HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952 City Council Minutes \ t !\ Seward, Alaska January 7, 1952. Clm. McRae moved to sell Mitchell Faulkner Lots S, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 40, ~lock 7, Laubner for $199.05, 50"/0 of the assessed valuation. Seconded by Clm. Greenti. All in f,3vor, moti on carried. I Clm. Greene moved to pay the hourly payroll for period December 16 to 31st. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved to pay Felix Toner bill of $2,429.61. Seconded by Clm. \{hitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved that the Department of Taxation work be transferred to the Police Department. Seconded by Clm. '~itmore. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Cole moved to su~pend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 217. by Clm. Whitmore. All in favor, motion carried. Seconded '" Clm.\~'hi tmore moved to adopt Ordinance 217, an"oJl:d1nance tl.l apply to the Auditor of Alaska for coverage of employees un~er the Federal Social Security Act. Seconded by Clm. Gr~ene. All in favor, motion carried. amI NANCE - 217 '.'!HERLAS, the CITY OF SZ,jJ,RD , (herein called the "Political Subdivision"), through its CO~WJCN COUNCIL, desires to make formal application to the Auditor of Alaska, (herein called the "Territorial Agency"), for inclusion of its eligible employees in an agreement between the Territory of Alaska and the Federal Security Adrrlinis- trator for the coverage of such eligible employees under the insurance system established by Title 11 of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended, in con- formity with Section 218 thereof, and implemented by cr~pter 95, Session Laws of Alaska 1951, and aprlicur~e Federal and Territorial regulationG thereunder; and I ~l{ER~hS, the political Sulxiivision desires to file such application and to ~nt2r into an agreellentwi th the Territorial Agency conb,ining terms and conditions \vher'?- by the Territorial Agency 1;ul take the necessary steps to extend to such el igible employees coverage under the said insurance system on behalf of the Political Subdivision; and 'WHEI(EAS, a ferm of apl,li :ation and agreement between the Tel"ritorial Agency and the Political Subdivision containing the terms and conditions for the inclusion by theTerritorial Agency of the said eligible employees under the coverage of said insurance sYE'tem on ',ehalf of the ~itical Subdivisionhas been submitted to tl1is body for consideration and action; NOd, TIIE5:::FO;( " i~::: IT '<S:.OLVED that the Political Subdividon execute the a.fore- said application and agreement and submit the same to the Territorial Agency for a acceptance and that the Territorial Agency be, and it hereb',c is, requested to include all of said eligible employees of the Political Subdivision in an agreement between the Territory and the Federal Security Administratior for the coverage of said employees under the insurance system estahlished by Title 11 of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended or as mcy here~fter be amended; and BE IT FURTHLP. R,:::DLVED, t'liit for the ~ose of said application and agrc^ement, SIGRID STErRNS, CITY CLERK, Seward, Alask~ be, and she hereby is, designated as the Aut},orized Agent of the ].-olitical Subdivision and is her~\.v autl10rized and directed to execute a said ap,.lici',tion and agreement, as submitted, on behalf of the Political Subdivision and to forwa~d the same to the Territorial !~encY for accepta~ce and furth~r action; and I BE IT FUl(liI:::Tc RZWLVED, that said Authorized Agent is further authorized and directed as the r'"presentative of the Political Subdivision to conduct all negotiations,conclude all arrangements and sisn all a~r'ements and inwtruments which may be neces:"ciry to carry out the letter and int'~nt of the aforesaid application and agr'~ement and in conformity "lith all applioable Federal and Territorial laws ru1 es and rc::;ulations. ' Motion was made and secnnd~d tn adjourn at 12:20 o'clock A.M. Approved Ha,yoi' Attest ~J~ ity Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska Janucry 9, 1952 A special meeting of theCo~on Council was called to order at 4:10 o'clock for the purpose of passing Resolution 13, to borrow $4,000.00 for the City of ~eward, W~ter D81~rtment. Y~yor Lanier in the Chair. Present wer~ Councilmen McRae, ~nitmore, Johnson and Greene. Ahsent Clm. Hald 1 ton and Cole, ;:,oth ill. Resolut ion 13 ',~as re['d by tLe City Clerk. R6!solution 13 BE IT Ri.::'DL'IED, by the members of the Corrrr;-,on Council of the City of :3eard, 'rHAT, EugeneN. Lanier, Mayor and K. D. Groene, Finance Officer, ARE HLREJ3'{ AUTIJRIZED, tosign a note with the Seward, Branch, First Nati0nal Benk of IUlcharage, in the amount of $4,000.00, payable 90 days from January 8, 1952, tog0ther with interest at 8"7. payable from the rev;enues of the Ci t;y of Se\<lard Wai;er Department. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Attest: Sigrid Stearns City Clerk Councilman Johnson moved to pass Resolution 13. Seconded by Councilman Clm. McRa~, Whitmore, Johnson and Greene voted yes. Motion carried. , ' t , Motion was ~,de and seconded to adjourn at 4:25 o'clock P.M. Greene. , AttesC ] ~~;)l ~ City Cl! rk Approved .1 " i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ',,- ''k,... ", ~-'o_,'",'-'....____..,- -",,--....---.-... .-.--.-.....--...--.. '.""......' Sewar::l, Alaska January 21, 1952 A regular meeting of the Common Co~ncil ,'JdS coIled toorcler at Mayor Lanier in th2 chRir. l'resent '-Ien] Clm. lIcR3.e, Johnson, P~~ilton. Absent Clm. Greene. 8:20 o'clock P.M., 'Alti tmor<3, Cole ilnd Binutes of the 10. st regular and specialmcet iwrs were H'o.d and approved. l-Jayor Lanier spoke in b"half of the City, saying the City or Se-dard is not liable for lawsuit ror the absence of elect:ri eal energy, water or housing. I Wm. Muir Has present regarding the lOlbsenc8 of water on Second lwenue said he de.ired to lmJ",r the main at his own expense with City supplying the pipe so they could have water until spring. Painter, Gilliland and Stanton also represented }~ir. Arthur Duncan spoke regarding the depth of thi.5 man. Clm. H"llllilton moved th"t the City authorize the expenditure to thaw, refill and place 6" pipe between Jefferson and l-iadison on Second f'.venue. Seconded by Clm. Whitmore. All in f"vor, motion carried. Mr. Griffin spoke regarding leaves in the water system at the Housing Area and Mayor Lanier advised him thiit the Sity was "king all possible but it is a tough job as the City has just tuken over the ~{ater system. Several residents of the Housing Area told arout the ir water shortage. Mrs. Fmnsen of the Heusing Area, gave a petition to the l-Jayor 6.qainst the r&ise of rent in the Housing area, and signed by 27 persons. Approximately residents or the Area were present and questioned by the }Jayor regarding the materials etc and work done by the Manager. Mr. Barr spoke regarling the work he had done in the j,rea r~<;arding the huts as \!plJ, .':J t'13 work done on his own quarters and Brs. Barr told what remained to be done in their C\'m q..larters. This whole matter was tabled by the I'Jayor until later in the evening. I Letter was read from the Department of Public V[elfare. Clm. Hamil ton moved to authorize $25.00 additional rent for Public 'lelfareorfice. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in ravor, motion carried. K. D. Cobban was present ror further discussion or the fish market and was advised to have a lease prepaxed, including the raymcnt or $15.00 per mpnth to the City ..ith re-negotiations at the endor a three year period. Elmer Ha.,r!ey \'Ias present regarcUng the letter af dismissal sent by the Street Cor,uni ssi onar, stated he hod 947 hours of overtild0 coming and lNhf!:[ 'dould be jone about it. I'layor Lanier arlvis8d him to rerer the matter to the I,.abor Co missioner and that if he had had overtime coming he should have presented it to the Council along with the other payro~ls. LettC?r or apIjlication ror water SupcrintendLilt was read from the '.,Tater Superintendent or Echo, Cregon. Felix Toner wrote regor,ing the acquisition of tanks, well!', pipeline atc. in the Santiarium j\rea advising the Council thc,t he was roughing out a proposal to the Attorney General. Clm. Johnson moved to approve the hourly payroll as read. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in f vor, motion carried. Clm. Hamilton moved to hire Olga Nelsen as Clerk-typist at $350.(10 per month. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in r"vor, ll10tion c,orried. I Clm. Ee.mil ton moved to pay -:::,? l,i 11 s 0. S ::: -'Ed. Seconds2 by Clrr. J -:>hnson. All in f"yor, motion carried. Generd F'nd: Alask::.. Fire E::Juipment, ;1;14.00; r~T'-:c,$29.S4; I,ndrew's, :1>9.00; F_ndy's, 3667.27; Rdlou c. \,jright, $555.94; ,-Jater Dept. $11/.50; U.S.Conunisooioller, $2.50; Dale's Diner, i$8C.CO; 'f.S.D?rley Co., ;~429.60; Friberg Electric, $6.50; ,'lron ;:;ricson, ;;'5.00; Hamilton's, ;~73.CU; l'et~ Kesselring, $0",.28; Hc:rathon.. Cr-cfe, $17.75; O,sbo's, $151.80; Paul::3tein~r'SL. ~~~5t. I'_.~'s ()a.rClffp., $21.3"5; Se'lard ...418c. $~G8.10; f'c "]"r-.,1 l~LJ. ,:, IIc;--.LL., ,,~:;ns.-:,O(I=.~"u-)~~e"~GrJ EarrlvJarc, :J448.26i Se<'7a-'-~ TradirJ..;- .S38.06i 31~~-'::i.r-j h(~~h. C:-~;C)P, .$5:'.' 9j Seaport Recotd, :1-38.00; S\)uriough 3J(r"Rsjj.,\i'''l5iZ.06~. Sttd~ oq ;;.'ll6,,99'$lJ" Unc.1.erwl..od Corr,. ,H75.GO; -"ebl, illlcl -:12',_"-,;$141. .GC,."~ 1,1 ~'u .",of "'e ra S6;rvJ.f"-"'-') HOUSIng r.YCCl. c:.?l '>.en,-.i....Jnf:?c; "J.F:d-P.....T. '~, :201.95; E. E. Leon.::trd, $47.31, C'Sbo'~'1 ~600.12, P~tl'~triner' "9c~ C'il c' -1 1 n t ""r 00 Q "11-, 0'0 HOO~ an ~c.:........J.!._ :::5, Hi ~;(j. '., ..:::le,.:d.1'",_ .. Ee. uYS '2m, ~Ll<:'.,):-)i ,.r~.tfJr-) l' ,'J. c.:: rll:j.t;;: ,).~...;, Co_ 'Y" }'=r-:hare "70' '2c OC' "~ 1 h~,..," =~" :'J 32~ ., C'o- --i']' ,,",' 1, r C't ' ,-, 1'2 "2 "-"L: d..l~.' _y lA.\! I ~( ..J" (_'I U'V ,.<...1..' ..::...._.L,. .....:ll,-',r--, ~_, """.'-,-,J, U......al. __ t- L>..u.c...,e ,..J ~,l~i-.',;.r~ .a , R:lY's C'il we,vie::::, 1.}84.l5, Std. Cil, lJ,37.l5, ",erner's l'lkt, ')10.00, ilndrew's, $218.55, 'vilsor.....,dlec. ';j.~,'..~S, Doyle's, :S'J15.35, Le~ko :3ros, ~~~).!'-i, l' .1 (rr, Cab, ,~'::,?50; lj';ater gept~ I\.J,',~'k3. ~r(-cnsf~~r, $ea.GO, Be:::.ver and 1,T,"lnSevent9Y, $21.25, IT.S.Gon'I.1i.ss.j -her, $a.oc, ;-t.-,iJ/ J")unv.1.f Con1UP:cce, $18.48, tad.fic '1t'ild'H, ;);P.I'(, ~e.-wort :\'.ccor1, 'n?:'5, c.~ntrcl 2:oyvic? ~\,= :1ey, ;;'90.00; Sa.les Tax: SC\"iUJ. ::lrug, $24.50. S8~,' I ;~d, Al 0 l31::ct January 21, 1957.. Clm. Hamilton mov8~ te authorize the Fire Chief to hire casual shndby help as he sees fit. Seconded by elm. McRae. [.11 in Lover, motion caryied. Copy of a letter of Local 1-82 was rearl. Clm. Hamilton moved to go along uith 1-82 and lIclcome im'<Jstigation. Seconded by Clm. MC!{Cle. All in favor, motion earried. Clm. &rdlton Illoved to go into exeGl'tivo sewsioll to continue DUE'iness. S,econdc-d by Clm. Johnson. All in f<;vor, motien cerried. Clm. Hamilton moved to carry the Housing Area until March 1st, mec;n.vhile adve:rtising for hids for 3 year lease, bids to be opened 11s.rch 3rd. Seconded b', Clm. Johnson. Clm. HcRae yes, Clm. 1,~hitrooL', no, Clm.' Johnson, Cole and Hamil ton, yes. Hotion calrc ~c:. Clm. Hamilton moved to reject the petition for the Housing Area residents a0ainst the rent raise. Seconded by Clm. HcRae. Clm. McRae, 'dhi tmore, Johnson and FIamilton, yes. Clm. Cole, no. Eotion ciirried. Motion was made and 5econded to adjourn at 1:25 o'clock A.M. , C- L-/' APprove~A~<-dAA' .A C~Y' Ki or F,ttest ~~ City Clerk: Seward, [.luska January 23,1952. A special meeting of the COIMlon Council WiiS' called to order at 12:10 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of passing ReselutLm No. 14, kncndment to Or:'immce !Jo. 161, and authorizatio:1 City C18.k's leave pay. ,1. G. McRae, Acting Muyor. Also present, Clm. i-Jhitmoro, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Gr-=cne. Absent, Mayor Lanier. Clm. Hamil ton moved to sU::;I~end the rules for th" adoptibn of Resolution No. 14. Soconderl by Clm. Johnson. Clm. Whitmore, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene voted yes. l~tion cQrried. Clm. HQmilton moved to H,dopt Ii: 'folutiNl No. 14, A ~et.;olution callinq ,~, Special Election for the Purpose of Detemin.i.ng whether or not the Cualified Voters of the Tmm of SeJi;rd, Alc:sk'l., Should Authorize the Issuance of Revorme Bonds in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Thousand ($400,OOO) Dollars for the Purpose of purchasing, Rehat>ilitating, Bettering and extending its Water Distribution System, Pursuant to Title 48, Section 44F, U.S.C.A. or Act of Congress of March 6, 1946. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. Clm. Whitmore, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene voted YEG. }btion carried. Clm. H"lmilton moved to set the 'late for the''l>400,OOO.CO Tuesday, February 26, 1952. Seconded by Clm. Greene. Hamilton dnd Greene voted yes. Hotion carried. Revenue Bond Election for Clm. Johnson, Whitmore, Cole, Clm. Jolmson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of an Amendment to Ordinance 164. econded by Clm. Hamilton. All in fc,vor, motion carried. ., Clm. Greene moved to adopt Amendment to Ordinance 164, an Orc'.inance IlJtlending schedules "A", "B", "C", and "D" of Or'1inance No. lC4, Pel~tainin<;T to Rates for Electrical =nergy. Seconded ty Clm. Johnson. All in f~vor, motion carried. Clm. Hamil ton moved that the City Clerk: be granted one month lecve pay. Seconded by Clm. \^lhitmore. All in favor, moticn car ried. Letter of resignation by Clm. Hhitmore was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Hamil ton moved to accept ine red0n"ltion of Clm.Whitmore as councilman as per letter. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, mot ion carried. Clm. rL-lmilton moved to give Clm. Whitmore a vote of confidence. Seconded by Clm. Greene, All in fnvor, motion carried. Hotion W<lSIIDde and seconded to adjourn i9.t 1 :05 0' clock P.H., Mtcd~~ UA~~ City Clerk Approved Acting }1ayor - - - - - - -~-"- -.. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '.' Se'irarcl, [,ld3ka Janu~ry 26, 1952 A spAcial mecnng or the Coranon Council was Cc,lled to order at 12 :30 o'clock P.M., ror the !=,urpose or appoint ing a ney, cou:1cilrnan ror unexpired term, and extending the option or the Brady Construction co., l'ayor Lanier in thO! chair. P'''Es"nt '/lere Clm. HeRae, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. Clm. McRae moved to a;cpoint Russell P~inter to rill the unexpired t0rm or Clm. Hhitmore. Seconded by earn. Greene. All in fF,vor, motion oiirri~d. I Clm. McRae moved to extend the option of the Brady Construction Co. ror sixty (60) days. Seconded by Clrr.. Johnson. All in fi''for, mot ion carried. }~yor Lanier appointed Clm. McRae and Joiunson and H. E. Southard as a committee to take inventory of Housing ,",rea stock. Hotion was mClde imd seconded to adjourn at 1:00 o',"]oel: P.M., ,;ttest ~i:J.Ulf~ i y Cl""rk Approved r:, G: /~' ''l' } or ,7- / , /1 /.ot) u__j'-' t~1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Se~Ndrrl, Ill;:cka FebD;iiry 1;" 1952 ------------------ A regular meeting or the Common CC'.lnci 1 A. G. McRae, ~cting }~yor. 1 resent were 1;1: .sent :r"1-~Y(lr Lan icr [\,d 81m. Gt" -'ene. ,'laS cillled to order at 8:05 o'clock 1.11. Clm. T'airrer, Johnsen, C:>lf? iind P.amilt:)JI. Ein1\te:o of the li~st regular al',d ~:'2cidl me~':inJ.~ '.,ere read and iwproved ""8 correc':ed. I Lease of Se'::e<rd Seafc\ods Inc., VFU3 read hy thp. City Cl~rk, discussed and referred to tJ-.e City [,ttomey. request ~J'lo IGtters "Jere read from 3tundard Oil Co., r~0ardinc!lror b;.tildir,g or st'JT."tge tankc cl~:: permit to cross Ac.kms Str2et. Hr. Endn Cine Hr.Shandctrom ."!er~ t pr: -.lsen ,r,epres- e~t~n~~ tr:e S~C;.:, ~~l 80. Tl-le hbttel- Ha:;;~ jisCl:~~~ec3 2Tld Hr. ~~:"'.vin li"li~~: ;r.~'t"'r:]n t~_ . Frre nd"rwrrt"r,- code to study :""1 the ;nc:.!'ter 'ti,,~, tolled lntil let'! in ~'he 2vLnlng. Er. l(patirlg \'"dS r;r"'=..>'3nc in tv:::.hal: J.l.- tl.i':: :'ha.mb:n-c..: COIl.J,-.-"-ce, r~~(!u,:3.silnr"" infonnat~-=,n l.CC',"y.~l Lnc; tl-..(: }:,~'ndej in(L:bter~"'J~3Sf' uf the City. I'Ir. 1~>~-:fCin -A~S ;"r~FS~l1t fur i,lfcITl.c ~i.~)n Ye0or'li~1'J -;ate~ in the ECilf::irJ.J [.;:---3.. Ii l_;:;>tj_tic~~ v.l:.;,? rr~s"ntprl. to the Nayor J'-)I,...lr.dinrd that the ;-~tc.nd;tr,'_: ()il Co. r?f:.:aii. f:rom L!uiJdirlC; fUF31 st,-)r:lt;C~ t"..nks. 7!1.i g rf1fit~er WdS d.iflcussecl OJ'" :3ev<-.;ral persons pres~at and tatled until fk~thRr in the cv. ninu. Lcttel from Nc.r'..:horn ctev;~j, ,rin(, ~ han,ili }'I:; C~orp. ~lJdS :-~~3.'~: r.c;:(~(~r Jinq the f.iUrch,- se of lo-Ls 25, ~(, Block 22 c..nj W'eT'? to be advised th~it ~l.is bv!-::} rl.ing:....~ 1 ;:dte nef'" 0L<:n 6,~t u.sicJ:: for use 'l the ~tI"P8t r,~,!-~-_.,...hrt~~nt. L,,-~tGr i"rO!1 Jevi.... [ ~(t--]n.P.c~~v': ;.,'as r -......1 r:'~j~nli::lIJ tr.~ c:l:ti:n to !-il:lsl::a Dock & 13ric]r}e ''uild8(s. ':;,l_r... Earnill"'1 :ncvecl to set'::le e.,' cl5.im \"ith Al"2;Cri Jock ane' Jridge Suilders for ~SCO.GG. f__,~C2:lj,ed by :1-;1. ~;olc. i~ll lh fC'~ "Jr, p.uiion cL<.~ri~d. I r"Hll frc,tL.'~r.-=,c \^i..l.~ 1.. ",J for l"olice li']ht ::.nrt L~. I:l '~ing 3sked -..i1"1;.'" t:, 24 :-~ours serv3 Jit tl".,.; P::\h~~ri-ll i)'11ilding lla<~ ~Y' _:n r~li~UVi...;:l fOl the Fi.r1ded 1';01 ice ~lu':::..;ci--' '11. i....-J.iJ.. ;,_.J-,Hson 1u..c a.S1c8,' -~~) cher..:k ^~~1::-t ,:~i:EC -':"_'~ rhp 1j~~4. p~ letter of" rc~~:t~t- ~ i rrOlll.....' " , .ondi~nt CarlE'oH tE:~~Ch8r ror the ~.',J.lance of -1:1lP year '.;"d.:. ref.d. )1-l}3t be ('>..i11~' t .:.......... 1'-1r. (' _)- . (jue:::;t. i.I' f 'Jor, i'\)1': ('r; C-' {".- i .) 1. r<?~:.rue s~ i n'j" un c..c:J.i ti (Jll 31 8th gr'=i.'i8 elm. Pa.inter r.10Vf..;J th;:t i.i,,;> scll,)o: -"<...f'il.::;,-] h-/- -~:: . JLihnsJi1. AI} 1'..~,L.t~r -)".-Ir:; Nr. ~(-ir:;l:J~ev-'~~~ ~:'-'011t If d~3,- -:Jr: t>t-, ~> i.';.:"iLl.'--j [..,--0_ !\,__~, (',,'-:d ,:~\.nd Nr. r=(;o:;t~i':. r~:~(-,,': 1:'\.\ coJG. ~~r,2 City Cler:: ~,raG~!'f'-l_.(l...:.,~tF;d ~,-) ,ntClct tbe City }',tt_crney ':'-('(~d_:--:~.Ih:; tl-.e 1("7;~~ing of = ,--,s5n(j" J~r~~ C..S :'(:~ll J.S 6. sp:'ci:l.l rii31-;;rLo(Ji,J-,l,-for nei,\T in,i.ust-ry. Foss, I-:o.lcolm <..:nd Ol.e:O.il lett8::- ~..,~::.s rf~J.d rl_.~t.;,''i",~'''!.in] [f r,ues+ '[:_' ;~J.,}31-0. ~ublic ~,'iorks fer I~C'; h(jspit,~,J_. J..~:r. .r~r,lin, cf -Lh-:; ~l.(,pritA.l 1)oc'r.-:-2., _1~,()1:~ in. :t~'Vor 0-1= :.... n8'" ~c.s;:dtal. l:r. ~n"-;"::r:~r~-:nli. s :)l:c of th~ nGce~;dtY' of wc:tcr l"('ha.~li 1 itrltLJlt .~~ rJ~~L 1 >:.Jl.c'i;:.:;;' ttni l"lr. :)c,yl; ~!OL0 r-;(,:fd_rrii.1J rr;;':l'~ i~_it(}t~..n i:1lrU-:.l'Jl. +:'.1 E1..<l ~'i.' "lie 1'lorl::s. Se,"ar:l, [~la.ska February 4, 1952 Letter rpgarriing decont::."'ination truck was read and City Clerk instruct8d to 1clri t". Mr. Erwin and Mr. Shandstrorn having read the code presented them stated there "ere no boilover pro'lucts beiner put in the :storage tcmks. Clm. Cole !'loved that the Rt2ndard Oil Co. be 9rcnt~d a permit for the building of fuel storage tanks on lots 11 through 20, Block 19. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in fewor, n',otion c3rrie'J. . Clm. P,linter moved thai the ;'3tandard Oil Co. be granted permission to cross P.dams Stred 1,lith treir pipe} ine. s.ccorv-l.ed by Clm. Hamilton. AU in faver, motion carried. B. D. Bowen was p.esent concerning past due garbage account and was advised t~e mi'itter ",'ould be entirely ur, to the Cit,r Naaistratc. Tho m'ltt-Jr of payment of "Jdter -bills when having had no water was l::rought up, and the people were asked to bear Hith the City duriIl<;; tr i s "iIlter, tho .,Jetter bill s were to 1-;e pili unles(; thero was too much complc'int then the persons were to cone before th~ Council. Thawing and blowouts were to l>:Jid by individuals and not the City. Clm. JohnEon moved to dIJpoint Clm.Fainter as finance offi "€Or, temporarily. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in fc~or, motion cQrried. elm. faintc.r moved to approve the hourly payroll. Sccconded b" Clm. Hanil ton. All in Lvor, motion carried. }lotion was made and seconded to adjeurn at lC:45 ='clock f.N. Attest: 2<74 ~ Ci ty \;lerk ? ~/ Approve<t.;: /"'.;;'~ ,,/ a---r"4 ' " i\. 'ti, ) layor I' ,<.-.,' I /:: t Seward, Alaska February 15, 1952 A special meeting of the Conunon Council was called to order at 12:15 o'clock, for the purpose of discussing the opinion of the City Attorney regarding the leasihg of the Housing Area; Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, McRae, Johnson, Cole and Hamilto~. Absent Clm. Greene. AlBo present Ralpn Cottis, City Attorney. Mr. Cottis read the la" concerning the leasing of the property and that it would be necessary to have an eledtion for the ratification of the people. The bids to be opened on March 3rd, then an Ordinance drawn for the vote of the people, and a lease to be drawn up, and that it might require several leases to cover the entire projec'l:. Both Mr. Keating and Mr. Griffin spoke regardning the Housing Area, Mr. Keating regarding a new proposition to be presented at the next regular meeting, to form a board composed of five members. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 2:15 o'clock P.M. APprovedf;,-, j'~L~. Mayor Attest ~k~ C ty Clerk Seward, Alaska February 18, 1952 A regular meeting of the Common council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lani(?r in the chair. l'resent were Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Mr. Cordeiro from the Housing Area spoke in beha~f of appointing a five man ,board for the Housing Area. The City to have $1,000 per month from the rentals, the managers salary and repairs from the balance, and if, after several months there was any money over, it would revert to the City. Mr. Keating sUgges~that the bids be opened as planned then decide a,~ut the 5 man board. Clm. Greene moved to table Housing Area !llI&tter until.opening of bids. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton~ All in favor, motion car'"ied. Seward, Alaska February 18, 1952 Clm. Painter moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution l4A. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in Favor, motion carried. Clm. Greene moved to adopt Resolution l4A. RESOLUTION NUMBER 14 A I BE IT RiSOLVED by the Council of the Town of Sewurd, Aln~ka, that the followinJ named persons shall act as Judges, Clerks and as Inspectors at that special election to be held on the 26th day of February, 1952, at Seward, Alaska, for the ~urpose of determining whether the Town of Seward shall issue revenue bonds for the purICose of purchasing, rehabilitating bettering, and extending its water distribution system: Judges: John J. R~sness Richard O. Hyers Al ice F. Lorang Clerks: Mildred Kirkpatrick "nna "'hea Inspector: John J. ~osness The rules governing the introduction , posting, passage and approval of resolutions are here':N suspended and an emergency is declared, and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its introduction and passage this 18 day of February,1952. (Seal) ATIEST: [,Jigrid Stearns Municipal Clerk Town of Seward, Hlaska Eugene N. Lanier MAYOR ro.m OF SD'JF.r<D, AL:\SKA I Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion canied. " " " " , " ", '" , ", , ',- " , "- I , , , ',,- '- , " ",,- "- , "'-, , , , , , '~ ',,- , "- '- "'''- , , "- fI" .,. "J, .\. ~. t ;:. r- u ;' t ,~, r li' .. !l' {;\. i ~; ~' \~" \ \ k f, ~ ... ~ , . ~" ~. " ~' j Sevmrd, Alaska February 18, 1952 Mildred Kirkpatrick was present to discuss payment to the City in lieu of taxes, from the Federal Government, saying the League of Alaskan Cities would look into the matter f or the City. Mrs. Kirkpatrick an executive member of the League, asked to look into the matter .or the City, to which the Council consented. She also mentioned grants from the Govern~ent for critical defense areas by the Department of Defense, that could be use for a school program. Mrs. Kirkpatrick also sta.ted the Western City Magazine deires items in City develolxnent and requested permis~ion to proceed with some information for the magazine. I Mr. Keating requested immediately calling an emergency in Seward for funds to be made available from the Federal Government for sewer and water rehal)ilitation. The ma+tfo'r was discussed by the Council and others present with the Hayor and Council sayiIq the matter would be presented to the mil i tary by Clm. Johnson. Letter WM' r',ad from Director of Civil Defense regarding a decontamination truck and referred to Clm. Johnson. Mr. Cobban was present in regards a lease of Seward Seafoods and a letter from attorney Cottis was read, and the lease to be cirawn UD by Nr. Cottis. Letter from the l~ailroad was rc,ad r'xrar,1ing water rates. comply with with the letter and continue with tl1e present notice. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion Clm. Painter moved to billing until further ca rri ed. Chapter IX of the new code was read and Clm. Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Chapter IX. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. Discussion followed. Clm. Johnson recalled th0 above motion. Clm. Johnson moved that the Building Code, Chapter IX, is satisfactory to the Council as r.qad. Seconded by Clm. Fainter. All in fe, vor, motion ceO rried. Clm. Painter moved to approve the hourly payroll. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion aarried. I Clm. Johnson moved to ray the bills as rea.d with the exception of the 1\.1 eska Railroad: The Ala~a Railroad $148.64, ATEC, $37.84, Alaska Transfer, $150.00, Andrew's,$27.00, Andy's Oil Delivery, $718.23, Automotive Parts & Equipment, $251.72, Ballou & ~o!right, $161.15, Gntral Garage, 65.00, City Express, $9.27, W.S.Darley Co., $11.00, Friberg Electric, $105.20, Hamilton's Garage, $93.55, Mac's Photo ~lOP, $8.95, Miro Flex Co. $114.91, Se~ard Plumbing & Htg. $797.73, Std. Oil Co., $343.43, Sew. Elec. System, $675.85, Se'.vard Hardware, $318.82, Se''iard LeAther Wk:s, $6.00, Seward 11achine Shop,I,'._ ~ward Metal Wk:s, $~75" Seward Tr2ding Co., $43.00, Northern Cab, $5.00, Seward' Seapo,t Record, $126.05, Wagner Elec. Corp. $33.55, Water Dept. $112.50, Aron Ericson, $12.00, Plummer & Arnell, $1,541.47, Petty Cash, $29.19; Housing Area Fund: Andrew(s, $465.15, Kenai Sheet Metal Works, $242.85, Northern Cab, $37.00, Osbo's, $795.55, Paulsteiner's, $21.15, Sew. PH:g. & Htg., $352.10, Ray's Oil Service, $62.22, Sew. olec. System, $15.55, Seward ~"rdware, $511.10, Sew. Leather Wks, $2.00, Seward ~fjchine Shop, $1,087.77, Seward Trading Co., $4.30; Water Dept.Paulsteiner's, $37.17, Sew. Trading Co., $7.82; Sales Tax: Sew. Seaport Record. $51.83. Seconded by Clm. Greene. Clm. McRae, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene voted yes. Clm. Painter, no vote. Motion carried. Clm. Greene moved to aut' orize l'f.r. VanSeventer to make a general check of the books. Secpnded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. I 21m. Hamilton moved to authorize $leO for Clm. Johnson to con "act personally, General Kepner at Fort Richardson, on civil defense matters. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion cGnied. Henry Horton and N. Wengert were present with their water problems. Clm. Painter moved to go into executive session. Seconded by clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Letter dated February 14th, from the Con~issioner of l~alth regarding local health problems, was read and discussed. Clm. McRae moved that the fire department be authllJrized to charge anyone for commercial purposes for the fire truck, at the discretion of the fire chief. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Hamil ton moved that General l~epner ",lso be coniacted in declaring Seward a critical defense area. Seconded bv elm. Greene. hll in f"vor, motion carried. ,,...,, Seward, Alaska February 18, 1952 Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00 o'clock P.M' t Atte.t l.~~ Ci Clerk Approved,,' / / /i'~;or -..... ~-... )'". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sevlard, Alaska February 27, 1952 A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 4:0~ ~dclock P.M. for the nurpose of canvassing the ballots of the Special Election/~6r the purpose of determin ing whether or not the qualified voters of the Town of Seward, 1tlaska should &uthorize the issuance of Revenue bonds not to exceed $400,000. ~~yor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. elm. Johnson moved to accept the Judge's report of the canvass of the Special Election for determining whether or not the qualified voters of the TOvTn of Sewiirl should authorize tl e issuance of Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 Dollars for purchasing, rehabilitation etc. of the water system, as follows: total registration 329; 136 For Proposition "An, shall the Town of Seward, Alaska, issue Revenue bonds, payable solely frJm unpledged of its water distribution system, under authority of Act of March 6, 1946, in an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Thousand $400,00) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing, rehabilitating, bettering and extending its water distributing system?;- 104 Against Proposition "An. Seconded by Clm. McRae. Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Gr8ene, voted yes. