HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931 City Council Minutes 459 iiEllllES:DAY, NOV'.r;l.ffiBH. 26th. 1~30. - - - _.~~._,_.". .--. -.-..------------------------ -~_._--_._-_._._---------~- - ..----------------- -,--~-------------~--_.---~-'-----_..__. I special meeting of the COrWl1on Cour,cll, Cit, of Seward held thi$ date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to otder at 3 pm. by', Mayor P.~.McMu1len, with all Councilmen present. ' . Meeting called for the purpose of considering an offer by the City to the Bureau of Public Hoads of Lots 33-34 & 35 in Block 17 Original Townsite fJr building purposes; After discussion, motion ! waS made by CouncilulUn Swetrnann, seconded by Hofman that'a Speoial' Warranty' Deed be tendered to the Bureau of Public Roads for the above described property; Calling the Roll oh the motion all Coun cilmen Voted in the affirmative. Ayes 6. SO Ordered. This meeting thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. fInsert) Above property tenderbd for the erection of Warehouse. Cf':r.; " 1 '!"'" I r M~YOR a aJM/M'I'~ CLERK ' MO~DAY, DBC~~BER. 1st. 1930. I Reguler meeting of the CO':llnon Council , City of Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; 11eetlng called to order at 8 pm~ by Mayor P.C .McMullen, with all Councilmen present. Minutes of last reguler and interveinin~ special meetings read and approved, with"insert" ' Claims totaling ~2274.82 presented ~LS folluws; BanI: of Seward 25.00. l:ellcheski 220.00. Balderston J.50.00. Haverstock 75.00. Ray 25.00. Little 25.00. Alaska R.R. 64~.20. Alaska Matanuska Coa~ Co. 160.5J. Alaska Road Commission 809.,97. Lanning 54.00'. Larsoni 54.00. Loomis 'if.00. l.1cAuley 3.10. Seward water Sply. 127.50. Seward Lite & Power Co. 402.55. Alaska Transfer 8.00. Osbo 1.00 Brosi us 24.15. McMullen 9.20. Ogle 6. 'Y). Brown & Hawkins 2.25. Moved by C0uncilman Hofman, seconded by nopkins that claims , as presented be IJaid; Calling the Roll all Councilmen Voted Aye. 6' Claim of Seward Drug Co. 19.5'1 pres~mted ; Moved by Councilman Roberts. seconded by' Hopkins that ClailQ be paid; Calling the Roll' following Councilmen voted Aye; Cooper, Hofman. Hopkins Orlander and Roberts; Counc ilman s\";etlllann not vot ing. J'.ys fi. A mot ion was made by Councilruan ::>we.~man:1, Seconded by Hofman that the sum of $1751.10 be withdrawn f:ror:l the general fund and placed in Savings acuount # 1171 to apply on School Bond Interest;' Calling the Roll on the Uotioh; All Councilmen present Voted in the affir.J1ati ve. Ayes 6. So Ordered. Phere being no f~rther business to come before this meeting; , it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. ,"/-', -.-. , -0,' ; ilCr ".... ('~ . IiAYOR a rJ/?~ddk , 'C L E R I: ;ilOlUJAY, D~C~~BER, 15th. l':l30-- No Meeting; MONDAY, JAIWARY, 5th. 1~31 . Regular meeting of the Coul1on Councill, City of Sewllrd, held this date in the Council Chambers, r.ieet:Lng callen to order at U pm by Ma.yor P.C.McMullen, with all Counoilmen present; Minutes.of last regular meeting read and approved. Claim. totaling l500.96,presented al3 fo11vws; Bank of Seward 25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Halderston 150.')0. Haverstock 75.00. Ray 25.10. Little 25.)0. Lanning 3.00" McAuley 6.00. Anderson 4.12. Lcomis 7.50. Seward Water Sply 127.50. J.L.Graef 4.00. Alaska R.R. 72.00. City & Andy Express 32.10. McMullen 2.40 Ogle 3.~g. Alaska Transfer d.JO. Seward Machine Shop 2';10.00 Seward Lite & P. Co. 300.90. C.M.Brosius 2\1.25. B.& H. 19.20. Gateway Pub. Co. 12.00. A.H.Thaday 5.10. Seward Drug 54.00 Moved by Councilman Eofman, seconded by Couper that all Cliams excepting Seward Drug Co. be paid; Calling the Roll on ~he motion; all Counoilmen present voted Aye. Ayes 6. 460 MONDAY, ~UlU~RY, 5th. 1~31, Cont. .Claim of ~eward Drug Co. 54.00 P!esented; Motion bl Oouaoilmu Orlander, seconded by Hofman th~t Claim be paid~ Oalling the Roll following Councilmen voted Aye; Cooper, Hofman,'Hopkine,.Otlander and Roberts; Councilman'S..tman not voting. 5 Ayes. ' Report of Seward School,Boa~d prusented; Referred to School Co~nitt._. ' t NOvember report of Seward G.nerd Hospital presented; refen, r to Hospital Committ.e. City Attorney's opinion on Sidlt1'lslk oDstrl1ot1ons re~d, order.: filea. . " , ' " Motion by Councilman"HOfman, seconded by Oooper, t~e.t R.V.Hob n be notified of City Att~rney's opinion on storm Door obstruction at Arcade Building on Fourth Avenue; and that m~tter bez referred to Police Committee for action. Calling the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen'present Voted Aye. Upon the Mayors su~g.stion that the City Dump Truck be painte a.motion was made by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Couper, that t e Flre Committee be authorizefi to expend n sw~ of not to excede 10.0 for this purpose; ~alling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilmen Voted in the affirmative. So ordered. " The matter of Radio Interference came under discussion; resul ing in the Mayor ap~ointing Councilmen Hopkiss and R~fman. as a committ e to look into this matter and report. Councilman Swetmann, upon request, wa.s granted u'two 'inonths leave of absence from Councilmanic duti&~ and Muyor appointed Coun cilman Hofman to act" on. Finance Committe~ dhring CounCilman Swetma ~'6 absenoe. The matter of enla~gihg the School House stage w~s' diBCUBS.d Matter was referred to School Committee for opinion On advi6~bilit and probabal" co"et of sume. ... Councilman Swetmann ~epbrted thht the work of r.pa1ring furnn c room of Hospital would start immediatel1. Therebeing no further business to come b~fore this meeting, i was, thereafter, upon proper motioh adJoutned. ;-, ~' i - 0; -\0. ~ ti.. ( r.tAYOR ,,_,_.t ~ "'----- <'''' a~a.t'd u.tZi. , . E R r l' MONDAY, JAlI~A~Y, l~th. 1931. NO Meeting. MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 2nd.' 1~3l. Regular Meet!n~ of the Common Council. City of Seward"held t is date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at B P.U. b Ma.yor P.a.McMullen, with the follJwing COUnCilI:1en present: Cooper Hofman, Orland ex and Roberts. Minutes of last regular meeting read und upproved. Delinquent Tax Roll 1930, and resolution pertaining thereto presen ed, Ordered held. Oyer till next ,regular meeting. . Co~nunication from Matt Schloser offering ~50.00 each for pur chase of lots 33 and 34 Block 17. presented; Of de red Tabled. Motion by Councilman Hofman, seconded by Cooper, that Matt sc loser be,a.sessed 2.00 per month efective from Feby. 1st. li31, fo two cabins occupied by him on lots 33. ahd 34. in Block 17: C&11in the roll on the. motion, all Counoilmen present voted Aye; Ayes 4. Motion ~e Couneilman Hofman, .eoonded by orlander, that Tax D eds be iesued in favor of Luella Y.. MoVullen, ,for lots 16. 11. 'Block 1 . same. having been purchased at Tax 8ale January lOth. 1929by said party. . . Claims totaling.$ 1064.21 pre.ented as follows; Bank of.Sewa d 25.00. Keiloh.ski 220.QO. Balderston 160.00. Haverstock 7~.OO. Little 25.~0. Seward water Sply. 127.50. A.H.Thoday 116.00. seward Lite,&: P. CO. 292.45. McAulet 2.2~.st P.Anderson 1.50. :Ji'.Loomis 1.150. G.Santos 2.00. B. &: H. CJrp. 4.0'). UclAullen 2.75 Ogle 7.76. Gateway Pub Co. 2.50. Seward Trading Co. 2.00. Alaska Transfer, 8.')0. Motion by Oouncil~an Hofman, seconded .Y Roberts, that claims be allowed and warrants drawn in payment' of s me. Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. Ayes 4. Hospital rerort for December, 1930, presented, ordered filed. Council:nan Hofman of Radio inteferanee Committee, reports progress No (uorum. r,lO::Dil.Y, FEBRUARY, 2nd, l~~l. Cant. I ~reasurer, H.C.Erwin, of seward School Board, presented requeJt for an advance of 2501.00 for current School Expenses. Matter held I , open till next regular meeting. : Moti~n made by Councilman Orlander, seconded by H~fman, that the sum of $1750.00 be withdrawn from the general fund and placed 'I' in savings ~/c I 1171 to apply on October 1931 interest on School . Bond. Calling the Roll o~ the motion; All Councilmen present vote4 in the nffirmative. so Ordered. I There being no further business to cOlae before this meeting; 'I it was, thereafter. upom proper moti0n adjourned. , ! 1l0i:llJ.H. FBBRU;I.RY, 16th. 1'J31 I (~~ddML~ CLERI: ~ I ! I , :-;'~ .7 "t ~ , .... ~ " ~, -, 'J ,,' " U ''!? ~:'Ii\. /}h...fLL.~ MAYOR I Regular mectinp of the Co'm:JQn Council, City of Seward, held i this date in the Cou:".cil Chul:lbers: lJeeting cF.lleu to order by l)re~ Pro-tern Hofman, in absence of Mayor J>.C.i.lcL:ullen, at t3 1).m.with i the follQwing CouLeilmen lIre sent : Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orland~r I und Roberts; I Minutes of the last regular meeting read and aplJroved. I Fall ,)wing RB~O:'UT I ON rresE:nte d: I ,mLR:~AS 'l'he tuxes on Real Property in the Ci t~l of Seward, .\.ladhu for the year 1930ibecame delinquent on 1I0vember, 15th. D:t the hOu~ of 5 a'el ,ck P.U.and, I Nhereas the UunicipHl Clerk of the City of Seward, presented ~o the Council the delinquent tax roll of all the Real Property aSBe~~ ed and on which the tax has not been paid und is therefore delinq~ ent, and said roll is in due form, non ':'mm3FORE m; IT R3S0LVB1J BY 'rHE CQl,UWIJ COt:lJCIL, CITv OF SK,IARD, AL\.SLic. 1. That the Municipal Clerk CBuse said delinquent Tax Roll to I be published.togeather with a notice that said delinquent tax . roll has been completed and is open f,r public inspection at the office of the ;,lunicipal Clerk and that on the 10th. duy of ,'.pril; I. 1931, or as soon thereafter as council may be heard, said delinouj ent tux roll will be prese~ted to the Di~trict ~ourt for the Thir~ Division, Territory of Aluskri, forjud~ement und order of sale. j 2. That said delinquer.t tax roll Iind notice aforesaid be pub i lished once a weel: for fonr conser!ui ti ve weeks'i:; the Sewn ro D:..liIJt Gateway, a newspaper of general circulation, PUbli,shed in the CitJt of Seward, ~laska, which newspaper is hereby designated as the oft icial publication for this purpose. i Adopted under suspension of rules this 16th. day of February ~'J31 ~ .' . , ,n -...':ii"~j/" .~..:~(, i MAY 0 R I Motion b:7 Councilulan Orlander, seconded b;y Cooper, that rules I be suspended for the adoption of the l~el:Jolution; ,Jalling the :~oll; All Councilme:1 present Voted Aye. i On the ~uestion Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Councilm~n prescnt Vote,. Aye. So Orders. and Hes\.<Lution ,.dvpteu. ! lflotion by CouncilJ:llln Orlander. Seconde( by Hoberts that tte Special Sch001 Fund A/e consisting of ~ld.76 be clused and the s~~d amount of $18.76 be placed in the General Fund ../c. CaLing the rdll on the Motion; All Councilmen present voted Aye. Ayes 5. . Motion made by Councilman Orlander, Seconded by Couper that tije Mayor be authorized to execute a~d sigkn a lease from the Al~ska i Railroad to the City of Seward, for two triangular tracts of land' adjacent to the South Limit of the Incorporated Limi~s of the City of Seward, for a term of Five Years from Hay 1st 1931 to April 30~h 1936, and at an annual rental of One Dollar. CeIling the Roll on the above motion; All 80uncilmen rresent Voted in the affirmative; Ayes 5. Treasurer of School Board reports for quurters ending Dec. 31st 1930 and March 3lst 1931. presented: Ordered filed. Motion was made by Councilman Orlander, seconded by Hopkins that upon demand, the Sum of $300.00 be advanced to the Seward Sohool Bo~rd as n loan to defray current expenses; calling the roll; . All Councilmen present voted Aye. 462 MOHDAY. FEBRUARY, 16th.H3l. Cont. Cha.irman Erwin of the SewHrd School.Board, was presAnt and brot up the matter of inoculation for School-Children as an im- unity from'dythheria: Matter was left in the hands of the School There being no further busineaa to come before this meeting it wa~, thereafter, upon proper motion, adjourned. /JJ- Cj. ~I "t I ''If' . ' n1 .} V .' JAY 0 Board. t? ~f. f~" :. if?~/ . ~ E R -}: MOHDAY, MARCH, 2nd. 1931. Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held his date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8. P.II. b;y Mayor P.e.McMullen; with the following Councilmeu. present: Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander, Roberts & ~wetmunn. I Minutes of the IHst regular meeting read and approved. I Petition presented, signed by 57 citizens of the City ,Jf SeWard, 0. d laddresEed to t',e Mayor and Common Council of Buid City; petitionin Ithat the present Ordinance 7f64 relating to the ernpound ing of Dogs; be repealed and an Ordinance be prcvided Licensing Dogs and ollowing them to run at large; This petition was regerred to the Committee Ion Pub lid Health & Public protection. . The Mayor advised that arrangements had ~een made to sound tte 'fire siren at i%.x intervals immediately preceding the discharge 0 the dyngmite shot at the Breakwater quarry; and referred this matter to the Comn1tt, ve on Publio Health & Public Protection. Claims totalling ~95l.61 were presented as follows: Bank of Seward 25.00. Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.00. Hav~rstock 5.00 Little 25.00. Seward nater Supply 127.50. J.l.Graef 6.00. Seward lite & Power Co. 26~.95. II.West 6.00. P anderson 1.50. F.Loomis 6.00 B.& H. Corp. 11.55. Osbo's 3.55. Ogle's 24.76. Motion oy Counci an Hofman, Seconded by Hopkins that Claims be approved and Vouchers dawn in Payment of same; calling the Roll on the Motion: All Counoilme present voted in the affirm~tive. j . Motion was made by Councilman swetmann, seconded by Hofman, that 7'"" tte Law & Ordinance Committee be instructed to have prepaired a emorial & Bill with Letter of Expltnation. to be Presented to the Territorial legislature now in session; relative to the Transfer 0 City Property embrasing the Hospital site consisting of the followi g lots; ( 4. 5. 6. 7. 34. 35. 36. & 37. all i~ BIJck 12 of the Origi 0.1 Townsite) to the <<omans Home Missionary Society, to be operated as a General Hospital, by the said Society; Calling the Roll on the above Motion; All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative. Ayes 6. Attorney E.P.Harwood, on behalf of the Cha1nber of Co;,unerce, Cit~l of Seward, submitted Ordinances from the Towns of Cordova, Valdez and Anchorage, regulating the licensing of Itinerant Merchants and Peddlers, and asked thut some such similar Ordinance be inacted to protect the City of Seward in like manner: A Motion was made by Councilman Hofman, seconded by :3wetrnann that this matter be reffered tc the Law & Ordinance Co~aittee, Calling the Roll resulted in an unanemouse Vote of Aye. by the Council. The following persons were named to act as Judges, Clerks, and Inspector at the cOllleing ::runicipal Election to be held on 'l'uesday April, 7th. 1931: For Inspector George sexton, for Judges J.e.Robe and Jennie P~ulsen, fot Clerks Bessie M. Malloy and Sylvia Sexton. The Clerk was fnstructed td cast an unanemOllse ],ullot. in favo of the above named persons; 1'1 the event of fni::':lr~ to qualify Office shall be dpclaired vacant. Thret being further business to corne befQre this !aeeting; It was. thaerafter upon prcper motion adjournef to meet at the call 0 The Chair. - n ( ,y, \) Ii', ,. \,,' \ o R II ,"lJI() 'It)!