HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 City Council Minutes ~) r-Jr ,l"W' ~ {~) ~ 1~~ ""! I- LC;" ...i..uh L _ _ 6, FJ47 Thp C-:r""mo!, 80\1'1('.11 of thA 7,,\.1''1:[ [)T """",,.<4 _ '1l c'''''',I'C> fTI"t- 1'1 rQ"'1JIAr ",,,,,,,i.or: J"'n. 6, l'J~7 '1t 8:0SP:I. It '.';"2 C",l'flri to OT'\'frlAT' nv . en! n T' HAT' r1 ill 0' 'N i t b f'r., tin P', r: i. T' n h, L P (' hop r . q II rl ~ it<" n to'! n r H " p r t . Nnvi~k 811rl ,'v~:"Tp,i~lrl .-..bC"f~fit. I '.!i1'1)tA" "T thc l'lst rAO'1l18r 'lorlt i'H) srpcie.l RPs"lnn rp"'r1 '.nri '"1nnrQvpd <"1~ '-'()rrpr>.t-.Pfl. rrr!8 f()11C'w-i_n~ l;:~1r B~11~ \,"gT'P r'-?~-1d~ P. p KpT'0R+-ine c;Llnn.',rL P. G. Lpc !,~,P,i.\.Cln, 11. iJIowvp1l ;;1 n.,14, R Ki,,,1.chps1d ~14(>').i"(), oj..I. C'r0ith :\"~dJICl.t-l. Hnrtnn J:}Cll.FCi, rr. '-I, Hnr~u-:-!ll ":'?SG.,j{), ~. q:!'i'-'S0(1 :~'n.~/i, t~. \}.. (;f~Jlpl" ::,7fJ.n""':, I'. j:-'lynp~~ ?OG, ~).V~F.rJ. :~'7~-.50, ':J.r(.(~ ~~~~.eo, ;~+-rl.. ,)~~ <~'lR.!~n, "'.L.P. ,!;~;4.ng, S....i,<:' ?:1413.4h, ~),'~)t i'[ ';'01y.;:'.';:.:-Ci, PAthr :-:C\2h :i:^7. 74, \1I4'!' f'Ji 1 '}pl. ;::3Ll(). 77, (;,,11_. "T I'lt. .'AV. 1 q::; .lO, DRn'l'<" "'1".'4 '-I01ftpr'<" ";::;9.C') C;pl'v';rd "rrlwr"o'().,,;O, Kp'1,d li,l('. ., ., , d:'.1.4(), ~"pkp. tf:)"tQr'p ~.:)0":-Z'':i, r;-'0t.:~1 :~~..nB~..Ol. It Vlr~s rnnVPr1 hv Kpqti!"O" ~-1r].C: c: Cl~,Jnllpd hv K,q~}lnpr t)l<:;t thr::! nlllp rll~ !"r~i.r1. 8.11 VI)tp(~ f'~i,rr,r8nlv. I i,:'Ir.. l-!l)hpn~T r,f i-.0.P ~.o..rj.. 7-~'=iirl +-\)"~t h8 l1qrl (H? ~I"=-,~t to rnpr-1z l)n ()Yj tnp in~.'JY'Hl'I!-'P 1lnl i_r-tps nf' the SP"'J~Y>d .lp,.tri ~ ~)\r0t-r:.:f(l.. WCl f:'-l irJ t'r):'--lt ,.,AQhingt0Y1 ~-J..(;. r!~1f~ Y)Pt"11]Qsten th8t tflf-:l'1 h~v~ (>,n!ii Pp nf' ~:)ll i.nF-l1rQn(>Cl n01i~~oG. 1~~ f'-r'~(' tr<lt. lnR :-i.F.(~. 'Nn1l1rl likp +-.0 hr-lvP r~ ~()lJ1ltpr' l)rnprJsnl f'rnrn t:nCl (;'""'lJtlr-;l ~.ir'rqr1 nIT t'hp 1~i!~\Tn:r jn f'P~r:i~ tn tn8 l>>W<"'1 i.t. l"T'. lIn'lp'1" ",U(1'r',,<"ted th".,t th8 :;i, t" RPl1d rli m (l'(jT".lp'p,)f <;)11 lpt-t-p:rs P.Pfj't +-n t.rlP ~1.t~.L'. jy~ Y'op'prdf:: tn t-:np'TJ 1n,:;niov n\nOOV f'('I' ths ,Jnifj~'1+-ion "f t-l'e; hln lirr,..,t: n1"nt'~. T+- 1~I'-'~ M('\UPrl"\"'l1T Kont:in'1' ~nri PP(l'()nrl{~r1 n'\T Vi.p(1oh th:t qljthnr1t-~.r rf=l rt1"Q!~o'i tr) t-'>1A j\/I<::1'7or t.n cpnn t'tjp ;ll~i1ron'~,p r101iC'l'"!f <1+'" t-np' t';o"II<:lrr4 IJ;lA~t-ri(l' ::~rQtRn , il1.C'lurlln:r thp t:;"ftnpo ~J)rr111o' rille 'in }IiphY'l1Qr'U. t'l ..iOl"hi.nr'+:nn fl.". +:1;1" '0"'ln "t'fl('o nT thp ,".4',(~. ,;11. v"t".-I Y,,". ',IT'i('1<8A1" rp~nrr]nAnrlAr1 t1Flt t1,A 1-'''1;' nf 1"\r<"_ )\",10" "!IS nno\t;kpAnpr ,,[ t:he ,c.;PW~Y'r1 t:i'1A~t-rt(l :-j'.-~+-Arn l;p r'lis~~ri tn ~:.,..;nn.('):} npp yrt(lY)t-,h. I,T'. '-'01rtO!l 1)1 thA TJti.l j tv Gn"1--,-ittp8 )'Ac>."m'TIAlldA0 th.1t it bp 1"01 0 ""rl t'l '\:17f).nn. 1 t- lJ\r:-\~ ]1"Invorl h~r .-~:.ll'+-nn (~nrl ~.:'p,r()n(1Pfi bR n~irl ~17~.~n up hnokkoAnp~ of' th" !;.11 vntp;) r>>vor>>b1y. It ""oR 'oO'Tprl rv K"l8tll1P' 'l!lrl hA I'A~"lSSprl until tommnT'I'''W "11 vOt8rl fovOI'~b1v. (i1~.o.+-i!10' rA('Of~qAO qt S:4f)l..lH. ]", y,pqtil"''' t,\..t ,.ilr" iiOl11n" eJf.:::'vQror1 ~'l 8("rY"i (" ~_IU~tATY'1. RPc>nnrlA1 hy Lp~~""r thAt .TOln 7, 1CJ47 At; 8:nniJ". +:11" m"pti1"f" (I 'l'\-)p I'A~Pf:SP,j rDApti II'" of thp rj,)fOf'l()n (;"'111(' i 1 ~on1TAnnpri i.n tJ.,p ,'~n;.ll('il r~h>>m~Ar<" JqmlRry 7, li~47 ."t R:nnpj,' w',th FPAti.!lO' Y;r('h, T.p~hnoT', Novir.\<' Rnrl C;+:01ntoo iJrAspnt. Ii''''v'lr HIO<T'di.lIP' hpillil Olhf'Allt K.ootiilQ' Qrt"od q~ hlq~r(y~. ,~'~t:~4 ld \',I~-~'~ '-1hspnt. T.oth,r fr()r~ P. P, !'AT'Pstine, lvAS T'8PC; i.n 'N 1,i('\'1 1-,A ".tqtprJ thqt- At. the t. i'np hA '1crBnt-pd tl),-) nosit:inn of C)"ipf' OT Pnl i~" nT :PjPT'd nA V''''S nT'"rn'L<oAd '" hnlllls (.If .:::l,nOO.',n hV e-:011n~ilrqAn L"1WbA'1r1. Nnvi('.1 A!ln L"rhnA1' tn 'oA "',irJ llpr)n th" cnmnlptil,n "r 1liR t;PI'r0 r'T Of'f'i~". H" <"+:''1t8rl thAt unlAf'!". t:l1S 01'10'l1i<"," iR :,Ant res ,vi 11 t"vp thp "'1,,+-tpr tn (,o1Jrt. LpttflT' W i3 Ol~('nrOnqniAd bv 01 notitinn fnr rpiIlF,tqtAr"1pr.t s~r~nqrl h\T 7~ npr~0n8. M<<W~~ j(potinO' RtRtpd th~t sin~A nn c'lntrArt WAf' viVPl1 bv thp Cit'! it i" l1"t ohlirrqterl hv Y1T'O'l1iRAR nf' thT'PP ('onn('il;npr1. It '.'I"S rp('.nm<r'A!JrJ"lrJ th'1t thA r'18ttAI' b8 r u)'nArl nVAr t'l t-hp Oltti)T'np', T"r 'On onlni"n. It WR" mnVArl hv Kirch 8nrJ <"Acnnd"d h' LO('hl1PT' th"'t th" 'l1"t.tpT' hA til'l11I'np.-j nvpr t'l 8n "ttOT'liPV foT' '1n onininll. Novic>k nn, KIrch, Kp"'tinp', Lp~1111Ar QnC1 E)rOlI1t-on VAl". I Iprter f'tatil1~ thAt thg ~itv of hpwqrrl w~ulrJ t8k"l over thA oh1uD''lti0!'l:Jf' thp ~"\'IArrl ~=lpctri(~ b"l-'tAm to tnA fLF.I;. And w'lu1rl 8'iV ':ilo,oon.nrr DFn VAAT' tOf"<i't-'lE3rvi.th thp intAT''1f't llnti1 Tnr1AhtArln ,,<" is n",jrl "i"" I'8'lr1. Thp t'irr:t T)'lVf'1Ant of' .~:j,CiClI).Cl'-) ,01'\11 illtAT'P!i't- is to hp Dlliri 'In ~n1'j] 1. 1947 ~orl the f'A~onr1R~ TJPvfT1pnt on O~t'lbAT' 1. 1947. }JOlymAntR to hp rOf'lOA nr: R~ :jP rh.,tAS P'-1c>11 'TA"r 1Jnti 1 inrl8btAdll 1',' is c1 A8rerl un. It \,"1 P "l'lVfld tl1qt t l[p p.novA 1 p+-tAr bo Rlr'ned hv th!3 11,,'''')r qllr:l rn:~i.l18d jr0fT1prJiqtp,lv. It '"1'~S 'n."1\TPrl nv N"vic1{"l' "Y1d RP~nOr18'l nv ~jtqnton. Ki.rc>h on vOt8 thA T'Rst "."tprl 'TP<". [';1'. KlplrhpsKl,o,,-jp thA f'o11011vi!lP' ~0fT1n1'1ini:s to thA ";olJl1t~jl ,1,'7 -~ _, ; l._ ;,.",j ~ \1 1st. CRr owners keen their CRrs cantinuRlly DRrked on the streets in front of their hnme Rnd on ~Rin St. thfus hinderjn~ his ~ork of kAetdlJg the streest Cl8gr of ice8nd snaw. 2nd. ~hRt the SeWArd Electric System hAd A telennone c~ble Rccrosthe rOAd in Ft~ Raymond AreA. ~rd. ThAt Mr. HR~en hAd leAsed from the Railrodd the west ~GO' of heRch )Jropert:', thRt hA W8S not Hfinf1 it "nel the Cihr needs thip p'rnl1nd fC)r p;r8vAl for thA streets. It WRS moved hy L'chner Rnd seconded hv Kirch thAt the mHttAr of DRrkinf1 ~Rrs be turned over to the StreAt Committee And A DrODer Or-din8ncA be drRwn un to rfH!1l1AtA t11e f\R"le. Mntion nRssp,cj. It w~s moved by Lechner And sAconded hv Kirch thRt A letter hA written to the AlRskR ""AjlrofHl Rskin", thAt thl.s ground he leR"erl to the City. Motion CArried. ~~~__A_ ~e",LrnAtion of OscRr ,/'Rtsjnld V/AR re8rl. M0t~on ,by IT:::1,~ seconded bv Kirch thqt resiRn8tion he RccAnted. Not cRrrieri. ~~plieAtjon of Lou LRrss'" for the job of PililicemRn ~~s reRd e,'r1c1 tqblAc1. J:/. A. Richey And P8ul .T. 8:1PJS sllbmittec1 R bid fnr Lots 16, 17, IB, 19 And 20 in Block e. LRubner- ~drlttion offerin~ ~2S0.00 for 811 five lots. It WAS moved hy ~nvi~k Rnd seconded hv Kirch that the bid be Rccented. JRrrie~. The following bids were mRde bV vAterRns subiect to releAse b\ the ~nvernment tn the C1ty of GewArd of the lots: ~110.00 to be DRirl fnr eA~h lot. - L"ts 15 Rnd 16 in Block 2? Or-iR. rown. for Kenneth Sheldon Lot 24 in Hlock 21 Ori g. Town. f0r J-Ar1es (,,\(' ')onAle'. It wAsmoved by NoviC'k And seoonded hV Lechner thRt the Ahove bidp bq Accented. C<<l'ried. L"ts 19 "nei ?O in Block 2? Lots 17 Rnd 15 4n R10ck ?? It "hlS !'10VWi by J~nvick And bids bq RcC'epted. CRrried. Letter from ~m. ~, MAnlev wRP'reAd. He Asked for the Amounts of the RdvAncAR for the U~Q huilding and the school, a~Rt Rlso the RP]J nts of the tote) Rriv<<nces, together with the prelimin8ry D18ns. It WRP ~overl hy N"vick And Be~onded bv Kir~h thqh.the n. y 01er~ be instructed to send the money Rnd the plpns. CRrried. L~tter from C)pboi:' re'1d 'lskinrr R l'eductidln in the tAxes of the R. Glenn and R. Jnhnson propertv. it W<1S movRd hy kirch '4nd ~Rennrled bv c,tpoton that tllP t8x on the oroperty of ~;. Gl enn bA left R" set b'r the ;,n1l1RixAtion z3nHrcl. ~ll vQteri fAvorRbly. tw It WRS movA~ ty ~tpnton Aud seconded hv Kirch to lWRvethe tRX Orl the proporty of q. Jnllnson bR 1eft as set by the E(1l1R1 izpj-lcn Anard. All voted fRvol'Rblv. ~ lptter reRd from f':.':).,iAbb 'lskinp: for DHvment of :1;100. '0 due ni:rl since ~jhril 1941. KeRtin~ snid he would' investigate Rnd renort Rt the next meeting. It WRS r10ved by StRnton and seconded by K!rch to tAble the mqtter for further investigRtion. ;'11 voted f8vor''1hly. ~ letter wa~ resd fro~ Ur. Foster of the FederAl ,;orks h",encv sRyjn~ th~t the City K~.i~ should DRY for the crBtin~ And shinping of furniture for the VeterRns unusinr Project. This 8mound to be rei"'lhersible. ;'1'. HowRrd flske':1 whHt the Clt:! lNould like to tio ~ith B~'ldinf NJ. 1 in the V.H. ~reR. It WflS moved bJ I!ovick and secondor1 hy L"chner thRt thE" (ji t~r PRY for the crAting of tllP f1Jrniture for the Veter~ltH3 Hnm,inp; Project. ~ll vote~ f~vor8bly. .~ letter was re<l(J from Mr. ~.k(Tint'J 'l'ikin9; qbout the,irport. '-Ie ",Eksn if the Cit~' of SR'!'i8rr l".,"nt8L. ")) l)J c.;) )', y r>lH'''''''V~.. i<r;c;t;i.ri' s,id hA 'Mnllld ~heck with t;he r,;r'l'nrt CO"1!1ljttFP. .(~' lAtter Wfl" reyd from i'r. ,'nrley er.elcbsinrr f '11 tL v1 ~:." u;J l'l',),ll / "', .:~. Cell "'C'>' Rs!<:ec]'Lf' t',prA ',;Rf; 8n ,'rdiDRn(;p, QP'81no:t nutsirie tniletf'. He sCl~ri thRt )-,,, \';C:'; i"f'nT''''f'(' thRt theT'A "m,<< f:.n~(~1P1 q .p1.P")I~ f()r 1J"'\1V}'lFN~ n9~.-1irp' 1l~1:r in t1lpir \I\]CJtpr nnr1 ~pvvp.r~ T)~ptS.. :.1r'" 1':~[\r>1_pv ,rr,,',l rl "]. ['lvPP,tlrr8tA tl"c; -:;f~\','nr lnrl ;~r':t0r 'lP(~nl pm ~ r, tl]p c~ tv l,~'hpn hp. 8rrivp:=:.. LettA!' rARd froC) tre GnVRf''10rS :iffjcq """"Lnp' the 8', +;n tn h e 1 n :; y t r 8 rJ r i v q f' (' r ,1 -; l'l e P . "), A f 11 n r1 s to f1 0 j; r) t h q 1: n f q 11 t i 1. ," 1'a T'H 1. up i~, Fl.' DO. "I for ;Jj 10 L~~Htin for ChRrlAs Coberly se~ondprl b' Kl.rch thRt the Hb0ve ~ ')7~ k~l i. i l' r P ,1 n A ~ t- -:: l' P ~ ( 1 {" r n r,., (.;;: '-i : i"H-,;l n f' +: 'r: p. '~:.-; l' 'J' v Ii f:J )". r~ r') '"1 1 1 ('. c~ t- i YJ .,. " C:ll'l'-~lqr \.';y"dip8l'1('1.e rep'ul,~tin,"Y r:;- L~ t-n ti!W '1r;~ f:".n~"',r ll:':1"::;' ~rl "'1-.("11()~~O'P.. -~'l~a.'r \J'.f0U1d l!~:,,~ T,(l !':?O'UlHt.A trlA f!-)1T>'-'-'. '--lfllr~l!rd: Cf' l-~~rlf:': ~ ~ (I j [1 ;,:; 1 J i'"' ~ n ~ p f' n T"' ,.... !::l 1" y-, ~_ ~ "n ~- . h -J CI -to. i 11 ~ q S ~ f-.:l ,.., i J n "\ r l. e. k t-""l rflO Cl t- ',r i \"h h i I ~^I '=Ir>rl Qr-l:iJP of thA C'~h ')'\-~'rprs t:0 fr~:1~;10 '-1t' r"T'~inA!l(',p. ?l'ldFlV ;~VPt'.. 1t t:, ~ 'i ~1 pc .. '11"lr)'~n'":l LOT~~t' ::..:()t-np :Ji':_~(~-l~~~:~~0(1 ';::<,C' tn t.tIA (;""1Ft: :+lP--ir'"i :~c.111 n0' i_l" tli0 c.~~~1r'C;l +"'0[' j)r>. P.'-n.istHY' ::q~d LIP. ~~nt1.. It ';'J88 rlil)vn(~ tv I\~__ n~r. r~n~l sP(.()rd~Hl b~.r NnlT~ ~> +-1.,...;1- +;ho '.;n:--:r-~t I~l-'''':'-'') 'hn 0~1,:p-r~ +-0 r!{::lln ~r' ..t-1lo po'~rch f"")r ~)r. r~''-'r1stF~~ ")r.~; LI,!:"",. :)'.-1-:, .'~11 'T,10tn(~ f<lV0r>C)n~:j. :1\ r ~. K i Y\ r:.~ t ri <:; n V e rJ t 11 8 l~'; t T' A C> -t .. ~ C r(1~i'J i t t H A for' C 1 pq :n ~~ n 9' t II e r 8C: r: of s now for ~;1e f\;npral SunriC'y. J',ieet'nr' RG.jonrnElj lC:lO?ll. I i'i'l';('-J',fE;)~.~g...~ r,.~ YO~~ / c"'J'S:3'l' ~~__rj /_ _ /0 () f'TC,"- '~T"'~ ,'..,__ "~ J"t' I SPECIAL SESSION JAN 13, 1947 A special session was called by Mayor Harding at The meeting was called off because of no quoram. Keating, Kirch, Lechner and Stanton present. "2:05PM. CounUmen REGULAR SESSION JANUARY ao, 1947 The Common Council of the Town of Seward, hlaska met in regula session Jan. 20, 1947 at 8:10PM. It was called to order by Mayor Harding with Keating, Kirch, Lechner and Stanton presemt, Novick and Watsjold absent. Minutes of the last mpeting read and approved as corrected. Councilman Lechner stated that he had made no promise to P. P. Kerestine to pay him $1,000.00 bonus at the end of his term of office. I Mrs. Stilwell asked if the Council hed could help get 8 home for Alaska Pioneers in this district, From Seward to Hope. There are about 32 cases that need a place to live and have nursing care. Mrs. Vaughn and Miss Brown would ~ive their time without any cost to the City. The Blue house will be available for $14,000.00, which includes a two stor, house and six city lots. Mayor Harding Bsked Councilwoman Kirch to meet with him and Mrs. Stilwell to discuss the possiblilty of finding a home for the Pioneers. Tiny Trakowski asked how soon lights could be had at the air~ port. Ericksen said that poles were not available. The following bills for the Seward Electric System were read; Stearns $126.00, Ericksen $421,33, Walker $385.00, Lindburg $329.00, Whipple $346.50, Sparks $357.00, Calvert $345.00, Baker/$165.00, Malloy $150.00, ColI. of ~nt. ~ev. $300.90, Petty Cash 182.87, S. L.& P. $7.50, S.W.S. $5.05, DePt of Tax. $169.59, Std Oil Co. $2,312.82, Treas. of U.S. $5.00, Rafter's $8.80, Sew. Hrdwr. $6.60, Osbo's $10.65, Burke Motors $4.39, Sew. Mach. $2.89, Nobth. Comm. $90.05, Total $5,331.04. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by bill be paid. Lechner no vote the rest Keating yes. that the S.E.S. ")7 ;:). .....0& (1 A letter WAS read from Mr. Doheny about his~ip to Seward. He thanked the City for letting him tAke the insurance Policies to be sent to Washington D.C., the R.F.C. la.sdit compromise is to sent to Hellenthat, He asked for all corrsepondence with the R.E.A. to be sent to him, he said that the wori on Mrs. Malloy as book- keeper had been well done. A letter was read from Mr. Doheny acknowledging receipt of a copy of the letter to Hellenthall and Hellenthal of Jan. 7, 1947 ---: A letter was r~ad from Darley & co. addressed to James Mortim r Chief of ~olice of Seward billing the City to the amount of $31.65 for police supplies. The clerk was asked to write to Mr. Mortimer .N~X.Kk.N asking him to return the supplies or pay the bill. A bid for lots 5,6,9,10,11, and 12 in ~lock 16 of Federal Addition f~r $25.00 each was read from A. G Mac Rae Bnd Carl Tho~ s It was t8~led for futther consideration. A bid .as read from Mr. Lanning for an option on lots 25 and 27 in Block 22 Orig. Townsite for $100.00 each. The bid was tabler. An application was read from Mr. Van Guilder for the job of night ploiceman. Tabled. Mr. Cobban representing the P.T.A. asked that they be allow to control recreational facilities at the u.s.a., including roller skating. Mr. R' C. Lee asked that' the u.s.a. be turned o.er to the Fire Dept or the Police Dept. Keating said that the flo or would have to be sanded and refinished before it could be used for skating. The final reading of the Ordinance t<<XRIRg conveying lots 31, 32, and 33 to Dr. Sellers was tabled. The opxtiions rendered by Attorney General Rivers WAS read concerming pin ball and slot machines, and on taxing the School District for bonds.~ Kirch recommended that the Council appoint a temperary member to the School Board. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Kirch that Mr. Orland r be appointed to the ~chool Board in place of Dr. Banister in his absence. All present voted favorably. Bob Muller representing the Lions Club asked if anything toul! be done to safe guard the children slidlbng on 2nd Av. One child had been hurt Ii few days ago... 'Police Chief Lee said that the obstructions were all ready and they would be in place immediatel~. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kirch that the resigH nation of Oscar Watsjold be accepted. All voted favorably. Mayor Harding recommended Russell Painter as councilman in place of Oscar ~atsjold. It was moved by Stanton and lIJlll2l~.1t seconder! by Keatlng that the recommendation of Russell ~ainter as councilman be approved. ~ll voted f~vorably. --., I I i The follow tng ordinances were read for the first time. An Ordinance to fix the filing date for Registration of petitions for candidates for the 1947 Municipal Election. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska; That all petitions for candidates be filed with the City Clerk on or before seven days prior"to the election. Any petitions filed after this date will be void and discounted, An" ordinance to amend Section 4 of Ordinance 86 pertaining to the aualification of officers of the City of Seward. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska; That in addition to the prescribed qualifications as to citizen- ship wach candidate for Mayor and Councilman shall have been a continuous resident within the corporate limits of Seward for one year prior to election day. ')7U ~':C '#, I Mayor Harding recommended J. Mc Donald as engineer for the Seward Veterans Housing Project. Keating suggested that a telegram be sent to Tex Brinkworth demand- ing his ret~rn to finish the Veterans Housing Project. Mayor Harding was asked to check with Fletcher about paying for the heating stoves for the Ho~sing Project. Keating suggested that ~m Estes be hired as City Engineer. Kielcheski was Asked if the Firemen would take over the u.s.a. He wes not in favor of using it for roller skating, if the firemen were to use the basement. Stanton said that he would like to see the jail set up in the oasement of the u.s.a. Kielchxeski was asked to find out if the Firemen will be willing to take care the U.SO, and report back. foliceman Maxwell quit as night patrolman and Mayor Harding recommended K.D. Cobban in his place. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Lechner that recommend~ ation of K.D.CObban be approved.as partolmen. All vtoed favorably!. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Stanton that a wlbre be sent to Tex Brinkworth demanding his return to finish the Vetera s ' Housing Project. All voted favorably. There was a short discussion about Ericksen the supt of the City Lieh t Plant. IQ;.&tnKXIDUtKJUUlX>>xj;14~t;;XMJiX}OJaj{S1{Hjx:tNX~jtlilK>>X I.XX11UU:UUJlN'tX Heeting adjourned at 10:45 PM. I APPROVED /?k/'.?/l.CV)~ MAYOR ATT"ST ~~ CI Y CLERK. REGlJLAR SESSION OF COMMON COUi~CIL ZKNtiKRX FEBRUARY 3, 1947 The regular session of the Common Council of Sevlsrd, alaska covenned st the Police Station at 8:20PM February 3, 1947, the meeting was called to order by Uayor Harding with Keating, Kirch, Lechner and Stanton present, Novick and Painter absent. I Minutes of the lbst regular session read and approved. The following City bills were read and approved: Lee $350.001 Maxwell $220.16, Cobbsn $129.84, Van Guild.er $78.00, Kielcheski 1400.00, Clyde Smith $306.00, Henry Horton $12.00, Bert Smith $36.00, Howell $350.00, Aron b.ricson $8.33, Baumeartner tp500.00, S.V.F.D. $30.QO, :Iiithholding Tax $15b.40, i:jspt of Tax. $746.25 Sew. ~rug $1.10, Burke Motors $65.35, Kenai Co-Op $4.85, S.W.S. '146.46, ~aulsteiner $28.50, ~td. Oil, $11.36, Hunt Pub. Co. $277.30, S.L.P. $24.13, Sew. urdwr, $26.90, lAcMullens $1.26, Gay & ~ac Repairs $1.75, aron Ericson $36.00. It was moved by Keating and Seconded by Kirch that the City bil~s be paid. All voted favorably. The following Sew. Electric System Bills were read: '.'valker $343.00, Lindburg $427.00, i,Vhipple $413.00, Sparks $371.00, Calvert $386.25, Clayton ~i~~~~ $120.00, T. B. Ericksen $416.67, Malloy $175.00, ~ithholding Tax $331.50, &.L.&P. $7~50, S.~.S. $5.05, E'ID?WEbb Agt,$190.50, RilE.Baumgartner Agt $190.50, T.L.Erdmann Agt $178.00, Alaska aRe $62.17. . It waE moved by Keating and seconded by Lechner that the S.E.S' bills be paid. All voted favorb81y. '),,~n !..~ " \ ' Carl Thomas explained the location of the lots he haa bid on ~t the last Council Meeting. , It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Lochner that he be givp.n e deed to lots 5 and 6 in Block 16 Fed.-J\~~. and a deed to lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 in Block 16 Fed. Add~~un~erst8nding that the last four lots will revert back to the city with out expense if operations of the Mine are discontinued within five years. ~ll voted favorably. Gus Johnson representing the firemen said that the S.V.F.D. ~ would like to X~kBX0YRKXxkRXM~i~x lease the u.s.a. for five years ~ith an option to buy at the end of that time, they will keep up the inside of the building and t he City the outside,If the Gity uses any spaue they will pay rent. It will be used for all kinds of recreational facilities. Murl Trevethan suggested an athletic class. Lee, Chief of Police, said he would like to have room to build some cells and move in immediately. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Keating that an ordinance be drRwn up giving the S.V.F.D. the control of the u.s.a. All votee favorably. Keating suggested selling the police car and buying an ambulanc Prom surplus property. It could be used for police and ambulance calls. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Kirch that Fred Kielcheski be authorized to go to Anchorage and see if the City cou d obtain KRJ an ambulance from Surplus Property, also any other suppl es needed. His expenses to be paid by the City. Allvoted favorably. Url Hubbard asked to have his name taken off the Delinquent Tax Roll. It was moved by Keating and seconded by ~irch that Mr. Hubbards name be taken off the Delinquent TAX Roll. All voted favorably. Keating read 8 letter from the Attorney General stating that City rroperty could not be leased i~ or sold except by vote of the people. The City Clerk was asked to write to Dr. S~llers and ask him to send the City a signed statement of the use he intends to make of the small u.s.a. building~. Letter read from D.C.Brownell protesting the assessment for th~ sever constructed by his property. Letter read f rom Plett stating that $30,000.00 and tentatively been set aside for the Seward Airport. A bill wes read from Mrs. Harding for$6.75 for meals served to prosoners. It was moved by Lechner and seconded by Kirch that the bill be paid. All voted favorably. The City Clerk was asked to see that there were seperate ballots for City and School Board Eleetions. T.B.Ericksen read the financial report for the S.E.S. for last year. ' A letter of resignation was read from T.B.Ericksen ~upt of the Sew. El.ctric System. No action taken. Meeting adjourned 10:30 PM. ApprovedW e }.(~. '. Mayor " Attest ~~ City Clerk. ') ~ ~ .( J.~ "\< !:~;' ; I SPECIAL SESSION FEBRUAhY 6, 1947 A special session of the Common Council was called to orderat 2: l2:04PM by Mayor Harding with Keating Kirch, ~R<<RRHR Painter and Stanton p,esent, Lechner and Novick absent. The meeting was called to consider the resignation of T. B. Ericksen as supt of the S.E.S. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Stanton to accept the resignation of T. B. i~kx Ericksen as Supt. of th8 Seward Electric 'ystem. All voted favorably. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Keating that Mr. . D. Cobban be 8skod to take the p16ce of Supt of the Seward ~lect ic System until another supt. could be hired. ~ll voted favmrably. \ lilt was moved by Stanton end seconded by Keating that lJr. Van Guilder be hired as night policeman. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned 12t 18 PlI. APPROVE;) ?P/! )yI~~. . MAYOR ' ATTEST JL~jJJ/ CI'I'Y CLERK I REGULAR SESSION FE~RUARY 17, 1947 The regular session OV the Commoh Council was called to order 8:15'm by Mayor Harding with Keating, Kirch, Novick, and Stanton Lechner and Painter absent. The minutes of the last regular and special session were read nd 8 pproved. The City Clerk was asked to write to W. N. Cuddyand ask him o be the attorney for the case of Visintainer vs H. Smith and I. :letcalf. A bill from the Seward Electric system for $67.55 and one from ndy's viI Delivery for $310.30 were read. It was moved by Keating nd seconded by Novick that these bills be paid. All voted favorabl . Mr. Lanier representing the American Legion asked if they coul andle the administration of the S.V.H.P. when the work has been ompleted. They would take care of the renting of the buildings. Jayor Harding said that nothing could be ctesided until Mr. Fletcher eturned. The City Clerk was asked to check on insurance on the urniture received for the S.V.H.P. I Mr. Gibbons representing the carpenters union asked to council o do what they can to get R.E.A. to set up their program in 3eward It was moved by Keating and S<<GN~BM seconded by Novick to ell to Carl Thomas Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 16 Federal Addit on or one Dollar per lot with t,e understanding that they will rever ack to the City if operationsare discontinued within five years. .eating. Kirch and Novick voted yea, Stanton no. It was announced that lire Kerestine had filed 8 suit against he City for $1600.00. 'The Public School Committee reported that jAr. Carlson ri'tlrn 'etchiNan had been hired as supt. 2;~2 A new projedtor h8s arrived and the school can have visual aid in its program. Mrs. Kirch was asked to see the School Board aeout levying a school tax on all property within the School District to pay off the School Bonds. Utilities. Mr. J. \iilliamson has8rrived to take over the duties of Supt. of the light plant. Mr. Cobban was thanked for his work at the light plant~. Mr. Cobban stressed the need for more power at the light plant. He also stressed the need for more action on the possiblilty of getting the R.E.A. to loan money for setting upl one light plant. The possibility of electing a Utility Board wns disc*ssed. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Novick that an Ordinance be dr~wn up authorizing the cre~ion of a Utility Board in Compliance with Territorial Law. All voted favorably. It was desided to have the council meet as a committee and discuss different ordinances, that are pending. Fire. No BBport Tax. A letter was read from Mrs. Kirch protesting Delinquent Tax for 1940. ~fle ~~8p&~~9 assured by the City Clerk that there was no tax againet'when she purchased. it. ItK was moved by Novick and seconded by Stanton that the Tax Be refunded to Mrs. Kirch. Keating, Novick and 6tanton Doted yea, Mrs Kirch no voteQ Police. A new night policeman has been hired by the name of Gilbert C. Anthony Law. no report Finance No Report. Print. No. report. Airport. Keating reported that he had a letter f rom Mr. H. t. Smith of Juheau stating that $30.000.00 had been set aside for the Seward Airport. The plans send in had been accepted. Street. Novick askedabout haveing cinders spread on the icy streets, and also if drains could be opened. ,- I Civic Affairs No report The City Clerk was asked to to put a notice in the paper R~tiR~ stating that the poll books were open, and also that election would be held April 1, 1947. Any person runninS for office is asked to have his KmB name in at least seven days lefore election. Meeting adjourned lO:15PM APPROVED? ~ t!. fI 0tA~ MAYOR . (/ ATTEbT ~ CITY CLERK I I ")n;;-~ , .?". , ~ ~\ SPECIAL SESSION FEBRUARY 25, 1947 A SPJ!:CIAL S::<':SSION OF THE COI.iliUN COUNCIL ,ii'S CiiLLED TO ORDER BY MAYOR HARDING AT 7:43PM WITH KEATING~ KIRCH, PAINTER; NOVICK AND STANTON PRESEmW. Lechner absent. I The meeting W8S called to vote on Ordinance 166 (USO small buildings, purchase and subsequent sale to Dr. Sellers), Ordinance 167, lease of usa Gymnasium to Seward Volunteer Fire DePt., 168 Public Utility Board, 169 ~ualifications of Officex Holders, and vote on purchase of Army Power Building. Vote on insurance on USO Buildings. Qrdinanca 166 An Ordin8nce authorizing the conveyance of Lots 31, 32 and 33, Block 16 Seward TowBsite to Richard O. Sellers, and Acknowledging further indebtedness, was read for the third time. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Novick that Ordinance 166 be adopted. All voted favorably. Ordinance No. 168 was read. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE 1i. PUBLIC UTILI'I'Y BOARD TO FUNCTION AS AN ADVISORY BOARD TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TO':'IN OF SEWARD ,ALA~~KA. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of c.eward, Alaska meeting in Special Session on the 25th day of Febrl~ry 1947 that a Board be created and known as a Public Utility Board. I This Board shall bonsist of five members. One member shall be elected to serve for a tern of one year, one for two years, one three years, one for four years and one for five years. The lengt of time for which each member shall serve is to be designated on the ballot. Thereafter one member shall be elected at ench genera municipal election to serve for a term of five y~ars. The Bo~rd before entering upon it's duties of office shall severally take an oath in writing to faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of their office. In case of a vacancy iin the membership of said Boar from death, resignation, removal, 01 othar causes, such vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members I of the Board until the ne t general election, at which election a member shall be elected to fOIl the unexpired term. In case the remaining members cannot agree they shall call a special election for filling such a vacancy. The Board shall choose it's own Chairman and Secretary. Powers of the Board: The Board shall have the authority to appoint the Manager or Supt. of Utilities for a term of not longer than five years. The Manage or Supt. shall be subject to removal for cause by the Board. , The Board shall enforce all the policies of the ~ Utilities under it's management. All expenditures must be approved by the Common Council of the Town of Seward. I A monthly report sha 11 be given to the Common Ccunc 11 of the Town Seward at the first regular meeting each month. The Board shall make a complete s-(tJdy of the possibilities of the iW~R Town of Seward acquiring all public utilities, present their information to the Common Council for ,approvel and necessary actio . We the Cornmon Council of the Town of Seward do hereby declare an emergency to exist and upon adoption this Ordinance shall imnediat - ly be in effect and further stipulate that the Ordinance be publis in accordance with Territorial Law and ~hat the five (5) terms of the members to formulate the Board be included on the regular Ball for the general election of the Town of Seward, April 1st 1947. , It was moved by Kirch and seconded by Stanton that the rules be suspended and XRB Ordinance No. 168 be passed. All voted favorabl . 20* /i4 Ordianace No. 169 wes read for the third time. to emend Section 4 of Ordinance No. 86 pertaining to of officers of the City of Seward, Alaska. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Novick that be adopted. All voted favorably. An Ordinance the qualifica ions Cr>dinance 169 A telegram was read from Mr. Johnson asking if the City of Seward was interested in acquiring building on lot 26 in Block 22 for $350.00. