HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934 City Council Minutes .~ 27~ THURSD;.Y, jJEC1;;m}i;~, 21st. IV33. I Special raeeting of the Com IOn Counoil, City of Seward held this date in the Counuil Cha ~ers; Meeting called to order at 7.31 P.M. by Mayor Brownell, with the following Council~en present: l;lanthey, Meyer, McMuL.en, StHnton and Swetmunn; Meeting called for the purpose of considering a petition presented by property owners for the construction of a sewer in the ally between First and Second streets fro~ Jefferson street to Beac iiork to be performed by members of the Civic Works Administration and all material to be furnished by said property owners; Lleeting attended by a. deligl,.tion of the property owners; ut'te a thorough discussion of the matter, motion was made b:l Gouncillmm SwetlUann, seconded by CounciL1un ;,[cl,lullen that; Gi ty Guuneil consen s to the instullation of said sewer ~s stated in petition, provided the labor be performed k~ under the C.,i.",. and the eXIJense of mater i~~ , supplies and all incedentals to be born/by tho petitioners, and petitioners to furnish proper bond fur the cost of the same; Cu.lling the Roll un the above Illation; ;,.11 CouD0ilmen ]JreDurlt voted in the affirmative; Accompu.nying this i'etition was I:i relel:ice dellll:inded by H.noben in behuIf of the ~wwurd "uter ~upply tu the effeut thut uny aumuge done to the .iuter Mains aE a result of construutlon of this sewer. would be repl:iired at the cost of the city. Mution wus latlde by Councilman swetlllan:1, seconded by Manthey, that the Citu assume this responsibility; Calling the aoll; All Counc.il:nen present voted in the affirmative. Pet i tioners ware instructec to prel:3C'1t proper bond aE soon as possible, to the Couneil. There beingH~urther business to come before this meting, it was, thereufter, upon proper motion adjourned. I 1.IAYOR ~/dm~ . ..r \' 1) I" .J 1~ ..\ ... SATtTRD.-iY, lJEGEJ.lli:L.:t, :.;3rd. 1 ~~~3 Speoial meetin~ of the COUlon Council. Ci~y of Seward, held this date in the Council Chambers; Meetin~ ca.lled to order by Mayo Erownell at 9 P.M. with the following Councilmen present; Manthey McMullen, Stanton and Swetmann; Councilman Meyer entered the Coun eil Chambers irnr:Jedia.tely after Roll was called; Mayor advised that this meeting was oalled for the purpose of meeting Doctor Philip S.Smith, Representative for Alaska of the Federal Ernergenay Administration of Publio Works, who had kindly volunteered to attend this meeting for the purpose of explaining the workings of the FeGeral Emergenuy Aurnin~b~&I:i~~V_, the benifits to be derived therefrom and the procedure necessary f~~ obtaining relief under its workings. After a very thorough and detailed explination by Doctor Srnith of the diffrent phases of this Emergenuy Relief Measure, The Mayur on behalf of the City Council and Citizens of the City, thanked Dr. Smith and expressed the opinion that ir:uediute steps would be taken by the City of ~ewurd with ti view to obtaining such relief a' was possible and benificiul to the Muniuipality. This meLting. thereafter upon proper motion, ~djourned. I MAY 0 R TueSday. December, 26th. Iv33 Special meeting of the CO~Jon Council, City of SeWard, held this date in the Coune4l1 Chambers; Heeting called to order by Mayor Brownell at 2 P.M. with the fOllJwing Councilnen present; Manthey, Meyer, McMullen. stanton and awetrnann; This mectin~ was attended by the Presenedt und Executive Com ittelc of the Chamber of Commerce and was for thL purpose of discu ssing Municiplu Projects thst were to be presentee to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public \iOrks under their relief prop:- ram, as e;':plained by Dr. Philip S.Smi th ut the Couneil meeting held on December. 23rd 1~33. At tho request at the M.ayor. Hr Ray havinll discussed this ro lief program with Dr. Smith. e~plaineo his understanding of the measure in question. prooeddrc necessur1 und other det:lils. ~ ( 28 Tuesday December, 26th. 1933. Cont. After an open disc;ussion, and the unaniwous vote of the City C UYlciT and the Executive Co:nmi ttec of the Chamber of COlamerce; A Motion WI s presented by Councilman McMullen, Seconded by Councilman Manthey; That application be wade to the E'nergency Administration of Public Ilor};:s for the financing of the Construotion and equipment of a Munieipl~ Heating and Lighting Plant in the City of Seward, Alaska; Calling Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye; 110tion Carri Motion by Coun.ilman swetmann, seconded by Councilman Meyer, t Mayor be. auth~rized to employ a compi tent engineer to draw pIano, of cost and other necessary details to accompany Rpplic;ution for t erection of combined Heating & Lighting Plant as proposed; Calling the Roll on the motion; All.Councilmen presL;nt VotoCl inthe affirm/;l. Motion by Courwilman Swetrnann, secondo' l'y Councilman l;1anthey M/;l.yor be iQstructeu t~ call Special Blection for the purpose of Bo the City, when necessity arises and at earliest possible date; Cal the Roll on the motion; All Councilmen present Voted Aye. At the suggestion of City Attorney Harwood, A motion was made ~ Council,nan MuMullen, seconded by Councilmun swetmann, that Attorne < L.V.Ray be retained aE an associate with City Attorney Harwood in he drawing up of necessary documents fur the proper presentation of a y and all applic;utions to be mude by the City of ~ewurd to the F.~.A of P.li. for relief uuderLheir code; Culling the Hollon the motio All Councilmen present Voted in the uffirl11ati ve. After further discussion and the unanimous vote of tho City Council and the l!;xecuti ve com;ni ttee of thE: Chaliluer of COi.linerUe; 11. Motion was made by CouQcilman :3wetrnann, suuonde, by Clluncilrnan 11<.: Mullen Lhat applic;ation be made to the E..E.A of 1).11. for the finan'ing of the Erection of a Combined City Hall, Eire Hall /;l.nd Gymm.l.sillln 1, be erected upon City Property at a cost of n0t to excede $15.000.) . Callin~ the Roll on the above motion; All Councilmen present Vvted i'. t e Affirmative. Motion Carried. The Mayor instructed Fier Com:ni ttee and :3chool Cor::EJi ttee to r port on the above matter at next meeting. By unnnimouE approval of the CO~Bon Council and the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Comnerce; A Motion wlla m/:J.de by Council an Swetman~, seuonde by Councilman lieyer; That un applioation be mad to the F.E.A.of P.~. for the Finanuing of the erectiJn of Ii. Munivi al Coal Bunker as per plans on file with the Alaska Railroad; Callinp.: the Roll on the Motion; All Cou~cilmen present Voted Aye. llotion Garri d. A Motion was made by Councilman Swetman~l, seconded by Couneilm n MeI,~ullen. that cli:rk be instructed to prepair and fo;'ward to the Seeretary of the Interior, with copies thereof forwarded to Delep-a~e Dimond, General Mana~er Ohlson and the Railroad Brother~oods; A Protest agai~st the issuance of Railroad Ciroular ___ pertaining to dcsc;rimination against the Seward General Hospital for the HospLt ali~ation of Railroad Employees; Calling the Boll on the Motion; All Councilme~ present Voted in the Affirmative; Motion Carried and Clerk so instructed. There being further businestJ to come before this meeting; it \'vae, upon proper motion adjoprned, to meut at the call of the Chair. 11 tVil4aJZ;;; B R K IvlAYOH MOIWAY, JiujU""RY, 8th. Iv34 he d. /it stirnute e l ive. hut ding ing -I .>"...... P08Jloned regular meeting of the Com:non ,;;ouncil, Cit;i oi Seward held thIs date in the Counei~ Chambers; Meeting called to order by I Mayor Brownell ut t3 plm. with following Councilman present; Manthew, J Meyer. MeMullen and stanton. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. . Claims totaling $'J92.J7 presented as follows; Bank of Seward 25.0e Keilc0eski 257.50. Balderston lOO.JO. Haverstook 50.00. Harwood 2~.~O seward water Sply 127.50. Cash Pay Roll 262.0'). seward Trading Co. 11.65 Seward Drug Co. 7.')0. P.C.lilcM.ullen 2.5). T.Osbo 5.80. P.M.ogle 2:,;.19 Signal Cor~s 1.68. B.