>) 'rlmR:3D.~Y, Wl.reh. 5th. 19~H. . I . ~, " I Adjourne(l Regula.r Meeting of the COl'lnon Council, City of Sewu:id[', held this date in the Council ~hu:noers, ;leeting culled to order 0:1 \ Mayor P.C .McMullen, with the following C,)uncilmen present: Cooper 'j Hofman. Hopkins, Orlander and Swetmann. Mayor advised that the meeting was ca.lle,; for the purpose of I' presenting the following Memorial: M E ~ 0 R I A L I TO TITE Lb:GISLATPRE OF THE 'l'BRRI'.'OHY OF ALASKA, Il~ THE TEllTH I REGULAR SESSIOn THEREOF ",.::s::s}~1lBLElJ .i.T ,JUHj';"l.U, AL...::sU: ! Je, your memurialists, the Common Council of the City of sewar~ Alaska, respectfully represent: i That incorporateo Cities in the 'i'erritory of .1.1uska that con- I struct new school buildings are withour authority under existing i law to sell or otherwise dispose of their old school buildings and i property thereby abandoned and no longer neeced for school purVoseq. That such cities Bre therefore deprived of the money to be der~ ived from a sale or rental of sU9h abandoned buildings and propert~. or the power to make other disposal of the same for the best inter ests of the City. . That the Legislature of the Territory of Alasku took cognizunc of a similar situation which existed prior to 1~2~ relative to sch ol buildings in school districts outside of incorporated cities and ~ incorporated school dip,tricts abandoned because of the constructio of new school buildings, and by section 100 of chapter 97 of the Laws of 192~ empowered toe Comrnissioner of Education with the apP-1 roval of the Govenor to sell or rent such abandoned sehoul buildin s That similar authority should be given to incorporated cities to disp~se of their school buildings and property abandone~ becausd of the construction of new school buildln~8. 1 NON, THEREFORE. your memorialists respectfully urge that the Legislature of the ~erritory of Alaska at the present session ther - of grant to incorporated cities power to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of school buildings and real rroperty abandoned because of the construction of new school buildings. For your consideration we respectfully suggest JD!l that said Section 1')0 of Chapter 97 of the Laws of 192~) be amended by add inp theretc the following; I " When a school building and real property in a schaul distric~ in an incorporated city is abandoned because of the constructiun 0 a n1'1W school build ing the Common Gounci1 of such inc'orporated city may in thctr discretion sell, lease or otherwise disp,Jse of said I abandoned building and vroperty under such teTIJE and conditions as I shall appear for tho best interests of said City" And your memorialists will ever pray. I , Adopted under suspension of rules this !ith. day of Harch, 1931. (~ ff : '. , / / A[-h~:hl;(;(7/ ~ MAY 0 R . L E R I: Moved by COUlCU mm Eopl:ins, seuondod b;y Hofwin, that the rUlej be suspended for tl:e adoption of the above Memorial and that the first reading of same be considered ttc second and third ~eudings, Calling the Roll resulted in the following bllllt; Councilmen I Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander and swetman votinp, AYE: Councilr,1an 'I Cooper Voting HAY. Ayes 4 Hays 1. I.lotion carried and so ordered. The Mayor propounded the Cuestion " Shall the ~emorial be udop~ ted"? Callin!! the Roll resulted in the :foll Jwinp: blj llut bei. nl1' cast I Councilmen Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander and swetmann voting AYE: I Councilman Cooper voting Nay. Ayes 1 nays 1 ' The Mayor declaired the Memorial duly adopted and signed sane In open sessiom in apnroval of sarne. -. There teing no further business to 'JOr1e before this mef'tinp: was, thereafter. upon prcr>er motion adj<)nrned. ' ,,~ .- ;;';<.'.;,-;-;l /~ J ,_ ,J. 4f54 110HDiiY. MARC':, IGth. L!~31. "f... Regular meeting of the ComMon Council, City of Seward, held t is date in t~e Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor P. . I,lcl1ullen at 8. P.,,!. with the follo1Jl1ing Councilmen present: Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander and Swetmann: Councilmen Cooper 8: Roberts absent Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Certificate of Sale presented by .iilliam ?c Annu Fairman, potioninl2' for Tax Dee0 for"lJt 3 Bluck 17 Federal Addition; Same beinp in or er; l.:~,tion was made by Councilman Orlllnder, seconded by Hofman that a Tux Deed be executed und delivered as above petitioned; Culling th Roll: All Councilmen present voted Aye, ~yes 4. So Orderee. Com~unications from Representqtive Brosius relative to Aviati n Field refund and introduction of House Bill number 13 read. Seward General qospital rer~rt for month endin~ Feby. 28th. presented: Ordere~ filed. Treasurer of School Board report for term ending March, 31st. presented; Ordered filed. Motion by Councilman Hopkins, seconded by swetmann, that Ligh Committee be authorized to purchase necessary Light Globes for strlet light replacement, same to be purchased at lowest, bid; Culline the Roll; All Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. At the suggestion of Chairman Hofman, of the SOVlerap;e Committ e and upon a motion by Councilman Swetrnann, seconded by Orlundor, th said Committee was authorized to make an e~penditure of not to exc de ~:25.0') for f:linor rerairs to Sewer OutletE;, CulliJllr t'lO roll on thi ,:lotion, All Councilmen voted in the affirmative. Clerk was instructeJ to cast the unanimous ballot of the Coun'il for Jennie Paulsen for the position of School Tax Collector for th City of Seward for the yeur 1~31. Ordinance lio. 108 presented as follows: ORiJIlJ.t.iICE 110. 108 .UJ ORlJIll~liCl~ ~I'POI1IT IlJG ;,. S!~HO()L rl'~,{ COLLECTOR FOR THE CITY OF SEri~HD, A.l.ASL'., FO] T1IK y}~~R IV31. BL IT ORD.l.IlJ~~ BY TH..;; COW,lOH COUNCn"? CI'l'Y O}<' SEilARD, Ak~::;l~. Section 1. That persuant to and in acoordance with the requi ement of Chapter 2::1, of the SeBsion Laws of Alaska for the year 1\Jl9. En itled "An act to irapose 11 Tu:x upon ~:Iale persons in the rrerritory of Alas 'U for school purposes. providing ~eunB for its colleotion und doclai in~ an emergency", us amended by the act of Hay 2nd. 1921 of sai~ 3.ct contained. Jennie I'D-ulson, u resident of the Ci t;l of seward, Alaska and a citizen of the (Tnited states of Al11ericu; Is hereby al'pointed and ie declaired to be the School 7ax Collector for the City of Seward, tlaska, for tho yoar 1931, and upon qualification of said person by furnishing a good and sufficient bond in accordance with the law, all conditions, provisions and reqlirements of said acts, Ehu11 be carried out and enforce~ DC by law regulated and re~uired in the coJlection of said School Taxes. Section 2. An emor~ency is hereby declaired to exist, and this Ordinance sha.ll take effect af',er its pnssrlge UC1d npprovel. PaEse~ under suspension of Rules this 16th. duy of Uurch. IJ)l Appro1'ed this 16th. day of ;larch, 1~l31. . I\._r. I, ,\ ,1, ~ -~. . h..J:"a~~'~/--/4iJ,V' "' R l' '1 . ~ 1 _ -I, !.loved by Counciliuan r:ofI:Jan, seconded by ;3wet::lIln:L, that t.he rnl s be suspended for the adoptiol, of tee Ordinabce: Culli:Lp: tr_e HOll, Dll Councilmen pre&ont voted in tr.e uffirtrlf!tive. On the Cuestion ~3hull th" Ordinanco. be udopted? ;..11 Councilmen }l'csent 70teu ,~ye. ,,~vos 1. ivhereupon the :,1ayor sip-ned tho Ordine-nc i~ open session. Councilman OrlanCerSuFgesteJ~ that owing to the apparent luis understanding among Citi~~ns as to the operation and disposition of the Sew~rd General HospitBl, it would be well to cull 11 moeting to be attended by the Doctor in charge, A representative of the ,'omunE Home Eissionary 0ociety, Hayor.CouUllil, City AttJrnoy and any others intorested, tlt \'lhicl1 ::1eetinf this matter could bo elucidated a.nd discussed; Th!) llu;y'or advised that he would call such a :neeting iL1mediatoly upon the return of the City /I-ttorney to the City. i,:OI!1)..~!, V~H\;Ht ll~)tll. l'.J~Sl. fj0L.....'. . Request fro~ the S,wurd Schoo~ Board for an ~dvance of fundL to meet current expenses, resulted in Do notion b:,r CO'llTIcilr1an Orlander, seconded by Swetmunn that the sum of ~6()().()O ve 'rJ:J.do I available, upon demund, for thhs purpose; C'lllini!' the Roll n~ thpl Hotiorl, J,ll Councilmen present voted in tr,e affirmutive. Ayes 1. There being no further business to uome before this me(tinp. it was, thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. H01H:J.iY, APRn. 6th. 1'3:31 I ! } W &. ~ ,/(;. ..:- ~ e/_ G ]. l~ It t \ I I I r: ..~ .;~ _ . 0..' hb.tlt~~XA~ll+da}r;(xi.~li.i:. \,J',. \...r "" ;I i '- _' :l1L.t!.A..--l[~c;(.______ U .1. v 0 R I Regular meeting of tr,e Cor:l:non Council, City of Seward, held i this date in the Council Chambers, Beetintl: called to order 'it 8 p:l.i y ;\1uyorP.C .UcMullen, with the followinp: CounciLJen jlresent; Cooper, Hofman, Hopkins, Orlander Roberts and Swetmnnn; Ordinance pertaining to peddlers etc. presented ordered to be refferred to Cit;v' Attorney by law & Ordinance Committee. Claims totaling t1472. Wi presented as foll,)ws: Bank of Seward 25.01. Keilcheski 220.00 Balderston 150.10. Eaverstock 7fi.')l. Ray 25.00. Little 25.0'). Se"plrd ,later sply, 127.[>') i iI.i3?lJurley ,I;; Co. 7.81. Brown ,0.; TIawkins lSJ.'Jfi. Seward lite tc 1'. C~ 256.40. Lannin~ 9.00. SOderberp 3.00. Smith. 3.10. Downey 1.50 I Anderson i:i2.1.5J. Guteway Pub. Co. 462.55. O~les 21.35. UcUullc~ - I 1.80. Al~s~~ Transfer IG.IO. Cash 7.30. I Motion by ~ouncilman Orlunder, seconded by Rof!llan thllt cl'iir'l '18 [resented by ullJVled and warranys bo drawn in l':J.Y!1ent of same; I Callin?: the Roll; All Councilmen present voted :"ye. i Mot:on by ~ouncilman Popkins, seconded by Swetm~nn that 7ux I deede be issued to 'rurry rawbe for luts 5 ! 6 Bloc}; 3 Buy View add.! same huvinf been bought by luwllbe ~t tax SLIa Juny. 10th. 1J2SJ. i Ca1linB t;~e Roll on the motionj .~ll Councilmen voted in the affirrll~4 t i ve. so orderel'. I ' March Hospital report presented; Ordere~ filed. Seward Light & power Corporation Report for 1930 presented; Ordered filed. i Audit of Hospitul accounts presented; Orderdd filed. ' Councilman Hofmun of Sewer Com.:li ttee reports repatrs to 5th. 76th. Ave Sewer would cost about 50.10. no action tuken. P.C.Bender's tender of $20.0; for lot ~ block 27 rejected. Mayor reminded Councilmen to meet ~t 4 f.ll. ~edne6d~y April 8th. as a Canvasing Board to canvas Municiyul Election bullots. Threr being further business to come before this meeting, it i was thereafter adjourned to meot at the c211 of the Chair. I , ' 'I /',/V)' ~ /. .f '" /' . . <, .' . . ' - I~.LJ '~ /.?Z-.:. ~', ,/ < '- - C 1. B R 1: i i J.1.'<YOR I CAllVASSIllG BOARD APRIl" 8th. 103m. Council met at 4 o'clock p.m. this date in the Council Chan~ers Ci~y o~ Seward, Al~8ka. Meeting called to order by Mayor ?a. Mc~u11en, with the folluwing Councilmen present; Cooper, Hofnan. Hopkins, Orlander Roberts and Swetmann. The Mayur appointed Councilmen Orlander and Swetmann as a Camrni ttee to canvas the ball,)ts. They report the count of the Election Judges as correct and Inove acceptance; Mot ion Carried. I The following Resolution was thereafter presented; , RESOLUTION. I . \lHlm;~AS.. in accordance wi t~, the laws of the '_'erri tory of I "i~asLa. und ?rd:lnanoe 44 of <h ("'11;' ',<' -~r," ,'ii, _'~""" ;'. lind notict g:lven, a mun:lcipul election was held in the Town Hull in suid eit' on the 7th. day of April 1\)31 and rfilhllliAS, in a.ccordance 'with 'tho certificates filed with ui Munioipal Clerk of said City, by the election officers of said eld ction the following named persons received the exact number of I votes placed after their respeotive names for offices hereinafter I stated to wit: I 466 CAlJ'/~SSIlIG BOl..RD. 16n., dth. lV31. Cont. FOR 1UYOR D.O .BROIWELL P o.C .l.IoMUl.LID~ E.1'. IIARitOOD L.V.Ray 200 106 2 1 J.S.Hofman 120 O.A.Johansen 114 FOR COlTlICIr..t.UUJ GUS MAlI?HY 209 A.H. L .1,mYER 206 J.B.STAliTOil 167 E.L.Sweek 96 For Member Sohool Board R.D.Sullivan 205 Sol Urie 4 Thos Neville 1 F.E.Leslie 4 E. Swetmann 1 John Nelson 1 and, .YHER~\S, the r~turns od said election were canvassed by the Common Council of said City at 4 o'clock P.Ll. April, 8th. 1931. NOv; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVElJ BY THE cQl,rmn COlTHCIL, CITY OF SEWARD, AL4SKA, That in accordanoe with the results of 'said elect on as above determined, the following named persons having received he highest number of votes fdlr the respective offices to wit:.. ~AYOR D.C.BROW~ELL, COUNCILMEN GUS lJANTTIY, A.E.I.MEiER JOSPER B. STANTON MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOaRD R.D.tiFl,IJIV.llj, ADD THAT THEY BE, and hll'll'eby are declaired eleoteu to said respective offices. Passed under suspension of rules this 8th, day of April, 1 31. J. ~) ~ ~ 1 11J'L)'U; . , \' if u-<--<- <L "-~ Ma.YOR /lI!f!{tr f Motion by Councilman Orlander, seconded by 3wetmann, that th rules be suspended for the odoption of the Resol~tion: Calli~g th Roll all Councilmen present voted Aye. .On the question Shall the resolution pass? A.ll Councilmen present Voted Aye. Ayes 6. Clerk was instructed to write to Gateway Plwlishing Co. maki g coment upon the poor perforation of ballots suplied. und also to write to Election officers calling attention to the car~less w~y in which some ballots had been x.xa handled in connection with tt tearing.off of numbers. The CunvasEinB Bcard having performed its duties, this mepti ~ was, upon proper motion adjourned. // , --Z", ,:," I - " I i_ 1'1 .' ,~_ I' " J.1 A Y 0 R ~411S'A- SATURDAY, APRIL, 11th. 1931 1'osponed Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Sewar , held this date in the Council Chambers, :,reetiniZ caller] to order by Uayor P.C .McMullen at 10 a.m. with the fOllowing CouncilrJen presen Cooper, Holfman. Hopkins. Roberts and' Swetmann. Minutes of the Canvassing Board read and approved. 1<'inancial" report of the School Board for period netiing I~arch 31st 03l presented: Ordered filed. . Ordinance pertaining to redd~ers presented, ordered referred 0 incomein~ Council, with recomendution that action be taken. Claims totaling 404.99" presented 8S follows; G.Bexton 10.00 , Robertson.IO.OO. Paulsen 10.00 Malloy 10.00. S.Sexton 10.00. Keilcheski 73.33. Balderston 50.00. Haverstock 25.00. Ray 8.33 Little 8.33. Ulshagen 70.00 Bates 1.60. Loomis 3.00. Wolcott 15. Gateway Pub. Co. 14.00 E.P.Harwood 25.00; Motion by Councilman Hofman, seconded b;r Cooper that claims a listed be approved and warrants drawn in payment of sume; Calling the Rol all Councilmen present voted in the affirmative: Ayes p. Claim of Dan B.ivilliarns "61.50. was reported o!f by street COlnr.li with recomendation to pay same; Motion was made by Councilman Hofm seconded by Roberts, that claim be allowed and warrant drawn in payment of same; Calling the roll: All Councilmen present voted Ay . ,; t'~7 Ig ""', , ~:r ' .f 3~TVRDiY, i~RIL. 11th. Cont. I Councilman Swetwun:l broufht ur the r:lutter of certIJin equillla- ent sold to the City for the use of the Seward General Hospital and to be paid for by the City at n certain stipulated rate per month; and whereas the stipulnted rrice of this equipment beinp $1000.00 and having been furnished by the Alaska Railroad to the I City of Seward, and whereas, the Alaska Railroad has not billeu, ' nor has it received any payment frolJ the City of SevUlrd, for this I equipme~t, but has been witholdi~g ~rorn Dr. Haverstock hi~ ~onthl~1 salary In payment of same; Now, It lE t~o consensus of oplnlon of Councilman Swetmunn und the entire Council that Dr. Haverstock be I reimbursed by the City of Seward for the monies of which he hf1s . been deprived. City Clerk was instructed to present this matter td the incomein~ Council with u recomendution that they act favornbl~ in the matter. I City Attorney, L.V.Ray, presented deeds duly executed, under I previous authority, form the City of Seward to the three fol1u\'/ind Fraternal orga.ntzations to wit; F.Pc A.!ll1sons, 1.O.o.Oddfellows u;ldl Pioneers," for tracts in the Seward Cematery site; Recornending tha~,; upon motion made and carried said deeds be deliverd to the aforn~r said Orgtn~zations: A Motion was mnde to this efect by Councilm~ Swetrnann, secohded by Hof:nun that de es as prepaired be deli Vi-,y':11 ;; Calling tl:e Roll c1n the r:lOtion; All Counoilrnen present voted ;c:!G. i Resigm1tion of Councilmun C .]