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kirch that the City acquire Building on Lot 26 in Block 22 for the Fire and Stree Dept. All voted favorably. l Ordinance No. 167 was read. AN!ORDIANACE TO LEASE THE: FORMER USO GYMNASIUM IN IT'S ENTIRE Y LOCATED ON LOTS 27, 28) 29, 30 and the South 2' of 31 BLOCK 16 SE',AHD TOtVNSITE TO THE SEWARD VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FOn A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS WITH AN OPTION TO RENUE THE LEASE FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE YEAR PERIOD. ~ i BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward meeting in special session on this 25th day of February 1947 that the followi g lease be granted to the Seward Volunteer Fire Department, an incor porated organization in the Territory of Alaska. at fqr a period of five years the Seward Volunteer Fi~. sha aintain the former usa Gymnasium as a com~uild:ing. They sha at all times endeavor to s ~ majority of the citizens as the types of 1.ies held in the building. The Firemen shall ma .e interior portion of the Building and theGit maintain ortion of the building. ;1.1/ All lUB funds derived from the inccme of events hal4-Hr-t-he building s. a sted in vements to the building with /f the excs ercen de to 0 ~ t general fund of the Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. Section 1. The Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. shall maintAin the bove namedx)Q1II1~lltiJ.ll~ building as a COmmo.n1t~uoui:ltU:~gir'prdnlid~ng a ecreational program to encour@ge the use of the building by the reatest number of people. All activities held in the Gymnnsium ust provide sufficient revenue to compensate for t he depreciAtion pon the building suffered from these activities. Section~. The Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. shall assume the esponsibility for all expenses relative to the maintaince of the nterior of the building. The City of Seward shall pay for the insurance on the building aR well as exterior maintnince CORtS. Section 3. The City of Seward reserves the right to construct ity offices, jail facilities, police offices, and cell blocks at t e ities expense. The City of Seward shall pay their portion of the uel bill and light bill used in connection with their offices and nstBllations in the buildingJ.ll basement. Section 4. The City of Seward reserves the right to use the ymnasium upon occasions when the City Council feel that in the bes nterests of the community this use is necessary. Proper notificBt on hall be given by the Council thrBu the City Clerk. Section 5. All money received by the Seward Volunteer Fire Dep rom the operation of bhis building over and above the expense of peration and normal maintaince shall be invested in ioprover1snts t .he building with the exception of ten per-cent (10%) which may be eld aside bj' the SeWArd Vomunteer Fire Dept. fot their genernl fun . --, I \ j Section m. The first mJ.llBR major improvement to be uijaertaken y the Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. will be a concrete building adj in- ng the Gymnasium on the north side for the purpose of housing the ire Equipment of the City of beward. Section 7. The Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. shall prepare nnd resent to the City Council 8 complete financial report of the ym. buildibg twice a year; the first regular m8eting of the CouDci . RxilllBX n. )r--' -)' ~. <",.;' ,~~ in September and the first regular meeting of the Council in U8rch. Section 8. The Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. sN~ii will not havE the right to sub-lease the building to any other party. firm or corporption. I Section 10. A signed petition consisting of two thirds of the qualified voters of the last general election protesting the management of the building shall be sufficient grounds for the City Council to declare the lease broken. It shell be necessary for. such a dec12ration to have at least four votes to invalidate this i ~x~ 1 ea se. ,Ie the Common Council of the Town of Seward do hereby declAre an emergency to exist and upon adoption this Ordinance shell be in.eff.ct. It was moved by Keating Bn(l seconded by Novick thpt Ordinance 167 b acc~pted a nd duly ratifil:~ed when signe'd by four or more Councilmen. '11 voted favorably. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Keating that the usa Gym~ be funsured for $13,205.00. All voted favorably. It was moved by ~eatinB and seconded Novick to insure the Small usa building for $6,000.00 for six l!1onths. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned at 8:42PM APPROVED?4;/t I/~ MAYOH I liTTEST :1~ C1 Y CLERK REGULAR SESSION MARCH 5, 1947 MARCH J, 1947 posponed until The reguler seesion of the Com~on Jouncil was posponed until March 5, 1947 baacuse only three councilmen could attend. The posponed Session of the Common Council was called to order at 8:17PM by Mayor HArding with Keating, Kirch, Novick, Pa~nter, and Stanton present, Lechner absent. The minutes of the last reguar:lar and special session wq~tread and approved. Frank doods asked for Lots 5 thru 15 incluslte in Block 18 Laubner Addition to use for a saw mill. I It was moved by Novick and seconded by Keating to sell to FrAnk Woods Lots 5 through 15 inclusive in Block 18 Laubner Additi n for one Dollar per lot, If work is dincontiued within Five Years the lots to revert to the City except Lots 14 and 15 which will be sold for $75.00 per lot. A lease to be written and signed by at least four councilmen. All voted favorably. Mrs. V~.ughn asked for the use of one of the buildings in the Veterans Housing Area for a Pioneers Horne. It was desided to find outfro~ Mr. Fletcher if it could be arranged. The following City Bills ~ere read: Lee $400.00, Anthony j~212.50, Cobban $125.00, C1 Smith $324.00, yan Guilder $2a1.00, B Smith $223.50, Kielchseki ~400.00, Howell $~50.00, Ercison ~~8.33, Sew. Vol. Fire Dept $30.00, DePt of tax $le44.25, With ~ax $249 80 ~ d ~15 19 ' -"'. . ,1;\a Sip . , Paulsteiner ;'1952.75, ')'){? ..'~\'. t;:r:n' ,. AndySs Oil Del $178.16, #aechter $6.45, Werners $69.26,Sew Mach 8h p $93.10, Rafters $10.12, McMullens $8.03, SeW. Meat Mrkt. $4.95, Sew. Trad. $5.11, City Cab. Co 7.00, Jiestinghouse $94.87,Moody's $8.80, 2sbo's Elec $43/98, S.E.E~ $lll.OO,E. D. Webb $165.00, Erdman ~129.78,Std Oil $24.52, Petty Cash $39.22, SWS $93.43, Alaska TraBsfer $24.51, R. L. Croxton $105.75,Sew Hard $43.04, 8,L&P $25.50, Baumgartner $37.50, School Board $7,000.00, R. C.Lee $45.00. Total $11,957.60 It ~W8 move<<d by Kirch and se~ded by Keating that the bils be pai . All voted t'lvorably. I I I A letter was read from Mr Cuddy asking if the City of Saward would settle the case of Visitainer VII Smithlll and r,letcalf for $500.00 out of Court. The Council said to pros~cute the case and sue Visitainer for costs. Mr. Nock of the Land Office in Anchoraga ~sked for the use of land near the Army Dock for storage. The Clerk was asked ~o writ a__letter to Mr. Nock and ask, for the same >cind of a lease as the A~my had used before for the same land. The City would w8n~ use 0 streets. ' It was moved by Novick and secnnded by Keating that the Co~*P. Council of the Town of Seward was in favor of continuin~ the Alaska Development BOArd. The Clerk was asked to write telegrams to the Governor, ~elegate Bartlett, and representatives at the Juneau legislature. All voted favorably. A letter was read from Mrs. Loeser enclosing 8 photostat fopy of her deed. She asked about her taxes. A letter was read from the ~ar Asse~s Administration saying that they Were taking over the Surplus l'roperty in Alaf'ka ---r A letter was read from CAA stating that it was ouestionably if a municipality may accept grants of Federal funds for construc ion of Airports under the Federel.Airport Act. New legislation is being considered to change this condition. A letter from the Alaska Development Board ~as read saying th t the Board was going to be discontinued June 30 of this year unless public officials express an interest in its continuance. A bid was read from Leland kmxxg Lorang for lots 5 and 6 of Block 3. of the Cliff Addition for $25.00 efl1ch. It was rnovp.d by Kirch and seconded by Stenton to accept the bid. Aal voted yes. 'It 'was moved by Novick and sedonded by Keating to pay the bil XI~R for $45.00 to R.C.L~e for a steam bmiler. All voted favorably. Public School. New supt. has arrived for the School. Mrs. Kirch Gaid she had talked to Mrs. Painter about ha~ing a School Ta to pay the School Bonds. Utilities. \!illiamson on the job, is checking wiring, .. has put meter on Eklutna School, T.B.H~spital, and Howards Cold Storag . A report will be made next conmcll meeting. v{orking on Airport lig ts. Print. Publicity. It was suggested that an article be sent to Anc orage ~ about the Utility Board~ Keating asked if a report cou~d be had of thei~Ri Seward Veterans Housing Project, at the next meeting. He also asked if the City Books should be audited the end of this month. It was moved by Keating and seconded by Novick HS to aske Mr. Jones to audit the Cities Books at the end of t his month. Mrs. Kirch resigned as councilwoman and thanked the Council fbr their courtesy while she was in office. ..... ATTEST :Jk-t:: I~ CITY CLER~. . Meeting ,adjourned at 10:45PM. APPROVED'?/J / /-/ aA~? MII.YOR d . ..) Q~-'" ':"'''~ REGULaE ::ii<;SSION OF COlhiJON COUNCIL M'lRCE 17, 1947 I A regular session_of the Common Council W8S called to order by layor HRrding at 8:30PM, March 17, 1947 with Keating, Lechner, ~ovick and Stanton present. Painter avsent. The minutes of the last meeting was read ano approved. The following bills were read from the Sew. Elec. System: ricksim '310.18, \iilliamson r~250.00, Wel>ker $266.00, Lindburg 322.00, Whipple $353.50, Sparks $325.50, Calvert $333.75, Cobhan 170.00, Mallofi $175.00, Thompson $87.00. Bank of ~eward(Fiscal gt) $251.30. Petty Cash $36.58, Sew. L & P $7150 s W S $5.05, sbo's $43.11, Sew. Metal Aorks $2.25, Sew Hrdwr $112.94, Kenai ~lec. Equipt. $34.60, Eads Bros. $55.90, Mart $1.95, SeW. Msch, Sho 6.26, Paulste~ner $3.50, Graybar Elec. $413.05, Gen. Elec. $325.38 td. Oil. Co. 11,962.57, Merchant Shoppers Assn. $24.28. TotRl $5,6 7.8 t was moved by Nivock and seconded by Keating that the S.E.S. ills be paid including the interest on the K.F.O. Loan. echner no vote the rest voted yes. Letter read from li.R.Shuler , Acting District Engineer asking hat a report be made on the Lowell Creek flood control works. he Mayor appointed Fred Kielcheski as superintendent of this roject. He is also to arrnage the placiD/', of a fence around the am. Letter reed from the R.E.A. asking for core information about he possibilities of supplying power to parties outside of Se~8rd. A letter was reed fro~ Mr. Cuddy about having the case of isitainer,vB Smith and ~etcalf tried in Seward. A letter was read fro~ Victor C. Rivers gilhing 8 summery of three fold tax law suggested for Alaska. he- City Clerk wes asked to send wires to Juneau giving suppott to the new t~x program as suggested by Caairman Rivers. A letter was read froD H.C.Lee resigning as Chiel of Police effective upon the election of the new council. ~r. Lee suggested Fred Kielcheski as Chief of Police. A financial report was read f rom the Seward Electric System giving the following information: Number of customers 423, wh produced 174,814, kwh used 166,800, metered 136,964. Plant cost $3,674.92, Distribution cost ~1,254.61. Deficit ~2,825.2 Collections for Feb. $6,350.90. Hpyor HArding said he hod asked Carl Thomas '~nd Murl Trevethan to help him get the necessary information for the 1{.i<:.A. A financial repurt was readfroD the B.V.H.P. Fred Howard ad received $65,842.86, Tex Brinkworth $7,510.97, Misc. tlO,OB2.14 Balance in Bank $12,182.14. The City Clerk wes asked to write a airmail letter to Hr. John on Director Hp<J>l Property Division, Dept of Interior, ,iashington D.C. The C j ty Clerk ViR sAlsa aeked to check on \iho is on the Hospit 1 Board. It was moved by Barton and seconded >>~XXft<<~R<<H<< by Keating to cancel the paragraph of Ordinance 169 requiring the candidates for may~and councilmen to reside within the incorporate limits 0f Sewerri for Olle ye'3r prior to election day af> this conflicts with Territorial Law. All votAd fAvorably. I Meeting Adjourned at 10:25PM. I Approved ElJ~~/1 d~/ MAyor Attest ~~ !Ic~ City Clefk. ') PC) ,~; c,c" REGULAR SESSION APRIL 7, 1947 The regular session of the Common Council of the Town of Sews d, Alaska was called to order by Mayor Harding at &:10 PM with Keating, Lechner, Stanton, Novick and Painter present, Kicch absen . Minutes of the last regular session were read and approved. The following bills were read for the Seward ~lectric System: B~nk of Seward $2650.00, Bank of peward (I~terest) $1836.45" G~'s ~n78.00 Sew. Cabinet \vrks $31).39, ,Islker $336.00, ~ihipple .$364.60 ! Sparks !336.00, Lindburg $336.00, Calvert $33fi.00,Williamson $~OO.(O, Malloy ~p175.00, ColI.. of Intr. Rev. $248.40, Osbo $127.801 \iorthin!- ton Pump $380.79, Northern Carom J3~9.87~ Instrument Lab. !p89.50, ~WS U5.05, Paulsteiner $33.70, Graybar ~185.46, Sew Mach Shop $87~{2, Sew. Trad. $3.46, Eads Brs. $19.65, Kenai Elec. $22.05, Sew. Hrd. $7/65, std 01.., $Hl1.53, \lestinghouse IpllS.17, Veterans TAX ~~180.2(, Petty Cash $43.911 Sew L&P $7.50, Sew. Drug. $2.50, Bank of Geward $5025.00. Total .15,104.84ixx It was ~oved by Keating Bnd seconded by Novick that the S.E.S bills be paid. Lechner no vote the rest voted yes. The following City bills were read: Lee $400.00, Anthony $350.00, Clyde ~roith $312.00, ,Bert Smith $240.00, Kielcheski $400.00, Howell ,350.00. Ericson $8.34, Seller $75.00, Van Guklder $6.00, S.V.F.D. t30.00, Dept of TaXAtion $1002.25,\lithhold~ 'fax $251.95, Andy's Oil Del;;! (H73.81, S.E.S. $516.15, Std. Oil ~51.41, Petty Cash $92.40, SUS $143.93, Chas. R. Hadle~ ;pll~.79, Kenai Bakery $21.16,-5ew. BAker:r;~.85, Northern Cafe ;P4.00, Northern Corom. $41.45, H..E. Baum~Rrtner $418.60, ~erners $145,45, McMullens $2.90, Sew. Dru~ ~1.50, Sew Hrd. $33.71 Osbo $22.87, Eads Bro. ~51.59, Kenai Elec ~.75, Hamiltons Gar. ~10.38, PAulsteiners $20.70, Sew. .-ach ~88.77, Alaska Trans $$9.09 Burke Motors $4.50, City Express ~3.12" S~w L&P $24.88, Sew. Metal! $110.45~ Bpnk of Sew. (Bond Interest) $~O.OO, Nichels $42.25. It was moved by ~eatingBnd seconded by Novick that the bills be pAid, first checking the 360.00 interest bill. Lechner no vote the rest vote d a ffi rIna t i ve ly. Letter read from F.~.JOhnson stating that the city caul:! Bet title to Lots 11 Bnd 12 in Block B FederAl for the sum of $250.00. TelegrAro read from A.B.Lawrence applying for t he job of Chief of Police. Letter reBd from J.E.MUrtimer applying for the job of Chief 0 Police. Letter re?d from Darley and co. as~ing for payment of bill enade by J. Hortimer"Chief of Police, 1944. .' Letter read f romG.1\..Lingo stAting thAt the City should make A renuest by a ction of the coy-neil for Blocks 11, 18, 13, and 14 in Cliff Addition, if they desire this property. Letter reed from Ur. bryan of the R.E.A. saying that he would be in town about aoril 15. K-K~Y~v~>:f{ycxraeIXR~~~~~~~:A~=>~o/~>~v=i4k:~~~~=':g<i:J~~M~}:~ ~1lili~X~i~IDi~CXXXXI1CXv4.t:U: :rd..v:&:a~r..f.:(. ,)U0:0.1t-i~~~~4:J~\4.~:~:a:~s;.i4:o;p:. . RESOLUTION ON ELECTION PAS~~B Slm PAGE 290 It was moved by Lechner and seconded by Novick to adjourn tb$ meeting S~_~E3_.I=?t.E3_.__All voted favorably. Meet. Adjounned 8:40PM ~ j' , .. L.!' ., ! I .~ 2'-'" ...... ,'~ i ,"\ ", , - SP~CIAL S~SSIUN APRIL 7, 1947 ~jpecif]l session called to order by LRyor Ke1\ting ~,t B:4P.PM with Sellers, Dahl, Lt~nton, ?ainter, Novick And Kennedy.pre~eht. ~8yor KSBtinR stated that he thought tne Utility Eoar~ was VAry importRnt and expected them to work ilith the council on all problemli. I The follmlinr~ .iuties of M~yor 'md 00uncilm'lI1 ':fire re<1d: Duties of the ~~y~r. Chapter 47 ~eRsion Laws of h18ska 1941. Jection 2381, the mayor shqll have the power to Appoint A clerk, 2 treAsurer, :3 municipal c1ttorney, "chief' of pollee, '1m' puch othBP officisls "nd emr:.loyees as may be advis:3hle; hut ,,11 sppointments shelll be subject to confin:118tion b the Couqcil, 8);>111 l;old of,'ice At the pleasure of the Council, but not betond the term of the Mayor by whom they were Appointed. Section 23~O, it shall be the duty of the mayor to preside at meetin~s of the Council, to approve and diSApprove W0 or all ordins - ces or resolutioDD passed by the Council, to sirn All W8r8nts of th C~ty treasury, to direct and supervise the business of the City, to see that all ~'dinances and res&lutions are executed. If he was elected by direct vote of the people he shall have no vote except in case of 8 tie. Any ordinance or re801ution passed by the Gounci by four affirmRtive votes ra8} be Vetoed by the :Il8yor At the t irne of its passa8e. ....pon Vetoin~ any ordinence or resolution the [cRyor shall submit to the Council at j,ts next regular f1eetinp;, 8 written stetenent givin[', his reasons for vetoinrr saMe. 'cny ordinance or resolution so vetoed, thereafter passed or adopted by the affirmR- :!ive vote of five members of the Coc;ncil 8t Bny regular mee::ing of the Council sh811 becoce effective ~ithout the signature of the ~Ryor and not withstAnding such vote. ~:JaRUl1 The Council may exercise its powers by ordinance or resolution: at all meetini!s of the Council five mer~bers or four members Bnd the mayor shal constitute a ~uorum for the transaction of business; but no ordinance or resolution shall be passed >>~ at any meeting unless it receives four votes. In case of the absence of the I,lAyor if a regular qorum of five be present, they shall elect one of their number to preside. '~ection 2391 CLA 19;53). I The following committees were read: Airport & Parks PAinter, Chairman, Novick & Dahl. Police & Fire Kennedy, Chairman, Dahl & Painter Tex hSS. & Finance Dahl, ChairmAn, btanton,& Kennedv Gtrts, Sew, Vet Hous StAnton, Chariman, Kennedy & Novick Pub. bch. Gym, usa Sellers, Chairman, Painter Pub. He~lth & Hos. Novick, Chairman, Bellers & Stanton In the abscef1ce of the i,jpvor, ti~ L StAnton will be act. l;l8yor. It was moved by uovick an~ Seconde~ by hennedy that the list of committees be accepted. All voted favorably. The Mayor asked the finance cornmi ttee to set up the salRries for the next yeRr. The Mayor aRlled 8 special meeting for April 14, 1947 at 8:00PM. It waF moved by Dovick Bnd seconded by Sellars thRt the meeting be adjourned. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM. ~ . I Attest cJ~i'?' /: 1fr:. Vv;t. /'7(' l Y C 1 r:';'. C I OO{! l.'-nJ ~~. .... -, Ae~' :!t;;Z-I-'- z"~ J i/' RESOLUTION ';/HEl'i'EAS', In accordance with the laws of the Terri tory of Alaska and the ordinances of the City of Seward, Alaska, and the forms and noti~es of election duly given and issued, that 8 Municipal Electio was held in the Town Hall in the said city on the first day of April, 1947; and ;i{hereas, In accordance with the duly prepared and correct certifi- cates filed with Thos. E. Howell, Municipal Clerk, by the officers of said Election, the following named persons received the exact number of votes placed after their respective names for officers as hereinafter set forth, to wit; I For M!lyor; Clarence Aeating 158, James A MacDonald 149 Earl Cass 98, For Cojncilman; Two Year Term; r'orrest Kennedy Russell Painter Fran Du Beau Richara Behsner Ohas. Adkins For' Co'\)nci lman; One Yea I' T8 I'm: I', Oacar V. Dahl 254, Jim Reed For' Utility Board; One Year Term. John Rosness ~21, Joe Doyle Two Year Term Mud 'l'revetaan 185, 11. H. Leonard 105, Frank Brooks 103 Three Year Term ~horwald Osbo 237, Carl ThoQAS 158 Raul' YepI' Term K. D. Cobban 225, Harold~. Devis 153 Five Year Term H. J. Amend 25~, Clark wcCann 90 For School Board; Three yenr Term. . Miriam C. Painter C.E.Orlgnder Two Year Term. George D~ngler 369. Proposition No.1. To Ruthorize the Oity Council to sell to Dr. R. O. Sellers the small USOproperty & building with equipt. for $6yO 0.00. For 231 Against 68 Proposition No.2 To suthorize the City council to lease to the SE'IIAHD. VOLUN'l'EER FIRE DEPT. the new use gym. buildinp: and lots for a period of five years. For 318 Against 69 'liHER8:1iG, the returns of said election were duly and properly canva - ed by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska on npril 7, 1947, NOW WHEREAS BE IT RESOLVED B~ THE COMMON COUNOIL OF THE Trni~ OF SE~ARD, That, in accordance with the wishes of the voters of the said town, as set forth by the results of said election, the follol- ing named persons having received the highes number of votes for th.lr respective officbs are declared elected. Mayor for a term of one year Clarence KAating Council~en for a term of two years Forrest Kennedy R.O.Sellers Russell l~a inter one year Oscar V. Behl of one year John Rosness two II Murl Trevethan three II Thorwald Osbo four" K. D. Cobban five II H.J.Amend School Board for a term of three years MiriaM C. Painter II II II II two II George Dengler Passed Passed. 294, Richard O. Sellers 223, Raymond Seferovich 128, Dave McMillan 1, Fred Howard 1, Oacar liatsjold 286, 165 94 1 1. 146 85 2~~9 , 1. Fronk Woods 174 Councilman for a term of Utility Board for a term 'I II 1I " l ~ II II II n " II " II " " II " Proposition No.1 Propisition No.2 Passed unanimously by the Common Council Alaska, on this 7th D~y of April 1947. "1. tJ _ /: J.ho.. _ NAPPHOVEv ATTEST t;L~~ Sewa r 9q 1l:w:..,';.- .,. , SPECIAL SESGI0N ~PRIL 14, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of ~eward, i\18sk~ was call to order by ~ayor KeAtin~ on April 14, 1947 Bt 8:10PM with DAhl, Kennedy, ~ovick, Painter 30d Stanton present. ~eller6 CRBe in l?t I '.iilliaffison askwJ to have the ,;orkmens Compensption InsurAnce f301ic cRncelleci 86 g;Ii; 9 lower rate could be procu:bed from ",nether comp,.,n. . Thts would ap~ly to the Seward 31ec~ric System. MAyor KeAtin~ suggested cancelling the City portion also. It was moved by Novick And seconded hy Sellers th,t the old policy for ',iorkmens Compensation for the Gity of ..Je'i/arcl he ctlncelled 96 soon 9S a new policy cem be written for 8 lOller r8te. All voted f<1vorably. It was moved by Novick and seconded Kennedy that the City ~olicy be made out by Mr. BAumgartner with 90uld & Gould Go. All voted favora bly. The finance cOffi1ittee asked that the salaries be decid0d on at the next meeting. Ur. Jone~ su~gested that we set up a fund 9ccountin~ system and me(e a budget for next year. Msyor Keating said he would call ameetinp; for the finance committe !l[ in a few d<1Ys. !.;r. Amend chairman of the Utility Board asked who set the rate of pay of the light plant emplpyees. Mayor Keating said that the Utility Board ~ould set the rates. I It was moved by Kennedy lnd seconded by Sellers thAt the meetin~ be adjounned. All voted fAvorably. Eeetinf! adjourned ~:30Pl,1. APPROVED .~ " ATTEST Id.d:A,~d:-~ C1. Y CLERK. REGUL~R S8SbION lPRIL 22, 1947 The regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward WAS called to order by ~8yor Keating at 8:05PM with DAhl, Kennedy, Painter,Stanton present, ::ellers CAme in late. Hovick 8 bRent. I !iinutes of the last regular and two special session were read and approved. Letter read from Dr. Albrecht, Comr'l!ssioner of Health asking Seward to Pay $900.00 next year for the Public Health Nurse. Mrs. btilwell asked that the City pledge SlOO.OO per month next year for Public Health, $900.00 to the ~erritory and ~300.00 toward rent for the Health Center. Bid read from the ~e~8rd Cabinet Sh~p for Lots 21, 22, 23, 2~ in Block 24 for A business site. They bid $50.00 per lot. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Sellers thAt the bid be tabled until next meeting. All voted fAvorably. The Myyor asked the Tax Comnittee to check on the value of the above lots. It was moved by StAnton And seconded by Kennedy to pay the Ju~ges and Clerks of the City election($lO.OO each) All voted yea. 9Q.~" .<;' l f . tiw.w ~. -~ It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Sellers to Pay J.S.Darl,. and Co. fo~ Polic!Supplies purchased in 1944. all voted fAvorably. If 31,(:;> ,A letter WAS read from Edith N. Hogers, Chariman, Committee on VeterAn's Affairs stating that a committee would investi~8te the. possibilities of building a VeterAns Hospital in Seward. ,A letter was read from the Attorney General's Office saying that a utility compAny cannot operate without a franchise~ also that he did not think we could collect fl business tAX from the Northern Stevedoring & HAndling Co. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Stanton that the City sell to Robert B. Forsyth lot 12 in Block 6 of Laubner addition to $35.00. All voted favo!ably. A bid was reAd~om HArry L. Smith for $50.00 for the Chev. dump truck which belongs to the City. ~he bid WAS tAbled. A letter WAS reAd from the T8x Commissioner flsking if Seward had A tax on Amusements devises. If we have no tax ~e will c~~~~x collect l of ~he Feder91 Tax but if we have 8 tRX we will receive none of the Federal ~BX. It was moved by St~mton and seconded b.' Sellers to revoke Ordinance No. 156 which renuires 8 license for coin-operated ausements devices. All voted f8vorably. The City Clerk was asked to send in A list of all amusement and coin-operated machines to the Territory. Sellers suggested re8din~ an ordinance a ni~ht so the Council would become aCQuainted 'with them. It was moved by Dahl and seconded by StAnton that the City Clerk be pAid $350.00 per month. All voted fAvorably. It was moved by Kennedy and s eoonded by Fa inter that the City Assessor be pAid $500.00 per yeAr. All voted fAvorably. It was moved by Dahib find seconded by Kennedy to Fay the Chief of the Fire Uept $100.00, Supt of Steeet Dept and Nechenic $350.00 per month. ~ll voted favorably. It was moved by Dahl and seconded by Stanton to pay the Chief of Police $400.00 per month and the Patrnlman.$250.00 per month. All voted favorebly. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by PAinter that the City Tresurer receive $100.00 per year. All voted favorably. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by btanton to pay the City Health Officer $25.00 per ~onth. All voted favorably. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by S~11er8 to suspend the rules and pass Ordinance No. 170 Regulating the Splaries of the City Officers. All voted favorably. The Mayor read the following appointments: City Clerk Tho$. E. Howell Chief of Fire Dept, Supt of Street Dept Fred Kielcheski. TreAsurer aron Ericson Health Officer R.O.Sellers. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy thAt the above appointments be approved. Seller~ no vote the rest voted ye . There was a short discussion on drwwing up A Garbage Ordinanc . The Mayor reported that there was $30100.00 Federal Funds end $10,000.00 Territoriat ~unds available for the Seward Airpprt if the Territorial Law about Federala Funds could be changed. Rev. Skidmore asked about the ~treet Grade in front of the Methodist Church. Mayor ~eBting esked him to see Fred Kielcheski. The ~ayor said that Mr. Howard had chartered 8 boat to bring up s6me pipe for the Veterans Housing rroject. He expected some of the buildings to be completed in one month. It was moved by.Silllers and s eoonded by Dahl to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at lO:20PM. I , I I "I APPROVED ATTEST ~ 7~~ - CITY CLERK. , ~' "I. ~ ~~':.~ 'f,\- . ~;.. F f .i I SPECIAL SES~ION APRIL 28, 1947 A specia 1 sess ion of the Common Council of the Town of ;:J8i'18rd was cAlled to order by Mayor Keating on ~pril 2B, 1947 At B:15 2M with Kennedy, Painter, Stanton, Dahl And Sellers present. Novick was absent. :8yor Keating said that the Sev>J"rd Light anti Power were putti ~ in some new poles and extenJing their telephone lines. 'I'he following recommendfltion W8S read from the Utility Comuittee: A motion was made and passed by the Utility board tonight, that the Councilor btreet Cornni ttee investigAte the !:latter of the ;:ie,/e li?ht & power dig,'ing holes in the streets of Heward for the ~XK purpose e)f erecting pole:,: for poneI'. 'j"16 FrRnchise of tne ~:,ew8rd Light & Power for both telephone and power hAvin~ exuire1 in the ye~'rs of 1941 And 1:143. "Iso that legal action betlaken to prevent said Seward Light & Power from erecting any power lines At the present time. Srogned H. J. Amend It was moved by rennedy And seconded by fainter thet the Chief of ~olice notify the Seward Light & Fower to restrict their dig~ing of holes in streets or alleys of the Town of GewBrd with- out obtBinin~ an ease~ent or permit fr08 the ~ity Council. hll present voted fpvorably. It '.'IaS 'Cloved by Pa inter and secondeJ by ;)3hl tl:nt the City Clerk recuest the Se~Brd ateI' ~upply Bnd the ~ew8rd Li~ht ~ Power for B financial statement qs reluired bY Territorial Law. All present voted fRvorpbly. Meeting adjourned 8:50PM. n?r~OV~D I 'TTEST . 1fJ ~~) \im'~Gf~l~ RBmULaR SESSION UbY 5, 1947 The regular session of the Com~on Council of the Town of SeHer lesks wps called to order by lii8yor Keating fit 8:17Pm with Sellers, phI, stanton, Painter, Kennedy present, Novick absent. I Minutes of the last regular ~nd speciel session were reBd And pproved. Letter read from the Pu/.1llic Ileal th & delfare Council asking hat the Council PBY $100.00 per month to the Public Health ProgrRm !lr. Geo. Jones explained his Budit and recom'uende,j that 8 bud" t e set up, that the City take out public liability insurAnce, and that the Clerks bond be raised to $15,ODO.00. It \18.S moved by ~::'ellers and seconded OJ l~ennedy that the m9tte .f chan~in~ the City Clerk's bond be tabled. ~ll voted f9vorabl~. ii bid was reAd fron the :)elierd Cabinet ::hop for Lots 21, 22, 3, end 24 in Clock ~4 Or~gin81 Townsite for ~250.0n. It WMR moved y Kenn8dy and seconded by D8hl to accept the bid. !,ll voted favor, bl} The following SeWArd ~lectric System bills were read: ';ebb. :~5 )0.00, ~mprey ::;;,.;88.00, "illiAmsont500.00, .;Alker 4t32; .00. indberg ,':::'04.00"ihipDle $32::-:.00, Sparks S:~~6.00, Calvert~345.00, uffy $326.50, Walloy ~175.00,~ith. Tax ~3l5.80, Petty CAsh ~l~~.@ , iew. Hrd. $13.99, PBulsteiner $21.00, McMul1ens 83.90, S.d.E. $5.05 ij;qds ;$10.25, .:estingho\1se ;b26.16, 1'orthern Com $i23.03t Gen Elec. ;$122.89, i;,;td Oil $1,499.97, S.L.&P ~i8.94, ,~ew. Mech. ,,!59.43, Hamilt n Gar. iti:2.50, TotHl Ji5,33B.01. It WAS moved by Stanton 8nd seconder} by Sellers thqt the ~.~.E ill be paid. All voted fAvorably. The fful1woing City bills were read: eB ~400.00, Anthony ~350.0D, Clyde Smith $312.00, Bert Smith B4S.0 , .ielcheski ~450.00, Howell ~350.00,Ericson tS.33, VBn Gilder <';264.00, Sewards $13.50, ,iith. TRx 5;257.60, Dept. of Tax 8634.00. It was moved by }:ennedy and secon(terl by Se~l'3rs thgt t he above bills he pRid. All voted fAvorably. 9(~/~ .;;,,; < I j' Mayor Keatin~ read ~ec. 2402 of the Compiled Laws of Alaska 1933, regarding Public Utility Ratee. He stated that the SEWaRD LIGHT (< 1-'O\iER had raised their rl'Jtes without complyihg with T.rritorial Law, he also suggested thBt the Uouncil check on the possibility of lowering the rate charged by the Seward ~8ter Suppl for fire hydrants. ' ~he Tax and Finance Committee were asked to check on the rate structure of the Seward Light & Power 9nd the Seward "ater uupply. Letter read by Mayor Keating frow Senator Brownell suggesting that the Town of wew8rd purchaee the Marine Ways and San JuAn Jock froT~ the.i .A.a. The Mayor announced that he XH~ expected to have a new chief of Police by "ednesday. Mr. Ingra:n said that he had had trouble with children and oth Nl taking things from the B.P.H. Bnd also doint d~amge to equipment. He asked the City for permission to close Fifth ave. from B to C Street. It was moved hy Painter and seconded by Sellers to give the BBR permission to close Fifth Ave. fro~ B to C Street. All voted y s. It was moved by Stanton Rnd seconded by ~ainter to adjourn. All voted favorabJY. Neeting adjourned ~J at 11:05PM. I , I APPROVBD .";",:.. ATTEST .U~~Jf CITY CLERK SPECIAL SESSION if.!>'! 5, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of the Town of ueward, Alaska was called to order at 11:30 Pm by Mayor Ke8tin~ with Sellers, Dahl, StAnton, Faihterand Kennedy pB!esent, Novick abeent. There wes a discussion as the SeTIard Veterans rtousing Project Mr. Howard had asked for a payment of $10,000.00, for the work he has done. It was moved by S~llers And seconded by rainter that Mr. Howa d be paid $10,000.00. All voted favorAbly.. ~eeting adjournert .It 11:45PM. AT~EGT ~h~~ . CITY CLERK. ---, , .", ')n~ <n.<a: OJ- 1,.;, RE:GUL,,!1 :':;;~SSION illAY 19, 1947 I The regular session of the City of ~ew8rd was cAlled to o~der y l\Iayor "88ting 'lt 8:15PM wi th DAhl, Kennedy, Painter, :..itRnton ,nd Sellers present, Novick absent. Minutes of the last regular Bnd special session wore rARd And pproved. The Mayor appointed J~mes ~, HeRY temperary Chief of Police, 'eorge R;. !.IcJ.':urry as "atrolm"m, 8nd ,1m. Estes 8S b.nginoer for the e~8rd Veterans Housing rrojoct. it uas moved by Sellers ~nd seconded by hennedy that the above lppointmentR be approvod. ~ll voted favorably. Mr. Dan Fletcher of the F.P.H.A. snswered questions about th9 'eward Veterems H0\18iDfZ 'roiect. :ie saie; th8t the Citv should P?,U he freight on the fur~itur~ find receive the ;);6.00 a mClnth re'ht . harged to the accupRntb. 'I::en the project is over the buildingG H d 11 furniture belongs to the City. The buildings have to be dismant ed. ;r. Howard said that"e did not expedt to p8~T for the stoves. ',:1'. nstes as Engineer i,' tJ:;e inspl"ctin[~ offieeI's for t.he City. Mr. Cobban representing the :.0[\'1811 Boat Owners "'SSe s'1id thAt hey h'3d 'I' ritten to JuneAu for", cllHrter Rnd they will seB thrit the 'mall Boat HArbor is kept in repAir. The lJity W8S interested in .etting the Harbor built bllt hRve not taKen much interest sincR. ,:1'. De \.olfe Rske'J t;hat the City Put in 1.if(hts on the end of the ureakrmter. 'The !.:ayor sRid that sin~e the HRrtol' was built by ublic money it should be public And not private property. ~r. Cobban said that Mr. Howard had promised to give title to the 'ity or the S:nall BaHt Uwners if he received title to the whole rea. The followine bids were read: Lot 1 Block 10 in Fed. Add. for $75.00. by Harry URnn. Lot 12 Block 10 in Fed. il-dd. for i?75,OO by John H. London. Lots 1,2,3, in Block 17 Orig. ~own. for S200,00 by T;L. Epdman . It was moved by fpinter and seconded by Sellers that the bids I e tabled. all voted favorably. Letter re8d from L. R. Durkee asking '<bout payment for the irfl Trucks. Letter re9d from Senator,iheery s3ying that there would be [1 ,earing aD the (;,ppropriations for ~flward in the next vieelL Letter read froD the bondi~~ Company s8yin~ that the rate for he City Clerks Bonds would be $~.OJ per $1,000.00. It was moved by il.enned~T 90S seconded by StAnton that the 'ity Clerks Bond be for $15,000.00. "II voted favorably. The Following Taxi-Cab Ordinance was read. ii~\T OT~DINANCj~ 'TO HEGULAT~~ ri'rlj~' ;jPl~RaTIOIJ OF TlixI-0t:i.B() ,~IrrHli< 'Y}-r~ ORP,;HliTE LIt1ITc3 Or' 1:_'H~1~ CITY GF ~3E lARD, ALASi'~A, :3': TllE lJESIG{\!,rrIJr~ F 1 IT:E NlJ1Jri3f!~H O~ Cl.I?-COl"':PA1~IES ';D ;)~~ LI\;::.~l~SED: ry'H h' F3[1~ FOE 5:~iCH C..t~B- OI,:PAiH LIC';;NSB:: AIJD OTH:~;t P;;o,JVI~)IOd~) RliEATIIW TO Tli2 Ti,XI-CAB dlJU: JSS IE IT ORD,1Ii\ED ;:Y fH~ GOjHh0:~ COmlC1L OF THE CITY UF foE\iARD , EK~KK TERRITORY OF AL~GKA: SEC'nOl~ 1. That for the p~pose of maintiAning the highest ossible standard of service to the public not more then four (4) axi-Ca b companies will be 1 icensed to operate f rom TAXi Stands afuitained within the corporate limits of the City of ~eward, AIASl . S~CTION 2. Thet A license fee of $100.00 is hereby established o covep the operation of each Taxi-Cab Company. 3Aid license fee viII become due and payable on the first day of July Bach year. 'gid license will allow and authorize eBch Cab-Company to oper3te s many 'individual cabs as desired. SSCTION 3. That there shall never be more than two (2) Cabs parked at the Cab-Stand at one time. SECTION 4. Th8t all Cabs shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Chief of Police and if any condition should be ound wherein a Cab is not in first-class condition for operAtion, the cab sh811 be removed from the stAnd and not operated until put into first-class condition. S~CTION 5. That each Cab shall be covered with accident and liability insurRnce. Section 6. ~hat a card not less than 5x7 inchsR in size shall be posted in a conspicious place in each Cab designating the fee for both passengers and bAggAge. This fee shall be re'1sonable. S3CTION 7. That the license fee for each Cab-driver shall be I ..~ <. I 2(.){-~ . f'., .25.00 whicm will entitle the driver to twelve mont9spermit to dri'e. New license will be procured twelVe months after the first issued icense. SECTION 8. That the Commoh Council of the City of SewArd, Alaska shall determine the issueing of a license to 8 new Cab- Company should one or more of the four operating COmp?n7es dis- qualify themselves as a Licensed Company. SEeTION 9. That a Cab-Cornp::>ny may transfer its License to a new owner at Rny time. Sb;CTION 10. That failure to operate a daily service for more --, . then two weeks with at least one Cab without requesting an extenui n I for good cause from the Common Council shall be grounds for revok- I ing the license. SECTION 11. That the following four named Cab-Companies, now operating within the City of ~eward, Alaska, namely the Legion Gab The Heliable Cab, the Yellow Cab and the City Cab are hereby designated as the foup Cab-Companies to be licensed to operate 8s such within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, ~errito y of Alaska. ~ECTION 12, ThAt upon final approval and passage of this ordinance all stipulations will become effective as of the first ~ of July, 1947. This ordinance to revoke any and all ordinances that in any way conflict with the conditions 8S hereunto set forth It was suggested that something be added to make the ~rivers license good for one individual only. The ~nchorage 3arbage Ordinance was read.lmh~~MeVor appointed Sellers, Stanton and Dahl to check on the Ordinance And make chang s to suit Seward. It was moved by Painter and meetin~ adjourn. /.,fPROVElJ ----- """M-~ ~~ !1.':" ..I. 2.'~_ .I.' 6- JIT'Y JLEHK H20UL~R SESSION J NE 2, 1917 The regular session of the Common Council of the City of ~ewarrl was called to orJer at 8:10PM by Mayor Keating with Councilmen Sellers, DAhl, Stanton, Painter, Kenned;1 present, :iovick Absent. IHnutes of the l:lst regulf1r i3ef'sion ";ere read and Al'i)roved. The following City payroll was read: Lee $12g.00, lnthony $116.13, Heay $278.23, McMurry $266.13, Kielcheski ii450.00, Howell ~~350.00, Ericson ;$8.:33, Clyde ~)mith $324.00, VAn Guilder 3324.00, Dept. of TAX. ~477.75. It was moved by Fainter and Reconded h; S~llArR that the abov bills bB pc;id. All v:JteJ favorably. A letter was read fromnn. J .-iagner about setting up 8 radio station in Seward. The City Clerk ;nentiol1ed Bat that the bill of SAle for the two fire trucks hAd been recGived. Mrs. Stilwell representing the Health complained about th~ do~s running loose in the City streets, 2nd asked th~t somb action be tB~en. Mayor Keating prOMised thnt it would be t8ken CAre of. Jrs. Parks asked that SOMG benches be p~8ced on Fourth 8nd P'ifth Ave. 8'0 the old men could have a place to rest when ::;oinp; to town. It WAS referred to t!:e Public HeAlth and Hospit81 Committee for a renort. . Mr.'HowArd presented 8 bill for the laying of ~Awer and water lines on the 3eward VeterAns llousing ProJect for :4,97B.gO. Counci men Gt?ntoh, Kennedy And Novick were 8sk~d to investigAte the work and make 8 report to the council. Mr. Howard WAS asked how soon the Housin~ units would he re8d~ c<nrl he said 28 uni to would be ready in two weeks if the mAterials 8rrivea. It waE fTll)vecl by SellerE 8ncl 8econded byKennedy thBt the City "I I .-- ~)~ \~ \" ~ i ....,.,.... ii- I put in a bid for mattre~~e~, blankets Bnd sheets from Surplus Prooertv. All voted ves~. . Ar: Lanier asked"permission to put two busses on B lot on Fifth Ave, they will be used for 3 shoe shop Rnd fixit shop. The request was tabled. It was moved by Stanton and spconded by ~Binter that the City give Lot 19 & 20 in Elock 25 Original Townsite to the Luthern Church, they will be taxable until a Church is built, or if no church is built mn two years they will revert to the City. Meeting a~journed 8:40PH. APPfWVED ATTSST LZA:~~;p U I'l',{ CU~, I SPSCIAL S3SSION JUNE 9, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of the Town of Seward was called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10PM with all councibmen present. Painter asked if the airport could be smmothed out 9S it "8S getting too rough for planes to land. Mayor Keating said that the vlere w8itinp: for lIr. Sm: th who had charge of pll highways and 3irp to a;"rive. l.!'lyor Keating also announced that 'ilartin Lanning W':iS <1cting Chief of Police. He had Bsked the police to stop all firing of gun. up the canyon as there was dainger of some one being hurt. Er. Sellers Asked ~r. Howard about his plans for the Usrine Jays Area. Hr. Howard said he had planned to buy th9 whole Brea, rebuild the cold stor~~e plant, Bnd turn over the smell boat harbo to the City provided they maintained it. He had A pr~ority from R.F.8. and had made fin 9rran~ement with 801. Johnson of the ii.H.R. for stora~e space. By this arrangement Mx~xW~waRdxw~Ml~ ~he A.H.R. would relinquish" their priority to ldr. HowBrd. L:r. Brownell h',d found out about the sale in ,;ashington D.C. and had reouested that the Citv of beward have 8~chan~e to buy the areB. Mayor Keating sRid he thought the City should control this area and not one indivmdual. The City Clerk was asked to contact the Hospital Hoard Bnd see if the Publi~ Health Nurse could have an office in the Hospita Ueeting adjourned Approved ~/ '6.0 ~/ . httest dlfV ~*)Vy'4 City C'lt:"k SPECIAL SESSION - ~ 11, l2!Z A specIal session of the Common Council of the CIty of Seward was called to order by Mayor Keating at 12:05 P. M., wIth CouncIlmen Kennedy, Sellers, PaInter and stanton present. A letter from Brownell, dealing with the bond issue and allIed subjects was read and briefly discussed. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kennedy that Mr. Brownell be authorized to arrange with tre Delegate to Congress to have a bill introduced in Congress to allow the City of Seward to issue bonds in the amount of ~300,000. All voted favorably. Meeting we, adjourned. Approved ~ ~ Mayor. ,City~Clerk. ~ 2f!.R. '~. ft SPECIAL SESSION - JUNE 23, 1947 A SPECIAL CLOSED SESSION of the COMMON COlfflCIL of the CITY OF SEWARD was called to order by Mayor Keating at 7:30 P. M. with Councilmen Dahl, Painter, Kennedy, Novick and Stanton present. Councilman Sellers arrived a few minutes later. Representatives of the utility Board were also present. Mayor Keating explained that the session had been called to discuss the bonding question, and especially to meet with Nr. W. 0 Olsen, Vice-president and representative of J. J. D'Connor and Co. of Chicago, Ill. Mr. Keating then introduced Mr. Olsen. Mr. Olsen stated that his company had been informed that the Ciiy of Seward proposed to bond for various city purposes and that his company would like to buy these bonds from the city. He also statEd that he had drawn up contract proposals between his company and thE city that he would like to present to the Council for its consider~tion. Mr. OlRen than turned a draft of the contract proposals ove~ to Mayor Keating, who read it to the Council in its entirity. Mr. Keating asked whether there were any comments or ~uestions the Council would like to make or ask. Mr. Olsen suggested that the contract proposals be gone over paragraph by paragraph and discussed. Mr. Olsen then read and explained the contract proposa" s in detail. Mayor Keatint tten stated that he would entertain a resolution that the contracts be accepted and that the mayor and municipal clerk be authorized and directed to sign them in behalf of the city. Resolution was moved by Councilman Stanton and seconded by Councilman Kennedy. Councilmen Stanton, Dahl, Painter, Kennedy and Sellers voted favorably. Councilman Novick cast no vote. The following is the text of the resolution: WHEREAS, the COMMON COUNCIL of the TOWN OF SEWARD consideps it necessary and advisable to issue bonds to finance the purchase of, addition to and alteration of the municipally owned electric syster, and the purchase of and improvement to the privately owned water system; to refund the outstanding school and gymnasium bonds by call as the same can be called or purchased; and to ,finance the purchase of the Marine Ways, Cold Storage and the Small Boat Harbo'~ ---, I i I And WFEREAS, J. J. O'Connor and Company of Chicago, Illinois, t'ru Mr. W. O. Losen, its Vice-president and Representative, has presened contract proposals that seem reasonable ~nd just: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE'TOW! OF SEWAPn, that (1) The following two contract proposals, offered by J. J. O'Cornor and Company be hereby approved and accepted: CONTRACT "!," June 23, 1.947. . Mayor, City of Seward, Alaska Honored Sir, We understand that your Oity is desirous of borrowing approximately $300,000.00 to finance the purchase of, and/or appropriate additions to and alterations on the existing telephone, water and electric systems of your city. To enable you to accomplish these purposes, and for the creation of a Debt Service Reserve Fund, we propose to purchase --r, from you at par and accrued interest from date of issuance to date of delivery, $300,000.00 par value, more or less, as may l be mutually agreed upon, General Olhligation 'l'elephone, Water andElectric System Bonds of 1947, to be dated (date to be filled in), and to mature serially, April 1, 1948 to October 1, 1968, both inclusive; unless changed by mutual agreement. The bonds to bear a three and one half l3~) percent average ann' al interest cost over the life of the bonds, subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) The schedule of maturities and coupons shall be such as shall be agreeable to us and will ~ovide for reasonable level debt service requirements over tbe life of the loan. The bonds shall beWO~-callable for a period to tem years from date of issuance, and in inverse numerical order thereafter on any interest payment date upon t'birty \30) days notice, prior to maturity at par 'pmus a premium of 1,).\" -, / '.. ~ -r: 7 .......; I four (4) percent, t~e call premium to diminish i of 1 percent per year fo~_~~ch succeedinp year or fraction thereof until the ~price bec6med,-par (2) The bonds shall be ot $1,000 denomination and the coupons thereon shall be payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year beginning (dRte to be filled in). Both bonds and coupons there~n shall be payable at the offic of the City Clerk of Seward, Alaska, and a bank located in another city within the mntinental United States, which bank shall be of our selection. (3) The bonds shall constitute general obligations of tre City of Seward, Alaska, and shall be payable from taxes wbic are to be levied against all the taxable property witnin tl1e City, and also from the net revenues to be derived fro~ tbe operation of the telephone, water and electric systems purehased, constructed, improved with or added to with the proceeds of this loan. Upon delivery of these bonds the City is to establish a reserve fund equal to the principal and interest requireme ts of the outstanding bonds for the next succeeding twenty-four (24) monthB period; the city will covenant to maintain and collect rates for the use and services of these facilities s that there will at all times be sufficient monies on hand to pay operating and maintenance expenses, and to pay promptly all debt service requieements on these bonds as same shall become due and payable, and to provide for the maintename 0 the Debt Service Reserve Fund mentioned above. The City will also covenant that the annual net reven es available from the operation of the telephone, water and electric systems, wl1icb revenues shall be pledged for debt service, will always be at least 1~0~ of tne average annual debt service requirements and that if at any time these revenues should prove not sufficient, a general ad valorem tax w~ll be levied upon all the taxable property within the City to make up said deficiency. (4) The City will covenant to carry complete, comprehensi e and adequate insurange on all of these facilities and ~ rts thereof as long as any of these bonds shall remain outstandi g. The City will also covenant that it will not encumber dispose of or sell any of these facilities or any of the permenant equipment thereof unless funds sl1all have been fully provided for tre~ayment of principal and interest of these bonds, the interest to be computed ~ither to the respective maturities or to the earliest call date thereof. (5) The City will take all necessary and legal steps and will provide such legal papers as the same shall become necessary to facilitate and carry out the intent and provisions of ' this contract. The City will supply the duly executed and printed Bonds. (6) It is understood that the provisions of the Bond Resolution are to be mutually agreeable to us and our attorn ys and that tbe issuance of these bonds is subject to our being able to abtain at our expense, tre unqualified approving opinion, as to legality of issuance, of Masslich, Mitchell, Attorneys, New York City, within ninety (gO) days from date hereof, unless otherwise extended at our option. I I Very truly yours, J. J. O'Connor and Co., Inc. 135 So. La Salle St. Chicago, Illinois. By W. O. Olsen, Vice-president. CONTRACT B June 23, 1947 Mayor, City of Seward, Alaska. Honored Sir, 300 We understand that your City is desirous of borrowing approximately '100,000.00 to finance the purchase of the Marine Wa7s~ Cold storage Plant and S~ll Boan Harbor, and to refund the now outstanding $23,000.00 School and Gumnasium Bonds by call as same can be called or purchased. To enable you to accomplish these purposes and for the cpeation of a Debt Service Reserve Fund, we propose to purchase from you at par and accrued interest from date of issuance to date of delivery, $100,000.00, more or less as may be mutually agreed upon, General Obligation Bonds of the City of Seward, Al~ska payable from taxes which are to be levied against all the taxab]e property within the City of Seward, Alaska These bonds are to mature serially, April 1, 1948 to October 1, 1968, both inclusive; unless changed by mutual agreement. The bonds to bear a 3~ percent average annual interest cost over the life of the bonds, subject to the following terms and condition~; (1) The schedule of maturities andcoupons shall be such as shall be agreeable to us and will provide for reasonable level debt service requirements over the life of the loan. The bonds shall be non-callable for a period of ten years from the date of issuance, and in inverse numerical order thereafter on any interest payment date upon 30 days notice, prior to maturity at par plus a premium of 4%, the call premium to diminish i of 1% per year for each succeeding year of fraction thereof until the call price becomes par. (2) The bonds shall be of $1,000 denominations and the coupons thereon shall be payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1 of each year beginning (date to be filled in) Both bonds and coupons thereon shall be payable at the office ~f the City Clerk of Seward, Alaska, and a bank located in ' another city within the continentel United states, which bank shall be of our selection. (3) The City will covenant to carry complete, comprehensi,e and adequate insurance on all of these facilities and parts thereof as long as any of these bonds shall remain outstandiI g. The City will also covenant that it will not encumber, dispose of or sell any of these facilities or any of the permenant equipment thereof unless funds shall nave been fulJy pfovided for the payment of the principal and interest of these bonds, the interest to be computed either to the respective maturities or to the earliest call date thereof. (4) The city will take all necessary and legal steps and will provide such legal papers as the same shall become necessary to facilitate and carry out tne intent and provisiens of this contract. The city will supply the duly executed and printed bOlds. (5) It is understood that the provisions of the Bond Resolution are to be mutually agreeable to us and our attornEYs and that the issuance of these bonds is subject to our being able to abtain, at our expense, the unqualified approving opinion as to the legality of issuance, of Masslich, MitcnelJ, Attorneys, Hew York City,w ithin ninety (90) days fr&m date hereof, unless otherwise extended at our option. -.,. ---r Very truly yours, J. J. O'Connor & Co., 17c; So. 'r,'l Salle st. Chicagoj. I1linoiA. By, W. O. Olsen, Vice-president. (2) That the mayor and municipal.clerk of tne Town of Seward be hereby authorized and directed to s.gn these contracts on behalf 01 the City. As the business for which the special session nad been called had been transacted, it was moved by Councilman Kennedy and seconded by Councilman Novick that the meeting be adjourn~ ~meeting was adjourne~ 8:50 P. M. ~~~. APproved,~ ' Mayor Attest: [~tP (J~A1 , c~erk. :i n -t-'" ~ ,......' :i::: I SPECIAL SESSION - ~ 1, 1Qi1 A SPBCIAL SESSION of the COMMON COlrnCIL of the TOVm OF SEWARD was called to order by Mayor Keating at 12:08 P. M. with Council- men Novick, stanton, Dahl, Painter and Sellers present. Mayor Keating explained that Mr. Fred C. Howq~ had presented his bill for $4,978.90 for se~ers and water mains in the Veterans Housing Area, that the city payroll for June was due and payable and that the city did not have funds available to meet these obligations. It was moved by Councilman Novick and Seconded by Councilman Stanton that the amount necessary to meet these payments be secured by loan from the Bank of Seward. All voted ~avo~ably. Meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P. M. ~~ Approved; ~ ~?? ,Mayor Attest: 2~ Ii! (J~~ ,Ci~&.erk. I REGULAR SESSION - JULY 7, 1947 The REGULAR SESSION of the COMMON COUNCIL of the TOWN OF SEWARD was called to order by Hayor Keating with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, NOvick and Sellers present. The minutes of the meetings since the last re~ular meetin~ were read and approved. 1~. Keating introduced Mr. Henrietta who stated that he was interested in helpin~ with the work of equalization. Mr. Henrieat also stated that he was leaving for the states, Honolulu and possibly Manila, but would be back in Alaska in about two week. He would then come down to Seward to reassess any property the Board of Equalization wants reassessed. It was the opinion of the Council that final decisions of the Board of Equalization should await Vx. Henrietta's return. Representatives of the Assembly of God Church appeared before the Council and requested permission to hold street services. It was explained that these services would be held, weather pe~mittin , in the evenings, between 6 and about 7:30. It was moved by Councilman Novick and seconded by Councilman Sellers that permissi be granted. All voted favorably. ~~. J. McCracken appeared for Veterans and expecially for the American Le~ion to get a clarification of the Veterans Housing delay. He stated that the veterans organizations would request an investigation of the cause for delay of the completion of the project and aSked what information the Council had. Mr. "~ating explained that the contractor had been promising completion of the project in two weeks for some time, but a-pDarently had been unable to complete it due to inability to get materials. Mr. Peter Michelsen appeared to protest the valuation placed upon his property. Mr. Keating heard the details of the complaint and stated the complaint would be referred to the Board of EQualization. Mr. "~ea ting reported that the hospital did not 'iiant to allot space to the Public Health Nurse, but that Vxs. Brosius had been contacted and that it might be possible to make arrangements with her for s-pace for the Public health office. Vx. Keatin~ asked whether the council wished to taKe action as to 1T. Lanier keeping his establishment where it is now located. The matter was discussed but no decision made. A snecial session of the council was announced for Friday evening, July ll, to meet with Vx. Arnell the new City kttorney. Councilman Novick asked whether the Council would object to leasin~ or requesting the firemen to lease the usa and Gym for movies or other entertainment. It '!Ias decided that since the firemen had been assigned the property the matter should be taken up with them. Mr. -~eating toot\. up the matter of the building on Lot 26 of Block 22 which was declared surplus by the '\'iar .Assets Adm. and was now up for sale. It was decided that a bid should be submitted. The Finance Committee was directed to work out a basis for selling city-owned lots. The following city bills were presented for approval: Lanning - :~333.25; Vclll Guilder - $300.00; ,~ilcheski - $450..00; Howell - ~350.00; r~ricson - ~:8.34; Petrie - ~'132.00;-(eating - ~l39.92; I Of H) t)~. ,~,~~ Carlson - ~125.00; 3VFD - $22.50; Lee - ~128.26; Estes - $150.00; Dept. of Taxation - t941.00. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded y Sellers that these bills be paid. All voted favorably. The following ~lectric System bills for May were presented: ~:aisanen - $161.00; Sparks - $345.00; ",'elker - ~330.00; Lindburg 371.25; ',';hipple - $360.00; Calvert - $352.00; Duffy - $360.00; '7illiamson - $500.00; ];'[aUoy - $175.00; Bank of Seward - $335.80; etty Cash - $62.21; Croxton - $150.00; Osbo - <34.90; City Express ~3.12; Sunset CUectric Co. - $:76.37j i::ads Bros. - ~40.65; Seward Steam Laundry - ~10.00; Howard - :~15.80j Seward Dru~ Co. - ,~3.75j City of Jeward - ~108 .00; Seward 1.'achine 3hop - ~7 .47; '"hipple _ ~12.00; 3eward r:ard\i8re - $:19.04j Seward ~',8ter ;,;upply - 'ii5.05j 0eward li]ht and Power - $8.94; P2u~steiner - e75.l5; Seward MetGl ';orks - $64.15; 3t:J.ud-ard 0il Co~ - 1,539.3lj l:3roor,s - ~C7.75. otal $5,257.91 The followint!; Slectric 3ysten bills for June; \,er8 prGsellted: ,,'alker - ',{135 .00; Lindburg - $457.50; '"Jhipple - :;;435.50; 0ptrk", _ 1225.00; Calvert - $336.00; Duffy - ~446.25j 0mith - ~243.00j ,illiamson - :~500.00; Malloy - $175.00; Collector of Internal L,ev. ~351.80; Veterans' Tax - ~134.22; Petty Cash - $106.47; District lerk - ~10.60; Seviard :\'ater Supply - $5.05j 3ev;ard l,:achine 3hop _ ~27.62; Howard - $14.00; A~ir - $60.00j Paulsteiner - ~98.45,&~ulle s ~5.40; 3eward Metal ":Iorks - ~'25.60j ',1ebb - ';'500.00; 2ads Bros. _ ~3.50; Jobo - $69.25; Seward Hardware - ~62.67; 3tcndard Oil Co. _ ,418.02; Northern Comm. Co. - $10.00; Jeward Light and Power _ 17.50j General 3lectric - $397.92j Graybar - :~4.50. Total $5,913.52 t ~as moved by Novick and seconded by'Sellers that the bills of th lecttic Ststembe paid. All voted favorably. The garbage situation and location of a new City dump were then riefly discussed. 1~. Keating requested the Sanitation Committee o ','Jork out details for securing a new City dump area; and also to 'ork out a sanitation ordinance. Meeting was ddljourned - lO:20 P. M. ~ Anproved: . - ~ , May r. .:t/~.aP , City Clerk. l ,I SESSION - JULY 11, 1947 SPECIAL SESSION of the COl~JON COUNCIL of the TO~~ OF SEWARD was aIled to order by Mayor neating at 8:45 P. M. with all members resent. 1~. l~atint!; explained that the session was held mainly o meet with Mr. Arnell 1T. Muller, sub-contractor on the Vets Housint!; Project appeared efore the council and stated that payment for his work had not be ade by Mr..Howard. He explained that $2,l95.00 on the contract an 25.00 for other materials furnished was due and outstandint!;. Mr. oward, who was also present, stated that he had been forced to ancel Mr. Muller's contract as Mr. Muller had been unable to compl te he work, and because the work V~. r~uller had done was .not satisfac ory. e also stated that he had paid Mr. Muller $4,000.00 on the contrac nd had offered $1,500.00 in settlement of the balance, but Mr. ul1er had refused the settlement offer. The council was of the pinion that this was a matter between Mr. Muller and Mr. Howard nd should be settled between them. lk. Keating stated that since January 1st Seward had not had a ity Attorney and that Mr. Arnell had expressed his willingness to erve in that capacity. It was moved by Councilman Novic~ and econded by Councilman I~nnedy that Mr. Arnell be retained as ity Attornet for the balance of the year at $100.00 per month. 11 voted favorably. It was understood that this fee did not nc1ude let!;al services in connection with the bondingissue. 1~. rnell explained that his fee for let!;al work in connection with the ondint!; would be 1*% of the value of the bonds issued. The problem of building an addition to the school building was aken up. 1T. Carlson explained that the school could function wit ts present building during the comint!; school ye.ar, but that an ncrease in enrollment was expected. He also explained that an 'ncrease in enrollment in the high school could be accommodated, bu hat any sizeable increase in the grade school enrollment would be ifficult to house. 1~. Carlson stated that next year it mi~ht be - <, ,) J\. , ~~~~: ~~, ~ I necessary to have additional classromms for the school. The council was of the opinion that the matter should be taken up at a later date as the needs were not immediate, and costs might nossibly decrease within the near future. ,,, The water system problems, and especially the very poor service ~iven parts of the town durin~ the cold weather last winter was then discussed. Mr. Arnell explained that the city council could re quire that the water company 11 ve up to the terms of its franchi e or the franchise could be terminated. ~~. Xeatin~ called for a motion that e letter be written the Seward Water Supply re~uesting that they provide proper facilities to the Veterans Housin~ Area, , and that they relay the water mains on Second nvenue to a depth necessary to give reasonable protection from freezin~, and that a rnnly be ~iven the Council within 10 days. This motion was made by Councilman Painter and seconded by Councilman D~hl., 'On rollcal vote Councilmen Dahl, ~ennedy Painter and stanton voted aye, Councilman Novick nay, Councilman Sellers no vote. Motion was carried. 1T. ~eatin~ then called for a discussion of problems of the electric system. He asked whether the council wanted a closed session for this part of the proceedings. No motion to this effect was made so the session continued as an open session. Mr. ~Ceatin~ asked Mr. ',Villiamson to present the problems of the Electric system to the council. W~. WilliamBon stated that the present system needed new e~uipment and additional capacity, ande, this could be secured only by bonding or borrowing money. In connection with this Mr. '~ating called attention to the poo service given by the local telephone system, and suggested that an automatic system be installed by the city. He explained that the franchise of the Seward Light and Power Co.ts franchise had expired some years ago and that the people had voted not to renew it. This comnany was providing the telephone service. 