HomeMy WebLinkAbout1916 City Council Minutes 392 Minut~8 o~ th~ R~gul~r mARting of th~ Common Council of th~ Town of SAw~!:1j._ !!~~lf~j. _l}"! !~_o!~~~~ _2j._!2!Q._ _, __._ _ _ ______ _._ _ _ ___._,. __ ___ MAAting c~llAd to ordAr ~t 8 p. m . by Pr~BidAnt pro tAm D~g~tt. All mAmb~r8 prAsAnt AXCApt CouncilmAn Ch~bArlin ~d ~Ar.. Minut1ll8 of thA mflll\ting of l)flcAmb"r 20, 1915. WArfll rAt\d tUld IU'tAr corrp.ction so ~8 to show th~t th~ rAso1ution of Dfllrrick LftnA w~s rAf~rrAd to thl'! Light IUld Wh~rf Committf'lf~S, 8~id minutlllB Wl\rA Il.pprovl'ld. ThA rfllpoTt of thfll Light Committl'lA, rfllco:r.amp.nding tll'Lt thft Vrop06AQ. ol'dinl'\.l1Cfll TAgul~ting thA U8~ of Alfllctl'ic dfllV:LCAS bfll rp.jActl'ld. WH.8 rfll~d by th'" ClArk. Councilmfl.ll Youngs. sp.cordf'ld oy Councilf1llVl Chovin, mOVAS th~t thfll l'APOl't bfll rflljActAd:' 1l6tion Lost. Councibul'\.l1 Borgflln, sAcondAd by CouncilmlUl Crll.wford, mOVAS thll.t thl'l rApo:rt bl'l ~ccl'lptflld: Motion Lost. / V ThA rl'lport of tb.. Strp.At Il.l'ld Wh~rf Comm.Lttl'!AB, rRcommf'lnding th~t thfll Pl'oposAd rf'lsolution granting to DArrick Lll.l'lfll thfll right to open up thl'! A~8tArly tWl':nty fl'!At of First AVAnufll bfl! rflljl\ctA1, W~B rfll~d by thA Clfllrk. Councilml'\.l1 Cr~wfor'l, sfllconrlAd by CouncilmlU1 Borgfl!n, mOVfllS tIH-I.t thl'! TP.pO:rt bfll _ccfllptl'!d: Motion CH.Tl'iAd H.n1 thA Pl'f'lsidAnt dAclH.l'Ad thfll sBid yroposAd RAsolation Tflljp.ctl'ld. Thft communicH.tion of City Trl'lIl.BUTl'!T Romig w~s Tl'lll.d by thA Cll'll'k. Counci1m'Ul CTH.wfoTd, sl'lcondf'ld by Councilm'lll Chovin, mOVAB th~t thA corr~unic~tion bl'! Il.ccl'lptAd Il.l'ld thll.t thl'! City Tl'AIl.8UTfllT bfll ll.uthorizl'l1 to aCCtll!lt thfll sum of $613.00 in full fol' thA tlUCAS Il.l'ld Il.dvArtising costs Aga.ins t thl'< pollU1d Trll.ct ~ol' thA Yl'l~r 1915, Il.nd thl-\.t thfl timA fOT mA.king tht'! TApoTt of thA TACAipts A.nd disbursp.IDt'!nts *incA April 10, 1915, bp. p.xtAndAd to Jll.1lu~ry 15, 1916; Motion c~l'Titl!d. Th-. communicA.tion from thp. School BOH.Td was rA'vi by thfll CIATk: CouncilmA.n BorCl'!n, sl'lcon'lt'!d by CouncilmA.11 Chovin, mOVp.8 thH.t thfll awn of On!'! Thous~m'i Dollars Of'! .fJll.id OVAl" to tIlt'! School BO~T(l IU1d thft ClArk WA.S instructflld to call thp. Tallon thl'< ~doptlon of SA.id motion with thp. following rABult: AyAS: Councilm~n Borgl'ln, Chovin, Cl"~wford, Your~s A.lld MA,yor Pro-tAm Thlgt11'l t t Absl'lnt f\,nd. not vot ing: CouncilmA.n Chl-\.lIlbf'!Tlin 1l.1l',l M;yArs; and thl'l Mf\YOT .Pro-tA:lJ 'lfllclA.Tflld UtA lllotiGln I'I.doptAd. Thl'l Communicfition from thA a_ward Light and. POWAr COlU1JA.ny in TAfArfllncA to cl'lTtain Tfitt'!S WA.S Tl'lad by thp. ClArk /IUld T...fArTp.d to thfll Light Committl!l'h Ill'" CommunicA.tion fTom Fir... WA.rdl'ln, M.A.Hol'nAr. wu TARU by thl'l ClArk A.lld on Motion of Councilmlol.n Youngs, sAcon,lAd. by Councilm'ul BOTgftn, thp. cOllUI1UnicH.tion WA.S accfl!ptRd ~liIi thp. FiTfll ComIDitttllf'! WArA A.uthorizl'ld to oTdf'lr fU1 ~d.dition'1.1 tilJ for thl'l Hart Nozzll'l and build fl hosfl! hOUSfll at thA foot of RailToll.d AVAnufl bflltWfI!flln First A.lld. Sfllcond Strl'lAts. J.J. FinnAglU1, rl'lpTAsl'lnting DArrick LanA, A.pp!'!al'!'!d bAfoT!'! thfll Council and nlll.'lp. VATbll.l flPlJlicfttion for thl'! GTll.nting of a pl'ltition fOT thfll irnprOYRIrll'!nt of thA E~st tWl"!nty fp.p.t of FiTst Avp.llul'l by opfllning A.nd. gTfid.ing S1UIlA . 1 BM F(~ I I I l)( ~'-) UL'U M!l.nutf'!8.of thl'! Mp.l'ltinc of thfl COmmo:fl COuncil of thfl Town of SAVlA.rd, Al't3k"t, l1l'!lri .T~.nuA.ry 3, 1916, Continw!d. ..-._-+--"'----. - ',-- ._------ ----,-...---.--,.----.- ----_._..~- -_._.- -~- Thl'! followine; C1A.ims hA.vinc; bl'!An A.pprovfd by thA Fl.nfincp. Cowmi t tf!P. WArp. rl'lnd by thl'! Cll'!rk: W. T. Lue fiS $ 7 5 ~ ao SAwl1.r-i 'l{al'}2:\ & POWE'lr Co W.D.ColIVArno11 100.00 M.A.Horw"r .T. H..!\omie; 100.00 Artic Brotllf"rhoorl CI-Ullll 26 RobArt GUflst 150.00 Sl'!ward Dock W.R.C'1.ntrHll 100.00 Borc;.m Grocfllry J.!.A.Hornf'lr 50.00 W.l'.I.uc.,s John MA.d.sl'!r! 2.00 Broahls & Noon .TolmNf'l1son 4-.00 J.L.GrA.f'lf .Tohn Holfs 6.75 Chovin SUlJii1y Co. HAnry Pafllb!':n 15.00 S.Agr;il'! E. Ayrp.2 2.75 LOWlli~ & HA.nfori Ch;'\5..Johnson 8.00 Unit..,-i StfitfllB Rubbl'lr Co. Frank N.Chovin 20.00 POlilt Pu'bli9hine Co. H.E.Ellsworth.. 4-3.65 AJ."tska TrfillSfFl!r Co. SAwnrd E1f1lctric L & P Co~8.15 TrAasurAr Sp.wara School A1askft Ell'!ctric Co 5.00 BOlir::! 1000.00 Council:Il>tn Crawford., ~;Acondt'ld by CouncilmF',n Chovin, mOVAS thA.t thf> bills bo >tpprovflld ...nd thA.t warrA.nts bl'! issuf'li to thf'l pA.rtif'ls nA.mfld for thfll rp.spl'\ctivt'l l\IIlXIU.mts, ~d fh... Clp.rk Wfl.S instruct!':Q to cl'tll thfl roll with thl'! folJ.owi.ng Y'p.2ul t: Ayl'!s: Councilrn~ Borel'!n, Chovin, Crft.wford, Younes IUld Mft.yor Pro-tfllm Da.e;gAtt AbsfIlnt fl.nQ not votiJ ,g: Counc ilmfill ChlUIlbfllrlin ...nQ Myp.rs; m'ld th!': },hyor Pro-tl'!iI1 1ftclft.rl'!-i thp. motion R'iopt'd !1.n1 thl'! Cl!':rk W>t2 instructAd to -tssu!': thf'l Wfl,rrA.nts. $100.00 2.5.00 21.00 lO.50 1.80 2.5.00 1.08 3.60 2.25 1.00 10.20 588.73- 111-8.35 13.25 TI1P. rAport of thA Municipfl.l Clftrk fill'l MFtCistrA.tA was rl'lft.d by thf'l Cll'!rk and show.d thl'! followine;: Fp.I'!~ collf'1ctp.d from Builiil~ Pftrmits Finl'!s A.n1 Forl'Aiturp.s Co11f1lctp..i Totf'll co11l'!ctl"d which fUllOunt flfl.'l bl'!An pf1.if! into City trAI\9ury 8:'1.i'1 rl'lport Wft.B orJp.r,'1 filA1. # 1.00 155/.00 $ Thp. lIl>ttt!'!r of licl1tinc; thfll atrp.t'!ts undp.T' thp. nfllw rfl.t!"!s WA.S rfllf!':rrp.d to thp. Light'Committl'!t'\. On mot Lon Council A.1journI'!1. Pr"lsi,. Pro-tp.r" of thp. Common Council A.nd Ex-officio Mayor . -~ \' Cll'!rk. CO( 'I' G :J ':l: Tb~ ft,~cul~~ MI'!,~tine: of thA Common Council of thl'l Town of SA\V~rli, AlackI'\., hAl,j .TiUlufl.r;r 17, 1916. MAAting C11.11o'1'i to or'iAr "it 8 p. rn. by PrAsidAnt Pro-tAm DFLBi3Att All Tnf\mbPtra prAsAnt I'!XCApt Councilm'Ul MyArs. Minutfls of thp! mAAting of JIU1UFll'y 3, 1916, T'fll'l.:1 m1d fl.pprovAd. ThA Conuaunic>tt ~on from J. J. Gr>1.~', '\CAnt of thA pyrAl1A MfU1uf>tcturine Co. w~s ri'lfl.d and r..fp.rr,~'i to thR Firp Co:nmittc'R. ThA Conl!nunjcl1.tion of' J. J. Grftd.y, .<tgAnt of thA Burroughs A'lding M:'1.ch- inA Co, '!II11.8 rf'''I.d m1d rf~f'p.rnd to thi~ Fin"-ncf' Committ~,~. Thf! Hf~port of thF! Munic~ip'1.1 TrAfl13UrAr, .T.H.Homig, WfUl rHfvl >Ul'l rAfp.rrAd to tllA 'Finf1.nCA Committp.H. ThA rAport of thA Municip'1.J. Clp.rk. W.T.Lucas, showing itAillizPld fl.CCClunts of thA rAcAipta fUld 'Usbur:H-lillAnts for thp. pAriod. cO!IJIllp.nc:1ng Ap:ril 11, 1915, "-n1 ~n~line; .rl1.ntla:ry 11, 1916, vms rAfl.d. lUl'i on lIlotion of Councilmm1 Chovin, sAcon,lAd by Councilmfill Crawford, said rAj,Jort was rA~Aivfld fUld or'lAT'R'l fi1p!d m1d thp. ClArk YlI~:3 instructA1 to publish s'1.i:1 rAport in thA Officifl.1 PapAl'. Thp. following cll1.ims hfl.vine bAAn approvAd by thl'! finl1.ncA committAfl WAr'Po ri'1P./l by thA CIA)'k: Ad.'ninigtrl'ltor Dickp.rmf\n }<lstfl.tf" . 5).00 M. A. HornAr 2.50 J. H. Romig 1.~O W. T. DA~~S 2.75 Coun~ilm'l.n Cho\'in, Sp.condAd by CouncilrnA.n Crawfor'l. mOVAS thfl.t thp. elf-\.ims b.. approvp.'l 'tn1 tl.l>tt 'N.'irrf\.nts bf> issup.1 to thA pl'trtip.s n~unp.d fOT thA :r,'!slJActi"p. fUnounta m11 thp. ClArk Wfl.8 instructl'ld to call tl'p. roll with thA following TA8ult: Ayp.f3: Counci1mIID BorgAn, ChftmbArl,9.in, Chovin, CrF\.wfor'l, Younes ~nd Ml1.yor Pro-tAm D~ei3p.tt AbsAnt I1.nd not voting: Councilwm1 MyArs; ::m1 thp! M'l.yor Pro-tfHrl ,1Acl~rp.d thA Llotu.on fl.rioptA'i IUld thl'! ClArk Wf1.S inst:ruct!'ld to iSSUA thp. Wl'\.rr'1Xlts. Thp. Cll~rk now rl'l~l.,ls thA Pl'lt:ition I-ln1 cmumunicRtion from DArrick LanA in TAf"lTf'!nCA to thl'! opAnine; 'l.nd grF\dQng of thp. El1stp.:rly tWAnty f'I'lAt of v' First. AVP.l1UA, "tnd on motion of Councilmm1 Cllflmbr.rlin, sAconiip.d by Councilmf1.n CrF\.wfor'l thl" m:"t tAr WFlS 1'li.d. OVI'\T unt.i.l thA nAxt rogul'tr llii'!?ti1te for furtllp.r invp.stie"tt,ion f\.n'i tnI'! Municii),'1.1 AttornAY .Wf~S instruc'- tAd. to inYAst,ig"l.t..p. UlP. Ip.g~ Stl'\.ltl.l.S of thp! bUilriings",in. thf! sai d strAflt. Tl:1f~ Cormliunic"I.tion of thfl S"!wil,:ri Gp.np.ral !{ozpit,,,,,l, n~quAst.ine; pA:rmisaion to lnst.'\a 1 '~ni U"ll'> il ITll'>tf"r in thA Sp.waTcl Gp.np.ni.l Hospi t'1.1, 'N'tS rfHld by tht'1 ClArk. Co:<ncilruan BOl'[:p.n, sp.cond"r1 by Counci lm"tn Cbovln, mOYRl) th'l,t tbp. :rP.Q)jfl:.3t b~ .3r'illltP.'i: Motion cf1.r:rip',i. Thf1 Muni.c,ipI1.1 AttornAY "idvis~s thA Council that tlJA pArmis3ion to USA 3'1.1<:1 lUflt"lr might bfll construp.'i to bfl Il spf'lcil\l privill'lgA Il.nd. Sl\illl'l wj.C;ht hl'l,vt'! '\.n p.ff~ct on thl'! v"l,lidity of thA ordin....>1CA. CouncilrUIill ChfWlbArlin, 9AC ond.fl'i by CouncilmlUl Younes, mov",s thfl.t thp! :prflvi.ou8 motion bA rAc(lnsidR:r,~i; motion carriAd., fUld thA illfl.ttAr Wfl.8 rAfp.rj'~d to thl'l LiGht COIllll1i ttRA. - , 1 13M Fc~ r'!-,"'''''' ~ " L' ;,.... NinutRs of thp. MAI~tine; of thp. Common Council of thp. Town of Sp.wf'tr1, AlA.skf\, hAld J"IUlUflr:lr 17, 191h, ContinuAd. I K. \C r Couneilmfln Crflwfor'l of thA Li,-Lt Corruni t tAP. ml1.kp!S >1, vp.rbfll rP,lJort of tiH \ C03 t of instflll i.ne lie;hts in thp. ClustArs A.t thA cornf-\rs of Fourth /illd. WA.shine;ton 3trf'pts: Co:.mcilmR.n Youngs, sp.con'lp.<i by COUllcilrnl1.!i Chuvin, movp.:J thR.t tb'l CluatAnl bp. liGhted with 60 Wf'ttt l!'l.mpS: Motion lost. I Thl'l Hl'!fllth I'l.n'i PolicA CorulIlittAA r...port. t,hl1.t thf'! BOflr1 of HAfllth hfl1 hold a rnt'\\'tine on J"A.nul-try 13, 1)16. 'i.t which I-tll lliAI:lbflrs WAr'" l1rp.sAnt AXCP.pt tLf~ TI~;,tyo:r, R.n1 thl'tt thA BOllir'l RpprOYI>.j thp. rAport of tilA Hp.fi.lth OfficAr a.nd rAff~rrp',i ON!!A to thfl aouncil for its flction thprFlOn: T!Hl Clr1rk WI1.S inst:ructAd. to rA>vi thA rAport of thfl HFH\lth OfficAr l'\nd tb.. SA.i<i rflporth'tving bAAn rA>ld,Councilm>tn CrFl.Vlfor'l, 8Acon'1A1 b)l Counc:i112an BorBAn, rnOYAS thA A.doptior. of thp. followir~ rp801ution: RESOLVED ThA.t thfl, Rpport of thA UAfLlth OfficAT bfl fi.CCAptA<l anti thl1.t Tho'! .Rp.c,orurnAn1fl.tion in rflfArt'!n::Po to firA H~capf;u bFl rFlfAr!'Ai to thA FirR' Cm~JittAA: fl.n1 th~t, Th~ RA:.:ommAnd.fl.tions in r~ff~r'!ncA to Gl'\:rbl'\(!;A ClUl8, Mfl.l11J.rp. C>tns, Cf!SS pools n.."l<i thA rp.mo\r,tl of G"trbR.{';f\ 'Uld thA ml-ttt.Rr of fl.llimfl.ls runni,ne; on thfl otrFlAts b<-l rflfRrrRd to thA UAH.Ith .'U1d poli'Jfl CommittAfl with instructions to AnforC:A thA or,;Unrtncp.s pn:rt.<tinine; to such llifl.~tfl:rS: f'tn1 thf\t, Thll mJ-\ttflr of thA Q.uAJ"fl.llt.tn!'l St'\tion bA ri'fp.rrAd to thA HAh.Ith COlillnitt!':ll with iI16:trUl.J,tions to i:nVAStiC;R.t,,: thA 3FIJIJA fl.nd rp.port to this Council: I'tnd th~1.t 'J'h8-t thFl t:lfttt,U' of tilt" SAWI1.3A Syat...m bA rAfArrA<l to thp. Cornr:1ittpl1 on S?WH.(~A with instructione to inVA:3tie'ttA B~@! ,,-wi rAport to this Council: /U1.J. that, Thp Municip~l ~lprk bA instructAd to publish thA HAfl.lth Ordin"tncp. No. 35' in t:1A officif\l np.wsp'l,pF!r. Councilm'in Youncs, sAcondA1 by Councilmf.\.l1 Chlllnbp.)'l<iin, mov'Pos triA fl..J.option of th? following fWlF!ndrnAnt: If :.h... eoat of tOA publishing of tOA ordin"l.ncf! ,'X,lARds thA sum of 'fifty dollfl.J'6 that .Ii; c:l'\ll for bi.is bA mR.dA. for publ iSJling HIUllP.: /ill<i U,A Clr>rk "'>\8 instruct"ld to c<tll thFl :roll on:hA A..J.option of th,:; :~1ul,1n(-'nt wi t.h thp. following rf-Hlul t: Ayp.s: Counci1m'Ul Chl'l.'1lbArlin l'\nd Younes NoPos: Counci1rnJ.1.n BorgAn, Chovin, Crfl.wfor1i, A.n1 Prp.si1Rnt Pro-tr1ffi DIl.CCHtt AbcF,nt 'w1 not v'Jting Councilml'\n MyAri3: J'Uld thA Prp.sidAnt Pro-tAIll .:il'lclal"Ad thA l'\mp.nmllAnt lost. Th~ o:rie;in'i.l rAsolution w/'to adoptAd 11.11 mflmbflr3 prf!SAnt. voU.ne in ffl.vor of S>UllF! i'klApt Councilllll'\.n Youngs who vot"Q No. On (------u . ~/\ ". ~?U-~ -- Pr"'lJ L 1"~nt PT'O-tf~rn of thA Common Council ,ud E.x:.-officio Mayor. I 0('f' .j::J) :Minutp.s of tllA callAi mAAting of thA Common Council of thA Town of SAW;'J"::', Al'lS k,~, hpI d FA b:run:ry 1, 1916. Mp.p.tin/3 Cl1.l1p.d to a:r'lA:r ftt 8 p.m. by Mayor MyA1"S, who statAd ,tl~l'1.t tb,' ObjAct"Ot' \tl1",mAAtitlG WI1.S to pl1.SS on claims I\g"l.inst tLfl Town. Thf! ClArk rAl1.d thA followinG bills which WArA &pprovAd by thA F'inftncA COlIllllitt"lA: W. T . Luc'1.s W.D.Coppprnoll J.n.Romig RobArt CUAat W.H.Cftntrp.ll :M.A Hornp.T' F:rftnk Chovin Src11 TAclmpT' Chl1.s Johnson Hemry P"tAbAn M.A.HornAr W. T . J.uc'lS SpwI1.r1 Wl1.tp.r & ~owAr Co. 100.00 Counciln'IHrI Crawfonl, sp.condp.1 by Councilr:lI'J.l1 BorCAn, n;OVAS thftt tilA bill s bA ftpprovp.r:l. and tllat Wf1.r:rf1.r.tB bp. iSSUfll.t to tr'A p"trti'':!3 W"JrArl in thA rf!sl'flctiYf> FUlJounts and thfl ClArk WI1.I:l instructA1 to cfl,11 th''! roll wi th tLp f(,]] owinc :rAsvl t: Ayw;:.: Counci.J.nil\r, EorCA!:, Cbovin, Cr'lwfo1"'l, DFlcr;Att flr;rl Mayor M;yA1"S: Cc;xr.cilrriftll Cb'ullbprlin and Younc;s votfl Ayp. on nlJ c'1aime AXCI~pt t}'fl,t of tJ'A Post Pul,],;,:,Lint:: Compf\ny to which tl,py ObjAct on fl.ccount of Md.::; !lothP.7illC; bp.p.n cflllp.d for. nnd "t}'f; MFlYOT rlPc]fl.Tf':d t}lP. ffiOtj or IldolltPrl fl,nd tl'P. Clp.rlc V'lfl,S inGtruc+,0Q to hH1Vf' UP. WftTTnr.ts. All mAmbATa prPRAnt. $ 75.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 12.00 4-0.00 36.00 4-.00 20.00 25.00 SI~wnTd LigLt & POWI'T Co All1.skn EIActric Co Jollr. StTfl.SSI~r Iuogfll1 Luc~s Chovin Supply Co Post PubliardnG r.o Borgen GrocAry Co Ad.'11inistJ'ator DickArmfl.n E;,;t~t'l Unit~d StfltAS RubbAT Co Alfl.skfl StAamohip Co J. L. Graef Alaskl1. Tr~sfAr Co 24-.00 5.00 1.00 6.25, 6.50 88.84- 2.,50 5.00 .35.00 30.00 4-. 20 14-10 50 Tb''! Cll'!rk rAad.e thA Tp.port of thA Firl'! Comr.littAP rp.commp.r.dirlC; t.}1P. dictributioll of 20 or 30 Pyrp.l1A FirA Extillguishp.rs about town tune in consf,j G1KVS [-laG!'!! fl.1Hl on moti OIl tI1A rp.poJ'!t was accf'lptpd. TnI'! Ir'fl,ttAr of thA purchfl,sP of fl.n flddinG mftchinA ".-as Ifl.id OVA!'. In thp. ffifl.ttAr of tb\ rpqup.st of thp Cfll;"rF~l HospitHl for fl. ml'!tp.r on mot. i on of CouncilIllfln ChlUllbA1"lin, S I'!C ondp<i by Counc D.al1al BorgAn the Municjphl Attorl1l~Y l'i'H3 inatructp.d. to confnr witl1 th,: Spwl1.r.l I,ic;l,t ftnd. POWPT CorqjF,ry >InrI A.r1"fu_GI'! for till'! 1UI1Andmf!nt of tbA O1"rlinft! CA so thf\t IDAtp.Te can bA instfl.llAd. ill echoole,churchf!6 ftn'l hoepitHls witllout SfUllP. violl'itinc; tbp. spAciF.l priviJ flC;f': c'lnu9!> 1'1'11" f('llowine; app.cinl J'FltAS wp.rp. orUATAd filp.d.: Tn cotl:pllpXICP. wi.tl. ip.ctic>n 10 of OrdirHu1CP. No. 42 you "1.1"p. fl,dvisAd thF\t until furtIlp.:!" noti.cA thp. foDowine "SpA'ltfll P.ftt.f'O" LA-VA bAfln mntip. by tLis (!oll,p'm:' Affp.c~~_v", .Th~l1jHn 1st. 1916; :Fan }i;U~C'I'RIC FOW-lin, HEATING AND COOKING DEVICES. (Units GC118tw,irle; 1500 watts or lAss. ) TJI'\Y 3p.;vicp at tb~ 1"Fltfl of ~8.00 pp.r Kilowatt MontII. NiC;\t !,!pryicp. fit thp. TFltP. of $8.00 pP.l" Kilowfitt Month. Twpnty-four sp.J"yi.cp.. 'it tbp. TFltP. of $12.00 pP.; KDowntt Month. Rf! :;l'fl (; t full;y, Tl'(" Cpwf1.T'(1 LiC;}Jt flJ1d POWflr COn:pf\IIY pP.T S.M.GrFlff Mner. 1 JHI Fc~ I I I 'if 7 )~l u_' .oJ Mi T'1;t p p, of thp. MFH~t j tie; of t hI" Corrullon Cow ,d, 1 of t},P. A1Ftsk,.., tpld Fp.bruFtry 1, 1916, conthnJp.d. Town of Sp.wlir'l, ___......._ "0_.__ M....._______.____.._ ..__... - _.~.. ... _.. .-. 0-.'_'---..'-- ..- ..... COWicJJn"qi Youne;s, PPcolvlprl by C(ouTJc:iJll'f'U' ChFtIilbprlin" movps thHt tl"p.rp. bA 1Jurc!"~ispl tAn Pyrp.nA Firfl !'xtincuis'hp.:' BOXflS witll Extincv.ier.Ara, tf'n Ext!"l1. Fronts for l:l1UIJP., ftrd fiYp. r;n110IIs of Fluid.. ll~ot.i(,:, ehrr:H3r1 FtTid thp. Clp.rk Wf1.S irlstructpr] to issup. rA[lul<!j ti orl for SfllllP. tc th~ PyrpnA Ml'U'lafftcturine; Co. CounciJu,'\l1 Chov:in, Spco!l'lPQ by Counci.JM-U'l DAC[';f\tt, lllHkAU thp. fol}nwmne lOot 1 (lY,; T'bFit tb'l MFtyor bp. fl.utllorizArl to Ftppoint I'l Fi rA Inepp.ctor for thf~ tArm of onp. montlL fit fl. sfl.lflry of Fifty DollFtrs I1.nd thFtt s'tirl inspp(::tor bp irlG+.,uc+."'d to AXlUllinf' ft1J buildine;s fl.nd f1!nforcp. thf': or,iil1H.!ICPS 1rl 1'('f(',r(~1",Cf~ t(I 1ro1'Fn' instHIIH,tjotl of fluf's Fl.nd protpBtiorc of wfll]s from firlil Motion eHT1'ip,1 On motiurl Councll Adjourl1f~rl. ~~ ---- Mun1:cil''tl Ch'rk. pr~1P~O~ ~::unoiJ R.Yl.l F.x-officio 1bl.yor. -. nnQ f:J/J'--..J1 Minutllls of thA RfIIgul/1.:r :UAlIlting of thfll COJIUllOn Council of tl1f11 To'ml of SAw/1.:r1. Al/1.sk~. hfll11 FAbru~ry 7, 1916. MAAtine C/1.11A1 to oriAr ~t 8 p.lli. by M/1.yor MyArs. All mfl!mb...rs j,lrAsAnt AXCApt Counci1ml1.n Chl11:!I;Arlin. Minut",s of thfll MAAtinge of JlUlU/1,ry 17 fUld ll'lIlbrul1.ry 1, 1'116, WArp. rA!\,l '1.:n1 /1.pprovA.l. Thfl! communic'l.tion from thA SAw,,-r.l School Bo,."r'l rAqJlAsting thl\t thA sum of aliA thous>tn1 10111\r8 blll pl'l.id OVAr to thflJ BOl\rd W/1.S .rA>l.d I\nd on motion of Councialtn Chovin. sfI!cond.A.i oy Councilrnltn Cr'1.wfor.i, Sl\id rfllquAst WitS erfl..l1 t A '1. \. Th.~ couuuuniC'l.tinn of thA SAw'l.rd GAnp,r/1.1 H08j,li t'l.l inviting thflt Couneil to bA pr!'!sAnt /1.t thA opAning of SR.io. hosp1tl\1 on ThurslR.}' FAbrul\ry loth, 1916, WR.S rfl!ltd by thp! Clp!rk I\nri s/1.1o. invit'l.t1on WI\S R.cCFlpt"!d. ThA proposp.d OrriinR.ncF! R_guDl.ting thfl! llilUtnp.r in which lUActr1c CurrAnt CIUt bA h"l-d ''\!ld obtI\1n""i for U8A by thp. rfl!sidp.nte of thA Town of SAwfl.r1. w~w )"A'd vArbl\tim by thfl! ClArk, I\nd on motion sli.id rfl!li.dins', Wfl.8 1Aclltr",d tl1A first rAltding Itnri sltid propoRAd ord.in~cA WitS pltssp!d to its sp.cond rAltding. Thfl! ClArk now rfl!li.ds Ordin~cp. No. ~~ An Ordinl\ncfll to providfll for GAnp.rfl.l Itnd Spp.ciltl Municip~l EIActions in thA Town of SAWf\rd., TArritory of Alltsk't._ for th... RfIlgistl'1~tion of thfll Vot"lrs for such Elfllction8, Itnd othlllr mli.ttlllrs pl"op..,rly ralfl.ting thlll rlllt 0 . fl.nd SA.id. Or(lin"l.lJ.cfII h~ving bRAn l"fIlfl.d v"Irbl\tim by thl'l Cll'lrk Councilrnl\n D'1.geAtt, BAcon.ip.1 by Counci1.In"l.lJ. Youngs, mov"lS thltt 8"1-ili ordin"l.lJ.c~ bp. pl\sBp.1 to "I.lJ.d rfllltd tl'lfll sAcond timfll by titl~ only which 8lti1 motion W'1.B C~l"riAd fl.J.l mfllmbfllrs prfllsAnt,oo roll c~11 Toting in f"l.vol" thATAOf. Thp. ClArk now rfllli.d8 Ordin"l.ncfIl No. ~~ by titllll "I.Ud aounci1.In>tn D~gAtt, sp.condpd by Councilm~n Chovin, mOVAB th~t 8~id rp!A.ding bfll considArAd thp. sf!cond r"''l.ding li.nd th",t thlll sltid ol"'iin"l.nCA bA Pl\S8Ad to Io\;nd rfllltd thlll third timfll by titlfll, which 8ltid motion W~8 c"I.rriAd ~1 wAwbArs prp.oAnt 00 roll C1t11, Toting in fA.vol" thF!l"l'lof. Thfll ClArk nay, rl'l"l.d8 Ordill"l.nCA No. 4~ by titllll Imd Couneilrnl'\n Youngs, sAconclAd by Councilml'tn Chovin, WOVf-lS th"l.t thfll rulf'ls bfll suspp!ndAd fUld th~t sai'l rA'l.'iing bA con8idAl".d. thPl third rPlading 'tnd thR.t 8"1.i1 ()rdin~ncA bill p1acAd upon its fin$i.l p/1.8Sfl.I];A and I\p~,rovli.l which Bfl.id. motion WI\8 CItT':t'i",i fl.ll ffiAmbArs ~rp.sAnt voting in f"l.vor thPlrAof on roll c"I.ll. CouncilIn'1.n DI'l.g{';P1tt, BAcomlA1 by Councilm"l.lJ. Chovin, mOV>-lS thM.t Ordin..ncl'! No. 44 '0" Pl\88Ad "I.nd I\pprovPl'i IU1.d thA ClArk WI1.S il1struct""i to cfl.ll thl"l roll on thl'! ~doption fU1d I\pprovfl.l of 81i.id. ol",lin'tnci with thlll following rA8ult: AYAS: Councilmltn BorgAn, Chovin, Crl\wford, Dl\ggAtt, YOUI~S, I\nd M'1.yor !It'Ara AbsAnt I'\no. not voting: Councilmll\il1 Chl'WlbPlrlin; IUtd thl'! M'1Yor dAcll'l.rAd thA SA.i1 Or'lin"l.nCA No, ~~M.doptl'\d IUtd thF'l ClArk W>l.8 instructflld to publish 8ltid or'lin'l.llCFl by posting thrPA COpiAS of SIWlA in thrAA publiC plac~8 in thfll Toym of SAwA.r1, Thp. ClArk now l"Al\ds thA RfIl801ution Modifying Ordin~nc(Il No 42 1illd flr.lpowAring thp! SAw"trd Light &: POWAl" Comp'1.1l.Y to inst/1.11 mp!tAr8 in "1.11 hospitA.ls A.nd Wl'\kA spfllcil'\l r~tflls to OWllAl"S IU1.d OpAl"A.toTS of 1'\11 moving pict~\r.. shc,ws. "I.lJ.d 8'tiri rp.so1ution hl\ving lIAfln rflH\1 by till'! ClArk, JBMFc I I I M:inut~6 of thp. IllAAtine; hAld }'p.orwtry 7, 1916, Continup.1. 390 Councilrn"l.n YounC;f\, 6p.con.i'd oy Councilrn'tn Chovin, movps th'tt 8"1.i'1 r."uolution ot"! p'tfl8,~.1 "I.nd "I.pprovfd "1.6 rp.t\d fI.l1'i thp. ClArk Wfi.8 instructp.d to cfi.ll t 1A roll with thp. following r,'suIt: AyRS: CouncilrU1tD Borgp.n, Chovin, Crfi.wford, Youngs "I.nd .Mfi.yor My""rs; No~s: C01-lnC ilmfl.l1 D1\eep.t t Abs",ut 1\nd not voting: Council(QfI.l1 Gh'tUlbp.rlin; "I.wi tbp. 1:IIFl.yor 'IAcl"l.rp.'1 t[Jt"! rp.solution tVioptAd I\nd thp. Cl'~rk W>LB instructp.d to p.ot.,;i.f~"tht'l Slllwaril, F.J.Actric Ligflt .& POWfllr Comp>\llY to indorsA thoOl f1.pprovf1.1' of 81'1.1d Compl'l.ny to 8'1.id roGlsolution. Thl'! fOllowing WArp. ri~il;i by thA GP. orgp. Kosm08 W"I.ltpr Rothfus Fr'illk Cllovin E.L.SAnft Clf1.irns hFl.ving ClArk: . bAAn f1.ppTOVAd by thp. Fi~cA Co~nittp.A 1.00 1.00 7.00 6.00 # 1.00 IIt.9.5) .rohn Strl'l.S8Ar Kl\thryn E..McKAfI.l1 TrAfi.8UrAT SAw"I.ri School BOI'I.Tj. Fr'1.nk Youngs, Aglllnt, CouncilrnFl.n Youngs, 9flcondfld by Councilmfin Chovin, rnovp.s thf1.t thA bA "I.pprovfl.i nn1 thfl.t Wf1.rrlint8 bA i8SUl'!d to thA pl'trtiAs nfUllfld for rASpflctivfo\ fWlOu.nt8 fI.l1'l thA ClArk W1t8 instruct<"!d to cli.ll thf> roll thA following rl'!sult: AYAS: Counci~ll"l.n BorgAn, Chovin, Crl'l.wford, D~~gAtt, Your~8 "I.n1 Mli.yor MyP.:rs Absf~nt '1.nd uot voting: Councilm'U1 Chfl.ll1bArlin; I\n1 thA Mf1.yor 'il'!clf1.rp.1 thA cll\ims "I.pprov~d fI.l11 thl'! ClArk WIiS instructAd to issu~ thl'! wtl.rrfl.nts. 1000.00 65..00 clF\.ims thl'l with V ThA p~tition of D~r:rick LfI.l1l'! for thp. opAning fUl1 er"l..Ung of thA Altst tWAnty r...pt of First AVl'!nUR WF\.8 on motion of CouncilmF\.n Young8,sACOn(1pd by CouncilmF\.n Chovl.n. rflljp.ctI'!1. .r..r.FinnRgFl.ll, rl'lvrABp.nting DI'!Trick Lfl.n"', prABAnts th... following pAtition to thl'! Council; Your Pp.titionf!r Dp.rrick LI'I.nl'l rl'!spActfully rAqUp.sts th"l.t your honorf1.L,lA [)o'ly rA801vp. to opl'!n fI.l11 imp:rovf~ 1\11 thA Altst!'!rly tWAnt;)T (20) f!'!At of First AVfl!llUl'l imm<"!ditl.tl'!ly 80uth of thA intpr8Action of Rf1.ilwFtY AVRnl.lp. Im'l First AVAl1UR or' In "I.d'li tion to this rl'!quA8 t your pflti tionAr hArl'!wi th prABp.nts for your sonsi'iArli.tion I\n offAr which is lllf1.dl'l "I. Pl'l.Tt hp.rAof Sigl1Ad DArrick LF\.np. by .r..r.Finnp.g"l.n. fI.l11 ~f1.id pAti tion 11l1.V'ing bp.ftn rl'!ftd Councilm1U'l D1\.ggAtt, Sp.condA1 by Coun6i~nl'\n Counci~llfUl Youngs,1lll'l.kA8 thA following motion: Thl\t First AV"lHUfll South of Rli.ilwl\Y AYRnUfll bfl opAnA'1 up for trl\ffic in 1\ IJlli.nnAT I'l.ccp.ptFtblR to thll Coullcil I\nd thA Cll'!rk WFtS instruct~d to cfl.ll t/1A roll with tlJA following rAsult: AyRS; COunCilnl'IXl Chovin. DfLgeAtt, Youngs f1.nd M"'Yor MYRrfl NOAs: Councilm~~~n BorgAn 1U'ld Crl\wfor1 AbsAnt 'U11 not voting: CoUnCi~llFtn CJI'l.mbArlin; M.nd tbp .Ml-tyor .1Acll'1.rAd thA motion cI'I.rriAd. i ThA rp.quAst of thA Wom<'!ns Club for COpi'H) of thfl City Or'iin"l.ncp.s Wf1.S grltlLtA.l 'lXld thA AttarEAY 1'1"1.8 instruc tA1 to furnish thR capiA8. Councilmfl.n Young8, sRcon'l~d t),}' Counci~ll"l.n Crfl.wford, m"l.kA8 thl'! followiru motion: Th"l.t tbA RAgistr"l.tion Oft'icAr bl'l "I.llowAd thl'l BUIll of anp. hun'lrp.d dol11-1.r8 for sArvicl'l8 in rl'!gistl'!ring votp.rs in li.ccorfi"l.ncl'l with Ordinl'l.ncfl! No. 44 for thp. b"l.ll\ncl'! of thl'! tArm of this Council t/'f'i ~ ~ ~ Minutt'ls of thA MMtin6 of thA Common Council bAld FfI!bru~ry 7,1916, ContinuAd. which sfl.id. motion Wt1.B c~rrifl!d 1\11 ml"lrubArs prAspnt votinc in ffl.vor thArAof. On motion ::~~d::rMd. ~~, . Mu fl. Clfl!rk. -tP,O. )#ff~ Prfl!si1Ant &t thfl! Common Council and Ex-officio M~or. ~ ""'t>:' 1 B M F(~ I I ,~~ I '~'" L.( \ ' M1nut~8 of' thp M...~ting of tl1p Cornman CouLcil of tl;p. Towp of Si-!W>t:r i All-wlo" t.f~ld 1!'l'!brl..l1'lry lIt, 1916. COUllci 1 cf\llp.el to or.l~r f\t S p.m. by Mftyor My!-\rs All IllF'Illb.~rll prf'!3f'nt Th'" Mf\yor st'tt/.'!'i thfl.t thp. mp....ting l1f\d bp.f'n c>tllp.,i for tIlA purposfll of rfllcAiving fU.1d >tcting on thA p...tition for f\ spAcil\l AIAct.ion. Thl"! communicl'ltion of thp All\skl\ Enginp.Ari.ng Comraission li.sldng for 1\ pArmit to Axtp.nd thA prAsAnt liw" of tAIAphonf'! P01AB WI1.B rAl\d by th!-\ ClArk 1-1.111 Councilrnl\n Crfl.owfor\l of th~ SjI'rp,...t Comrn1ttAp. rt'lCOillillAn(.is th/i.t thp. pl>r:uit. bA BTlUltAd, Councilml1.l1 Youngs, sAcon<iAr:1 by CounGilrn>U1 BOTeAn, rn/i.kAS tlJA following motion: Th/i.t f\ pArmit bill gr"l.lltp<i to thA All\skl\n EnginAAring COIlllllission to Axt'."ln,i thp prfl!sp.nt lil1f~ of tp.l"'phonp. j,lolAS I\long thA strAAts of SP.WftrU ill /i.CCO:rdf\llCP. with tllA follDwing cil"!scription: BAginning f\t ft point 10 ft. South 0'1' thA North building linp. of Ml\di-,on StrAfl!t fU.1d 4 ft WAst of thA EI\s.:t linA of thl'! AllAY bAtTlRAn Fourth f\nd Fifth AVAnUl~s, lU'J.d running thptlef'! .'1.10)]6 1\ linA 4 ft. W,.,st of fUld parl\lll"ll to thA E'tst linA of thp AllAY bflltwAAn Fourth fU.1d Fifth AVAnup.s to thA NorthArn boundRiry linA of tll{~ Ll\ubnp.r Addition, bAing I\ppToxilllfl.otAly 1\ di13tlUlct'l of .3060 ft.. subjPct howPvfoIlr to 1\11 tilp provisions of thA Or'iinlU1Cf'!S of tllP. Town of SpWltrri, All\skl\, fU.1d until ~Hunp 8hl\.11 conflict with thfll public' wflllf~rf'!. Mot,Lon c'trrip.'i fill IDflllm'ofllrs voting in fftvur tl1p.J"pof lU'J.d thA ClArk w~e instJ"uctp.1 to iSSUA thA vp.rmit. Th"! RAport of thA Munic'ipfl.l ClArk I\nd Ml1.gistrfttp. for thl'l M.onth of J~IUfl.ry, 1916, was J"Afl.d lilld showp.1 thA following rp.cf~i:ptl3: FinAs 1Ul<i forfpituJ"As * 140.00 Fpp.s for Building PfIlrmits l.~ Totfl.l l~.OO , BfUIll'! has bAl"ln pl\id into City Trf'!1\8ury 31\id J"Aport Wfl.S or~..rRd filp.d. Thp. ClArk now rpfl.ds th{ll, following rAsolutioll: BE I'1: RE801 VED :By thp. Common Coulle i1 of UtA Town of Spwlird, Al",.pkn, Tbl\t U,P' MurdcijJ1'll n prk bfll /i.nd h", Lp.rp.by is Amvo"p.rf~(l t(. nploirlt I'l Dp.puty Municillf.\] C]p.rk fl.nd Hflgistr/o\.tion afficA)" of tho Te,wn of S"wfl.rd, Alfl.skft. A.IJd snid Dl'!puty Cll'!rk fInd r{ACistrlttior. Offi CAr allft]] nfl.vP t},p' SfWIP j;OVIJpr to pprforw FIllY /i.ct or duty 1'AIHting to tbA Municipfl.] Cl,.,rk I fl of'fi.cA or 1i.6 such RfDgistrfttiori Off'i CAr tha.t Bai d jJrinc:i I,Hl bu~. ~n'] th,t tl,p compPllsfttiorl of S"IirJ l)Pj,.:;uty sl:'1-l] 'bp p/i.id by tl A sai'; Mur,icJl.Hl Clprl~. F\J10. thp Clprk W>tB inBt.ruct~.a to CA.ll thp roD on th=> I'Vi0jJtion of thf'l rAsclutj'cm wit} tl'p. 1'01] owir.6 n"sul t: Ay""s: COuI,cjJnfttl Borg"")" Cl1fUJ;bfDr1i,l1, Cr.ovin, Crftwfop.'l, DHc;c;ptt., Younes I\r~.l 1\!:-.yor M.)TP1's lU'ld tl1/' 1;f\,yor <.lpcll\rfld. tllP R~sQlut.i(lr ftd.optprl. Thp Clprk now rPMIe tbfl\ Pllltiti (lrl to c/olll ft SpAcil\l Elpction f'or tllA purpoB'" c.,f' AtlH.bling tbp qUl'llifip,j plp.ctors vf t!:p Town of Spw>tr'l to AitLp.r Tl1.tify or rAjp.ct tl:p 1'tw Pf\.8BP.0. by tl.P Al/i.skfl. Tprrite,riftl 1pgis- 1ftturp, p.l1l-rovfo1d April 28,1915, bping Cllftl'tpr 50 of tl~P. SRssiorl LftWfl of A1n(lkft, 1915, I\n<i S/i.id l,pti tiorl l1ftvirlg 'bPIHJ. rp.ft<i VATriftti.m by thA CIF>rk, 'find thp: Munic IpRl Attornp.y !1'ivirlg r..portl'!'l thftt thp. R"J.id pfDti t.j or. cnl1tlairJP,l n:orp tlllW fift.y qUftlifip0. Alp-ctoJ'!'! of' tJ.fD Town of B{ll,Viard. r 402 MiLUtpo of tl:cp Mppting of tl i> Comn,Oll Council of tb:, Town of Spw>tT'l, A1I\Akll. 1-1p.11 ]'p.llTuflry ll~, ]. ';116, Gem t illUP.