HomeMy WebLinkAbout1912 City Council Minutes '-V9 F ~- I I I ~ ... SewArd, AlaskA, June 17th, 1912, 1.'INUTE S T E M P 0 R A R Y o R G ^ N I Z A T I 0 V oc:~lO<'.JJ<mYH~xr'~1r:x~ o F SEWARD TOW N C 0 tJ N elL, Temporary meeting 0:' tne ffip.mben' of t1'... T'l"Ivn Coul1ci 1 tif Sew~rd, Alaak8, was held in the offtcp of Ur. F.L.TIalJeine. ~rem'cil?rA f.resent, TIAlle.ine, CrAll/ford, ColY1~'ll, Bawkir'fO, Noon f,au8J'Fl ,uJl Tecld':>lluerg. Up)n Hatton of Mr. Noon, Seconded by Ur. Eauer8, t~~t B tempOl'IU';;' ChairmAn ';;12 c:r_oFen, e ballot waf'! taken) 1''''''':1 tire- as f01101l's Ealliane 4, Colwell ~,Ssuera I, Mr. Balla1n~ bein~ choser. Upon motion of Mr. CrRwfoT'd, l'€conp,; r,:! l'r. Nor)!" t.n" t Wayne Blue be choee~ to sct 96 tAw~~:'ry Clerk, (CeTried) Uoon motion of 1r1'. Ballainp that Rules and Rew:uli-J"Ljorls the Town ~ -. \ of .JuneflV be reCld) Seconded 'by Mr. SRuers, (Ca!'::-'~Nl J and the Chcl1r'roen W8\'1 <Hiked to rf'fld tl:e same. Upon mo'don of !~r. Hawkins th8,t 8 coromi tt,ee be nppoin t.en to c')nfp)' wi HI aY: Atto~':v'y, rt~g6!'ding adjustil'€ Rulfls p.nd Regulations. seconded by Mr. Koon,(Carried) The etair appointed Noon and SaUf>rR. Upon motion of Kr. Noon t~Rt 8 cowmittee be apnointed to drAW Ordinances as neccasary, c:,~p1ing offic~R sna 82larip~ of Officer~, fwd the election of 3 Schoo} Bor-n"rj "'OT t.t,e i~,~"hg yeftr. I::e('(w(h~d C"J' ""r Crau,'<"o,..d , f""'r~'l' ^d \ .; .... n.. j.. A. \ \.' (. -~ ... I The Cl1"in:.[lY1 il[.!l) 0 iVit ".-1 rGT,-qn:en Colwell B.nd EawldnEl. TnA following epplicatior:e Viel'p 1'e91 '1:7 tLp 'r):' 1'1'. DRlll'lhe. D.C.NRthieon, C.S.P~tton, Gustkva R.NA~thy, ell for the nOAition o~ TOWIl Marshal. - UpOl1 m(',~,ion cf ~l.r. Hawkins) 1:lt",'o:r.dl:'d 'oy lir. 11001': that. Tl'ippting Rd.,i,)lH'!1 until Tueoday .Tune 18th, At 8 P.il.flnd t.o meet in expcutive Hession at th8ttime. (Carried) M@e~lng ~djourned. ,,- ~f,Tl:...::..L '" Temp0T'Hry f"}\f1 i r'n'CLn, ; (! ~ , / I;' /1;/(/ ,/,/((( __ . ff'l11nOrnrv Cle::'ty, /; - .. 1 H'IFn I I I ..", L ~,p.v~l~r(l,l. Alfl.Elk" 1, "Ul,,~ l~tn, 191~ I l'e'?tirlg of Sew",!',] Town Council fo!" purpose of Organization, The Seward Town Cour,cil, of Seward Alli,sk:q J'llf-t in eXPf'utive seor,ior;) 8t the ()ffi~(' 0f l~r. F. T..?8l~.81nE", fOj' tree ,pur!'!)A.: (if C'CF,,~leting tre Organization, and any ot'n~:r' buisness that ,;.ight c orne "ef')l"~ then. The meeting Vias ~alled to order ty U,e 'Temporary Preside,,~,. rp.l:lair.,e, Colwell. C)'8wforc'c, EaVlkins) lJooll, Sauers FLT,d Tt:>cklen'c.?rg. nTlswerl'!d Roll Coll, (All mpl"ners preAent.) Upon motion of 1'00"1, Seconded by Sauo:!l'6, t~at. n;eet.ine OP. !Mldt" p\41':]1C'. (CRr'i".,) All voting in fA-vol'. UpGn j'fjoti.c,[I \'[ Eawkins, SeC'o:loJed (,y Sauers, th8t temporRry PrC"J11',ril :4nd Clerk be mac1e ~JW"I"i-'t,..,y.,t. V,')te b:l RoD Cnll, All mpl';hcrs voting iT. fRVOl'. 'J'ne minute,s of tIle prp.v1c.vs meetir.g were reAd, Cn1'rl'!('ted, and were t~~~ approved. U.porl motion of Mr. Sauers) seconded by Hawkins. thAt the position of City Uaglstr~te, and A~sesaor be filled for the issuir.g jear, by tte Clerk, and that the the salsry of Clerk and Magie1.rflte should be the flum of fifty dollars per. month. ey:d t},e sum to 'be pB id to thi'! Assessor, to be fixed 8 t 80me future tim... (Carried) All voting 11.. f<",Cr~'. V,?o'J nr,f1on e,r Sauers, "l'cond'."d by Noon. tr:l'lt RuIes and !iegulfltions be adopted riR read. (CArried) AD 'lotir,g in favor. Upon motion of F.awkins, flecor,ded by Saul-'Ys, tr'.8t ~.~r.J.J.Fin!legan be choAen to act BS Town Attorney fOl' iRsuing yeRr ~t salary of twellty five dollF;rs per.month. (Carried) All votir:g 1"l f?vor. ComunicHtio~ from Mr.L.V.Ray was _n',~ U.oor, rr:.otion uf HRwkins, ~econded by Cra.wford, tna t SITlHC 'be filed (Carded) Upon l"lOlirJrl of :Noon, seconded by Colwell. tY,d, popiUon of Tovvn lS&l'shal 'be paid 8 salary of one r.ulldT'f'd and twenty five dollsrs per. month. Vote by Roll Call resulted R8 follows, Colwell, H;w..kine)!Joon and Sauers votir,g for one hun(ht~d 8,r>d t.e-.IIer;t~, five dollars) CraWf(ol'd emd Te:C'kl€nl~erg votine- fe.y- 0"", f',undred Hlld fifty) TIle r"'~ult 4-2. In :t;-,V01' of ('Ile hur>d1"ed "l;d tW19nty five as salary of Town !I:.arflr!al. TJpOl1 motion of Noon, seconded 'by Hawkins, that, salary of Fire Chief oe twenty -five dollars per. month, (Carried)Unanimoue, , 'ResoIution" School DeparWlent read and refered to Town Attorney for altreation. "Ordinance" #1 read) An Ordinance to e~tabliRh a School DistriC't in the Town of SeWArd. t'l!nr motion of NouYl. l1C'cended 'by E3.V:-kin8, t.rVI t. RulF,s 'he susI,eDch-d Ctr,c' Ordinance #1 pc188 ['s rf'ad, (Car-ripcJ)Unar;irr,ous, ~Jpor' rnoti,cn of l~oon) Reconded by CrRwford, t.hat. meeting adjol)rn until WedneRday June 19th, p",p.r". Elnd to meet in rooms of J.J.]<'innegaTl ill o~)cn r-esaion. (rLeet.ing ndjourned) i-- if ""--',/;' ...;t/l-d/I/r/ fj:J;r /, A . r;~J ___ . Mayor. I :j / ~r I j' / "'k 'vi / ( ! 1/, ' , !! ,~~~ Clerk, I' , 1 P" 1 : ~", (") I I I r: ..... Geward, Al Rfllcr1 ,:11r,(' 19th, lql:::', MI1;UTES SEWARD TOW:, con:CI:", 010' V,'EmmSDAY .JUl'iE 11) tr... 101::: The Seward Town Council, '.n~J~ 1n the office of J'.,T.Firv,;:>qcw) ':2r:h.€F,day June 19th, at 8.~ .~'-o The follnt\ir:g rrlt"m'bere I'!Dfmered Roll Call, Colwf'll, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, Tecklenberc and the President. AI'. l'!'embers beir,g in attendance. T.he rea.ding of the l:inu tee of the previous meeting were rend, and approved. . Application of W.G.Weaver for position of Town Uarshal was read, Upon motion of Noon, secorlded by SauerA that applicldion be filed)(C~rried) Resolution #1 was re~d, and the 22nd day June 1912 was fixed as date of School Election The Presidf'nt appointed Jno.A.:Nelson, W.G.Weaver, and H.P.Wybrant to act as Judges, end C.e.Shea, and L.H.Pederson to act as Clerks. Ordinance #2 was read, an Ordinance fixing the salaries of the officers of the. Tcwn of Seward. Upon mot.ion nf Noon, Seconded by Hawkins, that rules be susperded suspended} Bnd that the ordinance PRSS as read, Vote l,y Roll Call, \Unanimous) Upon motion of Crawford, seconded by Sauers, that eras. E.Brown be chosen to act as Town Treasurer for issuing ye~r, Voted on by RolI Call, CArril'!d) Una.nimous, Upon motion of Noon, lit-conett-d by Hawkins, that position of Town Uarah~l b~ held open untiI next meeting, Vote by Roll Call (Unanimou s) Upon motion of Noon that position of Fir~ Chief be pOf'!tponed ,u'.'~ -"..d ;'egular meeting, Secondt-d by Sauers, (Carded) Resolution #2 was r~ad, A Resolution ado~tinB a Corporate Seal for tr.e Town of Seward. Upon motion of Noon, seconded by HaWkins tLat Rf"soI\ltion pass as raed, Vot.e by Roll Cg,J1 , (Carried) Unanimoufl, Upon motion of Noon, that CJerk and Treaeurl'!r secure what Books and Stationery that ~ould be nl'!eded for thl'!ir offices. Seconded by Colwell, Tht" motion I'l:lssed Una.nimous. Upon motion of Sauers, that Clerk, UagiAtrnte, and Treasurer secure all necessary printed matter, that can be secured in Seward. s("'conded by Crawford, I,;ot1on car:ri~d Unanj.mou.s. Upon mot.ion of Noon, seconded by Sauers, that committee be appointedto havl" the Fire Hall fixed up for futur~ meetings of the C'oundl,1?,nd to !)1'(,vi,le a Table four fl'!et wide by ten feet. long. Ii:r. Sfluers seconded the mot.Ll'J, "ro it cFirried Ur:2nirroufil. Tr.e President appointed Mr. :Noon and 1~r. Crawford on the Conm:.i ttee. rre Town Attorney called the attention of the Council to the fact that the credentials of the Town Treasurer should be s~nt to th~ Cl~rk of th~ District Court 9t Valdez, Upon r:lOtion of Noon, seconded by S8uers tblt the meetine; edj ourT, And t.e .,';l"{ t, in Spe::ioo,l seRsi(,D at One P.~,;. tr.1!! 2lRt of Jun/" 191 ~ Rt t~e 0ffice of J.J.FinneBan, (CD~~ip~) MeetiLg adjourned ~ - -..{,--, ----:0,../ ~.. ",/'/" ' r t .' ,~~ - l' ~//(( ;/ .1-,_~./ if ....- d:lyor, 1 , <\ ,I // r f ., ;: j' \., , !I' / ( (-;~_T _ Clerk, 1F"F0, I I I -" , i Seward, Alaska, .June :nlilt, lQI;' 'MEE T nm TOWN COUl{CIL OF SEWAnD FRIDAY JU~~ ?lst, 1912, The Seward Town Council met ir; Special session at the office of J.J.Finnegan, One P.M. Friday June 21st, 1912. The followirlg members answerd Roll Call, Colwell, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, Tecklenberg ana tlle Prt' f' i d en t. The lLinu tes of the :JTevious meeting were read and approved, The bond of 'r".psUrtol' Cha,s. E.Brown Vias read, Councilman Noon moved that the official bond 0;: Chas. E. Brown as Treasurl'!!' of the Tcwn of Seward, in the penal sum of Eigbteev, t'l,.,"1;CE'nn n.C'Ilers, be approved as read. The mo:ion Wi'll" seconoed by C01.dJcilman Tecklenberg, and upon vote of the entire membership of theCouncil was carried unanimously. Upon motion of Sauers, seconded by Noon that tte position of Town M9rB~~1 be cRrried over until the l1ext regular meeting, was voted upon and carried unanimous. lir. Sauers then moved that the meeting adjourn, a,nd meet in rt'!gular session at the Town HRll Monday even~ng at 8, P.M. JuIJ' 1 st, 191? the motion 2nd,. Noon, Car:ried, (and was adj ournedl d" ,/ ~>tD ' hfl-;.0 ;(,/f ,,;/ A/l,'/ /' Mayor, \, ,( .}// ~. ,- II! I . i.;", I it/, I "7 - ! Ii CtA. Clerk, 0' 1/ 1 < \ ~ t -- ~ .' "e I I I MEETING TOWN Seward, Alaska July 1st, 1912, COUNCIL, r I ....