HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1988-069 . . . sponsored by: Schaefermever CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO.88-069 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 1989 BUDGET FOR SEWARD GENERAL HOSPITAL AND APPROPRIATING $250,000 OF LOCAL SUPPORT WHEREAS, on April 13, 1988, the community Hospital Board, in accordances with Seward City Code provisions, held a formal public hearing on the proposed Fiscal year 1989 operating budget of Seward General Hospital and subsequently approved said budget; and WHEREAS, section 2-55(a).5 of the Seward requires that the proposed budget of Seward General submi tted by the community Hospital Board to the Council for approval as to the total amount; and City Code Hospital be Seward city WHEREAS, the city Council must also determine the total amount of money to be made available from local sources for hospital purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed Seward General Hospital budget at its regular meeting of May 9 and May 23, 1988; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: section 1. The Fiscal Year 1988 operating budget of Seward General Hospital is hereby APPROVED AND ADOPTED in the amount of $2,343,450. A copy of the budget is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Seward General purposes for the The sum of $250,000 is hereby appropriated to Hospital from local sources for hospital fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988. Section 3. 1988. This resolution shall take effect July 1, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 23 day of May , 1988. 1 . . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 88-069 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ~c:~ HARRY GIESELER, MAYOR DUNHAM, GIESELER, HILTON, MEEHAN, NOLL, O'BRIEN, SIMUTIS, NONE NONE NONE APPROVED AS TO FORM: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL & BRUNDIN, Attorneys for the city of Seward, AK Q~ .l~ Linda S. Murphy, CMC City Clerk Patricia Jones, Acting City (City Seal) 7~ f1I k Fred B. Arvidson City Attorney Clerk 2 . SEWARD GENERAL HOSPITAL . The hospital's operating budget is developed and reviewed by the hospital administration in conjunction with the Community Hospital Board. The budget process of the hospital is governed by Section 2-55(a).5 of the Seward City Code. That Section states: The Hospital Board shall, before May 1st of each year, submit to the city council a proposed budget for the foUowinS fiscal year for approval of the total amount. Not less than one week pnor to its submission to the city council, the hospital board shall hold a public hearing on the budget proposal in the chambers of the city council. A notice of the public hearin~ shall be published in a newspaper by the hospital board at least five days pnor to the date of the hearing. Within sixty days after receipt of the budget, the city council shall determine the amount of money to be made available from local sources for hospital purposes and shall furnish the hospital board with a statement of the sum to be made available. The city council shall direct that a public hearing on