(l. Councilnlfln DA-6gAtt, sp.comdp!d by CouncilntH.ll Youngs, Wfl.kAS thp. following DJtition: "Tbl~t tb:, lLl-\.ttP.T of Tl-\.tifi.(~l'ltiorJ of 84'!ctions 3 f\.11d 4, or tl:.A Tl\tifiCJA,tiorl of Sp.ctions 6 hn,i 7, or tbp. r>ttifjcflti(lr~ of Sp.ctions -3 f\.nd 4, I\ml R1eo BActiorlS 6 find 7, of Chhptfl!r 50 of' thA SAssion lAws of A11\skR, 1915, bl'l rl'lfp.T:I1p.dby thfll Common Council of 'l'nfll Town of Sl'!wfird to fi votP. of thA pAo!!lA of 81-\.id Town, fln'i tl:lf'lt 1\. 3J)Aci.Ii.1 EIAction bp. hAld on thp. tWfllnty-nirltl:1 rlf1.Y of Fp.bruf\ry. 1916, at which Bhid s1Jp.ciR.l f!1f!8tlon flHid Ulfl.ttpr sLI,1] pP. votfHl upon by thA qUh1ififl!d Alp.ctorl!l of !!f\irl Town R.tld sfl.id spAcih1 AIAction ShR1l ~onfoTlll ill 1\11 rAB1,pcts wit}: thp. 1,roviflions contll\inAd ir OTdirlf\ncp. No 44." Motion cl-\.rrip.d, fill mAD/bAT'S Vot1llrlg in ff\vor thATAvf. Thp! Coun~j,1 T,OW procp.p.ds to thf'l p.lp.ction of tnp. BORa-d of Elf>ction for tItP. S:pp.ciFi.l l'al'lctiOll Fp.brufl.TY 29, 1916, A,nd thA f011owi1Jg pl'lr80nS WAT'P nCldl1htfll.l for t:bP. r"'Bpp.ctiv~ positions: .rp.8si4'! Ellewortb InspfllctoT' f\nll .rudgA of Elfllction C. S. PR,tton .rudgR of Ell'ction L. C. E~tp.s JudBfIl of El4'!ction lTilOBP!H LtICfl.S Clp!rk of Ell'lction A. P. Brown Clp.rk of E1l'lction r,ouncilwA,E DRggP.tt, BACOnllp.d by CounciJlTIfi!J Youngs, nJovPs thfit triA nomi- llf\tions closp. fmll tnfl.t thR C1P.Tk Cfl.st tbp. bl\llot of tlJP. Council in fRvor of thf'l liibovp. llIWlp.d nominRAs. whicll Af\id motion WI\S ul1Al1liUnou.sly cRJ"'ri,..d Rnd U,f! Clfllrk l:Jf\vim?; CFi.st tbfll bf\llot "'-5 infltTuctP!tl thp. Mfl.Y01' ilp.cltl,1'p.d tha. ~rl,id p~rsons p.1f1lctl'l1 to UIP. 1,ositicll1s to whic:b thAY Wp.rA rp.spp.ctivA1y nOlllinf\tHd. On motion Council Adjournp.d. ~e~ Muninipf\1 C1ATk. I '), ., ~,a,)%;j~ PT'Hl~p.n t of tllA COllUtiOn CounciJ ~d Ex-officio MRyor. , 1 B~M~e I I I L.~ I' C) ._:.... ~ Minutps of tllA HAGulR-r JlJAAtinL: of tLA COlju.;on Council of thA Town of Spy:p,l"'l, AIR-skR-. hAld PpbruR-ry 21, 19:6. COlillciI CR-11AQ to or'lAr R-t :) P.M. by Frpsi1Ant Pro-tAL; DftGGAtt. All mAmbArs prpsAnt pxnAflt Council1wLl1 MyArs. MinutAH of tho-> lllP.Atil1CS of FAbrwiry ], 1':116, I1.rd FAbru'try 14-, 1916, WArp. ,PH.d Fl.nd 'tklprOVA'l. T!lA RAport of t.llA FirPo WFl.r:ipn on thp. AXl-Unin'1.tion of fIuAS WFl.S rAR-d fUld or<1p.rf>d fllAd.. ThA cownunicFl.tion froi~ Bock, BAF\.ls >trl,i Bird.. lne. in rAfprAncp to tl,p, lJli.)'llif'll1t of thA ad.vArtisinc costs on tqXPS jJli.id F\.wi on tfl.XPS unp"I.id for thA YAI1.r 1915, W11.S rArd by thA ClArk fUld on motion of Counci1m11.n YoU!-'C;s,sAcond.A'lby CouncilmlUl Bor~An, thA city TrpasurAr W'I.S "I.uthorizA1 to Axtpn'.i thA timA for thA ljl1.ymAnt of SFl.iQ costs F\nd taxAs. "-- -- v Thp llJF\ttpr of thA o1JAning of tllA Efl.st 20 t'PAt of First !\.vpnUA Wfl.8 tfl.kpn up by thA COUlH~il li.wl Councilm'Ll'l Younes, SACOnQf"i by Councilm'trl Ch"V:lh,'rlin, m'tlcAS tl:p follovvina motion: 1'r<tt tlJA Strppt CornmittpA bA instructprj to p.mploy, fl.t thA AxpAnsp of tb~ p"':ti tionAr J)P.rrick LA.nA, fUl AnginAAr to fix thp e;rl1.'1p of sli.id st)'"f~pt fl.nd th'1.t thA SFi.id COlIllLlittp.p 'Ll'ld thA City Attor!lt~y irF\w a COl'.tr'tet "I.nd !'llJAJificl'l.tions for thA work A.n1 submit thp. S'UDA to tl;is Council. Mn :.1 on Cfl.rr iA ,1 . ~ ThA eouncil now .tJrocAp..1s to thA consi1p.rli.tion of t;hA prol)osp.'l ol"li1ll'\.llC<-' )\"!GulR-ting tIlP. m',nnAr in which EIActric CUrJ'f~nt CFl.n Of> :JA.d fin,). Ol)":;'.tinAd for '.ASP: by thA r~~sidflnts of thA Town of SAward fl.nd COUlwi LmHl1 Chf\.LlloArlin, sAcordA'i by Coun<~iI1i!"L.n CrFl.wforrl, fllOVP.S tllA.t tlJA proposA1 or'iinfUlCp. bfl tfl.bI"l'i in,:hfinl\tAly whi,:h sai1. ;!lotton WFi.S' l.u~an'1.mous Iy c li.rr 1"'1<1. On motion Council 1i.1journA1. {'f.-' \, ....'.". / , ~~ MunicipF\.l ClArk. PrAsi1p.nt Pro-tAm of thA Common Council fUlQ Ex-officio Mfl.yor. L~04 ' " ..i: ~ :." MinutAs of thfll Mf'lAting of thA Common Coun,~il of thA To,ill of SAwR-r1, ~lBSk~, hAld MR-TCh 1, 1916. MAAting c~11A(i to or,lAr Bt 1+ p.m. by PrAsi'iAnt Pro-tpIn DflggAtt. All n,pmb"l::"s yn.s.'lnt AXGBl,lt Counci1m~1! ChBmbArlin Bnd MYP.TS. ThA PrAsi iAnt Pro-tAill fltBtAd thl-tt thA ll1AAti~ W'lS hAld in >tccorrlBncA vlith Ord.in.9.nCA ltl+, for thA purposA of ClUlvf\ssing thA VOtA of thA SpAci'1.1 'El..ction hA11 Ff'lbru'1.ry 29, 1916, f\n1 thflt hA wou1'1 Byyoint Councilrnf\n BorC;AIl 1\.111 Youngs WIJQ, t ogAthAr with thA MUllic 1p9.l ClArk, woul,i CHonVf\SS thp. V'otAll CHoSt Hot 6f\i'1 A1Action~ 11.l1'.\ sf\1d vOtFH3 h'tving bAAn Cf\nVf\S8A.i in Fl.ccor'i~ncA with Orrlin'mcp. )t4. thA Clp.rk now TAnds thA followine TAsoluti.on: WhAr<'l>\S In f\ccorilnncA witII thA motion duly m~(iA IUl1 cf\TriAd, on t1.'P fourtFlAnth df\Y of FAbruf\ry, 1916, I-tnd AntArfl'i on thA minutAs of thEt Common Council of thA Town of SAWFlr(i, Al~skHo, f\n AIAction WI\S hAld on thA tWAnt;)T-ninth d!\y of FAbrulilTY, 1916, in thA Town Hltll in thA sf\id Town of SAWf\Td, f\nd WhA)'AI'IiS ThA followir~ cATtificli.tfll of thA EIAction officATS' f\t s'i-i.i EIAction hf\6' bAp.n filAd with tlip' Municip9.1 CIAr~; to-wit: WA, thA un'iATsignA'i, duly F~ppointA(i, qUli.lifiAd '1illtl f\cting officAre of thA SpAcil'lil E1Action hAld in thA Town of SRWf\T'i, Al/Ulkl'li, on ~,};A tWAl1ty-ninth ,1l'1iY of FfllbrufLry, 1916, do hATAb;>r cATtify thfl.t f\t sFlid Al~ct ion ,-' Pro!-,osition No.1 rAcHivA'j thp. followirlU votp.s: For Hli.t.ific'l.tion OW'! Hun1rflld TWAnty-Eicht Acfl.i.rl.st Rl'\Jtific~tion l<'OTty PTolJoaition No.2 TAC.'liv.'ld tfJA followirlit votp.o: For RI1.t ificf\t.ion NtnAty-fouT Ag'l.inst R'"l.tificfi.tion Sixty-ninA In TAstimony 'Nlip.)'l'lqf w;. n.<tvp. hp.TAunto SAt OUT hf\n18 filld twp.nty"ninth d.R-Y uf FAbruf\ry, 1 \}16. (SignAd) 128 40 941 69 RAlLIs " this ,.' . , c.s.P"l.tton /( SAf\l) InspAetor 1ID1 JUlieA of ElAction. Sylvlli. S~xton (sAnl) JudC'" of ElAction. L.C.B'l.tP.9 (9Ali.l) JU'lcA of EIAction lruoeAn LUC'l.lJ ( SA al ) ClArk of EIAction A.P.Brown (sAfl.1) ClArk of EIAction r R-rl 1, , WhArAaa 8f\i(1 AlAotion, NOW THERKb'ORE. BA it HAsolvlIlri bJr thfll Cowmon Council of thfll Town of SAWI\il",l, Alfl.skH., thf\t, in f\ccoT'll\ncFl with 81\1d AIAction, sfllct10ns 3 and ~f\nd f\1so sActions 6 IIDd 7 of ChaptAr 50 of thfll SAssion L~ws of thA TArritory of Alf\skfo\" YAfl.T 19151 bl'l and thA SIWlA l1iTA hf!rfllby dl'lclI'loTi'l1 rli.tifil'l.j. Councillll>tn BorgAn, sAcon-ip.'i bJ' Councilrnli.ll Younce, mOVAB tbl" adoj,Jtion of trjA TPso1ution ~1 thA ClArk W'l.S instruct",.1 to c'1.11 thA roll with thA following rAsult: AYAS: Councilwfu. BorgAn, Chovin, Cr'1.wfor'1, Younes and Prl"si'1pnt Pro- tAm DI'IiC;C;Att AbsHnt IUld not voting: Councilrn~LTl Ch"WlbATliJl IUld MyHra. f\ll'l thA PrAsidAnt This Council hl\6 ClWlvf\sSAd thfll VOtAS so Cf\st f\t - ~ . lBMFc I I I 405 Minut"!s of tljl~ :M"'I~ t ing of tlltl CaLlinan Coune 11 0 f trlt'! TOWll of Sp.wftrd, Al'wl:[l, );Al'l M:trch 1, 1l)16, continwd. ThA following cll1.ims hllVing bf!t"n I1.11VrovA.i by thA fin'1.n(~f~ commi tt<-1H Wflrl~ rr~:d by thA C1f!rk: W.T.LuCftS $ 75.00 Wm.D,(01)V,~r!1011 10o,no J.H.Ho~iG leo.oo RobRrt CURst 150.00 W.R.Cl1.ntr",ll lUO.OO ~.A.HornAr ~o.OO T.TillRf~on 26.00 S:-un 'fl>:::lutor 12.00 Ch:'is }JJllswf'ilRr 4.00 E. AyrAlJ 10. ,~5 HRnT'Y P;--tAbF'n '). ~O JolLr, Rolf:3 lL~.OO Si]yi'1. SRxton 6.00 C.S.FRttum 6.00 L.C.BRtRS 6.00 Coun,~i1.rn'1.n Chovin, SAcon'lRtiby Couw~ilmf\.n BorCA!", movI.s thf\.t thR bi'! F:.vprov"! 1 Fl.nd thl1.t wftrrf1.nts bf! iBSUf!fj to thA lJH.rtif!8 wuuAd for rf!svRctivR funounts I-l.!ld tllfl Clp.rk WitS instructRd to cl1.11 tllA roll th~ following l"RBult: AYAS: Councilrwll'l BorgAn, Chovin, Crl1.wfor'i, YounGs IiIld Pl"l~3itip.nt Pro- tf~D D'tggA t t Abs'""nt ,ud not voting: Counc1-1ml1.n ClvunbArlin f!-nrl M,yRrs; and thA Prp.fJl~lp.nt Pro-tflLU 'lRcll'lT'H.j thf! motion fvloi1t'><i '1.r1'1 tllA ClArk WIi.S instrLlctR,j to flrli.w anti i9SUA tliA w'1.rrl1.nts. Pro-tp'Jl]~lAcli'\rp.'i thp. rf'solution I1.d(ll)t~d. In,oe;An Luc'l.s A.P.Brown SI-l.lll AgAt\ W. T. Lue'tS A1:"n K'l Ph'trml1.cy BoreAl! GrocRry Spwl1.r.i UAWS Co. AIFl.sKI1. Elp.ctric Co. S,~wa.rl L'Lght & POWf>r Co Sf>'Ultr1 W'i.ti-lr 81: POWf>r Co Post Publisl11Y1G Co AIFl.sbt T1"'u1Sfi"r Co. Cl10vin SUVi11y Co. .Admir.il'lt rfttor Dic k,>rlnli.ll Est. On motion Counnil 1i.1journRd. ~ Munic.ifP~l ClArk. ,. " 6.00 6.00 2.00 25.00 1. ')5 2.95 '). ~5 5.uo ?8.25 100.00 .'36.20 10.00 4.95 5.00 c htirns thA with PrHsi'li"ut Pro-tAm of thp. Common CourJ,:il 'md Ex-officio MA.yor. . ~' 406 Mir:V7.'>:', of tllP M'f' ~ll,g of tIll> C()n'..~on Council of th~ Town of Gf',\plrd, AlRskR, MA1d M~rch 6, 1916. MF..~tlliC Cllll"d to or':lf~r I1.t 8 ,.m. by MftyOl' Myprs. . ,.All n:pmbf>rB }Jrp.sp.nt AXCAl't Councilu loom C:hfl.wbArlin. MinutpB of thA nJPf'!tlngl': of ]!'f'!uruftry 21 f\l1d Mf\.roh 1, 1<)1(-) wprp. r<'lftd A.nct itl'lrOVp.11. of Tnf'! rp.!iort of Firp. Wf\.A1Pli,M.A.HoJ"llPr, on thp p.xk.wliml-ttion >md inslJp.ction F1ups W'1.S rpI\'l fUld I:HUlIfI! or11f>rp1 filA1i. Thf> rPfort of thA Municip>,l C]f>rh: '1.w1 Ml-tGi!>trR-tf> ot! triP rAof'ilJts for. t],/'! lllOl.tl:, l,f F,.tru!-i,ry, 1916, Wl-tfl rf>R-'1 hIld !\Lowpd thp. following: ~'p",s froDI :Building Pp.rruita $ .50 Fiw's mA forff'i t',rps --1.5.9......Q_O_ Tot~l rAcf'iDt: $150.50 SfUllP. l'Il'i bp.An pp.id into t1ip. Ci ty TrAR-f:lUr~1 ;~'.c. ,l ;'( I crt 'P~S f\ecpptp.d p.ni n~~.";',"fl fjlprl. TnI'! Rf'port of UJP. Hfl~l trl 0,~';:i.I~,:>r Wf\E rp~d by t1!p Clp.rk I'ln1 8ouJ'1cilrnAn You,"C;s l:pcol1dp1 hy C'<"uYlcilmHI: DRge;Att wilko" "',}.." followir;g rnot:~f)~: '!',.,.~+ .'l'" )~.p_yor bA fl.u:.11r)riz '1. to publisl1 fl. noticp. in both p"lpf'rfl of tbf'l f'lnforcp.ment of tl1p. provisinns of thA H",~ltI' Or'lir,IUlcfl! No. 3-; 'r, IT:d. f\ftf'r April 1, 1~1f). "n'i. t,l!<1+ t]'f' fh~f\lth Cornrr'Htf'f! OP instructl'!ti to "l.rr<mc;p f(.;r I'l 6~~Yf'r;:::;"'r ~'P.TvtCf'. '1n(i triP llhi'l mot ion WftS duly cr;.rrif'!1. Trc'" fol]nwine; clf.\.ims M'l-vi,ng b~-'" '~rrrf)'!Fd by thf" fixll'lncp cdHm.',it.t~p. \','Ere :rl',FV). by tbq rl"':rr: Untt Button . 10.00 J.L.Gr"l.n~ Frooiuc Rnd Noo~ If).~7 M. A. HornPT M. A. Horr,pr 20 .00 :~" ,\. F.'OTT,PT Cou:r"cllm,c,n 13orCf'n, sp.conriPQ by Councj }mf\D Youncs, mOITf'S ttif.t thp Of! Fl.Pl-'rovp.1 "l.nd thr\t \'.'f\:r:rl'tnts bf' issUI'!d. to tb'! pf1.rtiH~ n<unf'(l for r'1C:iJ'';-'t.:''.., c,rourcts "l.rl'i UP Clf'rk W'lfl irstructf'd. tf) l:p.ll tbp. rol} thR folJowinG rpsult: A'JTP:S: Coull,::Urr:l'!f1 Borc;p.n, C1'Jooril", Crf1wforcl. Dftc;[';p.t t, Younes fWd. Mf\.yor 1JY(WB ; Ah8,~!'~t Hr:d not voting: Counoilwl\TJ C}lI'unbArljl1. f\Tl(l t}-,p ,.~ftyor rlpcll'l1"pd. t11f'l mot'i rm cn1"1'ip.1 find. thp Clprk WitS instructp.d to lssuf' UiA wltrrl'lr,ts. t 1.35 50.on 4.00 Cll-iims tIIf> with On wotjon of CouncilriJl'u, C1lovin, spcorl'if"i 'hy COul',ci]m:-tL Youngs, thA : sp.ryicps of t11!'l Fi.rF' Inspp.:::tor V\prp. continH":i for ~;:',., ~r:ntll. -Ce".m:'lll,f.\n Crflwford now Aubr;li ts th~ rf'1Jort. fip.l1 not Pl1 '<11'1 pInt m"l.,lp. b;y Enc;in~f"1" D. S. Whit.fif>ld. of tbflt partiorl (1f First !,v'mup. bp.twflfln COrDp.r lTo. 3, of n,S.8urvf'Y 110. 7268. I'\D1 thp. Nort1 lireI'! of Rf\il-wH;Y AVAIiUR m:d. sfl.idrflport J'tt"iti fip.11 notAl) l''l-v11'1e bPf'!D rp."l.ti by thf! C1f1!rk nnd th", ClArk 'h::\vit!g rA~1 t1Jf~ proposed contrlllct for triP. i.mprOVAmPint of thl-it J)n1"t of Firat Avp.mu~ tbf! CouDei] procp.Ada to tbA consid.f>rfl.tion of sairl mh.ttpr. --.. CouncilmAll ChNLlbA1"ll'ljrl Alltp.1"p.d U'P. nlPP.t ing And. w~s prp.sp.nt tlll'! rp.IT.Rindp.l" th~j""'t~O~ ... CV..;.~,ciJu;'.m Crlflmbprlin. spcorJflprl 'hy Councilrmul Your:cs. movp.c trl<tt H notiop. bf\ p"~I,rtrAd by Olt! Mun:icil,R,l Atturnp.y fU!.d sf'rYf'd aD tDP. FlbuttirlC; propf'rty o"iY~l':rfJ to I'lppo.nr I'lnd fi.lp. U.'flir protp.st Fl.g;tir,st trip. 8lti1 improverr.p.nt in t P.ll d>''lYs, Mo".::\ or: carri""d. 1 BMF(~ I I I Ln7 MinutAs of th~ MHI~tir~: 11"1-1 MFt}'"r. (,. 191(;, ContinuA'i. Counci lrIllU1 Younl!;s. St~covlA:lby Councilman :::tRrnbl"!'lin, m.ovp.s tlJ'i,t t}IP M,u,'j ~'j.l"l AttornAY W/i,kp. R. }'l"drR.ft of HIp. contr:.wt f'.f'> mo'lifip,<:l R.nrl rAport sn.t:lf' to tlJis Council. :Motinr, CR.rrip.d. Courlcilr<,HT1 YOUlll':S. spcorl'lp.a by ::;'.\un,;ilrr:an Tlr-:.c:r:>>t t. wovps tllf1.t tIlP Bor:.-j. ('I' fi:Y.fd ir:. ttA sum of S.>1;p.r, ThOUilf!r:rl :E'ill" Hundrp.-i Dol]f\rs. Mot.i. oJ), Cr,y }'j. "'-1. CUl-lLCU;::flTl Younes, SACOnQpQ by Counci]r;'H.n nutlef' 1:;4" giVC'lT! to T.P.!I~urprIY I-wd :<}i TIH~dp. tu th~ lfuniGi[,A.l Attornp.y prApHrA ftnrl f\"'rvf' Bl1.i:i Moti'.'ll CFtrriAQ. -tP. Lt ' ~1~~ Prp8irlpnt of thp. COD~on Council Rn'l Fx..offjc i 0 MRyor. 'l.t; Civ.rT, P rl , Or: el'''11' 1,-'rllri. !J'ovPS th,.t v....c ft t P Pi:;,' tI. V'pnup. fln ri notj CAS. tlJSiit 408 Minut",s of thfl Mfll~ting of thA Gommon Council of thA ToWn of SAwfl.rd, AIA.sk~, hl'll.i Mlirch 13, 1916. MP.flti~ callAri to OrQp.T ~t 2 p.ru. by MRyOT MYATa. All lnAlllbAri3 prflliH1nt AXCApt CouncilJUIU1 Youngs. Thl': r,"llJOrt of thA FirR ComruittAA on thfl con(lition of thA Wfl.tp.r SUP1l1y W:'l.3 rA'Ld. by thfl ClArk IU1d afti'll' bARring from thA mf>l.lll'l.CArs of both thA ,~~tpr ~ompA.ny IU1d thA A1Actrin light ~d pO.AT company CouncilmA.n ChA.l1lbArlin, lJeconriAd by Coun.::l1mfl.n C:hov,in madA thA followinc motion: Thfl.t thA FirA COwmittP.A bA instruc.tl1d to work in conjunction with thfl S'~wfl.rd Wfl.tAr fl.nri POY/AJr" COlrllJMlY to connAct by pip'" linA thA WI\tAr ll1f1.in8 witrl tni'! SAWfI.]"(l EIActric Light flnd POWAr Compl'l.ny Ie l'rlActric light pllW1t. Motion cA.rrlAd ~d thA Fir" CommittAA WflS 80 instructAd. On ,motion to mAAt A.t 8 p.m. -to"Q '~~ PrAsi'iAnt of thA COlWllon Council 1U11 Ex-offici, ~or. I r-'\ I ,i 1 BMFe I I -. I /- ,0, ("' _~ :~,__ ,'::;:1 Minut~~3 of thA MAAting of tllA COlJ:;'lon Council of thA Town of 8Awi1.rd, Al'1..51:1J" h.~lr.l MFtreh 13, 1911';. M"''''': inz c~ll(~d to or't,;>)" I1.t 8 p.m. by Mayor MYflO:rs. Al~ uHmbArs prpsAnt AXCApt CouncilmF\l1 Younes. CounGillU'1.n Chovin of tllA FirA COJljUlittA(~ rAports thft.t thflO COJIUuittAA had o1.;tI...i.n.~d fiv.. hundrA,i fflOAt of fiTA hO!l~ i"roll1 thfl Al"l.sk1\ EnginAo.rine; COIlllLlsB'ion with tbp. und~J".tfU1dinG thFlt !:lamp. l)A rf!p1FlcAd. Cou,,:~ l~Il'\n Chovin, SA C ordp. j by Counr~ 11m$1.n Df\g[';f\ tt, movr-! s t 11$\ t. 'l; rpq1;:i.~,lt ion bP. iSSUF\i fOT fi..A hut! 11"""i fPAt of' fir.. JjOt.it~ of thfl IHUllA qUFl.l i.-:y liB thFlt obt>d.r.A 1 :ul.i thf\.t UP (~lArk ()1"olHr ,,-,,\1 turn illUtlA 09'-'1" to U~,.. Alf-\sk.fl. Eng1nP.prineo::; COrumi.9s:i,)~' '..!lion ita a1"1":1"''''1- ~_f:)f, 1 J"~, IPi:rrir\.l. A nW111'e1T of c1 t1zAns al)tA.f-\~;;d bflforA trjP COLm.~ i 1 "-nil r~11uA3tAd tnHt 1\ ,~onmit.tAA of tl1r..H~ bA :'lfi.oi:ltA1 t.o Il"lv:Jop It P::"tI, of fir~, '!'tcLt.ing Systfltn 11.11'1 GounGtlUlHr. ~~l>tlllbprliYj, sAcor,.l,'-1 1\;' t'I.,.h,~:l':"..1 'BarGAn IIlOVRd th' ,,,,'Li't lQn of thA fol:.:>wine rflso1;,lti ,'n; nA~o1'!,'.I. Tl :. \ COlnllli+,tp.(. of thrPA c')'.111sttnQ: of U,P' fo"l..lowine; Wi.ll1fd p"1l"sons, tow:i.+,; n..T.'li,'!ir, J..r.Cfuur.1:",11 li.nll MpT-rilJ A. Martin b"" !'\.ppointFld to subtrdt Ii. rAport to :}iie COU1i\~il of 1\ 1::';1fSystPln of f.ir.< ;;;j".Jt,.ction for thf! Town of Spw$1.:r.l. "\ Itnd t.hA ClArk WI-I.S ins truct"! i to C,tll ..hi> roll on tllP :doption of' sFd'l :r'''1301uti,m with tIlC': following 1"p.u....lt t,,:/,.,; .:o,ur:cilmf-\fJ Borgp.n, Chl-l.m'Gc,j~.i'", C110v1'1, Crli.wfo'r\l, Dltl3ep.tt f\.n1 1.{r;..Y 0 r ~.~J i~ r a A'osrmt. 1'\..'11 no~ ITut i.~.l5 C01.An~:i lev'tn YOWi<:;S, 1\11d t!w Mftj10r <<~, cl"l.rp i '.1:.., ',<.I;;3::>lut10n l\.d.opt;:d. On rnot i OY; 0.() ~~ Pr'~8i'lAnt \;f'/thP COIianon Council IUd EK-offi .:::1.::l Mltyor. [."(1 -'--.- '.,,) Minutp.s or tb~ n~c;ul.<tr IDPptine o~' tl,p COJnlllon Council of tnA Tovm of '3AwF.r'i, Al'lskl1., l:p.li .Mltreh 20, 1')lG, Hpp.tir:.r; :~fll1p1 to o1"1f!r I'\.t 8 v.m. by M'l.Yo)" J',1yArs .\11 IDAmbpJ's pTrH3p.nt pxcP.pt Counci1ml1.n Ch.unbArlin. Minutps of thp ru"'Htine of MI-l.rch 6,l'Jlb, and f\1so of thA IDPAtings on ;.1ft:rch 13, at 2 p.m. I-l.1d on MI\:J"ch 13 !'\;t 3 V.a;. WAr" )"AI1.1 >wrl. I'\.pl;rOVp.,i. Thfl cOIlllllUnicf\tion of thA WOI:l"Lne Club, rAq:up.stine, tliA f1nforC'I~mAnt of :IAction 45 of O:rdinallCA 38, was rRf\d an,i on :A1otl.on of CouncilrulUl Youngs, :If:cun1Ri by CouncilmfUl DaCGAtt, thp. l1lf1.yor WI'tB instructA1 to notify thA l~hiAf of policA to AnforcA s"lirl. sAction on 'Ul1 f\ftpr .',}"il 1, 191h. ThA communicl'\.tion from E. L. Vf\nGiliAr WI'\.S rpS'td'Uld Councilm1't.n Youn~s, i!p(;ord.d by Cou!loilDlFli'L Chovi'1, IDl'\.kAS thA followint; illotion: Thf"~t pprmissior. bp gr1't.nt.d to E, L. VFl.l1Gild-Ar for lo\n .mtrfUlcA w>ty thrPA :::'P.At Wi<iA with six incL.~s widitionf\l for railing, lAadine from tbA f\llpy ~o tb~ b"Lsp.mpnt of t;hp. buil,Une on thA WAst 34fAAt of J 0~9 18 - 19 I1IJ1d 20 Block l5 Town of SAWI'\.T'.j. Motion cli.rriAd. ThA ClArk now rp.i/1s thp. following TRsolution: Wb" r'" 'is, Thp. Woman's Club of thp. Town of SAwFl.r'l, AJ.'13 k.'l, is mak1ng S'tppli ('""tion to tbf' Unit.d St>ltP.8 Fl.utl1ori ties A.skinc that Lots Number!'!1. Onp. (1) Two (2) Thrp.P. (J) an1 Four (4) in :Bloak. Nurnbp.rA1. Fivp (5') ,of Unj !;.>:\ st'l.tp.s SurvAj' N'umbpr Six IIunrirRri find SeVAn (607) /l.ll of which 81'\.i<1 lots lli.yiflB I'\.nrl b"'in~ wi thin tI1A inc'oT1,.'orf\tp..i limita of th", Tl"":l of S~w~rl, Alf\sk~, bA SAt A.sidA for civic purpOSAS; Thp.rp.forA, bA it RASolvAQ by thA Common Council of thp. Town of SAward, Al "l.skl'\l, thl'\.t this Counc il dOl's An1.orSp. thA sl'\.id. Fl.ppl t I1l'\.tion I'\.nd :rAq~lP.St8 thl'\.t 2aLd Iota bA 1~1jc~tAd for thA USA of thp. public for such sppcific p purposAs itS thA 31'\.i..1 WOIIlf.\Jn'S Club Ul"l7 dp.ci'lA. CouJlc-ilruf\n jl"4.H~ll!tt, SACOnQp.<i by Councilrn'tll Youngs, DlOVAS tLp. .~lopjlion of thA rAsolution ,,-wi sai<1 rflsolution WI'\.S Fl.rlO1JtFd by I'\. UWI.lUWIOU8 VOtA. j . - Tnp CounGil now ~rc)aA.,,1s to thA consi'if'Tf\tion of tl!~1 tmprOVHDlAnt of First AVAnUl~ bAtwAAn thA North lir1f~ of Rl'\ilwFl.Y AVArlUA "l.n1 thfl ~~outhwPlJt CornAr "Null:.b..r Thr""lI of U.S. Surv...y No. 726 South: Murd.ei1'fl1 Attornp.j' Cop.pArlloll rAports thl1.t noticA hari bAAll SPTVAri on thl'! Alf\skl'\; RI'\.i1ro/vi Comrni~sion; ThA AIEl.skl\ North"rn Rl'\.i 1W1iY f\nd to F:r'm!~ L. BRll<.inlO\ ~buttini lJr'o1'p.r~c;,r OiVnf!rS; Thp. Clf'rl" r.QW r"!tids thp. BN'i of Df']"ick Lp.n''\ Princil'HJ. "lnrl P.M OglA, E.L.Whitt.AlliorR and- LRo M'1.re;ulf's as 8urAtiAs for thR dUA pf'rfOrllll1.nCA of tb~ "rticlf!8 of f\en'''~jupnt w"l1p bptw.H'n thp. 81'\.i,1 DF,rick Lltnp r-~n,i t};A To','f1l. of Spw/tr,i 1n whi!":}] thf! 611.1,1 Dp.rlck J.'U1A coutrf\ct2 to llIftkp. thf! imprOVflJJlp.nts as SAt forth in thR contrlo\ct, 1rl\w1ngs I'\.nd spp.aifications filA'! with tl;A Municiva1 ClArk Co....r.';ilylllin Younes, s',""GOndF,.j by Council:Jll'\.n Chovin, DlOYAt) ~'._, 'oonli 'oA ric;;;p.j)tAci which 8"id Dlotion V'!'\S clo\r-ri?i eouncilman Bore;f!rJ 1rotina"No". Thp ClArk row TR'vis thA spAcificfLtions I'\.nd Coune! In''''1 YoU.ng8 SAC(.r;d..~1 tj 0ounc; lm'Ul Chov.i.n, mOVAS t};"t thp. M~or f\nd ClArk llP. instru- ct~'i t~ .,ign thp. contrl1.ct on bpllali' of P,,, Town, which 81\<1d. motior: was cI\]"]"l",.1. Courll}ilml'\.ri BorgAn v"~ine "No". ThA (.;1.H..tn..ct W~~ sienp.d. by tLp. Mli.yor I'\.nd ClArk. on bp.h'ilf of t]\'P:- To~m'l nni 'oy Dp.rick Lf'iw'I .n1'1 saIl,:' nr'lp.rArl filf'/l. .,--- - 1 J',HI t-<~'n ; jl! J ,,~ I I, I ~ -" -1 c. Miu"'.....a 0;' tl.," Mpc~tint;; I"" thp Cr,"~~::CJr. :::ourj(~il of t,!:l'l TOWll Aln:::J-:.:c, r:f11rl M'lrch 20, 1916, Continu~r1. of Spvlhr;i. Thp CouneiJ now :procPR1s to tltp f-lj,'l-oiri~'!'iPr,t. (1f ti,l' Eo<,Y'.l of T~l..,;L;j '1 'f'OT' '--1,.' ?!un5(~jl:-'El.l 1':Jpr',jQn t", VA Lpld Al"r:il ii, 1916, kri,l C'OUJ!,~jJd,>!l_ ';01;):1.;:", ,,"col,jpd by Coun<:',Jlu" l)H,ec;ptt, Dlf-lkp.s U:F folJo\,irir; 1llotjOl,: ThAt tb'l foJJowiq]; TAn'A:l i:,":'u,;'., (f': 1.1','1 ~i "J'" 1I'TP1'J llJ.-'loh,tp.) t,(1 n,p rHRu'ct:lvA posit:\Gl:<:: H$ ]yn<ll,*,ft.pr Sl",t fortl:, towt+.; SilviA SpxtOl1 ,Iu.l,;,:;"' .,"" r}.'e~.': OI' ~U";, Jn~l-,Rctor C. S .Prtt ton :J l.,;~'IL:;'-: ("f J':J...;=c ,~"7. j ',~ L.,~_;:h~." JUiC;A e,f J:JRct.-:or Ir,:ncp) T.UCH'" C'lprk of Plpct.j Ul: A.P.Brow), Clprk l)f J~lpctiorJ l'tn'} t.l'Ht, tt.P 'l'bOV" r:r"TI'p'. IprcJ(,r,p (~(1I:l:5t~ ttl tH n':p I1oftr'! of Elp.ctinn for tbp pJpctior to r)p. ],p.lrj on 1:1 P. frmrt!, dR-Y of Ap,':iJ, lC)16 , Mnt'i ":: (,"rri.,d 'H1'1 tl,"l M>'j'llr Jp.clH.r~'.l tl,., :,[.;vp ):>1Ir:8<1 !-"''''')'') !" fll;l'oint., ~/r rf'_~~l'p~.i !:,< ,: '-':~-'~' rt l.Ff"n'rA tl t-') C'10l.l.r..(~j J Ii,rill ni;'\.llp VP"Y'r_~'.'.: t", iU.'~ ~.~, for a IPR,:';;f' or, pl'trt of Wl'lshine;tul: Strf'(.t Rrd tLp m1\t t p.r WFl.S rpfprrp<1 to thl'! City Attorw>y. On 6Q ~U/oL PrF,sidf'nt ''Or H,p. Corm. 'Ol l Counc :r: ~n L:l Ex - (I ff"i. C' i 0 l,fr,-:)ror. ",'lj ourYip. 1. I'-f " S:J_.~, , \ Minutp.s of trip. HRgu1aT' M''H~t Lng of tLp. COJ)U!,Oll COiA(lcil of tl.,p. 'fow!i o.f '\"w:,-.~1, All1.\JkR. }jplj lq)r.ll 5, 1916. Mi""'tinl!; C"lllp.'i to or.1R1' at 8 jJ.w. by Mayor MYRriil. All IIlAmbRrlill .prPH,'nt AXCP.pt Councilm"'n r.h'1lJ!bArlin. Minut'~:,j 0 f tnA alA A t iug of Mi-Lrcli 20. 1916, w,~ rt'l rR ad fIJ1(.l ''-IJVrovP. fi. 1i'hp. H"'lJOrt of tl:p. Spwari 8e11001 13e'"l:,'1 W>l.>1 r"'I<..1 by tllA ClArk 'u.,i llJ><J:JA er'l',r.'.l filAd. C(luL.~ll'I'Hli Y",'-Ij,~~.;l.I;;,,',~o111p 1 by CO'-<lleilwftD. ROrsp.L, )!laVAl:! tl,>-,t tl;R 8cl\oul Boar'I bA ....110'l'IH'1 thA lilUIil of two l1uwirp i ,1011>\r9 "iii >\8kp.'1 for in thp. rAport >\111 th....t tliA b",hmcA of onA tJlOus",nu dollH.rlil ,luj.! on thp. f1,ppropriH.tion of In5-1')16 togflthAr with thO'l said two hUldr,,'l io11H.rs bp. l!",l,t oywr to thp. 'l'rflltllUr'" r of thO! S"'war'j School BO'1.rd; Motion cli1"r1..1. Thp. Clf.rk now rA>t,ls triA Y'(~ purt of UtA Municil)>l.l ClArk I-ird Ml-igilltrftti'l 01' t.~1H rACAipta for tllA Ulonth of Ml1.rcl1, 191(), ~how:i!lL: th"1 f"ollowine:, :b'PPl;; f'rUlJl bui.l(iing pf~rTlJit8 $ 1.50 Fil1Hd '1..ll'i for.fA~ turps 26Q..oo Totl1.1 R~cAipt8 '261.50 S:'l.::!i~ lJ"l>3 l;p.An p..i i into tllA City l'rp.;l.lilU)"Hr'. Gai'i rAport W~lS H.CCAlltAri ".M orlArfl'i filR.i. TllP. following c11'1.iwa hflVille bAPn >\iJprovf>d by thA Finl-ilj~A COllllllittAA wp.rf-~ r'1i"d by thA CIA:rk: W.T.I,ucf-ill $175.00 W'Jl.D.CQ~)L,"rnoll loo.nt) ~.~.RmDic 100.00 RobArt GUAlllt 150.()O W.E.C...ntrHll lOr,.r)C' H.t" Hor'j;.!]' loo.GO M.A. HornAI', l!'irH 8Llp. t'. l5).OQ 1. R'l.!ill.l.S 2.'n T.1','J.l~>lom 16.00 Chf.1.rl"lil FJ'wwilqr 60.00 E. Ayr''''~ 7.50 Gust l'ptPY'IiOlJ 12.00 SfUll '1'ic.~knor 12.00 H'~nry l'i",AOp.n 6.00 JR~L LariHD 2.00 Eriw Mur J)hy 6.00 Ch>l.s Mop. 5. a() Gnor~A Ulidson 0.00 C.Hf\C;PlJ 2.00 J. Mcld>-Uli 2.00 E.M.SAnft 6.50 C'rf! o. St'mlAY 5.00 J.Sf-iintalf-iir 1.00 J?1"8.11~~ Chov1n 9.50 Cour..~ilJll.m Crft.wfor.1,lIAconhd by CouncilwI'\ll Crwvin, llJOV"',l tL~t tl!f-l clailllOl 1)"1 f\~.thIl{)vA'l f\rlri thf\t WRrrl'tnts bA iils'..<",d to th.. p",rtip.liJ w1JI1p..l for t11.. J'PspRctivH lWlountlil,....c.1 thA C1p.rk Wft.lJ illlil.tructp'l to (:....11 tbA 1'01::' y,'Lt'l th~ followj,ng r'>llult: A:;p.,:;: CouncillJ!>l.U Botg~n, Cl1ovin, Crawfor'l, D"l.gg..tt, YoungB H.nd M1tyor 1,12/;;>1's. }'1"'" ,1 DOrRj!,LHl H. E. ~llllwort.} 1 A. :v!o oil /lf~ R.WoolBAY (}.:l orB" KOlllUOlil GntAwFty Publililhir1{; Co Tr"'-':-J'1,"il~r~~:r Splv!"J.r'1 School S';w..)' 1 Iror. Workl< W.T.:SucH.a SI.~~:v~t!'(1 ttg.r~t &. Povl.~r Co. City EXIJ1"Rlll:.1 AIRsk~ EIActrl~ Co. SIUlJ At:; P. P. TIo re'" 11 GY'OCfl ry Dickprllllttl Eatl1.te Cr.c'1.rl"., C'J"'1"vfor'l ..I\.l~...~~::~"'.. :::r!,:t.'r::~ f\..: r Co. Br'.} HA t t., l' ~ KodHK 9t. ".., Sp.w'1.r:l COliw,<'rciRl Co. 1)08t }1"IJlislline; Co. Bon ti[f\.il"chp. LOV\il1li"Ul 'k H>u.,for,l l.ao 2.00 1/..00 :;.00 2.00 2.30 1200. 00 23.7:; 2;;'.00 2~.20 2.50 5.00 2. fj(} 2.10 5.00 3.50 6.50 1.00 2.00 "70. ')0 .90 5.50 --; I , , 1 B n r;p I I I ~ .,.., r" :'_~_L.) Minut'HI "t' th04 .Mpptine; of Ai/ril, 3, l')1i;, Comtlnw:d.. AbsAnt itIli not votinz:Cu>.ul,'"il!L;'I' CL/otllibp.rlin. fU, I. ~11'" ~Irl;,yvr ,jRcl',ri<d t.ieR JiJoti")n "l1.rr"i..d flnri t.hp. ClArk WflOl instructp'li to i!H1UP. tll.. WflrrftntiJ. l'b'! b.ll\illl of tilA Spw"lrrl Witt"'r loud Pov;.>:r COlllp>l.ny WitS I;,d'i ov."r for inv"'l.lt Ll];li.tion. Thl'l ClArk HOW rAH.ri\l "Qr,iinflllcA No.4-5" An Or,lin11.ncR flJUf!n<:line; Sp.ction 13 of Jrii.n...ncA No.44 of thA Town of SAwflrri, All'l.skit, flnr} ~l1.i,i ordi~vulCA hitvint; bAHn rAitd in full Ct)uncilrH'tn i)itggAtt, ilAcor,'IAd by Coulleilm~m YOUlI8li1 I lilOYHIiI t1Jitt tr,fl ru',AsbA ilUilPAl1<:lAtl, thfl first rA1tdine; coud<:li>r.d thf> ~i'eond '1.nri third,rlolJ3.Q.,tr;Pl ordin.u:cp. plf.\.c'.i rm ita fJnfll IJliilolHI.e;'" R.lld thA Clp.rk W'tiJ instructAQ. to c...ll thR roll with tho; following r'~sult: Ay''''w: CouticillJj11.~1 BorgAn, Chovia, Crl'1.wforrl, DI\~e;ptt, Younea H.H.f lfo'"H'T' M',pro ,-,',P.u .... ~' tlV' ." AC'3i'1nt ...nd not voting: CQunci llllRl1 r.b"ml;HrJ.lr,, IUld till'! MRyor dflcl>\rA<:l t.lp or,lin>l.ncA No.1+5 RP.l,iJ"O,\,f'ld ...nri tr]A ClArk W'iB iniltructAd to pulllish l:3"U1~'" by postifle; .i.r1 I\ccordanc'l w;i.":,r', tL.' or'lin>lncA~. -' CouticilllllUl YOUl;e;~. st"conlAd by Council,ul1.n DR.13t:...tt. WOVRS tli>lt thA City Attorx".,." bA ill137,"-UCtprl :.0 tAkA tllP .J;,fl,:::..Hl!:\li.ry I1.ct Lon to 111tVf<t t!1A bui.l(1in.~\J rAmovA,i frow First Avpnw!; Mot:i.oll "~"'.""ri"'d. Coun,~illl1..n BorBAll Votil1G "Ho". On motion Council I\djournAd. ~4_ .....-~lArk. <.b.L? ~f/~ Pr"llilirlfmt of tlJA Cml1lilOn Counci.l !i.nd Ex-officio MR.:yor. J7 -; /J "JI~_L ':l:: 1~Rut"8 of thA M.~ptint: of th.. Co:naw).J Cr)ur!cil of thA Town of S.. W.lr ,1 , A1"l.skl'\, h_1::1 A!Jri 1 5, 1916. Mp"'~,i~~g cltll..d to 01",11", f,.... 1.;. P. U'). by Mflyor My."lra. All IZlPILlOHY'i! l~r"s..nt pxc"l!~ Councl1rw.m C.tHLLlt:'u..rlilli J\wi YounGliI. Thl'l PrH~j ,i.~nt stottAd thflt th.. Illfl..tir:.::; w..liI h~ld in accorr;iUO.co< with Orrlin>Wlcfl 4-4. for t.hA l!urpOIilA' of CIl.l"l.vruuine; thA VotA of' th~ Mtmicipal 1'1.1,-,1 Saho01 ElActioll hAlli in thA ToV/n ...~ SAWflY',l on thR Fourth r1>tY of April, 1916, IUld thA PrAliIid..!,t IIL-ppointp.ri Councilrmm :Bor;'~fln t.lnd Dl'\.t:E;Att who, tOgl'lthF:' with thA !i1uniciiJJl.1 ClArk, hli.ving CllrnVJl.lillhd t],a ....O'tAIi C:i'1.~t ''It IiJl'li,f I'IIAct ion ir, l\cc01"dl\nCA \vijlh o1"dinfi.11(,(> No .l+l~ thtll following 1"psol~tion Wfi.S rAl'ld: Whp.rpfi.lrl In fi.ccor1"lnc.. with thfl or(iinsmcAliI of tllfl Town of Sflwl1orri, A1l'\.sk"l., II.nd noticAIiI l!;iVAU I\n p.lf'ction WFUiI hAld in thfl Town HRJ.l in tho'! sldoi ~'ol'm of SAwfi.Y',l on thfl fourth <l~ of Apr i1, 19] 6, R.ml WhAr" itS In 1'\.000rd"l.nCA to thfl CArt ifiCfi.tA filOl of with thA Munic:iplIl:l r,lprk b.T thA ElFlction officArs thp. followin~ r-",mAd ~)FlrSOnll :rflCA'iV"'d. tl"f' .'.(;'tct numbAr of VOtAS rl~cAoi oppoaitlll tbf'ir n"'.Illl'ls for tlJ''l offi:::p.1il fl.;;! he'r..iN'liI.ftAr Iltlil.tFld, to-wit: For Councihp.ll l:;.J::;.Ghl'Wlbi1!r1i. Hu(.;L ":' ':J'-lC;11i'l rty Jolm !.lulJ1"lll.lil J.L. C:r~fLf GRrL.....rc1 Jolmlilon J. 'J.' .. tLM.r' " f~.i (';.ui..KArniol Hilgi~:';.j.1J. K(~rr l'P. t,'l:- M.Ot;lp. ,Tali:; 11, ,'n::ttAr Wi.lJ. M.SliI.uflrw Frl1.l'.lk L. Torro'lY W.W.Butta Clllt:rlali CrFl.wfor1 CUll BOr;jAn 257 22j l5h '30 J!t 116 7',) 69 ] ;i2; 78 212 26tt 1 1 1 Eor :JJ..'