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:15 o'clock P.M. Att..t SJ ;j-f.;1 ~ City Clerk (t Approved." f.c ?.!' " I Mayor ./ to. ~ ( / , Seward, illaska February 18, 1952. A special neet1ng of the -Common Council was called to order at 4:17 o'clock: P.M. for the purpose of discussing the "Housing Area and Housing Area Y~nager. Mayor Lanier in the c!hair. Present were elm. McRae, 'Paihter, Johnson, Cole, Hamil ton and Greene. Clm. Johrtson moved that Mr. Barr's services as Housing Area Manager be terminated as of Match 15th. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Hamil ton moved to appoint Ji'imes Kirkpatrick temporarily as Housing Area Manager at $100 per month, commencing March 1st. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in fevor, motion carried. Clm. L1amil ton moved to have Pat Bogan thaw the water for Housing Area residents, not to exceed $300. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Hamilton moved that Harry Southard be authrorized t 0 make a trip to Anchorage to investigate lot titles. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Hamilton moved that $25 be authorized for payment for radio advertizing. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Notion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:35 o'clock P.M. ( Attest~ ~4~ City Clerk Ay)provecli l ' L . .-] , , Y~yor ~ /L)j/i;.)~ -,a-_ - - _.:. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ", , , Set~ard, Alaska I'larch 3, 1952 A reqular meet ing of the Cornmon Council Hayor Lanier in the chair. l-resent were Hamilton and Greene. was called to order at 8:10 o'clock P.M., Clm. McRae, l-ainter, Johnson, Cole, I Dick Erickson, one of three school boys present, asked about a roller skatinq rink and he wa.s told the rna tter is in the hands of the fir,.~ department and it would be necessary to discuss the illc"tter with them. Bids for 1 ease of Housing i\rea Here opened. Bids were submi tteu by 1,.]. F. Heppenstall, C. L. -'Teber, E. C. Farsons, U. L. Nackay and Harry llall. Clm. Painter moved that the bids be tables until later in the evening, for further discussion. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, mot ion carried. Letter fr0m h. i.. Barr n''Jar':iing overtime and other things he considered due him by the City, was HJild. Clm. Hamilton moved that the letter from H. E. Barr, regarding overtime due, 2 weeks pay in lieu of notice etc., be turned over to the City Attorney for attention. Seconded by elm. HcRae. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from General Kepner was read, reqaning critical defense areas, impossible for Se".'!ard to become one unless it could be declared a critical defense housing area. Clm. Johnson gave a report on his meeting 'Ili th General Kepner and returned $60.00 of the expense money criven him for the trip. Letter from G. S. Schwamm was read regar~ing the maintenance of the airport. Two letters regar Jing the sewer were read, one from Don 1'(. i.-Jilson to Felix Toner, the other to Don. II. ',iilson from the Division of Se,nitation and Lngine,:>ring. Clm. }Jainter moved to close the meeting to go into executive ser:cion. f;econclecl by elm. Eamil ton. nll in favor, motion carried. I }layor Lanier spoke regarding his meeting with Mr. Ga0non of Alaska Housing Authority, HJgarding Q hOlising prograrr., and saying he would meet '/lith E.' ';len \'!ilder for a further discussion. elm. IQinter moved to tal:1e the Housina ;irea LeCise ] ids until the next meetinq of the Council. E;cconded t.y Clm. Greene. [,11 in favor, motion car'ried. Resolution 15 was read by the City C18rk. Clm. HcRae moved to suspend the rules for th," ,'dol,ticn of Ii:esolution 15. ::ieconded by elm. GrRene. ,',11 in f '/01', motion carried. Clm. Johnson moved to adopt desolution l5,re"uesting the lllacka Housing Authority to make a survey for request of funds for re-development of l~roperth,s, m-med by the City. Reconded by Clm. Painter. Letter from Halter E. Huntley was read and 'i seussed, and answered by Mayor Lanier. Executive session adj"urned. Carl R. Carlson, surerintendent, was present and plans for a new highschool were discussed. Hr. Carlson also spoke n,crarding ddditioi1&l school space for next fall and Ule possibility of using the flayview School. I Clm. Painter moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of RA.solution 16. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in fevor, motionauried. Clm. McRae moved to adopt ;'(esolution 16, ltuthorizinq filing of Application with the United States of ~rica for a Fublic Works under the tern.s of the Alaska Public Horks Progrcm, Fublic Law 264, 8lst Con,ress of the United StFltes, ApIIoved August 24, 1949, - for a High School Building. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. Surplerrlent to Ordinance No. 207 was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Hamil ton moved to su spend the rules for the adoption of the suv,lement to Ordinance No. 207.1 Seconded ny Clm. Johnson. All in [,vor, motion car-ried. Clm. Gr2ene rr,overi to i1(lort Sunplement to Ordinance No. 207, an Ordinance regarding payments for Llectrical Service, pertaining to Rules rind Regulations Governing in- stallation and use of Electrical Energy in the City of ;:;eHard, Alaska. Seconded by Clm. Johnson~ elm. HeRae and Fainter voted no. Clm. John',on Cole, Familton and Greene voted yes. ~btion carried. ~ Se"ard, Alaf3k:a March ~ 1952. Froposed Ordinance No. 218 was read by the City Cl,rk for the first tirrce, an Ordinance Establishing Rates for Electrical Energy.' . Clm. Hamilton moved that Harry Southard approve all purchase orders for the City. 2econded by Clm. McRae. All in f Civor, motion carried. Clm. Greene moved to approve the hourly !Byroll. Seconded by Clm, Painter. All in f dvor, motion carried. Following appointments were made by the V~YQr; Street, Clm. Hamilton; Water, Clm. Painter; Housing Area, Mayor Lanier; Finance, Clm. Cole; Airport and Small Boat Harborr Clm. Greene; Police, Clm. Johnson; Fire, Clm. McRae. Botion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:35 o'clock P.M. Attest ~~ Ci ty Clerk ... ( / ApprQv~-' .('/k';~; /' "\ ';. 2"-<' r ' 3e vard, .~1c,ska Nclrch 10, 1952 A special hl8eting of the Comnon Council ware caUDd, 10 ~fidrf at 3: 00 0' clock r .M. for the purpose of consulting with the Attorney/ori~pf~pa~lng the Bond Issue fur ",~t0r Rehabilitation and '.-lith Felix Toner, Engineer on proceeding ',lith plans and specifications for the new water systenl. ~~yor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. HcRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Greene. Also Toner and Hellenthal. Felix Toner spoke alont the wells, pipeline etc. in the Fort Raymond F,:c'~a and Sanatorium, and the amount of Hater cominq iI',. The City Clerk read a letter dated February 8, 1952, from Felix Toner a~ut the ,,,ells und ripelines in Sanitarium and Fort ,:aymond P'rea. Clm. Hamiltoh moved to comply with t112 letter from Felix Toner, doted Februi'lry ~8, 1952 that vnlls and pipelines be transferred to the City. coeconded by Clm. l'aintHr. fill in fCivor, motion carried. Clm. Hamil ton moved to advise Felix Toner t? J-'roceed vri th the plans and necessary specifications for ,,,ater rehar:-ilitation in accord ',dth propo:':al made June 29, 1951, and authorize the ~layor and City Clerk to sign the document. Seoonded by elm Gr ,ene. 1',11 in f :ivor, motion carried. :'!ellenthel spoke regarding the selling of the bonds advising the Council to t:link at,out it, LlS they might h"ve an bn,edi<,te offer. Hr. Starr or [,Tl;C was l~resent and discussed telephone rates requesting the estab- 1 i shment of $4. 00 flat r;:,tc for four and six pc:rty 1 ines. The lIB tter was referred to the City Attorney. ~lotion was lIBde and seconded toa::ljnurn ilt 4:10 o'clock P.H. Attest ((, Approved v II:;" I~ "- F yor / ,. Y_.I.t,...~___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Se',')ard, Alaska J:.Iarch 11, 1952. - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Common Council WAS called to order at 12 noon, for the pu~)ose of discussing the proposed Water Bond Issue with Hr. Marshall of the Foster and Marshall bonding Company. Mayor Lanier in the chair. Present were Clm. HcRae, C ~ Painter, Johnson, Cole and Hamilton. &~sent 1m. ~r~ene. Mr. Marshall spoke ragarding the necessary steps necessary for bonding und stated that he wa5 interested in working with the City but that the City of Seward is not 0lite ready, for a bond issue. It will be necessary for the bond.ing company to Seward, Fila ska l-larch 11, 1952 rely on the engineer and his revised report bids and ask for firm conmdtment for bonds finances would be covered. and estimate of costs. Then call for and let the contract, knowing the Felix Toner, in genera.l. nevl sYf'tem. Engineer, spoke rP.CJardinCT the contrdct and the financing and the system There wa s consideraLle di scuss ion raga rding the bonding and the proposed I Eotion was made and seconded to adjourn at 1:10 o'clock }-'.1-'.. &_~ O-zr--- [,ttest'-< ~1/t___ Ci ty Cl crk ( Iipprove~ b~ (j,. -', ' MGyor ,. / " ,. /l(',;...;?'t.-~ #. ,../ . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Se'-.'dr.--:, P..l:=:,.-:k3. !'prch 17, 19:)0,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pi r'Ylul"r meeting of the Con~non Council Hac; c~llcd tc order at 8:CO o'clcck ;.'.H. l,:o.yor Lanier in the Chair. l)resent IIere Clm. HcRae, Fainter, Jobnson and Hamil ton. /':..hst'?nt ~lm. Greene r:nd COlli. l.;inntes of the Idst H'C)ular and speciCll meetin0,s ,,[,n,> rpacl and approved. Letter f rorr, the Hospital ?oard r 'Jcirc'i reg the financinQ of a new has] i tal Has H'ad. Hr. ~ndn i'\nd ll;r. Nelson were present to JL3CllS:; thee f~ll"ncincT oE c new .50 bOld ),oS]itul Cln'. l:arnil ton moved that the Council instruct the secret" ry or the hospi tal Boa rc! to ask their firm of architects, Foss, Nalcolm and Olson to rrppare r,r.I iminary plans and file application Hith iUaska rublic ~,Jo1'ks renuesting fnnds for a nc',( 50 bed hospital. Seconded by Clm. Be'''ae. All in r"'lor, morion carried. I Henry Hortenson requested j)srmission to est", lish a ili'crking lot at 4tl:1 and '.\df;hin -,ton and rmyor Lanier quoted the rp~irements. Clm. Hand 1 ton moved that the City Cab transfer the C71:' f bmd from the Surf I3a.r to tLc corner of 4th iOnd '.:"shinqton; 30 feet p-llowed on "Jasl:1ington Str'~et for parking. Seconded r.v <':lm. Johnson. .'\.il in favor, moti:m c,'1r,-ied. elm. Hamilton moved t,) h,'1ve Clm. Johnson investigate pi'lrkir,q :!ll'ter inf'tallation. Seconded l--'lY :lr.~. I;ainter. All in .fa~ror, motion carried. }ir. Griffin WFlR present and the irformed the Council tl:1at the City boiler has 1,,-cen pArked on 7th i\v~nue for one week '!lith no liahts etc., and Hr. Hamilton stated fie I-'Jould ha.ve it moved iIT1cji("lt;-'ly. Superint'~ndent C,e rl son Wi'lS pn,sent and r~<<ue8t,~d 'P5,000 ror the school f row :::ales T,'1x. Clm. Fainter moved to grdnt the ip5,000. Seconded by Clm. l-lc:CCae. All in favor, mot ion m.rried. elm. Hamil ton moved to ap prove He hourly payroll i'lc; r'"ad. S"conded b - Clm. Johnson. All in f"vor, motion carried. Bills were r .ad and <<uestioned by the Council end td:lcd until the next meuting. I Letter from R. N. Van Guilder n'garcling 1','lease as street ~-)uperintendent, .,as reod and discussed. Proposed Ordinance No. 218 BstaDl i shing ri1 te,s for 81 cctric energy HdS rend hv the Ci ty Cle rk for the second time. Clm. lIamil ton moved to dut orize the !'myor and Ci ty Clerk to sign the Lease i,gree- m,mt for Se','f2rd Seafoods Inc. ;3econded by elm. HcRae. All in fd\"or, motion carried. E. L. GI'aves WdE present Te::F,rcling a t.,ntat i ve '"r::lposal as s~ .onsor ror 1~L. ska t!ousinc;: ['uthority for re]!>lacing the ]Tesent hO\lsing area vritll modern housing. The lltdtter was discussed and IW was advised to de7,1 Jircctly with l:,l.';f'ka H'--'11:dno uu'::ho, it". l'"ildre.l Kirkpc.trick \Jas present awl inforrned the Council th"t the League of Alaskan Cities would asdst in obtaining pavrn.:mt in lieu of taxes frorol the Fed'Thl Govt. Clm. Johnson moved to hr.V8 E. G. .Southard prepare data on all Federal l.ropcrty in the City ,:ith volu:,ticns for tax puposes Seconded b' elm. Ilamilton. All in " Se .a I'd, Al aska March 17, 1952 favor, moticn carried. Hot inn was made and sClconded to Attest ~. j 0 A_ ~~ C y 81crk. adjourn at 12:2C o'clock A.M. APP'OVO(:7-' J/~u,o t'Byor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - &lei-lard, Alaska Hi'ixch 19, 1952 A special meeting of the Cowmon Council was called to order at 12:30 o'clock P.M. for the I,urpose of passing Resolution No. 16, Ordinance No. 219 and rejecting the Hrmsing r,rcl"t lease bids. H"yor L2nier in the Chair. Present were Clm. HcRae., P3.inter, Johnson, Hamilton and Greene. Absent Clm. 801e. Clm. Hamilton moved to reject all bids for the Housing Ar0a Lease. Seconded by Clm. HcRae. All in fwor, motion carried. Resolution No. 16 was read by the City Clerk. Clm. NGlRae moved to susj::end the rules for the aoy-tion of Resolution No. 16. Seconded by Clm. Johnson. All in f"vor, motion carried. Clm. Greene moved to edopt Resolution No. 16, a nIDlution rCauesting the F,laska Housing ,1;uthorit}' to take OV9r the management of the 110using .I\rea ",no. find a sponsor for a new housing program. f3econded by Clm. lIamil ton. !"l1l in f vor, motion carried. Ordinance No. rIlles for the fdvor, motion 219 was read by the ~ity Clerk. adol,tion of Ordinance llIo. 2Ul. - -- oa"ied, elm. Hamil ton moved to suspend th' :::;"'conded by Clm. Johnson. All in Clm. .l'aint,'.r mover! to ,,:-to,t Or'i'\4nCe No. 219, an Or',inance fixing the rate of Compensation to be P'ie. by the "lty of 3~"i]ard, ,Iliic:b, to Officers ap:ointed by the Hayor of ,>aid City for t1:e tpIT.l endinrr ::i th his Term of Cffice and Repealing all Or3inanc'cs in conflict hcr"".'iitn and D~clarinq an Emergency. fjeconded by Clm. l<cRae. /;11 in f "'vor, motion carried. Hotion was made and seconded to adjourn at 12:45 o'clock P.M. Approvod t;o;., 2.;;<~4. mod ~ ~_ ty v10rk .3r:.:n.'i:ird, j:.lf~ -.ka. J'i.l lr il I, 1 ~Y.s~? Ji r r:ul6.r meetinq of the i~OllJ:.I..)'ll ~ouncil W(:t.~,~ c,-:::'.led to order &t 3:05 o'clock: 1;.1.1. Ei1yor Lanier in the":hair. Fr'"c:cnt Her," ':In. HcRae, J,-,hnsoD, enlp., 1bmilfon c.md '']r-:~'ene. ~r}rn3ent elll:. i'L: inter. Qr,J ,)"-'ci" 1 1"'jn11tr'5:" of tlle last reg1..i13.r/mectiT10S \'i~.:;:re r i',d [',:y], ,:O} proved. , C " , f tJ'''' 1'02.", i. hI boal-d ,,,as I,rc:sent regdrrling a letter froIT. i',loska TutIic -. . c,rvnn 0 - ._ , . Korks on the ne:'l hospital dI'pliCCltion. Lott',i- ',idS Y.e,ci fro~, Jon ,vilson r'c"iF~ing '~:ce ,"Tn1icEction. Hr. Erwin statc?d if the aprlic"tion is ,-till ACtive it should oi ~t.er ':,e ':.'1 thdrcrwn or amended and \'londered v;hdt steps should bc tdken. Hr. i',-'mley of hanley cmd Ivlayer, J"lrchi tects ror the original hospi ti".l ar!plicCJtion ,';.'if' j.cresent and spoke in behalf of the ,_pplic,:tion i:1c" t is dill active with ;:,l,~ska ] 'ublic ";orh: . Clm. Eumil ton moved. that the Ecs;:;ital BOArd proo,o,'d ,lith tho original ilans for 1;pp1ic2tion to Ala2ka lublic ',Jorks for nel>l hospital, dated Junc 12, 1');:;[" h.'inley and }iayer, iir:~hitects. Seconded by GLn. Hcf/ae.. 1111 in :Evor, motion carried. ~l,n. Fami 1 ton moveci that pro[-€rt.,. adj acent to the ne';] nurse' s h~,me be set ac;ido for B. ne1.>I hospi tal pend.ing a survey. ~~.'econded })y ~lm. Cnle. ...~:..ll in favor, lLcti.cn C,J.' ried. Er. G1: ve", of Olson ,c,nd Graves, lias J,yC,:.:;ent re'r::'drC':r,g the Jlurchase of 17 lots in ii10ck ,31, 0ric;dn'il lQ\';nsite, and his letter ',1GS red by tho City '':1'3rk. Letter from ;::;e',.,}~ l, l-~lafJ~a i'~rril 7, 1952. L,~tter fro'e Br"dy C0;1struction Co., ccmtcciniw-r check ~:1 sum of $3,000 for option, and lctter froE' Kunsas City Title Ins. Co., were also nnd t this tit~c. Cl',1. t-:c2iJ.c rr,0ved to table C. L. Gr,ovcs letter to purchase Lots 1-17, Block 31, Tmmsite, lint il the ;layor checked 1;i ith Ala sku :;::lusi;10 ;,utr,ori ty. SC:lconded by Cl'Tl. C. 'one. .hll in favor, moti0n ca.ried. I Clin. Hamil ton 'reoved that Olson dnd Sra vc;s be ch" rg8d ']>136. eo far 'use of 8coopmol'ile in August, 195 L. ~3"conded br,:;llll. )i"Rae. j,ll in f,. \'or, reloti an carried. Hr. Sriffir, i,ras pr8sen-L H' cling sewer ditch on 7th ,we. .,',it)'out lights and 24 hour 1.,01ice r'rot,'cT i'-m. Ch;. liamll ton moved to sell Nick FCitte.c")n Lots 1 ilnd Z, Dloe:':, Laubner J,'.'it ion at '~liO.OG '"wh. f3econded \,~, Clm. Gr.?cme. J.,ll in f VOT, motion carried. elm. JohnsCJ; ,,;oveo tL,t the 8th SFi-:1e J'e ,,'.lU,orized to i:'Oke over the Gity of Sel'iClrJ for Iday, ;3,pr11 11th. Cl;r,. J:,lmsoJ1 in c:harge of the i'ficlir for th" (hy. Seconded hy Cln. 'Cole. 10.11 in f'lcr, motion carried. !-ir. Jeffrey discussed the cleaning out of 1st Lake for S'."imrning hcle, to di;-rc:ring ,Jut 'litch, c8Ldn-t g<"to to "' "ise lake ror safe swill'ming and }Cutting ~'und in the ],ottom. Clrre. Ec:<ae moved thilt the Council authorize the str..'>At department equip- ment to ail in fixing and cleaning 1st Lake "nd the Ed:.r-::>r ane'. Co',mc.i.l offer their sur"port. ;'::econderi by ~lm. Cole. All in f('-vor, motion Carried. elr!".. Greene moved to L1UY ne1>f divin!J ~)oarcl for 1st Lake. ~:econded bv eln. Cole. All in f~vor, rnoti2n c'rried. C1I~. lY"cRae moved to tr"nsfer Lu Gil r rett to ili;m L1,l GarrC't t i~ll i:l f(:,~"or, motion c~-,rried. H_:v,rage Disl,cnsarv Liquor Licer~09 No. ,:md Jack j,. Carrett. Seconded hy Clue. 1415 from :ma hd~-i.Lil ton. I Pr::::.dv Constn1cti(:n t'lhi'::h -,..;,,:~s rr(~vint1P,ly (2ad l-J"as discusf~,ed. CIn:. llamilton moved to accept ;Cil:-rment in t;--,o ell!;' of ~3,CGO.00, frr the option frDm '~},dy :;cnstruci:i,-n Co., as per r((~solution dat~d October 10th. J.econded :_'Y :";lr;~. Gr,~ene. ;~-' 1 in f~vor, motion Cd ,jed. Leti'l ',,,8 r<-"ad from Chainr:'n of tj'e Util.ity'oar,l on pror_oseJ i!rdinance t:o. 218, chanl]i.:1g of r.Jtes, :rc<ues::i:1~J l:hE,t no further ~-:;.ction ~-)e 1:<-:Ken. f'roJ-oscd Or 1 inance No. 218 "las :lro'red. LetL>:?r .fY:)IT. 'ur t'U 'J' Lctnd >~8.nc.g8:r,ent r'~\. ,r~":::n..~t F8~;,rer outr211s \'Jas rr:;:d_d. ~lm. I12milton rnovecl tnFlt the City }~IL~.fineer r::Jcecd '.'lith dl_,:"licGtion for sewer u1.ltf,ills. SeconJed by elm. Gr'=:(~n(~. ':;1:"1;. hC'~r}f?, yes, Clm. Johnson, no, ,~lLl. ::;ule, Y:Js, Clm. hamilt.on, Yt~S, :;lil~. ~reene, ~r2 _ ';.',otiC'!i c,~rri~~d. P81ix Toner letter 3nd bill of $971.03 w~s r0ad. Fi'\yroll and ,~. I. If n ~llilder le t0r r= c;,'?lctrr check '"C1'_ - ?Old. '-.!! '!: "'", "1-'-~): ':) .)l"l'/~"..r l";.,:,., ~lJll, :12 h:y'.l::':""s ovel"tiI..ie, 7 -lays It.~cjve and S>.llElnce for L~;rch. ";"conded hv r:;l,n. Col". Clm. 1"cI(ije, no, Clm, J'lhnsolt, no, Clr,-c. Cole, yes, Clm. i~ar;1iltsn, no, '-:lm. Gr,~pne, 1/~:;G. L.-;tici". f,.:.iled. ~1::. I 1-J.mi 1 ton rnoved l:il.i___t the .n:~\JUlf1 r l-,u.yro'~ 1 ;--:<? ilcr~erte:1. Soconded ~~y Clf.l.. J onnson. j~ll in fiJV0r, :n,~,tit)r:. c(:i::..-::-il~d. I LAtter [[CIrL Jenns::: Ki rkr~otrick: ':"" ',-- r,iin~r ",C'",V in lieu cf ledve ItlnS rt.;'cld.. Ch~. Ec;?,w Doved -:0 ;'-'3-Y rir1c~'ctric}- for 15 .:rys le'~v8 6CCUI.1Uli:,tc-d. ~;'"conded ny Cln:. Ttn.milton. I",1.1 in f'vor, motic)n c,'?rried. (;1,::. Jol.nsoll movPj thc:t c,.ll employcees of the City of .2'm:ard r"", 0ri;nted l'"ove "t 1r,e c,t - of 15 dc_ys ~.~~r :."c'ar or l~.~ d:-':..ys :',er mont~. No. er.',r)loy?c to ac,~unLUldte oY(~r j(i (~(lYs 1(;-:\' (', ;'.~ ':?}Jt tljr> fir(~ cl"iief, all emtloyees to \.;ork 1 vear h?fcre any 1.~cv,~ iz ef~'._'ctive. Ho cc2h rctym(~nts in liAu~ (')f lOd_ve. ;::3,'c:olLd~d f'Y elm. EcRat~. (~l"'n. l'~"""'-'!,, v~'" ,"lr'l J-,l no:.<"" "{" "I ~ 1 -"nc .. 'lt -......... ,~.., ,-I", _.I ". 1, J. ..)C~, _ c:s, '-' rr:. '-,0 e, no, .............. 1 arl1J on, =~r'S, Cl~l. '~;r ~:ne, 'l<~;:;. Loiton carried. !\t 10:45 P.l~. Cl~.:t. J'.)!--..r~::on r:tcv25 to qa ill.to e "'{E:cutiv'~; s9<~;-ion. :::':;co~ldcd. 1;~r ,:;1:71. Cr'~"ne. }\11 i', f.-vor, niotion c5'~ried. 81m. T:'}'Tll:: ten ITtOVE'd to c. CCE:[_t J:)~lld::;Y :'..nc1reitIS bid of $.3CO for lots 14 ~ncl 15, Block 36, Jric;ir:.Ctl I\")i'l]"ncit0e Seconded by C111. Johnson. l'Jl in fr'ivor, rnutic'n cc~rried. S2"r'Jrd, j".laska l~,pril 7, 1952 , Cole, Cln. }Iam 1 ton illoVed to rmthorize the Hayor and t inance Officer ,/to be aut]-,orized to sign i't note for loan of ;)1,rOO.00 for the ,'Jater D8~c;JrtrEent. Seoonded by Clm. Gn'ene. till in f, 'lor, mot ie," cillTied. R0so1ution 17 l,yas r ",'d 1w the City :::In:ck. I{E:-DLUTION 17 ::>:~ ITR,:f'DLVSD, by tl:1e members of the Co~'"non Conncil ::If tre City of Sel'iiu'l, 'l1I1':T, Lugene N. Lanier, ):/ayo:r, and eha rles E. Cole, Finance Office,ARr EjnT:ffi liUTHORIZED, to sign a note with the Sel,rad Bri.iL)ch, Firs: N"ti anal Jmk of ilnchorCiqe, in the amount Jf $4,000.00, }ayabL> 120 days from [,pril 8, 195~, together Hith interest at 8"/Q paYCl\:)le from the City of Se~'Jaxd, l:h,ter Department. Attest ~i(~rrid St ~(irns ~i ty Cle rk P N] j~. f....lugene . ~i1nler B,~"yor Cltr-. Greene mo.,ed to ,:lciopt j-(esolution 17. ;]8conded Ly Clm. Cole. "II in fCi"or, motior'- c,)y-ried. LGttel- fr0I:: ~d. S. Pt,?ter8onwac~ r02.d. 81m. IIarnilton Licved toilet in 'j:. E. Peterson heDse. S~conded hy Clm. Gr ":ne. to have Bogan in8til new Fill in fi'70r, Dotion carried. Clm. Eamilton n.oved trut Hr. Feter"on be charged all tha'tl cLuges pl118 se'.-J'er r',pairs. 3E:~conded by Glm. Johnson. elm. HcRae, yes, elm. Johnson, yes, elm. Calc, yeE, ~~lrr.. l'ar.:Iil ton, v"~,,,~lm. S?:',?erv:, no. Hoti-:>n ciuried. Lptt",r from ll. 2. Barr reg,'riing i3 decrcaS8 in r,ent WclS r "'i. and c]~a ir Clm.T-:;hnccn lwve-1 to JollY d deGk/frGll' Giffin e, Co. for i'li'pr0xiD&tc,ly ;//22 fer desk. 3ecDnded '~y CIF" Johns::m. AJl in f 'lor, ::lOtion carri?d. C1rr:. fIilJnilton moved to pay j'ills oS follows: !\TEC $96.26, i'.merican Citi, ~4.00, ;Uilc;ka Transfsr, ;pc;5.61, liut-::llcotiv2 I'-cts, ;po,.15, ~"ndy's :;$903.00, 3ilY '';itv CJr'-'3t. Ce., $12.50, ::3idlQ\; 8- "right, $95.07, :32umqartner, 31,957.71, Cit," l~xprcss, if12.'36, Darley IS Co., $83.50, City ')"tcr D''?pt., $285.00, Erd.'na'1n ,'",,;ncy, :t981.46, '-Jin Ervin Eaton', 1t1l5,78, Eorth,,,rn Crib, ;j;7.CC, N. C. S:l., ',);'364.59, The Hart, ~lG.20, Har,elOn C~i.f , ~:;31.70, }lc~c.e CoItCr,:~t8 >:rcc~uct.:;, '$5'?R.C34, ~'::nl,::t:::~:l(;y'e, t~7.01, :t:(~t's S,"--,~a.gE', ::>'::;.UO, OS~')O'G, ~~7.32, r~;"'l~l'S 0il ~~F~yvic9, $151.05, ~oc!gcr's :?i..~lY, 'j] 1.80, Se\oJard H;cjTr:l'.,ra.r), $30S.e~, Se....;rard, 1>l:tchine S'ho.i:,,~D5.30, SpTIIJ.-_~-d ~)lurlli~incr D Htg. $Gl~03, Se~'~ard,Elac. 3ystt3m, ~~1,~08.24, SeaJJort 1'( corc., '$9.(10, ~3f-;"7.:-T.-l Trndirq !~o., $5 .79, SCimd",:rrl Oil Co., ;)685.58, Yukon equipment, ~~2['.6:" " ','Jeh;:, "nd ','Iebe, '$165.00, lkllenthal E Hc1l8l\tha.l, :;;~3G.8(), ,',laska 0ho:,', $4.00 , l'eHy Cash, $17.78; P.ollsing :\,~i'i Fund:" Clarl,'s Faint f'tore, $48.13, r.ndrml's, $313.20, Northern Cae, lt64.5J, The Uart ;$16.85, Dale Sc:ndstrorE, ~32.00, Se','Jarrl l'ltg. {' }In ting, $1,2C1].6,3, S" 'GciEl"!c. Sys. $3'S.'O"i;".JCiter D~:"t., The l1'irt, $6.70, Se laei l'Jachine ~3hon, $36.72, Se'JdY-:: Tri' ing Co., $124.23, 3eJiU"-1 [:\dry. S"conded hy Clrr.. (~ra',)ne. Clin. HcRae, no vote, Clm. Johnson, Cole, llGJnilton und Gn:ene yes. Hotion Ca rriaG.. SIT". Gr,ene m::l"cd thi:t the ;'oli~e D:::>pc:rtm~nt prcce0d ';lith the progPlD on ;;urchasG of LtrrJ:-,ulance, tne City to ray the "iJlclnce. SocClnded by Cll". 1';02ae. All in far or , motion ciuried.Use of the old police car for the '}"t2Y Department W'1": discussod, Cc<L" to l.,e dismantled of police e-.._:uir::rllent. Motion '.\',,~ m;, .Ie c:nc! seconded to ,-dj "\ern at 11 :50 o'clock} .H. 't4,(,-t.~' Ii. 0_ .'., . Ci t:r ~18 rk ~ App'~od ~?4'" , "'Oyor '1L:7. ..... , Se\.';a ~~, hla2ka ,",'ril 8, ] 0 5~ ;. - - - - , srecial rooetinl} of the ''::ornmon Council was cll led to orisr d~ 8:45 o'cloc!, 1".1':. for the discussion and appro.".,l or 1isoJ'proval of t]le sdle of lots 1-17, '310cL C' " L' 't' h' 1, ~ "1 n 'l"'c,~~ J ))\nSon 31, to Ol~;(..n f ..:Jrc.;'ves; J.>i.J.-;yor anler In .n:? C.21r. rrr-::!senL 1..... ll. ~C~\.(~,_, - \- ... , Colc E'nd hamilton. libscmt elm. lC1iEter i;nd Gr,'cne. Letter from 0180:1 dnd :::ri'~vc::;, as follovls, 'd,F F'c": >" the City Sl'}rk: (: .~ I , , / I U / / , ! ", II , ., I' , I , , j / , ,,~J i -r I' I II //, / t -' I ! , /i -' I , , I r /: ' , I V i / // ,,,~! /~ II' , /- '/ / ,J -/,;" j' r ~/ t._/t.".~ / { , ( ,I /' ,. j ,/ / , f / / / I ) l J .;\ . I I I I :L:;CX: :o~DA'L~}':j L:ADE TO THE SEWARD OlT"1 COUrCILl.1EI: B:r t,.lC Er.;-~ll"G;: Gl'a{~e ~.H::.u(~onts A)ril 0, .-.-L. , J (j,'::'r, L.- :.J.~ I -. 'r :erc 2~l(Y:,.l.L6. be a CL_ t~r ;;.:~tornc~" resic1-~.ll:j :bl .Scv.rc::.rd, [if; t_lcrc :IS none a':,:. tL1C ')1'eDent. t.:":.:!.1e_ r, ....... i\.i_.l_ t,i.C r)::.,\")112:.T1CeS ~..11 8er:AX(1. s.1.~tLl_d be obe;'.cd all(~ enf~)l'ced. 3. A !jr=-:~:,;,:.tor J.i;::.lt s.iloulc1 ~Je ~'llsta,_.:..cd J1 t..:..e Pol:.ce C.F:l'i:l')OY:1, Q.G 'G.18 '}j,1e t~le:~ :lave l10W ::.:3 ,,'"(:;1":.'" din. ~~. 71lcrc 0..: lO1.fL 6. be [t clog POUllC_, HS t"~el"(? 2.re .~-J()O ji;nll~/' cJor~s l'LU1.l:"'jlr: :Lo')[~e. 5. ".C' ~o F:.s~ r-.:1d ~7-'r_!_(;l .fe '..;ff -'~ce fj.d,):.l_!.(~ . Je c:1.lnl': 'cd, :,.~c .-.., ,>, 'coo sr.:r"-l._1i ,'1~G u. A 8~L\~-'.:,":G81--' ,):'r:>c r.:ll'itLLcl ':)8 e::-~L:r.i.6e6. fI"0:: C~'l'_:l"C~l ~trGe-c -Co t'C .::._f.;on J':(,~l'e(;t ~..~cr~; - ~ ->' nOT.~ none. 7. :!CV.f :"':~'41"C- 1i.~~n("~s fL,U)~)~.'.(, ')0 illStC._;_. .cd ]11 'C_le 11' .~0::_:'J.1' ~~"e['., 0.8 <:,,~'31-e is ~10\7 ::0:1(;. ('. '-'. L~ore 'i:.ro:Ler nreSSV..l."G S21.')'tLd alSO oe crc~.t~ec1 ia Je\JL'J::'C as t~le w['~t/8r ':ll'enSl.1l"'e is Velj' .low. 9. ':r11e SC4.10'~.J ::"L1.0 L _' iVC [' :'10\"," f":..l'C crear>: as the (Juc the:r have now is 0011- "" , ~~G~';1j.leQ. 10. ~CllorG: snould be ::1ore wOl""::ers to re71a.:.r t:.le streets, as t':lC;:,7" fire neVI :.T..j.1 VG1"'~T bad s~..n~_)e. 1._ f~;i:C oi:: dro~)-,~i'_ u~:;- P;:-t;. J S Gr:,ra;-'G Gao'J..'Ll~ ~.)e f~~:ed. 12. r.C:'.:,ere OhCiU.'4cJ.. ~.)e r;~or8 eqn:';. )1.1ont in JOVT0'':cc1 fOl. Li'Gl'eC:-G l'eprj.J;". 1]. (....~lC1"e ::h'.)U.i_(~. 1e n. 1101." O:~j3,~~ ~}8r.:l:.;C, P.S "Cue ':)110 .~~:lC~,'. L1nve l1er}' :1..0 n f:'.l"'C hn~~,n1"'d. , I _:~~ ;.. ~-~; . -, ' 1.l~lC~~C sl.1..J.~f'..(J. l?J_so DC nor~ C(f:l . )!::l2~'-lt -'11 -::~~c F"r~"a,-:c [lC -G.:ln":':' ~~:':lt~i'.fic:'Le~"lt . ~ ,:.:-.vc .S A :L...,'."1 ::.;tL~l B.Ll,)":..1 c~, 'J8 5.11Sto..14,'_l:d, .~llc~" _['.VL: .;:: E ;.,t C';l1D )::.CUOil[,~. -ce~4 I t. e '.i1erc n__41'>~ l-:)l.' G rG ~c .-;:tC .",)'1 NOTl :''>t:...;~-ra:'.'' ,. .L>d;s ale: "ley;, ~:~'..ileCl'D sh()u:';"(~. :)8 COllst1"'"<..'tcted ,'1.t .lcne F.:b,"',.:Dl"t "." :~.;.;.c C)118S tl.i.cJ.~e c.re too Ol4d. 1',' ':GiC m:l!llJ_ bocre :Jel'bOl' n2CC~ a )18'7 1.1_00.'0 because 'Gne r,nc '\, _(ere c-8 Y'r):C'll Ot:. t.. I "'1(j . -... . 1-,. 0[111 :c,[;:C:'..()l1 of rE~sttl[:::.r[,llt8 ullou .t, uc C'18C ~e{l :]':,1"8 fl"'eq:,~"en..!G~.i_~::". f~l I.C Ii'~..::-I.'c trai1cl"'s for S'V::'...;~t:lel"S. sh(}~,,"'l..tl ;~:e :f...ovcd cJ.01:_~1 to First La~:c Er:.~Jr (~~"'eDGinr l'jO";,S 20. The 5tl.:1'lCcl: ~t"ec.L.~ "'01.:1' , . . . if' ' i..J ~' . l.ru O:..i. "LL /.lfrve Slt:nS" ~1:.{;1rr ~rJ.l1[~ C:;.; t,- 0' cr'" I .~ ' .,.., '. -- ~~f /"~ ~./ v~.. t""e streE:t. ;l8.':leS 0.' . :.:ayor ./?J,Af ". ..::Je (-I rei, ~:'^l t, ,~:1:a yil [i, 1')5:; EE-ych 2';, 1952 The '::;onr:::on Ccuncil City of ;';e'iRyd 8ity: I Gentlertlm: T;0Y"", ..11 is OUY check in the amount of OlE !UNDR,~D DOLlA:S CHDO.OO) CIS Jenosit to',,:ard thE'~ Jurchase of Lots 1 throug}1 17, Original TO'.'!l1sitc'. This ;,uychase is contiWJent onlv meon th,~ followinq: 1. 'I']o".t the price to >" p6.id for tl-;.:o late is to : -cO i:lrrr~,'d Ulon "t a meeting h"hJ"en ours01"l2s :"l_nrl. the :;cuncil c,n Ilpril 7, 195~. 2. Tlvst the lots are to b~ used onl'{ .f,)y sitos .for t:v=: con~.t~tlction of lOH-cost ~1n"t1sin0 sCctisfc ctory to the JC~lrj ;-:'ka Lousin~ 1'~uthoritv. 3. Tlidt ~itle Insurance issued by a CO'Tl}''J.ny satis:"ct.,r/ to t~c 1'.laska lTousin;r Authority te oht,'jined prc,my:Jtly. 4. T'1(~t tbA offer to 1--'l'..Y, under -::-,r ~, Qve {;')I'rlitiGns, sh3.] I ex!"",ire Ju17 1, 19~2 i"md tlnf: if tIle t.r,nsaction L.,:~' not bim comrlet",'i )T{ Ulc.t tirr10 t}',is day-osit 51--,AIl ",8 ri: \lr:1cd in full. ': c>urs V,yy truly, OlSOI, 8 '3r,-:v3c E. L. 8:r'.cles Hr. :~\\u'~:h("3n, .J.+torne:l for ;l.luska }:cufdnJ Authority 'v],""i'2 also pr2~,:;,,'~nt and .spoke I rL~cr,j~(--'li;1(~T .u- (' cle;' rirJ} of titl'3 2nd i.yt~::;r mat-tors re "rU'23tcd ly !~,l=,.~k6. E'.')using A.utr:0rit)1 Clm. Earr,llton moved to cell lots 1-17 inclusive, Jlock 31, C yjrrj 'leI 1'01jmsite, to Cls:m GrClves:) ..~75.C[) }Cicr lot, for the purrose of c::mstructing low oost housing, s!:::tisf~lc':or~,.. "to the ;i]c:iska EcusinCf J~1Jthor:i.t~r, 1,)9T l~~tter .J.(,:.ed l:\~_rch ~5, 195~, und sFttisfc,.::tor'[ to FLJ~ sr.ecifica.tie:[\s. ScconJecl :'"1H elm. Ilcl-{'ae. 1~11 in fcl"?or, l:FYtiop ~a.rricd. elm. Eard:ton rwved that Hr. SY.~V8S, of Olson t'. GYA.VeE, J:'~ u.t:lfied ,)f any ;clans or th2 Ci -ry d:-~; riJlg the I:ousin~. .~'.rE:d } :roi>srty ::In-::1 oe (J i V8n ~'zli r (;::)J::::;ider,4 t il"'r. to rurc~l0~,)e. Seconded }Y'{ Clr:l. l,'lc;cae. All in [, vor, ::~'Jtion c.