the budget l?roposal shall be held no less than one week before its final approval. A notice of the public hearing shall be published in a newspaper at least five days prior to the date of the &earing. If the Council does not, within sixty days, furnish the hospital board with a statement of the sum to be made available, the amount requested in the budget is automatically approved. By July 1st, the Council shall appropriate the amount to be made available from local sources from money available for the purpose. The "money to be provided from local sources" refers to the annual contnbution from sales tax proceeds. The proposed FY 1989 budget for Seward General Hospital was approved by Community Hospital Board on April 18th. Prior to adoption, the Board held a public hearing on Wednesday, April 13th. Notice of the public hearing was issued in accordance with the code requirements. No members of the public attended the public hearing. , Although the hasp'ital budget is included in the city budget package, responsibility for the numbers and justification rests solely with the hospital administration and the Community Hospital Board. Overview . Overall, the hospital has submitted a balanced budget. This contrasts with the current-year bud~et, which included a budgeted margin of $98,738. This budgeted margin has been elinunated for next year in light of the lower activity levels experienced in the first 8 months of this fiscal year. These lower activity levels have resulted in a year-to-date net loss of , $109,629 through the first eight months of the current fiscal year. Activity' levels for March and April have recovered somewhat. Hopefully, this increase in activity will continue and result m improved financial performance by the end of the current fiscal year. Page 97 Revenues The proposed hospital budget incorporates a 10% rate increase for all patient service rates. An informal survey of other rural Alaskan, hospitals has confinned that SGH's rates will continue to be within reasonable parameten. Budgeted revenues for some patient services, most notably "Daily Services charges" have been redu~d from fiscal year 1988 budget levels in light of the significantly lower current- year expenence. The other notable chan~e in bud~eted revenues is found in the "Sales Tax Contribution" line item. The hosJ)italls requestlnlJ an additional $50,000, for a total of $250 000 in sales tax contributions. This amount is Within the city's estimate of what 1% of the ~e; tax will generate during the next fiscal year. Expenses Operating expenses are budgeted for an increase of 8.1%. Much of this increase is attributable to increases in employee benefit costs. The annual cost for employee health insurance is budgeted for $180,000 - up $55,000 (44%) from the current-year amount. fension costs (up $7,000) and worker's compensation (up $10,000) are also budgeted for mcreases. Other significant increases include: the data processing line item, up $37,200 (103%). This increase represents the annual cost of the hospital's new computer and software. Of the increase, $15,600 is for the cost of the software licensing and