\)'"r ';.j" .,:IJyH r lil Jolm Houn C. W. Win:il t~'it 20 I 119 40 '~.~ .... l!'or CJ. ty ClArk LR OX'! C. Eo ukrf r W.1:.LUllfl.S Otto H. POAh11~ 2l 162 181 For Ci~y T~~~8urAr J.H.Roli1i~ :BFUlj (J :Bill H.E.';:;llaworth G~LIol ton Hfolrdy Pistol PAtA E..A.Nord J .J .JiL'l"g~ Mril F.P.SkARn 266 1 - '1 . ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-OF; EO .," ,(;l \ J I I I t;'..f :r<""" L.l:-,-~> Minut~,:.J of t,]1'! Mp,~tine of April ~, 1')1~, COr.t.iWIA'i. !'u)' City Attorn~y Wm. D. COp[Ji''!1'1.uI1 J .l.iJ....i.:LiI.Y GrrHll'l O.J. V~U.l.pp.J.t. ?O .l 1j8 2" ,;) 101' L;i7''''.~ ~ i,Jr of Dg\v}~..r -j S':; 1 i U ()] Boft:ru Mp.rrill'~. Ml'lrtll\ ?52 .il'rioU.l.o. i "I..U~" In A.D..ii.lit... 1. fUld Whp.r'~l-\iil Thilil Council hf1.l1 CflEV"-S:iAd thA rpC'lrue of lihid ~lAction NOW THERF;FORB;. Bp it HAWO'l'Hd by thA CO.IllII.on 'C;ouw.::i 1. 0:' tho-: Town o,~ SAWFiD. A1FiSk-1., thllt in Ficcordllncb with s',..i.d ",1",,~.. i.en] t.i.... .following l~......A'l rjA;'~l)n~ 1J'.,':1.n;,; ""'~Ai,!"'l tho"l hie;Ll'st nUT.:llH~i' of vot"!:; 10r tho'l J"p.IiIYOlctlvA o1'fioo'\8 to-wit: ,!:'or COUI.,: i lltil'ln J. L. GrA..~' ll'rhl.A- 1.. Torray E.'F. (~~ )~-~tiu~rlln Hur]J DOIH'.+nrt',' W~11i~,M 3~ar>> JoL, T:u'uY'A\.Ail Fo}' Mfi.yor r.A . M.YAJ"W For City ClArk otto H.PoAhlmFim~ For ~J.tJ TrPR~urR~ .r. H. Ron:dC; For ~'+'.:: At torIlAY WlU. IJ. C"J:lp""J'J,oll b(~ 1.:n1 :l"J.~J l!~rFtoy I\TA riAcl'1.r~d dul:y 41pctAQ to ~."LA rAspf::c"t",iv.~ offir:~& Iud b.. i +; f1.I:rLb~r RAliolv(~':l thFl.,t M>>.rrill A MFtrtifl ('A FilJ.'l h... h hArp-by df>cl~"J'''''l duly .-:lAct...j, Dirf-'.~tor of U'O'; 8"""1-1',1 Se-bool :goil.:-,i C"u.u.::ilJ:JfUl DhE;L,;.,t t, sp.cor!,\p.l by C',ur.cilu,>tlJ. Por~l'ln, movpg tll'" l\.ioi1tion of tll.. rHilolutirm >tl.d t]'H C;lArk 'N1t&l ilJ.structp.;l to (''1.11 triP. roll '.vi-t-,rl tt,... following rp8ult: AYR..; COLlriGU:aIfUl. BorgAL, Chovln, C)'ttw.i'ur'l, Uf1.6b"t.t ~d 111[..1'01' Myprli A'OSPtlt '1.1,:l not vot ln4t; Coun,~ I1m>tn C;,>ulib~rlin FinQ YOUJ~t'::,.;. ;u.ci t.Lr: \1'tyor .:lflclFirp.d tl~" rl'!iJolutlon tt'.lu!'t.-'!d. On 'Pl''''lil~O:;.I.P.Ht of r.l.w (;OJllJllOn Co~WLl ttud. Ex-vi'I'.l..:;io kl\Yor. >,dj ou:ruA.1. ~,L-(.~~ !'- ... c:: w_ .') ...~-- ..... - .....,,-- "!'.. ltinutl'lS of thfll MMting of thfll Common Council of thl'l T01m of 6l'lwlU'd. AlasKI\I, hfllld. April 8, 1916. ___.____ -______0- _ .__ __.._ + -"--.--- MIIll'lting call1'l1 to ordlllr at 8 p.m. by MRYor ~l'lrs. All ml'lmbp.rs prlllslIlut l'lXCl'lpt Councilm~ Ch~bp.rlin and Df\.egl'ltt. Minutllls of thl'l ml'll'ltings of April 3 and also April 5, 1916 WlIlrl'l rl'lBd And approvlIld. Thill following clRtms having bl'lllln Rpprovl'ld by thfll financl'l oommittl'll'l wftrl'l rl'l~d by thft Clfllrk: Sy1vi~ Sftxton 9.00 Philip Hio'by Jr 9.00 L.C.Bl\ltl'lS 9 00 Imogl'ln LUCRS 9 00 A.P.Brown 9 00 ChRrll'ls EmswilAr 6 00 Artic Brothl'lrhood 21.00 Brown &: HAwkins 19 20 W.T.Luc~s 10 1; Coopl'lrls C~fA 10 00 J.1.Gr~l'lf 11 65 &nvard WRtl'lr &: Powlllr Co 50 00 Kanry PlWlbflln 10 00 Sftw~d Dock 5.~5 Chovin SuPPlY Co ~.10 . 6l'lWMd Nl'lwS Co 1 00 Counctlrnl'Ul Borgl'lri, sl'lcondl'ld by Councilmf\.n Chovin, moVfts thl\t thft ol~1ms bA I\pprovAd And thl\t warrants ba issulIld lo thlll partifts n~l'l4 for thft rl'lspl'lctivl'l' ~ounts and. thft Cll'lrk WI\S instruotl'ld to 01\11 thl'l roll with thl'l following rl'lsult: Ayl'ls: Counotlml'Ul Borgl'ln, Chovin, Crl\wford.. Youngs I'Uld ~or UYl'lrs Absl'lnt fin/l not voting: CouncilmllU'l ChNXlbl'lrlin I\lld DaggAtt, Mld thl'l ~or dl'lolarl'ld thl'l motion'adoptl'ld and. thl'l ClArk ~s in8~ruotAd to iS8U. tlIe wRrrants. WIn D Coppfllrnoll K E llLcKAan W.'l'.Luc1'\8 WIn D Coppl'lrnoll J H :Romig :Robl'lrt GUASt Vi :R ClVltrAn M A HornfllT Brostus &:. Noon 12 75 10 70' 27 50 . 3t) 651 36 65 55/ 00 3t) 6~ 18 ~ 4 71 ~~ I I I I On motion Council ~djournflld until nAxt ~-~~ llunicipl\l Cll'!rk .lLonl1"'U l\t 8 p.m. 'i6Q,~vW-- .... Prl'lsidl'lnt of thfll Common Council IUld -o1"fioio MRYor. - '- -, 1 BMFc I I I "" -.. ""'" ~:~_ t M*aut~s of th~ mAAting of thA Common Council of th~ Xown of SAw~rd, Al~sk~, April 10, 1916. Council c~llAd to ordAr ~t a p.m. by Mayor MyArs. All m~mbArs prAsAnt ~~~pt Ch~bArlin Rnd Youngs. ThA MinutAs of thp. mA~ting of April a, 1916. w~r~ rA~d Rnd ~pprov~d. XhA ClArk now rA~ds th~ "RAport of th~ ~unicip~l ClArk, of thA City of s~w~rd, Al~sk~,d covAring th~ pAriod from April 11, 1915,to April 10, 1916, inclusivA ~d s~id rAport showad thA following: Tot~ RACAipts .55000.22 Xot~l Di8bursAm~nt8 __..!.4238.39' Bl'\lI'UlCA on hlWd 10 76 l.J.. 83 And sl'\id r~port h~ving bAAn rAl'\d 8l'\mP. W~8 ordArAd fil_d. CouneilmRn BorgAn, sAcondAd by CouncilmRn Chovin, mOVAS thAt this Coun~il ~djourn "Sine DiA" which sl'\id motion w~s c~rr1Ad l'\nd Coun~11 ~djOUrnA~~ir offieAs. M:unic'ipal ClArk. tP-{{- ~ PrAsidAnt o~ thA Common Cour.~il ~d Ex-oft1cio ~or. 1 B~IFe I I' I ~UJ) L!EETING OF T;-!f SF"(ARD TOWN COm/CTL, MOW1AY EVEllI:m A. PRTL lotJ:l... 1916... **~*************~******.******************************i*****~**~:**** The Seward Town Council met at the Town tall, Monday .vening) April lOth., 1916 irr~odiat.ly after the adjourn~ent of the former Town Council. Present vrere Councilmen, DOUf:;l,erty, :lubreuil, Graef) Sauers um: Torrey, and L~yor Meyers the presiding officer. ~ouncilman ChamBerlai~ ~as Absent. After the roll call lots were drawn for first and second class Councilmen, first class to serve one year and sccond claso to serve two ye~rs. Councilmen Sauers) Dubreuil) and Chamberlain drew two year t.n"s while Councilmen Graef) Torrey and Dougherty drew a one year term. On motion of Councilman Dougherty, seconded by Councilman Sauers, the r.port of t~e Treasurer, which was read by the clerk was moved to be accept.d. Carri.d. Councilman Grallf moved that the books of the former clerk ])8 audited ::.nd that Mr. Ward James bll appoint.d as auditor and to be p~id $40.00 for his services. lotion ....6 slIconded by Councilman TorrllY and was carri.d. Applications for positions were read by the cbrk and were placed on file to b. hllld oVllr till the next mesting. Application for clearing 4th. Ave. of stumps and wood was read and placed on file to be taken up by Str3et Committee Whtb ~~d. Ther~being no furthur business the Council then/adlo~rned~ ~ '7((- dl- 0i::~k.- {b {t~y:::r - \ , , \" -- "" 420 lU.nu:t.e. of the Jleeting of the CommOR Council of the Ictwn of sewar., held April l~th. 1910. . ##/#I=I!=II=l14I-I/#lI./I-If.II414I#4I414141#!f##4I##4HI4I#=I!4IfflHHI#:INlilfHltHl##INIH #=1#14/# The To_ Council met at the T.wn Hall at 0 o'clock ancl was called to oreer by Mayor lleyers. All Councilmen wwre. present. ,The minut.s of t.tte last meeting were read and a-tJ}lr.ved and.alaeo the minute. of the last m.etl~of the old council. The foll.wingre.oluti.n wa. read by tAe clerk. r-- Attest: O. H. P.ehlmann Municipal Clerk. RESOLUT ION. . . . Be it re..lve. by the Coamon C.uncil of sewar~, ~ask&. That all }iarts of the By Laws of the Ton or Sewa.ra ,in Or~inance -An, that in any way conflict with the prwvisi.ns .f Chapter 50 of tae Laws ot the Territory .t Ala.ka Se.sion Laws .r'1915, be aRd the same are hereby repeal... Passe. and approved this 17th. clay of April 1910. Appreveli by me thh 17th. d.ay of Aprll. C. A. )leyers, llay.r. ~ After a ahort .iscussi.nC~nberllft, .econded by Dougherty !loved that same be apopteci and the moti.n ca.rried. The f.llowing C.mmittee. were then ,name. by the May&r. , I!'. Assessment. and Taxes; Torrey an. Graef. Public Schools; Chamberljn and. Torrey. Fire Protectien an. Water supply; Sauers an~ Dougherty. Lights Sewage a.n. Wharfage; Dubrueil and Sa~er.. Public Health an. Pelice; Graef ancl sauers. Finance and Claims; Dougherty and Graef. Streets; Chamberlin and Dubrueil. Printing; Torrey and Graef. The Applicatieas ter positi... were then read by the Clerk. A bill for $2,2.00 ta the pyrrene M1g. Co. for fire apparatua Was OKed by the Finance C.mm1tee and the clerk was instructed. te .raw a warrant for a&Jlle after a mGthn by Sauers, 2n.. by Dougherty wa1ctl. was carrie.. . A Petitt.a for a sewer from Adam. st. t~ the B~ W~. read !nd the folbw1ngRe801ui1ea drawn up by the City Athrney. Th, Ca~n C~unc~l RlaODUfION. ~E~eivEs ..fo1i.w~at the T.wn af Sewar., Territory of Alaska The C-.mon Couacil of the Town .f Sewar., Alaska, hereby declare a its intention to in8talla sewer in the alley running thru Blocks 8 and 17 fGm a point ~eg1nning at a puint 90 feet nurth of the north line of Adams street, and running seuth thence t~u the eatiroL,length of saili alley t. a sui table point of .ischarge at the line of mean low tie-e in ~esf;lurrectiel'\ Bay, meaning and intending thereby to co~struct aaiQ aew~r acroa. all at.eets ana avenues of the 6a1. Town of sewara as may be necessary for the construction thereof. The conatructi.n of saili sewer to be by contract and the c.at thereot te be taxed to the abbuting pro~erty ewnera, who shall pay two thirds of such cost of construcyi.. and in- stallathn. Before bi~s are received for the work herein provi~ for. , theLighl;, Sewage and Wharfage Committe .ha.ll, and the meUlbers -- ~ 1 B~4F~ I I I [~')1 _...t~~ Minutes of .<~pril 17th Continued thereof are hereby empowered to engage a Civil Engineer to make a sur- vey 8.11(1 line out the u curse of the said sewer; to make "rawi m"s ancL specifications for the guidance of 9rospective bi~ders for the'contract herein provi~ed for. The Council wi th the said Committee to :nake sllch selection of ma terial needed in the spwer itself as to t1"',em shall seem best adspted therefor, but c:uch selection ~"hall be made kno\',TI JGo the Em"in- eel' 130p0111te(, for s&id v,o-,'k in ample tilile to incorpo:1.'3te in the speci- fications. Succe:-,sful contr&ctor UDon bids to fUl.'nish all tooh, and m'aterial necessa"y to the completio~ 01:' said sewer, !:md who, before entering into end bep.;in: ine the vlo1'k required hec'eunder and in the plans and specific::tions c&.lled for, sha~.l eater into ;c written con- tract and fUl'ni"h such bond for the f,si t1;i'ul performance thereof as shall be rec~uired by the ;)ommon Council. The I-Iunicip&l Clerk is hereby ",irectod, to :naJu' and pull- lish (or mail) a notioe to the pro~rty o\ners abbuttin~ upon the p1.'opof,:ed improvements, t1 e 1.'e in infol'luin.'" the ,':ai(1 ovmers of the in- tention of the TOV,'ll of Seward to make such inst/::.llat10n [;j[() improve- mente, end tl18t two third s of the cost of such imorovement ':,'ill be taxed a8' inst the ablmttiwovmers of re,'11 estate. On 'notion of -:o:::uers, seconc1e(l llY Doui,herty, same wes a!l opted. Another Jotition for building D Sixth Avenue r.Te' l'ead and. a resolution ViSS :'8 follows: idew&lk on west side of d.r:::vm by t110 city ::ttOl1l8Y =-~:'::.20LVED lly the Common Council of the '::'own of :.)eward, Terl'lto~y of Alaska. ':'H:::: CO:;"OH COU..;c;IL of the ':'OWTl of .Se',::rcl, Alsf:ku, hel'eby cleclc,1'e8 it::: intontion to ir:lprove the '.','est S1.,18 of 317th .:~vonue be- tween :~ailro~~ Avenue end Adams 'Jt_Get in m~.nTIe~' follovinz. th~t is to :cay. 1. 3y constlucting u ,idewalk of dime'sions crlled for by t}~e O~'c1il1'''nce of the ~Or.11 of 0c':Dr(~, on the Y,'e~-:t cir.e of .3i;~th Jivenue beil,oon the stn"let and j~v(;nue 0.":',OV8 nomed, sai,l ,3ii~ev,alk to to 'milt of 'at" ,,;:'1.)1' f'ub::'tantial wortel, and un,:'81' t1lE.' ~1irection of tr)() .:::treet Go,;;l'i ttee of the s>,id ~o'nl of 0eWa1'(1. II. 3y cleal'int! c.u\~ leveling o~. said Sixth ~"venne hot".'een the ~)oint;3 eoove i',c2i<11"tell in ,~: ::1ume:c thl~t ',-'ill enable e~,8Y ancl sui te,tle tl'an~'l)Octatian ~'lel'8aver. CanstL'uotion to be ,lane by contI'act JC::J tho 10'.' e:.t and "'o,.t b1"'"ev '10 "ou" '1 '0' .' J' "... J . t (, -,,-~ .'U ....1.., liJ~e 'v 1Il~1_ n;,ever l'c,:-_'e.l.Vln~:' l>je l'l,~~!'n l.1 ":0 l~e lee r~ny an~ sll t~,~s. " ~. r'''~ :;; c-.L ........(~ ..4~". ~.. ~ t' .:'1 ~ 1 ....fiL CO;:,v U.,l. \..1,'.;.8 a cove llYlp.coveme:i:1t~~~ '0 00 1&1,:.: ..:.-or .JY thn abuttin" ll.L'Opel'ty a'. 1181',,:, villo sh 11 be 1'1. tlc fOi' t.. o-thi L'CIi;:~ o~ the COSt8 eDtsilej in S11Uh i~n]~OVemel~t~, as ~Lov1Qed by 8~"~inanco. A motion hy ~~ue~B, seconded t.: Lou~herty. to sdout resolution y,'[oS carrieG. " ,;,~,t; ',-uectian of ;,:&l'~l'ieE' VlD.S tI,en b.L'ought up in t1:e 01"01' folIo', ing: ;:Imtioipal clerk: On r:lation of Ghaml)e):lin, ; econr:ecl by Sauers, to le~"v8 [;c.Llary the uSeLle ,"2 last yes.c. 11[;;]ol;y", ::':::"C.'O per m.Jl1th, ',-;as ':3s.L"'rier1. "uv ' > l' > 1 " ~' ,J tOt ' "' ., ' 1 1 . . d 1 ,l..i. J.ll(J ~/tl ...d.r:.t:.:1.::i\:l'S e: n :'lO,/lOL~ O~ :.J.r..a;11)8._' In, 88C011(\\3 )y Lou'''~''c''t'" f","', ''''I'''''y ,""0 l"'ft at C"'''. "0')0" n'o11t'" "'(1 '11 "ot'd -,,~,.... .Jt '-'.-1.-- ..'-'-.......... ilC.--.1o."j t:, C 'li' <,-.'_ ,~.L lIlt l::.ti G. _ v' e favo 1^8 hly. , L,nn :- ,/ /' ...........~-) Yinutes of April 17th continued. Municip.s_l atto:mey: On ':lotion of Sauers. seconc'!ed by Ton'ey, the. 8,"lar;7 of municip:,l attorney was reduced from .100.00 per month to ,:;';:;0.00, end the motion v,-as caiTied. Health Officer: On motion of ~orrey, seconded by Sauers, the salary of health officer was reducea from ;~50.00 per month to ,:,-Z!:,.OO per month, and the motion was carrieo. Chief of Police: On motion of Dubrueil, secondeCl by Graef, the salary of chief of police w~s reduced from ~lGO.OO per month to ~125.00 per month; motion carried. Fire Chief: On motion of Graef, soconded by Torrel, the salary of fire chief was raised from ~50.00 per month to ~125.00 per month, and th~t he devote his entire time to city bu~ine~s; motion carried. City Engineer: On motion of Chamberlin, seconded by Greef, decidoo to hold over question of City Engineer's sclary until the next meeting; motion ca~ried. 1'a tl'01~1an: On moti on of :Dougherty, "ec ond eel by Torrey, it was c1ecided to leave salary ~t ~lOO.OO per month; Trocsurer: On motion of :Dougherty, 2ec~nd(J by Torrey, 8~lary of t~eesurer was left at $50.00 per month; motion cariied. The next business was voting for aJpointive offices. City Magistrate: There WRre two canai~ates, Leon 8. 300ker and O. H. Poehlman. The first ballot resulted in a tie, each 1'e- ~eiving three votes. The mayor then stated that voting continue on other offices. Health Officer: J. H. Romig, being the only candidste, it was m07ed 1y Dougherty, seconoed ~y jauers, that the Clerk Ctst tho un- animous hallot, a~a all ~ou~~llmen votinJ favorably, it sas so orfered. Chief of ?olice: Four candidates: ~ohert Guest, ~. ~. Cantrall, H. Olivei' and ';;. ',i. Alderman. The vote on S0me resulted in five votes for ~-.obert:;uetlt and one for ',7. ','.'. Alderman, E'O the Uayor declared ~obert Guest elected chief of police. Fire Ghief: ;,;el Horne-,-' boin'- theJ[lly c'::ndidate , it ,yc:s moved by 8h,',mbe~'lin, <,econded by Doughterty, that the clerk cast the un- animous ballot fOl' him and same cs "'Tier' . ~he City Magistr~te ~a8 Dgsin voted on snr' resulted in a tie as before. Chamberlin then moved that the I:;ayol' be allowed to cest ('eciding ballot in case of a tie vote on uny question, and it was seconced by Graff and carried. The voting for magistrate groceeded again an~ tho ballot rend four votes for :Jooker and t,'o for Poehlman, ane: tho :.Iayor declared Jooker electell City l.;'idetn:te. Or0inance Do. 40 ~as then read as follows: 3E IT OpDAIlf,,:D l)y the CO,nIJOD Council of the TOl'm of ~ov:ard, Lle,ska. The office1-'s of the (~own of ;)eward, 1.1: SkD, hereinr-.fter named, shall be alloy.'ed an(l I)O-i(l the com,)ense-tion and salary a"ring the te:c'm of the present Council. End nntil their 8ucce"sors are elected and Ciualify, as follows, voz: Uunicipal Clerk, Municipal Urgistrcte, LIunicipal A tt:)l'ney, Health Officor, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, PE_ tl'olman, Treasurer, ,Sro 00 .ler month .;:};) . 25.00 " " 50.00 " " - 2G.00 " !I I 125.00 11 " I I 1;:::5.00 " " ~ 100.00 11 11 50.00 11 " 1BMF~ I I I !1?3 ;.Iinutes of c~~)ril 17th continuecl Each of 8aid salaries shall be paid out of the General FUllC] of the said ';'01'.11 of 0e'.""Ell'd, on tho first rogul~~' meeting night of each month, upon approv~l by the ~om~cn Council and order upon the Clerk to i sue "farrants t1-erefor; and the Clerk is hereby in- structed and ~irected to draw such ~arrunt~ accordingly upon the Tree surer of said ';.'OV.'i1 of ...;eward for the amounts of sai c1 :'o.lo.rios, monthly. All Ol'Clin&nces 01' parts of ~1'dinlmces in 0cnflict he1'e- wi th are hereby repee-led. '::hi8 Orcl inance ;:'hall take effect imnre',c- iately upon a9Jrov~1 of the UGyor. On motion 01' Dougherty, secolliled by 'C'o:"l'ey, the a110ve Ol'dinance '{'as ac,~epted for the first re2.clinf". ':'he second readinc; \,&s mvec1 by C1'>iillbe:(}in, :c:econded by ':'orrey, to be acce9tec1 (:,nd carried. The third reading also cGrried on motion by ':'orrey, se- conded by 1ougherty, on the u8u&1 call of roll. ':'11e lla~or then :instructed that three copies of Ordinance be poste( in usual men- nero On motion by Chamberlin, seconDed by ';'olTey, that all appointive office1.'s y'esign \:a8 carrieD. Chamberlin, secended by "::orre~T. movell tl,at all newspapel' work for the City be subject to bids, and the motion ca:ried. It '.as deci~ed thct the petition and resolutions be held over until the ne~t ~eeting for further action. - ,'ir:c.:u;)sion on the imp:covernent o~" Fil'ic:t Avenue re2ulted in i to bein:.' held over until i-lext ::leeting. Ch8mbe~'lin moved trlut resolutions :011() plam~ be dl'awn f'Ol' a Dew City H~ll, end it VUE seconded by ~orrey and 8arried. :::hc report 0:: the ane1i tor, :':[crll JameR, rilE1 read ancl on motion 01' Lou,!,herty, c."econ.':ed by =or~'ey, to accept ,ame, \7[,S carl'ieo. On ti notiol, by Sl'aef. so(;:nclell ;'y IoU,3"hcl'ty, toole5.E1e tho retiring Ucgistrute's bond resulted in its ~ein~ ~cce9tecl. Chunberlin, seconded by Iou~herty, moved that the bond of the ;,:::gi[)trate be placed at 1000.00, un!'] thEt of :::rcBcmrer at ~lO.O 0.00, and the motion carried. iiD c,p91ication by the ":pEniuh j~meriCf~n ',',','.1' ve' crans 1'01.' the use of tho "::o.,!ll ~Lll for meetings once B v;e,]{ waf:' allowed; motion wc,,-, made by Cha:'11~el'lin and :oec;onde(l by Dou,e"l-erty. ~he 91acin~ of gcrba~e C[l1A throuyhont the town and huving a scaveL,~'er c'll et reiTU1&1' intc~'v5.1s was passed upon favora"hly on 11 . motion by Doufherty seconded by ~hamherlin. Bids were to be called for by ';oujl~il for a reg!llcr sceve. gel'. Jhamllerlin, ,..'econclee1 1)y ;:)auers, movee1 that -:Or~nt'ng Com- mi ttee be instnwtell to llul'chase any nece::'s81'y :"np~")l tes for the cornintT te..(1:1. ~he ..-i10tiO:l cal'l'ie(l. 0'01' tile electior, of I'l'e'.iClent pro tem Councilman ':;r.uers W' 8 nar::d lJ.Elted hy 10u,chert;y, secoule,) by '::orrey; ':::ouici lmen Torrey and Doug'hel'ty v,ere 51,0 nominate:':, but [is no Ol1e seconded same, O&Uel'S was unanimolLcly elected, aild Clel';( ';:as instl'uctec1 to cast such a ballot. an motion by Sl;uel's, seu01lCle(1 1)y Iubrueil that th8 fire chief v,ear ~, unifo:::L1 \' 11 ell on duty. it \'-,,"s cal'rieel. 1d'ter Cc short 'il:cussion concerninR' the c:clas;:an Enf'ineer- ing ~o~mi:riOll'r intention of Bredging Lo\ell Creek, it was moved by Torrey, and seconded by Iubrueil, that the Street Committee he in- structed to take the ~atter up with them. ~he ~&yor instructod the chief of police to see that the O~'(1inance concerning t118 c:tock rUllj,iwT looc~e in the 8i ty li11i ts 1)e eLlforced as t;lere hoe1 been cO~fllaints. 424 lUnutes of "~)ril 17th Continued On motion 01' Chc:.mberlin, seconded by J&uers, the Council then adjourned until the follo~inf Monday at 0:00 P. H. ~~:k ~Q-,~ . Hayor 'if " -- , ~ 1 DVpn 1[) l,t l. j I I I - ~."" L.....' ::. T',:inutes of the Speciecl l,:ecting 0 f the Co~mon Council of the ~own of 3eward, helrr A9~il 21st, IjlG. LIeeting Vi" S called to ol,Per at (3:00 '2. T.:. by I,layor ~yer", and ell councilmen were Dre~ent. ~he Cle ck rec.ll the l)eti tion for an e'1lergency f1:ee 'llug connectill;C: with the 08 o.:cu IJitcht .: I'OY' r]0[1L)any'r3 '-;lains. A::'ter ~uite a lengthy discussion. it w~s moved by ~orrey and seconded by Jauers that the :-':oU1'lcil guc.rantee the cost of having [, six-inch two way ?~te-vulve attached to the power compc.ny nmins and to tcke up the matter' ith said Company at once. ~he motion carried. ~he calary of the City Engineer ~ae then discussed, awl on motion of ~orrey, seconded by Dou-"'herty, it Vias decided that he be paid C17G.00 per ~onth for cix months, and that any fees he obteined fOe' surveying City lots, etc. );1USt be tUl'ncd 'into the City funds, ana the City Atto.ney was ordered to amend the OrQin- ance to that effect. ';:'11e co,';t rOi' 'lL'veyinv such lots \',2:,' to l)e left to the iliseretion of t1w Council. The vote for City en~ineer resulted in electing Daniel D. Dunlr:p. ~he Etp )licctions ''-ere D. ;s. ',','hi t:field, r'aniel 1. ])un180 an,3 :0. J. Donohoe. Dunlal) received five vot(,S and -:-:hi tfield, one, so the :',0<701' ["eclared DunlaLl elected. ':'ho ca~1e concerning the openin" U~} 0," :::'il'st l'ivenue was talked over, ana on motion of 0aue1's, secan{e{ hy ';'o~rey, that the City ,~ttorney', request in the matter be "Tanted, re::ulted in its lJein~; cal'l'i G(J. '~haTL11)el'lin~ f)8ce,nc1.e(1 b;Y1" 3anel's, moven t}:at c. v\~arrant be dl'avm 1'01' ,!;1Cl.15, '::11ich were the costs in tho case of tho City of oe\',ard V:O. the Llai:i:i:a :'ol'thern ,',uilw&,y for Delinquent taxe,J, .::" ic11 ca~e was lost by the ':;i ty. 1i11 T~e':1ben; voted "Lye" at the call of the roll. ';'he Council, then on ~otion of ~auerB, seconded by Du~~...ueil, arJjoU.1'ne(l until !.Ionc1c~y, 8:~'-: ~. :i:. Cei~~. :.':ul1iui 0<:1,1 'Jlel'~{ -G ~ay2tyr;1/' (- 426 :Hnutes of !.~ectin8' of the Gammon 'JoUlwil of the '::ovrn of 30, ar,', held Al:cil 2<1th, BIG. The '::.'own Council met at 8 :00 P. H The meeting- v:as called to orl"er by :,1ayor lJyoc,'s. /,11 councilmen vvere present. The llinutes of the last regular meeting were read and a correction regarding all appointive officers resigning was made and they were then ap9roved. The Uinutes of the 3pecial Meeting held April 21st, were read and approved. A communicat:ion from I,ll'. Gc,ston Eardy, Vice-Pres:ident of the Ear,iTJan "'atienal 3ank, refen'in;.' to the grade of Adams street was l'ead ane' after a diseuse,'ion, it Vias moven by Chaml1e.clin, and seeondec; by ,~auel's, that ~1 regul,':1rJetitiojj l)e filed, and the Council v!Ould act upon ~1a!:le. The !:lotion c&.rl'ied. .f. com-nunicction from I.Ir. E. O. Sawyer, Jr. L",'d'o:(C'ing the ::3evmrd Light ~; Eo', er Com~Jimy',~ refusal to install lL~:hts at his home wa,: :cead und was [!i ven ovor to the Light, ::iev:age 8n~ ~';harfage Com- mittee. Ordinance Ho. 47 was read, as follow~, for tho first reG.ding: BE IT O~'._LIl:lE:IJ by tho Corrn:10lJ Council of the 'Lovm of ::3oyar~, Territory of ~laska. ~ECTIOH 1. Thore is hereby ci'euted the office of CITY :EliCIHE=:I~ fOl' the Town of Jewal'C), AI: ska. bEC~IOH 2. T~e said City Engineer shall bo elected by the COri1JdOn Council ac ,oi'ding to tho 1,'ule s ;'overning suub body. ant shall hold office only for such period as may ou aesi~nutec\ by this and future Coraf!on COlHwi1s, OJ]' in no instsnce sh&,ll ~cuuh tern or period En'tend beyoncl t1:e lifetime 'f the electin{! Jou;,cil. ~ECTION 3. The said City ElJ~ineer shall 90rform ull duties in the line e~uirea of Civi~ Engineers in other ~uniuipal- itie8; sh<:,11, at the t8C;uest of the Co;:l!!lOjj Council, or the stanning cormni ttees thereof. make all ,:urveys for 1mblic in:!Jl'ovcmenb,;, es- tal,lish g::raues, run lirw2, esta'jlish QlnlUments, estimate cost of contQml)latec~ imo~'ove;iJents ~,n(l ::lake CJlm18 and ol'sy! , oeci:iications necess~l'Y to su~h im,)),'o'.'elnejjts, Bud ~ shLil do ell ot~er thing's ~'e- quired hy the '~0!,IJ:j0n ConneiJ 88 :_;L~11 be of a nature rer]uiriLg his services. ~.ECTIOH 4. The :.:aid Oi ty Eni2:l:t:eer sf][ll rccoivo uS co]';!- )ens~tion for his services rec;uired heJ.'eun'er, tho surn of One hunclred tn, 'lJ ("l"rnc' "-' "h" '1'" seven 'Y-J.1V8 00 ,aI'S ~r IU.u ) per Y10Yll,n, \'111C Sa1([ ;:um S1121" L ue 1n full for [ill services rej-,derecl, chui[j, f~ny ccilejjclar ;;101Jth. "EC~'IOl': 5. The ~:Cli(l:;ity Engineer s}',~ll havo such "t,l}. f,om time to tiJrlC, u.E tho )on1I1lon Council shnll (lotormine, E'-nf: no other. ~he cOIT1pelJsBtionof meh helpers to ~e placed by the So~@on Council and )aic1. f.or upon ,'ouchers Dl'operly O)pl'ovecl b;y :'aid City EngiLeel'. If at any time the Ga.id :]ity Engineer s1,all requil'e &c1- dition~:l >olp, uncI it :;huulCi "ot oc eXlJedient for the COf:1T:lOn ':;ouncil to make the or~er therefor, then in that event the ~ayor shGll hove the~jorer to sathorize Euch eQ~)loyment. .:i}~:~=I01T G. "',ny le1'son, por:30ns, Cls"oci,ation 01' corpo:l:'I:.i- tion desiring fm:cvoy of lots O[ I'unnin!! of lines to be done by the ']i ty ~~n~dn(.el', [;cay t,ccuil'G tho ,_'orvices of such EqT,L!lcer l)y ;!1nkir.g aXJlica.tiolJ to tJ1G ;,1unici9.91 ':;lel'~,- thGI'efor. Upon ~:uch application being 1'ecoi veG by the saict Clerk, he shall tnmsmi t t'uch informGti on - , 1 B ~J Fe I I I "" -n~ t.,...:.:.~..Qt;;.. e" :,:lnutes of ""1J:ci 1 2/rth Continued ~', will 'lve the En~~ineer the necessary data therefor. In such case tLe :Lnsinoer shell, iI other r~utiCE: re'luirec1 bJ." the r~'orm she]l not 1)(' retarder'!, r,la~':e suelh survey, or l'un c:ucoh lineccc, and :fo;1' suoh ':JOl'vices shall charge tho UDplioant the Jrice contained in C 8,;he0uJ.0 to ';8 c.1.J)l'oveu "by the CO'~l:non \jouncil an(l filed in tilE office of the 'Jlel'k. Dl)On Llakin,' o.polic:}tion s herein :,)1'0- vIrlGr1, the ~:p:)licant shnll (~el)Oc"it with the Jlerk 8. sum not less than =e1r cl011urs (,,;10.00) to cover tli8 cost of such 8urvey. 1,11 ChCi'):E l:lade for services of 'sLe"ineer to be ya:i n to Ll'f)8SUl'Or. 20 eve~', :cihould the en,<:rinee:c not be 'l,le to mako tho survey Vii thin recson,iblr; time, he sl::8.11 so info1"[; the Clerk, who J-'h~,:ll at once r,ot i fy t,h8 f:;J,licant ami rebun the Trlonr:y (\ 8L)OS i tWl. ?hi s ;;;cc ti on :~r1811 in no wa"';;! ;HOlli 1'il t t'1:o ,aid Ci t:l :2n[;incer fro:Il ::ls;dng any S1)3'vey done upon hL~ OV,'ll 1..;",8, after the onlinal'y Cla;y';:- V,'OL'j{ :,e:i.ng perfoi'~\l8c\ for the :;'ovm. On motion of ,:)hG.' :berlin. ['econC eC' by' ';'01'1'0),', to cor-rect 1,Iinutes regarding fixed 1rice of ,~,lO.OO for survey:i.nt'. lots; it V,:::'8 ~o ordered by carryi~~ of motion. Chal~lJerlin. seconcl.ed by :::ou,'herty, moved th[t t1'0 first re~ ding oi' Ordinr::.nce lJo. 47 be ac :epted en,l all cOUJ';c:ilmen voted "Aye" at the ce.111 of the 1'011. On motion of ChL~berlin, seconded by Iouvherty, tl~ second l'eS(Un? of the :)nlirci::.nce v,as accoQtecl, all voting "Aye". 'j;he t11il'O ai'd. finE.} reading' of sail1 Ordir;ance \T S curl iod on motion of C;:orroy, "econo ed l)~T :',ou,,'herty, to Hlopt same I tho 1'011 lJeil1@' called u1d all cou cilmen voting "Aye". r;:~c following rosolution ~as then read, as follows: be :it ::"fCsolved [JY the :Jo'mon Coulle'll of tile ','0\,,'11 of :::'ov:a1',l, ':'el'ri to'y o,~' l~las\:a. ':hst the ..: i:>: 1'.', ..