~rrj,;::)d. lcntioli ','.' dS n,,,cle and s",conded to ....djc)\lrn oct 9:15 o'clock 1-'.1'1. I ;,tte"t ~ ~ City~lerk /7-/, // A" C<-~7 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Se';J;ciI-l, ;1.] P,r:kA :lJ'ril 21, 195;~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - special ID2C\tinq of the COn-LIftOr, v::"Jllcil, consisting' ofmerorcrs of till: ~-:i.{:.d-!th GrCtde, .:as called to order at 7:1() F.I" for ~r.'" l'ur.)ose oi' li\stTllcti,,,, ,'iayo:.: ':erriner in the :hair. J:..lso preD'211t l'ieJ;':> ':~lll.. l'laX'1ell, Coshen, ~)ouglas, Lewis, Frc-.mpton itnd f"lW:ly. 'J,]riolls c;ivic mi'tter",; "Jere :1iscur.,scd and motiuns Curried, v,ith a list cf 2C i-:"cor:J:-andei:i ens 1;,610 to the :3el.jaYc'j' City Councilmen, all of which is her,~to aLtacl:ed [, ro,',uL::r meeting of the Co;cmon C:cJUncil 'd'iS c,::;lled to order B.t: 8:C5 o'.-:;lock r.L., Ldyor Lanier ir~ ~te~ =hair. 1 resent l.-Jt-~rL: CIn"l. l'ic}<ClI2, l-aintE::Y, J ohns0n, Cole I H(lmi 1 ton and Gr~;ene. l<cco:lJT'f""'nddti -~ns of the ~ighth Grade !,yCl" r ~~d j.."1 the:? ;ii::' ~l.)rk: and all .,.as ~:i~cus;-t::~d uv th~ menLb.?rs of Lit,1 C.)l.i.ncil. frc~ Chmrch to }ud. '::lrJ)',c:.~finter E:'~'ied that d"'pl opric, +: ion ror fC~~t<.Jn"i ,~n of :::3.1 t '::a.te!' Lectin/, -c 3.,Jded to "t} 3'/}ludget from '~""'nE:'ral fund. Sec:Hlded l...y I:lr. Han:i lton. ~~ll In f--vor, m' ti~)n corrie, I Clr.:. J\JJ.1TISOn i1l0verl to e(>;:~pt thp r~. co;-rniendc.t il:ln of tL(: )utr:oinc;' ''=;ouncil. Seccl1c.1,cd hv =:lrr. t:c.nnltoIl. ..c'~ll ire f,.~ or, :ll,~tiun c,_:"(i(~d. hayor L.:'.nier i SC1_li~-3 d. ProcJ (~rna ti ~")n t:v-j. t the rll,--~r:t~l of }lay h7oulc.1 ~:'e clr2:.:::nup mC1nth "Ji t:, the :::it;' :~;Clrt, .'0 1uml- ''eVdil,,' .1E to all c,w:l t.he J1. [("t )"pt. "'n:.cks tu :;0 t:uu the 211018 Clnd s':;:rc-:ts ut least oncl~ c: c,!,.:~:?k to }--:ick u.}_' d._~}'ris C:nzit l'ds bc::en :'iled af: close tel '~h::: qdrba(__~ (;;;~0 3.8 }:os:""ihIe. l'ir. Sa.-:..:rnon :)1 the ~-~Ll.31'rt liuUsi"l'c.'" i"1.utLuritv, .,raf; r,reSE.:nt rl:-:>IJ,'ly,-li:l'1 .:::n /"qrc!oment for t"he I:tdn3.'J~-j';..,:-~t of -:l>:? ~ uci_l.,_-r ,\rezl. "~c;-rr rrcnt Hu:~ r,; '1 '--,y ~d!E__ ''';i t"/ ~l :-l-k ~-:..r.'l }i,'3CUS:=5~C: .y Lhe ':u 'ncil~ HJ; ;nJ i'':':!:". G'i(-;I'C~. !~lm. Idinter Hlci'reo ~:L:t l,ti]'or ~anier and the ~ity '':lerk ':: ~r.lpo",'(.;!red to aiqn ,,'Jr ~cnleni. l:,'i th iil':-J...::k(~ LOUSli".'.... l-...u.t"hori t"l. Seconded 'rfI ~ln~. l-~!~,q0. hll ih f(;7or, lllotion cc'lrried. ,.) ~~ Se:!a:cj, i\.laska April 21, 1952 Leite,:, frem Legion Cel:> Co. regar'ling the lease of the Old Pire H'lll f'roperty for use i'!iJ a pJr~lrg lot wac read:mc1 cliflcuss~r1 by the Council. Hayor Lanier appointed a cOITUTlittee of Clm. Johnson and "n inter to inv'"stigatea matter "f 1 :l2~e by ;j''::, i<,n Cab. '1ill Younk",r ,;as prJcent for discuE'sion of OrUrvmce }k). 207 and s~Qted ther'~ Here sC'verel det=:reental fi'lragraphs in said Ordil1dnCe, all of '"hi ch he pres'~rlted to the Coc1l1cil. Nr. KesselriT'-g spClke regarding the iJ"tL'):1al !:l'!ctric Code , and s3veral o-l:r,er d ectricians [Jres"nt c;:ol:e nnai nst Ordinance !k. 207. l>B;or Lanier neeo':" nded a lUeetir.C) of all eclectricians ','lith the CCluncil n'xt Sunday "t ~ c.'clock P.M. elm. hemilton TJO'T3d to ",voke Sup;;lement to Ordinance 'In. 207. Seconded by Cll;:. ['ointer. All ill favor, rr.otion carried. l>luyor Lanier :=xcused Clm. Gre'me. at:J:30 j-'.I-1. IiI'. t:rwin tv')>, l,resent on J",l'c.lf of tIp lio3pit'il Board to allocate runds tmv"rd payinq off ))orcds for a nevl hOSl-i t~l. Dr. rhillips 'v"{' ;Ilso present ,md sr-ok, recre~rdinCT tlle financing of i "L ;>01. i ~c:"l qiving s:lJ.ary fiqures and other costs rlco ~;tating (-. half million dollars nas l-o'm spent ::'y the Se"idrd San. " gr""t dr,;',l of "Ihich had "one to the City. I'r. Srwin spoke ""T,rljn::! tlF' operation of the Ics~"ital hy".:1:',3 !'\:-LY0dist T}oITlan's orgdnizntiC!1. elm. Eamilton moveJ to 1t'rite a letj;.e.r,t.'1l>Jcmley r Nrtyer to diseontir,ue their services ror ar:plie3tion ro>' NewW5~pifal, write, ,"laska j'utlic 'cJorks .c,ecilllinq o.Io):lic"tion ror 75 bed ,',(',spital an.:! '.rite Foss,)lalcolm and Olson to i'T,edi;:,tely pr"lxir2 i;r'climjn~.ry pLons :lwI ap;,lieF~tio:1 ror 5'. h.~d llOsl'ital and pr8s~;-lt illl to Alaska l'ublic '.'forks .:'.:lY ap!croval. :';E'conded hy Clm. LcR,,)J'. illl in r;,"IOr, motion carried. cOliiIcencinrr July 1st, Tax noney/ for a lieH Hospital until the All in felvor, motion caried. ~lr;.. HeRae muv,xl to 'il 1 a::: lite 50'7, of Sales 1:.2n"s d.Y'> rc.tired. Secnnded by Clm. Cole. elr:!. Hamilton Cind H:ci;>ae 'were appointed by the bayor ,':S d Hosl'it"l ':;OHL7d-l:tee from the Council to Hark ,.vi th the EOfllA tal ;JoCird und 1fith +: he Doctors. 1,;eorC}e Lecko ',;CiS jX ""ent to di scuss the I urchasL1C! or :ceDent in bulk in th8 City savin) it is not j,ospi1>l," to c;et it rrom the cement I'Lmt. T~,p lc"s~ .of -[he ::;e":,,,'l Fishmcl CoJ.d StJr,';,C}e Has discusspd olld the City j',ttorney is to check the lease. Or~inance No. 218 ','H:: I parl 1.", the City Clerk. 7tilcs tor the vlortion of i!r'iTlfjnce No. 218. fr: vcr, mati on carried., Gll:,. j'ainter rr.ov",d to SUSl '(end the ;:econdecl r:l Cll'l. ]:amil ton. :,'.1 in CL,o la,inter moved to ado.t Ordinance No. 21s. ,'\1, Ordinance i\'equlating the Use and Jccupancy of Trailers, ElJUS8 TrRilers, l'rucks, or Auto mobiles as !)t/relli~lgs, \Tithin the Cornoriltc, Li',]i ts Jf the" City of ~)e\'ldrd, Al'icka. Seconded by ,Clm. Johnson. All in f~"or, motion carcied. Letter from Brady Canst:. Co. VidS ~_f.::~a.~1 r,,::~,>~-rJin(} 3n \~,;,tion on ~~lock ,35. CIn.. a.jnt(~I" "'":":cv'8:1 to C:'.cce}"lt thfc~ ~_,i'l :)f ?'l-.~d"r :-::uI;['tn.lcti.)H Co. ror Lin Ol.ti,)n un ':::lock '3~, To':msi t,C:, "jt the G,illiO r te :"l' lot as t)',e first J['+:ion, contincrent on reluc.se of le'::;8 rrom U. S. hrmy. Lc tter from S'TFD rurardin(j lot s in the north end ,.)f to',VI' for ruture f ir'~ ct" UC0, '-'1:"3::": r,?,~-1. :lm. ~~C'.mjl ton li'loved tc ray 3=-~oyg,J Ll.~sko -:'84.00 for use of truck -,:1("\ 'riv2r. S8conded by Ch\. J Jhnson. 1\11 iT'- L'Tor, motion carri"d. elm. Hamil ton moved tc; hav~~ 5000 payroll t i:::'2 curds }'!rint2J. :3ecoTIded Ly 81m. Jolin.son. ,-N\.ll in [(-,vcr, rnot:!.0n C1lrried. I'layor Lanier guve a r 'I~Ol*t ',::.,n },..}S m-:~~_;c.inCJ ,^'ith th.~ Lzjt)or -";J;l~~:~ssicner and his r~'co;.llilendatiuns for tre> ~i ty to f.)llow. Clrr~. ] 2.inter's r2'~I_l~~st fo!' 90 (lc~Y Cf',-i-ior;. ,:'D Lot 40, :;lock IS 1..'Ic.S read. Clrr. }l,5milton mO(:'(::1 to flccert the offer. S~conded '.\y CJ.'~l. .i"C)}.ns0n. ell:'.. }'lci('J.e, Y''-~~-i, c;lm. i e.int~r nj vote, elm. Jolul8on, Cole, uni I>'J1~l-!:c'n votr-~d -/e3. Lotion cr'lrried. ~' "- The Ci ty ~ler~ discn2~l-:,,'1 some 'V-!ater ;.*C tes ".-Ji tL the Council .J..Pri l~r(::s ir.structc.....l to ~ontjrli.l~ ('Titl"":. -tr.::- l_r~sent r:ttes and I.rc~r.tices. "'1 ~ 1 ' , 0 I'" + - ..".,...,. 1. ',"- ....pr'll 15t'1 <::, ~ - d :)\':::(..~,.....,r,.d !..~. -~jY Clnl. \...o.J_rc. \.....0 e m0.,rei.J..~G 6.1 '.i-\r "j. .....1 Ll- lXi_.1. 0_1:...: ~,.~ _' 1 a 'J ...L-"':~ _ r _,-' - Jo.;,nF,.)L. 1\] l in r: var, m,yt~i(;n c ,jrried. Clr.1. 1',,~c-(uC E-:cved to ~'~,-'nd (;lr.:~ r"21c;en. ~)ccondeCl '")y SIn,. Eai'uilt.)n. i::'-J_l in ..L ,"'"("'1, !10,:i ....'0 Cdl-:cicd. 2...e" ,""'.[ J, [:'J'"3:~~C. ril 2'., U5' Cl:il. ;=:()l.~ 'n:>vp.d. to ; ,:y .cC'lovling b ll~; '\..,~ll8n ;uncl:: (:.r dv';.:il,'3.~)l~: ~"i:,,: Iou C'~ ',fYiClht, ~1-,C3.1C, P)ctLlhl(~~jrtn2}" Jl, 3 S3. 20, CU1'H~:tiE ~--:i neI, ,~E. ~O, D.~:r f"~' s )in,'~r, '~40. 0[;, ~':j:~ ~ry5.r l'lotors, J,C,'~.45, ~-pnr.d Lur:lh,~.: :0., :-tl'11.es, l:? ';3...f.:1 .~lec. Il~.;vst';m, ~l,2~5.7c.1, _and :~7;. ::;C, SIF:J, '~52.25, ':,Jeb'; ;-dtd ,rnb1-l, '~l, l. .. ; ~ '-)11;~i nc]" ;~r'-'a Fund, lst(?iner~, +;;1~jO.CO. ;:>~co~lll'(~ [-",. elL.~' '~J,~ 1 "~J~ in L.vcr, ic.otion. c.~rric;i. :'::'i~l;Tl -I':"j,~' "~I_t". 'i'::~C1 0f~CG.!.l,:::l<.;:-: ~o aJjon.rn at 11:5~ o'clock " . 1'1. I 1 ,,~-r rove tit in!' ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~:)c:;',:~r '), '.l0.f;ka -, ril ;;8, 1 q52 icn'lci "1 ~l1~(->tinn c)f -':>,~ ...0. ~,Oi'-l ....;()l~nc:l ',.J ('1. ,.~ .>11::c1 tu uL'i~r " : DCI '_ ' ,:~ocL re.,' r-;.y,--ljrf1 "1 !'" .?r2 v r:,.lC;\.::;"'), " . i.. C}-:.i.e.: :'If 'nE' cJnd :'rostituti;:'llj l"lAy:-"r Ld tier in l(lir.t~~r, ...:C'}-111f:;0i1, ''';,~;}n, La_milt.:)!. ,'~n-l r;y'/:"!n2. , , [ :lr; li~-:;'-~lJ~3s..Cr,-~~ 13L.. .,:.--c ,l.T. l' r'~f:'''nt "'^' for t1.-.~ j_Urr~;'l~ cf ~...':.~~ in!..; ~c,C'sol~lti_ 1 "T 1 n '\ '. t,e c.H " , 1.:1 tIle ruleE for ~~,~ f, ltor, LotL:>n c:---c~riHrl. 1.::-' ~~ -:. (In <)1- 811]" ,C',Jfl U 1'1 ""J. 18. :3..... -;,-p,.dpd 1-;lr ~. r:01,r; ::h':;"1"'~ 1 Lo Clrl'. I-dint::.:'r. Sli.S:~''-~:Lrl I~l::,.. '~r'i.J, j _ ,:)"t .::ldj(:,c2nt : ,r I T:lC,t i, ,I. Love 1 .t~c' _~i'~\:rt ~(,:solij-::i(',l ?~ ,ches L::1d f~ . L -~ ~.i Il' J t'2"rer ';" r r ied. l~U. ~_,.--I ,.u"t:.,_lls. c'_&olutioIt el.Li"in ,t~~:'J r'~l; S'~il\!cj,gc ___J:;::~.(:l,~c: 'Y L,-':. , '-~J.l i::. Gn f --[ ":lw. }.("";\ri.1i~ton move.; L L~.-" Li.E{'l-'Y ;{~ '2n~1'-o':/'J- -:::te"l to s ir-Jfl ~ 1;-; ~i 7fiIc-I,3:"lt i:n 1-j ,'I.-. r-.1 f "f t 1,? (~.::-~~V(~S to rc d~,;" '~r_n;;t':'Llc-ticn ~-;o., (.)f LotG 1 t~lr(;r..:JL 17, ':Olkled. ,'n --':lnl. -:,)1::. .....~' in f. -)T, '.)::i.:,i c'd",i.;~,l. Ci ty ,":' CjE~ iC Y'1, f .cOI!' 01 SOL , '~lcck. 31, :;rj'Ji~,f~l "t,'~nsitt~. I nn :~ rticlo ~ ianGd :)v six u.~rrlber~ ~,~~~'-~';ns 'YJas rc'u:l. _.0 '-..)L the clergy rC"-f~7 1jn'~ :it ;t":!,~-10(lt d i :~.l- _r , , olic.? lettc.r frol:l r::efiLQerS of ~:TS~:-~, sign2d }-,~r 25 r;!em~crs, r 'q_:.i.-. in"] t:l':? (, V? l,r--:R :i,':; l, peti'ti0T1 uphnldin:r -~'-1ief "'{"ps si(.'nei by lIS r:i:;r~~'cru), \.';(.lC _~l;-"o r-.--:;d. .r;~i,.-"F :,::v<':''1l1S S2;()k:~: rl::,,-;;"r " ,[ '1 ~ is r;()nf":~::'~nee \~iith L1,__:~::.or5.'Js ~--~t~\"JS t"-:,ditor :.::'>: ',riny is :'~', '1- _.e-~:3 'Iler(~ L.,l--- _<,'let"}.;," J.3 '--v.);:;e :rilltt],J., also 0c~.tinCi. LT. Lc>tcZ:ilf, Jo:.ut'l L-_r;.l,~Jl in <:0,'(. '::-'Fl h;:;,s never I.' l~c..l t:1"~,'r I Ci.tv} olic2 I~l'?!':-,L I:hc t;'}'>rn. rr. .';r.,enf~, [o:r-;w~rlJ' j"(jlice ~ ief, (,~l.?,') t ~-1 I-i-;: 1P:., 1 :1c:ver 1-~:'''::1 (' ::::kn~. '--;v tl'1J:? J. '..:t:l ~'.l. 'YGhCi.l.nre -r.') clE"..::'l d" O-dn. .I 2. ,_'1' rns, l'iT. Tl-.~-'-'~ I Y"oct:i ""..ti )n dIli1 ! Hr. rl.ll(l U:::-,o:-n, : ~~.r- L,-,,", .J. "J.ir..-"'''. 1 yo .~d';r::;und, 1] EToke ':'."J"r '~Cl':;f tb, "l,trol ci} F i,('1~~3 T:)rcE::' ~."jicl T -i-c) cn'2,:--1"'.l en t>lt? ::,j-,':''' "1 ine" ~l,id TH'V'-:::- 1: 0' jPcto" -t(~ t:;:'p. D(-::"'1,t.,. . Y", 1- ,1 r:~'3T ;1r.. .T")1': ~ - 2 ,,~("'v.-~,-1 t-1 '.'0 ",=~E' ,~'lt i 1;'1.- sr~,. L '. r-,r . ) '-- . _>:CC11.'1.=,1 7 '-::' _,') .~~- . -, , , , ..ot i '. . C' -ried. I r',)st-~. ).'lti;l1 iT". tl-cc ....:.1..., dlyl \ ,~:herHiso T.;L.;~' d,if'-'cuc,~?:l r:-:c7,,?,:1 'h ~") t:"G l~.p,ti ti '-'ns on l ::'-0sti tution f~JY F~lrt>J ':~.,.. -=-y. :....r:e. ."..' 1 in f ,~:.Jr, ]:'u..;ticr- ~3rr:l_p.d.. ., ~'':....... ~ ~l;;'. -,-:'.int']r :,:.)n:. 1 Ci':' [_,1 j ;-:' L. ~': C:.:~; \ ;:~.f:: c: t:otiOL -;kU:: r., ,,,c1 '~0r,rl2d to ij'mrn i.t 8:55 ,,'clock: _.1'. " L ,/ , '; ;. ro'J~' /'. ~?t.. /l. ': .~. _u.Ji/f -'- ~~ --~- '. ,:.ijy' , ( (,f',h _.__ - Cit,: CJ.. { : tt,_",t ~>..' i'?: 1, l~l,J:::kn . 1 r:i'1 1 (;r::0 ,~ _'U' i-\ .s~-I(;cjdl me.;-~~;J.IJ c/.:: t:'ne '-;C2 L:(-~l; .....ell r:c:il fer !.:.-\ i. ".lrrO~..:f2' of ~l,-,clJ.ssj r, I rl1o;,~ _;(::.' ~--~ t}'8 :,,; lCf: T"x. k~1yor LcJnier ir: J_:t_? cL~ir. Jc:1-il"t:::~cn ,r;.j T'~-:-;:::'11-t=~1. .'~;_'~ent "~:~j. ::Gl\~ , nd. l:~ 1 t- ~'". '~c'ld , "_""'r,+ -'l~ l~r "!. t ~:. c' cl,::;ck , .J-', :1:'1 ~if'cu..::.:;-in0 ; cii:'. t~.:>r, ., tt' - ~ JO_ .l'~-" '--:torf~z;:;'e :"';::':'.lE'2 ;r,_;t.':!l.C: . -"PI'" ,'::I1t:. LeE::l:.?, ;~2 2C _ ~-_,:..'~nt I:-r-. ...,.; .I-.r - ..J.:- C"'JY"T1~Y. ,.., '-, .J' , "'." i r ..~ , ."',1::.. f:kCc J1J!"il 0, , , l n c;c" Tl)(~ Cjt,,r dttcrne'i'" ,,c:,-::tV8 his ',!'<r:::;i)1'. of t:18 vc,r:...1us r-(~rtf) of the r. :;.-ine -:'/'5 Le,'~F_'P ':-,r.r1 i t ~~" d.S ii~-;cu.ssed at 1(:ngth vIi. th t~~e GOl1ncil ,:nd c;i ty ~nqin'2er. hr. ~~~ill~,r '.us ('c'lled in at 8:40 , 1.1,2 1,~.SLJ "Fe,S furt),er li.sCUf:8ed "S 1vell c-'" the lease of the jock to -L:rlJcl:ing c:Jm}'>::n~r. l<r. ----::;i11y ~~-:{,t'_~d, he cC'rlsidererl. h(~ has the u~p of the nOCKS ~nd the ~i ty ., !Jorney s,Jid "Cllon\] vJi th otb C;Y l.-'Gor\le". The t ruckinq 1(;\150 was di ~Gl,:~5::;ed :ny'l 1.jr. :t(:illy said t1l9 C:-t2 !: :.ll,:,'l~inc.; d'.Yl:1 /c':_ny hfl~l the ~~:Ycl tiSj.1.7'? ri;'ht and 0tI'~e'r tnld:c;rs 'J"lld ]",<)1. haul frow the Jock. !-ir. ;ottis E:"id ;,C! >,'o111d ,'.tud'! the 12c'1se to the t ruckinry COH1'-'i'-,ny i 1 P.=bj.lCct tr.... .1 t~ b~_}inr:J d ra(jll()l,~ly rind ':',-0111d cor.re,s~'-'cr~.j ;,Ji th ~':J.. ~~,::'ott, attorney for SE~~_ LrJ Fi.slt ,~: Cold ~:'torage r(:~(.," rl'li.'1.~)' t:_1= IPr-tSc. . TJH~ S('J-:;~; T,}x \'n:~:5 cliscU3,_~~d dnd parte cl?riPi(':,,~ hr. Cottis 0..1d he S2tid for tJI:~ l:r(<;cnt it i:.'C,"l.lld rro}-,;~'ly 1)e :i>2tter to enforce thi::~ urii~1ance ;~ur2 Etrictly ratLe:c tr.d! toreviC"" it. EoU.un 'Ii,.~ lmde and sc,ccrccled to ,~'1i':)Urn iit 11:00 ;.li. 1\tt.,,,t ~~f~' Arlrov~~,1' ~~.. Ha or City Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- 'Wi] rd, ,',ldskn llay ~, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. nlculal meetin'j c~ the ':;o!'1Tl<on "oullcjl 'was cdlled tc order at G :OC o'clock; .J'. J-Irlyor Lc:nier in the Cllair. l r0sent \'le:t.:: Clm. l.'lcE~ae, Joln~J~~l, Cole, Lili'11il t:)n and Gr~:f-.;~ne. i...:-.Jsent elI.i. :?ainter. J:;inut3s of the L'st rec!uldr ,';.1,:1 BpccL'1l Lvetings 'i.ere rE'dd ond u,TrOv~}d. .'issigr,rilont ~f Lease of i;",' I,ud Fish c.' Cold Store.<Je to :=,,,,1, "h f, jJresC!nted ;))' I'cr. ,:',il1y for Cii 1-'rCJv~:l :"1/ counci::'. Cll~. Lamiltcn move,--: thc_:t the l'j.'Yo~- and Clerk ~,'C; ':?TIilI0wererl tu ~:ign the J~ssiqrL_3n t of Lt~a.S2 Df ~J2.1: aTd Fi sh C, Cold Storage:. ;':2CC~1jC:1 'hV Cln,. I'Jcr::et:. l~1.J] if'- f...~vor, r' )l:i r n CQi }'.i'3d. L~:,-cterG Ll..I1d I\:~titi~)ns ~~JC".-2 rc'C",d. ]1,:- .-r,-jing (':;:!"Li~:~f . ,rFns st',~~teT:ter;t rr'.J,~cliE_' rrc,;,)tjtuti'Jll in ;;elTb.!cl. l~ev. Jr_(:~11illc\=f spoke ~t::t; rVJ it l,,';BS .......';I.-'lns duty to upl-,nld the lc.~"-.r. R'2v. i~lin S.(4_id An i::1jusLice hc.:..s ~ :'~:n done to t}l(~ '~itl ll~r Chi-::f l:v.:-r.8 cL:.:ting "IJtic11 -La.VlS he ~ ,ulrl <enforce and wl'ic't he I'lould !lot ::mforce, Ll'c,t he hild no rig'let sdyin<} "';-]lich he >'fOuId uro1wld. Fcdher Cl.1PP dJ"TC::ri 'lith l~ev. 0;:Rulding and said they sl-lGuld h"v~ the support of tbe citizenry, NRyor and Scuncil. rir. \TilRon sail if tte "line" c'hne closed th2C, "J01JJd h" 5c'1tte-rcd j,ral:itutio!1. Hr. Urc.'r. said the majority of jEr!"ons t:wmed tc. u'-,j E'ct toel,,:. Ir.iJ.ttcr h:'lv', ,C' :J>~n in the )"ap"'r r.,ther than c'lIyth ing else. Nr. :1jra;-L1 Cl1ief U~rut1 U.3. }:{arshal si,oke ~:~Lg-3.r'~in} I_rfJstit'l..Lj en, ::;,::yinq th-= U.S. Iviare<J1dl hdJ. I::"r,t ollt let":"ers to this ~itv Cir,e! 52"1:,3.1 ,thers cisld,.-'.' th:1t houses of [-rosti tu ti un t.e ~losed D.ilG. S T'-rj nq eac:b Ci ty ~-=:ouncil 81\ )11.1d take C~irt:. of i tE u\.\Tl rroblems. The r--,cent l'ublicity \~ao doing the City DO c;:,ooj. Chief nV,il1S ct"tpej he l\foul--.l '.:o-,+:r,PY see 6. ~i::',~:re\-.rdted "lir:'-?" t'l,~r: hcive f:l-osti tution .sce;.ttered allover t-..1un. '}~V?n asked, '!-t,.} f~A.id he "is not ::01' proGtitution". l~r. r-u~kett, i..Jc..id Nr. LvanG ~(~ :l.is }-nnwlo,jqe, had n2V'(~J' fci 1.\?'r1 to .s~f.=ort Id"; <<Lfcrcement. J:ir. C:.rson ::"il~ ;~vrlns had ,~lv,aYs '-.',.on cooper,ctive in su porting the 1"",,,_ EV'-L~S said }-:8 ~',:...;.s ser.ry tr.e C;l,~rlf/ ~lid not come to Lim })(~fore ,J"iEC' ahead "r} tJ-. tro?ir 1 r:titiu'\I';. R,::>v. Holin s"id "v',r:: )->y:! tim" to r",fute t~v~ ,,1: t"I.'ents. Hr. ::t"'Cirns '"'..-=-;(1 it T,^rouldY~,..::J:e l~Ur(~~ tllc:..n ruffled r.ri.r1e, to control rrostitution but th-:> 1:q1,i is :: ('ood thin']. lIe ,~l pC' c1:.Jbc,1 .,ncther meetin<J of t>L, kind rc:d occurr",,, c1urincr tt" 1rF~r, 1'1-'" nl:ir.p-" clos~)\1 and 1 rostituti-:~n scc.ttere::l, (:,ft -lor \"hich Cdses of -.1 -::~c:::,: : nd ~':,-_~'e occur::~d.. ,ra:-l. J o:hnson i sked th'~ i'1Crc:r:>'""IYs of the Cl~:~" h::y.! l:-Jr.'] -F1-- (":;y hroi -l 1;';'.~n i.Xl tl1f: J.ll.Jni:..Itry. :~tv. S}.lCiU10"i10 ::"'id, he had. be8n ord,d.,ned, 2 yedrs, l?ev. l'<...iliIt, 12 veC1.rs (-::n,.4 ?et}-cy Cl:3:(-'T~ 15 Y'2i;rs. r:r;::. linT-rell ~~nd Ers. Eaf.:~:rrIC':Lf': eY SPOl:0 .r"'(J~'_.'""(~- ir.0 1a.\.J ,.~nf(_:rcQment. I-h-. L(::;e s,--i.d1"o one W'6.S 0VC'l' Ty,.?It .,..;::'lli.lq to sign a ,~;::'i~.;laint. 1'-Ir. 3tcirr of 7;TEC ~1<JS p~'8s0Iit to Jiscuas the 24 h)11T s8rvic',~ fc:r r,-Jlic0 -telephone. Cln. Johnson moved tc roa'! .',TEe ::>12. or, rer uonth for pOl. ice service .:rom tJ-", :,cd '\rJ ing 0f th'9 s,-'rvi(~e. Seconded L'/ Cl:.il., (~reene. j\.~l i!1 favor, rcotion carri0d. L(-~tters froD Foss, l-J,l.lcolm and Ol@on eine l.;r. i;ilsun r90'11'din(j bosy,it-s_l 11ans with _t.laf~Y:F' Pu'nlic ~\Torks ~"PTt:.. r ',s.d.. T'h ""'rp H3.:3 -H~_~cussi yn r I':'G'-.! ;-':1in"J +}~''J' scho(,,;l or has) ital ;,Ie,ns heing th" first; roject vlit'1 .FJJ!,J ,.,ftor tl',e :~p'"'?r. ~(ev. c';,,'uldinrr of the ~:;ch--:;vl 3oilrd. said Se';ard Gchool is the third fdst'~st ~rr(),^,in-; sC'hcn:. In t ~ 'f'erritJry. Ur. '.:'rirtl~ of ;;F"~! spoke qivi:"J fJ:ts r"c' fi'Tl:res .f the S,~hC01_ ~'nJ / OJ (:P';!'" r lr ,.'":.] a sk.:t h.'i] S, , (jl:<) ..L ~',-' . 1~ :",s:",i t~J.. Tl'~c 11Ayor ,Sd id. i :l,::;:tf': "'~o~:ld. r'roh<i.bly 1 ):~ tr,e r.ri.orit-,.r ~f sc\~,ol OJ:" l\(/sLi1:,:,l. ::te .r. '.' f ll8 ;-]C} 13 r "'-( ..i..d.in,'1 ;_:.~ :~r'~:.,?r~t. :3:;,. :.'oncled L ~r i'::;lT. 8r'JPne. , ] ~ ~ i ill f ';;i~J LcntJ ~~nfcrc9:;:ent '.~~rr n ,'jti::.n ,.:;rl:t'yi,-::c. u[ fi C~:-?j~~ to Slrfl. ~-:i:;lil ton D1::Jved to ....,"'/ i.~':~' 0 -: ~'. cutiv(" Dc~:"::ion elm. rr:J'~~; ltDn lLC,":tE~':l ->.l r:t th~ I~oE:'Jit-,.l i'lr:ns 1: i::h .~.P:! '!.-,~ ri-'.-luced tel ~750,noc. ;-,pcondell ~::'T Cll''1. Col,::!. ,hll iT. ;' Y\.)~-, ~rl.)tio:1 Cu:rl iecl. I l":e~,sE':rs. :<yan, --,Vr'_ns, -tlckett, lr-cn C'ln'llir}-:}tit:r:ic}: ',',~l"~ :!':_~ :'It. :'i11.r1 1'<':'. '''Ck-2~-t: ,:a.id th~ City j ")lico ~ilc 1 l.'i'T2Y3 1-':"'D c.J-or'e~ritive in ':1-:,~r',----= '>-, s <,:'l,,;:--:j,,_-=k'rc.'ile Y"'?'1rl,L"jnn ]0\; f~nforc(;T"',c:'r.t in t'hr~ ~it=,.. C~l:-". l.jc:-~r:.= :;--:o'vt>c t(J l.Il3:-ntc: tJ:e i,'~f of ",,~}iCl~ -to clos,~' thp It.l-:-'f' ::c..::(-::nded \.).. SIr,. ,T)": n~on. ", -, :_n +, v:)r, :-.-'otj,-:", c::-'I:r-i'2d. " UT. 1 c..; C(,rson :.nf,')Tcemp-nl. ,,{ rO'3ti tuti "il. ,'":l-d.. : (",mi; toa L~('ve.j to 2e 11 ] ., ,- u, 1 il, '-']o:;Y 3G, r~-'{n-.rnsit8, ,(\tiOll C"I r. ric,j. "'~ _u I. }- c,.-."" 'rds. .cocded :"'; ':: lr.- r::r 'He. :,11 In f ~:IT', !,,~C'tic,n 'v'~'~~ r~-,;}d.C' 3.r,'~, t1~":;,);1c1_~:1 to ,'.tj '1-rn dt 1] :.Li:; u'clock: r.E. ~ 2L -' ./ . ... y~y , =>, ----.:; 1 \, ........0' f-~, (, ... ~_" ~ ___ . .j~ l~y'_r ~'::;l"rk 'or :~L.l..( f:t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------------- Sr,?"izrd, ,;r~~,r ::k:,l E-;,-\T 1 g, 1 ~)5~~ ,r., re:'1ul(~r rr.~?tin:) ,)~ :-},"= Scmrn,:n :c1'.ilcll T. ~__ c}ll~~d to orier at 9:00 \,"'clock r.N. IVJr~yor ;"'oni:.:'''' j n tr.,~ Chair. r "f:-'E~nt T.rere elm. I'l~~_l\~, ,TO~L-,[On, S'~ll..:-:, "'I"~r'--~j ~ tOll :,-"'rid .,. en~~. nt ~J.....,.... ;ui71~er. I }J^ NiCltol:f' 'J,i~ I [~;,~ .:;,t r___l~c~r l.i '(J ,-', f'ur..r(.~ of'1:1'" r"_crty 1:(; ....~Gtj~[i~lir~e if tn(~ lir.-1ht role..; .}..=~..... - ::::r ':.......Y y.-."~yty. ht,:r~)"~ L;::nj:~r ~<ivi::.-'(} ll(;r to :l. V? i ~)ur",,"ey r.tade c):~ '1" r" } ro~ ':'rt'f (:Y l~,..--c!" "!; (r t<.:~cti.:::;"".. 1-::r '~. Er. ,',tiirk ::>'"~ -:h,~ r--1 ."'-, Cop '.t i ~:L r'~';~l,-,::~+ IeJ: ,',1' i','lJ ::;~~ ~:~L""'\lCr. 1 ~:c ;:~~",ik ~:"it}--: J~)1 net l -,--',',-.r'ln' '-'lee>' 3, ':' S-l::V,-::-"r . ,~'vi?,:,.r i.j~Jl_L t.:i 1': nJ .r:iJ" ~i ty ~ l' -r.~ ,~: :, c~t 1:-:"J I j" ":1' f{:.-;r. rnns:: 1. '? I:'.QV:- -:(1 "' fr:TI L' i -t: (" L '--"ll--V. - t. i :;:1 C'tr.?!" T ~iil.(. tJ....:~, ~J ;~~r 1 (~I,l~-)? "n ~i r ('l:1C~ -,11d told -,lJ Li' no ("1, ~pc...,::: Lr. : T;. + 1 i r~ ...:::..' TJ.''::+....-J 'l'''=Oil,] prn;:-;, IJc: "--1 :cl~p r-:r J - 'nd ;,-)1"', ,. f_- '.;'_'")~ r-~irF~t"'. T T _ ~, ~\ [' 'f' -\ 1,;.,-- - J_', -1'1 ::^> -- Jr,""', '-- '7'.~1 ~.. jl ('.n - '. ~, f",e,t bv -1, u'~~~ ,.ll' 9 ,'.V' :r..ue :-0 ~:ll':~ 7'.~ ,'- -t. sit~ 1:)', IV:'.,.. l:-:>' -~ Il , l. ;"lb.] ref J1,'~ >: t ,?r,;nt, ;-:"ld l. -~,t-.!>::r: Ir2jr, l {-'C:~I -1 ;-~ 1 10" r J \'j',~:-:-i ~ 111 1;:;..'1::-11'j,'"'ytl, ()f ].f~<")-'lton s~~r t D:-l 1st !'~" 1Jr~rS~'t; l.r ('1 .. Cl' '. 1-:,-,IT'L-1 ., ~. \. r. r:-:c,....-:d - (' ,Y T1t t"c-, ~ ~T .I.,t-' ~<:;~"';~:dl '1, n': 1.'"ytl, n_ ;_ ~. "J ~.. T :.f - (-':''1 ~"' ~- L . to i l'"'-, , ;':UT:::-:' ["' '~rIli~ nn If-it ""Cn~lt? l.c~ iyf ~2';lnr1 ~ I,roxill(d:::lv ,}("( r t ~'.r :r'C' f ~t. ;,:, 'C')J~C~,ec~ ..--1 ':lil... Col '}. Cl:~.. I ,:;~~ . ':, ~,T: :-', ':lm. T ,): ~'.3('n, ~l ". or --l ;lL. '::,)1 f"~ I T, ,nd;.:. '--n ur.d ,.. <-,.,,,,,,, I...,r _,',-;'.1. " ye:'1. oti. L c;:; :rri ~~d. L.ot' fr~.,'~ Schoo 1 t) t' t.. :::-~ '-; ,rl S,:)O, """.1 -: i -:y -:,... ":~ ::; ~" ~ S ~_ ~- n ~ ,:t , -: [~ i ': .....l:::~ ~_ C 1: .,'.'". '.d,. """"',-'ur; ,-n i' :~~- :)f ',~ ':,...,,1 "' ~ r I >oms . ~ rO} ~r[: '\; ~ f-~o -~'.l~lej'Jc 1-1 T ,1 cDGn :ity I ~Lli~-:). ~).~~~-'n J.:,'l L. cU ,] n:L'2":- ~:1.f:.; ,~l~,.. Jol\r,son. I ,'--" -. . r_ rl,r1i 1 t':~r:. :U",f;( 1 ~ ~~. t: L 1'~ ":, -t- ?--, ~:~1 rv :'-'1 "',TV) ,-:y.. ;;C~1( 01., ~ -..J j, "LLtn de ' -'T('r, t-j ,-J ~ i (_:; r r-i ::,:::J ", J,.i tl ,- n ; ('. r~' ~ f.r -it '] rl:::; C,' r c ,',') " ; '-l0j_,yi s f ~_H():, 1-' . ,117'J. ro; -t'r ,',::1 t~ t) T', I . -1',1' ;~:- ) . ] ,') '.--,j ..; Cl:;" L. '::~;d ,:~ ~:J ..1, r L =-- 1-( n ,~j.=--'~ c,j :.\ t(~j ,,_ ",i t h::'i:~ :. 'crk 'rit]-. '::}-,.'..' ,-,., e\':r.erE (.11 t1,,--, ;H'~ 'TCl'0se. C~. "J:~:! ~inC2. .. 1 ~t'~f3r ;: y,:)::', ",~,or\;:A ::"ts fC1 .,1 n'" ('.... st '; Y' "J '.. r 1" d ,. rot l:r. I~!C t '--: .:> i11".T0 -,. '~: ;(~ ~~l L . T ~ n.s :~r -:;lr ~~l~: tv"l ";01 ::J.. ',,:.0:,1 tJ) \ !L,l i s}-, :\~cti\.:e vf Je] innli'~nt n E1X " !tic~ :.I~S:, - 1951. ~::E: COl; d':~cl .~'L 1 t:1 ;"-.r, r'otj"-',n '-- ,~.....j en r> " , >t\-c?l: "i:' ~--",,'3 n~ ,,--," vi ;(". ':1::':. ~"rlm~Jt"l1 '~i.nrr <..' ri':1(c:- 1'.1.1 r:ltr)f) :-,:oV(?d t~L:t r1. '1,',' (; I-in'! "Ii 11 For f(-u:-: lnrj ~'L,," J:~ 'p] i fOT 1"' t~s rty I'!]'ep ~~ :. ,;" 7 :-l('r' e t1--,(.' di:il :- r" , , (, ''''t.r'~, , , L , -.~, r-., L~tlf 1 'I, ., ()r:,-, ',j , t ,ler;lcne r.:ystl3rn is lr:,~;t(-illed. ~>:::.,xnd2C! L1 C;le1. T ' J C,i:nsor... ;\:1 ii-l L,- v()r, ~iiutL::. 11 C _r~__:ie'""l. L,_?tter f["::;rn I"lr. ,:.tnJ l'h-s. L. T. r'i::-r:-:-- for th;:::;- Iur-'}~,~~s.~ :If Let .';4, for ~4no ;"IeJ.::: YPr"C"d. elm. IL3milton :'KTVr:~d tc sell Lot .3~\, ~~inck 12, but no.t Lryt- ~'1.o S,:;conded Ly Cl'L. JO~i.?LC:on. h':' it ~(_",~oJ:, T,'.otirJr t310ck 1?-, ~o~1ns i t Cd rri(':-;d. 'Co\^,"n is i t e , for 1$400, Felix 'roner letters rc~~_r~,:lJl'J Lhc illternflte: rr8thod of C inc:tn::i!"l';' and ntb:.~r rnatcc.:rc p2rtc i nLtl'J t..~, w'Jt~r.. C:IIr.. Greene '1l(Y',ted to order tll:: City .;t l~ornG ,r to .i.~'Yo~8':d 'ld th thA boniillr~.J CO:r;r'H1Y, foster t 1'-lcirsha:l, vit~. l-"o:tI-l.s, 2 ;~0,tl':~S, ,.J"(tt:? ~,f ~~OCi,nCiO lnd ,'me of :PJCC,Cir,c, at 4 0/4~1, inten'st, for rd)uilriinc: tr,e ne;, HutC:' :-:Y3tem. ,0ecunried Ly ~l '.R Cole. !J 1 i~l, f:;vor, 1.1C1tion c'~ rri~d. elm. r;rp3ne t~nd >.r '-~r.6,rf? and .. ).~(-'prtr~ to rurc]F,se ~ln,. l-lcRae. moved to notify Felix 'fon-"r to rrooeed v-'ith pIons und sp"cificdtions trJ Cr- 11 fl.yr bi -_~s OJ.L tn',? :;.:,_,h l~ j 1 i t ~ ti un of the Wi'! tE-r S"," tern as outl ined ',in or,'kr for '::'ran~'ite pipe c.nrl '{"lves neceSGcU7 ~Ol th', City of :'~,,' 'f,r,1 as ill:] teriaJ_s y ': U ired ii~ Y'~c::'~,nf't PI' ;. i, r. of t}V? ~v,L te~: ~~ystem. o~cJJ:(ied b':T A in L vor, motion car-ried. l'ayrol1s of April 30th and Lay 15th "fro rWclcl. j'oyro1} s as :-edcl. S,ccnded ;,y CL. IBQc. ,'\11 elm. I-Tamil tor. T:lo",",?d -tv ,J,~)l)ro"le in f,'..'or, moticjl1 carried. tr,0 :'j~011~:,i >[1 1J ~'L1: ,:~,,:,,~~ "'Y tl_~~' Ci:y ~l'-\rk. '~~lm. Gri -ruovc, ,'::. r:.~" "~nc '. '" -'! rule:5 lor tl,c '10 t~8n of :l~o301uti\)n J 0. ..,;, ,l'r .1.,.' , "...;:t r"" ~~l.r :r.:'i..~~.t0:t. I~ll '.l :_'BVU-::', motion cdrripd. elm. :J'r::ene 1'(\OV0d to ,'jdort -., -" +-' _~' ": 0 .\.,e.~.()lULJ,,:ll ..l J. R,:,~OLUTICtl !T".] c: - ,~E:~~{,~F.S, the r':;,()f c-C: lhe schn-.'l '~fyrnnasiunl _~. ~ornr l,stE:ly _t_m,~r;Qd })7 ,"ind e.nd r(~( ,uir(~d oor'l;:lo+r nc': r -:Jofin'}. ~I('I:''; llL'::-: :FO:?I:, }Ie it ;\?solv8cl, Ly the '-~c-r::n,'fn '-'nllnr:il tnr-:ot G. hcl~c:e }"':; rerp1,~r _ uth(~rized to f-'iry ~ r~..)fs of loss. I\-.~:-::;e0 under Sl:S(\~n8i('rt of '~hp: ~ules tr.is 1Clth dc:"v of Lay, 19,5~. ~lJcr"n8 r. L(~ nie r .:J..t:, '\ft: h,:"',TC"'\Y Sir;rii [3t, _,- :rBS Ci t~! ::';1 rk ~~concprl J,y (~Jrr~. I' ~rrll-+:Jn. -~lm. l<cRde, no vat'.::. ~lm. 2"'1'i'1S0n, Cole, I-:aIr.iltur: a.r.:l '-;r 'f":n~ Vrltl?j Vl~:3. j.'oti::.:n ~ "~:- i~1d. F0110'T\'.i,~',:: ~~Fil1s ',~<;::rt" :- '~(... 1._:'" --:'itf Cl(:;J~k.:.~D.r.sk.~ :-'i..r::: >;uil~'PY?nt, ''',,.., '-"'\, Andy's ('11 r}~liv<'r7, -:$247.23, -l~sk51 ~,.c\,~r.ic :".lr ~~'-['vice, :~:~[).no, i'J.l_lou ~'. .....i~l-!+, ~~S14,51, ~.E. P?1'.merrtncr, :t?,9S-i.4.3, U.S.CoFJ.Hlis-:,i, ~,1~r. ~e...50, :)~1:'2 1)irJ},-,.t40.~~n, Ervin " t "1M" ] C V ,'T ~" , "1"1 00; M" (' '''1'37 rc; 'JoI'tllH" ~_, '.If' c,O j',.) ors, ,Y !L...<" l'..8Y1cil t,Uau...--..E'T ,...(., 'If>L,""J............-..., 1..\.... -,o.!.j.! .I'''r i >,... '....c,., .f. , , "6 or ' 1 t' '''7~'' '" , ""1" 'tr,' "2 " . r-l], r" T' C:~"-,) S, :} .')"', _ 'l_:.l..r: _~J.n(":::- ;::-, ',;,> .w::J, L",;y S l.:l u;:.rv'1,--c', J>('L..;~ , ,~,~O '.' ,L' ~...vva--,-\::::, ;:2;-.'34, ~e, r~ h,'C'rirrc ::;]liJl, .;1:'-'.'35, 0C' ':1 :J1. ,_ ( ~~tJ. ~595.10 "l~d_ :p;:l.lQ, >:: '~11-1 , " ''''7 C:" c' --1 "1 C', t ::[1 9'" ,i8 c"'FD ""58 ":=' -:: , '~l'l Vo 1'~54 44 Trc,uins vo. ,JI/_,-,U, .J~-'l-:.:..r ,ec. !>..'Y2 (.?I:'., H', .Lc.~_ , ...)V , ,I" .L-,', ).,' u. ~. .,.j.l1.., l"sber Def,t., q/l;~.50, ')Atsjc1d lCrocery, :p28.';O, ':,~1)1" and T,Ie' b, ',;1,179.41, Fr'cnk "d "50 (,[ "", t '"'4 61 "fr"" 1'0,' b8 ~~'! hl' C '-t, r"~<"'~? 7r> ,. ,--:0, S, ~,_ i.)" i.Gf.Ui1 ,L:..r.~ull_.l::cn I .,.j). ,.... ...,\:10, .1".). , ':'......... :: ~c..i. 0 1 ,....'.." ~~ '~. 'J ~".~t~r :>~-;h, ",,'-c:.:~(;. CJ_~ll. Jo:-.nson mov~?-l tc Ii:'" +ll~ ~--dlls ljo;hen (~unds dre (-~~.r:ilar'le. Secander1 ~ ,~,r CIn.. C:Jlt!. ;lEl. Ecrae, JoLnson, ~olA dnd EEUniJ."'C'o:,p 6 ~r-;~:3. Clrr:. ~l" 0ene no vot,~. Lotiol: cdr:cied. hoti;:L \";IS mf](.-l,.~ _-,1':\1 (-' '"J n cl(~il ~- -, L'...J ,1-1 ,lrIl ~t 11 : 0 ~ I_",~ 1 ock f. H. P':..tt ?st ~'~ (~~ Ci ty Clerk r?;- P" ; YO'! -d?;' /dr:l;;~ '7 /- - '/ ;::3e~"rlrJ, ;\1;:: [:ka hay 23, 1952 , special meeting of the C<XY:lOI', ~ollncil elas cllled to on-lar at S:C[l o'clock: }'.M. for tJ',€ yurj;ose of ,'Jisllu5~;ing lice rra! of the Hracmell Homest')3d survey ]JH'sented by !:~~ltledge [ Johnston anc for nerrotiatincr a loan from tL, nk. h"yor L;,ni,'n th8 Chair. l'rp~]e,.,t ~,",;y-, elm. :HcRae, I-nin-ter, J,-~~:nson, !:>!I:l.ilton c:nd 1~~r;.~Gne. IJ.-J:''2r-t: ~lm. Cole. The J"cJ.p 0:= '"1ro'iJJnell ~'0~:1<L3tecLd sllrvey i1"':U:: prc3enb--.d l-.,u Hr. J~,"'\:'lnct,]n e.nd rl~"',~'-~wed end ;_.'1 C,~' '.la "k" " 1 ,,"'iY " If'r-A ,: tel cl~ ~c;l'.~SP(~ tt-,t' ~:F~IanprS c,-::tl,~ ':OllnC il ;-:nd Cit~~.. '->"L'~'i. "L~I'---l.. nl()v-:'J f.., ;-'" -,;' it +1.,~ r1:yt ;'lcn of 1 L,~ '-'rr~'':li,::l.l J~(Ynest- ~-l ;3l~,rvCY :<ut11-:rllJe l.nd ]oi-1nL~:0n. :..;,=condcd :-)y '=:lnl. Hc:cae. J~.::'l ~_n f vor, ,~llL. Ef'ldl ton ;'1 s :' re:~ '-.ntsCJ ; )~.. ot i ",r, ~ ", I r ic<i. elm. I~;:lilli.lton mov(~,-lUI,"d:: lots 1/ ;~""',r~'u"'JL lC'. of tle ~"r(:'rJ'"\~ll JL::-mest-:~(,j, survey r-~: '.,~t dsic1(~ ;:O[ ~~':f.~ ne1:; "-:'..'")0;38rj 1,(, "j t, 1 r:itt~,. ~>~condG:-l }~~r '~'!.rh. '~ri:(::nc. 1-:1In. l'lc?l'ie, ~..,::.s, ':';JL',. I :-:inb:~r, _",s, ':lL~. Johnsun, fle" :';ll:-l. lcamil.1~.)n, .::.~, -:;l:-l. (~~rF.~ne, '1,-; J';otiOE ~d..J.:-rie'l. 1 =::lr:1. Et1_mi.:tan movE:"~ th'l.t duthoriza-tinn ~)E' r~ to c(jnt71ct the ~'ink for i'. loan of ::'~'C, ~JO. -+: ,;TeT r ". ,.!~i:',n r>:- '~-:r-:i.0f]. ntp.d the l'jiyoT end FiIlclnc8 ui:ficer Sccon(l:?,.l ,." ~11~.. -:-':1' ,~.lJ in Cln,. ~lamiJ ton f:")v'--:,,l to s I_st ("'11,-4 ~1\e :1:' '?3 for th~~ -:li.lc: i:ion of T~(' ,-,]1.'+-:' 1'1 ?C ~,S r , ~ '<, Seccql .:c.~c; ,---~)'''r '" ......1111. J.jc;l~? c:. ..... , ~ ii. J, in !: ;"('JT, '''(I.ot i e'TI (~('~~-:.< i. >;:d. ~J..l... Gr.0ne ::.l(),'{''''(1 ...~ LU _ 'lort '.:,", olutiOl /.l"'l. ~ti..J3CLT'; Ie,' ~\I \',. "-', ~(' T~ '-, ,._'CL',r"J, ',",- t t-. 'r"'rn.1)(;r: 0.: ~:hr=] '~Ol~1JCi.(lTl C;cllncil of -L11<:' Ci~ - .:)f ~~(~ :::'- 1 ',,'iL N. L..-~nipy, L3yu.:' c:-,nCt ;::r.urle~, '~"':ole, ri.n2ncc i...-i.:fic,~, ~.:~;:~, uL ",'q sl,cn d "l,)t, ~~l~ ~-h(,~ ~'?., -rd ~'r:nch, n.Lr'-~t l'< -:~'--"'i\":~ -n1: of Hnc".'orO(J'_', ~~:'C,:-'SO.OC ~-(l~dD.l'.: :.-L 12(' '1;'.,"F 0:C ~i::;1)t"1~~:~er ];11 }jS2, }"",:~th\.'r 3.T ::~7.J -~;."j' le :-::,:r-,[;' .l.::~_( _V':?D']0:.: (,- +1 Cit?