~.(Jrlunder was prese-:1ted; j,;oveo nJ1 Councilman Hofman, seconded by Coorer thnt C .:S.OriU.nderH resigna-I tion be acce~ted; Culling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted Aye. I Mayor P.C.UcMullen made a few appropriate remarks, thanking t~ the Cou:lcil for the sUlJport givcn him durins his tenure of offiCE: I us J..luyor, und wishinp.: ineomeinv ;:a~.'or r:'.C.BYoV'.'nell und the ineorne- Council all success. Inco[r:einf !.layor Brownell th~n1.c( I.laYl7r l.lcl1ull, en in a few well chosen remarks; I This meetine thereafter >idjeurned, ~IlrE 1Jn:. .r . . "" It/ . --rC 4 ~~flit4 ~Itl,- ' ImrJediately folluwing the adjournr::cnt of the Oi'~r,ir:g Counel:.1 ~~~;,'r ,:1')'1:10311 called the lIew Council to ,oruer; Calling the Roll i the following Counci~uen were present: Cooper, Munt~y, Ueyer, ! Reberts and .:stanton. Citil j.ttorney adr:JinistereLi the Oath of Offir:ei to the Ii;ayor and new J:lemberH of the inc'Yl1inp.: Council. Resignation of Councilman C.L.Orlunder presented: 1:ovo'd by I Council1u:m ::>tb.nton, seconded by Cooper that resignation be accepte~ Culling the Roll; :..11 Councilr:ien present voted in the affir':lutive.i Upon ~ motion rnade by Councilman Roberts, seconded by UunthY;i Fire Chief was authorized if necessary, to hire two heIfers while burning grass in the residence district; , Culling the Roll: All Councilmen present Voted in the affi~nutive. Hayor advised that he expected to appoint CCffiE1ittees in :J fr,w: days Lmd for that reason ordered this rneetinl2' h!:ld olAm to :lOnt :it! 8 p.m. Monday, April. 13th. 1931 -'It, c? << ~<:j3l k ~ . 0 ' ~&(~ -<) .u r; ... 1:. IJO:UM.Y. .i.PRIl, l7tr.. 1921. 1 Adjourned regular 'Jectinp.: of the Comnon Council, City of Qf1wur,j held this date in the Councilchambers, Meetinp.: calle~ to order by Moyor Brownell at 8 p.I:l.; with the following COllncil';]en present; Coarer, Wmth;!, Heyer, Roberte Ilnd stanton. Minutes of last meeting read and arprovnd , Bond of Jen"1ie Paulsen, School Tux Collector, presented; Iioved b:!' Counc'i.lman Hanthy, seconned by Meyer; thut bond as presented be accepted; Calling the Roll on tr.o motion; All Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Corn:nunication fror~ ;,.C.Lrwin~ ~)ref:3idont of ~jchool Board, pre sn nted; asking for un advance of y1100.JO to defray current Scbool I eXfenses; Hutter referred t'J :.)ehool CO'11ittee with recomenn",tiJr2 to l::lake necesear::, urran;?ei:\onts. 46R HOllll....y. Al'RI1,. 13th. lV31. Cant. Communication from Chas. T.Hatton, presented. asking for un expression from the Council relative to the continued operation of the Seward General Hospital by the Womans TIome Missionary society. Motion by Councilman Cooper , seconded by Meyer that the mat ter be left in ~he hands of the Mayor; Culling tho Roll all Counci men present voted ~n the affirm~tive.. . Mayor submitted a partial list of appointments to Cornrni ttees and stated that Committee appointments would be completed as soon as the vacancy maxXk. on the Council had been filled. The Mayor. brought up the question of publishing the minutes 0 all Council meetings in the Seward Daily Gateway and fuying for said publication: Matter was referred to Printing and Advertising Commi tee with instructions to report at next meeting. . It being apparent that the negotiation of a loan was necessar to defray current City expenses and to comply with the request of Seward School Board for an advance of funds; Amotion was made by Councilman Cooper, seconded. by Manthy that the Mayor l.lod Councilmu :.:eyer be instructed have budget prepaired, negotiate loan and make neces ary advance to the Seward School Poard of ~llOn.OO. Calling the Ro on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye; Ayes 5. . The question of the Speed limit and other safety measures re- relative to the operation of Motor driven vehioles within the City li'nits was disoussed; In tle opinion of the Council the Ordinance regulating these measures was to be strictly enforced. There being no further business to come before this meetin~; It was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjnurned. CjJ~, M a MONDAY. APRIL. 20th. 1931. Regular meeting of the CO~Jon Council, City of Seward. held t is date in ~he Council Chambers,; Meeting called .0 order nt 8 p.m. b Mayor Brownell, with the following Councilmen present; Cooper, 1w Meyer. Roberts and stanton. Minutes of the last meeting, read and approved. Salary Ordinance #109 presented and read; Fixing the rate of Compe satiun to be paid Municipal Officers, to wit; The Municipal Clerk shall receive a monthly salary at the rate of The Municipal Magistrate shall resoive a montrrly salary at the rat of $25.00. per month. The l.1unicipal Assessor shall receive a rnont salary at the rate of $25.00 peT month. The Municipal Attorney sh receive a monthly salary at the rate of ~50.:)Oper month. The 11un icipal Health Officer shall receive a monthly salary at the rate 0 ~75.00 per month. 'l'he Munioipal Treasurer shall receive an annual salary at the rate of 01.10 per year. The Chief of the Fire Dep&r ment Shall receive a monthly salary at the rate of $100.JO per mon h. The Chief of Police shall receive a monthly salary at the rate of $100.00 per month. An emergency being declaired to exist; A motion was made by Counc~lman Manthy seconded by Roberts. that ~he rules be suspended and that the first reading of Ordinance #109 be considere( the second and third readings and that the Ordinance be placed upon it passage for ap~r0val; Calling the Roll on the motion all Counoilm n Voted in the affirmative. On the question, Shall the Ordinance Pass? All Councilmen pres nt Voted in the affirmative; Whereupon the'Mayor approved Ordinance # 09 and signed same in open session. A Resolution was then presented combinin~ the Municipal Offic s of Clerk, Magistrate and Assessor and making the combined total sa. [try OJ such officer so holding such combined pffices in the sum of ~15 .00 per month. Motion b;y Councilman Hanthy. seconder by Cooper that the rule be suspended for the adoption of the above Resolution; Calling th Roll: All Councilmen present voted Aye. On the Question, Shull the resolution be adopted? All Council en Voted in the affirmative. So ordereG. A Resolution was then presented cornblnin? the J,!unicip~ll offic s of Chief of Police und Fire Chief and making the combined total sa [try to such officer so holdinv. such combined offices in the S\Ufi of ~20' .:10 per :nonth. I I ~n9 ~ if ,}". U0.iD...Y, .~l'5;Il, 2)th. U:'l. (~ont. . Motion WIlS rna.de by -Councii:1[,tn Co?per SecOnd?d by H~nthy, th~t "\' the rules be suspended for the ~doptlonof the rl. solutlon; Call1n~ the Roll All Councilnen voted in the af:firrnati vet I On the quest ion, 3hall teh Resolution be adopted '? ,.ll Council. men present Voted in the uffirmtitive. 30 ordered. .~ 1.1otion Wb-S r~adc by CJuncilr:lan I.leyor, seconded by ROborts, and unanimously carried, that the uppointment to fill vacancy on t Council be held open, pending Q. dosission fronl the Cit~1 ,l.ttorne.y. Councilmun Meyer reported the negotiation of u lOCl.n from the BCl.nk of Seward in the ar.10unt of ~~50) ).O} for a period ofseven r:lOn 'I ths duting from il.pril, 15th. 1931 and at Cl. rate of 1% per annum , interest t and that warrants covering llrinci!1l1 and interest ,had k~ been drawn and deliveret; to the Bank of SewHrd R-nd dated as of i Hovember, l5th. 1931. , il. motion was made by Councilman stanton, seconded by Cooror i that the above action of the negotiation 1 of this loan be upprovol Calling the Roll on the uotion, the following Councilmen voted Aye; Cooper, !.!l.mthy, Meyer, Roberts ~nd stanton,lyes 5 nays O. I So ordere~ and action approved. I School ComI:littee reported progress relative to investigation of condition of Seward SchoJl Building and the straitninp- of the , flag pole. i Councilma~ Manthy reports rro~res8 on strerte. ' Following wire read, in answer to comurication from Chas T.Hatton I relative to tte operation of Sew~rd Oeneral Hospitul. I SewBrd \laska, April, 14th 1931 . Urs J.H.C.Goode, ~ mrs. IT.C.Blutes, 1331 UichigBn Ave. Cincinnti,d. " Ilewly elected Town Conncil instructs me to eXlwess flreat i a~preciation for ~oman's Home ~issionar~ Society work in and near I Seward STOP Also to assure you that so soon ~s possible we will I take up Hospital matter und hope to diErose of it to the sntisfac tion of all concerned." I ( Signed) Don Carlos Brownell, Uuyor.) I The Hayor instructed tte Hospital COL1'Jittee to go into flnd th9 rou~hly investigate all passed action as taken relative to the I Seward General Hospital so that a defintite understand ing may be I:Jd of its status, urginp' pr0upt action and udvising when such a reporjt was ready. . Mction was made l)y Councilman l:1anthy. seconded by Meyer that Clerk be instructed to reudvortise for ap~licnticns for Municirnl officers for the ensuin~ term stnting rate of compensDrion to be paid for respective offices, swne to be run fer two is~ues; Calling the Roll on the above motion; ~ll Counoilmen rresent voted in the affirmative. There being further businesc to come before this meeting u Motion was made by Councilman Cooper, Becondedby Roberts th~t th~:; meetinp: be held open to meot at t3 o'clock p.m. Thursday, "~pri123rd lv31. Culling the roll; ".,,11 Coullciloen present Voten .,-yo. r Whereafter recess was declaired; 1 . TrrURSD~Y, APRIL. 23rd. 1921 Adjournen regulnr meeting af the COHmon Council, City.of Sewartl held this dnte in t~~e Council ~hHmbers, meetinp: c['lleLi to order b~l Mayor Brownell a.t 8 p.m. with the fOllowing Councilr.1 en present; I' Cooper, Munthy, T!wyer, Roberts and ~tan.ton; ~.linutes of the previous part of this meeting read and aIlDrovedi. Comunication from Oeneral Ua.na~er Ohlson, ofA.R.R. read, askin~ I that the City cancel lenSA No. 1-3arr-1042 of the two tracts of : ground used for purkin~ spaces and that lease be executod to H.V. ! Hoben for these tracts : Motion .was made by Councilman Uanthy, : seconded by Cooper that such cancelation be mnde, provided ~.H.R. i executed Ii: leuse to H. V.Hoben and such lease contained ,'~ll the ! conditions as set forth in the originul lease to the City of 3owur~ . Callin~ tho Roll on the Motion; All Council~en present voted I in the affirmative, so ordered ano Clerk Jlui1:tB<<xt:lil instructed to! notify Mr. Ohlson of the Councils action in the matter. i Audit of the City und SchOOl Board Books presQnted; Ordered fi~ed. Following a.Hllica.tions presented for Ci.ty offices; ;~pp1ication of Fred Eeilcheski and C.I.l.O'iJeel for corn1linod office.of Chief of Police uno Fire Chief. Mayor ordered written bullut~ to be cust \. 470 TEURSlJ.AY, ~\l)RII, 23rd. Ll31. Cont. and named Councilman Roberts as terrer; Result of ballot as follow Fred Keilcheski 5. C.M.O'Neal O. Tha Hayor thereupon declaireu Mr. Keilcheski duly elected to the office of Chief of Police and Fire Chief. , . Application of Dr Haverstock for Health officer presebted. May r instructed the Clerk to cast the unanimous ballot of the Council f r Dr A.D.Haveretock as Health Officer. and dec~aired him duly uppoin ed. Application of A.D.Balderston for the oombined offices of Cler , 1.1agistrate and Assessor, prQSented; :!:loved by Councilman Cooper, se ondel by Manthy and unanimously curried, that Mayor cast the unanimous b llot for A.D.Balderston for the above oombined offices, this being done The Mayor deolaired A.D.Balderston duly appointed to the above off ces. Application of E.P.Harwood for office of , City 4ttorney, presen ed. Upon proper motion maqe, seconded and carried, Mayor cast the unan :nous ballot of the Council for Mr. Harwood for the office of City Attor eYe The :Mayor thereupon declaired E.P.Harwood duly appointed to" the ab ve Office. . H.S.Balderston, upon the unanimous vote of the Council was re- appointed City Treasured. Counoilm~n Meyer and Roberts of the Public Health and Public Proteetion Committee submitted each a report on their findings oft e status and operation of the Seward General Hospital; Chairman 11eye 's report cover in detail the financial cperation. present financial standing under such operation and possible oontinuanoe of suoh ope ation by the {{omans Home Mif,lsiOnary Sooiety. r10mmitteeman Roberts subrni ted a history of Hospital operations in the City of Seward covering a period from the Fall of 1918 to the present time, which report goo into this lIIa**1I% situation an a. most luci.d'land thorough manner. Th se reports were read to the Council and Commi ttf1en ;/leyer and Roberts were thanked and highly complimented upon the excelence of their r ports. A motion was made by Councibmn COvper, seconded by Manthy tha the reports as above submitted be accepted and placed in the City Files as a perminant record; This :noti\Jn was carried by unanimous ote. After a lengthy discussion of the H08pital matter, a motion wa rnade by Councilman Moyer, seconded by Roberts that the Mayor be in tructed to appoint a speoial Oommittee to comunicato with the iiomans Horne Missionary Sooiety with a view to establishing agreoabl~ and possi 1e arrangements whereby theSooiety would continue to operate the Sew rd General Hospital to the best interests of all concernea; This moti n being carried unanimously; The Mayor appointed Councilman Roberts and Councilman 3tanton as a committee to aot in the matter. City Attorney Ray presented opinion on fill1ne vacanoy on Coun 11; same was accepted and ordertJ filed. Motion was made by Councilman Meyer. seconded by Manthy that t e Mayor deolair am vanancy to ~xist on the Counoil and ask for nomin tions to fill same. Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilf1en prese t Voted Aye. Counoilman Manthy nominated Thomas Neville to fill the vacancy On the Counoil; there being no other nominations, it was moved by Councilman Meyer, seoonded by Cooper ,that nominations close; the motion being unanimousely oarried; A ..'+"'''1.'''~' rr ~,-. (' '1."