HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933 City Council Minutes 15 TUESDAY, JAilUARY.3rd. 1~33 1 Regular meeting of the Common Counuil, City of Seward. held this date in the Council Chambers; mecti~lg called to order at U p.m. by JAuyor Brownell. with the following Councilmen present; Mnnthy, McMullen, Neville. stanton and swetmann; Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved; ReSignation of W.C.Erwin as member of SewA.rd Suhoo Board presented; Motion by Councilman Swetmann. seconded by MBnthy and unanimously carried; Resignation be accepted, sincere regret of the Council be spread upon the Minutes. and Mr. Envin so notified. Claims totaling 773.75 presente as follows; Bank of SewA.rd 25. 0 Keilcheski 170.00. Balderston l00.tJO. Haverstock 50.00. lInrwood 25. 0 Seward Water Sply. 127.50. Bel-isley 11.')'). Anderson cl.OO. Leech 6.0!) Manning 7.00. Jones 16.00. B.& H. Corp. 10.75. Ogle's l.61. J.L.Gra ef 12.00. Seward L.&.P. IVl.U5. Signal Corps 6.24. Notthern 4.75; Motion by Councilnan l.1Imthy. seconded by l.1uMullen that olaims be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilll/;J.n present voted Aye. Claim of Seward Trading Co. 1.05 presented; Motion by Councilma McMullen. Seconded by I.lanthy Cluim be paid ; ,]'ollowing C,Jupcilmen Vote. Aye. Manthy, McMullen, lieville swetH1ann; Stanton not voting; Sewer Comlittee reported that Merrill property, under bun a/c sanitation. had bien vacated. Ml-irie Hadley property under same ban still oecupied; Clerk instructed to see Agenr C.R.Morford on 111atter. Clerl. instructed to cO!illl1unicate with Corn,niesioner of l!:tlucution reouesting discontinuation of School Treasurers Bond. Mayor urged action be taken towards illiminating Rl-idio Inter- ferenee; lio action taken in this matter. Th~re being no furthet business to come bef~re this meeting, it was, thereafter upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR .1 MONDAY. JAIHJAHY, 16th. 1933, I Regular meeting of the Common r;ouncil, City of Seward. held this date in the Council Chambers; Meetinp oalleC to order at clpm. by Mayor Brownell with following Councilmen pro seny; I.lanthy, Meyer McMullen, Heville. Swetmann; Minutes of last meeting read ~nd approved. Upon request of School Board for advanco of funds; Motion wus mude by Councilman M~nthy, secondeo by Mt:Mullen that the SUI:l of $2000.0, be advanced; Calling the Roll, ull Councilmen present voted AYE. A vacancy having occure, on the Seward School Bonrd, apppint ments were in order; Council;nan Hanthy appointed C.:E.Orlander. Mc11ullen set:ondoe appointemt; ll.jon proper rnution appointmentCl 010s6a; Clerk inCltructed to t:ast the ununimouse ballot of the Coun cil for C.E.Orlunder as a Member of Seward SchOOl Board; Ilhereupon the Mayor declaired C.E.Orlander duly appointed to the above posi tion. Light Co~nittee inCltrut:ted to look into the purchase of Stree Light Globes and bring in report at next meeting. Councilman Swetmann brot. up subject hospitalization u and medical attention of Indigents, read extracts from Cordova Ordinan t:e governing such cases and stressed the necessity of some action being taken Ly this Council; Matter was referred to Hospital Com;;l ittee, with instruction to present report and recomendations at next meeting. Mayor was authorized to send wire to Secret~ry of Interi~~. protesting against the letting of Tie contrauts for the Aluska H.R to concerns opperating outside the Territory. There being no further business; this meeting adjourned. MAY 0 R MONDAY. DEBHUARY, 6th. IV33 Regular meeting of the Co~non Council. City of Soward. held this date in the Council Chambers; I.1eeting called to order at clpm with folluwing Councilmen present; Meyer McMullen, Neville, stanton and Swetmann. Munites of lust meeting read and approvea. 16 Monday, FEBREARY, 6th. 1~3~ Cont. Wire, addresse to Secretary Wilber, and other QornIJl1lmiQl:l.tione pertaining to protest of Tie Contraots being let outside of Alaska presented and read; Ordered filed; Claims totaling 840.43 presented as fol10ws; Bank of Sewurd 2 Keilchesk.i 170.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harw!od 25 Seward Water Snly 127.50. Jones 22.00. Leeok 7.00. Beasley 10.00. Hihanalla 1.00. Eokman 6.00. Manthy 12.00. Loomos 8.00. Bohm 8.00. Holdman 4.00. Seward Lite & Power 208.55. Osbo. 3~.3~. O~le ~1 2 Seward Trading 1.00. McMullen 1.00. Brown & Hawkins 12.00. Motion by Counoilman Meyer secondeL by MoM~llen Xlaims be paid Calling the Roll All Councilmen present Voted Aye. Claim S~ward Trading Co. 1.00 Motion by Councilman McMullen, seoon by Matey; Claim be paid; Calling Roll All Counoilmen present exaep Counoilman stanton Voted Aye; stanton not voting. Claim Brown & Hawkins l2.00; r~otion by Councilman MoMullen, Seconded stanton; Claim be paid; Counailrnan MoMullen, neville Stan swetmann voteu Aye. Counoilman Meyer not voting. Claim P.C.MQMullen; 1.00 : Motion by Counoilamn Meyer. seoo Swetmann; Claim be paid; Councilmen Meyer, neville, stanton Swetma vote. aye; Councilman McMullen not voting. Motion by Counoilman MaMullen. seconded by stanton, that Light Committee (e authorized to purchase necessary Bulbe ! Globes for Street li~hts; Calling the Roll; All Counail~an present Voted Bill of 54.75 for Hospitalization of otto EriQkson up for dieeuasion; Resulted in Motion by Councilman M.Uullun, ee~onQed by Swetmann that bill be allowed, subjeot written order from Erickson authorizing deduotion from Eriokson's wll~es. whenever or however earned; Calling the Roll on the Motion: All Counoilmen present vot d Aye. Counoilman Meyer asked for further time to consider and rep on Ordinanee effecting the Hospitalization of Indigents, reouest granted. There being no further business to oome before this meeting; It was. thereafter upon proper motion, Adjourned. .00 00 ';l~ ,l eu ing on & Swet M A Y 0 R - i I MONDAY. MARCH, 6th. 1~33 Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held this date in the Council Cha~bersi Meeting calle to order by Mayo Brownell at 8 p.m. with the following Councilmen present: Meyer, Manthy , Neville and Swetmann. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Claims totaling $883.46, presented as fOllows; Bank of Seward 25.00 Keileheski 200.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 50.00. Harwood 25.00 Seward water Sply. 127.50. Sewrd L.