HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950 City Council Minutes Seward, Alaska Ja1 uary 3, 1950 I Clm. Miller moved that Osbo Electrical Supply be granted an extension to March 31st on the completlon of re-lighting the old school building, granting a 50% payment of the invoice upon presentation, also with the understanding that any delay due to occupancy would automatically extend the completion period. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Thereupon the contract for lighting the old school building was signed. A telegram was read from Mr. Maxey regarding extending telephone service Clm. Painter moved that the hourly payroll be paid. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved that the City continue operating the Verteran's HouS- ing Braa under the present setup and change the name and name of account to Seward Housing Area. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. /' / Approved: Attest& ~c!:~j u.~~/ Ci ty lark. Ilay ~I.'> . ,,/ / - - - - - - - - - - S"ward, Alaska January 16, 1950 - - - - - - - - - I A regular meeting of the common council was called to order at 8:10 P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were elm. Painter, M111er, Kirkpntrick, S~ferovich, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Wm. ERtes was present and reported on running survey lines for the proposed sewer system for the City, Nnrth of Jefferson street. The members of the vouncil re 'uested Mr. ERtes to continue with the profi~ work so all can be submitted to the Pllblic Works. Glen Tressler requested permission from the Council to use dymamite for the dismantling of the Quack,nbush hull in the Small Boat Harbor. Clm. S~ferovich moved that M~. T~essler be allowed to use dynamite on the Quackenbush. S~conded by Clm. M111er. All in f9vor; motion carried Mr. S~ttler of the Marathon CRfe reported that automobiles would park practically agJinst his building and asked permission to place some signs on his building for restricted ~rking; if there is trouble over the posting of these signs he will be re~uested by the Common Council to remove them. M1ke C,ipper, harbormaster, was present and reported problems of the Small Boat Harbor. Clm. Miller moved that Mr. Clipper be paid $150 as Harbormaster up to January 1st. SAconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor; motion carried. I Clm. M111er moved that the time limit on bids for the Police Car be extended to 9 P.M. S.conded by Clm. Wilson. all in favor;carried~ It was moved and seconded that Ordinance 86, SAction 9 be adopted. for the opening of the bids, during which time all persons shall be ex- cluded except the Mayor and members of the Council. Bids were read from S.ward Machine ~hop, Hoolilton's Garage and Pat's Garage. Clm. Seferovich moved to ac~ept the bid from Hamilton's Garage on Chevrolet 6 S.dan DAlivery, 1950 Model, for quoted price of $1981.55, minus radio priced at $82.00 making a total of $1899.55. SAconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor; motion carried. Mr. Peige of Soward Fish & Cold S~orage was present and requested an extension of his ledse. It was decided to give the matter considera- tion and consult with the City l~torney. A letter from the S. V. F. D was read in regards the completion of the new fire hall 8nd Bity hall quarters. Clm. SAferovich moved that a lease be drawn up between the S. V. F. ~. and the City of beward for the corner with the present City Hall, for the sum of $1.00 for a periOd of three years, date of which to C01IDence on date of completion of the newfire hall. SAcondeJ by Cl m. Miller. carried. All in favor; motion C'. <""J '('. > ....., Seward, Alaska, January 16. 1950 Motion was made by Clm. M~ller to pay $1.500.00 from GAneral Fund to the Fire D8partment for balance due on fire trick and $600 advance for completion of 'City Clerk's office in new fire hall. Seconded by Clm Wilson. All in favor; motion carried. . Clm. Painter moved that $1000.00 be sent to Alaska D.partment of Health. Juneau, for Public Health Nurse for fiscal year 1949-1950. S8conded by Clm. riillon. All in favor; motion carried. Bills were read as follows:Alaska T",3nsfer. $20; Andy's 011 Delivery. #353.82; ATEC. $27;63: O.M. B.aver. $244.40: J. Vic B",own & Sons.$3.00: U.S. Com. $3.50; ChriRtensen Air Rervice. $28.98; City Mvpressi $8.00; ,~ Hamilton'R, $146.45: Hanry Hnrton. $23.00: The Mart. $158.85: The Miro- Flex CO.1$4l4.42: I~fin Bsulsteiner. $1.00: Marathon Cafe. $5.84: Pat's GAra~e. ~149.51; Pete's Paint Shop. $41,30: S.w. Elec. ~ystem, $597.65: S~w. S.aport R.cord, $3.00; Sew. Hardware. $63.65: S8W. Plumbing & heating. $107.84: SAW. T",3ding Co.. $24.05; Standard Oil Co.. $64.31; S8W. Machine Shop, $40.91: Sew. W~ter Supply $7.50; Petty Cash. $14.60: Public Health Nurse. $10.37; City Evpress. $16.00. Clm. Miller Moved the bills be 6.1; for payment. SAconded by elm. S.ferovich. Painter no vote. M~ller. Kirkpatrick, S.ferovich. Wilson. ~yers in favor. Motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the C.rtificate of Approval of Jnhn Matich for Beverage Dispensary and Retail Liauor Licenses be approved. S.c. Clm. Miller. All in favor; motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved ~h.a t a 11 p'lrts to the Fire D.partment of roperation. in f:"vor; motion carried. Letter receivea from Governor Gruening Alaska Public ~orks ProRram was tabled. of the Civic CAnter be turned over Seconded by Clm. Miller. All Bids were read on repairs to the Blair's car and Thomas' car. Bids to go to Lowest bidder. S.ward l~chine Shop on Blair&s and Pete's Paint and Body Shop on ThomHs car. Phil Hardin'~'s letter was referred to the S.ward Volunteer D~partment. Motion moved and seconded to adjourn at 12:00 o'clock. f" / . / Anproved--"A , ',"",-, // Mayor ,; , &__--1..---<-"7' 'J7~ I': " Attest_'~-f. It Jir;!d-i,~/ City erk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAward. A18ska January 19,1950 -, - . - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A bpecial Meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of working on the extension of lease of Soward Fish and Cnld Storage, Boverage Dispensary Lice nse and discu- ssion of Public Health Nurse. Mayor Lanier in the chair. PT'esent were elm. Painter. M41ler. Kirkpatrick. Ijilson ond Myers. Absent Clm. S.ferovich. Clm. Miller moved to approve the Beverage ~ispensary Licsnse of Maurice N. Curry and Al Kessler. S8conded by Painter. All in favor; motion carried. Councilman Myers moved th,"t the Common Council is all in accord to extend the lease for the S.ward Fish and Cold S+orage to a total of fifty (50) years; this motion to serve as notice of extension until the instrument is executed at a Inter date, when passed in regular resolution form by the Common Council, between les~ee and lessor. Spconded by Councilman Painter. All in favor: motlon carried. Clm. Painter moved that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Alaska Housing Authorities M · r. E. Gl err ii'ilder, tha this '=, . . B...ward. ~lash '3 'i" January 19, 1950. 1 or~ani&ation consider a l~w cost housing project for the City of S.ward of which the City Council unanimously by motion has passed. SAconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor; motion carried. Clm. Painter moved the Ctty Clerk advance the Public Health Nur~e ~250 out of her allowed budget, amount to be followed by an itemized account of expense at the end of every month. S...conded by Clm. Miller. All in fyvor; motion carried. . Mntion moved and seconded to adjourn at 10:00 o'clock. P.M. Approved . /' ~. ? Mayor Attest .1.*-~Vl-ljl ,;t(-;~i"i'2.-Z_:L// City (Jl erk. - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - S"ward, Alaska FAbruary 6, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - A re~ulBr meeting of the Common Council wes called to order at 8;15 o'clock P.M. Mayor LEmier in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Painter, U111er, Kirkp~trick, S~ferovich, Wilson and Mvers. Minutes of the last regular and special meeting were read and Jpproved. The S~reet department, represented b} Councilman Painter, reported on the necessity of a new street grader. It was moved by~C~uncilman Painter that the City of SAward, enter into a ~ontract with the N~rtherr Commercial Company, for purchase ofgr~der for price Qf $13,539.57. S"conded by Clm. M1ller. all in favor; motion carried. I Clm. Painter moves the City advance $5,000 Co., with purchase order, for Cat. grader. All in favor; motion carried. to the IJnrthern Commercial Seconded by Clm. Myers. -.... Mrs. Thorne and Mr. DeLoughery Were present, representing the S"ward W"ter Supply. Manager DALougherydiscussed with members of the Council for future expansion of the V~ter Company to expand ~ith the future growth of the City, and regarding an adequate water supply for the City next Ninter. Un. DoLoughery was instructed to send B letter to the Council regarding plans 'for the summer season. Clm. Soferovich moves that Clm. Wilson be authorized heater installed at the Police Station for $302.46. Painter. All in fuvor; motion carried. elm.' Mil1'er moved to bUYIAchograph at $68.00, plus insta1l8tion chsrge, for new Police C~r. to be handled by Police Commissioner through Hamilton'R Garage. Seconded by Clm. Hvers; all 'in favor. to have the unit Soconded by Clm. I It was moved by Clm. Painter that the rules be su~ended for the adoption of QrrllnRnce 9no, Soconded by Clm. Miller. Clm. Painter. Miller, Kirkpatrick, S~ferovich, iiilson and Myers, voted yes. Milltion carried. Glm. It was moved by/Painter to adopt Ordinance No. 200. an Ordinance of the City of SAward. Alaska, confirming t ie results of a special election held in said city on September 8, 1949, for the adoption of a plan for making certRin additions and betterments to the Municipal electric Utility system and issuing revenue bonds in the sum of $50,000 to pay t lerefor and to provide for the refurding of outstanding electric utility revenue bonds in the principal sum of $54,000. Spconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Painter, Yiller, Kirkpatrick, Soferovich. jJllson. and Myers voted yes. !dotion carried. A letter was read from Plummer and Arnell regarding the Soward Fish and C~ld S+orage lease. It was moved by Clm. Seferovich adoption of Ordinance No. 201. Miller. Ki~atrick, S"ferovich. carried. ~ that the rules be suspended for the Stconded by Glm. M1ller. Clm. Painter, ~ilson and Myers, voted yes. iotion f". Seward, Alaska F~bruary 6, 1950 Clm. Myers moved to adopt O~dinance No. 201, an Ordinance to Provide for the Leasing of the Seward Marine liays for a term or FRy (50) years and to prescrive the terms and conditions of such lease. SAconded by Clm. Seferovich. Clm. Painter, M~l;er, K1rkpatrick, Seferovich, Wilson and Myers, voted yes. Motion carrled. Clm. Painter moved to sUspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution on the S~ward Marine Ways. Seconded by Clm. M~ller. Clm. Painter, Miller~ K1rkp~trick. SAferovich, Wilson and Myers, voted yes. Motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to adopt the Resolution to Provide for Construction upon Seward Marine Ways and to prescribe the terms and conditions of such construction and to Approve of the A~reement BAtween Sewurd Fish & Cold Storage Co., InC., and the Anchorage S~nd and Gravel Co., InC., as read. Soconded by Clm. Miller. Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Soferovich, ~tlson and Myers, voted yes. Motion carried. Clm. Miller moved the City Clerk be instructed to write check to' Seward Vnlunteer Fire Dopartment Building Fund, in amount of $568.54. Soconded by Glm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. PAinter moved the hourly payroll be approved. Seferovich. All in frvor, motion carried. Seconded by Clm. Olm. Wilson moved that the 01 ty Ole rk write a 1 etter notifying him to vacate motor pool property by March by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. A letter from B. M. F~ench, of Bureau of Public Roads, requesting permission to close Fifth A"enue between "R" and "0" Si-reets, as it extends through their property. This was approved by the Common Council and written permission gr-Jnted. . to Lt. Burke 15th. Spconded A letter containing bid for Lot 4 block 5, Laubner iI,ddition, was read and tabled. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 1:45 A.M. c- Approved t n;)~ Mayo AttestJ ~J M6~ City e r k ~ ,~: ~ ~:;(: d....~ .~.O;.. ~. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska February 10, 1950. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- A Special Meeting of the Common Oouncil was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M.; for the purpose of discussing the contract of Osbo's Electrical Supply for re-lighting the old school building and for signing the contract for Diesel engine. Mayor Lanier in the Chair.. Present were Councilmen Painter, M~ller, Kirkpatrick, Soferovich, .wilson and Myers. Osbo spke in behalf-of himself regarding the lighting fixtures in the old school building. There was considerable discussion between the members of the Council, Utility Board members and other electrians of 'the City who were present. Clm. Soferovich moved that Osbo's Electrical Supply uphol~ t~e speci- fications of the contract in relighting the old school bU1Llng. Soconded by Glm. Miller~ Councilmen Puinter, M111er, Kirkpat,ick, Seferovich, ~ilson and Myers voted yes. Motion carried. Clm. Soferovich moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution for purchase of F~irbanks, Morse Diesel Engine. Soconded by C,m. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Councilman Paipter moved to adopt the Resolution as read, pertaining to tIle purchase 0 Fairbanks, lAnrse & Co Di 1 i 480 ., ese eng ne, HP, Mndel , . Seward, .i.lask"l Fobruary 10, 19bO. 31A8-1/2, together with auxiliary equipment specified, for the sum of $35,571.00. Soconded by Councilman Miller. All in favor, motion carried. I Councilman Soferovich moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Conditional Contract for the purchase of Fqirbanks, Morse Diesel engine. 480 HP, Mndel 31AB-l/2,. SAconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor. motion carried. A letter was read from ~lwyn Swetmann, to the Soward Electric System, regarding the $104,000 Bond issue. Mt')tion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00 o'clock P.M. Attest: 1~~ ~'7- ~ - City lerk . _ ~I'/ Approved_ '<> . ;' , Mayor" / <./ . // " .~t.. Soward. Alaska Fobruary 13, 1950 I A S]:e cial meeting of the Common Council was cHlled to order at 5:10 P.M. for the purpose of preparing and submitting application to Alaska Public ;iorks\ for sewer project, study a couple letters, and decided on K. D Cobbnn s proposal. Mavor Lanier in the ch~ir. Present were elm. 'Painter. Miller. Kirkpatrick, Wilson. Absent. Clm. Soferovich and Myers. Mr. Osbo apologized, through the Mayor for his conduct at the previous Council meeting. . W. H. ~stes presented a map showing the lines he has run and the grades that are to be surveyed. There was considerable uiscussion regarding the cost, levels, grades, etc. I Clm. Miller moved to suspend the rules for adoption of Rosolution. 8S read, authorizing Filing o(Anp),.,.:\,,,catimn with the United bt"tes of America for" Public iiorks/tin::hfr'"' 'the terms of the Alaska Public Works Program, Public Law 264, 81st Congress of the United States, approved August 24, 1949. Seconded by Glm. Painter. Painter. Miller, Kirkpatrick and Wilson in flvor. Motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to adopt the Resolution, as read, authorizing Filing of Anplication wi th the United States of America for a Public l'lorks under the terms of the alaska Publ ici/orks Program, Public Law 264, 51st Congress of the United states, Approved August 24, 1949. WHEREAS. the City of SeWl:lrd, herein called the uApplicantJl, after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data, has hereby determined that the construction of certain Public Hork. generally described as North End Sewer Project, is desirable and is a useful public work project of the kind contem~lat. ed to be provided unuer Public Law i:;64, Blst Congress, and therefore it is requested that the URitect S~ates undertake the construction of said works imme'iately, and iiHEHEAb. under the terms of Public Law 264, 51st Cnngress, approved August 24, 1949, the URited States of America is uuthorized to construc1 such P..bliciiork; and , WHEREAS. the applicant has examined and duly considered such act including the provision requiring the applicant, in the event that the Government undertakes to provide the P"blic work above described, to enter into an appropri3te agreement pursuant to which t~e applic- ant Shall agree, in consideration for such public work, to operate and maint~in the pUblic work at its own expense and to pay the URited States for such Public Work at such time or ti~es as may be mutually agreed, a purchase price deemed by the udministrdtor of general services to be reasonable and in the public interest; and '.'iHErtEAS. the 8ppl icant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an applic at ion under said act snd to authorize other action in connection therewith; NOW. ThEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the governin~ body of said APplicant, 8S follows: 1. That the c6nstruction of said public work is essential to and ts of th , l~", ' } Seward, J.laska February l~, 1950 public work may be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that the constr~ction thereof be undertaken immediately: 2. That Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor. of theCity of S~wa~d be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the applicant an application (in form renuired by the United States and in conformity with said act) for the construction by the United S~ates of such public work, which shall consist. generally of a Sewer Project in the North end of S.ward, from Jefferson Street north to C Street; from First Avenue $est to S..venth Avenue east, except in the alley between Sixth and Seventh Avenue, where it will extend from Anams S~reet to C Street. This project to run in the alleys north between each avenue named above. 3. The said representative is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other ~iction as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for the construction by the United St.ates of the Public Work: 4. That the officer designated in the preceding p ragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United St.ates such information, data and documents pertaining to the application for Public work 8S may be re- quired; and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with t;:is application. 5. That certified copies of this Resolution be included as part of t the application for the above described Public York to be submitted to the United S~ates. S..conde0 by Clm. Wilson. Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick and Wilson voted yes. Motion carried. K. D. Cobban reQue9tedspace on the dock at the Small Boat Harbor for a small building for,use as a shellfish market. Clm. Painter suggested the matter be referred to Clm. Soferovich, and the proposal to be brou~ht up at the next meeting of the Council. A letter was read from the Halibut Producer's Cooperative regarding fish shipped from Seward Fish and Cold St.orage. It was decided to hold a special meeting to discuss this matter. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:40 P.M. A~test: ~ ~~'--' City Clerk. r I. / ~,' ~ .' r ApprovedL:.,,~~_. a L~. '_ MaiJ5r Seward, Alaska F..bruary 20, 1950 A regu13r meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. PT'esent were Councilmen Painter, Miller, Klrkpatrick, S..ferovich, ~ilson and Myers. Mlnutes of the last regular meeting and special meetings were read and approved. An article was read by the (.;ityUlerk from the map;f.izine "Nations's Business", entitled "What This 'J.'own Needs". The School 'Board was present represented by lArs. Wagner and D,... Shelton. Supt. C~rlson was also present. A letter was read from Carl R. Carlson, Supt. of Seward Publlc School in connection with the $16,500 to $17,000 appropriation from the Tobacco Tax. It was requested that the School Board send a letter to the Council this week, advising of their needs, including a ventilating system and repairs to tIe old school building. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved thut M~yor Lanier be authorized to call Manley and Mayer regarding plans for future school Rnd gymnasium. S..conded by Clm. ~ilson. All in favor. Mntion carried. Mr. Thrall was present representing the Youth (.;ouncil out the needs of the children of this community. ' A letter was read from G,..ande & (;0. regarding the acquiring of the water utility by the purchase of a sufficient amount of revenue bonds. ,and pointed elm. Painter moved the B..ve,'age J.)ispensary License of Curry be CAncelled and aDprove the Boverage uispensary License of and John Hagg for 1950. S~conded by Clm. ~ilson. All in f and Kessler Maurice Curry vor,motion carried. Soward, 1~lask8 FAbruary 20, 1950 Clm. Mi lIeI' moved that the A...my Engineers Rivers and Harbors, be notified that the Ci ty Council requests they make examination for additional breakwater and extension. Soconded by Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. read Soveral letters were/from G...ande and C~., regarding the signing of $104,000 Utility b~nds. I Letter from ATEC, dated FAbruary 10, 1950, regarding proposal of purchasl was read, and the recommendat ion of the Util i ty Board Has read 8S follows; addressed to E" L. A_nell ,md dated Fobruary 20, 1950. We are, on behalf of the City of Soward, submitting the following proposal to A.T.E.C. for its acceptance. The Corporation to sell to the City of Soward, its present customers list, any meters, wire, transformers, poles and in- ventory that the City can use, with the exception of its diesel engine, water ;vheels, pipe lines and -.vater rights for the following consideration: 1. The City to pay the Corporation the sum of $5000.00 upon the signing of the s~les Hgreement. 2. Alaska Telephone ~ngineering ~orporation and the City of Soward to enter into a t~enty (20) year contract allowing A.T.E.C. to use the City poles for telephone lines only, subject 1;0 the City's gr~mting telephone fr"nchise to A.T.E.C. 3. The vity to guarantee all just power accounts due to A.T.E.C. from its customers. This guarantee shall Jpply only to the discontinuance by the City of service to any delinquent customer upon re'uest by A.T.E.C. 4. The price of the inventory referred to Jbove shall be determined by agreement between the Soward Division Manager of A.T.E.C. and the Superintendent of the City of BeNard Electric System, and shall be paid as ac~uired. ' 5. Alaska To~phone EngineerinB Corpor tion shall grant permission to the City of Soward to use its transmission lines without cost duri0V the transition or change of policy. 6. Alaska Telephone ~ngineering Corporation shall remove all its unnecessary poles upon completion of the transfer without cost to the City of S.ward. Alaska Telephone hnp,ineering Corp- oration shall renounce any and all of its rights to distributing or sell ing power within the corporate limits of t"e City of Soward; or selling, distributing or transmitting electric power throu~h the corporate limits of tne City of Seward. 7. this offer to expire March 31, 1950. I I Y~urs very truly, Eugene N. Lanier Me yor Letter from E G1 en \iilder, li.laska Housing "uthori ty, was read. A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce offering their af;sistance in any programs for improvements to the vity that the Council might have A letter from GoorRe M. Mc~ughlin of Alaska National Guard, was read, for the establishment of a rifle platoon in Seward. A letter was read from E. L. Arnell, regarding the limitation of liquor licenses in the vity. January report from Public HeAlth Nllrse, Gortrude JurReleit, was read. LAtter from Koebig and Koebig, consulting engineers, was read and Statement of Qualifications was filed. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letteBng~bols Electrical bupply, requesting ~~. ORbo to put up Bond/gs specified in contract, or contract will be cancelled. It was moved by Clm. PRinter that the City Clerk write a letter qotify- ing the Soward ~8ter Supply that action will be tbken under Ordinance 36, S...ction 4. Soconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor,motion ,; carried. / Seward, J;.lr~ska F~bruary 20, 1950 A bid from Maurice L. Dee was read for Lot 26, Block 21, but it was decided the City is not in any position at the present time to offer this lot for sale due to the Low Cost Housing Project. elm. Painter moved that the bid from C. B. Flynn, be accepted for the purchase of Lot 4. Block 5, Laubner Addit .on for the sum of $40. S~conded b Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Bids from WAbb ~ l1~bb, E~dmann A~ency and Baumgartner, on Workmen's Compensation Insurance, were read and tubled until a later date. In~uiry was made by DQvid D. Fleming regarding Lot 32, Block 20. This property is still under lease to the A~my. The City ~lerk was instructed to write a let er to Bunch's Liquor S~ore reouesting that the garbage racks be put out by t~e alley. It was also decided that the Alaska Fountain is a separate business and subject to separate garbage bills. The City ~lerk was instructed to send a letter to the Nobby Club re- Questing that they immediately clean their pack yard of rubbish and bottles, said letter to be delivered in person by Chief Clark. The. Gity Clerk waB instructed to write to SAward WAter Supply requesting that one of their employees and the Fire Chief check the fire hydrants and send a bill for the ones in working order. The following bills were read: Andy's Oil Delivery, $346.24; Alasks T~ansfer, $40. ATEC 36.03: BAumgartner, $268.43; O.M. B~aver, $125; Christensen Air S~rvice, 77~i City Express, $10.30: Hamilton's.$30.26; Henry Horton, $42; N.C~ Co. ~106.G8; Osbo's $10.90; Pat's GRrage,$93.60; Paulsteiner $2.40; RAfter's $4.52; Seward WAter Supply $222.50; S~apo~t Rocord. $7.50; Seward ~lec.System $557.25; Seward Plumbing & Heating, $25.16; ~tewart & Muir, $22.50; Seward Hardware, $69.31; SAward P~ug $4.00; Seward Machine uhop $128.73; Standard Oil Co. $101.74; It was moved by .~lm. Myers that bills be approved for payment with exception of Seward ,Vater Supply. Seconded b,/ Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 12.20 A.M. Attest_.~ ~ City Ie k APpro.,L~,..,jcJ;. :, Ma y( r - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAward, alaska FAbruary 27. 1950. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the common Council was called to order at 5:10 P. M. for the purpose of discussing Sbward Fish and Cold S~o~HRe, Public Works Program with the City Engineer. letter from Elk s Lodge, Mavor Lanier in the CfuAir. Present were elm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Soferovich, IIil80n and Myers. The letter from Halibut Producer's Corporgtion and regards to the S~ward Fish and Cnld Srora~e was read and the matt~r discussed wi~h Mr. Roilly. He stated that they expect to have.twlce the productlon this season and things will be handled more efflciently than last year. Mr. RAilly will correspond with the Halibut PrOducer's Corpor8tionin regards to the matter discussed in their letter. Mr. Mull , repre6entati~e from Fqirbbnks Morse 00.. was present and ~aveGfacts and figures concerning the new engine of the ooward ~lectric system. The application to Public ~orks for the sewer system was completed and made ready for meiling to the office at Juneau. A letter from the Elk's Lodge WHS reid concerning transferring their liquor license for/R~~ht to the U. ~. O. Building for their Purple Bubble Bqll. This matter was tebled until the next regular meeting. Soward. Alaska Fobruary 27. 1950 Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:55.P. M. At-test_k/ ~ City erk (/- Approved (.", , ,,( / - --' 7 ~ Ma yo IV ~// /-,- ,l " , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S Wn d "1 ska March 3- 1950 o or , i. a . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~---- A special meeting of the Common '-'ouncil wes called to order at 8:10 P. M.. for the purpose of signinR the bonds for the il04,OOO S~ward Electric System Bond Issue for 1950, and giving the Mayor Bnd Lity Clerk authority to sign them. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Presen~ were Clm. Painter, Miller. Sofer'ovich, I/ilson and r.~yers. Absent Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Miller moved that the Mayor and ~ity Clerk be authorized to sifl:n the Soward Electric Utility Bonds, 1950, in the sum of $104,000 in $1000 denominations. B..conded by Clm. Hilson. All in favor, motion carried. "'otidlW3s made and seconded to adjourn at 8:30. Attest:h.(' J&A~ City 1 ek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )/ Approved-C, / Mayo~ . /; ~,: -.>'; , , - - - - - - - - - I S..ward, alaska March 6, 19bO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the common Council was callec to order at 8:10 P. M.. Mayor Lanier in the Chair, Present were Clm. Pdinter, Miller, lirkpatrick, Wilson and ~y'rs. Absent, ~lm. SAferovich. Minutes of the last regular meeting and special meetings were read~ and approved. A letter was read from the B..wflrd \V",ter 0upply/ regarding their finances and stating they are unable to sell at the present time due to the procedure of transfer of ownership. Clm. ~8inter moved that the City Clerk write a letter to the Soward linter Supply asking their price for belling the entire water system.. Saconded by Clm. hilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved that the Mayor and two Councilmen be authorized to sign the contract with N. C. Co. for purchase D12 Motor G~ader. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. A letter from Clinton S+aples re FHA Title II to Governor Gruening was read and carbon copy of letter from Governor G~uening to Elwyn Swetmann re FHA was also read. I Letter~ from S...Vl8rd Chamber of (Jommerce regarding small boat hHrbor, tourist camping and fishing sites,rural electricification, new school building and gymnasium were read. The letter from Chamber of Commerce regarding R",dio Phone S~rvice for the Cityand Kenai PeninsulJ and noise and interference, was to be referred to the Utility Board. Letter from the Chamber of Uommerce regarding available space in the Council chambers for holding meetings is to be referred to t.le fire dep1 Mr. and ~rs. L. L. Jones were present and complained about the water' service stating that they have been without water for some time. Mrs. R.M. ,vagner was also present and complained about the water. Seward, Alaska March 6, 1950 Letter from Sgward Fourth of July Committee, Inc. was read and ordered tableq until the next regular meeting. Application was read from William H. Estes renuesting position as City Engineer. The City Clerk was instructed to write him a letter . reouesting him to be bt~~the Council meeting to be held at 8:00 P.M. on March 13th, to discuss hiring as Engineer. The February report of Public Health Nurse was read. Letter from Lytle and Green Co. was read, regarding the rent for the use of the grader, said bill to be paid with regular bills. Bid from C. B. Flynn for ten lots in Block 6, Laubner Addition, was read and tlbled for consideraion of the matter. Mr. Flynn to be noti- fied that the City does not sell more than five lots at Dne time to one perEon, Hnl request him to attend the next council meeting. A letter was read from the Utility Board the building known AS Teen Town. It was Tgen Town building be turned over to the Quarters for the plant superintendent. All in favor, motion carried. requesting per~ission to aCQuire moved by Clm. Myers that the Utility Doard for use as Soeonded by Clm. Painter. A letter from E. L. Arnell referring to Sqles Tax being paid by Insurance A~ents and Attorneys. City ~lerk instructed to write a letter to Mr. H"nt about paying Sqles Tax. A letter from the School Board was read requesting certain repairs to the old school building and plans for a new school building and gymnasium, together with a letter from James Ryan. Commissioner of Erlucation'about the 10bacco tax. Clm. Painter moved to refund James Construction Co. $420 on 10tslO, 11, and 12 and the fractions of Lnts 8, 9 and 1 and 2,_Block 19, FAd- eral Addition sold by the City in error. Sgconded by Clm. .iilson. All in favor, motion carried. Councilman Wilson moved that the present City Hall Building be leased to the Fire Dopartment for five (5) years, beginning April 1, 1950 to April 1. 1955. Soconded by Councilman Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that the City Clerk be authorized to draw $355 from Seward Voteran's Housing account for the Fire DApartment for painting contract for the new City Hall and close the account. Soconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved as of t is date, all rentals for Seward Housing AreA be p::lid to the City I.,..lerk ::lnd the books be kept at the City Hall. Soconded by Councilman Myers. All in f'.Jvor, motion carried. Clm. PAinter moved that the hourly payroll plus the Bill to for $672 for surveying of proposed Sewer project, be paid. by Clm. Myers. ~11 in favor, motion carried. W. H. EFltes Socohded Motion was moved and seconded to adjonrn at 11:35 P.M. i ,. -/ .- , C I Approved J;' >1,'//: ,-ILl ;:,~, "''f''- Mavq Attest_.Y ~~./ Jk_ Ci tv C erk. - - - - - - - - - - - S..ward, d.laska March 13, 1950. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M. for the purpose of discussing with the S~hool Board on school and gym- nasium project. City Engineer and beward Houwing A~ea business. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. P~esent were Clm. Painter, M~ller, Kirkpatrick, Spferovich, liilson and Myers. Two letters from Goneral Sorvices Administration were read regarding Seward, ..laskCl March 13, 1950 the prospective sewer project. Anplkation was received too late for the 1950 construction season and the members of the C"uncil requested that any possible steps be taken to expedite the sewer project for the 1950 construction season. Mayor Lanier stated that while in Anchorage he hCld seen Manley and mayer, architects. lnd they had preparedadvdnced planning for the City of SAward. 1 All members of the schocl board were present, tOf,ether with Mr. Cqrlson, Sup8rintendent. A letter from the school board, by Mr. Carlson, was read, stating that the proposed plans did not reully meet the needs of the local schools but was primarily a city recreational project. The members of the school board did not approve of building gymnasium and swimrncng pool at this time, due priQsrily to the upkeep of swimming pool, which fund~ should be used directly for the support of schools. Bill from SAward Water Supply for fire hydrants was read and the City Clerk instructed to return/gim~he bill is in error and until the said hydrants are proven to be in working order to the Fire Chief, the bill is not liable for payment. Motion WAS made and seconded to adjurn at 10:40 PdA. / Attest_ ~ ~~~ City Cl rk. Approved-,-,. (, ~' , Ma, or /// . ,..' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska March 18, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A special meeting of the COffiillon vouncil was called to order at 12:05 P.M. for the purpose of grClnting or not granting permission for bars to remAin open after 1 A.M. and for signing of new N.C. Contract on #12 Motor G~8der,Serial 8T4349. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. P~esent were Councilman. Psinter. Kirkpatrick, Sp,ferovich, Wilson and Myers. ~bsent Councilwan Miller. Councilman Painter moved that the bars be allowed permission to stay open until 3 A. M.. bunday. March 19, 1950. Seconded by Councibman Soferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Stipulation w as made thut in the future, re~uest for permission to remain open after 1:00 A.M" be made by proper representation of a majority of 13"verage Dispensary License holders. Said re,'uest to be made at least three ddYs prior to date required to remain open. Clm. Soferovich moved to ~rant the Mayor power to re-sign Conditional Sales Contract with N"rthern Commercial Co.. for C"t. 12 grader, No. 8T4349. S~conded by elm. Painter. All in favor. motion carried. Motion WqS made and carried to adjourn at 12:20 P.M. 1- Attest 2 :. I__J tt~,,~ ~erk. /: Approved,{, , 'f' Mayp- ~ /..f '- /~/ /. I. >,' , ' S..wArd. il-laska M'l rch ~O. 1950 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - A re~ular meeting of the C"rnmon ~nuncil was called to order at 8:10 P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter. Miller, Kirk- patrick And S~ferovich. Absent, Clm. dilson And Myers. Mr. C. H. Flynn was present to discuss with the Council ,his need of buyin~ ten lots in the Laubner Andition. Clm. PAinter moved to sell C. 13 Flynn Lnts 06, 37, 38, 39 and 40 Block 6, Laubner Addition for price of $200. Soconded b~,' elm. Mdler. All in favor. motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to authorize Housing Area cummittee $1,000, to be " ,-' " " . ., ~ Seward, i.laska March 20, 1950 Area Fund, through the manager, for repairs Anea. SO,conded by Clm. SAferovich. All expended from S.ward H~using and necessities, for Hnusing in favor, motion carried. A letter of appreciation to Fire Department was read from Soward S~natorium. A letter was read from Mary S. DeWolfe, requesting a tax deed for Lnts o and 4, Block 5, Foderal Addition, but the City Clerk was advised to write her statinR that the City is unable to issue any other deed. LottaI' were read from PTA and SAward ~oman's Club in regards enforcing the City Health 0~din8nce. The City Clerk was instructed to write a ~tter to both clubs advising them that the Health O~dinance will be strictly enforced. Proposed Ordinance 202, to D~legate and Dofine Pnwers of Utility Board. was read and tables until the next meeting, or such meeting when al: members of the ~ouncil are pre~ent. Letter from S^ward 4th of July Committee was read requesting permission for holding annual celebration for period of ten years. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the Council pass a Resolution permitting the Soward 4th of J..ly Committee to handle the annual celebration for ten year period beginning with the year 1950. SAconded by Clm. Miller. All in fayor, motion cdrried. Petitions from bar owners, regarding zoning, W8ai read and discussed and passed on to S"ward Chamber of Commerce for fu'theI' assistance. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend the rules to amend Ordinance 192. Soconded b y Clm. Painter. all in favor, mot on carried~ Clm. Pi:linter moved to amend O~dinance 192. Sec. 2., Adding "such permits shall be issued annmilly from J1lly 1st to June 30th, the fee to be $1.00. Where the establishments are divided each division shall be issuEd a separAte permit. Where any change of ownership or management, a new permit shall be i~sued". Soconded by Glm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. City Clerk w~s instructed to notify R. E. Baumgartner not to renew ~orkmen's .Compensation Insurance uutil notified or clarified; also to advise R. E. Boumgrtner to appear~ the next couneil meeting to check ~orkmen's Compensation Insurance. Clm. Fainter moved th8t the bills be paid as read with exception of Baumgartner's bill. SAconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. A telegram from James Ryan, Commissioner for operating gymnasium are refundable regarding the expenses of swimming pool. of Education, stating expenses but there is some ~uestion A letter from Seward ;loman' s Club was read endorsing gymnasium and s\vimming pool. Letter from Corps of Engineers. Lewis Stanley, Principal Assistant, Speciel Survey Division, was read renuesting announcement of public hearing in reRards to navigation and hydroelectric power. to be held April ~8, 1950. ~ndY's Oil DAlhery, $301074; Alaska'l',..f1nt>fer.. $20..Glp; AT;;;C, $34.03; O.M. BAaver, $1~5.00; Charles Hadley, ~16b.14; Humilton's G~r8ge, ~b4.71; Lytle Ix Green, :;$480.00; N.C. Co. ~nl;.;.20; .Plummer&~rnell, :U;17b.::::5; Pat's G~r8Re, $128.41: Sewyrd Elec. System~$536.95; SAW. Mach. ~hop, $84.50; Sew. Drug Co., $4.00; be,l. \I:-lter Supply, il'7.50; Ss'i{; Hiii~-a-"i8r'e, $;::-a,..90; Sew. Plumbing & Heating $325.16; Std. 011 Co., $92.97; ~lebb and \'eblF,.,$5~;>...?4;- Pel'ty-C~sh, $24.10; S<>les Tax;WAbb and IYAbb,$1046.66; -It.