HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942 City Council Minutes 42 January 5, 1942. RegulAr Meeting The common council of the Town of Seward convened in regular session at 8:10 P.M., Mr. Dahl, being absent. Mr. Harold C"mnen was sworn in as councilman to fill the unexpired term of Mr."Rouse. He was then appointed to fill the committee positions formerly heli by Mr. Rouse, And the Mayor ordered four copies struck off of the alterations in committee memberships. The bills for the rno~th were then presented for examination. The City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for wire to extend the enclosure around the city dump. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanimous vote of the quorum ~resent, on roll call, it was decided to block that portion of Railroad Avenue, between the alleJ separating CRl Brosius' apartments from the Arcade property, And 4th Avenue, in order to permit Mr. Hoben to commence excavating the debris from his lots, and commence reconstruction. The City clerk was instructed to remove any e0uipment remaining on thet portion of the public streets. --; !' I J.... Mr. E.D. Webb, And Mr. Charles Evans constituted a delegation from the bartenders And longshoremens union to request the council to extend the opeijing and closing hours of liquor stores, and saloons. They stated that the curfew on liquor sales was ineffecti~e, as it was being bootlegged; and furthermore that it was not serving the purpose of keeping liquor away from the soldiers, because others were buying it for the soldiers, ~nd turning the liquor over to them. It WAS also pointed out, that there were no restric- tions on liauor sales out the highway. Mr. Wagner recommended that the request be referred to the Civilian Defense Council, and the headquarters at Fort Raymond. The Mayor replied that the com- mittee could best accomplish their reauest by asking the officials at the Fort to consent to opaing the lillIr stores for longer periods, in which event the council would certainly comply. --, I ~ I ' Mr. John Blase requested approval of his oral application for renewal of his cocktail bar license, and li~uor dispensary license, by the council. He also requested permission to use the caterpill<Jr owned by the City, And used for gravel hRuling, in order to excav- ate the basement of his former saloon and apartments. This was granted, with the condition that the e~uipment be returned in the sqme C0nditi0n that it was lent' and that a reliable operator be used to operate the equipment. Mr. Blase consented to observe these conditions. Mr. BlaRe then requested a refund from the City of his tobacco, mercantile, and pool table licenses, his request was directed to the District Court when it arrives in Seward, inasmuch as they are the collecting agency of these licenses. The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with various light plants in the Terr- itory, in order to determine whether or not to refund deposits on meters that were destroyed in the fire. Mr. Baker representing the Civilian Defense Council , recommended the hiring of an extra patrdman to assist in black out watch, frO! 4 P.M. to midnight. He also :r19do further recommendations concernir g the reduction of liehted surfaces in Seward, while we nre running on a restricted light basis. It was r~entioned that the Federal government is issuing a blackout code, which perhaps will have to be complied with by the people of Seward. The bills for the currert month were then ordered paid. ~r. Sundborg representing the Disaster Loan Corporation introduccc himself and explained his mi:'sion to tne 1'111siness people of SOWFirc who warted to obtain money to rebuild the stores and 8partr~ents destroyed in the recent fire. A discussion then occurred concerninc; the h iring of a new fire chief, And 8 neW police chief. The fire committee was instructed to contact the volunteer fire deusrtment and see if an allowance of $80.00 per month paid to the fire department, instead of $~O.OC would insure a night watch by the fire department at the fire hall, and the maintenance of the fire eauipment there. -"" 43 I Th~ City C1",rk was instructerl to hire Tex Beavans AS patrolman tempor8.rily. Ordin<Elce No. 151, requiring ':) residen~e 0f :: moro+:1;s and registratinn with the City Clerk 2 weeks prior to the ele~ti0n, ie order to qU81ify voters f0r municipal elections in ~he City of SClwBrd, '-'i3S ordered reed three timps Rnr) p2s:"ecl 0n +:1'1" motion nf Mr. Leonard, And the secord cf Mr. Myers 8ft~r each reedinG, "1'1 t1',P 'In,,,niTTlOlu: vot,:, of the nuoru"1 present on r011-c811, after thp rn1 es hari been 0r(ler,,1 susreneed on the "1otio!: of Hr. T"eonard, And t-he pe(;~)nd 0f j.{r. T,pi!'8r, And thp nnanimous vote nf !-)o" quorum 0n roll ~811. The Mayor declp~pd an emArgpn~y ~o pvist, end the ord- in~qncp went into pffpct At thp same time as its ~Bssege. Referpnc to said ordinance is hereby mAde to the Book of OrdinAn~es on file in the of~ice o~ thp City ClerK. rhe Droblem of determinin~ whether or not to p~y the bill of the Saward W~ter Supply wes ordered turned ~ver to thD new fire chief w~en he wes epfointed, 8nd nftpr his invpstigation AS to how many hydrAnts were in US8ble condition by the City. The City Clerk waR ordered not to pey the Bill of Brown Rnd Hawkins for materiAls ordered by persons unknown dllring the recent fire, ~'1d lc>st efterw8rds, unless further infor:nr>tinn s!:.ould be disclosed concerning the identity of the persons who orderpd the material and where it mi~ht be found. On the motion of Mr. LeierAr Bnd t11e second of Mr. Leonerd, end the lln<miC'lous vote nf tne cC\11Dcil on roll cell Dr. R:::y R"nister was appointed health officer for the durAtion of the fiscal yeAr. The City Clerk WAS ordered to notify him of sllch 8.ppoint:nent. I The City Cler~ was instructed to notify thp ~ersons resronsible for the house left in the mi'ldle 0~ reilroa.d avenue, <luring the fire in Seward, to h8.ve lt re;ncwed as the council hRve con0emned it as a menAce And hazard to the town in its present position. The City Clerk WRS instructed to notify Dr. Bqnister of an un- sanitary condition existing At the home of Mr. Casey, and to hAve it investiggted. On dup. !'Jotion, the meeting WAS 2d~nurned et 11:15 P.M. Sppcial Meeting, January 12, 1~42. The C011l!"on council of t 1e Town of SeWArd, convened in speciAl se"fion At 8:15 P.LI. Dr. \vagner, beint'; Absent. On thp reooITlIDpndation of the Civili>'1D Defense Council, the City Council, c:lnd the M8yor, An executive order permitting saloons, And li1uor storps to remAi. open from 8 A.M. to f A.M. WBS issued by the MAyor, And the City Clerk WAS gccordin~ly instructed. The ~ueRtion of appointine; a six man commission to heAd the light DIAnt and sUDervise its operation \Vas ciiscussl"d. A. <iiscu,ssion" \VAS entered'into concerning the cirA~ting of tl1"" new buiIciing orcJinAnce. On <ille mlJtion the meeting Ad,journpd "It 9:20 P.M. Regular Meeting January 19, 1942. The Coml.lon council of the Tov,n of Sc:viard conv ened in reguJa r session at 8 r.M. this evening, Mr. ilagner and l,;r. Dahl: being absent. On the motion of Mr. Leonard and the secord q[ Mr. Myers, alld the unanLJlous vote of the quorum on 10 11 call, the rules were suspended and ~nance Ho. 152 , restricting the sale of any intoxicating oeverage to persons in the service and uniform of the Army, N..y, Mariae Corps, or Coast Guard of the Unit d States of America, except between the hours of Six P.M. and Ten P.M. was passed unanimous~y by the quorum present after three readings, and the consequent motion and second of Mr. Leonard, and Mr. Myers, after each. Lt4. 1._ ~ On the motion of Yr. Leonard, and the second of Yr. Myers, and the unanimous vote of the quorum present, and after three duly moved and seconded and unanimous votes as aforesaid, following theee respective readings, O~ninance No. 153, was passed regulatin the procedure and conduct of persons, durlng blackouts, and other periods of restriction ordered by the Civilian Defense CouDcil. Reference is hereby made to both ordinances on file in the office vf~ l_ Insert Correction: On the motion of Mr. Leonard, and the second of Mr. Campen, a resolu~t~ was duly passed enabling the Uni t~d States Army, to occupy for thei!, ,"" purposes and according to the terms of a lease to be drawn up betwelf. Government of the Uni ted States of America, and the City of Seward; " City owned portions of land, in the Oi ty of Seward, as lD!ly be incl' such lease. Which resolution was passed by unanimous vote of the q . present, and to which reference is hereby made on file in the Book .~ .~ Ordinances, in the offlctMf the City Ol'erk. ' ''i-' ~y~, Ii> On due motion, the meeetlng was adjourned at 1 :15 P.M. I Regular meeting j February 2nd. 1942 - The common council of the Town of Seward. convened in ree?ula r session at 8 P.M. this evening. Mr. Dahl. being absent. l'he City Clerk was instructed to immediately communicateal with the persons responsible for paying Government obligations to the Seward Electric System, and demand payment of bacc bills from August 1941, to date. Mr. Clarence Trafton requeste. a hearing concerning the reasons for his discharge from the Seward Electric System. It was established to the satisfaction of the City Counci that he had been remiss in his work, and that Mr. Bronson, the superintendent had, been justified in discharging him. The City Clerk was instructed to take steps in moving the old laundry building bel&nging to Mr. Harry Kawabe, which had been moved onto the middle of Railroad avenue during the fire in November, by Army equipment. The City Clerk was instructed to see that all possible was done to defer Mr. Granger, the City night patrolman, from the draft. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, and the second of Mr. Leonard, the rules were ordere suspended, and application resolution No.4, authorized the Yayor to sign an application to the Defense Public Works Agency, for the construction of a concrete fire hall, and salt water pumping system. After due and formal reading of the resolution, on the motion of Yr. Wagner, and the second of Mr. Leonard, the resolution was adopted as read, on the unanimous vote of the quorum present at roll-call. Acopy of said resolution is on file in the office of the City Clerk to which reference is hereby lla48. Yr. Joseph Fisher, tr~veling representative of the National Resources Planning Board, reported to the Council in detail con- cerning the work of hiB Board, what they are doing geneeally in Alaska, and particularly what they hope to accomplish in Seward providing the situation merits their attention. The City Clerk was instructed to pay the Brown and Hawkins bill against the City to date, as the matter had been investigat d by the finance committee, in favor of Brown and Hawkins. . as a fepr~ senta ~Ve 0 the f rst I aid eou nell of the Sew ard Red Cross I ltn Re~. Mt~. Feb. 2nd Cat'd. The compensation of the City Clerk was raised $50.00 per month in order to assure the continued handling of varied extra governm- ental bureaus in Seward, such as the Rubber contr01 Boar4,Auto Control Board, etc, in the present War emergency. The City Clerk was instructed to write the RFC, and request the transfer of control of the Seward Eleetrie System, from the City Couneil to the Seward Eleetric Commission an independent board of townspeople. The aforesaid order concerning the salary of tpe City Clerk was duly ordered as a motion of the Council, on the motion of Mr. Myers, the seeond of Mr. Bampan, anddtheunanimous vote of the quorum present on roll-call. On due motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Regular Meeting Feb. 16, 1942 The common council of the Town of Seward, convened in reguar session at 8:00 P.M., all members being present. The minutes of the preeeding meeting were read and aeeepted, and the bills ordere paid as presented. Mrs. StllwellJA requested the City Council to appropriate $200.00 for surgical instruments to equip a easualty station in the City of Seward, for the safety of the Public. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, and the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call, a sum not in exees of $200 was ordered paid for sueh surgical instruments as were selected for a casualty station to serve the people of Seward. Sai seleetion to be by the U.S. Public Health Nurse, and the City Heal Officer. The City Clerk was instrueted to compromise the caim of the Charles Hadle~for 109.93, as per correspondence to d~te in th matter. The City Cferk was instrueted to compromise the claim of the Seattle First National Bank against the City of Seward, for $25.00, according to the correspondence on the subject. The Council ordered all garba8e dumping by the U.S. Army on the City Dump, stopped within 3 days, by a guard hired by the City tf nece~sary if the Army did not take steps to maintain the dump property, instead of continuing its present practice of indiscrim- inate dumping allover the lagoon pile. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Hoben of the Seward Water Supply Co. to inquire as to the p ossibili ties of reopening the flow of water in the mains in the neighbourhood of 2nd Avenue, North of Jefferson Street; and also concerning the possibility of lowering the water pipe across the 4th avenue bridge. The Couneil also discussed the urgency of drafting a building Code before the spring building got under way in Seward, with partieular stress on the necessity of constnucting concrete walls. The Mayor reported that the eonsultant architect of the National Resources Planning Board had been wired for a simplified building code to answer Seward's needs, and he felt it would be forthcoming shortly. The Couneil diseussed the passage of a ladder ordinanee eausing the erection of iron ladders of sufficient strength to per it easy aecess to the roofs and attics of buildings over one storey in height, in case of fire. It was suggested that the matter be incorporated in the Buil~ng Ordinance when passed, and tabled til then. The City Clerk was instructed to send a telegram to the proper authorities eomplaining about the habitual intoxicancy and general y undesirable demeanour of Mr. Merritt L. Kerr of the U.S.P.H.S., and requesting his transfer, and follow the matter up with a lette . On due motion, the meeting was a4journed at 10:30 P.M. '46 .~ I!, t Regular Meeting March 2, 1942 The commonrc~un"l off the Towh of Seward convened in regular session thiaday at 8 P~., ell roombers being present. The minutes of prec~ding lIlasslons were r.~a-d and approved with the minor correction of inser\;ing that'Mrs. St'ilweJl, presaated her reque;st for surgical instruments as the represent.tive of the First Aid Council of the Seward Red Cross, in the minutes o:l!" the preceding meeting. Mr. Powell of the U.S. Engineer office at Seward, Alaska read a etter to the Council addressed to 1~. True, superintendent of the U.S. Engineers at Seward, Alaska, from Major Talley at Anchorage ordering the removal of all privately owned boats from the boat' harbor at Seward, Alaska. Mr. Bowell suggested that the boat- owners meet in committee with 1~. True, to discuss the reasons for, and method of moving the boats, if found necessary to do so. It was suggested that a letter be written to the Commandant of the 13th Naval District at Bremerton, Washington, discussing the situation. The City Council ordered that City Drivers Licenses, be $2.50 from Ma~ch 1, 1942 till June 30, 1942, on the motion of Mr. Dahl, and the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll-call. The City Council on the motion of Mr. Leonard, and the second of Mr. Myers, ordered the issuance of a permit to Ted Kimball, and Frssces Hanson, to operate a trailer lunchroom on the property controlled by R. E. Baumgartner, in Block 9, of the City or Seward for 60 days from date, providing specifically that the lunchroom trailer is to be immediately moved on order of the Council at any time, without grace. l' It was moved by ~. Wagner, and seconded by 1~. Leonard, that Mr. Joseph Werner be retained to audit the City Books of 1940 and 1941, to date, and that he be permitted to use the corrected figures of the end of 1941, April, to commence his audit, as corrected by himself, from 1~. Webb's figures, for that year. A discussion took place here concerning the necessity of having tandard concrete fire walls between every building in thebusiness area from third avenue to the bay, and from Church Street, to the Waterfront. Mr. Leonard then presented the specifications 'gain for a ladder ordinan~e, requiring metal laddersto be placed on buildings over one storey in height in the business district. It was suggested that the combined building and ladder ordinance be babIed until the next meeting. and unanimous vote on roihl call On the motion of !f,r. Leonard, and the secnnd of 1~. Myers the City Clerk was ordered to publish bids for the removal or the flag nole in front of the School, and to erect one in its place. It was suggested that the present pole be cut down, and if sound above the first few feet from the ground, be re-erected, after the preser t foundation was excavatad, and the cement repoured. On dle motion the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. (Insert Correction by order of the Mayor) On the motion of Mr. Campen and the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanima$vote of the council on roll call, the rules were ordered susp~nded and on the following motion and second by the same councilmen, and after thre~ successive readings-Qrdinance No.154, providing for the constructicn of metal ladders on buildIngs over-l storey in height in the busin~ss zone of Seward, was passed duly, which ordinance is on file in the offiee of the City Clerk, and to whieh referenee ia her~~ r-, \.. I ~ "'-~ 47 Regular Meeting March 16, postponed to March 19, 1942 I The common council of the Town of Seward convened in regular session at 9 P.M. this evening, Mr. Dahl, and Mr. Myers being absent. Mr. Bowman Rouse, was ordered by the Mayor to remove the flagpole in front of thes~hool immediat~ly, from its present foundation. It was suggested that the publiv address system pur- chased by the City during the first days of the war emergency, be sold as the necessity for its use appears to be past. On the motio of Mr. Leonard and the second of Mr. Campen, the City Clerk was appointed school taxcollector, and the proceeds of the commission for collection of the 1942 school tax was ordered paid into the general fund of the City. The motion was passed by unanimous vote of the qyorum present. The City Clerk was instructed to pay for a full page in the next issue of the Seward News, to bring to the voters the sum and substance of the administration of the present council for the past year. On the motion of Mr. beiner, and the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanimous vote of the quorum present, consisting of Mr. Leirer Mr. Leonard, Mr. Campen, and Mr. Wagner, on roll call, the rules were ordered.suspended in order to accept the offer of the Defense Public Works Eivision of the Federal Works Agency, Docket No. 50-127, of $10,538.00 for the construction of sewers in Seward, Alaska. Whereupon the following resolution was presented: \ RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Federal Works Agency, for and in behalf of the City of Seward, Alaska(herein called the owner), an application for Federal assistance under the Defense Public Works program, and the United States of America, acting by and through the Federal Works Administrator, has transmitted to th Owner an Offer of Federal Assistance in connection with the public works referred to in said application and described in said offer; nd WHEREAS, said Offer has been duly read in open meeting and has been fully considered in every respect ,in accordance with the pert ne rules of procedure and legal reauirments; and WHEREAS said Offer has been made a part of the public records of the Owner; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable, and in the public interest that said offer be accepted: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, that the said offer of the United States of America, a true and correct copy of which is hereto attached, aon be and the same is hereby accepted, without reservation or qualifi ~ Which resolution was duly read and conskEred and upon roll-call ordered thereon upon the question of acceptance of said offer, sai resolution was unanimously adopted and approved by the Mayor, and signed in open meeting. On the motion of Mr. Leirer and the ,second of Mr. Leonard, the City Clerk was ordered to disburse '$3;000.00 to the Seward Public School, being the last half payment of the City's contribution to the school budget, said motion was unanimously carried on roll cal of the q~orum present. On proper motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. 