--- OF SEWARD MONDAY JULYlst, 1912 The Seward Town Council met in the Town Hall, in regular session, Monday July 1st, 1912. The following members answered to the call of the Roll. Colwell, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, Tecklenberg and the President. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, Several comunications were read and ordered filed. A letter was read from the Mac Millan Co, a,nd the Clerk was instructed toget necessary information, and answer same. The President then appointed the Standing Committees, Councilman Colwell and Hawkins, Committee on Assessment and Collection of Taxes. Councilmen Sauers and Colwell, Committeee on Public Schools. Councilmen Crawford and Hawkins Committee on Fire Protection and Water supply. Councilmen Tecklenberg and Noon, Committee on Streets, Lights and Sewerage and Wharfage. Councilmen Noon and Crawford, Committee on Health and Police Protect.ion. Councilmen Sauers and Tecklenberg, Committee~ on Finance and Claims. An Ordinance was read, An Ordinance Governing the Taxes on Dogs. Upon motion of Sauers, seconded by Crawfvrd, that tax on male dogs be one doIlar per. year, (Carried) Viva Voce, Upon motion of Sauers, seconded by Hawkins that tax on Female dogs, be two dollars and fi~ty cents per.year, (Carried) Viva Voce. Upon motion of Noon, secondee by Hawkins, that a committee of two be appointed to adjust, regulate a9d alter dog Ordinance, and to report at the next regular meeting, (Carried) Viva Voce, The President appointed Councilmen Sauers and Colwell. Upon motion of Sauers, seconded by Noon, that the Council extend a vote of thanks to the late Fire Chief Mr. A.Erickson, and to the Volunteer Fire Department, (Carried Unanimous) A vote by ballot was taken, for the selection of Town Marshal Mr. Al Peel received four votes, Mr. D.C.Nathi6on one vote, and Mr. Sherman one vote. Mr. Peel was chosen. A recomendation from the V'JltHlteer Firt' Department, recomending Mr. J.S.Hoffman for position of Fire Chief, was read. Upon faction of Tecklenberg, seconded by Hawkins that the recomendation pass the Council as read, ICarried Unanimous) The duties of tLe Fire Chief and Town Marshal were read. A Certifica,te of the recent School Election was read, Upon motion of Noon, seconded by Sauers, that a certific~te of election be issued to the successful candidates, Mr Morford as Director\ Mr. Anderson as Treasurer, and Mrs. Ellsworth as Clerk (Carried) The Judges aLd Clerks of the recent School Election were fsked to present their bills to the Town Clerk. u~~n motion of Hawkins, seconded by Sauers, that the Town Marsh~l and Fire Chi"f assume their duties at once, Carried Unanimous. 'H'1Fc I I I ~ l' l_ #2 Meeting of July 1st, (Continued) Upon motion of Councilman Haw~iLs, seconded by Councilman Sauers that it shall be unlawful to shoot Fire Works, Fire Crackers, Guns or ~ire Arms of any descriptmon within the incorporated limits of the Town, and that the Clerk post four copies of this Resolution in Public Places. (Carried) unanimously. Upon motion of Noon, seconded by Sauers that me~ting adjourn and meet in S~~cial session Wednesday July 3ri, et the Town Hall 8,P.:M. I ltflJ(( ~/7J' " y /r !J-~ - , .tfU' (. ;:(, '", ~. ,':' .~ , Mayor, /7 . I ~ C T ? '~/I(c- Clerk, 1 fPQ' . ,). :,' e I I I ~.. ;("...... Seward, Alaska, July 31'd, 1912 MEETIKG OJ!' SEVlARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY JULY 3rd, 1912 The Seward Town Council met in Special seseion at the Town Hall, Monday July 3rd, 1912. at 8,p.~. The folJ.cwing members answered Roll Call, Colwell, Crawford. Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, and the Presidert. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrected and approved. OrUnance # 3 was read, An Ord.inance establishing a 1!cunicipal Court for the Town of Seward. Upon motion of Noon, seconded by Hawkins that the rules be suspendedand that the Ordinance pass as read, Voted on by Roll Call and was passed unanimous. School Treasurer's bond was read. Upon motion of Noon, seconded by Sauers that the bond be accepted, (Carried Unanimous) Upon motion of Noon trat a committee of three be apPo1:'lted from the Council, to request from the Alaska Road Commission that a wagon road be built from Seward to Kenai Lake. The motion was seconded by Councilman ({rawford, and upon a vote being t~ken (Carried Unanimous) Viva Voca, The President appointed Councilmen Noon, Sauers, and Hawkins on th committee. Upon motion of Councilman Colwell that the meeting adjourn until Monday July 15th, the date of the next regular meeting, tre motion was seconded by Councilman Noon, Carried, ani the meeting was adjournad. ;k; lu , 1 , /-f-;-, ('J ,. ,r-;>cL, ":;:'4/%j,.V;r;t,lc,. :;f /,/,11 ; 1-. /) .' Mayor, 7 / /, , ' ." l /.(:..~ Clerk, Ii -If -", ~ . ~ ~, ,-.... I I I .. ..... j_t~-) Seward, Alaeka July 15th, 19I2, M E E TIN G o F SEW A R i) '!' 0 W 1J C 0 U "T ,., .. " I L, Mr):JDAY J U L Yl5th, 1912) The Seward Town Council met in regular eession Rt the Town Ha.ll Monday evening July 15th, at 8 P.M. Tht! meeting Viae calJen to order by thp. Prl!'flinent, Roll wae called, Colwell, Crawford, Hawkine, Noon, Saolere, Teeklenbere<; ana the Pre"iden t anewered, All members of the CounC': 11 being preeer, ~. The Minutes of tht! previous me~ting were rea.d Rnd approved A petition signed by the residenh of the Town of Seward wall read, Petioning the Council to mnke it unlawful for doge to run at larg~ a.fter 9 P.M. OrdinRnce #4 wae read for the second t;~~, en Ordinance to provi~~ for a tax on Dog5, and to prt!vent certain other R~imBl~ ft'o,rt ""'1)~Y1.ina at larf"f~. Uf'o~ ;;r;:;ion of Noon, seconded by Colwell that ee~t1on #1 be stricken out, VotP. by Roll Call, (CRrried) Upon motion of CC"."'ll, seconded by Sauers, thA.t se~ti0n r~6 bechanged to read, "That it shall b... "''''''''-1'," for ....rw dog, not duly lir~"~"-' to ru"l at 19rge on trll~ st:r~,.J..q "n'1 qll"Y8, unless accomp~nied by prn~ person in charge. It was v0ted Up0D) (Viva Vocal and cO) t" '" i '.:L Upon ''1') tiJ)') "f' Foen, ~eC">1d~0 r" Sauers tLA. t the word he.bitllal' be 8tru~k out of ,,,..,,Hrr, 1f7,(C'n'l'i~d) Upon motion of Colwell eecond~d by Noon) thnt the word breeding eeason be stricken out of section #7. (Carried) Upon motion of Hawkins, seconded by C'::-awford, t.ho::t Ordinance #4 pas S fI f! J"~ad, R.nel C orrec ted, Rnd thn tit be pI' in t~d in the Seward Daily GatewA.Y for one issue. Upon th~ Call of the Rall, r"8111 te(~ in al1 m~1Y.be:('!'i vo+irC i'1 f8"')(" of its pFlSf".~~. Jud~~ 8.G.Unrfar0 0>1 be~rlf of the ^.~.Rv Co. nreeented to tree C01lT1ell for its consideration I A R~80luti.o~ (SUbject to thl" futher action of the Town Council) requesting the permiesi0n to errect rmd mantain .ooles in the St~"ets Bod Alleys of the Town of Seward, for the purposee of making conllec t,i.on wi th i te General Offlc~e and Dock, nnd 2 long dietancp Tel~phone Station at Seward. ~r. S.~.~rA.ff ma1l2~!r 0f th~ AlAska Elect~la Co, ob~"cted to thl" ~Iorf')l'd Resolut.i.on, 'md upon mCJtion of CO\lr1cilJil8J'. Sfl1.,..rs, secC>f1dl!!'d by Co,mcil;1:aI1 Crawford, that 8.C tioc 0)'1 on the prspo!'ed Re!'nl~~ion b~ j~fered until the n~xt regular meetingof the Cou~~Ll, (Curried) All voting in f8vor. Ordinance #5 W&~ read for the first time. Upon mo:;ion of Sa'..lf"n;, s~c")ndl'"d by Hawkina, tl",at th", ~rord coal oil& Kcr::>sent! b", striCKen out of eection .n, (Carri~j) -~ Unor; '!;",.,tior1 of '~"~''''ell seconded bv E.)c){i tb,t the wOT'd :onil road tr;in be stdcken from eectil)r) #8 "(Carried) Upon [<lOtion of l;(.JCl[l, seconded b;:' Teckl,"nberg thR t tr,,,- rule~ be suspended) (Carried) Upon moti on rJ;: Noon, seconded "by Tt"cklenberg that Ordir.ar:c'" /I 5 pa~8 as read and corrected, Vote by Roll C,.ll (Carried) Upon m"ticn ",r ~'I)on seconder'1 ':' CrawffJfcl thet the publishing of On'l.i'1alJCeA <tnd Re!'lolut.ione r,,,,, referp,-l t.v t.Le :Finane... Corr'l1iitt.~.., V0t~, Viv8 VocR,(Carried) 1p\!r7,. I I I JL~, .". c_ .A' """.' . ~.. A cOmU'llclltio\'1 f'rom thl'! School :Soard W'iS r~8d, requesti!}&,: t.::"~ 5um of three ~housnnd dollars for Scheel purpo~~e for th~ comin~ Y~H!'. ! t wat'! Y'...fl"r~d to tne Flnfln~1" Con'ni ttee. A number of Bille PPYAbl~ Wl"r~ reRd, B\'1d u~0r motion Q~ F:"rr'd'1S, pl';/1vnded by :Hoon, t~2.t t1.Je,bl1ls be- p8j4 q>" 1"J!1rr"nto '01" drl?"l':1 for ~',<!ir 'pHyment.ICf1:n"[l'!c1j T11e 'l"e1)("!. ,)," t,"1" Cor;llni +,t..,. "'1 ,\ssessml"nt 3nc1 '1""x~~, was called fo,.by5ct the Prt'Jsident. It WiHI di ecussed at <"~~.. 1 l'"r:/.ct\, 8.\'1,1 thl!! Town Attcrrl~::!r,'''ol'me('l, the COllr:d.l thAt 8. Tax Ordinance would be ~eady for +~-i~ consideration ~. ~he next mpeting. The report of the Special COJn{[,itt.... WO'lS c"ll~d for, ':'his co,arnittel" ~lg.d a pet,it-ion drFtwn up, Re,:uesti:1f tbe .Al"'s'c'" Road r.n,cm'\ ,,6 ior; tr, rT; 1j a ':T"'f!rl1 Road from SewH:r 1 to I:!i 1"" ?9, ! twas ii))roved bJ. the COL.\(loil, and the Clerk WR$ 'Jrd~red to ffi?il 58.me i;')~,!) the Alaska Road Commil'lRion at Valdez, A'he!eka. Upon 1(101..i(.n of Crawford, eecond",d by NGor'l thAt on... ::"';}€"l" h~ Becur~d for tbl" Chi~f of pr 'l~e, n~d two BRdgl"~ b~ ~ecured f::lr tIle": '...i'1e of Tl""11"lUI!~. (r>,rried) U90n mQ:.ion of Colwell, st'condC!(' '-," Noon, T'f1at the CIlief of n.. Fore Df"n.qrtm~nt. be instructed to h8V~ 't}-,I" HGr:,1c ~~nd To[ldc1.~r Truc1< repai'red't0 carry [".,lr1j t:i.on',) 1-;()se. (Carried) UpUJl J:)1)i,ion of Colwe) 1, 1'I1."