-O. -SoI l.e 1'-6,. 0;.225;- H~u-s ing. l>_e2 ;. A.ndys. 0.1 L D... Ii v.er-y ". $Zl.. 5~; 0.. M.. _ _ Beaver$50.00; Doyles Hdwe, $18.70; ~8ulsteiner, J41.15; Sew. Metal ilorks, $16.00; S...w. Plumbing & Herlting, $241.46. Motion was made and seconded to adjo\,rn at 11;00 P.M. \) l,pproved f~ ,_' /1-:::.'-://") Attest_ K ~ 1~~ Msy;or City Glerk. \,- Spw3rd alAska McJrch ';,7, 1950 ], Special 14eeting of the Common Council \'/9G c:lled to order at ,8:20 P.~. Mayor Lanier in the Chair; present were Clm. Miller, Kirkpatrick, Saferovich, and dilson. d~Gent Glm. PaInter ~nd Uyers. This meetin~ was c8.11ed for the 'purpose of reading the bill on the new Police P8.trol Car, discussion of new police ~ ficer and discussion of report of Auditor to E. L. Bartlett. I Cl~. Moved to pay 31862.17 to Hamilton's Gqrage, cost price on 1950 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery police patrol car, and to pay bill of ~134.45 for purchase and install:ltion of T<lchograph emd clwrts. Seconded by C111. Saferovich. All in favor, L1otion carried. The Mayor announced th8t Officer Gutekunst will resign the 1st of "nril, to be replaced by a ne\1 o:'ficer. Members of the Common vaunc il stcJtej their desire to review the llpplicutions of the several applicunts for the job of Police officer, saId nAW officer to huve the Jpproval of the members of the Cnuncil. A letter was read from E. L. eqrtlett, Delegate frOD ~lqskd, requesting information reg~rding the financial status of the City of Saward in regsrds to re-pClyment of Faderal monies. HAply compiled by tr1e auditor, was read. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn At 9:30 P.U. ;/" Approved/ -L-t-?' ~J. Ilia'! l' '\ .,.., ~ // / ' " '-""~:'''''4'''/~ Attest~d~ ~*'~ . l;ity 1 erk - - - - - - - - SawRrd, Alask8 April 3, 1950 I A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Glm.Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Spferovich, Wilson and Uyers. Minutes of the last rerular meeting cmd special meeting were reud and approved. R. E Baumgartner was present to cldrify the insurance policies in Question, and he stJted he would make up a schedule of our policies with his company. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to pay Osbo's Electrical Supply the contrdct price of $4232.65 for re-lighting the old school building. S~conded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Chief CIRrk was present wi th new police officeI'Kenneth 1)"le Gl"eene, whose ap~licatlon for the position of police officer was read. Clm. Myers moved to sccept K. D. G~eene for the position of police officer. Saconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. I Ordimlnce No. 202, was reud and discussed for the second time. Painter moved to suspend the rules for adopting Ordinance 202. by elm. Sqferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to adopt Ordinance No. 202, an Ordinance to Create for the ~ity of SAward, AlasKa, a utility Board; to DplegHte and to define the powers and dtities of such board: to provide for the membe~- ship thereof; und to prescribe the rules which sh"lll ~ovffi1si:lid bO::lrd and its proceedings. Saconded b~' Clm. Wilson. All in favor. motion carried. C 1m. S~conde.j Clm. Wilson moved to buy a set of Session subscription to American City Uagazine. All in fqvor, motion carried. Laws of Alaska, and one ye~r SAconded by CIm. MIller. An informal dedication of the new Council Chambers was made by the Mayor, as the Mayor, Council and Clerk joined l1unds around the tsble and pledged themselves for a bigger and better Spward. ~o~etfi~rcr~~mt;h~a~~u~~pr~~~~r~~et~a~ ~ead, in regard to their approval . . . A. for new combined swimming '.' SAward, Alaska April 3, 1950 pool, gymnasium and auditorium. Clm. SAferovich moved to transfer $3000 from SAward Housing Area Fund SVFD building fund for completing payment of new fire and city hall building. SAconded by Glm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Halibut Producer's Co-op was regard in regards tofacilities for power-at SAward Fish and ~nld Storage. It was decided that the Mayor and Mr. Jnrdan would check on the power situation at the Cold Storage and Clm. Painter would check with the mills on the production of box shook. Letter from K. S. Rustad was read for restriction of Block 12 to a re~idential district. Clm. Myers moved to approve V~nce Hitt to Emma Renwald. motion carried. the transfer of Retail Liquor License of SAconded by Glm. Miller. All in favor Letter from Seward Chamber of Comnerce containing two Resolutions passed by the DRmocratic CAUCUS was read and rtiscussed. The City Clerk was adviseJ by the Common Gouncil to cease COllecting water from SAward Housing Area, future water to be collected by the SAward WAter Supply. Clm. Myers moved to pay the insurance on the New School Addition from Sales T~x Fund. cRconded by Clm. "ilson. All in favor,motion carried. Clm. M411er moved that the City of SAward sell Lot 6, Block 2, Cliff Addition to L. F. Finke, for sum of $40. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Orip;. T. Clm. Wilbon moved that the Gity of SA~~fd s~ll Lot 19, Block 36/to Jnhn A. BAnnett and Lot 20, Block 36/~o ~ernardo . Alvarez for the sum of $100 each lot. SAconded by Glm. Mvers. AI~ in favor, motion carried. Glm. Seferovich moved to pay the hourly payroll as read. SAconded by Glm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved to offer Aaron Grossman $150 each for Lots 37 and 08, Block 20. . Sedonded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor notion carried. Letter from Plummer & Arnell regardirg SAles TAX amendment wes rHad and di scussed. A letter from the Corps of ~np;ineers regarding' Glen T~essler's plan of beaching the Quackenbush hull was read and discussed and the Gity Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Tresslerand carbon copy to Corps of ~ngineers. March report of the Public Health Nurse was read. pay $200 to the P"blic HAalth Nurse from bRles '1'ax Clm. M~ller. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovich Moved to order thirty (30) SRmson folding chairs for the new Council ~hambers. seconded by Glm. Myers. All in favor. motion carried. Clm. Myers moved to fund. SAconded by Attest~~;1 ~ City erk. at 12;{)5Z;. . - <-I; Approved -'4'.?/Adl ~ 7-ftu.t.<-1 1 ayo ~ v I Motion was made and. seconded to adjourn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - -- \ Seward, alaska April 17, 1950 I A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:20 p. M., Mayor Lanier in the cheir. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirk- patrick, Seferovich and Wyers. Minutes of the b st regular meeting were read and approved. Fire Chief Kielcheski was present and reported on the need of new fire hose for the City, school building etc. Need for additional work to the new fire hall was discussed, so it could be made ready for occupan~. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that $500 be Fire Department for building fund. favor, motion carried. .Letter and bill for hydrants from Seward Water Supply was read and discussed with fire chief. Clm. Myers moved that the bill for fire hydrants be paid according to the Fire Chief's instructions to the City Council, of 21 in working condition for December and J8huB~Yi, and 15 for February and March, and shall continue to pay for 15 hydr~nts until such time as further hydrants are proven to the Fire Chief to be in working condition. Seconded by Cl~. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. During the discu.ssion of fire, hydrants, it was decided by the members of the Common Council tllatif a hydrant was put on the North side of the buildings at the Jesse Lee Home, the City would pay for the two hydrants that would then be located in the vicinity of the Jesse Lee Home. placed with the Seward Volunteer Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in I Stanley Neigemen was presentand reported on the new Scout troup recently formed in Seward and would like ways and means for the boys to earn money to put in their treasury, and all help in this regard would be appreciated. He also requested information from the members of the Council regardinglots 19 and 20, Block 25, Original lownsite, belong- ing to the Seward Lutheran Church and was advise~ that the Lutheran Church was not in a position to sell these lots. Letter from General Services AdminiBtration was read, regarding the proposed Sewer system and the Mayor reported that he had wired to Juneau to hire an engineer to enable the City of Seward to draw up correct plans to submit to GSA. Clm. Seferovich moved that the bUilding known as Teen Town be put out for sale on bid, bids to be in the ct'fice of the City Clerk not later than 3 P.M., Yay 1st, City reserving the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to call for bids on the 'Old Fire Hall Building located on Third Avenue, said building to be completely t~rn ,down and the lots e,leared of debris by September Is, bids to be in the ~fice of the City Clerk not later than 3 P.M.? Yay 1st., the City reserving the right to reject any or all bids. ,Bids to be opened "y 1st. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. The Mayor declared the month of May to be cleanup month, the City to remove any rubbish that was collected in a pile along the alley, said rubbish not to include rocks. I The matter of the Federal gas riot gun for the Police Department was tabled for furtther discussion. Bills were read as follows: Andy's 011 DeliVerl' $215.48; Andrew's Sur- flus Store, $16.50, ATEC, $37.21, O.W. Beaver, 125.00; R. E. Bvumgartne 99.91, Doyle's Hardware, $8.42, Aron Ericson, 15.00, Hamilton s, 44.31, R. D. Muller, $10.50, N. C. Co., $466.56, Oebo's, $2.70, Pat's Gara~e, $207.03, P8u.!Ber~nt~and Body tihop, $148.75, Seward, Hardware, i4.60, Seward Elec. System, $533.95, Seward Plumbing & Htg., $7.00, Se~ard Machine Shop, $11.00, Seward Water Supply~ $367.50, Std. Oil uo., $91.36, Sew. Trading Co., $12.55, Pettwe e8sh $24.42, from Sales Tax, R.B, Baumgartner, $928.80, Charles R. Hadley Co.$67.79; Sew. Housing Area, Andy's Oil Deliver, $8.50 R. D. MUller, $15.00, MoOdY's1' $24.75, Paulsteiner's, $9.00, Sew. humbing &: Heating,$109.45, George urnbull, $30.00. Clm. Painter moved that tbe bills be approved as read with the exceptions of Pete's Paint and ~odY c~o n d' G '"'11 P a eorge r' - , ), Seward, Jl.laska April 17, 1960 Turnbull. 'Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. The MaJor announced that a Special Meeting of the Common Council-would be held on Thursd~, April 20th at 8 P.U., at which B. L. Arnell would be presentp the purpose of the meeting to be for the discussionv'.tth the Seward Water Supply, of appointment of apprais&rs. Motion wasmade and seconded to adjourn Attest ~~, Ci t ClerK. at 1l:20 P.M. APprove~f~..J ~-<-;l'-'r' Mayor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska April 20, 1950 - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A s~ecial meeting of the Common Council was called to ord~r at 8:10 P. Y. for the purpose of discussing with the Seward Water Qupply on Ordinance 36 as requested by the Common Council, and for opening bids on concrete work- on City Jail. Wayor Lanier in the ""hair. Present were Counci~,~~nter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Myers. Absent Councilmen _ 8 and Wilson. The City Attorney, George McLaugtlln, of the firm of Plummer and Arnell, was present. [,'The Seward Water Supply was represented by lirs, Jean Davis Thorne, owner, and Mr. Prank DeLdughery, manager. Manager DeLoughery stated that nothing had been done as yet vlard the rehabilitation of the Seward Water Supply, as they had been waiting for the ground to thaw. The City Attorney, Mr. McLaughlin, quoted the law on condemnation proceedings and the proceedings regarding the sale of Seward Water Supply. If it could be proven that the franchise has not been fulfill~d and technical hazard could be proven as well as lack of water being hazardous to civilians, they could be ousted completely. As no written no notice of rehabilitation on the part of the ~eward Water Supply had been presented to the Common ~ouncil , Councilmen Painter stated, that on behalf of the interests of the people of Seward the members of the Council should continue under Ordinance 36. The City of Seward, through its City Attorne~ ~quested the Seward Water Supply to appoint an appraiser regarding the valuation of their holdings but no appointee was named. Mrs. Thorne, upon renuest, stated that the estimated selling price of the complete Seward Water Supply i& $200,000.00. . ' Mr. DeLoughe~said it m~ght be possible to make the nece~sery repairs on the present system for $50,000.00. Y8yor Lanier reported on the high insurance rates in the City due to lack of water and low water pressure as well as the health hazard involved. Counc~lman Seferovich moved that the price of $200,000.00, for sale of Seward Water Supply, be tejected as b&ing unreasonably high. Seconded by Councilman Painter. Councilman Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, and Myers voted yes. Wotion carried. Councilman Painter moved that if the Seward Water Supply does not notify the Common Council, in writing, of their appointment of an appraiser within three days, that condemnation proceedings be turned over. to the City Attorney but this motion is not deemed to be e . waiver of any of the ,City's rights under its franchiss, Ordinance .36. Seconded by Councilman Beferovich. Councilmen Pmnter, Kirkpatrick, ,Seferovich and Myers, voted yes. Hotion ,carried. Councilman Painter moved that Neyor Lanier be glvenauthority to . appoint an appriser for valuation of ,Seward Water Supply, in behalf of the City of Seward. Seconded by Councilman Kirkpatrick. Council. men Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Wyers voted yes. Motion carried. Mayor Lanier appointed Councilman Myers as appraiser of Seward Water>;, : 1 ,) : Seward, Alaska April 20, 1950 I Supply on behalf of the City cf Seward, his rate of pay to be established at a later date. Mrs. Minnie Coulter was present and stated that she has been without any water at all on 2nd Avenue since September, and carries water from the neighbbzosc'and during the winter mel ts snew. Mr. and Mrs. Zelmer Evins were present and stated they were without water and the Water Company refused to put any in. Many other such instances were related at this tne. Mr. D. C. Brownell, who was present, remarked that Mr. DeLoughery's statement of reservoir having enough wate~as it was always running over, was important for the reason that were the reser~91t of proper size for the City, or larger, it would not be running' bRt the water would be used. A letter from the Alaska Department of Health, regarding engineer Felix Toner to prepare proper material for proposed Sewer System, was read. The Mayor was instructed by tLe members of the Common Council to authorize the City Attorney to take the Ordinances to Anchorage for studying and revising. Bids for concrete work of the City Jail were read, bids being from James Construction Co. end McRae ~oncrete Products. Clm. Seferovich moved to accept low bid of McRae Concrete Products of $346. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:10 P. M. I Attest ~ ~ Ci ty erk ~(Ja ~ ~'~ Approved . ;~r ~ , " ~7 ~:' . 4 ~ r2-IA.J P1 - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska April 24, 1950. - .. I A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8: 15 P. M. for the purpose of discussing the Sewer extension with Dr. Smith, construction of new hospital, placing of Sanitarian in Seward, appointment of City Engineer, final action concerning Seward Water Dupply and ~jfoval Henry Halvorsen payroll. Mayor Lenier in the Chair. Present Glm. nter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Myers.AbsentwriWon Robert L. ~mith, Assistant Commissioner of Health, and Lloyd Morley, S~nitarian were present. Dr. Smith had three items to discuss; 1st the Sewer System, 2nd, placing of Sanitarian in Seward to be responsible for the entire Kenai Peninsual; 3rd the possibility of new hospital construction with permanent facilities for nurse's quarters. Letter from Feliz J. Toner, Engineer from Juneau, with offer for com~leting engineering plans for proposed sewer project for the sum of '150. Telegram from Kenai Engineers for same position for the sum of $1,000, was read. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to engage Felix J. Toner as City Engineer to complete the plans for the proposed sewer project as per his applica- tion. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor,. motion carried. Mr. Morley spoke regarding the duties of a Sanitarian saying their duties were many and varied. If a Spnitarian were pIDced in Seward the City would not be expected to pay any additional sum towards his upkeep, above the present $1,800. Clm. Miller moved to request the Department of Health to place a Sanitarian in Seward to serve Seward and the enti re Kenai Peninsula. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in Favor, motion carried. Dr. Smith stated that within e very short period it would be necessary to build a new hospital in Seward and at the present time there is a ~ }' , ~ very great need for a Nurse's home here. It was decided that a letter would be written to Mrs. Robert Stewart of Methodist Mission Board for further information on a new hospital. Th8~e wes considerable discussion regarding the present garbage d~mp and the disc~ntinuation of the dump beyond the Home in the Woods. It was suggested by Dr. Smith that garbage service be extended to the inhabitants in that vicinity eMen though they are beyond City limit.. Clm. Miller moved that Henry Halvorsen be paid when his payroll is presented to the office of City Clerk by head of the Street Dept. . Seconded by Clm. Painter. Mayor Lanier announced that a. t;heiSe*ard Water Supply had not bot1f1ed the City of Seward, either verbally or in writing, of the appointment of an appraiser, that the City Attorney would be notified to proceed with condemnation proceedings. Motion waa made and seconded to adjourn at 10:16 P.M. APprov.~~. 'J, T::: ..;,~ Attest 1.:~ ~2e ,,(-.- Ci ty erk. - - - - - - - - - ~ . - - - ~ - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - Seward, Ala~ka May 1, 1950 - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meetiQg Qf the Common Council was called to order at 8:16 P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. Painter. Miller. Kirkpatrick, Seferovich and Myers. Absent Clm. Wilson Minutea of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Mr. Manley, of firm of architects ManlRid& Mayer, was present eorbb~i.nce of bill on New School Addition to be/Wa~es Construction Company. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to pay James Construction Company $4,308.00 . from the Construction Fund, balance due for contract payment of the new School Addition. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion ~rried. Clm. Miller moved to reject all bids on "Teen Town" building. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Painter no, Clm. Miller Yes, Clm. Kirkpatrick, Yes, Clm. Seferovich, No. Clm. Myers, Yes, ~Mation carried. Clm. Miller moved to call for bids on the sale and removal of "Teen Town" building,. said building to be removed from Park Reserve property by July 1, 1960, cement foundation and block can remain of the property; all debris to be completely cleared from the premises to the satisfac- tion of the Fire Chief; bidder to assume any liability in removal of said building operation. The City holds the right to accept onyretect:. ai11,.,or 811 bids. Bids to be in the office of the City Clerk not later than 3 o'clock P.M. Yay 16, 1960. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved that an amendment be made to bid on "Teen Town" building, that payment in full be made withi~ three (3) days of notice of award of bid. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor motion carried. I I Rev. Paul Irwin was present an; B~it5!