be made, starting tomorrow morning. City Manager stated that if you don't have any personnel regulations, then you don't have any control. I would say in general, continued City Mgr. Bordwell, that a policy that would permit a principal City employee to engage in any private business in competition with anybody, no matter how well qualified, licensed, certificated, equipped, or what, would not be right. That would be a refinement of the personnel regulations I would like to draft and present to the Council. Generally speaking, dual employment can be permitted if the economy of the City is not affected and if dual employment consists of working for someone for wages. Clm. Knight stated that here we have an immediate problem,- perhaps an immediate step to be taken is a meeting with the Utility Board. City Mgr. Bordwell felt that if we had a joint meeting on this we could work it out. After further discussion, Clm. Knight stated, ~I move that no employee qt.apy~eE~r.t!1!ent.of the City of Seward may ~~e in. bu_s.i~s_J.n_ compeU tion wLt:.h. _a.Er.-i.v_'tt_e.J:'..~iJl~~_e.~i.stin.2. in the. City of Seward_~r_i.tsJll1Illes!i,a,t.e. -!!!.V iJ::2.Il!.. Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Act ing Mayor Durant stated that he felt this was too harsh and Clm. Amend concurred, as well as Clm. Johnson. Clm. Johnson wondered if it would be in order to make a motion for Mr. Bordwell to instruct Mr. Carroll to cease flying on any City time. Further discussion, and Clm. Amend stated that he didn't like to feel that this vote on the motion on the table might go in the minutes as an indication that they are against the principle, as I am not against the principle. Other councilmen agreed that they, too, were not against the principle, and though this motion may fail, they would turn around and make another motion. Vote: Clm. Amend, No; Durant, No; Johnson, No; Knight, No; Lowell, No. Motion failed tQP.aE. Acting Mayor Durant then introduced Sgt. Hockett to the Councilmen and City Manager Bordwell, and advised that Sgt. Hockett is replacing Maynard Hughes, Sgt. at ACS. With return to the problem at hand, Acting Mayor Durant advised that we will entertain a new motion, whereupon Clm. Lowell moved, "No employee working for apy..qeJ?Ntme.nj_o!. Jhe_Qi!l._of Seward ma1:i~ jROOO~_l!1E!~ per year will__qo.I!}P.l!.t~y.i.th...P.~~!.'!t~bus.ip.e_s~._e.ij)le.r-E.n. .C.i.ty_t.ill!~ .~~on their own time. Acting Mayor Durant inqui red of the City Manager if this is a legal-inotion and City Mgr. Bordwell stated, "I think it is discrimina- tory." Clm. Lowell withdrew his motion. Clm. Knight stated, "I move that pendi.!l9. furthe.r_stu.s.y. .a,Il:-d th~._e_~t.a,blis.h- ment of definite employment poli.~i.e.s.,_ _ef~e_~t.i ve ill!ll!e.dii!t~ly. !!P. _e'!!!p'loye~ of any departm~nt of the City of Seward is to engage in busi~s..s competi- ti va wi th pr.iY~J!!. enteFEris~anq .that .a.1.Ld].l!'i.l__e!!J>.l.9Y..Illent ~~]J:.J:~.~. subject to the app~o.!-aJ. .c~(..ihe__qiY.: .~'!9.El.r..!. Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, No; Johnson, No; Knight, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. I am for it in principle, stated Acting Mayor Durant, and asked Citv Mor. Bordwell if he would set the personnel regulations as high priority, and Mr. Bordwell advised that he would do this. I ~... ~, .", .,."" >.,''; J"'''' .-~ C',~ I I SEWARD, ALAfKA REGULAR MEETING - February 18, 1957 continued The Citizens Advisory Committee was then discussed and City Mgr. Bordwell advised that Clm. Leirer had telephoned that he would be absent from this meeting due to illness with a bad cold, and in line with imstructions to him to nominate one man as a doctor and one man as a City Employee, his nominees are Dr. Wagner and Glenn Richie. Other discussion followed and this to be on the agenda for the next regular meeting. In regard to a suggested vehicle impounding contract, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that this agreement seeks to have local people who are equipped to do it bid to tow these vehicles away and the low bidder in this case will be the one who offers to provide this service at the least cost,- in other words to charge the person recovering his car,- to charge the lowest towage fee and the lowest storage fee. This isn't anything which we could not defer action on, continued Mr. Bordwell, and it was agreed to let this lay for the time being. of Mr. Bordwell then explained that the proposed reV1Slon i~~ abatement and condemnation procedurea.'as in Ordinance #242 were suggested to be iI/place of language now in Ordinance #242. It has been the experience of those that have had proceedings along these lines that when the proceedings had been accomplished, the City could then go in and tear down the buildings without getting into a law suit, and I would reco~end that we incorporate this new language as proposed by our City Attorney in those sections of Ordinance #242 which bear on the subject and as soon as that is accomplished that the Planning and Zoning Commission be advised to go ahead. In the meantime, we have told them to go ahead and make their survey. If it be the pleasure of the Council, stated City Mgr. Bordwell, I would attempt to redraft an Ordinance amending #242, that is, the applicable provisions of #242 and setting forth the procedures outlined in this proposed revision. If you recommend that, we will go along with you stated Acting Mayor Durant. With regard to revising Ordinance #255, explained City Mgr. Bordwell, I would say that compliance with Ordinance #255 is reasonably obtained, but I don't see any reason at the present time for extending the hours and if the Council wanted a recommendation in that regard, I would suggest that we forget the matter entirely until such time as we have some request in writing. With the Council concurrip~, Acting Mayor Durant stated that we will handle it in that way. In new business, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that Kathryn Baker has resigned as City Clerk as she wasn't very happy with the very confused and chaotic circumstances around here and the City may have been at some fault in that she was receiving less than she thought she ought to. Clm. Knight stated, "I move that the Council, with gratitude for past services, accept Mrs. Baker's resiqnation and tret we accept Mr. Bordwell's recommendation of Mrs. Erma Walker for Acting City Clerk." This motion made after City Mgr. Bordwell had stated that in view of the fact that we have no candidates, he would recommend that Erma Walker be appointed Acting City Clerk. Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; and Lowell, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Clm. Lowell stated that before we get into the bills, I would like to recommend that the money in there that I have coming, go back into the Civil Defense fund. I spent $25.80 for gas and oil. Bills for the month of January were then read as follows: Alaska Telephone System $44.05; Alaska Stationers $13.81, Anchorage Oxygen $19.70; Andy's Oil Delivery $284.71; Bill's Parts & Service $168.54; J. Vic Brown & Sons $10.24; Carrington Co. $42.36; Delaney's Bakery $8.84; Win Ervin Motor Co. $212.13; Dr. Norman Hall $15.00; Kenai Co-op $62.03; Don Lowell $25.80; Petty Cash $11.58; Nelson Truck Equipment $21.64; Northern Engr. Co. $9.30; Osbo's $26.22; Port City Trucking $3.21; Seward Plumbing & Heating $190.42; Seward Builders Supply $18.63; Seward Electric System $1078.00; Seward Hardward Co. $762.30; Seward Machine Shop $411.46; Seward Trading Co. $14.41; Seward Water System $475.00; John P. Smith $721.00; Standard Oil $253.44; Pat R.Williams $453.15; Wemen Market $.96; 1.-lestern Standard Supply $19.48, TOI'AL $5377.41. :"<. :-, SEWARD, ALMKA Regular Meeting- February 18, 1957 continued Clm. Lowell stated. "I move that all bills except the one to me. the Seward Electric System and the Seward Water System be paid: Seconded by Clm. Amend. elm. Johnson asked to be excused from voting and permission was gran ted. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, no vote; Knight, Yes, and Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. City M;,r. Bordwell stated that because of terms expiring we now have three vacancies on the Planning and Zoning COmrrUssion. The terms of Marilyn Edwards, Jacque Roth and Claude Berg expired February 17, 1957. It was asked if these three members had been approached to determine if they would be interested in continuing on this Commission, and it was stated that they had not been approache It was then requested that the City Manager consult these three persons and in the event,that they would continue to serve, the City Manager re-appoint them. post Regarding an appointment to the ~ee~tieR of Civil Defense Director to replace Alex Petrovich, resigned, Clm. Lowell recommended that Mr. Bordwell be appointed to fill this vacancy. Mr. Bordwell stated that he did not feel that he would be able in the next two or three months to actively participate and he would like to see Mr. Petrovich take the position at least for the next 2-3 months. When the Council concurred in this respect, Clm. Knight stated that he would ask Mr. Petroeich if he would consider this. In the City Manager's report, Mr. Bordwell stated that the Seward Fish and Cold Storage are still delinquent in the amount of $6200.00 in their annual lease payment and it was recommended previously that we enter into the case between the Seward Fish and Cold Storage and Coastwise Lines, and in this respect, the Mayor was up to Anchorage but was unable to contact City Attorneys Kay and Buckalew. I will place some phone calls, continued Mr. Bordwell, and see if there are some prospective tenants of the Marine Ways and to what extent they desire to take it over and as soon as I learn, I will contact each individual councilman. We will have to give them a reasonable opportunity or some notice as it may be possible that they have inadvertently overlooked the lease payment; however, we will have to proceed against them. gcting Mayor Durant asked if Mr. Bordwell proposed to write a letter, whereupon Mr. Bordwell stated that he would propose to do whatever the City Attorney stated was necessary or should be done. Item 2 of the City M;,r:s report, Mr. Bordwell stated that there is no Court case on the docket in Anchorage relating to Seward Sales Tax. On the paving of Third Avenue, Mr. Bordwell stated that it appears this may tie in with the dock paving job and according to present thinking, the dock would not be paved until 1958. I have not received a letter from Mr. Zimmerman in reply to our inquiry regarding their schedule. Regarding the financial statement, I am currently working with the department heads on a budget revision and what I hope to have for you in the near future, and I will then request that you accept the budget and then accept the revisions which I have. The estimated appropriation was $201,000 and we have spent at the rate of $19,000 a month. We will have to give the people a little something less than they have a right to expect in order to come out. I hope the next meeting we will have a revision for you and it is my proposal if I can work it in is to have some 1957-58 proposals for you and we begin to get some concept of the value of controlling the expenditures as we go along and we will try to work from a work program first. Under Correspondence, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he had had a phone call from Mr. Garrett of Quilcene, Washington and they have several utilities there and Mr. Garrett proposes to re-organize the bankrupt Alaska Telephone Corp. and merge it into Community Utilities, Inc. A letter dated February 7, 1957 from Mr. Garrett was read regarding this possible acquisition, and Clm. Knight stated that we might inquire from the references. Mr. Bordwell asked if there would be anything wrong with setting forth to Mr. Garrett that he set up a performance bond and guarantee dial service within a certain time after taking over and still give interim service during construction. It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that Mr. Bo~ell proceed along these lines. A letter dated 2/11/57 from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers was read relative their intention to put the Alaska Telephone System's Seward exchange on an Hemergency" bas]s only beginning April 1, 1957. If that does occur, explained City Mgr. Bordwell, that means that just normal commercial intercourse is out the window. I think what we might do is address a letter to Mr. Harris the Trustee and tell him we are aware of his being notified of this and see if he will take steps to prevent. I ;;-' J 'V':'. , , :l".r....! I I "' sm ARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting- February 18, 1957 continued A letter dated February 12, 1957 addressed to Mr. R. L. Sheppard of Grande Co. by City Mgr. Bordwell was then read wherein Mr. Bordwell advised of the change in City Manager and explained the present status of the City's plan for re- organization as well as their sensitivity to their obligation to bond holders, etc. Discussion then followed on the motion made during the prior City Manager's tenure regarding the move of City offi~es. Clm. Knight stated, "I move that the consolidation of City offices be delayed until ~uch time as the City Manager recommends." Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Clm. Johnson to adjourn, seconded by Clm. Knight. Adjournment effected at 11:33 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: ffih1d / .l:d k, { . ERMA ALKER, ACTING CITY CLERK PHIL OORANT, ACTING MAYOR Regular Meeting - March 4, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council oreCled Clt 3:30 p.M. with Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present were elm. Amend, Johnson, Lierer al1d Lovrell, wi th Clm. Durant arriving at 9:15 p.M. Absent, earn. Knight. Also preserlt was City M~ Bordwell who also acted as Clerk in the absence of ':-he City Clerk. Minutes of the last regular meeting W8::"e read and approved. Mrs. Walter Blue, representing the COfiL'Tlun:ity Ach:ieverrrent Gf'LUP c: the Seward Women '.s Club, asked if it was the City's intent to level the old duntD area this Spring and that if additional gravel fill from the dock cells is avail- able, would the City make o.n effort to also have that dumped in the old dump area. Mrs. Blue went on to say that her group fplt that the City should consider the installation of a culvert leading from the road to under and beyond the r;;li 1 ri ght of way at the old dump site. Stating that it had been reported to h2r group tf.at another Alasl<ar: ci.ty had commenced legal action to acquire ti tl?' to their own tide lands from the Fed:;ral government, Mrs. Blue continued that they felt that it was extremely important that similar acti on be entered by the City of Seward. Mrs. Blue also indi ca ted tha t with re feren ce to "Pete the Cireek' s" area that the City Council had previously assured that it would be cleaned up and taken care of and she expressed the hope of heri group that the City would look into the matter. Mrs. Blue then passed on to a discussion of the Seward Library, stating that the Seward Women's Club had initiated the library and maj,ntained it for years but that now, due to the excession of books and the increased demand for services were posed with p space limitations problem and that the group were seeking new quarters, possibly a new building which would include space for non-library activities such as n~etings and conferences and space for certain civic organizations. Mrs. Blue indicated that they were seeking sources of finandng: a new structure and would it be possible that the C.ity could donate City owned lands should any be found suitable and available for the puroose. r,'rs. Blue further requested that the City wri te letters to Federal agencies which might have Federal funds available with which to provide or partially undeMvrite funds with which to accomplish construction, and others such as the America!! Library Association who might otherwise help by i11rnishing tyoical plans and advice. SEWARD, ALASKA Regular lv;eeting - March 4, 1957 continued Mrs. Blue concluded her presentation to the Council by in~liring as to the City's intent or interest with regards to Urban Renewal plans, stressing the importance her group attached to the program. Mayor Stockton replied that with regards to the gravel stockpile at the duma that had not been levelled that the freeze-up had C2~ght the last few truck dumps and that it was certainly the intent of the City at the earliest possible moment this Spring to level these off. Mayor Stockton continued that with regards to the availability of gravel from the dock cells that the Council was unaware of whether or not such gravel fill would be avai lable from future construction since it appears that the gravel previously available had resulted from circumstances which did not now appear to exist but that nevertheless inquiry would be made and if such gravel were available, it would most certainly be used on the old dump site. With reference to the installation of c'-llvert, _it was conceded that the point had been well taken and that a study would be made as to when and how the installation could best be accomplished. With reference to the importance of acquiring title to tide lands and the reclamation of such lands for future industrial sites was discussed and as well as title to existing tidelands areas now occupied by the City, and it was concluded that every effort should be made to ascer- tain what ways and means would be available with which to accomplish acquisi- tion of such title. Mayor Stockton recited briefly the c]rcumstances surrounding the property known as "Pete the Greek's", following which Clm. Lierer sta ted that there were some three lots and they are in probate administration and that they should be acquired because it was his belief that not only the City street but probably a water line as well was located thereon and that due to the topography, it would not be feasible to relocate these installations in the event a third party acquired the Jots and insisted upon their relocation. There seemed to be gP.neral agreement that the City had assumed the obligation of tidying up the area. After consi derable discussi on relative possi ble acquisition of the "Pete the Greek's" property, Clm. Leirer agreed to contact the Estate's attorney to determine if and how the property could be acquired. Passing on to Urban Renewal, Mayor Stockton stated to },ffrs. Blue that applica- tion forms had been received and that they would be studied and probably processed in the near future. Mrs. Blue stated at this point that tr.ere was some recollection that some preliminary survey and appraisal of our Urban Renewal program could be accomplished for the matter of a few hundred dollars and indicated that in general individual contributions might be forthcoming should it prove thDt t'1e matter of initial money would hold up some movement with respect to Urban Renewal. At this point the City Manager stated that he had been following the Urban Renewal matter and that legislation which had passed the Senate at this session was now probably in the House Ways and ~eans Committee to be reported out,that this legislation would authorize the Alaska Housing Authority to act as Planning Agencies for Municipalities, - that wi th a Planni ng Agency, the City of Seward WQllld then be entitled to participate in some Federal funds for the purpose of underwriting pre-planning studies,- and that he had been in contact with Mr. Gagnon of the Alaska Housing Authori ty who was the Urban Renewal supervisor and Mr. Gagnon indicated that if the legislation passed, a request from us that he visit Seward for the purpose of discussion Urban Renewal problems with us would suffice to authorize his travel without expense to us. With reference to Municipally owned lands to be donated for the purpose of providing a library si te, Mayor Stockton stated that in general, decision in the matter lay primarily with the City Council; however, that in the past it had always been policy that the Council was willing to look favor- ably upon such matters. A conning of the Council by the Mayor with refer- ~nce to this statement disclosed that in general Rll agreed. Tte next i tern on the Agenda was then taken up with re ference to the Ci ti zen's Advisory Committee. In addition to the names listed on the meeting Agenda, it was pointed out that Mr. '!Talter Blue had agrAed to senr>:'l on the Committee and that his category was that of Teacher. Mayor Stockton pointed out that the list contained the names of two housewives, whereas the original allo- cation was for only one. Discussion then co.ntered ahout whet.her one of them should he f:elected and it was detennined that both should be included. I I I SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - March 4, 1957 Continued Mayor Stockton then suggested that all those persons named on the Agenda plus the addition of Mr. Ray Lee in the workingmen category and the Rev. Dwight Boe in the Clergyman category be appointed in order that they could get together and appoint a chairman who could then meet with Mr. Bordwell, the Mayor and any of the Councilmen who could possibly attend so that the function of the Committee could be defined and the program instituted. Thereupon it was moved by Clm. Johnson and seconded by Clm. Leirer, "I make a motion that the names as now listed on the Agenda be appointed to the Citizen's Advisory Committee, subject to Mr. Boe's acceptance." For the motion: Clm. Johnson, Amend Leirer and Lowell. Motion carried unanimously. MEMBERS APPOINTED TO CITIZEli~_S. ADVIS:)!~.'LCOMMITTEE: Businessmen: Russell Painter Oscar Wat sj old J~ck.W~ Workingmen: Floyd Jo.hnsoIl_ Ray Lee Victor Mah~}l Doctor: Government: Minister: R. M. Wagner Chet Steear Dwiqht Boe ':or'.;;~:~~ < 'L {{:t. ~. Teacher: City: Housewife: Walter Blue Glenn Richie Barbara Bedford Bobbie Bauer The City Manager was instructed to contact the persons named and arrange a meeting in the near future for the purpose of outlining the operation. Mayor Stockton then stated that as many councilmen as possible should attend this meeting. City Mgr. Bordwell then reported on appointments on the Planning & Zoning Commission, stating that as to Mr. Roth and Mrs. Edwards he had been able to contact them and that neither of them found it possible to accept re- appointment and that with respect to Mr. Claude Berg, he had been unable to contact him, but that from conversation with Mrs. Edwards it was his impression that the Planning & Zoning Commission would have several individuals to suggest for appointment at their meeting of March 11th which Mr. Bordwell stated he would attend. Passing on to the matter of appointment to the vacant position of Director of Civil Defense, Mr. Bordwell stated that the former Direotor, Mr. Alex Petrovich, had been contacted and indicated that he would not be available for reappoint- ment. Some discussion ensued from which it developed that Clm. Lowell would contact Mrs. Mildred Kirkpatrick to determine if she would accept appointment to serve in that capacity. The subject of Marine Ways matters was taken up with Mr. Bordwell stating that the City had a possible suit for the eviction of Seward Fish and Cold Storage Company for non-payment of rent but would only issue instructions to the City Attorney to file such an action upon a directive from the City Council. This statement by the City Mgr. evoked considerable discussion as to the effect of such action upon third parties, it being pointed out that the commodities of such parties were stored on comlercial basis in cold storage facilities,- that there was considerable storage of cement and other matters from which possible liabilities to the City or at least damages to such third parties might result. The problem appeared to have sufficient ramifications to lead to a consensus of the City Council that Mr. Bordwell should proceed to Anchorage at his earliest opportunity and discuss the matter of a suit for eviction in terms of the over-all picture and determine what course of action the City Attorney would recommend. Clm. Durant then asked Mr. Bordwell if he had funds in his budget available with which to travel to Anchorage, to which Mr. Bordwell replied, HNo." The matter of telephone service was undertaken with reference to the Seward Telephone Exchange of the Alaska Telephone Corporation. Mr. Bordwell reported on the reply to a previous letter of Community Utilities, Inc., who had ex- pressed some interest in acquiring the System, and read a reply from that Corporation seeking further data upon which to base an appraisal of the type of scope of the system contemplated by the City's telephone engineering study. It appeared that the City could not at this point be certain that Community Utilities interest was that of a responsible and competent prospective purchaser and after considerable discussion, Mr. Bordwell suggested that he reply to Community Utilities, furnishing them the information requested and that a carbon copy of that letter be sent to Mr. Harris, the Trustee for the Bankrupt Alaska Telephone Corp., t ogether with a letter of request to Mr. Harris to report to:us (1) on the status of Community Utilities inso- far as the Trustee and the Court were concerned; (2) that the financial report which Mr. Schmechel promised at the special meeting of January 25, 1957 be -! ," :'., l ...": SE\vARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - March 4, 1957 conti nued forwarded and (3) that we be informed as to the present status and forecast of labor Union relations with respect to the Seward Exchange. Mr. Bordwell stated that he was unable to report on the status of the Seward Exchange labor relations since Mr. Harris, the Trustee, had not answered our letter of inquiry as to what had been or would be done with reference to the Electrical Union's intent to place the Seward Exchange on an "emergency" only basis effective April 1, 1957. With respect to the National Guard Armory now under construction, Mr. Bord- well reported that the City Attorney had stated that legal opinions rela- tive to title to the structure were forthcoming from both the National Guard Bureau and the Territorial Attorney General for the Alaska National Guard which would probably be acceptable to Mr. Thorgrimson of Preston, Thorgrimson and Horowitz, the bond attorneys, and that it was anticipated that in the near future Mr. Thorgrimson would render a favorable opinion and the bond funds be made available to us at an early date. With reference to progress of construction, the City Manager reported that in general the operation of the contractor, Mr. Clements, had been something less than satisfactory throughout the entire construction to date. Mr. Clement's operation has been characterized 'by consistent effort to divert from the specifications on a downgrade basis and that both the Contracting Officer of the National Guard, Col. Burke, and City Engineer Ray James as construction inspector, as well as the City Manager had experienced considerable diffi- culty with the Contractor. Mr. James was present at the meeting and amplified on Mr. Bordwell's remarks, siting as examples various instances in which Mr. Clements had been not only unreasonable but had attempted substantial diversion from specifications. City Mqr. Bordwell indicated to the Council that the matter was brought up for purposes of information only in order that the City Council might be prepared for action which would seek to stop further work by Mr. Clements in event of failing to improve his continuing performance following which, of course, the bonds- man would be called upon to supply a responsible contractor with which to finish the job. The matter of the paving of Third Avenue from the end of Seward-Anchorage highway to the dock was discussed and the City Manager pointed out that there appeared to be conflicting reports as to the intent of the BPR to engage in this construction in 1957 or 1958,- that as yet our inquiry to Mr. Zimmerman of the BPR remained unanswered but that inasmuch as recent press reports indicate allocation of budget funds for paving projects with $250,000 earmarked for a "Seward job", it may be that such an answer would be forthcoming within the next few days. If not, stated Mr. Bord- well, we will originate a follow-up letter, or if it is possible, I will attempt to sit with Mr. Zimmerman in person during the Anchorage trip in connection with the Marine Ways matter. The City Manager, in discussing the outside employment activities of City employees which were made subject to regulation by Council motion during the meeting of February 18, 1957, with reference to the flying activities of Mr. Jay Carroll, Electrical Superintendent, indicated that it developed that Mr. Carroll had both short range and long range commitments,- that the short range commitments consisted of serving people by the delivery of necessities to Montague Island, Thumbs Covet and other places,- that these places were isolated and in general without other form of communi- cation and that strict application of the directive inherent in the Council motion would work a hardship on third parties. Mr. Bordwell continued saying that in discussions of the matter with Mr. Carroll that Mr. Carroll was amenable to conforming but indicated the short range commitments and that I feel should, to some extent be taken care of, for in Alaska as you gentlemen know, you simply cannot arbitrarily chop off your communication and services to people in the outlying areas who are entirely dependent,- it is something that in Alaska is simply not done. Mr. Bordwell then indicated that he would like some relief to work the matter out without an arbitrary immediate application of the policy. A general discussion by the Council ensued from which it appeared that with respect to outside employment activities of City employees, that the matter should be given further study, it appearing that in general, the consensus was that the Council should probably not enter into the matter of such activity except as to regular working hours of employees, whereupon a motion by Clm. Durant, seconded by Clm. Ament that, "I move that the previous motion by Clm. Knight pertainin to outside e 10 ent activities of Cit em 10 ees be rescinded and that requ ation 0 emp oyees such activity durinq normal workinq hours I ....., ~ """ i. ,~~j I I ., SEWARD, ALA3::A Regular Meeting- March 4, 1957 continued be delegated to the City Vanager until such further time as a set of regulations are adopted by the City Council.u For the motion: Clm. Durant, Johnson, Amend, Lowell and Leirer. Carried unanimously. It was concluded that with respect to the previous flying activities of Mr. Carroll which had been engaged both during normal working hours be made a subject of joint City Council-Utility Board meeting which is to be arranged in the near future, primarily for another matter. The matter of developments in Hydroelectric generation and transmission line matters was discussed. Mr. Bordwell pointed out that additional bond funds to extend construction to Mile 32 were dependent upon a showing in the latest Utility audit which was expected to be available for examination approximately March l5th,- that the Forest Service right of way permit would be expiring on March 31st, and that the extension thereof would be dependent upon our showing of financial ability and intent to proceed with construction,- that it appeared that in order to insure a timely seasonal construction start that Mr. Harstad should be corning up with invitations to bid (1) for construction of the line extension and (2) for the materials. Also, that in event it appeared from the bids for construction that the City could construct cheaper with its own forces then the material bids could be awarded. On the other hand,' if the construction bids were favorable, then certainly the material bids could be made available to the contractor by arrangement with the material bidders. Also, in order to improve our load picture in view of the present status of C.E.A. and C.A.P.A., the Horner Ut ili ty should be contacted with a view to whether or not they would make firm commitment to take bulk power from us and construct their line in to meet us at Mile 32. If we are able to put ourselves in position to do this within the immediate future, we could contact Mr. Sheppard of Grande and Co. and perhaps prevail upon him to cooperate with us in conserving time by travelling here coincident with the publication of the Audit report, upon whose findings his determination of ultimate financing will rely, and an on the spot decision by Mr. Sheppard would most certainly be extremely beneficial. It was 'determined that a joint meeting with the Utility Board should be obtained at the earliest possible moment to discuss these matters and coordinate a pro- gram for action and that at the same time, the matter of underground work prior to Third Avenue paving and the matter of Mr. Carroll's alleged work-time flying could also be discussed. Mr. Bordwell read a letter from the Avis Rent-A-Car System who have placed two dri verless vehicles for hire in the Ci ty of Seward to provide one-way or round trip travel to Anchorage. The letter also pointed out that from time to time there would be some Anchorage based vehicle driven on; a one-way basis to Seward and that from time to time, there might be more than two vehicles in Seward. Mr. Bordwell then stated that the driverless vehicle for hire falls under the purview of City of Seward Ordinance No. 240 but that the ordinance itself did not appear to contain any provision for such a fluctuating operation and that administratively we are able to issue the two basic permits at the' ten dollar fee per vehicle provided for in the ordinance, and pointed out that in the absence of specific ordinance provision that he be permitted to survey from time to time the number of cars actually l:::ased in the City of Seward which would be accomplished by inspecting the log of arrivals of such vehicles maintained by the Police Department and that modification of the permits from a base of two autos would be adjusted where the number of cars based in Seward did increase and remain increased for a period of two'months. It was not considered necessary under the circumstances to go into motion and Mr. Bord- well was instructed to handle the matter administratively as outlined. With respect to the APW hospital project now under construction, Mr. Bordwell indicated that while the project would not then be completed, that initial occupancy could be had without prejudice to the contractor's remaining work on or aboutVny 1, 1957 and that the Hospital Board had indicated that such prior occupancy would be beneficial to the furnishing and equipping program, and described a proposal made to the APW to finance the project. City Mgr. Bordwell read a proposal from Mr. Wm. H. McKinley to form an Alaska Municipal Utilities Association for the exchange of technical information and to cooperate with the League of Alaska Cities in legislation effecting munici- pal utility operations. Mr. Bordwell indicated that the Chairman of the Ut ili ty Board and the superintendent of the Ut il i ty had indi cated the desire- ability of membership in such an association and after some discussion, it was moved by Clm. Durant, seconded by Clm. John1Jon, "That the City Council authorize the City Manager to write Mr. McKinley that the City of Seward is interested in participating in the Alaska Municipal Utilities Associationn. SEWARD, ALA3CA Regular Meeting - March 4, 1957 continued For the motion: Clm. Durant, Johnson, Amend,Lowell and Leirer. Carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M. ATTEST: ~ -/ ~ ~.. " , ~/'/t!'~L WM. F. BORDWELL Acting City Clerk APPf<lVED, Q~~ d/r:Jk PERR16,. CK - MAYOR ~ - - - - - - - - - - -------------------- ------- Special Meeting - March 11, 1957 A special joint meeting of the City Council and the Utility Board was called to order at 1:10 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight, Lowell, and Leirer, with Clm. Durant arriving at 1:20 P.M. Also present Utility Board members Trevethan and Turner, with Mr. stanton arriving at 2:15 P.M. Present also were City Mgr. Bordwell, and Mr. R. L. Sheppard of Grande & Company. Mayor stockton stated that the purpose of the meeting is to confer with Mr. Sheppard of Grande and Company who is handling our bonds on the Hydro project and Mr. Sheppard has information which we should be interested in receiv.ing. Mr. Sheppard stated, "My trip up here was not directed solely for this pur- pose,- I had to attend to some financing in Ketchikan and finding it difficult to get away, I came on up here. I thought I could get enough of the picture 50 I could get some idea of where you are and what you have to do with, and wanted to find out direct exactly so there would be no misunderstanding as to how far you wanted to go and I could see later whether your income and other figures would permit your doing what you wish. We have been kicking around in our mind as to how far you wanted to go in this construction season and it looks as though at best you will not be able to go much further than Trail Lake in this construction season and you will really have accomplished quite a piece of construction. It is just a wild guess on reserve for contingencies and we figure probably $300,000 is safe and it might come out less than that but we should be liberal in these things and see whether you have the means to finance $300,000 of bonds. It will be rather a close thing predicated on 1956 revenues. Your present debt service is about $50,000 annual and to borrow another $300,000 would put that up real close around the minimum permissive coverage for debt service which is 1.5 times, predicated upon last years net as given by your auditor. That figure is quite low in that it only reflects a short interval of time since revenue from the new extension of your line was received. I think it is very conservative to anticipate that you are going to have a greater amount rather than using this 1956 figure. I am willing to make a commitment,- I have a commitment to purchase another $200,000 but the anticipated cost will be around $300,000 and I am willing to do this just by an addendum to the contract we have. That would defini tely, I feel confident, give you ample money to do the job with and would give the Forest Service all the assurance they need that the financing is forthcoming, and we would give you the money in stages if you wanted it or in the whol~ amount if you wanted it, but I don't think you would want it that way. The money is available,- that is about the general picture in brief as I have found it. I think you have made a very good showing in your Utility department,- it leaves nothin~ to bc dcziTed as far as I am concerned, except that I would like to see the City make payment which they owe to the Utilities. " "Is there some thought that the interest rate may be increased?" asked Mayor Stockton. I , ~''"''':. I I "1. :,., ".,.. , ,'.~ ;-; SEWARD, AlASKA CITY OQUNCIL-UTILITY BOARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 11, 1957 (continued) "Yes, there is," stated Mr. Sheppard. I don't know how much all of you are aware of this thing but we entered into this contract in an agreement dated July 28, 1955 at which time the Weekly BOND BUYER, which is a national pub- lication and which is the "Bible" of our business and they compile weekly an index reporting the fluctuation of bonds at the time, and at that time on July 23, 1955 those bonds stood at 2.54~, and in our Agreement, it states in Section 12, "The interest rates for the bonds specified herein in preceding Section 5 shall be firm and unconditional with regard to all bonds issued subject to this proposal until January 1, 1956, after which date if the market for municipal bonds declines as gauged by the national publication, "The Weekly Bond Buyer's" Index for 20 representative long term municipal bonds, we may require, and if we request it, the city agrees to increase the interest rate proportionally higher in ratio with the change in this index from the present index, which in the latest publication dated July 23, 1955 was 2.54~ to the Index pertaining at the time you inform us that you will issue additional bonds." So- at January 31, 1957 that Index had moved up to 3.07 or 21~ so if we were to close a deal strictly on that formula, your interest cost would be 5.88~ because the last one was 4.86~. I would be willinq to buy bonds for less than that as that one is too high. I figure we would be willing to buy 5-1/4~ bonds with a coupon attached which would make it around 5.36 or 5.38~. However, the unfortunate thing about that is that in your basic election proceedings, your election ordinance authorized the issus.nce of these bonds, - someone here changed the ceiling interest rate permitted from 6~ to 5~ so here we are, you can't go over 5~ by the super- imposed limit which is placed in there and I couldn"t buy 5~. I believe since that was voted, and you had that on the title and in the ordinance you will have to have a special election to go to the higher ceiling which it should have been in the first place. In this special election this should be modified upwards to the 6~ and make it applicable to the whole remaining issue. We would want to know where we would be stated Mayor Stockton if the voters should not authorize this increase, whereupon Mr. Sheppard replied that we would be right where we are now. . Mr. Porterfield of the Forest Service commented that he believed that the Forest Service is goinq to give an extension until the end of March to receive word that the City is going to continue and if the election is going to delay construction, then I don't think that we would be very much interested. He continued that there is pressure from the North of you to build that line. Clm. Leirer asked if there is any possible way that we can go in the next construction season on to Moose Pass to Mile 30. ~tr. Sheppard replied that if the Forest Service feel that that is the phase that they want covered, then oover it. There is so much lacking to get the thing right down to scratch and before I could say that we could go the $400,000 necessary to go that far, I think it involves a necessity of taking another look at the thing as soon as further figures are available at the end of 1957 to determine the feasibility of another additional bundle of bonds,- I think it will prove up but the ttought can go askew too. I don't s"ee how the Forest Service or anyone else needs anymore than that,- certainly the intent is to go on beyond and to Moose Pass. I am committed to buy an additional $200,000 of bonds and I have stated that I am willing to go another $100,000 right now to go to Mile 25, if we can be" authorized the higher interest rate. Mr. Porterfield stated that if he gave the impression that that line must go on to Moose Pass this season that is wrong. If that line gets to' Mile 18 we will know, and right now there are two things that will satisfy uSi one, proof of faith that the City Council intends to go on with the project and, two, there is financial means to go ahead. In regard to easements, Mr. Io.'('field advised that in going thru Moose Pass you will not be on private property,- you will be on Federal property. That area does not come under Forest Service he continued. Clm. Durant asked if Mr. Sheppard had the figures available on the first eight miles and Mr. Sheppard stated that on December 31 we had 73 domestic, 2 all electric (aomestic), 7 commercial and' one power for a total of 83. He continued that he did not think that the showing out there yet is complete enough to talk about. i ~~ ~ {'\ SEWARD, ALASKA CITY COUNCIL--UTILITY IDARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 11, 1957 (continued) There will be an analysis made to see whether that" thing will pay at all~- it looked as though it might have to be subsidized but it looked like a good gaInble to pre.clude any other outfits coming in to give trouble, contihued Mr. Sheppard. Going out there with this line is not going to show an immediate revenue, but you have an objective of a hydro which will be developed as soon as it is financially feasible. You are not throwing that expenditure away,- sooner or later it is going to payoff. It was pointed out at this time that the main thing is to get cheaper hydro juice back in to Seward. Mr. Sheppard again stated that it will probably take $400,000 to go to Mile 32 and probably $300,000 to go to Mile 25. Upon a question put by Clm. Durant as to whether Mr. Sheppard felt there would be enough revenue from the side customers to take care of the additional$3-400,000 needed to go on, ~. Sheppard stated that he thought there would be. You have the $200,000 assured just as soon as you have the special election asking ir the voters will grant an increase from 5~ to 6~; and it that is done, I will also buy another $100,000 on that basis. Mayor Stockton stated that he had jotted down a list of three items to be taken care of and from what he had learned, we would have to do (1) have the Utility Board and Council opinion as to whefher we want to go ahead; (2) to get the election; and (3) determine our standing with the Forest Service. These seem to be the three points we have to go into immediately continued the Mayor. Mr. Sheppard pointed out that there would also be a fourth and that would be to get a supplemental agreement from him on the other $100,000. Mr. Porterfield then stated that what the Forest Service wants first is for the Council and Utility Board to go on record that the intent is to go on with this, whereupon Yu. Sheppard stated that it had always been the intent,- there was no question about that, and Murl Trevethan stated that he felt that at a meeting with ~x. Harstad and the Council there had been commitments on record to this effect. Mayor Stockton concurred and stated that he believed we would find that we did express the intent and it should be in the minutes and possibly on other contract papers possibly with Grande and Company. we decided at a later date to take this thing in stages and that is about the only thing that we have done, continued Mayor Stockton. ThereuponMayor Stockton stated that a motion would be in order from the Council authorizing that this ordinance for the special election be drafter for this increase in interest rate. City Mgr. Bordwell then stated that we are now contem- plating a step which will be of interest to Preston, Thorgrimson and Horo- witz, the bonding attorneys and he wondered if we could have Mr. Thorgrimson draft this proposition Por t~e special election since this will become a part of the brief of the bonding opinion. It was agreed that this should be done and Clm. Knight moved "that the City Manager be instructed to take steps for the holding at the earliest possible date of a special election raising the ceiling rate for the interest on our hydro utility bonds as authorized under Ordinance #253 and #261 with respect to the hydro project to the statutory maximun of 6~." Seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Lowell, Yes; Leirer, Yes. Carried unanimously. Clm. ~rant then recommended that a copy of this or ~omething about this be sent to Mr. Hardy or the Forest Service either direct br thru Mr. Porterfield and Mr. Porterfield stated that it would be" best to go thru the Seward office. City Mgr. Bordwell wondered if we could prevail upon Mr. Sheppard to dis- . cuss the conditions under whic~ Mr. Thorgrimson might do this clerical work fOT us on the special election. Yu. Sheppard stated that he would make the pertinent terms of our contract apply so they would do it at the expense of Grande" & Company and have Mr. Thorqrimson prepare for us an election ordinance a draft for us to adopt and a ballot title, and he thought that that would be all that has to be done. He continued that he would first ask 11I'. Thor- grimson if it is his opinion that this has to be aone, that is that we must have a special election and determine if, in his opinion, all that it takes is Council action so it would be suggested that actual setting of an election date be held in abeyance until Mr. Sheppard could talk to Mr. Thorgrimson; whicITwould probably be the latter part of this week before they could get together. A special joint meeting of the Council and Utility Board was then set for Wednesday nite the 13th, for 7:30 P.M. I .~'~. r -I ,".~"",,' I I " !~ SEWARD, ALASKA CITY COUNCIL--UTILI'IY BOARD SPECIAL JOINT l1EETING MARCH 11, 1957 (continued) With no further points to bring up at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 2:33 P.M. APPROVED: Q/t/~ ') JJ:riL.. __ ATTEST: ~~",~j~~ CI'IY COUNCIL--UTILI'IY BOARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 13, 1957 A special joint meeting of the Council and the Utility Board was called to order at 7:47 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Knight and Lowell, with Clm. Leirer arriving at 8:42 P.M. Also present Utility Board members Trevethan and Turner with Mr. Stanton arriving at 7:51 P.M. City Mqr. Bordwell and Electrical Superintendent Jay Carroll also present. Mayor Stockton stated that he believed it should be so noted at this time that a quorum is not now present for the Utility Board, however, Mr. Stanton would arrive later. The purposes of this meeting are the five points as set forth on the Agenda: (1) Discussion of Intent Re Hydro Project; (2) Outside Business Activities of City Employees; (3) Underground work on 3rd Avenue with respect to BPR paving; (4) Rettig Scott & Co. Statements and (5) Insurance Policies with respect to Power Line Construction (LaBow, Haynes Ins. Co.). First for discussion is relative our Hydro project and we should discuss this completely tonite, stated Mayor Stockton, and since all of us were here with Mr. Sheppard, we all know the items we must discuss and the first, I believe, is our intent and a good place for us to start is do we or do we not desire to continue with the construction of our Hydro project. Clm. Johnson stated he would like to know whether they have any cost or cost per mile of the system to Mile 8 and its outlying areas. Mr. Carroll stated that he could answer that better after the audit f~gures are in his hands, but he could tell now roughly. It is running right about $13,000 per mile,- the transmission approximately $15,000 and the distribution would run a little less so this $13,000 would be an average. This does not include the cost of the engineering or survey. We would have to pro rate a good share of the engineering over all the pole line and separate the time that the engineer was actually on the line. The engineering has been about $90,000 and some of this is for sub. station, some for f pole line and everything. Clm. Knight asked if there is any definite or concrete thought of not completing the proJect whereupon Utility Board member Turner answered that that is some- thing we will have to re-examine. Mayor Stockton stated that if there is any thought that we should nof go ahead,- now is the time to decide and if we do not intend to go on with it, we certainly should not go on out any further. Upon a question placed by Clm. Lowell as to going on out to Moose Pass, Mr. Trevethan stated yes, he felt we should go on out past Mbose Pass since 501. of the customers we are going to pick up are at Moose Pass; however, he con- tinued that Jay Carroll doesn't think it is quite physically possible,- it is financially feasible but Jay says he doesn't think we are going to quite get to Moose Pass. The whole thing is financially feasible as far as the bonding company is concerned, isn't it, asked Clm. Knight and Mr. Trevethan stated yes and pointed out that we have been slowed up now as we should have called for bids before now. -( ", '" SEWARD, ALASKA CITY OJUNCIL--UTILITY BOARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 13, 1957 (continued) Jay Carroll stated that Mile 25 was decided upon was in order to bring our bonds down to where we could honestly state we had a 1.5 coverage. Mr. Sheppard based his calculations upon revenue that we have without the new dock, the new hospital, the Alaska Rre~ht Lines or any of the new customers. It was generally agreed that we would find some of Harstad's figures wrong, but Mr. Carroll and Mr. Trevethan pointed out that as far as building the line to Moose Pass, we should all feel that it is not going to be wasted,-- we can pay for the line itself by bring in hydro power from some source either our own or some other. Mayor Stockton then asked what is the Utility Board and the Council's feeling as to how this work should be done assuming that we decide to go on? The reason I bring this up is that a lot of our criticism last year, and a lot of it was directed at the Utility Board, and I know last year it was stated that the Utilities would need certain equipment and then later on they needed more equipment and that is the reason I bring this up,- it is going to be a tougher harder construction this year. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he would like to make a unit out of that stretch from Moose Pass down to Mile" 25 , and maybe we could call for bids on both' stretches and have a three way project. It was again stated that in the event tp.e Utilities plan to bid on the 57 construction that considerable thought/~~ ~Ov'Re equipment which will be needed. Mr. Carroll pointed out that they probably have as good electrical construction equipment, outside of the Anchorage City Electric contractor, as any in the Territory. We bought the digger for $6,000, the Cat for $6,000 and the Compressor for $4,000 and this was all paid for out of money from the Plant and leased to the Hydro project,- we haven't lost that money and we have collected rent for the equipment. . Clm. Durant stated that it is going to be up to you fellows to decide on as Harstad's figures are so optimistic that it is pitiful. I am for Hydro,- always have been, he continued, but I am going to pick some figures out of Harstad's report and let you fellows convince me. I want someone to prove to me that it is feasible financially. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he has been very close to competitive power picture and similar to the one we have here. Mr. Sheppard ~,d I, he stated, are agrccc1, "-lJ,"- Mr. Harstad is optimistic,- I have always felt that there is some water to be run out of his ~ figures,- in general he was fairly close, but he erred the wrong way,- he was less conservative than I like to see an engineer be,. but Mr. Sheppard assured me that it was his feeling that under the present revenue structure that running out tb Mile 25 and possibly to at least Moose Pass was feasible ~~~ in his opinion and that the debt service could be accomplished under the present revenues now. I would like to suggest that we should consider establishing our service area by erlenCiing " this 'line whether we build the hydro or not, we will have established our service area for all the intervening area between here and Moose Pass and if somebody makes the hydro, the line will be more easily amortized by the cheaper power. Mr. Sheppard is satisfied with his security and our ability to service it and in any event we will want this line as an economic life line. The Forest Service has placed their faith in our going ahead and they have had a lot of pressure pointed out Mr. Trevethan. After furthe~discussion Mr. Trevethan recommended that the Utility Board make a mo~ion to go on with the construction to Mile 25 and Moose Pass, whereupon Mr. stanton moved that "We go on with construction and proceed on to M~le 25 or thru Moose P~~-L with the r.e_commendation to the Council that they review the 1956 audit of the Utilities System to see ~hat the figures_are there to find the f~asibility. Seconded by Allen Turner. Vote: Stanton, Yes; Trevethan, Yes; Turner, Yes. Carried .unanimously. Ci ty M:Jr. Bordwell advised that with respect to the Porest Service, we have not written the letter which we were instructed to write to the Forest Service inasmuch as we want some instruction from them, practically the words as to what they want us to write. Mr. Porterfidd has had nothing from Mr. Hardy except that report that Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Hardy sat together for 4-5 hours that evenine and I am sure that they are satisfied with that. I SEWARD, ALASKA CI1Y COUNCIL--UTILI1Y BOARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 13, 1957 (continued) The matter of easements was taken up and Clm. Leirer inquired as to just what the engineer is doing or has done regarding the securement of easements and he questioned Jay Carroll as to just how many easements had been got whereupon Mr. Carroll stated there had been only two. Considerable discussion followed and Mayor Stockton ad- vised that if Clm. Leirer felt this should be pursued, we could possibly write to Mr. Harstad about it. There was particular reference to the line over to the Alaska Freight Lines and in connect ion wi th the Hawkins property. Mayor Stockton stated that if we present Mr. Harstad with the things which we think has been his error, then he has never been one to deny wha t he is responsible" for and would no doubt make it V right. It was felt that Mr. Harstad should be assessed of the situation either by letter or perhaps at the time he comes to Seward. Jay Carroll wondered just what part the audit figured in this tling and he stated that if we are going to go ahead, to so state that intent now and get that letter off to the Forest Service. City Mgr. Bordwell pointed out that if he remembered, Mr. Porterfield's definition of evidence 0f our intent was that the City Council should state their intent to continue construction this season and that they had finances to go ahead with the job. He asked for a letter of, intent positive. Clm. Durant stated that he would like to have Mr. Sheppard put in a letter that he felt this was feasible and he would finance it. Mr. Bordwell advised that he would be very happy to ask the Ci ty Clerk to make a transcript of the record and '" ask Mr. Sheppard to confirm it. I I A lengthy jiscussion then ensued relative the special election required for authorization of the increase in interest rate and the length of time needed to implement this and it was generally felt that it may be p impossible to get this done before the time limit stated by the Forest Service. ~nyor Stockton then inquired if it is a major consideration that we have the FPC permit before we start out this construction season, and it was felt not necessary. With no further discussion on this item, moved on to next item on the agenda, that being the outside business activities of City employees, with direct reference to the alleged flying activities of Jay Carroll as set forth by Mr. Jim Adams. ~ayor Stockton asked if the Utility Board was aware of the fact that the Council did receive such a letter, whereupon it was stated that they had heard about it, and Mayor Stockton then stated that Mr. Carroll was here at the last Council meeting and he had stated that he didn't think he should fly on City Time either, but on the other hand he felt that he had a large investment in his planes that he felt he just couldn't give up. Mr. Trevethan pointed out that this complaint came from someone living outside the City limits and Mr. Adams flies and he works on the dock also, and there are lots of times that he could work on the dock if he wanted to. Mayor Stockton advised that we not spend too much time on this as it seems to have been taken care of, but to get more right at it, how does the Utility Board feel in regards to performi~J other duties on company time,- now Jay has never stated that he did, it was alleged that he did, but that was denied. Mr. Trevethan stated that naturally they didn't want to see the employees off on other work when they are supposed to be on the job, but he didn't think it was the American way of life to regulate a man's off hours. He went on that he thought that some of these employees are living here, spending their money here and as long as they are living here and spending their money here and taking" care of their own work I don't see anything wrong wit~ it. Mr. Stanton concurred. Clm. Lowell felt that somebody seemed to have misinterpreted Mr. Adams' letter,- he did not say anything about flying on a man's off time. Altho I voted for a person working for the City not engaging in any business activities, maybe I jumped at conclusions myself, but we voted that down now, but Adam's major complaint was anyone doing business activities during City time or using City equipment. Mr. Turner stated that he felt that a man should not be restricted as long as he does it on his own time. Mr. Trevethan pointed out that he had during last years' hunting season" stated to Jay that he could adjust his working time so that he could take care of both his job and his flying and that he had felt that a man in a supervisory capacity could adjust his time. Clm. Durant advised that as Chairman of the Board he could not do that, could he, whereupon Mr. Trevethan stated that he was talking only as Chairman,- he had not called a meeting,- perhaps he had given Mr. Carroll too much leeway. ~.'} ~ .~ { SEWARD, ALASKA CITY COUNCIL--UTILITY BOARD SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MARCH 13, 1957 (continued) Item three with regard to Third Avenue paving was discussed and City Mqr. Bordwell advised that he_did talk with Mr. Zimmennan of the BPR today reminding him that we had a letter of inquiry in to him for over a month and I informed him of its con- tents and queried him as to when are they going to start and referred him to the news item. Mr. Zimmerman stated that it of course would depend upon what appro- priative action was given by the Territorial legislature and indicated that he thought he might have some sort of an answer next week or 50, ~ut at this time they do not have any money. We would have at least 6, maybe 8 weeks lead time between the time they got the money and could gO ahead. Our question, to the Utility Board would then be could we wi thin 48 days get the work done that has to be done there stated Mayor Stockton. Mr. Glenn Richie advised the Council and Utility on the work that would have to be done and upon a further question from Clm. Amend as to whether this work could be done in the 48 days, Mr. Richie replied,"No, it could not be done". The Mayor then asked CitY.Mqr. Bordwell if he felt that the street Dept could help out the Water Dept. on the work and the City Mgr. felt that from a labor standpoint they could, but it looked as tho the equipment might be another story. He went on to say that Mr. Zimmerman had also stated that in their program on urban work it would very likely be their policy to go in there with four lanes of paving providing the City's underground work was done or would be done prior to paving,&providinq the City put in the gutters, sidewalks, etc. So long as that was in our original APW project, I thought that we couldtwork it back in so that we could be in a position when they came in for themfgg ahead. Further discussion developed that we possibly could be ready and Mr. Bordwell was asked if he could properly coordinate things and he stated that he could. The purpose of our bringing this up is that we want the Utility Board to be very much aware if we are to take advantage of this free paving and if at all possible, as soon as the ground thaws, we want you to go ahead and prepare for this, stated Mayor Stockton. Mr. Stanton then asked, '~ou will want tbe Utilities to go ahead and put this thing down regardless of whether this goes thru or not?" It was agreed that should be the case. The bill from Rettig, Scott & Company was then taken up and of the amount of $2355.46, $1447.63 is for the balance of our June audit of the general fund, but there is an item of $907.83 that I don't know quite what to do with, City Mqr. Bordwell stated. This is a matter of which I am not too well acquainted, but it apparently has to do with the transfer of books or system design which occurred in January. I want somebody to instruct me what funds to charge this on, that is all. "It actually is a matter of whether it is a Utility bill or a City Bill", stated Mr. Stanton. He asked then if any work done at that time was any work that the utilities would have had to have done anyhow, and Mr. Bordwell advised that he was not familiar with that. It did operate as a t safe-guard on the books to preserve the continuity of the office procedure. Mr. Trevethan stated that he had voiced out quite loudly that it was no concern of theirs, we did not need them. It was suggested that the Utilities pay half of the $907.83 figure and Mr. Turner made a motion "that in the interest of harmony and the fact"that the City is broke'; I will make a motion that the Utility, Board pay $453.92 of the Rettig Scott bill." Seconded by Stanton. Vote: Stanton, Yes; Trevethan, Yes; Turner, Yes. Carried unanimously. The insurance policy with regards to the power line construction performance bond was discussed and Mr. Bordwell advised that he had had this notice of premium due for the renewal of this for a week or more and that altho the anniversary date of this was November 3, 1956 thru Nov. 3, 1957, LaBow, Haynes had not submitted their statement for the premium on it until just in February. With little discussion, it was agreed that this should be renewed and that the Utility Board make payment thereof from Utility Construction funds. Mr. Bordwell also stated that LaBow, Haynes had also presented two policies that seem to be written at the instruction of the bonding company and which seem to have been the subject of sarne controversies. These two policies carry. annual premiums, subject to final adjustment in accordance with payroll audits. Mr. Bordwell and Mr. Carroll were instructed to work together on this to see that we are not duplicating such coverage, and determine the handling. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. APPROVED: CJ~-1t.c/1;..L_ ATTESTF~~~~, .._~ I r-'."'f ':>,"''''' ~., - u:J I I ," ' SEWARD, ALAEKA Regular Meeting - ~1arch 18, 1957 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8:02 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present were Clm. Durant, Johnson, Knight and Lowell, with Clm. Leirer arriving at 8:08 P.M. and Clrr. Amend at 8:10 P.M. The minutes of the March 4th regular meeting were read and Clm. Amend wondered ~bout the item relative the Citizen's Advisory Cornrrdttee in that it stated that Rev. Dwiqht Boe had been appointed and Clm. Amend stated that that should read Rev. Carter Van 1;/aes as appointed as Rev. Boe had felt he could not serve. With no other corrections, the minutes of the meeting of March 4th were approved. The minutes of the special joint meeting of ~1arch 11th were read and approved. Minutes of the special joint meeting of March 13th were read and Clm. Durant asked to have a motion made by Utility Board Member Turner read again, and he then stated that he had asked to have that changed; however, it was pointed out to Clm. Durant that this was part of Mr. Turner's motion. Clm. Durant conceded that if quotes were put around the words "that the City is broke", he would accept it. No further corrections, and minutes were approved. Clm. Durdnt then asked about the length of the minutes and wondered how long it takes to read the minutes in Anchorage, stressin] at the same time that he was not complaining about the minutes, - he thought we have the finest most complete set, but wondered if it was necessary to carry quite all the details. After brief discussion it was the consensus that at this pobt it might be well to continue in setting forth the background, dnd it was decided to make no changes for the time being. Among people present, Mr. E. W. Hull representing the Alaska Yacht Club had presented a letter to Mayor stockton which was read by the Mayor and wherein the Alaska Yacht Club petitioned the City for space at the Small Boat Harbor. The Club felt the desire for approximately 24 feet of space out from the South breakwater, this in width, for a slip which would be decked and roofed with a Club House. Upon discussion, it was pointed out to Mr. Hull that the Council is attentive to the desires of the Alaska Yacht Club; however, it was requested that Mr. Hull and the Club work on and present a plan to the Council indicating just will be needed and the specifications in order that the Council could better determine that accessability and availability would be a fact at the already crowded Small Boat Harbor. Clm. Leirer advised Mr. Hull that he would be able \ to survey the situation at the 8mall Boat Harbor along with Mr. Hull and per- haps they could get together on this in about ten days. Mr. Hull also advised the Council that it may be, in the future, that the Yacht Club, along with the Small Boat Owners Assoc., could be financially able to take over the entire Small Boat Harbor whereby it would be no expense to the City,- they would take care of everything,- docks, piling, policing, etc. It was then pointed out that the old dock at the point of the old small boat float was still in place and could be hazardous, and Clm. Durant requested, in the form of an order, that the City Manager pledge the use of a City cat and have that old dock wrecked at the Small Boat Harbor. Discussion then ensued on some of the old relics based on the beach and whether or not the City could not condemn these and get them removed from the area in order to relieve the crowded condition at the Small Boat Harbor. City Manager Bordwell stated that he had looked at the Small Boat Harbor with oonsiderable interest and we should feel very proud to have this installation. However, we have had a characteristic development where we have pieced out here and pieced out there and it appears that everyone agrees that the development has been terrible. Now we are faced with another thing along those same lines,- one group seeks to go here and one group seeks to go there. I am highly in favor of a coalition group forming a non-profit organization and I think any possible revenue available there should be put into a fund for them and I think if it appears that they would operate it over a period of years and would develop a master plan and we could see that we would have something in the long run, I would be very much in favor of it. City Mgr. Bor~Nell continued that he wondered if it would not be well to have some written comment by the Master of the "Expansion" and of the "Barwell" as to the possible effect that this construction would have on theil' maneuverability and of their wash, and we can inquire if, in their opinion, there would or would not be any danger. It was again pointed out to Mr. Hull that the Council is receptive to the plan except that final approval would be subj ect to plans and actual 1 ocat ions. '7l~ ..; SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - March 18, 1957 continued Mr. Raymond Anderson, also present, then spoke to the Council in reference to plans he has in mind regarding possible construction of a marine ways in the general location of the Carpenter shop at the Small Boat Harbor area. He went on to say that the present plan is to run a marine ways from the shop down to the breakwater to low-low tide, and he stated that he would like the Council to have this also in mind. In regard to the revision of the Planning & Zoning Ordinance, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that this had been taken up to some extent at the Planning & Zoning meeting and it is presently under study and there will be probably some action taken at their next regular meeting. Regarding the appointments to the vacancies on the Planning & Zoning Commission, City Mgr. Bordwell went on to say that there had not been a quorum at the meeting but Mr. Claude Berg was there and had indicated his willing~ess to accept reappointment, and the Committee was happy to nominate in addition to that, Onnalee O'Brien and they will make another nomination at their next meeting. The terms now vacant cover the period February 1957 thru February 17, 1960. Clm. Durant stated, "I make a motion we appoint Claude Berg and Onnalee O'Brien to the Plan}li,ESL~n_c!.Zo_nJ_n_~_Commission."__ Seconded by Clm. -L,,-hn~ Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated that there has been some expression by the Planning & Zoning Commission that their efforts are going in vain, and he continued that he wanted to say that he was sorry that they are of this feeling and it is not the intent and we should let them know this and that we are appreciative of their efforts. Mrs. Pat Williams, a member of the Commission, was present and was asked if she had any recommendations and she stated that when'they seem to go ahead and suggest anything or reconurend, then that was the end,- nothing ever happened; however, she felt that that would be corrected now and there no longer would be any problem. Clm. Knight made a comment that we are su~denly running head on into a lot of problems that have piled up over a number of years, and we are just now coming to grips with the problems which cannot be solved over night. The Marine Ways matters were then discussed in that City Mgr. Bordwell had been unable to go to Anchorage to consult with Attorney Kay, and City Mgr. Bordwell stated that it appears that the interest of third parties are rather loose,- they seem to be on a month to month basis, without anything much being on paper. It was pointed out that we have three things here with connection with the Marine Ways, (1) for damages under the lease, (2) interest in the case between Coastwise Line and Seward Fish & Cold storage, and (3) for non-payment of lease rental. City Mgr. Bordwell advised that it is possible that we could merge the latter with the first and get a summary eviction on this basis on non-payment of lease rental. It was felt that nothing could be done at the Council table tonite and the general agreement was that Mr. Bordwell should consult with Mr. Kay and determine just what can be done and get started on it. Mayor stockton advised City Mgr. Bordwell that the Council feels we should go right ahead with this. The discussion then turned to the matter of the Seward Telephone exchange and City Mgr. Bordwell advised that he had not heard from Mr. Harris, but that he had went over this matter of this request that Mr. Garrett made and it looks like he was trying to get engineering information from us for which we paid and before I got a letter off to him, he placed a telephone call from Quilcene and we talked for about 20 minutes and he has proceeded now to introduce a proposition for the reorganization of the entire company and he discussed it briefly and he was informed that what we would require would be that we would be very happy to extend anybody the same amount of time that it would require us to do the work, provided we had some sort of performance guarantee. Mr. Bordwell then went on to say that we had had a letter from the Trustee, Mr. Richard Harris, rela- tive the taxes and Mr. Harris had advised that he could be responsible for only those taxes covering the months of his trusteeship. I cannot find anythihg in the file where we filed for the back taxes in the bankruptcy case; however, I plan to contact ~x. Hellenthal regarding this when next I am in Anchorage. He continued that there is a letter in the fi Ie which Mr. Hardinge had forwarded to Attorney Hellenthal pointing out this bankruptcy and asking him of any steps neEessary. Clm. Lowell then advised the Council that there is not going to be any strike at the Seward Exchange as the Court has settled for a raise for the operators. l I 11,'"'\ ., . ..'.' .."?":: "'-,,"" i,..':;".J I I t.. ;"t ;1;: SEWARD, jJ,LASKA Regular Meeting - March 18, 1957 continued The desires of the Forest Service in connection with the Eydro Project was then taken up and after some discussion, Clm. Knight stated, HI move that.1:.h,e, City Council express to the Forest Service its intent to constr~,:::-t.~s..pe~rly as possl'ble-fii the corning constiucti,~n season pole )in~~~EEr:o.~i.!!!ately to l1rre2S---o.i1 'th";.Sewaid-Anchorage highway and that, n,e eventual goal of said pole line is to be 'fhehYdroelecfricsite --a1:MiYe' '3'2.H Seconded by Clm. Amend. \'ofe: Clm. Amend, 'Yes;-DUranfi'Yes; John;Q"n, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Mayor stockton inquired if the financial picture would be covered in the Cit y Manager's letter to the Forest Service and }',r. Bordwell replied that it would be. Regarding the acquisition progress on the new Seward General Hospital, Mr. Bordwell advised that this is on the agenda for information purposes and he had received a letter today from Mr. Argetsinger of the Alaska Public Works and they have forwarded our proposition to Washington, D. C. along with their recommendations. Clm. Lowell stated that the engineer on the hospital had talked to him about the City buying the lot in back of the hospital to protect the City, and Mr. Bordwell stated that he under~tands that there is someone with some interest in some adjacent property/~B~ the time beind we standing off to wait and see whathappens in other developments. The next item on the agenda was taken up relative the city's contribution towards the tennis courts at the north end of the grade school. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that this is something that I have no particular knowledge about, but it is alleged that the City Council stated they would share in this thing which is a community venture. Mayor Stockton advised that some time ago the Council moved by motion that we grant either $150.0. or $20.0.0. and I haven't found out whether this money had ever been taken out of our general fund but tonite I found out that it had not. The Coach has indicated that it is the intent to construct this summer in order to get as full ad- vantage of the tennis season as possible. It was felt that the Chairman of the committee for the tennis courts should be asked to present the Counci 1 wi th a complete plan so that we know before we appropriate funds that we are dealing with a committee that has a definite plan of direction. A letter was then read by City Mqr. Bordwell from the M. B. Gilbrough Co. wherein this company stated its desire to enter into a lease agreement with the City for Lots 28 thru 40., Block 21, Original Townsite and their willing- ness to reimburse the City on the basis of $30.0. annually for this. Clm. Leirer stated that he was in favor of such a lease, providing in that lease there is called for a performance bond that they will clean up the property before leaving. Clm. Lowell felt there should be a 60. or 90. day notice for ending the lease in event the City had an opportunity to sell the property at a profit. Clm. Leirer then moved, H I make a mo~~~n_t~~~thori~~he City Manager to enter into__~n agreement wi~h M. B. Gilbrough Comstru~tion Compa~torJ.h~l_~~2f__Lots #28 tp._I}l._4.o.~lock .21.._.aJ_tb.e. .:r:.a.te. 2.f. Jt3.0.o.... ~nnual m,i.I!i,n:~n..Lent~~,.p-a.y:a).:~l.El.l1l.~c!~a.n_ce,. wi t1U!. .~Q .qaY.I.ecip.r.Qcal. .~l_<:i.us~, and a J~lOo.O perf.o.r.n:a.n.c.e. .b.o.n.~ .E.r_o.vidi.I!c;Lth<:i.t .t.h_~:r:~rty_be .~l.e.an~~_l!p.!.: Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Carried unanimously. Future use of the old Seward General Hospital was then discusseqand it seemed to be the consensus that inasmuch as the building is quite old and perhaps not suitable for any use that the City might have need, the building should be put up for bid and sold to the highest bidder, with perhaps some stipulations as to its use. Mr. Bordwell then stated that he had received a letter from Dr. Deisher who expresses the desire to stay in the Seward General Hospital building until he gets his new medical office building ready. Another letter from Dr. Deisher reminds the City that it has constructiont materials from the new hospital construction setting on his lots which will prevent actual construction on his new building at the start of the season. Clm. Leirer stated that he would like to revert back to the disposal of the hospital building and if this is to go before the people, we would have to stall the sale of the building until the next October election and he wondered if it couldn't possibly be taken care of at this special election. No further comment, and City Mqr. Bordwell then read the resignation of Mel Deck from the Hospital Board, effective Harch 13, 1957. Clm. Durant stated, HI move that Mel Deck's,.,r.e25.i9'P_ation be accepted~_: Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, No; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. Mayor stockton then stated that as a courtesy he would sugges t that Hel Deck be given a letter expressing gratification for his service on the Hospital Board. There then ensued considerable discussion as to just what o f" <.- SEWARD, ALA3:A Regular Meeting - March 18, 1957 continued the Hospital Board, with 4 City appointees, has to do with happenings at the Seward Sanatorium and it was pointed out by Clm. Johnson and Clm. Leirer that the Hospital Board should have nothing to do with the San,- that the Board was set up by the City for the operation of our Seward General Hospital and that is all. City Mgr. Bordwell pointed out that in connection with the Women's Division efforts to obtain the land that , the Attorney General has ruled that since the Territory has no money in- vested in the San, legislation is not required and the actual transfer may be handled by the Territorial Department of Health. Clm. Leirer suggested tot he City Manager that they go back on the records and see if they can find out why and for what purpose the City appointed menbers to the Hospital Board, and if the Hospital Board was set up by the Council for that specific purpose, that the members be instructed that that is all that they are going to do. The matter was then tabled for further study. Bills for the month of February were read in the amount of $2860.15, as follows: ACS $58.82, Alaska Telephone Corp. $44.05; American City l~ga- zine $4.00; Andy's Oil $540.76; Bay City Motors, $5.00; Bill's Parts & Service $14.56; Aron Ericson $9.00; Osbo's Elect. Supply $2.90; Seward Electric $993.75; Seward Hdwe. $.64; Seward Machine Shop $70.90; Seward Plbj. & ~eating $25.75; Standard Oil $307.40; Seward Water System $475.001 Pat Williams $283.88; Yukon Equipment $2.52; Delaney's $1.88; Seward Drug $1. 56; Seward Trading $17.78. Clm. Lowell stated, '"I move tha.t2!.~..2d.Y _all bills _~~c~ the Seward El.e_(~.tF_iLS'y's.t_e!n. a.nd_t.h.e. .~e.w:a.r<i.W!l-:tE!.r. S.Y.~te.Il!'." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, No Vote; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. Clm. Knight suggested that these utilities bills be placed on the agenda for the next joint meeting with the Utility Board. Meeting adjourned at 11:58 P.M. APPROVED: <?~ Jt li>fL-_ P ERR OCKTON, ~10R ATTEST: ~L?/A~__ WALKER, ACTING CITY CLERK Special Meeting - March 26, 1957 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Knight, and Lowell. Clm. Leirer arriving at 8:14 P.M. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. Mayor Stockton stated that t he purpose of the special meeting toni te is to consider passage of a proposed ordinance in connection with the maximum interest rate on hydroelectric bonds, and also, if the Council wishes, for consideration of a bill from Wallace Dennis for services performed. City Mgr. Bordwell read from a letter from the bonding attorneys, Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowits, explaining the necessary procedure in obtaining this special election. City Mgr. Bordwell then read Ordinance No. 272 as drawn by Attorney Richard Thorgrimson: AN ORDINANCE OFrHE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ORDERING A S' ECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE PURPOOE OF arBMITTING A PROPCEITION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS THEREOF OF WHETHER OR NOT THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE THAT MIGHT BE OORNE F{ ELECTRIC UTILITY REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED SHOULD BE INCREASED TO Nar TO EXCEED 6"1. PER ANNUN, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENC(. Section 1 sets forth the PROPOSITION: SHALL THE MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE THAT THE $3,200,000 OF ELECTRIC UTILITY REVENUE fiNDS OF THE CITY REMAINING UNISSUED OUT OF THE $3,500,000 OF arCH BONDS AUTHORIZED BY THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY AT THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD 'IHEREIN ON FEBRUARY 23, 1955 MAY BEAR, BE CHANGED FROM NOT TO EXCEED 5% PER ANNUM TO Nar 'IO EXCEED THE LEGAL RATE OF 6"1. PER ANNUM, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN ORDINANCE NO. 272 OF THE CITY, PASSED AND APPROVED MARCH 26, 1957. I ,- I I :. ,~ ...",- 4. ;' I ~j SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting - Harch 26, 1957 continued Section 2 of Ordinance No. 272 appointed election officials, as follows: Inspector Judge - Inspector Inspector Clerk Cle rk Mildred E. Kirkpatrick Rev. Carter Van Waes Eda Myers Wilma Lind Lenore Robbins Upon hearing Ordinance No. 272 read in its entirety, Mayor Stockton advised that the Chair would entertain a motion to suspend the rules. Clm. Knight stated, HI move that the rules be suspended for the pa~~age of Ordinance 272." Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Carried unanimously. Clm. Johnson then stated, HI make a motion to adopt Ordinance 272.H by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Carried unanimously. Seconded Knight, Clm. Durant stated that it should be stressed that all individuals desiring to vote at this special election must register prior to the election. Yayor Stockton advised that the posting of the official notice and ordinance should be on the City Hall bulletin board, the Post Office and the Federal building bulletin boards. City Mqr. Bordwell then explained the bill from Wallace Dennis relative services performed in the installation of the radio at the telephone office and went on to say that this bill is in the amount of $16.00 in the form of a purchase order from Police Chief Miller. Some of the Councilmen seemed to feel that this purcj,llse order may not be in the full amount; however, it,"WIl II , decided that inasmuch as'the amQurlt :rEicrilesbd,-for;pa,men1: was $16'.00: only, they' would'llct onlthat only. "I make a motion that we pay the $16.00. " stated Clm. Johnson. Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Carried unanimously. City Mqr. Bordwell then requested of the Mayor that we revert back to item one as he would like to read from a letter received from Mr. Sheppard of Grande & Company. Excerpts from the letter were then read. With the agenda taken care of, Mayor Stockton asked if there was anything more that the Council would like to discuss. Brief discussions were held on various subjects including the audit of the Utillties, the Seward Fish & Cold Storage, the Armory, paving, the Civic Center, the possibility of obtaining piling being taken out f rom the old dock area, and a proposed trip to Homer to further discuss hydro with Yrr. LeMay of the HOIT~r Utility System. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. APFROVa:JD: C2%~ C2 ::llt)j;,; PERRY' . STOCK ON, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~~flvp~ / AC ING CITY CLERK ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~, '~I :'~ <., . SE'tlARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - April 1, 1957 The regular meeting of the council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. Mayor stockton in the Chair. Present were Clm. Amend, ~~t~~t, Johnson, Knight, and Lowell. Absent Clm. Durant and Leirer. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. Minutes of the last regular meeting of March 18th were read and approved. Minutes of the special meeting of March 26th read and approved. No people present, moved right on to old business and City Mgr. Bordwell reported that he had talked to Captain Thomsen of the Expansion briefly today and he didn't seem to think that this proposed development of the Alaska Yacht Club would bother him in any way and he didn't feel that his wash would cause them any difficulty. In respect to the Seward Fish and Cold storage rent, City Mgr. Bordwell reported that he had been in touch with City Attorney Kay and it appears that Attorney Ed Arnell has the rent money which will be formally tendered to our Attorney Kay who has stated that he will refuse it on the grounds that it will embarrass our suit. Attorney Arnell has just a few more days in which to come in on this $220,000 suit. In connection with City Mgrt.Bordwell's report on the Seward Small Boat Harbor, Mayor stockton reported that he had talked to Mr. Gilbrough who had stated that he still has piling from the old City Dock and he thought if the City wanted them, they might be able to work out an arrangement to carry them over. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he would check with Mr. Gilbrough in the morning. Mr. Bordwell then went on to say that he would again go to Anchorage and discuss with Attorney Kay the Marine Ways matters and press for immediate action on this case with the Seward Fish & Cold etorage. With regard to the National Guard Armory, Mr. Bordwell advised that he had a letter from the office of Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz on what they need to bring the bonds out. ~x. Bordwell reported that he had made a title search on it and had ordered a Certificate of Title from the Title & Trust Company of Anchorage and an affidavit or letter from Ray James to Attorney Thorgrimson. In connection with the Armory and with legislation at this Session, City Mgr. Bordwell wondered if the League of Alaska Cities would endorse legislation which would benefit certain specific cities and Mayor Stockton felt that it would not, and in that case Mr. Bordwell felt that some effort should be made to have Seward included in the enabling legisla- tion action on Armories. In respect to the Hydro project on the agenda, City Mgr. Bordwell advised that there is nothing new to report on this, it is on the Agenda merely to remind ourselves that Mr. Harstad will be visiting us on this matter very shortly and we should be thinking of the matters to be taken up with him, such as going to Homer, getting out the bids, etc. Mr. Bordwell advised the Council that Seward is to be the host City in the Municipality Utilities Association's organizational meeting on April 12th. Regarding the special election on April 16th, it was felt that this should be discussed on the radio programs both on April 4th and April 11th. Relative the appointment to the Hospital Board to fill the vacancy created by the resigaation of Mel Deck, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he had no person in mind. It was felt that this should be given more thought and perhaps a nomination could be made at the next regular meeting. ~lm. Amend wondered if the City had determined who is supposed to move the dirt on Dr. Deisher's property over by the new hospital, and Mayor Stockton stated that he had approached Mannix Stolte about this dirt removal and it may be that they will be able to move it later for us if they find the need for it in the dock cells. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 P.M. APPROVED: 0 k't-'~ 4.trJ$; PERRY OCK1DN, MAYOR ATTEsr:~~ 4a~l/ WALKER, ACTING CITY CLERK I , ".oJ -. . ~ ~~~: ;.;.r] I I I I.' , SEWARD, ALASKA Special Joint Meeting- Utility Board and Council - April 11, 1957 A special joint meeting of the Utility Board and the Council was called to order at 8:06 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Durant, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lawall. Absent Clm. Amend. Utility Board members present included Mr. Gilfillen, Myers, Trevethan and Turner, with Mr. Stanton arriving at 8:12 P.M. Also.present City Mgr. Bordwell, Consulting Electric Engineer Harstad, and Electric Superintendent J. J. Carroll. Ma:ror Stockton stated that the purpose of this meet ing is to review our hydro project with our consulting engineer ~tr. H. T. Harstad, and we should ask any Questions which the City has on its mind regarding its past progress or its future proeress. Mayor Stockton continueJ that he knew ~~. Harstad had been with the City Mgr. today and wondere1 if he would tell the Council how he felt about the progress up to date. Mr. Harstad then took up the discussion and stated that the initial phase which was to piCk up the service area up to Mile 8 and the side roads is completed and many of the hook-ups have been made and I understand that the Metcalf Grocery and one residence are remaining to be picked up. I have roughed out some figures on what your annual revenue would be, based upon the last three months I operation and the January, February and March gross revenue amounted to $3562 and that would make about $14,000 a year gross revenue,- then the Carlson sawmill was added and showing that at $10~ a month and the grocery at $50 would make a total of $15,800 per year. There is quite a bit of room left for increasing the load in that area. In checking thru the next stage of the thing, Mr. Harstad continued, it appears that the $300,000 can be established aa financially feasible by spreading these new customers over the entire year and we will have to estimate some of the customers that come on the line for the next piece of construction, but I am confident that when we complete the feasibility report on that we will be able to show feasibility for the next $300,000 without any difficulty. Briefly, last year you showed $97,685 net available for bond service, that is without depreciation. Your average annual principal and interest cost is $50,600. Mr. Harstad pointedout that just to have the money to meet the bond principal and interest is one thing, but to have this as well as the 50% coverage over puts you in a pretty good financial position. Clm. Lowell and Clm. Leirer questioned Mr. Harstad concerning easements and Mr.. Harstad explained that in the case of the Hawkins property, the owners had stated that they would sign such an easement; however, when his man had pre- pared the easement and presented it to the owners, they had refused to sign. Mr. Harstad felt that perhaps some of the Councilmen or Utility men, being closer to the folk here would be in a better position to persuade them to sign. He continued that the engineer is not normally in a position where we can be responsible for easements signed as we have no levera~a, but if the Council wants to set a policy, we will go along with it~ Fe continued that he plans on having this line follow the rights-of-way almost entirely, but if they come to a point where an easement is necessary, if the Council and Board want to bear down on this, he would see that they have them. Clm. Leirer stated that he understood thatit was up to the engineer to get the easements and Mr. Harstad advised that they had not ever taken it upon themselves that we would get easements.. The City can get them if at all possible and if necessary, can use condemnation proceedings. Mr. Myers then asked Mr. Harstad how far he figured this $]00,000 would take this line and Mr. Harstad stateJ that the way the thing figures is that we would get to Mile 26,- you should get at least to Mile 25, and if you get to Mile 26 that would be to our advantage~ It will take care of those who are not now getting electric service, it is true that you will not pick up many customers. This line cannot be justified for the customers you will pick up at this time, - it is just ified 8S part of ~'our over-all scheme of the Hyd ro, stated Mr. HFlrstad in answer to a question put by Clm. Durant. Mr. Harstad continued that on last years result, you had a coverage of 1.9 or aver and the new customers will increase their load 8S time goes on. The bond cover- age is a safety factor in case something should happen that the load would decrease. I think on that basis of 1~5 coverage you will find you are pretty sound. I think that theprovisions are reasonable and that they are actually quite conservative as they stand. Mr.. Trevethan ata,teu that as he understood it, this next phase is not so much to pick up new customers but rather to hold the aervic.e area for the City. I think it is only to be expected that we will have to use our revenue from the ,','1>; 1',~ r;., , SEWARD ,. ALASKA. Special Joint Meeting- Utility Board and Council - April II, 1957, continued. whole system to maintain that line for a few years. In answer to a ,question from,elm. Knight, Mr. Harstad stated ,that their estimate for the project was approximately $2,370,000" however, the costs have been rising about 5%, th~t estimate includes the 32 miles from here tQ Mile 32 at the site but does not include these side roads. When asked about the FPC permit, Mr. Harstad explained that the last hEt had on this was a copy of a correspondence directed to the City Mgr. and the fish people were worrying about the fish in the lower part of Crescent Creek and I drafted a letter which we sent up and which was aent to the FPC. We have not tried to push this thing, as I have not felt it necessar.y until yout are actually ready to start construction. Clm. Leirer asked what happens if they deny the permit and Mr. Harstad stated that to start with, I have never heard of a permit such as this being denied, and you are going to have to have this line even if someone else builds the hydro. Mr. Harstad went on to say that if there is anything that anyone thinks we have left out or we have ignored or that could be done in a better way, let's bring it out on the table right now. I am sure that the Forest Service feels that once we get this line in it will grow very rapidly out there. We are not counting on this new growth,- we are counting only what exists at this time. Mayor Stockton asked Mr. Harstad what his opinion is on engineering errors, and Mr. Harstad explained about his men and went on to say that they would pay for their errors and the City would be expected to pay for theirs. Mayor Stockton then stated that they had discussed the merits of a trip over to Homer to discuss their tying in with our project, and it was still to be decided as to when would be the best time to go, whether before the election or after. Mr. Bordwell felt that if there is some agreement here tonite and general satisfaction then he thought we should put things together and go right now; however he stated it would make no difference how the election goes unless Mr. Durant and possibly others are convinced of the financial feasibility. Clm. Knight then asked when it could be expected that the project could be completed and Mr. Harstad stated that it would take about two years to bid the machinery and get it in place in addition to the 1957 construction, and he felt that it would be completed by the end of 1959. , elm. Lowell ~ondered just we would have to have to show feasibility to build the dam and Mr. Harstad advised that he felt if the City went on and tied in the load between here and 32 and had reasonable load growth, but the time we get that all finished. you will be in a position to show coverage at that time. We cannQt show coverage for the hydro at this moment, but if you take it in these steps, we think that you will be able to show feasibility. If you can get one big customer on there. you wiLli, show better coverage than a flat 1.5. Upon a question put by Mr. Leirer regarding bids andplans drawn for the 57 construction, Mr.. Harstad stated that it could be drawn in such a way as to ,have two steps, one from Mile 8 to 25 or 26, and the other from there on to Mile 32. Mayor Stockton asked Mr. Harstad if he could give the City any advice so that we could avoid extras. Mr. Harstad advised that they generally make allowances for extras and if the Council will back him up, he continued, we normally hold people to strict conformances, and we have to have pretty strong back up, we would want that understood, and we will hold them to that. Mayor stockton then asked Mr. Harstad what he thought about the City getting into this force account work, providing we get a bid under the estimated cost. Mr. Harstad stated that if the City should get a bid under, we shouldn't pass it up. The bids that we got last year were disappointing. We could put out ~pecs to contractors in just a couple of days work if you say so. 1 really feel that conci,dering time and your past experience, it would be fine to have your crew do it" but if you feel it would be better to contract it, it would be your choice and we have no argument. Discussion then reverted back to plans ,for a trip to Homer and it was decided to try to go to Homer on Sunday so that V~. Harstad could go, and Mr. Trevethan and Mr. Gilfilen of the Utility Board st~teq that they could go, with City Mgr. Bordwell, and possibly Clm. Lowell and/elm. Leirer. Clm. Durant stated, "1 make a motion representatives of the Utility Board and Council, including the City Manager and Mr. Harstaa be authorized to Ian a tri to Ho~~r in the interest of obtainin~~eement__o.nf'U cower from the Ci t, of Seward." Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight. Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Utility ~oard Members Gilfilen, Yes; S~anton, Yes; Trevethan, Yes; Turner, Yes; Myers, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. I t;;~",i -"~ ",:,,:,: . ~J I I ,n" ' t SE'tfARD, PJ..ASKA Special Joint Meeting- Utility Board and Council - April 11, 1957 City M::,r. Bordwell advised that the Alaska Municipal Utilities representatives would ~l having its organizational meeting tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. and he thought it would be fitting if the Mayor and some member of the Utility Board and Counc il could attend this meeting. Clm. /Don Lowell then requested to be heard on some recommendations he had, (1) that we make the City Manager the Manager of the Utilities. There several reasons for U'at rt't the main thing is that the r;~t:. V.imager was hired actually to rur b:ctb groups and we have all agreed to it and I think it is a good time to start this as it would save the City at leRst $10,000 a year; (2) I would say that the City Manager should receive an increase in salary to compensate for his added responsibility and his added time he would ~ave to divulge to this; (3) Another is that the utilities go on a work order system, a purchase order systerr. rather, that all purchases go thru and receive an okay from the City M::,r. just like all other departments of the City. All foremen ani department heads are responsible to the Ci ty Manager, and in this way the man in charge of the Ivater system and the men running the power plant would be directly under the City ~1anager, al so the foreman of the 11!1e crew would come under thi s. It is our job to run the City and run it like a business and it is also our j OD to 8ave every penny we can, and I strongly recorrunend that t his be the case. Also, at our last combined meeting it was 8tated that the electric superi ntendent would not fly on work days without permission f rom the City Manager, and on ~1arch 26 and again 0:-\ April 10th the utili ties superintendent did flying on City time without an olcay from the City }Janager and it was agreed this would not be done. City l1Jr. Bordwell stated that he would like to make an announcement that is not generally known but intended to make it tonite as of the close of business, and tomorrow evening, and without any reference to the recoITh'Tlendati.ons made by Clm. Lowell, there will not be an electrical superintendeEt. Clm. Lowell sta~~d he had made those recommendations as he has felt actually for the last several years we have not needed an electric superintendent, in fact since we have had a City Manager. 1,Ie should live up fully to our City Manager ordinance. There is no reason why the City ~1anager cannot direct all affai rs of the City. I would suggest along that line that the City M::,r. be given a salary of $2000 a year for the additional responsibility and time and I think tbat wage should come out of the Utilities. Also, for the water crew and the power plant and line crews, there should be some sort of time sheet where their hours put in should be marked down, - an accurate account turned in to the City Manager each week so he is :fully aware of this. There should also be an account of fuel and oil. Those are my recoI!'IJennctions, and I would like to see a motion to start the ball rolling on this. I<'~yor Sltockton stated he would like to open this up for discussion. Utility Board Members Myers and Gilfilen stated they were of the feeling that a City l'1anager should be just as it says, - he should not just manage the Police Department and the street Department. Murl Trevethan stated that there is one thing that isn't quite clear in my mind and that is with dispensing with the superintendent. Scotty is now foreman of the field crew, and Jay has been lining up the work day by day. Now, do you expect that work to be laid out for you, asked Mr. Trevethan of Hr. Scott. Mr. Scott replied that someone will have to tell me or give me some kind of orders as to what I am to proceed to do. Mr. Trevethan then W~lt on to say to Mr. Bordwell that this looks like maybe if you are not electrically capable or electrically minded, maybe they are heaping something on you. Clm. Durant asked if Mr. Bordwell proposed to put someone else in for the job of foreman, and Mr. Bordwell replied that if the man in there has the capability and qualifications to accept a little more responsi- bility, there would be no reason there could not be a little extra compensation. 'Nhen asked by Clm. Durant if that would be without adding another man to the line cn~w, City Hgr. Bordwell advised that is right if it worked out. Clm. Leirer asked Utility Board mer~r Turner what his thoughts were in this matter, and Mr. Turner stated he was not in favor of giving the City ~~nager a raise in pay until we see how this worked out. If it works out, then he could be given a raise. City Hgr. Bordwell stated he wanted to make it perfectly clear that the personnel matter he mentioned is absolutely distinct and separate,- there is absolutely no connection with the proposals b y the Councilman. Clm. Knight stated that apparently we are all in agreement that the City Mgr. is goinq to run the City. Perhaps he would like a little time to do a little work on the remainder of the proposals. City J'lJgr. Bordwell stated that Clm. / SEWARD, ALASKA Special Joint Meeting- Utility Board and Council - April 11, 1957 (continued) Lowell has not suggested anything which would not have eventually been accomplished other than perhaps the personnel action with regard to Mr. Carroll. With the exception of the salary proplem, which Mr. Bordwell advised he was not concerned with at this time, it was felt that the other matters could be worked out administratively. Mayor stockton then asked if Mr. Bordwell is the man that we want to be our Manager in the full sense of the word, and it was generally felt that he was hired for that purpose, both by Council and Utility Board members. Clm. Lowell then raised the question concerning the backhoe for digging necessary on Third Avenue and felt that this should not be put off. Mr. Richie reported that he had gone down 6-1/2 feet in some digging this week and there was no frost and we should be digging on Third Ave. right now. Mr. Carroll pointed out that it had been previously agreed that the street department backhoe would be available to the water dept. for this digging. Mr. Bordwell was instructed to see that this work is started just as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned at 11:28 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~~~ ER WALKER, ACTING CITY a..ERK - ---- --- ----------------- --- ---------- Regular Meeting - April 15, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:04 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Absent Clm. Amend and Durant. Also present City Manager Bordwell and City Attorney Buckalew. Minutes of the last regular meeting of April 1st were read and approved. Minutes of the special joint meeting of April 11th were read and a dis- cussion was carried on relative Clm., Durant's wording in his motion concerning the trip to Homer. It was finally decided that the intent of the motion would be clarified if the words .purchase of- were inserted. City Manager Bordwell felt that with respect to the easement discussion, Mr. Harstad had not stated definitely that the Hawkins family had refused to sign the easement. It was generally agreed that Mr. Harstad had advised that he was a little in doubt as to what had happened except that his repre- sentative had reported to him that after his obtaining a versal agreement from them, he had prepared an easement and submitted it to them. I believe, Mr. Bordwell went on, that they had never heard anything morefrom them. With these corrections, the minutes were approved. 11.1'. E. W. Hull, among people present, stated that he wanted to brinq before the Council the inadequacy of the ordinance governing the Small Boat Harbor. He reported that quite often when a boat leaves, someone else will move his boat in the spot and he went on to say that he felt as each man pays his rent a stall be assigned to him to keep. Mr. Hull also reported that there had been attempted break-ins as well as other acts of vandalism. Mayor stockton questioned Mr. Hull as to whether he meant that there was laxness in enforcement, or in the ordinance, whereupon Mr. Hull stated that it is the laxness of the ordinance itself; however, Mayor Stockton stated that the points that you brought out would tend to report a lack of enforcement rather than a lack of proper wordage in our ordinance. Mr. Hull felt that within the last two years the influx has increased at the Small Boat Harbor ahead of the ordinance. Mayor stockton advised Mr. Hull that possibly our ordinance isn't up to date with the times; however, at this point about all we can do is review it and see what recommendations our Harbormaster and Small Boat organization have. Mr. Hull felt that this would be a step in the right direction. Mark Walker, Harbormaster, presented figures bearing out the space problem for moorage of boats and advised the Council that indications are that there will continue to be a crowded condition at the Small Boat Harbor even now with the two new finger floats. Considerable discussion ensued and Mr. Hull stated that he felt immediate action should be taken towards having the North side of the float dredged. The Council :.1:""1" ..: j' Seward, Alaska Regular Meeting - April 15, 1957 continued I seemed to feel that perhaps a good way to start on solving the problems at the Small Boat Harbor would be that the Small Boat Owners and the Alaska Yacht Club as well as the Harbonnaster rJmake a recommendation to the Council. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that with respect to the possibility of having dredging work done this year and the condition of an emergency, he didn't know whether we can consider this an emergency since it is pleasure craft that is involved, and in respect to law enforcement, that the police dept. is thin and I think that is the desire of the community that we not have a large Police Department, and I don't think we should expect that by chance an officer would be at the Small Boat Harbor waiting for someone to put a hole in a boat. :; .., . . Dorothy Tyner was next heard in regards to the H & T Mining Company. She stated that this matter has come before the Council a number of times and she presented a letter which was read wherein the H.& T. Mining Company requested Council approval for the draining of First Lake, and further requested that the City replace a bridge which was dredged out when the channel at the lake outlet was widened and deepened. There was considerable discussion on this and it was felt that the matter should be laid over and other people given an opportunity to be heard. It was at first felt this would delay the mining operation; however, Mr. Thomas and Miss Tyner then stated that they would be amenable to this. Clm. Knight stated, -I move that the matter be tabled until the next meeting, pending further investi- gation of the matter by the Council and City Manager's office.- Seconded by Lowell. Vote: Clm. Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Lowell, yes; Leirer, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Further discussion ensued relative the bridge and who had removed it and City Mgr. Bordwell felt that it should be determined first that we are responsible for the destq*H"n gttt~~crolar meeting. bridge. Miss Tyner suggested that this matter also be taErea1 nC!m. ~nlght moved -that we follow Miss Tyner's suggestion.- Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Vote: Clm. Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. .....:. C~~l I Elsie Blue, representing the Seward Women's Club, then spoke and stated that the Club voted to offer to the City a sum of money not to exceed $300. to start the Urban Renewal Program for Seward and they will no doubt send a letter to the City for your files. We would like to see this statted. She went on to say that the Community Achievement Group would like to ask for a member of the Council to work on this Committee as far as making the dump into a park and it was suggested that we ask Clm. Leirer. Mrs. Blue continued that relative the Community Library, this, in the past, has pretty well taken care of itself and until 1955 they had never asked for help. Since that time they have had to ask for help and the City had con- tributed on three or four occasions for a total of $900. She stated that it is their very earnest hope that when ~ the City budget is set up that the Seward Library be included in it. She also advised that the group felt that they would like to have a member of the Council attend its meetings and stated that Mr. Art Knight was suggested to work on the committee for our new library. Mayor stockton thanked Mrs. Blue and the Women's groups and stated we are very happy to have a recommendation for these things. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that he had already written to Mr. Gagnon of the Alaska Housing Authority relative the Urban Renewal asking him to come down here. I Mayor Stockton then advised that altho there was still quite a bit of regular business to take care of; however, he would like to know the Council's feelings relative recessing of this meeting until Wednesday evening in order that the Council members as well as members of the Utility Board could answer on the radio certain questions which had been outlined in a newspaper advertisement by Mr. Schroeder of Moose Pass on our hydro project. Clm. Lowell stated, -I make a motion that we recess our meeting until next Wednesday night and carryon with the rest of the Agenda, and do take exception to these things and put it on the air.- Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Johnson, yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed at 9:40 P.M. APPROVED: ) ;' - '1: j .~ ~ , " ,g" 41oe,1- PERRY STOCKTON, MAYOR ATl'EST: ~~a kC1d~) Acting City Clerk .-" .. iJ) ^" Seward, Alaska Special Meeting. April 17, 1957 A special meeting of the Seward City Council will come to order at 8:15 P.M. stated Mayor Stockton. Roll was called with following Councilmen answering as present: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson and Leirer. Absent, Clm. Knight and Lowell. Also present City Mqr. Bordwell. Mayor Stockton stated that the purpose of this meeting is to canvass the ballots of yesterday's election, which is being called to order at 8:15 P.M. due to lack of a quorum at 4:00 P.M. The first order of business in canvassing the ballots is the appointment of two councilmen to check over the books that were prepared by the Election Board,with the City Clerk. Clm. Leirer and Durant were appointed by Mayor Stockton to canvas the ballots ~)-- whioh were ca~t at the Soecial Election held on April 16 1957. for the Proposition ;~f ~ Snail the maxlmum intere~t rate for unlssuea hydroelectric Donas6~uthorised be I,nveso raised from not to exceed 5% to not to exceed the legal rate of % per annum. Mat~I~j/After a complete check, Mayor Stockton asked for the results of the check of / the ballots by Clm. Leirer and Durant and City Clerk. Clm. Leirer stated that a canvass of the ballots confirmed the Election Board's findings as follows: Total Votes Cast . . . . In Favor of Proposition Against Proposition . 217 . . . 180 37 and we recormnend that the Election Board's findings be found to be co rrect. Clm. Johnson stated, "I make a motion that we accept the canvass of the ballots for the Special Election held on April 16, 1957, with 180 votes in the affirma- tive and 37 in the negative, for a total of 217 votes cast." Seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson; yes; Leirer, Yes. Motion carried unanimously." Moved by Clm. Durant, seconded by Clm. Johnson for adjournment. Carried. Adjourned at 8:36 P.M. APPROVED: ~~2r:-Uf .41:;7: U PERRY'(srocKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: ~./~ A ing Ci ty Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Regular Meeting of April 15th Reconvened Wednesday, April 17, 1957 The regular meeting of April 15, 1957 reconvened at 8:37 P.M. in the Chair. Present Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson and Leirer. Knight and Lowell. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. Mayor Stockton Absent Clm. Mayor Stockton stated that the items on the Agenda had been covered up to old business and we will take the first item on old business, that being bids for Workmen's Compensation insuran~e. City Mgr. Bordwell reported there had been received three bids, as follows: Harry West . Total Pat Williams- " John P. Smith." Estimated Premium $3130.00 " "2740.57 " "2563.03 Obviously, on Mr. Smith's bid, some extensions are incorrect and with these corrections his bid is brought up to $2721.52. This makes Smith's bid still low, stated City Mgr. Bordwell, and I recommend the award to John P. Smith having the best and lowest bid. Clm. Leirer stated, "I make a motion that the insurance rate bid of John P. Smith be accepted in the amount of $2721.52 corrected." Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant; yest; Johnson; yes; Leirer, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. I ,,~...-I " . ,.,......,-' , i:.:J I I i. i I;. SEWARD, ALASr::A Regular Meeting - reconvened April 17, 1957 continued The Marine Ways matters were next on the agenda, and after a brief discussion Mayor stockton advised City Mqr. Bordwell that there had never been any direct action by the Council to change the or~ginal action of the Council in instructing the City Attorneys to prQceed with this case to break the lease. It was the consensus of the Council that City Mgr. Bordwell should request the City Attorney to proceed with this case to get the lease broken and without delay. With respect to the Armory, City Mqr. Bordwell advised that he had received a telegram from Bond Attorney Thorgrimson who had stated that their opinion of the Armory Bond issue may be validly issued upon a statement from us that our general obligation bonds, including the Armory, do not amount to more than $825,000. Mr. Bordwell went on to say that because of the extras on the job that the school requested in the line of additional rooms, etc., it has turned out that costs of construction will probably be closer to 1/3 and 2/3 as opposed to 1/4 to 3/4 as originally planned, the position of the government being that they were restricted to a bare Armory-gymnasium, so the additional work has run up the City's share. I am perfectly satisfied that so far as any extras are concerned, they are properly for our account, continued Mr. Bordwell. Relative the hydro project, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that Mayor stockton had suggested that a delegation of Councilmen go to the Utility Board meeting and make the report on the Homer trip at that time. Both Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Harstad have been wired the results of the election so that they can each pursue their individual activities in this respect. Clm. Amend asked if the Forest Service had been notified of the election results and City Mgr. Bordwell advised that the City had not officially notified him; however, Mr. Porterfield no doubt had done so. City Mgr. Bordwell continued that we had received an Amendment to the Forest Service permit, extending the time to June 30, 1957, and he felt the best thing for us to do is to wait until we have everything together and the bond transcript has been approved as well as an amendment to the Contract with Grande & Co. received. Clm. Durant made a recommendation that Mr. Hardy be notified of the election results as official from the City. With respect to the appointment to the Hospital Board, City Mgr. Bordwell reported that he had received a letter from the ILWU Local 1.39 and they proposed that the City appoint one of the following of their members: Gus Werner, Gerald Huff, Ralph Ericson, John Salit, Richard Begard, Ted Gerwer. Mr. Bordwell stated that he felt there was pretty g00d representation from the dock and he wondered if Mr. Jacque Roth could not be named to serve on the Hospital Board and Mr. Roth had indicated to him that he would be glad to serv. if confirmed. Clm. Leirer asked if anything had been done on the check of the Hospital Board to determine if they have been getting into anything on the San operation. Mr. Bordwell stated that they get into it conversation-wise, but that is all. Clm. Amend stated, ~I move that we accept Jacque Roth as the appointee to the Hospital Board. ~ Secoil'ded by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Leirer, Yes. Carried unanimously. Clm. Durant asked if we couldn't write a letter to the Union explaining why their suggestions had not been accepted and Mr. Bordwell advised that such a letter would be written and thanking them for the thought. City Mgr. Bordwell gave a brief report on the organizational meeting of the utilities association which is to be officially named the Alaska Utilities League, and which meeting had been held in Seward on April 12th, with representatives on hand from Petersburg, Ketchikan, Cordova, Anchorage and Fai rbanks. Mayor Stockton then stated that there had been an idea of an Annual Youth Day where they could be with the department heads, and he suggested if there was no objection, that Mr. Bordwell contact Mr. Carlson and find a day which could be mutually decided upon to be Annual Youth Day and they could take over Municipal offices. No objections. Mayor stockton then mentioned Spring Clean-up and it was decided that this should be very soon, perhaps next week or the following. Brief discussion ensued. .'1 ~ !!. SEWARD, ALASCA Regular meeting reconvened- April 17, 1957, continued City Mqr. Bordwell then stated that C & R Builders, the contractor on the new hospital hasB:lme excess earth moving to be done and they have asked if the City could do this inasmuch as we seem to be the only ones with proper equipment. It was advised that the contractor should first determine that others in this area, such as Midby or Sorenson, are unable to handle this, and in the event suoh is the case then only should the City agree to do this work. City Mqr. Bordwell then reported that Mr. Fugelstaff, project engineer of the Alaska Railroad yard projeot was in and wanted to know if same agreement that had been made with us thru Harry Southard was still current and that has to do with filling in that part of the Small Boat Harbor. Mayor stockton suggested that Clm. Durant be delegated to show Mr. Fugelstaff where to put the dirt. Mr. Bordwell went on to say that he had in general told Mr. Fugelstaff that the parking area is something we needed and I thought we would probably go along with anything the people of the Small Boat Owners or users of the organization request. Clm. Leirer then reported that the contractor for the dock had been talking to him one day and stated that the City might have same opportunity to get some paving done on Fourth Avenue at the time they have their equipment in Seward to pave the dock. Considerable discussion ensued, no action taken. Clm. Leirer suggested that a group of business men contact the dock contractor to learn more about this. Clm. Durant asked what oan the City do to have defective sidewalk improved. Ci ty Mqr. Bordwell stated perhaps the only tha.nq we can do is give them notice that they are endangering the public safety and if they de not then have the repairs made, we would have to sue them. Clm. Leirer reported that he had contacted Attorney Baumgartner relative the property known as "Pete the Greek's" and he had advised that these lots had already been turned .ver to the administrators. Bills for the month of March were read in the total amount of $2795.69, as follows: Alaska Shop $3.31, Alaska Surplus Property Service $117.60; Andy's Oil $287.94; Alaska Telephone Corp. $44.05; Automotive Parts &EQuipt. $307.40; Ballou & Wright $25.24; Bill's Parts & Service $24.85; Craig Tajor Equip. $112.80; Durants Hdwe. $22.09; Graphic Arts Press $20.00; McCahill Freight $9.09; Marathon Bakery $1.44; National Auto Dealers Used Car Guide $8.00; Seaport Auto Supply $5.40; Seward Electric $906.75; Seward Machine Shop $26.87; Seward Plumbing & Heating $28.22; Seward Trading $11.45; Seward Water System $475.00; standard Oil $161.66; U. S. Post Office $34.29; Werner's Market $34.09; Western standard Supply $32.16; Pat Williams $5.00; Yukon Equipment $61.09; ACS $29.90, total $2795.69. Clm. Leirer stated, "1 make a motion that they all be paid with the exception of Seward Electric System and Seward Water System. Seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Leirer, yes. Carried unanimously. Clm. Leirer asked about prisoners working on the streets, and it was generally felt that this should not be done. Meeting adjourned at 10:23 P.M. APPIDVED: /~ ' ,_;/~/V~IJ$,v___ PERRY TON, MAYOR ATTESr~tm(VJctdv oting City Clerk-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ~.:.J I I .) ... t' j, ,) C'~,WARD, ALASKA Regular j,.eetinf? - j{ay 6, 1'157 The revular meeting (1f in the Chair. Dresent Johnson. Also oresent the Council was called to order at Clm. Amend, Dura'lt, Yni [ht, Leirer Ci ty ~:Ia '1a fer 'lordwell. 8:C5 P.M. and Lov;el1. rrca yor stoc khot' Absent Clm. ~~inutes of the last regular rr.eeting wer": read and aODroved. Ninutes of the soecial meeting of April 17th were read and Clm. Durant stated that he felt that the minutes should record the nroposition of the soec:ial election, and it was generally felt that this should be included, that the results were for tr,e election held on a certain date for a certain oroposition. 