support. An additional $12,100 of the increase is for the monthly lease/purchase payments on the new hardware. At the time the hospital budget was aPsoved by the Board, it was anticipated that the hardware lease would be for a . six month term. Subsel:luenuy; the hospital computer was added to a sixty mont city-sponsored lease. The longer lease term naturally results in lower monthly lease payments which, in turn, accounts for the additional monies included in this line item. the equipment line item, budgeted for a total of $55,000 - up $25,000 from the current-year budget. Wages and salaries are budgeted for an increase of 3.5%. This represents normal, annual step increases for various hospital employees. Summary The proposed fiscal year 1989 hospital budget appean to be more conservative than the current year budget. Rates for patient services wilf be raised 10% but net patient revenues are only budgeted for a 2.2% increase. This, alonJ with the additional $~O,OOO in sales t~ revenues, should leave the hospital less exposed, 10 terms of budgetary 1D1pact, to volu,- fluctuations. Page 98 . SlIIMART FIT 1985 FlY 1986 FlY 1987 FlY 19l1l1 FIT 1 9lIlI FlY 1989 ACCO\6'lt N_ Actual Act... I Actual Budget a _tha ludget $I Change X Change .---................------- -------..... -..-----..... -----.."'-.. ----..---. ....-......--- ----..-..-- ...----...... ..-.....--- Pet i ent Revenues 1,254,424 1,555,420 1,643,853 1 ,a'4, 167 918,783 l,aa1,106 66,939 3.69X LESS: Deductions & Allow (26,364) (35,410) (aa,315) <17,000) <34,922) (44,600) (27,600) 162.351 ------....- ......--.....-.. ---..-......- ............-- ......-----.. ......--..--- ....-.....--..- --......--... Net Pltient Revenues 1,228,060 1,520,010 1,555,5311 1,797,167 8113,861 1,836,506 39,339 2.19X Other Operlting Revenue 611,579 74,463 72 ,4a2 77 ,604 52,893 76,944 (660) -0.a51 ---..---...- ---....---- .-------- .........---.. ....-............ ---..--...... .------..- ----...---- lneane frClll Operltions 1,296,639 1,594,474 1,628,020 1,874.771 936,7'54 1,913.450 311,679 2.061 Operlting Expenses 1,727,677 1,900,204 2,07'5,270 2,1611,033 1,266.160 2,343.450 . 17'5,417 a.ll9X -..-..-......... ------....... ..---........... ----.....-- -..------- -------.... -....-.......... .......---.... Loss frClll Operltions <431,03ll) (305,731) (447,250) (293,262) <329.406) (430,000) (136,738) 46.631 Non-Operlting Revenue 448,608 483 ,899 3ll3,201 392,000 219,m 430.000 311,000 9.69X a........ ......... ......... ......... ...-..- ......... ......... ......... Mlrgin 17,570 178,169 (64,049) 98, 738 <109.629) (0) <98(738) -100.001 ........ 8.a..... ::1....-. ........ ..-..- .-.-.. .--.p ...-..- . . Page 99 REVENUES F/T 1915 F/T 1986 F/Y 1987 F/Y 1988 FIT 1988 F/T 1989 AccOlM1t M_ Act..l Act~l Act~l Buclpt II _the Budget $I Change ); Change .................--.---.--- ..........__e.. 00...__...__. -.................. ...--.-...... ............... --".-""'''- .................. -..--....-- M/S Dally Service 367,068 362.029 339,160 371,000 177,423 292,750 (115,250) -22.55" Swing led 4,1172 24,000 4.916 26.400 2,400 10.00" 0/1 Dilly Service 21,087 29,403 24,336 31.197 14,850 34,317 3,120 10.0~ ICU/CCU Dilly Service 50,985 73 , 260 76,1185 111,900 42,366 90,090 11,190 10.