- L'. Roberts. seconded by Meyer that the Clerk be instruoted to cast th unanimous bollot of the Counoil for Thomas Neville as Counctlman to fill vacancy till next Munioipal Eleotion; Calling .he Roll. 3.1. Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Ayes 5. The Mayor thereupon deolaired Thomas l1eville duly elected to t e office of Councilman. Counoilman Manthy broullht up the matter of repairs to outlet 0 4th. and 5thl Avenue sewer; This matter wus referred to Sewer Cormn ittee for report on probable cost. ~he Mayor huving completed the appointments of Committees the result is as follJws; 1. Assessment and Collection of Taxes. stanton and Neville. stanton Chairman; 2. Publio Schools. !i1eyer & Roberts. Meyer Chairman; 3. Flre proteotion, Manthy & Roberts" Manthy Chairman; 4. Light, Sewerage, Water & v{harves, Meyer & ~ta Meyer Chairman; 5. Public Health. Public Erotection & Hospital, Meyer & Roberts, Meyer Chairman. 6. Finance & Claims. Meyer & Man Meyer Chairman: 7. street and street improvements, Couper & Manth Chairman: ~ 8. Erinting, Roberts & Cvoper, Roberts Chairman: 9. Civic Affairs, lJanth~' & Cooper, Manthy Chairman: 10. Law & Ord1nu ce, Roborts & Neville, Roberts Chairman; ll. Glacier stroern, stanton & Munthy, stanton C I halrman. 4M4I , / 'i .' J.i. ri'P.:URS1)~Y, .'l.rRIL,23rd. 1\JZ,1. Cur.t. . There being no further business to come before this meetir.g, it! was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. ! I~~ c? it' .rI ,"-' ,-,,~ _, ,A, ,-:7 / '/ i r1 I//,/ /lAfr,.:;. l>'~--I., ( " /:?~a-/d/~.l'::ti.'/ < , Y 0 ~E R I: i ""' ..... i , L!OHD~Y, l.:.i.Y, 4th. 1~31. I Regular meeting of the Cornr:lOn Council, Ci t;:; of ::>eward, this date in the Council Chumbers; Ueeting called to order Brownell at 8. 1>iH. with tr:e followinp,: Councilmen present; Munthy, Meyer, ileville, Roberts und stanton. Uinutes of the lu~t regular meeting reud and approved. l'resident Erwin of the ::>eward School Board presented budget of expenditures for term 1931 - 1932, Motion by Co~ncilman Manth;r, seconded by Deyer that resolution be adopteti accepting sarno; Calling the Roll; All councilMen voted in the affir:mtive. A unanimous bull)t of the Council resulted on u motion mado bYi Councilman stanton, seconded by Manthy that the City Attorney be ' instructed to rrepair an Ordinance Licensinp; Dogs, repenlinf all Ordinances in conflict therewith and rt JU[mi:H~ /lnd rlaceinp; the fe~s for such licenses at :!'l2.50 for each H:ile :)og ana ~5.()() for each ' Fe~ale Dog. i Claims totalin~ $ 760.~4.presented as follows: Bank of Sewara ~5 Keilcheski 146.67. Balderston lO~.OO. Haverstock 50.00. Ray i l6.67. Little 16.67. Sew~lrd Wuter SIlly. 127.50. ~)ewurd Lite,<;; power Co. 158.30. Gateway rub. Co. 35.45. Ogle's 5.32. 1<'.l..oofflis: 12.7!'i. C.:lc.l.uley 3.0n. Alaska Railroad l2.00. R.J~.Hobertson 5().Pl City & Andy's Express l.51. Motion by Councilman Roberts, secondA~ by Cooper that claims be paid; Callin~ the Roll on .he Motion, alli Council~en presont voted Aye. I Councilman stanton of the Special Hospital COIW,li ttee presented! and read a letter addressed t;) the Officers of the \/omun' s Eome I Missionary Society, relative tu operation of Seward General HosVitrl lvlot ion b;; Councilma!l Cooper, seconded b;,' 1.Ianthy that letter be ' endorsed, forwarded and COllY l,lficed in C it;,' files as permanent recprd and vote of thanks be extended to the Co~uittee. Calling the Roll,: All Oouncilmen voted Aye. I Councilman Roberts presentetl verbal request from L1is~,. Geisboc~~ Superintendent of Seward General Hospital to have some interial7 : painting done at Hospital; After discuEision; !;lotion Will:> ::Jade by i Councilman Meyer, seconded by stunton that any exrense in this con' nection be paid out of Hospital funds in h~nds of the SUferintende~t Cu.lling the Roll on the Alotion; All Councill1on present Voted <,ye. : Councilman llanthy brought up tho matter of drainage round the I, Hospital; Matter was referred to Hospital Comn&ttee for a report a~ next meeting. : Councilman Manthy' s sug/Zestion of I.icensin~ Plumbers und regulr' ting sanatary conditions in the City WQ,S referred to l)ublic Healthi & Public Prctection Com~ittec. 1 The Mayor's suggestion of taking means to prevent small childrbn form playing on City Float was referred to :)ublic Fealth (';: Public I protect ion Committee. I The Mayor designated Honday, May, 11th. as Clean Up Day in the! City. At the sUf<gestion of City Attorney Harwood, A motion was maae ihy , - Councilman stanton, seconded by Neville that Clean Up Signs be printed for pOBsting on premises in need of such action; Calling the roll resulted in fl. unanimous bullot in favor of said [:Jotion. I At the request of President Erwin; & motion was made by Counci~ man J..!anthy seconded by Roberts that the sum of ~lOO .,)0 be advanced! to the Sewurd School Bo~rd to defray current expenses; Culling the: Roll on ;lIhe notion, All Councilmen present 'voter' .,ye, c\.yos 6. By the Unanimous vote of the Council, Clerk was instructed to publish in the Seward Daily Gateway the financial status of the City as of May 1st. 1931. i street COI.1,aittee W9.U instructed present at next meetine; un es I ti~ate of the cost of tearing up old plank sidewalks and replBcin~ sarno with cinders. I There being no further business to COI:Je before this ;neeting. it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. ':7:, ,? .;/~~ ( ?rT t1. 90 '". held , by l:layojr Coorer ! . .,. ,,"1 ~ 472 L:OllJ)~Y, !.Iii.Y, 18th. 1931. Regular meetinf- of the Common Council, City of Seward, hel this dato in the Council Chambers; Meeting cullea to croar at 8 .m. by Mayor Brownell, ,with the following Councilmen present; Cooper. lla.nthy. Meyer, 1iev1l1c and stanton; Mi~utes of last meetinf road and a.p~roved. FOllowing Resolution presented; RESOWTI ON flHEREAS, Notice of delinquent tuxes and assessments for th year 1~30 has been duly published in the Seward Daily Gateway. a newspaner of general circulation, published in the City of Seward Alaska, and the publication of said notice has been ComlJleted, Now Therefore; , BE IT RESOI,VBJ BY Tm~ COMllOH COTTNCIL, CI~Y OF SEiUrm, ldus 1. That A.D.Baldereton. of the City of Seward, be. and hereby is, authorized and directec: to verify and file in the District Court or the Territory of Alaska, Third Division a proper application for 'n Crder of Sale of all property listed in the delinquent tax roll 0 the City of Seward, Alaska, for the year 1930. Adupted under suspension of the rules t:1is 18th. day of I,!/;;.; . ~ /J ~a&~ Y 0 R t~ 1 E H I: Motion by Councilman MGnthy, seconded by stGnton; that the rules be suspended for tho adoptio of the Resolution; Calling the roll all Councilmen present voted ilye. On the question, Shall the Resolution be adopted? all COUll il men present Voteo li.ye. ;>0 Ordered. Hospital report for April, 1931 pre~ented, Ord~re d filef. Report of expenditures School Board, presented, Ordered Filed. Motion by Councilman Lleyer, seconder! by lJanthy, that Clerk be instructed to Thank American Legeon for the work perfOTtled !1m Eospital Grounds, Motion carried unanimously. Counoilman Uantl:y reports progress on tearing up wood side walk on 2nd 4ve. and repluceing with cinders, this work to be con Councilman Cooper reports progress on work being performed 4th. Ave. This work also to be continued. street Cor:vlittec instructed to do necessary f!'radinf!' in fro of HUbpitnl on 2nd. avenue. Hotion made b;y Councilman stanton, seconded l)y iJeville, th t Clerk he instructed to look up matter of the payment of Federal L'censes &nd take steps to inforoe same. Hotion TTmmiraonsJ.y carrieo. President Erwin of the Seward School Board, presented lett r from Commissioner of Education, siteine: Resolution of IflSt Legisle ture eliminatinl3" certain items from the 8~ refnnd status, such elimin'tions resulting in an estimated oxpenditure by the city for School purr ses of afroximqtely ~2a00.00. After a lenghty discmssion of this mat er City Attorney Berwood presented the following Resolution; at the request of the Chair; R~001url' I 0H. mIERBAS, this Council hus hereintoforo and on the 4th, d,iy of Muy, 1~3l, approved the budget submitted to it by the School Board of the City of Sewurd,; und Whereas, since such budget W:J.S UflJroved, the Territorial Board of Educg,tion hus rule(1 and notifieJ bu,id Scho,)l Bourd thut t e , uEual refund will mot be made for eXIJenditures !foe School equlprnen ~nd arpliances, includingboJks; und \lhereas, before said notice was received by suid School 130 rd, the said Scl:ool Bourd, acting in goud faith, and beliel/inp, the neu'l refund would be made therefor, had already ordered certain items 0 school equ~pMent, inclnding books and including certain equipment for 11 domestic ~H~Krt science department, ~nd had hired a teacher for uch domestic sience department, which i teQs would ,not have beer" rurchl1 e(~ and which teacher would not have been hired han such notiee herm received in proper ti~e by ~aid SchOOl Board; . .Now. Threrfor, BE IT RJ:;~Or_VEn that this council protests o.gninst the action of the Territorial BO~lT<'l of I:ducation, ann 'loSEe ts taht it will pay sl1eh additional cOFt i.r~poserl upon it b;\' the rulin of the s~~id Territori'll Bourd of Educution only '1HHler sl1en protest believing that. under the fucts herein set forth, the usual refund is due to and should be l-'ai,~ to t1,f Ci+,:! ::::f [}O\T1T(J :for the same. -......-.-......--.."--....-, 47,,3,. . . - ~.:'Jl~.J~~"\~, :~:...t.~{., liJ1.}~. "L-J31. Ct.)nt. . 'J:? teo ynde.r suspension. of ru1es, ~\ \.2 /),r-- ~~" ((j d (l~~e-0( . .:.. { ,I R this 18th. d'.~' of Lluy L<'jl 12/Y/'i'a/d utJ.~ " . C I =~ R i: . Hot i0 :aauo by Councillnun Stl..:.~ton, seconded b~' Ilu'1thy, thn.t tr,," rulee be suspended for the adoption of the Re801ltion; Callina th~ Roll; All Councilmen r;resAnt voten in the a=firr.l!ltive. On tae Question,,' Shall the Resolution be adOI- tad, the follovJ il"if bal::'ot was cast; Cquncilmen lTc..nthy, :!eyer, 1;e1'i1::'e ana stanton' votiq" AT~, Councilman Coorer votinp: .iLlY. Result Ayes <1 j;'J,:"s 1 uuybr necluired the Resolution adopted hnd signe~ Bane In olon session. ' Representative Brosius madn' a few re::mrh3 e:"Jil'u.ininp" why : U:c :'lutter of refund to the City for ':lonies expended on tho :!Viatijn field was not rresenteo to the lesisl:Jt1:re; Other incun.oratet1 Cities having fuid a percrmtl.l.!"c f::u in c:;:coss of that 1":id b:.' ~)OW'..l. ,d fer '.he s,=,id pur"ose, it WflS (leeme'" adv1 s:..:blc to drop the ruatter c~ any refund at this time. I . There beinr n.o further business to come before this !1cetind.1, it WHS, ther(~[J.fter. upon [rorer :1otion ~,c1.jollrned. -=V~ 2(/gu-Z-v--~-e~? I' y~ ..~-,-:i u.t'l: 110NlJAY, JUlJE 1st. 19~1. i /' AI;,(.? , "I ~ f ,<' 7/~f bt..c0'-1 C 1. ~; ::t :;: I I I I , I Ree;ular meet inf of the Cora Ion ,'jOlHW il, City 0-:.' Sowar(], held this date in the Council Chambers; ~ecting called to order by l:layor Browmell, at 8 p.m. with. he followim! Councilr1en present; Cooper Uanthy, Meyer, IrevilJe Roberts and Stanton. Minutes of the last meetinf read and approved. Dog Ordinance No. 111, read in full: !.lotion b;l Councilman Hunthy I Seconded by Cooper , that the reading of Ordinance Ho. 111, be . considered its first readine;: Callin€! the ltoll on the motion ul1 Councilmen p'reE nt Voted in t he\ffi r;.i~ t i ve. Ordinance No.lll was rreGentecl, entitled us fallows; ORIiI~I..~IC:::; l:O. 1. 111. An Ordinance to license, tay ann regul::;.te peddlers and Hawte~b ~nd to impose a license tax on ~uctioneArs, Itenerunt 7enders and: I'ersons, Thetr l'rincipals and ,lfents, Elnguged in a temporary or i transit.nt bnsiness of "er:din~ or sellinf! merchundise, ~tocks or I Bonds or other Articles of co;nraerce within the City of Seward _"l.,.Jku.. Moved by Councilman I.':eyer, seconded by Roberts that the rules be suspendeu for the adoption of the RlIEEiu Ordinance, that the I first reeding be considered the second :.md third reedings and tha~ Ordinance l~o. III be placed upon tts passap;e. I Calling the Roll on tile ;.; ,tion; A:.l Council'nen Voted ,\.ye. I On the c.;uestion, Shall the Ordinance Pu.ss'? 411 Coul1LJillilen present Voted in the Affinaative. dhereupon the Mayor ~igned Ordinance l~l in Open session. I Claims totalling Oatil.2Z presented us follows: Bank of Sewu~d 25.00. Yeilcheski. 220.10. Balderston l50.00. Haverstock 75.00J Harwood 50.0J. Seward dater Sply. 127,,50. Pacific C. :::;turnl.1 ~{ks ~.7,' Alaska :::\ailroad i:~. 1.10. P.Ll.Ogle 6,,85. Lanning Hi.OO. Paeben I 48.37. Loomis IJ.5'). Sewf'rd L.& P. Co. 62.65. C.li.Brosius 1.6")! Alaska Trunsfer 37.10..Gu.teway Pub Co. 40.80. Moved by Councilman Heyer, seconded by Cooper that Glailns 1)9 allowed and warrants drawn in payment of same; Call in/? the Roll. iHl Councilmen present Voted Aye. Ayes 6. I Clai~ of Seward TradinE' C,I 6. ~O, .uresen~,ed; ;,loved by Counc~lmn Manthy, seconded t;{ ;leville be paid; C1~1 ing the Rol]; Councilraen Cooper. !.Is.nthy Heyer, lIevi11e And c'{oberts ',roted Aye; Ayes 5, Councilman stanton not voting. COllncilrQan l:unthy reported tInt Bidewa-lk on ~ nd, Ave. hud been gravelled and cindere~. street in front of qospitnl smoth~d, and danFer sign for floatin~ dock preruired; sumB ordered flaced. I 474 ;,!OlJD.A.Y, .Tl'lJE, 1st. 1931, ~o~t. Councilman Cooper presented eleotric light bills raid by Urs. Gilpatrick, on which ~inimum charge seemerl exorbidant, matter was referred to Li~ht r,om~ittee. Owing to necessary extension of fence at City Du:np; A '10tio'1 was made by Councilman Uanth;l, seconded by ),leyer that the Committe in charge be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede 25.00 for such extension; Calling the roll all Councilmen voted Aye. Ayes G j, 11otion was made by Counci=man stunton, seconder1 by RobO"rts that the street Committee be authorized to t'ake ir1ruediate action with "reference to tLe delupidated and dangerous condition of the sidewalk in front of the DurRett property on Lot 40 Blk 4 faceinR 4 tho Ave. This motion met with the unanimous annroval of the en tire Council. .. - , ' street Co@uittee was instructed to interview Colonel OlrnsteRd head of the Signal Curps, upon his visit to Beward, regarding the IJromdlsed rernovul of Cable Poles in ally bet 4th. und 5th. ;.VRUloles. The matter of further work und expenditure on streets came up for discussion, which on account of short~ge af funds, resulted in u motion by Councilman Roberts, seconded bi lieyer, that all expen ditures in this connection be suspended untill ~ survey hud been made and a report rendered by the street COD!:!i tt'ee at the ne'xt ree meetine of the Co::uaon Council.; Culling the Roll on the Hot 'ion folluwins vote resulted; CO'.l:"wil:nen Llu.nthy, Heyer, ~:(!'.'ille, ::-lobert and stanton voting aye. C-,u"1cil'lun Cooper v()tinr~ Nay. ~yeo f> !lays !:!otion carrie,; and Se) ordered. The matter of l'ublishinf. the !Unutes of Council JIeetir.c1s unil in tr.e Sewurn Duil:l Gateway, una the ,P:J.yinS for ~Jl1ch l-ublication 11 regular advertising rates, WUE discussed; Resultinf in U Dotion by Councilman stant.on, seconded by 1.in.nthy, that Printini< Co'ul:1i ttec go into thi s matter and report. This mot ion met with the ummirnous approval of theCounail. There being no further business to come before this meetinR; It was, upon proper notion, ad',1ourned. 