&.H. Corp 83.25. L.A.Huff 11.00. Motion bV Couneilman 11u11ullen. Seeonded by Stanton thut' Cluims be paid; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present voted in th, Affirmative. Hospital Committee reporter that repairs were neccs~ary to floor in IJurses Ro:nm in Hospital; Motion by Councilr:lun 1.1clllullen, seconded by Hanthey that a sum of not to exced~ ;)25.)0 be authorized for His purpose; Calling Roll all Couneilmen present voted Aye. '" 29 HOlmAY, JAlJTTARv, t3th. 1:.;:34. Cant. I Mot 1 on was llw.de by Councilman stunton, seconde. by MaHullan, thut all contemplated applications for Hunicipal pro,jects to the F.E.A. of P.W. be droped for the present, with ~he execption of the Application now bein~ made for the Financing of the Erection and equipment of a Uunicipal Lil<hting Plant. Clllinp: the Roll; All COUYl oilmen present Vote &n te Affirmative. Mayor was requested to write letter asking authority to have labor on Sewer Outlets repaired by C.I/.A. crew now worlinf. Motion by GOllncillan Hcliiullen, secunded by Heyer, that material be furnished for the construction of a Fire Ladder for use at the Seward General Hospital; Callin~ the Roll;.ll Cuuneilrnen present vote ~n the Affirmative. Motion by Councilman Manthey, seconded by McMullen t~at the pur chase of Two Adjustuble Hydrant drenches bg l.utharized for use of Fire lIept. at a cost of 1. v; eac:h. Calling Lho Hall; All Guuncilmen present voted Aye; FollJwing Resolution was prescnteu; Rl:;SOLU'.l' I Oil I lJB I'l' RBSOLVllolJ by the COln'non Council, '.rown of ::)ewurd, in the Third Judicial Division, Territory of dlasku, that a ~pecibl ~lecti n be, and hereby is c:alled to be held in the town of BewTud un Friday the 12th day uf Junu~ry, IV~4 between the hour~ of eight o'clock B.a. and seven o'clock P.M. the polling pltice tu be the Town H~ll of sui town. fur the purpose of submitting tu the voters of said town 9f Seward the proposition of whether the said town shall aJl~~Y. to the Federal Emergency Administration .of Publiu '.l.)rkc for a loan to be used in uonstruutiog and installing a :J1unicipal electriu light and power plant; That the ballot used in said election shal~ contain the follo ing statement of the proposition. to be submitted to the voters; nShall t e town of Seward, Alaska, apply to the FeGernd imergenc Administration of Public \/orke ~or a loan of appr9ximately $75.000. 01 to be used in constructing and installinR ~ municipul electric light. and power plant, of which amount, one-third or a~.mroximately $22.5)0.01 shall be given to said town by s~id Administration.as a grant and said town to secure the balance of approximately $52.001 1J by general obligation bunds? +--t For +--t Against ".,. The following nameu persons are hereby designated and appointed as officers of said election to conduct tho same; Inspector; Judges; Clerks; That the l.1unicipal Cle}:r be, and hereby is, authorized und dire ted to publiSh notice of said s~ecial eleution .in the Seward Gutew y a newspaper of general circulation publisheu in said town of Scwur on January ~th. 1~34 and January Ilth.l~~4 ,Adopted. a.hd .vasseu under suspensions of rules thi.s t3th. du.y of January. lV;:4. I AFproved January, 8th.l~34 MAYOR Motion by Councilman M:anthey. seconded by r,1c!.111l1en, that the Rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resolution; Calli~g the Roll, All Councilmen present Voted Aye. On the ,""uestion "Shall the Resolution be adopted? All Councilme Present Voted Aye. . Petotion presen ted by Attorny ~arwood, for circulation among tax payers and consumers of electric energy, requesting Council to make application to the E.E.A.of P.d. for financing the Brection u equipment of a MuniCipal 1 ighting and puwer Plant in the City- Motion by Cuuneilman McMullen seconded by Manthy that Light Comr ittee be instructed to present petition for signatures. ~_. 30 lIonday, Ja.nua.ry, dth. cont. Calling the Rull on the Motion; All Councilmen presented Voted in the Affirmative. There being no further business to come before this meetin~, it was, thereafter, upon proJer motion adjourned. a- M A Y 0 R FRIDAY. JAHUARY, 12th. 1~34. CAHVASIlW BOARD MEE'l'IliG. "I , I Co~non Council, met as a Canvasing Board at 8 P.M. with the folluwing Councilmen present; Manthey. Meyer, McMullen and stanto . Mayor appointed ~ouncilmen Meyer and stanton to canvas the ~otes east; Thet report as follows; A Total of 322 Votes cast; 323 Votes Cast "FOR" the proposition appearing in folluwing Resol 9 " "AGAINST"" " " " ".. .. - " The Mayor thereupon declaired THE PROl'OSrrrIOH CARRIED, by a overwhelming majority. RESOLUTIOlJ WHEREAS, at a special eleotion duly und regularly callen an in the Town of Seward, Alaska, on the 12th. day of January, 1~34, whieh election was submitted to the voters of said town the folIo proposition: "Shall the town of Seward, Alaska,apply to the Federal Emer Administration of publiu Works for a luan of approximately J75.00 to be used in c~nstructing and enstalling a munivipal Electrio Li and Power Elant, of which umount one-third, or appruximutely $22. shull be given to said town by said ~dministration as a grant, an said town to secure the balance of approximately 52.n00.00 by gen obligation bumds?" A eunvas of the votes cast at said election showing the lar e majority of 323 votes for the said proposition, as oompured to 9 votes againstsuid proposition; and ilHb:REAS, the desire of the people of said town that such municipIo. elevtriu light & power plant be constructed has been fu expressed in a petition signell by approximately 1"7'1 ,persons, constituting a large mujority of the residents and purchasers of electric light and power in said town; llow, therefore, BE IT HESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUlIOIL O}' rl'HL l' OWll O}' SEW ARlJ . ALA::il:A; That the town of Seward apply to the F.E.A.of P.~. for a 10 n of $75.000.')} to be used ih construeting and installing a municip a light and power v,lant, and request that a grant of thirty per cen of such sum, or ;;P22.500.00. be made to said town by said Administ ration to apply upon such loan, the balance of $52.500.80 to be secured by general obligation bonds of the City; and that an alte native plan be submitted to the F.E.A. of P.W. whereby such plant be constructed and leased to said town of Seward under contract that said town will purchase the same. Adopted and passed under suspension of the rules this 12th. day of January, IV34 APPROV~ \ - MAYOR " iZln/&t~~ '~CLl~H:r:. Motion by Councilman, McMullerl, seconded by Manthey, that t e rules be suspended for the adoption of the Resmlution; Calling the Roll; All Councilme present voted Aye. On the Question Shall ~he Resolution be adopted and passed? All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative. Motion by Councilman, McMullen, secondeo by Manthey that th flount of the CanvaSing Board be aeceptea ae correct; Calling the' 011 All Councilmen present Voted Aye. Clerk instructed by unanimous vote of the Council to expres thanks to Judges and Clerks that volunteered therr servi6es at th Eleetion. Motion by COLmcilrna.n McMullen, seconded by stanton, that th Fire Corami ttee be /J.uthori zed to expend a sum uf not to excede $12 0') for the installation of storm WiudoWB i~ the Fire Hall; Calling t e Roll; All Counuilman present voted Aye. i,lotion by Councilman. J:.lcMullen. seconde(' by Manthey thut th 31 FRIDAY. JAllU;dY, l}~th. 1~;3'i. Cont. I Signature~ of Guliffson hnd Kellog as apearing on the pluns of the proposed electric &ight und }lower plant be and hereby are endorsed. Callililg the Roll on the Motion; ..11 Councilmen present Voted J..Yi Purchase of a Fire FUlllp. referre to 1!'ire COllUli ttee. There being no further business to COI~ before this meeting, it was, therea~r, upon proper motion Adjourned. .:1t (2/ ~C--<< ;,1 i\. Y 0 H 1101; DAY , JAllrrA~~v, 22nd. 1'.)34. Specia.l Uecting of the COL1L1on COtncil, city oi SevlIlro, held this date in the COUY1cil Chl.l::loers; Heoting called to order at 2 D. n. by J.la;;or Brownell, with the followi Y1f! r,ouY1cil'1cn prp Bcnt; ;.1I1Y1t1'IOY, Meyer, McMullen and stant~n. I,leetinR for purpose of diEcl1ECing action to be tal-en relative to pri':roposeu hospital to be ere0ted by :Beanw.u of Ind ian afi'airs. After discussion by Council and Citi7.ens, I:l'lyor ti.sked Dr. Hli.ve sto~k to address the meeting, which he did, making a strong point of the fact thut if the proposed Hospitul took over the hospital- iZlltion of Public Health patients, now being hospil,ali<;ed in tho ::lew/;;lrd General HvsjJi tal, it the :3ewl11'd General H0S}Ji tal, w0uld in all probility huve to disuontinue operutivn; A ,;L ti0~1 WL.S mude by Council:;lti.l1 iJoMullen, seconded 1J~J Lleyer, that the City .Htorney prelJuir and send u wire to Delegate iJilU0nd usking for aLL inf0rw1:ltion necesLury und vital to the City should the pr)po~eG hospital be situatea here in ::leward; Calling the Roll on t.he lilvtion; .11.1-, Cou:,u1lJ:lOn 1,reLent Voted in the Affirmative. This meeting there/;;lfter, adjourned. CW,: r2~/l~ 1:1 ,l. Y 0 R j?./~!t4/~ C .iJ i... R J. I j,iO~L)aY, Pb13lmJ..