('('o:"r1.ed oy :NOljr: t!1" t t.r-'.e .11eeting ad:0~rn ~Nd to mel."~ Mo~dav Julv ~?n~ ~~ 8 P.U. in t~e Town ~ ., "".. - 0# "'- ~~ r'~~t,ing \V~)S ;:::~(]~ourn~d. ) '< \ ) , ;J I /f; "/ ' .~L/Ir/ J .'1 , . (('-- il~iJ~["'0' _____Cl ~rk, 1.'.\ \. r' j ',--./. r't. : -\ I I I ..... ~ Seward, Ala.ka, July 22nd, 1912, Ke.ting of the Seward Town Councl1, Bvenlng of July 22nd, 1912 ,. ~- The Seward Town Oounoil ..t 11'1 r.~lar ....101'1 at the Town Hall the ....nlne of 1_17 22..41, 1912 at S.P.K. !be followlne ...bar. anew.red Roll Call Colwell, Crawford, Jloon, Haftl.8, ....1'., Teokl.IlMI" and the Pr.e1dent. All ..al>er8 of \he 0wae1l pre..t. '!'h. aiR". of "'e prnlou. ...Une were read, and approved. A c~nloatlon ... read froa ~.8.K.Gratf, lnfo~lne the Counoll ~t ~ Ala.ka Borthern Bal1~ Co bad prlor to tbe R.eoluUoD rM4 at *- la.t CouDoil ..-tine. ereoted Pole. or Poetoe, aD4 .u-une wlr.. on &Del acro.. :rifth Av....e and the All.y between 1 t and :rcnartll Aft. Up.. ~'lon of Jloon, ..oond.d ~ Colwell that the oo~nloation be fll.. for ~"re reterenoe. It was voted upon ~ .011 Call, Are'. Jlo'. Colwell, Cr.-tord, a.ltl.., Su.re, .0_. '.okl.nber.. ~. Pre.ldent. !be ~tl.n ... 10.' ~e'. 3. Jlo'. 4 Upoa ..Uon of Crawford. ..00n4.d ~ Teokle.berl that the Ala.ka .orthern It7 Co reaove all ~elr wire ttat oro..... ~th Ave. .-att. the AllO)' between :fourth and :fifth Ave with ln fourty dah' hour., ... tM !eft Jlarehal be lnstruoted to out th.. down lf the ord.r 1. not oo.pll.d wlth. and (bat the ord.r be .1v.n \h. JIar~ tor ..rvl... It wa. vo'" upon 'b;r Boll Call, _e'. Crawford, Jloon, Jlo'. Colwell. Hawk 11'1' , Sau.r., T.oklenberl. !be ~tlon ... lo.t,~.'. 2. Jlo'. 4 Ordlnanoe I , ... read for tbe flr.t tt.e, An Ordlnanoe a.....lft1 an4 Le"f71ft1 .. haeral Tax. Upon ..tlon of .001'1, 88OOft4e4 It;y Colw.ll that \h. Rul.. M ..pen4", Carrl" All vOU.. 11'1 favor. Upon _tion of ioon that Ordlnan.e #6 pa.. a. re&41 the aotlon waa .eoonel.d 'by Kr. Col..ll and was voted on 'b7 Boll call, and pa'..d Uftaft~ou.. the Clerk an4 lIar"l were ordered to .eoure three hundr.d Doc 'lag.. _4 the Clerk waa alao ordered to ..cure~' .L-.......~ nec..aary ~ Booke. Several B1l1a were read &ad approvo' 'by the 71nano. COBaitt.e Upon aotion ot Crawford, ..ooRd" ~~.r. that the ~ill. be pald a. I'ead, Carried, All vo'l... 11'1 tavor. Upon .0t1on ot s...r. that C_1U.e on Polioe confer with Artio ~otberhoo' , 11'1 reaarda to r.ntl.. Old A.B.Hall tor the u.. ot a Jal1 at a refttal ot ...,.n dollar. per.lIOn'tht and that two oel1. lHt lNllt 1n ..atloy. !be aotion was ..oond.d by JIr. Hoon, and carried, All votlnC 1n tavor. Upon ~t1on ot Crawtord that ..etine adjourn until Kon4ay, Au. 5'th the ne~ recular ..et1ne, It... aeoonded ~ Bauer. and the a.etine wa."-J ad;:~~:!rnrJd~~/,/ c ' if ' / 'i; "I; , /~ /, 1,\'///( ~ :t ~~/ C T ~ Kayor;-' lerk, 1 B 'f F r I I I ;:1 Seward, Alaska. Jul1'~th. 1912. SPECIAL llliETING OF SEWARD 1912, TOWN COUNCIl. TUESDAY JULY 30th, '!'h. Seward Town Council lIl.t ln sp.olal ....lon at the oall ot th. Pr.sld.nt, ~e.day lO,A.... Jul1' 30th, 1912. Crawford, Hawkln., Boon, Sau.rs and the Pr.sldent w.r. pr.sent. The ..etlne wa. oalled to ord.r ~ the Pr..ldent , who .tat.d tbat the ..e'lac wa. oall.d tor the purpo.e ot fo~latins plan. for the entertal...nt of the Otflcer. and Crew of the Battle Shlp Jlal"ylan<l. tk. Pr..ld.nt \hen appolnt.d a o~l't.. on entert&lnaent as tollow., Kr. Ballaln., Kr. Sau.rs" Dr. Bo..18, ]11'. And.rson and Kr.J.J.Ylnn.gan. ]11'. Cha......rt1n and Jo.. Conro1' w.r. appointed as a committ.. to arrange tor a Base Ball g.... eouncl~ Boon and lIar.hal L.A.Peel w.r. appointed by the chair to haY. the nac Pole fixed. Upon ~tion ot Boon, s.cond.d ~ Hawkins the ...tins was adjourned. tf' .ltJ./,/(i(J:u U<~~ ]layor, /7 /1 'j / / / .I ~ I "///;1- /(tt t/L--/ , , //;', " ,/ , /, 1 { (-:-~ - 1// Clerk, 1 B 'I F c I I I 73 Seward, Alaska, Aug. 5th, 1912, Jl..t1ng ot the S.ward !own Counoil, Ilonday b.n1ng Aus, 5th, 1912 Th. Sewarel !own Counoil aet ln regular ....lon at the Town Hall Konday ..enlne , ~.. 5th, 1912 at a,p.x. !he aeeting wa. called to ord.r b,y the Pr..ldent, Th. tollowlng seaber. ....ereel Roll Call, Colwell, HaWk In. , Boon, ~.r., and the Pr..lcln't. Jlo', ....1'., r ;' / l'~l/{//'~ /(~L-~'--.... Clerk, ,; v 1 g~! Fe I I I -- . . , ~ 1 ., ~t_,' JmJI:TING OF SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL Monday Bvenlng August, 12th, 1912 The Seward Town Council met in regular session at the Town Hall Konclll3 Byening August 12th, 1912 at the usual hour. Present .ere, Colwell, Noon, Sauers, Tecklenberg and the president. The minutes of the previola meeting were .ead and approved. Ordinance 18 was read, an Ordinanoe providing for the construction of sidewalks. After oonsiderab1e discussion, the Ordinance was refered back to the Committee and the Town Attorney for alteration. Upon motion of Counoilman Sauers. seconded by Counoilman Colwell that the meeting adjourn, and to meet in regular session Monday Evening August 19th, that being the date of the next regular meeting. The 11'10 tion oarried unanimous, and the meeting ,:j / ~0f ~' , ,!~/:('it/-t\: ~'y ~ i (j i l'~' , ~ or , was adjourned. );t;/;v L~,-- pf Clerk, ~ 1 pnc t. I I I Seward, Alaska Aug 19th, 1912 KE.B TING OF 1'KK SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL, AUGUST 19th, 1912 KONDAY BVENING !be aeawrd Town Council met in regular session at the Town Hall ~ond~ evening August 19th, at the usual hour. Present .ere, Colwell, Crawford, Hawkine, Noon, Sauers and Tecklenberg the President being absent, Councilman Noon moved that Councilman Sauers be chosen as President Peo Tem, the motion wae seconded by Council~.n Colw.ll, and by the affirmative vote of all the members pr.sent Kr. Sauers was elected President Pro Te~ and thereupon took the chair. The minutes of the previOUS meeting were read and approved A comunication was read from Judge S.O.Korford, whereir. the Judge offered to furnish the Town Council a list of the owners of the lots of the Town for lO~ a name, or to furnish a complete list of all the taxable property in the town for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars. the comunioation wae ordered filed. A comunication from John Dubriel was readoffering to lay a sid~walk on Third Ave, from Adams St, to the Bridge that crosse. the Glacier stream for the sum of Twelve dollare. This comunication was also ordered filed. The question of seoureing some one to make an assessment of the real and personal property of the Town was discussed at some length, and a* the request of Kr. Colwell and >>r. Noon the Marshal was asked to request Mr. Whittlesey to appear before them at this meeting. Ordinance 17 was read for the second time, and a few Blight corrections were made irj sectionDl and secUall I 6 it was then voted upon bu Roll Call and passed the council unanimously. Mr. Whittlesey having arrived he was asked by several of the councilmen what he would perform the work of making a complete asseSi;1nJent of the town for, and he replied that he would do it for the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars. But if he had to have }lelp it would be Threp hundred dollars. Thereupon Councilman Colwell offered the following Resolution. Resolved that Mr. W.R. Whittl~sey be elected as Deputy Assessor for the town of Seward and that he make up a complete assessment of both Personal a.nd Real property for the essuing year, and that he be paid the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars for this work, and if nec~esary that he be allowed the sum of fifty dollars for additional help. Ths Resolution passed the Council by the affirmative vote of all the members present. Vr Noon then made a motion that the position of Deputy Assessor for the eS8uing be paid the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and if necessary a sum not exceeding fifty dollars beallo1l'ed the Deputy Assessor for additional help. The motion was seconded by by Mr. Colwell and carried unanimous. Ordinance 18 was read for the second time, corrected in section #7 and passed the council by a unanimous vote. The Council A,fter a some little discussion decided that the cor~ittee on streets had the power to h~ve the walks on the side and crose streets fixed, and recomended that this work be done. Upon motion of Ur. Noon, seconded by Mr. Colwell that the owners or Agent!.' of the property adjoining tbe Bank Of Spward 1nHF8 I I I 29 Meeting of 4ugust 19th Continued, building on the West, Fronting on Adams St, and running to the East line of Third Ave, And that the property on the S.E.Corner of Fourth Ave, and Adame St, B.nd running 90ft, South on the East line of Fourth Ave. That the Owner or Agents of these properties are hereby ordered to heve new sidewalks built. Upon motion of Councilman Colwell, sedonded by Counoilmen Noonthat the Town Attorney is hereby ordered to have ready for the Council'. oonsideration at their next meeting an Ordinance governing a Poll Tax, and a Health Ordinance. and thet the meeting adjourn until Monday evening Aug, 26th at 8 o'clock, rhe motion oarried and the meeting was adjourned. 11 .J, . ) / /~ . 1C1/ , f /rtt l V {(('-. Q{;'1;?:'7/J ..' -! , /.' -., : . ) / C'o~(.