1'inutes armroved as corrected. Nirs. Blue, among oeople "resent, Dresentffd a letter from the Cormnmity Achievement group relative the 1Trban Renewal "rogram and she wondered if reprcesentatives of that "rouo cclUld perhaps call at the o[.fice of the; City 1'an8ger to determine just whet trey mi ght hope for. City Mfr. Rordwell indicated tU.s to be !Tost acceotable. !:rs. Slue then went on to say that as a member 0 f the Library Board, s[:o W01J ld like to raaa a letter. SllP U,en re9d this letter, 1"iherein the Library Board expr3ssed the need for lieJ pane: n,quested that th'3 City in its pla'll' for the next fi scal year incluie &ll amount of :;:l:?OC for help at the Librar:r. Mayor Stockton thanked Mrs. Blue aue the Conw1cni ty Achievement Grou!, for the action taken by that group and tJ-:e contribution for tJ-:is cause of Urban '1enewa1. Relati ve the Library, Mayor Stockton advi sed l~rs. Blue that Mr. Eordwell wi 11 08 makipg uo his budget, and I arT! sure he will try to include somethiq; for thi s. Mrs. Blue reoorted trlat thi s is jUf't for runninr "xoenses from year to veal' Rr;d should not be con D1E",d 1'1:; th the new Ii hral'Y bu~ :iding. Vr;o. Blue then asked the following queEtions: 1. Does Bill's Fcdl C'-rder Club have a business li eense, emd d08s the Ci tv ~~et any sales tax from him? The answer to thi l' was t~at it was not defiuitely kDO~l whether he had a business license; however, it was assllmed that he would have, and refarding the SAles tax, re does not :;lake ilny Sales Tax Retur'1s. A di scussi on was held and it WilS felt that 1'r. Machado should be aporoached and City Mfr. Boii'rdwell indicated that he would do so. (;;>) 'Nas trere a sponsor for tJ-:e Grand Ole Opery or did the Ci ty .Just rent the Ci vi c Center for the n:i te and Grand Ole Opery leave wi th thei r receipts. It was stated that there was no soonsor, they paid $100 for the hall and lost t500 on the show. (3) Ar., the Seanort Auto SUPCll:T Bnd the Plantation outside of tr:e City lim!ts Rnd diJeS the City receive sales tax collections from them? The reDly to thi~ wa~ U.at these two busi nesses are outside 0 f the Ci tv, - they di d not ask to hecome part of the Ci ty at the ti :T'e Clearvi8w was annexed. Mr. Sou thnrd tried to include tr,em but was advised that trey would fight it in Court if they were included. ReinE, outside of the City, tr1ey do not of course make sales tax collections. Dr. Deisher then asked to be heard and he advised the Counc5l that when he made arrangements or raUer started negotiating to purchase Lots 1 and 2 of t;JO IJ;ara thon Addi ti on, the lots were clear o~ excess dirt; however, by the time hp had purchased them, the di.rt had been dug out of the new hospital site and put on these lots. Iir. Hardinge, then City Wanilt;ei' advised me LJ-:at that dirt would be removod. Dr. Deisher then stated that he has heen wondering if the City would remove that dirt. !{r. Foster, ilmong visitors, stated tJ-:at he thoug",t it would :::,p found in the minutes of a previous meeting th9t the City '....anted that d5 rt and they agreed to haul tLe dirt when they had t.he money or srmething like that. It was af;reed that If I' . Fost"lr Vias correct and Mr. Bo...dwell was instructed to [iee that the dirt was mnvec: at his discretion. Pelative the H R,. T Mining Company, Ci t;v' Manager Bordwell reported that hl~ had discusspo with a I~.ining eneineer the possibility of adverse effect of the underground shooting on the school 9nd tLe Armory 'ouildi.ngs and it was felt Lhat U:€,re was no su'ostal1tial hazard to these buildings. Also, in respect to the bridge which [-,ad been in that area, it apDears trat a City employee who is no longer among us, picked up the hridge and moved it out of the way ,"nd wrat happened to "the materials in the bridge, we have been unahle to determine. li:a'TC'r St0cl<ton stated therE: had beon <,one G1Jestion over th~ laye wLiet has been nsed fer swinunin&; a'ld eXDressi ons "lade that the people wonld li1<e Lo sw. that facility lert i,:LClct as ~nlch as Dossjble; Dowever, the miring concern trlere, as I ur1clerstand it, w01Jld te'lo not o'1~_y to clrain the lake but fill :it with the materia Is U:e:i take out of the mi n8. He tr:en called on Er. Thomil s apd ~.'i ss Tyner to answer wr:ether tf::is W01Jld do away witb Fi rst Lake, and !ifi ss Tyner reported trat she believed ~ t W01Jld, a'ld if not, it -/{()uld not be long before it couJd not be 1Jsed 1'0,' swimJ~jng. $ \ 4 ,~ 'i; , ',-, SEWAR,D, ALASKA PRgular Mppting - May 6, 10,57 conti fmed There was considerable discussion, with Mr. ,Tack ,Jeffrey being heard, 'lnc1 expressions from Councilmen relative the need for the mining company to carry liability insurance as well as a requirement for a performance bond. After much discussion, Clm. KIli ght moved ~hat the Ci~Manager be r~~~~~9: ~Qi.!:~c::ted :1:-0 discuss l'rl th1he attorney for the H ~_'LMining COJ!lJlgI1y~nd ~sent to the Council ~--2roposed~reement between tt~i ty ancl_:ttHLIL_~~ ~:'JI1112LQ.Qmpa~YJor _ the p.!:912osesLc91l9:i tion 9J oDerll_j;jon~thj~_miDE2-,-~ Seconded by Clm. Durant. ',Tote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Kni,;ht, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carripd Clnanirro\1s1y. Clm. Lei rp,r then asked that the City Manaf,er obtain a oony of that lease between the Brownells and the miJ'li'lg company. City M,;r. Bordwell theJ'l re:-"orted on the sta 1,\15 of the Armory Duildi ng and the financjal arrangements aCld advised that May 15th to June 1,,1, would see this completed. ~r. Bordwell then advised that he had received the bond proposal from lli'ande ~ Co~pany where they offer to purchase not to exceed an additional $400,000 su'cject to feasi bi 1i ty on the last 100 tr,ousand of the f,'40Cl, ODD, and 1 t appears that we probably will be tied to abmlt $300,000 until the June 30th audit is run on the utilities and that will be orobably insufficient time to work. The Dec. 30th audit report S1''. +1;c p:2.c;cLric system has arrived and J\Ir. Sheppard has a copy. It will cover the *300,000 adequately, but not the additional ~lOO,OOO. It may be that the June 30th audit will indicate some surnlus and with the possibility of obtaining some firm cornrrtitments from users at Moose Pass, we may be in a position to obtain thA additional $100,000. Mr. Bordwell went on to say that the bids are being received and placed in the vault and will be opened Wednesday afternoon, the 8th, at 2 PM. It will take some time to evaluate these bids and he in a position to make an award. Whenever we have a special meeting we should take up all these thinr;s at one time, including Mr. Sheppard's ai;Teement. A discussion was then held on the powsibility of setting a policy relative awarding a local contractor in the event he is within a certain percentage, and City Mf:r. Bordwell stated that such a policy could be set; however, it probably should ha'Je been so stated in the bid notice. Mr. Rod'Saunders was present and he stated tl-at in respect to the bid notice, there is a lack of explanation in the snecs where it re fers to an access road. It does not state whether it is an access road for rubber tired vehicles or for cats, and this could be quite a difference. I f this could be spelled out by a wire amendment, it might r.18ke a difference to the bidders and to-the City. City MFr. Bordwell stated he would get in touch witt the Enr;ineer in the morning regarding this. Clm. Knight said he was curious about what is going on out by the Jesse Lee witt the poles, and Mr. Rordwell stated that these are the few poles which needed to be realigned as discussed at our meeting with Mr. Harstad. These are engineering errors for which he will be billed. !VIr. Bordwell continued that Mr. Harstad had prepared and sent some easements which have to be secured and we w:i1l try to get these executed. Relative the Hawkins easement, I understand we will Ilave to take this up with their attorney, John Manders. With respect to the Third Avenue paving, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that the BPR. Ilas had a material engineer in testing on Third Avenue and taking some materi al samples. They have poi nted out a few encroachments, sucll as fence lines, trees, etc. Tomorrow Mr. Norman Smith and some other BPR officials will be down and we will go over tile matter of these encroachments, and they will be shooting some lines and we have prevailed upon them to site down ei tiler side of the ri ght of way to see if we can pin-point what 'lie have. Fortunately, the encroachments are minor and this was one of their condi tions that encroac;-uuents be r :;n,oved and unrleqrround work oe done. It was pointed out that due to a p'cat ceal of trouhle with water lines in the Forest Acres area, there had been no wor~ done on Third Avenue however, it was hoped that the 'Nc:ter Dent. men woulri be able to get starteri there the next day. City Mr~r. BordwelJ reported tl1at under old business is an added item, that being the new hospital. The APN officials are oom~1ng tomorrow and running a preliminary inspecti on to determi ne wh8re the hospi tal stands wi. th respect to completion, to identify any exceptions, and we will know after that inspection tOlAr tomorrow about when we would be buyi.ng the hospital, and I have asked Mr. Roth of the Bank and Mr. Green, chairman of the Board to go along with me on that tour with the A1'W engineers, and any Councilman who will care to look it over, we will 'oe doing so about 1:30 tomorrow. I <O;~,.." '< , :: <I-~": ('11 '",-< I I ~.of ...... ! i SE7:AW, ALAE'YA Rei;1Jla:' r,Ce'"Ung - Ha;! 6, lq 5'7 continued City MI'T, Bordwell then advised the Comicil relative the ir.crease in charge for Terri torial adm;nistration of Socia}. SeclJri ty, that 2ncr2ased costs mahe it necessary for tre Ter~itor:f to increase the administration fee from l/16th of one pRr cent to 1/4tr of one reI' cent, Tni s for in fnrn8tion purpofes of the Council. l,iayor Stockton took un t)lP. next i tern on the afenda, that being a re;Jort on the Citizen's Advi.sory Com,j ttee organizati onal meeting wnich had l:Jeen held recently. J',~r. Russell Painter was apnointed Cnairman, with Barbara Bedford appoj nted as Secret8ry. Th"; ~unctions 0 f thn Comni ttee were outlined and they have taken on three i terns to stal't wi th, (1) the old hos"i tal facility as to what 2re we going tc do wi th it, (2) the inadequacy of the Small Boat Harbor and (3j we ask them to recommend inforrnation they may be abl? to ob- tain regardinG Daving. They will hold meetinf,s once a month. Mr. Chet Steear, the aDpointee from the goverhTlent employment, h&s been 1, ransferred to Juneau, and the commi ttee members wi 11 endeavor to contact some other fovernment 8mployees ~n an e~fo.rt to place a name ne:01'e, the Council to fi 11 the vacancy. Ci ty Mgr. ROl'dwell then reported on recent Terri tcrial 18[isl&tion relative a TTniform Assessment Act vlhich tends to make a slight nardship on the City of Seward but will terLd to make a uniforrl assessment date so th01t residents cf tne Terri torv will nut be confu:oed. The law does not take effect until ,Tune 30th at midnite so for thi s year our tax assessmer;t returns are in the mail and we wi 11 contlm18 thl'3 year ; however, the fi rst 0 f ,Tarwar,,! becomes the uni form assessment date and the returns will agair roe due. It will requL'e workin[ UD a n3V1 tax ordinance for the City. Mr. Bordwell then went on to the next item and advised that we have a request for trans fer of a liquor 1" cense, th8 b8',cerar:;e di EDensary license from E. 'if. and Adelaide Hull of the Palace Bar +,0 Howard 8mi th and Ross Parkinson who wi 11 continue to do business in the location which is known as the ;:Jalace. It is our j'ecomcnendation that the Cou!lcil approve the transfer, subject to the usual administrative findings. Clm. Durant stated, "I will make a motion that the transfer of thp. liquor license from S. W. and A:Je],'!clcLe)lli'll t~jfoV!:arc[ :S:ni{t:ll arlct_ RQ~~ =Dar,kfnllQn: :b~ca-RRr:Q:~E:d :s:u:t ie-ct: )" '2.UE_l~~a]c Te.ql~i}~~!~ec~..t.~~ Seconded by elm. Y.night. "vat,,: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Ynigrt, yes; Leirer, Yi"S, Lowe11, ;i3S. I,:otion carried unanimously_ Re1atc: ve the report on the budget, Mr. B0rdwell advised that r,e had worked Un a bUc.lget revision bllt it 'fiRS not cLn typewrjtten form as, Y:'lt. He; tben gave a dis,.e2tation on hi:, findings a'ld ad vi sed trat tre total revised eX;:Jcmdi tures as comnared vii th U,e general fund's cash res ources, leaveG us with a net budget deficit of :t2Y~O.28. Fr. Bordwell pointed :Jut that tlce estimated deficit is offset bv the t13,000 estimated une:Jllectible taxes and sta ted that we are worki'1g wi th cash resources. Vie will collect a SUbstantial a~ount 0: this,- we must remember that this is in hookkeeping 3.'1J it may be we will be better off as far as cash. Clm. Leire[' asked if the Plannint; and Zoning Commission are w0rkint; on the resolutions and condemnati ons whi ch were !l!entioned so~e time ago and City Mgr. Bordwell stated they are, and relative the nmjsi::m to the Dlanninp and Zoning ordinance regardinr; condert'1ation, he f:a::l not decided whetrer thi s should 1;e a revi s5 on or stand aLme. He then wel1t n'1 to f'R:v_ that the Conncil should give some tl,ought to a unifonn code of regulations for the (~i ty ,'ather tnan revising the ordiYJances. Clm. Leir'er' stated he had another question, th8t beinp: regardin~: the damages done f'rorr, .frozen water mains burstirlt~ In the For8st Acres and hR E.3~Ad if some of the property O.,,'Ecrs W",'2 responsihle. City)5g1'. Brodwell advised tha t there has been S'Jme di scussi on 01] thi sand i.t may he that at least one ;=,rCip'jrcy O~Nner is 20mewhat res;lonsiLle D.nd he 01an:; t,r) !lave 3. tal~,: \y5 th tr,qt individual. elm. DuY"'ant tr:en inquired as to the City's s--':.and on the gral1lng of tr~s oall-- ;::;ark out:slde the Ci ty limi ts and Ci ty MeT. BordweE pointed aut that that would be' Council policy, but he saw no reason why we should not do these things, on a voluntary basi s of the oflerator, - that the Ci ty c0'Jld let out tl:.e :nRchine .for other than nornal vmrking hours, w:i th a City operator on hi.s own time as we could Clot Day the operator's wages. The machi.nes belong to the peoDle and if the people want tr': s and would bere f:i 1, by it, he saw no reason why we should not J[) thi s. l 't~ '\- (. SEWARD, ALASI-=t. Regular t:eotin[; - Ma,y :J, 1957 contjnued A brief discussion was then held on the accjdent of a Diece of heavy duty equipment in the process of hauling dirt to the new dock construction site and Mr. Rod Saunders of Mannix-Stolte explained that this was not equipment failure or error, and he asked consideration of the Council to give them the opportuni ty to use the same vehicles on the City Streets some time after ~lly 15th when they would again be hauling dirt. City Mgr. Bordwell advised that he had asked the Chief of Police to make some investi Eation of this operation and consider what the problems were and how they could be corrected and b this resDect he w0\.11d have the Chief reduce his findings into writing or have him come up to a Council meeting ar.,d make a verbal presentation. Tn the meantimA, nerhaos the Chief, the contractor and myself could get~ together and Dossibly corne up with something that wO\lld be acceptable to the contractor for the Council's consideration. Clm. Amend Dointed out that the making of U turns at the new Post Office was very dangerous and he felt that the City should take some acti on to correct this. t~rs. Luther ,Tones then inquired of the Council as to the owner of a pilrcel of land in the area of Nils Hagen's Droperty ard whi ch is generally thought to belong to the City as part of the Bro~~ell homestead. Nqone seemed to know anything definite about this certain section of lA!1d, and Mayor Stockton suggested that Mrs. ,Tones contact City J\<1gr. Bordwell at a lAter date after he had hl'ld occasion to look into the mining contract, after which he may be able to determine just whether thi s certain riece of land would still he of interest to Vrs. Jones. Neeting adjourned at 11:15 p.M. ATTEST:.57.. _ _ _ /,__" J _ " ~~~ , ,:;. -- f APPROVED: _--"Ley~'__ it?:'..::c~4-z,-,_ PERRY-,R. S':'OCKTON, MAYOR SDecial Joint Meeting - City Council and Utility Board - May 9, 1957 A special joint meeting of the Council and the Utility Board was called to order at 8:15 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. "resent Clm. Amend, Durant, ~ohnson, Leirer and Lowell. Absent, Clm. Knight. Also present Utility Board members Gilf:i lin, Myers, Stanton, Trevethan and Turner. City Mgr. Bordwell also present. Wayor Stockton advised that the puroose of the meeting is to consider bids which were received yest'Jrday at the opening for the pole line materials, construction, and clearing. City Mgr. Bordwell advised that the one bid we did Eet on the pole line constrlJction was from Connelly Electric in Anchorage, which bid for the construction of the pole line, excepting the c~_earing was as follows: Mile 7-1/2 to lv!ile 25 (described as Schedule A in the bid notice) pole line con8truction t,232870.86. Mile 25 to Mile 30 (Schedule B) ~75,63;o.63. Total construction bid for the erection of the poles, wires, etc. from J\<iile 7-1;';0 to Mile 30 comc'lS to :(;:308503.54 That was the only construction bid received stated City Mgr. Bordwell. On the Clearing, we received a bid from Northern Ventures, Inc. and Foster- Saunders and they bid on Schedule A, Mile 7-1/2 to Mile 25, $73,701.90. Schedule B, Mile 25 to Mi Ie 30 g,.466..00 For a total of . ~86,167.90 The materials bids, which we cannot report in detail, advised Mr. Bordwell, appear to average about $110,000.00. He continued that the engineerinp- "'1c11"!r t!-Je contract wni ch we have for field work and adm5.nistrati on, is estimated at this Doint to run approximately $25,000 to Mile 25, or ~27,500 to Hile 30. I '!'W! ~ :: ,...~'~, ," , <..: "-!::,M" C r.,J:"J I I ,{ (\ -I' " SH:WA'i.D, ALASYA S;:;ecial Joint 1,'eeti'1g of the Council and TTtiHt:r Board - May 9, 195'7 (continued) Mayor Stockton asked if Mr. Sheppard !lad bCCcn contacted by lv:r. Bordwell and Mr. Bo~dwell replied that he had and lviI'. Shepoard agreod with my conclusions about what additi~nal bonds our revenue would support and it was felt it could be rounded off at ~i350 000. He would like, however, a certificate from our engineer, Ilr. Harst~ci, as to what can be anticipated. }lir. Sheppard inJ.i,cated that if we jointly conclud8d that whatever route we took was well founded, if it was financially feasible, his firm would buy a sufficient number of bonds to finance the deal, limited, of course, by whateviT the certificate showed. J,:r. Bordwell E'tated that the clearing bid appears to be an hOIl6st bid and is pretty much in line. We couldn't hope to improve on that bid. On the construction bid, he felt this could be shaved by 30 to 40%. It will be a possibly a week before we can have the complet8' evaluation of the materials bids. Considerable discussion WliS held on the bid of Connelly Electri c for construction and it was finally concluded that Mr. Bordwell should place a telephone call to Mr. Connelly to determine whether he would consider negotiating his bid on a downward basis. Mr'h~ordwell did thi s during a recess of the meeting and reported back thatjnad advised Mr. Con'1elly that we are up against $100,000 materials cost, t74,000 clearing costs, and ,;25,000 engineering costs, and that ran up to ~~1<j9, 000, and he came in with a bid of ;;233,000 and our ability for the entire project is only t300, \100. Mr. Connelly had said that he didn't knuw wha", to ss.:r but he would go to work fi~;C;~~:::6 'e1l1; just where he could make downward revisions, and woul::! call tor:,o;:,::-,ow. We eould go on to the clearjng bid if the iilayor and Council and Utility board are 01 a mind to, continued Ii;r. Bordwell~ 'lie have found this ons to be a very fair bid. I would r,tlsi tate to assure the Uti Ii ty Board and Council that we c'J,;ld accomplish the cle!'lr.ing fur the same amount or a lesser amount. He stated that he felt it could be awarded conditional without in- curdng any liability to ourselves. 1 would recommend that the clearing award go all the wa y. May I suggest, as a matter of record, stated ~ayor Stockton, that if a motion is forthcoming, that. we have a recommendation from the Utility Board. Mr. Trevethan, Chairman of the Utility Board, stated that the chair win enter- tain a motion to autborize acceptance of the clearing bid either to Mile 25 or Mile '30. Mr. ill Ifillen stated that he would be most happy to make that motion and include in it that from the observations that I got, from talking to Mr. Sheppard in Seattle,- it is my understanding from his conversation t,hat he is depending a great deal on the utility board and C01.<ncil to carry out the wishes of the neorle who voted for this thing, and 1:e anticipates going all the way with us and I am quite sure that he wouldn't back down at any stage of t,he game in going ahead and putting it in. MJ::._ ...QiJ:.!Ein state~.L~'I m~e__~e rl!C2.tion t~~Lwe c!e:, recDlr!'lend t2-the__~ouncil _ arc! the ~ilaY<2-~ _a!'LCi b::~ana geI.._~ha t th~~h~'!<L with_1!ll sP,,-~c!__t_~_:l~sue th~2on'tract to the clearing c0ntracto~.A.l2c!_ to negotiate_th~..l2.urCC!:'o~se of the Il!.a_~~,~ial~~_ upon a suggestion from a C01J'1cilrnan, it was decided tr,at pel';;aps the clearing bi,d should be verified and confirmed by kr. Saunders who had signed the bid, and who was among the Deople oresent. Mr. Bcrdwell read from the bid for access roads and clear:ing, Schedule A, which' is the ,oortion of line under discussion, Mile 7-1/2 to Mile 2:3, bid ~'7J, 701.90. Now I assume that tbis means tbat they wi 11 cut in thac road as ,Jer specs for that price, continued Mr. Bordwell. Mr. Rod Saunders, i'0;;resent.i.ng Northern Ventures, Inc. and Foster-Saunders, conf:i rmed this. Sch8dule B, ~file 25 to Mile 30, an addi+,ional bid of :;12, ~6G.OO for access roads a:~:i clearing, and Mr. Rosid Saunders also verified this 3-S being their bid. Mr. Gilfilin's motion seconded by Utility memb8r Stanton. Vote: I\ie"rnbar Gilfili'1, yes; Myers, Yes; Stanton, Yes; Trevethan, Yes and Turner, Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ~~. ~r:ant~l~e!!.._~tat~~J,:~ke a m~~ion_~f1.~"L'~,he_Ci~.'L.Q.f S~ward award the clea~r:i ng _ccontract C2.12 _tAEl._~ro Ji.I'oi~cJ:.J;.QJv!ilLZ~_ to, N'Q.r:tJ:lern_1[q,ntuI-~~__lnc. ~ndJos~er-Saunders, Inc. ~er Schedule A for the sum of :;):73 701.90 . ----- --------_._------,._~--~- subject to _c;.,Q.ndi tiQ.1LJ.1J.at such an award shall be e f:['2CCt.2 ve only if ,Q.t.b..er .ccons trll,,-ti_ on _phase ~_<2- Lth8_yrC!.j~ccL~h~n_~~_a pprC!..~~clLOl.llc!_ th~t.._,the_g, learin f! co!:!.t~~cot_~~tw~~l"!. ,1!:ile ~2_~ndJLiJe 30, as per Schedule B for the sum of ~~::hA~Q.'_OQ_be su~J.E~Gt_to_.A.7i'!r:.'_L~Lsuch -tim~i!s -t~h~ clf3aii,}l€LiroI~~t ~tweq,ll Ml~~-'Z.-ll~and ]v;~le 2,2_i.c~-E-<2.IgQleted. " Seconded by Amend. (, f""'" ." /. " ' f.. t SE7TAlID, ALASKA Special ,Toint ~.Ie8tin6 of the COllncil and Uti1ity Board - May 9, 1957 tCont'd} Vote: elm. Arnend, Yes; Durant, Yes; ,rohnson, Yes; Lej rer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. It was stated that the understanding of this latter part of the moti on would be tr'at award would be made prior to the time the Northern Ventures and Foster- Saunders equ~pment would be pulled off the job, and there was general agreement in this. Mr'. Bordwell gave a brief statement regarding the mater:i.als bids received that had been tabulated, and General Electric and Graybar were the two lowest bids received. Neeting adjourned at 11:11 P.M. ( A?;:>RCVED: .>/_,-,t,(,r PERRY/R. ! , , ;-r l-r :-'.1.__ _.;.~,:,,_,::,7~~,t..!:_~ _ STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST:~<L L~._tJL. "/ CITY CLE~l..-- Special Joint Meeting of the Council and Utility Board - May 16, Ie; 57 A special jo~nt meeting of the Council and Utility B'bard was called to order at 8:18 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. ?resent Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, I,owell. Absent Clm. Knight and 1eirer. Utility Board members present were Gilfilin, Myers, Stanton, Trevethan and Turner. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. The purpose of the meeting tonite is to discuss hydro matters, stated Mayor Stockton, those matters being (a) construction bid negotiation, (b) award of materials bid and (c) confirmation of award on clearing. The other two items on the agenda of this special meeting were matters pertaining only to Counci 1 ond these were the hospital bond ordinance and the Armory Bond Ordinance. City Manager Bordwell reported that Mr. Connelly of Connelly Electric in Anchorage, the bidder on the hJuro construction pole line, had come down' today and had worked u;:> a proposal for revising his original bid of $233,00e. Connelly Construction will construct l.lUe 7-1/2 to Mile 25, Schedule A, for $199,216.85 in consideration of our extending the tirre allowed for completion to a total of 200 days.' It is further proposed in event of the re-rcuting of poles 210 thru 223 and possible ot.hers along the Alaska Railroad right-of-way, a reduction will be effected 'ITJO'1 ')1'1+,1)81 C 0"1 Dutati on, and also on any other economies whi CD may develop. This prbposal will expire and be subject to wi th- drawal in the same time basis as the original bid basis, ~eaning the 8th of June and it will expire if the matprials are not made available within 30 days of his notice ~o proceed. Schedule B as amended, Connelly Construction will bid $75,632.68 a~ our option, provided notice to proceed is given in sufficient time to prevent any loss of time on Schedule A. This is a 14% reduction on his prior bid, stated Mr. Bordwell~ on hls prior bid for Schedule' A, no change in B. WJ City M~. Bordwell advised that wi~hout straining the coverage, I think we can raise ":;350,000 froln the sale of bonds. If it be the wi.sh of the Council and Utili ties to capitalize some .of the assets of the utili ties which are somewhere between $30,000 and $40,000, we would come up somewhere around $'390,000 for the job. Clm. Lowell n~~that he still thought the City could do the job at from $105,000 to $ , on force account. Mr. Bordwell stated that Mr. . Conr.el'ly has dropped his bid to ;;199,216.85 and I sense that it is a fairly honest bid. We have done a lot of fine pencil sharpening here and I would say that it seems 106rical to say that we would be lucky to hit 90% of a professional's estimate. That would bring it down to approximately $179,ODO. Mr. Bordwell continued that he would hate to have them ask to build-this line for something less than $179,000. Along these lines, that we might expect to shade the contractor's cost by 10%, that would bring us tc $179,000 for the construction, ~105,000 for the materials, $73,000 for clearing, and ~35,000 for the engineering a'1d surveying,- this comes to ::::392,000. I ;,.... . . [iJ I I SSr;/lR.D, AUSKA Special Joint Mepting oJ the Council and utility '3oard - May 16, 1957 (Cont 'd.) Clm. Lowell stated that if tte contractor's bjd were lovi enough hp would be gIRd to see the contractor get it, but he felt that the City could do it for less than the contractor's bj d. After considerable discussion and an informal DolbnG of the councilmen and utility board members regarding their i,houghts on this, Mayor Stockton asked if J\Tr. Bordwell would care to make a recomnenda- tion whereupon 1"1'. Bordwell stated that the rigunos he had worked up come to ;;392 or $393 thousand and ttis Ii gure allows absolutely nothing for con tin- gencies. I would hazard a guess that tte uncertainties cn this .job opposed percentage-wise to the mown figure are relat.jvely minor and I would still want a l~ to 15% hedge in there before I could assu~e you :or,at that is the way we are going to do it and do it that way. Wayor .Stockton thm asked if the Utility Board would make a recomnlendation to tte Council that we do want to proceed with this. 111'. Stanton sta~~9:L~!. ma!<e -.?"- motiQQ...1'ie 'p~Q~ee<L Vii th the_p_ole line construction ei ther under contract 9r.J2Y---19rce account, which- ever it cQJIles out..!-~ Seconded by Mr. Turner. Vote: I.!r. Gilfilin, yes; Myers, yes; Stanton, yes; Trevethan, Yes; Turner, yes. !lotion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated, ":';ow we have heard the recommE'mdation of the Utility Board, new could we have something from the Cocmci1. Clm. Amend moved, l'That we accept the lJtility Board's recolJ1mendation, and I also recorr.mend that we proceed with the electric Utility Construction e2ther by force account or by accepting the bid submitted by Connelly Electric, providing sufficient finances are available." Seco:lded by Clm. LOViell. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Lewell, yes. Carried unanimously. It looks like the next thing we better do is find out where we are fjnanc:i3l11y, stated Mayor Stockton. It was felt that 1:1'. Bordwell should contact Mr. She ppard 0 f Grande p~ Co. and Mr. Bordwell then as ked how much he should ask for from Mr. Sheppard. Mayor Stockton stated that it seemed to him tha.t they should talk in terms of something like $375,000. to Moved on/the next item on the agel"da, that concerned with the materials bids. City Mgr. Bordwell called attention to the materials bids schedule wherein each of the twelve bidders were listed and tLeir bils for each schedule. He suggested that we deal with C€neral Electric and/or Gr'aytar Electric, as having ~ubrnitted the two lowest bids and that consideration of determining which is lowest and best be determined only after each of them have been contacted wi tb a view as LO what they would do regarding rlll4tf.<I ,expedited deli very of tte materials. These bids call for deli ved es anyvlhel'e from, wi th minor exceptions, 30 days to 72 days. I f you instruct me that you .find that you agree wi th :Ti;" sC':~clil::'i.o;~s with the two low iJids, and you instruct me t.o proceed to con tact the two lowest bidders as T have outlines, and brj ng the fjndings to you, I will proceed. He was so instructed to go ahoad. It was decided that item 2 (c} could not be acted up,ln at this meeting. The special joint meeting was adjourned, with the Council proceeding on the last two :items on the agenda. Utility uoard members adjourned at 10:58 p.m. It was found the the hospital bond ordinance and the Armory bond ordinance could not be acted upon inasmuch as there were not five councilmen present to allow for suspension of the rules. Meeting adjourned at 11:08 .P.lv:. APffiO'JED: '~,C'~~...J.d' ,j"'- ~~L FERRY Ri STOC1~ON - MAYOR ATTEST: ~~a/Mf'~/)_/ CITY CIERK ~." . ~ ~f ''/ {, SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - May 20, 1957 The regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:19 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Preaent Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnsom, Knight, Leirer, with Clm. Lowell arriving during the reading of the minutes. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell. . The minutes of the regular meeting of May 6th were read and a~proved. Minutes of the special combined meeting of the Council and Utility Board on Jl1ay 9th were read and apI1roved. Minutes of the special joint Council and Utility Board meeting of JI~y 16th were read and Clm. Lowell stated that where the minutes indicated that he had said that it would cost us to build the transmission line on force account $105,000 to 110,000, he had rather said it would cost us from $105,000 to $125,000. Minutes corrected aad approved as corrected~ Item 3 on the Agenda, that being people present, wato~Qfl~staken up, with a letter being read from the Business & Professional/Club, andBPW representative, Barbara Bedford being present. In their letter, the Business & Professional Women's Club requested that they be exempt from collecting and remitting Sales Tax to the City of Seward. It was the concensus of the Council and City Mgr. Bordwell that in view of the fact that the 'Petticoat Gazette', the BPW news- paper project, was put out by VOlunteer/help and cannot be considered a cOIDlIlercial business enterprise, it could be exempt. Clm. Durant stated, "I move that all revenues of the' ~Petticoat Gazette' derived from present tyne of ODera- tion be exempt from the Sales Tax as stated under SUb-section I of Section '5 of the City Sales Tax Ordinance." Seconded by Clm. K-l1iCht. Vote: Clm. Amend, Yes; Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, No; Lowell, Yes. Motion carried. City Mgr. Bordwell then reported on the status of the hydro project and reported that Mr. Sheppard of Grande & Co. is awaiting a certificate from Mr. Harstad, which is being drawn with a view to showing additional revenues and coming up witp a certificate of feasibility. With respect to the materials bids, Ganeral Electric and Graybar have been tequested to eive us improved delivery ~chedules and these should be in our hands in the very near future. Mr. Bordwell then stated that JI~. Harstad's design incorporates some individual hardware items which are made by oneparticular company and have to be made on order. This may slow us down a bit as it has been stated that this company will not stop pro- duct ion until they get a solid order and they do not stock the item. It is not a normal production item. With nothing further to report on the hydro, Mr. Bordwell then reported that in regards to the suit on the Seward Fish and Cold Storage, we haven I t had any luck in e:;ettins it moved and the attorney suggest,s that if possible we have an affi- davit prepared by the City for presentation to the Court and in this way we may be able to have the suit moved up} on the Court calendar. Bills for the month of April in the total amount of $5,182.58 were read as foll.ow.s: A.C.S. $39.08 and $7.39; Seward Trading Ceo. $6.38; Kenai Co-op $l:h.llj Seward Machine Shop $43.88; Petty Cash $28.05; Seward Water System $475.00; Graphic Arts $47.0Q; Bill's Parts & Service $15.75; Andy's Oil $497.74; Anchorage Print ing $31.50; Alaska Telephone Co. $44.05; Alaskan Stat ioners $9.65; Airport Machinery ,$1..6.69; OS.bo's 10.50; Paulsteiner,'1l1 $33.00; Petticoat Gazette $18.00; Seward Electric System $872.25; Frank Spadara $117.85; Pat 1.villiams $25.0Q; Seward Plumbing & Heating $21.28; Seward Electric for gas for Police Car $121.34, Standard Oil $215..67; Automotive Parts & Equipment $24.93, Rettig, Scott ~ Co. $1901.54; Title Insurance & Trust Co. of Alaska $25.00; Win Ervin $22.95. John P. Smith $500.00. After discussing the bills as well as the police car, in that it seems to be a very poor car, DIm. Knight stated, n'I move that wepay the bills as read, with the exception of the Seward Water System.. Seconded by Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend. yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; lowell, No. Motion carried. Mayor Stockton then asked Mrs. Luther Jones, who was present, if she would care to take something up with the Council before they proceeded with the agenda. Mrs. Jones asked if the City could give her any information on the parcel of land in the Brownell homestead in which she is interested. It was felt that the deed from the Brownell's would have to be checked to ascertain whether there were restrictions on the property as it was felt that there may be a stipulation in the deed that certain property be held for recreational pupposes, after which research the information would be brought to the Council for a decision as to whether the land should be surveyed and put up for bid. CL~. Knight offered to check into this. %2.3 SEWA?D, ALASKA Regular Meeting - May 20, 1957 continued Ordinance .#273 entitled as below was read in its entirety. I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Seward, Alaska, oonfi~ing the result of a special election held on October 2, 1956 within the city for the fldoption of a p18n to issue ceneral obligation bonds of the city in the sum of $75,000 for the purpose of providing funds to pay the city's share of the cost of constructing a combined armory and gym- nasium building on city-owned property adjacent to the ~eward High School and within the City, providing for the issuance and confirming the sale of such bonds, fixing the date, form, terms and maturities thereof, creating a special fund for the payment of the principal thereof, creating a special fund for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon, and declaring an emergency. Clm. Knight stated, "I move that the rules be suspended for the passage of Ordinance No. 273.~ Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Lerrer, yes; ,Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimousl;jl. Glm. Amend stated, "I move we adopt Ordinance No. 273 as read." Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer. yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Gity 1'-lL;r. Bordwell then advised the Council that the hospital bond ordinance has been received and it is set fip for emergency passage and the Alaska Public Works officials will be here on !VJay 27th to effect its adoption and the transfer of the hospital. Mayor Stockton suCgesteJ that each Councilman come up and read this ordinance before the 27th. I Ci ty Mgr. Bord~rell then stated that Lot 13 of the jVJarathon Addition lies west of the new hospital and it is absolutely necessary to get some protection on the west side of the hospital by ac~uiring some additional land. He continued that MT'. Clyde Gordon owns Lot 13 and will sell one -half of this lot to the City for the sum of $500.00 and because of a change in financial arrangements with the government we now have $500.00 available in the Capital Improvement fund which could be l1serJ f0r this purchase. Afte.r a brief discussion, Clm. Amend moved "That we purchase the east one-half of Lot 13 in the Marathon Addition for the sum of $500.00 which will be obtained from the Capital Improvement fund." Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. _4mend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yea; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. f JIIlr. Bordwell then presented. in detai 1 a~ plan for reali ~nment of Lowell Road in the vicinity of the new hospital. He stated that he would like to propose that Lowell Road be realigned so that approximately opposite Lot 13 or the1tvest end of the hospital it swings and intersects Jefferson Street and what -is known 8S Lowell Canyon road. The reason for th3.t is to stop thru traffic along the south side of the hospital, to permit vacating that portion of Lowell Street right east of the realignment and so that we can move every- thing over twenty-five feet and set up a 25' reserve for future road widening purposes. l)oing thi s. of course, woul d require the consent of the other owners of property in the subsection up there, primarily Stanton's, Gordon, Dr. Deisher, and the City. I don't think other people in the JIIIBrathon Addition will be intereste<i. Glm. Leirer stated his concern that in doing this, there would be engineering fees, and also that it would require a vote of the people. After a lengthy discussion, Clm. Knight stated, "I move that subject to the approval of the Planning and Zoning CO!lllIlission, 1'-lr. Bordwell be instructe', to go ahe30 rj.~(1 with this relocation of Jefferson and Lowell Streets as proposed by Mr. Bordwell.- Seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, No; Knight, Yes; Leirer, No; Lowell, No. With three affirmative and three neeative votes cast, lV:ayor stockton voted Yes._ Motion carried.. Vith the a~enda taken care of, Clm. Durant then in~uired as to the policy to be adopted before we go to enforcihg two hour parking. He stated that he felt there should be a softening up program before we enforce a part of an ordinance which has not been enforced for a period of months. Brief dis- cussion on this and the matter of the small signs indicating this regulation. City Mbr. Bordwell advised that announcements are being made on the r3dio relative the enforcement of the two-hour parking so tbat the public will be infnrmed. No action taken. 'J.'?4- SEWA-RD" ALASKA Regular Meeting - May 20, 1957 continued Clm. Amend then .advised that there is a possible chance that the City may be able to have the dirt hauled from the Armory site for little or nothing in the very near future and we should be ready for this if it looks good to the City Mgr. Another thing Clm. Amend stated that he had been ap2roached by Mr. O'Brien of the Renwald Hotel regardin~ the sewer coming out of there and O'Brien's still feel that the City is responsible for this. They claim we ]}roke the main by digging up the water pipes. Minutes of previ'ous meetings were checked and it was found that the meeting of December 3, 1956 minutes indicated a committee of Russ~ll Painter and Alex Petrovich, ehen City Councilmen, found on cheqking Qf the area involv,ed thbt O'Brien's claims were not well founded.. They recommended that the City not aSSL\IDe any J liability. Clm. leirer stated he believed there was an ordinance governJng the hook-ups to this sewer which had been .installed with funds provided by the Federal government and these should be checked. Clm. Amend volunteered to look further into this matter. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 A.M. ~ . ~ ! APPROVED: .--'.e 'r't'.b _-J.~~.' 'c. :;-) PSmy STO ~TON, MAYOR A'ITEE'T: L.. -; ~ I )v-~ ~~R, CITY CLERK Special Meeting - May ~, -1957 .t:<v A special meeting of the Cit,,' Council was called by Mayor Stockton and convened at 10:20 A.M. Present, Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leirer and Lowell. Absent Clm. Knight. Present City Mer. Bordwell. Mayor Stockton noted that two people were present fr.om the Utility Board, Murl Trevethan, Chairman, and Dick Myers. Mayor Stockton stated that the purpose of the special meeting was to consider the awarding of e.lectric transmission .line materials mids, to .i ther General Electric or Graybar Electric Company, that in accordance with prior Council instructions, both bidders were contacted and have submitted improved delivery schedule. Mayor Stockton further stated that due to the requirement to place the order for electric tranamHlsion line materials to allow time for shipping, action by the Council is necessary. ~tr. Bordwell reported on the delivery schedules offered by the two firms and it avpeared that Graybar Electric Company offered the most improved delivery schedule with substantial quantities offered for Seattle sailings during week of June 7, 1957 which was considerably earlier than the best dates offered by General Electric. In view of the fact that Graybar offers the best delivery schedule and has submitted the lowest bid, I would recomnend that. the Council award the bid to Graybar Electric Company as being the lowest and best bid, stated Mr. Bordwell. However, he continued, when weplace this order we will be incurring a financial obligation which we can only meet thru funds derived from the sale of our revenue bonds. The amount of bonds which the bond buyers, Grande & Company will, buy is not clear at this time and. will not be definitely known until Mr. Howard Harstad has submitted an acceptable certificate of earn- ings with respect to the electric system as it now exists, plus the earnin~s tp be derived from the syst~m as it will exist after construction. However, we heave expresa~d our intent to construct the line and it seeIDS, that we mJght be safe jn proceeding with this award provided Mr. Sheppard of Grande & Co. would give informal assurance of intent to purchase i~ say $300.000, for example, of electric utility revenue bonds.. Mr. Bordwell continued that he therefore thought we would be on good ground to make the award, contingent upon our receiving such informal assurances from Mr. Sheppard. 1 \~" ~., -,) I I ;;) /' t" ~ ,~, ~]J SEWARD, ALASKA :z3 Special Meeting - May ~, 1957 continued 4.v Mayo~ Stockton then stated that he would entertain a motion to award the electric transmission line materials bid to Graybar Elect~ic Company, con- tin.::;ent upon theCity Managers receiving assurances f~om Grande & Co. that tLey would be taking up at least $300,000 in revenue bonds. Motion by Clm. Amend, second by Clm. Lowell "that the electric. material bid be awarded to Grayhar Elect~ic Company on the basis of lowest price and best deliver;}' sche'jple and that the City Manager be authoriz,ed to place the order immediately contingent upon his obtaining :issurances from Grande &: Co. that at least $]00,000 in bond fun:is '"ill be forthcoming. II Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. ~Iotion carried unanimously. The purpose of the specie'-l meet ing having been accomplished, tbemeet ing was adjourned at 11::30 A.M. by JVJ8yor Stoc.;:ton. A?PROVED: .... ", ,,/ ',~ (.,.,. ,. PERRY STOCKTON, l>lAYOR ATTEST :. ~~iYr~/ 1NM. F. BORD1tlELL ACTJNG CITY CLERK S~ecial Meeting - May 24, 1957 A special meet ing of the Council W8S ca lIed to order at 10 :20 A.M. Iv'.a.yor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. Durant, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Absent Clm. Amend. Also present City IvIer. Bordwell. Mayor Stockton stated that he hael called this meeting for the purpose of con- s ide ring and accepti ng the electri c '-.It ili ty revenue bond buying agreement proposed by Grande & Company, Seattle, Washington, together with a proposel Resolution No. 113 authorizing the execut:on of acceptance of the agreement if such be the will of the Council. City Mgr. Bordwell read the proposed agreement which followed the outline of the verbal proposals made by Mr. Shep~ard of Grande & Company at the special meeting of Murch 11, 1957 and whereby Grande & Company pro}osed to take up not to exceed $400,000 of such bonds dependent upon the financial feasibility. After some discussion lviayor Stockton stated that since the Council appeared ih agreement he would entertain a motion to suspend the rules with respect to the passage of resolut ions for thepurpose of cons idering Resolut ion No. 113 whi ch would auth- orize the acceptance of the bond buyi ng agreement and its ex,",cu ti on on behalf of t.he City. ~1otion by Clm. Johnson, second by Clm. Dm"ant. '. that the rH les eovernine F,e p8ssage of re8ohltions be suspended t.o adopt Resolution No. 113.'. Vote: Clm. Durant, yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, yes; Leirer; Y'38; Lm4ell, yes. Mot ion carried unanimously. City Mer. Bordwell was instructed to relid Resolution No. 113. RESOLUTION NO. 113 WHEl'lliAS, the City of Seward. Alaska is desirous of continuine; construction of the electric transmission line in connection with its C~escent Lake Eydroelectric Project and, WHEPEAS, it is necessary to sell revenue bonds ;lledgi ng the revenues of the City of Seward Elect ricSystem as security the refore in order to finanee that portion of said transmission line v!':1ich can feasibly be construct'3d during 1957, And, WHE9Ej~, under agreement :iated July 28, 1955, Grande & Company of Seattle, Washington have heretofore bou::;ht similar bonds to finance previous construction and, ,~iE~~, said Grande & Company now propose to extend the said agreement to provide that they will I'U rchase the bonds which the city of Seward now finds it necessary to sell and, WHEREAS, said Grande & Company have under date of Hay 3, 1957 offered to amend their said agreement to January 2, 1958 and further thereunder ii,"t,.) {~ 1., "'-, SEWARD, ALASKA S~ecial Meeting - May 24, 1957 continued propose to purchase up to $400,000 of said bonds to be issued subject to the terms of said agreement as amended. NOW THEREFORE.BE IT RESOLVED and it is hereby resolved that the Mayor be and he is hereby autltorized to accept the proposal of Grande & Company dated ~ay 3, 1957 and to execute the same on behalf of the City of Sewar~ AN EMERGENCY IS DECLARED to exist and the rules governing the passage of resolutions are hereby suspended. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of May, 1957. ~ --,j t,/I':'., /\ MAYOR I I ,L ~:.. ..,;"',I?/;.. j ATTEST: ~~.. CITY CERK Clm. Knight stated, "I move that under suspension of the rules that this Council adopt and pass Resolution No. 11) as read." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, ~'es; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 A.M. j-~. '... APPROVED: ___'.......l...:.;!:. ~.( .. '....-',' v, : /: I'i,'. :. PERRY STOCKTON, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~ WM. F. BORDWELL ACTJNG CITY CLERK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Meeting - May 27, 1957 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 2:05 P.M. Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Present Clm. ~~~~, i~~ Durant, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Absent Clm. Amend. Also present City Mgr. Bordwell, Mr. W. J. Tweet, Area Eneineer, Alaska Public Works and Mr. Eben Lewis, Field Solicitor, Alaska Public Works. Mayor Stockton stated that the purpose of our special meeting tQday is to discuss Ordinance No. 274 for possible pass'age reGarding the new Seward General Hospital. Ordinance No. 274, entitled as below, was read in its entirety by City Mt;';r. Bordwell. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the acceptance of an appropriate instrument of conveyance for a public works projec.t described as a 31-bed hospital, Alaska Public Works Project No. Aaa 50-A-97 from the United States of America, approving the determination of the estimated costs thereof, authorizing the payment of the purchase price to the United States in the amount of Three Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($]62,500) by check payable to the Treasurer of the United States and the remainder of said purchase price by the incurring of an indebtedness and issuance of General Obliga- tion Bonds, in the amount of($]20,OOO) Three Hundred Twenty Thousand fixing the form and detaims of said Bonds, providing for the pay- ment thereof with interest thereon at the rate of two per cent (2%) per annum, and for the delivery of said Bonds to the United States, and declaring an emergency. I :,'-"'~ ~1'"_:~ ~~~J I I ') ~_., -"'1' ( . SEwARD, ALASKA Special Meeting - ~ay 27, 1957 continued Glm. Knight stated, -I move that the -rules be suspended for thepassage of Ordinance rill. 274." Seconded by Glm. Johnson. Vote: Glm. Durant, Yes; Johnson, Yes; Knieht, Yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unani- mously. Glm. Durant stated, "I make a motion that wepass 9rdimmce No. 27iL <is read at this special meeting on May 27, 1957." Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote, Glm. Durant, yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, Yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes.. Motion carried unanimously. Gity Mgr. Bordwell stated that we want to hand over our check for $42,500 payable out of the Carital Improvement fund, $25,000 of which was contributed by the Women's Division of Christian Service of the ]Jlethodist Church, and recei ve'$. from ]\I'll'. Lewis a conveyance. Glm. Lowell excused at 2,25 P.M. Special meeting adjourned at 2:26 P.M. APPROVED: ,-I ';ELLi '--*'" ~ I"..,'t.<.... ..-1' ... }--v PERRY STOCKTON. MAYOR ATTEST: ~~~i ~ E WAUffiR, CITY CLERK =tcGu13r meetJ'1g - J1JlV? 3, 1''))7 rrp regular meeting 0: the Coundl was ('aIled to order at E:ll p.m. St('ckton in the Chair. Present Cl:n. Durant, ,TohnsCln, K'1ight, Leirer Lowell, with Clm. Amend arriviY\" dl1rint~ the readinc :f the minutes. present City l,sr. Bordwell. Ma;vor and Also }:'inu~.es of the last regular mecltinf of Na;v 2Qth w,"re read and approved. lI/inutes of the spedal meetinf': of May 23ra were read as the minutes Gf the rrecti'lg of lia,'" ?2nd. Clm. Lowell asked if this meeting were not held on the 23rd ra:,her than the 22nd, and it '!faS asreed that this should have been dated J\ray 23'rd. M:irlUtes approved as corrected. !,~:inutes oi the soecial Qcet:inV of Fay 24th were read and apnroved. I:i'1ut03 of the soecial 'T,cctint~ of May 27th were read and aO:1rovpd. Under Deoole orC1sent, Iv'r. Ra;v 3ille'1s spoke regarding the Seward Airoort, ilnd stated that he :1l'r:JOSe f0r being here is to discuss settint; UP a r,;ain- tl;11ance Opf' eati on for thr~ aewal'll AirDort. T mn the ;,i '(>D ('>I' t Manap;er acd T 1"8;:;1"8sent the Department 0f Aviation, he c0ntimlpd, and v;; 1t the de:lart'TIJnt would Ii ke: to dn is to set UP a permanent f1ain":-enal"lce orot'ram wi tL the Ci ty Cln:l we w~uld like to us',; the Ci t:1 equj pment V;"j th City drivers [L1J l.:; \'n'G.2-i r:.'a~v all the ohvj ous costs, tLe gas and u~l C:Yl.i the drivers' ~.v-af,ef:j, anJ of C(lUL'e, ~!-c (H;r:<tal wear orrJ 't.ear on the cqu:i )lrnent we would ex;",ect the Ci ty to "bc:>rb. The rUlson for m:T beine' here, instc:<lu of se!1ding out LIls to CGIl- tractors is that the Territnrv has no equIpment wh:ich the;! couJrl rent out and WI, don't '13ve the r10ney to go out Rnd [rave a ;>rivate cC'1tractor do the work,. :r w0:11d like to have you go aread and cornmi t Y01lrselvcs and tell me trat you would mai ntain the ai rDort on thi s "asi s. Th~ s 'Would not I'1clude snow removal stated Mr. Billens to a questi on put by Mr. Lowell. Ee alsG st3ted that any fill useJ would 'oe frem the tj de flats. Mayor ;'t:;ckton inquired as to how the Cit;r ,vo111d he ef;'ected in connection with their liabili.ty insurance and City 11['1". Bordwell stated he would have to check tho policy anu talk with the Arent. ~!r. Bordwell centinued that we simply rn ve too rnucr work ahead of us tri s summer to ee L out 0'1 somcUd ng like this other than on an overt:ime basi s. Fr. Billens stated tr,at Le had already discussed that with the Director of Aviation and he u'1derstands that and he is very willinl' to go along with tLot. Clm. Knight su;;gested that I:Ir. Billens and City ~igr. Bordv..ell check into this, and after some discussion Mayor Stockton as~ed l_~ the Ceuncil would care to vive Mr. 80rd1.ell a1Jthority to work with We. Billens and leok into all the ramii~catio'1s. ,-" , ~, l'.~ S;~WARD, ALASFA 't8[ular l\':eeting - ,)Ime 3, 1957 continued tvJ i(~t9nt 'Clm. ~t stated, IIJ move that Mr. Bo~dwell be given permission and authori ty to proceed wi th 1.1r. Billens and work out a plan with th" Terri- torial Department Sf A:,i-ation for the maintenance of two Airports." Seconded by Clm. hnt~1it/. Vote:' Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; ,Johnson, yes; W;, Kni~:ht, Yes; Leirer, Yes; 'Lowell, yes. Jv:otion carried unanimously. Vayor Stockton stated that we have asked the UtiJj ty Board me;,loers to be present this evening to 'discuss with the COllncil, thouf,h no action is required, tne certificate Ylrepared by Mr. Barstad in regards to bondiT1g feasibility of the Hydroelectric nroject. Tltilitv Board members Gilfilin, Myers, and Trevetnan were present for this discussion, and the letter from Mr. Harstad dated May 24, 1957 was read by J"lr. Bordwell~ with discussion 1::>eing held on the various figures quoted therein. Clm. Durant stated that he felt this certi ficate required considerable scrutiny and more than could be given at this meeting. After cnT1siderable discussion on eacl-t grouping, City Mgr. Bordwell with the Courdl and Utility Board memhers summarized thusly, that the revenues as esti,mated were probably pretty close and need not be changed,- that the ~49,OGO out of the extimated surplus as spt forth under Capital Re- quirements was too hi gh and it was generall:': agreed that this fj gU:'8 be re- duced to t25, OOC;sh"t r,U1:; 7-1/2 to Mile '25 anticinated C1Jst~)merr; is a complete open question mark and City l(p'. Bordwell askE::0. if he could aSSUJile that he ma;, take a posi tion for the Council OIl what he; discoversfrom this. It, Vias felt that /;ir. Bordwell could cl1ecl< on this 'fiith the help of Ranger Porterfield and others and coul,l use :-,is discretion rer,arding figures put by Mr. Harstad. (In the area to 7-1/2 mUe there was agreement that this could stand substantially, but that the Alaska Fl'cjght Lh,es ShOl11d be pulled out. It Nas felt that the figur8s used f0r l,~ile 25 - 30 seemed to be clear as ll:r. Harstad represented it. City Mgr. Bordwell then inquired as to the Cou11cil's and Utility Board'd position on the growth figure as presented by lir. Harstad and after some discussion it was generally felt that t~is 5~ growth figure could certainly be used. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that this all brings us to $165,657 and this would give us 2.0/+ coverage for thi s bond .issue. It was then determined that in accordmce with the bid specs, an award for the construction would have to be made before 2 :00 D.m. on the 7th of ,June, al"d it was decided that a meeting should be set for 8:00 P.M. on tho night of the 6th. Utility Board members then departed. It was decided to take UP tlle illsurance on the new hospital at this time. City Mgr. Bordwell stated on t.he hasis that our obligation to the governrnec+, is $320,000, he had asked for insurance in the amount of $350,000. 'Ne rec 'd. two bids, stC1ted Mr. Bordwell, and he went on to say that "at Williams had put a hinder on the building so it has been covered. Pat Williams bid was $2625.00 for the fire and $560. for the extended coverage, for a total of ~J180 for one year. I f we renew on a five-year basis, there is an annual discount of 1']-1/2% after the first year. We suggested in the ~nvitation that we won}!.l desire a deferred method of pay.n8nt Rl1d VI'S. 'iijlliar::s suggests an initial payment of ::;685.00, plns five mOT1thly i''lymcnts of ::;,50C, or any other arrangel11e:1t that could be worked out. The rate quoted was 11$1 $.75 per hundred on the fire and ::;,.16 per hund~ed on the p.:,:tended coverage. John ? Smi th bid :C. 60 per hU11dred for fire and :::: .16 ;,er hundred for extended coverage, making his bid ::;:2100 for fire and $:560 for extendeu coverage for a total of $2660 for one year, to be paid in 8 monthly payments or $332.50 per month. It was asked if rates for fj re were n,lt the same and i +, was stated that this is a fact and Mrs. Williams explained that the rate Ln the book states t.6o; however, there is a new tariff which puts hoepi tal s in a mercantile class and calls for a 251, increase and she believed that Mr. Smith would find that he wOllld have to hill the CHy later for the 25% additional. It was decided that Mr. Bordwell should check into this and re turn the i 'lformati on to the Council at tr,e special meeting on Thursday ni te, the 6th. Mayor Stockton stated that the chair would entertarlm a motion to table this matter u!"tH Thursday nite. Chi. F.night stated, ~l would move that thi s matter be tabled until the 2I2ecial meeting on Tr.ursday ni1:~~he--2~qf ,Jl;ne-~''-Seconded-bVCIJn'-:-DUrant. -Vot-e;--.Clm. funend, Yes; DuTant, ~s_L<LQhneon.E~_Llill.i.-m~~~LItlirer. .'10; _Lowelh~ Motion carried. ------ The list of hosoital equioment items as prepared by thp Hospital Board and for purchase thru Alaska ?ubljc Works and Federal Supply Service was then Dresented. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that there are many items of equipment and small items that will be required in the hospi tal and thpse are avai lable at t,.50 on the dollar Ga~ed on Federal Supp1v Service (~SA) prices, and before we nlaee tl1e order, we should have thi? a\ithori ty n f the Council to buy so much or so manv 0"' these j terns as there is monev left. based on the di fference ,_ . J . + \\ .. between the ~~362, 500 selling price and the actual cos\;' u~ the hOSPluac. I ,~ ~ ".,;'J I I :/ j~:, :{ ~S7!A1D, ALASKA Rpglilar F88ting - JWle 3, 195'7 continued The? Councilmen nerused the lisi/and concurred that there were many items on the list whicr: were not g8'w,ally cnnsi dered as basic hos [li tal equi Dment. Dis- CllS~d on was held and Clm. Durant. upon I\8,Vor Stockton's statement that the Crail' would entertain a motion o~ thi s, stated '.'I rn9v~_J,J1at~hegJty gallaE<<r. be authorized to place an order wiH'_ !,)1~ Al!:lsk?PubJ;ic, Iio1'1:;~ :tcPllI'ch?se 9<,!sic h~sP~:\;~1.~~~;i.p~~;t-i~;@~ f;;"- th~=D~V'i_15eymnl. .C'~D~ral_ 5991'i tal as .J;l?r thS'_list QL~21ct eq'Ji pmE:ll1t sur'rnH.\.ed_~ thE:l.J:1ospi t,,] _ Ppz.rS-,-_The A':l:t;b9:r..i.?>at;i~ :tojll?ska I")11Hi c 'Norks is to be. conditioneri up()n_.tll'.' ?uth()riz0c:1_~.lCpendi.:t~r~ no:\;_ raising our'total" C ost- or-tie. has ~i tal bevond- the a11troTi 7,'ccJ __8ITi9ur..Lc: ,;--,::;(;2...500...." S'~r;-;-;~df-;dby Clm.-l<~ight,~- -;vote: -O~-.- f,;ns~-d~ yes; l:urant, yes; ,Tohnsm, yes; fn.1ght, ~~res; :...eireI', yes; Lowell, ~res. ~.1otion carri.ed unanjmc.usly. Ci ty ),',T. 'Jordwell rCcDorted that the Bonds for tLe Arrnory-gyr'lncEium were now on hand Clnd executio'l would be accomDlj shed Ec)metirrc in the m~ddle of the week a "ter a dete""'I~jnatjcn had been made OE the final Ry-d contif1[ent costs. C'ity J\'~r. Bordwell renorted briefly on the st<1t.us o,n TLi-rd Avenue paving and Uie mat, t";1' 0 f e'l~r(1achments. Mavor St.oo kton -:'81 t that it rd ght, be well for this ma t tel' of encroachrnents to be menti nped on the rad~ ::J,:lrot,'I'am "Your Ci ty Renortf3". {'rom 'l.ay "i nder fIt./ or ;~ayrr,ond ,J. Folda gel' to / Carole 0, Ray :Oi nd"r t. Gus x, ]I) orma Seri 0 '1.equeEt for transfer of liquor license/for the Yukon Bar W';:S np,xt and i,.a;vor "tCJckton advised tr.at t1:e Chair W01Jld entertain a motion fnr the aODroval of thif3 in ;;ccorda'"1ce with City /."r;r. Bordwell's advice that tre usual admin'EtratiVf~ "tens r.ad been or would be 3ccomnlis:-:eu. Clm. KniEht stated, "I ffi_0.:':?_1h?:t;_sub=. jec~_:t2_tJ.naL?dmin' sJratiY~~PPl"OV? 1_tta t the_li cen:::.?~t;:9[i..0f,"r .J:'ggQ.;;"t~~Lps: Q.l.l.proYSl9...." Sc~onde9_.2.Y C~D]-,-;L9?f5';;':L._~T9teJ_Clm_._ Arne:1Q..._Y~~L).}>}.r"1nh_ YI';B ~~Ob~~~11__Y~~; __ Kn i ght,,_ Yf}~__ ~~i T~~"-,_~_X?9L Lqy!~l-l_-,-~_Yf!-s _. }}otj (,n carri sd unan~- mous}y. Tre 19 5(!~:~9 ?:_..!?~9b~~ _~~~:Y~~i elj :i f. typc~Ti t Len 7crm was t')f'cs2nted tr: tr:e C0l~ncil. ehe VDr~;JU3 chaYJces had blOen explaillcd ,~r, a pY'evious CouncjJ meetin,;, and City Her. i,krdwelJ explained again by department wha':, had been done in ':~l".i5 respect. After th; s explanation ~rayor Stockton advised that the Chai r Vi'llJld entertain a moti on for thp adopti on 0 f the qpvi sed Budget. f.1In.-_ KniEht. statedL. "1 rT'ove that :tJi..i~_T~.YJ0~s:LJ:JUd"eLJ2.Ll'!59=5C' 'o",.0ci'2f1ted...." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Vote: Cl"!. Amend, 'IPS; DuY'<,rt, yes; ,Johnson, yes; Knif;ht" yes; LeiN,r, yes; Lowell, yes. A' oti ol1_.s::~rrl~Q--21!.lcanlrLOus].y'!' llnder new business the closing of "A" Street and o8pni.ng: of "C" Street 'I/8S discllr;sed. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that The Alaska qailroad ;.-,ad seY'ved notice today that effective tomorriW! noon "A" Street would ce closed and "C" Street ouened. Thi,' agreement with the RailrDad rel&ti.ve "A" Street ,vas obtained fran, He f:i J es and City Mgr. Bordwell read from corresD:mdence and tl-'e agreement. The Council's instructions v,ere that Mr. '3ordwell should n,quest from the 'l.aj lroad a modi f'i cati on of the agree"lent aIld it was su egested tr.at the Rai lroad should be requested to consi.der de'2uing the "C" Street land to the City rather than have an easement. City 1Igr. Bordwell was instructed to contact the Alaska "lailroad i'1 Anchorage relative this existing agreAment. ~'eetin[' adjourned at 12:29 A.!!. ATTBST:_~~t-_ BR}A ViALKSR, CITY CLER.K -. AP;:>RO;TSIi:~~'~ty L/. / ;."... ",,'" "'-<;flRy}itt. nOCKT011J, ~~V0R Snecial Mef,ting - ,Tune G, lQ'j: A speci a1 ,joint meeti ng 0 r th':, Counci land ;Tti li ty 80ard was call'od tC' xC:er at 8:1'j p.1~. !':ayol' StoGkton 'in the Chair. Present Clm. D,"rant, ,Tohnso!l, Kni~-ht Lei.ner and L(1well, witl- Clm. Nr:end ar1'i-,,-'n[ 3 few minutes late. utili ty Boarj li(rrbcrs 'Ylresen-L, ~..TYE:Y'S, Sta.nton, Trevethan aild -rurner. A(,s~nt ~,lr. G:.:f~jllIl. Al~o pre:;s2:1"t Sj_ty T\'gr. Bordwell. The purpose 0 r the joint meeting is .for a disc',l;:;,';} "r, ';. + hn "'c l~, Ii r.e constructi on -rr>'~+"v"':r'Da'^lard.l'rl'or""ar.' .'C t ':' t t d . .