~\Y"? !Jth. l~3",. I ReguiM.r meeting of the COllLlllln Courwil, Ci t;j e)f ~ewaru, ;ielci this date in ti,e Coun011 Gha!;lben:; Hecti:lf-; 01,11ed to order at (3 p. by MUyvT Brownell with the fullowing Counc:ilmen present: ;,lu:TLiloy l:loyer, 1,lcUullen and ~tunt0n. ;,linutes of the last moeting read n~d ap~roved. Letter frorJ l:etchibm City Council with Hcsolntion ati.'.ched reo LlU':lic:ipb.l Liquor Controll, read ; Upon regular !!lot ion referred to Law Ilnd Ordinanuu Co:,mittee. Letter and draft of Permit for occupyunuy of de-uorJrJissi0ned Radio station, presented from ~uyy Dept. Opinion of the C0unuil being that draft as presented placed too muc:h re~'l onsibili ty upun the City; J.'he Ci ty :~ttorney wus instruc:teo to prepair dr~lft of a permit that wdmld '[jodify these oonditions. Clailne totaling ~~1'J77. 13d proF.ented li.F follows; 13ank of Seward 25.1'J Keilchesli Id5.01. Balderston 101.11 Haverstock 51.00. Harwood 2f>.1!i. Seward Water Sply 12'1.5i. Cavh 142.r}!J. B.&.H 2.).45 McUullen 6.00. Sewnrd Druf- fl.'15. Of-Ie f)J)fi. Seward Trading 3.;~5. Gateway, Pub. Co. /1;:.65. Slwar(i i!uc:hine ;)ho)) 113.215. BrosiuE 6:.5'1 J.l.~rnef 11.20. 3.L.& P. 188.20. ~eta Lavell 25.1i. Oebu '1.21. S.General Hospitul 12.Vl. Signal Corps 6.81. ;,iotiun by Councilman ;:anthey, s8c:onded 1);,' ;.k:!lullen that olaims be paid; Callinv the Roll All COl.lncilwill present 'Ioted AYi;. The starting of a lIe\' Gar1Jage Dump vms disuusLed, reeulting in u motion by C0unuilr:w.n l.!a~they, beuonded by Stanton that "the nlutt er be plaoed in oharge of Ltc. Ingram of the B.:i>.i{. and aN a sum of not to excede :bil ,j)>5:) .OJ be authori~ed for expenditure of rllateriuL Cal.ling the noll on the Llotion; Jdl COIrlCiLaun Voted ,.ye. 'rhe eJoctension of tile Jel:3seo-Lee Sewer wa:.:; referI'el. to tho Sewer COULli ttee for investigtition. J.'he Arneriulin Legion, thru Ur. Hollingsworth, mude request fur the d0nution of i. ci ty lut to be given as 11 door pri:o;e ut dance. Motion by Gounuilmun I_lel.lullen se0onde, b;/ ;,lurithey thut the 1!'immce Co'nmittee be authorized to select und sell to the "".L.a lot for th' nomin1::l.1 sum of one dollar,provided the City Attorney l)usL.e<1 on the lef',ali ty of suoh a prouedure. lllot ion unauimuusly c;lLrrie(. It being reportea thut the Bureuu of Indian Affuirs were 00nt (.---- 32 IIONDAY, FEBRP.\.RY, 5th. IVZ4. Cont, HOlWAY, FEBRUARY, 26th. IV34. con amp a ng e erec lon OL a was made by Councilman Manthey, be instructed t~ write to the B.of I.A. at Juneau offering them th choise several available louations for suuh It purpose free. Motion unanimously carried. There being n0 further bUEinosu to come before this meeting, i was, thereafter. upon proper motion adjourned. Special meetinp: of the Cummon Council, City of Sewtlrd, held th.s date in the CouneL Chambers; lJIe{,ting culleCi to order by Hayor Bro noll at cl P.M. with the foll,)wing Councilmen present; L1anthey, l,leyer, McMullen and Stanton; Meeting called for purpose of disuussing installition of Float and Sewers. Owing to the fa.ut tllUt the cost of 0. perminant and storm .fJroof }'lvo.ting Dock would be prohibit~ve( oust ubout .;);3000.;))) und us t-u! e present facilities are meeting the requirements of small boats; th matter was tableo for tho present; S.b:WER... AB a result of the re-presentation of a petition EJsign (j by the required number of property owners efected, the foll\.!wing Resolution was presented; RESOLUTION; RESOLVE1.-, that the Corm:lOn Coul1uil of t_e City uf Seward does hereby consent to the Installation of a Sewer in the ally between Second and Third Avenues and running from Jefferson street to the Beach, the labor of installing Buuh sewer to be furnished by the Civil Works Administration, and tj;le Material for suuh sewer, or money to oover the cost of such material to be furnished or paid for by the owners of property specially benifited by suuh improvem nt. ~do?1ed this 26th. day of~'ebruary, lV34 M \ ~ ~ ~ MAYO ERK Motion by Councilnwn l:ld. ullen, seconded by uanthey, thut the above resolution be adopted; Callin~ the Roll, All Councilmen pros nt Voted in t e Affirmative. Motion was made by Counoilman Stanton, seconded by McMullen that the Sewer Committee be authorized to negotiate for the orderi g of suuh material as will be necesE3ury for th(J aonstruution of the Sewer in question; provided, .that the necessary monies are forth-u meil1g for the payment of such r:laterials, as provided by the Eibove R,solu ion; Calling the Roll on th,o motion; A.ll Counuilrnen .fJresent Voted II. e. Councilman Swetmann of "he Sewer Comnittee being absent from the C ty; The Mayor appointed Cuuncilman Stanton to serve with Chairman Mant ey in thes connection; Carrting out an agreement with the American Leg.on; By ununimo s vote of the Courl.uil, CJ,erk was instruuted to Bell to the A11loriuan Legion Lot number 10 in BIJck Id for the aum of One Dollar and furnishing necessary deed at the expense of the Legion, to Joe liil on. Council'aan Mul,1ullon advised tiwt a lloti tion was being circulate for the installation of a Sewer in the Alley betweon First and Sec nd Avenues ,:lirom .the nospi to.l north to the Glazier.. stream , same to b handled in the' same manner as tho 2nd- 3rd- Avenue Sewer. There being no further business to UOIilC before this meeting; it -I was, thereaf er, upon proper motion adjourned. ' 1 'l'U~SllJiY, l\LiRCH, 6th. 1'J34 l'osponed, Regular meeting of the Gornrnon CJ\vwil, city liif ~ew.'n'd held this dute in tilt Courwil Chumbers; 1/1eeting called to order b Mayor Brownell at d PlU' "i th the folluwing Counuilrnen present; Manthey, Meyer, MuMullen und ~tanton. Minutes of lust meeting read and approved. 33~ 'l'UlmD"',y, ~,'l"'"ilCH, 6th. l~~)~. Cant. I Communicatiun from Peter Hatch, presentou. offering the awn of $30.)0 for the purchase of Lots Fraction 14 and Ifl in Block 3~; Motion by Councilman lilchlullen, seconded b;'i Manthey that the jJri ee of $30.;0 be accepted for lots in question and Deeo for same be given to Peter Hatch; Callimg the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmutive. Claims totaling $3 'oJ 01. 44 presenter as follows; Bank of Seward 25.00. Keilcheski 200.00. Balderston 1)0.00. Haverstock 50.00 Harwood 25.00. Seward .Iater Bply. 127.50. Harford l.gent 60.00. Seaard :J.'rading Co. 1.00. B (~ H Corp. 50.0fl. Ogle 2:,.ll. Sewurd Lite & Power l61.56. Brosius 23.1l. Feby Pay Roll 20.00. Darley 4.77 Seward Metal Wks. 4.50. J.L.0raef 13.35. Signal Corps 10.80 SewLrd lluchine Shop 2.45. Treasurer School Board 3000.00. Uotion bJ Cou~cilrnan I.1cUullen, seconded b;; Hanthey that claims tiS precented be naid; Calling the Rull; All Councilmen presr'nt Vote, in the Affirmative. Law fc Ordimmce committee reported on comllnication from Ci t~v of Ketchihan ro. Liquor Controol by Cities. Recomended that no action be taken in this matter for the present, pendin~ legislation. Sewers under UKM.M construction by C.W.b.. I.::1bor discussed, Decided that construction continue and suitable arrangement" be made with Alaska Transfer for use of thawer. By ununil:louse \'ote of \:':16 CIJUnlJi1 fo11uwing persons were YlCi.rneu us Officials to conduct Municipal Election to be held on April, ~rd IV~-)4 and l'rirntiry LlelJtion to be held on il-pril, 24th. LJ3L.t; C.n.l:lorford, Deril:: Lane, J.C.Rmu:t.l>:0R nolJertsvn, BesGie Malloy and ~ylvia 3exton. Rate of ~ay for Gunicipal Lleution to be 06.00 each. There toinp; no further business to .01:]0 before this meeting, it was, thereafter, upon l;ropor motiun adjourned. ~11J~t ;/?;~tr~~- ,_- 1.IAYOn-- I April, 2nd. IV34 I Regular m, etini' of 1,'-0 G.lrrluon CO';~lCil. Git;; Of SO'lard, held thi date in the Council Charabers; Ueetinf! caller 1,,) order by LIe-yor D.C Brownell lit t3 1).:,1. V1itl1 tho folldlwinf1 CGuncilu(J;l J)rccent; dU:lthoy r.reyer, Mc;LIul Len and 3,::et::\ii.n,1. Ui~utes of lust ueoting road an~ approved. CO.ili.1limL.:<:itluD frol:l li'-'1;; DelJt. re. visit vi' ~I';hmarinos ill ,dlgUSt r(! a Lettor from Col. Ohlson reud, gr,J.;:]ti:lg perl:lissivn to crOGf: Imdo H.R.Trucks with ~econd Ave. ~ewer. ORDEJA.IC:l:; 110 J!l'IJ- B Ordinance ~!o. ~"&IlPointing a ,'Ghool 'l'UX Collector for ;3eward for tho yeur 1~3~.(AYVointee Bes~ie U. llall~yl prosented; Motion by 0ullnui l::Jun I.luliullen selJonoed b;l ;,hnthey, that the rules be suspended fur tile adojJtion uf OrdlwHic;e ~lo.F):::'; Gulling the Holl. All COl,r,c;ilLwlJ j.Jrc::;ent vuted .~Yh. On tile ~uestion ";jhtill urliinu:lUe ~Io. ~~lbe aaojJteu !.ind .flasseu'( All Counuil:llt.n present Vuteo in the AffirrJative; ,lhcrcujJolJ the Il!