~.; ~:J'= -,':,(3, J-:itt:'j-,J Fund. rrl'H,:" .l.,-,:,ne -~t"7i ~~C::-~r~,) r:J ir: 1-1' lmount -l ~ _~; l- _'UrlL' :1. L(";:l;;::,r ~ ,I-' ,__ 1 . - ""lOT ~)i(' f~i tv .cn.:' i:;l~-. -c1: ~f:C;r::;~~~?C' )~/ Clnl. Harrl_~_l rJ n. .,1.11 l~'l .fr~'\,",Jr, "~lotior. -:a.r.cic:d. I Cl "'1. .i dintf3r [l'(";'l::?d f-~ \\[hf~n::h;~ ':~']~,rY'~'Jl: I~\'l:;-,c,C'~t\~';d f)l;rv~y i;:; 1 Y'-"~:?rd.:\)j, thl~ .+~ ;-I=-lc:-i ~-~' ~.'.c +-1~J} C.;.. ty I:nt[ineer and U~e cCl'.tr.:-:;t fuJ.~i,ll,~d, -t..1_ -:- ~~-'c"/ \"":',,)Y'l: : :; -:iutbori?;ed tc [lC:Y L~ut2.'?(~T:~ on:l Johnsc . ir. Il;ll _ ~~(>"nl_:(:J _ ::lr .'',:',~t~n0. ~lJ} lP ve:c; , lti"lfl Ce-' rri8:,'I. ~r,.. ..- .',.... , J-:'/ t 1~ e ~.~t() ~:-i,)jl :"'~.L~='" I:, .Lneerhc. ~-)(..JC011d3d tL~ ,~~~t:r~-1 ::l,:~'Tr-;:," ::1 r.' _ T )l1nson ~ I r(,'ser.t..)-l -;1' ~\,::.intcr Ii-,oved -tL(,~t 'ltLori. ~j. ,',11 i!1 .E c,:- rri 8(.1._ ':=;1 r-. T .. -. t(lT1 ~:~,""" V' ",1 t(; ~:'l2 J. 2ve2 "or ~210. :::J...,:;:: )nCi,' '- , ....1,-(. T~]' S::L. .L.'l 1:' '\..).., ;~l( +'1_'[1 c- L. rii~d. J.~ct i :)n -l-'~' 11' ,~.11 --. i",---"1.~~~ J-, I I: l....;.:'Cl~ at J:::C' '. 'clock He: ,L-~ull=c:~ :::j hr '-qer)' h, . ro'rCd&:~f )1"19r - ~ l~H-.~' ,_"";" '. I "' , If, L 1 ~ ~ ^~r/'c:;' 1 ; 7 t-:, ,1,c" (,c j' , r:: ..; ~ po ~i ~,~ 1__1 , t ,-.':. ---'~' l'O~~T c "J J.' , il.-.-i/ ES' u: !. , ,1 '. :J... . .J _~~e _, :"'-'':-'" , --,,, l ;,t ;',} ....... : '<~ L J 1, '; '~ 1+' '1; l n 1 1~1 t.:-::r , 'n ('3r ,r,!!(~ ::: 1 ~ "...:n,:,i J r 'c"~n, .j (" ....'--:'.:.. ":::-j, '; ~-l -t , I 1. -::1 '.i ~ \ ~ , LL'.....l " c 'lr'";' 11f '::';1 1,::,..:-,i;, ..i:,i 1-;:::::':.; ....', III ,:,: ~ I , ., ,:'___ ~l _ , '11:: ,'1:" L', .... ..'(\S true!:.', 'In _1. -'1 1 ~ ~ .' .-.~ i :....e1:!81 l~Jjc'_~ 1, "-'. ..L ~~ '- . r ' c", .J0-~'''..-..' , --' :lC} :hp 1 .~( ,~~: p;"'( , ~ {- i In. , J'C' .,~l '. ~ ~ "'~ ", 1,._ , ~ J i-J(-J:;:; ;. \ ~ ':;,' L:. ~ ')'\r I: ';_11 ':'li'lt'Cl'l ~ ,; ,-" "j (-~' , ,. c: [" -><-~ ;-J t.~ ('i!" " '\<~, .; ',1 ,- . :y,'1( ,: k,) ,/ :~ I, It. .ll ~ ,.. r, !.J. 1.: j ,'-~,11 l;, it?d. r.~(\1 ,H\~ i lrlctn l-ic~'~'\, ~, ,~v(~!, l ~1nd ',~ ,unci lman Ealrlil ton ;J ~COlt,'~eJ ~ .'? ,~'i;1111 i ,"T . ""d cuthot- ;-JJ r'~" ~men ~ ,,;\:-,",,, , ;:;"Cil .:)r. the: Tov,'n of s'~~ iJrd. 1.2: on ~ci.n-' -~,):-tstructi on ':J:: (,:'r t.:<:;:~.. ,-,E '3 ,c" /~(~cute -,'j { , -l-{, -1- 11'] ,-1 ?roj,"?ct COn[:tr1lct1.cn .--.:E1 C'.,~les t ,) ," r --' -,"':'; t ':-_, ':-:.-:- -: ~ 1 1 j TI0 ' I j~ -:::-:::-1.... '- _.L.'>. ., '_:-.]' i;. i~-~ l ~. lop :jf:- icial se,,'(~I ;' c, ,-],,., ~- ; : ': r 1 ~, .- ~ 1 i ~', " .": ; i ~ .. ,; )~~}. ..) ,~t r:-I .11r)" 1 :--;t ';,1 l~' rl (~0 r'j t. "0':',."0 j;"l( .)~_,~J-:\.r;, .j t1i' L." "'!'T .-. ,.., ,... _-..J. ,II r.r "~.,-.,, t ') .)- , .' ~;. ~, ' " ....: J...L ,\! ~~ r: {--. f' , ~ f, +- ~ r "~ -: L "", .\ (II ~ c r:c: r!c.ne. ~ol i+: .,r, \t!.-~ ,. "" :"vr,r'!. . ... ~. -' ~ , );;(::"11 - " L ~ ('I, i ;1 \ ,,4::".- 1 ,'" r t :-.:t I ~T.."l.~IS~lll, ~ , L .,-,i' '1 :.: Y Gd ,,.J '. ~ ,-1 ,~... " , '. ,1. '~1 , J....' E~y .~ " , 1.0S-: ~r~:T~I ,"UTI '""'~T F..utlhYf i,,~,ci.nJ ~' ,-:"> (:> }:tr,'n.s ic)ns ~::J ~uti~~ oE '~r ":.~('r ,..;'""st,:'r-', i:H.:::=-:.....'"i c.m<:-'nt ~ or r ~)11 t- f c;"t"\. CO,1;'~ruCt:1. -)n :)f t~0"I;':,~r:3 . lr:::R HCS, l;n:\:.T tn,; l-, Dr_s '": ~.~v., t.l,is1~~: 1\1',1 ic <r';crks '1':';~~, "1 C:.j Si, ('-, r' 2tr~ t. C'~ 7 , ,A.J f) .8. C. . ;};::- _ ,.:.n~_4.p -; f) f-"l:' r~C;:,,'11 ,,[ ,__; (11,:,:,-'" !'..-.11c-1'- -~11P"c1i,~iGer) ~;j tn~()r~ -i>, ' L."J "J,;(~riC(J r.'Jr.:... i.::-l',C _;:-~-~ (~ct -"):_~'i:)"~"Yr' ,. C'Yi,+;:l',.y!':i 1j'l:.,rov..::--'l ~'UljUst ':t~, I"~]., "'j,--_J, ~P~"l ~t-r,-, l-~"',--: Un:Lt"':l r"+- r -..-~ )f ( f t)X~:~::! - . I :- te\ :,t.."'".!:~- ;3~Jrt,~---." .l;".'~'i.ri; ....!--or J.l sr..:\,';~r.-; 'I-;"=1 ::r.S, t:11~ Unilo"l :,t,Jt:.s }"i:; ;:;;11'Jtt,-,(~ T1~..u ,-;':d ~"V"n I'u rl"r '.1 ('hr 0 7n~' " '1 '! r,'.. C. _ : ,~~ '.A 'cr ~.~ J ; I ~;I,) ) J:J L, _ _ l' ,. e\,1,~r sys~ 'L1, _~:::..Jl.~(_~irt, r - '. - -,., ~:>:~,\~~~r.<:' Ii 1 t...- ~Jorks ~iCt; -:...~"~Cl '.rIF;''J:~'',St' '=:ity ~')'~:1""":1 ()f ~>3 1-1, ,~];~\~-'! G~ t> :Urcha3eri'l'i[jr-'::c~dvl:dfr0rr ~::,'} r'r:it,':>'l ~tr't3:; f '1.r:'l(?ric'-:-~ :l .. '.::-::< 0:':;-::-.1 1 Yoj.::,ct .Ltru~;!.;_ ~.l f--.-",l:;,):.:..' (fr':~':::L~(;nt r:.r:dc::: i!':' ~_.. ~,~j.rt'.lF' ,11-" t'~~.rm<:, 1_,'; ,'+1-1.-. ~--:-nit.:-~,j ;"3t, t,::::: -:.f nrneric und:'~"1"'+-'l-:Pf' to : rnvidl-;; t'l- 1",11.1 ~,r. '.l.-.~ -'- roj,~~~..! -OV~ ',,> ~ j)-"'e:1, (';.n" to t:(-_n::~fcr ,:)"i-J ~ 1.1'jliC -.'~or,ks !'Y05 J~ct ~-() th2 ~ urchaser i 't ~. onsi:j~:r; tion of I~J'~': ~-;ur,~ll'1.~)€r'.3 (.iQr.~ement to ('[cr,-tte and I!ldintdin thp 1',;l'~ic v;.)r~~: ] Tokp.r.:t Flt its \-)~:Tl2';: '")n~I'.' ,,:;1"--1 to ~"'~'i Ln J.:-Ile Uni{(._d ~;ttlte8 of Hmerice ror 811Cl'! 1.lu1-1J.c ~~('rks ~_':rojcct -thE"; sun of C:v~ rundr;.rl L1Lirty One Th,)us....nd ~~ight Eurrlred (~~J.31,80C) 1JcJlars il,rilll sl.f1.;'le int('~rl3;;..t <.:,t hie (~1~) nC?rce;1~,~ as SIl(;> I::; i.-(: j eel in ~;, i::l lTojPct Constructiun 6:1,-] ~>118S ,'~'J:i. 'm'~nt r-:.n i !\-l,:. r'; '. i .~ Tn.::4- 1('.:1 ,- " 8ixtv Threi~ I ~ : .' J '-:'!.'::: "~- ,-, trl',? :"';-~:;'.L ,F ~,,,o Fnn-irt~\l t li~: c ~'l s ~ ~ .,' [,1:::1 ;J.: ,1 ic iE~cR:'~f' t~v" urchaaer considers it to he in tb? lu~')li'~ int"r? ;J, ,;,rJ tv its ,::'n~.-:i~ to :.~,:?'':Ja4:0 ~)i_u;L l'r0j~~,..,t ~_'!~f:tl'll(-~ti""ln :-:-1 ">1,::-.:. ,....r~1r.-.,~::tcn-1~, 1';C>;, ru-:.-::-(~r(J~":, T::.' C:-'~~.":1:i'~:J ",- .~.l-r ~<.:."C"_,1 ':.~(>::-- .~-(J:..~-"E: (1) T:r~.-,t t'-'-i~~ ~\.trc!'V1:,F'r hrJ:-~' i!"\..;ves t':~~yJ .II:'>.o tc> Ll:. .~__ ~:~--Y~'lF. nf l~r"p ., .t'0ject Conf-:tr'-1::,tiJ~1 an~1 :"'clles ~r~'r:';'(~~L8nt 'rei oS2d 1.e T~ni t. '~l ~)t ,tl.~S I_If i'rr-.-"~Ut(.;c' Llnder rY0ject i'lo. raa.50"'1.~-G7 ;r}:ich 1,CTr ..~ri'~:1t 1. ..:d::: ~"u -:01'_(')';.:",5: UNIT~~D ~,=-'~l"".Ti~S TL~~ .")(T}'~ENT c~ F TEE TFrn ~~"?I:'R OFFIC: ~)F T']JRlTOr>IES ~:::"':.~~;I'I:,:"rrc!'1 ~5, D.C. r~0ject No. ~ca.50-A-R7 ~~(~ ~;rl (1C' ;F' r 8 fROJ2Crr :-:;(\NST\~U,~TI,~N i ,NT) .-~ ,L~:S r -;1~ JErTT T1-1ia Pv:rr 'em~nt, r~,j.ted dS of , h~r aP..d >(.:'t~43"'\n i:h\~ Trni t8-J. S'h:..t~.s of !~mer ica, lier(~l;-lc,"i::ter cFilled the Unitp',i St itns, ~.~""in(,;' 1 ~~ ',:-ind t~ly:,ugh t:~o ~"s:.ist~lnt Dirs.c-t~r, Grfi.ce o~ TCll~rjt('lri2S, h0r\:.;ilFlf-b,~r L~>lJ.led th.~ /\.~".d0tdnt DirectoT, j'~nrl -::~il(~ TOT^l~~ cf WC'l..~ ~r-l, i'1r::orpoTAt?rl (38 [;"_,=h on .~;:ril l~, 191], r.~.::- -:l"~f-t:"'r (~~:':tl,lf"'d the T"lr~h3.ser. TITN:c~::!~n: T~FF~ ':'"3, t' (J >:lZ'chaspr b:::.:.:: [,: ;U{~3te 11~11; i~n.;ted c..:+:.....!rp to ~~r()',"L~ fnr it, '.lnder t~lC !;J,!;;~;}.'.'-:1 n~l}-lli'; '{,forks .f'~"""~, _~.I;:rovei /.U~fU3t 2;:, 104q (3'1 Stat.h~7, 48. U.S_~. 436- 4<3Fj ), Ct~.rt.. -ill f~c: ~ i ti'.JG [-~escril::ed 0.3 :.)110\1'S: :::onf:trlc~: ~ uf ext~~n::;iuIls t) J2'Tr-:r Snsterrcr .':"'....J',l"4~Y:F' l"lLf III st.-"'T,,T-'"!Y0, IJ?~i~in:::fts7 ,.; '1:_c:c1 th~ =roi,"ct; (~rl.~, r[E2""~', ::;2 Li ~-:':cjl3ct has', ,-;;~, '-.111~0c-l':'r th:~ !.()crram of ~'l:} l:i.~ ~~} ~ [01- the rn rritoYV :-..f '-L"lr-K" a.l1t~:,::iz.ed by ;3~;id ";.ct, ClIvI 1-1" Unit~~r'!_ Ct_.-L~[) .'Jill 1}nd..,1L+.,.1,0. to l'lrovide s.c,':r1 F....oject for th-::: ~.11:C'~1"'~;:.;er :";,.S0t.1 ,1,)c)n ~.1-i:: lc:.rL'} ""YI'1 s:-c~;{i';(-lt.i('ns fOT such l-rojrjc;t d.S }.,r{~l-":ircJ by f(Jlix J. Toner, ~n~iin~L:r, Jun~:lu, ~~:..lr ~'l:'~a. NeT, TT1:2.J''',Jfc,', in conside:rf~ti;)l, of. t:1,e Ihutual ag2:"~ :~:,':nts - led C'~.i<71--:nl-;:.~ hc:r,'in ,:!',rE:~S3c?,,_j, ;-+- is c<JT'~€d dn:-3 'J;2tvI2~:.n~l'!c' P".lit~ 1 -~'L tr:.;c ,Le C:j Tfr. ~cer (-is fello-Vi':: 1. ThF~ Unit(.d -f.~. -'-es S~1f111 :y;:ovide th,:-~ }"'YCj0C+ ~'Lr tl- P,.1":' '":-;(?'" or, or '_t' ()11t /~pl-il 1, 1~~3, ~~. c;.ll CXi:ii1Ldt,~~'l :C'f.'t '[0 t~l: 1Tnit-;,c~ r~:t:=ltl:>~ ,)! .n C ~jundr,'~d Sixt~<.. tlL.lE.'e T11') ~.' n"~. C'(:7' Ii ~'\:n.rired ('Sl~G3t 7~_1G) ~o21a '!:'3. ~;\:'l -::Lcln'J0 . nV01vLn:"J n I ner'.;).'3 rl(~cr ~(~se i!'c :' (~ s::'---. .~-' F Ll".,~ i'::0j,-'ct i..1S (~~, ,.1.: ~lr':'!r: '\-..,~ t:l"- ~;, it] 1,1[-,:.) ~11-:! 3~",-'cir:i..> -[:1_ n~.: ,)C F()lix J. Toner, r:i1g}:l_~r.r, Jt~: ,v., 1'...1 'k'1. ahCilll)r~' c.f.-' !;t ,. .:t'!l"l:..t ~}:-, ;L1.lt'~J.._l :-:1T,s,-;nt J~ LJ c' l u.r. ::1(--: .s('~r 0.1 T"l c1. +:nr.' . ~~ i 3)': "l"t 1Ji l' '~'cL.')..". }.'('t'l . ( FundIc(.: :- ; H'd ~.' ..:) ~. 7r_ ,:;r n.-:;i.32.:.~.+-i.,,~ -;:(-V- I.~-. rr)'.r=-~i'll1 r:. ~ ':j :r.o~~ ,--,.L ~" ~"'.-. ~in.i' +-}:'.:; ...~"':"C'hl-S{!T 5:1(-,11 I) ,'or, t --' ,1,1 mai'-l~-{-.in d-l~--! j-Y'jj:;,-:;t -~':- i::;'3 L~1.;11 'D",f:' .~l.d ., l.'.-."' -,':'.... r:~ -.~..'..<. :\~:: T_Tnlt::cJ~ ;J~~:-:.t .-y";~\ ;::'~,~ ,,:;..f ~_:n~.? rundr~~':~ r,:. '::--1.:'" _ "'~ . - --.,-1 .~jght f-.'if::'" (~~lC)l,0;SC) Uo1.:, r::; ~!,;~~ic::. C]L~...::it.l'>f: r-i "t ~ ':;:r ~ :1'.tU::l C.s~,",~) J':" ,;'3-- G;:t to tht-:.l-n.~t ,:-~.(..-:t.r;: of;::: ici ,-"0j?Ct. ':i~ "1j.r:,~""'..dS rict":~ ~~',c:-ll ~", r:aJf: t,~ fol1o':Js: "~i:Jht 1~1.~"i1:J:r(_'c1 ,:'1nd :::'jft~r (~R50.r-:c) )cl~J.rs in ,--(,~~~1 ~l_ '~"'.: ";'i.l;'e (}f L t,'s, ~Jt. 1J ~'h:? t.r .~-ISr J":~r:i(.'-~ ,- ,- ti,. [:" ,:, ':~ 1,;*, . 1 t1-,_~ ~r:-:nsf.=r J' L .:0.......(.. r"',r "I t') , I , .., n"l]o; """rc: 1 C ':'_',? , -,c;-, ''''cj .'C-Z ,--',n'~ ti:' ( ';rLct:inr1~r ~!l 3,::r.J- i'n~1F'.:' 'D-'; Jli,'L' t;~ ~.} tin ,.~ ',-. , ~-' ',c' c:" rt-, "_~ r ,;n t"~;,l (:?~)} cllcd ~,cl ~d"..J ,"'> "' I, it. ;.} ,1~;1;- t ~ _ ,J. I. ('~r) '-i-',r,C 'cn "f\J, c ~ ,.:::':: . ~, ~ 1 Ti:':::" ~ 11)"" ....}-"'iC',.1.'~. ;:',"", n' '::0'" ... (~ '-',:. ." .- I , " 1,,,11 : :., 1"1' '_,111,--_' ,?'r i - - '7'~- .:. '('1: ~ ~ln*J"l, _' ('I":' i.::' t.1." n '-_J l ::; 11 ,~,_ _ T. 'l ~ 1- r;,.J '-;-4- " r t -, L "'-,, ( )j :::C-:: -Lu .1: _l,:oun.f- ~,l'i'ill J.] " ~'i j 1 I" -c , ,-' ~,,,, i' i It-,;,..t tl-- ~r'.:tr:" :-, -, ~,'c1 ~ .i::>~. IF :LE" Unii-e:1 ;~_> :~7 1_ lp to tL~~ ~.-~ it:; :_ -: 1 ~ j' . 1 L ,? _'UIT'; lUl.+':3 ('Ii': - i -1. \.1. 11~' ~}-. r 0 t,) 131., " . L'.L "'c,i'~ L :Le, , ,":'\ l ')~<:'''''''!, _~d , r ,} :,. C.l ':~ Ilr' 1 , i '.l;- . ..: '~ntj Y'_? in\~1~-:"::>~' 'iJ;':~S::~ nd . r; r, fL-V'j ',' 2C'~lj - -~i TH1UJ 1 ~(::' .~~S~ll-~ 2~', S2(~ '!- ~.J~'~r C'~J- ,- "1 1 (~ cr,~di.t: .~(l i ----;t- 11"'1,' ~ 2'i-~1'. i." (J. j\ hlrit':"'~2 :'.L '1 .-.~i7ii'~ J. ":-,nrlf": tJ'un~h i tilt". -~c -;: ~leL~t. en -1;.: c f .'. tit': 1:0ta1 C02t i.,,; -;. " r...:ic? f.'!l,.;ll c() ,- 'ce. yr:'J?r. t:-:, ",1::]" " c I t:l" -t~:;--i' O!-~. "H\.~l~ t s (.-\- r ~ l. . 1~ en r.~:r,.lf='~~ c~,,:i t~ "c--.,~,f ;,-::-,']:;- 1.-,,;, -111COJ <..-\_ =>,:,r+. L,I"; . lJr(::.:r !;3Ar .-..1- -~~~p l\~jr"it.iv{-~ 'JC1ncls tl-~f,11 1".,. t:",j; sti- --r'f"l ':'~ 1'11 T,~-"-i~t -;. ~ \,,'n0.r. :~r~:i t<-=>;, '4:~. :',i. ",f ",on-J.:, ~i'- end '-'- t L7" c: en ~;!~, 1 _' _' Ll.l :..1'.-" 1 J. r' I:,. :-'11 ::::f +1-,1_' ~ r0j\.JC~., J_'l - r.~2ict (t :~nd 1hlt~='... t~1.e ]ur::;l:.Jssp.r of ::;ll(~h ~)lr"'cto!- ~.'1!0' 1 ~ ~t" J~ '1 ne '~ncl ,. f Clef- ri -~ L-. > r~ J. It. ': i,) :L In L i (-> ,~"'I/ rot !'l~' t : L"7 ;.r.....t-;.:':-> 1 -:.>' t , J.J, dIT."..'J.n-: : .-:.:c~l C(y f 12ty 1"2]" .=;en+1~Tl', \ ,.~ \: -~ ~ ~~ 1~ r: ~, 1. , 1:Y'.; ~'O (5r',) , :' r: ~~} "; ~'-C'h,lP~r, l-1-~, :~r:l--: ,} r.~:_!J:.:.., it,:-.; l:. n, I't;i-l ;,-",:"lY c': ilt:i~iz:: c~)r\11,~~-:,__i ''Irticns .~r: tt l:)j':ct. lc,rt:L~~_ ()C~_~1_:..:' ncv n,: 'J'::;-=:< J I :::},--~ l'rCf; 1:--, i'~t?" llYChc'i:,E r .-1. TT. '1:--:' c lJ8-jt l"C-~":','t Ll '\lTC~1;;::>"r J t',,> "V ,nt --l"J c,l _,1' sJ-,a11 ;>,','" ti>'; Lni t::] " I~ '~'t,-i : ,-:; } .'r:-:,"l ,:::,::::_: f r,,)1:, _,)l=1 l,.)s~ '.. r ~ roj ,'~ct , ,~, iJ.risirl'"'? rut u';: or .:::,-''U,,~.?j ,--.' {:-1:1" '''-;'ich clr.7' r O'~'l 1: .:.,y ;:' j u .~. ~ i;-,.p :ot.,.i 1.i i ~.~ " !~ i. I (""\ r Uni-t'(:;d ;';t"lt H Shi"llJ ::: I c~')nY"yr" :-:Ct:;, :.l'd t,: s 'i i ,";<.,3 1--1-,- Pni: i.t"c:;' lvl{~-J ere -,,~() S fi f'; C';;_ i yoj,:=c-'- , ~-. ~ t" I. ~. ,_..I..: , " l ,)(";C1..i: ';rl(; '" or l:~)f.: ".:--~(~~ fror:-, (::J.r:im :.lV '(;11 :Cl-'.:.:' 1\.1 j :), .....: c\..-, :'"~1'C) .":"_, i.s[ nt Dir .......... 1'[, !LS:C-'~T .J-'::., ....l:rd: ser ")1' '7lr-:l ~;ll ).,~f;'t, Li-:lf~ su' i'~ct to r"t"':1-: lil~ll'S ic) .--,:",,-t.; ,--! "J'~,'lJrc.ncv '--" ':;1 t}h'~ roj.;;,ct >,'j0 1: .n '~r.'Ii'~'Jlci>~d, the -;uj tcl9. i:-. ,-1,) d )i~ c,t}.tf:Y a; ;'iro}"'riutl-" ;Ind jF~,-::~ ~.~- ,.r i:11r. 'TT'it(_~' ~>~~ t-~_! in ,',:E l'~L(> 'I..r":::~, -j Be '(j,G;:: :..!.;.:;u]:~-' "."t':ri:'n", :1,.", v l~' " ~-,~-,)~ rid:" ..I,J, i.nsofar.. ..:-'-t pit"lie l-r.-1.':' ,'1YP ... jc-C'i__ __ ~L':'..i:~+::'.;il of .;, .'till1J~(1 us',::, ;,~, .;-'h~ ~urch3s- n--', .--,..., ,- ~ . The \-;lr hd;:>cr 1:?r _':')" :!.edl(.~2 it~ fulJ := ,i.t:: :':';1,-1 cTI',!it cCJ tti8 .\o:.~r,-:Rnt cf -1--1 - i...'Lt.; r..forc.'>'c:..i :l urr:;]\rLS:-:;, 'ri':e. '':'. In th~ ~'v;._)nt th'jt tILe .1lTCIL2JSer ~l::fuu'~t~ in the ~"2rfon""C'.(-lnce of ~iny G-: th<~ l::;yrr.~nt 1 rovisL'-'~3 02 +ris ,~'.rr:c'GI'.~nt, ..::nJ if .::ne}l..lp':,-:::llt 'yj:-:t.3 '.:r,r,t.;.'1ilE-S ror 3. :"cri,_vJ o~ C}1j t-/ (~fJ) :"'T,"S, tl:? TT11'Lt'-'1 -1 i-;~G r:r3.v, :1' +-~ ,t:i;-,n of +h0 I,"~'is-t"j-,t Dir~r..:tor, ,l':cl 'J' -- r~ (~id' -~dn("'-' " ~-},,- d ir:l I'llrc;h0_~' j r:i~(:; nf the; roject ~:!.S :-::'et r~,rtL ~c'-'r ,or "t.");-i of, !,>? ,':n-1 ~r 10, '.f_~.tho~lt ~n ,,':r,r v,"<,- ~.j:njti If or r-:.rr:i ~.til-I" '.ri.JL"t: i1\-1 T :".::c~i~>:; "):- '~.~ ~r, it_L;'l :"."t ,tl ,_,1:~, Ti;';e \~ ;:-1(~ in 1 \" :;r ('. 1.1j.t.'~. l',n~r ~"' l' S ~l~S .1.--.,~ :';~ 111'""'![ t.:~"'i3 'I l;..'nt ~., 1l;:)t (i 1 .~'"'n 1110, i'" """.:3.1)1'-' iltt"_T -st Y'_: ,c1 end iue, :' -11 0-:"1.- Sl:: l,~.~ L-:- :-.t ,--:.:: !-} --" y"<t ,}f fO'_JI"; ':.'.~' ~r;.it Ul. (4~\) i'?I ,~~::ll- fr':,l lr.'~ d;J~:; '"t t :l' t~l" 4., t r -.;1, ~1.t; ",_1 L1:'.-.; "_'~ ") " :-l.! ::~t, -J- .~n c:,~> ::ii'.-: l-~.! ,VJ,-ll: ",.~'(~d"':~'J -:.r::"cl -'i' rcJel' ;l; 1 "~ t\, _ r ',~, j l ('tJ 0:-: l.'.'i t~, 1 ~ r ::l-c,:i oS'') j: ~_~-I c~ 1 ~, 7. ' ~:-""'" _r- "\fey t.'.~ ~, } '~:;.Jri-~i .., r :} 10 '.c '\ ". "dJ.1i t c'-" 1 I l' ~. :~~("!n st J't~ ct?t ' ;~nqir, ~'-:,T (JJ. , i I. 1. _~ -" -i c',' 1 ~. " Me:m};'2T 0 " ':<; c' ~il ;1,'7. "r..l~~.l-it'lt,~ ~ .-tivJr C,')";' ~-l(:)'.-t-~ ,,-:') :II l,j~'1,,;::~n-t o.ril1-- ~-nv furYb."r 1 !'JT1'fP~ " F T_"nj t~_ J .' :i. t -t-; 1':-l ~~ r.-, 'b."13.:~r ' ,.le' ~:+l.:; - j~ n~' J_:,l '1:(I,[:f ~I~:=-, in 1.1 l~ . r- 'cr~f-~n -': i ~ ':1 ' 1 r~c r.-:,::,-'!'ii:r- '). L1 ';; .2.;-: n ir -''-+'-',,-.. :: r, 1-. "r '~_<::-' ,"'If "1..: :.- to .t u~? . Tn.i t, ." ~ t-r ,J-;Ll1 .'lL', -Ll~,!1',:fr02~"l. ;'pfit dl" -rT r _J1'f c' r -". ~ ;- i- ~" ; )~~ t t:\~ 1 :roy.,?-rt... "~' L~ciJ t'i; 'rcj'.':c-f' 1 f, tn t: f.~ ~,l:~ns O.t: J....._] ~L:': J. '"'C~Xt ~'>"icL,':__ ~J ::1-",: = - ~ ";f-..;Y ',:~.J. .~r.1:' Lh 'j- it :~ '8 r:.l: ri' '"rl.1f, :~ -_'"Jr, i t.::J. ";0-:': ,:"l.-~:; .1:, ".1 -: ,-,~..c:, :~n1 ~- h I t .L'. n'l ~r ~-.~ ,,~.~ .: ~,'. \ l~ 7: J. "C n 1 ,11 l.) ~ t ~ r' " r("'\ J" f''':_ ~r ,) 'l") .r+ :7!I' 01 ,': \,j.- ich ':'.1.:1.::: ~ j'l)j ~ ...." ll:) ~ 'C: 1 - -- t- i ' I f.' C J- +- ~, , , ....().. r S<')f ; __' 1 :;~ not_->--1. t, c: ~" r: el-.~_'" Cj.'0 r +-: .1l. Th't the Fnited ,:;I.;:'-'s District " a pe rrr~i t r:.:, ,- i! L ('; 30 ',: :., ',:)',nl(~ '(S ~lS " : ;::,2:. ..,~ ,":> ;; ~ ::. i::':: ..~ :: " ,- 'i.: ~l-" r,~j0ci ,lei , '- : '..~!: ',-'.1 ,~~t or] L(,:- ~ - 1 <: 11c1 '";'-! , 1. ::l" !'.lly-;i, ._,' ~ ,.:: 'l1C~: rC):\-::it ' 11,. (':e -":'i1:--> tru Cl.. = -jn of fl., is .LIOj '?'ct u rc] ~ '.']-21' (.J ,1~ aD O"~' ... _'L:2ni:: -1 for its T" ; i rt',-'nt::ice _~nd nr inl~pr \r 1(> l. "("J1.struct i ')rl ,:)f , "{' ....r 'J--. ":).J ('L.t~ ';1..:tf-~11 ,J '.,'ler .'[vi 1'_(:;~~ ,""'n c'<,' ,1 'lC ,t i,:<" )f \'1 'l:S[-:l.lCti,~ll ()f, :-:;':;;>,)r~'I. ":'" -~ ~ \ ,::::("'~".lr.~ t~.,-, ,.--.;:t f,~ 11 ~: ;'Oi'?r. ;r~ --'-ilE' ; t'"";f-: r '" l" t" ,; 1'1 r E t~:. ; "~. '-", ~J i 11 -i1.1 -, ~ .1. ~ .C~ '-i(~rd:: l,i ".1f F~.f ~~ L : /''? I'i r,~~, .....1.~. E.l~,j : ,.:i:r '7':', 1 g~~~ 10. Tll,e I'urcnn.s8r L:_Ffdni:s to i-;" ~-~'lit:.~d ~_-.;. ~::s ,'ll.? (j,-'h~ : 2< : licc-r.;'p to -:"'lYt-~;or "n', ';~;"""'.",l,.,.LL '1.,~ "'e':""1- "1"0" t'\e 1 "1ds , rl" " "" ., '"] , ,', -- r. - L._ L.....__.. ,j_ 1. i CU. u'2GC -,(,t.~ .LIL ';:'cX(!:,I,,;.'i ~ ."'Pi'r;::l, ,\rlUCJ:' are o,'Jned 1 ~rthc ~ nrchacer ~nri f1Jrt}-'r'1:~ .~y ,nts to ~:11'::! T-"::ti [0(:1. ~-.J:-:t('::s tll,~" J.i.(~ll: ~T1.j J L '~~nse, in i'r.e coursp (')f 8oT1ctrl]r:t:L:.'_; .~~1'2 FrojQct, 1-(\ :~ntFr 1l.'Cl. 1:1,1 I.~~~'_'~ cin~l r(,.'f-'~-nr<tJ. i.~:(':' (-,f ,";1 l,']nds cwred or contrnJ..l(~d ~''-'<' th2 ~ul.C"'."j"";f.:,.~.r. .', 1',.,p..'1]'.,...t, :_, .l": ,. I' .. - . . . '- ~ t .:.. ~'\J_nqc.; U~':;i:~ 1:-:0.;::(. r i.L,.~,l l' n }.,O",'r,-,r<........-:-,' ) '1' oj 1-~1,. 11 I l ~ - .', ~ l . J..'--c':' ;'l' - ,ll'i i \..)ce;o;; ""i"'I;.ti;:::;', ." ,c Ill! ','-:.r:r:~N~8S :IE~'~~ CF, this __. r o.f thE' ;:l- rt 1.:~ c' 1,.,("', r' 1. ~ .'-! ("'e-(_ i :. -:~, 'l. ,":']--W;','c''T'T .'". ,j.,.....-L-i ,",,:;y"empT1t r.nS , r:'~' .1 '.: "lee,"" ,,-J -1. :.: 1 i ~l',( ,,'j b:" ~ J1~ 1 'JTI (,IF_' l:':; of [..' ~1 +_ .'.J,,'''; )1'11'1' =:J (,T"r;~': cr '},,: ,J:' ~., By . c is t. nt Ji r\~Gtor Cffic,? t)f 2('~:ritories (}fr;-;.) SiClrid. :::.t'-~Q1"Il3 ~i'Ly Clerl~ '~~r ...,G' '1' '. T ":;1-"?~ .l..... .~ }l-'~ror ;-;~:[L D,:,,~'l:~ ;~l ,ri 1 r\.~)ri 1 J'~I- r".1. 1. 1, 1 ~~A 1, 1955 1, 1956 1, 1 0~7 1, , oe~ " 1 )') 1 1959 .. , 1, l'J1)0 1, , rr-' .......; .l- I, 1 ,].3~: 1 1 C1C') -, , 1964 1., 1 10:')5 "" , F.rril ~< riJ "."r il "t. Til "Joril "; ril ;\J1ri 1 ."q,yil J ytl ". ." ., r""'" r ',1 rl i. l., ..~~ :ril I, 1967 .l'c:cril 1., 1968 ",Til 1, 13(,9 f~~rJ] l, l~'7U ~il '-, lr:~'l '1 :il 1, ,\ r i :: I, , G'7? - ""~ 1.0'......, .,/,--' Tot ',1 :;cll.edul(~ .:l lit, the tj ~llC of .th(~ k.:liveI~,1" uf the c~?0d t:be C urch--,,S..-r ~;r':)r-,isps to f.:"."''' ~n5C ;1: _ ,Sl' ,_~nc1 ~.~,"\,--! ;~'ll3.;-tce in th~ '1mO'~lnt of ];131, (JOO OVi?.r ~~ .l;~~rin,'J of :~ c.J~1ty (2C) yea rE,; ~'-~ya:;-I'-! <..is foJloy,Tc: Frincipill Inte_rest Tnt,'J. :,000 2,520 , ';-<In " ,~. ~,OOO 2,580 S,SCO 5,000 ~,5CO 7 , 5"0 ",oar ~ 1 CiP 7,400 ~, ~" ere ~,300 '7 ,300 , c::, rrr' " 'l:!(' '7 ,20e , .' 5,0'00 :~,l'.'O 7, Ire S, cnn ?,OOO 7 ,CCO ~" 00 G 1 I 9[rO :-:', ~JiJO 5, C:C' C , ,.... r '" r;, s,nc J.. I .. 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(CO), i'1._.+ t"", r:..!t~~ Cl,-',~,c ' , t1'...J J' t 1 ,t::l ~)J ~lL.. .L_ '.'':''''./ ~.'_...,- is .J-,cr(~l'~i ~li..l ~-lorlzel:. ~-(j .tr?n~n.i 2.:~ia C',rp("l. ."'1'. r~grl',~.--:.- TI~:~'lt 'nJ certified co~:i~:s nf ~..:_lG ~~'~~201ution ;CIne: of the l~lnutc[,; c.f t~lC' In("(.:tir-.g of 'L}, Cl:-': :':;ouncil of the ~'Vy~1.l.:u.::er Tt qldG:l :1-,1:::: ':.:,::.,oluti')ll is a.c.1o; t::(~, t~) t11e ll.laska ~ulJl ic '<,Tnyl-;__: 1:0 t~-:r: C ::fic8 0f tLv Di,:-;t.rict Dir ~-c~~'_)r ror ..".} ':,31-:-3, Jun~;~':..u, (-~lt--,{:-;k(-:, ,:;v-1 to ~>::.l:e :"'1;".:;1-, -)tll'?'r acti"r, .s li"..ay l,t... ~lOC(:)Gf', t,) ncl.l,le~"} (~ }'l, ''':::>.1&121" t,-=, C'I{"; .}~,:,t,~~ :'1 ~~? fl.:;lest e~.;:t,::nt '.:rith :::10 TTnit\:;,:.~ ~;l:,+ of 1'J., ~':r:'..'";.; ~"', .t :.'li of Sc ;rl11-()j:G';~. .'" :T ~"(JT: (l:1rs.) Sigrid ote3rns ~ity C.\'~rl'" c:.,c,'l ......Url€lLG J,T. L -,~~,~l., l.L:~-;YC T ~] . li~nnilt6n mov.~d !.~ -;t th0 Ci_t "':lr;d:: 2nd th~~ l:Lj."Ttor ,l.rr_, lL __,1.,.... -1 L:~lcY"i~~d to '~XCCrlL0 ;: ..!,:l I'roject l"':onr:tnlctj(V1 a.nd ~3(:;les '.I~;. ,i:>L'~~l1t ill r.ri~"lic\:-~,te on' -;hc:lf If Ute Cj:ty of Se .~r:iTd ?,nd tc c~.ffix thereto th~ ser:~l 0: j ,id City. Secopdl?d }":~ ':;1ro.. IJ;:.~inter. "! 1 ~.IL :- '~r...)r, r",-!"!'i:Jn r;., .\-j~.~,:~d. I' ',C, > ,',1, :-:;v "r, 1 0r'-, l.,(: --,)r L{ r"l. ("1..- ~i C,ifl ~ :; '1 ~- l' ;2-1= t( ,~:; L r', - ~c;~ C--'~i~~~r, L:'cL ,,1r'~;_Lll_", (~luri.~'(J th~ l' S~~;lCE' .)[ Cl_~n. GO] l'-i'-' L i 1_', i ,.~ ..- ~:\:"-,(1'3 r ~_ fL" ~,- r /11:3(1 to i ,1j ~n ~i 9;;-(' "~'Clp-;.J;. Lli -')7"~~{,. 7:t$"~_~-- - I ~l" .. ' "",' , .' G. , -..', . , . --"--- ,-- roo l' ~~ ~ -,rj" i ) '-'." _-'- " v~-::J-/ "'.fr'1'" "..ii} ,'; , ' -:: '~_I 1 :::- ~ 'r-:; .J~:!-~~~ ;', 19;~n. No :::[1l('r\Ll1;<:~-:_n:;:r lr;s 'nt, the reql.ll~_![ :1)' until T'1r"-~i',7, ~;:T r 'l, J S';::. "Lj.rU:'" of tilc: '-=C'I~1'1C:l ~';i.1ncil ...J(;~- I-'.:)stfnned -,'~:ct: 0_ :-. ~ d.8;r~ ~('rl~ ~1~~1 Set -tr.~-J.. ~.. "'r:.;}..,~, },.;,',., +; q~2 ;- _.?-1; ~ ;, L ' r I::0'--:.) ,_ f ~:'e! ,~cLr ". 'lil.cil ,'F'~:; ,112,-1 to orJ.?;r Ft 8:~r. ,~)'~lCi':"~~~ ~ .E., _t'. frl~GLrl+ ;:-' ~1r.1.. ~.:::1?2", ~,'i;,~+.:::~, Jph:lE,~r., :--ll ''::;P-::f''t.:JlI. 1'-,-, ~;".)r L "n:L,r i i ,- ":nt -"_. '. ~~ " -)lJ: Il'l --; (-:",l'ne. : .'Ln'J.tf.~S (,-f- I' i: _.l.. ]~:L(' 1 a.nd Sl),-~ci',11 t:,...-::et ~.~1-'J~: :,i,';" ';;:] ~ , r:O:,"'-..TI,;' 1. '~\.~ 1'1(";,, F]"'. ~._).r ::-+- i--l;",_~J::::~~nt ?_:....1 'erv 1.'<.,(_ I 0.,:1\1...,:( ~~ 'n s. y-' S':.:l1t ::i-1 ~ J ;-,~--l-"~r .: -::~-' :'-"7.1 :Cl '"l~-;,:. rr?~ t _YF' '1 F(.:~J;:c ( I :1 l'l. T ,--nj 11 C~-: ;,....~!'.J'.1. t '-,<! -:"l'lf'. ~-i. ~"1 jJ.1.n ('1. _-r Y' '-'''''01 J. '_;,?r-ttl ,"'. , '~ustL,(ltt t::SY ,1;":Y" ~r;3 ; .,"Up elL ; r ::),~?c,)nJ(,'C' ~:ic""1'" (", . ........ll" . _,::-r: .....cti v' T _,"] n~~ 1st, 19"" . '",,-ltC'l. ;,.' 1 in f ,r- ..,- - . - , '('"]7_: ':;i "'rtt-J. Si~ n 1';(''(.7:': rT(" for :l-:ndl i:l~J : r- ',~,y ,'::;1 ,'. 1', i ,'1 t'-..r. ;-, ",,,ttl"'1':E'lli' ,~l') ,:I[] ,,-) ':: -; _ t " (". 'rv: C;i~ I _.L ''::: L .-' ,",. 1 i \: L.c '~ll ~ ,rr, ;n 1. E :'L -~\t n~:-lnths. ,?" ';n.-1c;d ::'tr ~_ '.,J..:.. . . ~ . Jdi.'J,)(-1,1~.:r~ 1". _ ~:~ r ,'US1:l.c:r ~r> f-~Y'or, /.1{d:ic':-l r:-~J -:: '. l':fa L111.1rr( r+ ';;lr' ~:"; 'n-~ ,~I,'V''':":' i:' ':"[,.:t; ::1-,(; '~j- ," '1 n,-, ,)r '~i :,'~ .lee 2.ir'"":it~~~ 'r:' :~ll>-"'~" 'YlldLi-" i [ : t '"::"ul ~ ~~] :\~('(H' ":'::.T~,~ t.::. 'L1t ,n cJ lJY!: ".i~ J_:y ;c:n,-i .~.-' ..~, ...,;. h.-: .;vj" "c,1:' '_ y ~.: t~;lnCE -rr;'ti '.?f; f:~, . -:-:t')'J ,_ j !..L _'L '-;: ':l .: i"~ ... .:lsc se~ r: ~ . !Jf:;:. '1 .L 1") 1" i 11l::'t: :~''''''l !-l'H 01" -'~_llF :~,~- jJ ~-:.{. 'Y r"_'cl. ~2J- for ':";1, ' i v r \~nl.JI~r n~'.-:I,.....tiJ1( .1' .c- !. iC:!,~~i; ur ~).:'"':r:_ 'r J:, '1':'.. .3('-, 1 ' ~ :'IE:. ."\j,;,~\;: ic~ ...- . ; .,:~t r' - 1 .:: (;.J unt,: the' ;:n:l r- I {~~..., !.. _ rJ. ~'l Ii l' ~,~'':;-:J t( , .., "'" -~, ..,... ~ -' - '..1 '- -] v ~-,;:::~."r()l J '-: l~'?i.:d, -'~()r('"' .-" 'i"~~:,---r,t. "'~'T';'~r :::;,':)11: ,.t;:; :";" ~ ~nC.'l' 1 ". "";- ::.1- :lCl~! t L::lC~ i. ~-I 1. ~ ~ ' ;:1.: _~li.,.. .i '::~._~~~. '-.- ,~ , . .r. i ':' :: ie,' J" i ed. l' -,t :i. ,-," '",,~, "r"C -'1 1 ~', ., . , 'l"CK . l' ~. I !~~f~ '~,,+:t ..~l~~rY' "F;; ') <<- · Z :z::.. :'Cr " --------------------. -----.-.. Seward, Ala ska June 16, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Hamilton and Greene. Absent elm. Johnson and Cole. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Letter regarding the school budget for 1952-1953, presented by Carl R. Carlson, was read and di scussed. Clm. Painter moved to accept the School Budget for 1952-1953 in amount $70,383.75, as presented by Mr. Carlson.Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. , . Seward, Alaska June 16, 1952 Clm. Hamilton moved that Mayor be empowered to sign the school budget presented. Seconded ~ elm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Mr. Carlson regarding appropriation to school districts now available, was discussed and tabled until the next ne eting wi th a full quorum present. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was present regarding peddlers licenses for the City and rega:rdng skeet shoot at the Lake on the 4th. She was advised a sheck would be made regarding City license and that there would be no skeet shot on the 4th. Letter frem Lutheran Ladies Aid was also read. W. C. E win was present regarding the hydraulic pipe that had been stored in the old lignt plant bldg. and sold by Mr. Petrie to Standard Oil Co. City Clerk instruct- ed to send telegram to Mr. Starr of ATEC regarding ownership of pipe. Chamber of Commerce letter read for extension of salt water main on Fourth Avenue to nAn Street. Clm. Painter was appointed by the Mayor as a committee to see that the salt water main be installed at the smallest cost possible and Mr. Southard to check on prices of a new electric salt water pumP. Mr. Gilfilen was present in behalf of the Fourth of July Committee requesting a two holiday and permission for bars to stay open later the two nights. The Mayor pro- claimed the 4th and 5th of July to be holidays and the Ordinance will be suspended when the fifth Councilman is present. Articles of Agreement and Business A~eement between the Alaska Housing Authority and City of Seward were read. Clm. Painter moved the Mayor be authorized to sign both agreements as presented. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Hamilton moved that the Mayor write a letter to Alaska Housing Authority approving of converting the carpenter shot> into two apartments. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Weber was present with information for the Council for car radio for police car and fire trucks. The matter was discussed and they were advised to have to have a contract ready for the next regular"meeting on July 7th. elm. Greene moved to sell Frank Woods Lots 15 and 16, Block 10, Laubner Addition for $300 each, total $600. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion~rried. Clm. Greene moved to accept the bid of Floyd R. Eva~s for Lot 25, Block 10, Laubner Addition for $201.00. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. fill in favor, motion carried. Letter from Sol J. Urie for Beverage Dispensary License was read. Clm. Hamil ton moved to approve Beverage Dispensary License for Martin J. Urie and Sol J. Urie, d/b/a Solly's LC;lUnge. Seconded by Glm. McRae. All in favor, motion sarried. O'Brien's letter referring to collection of Sales Tax was read and :l;pe~~~nlklerk instructed to advise that it would not be necessary for collectionlto be mad~ on 10f articles. Glm. Painter moved to approve t' e hourly payroll for June 1 to 15th as read. sec- onded by Clm. Hamilton. All in fa7or, motion carried. Keating Douglas/was appointed to act as Harbormaster during the absence of Francis Perry. C1m. Painter moved that the Board of Equalization be set for the hours of 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. of July 14, 15 and 16, and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. of July 17 and 18th. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. Cl:n. Hamil ton moved that the new addition just surveyed, be called the Marathon Addition and the street to be named Lowell Street. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Letter dated May 29th from Brady Const1Nction Co. was read. Glm. Hamilton moved to accept $800.00 for completion of option to purchase_ lots 1 thru 17, Block 31 and lots 1 through 40 of mock 32, as per letter. Se_conded by Clm. Gr'-'ere. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Grande & Company was read saying they were interested in bonding for the water system. City Clerk instructed to send the information desired. C1m. Hamilton moved that Jifr. Van Seventer be employed to audit General Fund at price of $750. Seconded by Clm. Greene. All in favor, motion carried. . Olga Nelsen requested a week leave of absence which was granted. /. gcp'f Moyor and City Council o::>e we I'd, "~la sk9 Gent1'lrnen: \ie propose to furnish the materials listed on the following bill of m"lteI'iAls <'It the un_it prices quoteri: A. PIP8. ....11 pipe to hr. 0eraent-~sbesto8, Glass 150: I Item </,uanti tv De s c r i ;1t _1 on JnU lJricEl TotRl friee 1 7,800' 8" .{"Iter I'ipe 1.995 15561. 00 2 22,000' 6" \iAter Pipe 1.406 30932.00 '"'- 5,200' 4" "Ater I'ipe .940 4888.00 u B. FITTING::. .all fittings to be Of' s t .iron, Glass 1) ratir-g as O1Jtlined in the specifics tions. Item ""uenti tv JJescription Un it Price Totql -L~r i c '! 1 1 8 x 8 x 6 Tee 38.75 38.75 2 1 8 x 8 x 4 Tee 38.75 38. 7 5 3 1 8 x 6 Reducer J3~o 20.30 20.30 tl Q 8" Grosses 59 . 20 U8.40 '-' 5 1 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 (,;rosses 46.85 46.85 ., I, 6 2 8 x 8 x 4 x 4 CrOSR'3S 48.1'35 93.70 7 1 8 x 6 Heducers bEl3 20.30 20.30 8 2 8 x 4 Hed\lCerG SEI3 20.30 40.60 9 3 8" Plugs 10.00 30.00 10 15 611 Cross8s 31.75 .176.25 "-"~ 11 '" 6 x e x 4 x 4 Crosses 29.50 88.50 u 12 2 6 x 6 x E- x 4 Crosses 31.75 60.50 13 10 fin 'Tees 27 . 55 275.50 14 5 6 x 6 x 4 Tees 23.50 11 7 . 50 15 4 6;1 .Iye branches 32.15 188.60 .. 16 3 6 x 6 x 4 j{y('J l:lrenches 32.15 96.45 Item 16a 17 1B 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 I' 30a " 1:- I Our proposAl is based upon supplying the 8bove listed waterials at the dock in Seattle, in conformity with the attached specifications and at the prices 0uote~ within a period of 30 to 90 days from the receipt of a firm order from the City of Seward. This proposal will remRin in effect until the 16th nay of Julv 1952. ~" Very truly yours, Va ted_.[une 213. 1952 Johns-,i1anville 081eE: Corporation tiupplier BY~}ll_,j. Dolan /""" COPY June 27, 1952 Thin P8~e shall be considere1 a part o~ tho Johns-Manville Gales Corp0ration proposal. Ite:'! . 