~ Mur.ery Dilly Service 7,722 12,419 14,204 14.820 1,619 19.1OG 4,9110 33.6OX E...rllancy R_ 102._ 130,786 142,142 149.146 101,266 167,100 17,9510 12.04" Delivery R_ 14,583 111,461 16,609 20,5118 11,051 22,647 2,059 10.~ O/R M.jor 7,113 14,507 11,1191 14,994 4.132 13,200 (1,794) -11.96" O/R Minor 11,125 15,713 9,167 16,594 5,553 13.200 (3,394) -20.45" Recovery R_ 480 3,780 1,793 5,040 1,125 2.640 (2,400) -47.6a Aneathe.iology 3,025 5,439 3,845 7,056 1,515 5,500 (1.556) -22.05" Centrll SLIR'ly 171,602 234,076 215,543 264,600 126,240 291,060 26,460 10.~ PhlnMCY 77,138 117,602 143,1120 152.400 117,055 1110,840 211,440 111.66" Llborltory 1711,1139 219,927 286,061 300.000 164,864 316.100 16.110O 5.6OX ElectroclrdfOllr_ 15,366 111,135 22,273 24.792 17.795 30.703 5,911 23.84" Rldiology 135,000 153,677 166,076 165,372 98,92ll 191.004 25,W 15.501 Respfrltory Therapy 39,943 58,259 82,1119 71 ,44ll 39.029 69,036 <2,412) .3.381 PhysicIl Therapy 45,583 39,598 49,685 45.240 211,472 52,252 7,012 15.501 CI.t R_ 5,067 7,991 5,5711 7,011O 3,600 7,7llll 7118 10.001 Mill., Guests , En.,l 31,779 32,176 30,136 33 ,048 19,957 33,041 LILrdry Rev..... 18,829 20,460 22,011O 22.656 15,114 22.656 Telephone Revenue llll2 2,109 946 1,560 396 900 (660) -42.31" Power G_rltion 9,167 lI,m 13,246 36,000 9,175 24,000 ( 12,000) -33.33\ Mldical Recording Fee. 209 519 555 600 1,2113 600 Medlclrl PI.. Thru 93 11,943 31,500 9,1110 19,980 (11,520) -36.57'X Mediclrl A/R Offset 40,266 15,7ll3 11,400 (29 ,1196) 34,000 25,600 304.76" Sill Of AI.et. <1,329) Slle. Te~ Contrlb 184,524 173,194 175,000 200,000 131,250 250,000 50,000 25.001 Contrib, Restricted 1,5119 56,310 1,910 250 Stlte Revenue Shlring 249,0ll8 243,468 185 .679 150,000 74,272 150,000 Intere.t IncCllM 4,240 3,4711 7.366 6,000 4,1130 6,000 OpthllmolOllieal Clinic 300 300 900 435 900 Contract Adjustments (26,364) (24,373) (118,315) (30,236) (27,600) (27,600) Other Milc Revenue 3,6110 5,699 5,266 5,640 6,763 5,640 RevenUe Decaxtiona (11,037) (17,000) (4,,686) (17,000) Clinic Rental 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 8.945 13,200 ................ ...............- .--........... ............. ..-................. --................. TOTAL REVENUE 1,745.247 2,0711,373 2,011,221 2,266,771 1,156,531 2,343,450 76,679 3.3ft ......... ......... ::I........ ......... ......-. ......... ....... a.... Page 100 . EXPENSE ~RY ........... FlY 1985 FlY 19M FlY 1987 FlY 1988 FlY 1988 FlY 1989 Actuel Actuel Actuel Budget Actuel Budget SS Changa ~ Change ................ ...........---.. -................ --.............. .......-............. --....-......... ...-...........- -............ Total Salaries 861,461 958,874 966, 706 969,160 628,724 998, S9ll 29 , 738 3.0n Total B_fits 249,605 298 ,lllIO 332,935 371,820 237,183 448.700 76,lllIO 20.681 Suppli es 200,774 214,266 225,110 278,254 127,038 256,372 (21,882) -7.86" Purchased Services 356,535 362,835 470,065 400, 599 212,803 481 ,2150 150,6111 20.14" Plam;ng 1,349 6,321 21,731 36, 000 21,268 21,000 (15,000) -41.6n Equipment 30,000 55,000 25,000 83.33" Depreciation 57,953 59,028 58,722 82,200 39.144 82,200 -.................. ---...