7J /e d 1.1 A Y 0 R ' ~' , - -,': P~';A~':!;'':J~J)/" ,- ',CLl<;RJ: IWNlJAY, JUlI};, 15th. 1931. Regular meeting of'the Common Council, City of Seward, held th s date in the Coune1il.l Chambers; Meeting called to order by !.iayor Brow ell t 8 P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Cooper, I1antr,y,Mey r, ~eville and stanton. Minutes of the last regulur meeting read, and approved. rdinance No. 110 read for the second time, by title only; ~oved by Cluncillllan CovI,er, secondec by Manthy that the second, rued ing be co siaered the seG0nd tinct thirn','''<1in~s and that the Ordinunce lJo.110 e placed unon its passage; Calling t~e ~oll, all Councilmen Voted ~ye. On the Question, Shall the Ordinance, Puss? ~ll Councilmen pres nt Voted Aye; Whereupon the Mayor approved Ordinance no. 110. and sign d same in open session. , Councilman Cooper. reported that the reflairs to sidewalk in. fro of the Dugp.:ett property on Fourth Ave. would cost ubout,e200.00. street Com'lli ttee instructed, to con;fer wi thttt()rney Diumond as adr:1i istrator of the Dup.:gett Estute~ regarding these repairs. Motion by C'uncilrnan Heyer, seconde" by Ha.nthy that the Burn of ~50.00 be allowed the street Corn::1i ttee for imediate and necessa.ry repairs to streets; Calli~g the Roll on the motion, All Councilmen resent voted in the a:f'fir'oative. The School Comr:1ittee "JaS authorized. under a motlon made by ouncilman Cooper, seconded by St1J.nton, to expena a s1il.m of not to e cede ~5~.O) for inttallation of pipe und sink at School Fouse for Domest'c Science Depart'uent; Call in the Roll on the motion, All Cuuhcilrnen resent voted in the affirrnutive. A motion was made by Councilman Lieyer. seconded by stanton u.nd unanimously carried; That the Council meet with the Gehool B~ard to ake a personal review of the School House he~tin~ system, With the iew of ir:1proving same. Councilman If1anth;! reported thllt he had been notified by the cho01 Board, thut thr; CO,11:!iscioner of }~ductltion would arprove and 'uss 475 1.:O~~~J, June. ~Sth. ~Jllt. . certain vouchers for refund to the City Sciense equipment ordered. Councilm:ln Eanthy rel}orts Pence at City Dump needs. presented Health Corn~ittee list of nu~es of property owners in Sewer are$ who mere maint::l.ining open toilets; Hotion was :nade by (~ouncilmu.n . Manthy, seconded b,y 3ti;i.nton , thut Cler}: be instructed to notify such owners to rernove such toilets or connect them with the sewer within Sixty days of notice given June, 16th. 1931. Calling the Roll a1 Councmlrnen IJresent 'loted in t(~e uffirma.ti ve. Letter from the Preseident of the ,iora.:.m' sHame Hissionury Soci~ty read, relative to the uperution of the 5ew~rd General Hospital; . iJlerk instructed to acknowledge same; Hosl'i t~'.l Committee instructed to arrange a rneetins of the Council with :Dr. H:lvl1rstocl: at his con. venience to go into the Hosrita1 matter, and to cnll a Special r.lee~ ing of the Co'nmon Council when such u.rro.ng:ement had been made. l;:otion was made by Councilman neyer, seconded by Couper that the printinp: Committee be uuthorized tu tender the Seward Du.ily Gateway a Eum not to excede ~10.)') per month for printing an extrn~t of the Hinutes of Council l!eetings. cu.llinp' th, Roll on the motion; all iJouncilrnen voted aye. There being no further business to corne before thic mectin~, it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourne~. covering certain Domestic I i adiquate for pres~nt d/.22.n ' I A ''\/(, 0:lf;Y~//9dY C 1 j" R L ! TT:FR:.3JJ.I.Y, ,nnE~, :~!lth. 1~3l I Speiial rneetiniT of the r.Omr'lon r;ouncil, City of :~()wU-rd, held this date in t:,e Council 'Jhar1bel'S, mec:ting cullecl to order ut 8 l)!ll~ by Councilman Cooper, qctinR ~s ~resident Pro Tern. with the folluw~ ing Ccuncilrnen preser.t; Cooper, ];li;l.uthy, :.Ieyol^, l.eville r, stanton. j Heeting callcn for the l'urpose of discw;sinf- l!1utters relatine: to the Seward General Hospital with ~r. Haverstock, who waS in atti endance at this meeting. I The Inf.i.tter of presenting to the Jo"an's Home l\:issionary ::Jode ft;: a sui.tahle proposition for t;,e continued oi,eration of the hospital iby the society,was discussed at lenRth. result ins in the City Attorne~ (who was 9.1su present at this Deeting) bein~ instructed to draw Ul-'i a form of tentative lease to be presented to the Council at their : next regulu.r meetine: for an1rovu.l; Such le~lse to be alonl! the line~ as discussed ~t this meeting. I There bein[; no further business to cone before this I:1eetinf;, it was, thereafter. uron l.roper Dot i on :ld journed. PRE S fI PRO. T}}rl. . . / //. ..-c..; . ~ 'J. :; :1 J:~ r,iO~ID_:" Y, .nTL v, Gt h. 1 '331. I P.egul'.lT mertinp of the C0I:110: Council, City of Sr:wuro, held Pis date in the Council Chambers; Ueetin~ cu:leJ tu order ut B p. Of ;! i.~c-yor Er0,vnell, wi tr. tr.e following Cou;1cill~lcn prU1ent: fhn~}) , 1.ant h~!/, lIT e~;~e r, I: ev i 11 e Rob e rt s ...^~~i<l ~)tc.nt on. Uinutes of tte lust re~u,ar and intprveinin~ sreolul Del tiUG eud u.nd "'-I jlTOVed . Claims totu.linr ~312.32 presented as follows: Bunk of Sewnrd 'F.']"). reilcheski 22;. ,)'J. B:J.lder8ton 150. i). Eaverstock 75.Q0 : 1~rVio0d f>C~..)). ljaeber. frS.50. Sewnrd ,1uter 51:1y 1~7.5:). Scwflrc1 Ii+' ,,'ovler Co. 4i'.~J]. Cash 11.7r). r;utewa.:v ':')ub. Co. 35.75. Osbo lO.2f, ew!;rd :,:achin6 3hol' G.75. B & rr Cor:). 3.20. Sewu-rd L!etal ./1:s. 1.51)1 gles ~arage 5.27.~ ~ : H0ti on be C,uYlcil:Jun :!unth~/, sBu'Jnded by 3tunton, tb.i.t cluins I s fresented,be ullowed and wurrunt~ drawn in ~uy~nt uf same; Cull! np tree rol~ on t:~e r:lOtion; .;.:1 r~')urH.Jil[[je~l_i,reEent vote(i ..ye. "YOE $ COuywll:Jun Co~.per entere, the CUl.YlC.:ll (~LUr1nE:rS. I , 0,11.c11.I(o.'.[ r.:c:,rer rel-,;rted thut t1,e additicnG u.t the ;3eho., Eouse fori he l>omestie, Scienc(j :iJel,t, were being tuken er.lre Gf. ' School C ).,1, 1i tteC' rej.orts thut ufon eX<J.L1ir,ution t e:{ YE'0o!',end hn re'r!oc1eli.'1g of ttG herctine: Systel! ut the 3;:ho)1 F~\lbC to ~ ?wo 476 I.IOnD..'..Y, rl1TIY (')tr~. 1~1;~~. ~.)nt. .iay System. Upon 3. motion m'lde ~ seconded, 7he recomendation of r,f) 3cl:ool Committee was unanimously approved by the entire Council. School C m:Jittee wus instructed to interview 1"oa1 l-lumbers with a view to determining lowest cust of such remodeling. Health CO~Jittee re~orted thut Uels ~apen uske~ for ~ coritinua of time for connecting with ;,ewer; l1utter W[l,S left i., the hands of the HealthbCommittee. Mayor reported that he hud hired.2 men for 5~ hours euoh to f'ght bh fire out side City Li lits. Letter fro~ d.H.M.Society addressed to Special Hoapital Committee read, (Pertuininf to tease) Ordered file~. .Printine Com~.littee reports Gateway ."ublishing Co deJ,1unds ~2).l per lllonth for publishine; e:xtro.cts of rninuh~s of Council Heetings. This price deewed too hitrh and clor]: instructed l:Ju.]:e better u.rrangc:l1entiJ if possible. Councilmen Uanthy reports that the Intake of the Glazier Cree} Flume aad been considerably widened, and u.nticif'ated no more dange in this respect. City Attorney Eo.rwood presented a tentative Lease drawn by hi from the Ci t:l ot the Ilor.I"m's !TOl:1€ ~Hssionary Societ:! for thc Sevluro General Hospi 1, a. 1. lease was read and discussed at length, sOene chun("es were ordered made, und lease was to be resubmitted to the Counuil n a special meeting to be called for that purpose. Letter from J.E.Tuttle, read; offering to purchase lot '9 b:oc}: 1 Origir;al Townsite at a price of ~5'J.00. l,lotio~ was ,rlade by r;oun cilmen Manthy, 3econde~ b~ Roberts the the tender o~ 051.0l be re- jected and the clerh be authorized to sell this lut 9 block 1 at a price of not less than elDl.OO. Culling the Roll on the motion; ~ll Councilmen present voted in the affirMntive. Motion was e!lade by Councilrmn Cooper, Spconc1ed by J,lanthy, thO-t a vote of thanks extenced to the .irnerica.n Legion and to those hell:i g them for the splendid celebration enjoyed o~ the 4th of July, ~nd conduotsd under their auspices; Same was unanimously approved, and spread upon the ~inutes of this meeting. A ~otion was mude by Councilrn~ Veyer, Seconded by Uanthy thut the D.S Bureau of Fisheries be memorialized to aid t~e ReJ Salmon Industry in Resurection Bay; PruyinE that all streeme flowinB into said bay and their tributaries be clused to the taking of SalMon y any means whatsoever, from such streEffi or tributary so as to ins Ire the escapement of Sulmon to their spawnin~ grownds; Also that ~n ef art e made to secure :fmui:srlm::r an alJproprii,tion of funds for the cleur np: of salmon streems of logs and other obstructions that hinher Salmon from reaching their spawning grownds; Further taat a copy of this . emorial be directed to COLTnissioner 08l.1~11sy, the members of the r.s.Fish Commission and to the Deligate to Congress fro~ Alaska. This motion was unanimously endorsed b:l the .Mayor and entire Cu mcil Clerk instructed to forward such memorial us above stated. There being ]1m further business to cOlne before this meeting, it thereafter adjourned to meet at the ca.ll of the Chair. ,{l, c/2 A Y 0 R {( ~: . o<;"j/. CLERl. THURSD~Y, JULY, ~th. l~3l Adjourned regular meetinp.- of the Com ,on ~ouncil, held this dat in the COU!lllil Chambers; Hectinp,: called to order ut 5 p.m. by ~,lu.yo D.C.Brownell, with the following Council!l1en present: Llto.nthy, ;leyer Neville Roberts sta.nton. Meeting called fur purpose of d:scussing revised tentative leu e to be submitted to W.H.ll.society, for Seward Generu.l Hospital; Attorney Ha.rwood presented and read revised lease; Hotion was r~~d by Councilman j"lanthy , Seconded by Roberts tho.t lease as read be acce ted and City Attorney instructed to forward same with letter to the 'tt.orney for the Womu.n's Home llissionary society for their acceptance, reje t ion or revision; Cul: ing the Roll,; All Coundlmen present voted :,' e. There being no furthet business to come before this meeting, it wa , '~ee.tft upoY' ,prope,r moti,on ,ad!"O rned. /..--. r /:? /1 ..7 (J ,: , '. .' . ) R ~ .. '..- i' ~ 'rl r ,1 rl. t ,~- , ;\ " ~r-"~ 'l. , LI01r~),,:,"'~r, .Tl!I.:, 21th. 1~)31 . Regular '1eetinr- of t\}e C:J!:uon Coune'll, Cit:: of ~3ewf.ird. hole1 t~"lf date in the Council ChG.rnbers; ileet. np" c1:11e to order by Uayor 1:,.; Brownell at B.p.m., with the following (~ouneil'!Ien present: Coorer, I!J.8."lthy, Heyer, :Jeville, ;~oberts !;.TIn :3tti.nton; Llinutes of tr_e last rt'wul&r '..:nd &djourned re?ulf:ir meetin? read and approved. Following fiesolution pres~nted; R3S0~.F':' I OI! 3e it resolved by the Co'~non Counuil, City of Seward. Alask~, that u board of equalization of Baid city shall be and hereby is created to convene at the ~ity ~all, on ':'uesday, ~ugust 11th. at the hour of 2 o'clod: .1.'.:1. for the Il;rpose of equali',inf- the assessments of rC:ll Ll.rJd fersonal prOfert:.' ir; 8:.\id Oi t;1 of Gev/ard fur the yeur 19?1, and shall remain in session said ~uy between the hours of 2 ~ P.M. und 4 P.~. and between s~id hours daily for the succeoding four d...:"s of said wee} and 1unt!er if rler:lCd neccr:su.r;y for &d,iourn,.ler,t as l;roviden b:l Ordinu.nce 11 Ilnd amemLwntl:3 thereto. i:.nd l)f~ it further resolved that t'-,(J Cite; Cletk shall huve 1,lib11 shed in the :)('w~.rd Laily Guteway, notice of 8U!l1r~, I1S rruvided by Ordin'1nee. ~~tFd at SewurJ, ~las~~ this 2Jth. duy of ~ul:, 1~3l A~e"r'er ~uBI6nBl". uf :''''f's thi' Uth. d,",. of .'uly 1931 ,~k~~ ' ' , .c..- 1 " TO ;:1 ,~ y .) !t C .,. \ 1. + I 0R})IlL';'JCE 112. A~! ORDIlL.i;r,l; PROVIDIllG 'f1'OR T'r.:z S:~l:: OF LOT ,) 5l0C}; 1. One oJ TI']~ ORIGIlLA1 T'J.tI;:3IT::~ OT.' ;-:;:.;W~R:J. :~L"i.SLi., TO ::;;d: ROl.~:.CE, wm l'm:GCRIBI JI} ~HI! '1'IXINi} Tt.:nl'; ':''8:1113 UP G,UD S_~LE. x:tx~ri:J:l!!:x~hH (Price $lOJ.O;) ~Iotion by Council'Ir:iU t~ol)ertG, :..;econder1 hy 1.1unthJ' thct the fird reedinf of Ordin~ncp 112 be considerde its second cnd third re~dinfs and that rules be suspended for its VUBEuVe; ~ullinf the Roll, ull. Councilmen present vote in th~ '1ffirl'1utive: ' OL the quel:3tion, Shall Ordinnnce llr fl'8G'? ,,11 r:onncilr'1f'!1 7ute~ Aye. So Jrdered, The l1uY0r tnerelljJO:1 sirned Ordin'nlcc 1;0. 11;~. in oren zession. Eids for remodelinr heuting system at the Schaul Fo~se were opened 'Jnd read us follows; IHd of Sewurd ilt.chine Shor .'~l2~).!) all ~Mteria1 and l~bor fllrn!shed by b1dder. Bid of S'1wur(1 g"tu1/orks .~230.(n 1Jollbl(~ line '.mr1 ~l::10.0') for single line, Bid of n.E.Leonard $lB4.')1 110tio!1 b:1 ~uuncil(m T1e;:er, seconcled b:1 ):anthy th:.lt the ~)chool Corn 1i ttee be authorized tc' mvurd contract for rC':Jode1inf-: the he'tt in€< System at School to Sew'lrd ITu.chine ::'hof' ItS being thB lowest bidder at 0. l'rice of 120.01 wary, to be cOL1!'leted b;i AUgust 15th. 1931. Calling the :~oll OE tr,e motiu:l; ;.11 r;oIEwil!llen rresent vote L~;;-e . Mr Greeley nnd I.ieut. Hodrrec present ; IJres. nted ulans for durn~ing DredEe Tailings from Shelter E~rbor on pro~erty north of i north leg of R.3. "Y" and extending in lIorth-westerly direction ! acrOBS low ground and parellelling B.R.?rack: ~s this would effec~ certain privqte property u re~lease was requested by Mr Greely, JU~Jt of Euget Sound Dregging Co. i A Motion was mude by Councilman Uunthy, Secondeu by Cooper th~t street committee be authorized to obtain such releases aId aid thei Drcdgeing Co. with regard to the perforumnce of this work. ' .'l.bove motion met with the unanimous approval of the Council and a vote of thanks W'lS tendered l"r. Greely and I,iellt. rrOdf.!8S. Motion by Councilman Cooper, seconded by :Roberts that street Committee be uut~orized to extend fencing round City Dump. , Uayor sug?ested that immediate refair be made to bridge southi approach to Chamberlain Rill. I Public Protedtion COf:1lll1 ttee instrueted to have condelanation I signes rosted on certain delipadateJ sidewalks. i ~ Mayor suggested thut buildinr on lot 40 Block 3 owned by Alic~ S.lieise be condemned ~nd rer10ved account of beinr, nnsafe; Clerk ! instructed to write to Chas Christensen as agent in this matter. i Motion by Councilr.1an I.lunthy seconded b;y :Roberto th~t the strept I I I I I 47R ;; .' !',;Olm~Y, JULY 2Jth. 19:":1. Cont. Camilli tte be authorized to have Tratic Buttons 111aced at intersecti n of Fourtd Avenus and Adams street. Calling the ~oll on the motion; All Councilmen present votei in the affirm~tiv.. By the unanimous vote of the Council; Clerk was instructed to communicate a vote of thanks to Co1. Oleson for running Ens electr c car out of Seward on July 5th. There being no further business to come before this meeting, i was, ereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. LIUlilJ.ti.Y, AUGUST, 3rd. 1931. I Regular L1eeting of the Cormrl0n Council, City of Seward, held t is date in the Council Chambers; J.leeting called to order by l1ayor D.C. Brownell at 8 p.m. wit~the foll~wing Councilmen present; Cooper, Manthy, Meyer, Heville, Roberts and stanton; Minutes of the last regular meeting re~d and approved. Claims totaling 802.85 Jlresented as fol10ws; Bank ,J! Seward 25.00 'Keilcheski 220.00. Balderston 150.JO. Huverstock 75.00. Hurwood Seward Water SJlly, l27.50. Sewrad L.t'; .P.Co. 57.40. Blum 1.50. }'o.e 22.50. Senft 6.0J. Eckm:m lB.'JO. Cash 10.45. Uulloy 25.00. Graef 9.45 jGateway Publishing Co. 2.5S. C.1.l.Brosius 2.55. Moved by Councilman Munthy, Seconded by Cooper t~at claims be .llowed land w.a:rrants drawn in payment of same; Calling the Roll, All Counc lmen }l'nsent Voted .