{~("J President Peo em, Clerk, 1 B~;Fc I I I '":1 L..r..:._ Seward, Alflska. Aug. 20th, 1912, MEETING OF SFWARD TO?m COUnCIL, MONDAY ATJG, 26th. 1912 '!'he Seward Town Council met at the usual hour }londay Evening August 26th, 1912 at the Town HalI. Members present were, Crawford, Colwell, Sauers, Noon. Hawk~rJf' and the President. The Minutes of the preYious meeting were read and approved. A bill front the Pioneer Bindry Co. was presented, e.pprovf'd by Mr. Sauers of the "Finance Committee" and ordered paid by the Council. Mr. Whittlesey the Deputy Assesspr addressed t~e council a few minutes on matters pertflining to assessment work, and re- -gardingsome printing that he wanted done. Thereupon Councilm~n Hawkins made a mot.ion that the DeputJ. Assesf:or be allowed to procure what stationery and printing necessary for carying on his work, The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Crawford and passed the Council by the affirmative vote of all the me~bers present. The President then asked for a report froltl the Street Committee and Mr. Noon one of the committee infol~1ed the council that the committee had called for bids for construction of Cross Walks and that the same had been allowed to Mr. John Dubriel His being the lowest bid received. Ordinance fl:9 was read for the first time, An Ordinance regarding the Assessment of a Poll Tax. Upon motion of Councilman Noon, seconded by Councilman Crawford that the rules be susspended. It waS voted upon by Roll Call j;:,nd carried unanimous. Councilman Noon then moved that the Ordinance pass as repd, the motion was seconded by Counc!lme,n Crawford and passed the council by the unanimous vote of all the members present. A Roll Call vote beir.g taken. !hereupon Councilman Hawkins made a motion that the Ordinance be published in the Seward Daily Gateway, it wae duly seconded byCouncilman Sauers and passed the council un9ni~ou~. Councilman Sauers then made a motion that the committee on Health and Police protection, w~1ch is composed of Councilm~n Noon and Crawford be authorized to have a Health Ordinance drawn and to present it to the council at the next meeting. The motion wa,s seconded by Councilmex. Crawford, voted upon Viva Vocaand carried. Mr. Crawford then moved that the meeting adjourn to meet MondaYK evening Sept. 2nd, that being the date of the next regul8.r meeting, it was seconded by Councilman Sauers, "Carried" and the meeting was adjourned. ~ -:JJ A fl.lj( ,~' ,;:.. ~.&. AI ./ I f' , Mayor, /... ,;~ ,. v>~ ,;(( <-'_________ Clerk, f 1 13 ~ ! Fe I I I f)~'q'. fj : d) ,.'\] p :=-~1<:[1 . SE:Ilt. '2/:(\, 19]::') <::'0 "'_\L~ U!:LBTIKG CF SF,ViARD TOW}; COU:::CI1, jJONDAY r;VFHING SEPT:Elr.BER 2nd) 1912, The Seward Town Council n;,et at the Town Hall V.onday evening, September 2nd, 1912. at the usual hour. The meethg was call1?d :t1l.8BtltKX to order 'b:r the President. Present were, Col we] 1, Crf,,,,ford, Hswkins, Noon I Sa.up-:rs, Tecklen'berg and the President. All mer.1bers being present. The minutes of the previous meetine were :read and approved The Cle::-!': .:as instructed by thl') Council to pay the Lieht and ~ Telephone bill as tney are presented monthly in order to secure the discount all'w;f'c OJ' beir,g pRid 'before the fifth of each mon th. Ordina,nce #10 was read for the first th,e, An Ordin'3.nce to create a Board of Heal th, ~,ncl. for other pur:?oses. Considerable discussion regarding the best place to dunp 08rba,ge was indulged in Rnd upar: motion of Councilma.n Crawford ~uly secondedby CounciIman Hawkins, that each Rrd every member of the Counci1who can, go down to the Beach and determine where the lire of Washington Street strikes t~e Beach, Rnd that the hour and day for going down be set by the President. The object being to select a proper place for the dunping c-:" the refuse of the Town. The motion carried. A number of Bills were read and ordered paid. The matter of where the work should be done, That would be deri ved "'rOT,; the Poll Tax ",l,ou t to '~'E levied, was discussed at somp length, llnd upon t~e motion of Councilman Crawford, seconded uy Councilmen Sauere, that the work in question should be done ~nder the direction of the Street Cor.unittee, cor:aisting of CO\lrJcilmerl Tecklen"terg nnd Noon. Tl1E' motion ca.rried by t~e unanirr,ouA vote sf all present. The qupstiol'l of lightning the streets fc.~ the Winter fU'08e and the following places were spoken of favorAbly, RS places wherl'> stre~t. lights Ahould be placed. One li.gl1t each at the Wharf J Louvrf: Corner, 1st and Adams, ?n.'!, llnd Ad,"l.;'IG, 2rd, And AdRmn 4th an~ Adams, 5t~ Rnu Adams, Foot Bridee, and in front of Young~ ~ouse on ?nd Ave. Upon motion of Crawford., I:leconded by Hawkins, thRt tr.e street committee find out wl~at the cost woul~. be , fc,.' liehts uoed in 1 i g-htnine tr,e streets, flnd that the commi ttee report to the Council at the regular meeting. Dr. Romeig informed the council that he had information that a term of court could be had at Seward if it were properly petitioned for. Councilman Noon then mo~d thRt the chair Rppoint two lRwyers to Iir(-lVl up R memorial, aSking tilat 11 term of court be helci in Zeward, the ;notion was seconded by Councilman Sauers ar.d car~ied, Tile chair f'l)poi r. t2LI Judges Morford and Finnegan. ',~Y'. J:oon then moved tl:a t two le,wyers be n,u1f'd by tr.e en... i] tu Cr"!.": a petition Rf11~irg t.J:U'lt Congr,osf; thllt a ?ed,?e,',: 1~\',ilriir;.,' 1:;(' '.: -;' 1;1 ":hE' Torn:. of SeVl'n'rJ, t:H: !)',otion vmll dul:r second(,d 'b;y C~uncill'\'lr!n ColWell, ;)r;'~ ",,~ol'ied ;l::".r:i~ou,". The chni:r ',.(");:>r,inted Jude-er: 'F''irr,pa<1l: Rnd uorfnrd. - Tr.e T')'Hl .~tt0rnwy th~n l:rnded in hif'1 Quirdcn on tte validitv of ~,j>- rpf\E'rvRtions ccr.t.fJiYif!d in the rer.ord~d dcdicntiJ;": cf' Jun~ 7tl.l lq"c' ;".r"'''',.,~T''' , ,\..../,. "'.} j. d~l._ ....u. j.,....l].Flir~e 1 H';f.'l' I I I ~~ ,.::.,:'-J PRge #2, (Meetirg Sept, ~nd) T,T?Cljj rr:ction of Cr)~v'el1, seer,neled by N(jsn t.l,~,t the o:r,inir'Y1 1,(- filAd, (CaTrif'1~ ,T,,,dCf l~orford tl"'At, it'""""'JY.ec1 tt8 cc.nn",:11. H:F.t in his ()r,ir:l~;n tlif't the dut:T ()~ 'tr-.e const.ruction FnJ r:'.~'.ir't"il^rmCE' ~.{' l'idewHl~c; ('evolved upon U:e Town. The CJ.);E'Gt.icm "'r'F brc,'o.lgr--_t :.1), l'S the Council at a recent meeting had Ordel'l'd tr.e ~n'l fr c.r 8.rf'''''~ of ('~rtain property to r.Ave sidewalks built. Ul,on mo tior, of noon) s(>conded '0:;' T" ,y ",.-.1 err, tha t thA Town Attorne;y cOr.lunicate with Cort' '.f rl'd Vald.ez, ?r.d fi!:d out wT,e- tner, tJ~e owner or tr.e TOV.T. is responsible for the constructioi". [-11.d maintpinance of sidewRlks. The motion earried unanimous. Upon motion of Councilman Col~ell, seconded by Counoilman l~oon, tl1at the meeting adjourn, end meet ill regular session Monday everling Sept. 16th, The motion carried and the meeting was adj ourned. t!: ---' ./-' , ~ " . .---;' ./ ,,' ,I ,",' :...r /' I ' ./ Cf'I) ,l , I \'1-.<1.... A f~('::i ay'ti-r, -- ).l~/7" /f ~ )f~,/" ile /;v{-{____ l C", e:rk. 1wrr;'e I I I r.......... _I.! . . S€'warJ, Al Plsk:1., ~ept. 16th, 1912, m~TING OF SEWARD ':'O\'nI cotmr.IT.. !;TJ:;C);\Y EVE:r::'m C}:PTF1,'0ET1 I6th, l',n'1 The SE'w8!'d Town Council met E..'~ the usua.l hour at the Town Hall :Monday evening Sept. 16th, The meeting WAS CQl1.F,1 tQ c::-dE'r by the President. Ue~bers present were, Colwell, CrRV/ford, Hawkins, ~roon, Seuers Tecklenberg D.l:d the President. The minutes o!' the previous meeting were read R,nd R.pproved. a, number ot b1lls were read, approved by the various COTl'.rli ttees and ordered ~aid by the Council. The Town llerl3r.al presented the names of several persons who assisted in saving the School House from the recent overflow of Lowel Creek, the Council approved t1:e ?ction and ordered VTR.!'n,n ts dra,wn fot their payment. Mr. Wagner whose name W8R not on the list turned 1n by the Uer~ hal, but who p1s') bad assisted in working on the School House was upon the motion of Cnmford, seconded by Tecklenberg, was ordered to be peit! for tree number of n011'["S he had worked, providing the School Board had. not made arrangments to pay him. (Carried) ~le Town Treasurer su~itted a report .E~ of the FinRnces of theTown,l'\nd rendered his bill for cOl'llll1iesions due him up until Sept 1st, The bill was refered to the Fin~nce Committee tor auditing, and if tound correct by the~, that they should order Warrants drawn for payment of same. A Petetion was read from citizens of the Town, requesting that street lights be plact0 ~,on tre corner of second and Washing- ton , and uon the corner of Third and Washington St. Thereupon Councilman Noon moved that a Street light of thirty two candle power be placed at the corner of Third and Washington St. the motion WRS dUly seconded by Councilman Colwell. Mr. Hawkins then offered an amendment to the motion that the light installed at Third a,nd Washington be 100 Candle power instead of thirty two. Th~ arr.end~ent was accepted, Passed the Council unanimous. An 8p~lic3tion from W.G.Weaver was read, Mr. Weaver ap)lied for the posi t10n of Night Watchman, the application was ordered filed. A comunicatmon was read from Col. Richardson of the Road Commission rega.rding the construction of a Wagon Rond from Seward to Kenai Lake. The comunication was ordered filed. 