_,y r sif'-ncd Ora inmlUe ~;u. ~t>&n upen ;jBu:;ion. Claims totulin~ 06d6.5) presented us follows: Bank of ~ewurG 25 J }:elluhes}~i l7J.)). liulderston 1 lO. D. Euvcn,tock 51.)0. Harwood 25 0 ~ewurd ,later 8ply. 12'1.50. Brmstine Josben 1(2.5). U.0.0ignal L:orp' 2.85. Ogle ~.65. Seward Gateway 1.5'). Bcnelet 11. JO. SCWf1Ycj L.& lL12.45. Brown Be Eawkins V.05. Iilotion b;l Counciluun Llunthcy, SCl:onded by swetl:lUnn, t,1I1t claims as preEented be paid; Culling the Holl; J.ll Cou~lcilrnan present voted Aye. street Co,.1flitteo instructed to confer with C.il.}.. BU!c!ineer to aEBortain if cost of neeeesary repairs to City Dump Truck (VG.511 could be bourn by C."I.A. A Uotion was made by Cou'-lcil;aan McMullen, seconded by Wmthey, that Councilman Swctrnnnn be authorized to wire Dela.fwte Dimond to present bill to ~ongress at once requesting Authority ~o ~lond the City of Seward in a sum of not to excedc $75.010.00) for the propo sed erection and equipment of ~ Municipal Li~ht and Power ?lant in the City of Seward. Callin~ the Roll on the motion,; All 6ouncil- men present Voted in the ArIirmU~iv~. MayOr reminded the Council to meet us a Canvusing Board at 2.p.r . 34 APRIL, 2nd. L~34. Cont, .J'o. 0'1. ,1ednesday Apri 14th. to canvass balluts cast at the Municipal E ection h held on Tuesday, April, 3rd. 1934. TheeB bcin~ further business to come before this meetine; it W'S ~~ourned to meet at 2 }1_3~. v~day, April. 4th.l~;?4. . . i, _ .., (I ~ CA1JVAi:)SIlJG. BlLlm, Al:'RIL, <lth. 1'J3/J; CU1Anuil lllet !:it 2 1).M. this duto with fullowing i.~embero lJreoent Manthey, Meyer, Mul1ullen. ~tuntun and Swetlllunn; Rlatl::.iriNg !.1uyur UIJpointen Cuu lcil.rnen Sweymann and i.itunton 11<:' tet:ter/;;l. l:<'Ollowing Hesolution presented; Hb~OLU~ I O.lJ dT:'::;I\E",,:;); In u-:uorU/;inue wi th the lu\Vs uf the ~'erri tory vi i.lcwk' . and Ordinance 44 of t'le City of Sewura, J.lab1-a, /lnd notice given, . . Municipul -Gleution WU/;;l held in tho 'i'own Hull in 6/.id Cil;'l on the :? d. day of April, 1~34, und, ImEREA~, In aucordanue with the uertifiuates fileti with the MunicipaL Clerk of suid City by tho eleution offiuers of said eleu the following named persons teceive~ the exaut nw~ber of votes pla after thei~ respeuti ve ::w.mes for offices here-in-ufter named to-wi FOR L1AYOR-Thomas iJeville B FOR COUllCI1MA~j- Thorwald Osbo 12'1 D.C.Brownell 5~ C.P.Gilliland 75. B.P.Earwood 1. Puul McMullen 50 C.E.Orlander 2;0. Elwyn :Jwetmann 3;). H. V.Hoben l2 Alfre,: Rusness 'J. Joe Eofman 2 Elwyn Swetm0nn 2 \1.C.I.o;rwin 2. ',W.lter Holben 38. I.V.Ray 3 D.E.Valade 17. ,Too 13aoger ;). ~/.'\'.'IJard ;~. Chus Gilliland 1 J.H.Flickenger 1. O.A.Johansen U. Harwood 1 P.C.l1cUullen V. A.D.Havcrstock 2. C.E.Orlander Z JJf stanton 1. GU13 l!anthey 2. Dr. Rob,rts 1. Joe Hoflnan 2 lLB.J,11J.11o~1 1. Chas J..euhner 1. H.l,eir r 1. CUb lJunthe;f 1 ,T.Hanthey 1. 'J'..P.Lorung 1. Curtis 1,lor ',Jrd 1. ,/alter IroHen 1 C.Cuol'er 1. L. V.l?ay 2. Juck ~jhes l. Punk Frost l. A.D.Ba1derston 1. Pauls einer 1. Mre Johansen l. John Doe 1. Leonard H pkins 1. liuyne Blue 1. Leon t'rbauh 2. 'i'.lv.Hawk ns 1. Ht:rry Eoben l. .John Sui th 1. Heville FOR SCHOOL BOAHD- H.S.Balderston :1.18. Urb M.l.1allvy 7. l.lr", ,Juhnstun 1. ~ia1 ter Hulben 1. Badger 1. Mr Hunthey 1. Sweek 1 Mrs.Bob. JO,jnstJn 1. John Ho:nes 1. l/r.1. Erwin 1. C.Cooper 1. Harwuud 1. ~uy ~eville 1. Leonard Hopkins 1. Haruld .Painter 1. and, 'i'HE~mliS, '1'he returns of Suid eleution were uanvasbed by the C rniaon Council of said City ut 2 o'clock P.lII. jlpril, tHh. IJ3'~; J:JOW r1'HERBJ!'ORl:; BE IT RE:';Ol VbD BY 'J.'lIE <':OJ;1l.10~J COUlJCIL 0ITY 01<' SL\ 'A1~D ALASl:A, that in uGcordanue with the resultf::; of said election a., ab ve determined, the following named pereons having received the highes number of votes for the respeutive offiues,to-wit; FOR 1IAYO], D.C.BHO\WELL. POR COUi/ClUTE"" ~'H0R"j"I,D ()tJBO, C.r.GILLILJ.iW,BI'liYi: ::>\iE'1.'1.iAIU FOR SCHOOl. BOARD, II. S. BALDEi?S'rOH. AlJD 1'HAT rrHEY BE. und hereby are decluired elected to said respect ve Offices. If. as~(~ :n~~er suspension of rules this 4t. dl~~f;\..pr~i~, 1~3/! . (!. .~ (v~ l ~ YZ:X,y, " '.;' , , MAYOR 'CLERJ<' Moti0n by Cvuncilman McMuLlen, seconded b;7 lIlanthey thut the r les be suspender for the adoption uf the Resolution; Calling the Roll, 11 Counui1man present Voted Aye. On the question "Shull t~e Resolution be Rdopted?" All Counc Imen present voted in the affirr!lati ve. The CanvassinR Board having performed its duties, it adjourne . BusinesE was resumed under the Adjourned Regular meeting of April nd. Councilman Meyer reported that he had uonferred with Engineer MuDonald rer;ardinp.: repljirs to ,Ci ty Dwap Truuk. Mr HuDonald advisou thut he would take the matter up with hie Chief, Ur..:-;draonds, in an eff rt \_-~;:,....' -3~ Al)RI1, 4th. L!34. Cont. I to have said repairs takon uurp of b~ C.W.A. funde. nnder motion llY Councilmfl llcHullen, seconded llY Manthey, Chic was authori:zed. to orcler repair parts for duwp truc!., same to COf~t not t l excede j41.00. !lotion unanimousely c3rfied. At sugilestion of Councill:lUn Swetmun;l; In order to clean up outstanding bille Ilgains4l the Sew'lrc] ;!.ir Po rt ::anl-mr; A 110tiO!1 was made by Counuilrnnn L1nnthey, seconded by ~3tanton that a sum of not to e~uede ~41.)) be advanced a~ a lone to the Seward ~ir Port Co~n ittee to pay said outstanding bills. Callinf the Roll on the motion All COlncilmen present Voted ~ye. - 1,1otion by Councilman llauthey, seconded b:l ::>wetmann that Lot 17 in Block 38 Original Townsite be sold to John Eelm for Ii priue of' ;~2fj.(:n and nec;cssary deccl be iSLiued upon pD.YL1e:1t of s,,:;J,e; !julllnf! tho Hollon the motio~l; All Cou:lcilrnfJ.n pre~unt Voted Aye. Threr being :10 further bu~inoss to cornu bofore thlb rneetin~, it_q' c,~\t~c:Ct5e~tor upon proper motion ad ,j.Jurnod. ~ ,/,/1 __'- ~ /} 1. j/' .-tf"'"....... (~<-'..,. t,AA;;!Y,J.<41':lffl() hI _~ Y \) H v->--. . >c; -L "~ II l.. APRIL, 11th. lV34. I AdjourneD He!,:ular r:weting of 1,.,e COfIl.10U Council, City of 0(;W,-,Y held thil dlite in the Council Ghw:Jbers; ;Ie ting c:allod to orcJe~' by I.luyor Brownell, with the fol owiuv Cou'lcilmen ])1'o<:e:lt; "la:lthcy, Meyer, Mc:Mullen, ~tun1,on and swet~.nn; ]ji:1utos of 1[,,81, r.leetin~ und unnvaLLin;r bourd read f.;; up )roved. Cl,'J-irns totulinr L}(3. l3J ~.rcuentod Jc~ follJws: l~eilchesti 5J.}) Bulderston 32>.2:-:. Hi~verstock IG.6G. liurwood 0,3:. !,lorford G.rn Lu.:1e 6. D. Robertson G. )]. Eet::sLo llulloy G.)) ::3ylvi'l Sexton G.):), StJW1.J.L'U Ail' Port 4).1). eUch 2). fl7. !,[ot i 0:1 b.; Cvu~lci IJu.n ;.IU:1tJwy, 8oc:ondod lJ,j ::3tl:lnton 1,1'1,-,-1, cli~i;no uG presc,d,el be pu.id; 8u-lli:1g the Rull on t,hc l(loti011, 3.1] Cou~lc:ilLlen 1Jresent voted .\.je. Councilm::;.n LlcMullen requested thti-t ,. l::>turt be made ontlle con nection of the 1<'iri:Jt ,eve. Sewer by C.llo" .lor1:ers, UpO:l the uo:n~let ion of ~nd. Ave. Sewer now under cou8truution; Result vf this request; WhS i. motion by CouncilmlJ.~l :3\Vet:lun~.i, LeUO;"lOO,. lJY stanton 'thc.tt should the prolJose(1 sewer be c:unstructed the Ci t;y woult! obli gete itself for a sUln of not tu ezcede ;)6).)) for nmterial for the crosling of A6aD~ S~. and four 10ts owned by the City; Callin~ the roll on tho motiun; ..11 Councilmen present voted Aye. There being no further businesE to uome before thir me(ti~g i t waS~~hero..!lfter. UIJor! proper raotion ud juurnei: Eine-d ie. 10 '/ 1.1ayor IJ~~d~~~ Clert, Im':lOd iately fOllowinA: the ad ,i~urnrnent of the ol,t-goin!" Coune il, Mayor Browuell unlleo the new Co~~cil to urder; Culling the Roll following COlme ilmon present; l1anthey Heyer, Osbo, stanton an SwetmDn;1; Councilman Gilliland abse"t; City Attorney administered oath of Office to Nayor ing COI.neil::lun; Couneilrnt?!1 Heyer advised trwt arrangements h:id boen made for repair of Ci ~,~. truok by C..I....1aoor. t.lb.yor was authurL;od to negotiate with t'1e ,ilasLa H.II. for th free docLinA: of tho Coast Guard Cutt.er to bo st,,"tioned Ill, SovlIird the comeing season. Thero being no further busines~ to como before this meotinr. it,.1I1.us, thereafter, upon rr ojJor ,notion ad,iourne(i. \P~ r;;o~~~e~ I a~l/~~~ , ,C 1 1:; H l~ APRIL, 16th. lV~4. Rep:ulur meeting ,)f the CJI.1IJOn Cou:1cil, held thi:::: duto in the Cou;lcil Chllmbers; Eeotin;:! ua~leci to order at d ]l.r:!. hy l1uyor D.t.:. Brownell , with foll.JWing Councilmen prCFent; l1authoy, ;.1eyer Osbo. St~nton anc; SwotmH.nn' ' , lJinutes of lust mectinr: read unc1 approved. I.1ooyr appoi:lted Finunue COra]i tteo- Swetr.mn':, Chuir'nan, Hoyer as mecnber; Ot;:er Comr:littee a!Jj)oinrnents held 0vor till nexC, meeting. 