~VelJU8 [)8 awl hereby is dec;li.:red to be a lJ1.ui.ne s1..::"8et fl'OI" ",[.i1',';a;; AV811lJ.e to the south Ihw of JeL:'en::on Jtl.'eet. Lou, hel'ty, ::.8c,J)1(le(' by lul:ll'uei.l, c,10vcd t1let the ~:alJle '10 eu,,:r:i.ecl, ull voti g "l:.ye" &t the: c: 11 of thocol1. ,jll~,'.11Jel'lin moved to recol'sirJer t(:c ;wtition ~'EJgarcling ..;i:zt,11 ':'.VCllUO ;.iuevv"ELllc iL1~jl'ovemGnt ;j:l resolution; C8.1I18 ,\lIl[iS seconclnd :1:'/ .....8"',..181"3 aDcl (3CCG~)teCt. ;... f:l()tiol1 :)~- "~rl:d"~l1.Jcl'lin, 'ec'Jl1cled l,):1 :i.,)u~-'herty, to hrve l.~C~',o-"Lu..tion Gl:a",Yl to COllfoLT:1 \yiLh no~:. petition 'V'~C~ 2CCe~)tec1.. ','I~e ':~oU1cll tr,cn rOfC1Te(1 bac:, to Ordine.nces f;nc1 DOl;.2'herty. second ed tiY r:::oc're~l, rnov8c1 that Dr~ j,n:'~llce "io. Ii 7 11e posted in t118 u,u:.11!le.,nne"'; motion we;, c8J',"ierl. 'T:o folIo" ;n;' 1:ill1" ere t'181" n~ad: ~aTd Jalnes, .~,40.00 :J;H]at.:, [).85 "~01, Day, ~~. ~:C John 3il)strick u.~C ~~~. .i:... ~.cn8tl.'om, G. 00 J. ~o~t,on, 5.58 Ceo. ~. K8~'r I.GO ~o:n ~l'cen, E. 0 ~2r:e~r ':,'ere O.L':. 'd 1)::'''" tIle ~inf..rlCC ;Jo~;JJ';jittc(:, c...Jj(~ wEinel'S, seconded l)y lubrueil, rnovr'c1 t'nlt said 1:Ills be )[lic1, L;1(' on cG111In3 the c'oll, the motion carl'iec1, ,30 c;le~'k V,T,,;; instructed to dre\'! v;ori'ults 10l' ur,me. .. 428 litnut~s of Auril 24th Continued On motion of Chamberlin, seconded by ~auers, it ~~8 Cecided that the City Engineer be allowed $IG.OO ~er month rent for table room and use of vault for old records at the office of l~r. Leon C. Booker. ~he Council then, on motion of Doug~erty, sec~_ded by Dubrueil, adjourned to meet again at 8:00 ~. U. the following lJonday. C~ -- 6,C? ~U4- H uay . - I I ~~i.l~ ""h'- ~',... i '" 1 Jl Fe I I I 429 LIinutcs of tbo :Ie oLing of the ':'o';,n .Jouncil of 00'. aro., Alas':a, held Hay 1::'1., L'ltS. ;..eetiw~ Vias 0811eo. to oroer at 8:1[, :::. :I., 11y:.:&yor ,,:yen::, aEd a1.l cOU;l(;i1men wej:c present. Ginutes of tho last meoting were read and a90rovod. 'i:'he reuoJ:;'::oLQution from :','iro Chief 'NO.8 ~'e[iO end on a motion ,.)y 0111:;",Ler1in, seconl18il "y~raer, to,"ive t:&I;:O ove~' to fire co!n~Jiittee to l'e,:,ort on at next ~;leeting, \',',"i8 car:ciocI. ii. recojIJ'.1el15~~t_i_o[.L fl'O~1 Clt~y En/~~inE~eT was read o.n(1 .\",:as .iven over to ~treet Co~ itt88 rOT consideration. 1~ [leti t'i on for bringi:c[!; suit [cgainst the .'~l' ~;V.2 Jorthoni ...,8.ilY/a~,r COll1:r=.ny for CQllection of l~.llc~ tazes V;C2 D icc;l~88ed. ~l'aef tl1elJ 'loved tilat t}18 'J: ty "~ttor{,ey liO O'l,Jo\'o1'odt,!) )1'Jco d VI} trl s',i t end t~1E:. t ';1 5U. 00 be (1 rav,rn fl'OE~ t:cei:<_''\.ll':l to start ')roce d tL~"S; the motion v!us seconded flY :::11[-;;,'bo:['lin, an,l on c stcl1(linp- vote, cOUlwil- ell Gr~al::'be:clin, :3-.1.'8..8f anu I;l~IU~:"0-c::.ct~l vot,erJ ir~. fC:i\ro.L' oS' bJ.:tngj,Iq-~: 81).i t, 'c,nd :ouneil::1on ;3auers, I.<"l,rouil elid ':orn;y voted li" in:::t Sl:\!;'tD. ''::ho voto boirw a t.ie, the :.:u:rOl' t1-,cn voted a.," inst stal'tin,():~l'ocoedi s 8.1,Q t:-::0 T'~.I.-;c.snl'e \7~' s ~_ost. :;11e i:Ji lIs 'lucre t11en Jlancll~(~' :jom;:itLeo anrl a::'tor I.>oing J.::. Ie: 'r",'tere J07n }110otrlck - 24.00 . :f~r.ll"~T nfl~rcleL - 24.00 ',/. ~<.. !..;e.ntre11 - 9.70 Ghes. l:~::1:_'weiler - 24.00 to the ;,'inance ano:auims 1'0,':.."1):.- tho ;;lorJr " ,,_ Collows: ~."'Lt. 1.). G 0 ~j )81'}1,.)11 - 23.35 J. E. ~:omie - 23.35 :,obe1't t}ue~,t - 35.00 ~=. ...~. Ilorl'ier - 11.55 Goo. ~l'i010r - 20.00 Goo. ~~ilJ.iamson - 12.20 if. _:. ill1[lorson - 12.00 ..Lila si:a ~)hs.r::1ac.;y - 7.00 :.:,O';a:r:d}c:Ln':ay - :_0.00 ,j. _d L:yon: - (j. 85 ~con a. 300ker 2.00 =.. ~oo18ey 1.00 Jonn ~ose - ~.OO ;eo1'ge ~tanley 3.00 Vj.rl!il ~ich J..50 je n1'J ~stor & P. 00.- 100.00 ..'...las}~~a ~rallsfer - G. 75 1;.. : ~_ci:.ean - 3.30 AIDska E~cning ~ost - G.75 Jpward Gen'l ~r089itsl - 10.00 Alae~{a Ilec. Uo. - Jo~ard L. & ? Co. - ;:'-,.00 28.20 l.O.~~!O 00", cr(l ~. '- _J. Co. - ,,;';1. .1). '::0 i)oerTIol1 ,] . . "ami g - ,,',J'i.,crt}uo::;t - i.~. A. darner - Leon 'j. lac ker Deni el :0. 1 HL1a,) ~~l. H. ,-'08"r:1,11,:).n - :::1.65 :3~. GO 54.20 ....." ~" ~l~. .~V 10.85 5~-~.50 <fr- r:r.. ~.....~). ,,-);:) "".1;., ilornor :lL'O _-,011) 22.00 On E motion of ~orrey, seconded by Dubreuil, that all abovo [)ills be l)a'lU and Jlerk uraw W8."T1Jlt" for SW;lO, 0.11 (j01L,c;i lmen voted "J~ye" , t the <.;al1 of the roll. ~he 2uhool Comm. sugfested that pJalls of last year bo :.oopte.a e;liel 8.fo']{:eo thst bids be called for [~ :3tean-heatiYw "hmt to be 111s~~~11ed clul'into" chool lJ[,cn-tion. Lfter a C!is::mssioYl, it ViES decid.od to hol,l :m tto1' OVel" until Bul-,ool lJoarc1 he1(l beoy, COlJ 1<1 tec1. "" ~. "' ' l4 t " t' t' t ~ " '..l..n8 ~ lT8 I.....O;~;;11 ,G(:8 l~eQor "en ,'1[':: toe co::; OJ': ;,-lc-: ':lng D.ilCt i:nst~~lling eL1er~~erlc~I "fi.l'e :!lug y,',)Ulll 'oe ;'~p )ro~:iT::atel::7 ,;~"iC.(: .00. ,..':i11ers ~;lOVO~ t,'lc'.t the .;, '='C'.CO be Ll10wed Lo have plug instal,locl, 1mt 'C.G t~'p.ro \Y.'~B no coconc19 t,r~e r.iotion v'as lost. _ <'~,:or~ O.i-'."Lr;~:t '00,' ,L "etee. Dc,,~y-ueil :Jovod ,\;ha t t>o:]i ty "n.ttorLC~~l ~;..t l"';y' L:c. _frafi of t; c ...;<c:v:ard 11ght ": ~ov\er C()m.9arl~"', p",sl:Lnft 11im the .'eason i'cu' :.-,ot i'u-,'YliSt1in:2' lL7ht to '.:1'. E. ''1. .~avI'Ter J~'.' ~_ '. J' , D01~ ei'ty l:ecOL(led tho ;notion. ']hayr;lJorlin thon 8J.,oncled. the IilOt:i.on, vritl' COY.l'-""n"' ai' l'U'O-"llOl'l nlc.t ti,n "0'111":1 ,..c,lr "'" :'rH.rl~ to '-. o'a' \~..I. ,...,-,LI.J ..L.-..... . lie...... ~...C'""~l ""-"-._.,,1................ 'JO,J.. c....p..C..:.. ~t tho next meeting and stato his reason in person. 430 ;,anutc;s of ;;lay 1st, 1.1(" Continued. Uotion was seconded by Torrey and carried. Graef moveel that council pul11ish invi tati.on fa!' .uios for -, ci ty scaven,~'er in accordance vri th specificstions to be fUl'l1iDhed 'by ! Health Officer, and bids to be in by 8:00' D. Monday, Day the 8th, 191G, VirJOL same v.'ould be oSkl,ed. ;,lotion vms seconded lJy ::Jauers and car l'ied. ;,ICl.Y01' ],Iyers l'e90rtoel thnt the ::iomon'f3 ,:ivic Loague had decle'red r;:'hurselay, tlay the ,:,th, as D. general clee.nim!' day renc; re- ljueEted that the 8i ty Council furnish (3 v.rag'on 1'01' that 6ay. and on motion of IJou;herty, seccn;d ed oJ :Du';ruei 1, the motion Vie s carried. Chamberlin moved trla t the notice of improvement of Gth Avenue be published, ane> <:;11 abutting -::H'o~)erty owners o1Jj.,cting thereto should file a protest not later th~n May IGth, 1916. 38me Vias secondeo by Dou~herty an~ carried. On reco~~endation of City Engineer, Shamoerlin moved that on ~~ll future graeles thct the curb line be used as u basis of survey; f:lotion was sec.::mded llY ;:Jauers and carried. Cha,'c,lJel'lin moved that notice be publiched in paDer the.t grade line of . dams ;;tl'eot had beel:, established from 6th Avenue to =::Cl.ilroad ric'ht-of-w y, and any property hol(: ers urotesting same, must appear before :IEY 1Dtll, l~lC. ::otion was seconcied 1");'(- '::;&uers and carried. On rlOti on o.c' ~n,ers. second ad by ';'o1'1'ey, tue council then .".ad HEtil UJ)1r1c,y, 0:00,' f3tl< ~~ l :.IunicipCel Cle1';:;: ~ . 1 BrrPe I I I .< ~"1 L.,. .. -~-' :,!illLi. tea 'I" t~lP Sr>ecial l:reetin~ of' tl18 Town Com,cll of Sewa"d, ;'J,H;1/:[1 [leJll :,IHY 8tll..1.::6. 1':.0 meetlni: ',;l~~F: CFi-;lcdtc "'1J'lle=r ~)y :,:aY"1T H:rr;Ti~ at 8:15 pm. and all counoilmen were present exce-ptin::; saue!'5. 1\ CO":'lrllt- }_CR:tt:).~ f'::-,') 11 1':16 :~c\vaTcl ..POi":12nn Clit~-, \:,.,....~;~ TF.:ad (18~-:.1;l_ .p~'T ;q c;::<:l:'lttt;~'r>jan f"'!""~.'l t~"'t~: ....,..."v......!. ~,-}.LJ~l~. t,;-, ;'~i~f-~~~ wit"r;. t~ern re~[ITcll~"'_ (; Cl..,7"1.e F81l:" rTO~~CC~, ar.:(:, t:18 ::Ftyur r:anecl Cour:ci."" ~~c--: ~au€rs ~o act In t,-..n ~> co /)(J cl ~,? 1i-1 ~JC~~I8.J. -f J_D tr~e ;OiU:C 1.1. J-... C J, (jildni en tlon fTO;.i ~ 1-iP A -; n :-~.' an :::r;;.~i::. ',"; C;T t(i~ Go )il~11 ?:Bl.on wI 7,J~ yeft3T(:.:Ii.(f; tJt) tl"Le f;~tRl~~lFf~:l,':'nt, of C!'FICle on .A.,~lar~lS Rt. 1VCiR Tea~l 811\1. C~e-{':':- w[1S 1.::1- :;:; t T"LtC teJ t) 0 r:-r i t,8 tlL'::l ~,;"" n -'-, tilt:" C~i t.y ~n~i11At-):'" WO uId fqTnt nil f~L'l~;~~ i.,~l';'U~('l:'latl.)n at 8ny t,irn.e. T:iA ~:'lJlA rOT ....ca\re(~~eT' WATt: ,'.!)f.:!.ll3\.l a__;1 Te,'"ill. T:1ATe weTe tv~() ;:1.:18 8 ~LI. :1 '. tt-:--,\.i J n"- fT'uJ Adell Ian Hr:c.1 -;-11..:L l ty a'i i(~. tJ"l1e () tl"H3Y fT :);n E. PT\)\r 1_;, ;'0. Iitto~r (-1 :li PC IF,f'~1.0il t ,L WaR ('IOVG\.} :jy ~'J -Ye./ rl"ltt ~)(,Cu 1Jed ')y DU;t_~-~e:t1rY t~1(1_\..: .&.,ill--:~ r.1ILP: ::;t-=; !,t~;~!lu.1, aild t~L(; r:"t_'_(}_l CRTTie,l. Tile l-'OYll;. .,) f City T:TRCi SU i"'t ,1"' I ti. :t. RO!ili~ wa 8 renu [-11)(1 refeY're(l to t~l6 Git.y AttOY'1SY. ~;iC ....oJ:d of t,>,i,.-; B(L.:.k of ;:;EV,,~r--T\I yv.as YC78d (1["1..1 a ;-IQti.:JG .. (;~in~ll;-;t-~:rllIl ,'.'--,cor"l,c;,'l ny rOj" ',c,y , thflt tl~e Bank l):"" 8cw8:"1 ~,e 't<ide tile re00pi tory fOT tile City's fnnclr.-" W08 carrieu,. ad,:' "efey('ed to ;,ttor:ley fur corYectlor~ T!l<~ l)\:n<l 1Jj'"' tile ,;i+.JY I.:a...:.l~trA1~r--; V.rFif~ Teac1 f~':l:l 81F:O Tf:f't.TI'ed to t~-LC Gi1:.y Atto:rnc:'". A TcitJG scedule IO}:' 8uJ"\Jeitn~ lots, etc., was ~H'Jr{l.ttt8d lJY Cit:r' En.....ir>;er and aft(;T' (""1. ll.;_8CtllR~~io;-1 it \7Hf? il,JV8cl :;y TorTey Rl'1'.l Rfjcon(18cl 1) lJou.r1'leTty, V'tat tl18 sCA,lnle 1:,8 hl10il+oe(1 Rnl1 all 'lOiRd ii, f,'.vol' of NLie exc ':l1ti n -.:. CllCl.:]110:rlin WllO,'O ted no. The 1)111s we"f [,'-1,1 0','6T 'lllt,j,l tl,c, nAxt rq;nlar ,llc\,;t,Ll~. OL tOll' re-po!'t of t't-, st,reet Go "Iit,tee, Councilmi.1n ClwL1r,erlin re- :DOy1",8\L tl1ht Rome of t~'"lC ~'r-'Ofllls Wf;:~~~~ in l;("t(t S11a1)e an(.l .:18keci. t,llH t (i!lycJx- i i::I"c:l'" ~'-SO.CC 118 a:,lO\'/8l1 fc)' t,",<-; :re0aLT'ln,' of Rame. A m"t on bv GTaef;,eC~nllGll_ 'ry To "'ey ;~'"t ~1i;; ~15C".OO 1;e~ allowc;l,l for t:,iJ.t. 1!ur~OGe waR ca'Y'ri.s(l.. A ,110U.Oll 1);1 IJr1iiUi'ie:rlin, R8cOl,eted ';' '1raef t:!at t,r,8 StreAt 11,::.11tp, 1,e contirme~l It,l.til ,TUCle 1st., carried, all'-> naw t:10rJ6S W81'1 orc1fr1"ecl r>IlTcll- HRGel to Ye~)lace l)ji8S t,llat WE',Te 1",11T'18(1 out. rOT:rey, Recoj'decl r)y Jon';;:1ert.y l1ov8d +,(le G')',U1cil aclJoUYil RIll1 same ca-rried. -~~C2Jf#lyY<- l.rayor. 1 Clerk. J 432 ],linutcs 0:- the I,rec-tin;! of the Town Gound.l of :2o\',ard held ].:ay 1::, 1:11C. I..:eeting Vias called. to Jeller C1t 8:1C P. and all Councilmen were oresent. ~he Minates of the regular meetinf helR ~ay 1st were reaR a~ a.,p:coved, as were the r.:inu'te::; of the 2geoi8.l r~cotini" held ;,:~'y Sth. :::'here being no o(Jjection, tIle school matter VIas al10\";eo to come up first, an<l L:rs. F. :L. 1a11a1ne ref'd a l'e'lort anc1 reco :;::'ienela ti on from tile school board in ret:jc.rd to reffio(l eltng the school house. Dou:"hel'ty moved that the ~::::hool corr~'Tlittee l)e ;;iven power to go ,<;118ac1 &11(1 }l8.Ve 1)1ans and s~ecificatlons fOl' remoc'eling "11(1. [,ltering of pre::ent ,;:::hool building c1ra\n according to wishes of school board. Uotion VIas seconded by ~auers and carried. A petition [sking for grading of Adams ~treet as establiRhed by City En;di1eel' [,nl) aRo9ted by COUlwil v,as refel'red to the Qi ty "'"ttOl'lwy, -"- petition fbI' cleal'inf.' stU'up8 end ,JUtting' sidc\"r;:~s on the west dde of YiEishini2't.on .:it ctlet Vias c.lt'o roferre<1 to the Ci t,y !1ttol'ney. A petition uEking for ~idewalks on north si~e of AdaMS Jtroet was refel'l'eel to .Ji t~l l"tto:cney. A petition for sidewalks on Fifth Avenue from Adams Street to ;,IaC1 ison .3treet and for 8 lJc'i(l ge on l~ame ctrcGt acrOS2 101','0"1 Creek rn, 2 also referred to the City Attorney. The following bills were handed to vinance Co~~ittee, and after lleinf'; O. ::.'00. V:Ol'e re[;(l-S folloVlS: L. E. ~c~ean - - - - - - 2~75 3rosius · Uoon - - - - - G.14 ~obert Guest - - - - - - 4.00 ;jev'[u'djate\'!uy - - - - - ?J4.40 .A. J. s:uylor - - - - - - .50 J. L. Greef - - - - - - -13.05 Sowers ~:ubiier Co. - 177.00 Alaska Transfer ~ - - - 136.50 Andy 3eguin - - - - IG.OO Herman Ericson - - Hl.OO Cha;l1berlin, econded by Dubreuil, moved that said bills lie i)aid and at the cnll of the 1'011 all Council118n voted "Aye", 20 the Clerk was inst~ucted to era\'! warrants for said amounts. On~ inance Ho. 49, entitled. "Ln On1 inance provid iHp: for the I!Il- 9.L'Ovemer,t of ':';i yth "', VCnlJe from ~:E i IViay Avenue to "~(lams ::otceet., by pl~ciDg a ten-f ot 91ank ~iae~alk on the ~e8t side the=eof, ane pro- viain~ for 0E~nent of same by a B8ssment uoon the ubutting lots or parcels of ia~d," '.vas l'ead anrl It motion b;y-cCh8",berlin, ,'ecorFied by lJoUi"fJerty that the first l'eacling' be acloqtec1 ~m(l t.hat came p<::.ss ",0 seconll reae1inf5 WhS accepted as all couIleilmen \-oted "Aye" at tho call of the roll. The sec.::m6 reading of Ol'dinance Ho. 48 'hy .ti tIe only wet:' ;~oveel ~)y QhG1berlin ana .econded by Dougterty to be accepted, ana all Coun~il- ment voted "Aye" at the c::.11 of tht' .call. Lfter the thir(l and final reading of Ordinance, C11a,^,be~'liI1 moved that Ordinance be adopted, and that bids be advertised for and that they be closed on ;,rcy 2:?th, at 8:00 o',::loc}{, [in,; l'WL1C :-nust 1)(; ac- com0~niea by ~ertified check of at least five per cent of the amount of bid. ~otion was second d by Torrey and at the c~ll of the roll, all ':ouncilmen voted "Aye". h... t by :';'..-yor p ~',.l.:{C rs , '10m Agee - Ell j. .iiyres - F:red Dustin - . E. .....gencer - I:att .3chlosser - John Gilpatrick - Henry Paeben - - - - Jim Clinton - John Vickery - 18.00 40.00 24.00 7.50 13.50 - 54.50 ~l. 50 17.50 11.iJO I _J --, I I , _<l llPfF'(I I I I L133 :.Iinl1tcs of I.I,i-,-~l l[,th ~ont'i.nun(l. Dou:c-.}tnl't.~/ ;Jlo.'.,re6 thet ..u..t:ams ;..Jt.ceet fl'ade, at: estal)li~.~he(.ll)y Ji t;y :'nidnp '1'8 bGopte6. :,:otion W8S tec,-mclod by 7.orrey anoJh,nlier- l::in liV3.0e aT &n18Tlf}rnE:nt iJ1[;t the 8~g:nr tUl'es of ':n:yro.{' c.nf: ,;:..el'k ClJel tho official sebl of the ~o~n of ~e~ard 1e lut on all 8~0Dted francs and su!~\eys. I,:otion ca~'l'ied. C)}H1J:iLel'lin. seconcled :oy ..;8uers, mOVt~(1 that the;ity LtJo:cncy ara..-: ~fJ Ol'(1ii:ance a'~ O)tinf: the '1'o:io:' gr~l)e\3 encl, ,I'oti~n ca"Tioll. ~'he ,'ae~'k W::,S InsLuctec1 to lflvlte T,;,'. :=-n:di of~he :'-e"Llrd Light ~_ ~oo'j,c1' Jorn[Jany, in \'Titing, to [t,)peul' at the next meeting of the Jounail, ~ay 20th, 101G. r~l-;.e PloJLting JO;:I:-,-'i.ttee reco;',~L-:~end :Col'ms ~-3u;-JTnitt,e(: by '~;it2 EYl;.~.in:('r r"n(l C:flU:....:i:J81'1:in, SOGol1(le(l 1)./ Dou:?'hel'ty, ~h)"T\-lVl'1 that tte~l. 1)(. .~,::'i"'~'"cn authol'lt:r to have ~'i.\re hU~{lcll'e~ C()LY1C}3 of 8a~ll :~~",')cr:l fJ1"1.Yl."tec1. :,:otion ca.:.:riec1. I.~~}'it.: :)oll(1E~ or the ,jlt:y-r ~:l'e[iSul'er, }3ri.n~= of" 0e~i\'aJ.'(J, aurl :;i.ty I.!::-;~:-istl'ate, ;,'ore ':0. ::. 'e 1>:J th(~ City l~ttO.l.'lle;f, c)na lJoUtThe1'ty, :---e- c..:c;ll(le,~ biT ~'ol'rnyrnoved the bon,)s be ao,)Yo'.Tcc1, I::cr~ll the nlOtioL cal'1'icd. :r}(~ 1.:8;701.. 2~))ointc.l r~10l'l'ey, Dul<L'eT~il all{i l(),~1~:'1Jerty as e.. Conr,li.ttee to ID:.k over t1-i.f': ;)lnr.i1)iDt! C.!..'iJin.&l1ce 8.)1(1 S8C:' if any .~~;;18n(1ment~j v,lc~re nec8ss.'i.l'Jr. ~hR (!ue:.:~ t i on of a t:cunk se~\' er ~:yste;r. \VE', s (1 -i :.:.~c U;3;: (~d arlll ~~ ha~':-J')c I'] in, seconuc(l 1):] LJ\111,~'herty, r.love,~ tln:-it t118 :~i. ty T:n('incer 'ilake i.u:;.'t-~lei' inv82- t1gat.ion Oll t1w.t liED ami ;;wtton CCll'L'iec\. ="le:l01-:( ';;as instnwteLI to write to ~Lc ..;8'..:anl ""-c1t",r "'ov;e1' 00lill)anJ, a,;}d.Yli! t1,c;-:i to have a rel)resentative l)I'H"~ent at the l' ,,,yt ;r:ec:t- ing of 0ouDcll, May 20th, InIG. ~hE: GOUYjl"~il -L}j~~:n (lilj:::nlrnt:-d tCl ;i'u iIlto e~"euutive ~~esF'i.oll. :;18 '~i.tJ/' AttOl'YiCY iiL';)..ed 1'01' lE;t3.Y8 :Jf t.itE;eHC(~ nr.(l t' at :'}l' 8.ttJ_c'ney -(J8 llUE~ea ~Lrj hi ~ 91LLc.:e. J.':o. l)[:.J.lot V,',';:..:': ta,..-,cjn ,~Jn\1 l'ec~ul ts cho\'ied fonl' \"otes for J. }")j,rHlICjr Green cd-La tl/0 -'\1 oL(;s i."or :~8;)n .;. lookt-:l', El.i-l(1 t1uJ !.:a~:o.f n ecla;'cil ~.Tl'. :;l'eell electcll '.;i ty 1:..tLo.,'nrJJr in tLc al)~~e110e of 1.:.1.'. JOL)!!el'noll. r;'hc :JoUL.Jil th(l~ - \~ .jolJJ"llec1 until :.:onllc.y evenil1~)', I,~ay rc:th, lQlC. Viij~ ----- TP- ~;?:7~ Llulliuipal Clc:cx. , 434 Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council of Sewhrd held May 29th, 1916. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Myers. All councilmen were present. ---.. i , Minutes of the last meeting were read and apr'roved. Councilman Dougherty moved that on all bids a bond of at least t'",,,,,ty-five per cent of the amount of bid be required; the ~otion was seconded by Dubreuil and car~ied. The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Graff stating that no improvements ',vere contemplated north of Jefferson Street, except ~s stated in his letter. Dubreuil moved that Mr. Graff be given ten days in which to rut lights in residence of Mr, Sawyer, or have fr~nchise revoked, After a discussion with vari~us suggestiGns, Mr. Dubreuil modified his motion as follows: that tbe city attorney notify ~r. Graff to rut lights in Mr. Sawyer's residence within three weeks; motion was seconded by Graef and carried. The petition in regard to clearing stumps and futting side- 'lalks on Second Avenue belo:i Washington Street was moved by Cbarr,ber- lin, seconded by Torrey, to be indefinitely tabled as other petitions ~ere in circulation. Motion was accepted. A communica ticn froffl The Parriman N'a tic,nal Bank was read to come in regular order of business. The bids on Sixth Avenue sidewalk we~e orened and amounts read as follows: J. C. Gilpatrick - - - - - 37.CO rer M ~. J. Cavana - - - - - - - 3G.50 per M E. A. Tucker & J. W. Giles 32.90 per M G. Y. Carter ~ D. S. Whitfield 36.67 per M. 3. McDonald - -- - - - - - 31.80 per M Torrey,aeconded by Dubreuil, moved that Mr. McLonald be awarded the contract as loweat bidd.er, and that bond and contract be dra'.m up and signed wi thin ten days, and mction carried. c..",,1:ti~ request of Harrin;an National Ban}, asking permission to put in~sidewalk in front of their building was on motion of Torrey, seconded by Dou~herty, 3r~nted. The estimate of Engineer on Adams Street improvement was l"ead and a motion by Chan.berlin, seconded by Dougherty, to strike out word "gutter" in estimate was carried. The petition regarding imrrove~ent of Fifth Avenue north of Adams Stl'eet and erection of bridge over Lowell Creek w;:." moveu by Cbamberlin, seconded by SauerB, to be redrawn, and ([lotic,_ carried. Mr. Nelson of the Seward Water & Power Company was called upon regarding the Wetter supply, and he stated that the Company would have water surrly enough for all purposes. The following bills were handed to the finance cOli:rd ttee, and after being O. Y. 'd, were read as follows: '-'m. D. COT'pernoll - - - - 50.CO Tlost Publishing Co. _ _ S. C. ~orford - - - - - - 5.00 The Bon Uarche' _ _ _ _ Dee Sing - - - - - - - - 3.CO Tom Agee - - - - - _ - _ ehas. Emsweiler - - - - - 8.00 Matt Schlosser - - - _ _ John Vickery - - - - - - 2.00 Jim Clinton - - _ - _ - Penry Paeben - - - - - - 44.50 Tom Agee - - - - - - - _ E:ij. Ayres - - - - - - - 2.~O John Gilpatrick - - - - Ed~&r Provinse - - - - - 6.25 '" Sauers, seconded by Dubreui 1) moved trlat tbe bills be raid, and all councilmen voted "Aye" at the c&ll of the roll, so Clerk was instlucted to draw v;arrants for said i::l.mounts. --, I I . 24.75 .90 2.00 6.00 4Q.CC 2.00 10.50 - , . ; .1 DUt', . f; ',/"< ( ~ I I I. 435 Minutes of May 2~th, lSl6, Continued. T]-;e Fire Con,mi ttee suomi tted a notice to arcI'i tects for :;:lans on a ne;, Ci t~; Hall to be presented to Council; Sauers moved that S2me be inserted ~nd two weeks be allowed in wh~ch to bring tr:em up at tbe mef;ting~ motion VH,S seconded by Chc.rr,berlin and carried. The School Committee reported that the plans for altering scbool house would be in she;,re at the next reglllc,r meeting. The Light Comwittee was instlucted to have lights cut out June lst. The Cl ty En;ineer submitted a plat on a location ,-,f monUlY;ents, ~tich was referred to the City Attorney to report on at the next rr~z: e ting. The City Clerk hsked that a desk be purche;,sed for his use and on motion of Torrey, seconded by Chaaberlin, it was ~ecided to have bids cc:.11ed for a five-foot oak desk, and all bids be in llonday night, June 5th, at 8:00 P. M. Sal.<ers, seconded by Dou2,herty, moved thc:.t the Council adjourn till Monday, June t:e 5th, 8:00 p. M. Motion calried. ~. q~o~ 436 Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council of Seward held June 5th, 1916. The meeting was oalled to order at 8: 00 P. M. by :J;ayor Myers and all councilmen were present. The minutes of the last meeting .vere read and aprroved. The bias on a desk for City Clerk ~ere opened and bids were submitted by cT. r.. Graef, Norris Safe & Lock Co" and Rott. Ashland. Sauere moved that the bid of Mr. Ashland for a 66" oak desk ~ $100 be accepted. Motion was secon..ieci b;{ TOl"l'ey and carried. Council- man Chamberlin voted "no". The bond of B. McDonald for construction of 6th Avenue si..1e- 7ialk 'lid-S read, and on motion of Sauers, seconded by Torrey, same ..as accepted. A peti tion for clearing 2nd Avenue below W2cahington Street was reall anci Sallie havins been o. k. 'ed by the C1 ty Attorney, it was moved by Torrey, seconded by Sauers, that petition be granted. All councilmen voted "Aye" at "he call of the roll. The foliowinC; redolution on said ',.ork wac I'ead as follows: "BE IT RESOLVED, by the COl!ilHon Council of the To',m of Seiic.rJ, Territory of Alaskaj That whereas a petition has been filed in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the said Town of Seward, signed by a majority, in value, of the property owners, abutting on that part of Second Avenue, upon vv]! ich the im;rovemen ts are to be made j pet it ioning the Common Council of the said Town of Seward, to im~rove Second Ave. in said Tovm, by :cemoving the stumps therefrom and leveling up the same, from the North Side of Railroad Avenue to the 20uth Side of Washington Streetj and that two-t'-ir1s of the cost thereof be taxed to and assessed agRinat the abutting rrorerty thereon and raid as y:rovided by lawj Therefore, the Common Council of the said Town of Seward, hereby declare its intention to male said imrrovements requested in said petition and ~wo-thirds of the cost thereof be taxed to and assessed against the abutting ;>roperty thereon and ra:LQ as !,ro- vided by law, and the Hunlcipal Clerk is directed to publish this resoluticn, together with a copy of the estimate of the cost of said improvement by the City Engineer and th~ notice to owners of abutting prorerty as is required by ordinance." On motion of Dougherty, seconded b~; Dubreuil, that reso..i.ution be adopted, resulted in all councilnlen voting "Aye" at the cb.ll of the roll. The City Engineer submitted a proposed sewer system and estimate for sewer in alley be tween 5th and 6th Avenues and on ll:Ot ion of Dougherty. seconded by Torrey, same was accerted and bi~s to be advertised for both constructions as given in estimate of Engineer. S. O. Morford, as attorney for Dic}erman Estate, appeared be- fore council and filed a protest against grading of Adams Street in fr0nt of Lot 21, in Block 16, ani stated that if said work was clone that he would only pay for the exact cost of that portion of work. Councilman Dou:;herty moved that Block 16 ana. Block 9 be stricken fI'oR. peti tion and thb.t the grauine; be comr:;enced at east line of 5th Avenue instead of 4th Avenue, and that consent be obtained from bal- ance of property holders befole advertiain~ said ~ork. Motion was seoondiid by Sauers, ani all voted in favor of the motion. exceptinz; Chamberlin, who voted "No". No protest was entered against construction of side~alk on Adams Street by Mr. Morford. , , " - I I , ~. 1 P'!FC' I I I ,l'!'rj:7 '-.::.:~ - Minutes of June 5th Continued. The follo~ing bills were handed to finance committee, and after ~Jeing n. Y. 'ed, -,.er, read as followa: George, Kr idler - - - - - 45. CO Sewu.rd Comll,erc ial Co. - N. R. Anderson - - - - - - 47.00 Brosius & foon - - _ - _ _ _ _ M. A. Horner (fire call) - 20.00 Seward Lt. & Po~er Co. - - - _ J. E. ROlllig - - - -- - 75.00 Bl'ovm 8 Hawkins - - _ - - _ _ Robert Guest - - 125. CO Se',if.rd Via ter & PO'.':er Co. - - ~. A. Horner - - - - - - l25.aO Se~ard S~~mill Co. - - - - - Leon C. Booker - - - 25.00 Alaska Transfer - - - Daniel n. Dunlap - - 175.00 Alaska Pharmacy - - - - - - - 0. u. Poehlffiann - - - - - 50.CO S. O. Yorford _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U. S. Rubber Co. - - - - 2.12 8e','!srd ':f;neri:ll ;'os::ita1 - Alaska Elec. Co. - - -- - 5.00 Fettel's Fodak Store - - - - J. L. Graef - - - - - - - - 8.55 Tor~ey, seconded by Sauers, moved that said bills be paid, and all councilmen voted "Aye" at the call of the roll, ani Clerk was instructed ~o dra~ warrants for said amounts. The ~chool COMmit"ee submitted rlans for the remodeling of school house, and Torrey moved that report be accerted, and that bids be callei for said 'IIor}: by advertising in [&.per. Motior was seconded by Sa~erB and carried. T1,e Street Committee ';,as instructed to look over sidewalk on 3rd .Avenue nedr bridge as there ;.ere 60rne ::oooe [lan}., in Ban,e, anci ';,,;ere ordered tc have repairs made. F:econ,rcendations by :'~L'. LecLner fOl' cllani;;es in plumbing ordinance ';ert: l"ead. After a ciisctisl3i.on, it WhS ciec:lded to lay ealf,e over till the next meeting. On motion of Sa~era, seconded by Dubreuil, the ccuncil then aci- journed to meet the fOlloNing Monday, June l~th, 191G. 4.50 8.92 34.50 1. 25 lC0.CC 8.42 38.15 43.05 5.00 3C.00 4.95 -f6,O-~ :l !!ayor ;i:unic ipal Clel'}.. ~.0>8 L:~,'~ Minutes of the Special Me2ting of the Town Council of Se~ard held , June 12th, 1916. Meetin3 was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by ex-officio Mayor 2auer~, and roll call 6hol,ed all present, excepting Ma~Tor Myers and CouncIlman Graef. The minutes of the regular meeting held June 5th were read and arproved. A communicb,tion from Mayor Myers namin~ Councilmen Dubreuil and Torrey CiS Street Comwittee and Councilmen Torrey and Sauers as School Corr;n:l t tee fOl' remainder of term was read and a mot ion by Dubreuil, 6eco,,~eJ by Torrey, to place 6Cime on file was carried. Mr. Morford's communication withiranning his protest on the gnl.ding of Adams Stl'eet was read. Dougherty ir.ove.l to recone i-ier his motion in the meeting of June 5th with reference to the line of im- provement and that the work be done as pUblished in notice. Motion ;,as seconded by Torrey and cal'ried, all councilmen voting "Aye". The following resolution was then read: "BE IT EESOL";TED BY THF COWfcOJl: COmrCIL OF THE T01:'?, OF SEWARD, ALASKA; That the Municipal Clerk be anJ hereby is instructed to pub- lish a call for bids for the Grading of Adams Street, between the ~est line of Fourth Avenue and the ~est line of Jef~erson Street crcssin~ of the Alaska ?orthern Pailroad ~nd for the construction of a plany sidewaly on the north side of said Adams Street between said :points; tl;at separate bids be submitted for each imrrovement, that &,ny bid inclu::lin:; both improvements will not be considered; contractor to furnish all material and tools for said work: each im- "rovement shall be done in comrliance with the plans, profile, stip- ulations and specific~tions made by the City Engineer, now on file in his ofJice and &:e open for inspection to all prospective bidders. Po bia will be received after the hour of seven-thirty 0'2lock, June 19th; and will be opened by the Co~mon Co~ncil at its llieetin~ on said date and the contracts awarded unless all bids are rejected, or th~ awarding of the contract be postponed. All bids must be accom- panied with a check certified to by one of the banks in Seward or the cash to an amount equal to five percent of the bid, money or check to be refunded to all unsuccessful bidders. In c~se the s~c- ceseful bilder shall fail or refuse to enter into the contract and stipulations and ;sive a good and sufficient bond for the faithfc.l performance of said contr~ct as required by the COmlGOn Council within ten days after the contract has been awarded, he shall forfeit to the Town of Sev!ct.rd such certified check or the cash, as th~ Cb,S8 mOi,Y be. n On motion of Dou6herty, seconded by Dubreuil, to adort same, all councilmen voted "Aye" at the cE.ll of the roll. Dou~herty moved that bids be called for said nork; and that con- trG.ctor in each work be c.;iven sixty days in wr,ich to complete his contract. Motion was seconded by Torrey and carried. The folloilin:; bills were banded to the Finance Cornl!'