01"diw'nce !f10 \VR.S read for the second time. Upon the motion of Councilman Noon, seconded by Councilman Crawford, that se0tion P6 be stricken out of the Ordinance. It WRS voted upon by Roll CRll Aye, No's Crawford, Colwell, Noon, Hawkins, Tecklenberg, Sauers, President, The No's having a majority, the section remained in the Ordinancp. Councilman Sauers then moved that the Ordinance pass fll'! read the moti~n WAS seconded ty Councilman ~awkins, voted upon by Roll Call, Aye's No's Colwell, Noon, Crnwford, Teckl€~~erg, E8wki"'-f! Sauers, The motion C8rrLed. 1 n"lF~ n",~.,:, (': 'J:) !~eetinG ;~ Sel,t 16th, continued. I Up,,,;,,, th(~ motinn of Councilman Crawf'Jrd, seconded by Councilman Cnlwell, thi-t the street committee with the assistance of Yr. Hawkins Lmre cha:.-ge of having tr.e Foot and Waq;or: ~ridge repair~d. (Carried) Upon th,' motion of Crawford, seconded 'by Noon, thRt the Street Committee with the assistance of Ur. Hfl.V1ki.ns, have KUalt charse of the building of sidewalks. (Ca,r-ried Unanimous) Upon motion of Crawford, seconded by Noon that the meeting adjourn, and meet in regular session Monday evening Oct. 7th, 1912 the motion carried and the meeting was adjourned. f ,,' /71/;. .' j '1L{I i j, ( . i-~ / i ..:. F 'f ~ [ -~"" ~..i. 1i /,/ . ayor, yj~1~ jJ~~ Clerk, I I 1 I~ ~ q~ '. , " (, I I I /~ 1 0:.:- SPECIAL liliETI::m OP THE SEWARD TOWU COUNCIL.MONDAY EVEl:ING SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1912 For the purpose of holding an Election to be held. Nov. 5th. ______________ A opecio:11 n:eetbg of the Sew8.rd Town Conneil WH8 held in the To"'n Hall Monday evening Sept 23rd, at 8 0 t c1,')ck. Present were, Colnell, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers Teck1enberg and the President. Tr.e r.let')ting wail! cP.lled to order by the President, who stated that the object of the m0~ting was to call for an election to be held on the 5th day of Nov. 1912. The minutes of the previous meeting were re~d and approved the Town Attorney subm! tted P '1otice of an Elec tion thfl'to he l1ad prepared, which was read to the council. A Resolution tl1en wae presented rega,rding the carling election, and the Counc t 1 na:l'l~d Chri a I C. Shea, A. P. Brown, "lYlO J. A. Laubner as Judges, and'~. J. Conroy and W.H.Whittlesey as Clerks. The Town Clerk was then ordered to post three notices cf Election in Publin Places, and LJ have two notices printed in the Seward Daily O'ateway, two weeks prior to the election, and that the two notices be printed at different times. The Y.ll.C.A. b~ildmne on 4t~ Ave. was the place where the election was ordered to be h~ld. 1he Town ~araha1 presented the names of three men who hpd wcrked on the Wagon ~ridse and stated the number of hours each llad ~orked. 'l'i.ereupon Councilman Noon, moved that tl:e bills be paid, the motion was seconded by Councilman Cra.wfc.rd, and ;>assed the council UnanimouG. The Seward Light & ?vwer Company presented their bill for the insta.lliation of Street lights, which bills were O.K.'ed by the Street s,nd Finance Committees, and upon the motion of Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman IKKK Sauers) that a warrant be drawn for the payment of this bill, the motion passed the council by the affirmative vote of all pres€ut. An application for the position of Night Watchman was read. it was from Mr. John Rosnis. Thereupon Councilman Crawford ~oved that John Rosnia be appointed as l;tght WatchmAn at a ss.lary of one hu- ndred dollars per month, and that he be impowerd as a special po1ic~- man and that he start work on the first night in October and that his hours of work be from 8 P.U. to 7.30 A.M. and that he tap the fire Bell three times when ~olng on duty at 8.P.M. The motion was seconded by Vouncilman Hawkins, and passed the Council Unanimous. The Town Marshal called the councils attention to the fact that t.he building known as the Ashland building was a Fire Trap and that it should be torn down, or repaired. Cou~cilman Colwell then moved tr.at the Clerk notify Fire Chief Hoffmall(Who is SUlJposed to represent Mr. Ashland) to have the building made safe in regards to fire. The ootion was seconded by Councilman Hawkins, and passed. Councilman Hawkins then moved, that two cross walks be built. One from the corner of the ~ank across Adams St. and One across 4th Ave onthe South side of Adams St, and that they be built the same size as thG3<i' previously constructed. T:r.e motion was seconded. by Councilman 'auers. ~r Colwell took an exception to the motion, for the reason that he had intrGduced a motion, before the motion before the council had been seconded. The chair over ruled tnp. exceptirm, and the motion was votp.d u:oon by Roll Call. Ayes No's Hawkins Colwell Sauers Cruaford, Noon, Tecklenberg, 1 B ~l F e I I I #2 f"C) L~ "\ The motion was lose Ayes 2, No's 4, Considerable discussion over the construction of side walks was indulged in ~x by ~~e council. Councilman Noon resigned from the Street and Light Committee and the cabir announced that the vacanoy would be filled at a Is tel' date. Counoilman Noon then moved that the clause in pertaining to the construction of sidewalks in the 1", <1..ch',l'hl null and void, the motion was seconded Colwell, and voted upon by Roll Call. Ayes No's Colwell, Hawkins, Crawford, SRuers, Noon, Tf'ckler.berg the Ordinance residence distrlp.t by Counciluan The motior: carried, Ayes 4, No's 2, Councilmen Sauers then moved that the meeting adj ourn, the motion was seoonded by Councdlmen Noon, Carried and the meeting was adjourned. r,~ Y'~ii(fll//. ,\/ , / ; -, )L;' //, / -;'\;' {;II /' ."(/ljjA/I(.!,::, ,/ II v L/,,, f-(A L j Clerk, 'I/" ~ r Mayor, 1 B~IFe I I I ~ - I. ,Pi --"- Sevi81'(l. AlnskH, Oct, lr,t, ,191~~ MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL. Tt~SDAY EVEKING Oct, 1st 1912 The Seward Town Council met Tuesday Evening Oct. 1st Ht the usual hour, for the purpose of reviewing and revising the asseosment of property. Members present, Colwell, Noo"f and the President. The meeting was cli,lled to order by the President, w}-o eta ted in accordance to Ordinance 16 that the Council l'lr.ou1d meet on the first Tuesday in October for the purpose of reviewing and revising the assessment of property. The Clerk informed the c(JuncD t.hat the Assesfilor had completed his work, and fil..d the same. and also filed the pr~scribed oath that the work had been diligently and uniformly done. Thereupon Councilman Colwell moved that ~ as there was no t a quorum present. tha t the mee ting ad,i ou Tn and meet in regular sesaion Monday evening Oct, 7th. the motion was seconded by CounciI- man NODn . carried and the meeting was adjourned. ,~ L ',/ , ~J: / , .)' / tf:. / v II/j~{.< I.. t f , / , it ~ ~ " f,f'/' /> .... ~ ~ - ~ May~r.. c;j /1. I !!l(!UV~0 ,( ""'erl' II "'- " ---- " !'" .'<.,"I.'~", ., '1"'" . ) :'!o,'" 1:'.", f),~t, 7t1-" I'll" ~}, ~,"T'll"r1 '!''lwn Council met in rP-C"ulRT ,~,JG8ion ~'o':dny fc:v<?,.,i"'f" 1')-, ~'" 7t'r., ,'1~. the tloun) }oOU1'. T1:(' 'fjP,i-'tine; VTflS cnlled t.'l order " t.~,e President. !.~embers pre13ent 1vere, Colwell, Cr8vlford, lioon, ER.wkinr., 88'..\1',"3, '1'ecklenbe!'G; ":'r1 the President. Tr,(> ':irJ!l tee; of thl" previotlG !l1E'Ating were read and epnr0'!ed. A l'1U'11oe:r of oill!! were rel1d t.o t.ne COHr1c11, ll.!>proved t;, ';':e Fil1A(lC'P' ~m'll'llittee Rnn orderoed payed. A :l3i 11 fro2Y' the Seward "P.R. ter !;; Power CO"llp8ny wan rei'd. upon the motion of Colwell duly seconded by Hawkins thf' 1-'1.11 was re"''01"ed t,) t.he committee on Fi~;"e ~rotection. UIJOr! thE' mctLln of Counci1',"""'l Uoon, try" the C011"o,';1 qit 'J9 '1 BOfl..rd of Equalization, the l.1t""', ':-;'th and 16th of Oct at 2,o'c1ock :~ n t~.(' aft.l"rnoon for the purpose of r-"''lr:lr.' '.~, reFp!l~(li",( tax t?1'1t has been levied aCFjrs~, ~1eir property. The mati,):! was a'~conded by Councilrr-'l".l Sauers, and upon the Rffirmo:;t1ve vote of all p:reBf'nt passed the council. The President then appointed Councllmll.n Sauers I as a member of the street committE" "" J"' the unexpired term of Couno ilman Noon who lately resigned. Upon tr.f' 1''l')ti?'1 of Councilman Crawford, th~t the meeting adjourn to meet Monday afternoon the 14th at 2,o'clock. !he motion waD seconded by Counollmnn Noon, carried and the mpeting wns adjourned to meet as a~rd Of,EOUA.1izo:ot.ion. (? -p 0" -~'. '/~k~> _,' ,>-,.!--/,,').._"-' .. /' l!p:,tor) -. , I , 01 fP"\:-, ----. -' "'-" 1 n~IF (, ,~ -1 L'. .' Sew?rcl, .AlRSKA, I Oct. 14tL, ] 912 Meeting of tt.e Seward Town Council, setting as a board of Equal i7,A ti on. Uonday Tb" S~wRrcl Town cour,~ll met hl!!xlllljo' af+,fll'nnon Rt, 2,o'clock,Oct. 14th, as 8 Foard of Equ81iz~tion, Rnd to h"ar any protests , regarding t~~ Tax Rel1 for the ~seuing yel'l.r. Uembers present. COIwe]~, Crawford, Noor, Tecklenberg and th~ President. I The Board remninf!d ir, Aession ""bout tv.Q hourk'!, r:nd a8 there was no protests II occurh:a;, C"lb1.mcilrr,a,n Colwell mover] t~Et the meeting adjourn, to meet Tuesdaj: afternoon at ~, o'clock P.M. the 15th. the motion ~as secondpd b:' Counc"lJrr.PYl :troon, c8,rried and tr,e meeting waf) edjourn(oJd. /1 ,I / ')' , , liZ' " Ii;' JU r ,- /.. / <I //it:.l /~.- / .' h -~7 .--- 1~) '.'