36 ~F3IL, 16th. L~3~- Cont. C~X Wire from Delegate Dimvnd to Councilman Swetrnnnn, reo P.;~.A. action on financing Light & power plant; read. Councilman osbo adviserl that he had wired for necessary 6')') N. lamps for street lights; Clae.k instructed to make and present Delinquent 'l'ax Roll as of 1':13:'. l.1ution hy COll1cilwm ~)wetmann, seconded by !leyer, that Cler ~ be instructed to call for Bids for tho auditing of City & Schaul Board B~u~:s for ~~3~. Calli?(': ;,}le IUl AL Cov:wil,nan preseht Voted ~ye. l Chlef uf iO~lce was lnstructed to have sidewalk on 3rd. Ave. north from Adams street repaired. Under motion by Oouncilum Osbu, seconde by L1anthey u sum of not to eXc.:eue $3'). !)0 was authori zed expendec for repairs to street rag. Calling the Roll on the above motion; ,'ilL Counc11GlOn Voted "~ e. No actiun WUG taken about crOSl inF ldams St. with 1st. Ave Sewer. There being hu further bllsiness to como bofore this rneetin~, it was, upon proper motion adjourned. " ,~- ~ ~~t:1f:-&- A~RIL, 27th. 1~34 Speci~l meeting of the Com Jon Council, togeather with the Ere ident and Executive COI1lr.1ittee of the ~()w[Lrd Chamber uf COJ:l'.1en:e, held this date in the Conncil ClwrnberG; Mectin~r c.:ulle( to oroer by I,Iayor Brownell at ~ F.U. with follvwinF': Cound:ilmen lJrcsent: J.lanthe , Meyer, stunton und Swetm~nn; Mayor ~dvised that meeting was called for pur~ose discussing' wire reeeiveC from liellgate lJimund dated ,~pril 26th. und formulati g a reply there-to; The lJeligates wire states in part that the i.W.f. Engineering Division wuuld not approve the ~ewurd Light & Power projeut as set up in arplication, suid eng-,necrs suggel::Jt u plant t cost $1180,,)0. OJ as against Cities phm for u IJlant uusting alJproxi mately $75.0J).00. After a lenghthy disl:tH3Gion, open to all prese at the suggestion of Coum:ilJ.1nn ~wetman:l. A willtion w~s made by Cou cil:nan Manthey, soc.:onded by Swetmann tllut L1ayor be in:::;truuted to w Deligate ~irnond tv put a Bill thru Congress authorizing the City 0 Seward to Bond itself for a SUi:! uf ;~600()1.00 to be iStued at fffb Municipal Bonds; Calling the Hollon the motion; All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative; Mayor so instructed. There being no further business to como before this meeting, it wa~thereafter, upon proper ~otion adjourned. 1~M A ~ a~~{- /1 - .I MA.Y? 7th. l~34 - Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held thO s dote in the Council Chambers; Lleeting called to order by Hilyor Brm nell at 8 p.m. with the following Councilmen present: Manthey, 11eyer,Os stanton & Swetmannj Minutes of last meetings read and approved; Letter addressed tu M~yor reo Raulo lu~~Ai~4~u~( _'ti~ ordered Wire from Deluigute Dimond and answers regarding Bonding aity for Light & Power paInt purposes. read. Claims totaling ~826.02 presenter as follows; Bunk uf Seward 2. .00 l:eileheski 120.')'). Balderston 67.67. Havel~stock ::33.34. H'lrwood I .67 Seward Water Sply 127.50. Seward Trading 1.20. Gateway Plhb. 1~.95 J.L.Graef x2&.1.25. Sewa rd Leather Wks. 7.40. Ogle's Gar!;l.ge 34.' 'J. 13.& H. Corp. 20.71. Signal Corps 27.5J. Sew~rd Light & E. 140.35. E.JesLen 5.0). Alusku R.R. l3.DO. Beasley 15.BO. Smith 2.')0. NOgard 2.00. Brosius 5'J.25. TI*ff 32.10. Shea 3').00. Osbo 22.V5. Seward Machine Shop .'JO. Mution by COlinuilman L'Lanthey, sec.:ondeci by stanton thht Cluime be puid; Culling the Roll on the Mution; All COkncilrnan present voted in the Affirmative. CluL1 of Osbo Electriol"l SUl1I'ly ;~2.95 l)resentedj Motion by Councilman stanton, seconded by l;iunthey, thht cluim bL 1)l1id; (;IJ.IIL g the Roll follJwing Counc.:ilmen voted aye~ Manthey, Meyer, stanton ~ swetmanJj Councilman Oabo not votin~. Mayor uppuinted folluwine>; COllli.li ttoes to f:3urve during fiscal yet r; l ., 3~ 1.1AY, 7th. IV;)4. Cont. I Council Cor:1litteee uj,Jpuintod for 1'J3/,. 1. ll.(3l::essment Cc Collection of '1-'[1::<es- Cht.irmun Ueyer &; ::)to.nton. 2. l'ubliu ::)chools- Chairo.L1l1 Gill iLmd C: Gsbu. 3. 1!'ire ProtGutiun Chuirmun Uu.nthey & !Jsb;). 4. 1.ight il: duter- Chairr:w.n usbu Zc swetuunn. 5. Publiu Health, Hospital & ~uliue- Chuirmun Moyer ~ Swotmunn. 6. Finunco & Claims- Chuirmun S\'letm~~ml & hleyer. 7. ;jtreet Sowlf1r "-' ,iharf- Chuirm&n 3t"nton F-: GillilLl.!ld. G. l'rintinp:- Chairman OlObo &; Gillilwld. 'J. Civic Affuirs- Chuirmun Manthey & btanton. lJ. Luw,';; Ordinl1nce, Chairrllun stanton ,0-: ::)wotr.1lirln. ll. Glacior streem, Chairman Gillilv.nd ?<. Manthey. l.lotion by Counu ilwan Swetmun:1, seconded 1);} llunthey, thJlt II Gl of not to e):cede $35. JO be expended for cleaning Ul) City Garbaf!G l.J Cullimr, tr'.o Roll on the Hotion; "..11 Counciliwn prel:ont \Toteo .,,-ye. Bids for Auditing City 130 )l~lO opened; 1:0 ;',cti'JYl tl.1:en; Question of liogs rtl'1ning loose i~1 the Cit:l waS brot to the attenti n of the Council; r:ouncilm:m swetmun:1 SUIl"eBted that those cO!l1pluinirrr. yresent petition l.s1:ing for nction. I.lotion ll~ Councilman Swetrnan"i, seconded 0;7 Gsbo, th~lt n sum not to e:xcede i:>10. ')0 be authorized spent for necessary relnrrs to Chir.mey in Fire nllll; C'11linr.: the Roll; AlJ Gouncilrnen present Voted in the Affirrautive. l!totion by Councilman Swetr:J1lTI '. seconded by L1anthe;{, to.ht H SU!:J of not to Excede 021".0') per month l)e ul"thorized slJent by the street Cor:ui tteo for Ernerp;ency ropuirs; C:;i.llinp: the Holl; .,11 CouncilL1en present \Toted in tho Ai'firlnutivo. l:luJ'or ndvised that l'hotograrhs of C '"i.A. work :lCCOI:lrlished L tho Ci 0Y hud been taLen as requeste(; by ~"he G-ovenor, S",lJe would be fotw1;i.rdeu. l.layor desir-nated M1J.Y 14th. t'o Muy l~th. as CIL:.en Uv .ieek for' h City of SDw,nd. There being no further businoss to uome before this me,ting, i t~, ;~~p~oufter, upon p~,ope;' r:lOtion ad journeC,. L-J"0 ~?(!:JF~V-Z-C ,~ d}~~dd.r--Z;:;; I,! .l. Y 0 11' . ~ 1" n 1.. I 110lJDAY, ,TlTlm 4th. 1 'J~)4 I Regular IJeeting of the CO:JLlun Cour:cil, City of i:iewurd, held this date in t:1e Council Ohtlrnbers; Uet,ting calle" to order by i,iuyor 1;.C. :brovinoll ut c3 I;/m/ with the folluwing Council'Jen prof'cne: l.Iu.nthoy, Meye:c, Osbo and swetJJtl.n:--,; l'linutes uf lust flleetinll read u.nd .ilJproved CluilUb totaling CC)I.t.t3.1 IJroscnte' u.s fol. u','m; hem,'" of t.ewarcl 2fi.'j ~eilchesii 17).1) Bu~dorbton 111.01. Hu.ver~touk 51.00. H~rwooo 25.0 0l\'hrd .rater 81)ly, 12'1.50. ~.>e\V(\l^d Druv. 7./1'J. GatG\IIJ.Y ilub Co. 2.7U Beasley 1<:.0'). lJL>.vioon 26.51. S..L.(.c l!. L,;).3!i. 13rown i~ Hawki::w 1.50. OBbo 12.71. Brosius Id./11, Utile 16.20. t'.i:i.0ip:rvll Cor(s U,.ll. l;lotion 1y CounclhltiYl 1.1",-ntho;;, be00nded by Lleyert.hat cl:,.ilJli:. be V i Callinp: the :~oll, .\.11 COU:lcill,len prULent voted ."ye. Clui;n of U:::oo and i:iowL.rri lJrul! IJresunted; by vrojJer uutiOll !JUGO umi uL.rrieu Cl:il.ila~ orderoQ jJu.id; Cowlui1lilen ubbu ;inc) :"\'letrll:J,l'm :JOt vuting. 'I'~~.. uHiJIli...;C~ 120 Given first rGading; Uotion by Coullcih1tlll Swotmann, seconded b;/ Llullthey that thi::: reu.dind 10 uOl1ciciodeci tile Yirst readinl< of Ordil'lunuo if 120 t.nd SU.IJO be placed UpJ:i tis .:,:u.c;uJ e Cullinlo'" the ltoll: All Courwilr:1811 prC~f;nt votoa in tr..c rdfiYiilati ve. Llot i on Ly Co unu i Latin i:)we1, 111H1l1, se cond ed 1,;; 1,1~" nthey 1, h~.. t :" b Wil of ~ut to E~uede ~l)O.)O be authorized expendodfor dtreet Repairc; Cullinf tl:e Roll; All CUlr1cillnen pre<:ent Voted Aye. By proper mot ion :Jade und (y",rriod: a surn of 1'101. to ezuedc .;~lO. was uuthorixea expende'l for ::;tationary. D.C.Brownell offered the surn of ;::;100.00 for the loUrch,'Jl:Je of u fraction of the Brownell Homestead COr:lI;risirtp.: U};llro:xirnately one acre !lure ur less, desuribed as follows; 1')0 feet Horth from the Granite Monument marked P.i>.Survey 726, ~1I. ;f:3. snid Honurnent situated ~bout 30 feet west of First Avenue ounosite Block 13 of originul Townsite, thoneo ~O~~ \/est 25') feet, thence ~orj south 175 feet, thence iJ.E. to puint oi' begi:r1inf. LIotion b;1 Courwiluan Swat manC!, seconde! lJY l'lanthey that the offer of ~ho').()') 11e acuopted fo above desuribed tract uhd Clerl instructed to furniEh D.C.Brownell deed to same; Culling Roll all Councilmen prelOunt voted Aye. MOIl DAY , J1TlrE 'bth. IV~j/L Cont. Clerk of the School Board pres('nted bUdget for Sehool year 1\)34-. amounting to $43\);).8IJ as City's proportion of expense, stateing that the City would not be askef to pay in excess of 34250.