31 8,000 ft. 3/411 Gopper T11bin(? ~ 1ti O.3263/ft. 32 500 ft. - 1" Copper Tubing 0.4048/ft. 33 500 ft. - 11." Copper Tubinp; 0.6561/ft. :2 34 200 ea. - 3/411 GorDora tior! Cocks, Illue11er 2.31/ea. ;~5 12 sa. - 1 II II II II 3.65/~a. 36 12 ea. - HII II II II 9.44/ea. 37 200 ea. - 37411 Uurb Stons, !,iueIler 4.06/ea. 38 12 SR. - 1 " II . II 6.11/ea. 39 12 '38. . - 1!" II II 13.45/e8. I I ~*"r , ~ :' " .;;;" Mayor and Uity Uouncil iJe'J'/ard, alAska Gentlemen: We propose to furnish tha materials listed on the following bill of materials at the unit prices quoted: A. PIPE. All pipe to be Cement~A6be6tos, Closs 150: Unit Price Totol Price I Item Description a" ~~ater Pipe 6" \~Bter Pipe 4" \later Pipe QUflntity 7,800' 22,000' 5,200' 1 2 3 no bid " " B. FITTINGS. All fittings to bo Cnst Iron, C1as5 D rating as outlined in the specifications. .!.am Ioo/.uantity Description Unit Price Total Price 8 x 8 x 6 Tee 24.70 24.70 1 I 1 1 2 1 2 3 8 x 8 x 4 Tee 22.90 22.90 8 x 6 Reducer BEb 13.05 13.05 8" Crosses 38.00 76.00 4 5 6 2 8 x 8 x 6 x 6 Crosses 27.85 27.85 8 x 6 Reducers SEB 8 x 8 x 4 x 4 Crosses 25.60 51.20 I 'T 1 2 3 15 3 13.05 12.40 8 8 x 4 Reducers SEB 8" Plugs 2.70 6" R%X~K Crosses 25.50 6 x 6 x 4 x 4 Crosses 20.00 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2 6 x 6 x 6 x 4 Crosses 20.00 6" Tees 21.00 6 x 6 x 4 Tees 17.50 10 5 4 6" Wye Branches 25.00 6 x 6 x 4 Wye Branches 18.70 3 13 . 05 24.80 8.10 382.50 60.00 40.00 210.00 87.50 loo.no .56.10 I tem ~uan ti ty 16a 2 , 17 18 19 20 21 6 3 1 5 1 22 23 24 25 26 30 30a I Dated June 20, 1952 - '_"t'."!' :~~-""."": .~.;"._:,,~..,' ,. "': - Description Unit Price Tot81 ~rice :~ .' 6 x 4 Reducers, Hub 10.75 Our proposal is bRsed upon supplying the above listed materiels at the dock in Seattle, in confOl'roi ty with the Httuched sjJ(.!cifications and at the prices ~oted within a parios of 30 to 60 days from the receipt of a rir~n order from the 01 ty of Saward. This prOU08U 1 will remain in effect sntil the 15 day ofeJulv . 1952. 6 X 4 Reducers, SEB 8.20 21. 50 24.60 10.75 62.25 14 . 45 9.90 17.00 78.00 16.00 19.50 9.50 ~ (~ -------- 6 x 4 Reducer, LEB 6" 1/16 Bends 6" 1132 Bend 10.75 1~.45 14.45 1.65 17.00 13.00 16.80 6.50 2758.00 1060.80 969.90 7, 11 7 . 30 j' .~ . ~ ~ P.<l.CIl~IC \1il.TJm ;,JRi::S GUPPLI CQ. . .' ouppl i er By Lv1e Hartje '. ,< ~' 1 6 1 3 10 611 Plugs 4" Cross 4" Tees 4'1 iiye Branch 411 1/32 Bend 411 Plugs 8" Gate VRlves, CIOSB 150# .95 78.20 4 56 17 6 6 6" Guto Vnlves, Class 150# 4" Gat", VRl vest Class 150# 31.50 49.:;5 HjdrBnts :3 outlet (1-46" 176.70 2-2!" Nat. Std. Thrd) Hydr8nts 2 outlp-t 2~n Nat. 161.60 Std. Thrd TOTAL PRIOE $ Ve~y Truly yours, , (~:; Seward, Alaska June 16, 1952 I Clm. Hamil ton _ed to I=6Y bills as follows, when money is available: Anchorage Times, $94.50, Andy's '35.25, ATEC, $48.00,.Commissioner, $6.00, Central Garage $5.50, Dale's Diner, $20.00, Erdmann Agency, S58.66, Ervin Motors, $48.80, Kenai Lumber Co., $87.04, N. C. Co., '139.17, National Auto Dealers, $7.00, Pacific Coast Stamp Works, $16.24, Paulsteiner's, $40.34, Ray's Oil Service, $219.46, Seward Elec. System, $572.35, Seward Machine Whop, $13.35, Seward Ha~are, S6.67, Seward Plumbing & Heating, $6.00, Standard Oil Co., S186.l6, Water Dept. $142.50, Petty Cash, $32.19. Seconded by Clm. Painter. Clm. McRae, Painter and Hamilton voted yes. Clm. Greene no vote. Motion carried.The matter of adequate fire escapes on two ftory buildings wa s discussed and the Fire Chief aut!'orized to write letters to persons violating this ordinance. . . Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:05 o'clock P.M. Attest-Y~ C ty Clerk Ap",oyed t; - . 7 ~ -.w / yor , Seward, Alaska June 30, 1952 A special meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.Me for the purpose of discussing the financing of the water rehabi\itation with Felix Toner , study Transite pipe and bids, suspend part of Ordinance NQ. 134, and study of the trailer ordinance No. 218. Mayor Lanier in the chair.. Also present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole and H~milton. Absent Clm. Greene. I Felix Toner was present with the final plans and specifications for the water re- habilitation. Advised that to date no agreement for the aoquistion of the sanitorium system had ,been made and Dr. "Albrecht was waiting for one from the City. Mr. Toner showed the Council two changes that were to be made in 1he plans, neither of which would affect the bid. Metering and maintenance of the system was discussed. Clm. Painter moved to accept plans and specifications of water rehabilitation plans as presented by Toner with changes as follows: 1. New line on Fourth Avenue from Adams street to the Dock; 2. Eliminate the proposed line on First Avenue from Railway street to Adams street, 3. Loop Fourth Avenue from C street over and up D Street tQ Third Avenue; 4. Alternate line out Government road with loop up Mill Street over Vista and down Ravina street. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried.. Mr. Toner advised that the bids letting the contract would be opened AUgUst 4th. Movie of Construction and manufacture of Transite pipe was presented by Mr. Rossio of Johns Manville Co. Mr. Rossio also gave a report regarding the pipe manufactured by his company. three Clm. Painter moved that the (bids received on pipe and materials be opened at this time, but any other bids received before nODn of July 1st, will also be considered. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. Clm. Painter,'McRae, Johnson, Cole and Hamilton voted yes. Motion carried. Bids were received from Johns Manvile, Pacific Water Works and In D. Fowler & Co. I Clm. Hamilton moved to accept the Johns Manville bid proposal dated June 26, 1952, for all items of pipe and Tifco fittings on thlt proposed schedule except items 27, 28 and 29; and further agreed that val-ns in items 27, 28 and 29 be awarded to Pacific Water Works Supply in accord with their bid proposal dated June 20, 1952, at their unit prices, copies of bid proposals hereto attached. Seconded by Clm. Cole. Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson, Cole and Hamil ton voted yes. Motion carli ed. Clm. Painter moved that the Mayor be empowered to sign the approved Water Utility Plans. Seconded by 1m. McRae.. All in favor, motion carried. ,. Clm. Hamil ton moved to accept the contract Agreement between the City and Felix Toner on the Water Utility Rehabilitation and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Various persons were present regarding the trailer ordinance over which ther~ was considerable di scussion. Clm. Hamil ton moved to revoke Ordinance No. 218, an Ordinan regulating the use and Occupancy of Trailers etc.,. Seconded by Clm. McRae. Clm. McRae, Painter, Cole and Hamilton yes, Clm. Johnson no. Motion carried. 11.~' n. . .. ~ ! Seward, Ala ska June 30, 1952 Clm. Hamil ton moved to suspend Sectionll, beginning at 1 A.M, J~ly ~th to 1:00 A.~. / favor, motion carried. ) Ordinance 134, for forty eight (48) hours, July 7th. Sec~nded by Clm~ C~le. All, in Motion was made and lileconded to adjourn at.ll:25 o'clock P.M: Attest 2. ,,'~~J ~. ity Clerk . Appr.....er~-7~:47: ~ yor ,l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska July 7, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular meeting of the Comuon Council Was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnson and Cole. Absent Clm. Hamilton and Greene. Minutes of the 'last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Dave Fleming was present regarding ovEltime parking of his tru". After consider- able 'discussion he was advised by the Council that his truck could be parked. in the old fire hall a'rea. . Mr. Mortenson requested the purchase of a cab company or stand and was told that the Ci ty has none to sell III only four are allowed.. A1 Weber was present with bid from COIIIll1UIications Equipaerit & Service "0. for radio unite and mile station which pad previously discussed. The bid was read and dis- cussed. and tabled for further study until the next meeting on July 21st. Mr. LeWis of the School Board was prellent regarding the funds .that are still avail- able to school districtll and the matter tabled until a meeting when five council members would be present. I I Letter from the Lion 'II Carnival Conmi ttee regarding ulle of the ball park was read. Clm. Jo)mson moved to approve the use of the baseball park area for the use of the carnival in August. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favO!', motion carried. . ! Clm. Painter moved to accept the bid of Donald B. Jackson for Lot. 31, 22, and 23, BJ.ock 9, Laubner Addition for total price of 1675.00. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in"favor, motion carried. Clm. JOMson moved. to' accept the bid of Floyd R. Evans for La. 26 and 2'1 Block 10, Lau.bner Ad<ltion for $300. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in' favor, motion carried. Application of Harry D. Hall was read for Police force. Clm. Johnson moved to hire Harry Hall on the Police force effective July 8th at $500 per month. Seconded. by "elm. Cole. All' in favor~ motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that the hourly payroll for June 16 to 30, as read be approved. Seconded. by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Letter was read regarding sales tu on taking conl!lWllers ord~l!' which said this was interstate commerce and not subject to sales tax. Bill of $35.00 for rent by the Police Department for Civic Center for their dance was read and City Cle8: a.vised. this would be paid when funds' would be available from General Fund: -I -_. " Letter of thanks fram Dorothy Prior in behalf of the Republican Committee together with Resolution was" read. Motion was made and seconcilld t~ adjourn at 10:15 o'clock P.M. ~ Attest' . " . (;i ty rk ~ APProftd~. ., or 1'L. - - - - - - - - - ". - - .. 1 (-' ,.;, -;. ~, " Seward, Alaska July 21, 1952 A regular meeting of the COllIlIIOn Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanierin the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Johnsun and Cole. Absent Clm. ~amilton and Greene. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. I Mr. Forrest of the Alaska Public Works was present to discuss and advi se on the Hospit-.J,and School projects. It will be necessary to have a resolution drawn up to have an election on both projects. A letter of resignation from Clm. Greene was rea. resignation of Greene. Seconded by Clm. Painter. Clm. McRae moved to accept the All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Johnson.moved that Gus Johnson be appointed to serve the remaining term of Clm. Greene. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. ~nald B. Jackson was present to discuss his bid on Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 9, Laubner Addition which was accepted at the previous meeting. He offered $50.00 earnest fee to be forfeited if the balance were not paid by September, 1952. After a discussion the matter was tabled until the next meeting on July 25th. The bid of Victor H. Starry for Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 9, Laubner Addition for a total pri.. of $700.00 was read. The bid was tabled until July 25th for further discussion. H. H. Malcolm was present with a l(~tter regarding his personal propertyassessment. T The letter was read and the assessor was advised to remove H. H. Malcolm from the tax roll. I Fire Chief Kielcheski requested the purchase of 1000 feet of W, 450 lb pressure double jacket treated hose with couplings attached. Clm. Painter moved to grant the purchase. Seconl:ied by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Kielcheski 8hHtl4:~cussed the repair, of th.e lIS) roof, the f.ace room and the purchase of a salf wafer pump. A letter is to be written to the Utility Board regarding the poles in the A11eys that interfere wity the Sewe~ project. Clm. Johnson moved to approve the hourly payrol as read for July 1st to 15th, and to pay bills as follows when money is available: Alaska Fire Euipment, ltl.OO, Arctic Office Machinery, $28.50, Alaska Broadcasting Co., a13.50, Anchorage Times, $91.50, ATEC, $82.00, Andy's Oil Delivery, $250.25, Ballou & Wright, 8278.96, Burroughs, ~~13, Commissioner, $~.OO, Central Garage, i5.50, Dale's Diner, 866.10, Erdma.nn ~ency, $61.06, Win Erv~n Motors, $83.97, Graphic Art~ Press, $48.~0, Kenai Lumber 00.$163.84, Herman Leirer, $22.65, N. C. Co., $179.87, National Auto Dealers, $7.00, Osbo's, $17.00, Pacific Coast Stamp Works, $16.24, Paalfic Water Works, $99.84, Paulsteiner's, 840.34, Ray's Oil Service, $286.20, Standard Oil Co., $579.11, Seward Drug 00., 82.20, Seward Hardwara, 841.08, Seward Electric System, $1,142.40, Seward Plbq. & Htg. $6.00, Seward Machine Shop, $95.90, Seward Seaport Record,$226.40, Albert Trump, $36.00, Patricia Williams, $50.00, Water Dept. $285.00, Petty Cash, $40. $40. 98~ Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. , Mayor Lanier appointed Clm. Johnson as temporary magistrate during the absence of the City Clerk and Magistrate. I Motion was ~de and seconded to adjourn at 10:50 o'clock P.M. APprovedP~~J' "2 x:. :"'1 '" t/ Mayor Attest ~~ ~ Act ng Clerk - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska August 4, 1952 A regular meeting of the Common Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the ,Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson, Cole, Gus Johnson. Absent' Clm. Hamilton. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Fire Chief Kielcheski was present regarding an electric salt water pump with letters from Peerless Pump Division for pump motor at $877.80 and letter from R. Wade & Co. i I"?(,) .... j } Seward, Alaska August, 1952 Information from the City Clerk was given to the Fire Chi!f for information for salt water pump. Mr. Furst and Mr. Clay from the office of Rent Stabilization were present and gave reasons for the CD nti~,tion of rent control saying it will die Sept. 30 unless the Council would decide for it to continue in Seward. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to taklle the rent control problem. until next regular meeting. Seconded by Cl.. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Toner, Engineer, presented a tabulation of the water bids that were opened at 1:09 P.M. this date~ Bids were from Earl Butcher, $247,901.70, Brady Const. Co., $384,897.34, stock & Grove, $336,041.00, and Morrison & Inudson, $386,328.00. Mr. Toner stated all bids were too high but would wait for the Batcher bid to arrive and have a special meeting on August 5th. C./~. Keating read' ~rts of sewer Specifications' saying the sewer was not g~ing in accor~ing to these specifications. Mr. Toner stated that the City has nothing to do wi tJ:I the sewer at this time, that if protest is to be made it should be made to the Bederal. Governmeal: and it should go through the Council. Mr. Keating presented some pictures taken of a piece of sewer pipe showing back fill. Alex Petrovich also protested to the Council regarding the present sewer installation. C. B. Flynn was present regarding the assessment of Werner &'Flynn, said,assessmeat return read by Southard.C. E. Johnson moved that the asc-essment of Werner & Flynn be $5,000, no personal property. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motionaarried. Felix Toner spoke regarding additional sewer extensions desired by the City, that it would be necessary to have a petition from property owners in said vicinity. C. E. Johnson moved to apply to Alaska Public Works for further extens on on Sewer ,system tq include 2nd and D streets north to ,2nd and Van lhx. streets and East on VanBuren st. to Manhole Ill, including Blodes 3,4,5,6,8,9,10 and 11, Laubner Addition and alleys between 4th and 5th Avenues and between 5th and 6 th Avenues from Jefferson street, south to serve PJr,tions of Blocks 16 and 17, Townsite, and on 1st Aved,t' from Madison street to A street to serve pelltions of Maratlon Addition. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion. carried. School Mr. Carlson was present regarding admission of Bayview/into City limih. Also regarding allocation of $10,500 by :the City to the School Board to be used for payment of bonds for two yea'!t's. '.' Clm. Painter 1IIOved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolutions 21 and -22. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnl!lOn. All in favor, motion carried. Clm.' Pa-inter moved to adopt Resoluti-on 21: RESJLtJ.TION - 21 WHEREAS, the CITY OF SBtlARD, has made t'lppli-cation to participa.te .in the distribution of funds under Secti-on 2 of Chapter 60:.' SLA 1949, and WHEREAS, under the l2ms of Section 2 of Chapter 60 SLA 1949, the fund is' to be used for the construction and repair of school wildings in the a foresaid, district, and, WHEREAS, the said City Council has considered and is fully informed of the provisions of the said Section and Chapter, and WHEREAS, the said City Council is advised that its share is $28,846.15, and WHEREAS, the said City Council has on deposit in the Seward Branch 1st National Bank of !nch. of Seward, the sum of $10,096.15, whichJepresents $0.35 matching for each one dollar of Territorial money received, and WHEREAS, the said City Council promises that the matching funds will be used only for construction and repair of sohool buildings, NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT R EOOLVED by the Common ~ouncil 1.- That all monies granted to the Seward School district under Section 2 Chapter 60 SLA 1949 shall be expended for the exclusive purpose of construction and repair of -sohool buildings,.and, , 2. _That the Sohool Board will 81mit to the Conmissioner of Education a detailed , report of such expenditures on Dec mber 31 and June 30.each year until the total of '28,846.15 plus matohing funds have been cQmpletely exhausted. . CERTIFICATE OF s:::HG: L IOARD OR CITY COUNCIL We, the unders~ed memQers of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, do hereby c erttfy: 1. That the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution _finally adqpted at a meeting of ,the Seward City Council held on the 4th day of .\ , Seward, Alaska August 4, 1952 August '1952, and duly recorded in the official minutes of the City ~ouncil; 2. Th~t said Ireeting was duly convened and held in all respects' in accordance with law and a legal quorum waspresent throughout the metinq. Subscribed and sworn to before me'this A. G. McRae Russell Painter l' E. JoJmson , 'hos. E. HOW'ell Kent E. Spaulding Loon D. Lewis 4th day of August 1952. Councilman Councilman Councilman Treas School School Board Clerk School Board I Board (SEAL) Sigri d stearns Ci ty Cle rk Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to adopt Resolution 22. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson: RESJLUTION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENT - 22 I l,'iHEREAS, the CITY OF SENARD, hasmade application to participate in the distribution of funds under Section 2 of Chapter 60 SLA 1949, and WHEREAS, under the terms of Section 2 of Chapter 60 SLA 1949, the fund is to be used for the construction and repair of school buildings in the aforesaid district, and WHEREAS, the said City Council has considered and is fully informed of the proviaoltS of the said Section and Chapter, and WHEREAS, the said City Council is advised that its remaining share is $1,153.85, and i{HEREAS, the said City Council has on deposit in the Seward Branch 1st National Bank of .I1nchorage of Seward, Ahska, the sum of $403.85, which represents $0.35 matching for each one dollar and major fraction thereof of Territorial money received, and WHEREAS, the said City Council promises that the matching funds will be used only for construction and ~epa'r of school buildings N9N, 'lREREFORE, BE IT R ESJLVED FIT THE Seward City Council 1. That all monies granted to the Seward School district under Section 2 Chapter 60 SLA 1949 shall be expended for the exius! ve purpose of construction and repar of school buildings, and, 2. That the School Board will sul::mit to the Cormnissioner of Education a detailed report of such expenditures on December 31 and June 30 each year until the total of $1,153.85 plus matching funds have been . completely exhausted. CERTIFICATE OF SCHOOL PDARD OR CITY COUNCIL undersigned members of the Schotll Board or the City Council- of the City of Alaska, do hereby certify: We, the Seward, 1. That the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution finally a dopted at a meeting of the Seward City Council held on the 4th day of August, 1952, and duly recorqed in the official minutes of the City Council; That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting. , 2. I A. G. McRae Councilman Russell Painter Councilman C. E. Johnson Councilman Thos E. HOW'ell School Board Kent E. SpauldngSchool Board Leon D. Lewis Shhool Board Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4 day of August 1952. (SEAL) Sigrid Stearns, City Clerk Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in f~, motion carried. C. E. Johnson recormnended that the City Clerk write a letter to the League of Alapkan Cities inviting them to hold their annual conference at Seward this year. Mr. Gilliland, representing City attorneys Hellenthal and Cottis, was present rwarding the water tank!, at the Sanatorium now owned by the Methodist Women Society. Recommended offering the Je.se Lee Home 25,000 gallons of water per d ay without cnarge, for ten (10) years. Clm. McRae moved to sell C. B. Flynn North 15 ft. of Lot 5, Block 5, Laubner Addition, for $50.00. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion earrie~\, CN'MI- V Bill of $96.00 from Bay Service for extra haul to housing ~.t" rUy was discussed and to be referred to Alaska Housing Authority. "1 1""1,-, ~ i: ,j Seward, Alaska AUgUst 4, 1952 Application of A. A. Brattain for street department was read and discussed. No actlion taken at this time. Clm. McRae moved that the hourly payroll for July 16-31 inc. as read, be approved. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved that Phillip Nicholas be put in charg-e of the street Department. Seconded by elm. McRae. All in favor,' motion carried. Letter from Felix Toner dated July 25th, regarding the ordering of fittinqs and pipe needed for 1he water rehabilitation was read. Clm. Painter moved to sell lots 7 and 8, Block 3~1 Laubner Addition to Thomas Goresen at $100 each. Seconded by C,m. Gus Johnson. All in fawr, Motion carried. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to I!e~oke Ordinance No. 156, An ordiilance requiring a municipal - . , license from every person maintaining for use or who pennits the use of coin-'perated amI1seIll!lnt or musical devices wi thin the TOwn of Seward, Alaska. Seconded by Clin. Painter. C1m. McRae, yes~ Clm. Painter, yes, Clm. C. E. Johnson, yes, Clm. Cole, no. Clm. Gus Johnson, yes. MOtion carried. Clm. C. E. Johnson 1IIOved that due to extenuating circumstances, Mr. Balmat be g-ranted 15 days leave pay in lieu of leaye. ueconded by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion oarried. .w The Mayor appointed Clm. McRae and Clm. C. . Johnson to study the truck parkinq problem and a parking area for truoks. Motion was'made and seconded to adjourn at Attest ~~J~ City erk 10:15 O'Cl~.M. A"'..... .?-. ,7 :;;::-. ;. H . . yor (, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska AUgUSt 5, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special lQgetinq of the Common Council was called to order at 5:30 o'clock l>.M. for the purpose of rejecting the water rehabilitation bids and conferring- with the APW Engineer and Attorney on the Sewer proiram.' Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson, Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. Hamilton. Also present Mr. Tweet and Mr. Riley of AW. Felis Toner spoke to the Council regarding the tabulation of the four bids received for the water rehabilitation, advised that they were all high. Clm. Painter 1IIOved to reject all four (4) bids for Water rehabilitation as folilaws: E rl Butcher, $247,901.70, Stock & Grove, $336,041.00, Brady C~nst. Co., $184,897,34, aftd Morrison Knudson, $386,328.00, tabulation of bids to be sent to each bidder. Seconded by ~lm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to force account. Seconded by and Gus Johnson, voted yes. troceed with the water rehabilitation program under 1m. McRae. elm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson, Cole Motion carried. The matter of the present sewer installation was discussed and the pictures of the pipe that had presented at the meeting- AUgUst 4th were shewn to Mr. Riley, attorney and Mr. Tweet, Engineer, of AlW. Mr. Tweet asked if the person who had made the complaint had remained on the Job for any length of time watching- other pipe being- laid and backfilled, and had other discre~ci.s been observed or was this the only one. The complainant was not present but Mrs. Weber thephotographer, was and she said she had been a sked to take a picture of that par.ticu1ar piece of pipe. Mr. Riley suggested that a complaint in writing together with the pictures be 'sent to APW wff1ce at Juneau, that it would be foolish not to have a complete report of the complaint on record. Mr. Riley stated that he did not think it reasonable to open up the ditch after heari~ the evidence at hand. Mr. Graves was also present, and Mr. Riley stated the requirements for job of inspector. IIighway Pat~1 officer was present regarding the installation of radio and station in the office of the police quarters. The matter was discussed but no action taken. Attest ~e.VP!:;;-;~ at 6:20 o'~k P.M. . APprove~-:(,-.. l~~/I ' Motion w as made and seconded to adjourn I I I " :"., 'I .L (. _J'. Seward, Alaska August 13, 1952 ~~or Lanier in't~Chair. PrePftt were-GJ.... ~Ab~~t~t.~~~~:~s~~~ -~~ '-- - 7.. special meeting of the Common Council was called to o~ at 5:oo-o'crO"cf__P.M~' for the Jjiiipose of discussing and preparing a budget with the, Auditor. liThe Hayor stated the water department woUd be a separate audit and it was reCJUested that that audit be completed first so all matters pertaining to the water could be in accordance with the bonding company. The budget of various departments ~s presented and discussed and }'.arts of it cut. With the various changes the millage rate would still be too high in order to meed! the expenses of the City so the Mayor announced another meeting for August 14th, to cgain discuss the budget afterhaving a day to think it over. Motion WlS made and seconded to1rljourn at 6:45 o'clock P.M. . 0 ~ :;;;: Approved "" h ~ _ /f. _ yor [ " . .-iO~. Attest ~ ~~~ ~ "'Ci t lerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 14, 1952 Seward, Alaka A special meeting of the Connnon Council WiS called to order at 5:00 0' clock r.M. for the purpose of accepting a bueqet and arriving at a tax rate. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. C. E. Johnson and Hamilton. The budget was again discussed and cut finally reaching a satisfactory figure. Clm. McRae moved that the City budget for 1952-1953 year be set at $148,300.00. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion c arTied. Clm. Painter moved that the tax rate on on personal property, during 1952-1953. favor, motion carried. real property be .015 mills and .025 mills Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in Motionms made and seconded tocrljourn at 6:40 o'clock P.'M. Attest ~ ~~RP-v-- 'fly Clerk A""rmed~ ,% ;;C..:..- or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska August 18, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A regular me ting of the connnon ~ouncilWis brought to order at 8~00 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. Cole and Hamilton. Minutes of the last regular and special IlBetings were read and approved. Fred Kielcheski Fire Chief was present regarding the purchase of salt water pump and the matter discussed by the Council. Clm. McRae moved to app~ove the purchase of salt water pump from R. M. Wade at $2,205.08, plus freight, switch and installation for the fire department, Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Fire eKcape notices for use of the Fire Chief was discussed and the Fire Chief in- structed to proceed with the issuance of said notices. Mr. Gilliland, attorney and Mr. Carlson, Superintendent were present and annexation of Bayview school was discussed.Clm. C. E. Johnson moved that the election for the annexation of Bayview School into the City limits be held at the City General Election October 6th, as Proposition No.1. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. elm. McRae moved that the be put on'order for stock. c and batteries tires and tubes/as requested by the Mechanic Nicholas Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Cook was present regarding the purchase of lots in_ the Marathon A:ktitidm was advised that minimum price has not been set on these lots amd the matter will be tabled until ne~ week. elm. ~s ,Johnson was appointed by the Mayor as Conmissioner of Airport and Small ,Boat rbor. HarboTmaster was present with request for necessary materials for 1. ").. l 1 (........ Seward, i1.laska AUgUst 18, 1952 ~-~=-._._.:;;-;-"""-:-;-;---:;-;:;-::;-,~:=_..~ -""~ smal~ boat harbor. Clm. Painter moved that $100.00 be authorized for repairs to the small boat harbor float. Seconded by Clm. C. E. Johnson. All in favor, motion c altxied. Letter f rom Brady Const. Co. was re.d regarding the property for the constinuation of sewer operations. materials would be removed as requested. removal of materials from City Mr. Nicholas advised that the Letters from Mr. Marshall and Mr. Toner were read regarding the Water Force account financing and recommednations to proceed. elm. C. E. Johnson moved thaJ the date for delinquent taxes be set for October 1st instead of September 15th. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion earried. C. E. Johnson made a report on the leagUe of Alaskan Cities and the legality of parking lots by the City. Shipments of explosives into the Port of Seward was discussed by the Council as well as the eequirements of the Coast Guard. Clm. C. ~. Johnson moved that individual permits be issued for each shir;ment of explosives destined for the Port of Seward~ Secondeid by Clm. Painter, All in favor, motion carded. Petition regarding, sewer connections on ~Q.i41-o\\U! ~ ~I;I;t~Q~R;fi~1J Urbach was raad. Clm. Pain,ter moved to accept the land presenf to-AN :f:'nQ-l'neer. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. 'painter moved that the hourly payroll for AUgUst 1 to 15th as read, be approved. Seconded by Clm. C. E. Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Resignation of Art Duncan from t he Water Department was read and to be referred to the Utility Board. Clm. C. E." Jqhnson moved't,o sell Lots 26,21,.28,2!!, 30, Block 10, La.ubner Additfon, Lots 35 and 36, Block 9, Laubner Addition and Lots 9, 10, 11,1~,13,14, Block 3, Laubner Addition for total price of $1,50aroto J. Vic Brown rr, if found to be in the clear by City Engineer. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in :lavor, motion carried. Bids of R.Painter for $450 and Victor Starry, $525 for lot 40,Block 15 were read. Clm. McRae moved to accept the bid of Victor Starry for $525.00 for Lot 40, Block 15. Seconded by Glm. C. E. Johnson. Clm. McRae, C. E. Johnson, Cole and Gus Johnson voted yes. Clm. Painter, no. Motion carried. The matter of rent stabilisation that had been tabled until this meeting was discussed. .Clm. Mcl{ae moved to discontinue rent Stabilization in Seward. Seconded by Clm. Gus J ohnso~ All in favor, motion carried. . , -R~okation of amendment -to Ordinance No. 202 was discussed,- w-ith decision that -a meeting be called for noon Wednesday with five couneilmen present . Letter f rom Foss, Malcolm and Olson regarding hospital plans was read and the hospital plans were reviewed and discussed. Motion was made and EElconded to adj ourn at 11: 00 0' clock P.M. Appro...... &'A'L 7 :Z. ..~ May . W~/~ i 1 erk ' Attest Seward, Alaska August 20, 1952 A special meeting of the Common -';ouncilwas called.to order at 12:00 o'clock noon f~ the PUlfis~ ote re.ad~fhe bills ancL,;revoldng and amendina Ordinance No. ..202. d Gu ~or Lan 1nt e ~h reBen~ were~lm. lfu~ae, -Pa1nter, c.E.Ioanson, vere an s nnsoli.- sen lorn., "'ton., r. ~lm. McRae moved to pay bills as read as follows: Andy's, $21.45, Anchorage Times, $83.60, ATEC, $15.16, Burrouqhs, $5.08, Bay City Const. Co., $11.00, Ballou & . Wright, $16.29, Commissioner, $3.00, Doyle's, $20.70, '~in ErTts0Nptors, #12.45, ~n Agency, $29.90, Chas. R. Hadley Co., $153.84, Kenai Lbr. Co., $22.16, Osbo's, $1.30, Paulsteiner's, $2.88, N.C. Co., $98.19, Albe~ Trump. $36.00, S~ard Trading Co., $5.06, Seward Hi.r9walteJ.:cS5bl}~, Se'dard ~chine Shop, Sp.27, S andard Oil Co. $200.51, Rutledge, Johnson & Assoc., 1981.00, Safeway Airways, $~3.l5, Seward Elec. System, $564.05, Patricia Willi~, $961.90, Water Dept., $142.50, Petty Cash, $13.09. Water DepartmentaBeaver & VanSeventer, $5.63, Bay City Const. Co., $36.00, Aron Ericson, $11.00, Seward, Plbg. & Hetg.,~54.61, Seward Machine Shop, $39.42. Seconded by Clm. C. E. Johnson, Clm. McRae, yes, I I I .. '....'l,:-..., ! V II) Seward, Alaska August 20, 1952 Clm.'Painter, yes, Clm. C. E. Johnson yes, elm. Cole, yes, Clm. Gus Johnson, no vote. Motion carried. 'Clm. Painter moved to suspend the rules for the revokation of amendment to Ordinance 202 and changes to Secs. 13 and 14 of Ordinance No. 202. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to revoke ordinance Aull!nding Section 1,e,Ccmoernling,::tll.i,Management and Operation of Public Utility Systems, Ordinance No. 202. Seconded by Clm. McRae. Ala in favor; motion carried. -- amend Clm. Painter moved changes tiSections 13 and 14, Ordinance No. 202, as follows: Seotion 13 .&11 read. The Board shall appoint lpanagers whose terms shall not exceed five (5) years 'and whose salaries shall be fixed by the Board. Such ~Ii.agers shall be subject to removal at any time by majority vote of said Board. Section 14 shall read: The managers, subject to regulations promulgated by the Board, shall be responsible for the management, operation, and maintenance of all utilities under the jurisdiction of the Board; They shall select all subordinate employees and and be responsible for their services; they shall, with the approval of the Board, establish compensation of their employees. They shall direct and coordinate the services of utility employees; maintain all employment records required either by law or the Board to be kept and file all reports required by any goverrnnent agency. They shall report monthly to the Board, enforce payment of all accounts owed for 'I services rendered, and perform such services ass aid Board may, at any time _require. The managers shall furnish a surety bond, the premium of which shall be paid by the Board, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for the faithful and honest performance of their duties. They mall be responsible for the collection of all utility bills from customers and for all supplies, inventories, materials and equipment acquired for and expended by the Utility in the usual course of business. All collections by: theim"sha1r-~e9Ulat1y, :as:,theBoard shall require, be deposited with The First National Bank of Anchorage, S~,ard E<<anch, in an account designated by t he Board. All disbursements from said accounts shall be upon vouchers co-signed by the chairman of the Board and the manager. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 1:00 o'clock P.M. Attest ~~ Ci y C erk Approved E ~ - <' ~ ,;;L:> yor , ''-'<;7 Sewa rd, Al aska August 25, 1952 A special meeting of the Cornmon Council was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of signing a contract with Foster & Marshall for up to $350,000 of bonds. Mayor banier in the chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson, Col~ and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. l'amil ton. Letter from Foster & Marshall and the con~act were read by the City Clerk. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract for $300,000 of bonds with Foster & Marshall dated August 22, 1952. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. Motion wasmadeand seconded to adjourn at 7:40 o'clock P.M. Approved p <.--" / 7 , '~Mayor z ~1' Attest 9-~'\J'I~ Ci ty ~eK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ..t \' Sewar-i, Alaska September 2, 1952 ---.-.'- .-'-, .... ...-- ~-- -.-----.-,- .-~-~--..---.-,.- '-' ~ .. -.-- -- --_._---------~-- -- - -~---_.._.__._----~.- - .._...~----- - -_._.~_._- . - - - - -....- - - I A special meeting of the Common Council was called to ord.r at 2:30 o'clock P.M., ! For the purpose of conferring with Donald Wilson, Director $f APW regarding futur, Public Works for the City of Seward. Mayor Lanier in the chair. 'Present were ' I Clm. Painter, C. E. Johnson, Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. McRae and Hamilton; 'Mi. Wilson was present and"a letter was read from him on tne procedure of going ahfad wi th the plans for new hospital and sbhool. Numerous "questions were a sked by the ; members of the Council r"'gardinq the status of hospital and school with Mr. Wilson , stating the City should rlot only ask for funds for hospital and school but any oth~r 'projects that would be needed in the future such as paving of streets. He also ' , advised that the three projects be put on the ballot ror the people to vote for ju"t , as soon as possible so when funds were available Seward would be ready to go ahead with any of their plans. The City Clerk was instructed towdte for all informaUJn I regarding procedure for paving as well as price per foot etc~ The school project : to be $1.000,000 , the hospital project to be $725.000 with the approval of bonds I for schoo project in amount $600,000, and the hospital $400,000. : l Motion was made and seconded to adjourn a t4:1~ o'clock P.M. 'Attest ~ ft~ Ci y lerk e;2:) :z::: APpro~dil<jf~" 7 ~~~4 ' Mayor , (' , - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sep:l:~lUbe;r1 '2;' 1952"; . tieward, Alaska . .,. . ./' - A regular meeting of the Conunon I,.;ouncil was called to' ord.~r 'at d8 ;'tJ'o- 'b;'ciiock P.M. 'Mayor Lanier in 1he ,Chair. . Present were CIin. McR,a,e, Pa.inter" C.' E. John~,- ~ol&-, and Gus Johnson'. 'Absent Clm. Hamilton. ' , ,,"~ " ' 'f , ," arier sp!,!cial r, " : Minutes of the laSt regulai Imeet'in~ were' read ane( appro1l'ed: , . If' . ~ . :., ... '" i .. . ~ The Mayor recommended that a memorial fund of $500 be given to the 'family of Harry D. Ball deceased police,officer. ,Clm. C. E. JolIn,son mo'fed, :that the ~ounl'il.. in" behalf of the City of sew'ah:f; "present '-fo the' f1iIlnly of Hairy D. Hall, deceased police officer a memorial fund of $500. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Sipprell and Admiral Ziesler of Alaska Steamship Co. were present regarding explosives. Ordinance No. 204 was read and discussed. Admi:t:a;l':stat~dth:at- he was going to Juneau to confer with the Coast Guard regarding eKplosives ~n~ ~oul9 advise- the C-ounc11 of ute -results.' Clin. C~ E. Johnson aDcf Pa(nter were appointed as a committee on explosives. Clm. McRae moved to authorize the mechanic to spend $600 for parts from Ballou & Wright. Seconded by Clm. Cole. all in favor, motion carried. ,Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to reject the bid of Mr.' Atchley for the DC4 ~at of $4,000. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Gus, Johnson moved to sell the gas range in Housing Area to James Kirkpatrick for $100 as per letter. Seconded by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. Petition for extension of sewer hetween Third and 4th Avenues, Brock 15 waS read. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to write APW for extension of sewer between 3~d and 4th Avenues, in Brock 15, north to Jefferson St. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Complaints on the present installation of sewer from Mr. Trevethan and Dan bouthard were read and City Clerk: instructed to forward to forward to APW attorney, Mr. Riley. Proposed R~lution 23 was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Painter moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of R solution 23. Seconded ,. by Clm. Gus Johnson. Clm. Gus Johnson moved to adopt R,.solution 23. RES 0 L UTI 0 N . 23 BE IT RESOLVED, by the members of the Common Council of the City of Seward, THAT, Eugene N. Lanier, Mayor and Charles E. Cole, Finance Officer~ (to be -.;. "".... j. ~ J J ~) Seward, Alaska September 2, 1952 fi8t~i~tR Sgw~~~e~rWR~rPi9~ttN~tYbrl!it~~aof)A~~o~~~~iAU~QR~~tooPign a $5,500.00, payable in ninety (90) days from the date of the note, together with interest at 6~, for the City of Seward Water Department. I Attest: Sigrid Stearns Ci ty Clerk (signea) A.G.McRae ,~ussell Painter C.E. Johnson C. E. Cole Gus A. Johnson Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Herman E. Leirer Raymond M. Seferovich Murl P. Trevethan Letter from Foss, Malcolm and Olsen regarding hospital plans was read. Clm. Cole moved to approve the preliminary plans for the proposed new hospital and authorize the Mayor to sign the plans. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. C. ~. Johnson moved that Proposition No.1, Hospital Bonds in a$ount $400,000, aoposition No.2, School Bonds in amount $600,000 and Proposition No.3, Paving and underground improvements in amount $200,000 be put on the ballot a Special Llection to be held October 14, 1952. Seconded by Clm. 60le. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:45 o'clock P.M. APPrOYed~ yar -'/~ ~.. _ _ o~ ---' -, Attest:~~1 ~ City Clerk I Seward, Alaska September 15, 1952 No quorum being present the rc,gular mecting o~~ounCil~~d~ Approved, , t ~ ."-,=, ,~ Mayor Attest ~J'~~ C y lerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska September 23, 1952 A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of taking care of all the business of the regular meeting of September 15th, for which there was no quorum, Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson, Cole, Hamilton and Gus Johnson. R. J. Stanton was present in the Marathon Addition, lots at public auction. regarding information relative to the purchasing of lots and there was discussion regarding the selling of these / I Clm. Hamilton moved to set a minimum of $500 purchase_price per lot for all lots to be sdld in the Marathon Addition. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor,motion carri ed. Clm. Hamilton moved to set minimum requirement of $10,000 per dwelling and adhere strictly to City Building Code, Chapter IX, Marathon Addition to be residential district only. Seconded by Clm. McRae. Discussion. Clm. McRae withdrew his second to the motion. Clm. Hamilton further moved all assessments to said property in Marathon Addition be the obligation of the purchaser. Seconded by Clm.CJohnson. Vote taken, all in favor, motion carried. W. Sipprell of ASSCO was present regarding explosives and read a letter from Mr. Zeisler also a letter from the Coast Guard. The City Attorney who was present was instructed to draw up a Resolution regarding the issuance of blanket permits for water carriers. Mr. Petrie requested information regardina the hydraulic pipe in his buikiihg and said he would like to know if it belonged to him or the City. Mr. Lanier advised him they would check into the matter when the ATEC manager arrived here. 1. ~~': ~ ,.\ {~) Seward, Alaska September 23, 1952 -- --.. ....-...-.- __ ____..___=____c-:...;:;.-..,.;_,,:;.:o::--=--'---~~~,,"::.-=~~_____==_~__:__=_=...;.oo.-=.-=..~.-~O':-.;:..;.:;.;=:---=--- ---.-.-.-- -. - ~ ~..--,,----.---.-------.--- ___'_-:::"=___:='':::__~_;:;':::'-'-'~'---''-'':=-.-;:'===----''=---=:::-''::'''::~:':=~:~~.7=-_~'_=.~_.__ --=__-,---,=_~,~-=-.=_=;-.::-,== -- ..::.. ____~~~------=-=:::=::::_,.:c::-..:=_:;:;;::::.=-.::..~=__.____.~-.~.=___---_=.:;;..____:::::::..___--:.=-:=;:_=.::...._.__--=.___._. -=:__:C" :::....---:::::.. - - -::.....:::-::......:::.--_---::-::;--""_....::::::-::- ~-=__=-_=_"--_______._ I I Letters fram APW regarding increase in total of cost of hospital was read and dis-. :cussed as well as request for financial information for school and hospital. Proposed Ordinance No. 220 was read h- the City Cle rk. Clm. Hamilton moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 220 Se onded by 'Clm. Gus ,Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. '"", . I: . Clm. C. B. Johnson moved to adopt Q.rdin",n('!e No. 220, AN ORDINANCE OF 'lBE 'IDh'N OF i 'SEitJ'ARD, JlLASKA 'ID AMEND THAT ORDINANCE, PAS~ SBPTEMBER 4, 1951, AMENDING SECTION L ,I OF ORDINANCE 202, CONC~~NING THE MANAGEHENT AND OPERATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTE~. :Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in farov, motion carried. ' i I' the date for Special Election for bonds for Hospital, School I. October 14th. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor,motio~ , I I , I 'Clm. McRae moved that and Paving be set for ,caa1ed. I i I IClm. Cole moved to adopt Ordinance No. 221, AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELFCrION PUR3Jrf. T !'ID ACTS OF CXlNGRESS TO INCUR AN INDEBl'EDNESS AND 'ID ENTER IN'ID PROJECT CONSTRUCTIONr '"IITH THE EU,l\SKAPUBLIC WORKS, AN J\GENCY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, FOR THE . iPURFOOE OF CXlNsrRU~TJNG A MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL, HIGH SCHOOL AND FOR PAVING 'lWN STREE~S, :SAID PROJECTS NOT 'ID COST THE TOWN OF'S~IARD MORE THAN $400,000, $600,00, and ' '$200,000, RESPECTIVELY. Seconded by elm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. i ielm. Hamilton -moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 221. iSeconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. , Clm. Hamilton moved to contact Rutledge, Johnson & Associates to meet with the Coun~il regarding paving and curbing. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carrie~. 'Letter from Victor Rivers was read r.!garding plans for small boat harbor flOdt. 'elm. I-<lcRae moved to appoint Harry Southard to handle the 5Il1all boat harbor plans. 3~conded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. .Letter from lJonald 1'lilson dated September 11th regarJing the use of the sewer was r~ad. - 1 Clm. Gus Johnson moved that the payroll for August 16th to September 15th be approv~d. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton. All in favor, motion carried. ,The complaint filed against the City by H. E. Barr and Answer thereto was read by I the City Clerk. 'Letter from Commissioner ef_Health advised that a Public Health Nurse would be ,... placed in Seward as soon as possible. Cln\. Cole moved to transfer Liquor License No. 3495 from Faye Culverson to Faye Culverson and Ralph P. Chase. Seconded by Clm. namil ton. All in f,vor, motion c a1tied. Clm. Cole moved to transfer Retail Liquor License No. 3704 from present location -I to specially constructed premises at the Renwald Hotel. Seconded by Clm. Hamilton.1 All in favor, mot ion carried. ! L II , , , IClm. C. E. Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 24. iSeconded by Clm.Painter. All in fuvor, motion carried. 'Clm. Gus Johnson moved to adopt Resolution~4 : RESOLUTION NO. 24 I BE IT R280LVED by the Council of the Twon of Sew~rd, Alaska, that the follo~ing : ne.med persons shall act as Judges, Clerks and as Inspector at the reC!Ular Hunicipali: election to be held on the 7th day of Vctober, 1952, at Seward, Alaska, for the II purpose of electing Councilmen, School Bpard and Utility Board members: Judges: ' Charles Malin, Alice F. Lorang,.Ega Myers. ~lerks: Blanche Gray, Wilma Lind. i ,The rules governing the passage and approval of recolutipns ar~ hereby suspended ~ an emergency is declared, a~d this R~solution shall be effective immediately , upon its introduction and passage this 23 day of September, 1952. Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Town of Seward, Alaska ATI'Em': Sigrid Steorml Municipal Clerk Town of Seward, Alaska Petition for extension of the sewer instalation was read by the City Clerk. -J ":: ."., " . ~e~v~r<iL ,il~_s}::<1 "-c=.c.=::.:.--,,_~_,,--,~.- __, _~,. -_____--,.- . - - .~~Et~~e.r ~3J.):.2?J..=.. - , i iGlm. C. J:.. Johnson moved to approve the extension for sewer installation between D Street and Van Buren in the alley xxB between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Seconded by elm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. I Bills were read as follows: Andy's $52.95, Alaska Fire Equipment, $8.00, ATEC '3allo~ & Wright, $16.29, Burroughs,'$5.08, Bay City Const. Co., $111.00, Bay ~rvice $156.00, Comcissioner, $3.00, Doyle's, $40,45, Darley & Co., $39.20, Dale's D~ner, $33.33, Win Ervin Motors, $84.55, Hellenthal, $1,171.87, Kenai L~r Co., $22.16, ,Miro-Flex, $112.13, N.C. Co., $290.34, Osbo's, $9.70, Paulsteiner s, $67.50, , Ray's Oil Serv~ce, $60.60, Se~ard Har~Nare, $122.29, Seward ~~chine Shop, $347.92, Standard Oil Co. $386.73, Seward Elec. System, $1,126.20, Seward Trading Co., $5.06, ~1ater Dept. $427.50, Sewar:! Hardware, $1,918.21, Patricia 1Hlliams, $1,844.83, Petty Cash33.80. Clm. Cole moved to pay bills as read wi~h the exception of Bay Service. Seconded by Clm. Painter. Clm. McRae, Painter, C. h. Johnson, Cole, Hamilton yes. elm. Gus Johnson, no vote. Att,est: &i~ <Ji ty Ie at 11:10 p'clock P.M. APP'O~'Z~'~ Motion was made and seconded to adjourn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska October 6, 1952. A regular meeting of the Council called for 7:00 was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Pxesent were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. E. Johnson Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. amilton. \. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. I Petition of ~ichalyn and George ~iardina for Cocktail lounge in the Theater building \Vas tead. Clm. Cole moved to accept the petition of Richalyn and George Giardina for cocktail lounge in the Theater Building. Sc~onded by Clm. Painter. All in f~vor, motion car~ Letter tr~~ Grace L. Los~for transfer of Retail Liquor License Nol 2853, Bunch's LiqUor Store was read. Clm. Painter moved to grant the transfer of Retail Liquor :License N0. 2853 from Inez Balderston to Grace L. Losey. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favcr;, motion carried. Letter from John J. Mackessyfor request to open a Retail Liquor store at corner of 4th and Washington was read. Clm. Gus Johnson moved to grant Retail Liquor License to John J. Mackessy for Retail Li~lor Store at corner of 4th and Washington., Seconded ny Clm. Cole. rill in favor, motion carried. Seward General Hospital letter re~~ested permission to make entry way downstairs on the South side of the building. Clm. Painter moved that permission be granted the hospital to make an entry way on the downstairs ~outh side of the building. Second~d by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. I Letter of complaint from J. 1;1. Jeffry and other in neighborho,od was. read regarding the all~y after the installation of the sewer, but Mr. Jeffrey who was present, said the alley is now repaired. m Lettelt from Foster & VJarshall ancl, hellenthal rugarding the progressing of the water bonding were read. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 25. Seconded by Clm. McRae. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Gus Johnson moved to adopt Resolution 25: RES 0 L UTI 0 N 25 BE IT RESJLVED by the Council of the Town of Se1varr:!, 1\1 a ska th"t th.. folla-ring named persons shall act as JUdges, Clerks and as Inspector at the Special 11anicipal ~lection to be held Tuesday, October 14, 1952, at Se1Vard Alaska for the purpose of voting on three Propositions for incurring indebtedness and issue general obligation bonds for Proposition 1 $400,000 for purpose of acquiring hospital; Proposition 2. $600,000 for i)""'; C') ;. t- -,) Seward, Alaska --.--..,.-;- - ....-.'------------.-- - -.. ----...--,--.---. .- . _. .--- .-.-.- _.- - ----.-------. --- _....._---~.__._---~---_.. ---....--.--. - ..--. .---.---...-----.---- -.-.------.-.- -.-- -....- -~.._..- ...~- ------_.._---~- =0=- _~~ber 6, 1952 ~r:~:~f -:-cq~i:ing~~i:-:~Ol ;P~o:.it~~: '. ~::o~o:-:~ :~O::::Ving .~Ft:~~~-- Judges: Mildred Ki r.kpa t ri ck (Inspedtor l Ii Alice F. Lorang Eda Mye r$ Clerks: Blanche Gray, Wilma Lind The rules governing the passage a.nd approval of .resolut-ions are hereby suspended ariid ap emergency 1s declared, and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon ~ts I introduction and passage this 64Th day of October, 1952. ' i' : ATTEST: , Sigrid Stearns 'Municipal "lerk _ Town of 3eward, "laska ""ugene N. J..oanie.r - Mayor Town Qf Seward, Alaska ... Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. " Clm. C. ~. Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 26. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. ~ll in favor, motion carried. Clm. McRae moved to adopt Resolution 26: REOOLUTION _ 26 I A RE3:lLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE LENGTH OF PERMIT AND QUANTITY OF CLASS A EXPLOSIVE~ THAT'MAY BE C1l.RRIED INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF SEVJARD, ALASKA BY AN'{ WATER CARRIBR. BE IT REEOLVED BY THE QJUNCIL OF THE 'lD'.'!N OF 3D'IARD, Al..ASKA: 1. That any responsible water carrll"r so a:plying, may obtain from the 'l'own of 5e'^lurd, Alaska a permit for a period of SIX tSl consecutive months, authorizing said water, carrier to carrf class A explosives within the corporate limits for such period. 1: 2. h&t the amount of class A expl~sives carried into the corporate limits of Sew~rd, iAlaska by any water carrier on any' one vessel at anyone time, may not exceed-ONE - ;UNDRED (100) TONS. The rules gov-:rning the passage and approval of resolutions ar", hereby suspended a~p- an emergency is decle-red, &nd this'Resolution shc;ll be effective immediately upon - its lnC1(Y]';c-j icn cT'G pas,,,,,'., L' "rL' -h-r:)f Uctober, 1952. A':',;,r::ST: i Sigrid Stearns Clerk Eugene N. Lanier NiJyor Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. "11 in f""vor, mot ion carried. -R__solution No. 27 and Petition for Annexation of Bayview School Area was read by C~Frk.- Clm. C. E. Johnson mo"e-) to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 27. Seconded by Clm. McRa_. All in fdvor, motion carried. Clm. Gus Johnson moved to adopt Resolution No. 27: RESOLU!!ON NO. 27 ANNEXATION OF DAWUW SCHOOL AltEA BE IT RESOLVED BY 'lEE TO\tm OF SE':JARD: _ 1. That the attached "P~tition for "'nnexation", marked-Exhibit "1'" be presen~l:d to th~ U. S. District Court, Third Judicial Division, forthwith, so that time 3nd ~ace of hearing can be esb,blished and election ordered, if warranted, it being the des:U:re of the Town of Seward to enlarge its limits. 2. That the Council finds the facts stated in Exhibit "1" to b" true. An emergency is hereb:' declared and the Council SO fi nds and the rules governi;ng the publication, postinq, introduction, reading of resolution are susp..nded ~nci thi's rec:olution sh2_1l be effective immediAtely following its introduction, passage and approval this 6th day of October, 1952. Pas.sed and approved thi s 6th day of v ctoher, ~M:~Em~ Town Clerk ':-- 1952. / Eugene N. Lanier EUGSN~~~~INIi:,"R TCIMN ~..1" n ,,<~ ,~, 1. 4t ~J c..s",'!~.~d,:~ ~~'~'~,~~~~=~...~'c~"~= . Vetober 6 1952 .,. ~::=:-:-::.:-~_.=_-.-,;-.:-..~.. ,=,..=.c=-,-._--,_~--,,-,-~- ,~:,.::,=:-=:-.,=--==,.-.,--"=_--,,, -....--...--- -- -----.- -~..- .... ..-- -------- -"--- --- -~-~ --.. --- .....-.. _ . . ."..... .-...._,_,.__ ~._ _ ~..~"-.._-'--_______..._~,.._=--.~_m___ _..._,___..,~_ '-=I';-'-'~------;-'------:C:O:C~~~~Cc.:,.-.",..-- --..-...-.. ---..-,.. .-.-........ -- -----.......... " I~econded by Clm. C. E. Johnson. , nIl in fevor, motion carried. Proposed Ordinance No. 222 was read by the ';lerk. ,elm. Gus Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Ordinance No. 222. 'Seconded bv Clm. HcRae. All in favor, motion carried. I Clm. Painter moved to adopt Ordinance No.222 AN ORDINANCE TO P!{QVIDE FOR THE SALE AT 'PUDLIC AUCTION OF CEl?I'.rJ: N LOTS IN THE 11ARATHON ADDITION TO THE CI'IT OF SE:JARD. Beconded by Clm. Cole. nIl in ravor, motion carried. Marvin Viale of Resurrection Bay Cannerv was present regarding his taxes and Toad maintenance. Clm. Pain~er moved the taxes for Resurrection Bay Cannery be hahd[ed as in the past, by the ~ity re-imbuning the cannery for road maintenance in amount of taxes. Secondeci by 1m. McRae. Jill in fdvor, motion carried. There was a discussion regarlng the City maintaining the road to the canner; and puttiw; in a permanent road, the ma,tter to be referred to }Kil. !Southard. Notice of Hearing on the tentative water rate schedule increase was read by the City Clerk. About thirty persons were present at this increased rate hearing, Mr. W. C. Erwin requested clarification regarding the charges for Standard Oil and he was advised bJ members of the Utility Board who were also rresent. Mr. Viale requested inforrr~tion regarcmrlg water of S~.ard SeafoDds and was advised they would be includ~d in the rate schedule. Mrs. Nicholas asked if anything were being done wit" the water system at the present time to insure adequate wa ter during the winter and was ad- ~ised by the Utility Board that work is progessing as rapidly as possible. I Clm. Painter moved to adop~ the new proposed water rates for the Seward Water System. Seconded by Clm. ~ole. Discussion. Clm. Cole' withdrew his second to the mption. Clm. Painter amended his motion to include the exclusion of the Jesse Lee Eome from payment of water , to include the Seward Electric System at $30 per month~ and transfer dairies from Group 1 to Group 4 at $20 per month. Seconded by Cln. Co~e. All in favor, motion carried. R. E. Williams Was present regarding leave pay and asked if he were still superintenden of streets. The matter was discussed, he was advised he had not worked for the City a full year which is the required time for accumulation of leave, and he was told Mr. Nicholas had been appointed superintendent. W. C. E wi~was present in behalf of the hospital board with co~pilation of Historical facts C~i\cernjng the Hospital, which was read by the City Clerk. 'Clm. Painter moved to approve the B1storical Facts for Hospital Board as read. Sec0nded by elm. Cole. All in f~vor, motion carried. Bill for damage to Grace Burke and Felix Radav property was discussed. Clm. Paihter moved to approve the bill to the City in the amount of $21.75 for repair to fence. ' ;Seconded by Clm. Cole. Jill in favor, motion carried. J. H. Jeffry in hehalf of the PTa requested assistance for building a shting rink and was advised to contact Mr. Nicholas for use of City equipment when available. 