{j~' /l. " Mayor, 7 ,I / / ' v~/i~ ---- ,.,' v:qcrk, I 1 B~fF r' I I I ~:J 3~V18rc1, Alaskfl, Oct, 15'th, J ?l:?, Meeting of The Sewfl.:rd Town Council, 8ittin~ &s a Board of Equ~]i7AticD, Tu~sday afternoon, 2 o'clock Oct, I5 Th~ Seward ':'o\\'n Council met in thf" Town HRIl Tuesday Aftf"rtlOon fit 2 o'clocl<: Oc't 15t.h, 1912 for the purpose of revi~wing ar,d revil:1il1( the Tax Roll for the eS(luing ;year. The meetir,g; "IPe called to order by tr.e President. :Memben:; prenent, wer'e, Colwell, Crawford, Noon, Rawkin€ Sauere and the President. Thf'1 mintJ tes ()f tte previous meeting were reAd and approved. Mr. F.W.Lowe presented through his agent S.O.Uerford t~e folIowine comunic.ation. To 1'1": (nrron Council of t.ne Town of Sewl3.rd AlAska. si ttir.g as 9 board EquRli7&tion. Gentlemen:- U.s. Survey No.24l containine 1~9.7~ scres, and u.s. Survey No. 242 contpining 160 acres, standing of record in tbe nAme of Fredr i ck Wi 11 j am Lowe, ha s bef"n ttll'neci in by your as se R so r as 300 acres, and valued at $9000.00. I respectfullJ' submit that n.S.Suryey No . 242 is ~ntirel;.v' wit:bout, tile incorporate limits of tIle toW.l r,f Se'ward, I],nd that not to exceed 100 acres of U.S. Survey No.241 is within the town limits of the incorporated Town of Sewardj That the south east corner comprising about 10 acrf'!S awl a strip along the north end compriaing 9bout 50 acres, isbeyond and lying wi thou t tne c 0-":-,orA te 11mi ts of the town of Seward. We most respectfully sl.lbmit that upor] f'!:xaminA.tion of :-,o\';!' p1nts it will be disclosed to you that no more than 100 acrt"s of said survey art" within tfle town lin:it.s. Ar.d we most respectfully request that 200 acres of salo. tr~ct of landbe stricken from your assessment roll. B.O.Morford, Agent for F.W.Lowe. The follov-ing coraunication was read from the Alaska Northern Ry Co. which was submi tt.ed b~' their A ttorney Judge S.O.Morford. To the common Council of the Town of Sew<ird, AIeeka sitting ae a board of EqualizRtion. Gentlemen:- The Alaska, Northern ny C/). 8 corpore tion organi7,f'!d Rnd existing unol!'r the the lfl.WS of the State of Wash:tr-gto;J and authorized to own, cor;at.ruct,maintain, and operate railroads 2nd wharves in the Territory of Alaska" hereby Hppeare by S.O.Morford its agent a.nd attorney, a.nd most respectfully nt.owe: (l~ That the propf'!rty of t1:e Alaska. Northern By Co. within tr-.,e irworf'orate limits of the TO\H, Of Sevle.rd i" t"xempt fruY', t9:l<ation l)y the act of Ccn.grIl!Ar; of t.l',(~ United States) ent.itled an act to ~reate a. It"leislp.t.lv~ 'l8E(.r;--,1:Iy in the :'erl'itory elf A18sk8, to c:n:f..::, .P~1A]Rtive ~ower t>-- - " l- ' - ..erfOon", d f'~-. "-'. f"';"' ,wi 0 I,r.~r l)-.t ....f} ~:;;r",r:-. .. .. . f;'. 1 J ~ 'f C .r) "! j t I I I l!f~f:i~jlle. of Ord :~tl-_ (-:c,r:t:r',l;~,j. -1 d.L a1Jy.l"oyed AU;;:-Ul;l~ 24th l~'';'. r...cttc,n ') of Rnld Hot, (<n;o!',,c; e:t1r,", t'rtjlC:~ r'rovj.cl~~ PH follows. "P~'o"i,l..(J. Tr;n~:' +:',1' C'onrr"'l'r,[, rl'Rl'rVeS th... p ~XC:!.1,;f'i.VI'! .!)oVJI"!' for five :il':HrS fror.J ']i-'te of tLe fmprovHl of tti,., vet, to fix end ir;.p0f'e nr..y ten\. 0r xxx.. tl",XI;"H 1;!lon rpil\""t~rs (,1' re i 1 v,r-y ~r '.Jper 1,~; i rA1Rskn" (2) Trpt th!" l:'l"ven(7) HC1'~Hl ~.rRc1 of' )p:nd lyi.ng f1("!utrJ of of t:l~ T-,v,'r. of SeVl8,rd, ar.d the lands embr!-lced withh: the LAO 8.C1'''' tract and the land!'! emoreced wit1-,ir. the .2B RCl''' trAct, fire H !lC>rt of the the right-of-way aml t/"rrr.infll €.p'o\,mds of tt,4!' A1 aske nor thern Rni11"PY Compa,ny, an:; i s :'l~'ce~;:ll"d in violat i on of Section 3 of Orclir.ence No. t of the Town Of S..ward. (3) '!hat the flssessed value of the land is excessive in that the 7 aCl't'!s trHct il:' 8Hl;,",!:'''lt'd at $24000.00 wl-.ill" Hf:\ V1-l1U" 'jtLer than as termiNI) gl"ounds nnd right-of-way, dot's !'lot f.'xceed th~ sum of t10000.00 (4) Thl'lt the LAO acre tract, end t.ll!" .28 acre tn-\ot ",ere specie11,i g,rRnted to the T8ilV/ay COr.:lp"lr.y EoS termim~l groundf" ny,1 itl part. ,r: i t8 rteht-of-way, 8nd insepe.rab11'! from it. ('))That the vtJlu~tion of t.he improver.:ents put unnf) lots: l7, 18, 19 And ?O i.n Plcck 16, viz. tAO. 000. ~o i€, excessive as tLf vP,I ue of the in:'Qroven~ents ill ',':' + r..ore t,l'lpn$H26. 000. 00. (6) Thp t' the wta!'f p-,nd railway approach are I'),part of n./C r",ilroan right-of-wa~l, 8n,1 !'EliIwa,y eJoction, and is R66es;;~n in vin- l'lticr: of' ,st'!ct.ior1 3, of Ordinpnce.~ro.6 of the Town of Seward. Wherefor!", the A1ask8 lTo"r"t.f:l"1"rJ Rrdl'Pay C::l!:1pany most reepectfulI;}i' rt'!q:.l~8tfC that all tr.fO property of the AIRska ~Tortr:,",:;'r" Railwp" Company 'be stricken fr,:'1 U,e tax roIl of the muniri'Oa1i+"\T of S~ward. 'including t.he 7 a '2't' tract si t.uHted Boutb of tt.!' . To\\n of Ceward, VAlued At 24.000.00 dollars. the trRc~, -,;(" ) ,., of 1.40 acres valued at !4.AOo.00) t~e tr~ct of 1~nd J! .78 8crep vqlued pt !56o.00 I the trRct of lqnf d~signRt.~ BS rRil~8Y rt~~t- Of-WRV vglued at $~O. 000. 00, the wbuf ~H,-,l ".;,:i.Iwe.\! ~'lJ"0r:J::tch ther~tll 1"1'." 'b~LJ11ings t}1t>r;or,-,r'),lued o,t ~'').(')''O.!)O, !.0tS itS.i? Ie, 19 alJ'] :;on in T',1:JCK 1C,,'ith 1r1.Tr'()Ve;t1~nts tj'I"""Gn v[<luetl 'd ~.1').r;5C:.';o T'hAt elll 1-1,,. said tre.cts of 1f1rn 8;ld impr')1Te'iji>nts r'J'~ heldbv tnt' Alf'8'kn 1;ort,,,,>rn Ry Co. and exclusl1Telcr used fn'r c',;ll.~,,'; 'pL~.t'P"):'~9, nnd n~cc'-3'J~J'Y f'jr pt ~"'1 p't.""pos~s) nrld :-t~"'~ ~Xf!ln!l)t f,r:-;1rj ... 'lll,ntcif}'il tf1X3tJ.fF1 1)y virtl1e of tJ-1l'" Act of :longl'ess ap"iJ':.JlTed August?4tl\, 1;112, herein ac.OVA ndereri to. Th~tt if t:ht> rp,ilway pr01Jerty js not ~xerr.i')t fro)''l t<!)wtion by Vi,'tUI' ,jf SAid Ar::t, then U:flt yO\! 1',,,'1..1''.'' ,~"i,; 'TOilu"tion 'HI hel'~ Lllr'eqclt"f3 tl"d. A:}J''lSKa Northerll .,,~;.~ f' v~ ,.""~ r l' .fJ", IV. .j . J~ 'J :. .'. ,J ( >> C OMIll'l i 'J R t i (lnA \\1':1' C' nlJ.i)\1,f1~' "'')>~I;J1Jl:J, .1. t.e. c.J8~{1 t, ::.n 1 ~ t-t(l f'n~y, H0nompRi~ed l~ an :Both of these Affi0.rlyi 1,. Co~Jt;cill1~m N,)or: tl:en 1:1ov/,:,l ~hat t'r", 'Lcwe matter !lY,d th~ Ry Co ma t t..r 1:"'~"f<,'rt!j trJ the TC,Vil'l fl ttor~,t::: ~,'),. hi" ~;')ini(Jn th... l1otir.n 'NH!3 sl'!cnndfl!d (JY CUiAllC 11.<nr.n ?-.-,wl: ~,j}' ,,,,,4 ~""~G~'l the Cl.\Llr:Cl'. u.nn.nim~!u~~. A [',nil., i,~,'t.t()n ':7as rep.d fl"()lT. 'lVp] tt"~. ::.Dick~r'w-n" )l'I'''''''1ted tLrough his ~:t;;NXN~;Y aE'o!"nt S.O.1!0r"ford. To t.h~ CO!i1l":,,)l'; C~UL{"\t1. r:f ~'-,-' '" f,:;') .J:' S{I':V,rJ",1, A!.~s}.:~ R.L tting pp ~-I. T'l,)R.f'd l)f ~(_lU::tlizAtinr'i. G~tl t.;. ~:~.t'n: - Walte:" H.Dlckl'Y'iw'1'1, of ~,' 1." ~'1ull ~~jp'-. ;-~ ~,~~,-.. .-l~):)~":\ ~~ l):,.~ ~. C'_ ;"rJ'r'~I,}',J, r.l.i~ ,q,{?'en .~, a.nd T'~sl")e(~tf"'Al1:r 1.....,tr.;,~;..~,t.~~~ .t~"'~l~' tr.,. V:-;~.~"'.Il ,~:~ t1'( ~""""~I'''Jvr-;''1!~(:t8 1.'<1 !..(j~;~ J, ~'7. r.';;~;1 i':'~ '!T}~:.(~:- :') rl;" 1 T~,~,~:,; ~ 1. "!'~ ~i'"\~" In, :-:~~ ;.~~1i.l(_~,.:'6:1 QS :,,"')] 1.1 ~','C': lH~rFC' . '.r... P +-. ....' """."., 0, f'. +.1~. A 1 t::' " ,... (" ,. .. .; ~ '., ~ 1 j: ,,- _... __ _ .' ...1. .' I' , " .... i " < , I I I -C) cp,-_' '1'r-..;~'~~ th~ P9f;~sned V~~ll~~ of irrn""()\Ternr1"nt~ ~lr:~.O') on l'"tt . " . - ,) in Block 1"\ be stricken from tl:~ THx "bl1. j,'., toto, :::t8 the fW.i1 lot has no impruve~ent9 of Any kind upon it. Th'lt the assessed vRlue of imprUV€'l]t"'nts "1'350.00 orL')t 37 Block 9 be reduced to ~l5'O. OOfor the reHSOY! that the ct.;,i Iding [I~"'I":~Reo ts Ilntemmtp,ble and of no vAlile ex('e,:;>t ~l)r the old lumbp.l" thRt it contFLins. That a value of $lC10.OO on imprc."!ements on Lot 38, I:::',)()I{ 9 , be reduoed to :!t25.00, as this is nothing but an old tent co"ered v:ith l)ol'1rds, and is not worth more than !:5'.OO Tha t the assessed vA,lue on imprQ'{,nents on I,at 5, Bl'Jck J r) O\"! reduced from $200.00 to $75.00, which ifl r~flsonflble Vfl] 'Ie of SAid improvments. S.O.Morford, Aeen t for WEll ter R. Dic',{fol'Wm. This comunicotion V;~B accomp9nied b~' an Affid:3.vi t. Thereupon Counc ilm!:'n Noon mo'red tha t the improvmen ts tHxen against Lot 3 in BlOCK 9 be stricken from the TFix Roll, the motion wae "!as seconded 1::;y C )L1ncilman Hawkins, and pHssed the cOllnc1I ':':;3.n1mous. ,'J VpO'1 tree motion of Councilman Colwell, that the imp:r.)v- Me~ts tax~d against Lot 38 in Block 9 be stricken entirely off of the Tax Roll, the motion passed the council b~' the unanll,lOUB vote of all the members present. Tr.ie motion was seconded by Sauer No other pr()t~sts being made, CouncilmHn Colwell then mo'red that the meeting adjourn, and meet Wednesday Afternoot: ;~,p.~r. Oct 10th, Tr..e motion was seconded by CouncilmRn Noon And the meetinc 1;,THS prlj o1.<:.:"l1ed. -Jf;;c .~ fl /~ , /,.-1'} 1//; j/~ if/{-" ",{-fA. 5}.(: "'-~, , ' t . J!.ay 0 r , , ' , ,) I I / ;' ".J' /I ,', i,/ / L J,:", ,1'6 .. { (C ~-':::::::- Clerk, 1 P'!f; (' I I I . " -', <J'-' Se"\;:~ :~J, AJ.,qSkR.) Oc t, 15th, 191~ Meetine of the Sewl'lrd Town Cotln(~il, dtting as a :Board of EquA.lization, Tuesday afternoon, 2 o'clock Oct, lot: . The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall, TUPRday afternoon at 2 o'clock, as a :Board of Equalization. l!e:rt;oerr p-esent were, Cohrell, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, T~oklenberg and the President. The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes of the previous meetinp \"ere read and A:p-provec!. ~r. J.J.Finnegan the Town Attorney, i::cfc"',.,,prl tr.e Cmmcil that he was not ready to give his uninion, :~.egnrding the tilYf>S tb'.t hnd been levied I'lgninst the Alrlska Xorthern ~ail'.vay Co. Judge S.O.Morford appearing for Hoben &; Davia, requested the Board to change the olassification of the personal tax of Hoben &; Davis, AS follmll/8, Tlu\t the sum of $5000.00 t:'1at 9ppe8,rs taxed agAinst Wood, That of this sum, the amount of $4.)00.00 be added to the amount taxed against ,Wagona, Horses, H!".rness and Sleds, and that the sum of $700.00 be added to the amount taxed aga,inst Coal, and thl'lt the amount of $5000.00 on ~ be stricken from the tax roll. (Wood) Thereupon Councilman Koon moved that the request be prnnted the motirJ!1 was seconded by CouncilMarl ColwE'll, And upon ty,-. affirmative vote of all the members present, ,!'J!:.ssed the Cour.c.