1~. Arnell stated that ordinarily the city could then deny the company the use of the city streets and public thorofares and could give a reasonable time to remOVe the lines and poles from public property. No decision was made as to installation af a city-owned telephone system. r~. Williamson was then asked to state the power needs of the ~lectric System. He stated that an additional 300 Ailowatts would meet the needs of the city this winter, but this would not cover the needs of BJL or other companies now beginning operations in this area. He stated that he could not recommend installation of additional capacity to meet their needs unless assurance were given that whey would remain in this area for some time. Mr. .~ating then listed the following accomplishments of the session l. That a letter be written the 3eward ',','ater Co. reg,uesting that they nrovide proper facilities to the Veterans Housing Area, that they relay the mains along 3econd Lvenue to the depth necessery to ~ive proper protection from freezing, and thet 8 reply to these re~ueats be ;iven the council within 10 d3Ys 2. That I.'x. i~rnell ilwestigete tl1e3ev;ard Light End PO'.lsr Company's franchise and all lesel pcpers connected with the~r operations and ,::,ive his flndings and reCOmffi011u:;tlons to the Council at a later session. It \VCS then mov"cc by C,JUncil;nan Novick, se conded by CounciL'llun Dahl th8t the meetin's be sdjounned. r,j:eetlng was a .0urneQ 11 :15 P. ,;. I ,I i,ttest: ",pprovcd: \l~d.~ , City Clerk. ,Mayor "i)/i .'1. .-.rt"" ..... .. SPECIAL SESSION XXI JULYl4, 1917 A special session of the Common Council was called to order b: Mayor Keatin! at 8:50PM with Councilmen Sellers, Dehl, Stanton, Painter, and Kennedy present. Novick absent. The City Clerk was asked to write a letier to the Alas~a R.R. askin! them to trade leases on the preperty now leased by N Ha!en for a lease on Block 19 in the Federal Addition to the Town-of Seward. , The City Clerk was asked to write a letter to Bd. Arnell the City Attor_ney askin! for adv'se on a propoase tax on liquor. It was moved sa by Painter and seoonded by Sellers that the City Clerk be asked to write the two above letters. All voted yea. The Mayor set Monday, ~riday and Saturday afternoons and Tuesday, Wednes.and Thu~day Evenin!s as the time for the Board of Bou.lizatlon to meet next week. The Mayor stated that there was a possibility of rentin! the USO for a dormitory for men and asked the Finance Committee to investi!ate. _ There was a short discussion as to a possible place for the Health Nurse to have her Office. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Painter that the City pay the rental for the Health Nurse Office up to $79.00 per month All voted favorably. _, The City Clerk was asked to answer the letter from the Commiss loner of Kealth of April 17, 1947 fa askin! for a pledge of $900.00 for the comin! year' toward the salary of the Public Health Nurse. Meetin! adjourned lO:05PM ,1 Approved ~~. . ,.\ 'r Attest ~~ C Y C er . I ~ SPECIAL SESSION JULY 21, 1947 A special session of the common Council of the City of Seward was called to order by Mayor Kealin! at 7:21 PM with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, Novick, Painter and Stanton present, Sellers came in late. The Mayor said the meetin! was c.slled in et'sponce to a letter from R. B. Baumiartner stat in! the Mr. Hoben would be !lad to meet the Council at their convlence to discuss certain requests mad. by >>Jx the Council in re~ards to the water supply in beward. A letter was read from the Council to the Seward Water Supply adkin! Mr. Hoben to improve the water main on Second Ave. and furnish water for the Seward Veterans Housin~ Project. July 12, 194~. A letter was read from R. E. Bau~artner sayin! that Mr. Hoben would be !lad to .eet with the Council and discuss the requests stated in t.eir letter of July 12, 19.7. This letter was dated July 15, 1947. A letter was read from the Council to R. E. Ba~artner askin~ Mr. Hoben to meet with the Council Monday ~v8nin~ July 2t, 1947 at 7:00PM. This letter was dated July 19, 1947. Mayor Keatin~ askea Mr. Hoben if he would lower the water main on Second Ave.. Mr. Hoben.K.K said that no en!ineer would recommepd lowerin! the main on Second Ave., also he could not !et pipe. Mr. rainter asked why tiecond Ave. main froze. Mr. Hob~n said the Army wasted too much water and lowered the pressure, also the' laterals bein! too neer the surfa~e froze and caused the main to freeze Mr. Stanton said that the maln on beeond Ave. is only 18" to 20" deep in some places. Mr. Holan said that the Ci ty ~rader had cut down the ~rade on Second ~Av~., on Fo~th Ave near Southards, and had cut the pipe near Mrs. Coulters. Mr. Hoben said that the City had ordered water.-- on Fifth Ave to the Seward V~t.rans ~ i - ~ him to connect up the Housin8 P~oJect and ()J';' 1'".'" .-;t ~~} I and the pipe froze. Mr. Hoben asked who owned the Housin~ Area and Mayor Keatin~ answered thet the Government Owned~ It. Mr. Hoben said that it was not practicle to put in a 6" line on Seventh Ave. Mayor Keatin~ said that 120 ~.,l. people needed water in the Housin~ Area. Mr. Hoben said that the city sbnuld diS a well and pump water for the HousinS area. It would cost the Sewar Water Supply too much to put in new mains for the Housin! Area, and it would drain the waterfrom the rest of the town. Mr. Keatins said that the city is charsed with supplyin! water to the Housing Area. Mr. Hoben said that there is not enough water in this draina!e area to supply the City, he would need water from the Be.~ Lake and Grouse Lake Area. Mr. Hoben said that there was enou!h water f or normal use. Mr. Hoben said the HousinS Area should be moved to Ft. ReymonQ. Mayor Keating asked Mr. Hoben it he would put in am main on Fifth Ave to the Housin! Area and Mr. Hoben said the main belon!ed to the Army and would be a dead end. Mr. Hoben sald that there is no 6" pipe avallabie. Mr. Hoben said that the a~ had cut the 411 * water main on W8dlBQn~$tD8et at the rtailroad tracks, that it ended at the garage. Mr. Hoben said that the 4" main on Madison was ~ot big enough to supply the Hous~nS Ar~a. Mr. Hoben suggested that the City put in a water main on .t'it'th ve. and he would supply the water. Councilmen Sellers and Stanton said that the City should !arantee the beward Water Supply 40 users per month. Mr. Hoben said that he woulrr connect I" pipes to the ;adison water main. Mr. Baumgartner suggested that a committee ~eet with Mr. Hoben to check water mains and supply of water. Mr. Hoben told the Council to get permission from the Army to use their eventh AV. Main. It was~su!gested that the Mayor appoint the Utility Committee to meet with Mr. Hob&n. Meeting adjourned at 8:20BM I APPROVED D4. ATTEST ~~ Ciity Cler . I REGULAR SESSION JULY 21, 1947 The regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:25PM July 21, 1947 with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, ~ovick, Painter and Stanton present Sellers came in late. The minutes of the last regular and two special session were read and approved. Mr. watsjold asked about low.eing the ~econd Ave. Water main and suggested the the City Attorney be consubted. Gus Manthey asked the Council to lower. the value of the Seward Meat Market. A bid for Lots 11 and 12 Block 3 Bay View Addition was read fro W.R.Hermen for $20.00 each. It was moved by uovick and seconded by Kennedy that the bid be accepted, all voted favorably. A letter was read from the Land Office saying that i8 the City desired to procure Blocks 11,12,13 and 14 of Cliff Addition, they should authorize the Mayor to sign papers. It was moved by ~tanton ana seconded Painter that the Mayor be authorized to sign pa~ers asking for Blocks 11, 12,13Kand 14 o~ Cliff Addition. All voted favorably. A bid was read from R .E. BAr~artner KKS stating that Dr. She1tion would like to buy Lots 3,4,and 6 Block 13 Laubner Add., Lots 3,4,11 and 12 Block 8, and Lots 3,4,and 5 Block 7 Cliff Addition and a lease for 150 Feet of Mill Street for $25.00. The bid was tabled. A bid was read f rom Alice Kennedy for Lots 2 and 3 in Block 11 Cliff Addition. The Bid was tabled as it was not City property. ~)i --~1 ~ .~~t\>t It was moved by Dehl and seconded by Novick to borrow enou~h money to pay all outst8ndln~ SK. bills, All voted Cavorably. Mayor Keatin~ said that he had a telephone call f rom Mr. Arne 1 sayin~ that there is no ch8n~e in the franchise ri~hts of the Seward Li~ht & Power Co. He has not been able to Cind any prior claim. Some lon~shoremen complained about the noon syron and asked tl.at it be discontinued. The Fire Committee said that the noon syronwa used as a cheek to see that the syron was in ~ood condition. ,'l Rev. Oder,~aard asked the city to smooth out the lots given them by the city. No ..tion was taken Mr. Novick asked who designed the cell block in the new USO, stated that it was unsanitary. The Mayor asked the ~olic. Commltt e to investi~ate and brin~ a report. The Taxi-Cab Ordinance WBS read Cor tbe third time. It was 8u~g.sted that Sec. 7 be revised to read $12.50 after Jan 1, ~and Sec. 10 should require 24 hour service. The Taxi rates were discus ed The Mayor asked the Councilmen to come Tuesday for Wednesday Evenin! to discuss the budt;et. The B.J.L. Co. will wet the street with salt water and pick up nails Crom the streets. Mr. Howard asked.the City to put in a request for the reimburu- able items on the F.H.A. It was moved by Stftnton and seconded by Painter that the city ask for the reimburseable items on the P.H.A. project. All voted favorably. The Mayor annou~.d that one policeman would be on the ne~t boat the other man would come later. Mr. Novick asked if it was a!ainst ~erritoryial Law to bring n outside men for the police force. The Mayor said taxK that it was not a!aisst Territor6al Code. The new policemen had 10 years .ervice on the police Coree and had been to the F.B.I. Scbool. Mr. ~ovick asked f if the si!ns for the saloons had been prin ed. It was 8u!~ested that rules for the police be made up. The Clerk read Ordinance 38 , an Ordinance describin! misde- meaners and their rines. The J4,yor read Ordinance 134 GIgint; closi ! hours for liquor estaRlishments. It was moved by ~ovick and seconded by Keatin~ that the meet!. ~ adjourn. Meeting adjourned. APPROVED ~ ATTEST~ CLERK BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETINGS. The Board of ~qualizat1onmet July 7, 1947 from 2-4PM and the followin! complaints were entered: '.J .Welch,assessed valuation too high, bUilding is only 16' x 20', on concrete piers, is uQ~inished. Murray Bilby said building on Lot 11 had been removed before June 1. Mrs. Grace Burke value of cabin too hit;h. The Board of Equalization met July 8, 1947 from 2-4PM end the following complaints were entered: Donald V. Venet, value of real propty hit;b, expeccially land. Personal property consists of household goods only should be '200.(0. Mrs. Viola Blunt, claims shee can ohly pay a tax of $35.00, very ~uch worried about her ability to meet payments. The Board of iqualization met July 8, 1947 arom 2-4PM and the following compalnts were entered: Myrtle V. Rafter, Lester Rafter app.ared and protested values on land and improvements, espeCially on Lot 37, BlOCk 23. l ~-!" ) ~ ~ ~ <; it. I Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Gi~bons, value on property too high. Value increased from $2,400.00 to $9,000.00. K.D' Baker, Land value too high. Erling Anderson~ value of buildings too high. We MUIR value of house too high, increased from $2,500.00 to $6,873,23. The Board of ~qualization met July 10, 1947 from 2-4Pm and the following comp~aints were entered: Gerrit Hoogland, land value too high, located in flume. area. Eerl Cass, value cC land too high, value on air-raid shelter on lot 34 boock 23 is too high., Value of lumber about equal to cost of removal. Andy .~asmussen Houses on military reserve, not taxable. The Board of Equalization met July 11, 1947 from 2-4PM and th following compaints were entered: Peter Hoffman, values on buildings and lots too high. (entered by Mr. Novick). Oscar "atsjold, (for Mrs. Chris Jenson) value of garage too high. Lot 21, Block 28. Sigrid Stearns lot assessment too high. VRlue of garage too high, on Lot 36, Block 18. John Rosness value of lots 35 and 36 Block 11 too high (for Alfred Rosnees) value of lots 39 and 40 Block 11 too high. Archie Leslie value of land and improvements on lots 28,29 30 and Sial too high. Mr. & Mrs. J.H.Hawkins value of lands and improvements too hi . Mr. Charles G. Hubbard presented the following petition to the Board of uqualization: I P B TIT ION TO THE BOARD OF EQUAll.IZATION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF SEWARD. ALASKA. We, the undersigned, American citizens and bonefide resid ents of Seward, Alaska, being taxpayers of the City of Seward, do herei pnotest the amount of assessed valuation placed upon the propertie of the pr.stestants, by the Common Council of the said City. The assessed values placed upon the properties of said protestant are inequitable and extortionate. , ,The undersigned bave had legal advice that the assessed value of 1947, placed upon the respective Properties of the protestants . herein, are, under the laws of the ~erritory of Alaska, inequita and extortionate, and that said l.ws may be invoked to pre~ent taxation on the basis of inequitable or extortionate values on real pooperty in this Territory, and that the Courts would grant relief in this matter under the aforesaid laws. The undersigned maintain that the assessed value of Seward real estate in the year of 1944, is the hi~hest value that could ~roperly be placed on Seward real property under present condition because Seward property values at that time were at the highest pe they had .. ever been. Seward was having a boom, due to the war, which caused those inflated values. The undessigned are willing to pay the highest levy of taxati n allowed by the Territor~al laws, but will resist any value higher than that of 1944, being placed upon their respefttive properties, to the extent of appealing to the District Court for adjudi~ation of this matter. I Respectifully submitted, Seward, AlaSka July 7, 1947. Chas. S. Hubbard Elwyn Swetmann Signed by the following names: H.S. Balderston, Bank of Seward, Agent Leo Margules, " " II Juella James. Ray F. James V.R.Zentmire Sylvia sexton M. Burt Walker, Seward Metal Works GUs Manthey~ Seward Mest ~arket q r~ '2 .)f 't ~ Chas. A. Sheldon A.H.Bryant Hazel Ray Patricia R. Williams Mrs. RaY Banister D. S. Wilson H.S.Horton John Paulsteiner Mar~aret Webb. Theo. P. Loran~ Matt. Seferovlch Henry Werner Gentry W. Shuster Robert Trotter C.E.Orlander Louis A. Larson Marie Osbo A.L.MaJor Lester A G08s8~e Harriet In~ram N 11s Ha!en H.W.HUftt Seward Polaris C.P. Gilliland F. Cooper J .B.Stanton James M. Irvine C.L.Baker Ed.E.Ground C.B.Jopuaon Patrick. W. Bo!sn Lillie K. Freemen H.V.HObern Alaska Transfer Tony Pat1ck San ROlll8~k Welter Bolben Franklin Reesstrom Lillie E James R.E.B8UJ188r_ner L.C.Rafter James A. McCracken --I Fred C. Howard Emma Prosser Ross B. Mann Max & Bertha Hamilton Herman Leirer Brown & Hawkins by ~rances Hawk~ns,Sec Mrs. T.W.Hawkins Inn: Balderston Ora. B. Hubbard Earl M. Cess Gerrit Hoo~land, Seward Cabinet Shop Clyde Kl.n~ Irvin Dyer R. V. Lou~head A. Novak J.S.Doyle Th. Board ofBqualization met JUly 22, 1947 from 7-9PM and the followln~ compaints were entered: Emme Reesstrom valuation on lots and improvements too hi~h. Paid $1500.00 for property In Fed. Add. Loy Andrews value on Alaska House too hi~h) too hi~h on ~.ri~. buildin~ on Lot 3 Block 2 Fed. Ald-. Leland Miller value on real property too h18h, paid $3000.00. Guy Kearns vj:llue of lots too hi~h some are 1n flume. The Board of EqUAlization met July 23, 1947 from 7-9PM and the followlO! comp\a~nts were entered: J.E.Roth House value too hi~h considereln~ he had no water or sewa~e for nearly six months. Les. Rafter for ilyrtle_.Rafter , Value of house too hi~h) value of lot37 block 23 too hl~h ~mprovement of no value. value of ~as station too hi~h. Frank G. Mitchell, Valuation too hi~h on lot and Im8. May Metcalf) ~alue too hi~h on lots and imp. Fred Kielcheski bulldin~ value too hi~h. The Board of Aqualization met ~uly 24, 1947 from 7-9PM and the followin~ compaints were entered: T. Fillin!im, value on house too hi~h, only partly finished. G. Tressler , Lot value too hi~h. Walter Frost House value too hi~h, not finished. A special sesslon of the Council was called t 0 order by Mayor Keatln! at 8:PM July 24, 1947 with Councilmen Dehl, Stanton, Kennedv, and Painter preseAt. Sellers and .'ovick were abseat. The meetin~ was called as a Board of ~qulaization. All property belon!in~ to the si!ners of the petition brou!ht in by Mr. Hubbard was cheCked, for valuation. It was moved by j,\'ennedy and seconded by ./:'ainter that the bulldin~s owned by Nils Ha!en would not be taxed but that he would have to maintain his own road. All voted favorably. The Board of Bqualization met ~uly 25, 1947 from 2-4PM and the followin~ compaints were entered: 3n(~ " . 00 hi~h. Th'e air-raid shelter has nos value. Clark Mc Cenn value of lot and impr. too much, should be 4500.00. I The Board of ~quali7ation met July 26, 1947 from 2-4PM and he followin~ complaints were entered: Blanche Beissner , value of imp. too much are not finished. Delmar Zentmire, Value of lot and imp. too much, I SPECIAL SESSION JULY 28, 1947 A special session ,of the Common Council was called to order by Mayor Keatin~ at 8:15PM with Councilmen, Dahl, Kennedy, NoviCk, Painter and Stanton ,present, sellers came in late. This session was called as a Board of ~qualization. Complaints from the followin~ people were reviewed: W.J.Welch, Murray Bilby, Mrs. Grace Burke, Donald V. V.net, Mrs. Viola Blunt, Myrtle V. Rafter, Mr.& Mrs. Prank D. Gibbons, K.D.Baker, Er1in~ Anderson, William Muir, Gerrit Hoo~land, )SarI Cass, Andy Rasmussen, Peter Hoffman, Oscar Watsjo1d, Si~rid, st.erns, John Rosness, A,lred Rosness, archie Leslie, Mr. & Mrs. J.H.Hawkins, Bmm8 Reenstrom, Loy Andrews, Leland Miller, Guy Kearns, J.E.R~th, F. Mitchell, May Metcalf, Fred Kielcheski, Thomas .illin~im, I. Tressler, Walter Prost, o.E.Chappel, Clark McCann, Blanche Beiesner. Dllmar Z ntmire, Helen E. Ma1coDm, Harry Smith, Chas. R. Chestnutt, o~to Scha11erer, Ora B. Hubbard, Oscar Watsjold, F. Kirch, D.C.& Alice Brownell, Walter Blue( Goldie Blue), H.S.Balderston, H.S.Rawabe, B.D.Bowen,& J.B.stanton. The followin~ chan~es in valuation were made: W.J.~elch took off value of new bld~. $1152.00 lot Ei 22. B 14 Te. Murray Bilby shOp moved to lot 10 value-placed on A.R.Brooks. Myrtle V. Rafter took off value of Bomb Shelter. Lot 37 B 23 P.D.Gibbons chan~ed value of House from $6,321.56 to $3800.00. Brtlin~ Anderson took off value of shed lot 8 B 14 Fed. Stewabt& Muir Exc. Co. chan~ed value of shed to $2,000.00. Peter Hoffman chan~8d value of house to $1000.00 tookoff value of shed. Si~rid Stearns added $250.00 for ~ara~e. lot 36 Brown & Hawkins chan~ed value of shed lot W 1/3 21,22,23 to $4500.00. from $6272.00. Wm Muir chan~ed depreciation to 8% Rasmussen, Cham8erlain and Hoffman to be taxed tl.OO.each. t Mrs. Chris Jenson chan~ed valuation of ~ara~e to '600.00 H.E.Hoy chan~ed value of shed to $4500.00. Blanche a Beissner took off value of Imp. . Delmar Zentmire chan~ee value of house to $4250.00. t O.E,Chappel took off value of i~p on lot 36. block 2~. . C. McCann reasied value of house to $6800.00. , May Metcalf chan~ed value of ~ara~e to $1000.00.. Fred Kielcheski chan~ed value of shed on lot 23 to $500.00 . chan~ed house value on lot 24 to $2000.00. . H.E.Malcolm cha~ned value of house to $3750.00. . otto Schallerer c~~ed value of bl.d~. on. lot Sf 14 to $6000.00. D.C~.nell took off value of sheds on lots 23 & 26, chan~ed value on house to $8,500.00 and tract. 1 & 2 to $5000.00. J.B.Stanton chan~ed vuoa of store to $35,000.00. lots 39 & 40 Chas. Tech1enbur~ cha~ed value of buildin! to $55,000.00. Tony Parich chan!sd valu.~of 81 bId!. to $50,000.00. Joan Matich chan~ed value of bld~. to $35,000.00. . Chas. Lec,:hner chan~ed value of shop to $22,500.00. p John Pau1steiner chan~ed value of shop to $10,000.00. . Hoben & Davis chan~ed value of porperty in Block 3 to $10,000.00. , Hoben & Davis chan~ed value of Arcade to $50,000.00. . Helen ~rosius chan!sd value of bldg. to $15,000.00. Alaska Shop chan~ed ~alue of bld~ to $22,500.00. I 4'")"1 f,j <IlJ!$ ~. 1 f , John Matich cpanged value of Palace Gafe to $27,500.00. . · Leon Urbach c~!ed value of store to $20,000.00. .Luella James chan!ed value of store to $30,000.00. lot 32 b 9. · C.E.Orlander changed value of store to $4,000.00. lot 33 B '9. ' . Mrs.. A.R.Wilson changed value of store to $19,500.00. lot 35. b 9. I Gus ~anthey changed value of store to $10,000.00. . V. Zentmire chan!ed value of bldg on lot 37 B 9 to $3,000.00. . E.C.Garrity chan!ed value of bldg. on lot 38 B 9 to $5,000.00. , E.Swetmann changed vl:ilue of bId! on lot 8 B 10 to $15,000.00.' l . V. Zentm1re changed value of bldg on lot 10 B 10 to $8,500.00. . C. E.Orlander changed v al ue of bId! on lot 11 B 10 to $15,000.00. , Harry Aawabe chan!ad value of bldg on lot 13 B 10 to $15,000.00. , and bId!. on Nt Lot 14 B 10 to $3,500.00. . Brown & Hawkins changed value of bldg. on lots 16, 17. 18 to #30,00 .00. D Wm. N8vick chan8ed value of bId!. on lot .0 B 10 to $12,000.00. , Clyde Smith ehan!ed value of house to $200u.00. lot 25 B 10. , Seward Metal Works chan!ed value of shed to $1,750.00. · Mr..M. Coulter chan!ed value of house to $1000.00. l, .) c' f:!;;':! . Gus Johnson changed value of house to $3,700.00. · F. Wyne chan!ed value of house to $1,000.00. Lot 33 Fracti~n. . Luella Guthrie cBanged value of house on Frac. lot 33 to $1000.00. and changed value of house on W40' of 34 to $1000.00. Block 10. , H. Kawabe put value of $590.00 on shed on lot 38 B 10. . Lillie ~reemen chan!ed value of bldg on W 30' of Lot 4 B 15 to $500 00. . Luella James changed value of bldg. on lot 14 B 15 to $2,500.00. ~:xI:xxR....aii . Alice Brownell ehan!.d value of show to $22,500.00. · Bank of Seward changed ~lue of Bank Bl~. to $25,000.00. , Van Guilder Hotel changed value to $35,000.00. ~ R.V.Loughead chan!ed value of shed on lot 39 b 15 to $700.00. , Hazel Ray change. value of Ray Bldg. to $32,500.00. M.atiR~x..t....a.xii%i&RM. A meeting of the B~~ of ~qualizatiDn called for Tuesday at 8PM to discuss Personal Property Values. A meeting was called to hear complaints for raised valuatiQns on Tuesday August 5, 1947 from 8-9PM. Meeting adjourned at 11:30PM. Approved Attest ../ ///.., /J/J ~~~ REGULAR SESSION AUGUST 4, 1947 The re~ular session of he Common Council of the City of bewar was called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10 PM with all councilme JlBEaat present. The minutes of the last regular session and the Board of Equalization Meetings were read, and approved with the following correction, The value of the property for A. Rasmussen, E.E. Chamberlain and P.,Woffman will remain on the books but the tax for 1947 will be $1000 each due to circumstances beyond their control. ~~ The CAB. jLRdianace was read and Section 7 was chan~ed to read as follows: That tne license fee for each Cab-driver shall be $25.QO which will expire June 3Utu of each year and shall be renewed annually. Anyone procuring a license after DeC. 31 shall pay $12.50 which lieense shall also expire June 30th. Section 10.-shall read as follows: That failure to operate a 24 Hr service at all, times with permission of the Common Council shall b ~round6 for revoking the license. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Novick to pass the Cab Ordinance as corrected above. All voted favorably. It was moved by Painter and seconded by "ovick to approve the taxi fares as follows: One to five passen!ers - withing the City Limits Stops enroute to destination, each ROAD HOUSES ,". $1.00 .50 " 9'1 '1 ~1 : .i Home I~ The Woods Hospital Mile 5t - Round Trip n 7 _ n n Gabes '" n n One way per Ca b $1.00 7.00 9.00 3.00 I AIRPORT To the Airport - one way, each passenger Minium for trip per cab non plane pas~engers Baggage For handling of suitcases, each L~cker boxes and large seabag.~, each . '" '" '" Charter Road Trips - per mile - Round Trip Waiting time - per hour All voted f avora bly. Fred Kielcheski ~sked about the planKS for the Fire Hall and Mayor Keating asked the Fire Committee to meet with Mr. Kielche ki nd check the plans. The following Loan Ag~8ement was read: LOAN AGREEI4IN'F ( FIRE TRUCK) WHEREAS, the Seward VQ~unteer Fire Department has loaned to the City tif Seward, Alaska, the sum of Thirty-Two Hundred Fifty and No/IOO Dollars ($3,250.00) in order to enable the City of ~eward, Alaska, to purchase a FireTruck; . NOW, THEREFORE The City of Seward, promises and agrees to rep y said loan, by paying the sum of Five rtundred and ~ojlOO Dollars ($500.00) annually, on the 30th day of each September, commencing 30th September 1947, until the entire principal amount has been , repaid; there being no charge for interest. There was a short discussion about issuing warrants for the $500.0 payable each year. It was moved by Dahl and seconded by ~mnter to issue warrants ~ or $500.00 each, payable each year until the $3,250.00 had been repaid to the S~ward VGlunteer Fire Department. All voted yea. "The follOWing city pills were read: Keating $81.67, ~ricson $50000, Petrovich $23.30, Clark $80.00, Van Guilder $403.30, Lanning $400.00, Kielcheski $450.00, Estes $150.00, Howell $350.00~Ericson $8.33,Bank of ~eward~Withhe~d Tax) $219.50, Dept. of Tax. ~620.00, Erdman $50.00, Ericson '4.00, Bank of Seward (Loan) $12,080.00, Erdmann $425.00, Baumgartner $240.55, Anchorage Times Pub. Co. $33.25, Jones & Anderson $450.00, Std. 011 Co. $71.47, Sew. Bakery $1.20, Pac. Airmotive Corp. $24.22 Sew. L&P $92.34,Osbo's Elec. Supply $54.60,C.R.Wetts $l1.85,Slaska Shop $2.53,Sew. Water Sup. $439.36,Werner's $121.60, Sew. DrUB. 11.90, Kenai Bakery $55.20, Sew. Metal Wrks $12.00, Ham. Garage 76.98, Andy's Oil $454.19, Pat's Garage $27,70, Eed's Bro. Gar. 41.36, Kenai Elec. Equipt. $17.75, Northern Com. Co. $262.80, Varley & co. $60.52,Sew. Polaris $34.00, L.A. Larson $120.20,Mrs.L Keating $10.00, Sew. Hard. $48.35, Waechters $10.70, Sew. Yach Sho $138.54,Paulsteiner $38.25, Guthrie $14.15, stewart & Muir $76.76, R.V.Loughead $500.00. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Dahl that the City Bil s be paid. All voted favvrebly. Fred Kielcheski said that the complaint he made to the Board 0 Equalization had been on the lot values.on First ~ve. Letter was read from W.S.Manley enclosing the plans for additi n to School rtouse. He asked to have the plans approved and payment made to the amount of $1,000.00. It was tabled. A copy of a letter from the R.F.C. was read stating that the Chief of the Small Business ~ivision of the R.F.C. would carefully consider the desire of the City of Seward to procure the Small Boat Harbor at ~eward.before selling to a small business applicant. A letter was read from J.P.Johnson about leasing the property now leased by N. Hagen, on the beach near the main dock. The Mayor asked Councilman Painter to check with Mr. HagenaxB and Mr. Hooslan about the leases they have for this property. A letter was read from Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc. say that they J[IIUB are interested in handling the $175,000.00 Bond. iss compemplated by ~eward. A letter was read from L.E.Balderson asking about the possibli of setting up a business in Seward for c1eaning septic tanks, cessp water tanks, sotrm drains and sewer lines. 1.00 1.50 .25 .50 I.eo 5.00 I I i). 1.") !t) .i ~ A bid was read f rom Paul Lee for lots 7 & 8 in block 3 BgyView Additidm for $20.00 each. It was moved by Novick a'nd by ~ennedy to accppt Mr. Lee's Bid. All voted yes. A bid was readtrom Wally Gel for lots 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 in Block 12 uaubner addition for $20.00 each. It was moved by lovick and seconded by Painter to accept the bid of Mr. Gal. All voted ye . A bid was read from J. Willemson ~or lot 20 block 18 Orig. Townsite for $50.00 and $25.00 for old HZJS Army Building. Bid was tabled. A bid was read from Mark. C. Wa~ker for lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 for '85.pO and lot 10 for $22.00 all in block 3 BaY View Addition. It was moved by Novick and~conded by Sellers to accept the bid of Mr. Nalker. ~hl, Kennedy, Sellers, and Novick voted yes, Painter and Stanton voted no. A bid was read nrom E.G.Blidberg for $20.00 for lot 10 block BaY View Addition. Not accppted because of prior abide ... The lIllayor announced tha t the B. J . L. will oil the Ma in treet tommorrow. The Garbage Ordinance was,di~~~ed. It was desided to charg restaurants, groceries, and li~ue~8g1~h.&n_s $25.00 a month for daily service, all other businesses $5.00 per month. The question was brought up of drawing an Ordinance on Quonset Huts. The Mayor announced that E. Lanier, LLoyd Calvert and H. Gilfile ad been appointed to check on the app~icants for the Seward Veteran ousing Project. . Mr. Gilfilen from the National Housing Agency had been here and set up the books for the a. Seward Veterans Housing Project. Mayor Keating suggested that J. McCracken be made Manager for the Seward Veterans Housing Project. . It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers that J. MCCl!8C en be appointed maaager for the S.V.H.P. All voted favorably. Mr. ,Gllfilen will tz:y to get the Project Engineer from Anchorage to come down here and settle some matter in regards to the Housing Project. The May~r read a letterfrom,Mr. A~nell the Citxy Attorney giving his opinion regarding t~e franchise b~tween. the Sewa~d Water Supply and the City of ~eward and also the franchise between the Seward Light & ~ower and the City of Seward. . The following resolution was read by Mayor Keating: RESOLUTION' , WHEREAS, under the pr~visions of Ord1nanc~ 36, passed and . approved by the Common Council of the C ty of ~eward, Alaska, on August 16, 1915, H.V.Hoben, was gr~Iited a f ranchisefor the instal a- tion and maintainence in and upon the public ways of the town of , Seward, Alaska, ,a water distributing system, and . . WHER~AS, under the terms ,and provisions of said ordiaance the said H.V.Hoben, agreed to maintain.such.system in gooq Bepair and condition at all times and to extend the services therby provided, and WHEREAS, the Council has made demands upon.th~ said H.V.Hoben for extension and improvement of facilities and services, and WHEREAS, the said H.V.Hoben, has falled, neglected and refuse to comply with the demands of the ~ity Council as requested by law and provisions of Ordinance. No. 36, and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the franchise gran~ed by said Ordinance No. 36, and the prOVisions of said ordiaance should be revoked , annulled and cancelled a~d the franchise the.reby granted, termin*$ed, NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Council: BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Seward, Alaska, requexst that the United states Attorney for the Third Division, Territory 6 of Alaska, Be requested to file a proceeding under the pro_i_ion of et seq. of the CLa, 1933, for the annulment and termination of the provisions of Ordinance No. 36, and the franchi e granted to H.V.Hvben on August 16, 1915, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk, be and they hereby are authorized, for the ~rposes of this resolution to do all things necessary, ~.KXXK.X~Z.