~ye. I Councilman'Meyer advised that Sch'eol Board asked for an Hdvanc lor 250.00 to defray current expenses. Hotion by Councilmn Manthy, by Roberts that the advance be ~ade upon call of the School Board; c.&l.ling the Roll. all Councilmen present Voted in the affirmative. Mayor advised that Supt Boredrye of the Sims Spokane Co had kin donated 50 IJads of gr~el from the Resurrection River Fill for us City streets; Council Hanthy advised tha.t same would be hauled by Dump truck an scattereit at points ~ostRly in need of same, Hr. Bor being present as unanimous vote of thanks was extended to him for donation and Clerk was instructed to thank !.1r.Boredrye by letter f same and other considerations shown by him. Clerk was instructed to present Delinquent Personal Tax Roll fo year 1930 at next meeting in order that sume could be placed in th hands ~f the City Attorney for forced collection. I Mayor asked the Council to meet as a body and inspect proposed across lagoon with a view to havinR sallie constructed while Sims Co drag line wa~ available; All members being in accord in this ~atte a meeting was arranged for 9.30 a.m. Tuesday \ugust 4th, 1~3l at h of Lagoon. Th... being further business to come before thie !Je"ting; it wa :~~~ cull of the Chair; MAYO " THURSDAY. ,I.UGUST, 6th. 1'j31 Ad journed regular meeting of the i)Olll'LlOn Council, City of Se''''~r , held this date in the Coundl Chu;.1bers; ;,leeting caller to order b;'l he liuyor at 7 p/m/ with all QOllncilmen IJresent. . Meeting for purpose of discussing proposed extenSIon of 3 Ave. by fill across Lagoon. Motion by Councilman Co.)per,' seconded b;y ;,tanthy that extension be co~sid.red at an estimated cost of el!)00.0f); Culling the Roll; ,\, Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. As tentative arrangements had been made by the Chamber of Co m,erce to finance the construction of this extension throu~h the pledfing 1 by certain Citizens, of the qmount necessury. payment to bl'l made LOif:d'l.i- tely upon the completion of work, and owing to the shortage Jf moni s in the Cities General Fund, such Citizens as adv~ncinr necessary fu ds to be reimbursed by the City by the issuance of City ~arrants beari g 8fa per annum redeemable at the Cities option; iJ. mmtion was mude by Councilman r.rnnthy, Seconde" by Roberts that ~11'-) above thm be adopt '~~11ine. tJ..e Roll reSt'lted uc; Tcllovl's; ~ouncill~en. ~oorer. :'snth~1 479 ThllrBc',ay, :,ugust, Ctle.. 1'0131. ;;ont.. Heville sno Roberts 70ting .,-ye; Counoilmen ;,Ieyer and sta.nton vat in~ Hay. Ayes -1 ~Jays 2; W~yor dec,air/'lG motion carried und it was so : order~o. i The ~ayor t~en frcpounde d the (uestion; 3hal1 the work be uni dertaken ~nd carrie~ to completion? ~al'inE th~ Roll All council-j men rresent 70ted in t";e ,'iffi 1"'18.1, i 'lIe. .1yes 6. A r:cotion \vas r~acle b~' ~:Juncill",m :Iu.nth~7, seconded b;:,' :!eyer tha the Civic CO!fl:nitten "lith the aid of the :.layor be instructed to t'lkd churfe :Jf tte Tr.ird "venue -Sxtension ~r(; ject and carry it to U 2'.J.t i is-faoltopt!ltL::l; r'u.:~i:;f- tt, :::,'..'. ..~~'JuncilInen 7..lied _',.;;e. i ~1'on reguL.l.r I:IOt ion, un'-knLJouse:.j' e~,rried u vote Glf thun}:s w.....q eytended to Lieut. HodEe for the aid he hUG given in furnishin? 0 ~u survey und neoessary data in conn~ction with the Third Avenue worL~ There oeing no ourther ousine::;s to CO"le oef..lre U1is rneotir:f!, . IUS, thereafter, n.;;on :prol'er :~0tion :...GJJurned. ..// ~ r/~/ _.\;,"c_._~1 ( v-. ,,~ L :.~ -:c> oJ ~ ~\ .1... . \ 1l0HlJ.~:Y, ~l.nGt'srr. \ lot h. 1 ')31 I Special l.leeting of tl:.e Cornman Couneil, City of ;leV/ccrd, held this da.te in tl-:e Council Ijho.mbers, l;eetins cal~eo t:J order :...t [3.1,,,;1' by ],:uyor D.C.Brownell, with the followins Councilmen prccient; Cooper, lIunthy, Heyer, lJeville, Roberts ;jtunton. , Ueetintj for .puT!JOse of discussing letter from .~ttorney of ',I. I H.llis~ionary sooiety relative to tentuti ve Eospi tal leuoe sul)rni tte~ for said o.ttornies DVproval. ~fter a lenghthy discuscion it w~s . deoided to 111C1dify lease sub:nittedin the fol10winE' resleots; Cit~{ to take care of expense of Outside Re.rairs to Building, City to pay 1Jr~::!iurne on Fire insurance. LeaBl'l subject to umcellation oy either party by six months n0tice. The liluyor waS instructed to (lraft a letter to the d.tI.ll.Li. , alune: these lines. There being n,) further busi'1es~ t,. corne befJ'J"e this meetinE, it was, thereafter, U1;0D rr')j'er :notioD adjonrlll'ld. Tlr~~):u.',,'t'!, ,i.UGtJ;j';,', 11th. 1931 MeetinFs of the E4uulization 30ard Gity of SAward, for the Equalization of Taxes for the year 1931. Called to order at 0.p.m.i ~uorum l)resent, COUYlcil:n:.m Cooper uetini! as Chuirr1clYl. IT:J J:'TJte~3ts.i ,'n~j)I;EJD~~Y, ~'l~T~T~:)jl, 12th. 1~~31 !!eeting callerj to ,crder '.I.t 2 r.':!. with ~ouncil!mn !,I~;ler u.ct-: ing as ahairrno.n- No Protests. 'i'F1:TRSTJ,\.y. .,1.''iP;,T, 13th, 1931 Meeting Cu.lled to order at 2.p.m. with ~ouncil~~n U~nthy antL ins as Chairr'ian; Ho l'rotests. Friday, August, 14th. 1921 r.~e6ting Culled to crder u.t [.rr:1. \vith Coun(~ilLlan ,stu.nton :J.t;t~ inPc' as Chuirman; 110 ?rotests- Saturday. AUgust, 15t. 1J31. :.leGting Cu.lled to \)rder at 2.pm. with Counoilman IJeville ~wL- in!?; as C hairlnan; ?ollowinf i'rotests presented; <\.. Buumbtlre;er IJrot'~ sits to Cissessec valuution on his real .:;ror:erty; Chl;.i.rles und Li1.l.;Y 'Pec}:- lenberg [rotest against assessed valuation of Lots 20 and 37 in Bloc1: 2. COr:lrnittee on 1lR:cessment ':l.nd Tu,yation instruoted to lo.,}: into ::I'.1tter of assessed valuations and Illate relJort with recul~enc1uti1'J or, :,londo.y .\.ugust 24th. 1~)31 at S.p.m. T jis raeetine; held ol'en to !ntlht at that hour ~nc1 d'.l.te. . BOlm.S ,',T'G1J~T, 17th. 1'J31. Regular !1eetint"' erf the COffi!lOn Cour.cil, City of Seward held this date in the C'Junc 11 Churabers; TIeet i.ne: ealled to mrder at 8.[.k by Uayor';Brownell, with the foll<.winE' Gouneil,nen present: C'J'Jper, . I.lanthy, Heyer, Ileville :.md 3tanton. IHnutes of the last re~ul'lr !:.ir,(1 ir:ter/t~L1inl! o1'eci1.l.1 r:1ectinEs read and afDroved. Folluwing Resolution pr~8ented; RESOl.UTIOlJ B1--; 1'.1' RESOl'r.s~) BY 'l'T"'~ C01,!:10Ij CmrnCIL? CI'l'Y 01<' SE,LiHD, .I.L,~)L,.., That tte o.ssessment roll of the Real and persanul rrof~rty in the Ci t;iT of S~V/ard, A: <J.FJ-:U, for the year lS'31, as deli ~'eYf',l :0 the 480 llOlf.0.~Y, Al'GUST, 17th. IV31. Cont. City Council by the A~cess.r as equalized by the said Council be a BE IT FURTHER RESOH'ED, that this being the first regular Illee of the Common Council since the equalization of said assessment ro the levy for the year 1931 is hereby placed at 20 mills, and, BE rJl FURTHER RESOL VB.J, that the time when the Taxes for the 1931 of the real and personal property of said City of Seward as a shall beoome delinquent for non-payment, shall be 5 o'cluck p.m. 0 15th day of november, 1931, and that the clerk give due notice as re1uired .b~ provisions of Section 20 of Ordinance No. 14 as amend by Section 7 of Ordinance No. 27 of the Ordinances of the City of Seward, Alaska. Passed under su is 17th. day of August 1 31 APPROVEJ A fA !//:j tVdtf~~, cr. CL;<:RK Motion By Councilman Manthy, seoonded by Neville, thatthe rul be suspended-~crr the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Ro~, Councilmen present Voted Aye. On th~ question ::Jhall till! Resolutio be adopted? All Councilmen present voted ~ye. Motion by Councilman, Uanthy, seoonded by Meyer that the -,-'ers delinquent list for the year IV30 as presented, be placed in the h of th~ City Attorney for forced colleotion; Calli~g the Roll, ~ll Cou men voted in the affirmative. Councilman Heyer reported thatthe heatin,g plant in the ::Jchool louse had b b~en remodeled and was giving good satisfaction. light oommittee was instruoted to have CluLter lighttii wushed. This meeting thereafter, upon profer motion, adjourned. TU~BD.~Y, AUGUST~ 18th. 1931. Srecial meeting of tI,e COIJ1J~O~ Council, City of Seward, held th s date in 'the Caur-cil Chambers, meeting culled to order at 8 p.m. by !.lD.~Tor Brownell; with the followine Councilmen presen~; Cooper, ;,l...n hy l.:e~'er, Neville and :3tanton. l:Ieeting for purpose of considering the filling U1! of and the instullatio~ of a tide box under ~ill of ~.R.Tre8Eell draining laE on; Muyor advised that Col Oleson had agreed to fill this trcsell and install tide box th1..t would l)e sutisfaotory to the Council, ufter discussion, it was decided to install a tide box that would uut omaticaly prevent tide from enterine the lagoun and would keep sam, dr&ined dry. . A motion was made b:l C,Juncilrnan Heyer. seconded the Mayor and Com~ittee in churee of the Third Ave. authorized to with this :!latter <is outlined; Callinc Councilmen present voted Aye. 'Bhi~e..tin~heres.fter ud journeo. OR \ by stanton, th't Extension be the Roll, all ( /' l/Ix1z,iflv/J .J," CLERI: UOllDj,Y, ~W(}lIST, 24th. 1031 Special Lleetine: of the Common Cou"lcil, Cit:i' of St'wurd, held thi dute in the Counoil Chaubers; IJeeting called to orcler at 8 P.':'l. by !!c;;..yor Brownell, with the follDwing ~ollncil:nen rresent; Cooper. Hey r, Neville und stanton. Ideeting for purpose of cLlsinv EquD.lizution Eoard revieuing tax assessments as equulized by ~8sessment .Protest of A Ba.umberf!Ar for reduction of-assessed ~roperty, Denief. Protest of Cho.s unO. May Tecklenberg f"r reduct ion on eertain 1" s grG.nted. J.L.Graef appeared before this meeting, asking for refund o~ 15 .ao ('~loin:ed overpaid Dn personal ta:xes for ~7ear 1~27. J.L.Graef notifi d that this Council could take nO action in the matter. Moved by Councilmen ~eyer. seconded by Cooper that tte Tax reI for the year 1931 as assessed and equalized be acoepted; Callins the r II all Councilmen present voted ....ye. Clerk instruuteo to notify 1J..f.Rassp.lUssen to reElove Open Toile on his property lot 4 hll. ~ within l~ do.ys. Nels Hagen notified to connect tDilets with Sewer immediately. Ueetings and Co Imi ttee. vu.luation of is q-1l t-"J, "j I \,:.~ M ('I i ~.-JIE)_...Y, .J..UCU.Bt, 201th. :0nt. . Chief of 1"01iC6 ordered to nail ur sl,ch been connected u~ with sewer UB ordered. r::ouncilman .cl.3.Hoberts fr~nted 7, :::onths leave of a.bsence ncil'11:l.nic duties. Mayor read cO~3unication written by hi~ to Urs. Goode in ion with operat ion of Sevmrd General Hosri tal. Thereibeing no further business to come before this meetins. w~\there,;fter. upon proIJer ~-:1,O~~, ad,;ournecl. _AJ I~ c/$r0 ~ c;.-~_fl./.--' UAYOR , open toilets ~s had not I I , fro!:} ':;01.1 I con;1ect I it tl ~h';/UdiJ: CL:~RY. t ?l:rEf)j),,'.Y. :)=-:l'T:.:~I?,~~~,~t at"'!, l'.':~l. I Regv,::"~.l.r 'ne"tiYl3 'Jf t~le (jor..l,dm~l Couy:eil, (~it::; ..;f Sf:\'J'rd, 1:e1.l1 ti:-1~; du.te 1n th~ '_;ouneil Gh~~]bers; 1.:ee~.inQ 0u.llo<j ta oruer b:; I.lu~7or ~).Ci. :Brownell with the foLiowine CO'.Jlwilwm ,~,resent; COJl'er, T!c.nthy, 1,:eye:r. lJoville Dna stanton. I.linutes of the lr.st :rcfwlur unci interveil1:L:u? s.::ec~:: "Ie.:ti'i:;" re:.:cl ;.1nd ul])roveG. ::;lair:ls totullinf 1~52.4~t, rr€RP'Y1ted .:;'[1 :f'oilu'\"Js; :~Qnl 0-: ~)C\~J;'-.TC: ::.fi.)J. [ie:t:heski. :::2).\'"). 'Bu.!.derst:JD lB'').}1. T"'~'t,~tJr8t0e}: 7!i..~'=!. F"rl,'J",'O' "'I ~,' c'e""'rd 'I",ter ",,1'" "')7 h') ..p'."':rd 11....0? l' ",., _1 _ v ~ ., t.J _. ~ '. ;:), \ 'j ~..... . _ . ~) J:' if. ..... ... <II <-} '" ~). ~ .I ~ U .: . "I \"I . aF.1:J. ~).~:_.Ugle. i)';.F3C. ~)C\rv~cy(l l,T~eltinc ShOI) 1~4.5~. ..'...:c;.l.sko. ?r,:ll fer lZ.4?',. :T.l..rJruef 2:--,.1:). C.lj.Br~8ills In.5r;, 1...:...Euff G.Jf). Gerh:lI'O cTohTlf:ev144.S). 3.':.TI.Corr. l.l.lJ7. Gu:,' : It..nth::' U:.O'] u.\I:';~:J'P :?3.'J:J. (;.11c,i-uley G.2f>. :~...>j.eben 29.~'5. l3eward l!eta1 .iLu. 14.GB. ~....i:lh IJ.Zfi. !ju.teW<.l.~l PU11. r;o. 8.9!). ~;tanrl:lril Oil 21?G8. !loti.O:1 by ~,)Uneill'l:lJj 'I:"nt~y. Seconder~ b;1 IJevil::'e th'd~ cl8.i";, ar: IJrHsente( 'he :tl1 'verl u.rH1 \VI.l:r,ants druym in l'!J.Yl:ltmt. cf sl;.':;e; C<J.llir,t" ;,he ~oll; ,.11 COll:1C:.1!1(,'~ ~'res()nt 'Toter} .c;;'e. Clui:, ,.)~ B. 0, r. Carl;. 1'),87. J:otioYl 11:/ CO'l:'1ull::l:ln st....nto,l, eeccYlile,' r? ':~nt;hy "th'lt cl~i'3 h, Cl.l1,)\'1.~(1 ay\(l .;....r,ll.nt drawn .i~l 2~:Y"I:;e:-lt of ceJ,':ie; :';;3.1: inl?" trie ::1011 0:1 tr.e tnotiJn ~o1Jncil"~len CCiJrj~'l"',i !:!unthy. ~,;e'Jille ana :..it.unton Velte') ir: thr; 'iffirr:w,tive. r-:C';;'lCil',' p I lle~er not voting. Uotio~ u~rriea unJ 80 Jracrsd. : Fire COl111ittee WJ.8 uutr.orize<l to ruruh~se new l)u.tte:ry for Flrf. True}. i Tr08[ltul Co'nittee W'lE i~stru'Jted tJ ll)o] lnte) TToSli.tu1 Ii:.:l':,l~ billc. whict secue,. tJ "h<: exorl'ikmt. :.:~yor ~avlsed thir~ u"e. eYte!18io~ ~rofressing ~s well ~c could be ex:ected. o\'Jing to bad 'uaterial erHlollnte:red it will ta} p 1 :'l'li!cr thu:l ant lei ',,'.ted to co:nplete fill. Gut t;:' ';ect to have ['Jar'le finished i,] time t~ releus6 ;Jhovel !J.nd ol'erutors'irl tiwe to c:utuh i boat on SCft. 11th. ~hwre being no futther bllsiness tc Caine ~efJre thi~ :necti~e. it ~. -"'rreuft2 "1 'On i.rorer :,~oti'8 ~,d~l'ur'~led. '. N, ,c... y/ -71~""'n-z-,'-,t( ,JZ/'.,..:._L u. ~~ y ~) rr- ( \l ~~ 1~ ~ D i i ~ I I 1.~'02'~.."{t 8=:.-'?i':::b-,~:::, 1:::l.st. 1 '1 '7, I ......'IL-'__ . Reg1l1c.Y :,lecting of tho C-J':l.l0n r~\.)n~!'Jj}, '.;it:~ ll: -Jf~T...r>~r(j, hclcl l.r-.i.lf. 1,,~:.....te ~n t1.c ~,)Lf.l.cll C(:..L;..~,hPTc; ::cc-Llv~~ l~ ,~~~~ t,:' t,; ~)Tflf;T t:J' '~i,-_:"il" -"'~r.Jwl'le-l'" .,t (~ ' !'1 '",i t l~ the. fol ~'li~--'17 1""('llJ"(>~ l r, (""-j - .......(l......f'v,-l. ('I...., ~l"'(..r : -'_ . _ ..... -" _ .'. _.. ,. _ . ~ ) ....'. ..." I..' ,~ j." ..l..."- I" ~_ j '".' . ".I, . ~ "-' -' '" '. , I :~.:..nth:l t J.:e~7(~..,.. C,.fU1 :le"'yr i} le. !:i~~:1{1:0C Jf ~~h(\ ~cst rel!ulu.r r~('otiY1,;r Tf;ua '~:1r a',1 r(~~1e(l. ! .. - ... I ~ OI'l.:ltl~1 l ~~2 t i on :r();~l . ~no TC....'lf r .JTt )i"'. t, rr}t r- ~~t i Y.P L.rr;~ i nst CYF: C(-> f; i 1r (' t ~ .-.' I .,J~] 11i ~i "T8'-' e-('t...~ , -,...(, r l::'l'"l"t p '~()'''1'~'~1; n -i (0' t I' ')11 "rel p-re (c t. 1. in -, t 'j " i ~":":"l.J.t . 'J. ..i...' - ..J. ~- - -'. ~-'- ".. '. -.;.. J J " V .... ,- - u --. -- \;;'; '-'._......,~ ; - f- J reF;'l:.:Y :~:eetin8. j "'8:"'",j"'UY' 1" cnt1" !)y\ -f"-....~,'l <)' '[ "t., ,'J()r-l -,"0'j'~ rf"r'l,(>(,;<..j"':l'I.J ..j"',.. +11r, ril'-+ .1:'(~ '1 .J .1. ~-'- ./ ~ '. -4-"''-''''. .f'... 'J..''-'. . _I, '.. ,..."__,.,_.. I~. ,~L ,~ (,' ~'I' ,..', "-' of ~irc' Cljicf"' lJe co'nfinoC to '~reu.. "!:t'~Jil'l 11,':;""- I .rt ...~ ~;ty : :~~)tion 111-'--'~lY t~~~:(;(., se~c\r'lll'~\~~ ::n(1' ~Jn~l~1~i.'I";!~;1:'" (;:~rY'i~r- ~tl-L::'l.;.J rerpcJ:t of ~.'" ~ --:-', nA C.J!Y)t~l ied ~'.'i t,'r, ,~....I (~~ 'P'~;..". . (" y,...... (.t i r'''! T 011 L":io-r ,,,,,r".ar.~,,,,...\'t to ,. j ...1-1. -" .