---..... ................... -................ ..-......--.... ......-.......... 1,727,677 1,900,204 2,075,270 2,1611,033 1,266,160 2,343,450 175,417 7.4n ......... ......... s........ ......-. ___a_a s.._.... ....... ..... . . Page 101 EXPENSES IY DEPARTMENT flY 1915 flY ,_ FlY 1987 FlY ,_ F/Y1. FlY 1989 ACCClU"lt N_ Act~l Act... I Actutll luclget 8 _ths Budget IS Chlnge " Chanve -----------------..---..-... ................. -..--....--.. -..-..-..--- ..-.._----- ...-............ .----........ .---...-.... --.-.... MIS Deily Service 252,699 287,:531 287,905 2~,OOO 191,636 282,000 9,000 3.30" 0/8 15,912 21,909 21,622 21,641 13,347 21,641 lCIJ/CCIJ 26,369 30,699 18,064 23,700 10,378 21,600 (2,100) -8.86" Pediatrics 2,464 9,691 2,621 2,400 2,418 2,400 Nursery 5,196 6,693 6,491 6,816 3,591 6,816 E.rllerlCY R_ 30,670 33,460 33,461 :53,024 23,364 33 ,300 276 0.84" Delivery R_ 1,537 1,142 1,977 2,040 1,077 2,040 Operating R_ 8,548 15,447 11,403 15,564 7,178 13,644 (1,920) -12.34" Recovery R_ 503 320 412 1,464 108 1,200 (264) -18.0n Anesthesiology 2,765 4,635 4,470 7,224 1,392 7,224 Centrel Supply 60,449 44,392 63,453 78,000 33,079 60,000 (18,000) -23.08X Pharmacy 29,421 36,763 40,432 45,660 25,533 45,660 Laboratory 128,753 144,926 149,060 154,400 87,927 158,aao 4,4110 2.m ElectrocsrdlOllr.. a,168 10,_ 9,251 a, 700 5,451 9,700 1,000 11.5OX Rediology 105,169 98,178 108,432 105,600 61,009 108,290 2,690 2.55" Respirstory Therapy 5,941 11,669 10,378 11,444 5,933 11,448 Physical Therapy 37,517 3&,392 39,355 40,824 25,108 40,824 Csst R_ 1,210 3,544 n6 5,316 7 5,316 Other Rev..- 820 586 6SO Employee Benefits 249,605 298, aao 332,935 371,820 237,183 444,700 76,aao 20._ Plant 0 .. M 115,293 137,177 161,350 171,000 79,1110 160,000 (11,000) -6.431 Dietary 97,242 108,917 112,207 113,110O 64,461 113,7'96 (4) 0.00% LIlIldry 49,991 51,731 46,604 49,200 29,6Z9 49,620 420 o.a" Housekeepinv 47,506 53,412 41,709 46,506 33,763 43,200 (3,306) -7.11\ Meeti CII Recorda 3&,415 41,512 43,437 46,200 26,406 46,200 Achinistrltion 314,n6 307,958 384,676 283,750 162,222 382,027 98,277 34.64" Professional Svcs 30,2llll 31,569 53,014 95,017 70,457 103,417 a,4oo a.84\ Dl9reciation 57,953 59,028 58,722 82,200 39,144 82,200 PlllY'linv 1,349 6,321 21,731 36,000 21,268 21,000 (15,000) -41.671 Equillll"t 30,000 55,000 25,000 83.33\ Clinic Rental Expenses 2,018 2,1101 8,780 5,712 3,217 6,300 5llll 10.291 ..--....-..-- .--.......-.... .---.......... ..--..-..-.... ..-.._--..-- ----_..-..- TOTAL EXPENSES I, nT,677 1,900,204 2,075,270 2,168,033 1,266,160 2,343,450 175,417 8.m =s=...... ......... ......... ..a.....a ::11....... a........ ....... =a=.. Page 102 . EXPENSES IT LINE ITEM FlY 1985 FlY 1986 FIT 1987 FIT 1_ FIT 1_ FIT I. Account N_ Act..1 Act..1 Act..l ludget I IIIlll'lths ludget $I Chllllle '" Chllllle ....----..---------------- ....----...... --------- .....--..--.. -..------.. -----......- ............-.... ---....--.... ............. Slllri.. 