'Telegrams and pamphlets declaring Seward a Critical De~ense Housing Ar~a for rent control were read. Victor Rivers letter re dolphin off the Cold Storage dock was read and discussed. I Rent Stabil~tion letter was read regarding the rates of Bay Service. The matter was discussed and the City Clerk instructed to answer. Clrr.. Gus Johnson moved to approve the payroll as read with the exception of Al ',Jebet pending clarification~ Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in fdvor, motion carried. Letter from Bur2au of Land Management regarding lots in block 5, Federal Addition was read and City Clerk instructed to make application for the purchase of these lots. Letter from Corps of Engineers ror partial cancellation of lease of property was read also letter from Brady Canst. Co. requesting additional lots, City Clerk notified to advise Brady Con~t. Co. that the lots are not available. ClI~. Painter moved to authorize the Mayor to sign partial cancellation of Lease No. W-37l0-eng-21. Seconded by Clm. Cole. "11 in f"vor, motion carried. Letter of t~anks from Tony Schwarnm for sueeessful dedication of airport was read. 1,-, '1 . ,') \ , Se"rard, Alaska October 6, 1952 . .~_._--_:-- ==-:"::::"-::'~-::''''==.-:::''-:-::''~~-=-_._--=-=cc",,----==----==-:::-~--=..::~';~.o.=-=.:;~~~~"::::_~'~---=::=------=-~::~~-=-'~~=:~==~:'~--------:::::-_:::.....-====~'=-=7-"":;:'______ -.----e;.;;;.--:--:c.:-:_:::-:-,-=---::.""'__=:::..=-;::----=--~__:::____'_'_~__::::___==."...==_=-~_=:::c_=__:::::,.-==__=_,:-;~----'---~_-c:_..______::..:.:...-.~-==---==:-:_::.=_====_.,.._...,._:__==:.:::===_::..-.=~_=_~::o::_=_..--. Iw. J. TWeet, of APW, in letter of September 26th granted permission to occupy portil~,. ns of the sewer now being constructed. l MaYQr Lanier appointed Clm. Painter in charge of the Street Department immediatel,.., Clm. Hamilton relieved. Seconded by Clm. C. E. Johnson. All in fa'~r, motion car1ied. Gabe's. " " I, II Ii Ii I i Clm. Painter moved to approve'payment for t of the Governor's dinner at Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11:00 o'cl9Ok P.M. Attest ~~J16~~~ Ci Cl erk CanvassofiJ'9.11Qts:'cf Board of "'lection was read by the City Clerk. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to accept the canvass of ballot by Election Board as follows: Council - 2 year term Council 1 year term John D. Rose - 242 Mary Ann-Balmat Brown _ 29 Russell Painter- 248 T. A. (To m)Aldous 11 Gus A. Johnson - 235 Wallace S. Scribner -75 John R. Reynolds-174 Gus Werner -157 Anna E. Park - 158 Andy Novak -9 Andy Novdk - 24 Utility Board - 5 year tenn: Ri'chard O. Hyers, 331; Jonn Rosness _ 4 School Board - 5 year tenn: Mildred Kirkpatrick, 331; Charles Malin, 1; Blanche ,Gray, 1; Tonned. Bie, 1; Leon Lewis, 1; Pat Williams, 1; Mrs. T. Aldous, ~; Andy 'Novak, 2; Carl Orlander, 3; Gus Johnson, l; E~ Elbe 1; Not valid - 29 Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I _ Seward, -I!.laska Uctober 8, lib952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i -A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 4:00 o'clock P.M; for t'e II 'purpose of acting on a letter from Capt. Carr and canvassing the ballots of ,Electi~, held October 7th~ Clm. McRae acting Mayor. Present were Clm. Painter, C. L. John1Pn, 'Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Mayor Lanier and Clm. Hamilton. I, I: I 'Clm. Painter moved to grant the Army pennission to Deettw6 40 foot berths at the 'small boat harbod. Seconded by Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Motion ~as made and seconded to adjourn at 4: 20 o'clock P.M. Attest ~~ . ty Clerk a5l~~~ Acting yor Seward, Alaska October 10, 195j~ A special meeting was called to order at 1:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign Army Lngineer's Lease and approving portions of~sewer for use. Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. McRae, Painter, C. . Johnson, Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. Hamilton Clm. McRae moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 28. REOOLUTION 28 BE IT REOOLVED by the Council of the 'l:own of Seward, Alaska, 'Bhat the City's share,!: not to exceed the amount of $237.50 be expended, and aut orization be given to , change contract No. '~-5e-A-67, so that the installation and connection of a sewerl, 'may be made from that certain Army Building located in the Anny Reserve located in I! the Federal Additon of Sel1ard, Alaska, known as the Recreation Center Barrack's IBuilding, to the Seward Sanitary Sewer Syst~. The rules governing the passage an~i approval of resolutions are hereby suspended and an emergency is deleared, and thisll Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its introduction and passage this 10th day of October, 1952. Sttest Sigrid Stearns City Chrl::: Seconded I::iy Clm. Eugene',N. Lanier, !'! ayor C. E. Johnson. hll in fdvor, motion carried. -j ('~; :~; Seward, Alaska October 10, 1952 ':'::::'==-==-="'=--==='""'''''=''-'''=:'C:=:=-_=-''~'''';'=~-==':=='-'''''''',=_=,_:,:,,=:,=-,-,o::;, - --.. .--- -.-- ..-.- : .=,=-=- -,---,-;..-,-=~--=-~=-=---- - .. ~ Mr. : The .. ---';-:-:' ..__~... __-:-.__.~ _.'C. .___'-'--_--'__-=._-=-=~e;------=--, _ '" _____='-----'--:;-.-'~::::.~.:~:.;:--.~.--::..~._c"':"..c--_"::~~._-c"-,,,.. .-.c. ,::::.-.~ . ----~.-.~___c'..__:."':::.".:o.";'-,=.'----. -..--~..-::~...-:-_....-::....-:-.-:_r.;--:.-- I Eilton from District "'ngineers was present \'lith proposed new lease for prope:etf. property involved \'las discussed. ....-----------.---------. - -~-~._-_...._. - -. .--..... ...------.--- .---- --"r' --:-;--,'- , -------. ..~_._.- --_._._.._.._~_.- _.- , ~--_.._---- - ---- .- --- Clm. Gus Johnson moved to suspend the rules for the ~doption of Resolution 29. Seconded by Clm. Cole. All in favor, motion carried. 'Clm. McRae moved to adopt Resolution 29. I RESOLUTION - 29A 'BE IT RESJLVED by the Council of the Town of 0eward, Alaska, that the ~~yor, Eugene N. Lanier, and City vlerk, Sigrid Stearns, Be authorized to sign a lease with the United Ste,tes of "'merica for the following described pr=ises~ Lot 24, Block 34, Lots 16 throuJh 26 and fractional Lots 14 and 27, Block 35, all in Se~ard Townsite, Territory of ^leska as shown on map or plat on file in the Office of the, United St&+ccs COIm1iujr \" Jl' -J'2nrd '{ cor.llctJ .- J "--'~t~ill'~-!:. ';:-!. 3l: t 'At a price of $4.50 per lot per year, for a Five (5) year t.rm beginning October 2&, 1952. ~e Municipal Clerk to also arrange ror a trade of Lot 24, Block 34 for Lot 3, Block 32, Original Townsite. Passed under sus!~nslon of the rules this lOth day or October, 195~. Attest: Siarid Stearns City Clerk Eugene N. Lanier Mayor Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. ,Attest ~b?;~ City Cl erk ,t ,,'5 O'C10C~ Approved '-- ~7x'~ - or "- Mayor ~lotion was made and seconded to adjourn I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Seward, Alaska October 15, 1952. No quorum being present for a special meeting . canvassing the -ballots and no other perRons showing, the of the ballots was postponed.until ~'/j J0~-1~ 1\pprove Attest - City Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska October 16, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :A spccj~l meeting of the ~ouncil \'las caflerl to order at 4:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of canvassing the ballots of the Special City Election of October 14, 1952, Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Pres~mt were Clm. Painter, McRae, Cole and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. C. t. Johnson and Hamilton. I ~anvass of the Ballots of the Election Board was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Cole moved to accept the canvass of the ballots by the Election Board as follrns: 353 Total ballots cast, 1 rejected Proposi tion No. 1. In Favor, 193 (HOspi tal) Ageinst 121 Proposition No. 2. In Favor, 324 (Srlhool ) ~;gai :1st 2~ Proposition No. 3 In Favor, 268 (Paying) j\~ti inst, 58 . Seconded by elm. Gus Johnson. All in ravor, motion carried. .f C- ,-) , .... ".~.; Seward, Alaska October 16, 1952 .~~-:-=-"'~.:..:==:-~~~.--=-_o:::--=-=.::::~--=_=~~~=-:?::,,:"'~;-~ -.:;:-~==---.=---==='~""-----=::::..=--:=::..::-==-_;::--~-=:....-------=~~~-~.:::.-"~~ _'"'" =--=-~~:::;'=::C::-=_-_-=----=::::':::__-=:"":~,~~-::.:;. -- ,.- ~ ._--_._-~_.__.._._--_._._-_.~---~--._--_._---- -.----_..- .~----------:------_._~-~~--"._.- - --..--.-----.-.-"....-. -~------~--------- ---_.~ -- --.-. --~._--"-~_.__._- ~._- -_.._--_.~--~_.--_._.__.- - - .-.-.--..-- ---~--'~---'- _.__.-" "m.___~_.__".... ~ _..._._.__~_______._._.".___ _ _._..______,,_~___ City Clerk was instructed to notify nlaska Public Works the result of the election~ I I; Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 4:15 o'clock P.M. APprwe~~.~~~ e (yor j :"'~if ~ Ci ty erk , ... J1 Attest :;/ Seward, Alaska - l- i' October 20" 1952 .----- A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Russell!: Painter Acting Mayor. Present were Clm. McRae, C. E. JohRson, Cole andeGus Johnso~. Absent Clm. Hamilton, and Mayor Lanier. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. " Councilmen Painter, John Rose, Gus Werner and Gus Johnson took ~e Oath of Office~ Clm. Gus Johnson and Painter replacing themselves, Clm. McRae and Cole outgoing. I: Clm. McRae donated a standing ash stand to the Council. chambers and hoped it WOUldl: be used. J. W. Jeffreyrequested peI1llisslon for the building of a combination skating rink: atd tennis court on property north of school building, size of court to be 120' X 60' .j: There was discussion regarding the position of light poles, use of the alley and Ii and the garage of Werner's at present on school property. Court could be cut to ' 100' x 50' for regular play. The matter regarding the closing of the alley by an, elect ion to be referred to PTA and request removal of garage by J., H. 1verner fromil 'I school property within 20 days of notice. ' Ii Harold Horton said the gravel in the alley between 4th and 5th was too high for hi~ to enter his property and he was advised to contact Mr. Nicholas about the alley ~de. Complaints regarding the sewer were read from Thos. L. Howell and Guy P. Kearns. Clerk instructed to forward the complaints to Alaska Public Works. Comp~aints .from the Women's Club and W.S.C.S. regar,ing the liquor license that has been granted in the, J.heatre building were read. .. People present were adv:iaed nothing could be done without a petition and Mrs. Howell stated she would make it ,! her business to get a petition limiting liquor licenses beginning the New Year. Mr~! Giardina stated the Christian Science is a Society and not a Church. Rev. Spau1di~ said the.City ~hould be zoned ,and Mrs. Howell agreed. ! Clm. Gus Johnson was called out. . h ! Seward Fish & Cold Storage letter regarding repairs to the San Juan Dock: was read. i; '.Mr. Hagen -of Northwest Freight Lines and Mr. Reilly were present. " Mr. Hagen spoke,11 saying they would like to IM.ke the improvements with the permission of the City, . and Mr. Reilly said he would have a financial statement shortly. There was dis- I cussibn regarding the charge for each ton of freight over the dock as revenue to :: ,the City, ,a~ well as the right to lease the dock: to Seward Fish & Cold storage, th~ in turn to lease it to Northwest Freight Lines. The letter to be tabled for the I, attention of City Attorney and'Mr. Reilly and Mr. Hagen 1;0 be notified of future m.ting, tentatively Friday. ' After a di~cussion the Council went on record as disapproving NorthefReCBb in fron~ of Tony's Bar. The Police nopartment to have them cease operations/untl! request ' ".... j~ has been made to the Council. ! -I Leeter from City Mechanic for request for cab for DC6 from N.C. Co. at $350 and discussed. was re1d ! Mr. Weber was present monthly as operator. time. regarding the radio set up and request that he be put on pay~pll He said the 35 hours previously paid for we~e for actual dis~atch. Letter was read from the School Board requesting priority to Alaska Public Works. Clm. C. E. Johnson recommended the matter be tabled until a full council is presenti. ,. Letter regarding Hospital election was read and also tabled until full quorum avai~able. ,., .' ~ :I Seward, Alaska October 24, 1952 "_'_ :-.~~_ ~~"';:';":~-"~"'::.c=:~~"'--==~. -,,- "..;..~_.=~ -'=-'-.::'- ._..=,__.~ ":-:""'""=....,.-'-.~-""._- ,,,,c,,--:-:--,,,-,,,",,,",,,..,..,~...o::_=,,,,_ ::;" '''::'=.'':'-=~-==.:;C~C;_-O::~.~ --..- ..'. ." ---------....---- ..-.--- "'.-------..-.---..-.. - -~..- ----~_._----_._-~- .::::-~--==~ Letter from Alaska Housing Authority together with Profit and Loss Statement of Housing Area was read and the matter of extra hauling of garbage was discussed. Mr. Foster had advised Mr. Flynn at least 2i months previously the extra haul was not necessary, and not to make it. The City Clerk was instructed towrite to Mr. Flynn sending copies of letters writteh Alaska Housing Authority. Bills were read and tabled. 1 Painter as Councilman, recommended requesting Clm. Hamilton's resignation, due to non-attendance and not knowing his intentions. Clm. Gus Johnson re-entered the Council Chambers. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to pay the bills as read Andy's, $155.00, ATEC, $44.06, Burroughs, $31.70, Central Garage, $20,06, Win Ervin Motors, $11.30, Hellenthal, $600.00, KIBH, $4.50, The Mart, $10.65, N.C. Co., $11.7&, Paulsteiner's, $19.80, Ray's Oil Service, $70.39, Seward Electric System, $554.51, Seward Drug, $2.00, Seward Hardware, $187.19, Standard Oil Co., $228.71, Three M Supply, $49.37, Petty Cash, ,$31.28, Seconded by Clm. Rose. Clm. Rose, C. E. Johnson, Clm. Werner, yes, Clm. Gus Johnson, no vote. Motion carried. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to table the School Board and Hospital Board letters. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting to be tenta- tively set for Friday. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to send De~inquent Tax Roll for 1950-1951 to District COurt. Seconded by Clm. Werner. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. \>Jerner moved to purchase detachable cab for DC6 at approximately $350 from N.C. Co. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. 1 Clm. Painter mentioned the hazards at the Small Boat R-rbor and recommended a cleanup by the harbormaster of all sunken hulls in the harbor and old cars around the dock and approach. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to approve the payment of 35 hours dispatch time by Al 'leDer. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Herner moved that all monthly payroll be approved for payment each pay day, and all hourlY payroll to be approved by the Council, before payment. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Werner moved to approve City Clerk leave of 5 days. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. Clm. Rose, Werner and Gus Johnson yes, Clm. C. E. Johnson, no. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 11 o'clock P.M. Approved ~//;(~Z;J Acting Mayor Attest Seward, Alaska October 24, 1952 -"- - - - - - - - I. A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of , discussing sewer petitions and School, Hospital and Paving projects, Mayor Lanier in the Chair. Present were Clm. Painter, Rose, C. E. Johnson, Herner and GUSl Johnson. Absent Clm. Hamil ton. A petition requesting that the expense of installing the first 40 feet of the 50 feet from the sewer line toward the property abutting 5th Avenue between Jefferson am Madison Streets be included in the general contract, was read. Clm. Gus Johnson moved that the petition be approved and forwarded to Alaska Public Horks. Seconded by Clm. Herner. All in favor, motion carried. A peti tion to extend a sewer main Addition between D Street and Van approved. Seconded by Clm. Rose. through the entire alley of Block 5, Laubner Buren. Clm. Painter moved that the petition be All in favor, motion carried. A letter requesting an extension of tne sewer so that a connection could be made, was read from R. M. Hagner. Extension being from Station 1 ~ 60, in alley between 1. ,':.,~, l Seward, Alaska October 24, 1952 ~ .0. .._0_.__ .___._.__..._... _ '___0__ _______.__ . -.--"~--------."._~ - _0.____ _._____ '_'0'___ __ - ~ __~ _____O___~___. ___ ~______ _~-,=...c.:::-=.:=-'-- -.::=::'::::-:':':~----=--=--:'~::.:::..~~=-~____=:='=:-=7.:;;:~==----'--=O=:::":':""-''---''--- u __. _. _.________________________.._.. '_On'. ------,-_,_., ___.______,. .-_ ..._.. _ _ __" 'O___.__~______C_.~.._ -- ~~ ____. _~~______,__ _~__m .::.:=::......-------;::---=--==---===~..::....::::-=:::::::-----'-...:::..=--,-=---:::~~~::;:::----:.::.~-:_--=_-_,_'::_c::..~==:c;;:.._..._.___==:::::=:__=7'----::::.-=~==-_=.-= ~------;::==::: ~st.and 2nd Avenues, Manhole #46 to North Station 3 f 10. elm. Rose moved that thil: !request be granted. Seconded by Clm. Painter. All in faver, motion carried. , , ~ ~equ..t for a maohol. 'n ....r .t 4th .nd J.ff.~.on. runn'ng North ~n 4th to oppol,t. lot 6, Block 24, Townsite. Clm. Painter moved that the request be granted. Seconded 11 Glm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. r I I ~ letter from Harvey Murray requesting that the Council approve the permission I granted by the Mayor to Northern Cab -to shift site of, cab stands on 4th Avenl1e. Aft~r a discussion the Council decided to leave the situation to the police to see that i the cab used at Tony's Cafe be pa:Lnted Northern Cab and that, Nb1i:heJ:a.'oilbJ.be allottlld 30 feet parking space. Ii letter to the- Mayor for the signature r~q1J4!sting permission form him by Northern, Cab to r elinquiah ten feet. of. the thi rty .feet in front of Gil' s and in exch,angJ! makt use .of ,ten feet in front of. Tony'.s Cafe as cab stand for ,sinqle cab. Oim"l1()U1i JJlIlhnton IROved"ten~illnt t.he teq1ie1Sdlr\lI11l:iUi.such~tUlled.u an ajdustment is made to the parking : code, on 4th Avenue. Seconded by elm. Pa-inter.- All in favor, motion car:ded. c '. 11 Following a discussion or Projects Aaa-50-A-160 and Aaa-50-A-97, School and Hospita~, Clm. ,Painter moved that Alaska Public Works give first consideration to Proj ect Aaa-50-A-160, .school, before other project applications previously sul:mitted by the;; City of Seward. Seconded by Clm. Werner. All in favor, motion carried. i. Clm. Gus Johnson moved that the Project Aaa-50-A-97, Hospital be put to vote at the i, same time as the annexation of the Bayview IIChool. ' Seconded by Clm. Werner. All illf favor, moti on c arTied. Mr. Andrews requested permission of the Council to move the quonset hut on. 4th Avenue by the Central Garage to the vicinity of the roundhouse. It was suggested that he present a letter of request at the next regular council meeting. Mr. Rutledge was present regarding the survey for street paving. elm. Painter moved that the City of Seward enter into a contract for street improvements under an application with the Alaska Public Works with the engineering fi:rm of Rutledge, Johnston and Associates of Anchorage. Seconded by Cl.m. Rose. All in favor, . motiolli carried. After a discussion on parking .meters it was decided that Clm. C. E. fohnson write f<l!r a contract on their intallation Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 10:25 o'clock P.M. Aw...t::;,.. ;7L Mayor {'~ Attest tf21tt;a- ~".....~ - Ac ng lerk Seward, Alaska November 3, 1952 A regular meeting of Lanier in the Chair. Absent Clm. Hamilton the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Mayor Present were Clm. Painter, ~ose, C. L. Johnson, anH Werner. and Gus Johnson. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read Bnd approved. C. P. Keating was present and a letter read from him regarding the,recent Bond Election Propositions and the expiration of the Hospital Lease. The matter was discussed and iabled. L. E. Hasty was present to discuss Block 14, Laubner and stated he would like to make a trade with the City for some other property, the matter to be turned over ;Mr. Southard, for the two to a rrive at an agreement, then to be presented to the to; CQuncil. ! Mr. Hoogland said the street in Cliff Addition, namely Vista Avenue, has been torn up, trees down and nothing further done, but he would like it to be fixed before freeze-up. ~ '. Mr. Jordan advised the telephone lineon 5th Avenue belong tb the Railroad, should be removed and put down on railroad property. The Council requested that an engine,r be sent down to discuss the ma~ter witt! the Council and.work out a program as it is not wanted on 5th Avenue. "" .) Seward, Alaska November 3, 1952 ~ ~-_..._--~ -. - .._-~-- -~-_.~---,_..-~.~_. --- ------........ -- ...- -'..--.- ..._.- --~.._,,~,..._-- ... ....-.-.... -- - -_.-- ..-....- --.- --..----.-.--... .-. n n"" ......_., __ , -'.._---- .--------- .- - ---_._.__.~ ~_. -... ... - ,.... - .....-----.---. ~ _..._m_'_____.__ , __" 'm____._ _'._m , --. ...-.-.. "----.-.-.-.--- .- -~.- _____n. __..__________..______'_ .. , .. - .... .-. .... - ---..---------- ,------ -"---'-"'---'- -- ~ ~ I Fire Chief Kielcheski requested that an inspection of electrical wiring be made throughout the Marine Ways and that a person be appointed to make such an inspecti,:m. Clm. Painter moved that the Marine Ways, known as Seward Fish & CO)d Storage, have I a complete fire and electrical inspecU_ Seconded by Clm. C. 1:.. ohnson. All " in favor motion carriild.c elm, Painter mCll7ed to appoint Mr. Tofflemire to inspect at the Ma~ine Ways, along with the Fire Chief. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, moti on carri ed. and read, A petition was presented/to limit liquor licenses sold in the City and for zoning, and discussed. Clm. Herner moved to accept the petion and send to the Legislative Committee of League of Alaskan Cities for legal action, with a lettor of approval by the Council. Seconded by Clm. Painter. Clm. Painter, yes, Rose, No, C. E. Johnson, yes, liJerner, yes. Motion carried. Letter from the Nobby Club was read requesting renewal of their liquor license for 1953. The matter was discussed and tahled until the next regular meeting. Bid from Leland I~ller for lot in Marathon addition was read and tabled for further consideration. Letter from Uistrict ~ngineer regarding lease No. W-37l0-Eng-21 was read. Clm. C. E. Johnson moved to authorize the Mayor and Ci ty Clerk to sign Supplemental Agree- ment No.8 to lease W-37l0-Eng-2l. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. Letter of thanks from the PTA for assistance in the tennis court was read. Hourly payroll, insurance bill of $1,009.35 to E dmann A0ency, two were read.Clm. Rose moved to pay said bjlls and payroll as read. Clm. Painter. All in favor, motion carried. fire payrolls, Seconded by Letter from Felix Toner was regarding the water distribution. I Letter from Seward Plumbing 8, Heating regarding connections to the sewer was read, and they are to be advised no one but Brady Const. Co. can make such connections until AIW has accepted the sewer from Brady. Resolution NO. 30 on explosives pennit was read, and discussed. Clm. Painter moved to grant a six month pennit to the Alaska Railroad for handling explosives. Seconded by Clm. Herner. All in favor, motion carried. Request from the Na1tonal Guard for a city bui~ding was read and discussed, the City Clerk to'notify them that the particular building is not available a t present, but it mighthe possible to locate another building for them. Alaska Department of Health letter was read and Miss Zaldaris was present and spoke in hehalf of the Heal th ~ Program for Seward. I Clm. C. L. Johnson moved to continue to support the Public Health Service as previou,;- lYe Seconded by Clm. \verner. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Bie, present in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce advised that the City should have a Port Commission. The Mayor appointed a committee of Gus \verner and Painter as Port Commission committee to co-operate with the Chamber of Cmmnerce in this. Clm. Gus Johnson entered the Council ~hambers. I Clm. Painter moved that the min:tmum arice per lot be $500 in the Marathon Addition . and lots to be sold by sealed bid. Seconded by Clm. C. E. Johnson.. All in falOr, motion carried. Clm. Painter moved to suspend the rules for the adoption of Resolution 30. Seconded by Clm. BUs Johnson. All in f~vor, motion carried. elm. Painter moved to adopt Resolution 30: REOOLU TION 30 A REOOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE LENGTH OF P illMIT AND QUANTITY OF CLASS A EXPLOSIVES THAT HAY BE CARRIED IN THE CDRPORAT2 LIHITS OF SE\{ARD, JU.ASKA BY ANY WATER FRONT FACILITIES. BE IT R EOOLVED BY THE Coo'NCIL OF THE TOWN OF SJ::,JARD, ALASKA: 1. That any responsible water front facility so applying may 1- ;:,?{~ - '.]' I Seward, Alaska, November ,3, 1912 ---. - ~ ,.-. .-- - .. -- - ~-'C:-;':"'"-~~~----~--=~~-=-~~~~~-::"'-~~~~=:.:.::::.=:o-::..::=--~;.:_,,"~.",,--,,"-,___== -.:~:..- -----'-_-=._=_=_:::...._ ~--_...._- --- - --~... .~.. . _._,~-~_._._.. - ---:;='-=.=.-::'::='" -=-::---=----=c::---c=.:.=--;:-~=_-~-=_=__=__~_~----=='---::-=------::::--=.==---=:---==::::----"-c,:.."":: _.~_.=~~-==,~":':::::;::_.~~-.=_=..:_::::;_=_,.._"..,._'~ I of Seward, Alaska a permit for a period of SIX (6) conseCUtive months, authorizing I: : said waterfront facility to carry class A e~losives within the corporate limits f*r :such period. I I I 2. That ,the amount of Class A explosives carried in 'the corporate limits of Sewarf Alaska by any water front facility, may not at any,one t~me, exceed ONE HUNDRED (l~O) TONS. ". ' I , , The rules governing the passage and approval of resolutions are hereby suspended and an emergency is declared, and this Resolution shall be effective imnediately upon its introduction and passage this 3rd day of November, 1952. ---, ATT.t:ST Sigrid stearns Ci ty Clerk Eugene N. Lanier MQ.yor . Seconded by Clm. Werner. Clm. Painter, yes, Clm. Rose, yes, Clm. C. 2. Johnson, present, Clm.Werner yes, Clm. Gus Johnson, yes. Motion carried. R. M. Van Guilder was present regarding 5 day pay he said was still due him from .~ril. rhe City Clerk to check the matter. At 10:00 o'clock P.M. motion was made and second~d to go into executive se~sion, all persons to be excluded with t he exception of Mayor and Councilmen. Executive Session ended at 10:15 o'clock P.M. Letter of resignation was presented by Mayor Lanier and read by the City ~leIk. Clm. Rose moved to accept the resignation of Mayor Lanier with regret. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in ~r, mot~on carried. Clm. Gus Johnson move~ to appoint Russell Painter, Councilman, as Mayor. Seconded' by Clm. l'lerner. Clm. Painter, present, Rose, yes, C. E. Johnson, yes, Herner, yes, Gus Johnson, yes. Motion carried. -I Clm. Werner moved to appoint Perry Sto9kton as Councilman in vacancy created by CllII. Painter. Seconded by Clm. C. L. JohnlDn. All in favor, motion carried. The hospital lease was discussed and a joint meeting with the Council and hos.ital board recommended. Cln:. Gus Johnson moved to pay Joe Doyle $30 as auctioneer October 20th. Seconded by Clm. Werner. "'II in Lvor, motion carried. Clm. C. ... Johnson moved to authorize Hany Southard to prepare assessment for sewer to be approved by the Council. Seconded by Clm. kose. All in favor, motion' carri'ed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn, at ~0:50 o~.I1. ,f7 1l.pprOV~4f.tfv;J~ Attest: 1-~-~J ~ ' 1<i'for Cletk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Ala ska November 13, 1952. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 3:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of disc~ssing ren~ control with Mr. Clay find filling vacancy in Council. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Wern~r and Gus JODnson. Absent Clm. C. E. Johnson and Max Hamilton. Mr. Clay spoke February 1947. 17, 1952. regaring registration of new rental units that h?ve been guilt since Rent to be st~bilized as of August 1, 1952 effective date November Letter of resignation from Clm. Max Hamilton was read. Clm. Rose moved to accept the resignation of Clm. Hamilton. Seconded by Clm. Stoc~ton. All in favor, motion carried. Clm. Stockton moved to appoint Oscar Watsjold Clm. Hamilton. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. Watsjold then took the Oath of Of~ice in vacancy created by resignation of All in favor, motion carn ed. Oscar ,- ,~.., .I :' i Se\-Iard, Ala c'ka November 13, 1952 _=cc~.--"'- ~=._~~... - . -.. ... -- Attest ~. ,,0 ~ City Clerk adjourn at 3:30 o'clock P.M. APProveC2~~</J;;?~ . 'Mayor Motion was made and seconded to - - - - - - - - - - - I Seward, Alaska November 17, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No quorum being present the regular meeting of the Council was postponed until 8:00 o'clock P.M. of Tuesday, November 18, 1952. . APProvk-~ :M/YU~ ~ Attest~~J~ City Cle.k _ _ - - - -[n.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seward, Alaska November 18, 1952 A regular meeting of the COl1ncil was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor Painter in the Chair. Pr',sent were Clm. Stockton, Rose, hTerner and Gus Johnson. Absent Clm. C. E. Johnson and Oscar Watsjold. Minutes of the last regular andts~cial meetings were read and approved. Mr. Gregory was present n,garding renewal of liquor license. I Clm. Gus Werner moved to approve the renewal of all liquor licenses as presented as follaos: Tony's Bar & Liquor Store, Seward Bar & Liquor Store, Gil's, Nugget Bar, Bunch's Liquor Store, !