-J........ '. .-.- .......... ............- ,....' 1'/; '-" ~.. ~._. ....\~.I ,,\'_ ,-.' U"V _~...' rp this e~~eut. i ~~l~j,'~:; l"i_T"" XEl:ur1:E'!l :l(;:l~~r f:t:d,p.(l l-:~ L' 0 11'") TC;~ _'rt t'2 .J~.iJ-:-r I thi.r t~:':tl ~~' -:,,_, F'..)[:l'it~:.~ T_:.;.~]ndr;,.r BillF. ~~Oti:JL l):v' ~,'ll'1Cl},:~~~n T:,_rnth~l, SP(~:)l~l(lel~ l~7 ~:(:"ille 1,b:~t 1~1t:,1 '..tt:)yr;r::l 1-P 1~ctrlJcteo tu f1:'...C r~l~iJ.rci: ~Ishil iiJ:~erf' fur '..in i~ld~':r'(;~.lt l,PYf-v'~ r'h~ ie i~l ~"-l; '!;~;Sl'i..~J~Ll i~~ .:;rl/;r t~1":l.,'-,,~_ l-:i:': 'l):;'",.~ ,._:....~~ 1:,-:: l~scll 482 --.n-l(l.';'"r", )e...~t. ::10t. 1.1;':, l: ;.)r; 4_ .. , to pel;,' )-,ie hoopi t'cl <.:ond .u~Jctor 'hi 11.6; LIot ion carr-iAd; .,11 CouneilI1 n ::::rt?Ecnt ~J()ti~,~ ~l.~ye. aU!i':r.dl~l:J..n :'!:.;.ntn),.' i1.greef'! to r:et 'lG f}u3rdi,<),n fJ th!~ indigont. aity ~ttorncy w~s instructed ~o write to the Goven'r \":t1: ',view to h~"inp' thiE~ rerson aor:litteo into tlo,n ;~ionpr.rs :',0:.](',. City ~ttornoy instructod to report 1,0 Sower ~omlitteo in regar~ to l'8rJ'12.ty atto.c1wr' ut:aLnst l'orso:1S f'lilinp; to eomrl;;r with orclA('s"to ~OTI~ect with city sewars. li['ht com::tittee instructed to re}':Jrt 0'1 t!:e J'J 'l(~in,Y of liphts 0 trIo Cit~: :;'1-''11. :J.no on Bn':ch between R.~.'~r~ccJ: ,'n(l ;3rn~1:V1'ltnr. Thero 'heinp no fnrther nusinoD2 to CiJ!'iO beforn t:lic :100ti'117, it was, 1hp:-rcufter, ur~njro~)er ,:!otiu;l 'In,;.)11rr;etl. I-~-g-L~ -/:l~f~~",:!._~~all':" !\~ ~ v (I R .\CJ6 II! "n f ~,~()nD'\.'.r, ()C:'0B~~], Btt. J.:<~l. . R(~:?vl:.r me8tinf of the C':"'r1'.JY} ~CH;~jcjl, 8it:,~ of ;)cvr.lrd" held th.s d.:t" iy! the Council Ch<ir,lbers, 1"erticW called to Jyrlnr 'h;1 :i~~yor flt t 1-.':1- wit)-. fOllowiTIp.- ":o!1:'1c:ill!len l;reSp.nt; ~O')rer, l1:-'!lt. y, :le~rf'r, i.evUle, ;,t'lntqn I.linlltes of the last rein.l,~r [;oetin,,- ret,d 'Jl1d u,';"roveL1, ~'etition fro.'1 t1.1.~r~p,f 'J.s~,inp: for refii~lc1 of ~~lr-5'l.J~L1.~2.1n on IJorso c~ 1.'~)"_it.j')n for ye"r 1~i:~7, l.resent'c ; i.lotiLlIl 11;;7 CU1J)wil',r:',n tJo~'l'e~~,bt),~, TIlled 11~, l!e;,,'er, th:.-.t retit':'on b(! l'p'1ip.6; ',;~llint' tte roll on P-,f} ::lOtion, ,ell rjouncilrncn, Ure8f'nt "cl\..e,~,: ReBhIti!:g: Aye'S 4, , ;)tp.nton ',v,ot.ing. 11l.l.Y C""rried. Protest of 1.ndrew Horto:l (1('::.1,inot e~.:ocesivc t:.:c,:nt: on Up', I,', l:ro' I")ltC<', "i~Gultini'! in U :11otion by COUl1oil':lan llti.nth;l, EO(loll<le( b;v :;e"i1'8 1.1') 1. ~ortons to.Y08 oe rnduuea fro~ e5~.l0 tu '40.00; C'.lJinR the roll u ] r;.....~l~neil.-:!en ~reSet1t v'Jted ,d..:le. Letter frotl GeY.J.EtSr. Ohlson read, rel'\tivA tv 1I!RY.:iRY. relilJC,3t of ::.l.,.~r~ef for lease on ~'/~ter front~"ft'3 0= '3heltc~:' h".rrJo:r- 1')' \~~~ \If T:,.-",lvlatcr. Clerl: instl"l1cted to '.vrite Col. Oh1sor lJY':Jtesti',!' ,.;:'::-:n t ~p.is(~in~ of this ~r0perty to rri~'uto interosts , thtlnl.1~~ hi'l fOT is ..:, ;'If"ineri.l.tiJn in t.\;is !:lutter and ~avisinp of th(' Vlillini?nesll of th ::;11.'1 :Jf ~-,ew')rrl t'J pntel" into s;wh U leCiso UI,ller m.tisf:..ctOY'l cundi " Clair:ls totulling :'140!S.Gr, l-l"esfmte(l :.J.f-3 follows; j<'mk uf Jevmr ::f,ilcheski 220. )D. 131~ld(,rston 1G). }I}, ';'lverstoeL 7fi.')'i. 1T:..ywood Sr:w,"ru .iLi.ter Spl;,.'. 127.fiJ.jtulIihtd Oil ~J. '-C.Cl. ,-'_::" ';'i"'_m~:;fer ~rick '% 1.~u:rTU~l 2'7.5')a ~C'r{u,rl Ti"c;(~ 1:~ _'a Cu. ;2:Jl.9R. ~).~.:.(!t!le Cr.10 ;:ew I'd :lpt~l ,IY,~:'. 21.4'. r~.3.]rusiu(; '3.:~:). Osb("r, 1,Je,;triu :-'1-'2-;7.2. fi ~.....uh 14..25. H.dcnt Bl.7R. H.~-'~lpl)(n1 4:3.7!3. Gu;,l T"~~1th:J 4:~.J,). .::....ndp con '3.':::;-'. ,TOO :'(;8ter 3.75. Lois !i:J.roni G.7f,. r...:ituY!w G.7f,. .,1.',:x littl G."'!) "':.R.Anoerson 1%.75. p.}jyrtru' c.2!,;, J.H.Dc~:1oL 21.1') 'T'.J,olio8 lll.JO l.:oticn by ~olJnoil'iu.', ,,:'H!~,hV :)8';U'1[100 b:J l>;l'ille th~lt r;l,~i"lS 1;0 pai ':;':..llinV the Roll 'JD 1~'lC ::lutl.)rJ; d:];" ~ul1ncll"~.e;l f'rc;"t nt ~lotcd .....yr;. ~lui~ of Brown ~- TTflwl:'ins ~ur;-'. f,o!' IS;.:;') lJ!'l3sr;ntod; :luti(j!". 1~' ,.. ":;)-jC~_~":;U'Yl ~,:1oooLo~1th.:/. 3ec:onde' by COl'rer t~"';.1.", c;l0.ir:l 'he alluwcd .'~nC "l~.t.~ c:r.....rvYl i~ y~lJn:Jen1. of r'~:.::J'. ';'~111YH: 1 t-,t; roll ~ouncil;nen rOl-_'lllt~r, ',~.j.~'1 _". '.'illf' ",;(1 ~to.nton Yotec; Aye. Cowwil!.l!.i!l llo:,'cr !Jot vltinf. FollowinF ?eeol~tion ?recented; ~E301TT'l' T 01J. 31:: IT Rl::::;OlVElJ BY TTT}: ~(YTI!C<:: COHI1CIL,CITY OF Ji~,/ARIJ'? ~\L":\,-. . 7:::.':' 1:,.:., vo;rtuC' of and l'ersuur,t :': u. onl.:/ ent8r13tl Order of Jale Q:.J.t the 1st day of Juuly 1)71, made una entere~ by the Distriut C~urt' the Territory of Alask:.l., Third ~ivisiol1, in the ~nutter of tho [~~",l c::;..tion of the City of Seward, _,l.'.Sl:a, U j,iunicil"il COI'l!oruti:m for' n Order of Sc..le of Gcrt[.;.i:l ,..tr'!l()il'''~ :Je1inquent :'a:xes for the your l' 30 togeather with penalty, interest, and (:.,st, the alert of the ;]i ty 0 '-',ewo.rd is hereb'l directed tu sell the :r(I,~crt.:.' ,ir:S,,"'1b,>,' i1 1;1:e Jr ar ; f Sa 1 € ,'_ r c' t l 'I t~ ~ (~( ~ 11 _'1 I :. I 11. 1 ax :\ ...... i '.1, ~ }l ., ',- : ~ e ,) f '. S 0 ~:. '1 C . " ~~ 0 .~ en hereir: ~lftcr lrescri1'ed shuJ I be found unl'uid as to rl,:.i.:', 1 rJ:J.lty ir'terest and cust upon (!LoCr~ BlJf-cifio tri..l.ct, am tho LlLi.nner L,rovicler1 b~:1 It.-w. ?:. T'hl.l.t 1. h." Cler, u: t).c ~i'." 'Jf '3ew:..rd, shall CU.tHW tJ to 'bde dw) _l'(; sufficient n\.'tic;(] ~)f caid 8:...Jc,I::' l~ublicl~ti,)n thereof, onuc :. -,IOf']., f.')y fCl'-:" ccr:CP411l ti ,'c llCcJ'E, in 'he 3C\'I[ir(, :Jui1y G<--tewa~T. a nowsf[l',cr of generJ.2. cireulatiun p,bJ_if'hpll in tl,n Cit;: ,yf 3cv",..r(l, which news1.l.per", ie herF~'h:r;r [:esi{!nute(~ for sn(~r_ 1lJ.1"1- ~"'r~c~ 11:,~ tl',8 CO;.'1;.1a~ fjouncil. "- '~" 3. Th:_t the..' ;"<..:-le of r~wl lJTCrer1.;:; J i Ftcrl U~;cl:l ~,r,' ::-!f>l:nqncnt '1'.. - hoL~ of the r~it:/ .Jf Sf';\-~,~;rl.".l .~lJ.c.1 ~'" fGT tile ;it::J.Y" :.~'7\ to ~1:.....tit?f;1 :..~nc1 d is 'ho..r2'c 'Ltc lieq of tr-~f-: UTile-it; .J.J~,,;- ~,'pC'l t!-(l ,:(:vcri....i.~~ e;.n( G'l;ceifjc tr:letG de c;ribod tcreD.t.her l';l..~' i~c':.1.j.~L", i".,~.,--'''crt ''-~l~ ,,_:~~, '},p. hb.(~"':~ L:l'~~i,' .l.:(,ti,-~""l 'I c:.t th" offiCi) .)-f' ',,,,-, :.:'; '+H. __ ~lcr}', C' .) I - "a.~'U ions. 2B. '->J 50.)') 4Ll.4!") " j '--...., -~..... - l t, ,-,' (" ';~J- r; 0' ..j I Sew::ir(;, +~:~~: ..., U.~...G~l ti-r. l~.th 1~:__~/~ "~-7 -,T:~.)e'::r'::~"t ::::":, Dctwne"',:1 ~-- hOl]rr-: cf :J ...i.I.:. "1;10. "1" .:..l.:'~. ,~~~~I;~ i:: ~3'Ji(1 ~)~.~":': ;:'~~(. 1 s 1-1:::~; l~Crle...l..ll!ip lI~-. s....ic1 day t "".c s,J,r:v' s1:.~::"l (l:':'~lt~~-ne :rc:': (l~:T t:: tJ:....~~ ~~,t0:"pu..f..j~f-'y c,.rer ~,U!l(l:'-~J"s 8.l'lcl TT ..:J.. d.':~"s unti2. tl---.c: r'r()~\nTt:." sn'h~eet :. ~:' ?(.;..)" ~)~:_f~ I ',' ,lr- 1"', {J~i(l "'1:)t i co I E, d ic.;.:...'sc:d of. ;1...:. r::h....~- A..l(~1 tr0.et, ul.>Y;1 fj~~in (1011 ~-](:~1 ~':I1. n-.....~.. ~j-_:l IJ-r t ~e ~l..~ ",..r.' C'n"r""'\"". .;~ .." <,c,'.c, f'r t~~p ~..(_,.'"V" l '';'7',\ ,.., CO,","";~"! (""lP~ nT:;~""'" ,,-,,1 . -!".l'fl'''f (~ '~I I)"\....l....~, "....("..,..l_~.....,...., ",.' "'-,,l _~. " "'" _,1"_ ~-' -.....! . '''-', '-'-' .(',-~_,... ; t'(' 'l,p,~,"-4-l' 'f ":..i~i i ':'11nl-i "'... Tnt(,"'('pc:-ot .....If fl~''"''t, r1,U(;; tl!()-...('~)y:, ~1.V"'( ~...;, ." ()...~ '.. \.'" ~ ...t....'~ .........','.-', .1.. ... -'10... ~"" ........... . , if cl:-r:i.;:c":: is '-"tot, oi(1 to di8ch'~r:-"(; tJ:f' U;1)t1~lt thp.~p.o~, 8: id r::.... Cli..':..t"'~ C' -t r:. l~ c l'" .,. 1,t~ b i'"' .! 1-'J 1-1"" +-,1-p ~-i or1 ,--.f the 8i t"'J n--P )er"-~_yd "- J.. I;; '-' ........... ' ,J ..." ~ \.. ., , . _. . , -' 4. '- -'- , .... ".~ .... ' , ~ t.'" ,h. (,::,' ,_ /!',.....'Y" qYl(' l"j 1-t.t-'11~ ~,..t'" (-"i;:: "lir.il'~ ;_lit~,r fer t}lH c.r:I:)unt iJ~ .........._"....1'._., .J..V... --.... ^ ,..' :'-"'....... __--'. ~L<. '.. .'~ .' ...- _ ..- t"',C\ ';,;...., '),:~r~;;lt." ~'.1~_(~1.e8~ ':nl~ ~,-'~3t, ::l.....l':iyl,(T .:ro, r.r :-'.otut.ion '.)11 8:...iiE ,\, ''-<'J., .....'~ .._..... I _ _... _ T' iICli;}Ci,lJe.Ont ~u.:Y ~r...:ll. " ({'/ J""~''''' ""1" one- .H~, ,,~ ,_,~ t)Dtob8r,1~)~=-:. ~;~!~ '~2- .'.'.' d,L" /~ ~n"l f' _C~. rv / /j CA, //(/ "1#J J'.~',' .~J~! ..... ,~.~-~t--~. ~~-- C J... := :~ :i~ : :.~oti-J.~l l)~r CJUIIC~l':.;..;.~- "":~vI1,::...., :;,'_:l;(,l 1(;;'\ l~-' :e~'er th~~t -l-1;,-~ r'<lJ~s lIe 8us~:'(,;Y!c1e I ~2"" ~),.~" :J.\.'...'l_,t:....'Y' \jf t~-_c l~e(~.Jluti;')Ti; ~L..l11" thr-~ ~\(_\ll :....2.1 ~'~Uij(~1J,f~1e~~i ".'re~3C(11 .Toterl i'1 ~,'-(; 8.f':~Lrr...."tive. C~l ~..1-~c; ~",'. ..'S1.l'):1 '\".Ih'..:.: t~lc "r\eEI211(tio11 be J,(lc.Ctod"?" ~~l2. r~C1Pleil wen ~JJ"escnt ~r..)t.e(.l ..:..ye. \ G-J1~ncil! lo,YJ ~'l~~~l(~r rO!,-:ortfHl t'1c..:..t "'~Lc e,)~t :::,f !~Cf':,l t'..:l 2,:'~lJ~-~(lY;,: 'No1.11d 'be 1:l'lteri~~l~l rcdllcnr1 .,~~~ UU'Jn ~-.8 (;''iP~l'~.~t:nt ,,-.1.y(~h BP,l b~,- the .....t<., JCGfec-lee Eu~e .hud been laid fJr. ':"i(3Ltr: f,~r tr-~C' ?~I,)'~ tint~ ~J(:L u.nd ~(;~",e~1 ,'it E:r."C' ;:\'.f'~t er were c11t~- (,11~.~ce6; l'J '~.ct:on t_']'e~l. J. '.l~,tiIJVJ. ',V~lE m'J.(lo, seco~lde(l and c:.lrried th::;.t tho :~it;; ..~ttJYld:.::J r,r instr\'C:teii to '"1ctify ;I,rties h:i"~nL "-"CI.ts in 1,)-:" }.'':fcm, tu re!:c~.rn the:'1 V'lit'hin t/\ dU~l8 z.a: outlet 'flOCi'l :!'j,(TCOYi wOl~ld re rer'i':"~~- ently 1~::'OFe(' b~,' thr:t tit'le. "nr, [,l~)o to '1',"'" ir:serted i'.; t'~l) l)cLi ~~' r.;...tFW'-.l;t' :.... notiue to th",,~, nfent. , i'"'\Y'l "] "'}'^ ('l""-+pn"l- :"~"1 of' r'''\I-'ui '{<rf\~"('" 1"'0'"1""\)Y1 .. rl~ \1'" f~~"". (i.~ I""'(",~"-,,I""': _ .1"-'..... U ~,.jl.....' :_b.\)~, ,-J ....'. . v.....l. ,-'.",.:!i::::'II.-) ,.t-,.J"l lJ'"~,(, 'l:., ~J. J....~:."......j lJY1; ?es'lltlnv In ":,lOtlon r)/ I~J"~l(;lj'l(.", r"-Jl;,.r, cecuY](,('(\ 1;~; .",Lthf tL,c..t tr!iB v/or}.: 'bo 81181 enrlcd f'Jl'" tht-. L'rp~)e~"t . ~l(: tr::-t. e;Uirr18nt . rCl! --- ::'::;.bJr r,() CYI;enoed in ['yo.vellir'f 1,J.--,c StrclCtB. ~::.L:':'~ in'" t',( :~l)l:, :.1-' r;olJ~i.(;il.'le'r'i. .tJyp.f;f'nt 'loted i~l t~c '.:.::'1.r!~~-,.ti \"8. : ~0 . ...........:.'"'11t ij'l"" -,"'e' '....r+ ~r-'r.l f"l,....,'....-(.i-Il.c.'vi l'''''''''Py" ,.~ti;Jr. ...." c: rr,"(lF-' i" ......__ ...... J t_.IJ.! J 1.. ~--,v ,; , "J '.~' ............ .l.~ -~ '.J~' , .:.. ..\~... ~ . '-"" 1-' ,,", 'l"I"l'lr',.)": l'~,~y,th'1:'" C"<f:(' ...,....(} 1'(1 1-.~' (.-4.'1"',.... ."Yl -l-l"l-4 ..f-r,,,,, '-!l)t::'~ l.~ ~ -: '"""', ~-f tr:I'~ ..v..c'v _,~, . ...........1 ......' , u .,,-,U.... ., '.. ,) v__. L,.)~~, .J ". l, L.,l. , Io.)~, .J.,_ 'V'.' ,... J '1 be :lnth)yi~:eJ to l"'~lVC t;'~( clruir:.' ~:'f~ fi:--:t;r1 round tJ.,c "!"~L'E:1.-"it~~l; ;~vll irl). 1,1~f~ JaIl on t>o ~:;:,tio;1; ~'~l~ ~,-~1l""1nil!'lo~1 ~ resp.!lt vott~d ....:J'P.. ' Cler}, i:,:otrueteo t,) write le7tnr t, '~ur.u,;l :1 ";nl, ~Jd7 to t\,p i,ri:.:(~il".t~J. urfiYl~: thr<t S(~hco~ 'Jhl]c1rfH~ "he ~_'Yevente(: frc~l"': l':'~:..'5n>--~ .~1; thf: ~tre( t iT] f1"C~~ 'Jf :"Jcho.Jl .....TIJU80 ':Vl~ :'J t(.. '~'':'~~l,-''cr i"ru;' tr~~f.Le. r.,;'rH?re 1)ei)1:_'~ r!2 furt~Gr l)t1Gi:ioSF t,J (~o~Y'!O bc:fJ::"'e; thi~J 0.A~iYl~, it ;'T::;;'~, trJret..ftfJr, 1(;0)1 ,,'rorer ':10tioH ',d,jour~lcd. \)j /' L //,/~ 11./' -k~~" ;-~Q7./U-~2~?/~::/f t,; " ......- ,\ p. l . .. .. - I".. , ~ Ll(J2va/~?~_ I . :; T ~: ~ ~~ r . ~.IO::i-,'~.'Y, ll(~r.: ./;?~~~:, 1 ~1t t.-. 1 ~~7.~_ I i~et51.l1:~;r '~p.(~tinv Jf t~-:.(; ~~0::J lU~'; :;0u"lei.l, ~it~l ,his d:.:.te i~ thn ~oll'"cil '~rl~":tC!rE; ::ectinrr c!.lle{j ):1 ~:~:/Jr .i. ~~.BrC'\-,r~-,I~~}. \.v~th t,~-r:; feJ.:l njrlr' r;J~r~!\.~il: '~:"';-i t ~'~;l ~ ... :e:i (-:T, ;:ev i ~ 1 e j,r~d 3t ~- ri.ton. L:i:'"ll.tes J~ trr, l'~f.t reP'l1l:.-..r r:;ectin~ re:.....c1 1.:..no U-l' 1"'(>'"(:0. et"er ~rJ: I 'ICY :le.L'hA:1rsDr. ~'Yctelltir;F' ,'-,p"ir.Et t,Tx']ti0n levied t ;':1 j Gcor'-'l ?o.r[:~onc_;.i'''c rc!'o. ~2-eY~ P:~~ l:..l.j.ned th',t. '.l-1"Bon~...~)'c rr:iG ct be',..n DEed U-C 'l l\.:.l.rt-Gn~~t~e ="lJ'''' 80',18 tiL1e 'hi~t V1U8 rt~nteu u..S :l1'1 rclll',c:.ry dwellinc': :..n(l WI,S er;rnir:F':.1 rcnt'J2-. :lot:.~r, '.i'J-C :l:::c(le n:; olJYwil..lc.Y1 ;jtu.ntuE, ",econded roJ ;.-:.J:,t\i~r tb:.t '.IS the t<C;;,e for :..II:L )rctc~'ts on t'c-;':f,tion bCil't' 1.J~[' l;~w;:cd, "!"en ;!rotcst of ;\ev. ,:c.,'he:., 80L~ b~~, (~enicd; Cal Ine t1:e R'Jll _l..ll :;uur.Gil',loi1 l.T~;r-:C'11t "("'oted q~,le. i.etter frOJTl ~u'n'J1~t:r:io71er \)'I,:D.l~.y ::'c.....c.l relativt~ t~~, (lY'~8til; ree:- ..ll....,tions ~ontc:':l~lc..teo iYJ. re(~'~Til t,~ ~jJ.l).-kn f-lshinF Ir:. '2eEurreuti,,'>}i oy. 1.1otioY1 0":: ',;OI1~1l;i:~':l':n ~~),)~'er. :3(~cJn(el 1;-1 ~7.::;.ntJl"J tn.tt ;"he Il:....~I(j ... .l- ~'. if- ~ <:'l1d I~J~:L1i.tt(~e :..J.l':)jnt.ed. 11':,; hI!:! l;ret~e:1t fl. CD II"'" of tr-.:s letter ts 't.,r'f' I '-;,vI:;;,ril 0h~,.!".ber of fjv"l'der~~~ q~lc3'" t-rk"(; i~'eoi'ii,'e :.:.ctlon ~~:.:: rreVC!lt su~c~ 1 t' b' , d '... ' ,- , , .. ' egll..L0- ,Jon. elnp l!:ll.'ose . :.lJv'L,lf1 l1YVJ.Ll::LUf,J.:v' c(....:...rif:tl, 1 ::...;v~r :;~.11;Ul~ ! ("! (1 ,; v 1: Lei 1 '. .:.~ ~ 1 ~ ~ e ~7 (~ r ~-,.~, ". i -,1 .: :: t l-:, ~ f' ,~,,': : ~_ t t e C~ . If .J€:w~;.~'d l Lf-;}{l t c; J)' (i r,;' ,,-1 'j I len l'reGcnt: ~...; "'}l i~~' 4Ci' . . . t _ (~4~ ~,':Ul.,.l~""'Y1 (~'CTOI3E:~f? l~it}:. l'.?l.. ;0!'lt. Letter fror:'! HI's Goude udr1ressol tJ ;r,.yor BrownE:l~ ref',C1. rfJlati ve t = tr.o SeVlard 0ener1.l.1 Hosfi tul; Ordere' filo(l. Git~1 Attorney instructed t~ foree collection of all dolincuent ifersonnl taxes due for tl:fl ye~,r 1:.)3). . Councilman Meyer advised that draina~e ut Hos~it[ll would be t~k_n :'~"re of 3.8 soon 'J.e \Vputher r'or"ll tea at a IJrob'lb1e ()ost of about fi').I') ! {(me Patterson F!rnnto!1 rerrnisr:ion to !Jut in concretfl I!U~,ter in ,f;cnt of Hortherr; Pool l\')')u. , I,~D.yor rel)Orted IJrofTesc on instalution of gutter drains under strer,ts at intersection of 'F'ourth ."ve. P, d3.shinf!ton Jt. r; i t~ i. t t orney i nst rl,ct ed too r'lW uI-' ','} Ord i n",YW(l i !~PO s i nl' :l- r;";:X llIi:f:,:~5::l(O ~," ~5.J'J on cl.l1 rIot ,1' Jrh'("1 7e11i(':1.08 owned or oporator] within tr.e .ity, to tako effect Jvnuarv 1st. 19~~. . Further wary on tro Iugp'.1n ro,':d W'J~, (lisCIH3pr,c1, it W'!~' (le(~ided ,) f!iJSr<)nr, fUTthflr worl' 1;nti.1 l'i(lr; ":.lte h:'d becn instul1ncl [no stre t ,.J:lli1ittee V,I'lS iY,r'trl~cte(: tu ()Onti"l,c di8tributinr- r-r'IVAl en street!J \7here 'i! 'r, [t T.ine(lerJ. . :,'JtiOll w",s ::lQde OV r;ounci1Llrm :'f:ynr, seconde(l O;j' C:)o:,nr tr_'1t v~,rrnnts be oro."/,(I in pa;r1ent of all bills duo f')i' th8 0onstruction }f the l"-f.oon :louo; 0i:'11inf" thfl roLL on t\-'o ioti,on , ,',1:': :;ounci1rCjen 'J"'::''' nt 'loteo i lj t t:c ..ffi Tf"f\t i vn. There beinf' no fnrther business to vorne befJro thir !!netinp', it 'I&c', t~~~~~l'on IJro;ler :10tio,'l n ;unrne(:. _'~ '.' 0 ~ ~C0'uJ-?A;':L " .... ., 1 :"1 ,- \/ J. ., ..". J. Ll0.JlJA.Y. :f~r,r~~I;:~~;:l~ :~nd. l~l~J_~ POSL.lc..r LJeetl:1p' of t\c ~:~:':'')~l 0,)1Hlcil, r.it;' ,]f ~:f''':irr1, held '0\-' D -:1:.-1 r: 1 n tJ!f? (."joliYlcil C}l~;.JJr.;yp; i:cctinp" e~,lle:J to 'Jrc1e~ 1;=~'" ~7~::~ur ;~ro fnel:L i...l.t (3 f. :!.; with ilJ~ f.):j_l(\l,-.;in~ "j'Jli"Ju.ilr.len trerH~nt; r~Ou1'eT', ~i..J.nth:.7, ',Ie:ler :~t"'\' ~~lA ~!'yJ(1 3t:..nt8Y.l; =.Ii"lt~te8 of tr,c l~..u=-~t re,P'ul:lr ,1ectinr-: ret;.