& P. 182.00. Hospital 8&.54.75. Huff & miller lQOO. P.!{.Ogle 2.6l. Seward Trading 2,50. Seward Mna ine 1.85. T.Jones 48.00. T.Beasley 6.50. O.Sandbeck 5.00. O.Bohm 19.50 M.Lamning 6.00. S.Leeoh 10.00. R.Manthy 2.0r). W.neville 1.00. F.B.Loomis 4.)'). E.Eok;nan 8.00. Osbo'a 1.25. Motion By Counoilman Wmthy, 8econded by Heville; Gl<lirns be Paid; Calling the Roll; All.Counoilmen present Voted Aye. Councilman stanton entered Chumbers. Crlek instructed to comunicate with Col. Bhlson with view to havin Marine Way Lease reduced to $1.00 per annum. By Motion duly made, seconded and carrieu, Buildings situat l on lOts 17. 17 & 24 in Block tl Condemned as J!'ire Hazards and order removed within Thirty Days. Councilman Meyer presented report of Hospital 80wuittee reo Hospitalization and Medical care of Indigents; Reuomending thut no definate action be taken at this time and suggesting a scedule of rates be set for such service; Motion by C'Juncilmun owetmun, secon by Neville and unanimousely carried; That royort be accepted. Motion by Councilman Ul.anthy. seoondel by Meyer that the following persons be appointed to aot as Offioers of the Municipal Election to be held on April 4th. 1~33. to wit. Judges Morford. Robertson & Palll.lsen. Clerks Bessie MalldY and AI. Peel. MaXXIlANXB:H.X Compensation for said service to be $6.00. Motion Carried. Motion by Councilman Swetmann. secondeu by Neville that pol"oe ';r;,'-'>~ <'. ,...;_'. ~.'..'" .' ,f .... " 17 ilOlWAY, MARCH, 6th. l~33. Cont. Committee be a.uthorized to appoint Radiu Inspector at no cost to City; for the purpose of illiminntin~ Radio Interference. 11ot_on Unanimousely carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was. thereafter, upon proper motion adjoprned. I I.LAYOR MOlWAY. !,Ll.RCH. 20th. 1~3:J. Ho !.teeting. MO~DAY APRIL, ~th. l~3~ I Reguler meetim.p: of the COi:1 10n Council, Ci t.! of Sew",rd. held this dute in t e Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by l.1o.yo Brvwnell at d p.m. with the following Cou,lcilmen present; Iilunthey Meyer, McMullen, ~eville stantvn und Swetmann; Minutes of the last regulur meeting r~ad an~tipproved. Motion by Cou:willfitin 1.1uMullen. seconde" by Uanthy und Unanilfiousely carried that Leuse of Murine Way Site from Alaskti Railroad be terminated. ORDINANCE NO 120 presented; An Ordinance appointing Jennie Paulsen as School Tax Collector for Seward. Passed under suspensio of Rules this 4th. day of April, 1~33, aQd Signed by the Mayor in Open Session. Claims totaling '78d.5~ presented as follows; Bank vf Sewatd 25.00. Keilcheski 170.11. Balderston 100.10. Huverstoct 50.aO Harwood 25.00. Seward WRter Sply. 127.50. Brosius 7.60. Cash 26.74 Seward L.& P. 16l.00. Ogle 240. McMullen 2.01. Al~ska Transfer 2. 0 Sewurd :,1etal Wks. 2.61. B.& H. Corp 4.75. Gateway Pub. Co. 12,1"Y) Seward Trading 7.75. J.L.Grtief 4.11. T.Jones ~.50. T.Beasle~ 9.00 Bohm ~.50. Lanning 4.01. Loomis 4.QO. M.Smith 6.50. Leech 2.50 R.Munthey 2.01. V.V.Smith 11.01. Seward Drug 1.75. Osbo 2.41. Motion by Coundlman :.lanthy, seconde 1-:y J;1e;ler Claimo be pa.id CRlling the Roll; All Council~en present Voted Aye. Cluim P.C.McMullen ordered paid; All Councilmen lotinr Aye exuepting Councilman UcMullen, not voting. Claim Seward ~radinR Co. ordered paid. ~ll Counuilmen Voting Aye, except CounCilman stanton ilot Voting. Clal':1 Seward Drug Co. Ordered paid. 1...11 Councilluan Voting __ye excepting Councilman Swetmunn lJot Voting. Councilman 1.1uI.1ulle:1, :repvrted that estiruated uost of repuirL to City Float would be .2b1.0), and stated that u further repvrt would be presen:ed at next regular meLtin~. Finunce Com,aittee reQuestea to take ujJ ,uutter of lJeli~lljUent Tax Roll with City Attorney. ~he Mayor reminde! the Counuil to meet us a Cunvussing board ut l:;. P'~'il..ieanesduy, April, 5th. to Cunvuo ball Jts uust at the Municipul ~lection to be held April, ~th. l~~~. l'here beinR no further business tv uome before this meeting, it was. therea.fter. upon proper motion Adjuurne; . I CAlIVASSIlI'i BOARD APRIL, 5th. l~33 I.1 _, Y 0 R Council met tit 2 P.M. thi s dl:i,te with following members presen' Manthy, Meyer, Stanton and Swetmunn. Coun cil Swetmann actinp: as Chairman; Following Resolution presonted; RBSOLUTIOH. WHEHBJlS; In accordance with the LHWS of the 'ferri tory of and Ordinance Ho. 44 of the City of Seward, Aluskti,and notice give a Municipal Election was held in the Town Hall in suid City on the 4th. day of April. 1~33. and. WHEREhS, In accordance with the certificates filed with the Municipal Clerk of said City by the election officers of said election, the following named persons receive the exact number 0 Votes placer afte:r their reLpective names ~wXt for of ices hore- iu af~~r b~ut~a to-wit; For School Board 2 Year 'l'erm l;i.nd. WHERf~A~, the returns of s~id eleotion were oanvussed by the Co mon Council of said City at 2 o'olook P.M. April 5th. 1~33; NOW THEREFORE BE IT iII~SOLVED BY THB eOMI,lOY COUlJCIL Crl'Y OF SEll RD ALASKA. That in accordanee with the results of said election us ab ve determined, the followin named persons having received the highest number of votes for the respeotive offices to-wit: FOR MAYOR. D.C.BRmvnELL FOR COUlICILMEH,G.H.MANTRY. A.H.L.MEYER, and J.B.STAHTON. FOR MEMBER SCHOOL BOARD (3 year term) E.P.HARHOOD :!<'OR MEMBER SCHOOL BOARD (2 year term) A.NOVAK AND THAT THEY BE. and hereby are declaired elected to su~d respective offioes. Passed under suspension of Rules, this 5th. 18 CAlJVASSrrW BOARD, Cont. FOR 1MYOR- D.C.Brownell 119 R.A.Hall 3 T.Osbo 1 A.Eide 1 Curl Orlander 6 Jennie pnulsen 1 Fannie Geaoge 1 Mrs. P.e.McMullen 2 FOR COUHCILMIW- Gus R.Manthy A.H.L.Meyer J.B.Stanton Peter .inderson Mrs. Paulsen 'l'.Osbo Capt. Johansen a.li,. Joh!J.nsen Fanny GealD~e j'.W.Hawki.ns Mrs. iieybrecht Joe Badger For Sohool Board. E.P.H~rwood 13~ 3 Year Term C.E.Orlander 1 Mrs. C.Johunsen 1 Maude V.Cooper A.Nova.k 26 135. d!J.Y of April, 1~33 /1}, 9/:j(?;ldt~7fio MAY 0 R ~ C L E R K Motion by Counoilman Manthey. Secondeo by I!eyer, thdt the Rules be suspended for the adottion of the Resolution; Calling the Roll all Councilmen present voted AYE. On the Question; Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Counoilm n present voted AYE. The Canvassing Board having performed its duties; This meetind was, thereafter. upon proper motion udjourned. C H A I R M A 1-1 (il)IJdYtta~j;.