~.l. Councilman Noon then moved that the Assessor be ordc"'ed to ~eliBt tne property of the AlHska Northern 'Railway Co's property in accordanc~ to section #3 of Ordinance #6 vnlich reads as follows. " The land occupied and claimed excl~sively as right -a-way of rniJ.'roads, 1:~' ",:lil:rOfld companies or carpc"''''';ior,s together with the buildings and all of the sub-structers and super SlCb-stTt:ctere supporting same snaIl be assassed as a wholE> as real estate, vlithout seperatlnr, SAme FIB l,'jjldF: ;lnd inpr<iv'nents at ~ certain 3~m per. mile; and all such real entate situated wi thin the Town of Seward, claimed OJ' Any railroad cOr:1pany as RS such right-of-way shall be demmed the property of such company for the purpose of tAxation" And also that the Aasessor is hereby ordered to check up the Tax ~oll. This motion Was seconded by Councill11Rn HAvJ~(ine, 8r:d pl'Hlsed the BORrd unanilT.')'18. No further protests occur!ng, CouncilMan Noon ~oved that the l'leetlr.b Ad,10urn until th~ eveni!'!g of Oct 21st, at 7."3') P.l'. nr.d meet at that time as A :Board of ~qualizat&on, T11i6 motion we!' R('>'1on.1ed by C1!luncllman ~ol?:el1, p~tssed the ZlIX :BOArd ~nd the meet1 ng WI'lB adj c),an.?d. tjP'. /} !6/;jr' i .," '.. '/ i:/I '" ,...'" ! i' ,0! ~ (/ l ii/'ll- ~ /c u'---_ '/ Clerk, Ma1or, lBMFc I I I (:et.) ::] >'t, 1.'.<1,: 57 Lt~etl:'~g r<f 1he 3~\.,ar(1 Towr; C(:l.olne)J. Pf~ .!.:t Bcnrd (\fl!.quali:;".Hti(~rl ,~_....",.-_-_ ~~__~___.,,,,, _.....__c__ _____..._~ __ 'rhf" Spw,lrd 'l'CV<ili C,.'lHd': 1 Ir.?t at. t.r.d~ Tr"/in Hnll !:JjeY;:) a:.' "'n'fi.LI~ ,", 7, ;O,P.W. Cc't, ~, l.!,t, aR a Board r,[ Eq'.lnlJ~u.U(1r'. MI.mbpJ'a precen~ were, C0h!f': 1, Crl1.wf',:,d, ihwk:ir,I?" NGon, f,aup.l's, Te('~.~f'r,1:"t'rc f~0 tie Presi~~nt. 1'he m,,,pttTiG wn!:, ~aJlf'rl t,,: 01"]('1' t:; tb~ P,'es;\e1('nt, the mirli)t~'!l (f the previous ITil,ptine were rf1!HJ, era',Cf'eted r'nd aprJ'i'Vl'd. An opir.:ir'TI from trf: Tpwr. !.t.t(..,'r;ey was ref1:l, )""gnrdir:,'{ th" t rtXI:"B f ~{f:.e ~~ spd .~.t_~Jt~, y' ;'~ ~ tl.~~' ra i 1- read conr-f.ln~j r c' (I r~~" ty. A !aUfpl in>"ntl.rJ' olaim fr',r. the Algska HcrtJ;errj H.:.: C,,> W~"" 'r',.,Ud,r'f.ti',rdqz t!',f' 1301'1'-0\ fr'on' e;u::mp1.il'r1 fror.J t.ax':G (,n pr:'~lI:\'l~ Cl'ld;P calunl:lll as persomal, rea.ds ,HI f(}llcw~,) To UH' enmU,fT c('uncil of trJf: '!.'0vm 'If' ~;ew"d'd,A1Hfb'l 81 ttirg ::,1:. a B;;'nr. "f' Eqlw.lt:>:atlC'n. Ger. tl ~'!:1Em:- I herAwith pre~ent a supplimeutary claim of exempti~n :,)1' tl'1e AIRs}w. l'jo:!"trlerr, By r~l'. (,c,/".; 1. C r 1'( fllnt.y c,u:O.need all perBQnaJ r-ropeJ'ty (.1' said ra.il-whY Co. \ 1) That a.a tc' the prc.pert.y classed as mPI'chancU ",.: "l.n:-; nsr.r-[.1,H'd n~, ~",- "'- ..-. ('. ~.,... t'" ~. ~. ., t ~ ". . "OJ 1 . .;.;.'\.j~,;; .~;" ...["prE:' l~: ni.: rrf~t.('rlriI.;(;-.1f:,f't Vl~1r."':~;'; &.C(~,t( ~~'n.d ,,;,'a"_~l.'ffi-:l ~;;j,,~j:.lr,lr;f'; ;:lr't'" so G.!E.,Hf.H-'f.lt bt,t i6 S(~, tL::"Y1-:J.I'::-': nf""j't;E:i.!'~~' 1':1[' ~::t.i"!1N~t;,. r\.i'i"p:.,;,:;~r: ... (':.1 t h p+ ;', " :., (. ft';{f~ty:l"' ":. ,: ,?'~lg:r;I,,'n, rar'H-/;md T,1('J!' [-u.:,l'!.>l;€'d f~t $1(-0(;(:.(',(l an' a r;,art of' tb. 1",l1'N1~' e'Jll,;t:-ry~r,t l'ir.d c.x<::,,~t ~,"rr t~x.uti(',r:', I',) Ofr; (:~t: fiJr1;\.I:'.\f.; fitis€>f:sed at $;1000.0e ar't; rH~Cf::;~'!u..y t'f.:jli j I.'m,'n4 :,f th.,: rail r'oa,d and Fir, tt(.l'.:'fcJ"e exempt.. (L1) Two items a.ssf:'~sed to ':hc J'~ti.lVIO.1.:' ,~,.\mpI1'y, rr.ay pos~,j1;l... 'be ':},U 1: ~ f '_~~. teLa XfJ t i ;' n ~ t:'J f~ f ~,1 "1 (I v.. k) , t f: ...-, it: s: In ~s~ay outf~1 8us~~Eed at 81000.00 .a t Sew!'J,)'t; wal:) $48~-. CO Tl'w Co\; t.f it, wa.s in lnl3t't'ris1. in cf)nr:eC'tion W1 tJ. it waf) used. 0~ val~p nGt to eX~Mcd $100.00 b~Ecusel,nld goods not prcperJy ru~lw&y offjc~ ~.rnit~re,a96~~Fed "1t e~':C().(J() dO(:'fj r:.;t exel~(td in VB,luc ~,~' ;:(-.0(, That jf' t.r,e twr, tt.,r.:::' ..,be'vl: aI'" ['i:1:,~I:'(,'~, tc ta;u,ti(ln, Sou ::"(~:du'::(~ ~aid 'j"~,lt;.a,ti.('~n Hr:. abovt:\ ind:cntr'd tc tr~(~ .ff"nl VRlt;f) ("of tt.(1 i. tf::TI1S 'ltPTI ti cr.1Pd. d the cost of which aeliv~red \.tse Gtll." (l('HS('n and t~J', up and solo, A.nd i lC t.eda,\' Alaska NQrt~ern Ry Co. By S. O.He rfr);"tl, It.' s Agell t. R.nd A tt.c:;'r,!;.:,. , TheJ't''.'pol' rnllnciIm~n Noon mov."eJ tha t tt,e vall>ution (,f thtlAssn.y ,}ffice b., reduced to $3:JO.fl(l no l'C'1lie:;ted b~' tbe p,+,t.o:'n,,'y ,'!' the ,\laE;k,~ IJ(.1"tr;'~!"r' By' C). Thl~ mo~L;n ViaS secOl:df"d by CGl.nciIman Crnwf{.':'v, 8,nd Carr'ita. :::Qunl~i,lman l:IClcn tber) mov('d that tl-,e asst'13eed in:,pl'c'VelCl!"ntEl en }':",lJ, l't'.J8,li\lS', and 20, in i3]c'ck ]h hI.' :rf;!duced [n,m ;$40000.00 ':.,) 4t)S\(lOn.(i(' the rrll'Ucn vms f.<f.'c(,r:dedbJ' Crll.mr;ilmHn StltH'rs and paHf1c.d the ':0UtH.'il unanj,n"\ls. UPOI: tbo m('ti~;n c.:!' CouncUman l~ooJ'j trat, 8U~.Vf.li 1/;24;' 1:)€, ,,:,rid\f"n :1'1'::1 the tax rc'.! 1 B.nd tl.n t tl::l,x~l'blE'! prop':'l-t;v en SU:"Vl';Vt,1;:41 l'~' ~'ed\,;et'd '! t'" lCC\ 1H'I'f',e. ,],h<" m!',UCln Vial' see ended by r.::.ur'c1J.m"ltl I1F.,wl:i.r s and Pr:!~T(;l'd fr...e cf",ur1~~jl. 'U pc, r, tl..E; fT:.. i l~'r, ::f ~~, t,!.~,rI1'1 n r c (~ :-;' ...~(~ ~ .; fi, tr...e ~)nd l':...~,.~ed thf~ ~-:'-\l:lCi,.. c' rt:r'J:r' !,,:.t'~J'>!.~t, cceuring'l C~'HuiejlmFln C-rfl\'.fc:rd rnnved t.i~d~ .,.,;:! c,urr" t~e mot-ic'n W!3W s.ecrtJff~'cl 'by C. ..~i lr:!'l.rl tine ad.;ourned };j./- .,/,~~,' -+:~Il -~0.3.f Liayor Cn'l;dlm::m C<:lVlt,U t(,a1 1.r:€> Tl'lx ;],,],1 m~,,\j(t~ VO;-.f:~ 5€~cor;.r1f..d 'b,,'r r;{t;n~~'ilrnF.in ~lri.Ue:"f Board 1 ]'~VP0 t - ,( ',- '\..) I I I '(k'l, ~'lHt" l')L 59 MCt(!'"jr,g "~. i""I'.~ ::.ewhrd 'l',\wr, Ir, J..t:g'"l..... '-t,' i::f~:ESi(ln. Counc:i 1, M\ ',n(ih,y :-,; ~,< t't~ -; t,g at ["P.M. .___~,,__ ... __~..._....,._"....___,_.____,,__....__... ...______ _-._ _, ....... ...-' '0- _ T:lp E~f':~.';;./,..d t(;wn C'~~jr.,(,~il Ti:(t in 'r.t~-::'...~I,~.l' sn~~~t(ln fit, t:r.,t~ TOWt~ HalJ,Monda,:l' ev<:r.l.rg Oot, ;.1 (.t., ]~).L'. Tn..' rr.",('t ing VlHfJ cld 1"'0 1,n order by t.r:r- Pre~li (lpnt. PresE-.r;'<; Wt;\'C, C';,1"t:1J. C'I'"Hwfcrd, ~awk:irfl, :j,:'or, Sm.lpru, Tecldm,bcre:; and 1..r.o Pl'H:': ,:";l;t. ;'n~'~ rei. .~.{... L cf t,:;~ ~r'f'v~,..,i.. ~ff!t l!Je: \~'t'r'I.~ r('!HC and :~:Jl~' ,_,vr...d I'. "(lrr';;l1l:nt;rfj 'II'.;;, !'l".ad fr"m E.,;.ro~,r.l'()j', in wl:j.~1', J-:," ir:.:'rrmf',d Hie C(.rI,F1C;1 t1.~,,,: hf: ,,'c'.del be, nnnl';)f' to RI'J'Vt' <If) '~l.':k rf q', c:rn.i.nfi ,'1 n:+-,i nn. Th~ COl.llii'iJ tr;f!n r,iln',f-cj Mr.WI!!.We<-1."~'1' 1, B,C~, a~~ Clerk ,'f' thH c(lmiq~ elf'ct.1.c;n. A cr)r;;ldli.nd;jr'T: v,"ns Y'f'pd fn'r.1 FirE Cr i€,f Ho!~t'm:,tn, in which he utate-d that 0we1r:g tr~ hi!.;, r:tate cf hf'aJ.th, he vms c('.nrp(11eo t€.. l~'Rvp. U-.fJ cr.l\,;r.f"r,y, r,nd di.e! not. expect t.o return for sixty da.ys. He reco/:'lF.'r1ut',d that tr.e coun(~iJ a!JJ,,,,jr".', t'1),;"," Da,j'jr,>n HS ,b'i,E' (:hif,f. Th;', ('Ol;!'",jJ refere,d tr.e matter to thf~, J!'ire Depa.l'tnient. The tl'tfd of t.he Tax Rell 1'e,r tr"f~ eSflueing year waH $899.880 'l'he!'f'1.<pon Ccunc:ilman Noon mc.-red that a 3'~ Mill tax be levied. t.ll~ motion Wl:lB sec(lnded b.y Counc:illTl!:1.n Tecklenberg, it was voted upcm b;r Bo]) Cal.1, Ayes, No I s Colwell, Crawford, Noon, Sauer'a, Tecklf'nberg, Hawki,l'!f.l, President, 1. The motien was lost, 4-J Cc\unciJman Sau~ra then moved that a 4 Mill tax be le-vied thiH motion was duly seconded by Councilman Crawf(l~d, and voted uporl by HoD Call, A,ren, Crawfc.rd t HaYikirs, Saue:rf't Presic:el'Jt, The mLticn carrjed 4-] TheI'f'upon c:ounciJrr,~1rl Sauprs moved that the extensions (jf the Tax Roll IXlKMeXEl)':xM:r. be made ''0;] Mr. WhH.tl"P3~'y' and that:. ''I. vot~ of thank8 be pxL~nd~d to him. The ~cti0n ~as seconded by Councilman Hawkins and. pasfHHl the courwil unanll1,.Q!.I. Counc i '-man Ncwn th~tl mr)\'ed tha t wr." Whi. t t1 er:ev b;,; emnl ;y,,."'d , . . . ~ w' i'n: ,~ 1"';'.1'1,);1 of ~our days I "l.t the l'a.te ()f $5.0'~ P\H' :iay to mail. n-il;i",:..s t,) "l.11 propec'ty 'Jwne!"s the a.rnnunt (If their taxes f'JJ" t~w (!:;:r'AI~i'1S year.<,tl1ll. th"l.t he 1.3 her'::lb.i" empowerej to g;-'+" tLe n,~('~ssOl.ry bl~nl:8 for thi8 purl)os~. T'11:;) v:. tc'.~ wn,I,; f.JfHDndwl bji Counci:",jfli'1 S,q'..wrs, !1.nd passed th~ c:;,..'1cj.l.. U!~f)"] tht-~ r"~) ti.'}!l of C,..ntr'l<-: t.1'n~L~'.. N')on that :~. 5Li!)'j] i"':1en'~;_i!'\.:I ~a>c [,,"Jl t oe l1::aJe :',)1'" the purposry (}f t8)Cj,I1';; the Ban1: ~'ix:t.ll'!"~~13 . that. ar,~ st'H"d in the office b",iliing of the Alaska Northern ra.i" rrH:l.d. 'fhi,s roo tio:) w,v.\ ae'':')'1ded 'oy Conneilm'l,n Sa'.:p.r's, :lOci pa$:)'~d '!:.h" (~(llln(~i,1 lna.'-ll.?Uf','.\i;:;. ' !!Ir. John A.N~lB,::'n of the S~wa!'d Water &: P;jwt>r C,), "l.:ldr'r.).Hl!::"J ~h,' c';~un(~il,in l"',~'?A!~,-JH tc' fl. bill '''';;nde-~~t.l Dol hl.