~ ~ ~~~ trip to Washington, D. C. and visit with Col. Morell/to atseuss ~~ n~~~ssity of an~w hospital and nurse's quarters in Seward. The financial status of the ~ity was brought~~nd it was decided to await the ,arrival of E. Swetmann before further plans for hospital or nurse's quarters be made. ReV. Irwin was appointed by the Mayor as a co~ittee to learn the location of the proposed hospital and what funds will be available. A letter was reed from Little Theatre group for leasing a building from the City for use as a theatre. Miss Rouse and Mr. Cobb were present on behalf of the Little Theatre Group and were requested to have Mr. Baumgartner draw up a lease to be presented to the Bounc~l. ;.,:-) ~;;I) Seward, Alaska May 1, 1950 I Horton of the Garbage Department and reported on the.problem of load- ing garbage in the City. . Stanley Keigeman was present to discuss with the Council ways for the Boy Scouts to earn money during clean up month. Clm. Miller moved thAt the City Clerk write a letter to the School Board, with carbon copy to the Superintendent, stating the school must be throughly cleaned, including windows, disinfecting lavatories, and general housecleaning of the complete school. Seconded by Clm. lirkpatrick. All in f8vor, motion carried. Report of Public Health Nurse for April, was read. Letter from Aaron Grossman was read, declining the offer of $150 each ,for Lots 37 end 38, Block 20. Clm. Miller moved to cancel position of Harbor Master. Seconded by Clm. Painter. ~ll.in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that ~Ihi tey bmi th be hired as jani tor ot; the new fire hall building at $100 per month. Seconded by elm. Painter, All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovieh moved to authorize equipment in the sum of $1500 plus Tax Fund. Seconded by ~lm. Myers. the Mayor to order school ground freight, to be paid from Sales All in favor, motion carried. I Clm. Myers moved that the hourly payroll be approved. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Three letters Were read concerning the .proposed new hospital. Two from the hospital board and one from Foss and Malcolm, architects. Bill from James Construction Company was read, for work on cesspool for new school addition. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to pay $243.66 to James Construction Company for the cess pool to new school Aggt~~o~Afr~ Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. x Motion was made end seconded to adjourn at 11:30 P.M. APProV.~/~"~:Z: _.:". , ayor Attest ~ ~ ~ ~t4A~ ~ ity erk. - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska --..------ May 15, 1950. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10 o'clock p. M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Wilson and Myers. Fire Chief Kielcheski was present with a request for new fire hose, together with a bld'from Seward Hardware and Northern Supply at AnchoragE Clm. Painter moved to accept the Sevard Hardware price on 1500 feet of 2i" wax treated fire hose and the Fire Chief to p]ace the order at $69.90 per 50 foot length, to include rocker lugs. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. The Fire Chief also reported on the need of a fire hydrant at 4th and Monroe and 6th and Madison. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter requesting these two fire fire hydrants from Se_ard Water Suppl) He also reported a test of the salt water main to be in 100 % working order. The electric pump received from the Sanatorium is ready to hook up according to the request and specifications of Underwriters. . elm. Myers mOved that the Fire Chief be'authorized to take his leave of 30 days for 1950 plua 9 days from the previous year. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Bids were opened and read on "Teen Town" building. Clm. Kirkpatriek moved to award the bid for IlTeen Town" to the l)ighest bidder Edward Klinger for $690. If bidder fails to pay the 1690 in three Aays the Seward, Alaska May 15, 1950 aid will go to P. J. Elms, second in line, for $526. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. S~perintendent Cprlson was present to reed the school budget for school year 1950 - 1951. elm. Painter moved to approve the school budget as submitted by the school board of $34,416 for the year 1950-1951. Seconded byClm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. R. E. Baumgartner, attorney, was present representing Northern Cab Co. to obtain uniform cab service for the City. Proposed Ordinance on Northern Cabs Inc. for franchise was read for the first time. Clm. Painter mov~d to suspend the rules for the purpose of adopting Ordinance 203. Seconded by Clm. Myers. -All in favor, motion carried. Clm.Wilson moved to adopt Ordinance No. 203, An Ordinance Granting to Northern C~bs, Inc., its successors and assign8, an exclusive franchise for the purpose of operating ta.icabs in the City ~ Seward, Alaska, pending ratification of 55% of the votes cast at special election. Secondea by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to call for 8peeial election on Jun. 19, 1950, for ratification of Ordinance 203. Seconded by elm. Wilsoj. All in favor, motion carried. Letter was road from Elwyn Swetmann regarding financing the neW proposed hospital and nurse's home. Letter was also read from Manley and Mayer, architecta, regarding the plans on.new proposed hospital. and authorizing payment to James Construction Company of $4,308.00. A letter was read from Seward Fourth of July Committee requesting permission for trap shooting on the Park Rese~ve on the 4th of JUly. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter granting permiision to the Committee for having a trap shoot, and -to notify Nels Hagen of said trap shooting. Bid was read from Norman E. Wengert for Lot II, block 6, Cliff Addition and bid from Frank Woods for Lots 15, 16, 17, 28, 2' Block 10, Laubner Addition. Both bids were tabled. ! , , I approved for payme". ~~h artner Secon~ed by c' -?-:~,.~<\~I~~ Blec .Co. , 00, 00, '& Garage, <(,0' \').0' ~e'" Seward Clm. Miller moved that the lease with Gateway P 1" '\e, ko.90\').')..90\~, $3.50. signed by Mayor and Ci ty Clerk. Seconded" 'Oee"e't"<\1\e if't"<\' 'Pee'" 't" upply favor, motion c.arried. O.y.. '& 'P; C.CoY:ec,\~~ ~pe1\e",e C~, $2i.30.. , .t. 9').' ~~').e 0, · o't"'" ').~'O 0').' e"''''~ Clm. Miller moved to order t-.... C '~\)'oo, \')..<0 peeV't"<\ ~ \o'~", ~ Burroughs. Seconded by ('" ~'t'ai ,,, \e"'1 \9 .o~' se1\~'2v').1' \e<(,o. ').e, co.,~~'t" '& "-0.0 'e P~CO'\b,.9.b< Motion was made' ,~Ob,.~c,'(\~e't"'" ~",e't" \"- O~~\: 0\'). ~, e't"1' ~Q<\' 90' 0 ?-ep'(\oV'",').e <\e't" e"'\~ \)e').\'<a'{\'$ ,90.,,-0.0;\~e See'(,S",e~ ~ 'Pe --7--..jP , 0\'). :'t"'t"o~~o~' &\ &t \ y.e\ 00" 90~'O\~~ ~ /:J '.~L' Q- d-oA1"(i( . <\1' & 0, 'O~e~\')."'e\~e't"'Pe1\e't" ,,,-9 · \0 ; ~1: }lay A~~e.CZ; 0 'P :\.&'" OJ ",e~' Co' t 1\e't" 1) 29.0 ',?e\,,~.9 ~i& <\\~~ <\ 'Pe '" :b,.e.b,.b,.~e 1 c,'(,'t"\c,<\ 't't"ee ~~~' - - - - - - oe_. 't"<\1\e p).e ~e't" ~'t"e - - 'Pe 1\e't"<\ 0 'Pe \~~ - - - - - - - - - - - 'Pe <(,0.0 \\o~& A Spe\1:.e't"<\ .~ng of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 7:15 P. M.?e _6 the purpose of further dlscussion of school budget for year 1950-1951 and to reduce if possible, also discussion of Union scale wages for City employees. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Clm. Miller, Kirkpatrick, ~ilson and Myers, present. Absent Clm. Painter and Sefefovich. Clm. Painter moved that the bills as read be the exception of Pete's Paint and Eody Shop. All in favor, motion carried. May 17, 1950 Clm. Willer moved that Horton of the garbage department, be notIfied by"the Mayor,that the Ropes for workibg garbage are 8-12 A.M. and Seward, Alaska May 17, 1950 1-6 P.M. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to recall the school budget as passe~, for further consideration, in light of possible future economic conditions in the City, and pending preparation of an audit of school expenditure for the past year. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion car Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at !;16 P.M. APproved.~y ~ Lo.'1A ~y , yo ,'"\. I Att..t ~ ~~.v..d City erk. - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska June 5, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Common Uouncil was called to order at 8:05 p.m., Yayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Councilmen" Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the previous regular end special meetings were read and approved. I Mr. Don Carlos Brownell was present to report on the present condition of the Lowell Creek Tunnel, stated many of the rails were loose and needed immediate repair to prevent serious damage to the cement work as well as prevent the plugging of the tunnel during heavy rains and perhaps causing flood and damage to the City. Mayor Lanier advised that he would immediately contact the Corps of Engineers for the necessBry information relative to making the repairs. Mr. Gus Johnson was present on behalf of the hospital board and spoke regarding plans for a new hospital for the City. Dr. Shelton also spoke concerning the need tor a new hospital. Councilman Painter moved to submit complete applications to GSA for proposed new Seward General Hospitalas requested by the hospital board. Seconded by Councilman Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Carlson, Superintendent, wes present to discuss the school budget for year 1950-1951. He remarlced that falling into the 75% bracket made a great difference on preparing the budget for the coming year. There was considerable discussion regarding the bUdget and it was decided that no audit of the school boards expenditures would be necessary but the school board would submit an annual report to the City. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to accept the school budget as read after the discussion. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. Allin favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved to apply to GSA for advanced planning new school building at estimated cost of $1,150.000.00. Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. on proposed Seconded by Clm. Painter moved to sell Helen Weingert Lot 11, Block 6, Cliff Addition for sum of $40.00. Seconded by Clm. Myers, All in favor, motion carried. I Clm. Painter moved that H. H. Malcolm be granted space on Railroad Avenue and 4th with written permission to unload passengers at the lower end of 4th Avenuein closed erea. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, IlIotion carried. Mr. Deering, sanitarian for the Kenai Penineula, was present and spoke regarding his duties and his work, and stated that he would be glad to help the City. Clm. Myers moved to pay James Gonstruction Company $3000.00 on const- ~ction of the new fire hall building from Seward Housing Area fund, ,ba18nce of $262.43 to be patd at a later dater when availble. Seconded by councilnan Miller. All tn favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to pay Sales TAX Fun~ for school Recreation Equipment Co. $1,523.15, ground equipment. Seconded by Clm. from Myers. " fl' Seward, Alaske June 5, 1950 All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that bills to Seward Hardware on desks and tools in the sum of $870.73 be paid. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved t9 pay WcRae Concrete Products for contract on the City lfal1 in the s m of $514.00. Seconded by Clm. Vlilson. All in favor, motion carried. Henry Horton of the garbage department was present and there was consider- able discussion regarding overtime pay and letting the garbage out on contract. The matter was tabled until the nest regular meeting. Clm. Sefe T'ovich moved that Horton use his truck and hire one man for two days a week until garbage is let out on bid. Seconded by elm. Myers, All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved ~hat George Turnbull be removed as Housing ~anager as of this date. Seconded hy Clm. Kirkpatrick. CIIll. Painter, 91*~'~ Kirkpatrick, Clm. viilson, Clm. SefeJovich and Clm. Myers voted yes. Clm. Miller, voted no. Motion carried. Clm. Seferovich moved that J. R. Jackson be a~pointed Manager of Seward Housing Area at $100.00 per month eqd '20.00 per month from 'the Housing Area aCt'ount to be paid to the City Clerk, fin .adaltlbA;llo')<' preient salary, for collection of rents. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in fevor, motion carried. Clm. Miller move~ to approve the transfer of beverage Dispensary license from Elmer Hardesty to Elmer Hardesty and Bertha V. Hardesty. Seconded by Clm. Myers. , . A letter from Grande & Cqmpeny was read by the Mayor. A letter from Standard Oil Co. on exemptions of Sales Tax was read. It was moved by Clm. Seferovich that the following companies be exempt from paytng City Sales 1ax : Kiel and Peterman, M. P. Munter Co., Lytle and Green, Stewart & MUir {when working on government contracts. Any new companies with Government contracts also exempt. Also exempt ~ny boats not stationed in Seward. Seconded by elm. ..Uler.... All in favor, mQtion carried. Clm. Painter moved that the hourly payroll be paid. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "iller moved that the Mayor's expense. bill of $64.50 for Armed Forces Day be approved. SecQnded by Clm. Wilson. All in (avor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovich mo.ved .to ~pprove the order from Seatt~e Office Supply, Charles R. Griffin, for assessors equipment and City ~lerk's chair and typewriter table. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Bid for garbage co~tract from U. S. Nar8ha~ was read and approved at $65 per quarter. May repo'rt of Public Health Nurse was ree,d. , It was moved and seconded to adjourn at l2:30~M. _ ~ . n ()-Ll- APprOVed~~;!JAJ/ "1 ~~t Attest . . AI' ~ City I rk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, alA ska June 7, 1,950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special-meeting of the Common Council wes called to,order at 8:10 P.N. for the purpose of discussing end preparing Advanced Planning for proposed new School at $1,150,000.00, submitting application to Alaska Public Works for ne~ Seward General Hospital, and discussing leave for garbage and police employees. Meyor Lanier in the chair. Present were ~_J !oJ Seward, j~laska June 7, 1960 I Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirltpatrick, Seferovich, l~llson and Myers. Clm. Sefe~ovich moved to authorize the Mayor and ~ity Clerk to.sign the application to General oerivce Administration, in sum of $43,000 for Advanced Planning for proposed new School of $1,150,000.00. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved to suspend the rules for adoptionoof Resolution, as read, authorizing filing of Application with the United States of America for a Public Works under the terms of the ~laska Public Works Program, Public Law 264, Blst Congress of the United States, approved August 24, 1949. Seconded by Clm. Painter. Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, JIllson and ,Myers, in favor. Motion carried. Clm. Pa inter moved to adopt the Resolution, as read, authorizing fil ing of application with the United States of America for a Public Works, under the terms of the Alaska Public Works Program, Public Law 264, 8lat Congresa of the United States, Approved August 24, 1949. WHEREAS, the City of Seward, herein called the "Applicant", after thorough consideration of the va iou8 aspects of the problem and study of available data, has hereby determined that the construction of certain Public Work, generally described as Proposed Seward General Hospital is desirable and is a useful Publlc Work project of the kind contemplated to be provided under Public Law 264, Blst Congres~ and _ therefore it is requested that the United States undertake the construc- tion of said works i7~ediately, and WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 264, Blst Congress, approved August 24, 1949, the United States of America is authorized to construc' such Public Work; and WHEREAS~ the applicant has examined and duly considered such in- cluding the provision requiring the applican~, in the event that the Government undertakes to provide the Public Work above describ~d, to enter into an appropriate agreement pursuant to which the ~plicant shall agree, in consideration for such Public Work, to 'operate and maintain the Pp.bl1c Work at its own expense and to pay to the United States for such Public Work at such time or times as may be mutually agreed, a purchase price deemed by the administrator of General Services to be reasonable and in the Public interest; and WHEREAS, the applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an application under said Act and to authorize other action in connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Common Council, the governing body of said applicsn~ as follows: "1. That the construction of'sard Public Work is essential to and is to tne best interests of the applicant, and to the end thAt such pub Public Work m81 be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable t1at the construction thereof be undertaken immediately: . 2~ That Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor, City of ~eward, be hereby athorized ~o file in behatf of the applicant an application (in form required by the United States and in conformity with said act) for the construction by the United States of such Public Work, which shall consist generally ofa general hos~ital to serve the needs of the KenaiPenJnsual and the people of Seward. ' 3. The said representative is hereby authorized to furnish such iqformation and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for the construction by the United States of the Public Work; 4. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the auttorized representative of the applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United States such information, data and documents pertaining to the application for Public Work as may be renuired; and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the applicant in connection with this application. 5. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for the above described Public Work to be submitted to the United Stateo. Seconded by Clm. Miller. elm. Painter, Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich Wilson and Myers, voted yes. Motion carried. Clm. Myers moved that both the Horton's of the garbage department be authorized 2 weeks vacation commencing June 15th. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. A:l in favor, motion carried. Clm. Miller moved thatPetrolman Anderson's 2 week vacation be approved. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. I I r'" - I ;; ) Seward, Alaska June 7, 1950 . Motion was made and seconded to adjourn Attest ~ . City C ark. Seward; AlaskB - ~dl~ at 8:40 P.M., APprOV.~'_.;.?~~T a r - - - - -June J9,- i95:0- . A regular meeting or the Co~~on uounc1l was called t~ orde~ at 8:10 P.M., Mayor Lanrer in the chair. Present were Clm. Pflinter, Miller Kirkpatriek, Seferovieh and Myers. Absent Clm. Wilson. ' Minutes of the. lAst regular and special meetings were ~ead and approved. elm. M1l1er moved to hire O. Y. Beaver to make an ennu~l audit of the City books'. Seconded by elm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovich moved to hire Aron Ericson to paint the necessary signs at the City and Fire halls. Seconded by Ulm. Painter, All in favor, motion earried. Clm. Kirkpatrick ~oved to authorize purchase of gas pump and ~nBtalla- tion from Standard Oil Company. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. CJm. Painter moved to give Mayor Lanier authorization to hire help to install the school ground equipment if necessary. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carril3d. Ralph Andrews, proprietor of the Alaska HOUM, wae present in regards the payment of Sares Tax for Alaska House. Mr. Andrews was advised by the Mayor and Common uouncil that it is necessary that he pay the Salss Tax on his rooming house. A committee of elm. Seferovich and Myers, was appointed to present a real estate value of the Housing Area in the event that said area is put up for bid or sale. . It was moved b:{ Clm. Seferovich that bills be paid as follows; Andy's Oil Delivery, 1170.80, ATEC $42.03, R. E. Baumgartner, $392.85, Doyle's Hardware, $6.50, Erdmann Ageney, $450.00, Hamilton's Garage, $46.23, James Construction Co., $61.34, Marathon Cafe, $12.40, Pacific Coaet Stamp Works, $12.931 Osbo's, $3.85, Pat's Garage, $77.06, Paulsteiner's, $141.00 Rafter's, 130.30, Seward Plumbing & Htg., $521.59. Seattle Office ~upplY, $40.62, Seward Key Shop, $2.00,' Seaport Record, $93.25, Stward, ~:Water,St'1~plY, $125.00, Seward, Elec. l;;>ystem, $495.50. Gale Shingleton, $75.001 Seward Tradin~ Co., $13.12, Seward Drug Co. $10.40, Standard Oil Co., ,84.03, Seward nardware, $531.34, Seward Machine oh~p, $1,027.80, O. M. Beaver, $125.00, Petty Cash, $13.79,~a1es Tax, fund, Seaport Record, $15.95; H. Area fund, Doyle's Hardware, $30.00, Paulsteiner'sl $19.50, Seward Plumbine & HeatingL $67.40, Se~~rd ,Metel Works, t16.50, George Turnbull $16.50, J. ~. Coppoek, $74.25, with exception of George Turnbull and J.E.Coppock for which receipts are to be issued toward rent due the City. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All 1n favor, motion carried. June report of Public Health Nurse, Grtrude Jurgeleit, was read. Recess declared at 9:30 P.M. for the purpose of examining the newly completed police quarters Order resumed at 9:50 P.M. Chief Clark was present and stated that he would like to have a two months leave of absence"with a replacement during his absence. Clm. Myers moved to appoint Floyd Evans as temporary police officer, with appointment of Don Wilson as acting Chief during the Absence of Chief Clark, said appointment without pay. Seconded by Wlm. SAferOvich. All in favor, motion carried. , , Seward, alaska June 19, 1950 Clm. Miller moved to grant Chief Clark leave of 15days, plus 45 days extended leave commencing July 15th. Seconded Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. I Clm. Seferovich Moved to authorize the Fire Department, five more men. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in fa'/or, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved to accept the JUdge's report on canvass of election on Ordinance 203. S",conded by (11m. Mille r. All in favor, motion" carried. Clm. Painter moved to revoke Ordinance 203, on ratification of the voting public, total votes cast two hundred forty six (246), one hundred seventy six (176) votes against, eeventy (70) for. Sec,onded by Clm. S,ferovich. Clm. Miller was authorized leave for sixty (60) days.). Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:3Q Approved Attest ~ )Jl~e ~ City I.i erk - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Ala ska July 3, 1950 .- ------------------ I A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:10' o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, Wilson and Myers. Absent Clm. Miller. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following Resolution was read:" RESOLUTION - July 4, 1950. Our shiP!. the USS MAHOPAC (ATA196), upon invitation of the Mayor, visited the ~it~ of Seward, Alaska on Armed Forces Day, May 20, 1950, and again on the ~ourth of July 1950. WHER~AS, we found the cordial hospitatlity of the citizens of Seward to be unsurpassed on both occasions, and WHEREAS, we consider the Wity of Seward to be clean, progressive, friendly, a family city, and a city of promise and opportunity WE. THE M~MBERS OF TH& CREW OF THE USS MAHOPAC, wish to convey our appreciation and esteem to the citizens of Seward, and do hereby unanimously 8do~t the City of Seward, A18ska as our honorsry home town. I iVitnessed by: V.P.BERTI Chief Boatswain, U.S. Navy Executive Officer H. H. Green Chief Machinist, U. S. Navy Engineering Officer and other officers, Honor0ry Mayor and Oouncilmen/were presented and sworn in by the City Clerk as follows: Samuel S. Dodd, Honorary Mayor; William F. Ward, Honorary Chief of Police; Raymond S. Kohlman, Honorary Fire ~hief; Chester R. E18m, Honorary Councilman; William ii. Welsh, Honorary Councilman; Albin A. Koziol, Honorary Councilman; Johnny D. Whitley, Honorary Councilman; S. A. Corbitt, Honorary Councilman. H. W. Jones Ii . ~i. Jon e s Lieutenflnt, U. S. Navy WHEREAS, Proclamation was read: the USS MAHOPAC (ATA 196) did visit, the City of Seward, Alaska on Armed Forces Day, May 20, 1950, and ~galn on the Fourth of July, 1950, and the members of the crew did conduct themselves in an exemplary manner at 911 times ~hile ashore in the City of Seward, and the USS MAHOPAC did participate wholeheartedly in the Wity's celebrations on both occasions, winning the The following WlfRREAS, WHEREAS, (~ :" ~ Seward, Alaska July 3, 1950 friendship and respect of all citizens, and WHEREAS, the USS MAHOPAC is presently engaged in search and rescue oper&tiona which afford emergenoy assistance to all vessels in distress in the Alaska area, thus contributing JIlUch to the welfare of Alaska citizens WE, THE PEOPLE OP SEWARD, proclaim the USS MAHOPAC to be our faJ'orite -U. S. Nevy ship, and do hereby ~onfer upon 811 members of her crew, HONORARY CITIZENSHIP IN THE CHY OF SEWARD, with all rights and privileges thereunto appertaining. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor " It WqS moved by Clm. Kirkpatrick that the bars be allowed to remain open until 4 A.M., J~ly 5th. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. It was moved by- Glm. Myers that Hal Gilfillan be granted a Beverage Dispensary License in his name only. Seconded by Wilson. All in fgvor, motion carried. Mr. Deerine, sanitarian, WAS present and requested that he be be granted permi~sion to build B map cese; secondly requested approval for fire department participation in fire drills at sanatorium; thirdly, to try to control the rat situation qt the city dump by bulldozing and filling. Cl~. Kirkpatrick moved to approve Mr. Deering's expenditure for map case. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. ~ll in favor, motion carried. J. R. Jackson presented figures on expenditures,monthly income etc. foom Seward Hnusing Area. Clm; Myers moved that Harry Assessor at $275 per month. favor, motion carried. Southard be appointed temporary City Tax Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in Clm. Seterovibh moved~that Mrs. Helen Horton be released from the garbage service 1mme1iately. Seconded by elm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Department of !axation regarding refunds on licenses WbS read. Letter was read from Plummer and Arnell regarding amendment to ordinance. It wes moved and seconded that Pete's Paint. and Body Shop be paid as per contract for repair of CArl Thom~s' Buick. After cons1derahle discussion it was dec1ded that the curfew be continued. Letter was read from the Territorial Department of H~Alth. Members of the Council decided that A. A. Fairweather be paid full month as TaX Assessor, said pay to include vacation. Motion was made and seconded to adj0urn at 9:45 P.M. APprovede1~-< ~ ;:t:..c.~ MfOor Attest ~~47) 01; y Clerk. Sewerc, Al.aska July 15, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - A fipecial meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 12:02 P.M. for the purpose of studying the 8.pplic atlon of Charles H. Stowell. for Chief of Police ,for the City of Seward. Mayor Lanier in the chair. present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich Wilson and Myers. Absent Clm. Miller. Clm. Seferovich moved to accept the application of Charles H . . Stowell, ( : Seward, Alaska July 15, 1950. for Chief of Police on a temporary basis, Bnd if hi~ work is factory, to be held on as permanent ~hief of Police, pending within 60 days, from Chief Clark. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. favor, motion carried. sAtis- word-. All in Glm. Painter moved that Mr. Stowell be furnished by the City, a local restaurant until such time of permanent appointment. by Clm. -ilson. All in favor, motion carried. food at Seconded I Motion was mude and seconded to adjourn at 12:20. Attest ~~~ Oi ty C erk. t~ .......-/ .' 9: .. Approved ift'"' :&ZM("". eyor l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, A leeka July 17, 1950. - - - - - - - - - I A regular meeting of the Common <';ouncil was called to order at 6:'15' o'clock P. M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich a~d Wilson. Absent Clm. Miller and Myers. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read 'and approved. Floyd R. ~vans of the local police force was present requesting infor- mation regarding his st~tus on the force. Clm. Painter moved that Gabe Gantos be paid $31.00 for Fourtq of July entertainment. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in,favor, m0tion carried. . . Clm. Painter moved that J. R. Jackson be maintained to keep the City books. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motlondd carried. Clm. Seferovich moved "that the Lease be returned to the Army ~ngineers unsigned, with the request that the property be rsturned to the City. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. It was decided hy the Council that Helen Horton of th~ garbage depart- ment be pr.id for the days during July that she worked. It was moved by Clm. Seferovich that the concrete sidewalk on both sides of Fifth Adams Street a8 provided under Ordinance Painter. All in f3'lOr, motion carried.., Letter ~as presented fro~ Felix J. Toner, Engineer for proposed S~wer System, with bill for $158.18 which was ordered paid. petition be accepted for Avenue from Washington to . Seconded by Clm. Letter from Kenai Engineers, Anchorage, was read. Letter from E. L. Bartlett, Delegate, was re~d, together with copy of letter written to Secretary of the Interior, Chapman, regarding ~he South end of the Alaska Railroad. I Letter from Corps of Engineers recommending that the rails at the entrance to the tunnol be securely fastened as quickly as possible was resa. Letters from John D. Argetsipger were read acknowledging receipt of of applications for hospital and high school. 'l'fhen funds avallab19 Clm. Painter moved that the follOWing bills be paid. / Seconded b'f Clm. Seferovich. ~TEC, $18.75, Andy's Oil Delivery, $193.65, Brown & Hawkins1 $25.00, Charles R. Griffin Co.. $22.01, Hanilton's, $49.89, R8Y,Lee, ~60.00, Kenai Lumber Go., $59.50, Erdmann Agency, $850.00, Pat s GarRge, $179.72, Paulsteiner, $74.95, Seattle Office Supply $79.40, Seward Elec. ~ystemJ $504.75, Seward Hardware, $54.85, Se;ard Plumbing & Heating, $13.52, Sward M hi e ac ne Shop, $~~7.57, Seward (' ) Seward. Alaska July 15, H~50 Trading Co. $22.27, Seward ~ater Su~ply, $130.00, Seward Seaport Record $38.67, Standard Oil Co., $78.63, Petty Cash, $11.31, Housing Area Fund: Osbo's, $3~.70, Paulsteiner, $35.15, Seward Hardware f8.001 Seward Plumbing & Heatin6, $44.41, Sales Tax Fund, City Express, ,12.20, Seward Hardware, $8.10. Bills from Brcwn & Hawkins and Ray Lee to be held for payment until checked by Russell Painter. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. apprOVSd{jr J:t:. ...: ~ ' Attest: ~. '.. , Jo~~ Ci t~, ~ k 4 Seward, Alaska July 28, 1950 A special meeting of the Common "'puncH was called to order at 9:00 p. M., for the purpooe of discussing the agreement between the City of Seward and Alaska Telephone and Engineering Corpor~tion, the water problems and garbage business. Mayor Lanier in the ~nair. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Wilson and Myers. Absent Clm. ,Miller and Seferovich. Mr. Arnell, City Attorney, was eresent for the purpose of discussing the agreelOOnt between ATEC and ity of Seward. " Clm. Painter moved to a ccept the agreement between City of Seward and Alaska Telephone and Engineering Corporation as presented with change, Seconded by ClmJ Kirkpatric\t. All in favor, motion carried. Alex Petrovich was present on behalf of the Water bupply, over which there was considerable discussion, and Mr. Petrovich wished to know of the City planned on continuing with the condemnation proceedings and was advised that they do intenb to continue. elm. Wilson moved that J. R. Jackson take and books for'a ninety day trial period. in favor, motion carried. over the garbage collection Seconded by Glm. Myers. All Motion was mndeand seconded to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. APproved~~ l-f:. ~'.:#'f' Mayo Attsst: ~.~ City erk. - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska August 7, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular.meeting of the Common "'ouncll was called to order at 8:15 P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were elm." Painter, Kirk- patrick, S!,ferovich and Myers. Abs.ent Clm. Miller and ~iilson. Minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were read and approved. Letter was rGed fro~ Mrs. Semburn. elm. Painter moved tha~ the hourly payroll as read be approved. Seconded ~y Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in f~vor, motion carried. A!'pllcation of Don Bennett for garbage department was rend. Budg.et for this fi'sca"l yea'r' was rea.d and studied, for" G,snerel Fund and Sales Tax Fund, and fin,anciel data for last fiscal year was discussed,. Herry South8r1, tax acsessor, wos present with tbX problems, regard- ing Don Carlos Brownell Homestead trHcts of approximately 40 acres in Se'.vnrd, Alaska August 7, 1950 the City limits; Nils Hagen who h~s never paid taxes with approximately 4 1/10 Acres in the City Limits and the Jesse Lee Home property of approximately 30 Acres as well'as the Superintendent's house on which taxes have never been paid. I Clm. Myers moved that Lots 4 end 5, Federal Addition be sold to Ralph Andrews for $70 each. Seconrted by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm.'Pafntee, K1rkpatr1ek~Yyers voted YG~. Clm. Seferovich, no. Carried. Mr. Bowen W8S present regarding his letter concerning delinquent garbage and was advised the the Council that they will extend the time for payment on it. elm. Painter moved that the City bsar the expense of instolling of the new siren. Seconded by Glm. Seferovich. . All in favor, motion carried. to C. E. Gage, Clm. Painter moved to selVLots 21 and 22 Block 8, Laubner Addition, for $40 each and an option on Lots 19 and 20, Block 8, Lautner Add. for thirty (30) days from this date, with $20 deposit for option. Seconded by Clm. Seferovich. All in felVor, motion carried. Letter from Arne Sundby was read regarding payment of C.P. Keating's personal taxes and was advised that he would h'we to t3ke the Ill3 ttel' up directly with Mr. KeHting. Motion was made and seconded tp adjourn at 10:55 P.M. I Attest ~ ..J l1t:;;.. . --t-..--. ./ it ~lerk. #.... -7 (/~-- . ,-..-, APprovedi{-"'i/ .H<.// ./,:/-",..< Y Mayo i (/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, ~laska August 17, 1950 - . - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common wouncil was called to order at 8:15 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of passing on OrdinAnce 203, reading the complaint on City of Seward versus Seward Water Company t;.() set dates for meeting of Board of Equalization and appointing a representetive to the Mayor's conference at anchorage. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were elm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Sefarovlch, ~lilson and Myers. Absent elm. Miller. elm. Seferovlch moved to suspend the rules t9 adopt Ordinance 20:' to Condemn the Water System. Seconded by Clm. iainter. All in favor, motion carried. Glm. Painter moved to adopt Ordinance 203 an Ordinance to Provide fpr Action to Condemn the Water ~ystem owned and Operated by the Seward Water Company, to@ether with all properties, rights, estates and Franchises owned by said Company and to authorize the Filing of Con- demnation Proceodings in the District Court, Third Division, Territory of Alaska. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Seferovlch, Wilson and Myers voted yes. Motion carried. I Clm. Seferovich moved that the time for Meeting of Board of Equaliza- tion be August 23, 24, and 25th from 2 to 4 P.M., and August 28th and 29th from 7 to 9 P.M. Seconded by Clm. ~ilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved that the City of Seward pay $100.00 to Mrs. Mildred Kirkpatrick to attend the Mayor's conference at Anchorage. Seconded by Glm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Mntion was made and seconded ato adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Attesttf-;'t:~'/~ Ci t Cler'k ) I, - Approved i~~}'r~" A ( ~ /_J" r / - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - i~ , , . - Seward, Alaska ;,UGust a, 19bO A re~ular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:15 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick, Wilson and Myers. Ansent Clm. M1ller and Seferovich. M~nutes of the last regular Rnd special meetings were read and approved. O. M. BA8ver, accouatant, was present with audit and budget. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to accept 1949-1950 Audit as prepared by O.,M. Beaver. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to accept 1950-1951 budget as submitted by O.M. BA8ver. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. , Clm. Painter moved to approve the preliminary plans of the proposed sewer with some revisions. SAconded by Glm. Wilson. all in favor, motion carried. A letter to the School Board from James C. Ryan. Commissioner of Ed- cuation re~ardinR distribution of funds on a matching basis, was read, and City Clerk was instructed to notify the school board. elm. 'Myer~tm9~ed ~~hsell C. ~. ~age Lots 19 and cO, Block 8, Laubner Additionl SAcon~ea ~y Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Myers moved to sell Chas. o. ~lynnt Lots 6 Laubner Addition for total amount of ~~OO. All in f~vor. motion carried. I, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block Seconded by elm. Painter. Letter was read from E. L. Arnell regarding the appointment of a mayor for the unexpired term. Glm. Painter moved to approve of vacation for RRlph Van Guilder of the street department from September 15~h to October 1st. beconded by elm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. - The City Clerk was instructed to send a telegram to Leonard Clark regardinp.: his future plans .for returning to SeWArd as Chief of Police. Clm. Painter ,moved to approve the bills as follows: Andrew's burplus, $35.35, Andy's Oil DAliveIY, $257.25, ATEC, $67.81, Plummer & <lrnell, $330.00, Brown & hawkins, $25,00, Erdmann A~ency. $975.59, Charles R. G..iffin Co. $22~Ol, Hamllton's.$152.76. Chas. R. Hadley. $141.85, Larry & AI's Super 5Arvice. $19.75, Ray Lee, $60.00, Ken~i Lumber Co..$59.50, Lesko Bros. $165. Herman Leirer, $11.00. The Mart. $9.85. Marathon C~fe, $15.84, Mack Mortensen $787.50, Osbo'R, $126.90, New SAward, Hotel, $10.50, PAt's Garage, $278.37, Paulsteiners~ $158.77, Seattle Office Supply, $79.40, Sows d Elec. System, $991.96, Seward Hardware, $18b.90 SAward Plumbing & Heating, $167.98, Seward T..ading Co., $22.27, Seward SAHPort RAcord. $38.67l Standard O~l Co.. $475.4~, Seward prug Co. $4.70, ~okhel~,P.ump C~. ~165.00, J. R. Jackson, $1~5.00; Sales Tax'$12.20: Hnusing Area Doyle's Hardware $16:::.00, Glenn's Second !land Store, $i:.::2.50, Oabo's, $34.70, Pau1steiner's, $48,40, SA~8rd Hardware, $110.10, Soward Plumbing & Heating, $110.61, Seward Key Shop, $6.00. Roconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Mntion was ffiHde and seconded to adjourn at 11:15 P.M. Approvod ~,4 ;;(,tL.,o....,. l#ff Attest: - - - - - - - - - ., - - - - - - - - - '. - - - - - - - - - - - SAward, Illaska September 5th As n0 quorum was present the regular meeting of the Common Council was postponed until Ivednesday, September 6th. I drtest: ~ -~Q ~ City Clerk. Pc-_~ ;(~7- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~..ward, t\laska September 6, 1950 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A rep'ulu meeting of the Conunon vouncil was called to order at 8:35 P.M. MRyor~Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Kirkpatrick Miller and SAferovich. Absent Clm. Myers and ~ilBon. Minutes of the last regular mqeting were read qnd ~Dproved. I GAorge Green was present on behalf of the Jesse Lee nome and SRward ORneral Hospital regarding the tax assessment against them. Mr. Greene was renuested to write other homes in other cities for their procedure regarding taxation. The matter of taxation wus t~bled for further study Oscar DAhl was present for sidewalk petition on Fifth Avenue. Clm. Painter moved to adoRt the following RAsolution as redd: ~The I Resol ut ion The vommon Council of the ~itv of veward is declaring its intention of making sidewalk and curb improvements on 5th Avenue between NAshington and ~dams Street, at an approximate esti18ted cost of :$5,000.00. Two Thirds of the cost of t,le said improvements to be assessed against the property abutting thereon. Objections against such proposed sidewalk improvemAnts to be filed on or before 10 o'clock P.M., Mnnday, S..ptember 18, 1950, at City Hall. Attest: Sigrid Stearns City Clerk II Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Soconded by Clm. S..ferovich. All in favor, motion carried. D. C DT'ownell was present on behalf of his t;,xes. lam. PBi nter moved that the theatre, house, and all taxes of ~.C. and -lice BT'ownell remain the same as last year's assessed vlluation. S..conded by Clm. Seferovich. All in favor, motion carried. ~fter consdierable discussion it was decided that the VRn Gilder Hntel would be checked for next year's assessed valuation as well as the property of D. C. and ~lice ~T'ownell. I Clm. Painter moved that the iHll r'lte be .012 on redl property and .020 on personal property, the delinauent date be set at October 15th, and that the tax roll be accepted. S..conded by Clm. ~irkpBtrick. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that the h0urly payroll be approved as read. S.,conded by Cln. Kirkpatrick' 1\11 in favor, motion carried. elm. Miller moved that the resignJtions of ~hief Clark and Andy andersen, be accepted. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that D.,le Greene be appointed as Chief of Police. Clm. ~.,ferovich, Miller and Painter voted yes. Clm. Kirkpatrick, no. Mntion carried. Letter from the B P . .0'Elks for C t Ame ery plot was read and the ,,~ ,~, ,; 1 ,sAward, 1.1aska f:3epte.mbett 6, 1950 City Clerk instructect to advise them to contact Russell Painter, Letter from E L. Bartlett regarding the $1,500.60 appropriation for the ljouth end of the ."l'lska itailroad, was read. Anplications of Harry Hall 'and Clark FArguson were passed on and filed, and Chief Greene instructed to piCK one of the men for a temporary officer. Glm. Painter moved that Otto Schaller assessment be the same as last year. S~conded by Clm. SAferovich. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Mrs. Robert A. Rtewart was read, regarding property avail- oble for a future hospital. LAtter was read from the Cornmander of United States Coast Guard regard- ing unloading of explosives on the vity uock. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11 :45 P.l.I. .;,prOV.d~;7~ ,,~ Mu r A+test: L ..;~"t .../.;1;;../.... ./ City Gl~~k: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Soward, AlasKR Septa~ber 18, 1950 it. regular meetinr, of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 8;20 P.M. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Glm. Miller, Kirkpatrick, Seferovich, And Myers. Absent Clm. Painter . Minutes of ~he last meetin~ were read and aoproved. Oscar Dahl was present on behalf of the sidewalk on 5th Avenue between Washington and Adams Street. No objections were filed against such proposed sidewalk improvements. Clm. Seferovich moved to hire A. U. McRae as foreman of construction on the 5th Avenue sidewalk improvements, at the going rate of pay not to exceed $3.00 per hour. Seconded by Clm. Miller. All in favor motion carried. George Green was present on behalf of the Tqx notices Which had been sent to SA'.vard Op,neral HospitiiolJ and Jflsse Lee I1nme. ClmM1l1er movel that Mr. Green disregard th~notice sent to SAward GAneral Hospital and Jesse Lee Home until further notice by the vity Council. Sp'conded by <':l:n. 0Aferovich. All in fAvor, motion carried. Chief Greene was present to discuss several matters concerning the Police Uepartment. Clm. Myers moved to accept Harry J. Hall as Police Officer. S~conded by Clm. Wilson.' . All in f~vor, motion carried. There was considerable dJiscussion regarding ex-Chief <';lark's quarters, and it was decided that the unit would be put out for rent at $51 under the supervision of the Manager of the Housing ~rea. After some discussion the bid of D~nnis Thompson for lots 13 and 14, Block 22 was rejected, so these lots could be kept available for the use of the SrreAt D~partment. Letter was read from the Civilian Defense Committee rSRsrding the storage of g,Jsoline and the use of fire eKcapes on buildings over one story. The Chief of Police was to be notified to gbe~~ 5aBR~~n~ sto~~ge and cheCK with the 8!~e'Chlef,.~o~gasoline storage/cMBla t~ ~llmlnateu. Letter was read from the ul~skB DApartment of Health regarding health codes and ordinance and City Clerk instructed to notify the Dp,partment that we are using their recommended laws here. R~y Lee presented 8 bill for 64 ddYs accum~lated annual leave and the City Glerk w~s instructed to write to the ~ity A~torney regarding the matter in City Ordinances. Clm. Seferovich moved that the present <.;ity ClArk be given $~80 per month from the General Fund and $20 per month from the Housing ~rea Fund. Seward, ""-lnsk<J ,'3p?,":(:nl:er 18, 1950 S..conded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. Miller voted no. Clm. Kirkpatrick, Spferovich, Wilson and Myers voted yes, Motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to lower the salary of henry hnrton to $350 per month. effective October 1st. S..conded by Clm. Miller. ~ll in fewor, rno t ion carr i ej. I Clm. Seferovich moved that a letter be written to Fp.lix Toner's office requesting $40.000 additional to the prelimi~ary plans for proposed sewer systemraising it to $?OO,OOO. SAconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Seferovich moved that the follo~ing bills be paid when the money is aV8i1ghle: Andrew's Surplus, $35.35, AndY's Oil D.1ivery, $384.60, ATEC, $97.52, Plummer & A~nell, $330.001 Brown & Hawkins, $~5.uv, O. M. Beaver, $750.00. R. E. Baumgartner, ~75.00. Erdmann Agency. $1788.60, E & J Mfg. Co.. $126.31, Charles H. Griffin, $687.69. Uhar1es R. Hadley. $141.85, Larry & AI's Super Service, $19.75, Ray Lee, $60.00, ~enai Lumber Company. $59.50, Hamilton's,. $211.67~ James Construction Co., $292.09. Kenai Sheet MAtal ';iorks.H.".fund, ;$1.25, Lesko Bros. $165.0", The Mart, $11.05. Mack iAortensen, $1075.00. Marathon Cafe, $40.15, Herman Leirer, $11.00. McRae Concrete Products. $83.50, New SAward H"tBl, $10.71. Osbo's, $240.71. Pat's Garage, $383.50, Paulsteiner's, $175.01, Sesttle O~fice bunply, ~79.40, Seward Electric ~ystem, $1487.25 Seward Hardw:1re, $2876.20, Sp',mrd JAachir.e Shop. $6'77.07. SAward Plumbing & Heating. $167.98. Seward Trading Co., $22.27, Seward SAaport R~cord, $82.17, Seward .Iater Supply, $38,-::.50, Standard Oil CO.,:p580.63, Seward D~ug Co., $4.70., Tokheim Pump Agency, J165.00, J. R. Jackoon. $G50.00. Housing Area, Kenai Shea~ ~Atal ~orks, ~1.25, PBulstelner's. $28.22. Saward Hardware. $418.85, Seward f1umbin~ & Heating, $96.35. SAward Key Shop, ~8.50. SAles Tax, ~ity Express, $lG.20. SAward Spsport Racoro. $77.10. f>econded by Clm. .Iilson. i'.ll in favor, motion carried. I The City Clerk brought up the matter of Juke boxes that do not use coins and was instructed that these machines sere not to pay the re~~lar $5.00 fee. Mntion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. "pprov'd: Ey.-J< ;;: ". ;'t . At-test: ~~ ; ~ }a ~ ~:" ~ .,~ City Clerk. DeNard. I\lnska October 2, 1950 A regular meeting of the Common Gouncil was called to order at 8:10 P.i-i. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present ~ere Clm. Painter, Miller, Kirk- patrick, Seferovich and ~ilson. absent Clm. Myers. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Sam Hornack was present on behalf of Tony Perich ~state. Harry ~outhard, City. Assessor was present And read the amounts of taxes for the Tony Parich Estate for the last three years. I elm. Miller moved that the assessed valuation on the lony Parich Estate buildiLg on 4th Avenue be reduced to $65,000.00. Seconde:i by Clm. Kirkpatrick. Clm. PAinter voted no. Clm. Miller, Kirkpatrick. Sefer- ovich Bnd nilson voted yes. Uotion carried. W91ter Johnston of the garbage deparment was present and requested a new set of tires for the g8 bage trUCK before winter sets in. Clm. Miller moved to call for bids for six (6) cleated tires. size 8.25 x 20, 10 ply, for the garbage truck. Bids to be in the office of the City ClerK not later than 3 o'clock P.M., October 16, 1950. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Geconde:i by Clm. Painter. All in f8vor, motion carried. present on behnclf of the road to his cannery and Marvin Viele was n (-: .' Sewa rd. lila ska October 2, 1950 re~urdin~ his taxes for 1949 ond 1850. The City vlerk was instructed to mark the tax bill ~AID for the Resurrection Bay Company when the bill for the cannery road is presented. j,jr. GAorge Green and Miss r(uth Murrill w,ere present on behalf of Jesse Lee Home and Hospital regarding taxes. Clm. "ilson moved that an ordinance be drawn up regarding taxation on charitable, hospital and church property. Seconded by elm. Painter. All in fuvor, motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed by the members of the Common vouncil that there will be no taxes on JAsse Lee Home and hospital for the current year. Clm. M~ller moved that all outside address systems and loud speakers on buildings and automobiles be declared a public nuisance and the Chief of Police to order that ull be discontinued within ten (0) dlYS. Seconded by elm. Painter. All in fHvor, motion carried. Due to illnes Clm. SAferovich left the mAeting dt this time. Clm. Paintermoved to accept Henry Horton's resignation as final. SRconded by Clm. M111er. All in fnvor, motion carried. Letter from Floyd Evans for job of dog catcher ~as read. moved to accept the application of Evans for dog and cat a pe~iod of 90 days at $100 per month. Seconded by Clm. in fffiDr. motion carried. Clm. Painter catcher for "ilson. All Letter was read from the dousing and HO'me l"inance Agency. Clm. Painter moved that the hourly payroll be approved. Seconded by Clm; Miller. All in favor, !!lotion carried. elm. ~iller moved that the Police department pay 25% of the light b 11 for the URa building. Seconded by Clm. "ilson. All in favor, motion cal'ried. Clm. Painter moved to subscribe to the lime ican Auto A)praisal for the lax Assessor's us~. Seconded by Clm. "ilson. All in fJvor, motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to have Aron Sricson write about the bronze placque with names of veterans of World ~ar 11, from Seward. Letter was read from FAlix J. Toner regarding Alaska ?ublic ~orks Program. Motion gas made and seconded tu adjourn at 10:45. Approved f- '7 7' ' e..-':;~1 ,-,,< " /,L..d.:;l",- - '''I' ',J Attest: ~~ Ci ty elf'rk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, ll-laska October 4, 1950 A special meeting of the Common Council was called to oaRara@~eAtO@udge's report o'clock P.M. for the purpose of canvassing the ballots/of the RegUlar Municipal Ulection held on 0ctober 3, la50. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter. Kirkpatrick, SRfe~ovich, ~ilson and Myers. Absent Ulm. Miller. 217 B~llots were cast; For Council 2 year term: A. G. UcRae 162 Tom. B. Reilly 66 Glend0n E. TreEsler 54 Write in for Council 2 year term: Chas. E. Vole 149 LAwrence E. Whitmore 149 Ted Lesko 4 H. \/. Cempen 2 J H. Shelton 1 Russell \iagner 1 Utility Boa I'd h year term: v Murl Trevethan 181 School board Three year Term: Leon Lewis 210 School board .iri te in: [' Se~Hrd, ~lBsk8 Jctober A, 1950 B . DA vis 1 Hobert H. Lewis 1 Uiriam Painter 1 Clm. "ilson moved to accept the Judge's Poll Book report un the Re~ular ~lection held O~tober 3, 1950 in the City of Sew~rd, Te rritory of ~l ska. Spconded by Glm. ~yers. ^ll in favor, motion carried. I Uotion was made Bnd seconded to adjourn at 4:10 o'clock P.M. _r:~- - '-;/' APproved~> ',L../l ,:I~uv y 1118:/0 A~test:_~ ~ ~ City Clerk. .. ""-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - SAward, Al skA October 6, l~O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A Special meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 8:45 o'clock ~. M. for the purpose of t8kingaction on an ordi~ancepertain- ing to the handllng of explosives wi thin the incorporatec.i 1,imi ts of the City of Seward. !.layor Lanier in the Chair. r'resent were Clm. Painter, Mi ller, Kirkpatrick, SAferovich, 'iilson :nd l.!yeT'c-. Letter and telegram from Commander of 17th District, U.,'s. Coast Guard were read and discussed. Proposed O~dinance on explosives w,s read. Clm. ;,1; lIeI' moved to suspend the r'lIes for tile purpQ,se of passing Ordinance No. 204. Sp,conded by Clm. Painter. All 'in fa\Or, illotion crril I Clm. Painter moved to pass Ordinance No. 204. An Ordinance for the Handling, 'h.ansportation and ;)t:orage of ,~xplosives and J)p,tonators, ili any t.tuantities. Spconded by elm. i.!yers. Clm. Painter, l.\iller, Kinvatrick, E:.",ferovich, liilson 'ind Myers, voted yes. CArried. Glm. Myers moved to appoint the City Clerk as rHoresentative of the ~ity to sif:n permits for handling Class 1 explosives, in accordance with Ordinanc~ No. 204. Spconded by Clm. Painter, All i~ favor, motion carried. Wntion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:35 o'clock 1.W. Approv'd t~,.~~;'l;{;, _, ~~ y 1.13' I' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :~e'.ifJrd, AlfH,ka October II, 1950 I A special meeting of the Common ~ouncil Vias called to order at 8:05 o'clock P.~. Ueyor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Jiller, Kirkpatrick, ~ilson, Spferovich, Bnd wyers. Absent Clm. Pdinter. The meeting was called for the purpose of reviewing a possible fr~nchise for 4TEC for 8 telephone system within the City limits of the City of ~e,lard. Mr. !.iaxey and Mr. F~eem8n of ,~TEC were also present, 8S well as a number of townspeople. Proposed Ordinance No. 205, for granting frDnchise to AT.W, and letter, were reBd for the first time. Mr. Maxey spoke regarding the proposed ordinance, the present power load and proposed telephone service. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the proposed ordinance as submitted by AT~C be accepted as 0rdinance 1'0. ~O'~, f~u~ fur~h8r , _ ~ _ v. considerat ion, ~-':'i, - . , Se ~ard, AIRska October 11, 1950 possible changes and accepted as the first reading. t5Aconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motio~ carried. - l!.otion \Vas made and seconded to adjourn 8t 8:40?~CIOCk :,.1l1~ Anprove~.~' 4.7~ MaYJ'r Attest \) ,.- , ,A ~ C~- Seward, ala ska October 16, 1950 A regular mAeting of the Gommon Council o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Miller. Kirkpatrick, Sp,ferovich, Wilson was called to order at 8:10 Present Here Clm. Pai nter, and Myers. M1nutes of the last regular and swcial meetings were reud and aeproved. Irwin L. ~etcalf, D~puty U.S. Murshal, HdS present in regards the juvenile problem within the City and suggested a penalty clause in addition to the curfew ordinance so the parents would be held responsible. Clm. Kirkpatrick was instructed to cont,lct the P'T'A and the City Clerk to contact the City A~torney regarding such an ordinance. Pete Michaelson W8S present regarding his personal assessment. Clm. S~ferovich moved that the personal property remain the same 8S last yeqr. S~condecl by Clm. Kirkpatrick. hll in favor, motion carried. A representative of the Church of the Nazarene was present reRuesting rental of a building in the Housing ,.rea and liaS advised to see J. H. Jackson, manager, for use of part of the present storage room~ Bills were read as follows: Andy's 011 DelivFJ,'Y, .$~15.98. tlTEC, $31.85, H. E. Baumgartner, $468.67, J.R. Jackson, Sl~5, Erdmann ~~ency, '6.50, Charles R. GT'iffin Co.. $69.92, Harilton's $243.47, Mack l.ior,tensen, $1,195, Northern Com. Go., $6,787.99, Osbo's, $88.58. Pat's Garage, ~97.52, S~w8rd Machine Shop, $75.61, S~8nd3rd Oil Co., $102.40, S~wHrd Electric SYRtem, $302.45, Soward ~lectric ~ystem, $516.61, Saward TT'8ding Co. . $15.91, SAward N8ter ~upply, $130.00, G~ward Seaport RAcord, $48.30, t5el-.ard Plumbin['; & Heating, $75.53, S~vl8rd Hqrdware, $94.10, Election Boord, $50., Petty Cash, $24.97. H()using AT'ea: Dodge Electric, $4.62, Kenai Gheet jil~tal Ilorks, $4;~.00, P3ulstniner's, ~58.41, SAilard Plbp;. & Heating, $447.28, SnwarJ Hardware, $39.05. Clm. Miller moven that the bills be paid as read. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Letters from E. L. AT'nell regarding the ~Ater proceed~ngs, ,roposed ordinance 205, and City Code were read. Clm. Psinter 'noved that James IJonstruction Co. Check be corrected tl:I $142.09 instead of $92.09. SAconder' by Clm. Miller. All in fuvor, motion canried. elm. S~ferovich moved to credit Van u. Nyman with $50.00 on his taxes for stove received from him. S~conded by elm, ~ilson. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from J. Vic Brown Jr. was read re his 1949 taxes. stating he was not a resident of Seward at that time. Letter fro,;l Bank of Seward for refund on license was tabled for the attent ion of E. L. AT'nell. Clm. lHller moved to disallow bill of HAY Lee for linnuelleave pay. Seconde~ by elm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, motion carried. Bids for tires were read from The Mart, Hamilton's, Pat's GArage, and S~wBrd Hardware. Clm. Snferovich moved to accept Hamilton's bid for 6 tires, of $489.00 8S low. S"conded by elm. Miller. ,.11 in favor, motion c8rried. At ~:10 A. G. MCRAe, La"'rence "h"t d .. i. 1 more an Charles Cole, new councilmen, ,- SAward, ~l~sku October 16, 1950. were sworn in, replacing out~oing Councilmen Painter, Miller and Spfer'ovich. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to take Maryland CRsualty Co. public liability on all public property including Housing Area and School. SAconded by Clm./Hlson. .ill in f'jvor. illation carried. I Harry SouthArd, T"x Af'sessor, was present regarding delin~uent tax list and other tnx problems. Clm. KtrK~ trick moved that the delinquent tax list be prepared and published accm ding to law. Seconded bv Clm. Mcj{"e. 1.11 in favor. motion carried. J. R. Jackson present, re'luested additional funds for repair of the Housing Area in prepuration for winter. Clm. ~hitmore moved to ext~nd $500 for additional repairs from Hnusing Area Fund for further ~epairs. Spconded by Clm. Gnla. illl in f lvor, motion carried. elm. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend t a to Ordin'll1ce No. 164. paragrdph 111)". All in f'lvor. motion carried. rules for adoption of amendment Spconde by Clm. ,. ilson. Clm. Ki~8trick moved to adopt the amendment to Urdindnc,e 164, Paragraph "D", Relating to B.lectric Water Heaters l'mrt dEclaring an emergency. Spconded by Clm. ~ole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. l.lyers moved to accept the contract from ARR. No. 1- 3arr-884~ for pi 11 box for one !;iollar per yeOJr. SAconded by Clm. .Iilson. 1.11 in f'\vor. motion carried. Letter from Se>nborn tAR!) Co. was read. I Report of Pllblic Health Nurse was read. Clm. lAyers moved to authorize $200 to Public Henl th Nurse and $1000 to C. :~arl .tl.lbrecht, Commissioner of health. Spconded by Glm. Gole. All in fnvor. motion carried. Letter from George Green W8G regarding thanking the Council for its decision of no tuxes for the current ye'1r. The followinls Gommittees were a'jpointed: Clm. Myers, Fire Commissioner. Clm. ~ilson, Police CommissioD0r, Glm. ~irkp~trick, Finhnce , Health and '.welfare, Clm. Cole, Airport and ;;;mall Doat l13rbor, Clm. v.hitmore, School, Clm. McRe>e, street and Gurbage. At-testA :~~-~ City Glerk. to adjourn at 11:20 P.M. // - APprpved~~.I~. ;,. r Untion W'1S made and seconded - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SeV{ard, tl.18ska October ~3, 1950 I A speciql ~8etirlg of tile Conrnun ~ouncil was c~~led to order at 8:05 o'clock ?,,!. for the purpose of' gatheri,?, adrtiti01l91 inform3tion for cor;.demne> tion proceedings Hf!,fiinst .::ieward ',iA tel' bupply, to discuss the ACS garbage contract and setting a scale of wugef for City Mechanic. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present 'ilere Glm. McRse. dhitmore. Kirkpatrick, Cole. "'i IsoD and "lyers. ~he ~3dditional informRtion for condemnation pr'oceediLgs requested by E. L. hrnell was read and discussed by the members of the ~ouncil. with request for a further meeting with Mrs. thorne and th~ man9~er of Seward ",,'1 tel' Gupply. "", ... The ACS garbage contract was discussed 3nd price of ~25 per Quarter VI8S decided on. Clm. ~yers moved to set the wages of Gity ~echanic at 9400 per month. st8r~lng Nnvember 1st. SAconde~ by Glm McRae. All in favor. motion c8rrled. Mntion was made and seconded to sdjourn at 9:50 P.M. "teeet: Approved ~,~ ,', ;.,. <',,,, Se\'/8 rd, Ii laska November 3, 1950 Ii special meetinr, of the Conmon Council was called to order'at 8:05 o'clock P.~. for the purpose of discussing water problems with the i;jeward \,.,ter ;;,;upply. Mayor Lanier in the (.;hair. Present were elm. McHas! 'I'lhitmore, Kirkpatrick, Gole, "ilson and Uyers. The SAward \"~ter uupply was represented by Mrs. Jean John Connelly, attorney and Alex PAtrovich, manuger. was presertt in behalf of the City of beward. .Lhorne, Owner, E. L. Arnell John Connelly. attorney for b.,ward ~~ter Supply, asked if price rates and changes had ever been discussed, and if a rehabilitation program had ever been discussed, and was advised that both had been discussed but nothing accomplished. When asked what her selling price on the "'lter company would he,Mrs. Thorne stated it to be ~~IOO,OOO. There' was considerable discus~ion regarding the prie1 and the financin~ throuf2:h a bonding company. Mr. Connelly stated that if the City of ~eward would hire an engineer from the bonding company, at the city's expense, for an appraisal and survey of the present water system as well as cost for rehabilitdti~n or .new systel1l, that lilrs. Thorne would take the reports of the engineer for hef o~n UB~ and pay for the expense involved in the event that the City should be unable to get the bonds for the water system, and she said she would then try to obtaln me,ney for rehabilitation. The' City attorney reluested that a letter to this effect be sent to the m'Jmbers of the Common "'ouncil. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:15 o'clock P.M. Attes~~.;) ~~l Ci ty 'lerk. 0.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Approvad ~L.-;,:.- beward. hlaskn NovolD,ber 6. 1(J50 Ii regular m'3eting of the Common '-'ouncil was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., ~ayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, vihitmore, KirkpfJtrick. Cole, ..ilson and Mvers. l,linutes of the lRst regular and special muetinp;s were l' edd and qpproved. Members of' the PT" were pr8;:;ent re'1uesting that the City do something towards obtl:: lning 'I school bus to pick up the children from the sani torium areA and out of to,m... All left vvi th Clm. "hi tmore to rn"et with the school board to discuss the matter. J. E. noth was present reouestinr; cl r'1fund on the license issued by the (.,1 erk of the Court for the period J"ly I, 194\J t,) June 30, 1950, And was advised by the members of the Council that this tax is not refundable by t11e City of ..eward. The Gi ty '-'lerk \'1(13 instrllt;teri to write him a letter to this effect. G~orge Turnbull was present to discuss the rent due on #10 in the Housinv ~re8. over whlch there n~~.con8id~~~ble discuBsion.~ C~m. Kirkp3trid-: moved to iJccept the crieck of ,$,;76.50, made out ~O (IAorge Turnbull and endorsed by him, as pnyment in full on rent of hut No. 10, while occupied by U"or~e 1urnbull. Seconded by Clm. ~ole. hil in fpvor. motion carried. Ray Lee was present 8n~ requested the reason for not granting his rerjuest for annual le',ve. The decision of City Attorney, b. L. Arnell in this matter was rear! and Mr. Lee asked thRt a copy be given him. t<\".ed Kielcheski, Fire '-hier W8S present reporting the lIosDiul :Jnd OceunviellJ rooms as fire hszards find the OcefIDview as uns':nitary. He hlso reported on the non existence of fire escapes and the need of having the electric pump instilled that had b'~en re~uested l~st y:ar. and the necessi tv for heW ing this pump during the \nnter durlng 'Gele period of low water pressure or no water ut all. The vitv Clerk was instructed to write to the Utility ;:loard about thio matter. F "f , "" " " S"ward, 1~1:i[.,k9 November 6, 19bO elm. ..ilson, Police vommissioner, spoke in btihalf of 8 raise in salary for the members of the police force. Glm. Uole moved that B 10~ r~ise be ~iven all police officers. 5"conded by Glm. ~hitmore. All in f'lvar, moc;ion carrierjj. Irwin L. Metcalf. iJpputy U.S. .:srshcll, p;8ve the present police departnsnt a good recomoendation. 1 D. C. B,.,ownell WAS present with 9- request that he be informed when tile delinquent tax roll is ready to be presented to the Common Council for w'proval. ",iinfield Irvin of the N"rthern Cor'lmercial Company was present with data on DC6 Gat. el!'1. lAcllae moved to buy DC6 Gat from Northern Commercial Company without the hyster. Seconded 0:/ Glm. Nlyers. ~cHae voted yes, Whit~ore no vote, Kirkpatrick no, Cole yes, ~ilson yes, ~yers yes. ~otion carried. Letter from SR~Brd .~ter Qupply was read. Clm. KirkpatricK moved to proceed with the agreemc nt Ivi th Sp,r,'ard .ia tel' tl;{stem for hiring an hydraulic engineer. Spcondeci by Glm. llhitmore. ,,11 in favor, c1Hried. Mr. Dahlberg, teacher and coach was present with a request for the use of first lake for flJoding and using for ice skating for the children. and was informed by the members of the vouncil and ~r. Brownell that he could go uhead. with his p18ns. I Bob Freeman, manager of liT1C. was present regarding 1;he frclnchise ann \Vas f3dvise that it is being re-V1ritten by the City ,\ttorney. H"comroenriation was read from the members of the HospitFll Board that ground be purchased from D.C. Brounell for a new Nurse's Home and the matter immediately turned over to a committee of three, McRAe, ,ihitmore and Kirkp3trick. iilr. B,.,ownell at this t me stated th8t he would sell all hiE homestead, with the exception Of his house, to the City for $12,000 payable $100 per month for tin yeBrs. " The same committee was also to act with Mr. Brownell. in this matter. Glm. ,ihitmore returned from the meeting with the p'rA md ,",chaol Board. Clm. "hitmore moved th:Jt $1U per month be paid from S'lles 'lAX Fund to the School Board for use of txtending school bus transportation, s~id ~90 to be pFlid until February Ibt, 1951. bpconded by ~lm. Mcriae. All in f:i VOl'. motion CArried. Glm. KirkplJtrick moved that the hourly plyroll be approved with the exception of the hours Manthey worked for i~ielcheski during huntinG se3SOIl. i3r;conded by Clul. ,I'hitmore. ..11 in fRvar, m01;ion carried. Clm. dilson m~ ed to approve the li1uor licenses as read from baumgartner's letter of uctober ",7th and trinsfer of Beverage License No. 2279 fro~ V,nce Bitt to A.J. And Faye Culverson. by Glm. l;\yers. All in favor, motion carrie, . Jispensary Spcondeci Clm. Kirkpatrick moved th'1t Lot ICmel'iGdn Lef'ion Post for :.$180. motion carried. ~5, Block 22, To~nsite, be &ld to the S"condeJ b:: ,nm. Cole. boll in f8vor, Letter from Uorps of ~nf'ineers was rBld S':l:ring the small bo"}t herbor in Seward would orobably not be dredged until next spring. I elm. Cole move.! that that the lip:ht at the small boat h.,rbor be rep"ired "t the expense 0' the 0ity. Seccnded by \JIm. "ilson. All in favor, m~tion carried. V'1luations on 1'8'11 property and parDonal property tu~en from the 1~5~ tax Roll prepared by Harry ~outhard, TAX Assessor, read as follows: Re'll Property, $4,234,977.06 T~x $EO,e18.69 Personal II '1,597.525.<:;0 Tax 31.950.55 Total 5,b32,505.26 82,769.27 Motion vas made and seconde~ to adjourn qt 11:35 P.M. ADprovod ~ li~., Jit,:est: ~ '. ~;J...21J" AI" -( ...J City lerk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :-n~ , , !j L tleward, Lilnsk8, Nove~ber ~O, 1950 A rep;ul"r meetinfl; of the Common Council was c:111eu to order et 8:00 01clock P'~" Uayor Lenier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, ~hitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, wilson end Myers. lIiinutes of the l,st ref'ulur and ",pecinl meetings were rU'ld anu approved. ~. E. bn':lmgartner, attorney for ...ieward lllectric :::'ystu!U was present ,vith f~o~tIT%ail\'t~ tc;~r'a If-~\~ ~O;}61l,H6slf3"oldorIsasu~e\~,ti~ier~ea~.enp;ine. Letter of request ~lm. ~yers moved to suspend the rules to edopt Ordinance ~o. 206. ueconded by GIla. "11"an. ' . . 1J'onoflll%riJil~a~, .lIu tmore, Knl{patrick, Gale, iHlson and Myers voted yes./ OrdinanCe; j,o. 206. .~200,OOO.OO bond issue ./as re':lli. Clm., "lcRae moved to L1dopt Ordinunce No. 206. An Ordimlnce of the City ?f S",w;Jrd, .Al~sk2. to provide for the L"u'lfice and sale of n(;r,otLible lnterest-bearlnr, Revenue Bonds of the City of GAward, Alasku in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars($200,OOO.OO) or so much thereof as may be necessary to provide funds for the expansion and extension of the limnicipe11y o.med dnd operatcld ~)Award Electric System PursuOlnt to '"" -' l.ct of Congress Clpprovecl 6 lihrch 1946, Clup. 5<::, 60 Stat. 33; s8id Bonds to be supported und secureJ by a pledge of the Revenues from suld Utility HS huthorized in slid lict. SAconded by Chl. ..hitmore. Clm. McRQe, ~hitmore, Kirkp8trick, Cnle, ~'ilson and ~yers, voted ye~. Motion c:"rried. Letter from G,.,':Jnde Ix Conpany, dated lJnvember 17th \/as read, regarding the finrlnciog of u bond Issue for the purchase of the ,->e'.wrd \."t;er ::;upply. Clm. '.Iilson move I t.o retain l~",lix 'roner as ene;inoer, as r, commended by Gr'1llde 0< Co., for water survey. Spconded by GlD.. [,iyers. Clm. McHne, Ilhi tmor8, Kirkpu tricl~. Cole, ,; ilson and Hvers, voted yes. J10tion carried. Ordinance No. 205 was rc.o by tho City Glerk._ Clm. iiilson moved that urdincmce <::05, gr.Jnting 1l.l'.H3kJ Telephone ~nginoer- ing (;orpori t ion a franchise, be Hccrlpted as its second re:;ldin,g. Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. CID.. Mcdee, nhitmorB, Kirkpatrick. Cole, ,iils:m and ;<;/ers, voted yef,. Hotion carri0J. Letter from several D",partD.ents of City ,:or!{ers we,-. read.Jith requests 8,' folloiVS: G8rbage DRPt..I"lter Jnhn,-;ton 1wi ,.[,lter Tru:np, re1Uest an 8dliitional;;i~;5.00 er;ch for the IJ1nthc of Jct.,Nov., unu ;)ecer.1uer. lOjb rRise cormnencing Jsn. 1, 1051. Street Dppt., Rqlph V'ln liuilder, . a $50.()0 rrnse, m3kin~.l monthly saltlry of $450. Harold Croxton, ~; :$50.00 r8ise, rrnkiolc a ['lJr:th1y s :lary of i~400.CI0; both to c,"[J1llEnce Jamwry 1, 1\:)51. !Aechanir:al Dep3rtment, ilou;ton Morton, .,ji50.uO l"oise, [H1kini~ total monthly sal'1ry af :~450.00 com:lOncing January I, 1:351. Fire' Dppt. R,.,ed Kielcheski,lO~ rlise caking total salary $440 a Donth, cormaencing Janu]ry 1, Hll, plus t' 'rty (30) UiYS mnUfil le,lve. City CIeri:, Gigrid Stearns re::jueste.l prCl'3ent s~llury of ~400.00, regtJrd- 1 ess of whether or not the hnU8 ing .ree iE ever HlJ,ndoned by tho Ci ty. $2.00 an hour for casual workers was requested by the vHrious depart- ments. ~lso some form of Social becurity. Clla. Kirkpatrick moved that the garbage employees be paid ~375.00 per Donth, retro-active to Uctober I, 1950. :::'ncanded by Glm. ~ole. ~ll in fdvor, motion cHrriej. elm. "ole moved to accept the 'dage scr'lle as presented. to conmenee JanutJry 1. 1951. ueconded by Glm. lilcitBe. All in f'ivar, motion carried. Proposed Ordinance No. ~07, rAgulatin~ rules dnd re~ulJtiond ~ove]'ning installation Clnd use of electric energy in the City of ~eward. was reRd and tabled for further discussion. Letter fron C'lrl h. C;'1rlson. uuperintendent, ro iUGsting bUG tr .n'3porta- t ion for those ~JUt the highway who Ht prrJsent have no bUe service, for their children. Letter from Governor Gruening was rcwd regarJing his rllcent trip to SeliaI'd. r8eu Letters fr~,m NavHl Headquarters and U S iiT"D.Y tleQdnuarters,.wd reg3rl1- inp; the usP. of Se\iard as ,; r(]cretc t looal center. October report of Publ ic ileal th nurse .;us read. Sev1sI'ci, trlfJSKb i~ovember : U, 1950 I Clm. '.ihitL1ore moved th',t the follo'dillP: bill" CiS read be paid: "lQ[;kc> Tpsnsfer, ~127.S0, Andy's 011 ilBliver~. ~153.15, ~T~G. J~9.B5, J.V. v,.,own, ;.11.33, Jh1 heed. ~S.()O, Central l)()rvi,~B ,.gOllCY. .;,iL..5.ClIJ. Erdmsnn "peney, ~1,279.66, A,..on ~ricsoll, ~~6.75. rlctmilton's J301.~G, Ken:-,i Lumber Go., $34.56, ,d'e' ~uper "'c,rvl,:e, ,~3.45, Bill :.1uir, ,,_7[;.00. Osbo's, ~~64.g6tP:Jt,'s vlJrl:Jge, ~17.78, ~)fult;;eil:erl~:: ,~~1.~9: ~~iI<HI1, ,;,lec. ')ystem, ,?514.,~4, .;e':Jc:rd 0e:1port ,tecor(.. ,;p,1'00, "e,lclr,l t'~br. ex ntp'. $13.55, ~e\lfjr(l liard'iure, ';6\1.24, ~p',J[)rd "','!chine whop. ,~78.08, S+-:-Jnu"!rd Jil L.o., $~o2Llr;, Petty Cash :'~HJ.72. U.~. fencil vo.. :om.14, r!ousinr; _q...e" fund: Cit:f ",xprB[;S, ~;).U:J, Doyle':o 11:1rdliu::,o, 'lI'c~.~.5, I'odvo ulectric, ip14.00. ?aulbteirlf-Jr's ,~l:2(.36, 0A',i<:rd Ke;! Jhop,~$8.00, Sei'Clrd w3rur,'8re, ~85.i:O. tJoconded by Glm. -':ole. ,dl in favor, motion c'1rried. i.lotion ':i3E '1;de :'ll1d seconded to cdj:urll f1t 11:56 Poll. , r d tes t C ~:;' '2 i'e~ /- {Lv:. "rv' t~ ./ AD prove d-L:t-"?:,-",,... /:} , ,j: ,'{..c: c ( Bjiyor 0A',vnrcJ., _1.1~1sk8 Nove;aber 24, 1950 A special r1eeting of the l]or:npn l..ollncil Ilns cfllled to order "t e:oo 0' clock ?,w" for the purpose of pL-is~;ing all Oruiwlllce l~o. 2U5, further ,iiscussion of Yl"din,mce ;;06, '~GOO,OOO.OO Dont! I[isue, Ordin~~nce [~o. 207, r8f1;artling electricfll imit:31LJtions, and..arN,ntv DeEld for D. G. Dpownell prope I ty. Hayor Lanier in the clmir. Present \iere all LJouncilm(lll , i'.icRae, lihi ttJOre, Kirk))lltrick. Cole. "i~son and I,lyen;. I Ordin:-mce ~06, 00nd lssue~ \/8S first l?r(;lUght UP1lii th no further , ouestions or discussion. TO be Proposltlon 1'<0. , Oll b8110t at S~~&c:elG ,;11". F1"oemun, :IBnager, Ilnd ,iI,... 08rroll, techniciun. of tcT2.C, were present .9rd ;~:\nce ;10. 21)5~ for lJ.T3:C F,.., lnchise vms rec,d, snd therp, 1m3 con- siGrbble discwision. elm. "ilson r:loved that Jrliin:Hlce j~o. ;;;05.. granting l~l~l~ikH Telephone ~nginrlerlng Gorpor:;tion 8 frDnchit3e, be 8ccepteu 8t;; its t!lirJ !'(wd In,s' ,,[r. F1"eunen, I,bnuger of .. ':I:' 2C , statec: that the new schedule of rates, in vl"d: nflnCe 205, would !lot apply or be in effect until the new im- proved fn'.lf1ual system is in use. The j[j,ll1Uul system does not rr.eln the dLJl sys';;em. I,!r. r'1"eemfin, 3S manager of ,T~C, s:lid he has not the 8uthori ty to c18ke ~J commi tmnnt, but hols the aStOUr:lDce of ;Jr. Jlaxey that he does not choose to r8m~j in in the power businelis. elm. KirktJ8trick raoved to 8 ccept OrdinanCE! rJn ~'()!i, ;:'n Grdin,jnce authori7.1n,' Hl~1[;k': T"lephone nnr;inf)Hriw.:: Corpol'etion, its SUccecl,ors and assi~ns, to own, bU:ld, ffia:ntBin and operate telephone lines, fixtures and appurtenances for ';;he operutlolj of the telepholle system. exchange and. lines ';iithin the corporato limit" of the Gity of w8i1ard, Territory of "'lask:':; Hnd defin~ng s8id Compeny's ri~:hts. f:owers and privileges. SAconded by Glm. Gole. Clm. Mcitz,e, \/hitmoro, J(irkp'Jtrick, Col e. .. i 1:50n :-ind iiiverf5, v oted yes. I 1,!p. D. C. b,.,ownell, was present, !JIlIl 01" inance No. ::08. an Jr:linrJnce to purch~lse flpproximntely eGO hCre[; of land from iA,.... brodnell,w8s discussed. Clm. McRae r:love~ to suspend the rules for the adoption of C1"dinance No. 208. Seconded by CLa. "iLiOn. ",11 in fllVor. [:lotion carrled. - Glm. l.-ole moved tc edoptObiinfJnce Nn. :::;08, ">l1 0rciin:lnce of the City of Sp'.'If1rd. ",1'H3ki to provide for tile purchuse from Don C:lrlos Brownell, of certainLBnds Embr.ced in United StBtes ciurvey Uo. 703 amended, and adjncent thereto, situr,te .,,,st ilnd ;^,djacent to the City of '-'e:JJrd, for the total consideration of T~elve ~housDnd ~ollurs p~yqble in equal monthl'! instnlmBnts of One iiundrei .Jollars each \'1iti1out Interest, 8S read (\vi th insertions, "'I i thout interest"). SAconded by Glm. KirkpA trJ All in flvor, motion carried. ~ewarrj. alHska November ~4, 1950 Clm. UcH8e noved to accept an ordinance relative to ~reservBtion of trees, shrubs, under forestry su~rvision, to the Brownell P~rk, when such ord~nance is presenteci to the lJouncil by an at:;orney. SAconded by Clm. ~hitnore. All in favor, notion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved that 8 correction be made by the Utility Board in section 6, Part two, of proposed Urdinance No. ~07. Seconded by Clm. McHaR. .<dl in Lvor, r.lOtion carried. Clm. Myers noved that H special election be held in the Uity of Sew8rd. ~nndHY, Decenber 11. 1~50. Proposition No.1, to be Urlinance No. 206, $200,000.00 Revenue Bond Issue for expansion of facilities of the Se\lflrd hlectric bystem; proposition No.2, to be Ordinance No. 205, the ATb:C Frlnchise; proposition No. ~S. to be Jr'lill'Jl1Ce No. 2(Jb, the purchase of the DT'ownell Hf)c1ef,tehd property, pending the r~tifica. tion of qU'jlified voters of the City of '-'e'dard at auid opeci'll Electi6n. Seconded by Clm. Cole. Clm. lii(',l(cW, ..hitnor(), Kirkp:ltrick. Gole, ~ilson And Uyers, voted yes. !Antion 1',:'8 r.1Hde ,md s'?conded to a<ljourn at 11 :00 ?J.i. Attest: ~' ~ '.,: I--i{~<-L~ City dferk. "pp co V "ii~<A-U !.iay r " j , . [. '- '1-<-<-<. 7' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, J.lCiska December 4, 1950. A rep:ular m"eting of the comraon council IVtlS caLled to order ,it d: 15 P.d. hlHyor L8nier in the C!1H ir. r'resent Here Cln. lAcRae, ..hi tmore, Kirk- patrick, Cole and lhyers. il.bhent Glra.<iilson. A wiring Code was read as presentee! by Jact: Jordf~n of the Sewflrcl Electric ~YBtem. Ordinance No. 207 W~B react for the third time. - Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt OT'dinance No. 207, an Ordinance estAblishing Rules Bnd RAgu13tions governing installation and use of ~lectric Energy in the City of be~!lrti, Alaska, and inclUding the wiring Code as submitted. S"conded by Clm. :ihitmore. 1loll in f:,wor, :notioll cf}rried. L"tter fron kAron GT'ossm~n was road stating that he would sell Lots 37 and 3b, Block :~O Townsite for :t~)50.00 for the two. Clm. Whitmore moved to approve the hourly payroll. Leconded by Cln. Hyers. All in fr'!Vol', motion carried. The matter of J75 personal taxes for 1949 of Francer Jones wa~ brought up and it I/flS the aecision of the Council that she is lbble for the payment of said personal taxes. The first p:~rt of the new code as lira.ill up by E. L. ,',rnell vms read and discussed and tabled for further discussion. Proposed Ordinance of D. C. in BT'ownell P8rk was read. 1 ET'o'Nnell for protection of shrubs and trees,etc. ,I I elm. Cole moved to pay the bill presented by D. C. BT'ownell for $65.00 for a ttending District Court at hnchorage. S"condeJ by Clr:l. "lcRae. hl1 in favor. motion carriod. The condition of the New ~)chool Aridition \YClS discussed with the discisioll thst the Batter of settling, leuks etc. would be investigated further by the Mayor and Clm. lAct'tae and ..hi trnore. The deplorable condi tion of the dl)usillg Jirea \Yus. (iiscusse~ Vii ;tl.l no definite decision hDving been reuched for remedYlll;, the SltWhlon. '. :hrnLuj~':; tli). 2.0'1 .Jf JRDIN,INCE ESTABUJllING imL~' i~~m ,{;5GUk.TI )N~ G V~J;n;G I'!('T'LT "'''''I''N '\l'f) T1'C:'l/' 0.11I ."'T "I"T'DI" nHl'I G1 I" lTItl" ('I"'" , F ~'" ,[?) .LI':'> ,.., .LM'iJ. '\.J J~fij. U"'.u ~ .l~.u&V.i.t\ V .:M1..:.i\ ~,J.ilj. v "-I '. tJ,(~ lJ1,ld ;~.HSI'J. BE IT :' HT1ilnmn by tho Com ;on Gaunai 1 :>f tho (;i iy or Seward. l~luBka: C' t1 1 "'V' '~m'" T," ." 'ctom, I' '," 'VI" . t.leo 011 .' ,u_,,",,,Lv r.K .L"V.l" \,; ",...h 1.1... (n) .,,11 monthly billa shall be due on the first dfl1 or each Invllth Rnd shall be delin(tuent nfter ~he tonth day ot the .onth. Bills not J'lnid on or betore the tenth dRY ot the Ilonth in whioh they becom.e due, shall have n chArge of titt, o.b added to th.. to oOllpensfSte tor the nddi tional book- keeping inTolved. (b) Customers not paying billa on or before the twentieth a., ot the month in whioh the bills beoame due, shall be immediatel! disoonnected. It shall be mandatory for the Seward Eleotr Q System to disoonneot eyery oustomer not 00&- plyiag to or with the aboTe regulations oonoerning paywenb, nnd suob dlsoonDeotion must be msde on or betore the tWeDt,-first dftJ' of ~e month in whioh the oustomer',. bill be08Jl8 due. No _plo,ee ot the Seward ;Ueotric ~;18te shall have the authority to perait oontinued electrio sOrTioe or to re-COfiQeQt ~ discon- neoted eleatrio 8erTloe for any oustomer who hRB not co~plled with all resulaUans herein stated. (0) Custo.era who heva D6en disconneoted for nom- para'" ot their eleotrio bills shall not be re-oonDeoted witil they bave paid the entire bill due, inoludin~ the delinquent penal" anel a serdoe oharse of two dollars for suoh r.e-oon- neaU on. (d) Cuetoaers ordering temporary d isconnecU on of electrio 88nloe shall be charsed two dollars for re-OOnD8otion if such reoonneotion is made within six months of the date at di .connecU on. r:.oUon 2. MI~EJ:l D:~P:):;ITS. l~ll ouato.era making connection or reoonneotion with the Seward Uectri 0 D,at.. for eleotr1 0 enery.1, shall haTe on deposit ti th the Sewnrd 'Uentrio f..yst.. the sum of Ten Dollars (~lO.OO) for 8aah .eter required to serve the oustomer's needs betore suoh eleotrioal oonneo1:10n i. made. C'-.i "".. 