{) c L ~ H K MOHDAY, APRIL, 10th. l~3~ 122 13::: 127 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l ---. j Ad,1ourned Regul!J.r meeting of the Com:aon Council, City of Sew",rd held this date in the Counoil Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor Brownell at d Pi M. with the following Councilmen present; Manthy Meyer McMullen a.nd Swetmann; Minutes of last meeting and of Canvassing Bonrd re'l.d und anproved. Claims totaling l38.32 presentea as follows; Keilcheski 50.00. Balderston 33.33. Haverstook 16.66. Harwood 8.33. Morford 6.00 J.C.Robertson 6.00. Bessie M. Malloy 6.0). Jennie Paulsen 6.00. Jeanne Ironside 6.00. Motion by Councilman Manthey. seconded by McMullen that elaims as presented be paid; Calling the Roll: All Counoilmen present voted Aye. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned Sie-Die. ,::r~ 5.td0c.f~~ MAYOR C,L E R K ~ l -" ~ '" , '<;....,,,...... 'I' . UOlmAY. APRIL. l')th. 1'.i33 19 Immediately following adjournement of the out-going Council, Mayor Brownell called the New Council to order. with the followinf Members present: M:anthey. Meyer. McMullen Imd Swetmann. Mayor advised that until new Committees were ~ppointed. old Committees would function as under out-going Council. Mayor reouested Finance Cownittce to audit City and ~chool Bouks; Motion was made by Councilman Manthy. seconded by I;1cMullen and unanimousely carried. that this reouest be complied with. Citjt Attorney udministered Oaths of Office to in-cumeing TAayo Councilmen and members of School Board. Coun cilrni.J.n Swetmann brot up the uuestion of the proposeu cha ge in the percentage paid by the Territory for the support uf schools. pointing out that under the new proposal the Citys Quota would be materialy increased. making it impo8sible to mii.intaine th present high standard of the Sewura ~chool; He thereupon mu.de a motion. seconded by Councilman Meyer that a wire of protest be son to the Legislature now in session protesting against such pr~posed change; Calling tub. Roll. All Councilmen present Voted Aye. The Mayor instructeu the City Attorney to prepuir and send ;such protest. The May,)r appointed Councilmen McMullan and Swetmann to work in conjunction with the Seward Chamber of Cor:L:wrce in making every effort th have the Governement Navy Boats. now opperating to the westward. spend the Forth of July vacation in Seward. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was, thereafter upon pro per r:Jot ion ad j ourned. I' MAY 0 R 1/ ~MA.('k , CLERK MOlWAY. APRIL. 17th. 1~33. 1 Regular meeting of the CO~Jon council. City of Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Me-ting called to order at 0.:-. by Mayor Brownell, with the following COllnuill.1on present: Manthey, Meyer. ~eville and stunton; . Minutes of last regular meeting reud and apnroved. Mayor appointed foll )wing cownittees to serve during the ensueinp, term; Assessment & Collection of 'l'axes, COllheilrnan Swetmann Chuirma:1 n M:cMullen n ,Meyer. Chairman ), stanton. .. Manthey Chairman .. li'ev i 11 e . " Manthey. Chairman .. Swetrnann. " Meyer, Chuirrnan n Manthey. n Swetmann, Chairman n Ueyer. n l~evil.Le, Chairman n Meyer. " h1cMllllen. Ch1l.irman n ~tanton. " l~anthey. Chh.irrnt...n " stH-nton. " Stanton, Chairman n IJeville. 11 llcL1ullen, Chuirrnun n swetmunn. Public Schools; ................ . }t'ire Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light. Water. Sewarage , Warves;.... Public Health,Protection. Hospital.. Finance & Clairns; ...........'..... streets & street Im~rovernents;.... Printing; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Civic Affairs. . . . ... . . . .. . . ... . . ... Law & Ordinance; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glacier streem;................... Under Moti0n b~' Council:nu.n Meyer. Secondeu by l.1unthey; ;,[ayor was reuuested to write necessary letters renuesting ~hat Navy buats now to the westward be permited to spend Fourth of July in ~eward. Letter from L.R.Huber. reouesting perrnisuion to establish his residence at the Army Radio station; Heferred to I.1uyor, with autho rity to act as he saw fit. , Treasurer of Seward School Board huving re~uested an advance ~f $2))0.00 to defray current expenses; A Mot:on was mude by CouDe 11amn Manthey, Seconded by Neville, that request be granted and (20 I I I ~ - . . . MOlID.AY. APRIL, 17th. Hi33. Cont. Warrant be drawn in payment of same; Culling the Roll, All Councilr:J~n present Voted AT~. The Mayor urged the Wharfe Committee to take eurly aotion on replacement of City Float. There being no further business to oome before this meeting; it was, thareafter, upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR t2 LJt3 iUd If,4 ~ C L E R K I I MONDAY, MAY, 1st. 1933. Regular meeting of th~ Common Council, City of Seward. held fh s date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Brownell with following Councilmen present; Manthey, Meyer, McMullen, stanton,swetmann. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Resignation of Councilman lIeville presented; Motio't} b~l Councilman Manthey, seconded by stanton, that resignation be accepted; Callinl Roll all Councilmen present voted Aye. FOllowing Resolution presented; RESOLUTION Whereas; the taxes on real property in the City of Seward. Alaska, for the year 1931 became delinquent on the 15th. day of November,l'31 at the hour of 5 o'.look P.M. and the taxes for the year 1932 on r al property in said City became delinquent on November l5th. 1~32 at he hour of 5 o'clock P.M';and Whereas the Municipal Clerk of said City of Seward. under the direction of the Common Council, in due time presented to the Coun il the delinquent Tax Rolls of all real property assessed and on whic the taxes for the said years 1931 and 1~32 had not been paid and were therefore delinquent. and the same being in due form: and Whereas, it having been. and now is, financially impossible fo the City of Seward to expend the money necessary for the publicati n in a newspaper of such delinquent tax rolls and notices required b~ law, and the further publication of such rolls after they have bee~ presented to the court and order of sale