~3 etrm&J:1.11..l ~""'-I(' tli..... U~1:.:~ ~)r ITyd.!~!--(;~..;)'} hf.'~ HJ.,~ f3'~11r",,:i...~t;~,rJ :,,'~.'i.J"(~'; p;",-:-;p8iti )"l5 t~) t;'-l~ f~. ~ '11 t' I f~ i "I f i J (' t ~ 1 .;', i::", ;' :'1 ~1 i .; i r=! l-t.'l t,i .J ~1 , 'l' i. '7; j\ No's Colwell Noon 'recklenberg lBMFc I I I 6" 1: e.~! t.:i r1;'S ';J 6 tl:l ~~ ~ewq~.1 Town Cn'~rlcl1t t I~ ~' ,j, "l ~1 __ \ ':~~t:.:,j)~.L' . Oc~ t .:~ 1 s t ':;:')!"i t~, i} ,.\! 1.. I; 1) 'ro J"/. ~,' I,.... ... 4 ...' H~/ '1',' :~; ~ t, ~:l in l'~~P;)! r fi..lrri.i,l~~: ~~:n.'.I!::~' a'tl0 I~::~~'p :. . ~'. "I;"'~ f::\~~.r'. "1..I~ 'i :'~~t::; t. (',"'I. '~.--;':. Sl i. ~~~~~"' t,~ (' _~. ~~.. ,~."). ';.8 t 1~, ':l .ro I~\ C' ;: :..!H.t ". ,"; -~ ,....l 1:':' .1.. ;.. 'I: ...+.~/ t" ~< i.~"~~ P !1-:.:: r' . :J J . ~,lf' r~ . E.~/dJ'.,q,,:)t~ 1:"l ,..81.,+\-.1,... ~~:,) r :l"ntH1-~ W.;Lt....r fo!~ $i1.:)~) P(.:.;.:'.:-:1:). Tr.l.e ci,ty to OW'l H'yd'~3.nt;; ~tr~J ~,i} k'-~ ~,::':' S.o:..t.'1it~ i. n ('!?, pa 1. I'. ~411~~["t~i...\i_,d!1 r:; '~~n,'.il,mt1.!j (,">};_W'~;1.1 ~..,r)v;,)~l r.~'(!:t.t t1ie ("it.:? r~I..;: ~i1'-'p \Vatt~~" :::.~. ~;_~.,~';?\ ,;)..'t' .lln. p~~r'. Hydr~~lt f""" ') 1:Jt.l,t~~nt:..; :lnd ~h;'~ e:.t.f k{:~~p ~,:},:n~;. ; n 1"~'~lJ;-ti..~. Thi;'3 m.,_,,"',L.n'j 'N:l~ ~:;er~I'nd'~;1 by C.~f'.ln,';i"'./i1'::n .N::~;'n ~~,"jl \'V3.~; V/,Jt.;.~ ~Jp:~11 D:; naIl Ga1!. Ay~~, ~:0'S C.:.'1.i,\,al ; t ("'Y'.\t'''J~'''I,''l 'T' '" ." , .,,~.:~,'~.~.,J;"':~"":'I' ... ..~ (~ t{ \ ,;~~.l. 0 r:';' 0, . ,-::I,. n" - _ . ~IIJont ~~:-J..Ul,~ ~.~; J Pr., ~ i it,?l1 t,>> rrr..f" tr1{) t; '.;', "-;"ld 1. )~;t .~-1 Tht':.;'':;,:.:,:,) ,}. 11.'("_ Hawk~l:'} ;'Vl::\'o; "')'r; fn11IJ''-.'~''';'' ,~,1't;II';, TrJ.' ... f,'." l'l'~ ..--+. ...., 1 "",.1 ..~1. '1..,o....l i~~T" ..4." 'r~ "",,~ ., l ~"', ,,' t,'l"" "'"<"",',",4,.'0,',"':' ,""', ~ ,.j' .f- "'~"...~I~" 'JI~.,"'~:4 ~tJ' .....1,~.- "):"~"A'.'l .J.....I \', ,..,,',;. ' " ~ '" J,.ut.::, ~:ttl.J "'}":'l)t) ':-1::]1 :~~.,." t.n..,; t" ~":~)~.. 7" 1;1:'" q.~t, ,."A. "~:{1i.ntz~ii bj.T th,.: ar;l,l t,~1,:~,t 't)-l~:' f:I;:,;:,,'~i.i ~:-l,r thf~ ::r~~il nf ',~7.r7'--i ;)~'~!'",;1d4,:~"'('.~> ~":::1'~ I> ~,L1..4 ";'i.l,}ei ~., th~-~ ~,irr1;.l: .~; s~,::u'~~'i."l~ t" 1::.f' ~t'.L" ." , ....~~,~.) J':, t.f~;r: ~:.:-....:,. .1,........,,/ 8:;'~:;)lj,:/ ~';..' C'\)\1~11~;.;rr~\::", '''''.t g~:~ ~'\B 'r./" t ';:1 ;~~.('r1 n..,,.. H(,l~. rnl " . . ':.: ~J:i 1 , , .! ~ J ~ 'I .. .~ ( ~. ~ tl r 1 (' tL: ~ j t'" .~ AYl~f>, C()1'N,~11 ~rH:wf-~;' ), .'l ~:r",'j ~,~ i ~1 a ) 7~" ~k} f:,l....lb,~: r'.!, tJ(\ · :3 . !l:)r;n I S'1.:~', '"1;, T~'ii~ ('}I~t..: )~l (";"''i.:'!'~t~:,-l 4-,~= l\ l)'~,'i 1 ^lr:':"G -~.!..~d ~'r'\'n Mr.F.i-::".Rud.:,1.:,'~~ f 'f ~.~~,\;, ~~"i1:'3t..r).':;'1 ~"~:i fJ:)t :.:-n'_i:i;,~!', :'~;.3 !,)J;r ;1, l~!+rlt",s..~.;t lr.-t hj tht.~ 3tl".:.~~d. ~:;'~,:!~(1~'~.t~~.~ the '0111 am(j~\nti.n,::.: Sll',:t'.::.). }':r. T~c!.~:1.~';ll)f~~~'; ;Jf t:'l~~ St.r.t;.:",!'~ S"~'nrGi~'-,~.,.~;, t:.:.:,~" ~""'.-~ "I~~~ ~ :,') ~)'lt,~ bi'l! r.;:', t~J;' t. :illiifl ~.'1:~1.t !,,,(# :J:.,~i ~)> 4~ '<l-'~ -'.10' t-~iat th~~ con.tl"'3.(,~t. W.:t~l toe' b.~~ lret. C.')l'ln:::,j,-:'n.en N"()'')n ll."f'..J C:":lw-:.l;'~,: .Vf..;r'~'~ ,'I:=: t1'~e ooir1tnn tlmt. t.he G; t,l sr.oull on;,~l pay f,.)}' 77ft of t.he brld~~ ,l'trJd t~",t ~.\," b~:..1 ,q;") ~~ e .) h ,-ti.ll i b~ e \j,q r'C~~ d t) ~ ~ _~ ~'i. b,;. ~..i. ng :; :-... rb'~'t~ +...~r :""; WflP {' 8 11 ~ (iU n~'" i. ". mi~\ "'1 Halik i'~:~:; ar!r1 .:i~,~f"':",::) ~:. t~2..f" 3~,c';J';;:' 80\:11:11 tt,~1~ G..i{. II ~d t~'ll'~ ~.)ill and inf"lr:U!~J tht1 c )i.HE~ i1 th.l tthey w~r€, ;,n.,t. "'l" t.>;\ at th~! ml-!:'t, i.11~; <)f Se'Pt. :; :lth t~l have t.he Foo t. 'tnll '.jiR~:ni1 o.ndges repaLt'''!d, and s" '1~t thf.~ r:'ll1trll(:t, t,) tn~ 1,)w\~st bioidel' Mr.E.E.q'Hb1p'n. C01.lr:c i 1 Ynan 'l'eckl. ~',b'~r,c~ then m(;)\'F~'l that the city pay f,)r 77 feet of thp. Foot Bridge this 'no tt 'J!l \Va.s :3ec:;>ndei b,)' CUilD': i "im9'i r:>Jl'N!':l J a~l:: v.-} tJ'd :,~:"):';r) b;;" t~t;ll Ca1'~ A,y ~~~ ~3 1J r'~ - S c .-~ 1. N';~ 11 C': :~'~l '.P:7';\ 1.4 :! }:~iWfC: T) n S1i1) '~"~::'1 :; (>. ~ n T~~~}4 !, },~:;.1;'::'I.~; ~-:-le nli', ~ : I \'~ i~.-:t .,.,.,,~. ~-1 T}t:-.... Tr. /J,"; .~t t~''!.n~~:;.. "'N~:"j,:'~ ~.-le"~ :l,'"~k~~l .' ,I .) .'~ J1,i.', (il1i..'linYl :.t-l t.llf.~ !r.:':i',,'~r" 1 ~;t 1-:,j" t.1'~p S t:'l;:'j:~~, r;'. rn,"'j ~ ...t.i~...} 1 \ ':-! t ~ ,.; ~ ,'\ t' U-; t . :. 'I .... p p,"lY 5,"': .:: ~. f;:" ",:,~:'~:'3 [In:1 .,r'J'lTi:'~.j t':~t~ 1;r ! "'i~:P; n L: ;~t~;' i '! !','.~:t." " :': ~ , n t r' :-:;,~.' ~~ t}1"'~ T"'; vn., '.',':.'t;; }l~~:. pj t I.f thf~ ~l.i t 1" ~i,:." 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" : t ,;. 1"d 'T/7,.: ,. j' - , t ~1 ;;.1::.(,H t, '.l, ,. "",\." ,. .1-1.., ..... ,~ +, ~ :\' ,r . 'i : l .I, Y, F' \"' z.. .(' ,..,. j'-i r'{-" I' - '.\' , ,. ;, .l. ~'. r::- ;. ..~ ~ .f, -1 ( HrJ'i ",' ... r.c [ ""f" . J' :!IJ:.I" ~.~,,;'~,'i " -; f. ',d(,d , . , '.f" to' Y i: r' " ~" "!. .. t'''' r. . :.' ;i1-j t: -; J ,r; ~~.t' . " " r' !\",', tl".P .f' ~.t,.:",; : ~ t'::' J. " " , ,;"'" .-:,-',:, \- '. " . :_ J,. - 1"" " ~.. r . "'. r> i""'".:' :-,.: ,., " , .',' '( . , ," i.. ~ :- t....;. ", fCr,:') .,"'! / lBMFc I I I ~" lr- t,j ~J\~ MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL. MONDAY EVENING DEC.4th, 1912 The Seward Town Council met in regular session at the Town Hall, Monday evening Dec. 4th, 1912 Present were, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers and the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The council ordered the Cl_rk to write the Clerk of the District Court at Valdez, requesting that he mail them a list of all buisness'es in Seward that pay a license. The following bills were read, and on motion dult made and seconded they were ordered paid. Gateway Publishing Co Alaska Transfer Seward Commerci.l Co Seward Water & Power Co 29,60 8.50 3.10 67.50 The above bills passed the council by the affirmative vote all the members present,except the bill of the Seward Water & Power Co, Councilman Noon voting against this bill. Mr. Whittlesey reported to the council that he had completed the. work of mailing tax notices, Thereupon Councilman Noon moved that a warrant be drawn for twenty dollars to pay Mr. Whittlesey for his services, This motion was seconded by Councilman Crawford and passed the council. Upon the motion of Councilman EI Hawkins secanded by Councilman Sauers that the Marshal be instructed to get the needed street lamps, this motion passed the council. No futher buisness coming before the meeting, Councilman Sauers moved that the meeting adjourn, Councilman Noon seconded this motion and the meeting adjourned. 1 / ;' ; ; ~~/ J4ayoz1' ) lerk, lRMFc MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL. MONDAY EVENI~G DEC. 16th, 1~12. The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall Monday Evening Dee, 16th, g,t the usual hour. Present were, Crawford, Sauers, Noon, Tecklenberg, and the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The President appointed Mr. Crawford on the Light Committee" to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Noon. Councilman Noon moved that the Marshal be empowered to employ the necessary help, and secure the necessary material for repairing the "Sewers" which were damaged by the recent storm. This motion was seconded by Councilman Tecklenberg, and passed the council unanimous A bill was read from Brown & Hawkins, Councilman Noon moved that a warrant be drawn for $9.00 the amount of ti1is bill, it was seconded by Councilman Sauers and passed. Upon the motion of Councillilan :troon, seconded by Councilman Sauers that a committee be appointed to draft and send a telegram and petition Judge Overfield to hold a regular term of court at Seward. This motion passed the council by the unanimous vote of all present. The President then appointed Councilmen Noon and Sauers and the Clerk of the Council to serve on this committee. Dr. Romig then addressed the council, calling their attention to the fact that Mr.'Allen Young was a patient at the Pionae:!' Eospital and that he was in a serious condition, and that Mr. Youngs funds were about exhausted, and that i~ would only be a matter of a short time until he would become a charge of the town. The Dr. also infor- med the council that Mr. Young had friends in Ketchikan and if he were there, they no doubt would look after him. Dr Romig suggested that the council furnish Mr. Young with transportation to that place. Thereupon Councilman Noon moved that the Clerk be empowered to draw a warrant to cover the expenses of Mr. Young to Ketchikan. Councilman Tecklenberg seconded this motion, and the motion passed. The Captain of the Steamer Dora having borrowed from the Fire Cheif the hose of the department, which were used in trying to get the Steamer off of the beach, and the condition of the hose being such when it was returned, that several members of the council thought that it might be damaged, Thereupon Councilman Sauers moved that the Fire Cheif confer with Capt.Mc.Mullen and try to secure three lengths of fire hose to replace those that were damaged, this motion was seconded by Councilman Noon and passed the council. No futher buisness coming before this meeting, Councilman Crawford moved that the meeting adjourn, this motion was seconded by Councilman Sauers, and the meeting adjred. />~ I ~/MI(~ ~Uf)A<~ ('/ 7" Mayor, I I ~ I -"1 ,-"--