508,881 548,515 5n,_ 580,324 370,678 601,050 20,n6 3.57X Nursing Salaries 352,580 410,289 393,820 388,836 251,046 397,848 9,012 2.32% Salary Contillllency FICA 59,335 31,291 1,306 120 1,454 1,500 1,380 1150.00% Education 3,527 4,431 3,196 6,000 3,135 6,000 P_ion Contribution 43,095 101,846 157,016 115,000 121,346 192,000 7,000 3.78% Lifa Insurence 1,306 l,llISIl 1,500 1,010 1,500 Vacation Adjust.."t 17,300 5,833 13,247 25,200 (3,890) 25,200 U...,IOyNnt COlIlI*'Sat i on 5,155 3,466 3,120 4,000 1,7lI9 7,500 3,500 87.50% Medicel Insurence 111,603 134,190 123,280 125,000 112,339 180,000 55,000 44.0OX WOrker's COIIp Ins 9,590 16,517 29 , 982 25,000 35,000 10,000 40.00'" Professionel Services 48,067 52,440 54,042 57,nO 28,682 51,720 Accounting & Le;al 11,221 14,47'9 16,27'9 20,000 10,384 20,000 Suppl i.. 130,041 131,213 142,145 111,594 14,005 161,892 (25,702) -13.m Blood 2,661 4,761 3,461 3,600 2,296 3,600 Drugs 29 , 044 35,110 39,216 44,160 25,364 44,160 Food 35,469 35,265 35,729 37,200 19,350 31,200 Li lien 53 1,999 614 1,200 661 4,320 3,120 260. OOX Heeting Fuel & Propene 3,501 5,151 3,880 4,500 5,362 5,200 700 15.561 . Telephone 10,951 11,610 10,313 12,000 6,364 12,000 Purchesed Services 100,465 126,191 129,054 133,000 57,780 120,096 (12,904) '9.m Trevel 4,806 9,714 6,504 12,000 4,084 12,000 Other Direct 10,958 6,869 9,263 8,880 5,114 9,600 no 1.11% Auto Expense 1,055 959 1,224 1,200 753 1,200 Ads, Help Wanted 88 64 500 500 Ads, pr_tion 1,101 1,418 1,644 6,000 991 6,000 Dues & Subscriptions 6,522 7,734 1,304 8,000 2,154 8,000 Bed Debt Expense 89,031 51,178 129,524 46,431 46,431 Collection Expense 3,709 3,481 4,961 3,600 1,498 3,600 Postege Meter 108 219 124 600 41 840 240 40.00x lank Charg.. II 93 2,015 120 278 120 Data Processillll Fees 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 21,000 13, 200 37,200 103.33% Licens.. '60 10 16 250 250 "alpratice Insurance 23,358 19,951 39,465 70, 000 41,313 70, 000 londs 187 502 Tn Tn Auto .nsurll"Ce 552 1,001 1,175 2,645 2,645 Other Admin Expense 6,191 10,6,10 11,8n 21,600 29,144 30,000 8,400 31.89% Depreciation, Ildg. 2,368 10,228 11,981 16,200 7,_ 16,200 Depreciation, Equip. 55,585 48,800 46,740 66,000 31,156 66,000 !CeIIOSg Study 20,906 30,000 18',415 15,000 <15,000) -50.00% New Hospital 1,349 6,321 825 6,000 2,853 6,000 Equipment Purchases 30,000 55,000 25,000 83.33'" Clinic Rental Expense 2,018 2,801 8,780 5,712 3,217 6,300 588 10.29% ....-...........- -..------- .........-......- ....---..--- ----........... ---............ . l,n7,6n 1,900,204 2,075,270 2,168,033 1,266,160 2,343,450 175,411 8.m a........ ......... a........ s........ 1121....... a........ s..sa.. :II..aa Page 103 EXPENSES FlY 1985 FlY 1986 FlY 1987 FlY 1988 FlY 1988 FlY 1989 Depert..-.t Acc.....t N_ Act...1 Actuel Actuel luclget 8 ....th. 8udget $I Ch... % Ch... ----------------------------------_.--~--------- ------..-- --------- ..----..--- --------- --------.. _..--_.--- ------..-- -------- MIS D.ily S.rvice Nur.il1ll selerl.. ?52,699 247,nl 247,905 273,000 191,636 282,000 9,000 3.3OX 0/8 IIur.il1ll selerl.. 15,912 21,236 20,635 21,648 12,166 21,648 0/8 ~Ii.. 232 485 356 0/8 Other Direct 441 502 Il25 I tulCCU Nur.il1ll sel.ri.. 25,.7 28,253 17,598 21,600 10,378 21,600 ICII/CCII ~Ii.. 72 441 241 1,200 0,200) -IOO.OOX ICIIICCII Purchased Service. 