~B... in the premises for the accomplishment of the revocation of said franchise. Passed and a pproved this 4 day 0 August 1947. "I "I or l>J.' ~ .~-..., 4) ~! I It was moved by .ainter and seconded by titanton to suspendthe rules 11 voted Vavorably, except Novick who cast no vote. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Dahl to pass the above esolution about the franchise of the Seward ~ater Supply. ennedy and Novick no vote, the rest voted yes. The Mayor read the following resolutionL RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the qualified voters at the genBBal Municipal electio , eld in Seward, Alaska, on April 2; 1940 voted a!ainst allowing the City of Seward the right to grant ANYONE a franchise to use the streets and alleys of the City of Seward for the purpose of furnish ing light and power in competition to the wunicipally Owned Plant,& WHEREAS, the qualified voters, at the same above mentioned election, voted against the furtmer use of the $treets and alleys b the privately oxwned Seward Light and Power Comapny to furnish ~light and power after their franchise expired in October, 1940. Whereas, the Seward Light and Power Company has continued to se the streets and alleys of the City of Seward since the expira- tion of their franchise TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE CITIZENS OF SEWARD, NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Common Council: BE IT RESOLVED, that the SEWARD Li~ht and rower Company be 5erved notive to remove all poles, lines, and all other equipment sed for the purpose of furnishing light and power from the streets and alleys of the City of Seward by August 1st, 1948. Passed and approved this 4th day of August, 1947 ~_.~ . ~&? MaypT ~cP I It was moved by Painter and seconded by Kennedy to suspend the rule and adopt the above resolution about the Seward Light & Power Co. franchise,the said resolution to become effective upon passage. Novick no vote the rest voted yes. Mayor Keating appointed Leonard J. Clark, Chief of rolice and George M. Trumbull Patrolman. It was moved by "ovick and seconded by Paintler to approve the appointment made by Mayor Keating. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned at 10:55PM APPROVED ~~ OR ATTEST ~~.,p/-f I BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AUGUST 5, 1947 The Board of '"qualization met at 8:00PM August 5, 1~4'1 with M&for Keating, Councilment Novick, Painter, Kennedy and utanton present, Sellers came in late, Dahl assent. Mrs. Ray protested increased valuation on RRY Building. The Board deeided that the valuation was fair. R.O. & Eda Myers complained about valuati&n on improvements on Lots l,2,3,and 10 and 11 in Block 14. ~..k The Board took off the imp. on lot 1 as it had bean sold to R.C.In!ram, Lot 2 changed value to $042.00, Lot 3 changed value to $1,147.20, Lo~Otook value of imp~~ left value as on books APPROVED '~~4?' MAYOR t/" ATTEST J f ""' r f.j f\ 'Afl ffJ /~ C rJlirr4/\" .~1. .~ ',' ,;elf . ~ ;...;t-,~ , 0' .'- .; SPECIAL SESSION AUGUST 7, 1947 The Mayor called a special session of the Common Council .u~. 7, 1947. The meetin! was called to order at 8:25PM by Mayor Keatin! with Dehl, Stanton, Painter, Kennedy, Novich and Sellers present. The council was called to order as a Board of Equalization. The foll..in! personal property assessments were ehan!ed: Osbo's Elec trical Supply raised to $10,000.00. Seward Trading co. lowered to $20,000.00. McMulleD lowered to $15,000.00. Kenai Co-Operative Trad. Co. lowered to $5,000.00. There was a discussion as to the lot values and also to the ...x~ amount of mills,xKxx needed for taxation parposes. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Stanton to leave the lot values and set the tax rate at 12 mills. Sillers and Kennedy voted no, Dehl, Stanton, Pa~nter and Novick voted yes. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by i:)tanton to raise the assessment of the personal property for the Osbo's Electrical Supplv, Al~ voted favorably. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Painter to set the personal property tax at 20 mills. All voted favorably. """I Approved ~~9 ATTEST --I/v::J. ~ ~cre~. SPECIAL SESSION AUGUST 11, 1947 A special session of the Common Council wes called to order at 8:20Pm Au!ust 11, 1947 by Mayor Keatin! ~ith Councilmen Dahl, Sellers, Painter, Kennedy and Nov~ck present, Stanton absent. ~'.8[ of Police Clark asked to have toilet and water facilitiEs added to the City Jail. He also suggested that about '6.00 per da~ be allotted for prisoners who work and $2.00 for those who sit it out. He aSked if it would be possible for meals to be sent in. The police car is in need of repairs. It was su!gested that stickers be printed to be plac~d on cars for those who have driverf licenses. The need of more traffic signs was stressed. The Mayor asked the police committee to check with the police on tte above su!!estions. Fred Kielcheski asked about the fire hall plans and also if tte City would purchase the windows R.ZXKR<< , doors, and pipe fittin!s for the fire hall. Mayor Keating asked the Fire Committee to meet with Mr. Kielcheski and bring back a report at the next meeting. Novick asked about haVing the !rade lowered on Fourth ~t. and "eshington. The Mayor asked the Street Committee to check the !rade.level. _ It was moved by "oviek and seconded by "ainter that the property of M.J.S.Re8smussen be taxed for *t~xx $1.00 . All voted favorably. There was a discussion about the value of the lots, the Councll believing that %..z. they were too high. It was moved by Painter X. and seconded by Novick to revoke tIe action of the Council on August7, 1947 in leavin! the landvaluee the same and bo lower the land values 25% except that no lots are to be lowered below $200.00 and the Real Property tax rate w.. to be 12 Mills. All voted favorably. The Board of ~qu81iz8~ion was declared Kat closed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM. Approved ~~ Mayor 7 Attest j I ~, (4~ARffi- ~y 1 e K. \ lo~ -~ ~ ., ~.~FJ REGULAR SESSION AUGUST .18, 1947 I The re~ularsession of the Common Counc.i1was c aIled to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10PM August 18, 1947 with Councilmen Dahl, Stanton, -Painter, Kennedy and Novick present, Sellers came in late. Minutes of the last regular and three special session were r~ c( and approved. _L ' . Jas. B. Thigpel~sked what the City was doing to help settle the strike. The Mayor read a letter he had sent to several papers and Chambersof CommerceK, giving the reason for the strike. He also said that the Lon~shoremen had aggreed to unload river freigh . A letter was readf rom the Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. asking the City Council to release them from their franchise for putting on the 4th of July Celebration, in favor of the American Legion Post No.5. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by NQvick K to accept the proposal of the Seward Volunteer Fire Dept. All voted yes. Mr. Muir asked what prige the City wanted for Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 26. They are on the flume and are below street level. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Novick to offer :kllut Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Block 26 to Stewart & Muir for $35.00 each. D~hl, Stanton, Painter, Kennedy and Novick voted yes, Selle s no vote. Mr. Howard asked for an additional payment of $5,000.00 on his Federal Housing Contract. The City Clerk and Mayor were asked to send a wire to Federal Housing Agency asking money for the reimbursable items. A letter was read from 'M Joe Hu~hes aski~ the City for a permit to open a show house. The City Clerk KK was asked to write and state that they did not issue ...t business permits. A letter was read from D.C.Brownell protesting his Sewer Assessment. Councilman Painter reported that he had talked to Mr. Hooglan about his lease with Mr. nagen on waterfro.t pro:kperty. They have a twenty year lease from the Alaska Railroad. The Police Committee were asked to check about the M.P.s arresting civilians. The Garbage Ordinance was read for the final time. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to pass No. 17~ AN ORDINANCE PROTECTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND PR~VIDING FOR THE SAlTTORY AND EXPEDITIOUJ REMOVAL OF CERTAIN CLASSES OF WASTE MATTER COMMONLY KNOWN AS HOUSEHOLD OR MUNICIPAL REFUSE, IN THE CITY OF SIIARD, ALASKA: PROVIDING PENAL~XTIES FOR THE VIOLATIO THEREOF: AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR SECTIONS OF ORDINANCES i IN CONFLICT THEREWITH: All voted favorably. Mr. W.L. Hammerly bid $20.00 each for lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Block 2 and lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 11 in the Bay View Addition. It was moved by Novick and seconded by btanton to accept Mr. Hamerly's Bid. ~iixxa:kK<< Sellars no vote the rest voted yes. Mr. W. Herman ai~ $20.00 each for lots 13 and 14 in Block 3 of the Bay View Addition. It was moved by i~ovick and seconded by Kennedy to accept Mr. Herman's Bid. All voted yes. Ellen Gargilins5i bid $20.00 each for lots 21, 22, 23 and 24 in Block 12 in Laubner addition. The bid was tabled. Dr. Shelton bid 20% of the approved appraised value of lots 3, 5, 6 and 7 in block 13 of the La,bner Addition. It was moved by hennedy and seconded by Novick to accept Dr' Shelton's bid, all voted favorably. The Seward Gun Club asked for a deed to lots 27, 28, 29 and 30 in Block 30 of the Original Townsite. These lots had been sold to them by the Council on ~u~e 19,1944 with the stipulation that they be iaproved and a club house erected. The Council desided to give them a deed when the Club House was erected. The follow beward Electric System Bills were read: Sears Roebuch & ~o. $272,86, R.V.Loughead $120.00, Empey $512,95, Duffy $390.00, Lindbery $330.00, Whipple $375.00, Sparks $326.85, Calvert $368.00~ Bert Smith $299.00i Williamson $500.00, Malloy $175.00, Petty vash $121.38, S.L&P ,8.94, Paulsteiner $39.00, Seward Metal Works $7.50, SWS $~. S w Hrd $13 36 S ./ ,/' e. . ., eW, Mach. ::J.O::1 I II O-il~ ~) 1 , f $7.73, Sunset Elce. $2.41,' Gen.. Elec $199.86, Std. 011 $1,287.25, O.bo's Elec. $54.01, Total $5,411.55. It was moved by Ndlvick and sedonded by Painter that the SES billS be paid. All voted travorably. A IU[ spec is 1 meeting va:s valled for Friday to discuss plans f I' the Meeting Monday August 25, 1947 ,with the representatives from the Department of t he Interior. Meeting adjourned at lO:-35PM. Approved l Attest '-~ SPEOIAL $ESSrONAUGU?T ~2, 1947 A special sessiqn of the Common Councn was called to order by Mayor Keating at 9:55PM with Councilmen Dahl, Stanton, Kenrtedy, Sellers, present, Novick and ~ainter absent. ' ," The meeting was called to discuss power probl~ms. Mr. Amend of the Ut illtyBoard asked .the Council if they would approve the purchase of.additional power units and the' power line and all ap"rtenences running out toP'ort 'liaymond.The power units s~ggest~~are listed ana Surplus PropertyLlst from Kodiak, Alaska, Tor $6,415.00., Orie unit is a complete power unit with generator, the other unit has the generator missing. A new generator would have to be'purchased for thesecond unit., The power line and appurte~.n8e. can be Qought for $5,OOU.00. After a short discussioQ'it was moved by Stanton and seconded by "'ahl That the Utility Board be given power to borrow $12,000.00 for the purchase of the ~wo'power uni~s and the power line: The' loan to be paid back by the Seward Electric ~ystem. All voted xfavorably. , Meeting adjourned at 10:55PV. Approved " A'test,~~ C ty Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION AUGUST 26, 1947 A special ,session of the Common Uouncil wss called to or.der b Mayor Keating at 8:35PM on August 26, 1947 with Ceuncilmen Dahl, Stanton, Painter, Novick and Kennedy present, Sellers absent. 'I i Chief of,Poliee Glark asked if another policeman could be hir as the police werewor.king 12 hours aday for seven d aye a week. An extra man would help at night and also duri~g special inv6stig - tions. After a short discussion it was moved by ~gvick and seconded by Painter to hire 'a third man as patrolman at a salary of $350.00 permonth. -II' Allppresent voted favorably. Mayer Keating appointed Max. Pierce as the new patrolman. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by "ennlidy to approve the appointment of Max Pierce. All voted favorably. The Mayor said that he had arranged for a guard rail to be placed on the diversion tunnell. The Cou~cil suggested that a guard rail be placed at the opening of the Tunnell. ,The Mayor a~ked,about the pos~ibility of having,s boaD at the disposal of the ~ire Dept. to be used in case of en emergency on the Bey. ' . At the s~"estion of Fred KhlchesKi,.' Chief of t he Fire Dept. , ~ Q~ r:- -..., .~. , ~ I a letter was asked to be sent to the Alaska Railroad asking about maintaining the Salt Water ~umps. Mr. Estes, ~ity Engineer explained his work as surveyor in locating City .onuments. He sugge.ted a change in First Ave. in the Laubner and Cliff Additions. It would improve the property and make a good residential area for Seward. He said he would . make a map of Seward and set stakes in the mamm interseations and finish his survey of Fir st Ave. if the City of Seward would pay him $350.00 as City Engineer. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Painter to make the salary of the City Engineer $350.00 per month. All voted yes. Mayor suggested office hours for the City Hall as foll.WS; Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM and oaturday 9Am to Noon. After a short discussion it was decided to leave the hours as they are at present. Mayor ~eating read a letter he had written to Mr. Howard asking him for a financial statement before the city would pay him any more money on his contract with the FPHA. Mayor Keating asked the City Clerk to read the Ordin~ce fram Anchorage regulating a tax on liquor. Approved / ------~-- " , / __ r~, ~,7~_ I ',_ 1/ / /'. \ ,. ."',". ..---../." .("7/ Jl8yor ' ~ Atte.t :t~~ C ty Clerk. ,I ! A special sesston of the Common Council of the City of Seward I was called to order by W,yor Keating at 8:15PM an September 8, 1947 with Councilmen Sellers. Dahl. Kennedy and Novick present, Painter and Stanton were absent. The meeting was c aIled in place of the IIiIRB regular meeting which was posponed from September 1, 1947. Minutes of the last regular and~o special session were read and 8 pproved. The following City Bills were read and approved. Lee. $10.00, Anthony $23.35, Clark $400.00, Turnbull $350.00, V~n Guilder $350.00, Kielcheski $450.00, Jesperson '228.00,J.H.Jone $24~OO,Howe11 $350.00, Irlcson $8.33, Estes $350.00, Lanning $40.00 , Gossage $535.00, Carlson $125.00, Dept of Tax. $251.50, S.E.S. $2494.40, S.W.S. $292.91, Std. 011. Co. $22.29, Sew. Mach Shop $132.20, Werner's $24.40, Sew. Hrd. $29.73, Sew. Trad. $.85, Paulsteiner $69.65, Erscson $29.00, Hamilton's Gar. $8.22, Eed's $31.13, S.L&P $76.77,Alaaka Book. Sere $5~OO, Anchorage Times $10.25, Sew. Drug $12.50, R.E.Baum~artner $200.00, Erdmann fIns) $1285.50, B~nk of ~ew(Sch. Bonds) $3245.15, S.V.P.D. $150.00, petty Cash $251.59, Bank of Sew.(Strt Dept Bldg.) $351.75, Andy's 011 Del. $117.26, It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to pay the City Bills. All voted favorably. The M,yor asked Mr' Howard if he had a report on the Seward Veterans Housing Froject. He said he would make his report when the contract was completed, but did not believe a report was needed at t his time. He said that all bills were paid except Mr. MulIers. He was asked about floor ..lCBJ:XSg covering and s aid he had per- mission to use masonite instead of linoleum on bath rooms and kitchens. He expects to be done in about ten days. Mr. Muller asked about his bill and Mr. Howard sa id he would meet with ..lr. Muller to help settle the bill. The Police R~port for August was read. Mr. Novick said that some people had complained about areest- ing so many drunks. He did not beliege they should be arrested unless causing trouble. The M,yor asked the Police Committee to check with the Police on this matter. A letter was read f rom Joe Hughes asking for permission to use the Teen-Age Club House for showing pictures until he canl~ SPECIAL SESSION SEPTEMBER 8, 1947 I ') >i. Q ~) t \, t another place. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to grant hia permission to use the Teen-A~e Club House for a short time, the money to be used for a special fund for Teen-agers. All voted yes. A letter was read from the American Legion stating that they did not have to pay tax as they were a non-profit organization.- The matter was referred to the City Attorney. The Mayor said that the i'olice Uar was not in very good condition and he shggested that it be sold, and the money used as a d own payment for a new car. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy that the "oUc Car be ..t. put up for sale to the highest bidder and a new car be purChaled. All xx. voted favorably. A bid was read f rom Logan Varnell for Lot 23 Block 36 for $iiJ~~ $50.00. It was moved by Novick and seconded by DRhl.to sell Lot 23 Block 36 for $75.00. All voted favorably. A bid was read from M.B.Lanning for Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 17 for $300.00, It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy to sell the lot to Mr. Lanning. All voted favorably. A bid was read f rom Alvin Schmoyer for Lots 15, 16 and 17 in Block 3 BaY View Addition for $20.00 each. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy to sell the lots to Mr. SchIn()yer. All vote xa:x. favorably. A bid was read from Harry 14 Burke for Lot 12 Block 10 Federal Addition for $60.00. It was moved by Novick and seconded by A.ennedy to s ell this lot to Mr. Burke. All voted favorably. The propesed liquor Ordinance was discussed. Ed. Arnell the City Atoorney was asked to write up the ordinance similar to Anchorage except that the whole-salers would be asked to collect t e a ta~ and they would receive 5% of the tax collected, by them. Hard iquor to be taxed .75~ per case, ,ine 35t per case, and beer 20~ per case. The money to be used for street improvements an d recreation. The Mayor read a letter from R.E.Plummer U.S. Attorney asking for a certified copy of Ordinance No. 36 and request made of Mr. Hoben for extension and improvement of water facilities. The Mayor suggested that a committee meet with Mr. Hoben and ask. about lowering the liater main on second ave. and supply in more water w here Deeded. Meeting adjourned at 10:OOPM. l ,-I ! .-,/,-, / APPROVED / . ',-1/ -'-;f":"'- ;:'.. ~ --,',. , :..- \ ~"'-_f-/~_//! _. / , ',-; OR .,' .ATT'ST'~ 01 OLERK. REGULAR SESSION SEPTEMBER 15, 1947 There being no quorum present the meeting was posponed. SPECIAL SESSION SEPTEMBER 26, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was .called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:45PM on Sept6llte1-. 26, 1947 with Councilmen DRhl, Kennedy, Novick,Stanton, and Sellers present, Painter came in late. . Thi~. ,yecial session was called read Ordinance No. 173, calling'" a Bond Election. The Mayor read the following Ordinance: I I I L loR '1 i, : '\~" ~ 1 'r I ORDINANCE NO. 173 An ordinance of the City of Seward calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Seward the propositions: (1) Shall the city of Seward incur a bond indebtedness of $90,000.00 for the purpose of expanding the generating plant and extending the distrmbution facilities of the municipally owned electric utility and issue general obligation bonds of said city in a sum not exceeding $90,000.00, supported by the full faith and credit of the said City and a pledge of the revenue from said utility; (2) Shall the City of Seward acquire from H. V. Hoben and Hedley Vl DRvis, all assets and facilities of the Seward WAter Company, together with all easements, reservoir, water rights, and appurtenences thereof and for such purposes issu general obligation bonds of the city of Seward in the amount of $100,000.00, said bonds to be supported by the full faith and credit of the ~ity of Seward and a pledge of revenue of said utilitj; (3) Shall the city of Seward acquire the Government owned Seward Marin Wpys, Docks and small boat harbor, and issue general obligation bonds of the City of Seward in the sum of $40,000.00, for the acquisition of said facility; all as authorix8a by Act of Congress passed and a pproved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as a mend June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat. 258. BE IT ORDAINED by tne Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, as follows: SECTION l~ Pursuant to Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, Stat. 1388, as a mended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat 258, whereby minicipal corporations in Alaska are permitted to incur bonded indebtedness to an amount not exceeding 10% of the aggregate taxable value of all real and personal pro- perty within the corporate limits, a special election is hereby called to be held in the City of Seward, Alaska on the 20thday of October, 1947, under the provisions of said Act and pursuant to th laws of the Territory of Alaska, and the ordinances of the City of Seward. SECTION II There shall be submitted to the qualified elector of the said City, authorized to vote as hereinafter provided, the following propositions: (1) Shall the City of Seward expand the Generating Plant and Extend the distrmbuting system of the municipally owned electrical utility, and for such purposes issue General Obligation bonds of t City of Seward in a sum of $90,.000.00, maturing serially in f ro,.pl t to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds p~~ge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and revenue of said utility for the payment of prIDmcipal and interest aC aaid bon s, all as authorized by Act of Congress passed and a pproved May 28, 1 36'1 Ch. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat. 258, said bonds to be issued upon such interest rate, terms, conditions and ma~urity as may be ordained by the Council by sub- sequent ordinance. (2) Shall the City of Seward acquire from H. V.Hoben and Bedle V. Dayis and the Seward ~eter Company all assets end facilities Of~ said water utility, together with all easements, reservoirs, water rights, and appurtenences thereof and for such purpose issue gener 1 obligation bonds of the City of Seward in the amount of $100,000.0 , maturing serially in f rom two to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the I City of Seward and the revenue of said utility for the payment of principal end interest of said bonds, all as authorized by Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 stat. 258, said bonds to be issued upon such interest rate, terms, conditions and maturity as may be ordained by the Council by subsequent ordinance. (3). Shall the City of Seward acquire the Government owned Seward Marine WAYS, Docks, and Small Boat Harbor and for such pur- pose issue General Obligation bonds of the City of Seward in the amount of $40,000.00 maturing serially from two to twenty years fr m date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of ~eward, and the revenue of said facility for the p~ment of principal and interest of sa.id bonds, all as author1 ized by Act of Congress passed and approved May 28~ 1936, Ch.467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, uh. 337, 50 Stat. 2f8 ~ 0;) ..,) fi :W!;",;..;,.. '- F said bonds to be issued upon such interest rate, terms, c~nditions and maturity as may be ordained by the Council by sUbsequent ordina~ce. .SECTIONIII All persons residing within the corporate limits of .f the City of Seward, whose names appear on the last tax assess- ment roll or record of said mtnicipality for the purpose of municip~l taxation shall be qualified to vote at said election. Persons whose names do not appear on said tax toll shall not be qualified to vote. No special registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required. of any qualified elector, but the City Clerk of the City of Seward shall prepare an alphabetical list of all persons whose names appear on the last tax roll of said City and all persons who vote at said election whose names. appear on said tax rolls, sha.l sign an affidavit setting forth their qualifications and shall re- gister at the time of receiving his or her ballot. SECTION IV. The polling places for the s aid election shall be at the City Hall, in the said City of Seward, and the poll~ snaIl be open from 8:00 A.M. of the said elction day until 7:00 P~},{. of II said day. SECTION V. The City Council hereby appoints B. B. Chamberlain, A. F. Rasmussen,. and Norma A. Thurston as Judges and IHrian V. iai Painter and Alice F Lorang as clerks to conduct said election at the City Hall of Seward, Alaska. SECTION VL. Notive of said election shall be given by posting a written notice thereof on the bulletin board in the City Hall in said City, at the Post Office of said City, and at the Office of the Alaska Railroad Dock in said City, all of which places are here~ by ~i..aa found and declared to be conspicdous places within the corporate limits of said City. Said notice of Election shall be posted at said designated places not less than twenty (20) days prior to said election. SECTION VIU, Sa id notice shall be signed by the Mayor of said City and sttested by the City Clerk, and shell be in sub- stantially the following form: NOTICE OF S PECTAL EIlECTION A special election will be held in the City of Seward, Alaska, on the 20th day of October, 1947, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the said City, whose names appear on the last tax roll of record of said City for the purposes of municipal taxation, the following questions: {a}. Shall the City of Seward expand the Generatins Plant and extend the distrmbution system of the municipally owned electrical utility, and for such purposes issue General Obligation Bonds of th~ Ci ty of Seward, in a sum of $90,,000.00, maturing serially in from two to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and the reve- nue of said utility for the payment of ptincipal and interest of said bonds, all as authorized by Act of Oongress p~ssedd.and approved JlMay 28, 1936" Ch. 367, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended .June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat.258, said bonds to be issued upon such terms, conditions and maturity as may be ordained by the Council of sub- sequent ordinance. (b). Shall the City of Seward acquire from H. V. Davis and Hedley V. Davis and the Seward Water Company all assets and facili- ties of said water utility togetherwith all easements, reservoirs, water rights, and appurtenences thereo f and for such purpose issue ~eneral obligation bonds of the City of Seward in the amount of $100,000.00, maturing serially in from two to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and the revenue of sa id utll i ty for the pay- ment of principal and ta interest of said bonds, all as authorized by Act of Congress passed and a pproved May 28, 1936, lJh. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as a mended Juhe 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat. '258 , said bonds to be issued upon such terms, conditions and maturity as may be ordained by the Council by subsequent ordinance. (c) Shall the City of Seward acquire the Gevernment o.ned Seward "arine WAYS, Docks, and Small Boat "arbor and f or such pur- pose issue General Obligation Bonds of the City of ~eward in the amount of $40,000.00, maturing serially from two.to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and the revenue of said facility for payment of principal and interest 01 K. said bonds, all as au- thorlz.ed by Act ,of Congress passed and a pproved May 28, 1936, Ch. ! , L , ! I I t I i , ,.. \. fi1;'-)~. if' ~ :t:' '.. r. ~..' -' ~ I 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337,50 Stat. 258, said bonds to be issued upon such terms, conditions and maturity as may be ordained by the Council by subsequent ordinance. The polling place will be atthe City Hall in the city of Seward, Alaska, and the polls will be open from 8tOO A.M. until 7:00 P.M. of said day. Those persons who are citizens of the United States over the age of twenty-one years, who abe bone fide residents of the Terri- tory of Alaska, and who have been such residents continuously dur- ing the entire year immediately preceeding the election. and who have been such residents continuously for thirty days next preceed- ing the election within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, who are able to read the Constitution of the United States in English language, and to write the English language, and whose names appea on the last tax roll of record of the City of Seward for purposes of municipal taxation. shall be qualified to vote at said election. No.special registration for this election prior to the date Bthereof shall be required but provision shall be made for regis- tration of each voter at t he time of receiving his or her ballot. If 65% or more of the voters voting at said special election shall cast their votes in favor of expanding the Generating plant and extending the distribution system of the municipally owned electiical utility, and shall by such vote, authorize the issuance of $90,000.00, in general obli~ation bonds of the City of Seward, then the Council of Sa~ City proposes to issue general obli@ation bonds in the sum of $90,000.00, secured by the pledging of revenue of said utility in the total principal sum of $90,000,00, or such part thereof as the City Council of said City of Seward, may deem necessary to complete the expansion of the generating plant and distribution system of the Municipally owned electrical utility. Interest upon said bonds shall not exceed 3t% per anum, said bonds shall mature serially from two to twenty years from date. and the issuance thereof shall in all respects conform with general law an with the ordinancas of the City of weward. If 65% or more of the voters voting at said special election shall cast their votes in favor of acquiring from H.V.Hoben and Hedley V. Davis and the Seward Water Company all assets and facili ties of said company, together with all easements, reservoirs, water rights, and appurtenences thereof and shall b, such vote, authoraze the issuance of $100,000.00, in general obligation bond of the City of Seward. then the Council of said City proposes to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $100,000.00, secured by the pledging of revenues of said utility in the total principal sum of $lOO,OOO.OOcor such part thereof as the City Council of sai City of Seward, may deem necessary to complete the acquisition of all assets and facilities, together with all easements, reservoirs water rights, and appurtenences thereof, from H.V.Hoben, Hedley V. Davis and the Seward Water Company. Interest upon said bonds shal not exceed 3~% per annum, said bonds shall mature serially from tw to twenty years from date, and the issuance thereof shall in all respects conform with general law and with the ordinances of the Oi ty of iJeward. If 65% or more of the voters voting at said special election shall cast their votes in favor of acquiring the Government owned Seward jli;arlne Ways, Docks, and Small Boat "arbor and shall by such vote, authorize the issuance of $40,OOo.orr in General Obligation Bonds of the ~ity of Seward, then the Council of said City propose to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $40,000.00 secured by pled~ing of revenues of said facilitty in the total principal sum of $40,000.00, or such part thereof as the City Council of sai City of Seward, may deem necessary to complete the acquisition of the Government owned Seward Marine Ways, Doeks and Small Boat Harb r. Interest upon said bonds shall not exceed 3~% per annum, said bond shall mature serially from two to twenty years from date, and the ~ssuance thereof shell in all respects conform with general law and with the ordinances of the City of Seward. This notice is given pursuant to an Act of Oong,ress passed an approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Oh. 337, 50 Stat. 258, and to Ordinance No. 173 of the City of Seward, Alaska. ---- C.P.KEATING MAYOR I I ATTEST: THOS. E. HOWELL OITY CLERK :3~) '~) .....