issued, and that thetefor such publications involving a total expenditure of approximately $16)0.00 have not been ordered or made: and Whereas, it is understovd by the Council that the Legislature ~f the Territory of Alaska, now in session, has enacted legislation making it optional with Common Cou~cils to direce either the publi cation in a newspaper or the posting of such delinquent tax rolls and notices; lWW THEREPOllli BE 1'1' RESOLVE}; BY 'l'HE COMMON COU1WIL, CI'fY Ol!' SEWARD, ALASY.A: That the time for such publication or posting of said rolls anI" notices for the said years 1931 and 1932, be,and the same hereby i~, extended and posponed until the further order of this Council. and until the Council is more definately informed relative to the termp of the legislation as enaete, by the Legislature, Adopted and passed under suspension of rules this 1st. day of May, 1933 cl17~(t'~ Motion b, Cou~eilman McMullen seoonded by stanton that the rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calling the Roll All Councilmen present Voted Aye. On the question shall the Resolution Pass? All Councilmen Present Voted in the Affirmative. ... Claims totalling $724.78, presenter; as follows; Bank of Seward 25.00. Kielcheski l60.00. Balderston 66.67. Haverstock 33.34. Harwood 16.67. Seward water Spl~. 127.50. Beasley 7.50.B.Manthy 2.50 L.Nogar 4.00. F.B.Loomis 4.00. Gateway Pub. Co. 12.00. Alaska R.R'5 19.42. Seward L.& P. 230.02. Seward Maahine Shop 6.00. Brosius 2.5 Seward Drug 4.40. P.M.Ogle 3.21. Motion by McMullen seconded by Manthey; Claims be paid; Calling Roll all Cvuncilmen present voted AYE. Claim Seward Drug Co. 4.40; Motion by Councilman Manthey, second Meyer; Claim be paid; All Councilmen Voted Aye with exception of Councilman Swetmann not voting. MAY 0 R I I , - , I ! I -, , I , , , I I ~ Iii r ,...~. ."_' 21 M01JDAY. MAY, 1st. 1~33 Cont. I Following discussion of replacement of Fluat. Motion was made by Couneilman Mc;Mullen, seconded by stanton, that Wharf Committee be authorized to assertain cost of Scraping, Repairing and replacei ng present float and gangway. reporting sume to Council. motion unanimousely carried. Clerk instructed. under proper motion made and carried" to noti fy Chas. Lechner to remove debris under sidewalk in front of his properties in block 8, by May 15th" next. At suggestion by Councilman Meyer and under motion by Councilma Swetmann. seconded by Meyer, street Committee authorized to expend a sum of not to exceed 25.00 for i~aediate and necessary street and sidewalk repairs; Calling phe Roll; All Councilmen present Voted Ay Under proper Motion made and carried; Clerk instructed to write Deligate Dimond urging him to make all possible effort to have an appropriation of .12~)O.00 included in the Defiaiency Bill for the repairs to Lowell Creek Flume. Motion By Oouncilman Meyer, seconded by McMullen that the Light Committee be given full authority to order and regulate the turning of and on of all City street Lights. as an ecominy measure, Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted Aye. Motion by Councilman McMullen, seconden by stanton . that the Fire eommittee be authorized to purchase from the lowest bidder. but at a price of not to Exceae ~lOO.QQ, four outer casings and 4 inner tubes fdlr t'-e Fire Truck; Calling the Roll. all Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative. There being no further business to come before this meeting. it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. I:IAYOR /:/ M~.f7;tU/ " C L b H K MOHDAY, MAY, 15th. l~33. I I Regular meeting of the Corrunon Council. city of Seward held thi date in the Council Chambers; Meeting callec to order by Mayor at 8 p.m.; with the following Councilmen present; Manthey, Meyer, stanton and Swetmann; Minutes of the last m1Jeting read and approyed; Communi.cation from Jessee Lee Home and Henr~ Le"rer, asking for a reduction on taxes as assessed on the Borland Homestead, read; Motion be Counclillman Swetmaan, seconded by Manthey, that the Mayor appoint a co~nittee to investigate this matter and report; Motion carried; Mayor appointed Councilmen Manthey and Meyer. Letter relative to Pioneer Home Site, presenteti; Motion by Coun cilman Manthey, seconded by Swetmann 'that letter referred to Civic Affairs Committee with instruction to act in conjunction with the Seward Chamber of Commerce; Motiom Carried; School Budget presented by Clerk of School Board for 1933-34, calling for a total expenditure of 18,890.00 of which the City's proportion would be 4078.00; After discussion in which Councilman Stanton vigorously opposed acceptance of budget on the grounds that in his opinion one teacher uould be eliminated and certain grades b combined; A motion was mude by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Swet mann that the budget as presented be accepted; Calling the Roll, Following Councilmen voted Aye; Manthey, Meyer, Swetmann. Councilma Stanton voting Nay. Motion lost. After further discussion of this matter; A motion was made by Councilr:lan Heyer, seconded by stanton that the budget as presented be accepted, but with a recomendation to the School Board that Grades 1.2 and 3, be c~mbined under one teacher and grades 4. 5 and 6. be combined under one teacher, prov ~ ided the School Board could see themr way clear so to do; Calling the roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted Aye. Motion by Councilman Swetmann. seconded by Meyer that the Fina ce Committee be authorized to negotiate a lone from the Bank of Se rd for the sum of $3000.00 for a period of Six Months from date of May, 19th. 1933. Calling the Roll, All Cvuncilmen present voted AYE. Under motion made and carried; Clerk instructeo to notify C.H. Morford, Agent for Marie Hadley, to have premises occupied by Vivi vaughn connected to Sewer or i~nediutely vacated. Under motion made and uarried; Clerk instructed to notify Gha . Lechner to remove, under direction of Chief Kielcheski, certain debris from sidewalk fronting his property in Block 8. 