~J and probably not to exceed ~40JJ.OO. Motion was made by Councilman Swetmann, seconded by Osbo, that budget as presente( be acuepted; Callin[l the Roll on the fnotion; All Counailmen present Voted Aye. Under motion by ~ounailman Swetman~, seuonded by Uanthey a sum not to Excede 015.00 was authorized to bo expended on inspection 11 repairs to Hose Houses; Calling the Roll, All Councilmen present Aye'l-r At request of School Board; A motion was mu.de by Counuilman ;:)we , mann, seconded by Hunthey, that a Sum of not .tQ l.!;xcede $12')0.0) .be loaned to the School Boardfrom the general fund, same to be repaid on or about September 1st. lSJ34; Calling the Roll on the Motion, All Councilmen present Voted in the .Affirlaati ve. 'l'here being r.o further business to eome before this meeting, it WIlS, thereafter, upon proper motion ad,journeL. -7 Monday', June l:ith. IV3~", Oa.th' uf Office udministered to Councilmun G1111 land. Regular meeting of the Common Couneil, City of Sew~lrd, held thi date in the Council Chamilners; Meeting called to order at d p/m. by 11ayor Brownell, with the following Councilmen present; J.lanthey, Mey r Gilliland and stanton; Seward dater supply 'Suggeste(l that a. Hydrant be plaeed on'5th. opposite Catholic Church; ~o action taken. Motion by Councilman Manthey. seeonded by Meyer taht a eharge 0 $5.00 per month be assumed by the City to pay for water furnished t e Cutter Morris; Calling the Roll. all Councilmen Dresent Voted Aye. Clerk instructed to notify T.P.Murphey to connee~ his residenoe with Sewer on 1st Ave. Motion by Couneilman Manthey, seconded by Gillilund that the Cit continue to have nominal supervision of the abandoned Radio Statio , and that the Mayor be requested to eomunieate with the proper Navy authorities to this effect; Motion Carried. Matter of purchasing Hand Fire Grenades referreC to E'ire 'ComiCli ttee Motion by Councilman Manthey. secondec by Stanton that Chief be authorized to purchase 1 Gal of paint for use in fire Hull; Call1n, the Roll; All Counqi~men present Voted Aye. There being no further business to Come bef~re this meeting, it ~' ~~ proper motion adjourned. M A ~~~fk: .~. ERl: MOl/DAY, JULY, 2\1d. IV34. Regular meeting Illf the Cvffi.uon Counl;;il, City of Seward, held th's date in the Council Chambers; Meeting called to order by Mayor Bro nell at 8 P.M. with all Councilmen preuent; Minutes of last meeting read and approved subject to insertion of "Oath of Office administered to Councilman Gilliland. Claims totaling $698.10 presented aa follows; Bun:\:. of Seward 2 .JJ Keilcheski l70.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harwo~d 2 .00 Seward Water Sply 132.50~ Seward L.& P. 18.75. J.L.Graef 4~t50 Ogles' 5.52. Gateway. 8.78. Osbo. Ib.50. Brownell 44.50. Leaeh 2.)0 Huff ~.50. Virii2ht 4.)0. Peterson d.r)O. Frec,ricks 2.JO. Hartwige 8.JO Fol~enBtine 4.00. Beasley, 16.10. C.il.BrosiuB 2.55. Mot ion By Councilman Munthey, seconcied b~l Stanton th[it ulairJs e puid Callin/< the Roll All Councilmen Voted Aye. Osbo Claim of ld.50; Motion by Councilr:ran Manthey, seconded b' Gillilamd thl:l.t elHim be pL1.id; C.,lling the roll All Couneilrnen, ex eepting Councilman Osbo Voted Aye; Councilruan Osbo not voting. ORDIl:IAl~C:r; HO 120. was i'iven its 2nd & 3rd rel.ldings b;v 1'itle Only; Motion by Councilman Swetrnann, aeconde( by ilanthey, ,und un~nimousely passed; ~hat Ordinance Ho. 120 be placed, upon l~S Pa On the cuest ion "Shall ORDIlJAllCE HO 120 Pass"? "Ul Councllmen Voted in the afl'irmntive; "hereupon the Hayor signed Ordinance no l,~!) in Open Se<sion. , 39 Ih.:mday, ,Tul:!, 2n<J. lV~5il, Cont. -, I HESOLUTlOIJ Following Resolution presented; ,i}TEltE.:.3- t)jle taxes on reu-l proJlerty in tLe City of ;,ewaru, Alus}:c., for the year 1'.!3;" becU!;!C delinr;uent on the Ifjth. da;! of iJove;;1ber, 1;;3;), ~lt the hour 01 ;) 0' cl lck p.n.; and .vPJ:!;R.E;:.S, the Llunicip'll Clerk of the said City of Se\V~iutc1 rresen ted to the CO:luon Council t:je (lelinruent ta:> roll of '.111 the reu.l profEJTty in su"ld eit;,' 1.ll:3l'essed ',no on which the tax hld3 ;'lOt been paid and is tr.ercfore delinl;uent, and B'ds roll h'\ving be<.;;1 (1;7 said ()oun~il fou;1Q to te in due forr:!; 1W.I, !~'EB.l1.L}'ORl~, B3 I'i' .iIi:;SJ1\r.LlJ J5Y f,:,';Ii~ Cu.: 'Ull CUL:llCI1U:i!' ',':::"; CI'~'Y UP 3Ed:,RJJ. i"LASI:1\.: That tJle rnunicilJal Clerk ]Jost at the front door of the post off ice ano in three other oonsf,ieuousx:Jda:EHll public j,l'tues in Seiid City of sevmrd ~'or a reriod of thirt;1 0\78 s~kid delinquent tax roll togcatherwith u. notiue under tLe ho.nd of suid ;IuniuilJal Clerk l:Jet tinf' forth that the delinquent tUA roll of ret;.l ])ro!Jerty fur the ;year 1';1:':';: hue been uomplete<l und ids open for jJublic: insl'oc:tiol1 ut the offiue of su.ici rnunivilJ1.l.1 cler}., tint thut on the lah. day of ~epternber, 1~34, or us soon thereafter as aheuring oun be hud befor the court, stcid roll will be presented to the liir>triet Court for the Third Division, ~erritury of ~lusku,for jud~crnent uno oroer of sule. 1,dopteu under suepeTlsio;l of rules thi s 2nu. u;;;; of Jul;1, iv3i". .ii.l)lJroveQ thlc tnd. duy vi" July, l:.i;~(~. -it), e.-, /Z 11 "~ Y 0 H ~Y/" ~ 1 ~,.~ 7P " C . L It J.. I MotiOTI b~v Couneilma.n swotnmn"" seconded b:r ;)1,anton, -"'11'.-1" tl~e rules be suspended for tl:e adoption of tlw l\esolution; Cu.llic1g tlic Roll, all Couneil;;wn Voted Aye. On the (uestion "Shull the Resuluti.on be adopted"'f All Coundl men vote. Aye. ',ihereu!,on t'e ;ruyor :3igned the Resolution in open sesEion. Llotion by COU1H.:ilr'lhn st~mton, sec:oncted 1,;; ;,we1.,1:lD.nn, t",at Sal~ry Ordi~unce No 118 be effective governing Municipal Sa18ries for the year IV34. Crl11ing the Roll, All Counuilrnen voted Aye. B;! unanimous vote 1,"'.0 ffitltter of Sewer oo~neution of the r:'.,..>. I.Iurphy residenue with lst. Avenue sewer, waG referreu to ;;et"lth Cor:lnittee, l':ith instrlH-ltions to re!)ort at next meeting. ?he Hayor w~s authorized to sent neuE~sury wires to Ssc:retury leLcs an0_1J~i~1'+\I liiJllQ};lQ re.P.'./." fimmuinfI of I,ight I~ '-"ower jllunt also wire to Deleg>ite 1)irnon~ ro llissinfI link. 'l'here being no furtrler businesl" to COi:JO before this ;aeeting, it w~s, th)'eaf:ser, upon proper" :ootion ud .journe(l. ~_ 2?!~~~t-{/ M A Y'O R ' 1".,..... TJ'7 lIOlmAY. JlTLY. l6th. IV::4. I Regular meet~ng of the Comnon Council, city of Sew!ird.held thi' datc 1n the Council Chambers; liet: dng 01:11ed to order b;,' ;,V,yor at U P.U. with following COlL,jeilrnen present; Gillilhno, l'l,mthey, Heyer and Osbo. :U ;'mtes of lust [:looting read and annroved. Motion by Councilrann Osbo. seconded. hy (jil111and, that the of: of Urs. Bo:na,v. ?roser to puruhQs'e Lots 8. 9 and 10, in Block IV Original Townsite at a price of $26.10 each be Buuepted; CAlling the Roll on to motion, All Councilrnen l)resent vote!, Aye. By proper motion made und carried; Hayor wus authorized to use his own jua~ement in sending nucep~ury wires to Gov. Troy. B:i a Nni!ID:lR unanil:lOuse vote of tl--Je C\)tl"lcil'; luuvilI 1ursLon was given )Jer:aisEion to cOWlect his prer:lises on lot 2,) blvd, 13 with the l~t. Ave. Sewer. (1' ;wre bcinfL no further buuinosE to fl w:;s, therea:fter, u,",Jn IJrol->cr ,.1otion ~0,:{] p:-1tl1A;-~~--{_/C~ li ~ Y 0 ri " ~ollle before \,hif3 ,]e etirw, !ld ,journeu. ~f.:lL)J/~ C L 11 L{ L (40-- MONDAY, AUGUST 6th. IV34. Regular meeting- Ho ~uorwn- llembers ,Jr(;sent- Mayor Brownell Couneilmen Gilliland, Meyer and ~wetmann- Cluims totaling 639.81 presented us follows; Bunt of ~Gwl.J.rd 25. 0 Keilwhesli 170.00. Bulderston 100.0J. H~verstocl 50. OJ. Hurwood 25.0) Sew1..Tl .'later ::>IJly 132.50/ Brown & Hawlins CorjJ. 2>1.20. Brosius 3.6( Ogle's 3.83. Seward Lite (',; I'ower Id.50. 111asLa l'runsfer 24.00. Gateway Pub. Go. 2.7B. F Lagerquist 26.25. stHndard Oil .75/ Beasley 14.00. Brehmer 10.00. Fallenstine 3.00. .&bove Vouchers signell by Pinu,llee Comittee and ordered paid sub- jeet to O.K. By absent Coun~ilmen; Suid O.K. obtainea und VOl ~hers paid. August 8th. lU34- The sum of $500.00 advanced ~o Treasurer 0 ~eward School Board as a loan to defray current expenses. " ~ ,G '6(L1rl-VJA D {/C MAY 0 R ~.