--.,;...,"- . SECTION VIII. The form of the ballot shall consist of statement of the questions set forth in Section II, of this with the addition of the following: "For expanding Generating Plant and Extending the Distri'qut1on System of the municipally owned electttcal utility, and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above" "Against Expanding Generating Plant and Extend- ing the Distribution System of the municipally owned electrical utility, and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above" the ax Ordina ce, l , , '" "For acquiring from H.V.Hoben, Hedley V. Davis and the Seward Water Company all assets and facilities, together with all easements, reser- voirs, water rights, and appurtemances thereof, and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above." "Against acquiring from H.V.Hoben, Hedley V. Davis and the Seward Water Oompany all assets and faGil-~ itiee, together with all ease.tmts, reservoirs, __./' wa tel' rights, and a ppurt811811CeS thereof, and the issuance of general obligation Qonds 8S stated above." ~- " liFoI' acquiring Government owned Seward Marine WaYs, Docks and Small Boat Harbor, and the issuance of general obligation ~onds as stated above." "Against acquiring Government owned Seward Marine WaYs, Docks and Small Boat liarbor, a nd the issuance of general obligation bonds as atated above." SECTION lX. All prov12ions of the laws of the United States of America, and of the ~erritory of Alaska, and the General Ordinances of the ~ity of beward, relating to registration of vote s b the manner of conducting elections, and the canvass of the retur s thereof, shall, in so far as applicable, excepting as otherwise specifically provided herein, govern the election to be held pursuant hereto. . SECTION X. If either or all of said propositions carry at said election, the Common Council will take all steps necessary and proper to issue and sell said bonds and acquire said utilities and facility. 5BGTION XI.This ordinance shall be posted on the Bulletin Board of the City Hall, Seward, Alaska, for a period of twenty (20 days prior to date of Election. SEOTION XII. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, an emergency having been declared. Passed by the Common Council of the Uity of Seward, Alaska, and approved by the Mayor, all on this 26th day of September, 1947. APPROVED: C.P.KEATING MAYOR -, , , ATTEST: THOS. E. HOWELL CITY CLERK , :t It was moved by ~ainter and seconded by Stanton to suspend th rules. Dahl, Kennedy, P~inter, Sellers,and Stanton voted yes, Novick voted no. It was moved by, Stanton and seconded XB by Dahl, to Pass Ord. No. 173. Dahl, Kennedy, Painter and otanton voted yes, Novick and Sellers voted no. The mayor declared the Ordinance passed. -"'",- -) ~.) tt:} ~ ). ::,;~~,; ,'i } I It was moved by Painter and seconded by Stanton to hold the special election on October 20, k947. Dahl, Kennedy, Painter, Sellers and Stanton voted yes, Novick voted no. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Painter to approve the following names for judges and clerks of election, the ~ity Clerk to pick five, Josephene Shelton, Mirian V. Painter, Norma A Thurston, Alice F. Lorang, Sigrid Ste~rns, Andy Rasmussen and B~Ei. Chamberlein. All voted fevorably. It wes moved by Novick and ~econded Sellers to set the value 0 Lots 1 to 20 in Block 9 the same MaS lots 21 to 40 in Block 8. Novick and Sellers voted yes, Kennedy voted no, Dahl and Stanton no vote. The mayor declared the motion lost. Meeting adjourned. at 11:00PM Approved ( ,. ,I Attest ~MJf C Y Ie . / , , 'l" / ' , ,,,,, ~ // ~. ., -, / " ~;;;"')/ , I " ,. "- j '\ REGULAR SESSION OCTOBER 7, 1947 The regular session of the ~qmmon Council of the City of Seward was called eo order Mayor Keating at 8:10 PM. with Dahl, Kennedy, Painter and Stanton present, ie1lers came in late, Novick was absent. The minutes of the last two specials were read and approved. The foll~linp, ?eward Electric ~ystem bills were read; for ~ug. Duffy 360.00, Lindburg $360.00, ~hipple $360.00, Sparks $316.88, Calvert $336.00,Smith $294.00, De Loughery ~130.00, Malloy $175.00, v1illiamson $500.00, -crdman ~1l!4.88. Bank of Seward ~502.50" Bank 0 Seward $33l.40, Webb $505.70, Petty Cash $127.54, ~rem8nn ~27.82, Freide Gar. $61.90, Sew. wach. Shop $41.78, Sew. Hard. $20.92, Paulsteiner $20.aO, Sew. L&P $7.50, SEw W. S. $5.05, Sew. Trad. $4.32, Std. Oil Co. $1490.94, Westinghouse $26.89, Graybar $38.03, Gen. Elec. $106.08, Sew. ~etal Works $39.60, For Sept. Bank of weward $4,522.50, Malloy $125.00, Bank of -eward $6,766.98, Andrews $368.00, Whipple $330.00, Duffy $420.00, Lindburg $390.00, Iparks $435.00,De Loughery $315.00, Calvert $160.00, H. Lindburg 150.00, Williamson $605.00, Petty Cash $144.72, ColI. o~ Int. eVe $357.60, Dept of Tax. $162.27, Honan Crane Cor~. $165.00, Gen. Elec. $421.52, Worthington $500.00, Van Dorn 156.82, Elec. World $12.00, Sew. Mach Shop $71.59, Paulsteiner $12.30, S.L&P $14.51, S.W.S. $5.05, Sew. nard $22.55, Eads Brs, $8.'74, Kenai EIe . $24.24, Osbo's ElE c. $5.80, SeWli Trad. $7.24, Std. Oil. $1,836.47. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by DAhl to ~aJ approve the payment of the Seward Electric System bills as read, All voted yes. The folloWing City bills were read for sept: Smith $59.10, Alas.ka Steam $60.38, Clark $400.001 Turnbull $350.00, Pierce $350.00, VAn Guilder $350.00, Kielcheski $450.00, Howell $350.00, Ericson $58.34,Estes $700.00, Sellers $150.00,Dept of TaX. $249.00, ColI. of Int. Rev. $282.00, Mart $7.30, Sew. Hard. $11.95, Erdmann $85.00, Kenai Co..Op~' $9'7.41, Werner'El $14.95, S.W.S. $146.46, PAulsteiner $19.30, Andy's Oil D~l. $107.73, B & H. $4.50, Northern Com. $38.75, S.E.S. $1,114.50, S. L.&P. $40.08, Sew. Mach Bhop $78.37, Stewa rt & Muir Ex. Co. $460.16, H.H.Leonard $20.00, Kenai B~kery $28.90, Sew. Metal Works $$18.00, Burroughs $19.75, Srd. Oil Co. $80.26,Eqds $127.14, R.O.Sellers $'7,761.40, Ham. GAr: $6.90, Northern C8fe $50.00,. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Painter to approve the payment of the above Uity bills. Sellers no vote the rest voted y s. Mr. O.E. McConathy representing Mr. Robinson asked that the Ordina ce section pertainin~ to boxing be changed to allow them to hold I boxing matches. After a short discussion it was moved by Stantonl end seconded by Kennec:ly, to suspend the rules. All voted:! yes. .. It was moved by ainter and reonded by Stanton to amend Sec. 55 of Ordin~ce 38 to apply to Sunday oRJl onl~, All voted MiSS Hanson and MiSS Hartley representing the Kiddis, Fire J::.xt. c~o asked the Council if they would be interested in buying fire fight.ng equiptment. They are selling C02 porsable fire ext. I .1 9;.). It .."),< ~ ~. _1 The police report for Sept. was read. The matter of fire insurance was discussed and it was desided to take out insurance for the :two new :IUtlllrks: fire trucks on the same basis as the old truck. It was moved by stanton and seconded by Painter to set the ta for A. Swanson at $1~00. All voted favorably. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Stanton to ask the Resurrection BaY co. to maintain their own road in liew of tax.es for 1947 and the "'ity to post a ItNo Trespassinge..'Jlign. All voted y s. There was a discussion as to covering the water~~n second ave to keep it from freezing this winter. The following bids were read f or GM'bage Collector: Vern Whitmarsh and Morris Freeland for 85% of money collected, and E'ffi. Blidberg and Wendel Herman for 70% of money collected. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to accept the bid of Blidberg and Hermant for collecting garbage. All voted yes. Mr. Harvey requested the use of the u.s.a. Gymnasium for dancing every Staurday Night. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to set the rentine of the u.s.a. Gym. at $25.00 per night to be paid to the City, $10.00 per night to be paid for equiptment or a total of ta5.00t when admission is charged. When no admission is charged the gym. may be rented for $1.00 per hour. All voted favorably. It was moved by Pa inter and seconded by Sellers to give Mr. Harvey permission to use the U.&.O. Gym. for dancing on sat. nights unless some organization gives 10 days notice that theg would like to use it or t he Council declares an emergency and asks for its use. All voted favorably. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Sellers to set the rent of t he Teen-A~e Building at $30.00 per month. All voted yes. It was moved oy Stanton and seconded by Painter to appoint Murl Trevethan as Boxing Commissioner. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned 11:00PM ' APPROVED ....~ - ~ ( /" ," ~~,<~:. t/~~ -,"J' ,: . . !{ kZt"., ~'t:./ '-. AYOR / / I ATTEST I oc-J/ r /' , ~~-'-'~4~~ CITY CLERK.. SPECIAL SESSION,OCTOBER13, 1947 A SPecial session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to~. order by Mayor, Keating at 8:25PM,with Councilmen Dehl, Kennedy, Painter, Stanton present. NoYick and Sellers absent. The Mayor asked the City ~ngineer hstes for a report on the F.P.H.A. project. He reported that 29 units were completed and occ pied. There were a number of small jobs to be done which should be conple ed in two weeks4 It was suggested that District Of rice be notified and yry, to get them to send an inppsctor to examine the job. It was moved. by stanton and seconded PAinter to contact F.P.H.A. and ask for the final lnspection and payment, for the, Seward Veterans Housing Pr&ject. All voted yes. , A bid was read f rom Ben B. Suddath for Lot 1 Block 2 Bedersl Addition for, $75.00. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to accept. All voted yes. . A bid loVas readf rom Dennis E. 'j,'hompson for L,.,ts 17 and 18 in Block 3 and Lots 6~ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 in Block 10 BAY View Additio all for 21.50 each except for lot 17 for $31.50. It was moved by Stanton and seconded k~~ by DAhl to sell four lots only. All voted yes. After a short discussion about purchasing doorsa a!~ winduws for the new fire hall, it was moved by Painter and 2~conded by Kennedy to allow Fire Chief Kielcheski $500.00 for the purchase Ra of doors and windows for the new fire hall. All voted yes. It was moved by Painter and seconded by stanton to accept tpe ~lens for remodeling the U.S.O. and building the fire hall as drawn by Wm S. Manley provided it would not cost the City any money nless the planns were used. Project Aaa-50-p-25. All voted yes. I-I lO) "Jt:~ .~ ........._ r .; Meeting adjourned at 9:45PM. Approved / ,/1, ."":' / - .. ,~/'';( z:. '.e:<.. , ,~- 'Meyor' Attest ~~b C ty C1 er . I REGULAR SESSION OCTOBER 20, 1947 No quorum present meeting posponed. I SPECIAL SESSION OCTOBER 22, 1947 A special session of the Common Council was called to order by ayor Keating at 7:50PM with Councilmen DAhl, Kennedy, Painter, Sel nd Stanton preseBt, Novick absent. The meeting was called to take such action as the Council may etermine relative to the purchase of the Marine WAYS and Small Boa arbor installation as advertized for sale by the Government and, . f such purchase be authorized by said Council, to take such furthe ction as may be necessary or required to authorize the execution nd delivery of such purchase to the City of Seward. Also for the urpose of discussing and taking whatever action may be deemed ecessary to comply with the resolution presented to the Council y the ~ublic Utility Board in connection with a proposed election. The Mayor announced that there was available for the purchase f the Marine Ways and Small doab Darbor the sum of $8000.00. The ame of the person loaning this money was withheld. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy that the City f Seward purchase the Marine Ways and Small Boat Harbor from urplus Property. All voted x~a favorably. \ Vance Hitt asked that his Liquor License be changed to reed ance Hitt and Nancy Starkey. It was moved by ~ennedy and seconded by equest of Vance Hitt. All voted favorably. The Mayor read the following resolution from the Utility Board The following is a resolution passed by the Seward Public tility Board at a special meeting called this 22 day of October, 947: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: THAT, Whereas, the Seward Electric System does not hBYe sufficien quipment to guarantee all the people of Seward sufficient or aequate power and, ~hereas, the resulbs of the recent bond electio etermined the fact that a majority of the people were in favor of roposition #1 and, Whereas, proposition #1 needed only fifteen ore votes to have made a 65% majority, we the Public Utility board uly elected and qualified, do hereby resolve that: The City Council immediately prepare an ordinance calling for referundum election at the earliest opportunity the following roposition: Shall the City of Seward ~efinance the Reconstruction Finance orporetion debt of $81,360.00 now carrying a 4~ interest rate and xpand the generating plant and extend the distributing system of he municipally owned electrical utility, and for such purposes issu eneral obligation bonds of the City of Seward in the sum of 171,360.00, maturing serially in from two to twenty years from dat , nd for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit f the City of Seward and the revenue of said utility for the payme t f principal and interest of said bonds, all as authorized by Act 0 ongress passed and 8 pproved May 28, 1936, Ohap. 467, 49 stat. 1388 s amended ~une 14, 1937, Oh. 337, 50 Stat. 885, said bonds to be issued upon such terms and conditions and maturity as may be ordain d by the Council by subsequent ordinance. I Sellers to approve the i I Signed H. J. Amend C]1airman John :tosness Mutt Trevethan 99;'~ ~J-.;t~ It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to suspend the rule~ and adopt ordinance 174 calling for a special election for bonding the City of ~eward. All voted~8vorably. The following ordinance was read three times. ORDINANCE NO.174 An ordinance of the City of Seward calIf: special election fOl the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Seward the proposition: Shall the City of Seeard *efinanc~ctheln~etl6t- euctionDPinalAh:'66ri)6ri:lvtonhdeplll'ot'o$8l, 360. 00 now carrying a 4% interest rate and expand the generating plant and extend the dis- tributing system of the municipally owned elect~ical utility, and for such purposes issue general obligation 80nds of the City of Seward in the sum of $171,360.00, maturing serially in from two to twenty years from date, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of ~eward and the revenue of said utility for the payment of principal and interest of said bones, all as authorized by Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Chap. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Chap. 33~ 50, Stat. 285, said bonds to be issued upon such terms and eondUti:cns and maturity as may be ordained by the council by subseq~eht ordinence. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, as follows; SECTION I. Pnrsuant to Act of Congress Passed and approved Ma~ 28, 1936, Chap. 467, Stat. 1388, ~s amended June14, 1937, Chap. 33~, 50 ~tat. 258, whereby municipal corporations in Alaska are permitted to incur bonded indebtedmess to an amount not exceeding 10% of the aggregate taxable value of all real and personal property within the c.orporate limits, a special election is hereby called to be he1d in the City of S~ward, Alaska, on the 14th day of November, 1947, under the proviSions of said Bet ar~ pursuant to the laws of the Territory of Alaska, and the ordinances of the Uity of Seward. SECTION II. There shall be submitted to the qualified electorf of the said Oi ty, alithorizedd to vote as hereinafter prdlvided, the following proposition: Shall the City of oeward refinance the Heconstruction Finance Corporation debt of $81,360.00 now carrying a 4% interest rate and expand the generating plant and extend the distributing system of ihe Municiaplly uwned Electrical Utility, and for such purposes issue general obligation bonds ~. of the City of ueward in the sum of $171,360.00, maturing serially in from two to twenty years from da e, and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and the revenue of said utility for the pay-. ment of principal and interest of said bonds, all as authorized by Act of CongrEfSs passed and a pproved May 28, 1936, Chap. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Chap. 337, 50 S~U. 285, saic bonds to be issued upon such terms, conditions and maturity as ma~ ebe ordained by the co~ncil by SUbsequent ordinance. SECTION III. All persons residing within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, whose names appear on the last tax ~. asseSf- menta roll or record of said municipality for the purpose of manic pal taxation shall be qualified to vote at said election. Persons WhOSl . names do not appear on s aid tax roll shall not be qualified to K vote. No special registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required of any qualified elector, but the City Clerk of the City of Seward shall prepare an K~k alphebetical! lis1 of all persons whose names appear on the last tax roll of said vi~~ and all uersons who vote at said election whose names appear on~i( * tax rolls, shall sign an affidavit setting forth their qualifica ions and shall register at that ime of receiving his or her uellot. SECTION IV. The polling places for the s aid election s hall be ~ at the City uall, in the said City of Seward, And the polls shall be open from 8:00 A.M. of the said election~y until 7:00P.M. of tl said day. SECTION V. The City Council hereby appoints E. E. Chamberlain A. F. Rasmussen, and Norma Thurston as judges, and ~riam V. PaintE r and Alice Lorang as clerks to conduct the election at the City Hal] of Seward, AlaSKa. SECTION VI. Notice of said election shall be given by posting a written notice thareo f on the bulletin board in the City Hall iI said City, at the Poet Office of said City, and at the Office of ')" 'II!"";'" :r. /~ ~J _.~J , by found he Ala~ka Re1 eoad Dock ln sal Cl y, a P aces are ere nd declared to be conspicuous places K~ within the corporate imits of said City. Said notiue of Election shall be posted at aid desiBnated places not less than twenty (20) days prior to aid election. SECTI<DN VII. Said notice shall be signed by the Mayor of said ity and attested by the City Clerk, and shall be in substantially he following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION A special election will be ~eld in the City of veward, AlaSka, n the 14th day of november, 1947 for the purpose of submitting to he qualified electors of said City, whose n8mes appear on the last ax roll of record of said City for purposes of municipal taxation, he follwoing question: Shall the City of Seward refinance the Keconstruction ~inance orporation debt of $81,360.00 now carryin~ a 4% interest rate and xpand the generating plant and extend the distributing system of the municipally owned electrical utility and for such purposess issue general obI iga tion bonds of t he Ci ty of Seward in the sum of .171,360.00 maturing serially in f~om two to twenty years from date nd for the payment of said bonds pledge the ~ull faith and credit f the City of Seward and the revenue of said utility for the pay- ent of principal and interest of said bonds, all as authorized by ct of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Chap. 467: 49 tat. 1388, as emended June 14, 1937, Chap. 337, 50 Stat. 285, said onds to be issued upon such terms and conditions and mauurity as m y be ordained bj the Council by subsequent ordioance. The polling place will be at the City Hall in the City of Sewa d, laska and the polls will be open from 8:00A.M. until 7:00PM of sai aYe Those persons who are citizens of the United States of America over the Bge of twenty-one years, who are bona fide residents of th erritory of Alaska, and who have been such residents continuously uring the entire years immediately preceeding the election, ana ho have been such residents continuously for thirty days next pre- eeding the election within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, who are able to read the Constitdtion of the United wtates f America in English language,and to write the English language, nd whose nBllies appear on the last tax roll of record of the City 0 eward for purposes of mu~icipBl taxation, shall be qualified to vo e t said election. No special registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required but provision shall be made for regist~~t on of each voter at the time of receiving his or her ballot. If 65% or more of the voters at said special election shall ast their votesin favor of refinanceing the Keconstruction Finane Corporation debt of $81,360.00 And expanding the generating plant and extending the distribution system of the municipal y wned electrical utility and shall by such vote authorize the issua ce f $171,360.00 in general obligation bonds of the City of owward, hen the Council of SAid City proposes to issue general obligation ands in the sum of $171,360.00 secured by the pledging of revenue f said utility in the tsaix total principal sum of $171,360.00 or uch part thereof as the City Councll of said City o~ swward, may eem necessary to complete the expansion of the generating plant an istributian system of the municIpally owned electrical utility. Interest upgr..~~~d bonds shall not exceed 3~% per anum, said bonds shall matmr~ two to tw~ty years from date, Bnd the issuance thereo f sha1l in all respects Bonform with general law and with the ordinances of the City af Seward. This notice is given pursuant to an Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Chap. 467, 49 Stat. 1388 as amended June 14, 1937, Chap. 337, 50 Stat. 258, and to Ordinance No. 174 of the City of Seward. I I I Signed C P Keating Me yor ttest: T 'OJ. n. Huwe:bl City Clerk. Qi.)P. ~") , ,;~ ....~' . he form 0 t e 0 ment of the questions set forth in ~ection II. of this ordinance with the addition of the following: "For refinancing the Reconstruction ft'iaance Corporation debt sfx$ii~ii2x~2 , expanding the generating plant and extending the distribution system of the municipally owned electrical utility, and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above" I "Ago..*nst refinancttlt~ the ~'econstruction Finance Corporation debt, expanding the g em9rating platItand extending the distribution system of the municipally owned electrical utility, and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above~ SECTION IX. All provisions of the laws of the United States of America, and of the Territory of Alaska, and the General Ord- inances of the City of beward, relating to registration of voters the manner of conducting elections, ana the canvass of the returns thereof, shall, in so far as applicable, excepting as otherwise specifically pr<bviEied herein, govern the election to be held pursuant hereto. SECTION X. If .iXRBxxBRxaiixBf said proposition carries at S8 d e election, the Common Council will take all steps necessary and proper to issue and sell said bonds and acquire said utilities and facilities. SECTION XI. This ordinance shall 00 posted on the Bulletin Board of the City Hell, Seward, Alaska, for a period of twenty (20 days prior to date of Electioh. SECTION XII. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upo its passage and approval, an emergency having been declared. Passed by the ~ommon Council of the City of beward, Alaska, and approved by the Mayor, all on this 22nd day of Nove_bel", 1947. It was moved by ~ennedy and seconded by ~ainter to accept Ordinance 174 as read. Sellers no vote, the rest voted yes. T~e Mayor declared it passed. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Painter that the City Clerk check the names on the last election. All voted yes. Mr. Almer Peterson of Anchorage challenged the right of the Ci ty to check the names of t hose who had voted at the last elEictio on Oct. 20, 1947. He was also opposed to t~e above motion. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Sellers that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Att~, ~ ~/e~ City C erk. ' . //-, Aflpr,?yea.: ~. /_." ",-" .' ('. /",)~;/~~:;~~~:/j -J" ,,/-, - ( !: - I ,.~./ ;::::.. ,_ / ': _~h_': Mayor / / ,/ SPECIAL SESSION OCTOBER 29, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of tue City of Seward, Alaska was called ao orEier by ~ayor Keating at 8:20PMwith councilm D~hl, Kennedy, Painter, and Stanton present, S~llers came in late, Novick wes absent. The meeting was called to reVOke Ordinance 174 upon the advic of the City Attorney E<< and pass a new Ordinance in it's stead. Other items to be considered will be the sale of certain lots; the American Legion Club License and clsoing hour and other pressing matters to come before the Gouncil; The American Legion Club represented by Mr. Lanier asked to have Ordinance 134 read. The City Clerk read urdinance 134 relating to c~osing Hours for Liquor establishments. Mr. Lanier then asked that the American begion Club be allowed to stay open after 1 o'clock AM for members and their guests only. After some discussion the Mayor suggested that they be allowed to stay open ';")' "'.~ ~") '" i H 1lt ., ",,:_, _ > I fter 1 o'clock AM until the first of the year provided that they llowed members and their guests only in their club. After that . me the Council would consider changing the Ordinance. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Dahl that the American lub be a llowed to operate as their board of Stewarts directed as o the c losing hours for the next 60 days. All voted favorably. The Mayor read the following Urdinance: OrdiDtalnee Nn. 19~ . , An ordinance to repeal Urdinance No. 174 relatwg, to a bond lection. ''', ',' ' . S. d f . .' ".' 19ne r ", . /C-.!~~' (.-' '- Mayo-r: '/ ~ttest :4f~.tI~# City Clerk. I It was moved by Painter and seconded by Stanton to suspend the ules and repeal Ordinance No. 174 and adopt Ordinance 175. 11 vot6ct favorably. The following ordinance was read three times. ORDINANCE NO. 176 An ordinance of the ~ity of Seward calleng a special election or the purpose of submitting to the guil1fled electors of the City f Seward the propositions: (I). Shall the City of Seward incur a general obligation bond ndebtedness of $90,000.00 for the purpose of expanding and extendi he generating plant and distribution system of the municiaplly wned electrical utility and issue general obligation bonds of said ity in a sum not exceeding $90,000.00, supported and secured by th ull faith and credit of said City and a pledge of the revanues fro aid utility as authorized by the Act of Congress passed and approv 8Y 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as a mended June 14, 1937, Ch. 37, 50 Stat. 258. (2) Shall the City of Seward issue general obligation bonds of SAid City in t he sum of $81,360.00 for the purpose of ~efunding utstanding revenue bonds now held by the rteconstruction .inance orporation which bonds were issued under a I' esolution adopted by he Common \Jouncil of the vity of ....eward, Alasaa-, on May 4, 1936, a mended under the authority of Public Act. No. 63, 74th Congress, pproved May 20, 1945, and issue general obligation bonds of said ity in a sum not exceeding $81,360.00, supported by the full faith nd credit of said City and a pledge of the revenues of said utili s authorized by the .l:>ct of Congress passed and approved May 28, 19 h. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 ~tat. 58, and by the Act approved Jan 17, 1940, Ch. 3, 54 Stat. 14. BE IT ORDERED by the Common Council of the Ci ty of Seward, Alas a, s follows: SECTION I Pursuant to Act of Congress passed and a pproved May 8,193&, Ch. 467, Stat. 13t38, as amended June 14,1937, "'h. 337, 5 tat. 258, and Act of Congress passed anctapproved Jan 17,1940, Ch. .j 54 Stat. 14, whereBY municip~l corporations in Alaska are permit- ed to incur bondee indebtedness to an amount not exceeding 10% of he aggregate taxable value of all real and personal property with- n the corporate limits and to refund existing bond intiebtedness, special election is hereby called to be held in the City of ....eward, laska, on the 20th day of ~ovember, 19471 under the provisions of aid Act and pursuant to the laws of the eriitory of Alaska, and he ordinances of the City of ....eward. SECTION II. There shall be submitted to the qualified electors f the said City, authoriaed to vote, as hereinafter provided, the ollowing propositions: (1) Shall the City of beward, Alaska, expand and extend the unicipally owned Ele&~rical utility generating plant and distribution acilities and for such purpose issue general obligation bonds of t e ity of Seward in the sum of $90,000.00 maturing serially from two o twenty years from date and for the payment of said bonds pledge he full faith and credit of the City of veward and the revenue of aid utility for the payment of the principal and interest of said onds, all as authorized by Act of Congress ~ssed and approved May 8, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, o stat. 258, said bonds to be issued by subsequent ordinance or esolution of th~ Common Council of the Uity of Seward ;1 9"~n "'"") '" t \1 conditions, maturity and interest rates as may be ordained bywid Council. , (2) Shall the City of Seward issue general obligation bonds ir an amount of $81,360.00 to refund exiHsting revenue bonds held by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which bonds were issued under a resolution adopted by the Common vouncil of the City of SeWard, Alaska, on May 4, 1936, as amended, under authority of Pbblic Act. No. 63, 74th Congress, Approved May 20; 1935, and issue general obligation bonds of said City in a sum not exceeding $81,360.00, supported by the full faith and credit of said City, and a pledge cr the revenues of said utility as authorized by the Act of ~BgRBSSXX Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 40 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337, 50 Stat. 258, and ey the Act approved Jan 17, 1940, Ch. 3, 54 Stat. 14, and for such refunding purpose issue general obligation bonds in said amount maturing serially from two to twenty years f rom date and for the payment of said bonds pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward and the reve- nue of said electrical utility for the pa~ment of prineipal and interest of said refunding bonds, all as authorized by the Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Gh. 467, 49 Stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, Ch. 337. 