.i ttee and ~fter being O. K.'ed, were re~d as follows: Eobert Ashland - - - - - - lOO.GO Sewc.rd Transfer Co. - - -5.50 Post Publishing Co. - -- 7.20 Leon C. Booker - - l5.CO John Gilpatrick - - - - - - 12.aO Henry P~e~er - - - - - 31,75 qerman Ericson - - - - - - - 24.00 Jack Filce - - - - - - 18.00 Andy Seguin - - - - - - - - 27.00 Fred Vruger - - - - - - 27.00 Dubre~il, seconded by Dougherty, moved that said bills be paid, a.nd at a call of tne roll, all councilmen voted "Aye", anJ ("lerk ',vas inst.ucte:l to drcl.iv warrcwts for sforesaid amounts. - 1 B M Fc" -n41 L~~._, .~l Min"ktee of 81'eci&.., M"ting of <hme 12th, 1\'16, Continued. The I'erort of Special COlianittee on Plumbino Or~inC:.nce \IE.S held lover till next n;~l,;ting. Mr. 'Ninstedt repl'esentin; The Harrilrlan :Iatien&-1 R&-nk petitioned the council for use of 30 inches of the inside of sidewalk in front of their building for steps to re&.ch the basement floor. On motion of Dougherty, seconded by Dubreuil, the petition was granted by carryin~ of motion. C"omT'et:i ~ive architects I r1ans for Ci ty PE<ll were called for ani Mr. p. J. Donohoe W&S only architect dubmitting rlans. Councilman C:-:aml:erlin moved that Srecial C;oc:dttee be apro'nted to ~o over rlans with Donohoe and re~ort bac} at next meBtin~. ~otion '!U.S - secondeJ by Torrey an-' carried. - - Councilmen Graef and Dubreuil ,'iere named as Cou.ldttee. DubretJil moved tl:at 8i ty Attorney confer '.vi tb ':r. Christensen to see abGut t~xes on lets in Term'nal Tract to be sold by Govern- ment. Motion was seconded by Chamberlin and carried. Dul'reuil rerorted the bridge over Loviell Creek on 4th Avenue in very bad conJition. After a di.scussion, it was decl-led. to have Street Committee look into the matter thorou~hly and rerort at next meeting. Srecifications for hot water and stf2.lfl he".tin::; r1ants for school buildinS;.'.ere submitted by Mr. Forrest of JuneCiu, an~ after a sbort disctJssion it was deci~e~ to wait until bi~s had been opened on Bcheol repairs next ~ond~y niGht. On ffiotion of Dubreuil, seconJed by Torrey, the council then a~- I journed until lIon,lay evening, June 19th, IS16, at 8:C:' "P. M. ~ 'r$n~ Municipal Clerk, Ex-officio Mayor I 440 ;;,i.l1utcc of the ;,:f;eti ,ii": of the. ;..)eY.~a l'~l ~:-.. \.)l.lJ J l) u.rJ , , 1.L : 1 t; .J.(' ,]" 11 {1(-: 1Jti'l, lr,-~l~_;. r~.'rle i~.let:;t-LrL::. WElt] c(1.11E:(~ to or(~Gr .._.t 8:CC}'~ :. ~)~,,_. ~=('L:ror ~.:yerE:;, 0..11C,- c...1.1 UOlnl(~j liJE.n Vl(;re yl'esent eXOel)t:i..lI.~~ _;haT,~lJ8rlin. f:>~e minuteE of -'cliP El(;etin~: of J'("u.le 1,~tJ-l l::el:e Teall an(l u'~, )l'ovcll . A ~~ornT_::nnic(ition i'l'O'~: :ill'. .,orllig \".'i tj~ l."t.:fE:i'Or"IUe -to r'efuse'" "" B rc- rel'.l~et~to 0tc0et ~o:._~;~itt(;o. ~~i(l.,::; all val'iJUt~ i;.,J. JrOVOL':entu Vlel"'e O-~)C::;'lOC ci:..;: ~'-=,; lovls: - ~chool House - :Iei1l'Y :::'eyton - - _,:,4470.50 v,'ith t~81v. :u'Olj roo:t; \]hccs. l{refting :)438(.).JC p n If" ~~a(:l't iJltl V/bS ,:lr.;(;O(,'lj)i,ni(;l~ \~:} '~:l~ C:t::l'ti::-'ie(l c..:}1cul:-: 0 ;',4'1-10. GO Ii . rln&:: on 'l('It"' ~'-). \J Vv'i tl~ ~~hil.l:::"lc l~OOr TT IT roof 'S:I (1 f~ \'/E' l~e .i'or':cc:)T, be(jOlH~C.( l)~,,. ~-'ulJ:r.~I-v'i.l, .....r.-.~ tiC~eL)te(l, (llit: 8ttJl'L.ey ':."(:: ;c~ i l~l(;(l ';~'i.th-~lj ton (laJ""s. - lia~.~nlS ~tl'L:0t Jj_~ewal,k - ~~)n:)rJ i t"'Lc:{~ c .'011(/://8: ~? fJ t (1 cyt'1,.lJ.~" jll~C.b ~ (0 ~_~~,:'v/i'.:;_l::- S ,~i.,~ t;"\\'lt 11:-: .i...;C.tlVt:~ ._.~njlll)(.;r >'LI" ~~l(:-(lter ,-,Olj._;:'f;ce ':' ,c-' I, r, T 1'" -. r\ n " I. A C, 0. r, ,. 'T' .);).~jV '..1,-. .l,l .~t._,.',.\... l'fj'_ili:;.....el! the iJ~i (,~ of '_' l.~j o'~ -t. _j-'i CI~ i",.;.:.lGUl1.t. , C' (..l ~ Dn ~;-_o't. I on a.i' lov:e st ~Ji ~l (\ C1' ; 011 t 2..'[~ U t, t-.) "'lOllI'Y I;,-.-ytt-JD to (ll"'(.';"'..' .111) ~!Ol, (1 [31\1 ~~ !.'9:"i,.:~;,.'<iJ~~,s OJ_;I ":"'UlYi'~er '~~:t ~'I-;~'~lr~ 4<. , . ~ ~ . ."\0.... ('_' ,..,.. f' " 111 II Lie Let . Carter :- . ~ G ~, . ,,)i\ . f~. 00 1.J. 42.0C !,r ti. ~-:. .l1.1H~ e!.~SiJrl & :,IulioiL'ilr:l ,/'--:, r,-., q ~)~).\./U , ] ~ _L. _ LI 40.00 1..[1[1 G.OO " (~:C:. no " --'J'. [I. i,ori~~' ~)\J.~'" rJ 1 .10 ii:,~. OS ~':~~C;}l ;;1.(~ Vi c~ 2,0(';0 ;lj,:j:ni(;t~ liJ i"':f:~i~ti::Ciucl c;l'Lec~:: On :-:Jt-lon 0:;" =-:"Ol1:"~]'lel't~i, S8c:Gl-jO 8(1 1J.] ~~\..)_L'1.'(;~T, ,!:Ji,lil '. ~,_~IJ:.'Oll[l16 \~f(";C c{~0c:d:t.~\~ L~lj,1 ,,j j ~,y _:.."Lt~jJ..':i-it~:J .~./ ;~:.}(!_t~'~.;"c.:"t al~ll' ;',OL',: tel '~~)(' :.:}_c'J"i(;ll \;j 1.1l'lil tC~JI {;.=IS. 5.95 0';' .I.-e (I'U i 1:'t,.- Ii -:';~l.l' '~-.,} I~ 0: '~:. 45 [:.:--:1 0 :,~:rl. t . /[:Z).4C~ " R. .i...rlcJ el'BOn - ~_: inst .-,,(:tU1~ t,~ ri1.'~;Vl l ~lJ Cur' d ..i...\lDTJ1;:.i ",~'.L(H:-;'~J :);.'(il,id~-: - aT >:"Tj;)Uli is tell 1'J:7 .L...IE:. ~::-::1_ :11~(<l.~d].L"er, ."'l.C8. 80 l!. .;r. G 1.Je1' ,,;-uljj,,; 1'(1 i:'o.J.' cal"t~' \'/OJ:"~':. ~;.'~:(~ ~; l;. (~(; 1-:-:- () r 'r' f:: ,t~ ~ 1" (l" E.. .-:~ Ci lj l t, v"" C .t J '-,:.J.J..' t~ to:. :)Cj\"'j"~ l,l,1 \'. ':iU(Jl~~Jt(-:::{\, <" .rj(~ ::J. tt,-,:':'-'{;t'~S l' J 1. (~~'ri.':: 'bi-; i y, 25' :::Jl(l :'; II -,' t:.~.: ;_: ,; ,...; ~) -j: ; ,':.1 L i. 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':chi:: .L'(~~:::-:,1.1.~t..l( i.on 8.1i llO.J\.. .i. :.~I ::l.l. ;11:; ~-::,j1."c O':T!l.1'l> ..:..Jl'o.J()}.'t':'l [~~ ltt.til--lc:.:" '-", ,".>~~rl ~:L::..'t;et Y;~;(~l't-~ ::::::::-".[[1 ;~.~'1.0.,v"'(;.-,"t:jLtG urf~ t~~ ~)e ;i~li~{~, 0 }.,' _~'-:IL'. -:: S[~.'-l( 11;'; J.l..;.:J...~C!,{~!,1. t~) ':~ilc: i":..l-:'i::c \)~:JJ(:I~tll.)i) "':.~,~l -I.' i;UJ~L ~.u!..~~.. ',;l(~.;.'~. c.:'Ol't-'~'" --:-,.\..i....L~ 0.). I,:' JIJ _f~lol;~'~ '0-., ~,.;.,.!j.,(:._..J, t,J-UIIC ' .. ~,,~, 1,]1 , ..:}~!. t_~;lt)<~o. in J} G 1'.::: 011 1. t,~.l;"~t ["L~_e ll()~'orc' i'~lt: (~,~,t.i'I.>Jil_ 0..(1(.: ,E\"~(:: f::;t'..:i tJ-;'j':t~ut.LO:~... 1\ '':''ljUI~ .i.':..l/c:(;-,~.e eii{l .. .,c_ 1- l'(~c1.:",l ti .:.c..!.'t:7, , ' L (; ~ ':: t'; tt~i~ .J~" l \-,' <...:. \, e;: 11 reL_::..Jlnt:i (}l'l r' ,_ ~_ ., , ,j L "t' _' I '_ ;_ . ..l." J l.r",.... \) tiU:ti ~)y ~::;J.'l'(~Y, UCCOll\l,t;d uJ l)un -I Ii c J_ J :~ 0 U.I J..~ .~ 1 u ell ~~- '.) L i lie "'.-1./"(:- ~: t .' I , i'; : , 0 L YO t j_ll: . '''; i' ,:l ,;1 q ~ 1.' J. 1 i i . =--'i..,)~'C1J.'~1 .~cJ'l~.c; Jl~118.L::1 Jl01'1~~\-~8 (,1:" ~':l.Jl ~.:..!'c i.:.U1:: j_l: t:~it~ '_ L~'"~?e L, lIt' :,10\,.-I""'l(~ .L~(~ - L [~JJliil.:e 'Le CE:ll'VC ~':(~iiit:. ..)i.!.'(~(.L. .: "j. "L;j -'- I."j ~. ~ f~,~ I lie <... ~. L .Ill\) l"llC Y ::'[1 (; ..._\; (:11..11;, '1,.10;': ....2:3[11 n;~,~'t\)lL _ ~)l'O~)e:L'i,J 1'; ne (-',[/: t~:(~ =.~oti ,-J-,': ~.~:Ci~ 2(]C:)~j"'" I r1 1.J;;'" i) l:'(} :;;:;. 1.'(' ''':' b. .~.' .!."':i l.~: \ . ",i ~l(:titj.ou '~_QJ.' ~!;)t.h ~ 1(108 ur nil i~Vt;::.UU 1jct~:,'r-::,eIl ..,",:'1:.111 1)' .:~l t~)l __ttc)j:lle~) [t'L' fJ~.loy:.j l'1~'; 'L'(:;_,,~)~_'i.~tJ(Jn :. ~J, .:..~ ; :.?, ., J l. c 0;.: ~\'>".. ;:~j l1. t!~,-:f;.l:: 01..1. "-' ':'. ' I)() ~'Qi..:;,-(~ : ".. -..1..... _~_,..J~ ',_1> 1)" t; c;,j 1~,n ,,;(;u(L(;il 0~' t~~( .lL\~1 0.1. ,..t"::;'~:.r'\\, ~.~la~"~i,'~'-.:; ""'~Ji~, :-:n;.'ca;_', ~~}l() C':DCi', or "i\)'::"e 1,'".1 t~::o t~:}1'\12, ;1.' ";c~~..(d:, l)1 c.'.,,'u1":- ll.0' lJJ'~}'}el'~ , (~( u l)i'tl1:1CJn ~. I...,-.J.' ("::'1:'., .:.: fel t tli \':"il";tl: lJ{.1 ~)Ol.r: ;"jllE:C o_~. l](~ L\'Ci.:...n.e ctV/C01L ~":'~'.,~:3hi1J.-:,.t.on ~ -(J.!: .u,I.i~' ,; >-\'cet..:i, , 0:"t;\~,)t O:'Jf' l'1"(J.nl~.f'uc1 ei-.-i:t-,:,;'" l\.Jf"lt 0''', \'/(~~:~t :...:i:18 0;' ,c_:L..L(~et fro,:: ......cl~.lli,:-' c~.t..ct-ct ,~~I1.J.trl, t~"-J t;'J.._C(l:;~ U'.L thf; '0\) J 1.' e....e,j1' tu ~',c t~..Ye6 t. t";l___;. ~1tt..i}i,l" _)l':")IJcrts; Ii .J.. i~u(' l!J~(\J,ti,)rj Oi t(-L~' :_~,Jt~"-i~~ii.. IU'.~t.' t.,8.~() ~:ill 'l.'O.: --;C:L'''', nJ;.cs:~ ~:o.),) _.i~lLJf' 1 ~;. OV"(I [i'. 'i t f"h'JI,l(l 1 ot l)~_. vll(!, ['<1;;, '';.. .'::iii'J.i'-Iqel ,;lcl'}<:: ~.s I t-:'-j.i-' :.'j::....;tL.~[.Gi,f~U tu ()';I,ll ~ c_ I~...)t.~cc:, f~c;L:i"J'J1J.:' .:.1.~_ ~)UJ.:.', ,-!lJ;..' i.nt!_'l'C' 'tcu, "':':1;0 lJ Ji-~0t t,=J t~"l~ ,iLl lL..t u S~..ll.l) i'~:H)' \l,\"-Cj' .i..:..~; ~" t\) ~.iJJ(jt:.L' :":"C)l'e 1'1~~.C' '_~Jtjll- ;~i.l 'j', ~'i"'!t. .t'. IIC-_J U.l Jl.(l.~C, J.'.~l'.~, :"~1l(~ .;:-j:"..,te: t~ ;~;:jl' ....}, ~l(<JL (JIl~. n "lo~.i Oll 0,;. 1IOl1.- JI(--'l'ty, ~~C','''':I.){j(~eLl lj~l ~iLl.~ l'CLt.LJ, :,) JI) ~:'f~^I:l(' -,-'(;s(~lted ..LJl '.L \';iJ~j:~,._,.:"'; ,1;j.l OI"e2e~lt \"ut}.nEt lfJ.-...~,;"Tt; _~, t~l\ (J,;ll of -- ." J (ill. [i[9 LL"-' ~.~iltvte8 0.' Jlii_'.J ., ".J."" .J.. v I f1, ., ,-\., ~ L. J..lJ , ']outinu.c(i . Ol'(lj lit1.LC;t=_\ l~o. ~-Ic;, 8nti tl(-~r1 "An Dl'iiirl~-.lLI,;e ~)l~O'V:;'J: ill~!" fOl' Lli(' -i..:i~-)I'(J\:e- I (. f t, 01' j...d[~~':,s ,~trt:et . n tOV.Jfl 0;' ~:;~-"~, 'c;,rtl, l~;_~j~-=e, \':1, '\'J..ll Ill', l[!.::r:.YJ,~t 8- ji-(JV,ralk Oll a J?-.f'\" tl1eJ."(~of, 1'01' -tll(: a~)-~)o_.tll'" in~' 0;" tl"i'-' COL:t t"'nel'coI i I t}~e ,)e litGHt of ciar:leT! Vias J.:E;[itl, anc"" tt .q,Ot~iOl1 by '~o:h're~:, ::in~ JL1II/;{l ()y ,,&.1 ere 1 to a(lo~)t sa!ne, l'AslJl ted_ ill U.: 1. c0urh_~ilFJ8n IJ~'CEielj-t. "',,-otint.-: 'TL.~ru" l.t tl18 0"]_1 of the 1"011. On r:1ot.i.ol1 of IJou:-~h8ri;y", ~: ec,~"ll(le(l l,y Du1)reTli.l, thc1t ouie] ''Jrl~inance 1'0::::'8 to se~orJ(1 ~'eaolllt!, all 00U.clui,1L(t.~n ~)l'e cut \;r,)tea 'Ti...ye~' .:..it. \.,11(: l'G~; call. r:'he thil'[l l'ecclillH: of Cl"(lil1Unee ,.~g~S, on ;notioll of l-,au(-)J'~:~, SCUJl.l,lol] by IL.lreuil, G,c'.:epted, as all ):,cGsent eourJ:;i1'~H31J vote,'~ 'f.i.'.ye~' a~ ti-.Lt) G811 of . -,., .1 i.......l. ...L . Ol'lii.uflnee :;0. SI, entitled TT..A.n Ol"CI.111.fd:1Ce lOi.' the l!:l~).1'o\rll1:.;' of ~~l:C~Cl1J(l i...ycuue il.L tJl8 t\) 11 of ....ev:8.1',1, ,L..lu;~'\:e., t8tV/G(;Yl ,..a;,~":rlil.igtoll ,-,t:Cl-)ct u..illl .::'i,il- ~ (,t, \' A"'\t~(;nuE~, ancI prQ~v"'l(J llit'~' for the payment o.~. t;&~'rle f V/f:..}~~ L'(::f.U~, ,-:!~(1 U C tiOll ;::,.l' '~'.:o1.l:~'hel't~,:, se(;,)llcl.c"{l l.J.'{ IJu!.Jreuil, i~l) acue~}t l.l:t'st l.'ea.\"1 j.YL~~:-, re- ~::.l~l t."::::il ill a'] (jOtL1GilJ:i(;11 ~)rescr:t VO~~.i,iJ8' ".i."iJe~' at, the 0,,-:11 or tltc: .1'011. ~1c}.i..'re;I, ; 8l;cn(le(1 1)J I:'u~Jrf~uil, l'lOVOIJ that ')1'[1 iYlt~ln'~e f)tl;3L: to ~-'eC0Yl(t ":u,(~l,lJg ill 'e,i tIe only, :,{J(t u~l L)l'E::8<.:,Lt cOUl"0il":'uI1 votel1 "A;rG'J at the "Jll of the 1:'011. ~}H~ t~nil'd [llh~ :;-1na1. I'ee.6i:n[7: V!r',S ;Lcl(l, over 111lt.iJ Lhe i'ollovl- ing ;::,n(J<f, June 2Cth. ~11C i.\)11ovriJ,'lt:;' 1JIJ_lf.: Y!8re llauclccl L,~) :::.'iDance U~Y:L':: ttcc:, r:lp~ ai'tcl.' '06, were rcsJ 88 follows: ~. ~oot, ~o8tmaster - ~1.84 =:Oi~t L?u1Jlisllillt: COllipany - - 58.24 en .lotion of I~our~ht'~1.t~7, sccJt1flecl uy })ll~-;l'Cl~il, th~) t lJills l)e o OUllU i Im('~n ~) I'C~ ~;en -' ";/ at efJ "liye 'f at tl1e 1'011 c', 11, (~rHl u Ie ri.~ t,o I; rav.; \Val'.L'V-J1'LG for saiCi. .:.li"!1.JUL.tS. r~"~he ::;treet '_:l,):".:~.-L ttuc rel')()~ctu(l t} e l}l'i,l, t_~ 011 .~,-Lj" ..:....Vl,,;Ulil; ill. '\"C;l'Y l;cc1 COd(~ ~ t~iou al1l-i 1)Ul-'l'cnil T:1V.J: e :'.i,g88Et,ion t1~G..t \~t :'Cf:t ~;OLli,Aii -Ltce filJl ;-=-ut Lr.e c~}~)i'(L =l.L-jc<.tl; CO:3t of c. ~O ft. tr,rO-:":9fL l.},::'i(l(~e of lHi'~}l've lUl~.il)el', c....r- c(;~d)iill' ~)1{~1~' if I,:;', ...../Lic~l c1":,,-)ul'l, be i'il' J.UillIIE~l', ,-,;i,:l t!~e':r."'t--' li~li.l.i=-" It,) o;l,inctioll, Lhe:.:ttY,~Jr .in::i'tl'1.h;tt;(,: tho .JOlilJr1i ttee to (10 so. r:he "':,lHj(;ittJ _,,J'"i~ ,j,i,~,tc(-:; t}1-~ .='J ilLlld.ll[T ().L',-iD~~~rlcf; J.'f')l;J'--~(}Tj(leC~ ,:~};~r:c,t:~f-' u;::: 0u,l)m: tt(-~cl l\~:7 Y_:~L'. =-.,eu;1Jj(.,l' c:l l- ~,~_',II(:l'S ,"<)"i.-C(~ i;r:.::1: t~;t--':::(~ (.~r,?,Li'JF.('i":~ ;it) IMH18 i~r: fitj [i~;:(-~j,{~. ;;.1 to ,--,1_-:, ,iIJill:'~ ~)ll"ij-lb,i.I(~f;, ~'jj;'l l t:. ~,;l.i'~)rc(~(l, ,li',; '~,h~}~, ~~j L:~/ ',ttC1'- jl{'~/ '11'( Ll.~i :)~i;i[LC,IJe\_,. :.Iotion \Y(:~:: SE.~~OiJ(lr~n t~,r r:Jrrc:~" g~'II; r..;EJ '~~i,c'-:. r:~lt; ":U}. ~ ..I~) -itt.F!U Jtl .-.;~ty ~.I()ll .L'CnOl.'tl,{] t:h~~t it .;:.~u_JJ\ 1:0'~. :it') c.t'l\-j,r'lJLi :0 1).11(1 '-~itJ ~=::"-:.1 ~~li:3 yr;t-';.:..', :~Uil~ t~:t? l"f;~;GI'-L ~::.~.;! 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U S;-L-. :(.:'. . ,)0 i '_J :.,(::1..' \.:' 1"'1 " \ (",,1 - - " ~"'_cl }.I , ~: l' ') i' .' -", :' -: '. .;; '-~ \. ,\ '-~ ( , , ;, '-'->: ;.j 1.') I!' .:.'~ t.: ~)1 \_ "\")l 'r, ,;1; . ' , i-'...."i~et L'-:. ':r 1,-;;"'.":' , llJ( , " '. "~, , ; I~) _&O~ ~ ,. I ..\-.:.... J. ,)l v , .:.::'1.: , "[01 L'.. ~,_,~ Ii>" " '." --',' il' !.);, J:;'" f )~: .!: { , , , , ~ i I I .:'t' (J",. (' 'U ~...;_ '-..- I ~ . If,' i/ '.': . -L(l f" [7.$.4. -' ~ - ~ -'-- Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Seward Town Counoil held June 26, 1916. The meeting was oalled to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Myers, and all councilmen, exoepting Graef and Chamberlin, were present. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 19th were read and approved. As there was some question about the wiring of the school house, the Sohool Committee was instruoted to confer with the architect re- garding same. The minutes of the Speoial Meeting held June 21st were read and approved. There being some confusion regarding the bids called for, they were on motion of Dougherty, seoonded by Torrey, held over for one week, and ~he notioesoalling for bids on clearing of 3rd, 4th and 5th Avenues and 2nd Avenue sidewalks were ordered published a week longer. Attorney S. O. Morford, representing The Seward Light & Power Com- pany, asked to file a oommunioation whioh he read. Same oontained data and reasons why lights were not installed in home of Mr. E. O. Sawyer, Jr. A reply from Mr. Sawyer was heard, and a general discussion follow- ed. Sauers then moved that the communioation of Mr. Morford be plaoed on file; motion was seconded by Dougherty and oarried. Counoilman Dubreuil voted "no". Dougherty, seconded by Torrey, moved that the Light Committee find out approximately the oost of installing lights to Mr. Sawyer's residenoe from Blook 25 across private property; motion oarried. The third and final reading of Ordinanoe No. 51 was read by Clerk, and on motion of Dougherty, seconded by Dubreuil, to adopt same, resulted in all counoilmen present voting "Aye" at the call of the roll. Ordinance No. 52 entitled "An Ordinance providing for the Construction of a sewer in the alley between 5th and 6th Avenues, and providing for the payment of the cost of same, and for other purposes." was read and on a motion of Torrey, seoonded by Dubreuil, to acoept first reading, all oouncilmen present voted "Aye". On a motion of Dougherty, seoonded by Dubreuil, that Ordinance pass seoond reading by title only, all oounoilmen present voted "Aye". The third and final reading of Ordinanoe, on motion of Sauers, seoond- ed by Dubreuil, was adopted as all counoilmen present voted "Aye" at the roll oall. Ordinanoe No. 53. entitled "An Ordinanoe providing for the improvement of 4th Avenue, 6th Avenue and 3rd Avenue in the Town of Seward, Alaska, and providing for the payment of said improvements, and other purposes" was read, and a motion by Torrey, seconded by Dubreuil to adopt same, re- sulted in all councilmen present voting "Aye". A motion of Torrey, se- oonded by Sauers, to pass ordinanoe to seoond reading by title only was carried and final reading of said ordinanoe was left until next meeting. The Bond of B. McDonald and N. R. Anderson on sewer work was read, and on motion of Dougherty. seconded by Sauers, same was approved, but seotion 4 in ordinanoe, as follows: "That in addition to the bond required by ordinanoe of contraotors, the contractors shall furnish an additional in- demnifying bond indemnifying the Town of Seward against damage or damages it might sustain on aocount of the oarelessness of the contraotor or his failure to use the necessary precaution, or on account of negligence on part of the contractor;" should be eliminated; motion carried. The engineer submitted estimates on 3rd, 4th and 5th Avenue clearing and 2nd Avenue sidewalk, and final estimate on 6th Avenue sidewalk, and recommended that the oontractor, B. McDonald, be paid 70% (or $329.30) and the final 30% (or $141.12) be paid in 30 days. On motion of Torrey, seconded by Dubreuil, the Clerk vas instruoted to draw warrant for first stated amount to be paid Mr. MoDonald. - i_ 1 In,'rJ' "., 1'4 to f " i, l, I I I 411r- i.!.J Minutes of Meeting of June 26th, 1916, Continued. " \ The engineer also submitted profile on grading 4th Avenue from Ohuroh Street to Terminal Traot, and a motion by Dubreuil, seconded by Torrey to aooept same oarried. The question of using ooncrete or fir lumber sewer was disoussed, and it was moved by Dubreuil, seconded by Torrey, that oontraotor use oonorete pipe and motion oarried. The bills, after being O. K.'ed by Finance Committee, were read as follows: Seward Saw Mill Co. - - - - - - $1.87 J. C. Mullin - - - - - - - 5.25 Post Publishing Co. - - - - - - 69.50 Gateway Publishing Co. - 124.80 On motion of Sauers, seoonded by Dubreuil, that bills be paid. and that Clerk draw warrants for said amounts, all councilmen present voted "Aye" at the call of the roll. The School Committee reported progress and report was aooepted. The Street Committee stated that the rubbish at end of 5th Avenue was being covered up and would be completed in a very short time. The question of a bridge on 4th was brought up again, and City Engineer estimated that cost of bridge would be approximately $400.00. The street Committee was instl~cted to have engineer draw up specifi- cations for one span of bridge, and they would decide on the other span later, as it was suggested to change the stream, and City Attorney was asked to give opinion whether an improvement district oould be made on the changing of said stream as it would affect the propertymutting thereon making same more valuable. Attorney S. O. Morford asked about a gun which belonged to Mrs. Michaelson that was taken away from her by Chief of Police Guest during a reoent shooting affray, and stated that he wished same turned back to Mrs. Michaelson or to proper authority. Sauers, seconded by Torrey, moved that Chief Guest turn gun over to U. S. Deputy Marshal and motion carried. In behalf of the Dickerman estate, Attorney S. O. Morford, stated that according to present survey in Block 16 on Adams street that the Dickerman property was 8 inches short and that the building of Mr. John Dubreuil was 8 inches on said property. Dubreuil moved that 8 inches be taken off of Adams street in Block 16, and allow same to be part of Dickerman Estate. Motion was seconded by Sauers and carried. On motionof Sauers, seconded by Torrey, the Council then adjourned until Monday, July 3rd. l@!l~ ~~, () ~ )j/1 f ?--2 / , . Mayor. t Municipal Clerk. r~ 4.4.6 Minutef: of the Me eti~ of the Se~8.rd To~'n Council held Ju., lOth, 19l6. The rreeting wn~ called to o:r:le: :J~t 8:00 P. M. by ~rayor J:~ye:s ::;}1(] ~oll call sno'."ed all 8ounci1men Tresent exceptir.g Saue::;'s and Graef. I I I ! The minut.e" of the rreetir.g of June :::6th were ~ead ann app::,oveci. The ::;'e,o::,t of tYe Cle:k fo: License and Building fees 'Nas .read ~'8 fol1o""~: Ar.ri11e tC' Ap.ril 30--10 building T'e.rmit.s $ 6.00 May 1st to 1::.ay 3lst,--lO ,," 6.80 :May 9th. 1 pecidle::,'s Licenf1e 25.00, Jun,; 1 to June 30th.-- 7 J3uildingT'ennits 4.40 To tal $42 .20 To::,.rey, seconried by Du'u:elul !roved that .repo.rt l,'e accepted. Motion ca.r- ;ded. '1'he o:pinion r-f City Atto.rney .reg'1:ding :raking irnp.ro ver:' ent Us- t::'ict ('n "'t:aightening Glacie.r Stream in Jeffe.rson St., was .read and orde:ed fil ed. The vu::,io'.ls bids '''o:e opened and u"'arded as follows: 4th Ave.. Clearing '1'. 1". N..u rT; h y t500 .00 II. V. Hoben 532 .00 S. Lundblad & co .593.60 It 'Nas moved by (;huraberlain that 60 ciays be allo''Ilod fo: the C0lJi. pletion of ~ro::,k 'lnd th'3t '1'. P. Mu.:-phy as lowest bidde: Lie aW8.rded con- t.r'bct~ motir>n ','JaS secnnrie<1 by Tor::'ey and c'1r.r-icd. 5th Ave., Clearing T. P. Mu:phy t500.0C H. V. Ho'.;er. 5::2.00 S . LUI1(]tlDd &; Co. 627 .~O It wns mO'leri by 2hf.i.mte::,1Idr. tr,R.t 60 days be "110','reci f'o.r- tYe com- r1etion 01 "'0:1': and tr,nt T. P. MU!'phy 9S lo~\!~st 'dltder be awur<1eri con- t.!'f,Ct; IDntirn '''11S secnndeci by To::'::'ey ar:1 ca,::'ied. 111ft!. Av c.. Cl.f:',::,i ng beyond 1'ta.di !lon st.. 11. V'. }job en ~80 .00 S. Lundblnd & Co 358.40 It wn.s moved by To::,rey, secol1<1ed by Chambe:lain th,t J~. Y. Hoben be a....8..r-delt cnnt~'[;.ct ::nrl th.,t 60 days ue a1lo'''ed f'0.r- "~Io:k. rotion "N11S ra.!'.r-i ed . 3rd I,ve.. Clearing bet'"een Jeff e.r-!,)0~1 & Madison sts. E. V.. Hoben 'lias the nnly bidde.r-. the mnount teing :"60.00 anci it '.'f1f~ rrioved by 2hambe::,lain, r-;econded l:y Dub:eiul, tl:J"ltE. T. Hoben be awa:::- <'led cr:nt.r-&.ct 11 nd thet the n"n,e be rairl fr:::, out "f the cene.!'a.l fUn>'l, mo. t i r n C '1:r .r-i e It . 2nd I,ve.. Gi'le-Nal};. between Washington st.. oc Railroa.d u ft. sid e'Nall.: N.H. Ande:80n (,:; b.Ii. McDonalrl i~4 .25 pe: !,'. (3, Y. Carte: &. D. 8. Whitfied 33.50"" Ch8mbc.'!'lain, secon1ed by Dubrueil. lJi">l/e>i tl',,,t G. .K. Cnrte.r [end D. li. Whitfielri :ce fl''''1.r-.'led c0nt.rnct an lo-',rest lJici'le~'f1 and t..h"lt 15 (lays lJe allr:'''ed fo:; cO"'1,letion of 7"0:':; lL[1tion cfl.:rier:l. ;Z"a litre., ~/t.ar/"" T.:r.qr...~Sk..."" -! ,qS "" -r;p. /'VI iCe. r ,. 0\ Y /.r-o !!..!! It'v. H.,~ e.... /::10 !or . {;.. I C!./..---..;erJ/...",. r~d. "f-t.",f Isd~:>J>IifIl(If...'lft.A t-... <l.....I'I,tti.~.:f...,..r'r 4,<1f11i.vf I!I9I< ""....be G\ty",.t(ctll to I.(,v.!-fo""c" a..r ((!}",e~1- ~,'d~C;--"""~W4~ ~""" .J>y:DMircul{ .c c...rr,,<<-e(- I Ave. ':;':-0 sswal "35.7b1: no 'cid -- ~ 1 Jur r;,. ., d l, I .~ I ,~ I Ii'/P'"'' 1-_:':1: ! 2 rid A v e. t 8i de"~Jal}~ u et':n ee n __Via s1~1 i nj:;tc ~ C t .. t (.:. lid:},::'; ~~ :Jt .., \) ft. 8id C"'aJJ:. H. Anrle-:'soT1 & B. 1,1. NiclJ0riald ~34.7C re~ l,T. G. 1'\:'0 Ca.rter cz D. ::. Va-:itfiera 33.!JO tt t, Charrberlair. moved th8t G. Z. Sartc:- alv} :U. S. \'!hitfielcj be a'!,ra~d- cd cont~act anrl tr:Qt 30 days be allo'.."e<1 fa:- cf'1rr:rletion of t;1C Tor1:. II'otion w')s r'ceonder'j Ly Dub~uell nn.i carried. Flumbing in School Building Vi. H . Ch~i c tmn f; $498.50 346.80 enD 6.. IJ echn e:' i,:~ Ch~iRLma6 diri nnt bid as re~ pr,ecifi:::at.ic~s ,,'r:ich callerl fo~ 2 inch ~ire, 'hif> birl callinG fo::, prepent rife af l~ incLes. :.ir. Lechne~ bi rl afl p e:: 81= eel fica ti on8. 'uu 1.. '\1?.S ab sent 80 c:ould no t 1; e 'hea~'1 f ro;l' . To,:-'rf'y then moverl tl:'[1L ti<l 'he tnble<l until the n<:xt meeting. Eotion ~Ias ~econded by Dub~ueil and carried. Iientinc; r,f ~ch(\ol One bi'i.~t}lR.t ('-f' ':11ns. ,.,ecr1ner, ','as "'ubmitted for ~'2870.00 and afte.r ~i ~cu$;sion ('"lrJ r-:nrr '? i t ~~~ns rlecided tf'"" (l':-('Ir~ the ma Lte..::' of r:L lien tlt:b T J:-lnt TO!' tr'l~ ye~.:. !,".:'". I.echn"?~ .-:.r!'iveri at th,is Toirit and ",van ,~sked if Lis bi~ on f'lurrbir:c ir, Scrlool 13uil~ing -"as ~ccor<ling to s1=ecific'>t.ir-,lS ~w,i;, ~t.nted thn.t it "''JS nn~ that if it ''''as decirle.i to U'1e t;1e rre8ent 1~ inclj pire !.p would rleduct ~;60 .00 from nis bir1. ma.king same ~,45G.()O 0:' lo"'est bid- rle~'. Torrey moverl t!lHt hif> motion to tr:.ble :r;lulflbing ::,id be :-econsicie:-- e',. l'otion '''a.9 seconded '..y Iiout;herty ffiJ'l car-ril;d. To:'~ey then moved tL'it T.:r. Lec:hne-!' we a....arr1ed tLe Plum'oing 1Jid fo:' '486.00 and thrlt tr1e r:'er-:E::nt 1~ ind, pir;e be used. ;;:otion -"as eec- ended 1:;y Doughe:'t;;.' nr!'l ca:.ried. O:,dinnnce f.53 7Vas .!'2nr1 fo-:, tLc ;',rd n.nd fin'll :'eading a"1d on 11"0 t.i0n rlt' Torrey, "'ecnnded by fX)ug}-,e.:-.ty. thnt ordinance 1;2 adorte<t, a.ll CO'"dlCil- men rrepent vote~ "Aye~ at roll call. The l,ITJendrrent to Or.iin"lnce ,(131 el~titled: "An Ordinance [tnlel"~ing O,:-'dinance#31. entitled 'l,n O:-,lil1l:u:ce conc2rning connection ~,'itl: se.t:e:-f3. cesr.poo]p, 'Ilid ~:eo.f\e tr[q;n Dnd r.tLer IT'rltte;:-p. rrop<>;:-ly r:ertnini!:t; LLe::,ct(''' D0uc]-;e-::'ty, E'ecr-nded by Du'orueil, moved til":.t r1:'dir::nnce rass to Recnnd :,ee:.dir;c; by title 0"11y. nnd [',11 ~cuncillnen fr""sent votE'rl "Aye" at ca 11 (\ f :'011. ,n '1']-1'2 seconi .!'ead~y by tit.le cnly "'as on llir-tion of Tor.:-'toY. seco(,deri t,y DUtJrueil. ",ccerted" all councilmen r~'e"ent. votir'G "l\Y~". T1,e 3rd anci final :'ea.Ur;e; of Raid o:'dinFl!;Ce "'as left till next me€' ti ng . The fo llo"!ing re se 1 u tio:1 -"0 s read: "WEEhEA[i, 11 retition. signed by a g:'eat. numlJc:' of' ti,e -:,eRirlents ".!'1rl 'C~p ,.:'ty llOlJe:'s of 8ai0 Sewl1:,r1, requesting the Alaska Roa~ Corrmif>ldcn to extenrl the bove:onment high'"PS no:,tber- ly from the north enrl of' Fi:ost Avenue in <or i(1 To'vn of Seward, to t'he south li;1~ of tne RudoJ:ph and I)olar:d I:r:ne',\.er,.db '.:.: :':h~,,,;,,, ,,')rthe-:'ly an tIle line 1Jet'Ne~lJ saii lIolO"",tC'1J" ;" t"'e ~"....... l' ........ ...J 1,J:'1 ..0.. U,~ ...:.....C.l. ..l.ne of , 448 the Poland :Iome:':tead. an'! thence east along the no::t':1 lir.e -:-f 'laid home- Rtmd tD the p~er,ent hia;l",ray at a point nen!' ReR...-,-!'ecLia:i River. 1.'::-3 Wired fOr'"N1..r:1e,l tn the Alaska Hoar:i COllldsslon. VJHEHEM>, a .:-ight--;f-way on JJaubne.:' Homestead, an1 a .:-ight-of-"'Nay ()n t];e e'lGt line C'f the Budnlph HnmeRteari h'l6 b €en laid out and do'11- catm to the public, and ... '.~1;EREJ\S, the cnm2:'S of tll e Poland Ib:l'e~tea1 h'1ve offer to .:;.:'nnt a 5irfiilrt~ :rigl1t-of."J:l.y on t11e 'N0Bt line t'he:'eof, and WIL"fnEAS. ri ro~,d so Gitusted 'l\ToClld .:'Gr:d'l; a; ce!'etery sit.e and a r ropo "ed cemetu::-y 5i te, 3.nd 'illiEh.i::AG, 'l ':-o'1d so con st.:'uete1 "TOuld be of' G!'eate:- benefi t to tile getle~al ]:;u'Uillc trl a. i"; i.r built elRe'N]1~re. NOW. TlIE:<EVGHE, .J3E IT HJ:<:SOINED. t1'1'.1t the Common 80uncil of the 1'o.....n of Se'..,ase. Alaska, does 'hereuy endo:se and npl~-:y).3 the said petiti::>n Dated at Gerrard. Alask8.. thi13 Gti, day of July, 1916. , -, Cha:Jlber1ain moverl that the street. Com1l1i tt-ee look into the m"itte: and that .!'esolution be adopted; motioll '"as n8conde1 by Doue;herty a!1d all Councilmen prt:~t::n~ vote:l "Aye" at call of .roll. The Bond of' if. Fathers on Fainting of School Building 'YUS :-ea,j and a i1'otion 'lJ!as 11;ade by :Doug}ie!'ty. r,ec011'ied by Dub,n~eil to 'lccert same. Mot- ion 71~tr.t ca:~ied. The 1.,il18 after ':Jein;; O. K'd. 1;.1 the J:.'innr:ce C(lillmitt~ '!lertJ !'cad 1'1,8 follo'"1s: J. H. Howl. g J. Lindley G.ree:l hobe:rt Guest M. A. Ho:ner Dani e1 D. Dunlaf Lefln C. Booke!' O. iI. Po ehlll1ann Leon C. Bo 1<e.:- Seward Light & PO'IIe: Co., .