~~' c.: + ~,u,,~ " .' t' . v~t" Lng anu ons ruc uJ on . con rac ,3 an thE re-scheduling of HI]. uJ.dl pole shlDment, and Mayor stockton stated that he beli.eved Mr. Bordwell D;Jd ~'ome new inl'ormation and called unon the Ci t:y I';gr. to re[lort on thi s. '< '. '1. ,', Special Mppt,ing - ,June G, 195'7 continued Mr. Bordwell reported that I\:r. Harstnd had indicated that Mr. Sheppard wanted to adhere to our first agreement and Mr. Sheppard has said thAt he wants to stay with the $400,000 that they have agreed to buy assuming -:.1;at the financial feasibility exists and then he will have another look after we have the mid-year audit. To- nite we are looking actually at confining ourselves to Schedule A and in my in- quiries to Mr. Sheppard I said trat since there was feasibility for ;;:500,000, we assumed tbere would be feasibili ty on the ~400, 000 for the lessor mileage and he ctbreed wHh that. I told him we were concerned witlc two thjngs, \1)' the reports we could make to the Forest Service relative our permits and (2) what we would do ei ther later on this year or next year. I f the feasi tili ty is there later on tl-js year, they will buy the balance of tte bonds necessary to provide tLe funds for constructi on to ]I,'oose Dass. }rr. Bordwell continued that on the initial 100 poles, we have been advised that the poles were to have been loaded at Portland on ct Coastwise vessel,- the space was allotcd and blockpd out; however, this pole supplier's space has been bumped by the military priorities, therefore the material::; supDlier, who is Graybar, called from Seattle and advj sed us of this situation which they caY) do nothing about, and it is going to cost ~690 to move these Doles out of Oregon and they proposed that since this i.s something that nobody can be held responsihle for that we do the next best thing and tnat is muve them to Seattle and each of us aasore the cost, which would be Graybar, their supplier, and the City. Tn effect, stated Ci ty Mgr. Bordwell, we are being asked to put Up an additional ~2JO on that deal. Clm. Durant asked what assurances, we have tllat we can get therr. on an Alaska Steamship Co. vessel and City }l~;r. Bordwell advised that if he phones Seattle in the morning he can get the poles shipped by the 18th. Mr. Myers asked if the Contract had not been awarded the bidder partly on the basi s of their deli very schedule and Gi ty )\\b"I'. Bordwell ab"I'eed, whereupon Mr. Myers stated ho didn't feel tLat it was our fault and there fore shy shOll lcl I.: b~ :,:-,,,;ad and nay tr,at additional cos t, and he also felt we should certaiDly l'cde that confirmed that this pole spac~ had ueen taken UD by rrd litar'Y pri ori ties. Clm. Amend arri ved at 8: 28 D .}f . Vore discussion on the re-scheduling of shipment of poles, atfter v.h lch ~jTayor Stockton asked if there was any Gouncil:a:?n Vlho felt we Sh01;ld not aOf-orb this cost, Clnd wit": no one indicatinG disapproval, Glm. Knight stated, !II mo~~ we---,?~ instruct o~r Cit;LM9cnager_:tQ_EO ahead." Seconded by Clm. Amerd. Vote: Clm. Jl.mend, yes; Durant, yes; Knight, yes; ,Johnson, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. City Mgr. Bordwell then stated that he had met with the clearing contractor's reDresentative,~the engineers last n:ite, and with the utilities, and he called upon Jv'r. Rod Saunders to advise the Council aT the Clearing Contractor's problem. ~fr. Saunders stated that l'e believed that we wouldn't have very much of a problem netween them and the engineers; however, there :is a possibility thattheynight use their time to a little more advantage. He continued that the Clearint: Contractor's were in a little bit of a bind in that their bondjng contract, does not take into consideration that this if just a clear:ing contract and it looks at it more like a tlOO to $150 thousand dollar contract so it behooves us to get started. If the Council agrees, we could dispense with the Per fonn~,nce bond. I don't think the City would be taking much risk, continued ]li:r. Saimders, if tr.ey 3ccepted this arrangement as there is little possibility of getting any funds before the 15th of July and under normal circumstances, we Yiould hope to be almost completed with the job by that ti'71A. Th8 job wou ld be finished by the t:i me the Gi ty had the {unds with which to pay us, and at the same time:it would save the City i>5,oc#on our4J5t?O~ ccmtract if the L>erformance Bond were dispensed with, and I think the City would ' be amply Drotected. Clm. Lowell asked what assurances t,',e City would h5ve that they Vvould start out with tll'" clearing ahead of the construction crew, and lcr. Saunders stated th~t the only guarantee he COuld think of is that they want to get the money as soon as whey can and t,he only way to get the money is to get the job done. City Mb"I'. Eordwell suggested that perhami an agreement could be worked out whereby they would agree to indemnify the City and th:;s :in such a manner as to satisfy Ifr. Sheppard of Grc.nde and ComDany. li'ay'oe we could start out w:i.th a lQO% bonG, for example, and reduce that from week to week on an inspection. Vcr. ,saunders stated that that wouldn It help them too much on these jobs coming UP in the next few weeks. 1'ayor Stockton asked Mr. Saunders what their intent for procedure would be in con juncti on wi th our en gineers whereupon Mr. Saunders eta ted th~t in 1 talkin g it over last nite, we could see where we could start one cr'ew at l,'1le 7;;, one crew at Mile 9 working toward that crew, and on Tuesday, we could start a crew to work alongside the long bridge at Wi le 18 so that would give us three operati 0>';5, and perhaps by Tl-.ursJav, we CO'11d start two same crews ar;ain, nerhaps at Mile 9 and I "'\ "," . :;:) "'''~: ~'I: :::r.1 I I :----:: "-,, ,( 'l,l SS','iARD, ALASKA S"'CCTAL JOBT tn;;;,:TIEG - June G, 1957 cont:i..Cl:led at Milp. 11-1/2 to work towards each 0tl>31'. The c:'-t.y v.ants to guard against extras by not .::ha"lg:Lng !'outps,- that hapP8Y1ed last 3,p.ar whGre the cr3W had already cleared the route an<: the City then t;!l!'Elged the route, and -'cr,e;y had t.o come back and cle"r agai:1. That involv\'ls extras. I uon't see any objection to a Dersonal indemnity rather than the Performance bOlld conti'1ueu ivir. Saunders .1'n", way it sets now, Connelly ElectriC) is not taiKlng a\)out coming in until the first week in July and if we had to acce pt this work bond, we would eXDec t to lJe finj shed by that time and under the circumstances Y(1) are asking us to do sOITLethl n f, for whi.ch we would not get paid for before the 15th of July. City Hgr. Bordwell pointed out that Mr. Saunders statement is r>ot only a matter of eCOnlllr.ncs hut that he is primarily concemed with the fact that his bonding capacity if preventing him from bidding on fnture contract,p ,,,d nt-h,T' .lr,ns. so .it seems to me, continued i'l'. Bordwell, that his condition will be effected to the greatest degree by this matter as to whether or net he shall post a 100:;!; performance bond. He stated that the contractor will probably cocplet'3 the entire job before we are able to pay him anything, and the Contractor is saying tfca t he will be finished with the job befe,rc we can Day him an;:thinc;. Mr. Saunders stated that there was a hit.ch thero that he didn 1 t know Yr how the f:Lnanc:er would look at this not getting any money until the job is complet'Od. City Manager Bordwell stated that the Cit~\' would be- very happy to post that amount of money i!1 escrow, at i,he bank. IlfiI'. Saunders stateJ. "';,hat tL;;:;:,' ",ould be glad to io'ive the City a letter stating that t.hey would not call on the City for extras in the event they iVU'c) held up by the Survey crew, if the City would forego the call lor a Perfonnance Bond. Clm. Knit;ht asked iJ we could award the cCJ\ltract subject to agreements being worked out between the banker, the '::londing c()mpany, the contractor and the City ivlanager, pr-oviding for something to fj 11 the place of a bond. J.\ayor Stockton st.ated that it has bICen suggested th",t ;Jerhaps we can go i3-head and award the cO>1,tract and the rj. details of working out this bend be left up to City Mgr. Bordwell, the contractor, Mr. Sheppard of the bonding ComDany and the Banker. City Mgr. cordwell stated that Mr. Sheppard (Jlay very well say we are noncerned only with financial feasibility and that he would rather ;:Jut it on t.]~e basis that we are agreed tilat Mr. Jacql1e Roth is to be the arbi tor and that_ he would ue very happy to have the con },ractor 's situation anJ the City's secured by whatever Er. Roth W0111d recommend. Mr. Roth would be an impartial, fair arbi toe and he would have an arrangement that would be i~qui table to each side. I f you want to make the award on that lJasis, I would be ,villi>1[ to see it thru. 10a,yor Stockton asked i\ir. JC'evethan if tb" Utility Boa:"d felt thGY were able to make a recollunenda tion to the Counc Ll as to whe ther they shcu1a award the clearing b:ici. Mr. T.t'evetl-Jan stated it looks to. ml~ l:Lke tIle program as outlim,d and what ;las just be",>""; "aid as to trying to nork wi thou t th~s oond, I see nCJ ~'t,ason it could not be accompl.ished. Er. Stanton and Ivlr. Turner stated they VIR re in accord with going along with Yr. Bordwell's suggestion. Mayor Stockton then asked if they coold aSSUlTi':l tt~cn that the reCOEl1Tl0nd:ltion from the Utility Doard is the a.ffirma- tive,- that the Council act in regards to awarding the clearing contract on the basis that d8tails be worked out with /Jr. Bordwell, the Bank, and other interested parties so long as t11e City is protected and that the worl: ',viII be accomplished. Mr. Trevethan stated they, felt, that Mr. 20'-'dwe1l could carryon with the details and the City's interest. iviayor Stockton stated that the Chair would entertain a motion that an award be mode on the Clearing. I;:r. Bordwell s ta ted that normally a performance bond wOl"ld be requlr'ed; however, tl~e fact is that the Clearing clJ'1tractor's credit j'lould jJe impaired, and Mr. ~ Rod Saunders stated that the cost of the bond would be 1% and he would give "-;,,, $5, o Oil of that back to the City. We will have some additional interest for .JLv. , d" n f pernaps _,..5,--,000 or two to three weeks ar. J we wouldn't want to make any (!loney on savi.ng the bond,- we arew:illi:1g to turn that over, continued tID. Sw nders. , is Clm. Lowell asked if the interpretation of this would be that this/in the line of a P8rsonal favor. gayor Stockton advised that he was not sure that that was the case. Ci ty l.':gr. Bordwell stated that before the motion is actually out, he wondered U' to simplify and clarify, if Mr. Saunders would be willing to state in simple terms that Y; could blOcome incorporated in the motion what he understands he ;md we would enter into as more Or less an agreed condition on this award. Does your interpretation border on the same line that we have been discussi,ing here, asked !viayor stockton'; ,." ;':' t,,,~" 4, SE7WlD, ALASKA SPECIAL JOJ~lT lIiEETING - ,Tune 6, 1957 continued Mr. Rod Saunders stated if we haven't reached an understanding, we have-to put up a bond, then we try to get the joll done as quickly as we can wi thin the contract and I think there is a possibility of E-;~tras if we take ita little slower and it wi.ll cost us money if we take it slower. City Mgr. Bordwell asked Ranger Porterfield of the Forest. Service if the Forest Service lets the Ci ty know on final clearance and Mr. ?orter field stated that the ji'Ol~Gt SelF/ice inspec~s the line periodically and they give a clearance and issue acceptance on the secti ons of line. Under this plan, would lOa:'; of the money for the contractor be held up until the job is completed asked Clm. Lowell and City Mgr. Bordwell stated that,is correct,- he is primarily concerned with his bonding capacity so that he can go ahead and line up some other jobs. Mayor Stockton asked t.i,r. Bordwell if he felt he could give the Council a recommendation. Hr. Bordwell stated, "In general, we have agreed that we will award to the contractor and not require him to post a bond, provided such securities and deferred payments are established as will in the opinion of our local banker provide equitable protection for each side and that in any event, we will not make payment until the work is. 100% completed and accept~d by our own engineer and the U:il S. Government thru the Forest Service representa- tive." Clm. Durant expressed concern over the legality of this; however, City MV-. Eordwell stated that since we had only on0 bidder, it is a matter of security, this posting of the bond. :ie continued that it seemed to him that we have equal securities if we do not expend any monies until the job is 100% done. em. Knight asked the City Clerk to read back in the minutes Mr. Bordwell's recommendation, after which reading, Ca. Knight stated, "I move that _~he C9-11tract for th~.21earil!Lof Schedule A, be awarded to Northern Ventures--,-~nc.!..-~nd]oster- Saunder~c. in the sum of ~~73, 701.90 wi t.h~erfor:.lIl~nce j)rotection to be __lle- gotiated between, the City Man_~ the _Contractor and Mr. ~~g.~oth of the Sewarc! Branch of the. First National Bank Q.fjmcJ}or~~Ilc!_in t.h~__eyenLthat no other terms are Dossible a tl!lLJ:2.er for:.lIla}lC_El_ bond will be required. _'r.he_ terms. of negotiated performance--2.:r:Q.t_e_<e.t.ion_shall 1)e_ along _the litl~s .lust outlined-.2x. M.r_~_BQ.J:dwell and as rea(L.!2.a_cJLb.xJJ!.El..-_Ci ty Cle:r_k." Brief discussion, seconcl by Clm. Johnson. Vote: C~n. Amend, ~es; Durant, yes; Johnson, Yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, Yes; Lowell, No. l.:ction carried five to one. ~~n ~c~t itom to take up is the awarding of the construction contract or a decision to do the work on force accJunt. Mr. Bordwell stat8d~hat Connelly ~ Construction's bid was or:i ginally in the amount of somewhere around ';::233,000 1'1'1. A'" f!,- and w~s ne gotiated downwards. to $t9'l, 216.85 in consideration of our extending I the tJJlle allowed for complehon to 200 days. 111'. Connelly has recently been in the States and i.t is my impression that he still is, but his office man, Mr. Chaney av-eAd yesterday that if they were, awarded they would Uke to proceed within ten days of award, but in talking with him, we got that, down to some- time fo~lowing the fourth of July. This is a date follmving a time which we ex- pect to have on hand at least the initial amount of materials necessary to allow him to proceed uninterruptedly on his construction until all the materials for the entire Schedule A are on hand and can be made availaule to him. That involves the 100 poles we were talking about earlier, this evening. Mayor Stockton asked whose responsibility it would be to remove the poles when they arrived, and it was stated that our Utility crew would do that. Mayor stockton asked how the Cmlncil felt about the construction, whether it should be done on, i~ contract or force account. Clm. Lowell stated there is between six and seven thousand dollars a mile difference between Connelly's cost per mile based on his bid and the actual cost of construction on force account for the eight m5les done last year. Connelly's price here is over twice what it cost us last year. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that Mr. Lowell could not take last years costs as being jT)dicative of what we can expect to spend this year,- you could not use this as a comparison. Last year the town dis.tribution crew was also the con- struction crew; however, this year the distribution Il'en weul:i ;,ave to stay in town and take care of all the local work so that is approximately four addi- tional men which we would have to plan on this year. You just cannot use that as a comparison in Jetermining expected costs. I ,,' I I .~, .' {. ..:' ~ SE:~VA2D, ALAS KA S?SCIAL JGItiT MEr~TING - June 6, 1957 continued After a lengthy dic;cl~ssion relative the merit::; of' a f'orce accc;unt or awardingof a contl.act, I,'ayor' StocktoYJ ask"d for a rGcomme'1dation from the e+,ility Board. 1c:r. Trevethan asked Ray SC0tt if' he thought he could save the City money by force accounting it and Mr. Scott stated that he would not say that he could set a pole cheaper than Connelly c0111d and as he had said before the ol11y items he couldoe sure of sa''.'ing on would 'be the per ciiem and the contractor's profit. Mr. Trevetnan stated that he thouzht if we could cont:dict the line between 1c'ile 7~ and 25 and then later on after the mid-year audit we find feasibility for the additional line to Mile 30, then we could force account those four or flve miles. Clm. Le; "',I' 'nointed Oelt that the Utility Board had stated that they had saved ji the City t20,OOO on last years' construction; however, he felt that inasmuch as bids were based on completion of that line in 90 days and the City had taken about a year. Had we given' the contractor a year for completion, we would have got a completely di ffere'1t bid. Connelly had already come down ;;,c33,DOO on the basis of 50 additional days for completion. Mayor Stockton asked for a recommendation from the Utility Board and Mr. Tl'eve- than stated he Yfould entertain a motion for acceptance or l'<,jection of this bid. Nr. Turner stated, "l make a motio'1 that VIS avrQrd Schedule A of the Construction Contract to the bidder, Connelly Constnlction Company." Seconded by Mr. Stanton. Vote: I;lyers, yes; StantC>:1, yes; lrevethan, yes; Turner, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Stockton stated the Council had heard the recommendation of tte Utility Board that the contract be awarded to Connelly Constnlcti on Company a'1d he would entertain a motion that we accept or reject the reco!lur,endation of the utility Board. elm. Arneng. s .t?-!-.~<iL ~rL mo:-r~_ tha t _ we accej):L :ttl~_ ~:tili ty poard' s recomrn,"nda- ti ~ ~~_awar<;U:.he_ constIuc.tt9l!_.s;~!'lk99:t_ 9% ScJ:ledule_oLJc9. ConnQEL~le9J.r~9_ P9~r:!Y for the pri9L9L ,~l29,,216.!8 5 on the basi", of ponnellV' ElectY'i9_ P9[np~DYJD9~ am~I1g,?g. QIQI~2al 1:.9. 9Qnsk)!'9:t:..Q9b'?si)!.1~.!<. ~l1d th?-t.llr -!.P911Q,?;L;ly _2b9X!,~.i!-S he hg2. ~~LQTiQ.!:_t.2_~t:!.!:.~!:i~D:t:.9 _hi s. corrtrac.h__s~]:l~H _ T1~~r_ )!'D:Lt _ P!'~9~9-LOr _1b~ titj'%~rfQ.t. y.~lH~. vy.itb~I1 :t-.P~ SchQg)!.le A~ ~ Seconded by Clm. Yillight. Vote: Clm. Amend yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knit;ht, yes; Lei reI', yes; Lowell, 1'0. Lotion carried n\T'" to one. ~,:ayor Stockton stated that that takes care of the busjr,ess for tJ-_e jointmeeting. Mr. Scott stateJ that he would like to clari fy the time it took to construct the job last year and went on to say that if a contractor had been involvnd 1:e, no doubt, would also have been constructing the line last su=er, - he would have been calli;\i~ il1clement weather and would not have been finished until SCl"1I!ler e.l. tber. Clm. Leirer brought up the matLer of easements aCT'OSS prO;Jer'LleS on Schedule A and he thought that the G&sements shoulJ ue in line ,"'ien before the engineer got tlJere w-Lth hi s work. City Mgr. Bordwel:l ;:. '~a ted there appe0-'Y'crl to be two easements, on8 -"rom kr. Renne and one from CRrretts &nel as he understands it, t.her'3 has been an indication that therG &re no objections. In regards Lo the Dole line construction where it crosses the railroad, City I\:gr. Bordwell stated that there had been several men from the rail::-oad in to see him and they had looked ovei' the de:3ign and tr"ey expressed satisfaction 'Nith it. TTtility Board adjourned at 11:1/\ P.M. and thQ Council continued with the agenda requirinr.; only Council action, that being inforrr.ation on Insurance bids on the ;Jew Seward General Hospital, Repairs to dock at Sf.l21l Boat Harbor, Matter of payment to Seward Seafoods for recission of lease. Ci ty ~[gr. Bordwell stated that two impartial insurance people in Anchorage had advi sed him that' the rate for nee insurance on the hospital is 60~ Del' hundred wi th a surcharge of 25%, and he recommended that the aflard for this insurance b8 made to Pat Williams on the basis of having the lowest and best bid. H3 also confirmed that the fa:i lure to include the surchari"e would call for it to be made by the company, and the poli cy would be tagged wand the additional premium required to be paid. In such a situation, the agent could not legelly absorb the increase. Cl'11. Knif;ht statedLLlIlov:,J.,:t0~:t we ac;c;~2Lth~9~:tY_Mer.!~9_.!,,?commendation and ~c;c;~L th~_ ~10. ~% _?~LFl. .Y{illi~l~U,r1_:t:.h~ _ilIIl9~!1:t.QL:;;'318 5_ 9!1.J:.hL9.gfgrred oay- inent..~asi ~_9fiE?!'~~h~r for_j'~!'~_~!1SUraDc;Q_f9r tl'~_~~_b9~pH?-h. inc11ldi!lUhil extend,?d c~Y~r.~g~-!__Sec!.!Ilged.J'Jy_glm '_ Lei r~r. Vote: Clm. Amenu, yes; Durant, yes; <Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. See , (!orrecf,D>1, tW Ci ty Mgr. Bord..e:l then reported tha t }-,e llad l'ecei ved a call from Allmtian !,::::rine "'rans!,ort Co. relat"ve needed relJairs at the dock :::t the SlJlall Boat Harbor and a(~cordinG to ~Jr,e lease it iE our responsJbili +'Y" to make LLe repa:i rs. I. .,.'" SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL I,S::TTNG - June 6, 1957 con tinued. Br'ief discussion and City Mgr. Bordwell advised that he would find out the condition of the, pilir.g and stringers before we go furt!-:er into this. On the Seward Seafoods, the City had ohtain8d a recission of' a lease with tHs Company ilt the dock at the Small Boat Harbor on the bas:i"s that we pay them a sum. of ~1200 by 90 days from December 5, 1'156. 1.[1'. Hitt has advised me, 5tated Mr. Bordwell that he would like to receive this. The Council agreed that this he,d been the case and the check should be made out to Ml'. Vance Hi tt and Mr. K. C. Cobban to take care of trJi s. Ci ty IffT. Bordwel:. reported that tr.ere would he a man here frum Ur:Jan Renewal on Friday and if during the day on Saturday ::3ome o~ the Councilm'.m and t['"8 !,'ayor could take some tilTle out to accompany himseLf an:l tLis or'fj cial on a i purely exploratory tour of the City, it vlouid be appreciated. Cill. YJ:light and CIID. ~end felt they mi~ht be able to make it for thir itour. Meeting adjourned at 11:39 p.w. A;7SST: ~~~/ ~ Approved:. ---'A./U~-y l--" .:.:,~--'-~ "'ERRY,R. STOCKTON, JR., MAYOR CORRECTIONS: The amount which Rod Saunders stated would be returned to the City on performance bond is C500. rather than :1::5000. (2)' Amended Construction bid shouald be :1:199,216.85, correct in one place but stating :~299, 216.85 in anotller, tLis for correction. (3) RE: Bid award lc Pat Williams for hospital in~urance, Mr. Eordwell said his recom~lendations included thi~~J2 bein ~ the only valia biel recei vedL- REC1JIAR MEETING - June 17, 1957 The regular ,neeting of' the Council c:mvened at 8:13 p.M. !fayor Stockton in tile, Chair." Dresent, Clm. Durant (who arrived 2.ft'?r 2"0'1 Call)', ,Johnson, Yillight, L2irer ;::nd Lowell. Absent Cl1':. Amend. Present also City Mgr. Bordwell. Minutes of the last regular meet ing of ,June 3, 1957 were read, and Clm. Kni ght called attention to the first motion made wherein the mi.nutes stati"d tLat tr.is motion was made by Clm. Durant and secondeel by Clm. Knitht, ;md stated that he thought this in error. Notes were checked and revealed that Clm. Knight was correct and this motion was rather made by Clm. Ynight and seconded ny Clm. Durant. ,June 3 minutes approved as corrected. Minutes of the special meeting of June 6 were read wi th following corrections: (1) The amount which Rod Saunders stated would be returiled to the City on tr.e foregoing of performance bond i5 $500. rather tha:1 ~;5, 000. (2) The cOilstrnction bid from Connelly Electric as amended is indicated in one place as being ~'299, 216.85, this should be ~199,2l6.85. (3} Mr. Bordwell's recommendation relative awarding of insurance on new hospi tal was on the basis of bei ng the only valid bid received. Clm. Knight advised that if the check to Kobban"and hitt h~d not beon made out, it should be made out to K. D. COBBA~J and Vance Hitt rather than K. C. Cohban, the second initial ueing'in error. Minutes approved as corrected. Under people present, Mrs. Virginia Darling spoke on her findings relative paving of Fourth Avenue and stated that she wrnJld like to know what we can do about getting Fourtl: Avenue paved. She thou~:ht if the City didn't have the money that the nusiness people themselves might" feel that it is wortt quite a bi t to have this work done and conti rlU'Jd that she had contacted many of the business men aml some are willing to go for a 1(10~ assessment !lJ'd others are unable to put UD the full amount" of cash however are willing to accept a deferred Da.vmen~ plan. Th'~re are some who can nav cash Y10W and J: understand that while the paving equipm?nt j s here for the Daving of the dock we could get it done cheaper, at something like ~,20. a foot. We have enough "eonle interested jn it ;md vd.lling to )Jut up thE' cash ri eht now, Sf) I don 't think we shol,ld let it go by. Mayor Stockton stated that he wO:lld like to thank III'S. Darlini: for this report and he knew that she haG spent a great deal of ti~e and effort on this. He continued that b~ 'thought that if a contract was let that the City would just about have to have a bond election to Day off any contractor and spread the assessments for payinv thi s off arid he would like to open thi s for di scussion by the COUllC1.l. A.fte!~ c~;":;jderable discussioll" Clm. Lcirer stated tLat he thought that Iin't Vi? v.m.ld have to find out exactly how much it is Eoing to cost per foot, then get the 'Jro;Jcrty oymers to si gn up as to whe ther each cU~:Cl Day cash or would have t'J !-.ave tLe deferred pa;i1ltCnt plan. Mrs. DarlJbng stated that Larr:,;, Urbach llal contacted Mr. Saunders relativp the cost and he. 11 ad st~t8d' trat it would not cost ever :1:;600. for a 30 foot lot, it may be less but YlOula not be more. 1 0'" ;,. ,,'~ I I n n .~. t. ~-, I" SE,VA1n, [;LASKA BE GlJI.A 'i. I\':EETIN G - June 1''' 1957 continued She rlidn't. know wbether this would include storm drains and engineerir;g, but felt that it nrobablv did not. Clm. Dlr,mt stated that if tr,e Council could do anything, they no" doubt wrJUld be unanimous in their vote to go al-ead, but he felt that Nr. Bordwell could chect into all this ar.d corne up with sometr,ing but right now there was nothing i,D'; Coundl could do. I',ayo.'" stockton Cisked if there was a~l:; member of the Council w!lo fc;lt trat it was not c, good idea tlJ have Nr. Bordwell creck into this and look into possi bili ties of financing arrange- :neilts. Vtit}l nn one dissenting, Cit:'l I~Igr. i3c,rclvrell ask2G. if he undc~rstco,l corrE:ctly t,'lt'Y] that the City Council would resolve that the project should be "onR and that the Ci ty Should parti ci ;,a tc fr,lm the ge~leral fun:l .for its proportional ~hare and L~ it should be feasible that it should be done by a private conLractor and t'1i1t the Cj ty W01\ld participate CIS j.wt another rronerty owner. He menticned the possibili ty of the Seward Br:mch rnabn~ indj vidual loans for ~,r(;se who coull nClt Day cash, and the question of the rate of interest was raised. I"ayor stClckton ask~ i l' the City YJould have GO hi1ve ail elcr:tion to expend the money for the ,:;i ty' s s";c,re ')f tr:is im])rovem'2nt, and City Mer. BordwElll stated that he djd not t[,}nk so. It is a capital improvement. ~~ayor Stockton then stated that as he understood it, we /Vould like 1I:r. Bordwell tc proceed in gathering j:1formation as he may be able to from a oossible contractor as to cost, Dossicle rr:eans of fjnancing a Dav:irJt; program Lhis summer on Fourth Avenue, or all.Y oGrlt"r Derti'lsnt information which may reflect as to the legality to a;lorcach from this angle. lv.r. Bordwell l,hen advi see1 th,., Counci 1 rela ti ve the next item on the agenda, that bejng concerned with the Fourth of July 'lct.;vities. The representative from the Fourth of <Tuly Committee was not 8rcsent so Mr. BOl'dnll staLed that he had been contClcted by j,i!r. Jack Werner relative th" Fourth of ,Tnly Comrrd tte8 bringi'1g in a carnival .for tre 4th and tr,ey alS0 l'eq1\8~3ted the use of the Civic Center for the dance on the evening of ,July Jrd, also ct request for street closures on tre 4th for the events. Clm. Knight asked if there shollld not be some orotection for the Cj t.v re[3ard'ing trle cleaninG up of the Civic Center after the dance. Brief dis- cussion relative the possibjlit.y of [lringjng jn a carnival arJd the dance being non-profit. Clm. Durant stated that .inasmuch as there is [10 renresl'i1tative of the 4th 0 f ,July and carni val Coroni t tee here, L-':'l.ake ~ _IT!.oti ~Q.-.!.r.'-~ t__the~~ t,y: 1i.g~ be -Eiv_e~)\L~l_al1.lcLorj ~_t.~ }'~e_got.AaJ:~~ wi tJ'c_t):~.~ X<:'.llr:1~h._of 3U:]"Y_G..Ol'1ll'1.i tie_eu t.~ _t.he Q.est in_t_eJ~e}3Ls oLt)1e_ C.ttcY-!... Seconded by Clm. I<:night. Vot.e: Clm. ;)u1'ant, yes; (Johnson, ye~3; Knight, yes; Lejrcr, yes; ~c-,-~,~ll, yes. ~,;Totion carried unanilllously. '.ayor ~t()ckton tLen stated LLat t.here is a delf-.:gation here toni te wonder:1ng u.bout "lee First Lak.3 proposition, and if it is aglh_,a~)le ':riUl t,he Council Wr~ may briefl y take trd s i Gem up t:-lon'p)~ L t is not n;1 -L~J'" at~cn~u.. ::i ~,)' ~.':rr. Bordvrell advi sed tha t. U:e way it was Ie ft at a prc;vi ous Coun:;i 1 'Tier] ti n f~ N3B that Ule 11 <;, l' Vini r G Co. IS attorney was to Cl,lpear over 1'181'e and br:ine some lease af,reements alld arrange to show what :rigtts they ~1ad to operate under, a'ld then to negotiate what kind of inucmni tie:" they would furnish the City, and then a11 this to be brought to the Councj 1 for fjnal apnroval and action, and 'clnti.l tLat point I feel they were gi ven inferentj al apnroval to go ahead. I have not been contacted by thp-m, continued Er. Bordwell and I don't knOVl just where they "tand flOW. Mrs. BR.r- ,bara Bedford stated t.hat she and Nfl'''' Kirknatrick had done con"iderable research on this and had found, amonG other things, that the H R, T MininG Co. had not fi led an assessment wi th the Terri tory on a yearly oasis as requjred by law, a'ld also trat they had talked to Mrs. R:rownell on the tclephone and she had advised that they had no aGreements with the Company on mining rights and that she would like to see it left for recreational ourooses for the City. City Mrr. Bordwell Ul8'l suc;gesLed tr,at the)' ,lumn down on trI" arenda to item 4 d (1) and which concerns this oarticular area, and he went 01': to say that the "'lanning It Zoning Cornm=-i's.ion had apDojnted a cOffi'nittee to go out and have a look at that area, and he read from their report wherein a motion had been made by Mr. Werner tha L two lots in that secti on be made avaj lable for bid, this motion faillng to nass, and another motion then made and passed that the whole area be desjgnated park area. It is, therefore, the recoilLmendation of the Dlanning 'r Zoning Commission t)-,at the entire remaining Brownell area be L80t for a nark area~ continued City ~Igr. Bordwell. Clm. KniGht felt there was not good faith in that the representativE's of t.he H R, T l.;in.ing Co. had not apoeared to ,liscuss the matter. ill's. Bedford Do.inted out the; L A Ii. ce BrownRll has tl-JE' mineral ri shts as the heir to j,'lr. Brownell, and it is natented land. !v;ayor Stockton enter- tained a motion that would exnress the City's desire as to how we would like th.is area to remain. mrther discussion rind Clm. Knight moved "ThaL.the City g,o,:~r~.c:il=-L ~;[_2-assa~e_ ot~ _thi~....0.c:.ti,~12J~xp~e_s_se~ }_1::s_ _approv~L(~'( the_~i_tx~:TJ:[~nr,:Lnlr ?, Zoning Cammi ss.ion recor~'Inendations that the remaini_ng unclassified .area of t,1~e Cire;-~_e_ll HQ:l1le-,"'-t8"ad be -de~~{gtl~t_e_d as-i-parls_~~d_-:-~hat_-:'sj:e-Ps_ be=tiken )o_se~~r~- iJ:..-Rossibl~.. _~f!.e miner_al__,,=-iJ~I!ts_ _1::.~_!J-'.~J~:r:2:",-r1..eXl,. _Ho.:!l.~~i::e_a_d. )~l!.r:. _t.l~e__City o:L~ew~::.d~" Sec,)nded by Clm. Lowell. Vote: elm. DurCJ.,t, yes; ,Johnson, yes; Knjght, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Carrieu unanimously. Cj t.1 !if,!'. Bordwell stated that if we acquire the m.iI,eral rights from Ali ce i3rownell and slle proved to be wr':lng in her assumptions that U,e agreement has been vi olated and has no force and effect, t!len we have acquired the ri Chts su"ject to that aL'Teement, so he thought ., '- ;.1-' SEWARD, ALASKA ReQ11ar Meeting - June Y', 1957 continued that he should be instructed to not only acquire the rights but also acquire the assignment from her and an affidavit that she is doing it pro forma and that in her opi.nion the agreement is void and setting forth the various violations. Mayor Stockton asked i.i' Mr. Bordwell felt he could do all this with the motion that was just passed and it was felt that this could be done. In regard to the Seward Airport, City Mgr. Bordwell stated that we have a letter from the acting Director of Aero"lautics together with a work order for ~150. to repai r the north runway and I thi n1: we could make a very short strip for this :ij,150.; however, the matter of workmen's compensation and the additional monies to defray the premium for extending our public liability for coverage out of town has not been resolved as yeit so you will not see any Ci ty equipment out there in the immediate future. On the pole line, City Mgr. Bordwell reported that the execution of the con- tracts has been accoma1ished and wi th regards to the matter of the clearinti contractor, the performance bond has berm put uo, also ehe c()nstruc~on con- tract has been executed and the bond nost.ed. ~ Forest Service ~~~ft has come in and it states that our application for extensi on of the oermi t had gone forward to Juneau with a recommendation that the oermit be amended to read to Mile 25 in 1957; to Mile 32 in 1958, and to Mile 57 in 1959. Mr. Bordwell also reported that arrangements regarding a relocation of the pole line at Mile 18 to 19t had to be given up as we would have to locate t.o t.he east of the Railroad right-of-way and this would put us on very unstable grolmd. He also menti oned the possi bi 1i ty of a re-location near the Forest service Station and ptarmigan Creek area. City Mgr. Bordwell then went on t.o report that with regard to some of the land in the "C" Street area, as well as the "C" street land, the railroad has stated tl1at this land is not excess to their needs. It was pointed (JUt that "A" street would not be closed except by mutual agreement according to our contract and they are now workinE': up a modification of this existing agreement to the eff-ect that "C" street will be used instead of "A" street. Next i tern on the agenda was relative the Planning ~, Zoning Commission's report regarding the hospital site improvement program and City Mgr. Bordwell stated that this had to do with his suggested plan of relocating the road near the new hospital and swi tching of 25' of land. The Dlanning'<:': Zoning Commission voted J to 2 for this program, stated Mr. Bordwell, so anparently it doesn't have a very general acceptance, so if the Counci 1 pleases, I would like to see the matter placed as it was before as I don't ~eel that something of a nermanent nature like this should depend on one vote. You will recall that the Council also approved this~an by only one vote, and I recommend that in view of the close vote on both sides that you reject the so-called Bordwell plan, continued Mr. Bordwell. Clm. Knight stated, "I move we acce!2~Mr. Bordwell's recommendatio..ns with regard to tbe__ho~.J-_t_a)n)~.ite ~~__~econ~~c!. ~ Clen. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Durant, yef;; .Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Carried unanimously. The item 4 d (1)' had been taken uo earlier; however City lEV'. Bordwell re- minded the Council that that took care of the Luther Jones request for homesite property in that section. City ~<fr. Bordwell r,ave a hrief report on the matter of encroachments on Third avenue relative paving of '.;his street. Change Order No. 9 on the new Seward ('Bneral Hospital was then taken up and Mr. Bordwell advised that thi s amounts to t26L,4.46, and then one hal f of thi s would be a oost of :;::1322.23 to the Cj ty. !vIr. Eben l€wis of the Alaska ?ubli c Works had written and explained that while we agTecd here that we had an estimated cost of t725,000 that when the final costs were knovm our partici- pation would be reduced and he explains this change order that it had been indicated that the City bad certain material available and when the City was noti fi ed by APW that some of th:i s material could not be used, Mr. Hardin ge had withdrawn the whole list, w!1ich included some items which had been stated would be available to the contractor at no cost. This resulted in increased costs to the Contractor, and hence Change Order No.9. Bd ef discussion and Mr. Bordwell asked if he should write Mr. l€wis that the City will take our share and it was agreed by the Council that thi s should be done. Regarding Seward Electric Revenue bond status, Mr. Bordwell advised that Mr. Sheppard had written a four page letter dated LTune 14th and he flrocecded to read this letter. I ...,., J ~~ '.. r~~l I I -I, ~ ::'E:',"JAqD, ALASKA Regular Ille8ting - ,June P, Y15c continued aSbi stac'cE', the r"k'Jtion of Alaska Housing Authority for plannic;g; City !vigr. Bordwell reported under new businesf'/that a representat,ive of the Alaska Eousil'g Authority had oeen in Sewal'd ami had r'1"t, with the lvlayor, C1:r.. Knight, Mrs. G'Brien of the "':l.anning CO'R'TLicdor: and l.crs. Walter Blue from ~Le 'Nomen's Achievement Group and himself a'd tr.at, it was tte C'XlseLSUS e;f ttat !Tl(;etj t' g ttat a :UY'ofessionally supervj s(-~d planning t:)ror:ra.F.L W3S basic and ue- sj reable and that actually a good deal of the prelimir:ary work that would De done in ttat would be ,vor'i'. that could oe used in develcoi "C a workable pro[.;ram :or the Urban 'tenewal. Under the bill passed at the la~i!J l'ogislature, the Alaska EOlJsing Authority was aut!lorized to act as the plarming age'1cy "011' municipalities and we can get the professional service of ;ll'cfessional ;Jlanners of Alaska HOTlsi'1g Authority by passi.ng a resolution appointing them to do that work for us. Hr. Bordwell conti.Y'ued that he h1JO r\ade rpuresentations to them purely on his own that we wonted to plan on budgetinG Cl:iLJU tc ~;tart the bToundwork on "t this next fj seal year. ;'!f; lXen read a suggested draft of a resolution to thp Council anl: auvised t!:at h8 would like to be instructed by the Council as to .',hother he should ;,roeeed to J"cli't a reslJlution along thcEc lines. Mayor Stodton asked if City J;:gr. Bord- well felt thi s should go hand ill hand ...ith the budget and suggested tbd, Hr. Bordwell proceed to work on this a~ tr:e same time as the budget. Bi Ils 1'01' the month of gay ir, the total amount of t2]'70./,O were read as follows: Alaska Telephone Corp. $44.05, Alaska Shop $12.41, Andy's Oil $15J.90; B & C Auto Electric $1.97; Bill's Parts & Service $16.06; Crankshaft Service $62.21; N. Pacific Note Co. $114.58; Northern Commercial $11~3.J7; Seaport Auto Supply $2J.J6; Seward ~lec. $86~.60~~eward Hdwe. $J.4h, Se~i Mach. Shp~ $19.15; $ew~ Plbg & Htg. $1?501' 'B~YanI~'r~lMkef>V$%5~ew. Welter Sys. :p 25. and $4(5; Std. 011 ,,2!i-4.41, Wli'\ Er"ln $ 5.00 Clm. Lowell a"hed about the several rneters that the city r.as for electric service anJ a minimum i:Jeing charged on each one, and he wonde:~ed j f some of the se~'vices could not be combined to el"I!'inaLe so many minimum charges every :no"1th. lv'r. Bordwell advi sed the Council tha L he !- ad r';eei ved a let tel' fr'Jm l{r. She pparu of Crande R,. COmpa!1Y regardillG the delit'CjHcnt Rmounts owed by Ltc, City of Seward to ~he electric System anu I':cT. ShepfJRrd state" he would liAe to see something done by the City towards redud ng this 'llf'ount,. 2nd further requests tYa L the (~()lmcil adopt a d8fini te Dlan for tLi s 1'1 the form of a resoluti on. 1':".'101' Stockton a:iked City /,!gr. Bordwell to draft a resolution as requested by Mr. She;:mard call- ing for pa)11lent of electric bills in accordance with Grdinances 02 the Ci ty of Seward. Clm. Durant stated, "1 move_:th~_:gills_9~LP9ig~ Seconded by Clrr. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Durant, yes; JOD:1tiOn, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes,. Lo1'[ell, No. Motion carried, 4 to l. Meeting adjourne'l at 12 :10 A.E. A PDRCYVED: ~~:.:~"u.;.y ,,/,~ /)' ,_~, ,,:~~._ PERRY R. S'rOCKTON - J\'JIT OR Sp'~ci.al Eectinr: June 21, N)' A special mecti.ng of the Council was called to order by /,'ayor Stockton at 8 :22 D.M. for the purpose of considerinG the passage of Ordi nance No. 275, Seward Electric Utility Revenue Bonds, 1957, C.400,OOO. Drpsent Clm. Dur8nt, Johnson, KniGht, Leirer and LowelL Absent, Clm. Amend. C.lty L:f;r. Bordwe:Ll also present. The Ordinance No. 275, Seward E13ctric utility Revenue Bonds of 1')5'7, ;$400,000., was introduced and read in its entirety. Clm. Lowell asked about the extra coupon for 1/2% interp.st and City Mgr. ?orowell explained tl-at that is just until F)72' which brings the net resulting interest ratA to 5.7'78%. After brj,ef discclssion Mayor Stocktrcn ad vi sed that the Chair would entertain a motion to suspend the rules. Cl1L. Kni ght s t.a ted, "1 _fl'lov~ that _the_!:ules_l,Je_su~en::lesLLoT_ th~~ss.?g~ of 0::::s1~1~!1s:~J::'2~_275. " Seconded by Cl1n. Leirer. Vote: CLm. J.," ant, yes; Johnson, yes; Kni ght., yes; Leir2r, yes; Lowell, yes. I,'oti on carri ed uncmirnously. r\lrther di scusdun, a ft.er which Mayor Stuckton -=r,tp.rtained a mction 1'0:- the Dassage of Qrdinance No. 2'75. Glrr,. Knight stated, "J move Wd adopt Ordinance {.,,, ,-,..... Si';WARD, ALASKA Spcc;~,'}l 1~~8sti.ng - June 21, 19~57 continued No. ~72~" Seconded by Clm. l€irer. Vote: Clm. Durant, yes; Johnson, <ves; Knj ght, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Eeeting adjourned at ;~, \ ------ . - ,'.,..:.-' c. ~, APPROVED:~~< /;<--"'(,".;::o~20_.ti' / PERRy:'R. STOCKTON, Jr. MAYOR ~. I, _pi I t\TTEST: _~' " !A WALKER, Cl TY CLERK t f(ei:iu12r Meeting - cTuly 1, 1957 The reguln' 1T188ting of the Council ing Clm. Knight to,act as Y:ayor in Amelld, ,Tohnson; Kni ght, Leirer and Durant. convened at the a bsen ce Low,~ll, and 8: 1. 5 ;0. ~11, with the of Mayor Stockton, Cj, ty ~:D':' '3o:rdw~ll. Council appoint- Pre~ent Clm. Absent Clm, !.iinutes oLthe last regular meeting of J'~pe r'th wen, read and City IiIgr. Bordwell pc,j11ted out that w]iCre the minutes indicat,"d that the Fo~est Service oermit r:ad been transmi t ted, it shO\lld indicate rather a Forest Service letter. Clm. Knight stated that in connection with the Fourth of July ce1eLratlotls, he had meant clean up of the carnival grounds afterwards, w;1ere :'.t had indi cated clean up of the Civic Center after the; dance. Minutes a"mroved as corre;cted. Winutes of the; ,special meeting of June 21 were read and ap~roved. No peoDle being present wishjng to be heard so moveu on to t.oke UD the; 1957-58 School Budf:et. Ther>? was cnnsidc<rab1e discussion on tl~is, with City l,if:r, dord- well stating that alt.hough,t' the school budget appears to be reasonable, there ,are some items in the school operation which, in contrast to the genpral operation, 82ems to be an enrichment of the Ci ty' s abi 1i ty. He continued that part 0 f the cornmur1ity cannot go forVlard with an enrichment while the other part is irnpover- iS~led~ and went on to point out that the 3alGs Tax collections may very well be inadequate, in whi eh caSE: the Ccneral FUnd ",j 11 have to support it, and em this School Budgst, calling for ~~9l, 994. 50 for t.h" City's shan;, and based on flresont salGs tax cGllections, would meon that the ('8n8ral rlmd would be called UDon for an approximate amount of ~~25,OOO. TI1G Genr;l'al rl1nd does not have an amount such as t:1is, and this would meon a increase in the mi llage rate as a means of rais,~ng this a:;,ount. It waE felt tho v this would be undesireable. Mr. Carlson :?xplaiued various parts of the budget and pointed out that mucr. of this increased budget figure is for teac!1er 'e salaries, and thi s was enacted at the last legi slature. !Ie stated that the schools could not pay less than that 8pt uo by the Alaska levslatllre, You may not Day less than thG TerC'itorjal scale. More discussi on anu ClIF, Lowell stated, "I move we accept ttc School Bud[pt in the ar~ount of t91,994.50 for the school year heginning ,July 1, 195' and ending June 30, 1958 and authorize the City Clerk to si gn this. !I Brie f discussion and Acting }iayor Knight inquired if there was a second to Clm. Lowell '10 motion, 7ri th no second, tree motion dies for lack 0 l' a second, stated gayor Knlf~ht, Clm, LeiTer su ge8sted that the school budget he tl1rned over to the Ci tizen 's Advisory Comrrd ttee. It was nointed out ::oy HI', Carlson treat triP. Corrrnissi oner of Education desired the school budgets to be in ,Tuneau by ,Tuly 1st, but since he is out of town, it is expected he would 0": back and wClnt the budgets to work on by the 12th of ,July. 81m. Lcirer s ta ted, 1'1 IT,ov~_tha t .!l(? --.Jur.!:J tlte ~~h.021 ~u<!gE'l~_ o~er~9~tb.~ 9i tiz~~s ,Advisor;z BoarsL[or imf!1e~cij.?~,"_ ~9~~()~1.!~ Ssconded by elm. Johnson. VctP.: elm. A'1lend, :',188; lTohnson, yes; Kni&Jht, ;lGS; Leir81', yes; Lowell, no, /lotiC>rl carrjeu l, to I, Acting i\"avor ~:!ljght :'l.2trcu Lhat trJis should call fo!' a specjal !!lectin!; 0;" the Council jUct ,'1" soon as the Citi:oen'E Advjsory Comdttee has met, Cit,v 'her, Bordwell felt tr"at this pro\))bly could no':; be arranged before Mo:--day, the ei ihtl1, Cj ty !'lgr, Bordwell auvl sed +,Le Counc,il tr.a L ,"roposed :'tr;c'olu Lion No, 114 had been I .~ , , ~ " '.-"; ,~.""" ,~ ~ 1 !,....' ....~ I . I C'\\ f-~ .- -J,. ,\ J S"EVJAR.D, ALA.o~,h Re ["IJ lCl r I\I~e -f ~,... v ' b (:'J ly 1, }!"157 C ontinu.?cl ~-)renar2(1 :'~:8ti \"8 tIle paYlYient o~~ general fund 's celinq~lent utili tJ a.ccount, and h8 rf~ad .in ~ ts entirety Resolut.ion Ho. 114. t'i"".)Lun..N NJ. 114 ':,'HExl,g:, the people of the City of ;::--ewsr i, tt.:rough their common council and the City of ~-'eward f~lectric System lleek the benefits to be jari V!!ld from the ::levelopment of hydroelectric power facilities, i'1nd ".I;,~ L", tl1(' SURlS of money required for such hydroelectric power facilities are provi-Jed from the proceeds of tr,e sale of revenue bon;l";, and L"\.,,/,C,, in the sevaral ordinances providing for the issuance of' !'laid bonds the payment of the principal of and 1nten~!;t on sa.id bonds llrl" secun,(j \)y elien upon tro electric"l utility revenue!! a5 eecurity for Fuc:h p8.vmen ts, find ,j'IL:'~',:J, in pertinent or:linances it i5 furtrer provided that in tn,,, operati<)n of the Seward electric ~__YFtem all service cha.roes 51,,,11 ba lEvied fairly, collected promptly ani that service /'Irall l-oe :ihcontinu",d for non-pl'lyment of such chs rqefl, and " ",. '''<:''~'' in sud ordinances it ie> also expressly provi'ed ttat no fnw "ervL1bC' aX';;, to n'l oxten'jed .",tl1ch are ch!lrcreable to or reiuctive of such electrical utility revenues, and '"Tiu;~1.oJ~'. such ordinancee: are in effect contract~ ~:;n1 covenants with 6;1 i to the hold2rF, of th{l City of "(".,arci"lectricl'l Utility~venue ,:'ond,', 'n,:l L_"",,,t, in tre General 'und operations of the :;itv of Seward the accrued alwrcr",'l" for ".le::tric 5ervi,~e l~v its utility Fy..tem an" in "rr<-Oi"r", 'ad ;L"....-'~:. it is the mOrEil and contractual oblioation of the peor,le of the '~ity of Sewer 1 to provide for prompt payment of utility service chi1rr~ee> for U co b61h"fit of i h revenue bond holders and for the protection :>f its endi t. "JO"! n ~\l:;rC:.l";" h,L'<Lf;;..LV..:), and it is r,<Heby ref'olveri, net the City Trea~un'r of tloe ~:ity of c,:ewar:J }'.e inatructed ilnd authorized ~nd he is h"Jrohy in~tructed awl authorized to make prom[ct r,:,vment of current an:! just utility service charges 85 rendered monthly durin~ thelifetin~ of ~:r";"ently outl!lt~:,dinq revenue bonts and/or any !'ucr, bonds that may in future is!"ue, and :j, lI' rUc.J ~;i",-:,.vj._.\ljd aWl it is hereby furtl1er resolved that the '~ity EreHfmre:r be further inl!(tructed and authorized and h", is heret>y further instructed and ,1uthorized to make payment of the earliest monthly billi~ for utility pervi~e charqeF whiclo are now in arreare and to make Fuch monthly paymentt'l ui,d IT'onth concurrently with hie payment of currend billinqs beqinninq with the current billino for services provided ::lurincr the month of Julv 1\)157 imd to continua such concurrent paymc:mts monthly thereafter unt il suer- arnJluaqe f'hall be en tirely satisfied, and elL 1: FU :'":1,,,,:, .(i.i:,,:'LV ~D. that the rules qoverni.nCT the passaoe of 'e~olution ar:", l:<';f(oby sur;pen,:hd 6n-J thiG\",solution snall '.e effective im,ll:~ii "tel V upon itl'1 introduction and passaqe. ;'nd,ed on' aprroved this j/;J, rlay of ~-1957. /' ~ 1/' / //,//' II A .L' , <'1-< / . CI/~ l''>1', J,.. ~ : Al~:T: -._~~ 'd!u~) ,^'.' '"I.. __;1. {,. SEWARD, ALASKA Eegular Ire tinf; - ,Tuly 1, IG '0'7 c01'1tinued A discussion V'{3S held cOY1Cernjllg J)aynent jn lieu of t&X"2 frJ:;' the utjlities 5.\Tste;!"[ 3!ld City MEr. Boruwcl1 advisr.c tnCit the Lonel (;C"ve2Cibe is so marginal this yea"' tr:at W.2 could not conceivabl:v~ effed. ,rlY collection fro;, "':.Lis year; however, I sUf:f;ested to tte Utility Beard traL I would.. prOI)(1<oe to you trat we retain a corr.petent, ll'l ':Ji a sed , professi unal person to eval1Jate the property for tax purposes or a payment. in lieu of taxes. A contributiun on that basis, so lont: as it does not upset tr:e coverage required, there would he no ob.iecti ons fro~i the bond holders or !fr. Shernard. He continued tl.at Ii payment i'1 lieu of taxes was not a normal ofJeration at th8 t::me the bond e,rdinances were passed; however, Nr. Sheppard will go alonE with it if it is realistic and the oond coverage is not jeopardized~ and went on to say t.hat they would probably be in a position to make a payment next year. After consiu8rable discussion, Actinic: l"'ayor Knight stated that the Chai r would entertai n a me,ti on to susr-end tl:e rules for the passage 0.+' Resclutio'1 No. 114. C~_:'. ,Toh'1son stated, ~..1J.ke_~ rr1?!-ion tt9L','{~,msI'~!:1sLth"---I.l]J",S. for !11O' @.9.Qp!-j2.Q_,::1_R~..i'loluti9!!_~~'L .l14.!.:' Seconded by Clm. Lei n~r. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; JohnEon, Yes; Kni ght, yes; leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. hlotion carried una'15T:lously. ThR Chair H:en entertained a motion for adoption of l'tpsolution No. 114. CIn:. Amend stated, :.'T Cln:V~_.~~ ado[J~ arsL29l'E Resolutio~_'iQ.!_1l4L-and that-.!:!:!-hur Knigbb_as Acting May::.,I'.1_~ autLo!'i,"e~_ to_.9.h'Q3es21ution No,,-11~.!. 3",cDndeJ by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. A'1Jerd, yes; ,Tol-ns~;p, yes; Knight, ye~'; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. r,..!otj.on carried unanjmous:l)r. Ci ty 1~~~r. r301'chvnll advisp;.J tl:e Council t~l;;.t a. letter had ~,r::8n rt.~ceived from Alice Brovmell's attorney-s whicL staL8S tr'at AJ ice Browns]l :i s willing to deeu the mineral ri glrLs to the City a'1u she firmly believes nat ttr~ :-,arLies to tLe 1,:inora1 Agreement have failed to s:lend tlle necessary f'~nds on the property for a nur.Jter of years and sLe .feels LLe alT'l"'l!l'Cnt has r'een terminated. 'ire acknowledged receipt of tl~i E letter ond informed tll8nJ ~r,at tl'c: recommenda- tions of tLe Dlanning ~! Zoning Conndssion relative making tree area a parK area had been ap'Jroved a'ld we ask for a quit-claim deeu +'01' the land i:md all rnin8ral rights to the Hnr:iestead aml asked ru,' "n assignment ~rrs. IJrowJlell's offer j',as cc,ndition,.c; u",jn V',at iY'j ttis thi~l[" our c Intro- versy with H R, T Mining, that she 0" helu I"ree [roin <Jny L"bility in tris. 1'1'::. Vialter Blue was present and advised t'.Lt a hole had cecentl.y ueen ,11J" on U,e mininG pro;Jert:r and this hole lJud been leI"t open and is n..w' partly fi1'_cd with water and point,.d out the hazard to children paay'ing in the acea. She was advised t)-,at adrninistrati ve acti on would take Celre of this. Then moved all to next item, and City I,'gr. Bordwell read frum a letter from Kay ~. Buckalew, City Attorneys, relative the Seward Fish R. Cold Storal~e, wherein it was stated that they had filed rr.otion tr.at this case be :-Jlaced up on the trial calendar of the Court~ and that the Seward Flsh ~ Cold 2torage attorney Arnell had been informed also. On the pole line cc.nc-tructi on, City A"gr. Bordwc"ll reDorted that t.r ings are orogressi ng fairly well and that Foster-Saunder:: ~! ~Torthern Vei1t\lreS are about to come in for a llrogress payment. ':{p held tYiO ri ght-of-ways wbich had to be cleared with the Alaskil Railroad and we h:;ve au;:, formal apDlica- tion in for permit, along wit!: detailed drClwings 0" the major ulat. 81':i e f discussi on. City Mgr. Pordwell advi sed trat he had recei veu a let tel' from Ed Fortier the Deputy Director for De;;artment of Civil De fense whlch advi sed of a tentati. ve Air Force and Civil De fense proposal and the lJossi bi li ty of hav:ing the Army 'tecreaticm Ceflter in Seward turned over to th,cu, and tLcy worki n g out an ai.,Teement with the Oi ty of Sevial'd tu lease it to us on a free-lease basi s for use as a Civil De fense "lecepti Of) Ce'1 tel'. Tn this way ttc fadlity may be us,,'Ll for emerG"mcy use and nossible storage of emergency g0;2r, rations, etc., ror Civil Defense. A di.scuEsion was hecld on this with a view towards utilities and maintenance, anu it was Generally felt that. triis may be too much for the Cit,Y to take car", of. It was felt trat we should e:;CJress annroval :,f che idea in general, but in vi ow of the financial si tuati on locally, it mj i~ht L8 bet tel' t'J bw -, 'J;-c, Territorial. Ci viI De fens" agency attain tl-is center. The last i tern em t.he agenda Vias the" taken UD wi tL rCSlJfOct to th," 2'e-loca- tion expensr"s for City Mgr. 00ruwe11. re 5dvised tl:at initia.lly, we never dl[icussed to ,nucr, in detail tl1e ::;r,ndi t.iuns under wiii.ch I would relocate and it is normal, I th:ink, for J\I:unicioalities to ;x:y 80,:0 :,o;:,~icri of re- location e:;c)enses. He went on to say !'hat he has a b:i11 foC' ;;311.40 which i 'lClLldes ;~61. 50 for cartage of personal effects V\hicl: had to be done uy cC)rPJJ1ercia.l means, with the otl:er Le:ing for lociginf R, hotel, no meals. Clm. I 'A..... '''', '. ;::':J I I n. /' _.t: " ..:.. .' ST<;WA 'J.D, AAASKA 'i.egular meet:ing - ,July 1, 10'57 continued ,Tohnson stated, "1 make a mot:i on 1:ote: Clm. Amend, yes; Johnson, !/otion carr:ied unanimously. we Day th:is bill." S"conded by Clrn. Lei.rer. Yes;--Ifuip-}.lt:---:ves; Le:ir~:t, yes; Lovrell, yes. ~ ~'eeti n g adj ourned at 10:'T' P.N. A "~qG1JR,D: /J J# - ~ r/!;-: ~'IGHT,~ ACTI1~C lv:AYO~ AT7B~T: Sf'ecjal lfeetlng - tlul;v d, 195"'l Nayor Stockton called a special In~eting of the Council to order at 8:29 n.M. ""t'sent, GIrl. ,Juhnson, K'1ight, Leicer and LOi":ell, and Cit.y !J!i:r. 3ocdwcll. Ahsent 8lJn. Arr:end and Durant. Mayor Stockton stated that the special meetjng was called to (1) Consider an A.mendm8"lt to the Trrmsmissi on Line Clearing ContI'act; (2} To autt:orize the City Mgr. to accent an assi gnm"nt 0;" tr,e Clear.:ng Contract to the '3ankj (J} to autr.orize the City ~~gr. to acceYJt a pro[loseu amendf'lert to the Forest Service CnnstI'ilct:i on ~ermit for the -:.'ransrr;ission Line, and (L,) to act on the 195"'1-58 School Budget. Wi tt resPect. to Cimendin!; the Cleari ng Con tract, the Ci ty I!.gr. stated th:1t the Clear~r.g Contract Drovided that the contract would not be ass:iL'11ed without previous written permission of the Enfineer a'd that the Clearin" Contractor des] red to ass) vn the Contract to the Seward Pranch o~ the F:i rst V&tiona1 Bank of Anchorage in order that he might finance his DClyrolls from ti.'!Ie to tirre. Trle1'2 is no obje(~tion GO thjs; r,C)Wf.'ver, the ward ItEngineertt jn the ~ontrc;cL should be chang8d to n,ad "Owner", wrd ch would then ~l;jJ.:e it Docsitle I,)r the City tu "ive :its c0nsent to the ass:ip,:-lIT,ent. iViayor St,od.to'1 st,ated that hc: Hould er>tertain a ffiut:i(n,' f t;18 Courcilmen a;-Jpeared in agreement, ~1:ld it was moved by Clm. Leicor, seconded by Clm. ,Johnsen, "that nrovisi em lITe,. /.4 of the r",neral Condi tioY1s in the transm:i Esion line clea:;;Tng contl'act be amended so th~lt the finaYvlOrd-"E:6:.fi;eertl-in'saia- ,P~9~lsio0~!?~__~El~6_~i t9 :'e~~-'P~-ii~r.tl.~~ -Vot:e-:-~ clL:.~f()i~lson, 'ves;}~iEht~-Y'8S; 1ein,r, yes and Lowell yes. ~;oti.on car;'ied I1'lanim')UC31:,'. ~"'j'it:, Lss:),::;cL to tte assignm~nt tc the ~)ank, C:itv r.:gr" BOl'dw"ell stAt,:;J t,ll&t Lhe Rank Lad .i il(~j Co ::'sJ that they woulcl req,1j re the; t tLe C.i ty accept t~e fact of aSC3if,'11ment Lo tl~em of t1:8 Contract by tLr; Contractor, emJ that tLe City ~,Tcr. Eh01,ld be authorizcu to exscute such an acco;,tance. The liayor stated that he would cnt0rtain a r:1oti0r: if tl-,cLi'S were nu qU8~J--t,ions by otr.er Councilmen, NrJ.::Jre- upon .i t wa:3 moved by Glm. Jor,nson and seconded by Clm. LeiY'E:r that tp.8_Y.i-!Y I/gr. be au~;horized toacceDt an ass:il,'l1mr:nt of mon:ies due the Clearing Con- tractor ontransmisslon-Jjneworkto thE;.SewB-y:d Branch-of theJi'irst :.lat:ional ~:~~;:d 11 ~~;:~:m~:i; ~T oh;tr#ll#lt##~#~~~~~J#~~~;k/i!#~~;~~~;###/l#;j~~i~$##~##~!#~# on fit II If /1# ##I!If~I# If # ######## /I #####1/ l\:oving ,-)n t;,) tJ-:e next ite]]'" the City IiTgr. :informed the Council tllat the Forest Secvice had Sllbnji tted Cl oronoEed Clmend~m8nt tCJ the Forest S'.'rvj.ce Conftruction :O"giit cO'J,'ring the construction of the Hydro transmj"sion J.jne w)'jch would ,chfwge th8 existJng scb,dule to r'~ad"),:jle )I (renai Ftiver Eighway1 UJ December 31, le5')'!. leI'. Bordwell re(l11-,,,ted authority from t.he Council to acce:)t t110 amendment (Jrl behalf of +J", Ci t.,. ),ayo1' St, ,ckton ~tated In WOL:Jd entertain a motion, and it was rnc,vcG b.; C:11)1. LUdell ::i'l'~: sec~.)nded by elm. LeJr~~r "that the City ~/;gr. "oe authorized to accept for tl!e City, Am2qdrr:~nL /14 to the; FOi""'cst Ser'vlc,::,; r\:rmjt for CJir ;-_,t:'l..cti'.Jr: oi' tranSI!lission }jnt_' to l~~i:/' :'77 (Ksnai River P' l' ",. ~ . '1" l~' 5" .r' r' h ' j.]l~:.:.\I\rl,>,)',-)y .LJ8C81YtUer ....;J_, '.!-:. \ 0")8: vl.l[l. Jo lr!son, yes; Y.nigJ't, yes; L:::;irer, ye s; Lowe 11, .'Yes. ~.-; r>ti on carr:i.;:;J unardJIh/'J.sly. ThF~ 195'7-':>:' .schocl B:1dget was th=?'1 0jSC1,!SS0U vhtL ~h( Cj ~y lvlgr. exnlainjnv :t.q.at it was :in ~:dl't -~):'eJicated ur)on ar'. estim.::.Lc; tL;:(L ~i ty Sa18E- 13X rEvenues WUU.lL'- ';..1 i SEWA1'!.D, ALASKA Specjal ~':eeting - ,Tuly <3, 10)7 continued r'ln almost :~92, (JOG during the con:il1gfi~cal ,rear dnd point,,"J out t':1t tiler," Yra~, nothing in the local economy to sUDoort any nrem" se that the approximately 60-65 thousand dollars collec f,ed during 1':' 56- 57 would be exceeded in t>-;e camin g ;year, and that on that basis, the budget a,pearcd at least t25,000 over our finandal aJ-,i Ii ty, Clarti cularly in vi rjW 0f the fCic+' tr,at there w;;'e i nc ('(cased demands on general fund C~CUlU'~S, anJ that t:k only!n;ans by wiich the addi- tional money cauL! be rill sed woule be by an j !lcrease in t,l,e general taX }_evy. After c o'lsiderable di scussi on by the City Counci 1, MCl;yGr S toe kt0!' <:tated that he would C'lteT'tain a motion with rcoS'1E:ct to ti,_' 'luJE;;et. It ':ciS moved by Clm. J ohnso'1, ",econded by Clm. LeiTer !:hat _the ~<::h0nl Budge t, be returned to the ~~_hool Board aS~PE~'ove~2.,!:ided tt,~.!: they Dare_the budget by_;'2'5. DOg_as to the City I s share '_ Tel(" School Beld get olaced tre Ci tv's sr,are at :J91, "91, . 50, this being reduced by .~2'5, noo as directed by the Council would l'euuce the .figur8 to ~6tS,'j94.50. Vote: elm. Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Lei.cer, yes Lowell, yes: tine Fa:vor Stockton, yes. ;':otion carriL'C unanimc.usly. Mayor 2t0c1<:ton exercised hi~ cj g:-]t to vote as an elected Councilrnan, a~)po:;rrLell },'ayo:::" Iv;eeting adjoUl'tl2J 81., 10 :15 C) ".. . "~ . AryORll"Jw:9~Q 4t~. f.1 ,_,:1lt'i')H. StOCKTON, JRT MA YC"R 14:~ ATT~ST: /~-~ ' , '. F. B01D /ELL, Acti'1g City C18rk ::tegular 1',;2,"t5111': - ,Tuly 15, lC15" Tho reE,111a1' meeti.ng of the Counci 1 convenrod &t 8:1'5 p.M. with l,.'avor Stockton in the Chair. Present were Clm. Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell, with Clm. D~rant arriVinG during the reading of th>, mil1utes,. also Clm. Amend. City Ngr. Bordwell also present, and City Attorney Buckalew. The minutes of tre last regulCJr mfJc:tinf; of ,Tuly 1, F'5'7 vr;l"e read and apprc,\red. ~iinutes of the snecial rleetinv 0f July 2+1-; were read aCid Clp;Jroved "'1 read. fTnc!.or'--'eople ]"lY'es('mt, ~rilvor ':'tockton state:d there is a delegation fr0m tloR Cnilrr':ler 0f Comm2rce here ilnd ,Tack Werner was presented as speak.ing as the Chairman. l.:r. Werner stat,'d that the item of trle Small Boat Harbor had corne up in the discussion at the Cramher of COmrlerCH and Sal'TIon Derby comHd t tee meeting and thou gh we ha ve re- alized the in,;JOrta'lce of the ST,all Boa+, E::;rbor we haver'lt' seemed to realize what snculd be done about it. He rJOi'lted 01lt that Mr. Metcalf will be here :in the next two ,)r tJ,ref' Jays and tr,e Chamber of Commerce is inL'~est'od in helping and trying to Jeterrnirr8 what the needs of thl~ 51,all Boat Harbor are. ',7.2 also want to n;nke surec U;at when Mr. l,'etc:llf CClmes here that a pr01:ram is ready EI1 d we understand that S'IC'1 a lJrogram is ready---but the Chamber d08sn't know and we would like to }-.elp,- in t:etting the thing coordinated so thilt we Ciln COff,e UP vdth a first clRss ',rogram for the City of Seward and the Chamber t3.71d the SalmoY1 D~?~"1)={ Cora; J:,t~e rH3.V~~ asked me to convey t};c~ me3sage. Clm. Dura:lt stated that be would like tu offer a rna:J and Lilve it ,Jut on reco['d that the City of Seward is not asleep to the possibility of the Smilll Boat Harbor. I wOllld like to have it on recoT'd that someth5ng is lieing done. He presented a map of the Small 8e>at Harbor a1"0(1 ;r1d st&l::,~J ~,Y'3t }lo hal: sjlent a f::;w }'c\ll~_"S ".~.rjt)-l lFr. LeFevre and had taken him down tn81'8 and h" had stat8c1 thet vre are a':Jso11Jtely justified in askint: for helD. Thru the Small Boat owners association on its letterhead paper we have wri tten many letters and we havE' had ;:147, OOU sClent on the Small Boat Harbor and now we are so crowded down there, we oro')osed to Mr. LeFevre tL3t we wanted to puL a float down along this south breakwater vihich would take care of 75 boats. Our next plan is to '1etition the Corps of Enginser~ to dredge out north of the old float. He also polnteJ out thilt somethinr' would r,ave to be done about the sanitary proj:>lem in that area. l''urther discussion relative parking space for cars, application of moorage fees, and a sign on Third and l'ourth avenues Dointing the way to the Small Boat Harbor. MaY01' Stockton the;a stated that he suggested that a Comm:itt8,~ be ,'-J;:lpointed to meet w:,th the uelegation of the '"'l,'lmber of Comrr,c:rce , i,}->'j 28a:,d of Direc:,or:: t~) l{Drk ur a :ilan to hr-:: rt~aJ,yioi' Vr. LeFevre and !'r. Metcalf and he aDDol.'1ted Clm. Durant and City Iv:p'. Bondwell to this -8o,~'ittee. ~-ettin[' hack to the qU8st:}on of moo"a"c fees, City J\;er. BordWEll stat'od +"I-wt we I ,.":" , , ...!....,I I I c' , i..J ~. C",'i'i'1"i':::J, ALAE':YA 1et:ular j."'''.:dJ:lr t~ - (T1J:Y J 5, 1 ~ 5"7 cont,: ili18d c.c. n::::]t I-Lave full t~1rl;e ~Icrson:!el, wh~ch is only Da~tly all answer, (}nd i:'1 the second ~,lac:e, J h.:J.ve rjmplybeen ::;jttinf~hack"Najt:in'f for a sc1-l,~d'11e ofra~es to be e':'~,a bJ.ished ~uhi ch v{')uld :'8 rCD.lift,-j c . At the .JcesAnt time tll~; ra ~e ;:;tr~!tctllre :i11. thE:, Se....