48 Speoial 1reeting karoh 24, 1942 The Common Counc il of the T01,m of Seward, convened in special session at 12 noon this day to consider the payment of the retainer requested by the attorney for 11r. Granger in fl. S. vs. Granger, considering the mertts of the si tuati ~n, md Mr. Granger's neoessity. The Mayor pointed out that Cue care had been ta.ken in the hiring of Mr. Granger, 00 d oommon regard had been given his performanoe as a police officer, ~X~~ On the motion of I.ir. Leonard, ami the seconi of tIr. Lei rer and the unanimous vote of the quorum present consi Elting of ' Mr. Campen, Mr. Leirer, Wr. Leonard, Mr. Myers, and Mr. ilagner, the Council voted to pay Mr. Donohue, $500 for, the defense of Mr. Granger in the ha.rassing aotion brought against him by the District Attorney of the 3rd Di vi si on, Mr. w'lennblom, though explicitly recognizing no liability thereby. I, ~ at 12:20 P.M. On due motidn, the meeting adjourned Regular Meeting, April 6, 1942. The common council of the Town of Seward convened in re~ular session at 8 P.M. The minutes of preceding meetin~s were read and approved. Mr. Dahl, and Mr. Myers were absent. The payment of bills for the current month was approved, on the motion of Mr. Leonard, the second of Mr. Leirer, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call. The resignation of Mr. Bill Baker as Directmr of Civilian Defense for the Town of Seward, was received, noted and accepted on the motion of Mr. Wagner, the second of Mr. Campen, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Baker for his genuine effort to aid the fown perfect its system of Citilian Defense. On the motion of Mr. Wagner, and the second of Mr. Leonard, and the unanimous vote of the quorum present on roll call it was moved to pay $3,000.00 in interest on the Seward Electric System bonds. On due motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. l April 8, 1942. The Common council of the Town of Seward, convened in special session this date at 8 P.M. by special call, to canvass the ballots and votes cast at the Municipal E~ection for the Town of Seward held on April 7, 1942. Present were Mr. Campen, Mr. Myers, Leonard, ~ and Mr. Wagner, and the Mayor Mr. Benson. Mr. Dahl, and Mr. Leirer were absent. After examination of the ballots cast, and comp- arison of the votes counted, and a complete recheck of all the challenge votes, and thorou8h inspection of the records and data and certificates presented to the M~nicipal Clerk by the Election board at the close of the dny preceding, the following resolution was presented: RESOLUTION 2 - 42. WHEREAS in accordance with the laws of the Territory of Alaska, ~nd the Ordinances of the City of Seward, and the forms and notices of election duly given and issued, that a Municipal Election was held in the Town Hall in the said City on the 7th day of April, 1942; and ~ WHEREAS: In accordance with the duly prepared and correct certificates filed with Paul H. Danzig, Municipal Clerk by the officers of said election, the following named persons received the exact number of votes placed after their respective names for offices as hereinafter set forth, to wit: , 4~l For Mayor: Thorwa1d Osbo 259 For Councilmen: 2 year term I Joe Doshen 242 John Pau1steiner 199 A.H. Moser 180 H.H. Leonard 127 For Councilmen: 1 year term Frank Cooper 280 Vi. R. Benson 125 Robert Henrickson 40 For Member School Board 3 year term: Josephine Sheldon 244 For Member School Board 1 year term: Anna Shea 258 and: . WHEREAS: The returns of said election were duly and properly canvassed by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, on April 8, 1942, I NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that in accordance with the wishes of the Vote s of said Town, as set forth by the results of said election, the following named persons, having received the highest number of votes for their respective offices: For Mayor: Thorwald Osbo For Counc ilmen 2 year term: Joe Doshen, John Paulsteiner, A.H. Moser For Councilmen 1 year terI!l: Frank Cooper, W.R. Benson For School Board 3 year term: Josephine Sheldon For School Board 1 year term: Anna Shea That they are hereby elected to the offices of the Town of Sewar for wh&~h they declared their candidacy. Passed unanimously by the Common Council of the Town of Seward Alaska, on this 8th day of April, 1942. On due motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 ~ I Mayor , ( ~ 50 April 10, 1942 Inauguration Meeti~g. At the Call of the Mayor, both the outgoing and incoming counci~s for the Town of Seward, Alaska, mJlet at 8:05 P.M. in the Oity Hall, Seward, Alaska. The minutes of preceding meetings were read, and Mr. Benson, advised the council of the efforts made to accumulate enough money to pay for the new fire engines on order from W.S. Darley 00. Chi~o; and that sufficient moneys were now on hand, but that the account had not been D8id inas mush as invoices had not been presented by the W.S. Darley 00, and it was felt that their figure was incorrect. Mr. Osbo prom- ised to see that the matter was attended to as soon as possible The bills were approved on the motion of Mr. Myers, and the secJnd of Mr. Leirer. The outgoing council then left the table, and th new council and Mayor were sworn in by Mr. Danzig. At the reque t of the Mayor, the roll was called, and the following councilmen answered present: Mr. Leirer, Mr. Bens6n,' Mr. Oooper, Mr. Moser, Mr. Paulsteiner, Mr. Doshen. Mayor Osbo, and the council heard a few words of advice and past experiences from Mr. Benso concerning the actions of the council last year. The Mayor then thanked Mr. Benson, and the new council gaxe~the outog~ing" members a rising vote of thanks. The Mayor then temporarily appointed Mr. Frank Cooper as Director of Civilian Defense for Seward. And appointed Paul Danzig as temporary City Olerk until such time as applications for all City positions could be entered. On the motion of Mr. Doshen, the second of Mr. Oooper, and the unanimous vote of the counciili on roll call the meeting was duly adjourned at 9:45 P.M. ~ I . , . I .j April 13, .1942 Regular -J1eet,ing. ,~~ ' . II . , The common council of the Town of Seward convened in regular session this date, all members being present, the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved on the motion of Mr. Cooper, the second of Mr. Moser, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call. A discussion was then had concerning the formation of a new civilian defense council, the Mayor saying that it was vital that the personnel of the council be such that the Oity was favorable to, in order to insure the closest cooperation, from tpe Townspeople, the appointment of Frank Cooper as temporary Civilian Defense Direct~D was confirm~d, on the motion of Mr. Benson, the second of Mr. Doshen, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call. On the motion of Mr. Doshen, and the second of Mr. Paulsteiner, and th~ unanimou; vote of the counil on roll-c!3-l1, a parnit was issued I\fi'. Gene Garrity to repair the building now occupied by Mr. Schutz' photography shop. On the motion of Mr. DOEhen, a~.d the sacoqd of Mr. Cooper, and the unanimous vote of the council o'nroll call, the City Clerk was ordered to mssue a warrant to pay the current interest due on the school bonds. On the motion of Mr. Benson, the second of Mr. Doshen, and the unanimous vote of the council on roll call, the rent for the alley in front of the fire hall was ordered paid to Mr. Morford,in the sum'of $60.00. The City Clerk was ordered to despatch a telegram to Mr. Busey of the Seward News in Anchorage, in time to make the next edition of the paper, advising him that the positions of Oity Olerk, City Attorney, Public Health Officer, Chief of Poli~e, were open for applications, and advising him that the City Ooun~il would appreeeate the cooperation of the townsfolk in detecting A d lid. which persons were responsible for slashing rubber tires on o~de~e~ vehicles in Seward. On the motion of Mr. Doshen, and the second of shown on Mr. Cooper, the Mayor then called an executive session after th~ screen. unanimous vote of the council on roll call, at which certain matters concerning th~ police d~partment were discussed. On the motion of Mr. Doshen, end the second of Mr. Benson, and the unanimous vote of the council the meetin~ was ordered adj- ourned at 10:40 P.M. -7 l i :1 "- 51 4/20/42 Regular Session J The Common Council of the Town of Seward, convened in regular session this evening at 8:05 P.M. The roll was called and the council answered unanimously present. Communications being read, a request from George Hollingsworth was noted, asking for water on second aven~e in order to afford better fire protection, after some little discussion, the matter was ordered referred to the Fire Protection Committee. The Mayor then presented the roster of newly appointed committees to the council, and it read as fol- lows: Minutes read and approved. ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES Chairm8~ Henry Leirer A.H. Moser PUBLIC SCHOOL GROUNDS AND GYMNASIUM Chairman: Frank Coope W.R. Benson FIRE PROTECTION Chairman:Joseph Doshe Frank Cooper LIGHT AND WATER Chairman: Joseph Dosh n A.H. Moser PUBLIC HEALTH HOSPITAL AND POLICE Chairman: A.H. Moser John Paul stein r STREETS SEWERS AND WHARVES Chairman: John Paulst ine Joseph Dosh n Chairman:John Paulste ner Henry Leirer Chairman: Frank Coope John Paulst in FINANCE AND CLAIMS I PRINTING CIVIC AFFAIRS AND CEMETERY Chairman: W.R. Benson Joseph Dosh n LAW AND ORDINANCE Chairman: A. H. Moser Frank Coope and the foregoing were declared the standing committees of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, for they ear 1942. A discuEsion concerning the presence of open privies in the Town of Seward, was referred to the Public Health Officer, and the committee on health and sanitation. The same reference was made t the problem of permitting tents to be erected in the Town of Sewa The same reference was made of the problem of whether or not the Alaska Railroad should be permitted to erect privie~n City prop- erty, to serve the needs of the construction crews brought to Seward by the Alaska Railroad, and fDr whom there is no ~he. acco odation, according to the statement of Mr. Byron Elms, superinten of transportation. I The request of Lieut Huddleston of the U.S. Army to string tactic wire around the property of the Seward Electric System, was grant by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Council. It was suggested that the City remove stumps and debris allover town at cost, during cleanup week. A summary of all correspondenc and dealings with the R.F.C., D.L.e. F.W.A. and War and Navy Dep- artments concerning the Town of Seward was given the council by the temporary municipal clerk. Applications for the positions mentioned were then opened and disposed of as fol10WS: The application of Aron Ericson for City Treesueee was read, approved and unanimously accepted, and the Mayor appointed him to act as treasueee for the ensuing year. 5') ~..;.. It was then moved by Mr. Benson, and seconded by Mr. Moser, t at secret ballots be taken on the candidates for the following positi ns, and so oddered by the Mayor, after a unanimous vote on roll call. Two applications were received for the position of City Attorney; one from Mr. L.V. Ray, and one from Mr. R.E. Baumgartner. By unan- imous vote and the appointment of the Mayor after secret ballot taken, Mr. L.V. Ray was appointed City Attorney for the ensuing year. There were two applications for the position of Public Health Officer, one from John Weston, and one From Ray Banister, M.D.s on the unanimous vote of confirmation by secret ballot, the Mayor appointed Mr. ~oMn WeJt6ntfublic Health Officer for the ensuing year. ~ I and Fi re Chlef Two applications were then received for the position of Police Chief, one from R.S. Van Kirk and one from Otis Gibbs, after secret ballot of confirmation cast, and a unanimous vote for R.S. Van Kirk the Mayor appointed him as Police and Fire Chief for the ensuing year. Three applications were next received for the position of City Clerk and Magistrate, one from Paul H. Danzig, one from Harold Painter, and one from E.D. Webb, after secret ballot of confirmatio cast showed four votes for Mr. Painter, 2 votes for Mr. Danzig and o votes for Mr. Webb, the Mayor appointed Mr. Harold Painter as Municipal Clerk and Magistrate for the ensuing year, for the Town of Seward. And Mr. Danzig, was instructed to notify all the success ul appointees of their new positions without delay. The Council than elected a president to act in the absence of the Mayor, the same, being Mr. Joseph Doshen. Mr. Paulsteiner then suggested that Notice be given the pUblic that the City Light Plant is now ready and able to care for and service any new light plant customers. The matter was referred to the Light Committee. Mr. Pau1steiner than recommended that the desirability of purch- asing the co~pressor loaned to the City by Mr. Benson, be invest- igated. On the motion of Mr. Doshen , and the second of Mr. Benson, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. -, i I I c -rl -( J . \ , 5:-1 Special Meeting April 27, 1942 I The Common Council of the Town of Seward, convened in special session at 8:00 PM this evening. Mayor called the meeting to order and upon roll call all members were present. A general discussion followed about the U. S. Army taking too mnny privileges without consulting the City Council. Mr. Ray suggested that we confer with the army Headquarters and have them appoint an Officer that could confer with us at all times in refer- ence to Citynaffairs. The Mayor opened the discussion about teh Sewer Project' After considerable discussion, it was decided that we get in touch with General Buckner about securing the services of an Engineer to help draw plans and help in a general wa~. It was also suggested to get Grant from Col. Otto F. Ohlson for the Sewer openings under the Railroad tracks on the beach. I Mr. Ray told us that the Alaska Railroad was willing to pay for scrap iron at the rate of $9 or 10.00 per ton. Thinks that our present garbage dump would yield much of this material. The Mayor brought up the question of the City paying their Electric Light Bills in a business way. After discussion, it was ageeeded that this should be done so. At 9:45 PM the roll call was called and the meeting ad- jurned on the motion of Joe Doshen and the second of Frank Cooper sign~/ _ 0, _ ~;k I 54 Special Meeting April 30, 1942 The Common Council of the ~own of Seward, convened in Special session at 8:00 PM. Mayor Osbo called the meeting to ordel roll call all members were presemt except Hoe Doshen. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing with Officers of the Signal Corps about putting pole lines in the main streets. Some of the poles would also obstruct the view of different houses. upon I I i After considerable discussion upon motion by Frank Cooper and seconded By Hr. Benson that the lines of poles be es- tablished by letter and Signal Corps were granted the right to go Upon roll call all members voted yes. ahead We had word from Anchorage on the case of Mr. Granger that they would agree ta settle for $1000.00. Mr. Benson made a motion seconded by Mr. Leirer that w.e wire Anchorage that this COt ncil decided that we let the case go through. Upon roll call all mem- bers voted yes. Upon motion by Mr. Cooper and secohded by Mr. Leirer the meeting was adJurned at 8:40 PM. ~/2~~ unicipal Clerk I I r "-- . ;>5 Regular Meeting May 4, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward cODvened in rpg- ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 fl1. I The meeting was called to order by Mayor Osbo and upon roll all were present except Mr. Benson. The minutes of the last three meetings were read and app- roved without objection. Mayor Osbo then called for th reading of bills against th Seward Electric System. The following bills were presented for payment:- Cash for meter refunds Gene Bronson salary Lee Stewart salary Orville Petcher salary Claude Sharp salary Ro~t W Wright salary Theo Flwellyn salary H. Painter sa]ary Paul Danzig salary Bessie Malloy salary a grand total of $ 50.00 250.00 220.00 230.08 202.58 122.50 26.00 38.50 80.77 40.00 $1260.43 making Upon motion by Councilman Cooper and seconded by Mr. Doshen the bills were approved as read and upon roll call all vote Aye. I Mayor Osbo then called for the reading of the bills against the City of Seward. The following payroll and bills were presented for payment:- L. V. Ray salary John Weston " R S Van Kirk n Wm. Granger Bowman Rouse Bert Smith Pete Michelson Harold Painter Paul Danzig Bessie l.!alloy S V F D C R Korford Viola Taw Gertrude Knight Alice Lorang Al Chamberlain Andy Rasmussen School Board Bank of Seward L. V. Ray grand total of rent on rightaway election wages " " " " " " $ 33.34 16.67 150.00 126.67 150.00 116.00 23.34 76.92 84.62 26.67 120.84 60.00 7.50 7.50 7..50 7.50 7.50 2000.00 60.00 500.00 $3582.57 making 8 " " advance on budget interest on Bonds legal fees 1 Upon motion By Joe Doshen and seconded by Frank Cooper the roll call showed all voted Aye. A bill was read in the amount of $500.00. the same being legal fees for Ur. L. V. Ray. Frank Cooper made the motion a d Joe Doshen seconded that the bill be paid, upon roll call all vote Aye. Mr. Ray informed the Council members that our Granger case was coming along fine. A bill was read from the Bank of Seward for the interes on Gymnasium Bonds in the amount of $60.00. Motion made by aoe Doshen and seconded by Henry Leirer that the bill be paid. Upon roll call all voted Aye. 56 ~ continued A general discussion then followed on Hospital affairs. Another bill was read from C. R. Morford in the amount of $60.00 the same b~ing for rent of ground used by Fire equipment to eet out of alley. Motion made by Joe Doshen and seconded by Frank Cooper that the bill be paid. Roll call showed all voted Aye The matter of renewing our 'insurance policy on the Seward ~eneral Hospital came up for discussion. We had the option of accepting an offer for insurance from either the Bank pf Seward or Mr. E. D. Webb. After general discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Doshen that Mr. Webb's offer be accepted. Roll call showed all voted Aye. The charges of this policy were $46.80 and upon motion by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Paul steiner that the bill b&opaid. Roll call showed all voted Aye. ~ The School Board presented a letter asking for an advance on their School ,Budget as they were short of money in the amount of $4000.00. Upon discussion, a motion was made by Frank Cooper and seconded by.Mr. Leirer that the money be advanced. Roll cal~ showed all voted Aye. A general discussion followed on the advisability of gett- ing compensation insurance policies for the Seward blectric Sys- tem.employees and also for the fire boys and other City employees. The Clerk was instructed to look up the matter. Mr. Oscar Dahl was present and presemted a letter from Col. Chamberlain that clearly showed his approval of Mr. Dahl's effort to rebuild his Hotel. A motion was mad~ by Frank Cooper and se- vonded byMr. Moser that the Council give Mr. Dahl a letter from the Council showing our appeoval and giving him priority rig~ts, that he might be entitled to. Roll call all voted Yes. ,-, Mr. Bowman Rouse of the Street Committee was present anq suggested that ~he City should have a clean-up week. Mayor Osbo instructed the Clerk to procalim that from May 11th to the 28th would be clean-qp week with the City Tracks availS.ble for suck work. A general discussion followed on the advisibility of fenc- ing around the turned property of the City to protect the general public. The Clerk was instructed to notify the proper owners in writing. The Clerk was told to dig up the old ordinance that pro- hibited girls from the Line to coming up town after a certain time for the pnrpose,of killing same. Paul stein r d\::- ,'" , L ,;;r ~. . , 57 Regular Meeting May 18, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg- ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. The Mayor called for roll call and all were present. The reading of the minutes I AL.L YEAR ICE FREE HARSOR SOUTH TERM INAL OF GOVERNMENT RAIL.ROAD SOUTH TERMINAL OF KENAI HIGHWAY SYSTEM NORTHWEST TERMINAL SEATTLE STEAMSHIP LINES EAST TERM! NAL WESTERN MAIL ROUTE OITY OF SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA CITY OF MODERN SCHOOLS. HOSPITAL CHURCHES AND ALL MODERN UTILITIES MINING FARMING TRAPPING OUTFITTING POINT TO FAMOUS HUNTING AND FISHING GROUNDS SEW ARD. ALASKA RES 0 L UTI 0 N No. .3 1942. ,I BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, in regular session assembled: That full and express power and authority is hereby granted by the Town of Seward, Alaska, acting through its duly constituted and acting Common Council, to Hon. A. J. Dimond, Delegate from Alaska, at Washington, D. C. to in the name of and in behalf of said Town of Seward, to make apnlication for priority as to delivery and shipment to said Town of certain fire fighting apparatus now on order and paid for at Chicago, in the state of Illinois, and to that end any and all action taken and acts performed by the said Hon. A J Dimond in respect thereto are hereby fully approved, ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Common Council of Seward, Alaska, in regular meeting assembled this 18th daY;?