340 160 157 ~ (900) 'IOO.OOX ICII/CCII Other Direct 71 1,145 69 Pedi.trics Mursina Sel.ries 2,464 9,604 2,519 2,400 2,312 2,400 Pedi.trics ~Ii.s 87 102 106 .......ry Ilursil1ll Sel.ries 5,111 6,292 5,664 6,816 2,_ 6,816 "tl Nurs.ry ~Ii.. 16 184 278 675 ~ Nur~ery Other Direct 69 218 549 37 OQ (') ~. 'ney__ Ilursil1ll se'.ries 30,535 32,814 32,975 33,024 23,2lI2 33,300 276 0.84% ..... eJllM>CY -- 130 0 ~li.. 471 36 "'" e_reency -- Purchased Service. 60 e_reency -- Other D i reet 5 115 494 46 D.lIvery __ Nursing sel.ri.. 1,537 1,142 1,917 2,040 1,017 2,040 Oper.ting __ Nur.ing S.I.ries 8,502 13,3311 10,186 13,644 6,935 13,644 Oper.ting __ ~lies 1,366 900 1,920 193 0,920) -100.00x Oper.ting __ Other Direct 46 743 317 50 Recovery __ Nursing sel.ries 503 320 412 1,464 101 1,200 (264) -18.03% AneathesiolOlY Professionel Services 2,765 4,340 4,020 6,720 I,m 6,720 AnntheaiolOlY ~Iies 295 450 504 504 Centr.1 ~Iy Nursing S.I.ries 9,053 9,693 13,263 12,000 7,249 12,000 Centrel Sllppl y ~Iies 51,233 34,691 50,070 66,000 25,~ 48,000 08,000) -27.27X Centr.1 Sl4'Ply Other Direct 163 8 120 1'Il......,y Nursing Sel.ries 317 266 688 1,200 (23) 1,200 Ph......,y Dr...s 29,044 35,110 39,276 44,160 25,364 44.160 Ph......,y Purchaaed servic.. 1,148 332 300 192 300 Ph......,y Other Direct 239 136 labor.tory S.I.ries 87,963 91,647' 91,289 .,200 55,163 90,840 2,640 2.m labor.tory SI4'PI i.. 18,739 24,433 27,642 37,000 17,3ll3 311,844 1,844 4.98X . . . EKPENSES FlY 1985 FlY 19116 FlY 1987 FlY 1988 FlY 1988 FlY 19119 o.p.rt~t Acc"""t ._ Actual Actual Actual Budget 8 --.th. luclget IS Ch.... " Ch.... ...-.-----------------------------------------.- .-._----- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .-------- -------- lIbor.tory Ilood ,2,61>7 4,767 3,467 3,600 2,296 3,600 LlIbor.tory Purch..ad 5ervicea 18,613 23,696 26,208 ZS,OOO 12,873 24,996 (4) -O.OlX LlIbor.tory Other Direct no 384 455 600 212 600 Electroc.rdlogr.. Selerie. 6,355 7, 76lJ 7,842 7,500 4,597 8,500 1,000 13.331 Electrocardlogr.. Prof.... i one I Service. 450 264 Electrocardlogr.. StJppI i.. 1,363 2,861 1,409 1,200 854 1,200 ladlolllllV Sal.rl.. 44,206 37,993 41,183 39,600 26,761 42,290 2,690 6.79% ladlolllllV Profe..lonel Services 44,852 47,836 50,022 51,000 27,290 51,000 ladiolllllV StJppli e. 12,775 12,030 13,925 11,400 5,114 11,400 ladiolllllV Other Direct 3,336 319 3,302 3,600 1,844 3,6lJ0 l.-piretory Therapv StJppI i.. 5,7119 11,055 10,3711 11 ,448 5,848 11,448 '"tl ..-plr.tory Therapv Other Direct 153 614 85 II) Phvalcel Iherapv Salerl.. 36,948 38,022 38,467 39,924 25,067 39,924 (JQ n Phv.' ftl Therapv StJppI I.. 479 369 888 900 41 900 ..... Ph~cel Iherapv Other 0 I rec t 90 0 Ut cat loa StJppI I.. 381 3,544 n6 5,316 7 5.316 Cut .