~rar'd Sm&ll r3uaL E;::u""::.lr' is r~JjcnJon31;v 10"';". It is a l'-idiculr/LlS th:i:1~~ to E:Ve~l tr,," to (~l1fClrCe as j t Jnes not off.::r anyt~li,nf::' to J~frav tJ-:,o costs'. Someth1.n',; like teti:;ollars for a m1.n1.mum is s'J,!!ot,Ling U,,,t I would lOt)k at as r(:[jsona}~le. Cel'~.cijr'=_.y no Ci'lc" C8n eX~:lect tre t~y'i'lc of S8rvic2 V'-rl.!u v."., wOllld like to Dut liut r10d tll8 t.\n~)e of admlLd.~"t;'Cltive facjli L:{ ttBt ~lle would 11. ke to have for less. ?,:avor stockton stated t>~';:Jt. 2.t the t ~;TI'-: -:-')he rates wprl::~ f',?t up the Gjty was not offerjlig rrcuch 1.1: the way of a Sr1all Boa+; Harbor. ::;'1 tte last few ye~l"S we hay,:; Dut ir' 11~:rts aflJ dont~ snr'ethjrgs down tbere and UD until tLat tj_rr.e wp dj d Eat offer rrmcr:. elm. lON8J._l asked i f Wf~ COllld a'i1LO:lr.t a .:~)rb;Tj ttE:C te, take U,J 3. ,'aLe :strl1cture and !'as-un Stockt'Jll a:J',ointed Clm. Lowell and Jurant to Uis Comrrt:i tteL~. Batf-. elm. :lJuran t, and r\:~r. \iel'~1-=. r mad(~ -1~, kn uwn +)~--,ot t.~-le Sr1a~ 1 'Doat rvn~r~1'S Assoc. GYIU tre Chamber of Ccr;x18rcR Salr,;on Derby C(Jrnr1j tten could c.:fer CI JO"1at," on to dei'ra\r triP cost of tr'e sj f;rlS requested for Third and Ecurth Avenu'~~. ~,'!r. ~'~rnE'r ;101.oT,ed C1Ut +;]:3t no ons should be feeling bad about hmv ;:,h1.ni:s have hr.:!f'P d't tl~..2 Sr,lL:l1 Ro3.~ Earhor as it [-;.as Just been growint-~ 8. rill beccx.jY:C so cl'owdec so fast. 8itv Attorne\/ ;~G.ck3.1ew wIleD call.eJ. lJpOn s-~-,ated thCit t.l:?~ City JOt-:E have authority at -the S:nal1~ ,goat Earb:lr, :-:ovi'f.ver 1.e advised against cuLting any "~)Out lines. You could sue ii' a ~p.rson is jn tr:ei:e wJ~J r'ut ~C1ym~nt, bl~:" vd.t\ .~ s:-naJ.l l'8e;, he felt we should solve tl:~ TJ:rcnJern by. s8:?"'ving a summons for Ll'__.3,:c...asjng. Cn a la-:-~E;~l.-' fee, a lien c01l1d bE-' ~~t on +,l,.J "r,0at. Yeu cOl.:.ld taKe the:;-L 7~:.ru tb8 City I,iat:j sLl'o.tc t s CO'lrt. Fc~ cnnt~rlur;d that r:8 -would 7rrite a lett8f' Lc the C~~:~. Atto!'ney at Ke+'cLikan Gl"' Juneau and se~; what tb2.l do JOVin thr:3re. I\~ovi.r:tS on, ~,I!'r~. Bill tJoncs and 1~:rs. ',~tarren ?>auer R;Johe abcru ~ the asphai t plant at the railroad tracks 21b tLe ;:end of the Bay and stated tr,at the smoke is laying rj ght O\l8Y' the Gle8.:" ~\liev~T r~otrJf:s 3l'ld is S8P :lS into t~-lE; hous(~s :-~".i..l cdrs, 0':G. it is jrflpo~_;~jble to r.3nr, clc~t!-:-~3 out/side, and cGntinuecl tbat t;:c o::;j tuation :is jU::3-L Jnto:L:::'dhJe. }J" "iloaS pointed out that this pla~lt Is outEiJe the ::;j t;{ lin,j ts and the Cj ty w-auld not havp. any jurisd:i ct:i Url tr:ere. Clif. L",ir81' stated that lle thouhLt tbe plant would be shut uown as they were sUDrJOsed to be about f1.nished. ~'rs. ,J'Jnos statei tl at 1. f it is just a matter of a day 01' two, tnen it doesn't matter, hut :,hey had understood tbere rnir~ht be more of it also when ThirJ Avenue is (laved. It was felt U;at tr,el"e r.1:ight be a lc:g1.t1.m'lte claim fo~ the Deople out there to collect for dar~ages from the Company, at1d Cj7,Y A-rJtorncy Buckalew Sllf:rested tLat t::e jndivic.luals check witT) an attorne,v 1.'1 tl-is n;s1)ect~ ,:'lasmuch as it a:x,?ars tLat the City 'would nave 'lothing to sa,',' about it. ]v'rs. T1auor asked j f the :::;i ty could do anything or would endeavor to sLop aYJ;,'c,nc olse from us1.ng ;:,rl8 ;Jlace For any new pav1.ng project aYJd !',q:vor ~t,r'ckt'Jn stat",d we won]d kee,) this ~'n mine: and take the matter 'In. 5arr. 2nmack aSr~ed t,(l be heard in the matt<-',!, c:f his taxes a1 d he conf:21'rp~d 'Ni th Mayor StockLon een th1.s. C1.t,'Y !vIVr. Tk'"dwel] advjsed that IiI'. Romack had appeai'~d be fOY'l: the rr:el::t ;1'1[": of trL? I3oar'J c,f 2quCilization of Jllly 11th arcl there were three Counci. lmen :):'osen t and be read from the miYJutes. It \'.as p02r;ted out the,;:' ),,1'. Hornack is 11'JW talk-iDE: about something that. he did n:Jt s}.Jcak of at the Board of 'Squalizatj on nier~ting. M&:'{or StocktiJn stated that ~,:";(). :L: t(Je amount /which Mr. 'tomack has fjlled in f'J1' himaalf. Clf". ,Tc,r:nson ;..cjnted out thR.t J,'lr. R();~G:::'~.>" :--ch.l not fillr~d out any r(~t,urn. :Xo figurl3 tr.at thbr'C is riQ use fur us to go aheac. and make an;! c:-:ani!8 in it as he has teen aJvised prev1.ocls years to fill out tlie n~turn. CiLy tgr. Bordwell stated tkd~ 'e;'. Romack has been trea t"cl VIi th equity as his as"em;ment was ba Se,U on last years , ('c.:turn just as arrj: all otherc who do nnt fi1;; a return. ~,,;a;v<)r Stoc~ton stateJ tl:at '.'1'. ~omack 1. s request i reS the Council to rE:c3uce his 3E'ECSsmont frorE the ~?C()C: figlJ:~8 J.nYvlnva.::'ds t~ ~85C). Hr~ c;urd,inlh;d t:1Jt the ~o,;1"d 0; Equalization r,as secn fit to leave i;:, at this figure ,me: he asked i.f a~l:V Clm. }-,ad anyt.hj n g to CidJ to .~,}-d s. ""rht~ CL::iir t}-Ien en tertaj n:::J a iEoti on to dhiuosdl of this at City r.,'g1'. Borclwell's advice. Cll,. Lei1'er stated, "I rr:ake_ ~_:r'?~~9'1 ~".'e ~~c.ce pt _ .tJ'lE? ~)iir.<:l~J~9~ii~~ za ~~j,2Q_!1-nd:irc~.s d':l~~~Q, t;;e ~'?cct L];Cil.~;!'-,_BQma<::L9id_!:1ot tur~~rUli~_~i::ilcj,errre!:1~_ !Qr_~tl"-~9~ ~ Secondeduy elm. Kni~~h-L. elm. Amend, no; DJrant, :\res; tJohnson, ~'es; Vnivht, Yt:!S; Leir~~r, yes; Lo~vell, ,ves. roti~.Jn carl~lt:,d ;i\le tc one. 1s~atJI~~p -tl-'i.~~ .....ta"us ,-, r -I---l-::"J -H.J -',. ()"ll " t. " - -.:; , u '-- _, lJlJ'.-. '.'4'--''--, U. e.Lec I~J c revenue u~)[!':.iS, well ctdvised thet. he Lad been Cidvised by li,;r. )1,. 1. SheDpanI tl-:at tLc ;Jrintc:, Y'E[)('II'ted -Lr..J.t t1:e [Jands vv511 he sbj 0upJ to on th", l3~~L 0 f ,July. ' City ~,r.gr. Bard ,'~ ':rande Rr Co. us Alr Exnr~ss ',' - ,: ,-- SE7iARD, ALASKA Regular !veeting - July 15, 1957 continued City Mgr. Bordwell then reported on the status of the Third Avenus Daving and stated that the Juneau offi ce had Dot agreed wi th the A'ichoraee of.fj ce recommendation relati ve the r:i Vht of way, and trey would agree to a right of way to 70 feet in width from Jefferson Street on out. This would leave the Joe Olthrie home where the living room extends out into the rJght of way, and the A~B Service whose gasoline pumps were way out in tile :otreet. !!r. Cl1thrie has been contacted and he is taking this up wj th the BD1=( in Anchorage to determine just how much of tl:e living room has to be taken off. lviI'S. Skin'1er owner of the property which the gasoline stati on is on indicated trat sl:e would have the pumps moved. ?rom ,Tp f fe rS,XI on down to Railroad, if the Ci ty would reduce :it by two feet or an overall width of 78', the encroachments there would not h&ve to be corrected. The proposi ti on trcre is that we should by ordinance reduce the rigLt of way along Third Avenue hetween Railroad and Jefferson by two feet on the East Side of Third Avenue, reserving those two feet, hoV/ever, for .future street wideniY1g Clurposes. From ,Teffc-;rson Strest on out, the Regional Engil1GC,r is amonable to rt '"7()' rj Cht of way, redud:lC the present right of way by five fept on each side, each five feet to be reserved for future street widening purposes. We ',,,i.l] still have the same 1"ull width paving, curbs and gutters. },'a.'yor S'uockton asked i[ any CIJ1. had any ou,jections to handli n IS this by ordinance and wi th none, he ente1'taineci a mo ti e'n. Clm. ~_.__sta!:~9.1.~'J-.!'.lOV~:f;!:d:~ ..h!';~S~~..YJlb'!'..\Je direct~sL1.2_dr<-1:W, uP_im. ,l~,=lj.Q..arlc;;~ fO~f~,;ntajj.Q'1 t:J .!:rr; .f.O~ElgJ.:L_I',"j~~J2b,tLp. stl'(:~~, riv1j._.:2L !!Q:l.Q0. Th~T'Lb:yenue as out]jY1Gd in ir,formati.onreceiveLl.from the B"R." Secnnd oy Clm. Durant. Vote: Clm. Arr.e~d~ -ves;' D;'lrant: -y~-;;.;.,Joh~~~~y-;;~-;-Kriji;ht,Yes; Leil'er, yes; Lovrell, yes. Noti on carried unanimously. City M.gr. Bordwell WEnt on to say thal, arlOt,];er requirement wat, that an o1"ficial of the Ci tv be desi gnated to approve tte final plans for the ':::hird Avenue pavi ?1g, and J have indi cated unofficially trat you, as Mayor, would be the one to arprove the plans. Fourteen days after all the plans and agreements are i Y1 ,Tuneau, the bids cO'J1d be let, and it i.s not known how soon a ftc'" tloat the ;)aving could be Jone. On the next i terr, relative the clearing , and t,)'e transmissi on Ii ne, Ci tv Mgr. Bcrdwell stated that we have been hav:jng a Ii ttle di fference of opini on be- tween the C:i. ty admillistrat:i. ve forces aY1d the cleari ng contractors s ,")okesman and some of the people in the fi",ld, and SC'> far as I am concerned adm:i.nistra- t:;'vely, I think the City is at least for this construction season ~'etting the advaLt~€,.e of reasonable field exuerience and honest insDection. Mr. Bordwe~.l vrent on to sa,! that he had asked }'r. Lee, the 'winc:i.p:.;l engineer, i f hc~ would not give us the bene fit of ;li~ observation, and l~e coIled upon }"r. 1.3e to speak. Mr. Lee stated that ...hen 1:e came up here it was not tha t Ice bad any di strust in l\ir. Van Overbeke and 'tay Scott. Between them t.',ey are doi'1g the :inspection. I have been Ollt there looking over th" v;ork and UJel'e are Dlaces that are not bad and t[:ec8 are a few bad spots whi ch ,ie knew be fore hand \wuld be hard to get across. 1'1 one place wl,ere it seems not ~;oss:i hIe to haul in the Cloles for construction Ol tl'at line, now the: electrical contractor has sa:i.d that he could ,!l'obably get the poles in there but he would have to drag the p()le~ over the ground. In rny opinion t,hat i~ not good as the poles would be damaged from the rough 1:andling and you would not e;et the Ii fe from the Dolef'. IiII'. Lee indicated tl',at tl-.erp are some parts whch ~!r. Porterfield l'as stated al'e acceptable 3'1d of course, thA stretches tL:<t are not acceptab:l.e, we could not accept them because if '1\-" did, tLe City v"llUld have to pay t.he bill for clparing t;-Iat UD. "'f course, that would be the clearing contractor's rsspons:ibiliLy to have that in shape so that there is not going to be any extra cost to the City. I talked to },'r. Foster today and it is his intention to come hack and out the area in shaDe which is 'Ir'- acceptable hy the j<'orest Servi ce. J talked to 1"1'. Foster ant the road here the other> day and he inJicatecl th.1t we as the Eflginccrs on the job may do som,]thing t:l.:::t is not quite rigtt either and migl:t get OlJ~'t,;=>;"" in a spot where we are !wt ali,ogetrf'r in the clear. For tl~at 1 >':01]10 like everyone t.o r',6d the conditions in th.~ contract,- :if tllure i,; anythiY]g they can niake claim about, they can do that in a letter ~~c the ovmer or to the Eng:ifleer. 1';1'. VanOverbeke stated thClt r,r. ~coster rad said he would be back to clra:c UD those areas wh::ich Mr. ~()rterfjelcl could 'lot accppt, 0Ut they had said thjngs before and then have not Jone whr,t tl;ey said. Sity Mp:r. Bordwell slaled that th- Clearing Contractor had b~cn cent a carbon cony of a letter from the Forest Service whict sets forti] exactly what they req:.l:ire in the line of w],at should b8 Gut, what sLould be limbed, yrhat shollld be burned, etc. ]1e continued that it j s qHi te possible that trle fip.ld crew of the Clp,arint; Contractor were Y10t <,0 vrell j n formed as the sDokesIT,.an lor Foster-Sannders. I I I ~.? .t "l _ ...., SSWA'1D, ALA.eTA , Repular !5eet:ing - July l~, 1957 conti flued ~o lnoving or/the next item, Citv '5gI'. Bordwell report~d t"E,t we rave t)-.e resigna- t~O;1 l f C1-<LCf of ~(;lice, l/arvjn l.::jllr'r, who h3.d resigned ~s of today for ~)r;rsonal reasons, and he had mana [;8C: to give several days l'1otice vd. tt~in w"vhj ch lk~l~jod we at.tf7moted ~Lt c,~,[llact several L:pn~J1e W;;(l ap~Jenred CO:T:::)p-Le;'lt to handle tr;e Dosition anJ v.JLo are aCCei)-La'.le to Jjl-:~.::. cnrr1ffltLnjt.v, all witl: negative t"::snlts. Thel'l:: is no 8~lb on thc~ f'cjrce rrLo is experj encell -~rlou!!r, to take L~-::tTi;)'-Jrary cO'ltrol and WE: w:illlJave as a t,.)..lT)oral'Y actjn[ C:iief (':f ~ol:iGe, Lt. ~a~'l Hib-.-,sr-l..rnan on loon trom t1Jc~ A!l~bora::e fJ:_)}_lce Dt::;l-;c.,rtrr.ent for Ci \/e1:',' brjl--;f 7'18r~uJ.. Fe N~ll be on a reimhlrs:; Llu oaE-is anel basic ~~x~lcnses. V~-'. BGrdwell c ~ rL ~inu;:)J. '~La ~ l',: ';'l'l'3..u lIb:; to have thE:.; benefit of thf: C::Juncil if B;1ycne had anyone jn ml~vi \'{bo they tho1.JE:l't P!::i f,.ht :i:; able to :-::a:1Ll~'2 the :jOL'; r:ol\~(:.;V'?L-', -':-:-cre 'N'2r'C no such jnj~catior:s . T!-,c tdl;_:' for t~if" !"1ont.h (j [' June ~n the~':'otal anount ::If t21..::S:.31 iHf-:re rRaCi as folloYls: 8/ J/s f'o If JVA)e... /?J7 l1 n City !.;gr. Bordwo-:'l stated t.hat t.l-e bill !'rom nres:,oD, Thorp" /)/Il<OA/j Shqj(J .") .0 1. / ,,,,as a char ge fa:" tr.e op5 ni on on -t.L,? Armory-gYIJlnasium bond .is~ stat8J, "I move that the: 'yills hewaid <is read, nlus t.he old, ,ljl/{POAT 1.'l''''cJ, h.7 '.)/ clec:tric utility aCC~ljnt.H Cit.y i..gr. dcrdwell ~~,,'1ted thctL 01 sLcltes tLis would be to.l-:'811 ca;~~' r)f iTl t~lc ITuly ld,llfi, and t~i( A.l1dy j ~i 0 ,~t)...... uills. Clm. Fnigrt an,eml",d tLe moti')Yl "th.;t. tne bills be pa' Second Ly Glm. Amend. ~v"ote: Clm. .Amend, ye2;-DUrant:-yo:..:7-:/).C.J. l.-),()L~/ Kni~ht, ;,Tes~ Ll3ir-"r, yes; Lowell, yes. 1\'otion carrjeG uI1clnir A. J. C. /' 4- 4- n c:; A DDROV,,~D: .~ .,: ,<. ,EREY '1/i )).~. (!o ;;'o.N, ()OA5r 1. tV...., ed. J?r.. reM) 4 7110'101>""", Tr.e agenda taken care of, -i -~ W["13 stat,j'::: tLe C~ t:'T Attorne.v Ldl an PJCL~cuti ve sess~_on (J8 1-lelJ. ",,"isitocs v;,-::~re excuseJ. h~... ~,~~ 1':"1'. ('Br,'i ~r.,:;rlough as thei'l' nel, lCiW cler}, q;l,] t,::eIl v.,rent ~)nl case a g-:l:i n2 [, tLe SewarJ F~ {"J.,_ o. Cold ,Storace Las bet3Yl set for we may not get any ~)~her results, we de cx/,)(-;ct tc f:~et thE: lee "'Jj8CU~::J~_on Vias D81J c,::;gardjrlg the 1:3ase, -tJJ'; (lei Jrec..La tio:' 0:' c.'I-lPilsi ng, ete. Iv!eutjng aJjourned at 10:45 ?~,:i. J..TTBST: ~"'^ __ _) J/ A / E'J:j~~~~ Ipeeial Me~ting - Au! The s;lecial m2E'ting of t.he Ci ty Council .vas hrought to oY'der Ac~ing I\,iayor KrdgLt, u.;)~YJ=-nt~~c. by the Counci.l -c/o'net in ~L2 a Stockton. 13,j I~ .r~S. -' 1 I' "i,/ J)u~ 'Jo-1T ~ 1 c: ~)/ )JO!bIfDO I( i () .') ,/ )J o'fT fiJlll ~Il ;c;', c: ee;,/ AJlJr'L tJ?PJ/. J. "j .': L)/ /t .? Lf / . , !) ..-'... )/ 'l ') J. c; /% 11).13 ~ lU BMs!;:: '..) 11/ .'. ,I n ':") / DLOV. rJ...e. f" 1 ,,7 C; . ~ew f.ldlU:S 4 . L i/ " e w .If!.t.4 1 1 .1 r,.... ~ eo w. F'. ~}/) ',I; / Sew, IFl<<l,,,fo 'I () <1/ Acting !,ayor Knjt~ht anr1Dunced that tr,i" ,ineci:.t::' me..?tj.ng 'J" 1,;' hd.:~ o'''D ~,,'loa ],. ">,. r'J'L ~l - " 'tt .. ..:T." 0 J . :,. ,-,u..L t:: ,JJ ,d,I" '.J (',~I v ern: llTlC.:'1. ~ ,'C lNrJ_..; v8r, r8qlJe~~T.J Cd 0 QI , ~ 4 (-) r' -) ~\lL'Cint and Ar;)'_~IV':' ~"',-Jr t.~12 t~';X;J-;:~C~E~ .,u[" ;US8 uf C (.In.~ ; jt..'l'j r'~ : 1 ~, . . .If,.......' ,1 ....,.....r 'r-.' 1 ':.. " .1-' r. .., ,-.. ~ '.-, . [., '.I." {lanCe 1(.._ L C1;1'.J. ,'-.,7 na'.':iI,'~ .I~~I do Vl1vI, CJgLt ::'L ~'.:::i:.,': :Hd:.I~''->':''S afl W'€..~lJe"ts 4 (;, ("!... /iv~nuc ;lav:i.Y1g r:,r'oject. Roll Cal~, - "'")n:-;.sf)nt DIm. :Jnrant Joh . ~ "11 "'.' '''~~~ ,.,-' -l--~."""'1 T.' _ ." r\ -~ ' 1.AJde , fUlJE.:,,"'"', vo.1ud l...-L~n. .l.J8Jre: a:r.i'l.vJn~~ at c'l:2~' ,~.r'\". lAhlJfR.V/N ') n )/ Acting 1,a,y'or Kn:i LLt sta~ed tJ:Clt he wouJ:j '::11td:ct.sjn <2 L,0::"i,)n ~ rules .ir~ CJl'uer' tc, C(v'lS} :ier ~ \:;l"';I~j:1 Ct LR pH-Ssdge of (JcJj nCince H o. moved uy COllY1cilrrarl ,ICL1~SOll 2nd seCLJuJeJ hy Clm. DtLC'Eint tL3t 'ov"rn' ~" '1,,, .', ,", , b d d ~,.I.J ....~!:) Ul'<. Ddssa~~c O.J. oruJ.narlC8S e susnen e' for t!";8 purr J_.ng the Jmn1eulate ;')assage c~f Ordi::1ance Ho. 2'76. TJoL2: Clnl. Dural"t, yes;. Johnf'GrJ, yes: J(ni !iLL, yes, Lciror, yoo: Lowell, ~arrl~J unHnJm')~sly. q '. l /f1 ..'. 1 '1 .-:} ~...., " - , S'SWA:JJ), ALASKA .7~~':CJA1J J:11~ETTNG - A.ugust 1, 1957 con'tiYJuP'Q At the rec;uest c;i' t.he Act:lng I,"ayor, the C:i ty Manager read propos,,,d Ordin!lnce No. 276 b its entirety. Acting Mayor K'1ight stated that the Councjl had heard Ordinance No. 2'76 as read and that if there were no questions a ~lotion for "'lssage would be entertained. It was moved by Clm. ,Johnson and secc;nded b'r Clm. A[~end that "I move that under ~"!,,,,,n,si or1,,~ Lth:o rul~s, tha.1_Qrdj nall~ "0 .,;:~? be a~~d-!-: Vote: - -cYm.- -Amend, yes; Durant, yes; ,Joh'1son, yes; Knight, yes; Lejrer, yes; Lowell, :fes. ~,~otion carried unan~~ously. The next item on tl;e agenda is proposed Ordinance "io. 2'77 and the Chair will entertai" ::1 mc;tiO'i' to suspend the rules in 'Jrdor to consider immediate passage of CI'f~:inance No. 27~1. It was moveJ by elm. DLlt'ctLlt ;.!!~: ;:,,::.:.::unded by elm. Leirer, - 'T mov~J}':a_t the rules, E':':.'crl1,ing,t):E" ,,~(J,s,',age_of-.SJ.;~~_~r1,~11ce~ue o;u sJende~ _ .t:~r:. ,t~~_l)l~r.!2~s,e, _of ~ons icl_"r.,iC~l,--iJnmedi,,:t,e, J~ass",@_~L0::dinan~e,--,,!~.!..- 2'7:=".-'~ 7ote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, ,ves: ,JohYJson, :"2S; Yni gh t, yes; Lei reI', yes; Lowell, yes. I,lotion carried unan_;mously. At the request e)f Act:ln" Mayor Kni 8Lt, the Ci ty ;0ilncogc;p rl;ad prorG~ej 0rdi'1ance No. 7''7 in its entirety. Actil1f~ ;,;ayor KniGht stated tLl,t tLc Council had heard Droposed CrJinance ;'1". ')7; JS rGaJ and ilwited comment following which Chair lnvit"d a ,'tiot! fur adoDtion of thp Ordinance. It was moved b'! ClJll. Ar:;'~j1d and secr,nJeu b~r elm. 1e:i..~er,- ~J_~:..i~",,-e__t~19_t U~d8['_J":..\lspensiot~ of--.!,he rules_that,,c~rc~L'1a!lC_~ Ho~ 2'7'7__,~e_)![1%3diately ::tdo:lted-!-" Vote: C1L'. A.mend, yes; Durant, :'/133; ,Jnhnson, ves; Kn~ght, 'yes; Letrer, Yt::'-::;; ~o'\,'rell, .yes. !ioti on carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:51 ry.M. AP?ROVSD: ~ ~_~ ~. K'HGHT, Ac:,ing Mayor !Jt ATTEST: V1I15. F. :3(' l.D~\~lE 1 L Acting City Clerk I -./'.",~ e,l I I 4 L f,EVv"A 11), A1:1.~=; KA Regubr ]\:eetint; - Au(;\.'st J, 19')': j'he regular r;lE'Ot;n~ of th3 Council was call'3d to c;:'der at 8:20 ::>.ri. .'fith }J:a.vT,r St JCkt0fl in the Chcdr. ~"JrGsent wec! Clnl. Anend, Durant, Leirer aid Lowell and City j,,':gr. BorJ\'iell. Absent Cl'n. ,Tohnson ;md Knight. City Attorney Buckalew 3y'rlvec juring readjng of ~,:-12 millutes. },!!jnutes of thp last ret--:ular rrl..;C J.,~:~f-.; of (July 15th v/ere reael and approved. ~I'_~nute:; uf thf~ s'Jec.ial J118'-:::tjng of August 1 wer'e read and elm. Lejrer that he l~o.d not been nre2cnt 3t tr,e first sus;)e~lsion 0 r tr~e rules of nj'~~t.:inf, as indjcdted. ~!rjnlltes aD;")rovf::d 3E corrected. stated +},,, + Lo<_u. v ~,7-jth no Derson pY'esent desiring to SPC3K, moved on to f:irst jtem of old bllSiqess. City I(Fr. Bordwell ....enorted tnat since tne last special Ifle.,~ing letter~ had neen disoatched b:r registered mail to Fr's. LCJu Sk:',nnccr, Dvme.... of tLe garage on Tl,irc; Avenue known as tl:e M.B Service, advis.inc; her t'ela- tive nrdinance hfo. ''''''16 and calling atte:ltion to ~Jhe s2ction whic;--~ sta'~8s that r'e~1!ovBl ShOllld be sta~tpd y;jtJdn ten days. r'or lack of proDl~:' adz..:.::'"'~~53, ':;8- ~~J.vc not C+32i1 abl,:? tr, j:=~:J::ltc} unc 7JO ll/r. t\)8 IJutr~rie~ rOViE:-:Vnr w.z }"jave lea~ned r.,Od3Y that 0. local ::ierson l~Glds a oovrc~;c of atti-_"'''ne,'T fL','" ~/r. (llt:~r~e ... ""C ~~V; Jis"Jatching 9 ~ ,q~~ ':~ I:,~. rr:ry Ann B:~'lmat who holds this :lower' of attorney' unci this ~v()nlj be ~rOiY;r notice to llinc. hja.v'o~ Stockton jrH:;.l.-Ircd jf the Council had any que3tions on t~:G ar1~~ wj~h ~'1~n2 rnov~rl 0~ to trt n3xt item . ':-: ty l.,TCf'. 3or\..bvell 3cvj8P,j that a qui~ claim d(~!?d fet' the rL.:n~;ral r.~gnts to t:'>? i3rownell l~E-;tt;3.J !-!ad bee!' receJVt:;Q Clnd ~hdt it has 'n,~e.'-j y)lacecl on reccrd. In tr:c F. S. C:nrn:~is.:.:;jOtl::;r's nff-.Lce. -i\,'::CS. Br:~'Nnellls (}.j._t{J~('ncys 8nelusf.~-j tr.,::;ir s~atemcnt irI ~,h{:: 3t1i01Jnt (jf :.,"35. fnr this and it l."{as :Jr'evjouE::'y agr,:;!')d that we wOllld Jefray this co~t. Clm. Durant fitated, n:r-.:T:ake ,a.JT]~~ioQ._v~e.JJay~ne bi :Ll~~_i3 5!...QQ-.f9r _18 ga ~ ~~~rviQ..e~.-!:o rycys~r-,-- QC1-:t~a_~~C2.L_ ~o_t.zer_._aI.:.d_Qr~~!l~r2L_I_I!~. w:i.J12 _r_~~R.esJ:. .tQ._ dra f'l:JJ1E.J~:.h.e.._ Qu)_t-qaim J2e..2_cL::'~r~he ~,il'1-,"-r,~J" Rigllts fo~ _the I3_ro~'ir.!.ellJ:ct[l,~_~~e~d.1P Se.~ond by CLn. Lowell. Vote: Clr.'i. Amend, DUrc.:Tt., Lein]r and Lowell, yes. ltc-tiun carded lilianimouE'ly. !"cyor StDckton then reoorted on his trio tu S2a~~1~ to ~eliver the ~4DO,OOO Electric ('tility Revenue Bonds, and E'tated that th~ representatives of the Sea~~)le Trust and Savj}l;i3 Cn. d:ld Gr3'1de ,,~ Co. wer3 c1Ji te Op"t,jP.1_lst,::.C abo:lt ~t-:lljn~~ the bon:3s in the n("ClT' flltur~~. A:'so th3.t [t"r. ShcL~P[l1_'c3 harl. ad'ljsed him tnat sinc.o Mr. GnrdvTl1 ),ao' b",~q nllr Cit.:r ~ranagp.r, all lJusinE'ss has been cQnduc~"d jn a :JlU'o!< bettt,r fa<:\tion than it ever has been in the past. ~:ayor 2t0ckton c0'1t.inued tl'wt he Jo,ad met wit)-: Mr. Harstad and exolainsd t.o hint some c.f thp di ff1cnlties, 'lie l,a'l" heen having and we Vleont to great J.,mt:tl" explain- in g tb ~ Jj ffe""~;nit items aqJ l\~r. Lee }lad advj s8d r;Lr. };Cir~ ~ad qni te acClJ!'Ci ~ely 2nd I d-Idn't tl-:jnL tr;JY W2T8 too I!luch c~)ncc:'ned an::_ s-:?crneJ to feel tr3t it w."s Dr'~tt.;T :nuch in :jr",r: Yv~t: tL,; ty:)C or CO!1tr'2ct. The Seattlf: .....rus~J R,. Savirlgs COIfJ'..Jan,\T';J 1\';('. Kincaid advised rnr:; [lefor:3 ] left t~',r;t v.:; could .?-x1)ecL tr,c "~200, OC:il: :m:n: .Jj atcly wb-i ch we had _ceques teJ. l:'-.". SheJ:J2::,d tole:. n1": thc:i"~ the City should wakt?- ev>~'ry e:fn~t to tr;v to get thi? Aldsl-.~a ~'rej~yt L-ines [[::-Joked 11"0 t.ri tr8 el':~cLric l.ine and he felt Mr. Earstad 's {'~ gll:':;::;3 'l.-ould (Ie vcc.'y' n.:;arly accu:-atc: had the }~e_i.ght Line[--; been able tc toLt.:: ~,l-j'-~ CitY:Jovrer. He cYl.coura€:J:erl us to see: thE:; :lrO:Jcr -:'Jart:ie[ ir~ re[rlr>d t8 obtaini.nv some sort, of an easement to t:.~t across t~le fI2o:;erty- and take the ~e:::~\'j_c8 to Alaska Fr,3~ ght Linc.3s. Ci. t.v r~1 ~"1'r. r'e!)ortf~d tho. t we have r,=cej veJ t}i8 l~j tj al ':2uu,0()D "Jlus the accru8l1 jnterect v,rh::cr: ::as heen d_8uo3ited jn +'ht~ ~)r'l:ler 1Jtilit~{ ClceOl...l:l"t ~1~J Lhe Scwar'd b.i.-"'ancll anI-I t~-~c;-L .is son~l 38 vre can have a Fti::'j.t.y :2'O&l'd n:;0t~'1g lNt?; ~Vl.~J take u,p tre ()jlls jq th:ls rerarci. ~he next Jtent on the agenda, relatiVe: SeVlayod FisL r. Cold Storage, was deferred until later in thp me :LJng. Clm. Amene.: t}-el1 hruu;,' t 11:1 the i'la t ter c,[ ";hr" 'ienwald Eotel St,WCCI' di ffj cult;;-. City },'!fr. ]Jr)T'dW811 stat-;o tr.at Mi.". n'E::'':en taG. been in n-;)(-"ut tvr::' lfJeeyS ago and J 8xplain(~d the sjtuatjon to h~m ,qnd assnmed entire liahility for -the fact that we haJ n'~t [)8rrG~'Inel as it ViaS l'3'Jorted tc! hi;n, hut assur2d him that j n 3'ilJroxiITt3tel.v thre'3 weeks tj me Vi'? would be :lVel' a'1d to-ke it Up. Clm. Amen,:' asked if it could he worKedin sooner tnar< tLat as he [,,It it should tA; taken care of befcJ.~~:: tlle Sallflon De:~hy. It ",r&3 t\ie gerH;)t'al Co(!sen~us of the Counc~l that tl-.:is be done befere the Salmon :JerLy anJ Ci.tv ~rgr. Bord- v..rell COl'1S~Jt..:['el: rd.mself SL .i.oEtruct8c. lv!ov: :-!g en, Ci'~y J"gr. B'.Jr(l-;{C~J stateJ th2t in conn2ction Ni.t,h the 1957 general Dro;:Jcrty tax lfiill levy, th8t l;e h3U hO:Jcd to be able t" Dresent tl',8 Coullci l. "Nitl, an accc.~m~JlisheJ budget hut a nur.;.her 0~n t:--jriEs :-:ave irj~,8rrered vrith tr:ai.; hO~:8~vT:>r, in cc>nS:1-1,::;ration of tb:; r&C~, t:;at tr,8 R.eal T""I""orerty ::..uJ Personal ;ri-1oerty Ds:::eS~:T:r:;nt2 nav,~ i\ot m.a~_<:::_:-,jaI1v eha~lf~8J, and jn vjew (If the fact tLa.t crur fc~niremeDtq, :or. crr;n8r~1 Lur--..d reVi;ll)ues b2ve 5.Cl.c;::r<:->2se:.1 ~-;ut thp. (~eO(l~lry-~.\/ .)_ l..-rlt3 COIn!!'Unl ty :t ~ SHen trlat tr::.::; fS_n.'"Inc.ial ao] ..LJ_t,Y to :Jrcsent: c; ,'_". >~ ,. ~"S'NA 'lD, ALASKA R(3gular lieeting - August 5, 1'157 continu,d incre8sed revenue DelS not incY'oased ",d th Gur rc,quirments, and j t is my recolllffiendation, tL8refc,re, in ord8r that ;ve Play get Ollt the tax hills that the T".ill rate be set on th" same basi s thiJt it was laiOt .Year. It would be ,jesireable to increC1se it, but I don't recor.Tnend that. Some di scu~isi on K3S b?lri, with Clm. wirer inquiring as t.c' W';,,11 Vr. Bordwell would h.']ve the budget ready, virerAllDon rI'. I3orch';ell stCit.1?d r.e tl;cughc jn tl18 YlRxt cou-;:.::lp of "/reeLs. 1'Tr. Bor',]well wpnt on tnC1t if the Council could see their way clear to set the millage riJte beforA t}" budr;et, we wonld he able to eet the tax statements out and start the na~lJ!'-'?'1ts comirg in to [)ring uo our hank account. Cons:ideraljle d::iSCllSSj on and ~,';ayol' Stockton sta-f/'d t1l8t thp Chaj r 't,Cou2cl ~ntF]l'- tDin a motion fOl' adootiJlfI of a mj 1131':8 ratE. (:11L. kneEd mov'ec "that tr,e milla.Ee rRteUe s",t at 16 mj11s for real Dro'Jortv C\'ld26 nills for;Jerso~la:j,- .Jl'OnEOT~!Q~the~i95': 1-~YY~~ -Sec-o;,d-Sy ClrL~Durant: - Vote~--Clm.-Amend-;-- Durant and LoweD, yes; Cill. Loirer, !lo. Reimbursement cf Petty Cash fund for Eay b'~ 1]-'.ru August 1st in the amount of ;}47. 52 was nresented for approve,l, Fl'1J after L,rief exulanation lcT;;.ycr stockton advised triJt the Cha~r would entert.ain a motion for a,JDrova'c of this. GIll']. Lovlell stated, '~l move we n:::imburse ?8tty ~ash in thc~ amount of ~47.52." Second by Cl:11. Lei1'er. Vote: V1m. Amend, Jldctnt, Leirer, and Lowell, yes. !lroti on carrieJ unanj mously. Discussi an,.c.::; thrm held ,j;;'r'(' matter uf Darking dt ;;;~e SnaIl Boat Harbor during the Salrr.on Derby anu 1!ayor Stocktnr: ap;)()iJ'1ted Cl;r,. Durant z. Lowell to !'fleet ',vi th the Chie f of Dolice and come UD vd th a su gge steu proposal for parking during thesr~ two ,':er,k ends, nrcwiding that trlc Salmon Derby Cor"rn.i.ttec .;ere not already worUng on this. City l,'igr. Bordwell stated that if it is the thinking of thi s Counci 1 that it should rrorr. Cien'3ral Funds suooort communi t,v promoti on, then a s"nu;,uni t;/ promotion account whouJd be set up for tr j S pUY'Dose. I\'ayor Stoc(;~ur, j il'1Uj red if there were other matters which the Counci 1 desired to take up priop to cmtering into an executive session with Attorney B'-1ckalev;, whereupo:J Clre. Amend stated that ;18 t'--,ouf',rt t1'c!'e should be a joint meeting of the Utility Board and the Council relativ'" the pole line construction cleari1'g, etc. '<[adolls difficulties Yi8re discussed a'.ld liayor Stockton wondered if tl':E, Council felt that any of these difficulties could be resolved by a joint mcetinE;; k)wever, he cnntinu,,,d t}'at he saw ~10 reason why lYS could not arrange for a joint meeting and d:;scor:tinue thi s dis-, cus,;ion vrhich would be repetitious. Visitors were excused a'lc tLe Council entered into an executive session and City Attorney Buc kalew r'3;:JOrted hri e fly on the status of the case against t}-,e Seviard Fish R, Cold Storage. Regarding t1le Swall Boat Harbor, J.ii'r. Buckalew stated that he had received a Cu~),{ of an ordinance just recently passed in Kptchi kan anc1 stated tho"!:' i:~ thi? COUllcl Imen looked it over he C011.1d Weld: uo an ol'dina'1ce to co\wr the C'ew11rd Small. Boat Herbal'. Erief di:"cussion on the wcrding of the Sales Tax ordinance. and City Attorney Buckalew stated trat he has a written opinion here for the file. ::n the mattE'r of the suit of tLe City of Seward vs Lindsey alld Camerun, kayor Stockton asked i 1" the Council felt t!--"at we should 'Jress the matter at thi" t,ime, vdtl1 no '!'cicating they did. Ilia,vor Stockt'm stated that he helieved thIs v;o1Jld be a ;:n:~obl€:m that should go befnre th:J p~anlliTlg ?.( Zoning Comr:i.ssion, and Fr. Buckalew asked t!liJt ;1(; be auyised within six weeks so he would knem wl1at to do. The milt-ter of the H ~, T Eining Company was taken up alld City I;:gr. Bordwell f;ave the history of tl1is to lvIr. Buckalew and advised him tLat th," City would like to )-,ave tr.1.5 m:ini'1!; company off the DroDerty. li;r. Buckalew stc::ted Heat before he would sa\' anything he w0nld want to look at the agreement between the H ~., ':' );ii'1ing Co. and 101'::>. Brovmel:. and he asked tr,at a co:)y or:; sent to hjm. Glm. Lei Y';~r renoct.,pu th,qt he felt Vie should cJ.can out the 2nd of l,,:-ili. Stre,,,t wher" t11c:re are some unclesir8aj'J..6s settJjng em City ?ropl?rty and juveni12s :langint:; around w1.;2cr~ is npt a h::81ty sjtuati()n. Also T'Cr.orted that the Area ju~t South r~,f Bill's Pacts 2. '::,~~rvj cc should 'be ch:3c~cd over for dansprous cave-ins where V',o Army had )'ad undurground installsti ans. Il;eet:ini; adjouY'llcri at 11:09 "".1;:. !,}'TEST :~)--~____ CITY CL':;,qy ~ ,l I/f- i-l-' A"""'1(i\TSD:." L~~. "'~~~.l::)~__ , " .. ':), r"".m('"r'''''' 'P _ ,'?,r vn >,1:1 R. ,C 1, 'uru (I,." J{'. ;111, ",.cl. I , ' "'~ i'" , ~,~"<'l I I .4. " q' C'~',1:Acm. ALASKA . ~'/" , ,~, R3mllar ~c~Jt}ng b ~~/)! ~ TLe r;:~t~J1A.[, lJle~ting nf t~:c Gounc'=:l c;)n-v"nec. at 3:l': :.J1.':. vdtb l..~sycr ~:1 the Ch8ir. Tl:t'j f(',lJ;Jv\:Llf!, Councjlmc:l wp'Vo:>; -nrC';~env l'or Roll Call: ^ ' l' h " K ' l' J' ~I Jf ., t., rlm 0u"ar' ar..l~k L'ire" rlrnenc., ~ 0J nso! 'n-l g.~,l.J 211 Lf.hv.ell, WJ ''';J V.L.,. 4. ..! \.J ~lU 1I :~. t) -L durIng 1"2ad.inb 02" tLs rr_~ l-ji.lt~3. Cj~.f l.~3.'ld gel' J(I(>d-,~,~ll also l:res(~nt. Sf) icr:t0n CLll. arrJvjng 7he mir:u.tr_'s of -L}lC J,qst :cc:t;ular n:s~tjng ofAugtlst jtt wer:: real and a~Jrroved. l\/r. ~:lVi~:J East.'! among t}l(lSe ~)r't:'S(;!J:' 3pCl~.L trJ tLe C(~'UnC~_l r,~latj ,",,2 3D t'rror on last ,year's tax stat~~rl,-::td... and -V".rL~cl~, had not hS,"!l corrt:ct~::d t.tjs YCJ.l~ ejther. , +' 1. . . t n l' t' t t' ' 'j' '\.., '"1..~: '"l'~I"]'Yl:<'./.."~' ArL.t~r a brl:---',i Q1SCnSSJ_or.., JL wa.s 12 v "Iid 11J2 COU.11 tJ:~ ~~dnQ-Lj\-,- a<..AL. ..L..;vld- ~ 1 V ',' ., . I"" ro.sty wa:: l('qly-:r.:t.f'd tc corr:e ~ ,!+...c: tY,~ C.:l t.;r off1cCf_' in the near ,~~'~,\I~ -l":"'~~' 0. - . -:=: \ ~ -'- . l' f '_~~ -.. .:,'_~ drlQ the as...;t?f:SLJr' :-Jr 11'::-['. Bordi;YE:'ll would look jntcl this fT'a.1vt,cr ar~,j tl'i.~:r~~ pr()"'Jr~c t:-, [1~ artY inequ5tips, tr,8jr would t}-Icn br:b:i~ jt back to tne Cou'1c~il v;ith a recnmmendation. TT!lder --)},d businrj0c ~~ ty- I\'~gr. Boruw(;l:::' cta~,l--jd t.hat he 11ad a 2.etter f.con'L hay ~ Buckal'~vJ' which ~?>-lclo~ud a ::'ubg8stf..:d 1_2t-Ler to i-Ii:; sent tC'J H :<: T }'IirL~r!g Cr). Fr: t:--t81 I :'''ead this su~rgc~2tc'J :etter aLJ elm. LGv'ieli. statt!.u t!-,c:it t} f: 1o--,ttel' .is about. right rl8 ii, soun~le'J tJJ lLlru; !-0wever, !-'.e i'l:lt that uur leLL81' should alse ;:-dJGi+J~~<j' th.'j.!:" th.;'/ c:Ic. not CCli1Lilv v~-ith our vrisLE-;s. as set fortI, dt a -~;reviuus Councjl i1Leetjng atL~1lded b.y T\I~r. Th~lrnas ,2nd batt- Cl'11. Loyve1.1 a~ld Clul. Enight felt. tr-IEi_t tL<'::~t doc~:; nr,t St:Ol,;1 good ..;:"aith. }I.:rc. 2eJfcl"cl asked if.it could 0_180 be ceqlle.sted t,},at TJ.(~ :.~r\inr~ CD. a~.3U C()'v'~~r the :;'(J~es tr) nut. it back to :its or'jt,inal ~afl:::: s1,ri'aC,J. l?u~"t,11"";7' Ji.scust~j_on t'€::Jatjve Lb(:~ Lal.:; r):,L~(;m an~ C2.in. h.rripncl .:;llg~:~~~tcd th[;t ;;i..:t'La,~I~> -Lh~ conE.trlJction tl~~l'::kS CUl]}d n,11J] fTl'dvt-'l ()v=:~-. LL(;r~~. City 1:lgr. dGr-dlyell LLr:-:n rer)r)rtt;J (In t:c outcome I!' tLe suit c;!' i,he ~ity cf 2t~ViarJ. '.E:". Sew-cud Fis!: .~ C()~J ;::tor(li~E'. Fe G.uv~scu_ t}-,at cortsjdp.rD.b~r: in.forrnLl- tion had beeT! ~iven to hjm 1:~:"~-...:,ll~.:'(;UE;::1 since .1,,1--;r.: court case and C()~~:;jJ(.rdc~s Jj<"-.;c;Js:-:icn fnJJ..uwcJ. ~,cr. ~1~:,['(lw".::=-1 state'] -r,>~:t Le f..=:~J.=, ':'...~-:d tL3 City should t~cJ after the rE-;Venl.lC t:J&L shoulcl comt:: L[) ~,:'= C.it)" ~.;s cc~ f()r'~,h in tl---.c; :easl.': c:q:;r\'emc:.nt, an~l havt:.~ an audIt Hl<l,ln from -::'l1s2 irice:nr..I.i l'Y1 0.: Ll-:.c inE;trurncnt. elm. DU[l Lowell e:xcllf:ed at. 3:')<) ~.L. rille Lo aI! cmergLnc:~T c811. 1~~ayor Stockton ell-lv'tEed that the questjon be fC!~~i_~ UJ 1.S V.,1,f-;t:1C:':C th:-~ C01..:t:8]1 c>;sil'e~; to ;::1Jr~~ne thJc ~::+,t,:~.,. It W;JS f1=.:l1... tL&t j L ~'~nl;J'i ~-'i--: ,I' ;::,t t:. crn.:J'~,l':;l~ ~,l-ji2 i'~r a wlljle, 311i l'.,.c,":!c>r Stcckton jn~t.l~uc ~-;\;u tYaL t:,ic Ci;.l;:)eal~ ('rl t:-J,; next age!'lda. ClfL. tJI-.l~~lS(in askci ~'l' tl--:e cX~)CnS8 in havinE a cE::rti fj cd CODY made of tL8 ~ Ss'~v::ird 1'1 sh r, CL,ld 0Lcra~~e leCise vvhcrt.:..:Up:in Ci t:V i\,~g:r'. 80:;::'c:wel1 aJvlSt~J that thi s would nroba bly ainount to ten dollars. Clrc... oh'1scn stat(]c, "[ n-.ak5l_ 9-_~ !:~.2ti.9r~ ~lat wQ.-egfnd_~.r_.:;~ ar:iC21D_t_ f:J--I!:LOne'L ~~" ~'cj=.~:___.9.9T~) Ji?d c9_PY gJ_ th?-~ leaf<~.~._ ~8c0nd L:v elm. En-i r~}~t. 't~;--otE:: Clln. Amenc., Du?~&nt, .Jo~nGcn, Krr.ight ,m::! Lejrc'r: Yes. liTotion ciirried unan:iaJ:Jl,sly. qelai,~_\:e th~ l~,:,~'-"_l'.-\f)~~ BlldG::t, Ci7J;)r t-i~~r. Bordwell Etd\lj~~f:;J tbat L~ '.\'as rt:- quc~~tjng a DOS~ pOllsment e,f :)r~sE;ntatio!l nl' tr;E: buc:get as [:8 E'jrnply haf' not been abJ_e to f~et it done. He re:;o('i,E,J tliat he fe:it Le could have it ready jn about three w,::;cks-. Cmlncilm8rl _~nC:ic2t'?d agreement on postponenL-:Ilt. ',yj,trl l~c~~ard :'0 the Tax !r"lill rate, T..'ld.;/or f,tuc~:.rcn Clovised that. thic Vt!J.S aga:::_n on tr-:c at~'enda inasmuch as the notion requj ces :Ol.<.:C affirmat1ve votes tu e~-)taL'lish, arid Lad roccivcd only t:,l'f~'~; last r~lsct.i'1C. :-b cC1ntillL>.l th,~-jt tr.e ChCiir vyoul,j ent,.:>'(d~CJin a motj(ITl y,rld.ch ej thpr accent tre nd 11,'1 Fe rate of 1G and 26 or rp.:iect it. :3ri8f GiSCUf~sicln and elF.. hiY'f?nd m()ved, ttTl-,at the lT~illa~~e raL2 bE: sed, at 16 for rp.':--l_l prc~-)ert,yr anu 2b for r'erEonal rir:J:Jcrty Jar -LLe 10';:' kvy. It See 'rid O~i Clni. [r~_; ~,:-:t. VO'0e:: C~:.. l'unend, DLlrant, tTor.n::;on and KnIght: yes; elm. ~c.jrcr, He!. IVlctl,lrl carl.':ied .fcur t"" one. Cj ~,v ~'\'~L'''''. ~>ft~..2-,It...,=l tLcr; r8~)0rtfJQ on 1-'[-'8 Trots:. ~.f~nv'{ald .sewsr' ;jtdt~cr [.nd ,stal.ed thrJt Lhey hau got on t,J tL8 ~ ~;~~:ins and haJ gnt :into C}llite d bit of ~rollble, 2nd v,r[len they rpac red the ~-:ro!){j rt;.'- l-! ri2, 1 ::'o~ik trH:~ pc:si t.: un [01' tIle CIty tt&t we Y{F;r0 jn a cons:idl?l'able sur; ')..:' :;[CJ?le/ to LLat ~;I_iin~ Ci.nu I li~.J.n' t t}J€::nr... we WOI'(; jU2tj.lied '~l' seing ahead jl1 ~3:):11\":'jLb any !Tl('~['e of thu C:it>, funel:=-; l..-ith~.Jut ~Jnt'~cint~ i~t:J cJlr; Ccrm 0': at~re;jr:1ent and i)r.3l'haps solit the: cost. Service V~.C.S rt:sLCJ...'iJ; on SQtE.r\~o.~ C1~11..1 I.l. :::~.~' ju.~t ~;ctLjYlC tr:'3 b~ ~~.s i:1 noVl and thert.~ '.',~3 rou~~hly D.l'ounJ tr-lree '12Y~j work dnJ SCiHf; over- ~.irTle i'ul' t}-.e !fi~m. T:-ieI't:' was som::-.. C:J.Clr'-,-',;G ::)ut ~,-j~',n w~ic~: c:t,uli ~Jav2 besn chippeJ O~1 :::')1!~F; Jlgt:.iilt; at. a ,-)rivr~ -Lime CU~ in "Lr-,!? ctrc;,.~t. Alsc) I've fUilnd thCj" ":Lr""f~r' ~"rl- r')~'t..~, cu,~" ". 't' IV l' t' 1J(" lJl,t.: '~ "'Ou ,"--,_"'.;l..:: ,ut:~\.... 'J v .JJpe. J.or:nli'b, ,qr.c.. ..en nUu.1u1f-; 7";UU..l-ll ge lrl 0:" G\lL. 1.,::t'. B8rdvrel1 c(Jntjnuc;d t,r.at he Lhought, -LrJat rJur o,['.:e'!:' 0f :)0-:')(:: vlfClS fair an;J tLey ~,'leren 't t0n ~unha~~/r-:Y. C1:[. Dllr'Bnt lrrquirE:d rlf' to VJII0.t rpcnrds are beiYlg kt-;p~ 0_1 v,at.eI' ~_incs, etc. {'E-~laL:l.v~~ ~,Le 7Yj:'J. AV,~ilU8 ;~avj ng, ell;. r~nd GiL. !\.'~Cl'r BoY\..1\t'ic' 1 ['e'lo-"'L':"'l~ t L, I _, ~.~ , . ' ,~ ' ,J t..l. .. -'- L" t --'- -'" ,L<1u tb,: .I~,d..t'r Super] ntcnuerlt kee~)s tLat inforri-tatio'-l in ~~ 11 ~u- L llVh]9 ('h ~l' , l '--" "- u.... .. ~ '-' -'-~ 1 ':j II,'" "i':, i. u ' :;s'~'nl), ALASKA Regular ],:e8ting - il/1S/T C(Jntin'l)t;C. carries around with him for re fereJ1ce. Clm. Durant asked what happened with the book or what if he should lose it, and Ci ty ],;g1'. Bordwell stated that tl:e book is City property. T f there is a'1Y possibility of acq'lirinc any information in event Mr. Richie should beco:a2 ill or sr,rr.ething, we realize the necess:i ty :01' havin g that in fonlilt.i on on hCl:1d, poi n tea out Mayor Stockton. Clm. L8irer stated that we could write JeTI'. Toner ~ncl ask Dim whpre our Dlans on the ~,ater engi.licering al'e, and Mayor StocKton stated tLat Derhaps it would be well'Jo inquire of Mr. Toner if there is any pass ib:ility of getting these plans. Clm. L(wrell returned. Under new busin8ss, City Mgr. Bordwell read a letter dated ,July 24th, 1957, und':~r the letterhead of R. E. Bau.mg3rtner., attorney, wher':;il'""i Elnore aones makes 1./leJi';'h;~/NI/an aj:lTJl}cCitionf'or a restaurant-liq;;or license ~nd requests consent and approval of the Council. It was commented uriefly that the fire chief shollld inspect this establis::ment and the Bhair imter- tained a mntion on this api,licat1on. Clm. Knight ::tated, ~I mov~_ ~tJ~_ aoI?1i cation be re,iS!cted.2. Second by Clm. Lowell. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, ,Johnson, Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Luwell, Y2:3. },:oti on carried unanimously. In regard to City office hours, City 1'gr. BorLlwell reported that we Lave a [Teat. deal of detail YlOrk to do and YiP bave difficulty gettlrlL it dons. TherE' are invarjabl,V tLosc interruptions vihich ar(: necessary and unavoid- abli:l ti-:[i.t, Ctl~ :into thp. tiill8. }IE' stated tr:at he \,vcull: like tile Councl} to con:oLLcr nuttinr; tte City ofnce en G. fiVe; Jay wc<,:k w1V.: Lhe" vinrk to run from a to 5, but to ue available to the publj C between the hours of 10 A.M. and 3 p.M. and includiIlE, tr,c hOllr between 12s-11d 1, which 1s not now t"',Q C2SC. The st.aff !1as agreed th'lt this i" desireable as far as tr:ey are concerned '3V'~;n :':.C;UEh :: <4",.....,: r:Lean ttat i.nst-:ad of it\'c.L-<~inb 38 hours, ~L8Y will Le ..mrking 40 hours. Clm. Kni[;ht ;nov"C:, "That we apj:)rove the suggested ):ours and busine8s rour aYTa>lgemcmt as "resented by the City Mgr." Second Ly Clm. Lowell. Aner bri.cl' discussion tte motion was amended with Clm. Knight stating, '1-EJove t~~~_j;he working and business hours as 'presented ~y _ th~Qity _Manal':'?l:...Jlf wor};ing I1QlLr1L~ Am_to 5 "MLMond!,y _t.h:!:.~ _Frig51Y ",,;Lth !::.tJ_Lo.Q)ces Qoened '!;2_the uublic fr.2IYl_1C A.M. ~J_i'~!II.._in9lu~iing :l::.he noon !courJ.. he alJnrov(,(LQy-.ibi~._Co~ncil~ Amende0 motion apDroved and seconded by Clm. Lowcll. VOt8: Clm. Amend, Durant, Jahnson, Knight, Lfd.n,r and LO~Jell, Yes. Mc,ti on carried unanimousl,l. The bills for the month of ,July Viere read and C1'11. Amend i'lrp.:ircd about the bill from Sontag and City Mgr. Bordwell renorteci tr,at thi s covered the: installation of six stall oiling at the Small Boat 1'arbor. The uills were in the total amount of ,739,'7.33. City Mbl'. 30rdv,ell adviseu that we also have a bill from t:ay ~. Buckalew for ,~500.CO--for the trial. I t was decided to oostcone this bi 11. A Seward Electric bi 1] for October 195r) in tho amount of ~gS9.':'(Y-t1as covered bya Jlrevious resolution and it was agl'eecl Ltat it would be unneceS8ar~,. for tr,esn uelinquont (~lectri c tills to ,:ome before the eounc:i 1 for monthly ap;)roval each time. elm. Lejrer asked if the Water System had presented their bill for last !'lonth and it was stated tbat this Water System bill included in t;-j(; ,July bills is for the '!lonth of June and they had not yo t hi lled for July. The Chair en tertaincG a moti on for the appi'oval of tr,e b,; Ils, and Cnp. Kni [ht moved, 1!That-.ihe_bills_2~DaiLas-Icad." Second by Clm. Amend. -vote: Clm. k~end, Du"'ant, Johnson, Knight, leirer: Yes. CJnl. Toy".>Jl, No. Motion carried five to one. ,July bills: Allied 1adio ~5.17; Alaska ~-ire Equip., ;;96.90'; Alaska Tcleohnne Corp. ;'44.05; Alaska Shoo ::2.'15;. American City, i;4.00f Andy's Oi], 126.89, ArL1n Zricson, ,~5l.G5;' AutuIllL,tive :'arts ,~, Equiu. ~~1~3.41, Bay Cjty ~,;otors ~lCJ.95; BearinG SnginCCl'ji,g, ~271.83rBill '~3 'ro.r"Ls f(~, . "~""3 rr1-'"TJ -', 1"'" I',,,,,, ("(1< C 'j-"'.,....., " +- :t.,..,r.. 1....,,- f u21'V1Ct:: ,'/ ,:;';J'i.l-,-~r,Jdb"~': -.Jc.r:). ..:~').,I", O(!1UnJCaJl:Jn ~A1.Ulpu. v..c..JeL.j..), Durant,'s Hdvre. ::;1.38(]Fl~t-,l~!-,o.Ljonal Cjty IvT("l.ll~get'st Ass()(~)atiun ~:J.25y.- Mp'w Seward Hotel ~60.CO~ Northern COQ,1!2T'cial Co. ~;2l.~; SewarLl Electric System Z796.l'j; Sewar'd Hardware ::;G.2U( Seward liIacldne Shop :;::38.L,.').-; Seward Tradint; ;;.64.31,; Seward ;'[atGr Sys. t415.00r S,mtag C"nstructio'l Co. ;;:--'50.0(( Standard Oil Co. ~'.VO.c)2; Alaska Commlmication System, ;t36.27, ,[erneI' 's - Mark2t t,l. G;; 7Tard ~'!ells, T)hotographor ~~4 '3.44:- ',7in Er'vJn I,~ctors 12 u.4C, ; Yukon Ecyi Dment Co. 4a.oo. Total ;1:3547.33. Clm. Kni ght asked if the City !iT loT. had met VI'. Arp of Hic l:i'ield Oil Compal1Y; and lv,ayor Stockton stated +');at he )lad br011Lht 1,1". ArT) n)l her" tG me(~t l,'r. Donlwoll; r:owever r,e had rJeen out. Fe stated that he had SDent two hours with MY'. Arn and had taken r illl around town tr' show him "ilhat thp Cj ty of Seward l:ad. Clm. KnIght. stated that jf there is anyth'n,; we h"ve or Ciny- tl-~jng Vie can offer "LJ~crn, hi? felt we sLould uo it. ........... ~ ... .{ ! ~ j .s~~.~d~..~W, ALASEA 2qpllar Meeting - 8/n/':7 cDntinu,c;u ;o';:'JoY' Stockton ash'Od what st'O;,s tLp City should takp to acq~irp tL~s 2.anu along tl,e lagoon area Rr:J Citv l.~anClgel' 3:,ruwell sjJated 1:e tnou;;ht It would require an Ac)t of Congress 3s'it 15 t.idt; lanJ::3 ,qn___1 if tr.e Counci.l desired, he v\fould call Delepate I~artlett ar:d se~.: vih(-l~ he t,}lought and ':>~r:-Iz..:-,s :~8.V~ , -, t I ..' ,...,., ~ . ' ~ ro 1 t W~~' c: '(, ~l. ld "C' a ~'j~Ir: l,Norh. SOi1.etnJng liD 18r -:Jrescn at..lcn. '......J.m. oW .~] j..:.~r l.~ ;j '-' .)u....>.-. b' Ii ttle furth'3r and ask for tl"at :,rC',,'~rt." 001'tr 0';' t"e iJ~'eakwa t.~"' Oi"r to one of t}>? ~E'ction lines. ~:~a:vor ,Stockton aJ.vj:::.ed tl.Ja.~ He can Sf;: t:i~ ,iutl~r: . , --I- . ., . t. '. .-+'. . '-' can ;r _y"II.} is yrp .....nO'l.J ')8 QOlnC1 U1UUS ur'lc...u.. reqt..:ll'8rrll~l; ~; 2110 an;}' unlng W'-' J.~ l~.J UL '-,! , ,.':) - J ~ b. I l.r'!-7~ t,j n€~ auj ourned at 9: 5() it c'?~ -~. ,. eft' 'I / ~)"""'~1 r..,""1:j'. ~ .' Ii . # A "., v ~D ..-::;~.{.:1J4'-2.~ '&,,-.-- ' .. ~E'qRY R. STC1CKTOiJ, <JR. LTA~I'CT1 ATTZS';,': ~~ CIWC'LSEK -- ' ....,,1 ,."', r". ~ - ...:~:: ,.. , t"....... Sill\' A '1D, AlJ."SKA Special loiJeet ing - itept"mber 12 ,1957 ~ ~~ecial rue~ting of the City Council wa~ called to order' at 5:08 ~.h. I.layor Stocton in the Chair. On the roll call the followinG CounciL,en answered present: Amend, Durant, Johnson, hnio,t, Leirer and Lowell. "lso pre.sent City ;.iana,;"r BordweL.. Do to tLe absence of ti,e City Clerk the hayor stut"d that tile; r,,'--'Jinb c-i' t;,e lLinitas oi the r"bular fj,e"tin", (jf AUGust 1'),1957 be dis.f!enscld and there Ge. 11e. objectie,n fro;" L.e Council. Suci; I' .",dinG was suspended. I There C"illb no ;eok'le .f!r~'-'t;nt tile i'layor calL,d for tr,e next order of business whicil was old busines~. They asked Hr. Bordwell what he had to ;:Jre~ent on the first mattd', being that of Sew&rd Fistl unJ Cold Stora",e, Attorne,,.- Fe~s. ;V!r.. Bordwell stated th ,t at the weeting of AUe;U.:ct 1'), 19J7 we had presented a Lill for $,]00.00 from hay md Ll<ic~;alew our City Attorn3js. .which bill 'was for tL~ triul and lJr~peration of trie Se-".ard }i'ic11 an..l ";010. .3tor3.be liteb3tion~ and tnat at tnat u.eeting it had 'oeen t;:e recollection of tne Council tnat such l1H:it ters were to have b8en enc ios~d in tLc ir Ci t ',/ ii.t torneys r0tainer f ~e,. and furtLer lDore, tL-.Jt several Counciln;en sccc)Led to recollect tl,(l t ti,e Ci ty At torneys had stdted tLCit liti",dtioll in the l"dtt"r of Se"ard Fist: und Cold Stor'eabe 'Was enclosed in t,leir fee. The City l.'lanaber W'lS instruc;ted to \-iri te to L,e City ""ttorneis tf.at it db tJ,e Citieb l',o,.ition tLat r;;at' e"s such at' tLe S~.,u~^d .rish dnd Cold Jtorede;e suit vUb City Lebal business enclosed in tileir ieee, tind tllat Uwrefore, no uction had been tuken wit;" ;^espec;t of }JClyr:.ent of tl,eir !"rofacsional Se. rv ice. Oi ty hcmutjer borJViel.l r "ported tLat rece "r't of a le32e rtCntal check from the Attorneys for Seward l' bll and Cold ::;tcred~e in the Ui.,cmnt of $5,.G2G.OO whiG!, rcl;;resented a rer;tc,l.'c of $6,.200.00 ltlSS $500.00 &ttcrneys fees tliid $74.00 Court Costs dllowed S8',;ard j, ish and Cold Stu. (Joe" in their judbeffidnt aeainst the City. A letter was read frow the City ~ttorneys with respect to possible settl"n;ent fisures flUr Jamabes sustained to the so called /!/er conCl ete ",oFier on tJ,e San Juan LiocK area. The attorney ,iointad lout that 'We had interv~ned in t"e lidble Clct ion brou,,), t by Se. ard 1> isL lmd Cold Storea",e a~ainst the vessel Pacificu:: and thdt in fillinb we had had to use a nypothetical fib',lre of -PjO,OOO.OO for damd",'". 'lhe fiGure uSvd Do' tLe "'ttorney was "ause for SOII,e disuussion by the Co;~ncil cind it ,/liS concluded that tHe City r'l."naGer should conta~t f"X. J:ierli~2in '::ontdG witL. u vieW to obtCiin f.20H.. hinl a .fJro:'ec.sionct.1.1y .c...;ulistie tJ,:,;tiluute of tri8 ac~u~;...;.l da.:._'-:lc.,(j Cs.used to tL~ cunc. dte ~'.io~ L" ti.lc vl,jcsel racificu.:..;. .L .IO/er I Ci tJ l-'dlld",e.r nordwell 1 elJU~btad J .f!O~tL)Onement of tile >Jre",8ntation of ti,e 19j'?-5B buJbet Gx~;lb.jninb tr~i.it Ju to .l-"Crs,.nnel trGuble ~<.irticulGrly tLe illness oi hr. ,myder. '...e Il~ve ueen unaule to do Ciny \Krk at all I'ecently on tL~e Dudb,jt. ~r. b0y~weli ~t~t~d ill respcnG6 to u quection that tll~ DuJget clould proDeblj be cC'UllJleted in ",Gout tv;o wee~" eSter ;;,1'. Snyder retL;rned to full tL.e dutJ. PClSS ine, on to ~ w DUe in'Jss tile ~ounc il i,eard a pet it iOll s iened bo a numuer of citizens dud prcpt.::rtj' Chnt;;1"'S fo}' r0.e1,-".cement of t.Lc.: 0-:;wer in ttJ.d :.:i..lley b"tween fir. ~ _tlJ "'eC~'tlu C"venue. After con;" di;c;cJ"-c'ion uJ the; Council. Councilrwn Al:,end states: "r move tLut ,Ie JCCe[lt tLiE: jJetition and mOYe to taF..e dct ion u.... 80011 &8 ~~'oss iU1-8.." 1.L[lt;; IJ...ot:. en WcJ.S SccC:E:i~i bj' I.,.:cunc ilb3n l'illight. V()te~ 1"l..ucndt Y8S; IJu.rantt ~i2S; JOL.llSOIlt Jes; l~ni::...Ltt :/es" Leirert :,;e::"j and Lowell, y,,"', j\:ot ion cdrrit,d unani~r:ously. - "2., i Sl..l.,'i-L~1D,. A.LASKA Special neeting - 9/12/YI continued PUL:siutS on tel tLe IJCit:~ers on tL~ .."-l..0end8. the l'....ayor noted Resolutions HL.ich accordinG to tj-,e 0 i ty l'JUnuGer would r'-'Quire eL,,,rbenci pa'-'.s:l~'" und SU""dst ed in tne interest all conservctt3:ve,und tLe CHoir would intertain a Dation for tl,," :,us"ention uf 1'ul"s ,-,overnin", tlle pus'-'d",e of 11esol,tiuns for t;,e l~urpose of consiClerillG pro"osed Resolutions No. 115.116, 117 Clnd 118. Councilman LJli",llt states: "I ;;;oVtj u suspension of tl,e rules fur th" pus~,ilJle ado~)tiun of "esolutions No. 115, 1,L6, 117, and 118." The motion was seconded by 0uuncil".an Durant. Vat,,; Courh;iluen AIl,end, yes; Uurctnt, y,",;; JC>lmson, .f'c;Sj LJlibht, yus; .....~ireY'. yes; Clnd Lowell, :/es. f>;lotions carried unaniwo'-isly. ~eyor -tooton then reQuested the u~ty h,nub~r to explain and read in its entirety .L'roposed Resolut iun LJo. 115. , CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE NO. 279 .~ AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLIC WELFARE BY ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT AND FOR CONDEMNATION OF DANGEROUS STRUCTURES. WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the public inter'3st to protect the I general public against the existence of any structure which is unsafe or which is a menace to the health, morals or safety of the public, or which has become a fire or health hazard or public nuisance. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Seward as follows: Section 1. Dangerous structures; Abatement or Condemnation Procedure. (a) No person shall maintain any structure which is unsafe or which is a menace to the health, morals or safety of the public, or which has become a fire or health hazard or public nuisance. (b) Whenever any administrative official or officials of the City, such as the Fire Chief, Police Chief, Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector or Sanitarian, shall after inspection declare a building to be a dangerous structure I or a fire or health hazard or public nuisance, he shall render to the City Manager a full and detailed report of the condition of such building and a statement of the reasons why such structure should be abated, including in his report all violations of Ordinances, Codes and/or rules and regulations of the City of Seward together with his recommendations as to altering, repairing, tearing down or removing said structure. (c) Upon receipt of the report of the administrative official or officials of the City, the City Manager shall make written findings in the matter, accepting or modifying the subordinate administrative official's report and shall issue his order in writing based thereon. (d) The designated administrative official or officials shall cause a written said nuisance, health hazard or fire hazard by removing or repairing same, said I notice including therein the written order of the City Manager to abate or correct notice to be given to the person creating, causing, committin(] or rraintaining said nuisance or hazard, if known, and/or to the owner, tenant, or person in possession or control of the premises upon which the nuisance exists or the premises aLutting the public place upon which the nuisance or other hazard exists. (e) Said notice shall be given in either of the following ways: 1. By posting same in a conspicuous place upon the premises, or upon a public sidewalk, street or other thoroughfare on the same side and in front of the premises, upon which or abutting the public place upon which the nuisance exists. 2. By personally serving such person responsible for said nuisance or such owner, tenant, or person in possession or control in the IDafu,er required for service of summons. 3. The notice shall be headed, "NOTICE TO ABATE OR CORRECT NUISANCE" or "NOTICE TO ABATE OR CORRECT EITHER FIRE OR HEALTH HAZARD" in letters not less than one inch in height. The rest of the notice in legible wording, shall direct the abatement or correction of the nuisance by removing or repairing same. 4. The notice shall further specify a date at least 30 days from date of said notice at which public hearing will be had before the City Council sitting as a Board of Adjustment, with the Mayor as Ex Officio Chairman, on the question of abatement, condemnation, altering, repairing, tearing down or removing said structure. A Copy of the findings shall accompany the notice of the hearing where said notice can be served personally as provided in subdivision 2 above. 5. Where the property owner, or occupant, as defined above, objects to the order and findings of the administrative official as modified by the City Manager, in such case the property owner or occupant shall file within ten (10) days of the proposed hearing date his objections in writing. These objections shall be filed with the City ~~nager. These objections in writing shall be con" sidered as a notice of appeal. (f) An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Adjustment, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with the City Manager, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would in his opinion cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment, or by a court of record on application or notice to the office from which the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. (g) When an appeal is taken, as noted above, the Board of Adjustment shall give public notice of the proposed hearing and due notice to the parties in interest. (h) At the hearing the property owner, or occupant, as defined in this section may appear in person or by agent or attorneYi the Chairman or Acting Chairman of the Board of Adjustrnent may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnessesi record shall be kept of the proceedings by a competent stenographer and the owner furnished a copy without expensei the Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers: "2" t I l I \ I 4 1. ~ 'i alleged there is error in the I i or any order, requirement, or his agents. 1'0 hear and decide appeals where it is order or findings of the City Manager, decision, or determination made by him 2. ']~o hear and decide requests for exceptions to the terms of this article. 3. 'lu authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of this article as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement I of the article would result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the article shall be observed and substantial justice done. (1) In exercising its powers the Board may reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. To reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination, or decide in favor of the applicant, or to make exceptions to or variations from this article, the concurring vote of four (4) members of the board shall be required. (j) The Beard, after the public hearing, shall adopt a resolution containing its findings; if removal or demolition of the structure is provided for and ordered, the owner shall have at least thirty (30) days from the date of said resolution so to do; if repairs or alterations are ordered, they may be made within such time as the Board shall order. A copy of said order shall be served upon the owner or occupant. (k) Appeals may be taken by person aggrieved, or any officer, department head or by any administrative official as defined in Section B. Such appeal shall be taken wi thin ten (10) days from the adoption of the resolution by the Board con- taining its findings. Such appeal may be taken by filing with the City Clerk and with the Clerk of the Board of Adjustment, if there be one, a notice of appeal, which notice shall specify the ground of such appeal. Upon filing of the notice of appeal as herein provided, the said board shall forthwith transmit to the Distric1 Court Clerk of the Judicial Division in which the ControVE!rsy arises the original or certified copies of all papers constituting the record in the case, together with the order, decision or ruling of the Board of Adjustment. (1) Should the owner fail to comply with the Board's order as to removal, or demolition, or repair or alteration, within the prescribed time, or fails to appeal from the Board's order, the City Manager shall car]~ out the requirements of the resolution. The cost of said abatement will be chargeable against the -3.. l I I , . . !I'" ~. property, first against the salvaged material, which may be sold at public auction, t, 1 and the balance of cost, if any, against the land to become a lien thereon, the same as real property taxes levied by the City of Seward. Section 2. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. The rules governing the passage of Ordinances are hereby suspended. II This Ordinance, declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservations of the public peace, property, welfare and safety of the people of the City of Seward, Alaska. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval, execution and publication by posting a copy thereof in three (3) public places in the City, one of which shall be the City Hall. ~ Passed and apprvoed by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, the j" , 12th day of September, 1957. (Signed) Perry R. Stockton, Jr. Hayor (Seal) Attest: (Signed) Erma Walker City Clerk I , I I I ~ ~ - ,,::SOLliT1 ,:1-1 NO. 115 A >.'~~-X:u...U~f.IuN '}~::J"'<l.TIV~ TO UHcl,,."-j ,L.,mUNG .\.3SIJT,JiCE WHl;; ':;;;B. ttil~ City of SdW'ctrd desires to j;ll'Ovide for a .Jlanning study oontib\lt1n.c; to an oVer-",ll yTo6ram for future cOllllllunity ckvelOt)ll1ent, the pr61servation of COlmcunity valuus. tj,,, pr,,,v..lItion of condi.tions tendine:, to Cd-US" u.rban bl:l.~ht, and the I'rolllotion of ti>a general health, s,lf\Jt... and welfare of its citizen,,; ",nd ',y:L -c..:::, tJ'<:l 'l'=rritori"l '~bdncy. Alaska Housi!1€. Authority u.ndur authority or Cl!(lJter 19. "ession Laws of Alaska 1951. lIlay provide vlunniI18 assistance for 8ue" flj;lrogram j.nd T,,,ceive financial .!isc,ist',nce from the Urban Renewal .rlministration, as ,.uthorized rq ,;,action 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 C?ubl1c La1ri6. 8jrd Congress); now, therofore, be. it Cl,;~ ".LV,:D, that til.. (;1 ty Counoil of tho i;, ty of :.leward her"by request<:l 'the ,,1<lBM .':oueiIiB"'C,( thor! ty to provide planning ass latance under th", above authori toY . ';'HAT. tM' Glty Qo~ncil of the City' of Seward. sllbj<Olct to ap.~roval of such ,,1 "nnhJ.b assj"t,{nc" by the Territorial and Feder31 Authorities, herlliby ,iuthorizes1 (11) .ay1i18nt to the Alaska Housinb Authority of a 8lUU not to dxce,~d ;>1.500.00 and. (b) UBtl of ,_'t3Tsonnel of tl.e Oi ty of Cevard for tachnic,d assistancliI in this ,.roject. ...hich 8e,sistallC8 has an abt:b..,t3Q value of $500.00. TILT. tliiol tot..d 8sti.lliated coat 01 the City of Se.F...Td's project 38 planned i. $h.oOO.OO. TH,T. the I'Ja~'()r 01 tile ;,;i ty of ':>dward be. and he hereby is authorized and . e;llpower~d to dX"ClUt.: in tn<il ndmiJ of th<:l city all necessary contracts and d",reements I to ilL.iJlement ::lUd ctl.l:r:i out t.u", urpOoleJ s~ecifidd in this resolution. j,L I: fui~',i';'; ji__0l:V";.o, that tCl'" rules e,'Overning the pabl.llie;O of tlesolutiOfid '."re h91.'llby BlHl<end.ed and this Resolution shall be efl'a...tive i=ediately uJon its introduction tiad palJb"eI;e. ?asbed by th<o (,ity Council of tw: (.1 ty of Se,,:..rd this / ...(~a,y of 195'7. 5~ , Q'ifQ ./L..{,t? ,...layor Il:,' .coT I ~~~~ City -':l",rk ~ ; '..J 1 , I I , ). 1 , I ~:;; lP.j ~;;r~~~~'"'""t'...""'i"~"A'" ,.-".""",.,..,.,.,.,,~.. ,!,,'tt:,,4' '.:>~>" "'!'~,:,. '~"ij~~C",~:';,:~~a;..~'!"'..,.f~?~j1!!S!tf't:f.:::;'~~~~:(4:~~~1}~lo~~' 'ti~"~"" ',' ",~.N', " ,> '~~"~~'J:';"'l,:,,,' ,,',h,'~<'t.'t,..,.c',~--.">."'" ''''''.',' _>,,;1<.""'" . , . , . RESOLUTION NO. 116 ~.I... 'I, ,}~ I RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OJ' SEWARD TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ALASKA HOUS- ING AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE URBAN PLANNING AS- SISTANCE FUNDS WlmREAS, the City o~ Seward desires to provide for an overall program for the future development of the community, the preservation of property values, the prevention of con- ditions tending to cause urban blight and the promotion of the general health, safety and welfare of its oitizens, and the City Council has previous allocated funds in the amount of $1,500 and technical services in the amount of $500 in Resolution No. 11'1 to institute suoh ilL program for one year~ t I and WHEREAS, the Alaska Housing Authority has proposed a two ;)I'ear program to include the preparation of a Land Use Plan, a Thoroughfare Plan, a Community Faoilities Plan and a Public Improvement Program and Capital BUdget, comprising a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Seward at an estimatea4 cost of $8,000 and which plan the Alaska Housing Authority, under the Urban Planning Assistance Program, will undertake to provide with the assistance of Federal. :funds in the amount of $4,000, and WHEREAS, a Comprehensive Plan is essential to the orderly development o~ the City of Seward, and WHEREAS, a Comprehensive Plan is a p,art of the require- , , ments o~ the Territorial and ,Federal Laws as they cone.ln urban renewal development, NOW, THEREJ'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ~f I the City of Seward agrees thatt . ~ ~ .! .. :I',~VLV::A, i~\J. 117 ,'''1: .ii",. ';r;-. ~,;;lo)l. of iI,,, ~;l ty of :>elo'ard. stiek t,;l~;:U.bh th~ i.OI,lIilOll ';otot,cil. tli" Dcl1<:lfit to Do. J<lrivCld )'rom tL", devulopc:lltnt of' hyd1'olill~ctric pow...r :Jt '...['esent ~"k<; u",,1' r:.:UIil thirty-two (j2). 2a.....rd .'n(~hor;,ga hi~..h..uy. and 4,;.;.. .._. it is n...cesl:iary to Cl:n.truct an ':lactric . ower InmsmisliIivu line lil ,)rd.H' to trans",it the ,,>~id r;.ydroelectrlic ;,OI;c;J' to the Ci t,; of ,,"''-drd. i,-ud ,i;'':;, "~~. in t.n.. C{)llstructiol: of .:;"id transLdasion line it !itu; beeo1-,"1 T'''CdSSa.:ry to CI'OSI.< t;,{j r:",' t 0;; \".';1 of tiHt "la.3ka Hedlroad at twe' points. whicil <:i.1L~ I'O~lIt8 "ra dei'ine..i 8a. C:'oscing No. 1 CPr-1m Rose;' ..,t rai.lru8.d t',dle Post 15.1. "",-:. ;,;roasiO(; No, 2 (Lawin<<i at :\3111'oad !-ah ~)08t <,,'I'. cmd '"',,,":,;..,,. ti... ',.'/.,Bha Railroad hae offoI'~d to exten.1 a )<.lI'lu1t '01' t;;,,,,.bcv<.l ;;;,,,,,,t ,';')ned ,:rClflai,'6 t, the (';i t;;r cf SU\-j'c;l'd .,Ul"fl\4omt to tLe "rc',illicms '1' " ""'I.lu.ment identifiud bJ' ti,(J ",,,,~..a l,..ilro..d Contract: a8 [,0. 14-04.-cC.;J-1445. wiliei, Baid ,~<.Jntl'\h..;t proyi.a,g ,;ill., llti Ol;j;er thinGS 1'0 !1Il initial r",e or t"i!'t"y-fivtl 1,;,..;5.0C) -lollarl! ;-li.ls '" (:,.mtiIluillt, ft'G .,:::f twelve (i1,",OC) doll,>rs to be p"ud dllU,Hll.y in ~dv~nc~ to tL~ 191irodd. and de,;:;:;::,.';;'. it 11-: f,ocellsd..';/ tl',;.l.t tt." LlOVd iHl:lntiontJd c_nL."t Doe. <lXec.,tdQ en behult' (,.1' t"., '_" t.;' cl ,,,''''a'urd. .",ll-. tu"t ,;a.i.~f>nt "f t"e f"dB hil:r6in"bov" d",s,-,rilled hi> i:lUde. l<\.-.. '~~'ilj': .,j' .. 1)... l~ ~iLi!""L'" th~~"'.: tilQ .l\'i.l~:Ol' of tl.o c: ~'i/ of ':1~j\,.i~.,X~\ iJ'Ut ",,,,nd ha ie. Lc} dJ,; i:.lut.",dZ0d to uxec..ttJ ti-'il ,..,i; wntra,t cr.. ut>hcLlf d tl." .:,tJ of ~,..\I.H'd. dl.c " ,,,., .,.' , , .... ,;, .. ~~ .:';J i-V ,~[;t ti.:i;l1: t..9 .:'l~Wjj'j ~16ctric :;;j'Ste.u1 lI1i, ~:{LI t~.d~.1 tiX.,: to L,d'''~ ~JHYIllent of tile: f .,el, her"iI1F~bOVtil <lna j.T! the Colit.'"ct U..::" I'::'\j.~ dir~cta.j b<,t forth. ~,,-~'J ....-l..';.~.~,.1 .b'...... ,;1;. .~;,,;: j~C~.~.. ,::D. to ~xi;..;t. ~1nJ tJ.~0 rul.;,h e;OY>JJ:-,ninb tLe .';;ut'~Ja~~ ,:cud :r~;S(L.~t.;~)n ;jL't.; ~,,",r,,:d.'}i 3uapanded illld thi.s t"tHi;Oi\!.t.\.:n ~,i.....".ll \)Id; j~iver~ ir~:;'el.~lat~ of ~ r~ct ~ri o~L,.~ :1 .....' ,1' i tt3 1;US~;.. g.ti. .'lO_'sw3 ",-r.,.. ,'~[Jr'uvOld tnis ;2 r4 d "y of _---S,/?/; _' 1957. Q~ ..~r Jb./~r \";'''lIJ-ST: ~'~'WT4-,-l~~: ";it,y (';le1'k: t I I " , I J I ~ -~ " \ . I '"'-.... " . . . '" .' . ~. , " :1 I RESOLUTION 1<<.). 118 liE 1'1 RltSJOl,V3D b,y 'he ec.aoa CoWloU ot the 01"" of 8evar4. Alaea that the tollowiac ...-.4 ,.nou .re hereb7 .ppoh'. ... tthall aot u J\l4pa. Oluu aa4 .. Iupeotor of n.crUoa .t the R~ MUalo1pal 1D..oUoa oa OOt.oHll' 1. 1957. at Savd. Al...... .la14 ~o1pel :UeotiOll to H ...u tOI' $Iae ptII'pCNI. ot YOU.. tor (1) Ma,yoor tor two- "..ar ha. thll'M (:.;) COuoU.... tor two ,_r UNa. OM (1) OoucU- MIl tOll' 0" ~.... bra. OM (1) UU1Uj< Boar4 ~_ tOI' t1v. y_r I....' ou (1) UUlit, Board ~I' tor three ~ear ,...., u4 Oil. 0.) Sobool Joa:nl *-bel" tor . tift 1'_1' hau JUDClIS . Dvipt D. Doe (Iupeotor) MUdred I. .It1rkpatr1ok i4a loItera Leaore l~\)bl.. Wilaa L1D4 J l I Cl.BFWJ. The nle. aoYld'alac the PlUNaatI .. appnrral ot HeeolllUOU ere b.erel)y .lol8peu.4 u4 till. Re-.olll'Uoa aball H ett"UYe ~latel1 UllOa U. inll'\ll4v.oUoll aa4 1*..... thl. ~ cIq ot seP~-""l'. 1957. ~ rJ..it. I-/!-, ) '- -""""'_~ . ..A /dI:Jv'+;r. n. S1'OCkTQN / f .MAYOR CITY 011 SIVAJI> A'fl'1tS'1' I 6~~~~,/ > CITY: 0LEftX , t I - 2 - (1) The Alaska Housing Authority will advanoe funds in the amount of $1,500, that being the addi- I I tional amount of funds required of the city for a two year program; (2) The City Council of the City of Seward will in its next budget provide the amount of $1,500 to reimburse the Alaska Housing klthority and pro- vide for technioal services in the amount of $5001 (3) The Mayor of the City of Seward be and is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of j 1 the City of Sevard all neoessary contracts and agreements to implement and carry out the objeotives of this resolution; and (4) This resolution will become~fective immediately_ the rules governinb p"ssage of Resolution:> beinG hereby suspended. I Passed by the City Council of the City of Sevard this /..? /';6 day of S;/J~ , 1957. Q~ Q /,.t;j,t.,;fJ. Mayor , ATTEST, ~~na.