(l '_,~-:f.i :J..r;)yo'",~ed. O:~~.~,<~l.;"i~JC~ ~ro.ro:::)E\.1 j.f,J. 113 ~~lrIJ,'jdinv fJT .~ %2.X Cit;: ',-'o.:z on !..;.ll :"uJtDT 7ehicles, l-'rf~crrrt(?d .~lna Tbt. c; ~':v~:or] b:l ~~0url(~il']ul.! ~::...nth:/, Bf} IOTH1ed t;: st~';Jton thu.t this re:J.dir:fY 'he cutlsir:c:-cd the First. rr;i.l.diup! uI frJror:e' Ordin:..noe Ho. 113; C:..l: i111' thr, ~011, .dJ. ~;()lJlH;i1:icn {'roGe.t '/.utet: in the ;~ffirri~,ti vo. r O=-\.:JIlI..~!;;~ rrup0Ct;f ljJ. lIlt: rel'.ltinv t f ~,he Collc(.~ti~)n uf ..~cr ~onul il\~^ee _<:.GCesr:ed,.lJ\r(;Gcntc.: [<nel rf'",d; II.o.tiJn 1;:,7 ~()l~Y1deil!I.J..Yl c~.)JPer, c:econdel.' b:,' :,:,-,llth;: thu.t this reading be cOl1sicprn,' :,hc ~irct n,:..:cJ nil f IJ"Jpose Ordiij'''1Gc :Jo. :'1-1; C~11i'li7 the :-;011, '111 (~olJne~J"wn iresr:ut vott:,d in the '.If::i.r'1'ltive. , Clai:l1s totu1inF! 21:'.(3.1:': l~resent(!d c..s foil JwtJ; "un]. of 3(,,,,:,,'[1 :, .'1"' :ei~chesl:i 22'!.'!'1. Buloers:1;on In''). ')".. T!.'.J."erstos1: 75.",. ro'rwC''Jl1 n').I() Seward ~7~ter Sfly 1~7.51. ~!~ Rohnrts0~ Fl.r)l st~~1a~lrd l)il ~0 ~1.61 ?ChD.l'"!l~lrJ 1.")'). 0Ci.tpl.vE~~V llUb ~lJ. 177.~~h. ?!.,!.U[:J.e ~r;.7fl. 1~~..lloJ' l71 '!() ~,.."'.Fuff lG.fJ. ~U;l "~....,.,,t~::l 1,'-)4.~2f). l.o1iJE 2lJ.:1!l. ,~"ndersoll C. Jl l)e'iocy: 21. "', SW1'.leilisOil G'J.:',fi. ~)ac'bell (':,^,. F3:i. ::.eech ~1 -', T'OTt:", r,. Vi '0_"" 4fi.7f,. ::,00:oi.~ 1).87. :lhI:nmi::0EY Sew:J,yr] 2..itt; t i'. ";0. ~6r;.r,r;/ C.~.~orford 60.0') D.~.3rowno1l Zl.G,. !.~.Huf~ 11.11 Cush lr.~o. 1:':oti In by ;'JlJY:ntl!'l~~-1 ::;-4,:"i..ntcn. Sn(~~)nr1en n~l ~o..:!)nr th'4~" ul!.;,j ",8 bE. s.11ow€o ~'YJn wO_l'r~!nts dT"I'l1'1 in !1'17lCnt of F:llJe; C:...11i if t\0 :loll, .,11 ~ouncilmen prosent voted Aye.. C'lui!'l of Tlrown ~. TT ..'.1'11:i ns 1:'. I,~; l'rer-:lontec1. lI,)\'od b:; ';ot<ncil::!.',n ~.;[,lYl"'.h,'7, SeiJJntlen by JJeyi1- () that cl':bl be ;x:io; ";'llli>',~, Ule :10:.! ::;'-,uncil,nen ,:::ouper, :lu.nthy, iJevil1e.S:: 3t'..ll1ton y.)ted ,~'e :~'JtJncil:J~m "c;;er !'lot votint'. Cl8.i~nG uf !.llL.l.[:k~ ri'r"~nsfer, :'Je1.v....ro :r.:.::.(;hine ~)hoT', C.l.:.l3rc sius, ,1uhn ,1ohnson 'ind ~. TT:.:cnson, envo1virlt'~' fliJl'1 of 277.70 of which tho :.;,'ucunt of 1:~1.45 ''IdS ch'l,rp",lble to Hosl_it:"l rc~,:;ir of ~)()wr~f!c wu,s d i p,:vDsed ; Result inp: ::.. :not i on b;; C'.JUlJC ilL1un C00.i~er, secoL(le, b;7;jt 'ntan t};u.t _'aoo~t chJ.-rgeo11-llt L':J hl.IHl'itc...l rCFtL1rf' be di~)8u1.0\Ned. l."i.r:rthor d i scusE,ion ree.ultf-.'Ii i1i 'J. !:loti ..In [1:7 CJ()i{(.I.(;il!.'lU.~,AI ~.;",...r1.thy, Ec;...:'..::'nde, "'b;l ne v i lle t r,a, t t he "Jot i un ,) f C; 0 t, 110 i ILl'ill co u J. C I' be; EDT.lE:ili:"lJaElb: rv e O~ll:; tl ereti ,.~:~llinf! the r,:'ll 'jJ1~11eil'~len l.Iu.nih~y, 1.icyeT+ ...~l(} i nv ~11 c votn~ .,.-..~I~) '~Jurleilqlel1 ~.J;JI-;er ~lncJ ;)tr~.nt:Y;J vutod lJ~;'. ^Ivtl-,~-j 'Y'_~[' j"'C2iJ'"'jGl(lereU ci~~.j ~ furt}->'-~'1" !::utlor"i "'-01.::: ';'~~;r: r7 '~rJtl1J.c:l:~,j,:_.dl 1.~J..!jth~\l ~~c\JrJn(lGd L:/ I~i;v ~.iC t:1.i:;.,;.1 tr,p. ~2.:_it!lE LL C~~,i"~f;ti'~:!" ex~e.t-i ~..Jn U:..:.:J'-'..lt c"f' 77.V5 cl:...i;:18tl 11;1 ~~_"T'_.:rc1 :::.>~LILP :~,,-'L,, 1-t.' i'~._:':; r _..}.~ i~-.'';" :'.~~r; r,-~'} 1, r,J1;:';',.:1 .J':-j ~~:..;lthy, ("">"1..:.1'" ... - ~' ~.- _.~, -- .:o--:.jl:f-: ......._""\!:~..::d ......~,f; -;::,:..-",~.l~o>,el '~'-;J.l ...., .: 1, " .. ';' :.1", ,-' ~-l ~!...) -:. (. ' M, >U /!1 .0:-:) ".,<'"' ":t-; 1U . ~T', .. " 1- -~. <~- "'""l"""" , " I 1.~.)ti.Jn Vl:"'~., oJ.. UC 11 (" ;(" i...i,.'> .~:.....~,~:~. ~ :0i1(le t...' ;;u,'~:'('r, t ~~. ~ :~ 1 e r ~~ r! (; in:) t r 11 e t e (~ tv l;' A. ~' l ;- .) T "b i ,-1 t: ~ 0 yo .i. 11 r cd"l' , ~,e I.,.r It: :-... 1] l ~,r S' i r ~, .... c.no ,t only } :"~~'-ier tubes Ie,)"" C::' t~' .LIl1 ~.... l'YL ~~1:, '..~"~ll t:L'';.~J ':,v/:...ro 1 {. :1 (; I~ t to L .v.rnst bi,l(~er. .';:~~: 1 !l;li-'" th, t ~~,-'l~.t .:llrlev-: l"ycr:ent ~T,-"tt~tl ~~"'~. ?TIETE: ~jcing n->"J- flcrther bn. I':L: 1:.-:-- c-: _',-)..:...1L:8 ~'\:(d. lLstrl,;-~tfH1 tc: 11') eert.1j n lCYciC'i'lC": ~:cadlin: l:cT(~h,"~rjl118e i~"r",}~J=: ,f'( i t~9 t'J Y'f:~ '~'rt. '.n .L I ~"F: =l~ 8.1. -:hn cf~ic( _'-~ t}-+c. I~l.t~. f'-'-'~" ';C' ;i-t_~, ;~I~r1 ~-,':~~t; i~-18trt)eterJ e:1fore( ~i 1-- Uy(j 1 y]<:'rll~('; f-'1J"nr~11n!~ E'..:18. ..~lr~('y.' If''1~1.7 n'_\ fLrt ~_"-.,, l-,~':..~tn()t:~':, ~'.I:c ~r.f:'Jrc .. ,.~~ [' ~.t-".. i)-f f' , f. ~ u . c ......' , ~ , ,1~'T"(-~'.. f~. (,-,'" 1i' .;. L '- , . ~.. 1 \... t ~ ,;""1 (., ~r.J 1,;"10r ~' r ~~ r';#'"..J L/~ tel / 'C ..-;0~-r7 . ,~,-t -. . ' .. \ /) /9,>, u..,.{..:- '--.' '--:." /'..' i. .:.............._~- "-' '1"- .. I ~.~,_)+, ~,..."t, ~j0'r.~~ .~~ '~::, l('Jt l~. J ~i~2-.. I R.efL:.':~~C .leeti~1i-) .)f t~(~ (;) j 1):-1 l,'~cll "it... jf :."l.,.: ,hir' c :..tr; i~'; ~,1 (] :~,Jl~"iCil '~r' 11cr~-; :+,-,(~ "', -~'.l~f': ~" i)~~,J!rn~lf~.l~ :_.t 1 J....:. 1 ....: t'.... t,\""c :\:<I.~~IJ'.,"': '<L'" (' ."I~'C: ~:.. lr;-'~: ~ T0~'('~ ~ _x, ~ l... =;, ....!~: I? -" ;,~ C 1: ~ -: } n ~'" v; C ~) 1. '... "\ It, ) Y1 ; :~i:"l/t(,-f' ~ Et I"C!7U.l.:,J" :1(.("1Iinr! rc~~(l . ;-i(1 ....... Y_'~"CI1, '-:1~n1.G,:.'t'l Y(l :1,_,'.: ~-j~:"\,r'lr(l /,'--.tey ~)l{,r~'~:~ l'"(,~~(l; 1,r,,_'1tpL:;tj',,:<~ "",:r:' 1~1f't ~J""'~ .:.c;1Citi,y''1. py ~;t~~.iY i'''l, t'~0 1';,111 ~~',,-'l~-,., ~'I l'~,ut11,J If '~i(lr ,';...if" .., li.."'Y. 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'-, : ~ (; i-..L.--i- I I U , .! J ,-J li .t--LI'I,":.n:.'c:; '~~~llii'I~' t1 ,-~~ :1J~:'" Jl, ~l '^; I, -i~: 0:' ; _...~.... ,':,JL~..I~il ~(;~'l "',"utu,': .>,~~ Pel.. crt 0 f r~ i t:;~ ~.. t tv T'r e:./ J' ere C l r .....;,. ~ ..l ,"....:' u :-. 1-~,,)~,(} t-~, } ye L f; r 1 t c \ ; L'J ,..:..(~ticn t~.LCY1. ~'l.- ~~"")r '< 'Y'(lC';':-ltt'(~ C' \, ~~ uf tn=-(;.l~Y~,lLi ~-.-;r;vl1 t ~!:__( ,_n.. ~'t'~I'::C ~rc nrec:til11 -..........J ... J:/ -<-- . "'-'., . ' ;' "" 1. ~\' - ro"T~ 1("' r J'~l "VI" tl. 'In ~~"'i(~: ll.. ~'J'.~Rr3 1)~;- ~\ L.'-il;: 1."~~Vt :-v.~.lt.}(" C,('l~u~l(C:J l!Jl ~ - ,'..... 't> --'" l.......... I... ,.' ........., .....- ' .) _ ;c"t .'-.}',;,F,Y tr. ..t c.:":.i(J 'tl:tlon :_.~-.: t:..:.l.en 1:;.-' t~~c ~Iu;J'0r 1--,( ~~ 1 Y'0vcd; ~... .~:li;"'..: t~:c , . ::"'-.:.....1 11 .-:.JL:,...:ilUl?Yl 'ref(.;n1 votnc1 ....;/f-:. .' t....... . --rhrcr [,oj_.,,,.' '1,~' fLYt1:C:"i_" r";"~>L"'..f:b~'" 1,) (__~OI\P, 1('=~1"r: l.h1F~ '.It:(:ti;:r.'", 1 "r~:::'e:~ter, ", y, : "'CO " ',0" ,'" ,.,' : "'n,,, tl ~.#Jj}dclr~/;// .. r J, ~: ? }~ ;h)jJ,;J.~Y , 7th. 13;:1 i~egul',r ::leetint' ]f thc'~on,;on rj~'lmcil, Cit,' ~'::' :j(;wiiril, hold t'.is (Lte in t.he Council ,~!t~;:'lh;'r8; Eeethl&' C:,l:LO,' to order by :;i.yor Jlro 'Jr1Cll :; :~ r.m. '~i~h tl:e: fol-:'uwin,:r CJIir:.cil,~cn lre8e~lt;;uo,',el', j;:.nU::.'. j'oyer _.pvllle ~no st~~ton. l:linutes of 1,!-:( lust rCP-'ul!'r '1cet i nil rel.a 'lnr1 ul-l)rL','eu. Orolwnce .:0. ll~, lcrec'entecJ [end re,:cJ b'l tit.le D1LL:v, for its Thi r6 '~nC: l....lFi rE;';() ing ()~ti)IJ:LLi:jl~ iH) 113 _l~} ()R2)I~'J ~~,!r;"S T() .'iE=~ill) O~DI:LlIJr;~~ IJT~',n31~l~ ~4 J BE!jJIJ "~~lJ tJRJJIIL\1fCl: IEL'.TLU} TO TT::~ Wl'!~ (IT<' ':'F:'l: ,prELl:: Rlr;.P\I.lY:),~rU ~;:(WI,-,rIOjJ OF 'T;'~FlC " T~:'.FIC III 'i'T~ TO\IH 0:' ~:;~',Llm,l':;WVIDEJr;. ;''8:1.,T'1'11:3 FOR 'i'T::~ 'lIDOL\.'l'I\)j; 7":';Ri.;(1FUm Rt::PE;~llI:r: ..n ()'qDliJ ,l:C;::f) \lr~) l',.HT:, 01<' ,)IlI,IIT uc~~s II: , COHFlIC1' T:'::RE-HTE, AlE) Fn:: O'rTTET\ l'UR20T::3," BY 'JfJIjrr; ;.>::C'j'IOil 5-A rl'F3RETO, ~.'H07IDI~J~ 'For; S'TTE =-_TCEj,~;}IIF~ O? ~\Yl'():l 7~t!IrjI:'~3 c..)r:'I::?'/Pl~D OR =,~IV.EI-f P.POj~ ~rr~,~ PITB1If; ~rl:!\:~;:'L'S 0~ TT:14~ mO','llJ U~ SE'.'l:.TID. BI~~ 1'1' C,]ll,~II;"S';"J BV 'r~1; !jc~"~"or; CQT~;;r;Tl.. I)F ~trT: ~O'7:r ()T1 S:~~'{.'..TIrt: Section 1. Th'lt Ordi'1' "1ce, nlF:lber t34 of the ';'own of SC\'l'lrG, r,ci'"I;' "aV, (}rdine:nce re1utiyw tJ the T'se of :'ul)1i(~ T'iLYh','f',Ys ,')nil rel!u1' tio, of ','cllie18 ?r:Jfic in t.he Town uf ;3ewaro, ITovidinp' l'enulties fur tll(: I'i:l')"tion U~f'rcof :lnc1 re"()'llinfY 1.111 [lrdimmceH :.1110 r;",.rts of Ordin:l cee in conflict therewith, ')~(' for Qtl1er'1~llrrOSes, "130,-:111d the S:.1rne hereby is, u~ender1 hy uddinr thereto ~nd as lort t~~reof Section 5 ...f f~11J:.,n: SectiC'Yl :-.1. IIC~':~~SII:~ l'.'"7 ~'1()'.~n:1 "r~~rI,jl.~:0. ~~v(:r~~ owner .1f J.. .Iota vehicJe which eh:-:11 be oI,p,rL,ted or drIv(~n 1I:'T1 thn 1'-u'hJie strents ,f the 'l'o".rn Jf Gei,r:ril Sh~111 f[;r (")u1'1 "10to1' vehir:Je owned, C,'lU.S" to 1.,. fi 1e,1 with thc '~i t,,' t;lerl of thc ?OW~l of Sf",if'..iT(1 :.n :,~'.:'l i (:ation for ::l licen8C for blJch "ehicl~:. Such Cli'r1iG'.tion sh,,11 00 ;:l'(1,~ 1);,' th,,, owncli' of tr.c uJt'Jr vehicle 01' hie o Ill:!" :c1l1,l'",lri':(,d upent O'ler the f;ip-n'"turF of CllC;h J',vner or :J.Fcnt, ',~nd d1',11 pive the 1J',',W ,end ::J,(ldress of tr.c owner, '\,' ( tr'J.dc ~J:llaC 0;' the ,wtUY vehiule '111(1 1.110 :node1, ye:J.r, tYfl?-r7 b0<'1;, ,Li.n(J f'_etor;)' ,...n<1 Jot,Jr YlU'11',cn: thercof. .lith suuh C4i:,lic:.ltigl the r'lllic.::.nt Eh:111 i1CI'Jsit '1 licemoc fco uf Five (5. n) Lo.Ll~rs. :"')", Cit;i Cl"r}., Ul;O,j r(,,;eii-,t of sl,c:h J-l'l,ll Ci.ctiJ:'l, ~.U(;o;;;laYli()d 11;/ the rc,:ulred fee, eh'l2.1:"l:cCp. the origin,')1 u,., t~lic:J.tio~l on file in I.l.ls office o.ncl thP.TC:U';Oll is~'1.t(: to suub Ul !'} c~~t " lieenEc for buc:h '1otor '\'ehiGle "luthorl:.~rv thc use '.1: 8'1,,:1: vehicle Ill.:on thtJ 1Jlltli,; street~; of t1')c m"'''/'1 "f ',ml:.rd for :;.n(1 (ll1Ti V 1 re- t.er':J 'entiofuJ 111 tllf' 'll\nJ.ic',tio:l thfjr(;f(\y. 4~87 .,'''.7 __a ~ , -. .. . ,~ ~ -j 1.._, 7t1"l. ..., -.. 1 I _'',,11 !:\rJtOT v~!:ic}'" 1-1 C;t~n~~/~~: L~l':1Cr t}~-l~ J:"(,l~j:""Ylep. sh'.~l.i. 0Yl-'i~',~ "Jecer;ir:f:Y ;Zlf.;t. :..)f e ,(~r-~ :"~(~w.-r, :::1(1 i:::;}~l.~~l lit-: rC':I'~'\'''t.\l. ~~l'i"'~l>':.l~' in tLL S,'-,.~::f' t~:.~":'1:1cr .j.n~l u1--o:'1 tLf: l";'-<~l: ir-';~, \l:f ~JrJ' r', r ft-:c ~(- ~ Yu~'l:~ f~ f ,-.... 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Cit;:, _~ttorney [161-e'- th'.i.t ['!i i'1verit;YJ 11'.' t:,J:nn of' t. (' Sr"'xa ~,?Vier~l ~:0Fl1it'1, C'. "J' 1)(,~~~ ":'lC8e8f)ar~T in dra\vinr" l.ll~' Ip'-Jse. ~'he ":- -or -' r ~_, ~'po i ~t (;(1 ~01;~~IC i :",V'." ~l.'( )]~A-r t J ~ .rs i f~t (~hn.i -;' : :ft'!7~r in t" i this inventor;:,'. !'.:[~YOT Tf':r\JY~ 8(1 t.}-.~~t ~I): " : rr ,.,l-..~8Yn 1;: _I. (~ _Jf rnr c1 1 '..I -j )':;or t i (1 f: F':'. t'. I ~ '1 "7' 1: ":,-,-r~~ in8trl(ctcc' to write Ii l~ttf'r ",-" :.,,'.)j'.-,,:i,,~~i '-'n ("1" ~"i" '~':fiEt~';!(~8 in p-:raoi'1fT tr0 2..,p,...~~; """" f'. _"-'~rt=; ~. i:1p' )'10 fnrthcT 11 ~ :', I~' i, -" 'T~'~ .4.-' ~ \,'",< ,":hte(:f'f,.r~ upon I roper ':lOtion :,a .lC)Ur118(1. -~G-~~--ee~ .' -~ - ~ . \, " ~"~ " -' ~.. ~, 16etinp, '0- 1 I. ;;J~/#u.' ~ T .,-, "") :' J ...._ j'J " J.. ~J Y. i t~ .... '-;1 . ::.t.' ~~ \ 'l:;'l~ ~1 t, i "1"1 IH!U"'_ 11C ~. v... ._, ~.. ,. ': 1 " ... ~. 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I Regular meeting of the CornLlon Council, Cii:, of Se,{/~ro, held this date in the CoJu:.cil Cha::1bers; :'1eeti1:1i! CLi.l1er to order :11, (3'I' 1 l:y lIuyor Brownell, with the following :-:ouncil,:le:1 I,resent; Couper, Uanthy, lleyer, and stanton. Llinutes of the la8t regular l:1eftinR: reucJ ~nd u1.J~)roved. Communication from H.V.TIoben presented und reud; Cu11in~ attention , at length, of the serious condition exictin~ reG~rdin~ the ~uter SUfpl~ to the City, owing to the flooded cOndition of the laguun thru which water G1'.l.ins traverse, fointimr out that if 'i breclt shOll d occur ut this point the Cit;; would be entirely out of w"ter until such breuJ: could be repairer', which owinp- to the subuerr-ed cone it i 11 of pipe, would take considerahle time. ,Uotion by C,JUncill'lU:1 stanton, [econde 11y.lIunthy, thnt t~G 01 'r be instructed to write :.cting HI~n!lr'er TTiblmes, requestinf! the in.w d iate lowering of the Tide Gate. IlS hud heen rrt)r1ie,eo to r'elieve this situfttion, this rJotlon wr.s un.;nimously c~irrleo; .\ fu!'thflr discuBsim of the !:1utter resulteri in a (laGision to Telephone ::r. Holmes urf-in<>; i''il'!ien iate action. or f-ranti ng the City per'niseion to L,wer the tide fate, W:>.ter ~omr1ittee WilG instrlJcten to :;chhoe 'Ir. Eolmes. By uTI'!nimous vote; rjlerl: was instrllCtec1 to ncknowlfldf'~ 'Ir. rrobens letter. ~ OUTIC i 1rn".n I!f};;er ..."r1 v i sed t h1.:. t th f) HOSl) i t'll r, e s:' C),)(JJ C O'Yl 1, r':t t h~~ been awarded to ~.~.Johnston. he hein!" t~e lowest bidder 51.1' without ~nd 75.n1 with cribhin!". Cou~uil~un ~eyer Gnvised th~t the ~os,itul Invflntory W~Rl0 yet cO'TIr:leted, and as this w,-,s necem'ar;l teforA l!rouodinp' wi th tr.c Hospi t:ll lease; The M:lyor '.iovi se, th,.t tlli S ::leet ine' wonlo be helc1 Of on , subject to the uull of the Ch~ir. Wednesday, December, 30th. 1031. I Adjo\lrnea r,ef"111ar Meeting lJf tr:e COInJOn Council, City of . owurd, held this date in the Council Chu"loers; iTeetinp: u1il1e(~ to order by Mayor Erownell at 7 I'.H. with the follJwinp.: COli11cilmen 'resent; COJper, l.:~nth;l, t!e:;er, JicvLle, !\oberts und stanton. RDIlJ.lliCc j.1o. 115 rrosonted and reud; Being: un ORlJIJ;",jJCE ::'lluVIJJLiG OR THE LEj,SI1JG TO ':'EEi{OlUil' S HOlc'lE I!ISSI01;J..ltY sucn:'.."Y OP '$):; l,r;';'l':, 1)1:'31' E2?ISCOP1Jl C!mRCB 01l' LOTS 4, fi, ti, 7, 34, 35, 26, and 37 L; 1 Cl: T.f'Jll, VE OP THE ORIGIi'U.l. TQ~mSl'l'E OF THE 01':''1 OF 0:;:;\;RD, AL,SL 'dID THE BtTILliHJG AIHJ WPROVEl.G.i.TS ':'HEm~O.ir ~JJ) eEl/TAIlI .'::RSOiLL ROPERT'1 Iii AIJD OH S"~ID PTIUISES, FOR HOSPIT~iL i'UTiJ!OSES, ,llJ:iJ PROVI j~G FOl A Sl'ECIiiL ELECTIOH ..':! WHICH SE.~LJ" m: S11BIUTr!,}~]) TO '.:'HE (,U.il FlED 'TOTERS OF T!!E CITv OF S~,{..RD ':'rm (JJES'l'IOiI OF rl'Tl~ R""TIFIC..TIOl, F T!!I S ORDI!IAIJCS. l:lotion was made hy 00\lnoq.l:lan, Cooper, secondeCi 11:1 !.1cl'1th:l, thut he rulee ne suspendod and that.....I:Jl'is re8dinp-' Df ordinaHce 115 be onsioered its second'~nd third reudin;rs and that the Orrlinanoo br. 'l'wed upon its ptlS8Up;e; Culling the :Roll Illl Coun(;il'~en rrosent Toted i~ tl:.e AffiTlll'ltive; On the (uestion "Shnll Orrlinnnee lio. 115 be !'tlssed'?" ,HI Coun ilmen preeont Voted AY1~; ,VhereUIJon the 1.l....yor Bier.cd Ordin'C11co 1:c. 15 in open session. Clerk 1Vf..lF: i!1strncte'l t. C~8t tl;e u!1~nimolls n'lI1)t of the JOU!1cil for the followin~ persons elected to act ~8 officers ut t~e peciul Election r~s rrovide.' b;r ()rdinfmce Ilo. llf', D.!1 to 'he held on he First Day of Fe11runry, 1~32, to wit- For !!1sfector, #.~.1hittl- sey, for Jud~es, J.e.Rohertson uno Je~~ie Paulsen, for ~ler~G. essie H. Hnl1JY und S~llvie Sr:xton. Ci ty Attorney was instructed to, in behalf of the City of SCW'trd cknowledpe t~e Cities indebeteness to Dr. l.D.Huverstock for 0er~~ . n erluilJment furnisher] the troqJi 1,[11 by the ,~1:).81:fl. :\:;"ilruud, s~' iel ~uipment havinR been pnid for ny Dr. Haverstock ~nd turned over b~ im to tr.e SeW:'Yll ~e!1er~l Rosoi t:tl t11P. value of this erni "[lent '" . 6 _. , ... ""- eint< "lIB .52. ':'herebeirw no further busines& to CO.le before this ,aeetin!' was, thereafter, ulJon prof'er ,,!'Jtion adjonrned. " -E . I. "" Y 0 tl %1f"d~'M'~ ." 1 E ~ l~ .