~ C L E R K , Tu~SDA,{, AUGU::>'l', 14th. b34. Meeting of the Equalization Board, City of ~eward, for the equ1:.llization of Taxes for the yeur 193'.1,; Called to order at 2 P.M. With Councilman Swetmann acting us Chairman- HO PROTESTS. Wednesday. August l5th. 1934. Meeting called to order at 2 P.M. Councilman Meyer acting as Chairman- HO PROTh8TS. THursday, August lo~n. l~u~ Meeting called to order at 2 P.li. Councilman L1anthey actinp.: as Chairrn~?n- HO L'.tU'l-'...;.",'.;J. :b'RIldY":l.Ugust, 17th. l~:3',. Meetinp: culleu to order at 2 P.M. Counc:ilr,lfln Stanto:1 uctinr: as Chairman- NO PROTE3T~. saturday, August, 18th. l~3~. Meeting called to order at 2 P.Ll. Couneilrnan Osbo acting a.s Chairma.n- IJQ PHO'l'i::8'l'b. The E~ulixation Huard having performed its duties, it was rel~r, ~)on proper motion ad journed at '1 P.Ll. t,;is date. L~AYO ~1~~ ~ , MOdDkY, AUGUST, 20th. lU3~ IW ~UORUM- Clerk instrueted to usk fOIe bids for two heavy duty casings and two pW1cture prouf tubes for dW;]l' truuk, sanlC subject to the avprovsl of absentCouncilrnen ~ght CU1.LDittc8 asked to urrange /;l.bout repairs to street li~ ~ ~ A Y If. (lAn~~ aM~i~ ts. , , MOIJlJAY, SEl"lbl;lBEI~ lOt h. 1 ~~)!L Pospmed regular meeting of the COrnJon Council, City of ::lew;, ti held this dute in 'vhe Council ChamlJers; !letting ualled to order by Mayor Brownell at 8 P.D. with the follJwing Councilmen present; Gilliland Han31hey, Heyer, \Jsbo i~ Swetmann; Manli.tes of the, last meetings read and approved. Claims totaling 7'1J. 6'~ presentea 1.16 Iollows; BanL of SOVldru' 85.')") KeilehesJd 17).0) Balderston In.'}). Harwood :::5.00. Haverstuck bO., 0 Sewerd ~ater Sp1y l~8.5J. GHtewuy Pub. Co. l~.4d. Osbo 1.JO. Brosius 5.E5. Sew~rd Lite & Power, 48.Jb. Og~e's l7.Gl. Gruof 1.25 August Pay Roll 5G.5,). Alt.1.EJ..a '1runsfer 13').10. !dation by CounlZil;.lun ;lllnthey, sec:onde" by 08bo that Cllliras b paid; Calling tho Roll; All Councilnmn present voted Aye. Claim of Osbo 1.)') . All Councilr,v:iYl e:{(;eptinp; Osbo voted ..yo Counci1m~n Osbo not voting. Brown &: Hawkins bid of 62.5') for Truuk tires & tubes uC:()Optu Motion by CouncilrJ1un lilunthey, seconde" by ;:>weLIJ1ann that tires be aered as lier bid; Calling the 1\011 all Cuunc:ilr:J'ln present voted "~ye. Lito eom,:littec reported thut work ]'Ias progressini, on ropaLn; to Street Lights. l (,' ......,,::" " ,. 41~ IIunday, 3el;tel:JLer, 1)1,11. 1;;;';'" Cont. I Ppon recomend:J.tion of' Cuuno ~lLlI.:'ll Lioyer; A:Jotion was 111'.:.clO by Councilman swetr:11.l.nn, secondeu by LlunLhey tlwt Hoopik,l CO;,ll"littec be authorized to eXl~el11i a. sum of not to e:zceQ,$ 1;1}J.)0 for necebLary roprrirs to FlJur, Foundation & Druinu~e of Hospital Buildin~; Call i'lg the Roll, All Counuilmm present vote( A;;e. Motion by CouncilwlD swetnmn., soconded by Gillilv.nd th~J.t the street COJILlittee be authorized to expend a sum of not to exuede $100.10 for the reoova1 of wooden sidcwulkb on 5th. & ~ rd. Avos. filling same with cinders; C'111ing the Hollon the IIotion. All Cou neilmen present voted in the uffirr.w.ti ve. Councilman stanton entered the Council ~har:Jbers; It was deemed advisable to poepone further nution on the proposed LiRhL & Power plant till after discu~Bion with Deligute Diunnd. Mot ion WitS ma.de by Council!:lA.n Hanthey, Seconder by ;;leyer that the St~eet C0:~ittee be authorized to expend K sum of not to exaede 51.1) Gradin~ streets. Calling the Hollon the moti)n; Ali Cuunuil men Voted in the adlfirmative. Motion by Councilman Manthey. seconded by Gilliland the th~ ~ street Committee be authorize(l to expend a sum of not to exuede .,,;50 .00 for neeessary draning of ~th. Avenue; Calling the Roll; All Counoilman Voted Aye. Clerk instructed to ask for bids for furnishing the Fire Hall wi th 7 tons of Healy Lump Coal and ~3 tons of Bvans-Jonel nut Coal. Mayor instructed to ~rite Govenor Troy stressin~ the neeessit of enlarging the present Aviation Field. There being no further business to come before thib meeting, it~was, upon proper motion adjourned. ~,~C ;;:( (2rvv~~ MAYOR --\ 4l ~ ~ ~~ tZ, #'L:. t/,,{ k L l\ K I SATURDAY. S.L;P'l'.r..lI1Bl~H,15th. 1~:54. I SpeeJilal !:leeting of the Comnon Clmncil. Ci t;;1 uf Seward held this date in the Coun",il Chambers; Lleeting called to order at Q 1'.1~ by Mayor Bruwnell, with the fOllJwing Councilman present; Manthey, Meyer, Osbo and Stanton. Meeting fur the purpose of disaussin~ with Delegate Dimond, who was present, ways and mea~s for further presentation to 1'.~.A. and Congress petition for ere.tion of Light &: Power Plant in City. Delegate Dimondexpressed the opinion that there was very littl hope of obtaining permission from Congress to bond the City in the sum of $60.110.1) for ere.tion of plant owing to the fact that a privately owned plant was already in operation. ~ith regard to P.W.A. financing of Light & Power propoBition k in the Delegates opinion; Best chance for favorable a*tion was to endevor to interest Seuretary Iekes in the Cities behalf. The Delegate promised to supply a list of all Committees aetiv in liouse and Senate and suggested that a personal prospeotus mailed to eaoh of the members might have benifioial results. At the Mayors request Delegate Dimond promised to wire Jashing ton ~8kin~ tor prcbcu~ C~a~Ub or of proposeu additio~ to Seward Brea](wa,_er. ~ ThiE meeting thereafter adjourned. C' e /) q ,.... '" I /' <-) . f"''--''l<;-o/V-~ Mil. 01 ' ~ MO~mAY, OCTOBER 1, 1934. Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of Seward, held this date in the Counoil Chambers. Meeting called to order by Ma.yor Brownell at 8:10 P.M., with the followin~ councilmen present. Gilliland, Manthey, Meyer, Osbo and Swetmann. 0 . . Minutes of last me gala;' meeting,' being a postponed regular meet~ng held September 10, 1934, and minutes of special meeting September 15, 1934, read and approved. ~ Claims totalling $721.60 were presented as follows: Bank of oeward .25.00; Keilcheski $170.00; Balderston $100.00; Haverstock $50.00; Harwood $25.00; Seward Water Supply $132.50; Seward Drug 42 00. $2.40; Brown & Hawkins $63.25i Fire Dept. roll $30.00; Sept. Labor roll $99.00; E. P. Harwood ,24.45. Motion by Manthey, seconded by Gilliland, that said claims be paid. On calling the roll all councilmen voted Aye. Keilcheski reported that the Fifth Avenue sidewalks from post office to Seward Hotel had been removed and replaced with cinders. Also that work on the drain in street at the schoolhouse is progressing. The Mayor stated suggestion made by Superintendent of Schools l Rogers that the Third Avenue bridge crossing is dangerous to school children, and that a runway be built on this bridge. Matter of possible purchase of light plant by city was discuss d. Light committee instructed to interview Mr. Graff relative to same, and to other matters. Motion by Manthy, seconded by Gilliland, that city purohase 2 oases of lZO-volt, 40 watt globes, and 1 case of 6.6 watt globes. On calling the roll all councilmen voted Aye. Motion by Swetmann, seconded by Gilliland, that city purchase Z siamese hose couplings, 200 ft. Of/l/2" hose, and 2 nozzles for same, not to exceed $125.00 to be expended in such purchase. On calling the roll all councilmen voted Aye. . There being no further business the meeting was upon proper motion adjourned. Approved this 1st day of October, 1934. ~ .a&~~ ~ Mayor. ~ c MOIDAY, NOVEMBER, 6th. Regular meeting 01 the Common Counoil, City of Seward, held th date in the Counoil Chambers: Meeting oalled *0 order by Mayor Bro at a P.M. with the following Counoilmen present: Manthey, Meyer, 0 stanton & Swetmann; Minutes of the last meeting read and approved; Communi oat ion from san Juan rishing & Paoking Co. asking for reduo of Personal Tax from 300.00 to 150.00, read: Motion by Swetmann, 2 by Manthey that Tax of 300.00 as ass~~~d_stap4:~a~ling the roll, all Counoilmen present voted A.ye. tJ/t- ..".,.I;wu,;. IhJ:t if, .j.4.;.,./".w1Wf-: . Cliims totaling $1223.95, presented as follows: Bank 01 Seward 26.00 Keiloheski 200.00. Xeiloheski 87.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstook 60.00 Harwood 26.00. Seward Water Sply. 132.60. Seward Metal Wks. 28.78. Seward Kaohins Shop. 2.80. Brosius 26.10. Alaska Trausfer 107.25. Ogle 11.78. Seward L.& P. 271.35. Alaska Shop 1.