50 Stat. 258, and by the Act approved ~an 17, 1940, Ch. 3, 54 Stat. 14, said bonds to be issued by SUbsequent ordinances or resolution of the Common Council of the City of Seward upon such interest rate, maturity, terms and conditions as may be ordained by the said Council. SECTION LLI.All persons residing within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, Whose names appear on the last tax roll or record of siad municipality for the purpose of municipal taxation shall be qualified to vote at said election. Persons whose names do not appear on said tax roll shall not be qualified to vote. No. special registration for this election prior to the date thereof snaIl be required of any qualified elector, but the City Clerk of the City of Seward shall prepare an alphabetical plst of all persons whose names appear on the last tax roll of said City and all persons who vote at said election whose names appear on s aid tax rolls, shall sign an affidavit setting forth their qualifications and shall re- gister at thetime of receiving his or her ballot. SECTION IV. The polling place for the said election shall be at BxKt the City Hall, in the said City of Seward, and the polls shall be open from 8:00A.M. of the said election day until 7:00P.M. of said day. SECTION V.The City Council hereby appoints E.E.Chamberlain, A.F.Rasmu6sen and Norma Thurston as judges, and Mirian V. Painter and Alice Lorang as Clerks to conduct said election at the City Hall of Sewarg, Alaska. SECTION VI Noti~e of said election shall be given by posting a written notice thereof on the bulletin moard in the City Hall in SAid City, and at the Office of the Alaska Railroad Dock in said City, all of which places are heeeby found and declared to be consri- cuous places within the corporate limits of said City. S_id nmtiue of election shall be posted at said designated places no less than twenty (20) days prior to said election. SECTION VII Said notice sh~l be signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Clerk, and shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION A special election will be held in the City of ueward, Alaska, on the 20th day of November, 1947, for the purpose of submitting tc the qualified electors of said City, whose names appear on the las tax roll of record of said City for pusposes of municipal taxation the following questions: Shall the City of Seward incur a general obligation bond indelt- edness of $90,000.00 for the purpose of expanding and extendirg the generating plant and distribution system of the municipal'y owned electrical utility and issue general obligation bonds of said City in a sum not exceeding $90,000.00 supported and secured by the full faith and credit of said City and a pledgE of the revenues from said utility as authorized by the Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as amended June 14~ 1937, Ch. 337, 50 stat. 258. :1~~ I Shall the City of Seward issue general obligation bonds of sai City in the sum of $81,360.00 for the purpose of refunding out standing revenue bonds now held by the -econstruction Finance Corporation which bonds were issued under a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, on Mey 4, 1936, as amended under the authority of Public Act. No. 63, 74th Congress, approved Mny 20, 1945, and issue general obliga tion bonds of said City in a sum not to exceed $81,360.00. supported by the full faith and crGdit of said City and a pledge of the revenues of said utility as authoraized by the Act of Congress passed and approved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 stat. 1388, as amended June 14, 1937, b4 Stat. 14. The pollihg place will be at the City Hall in the City of Sewa nd the polls will be open from 8:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. of said d Those persons who are citizens of the United States over the ge of twenty-one years, who are bona fiUe residents of the terri- ory of Alaska, and who have been such residents continuously durin he entire years immediately preceeding the election, and who have een such re~idents continuously for thirty days next preceeding he election within the corporate limits of the City of ~eward, who re a ble to read the Constitution of the United States in English anguage, and to write the Bnglish language, and whose names appear n the last tax roll of record of the City of Seward for purposes 0 unicipal taxation, shall be qualified to vote at said election. No special registration for this election prior to the date th f shall be required but pr~vmsion shall be made for registration 0 ach voter at the time of receiving hie or her ballot. If 65% or more of the voters at said special election shall ca heir votes in favor of issuing general obligation bonds of 90,000.00 for the purpose of expanding and extending the generati lant and distributing syste~ of the municip~lly owned electriaal tility, and in favor of issuing general obligation bonds of 81,360.00 for the purpose of refunding outstanding revenue bonds n VI eld by the "econstruction Finance Corporation, and shall by such ate authorize the issuance of $171,360.00 in general obligation onds of the city of Seward, then the Gouncil of,said City proposes o issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $171,360.00 secured y the pledging of revenues of said utility in the total principal uw fir $171,360.00 or such part thereof as the City Council of said ity of Seward may deem necessary to complete the expandion of the enerating plant and distribution system of the municipally owned lectrical utility. Interest upon said bonds shall not exceed 3i% er annum, said bonds shall mature serially fron two to twenty year rom date, and the issuance thereof shall in all respects conform ith general'law and with the ordinances of the City of beward. This notive is geven pursuant to an Act of Congress passed an pproved May 28, 1936, Ch. 467, 49 ~ta. 1388, as amended June 14, l' 37 Ch. 337, 50 stat. 258, and by Act approved Jan. 17, 1940, Ch. 3, 4 stat. 14. I :1 ttest L'~/~>~L?0f!PP' ~y~erk. SECTION VIIIl The form of the ballot shall consist of the stat - ent of the questions set forth in Section II, of this ordinance, the addition of the following: "For expanding and extending the generating plant and distribu ion system of the municipally owned elecrrical utility and issue ~eneral obiliigation bonds of said City in a sum not esceeding $90,000.00 and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above." . : /z:..' --<; ,'~, -. -:,>' - Slgned.,t,~, /1/ .:.t::/ .'_' <11.8yor' -. ',> . "against expanding and extending the generating plant Bnd distributing system of the municipally owned electrical utility and issue general obligation bonds of said City in a sum not exceeding $90,000.00 and the issuance of general obligation bonds as stated above." "For issuing general obligation bonds of said City of Seward in the sum of $81,360.00 for the purpose 'Rio);;;'; _\ 1 . ........ ",.,- of refunding outstanding revenue bonds now held by the Reconstruction Fmance Corporation." "Against issuing general obligation'bonds of said City of Seward in the sum of $81,360.00 for the purpose of erfunding outstanding revenue bonds now held by the Reconstruction I!inance Corporation." ,SECTION IX. All provisions of the laws of the united Sta tes , f America, and of the territory of Alaska, and the ~RRR~i general ordinances of the City of Seward, relating to registration of votels the manner of conducting elections, and the canvass as otherwise specifically provided herein, govern the election to be held pur- suant hereto. SECTION X.lf the above proposition carries at the said electicn the Common Council will take all steps necessary and proper to issle and sell said bonds and acquire said utilities and facilities. SECTION XL. Tnis ordinance shall be posted on the bulletin board of the City Hall, Saward, Alaska, for a periOd of twenty (20) days prior to date of Election. SECTION XII.This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, an emergency having been declared. Passt d by the Common Council of the City of beward, Alaska, and approved by the Mayor, all on this 29th day of October~ 1947. _ -, . I I ..' .. ~". . ~,. Signed ('Yd~'LL "-"';/// Attest JfA f!o-ld1(J C ty Cler . It was moved by Kennedy andreconded by Painter to suspend the rules and adopt Ordinance 176 as read. Sellers no, Dflhl ~"', A-eimedy, Painter and Stanton yes. The above motion to suspend t he rules and adopt Ordin~nce 176 was withdrawn by Kennedy and Painter. It was moved by .c'einter and seconded by Dahl to suspend the rules. All voted favorably. It wa~ moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to adopt Ordinance 176. Dahl, Kennedy, ~ainter and Stanton voted yes, Sellers voted no. A bid was read from A.R.Brooks for LOts 30, 31' and 32 in Bloc1 31 Urig. townsite for $75.00 each. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by hennedy to accept the bid. All voted yes. A bid was read from Gerald R. Huff for an option for Lots 13 & 14 in Block 22 orig. Townsite for $75.00 each. It was moved by Sillers and seconded by Dahl to accept the bid if $100.00 each was paid for the lots. All voted yes. A bid was read from AgneS ~. Fisher for Lots 17 & 18 in Block 21 original townsite, asking for an option, for $100.00 per lot. It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy to accept the bid. All voted favorably. A bid. was read from Robt. Martin for anz option to lots 19 and 20 in Block 21 orig, townsite for $50.00 per lot. ItK was moved hy Sellers and seconded by D~ful to accept bid if he would pa~ $100.00 per lot. All voted favorably. A bid was read from the I.L.W.U.-1-82 for lot 20 in Block 18 for $205.00. It was moved by Kennedy ands econded by Dahl to accelt the bid. All voted yes. A bid was read from Robt. ~agner for lot 20 in Block 18 for $160.00. Bid rejected vecause of ~RimRx>>ij~ larger bid, by anothel party. A letter was read from Vpn C. Nyman for an area of 100 feet by 100 feet adjouring the existing Seward Airport land strip be assigned to Gilbert Anthony and Van C. Nyman for use as hanger, office and shop space allied with flying operations into and from Seward. This area to he lots 3 . 4 of ~ity Engineers plat of airfield. The Mayor said that several commercial airtravel co. at the field had suggested a rental 6V about $300.00 per year for each company using the field. The details t 0 worked out later. The fallowing bids were read for the ~olice Car: Linwood S. Long Jr $293.00 Carl ~. Sparks $401.00 Hamiltons Garage $457.00 I ~ ..-" '- '.' '. "1JJ"iiI"....-- .. .~ ~:'-):, ~ \ I he bids were rejected. The following suggested ammended Section 25, of Ordinance 38 read: , Ordinance 38 Section 25, Any person or person who shall fire any pistol, un,or rifle, or any other species of fire-arms, including air rifles, commonly known as B B guns within the corporate limits of the City of beward, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- iction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifteen dollars, or by confiscation of such gun or by both such ine or confiscation. It wa~ moved by Kennedy and seconded by Painter to suspend rul e nd adopt the changed Section 25 of Ordinance 38. All voted yes. A Bond Election Resolution was suggested by the ~ayor. Councilman i"'ainter suggested that the Council ask Mr1 Hunt ,to retract hfus statement about Mr. Hoben not being approache~ by the oUllcil, in connection with the liater Company. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Sellers that the city ClerK be instructed to copy the minutes of the special meeting in~ Ihich Mr. Hoben, Hedley uavis and Mr. R. B",umgartner were present t the request of the Council to discuss matters in regards to the supply water. A copy to be given to Mr. Hunt with a request to print the same. All voted favorably. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Painter to let the aaket Ball Le~ue t~ use the USO for games for $15.00 per night and or practice for $l~OO per hour. All voted favorably. Meeting adjourned at 10:10PM. I Signed , .~ \.. t' - ....j ,~__ ...,; ~./' May6'p- / .. ' I , Attest n~~/~rP/fl City ",'mk. REGULAR SESSION,NOVEMBER 3, 1947 The Mayor celled the Council to order in regular session t 8:lfl5PM on November 3, 1947 with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, Novick, ainter and Stanton present, Sellers came in late. I Minutes of the last regular and specials session read and pproved. A letter was read from the Nobby Club requesting permission to tay open after 1:00 A.M. and stating that they would be willing to ecompense the City for the same. After 8 short discussion it was urned over to the folice B Committee for investigation. A letter was read from Mr. Bau~gartner requesting the Council o approve liquor licenses for t he following: 1. John Matich & Joe Dosben Bev. Disp. 2." " detail Store 3. Tony Parich (Fourth AV) BAv. Disp. 4." " Uetail Store. 5. " (~ifth"Av&H) Bev. Disp. 6." " Retail Store 7. VAnce Hitt & C.C.Starkey Bev. Disp. 8. Seward Bill's Club Club Li~ense 9. Wm. H. Novick Bev. Disp. 10." RAtail Store 11. Leo M. Douglas Be~.Disp. 12. " Retail S~ore 13. Ross B. Mann Bev. Disp. 14. " Retail Store 15. Tom Babcock uetail Store 16. Harold Jacobs (Nobby Club) Bev. Disp. 17. Seward Trad. Co. Retail store 18. Legion (Seward Post #5) Club License 19. Hal Gilfilen Bev. Disp. t was referred to the Police Committee. A letter was read f ro!D. C. Carlson approving the plans for an ddition to the school as drawn by W. A. ~ahley. ~~ p,,,,". ,'~ '....I' _... ': ~ "'}" '3 It was moved by Paipter and seconded by Sellers to ae~ept he recommendation of Supt. CArlson and approve the plans for the ddition to the School house. Dahl, ~ennedy, Pa~mter, Sellers and tan ton voted yes, Novick voted no. A letter was read from Ethel Lyons asking if the Seward Girls ~sket Bell Team would plaWthem either in Seward or in ~almer. atter was turned over to Councilman Painter for investigation. A letter was read f rom Norma Thurston asking for money for the ibrary. It was moved by ~ovick and seconded by Kennedy to turnove he money left from the Krug B~nqueBt. $61.00. All voted yes. , A letter was read from the the Public Housing Administration uggesting that an adjusted rental schedule be set up for the Housi g roject in Seward. It was turned over to the Mousing vommittee. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers that a letter e Written to the Alaska Railroad and the Northern Steve. & nandl. o. asking them to insure the Gity Fire Truck used by them. 11 voted favorably. ~ letter was read from Mr. Webb stating that he was having harQtime getting insurance for Wain Street. A letter was read from from the Corps of En&ineers telling bout work bein~ done at the Port of Baltimore, Maryland. The follo.ing City Bills were read: - lark $400~00, Turnbull $350.00, Pierce $350.00, VAn Guilder $350.0 kielcheski $450.00, Howell $850.00, Ericson $8.33, Estes $350.00, , ae.mberlain $lO(~O, Rasmussen $10.00, Thurston fIO.OO, Painter $10. 0, Lorang $10.00, V'tlth. Held TAX $337.10, Dept of ,ax. $167.25, S.V.F. $62.50, Kenai Elect. Equipt.$18.50,Trick & Murray $49.00, Sewa~d ab. Shop $3.~ tlaska Book. Sere $10.00, Sirchie Finger Print Lab 27.98, S.L.&f~Ag.ew. Drug. $8.55, paulsteiner $167,50, Sew. Metal W ks. $26.00, Alaska Shop $3.79, Sew. Mach. Shop $70.80, S.W.S. $146.46, Sew. Hard. $76.39, Andh's Oil Del. $144.12, Doyl's Furniture $430.0 , Std. Oil Co. $39.91, ERds Bree, Service.$36.05, S.E.S. $519.55, Petty Cash $121.30. The above bills were approved by the finance committee. It was moved by Novick and s800nded by DAhl to pay the City Bills. All voted yes. The City Engine~r Estes reported that the Seward Veterans IHousing was a bout lione and requested that the Council m~ke an inspe jtion. Wednes.Noon was set as the time for the Council to inspect the Veterens Housing Project. The Mayor read a financial report on the Federal Housing Project. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Dphl that the City adve - ia tise for all bills against Mr. Howard for the Seward Veterans IHOUSing Project . All voted favorably. Mr. Howard stated that he thought it unfair for the city to aa for the bills until they had paid him up to date. Part of a letter from the F.P.~.A. was read saying that the contractor had to pay fo the cooking stoves. It was moved by Novick and se~nded by Kennedy to rescine the former motion about calling for the bills ZH against Mr. Howard u~ilthe 90% had been paid by the City. All voted favorably. Peggy Goodrich asked about amounts deducted from taxes for the Brownell Fund. The Mllyor said that there ha.d been a public meeting where a delegate was elected to go to "ashington D.C. IlBZBJllln to see if the Alaska Rpilroad would BRX=JlllHX1HHa~ still use Seward as a terminaL Mr. Erwin had been elected but could not go, and M Sen. Brownell had taken his place. In order to pay expenses the Mayor had collected money from businessmen and some had del'1anded a refund on their taxes. Ed. Davis from Anchorage asked permission to make a copy of th minutes of the meeting of oct. 22, 1947 and also city records of ~eetings whether approved or not. He also wanted to know if the Utility records were open to the public. The Meyor said that the Utility Board had full authority over the Utility Records~ The Airr;.9Ft Committee re!J()rtea a meeting with Borne of the ~irmen. The~~age of the airport has been laid out in plots. the Commercial P~rplane Co.s suggested rental for this space, the money to be handeled by a committee who would use it to improve the field.. Mr. Leirer suggested that the hangers be placed on the other side of the field as it would be cheaper to clear the 13nd on the other side. A meeting was called for next ~ondey to discuss Liquor ~icense Dr. Sellers asked about rent for the public "ealth Nurses uffi e I-I ~ .--...~""e' "'.;r...._.J"\ ..'") ~). 0+ " t""" ----1'---- ----- ,. - ---------- ------------- -- ----- The ,street Committee Vias asked to investigate the bull - dozing of Fifth ~ve. from Madison to A. Street. It Vias moved by Fainter and seconded by ~tanton to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 10:55PU. Approved I Attest ~ ~ _ D-/. v~fj 1y;y ~ REGULAR SESSION,NOVEMBER 17, 1947 The regular session of the Common Council of the City of Seward was called to orBaer by ~ayor Kesting at 8:30Pm with all Gouncilmen prepent. I Minutes of the last regular sess ion was read and approved. 'IT~e following bill of the beward ~lectrical ~ystem were read: ,0. Lindberg $676.00, Duffy $676.00, DeLou~hery $513,75, Kelly !$297.50, II Lindberg $175.00, Williamson $680.00, Empey $270.00, ISew. Gab. Shop $18.00, Petty Gash $144.31, B8nk of ~ew. $424.40, IWorth. Pump & macho $1,573.57, Genl Eled. Supply $313.41, Edison IElec. $2.00, Sew. Metal Works. $29.401 Sew. L & P $'7.50!. Paulstiner $15.10, Eads. Bro. $104.:::3,SEw. W.S.$5.05, Sp.w. hard. 1Ii15.66, '. 'I Sew. ....ach. Shop $56.14, Kenai Elec.~24.49, City ~xpress $3.12, Std. Oil. Co. $1966.48. Total $7566.71. I It was moved by Painter and seconded by Novick that the S.E.S. IbillS be approved. D~hl, Kennedy, fa~x Painter, Novick voted yes, Sellers voted yes if the extra money for the Supt. ~as for extra lhours worked, ~tanton voted no. I A letter was read from P.W.Johnson of the Hureeu of O~d ,"'an~~ement, iliaah.D.C. accepting our bid for units 2 through 10, !of the Fort naymond CO~Jercial area project as set forth in sale tof April 9, 1947. The bid was for $30.00 par unit or a total of i $270.00. It was moved by ~ovick and seconded by Dahl to send a check to the Bureau of ""snd "'an~gement for $270.00 for these lots. All vtoed favorably. A letter was read f rom the School Board ask>.1ilng that plans be made for additicnal gal class rooms. One plan was to construct an a ddition to the present building with five addition class rooms, at a cost of about $50,000.00. An alternate plan was to move the home economics depatt. to the basement and use that rogm for a class I room. The alternate plan would be permanent but would require an addition at a later date. The school board also asked for a payment of $5000.00 on the school budget for the year. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Novick to pay $5000.00 on the school budget. All voted yes. A bid was read from W.R.Heinbaugh for lots 24, ~5, 26 ! 27 in Block 36 for $265.00. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Kennedy.to accept the bid. All voted yes. A bid was read fron C.M.Ling for lots 21, 23 & 23 of Block 26 for $35.00 each. It was moved by Novick end seconded by Sellers to accept the bid if C.M.L1ng made a permanent fill for the alley across I Jefferson Av. All voted favorably. h bid was read Brom B.B.Suddath for lot 37 in BImck l4 for $25.00. It was moved by Kennedy and seconded by uovick to accept the bid. All voted favorably. A bid was read from Mrs. L.P.Burke for lot ~ in Block 10 Federal Addition for $60,00, It was moved by ~ovick and seconded by Sellers to accept the bid. All voted f8DorHbly. A bid was read from Goesin and Empey for lots 5 (x 6 in Block Ix~~kH 3.~aubner Addition for $40,00 each. It was moved by Novict~d seconded by Kennedy to accept the bid when the ditch has !t~Ut~~iMU:l4JiU{ i -I ,),,",. (, t -{ '," .. ,.." -'\ i' !been bulldozee. All voted favorably. i i The Pol ice Committee recomnended tha t the Liquor Licenses 1 istled ,in Mr. Baumgartl1-er' sletter of Oct. 20, 1947 be approved for all ! 'except for Hal \.Jilfilen. It was suggested that the Liquor Dispensairys be Ii. llowed to stay open after LAM upon payment of a set fee.Novick i suggested that the Police check all liqour establishments several times in the evenings. It was moved by Novick and seconded by Sellers to give a lieerise to Liquor D.alers having a Deverage Dispensary License to stay open from 1 AM to 4 AM for a fee of $500.00. D~hl, Sellers, and stanton I voted yes, Kennedy and Novick no vote gnd Pa~~ter voted no. Sihce the vote was a tie the ~ayor erercised~riveledge and voted against the motion. the motion lost. ~ It was moved by ~ovick and seconded by Gtanton to approve all Liqour Licenses as asked for by mr. Baumgartners letter of Oct. 20,1947. Dahl and "'tanton voted yes, r'ennedy, .t'ainter and Sellers, voted no, Novick no vote. ' It was moved by Painter and seconded by ~ennedy to approve all; but the license for Hal Gilfilen. Novick no vote,the rest voted y~s. Mr. Baumgartner asked for the approval of R. ~erner for a ' lteta il Store Li cense and F. Howard for a "hole '"'ale (Mal t and dine)1 License. It was moved by Painter and seconded by hennedy to approve the jlicense for R. Werner and F. Howard. !Action withdrawn. , It Vias moved by rainter and seconded by l>'ennedy to suspend the rul~s to revoke Ordinance 140 regulating the Beverage Dispensary and ~etail Store Liquor Licenses. Novick no vote the rest voted yes. It was moved by Painter and seconded by t.ennedy to revoke Ord.: 140 regulating the ~everag8 Dispensary and R~tail store Liquor Licenses. ~ovick no vote, the rest uta voted yes. It was moved by .t'~inter and seconded by hennedy to approve a 111 !Liquor Licenses except Ral Gilfilen ~ev. uisp. ~~ense. Novick no ' ivote, utanton voted no. DAhl, ~ennedy, Painter, and Sellers voted ~es. The licenses ase as follows:.. l.' John "<atich & Joe Doshen Eev. ::lisp. and Retail Store, Tony Parich I \ (Fourth Ave) BeX' Disp. and ~etail titore; Tony Paric~ (Fifth Ave) IEev. Disp. and etail Store,Vpnce Hitt & Starkey Bev. Disp., Sewa~d !Bills Club, CluB Licnes.e, W.R.Novick Bev. Disp. and "'etail Store. L.M.Bouglas Bev. Disp. and, Retail Store, R.B.M~nn Bev. Disp. and ,Retail store, T. Babcock, ~etail 8tore, Nobby Club Ber. Disp . (Seward Trading \Jo. "'etail store, L~gion Club License, H.A.Vlerner :Retail ~tore ~ F. C. Howard dholesale (Melt & Wine). The Police Committee recommended that an ordinance be passed . stopping trucks from parking on Fourth ~'ve. from "ashington to Adams Stre&t except when u~loading freiSgt. They also asked about. .ij turns at intersection on<<kM~ Fourth five. It was moved by Novick and seconded by ~ahl to approve the . . purchase of the Police ~ar. All voted favorably. i . . Mrs. J. Mac 08&?ken resigned 8S manager of :1tt~e.."",IFferd V eteran~ I Houslng Project and ,I'. Estes was asked to be the.cI1U3-nagef>. I I Mr. Howard said he expected to finish the small jobs at the i 'housing project in a few days. He said he had sent his contract tQ : CAlifornia to be examined by the head office of the F.P.H.A. I before he would ins~all the space heaters. The Mayor asked the Council to meet with l.lro Howars next '.iednesday to disc~s the Veterans Rousing Project. ._ J. I ~'C: . : The i'"ayor asked thut at letter be written to the bunll2lU ef E.titol1c Roads asking them to keep the ~~ad open from Coopers Landing to KeDBi during the winter months. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by fainter that the "'ity I Clerk be asked to write a lietter 80 Ike. Taylor of the Alaska Hoadl COIlL'!lission aSkimg that the road be kept open this wiuter. All voted favorably. , The Mayor ref!d a letter f rom the Dept. of the Interior accept,ng ! bhe bidK for the Marine WaYs by the City of Seward. ' Meeting adjourned at lO:55PM _ _~ Approvo' eF-;Z::[/ , / Attest ~/t:;h)~ ' ! -\ I , i ---, ,,<>\'*'" ., ..)--(, ! r ~- - -~r - A speo1" se sa ion of ths Common Couno 11 of the City of "e.. rd I was called to order by Mayor Keatin~ ~, November 21, 1947 at 8:30 ! PM., with All vouncilmen present. ~ The meeting was called to discuss Federal Public Housing, i C~nvassing the election, the liquor situation and other matters. i :kkkt The Mayor discussed the financial standing of Mr. Howard's Contract and said that he believed that the City could pay him $10,000.00. Mr Howard asked about the $1505.00 for celute<< borrowed from the Alaska Railroad, he sald he would leave the money with the City Clerk until the account is settled. The Council asked Mr. Howard to make out checks for the sub-contractors after which they will pay Mr. Howard $11,505.00. It was moved by .'ovick and seconded by Dahl to make 8 payment to ~r. H~ard of $11,505.00 with the stipulation that he make out checks for his sub-contractors when the money is put in his account. All voted favorably. It was moved by Painter and seconded by Stanton to Butho~ize , the finance committee to borrow $5500.00 from the Bank to pay !I.r. Howard. Sellers voted no, the rest voted..yes. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by ennedy to appr~ue the recommended adjusted rental saBa~Hia scheaule as suggested by F.P.H.A. All voted favorably. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Kennedy to p~y Mrs. i I J. Mc Ceacken $100.00 per month as manager of the S.V.R.P. . I All vote~ favoaably. '. I Mr. W~lker asked about the payment of draft regulators on I the cook stoves. The Mayor said he had authorixed the installati~n ~~ of the regiILla tors because Mr. Howard did riot bel ieve he sould pay t-\ for them as he did not expect to pay for tue s~uves. o Mr. Amend asked about sending Mr. Williamson to Seattle to \~ il purchase new 1I~:XlD equiptment. The Seward :<:lectric SysteJ1 hGS enough ~lmoney to purchase a 100 KW generator for immediate installstion. ~~: It was moved by "ennedy and seconded by "ovick to approve the ~ I request o~ the Utility Board to send wr. Williamson to S~ctt13 to ~ ~\), purchase some new equipment. All voted favorably. " . I Mr. Painter asked about the cement mixer being used by the ('!:; ',KeEi Co-opt trade co. T.7ho had authorized its use'1 l ~ I After a short discussion it was moved by Stanton snd seconded \, l ,by Ppinter to authorize the use of the machine by the KeBai Co-Op. \ '-' ~ ,Trad. 00. at a regular rate to be est:iJbl ished by the street Cornmi ttee \ "]'-:0 ! and approved by the Council. Novick no vote the rest voted yes. '",- \ Mr. lJevan requested the managership of the Seward Veterans ~ !housing ~rmject. ~\ ? I M2'!:J( Councilman Painter said that about 150 tel 200 Elks were . ) \\ coming f rom Anchorage for an ini tittion and suggested the t the ~, i Oounci 1 give the liquor dealers permission to stay open after the , . regular closing hours, for the that evening. Itw was moved by Kennedy and seconded by Stanton to suspend Ordinance 1~4 regulating the c losing_hours of liquor dealors for ! the night of the Elks Convention. Novick no vote the rest voted yes. The following are the results or the election of Oct. 20, 1947 Special Election for Bond issues Proposition No. 1 For 137 " "" J.gainst 97' " "2 For 131 II "" Against 102 " "3 Fa r 116 " 11" Against 114 It was moved by stanton and seconded by "ennedy to accept the report of the JUdges and 01ersk of the election and declate that all proposition failed as they failed to get a 65% majority. All voted favorably. _ The following are the r@sults of the election of Nov.20, 1947. Special Bond Election ~ Prorosition No. 1 For 175 " 11.1 Against 70 n 11 2 For 164 " "" Against 76 SPECIAL SESSION NOVEMBER 2i, 1947 I j ~ \ t. \ I : the i the I I :3 :~ \~ Attest SPECIAL SESSION NOVEMBER 25, 1947 -\ A speciRl session of the Common vouncil B~ the City of ueward was called to order by Meyor Keating on Nov. 25, 1947 at 8:00PU 'with Dahl, Kennedy, Painter, Sellers and ~tanton presenm, Novick i absent. , The Mayor said this meeting is called for the purpose of ful- 'filling the requirements set forth by the d~pt. of Interior, BUBeaU , of ~8nd Man~gement in the sale of the Marine Ways tu tne city of s~ward ,and taking necessary action therein. I The Mayor read the following Resolution: RESOLUTION. , 'IvHEHEAS: The Seward City Council on behalf of the Sity deslres to : I Ji'lKKI&:N purchase. the Army surplus property known ~s the arine \I~ys, (a waterfront property within' the City limits), consisting of a wharf, cold storage, small boat harbor, etc., and_ '\vHEREAS; The City Council believes it is to the interests of the Cxty as a whole to acquire con~rol of the said property as now I available, primcipally to prevent discrimination in the use of the small boat harbor, the wharf, and the cold stor'age, a and, , WHEREAS: The City Council remembers that a majority of the taxpayer's voted to acquire the property, at the election of October 20, 1947~ and, V!HEREAS: THE FUNDS ARE U.CKING AT PRESENT TO MAKE THE DOViN PAYMENT. to the Government &s re~uireft, and it is questionable if , Tax receipts money on hand c.0111dpe used to purchose this i wharf Bnd cold storage facility, and, . : \IH3REAS the only method to obtain the necessary money, open to thE! : Council, in the time specified, is to borrow temporarily I I the down payment amount, and, I \iHEREAS: Private ooney is available to the City as a loan for the purpose of sa id purchase, and, I WHEREAS: The City intends issuing revanue bonds for the full purch~se 'price, ($40,000.00), 8S quick1;y as possible, andfrom thesale of said Bonds to repay and private loan for the down payment. . Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council, sitting in special . session this 25th dey of Nov. .947, th..t the linety (90) day lo..n of . eight thousand dollats,($8,000.OO)~ at six (6%) percent interest, ----, O>;)i ., -.., . ~ ~.~ '1,..~- I tendered by Don C~rlos Brownell, be and is hereby, accepted, and the M~yor ~nd 81erk are hereby authorized to endorse !he eight thousand dollar, ($8,000.00), C~~hiers, Check of the ational Bank of Commerce at Seattle, as proffered. Passed this 25th day of November, 1947. It was moved by Sell~rs and s8conde~ by Stanton ~h~t all rules which might pre~.nt, unless suspended, the consideration, final p~ss8ge, ~nd adoption of the resolution as read at this meeting ~nd its taking effect upon its adoption that t he rules be hereby !suspended for the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage and a doption of sa iel resolution and its t eking effect upon 2doption. All councilmen present voted favorably. I I t was moved by I'ennedy and seconded by J)ahl to ~dopt the reso~ution as resd above. All Councimroen present voted favorably. The fuayor read the following resolution: RESOLUTION ~HEREAS: the Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land M~nBgement requires B statement giXing in detail the contemplated use, by the City of Seward, of the arine nays ~roperty, Now. therefore be it resolved: by the Common Council of the City of Seward, lq8ska. That the primary aim of thl! City of Seward sh811 be to extablish and develop the fishing industry by utilizing these acquired f_cili~ ties to the highest pOEsible .degree. ThUS creating a basic economy !for this community which in turn will benefit the entire territory. lAnd encourage all industrial development, w~rehousing facilities, ~tc, suitAble to the inSE~llgtion. ThlJ-t the silllill boat harbor shall provide a hOlven for all small craft seeking refuge. iThat government funds will be requested to complete the dredging of [harbor and providing improvements now needed. IThat the City of ~ew3rd shall not receive any compensation from the luse of this small boat harbor other than that .mount necess~ry to ~.intain the necessary facilities in ~ccord8nC8 with government !regulstions. iThat the Cold Storage Pl;r.nt be rehabilit~ted to serve lil11 persons !desireous of utilizin8 s.id facilit~es. That all charges to the public be fair and re8son~ble. IIAnd further th~t lilll vessels of the Uni tea States Government which can safely use these facilities consistant with necesslilry pub~lc ,commercial use will be given docking facilities, without charge. , It was moved by Sellers and seconded by Kennedy thgt all rules iwhich might prevent, unless suspended, the consideration, final ip:llSs~ge, and adoption of the resolution 8S read at this meetin~8nd !its taking effect upon its adoption that the rules be hereby suspended I~or the purpose of permitting the consideration, final passage end adoption of said resolution lilna :ts t eking effect upon K~zxias~ adoption. All councilmen pr.s~nt voted favorably. , It was moved by stanton and seconded by 5&llers to Fbove resolution as resd. All councilmen prssent voted . It wes moved by Stanton <lnd seconded by Sellers to ~ll councilmen present voted favorably. ! Meeting adjounned :.ilt 9:00PM. adopt the favorably. adjourn. I . Attest Approved vi {bVf: ~ ff City Clerk;- (<4 ~yor SPECIAL SESSION NOVEMBER 25, 1947 I i A special session of the Gommon Council of the City of uew~rd :was called to order by ,/j",'}or Keating on Nov. 25, 1947 illt 9:05PM i~ith Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, P~int&r, Sellers, illnd Stanton pres.nt, !l~ovick absent. I The meeting was called to take necessary action for passing an I?rdinance against Quonset Huts and s imihr structure in the City of. ~.ward, and also to take action on B Liquor ~icense. i It was moved by stanton and S!lconded by Sellers that ..11 rules 01' ,', ~1'~:,(1 , which might prevent, unless susponded, the consideration, final I passage, end edoption of the propossed Urdinance No. 177 Against I Quonset Huts and its taking effect upon it? adoption that the ruleJ , be hereby suspended for the purpo:se of permitting the considers tiqn final passage and adoption of said ordinance and its taking effect I upon adoptionl All counciilimen present voted favorably. The "layor read the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 111 AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE ERECTION OF ~UONSET HUTS AND SIMILAR BUILDINGS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LH1ITS OF THE CITY OF SEWAR1D. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD; I ALASKA: , SECTION I. In compliance with Ordinance NQ. 31, no permits will be issued for the placing of Quonset Huts, Butler Huts, or similarl structures South of Jefferson Street to the Water Front (Fire District #1 & 2). I SECTION 2. BLOCK Six (6) of the Federal Actdition (School Reserve) ! . is hereby set aside for persons desiring placement of said mention+d I Huts for living quarters at the direction of the City Engine.e. NOI rental fee shall be charged and all huts will have t 0 be removed ' from that area by Jfln. 1, 1951. . I SECTION 3. All Quonset Huts must be removed from the Corporate i timits of the City of oeward by Jan 1, 1951, this will also inclu~e Huts of similar construction. SECTION 41 A deposit of $500.00 shall be given with each permit granted,to the City Clerk to be I"eturned ~t the time of the r amovBl of the Huts. SEDTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, an emergency having been declard. P~ssed by the Qommon Council of the City of ~.ward, hlaska, and approved by the Mayo~, all on this 25th day of November, 1947. It wsw moved by titanton and seconded by uellers to Adopt urdinance 177. All councilmen present voted favorably. , It was moved by ~ennedy and seconded by Stanton to approve tht Liquor License for Hal Gilfilen. All coun.Cilma~nr esent .. ted yesr. Meetin~ adjourned 10:ID5PM ~~. .; Approved ( ~ ~___________ ' . ~ I' I -, Att"J~;;;~ lty ark. '.f'. SPECIAL SESSION NOVEMBER 28, 1947 A special session of the Common Council of the City of Ueward ' ,was called to order by Mayor Keating on Nov. 28, 1947 at 8:15PM with :Councilmen Dahl, Aennedy, Sellers and Stanton present, Novick and ! IP~inter absent. The meeting was called to take what action was nee~ed ito secure additional power for the Electrical Utility owned by the I rCi ty. \'. ,~ I A telegram was received nf/J. \/illi<ilmson, eupt of the Light iPlant saying he could buy a 200 KW generator for $11,500.00. Mr. ~mend Pres. of the Utility Board said the Seward Electric~i System would need $6000.00 to make this purchase and he suggested th~t I the City Borrow this amount against the Seward.Electric System, lincome. , It was moved by Sellers and seconded by D~hl to accept the suggestion of Mr Amend and authorize the Fin~nce Uommittee to arr2nge the loan of $6000.00. All present vo ed favo ably. Meeting adjourned at 8:35PM Attest Approved ~.f(~~ Clty 0 er ~ ~" .1; ~ ~.~ ,. I _______0._.__ _.___--,.__.__ __~._ i REGULAR SSSSION DECEMBER 1, 1947 ~ The regular seesion of the GOL1ffion Council of the City of Sevwrql. 8S called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:20PM with Councilmen wahl; ennedy, Painter, Stanton present, Novick and Sellers absent. I Minutes of the l~st regular and special session were resd ond rpproved as corrected. . The following city bills were read: Manson $mo.50, Vinberg $10.50, Boettcher $18.00, Levinson $18.00, ~oChrane $2.75, School Budget $5000.00, Bahk of Sew. Lots) $271.35, ew. ldsch. Shop ~1909.99,Bure8u of J..Iand '''ang~. .$48.50, C~arj{ ',~4eO.OO, urnbull $350.00, Pierce $175.00, Tubandt $186.67, ~an GUllder 350.00, Kielcheski $450.00, Howell $350.00, Ericson $8.33, Estes 350.001 Bank of Sew. (LQan) $6120.00, Sew. Elsc. ~ys. t~OOO.OO, eaver 0216.00, Loreng $68~00, Dept. of tax. $1518.90, hlth. Tax $313.90, Alaska Print Co. $212.50~ A. C. S. $53.78. hese bills were approved by the rinance Committee. I It was moved by .'ennedy ilnd s econded b~r .....ahl to pay the above Pity Bills. All present voted favorably. I A number of owners of Quonset Huts asked why Urdinance had ~een passed to limit Quonset Huts within the City Limits? They ~hought something should have been done ~80ner, before they had bou.ht ~itheir huts. They need&d hOUS.'ing snd as they were che~p they. would like to have them for living quarters. It w~s suggested that there be ~ zoning law allowing them in certain sections of town. he ~ayor ~sked that those interested in the Ordinance on ~uonset uts meet with the vouncil next Monday. ! A letter was read from Mr. '>rdmann flbout insurance on the Ipolice car. I It was moved by Kennedy und secondei by StBnton to take out insurance on the police c~r, for $59.00 for public liability ~nd roperty damage. All voted fovorably. It was moved by ~t8nton ", d seconded by Kennedy:!!; to ~h~rjlge 3~OO perihour for the useof-thiilltm~bt ~txer.~~.' . MXX.al:IZ:NXRlllkxt1XlKN.txRMN.t~f'l(X .f-II voted f 8vor'd Ll" . 1_ It wes moved by ~t8nton and seconded by 6ainter to pay the ~ollowing Sew. Vito Hous. pooject bills: from rental. ~. L. & P. $12.14, B~ dberg $~OO.OO, Kenei ~lec. $13.64. ~ll voted favorably. The. City hngineer suggested the following committee for the .V. H. P. Mr. ft. M. Bevan, D D Rucker, and R. R. Johnson, and . . ~ 1rllt .'1.. V'!ilcox as miinager. ! It was movllld by Kennedy and seconded by Pa inter to iilccept the ~ suggestion of the City Engineer. All voted favorably. I It was moved by Stanton and seconded by ,oennedy to colI for ~ids for the police car, reserving the right to reject any bid. Ithe bids to be opened DeC. IS, 1947. All voted f ilvorably. i It wasmoved by Stanton Olnd seconded by Painter to approve ,the J<lhange fiL.nlOme ths ':'everage Dis,2ensary iJiquor License from Vance ~itt and Nancy utarkey to ~8ul Sv.deen. All voted favorably. ! M..tYng 'dJourn'd ,t lO:4bP~ ~~ I Approved I ~ v Attest ~~~~~- ~~ City ~ I ,. I REGULMt SESSION DECEMBER 15, 1947 The regular session of the Com~on Council of the City of 3eward, Iwas called to order by Mayor Keating at 8:10 PM with Councilmen Dahl, Kennedy, hovick, Painter and Stanton present, Sellers absent. I The mmnutes of the last regular session were read and approved. A letter was read from the Se~Brd Lutheran Ladies Aid reque~ting a deed for lots 18 and 20 Block 25 made out in their name. These lots were given to the Lutheran Church if used for the eraction of a church. It was moved by Stanton and seconded by Novick to authorize the clerk to make out the deed to the Seward Lutheran Ladies Aid Ifor lots 19 & 20 Block 25. All voted favorably. Ir'Rucker representing the Seward V t H' e erans ouslng Project lOR' 't C) , , - ~ . ~...'? .......- ", ,~~ I ~' sked about ge~ting more furniture for the Dousing project, ~lso i about installing the unit heaters. The Mayor asked the Veterans Hout. Oommittee of the (jouncil to meet with the Committee from the nousin~ ~rea to discuss the problems. i ,There was a discussion about the 0rdinance restricting Quonset Huts~ lIt was moved by Stanton and seconded by Novick to suspend the rulesl !tm in order to revoke Ordinance 177. All voted favorably. , There was a discussion about enforcing the Building Code and the Mayor asked the OityEngineer to see that it was enforced. I, It was moved by ~ainter and seconded by Stanton that Quonset 1Huts can be erected in Block 21, 22, 31, 32, 35 & 36 Original Towns~te, ,and in B",y View Addi tion. ,D~hl, Pa inter, and Stanton voted yes, ~ovick and Kennedy voted no. I ;The Mayor called a special sElsston Wednesaay, December 17, 1947 for, ,the discuss ion of Quonset Huts. ' I The foll~wing S.E.S. bills were read: IErdmann $248.40, Erdmann $117, 15, Polaris $36.00, Stpr Mach. $11,557.50, p. Lindberg $4~6.00, Duffy'~16.00, D~ Loughery $345.00, Kelly I $395.50,Combs $208.00,Jordon $160.00,Williamson $500.00,H. Lindbergl i!175.00,Qith. Hold. Tax $~38.50,Petty C~sh $379.09,U.s.M~rsh811 1",,269.00, Gen. J1.1ec. $10.72, Tue. of U.S. $5.00, North. Corom. $107.25, [Sew. Trad. $4~00, S",feway Airways $34.20, Sew. Cab. Shop $120.00, IS.L.& P. $7.50, paulsteiner $9.00, City Exp. $2.08,S.W.S. $5.05, !Eads. BrOS. $24.84, Std. Oil, $1842.02,Woodward Gov. $103.81. iThe above bills were approved by the Mtility Boord. i It was moved by novick .and seconded by hennedy to 8pprove the, :Seward Electric Sy.tem Bills. All voted favorably. , The following bills were read: for the City Erdmann $59.00, iGym. Bond $1,360.00, Dokken $67.85, Petty Cash $256.49; for the ,Seward Veterans Housing Project, Osbo's Elec. $37.50, Baumgartner '(Manager Bond) $12.50, The check to J1.rdmannN was for insurance on the police car, 5 and 10,00U limit for Public Ltbility and 5,000 [I imit for Property damage. It was. moved by l~oviC\and seconded by !Kennedy to pay the above bills. All voted favorAbly. . A letter was reed from the School Board reouesting that the ICity [lEke iilrrangements for a loan from the R.F.C. for x!l[N~~i :R~l\' 'the payment of school bills ~s the loam could be made for less :than the eight percent charged in Alaska. I d!(J>t.-tA letter was read from the <-award Volunteer Fire Jepartment ~king~City sell them the cement mixer because of the complaints ireceived about the ~ity renting the mixer.After a discussion as 'to renting or selling the mixer it was moved by Painter Bnd seconded: ,by Ctanton to put the mixer up for bids to be opened Jon 19, 1948, Ithe Col).ncil reserving the right to rejecit all or any bids. INovick and Dphl voted no, Kennedy, Painter and Stanton voted yes. I A bid on the policec~r was opened from Robert ~agner for 1'$550.00. .It was moved by Stanton 9nd seconded by ~Binter to accept the bid of Mr. Wagner. Novick voted no, D~hl, "ennedy, P~inter ,and Stanton voted yes. . The .~yor Bead B letter from the D.A.A. te~ling about the :bid from the City of ~eward for the Darine Ways. The Mayor read the following Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 178 . "'1. An Ofdinance of the City of Se~ard C31r~8 special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Seward the proposition: ! (1) Shall the City of Seward purchase from the United States Gevernment the Seward Marine Ways and in payment of the purchase 'price thereof issue Revenue Bonds in the amount of Forty Thousand i Dollars ($40,000.00) s~id bonds to be supported ~nd se~ured only ! by a pledge of the revenue of se id Marine ioiays and the Marine : facilities to be acquired, as authorized b.' the .'l.ct of Oongress p:il~S- I,ed and epproved March 6, 1946, Ch. 52, Public Law 312, H.R. 3580, 7~th Congress, Second Sessimn. BE IT ORD~RED by the Co~~oh Couneil of the City of Seward, Alaska, as follows: SECTION I.Pursuant to Act of Congress p@ssed and approved Marqh 6th, 1946, Ch. 52, ~nd public law 312, H.R. 3580, 79th Comgress, : Second Session, and the laws of the Territory of Alaska, and . ordinances of the City of Seward, AIBska, whereby municipal Corpor~ . ations in Alaska are permitted to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring public works of permanent character, a special election is hereby called to be held in the City of Seward, Alaska, l " '''--- act and I I I nl'.~ ,,'-<;>-,..: , on the 29th d&y of D~cember, 1947, under the provisions of ssaid rSlIant to the laws of the Terri tory of Alaska, and the ordinuncef of the City of Sewsrd, Alaska. SECTION II. There shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the sRid city, ~uthorized to vote, as hereinafter provided, the following proposition: Shall the City of Seward purch~se from the United Ststes Govern- ent the Sew2rd warine W8~rs and in payment of the purch8se price thereof issue Revenue Bonds in the ~mount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), said bonds to be supported end secured only by a pledge of the revenue of said MArine Ways and the Marine facilities to be acquired, as authorized by the Act of Congress passed and approved !arch 6, 1946, Ch. 52, public law 312, H.R. 3580, 79th Congress, Second session. I SEC~ION III. All persons residing within the corporate limits lof the City of Seward who are citizens of the United States of ~meric~, over thp agA of 21 years, who are bona fide residents of ~he Territory of Alaska, Bnd who have been such residents continu- ~usly during the entire y~8r immediately preceeding the date of said election, and who have been residents within the City of seward continuously for thirty (30) days next preceeding the date of said I'election and who are able to read the Constitution of the United states in the English language and who Bre kiN able to write the IEnglish lsnguage, shall be qualified to vote at said special election. INO speci21 registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required bf those qualfied to vote, But the City Clerk of [the City of Seward shall make provisions for the registration of voters who appo@r at the polls. PersoBs desiring to vote at said lelection shall sign, under oath, an affidavit setting forth the ~ualifications prescribed for voters and shHll register in the man- lDer required by generel ordinance at the t ir:\e of receiving his or Iher ballot. ! SECTION IV. The polling place for the said election shall be at the City Hall, in the said City of Seward, Bnd the pmlls shall be open from 8:00A.M. of the said election day until 7:00P.M. of said day. SECTION V.The City Council hereby appoints E.E.Chamberl..im, ;A.F.R:ilsmussen, and Norma Thurston 8S judges, and lHriam V. p~inter ~nd Alice Lorang as Clerks-to conduct said election at the City Hall ~f Seward, Alaska. , sECTION VI. Notice of said election shall be given by posting & written notice thereof on the bulletin board in the City Hall in isaid City; the United States Post Office, and at the Office of th~ ~laska Railroad Dock in sliiid City, all of which places are hereby found and dedl~red to be conspic*ous places within the corporate limits of said City. SAid notice of election shall be posted at ~aid designated places no less than 10 days prior to said election. , SECTION VII. S~id notice shall be signed by the M8yor of said Pity and attested by the City Clerk, and shall be in substanti~lly ~he following form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION , A special election will be held in the City of ueward, Alaska, ~n the 29th day of December, 1947, for the purpose of submitting to ~he qualified voters of said City, who shall qu~lify ae voters under ~egul~tions set forth in Section III of this ordinance, the follow- ing question: Shall the City of Seward purch~se from the United States Govern- ~ent the Seward Marine W,KS Ways 2nd in payment of the purchase ~rice thereof issue Revemue Bonds in the amount of Forth Thousand ~ollars(ip40,OOO.OO), said bonds to be supported and secured only !by a pledge of the revenue of said Marine WAYS ~nd the ~'8rine ~acilities to be acquired, as authorized by the Act of Congress ~assed and a pr:roved ."arch 6, 1946, Ch. 52, Public Law 31~, H.E. ~580, 79th Congress, Second Session. , The polling place '.fIill be at the Ci ty H~ll in the ';i ty of Seward ~18ska, and the polls will be open from ~;OO A.M. until 7~DOPll.~ b~ said day. . : Those persons who are citizens of the United States over the ~ge of twenty-one years, who are bonafide residents of the Territory pf Alaska, and who have been Euch residents continuously during the !entire y~ar .immediately preceeding the election and who have been such :esld~nt~ continuously for thirty days next preceeding the ~lectlon wlthln the E~~ corporate limits of the C.t f ~ , 1 Y 0 0ewllrd, ,~,.~ " /fi l~ It ..-;: u.._~.~ TWno""are able 'to read 'the LJonlilti tution or thel1ni ted states of :--- jAmerica in English language, and to write the English langu9ge, anq !WhO register as herein required shell be qualified to vote at saidl election. ! No special registration for this election prior to the ~te ! 'thereof shall be required but provisions shall be made for regis- ' tration of each voter at the time of receiving his or her ballot. I If a majority of the voters at said special election shell cast their votes in favor of issuing revenue bonds in the amount : of Forth Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), for the purpose of acquiriJg from the United States Government those certain properties. known 81 the Seward Marine W~ys, and shall by such vote authorize the issu- ance of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) in revenue bonds of th City of Seward, then the Council of the sadi City, propose to iasu revenue bonds in the sum of Fortp Thousand uollars ($40,000.00) i senured by the pledging of the revenues of the said utility and th1 properties acquired. Interest upon said bonds shall not exceed 6% per annum in accordance with the limitations set forth in the i Congressional Act hereinbefore referred to. The Council propose tOI issue bonds which shall mature serially within twenty (20) years ! and shall be sold upon such terms, cmnditions and redemption right~ as the Council, by future ordinances, may determine. ! This notice is given pursuant to an Act of Congress passed and approved March 6, 1946, Ch. 52, Public Law 312, H.R. 3580; 79th Congress, Second Session. C. P. Keating Mayor Attest Thos. E. Howell City C19rk SECTION VIII.The form of the ballot sh2ll consist of the statement of the question set forth in Section II. of this ordinance, with the addition of the following: "For acquiring from the United States Government the Seward ~arine WaYs and issue Revenue Bonds to pay the purchase pr~ce thereof as stated above" "Against ilcquiring from the United Btliltes Government the Seward Marine Ways Bnd issue HevenuQ Bonds to pay the purchase price thereof os stated above" SECTION IX. All provisions of the laws of the United States of Americ8, and of the !rerri tory of Alesks, and the genersl ordinan1es of the City of Seward, regulating to registration of voters, the , : manner of conducting elections and the canvass as otherwise specif1 i ically provided herin, govern the election to be held pursuant hereto. SECTION X. If the sbove proposition carries at the said election the Common Council will take all steps necessary end proper to I issue 8ndooll said bonds and acquire said utility and facilities. SECTION XI. This ordinance shall be posted on the bulletin 'board of the City Hall, Seward, Alaska, for Q period of 10 deys i 'prior to date of Election. SECTION XII. This ordinance shall gake effect immediately upo its pass~ge and approval, an emergency having been declared. Pass d by the Common Co uncil of the City of ~ewnrd, A18sk~, and approved! I by the Mayor, all on this 15th day of December, 1947. ' C. P. KEATING MAYOR llTTEGT: THOS. E. HOWELL CITY CLERK --, It w~s moved by D~hl and seconded by St~nton tosuspend the ru1es to pass Ordinance No. 178. Novick voted no, D8hl, Kennedy, P8inte~ ~nd Stanton voted yes. After some discussion on the Ordinance it was moved by Kennedy ~nd seconded by Dahl to suspend the rules to pass ordinunce No.17e. All voted favoratily.' I It w~s moved by ~8inter snd Eeconded by StAnton to pass Ordin ance No. 178, declaring an emergency and dec~ering it read three times. I Novick voted no, Dehl, KennedYt Painter And StQnton voted yes. I Thl Msyor read the followlng ~esolution: I Resolution. 'JHEREAS: The Department of Inter~or Bureau of Land Msnagement in 2 letter dated November 5, 1947, accepted the Citys bid '---- Ii)' "'::- ~ E" s:; $ "'}t-: I , for the purchase of the Merine Viays subject to the terms as outlined in seid letter ~nd, , WHEREAS: The terms as stipulated have been met by the City of Sewarh through proper and legal action of its City Council who have mailed: said information to the ~epartment of Interior Bureau of Land Menag~- ment inW"eshington and, WHEREAS: The Honorably Anthony J. Diamond, Judge of the third Judic~- 81 ~ivision of the 4erritory of Ala.~a, h~s ruled in open Court th~t the City of Seward can purchase the Marine Ways through ~ction by the governing body so long as an obligatIon agaihst the taxpayers is not ,created lind, ' l'iIHEREAS: The next step in Dcquiring the M8rine \lays facilities will 'Ibe the signing con~ract papers between the City of Seward find the Federal Government, 'BE IT HEHEBY RESOLVED BY THE COIJ!f.CN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S]\!PRD, ALASKA" IN REGULAR SESSa;ON CONVIENED IN REGULAR SESSION.IITH !<'IVE OF ITS MEMBERS PRESENT DO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOJ~R THE MAYOR TO SIGN AS OFFICIAL AGENT OF SAID CITY ALL NOTES AND MORTGAGEe AS ',ET FORTH 3Y ORIGINAL OFFER TO BID AS PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT AND AS ACCEPT* ED BY THE CITY OF S:d\VAEL. lAND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT ALL NOTSS i;.ND OTHSft PAPERS so SIG NEp 1.[13 TO BE NO OBLIGATION AGAINST THE CITY AND ITS TAXPAYEHS. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT ALL NOTES AND PAPERS SO SIGNED WILL IBE PAY.1lBLE SOLEY FROM SAID UTILITY. PASSED THIS 15TH DAY OF DEC~MBER, 1947 : It was moved by ~8inter andreconded by Stanton to suspend the jrules to pass the above Hesolution. Novick voted no, '-'0 hI , "ennedy, P~inter and ~tanton voted yes. . It w..s moved by Kennedy and Ii econded by PRinter to ~dopt the IreSoIution as read by the Mayor. Novick voted no, DAhl, Kennedy, painter and utanton voted yes. P8ssed. I The Utility board requested the power to order a 300 KW gener- ~tor from F~irb8nks Morse. I It W8S moved by PRinter and seconded by Novick to give the Utility board the right to order a 300 KW generator (rom FairbRn~s ~orBe. All voted favorably. i M..ting adjourn.d at ::::::::_ ~~~~ ~~ I Attest ~~~ City Clerk. SPECIAL SESSION DECEMBER 3g, 1947 I A special session of the Common Council was c~lled to order py Mayor K~atinl at 4:30 PM with Councilmen D8hl, Novick, Stanton, ~~.1&kx...xi4..%.~ pres~nt. ' . It WaB moved by Novick and seoended by St,nton to accept'the ~lection returas as made by the Judges. All voted ravor~~ly Ordinance 176 For 209 Against165 Total voting 376. ' Meeting adjourned at 4:45PM . , Approved r:r~ ayer , ~~~ I Attest ity ler. CI. . I"~ --t ,'I f". 11: l\. h~l". '\ i RiGULAR SESSION JANUARY 6, 19.8. l~eet1ne: poep.ned, no quorum present. ! Thos. i. Howell 01\.ty Olerk REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 19, 19.8 Wayor Keatin! callee the resular seesion of the Common Oouncil: of the Oitr of Seward to order at 8:05PK with CouncIlman Dahl, Kennedy, N..ick, and Painter present, Sellers came in late, Stanton absent. . I.. Minutes of the last regular and special session were read and [' approved. , : Mr. Geo. Lesko requested a permit to erect two quonset huts i Jon nailroad property in Block 19. They will be used for business. i. I It was moved by Novick and seconded by P~nter to e:ive permiss~on Ito Mr. Lesko to erect two quonset huts in Block 19. All voted I ifavorably. . Mr. D. Myers. asked permission to erect a quonset hut on the liack of his lot fer e:arase and work shop. , , It was moved by lllovick and seconded by Kennedy t. grant perm1ss~on jt. Mr. Wyers to erect quonset hut on his property for garase and i Iwork shop. All voted favo.ab1y. ; !, Mr. H. Amidon requested permission to start a Oab. 0.. in the I jOity of !eward. The present Ordinance limits the number of cabs tio; ifour companies, he requested that the Ordinance be caan.ed. After ! IICOna1derabl' d18cu.aion as to the right of the OUy to limit. the number a' Oeb O.mpanies the Mfyor asked Oouncilmen Novick, Kennedy iand Painter to meet with the cab operator. and brine: back a report at the 'next Oouncil meeting. , _ Mr. F. H.ward aaked when the City was going to make the final I settle.ent on the Seward Veterans Housinc Project. Wayor Keating .; asked hi. if the project was done. Mr. Howa'rd said that the .PbJectl' was doaplet8dracc,r411nlitoc:'hli1rcontract. The Mayor aaid that actio n would be taken by the Oity to make a final settle.ent on the pr.jec~. Wayor Keatinl made a repQrt as to the finances of the City, , if the Oity cellecta most of its taxes there will be a shor'ase of iabout $16,000.00 at the end of the fiscal year. iThe Mllyor sussested a poll tax, car tax, amusement tax, pr.pert~ itax for payin! the school budcet. or a llquor tax might help rat.. Ithe $15,000.00. The Mayor called a special meeting for T.esday ,January 20 to discuss finances. : The Seward ilectric System Bi 11. were presented amounting te '$11039.71. They were approved by the Utility Board. The foll..ing City bills were read: Olark $.00.00, Turnbull $360.00, Tubandt $350.00 Pierce $13.30, Kielch.ski $460.00, Van GUilder $360.00, Howell .350.00, Ericson 18.34, iates $350.00, Sellers $75.00, Ohristensen $36.00, Protzman 126.00, Lorang ..2.00, Beaver $12.00, Davis $24.00, Dokken $78.00, irdmann $59.00, Gym Bond $1,360.00, Petty cash !256..9, Sewar. Pl~b. $1000.43, 0011. of Int. Rev. $304.96, Dept. of ax. $958.00" . Sew.rd Hard. $42.32, fautsteiner $62.70, Ham. Gar. $5.37, Pat's Ge~ $65.90, S.W.S. $292.91, Wart $1.80, Stew. & Muir 168.66, Graphic . Art Press $19.95, North. Coam. 00. $96.30, Oebo. 33.63, Sew. Wach : $112.06, Trea. of U.S. $11.75, irdaan $170.00, S~w. DruS $16.25, , Kenai Elec. iquipt. $77.54, Bert Oulverson $11.50, Sew. Polaris ' 130.65, Fred. C. Howard $118.50, S.B.S. $1156.35, Alaska Print. i. 23.00, S.L&P. $75.22, R.D.Muller, $5.00, Andy'. Oil $586.431 ! Werner. $28.65, Kenai C..O~ $27.16, Kenai Sheet Metal Works ,16.00 I AnchoraCe Times $133.70, Sew. Wetal Works $.,40, Sew T,.d. $15.30,! Std. 011 $62.97, Chamberlain $20.00, aaaaussen $26.00, T~.~8ton $20.00, Painter $20.00, L~anc $~.OO, iads Broa. 5..61. It was moved by ~evlcka and seconded by Sellers to pay all S.B.S. and Oity Bills. All voted favorably. Wayor KeatinS said that the City as. Attorney E. Arnell was ,0inS to Seattle....xk. The Mayor appointed Bue1 Nesbitt as the new Oi ty I.ttllll'ney. I It waSM moved by Kennedy and ssconded by Painter to appreve th~ ,appointment of Bue1 Nesbitt as the City Attorn.y. l.yi9~t~8ted no. . Dahl, Kennedy, Painter and Sellers voted yes. The -ayor suCgested that the Oity sue Mrs. Ora Hubbard for COS~8 of the law suit they brGusht against the City.