22 MONDAY, MAY, 15th. 1933, Cont. " street Co~nittee instructed to have delapidated wood sidewalk on 2nd. Ave. from paulsteiners south to Elnswilers, and on 3rd. Ave North from P. Andersons to J. Nelsons removed. Fencing of Cemetary brought up for discussion by Mayor, resul ing in a motion by Councilman E~ Swetmann, seconded by Meyer that the Civic Committee be authorizeu ao expend a sum of not to excede $25.00 for the purchase of wire and staples for this purpose; Calling the Roll; A All Councilmen present voted Aye. Clerk instructed to take up the matter of Cemetery lot sales I with Councilman McMullen with a view of collecting monies due for -- such sales and for the purpose of bringing the cemetery plat up to date. There being no further business to come before this meeting, was. thereafter, upon proper monion adjourned. MAYOR MONDAY, JUNE 5th. 1933. Regular meeting of the COIDillon Council, City of Seward. held t is date in the Couneil Chambers; Me&ting walled to order at 8 p.m. by Mayor Brownell; with the following Oouncilmen present; Manthey, Me er, M':eMullen and swetmunn; Minutes of last reguler meetim g read and approved. Letter from Agent Morford reo Sewer connection of Marie Hadley pro read. Orderee Tabled. Renwwal of Float lease with the Railroad presented; Motion by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Meyer that lease be renewed for a term of five years at a rental of One Dollar per Year; Calling the Roll, all Counc~lmen present voted Aye. Claims totaling $all.90 presented as follows: Bank of Seward 1.00 Keilcheski. 170.00, Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.10. Harwood 2. .00. Seward Water Sply, 127.50. Seward L.& P. 25.35. Alaska R.R. 1.00. I Ogle 5.85. B & H.Corp. 94.95. Gateway l2.75. J.G.Anderson 80.00. Bea.'ey. 10.00. Here.arO 14.50. Guy. !.lanthey 7.50 .Holman 1. 50.. - otto Bohem 4.00. Motion by Councilman I1anthey. seconded by MeMull n that Claims be paid; Calling the ROll,all Councilmen present Voted Aye. Reauction of Assessment of Bolam Homestead referre(' to Commi tee for further investigation. Fenceing of Cemetery; Carried over. Councilman Swetmann comented on condition of City Dump. No action akem. Wharf Committee outhorized to expend a sum of not to excede $10.00 for placeing wheels on Flaot Gangway, this under motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by McMullen and unanimousely carried. Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by Swe~man~ that the Street Comi:littee be authorized to expende a sum of not to execed $25.00 within the next 60 days for necessary repairs to streets, Calling the Roll; All Counci~menpr'sent voted Aye. Motion by Councilman swetmann. seconded by Meyer. that Counc 1 man MeMullen while in Juneau be authorized to look into the extens on of present Aviation Field; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen voted ye. There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was, theraafter, upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR MONDAY, JUNE 19th. 1933. No meeting held aeeount of no QuoKram present. WEDlH:SDAY, JULY, 5th. 1933 Posponed regular meeting with Councilmen Meyer and Swetmann onl present; Claims totaling 931.15 presentel! as follows; approved by the Finance Committee and ordeded paid subject to the approval of t e remaining members of the Common Council; Claims; Bank of Seward 305.00. Keilcheski 210.00, Balderston 10 .00 Haverstock 50.00. Harwood 25.00. Seward water Sply. l27.50. Seward Trading co. 1.00. Ogle's 3.75. Brosius .75. Alaska Transfer 1.40. Urbach and valade 15.JO. Brownell 35.50. Seward L.& P. 22.75. Osbo .50 F.Cooper 2.00. G.Thorkleson 6.00. Beasley ll.50 Guy Manthey 12.50 ..it.". MOHDAY, JULY, lJth. 1\j33 23 I Special meeting of the CO'llmon Council, City of Seward, held his date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 p/m,' y Mayor Brownell with the following Councilmen present; Meyer, ~cMullen. Stanton and Swetman~; Meeting called for purpose of discussing ways and means for t establishment of a Timber Treating plant at Seward and also to take necessary steps toward secureing a portion of funds alotted to Public Works Relief for certain local projects. To this end City ttorney was instructed to write letter to Col Ohlsen asking for data relative to Timber Treating Plant. Motion was made by Councilman Ueyer. seconded py McMullen tho. City Attorney be instruoted to wire Govennor Troy a~Delegate Dimon urging that the Missing Link project be given oonsideration and eff rt be made to secure funds from the Public Works Relief fund for th construction of this connecting road between the Seward Kenai and ~00se Pass highways. Motion unanimousely carried. There being no further bu~iness to come before this meeting; it was, thereafter upon proper motion adjourned. MAYOR Ji Wd~ /U/d;;U C 1 g R K MONDAY, JULY. 17th. IV33 No Meeting-Financial Committee authorized advance to ~chool Board of $600.00 to defray current expenses. IWIJDAY, -aUGUST 7th. l\j3;; I Regular meeting of the Comaon Council, City of Seward, held thi date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order at d p.m. by Mayor Brownell. Councilmen present; Claims totaling 6~6.~3 presented ; Order~d paid; Claims as folIo ws; Bank of Seward 25.0). Keilcheski 170.00. V.F.~. 35.00. Balderst on lOO.aO. Haverstock 50.00. rra~woJd 25.00. Beasley 12.00. Loomis 21.00. Guliffson 7.01. Seward water Sply 127.5). S.L.& P. 2~.15 Ogle's 31.13. L.A.Huff 13.50. Seward Trading 1.40. Seward Machine 4.\j5. Brown & Hawkins Corll 2.30. Resignation of R.D.sullivan. as member of Soward School Board, presenteo and accepted. H.S.Balderston appointed to fill unexpired term of R.D.Sullivan. Meeting addjourned. I~AYOH IUu$d/ffdt 4 '0 1 L R 1: TUESDAY, AUGUST,Sth. 1~3~. I Meeting of the Equalization Board, City of Seward, for the equalization of Taxes for the year 1933; Called to order at 2 2.M. with Councilman Meyer acting as Chairman- NO PROTESTS; Wetnesday August 9th. 1933. Meeting called to order at 2 P.M. Councilman Swetmann acting as Chairman; liO PROTbSTS. Thursday August lOth. 1933. Meeting called to oruer at 2 P.M.; Councilman lilcMullen acting as Chairman; NO PROTESTS. Friday, August 11th. 1933. Meeting called to order at 2 P.M.; Councilman Stanton acting as Chairman; liO PROTESTS. saturda) August, 12th. 1933. M~eting called to order at 2 P.M.; Councilman llan)hey acting as Chairman; liO PROT~STS. The Equalization Board having performed its duties, it was. thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned at 4 P.M. this date. vi ;.