&las}.~a Elect:ic Co., Hen:y Paeben Jolyn Gilcat~'i c:~ JO'Ul 13 c!'gst:rcm .13. A. Wengst!'om A. B8urrbe::,;e.:- John Paulsteine.r Ge.:'&ld Gill Dal e :'Iel an n C[';...tli.sle Gr~ncc.:!" Ala Slul I'ha=acy Tom Agee II!. A. Ho:rn er (}<'i:re RI"Ill) Sewi1J:'d Witter de Po'.ve:r Go ., Se',va.rd A.rctic B.:o t'Y1e1"'hood $ 75.00 50.00 125.00 125.00 175 .00 25.00 50 . DC' 15.00 a .90 5.00 29.25 24.50 30.GO l3.'75 '7.50 10.00 24.00 32.00 6 .00 Z. .00 ~.00 20.00 100.00 21.00 Gateway Publishing Co., Alaska Transfer Co.. Alaslm Pha.rrr.acy ~':r ed K.:-Q,u se R. Thomas T:l0!' Ofibo G. Ingalls Paul boga.:'d HenJ'Y ?aeben John 13 e.:'gst,:-ol;j h. Thorn as /,. Baumberger J 0 r::1 1)'ll,,119t ei rler F :ed :K:aua e Tho:- OeCo G. Ingalls Paul 30gard G eo. i\r 1 dl e.: N. R. Ande':-6on s. O. Mo ~fo.:d Dee 8i ng J. Li nclley Green Alaska Eveni~g Post 22.80 l02.00 22.10 7.50 '7.50 5.(YO 4.75 5.00 22.00 10.00 24.00 5.00 5.00 24.00 18.00 18.00 5.00 44.00 22.00 5.00 5.50 17.25 98 . 55 - I I TO~J'e.l. seconded 'by Duorueil. moved th:..t abo'le bills be paid and Cler~{ dJ''l")\' 'Nrl.::-ants fa: S[l;"T'e; a"!d at call of :-011 all councilmen present voted II Aye" . . ~ .111 As trC!'0 ..ve.!'e i1r" 1:.id~3 .::'8cei'led on ~N.L':lng of sc:.~o(~l, D(")ughe~ty 1 OIle ,""n(l 11:'1.ve S,'l:':'C dr::e. :':otlor. :':'over; th'lt School Commi ttee (~mr~ I"IY some . ,-<< m:l~, .:>.~c'J:lde'l by D'.ll,rueil 'lnrl ca.:'.:'ied. 1 B~/rFe 1 .1 I [fq __,-.J To1'1'l:':Y re-::();,t,~,l LJ.aL ConL1':l8ta::'s on sc:.o()l ':;>c;,ilJing Lnd co;rflete,i LRa '::ee~~"l "HO-"'l':: ~.ll.l ~C~,",.r.iiDg to c0nt.ract ',,,~re to 1-;e f1.11o'Ne'1 GO,~ of arrount nf '''o1'1:~ 1ane 1.0 r1:1te, ",Yl1ich ':VGS :tn;.:'o "Xim''ltely $130a .00 and moved that saIne 'lie raid. Mntioll was geco(.ded 0.1 Dl<orueil and at call of roll all cOllnui 1;ne':') "present vnte'l "Aye". rl'()~J'ey als~, ~cr:('):"LeI1 th~1t "lfJl:1 ~~O('\O.OO ~'Jo.tth of in~u;-'8.nce -~~"13 loing c"'::i'3.1 '1\11 ::-ecowmenie<i thrct "dditio~;'"11 i;,su:'1nce be t.'l1,Cl", Ollt. Dougherty moved t:""t schon1 C";Y;j~itt.ee 1:" '1J.t11;,!'izei to trll,e out whFtt In'1u1'n::ce t:,e:! may think neCe0Gf~1'.f. ;;:tion 'va,", seconded by l.i...i.:::.lt~.il ":rod Ga~"..::'l :;d . 1'l-..s .!'e-r:0~ t 0f t~ e T~iGi..t 20mml 'ste e, I,;:)/JC e'::11. Y1b tIlE' If18, L to:' ~ r lights t.8 1::. S;:\.wye::' ~ .resi'lc"1ce 71'1S held r:'VQ1' until nex.t :rreeting r.s Co uncil- Mall Saue.:"i'l, t.il'2 '" tbc:!' rr;em"':Je~' of t~,e I,i,:;ht Committee was out of to'Nn. '.r1"'.e st.!'eet Committee 8u"oJDitted 'CiC fol1n"!i!lg 1'e;:;n1't: I'VlE: rer,Q1't Lh at the cnn" t.!':l cLi on 0 f the D.:i dga on 4t:1 Avenue, ove::: the l~o!'tL Channel of LO'Nell C.:eek, h:1s 'ueen com- plete.] .'1:1r1 ''''e .:ec(li.':11end t.bat a siti1iln!' b.!'ii~~c of (Jlle !;Ifill1 be cor:fit1",'Cl..ed:>l1 5th I.venue. We !'eco){~enj fl<rt:-.c~' i,.:::lt L'le City st~'aightI:'Jj t:-18 chan- nel "If Lowel] C:ee1~ f.:'0m the 1T!e!'lt 'Lourl'ia:y to the East 'Loun- .h:ry ('If the tIJ"msite '1.rl'1 cO!1fine the C'.'l!'GlJ of the St.r6'JlTI to Jeffc1'SOll .:>t.reet at an exy:ell'"1e of not to ex.cec.i .;;oCJO.OO; $4ti0.0l) 0'" "J:,iC:1 H'::=tnk L. Bal1aine ha.s ag.ree,i to stand. The street COlllwittee fully believe t11at this wo.rk of st1'aighten- ing Lowell C.reek can be 'i('lll.:; fnzo i300.00 01' le;,8 ,.)'Cd 'II 8 zoec- OltJll,e~l~ t:''lt imY'1cdi'1.te ~3ters"Le \.,,'(e,l 1,,0 \;1,:J.:t. the "~J(>::.: and t1:~1t C"..llv0~t?i !l!l'i t'he riCCeSG;i..:.\r a;-~:;,o::..cLes u0 :::()n~,~,t.,;"l.i.r,~e.: 0'Je.:- L:1e (ild ~:I"11111e1. of t1: e st..::'C-:~ 'In 1,.1(1utl~~ F,~ '.l:,t~-l n~<:l }l'i.ft'h j\.ve- Dues ." l)ouc:.',e::t:l. ;nn'le'l ;'~"l:rl. S'l':1"C '00 '1.cceptcd :'lnd .:ec()m':1"en'~atioD be a.l- lowed; motion "',['..8 3econ1e,1 -'0.y To::::ey an,i c'1,1':'io3d. Councilman Chnmbe!'- lni I1 vote1 ltN",n. T'ne Jeffe~Aon acC'epte-i . Engin ee.:' submi Heel r!'Ofile ('j) 2nrl Ave., Stion a)1'! 1'0.rrey. sccMlrle,l by wJ.ghe.:'ty, Motior; c',~':icd. from Hai l'!Ja":J' Ave.. to mo.,.ted thAt s~rrle be At.to~ney J. J. .Finnegan :er~es~nteri i~i:,. P. J. DonC'hue, c(1nCe~nil1t; ."-. bi 11 ''I''i c'h j,,1'. l)on0:.1,<e :.,fd -p.:esent "".1 fn1' 3'.lDrri tti ng sketc'hes f'J.!' Ci ty Hall Building, ',r]-1lcn t;,e Co",ncil di'l !lot O. }~., and FJS ~:. G.raef, ','11(.0 '"'as 6hHi::man of' the City Hall Cnmrrittee was not p:e3ent, 13[lwe '.',as held eve:t" till next 1""'eeti'!'lg. On JTlotion the c0uncil then adjou!'ncd. @lI~~ .rtf -<<)~ ?rl;""~ .----. l,"ay, ~' l:lunici~"'~l Cle~.~-: 450 ~'inutes of tIle r:eGula: Ileeting of the Sesr::d TO'Nn C0',lJ1d 1. llelri July l'7, 1916. ;,7eeting "18.6 enl1ed to o:de: at [3 P. r.:. by Mayor ;~ye:'fl anrJ all BCluncil::J1en '''e:e T:'e"ent e"Xeertir,g Ch'1mberla.ir.. The ?'inute" 0f tr,e Yeding rel~ ,Tuly lOt):, ~;e::e :oa.} n,nd arprov- cd. A eommunicr1tian f.!'o!:1 r.:.!'. E. ~,. Van Gilde;' askinG j:8.T'iGsicn tr ine.!'ea"e tlw H:,pa'<ray an ','vest ;>i1e C'f l:is lJuildir:g 'Nr1S, :end, g,nd "an;e -"ns f;:nnter1 on motinn ("f :Cubreuil, 8eeon1e': by :Dougr.e:ty,. wl\idl car- l-.i ed. :2irJs for henting 1'\7' r:c:.ool ','ic!'e to be called for at next :T'eet- ine acm:dir.g to srecifientio"1s d:n.'Nn up by tr.e 8choo1::oar.1. T'" e In "'1 'r" n c e '"' al ~ c y II. . ,""). _ ,;, ... .0 ...J.., ~et~.r~ ~lnd (" .:de~e(l fi lerl . in "'u:,i ng Seha 0 1 ~uil di nc; fo r ,$,300C .CC ~'as J peti tion for "ide-InU: rn 7th ,\vencl'e -"'-',0 :efer:'2,i \,0 L,"e Ci ty' J; t to !'ney . A pc>tition for r;:,-,r3illt; rf AdfJIIIS St:'e?t frf')~ lst to 3r:l Avenue -"fiS [,lso :'ef''::':'ed to the City Atto!'ney. 'i'he bon'; of !':'. Lechner on rl'Jr:iLine in SenoG1 T:luilding was :e'1<1 !'1nr3 Po. ::J1oti"n by Saue:'R, scc'lll'led ',:y '~'':I::t'ej to arr!'0ve same '.'infl c'l::,led - Thr.;s bnnrl ~-f' G. 1\. Ca:tc!' a.~1 D. ~. V1Litficl<l, fo!' side-'Nnlkiil~ bo t1~ foi cs 0f :::n<1 Avenue f!,'j:'1 V/-:::3:--iY1bton tG ,\daJY1s :'t!'eet 'NaG :ead and sn:;'1C 7./*"'<8 ""Tr:.ro~'iel~ :".il n~otion n~ ~ub.:euilJ secnnded bj :Jcughe.:t':l. ?,'!'. i). 3. '~n':itfield "1tnted to t'he Coullcil tt,n,t the!'e 'Nr1G some exc,')vntio)] to be (lone in ouilding afo:eG~:id fii<ie''1Elk. ",',icl' tLe spec- ificn.tir-!1s dii) n;'it CFjll fO~J so ~;nuerr:.. ~\ecnr:ded b:/ ~~f'"-:.,ef, l;.ovcd t}-,at ,...t!'(~E't COI:l:,i ttee r:~"'l~' .~In.:k riC"ne. :.~()tiOYl c~~.:'i eel. T:le .B0r"j of G. K. Ca:tc::- 3.:14~. S. 'fl1'litfleld "0: COI1!"t:uctir.c; ~i{)e'T...~,lJ~ ~~,:,::t r-,.ide I"',.f:" ~11r1 ;';."'.,rc.. 'f!"("-::-~ ~-:ril..:~ord ~\"v~e.. to '1'1nsninbtcIY.l ~t., .1';~~~S :::c'-~rl ~,nll ~. rr:otiC'n rra.ie 1/:/ ';'o::~ey. s:::c('i.r12d bJ Luo.:'euil to :1T'P.rove ~aIT' e. en!' ~iJ ~~d .. "it Tl"lC B~11,1 "",-P J.. ., .. !~U!'pli.Y' -f('!, ~~'D8 .:-cn-'"! [';.Y"'ri a irntiro~ 1;,)' -:C'ugr1e.:t:{, ~~r~0ve~. C~~~ierl.. cle-:rinr: ('If 4tr. n.!lr'l 5tL .,'\ver,lles secnnder3 by Tn:':'ey. thht "&mc Le T1-~c Z,~d n~ti Yinr~l .:':;'-::':1,[; 0.1:' .AIT!end:;"e~-:t 1.,(" :;~di{lD..~Ce ;?31 ~~8 ~eHd ,;:1:-] To~~e:y, C'"ec("'lLdcr] 1~.l ~ub~euil, mnve'1 that r-n.Y"1e 1J(' Rdorte(~ ~,:;;l:L calI rf' :'011 0.11 Councilmen vote'1 "Aye" [~ Co' 'The bills ~f't..(:I:- 1;,ei:1g ofo 11o-r,~n. O. K'd. 1;y tL':! Ii'iaance Cornrci ttee -"e:e :'ead l,,"-t. l~cI::l.l~lc'S :flee:. ,~ 13.00 lG or 1.'3.00 12.0(; :.l. C G 77.15 ~. D. Vickey }4'~ed K.!"ause h. :. Filce j 20.00 20.00 IG.GO n.CO Co. 12.70 13b.OO - I i I ~ i... . ,L!'! Lll""r'b (~!" G e!' Zohn raulsteine: Alex \~'i:ak Ecnl'Y p~ t",~l;oen D!l ~i:' :";:.. lJ.. lJ....uJl ,': l' Co.. , :e-,~'r;.::'r: '~'-f::. Co.. Se..v:~.:"cl COl[~!; e:cial I,eon ::;. BooIce:: 11-nr F'r. I I ;-.', I [ .....AI _:t:~)~_ l'o1':ey, secr-nded 1y Dub1'euil, r;;(:'lcd that bills be fa:,,: r~r1d cle~'~, d:a:;: ':,M~<.r:'nntR fo.: s~ici ur'10"...utr.. J"ll :0UJJ(;~~.::.t.::i }:1""epe!:t voted "Aye" at ca}.; "f :-ell. Sc!lool Cf';r.mittee 1'epo.rtt:',; ':Ii:-i~;b f'~ :crcll BuildinL uornrletcd nri :(-;c(1P.',~~en~c1 illctall'ltinn of li;;r:t fixtu:es and U:c !,..ayc.r lnflt:ucted School Committee to hnve the necesRR1'] fixtu1'en i~3trlled" ~:nue.r8. n10'V~(l t:--..t:!.t. t:;e Se\"a.r'~ llight 0.. PO''''~~ Cor:",p:1.1J.Y r1ace a.n elect.ric lii;bt neR1' tre i;y'i;:,~,nt on ti,e "!Jest si~e ("Ii' 2nii Ave", allo'i'iLb t1-el'" t.,",o "J€el.("; ir ''']~icl-, tr ir,!'Vlll s;:l:~e nni that Cle:): fiC'tify tl:e said 'Lig1:t ~:;e!rTrl;:Y in ~'7.:"it::::-:. ~"()ticn .n,:,~ ~ec0nf]ed b.1" :;n'J.6he..:-ty Qll(l cfJ.:,~ied C()I...J.nc:lmnr~ Ga:.le.r~.; .:'er(:l~..t~(1 ho:'~ea :''J.ri~iljg lo.....se on t.,L.reets ::'.HU tr-.at J:"'nn,' c~'>i;~rlrir.t"'-j .VC~~':' :;erJ..:d =eg~.!'ilir:g or-,we, fO ?f1ajo!' ir:sL..::'L4cted ""'01 ice -om~ittee to see Rbnut Lu~liiing n round, and collect n ~ine ~or ~;,j t..o.rse3 thrit '1.,:,"8 r1r-c8,1 lL r"i:j.r~e. st.!'eet Con:~^ittee :ern1'tel 'r;r:,,'}~ on Glacier :t,,'sa" r;rogressin;; 1'0 rrp.y :e:r.;o1'te,l t~-;-t :ubreuil 'Nr ,) '1evoiin[; 1~i:3 fl.4l1 til;i e to q\11Je~vi8ir:;g -~'0.rl~ .....n ~t~'eet8 anci t}.I~~t, :le ~eceive:j LC' cor"'renst:t.iion fo!" "'amE'. :;nt~erR, R"c'Inded 1,:; "';ouGLe:-ty, t;;o'le,l thnt ;,:1'. jJub.re,.il :eceive ~~lCC.C'" pe: 1T.f""\nth .~!~~iile ~..'tl.:l" ~.':r.:,2 t;oir1b all ;;::::1 mntir.n ~N~r::o. c::1.:.....:ied. 7Le qi.~esti(\n '"'f }.nvir.lb t..~"e n:(liiancer:;' r.:i!1t,ed a:l,l rut in p1rilet f0.:'rr' ~.vn."'" di~cusr:~e,l a~.1 --;.t.tC:"::'LiCj' .V~.!': ill:--;t':.~'Ct8'] t.() lerk int.o D' a t ~ e~' . pam- fh~ T'h e ~i 11 p.: er:; ent e:d L'y ;.~:;r. .uC" 1-.0 ~l"A.C fo.: ::,:1.:c t l.~ e G ,..~ f ~., ':'OJ~:- r~ ed :it.~,. =i:lll B~l.ilf!~r:t: .~~t,r-3 ::"::f'::::2(1 :).--:~}; Lo L~C' '''ornyrit..tce. Sn"~le:'r: inCr.1i.;rerl ~,R t.o Fi.rp Ccn,mi tiee We:"~f~ ir:s t.:~(;ted r1',J.ti'""'!l l'o':("'~~ -rullj' c1eco,c.ribe'1. t,1-e 1:1tie-s 0C ~rc Fi;:,~:::. Cr..ief to c:"'nfe: ..':~ tV- t~,.,c ::~i cf ""'."~~\..t r :id t:::~ , ~ . ...ave L.1S ::c,ef IT1()"l~:d t"1:li."L tLc ~i~e Cn;:,;mlt.tee ~""'n:fe;: w';'t.r~ ;~.:.r. ~}.ntj..v:c:~ 0-; t1-e ~~.. L;. R'~"b~c!' (:'1"1l :~'"'L::e!'llinG tLe t.~~c}~a.8e of ;:u:c;i,1:e:: c1-1c:r:ical pnd IJC !"et't ~;'1:1i ti.....r:al ~ic-l;~0" ;.~oiio~j~:i '..,'~(~ 3::c~lJded 0.Y' ~~aue_"'8 c,nd C~..t- .:!'ied. Cn ~c.ti')n tLe COu.!.i.cil t1-.er adjou.rned. Cl~~~4~==-- ~!!uni ciJ:al Clel'K I(J Lt.' >Fr'~ ,,;nyQl 1 [~j':I F ~ I I ~j '. I Minutes of ~e Special Meeting of the Sewa~d Town Council held July 24th, 1916. L153 Meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Mayor Vyers ! roll call showed all present excepting "Chamberlain. Minuiesorl~st mee~ing were re~d and approved. A communic~tion from wm Kingsley regarding his bill for $210.00 for drawing plans of School Bldg. was" read anCl'So.uers, 2nd by"''1'orreymoved that" Mr. Kingley be allowed $180.00 for ds sBrvices." Potion carried as all councilmen present voted "Aye" and clerk was instructed to draw Warrant for said amount~ A notice from the Fire Chief condemning the building of }.!rs. F. I'. McLean, 'l8 it did not comply with ordinance, was read and was held until client appeared. A communication from ActinqCity Atty. Green regarding ordinances was read and upon recammendation Sauer8 and DauRherty were named on Committee with City \tty. to draft new ordinances to replace the ones lost. The communleation of Atty. Green stating that not a sufficient number of property holders had si~ned the petstion on grading of Adams st. from 1st to 3rd. Ave, Was read and ordered filed. A petition on changing the name of 4th Ave to Broadway was read and the re- solution that the nace 4th ~ve. is hereby changed to Broadway and shall be known as such hereafter, w'~s moved by Torrey, 2nd by Sauers to be adopted. All councilmen present voted ~aye~, at roll call. The Bids for installation of steam heating plan~ in School Building were opened and read as follows:- G. G. Boe . 1860.00 Chas. Lechner . 1922.00 A 'certified check of required smount accompanied each bid and after short disc- ussion it was moved by Daugherty, 2nd by Sauers that G. G. Boe, as lowest bidder be awarded Contract for . 1860.00. Mrs. F. M. }'!cLean appeared before council and stated that she was willing to cover her building with iron as soon as some of her neighbors had done the same thing. Ihe matter W!l.S held over to come up under unfinished business. The final eetimate on 4th Ave. bridge was read and ordered riled. The Bonds of H. V. Hoben fo~ clearing or 2nd ! 3rd Avenues were read and Sauers, 2nd by Dubrueil, moved that same be approved and motion carrie~. The following resolution was then read:- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD ALASKA. That a sidewalk five feet in width be constructed on the East side of Seventh Avenue between Adams and Jefferson streets in the town of Seward, Alaska; That the lumber to be used in the construction of said sidewalk shall 8 the lumber formerly used in the sidewalk on ~dams street, that sufficient grading and grubbing be done along said Seventh Avenue where said side walk is to be constructed to enable lo~ded vehicles to pass thereover conveniantly. That said work be paid for out of the general fund and that two thirds of the coet thereof be apportioned and ...essed to the abuting property and collected as other taxes on Real Estate are collected. Sauers, 2nd by Dougherty moved that 8ame be adopted. All council- men voted "aye" at roll call. #:5'1": The ordinan~ on s1dewalking 2nd Ave. w"ts read and Torrey 2nd by Sauers, movedthat 1st reading be accepted and all councilmen present voted "aye", at roll call. The Second reading by title only was moved by Sauers, 2nd by Dubrueil to be accepted and all Councilmen present voted "aye". The 3rd. and final reading was adopted on motion of Dubrueil, 2nd by Torrey as all Councihlen present voted "aye", at call of their names. The Special Assessment Roll on Improvernet of 6th, Ave. was read and Dougherty, 2nd by Dubrueil, moved that 6'\[ e 1:e Il.ccepted and motion carried. A profile for 5th Ave. grade was submitted by City Engineer and Dougherty, 2nd. by Torrey moved that the profile be adopted and motion carried. Dougherty, 2md. by Torrey moved that the Fire Chief be appointed Inspector on Sewer work under direct supervision of the City Engineer, and that the same be made a part of his duties. The motion carried. The following bills were read after being O.K.ed by Finance Committee. 454 Continued. .141.12 20.00 H.OO 26.00 28 . 50 24.00 6.00 4.00 C~uncilmen preeent warrants for said J. L. Graef, . 24~85. B. McDonald Seward Sawmill 121.50 Seward transfer Co O. H. Poehlmann .6~00 Jim Walters Thos. Oliver 26~00 F. U. McDaniel J. D. Vickory 28.50 Fred Brause Alex.Wlrak In~06 Herman !ricson I. Anderson 24.00 Henry Aamot Wm BaUmhardt . 6.00 H. O. stevens Sauers, 2rid. by Dubrueil moved that bills be paid and all voted "aye", at cali ot roll and clerk was instructed to draw lUIIounts. Torrey reported that another estimate on School Bldg. repairs was ready and recommended the payreent ot $1200.00 and made eame in fonn of motion. Motion was 2nd, by Sauers and at call ot roll al~ Councilmen present voted "aye", and Clerk was instructed to draw warrant for said amount. The School Com~ittee reported that tpe Iron on ceiling of old School was unsatisfactory and at an a~ditional cost ot approximately' $180.00 the Ceiling could be made to conteI' with ceiling in new building. Sauers, moved that the Contractor be allowed $180.00 to make said improvement and motion was 2nd. by Daugherty l1I'ld carried. The Street Committes reported work on Creek progressing. The matter o'f lirs. MoLean was taken up IUld e.fter a discuuion ~, a1l decided that ordinance must be enforced and to notify cleint ot slUIIe. A report on disposal of bil~ ot Mr. Donohue was ordered for next meeting. The fire chief, submitted a, Record Book for tires and Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that same be purchased and motion carried. The Light Committee was ,instructed to see Yr. Gratt of the Seward Light I Power Co, regarding more street lights and give a report ~t next meeting. On Motion ot Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty the Council then adjourned till ~onday evening August 7th, at 8 PM. ~,O)~ ~~ , ,Clerk --- )layor. ---, I .. 1 Bi',JFe I I I 1!~ 4:.);) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETI KG OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL, Held August 7th, 1916. The meeting WA-B called to o:de!' at 8 P. M. by Ex-Officio Mayor Sauere and :011 call sho~ed all present excepting Mayor Meye.re find Counci lrr'an Chamberlain. The minutes of the last meeting were read anrl ap'P~roved. A communication f!'om School Board asking for $2000 was read and Dougherty, Second ad by Graef moved that sai Q amount be allowed. At call of .roll all Councilmen present voted. "Aye", anriclerk was instruct- ed to dfaw ~arrant fo;:, said amount. Fire Chief M. A. Ho rner recorrm endeo the purchase of anew chelr1- ieal engine anrl Mr. Chad~iBh of the U. S. Rubber Co., suggested a 50 gal. "Del~ge" Chemical an" gave a full description of same, the price not to exceed $275.00. Torrey seconded by Graef moved that above named engine be rurchased, price not to exceed $275.00. Motion ca:.1.ect. The Fire Cheif' s report on fires and causee and paraphanalia on ran<l was accepted om motion of TO:l'ey, seconded by Gl'aef. E~timates for $350 on Adams st., sidewalk and $840 on Sewe:, un- ot>l' cont:act of Anderson & McDonal -i, we.:oe subni tt eO and Dougherty. secondeo by To!'reymoved that same be alloweo. All Councilmen p:esent voted "Aye" at roll 0'8.11 anri Clerk was instructed to draw war:ants fo!' l'lA-id amounts. A communication f!'om Woman's Club of Sewa:ri, asking for a do nat- ion of $100, to th e Civic Fai: to be held in S~.l'd, was :ee.d and Saue: seconded by To.:-:ey. IT'Overi that above nawe<1 amount be allowed .an~ that Cle.:-k tfra~ 11 wa!'.!'llnt fo!' salr1e. All COl.mci1men present voted "Aye" at the call of" their names. Ci ty Atto.l'ney Coppe!'noll stated thl'it it was no t in the power 0 f the Council to donate any of the City' 8 Funds, but as same 'PIaS al- leged to 'be a benefit to th e town, the dona tion was llllo~ed to J'emai n. A petition cgn gra<Hng of Adams street from 1st to 3rd Avenue, ""'liS :earl an" a'f'te: being app:!'Oved by the City AtDJ'ney, the following resolution was p:epareri:. "BE IT RESOLVED by the Cnmnlon Council of the Town of Seward, Territory of Alaska~: That th E' Common Council hereby declare~ ita in tentions to irop!'ove AdaD"S st:eet, in sait} to"1l1, by grading the same acco!'ding to g:ade establ1 sheri by the Ci ty Engineer. com- mencing at the weRte:m in1iersection of Adame street and Thi rd Avenue, an" thence westwaJ'd to the easterly inter- section of said Adams Street with F~r8t Avenue. The mJ'k necesBaJ'y the:ef'or to be done by contra ct to the loweet reeponl'lible bidde.l'. T'I'JO thi.l'"Cia of the cost of Buch grading to be paid 1'0: and al'Jeesed against the abutting prop e.l't y 0'.'lner8. The City EngineeJ' shall make estimate of the pJ'opofled illl- provement ano info.rrn the CoucH tne.:-eof at its next rJ1eet- i ng. " On motion ('l'f' Doughe:ty, eeconderi by Dub:euil that resolution be adiipteri all Councilmen T.:-eeent voted "Aye" at call o'f' J'011. The'follo",ing bills we:e O. K.'ct by the Finance.1 Committee and :!'e ad by th e Cl erk . John DubJ'eui 1 Chas. Crawfo J'd Al t'l. r;ka '1' re, nsf e:: Co . . Cha r;. St rum J. Ll. GJ'a ef $ 200.00 13.25 36.10 3.00 47.10 2.75 6.30 16.75 18.00 8.00 Alaska Pha:omacy Bro'JTn & Hawki ns Gateway Pub. Co., 000. Williamson Chas. Sheldon 456 T Tho 9. Oli ve:r J. D. Yickery Reman Ericson R. O. Stevens H. W. Clinton John Pauleteine:r B. A. Bergstrom Jal'l . Wal t ere Jaa. Wa.l tera F. M. McDanial C. Ande.reo n A. Baumberger W. C. Johnson . 48.00 8.00 48.00 4.00 34 .00 28.00 24.00 6.50 18.00 44.00 48.00 34.00 20.00 M. A. Horner, Fire Roll Bro 8i us &: Noon Rettles Kodak More S. O. .Mo.rfo:rd Sewa.rd Comm. Co., Mt. McKinley Elec. Se~rd Sa'W:lill Co., G eo 1 Kri '11 er Bert Denny Fred Krause S. J. F ri dell Hugo Joh neon 40. ro 9 ...lit .60 .--- 5.001 11 .651 Co. 4 . 5'1 281.57 37.00 16.00 48.00 44.00 24\ 115 Baue.r!'!, seconded by Doughe.!'ty moved that b1l1fll be r;aid 'lnd at :roll call all CouncillYlen present voted "Aye" and clerk lVas instructed to 1raw;'"warrantR for ea.id amounts. , '., The Street Caromi ttee reporte 1 "~rk on Creek progressing and reported $706 spent to date, aleo reported that 8i dewalk on 7th Ave., 'Wo ul 11 be completeti as soon a.s Mr. NcNeilly moved his tiog housel'l out of s tr e et . The Cont.racto.r on clearing 0 f' B:road~y beyond Jefferson st., comr14.ined of ~ood belong to the Alal'lkan T1'ansfer Co., being in the Rtreet anti that he 'VllS unnble to go ahead ",i th work, eo DoughertJT fleconded by Torrey moved that the Alaaka T!'llnefe.r Co., be notified in wri ting to .remove their wood 'rom the street. Motion was car- :ried and Clerk ~as instructed to se:rve notice. The :tight !!l'ommittee :repo.rted on Lighting of Streets and a gen- e.ral d1 "'oussion followed. Mr. La""rence, proprietor of the Mt. Mc- Kinley Electri ca.l Co., 8,1130 submi tted ide.1I and figu:res regarding better lighting. Torrey, and Dougherty were named by the Chair to act with the Light Committee and confe: with the SeI'Illrd Light and Power Co., alXut th e "Peak Loa.ti" clauae in franchise and to re- port ba.ck at next !'egulll.J' lYIeet1ng. Torrey, move1 that the School Cl"nt.:-ao'tors be I'l.llo~e<i Moo ('In thei!' cont=-ad, I!'otion "lI'R.R e-e<:lloded by Dougherty and at call of ~ roll all councilmen present voted "Aye", 90 Clerkwaa inet:-ucted to rlraw warrant fo::: sairl amount. The question of fixing up the ~ad in Ci tjT 11mi te to con'fe.r ~ith Government ~arl ."a,s brought up anti Dougherty moved that street COlTllllittee go ahead with wo!'k to the beRt of their ability, to conforlYl wi th Government roati-mo tion "11188 e econrled by To!'rey and car:ri ed. Attorney J. J. Finnegan, representing W. H. Russell ~ho "lI'aFltakinl7, ol'r1.e!'s anti delivering vacuum cleane!'B, aaked fo:r or-in- ion .regnl'ding Mr. Russell being classed as a peddler. The Ci ty Atto.rney stated that acco!'lHng to the Q~dinance he ~1B!'l (J ped- dler anrt tne City "'1lF! juqtifieti in oollecting money for a. license f:rom him. The Bond an ~ Contract ot' S. G. Boe, for heating s'chool building ~~a'" 1'ead and Torrey, aeoonded by Dubreuil moved that i=>arre be app:rove-l, and th at 60 days be allowed for installi ng of FIA1l'e. Motion cR:rri ed. Atto.rney Finnegan lJ)R,de a :request that the Se-.ard Gene:ral hospita.l be placed on n weter 1'o:r consurr>ption of light an~ Dough- e:rty, seCflnded by Dubreui<l moved th!'lt same be allowed. K4Ition car.rieti . The assessment roll was aubmi tt e ti to Co unoil, val uatio ns having been completed. - " - 'D On ,"otion toe counoil ten "jo,",no" ~.~ ! Ii I d. I' . .."J _ 'pal Cl~- p')//L~LA.'- / -i'lC.Of'f icio J,la.yo:r I I - - 458 MINU'l'ES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD Town COUNCIL, h:el<i Augul'lt 14th, 1916. Meeting "'aR called to or<ie1' Il't 8 P. M. b.>r Mayor Meyers,and all Councilmen "'ere preaent. The 1'ear!ing of the minutes of laRt meeting -vas left until the next me eting. The City Engineer submitte1 g1'a<ie on Adtlms St., improvanent from 1st to 3:-d Ave., and estimate on sam e. After a short di scus- eion i t ~'as deci <led thnt same be left in the hands of the street Committee a.nti thflt they confer with property holde!'8. Attorney J. L. Green aT-reared before the CClIl1llJncil rega.r<'iing the dismissal of .case of <'ielinquent tax pa.yers and stated that this onl;Ji applied to the Alaska No.rthern Ry., Co., and that if the Court un- de:stood th at it 'Mas for all cieli nquent taxes it wa(> r:lue to a cl er- ical e:ro1' an<'i 'Wou1<'i be :remer:lied at once. A cOllllTlunication of' Ci ty Atto.rney Coppe:noll tendering his 1'elil- igna.tion 'Was rea<i anr:l same was ac cepte<i on motion of To:,rey, second- e<'i by Gra ef . The ~ouncil then p.roceeded to mllot fo.r new City Attor)ley and Councilmen Dougherty and Chamberlain 'l\fe:e named tellere. After voting the wa-llot showe~ 5 votes 1'01' J. Lindley G1'een and 1 vote for L. 1,. James, Jr.. Ewd tne mayor declare" J. Lindl ey Green City Attorney 1'01' balance of term. .fl.' bill :f01' lumber and freight on same ammounting to t256.34 ~s o:de1'ed :pa.ili on motion of Torrey, eecon~ed by Dougherty. All Coun- cilmen voten, "Aye" a.iI c'lll of roll an" Cl erk 'Nas inAt1'ucted to 1.!'8.'N '''arrant fn!' "'lair! ml'ount. The Tax an" AssesAment Comrrittee 1'ecommended that Tax roll be rej ectefl and new valua.tion made an1 that City Attorney Change or amend ordinance BO th ",t same can be done. An opionion of J. L. G1'een wa.s 1'ead in connection "'ri th same, same having been asked by the Board of Equaliza1rion. Doughe1'ty, l'leconder1 by TO:!'1'ey moved that p:e8ent assessment roll be rejected anti motion c8.:1'ied. Saue!'s and Graef voted "No".. , Chwbe.rlain moved that the City Attorney draw up new ordinance ~verning a"lsessment. Motion was seconde<'J by T01'rey and carried. Tor1'ey moveri th",t Cont1'actel'sbe allowed $200 on their contract Motion WIlS 2nd by Doughe1'ty and all Councilmen voted Aye at roll call an1 c1 erk "'as instructed to draw 'Warrant 1'0:' said amount. The que!'ltion cd' finish on ,.,all in School builliing ~as di!'lcUFl- ",e" and Sa:uers, s!"contled by Dougherty Iflove<'i that Cont~ct()rs be "llo...,ed to go al1ear1 with har<'J finish on walls so that building may be comr-leter!. Motion ca.!'ri ed. The Light Commi ttee was in~t.!'Ucte~ to have St.feet Lighta turn- ed on <Ill'!' the 15th of' August, on motion 0 f Graef, seconded by Saue.!'s. A final l'epo1't an the bill of M.!'. Donohoe ....as f).eked 'for qt the next m~eting. Mr. D. C. Brownell, Jr. appeare'1 before Council in reference to donating a pa1'k site to City. The Mayor appoint the City En- ginee.!' ant! street Commi ttee to co nfer wi th Mr. Bro'Nnell. On motion the Council then adjou1'ne<'i till Monday evening, August 21st, 1916. (~LCfA ..