-/ ~/L-/ City Clerk < <l , , . I -. I i\ I, CITY OF SB'iJiGID ORDIK,J1,CE NO. 2:78 AN ORDINANCE CLARIFYING AND RESTATING TAX ORDlNACE NO. 190-A AS AMENDED BY TAX ORDINANCE NO. 267 PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COL- LECTION OF A CONSUMER'S SALES TAX OF 2 PER CENT OF THE SELLING PRICE ON ALL RETAIL SALES AND SERVICES OF 25 CENTS AND MORE MADE WITHIN THE CITY OF SEWARD. ALASKA. PROCEEDS THEREOF TO BE PLACED IN A SPECIAL PURPOSE ACCOUNT TO BE USED FOR SAID SPECIAL PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND METHODS OF COLLECTION OF SUCH TA PROVIDING PENALTIES; FOR OTHER REIA TED PURPOSES; AND INDICATING A INTENT TO AMEND TAX ORDINANCE NO. 190-A. WHEREAS. a special election was called and held in conformit and under the provisions of subsect10n !linth. Section 16 1-35, AC 1949. as amended by Section 1, Chapter 38 of the Session Laws of Alaska. 1949. on the 8th day of September, 1949, and at said elec- tion more than 55% of the qua11fied voters .f the City of Seward, Alaska, voting thereat voted in favor of a 2% consumer's sales ta on retail sales and services made within the City of Seward, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City or Seward on the 23rd~ of september, 1949. enacted a consumer's sales tax by the passag or Tax Ordinance No. 190-A for the purpose of provid1ng additio funds for the conltruct1on and operation of more adequate educat - al and publiC health faoilities and to provide betterment .r sch ~ and to pay for such school obligations, public health and sanita- tion, and WHEREAS, the City Council ~r the City of Seward has determine that Tax Ordinance No. 190-A as amended by Tax Ordinance No. 267 should be completely amended, revised and restated in order to clearly state the intent of the City Council With reapectto inter pretation ot the above ordinanoes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By the City Council of the City of Seward. Alaska: SECTION 1. The heading and whereas clauses of Tax Ordinanoe No. 267 are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. From and after the effective date of the consumer's sale. tax for the City of Seward shall be the same as provided for in Sections 1 through 11 Of Tax Ordinance No. 190- as amended by Tax Ordinance No. 267. SECTION 3. SectiOl'l 12 of Tax Ordlnanee No. 267 amending Tax Ordinance No. 190-A entitled "Partial Invalidltyll 1s hereby amende to read: Ir any section, subsection, sentence, clause. or phrase of th Ordinance 1s held to be invalid, the decision shall not afrect the the validity or meaning of the remaining portions of this .,.. The City Counc1l declares that it would have passed this Ordinane and each sect1on. subsection. clause. phrase thereof, 1rrespectiv )1 of the faot that anyone or more aections. subsections. aentences. i clauses. or phrase. be declared inva11d. All ordinances and parts of Ord1nanoes 1n conflict With th1B Ord1nance are hereby repealed. provided. however. that any taxes now due and payable under said Ordinance 190-A before amendment. and said Ordinance 190-A as amended by Ordinanoe 267 shall be paid a8 therein provided. This Ordinance shall be constructed as an amendaent to Tax Ordinance 190-A as amended by Tax Ord1nance 267. j This Ord1nance shall take etfect and be in full force from .~ and after the date of its pauage and approval. This Ordinance paned and approved. this / ..p /-d ~?AJ'b/", 1957. day of . , MrA'" Q J~~L~ ". Mayor 1 7 .Ar~"'T ,2:T':. ~~~~A) I I ,~"~ ~,;J I I ("'\ r-:, ") ~~ ': ,; f:t , S .JJi.:.-1.~~D 9 .;\..U..~I.Jl.. ";,Jecial "leetint; - ')/12/57 '-'ontir.ued To i.JToviJc for })lann:..nc: C:iSSistuilce frC,L tile 11..1as~~a. rtccisiuo ii.utJ:lority. .d.n dxplanation of .?rolioiOed .1esolution 1.0. 115 Clnd it;:; cor,;"anion, ?roposed hesolution ;;0. 116. Lr. DOrd1rlell ["=od to tLe CounciL ten a letter frow the ;';xec"tive Director of ti,e "lasl"" dO"0ing .u~tilOrity f;j.'j'd wr,ich ,l-'ointed out tlwt under Tarritorial Lee;isldti, n ti,e "'-uti,ority co~l:i n:Jw CiCt a", a pldtlnine; (ivncy for .",mica",alities -"rLl for '!,8 Gity, fOT'ILtjrly enoaged tJ,e ciLltLo:'ity ""s pl...:...nni:1b l4Se~J.t <.ind 0...,t,...d_lj.;....1J.'.;~ ::i f~n.:. f0~ .such ..'L~rt-io,:;e t_~ut tl1.t:Y cculd be US8d ciS tHe basis for sedKiuw Fedel":.tl j,<.._ -+:chinu 1''u.UJ.S under Public Law 7G~. Prior to r_~J~n~ tGd Resolutioll ~~r. ~crjwell c~ntinued tt~t ~e would De budgetinb :\!l,jLO.Lli in t;,d n.'xt fi~cdl year for "Lmninc; steldies ,:;lus technical aS8i0LL'1C'-' in Ud e0tindto;, v~L"2: of .jI)"C.00 .,hic!' ",oelld not n~ce.:.saril.J be in CJsL, Jnl r',"';rr'~Gente;,:: on 8. ::~atcl.Linb 0r::iIlt u;'}3i~ tLis would likSD :i t-,l,L n~n6 ~ rObrdL wi th _.n :~;ver,J.ll Vi..ilu.c; 01' $4,GGO.C10 c.Jr~Ilb tL.d next f iscal .:/e~J.r. Gi ti .l.....c.::.rl~lb~r .uur1w..:::ll tL.vn lJro .t->o~:,e':l i1.~~olut :ion l'~o.. is in its entiret,j f'ollGTv~'~nc; the reiJ.dini...., of '?r:).L,lCS6d liescluti,.]n :Jc. 11j. Councilman Lvlib"t ,Jtct":"d: "I Love we c,doc't Re;, lution No. LL5 s rec:d." "r18 h.,tion W3-8 sec,,,nded o,".Go,lncilmem '"'-,irer. V'ote: ArLend" jes; DurAnt, .es; Johnson, jies; h.nie,Lt., yes; Leiner, .es;, Lowell, ;;es. Lation cUJ,"ried ununi~.(Jusly. Upon .einG r~1uested bj the :~yor. the Gity ~~nuwdr tLBn presented Pro~osed Fi8s01ution No. 116. -",gain turno;d to tLo; L:ttl'r frow the .:xec,"tive of the .rl.laska Housint:, Au.ti..orit,i 1"vL.icll eX.L~luin8j tll..;i t tLd ~CGl:"e CJ :L-J \o.crl<'- tl; va undertaL8n ::.ind ttl-c el.L0.nut3s ti~,.j.t tl.Le t\vO YTear p~-'cbr81,~ \.,'d.S tbe l.uinimUD~ \-/i th l..JLicJ..i. c.D:J' sub:.-;ti:inti31 L_1un:1inb cuulJ U"2 rea1i'.::.:cd. Furtll<:::r t~~J.t it ~}as tl.l.e :iesire of t"e 'lutLori.ty to 6'" in for fc;ie, al l'Gsi:ota;,ce on tf,,,, bw"is of a tviO .j0:J.r t-'rc;brCl.l~~ in a 1-jack2.G~ deal for -" 6rvu.t- on .L~l9.:3.(\Bn Gi ties, tL'3!1 of:i dl'ed tc -ldva..l1ce tli0 .sacond .i.ear f'.J.nd:.s feI' ~s L'U tll~ IXi.::i,s of .21'Uj:JL';:)t:;d ...~esoluti. n ;,;,). IlG. bY ,.,asc'a6e of t!lis Resolut ic,n s ta ted iJ;r. bc,rdwel~ we bU" t oVc;Y' U two :/edr l-hjrio":, l::tw $~t'OGC.OC :n c~.sh, renJer tt.=:cllnic31 as.:.,istance iu tl~C; y,ldnnine; \\Qr},. to eQti::.ated value of $2,C',-C.OC Uid}<,in(j d total of $,'+-~l":..,--,.UC to Ut2 matched by fedo;,"ul }'un:is, or : n ott;er 'Nor.]s if we will tic'" ,uss"6" of i'roposeJ .i-i8scl'.lt icn 1'1. 116, h~lve tne tenef it of an $8, GeL .I.~'C lJ13.nn.ing i~'robI'drn for a c'lsh Lutlaj <=,1' ,J;j,OuO.00. G;on inquiry of tl,e i,; Jor to the wisile:S of the Council, Counc:il;u:m J ,runt states: "I DOV.' tJ,e "clOytion of Hesolc.t'oli :10. llC" 'Lle L.ot:lon \\!dS .seconJ.eQ by CU.1.nc Im3n Ll1ight. Vot~: .amend,. J'.Js; LUI'3nt, ~/es; Johnson1 yes j' hnibh t. ~Te0; Lc;irer t '"' es; Lowell" ,; eb.. tvtot ion G&r:'i~d In<..inilL.ousl)I. Pasc;inb Gn to tJ,e ",Cit~c", of Pro",oscd Iiesoluticn IJo. 117 aeltlioriziIl6 execution of Q .2crm.~: t of :'ower Line cl'ussinc; over ttl'~ l~l-.lSK,~ nailro!:id. rit.)..t-of-1:1U;/. TtJ.e 1.ldYOI' f6:1Ui.;:....te'J. tll.d.t th0 Gi-::/ J,'J,~n~ccr ~llould dx.~l.:iin tht3 necG:-..)sit.i sf tile ci"ossinus r.;;..;Tr":li t anC1 to read Resolut_(jn no. 11(' in its cntiret;:l_ The Gity ivlan.J.wer than eXLJ1:.liued tlJ....it in tile iHst-~.ucticn 01 (Jur transr.::..i...ibicD l:rle connection of till' liy,n'oo;lactric ;roject lit Cresent LUhe nEletr rdle y' Sew rd. R.Hchorutje hj_6LwdY. tLat i t~..rdS nt)ce.:..)Sar~,.. in rou.tinG tllt~ lind to I...i._d\.e tht:: Cl'03;:;linl:: oi tLe ct.l1..4s..~Ci Railrou6 ribht-of- aY an..:. tL.:J.t t..~e.::;e cr00binc;s require eE:iiO;; ,(:1 ",1' 1:i,e ",Iii;;;,," Iiailc-c;acl. 'lile ,Jcn;,it", lliive baen Jr_wn by tlje AletiOlm Rclilrodd dnd bj' tLis Resolution, aid cxo;cut:Lon wOL,ld bo; ileltl1orizo;d by tr.e ;',,ayor on beLa1f of tLc Cit;;. Furt""r tL" ~leso~ution Jirects tllAt $35.00 is tj,e charbo; 'und u $J.2.C'~ per anlli= cO:1tinuin" cLirLB to; ~aii by tllC' Sawurd i:!:lectric System. -"ollowinG tLa forGoine; eX1JLwaticn tL" ;',a.;01 rtead Resol,"tion ;,jo. 117 in its entiretJ'. Follm,inb tho; re'lclinb of i'ro"osed Resolution 1;0. 11"( IVlliyor Stocton inquired us to the "ishbs of the Council;c,en in }"eG,Ject to the i'bsol'ltion. lhereu)on CL,unciL,an r.nibht states: ItI [!,ove we ",do",t Resolution No. 117.'" T."e rlJotion Wel" seconClec bJ Councilmlin 1\lliend. Vote: "l:..end, ,es; DUrctDt, yes; Johnson, yes; hnight yes; Leirer~ no; Lo\trelJ.., no. 'l.L.e ~:~otion c:ar:-ied. Turninc; to the ,,;atto,r of l'l'(J"osed ,iesolution ;'io. 112 the l'0yor rd.cuesteo the "ity gunuc;er to o;xplain etn.l read the: Resolution. Whereu,Jon tira Gity l'lun"c;er "tat8d th",t regular !Jlunicipetl :lection would be held ucto,;",r I, 1957 and that th~ Heso lu t ir:Jil ,-,,'us ndCeSS1:irj to Jrovide for' ti1~ i.J.P.i.~<) :i.ntr;J.~nt of Ju_;c;es, C18 rks, '~nd Ins;cector to conduct tile election. Followin", .ILieh the City "."netGer read froJ:JOS0Q 1{0sulut~on 1\0. 113 in its GntiretJ. In :'e,si;Jonc.:e cf tlJ.d Lu.:ic,rs question to tl,e ;,;i",!'e:s of tr.c counciL.dllwitL r~spect to Propobei Hesolution No. ~18 Gouncil!Lan Arr,end st",tecl: ItI :fJOV" ',:e aclopt ;iescl~tion 1';0. 118 CiS re3d. '11 iJ..he n~ot ion w':.:..s se<.:unded b.; va _~llC ilL.s.n Johntion. V()t~: i~.lJlend, deS j .uuraut" "es; Jctnsull, yes; l'ilic=.):..t" JcSj L-virer, .l'es; Lo\.;ellt :'-8S. Iv.otion ca.rric:d un3.ni1:~cLisli. The following portion of the Minutes of 2pecial Meeting - 9/12/57 were omrnitted on this page ttrollqh stenographic error, and have been added as an AdendllIT on page 273-274, subrni tted to the Council and annroyed. "' The Mayor stated that we ,.,,; 1'; n01, turn to the next oroer ofousin"",,,, rOT the consideration of ..Q!dinance No. 278L clarifying the rRstated Sales Tax GrJinance No. 190-A, as amended by Ordinance No. 267. The Mayor asked the City ~~naqer to explain the proposed Ordinance and to read the same in its entirety. ~l lei L.. .3D1ARD, AL.slu< ~~ecial Meeting - 9/12/57 Continued IvbJor ::>tockton announced that '.,e 'IIould now turn to the final item on the Abenda Iyi.icll was i'ro,;oseJu Ordin:mce No. 279 '.,'hich is ,n Urdinance to ,Jroviie for ,Jrocedures of Condemn",tion of Structur0s. In respect to tIle reJ'-iuests, the G i ty l\;anU",er .c.xpla ine;:! that the) vrdinance wu'-! rropoEed as a nec -css i tj to rerlace tl',e Condemnat ion sub-sect ion of the plannin:; and Zoning i.;rdinallce. lvir. Dordwell statad further that tHis Or:iinance Wi.iS of SilCL a Iltiture tl1Jt it would not seen, fedsible to eJncor}ori.it" it as an awendJ;;ent dS into ei ther th3 PI~rminb and ZoninG Vrdinance or the City IILnaG<>rs Ordin!1nce and tfl"t tnere fo we recoma0nd that it stand by itself. The PJoposed vrdinance ~o. 279 w s tIlen reCid in its antirety and followinG a beneral discLcssion Councilr;ran l\ni,,)lt sta ed:, "I wove tlL,t we Euspend tjje rt.;lcs for passage of OrdirjC,nce No. 79." The motion 'das seconded by COl.ncilw:lll Leirer. Vote: Amend, yes; Dur::.;.nt, J.'es; Johnson, J'es; Knight, Jes; Leirer, J0S; Lo~'Jell, :/~s. hot ion carried unanimously. ha,yor Stocton then st"" tes that the Clia ir 1ilould intartuin a motion for tIll' ado!JtL,n of Ordinance No. 279. Coancilwm "'mend states. "I "jove '.,e udopt Or,Jinun(;e No. 279." The motion .LS '~econded by Douncilman Lov/ell. Vote; .'lnend. ,yes; Durant, jes; J0Lnscn, yes; Knigllt, Jes; Leirer, "es; LO\'/ell, ves. lelotion c3rried Unanimuusly. 'rh" meetinG was ,"dJourBed at IG:IO P.:": icPPliOV:::D: C2/~!- PERrlY <,lAfOR tl.v / //,' .d,TT':S7 : CITY CLZRK , Acti'1,; Sp',cial Veeting, nctober 2, le; 57. A snecjal meeting 0f the Council was called tn order at 4:li9 p.M. by Mayor Stockton. "resent Clr,. Amend, Burant, ,Tohnsc1'1, I\n,;. Ght and Lowell,. and City Iii g:t'. BonlwQ 11. liJ~a'1or Stockton adv'slC':'; that tl1c purpose c;f thf, saecial meeting is t" a~)Point a commJttf:e O.l.... t'ltO Councilmen to canvas tl~.r; oallr:rts cl' tl,2 g(~l1i2:r~~l eJect~uJ1 r.'21J nc-Lober 1st. and upon reccdvjngtheir .1'~;corrlF"'!1dat1on, tr,3 Conncil t.o tCt~e action; also to swear in the ~ldyUr and CJuncjlmen for thA new two-,!par tcr~s and one YEa;' t,-:;nn. TVI'J other i'terns t n be taken CRrs uf at this si,",cial me,.~ting _~nclude a discussj en relative a rc.ick crushe: :\ffereJ for sale by ?ac~f~c AlaSKa Cont:cactCil"s, nnJ an offer 3n thp case or F. E. Barr ".,7S City of Seward, t,) settle uut of Court. i'la,'for Stockton appointeJ Clm. ,Tohnsun and Ji:n8nd tel canvas t::e VOt08 cast at the G;rl~ral Election of Clctol"!3r 1, l'--J)? t:Ciyor Sl.OcktC'll trJJn jnquircd ab01.it the eligibility CJf 30D'C: o~~ thu .A~,~sons ha"'ving wl~ite-jn v(ltes and he {'eq1lested that the Cit.f ](anagcc check thE; rp.f,iSGrdt:i JIl buok to ascertain whethel' tL0:'" 1-.Q.V~P6 write-in vot,es 1.':ere all rCr.ist~3reJ.. C:ity Mgr. Bcy~'dwell did so G.~1d 'iivised that no registration was locaL'oJ fu,' j3'Jots Anderson, P,"rry 1!cSw'ain or J. A. McSwain. Clm. ,Joilnson advised that the Committee f.inds t.he tally books ind'cate t112 follov{ing: For Mayor, 2-'11.'. ~,crlIl; ?erry R. Stockton 298 votes Ann ,Jeffrey 1 vote Councilrnan- 2-yr. terms - Earl Casso . . . ills A. .Tnhnson . Herman E. Leirer Donald Lowell . . . J:Jlm Singley 1Li Idred Kirkpatri ck Council - 1-yr. tsrrn:- "'~'l Durant, . . !Ch4,iFij" )Y!ye~ 0;,'1 ,TOMson . Barhara B3dford Utili ty Board, 5-Yl'. term- J. ,J. Carr<011 O. E. DurHng Allen Turner Ra:i Lc~"" 133 votes 209 II 220 " 239 " 129 " 1 " 2831 II " 1 ' ~. 1 H 133 " 185 " '1 " :;, " 9.'._. .L_" ~.. I !r,,~J '..... ..:,~l~ ,<: ~... .... '"1 \_...". I I 0,...,.... L ;);) SEWARD, ALASKA Special Me,:;ting - 0ctober 2, 1957 cO'1tinued Utility Board, 3-yr. term" Joe Hughes . . . Earl G. Skinner 119 votes 203 votes School Board, 5-yr. Term - Lotte Bogard . . J::lck ,Jeffrey. . Mildred Kirkpatd ck . 151 votes 161 votes 14 votes Clm. Johnson continued that Perry McSwain, J. A. McSwain, and Boots Anderson, not being registered are not qualified as write-ins. Clm. Johnson further stated that they found that all the ballots have been written in, all totaled, and the amounts are correct in both books. Clm. Knight stated, "1 move that the re:-Jort of the canvassing comr:ittee be accepted. Seconded by Clm. Durant. Vote: Clm. kre!1d, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Clm. Knight then moved, "That the following persons: Donald Lowell, llis Johnsol}, Herman LeireG be certi fied as having been elected to two-veal' terms on the City CounCil; and that Phil ~!ant be certified as having been elected to a one-year term on the Seward City Council; that Mr. O. E. Darling as having been elected to a five-Veal' term on the Seward Utility Board; that Mr. E. G. Skinner be certified as having been eJected to a three-year term on the Seward UtHity Board; that Mr._J. W~_}",ffrey be certified as having been elected to a five-year term on the Seward School Board; and that Perry R. Stockton, ,Jr. be certi fied as having been elected as Mayor for a two-year term in +he City of Seward; these results having been obtained in the General EJection held October 1, 1957, terms to commence immediately." Second by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Knight, Lowell, each yes. Motion carried unanimously. The Oath of Office was then administered by the City Clerk to Mr. Stockton, Donald Lowell, llis Johnson and Dhil Durant. In the matter of a rock crusher for sale by the Pacific Alaska Contractors, City Mgr. BOl"uwell advised that 1';e could use this plant advantageously for aggregates for the Third Avenue paving project. and for the general paving as it comes along. He stated that representatives from this firm were here today and they advise that they will sell the rock crusher for :;;13,000, and are willing to make some consideration in allowing terms for payment. They advised that if the City indicates interest in purchasing this mach:ir;e, they "l'iill come down next week and clean it up and put it running condition for a test run. After some discussion it was generally feJt tha t the City would be interested in this machi!1e providing it proves to be in good running condition and the financial arrangements are acceptable to the Council. It was brought out that the City should have Bob Freeman, ,Jack Boucher and Bob Liebelt go out and check the machine over. In the matter of !I. E. Barr vs. City of Seward, City Mgr. Bordwell advised that the Barr complaint seeks to recover from the City of Seward a sum of C12,500 which he claims is due him for overtime, a wage increase that he did not receive after he had been on the job as Mgr. of the Seward Housing Area for six months, and for some equipment rental for equipment that the City could not afford to buy but which he bought and used on the job with the City. Mr. Barr claims to have had an oral contract with the city. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that Mr. Barr's attorneys have served notice of an offer that they will settle out of court for :tl500. Mr. Bordwell went on that he had checked the record and found that Mr. Barr was retained at a wage of ~450. per month as Manager of the Seward Housing area, also that he was authorized to fix up a place to live down there which he apparently did as the record later makes reference to excessive costs, etc. The record makes no reference to a contract, written or oral or any agreement regarding wages and overtime, other than tbe $450. per month. There was a lengthy di3cLcss:i on on this matter and Clm. Johnson stated that he would look up everything he had on this Housing Project. City Mgr. Bordwell then asked with resDect to this offer to settle this suit out of Court, is it the feeling of the Council that we reject this? Mayor 1:tockton entertained a motion, and Clm. K'1iCht stated, "1 move that we reject the offer made to us to settle the snit of H. E. Barr vs. the City of Seward out of Court." Second hy Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Knight, Lowell, each yes. Motion carried unan:imously. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. A??RnVED:~~Q Arj!L.,{.. PERRY R. STOCKTON, JRI MAYOR ATTEST: ~tV~~ .,. r-- ,--~ ',:;) f:) SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting lO/7/ 57 Tr.e regular meet5.ng of the Council convened at 8 :07 P.M. with Mayor Stockton in the Chair. Those answering roll call were Clm. Durant, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell, vdth Cl~. Amend arriving during ~he reading of the minutes. City Mgr. Bordwell present and City Attorney Buckalew. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 19tfi were reaa and the roll call indicated Clm. Leirer's name whereas it should have read Clm. Lowell as present for roll call, with Clm. Leirer, as stat3d, arriving during the reading of minutes. Minutes approved as corrected. Minutes of the special meeting of September 12th were read and except for a couple of typographical errors, were approved as read. Minutes of October 2nd were read and approved. Mrs. Walter Blue was present and asked to be heard. She spoke relative the space occupied by the Public Health Nurse in the new Seward General Hospital and wondered if the City would care to contribute towards the electric and the heat bills for this area~ this in view of the fact that in the past the City did pay the rent for the Health Center which included the utilities. She stated that she had talked to City Mgr. Bordwell very briefly on this and she believed that he thought perhaps Mr. Scott of the Electric Dept. could go over and estimate what the heat and lights would amount to. She requested that if possible Mr. Bordwell bring some kind of answer to the Hospital Board meeting on ~ednesday. Mrs. Blue also advised that the Physical Therapy center at the Sanatormum is no longer operating and that there is space for it at the new hospital and Mrs. Aylen, the Physical Therapist, has indicated tlmt she would be very willing to do that at the hospital. Mrs. Blue continued that this would also be a tonic of disc~acion at the Hospital Board meeting on ~ednesday and she asked if the City could have some representation at this meeting and hear this discussion. To install the therapy center in the hospital would require certain structural changes and they wanted the City representatives feelings on this. Another item which Mrs. Blue spoke about was the Library which she stated is now a free library, with no longer any charge for cards. It was requested that the library be included in the City General FUnd budget for an amount of $1200. Mrs. Blue also reported that the Hospital Board is putting on a sale of items which the hospital no longer has any use for, and she had been asked to inquire if the City had any materials stored out at the San which could also be put on sale. The money realized from this sale would be used to purchase other needed ~Bterials or equipment at the hospital much of which is on that bid order, but we hear nothing on the bid order. Regarding the utilities for the Public Health Nurses' quarters, Mayor Stockton inquired of the Council concerning their wishes. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that it was his understanding that when the new Seward General Hospital was authorized it was stated that the Public Health Nurse would be quartered there and the question of heat and Ijghts was never raised. Mayor Stockton felt that this was so and this was one of the economies which would he effected by having a new hospital. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that in the lack of any particular reference to these utilities, it was assumed that these things would be in- cluded. He continued that there was not much money involved in this, it is not the money at this time, it is the principal of the thing. However, he stated that if it is the recollection of the Council that there were to be other charges in connection with quartering the Public Health Nurse there, then you will want to do this thing. After discussion by the Council, Mayor Stockton asked if it would be sufficient that we would have Mr. Scott go over and appraise this situation and the approximate cost of the lights and heat and take action on this after he reported to Mr. Bordwell. Clm. Lowell advised that he could go over and maRe this estimate, thereby making it unnecessary to take Mr. Scott off the job. In regard to the possible installation of the Physical Therapy Center at the ~ hospital, City Mgr. Bo~dwell advised that this will involve certain st~uctural changes, including drainage, seal up the cei.ling, and possibly a lift for patients who are unable to walk downstajrs for treatment. He stated that they have requested from the Alaska Public Works what their reaction would be to the major stTIlctural changes. Mayor Stockton stated that there are quite a few civic organizations here in town that would probably be more than happy to contribute to this providing the space is there. Mrs. Blue stated that Dr. Mills in Anchorage had stated that he felt he could send down three to five patients which would bring in a certain amount of revenue which may help to allow the hospital to break even. It was stated that the Hospital Board is in favor of this, and Clm. Durant stated that he would like to attend the Hospi tal Board meeting on Wednesday and hear Mrs. Aylen and the Board on this matter. ~~M~~lI ~gintga~~tnftll~f t~~0~l~Er}~0~~8r~11ei8ytR!~ fi\s~a~e(f~~~t n~y:~~O. I ,....~ L'":' ~ ."") < 4!"~1: i:iJ I I ~. '"'Ff' :( :) .~ Seward, Alaska Regular Meeting 10/7/57 continued Clm. Knight asked for more information on this, and City Mgr. Bordwell advised that the Library could not participate in some of the Federal grants-in-aid to the Terri tory since they were not a free Dublic library, and action had been taken at the last meeting to make this a free library which means that they will not have now the very small revenue thad thty &~Vti8~\5ljl ~5~~ing from card sales, so in order to go ahead and operat;Ye/t~eygree! 'Cne ,,1~Oo woulCl be a reasonable sum for the City to apnropriate for this li'orary operation this year and the years thereafter. On this item, Mayor Stockton advis8d liirs. 'Rlue that since this item is alre'lc y in the proposed budget, it would be considered when they took up the matter of the budget. Relative the materials stored at the San and belonging to the City, it was felt as Clm. Johnson pointed out that inasmuch as these items were purchased with funds from the City's general fund, that in the event of a sale, they would have to be put out for bid. It was however, felt that the City did not possibl;'{ l-jave legal right to sell these i ~ems and therefore these could not be included in any sale until this had been determined. 1;ir. Tom Howell inqu:i red if the City would make a payment to the School Board on the School Budget as nothing had been received so far this school year. City Mgr. Bordwell asked if it would be better to get a monthly check or a quarterly payment anG. Mr. Howell stated that it would be a little be~ter if it could be monthly but it really didn't matter too much sc long as it was regular. 1.11'. Bordwell to take care of thi s. Under old blsiness there was the matter of the attorneys fees and costs for the Seward Fish ~ Cold Storage case, a bill in the amount of $500. City Attorney Buckalew stated that he t.hought there was an understanding of this that it would be included in the monthly fee, and they would waive the $500. bill on this court case. Tinder new business, City Mgr. Bordwell advised the Council that Clm. Lowell had made some inquiries rebarding the over-aged plaster which the City had obtained from Surplus, and he was advised that we would r.ave to have an expert certify by letter that this plaster :;.S unacceptable, and unless the Council has any objection, we will proceed with this and dispose of it. Mayor Stockton, upon hearing no objection, stated this was agreeable and to ~roceeu. Going back to old business, City Mer. Bordwell reported that tl~e representatives of t.he Alaska Jpe:i fic Contractors were down and w:i 11 have the rocl< crusher ready for a test run in the next day or two - this for information purposes and in event any Councilmen care to be on hand for the test run. Regarding the new Salt water fire pump a~ the Alaska Railroad dock, 1;:1'. Bordwell stated that the old 50 horse fire pump is being moved to a well in the new dock where it will be placed along side a new 200 horse engine driving the railroad fire pump. We have a problem where in testing the new 200 horse, it has thrown us off the line,- it just takes more juice than we can wheel within normal operation. I have checked with fire Chief Kielcheski, continued Mr. Bordwell, and it is his feeling that initially on a fire, a 50 horse could take care of a fire, and if it could not, we would know in a matter of a few minutes, at which time the power house could be advised and the 200 horse pump could be thrown in. I f the Railroad does not bO for this we will have to ask the Railroad for a demand charge. They may feel that they still want this 200 horse pump to be connected in fj rst automaticaJ :y, in which case we will have to ask them for a fee. This is a Utility problem, but wanted you to know about this. 1Ie are going to pronose to the railroad that the 50 horse be the one to come on automatically and in need of the 200, the power house can be notified [,hat this will be t-urned on so that t.hE whole town does not get out of juice. Next items taken up were some pertaining to the City Attorney, the first Leing ~'-,3 H ~ T Mining Company and relative the letter tnR.t was proposed by out attorney as modi fied by the Council, ];;1'. Bordwell stated that we should take action and he wondered what the next step should be. He went on to say that IiIlr. Bogan has entered into this and he has written a letter in purporting to show that they have invested all sorts of money and the th:;.ngs we DR.V8 said are not true, and the things they arE' going to do will be of great value to the City. Mr. Bordwell asked what the Attorney would suggest on that, and Mr. Buckalew stated that befell'e we file this suit he is going to have evidence as to what people are going to testify under oath in Court. Mayor Stockton asked M~. Buckale',i if he N0uld ~ive the City the list oft,he information that he needs in this, and Mr. Buckalew advised that he would send -:;his uown to the City l.lanager. ltegarding the A&B Service and the llithrie residence with encroachments on the Third Avenue right of way, the letters requesting removal of encroachments, along wi th calling attention to certain sect.Lons of Ordi:1ance calling for removal wi thin ',1"" n G~;) 1", SEWARD ALASKA , Regular Meeting 10/7/57 continued ten days, were sent out and action is long past due. Mr. Bordwell inquired of Ci ty Attorney Buckalew as to whether we just start right out by tearing things apart, whereupon Mr. Buckalew advised that that is right, but just be careful and also it would be a good idea to give then another notice be fore proceeding and then go ahead. The Council seemed to concur that it was necessary to proceed immediately. Regarding the status of litigation of the Seward Fish ~ Cold Storage and the Coastwise Lines, Mr. Buckalew advised that he would like to talk about this in an executive session. Moving on to the next item, City Attorney Buckalew advised that in the matter of H. E. Barr vs. the City of Seward, this case had come up in Court for continuance, and the Court had dismissed the case with prejudice. This is the case where the Attorneys for Mr. Barr had advised the City that they would settle out of Court upon the payment of ~1500 and which the Council had rejected. Mrs. Barr had made affidavit to the Court and had requested continuance; however the court dismissed the case. Relative the criminal cases set on the District Court calendar for October 21, these are cases that were tried in City Magistrate's Court and were appealed to District Court stated Mr. BordwE:U. They include the City of Seward vs. lEorge Kibsgaard, Patrick Fi'i'ede, Emma Chrrett dba !few Northern Bar, Ray R. Corp, and Wm. Machado. It was felt that some involve witnesses who are no longer in City Employ or even in the City, and Mr. Buckalew stated that if the City doesn't have any wj.tnesses, then we will have to ask for dismissal. No questions. Next item on the agenda involved old bills for the Police Department; one from Nudelman Brothers in the amount of $200.00 and the other from George F. Cake Co. in the amount of C439.08. Mr. Bordwell advised that these two firms are out- standing suppliers of police materials and it is not clear whether these were purchases agreed by the City for the Police Dept. or if they were for the Police Benefit FUnd. He continued that he had asked the Chief of Police to make an investigation and be here with a report; however, a police action came up which prevents his being here and Mr. Bordwell stated that he believed we c~ould lay this matter over until Mr. Hodgkinson could be on hand. Agreed by the Council. Item 5 (e) relative thE: cldim of John Paulsteiner was laid over for the executive session. Regarding the fire protection for Forest Acres residents, Mr. Bordwell stated that Pat Williams had requested that the City provide a letter of intent to provide fire protection services for this area, whi ch she in turn could turn over to the insurance raters. Mrs. Williams advised that by having such a letter, which would merely state that the City would answer calls received for that area, the insurance rate could be reduced to a #8 for Forest Acfes, which is considerably less than it is now. She went on to say that the oeople out there can have an endorsement on their policies which allows $200 for fire calls, and they could pay the City for the service from this, and though practically everyone out there ha~ this endorsement, there are same who do not and a few who do not have any insurance. There was considerable discussion by the Council on this, and it was finally agreed that perhaps the City should have a letter fram our insurance company or the f'acific Rating on this matter before we give such a letter, in order to make sure that by doing so, the City's rating would not be jeopardized. The Chair entertained a motion relative this, and Clm. Knight stated, "I move that we obtain assurance in writing from the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau. or the National Board. that answering out of town fIre calls would in no way jeopardize the City of Seward insurance-wis~rate ~~~~nd upon obtaining this assurance, then we gtve consi~~ration to~_ letter stating that we will answer out of town fire calls and setti~forth to ~hat extent we will send equipment to out of town fire calls." Second by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, No; Lowell, yes~ Motion carried five to one. The next item was a request for special Council meetings for insurance bid openings and awards, one for Monday, October 14th for the City Fleet insurance, and one for Wednesday, October 16th for the Comprehensive lEneral Liability. It was decided that the special meetings convene on each of these dates at 4:30 ~.M. with only t~c ~n~ Item on the agenda in each case. I orQ t ..) ~'J' SEViA1D, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 10/7/57 continued !~ext item was request for approval of September and August bills in tLe amount of ~5252.60, plus the November & December 1955 delinquent electric bills in the amount of $1876.90, for a total of $7129.50. These bills were read as follows: Alaska Communications System $100.55; Alaska Fire Equip. $70.00; Airport Machinery $6.45{ Alaska Shop $18.39( Andy's Oil $622.82;/Glen'l Andrews $30.00; Alaska Tele- phone Co. ~8~10; Bills Parts & Service $44.84; Dahlquist Supply $285.82r'Durant's Hdwe. $13.95; Aron Ericson $9.e,0( Holbrook Printing Co. $l99.10r Larry's Service $2~50r Osbo's El~c. Suyply :C19.55(Paulstein~r ~18.00(Pett! Cash $48;09; Seward Bullders Supp+y $6.38; Seward Drug Co. ~3.99; Seward Electrlc System ~l627.75/ and $1876.90( Seward Hdwe. ~13.9E; Seward Machine Shop $51.30;/Seward Trading Co. 'rJO.34~ Seward Water System $985.00( John P. Smith $433.64( Standard Oil Co. (August only)' $272.42( Werners Grocery ::;'54.65;, Win Ervin 1~otor Co. $5Q.9CY; Harry West $53.801 Western Standard Supply $64.29{ Pat Hadgkinson $3.00;~ew Seward Hotel $24.00;~ Total $7129.50. Clm. Lowell moved that "We pay all bills as read except the Seward Water Dept." Second by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, No; Johnson, No; Knight No; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. With a three to three tie, 1:ayor Stockton voted ~~ No. Motion not passed. ll~ ......." ..~ ~~ i~ I I Clm. Durant stated, "I make a motion Second by Clm. Jolmson. Vote: Clm. Knight, yes; Leirer, No; Lowell, No. voted yes. Motion carried. we pay all bi Ils as su bmi t ted and read..t Amend, No; Durant, yes; Joblson, yes; With a thres to three tie, Mayor Stockton A letter from the Tax Assessor was read wherein he requested that the Council approve certain adjustments to the 1957 tax roll, as follows: 1. Ray James, dba James Construction Company, 2ersonal Property should be changed from $7,000 to $3,500. Reason: Tractor moved to Cooper Landi'lg prior to ,June 1, 1957. 2. Don C. " (Borge C. Ennis. Should be orrmli.tted from Tax 1I1011. Reason: Sold truck prior to June 1, 1957. 3. James Forth, Personal Property should be changed from $800. to $400. Reason: Sold tTIlck prior to June 1, 1957. 4. John Elchin, should be omitted from Tax Roll. Reason: Moved out of City limits prior to June 1, 1957. 5. William Punches, should be omitted from Tax Roll. Reason: Member of the U. S. Army prior to June 1, 1957. 6. Ted Lesko, personal property should be changed from $3,000 to $2,000. Reason: Error in computing Blue Book Price. 7. Tracy McCracken, should be omitted from tax roll. Reason: Sold car prior to June 1, 1957. 8. J. R. Hardy, personal property should be changed from tr700. to $350. Reason: Sold car prior to June 1, 1957. 9. Lewis A. Hasty, value of improveme'lts on the East 1/2 of Lot 21, Block 11, Town should be changed from $3,000 to $1,250. Reason: To agree with the value of improvements as listed en the 1955 Tax Roll, as no improvements were made between 1955 and 1957. Mayor Stockton asked the pleasure of the CQuncil and there was some dis- cussion concerning William Dunches and the date he entered the Army. Clm. Leirer stated, "I make a motion we accept the list as read with the exceotion of William Punches, and direct that this Council's act be endorsed on th~ varjous entries on the 1957 Tax Roll." Second by Clm. I\night. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. Regular meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.E. and entered immediately upon executive session. Items discussed included the status of litigation in the Coastwise, Seward Fish .~ Cold Storage Co. and City court case;&the matter of money owing to John Paulsteiner. In the ahove mentioned Court case, Mr. Buckalew stated that if this went to Court, their fee would be $100. a day for each day in Court, plus an amount to be determined for preparation, based on amount of hours involved. City Clerk excused before adjournment. A"PROVED, O~ ;;;?~MAYOR ATTEST: ~~ '2 ~(-' SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meetine - 10/14/57 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 4:30 P.M. and in the absence of Mayor Stockton, Clm. Knight was appointed as Acting Mayor. Present Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Absent, Clm. Durant. City Mgr. Bordwell present. The purpose of the meeting was to open am award insurance bid for the City automobile fleet insurance. Bids were on hand from Pat R. Williams, John P. Smith and Harry West. Also on the agenda was proposed agreement with Bureau of Public Roads for maintenance of Third Avenue. Insurance Bids were read, with John P. Smith bidding $1663.98; Harry West bid $1663.98 on behalf of the Franklin American Insurance Co.; Pat R. Williams bid a total premium of $2009.43, in the American Universal Insurance Co. of Providence, Rhode Island. With the bids from John P. Smith am Harry West being identical it was decided that a coin be tossed and Mr. Smith was reached by telephone and stated this was agreeable to him. Clm. Johnson stated, "I move that the fleet insurance bid be awarded to John B. Smith or Harry West, whichever one wins on the toss of a coin. Clm~ Lowell seconded. Vote: Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell, each yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Mayor Knight tossed coin and award was therefore automatically for John' P. Smith, who had called for "heads." City Mgr. Bordwell then explained that he had a proposed agreement from the Bureau of Public Roads relative maintenance of Third Avenue and proceeded to explain and read it. Clm. Lowell moved, with second by Clm. Amend, ..that the City enter into agreement with Bureau of Public Roads for maintenance of Third Avenue and the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement on bahalf of the City. Vote: Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell, each yes. Motion carried unanimou sl y. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. APPROVED: ARTHUR P. KNIGHT, Acting Mayor 'I ATTEsr: WM. F. BCEDWELL, Acting City Clerk I~ I I .f I il-,""" .',.. \...-'''' ,.,0' .,..... '''':'t i~.:O I I ~" .. ,( !'); SF.lI.JA1lD, ALkSYA Regular MEeting - 10/24/5'7 Tb& regular meeting or the Council was called to order at 3:10 ".M. Mayor stockton in the Chair. "resant were Clm. Amend, Joh~son, Leirer ;md Lowell, with Clm. DU1'iJIlG arriving during the reading of the minutes. City Mgr. Bordwell pn,sent, Clm. Klig:-.t absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 7th were read and approved as read. Minutes of the special meeting of October 14th were read and Clm. Durant asked if there was an amount mentioned relative the agreement between tI,e City and the Bureau of Public Roads for the 1'laintenance of Third Avenue. City Iv'gr. Bordwell explained that it was not mentioned; however, if it is the wish of the Council, we could add that the Agreement called for monthly maintenance of Third Avenue by the City and that between the -tg~~ps ol Dc~tober 19)7 and June 30, ::S 58 the maintenance should not exceed :1:10, ooof~m&lttf..("'After a brief discussion Mayor Stockton stated that he believed that with this reference in these minutes, this amount would be set forth and it could be cross-referenced. This was satisfactory to Clm. Durant and the Council; and Mayor Stockton stated that tLe minutes of the soecial meeting of October 14th stand approved as amended. Mr. Bob Muller of the Seward Plumbing P, Beating Cu. spoke l1Cxt under peop18 ,~resent and he ;;a", concerned vdth tLe use of Ci ty equipment on private enterprise cl1lJ along this line !le r::entioned six or seven places where City equipment had been used by a City employee in competition with ;Jrivate enterr)rise. Ee inquil'ed if this was the nolicy of the City and if so, then he felt that the equipment should be available to others and if the Cit;v is going into tLe business, he thought that he should be advised of this; if not, then t1".e City should know about the use of its equipment by City employees on other than City blAS in::s:ci. Mayor Stockton stated that City emploYBes working in competition to Jrivate enterpricelBs oe8n frowned upon for some time. City Mgr. Bordwell sugbc~ted that the Council will certainly want to contend tte action reported h8re if it is true, a"1d it rr,ay be, and instruct me to take the matter up with the Utility Board at their next meeting and invite Mr. Muller to be present there and I will ue sure that Mr. Richie is there and we will iron the matter out. He also suggested that the Council send a delegate to attend that meeting. After a lengthv discussion regarding the use of City equipment for any other than City business, the Chair entertained a motion to set forth Council policy. Clm. Leirer stated, "I make a motion that all City departments be in- structed by letter that at no time shall any City equipment except fire equipment be uSAd for any work other than official Ci~ use -wi thou t permission from the City Manage~.~ Second by Clm. Lowell. Along these lines, it was made clear that as just discussed, no City equipment was to be used on private jobs without Council approval, and the City Manager was instructed. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, ,yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor stockton then went on to advise the Council that it has come to his attention that recently we had a case that possibly may have resulted in the dismissal of an employee; however prior to any action that could have teen taken, the Utility Board, by three members, Dassed a resolution that no City cnt"loyee would be dismissed without consulting the Utility Board first. This moti on, regardless of its intent, is in conflict >'Iith the City Ma!1ager ordinance. I think that word should be delivered to the Chairman of the utility Board of the City Manager Ordinance, and it may be that perhaps they will come back with recommendations for changes in the ordinance. Clm. Johnson asked if we had a copy of those minutes from the Utility Board and it was stated that we do not have;, the Utility Board has not been sending copies of its minutes to the City office. It was felt that a special joint meetinG with the Utility Board should be arrangeci, anC JiJayor Stockton advised that immediately after the Leaque of Alaska Cities raeetirlg Jlcxt we'ck he would call such a special joint meeting. Clrrl. Leirer asked if we could request a copy of the Utili ty Board minutes ar.d Mayor Stockton stated that we could aski for minutes of the Utility J;3oard meetings and in this way possibly keep in closer harmony. City ~gr. Bordwe~l read a letter received from City Attorney Buckalew relative the H .q" T 1Yining Company and its failure to do each years' assessment work, and the City's stand on this. It was pointed out by Clm. Johnson that'though there may be lacking any formal objection by the City, the citizens of the City of Seward ,continued to use that lake for s~Qn~ing every year so long as there was water in it and it had, not been drained by the Hining Company. It ,was felt that this mbint should be brought to '.'ir. Buckalew's attention. City Mgr. Bordwell instructed, and it may be that should the City not bring suit that an agreement be negotiated with the w'ining Company. Hsxt item on the agenda, City Mgr. Bordwell reported on the cases which were scheduled for trial in Di strict Court on October 21st; those be:L'1g City of Seward vs. William Machado, Eldred R.eed, Woodford, Friede, and G:irrett. Mr. Bordwell stated that with the exception of Garrett, these were all cases which the flIes disclosed little or no concrete evidence which could be presented ir. Court. The 0(!:("~' c. 'j' SEWARIJ, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 10/24/57 continued cases were badly documented and in view of a new Federal ruling and after dis- cussing this with Mr. Plummer and Mr. Buckalew, we recalled these cases. Mr. Bordwell went to say that in the case of City of Seward vs. Emma Lu Garret relative Sales Tax, the Court called that each present briefs regarding the question of the validity of the Sales Tax Ordinance, these briefs to be pre- sented to the Court within thirty days~ and the case then to be tried. City Mgr. Bordwell also advised that the H. E. Barr suit has been reinstituted by the Court for this coming Monday, October 28th, and that he would be asking Lawrence IVhitmore, Russell Painter and one or two others to be Drepared to go to Anchorage on this case. The matter .94' Hellenthal I'-t Cottis retaining this -I file in this case was discussed and/t':~-'; -';1'::::: ~:ll"- +'he City owes them money which they have been unable to collect was discussed and so far as anyone knew a bill had never been rendered by Hellenthal & Cot tis. It was felt that Derhaps Mr. Buckalew as our attorney could be advised to inquire into this and report to the Council. Under new business Mayor Stockton reported that Leon Lewis of the School Board contacted him and presented him with a bid from Ray James on some cesspool work which was needed at the Bay View school. Mr. Lewis had said that he had been unable to contact Mr. Bordwell so he brought the bid to me and there was a time limit on Mr. James' proposal and it seemed to me that the time limit expired a day or two after it was delivered to the City by the School Board. Mr. Bordwell read the bid which was dated September 24, 1957 in the amount of either $2100.75 or $2129.75, the written amount not agreeing with the figures, and the bid to be accepted within six days. Mr. Bordwell stated that Mr. James bid is not in effect now and he had stated he would not do the work now. Mr. Lewis had stated that the School Board does not have the money with which to do this work, and Mayor Stockton asked for the Council's wishes. It was felt that the City di~ not have the money either and it was brought out that aresent plans seem to be that the Bay View School may not be used after this year and possibly this would ~ake the work unnecessary. This matter, in the light of this, to be referred back to the School Board as there may have been some changes since the time the bid was called for. Mr. Bordwell then reported that the rock crusher offered for sale to the City ~ by Alaska Pacific Contractors had turned out to be one that the City was not interested in; however, Mannix-Stolte had heard of our interest in one, and they state that they have one, a complete alant, which they offer for a price of ~10, 000. as is, where is. This machine was in conti nuous operation and is reputed to be in very good condition, stated City Mgr. Bordwell. He went on to say that he would like very much to see the City acquire this particular piece of equipment if we could do it on the same basis .that we v[ere the other one, that is about t2500 down and the balance in monthly oayments. Clm. Lowell asked if we had men who could operate a machine like this and City Mgr. Bordwell stated that Mr. Liebelt can ooerate one. Mayor Stockton inquired what such an expenditure would do to our budget and Mr. Bordwell felt it would stretch it, but we could certainly use the equipment. After more discussion relative the merits of the City acquiring such a machine and the possibility of competing with private enterprise, Mayor Stockton entertained a motion to accept or reject the offer from Mannix-Stolte. Clm. Durant stated, "I move we reject Manni:x-Stolte's offer /screem ng . for the rock crusher p~an~.fl Second by Clm. Lelrer. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; teirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the agenda re1at~ve request for adjustment of 1957 Property Taxes was explained by City Mgr. Bordwell. C.R, R. Builders have written a letter to the City and they state definitely that as of June 1, 1957 their only possession was one house trailer with all items of furniture removed and which was used as a job shack. The trailer was ourchased at a surplus sale for $255.00. The Tax Assessor requests the Council to approve a reduction in Personal uro~erty Tax assessment for C ~ R Builders from $2500 to $200. City Mgr. Bordwell stated that ~ he checked into this personally and found that the statements C & R Builders made are correct in that all they had was a job shack, and the assessment had been basE:c on last years return. Clm. Durant stated, "I make a motion that C ~ R Builders' request for a tax adjustment for 1957 tax be granted as requested." $econd by Clm. Amend. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leirer and Lowell, each Yes. Motion carried unanimously. City Mgr. Bordwell then went on to say that a letter had also been received from Merle Starr relative their 1957 tax assessment with respect to improvements on tot #---> Blpck #_-' Addjtion. The Tax Assessor feels that the improvements should be restoreu to the aJ'lOlln'L of $2250 as there was no justification for raising the assessment from :;-,2250 to ;;'2500. Mr~. Starr's letter also requested adjustment for property adjacent to the Lot just mentioned and for this, the assessment was based on what the records showed inasmuch as no return was filed. Vri th respect to the first request, our recommendation would r 26.3 SSNARD, ALASKA Regular !v'ecting - 10/,)/"/57 contin'18d be to reduce the assessment from ~)2500 to ::;;2250, advised City Mgr. Bordwell, and reject the second complaint. Clm. Leirer stated, "I make a motion to acce;)t the City Manager's recommendation regardi~h~L!I'~Ile Starr property~~_ Second by Clm. Jolmson. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leirer, and Lowell each Yes. }:iotion carried unanimously. .-1 t~ Regarding the next item, Request for corrective deed to Alice A. Brownell, and Proposed Resolution No. 119, City Mgr. Bordwell explained that it appears that the title to the Brownell Homestead and some of the lands we have inco"';':,l'ated into tho Marathon Addition are pretty well clouded. This is the land that "'8 conveyed to Mrs. Dro~nell in 1934 and it is the property that Dr. Deisher is aC~liring from Mrs. Brownell. The Title Insurance Company has asked for a _ complete survey to develop a complete accurate clescription, which the original deed did not contain. In order to give Mrs. Brownell a proper description that she can convey that would be insurable, we would have to issue a Quit-Claim Corrective Deed to her. Resolution No. 119 would authorize and instruct tJ-,e Mayor to execute and deliver a deed to Mrs. Brownell this Corrective Quit-Claim Deed containing the proper description of tJ-QS property. A Reso~~tion would have to be passed under suspension of the rules, continued City Mgr. Bordwell, and I would recommend for the matter of the record, that we consider Resolution No. 119 Bnd authorize the issuance of a Corrective Quit-Claim Deed to Mrs. Brownell and setting forth the description of this property as based on this r8cent survey which has been aDDroved by the Title Company. 1Byor Stockton requested that Resolution No. 119 be read and City Mgr. Bordwell read this Resolution in its entirety. ~- '" . < < ~ RESOLUTION # 119 liti.Ia.U'lIOI NO. 111 A REroLUTION OF 1'HJ:; CI'lY OF SEWARD FIHDIRG THAT 'l'HE PUBLIC REOORDC SK>ULD BE CLARIFIED AND AUTh... ORIZING A CX>RU::'1'IVE QUITCLAIM DEED IN FAVOR OF ALICE A. BRCWIELL COJlTAl lINg A K)RE ACCURArE DES- CRIP'1'I::JN OF REAL PIlOPEft!' HERE'mFali CONVEYED '1'0 HER Bt 1'Hi CI'lY OF SEWARD. WHiREA5, clIrhq the lIOIlth of July liS. the City of Seward did OOft'ftty to " ('~! =~,;" :.;::"' ?~'':' ~7\"~r,t"-t-(-- ""~,....~~~~ ~"-.- , ,- \-, ' ," <- 11~""'t.,:"",~,"", : H,,;,.~"' ...,"".\ !\ 't." ----:.--....~~~r--.:':':~:'":'r"'~-.~1."i'..-~' ...~~~.......- /---~ ,,;. - .''' (~'-~\ ' \{\~ '",'~:~:,":~, "...m: .,qG::j ~ d" ',~' '.~',..~",'f tl ':~ ...-..--...... s~~:}. .}IJ ,-" .~, ----...--.-.-- :: cq"',')';,;",_ ... ':'.,.." . j 'o-'~.., '':''A'\f:;' ;/"''['1 ~r.~l..~~ I~ :~~tl!'~~'77~l!:f!,A. J'rbOI1 reu "?))htCl.~:'r ''':'j b?'r'~_c;.::'.~":~ iBi~~,~!~"r.~ ~r~~, ;'~~~'-:?t"7 :..:;. n:r '':1:;'1!r:'IJ.:fr'l002 ?"t'0 ~",l.:'::U]1 ~~::'~rf,!~:-rf(" ;r.iC ;:f(~1-"~'~"~ ',i. '_Cj .:" . +-, . . I 1. - ~'i" r" , ':"11 ":I~.\::.:,.",;-:'<. J. '.. ""'~L'. ;Y'.:::r, :.,..." '/. flr:'ttt?t' cnr.~ ;:'}f€': i.:'j':'1O..', ;..'..JAf;;t.;.I~ ~.^ ,;:.':j. :--41;,~:.r~tj1~J'~.',1. '/.'"'!'l :t::l~{ eOl!~i.Jrt!'~ joO''':I~ ;~<~":?t' r''j.'f.{, "L~. r-~l~~ t~~;;,~' '1rT::n:\ :~r"; ~n;"'r::.-:'" c; T,~r:t~f. "J.:\oI~;J:::':.:- f:'J n;'J.'j..t ~,f" tk.;; ~,f:T~ir ~~, r'!!f~~ {;.~f.~' ~c'r''';r ';:'~i ,,:",,'~)'f.,!t.~;1' 'f.i~ .!.yn;)!"""~> "1.~1.'::;..r ntln ;,"~t ~(j F'~'r'';i; :'..C*' Tnl~! ~~1~ :;,r, t:':'f1!' 3C~r'.t-~("~ t.,(;.~t -f:1 "~.Jt,.t.:~.r J~ . ,1c"'~~~ 'J;~~' ~'~C: -..\. :u r:O;::> OS', :t~=~. ,'f:2.f. ~OO.i"c- r.~;~:q: '... ~:,.:,; ~ f-"J1.}j);'.,f\c,':~c :j','1. ~ ; \;_1~ ; ~ Il, k:'!;> 2~\, 40., 'If.!'~i-~ 1200.00 t~&.f ;.~ ;'i"f.!t 1;,')'t;p~J=!.3i :::..<;:,,ff.:.:i'~ 7.; '1~H"i4:' ::'r.'lr}'.} 1~.L"'l~ '~'''Jt.;: -!.l~..'.~."t:~"". f'!: {.p'? ~''''J':n': :~,,,~t1!;iT~,"(t" ~~c rH~t. 't!~ ;" ":t~';":~; ;::'tt'r: 1"": ,. ,.~ ."'!FF CICe O'\\, ~.I{L::' "i~: ],yi:.ij.S5 if"!;;:j: 'J:::., ~';jl... "';~;';;' ~;~'ltt'~'''' .~;... r ,"', '* '.;~M~t.t..'it ~rygtt'r~'f~ 7,; ~~~'.;:;.:; "'~"~,.n-.l ...~(.. 1J~. .l::">~ ;::" '1( 10-'./ .........~ ............~ ............ ............... .... "'J . RESOLUTION II 119 iia)LUTIOII HO. lit A REroLUT10N OF l'Hl;; OIlY OF SEWARD FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC RECORDZ 8HJULD BE CLAlUFIE!) AND Auth. OilIZING A CX>Rilm'IVB QUI'l'CLAIN DiED IN FAVOR OF ALICE. A. BRailE.LL COllTAllUHG A J<<)RE ACCURATE DES- CRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY' HERE'roFORB CONVEYED TO HER l1t Wi CI'lY OF SEWARD. WHEREAS. ciu'hq the lIOI\th .f July 1114 the City .f e..ud did OODfty to Alic. A. Brwnell . pa....l of land .Uuat... within the City of SWarcl .nd beil\9 . part of the Br...U Hallenead. ucI WHEREAS. Mid .....,... ".. .ffeet... by . cleedllllhl, b of reoorcl in the office of the U.S. c-i..iOMI' .Rcl b..off1oio lec__1' for the SlnrVcI iecord- 11\9 Pr.oinot in Book 14 of, De.... at PlIQtI 135 of the reoora .f Mid .ffice. .nd w'HE.RJW3. it .ppear. that the d...dption oont.ined. in Mid deed b MIW de..-d iDnfflol..t to ..tief.otodly de.ortbe the parcel of lancl OOD..eyed th.reby. .Del WHERBAS. . nney of tIl. ..id parcel hu J\W been ._ by . l1cenHcl 1I'llI'Y."'1' and an .0000rate cle.orlpt10ft of Mid panel lIa. now been ....lop41d. .nd WHEREAS. it .ppear. hiqhly cle.lrabl. that the offlo1&1 r.Oltrd be l'.ftCMl'''' 1101'. .00000.te. 111 the pabHo inter.st. by oau.inq the ..id aoaur.te de..r1pUOft to be plaoecl of r.cord. and. WHiRIAS. the lOQioal pl'eoedl&l'e to OltI'r..t the reoont 18 to bne . ool'reot- 1ft Quitolll1a cle... to All_ A. BrOWMll lnool'pOl'.t1nq the ..id .oourat. de.- odpUon in ."1' that Kid OOl'l'ecU.,. cIMcI -.y be pla.... of l'eoor4. lOl. 1HEREFORE. BE IT RBSOLVE!) .ncl it 18 h....by rellOhed that the Hayor be 1n.t:ruot....ad authod.... udlw 18 here, b.tzuotecl .nd .uthodae4 to euoute . oornotlYe Quitol.iII DMcl hoa tlw Clty of s.w.nt to AUce A. Brownell oont.1nlnq the follcwlnq .CICIIlr.te de"l'lption of the parcel of land pr...lou.ly COD'NY.d by the aforeMid cle.. .All that ..rtain real PRp4Irty locat'" 11\ the 8Warcl hoorct- in; Precinct of the Thircl D1Yle1on of Ala... cIe.oribecl .. loll... c...nclnq at . .-toa. lIOI\waent _rked Cornel' 4. I!J 7.1 I. Comer . F"rd Add1t1oa. SMMrd. Ala.., Th... 80UtIl ... II' Weat 15.18 f.et, Thence SoIlth 000 0.. SO. W..t 1111.11 f..t alOl\ljJ the W.at 11ae of Firat A...""e to the Polftt of BeQllU\lnv. COrMI' #1, Theft.. 'olth ... $7. 30. Wen 100.00 f..t to the Jlol'tlafut Comer, Then..!clIth 000 OJ. 30. Weat 300.00 feet to the So\lthwen Comer, Thea.. I!JcNth ... 51' SO. Beat 300.00 feet to Comer '" Th__ I!JoQth 440 57' 10. Beat 414.16 f..t to Corner I., Thence Morth 00. OJ. '0. Eut 600.00 feet aloDO the West 11ft. of Fun Aftnue to Comer 11, the Point of Beqlaninq. Sald Tr.ot ClOnt.ln. 5.16 acr.. IIOre 01' le... All EMERGENCY IS HEREBr DECLARED. to exist. aNi the rul.. qoyerninq the read11\q _ pa...q. of R..olut101Ul ar. here, IIWtp41ftCMd .M thl. ....lutloa qi.,.n full effect u..di.tely upon lta apprOYal aJ1d pa...,.. P...... .ad .pprOTed thia 14th da., of October 1151. G,~ ~ ~LL,,/j ATTES'l'1 ~J?~/ CITY CLERK: t ~ r- 263 SE,'lARD, ALASKA Re~11ar Veeting - 10/?4/57 contin118d be to reduce the assessment from 02500 to w2250, advised City Mgr. Bordwell, and reject the second complaint. Clm. Leirer stated, "I make a motion to accent. the City Manager's reco!1'JIl~Qg!1tioD_.t~iErdiQL.:tllS"_M~Ile Starr property.:.'. Second by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leirer, and Lovrell each Yes. !liotion carried unanimously. .--1 t:;' Regardlng the next item, Request fer corrective deed to Alice A. Brownell, and Proposed Resolution No. 1l9, City Mgr. Bordwell explained that it appears that the title to the Brownell Homestead and some of the lands we have inco.'j:vrated into Ph" ]Viarathon Addition are pretty well clouded. This is the land that {Vt; C011veyed to Mrs. Drmmell in 1934 and it is the prQperty that Dr. Deisher is acquiring from !,irs. Brownell. Th8 Title Insurance Company has asked for a _ complete survey to develop a complete accurate Jescription, which the original deed did not contain. In order to give Mrs. Brownell a proper description that she can convey that would be insurable, we would have to issue a Quit-Claim Corrective Deed to her. Resolution No. 119 would authorize and instruct the Mayor to execute dnd deliver a deed to Mrs. Brownell this Corrective Quit-Claim Deed containing the proper description of this property. A Resolution would have to be passed under suspension of the rules, continued City Mgr. Bordwell, and I would recommend for the matter of the record, that we consider Resolution No. 119 Bnd authorize the issuance of a Corrective Quit-Claim Dep.d to Mrs. Brownell and setting forth the descri pti on of this property as based on this recent survey which has been aDproved by the Title Company. 1Byor Stockton requested that Resolution No. 119 be read and City Mgr. Bordwell read this Resolution in its entirety. ,,- ........", <- -< r.!"J RESOLUTION II 119 Ria)LUTIOI NO. U! A RiOOLUTIOH OF nu. CIlY OF aEWARD FIHDIIIG THAT THE PUBLIC RECORDS SK>ULD BE CLARIFIED AND AUTh. ORIZING A OORRB::'1'IVE QUl'l'CLAIM DEED IN FAVOR OF ALICE. A. BROifJIELL COI1'AllflJlG A I<<)RE ACCURATE DEB- CRIPTI!)N OF REAL PROPiUl'lY H.ER1i'roFaiE CONYE!EI) TO Hr:R 81 1Hz.: CIT'! OF SEWARD. WHiiEA5, c:Urhg the IIOIlth of July 1114 the City of Seward did con....1' to , ~:! ;',,:, ':~~." "'T~ . - ~~....... ~ ~J.i ,,_........~~__ \.\. ......, " ",\~'" \:'"'t-':"""' ',,-" r.(""~~....c:""'~'. " " ,-,f-,.' \ _..' _~ '- . , (, 'p~t'.;...~'.., : "....1 ~.... ~--1 / -~ ~ / "'" ______I .(:A"(,"{, ",",,-:lc~;~~~~t;5~;~::~ ", '.." ,,,,.:~;:r"1'g:(';'''1 ";d' '1>':':':.'.~~"L~,') f;. :;-~'lo "'--..-.--...... 3~~:i! :;'.' ----,~....__....._.~. "';~~ ::;f;')...,~,r_ J ;;?;, " ~'Aq~ ~"T1 9~i~~r ~~~t1!~~r! ~~,ry \I;\~~~t'~ '.:.~ -'il., . ':"'. 'i' """" :r'~;~r-,t/'7~rGr.~ ntcu trs. '"d:hl")},':'T .,..;- t,..?t;;.'~:l.... .,'. n' "":'''J'.'t.~[J;;' ;'T~' ....."", ,.,,,,,....!'''7''(.. "".- ;.(.,t,)~_.,~, ''1 .'" "../(: '~.","".,I... of-.';-;' .J;. ~.\.",'~~l ,'.<,.J'l _,':'t., -'i t..l..i"T..,.... ,_ .L ',"" "".:"" .'):~'.'C:r,. ':....," :>..., i'{VTiq:\ r;';,tt.! ;;pe. j;*::j:'.~. ;:.;~'f~;;-'t.Ji p ., ~~().1.~-:~:\~~.:t(;. 'C"'?'.~ :i't:J~: OOlq:~:r':.'1 ~'''ri~ ':!ct.'?~ !'~,~J' ....,.. ;~.~:~~ t(l!tE;;e '7Y:.\T):'.. fr"~ .t!lIl12;-~~;t~; ,::'[ :,rlt-:.r. ~j~..l".tF;r:: ;':'i'J -r;....t.j"'1: ~T" F,r..,~ :,er~Jf ~) :t~t~~ ,n~;~.~"-' ~~' '~f .;:t) ~~.."~; V;~1 !..!.~')":)..,.~ ~j,~t.;:? C.[!f", :..~'~ ::[: ~qtJ; t .C.; ~H1('1 ~\~ ~,.;~ 1::~Pr.: :?~!0.tjC t.~~t r~ '"~.:;T:'U:\: . J~ . \ ',I: t~~() .~.~ ~ :?; O~lj} Cl't ~:l~'>, .,~:;R.[. ~OO"C:(1 ~>~.r".; j~:' ~>~.~ ...{'rqiJ',r,(~(,,( '.,:j','t~ ":''1;...* I ".if' ~!) :;~" 1'0' dt;~q:' eQt1-f;O :t7~{ 11 ,n~~ y:':n:~!';\f.~':l :.,';Jf.-::,:~ :.; '11JGG ;~-ril!f} Tt.~~ ~:J1,",~~,f:'r:;~ tt: .r;:'" ; '''n3H: .~'<: ':'.~r!1t.i't~;~,:j,' '::(' T'H;'l ~ 7,' !~~;~.i;'; >::'tft/ . i1'.;', . ~'.. f' 1 l.'>! , ':'!fP ;\Ov o~~ ~C,i "1;'i~, . r " ";r'" 1\ '.~~t~'\.~' t.q1 1.::,.~tt'r..\1~' r ~'~;.~.. S:5 ~ f\':',.i~. . j -: .~ - I --"" , w'; !~ 1,:; ,.~~ (.;~; 'C'" TjJ ...~. -]I . I.~n 1" ~ .~'.w;;' :~. ,~t-' 10-'-< RESOLUTI ON /1 119 Ri8;)LUTIOI MO. .u! A RiOOLU'J:lON OF 1'Hl:. CIlY OF SEWARD FINDING THAT THE PUBLIC R.EOOR~ SHlULD BE CLARIFIED AND A\l'1'h. OiUZIHG A QJRliUiCTIVE QUI'l"CLAIK DEED IN FAVOR OF ALICE A. BRQiJIELL COJlTAIIIlfG A K>RE ACCURATE DES- CRIPTION OF REAL PROPl::1'1Y HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO HEi B'{ 1'H'; CIlY OF SEWARD. WHEREAS. rilri11Q' the lIOnth of July lIU the City of Seward d.lel confty to Allc. A. Bnwnell . par..1 of land .Uuateel within tho City of Swal'cl ucl bel nq . part of tho Br..oll _ateael. ... WHEREAS. Miel ....,... .... offected by . deeel_ioh ia of nGOl'cl in the .ffloe of the U. S. c-h.iour .ad. b-off1oio Reo....r tor tho SIwUd Rooorel- il\9 Precinat in Book 14 of De. at pave 131 of tho noora of ..iel olfloe. aNi WHERiAB. it .ppeau that tll. eloaoription elIOl\tain" in Miel deed 18 IUIIf "_d innff10int to ..tief.atol'1ly dII.anbe tho paroel of lanel aonyeyeel th.reby. .nd WHEREAS, . lIUftyof tho ..ld paroel hu Mlf been .... by . lioenaed An.yor .Ni al\ aacNrat. ".oription ot Mid puoel M. !\OW been ....loped. aNi ~ WHEREAS. it appears hiqhly dII.irUl. tMt tho oltio1al roaord be r.I\Ml'eel 1101'0 .000000.t.. in tho publio inter.lrt, by Ollu.inq th_ ..ld AOCNrato dllaor1pt1ol\ to be plaoed of r.oOl'd. and WHEREAS, tho 10Q1oal preoedun to OH'reot tho naotel i. to i..u. . cornat- iye Q\litclaia deed to Ali_ A. Brownell il\corporatinq tho ..id aoourat. IM.- oripHon in 0_1' that aid correotift ... MY be pland of 1'0001'.. 1CJIl, 'DflRiFORE. BE IT RESOLVED ucl it b heroby nllOlnd that the HayOl' be in.tROteel a" authOl'1aeel anel he is her"" iutz:uoteel al\d a"thoria" to .:&eO\lte a ooneot!..e Quitolda Deed fr.. the City of SWard to Alioe A. Brownell cont.1nirw: the follcwirw: aoar.te dellOnption of the paroel of lancl pr.Y1ou.1y oonYOy.d by the .fore..ld deocl. .All tMt oertun real property looateel La tho SWaI'cl Record- i11Q' Prec1not of the Third D1Yidon of Aluka, deaor1becl a. toll_.. C ltJ\oinq at a .tol\. 1IOI\1IIIIeJ\t arkod Cornel' 4, II 711 .. Corner 6 Feeleral Addition, SWard, Ala.a, Theoe South ,.. II' Weat 1$.11 f..t, Th.n.. South 000 oj' SO. We.t 161'.11 f..t alOlWl the Weat lino of Firat Ay.n". to the Poiat of BeqllUlinq, Cornel' 11, Thenoe lortll ,.. $7' 30. Woat 100.00 foet to the lIorthweat Comer, thel\oe eo.th 000 OJ' SO. Vest aoo.oo f..t to the So\&thw.t Comer, The... 8ov.th ,.. 