~--tL/fl?J ;;,~ C L E H K M .d Y 0 R -----, MONDAY, AUGUST, 21st. 1~3D. Regular meeting of the COlTIJon Couneil, City of Seward, held this date int the Couneil Chambers; Meeting called to order at 8 by Mayor Brownell. with following Counoilmen present: Manthey, Meyer, MciJ1ullen and Stanton. Minutes of last meeting and Kqualization Board meetings read and approved. Couneil McMullen su~~ested that Mayor ask Mr. H.Hoben and Capt. Johansen to to take up the matter of the proposed improvements ~ to the present Breakwater with Col Sturdivant and Kngineer in char I RESOLUTIO~ Accepting Tax Roll for Year 1~33; Establishing I rate at 20 Mills and designating November, 15th. 1~33 as date of ' delinquency; Presented; Motion by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Manthey, that the rules be suspended for t e addoption of the Resolution; Calling th Roll, All Couneilmen present voteu AYE. On the ~uestion shall the Resolution be addopted? All Councilmen present voter in the Affirmative. Mayor deeming it necessary to appoint a Councilman to fill vaeanoy cause by Nr. Nevill's resignation; Counoilman stanton mov that D.K.Valade be appointed subject to his acceptance; Motion wa~ secondea by Councilman McMullen and upon calling the Roll. All Couneilmen present Voted Aye. At the request of Couneilman Meyer, Motion was made by Cou cilman McMullen,seaondeG by Manthey that the Street Committee be authorizer to expend a Sum of not to excede $50.00 for necessary street improvement and repair; Calling the Roll, All Counci1r:len present Vote6 Aye. Street COllUni ttee instructed to al:Jk flJr bids for insta1atio of drain at West interseetion of 4t. Ave and Adams street. Couneilman Meyer reports request from Miss Geisbeek for certain repairs to Hospital Window Sashes; Hospital Committee inst rueted to confer with Miss Geisbeek and report at next meeting. City Clerk granted two weeks vacation. ) There being no further business to come before this meeting, it wa . ~ thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. MAY 0 R TUESDAY, SEPTJjBbu 5th. 1~33 Regular meeting of the Com:lOn ,~ounc1iJ.1. City of Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; meeting called to order at 8 p.l by Mayor Brownell with following Councilmen present; Uanthey, Meyo McMullen, Stanton, and Swetmann. Claims totaling ~~7.50 presented as follJWS; Bank of Seward 25.01 Keilcheski 170.)0. Balderston 1)0.00. Haverstock 50.10. Harwood 25.00- Seward Wa.ter Sply. 127.5'). Motion by Counuilman Manthey, eecondeo y McMullen that bills as presented be paid; Calling Roll all Councilren present Voted Aye. Clerk read letter from Col Sturdivant. relative to Seward B Breakwater; Motion by Councilman McMullen. seeonded by Manthey tha Resolution accompanying Col. Sturdivant's letter be fotwarde. to Delegate Dimond for action upon same. Motion duly carried. At request of Mayor the Clerk read a copy of "Instructions f eare of Lowell Creek Flume" submitted by Lieut. ~oyes. The matter a care taker for Lowell Cr-eek Flume to be appointed by the Council was discussed at length; resultinf-: in a motion by Councilman IA:cMu1 "I seconded by Manthey that the Chief of Police of the City of Seward J act as and be appointed as such Caretaker with duties as set forth in the 8a~gestI.KEX Suggested Instruction for Caretaker Lowell Cr Flume; Such caretaker to report to and act under the emediate supe vision of the Glazier Streem Committee of the Council; and that sa "Suggested Instruetions for Caretaker. J~owell Creek Flume be aC0ep and approved as submitted subject to any change mutually acceptable to Lieut. ~oyeB and the Municipal Attorney; Calling the Roll on tho a Motion ;All C.uncilmen present vote aye. Clerk instructed to write Lieut Noyes submitting extract fr m Minute of this meetdmg pertaining to appointmen of Caretaker LoweL, Creek. J!'lume. 25 TUESD,.Y. SEP'1'EMBEJ'( 5th. 1\)3::. Cont. I Councilman Moyer reported following bids received for constrw.;L ion of storm Drain intersection of Adams and Fourth; Os cur Johnson $7~.JO. Tony pariuh $125.00. D.P.Gage $100.00. Motion by Council man MaMullen, seconued by M:anthy that all Bids be re jeuted; Motion duly uarried. Motion by Counull [jan ~tanton. seconded by lilanthey and duly uarr' ed ; That Light COirnnittee be instruuted to have outlaying street Lights turned on at once. There being no further business to uome before this meeting, it was, thereafter upon proper motion adjourned. 11 A Y 0 It MOHDAY, OCTOB~H, 2nd. 1\)3:'. I Regular meeting of the COlUaon Council, City of Seward, held t~is date in the Counoil Chambers; Heeting called to order /it f3 pm. by Mayor Brownell, with Councilmen Meyer and Swetmann of the Finane Committee. only present; Authorized Claims totaling $~7g.42 presented as follows; Bank of Seward 25.r)j. I:eilcheski 215.0IJ. Balderston 10').00. Haver- stouk 50.00. Harwood 25.00. Seward ~ater Sply, 127.50. Seward L.~ ~ 136.20. Seward Metal Wks. l7.70. C.M.Brosius 1.50. Seward Trading 5.20. r.M.Ogle 13.32. Beasley 24.50. Loomis 20.00. Leech 20.00. Ted Nelson 11.50. H.West 3.00. H.Samuelson 3.00. J.Anderson 9.00. Guy Manthey 11.00. otto Ereuison 26.00. M.Lanning 4.00. D.Gage 1.00. T.Osbo 55.00. Ed.Olsen 70.00. A Bernoff 5.00. Above claims approved by the :!<'incmce Corn Ii ttec and ordered paid subject to the approval of absent Councilmen; such approval subsiquently obtained and claimb puid. street COIU~ittee authorized to expend a sum of not tu exueae $51.00 for the removeal of delipaded wooden Side Walk on west side of 4th Ave. from a point opposite Dr. Roberts property north to third Ave. same to be filled with cinders as far us practical. Street Committee authorized to expena a sum of not to excede $25.)0 during month of October for necessary re"airs to streets. Post Comander Chilberg presentea written request for a plot in Cemetery for use of War Veterans; Re~uest tablea for presentat- at next regular meeting of Council. Mayor presented communication from Governor Troy relative to Emergency Relief Act; No action taken. This me~ting thereafter adjourned. M:AYOR du,fW B R 1: MONDAY, liOV'~!,1bEl(, Gth. l'J3:.: I Regular meeting of the 0omlO~ Council, City of ~eward, held this daLe in the Council aha~bers; lle~ting called to order at d p. m. by I.layur Brownell with the followin~ Couiwilr:wn present; ~ Manthey, !.leyer. McMullen. stanton and Swetraann; Minutes of tne last regular meetinp read and approved; Claims totalinK ~?847.31 presented as folluws; J3a:1k of SelVard 12':>.0') l:eilcheski 2':>7.5'), Balderston 1')0.0). Haverstouk 5':>.)0 Harwood 25. Seward Ilater Sply, 127.51. Seward Lite & Power lZ3.