~_~ ,- d~ ~ ~proved: May 18, 1942. \ I Mayor I I Sangamo Electric Co 24.44 Graybar Electric Co 900.11 Brown & Hawkins 14.79 Making a grand total of $1608.98. A motion was made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer that the bills be paid, roll call showed all voted yes. A motion was made by Mr. Paulsteine and seconded by Mr. Doshen that $1000.00 be paid Worthington Pump on their bill. Roll call showed all voted YES ~/ / 58 J Mayor Osbo then called for a reading of the bills against the City of Seward. The following bills were presented for payment _ Wm. Granger $53.33 Alaska Transfer Co 9.00 Hoben & Davis refund on taxes 8.00 Brown & Hawkins stove 99.50 Brown & Hawkins 6.75 Andy's Express 8.82 Seward Meat Market 8.20 C E Orlander 8.00 Seward Machine Shop 11.40 Seward Light & Power 17.75 Osbo's Electrical Supply .90 Standard Oil Co. 77.14 L V Ray 3.67 Seward Water Supply 140.00 Seward Hardware 43.80 W R Benson 75.00 Eureka Fire Hose 215.44 making a grand total-of ~786.70 A general discussion on the condition of the fire hydrants in various parts of the town being frozen or broke. Motion made by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Doshen that the Fire Chief inspect all hydrants near the end of the month so that we would not pay for those that were out of order. Roll call all voted YES. Motion by Frank Cooper and seconded by Joe Doshen that bills be paid. Motion carried upon roll call. A bill for air compressor for $75.0 by Mr. Benson. Motion by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr Leirer that bill be paid. Motion carried on roll call. Offers for purchase of lots made by Louis Dick and Homer Boe was referred to Committee. -Of { , -' --,- Fred Keilcheski was given. permit to dig sewer. Application of Mr. Watry for dispensary license came up fob discussion and on motion of Mr. Paulsteiner and second of Mr. Coop~r that we appBove same. Motion carried. Mr. Webb presented a telegram'on compensation insurance but not clear enough to understand so referred back to Mr. Webb to clarify. A general discussion followed on the advisibility of pay- ing Mr. Ray $100.00 a month with the. understanding he was to take care of all legal matters for the City. This to be in written'form Pay to start June first. Motion made by Mr. Moser and second by Mr. Leirer that Mr. Ray be paid $100.00 per month. Roll call all voted YES. Motion by Joe Doshen and second by Mr. Leirer that we ad- jurn. Motion carr.'d at 11:20 PM. '" Municipal Clerk ~', , J ~ '" 'l, ". ., I I \ \"" I I :: ..'l t')q (', . Special Meeting May 25, 1942 At ~ special meeting of the Common Council of the town of Seward at 8:15 PM all members were present on roll call. Letter read from the usa asking this community to raise a quota of $418.00. After discussion, it was agreed to turn this matter over to the Civics Committee. It was also suggested that other organizations would be able to help raise this quota. The unsightly pile of rubbage on Mr. HOllingsworth's lot came up for discussion and the clerk was told to notify Mr. Hollingsworth to stop dumping and try to get rubbage away. Mrs. Coulter was present and viewed her opionen about her neighbors cutting off her water supply. It was agrped after discussion to have Mr. Ray give his legel opinion. Any further scrap iron could be piled on RR property where RR could pick it up at their convenience. The attention of the Council members was called tb the terrible comdition of wooden sideWAlk up Adams Street. The Street Committee would take of this matter. regular adjurn. on general matters, it was Mr. Paulsteiner that we Municipal Clerk. Regular Meeting June 1st. 1942 The Common Counvil of the Town of Seward convened in egular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 ~l. Roll call howed all present except Joe Doshen. The reading of the minutes of the last two meeti~ were ead and approved without objection. or The clerk was asked to read the protection bulletins ut out by the defense council for general discussion and the information of those that may not have read it. The bid of Louis E Dick for lot near the Railroad again ame up for discussion. Upon a motion hy Nr. PauIsteiner and se- Jonded by Mr. Mr. Noser that the offer be accepted. Roll call showed all voted YES. "U The written agreement that was required from Mr. L. V. read and approved Mayor Osbo then called f~r the reading of the Seward Electric System bills AS follows:- Cash items for refands of meters and telegra~s ene Bronson salary ee Stewart salary rville Pitcher salary laude Sharp salary obert Wright salary heo Flewellem salary arold Painter salary essie Malloy salary Making a total of Motiom made by Frank Cooper and seconded that bills be paid. Roll call showed all voted YES. $ 55.66 250.00 223.15 194.62 192.50 130.00 28.00 75.00 65.00 $1213.93 by ~~r Leirer 60 Upon request, T0wn of Seward:- R. S. Van Kirk Bowman Rouse the following bills were read against the salary salary & one day overtime 233.00 Bert Smith 26 days ~ $8.00 208.00! Harold Painter salary 200.00 Bessie Malloy salary 40.00 Aron Ericson 8.33 L. V. Ray salary 50.00 John Weston salary ~N~ 16.66 Pete Michelson salary 35.00 S V F D salary 20.00 Cash items for telegrams etc 38.67 Making a total of $1124.66 Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Frank Copper tha bills be paid. Roll call all voted YES. $275.00 r , ~ The m~tter of how the sewer specifications were coming alo and from all 1ndications, Mr. Harry Southard will soon have them ready for mailing. This being the time ~ of the year for a Tax Assessor to be appointed, the question arose who to appoint. The Hayor made the suggestion that Mr. Joe Kehoe be appointed. Motionhy 'We. Bens n and second by Mr. Leirer that Mr. Joe Kehoe be appointed. Roll call showed all voted YES. Mr. Paulsteiner mentioned t.hRt the City Garbage dump- was' in the same condition. Mr. Osbo said that he had seen the Resid~nt Engineers and that they promised to clean same. ' Again the discussion arose on Mrs. Coulter's water rights and it was agreed t.hat Mr. Ray give her legal notice and Glso to have her remove house that is on street. r- , , A general discussion followed on building permits and the metal fire ladders that were supposed to be built. lIr. Osbo sugges - ed that metal being hard to get that wooden ones wouls answer the pnrpose using brass screws. ~,:otion by Motion carried. eirer that we adju A letter was read from the Fire Chief asking for Fire Hydra to protect homes.built near the Standard Oil Co. It was decided to leave this to Fire Protection Committee. 6K,' -, Municipal Clerk , ' ':' '5:1"1 r ! ., \ ._~. f}1 _ f Regular Meeting JunR 19, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg- ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call showed All pr8Fent I The reading of the minutes of th8 last IT.eeting ~as read and approved with0ut objection. Letter was reed fro~ Mr. Chas. Tecklanberg and Mr. R. E. Baumgartner that they now owned lot 5 in blnck 10, which is 8n 311_1 used by Fire Trucks requesting a rental of $15.00 per month. It we decided thet the City could get along without alley. Letter from L. R. Durkee, Regionel 3ngineer read regard!n Fire protection. Hotion mRde by Joe Doshen 3nd second by Frank Cooper that we heartily approve of letter. }'otion carried on roll ca 11. I The offer of ~~r. ,T. H. Graff to trade latA 14 aful 15 in Block ~2 for lots 31 and 32 in block 19. This metter was left to Co~~ittee on assess~ents and taxes. :4:/55 An ordinance was read pertaining to the sale of etc of Fire Works. A motion was made by Mr. Deshen and second by L:r. 1eirer that the rules be suspended. Roll call motion carr&ed. A motion was made by Frank Cooper and second by Mr. Benson that the ordinance be adopted. Roll call motio~ c~rried. Scond reading , mojion carried. ' Mayor Osbo told the Council that he was able to get the money for three ins11rance policies from the SAward General Hospita . One pol ic~r for $5000.00 was given to the Bank of Seward and anothe one for $5000.00 was given to E D debb. Another letter was read frOM Minni~ Coulter ahout 1eois10 of Council on her water troubles. It was agreed to turn this matte over to KKK Mr. L. V. Ray for settlement. Another letter was read frOM Kr. L. H. Bryant thAt his resignation as Clerk of the School Board be accepted to take effec not later than June 30th. This left to School Committee. ;h",,<A A bill was read from Geo. Hollingsworth in the amount of $90.00 for safe with provision that he pay $15.00 for hauling stumps. Motion made by l~r. Paulsteiner and second by Joe Doshen that the above bill be paid. Roll call show motion carried. Co~~ittee reports on Fire Hydrant near Corner seventh and Railroad Avenues west side of Seventh. This oatter left Fire Protection Committee. I The garbage dump again came up for discussion as it in in a very bad condition. The Resident Engineers promised to clean up same and put some gravel on top. A motion \'Ias made by Mr. Paul steiner and second by Er. Leirer that the City Clerk give notice to property owners of the burned area to ere~t e fence for phe protection of the general public. Roll call motion carried. Co~nittee composed of Mr. Benson and Mr. Cooper to look af er two lots belonging to Forest Service. These lots needed by the City for City Hall. Motion made by Hoe Doshen and second by Frank Cooper to adjurn. Motion Carried. , " }I~unicipal Clerk 62 Regular Meetir g July 6, 1942 At a regular meeting of the Common Council of the Town of Seward in the Council Chambers, roll call showed all present. The minutes of the last regular meeting was read and appreved without objection. It The regular payroll for the SeWR~d