57' SO. Bast 300.00 feet to Cornel' IS, Theaoe 801ath UO 17' SO. Eaat tJ4.J6 f..t to Comer 14, '1'henoe Korth 000 OJ' SO" Baat 600.00 feet alol'llil the We.t 111\. pf First A'I'Onue to Corner 11, the Poil\t of Bec1ilUlinq. Said Tr.ot cont.il\. 5.16 aol'o. IIIOl'e 01' 1.... 1Jf EMERGEIICY IS HEREBr DiCLARED. t. exist. aNi the rul.. ooy.rnill9 the I'..dil\q .. pa...o. of ae..lutiona are her'" .uponcled aNi thi. Ita.olutiol\ 9i'l'OI\ full effect u.ediately Upclft ita appro...l &lid pa.aaqe. P..... and .pprOYed this 14th day of October 1157. G9Y Q ~I HAYOR ATTEST. ~J?~/ CITY C.EK 1 I .......1 t": ~ v. "<:" <: !;:.!..J I I '165 . SEY;ARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 10/24/57 continued UDon hearLn g the reading of Resolution No. 120, fl:a;yor Stockton entertained a motion for suspension of the rules for consideration. Clm. Johnson stated, "I make a motion we suspend the rules for the adogj:,ion of Resolution No. 120." Second by Clm. lEiror. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leir,::' 0-11'-1 :C~"::":::', 8[.ch Yes. Motion carrie::! unanimously. 'l'he Chair then entertained a moti on for adoption whereupon CIT1J. Leirer stated, "I make a motion we adQl2t Resolution !i9..!-120. " Second by Clm. Johnson. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leirer, and Lowell, each yes. Motion carried unanimmlsly. Regarding the appointment of delegates to the annual League of Alaskan Cities meeting which begins October 3lst and lasts thru November 2nd, Mayor Stockton stated that he wished it would be possible that as many Councilmen and others who could attend, would attend. He stated that he had attended the meeting last year and had been very much impressed. Clm. Durant stated, l~ make a motion that the City Manager and Mayor and as many Councilmen as can go be ~uthorized to attend the League of Alaska Cities An'lu81 Convention in Anchorage October 3lst thru November 2 and that reasonable expenditures be authorized~ Second by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. Amend, Durant, Johnson, Leire1' and Lowell, each Yes. Motion carried unanjmously. Wj th the agenda taken care of, Mayor Stockton inquired whether any of the Council men had any other items to discuss, and after taking care of these questions, the meeting was adjourned at 11:57 p.M. ATTEST: ~~~ ity ClerK APPROVED:U""L nJJ;;~) l ~OCKTON, JR. t MAYOR ------- ---- ---- - ------------ --- ------ ---- SE'tlARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.05 p.m. by Mayor stockton presiding in the Chair. Present were Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight, Leirer, and Lowell. City Manager Bordwell present, Clm. Durant absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 24th were read and approved as read. The Mayor called on Mr. Guy LaFond, who inquired as to the City's intent with respect to the use of the usa Building, stating that he would propose to institute a roller skating youth activity during the winter months if the building could be made available for that purpose. ~ayor stockton stated that the last time he had talked with the high school coach he was given to understand that the backboards for the new Armory gymnasium had not arrived, and that the usa basketball court would probably be required for high school use. The Mayor then inquired whether Councilmen had any knowledge on the subject. Clm. Johnson volunteered that the backboards had been in a train wreck. Mr. LaFond stated that he did not expect a definite answer from the Council at this meeting and was here merely to get their reaction to his suggestion, but that naturally he would like an early answer since we were already well into the normal skating season. Mayor stockton then asked the Council if there were any questions they would like to ask ~tr. LaFond, whereupon Clm. Lowell requested to be informed as to the proposed schedule of usage which was intended. Mr. LaFond stated that frequency would probably extend to 3 days per week, probably several week days and either Saturday or Sunday depending on what the children would want. Mayor Stockton asked Mr. LaFond if the organization he represented would be accepting full responsibility for the usa facility, at least during the periods when it was being used by them, and Mr. LaFond responded that they would have to. Mayor Stockton inquired of the Council if there were any other questions, whereupon Clm. Johnson requested information as to what type of skates would be used; to which Mr. LaFond replied that they would be fabric wheel skates manufactured especially for use on that type of surface. At this point Clm. Amend pointed out that it might be of interest to the Council that ~tr. LaFond had had experience with roller skating rinks in the States. Clm. Lowell expressed his favor of the idea, that it G..:)~ (' ~i '~_" \) SEWARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 continued would provide our children with a recreational program, but that until the Armory gymnasium backboards arrived he did not know how the skating might interfere with the use of the floor for basketball. Mr. LaFond stated that no alteration of the facility was contemplated, that the basement, balcony and possibly the two lavatories would be completely blocked off and illuminated and that there would be absolutely no dark corners. Mr. LaFond pointed out that by complete illumination of all dark corners the conduct of the youngsters could be controlled and that would be the only way that you could control it. Clm. Lowell stated that it was his feeling that the skating would interfere with the condition of the floor for basketball, and that until the backboards arrived it appeared that the court would have to be reserved for basketballl use, whereupon Mr. LaFond responded that as he had stated before, he had not expected an immediate answer on the proposal. At this point the Mayor suggested that the Council might like to take the matter under advisement at this time, and in the meantime contact various school officials to determine their attitudes and their program of youth activities for the area, and asked at this point if there were further questions on the proposal. Pointing out that he had one question, the Mayor said that thinking in terms of utilities and other matters, he wondered if it was Mr. LaFond's intention to charge for the privilege of skating, whereupon Mr. LaFond responded that it would be necessary to make some charge to offset the expense of the operation. Mayor Stockton expressed to the Council that since this was a constructive youth activi~ that the Council might want to consider sharing in the cost of the utilities, pointing out, however, that it was merely a thought on his part. At this point Clm. Knight inquired of Mr. LaFond whom he represented, and Mr. LaFond stated that he merely represented himself and that this was an idea that he had had for several years. Mr. LaFond stated that he had had to hold the idea in abeyance since the usa had been used as a gyrr~asium by the high school, but that since the advent of the new Armory gymnasium there appeared to be no reason why it could not now be used for roller skating, which in his opinion would go over good. Mr. LaFond further stated treat he recollected the success and popularity of a similar venture some years ago, until the control was lost and the conduct of the children got out of hand. Mayor stockton then asked if it was the concurrence of the Council that the proposal be accepted by the Council and taken under advisement pending reference to other constituents to determine that there would be no conflict, or whether at this time there were still other questions. Clm. Knight stated that he was entirely in favor of the proposal and thought it should be taken under advisement, but only to make sure that all the details could be satisfactorily worked out. City Manager Bordwell stated that he had a question, and turning to Mr. LaFond, asked if the activity would be conducted by a non-profit corporation organized especially to provide a community youth activity, or if he expected to make a profit from the operation. Mr. LaFond stated that he did not see how any profit could be made, whereupon Va. Bordwell asked if the answer to the qup-stion was '~es." In response to Clm. Knight's question if it would be a non-profit deal, ~I. LaFond stated that it would be a non-profit deal, for he did not see how any profit could be made through the operation. Clm. Amend inquired of City Manager Bordwell what difference that would make. Mr. Bordwell stated that it would make quite a bit of difference in that if it was a non-profit operation strictly for the benefit of youth recrea- tion that it would be one thing, but that if there were to be a profit involved that certainly the Council would want to know in order to determine whether or not it would share in the cost of the utility bills and fuel oil, etc. Mayor stockton stated to Mr. LaFond that the City Council had been wondering of late what use or disposition could be made of the usa building and that at least for this winter his proposal appeared to him to be most welcome. ~fiyor stockton continued, stating that the Council appeared to interpose no objection to taking the proposal under advisement to determine that there would be no conflicting schedules, and that the last time he had spoken to the high school coach on the subject of the backboards it appeared that they were expected at almost any time and that surely they must now be enroute. .~ In response to the VEyor's query if any Councilman had any other question to put to Mr. LaFond, Clm. Leirer questioned what insurance they would carryon their activity. Mr. LaFond stated that with this type of activity he did not see how the City would be responsible under insurance or otherwise. Mayor stockton stated that it was his impression that the City would be covered by existing insurance, and turned to VIS. Pat Williams, the City's liability insurance agent, who stated I ~.-J ~- ,._".,,1 ,""" 'od: ;,,;;,J I I Or"'~"- "n,1 St:\\TF.RD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 continued that the building was covered but that athletic events and similar activities were normally excluded, and that this acti vi ty would probably have to be reported and would probably require some sort of extended coverage endorsement of the policy, it might prove expensive but undoubtedly could be arranged. Pointing out that ,we had a number of basketball games in that building from time to time, he wondered if the balcony, for example, collapsed on the blsachers, whether or not the City would be covered. Mrs. Williams stated that under the existing policy the City would be covered, that the exclusion was to outside bleachers. In response to the Mayor's question if he was satisfied on the point, Clm. Leirer nodded, following which the Mayor asked the Council if there were any other questions. No questions appearing, l',ayor Stockton then stated to Mr. LaFond that the matter was taken under advisement and that he would be informed as soon as the Council had had opportunity to contact other principals involved. There appearing no other people present requesting to be heard by the Council, the Mayor stated that we would take up the next order of business, which was the item of old Police Department bills under old business. ~hyor stockton stated these old Police Department bills appear to be one from Nudelw~n Bros. in the amount of $200, and a number from George Cake and Co., in the amount of $439.08, that these bills had been on a previous Agenda but had been laid over because of the inability of the Chief of Police to be present at the previous meeting, and observed that the Chief of Police was present at this meeting. City Manager Bordwell stated to the Mayor that these are bills which the Chief of Police had more or less inherited, and that they appeared to be for a variety of personal items, such as ouns, holsters, uniform equipment and other similar items, that the Department had apparently received. Police Chief Hodgkinson informed the Mayor that these bills were for such items as leather jackets, holsters, guns, harness, etc., bought for the different men on the Department force, but they were to be paid for by the men themselves. In response to the l~yor's question whether or not it was known who was responsible for these orders, Chief };odgkinson responded that an examination of tl',e records in the Department revealed that former Chief Carter E. Seymour had signed all the letters of order that had been located. Mayor Stockton stated to the City Manager that it was his recollection that the Police budget contained an item for certain items of apparel in lieu of buying their own, to which Mr. Bordwell responded, yes, that was the uniform allowance, which is $6 per month per man. The uniform allowance is made up in one check and deposited by the Chief of Police in the Police Benefit Fund. The ~hyor asked if he knew the various dates which the purchases represented by these statements had been made, to which Chief Hodgkinson responded that when Lt. Earl Hibpshman was down here as Acting Chief that he had written to both Nudelman and Cake for itemized statements and it developed that these items were purchased prior to his appointment as Chief and prior to ~tr. Bordwell's time. Whereupon City Manager Bordwell stated that there was one exception in an item during his time, where Acting Chief Marvin Miller had gone overboard without the authority of a purchase order. Clm. Lowell asked if the items of property were on hand in our possession, to which Chief Hodgkinson res- ponded, "No, the reason Lt. Eibpshman and I requested itemized statements was that none of this property could be located on the Departmental inventory." Chief Hodgkinson qualified his statement by saying that none of the items were in possession of the Department except one gun, holster and belt. Mayor Stockton stated that he was looking at a bill dated December 12, 1956, two leather coats were furnished for $82.00, and on March 5 1957 25 trousers were furnished, whereupon it was pointed out by Chief Hodgkinson that this item was for 25 trouser stripes. Whereupon the Mayor pointed out that the stripes for 25 pairs of trousers thus became an item of $87.50. Another item of five-button shirts, $130.50 and received payment on April 10, 1957 of $100.00. Chief Hodgkinson pointed out that the $100 payment had been made from funds in the Police Benefit Fund. Clm. Johnson pointed out that he was looking at one invoice that showed 5 hand guns and Chief Hodgkinson stated that in the past they had been purchased through the Depart- ment since the tax exemptions made it considerably cheaper for the members of the force to procure their firearms. Chief Hodgkinson pointed out that in the affidavit for tax exemptions that it is stated that these guns are used in the performance of their duty and that there was nothing technically wrong with the affidavit for tax exemptions. The matter of serial numbers identifying these guns was discussed and it was determined that any tracer would only lead back to the Seward Police Department as having been the original purchaser, and since there was no Departmental record by serial number of what individuals received which gun, the trail would end there, and for that purchase at least the serial numbers were of no significance in tracing the property. The Mayor pointed out that his raising the question of serial numbers ),",\J"C) /." 'r) 1"" SE\-lARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued and possible reference to the FBI for tracing was based upon his opinion that the guns had been purchased rather illegally, to which Chief Hodgkinson responded that technically the purchase of the guns was legal, that the tax exemption affidavit merely required that the guns be used by the purchaser in the performance of his official duty. Chief Hodgkinson further stated that the guns were purchased through the Department as a conv~nience, that each member presumably would have signed the tax exemption affidavit, and would have made payments on the property into the Police Benefit Fund. There are no records of any such payments to the Fund, but some of the members claim that they have made some payments but none of them came up with any receipts. "In the light of your statements, Chief," Mayot'Stockton questioned, "Wouldn't the City then have the right to repossess these guns?" To which Chief Hodgkinson responded, '~es, that is after you have paid these bills the guns actually become your property." Chief Hodgkinson stated that he did not know who had the guns at this time, but presumed that most of the officers who had left the Department were probably in possession of them. Clm. Knight stated that he gathered that the men had to supply their own uniforms, caps, guns and similar equipment. Chief Hodgkinson stated that the Councilman's presumption was correct, and that after the initial investment by the man the City then paid $6 per month per man as a uniform allowance for maintenance and possibly replacement thereof. Clm. Amend asked if at this point the City was responsible for these bills. In answer to Clm. Amend's question the City Manager stated yes, that these firms are looking to the City of Seward for payment. These orders were placed, so far as they are concerned, by the City of Seward through its Police Department, and even though these officers were acting outside the scope of their authority, at least since February 1, 1957, with the exception of one minor item, these firms have dealt with us in good faith. These firms are among the leading suppliers of police equipment and at this point our public relations with them are very poor because of these long over-due accounts. Clm. Lowell stated that as to these 4 guns, that if the City pays these bills they then become City property, and if these people haven't paid for them they are then stolen property and that there should be a full-scale investigation and the City either be reimbursed for these items or the guns recovered. Clm. Knight stated that it was his feeling with respect to the uniform allowance that in the future such allowance should be included in the individual's paycheck and the individual be responsible for his use or misuse of this allowance. City Manager Bordwell pointed out with respect to the proposal that the members of the Department had elected to have the uniform allowance paid in to the Police Benefit Fund, which the Chief and one designated officer would administer. Clm. Knight expressed the feeling that some property records should be kept with respect to purchases by members of the Department through the Department in order that any bills due could be deducted from their final pay checks when terminating, and thus protect the City from loss. Chief Eodgkinson pointed out with respect to Clm. Knight's proposal that no orders were placed for meITbers' items of personal equipment except for cash, and under these circumstances such records as he had suggested were probably not required to protect the City. Clm. Lowell stated to the Mayor, "Mr. ~Byor, if there aren't any receipts evidencing any payments, and if we okeh and pay these bills, how can the Chief proceed to collect or to advertise these guns or to put out an order that these guns belong to the City of Seward and are stolen property?" The Mayor stated that he was about to suggest to the Chief of Police that since we have a City Attorney retained, that if he had any question as to the legal procedure to recover either payment or property, that he discuss the matter with the City Attorney, if that be the wish of the Council. ~mereupon Clm. Lowell asked if perhaps we shouldn't have the Attorney's opinion with respect to whether we should pay these bills before we okeh them. The ~Byor asked the City Manager if the bills were on the Agenda for payment or simply as a matter of information to the Council. The City Manager stated that the matter was on the Agenda for whatever action the Council would wish to take, that in the interest of preserving the City's credit it would be his recomnendation that we pay these bills and then have the Chief of police take all the records and information that he has and consult with the City Attorney as to what can be done to recover either the money or the property. --- I ,~"., -"" ,,~- ~::. <::t ::zJ I I ?h9 S.E:.WARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued Clm. Knight pointed out that '~e have learned a lot of expensive lessons, and I think this is one more. If it is in order at this time I would move t~a~th~.bills be authorized for payment and that the City Manaaer. Chief of Police, and City Attorney take whatever measures can be taken to recover as much as possible from the men involved." Clm. Leirer pointed out that it might be a good lesson to some of the people involved if they were placed in jail, and that it might discourage future repetition of similar acts. Chief Hodgkinson responded to the observation of Clm. Leirer to the effect that he didn't feel that the patrolmen themselves were so seriously involved, that it was his opinion that the men themselves acted in good faith for the reason that none of the men he has asked has attempted to evade the issue. None has ever said that he did not receive the property. '1hereupon Clm. Johnson asked the Chief if he knew who the men were who had received the property. The Chief responded that Ronnie Smythe for one, but he contended that he had paid in full for his gun, yet had no receipt. The Chief continued as to Foster Ryker, "I understand from the boys that he bought one but I haven't seen him since I took over." Clm. Lowell stated that if any of these men have receipts then it appears that they would be standing in a good position, or that if they did have a receipt and the money wasn't there, then somebody should be investigating that angle. Chief Podg- kinson pointed out that there were expenditures from the Police Benefit Fund for various purchases, some of which perhaps were not proper charges against the Fund, and cited the incident that on a certain day the sum of $300 was deposited in the Fund and on the same day $275 was drawn out in favor of the former Chief. Clm. Lowell expressed the opinion that if Carter f,eymour was in charge of the Fund and the moneys were given to him to pay for these items, then the bills should be presented to him. However, "I would still like to see the City's credit remain good, no matter how we have to proceed." Chief Hodgkinson pointed out that with respect to the $300 for example, there was no record to show the purpose of those fund, that there was nothing to tie that partic- ular amount into any particular transaction. At this point Mayor Stockton stated that there didn't seem to be much else to do than to follow the procedure outlined in Clm. Knight's motion, if it be the wish of the Council to preserve the City's credit by paying these bills, then taking such legal steps as the City Attorney can devise to recover as much as we can for the City. Clm. Lowell expressed the opinion that by paying these bills we would be making a tacit admission that the City itself had actually ordered the material, and that the purchase was authorized, and wondered if some qualification could not be placed on the payment to dispel such an erroneous impression. Whereupon Clm. Johnson expressed the opinion that these firms should be informed that the purchases represented by these bills were unauthorized, that the City had a Purchase Order system, and that in the future no invoices would be honored except those based on a Purchase Order. City Manager Bordwell stated that it was his intention, should the bills be paid, to transmit the checks in a letter which would set forth concisely the fact that these transactions had not been authorized, describing the present Purchase Order system, and advising these firms that no future invoices would be honored unless they were based on a specific Purchase Order. Clm. Amend inquired of Clm. Knight if he had a motion on the floor. Clm. Knight responded in the affirmative and restated his motion, whereupon Clm. Amend stated, "I second the motion." Mayor ctockton stated, '~ou have heard the motion, which has been seconded by Clm. Amend. Are there any questions?" l1Dereupon Clm. Leirer said he would like to propose an amendrrEnt to the motion, that the Chief of Police be required to make a bi-monthly report of progress in the matter. To this proposal the Chief expressed the opinion that it probably wouldn't take that long, and the Mayor stated the opinion that since the proposal of the amendment could be accomplished by merely instructing the Chief to this extent, that it wasn't necessary to amend the motion. The Mayor inquired if there was any further discussion on the matter before it was put to vote, and Clm. Lowell raised the question of what disposition would be made of these guns if they were recovered, and it was developed that probably the best use would be to adopt the practice of the Department furnishing firearms to its patrolmen and keeping a property record where the items would either be returned upon the patrolman's termination, or equal value be deducted from his final pay check. 0"""'("' ,f" I, S~,I/ARD, ALACKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued The Mayor, in summing up prior to putting Clm. Knight's motion, stated that all the comments and points of view expressed by the various Councilmen should be taken into consideration by the City Manager and the Chief of Police when discussing the matter with the City Attorney, since it appears that the City in this instance had been very badly used. \{hereupon Clm. Amend volunteered that it was his feeling anybody involved that had property but no receipt should be forced to make full restitution to the City. There being no further question or discussion, the Mayor called for the roll on the Motion. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, no. Motion carried. Following the vote on the motion, Mayor stockton asked Chief Hodgkinson if he had anything further to bring hefore the Council at t!-,is time, to which the Chief replied that he would like to discuss a new patrol car for the Department. In res- ponse to question with respect to the matter of cost, Chief Hodgkinson stated that the three dealers in town could each furnish a police cruiser type vehicle for an average cost of approximately $3,000, and in view of the fact that we estimate the two old police cars that we have will bring in a trade-in value of $1500, this would mean a net cash outlay of approximately $1500 for a new cruiser. In response to'a question by Clm. Knight as to the characteristics of a police cruiser, Chief Hodg- kinson said that it had a beefed up front end, normally a leaded frame, that normally it came with standard equipment excluding radio, and that it has a higher powered engine. Clm. Amend expressed the opinion that he did not feel that an automobile was the answer to our problem, trat he thougrt a half ton panel or something similar, being of more rugged construction, would be superior to a straight automobile which in the past has just pounded to pieces in short order. There followed a general discussion of the relative merits of police cruisers, panels, sedans, man wagons and the mprits of different types of transmissions. It was concluded that the Chief of Police should secure and brinqback for the Council's consideration specifications and cost data of various makes of police cruisers, panel trucks and man wagons or carry-aIls as well. The Mayor then asked the Chief of Police if re had any further matters that he would like to take up with the Council at this time. There followed a general discussion with respect to property damage on Hallowe'en, which was conceded to be relatively minor, involving a few windows broken in the grammar school and the application of paint to a few automobiles. The Chief reported several youths responsible for the broken school windows as having been identified, and that their parents would be defraying the cost of rerlacing the windows. ~wo of the culprits on the automobile }~inting incidents had been ident- ified and a third was in process of identification, and their parents would be financially liable for that damage; that otherwise all incidents were relatively minor and harmless. There being no further questions in which the Chief was concerned, he was thanked by the Mayor and put at liberty to depart. However, Clm. Lowell brought up the question of how the Police Department could put a 24 hour watch on a radio transmi tter-rec"iver to be installed in the Police Department, and which would operate on the Territorial Police frequency, thus giving the City and Civil Defense a tie-in with the Territorial net and stations in the vicinity of Kenai Lake. Discussion developed that this would probably entail the hiring of an additional man in order to provide 24 hour coverage, which is not quite achieved under the present complex of the Police Department force. It was generally conceded that 24 hour coverage within the jail was desirable from the standpoint first of the City's liability for the welfare of prisoners in custody, and second to provide 24 hour communications watch. Clm. Amend suggested that one solution to a watch on the transmitter mentioned by elm. Lowell could be arranged during the night hours through the expedient of installing a dual speaker in the fire chief's quarters in the fire station. Any traffic developed during these night periods could be relayed to the police duty officer by the fire chief through use of the telephone. Clm. Lowell pointed out that this being police traffic that the operation should be confined to the police station and that if there was a firerran, either the chief or some other member of the department on duty at night, it might be advisable to see if the fireman could stay in the police station at night and he could act as jailer, also maintain the communications watch. elm. Amend's reaction to Clm. Lowell's proposal was that there was a possibility that such an arrangement might be worked out. It was pointed out that by putting an extension of the fire phone in the police station at a cost of approximatoly $2.50 per month, that the fireman on watcr. in the police station at night could answer either police calls or fire calls. Clm. Amend pointed out that this was a similar arrangement to one which was in process some time in the past, whereupon Clm. Knight observed that in this instance the Council wanted it strictly understood that this was not a proposal that was being jammed down anyone's ttroat. ~vith respect to the proposal by Clm. Amend and tr.e comments by Clm. Knight, Mayor stockton stated that if the members of the Council that were also members of the fire I \"""~ ~,.-. ..,,0.)' ,.,,,, . ""..1: ~ !:::J I I ?l1 SEWfu{D, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued department would want to bring it up at one of their own meetings strictly as their own suggestion, we would see what their reaction would be. If the matter can be worked out in that ma~ner it would be very satisfactory, if not we shall have to explore at the next meeting the proposition of the possibility of having to hire an additional jailer on the police force. Clm. Johnson moved "That th..e_ bilJ__t:r:.op1. _th~ Kenai Lurrber fOJ. _the _c_aJ))_~_b~.F-aid on November 5; I don''l.F-I}g~_tJlL~~act .amount of th_~_~il)J__b_u_t...':P__tQ_JF,-e__a_Illo_unt _of $300 I say it _shoul<ip_~J2.a):.q._': Seconded by Clm. Knight. Vote: Clm. Amend, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. The Yayor commented that the item 4B on the Agenda, the report of the League of Alaskan Cities convention had caught him by surprise, that he had not been prepared to make a formal report so recently after the meeting, and that he presumed perhaps that Mr. Bordwell had some report of his awn to present, which contention Mr. Bordwell denied, stating that he had presumed that the Mayor would wish to report 4t this meeting. The ~ayor proceeded to report on the activities of the convention. The Mayor prefaced his remarks by stating that he had been privileged to attend the previous convention of the League, and had been impressed with the manner in which the League operated. The Mayor further stated that he was even more impressed with the efficiency and procedures employed in the League convention this year, which he felt was attributable to the fact that they were at last beginning to learn how to be most effective. Pointing out that the theme of the convention was pointed at "Home Rule," the Mayor stated that he had not been too familiar with the exact scope of the municipal operations under such a condition or the necessity for it. However, during this convention we learned that the common problem of most Alaskan cities was that they did not have rome Rule, which meant that they did not have authority to solve their own problems and that rrany cities were operating under ordinances necessary to preserve and facilitate local government, which ordinances were actually in excess of authority and violations of Territorial and Federal law. ~ayor Stockton went on to point out that under this situation where so many cities were operating with long-standing ordinances of this character, that in a violation of any of these ordinances a sharp attorney could cause them to be set aside and further invalidated as being in excess of the authority of the municipality. The necessity for Home Rule is endorsed by Governor stepovich and the 17 Alaskan cities of the League, who all concur in the premise that a municipality should have the authority to legislate adequately those conditions of governmental control which would be conducive to a solution of local problems and a smoother, more efficient local governmental operation, instead of having to live with laws laid down either by the Territory of Alaska or in Washington D. C. which might prove for the most part unworkable at the local level. This theme of t:ome Rule persisted throughout the entire convention and crystallized into a resolution that the League of Alaskan Cities, representing the 17 major cities in Alaska, would propose before the Terri- torial legislature the proposition of adopting legislation leading to true Home Rule for Alaskan municipalities. The Mayor briefly outlined the legislative program which had been adopted as the League's objective for legislative accomplishment at the next session of the Territorial legislature. Mayor Stockton pointed out that he had been appointed to the legislative committee of the League during the convention, and that the City Manager had been appointed to the r.'solutions committee, and that one reason that he had stressed at a previous Council meeting the desirability of having as many merrbers of the Council as possible attend was not only that they might profit per- sonally but that we may have wound up with several representatives on each of these committees. Mayor Stockton went on to say that we had been unsuccessful in getting all our resolutions introduced; however, that Mr. Bordwell had been able to sustain our r'c'solution with respect to a National Guard F,rmory which was accepted by the resolutions committee, introduced and passed on the floor of the convention, which was to the effect that the League would urge the Territory to amend the 1957 session law dealing with National Guard appropriations for certain cities to include other cities. Mr. Bordwell then observed that he would like to read the exact language of the resolution which he read as follows: "To provide that authorization for Territorial funds be extended to the cities of the Territory of Alaska which may have heretofore constructed, or may hereafter construct National Guard Armories." Mr. Bordwell pointed out that the reason we had to go in for other cities is that if we had gone in with a bill specifically designed to reimburse the City of Seward for the $75,000 which had been advanced for its National Guard Armory, that the League would have rejected the resolution on the basis that it was private Cl"""'r.} k I. ". SEWARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued legislation and to be taken up directly by the City with the Territory. However, going in the way we did, the resolution purported to be in the broad general interest and therefore was accepted. Mayor stockton pointed out that Governor Stepovich had expressed his favor of the bill and that it would receive his support, and should such a bill cross his desk that he most certainly would sign it into law without hesitation. Mayor stockton stated that with respect to Home Rule, we were addressed at one of the sessions by Mr. Eenry J. Camarot, executive director of the Territorial Legislative Council, who had investigated the subject of Home Rule and done considerable re~search for it for the benefit of the Constitutional Convention. Mr. Camarot made a very learned address on the benefits and necessities of Home Rule, and gave us all a greater understanding of this condition of municipal government. Discussing the various workshops and the effectiveness of the League of Alaskan Cities the Mayor stated that it was his feeling that through the League Seward achieved more effective representa- tion than it did in Juneau during the legislative session, in that where our problems were of a general nature common to all municipalities, we received more support from the League. Mayor Stockton pointed out that the League was becoming more effective and a more constructive power in the Territory, and urged the Council that in future years the City not lose sight of the value and power of the League in the solution of the problems of our City. The Veyor referred to Mr. Harold Shefelman of Seattle, a specialist in municipal law and the organizing of municipal governments. Vu. Shefelman, after having observed several sessions, was very complimentary in his observations of the constructive actions of the League convention, and expressed the opinion that it certainly exemplified a maturity of municipal government in the Territory, which augered well for the future of Alaskan Government. The ~~yor pointed out that Mr. Shefelman was a member of the National Municipal League, a membpr of the Board of Regents of the University of Washington, had won the Outstanding Citizens Award in Seattle for the year 1956, and made the principal address at the banquet which concluded the convention, his subject at that time being "Democracy in Action." The ~Byor called on City Manager Bordwell for any observations or report that he might care to make. The City Manager commented briefly on some points made by Mr. Shefelman in his address, and then read briefly several of the most important resolutions of those adopted at the League Convention. There being no questions with respect to the League convention, the ~Byor pointed out that from time to time we would in the next few nights be discussing the League over the radio and since there were no further questions we would get on with the Agenda. In response to the ~~yor's questions as to whether there was anything further to be brought up under old business, Clm. Lowell stated that there was a warped floor at the Armory, that it was his impression that this was the responsibility of the con- tractor, and that if his impression was correct that immediate action should be taken to have the contractor take corrective action. The City Manager was instructed to ascertain whether or not the contracting officer for the National Guard was aware of the situation, and if not, to make him aware of the situation in order that final payment to the contractor might be held up pending a determination of responsibility. Clm. Lowell raised another point under old business, questioning what was being done with respect to the Lagoon Road. The City ~Bnager pointed out that either at a late hour on this date, or early hour tomorrow, that additional culvert capacity was being installed on the Lagoon Road on a "shallow bury" basis, that this was a crash solution, that the shallow bury method would provide relief at flood stage in that these additional culverts would then begin to carry their capacity and thus relieve the flooding on the west side of the Lagoon, that with respect to the east side, contact with the chief engineer of the Alaska ]{ailroad on this date had been made, and that the City Manager's office was waiting momentarily for word from the Alaska ~ailroad as to their intention with respect to increasing their culvert capacity under the right of way, and that this word was expected to be in the affirmative. The Hayor pointed out that he would be going to Anchorage on the day following this meeting, and that he would make an effort to contact the chief engineer of the Railroad to urge hIm into action. Passing on to new business, the ~eyor observed that item 3A was a bill of S85.07 for an emergency repair of the Civil Defense truck. On the subject, Clm. Lowell stated that he had been in Anchorage and was returning with 6 load of Civil Defense materials and equipment when the truck threw a connecting rod and that it had been necessary to rmt the truck in the shop and have repairs made. It was moved by Clm. Knight "I move we author)_z_e_.F-aY_m.ep_!. L~z _!.he _z~a..i~ to the Civil Defense truck in-.tll~ amount of $85.07." Seconded by Clm. Amend. Vote: Amend, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes;Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. I "...., :L"': -,~ '.,.,'"" .<f ~~ t:I..:l I I t2 ~~, , ! ,) SE'I'lARD, ALJl$KA Regular meeting - 11/4/57 Continued Nayor Stockton observed that item 3B on the Agenda had been eliminated at the request of Nrs. Pat Williams, who had intended to submit a letter, that with the Council's permission he would like to bring up a rratter that was not on the Agenda but that he felt of some importance to the community. ~Byor Stockton informed the Council that the Alaska Freight Lines had announced their intention to maintain their operation in Anchorage tr.roughout this winter instead of returning to Seward as his been the case in years past. It is understoo:i that the winter operation would be made possible by the use of an LCN vessel rioged as an ice breaker. Mayor stockton further informed the Council that certain people in the Anchorage area r,ave reque strd that we change our port policy with respect to the handling of explosives. It has been pointed out, }Byor stockton stated, that such freight can be handled cheaper through the Port of Seward, and of course the Alaska [<ail road would like to rave the freight haul. Further, that it was the feeling of these p20ple that the Council might want to consider the beneficial economic impact on the corranuni ty of the additional payroll repr'?sented by exploEives handling. Previous Councils, stated the Mayor, have placed an embargo on explosives handling in the Port of Seward, and the Alaska i<ailroad has requested reconsideration to permit such handling in Seward. fJW' # iV,s All v~I'('~,,~ It was noted by Mayor stockto~that the Coast vuard table of distances for explosives had oeen considerably relieved, and that under new packaging the explosives would be handled in cribs or small vans. The Hayor stated H.at he r.ad been informed that if present J1..nchordge rlans proceed, tr.ey will build a small explosives and arrmuni tion dock facility and if this should occur the explosives tonnage would be lost to Peward. The Mayor requested expressions of opinion from the Council, whereupon Clm. Lowell stated that he did not like tbe idea of these exr-losives being handled tl1rough as small a town as Seward, but tl1at Seward could probably go along with whatever the Coast Guard would recommend with respect to safeguarding regulations. Considerable general discussion ensued. Mayor stockton said that l1e felt perhaps to shorten the discussion that we were at the point where tr.e Council's opinion might be summarized in the statement t]-,at the City of Seward is agreeable to rescinding Heir prior deci sion with respect to explosives handling through the Port, provided srippers did not exceed the Coast GUard requlations and that tbeir methods conformed with such regulations. It appearing to the Council that tre summary repr."sented the concensus, Clm. Knight sta ted, "I move tl1at the City's re strict ions on the handling of explosives tluou<;:rh !he Ci ty and its environs be made ident ical to the Coast Guard Regulati:ms. " Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Vote: Clm. F.mend, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried unanimously. All items on the F.q~'nda having been disposed of, and there l,eing no Councilman with any further question to bring before the meeting, it was adjourned at 11 p.m. APP<<OV.=D: P~~~:ll!if{4~yJ ArrE~'T: tf'~t::2- Q~/A!A' Acting City Clerk - --- ------- ------ -------------------------- ADENDUM The following portion of tl1e Minutes of Special Meeting of 9/12/57 were ommitted on page 254 through stenographic error, and have been added herewith: The Mayor stated that we will now turn to the next order of business, for the consideration of Ordinance No. 278, clarifying the restated Sales Tax Ordinance No. 190-A, as amended by Ordinance No. 26? The Mayor asked the City Manager to explain the proposed Ordinance and to read the same in its entirety. City Manager Bordwell stated that it was his recollection that at a previou&exe- cuti ve session of the Council the City Attorneys had recommended the passage of an Ordinance similar to the one under consideration in order to clarify certain ambiguities which now exist as a result .of the amending of the basic Sales Tax Ordinance No. 190-A by Ordinance No. 267. Following a brief discussion, the Mayor inquired as to the wishes of the Council to proposed Ordinance No. 278, po~nting 2"'" , " , ,( ':. SEWARD, ALASKA Adendum to Special Meeting - 9/12/57 out that emergency passage should require a Motion to suspend a rule governing the passage of the Ordinance. Upon this Clm. Johnson stated: -I make a motion that we suspend the rules governing the passage for possible adoption of Ordinance No. 278." The motion was seconded by Clm. Leirer, and upon the roll call all voted in the affirmative. Mayor stockton stated that since the rules had been suspended, the Chair would like the view of the Council with respect to Proposed Ordinance No. 278, whereupon Clm. Lowell stated, -I move we adoF~_,.9_r_dina~ce No. 278.- Motion was seconded by Clm. Knight, and upon the roll call all voted in the affirmative. Attest: Acting City Clerk APPROVED: c2~ Q ~dtvI~ d Perr R. stockton, Jr;l"'.. Mayor ------- ----- ---- ----- ------------ ----- --- ~EWARD, ALASKA Special joint meeting of the City Council & Utility Board - 11/14/57 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Perry Stockton at 8.00 p.m. Present were the following: Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight and Leirer. Utility Board members Darling, Gilfilen and Skinner. Clm. Lowell and Utility Board Member stanton arrived at 8.10 p.m. City Manager Bordwell was present. There being no Agenda, Mayor stockton invited the members to present any problem they had in mind, and opened the meeting by calling on City Manager Bordwell for a progress report on the hydro-electric project. The City Manager stated that Mr. Ray Scott was prepared to make this report. Mayor Stockton then called I~ on Mr. Scott to brief the group. Mr. Scott informed the joint meeting that the clearing contractor had finished his clearing up to Mile 17, and from Mile 18 to Mile 22 there is some clean-up remaining to be done. From Mile 23 to Mile 25 the clearing is completed. From Mile 18 to approximately Mile 22t there is some access road yet to be put in. The erection of the guys, anchors, and framing has been completed the entire length of the line, with the exception of 24 or 25 poles and odd guys here and there on angles. There is a probability that there will be an extra at Mile 19, an addition to the contract. Mr. Scott explained some right-of-way trouble that necessitated an extra of 3 poles and 3 guys, in order to get around an angle. Mr. Scott estimated that the approximate completion date for the clearing contract, dependent on the weather, would be about the 7th of December, and for the pole line contract, about the 20th or 21st of December. Continuing. Mr. Scott read a financial statement showing amounts that had been paid both contractors, and amounts still due, together with miscellaneous expenditures. Upon Mayor Stockton's question, Mr. Scott reported that the pioneering work on the section Mile 25 to Mile 30 so far consisted of making a preliminary survey, in the hope they would have time to run a slash line, establish good profile f--, points, and find out what pole lengths would be necessary so they could be ordered ahead of the time they would be needed. A preliminary survey and a slash line has been run for 2+ miles, and a center line established. Mr. Scott called on Mr. Van Overbeke, who reported that the centerline was in, a profile had been run of the whole line, and references secured on each pole. He stated that with a week or two of work on this section, he could'have a good survey on the line all the way through. Mayor stockton called for any questions. Clm. Lowell asked about the extras mentioned by Mr. Scott, at Miles 23 and 18. I (;) H) ~.", ......,.wI ..'t ~ ~~ I I 6. ":\ ,~~ ~,.v tc ;) SEWARD, ALASKA Special joint meeting of the City Council & Utility Board - 11/14/57 (Continued) Mr. Scott explained that no easement could be secured from Mr. Long, and he would permit only one guy to be secured on his property. Due to this trouble, it would be necessary to set extra poles, possibly 2 or 3. At Mile 18, it does not seem possible to get an access road to the pole directly in front of the bridge crossing, pole No. 210. The pole will have to be straight-lined in and will have to be set by hand. There is no provision in the contract for that. A figure had been received from the pole line contractor which was rejected as too high. The contract provides three alternatives--to use a unit figure, mutually agree on a lump sum, or use a figure of cost plus 15%. The latter method was chosen, as it appeared the only way to reach a reasonable figure. A lengthy discussion followed, concerning the two extras, and the contractors were called on for their opinion of the problem. Mr. Connolly pointed out that his work was nearly completed, and some decision must be r.eached concerning the extras, as he had to make his plans for moving out his equipment. Mr. Foster said he had no , complaint to make, except to state he had been held up by adverse weather conditions, and it was his firm intention to fulfill his contract. Clm. Amend suggested that no decision be reached for another week, as by that time the weather might be more favorable and a more accurate decision could be made. He went on to say that due to the danger of starting a slide that might damage the road at pole 210, it might be cheaper for the City all the way around to have the pole set by hand, and not build an access road. ~r. Scott agreed that the observation might be correct at that particular pole. Mayor stockton pointed out the contractors had stated they had about 6 days' work scheduled, and perhaps another joint meeting could be called at that time.to reach some decision on the extras. Mr. Scott stated that a decision should be reached as soon as possible, tonight preferably, about pole 210. At this point City Manager Bordwell quoted from a letter from the engineer, Mr. Harstad, which stated that any increased cost to the city by one contractor would result in deductions in moneys of the other contractor. Mr. Darling said that since he and Mr. Skinner were new members and unacquainted with the project, he would like a closed meeting where they could be briefed. It was agreed that a closed meeting would be called after the adjournment of this session. It was decided to move on to other business, and come to a decision on the extras at the closed meeting. Mayor Stockton asked for other items of business, and Clm. Lowell requested that the Mayor inform the other members what had occured at an executive meeting of the City Council a few days previous. Mayor Stockton stated that a question had corne up involving members of the Water Department and their alleged work, perhaps in compe- tition with private industry, with the use of City equipment. At the time, no action was taken against Mr. Ritchie or Mr. Hansford. It was not a unanimous decision but no vote was taken, it being merely a discussion. The matter involved the use of a Back-hoe owned by Bill Muir. The Utility Board has been renting this machine on a 40 hour per week basis, with option to buy. The alleged work was done outside the rental period, on other than work day. Bill Muir had been present at the executive meeting, Mayor stockton continued, and stated that since he had received no payment for the machine he felt he still owned it,.and confirmed Mr. Ritchie's statement that the machine had been used with his knowledge and consent. Mayor Stockton stated that the question was whether a City employee should engage in business in competition with private enterprise. Clm. Lowell corrected the Mayor, saying the question was whether an employee would be permitted to use City property for private purposes. He aontinued, saying he had done further investigation and would like to present his findings to the two boards. He then turned to Mr. Ritchie and asked the details of work that had been done on the Stanton and the Sexton waterlines. Mr. Ritchie stated that City equipment had been used only to bring the waterline to the property line, and to make sure that the shut-off was installed straight. This meant he sometimes had to go over the property line a few feet. Ee stated that in the stanton work he had pulled the waterline loose, and had to go under the house to put it back in. He had use~City equipment for that part of the job, and the amount stanton had paid him was for the pipe that was put in. I ... r>'!'it /:,,:. 1:'~ b SEWARD, ALASKA Special joint meeting of the City Council & Utility Board - 11/14/57 Mr. Ritchie went on to explain the technical problems of the Sexton job, and < although City equipment had been left parked in the area, the contract part of the work was done with H&nsford's truck and Muir's S~oopmobile. A heated exchange followed, with Mayor stockton calling the meeting to order and pointing out that under City ordinance, Mr. Bordwell has authority over all City. employees, and if anything is to be changed, the Ordinance would first have to be changed. General discussion followed, after which Mayor Stoo~ton pointed out that at the executive meeting it was decided that at this joint meeting a policy would be l formulated for both bodies, which policy City Manager Bordwell would administer. More discussion followed regarding the various jobs, the equipment used, and the work now being done by the Watex Department. Clm. Lowell stated he would like to see a full scale investigation. If it could be positively proved that City equipment was used, he would like to see steps taken. Mr. Ritchie pointed out that while he was away from home his property had been trespassed by Clm. Lowell, and his record book removed from the Jeep in his garage. Mayor Stockton brought the meeting back to order, and called for a motion. He reminded the meeting, however, that it should be kept in mind that the City Manager was still, by ,City Ordinance, the man to dismiss any city employee. At this point City Manager Bordwell asked permission of the Mayor to make a statement. He went on to say, "It appears to me from the evidence and the testi- mony by Muir and others, that to my way of thinking these series of incidents have resulted, at least with respect to the alleged use of public property on these jobs, from the fact that it was understood by the City employees to be the property of Mr. Muir during the hours when the equipment ~ay have been employed by them. I believe now in the sincerity of that contention. .1 have discussed privately with both of them subsequent to our little meeting, the policy with respect to the use of City equipment; the policy with respect to clearance on anything other than routine city work. I feel very sure that insofar as I am concerned, the matter is at rest." After considerable further discussion, it was decided that City Manager Bordwell should formulate a personnel policy. He was instructed to draw on his previous experience, his contacts with employees, and his own ideas to formulate a personnel J pGlicy that could be presented to the Council and Utility Board, and accepted as definite City policy. Mayor stockton suggested that the rough draft be submitted to various City employees, to get their reaction, before it was presented to the Council. Clm. Knight then moved, "With respect to this particular incident. I move that the City Manager be instructed to investigate this matter to the fullest of his ability and present a report at the next regular Council meeting if possible. and certainly no later than the re~lar meeting following that." Clm. Lowell seconded the motion. Some of the members questioned the need for a motion at this time, and Clm. Knight explained his purpose was to lay the matter to rest one way or another. After it was determined there was no further question, Mayor Stockton called for a vote. VOTE: Clm. Amend, no; Johnson, no; Knight, yes; Leirer, no; Lowell, yes. It was decided the Utility Board would not vote, and the motion was defeated. Mayor Stockton called for any other suggestions that might bring about a solution to the problem. It was suggested that the City Manager ordinance be reviewed and be abided by. City Manager Bordwell remarked that some of the misunderstanding had come about over the Back-hoe, which is now clearly public property. As far as he was concerned, he felt he would prefer to have Mr. Ritchie and Mr. Hansford remain in their positions. Any similar incidents, to occur would be a clear-cut violation of policy, and would be, cause for immediate action by the City Manager. He went on to say he felt no further purpose would be served in engaging in an investigation. These things. can go on and on, and make the team spirit an impossible thing to achieve. He felt that at this point, nothing had struck very . seriously at the public interest. So far as he was concerned, unless he was otherwise instructed, he intended to retain the two men in question. Mayor Stockton asked for further questions and there being none, asked if there was any further business to bring before the meeting. Clm. Knight asked what were the prospects of obtaining another $100,000 on the bond money, and City Manager Bordwell replied the bonds would probably be picked up by the end of next week. I 277 SEWARD, ALASKA Special joint meeting of the City Council & Utility Board - 11/14/57 (Continued) Mayor Stockton asked if the Council could have copies of minutes of the Utility Board meetings, and Mr. Gilfilen replied he thought this was common practice, and he would see that it was arranged. Clm. Johnson brought up the matter of the Electrical Code, and pointed out that the new Seward General Hospital and other public builiings were in violation of that code. The differences were discussed, and Clm. Johnson requested that the Code be reviewed by the Utility Board. Clm. Leirer asked the Utility Board if they had ever determined whether they owe the City $11,000 they were supposed to have received as an advance at one time. The matter was explained and discussed, and no conclusions reached. Mayor Stockton asked if the City Manager had been able to get any further informa- tion regarding the proposed power grid on the Kenai Peninsula, and the City Manager replied he has discussed the matter with some of the men from CEA, and had drafted a letter concerning the matter. There was some general discussion regarding .~~ feasibility and plans for future construction on the Kenai Peninsula, and for .l!"; further financing for tne balance of ,the transmission line from Mile 25 to Moose Pass. -- .....'.r f"'f.. .~t W I I Mayor stockton asked for any further questions, and Clm. Lowell asked for a report from City Manager Bordwell on plans to combine the City offices and the Utility offices. The City Manager noted tne recommendation of the sub-committee of the Citizen's Advisory Board that the City offices be moved to the old Seward General Hospital. The matter was discussed and it was pointed out that so far tne matter was only a suggestion, and not a definite decision. Clm. Leirer -.rasked if the old post office space in the Federal Office Building had ever been considered, and after general discussion City Manager Bordwell was instructed to investigate the matter. Clm. Leirer pointed out that the pole line at its present terminus did not have very many customers, and these customers could be doubled by running the line to Moose Pass. He asked if it had ever been considered by the Utility Board having their own crew do the line work and the clearing, to get power to Moose Pass. Mr. Gilfilen replied that this had been the point of discussion at every meeting of the Utility Board, but that no decision could be reached at this point. Considerable discussion ensued, concerning future financing of the project, and the City Manager stated he intended to call Mr. Shepperd next week, if we did not hear from him before that time. It was agreed that a better bid could be secured if the City could afford to do preliminary clearing along the line. Mayor Stockton suggested that the meeting be adjourned so it could go into executive session, and Mr. Darling pointed out that since the contractors had left, he did not feel that an executive session was necessary but that his questions could be answered by continuing this meeting. Mayor stockton restated the question, which regarded the policy on the one pole No. 210. Considerable discussion brought out that it was probably not in the best interest of the City that the access road be built, since the City would be liable for any damage sustained by the hignway or the railroad. Upon Mr. Scott's stated opinion, it was determined that Mr. Connolly should be instructed to set the pole by hand. It was agreed that by terms of the contract, and Mr. Harstad's express instructions, Foster was liable for the extra. It was decided that all aspects of the question should be considered, including the fact that Foster would not be building about 400 feet of road and that would be credited to them against the cost of the extra, plus another stretch of about 400 feet on the other end of the line. It was pointed out that there is an arbitration clause in the contract, and so it was decided the Fosters should be notified they are liable for the extra, and the City would arbitrate on the amount. At this point Clm. Knight said, "I move that neither the Council nor the Utility Board authorize any changes or alterations in tne contract without tne recom- mendation and approval of the engineer." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Upon a question from the Mayor, the City Manager stated it was his intention to talk by Telephone in the morning to the engineers if the motion was passed, and, explain the problem, with the two following alternatives: (a) Give Connolly the 2"""" ;'V:" _ ,I t_, SE'tlARD, ALASKA Special joint meeting of the City Council & Utility Board - 11/14/57 (Continued) extra charge at 100~ over the original unit cost of that pole to the clearing contractor; or (b) charge the clearing contractor the amount of money he normally would have received for doing the road that he will not now be doing, and then share the difference in the cost of the extra between that reduced cost and the actual cost. There was some general discussion about whether or not the access roads would be of any value as maintenance roads. Mr. Gilfilen stated it was his opinion the engineer had already given his decision on the extra in his letter of November 12, while Mayor Stockton pointed out that the engineer did not know the present sentiment of the Utility Board and the City Council. Mayor Stockton asked for further questions, and when there were none, called for a vote on the motion before the session. VOTE: Clm. Amend, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, no; Clm. Lowell, yes. Motion carried. Mayor Stockton stated that if there was no furthe~ question, he would remind the members that there would be another joint meeting in about a week, and that would give them ti~e to assemble more information. The meeting was adjourned at 12.50 a.m. Attest: ~~a g~~. Acting City Clerk APPROVED:~W a ~-1L.,) 1. Per R. stockton, Jrl Mayor Note: Verbatim minutes of this meeting are filed in the Power Transmission Line File. - - -. - SEWARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/18/57 The regular Mayor Perry and Lowell. meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.07p.m. by Stockton, presiding. Present were Clm. Durant, Knight, Leirer City Manager Bordwell was present, Clm. Amend and Johnson absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 4th were read, amended and approved. Clm. Durant questioned the detail inserted in the minutes, and wondered if they could not be cut shorter. It was discussed briefly, and Mayor Stockton said that it would be brought up later, as he had something to bring before the session concerning the minutes of the special meeting. Item 3 on the Agenda was to be the hearing of Mr. Ray Billens on the subject of using City equipment for maintenance of Seward Airport - establishment of ,policy. As Mr. Billens did not appear, the City Manager pointed out the pres- ence of Chief of Police Hodgkinson, and suggested if the Council was willing, the chief could report on business brought forward from the previous meeting. Chief Hodgkinson reported, in regards a new patrol car for the Department, listed as item 4B on the Agenda, the local dealers have not as yet been able to get any information on prices of the 1958 models. Every dealer advised, however, that it would be impractical to consider anything but a police special for the job, since this car is built for heavy duty work--the frames are stronger, the spring suspension is heavier, and the dealers felt it would be a mistake on the part of the City to consider buying any other type vehicl~. In regards the,miscellaneous police equipment being traced, Chief Hodgkinson reported that in checking he found that during the past year, what uniforms were left around the station have been worn by other officers, and have been gradually worn out. Regarding the guns, a register book was found in the Depart- ment listing the guns of police officers as well as a number of citizens. The I '~--"1 L') "'- '''.'''' ~-" '<, ...-t i:rJ I I 27fl SEWARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/18/57 serial numbers were checked for the members of the Department, numbers matched those listed on the invoice from George Cake. of the officers' names did not show in the register book. and none of the However, some Clm. Lowell asked if it were not possible that these members might have had more than one pistol, and Chief Hodgkinson replied that all the members were contacted, and the guns registered are the ones they purchased while serving as police officers. Evidently they were paid for prior to the purc1ase of the guns on the invoice. This is with the exception of Edmund Endresen, who has receipts showing that he has paid more than half of what he is charged with, and he is paying the balance of around $59. Clm. Lowell asked what were the Chief's plans for locating the guns and other equipment. Chief Hodgkinson suggested a list of the serial numbers of the guns be sent to the Department in Anchorage, so that a pawnshop check could be made. He said the only thing they then could do was to work through other Police Departments. Upon further question, he said he had not yet talked with the City Attorney, but would do so at the first opportunity. Considerable discussion followed, and it was decided that Chief Hodgkinson should still make every effort to locate the missing guns. Mayor stockton asked the Chief for a report on any other Police matters he wished to bring before the Council, and Chief Hodgkinson reported they had found the person who damaged the automobile of Deputy Marshal Wellington on the night after Hallowe'en and had 6 juveniles in the Commissioner's Court. The Police have also obtained a confession from a juvenile for the theft of $200 from the Alaska Shop, and $50 from the A & B Service, and his father will make restitution. The same boy had confessed to the theft of a set of keys to T'Jerner's Market. Some dis- cussion ensued regarding the system of punishing and rehabilitating juvenile offenders. Mayor Stockton commended Chief Hodgkinson for doing a good job, and asked him to keep the Council informed regarding the missing hand guns and the police car. Clm. Durant had a suggestion regarding keys. He pointed out that anyone could have a key made at his store, and suggested the public be warned, and that they alert the police when keys are lost or missing. Chief Hodgkinson suggested something to this effect could be mentioned on the radio broadcast '~our City Reports." Clm. Leirer stated that people who positively did not want keys duplicated without personal permission could make a secret mark on those keys and list this mark with Clm. Durant and the police department. At the end of the discussion, Chief Hodgkinson was excused with thanks. Mayor Stockton noted that Mr. Tom Howell, president of the school board, was in attendance and would like the floor. On hospital business, Mr. Howell requested permission to have the utilities shut off in the old hospital buildings, as the buildings would be vacated within a week. Since the City does not have use for these buildings at the present time, permiss~o~was graB1ed. Mr. Howell reported he had an inquiry about the purchase of the/~^~Q~~~a~th~~~~i~fbrmed by Mayor Stockton that it was City policy to sell municipal property only on bid. Upon further question by Councilmen, it was determined that all the buildings belong to the City, but the furnishings belong to the Women's Division. Clm. Knight reported that Mrs. Blue had requested that if certain of the fixtures in the building were not needed, she could use them at the new hospital. I.?' Referring to item 4A on the Agenda, Mr. Howell mentioned that the new backboards for the Armory Gym should be in place within two weeks. City Manager Bordwell pointed out that the question of using the usa building for a roller skating rink had been dropped, as the party who planned to operate this youth activity was leaving for the States within a week, and would not return. As an item of interest, Mayor stockton infobmed Mr. Howell that the City would transfer the sales tax money to the school/sRgf~lY after the 15th of each month. Mr. Howell stated that Leon Lewis is the new treasurer, and mentioned the matter of a bond. Mayor stockton said it would be helpful if the school board would send the City a list of the new officers. The Mayor also offered the complete cooperation of the City Council, and Mr. Howell suggested it would be helpful if some of the Council members would attend School Board meetings. Mr. Howell remarked it would be helpful to the School Board if a reimbursement could be secured from the Territory for the Armory, and it was explained to him 280 SEWARD, ALASKA Regular meeting - 11/18/57 that this was a matter for Territorial legislation. There was some discussion about the abandonment of the Bay View school, and Mr. Howell reported that one class had been cut out. Mr. Howell stressed the need for telephone service out there, and asked for any cooperation in this matter that could be given. Clm. Knight requested information regarding the school bus expense, and asked if it were correct that the City pays this expense and is reimbursed by the school board. City Manager Bordwell confirmed this. Mr. Howell stated that the school board paid for the two busses that are wearing out, and is gradually being reimbursed by the Territory, so that when the busses are replaced the school board will have to replace them. Clm. Leirer asked the amount of the cost of the cess- pool, and Mr. Howell stated the work was not finished so a bill has not been rendered. Upon Clm. Durant's question if the work was being inspected, Mr. Howell reported it was being done in accordance with Territorial regulations. There being no further question, Mayor Stockton thanked Mr. Howell for his attendance, and again assured him of the cooperation of the City Council. Turning to Old Business, Mayor stockton asked City Manager Bordwell for a report on the usa Building, and the City Manager pointed out that this had been dis- cussed already, that the request for the use of the building could be__ held in, abeyance at this time. There being no further question, Mayor stockton moved to Item B, which had already been reported on by the Police Chief, so the next question, Item C. was brought up for discussion. Mayor stockton suggested that a special meeting be called in the near future to discuss the 1957-58 General Fund Budget. Mayor stockton suggested that since a joint meeting is pending with the Utility Board, perhaps the Budget Session could be held at the termination of that meeting. The suggest- ion was accepted by the City Manager, with the proviso that the Budget will not be ready for consideration until after the first of next week. As there were no further questions, the Council moved to the next item on the Agenda, the report on drainage of the Lagoon Road. The City ~anager reported he had received a letter from Mr. Zimmerman of the BPR, stating that additional culvert capacity was planned, and he planned to check with the Alaska Railroad ' to review the drainage structure under the railroad right-of-way, to make. sure their drainage capacity would correspond. There were no questions on this sub- ject, but Clm. Knight pointed out that there is a place on Fourth Avenue in front of Murl Trevethan's home, that is badly drained and is always flooded during heavy rainfall. Mayor Stockton added that he had been besieged with complaints by the residents in the area of Second and Washington regarding the lack of street lights. The City Manager pointed out that there were no existing street lights, and that under the bonding ordinance Utility funds could not be used to construct street lights, and the general fund has no money to do so. Mayor Stockton said he hoped something could be worked out. Clm. Durant pointed out that the surface of the Lagoon Road is becoming increasingly bad. The City Y~nager stated that the street department has been pressed with a sewer malfunction and it was felt that this is an emergency that involves public health and welfare. As soon as the men can be spared, the road will be given attention. There being no further questions, Mayor Stockton asked City Manager Bordwell to report on item 4E, the Seward Telephone System. The city Manager read a letter from Richard D. Harris, Trustee, in which it was stated that the pending deal with Cushing has fallen through, that it was planned to install an automatic dial system which might be installed by November 1, 1958. The Council moved to the next item of Business, the status report on City of Seward vs. Garrett. City Manager Bordwell stated that he had been in error in reporting previously that both sides had 20 days in which to submit their brief. The fact is the defense had 20 days in which to make their appeal and we had 20 days following that, and the court would take 10 days to make a decision. We will not look for a decision in this case until about November 25. After a 5 minute recess, the Council re-convened and went back to the subject of the Seward Telephone System. Clm. Lowell pointed out that if a new plant were installed it would be all right, but there is nothing ahead but a big outlay of cash, and if the dial system is to be installed, nothing can be used b~ides the new cable. They definitely want a price for their old equipment which does have a value but will be useless to us, and which has no resale value. City ~~nager '.'.1>.1" {..t\.J k' SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 11/18/57 (continued ) as follows: A.C.S., 78.58; Alaska Fire equipment, 45.00; Alaska Telephone Corp., 44.05;Alaska Shop, 4.54; Alaskan Stationers, 10.24; Andy's Oil, 174.67; Ballou and Wright, 209.14;Bay City, 5.00; Bill's Parts & Service, 24.02; Craig Taylor, 119.40; Dahlquist, 68.96; Durant's, 100.95; Glenn-Carrington, 49.50; Chas. Griffin, 81.66; Kenai Lumber, 256.36; Fred Kielcheski, 6.60; N.C. Co., 62.70; Paulsteiner, 35.00; Pete's Paint & Body, 32.50; Seward Builders, 18.50; Seward Electric, 850.55; Seward Hardware, 5.38; Seward Machine Shop, 17.38; Seward San., 36.95; Seward Trading, 39.42; Water, 495.00; Standard Oil, 308.35; United Janitor, 109.88; Werner's Market, 2.92; Western Standard, 65.24; Pat Williams, 261.22; Win Ervin, 12.00; Win Ervin, 26.76. Total, $3,658.42. Clm. Lowell inquired if towing char~es were billed back to the owner of the car towed, and the City Manager informed him that they were. There being no further question, Clm. Leirer said, "I make a motion that all bills be paid with the exception of the water bill." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. VOTE: Durant, yes; Knight, no; Leirer, yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried. There was some general discussion concerning the disputed water bill, 'after which the meeting adjourned at 10.50 p.m. ATTEsr: ~~a '/?~At.-r Acting City Clerk APPROVED: O~ Q -'%;.-/~ ;~. Perry . stockton, Jr. - fAyor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - December 2, 1957 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.02 p.m. by Mayor Perry Stockton. Present were Clm. Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. Clm. Durant arrived at 8.07 p.m. and Clm. Amend arrived at 8.16 p.m. City Manager Bordwell was present. Minutes of the Adendum to Special Meeting of September 12, 1957, Special Joint Meeting of November 14, 1957 and Regular Meeting of November 18, 1957 were read, amended and approved. Among people present was Police Chief Hodgkinson, who reported he has heard unofficially that two of the hand guns missing from the Police Dept. are in the possession of Foster Ryker and Carter Seymour. The Police Chief was instructed to continue his investigation and make every effort to repossess the missing property. Under Old Business, Mayor Stockton requested a,report from the City Manager regarding the inspection of the Armory and the High School. Mr. Bordwell reported that in the company of a competent engineer the inspection was made. The cracks in the high school are apparently of a superficial nature. Lt. Col. Burke has been notified of the cracks in the Armory walls, and he will make a personal inspection, in company with a representative of the contractor. City Manager Bordwell reported that under the item of the Beverage Dispensary License transfer, nothing has yet been heard from the Territorial Dept. of Taxation, and when their letter is received a further report will be made. At the request of Mayor Stockton, City Manager Bordwell opened and read bids from Win Ervin Motor Company and Bay City Motors, for a new police car. It was determined that the two bids were for different types of cars, so were not com- parable nor competitive. There was considerable discussion with Mr. Ervin, who was present, regarding the merits of different types of cars and their suitabil- ity to be used as police cruisers. Clm. Lowell moved -That we reject both bids submitted by Bay City Motor and Win Ervin Motor Comoanv in order for UB to draw up more complete specifications as to what we want in a olice car.- Seconded C m. Knight. Motion passed unanimously. I I I j .ct...'....!' .."'. 'if ~ ~ . aJ.' ~.~~ ~.s4:; lJ~oIt-~l 0.24 tM.~Oil-.1 7 4.67/ (.3~t 2 0 '~.14/ ~...5.00/ .~ 'P.9""- 2 4.02/ rr-~ ' / ~J+,l 1 9.4'0 fY.~_ 6 8.96/ ~~ 100.95/ ~._4 9.501" &.~-81..cs6/ ~~2 5 6.36/ '. '/' 4~f@'~J.~.Jt;6!(t<L- _ " . / N! ~~ L>. . 6 2.70 . f~ 3 5.00/ 6:h, ~~ 3 2..5 0/ Stu.~t;.""l 8JSq./' ~~' 8 5..0.5 5/ 'lendum to Special Meeting of September 12, 1957, j I JddO ./ ,_~r 14, 1957 and Regular Meeting of November 18, SwJ.. ~r' 5.38 J approved. Suo. ~. 17;3a1. _cJ..~, ' ~~'~ 6.95/ jiuJ.~ 39.4 2~jl W~4,:95.0 oj~ ~.~jJ 308.35 ' ~_1 '09.88/ i/J~ 2.92/ ~~65.24/ faA-W~2 6 1.2/ Wi...-..~~ 12.00/ iJJ;..,....,~ 26.76/ ~l82 Regular Meeting - 11/18/57 (continued) (k;A:' '>-4 0, 78.58; Alaska Fire equipment, 45.00; Alaska Telephone Corp., "'.:~J.>~,,t~, 4.54; Alaskan Stationers, 10.24; Andy's Oil, 174.67; Ballou :\, ." .'. /,';Bay City, 5.00; Bill's Parts & Service, 24.02; Craig Taylor, ......~~~;N5 '. , 68.96; Durant's, 100.95; Glenn-Carrington, 49.50; Chas. Griffin, ',r, 256.36; Fred Kielcheski, 6.60; N.C. Co., 62.70; Paulsteiner, t & Body, 32.50; Seward Builders, 18.50; 8eward Electric, 850.55; .38; Seward Machine 8hop, 17.38; Seward San., 36.95; Seward ter, 495.00; Standard Oil, 308.35; United Janitor, 109.88; .92; Western Standard, 65.24; Pat Williams, 261.22; Win Ervin, 26.76. Total, $3,658.42. 3,.6 $8.4 2~ * 'it ed if towing charges were billed back to the owner of the City Manager informed him that they were. There being no Clm. Leirer said, "I make a motion that all bills be paid with he water bill." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. VOTE: Durant, yes; , yes; Lowell, yes. Motion carried. leral discussion concerning the disputed water bill, 'after which 'ned at 10.50 p.m. '/?~~ r Clerk APPROVED: Q'f@i Q J/;;~~,( Perry . stockton, Jr. - ~yor f Regular Meeting - December 2, 1957 ng of the City Council was called to order at 8.02 p.m. by :ton. Present were Clm. Johnson, Knight, Leirer and Lowell. 'ed at 8.07 p.m. and Clm. Amend arrived at 8.16 p.m. City was present. Special Joint 1957 were lent was Police Chief Hodgkinson, who reported he has heard : two of the hand guns missing from the Police Dept. are in the Iter Ryker and Carter Seymour. The Police Chief was instructed .nvestigation and make every effort to repossess the missing IS, Mayor Stockton requested a,report from the City Manager Ipection of the Armory and the High School. Mr. Bordwell the company of a competent engineer the inspection was made. e high school are apparently of a superficial nature. Lt. Col. otitied of the cracks in the Armory walls, and he will make a lon, in company with a representative of the contractor. :iwell reported that under the item of the Beverage Dispensary , nothing has yet been heard from the Territorial Dept. of en their letter is received a further report will be made. f Mayor Stockton, City Manager Bordwell opened and read bids from ~ompany and Bay City Motors, for a new police car. It was the two bids were for different types of cars, so were not com- etitive. There was considerable discussion with Mr. Ervin, who arding the merits of different types of cars and their suitabil- s police cruisers. Clm. Lowell moved -That we reject both bids (City Motor and Win Ervin Motor Company in order for us to draw I specifications as to what we want in a police car.- Seconded Motion passed unanimously. r- ~281 SE'WARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 11/18/57 Bordwell suggested that the plan is to parallel the system, then cut over and pull the old system out. Clm. Lowell stated that meant replacing the balance of the cable not yet renewed, the messenger, the terminals, building a new plant, and putting in automatic dial equipment. City Manager Bordwell stated that although he was not urging that the telephone system be made a public utility, he thought the matter should be reviewed. There was general discussion on the subject, after which Mayor Stockton asked for questions, and there being none, the Council turned to item G under Old Business, the Brownell Homestead- Harathon Addition land titles. City Manager Bordwell reported that the City had had considerable correspondence with the Title Insurance and Trust Company regarding the land titles under question, in an effort to settle the matter of exceptions in title reports, etc. "."1 v-, . . ~"' ....'.. The Title Company has suggested that the balance of the property owners in the Marathon Addition be given the opportunity to join in the suit to quiet title if they so choose. The attorney who is handling the action has suggested that the individual fees in this matter would be approximately $25. The City Manager asked the Council whether, if the City takes the lead in this matter, it would be interpreted as soliciting business for the attorney. It was the concensus of the Council that the opportunity should be presented to the property owners, with the understanding that no solicitation was being made, and City Manager Bordwell was instructed to write letters to the people concerned. "'~~~ ~:t U~ Clm. Knight asked if there had been any report on the Armory floor, and the City Manager replied that it was being worked into the final. Clm. Lowell reported that the last time he was in the Armory, he had noted more than 17 horizontal and vertical cracks in the concrete walls. In a general discussion, it was decided that City Manager Bordwell should request an inspection from a disinterested qualified party, and Mayor Stockton recomIT~nded Mr. Doug Woodard, engineer on the new dock, or the Mattix-Stolte engineer Jimmy McMahan. It was pointed out that there seemed to be flaws in the high school, and this building should be included in an inspection. The City ~anager was also instructed to write letters to the proper authorities in both cases, as well as to see if an inspection could be arranged. Mayor stockton asked if there was any other old business to be discussed, and there being none, turned to item "A" under new business, a Beverage License transfer from Seward Bar to Pioneer Bar. City Manager Bordwell stated that while there was no objection to the transfer from the standpoint of morality, that this property is listed on the delinquent tax roll for unpaid real taxes for the past 3 years, and for unpaid personal property taxes for 1957. The City Manager asked for a determination of the question whether these unpaid taxes were against the best interest of the citizens of Seward, in that unpaid taxes throw a burden on those citizens who do pay their taxes. There was considerable general discussion, nfter which the City Manager was instructed to write the facts to the Liquor Control Board, stressing the fact, however, that the tax matter was the only complaint the City had regarding this license transfer. Continuing on to item SB, The City Manager said he had written to the Coast Guard and outlined the problem of explosives handling through the Port of Seward, and requested the Commandant of the Coast Guard District to inform us of Coast Guard procedures to make new regulations. No reply has been received, but in the meantime a letter was received from Mr. Lloyd of the Alaska Railroad, requesting that the City draw a resolution permitting the handling of explosives through the Port of Seward. General discussion ensued, during which it was decided that no resolution be drawn until the Coast Guard recommendations were received, and any further action would be based on Coast Guard recommendations. Clm. Lowell said, "I move that we table this until we hear from the Coast Guard, and take action at that time." Seconded by Clm. Knight. Clm. Durant wondered what Mr. Lloyd's purpose was in requesting us to pass a resolution, and it was suggested that a resolution had been adopted banning the handling of explo~ives, and now Mr. Lloyd thought that in order that this be reversed, another resoluttn would have to be passed. There was some general discussion, after which a vote was taken. VOTE: Clm. Durant, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, no; Lowell, yes. Motion carried. Mayor Stockton referred to the bills for the month of October, pointing out that the Councilmen have had an opportunity to look over the bills. These bills are 1 ,-"'" )~ ~-, ,,,-,',.t I':'-:r: ""':C t:~ I I "''\;I') .< (~,j SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - December 2, 1957 (continued) City Manager Bordwell was instructed to draw up the specifications with the help of the Police Chief, and get bids that could be considered by the Council at the earliest possible time. Chief Hodgkinson suggested that Anchorage uses many automobiles in their municipal government, and might have specifications that could be consulted. Mayor Stockton requested a report from the City Manager regarding the consoli- dation of the City offices, and Mr. Bordwell stated that the old Post Office space in the Federal Buildi~g had been inspected, and although considerable work might have to be done, and there might not be room for the Welfare Office, the space might be made suitable for City Offices. There was a possibility that the Court Chambers could be used for Council meetings and public functions. A letter has been written to the Custodian of the Federal Office Building, but no reply has been received as yet. There was a brief discussion, and the matter was forwarded to a future neeting. City Manager Bordwell reported that in company with Clm. Leirer and Clm. Johnson, the old Seward General Hospital had been inspected to see that it was properly winteri zed. Everything was found in good shape except that the water had not been drained from the radiators. Mr. Muller was notified and it is assumed that he took care of the matter. City Manager Bordwell read a letter from the Seward Citizens Advisory Board which recommended that the City look into the feasibility of moving all City Offices into the Old Hospital Building. Mayor Stockton asked Mrs. Barbara Bedford, Secretary, who was present, to convey the City's thanks to her group. Clm. Knight said, "I move we accept the report of the Citizens Ad- visory Board and tender our thanks." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion passed unanimously. At the request of Mayor Stockton, City Manager Bordwell read a letter from Irvin P. Cook, Chief Engineer of The Alaska Railroad, regarding additional culvert capacity under their right-of-way paralleling the Lagoon Road. It was pointed out no date had been set for the completion of this work. Considerable discussion ensued, and Clm. Leirer pointed out that a bridge crew was working at Mile 14, and they are capable of doing the work. Once they leave the area the Railroad would probably not send in a crew just for the culvert work. It was agreed that the City Manager follow through on seeing what could be done to have the culvert installed immediately. Giving a status report of the Crescent Lake Hydro Electric Project, City Manager Bordwell stated that the contract work was progressing in a satisfactory manner. He read a letter from Mr. Shepperd which was discouraging in the probability of obtaining additional funds to carry the work to Moose Pass. There was consider- able discussion, and it was decided thtough the delay was discouraging, the City would make every effort to bring the project to a successful conclusion. Mayor Stockton asked the City Manager for a status report on the program for Planning and Urban Renewal. The City Manager stated a meeting had been held with some of the Planning and Zoning Commission and other inter8sted persons, with Mr. William Walker of the Alaska Housing Authority and the initial work outlined, to get the two-year program underway. Mayor Stockton pointed out that City Attorney Buckalew was present, and asked for a report of any legal matters that might concern the City at this time. A lengthy discussion ensued reviewing the Sales Tax case and the matter involving the H. and T. Mining Company. City Manager Bordwell asked Mr. Buckalew for an oplnlon regarding a review of the Seward Municipal Magistrate's Code, with possible in- crease of jurisdiction from $100 to $300. There was a general discussion, after which Clm. Knight moved "That the City Manager be instructed to prepare an amend- ing ordinance raising the Jurisdiction of the Magistrate's Court from $100 to $300." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion passed unanimously, after which City Attorney Buckalew left the meeting. Clm. Johnson was temporarily excused at 10.45 p.m. At the request of Mayor Stockton, City Manager Bordwell presented the Right of Way Agreement and the final plans for approval of the Third Avenue Paving Project. Clm. Johnson returned to the meeting at 10.50 p.m., during the discussion of the plans where it was determined that the Right of Way agreement contained nothing of an unusual or previously unknown nature. Thereupon Clm. Knight moved "That the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract with the Bureau of Public Roads and the cover sheet for the final clans." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Motion passed unanimously. C; Q, !:, Motl '--"' " SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - December 2, 1957 (continued) Moving on to the request for personal property tax assessment adjustments, the Council acted as follows: Frank Woods - Clm. Lowell, -I move we refuse the adjustment.- Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. Frank Shannon - Clm. Knight, -I move we reject the adjustment.- Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Motion passed unanimously. Glen S. Wollum - Clm. Durant, -I move we accept this request for adjustment.- Seconded by Clm. Amend. Motion passed unanimously. Frances and James Hawkins - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Leirer~ 'Motion passed unanimously. Carl and Hazel Lantz - Clm. Leirer, -I move we accept this adiustment.- Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. Rose and Howard Gilmore - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion passed unanimously. ,,-.., Henry Reeves - Clm. Knight, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Durant. Motion passed unanimousLy. Elwyn and Mae Brossow - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded,by Clm. Johnson. Motion passed unanimously. G. O. Drennon - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Knight. Motion passed unanimously. Virgil Erdman - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept this adjustment.- Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Motion passed unanimously. Alton Cogswell - Clm. Amend, "I move we accept." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Motion passed unanimously. Mary and John Haynes - Clm. Leirer, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Knight. Motion passed unanimously. Jack and ILIa Wagner - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Lowell. VOTE: Clm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, no; Lowell, yes. Motion passed. Harvey Murray - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept.- Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Motion passed unanimously. Prank Wood - Clm. Amend, -I move we accept. - Seconded by Clm. Lowell. VOTE: Olm. Amend, yes; Durant, yes; Johnson, yes; Knight, yes; Leirer, no; Lowell, yes. Motion passed. Tax matters being taken care of, Mayor Stockton took up the matter of the Public Official Surety Bond for Mr. Leon D. Lewis, Treasurer of the Seward School Board. Clm. Johnson made the motion, -I move we accept the 91rety Bond.- sec- onded by Clm. Leirer. Motion passed unanimously. / Upon request by Mayor Stockton, City Manager Bordwell reported that Tom Reilly of the Seward Fish and Cold Storage had been talking wi th the Eades Brothers about the possibility of rebuilding the Marine Ways. They wanted to have an expression of opinion of the Council concerning the project, and it was the concensus that such an enterprise should be encouraged, with firm arrangements to be made before the actual work is started. City Manager Bordwell presented 8- Surrender of Lease by the U. S. Ar'lll!f of municipal lots in Block 34 and 35 in Seward District. There was a question whether or not some of these lots contained improvements, and after some dis- Durant moved -that we accept the surrender of lease by U. S. Ar'lll!f lots in Blocks 34 and 35 in Seward District, and authorize the Ma 0 e release.- Seconded by Clm. Knight. Motion passed unanimously. I '>"'1 !!~1 C'~') ,.::"'r. < f..iJ I I "-Qf:' .<, ( J ~ fi SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - December 2, 1957 (continued) Mayor stockton,moved on to the next order ef business, the resignation of Erma Walker as City Clerk of Seward. Mr. Bordwell relayed the verbal resignation, there being no covering letter. Clm. Leirer stated, -I move we accept the resignation of Erma Walker with regrets and thanks." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Motion passed unanimously. I?"~"HU" hIllll'LJo"" Iii? City Manager Bordwell ~re~eeea that Gene Snyder.. appointed as City Cler~, to combine with his duties as City Assessor, with his salary to be split between the two offices. Clm. Knight moved -that ,we accept and confirm Mr. Bordwell's appointment of Gene Snyder as City Clerk." Seconded by Clm. Lowell. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11.35 p.m. Attest:~fQ"" MAA~ tinq City Clerk /.J APPROVED: C<'I~Q AlkYL ~. Perry R. ockton, Jr. - MaY9 -~ - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - December 16, 1957 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.04 p.m. by Mayor Perry Stockton. Present were Clm. Amend, Johnson, Knight and Lowell. Clm. Durant arrived at 8.10 p.m., and Clm. Leirer arrived at 8.40 p.m. City Manager Bordwell was present. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 2, 1957 were read and approved. Among people present were Mr. Thomas E. Howell, president of the school board. He reported that there is heat escaping from the underground heating pipes between the high school and the Armory gymnasium, and believes that the insulation is faulty. He suggested that the matter be inspected and reported to Lt. Col. Burke, so that final payment can be held up until the matter is corrected. Mr. Howell also asked if the City has accepted the old Seward General Hospital back from the Women's Division. He explained that the Women's Division have the bUilding insured, and want to cancel this as soon as possible. Mr. Bordwell reported that the Hospital has not yet been accepted, as the final inspection has not been made. Clm. Johnson said that the inspection could be made the following day, and it was agreed that this would be done and a letter then written to the Women's Division accepting the building, with a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Howell. Police Chief Hod~nson was also present, and reported he had taken up the matter of the missing hand guns with the City Attorney. It was the Attorney's opinion there is no way to recover these guns, which are reputed to be in the possession of Foster Ryker and Carter Seymour. There was considerable discussion, after which the Chief was instructed to continue in every possible legal way to attempt to regain possession of the guns. Under the heading of Old Business, City Manager Bordwell made a report on the building inspection of the Armory building. Lt. Col. Burke, together with a representative of Inlet Plumbing and Heating, and Mr. Ray James and the City Manager had inspected the building. Concerning the fractures in the cement there was no serious structural damage, the cracks being the result of normal settlement and earth tremors. The contractor agreed to repair the buckled floor, provided the City would build a shallow storm porch over the outside rolling door. The con- tractor will correct the matter of bleacher fastenings pulling away from the walls. The cause of a leak in a vent pipe that made water run down in one corner of the building had now been discovered, and will be corrected. The thresholds to the rooms fronting on the basketball court will be finished off, but nothing can be done to close the gaps as the umount of cork insulation under the floor was reduced, without compensating the measurements of the door openings. The standby f~Qg L I \1, SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - Dec. 16, 1957 (Continued) pump in the heat system was inoperative, and has been removed and taken to Anchorage for repair or replacement. Mr. Bordwell said that Mr. Howell's report about the insulation on the heating pipes would be added to items to be cor- rected, and called to Lt. Col. Burke's attention. Moving on to the next order of Old Business, Mayor Stockton asked the City Manager to~en the sealed bids received from the three local automobile dealers for a new police car. After comparing the bids and a considerable discussion on the merits of each car and various types of tires, it was determined that the bid of the Win Ervin Motor Company was low, and Clm. Lowell said, HI move we accept the bid of ~ Win Ervin Motor Company for a Police SPecial, specifying 4 ply tires and acce t- ~ng a ra e-~n, or e pr~ce 0 . 0, and to include Positraction. for an additional $48.45 installed." Motion was seconded by Clm. Knight, after Mr. Ervin had stated delivery would be within 6 weeks. Motion passed unanimously. The next item of business was a report on the status of the Crescent Lake Hydro Project. City Manager Bordwell reported that a Utility Board meeting had been held a few days ago, as Murl Trevethan is going to Seattle and will contact Mr. Harstad and Mr. Sheppherd and brief them on exactly what is our situation, and the power picture as it is shaping up. At this point ~lm. Knight interrupted the City Manager to report to the Council that he had been informed that the Pole Line crew were taking off two weeks for the holiday season. ~J. Bordwell reported the matter had also been brought to his attention, and he intended to write Connolly a letter of protest as a matter of form. While the contractor is still well within the time limit of his contract, a record of protest should be established in case there is any question of time extension at tte end of the contract. City Manager Bordwell went on to say he had written to the Chugach Electric Association concerning our hydro-electric plqns and pointing out that our lines wouid probably join with theirs at some point, and that it. ,might be well to try ,. . to settle now any problems that might arise in the future. Also pointed out in the letter was the fact that an interchange of power was possible, regardless of whether Crescent Lake or Cooper Lake project was completed first. The reply to our ietter stated their construction plans, with the anticipation of having the project on the line for the winter of 1~60-61. Tne letter went on to state var- ious technical data, and ended with the statement that the Chugach Electric Board of Directors is interested in coordinating their activities on the Kenai peninsula with the Cit~ of $award, and desires to enter into an interchange of engineering information that wi~l permit maximum utilization of the facilities ~ XKf~~ to be developed in order to effect area-wide economies and operating efficiencies. ..., I I I Mayor Stock~on a~ this point asked the Council for their oplnlon of the City Manager's exploratory groundwork, and suggested that any objections should be registered at this time. The Councilmen expressed their approval of City Manager Bordwell's actions, and suggested he continue along the same lines. The City Manager went on to report that activity has been started at Bradley Lake, on the southern end of the peninsula at the head of Kachemak Bay. This location is reputed to offer the cheapest ROwer potential in this area, and this past season there has been some renewed Engineering work on this project, and some renewed effort to get the Bureau of Reclamation to build it. It appears that both the City of Anchorage and Chugach Electric will urge the building of Bradley Lake. With an economy-minded Congress, the project mig~t not be approved and our permit to build Crescent Lake will have added value. It might be well to attempt to get a block of power from Cooper Lake, and build our line to that point, rather than spend the money to start c~nst~uction of Crescent Lake. We could get hydro- electric power from Chugach at an incentive rate, which would make our net revenues look good. Then, as long ~s we are assured a subst~tial block of power, we can further defer Crescent Lake project and support the Bradley project, if we can get a block of power from that source on the same basis as anyone else would. This arrangement would give us a tie-in with Chugach Electric, and interlock our line not only to Cooper but to Bradley Lake. After that we could conceivably afford to build our own hydro-electric project at Crescent Lake, but up to that point we would participate in the other projects. Mr. Bordwell pointed out that this was random thinking now, but would reach a stage where he would need direction from the Council, whether to go ahead or retreat. I~ I .,....j t'.'~ (;") ~ < t:I.J I I '187 .. SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - Dec. 16, 1957 (Continued) The City Manager stated that we would have to pay the highest interest in history on our bonds, while Cooper Lake will be built with 2% money, and Bradley Lake would be built o~ a 50 year amortization with no interest. In consideration of the sensitive position of the Utility revenues, the bond market, and the potential power development on the Kenai Peninsula, Mr. Bordwell asked for an expression of opinion from the Councilmen regarding his exploratory work, and a suggestion regarding the further course of action. Clm. Lowell pointed out that whatever arrangement we could make to buy power, it would still be advantageous to build Cresjcent Lake. Mr. Bordwell agreed, but pointed out at the present time we, did not have the feasibility to finance such an undertaking, in fact our winter peak load has leveled off substantially below last year, and the revenues are from 13 to 15% off last year. Upon question from Clm. Durant, Mr. Bordwell stated that these matters had been discussed with the Utility Board, and Mr. Trevethan would take this picture to Mr. Harstad and Mr. Sheppherd, and ask them what steps they would ~uggest we take in the future. Clm. Durant commended the City Manager, saying Mr. Bordwell's presentation was the best statement of facts that had been made for a long time, and recommended that he continue in his present course of action. It was generally agreed by the Council that this would be proper, but in the meantime the City should do everything possible to get power to Moose Pass. There was a question regarding the Utility policy. on collecting thei~ outstanding accounts, and the City Manager reported that most of the delinquent accounts are now on a current basis. Clm. Lowell suggested that a considerable amount of overhead-could be saved by consolidating the City and Utility o~fices, and the City Manager replied that inquiries had been made of the Custodian of the Federal Building, but that so far no definite replies have been received. Turning to the next item of business, Mayor stockton asked the City Manager for a report on Explosives Handling through the Port of Seward. Mr. Bo~dwell reviewed the past history of this issue, and pointed out that although subsequent Resolutions had been passed, Ordinance No. 204 passed in 1950 was actually still the law in force. There was a lengthy discussion, at the conclusion of which it was decided that since The Alaska Railroad was anxious to bring explosives through Seward, and they were given jurisdiction over Explosives Handling over their dock by Ordinance No. 204, that they should negotiate with the Coast Guard to achieve whatever policy would be acceptable to the Coast Guard. The decision was put into a motion by Clm. Durant; who said, "I move that the City Manager send a copy of Ordinance No. 204 to the Alaska Railroad, including a letter of e lanatlon of the intent of the r lnance, and send a copy of the correspondence to the Coast Guard." Seconded by Clm. Knight. VOTE: Clm. Amend, yes; Clm. Durant, yes; Clm. Johnson, yes; Clm. Knight, yes; Clm. Leirer, yes; Clm. Lowell., no. Motion carried. The next item of business being a status report an Hand T Mining Company, the City Manager reported that Mr. Thomas, together with Mr. Bogan and City Attorney Buckalew, had come to the City office the previous week, - to try to come to some agreement regarding the First Lake swimnring hole. Upon being telephoned about the matter, Mayor stockton had appointed Clm. Lowell and Clm. Johnson as a committee to represent the. Council, and a meeting was now scheduled for tomorrow morning with Mr. Thorras, to go to First Lake, look over the situation, and come to some understanding. Clm. Amend suggested under Old Business, that he would like ~ report on what had been done with regard to adcli tional culvert capacity under the Railroad right-of-way in the Lagoon Road area. City Manager Bordwell said he had been unable to get a definite answer, and Mayor stockton stated as he was going to the Railroad offices in Anchorage tomorrow, he would see what could be done about the matter. It was the concensus of the Council that if immediate action could not be secured from the Alaska Railroad at the local level, that we would have to apply to the Department of the Interior in Washington. As another item of Old Business not on the Agenda, Mayor stockton reported that he and Clm. Knight had been invited to a luncheon meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission a few days ago, and that they had been told that this Commission felt that they were not getting across their efforts to the Council, and the coordination between the two bodies seems to have eased off. A particular unanswered question was where they stood with regard to condemnation procedures. City Manager Bordwell confirmed the Mayor's supposition that this was a matter still being considered by the City Attorney. nL~ Q "1 . :) l . SEWARD,- ALASKA Regular Meeting - Dec. 16, 1957 (Continued) The Mayor suggested that one or more members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, to keep both bod various actions being taken. He pointed out that althoug: ' '.... ' 'i" 'U' to do a good and responsible job, at the present time the: I .' '''',:,j,''>:':t!,~., , .' .: actions are not having any beneficial result. Clm. Knigh' A.~"t;i,i;it:':;9'K'/ Commission's work is particularly important at this time, ,.A.-.'~ ,,: i"" 'I" ,./ Urban Revewal Program the City is beginning to work on n01 ~td' 4 4 ,05/ , The First item of New Business being Ice and Snow Removal, ,,-.1;,\ oJl'4 5 '5.32,/ rep,Orted that while Ordinance No. 80 passed in 1924 provic$' ,../ owner or manager did not remove the snow from sidewalks tI4vrt'"",. 6 2 '.4 5 ~ bill the owner as a tax lien,. this Ordinance was rovoked 1, '" /' Attorney's recomlnendation to decrease the City's liabUit] s..~;t' 0 1.19 now in effect is the Police Ordinance, No. 212, which pr01' ,~ .' -:.... I manager should Iemove the snow and ice from the walk. Afi $. 1""21.4 9 cussion about 1 iabil ity and what action the, Ci ty could tal "'; CI'1.c.,,;,.' / tha t "thi s matter of our Ordinance should be submitted to 1Ji:JJ~ Ff'n 1.6 2 an opimon." Seconded by Clm. Durant. Motion passed unal",' .~.,. ,.,,,. / .R1h19uJ$r 6 ~ .2 1 Mayor stockton asked the Council if items (b) and ~c) on i<< . ,I report for 1956-57, and Proposed General Fund Budget, fis( Pel6'el\ 41 J) 0 fl( not be the subject of a special meeting. Mr. Bordwell poi ' ~. jJ.J,~ Marine Ways FuIld, it might be to the advantage of the City JIoIb1(tJdt.40 1 ,P 8 ~ ' the Bonds, and if this were to be done the procedure woulc! - ' within a short time. It was determined that the decision JIt'.'AP', .,1 L~? 2-00/ week, and elm. Knight said, "I move that these items (b) a/I~ / tabled for a special meeting not later than Monday, Deceml:;M~~'~ ~'1 :f; 0 Clm. Amend. Mot ion passed unanimously. . .... "7, the '~.~."~_6 1 .9' 8(" The monthly bills having been inspected by Councilmen ~~ / meeting, there was a brief discussion of various items, in' ~w 81.1.' 28.90 by Clm. Lowell that tools purchased for the City Shop be s " to discourage pilfering, after which Clm~ Knight said, "I 6'CIV P4~ 12.00/ bills be paid as listed. " Seconded by Clm. Durant. vofi:' / Durant, yes; Clm. Johnson, yes; Clm. Knight, yes; Clm. Lei tSewJJJW. "7.25 Motion carried. The monthly bills to be paid are as folIc , ./ . . ,. '(jefllJ#J~, 2 6,~ Or A.C.S., 43.94; Alaska Tel. Corp., 44.05; Andy sOlI, 455.3, J' , 62.45; Ballou-Wright, 101.19; Bay City Motor, 21.49; Bill'c5!",f{~1I ',. 6.64/ 31.62; Dahlquist Auto Sup., 63.21; Dr. Deisher, 41.00; Hol Kenai Lumber, 72.00; Larry's.Service, 1.50; Moore Busines~t.SOlC.C 1C/e(! 875'.20/ ' Builders, 28.90; Seward Drug, 12.00; Seward Hardware, 3.2 " / Seward Plumbing & Heating, 106.64; Seward Electric, 875.2 \Sew/1irIXi. ' 7.6'3' Seward Water, 495.00; Std. Oil, 207.56; Werner's, 54.21; W '" / Ervin~ 171.70; Yukon Equipment, 13.20; Petty Cash, 32.88. ~(tI~49 5',n 0 The l~st item on the Agenda being a request for personal p STtft",'2 0.7 ,f; 6 / adjustment by the Bay City Construction on the Back-hoe pU . was determined this was a just request, and Clm. Amend sai' ~e."Ne.A,6 5 4 21/ the tax assessment adjustment for Bay City Construction. " . t ,,/ Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. 1(.1'11 ~~"... J 7.9 t:Y' Clm. Amend asked if there was any chance that some work co M;-' El(tJiA/1 ? 1 .70/ Lagoon Road. The Councilmen felt that the holes could be: . and wet down to freeze, and would impr?ve the r?ad conside !lfII<,u Ji!. 1 J .20/ the beach could also be spread at the 1 ntersechons, so thi ' . / the traffic signs and not be in danger of skiddinq or gett: Pc'"'1 32 8 8.. c.4-6 ~ - , Another question of the COmrrUssion was in regards Buildin are not receiving copies of these permits, so do not kno been permitted and which are being constructed without au City Manager's opinion that this was, merely a misundersta' mission and the City Clerk, as the. records are available ,~ ---. I There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at APProVED: (2.1($ Perry R t:l Attest: l.14 -4 !? I; J;I ~ () 17,r~ ----, I _J lr. .-'-'" "0/" ...~ ~ ~-t r..i:l I I ?Rq) SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting - 12/27/57 The special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.19 p.m. by Mayor Perry stockton. Present were Clm. Durant, Johnson, Leirer and Lowell. Clm. Amend arrived at 8.40 p.m. Clm. Knight was absent. City Manager Bordwell was present, as were the various City Department heads. tI.iiiyor stockton opened the meeting by stating that this special meeting had been called to study the 1956-57 Audit Report and the 1957-58 General and Spec lial Fund Budget, and to consider a proposed Resolution and a Proposed Ordinance. There was some discussion and comment, particularly regarding the fact that the Sales Tax collections have fallen off considerably, and on the subject of the Electric and Water systems. There being no particular question on the Audit Report, Mayor Stockton suggested that the Audit Report and the Proposed Budget could be considered together, and the attention of the Council was turned to the Proposed Budget. City Manager Bordwell pointed out that although the Proposed Budget shows a deficit of some $17,000, this figure was arrived at by a most conservative estirrate of revenues, and an attempt to cover every contingency with regard to expenditures, and actually the deficit might be considerably less. In the previous year a deficit of $8,000 had been estimated, and actually the City had got by without creating a deficit at all. The Proposed Budget was discussed page by page, with City Manager,Bordwell answering the questions of the Councilmen. The various pages were approved as submitted, with some comment and~suggestions regarding possible increase in City revenues--a closer check on out-of-Territory automobiles present in the City for months at a time without being licensed in Alaska, and thus not taxed as personal property; more careful enforce- ment of the dog license ordinance, more careful check to see that building, plumbing and electrical permits are purchased to cover building and alteration. Police Chief Hodg- kinson said that from time to time he received stubs from all automobile lice n ses sold in the Third Division, and by running through these stubs it would be possible to pick out the Seward residents. He pointed out that checking on building permits was not reg- ular police work, but Clm. Johnson replied that in the absence of a building inspector or City Engineer, it was the duty of the Police to enforce all ordinances. When the Councilmen reached the report of the Fire Department, Clm. Johnson asked why the pay of the Fire Chief had not been included in suggested salary increases, to conform with salaries of other Department heads. There was considerable discussion, after which Clm. Leirer said, "I make a motion that the Fire Chief's salarv be increasen tn ~h?S.OO a month, as of Jan. 1. 1958." Clm. Lowell seconded. Vote was a unanimous "Yes." There was no recommended change in the Proposed Budget until the Education, Public Health and Sanitation Fund was considered. Mrs. Lotte Bogard, Public fealth Nurse, asked per- mission to speak, which was granted. She stated that since her office had been moved to the New Seward General fospital the proposed item of $1500 for rent would not be needed. Rather than strike this amount from the budget, Mrs. Bogard requested that the sum be used as partial payment on a new automobile for her use. She said she was driving a 1949 model which was increasingly expensive to the City in maintenance charges, and suggested that the purchase of a new automobile would be cheaper in the long run. Clm. Lowell said that occasionally there is an automobile available through Civil Defense, and as he was making a trip to Anchorage next week he would check on the vehicles available. Mayor Stockton told Mrs. Bogard that if the City purchased a new vehicle, she would not be able to use it except within the City. Mrs. Bogard said that the people of Moose Pass might be will- ing to share the cost of a new automobile, and had indeed already raised a small amount toward this purpose. She stated that althouah the Territory had purchased the present vehicle, they flatly refused to replace it with a new one. Mayor Stockton told Mrs. Bogard that her request was something new and the Council would take it under advisement, and instructed City Manager Bordwell to look into the matter. Studying the Marine Ways Fund, it was the decision of the Council that 9 bonds should be retired, and instructed the City Manager to go ahead with the necessary legal procedure to call the bonds. There was further general discussion of the Budget as a whole, after said, "I make a motion that we approve the proposed Budget as it has here, provided however that the proposed salary increase for the Cit anuary, , e con rl u ed the Utility Board." Motion was seconded by Clm. Lowell, and carried by unanimous vote of the Council. City Manager Bordwell read proposed Resolution No. 121, authorizing execution of qui t claim deed to a portion of the Brownell j-Jomestead. Clm. Durant moved, "that we suspend the rules to adopt Resolution No. 121." Motion seconded by Clm. Amend and carried unanimously. non " '~ SEWARD, ALASKA Special Meeting - 12/27/57 (continued) Clm. Amend said, "I move we adopt Resolution No. 121." Motion carried unanimously. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. City Manager Bordwell read Proposed Ordinance No. 280 to establish change in assessment date to January 1, conforming with Chapter 174, Session Laws of Alaska, 1957. Clm. Johnson said, "I make a motion we suspend the rules to adopt Ordinance No. 280." Seconded by Clm. Amend. Motion carried unanimously. Clm. Durant said, "I move we adopt Ordinance No. 280." Seconded by Clm. Leirer. Motion carried by unanimous vote of the Council. - 1 The evening's business being taken care of, the meeting adjourned at 12.20 a.m. --------------- APPROVED: me,,, rt4a ~..PV.H.<~ Acting City Clerk ------------ ------ ---- .-- ----------------- SEWARD, ALASKA Regular Meeting - 1/6/58 The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 8.07 p.m. Mayor Stockton being absent, Clm. Knight served as Acting Mayor. Also present were Clm. Amend, Johnson and Leirer. Clm. Lowell arrived at 8.20 p.m. City Manager Bordwell was present. Clm. Durant was absent. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 16, 1957 and of the special meeting of December 27, 1957 were read and approved. There being no people present who wanted to speak, the Council considered Item (a) of Old Business on the Agenda, the Dr. Deisher sewer assessment. City Manager ,~ Bordwell stated that Dr. Deisher had been assessed $318.60, but that he had been put to the expense of having 117 feet of line built instead of the usual average of 50 feet. A previous discussion of a Council Meeting had involved a similar matter, where it was indicated that some adjustment should be made in such cases. During the following discussion it was brought out that the City would have been put to far greater expense if they had put the City sewer line nearer the Deisher property, and Clm. Lowell said, nI move that we refund $159.30 to Dr. Deisher on his sewer assessment.n Motion seconded by Clm. Amend. The vote was a unanimous .yes.- The next subj ect being a status report on Explosives Handling through the Port of Seward, City Manager Bordwell reported that he had followed the instruction of the City Council at their previous regular meeting, in sending a copy of Ordinance No. 204 and an explanatory letter to the Alaska Railroad. To date a reply has not been rec- eived, so it is not known if the Alaska Railroad accepts the jurisdiction conferred by Ordinance No. 204. On the next item of Old Business, the Hand T Mining Company, Clm. Johnson reported that he and Clm. Lowell, the City Manager and Carl Thomas had gone over the 9!ound at First Lake the day following the last regular Council Meeting. At that time it was thought that some agreement might be worked out whereby the mining activities of the company would not interfere with the use of First Lake as a swimming pool. City Manager Bordwell said that on January 4, 1958, the Council Committee and he had met with Messrs. Haines, Thomas, Meis, and Robert Baumgartner as their legal advisor. At this meeting the mining people agreed to prepare for presentation at this Council meeting some definite proposal whereby both the City and the mining men would be able to use First Lake and the surrounding area. This agreement was not kept, for there are no representatives present from Hand T Mining Company. Clm. LoWell pointed out that at the committee meeting the Council Committee insisted that the mining people present in their statement positive evidence of their intent to mine on a businesslike basis, and not merely as a weekend and holiday operation. A statement was desired on how many men would be employed, as well as a study of the average work week and scope of operations. elm. Lowell pointed out that while a legitimate mining operation would benefit the City of Seward, on any other basis the property was just being tied up and the City residents denied use of First Lake as a recreation area. It was the assumption of the Council that the Hand T Mining Company proposal would be presented at the next regular Council Meeting. ---, '"--- . QRl)IIiAIICE 10. tao AI ORDIJW1Ci 'to f8'rABL1SH mE DATE OF iVWJATIOli OF ALL PROPER'ZY sus..n:cr '1'0 ml TAXBB FOR 5<XlOL AID II1HICIPA!. PURPOSES, AND PROVIDIlIG }'OR FIXING OF RATE OF LEVY' AN)) 0'l'f:UiR KATrElf1 BY RE8JLOTIOI SiCl'IOII 1. Be 1t OMa1Md. thet .U propu:ty nbjecrt to tuaUon, both na1 u.d ptt..IIOM1, nbjHt I. aohoot aDd .......1,.1 plll'pOMa w1thil\ the City of SewaI'Cl, Ala_ _11 be .....MCl .nd 1ta hl1 aad tn. .,..lu 1n lIIOney .. of JanUll.., 1 of the ....._t YMr 01 ..ab ud ."IT )'eel' toll_iIlq h.nalt.... SSCf101 J. 8e it Ivthel' pI'O'rided that the rat. of 1..,., dat. of equl1... tioa, ud the dat. wh.1l. taxa. _11 b.D~ deUnqu..t, Ual1 be her..fter ti~ by Beaolut1oa. All prcwblona and .ny ol'd1Mnoe. Mntoton paaNd 1n confliot with the.. pl'oYbion. .n henbr 1'tlpN14Kl to the extot of the oontl1C1t. A'Ay pl'O'f'h1ona 01' any ordlMft... 1ft CIOIltl1ot with the.. pl'0Y1.1ona eball be .1Il11ld4Kl to ooatOftl w1 th O\apt.r 1" of the sea.loa Law. of Al.aka, 19S7. AD -'V."" 1<< her.by ~land to .xin, and 11\ the pabHo int.net the hl.. voY.m11111 the ,..eave of ord1MM8a an h.roby eupmded and thia ordinuoe 1Ml1 be 01"1\ efleat t.edid.1y upon ita ....... and appro'ftll. PuMd aDd ......'Nd o.o.ber 17, ltS7. APPROVED. Q.. Q /.tf;./L, d" Pe R. stoettOI\, JrJ'. Mayoi' A2 .. ~.~*J~-, .... · C1 ty: elk .r,., ;. c",.,E~ .. "1:'.~;.' ..l<\':~l;' ',.:' :;::~- '~.;;.,;'/i::tl" ~..,~.~: ~,"~,:,tt"f..'~~"~P ~I. . , Ri8JLUTIO)l 10. 1~ W.liRiAS, on the 2ad Jllh US., the City of SWaI'd. Al..ka COftTftY*1 .. oertdft t....t 0' Iud (fo...1'11 . put of tJoIe ar-OWHl1 HoIIe.tead) to l.LICE i:lROiJUJ.L. tM dMd for vhio. W. d\l1y r.oor:cletl in Vol_ 14 of Deade at Pll9't US of tN J'HOI'U .f SWard Pl'eo1aot, dd WilERu;'s, OR the Ith ., Movabel' 1 Ul the Gi t, ., aew.rd con"y" an .~ IUOMl t..aat, adjoil\inq the aboYe.III."UOl\lkt t:raot. to DON C/1,RW!, l~~()!fl'flELL ALICt A. f3i0WJAU., trhieh clMd ",ae thereafter r.corchld ln VolUM U of Deede at . paqe 311 .0 the... day, aad w1i1iiSAS. 01\ tka 13th Ju. US:&. th4t ..id D()t;l ';;J.R1.O~7 BR:iW!liJ.1. and ALICli. A. DRv"riNELL, h..bud ... vUe. ItAt.ftd. illto a ....1 e.tat. ooat..a.t for the ..1. of both t..aol. (a. OM lUlit) to Joe. a. aftd 14. 11haa.th !lelaher of f:ewerd, Ale.b, wl\i8 ..ld ooatl'aot h of raool'd .. of the 11th J1lly usa in VolU8le 1 t Reoordtl p. 24, and WJ:liihJ\S, title to ..ld Iud ia about to PI" to the .aid J.!~,W'L El. D';HhfJt ud K.. tI..IUBF.TH DlJlllU;R W\dIIr and by Ylrtue of .aid oontract, aftd 1I'li.ri.RtAB, Ol\ a. eppl!oaUoa for an it.B.A. Loaa, the a.8Crlption of ..id land was obj..tecl to by the TlUe I".ul'aftOlt and 'fiut Co!tp.ay of ,nub. .. cle'.ctthe, beOa\a.. the le&Wl:th of the Une cleaet'ibiaq the aO\lthe..tern boIudary of tile thot dellOl'ibed In Vel..- 14 DMda 135 vu not .et forth in add. dMCl. lOW, ThtRtFQliU~, For the p\U'po" only of cor1'ect1l\; the de8Crlpt1on of ..id property. ~~I . 'INt the Hayo.. ud MlU\ioipal CliU'k of the City 01 s-aM, Aluka be and .~ thoy here,. are ..tllod_ to a.ent. a QUIT CUlM l)ElW, re1...inQ. nl1nqldtlh \ i1\9 ud qa1tt111O tN eldll of the eLly 01 SWard. Ala.... to t1\e add J o. e. !)ohhe... aM. K. iah.beth 0.1111\... to the identioal land oon.,.yed by the CUV .' .f s.ard. Ala..... to DoI\ Carl" !U"own.U end/or AU_ A. r~~ll u dor...id, I blat ...dblld ill . _"'1' ,I.ttinq forth lIOre 400\1rate1,. the _t.. and bounc:W ., ..ld tr4Ot, and BE ITf"UinlEi iGSVLViP U.at a" .-rvencJJ" 18 del_red to nl.t and that the rllle. oo.,enlao the pa...,. of haeluttona _ .lId they are hueby .us. pe~ and that tal. ii..,btion be o19en effect and it ia hereby Q1T.n effect .. ot the dah 01 ita pa~ and .JlProyu. P..'" UId Appa'Oftd 01\ thb 21th day of 0.....1', 1 tS' . ApPl'oftd . G?e/t~ q Ji..oJL./ L Pony R. ,rtootton Jr., }!eror I m.... L...,~M.<' GeM Sa.,..., Ci t en: i J