~0. Osbo 12.71 Ogle 7.20. B.& H. Corp. 10.0). Jean,e Ironside 2.50. Beasley 11.00 Lanning 14.50. HeRaro 11.01. Otto Erickson 11.5). Gage 3.50. Wm. Bern 2.00. Seward Metal Wks. 4.51. Motion by Counuilman Manthey. seconded by McMullen that claim as preEented be paid, with a deduction of 5.75 from the wages due otto Erickson same to be applied on hospital bill paid by City; Calling tte Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present voted in the affirmative. Councilman Heyer brot up the sub,iect of storm windows for the HOEpital; resulting in It motion by Councilman Stanton. seconde~ by Manthey that a sum of not to excede $5').0) be allowed for this purpose; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present voted Aye. Motion was made by Councilman ~anthey, seconded by McMullen th~t a swn of not to exuede $~J.OO be allowed the street Comlittee for obtaining and gravelling streets; Calling the Roll, All Counci men prOEent vote in the affiruative. '26 Monday, November. 6th. l~32. Cont. Motion by Councilman swetmann. seconded by Meyer. that the sum of 1~250.00 be withdrawn from the general fund and be placed i Savings account #1171 for interest and retirement of School Bonds. Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present Voted Aye. Light Committee authorized to use own judgement as to hours for operating cluster lights on forth ave. reGomending hours from 5.30 p.m. till midnight. Glazier stream Committee authm~ized to act in ma~~~~ of diverting water from Lowell Creek Flume. Resulting, upon plea from Students of Seward School and oth interested in athelitics, A motion was made b~ Councilman McMulle Seconded by Swetmunn that a sum of nmt to excede $12().OO be allowe to help defray expenses of D~eamland Hall as a Gymnasium for the above purpose covering a period of four months; Calling the Rollo Motion; All Councilmen preent Voted in the affirmative. Light Com,ni ttee was authorized to purchase necessary bulbs for street lights from lowest bidder. Fire Com:littee was authorizelll to purchase 10 tons of coal for use of Fire Hall from lowest bidder. Upon request of American Legeon and under motion by Counui man Swetmann. Seconded by Stanton a One Acre plJt was turned over the American Legeon for burial purposes. this motion Ununimousely carried. Motion by Councilman stanton, Seconded by McMullen that th petition of Mearle Reed as Merchants Patroolman be approved and he appointed as City watohman when necessity occurs. Motion unanimous carried. There being no further business to come before this meetin it was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. MAY 0 R MONDAY. DECE1/lliER, 4th. 1~3~ Regular mec tdmg of the ComJon Council, City uf ::3ewlJ.rd held this date in the Council Chtl.lnbers; 1l,eeting called to order at tl p.r. by Mayur Brownell with Cou:1cillllen Meyer and swtltJJlann of t 1e Financ Co:nmi ttee only present; Bills totaling 832.22 presented as follows; Bank of Seward '5.00 Keilcheski 17').0'). Balderston 1;0. )0. Haverstuck 5).00. Harwood 2. .)0. Beasley 10.00. J.Malutin 3.50. E.Manthey 4.00. Gullifson 2.00 Merl Reed 4.0). Seward Vlater Sply 127.5). Brown & Hawkins Corp G.5). P.ll.Ogle l.~2. Al~ska Transfer ~6.75. Seward L.& P. 148.35. T.Osbo 2.70. Seward General Hospital 55.01. Above bille approveo by the Finance Comnittee and ordered p id subject to the approval uf balance uf t~e Councilmen; such approva obtained and Vouchers drawn in payment of sume. Finance Committee authorize' the withdrawel of the sum of $3500.00 from general fund to be deposited in savings Ale # 1171 f r interest and retirement of School Bonds. Mayor presented letter from ',{ar Dept. relative to care of Lowell Creek Flume and necessary alteration of intake; The Mayor requested tu handle this matter. There being no further business to come before Lhis meeting is was ther~after adjourned. MAY 0 R - I , LlOHDAY, DECEMBER, l8th. 1:J3::. Ho. MEETING. 27 THURSDii-Y, DECj;llli:;';~, 21st. 1~33. I Special meeting of the Comlon Council, City uf Seward held this date in the Counuil Cha Ibers; Heeting called to order at 7.:-3) P.M. by Mayor Brownell, with the followin~ Councilmen present: ;.1anthey, Meyer, McMuL.en, Stanton and Swetmann; Meeting called for the purpose of considering a petition presented by property owners for the construction of a sewer in the ally between First und Second streets from Jefferson street to Beac viork to be !)erforrned by members of the Civic Works Administration and all material to be furnished by said prOIJerty owners; ;,ieeting attended by a delightiun of the property owners; ut'te a thorough discussion of the matter, motion vms made by Councilman swetrnana, seconded by Council.:!un l.lcl/lullen that; City Cuuncil consen s to the installation of said sewer uS stated in petition, providea the labor be performea k~ under the C.I'I.no. and the eXjJense of mater iiU. , sU1Jplies and all incedentals to be born/by the llutitioners, and petitioners tu furnish proper bond fur the cost of the same; Ct.lling the Roll on the above iiwtiun; ,iJ.l Councilmen i,resent voted in the affirmutive; AccomVunying thil;; Eeti tion was u releal;;e deluunded by H.Hoben in behulf of the ::>\Yward Hater SUjJply to the efl'ect that uny uumage done to the ,wter J,iains aE a result of construction of this sewer, would be repaired at the cost of the City. Motion wus mude by Councilman l:)wetrnan:'l, seconded by Manthey, that the Citu USEwne this responsibility; Calling the Roll; All Council:nen present voted in the affirmative. Petitioners ware instructe, to presc'lt proper bond as soon as possible. to the Couneil. There being"!