-f..oose Bar, Surf Bar, Anchorage? Liquor Store, New Northern Gar, American Legion Club, Elk's Club, Seward Trading Co. Liquor store, Nor,by, Palace Bar & Liquor Store, Giardina, Inc., Urie's Lounge & LiqUor Store, Yukon Bar, ~rown Bear Liquor Store, Emma Renwald Liquor Store. Seconded by Clm. stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Mr;'d'Bfien requested the use of the City Seal in the banne~ of the Seward Bulletin, and approval was given by the Council. Telegram was read from the Go' ernor regarding the effect'of the strike on working conditions and price of food in Seward. Letter from Ralph Andrews for pennission to move quonset hut from 4th Avenue to Lots 4 ~nd 5, Block 10, Federal Adjit ion. Clm. Rose moved to grant pennission for the moving of said building as requested. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Mr. Luikart's letter for purchase Werner moved to table the bid for $125.00. Seconded by Clm. Rose. of skil sander was wead and discussed. Clm. the sander and advertize in papers to sell at fill in favor, motion carried. 2 'bids were read on lots in the Marathon Addition, both for lot 22. Clm. Werner moved to sell Lot 22, Marathon Amdition to the highest bidder, Leland Miller, for $511.75. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. I Letter from Rutledge, Johnston & Ascociates was ~greeing to perfonn the necessary work for paving under Alaska Public Works program. Clm. Rose moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign release to Ar.my Lease No. W-3710-eng-21. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motior:n carried. elm. Ros~ moved to refund $100.00 to Alaska Housing ;iuthority for purchase of surplus ranges. Seconded bv elm. Gus Jornson. All in favor, motion carried. Letter fr.olll- .Mr. .Tweet of Alaska Public "Iorks regRrding usage of sewer was read. New Hospital Lease for 5 year tenn was read by City ~l~rk. Clm. Werner moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Hospital Lease a~ read. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Hourly payroll for period November 16 to 30 was read. Clm. Werner moved to approve the hourly payroll as read. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. ..., c\<:) t "'I '~ Sew'ard, AlaRka November 18, 1952. .,......,...,... --~---~_..~-- ~-~..- ~---"'------~ ~._.- ::--'-c;.:-.";';,_._~_~,:::~,-.=-~'c-~-:::c.:;;:'-"::="::=---_--::~'~=::::""'::...-':~:~-='';''~'':':':::::':''~:::C---=,_;:=~~'===-.::=_:;:;;.;;__._=-_cc-=--..c_==::....-===:::-:::::=~_;::.--::- ':::2:~-~-~~--==-..:..::...--=--=:---,,;:-_-:....:;"";:.~ _ _---=-:::...=-._'=;--:-.;::;=-~-::::--------=-=..:..-==.=.::.=..=..---=---_._---- -----------~- I Bills were read as follows: Andy's, $64.64, ATEC, $62.86, Bearing Eng. Co., $7.21 --- - ; Ballou &-"!right, $27.75, Win E vin Motors, $23.05, Chas. Griffin, $6.48, Hellentha , ,. Hellenthal, & Cottis, $143.05, McRae Concrete Products, $324.34, N.C. Co., $341.70 Paulsteiner's, $38.27, Ray's Oil Service, $227.08, Seward Trdg. Co., $28.62, Sewar 'Drug, $5.50, Seward Plbq. & Htg., $17,8 5, Sewnrd Machine Shop, $32.65, Seward Elec' i System, 1565.80, Seward Hardware, $126.28, Std. Oil, $243.73, Water Dept., $145.50 Werner's; $32.90, Weber's Radio, $48,00, Dr. Phillips, $10.00, D. Balmat, $3.00, Ii Petty Cash, 21.55. Clm. T,.Jerner moved that the City no longer pay taephone bill ' .: for 81ice Chief. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. All in fevor, motion carried. Clml Werner moved to pay the bills as read with the exception of Hellenthal, Hellenthal; & Cott..... D. 8olmat. ,"cond.d by Clm. StoCkton. Clm. Stockton, Y", Ro", y.,; Werner, yes. Clm. ,'Johnson, no vote. Motion carried. It was also recomnended tla no court time pay be allowed polige officers, that being in line. of their duty. i. I Clm. Stockton was appointed to work with Cl~ Werner on Port Commission. Painter _ Mayor I appointed the following committees: S reet Department: John Rose, ~hairman~ Perry Stockton and Oscar Hatsjold; Police Dept: Perry stockton, Chairman, Gus. r: W,rner & John ROBeiFire Dept.: Gus Johnson, Chairman, C. E. Johnson, Gus tlerner; Small Boat harbor & Airport: C. E. Johnson, ~nairman, Oscar T1atsjold and us Johnson; Finance, all; School & Hospital, All. . Motion was made andeeconded to adjourn at 9:30 o'clock P.M. Approved ~~~//CiZ~e~ Mayor ~.~~~)~ , City Clerk Attest Seward, Alaska November 25, 1952 f\. special 'm.:eting' of the Council Wl.S called to order at 9:30 o'clock for t:he purpose; bf a joint meeting with the Council and Utility board to tliwcuss the water project I' and ad:e:ept"or !!ej:ectdllrW,'liondtboii'tract wit:h.'_Fbster & Marshall. Mayor Painter in th, Chair. Present were Clm. Rose, Watsjold; Werner and Gus Johnson. Ah.ent Clm. Stockton and- C.,E-o:.JoHnson.-;. ' ,; !' New contract was read by City Clerk and discussed by Council and Utility Board memb,rs. elm. Gus Johnson moved to ask for an extension of the contract dated August 22nd, ~952, with Foster {', Marshall. Seconded by Clm. Werner. All in favor, motioncarri.d. The Utility Board said they did not need addrtional monies as set forth in new . ~ontract and did not plan on paying Petrovich in full with bonding money. ~lm. \.Jatsjold moved to loan the Se'.vard '!later System $8,000.00. Seconded by CIm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. a' ~ Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 10:45 P.M ~ ~ ../1 Approve A~,,----~-1 ~ tJ ~ - Mayor Attest y _~,~ ' Ci lerk -1>0------ Sel1oTard, Alaska December 1, 19~2 A regular meeting of the Council was called to orner at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Werner and Gus Johnson. Abspnt 'Clm. Watsjold and C. E. Johnson. ,Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. L. E. Hasty was present regarding the status of his buildings in city street. Clm. Stockton moved to grant privilege for use of Mill street to L. E. Hasty, on six months notice to vacate. Motion disoussed. Clm. Stockton withdrew his motion. Clm. Gus Johnson moved to purchase Block 14, Cliff Addition from L. E. Hasty for :$384.00. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, moti:on carried. C. E. Keating was prese nt regarding the recent Hospital lease and advised the 'Council he felt the citizens should vote on the letting of this lease it ~nto;v~ngT, ,property of more than $5,000, that the Council does not have the right to sell or 'lease any property over this value without the vote of the people, that the matter should be investigated and no one person's word should be taken. The City Clerk was instructed to write the Attorney GeneEl regarding this matter. ~oTo letters from Fire Chief Kielcheski with recomnendations for wiring of school and Seward fish & Cold Storage were read and discusse.d Clm. Werner moved that a " i ""/' ( c, . ' ~) Seward, Alaska December 1, 1952. m_______" _._ -;:::=----;-;:--;:..='=._,c;:o. _.,-=..:::-:c-.....:=---::;--,.~ --.='==- , i I, copy of the letter from the Fire Chief be sent to Seward Fish & voId Storage, i giving 30 days notice for complete new wiring 'by a qualified electrician. Seconded , by Clm. ~ose. Clm. Stockton, no, Rose, yes, Werner, yes, Clm. Gus Johnson, no. Motion failed. 1 ,Clm. Stockton moved to send copy of letter from the fire Chief to Se,lard Fish & Cold 0 orage giving 90 days notice to comply with contents of letter from the Fire Chief~datp.d December 1, 1952. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. The City Clerk instructed to ',[ rite the School Board/to comply with r-ue$t of Fire Chief. and Seward Fish & Cold $tq. Letter from Foster & Marshall dated November 26th, regarding 6tatus of the, bond issue was read and discussed, and the Mayor to call Mr. Hellenthal aadng that both Mr. Marshall and Hellenthal come to Set'lard to confer with the Council and Utility Board. establishments Letter from Nobby Club regarding closing hours oflkp%/was read. Clm. Rose moved that permission-be granted to barB to remain open all night on New Year's Eve only. Seconded by ~lm. Stockton. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Brady Const. Co. dated October 6th, for option on Blocks 20 and 33 Townsite for 90 days, was read. Clm. Rose moved that the City is not interested in granting any further options on City property. Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in_ favbr, motion carried. L. J. Terry application for the police force was read. Letter from Ghief Evans regarding truck routing was read and discussed and Ordinance 212 pertaining to this matter was read. I Bid from Homer Bee for Lot 28, Marathon A 'clition was read. Clm. stockton moved to . accept the bid of Homer Boe for $505.00 on Lot 28, Marathon Addition. Seconded by elm. ~erner. All in favor, motion carried. ~Clm. Watsjold entered the Council Chambers at 9:30 P.M. Copy of letter from Hellenthal to Southard regar~ing progress on Bayview Addition was read. Seward Fish & Cold ~torage letter was read requesting installation of additional doors in electrical building. Clm. Rose was appointed as a committee to investiga~e the proposed changes. Alaska Department of Health sent copy of letter mailed to APW regarding sewer . connections and clean outs, which was read and discussed. Letter from Bellingham Chamber of Commerce and telegram from l~yor of Bellingham, were re~d, regarding their Port to be used for shipment to Alaska by Alaska SteamshipCc No. action taken. City Clerk instructed to write a letter to C. E. Johnson requesting that the keys to police station be turned over to Perry Stockton, now Police Commissioner. Hourly payroll was read. Clm. '/prner moved to approve the hourle payroll as read. r:econded by elm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried I Mr. Trevethan and Mr. Green of the Hospital board were present and Mr. Green gave a report on the hospital and the New Nurse's Home. All members of the Council were invited to lunch at the Hospital on Thursday noon. Clm. Stockton spoke regarding the use of the Railroad ambulance,; with the Railroad being willing to have it used if there would be no cause for liability on the part of the Railroad. Clm. Rose spoke regarding the sale of the DC4 cat. The matter was discussed and Mr. Rose to learn what price would be paid for the cat. ~lotion was made and seconded to adjourn at ll~GO o'clock P.M Attest , f It k~'<J . \ '),);,,0--' ity Clerk APP=.r4~(~~) . yor " i () (l ::... ~J, Ge'ard, Ala"ka December 2, 1952 ____~_.. .,~ .._n.__ "-'-"--~;=-_"=::''''---''-~'''':'::'---';:-'''"';''::'''''''''''_-=---''--='_~';''..:..;:o;.::=-:;..=.,.-_..,.=_c:..=--..c=:,::",--"2:;",::",~.,__~~___=-_~~-=-..:..-=~,=~:-_ -_~ -= _=-=- ~_-:o.... =_~_ _= __ _-=-=-~~...-=:~~_ _==--:..,:~::::.::-..::._~::;: =-I~ specia~ meet~:~o:- th:=C01~:c-~~~::S--::~led to-:::::~t ~:'~~-~~-:lOC~-~.:~--f~r- :::I~~~-"~-- i pur~~~r'df adopting a resoluti)n for an extension of the loan from the Bank for th thenHater System. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, , Hatsjold, Werner and Gus Johnson. j\bsent Clm. C. E. Johnson. Resolution 29 was read by the City Clerk. i I seco~dJ Clm. Werner moved to suspend the rules for the adopt~on of Resolution 29. by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. I elm. Herner moved to adopt R~solution 29:~, RESOLUTION - 29 t-' BE IT~90LVED by the members of the Council of the City of Seward, Tl~T, Russell Painter, Mayor and Barton St~ton, Chairman of the Utility Board, A~~ : HEREBY AUTHORIZED to sign a note with Seward Branch, First National Bank of Anchor~ge, in the amount of $5,500.00, !Eyable in sixty (60) days f.rom the date of the note" i together idth interest at 6'70, for the Seward Hater System. Attest: Sigrid Stearns City Clerk Russell Painter Hayor Seconded by Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. , Mot ion was made and seconded to adj oum. Attest L1~~rt~4,' ~ ApprovecW/ '~L Mayor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. Se',vard, Alaska December 9, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .I, A special meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of discussing a new electiGn for a new hospital, a general discussion of t~ ivlater Handing and discusaion of Police CornndtteQ Recommendation. Mayor Painter in i the Chair. Present were 1m. Stockton, Rose, C. E. 'Johnson, Hatsjo1d, Werner and ~s I-J ohnson. . , . . Another election for new Hospital through Ala ska Public ,Works was discussed with ! 'Or:linance and Notice of Llection to be prepared for regul~r meeting on December 15~, at which time date would be set for election. I , ! Present status of water bonding was discussed. Ordinance No. 202.was read and re~' viewed and the pCMers and duties of the Utility Boi'lrd discussed. i I Letter of: recommendation from the Police Commission Committee for the Council's .! consideration reaarding the ChiA f of Police was read and discussed. R',comii\endaticiln ". . a,s rol1law:.sl'.; '.~ ~,.' ,:.'~ "'1. _".~i. ,',~, .,~ '."I.'~:': -':" ;-'-~~' ." l:l."I" December 9, 1952 Seward, ilJ Rska Members Seward City Council Seward, Alaska Gentlemen: The ljlembers of The Police Committee desire to make the following recommendation for the Council's consideration: In view of the fact that Chief of Police, FJoyd Evans has made application for a position elsewhere, this Corrmittee 'feels it neceSr1Sry to request his immediate resignation as Chief of Police of Seward. If such resignation is not 'forthcoming, we feel it necessary that his services be terminated; This action will allow the City of Seward time to acquire the services of a successor to this position. M",anwhile, 'de further suhmi t for your approval the temporary assign~ of Police Captain, James Kirkpatrick as Actg. Chief of Folice. signedl Councilman Perry Stockton Chairman Police Commission Committee 1" I . <;:' J. Seward, Alaska Decemner 9, 1952 __=:.:.:=.,_=,=",-===:==:==_'C'__ _ ~.=-:::'_'=_:::-'" =-~..,-.c==_. ..o.:=::-=:;-_-="~-=.,=--:::~ ':'--"-"'-'-"-"',,""..-_. --::-';'"",.,.-- ~ .-=--,-~'-'-"--'----- - - ...._-,~...- ..,,-- ..- - ...-- ."--_."".,..."----,-,.~~. . -,-".__...,.." .- ,,"'-'- .........-;=-..-;-"-".'--= r--- Councilman Gus '.{erner Police Committee Member Councilman John Itose Police Committee Member I elm. -Gus 'Johnson moved to accept the recor.mendation of "olice Commission Committee 'is reiid. Seconded by Clm. We,t sj old. All in favor, motion carried~, Floyd Evans - was phoned and asked to come to the Council meeting. }lr. EVelnS erttcred at 9:35 , , o'clock P.M. and the letter was read to him by the l~yor. Chief Evans tendered h15 r~signation in writing as foll~rs: December 9, 1952 Mayor, ~embers of Council Seward, Alaska Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, Floyd ~. EVi'ns, hereby tender my re~ignation as D.1ief of Folice of Se\lard, hla"ka, as of the above date. Very truly voure, Floyd R. Lvans Floyd R. Evans Evans asked for a temporary commission to carry concealed weapons until January 1st, but the Council said they would be unable to give such a commission. Clm. Rose moved to a ccept the resignation of Chief Evans as read. Seconded bv Clm. Gus Jol-tnson. All in favor, motion 'Carried. Clm. Gus Johnson moved that Evans ~alary be carried on until December 31, 1952, ih lieu of two "'-""'l1cs notice. Seconded by Clm. Rose. 11.11 in f"vor, mot ion carried. I Atte8t ~~~- C ty Clerk Approved 9'0~ZL Mayor Motion was IMde and seconded to adjourn at I Seward, Alaska December 15, 1952 A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Mayor , Painter in the chair. Present were Clm. Rose, Watsjold, Werner and Gus Johnson. ~sent Clm. stockton and C. E. Johnson. Mill;.tes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Mr. Clark from- the Northern Conunercial Co. was present with films to show on portable crusher etc. Pictures were shown with description by Mr. Clark and prices and freigh1 charges quoted. Prank Woods was present with pamphlets on machinery which were shown to the Council for their decision. I Ernest Carlson was present in behalf of the Ame,rican Legion in protest of the rats around the City dump and in homes and he advised that they would go to the Dept. of Health or the Government to get rid of the dump if the City would not do it. Mayor Painter assured him the City will do all possible to get rid of the garbage dump from its present location and appointed Clm. Watsjold and Gus Johnson to make a survey regarding rat control and other land available for a dump, the report to be ready for the next regular meeting. Letter from Blanche Beissner was r-.rd requesting change of name of Par North Cab to Union Cab. Clm. Werner moved to grant the requested change of name. Seconded by elm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. Glenn Tressler was present saying the title to his property was not clear which had been obtained by Tax Deed. This matter to be discussed later during this meeting. , ' . Mr. Vaughn personally applied for the position of chief of Pdlice and was requested "to'make a wri t.ten application and present to the Police Comd. ttee. Ray Lee p~otested"against the cars parking on sid~alk area thus forcing the childr~ i t ~ < ') ;:;, ~' - " ........ Seward, .lilaska Deoember 15, 1952. ="~::::::::~:-~=~~o:.=~~=~-~~.;...:'::=~.~_~':':'::--~~-=-~::='=:::"'::~-_--=.~ =-=------=-=-:::c-:c::..~'_.:"~~_:::::o:::.~:==~_:::=~~~=-=~-;;--===:::.c=~~_=__==___ "-~"T""=~-~---"=-~"=~~~~==~"--~-=--"-=="=--'C_"C'=~-=-__""~~~_=='c==- ~===l~~=-~~c ito paly in the street, was advised the polioe colllldthe was aware of the situation II, and would try to straighten the matter out. I' il Mr. Gregory spoke regarding a quiet title suit in full for all loh that do not no'1i have. clear title, a,aying althouqh this had never been done it probably couH'be. I", Many people were not able to get veteran's loans until the title is clear. He requested that !:fro Mortensen be ,granted pe:rmission for a fifth cab company, the I' matter discussed," """ ' :, "'no \ ~ ~ At 9:15 Clm. Stockton entered the Council hambers. . There was further disCIlssion of the cab oompany, and after being told there were n9~ rdally four compani.s operating cabs at the present time, Mr. Beissner stated he illl actually operating two and Mr. Mlrray is opcirating two. Clm. W"sjold moved to t~e the request for fifth cab company for further investigation. Seconded by Cl.. Gus i Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. The Police Committee was instruoted to ' I investigate this matter and report at tl).e next meeting. " Clm. Werner moved to grant the Mayor and Clerk authority to sign the deed for the , Marathon Addition Lots. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. C1m. Werner moved that an election for a new hospital be held January 20, 1953. ~conded by Clm. Gus Johnson. Clm. Stockton, Ros., Werner and Gus Johnson y.s. C1nj. Watsjold, no. Motion carried. I Ordinance No. 2'23 was read by the City Clerk. Clm. Rose moved to suspend the rulesHI" the adoption of Ordinance 223. Seconded -by Clm. stockton. " All in favor, moti on .carried. ylm. Rose moved to adopt ~d1nance No. 2~3, AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELB:TION PURSJAIrr TO ACTs OF CON~ESS TO INCUR AN INDEBTEDNmB AND TO ENTER INTO PROJrx::T CONSTRUCTION! WITH 'l1iE AlASKA PU'BLIC WORJ:S, AN AGENcY OF THE DEP~ Q)F '!HE INTERIOR, FOR 'lHE ' pURPOSE CF OONSl'RUCTING A MUJfICIPAL }[)sPITAL, SAID PROJECT TO COST THE TCWN OF SEWARD NOT MORE THAN $400,000. Seconded by Clm. Stockton. Clm. Stockton, Rose, Werner and Gus Johnson, voted yes, Clm. Watsjold, no. Motion carried. I Two letters from Foster & Marshall regarding the water bonding' were read and dtscus!,ed including' the full payment to Petrovich. M8.yor Painter said he would call the attoil:ney to see if this would be advisable. Lett~r From R. O. Sellers, Health Officer, regarding' garbage in the HousillO' Area was read and discussed, the Ci:ty Clerk iMtructed to write the manag'er requesting : the garbaqe cans be put back to the individual huts. I Letter requesting change of beveraqe dispen.sary license from Faye Cuberson and Ral.,h ,Cha'se to Faye Culvers~n was read. elm. Sto~on 1IIOve? t~ qrant the request for thei change. Seconded by \.;lm. Watsjold. All in favor, motion carried. Bid for lot- in Marathon Addition from Duane LeVan was opened and read. moved that Lot 29, Marathon Addition be sold to Duane LeVan hr $501. :Clm. Gus Johnson. All in favor, motion carried. Letter from Lewis Hasty requesting' use of portion of road until Mili Street would ' be put thlE!ough, was read. Clm. Rose moved to grant the request with sti*ation in i writing that he will move on six months notice. Seconded by Clm~ stookton. All in!" favor, motion carried. Clm. Watsj old Seconded py i " '" Letter from Edward Coffey for purchase of from 20 to 40 lots was read, discussed and no action taken. TwO letters from the School Board were read, one adv:hing they would oomply wi th th~ reqUest for n4tW wiring, the other regarding fenoing around the shool, the vacati~g' " of the alley behind the shool and the moving of a power pole. Also for additional ground in the Marathon Addition for new schoot. The City Clerk was instructed to answer the letter. Clm. Rose moved -to approve the hourly payroll as read. Seconded by elm. ~tO<:lkton, All in faver, motion carried. :~.L. -- .,. ,: r, ",) ('(>. Clm. Watsjold moved to pay the following bills as read:Al~ska Shop, $33.17, Andrw.~ $4.00, Andy's, $95.11, Alaska Broadcasting system, $6.00, ATEC, $64.15, Bearing' Engineering Co., $7.21, Glenn Carrington, $24.56, Irwin Corbin, $25.00, Central , Garaqe, $15.10, The Diner, $17.05, Erdmann Agency, $12.00. Win Ervin Motors, $lS.8l~ O'Brien's, $15.75, 'N.C. Co., $378.16, Paulsteiner's, $4.80, Pete's Paint & Body Shop, $38.00, Seward Plbq. & Htg. $4.00, Seward Elec. bystem, $601.20, Seward Hardwarlit ' ,$227.61, Seward Machine Shop, $14.95, Seward Seaport Record, $162.75, std. Oil, ~109.22 I ') l c .'., Seward, Alaska December 15, 1952 :==-"''''==;:;- _:----:-.._"...,....:.=,...=".."..="""'=;..-:::.--=-~~.:;;-:....,.---. .. -~_ -'=-=_-:::,___. '-,-,.c,:.-::_'"--''~-';:'C:=:::--''' ..-=-.=;.=..c,=-==-"~.:.;;.,,,-..;..,..,..,=-..o..-=._ _=""'_"'=~=~-_~ ,,=;=-.:.-=-,_c--~=.:::-~;..,=--., =.;;0=="_=:-:--===..-.0.;-'-'-....-'-0_._0_'" -..---." .. - .._-~ -. .. _,'-____~_---,____"'O,..=._ . ....-.--- - --.,..--,---...----.-. -- ___-=..-,~.,o-__ ~=--~._= =--=----..--'-=. .- -..- -... ....,.------..--- - .....------.- ----.--.- ._--.------_. -,.. ...-........---- .... ...- .. ?-:-=:--_- ~~.-._:_::.,,_::: _ _,oo---:,?..~ ~="==-::""=::' =':.....~.-'~._.::..:..:... C.'-- ----_.;;-- .~""'.-.'-.~.:...,,-.. trank Woods, $40.00, R. M. Wade, Co., $2,464.68, Pat Williams, $534.58, , . ater Dept. $145.00, Petty Cash, $3.75, Seward Bulletin, $2.80, Rutledge, Johnston .& Assoc. $50.00. Seconded by Clm. Rose. Clm. stockton, yes, Rose" yes, Watsjold, yes, Werner, yes, Gus Johnson, no vote. ""otion carried. ' .' ;Werner moved to reque'st the Utility Board for a simplified monthly statement from .:t:he Electric System and Water Co. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried , . I :Xhe Audit was presented and examined. Clm. Werner moved to accept the audit. Second- ,ed by Clm. Watsjold. All in favor, motion carried. Motion was made and lIeconded to adjourn at 12:20 o'cloc;77 Approved ~lFf--AfJ;4(.tl:) Attest ~ ~- J~ Mayor Ci ~ Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Seward, Ala ska December 29, 1952 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I " " A special meeting to the Council was called to order at 8 :00 0 clock P.M. for the :f:lUrpose of di/:!cussing the proposed paving survey with Mr. Rutledqe, discuss appoint. ment,of police chief and adopting Ordinance no. 224. Mayor Painter in the chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, Watsjold and Werner. Absent C. E. Johnson aId Gus Johnson. ing Mr. Rutledqe was present represent! the firm of Rutledge, Johnston & Associates, to discuss the survey, setting of grades and other necessary requirement/:! for the paving of streets, sidewalks, and establi~hing gutters, for applying to~. The paving of various parts of the City was discussed as well as the amount of paving that could be done for the money to be appropriated. Clm. Werner moved to approve that Rutledqe, J olulston & Asso;'i~tes suJ:mit applica- tion for paving for forwardinq to, Alaska Public Works. Seconded by Clm. Rose. All in favor, motion carried. At 8:50 o'clock P.M. Clm. Gus Johnson entered the Council Chamters~ Proposed Ordinance 224 was read by the City Clerk . Clm. Watsjold moved to suspend the ru~es for the adoption of Ordinance No. 224. Seconded by Clm. Stoakton. All in favor, motion carried. ; Clm. Rose moved to adopt Ordinance 224" AN CRII NANCE OF 'IRE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, PROVIDING FCR VACATING THE PUBLIC ALLE'! IN BLCX::J:: 29, of THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF i SE'lARD, JIl.AEKA, TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE (1JJLIFIED varERS OF SAID 'ltMN AT A SPECIAL ELECTION 'ID BE HELD January 20, 1953, THE QUESTION OF RATIFICATION OF 'lEIS OR!][ NANCE AND arH):>R PR:> roSITIONS. Seconded by Clm. Watsjold. All in favor, motion carried. . . Clm. stockton spoke in behalf of the police cOImlission COIl1llittee, recommeIding and submitting the name of James E. Kirkpatrick for Chief of Police. Clm. Wabjold moved to apP,1'qve t~'e police conunittee's reoommendation of James Kirkpatrick for Chief of P~liCle. ..Seconde~ by Clm. Gus Johnson. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 9:35 0 clock P.M. APpro~~ yor I Attest W~ Cit Clerk Seward, Alaska Januar y 5, 1953 A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:00 o'd ock P.M. Mayor Painter in the Chair. Present were Clm. Stockton, Rose, C. E. Johnson, Watsjold, Werner and Gus Johnson. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Gus Johnson reported on a new location for garbaqe disposal and advised that nothing could be done until spring. Use of the Bay and incineraters was discussed. 1 q,t 1, L ..l Seward, Ala aka January 5, 195~ . --~'-::=::. .:-:---.,--.=.=.:;:=----:;:-~____==~_=:::::._-=-'_-::o__...::::_::;_=-~-.=_=_=_==_-:;;::: -=:_.~_...~_ ! a. Mayor asked" for a r, eport on the coimni the l~vestigatihg a 5th Ql, b cmn~ ny in t1,,'e / City. The attorney who was present requested to have the matter uOHlrull Until the neXt regular'meet1nc.t,L , "- '. "' i , . , Transfer for Beverage Di"spensary liquor license was presented. Clm. Rose moved tOj,i' I approve transfer of !;Ie_rage Dispensary Lioense from J. Ma~IIY to J. G. Jan,ikula' and Albert G. Lanier, fO~ctlul'!!-SUrf Bar-. Seoonded by Clm. Wahjold. All in frv 0 , motion carried. , " , :1 n~=.::.:..~_..,-:-:::-:c:.. :--_-=-____ _-=:~=~_~ ~"":::':::=_="'=:'~=::::.c--""'::""""---:=-,::- Frank Woods was present regarding the finanoing bf any machinery sold by him and advised payment in full would be necessary during the present term of offioe of Council and Mayor. ~ . , Letter from ~~l .Thom.,s w~. ~~d for odrtstrUction of a buildinq on Third Avenue, the matter tu~'c!'6i'er to the' f'i~6mnitt.. for recommendations. 'I I i I A Harry Southard requested an increase in the present 'land valuations for certain 101s i~ the Laumer Addition which are now under valued, and he was advised bV the Countil to sundt a schedule at the next Council meeting , '.. -, weekly , 'Mr. Flynn was present regarding payment' for second/h&ul of garbage from the htlusincf ~ea for which the City has been billed. Clm. Werner stated there had been no auth,rl- zation from the Council for said second trip, and the City is not obligated to pay: , this bill. Clm.,Stockton ncommended a written request be sent to Mr. Foster of ~e Housing Area to be present at the next regular meetinq to discuss the problem. I; Letter from C. P. Keating was read requesting the registration book for 1952 be t effective until January 23, 1953. The matter was discussed, no action taken. (t~blr) Seward Fish & Cold storage letter was read regarding the renewal of wirinq and tJ-.el matter-turned over to the fire committee. t The hourly payroll was read. Clm. Wah}.d1W moved to approve the hourly payroll asl read. Seconded by Clm. stockton. , Police report for the month of December was reIfd. The red stop light at the sohool W&l!I discussed with the decision of further advertising this to be . stop light in Ii both directions. I-I Letter from the Railraod regarding pole line on 5th Avenue was read.Clm. Werner moved to give the Railroad approval of their request for easement on 5th Avenue pole line with stipulation that poles be placed on lot boundary lire. Seconded by;: Clm. StOQkton. All in favor, motion carried. ' Ppoposed ardinanoe 225 was read and discussed. Mr. Danforth spoke regarding a sal_ry. rab. for the polioe department and the whole matter tabled for further disau8sion~ Clm. stockton moved to authorize Mayor Painter to use funds set aside in Mayor's btcget to att..d the Mayor's conference and All Alaska ~r of Commerce meetings at . Juneau, January 10th. Seconded by Clm. RO'l!le. All in favor,. motion carried. ~ MotionWls made and'seconded to adjourn at 10:00 o'clock P.M. A_..... r7lM,;t:?~ ~or Att.st ~ - - -,.,~,t-\-"- - +,--.-' ~ ~.. - -- Seward,"Ala~' '~-"~' - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . January 19, 1953 - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -.: I A regular meeting of the Council was called to order at 8:30 o'clook P.M., Mayor 'PaInter in the Chair. Present were Clm. stockton, 1<ose," C~ E. Johnson, Weiner ana Gus Johnson.' Absent Clm. Watsjold. Minutes of the last reqular meeting, were read and approved. ~ h Transfer of Retail Liquo~ License was presented and read. Clm~ Werner moved to approve the transfer of Retail Liquor License from Grace Los~y DBA Bunch's Liquor Store to Hal and Claire Gilfilen. Seconded by elm. stockton. All in favor, motion carded.