Jlectric System was ~e<d in the amount of $1386.61. Motiori by Mr. Cooper Bnd seconded by 1ir. Leirer that the bills be paie. Motion carried on roll call The regular payroll for the City in the amount of ;974.33 was read. Motion by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Cbopor that the bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call. Letter was read"from Mrs. Rager applying for the posltion of Glerk of the School Board. The council approved her applicatior. Letter was read from the Superintendent of the Seward Ele(tric System for advertising in the local paper, this referred to the L"ght Committee. " Mr. Horton presented a letter Bsking the Councils permiss.on to store coal and other material on the sidewalk opposite his houle. This referred to the Street Committee. Mr. Ray was vresent and was asked to clear up certain parts of the Seward General Hospital New Le8.::;e. After general discussioT it was agreed to leave this matter up to the Public Health Hospit I and Police Committee. r I Wr. Ray also discussed an ordinance from Juneau at length and turned over to the Health Officer for his information. , A general discussion followed on letter to the R F C concerning the proposed loan of Rome $220,000.00 for the purpose of buying the Seward Light and Power Co and improv~ ments. Mr. Doshen di~cu~sdd the idea of closing Liquor places on Sunday. If ordinance could be arranged to cover. ThiR left to Law and Ordinance Co~ittee. A Coromi ttfle composed of J,lr. Cooper, Mr. Le irer and Mr. Benson to confer with Col. Tuck in the ~attp,r of exchangin~.some City lots for their help in cleaninS garbage dump and clearIng streets. Motion made by h~r. Doshen Bnd second by Mr. Leirer that authorized the rcyment kill of $1150.87 this b:ing what was due to clear Fire Truck. The Committee reported on Mrl Graff offer to exchange lot . After discussion, it was agreed to hold lots~ , -, Motion made by Mr. Benson snd Recond by Mr. Doshen to adjurn. Motion carried. I ~~, "Municipal C1.erk "'- C!Q n..} Regular Heeting Jul~r ~O, 1942 ~he Co~~on Council of the Town of Seward convened ih regu~3 session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. The roll call showerl all present except Joe Doshen -I I..: f., Mr. J. H. Graff of thA Se'!rarri Light and, Power Co.was presen nd told the Council that the proposel of exchanging lots was the City's idea and not his and that he was still willing to go thru . ith it. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to write tn the head~.of the end Navy to get threir view point of the power situation here. to be in writing. The reading of the minutes of the lRst meeting was approved without obje~tion. The Committee r.eported on Mr. Horton's letter. l'otion made y ~r. Paulstein~r and second by Mr. Leirer that Er. Horton be given permission to store coal on street opposite his house with tye prov si that this revokable At an~r time thp C(l1lneil sa'." fit. The Committee reported on e~chanGe of lots and lease with Col. Tuck. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second by l'r. Benson that the exchange be made. One voted no, one did not wish to vote ~nd trhee voted yes. Motion carried. ~I Regarding Mrs. Coulter's letter about her water situation, the Clerk was instructed to tell her to sue the guilty party at the next term of court. The Committee on the Hospital lease presented their argumen s end after considerable discussion, it was decided to havR thR Clerk notify the Hospital Board to be prRsent at especial meRting neyt ~onday to clear ~p certain matters that confllses this august body. The appli~ation for a wholRs~le wine Dnd ~81t liense from Odem Edwards Co. was read. Eoyion 'Uade by Er. !!ospr and second by Er~ Cooper that ~~id application be approved. Roll call motion carried. . Mr. Ray seid that he had drawn up ordinance on closing li- 1uor stores and saloons but eould not get any action from parties interRsted~ The monthly bills agAinst the Seward Electric System was re d and upon motion by Mr. ~enson and second by Mr. Leirer, motion carr 8d on roll call. The bills against the City of Seward was read. Motion by Mr. Leirer and seconf by Mr. Cooper that bills be paid. Roll call showed motion carried. The Mayan called the Council's cttention to the f~ct that drivers licenses be given a deadline nonice. Motion madp by ~r. Benson and second by Mr. Cooper that Clerk be instructed to adverti e on screen and paper that August 15th. be deadline. Roll call motion r.arried. The Street Committee was instructed to find S0~e way to alley between fourth and fifth streets for traffic. Also to have gra~3 cut along sidewqlks. UotioO made by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr. Leirer that th Clerk be instructed tb find out what r.ould bR rione about getting extra blades and teeth for the grader also prestone for all thR ear. Motion carried on roll CQll. The Finance Co~~ittee was Ronds on School and Gym. HlJtion by C~oper to adjurn. Motion carried instructed to find out about ~r. PaulBtiner and second by Mr. }!unicipal Clerk 64 Special Meeting July 27, 1942 The Common Council of the Town Of Seward convened in Specie session. Roll call showed all presnt except Frank Cooper. This Special Meeting was called for the purpose of meeting the Hospital Board and come to some agreement on the lease that would satisfy all concerned. Certai~ changes in the lease were that the resident Surgeon would be required to ~y rental to the nity, that Hospital auth- orities make report to the Board and that the Hospital keep up the insurance. -r j __1. ~fter a long discussion, it was reeualrly moved by Joe Doshen ana seccnded by Mr. Leirer that these chan~es be changed in the lease. Motion carried on roll call. ~ 1iotion made to adjurn, carried. ~,:unicipal Clerk Regular Meeting .iugust 3, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of ~eward convened in rezular session i~ the City Hall. Meeting was yelled to order at eieht o'dor'.1{ P. M. by lAayor Osbo. Roll naIl sho.ved 811 councilmen present. ! , j Minutes of the regular meetin~ of July 20 and of the Special Meeting of July 27 were reed and approved. A letter from James B. True, ftesident Engineer was read stating that our power rate is too high for load= 8S large.as 150 K~ and that in the event we are not able to 1uote ~ satisfactory price, they propose to install five 75 K7 unitF which will be 8va~1?ble for a standby for City usr; Tbey sug~est that it would be mutually advantageous for the two systems to be interconnected so thot epch would be a standby for the other and that the City should 'luote a Friee at whicr it vITi 11 furnish power to thl? Govf'rnment in CAse of failure of the Government plant, the same price to hI? paid to the Government for pnwpr furnished to the Cit:r under likE circll"lstances. ~fter discussion it was decided th~t the tight Committee and the Mayor meet with Mr. ~rue at the City Office on August 1 to come to some agreement in the matter. Major Burleson requested authority from the Sity to have super- visionof the City Dump and to place a man there from nine to four. This man is to ,instruct peo~le where to dump garbage '=md to turn in names of those who refuse to obey instructions. -' It W8S moved bv Mr. Moser. "ecanded hy ;,lr. P'-l111.stein8r that th8t the Major be" Elven,this authority 8S rl?r,llesterl. U0nrl Roll Call motion r'.arried. Upon a notice from the Fire Chief that three hydran~hBve been out of ordpr for the month of July at least, it was moved by Mr. hlospr Rnd seconded by Mr. P~lstejn~r thAt P8yment for these hydrants be deducted from the monthly check And notice sent that we would not pay for them until they were in working or~pr. Upon Roll Sell motion carried. '~, l:r=:. n~, Re,f'Jlsr !AAetiYlg, Angust:<. 1342 contiml"d City spIerips in the BUrl -::1' 1tI,O?5.0~ WAS prespnt8d pnri p "lntion W8S rn8r'\p by Mr. P8'11stPlner, sP'3ondpd b::' Mr. Lelr"r th3t SU~R he p?ir'l. Upon R~11 n311 J'Tloti~n wPS c8rri8d. I 6e'l'/?rd Electric System p'3yroll in the sum .-,1' $1409.4'. W2E Dresented and 8. motion WQS !"lede by Pro Ooorer, ~p~onded hy Mr. Lpirer thclt "'8!"\e be ;Y'1iri. TTnon Roll (;21' 'Tloti,tJ:1 1,v',,!'f"''?Arri'?ri. A 1'?tter WPR rp.qd fr0~ Sewarri Electric system operotors psking for v3~r:tion, ~i~k 1e9vP. And A r"dsl'> in f''''lqry. The J'Tl8tt,,;,r was turned over to the Lieht Sommitte'? for invepti~"!tton~ N:) fl1rther hl1R1.neSS 9pppprincr it WPS mo'!po b::' ',11". Lpirer, PAC'!') er1 hy Mr. PAU lsteinor thdt I'leAtir,~ hp 8djnurnpd. )Ir,t';r:'n~orriprl.. -jinn i Ci D"d -Cl prk I,~ ,1, .;, ;,' );, ;>;;;; ...~ ~ I RBGULAR MBETING AUGUST 17, 1942 The Common Couneil of the Town of Seward convened in reg- ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Osbo. Upon roll call, all were present ex cept Joe Doshen. . The minutes of the last regular meeting was read and appr without objection. The bills for the Seward Blectric System were read in the amount of $1278.88. Motion made bp Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Benson that the bills be paid as read. Motion carried upon roll call. The bills for the Town of Seward was read in the amount 0 $244.83. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Benson that the bills be paid as read. Upon roll call, all voted 1es, motion carried. A bill was read from Osbols to the Civil Defense Council in the allount of of $16.80. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Moser that the bill be paid. Upon roll call, motio carried. Next on the table was the equl1azation board. Objection 0 Mr. Fred Stillwell that his valuation was too high. Motion made by Mr. Moser and seconded by Mr. Leirer that the objection be overrul d. Motion carried on roll call. II No other objections being present, a motion was made by Mr~ Moser and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the 'tax roll be approved Motion carried dn roll call. Mr. Chase offered $60.00 for Lot 38 in Block 16. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Yr. Leirer that the offer e rejected. Motion Barried on roll call. The matter of a raise in pay and working conditions calle up for discussion. It was finnally decied that the base pay be 1192.60 and that Orville Pitcher and Lee Stewart be raised froll 220.00 to 1260.~0 per month and that Mr. Bronson be raised froll 260.00 to 276.00 effective August 1st. The above motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Leirer. Motion carried. The matter of vacation with pay, compensation insurance and sick leave wes left to the Light Committee. 