>further business to come before this III cting, it was, thereaft'er, upon proper motion adjourned. I UAYOR ~/d~~ . ..' L L It I: SATtTRD.n, lJECEI/lBER, :~3rd. 1 ~33 Special meetin~ of the COUlon Council, CiLy of Seward. held this date in the Council Chambers; Meetinp- culled to order by Mayo Brownell at 9 P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Munthey McMullen, stanton and Swetmann; Councilman Meyer entered the Coun oil Chambers imr:16diutely after Roll was called; Mayor advised that this meeting was called for the purpose of meeting Doctor Philip S.Smith, Representative for Alaska of the Federal Emergenay Administration of Public Works, who had kindly volunteered to attend this meeting for the purpose of explaining the workings of the Federal Emergency Aumiu.i.b"u..'au""v.., the benifi ts to be derived therefrom and the procedure necessary fw~ obtaining relief under its workings. After a very thorough and detailed explination by Doctor Smith of the diffrent phases of this Emergency Relief Meubure, The Mayor on behalf of the City Council und Citizens of the City, thanked Dr. Smith and expressed the opinion that iffilediate steps would be taken by the City of Seward with a view to obtaining such relief 11' was j.1oseible and benificial to the J,iunicipa.Lity. This me~ting, thereafter upon proper motion, ddjourned. I MAYOR Tuesday, December, 26th. 1~33 Special meeting of t~e CO~Jon Council, City of Seward, held this date in the Councdll Chambers; Ueeting called to order by Mayor Brownell at 2 P.M. with the follJwing Councilmen present; Manthey. Meyer, McJ~ullen. stanton and Swetmann; This meeting wue attended by the Presenedt und Executive Com ittec of the Chamber of Commerce and wus for the purpose of discu ssing Municipla Projects thst were to be presentee to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works under their relief prog- ram, as ezplained by Dr. Philip S.Smith at the Couneil meeting he on December. 23rd 1~33. At the request of the Mayor. l1r Ray havinll discussed this rG lief program with Dr. Smith. explained his understanding of the measure in question, prooeddre necessary und other det~ils. t 28 Tuesday December, 26th. 1933. Cont. After an open discussion, and the unanimous vote of the City C, u,loil and the Executive Co:nmi ttee of the Chamber of COlamerce; A Motion WI s presented by Councilman McMullen, Seconded by Councilman Manthey; That application be made to the E:oergency Administration of Public v/orks for the financing of the Construction and equipment of a lluniciplu Heating and Lighting Plant in the City of Seward, Alaska; Calling' he Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye; Ilotion Carri d. Motion by Couneilman swetmann, seconded by Councilman Meyer. t at Mayor be. authJrized to employ a compitent engineer to draw plans. stimate of cost and other necessary details to accompany application for t e erection of combined Heating & Lighting Plant as proposed; Calling Lhe Roll on the motion; All-Councilmen present Voteu inthe affirma Motion by Courwilman Swetmann, secondel by Councilman Manthey Mayor be instructeu t~ call Special Election for the purpose of Bo the City, when necessity arises and at earliest possible date; Cal the Roll on the :notion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye. At the suggestion of City Attorney Harwood, A motion wus made - y Council,nan McMullen. seconded by Councilman Swetmann, that Attorne, < L.V.Ray be retained as an associate with City Atturney Harwood in he drawing up of necessary documents for the proper prestintation of a y and all applications to be made b~; the Cit~i of Seward to the ]<'.l::.A of P.li. for relief under Lheir code; Calling the Hollon t!1C rnotio All Councilmen present Voted in the uffirlllutive. After further discussion and the unanimous vute of the City Council and the JJ;xecuti va uom;ni ttee of the Chuliluer of COi,1iQerUe; J~ Motion was made by Councilman swetrnann, seuonde, by Couneilloan Me Mullen tha.t application be made to the E.E.A of E.J. for the finan'ing of the Erection of a Combined City Hall, Fire Hall and Gymnasium t be erected upon City Property at U cost of n,Jt to excede ~15.:JOO.) . Calling the Roll on the above motion; All Councilmtn prebent V'uted 1": t e Affirmative. Motion Carried. The Mayor instructed Fier Com-~ittee and School Cor:1:Jittee to rp.port on the above matter at next meeting. By unnnimOUE approval of the Co~oon Council and the Executive Coromi ttee of the Chamber of Corn.1erce; A Motion wac made by Council nan Swetman"l, seuonde b;l Councilman Beyer; That an application be mads to the F.E.A.of P.ii. for the Financing of the erectLm of u Munivibal Coal Bunker as per plans on file with the Alaska Railroud; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Counoillilen present Voted Aye. llotion CBrria~. A Motion was made by Councilman Swetman'l, seconded by Couneilm;ln McMullen. that clerk be instructed to prepair and fo-:-ward to the Secretary of the Interior, with copies thereof forwarded to Dele~ate Dimond, General ~anager Ohlson and the Railroad Brother~oods; A Protest against the issuance of Railroad Ciroular ___ pertaining to descrimination against the Seward General ITaapital for the Hosp t alization of Railroad Employees; Calling the Roll on the Motion; All Councilme~ present Voted in the Affirmative; Motion Carried and Clerk so instructed. There being further business to corne before this meeting; it WD.E, upon proper motion adjo~rned, to meut at the call of the Chair. ive. hat ding in/< l l ".~. lv1 A Y 0 It Ii tJ#ttddJk;; . E R h L101WAY, JAlmARY, clth. B34 P08~oned regular meeting of the Com,oon Coum:il, Cit~i vi Seward held this date in the Counci~ Chambers; Meeting called to order by J Mayvr Brownell ut 0 p/m. with following Councilman present; MantheY, Meyer. McMullen and stanton. Minutes of lust meeting read and approved. . Claims totaling $V92.:J7 presented as follows; Bank of Seward 25.0:) Keilc~eski 257.50. Balderston laO.JO. Haverstock 50.00. Harwood 2~.00 Seward water Sply 127.50. Cash Pay Roll 262.00. Seward Trading Co. 11.65 Seward Drug Co. 7.'JO. P.C.lIlclliullen 2.5'1. T.Ol:lbo 5.8IJ. P.U.Op:le 2:.;o.L9 Signal cor~s 1.68. B.&.H. Corp 83.25. L.~.Huff 11.00. Motion b, Couneilman L1el1ullen. Seconded by stanton that. Cluims be paid; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present voted in th, Affirmative. Hospital Committee reporter thnt repuirs were neces~ury to floor in Hurses Romm in Hospi t!:l.l; Motion by Councilr:Jan l.1clilullen, seconded by Manthey that a sum of not to exced~ $25.'10 be authorized for ttis purpose; Calling Roll all Councilmen present voted Aye. ~