~0. B& H.Corp.20.0 Motion by Counoilman Manthey, seoonded by Meyer that bills be paid: Calling the rol! All Counoilmen present voted in the affirmative. Claim of T.Osbo 134.49 , presented: Motion by Manthey seoonded by Xeyer that olaim be paid: AlljCOUnOi1men Voted Aye, Exoept Counoil an Osbo, not voting. CounollmanSwetmann advised that report of interview wit}l Mr. raff re. purohase of Light Plant would be forth-oomeing at nex~ meeting. Counoilman Meyer reporte work undertaken at Hoepital oompleted. Counoilman Osbo reports street lights repaired and in working orde . Under proper Motion by swetmann seoonded by Manthey and unanim ously oarried: Light Committee was aothorized to iavestigate and install at a oost of not to exoede $10.00, a street light on 4th. A.e. in tront of Sistere Hospital Building. street Committee was asked to report on estimate' oost of repa r to safety Fenoe on Chamberlain Hill. Motion by Oebo, seoonded by Swetmann and unanimously oarried: author1zed the FIre CO~Qittee to expend a sua of not to exoede $20.00 for storm Windows ... for rire Hall and repatrs to Truok Chaine. A Committe. oomprised of the Mayor and Counoilmen S.etmann and Stanton was appointed to make a survey of unemployment situa~ion i the Oity, with a vie. to relief ot same. Clerk instruoted to thank Tom Tessier for use if Cat. in Streets. The~r.e being/no further bUline.Ce. This ~\ 2 ... ~V)l.1 ~ ~:;(1A:)L-v--I/'~.. '_ .--, 4~ MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 19th. 1934. I Re!ular meeting of the Common council, City of Seward, held thiB date ia the Counoil Chambers; Meeti.! oalled t~ Qrder at 8 p.m. by Mayor Brownell. with the followin! Councilmea present: Gilliland, Maathey, Meyer, aBbo swetmaan; Miautes of last meetin!, read, oorreoted and approved. Light oommittee iastructed to investi!ate the feasibility of chan !ia! the an!le of street li!ht fixtures on certain p.1es on 2nd. ave and Adams street, so as to preveat defleotion of lite by pools Mayor reports some oomplaint as to dumping facilities on the !arbage dump; Health oommittee instruoted to iavesti!ate & report. Motion by Councilman Swetmann, secoaded by Manthey; Carried; Clerk instructed to write En!ineer Offioe War Dept. reo faulty instalatioa of de-watering facilities of Lowell Creek Fluae . Representatives of Seward School Students petitio.ed Council for aid ia fina.cin! G18nasiua for wiater months; Motion by Osbo. se..ade6 by Gilliland that the sua of $120.00 as asked be allowed Callin! the Roll on the motion; All Councilmea present voted Aye. Councilman swetmann. in behalf of Committee appointed to int erTiew Mr. Graff with regard to reduction of Light & Power rates and possible purohase of his Plant; Reports: Mr. Graff interviewed states in substanoe, " New Diesel unit installed will furnish 100% additional service to that now being rendered; Will not con sider making any reduction of present rates for li!ht or other electric energy at this time. Mi~ht oonsider speoial rate in the event of Native Hospital construoted in City depending on the amm ount of ener!y used. Places price of $115.000.00 plus cost of Diesel in8talation now in progress for his plant. Mayor presented letter from Govenors office enclosing belated copy of speoifications from engineers of Federal Emergency adminis tration relative to Light & Power Plaat for City; Motion by Manthe seoonded by Gilliland that the Mayor with aid of Light Committee be instruoted to wire secretary Ickes requesting extension of time for presentation to Bew Congress. Motion unanimously carried. It was the UBanimous desision of the Counoil that the Merchant Bi!ht Watchman was to assume no Police Duties, Chief of Police sO iastruoted. street Committee was instructed to see about necessary repairs t. aproach and bulkhead of 4th. Ave. Bridge, reporting recomendati Clerk instructed to comunicate with J.S.Badger regarding dang erous co.ditioa of building on lot 29 blook 10 with view to having eame repaired or removed. Motion by Councilman swetaann, seo..ded by Manthey, street com ittee all~wed a sum of not to exoede 10.00 for removal and fillin~ sidewalk on R.R.Ave. between 5th. & 6th streets; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present Voted in the Affirmative. There being no further business to oome before. this seetin~, was, thereafter, upon proper motion adjourned. 976 . (,~ '/f.4u-~( !2IH1d"IA&1~ MAYOR. . CLERK MOB DAY , DECEMBER,3rd.1934. I I Re~ular meeting of the Common Council. City 01 Seward, held thie date in the Counoil Chambers; Meetin~ called to order a 8 p.m. by,Mayor Brownell, with following Counoilme~ present; Gilliland, Meyer. Osbo & stanton; Minutes of1ast meeting read and approved. Letter from Councilman swetmann, tendering resi~nation read; ordered Tabled. Letter from J.s.Badger. re.Warehouse building on lot 29 blook 1 presented, ,No further action taken; Claims totaling 804.45 presented as follows: Bani of Seward 25. Kel10heeki 170.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. Harwood 25.00. Seward water Sp17 132.50. Ogle'S 11.45. Seward L.~ P. li2.75. BOT. Pay Roll. 70.75. O.bo'e 15.00. Sew.rd Maohine Shop 9.75. C.M. Brosius 15.00. seward Dru~ 3.40. Brown ~ Hawkins 9.20. Signal Corps 4.i5. Motion by stantotl, seconde(i by Gilliland that olaiss be paid; Calling the Roll; All Councilmen present voted in the Affirmative. Motion by Osbo, seconded by Meyer that the sum of $iOOO.OO be withrrawn from the General Fund and p1aoed in Savings A/e 1111 for payment on Interest & Retirement of SchOOl Bond; Callin~ thebRoll, All Councilmen present Voted Aye. MONDAY. DECEMBER. 3rd. 1934. Cant. 48 a result of report by Councilman Meyer re. repairs to Hospital base.eut; A .otion was made by Councilman stanton, seoonded by Gil iland t~at an additional sum of 50.00, .aki~ a total of 150.00 be allow d the Seward General Hospital to help defray cost cf repairs as stat d. Callia! the Roll. 411 Ccuncil.an present Voted in the Affirmative. Motion by stanton, seconded by Osbo that Health Committee be authorized to expend a sum of not to excede 50.00 for putting Garb D~p i. shape for better duapln~ facilities; Callin! the Roll; All l CounCilmen present ?oted Aye. Upon report of Coincilaan Gilliland; A motion was .ad8 by stant eecondea by Osbo, that the street Committee be authorized to expen sum of not.to excede 15.00 for repairs to bulkheads of 4th. Ave,Br Callin! the Roll; All Councilman present Voted in the Affirmative. Motion by Councilman Osbo, seoonded by stanton that the street C.mmittee be authorized to expend a sum of not to exoede 25.00 for plaoin! Guard R.i18 on Chamberlain Hill; Oallin! the Roll; All Co.ncilman pre8ent Voted Aye. Threre belD! no further business to OOme before this meetin!, i th,re~ft r..pon pr.pe~ motio. Adjourned. r~y ( ~~ ~~f/~Qmb MONDAY. DECEMBER. 10th. 1934. Special meetin~ held this date in the Council Chambers, aee oalled to order by Mayor Brownell at a.p.M. with all CQunoilmen p Meetin! for purpose of discussin! and answerin! wire receiv fro. R.T.Gridley, State En!ineer Inspeotor, P.W.A. for Alaska. J Alaska. Askin! what applioations City of Seward mi!ht make for Pu Work Projeots in the event that P.W.A. funds were made available an intereet rate of 3% with no !rant allowance; Discussion resulted in the followin~ projeots bein! named u der proper motion, duly seoonded and oarried; . NO.1. IlOtion. by Manthey. seoonded Gilliland, $100,000.00 f r HydDo-Eleotrio p'r.Jeo~ CLoet Lake) No.2. Motion by M~nthey, sec nded Gilliland. .35.00~.00 for Munioipal Buildin!,( Offices. Fire Hall, Counoil Chambers and Gymnasium). N9. 3.Motion by Swetmann. seoobd d by Manthey, $2.000.00 for oompletion of 1st. A?enue Sewar. No.4. .5.000.00 for Ploatin~ Dook to aoooaidate Small Boats. ".Motion Osbo. seconded by Manthey, No.5. Motion, by SWataann, seoonded by $1.000.00 for Stoaker for Sohool House. No.i. Motion by Manthey, seoonded by Gillila.d $5.000.00 for Salt Water Fire eystem. (Pum in!) The above projeots total in! $148.000.00. n~ ~Journed' : /' . y' '-"-~ MONDAY. JANUARY. 7th. 1935. Regular meeting of the Common Council, City of seward. held tbi date in the Council Chambers. medting called to order by Mayor D.C Brownell at 8 P.M. with the followillg Counoilmen present: Gillilan ". jj...' Manthey, Meyer. Osbo. Stanton and Swetmann; . ~;ilr. ,,: .1Unutes of last regular and special meetings read and appro;y '-:lnll C.laims totaling $1652.14, presente as follows; .~ of sew~.". pO i' l Kelloheski 170.00. Balderston 100.00. Haverstock 50.00. RanOM 2 00 Seward Water Sply. 127.50. Seward L.& P.138.25. Osbo 13.35. Ogle 9 56. Gateway Pub. Co. 14.7&. Seward .Maohine Shop 20.25. Alaeka Transfer 5.00 Eureka Fire Hose 266.60. Signal coeps 28.95. Cash 79.40. Deoember Pay Roll 49~.25. Ernestine Jeseen 3.00. Seward Trading 6.75. C.M. Broeius 65.10. Ed wagner 25.00. )lotion by Counoilman swetmann, seconded by Manthey that Claims as presented by paid; Calling the Roll All Coqnoilmen Voted Aye. Clerk authorized to receipt for cQPy of Compiled Laws of Ala8k 1933 Ses8ion. sent from Juneau by ~udltor. Following Resolution re- Date of Delinquent Tax sale, x.a pres ented and read; l ,