66 The clert was .._tlt.. instructed to notify the James Con- struction Company to clear the debris from the alley between fourt} and fifth streets as the City expected to open the alley to the public. The'Clerk was also instructed to write the Treasurer, osca] G. Olson. at Juneau to inquire why this Town has not re~eived any returns from Liquor fees. The Clerk was told to notify Mr. Bronson about stepping over Mrs. Coulter. flower garden. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson that we ad3urn. Motion carried on roll call. ! t Municipal Clerk. Seplt. 14, 1942 Regular Meeting The'60mm0n Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg- ular session in the Council Chambers. Meeting called to order by the Mayor. ,Roll call showed.Kr. Paulsteiner and Mr. Benson absent. , The m1nutes of the last regulaD meeting was read an~ app- roved. . . A notice was read from the Bank of Seward requestingpaym~nt of Scholl Bonds and intere~t, 1n the amount of $3471.15. Motion mad~ by Mr. Doshen and seconded by Mr. Le1rer the above amount be paid. Motion aarried on roll call. . - . request ..s read from the Army asking for approval of lease on lots number 36,37,and 38 in block 16. Motion made by Mr. Doshen arid seconded by Kr. Moser that the above request be grant.d Motion carried on roll cell. . A letter was reed from the R F C requesting this Town to take out war risk insurance and the Seward Electric System prant in a~ least 80% of value. This left to Mr. L. V. R~y. ' The monthly payroll of the Town of Seward in the amount o. $1130.33 was read and upon motion by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr. Leirer that bills be paid. Motion csrrfed 'on roll ~all. The monthly payroll of thenSeward Electric System in the amount of $1405.06 was read. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr. MOBer t~8t bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call. ~T6e Wayor called the Councilmen8 attention tQ the fact th t The Seward Water Supply water man holes were at least six inches too hig~ above street grade. The Clerk was instructed to wriDe them on this matter. Motion made by Mr. Moser and second by Mr. Dashen that the above be approved. Motion carried. . MQtion made by Mr. Cooper and seoond by Mr. Leirer to adjurn. Motion carr1ed., \ , ,--, -, '. ~ Municipal Clerk. '... fi~ , Regular Meeting Sept., 21, 1942 I The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in reg ular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call showed all present except Mayor Osbo, Mr. Doshen acting as Mayor. The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. \, , The request of the R F C for this City to take out War Risk Insurance on" the Seward Electric System was read. JA. ,lIl.ot ion wa made by Mr. Benson and second by Mr. Moser that the ~~ward Electri System take out $100,000.00 in War Risk Insurance. Motion carried on roll call. The attention of the City Council was called to the con- dition of the City Cemetary plots. Needs cleaning of brush and ' trees. After discussion, this matter left to Cemetary Co~ittee. A bill was read from Mr. E. D. Webb for the renewal of insurance on school in the amount of $85.00 premium. Motion made b Mr. Benson and second by Mr. Leirer that the insurance be renewed. Motion carried on roll call. The City bills in the amount of $250.36 was read. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr. Benson that bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call. ' I The Seward Electric System bills in the amount of $1425. 0 was read. Motion made' by Mr.Paulstelner and second by Mr. Leirer that bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call. Mr. Paul steiner brought up the question of trying to buy bull dozer from Mr. Leo Douglas. 1he Street Committee was given this matter to look into. Mr. Ray presented a list of mercantile licenses for this Town made up by the Clerk of ,the Court. After discussion, it was decided to leave this matter to the Tax Committee. Mr. Ray was granted $1.65 incurred in getting the above list. . Mr. Leirer brought up the question of brush cut by the Army and left standing making it a great fire hazard. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and second by Mr. Benson that the City Clerk write the Army and inform them of this matter. Motion carried on roll 'call. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second by Mr. 'aenson that we adjurn. Motion carried. Municipal Clerk , " I - ,J 68 Begular Meeting October 5, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regtlar session at 8:00 PM. Roll Call showed all present except Mr. AI. Moser. The Clerk then proceeded to read the minutes of the last regular meeting, which were approved. A request was read from the Alaska Communication Syste~~1or per- mission'to erect poles in certain designated places in the Streetl. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson that the above ~ request be gbanted. Motion carried on roll call. Mr. Bronson remalked that the above mentioned poles would be permanent installation. _1 We received a bill from the Alaska Railroad for $60.00 cevering rental on certain property for the insuing year. As the Army and lavy have taken over all water fromt property, the Clerk was instructee to write the Alaska Railroad and find out what properyy the bill cal]ed for. A letter was read from the U. S. Coast Guard at Washingten D. C. requesting estimated valuation of all land, improvements and persenal property that touch on water lines. This matter left to Oity Cler~ and Mr. Ray. . A letter was read from'Forest Service at Juneau returninl bill foe hire of power shovel 'after the Fire with another request to PlY. This matter left to City Ulerk and Mr. Benson.. City pay roll in the amount of $1100.33 was read. Motion made and seconded by Mr~ Benson arid Mr. Leirer that these bills be paie. Roll'call showed motion carried. Seward Electric System pay roll in the amount of $1330.0f was "read. Motion made and seconded by Mr. Cooper and Mr. Paulsteiner 1hat the bills be paid. Motion carried on roll call. The Street Committ~e reported that Mr. Douglas refuses t< sell bulldozer but would rent foe $5.00 an hour. An alternative was .to put bulldozer parts on the grader at a cost of about $150.00. 'Thism8' ter referred to Street Oommittee. . - "". The Oemetary Oommittee reported that the grass had been (ut in cemetary bu~ would need more work. Mr. Ray'was present and read a letter from the Woman's H(me Missionary Society concerning the several points raised in the nel lease for the Seward General Hospital. Finally decided to call a meeting of the Hospital Board and Oity Oouncil Thursday PM. -~he~~ ty Clerk to notify same. Mr. J. H. Graff of the Seward Light and Power was presen and petitioned the Oouncil"to raise the price of telephone rates 501fJ per month. This account of added COBt of materials and .ould lave to raise salaries of operators from 501fJ per hour to 751fJ. ThiB add tional raise would mean about $190.00 per month against $150.00 the rais in rates would get. Decided ~o thrash this out at next meeting. The question came up of letting Pete Michelson go accoun' no work for him. to do. This left to Street Oommittee. Mr. Doshen brought up that the Fire Hydrants in front of the Northern, Urbach's and the Seward Hotel were out of order. City Olerk was to notify the Fire Chief and Seward Water Supply. This n the form of a motion by Mr. Doshen and seconded by Mr. Leirer. Motion carried on roll call. ,--' -r ' - I ~. Mr. Aron Ericson was also present and gave a talk about er- cantile licenses being too small. This left assessment Committee. Mr. Doshen and Mr. Leirer moved to adjurn. Motion carrie . Municipal Olerk. \~ nq - . Regular Meeting October 19, 1942 I The Common Council of the Town of Seward convened in regular session in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PM. Roll call showed all present except Mr. Al Moser. The Clerk was asked to read the minutes Gf ~he .last regular meeting, which were approved. The question came up about raising Mr~ ,~rona6n's pay from $275.00 to $300.00. After discussion, motionmaQ~ by Mr. Ben. son and seconded by Mr. Leirer to pay Mr. Bronson $300. 00 per month. Motion carried on roll call. City of Seward monthly bills in the amount of $337.87 were read. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson that bills be paid. Motion carried on roll cell. - Seward Electric System bills in the amount of $1095.69 were read. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Cooper that bills be paid. Motion varried on roll call. Mr. Al Moser presented a letter stating that he had to go outside account illness of his father and would be gone at least 2~ months. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner ~nd seconded by Mr. Leirer that he be granted this leave. Motioncarried,on roll call. A letter was read from the Seward Light & ,Power peti- . tioning the Common Council to agree to his raising the telephone rates. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. .Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Leirer that the Council as a body:disagree of the raise in rates. Motion carried on roll call. I Mr. Joseph Kehoe presented a letter asklngthat the City give Mr. Tony Parich a duplicate deed to lots.9-IG-17-18-19 in block I as the original deed had been lost. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer that the deed be given to Mr. Parich. Motion carried om roll call. " ~ - Complaints has been made about Music boxes. playing all' hours of the night at loud volume. The Clerk was instructed to tell the Chief of Police to have them toned down and observe the proper hours. A letter was read addressed to Col. Chamberlain and his answer thereto. The letter from the City asked help from the Army in regraveling our streets. The Colonel's letter was cheerful but not much help. ,; The street committee was advised to see Capt. Angelo about the condition of the Third Ave. Bridge and ~ee what could be done to repair same. I The bill from the. Forest Service in the amount of,' $142.48 for use of the power shovel after the FIRE came up for discussion. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that bill be paid if acceptible to Mr. Ray. Motion carried. Mr. Leirer brought up the matter of Chamberlain Hill being in bad shape. The Army had knocked the logs from the sides and when hill gets icy, it would be dangerous. City Clerk was instructed to write Capt. Angelo. Mayor Osbo brought up the subject of the library being in need of help. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that the City vote a donation of $21.00 per month. Motion carried on roll call. There being no further business, motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Leirer we adJurn. Motion carried. Municipal Clerk. 70 Regular Meeting November 2, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward Convened in reg ular session at 8:00 PM. moll call showed all present except Mr. Joe Doshen and Mr. Al Moser. The City Clerk was then asked to read the minutes of the 1st regular meeting, which were approved. , An offer was made in writing from Mr. John Blase of $100.00 for the old tractor. A motion was made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer to accept the offer. Motion ca~ried. :--'! i I A letter.was read concerning sewer project from Mr. Mc- Ginty of the R F C for th~ general information of the Council. The R F C at this time wrote for an advance on.the int- erest of the Seward Elect~ic Bonds. Motion made,b~ Mr. Paulsteiner and seconded by Mr. Cooper to advance the sum of $3000.00. Motion carried. A telegram was read concerning the arrival of reserve supplies for the civilian population. The City Clerk was instructed to write Capt. Angelo about the condition of Third Ave Bridge and also Chamberlain hill. The monthly payroll of the City of Seward in the amount of $1087.88 was read. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner that bill. be paid. Motion carried . The monthly payroll of the Seward Electric.System in the amount of $1257.82 was read. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and second~ ea by Mr. Leirer that bills be paid. Motion carried. The Street Committee.reported on action for the bull- dozer parts. Recommend that parts be ordered. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner that parts be ordered. No second. Motion dropped. Mr. Baker was present and spoke about the need of a new flag pole. Mr. Baker thought that with a little finan~ial help that he could accomplish the job. He was given the right to go ahead. I~ Members of the Hospital Board.were present and notified the Council that Mr. Baker was appointed Chairman. Considerable discussion followed a,bout the Hospital Lease but as Mr. Ray was not present and he had all the information, it was decided to table this matter until next meeting. There being no further business, it was regularly moved by Mr. Paul steiner and seconded by Mr. Cooper that we adjurn. Motion carried. Municipal Clerk. --r I . t\ " : '. l' 71 J The Common Council of the Town of Regular Meeting November 16, 1942 Seward convened in regular the Counvil Chambers at 8:00 PM. All present except Mr. o session in Al Moser. I The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting wer~ approved as read. Letter was read from the Commanding General at Fort Richard- son at Anchorage regarding the regraveling of our streets. Mr. Lup- or of the Engineers was present to explain the letter. He told the Council that the Engineers would do this work but would have to charge for gas and oil and the salaries of the men to the City. This did not set well with the Council as the Army and Engineer trucks were using the streets. However as~ter considerable discuss- ion, it was moved by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Doshen that the City expend the amount of $300.00 on the streets. The City Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Lupor a letter of confirmation. Motion carried. Letter read from Mr. Stein of the R F C for the general information of the Council regarding the staus of the Seward Elec- tric System. Also letter read from headquarters in Seattle regarding the reserve supplies for Seward and our answer thereto in a wire. City of Seward bills in the amount of $363.85 were read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Leirer that the bills .be paid. Motion carried. Seward Electric System bills in the amount of $1466.37 were r~ad for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Paul steiner that the bills be paid. Motion carried. Mr. Erwin, Mr. Baker and Mr. Orlander of the Seward General Hospital Board were present, also Mr. Ray to discuss the changes to be made in the Hospital lease. The letters and changes to be made were read and reviewed with considerable discussion. The matt- er ended with the approval of the Council that a new lease be drawn up with the proper changes in it and to be brogght back to th Council for approval. Motion made by Mr. Doshen and seconded by Mr. Cooper that these changes be approved. Motion carried. Motion made by Mr. Leirer and seconded by Mr. Cooper that we adjurn. Motion carried ~ Municipal Clerk . ~! / 72 Regular Meeting December 7, 1942 The Conmon Council of the Town of Seward convened in regula session at 8:00 PM. On roll call all were present except Mr. Joe Doshen and Mr. AI. Moser. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and appro ed. Discussion came up about street lights and left:,the matter to the street committee. t __l . Letter read from Alaska Shop explaining that they were not~, conductiog two places and that therefor they were not entiltled to pay two licenses. City clerk instructed to write District Court. Letter read from District Court saying that a new licansse had been taken out by Irene Wilson and that the former owner, Mr... Lane had not taken out a license. Clerk was instructed to contact" Mr. Lane. Letter read about the Seward Light and Power raising rates and the OPA Board refusing to grant same account not presented to board. , Letter read from Bank of Seward in which thej declared that Bond due in the amount of $lmOO.OO and $660.00 interest due on $11000.00 at 6%. Motion made by Mr. Oooper and seconded by Mr. LeHer that this a~ount be paid. Motion carried. ..~ ,','> :' .~ ~,. Bills against the City of Seward in the amount of $604.67 was read. Motion made by Mr. Paulsteiner and seco~ded by Mr. Leire' thqt bills be paid~ Motion ca~ried. The monthly payroll for the City in the amount of $1129.33 was read. Motion made by Mr. P~ulsteiner and ,seconded by Mr. Coope tpat bills be paid. Motion ca~ried. Seward Electric System payroll in the amount of $1805.08 was read for approval. Motiom made by Mr. Benson and seconded by Mr. Cooper that bills be paid. Motion carried. " Seward Electric System monthly bills in the amount of $1414 59 was read for approval. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Benson that bills be paid. Motion carried. . The light committee was instructed to see about Mr. Bronson doing work on City time. The council desired some kind of a report o~ the Seward Ele~tric System at next meeting. Mr. Paulsteiner brought up the question of raising taxi lic~nse to $25.00. Decided to leave to Mr. Ray. .~ Mr. Paul steiner also brought up the matter of army equipmen being left around town when same could be moving in auto trucks to Anchorage ifi road was completed. Matter was left to Mr. Ray draw up memorial and send to Mr. Dimond. Motion made by Mr. Cooper and seconded by Mr. Leirer that we adjurn. Motion carried. Municipal Clerk 7"3 , 1") Adjbuuned Regular Meeting December 23, 1942 The Common Council of the Town of Seward met in sd.tollrn:ee'c reg- ular session at the City Hall on December 23d. Meeting was calle to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Osbo. >1 Present: Absent: Councilmen Benson, Cooper, Leirer and Fsulsteiner Councilmen Doshen and Moser. I Minutes of the previous meeting held on December 7th were read and approved. Bills 8g~inst the City in the sum of $76.78 were presented as follows: Seward Saw~ill, $28.00; Andy's Express, $12.78; R. V. Lougheed, $36.00. Motion was made by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Cooper that these bills be paid. Upon roll call all councilmen voted AYE. Bills against the Seward Electric System in the sum of $38.95 werr presented as follows: Seward News, $8.00; Brown & Hawkimr, $6.20; Alaska S. S. Co., $24.75. Motion was made by Mr. Leirer, seconde~ by Mr. Benson that the above bills be paid. Upon roll call, all councilmen voted AYE. Memorandum was read stating that thereis stored in Ketcrrikan a supply of pink salmon to be used for Civilian Reserve Food Sup- ply stockpiles and asking how many cases Seward wished to have. Mayor directed Clerk to write a letter asking that 100 cases be shipped to Seward for such use. On the motion a Mr. Cooper, seconded by VP. Paulsteiner and the unanimous vote of the Council on Roll Call, the application of John Matich for retail and beverage dispensary license for the year 1943 was approved. On the motion of Mr. Leirer, seconded by Mr. Cooper and the unan- imous vote of the Council on Roll CAll, the application of Tony Parich for Retail and Beverage Dispensary license for the year 1943 was approved. I On the motion of Mr. Paulsteiner, seconded by Mr. Leirer and the unanimous vote of tbe Council on Roll Call, the application' 6f John Blase for RetAil and Beverage Dispensay license for the year 1943 was approved. On the motion of Mr. Coo~r, seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner and the unanimous approvAl of the Council on Roll CAll, the application of Ross B. Mann for cocktail and retail licenses for the year 1943 was approved. On the motion of Mr. Leirer, seconded by Mr. Paulsteiner and the unanimous approval of the Council on Roll Call, the application of the Seward Trading Company for ~ retail liquor license for th year 1943 was approved., City Clerk's report on the Seward Electric System was presented. Motion was made by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Cooper that the2 C~rk wire the RFC for an auditor. Motion carried. There was discussion concerning the miRsing link connecting the present highway with Anchorage. Mr. Ray suggested that the matter be left until after the first of the yeAr. On the matter of the Hospital Lease, motion was made by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Leirer that the City Attorney draw up a new leAse conteing the changes desired by the Hospital Board Rnd the Citv and forward same to Mrs. Stewart for si~natures. Motion carried. - No further business appearing, meeting ~ourned. Mayor MuniCipal Clerk