&-<~ MuniciljJal Clerk ft:{, o,~ lIayor ---, ~ , J- -, ~~ 1 B ~l Fe I I I Meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by L1ayor Myers, and all councilmen were present. excepting Chamberlin. The minutes of the regular meeting held August 7th, and special meeting held August 14th were read and approved. A eommunic~.tion from Whitfield and Carter, oontractors, on 2nd Ave. sidewalks, asking for an extension of time to complete their contract, as they were unable to secure lumber fast enough, was read and Sauers moved that they be ~ranted 30 days additional time in whioh to finish their work. 1lotion was seconded by Torrey and carried. An estimate of City Engineer on 2nd Ave. sidewalks, recommending that $246.20, be paid to contractors Whitfie+d & Carter, was read and Torrey, seoonded by Sauers, moved that same be allowed. At oall of roll, all present voted "Aye" and Clerk was instructed to draw warrant for said amount. An amendment to the petition on grading of Adams street from 1st to 3rd Avenue was read and referred bac~ to property l}S~d~ ~.f~"I/ The ~lerk read an amendment to Ordlnance No. 27, entl~ieQ^5 & 6 of Ordinance No. 27 of the ~o\vn of Seward, Alaska, which said Ordin- ance is an amendment to certain sections of Ordinance No. 14. whioh provides the manner of assessing, levying and collecting the taxes of said town; also, providing for a re-assessment for the year 1916, a resitting of a Board of Equalization for that year, and for other purposes." Torrey, seconded by Sauers, moved that Ordinance pass to second reading by title only; all oouncilmen present voted "Aye" at call of roll, excepting Graef, who voted "No". . The second reading by title only was, on motion of TIougherty, seconded by Dubreuil, passed to third reading; all councilmen present voted "Aye" at call of roll, excepting Graef, who voted "No". The third and final reading of Ordinance was moved by Dougherty, seconded by Torrey. to be adopted and all councilmen present voted "Aye" at roll call. The following Ordinance was read by Clerk: "An Ordinance regulating the use of Electrical devices in buildings and structures within the corporatelimitsof the Town of Seward, Alaska; providing the means by which the eleotric current may be lawfully used and employed therein; regulating the manner in which the same oan be obtained for use by the oonsumers; providing a penalty for any violation thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto." After quite a lengt~y discussion, Dougherty, seconded by Torrey, moved that same be laid over till next meeting. Motion carried. ~auers voting "No". An Ordinance concerning a telephone franchise was read as follows: "An Ordinance granting to S. M. Graff, his heirs and assigns, the right to establish and maintain a telephone system in the ~own of Seward Alaska, and to fix rates to be charged and collected therefor, subjeot ' to the condition therein stated." After a dis~ussion, the wayor named Councilmen Torrey. Dougherty and Sauers a oommittee to confer with the telenhone company regarding this ordinance and partioularly the fixing ~ rates. The bills, after being O. K. 'ed by Finance Committee, were read as follows: A. L. Agee - Brown & Hawkins - 459 MINU~ES OF THE :,mGULA11 MEETHlG )F THE SEWARD TOWN COUHCIL HELD AUGUST 21st, 1916. ~ 2.00 4.00 Herman Ericson - C. Anderson - $42.00 41. 50 -- ~I /! F 0. L,.. ., .~ -.-...-' - Minutes of August 21st, 1916, continued. Wm. U. Coppernoll - $23.33 Gateway Pub. Co. - 3.80 Fred Krause - 40.00 A. Baumberger - 44.00 John Paulsteiner - 42.50 Thos. Oliver - 42.00 John Skjirve - 18.00 F. Crawford - 18.00 Torrey, seconded by Graef, moved bills be paid; all councilmen present voted "Aye" at roll call, and Clerk was instructed to draw war- rants for said amounts. Torrey recommended and moved that 65% or ~1209.00 be paid to con- tractor on heating school building. "lotion was seconded by Dougherty and at call of roll all councilmen present voted "Aye", and Clerk was in- struoted to draw warrant for stated amount. Torrey, seoonded by Doupherty, moved that Chas. Leohner be allowed $200.00 on plumbing contraot in school building. All councilmen present voted "Aye" and Clerk was instruoted to issue warrant for amount stated. The budget of school board was read and ordered filed. A communioation from Fire ~hief asking for a drop light and 'phone in Fire Hall was read and Sauers, seoonded by Dougherty, moved same be allowed and motion carried. Light Committee reported that plans for lighting town would be discunsed at a special meeting to be held Tuesday evening, August 22nd, 1916. Street Committee reported progress on street work. The committee on claim of Hr. ? J. Donohoe recommended that same be rejeoted and after a discussion, ~auers, seconded by Dubreuil, moved that action be deferred and motion carried. The oemetery question was again brought u9 and various suggestions offered and the Health Committee was instructed to take matter up at once. The clerk asked for a typewriter and Sauers, seconded by Dougherty, moved that Clerk purchase one at his own judgment, for lowest possible figure. Motion was carried. 'J:he assessor I S work having been inoreased by making uo new tax roll, Graef, seconded by Dubreuil, moved that he be allowed ~100.00 increase in salary; all oouncilmen present voted "Aye" at roll call. The council then adjourned until Tuesday evening, August 22nd, at 8:00 p. m. G. J. Fridell - Hugo Johnson - Thor Osbo - H. Dalton - Anton Nelson - Geo. Kerns - W. H. Oliver - :j;i39.00 34.00 35.00.- 24.00 18.00 18.00 24.00 "I , , J Ci!!J~~ I.Iunicipal Clerk. ~\ {i, y~~ ;. irayor I ---, I I .; .. I If)l'F'") J Jlf, (J I I I , '-'1 Lit.s Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward To~~ Council held September 5th. 1916. Toe meeting was called to order at 8;30 pm. by ex-officio Mayor Sauers all .....xl... being present excepting oounci~man Chamberlin and Mayor Myers. The minutes of the last meeting weee read and approved. An applioation for night watohman by Chas, Emswiler .as read and Torrey 2nd. by Dougherty moved that Mr. Emswiler be given position as night watchman to take effeot October 1st., 1916. Estimates of $91.00 on 2nd.,Ave. Contraot b) Alaska Transfer, and $350.00 on 4th. Ave. olearing oontract, bt T. P. Murphy, were submitted by City Engineer and Torrey, 2nd. by Sauers moved same be allowed. All oounoilmenpresent voted "aye" at the call of the roll, and clerk was instruoted to draw warrants for stated amounts. A communication from The Seward Woman's Club thanking the Council for donation was ordered filed. The following resolution was read:- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA:A "that the taxes levied by the !own Of Seward, Alaska for the fiscial year 1916, shall not become delinquent until the first day of November 1916, and in all case where one half of the taxes on any piece of real estate is paid before the hour of six o'olook pm. November 1st. 1916, the other half shall not become delinquent until the first day of February 1917, and all persons paying one-half of his or her personal tax before the hour of six o'olock pm. on the first day of November 1916, the other half shall not become delinquent until the f~rst day of February 1917. in all,cases where the one-half of the tax.. are not paid by the hour of' six o'olock pm. November first'1916, the whole of such tax or taxes shall become delinquent, and the penalty for delin- quent taxes shall attaoh to the whole of such taxes, Thatalltaxes not paid on the first day of February 1917 at the hour of six o'olook pm. shall be delinquent and the penalty therefor shall attaoh. Torrey, 2nd. by dougherty, moved same be adopted, and all oouncilmen presant voted "aye" at the oall of the roll. The bills after being OKed by the finanoe committee were read as follows:- S.O. Morford Leon C. Bookler J. Lindley Green J. H. Romig Robert Guest M. A. Horner Daniel D. Dunlap John Dubreuil Leon C. Booker O. H. Poehlmann J. Lindley Green Alaska. Eleo. Co. Seward Lt & Power Seward Water & P. Fred Krause L. E. Thompson A. J. MoGarry Gerald F. Gill J. Paulsteiner Alaska Pharmaoy Sew~d Lt. & powre Post Pub. Co. Alaska Transfer 5.00 15.00 26.67 75.00 125.00 125.00 175.00 100.00 25.00 50.00 23.33 20.00 36.33 100.00 44.00 6.00 8.00 21.00 7.00 22.10 6.03 13.40 74.95 A. Baumberger Thos. Oliver Herman Ericson C. Anderson Tom Osbo H. Dalton W. H. O~1ver Anton Nelson Geo. Kerns John Skj erve Ed Shali fou D. J. MoEaohen Geo. Stanley Burt Denny O. H. poehlmann A. L. Agee M.A.Horner(FlreR) Alaska Pharmaoy J. L. Graef Sewari Sawmill Co A. C. Taylor Chas. Emswiler Chas, Crawford 25.50 20.00 44.00 44.00 20.00 19.50 26.50 24.00 44.00 10.00 58.00 4.00 2.50 6.00 304.00 2.00 19.00 3.40 62.80 568.00 .50 12.00 9.75 ----~-1 462 Minutes of September 5th. oontinued.. Graef, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that bills be paid, and all oouncilmen present voted "aye" at the oall of the roll, and olerk was instruoted to draw warrants for the amounts stated. The report of street Committee was read and Dougherty,Jnd. by Graef moved that same be acoepted, and motion carried. The resignation of John Dubreuil as street Foreman was read and Sauers 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the resignation do not take effeot until October 1st. 1916, and motion oarried. Af~.r a short discussion on lighting question, Dougherty, 2nd. by Torrey, moved that the Speoial Committee on lighting negotiate with the Seward Light & Power Co., and get started at onoe along the lines planned. All oounoilmen present voted "aye" at the Call of the roll and motioncarried. . The special Committee on the Telephone franohise asked for ex- tention of one week to report and same was allowed on motion of Dougherty, 2nd, by Torrey. . ' The Ordinanoe on "Regulating Electrioal devioes~.was on motion of Sauers, Ind. b~ Dougherty, held over till next Monday night. Torrey, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that oontractors on sohool build- ing be allowed another estimate of $500.00 on their oontraot. All oouncilmen present voted "aye" at the call of the roll. Attorney Finnegan representing Derick Lane, asked that contraot on riret Ave. improvement be aoceptde and that his bondsmen be released. Same was allowtd on motion of Torrey, 2nd. bp Graef, whioh carried. The question of selling sohool building and lot 38 in block 14, WaS discussed and Sauers moved that sealed bide be called for next Monday night and terma to be one third down, one third in 6 months and balance in a year. Motion was 2nd. by Dougherty and oarried. T. P. Murphy asked for an extentlon of time on 5th. Ave olearing contraot and Dubreuil, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that he be allowed thirty jays additional time, and motion oarried. On motion the Counoil then adjourned until Monday, September the 11th. at 8 pm. - ....., i J (ff.f!ft: J. l' ~ Munic pal Clerk ~ / ',1 / ~J x-o noio Mayor. ....., , " lBMPe I I I 463 Minute~ of the speoial meeting of the Seward Town Counoil held September 11th. 1916.... The meeting was oalled to order at 8 pm. by Mayor Myers and all oounoilmen were present excepting Chamberlin. The reading of the minutes was dispensed with until the regular meeting. The City Treasurer reported the City's funds depleted and suggested that *ome arrangement be made with the Bank of Seward at once and there being no objection the Mayor instruoted 'the Finanoe Committee to make the necessary arrangements. The Telephone ordinanoe .as read, and after a disoussion. same was referred to the City Attorney for an opi.ion and to make what ohanges that were deemed neoessary in behalf of the Town of Seward. Torrey for the Sohool Committee reported that the chimney in the sohool building was not large enough to be safe after the installation of the heating plant and stated that $75.00 would be neoessary to make same of suffioient size, and Dougherty, 2nd. by Sauers moved that . $75.00 be allowed for fixing of same and at the oall of the roll, all oouncilmen present voted "aye". Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that oounoil adjourn until Tuesday, September 12th. at 4 pm. ~~"'~-<-------- Munioipal Clerk. 0,~) ~~ 464 Minutes of the speeial meeting of the Seward Town Counoil held September lath. 1916. The meeting was oalled to order at 4 pm. b~ Mayor Myers, and all oouncilmen were present excepting Chamberlin. The objeot of this meeting was to take up the matter concerniqg the Telephone franohise. An opinion of City Attorney Green was read and all ohanges in ordinance suggested by him were agreed to by the attorneys of the Alaska Eleotrio Co., excepting a penalty clause, whioh the City Attorney said was necessary for the proteotion of the city. A lengthy disoussion followed and as no deoision oould be reached, Sauers, Bnd, by Torrey moved to adjourn until Monday night, September 18th. at 8 pm. Clerk. 6a->r r. ~ j -, I I I J ~ lBMF~ I I I dF5 ~~~ Minutes of the Regular rreeting of the Seward Town Council held September 18th. 1916. ######4############################### Only three councilmen being present, namely Sauers, Dougherty and Torrey, it was regularly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn and be oontinued until Tuesday evening Sept. 19th. at 8 pm. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Seward Town Council held September 19th. 1916, which was continued from Sept. 18th. 16. ########################################### Present were Councilmen Chamberlin, Dougherty, Graef and Torrey, and as they did not constitute a quorum, it was moved by Chamberlin, 2nd. by Dougherty that the Council adjourn and continue the meeting until Wednesday evenine, Sept. 19 at 8 pm. The motion carried. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Minutes of the meeting of the Seward Town Council, held Sept. 20th. 1916, which was continued from Sept. 19th. 1916. # # # # # # # # # ff # f # # # # # # # f # # Meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by ex-officio Mayor Sauers, and all were present excepting Mayor Myers. The minutes of the regular meeting held Sept. 5th. and the special meetings held Sept. 11th. and 12th. were read and approved. A communication from H. C. Munro, bidding $400 for sohool building alone was received, but it was not the wisdom of the Council to sell building and lot separately, so it was moved that bids be oalled for again on cuilding and lot together and that no bij be considered less than '1000; whereupon J. J. Finnegan bid $1000 and Chamberlin, 2nd, by Dougherty moved that bid be acqepted as on terms advertised and at the call of the roll, all councilmen voted "aye". A com~unication from J. H. Romig M. D. Health Officer, regarding oemetary site was read, and he was called upon to give an opinion. After a short disoussion it was moved by Graef, 2nd. by Torrey, that the City purohase five (5) acres of land in the Johnson Homestead, teh site to be surveyed by the City Engineer, and the price not to exceed $500. All councilmen voted "aye" at the call of roll. An estimate of $339.05 on Adams St, sidewalk was submiteed by the City Engineer, and on motion of Torrey, 2nd. by Dubreuil, that same be allowed, all councilmen voted "aye", and clerk wis instructed to draw warrant for amount stated. A petition for a oross-walk over Broadway, half way between the orosswalks now in, was read, and as petitioners agreed to pay total cost of such improvement, Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubreuil, moved 'that the petition be granted, and at the r011 call all councilmen voted "aye", excepting Graef, who voted "no". 466 Continued minutes of September 20th. 1916. - - - - - - - - - --- A.petition on the advanoing of olooks one hour, on October 1st. was read and ordered filed. A petition for the improving of Railroad Ave; the oost of which to be paid out of the General Fund, was referred to a Committee composed of Graef and Dubreuil) to report baok at next meeting. A petition for grading of 5th. Ave. between Jefferson and Adams St. was referred to the City Attorney. Councilman Sauers reported.that the Woman's Club had bOl1ght a pia.no for the School out of the moneys collected at the Civic Fair, and Graef 2nd. by Torrey, moved that a vote of thanks to the Woman's Club be published by Clerk in both papers) and motion carrmed. The bills after being OKed by the Finance Committee, were read as follows:- C. Anderson Gateway Pub. Co. M. A. Horner Selma N. Scott $24.00 9.50 7.43 2.25 Ed S hal1 c!ou Ley ton & Nunamaker A. L. AGee $22.00 229.00 1.50 Chamberlin, 2nd. by Dubreuil, moved that 'bills be allowed and Clerk draw warrants for same. All Councilmen voted "aye" at the roll saIl. Torrey, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the plumbers in School Building be allowed $200 more on their oontract. All councilmen voted "aye" at the call of the roll, and olerk was instructed to draw warrant for same. The tax roll having been completed and all changes made as authorized by the aoard 0" Equalization, Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty mo~~d that the levy for-the year 1916 be placed at 14 mills on the dollar. Chamberlin amended"the motion that the levy be l5 mills on the dollar. The motion .aa 2nd. by Torrey:, .,and the vote on same raul ted as follows; "ayes" Torrey and Chamberlin. "noes" Sauers, Dougherty, Dubreuil and Graef, so the amendment was lost. All councilmen voted "aye" on the original motion and the mayor deolared the resolution adopted nioA plaoed tax/levy for the year 1916, at fourteen (14) mills on the dollar. Dougherty, 2nd. by Torrey moved that clerk draw warrant to the Seward Light & Power Co., for $1307.50, as per oontract for installation of new lighting system. All oouncilmen voted "aye" at the oall of the roll, exoepting Graef, who voted "no", so clerk was instruoted to draw warrant for the amount stated. Chamberlin moved that the Water Committee instruot the Seward Water and Power Co. to install two new hy~rants for fire proteotion; their positions to be, one at end of 3rd. Ave..in Laubner Addition, and the other on Bovernment St., near Cliff Addition. Motion was 2nd. by Torrey and oarried. On motion the Counoil then adjournde until monday evening September 25th. at 8 pm. ~~u~/ Municipal Clerk. ~- ~),~ Ex- fficio ayor. I I I ,......., . :-') , t .. 1 BMF(~ In I I 467 Minutes of the Speoial Meeting of the Seward Town Council Held September 25th. 1916. The meeting was oalled to order at 8 pm. by Mayor Myers and all Councilmen were present exoepting Chamberlin. There being no objection the reading of the minutes of last meeting were dispensed with. A oommunication from Whitfield & Carter asking for an extention of time for oompleting 2nd. Ave Sidewalk Contraot, was read and Dubreuil, 2nd. b1 Graef moved that they be allowed ten (10) days additional ~~me and motion oarried. A communioation from ~. D. Johnson and one from J. A. Stewart regarding oemetary sites were disoussed and the City Engineer was instructed to prospeot these sites or any other suitable place and report baok at next meeting. The City Engineer submitted a final esjimate for sidewalk on 2nd. Ave. between Washington and Adams streets and reoommended that the balance of the 70% due them, amounting to $269.25 be paid. Mr. Sauers having an o'rder for money due on lumber reoeived by oontraotors, ,'_ Mr. Whitfield stated that the warrant for $269.25 and final payment be made in favor of Mr. Sauer.. Dougherty. 2nd by torrey moved that a warrant for amount stated be made in favor of MR. Sauers and at the call of the roll all councilmen present voted ftayeA,~lotb8e olerk was instruoted to draw said warrant. An estimate on grading of 5th. Ave. was submitted by City Eng- ineer and after a short discussion, Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubre~il moved that the work be done by day labor under supervision of Street Committee and motion oarried. The following resolution was read:- Be it resolved by the Common Vouncll of the To~n of Seward Alaska: That it is the intention of the Council to improve 5th. Ave, in said Town between the North margin of Adams St. and the South margin of Jefferson St. by grading the same to conform to the established grade of the Town, ~n said street. That two thirds of the oost thereof be taxed against the abutting property affeoted therebyj that t'1e munioipal clerk is instructed to publish a notice of suoh intention, as is provided by ordinanoe notifying all perstns objeoting to said improvement to appear before the Common Council and ~ake said objection on Monday the seoond day 0': Ootober at the hour of 8 o'clook pm. Dougherty, 2nd. by Torrey moved that same be adopted and at the call of the roll all counoilmen present voted "aye". A oommunioation from Arthur Lang to City Treasurer Romig regarding occupation tax was read and ordered filed. Sauers, 2nd by Dougherty moved that clerk draw a warrant in favor of the Bank of Seward for $5000 for a 30 iay loan and at the call of the roll all counoilmen present voted "aye". so clerk was instructed to draw warrant. .. 468 Minutes of the Meeting of September 25th. cont. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The olerk was instructed to make out a bill to the U.S. Cable Offioe, for 6th. Ave. sidewalk and present same. A petition for a sidewalk on the East siie of 5th. Ave was referred to the City Attorney. There being a d1soreptancy in the bill of H. Fathers, for extras on painting of School Building, it was moved by Dougherty 2nd bJ Torrey that bill be laid over until next meeting. Motion oarried. As MR. FAthers was entitled to an estimate on his work, it was moved b~ Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty that he be allowed $450 on his oontract, and at the oall of the roll all oouncilmen present voted "aye, so olerk was instructed to draw warrant for amount stated. The bills after being OKed. by the fimance committee were read as follows:- J. H. Romig $82.80 Geo. Kerns John Skjerve 33.25 C. A. Myers Herman Erioson 54.00 John Paulsteiner D. J. McEachen 52.00 Thos. Ferron C. Anderson 28.00 Fred Krause Torrey. 2nd. by Dougherty moved that bills be paid oall of the roll all oouncilmen present voted "aye", so instructed to dra. warrants for above amounts. $44.00 100.00 42.00 50.00 2.00 a.nd at the clerk was The speoial committee on improvement of Railroad Ave. reported. that it would not be advisable to make said improvement unless the abutting property owners petitioned in regular form. On motion the council then adjourned until Monday evening October 2nd. at 8 pm. ~/-~~ / n cipal olerk. ------ tP~. >~~ May . ( --. lRMP~ I I I ,~~ ~0~ Minutes of the meeting of the Seward Town Council held October 2nd. 1916. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - The meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by ex-officio mayor Sauers and all were present excepting Mayor Myers and Councilman Graef. The minute8~ of the last regular meeting were read and correoted by addition of "if accepted", in regard to the purchase of cemetary site from Fred Johnson. The minutes were then approved. The minutes of the speoial meeting held September 25th. were read and approved. The following report was read by the July 1 to 31st. 1 Peddlar's Lioense issued 4 Building Permits " August 1st. to 31st. 1 fee for Surveying lot 8 building permits Sept. 1st. to 30th. 1 Peddlar's lioense 36 Building permits clerk: $ 25.00 2.00 10.00 6.00 25.00 18.00 $86.00 Same was paid over to the City Treasurer, ani report was acoepted on motion of Torrey, 2nd. by Dubreuil, all counoilmen present voting "aye" at t~e call of the roll. A petition from Brosius & Noon asking permission to use three feet of sidewalk on Railway Ave. for entrance to their basement, was granted on motion of Chamberlin, 2nd. by Torrey, all ~ouncilmen present voting "aye at the call of their names. Attorney S. O. Morford, representing the Ha14 Estate, protested against the improvemene of 5th, Ave. by placing a sidewalk on the East side of same. Councilman Graef enters the meeting. The following resolution was read:- " Be it resolved by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that it is the intention of the said Council to improve Fifth Avenue by constructing a sidewalk upon grade between Adams Street ani Railway Ave. on the East side of said Fifth Ave; said sidewalk to be constructed of native lumber, ten feet in width and shall conform with the specifications provided by the City Engineer; two-thirds of the cost thereof to be taxed against the abutting property and oollected as other taxes on real- estate is oolleoted: The Municipal olerk is instruoted to publish a notioe, as is p%ovided by ordinance, to persons objecting to said improvement, to file their objections with the municipal clerk on or before the hour of 8 o'clock pm., October 8th. 1916. or appear before the Co~mon Council at that time and present said objections in writing or they will be deemed to have waived such objection." Chamberlin, 2nd. by Graef moved that the resolution be adopted. and at the call of the roll all councilmen voted "aye". 470 Minutes of October 2nd. 1916. oontinued.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- An estimate for $267.93, on contract of 2nd Ave, sidewalk, between Railway Xae. and Washington st. was submitted .by the City Engineer, and Chamberlin, 2nd. by Torrey moved that Carter & Whitfield, contractoBs ~ be allowed amount stated and at the call of the roll all oounoilmen voted "aye" so clerk was instructed to draw warrant for same. An estimate for $238.00 on 3rd. Ave. olearing oontract was sub- mitted by engineer and Ch~~berlin, 2nd by Torrey moved that the Alaska Transfer be allowed amount stated, and at the roll oall all council- men voted "ayeV so olerk was instructed to draw warramt for above amount. An estimate of $37.00 for excavation in alley in baok of Post Office was submitted.by Engineer. After a short disoussion regarding same Chamberlin, 2nd. by Graef moved that same be rejected and at the oall of the roll, Councilmen Chamberlin, Graef and Sauers voted "aye", and Councilmen Dubreuil, Dougherty and Torrey voted "no". The vote being a tie it was moved by Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty that same be held over until next meeting. All councilmen voted "aye" excepting Cl~berlin who voted "no". Attorney S. O. Morford, representing lote 26,27, 28, 29 and 30 in Block 17, belonging to the Diokerman Estate, protested against the improvement of grading ~th. Xve. ab.~t~ng ~~is property, stating that by doing the work by day labor it made it too unoertain as to what the cost would be. Fater a short disoussion Chamberlin moved that the work be ad- vertised for bids, same to be ppened at the next meeting. Motion was 2nd. by Sauers and at the call of the roll all oouncilmen voted "aye". Finance committee were read The llills..after being OKed. by the as follows:- Leon C. Booker J. Lindley Green Robert Guest Daniel D. Dunlap John Dubreuil 't J. H. Rom1 g Henry Ley ton Seward Lt. & Power Co. Chas. Emswiler Alaska Transfer J..L. Graef M. A. Horner (Fire Roll) Seward Drug Co. C. Anderson D. J. McEaohen O.L. Ridnour George Stanley John Skjerve N. Steele L.L. Winnie R. C. Colburn Dougherty, 2nd. aall of the roll all to draw warrants for S. O. Morford $5.00 J. H. Romig 75.00 M.A. Horner 125.00 Leon C. Booker 25.00 O. H. Poehlmannn 50.00 Seward Water & Power 100.00 John Dubreuil 39.25 Seward Lt. & Power Co. 37.19 Post Publishing Co. 24.80 O. H. poehlmann 100.00 A~ska Electrio Co. 5.00 Seward Commeroial Co. 5.15 Herman Ericson 24.00 John Paulsteiner 29.00 Fred Baoe 7.00 L.C. Bates 2.00 D. J. MoEaohen 8.25 Alex. Little 3.50 J. Walters 5.00 Alex Modine 16.00 $ 15.00 50.00 125.00 175.00 100.00 10.00 75.00 78.20 104.00 53.00 15.40 20.00 2.50 24.00 24.00 2.00 1.00 8.25 4.00 6.00 6.00 by Torrey moved that bills be paid and at the oouncilmen voted "aye" so Clerk was ins~ructed above amounts. 1BHF~ I I I (71 Minutes of October 2nd. 1916 oontinued. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - The,Steeet Committee reported work on 4th. Ave. and bridge pro- ~ressing, and the oost of approximately 1 mile of oompleted road was $442.001 The oemetary question was discussed and Graef moved that the City ~eieot_the purohase of the cemetary site in the aohnson Homestead, and purohase the traots offered by J. A. stewart in the Ole Martin Home- stead at a price of $100.00 per acre, the tract oontaining 6i aores, Chamberlin amended the motion, that the City Engineer prospect the Rudolph Cemetary site. Amendment was 2nd. by Sauers. and the vote on same resulted in all all councilmen voting "no" exoepting Chamberlin, who voted "aye". The vote on the original motion all counoilmen voted "aye", excepting Chamberlin who voted "no", .0 the traot of Mr,Stewart was ordered purohased. After a disoussion on the School Painting Contraot, Dougherty moved the oontractor be allowed the amount of his bid plus $10.25 for extras making a total of $637.25 as audited. Motion was 2nd. by Torrey. Chamb- erlin amended the motion that-the oontraotor be allowed bill in full as rendered by him; motion was 2nd. by Sauers and vote on same resulted in Chamberlin and Sauers voting "aye" and Dougherty, Dubreuil, Graef and Torrey voting "no", so the amendment was lost. .The voted on the original motion, all councilmen voted "aye" at the call of the roll. so olerk was instruoted to draw warrant for balance due oontractor. On motion the Council then adjourned until Monday evening, October 9th. at 8 pm. ~f<M~ unioipal Clerk. '-~/J~_.~-<J , ExoOffioio Mayor. 472 Minutes of the Speoial Meeting of the Seward Town Counoil Ootober 6th. 1916......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - -- Meeting was clled to order at 8 pm. by Mayor Myers and all oouncilmen were present exoepting Chamberlin. The purpose of this meeting was to aPPoint an election Board for the election to be held November 7th. 1916. --, , The following resolution was read: " Be it resolved by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that the To.u Marshall post notioes that a general eleotion:is to be held in the Town HAll. November 7th. 1916." Dougherty, 2nd by Sauers moved that the resoluttd)Q;:be adopted, and at the call of the roll all' councilmen voted "aye"". On mtion of Dubreuil, 2nd by Torrey the following were named as Ju~gea and olerks of said eleotion. Clerks: Mrs. Imogene Luoas Miss Sylvia Sexton Judges: George Sexton L. C. Bates A. P. Brown On motion the Council then adjourned. r-" 4? ,( ~ >JU{I [ft<2 yor . i , I , - , ! I ' l J lBMF~ I I I ~.?3 Minutes of the special meeting of the Seward Town Council hel~ October 9th. 1916.. The meeting was called to order at 8pm. by Mayor Myers, and all councilmen were present exoepting Torrey. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved, as were those of the special meeting held Ootober 6th. A oommunication from Councilman Torrey tendering his resignation as a member of the Seward Town Council, was read and Chamberlin, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that same be tabled and motion oarried. A report from the Sewar Inspector was read and Chamberlin made a few remarks regarding same, stating that he considered the workmanship first class, but thought an eight inch sewer too small. The City Engineer submitted a final estimate ~n the sewee and reccomended that $985.85 be paid to the contractors and the amount was allowed on motion of Sauers, 2nd. by DUbreuil, all councilmen voting "aye" at the oall of the roll, so the clerk was instructea to draw a warrant for the amount stated. A deed from Jas. A. Stewart to The Xity of Seward for a cemetary site. was OKed. by the City attorney and he reocomended payment. After a .short talk by Chamberlin, Dougherty, 2nd. by Sauers moved that the clerk draw a warrant in favor of Mr. Stewart for $650.00 in payment of cemetary site and at the call of the roll all oouncilmen present voted "aye" exoepting Chamberlin who voted no. A communication from Mr. Fathers regarding extra work painting school building,and asking for payment of same was read. Sauers, 2nd. by Chamberlin moved that Mr. Fathers bill be allowed in full ana at the oall of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye" so clerk was in- structed to draw warrant for balance due Mr. Fathers. The bids for the grading of 5th. Ave. between Adams and Jefferson Sts. were opened and amounts read as follows:- Edgar Provinse Peter Olsen & Co. A. J. MoGarry AnJerson & McDonald $1.00 1.00 .84 .93 yd. " " n per Cu. " n " " " " Attorney S. O. Morford protested for F. L. Ballaine and the Dick- erman Estate, against the making of such improvement~ if the cost of same exoeeded $25.00 per lot. After a short discussion, Chamberlin, 2nd. Sauers moved that all bids be rejeoted ani motion carried. Only one bid was received for sidewalk on 5th. Ave. between Adams St. and Railway Ave., wh~ch wasfrom Anderson & MoDonald and who bid:- $35.50 per M for Sidewalk and 36,50 n " " Cross walks Sauers, 2nd. by Chamberlin moved that Anderson & McDonald be awarded oontract and motion carried. The bills after being OKed. by the Finance Committee were read as follows:- F. E. Been $20,00 Gateway Pub. CO. $17.85 474 Minutes of the meeting of Oot. 9th. 1916 oont. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A bill from Brown & Hawkins was referrde baok for correction. Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the other bills be paid and at the the call of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye" excepting Chamberlin who voted "no", so olerk wasinstructed to draw warrants for amonuts stated. Sauers for the School Committee reported. that a walk was neoessary around the school building also changes over the South entranoe, and moved that the Sohool Committee be authorized to have same done. Motion was "nd. by Dougherty and carried. The Light Committee reported that The Seward Light & Power Co., had begun to get things in shape for the installation of the lighting system. The steeet oommittee reported that the grading on Broadway beyond Jefferson St. woumd be oo~pleted in a few gays and asked that repairs be made on bridge on Broadway over Lowell Creek. Sauers moved that six piling be purohased for $50.00 to repair bridge. Chamberlin amended the motion that the present bridge be fixed up until next spring. There being no second to Chamberlin's motion the result on the original motion was as follows:- "ayes" "noes" Sauers, Dubreuil and Doug~erty. Chamberlin and Graef, so the motion oarried. The estimate for $37.00 by Alaska Transfer, for excavation in alley in back of Post Office was moved by Oha~berlin T 2nd. by Sauers to be tabled and the vote on same was as follows:- "ayes" Chamberlin, Sauers and Graef. "noes" Dougherty and Dubreuil, and motion carried. Chamberlin moved that the Mayor and City Attorney be instruoted to draw up a resolution endorsed by the Engineering Commission, asking Congress for an.a.ppropriation to control the Glacier Stream. Motion was 2nd. by Sauers and carried. Dougherty moves a resolution that the Couno~l meet on the "new time" or Sitka time and motion was 2nd. by Sauers and vote on same was as follows:- "Ayes" Sauers, Dougherty and Dubreuil. ".oes" Chamberlin and Graef, so the mayor declared the resolut- ion adopted and council will meet on "new time". Mr. E. O. Sawyer stated that during the reoent storm, a bulkhead on his property had been washed away and the water .as washing away the banks, so the street oommittee was instructed to make the necessary repairs. On motion the Counoil then adjourned to meet again October 16th. at 8 pm. ~~ Munioipal Clerk. -., ~ q Y?!l~ ayor , .I I ---, , "I I " lBHFe I I I l' -..~ L~ I '0 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward Town Council held October 16th. 1916... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by Mayor Myers and all councilmen were present excepting Chamberlin. The minutes of the last meeting w~re read and approved. A clllmmdmic",tion by W. P. Henry regarding assess:;.ent was referred to The Tax and Assessment Committee. A communic-ition regarding the balance due on school builiing contraot by Ley ton ani Hunamaker was read. A balance of $670.00 .as still due on contract and Sauers, 2nd. bZ Torrey moved that the contract- ors be paid $600.00 and the balance of $70.00 be retained until all the leaks in the school were repaired. At the call 0: the roll all council- men present votej "aye" so the clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for the amount stated. A communication by the fire chief regarding the new wh3mical engin3 was read and ordered filed. An estiu:ate of $250.00 on 5th. Ave clearing was submittel by thcl city enGineer and Dougherty, 2nd. by Sauers moved that the contractor be allowel the estirLate ani at the call of the roll, all councilmen present voted "aye", so the clerk was instructed to jraw a warrant in favor of T.P. Murphy the contractor. A communicQtion by the Alaskan Engine~ring Commiszion petitioning tor a franchi3e for use of a described portion of Railway Ave. for railroad purposes was read and an oriinance entitled:- "An ordinance granting to the United States of America a franchise to occupy a part of Railway Ave. for railroad purposes, laying tracks and switches thereon, and olosing the same from other traffio." was read for the first reading, and Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the ordinance pass to its second reading by title only, and at t~e c~ll of the roll all oouncil~en present voted "aye". After the 2nd. readins b~ title only, Dubreuil, 2nd. by Torrey moved that the orUnance pass to its 3rd. :r.eading and at the call of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye~. The 3rd. and final reading of the ordinance was moved by Sauers, 2nd bt Torrey to be adopted, and at the call of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye". The school Co'mittee was instructed to layover the building of a sidewalk around t~e school house until next spring after the grading had been done. Councilman Dougherty reported the cement sidewalk on Broadway crackinC in places and the oity engineer was instructed to look into the matter of repairing same. The street co~mittee reported the fixinG of bridge o~ Broadway over Lowell Creek progres6ing.cThe oommittee 'wa.e:.authorized to go ahead with the grading on 3rd. and 5th. Aves. the 3ame as on Broadway. The question of grading 5th. Ave. between Jefferson and Adams sts. came up and Torrey, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the work be done by day labor under the supervision of the Street cOCJffiittee. Councilman Dubreuil stated that the Alaska Transfer would do the work for $1200.00 an~ Torrey withdrew his motion and amended same that the street committee C7t.- .:: J M1.n~t~s of the meeting of Oct. 16th. 1916, cont. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - oonfer with Mr. Hoben to see if he would do the work otherwise the street committee go ahead as in original motion. The motion carried. The.plat of the new cemetary site was submitted by the city engineer and Torrey, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that same be adopted, and motion carried, After a sgort discussion regarding the prices of lots for sale and reservations in the cemetar~, Sauers, 2nd. by Do~gherty moved that the price per lot be plaoed at $25.00 or $10.00 for ~ lot, and that lots 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22 be reserved for fraternal orginazations and that Lots 1, 2, 11, 12, 13 and 14 be used. as a ~otter's Field, and that the clearing of the oemetary be Jone under the supervision of the city engineer. The motion carr~ed. The question of removing the bodies from their present burial places ~ the new cemetary ~as discussed. Mr B.L. Anderson offered to remove all the city's dead in the proper way for $30.00 a body. Torrey, 2nd. by sauers moved that Mr. Anderson be allowed the contract for removing the city's dead for $30.00,. and the motion carr~ed. The olerk was instructed to publish notice regarding same and also the sale of lots as soon as the same was staked by the city eng- ineer. On motion the council then adjourned until the next regular meeting. ~. Municipal Clerk. ~ m r4)!/!~ ,...., 1 BMf-<"~ I I I, ro-7 I~: I Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Seward Town Council held October 19th. 1916...... - - --- - - - - - - - - - The meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by Yayor Myers and all councilmen were present excepting Chamberlin. The following resolution was read:- "Be it resolved by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska that Brosius & Noon, are hereby granted a permit to construct a sidewalk on the South side of Waahington St. in the Town of Seward, Ala8~a, 100 feet in length and 10 feet in width, in front of Lot 1 Block 4 and a sidewalk about 100 feet tn length and 10 feet in width on the North side of Railway Ave. in front of Lots 1 and 2 in Bloak 4, and the privelege of aonstructing a veranda 56 feet in length and the width of the sidewalk across the sidewalk ~n the North side of Railway Ave. in front of said Lots 1 and 2 in sai;i Block 4, in front of the new building now being constructed on said Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 in the Town of Seward, Alaska,." Dougherty, 2nd. b~ Dubreuil moved that the resolution be adopted and at the call of the roful all councilmen present voted "aye". An ordinance entitled: _f;" ,y1 " An ordinance providing for the impro'vement of 5th. Ave, in the To\m of Seward, Alaska, by graling the part thereof oetween Adams and Jeff- erson Sts. and for the apportioning the ooat thereof anJ taxing two- thirds to the abutting property." was rea. for 1st. reading and Torrey, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that same pass to its 2nd. reading by title only, and at the oall of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye~. After the 2nd. reading, Dougherty, 2nd. by Totrey moved that same pass to its 3rd. and final reading, and at the call of the roll all councilmen prssent voted "aye". After the 3rd reading in full Dubreuil, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that ordinance be ad9pted, ani a.ll councilmen present voted "ayel! at the call of the roll, so oddinance was adopted. An ordinanc:e entitled:--:fICJo " An ordinance providing for the improve~ent of 5th. Ave in the Town of Seward, Alaska, by laying a sidewalk on a p~rt therof and to ta.x two- thirds of the cost thereof to the abutting property. I! was read and Torrey 2nd, by Dubreuil moved that the ordinance pass to 2nd. reading, and at the oall of the roll alll oouncilmen present voted "aye". After the 2nd. reading by title only Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that same pass to 3rd. and final reading and at the call 6f the ro'l all councilmen voted "ayel!. After the 3rd. reading in full, Torrey, 2ni. by Dubreuil moved that the ordinance be adopted and at the call of the roll all councilmen voted aye" . The bill for $37.00 b~ Alaska Transfer for excavating in alley in back of Post Offioe, which had been tabled at a previous meeting, was moved by Torrey, 2nd. by Dougherty to be paid, and at the call of the roll all counci1xen present voted "aye" so clerk was instructed to draw warrant for same. On motion the council ~ un cipal Clerk. then adjourned to me~t again Nov. 6th. 1916 :' ~ ~, >>WVY<- Mayor !- ,-- ---- - -,- 478 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward Town Council held November 6th. 1916... - ! The meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by Mayor Myers and all councilmen were pee sent excepting Chamberlin. The minutes of the regular meeting held Oct. 16th. and the minutes of the special meeting held Oct. 19th., were read and apptoved. A co~munication from Roberts and Nutter requesting that the balance due them on lumber obtained by Whitfield & Carter be paid to Mr. Sauers. The amount was $26.93 and Dubreuil, 2nd b~ Dougherty that "the amount be witheld from the final payment and paid to Mr. Sauers and the balance of $78.40 be paid to contractors. At the call fo the roll all counoil- men present voted "aye" so clerk was instructed to draw warrant. The Sohool Board asked for $1000-00 for school fund and Torrey, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that olerk draw warrant for the amount and at the oall of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye". The question of raise in personal tax against the Seward Ligh~t & Power Co., was held for opinion of City Attorne~ to come up at next meeting. A communication from H. C. Munro regarding his expention from tax as his property was for church purposes was reffered to oity attorney. The report of the city treasurer was aooepted on motion of Dougherty 2nd. by Torrey, which carried. The balance of $70.00 due sohool oontractors, Ley ton & Nunamaker, was ordered paid on motion of Torrey, 2nd by Sauers, and at the call of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye". The report of the Street Committee was accepted on motion of Dough- erty, 2nd. by Sauers. The final estimate on Adams St. grading contract was submitted by the city engineer. The amount $ll22.40 was ordered paid on motion of Sauers, 2nd by Dougherty, all councilmen present voting "aye" at the oall of the roll. The final estimate on 3rd. Ave. clearing contract by Alaska Trans- fer amounting to $102.00 was moved to be paid by Torrey, 2nd. Dubreuil, and at the e~ll of the roll all councilmen present voted "aye". The final payment of $782.50 on sewer contract and $294.60 on Adams St. sidewalk, due Anderson & McDonald was ordered paid on motion of Dougherty, 2nd. by Torrey, all councilmen present voting "aye" at the call of the roll, so clerk was instructed to draw the warrants. The resignation of the city engineer was laid over until the next meeting. A cOQmunication from the Alaskan Engineertng Commission accepting the franchise from tc:e c~ty was oriered filed. The petittons Of property holders protesting against closing a part of Railway Ave. from traffic was ordered to come up under new business. The bills after being OKed by the finance Committee were read as follows:- W. Stoker Chris Anderson J. L. Green J. H. Romig Robert Guest M. A. Horner Daniel D. Dunlap Alaska Elee. Co. Chas. Emswiler R. J. Spencer F. T. Fisher W. T. Spencer $50.00 32.00 50.00 75.00 125.00 125.00 175. 00 5.00 100.00 32.00 48,50 38.50 Leon C. Booker John Dubreuil O. H. Poehlmann Seward Water & Power S. O. Morford Leon C. Booker Seward Lt. & Pow. Herman Erioson C. Anderson John Pau1steiner Alex. Little Thos. Oliver 25.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 15.00 Co. 27.85 82.50 101. 00 95.00 3.25 52.50 1 BjUF(~ I I I . ~'tl {:.:.. ~ "- Minutes of November 6th. continued. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sam 'fickner C. S. Patten John Madsen Alex Scott L.L. Paul L. L. Winnie A. J. McGarry Bert Anderson Jerry Gill Geo. Kridler H. E. Ellsworth Geo. Stanley R. W:olsell Brown & Hawkins J. L. Graef Alaska Transfer Seward Drug Co. Post Pub. Co. Herman Ericson $32.00 12.00 34.00 56.00 4.00 6.00 16.00 11. 00 22.00 8.00 1.00 1;00 1.00 13.00 45.60 848.00 4.05 41.30 4.00 Tom Kallas', $42. 50 Fred Krause 31.00 W. Oliver 6.00 Sam Baykuloff 56.00 E. Ayres 29.00 L. L. Winnine 6.50 Thos. Johnson 13.50 Seward Iron Works 669.00 Mt. McKinley Eleo. Co. 1.75 Gateway Pub. Co. 22.90 Dee Sing 5.50 M.A. Horner (Fire Roll)40.00 J. L. Green 13.50 Seward Sawmill Co. 12.90 U. S. Rubber Co. 278.51 Seward Commcl. Co. 17.75 Borgen Grocery 3.70 Frank Ennis 5.25 Graef. and. by Dubreuil moved that the bills be paid and clerk draw warrants for amounts stated and at the call of the roll all council- men present voted "aye~. The fire committee was instructed to take u~ matter of :reight on chemical engine ani also the hose on the dock of the Engineering Commission. In order to meet the warrants drawn, Grae: moved that the City make a loan of $5000.00 from t' e Bank of Seward until February 1st. 19l7. Motion was 2nd. Sauers and carr~ed. Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that T. P. Murphy contractor on clearing 5th. Ave. be allowed $200.00 on his contract, the bal- ance of $50.00 to be retained until stumps had been burned. The question of 5th. Ave sidewalk came up and Sauers, 2nd. by Graef moved that the building of same be left until next spring and that Anderson & McDonald be refunied their,.check which accomanied their bid on same and mction carried. Attorney Coppernoll appearing for the protestants on the closing a part of Railway Ave. from traffic and the granting of a franchise to the United States oflAmerica, was heard and after opin- ions by Atty. S. O. Morford and City Atty. Geeen, it was moved by Dougherty that the City Atty. is hereby instructed to take such steps and bring such proceedings as may beoome neoessary to acquire for the city for street purposes the fractional lots 1.2,3,4.5,6, and 7 in Block 6 of the Town of Seward. Motion was 2nd. by Sauers and carried. On motion the council then adjourned to meet again Nov. 20th. at 8 pm. ~. .~ ( ;. >!u/ i/Y2--. .M~or , . I 1 r l' }~':'; G(.. I'" . I I I .. 481 The regular Meeting of the Seward Town Council held November 20th. 1916. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The meeting was called to order at 8 pm. by 1Iayor Myers and all councilmen were ptesent excepting Torrey. By permission the matter of the personal tax of the Seward Light & PO''ier Co., was allowed to come up first and after hearing opinion of the City Attorney on same it was moved by Dougherty, 2nd. by Graef that the valuation of the personal property of the Seward Light & Power Co., be lowered from $20,000 to $10,000. The motion oarried and the clerk was instruoted to make the ohange in the tax roll. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approv- ed. A oommunication by J. H. Romig regarding the removal of the bodies to the new oemetary, was ordered filed. An ordinanoe entitled, "An ordinance, to acquire for park and street purposes, the fraotional lots, nUffibered, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in Block 6 of the Frank L. Ballaine townsite of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and authorizing the oity attorney to bring condemnation proceedings in the name of the Town of Seward, and take such steps as is deemed advisable to aoquire said property for the purposes stated and for other purposes.", was read and after a::ehort disoU3.?ion, it was moved by Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubreuil that the ordinanoe pass its first reading. Chamberlin moved an amendment, that the Alasl:an Ingineering Commission be asked to stand half of the expense, but as there was no second to the amendment'the vote on the original motion resulted in all councilmen present voting "aye" exceptinG Chamberlin, who voted "no". After the 2nd. reading by title only, Dougherty, 2nd, by Dubre~il, moved that the ordinance pass to the 3rd, reading. Chamberlin moved an affiendment as before but there be~ng no second the vote on the original motion, all oouncilmen present voted "aye" exoepting Chamberlin, who voted "no". After the 3rd. ani final reading Dougherty, 2nd by Graef moved that ordinance be adopted. Chamberlin moved an amendment as before but as no one 2nd. same the vote on the original motion resulted in all councilmen voting "aye" excepting Chamberlin who did not vote. The Light Corr~ittee reported the work on the new lighting system progressing. ies the 'Nas The bill of Mr. B. L. Anderso~ for removing the was moved by Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty to be paid, callof the roll all councilmen present voted "aye" instructed to draw warrant for amount stated. ( city's bod- and at and clerk The Eatter of taxes abainst the ohurch property of Rev. H. C. Munro, came up and after an opinion by the oity attorney, Sauers, 2nd. by Chamberlin moved that taxes be recinded and motion carried. 482 Minutes of November 20th. 1916, continued. Chamberlin, 2nd. by Dougher;J moved that the resignation of city engineer Dunlap be accepted to take effeot Nov. 22nd. and motion carried. - The clerk was instructed to confer with Mr. Booker regariing suitable plaoe to store engineers reoords at a nominal rent. Sauers, 2nd. b~ Graef moved that the ringing of the fire bell as a curfew bell be discontinued and motion carried. On motion the council then adjourned to meet again Deoember 4th. at 8 pm. fP- (:2, )fqfYV0 Mayor (/ --. I I : ! .. 1 BMF'e I ,I I The minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Seward Town Council, held December 18th. 1916..... 1~~S3 The meeting was oalled to order at 8 pm. bF Ex-officio Mayor Sauers, and all councilmen were present. 1,myor Myers was absent. The minutes of t' e last regular meeting were read and approv4d. A oommunication by Fire chiefi Horner regarding the fixing up of a roo~ in the fire hall for one of the fireman was read and Chamberlin, 2nd. bF Dougherty moved that the chief be instructed to furnish same as necessary, and motion carried.' A communication by the Harriman National Bank in referanoe to $127.41 due them as 1/3 cost of the cement sidewalk around their building was read and Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubreuil moved that the clerk draw a warrant for the amonnt stated and at the call of the roll all counoilmen present voted "aye". A communication by the Bank of Sewzrd regarding the moving of a pOle in front of their building was moved by Chamberlin, 2nd. by Dougherty to be granted, and motion carried. . . The bills after being OKed. by the Finance Committee were read as follows:- A. P. Brown $10.00 Geo. Sexton 10.00 Sylvia Sexton 10.00 Joe Bennett 20.00 David Morosi 2.75 Louie Galinaa llr50 W. Wright ll.50 Alex. Scott 32.00 Chas, Bern 2.75 Seward Water & PowerlOO.OO Leon C. Booker 15.00 Robert Guest 125.00 Chas, Emswiler 100.00 Leon C. Booker 25.00 A. Me100he 8.00 R. B. Tucker 36.00 Gerald Gill 6.00 F. E. Whelpley 12-00 R. Woolsey 1.00 Thos Oliver 24.50 Alclska Elec. Co. 10;00m W. H. Oliver 6.00 J. L. Green 50.00 C. S. Patten 8.00 Sam Tic~:ner l2. 00 Geo. Stanley 7.35 M. A. Horner (FireR) 20.00 H. E. Ellsworth 5.60 Dee Sing 6.00 Sew_crd Sawmill Co 22.90 Ed. Schloman 1.00 Ed Murphy 3.85 Seward Drug Co. 41.05 Brosius & Noon 45.42 L.C. Bates Imogene Lucas Seward Grill Arctic Brotherhood David Wettig Jas. Rand Daniel D. Dunlap Sa.m Baykuloff John Uadsen S.O. Morford J. L. Green M. A Horner J. H. Romig O. H. Poehlmann Sam Tiokner C. S. Patten Al Wolfe Geo. Stanley A. L. Agee C. ANderson Seward Lt. & power F. C. Lambert F. E. Whelpley R. B. Tuoker Ed. Murphy Brosius & Noon Alaska Transfer B. L. Anderson Seward Steam Laundry " Commcl Co. Gateway Pub. Co. J. L. Graef Post Pub. Co. A. C. Taylor $10.00 10.00 5.00 Assn. 21. 00 2.00 n.50 128.35 32.00 20.00 5.00 50.00 125.00 75.00 50 , 00 20.00 24.00 8.00 4.90 4.00 3.50 27.25 6.00 12;00 16.00 2.50 36.00 58.00 25.00 1. 50 13.35 9.80 22.25 2.25 9.45 484 Minutesof December l3th. 1916 continued....... - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Graef, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the above bills bills be paid and that clerk draw warrants for same, and at the call of theroll all oouncilmen voted "aye". The Special Assessment Rolls Nos. w2 to 10 inolusive were sub- mitted by the clerk and Dougherty, 2nd. by Dubreuil resolved that the Special Assessment be accepted as submitt4d by the Clerk and the amonuts colleotei by Treasurer as other taxes. The roll was called and all counc~lmen voted "aye" so the Mayor declared the resolution adopted. The matter of penalty on delinquent taxes came up and Chamberlin, 2nd. by Sauers moved that the penalty of 5% as prOVided by ordinance be declared on all delinquent taxes, and motion carried. The resignation of Mr. Torrey was again referred to and same was by mutual consent allowed to remain tabled. Sauers, 2nd. by Dougherty moved that the Finance Committee confer with the Bank of Seward for an additional loan of $2000.00 for a period of 45 days and the motion carried. On motion the Council then adjourned, @~tic1~~, ~. , , .