3 lJ~ ,T;? : lli" ",'r 'i''',"DT'' '~!i'I}VIC",;" . vv....... . \.~ J\....,~.1 ' J.' U4.1,:.>>vj,I.U"" v_;;.\. .t,;,e EYery DOllestio electrio oustomer who furnishe8 eleotrio energy to fUlycne other thau his iuedlate f(Wily shall be ohArged aooording to oommeroi~l rates. (' ti I "'FTJ"" }' ,.",rv.,. '1' .,)eo :>n At. ,.,(. c,. ,'..0, ,. I vlJ;,.i J. v.... (n) The ~e\..ard ~;18otric System shall have the right to refuse s8rvice to 6n10ne where suoh service Mvuld be lieDle \0 endanger the qUAlity or quantity of eleotrio serv10e to other custollera. (b) The ~Qward ::leotric ;.;yst_ shall heve the right to disoonneot .emoe to lUlT oustomer uslot! motors larger than three horaepower Oll single phase lighting servioe. ~r any other equi- valent load that would adversely affeot the quality or quantity ~r eleotrlo servioe to other oustomers., ' Sect! on ~LI.i.BIU'1'Y. (n) The City of ~:en8rd shall not be liable for MY d"mAf~e resulting from the Ude ot electrio servioe on the premises of the oustolOer. (h) The City of 5eward aba11 not be liable for eny duAf~e to per80n8 or proper\y resulting fro~ oonditions of .ervioe beyond the control ot the 3eward lt1.eotric Syst81ll. (0) The Cit1 of Seward ahall a88ume no liability for deteotiTe wiring even though euoh wiring has beeD inspeoted by representeti'Ye8 of the City of ~eward, or the ;.ieward ;;:leotrio Sys- tem. ~;"otion '. I';c'm~!~TI"l'; ,1~ 'TI.IN0 _'0 ".&u..~1. .4.., ).~.,.. .. ". u. (8) ull new ftdditioos, installntions ohanges, extensions And or modifications of ee.ctri081 wiring shall be in aocordanoe with the t!at1onal ::laotrio Jode, a no this Lrdinanoe; and the 88Ile shRll be inspeoted and Ai)' rvved by fU1 electrical inspeotor appointed by the City of Seward prior to the energizing ofauoh wirina. (b) ~ permit, issued. bY' the City of Seward, /lust be ob- tl'lined from the J..unioipal :.:lark ,)1' ropresentat1ve of the Seward !:Ueotrio 5Y8tO, pri;;r tv wac lug au",' InatallatlO11r addition, ohm go Qr modifioation of any oleotrloal wiring, either lnt8rior, or ex- terior, or both; and '\8 !l ovndition nreoedent to the issuanoe of ..". .- " , ;. fl " v..1 ~. '. _v , \- ) 8I1Y suoh. pend t, ooaplete in1'ormfltlon ahall be furnished by the a?plioant regarding the inst8ll~tion to be ma4.. (0) The Seward Bleotr1o ~yst_ shall have ibe r1pt to enter the premi.es or ita oustu.era at 811 r8ftlOD8bl. ti.e. tor the purpose of inspeoting hot "flter hester airouits. (el) The f,ewflrd ileotri 0 :';yst8ll1 shall have the right to refus. electria service to nny oustomer where the wiring doe. not oomply with the National :,aeotr1o ~od., end the ~peolt108t1on. for 11eottlo '"iringr.for the City of ~;8'lftrd, 88 8et forth and derined in the ,iring Codo. ~ 10i 7 ,...""'..... ~'i','\ I c: ",eo on . ';',".l,~, :..,.~. (8) :lll meters will be sealed by the [;ew8rd Ueotno [;,st_ and no suoh seal eMU ue tUllpered with OJ.' broken ua"t b:r a reprellenhthe ;)f the Gl:lwf!rd ::leatrio ':1stem appointed for that purpose. (b) "enal t1 l' or btreatd.ng 8. meter 8881 and/or t8Dlperlng with eIl1llleter, transformer, pole or wires, shall be ';;;;0.00 tor eaoh 8.t1d every offen.e. (0) T,ie austoller sball &xeroise every oaN to preYeD' metera, aerY10e wires, applianoes or fixtures of the Seward ~leo- trio S,at_ upon tne oust Oller , 8 pl'8lliS88, trom being injured or desiro'" and shall noUr, the ~eword Hl.otria S,stu ot ., deteol'a in &uGh equip.ent, when dlsoo~ered.. Seotion ij. ~;Pl~\ilAl, l'~d~ .. ';j)eoial rates ~n water heater. will 8p~11 oAlTit a HpaZ'8te sooket-type 1:leter bas. is provic1ed tor the ..1. ymrpose of .eterill8 th.:t water h8uter l...ad alld such load is adoat1oall, disoonneoted durine peak load periods. Disoonneotint( shall \e done wi thill 8peoial meters provided by the Seward faGotrio System. The hot water B6ter ahall he oonnooted only to the hot weter tank. ~l.otrio energy metered t~ough the hot water meter shall be used only tor heating water !lad uhall ,not be used for 8R other pur- pose. :..ny oustomer found using thi a enerer for~ny other purpose will be oharged. 800.}ro int to be GOllloero e.l hate. I . -, , "'1 . -,,"'I ,. . .~;, I . ..... ~_" .... .,J .." ... BeOUOA 9. LOC.~TION!lf' ll':'1'E1t8. ill ..er ba... ahall be proYidec:1 bl the ouatolller ... ....1\ H la.ted ;lu\alde the DUlldbg, and II1USt De mounted at ..., , It. _ not Rore than 7 tt. aDo.8 tbe &round and ~U ao' H O.D . wall ..neath the 8a't'u ot a roof where 1l.~1e \0 4~,,~froR talling i08 or anow unle.a auitable pro- "''1oa 1. '....ec1 to prevMlt IUch d8Jl.8ge. InatallaUou of ..... ~ in .. bulldins ahall be _de ollly .hel"e the SadellaU. 1. .paoifioally ftpproYed by the Seward Eleotrio S,..... 8MU. 10. PENALTI&\. Peaalt, tor Yio18tiOll of thia \-rdinano. aha11 lie not 1ua ,.. '1ft, Dollars nor .ore tbAn une Hundred Dollar. tor ... alii .""1 orten... ....loa U. DPIlAL AND SAVING. C.) ill Ol'dinanoes or parts of vrdinanoe. in oontlict _tit .. proY!.lOll. of this \.rdinanoe are her.by repealed. (1.) It ., of the proYia101l8 or thia Cl'dinanoe or the ..u..'I. ...NOt to an1 rrson or ctraum.tall" 1a .e14 In- ftll4. ._ bftllcll', ahal Dot eltact other Pl'OYie1.s or ."U..'I.. ot 'he (; rdinp..Ilce ~hi ch oan be gi Ten atteot without ... laftll4 ,.rcYfi.lon. or applications. and to this end \he ,...,s... of 'Id. lirdiJlftAoe are deolared to De .e.eralale. &eftS.. 12. DBRGENOY. \ I \ I I ! \ ! \ I I An ....-01 is hereby deolarecl to _la, and 'bie 0.... "'eU ... in full tor08 and .tt.ot iDediatel, atter i.. ,...... u4 appronl. PASSin A.tfD ~TRWID thiB 4th Deoeber 1950. ~... ~~. .,' ~J:;ilN' ' . a 101' j '-. Aff.'. ~U~-1~_-4~ ORIHNA.HCE NO. 1..07 (4) - ."-- ~) ~ ~H-J rei, -'1.18 ~-d{ j Decem;uer 4,. L)QCi Untion WAS made And seconded to adJcurn at 12:00 o'clock ~lidnir-ht. ,[- 2 -/ " ,,:)prOved&.":';'J~ ~..;'~---<--^I k-.Jor Lt-teEt.l'........_...j)_~ C\t;-t~k. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska December 18, 1950 I .- - - - - . - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - ~ A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at !:20 P.W. Present Were Clm. A. G. McRae, Chairman, and Clm. Whlt~ore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, and W11son. Absent Lanier and Myers. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. R. E. Baumgartner, ~ttorney Was present and payment of the promissory note, mining rights and deed were discussed, regarding the Brownell property. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the City Clerk and Mayor execute the Promissory not. to D. U. Brownell". Seconded by Clm. WUson. All in favor, motion carried. The proposed deed was read and discussed between Mr. Baumgartner and Mr. Brownell. Clm. "11son moved to have R. E. Baumgartner draw up the deed on the Brownell property. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in fevor, m~tion carried. Proposed Ordinance Nn 209 was read. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to sus- pend the rules for the adoption 'of Ordinance No. 209. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to adopt Ordinance No. 209, an Ordinance to Provide for the preservation, care, management, operation of the tract of Land known as the Brownell Homestead Tract newly acquired under Ordinance' 208, in accordance with the stipUlated terms sub- mitted to the Council in writing, and verbally, at the time of acquirement. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Gorsuch of Anchorage was present to discuss the purchase 'of a new diesel engine and was told it would be necessary to discuss the matter with the Utility Board and Wr. Jordan first. He offered congratulations on the ne. City Hall. elm. Whitmore reported on the condition of the new school addition .fter his recent examination of the roof the w8l1s etc. Richerd Beisner was present in behalf of James Construction Company and stated James Construction Company will make any repairs that 1s the fault of the bUilding. without any eost to the City. 'when the condition can be looked into in the spring. He also advised that it would be well to write the architect about the trouble Just before the period of the contract is'expired. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved that the public address systems be allowed to play Christmas music only between the hours of 5 P.M. and 8 P.M., only, commencing December 19th, 1950 up to and including January 2, 1951. Seconded by Clm. Cole~ All in favor, 'motion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved to pass the Memorial a8 presented and read by C. P. Keating, 88 follows: I I- M I.M 0 R I A ~ . .. To the Commending General, AlAska Department, Elmendorf Air Force Bese, Fort Richardson, 4laska. Your Memorialist, the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska. In regular'session assembled, respectively submits: WH~RBAS. the Military and Civilian population of Alaska is dependant upon the port facilities at Seward, Alaska and; :) Seward" Alaska December 19, 1950 WHBREAS, any subversive act which would destroy the fuel oil supply, and power supply, or the Railroad terminus and docking facilities would create a th~eat. to the security of the entire nation and, WHEREAS, there are now no restrictions to prevent an act of.subversion being committed by any person or persons loyal to the cause of communi.. and, WHEREAS, the people of Seward, Alaska are fully aware of the beed for security measuresto'be enforced; NOW THEREFOR~,. the Common Council of the City bf Qeward, Alaska respectfully urges that all important facilities in the Seward Area be placed ,immediately under strict ),Illitary security control; that all persons declared security risks be denied excess to these installa- tions, and that Section 11-1-8 Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated, 1949 as amended by the Nineteenth Session of the Territ~rlal Legislature- providing for a lot~ltt oath be required of all persons wti~kihg in~ on, or around thes& VJal facilities. . And your ~.moria~1st will ever pra~. Passed by the Common Oouncil this the Eighteenth Day of December 1950. Approved by the ~cting ),Iayor on this the Eighteenth day of December 1950. -) I Signed A. G. WeRa"e Seconded by Olm. Kirkpatrick. All in favor, mdtion carried. The building lease as presented oy R. Baumgartner for Bernard I. Gay, .as read and taoled for further discussion. Clm. Whitmore moved to approve the Retail Liquor License change of Emma Lou and Leo Douglas to Bmma Lou Douglas. Seconded by Clm. -iIson. All in favor, motion carried. Councilwomen Kirkpatrick ~oved to accept the Judge's report on the canvaS8 of the Special Election held MOnday, December 11, 1950, as follow.: Total votes cast One Hundred Seventy Nine (179)r Proposi- tion No.1, $200,000 Revenue Bond issue for Seward Electric System, One Hundred Porty Five (145) in favor, Thirty Four (34) assinst; - Proposition No.2, ATiC Franchise, One Hundred Pifty (160) 1nfvor, Twenty Six (26) against; Proposition NO.3, Purchase of Bro.nell Property, One Hundred Forty One "l.l) in favor, Thirty Four (31) against. Ordinance No. 206, '200,000 Bond Issue, OrdtBnce No. 205, ATEO Pranchis~, and O~dinance No. 208, Purchase of Brownell P~optrty, all accepted on ratification of the voting public. Seconded by Councilmen Wilson. Councilmen, ),IcRae. Whitmore, Kirkpat~ick, Cole and 'ilson. voted yes. _ Motion carried. Letter of resigmetion of J.R. Jackson a4 manager of Housing area was read. Clm. Whitmore moved to accept the resignation of J.R. Jackson. Second- ed by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried.' Clm,'llson moved to appoint Dele Greene as manager of Seward Housing Afea for a trial period of ninety (90) days. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore, All in f9vo~"motion carri8d~ The matter of delinquent Sele. Tax for two local bars wes discussed ',. I and the City Clerk was authorized by the members of the Council to not ify these business hou.e. that if the tax 1& not paid in full by three o'clock P.),I. Wednesday, December 10th, 1950, they would be subject to a fine of $100.00 or 30 days in j8il, or both, as stated in Ordinance No. 190-A,Section 7. Clm. Whitmore moved to pay the bills as follows:Andy's Oil ne1ivery, '940.16, American Auto Appraisal, $7.50, Automotive Pa8ts, '16.80, Al's Super Service, tlO.50, ATEC, $43.35, Ballou & Wright, t731.31, R. E. Baumgartner, $355.54, Central Service Agency, $126.00, Darley & Co. $283.57, Floyd Evans, '17.50 Hamilton's, '79.56~ Osbo 8, $63.76, Pat's Garage, $12.55, ~ulsteiner's, $112.77, Seward ~ard.are,t68.30, Seward Electric System, $627.41, Seward Water, Supply, $127.50, Seward, Alaska December 18, 1950 Seward Seaport Record, $46.00, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $23.45, Identiiiaatioo. Seward Wetal Works, $37.00, Standard 011 Co. 19.9.41, Seward Wachine ~~ Shop, $70.14, Trick & Yurray, $36.68, Yukon Equipment Co., $30.06, ~J~ Election Board $50.00, Petty Cash $10.55; Housing Area Fund, ~ r Paulsteinerts 68.63, Seward Hardware, $19.65, Seward Wetal Works, ~,.~.\.l., 30. Seconded by Clm. Wilson. All in favor, motion carried. I'kMttfiH Ml Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:20 P.M. I-.~ .,.... ("C"''ft'. No.~"\ l~~ttest . , I . Ci ty Clerk. -Se\v;rd, -Jo.ia.;k; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dece~b;r -28, \950. - - - Approved Cha 1r man - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 10:00 o'clock A.M., for the purpose of reviewing the Brownell Homestead Deed and authorizing changes, authorizing a. representative to attend the Coast Guard meeting at Juneau, approve hourly payroll, end discuss the position of dog catcher. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRAe, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole and Wilson. Absent Clm. Myers. Clm. vole moved to accept the Brownell Deed as read. Seconded by elm. McRae. Allrln favor, motion carried. Clm. Whitmore moved that the hourly payroll be approved. Seconded by Clm. McRee. All in favor, motion carried. . Clm. )lcRae moved that the bill of $57.86 from the american Legion be paid from the Mayor's Allotment. Seconded by elm. "tttmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved that the Wayor be authorized $200.00 to be paid from the General Fund, to attend the Coast Guard meeting at Juneau, on January 4, 19fil. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carri ed. Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend the position of dog catcher as of January 1, 1951. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Motion wes made and seconded to adjourn a~ 10:45 A.M. Approved I ~ (' Way o~ , , .' /, , ! I Attest: Ci ty Clerk~ ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska January 15, 1951 I- A reg~lar meeting of the Common ~ouncil was called to order at 6:10 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the chair. Pre~ent were Clm. McRae, Whitmore, Kirkpatrick, Cole, Wilson and Myers. Minutes of the last regular meetings were read and approved. R. E. Baumgartner was present on behalf of th~ Seward hlectric System, with a proposed Resolution which was read by the City Clerk. There was considerable discussion by the members of the Council, Baumgartner and Jordan. Mr. Bullock of P~irbanks Morse was present and spoke in behalf of his company and of the proposed Resolution. . Clm. Kirkpatrick moved to suspend the Rules for the adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Clm. Myers. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRAe moved to adopt the following Resolution: WHEREAS, the consumption of electrical energy in the City of Seward, Alaska has increased to such an extent that the people of Seward, aT a Special' ~~.1 ~"\ Seward, Jl.laska January 15, 1951 Election held on the 11th December 1950.authorized the issuance by the City of Seward of ,$200,000 revenue bonds to p~ovide funds for the purchase of new and additional equipment for the immediate expahsion Of the Sewa~d Electric System's facilities for generating .electrical energy; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 202, there 'was cre~ted, pursuant to Section 16-1-35 ACLA 1949, as amended, a Seward Utility Board, vested with all i},. the rights and powers respecting the management and operation of the Seward ~lectric SystFm heretofore exercised by the City of Seward act. ing through its Common Council, but reserving to the Common l;ouncil the right to approve or reject all contracts for the acquisition of addi- tions, replacements and improvements to said utility, and further re- quiring that all contr<Jcts be made in the name of the City of Seward; and, WHEREAS, bet',Use of unsettled world conditions end the consequent proba.. bility of rationing of materials, it is highly desirable that all financial details be consumated before the complete disruption of the market for municipal bonds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That an emergency exists, and the Utility Board of the City of Seward is hereby authorized and fully empowered to ente~ into any. and ell cOhtracts that it may consider necessary and proper, in the name of the City of Seward, for the direct acquisition . of any and all materials, machinery and equipment, and for the construc- tion of additions' to the building of the Seward hlectric System, and the extension of its system end aistribution, including the ere~tion and wiring of additional poles therefor, without advertising for bids. and requirements as to competitive bidding to the cont~8rY nbtwith- standing, and in amounts not exceeding in the aggregate t~e total funds made availeble by the issuance ?f its bonds in the sum of $200,000.00. FURTHER RESOLVED, That such contracts, when executed by the Utility Board in the name of the City of Seward, Alaska, and after review by the Common Council, shall have all the force and effect of a contract executed by the City of Seward upon authority or the Common Voun~il; and, all irreguler.ities, ~nd conflicts herewith, are hereby specific- ally waived, and repealed. . . ADOPTED under suspension of the Rules this 15th January 1951. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in .favor, motion carried. Bill Betes was present requesting information regarding a survey of the Brownell Homestead property. Clm. Cole moved that Estes proceed with a contour map of the Brownell Homestead from survey corner No.4, survey #703, south to Jefferson Streei, not to exceed 500 feet West of present West boundary, price not to exceed $5000.00 appropriated from unappropriated surplus of General Fund. Seconded by Clm. Ililson. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. "hitmore moved to re-lnstate the dog catcher; Floyd Evans, as of January 16th. Seconded by Clm. uileon. All in favor. motion carried. Letter from Felix Toner was read regarding the survey work for~the water project. Letter from Yr. and MrS. RAY James, dated Oct. 24,1950, was read re- garding installation of'side~k on Fifth Avenue. Letter was read from Civil Aeronautica Administration regarding the field I lighting equipment at the airport which had been received five years_i ago and never installed. Telegrams were read from and to the Secretary of the League of Alaskan Cities. Clm. McRq~ moved to pay membership fee to join th~ League of Alaskan Cities. 'Seconded by Clm. Kirkpatrick. All in t"avor, motion carried. Letter was reed from Gp,neral Kepner regarding the Memorial. forwarded to him December 19th. Cl~. Myers moved to pay $15,000.00 to the School Board toward the School budget. . r;. "LI_b ,l I "--j