~ Other 0 I rec t 829 Other .ev..... Other Direct 820 586 680 E.plov-e lenefit. Selery Contingency ~IOV" lenefit. FICA 59,335 31,291 1,306 120 1,454 1,500 1,3110 1150.00x ~lovee lenefita Vecetion Adjuateent 17 ,300 5,833 13,247 ZS,200 (3,1190) ZS,200 ~lovee lenefita Unealpl~t C.....,...tlon 5,155 3,466 3,120 4,000 1,7119 7.500 3,500 87.5OX ~lov-e lenefita IIorker'. CCIIIp 11\8 9,590 16,517 29,982 ZS,OOO 35,000 10,000 40.00x Ellplovee lenef i ts lIedi eel I nsurence 111,6lJ3 134,190 123,280 1ZS,OOO 112,339 180,000 55,000 44 .OOX E.plov-e lanafit. Li fe Il\8urence 1,306 1,088 1,500 1,010 1,500 ~lovee lenefits Pension ContrlbJtion 43,095 101,846 157,016 185,000 121,346 192,000 7,000 3.m E.pIOVee lenefits Educeti on 3,527 4,431 3,896 6,000 3,135 6,000 PIMlt 0 & II S.l.ries 23,261> ZS,I99 46 ,1183 51,600 ZS,815 51,600 PlMlt 0 & II Supplies 7,906 9,492 9,063 13,200 4,n6 13,200 'IMlt 0 & II Heet Ins Fuel & Propene 2,363 4,284 2,655 3,000 4,212 4,000 1,000 33.331 'IMlt 0 & II Purchased Services 80,852 97,113 100,866 102,000 43,971 90,000 (12,000) ,11.76% PlMlt 0 & II Other Direct 906 1,088 1,8113 1,200 450 1,200 Dietary Salaries 51,226 67,206 71,722 67,900 42,742 67,896 (4) '0.01% EICPEIlSES FlY 1985 FlY 19116 flY 1987 FlY 19118 FlY 19118 flY 1989 DepertMnt ",ccowot 11_ ",ctuel ActUllI Actuel ludlet 8 .onth. IUdget IS Chanee " CIIanIe -.----...----------.-------.------.-----.------.- -----..-- ---....---- -..--.--- ------~-- .---.--... -.---.--- ....._--....- -------- Dietary ~llea ,3,557 4,325 3,121 4,200 1,452 4,200 Dietary FoacI 35,469 35,245 35,729 37,200 19,350 37,200 Dletery lIeat illll fuel & prOf*W 228 859 245 300 230 300 Dietary Purchased Servlcea 521 1,234 I,Dn 1,200 5611 1,200 Dietary Otller Direct 241 28 313 3,000 124 3,000 L-*y S.l.ri.. 41,637 45,515 40,544 42,000 25,550 42,000 L-*y Li nen 53 1,999 614 1,200 661 4,320 3,120 260.001 L-*Y ~ll.. 4,744 2,983 3,9711 4,320 1,739 1,200 (3,120) .n.221 L-*Y lI..t i... fuel & prOf*W 911 7lIll 9llO 1,200 920 900 (300) -25.001 LMRlry Pur~ Services 139 147 L...., Otller Direct 2,507 319 48lI 480 159 1,200 720 150.001 '"d .......111II Sel.r lea 37,203 45,432 34,403 34,000 29,953 34,000 II) ........i... SUFPl iea 10.285 7.591 5,257 10,506 3,810 7,200 (3,306) -31.47'1 OQ n IoU' . '.1... Otller Direct ,. 389 49 ..... .....,(., Recorda hl.rl.. 34,496 39,596 41,674 42,000 25.422 42,000 ~ .....Icel Recorda SUFPI i.. 2,145 I,m 1,6lI4 2,400 1194 2.400 .....Ic.l Recorda Purcll..ed Servicea 144 19 1,800 90 1,800 .....Icel Recorda Otller Direct 1,754 Adllnl.tr.tlllfl Salarlea 139,581 150,154 156,878 165,600 109,608 1110,000 14,400 8.701 Adllnlatr.tlllfl Accowotl... & Legel 11,221 14,419 16,219 20,000 10,384 20,000 Adllnlltratlon SUFPli .1 10,407 13,050 11,549 16,_ 4,981 16,011O Adllnlltr.t IllfI , .l.one 10,951 11,610 10,313 12,000 4,364 12,000 Adllnlltr.tlllfl Purcllased Servi ces 1,790 334 1,800 110 l,lIOO Aainlltr.tlllfl 'r....1 4,lI06 9,714 6,504 12,000 4,084 12,000 Aalnlatr.Uon Auto EllpIflIe 1,055 959 1,224 1,200 153 1,200 Aalnlltr.t1llf1 Ada, "elp l/8nted lI8 64 500 500 Aalnlltration Ada, Pr.-tion 1,107 1,418 1,644 6,000 997 6,000 Aainlltrat ion Duea & SdlIcriptiOlll 6,522 7,734 7,304 8,000 2,154 8,000 Aalniatrltion led Debt EllpIflIe 89,031 57,1711 129,524 46,437 46,437 AGiliniatrat ion Collection E.......e 3,709 3,4117 4,967 3,600 1,498 3,600 AGiliniatrat ion Post... Meter 108 219 124 600 41 840 240 40 _ 001 AGiliniatr.tion I"'" Ch.rges 81 93 2,015 120 2711 120 Acainiatrt D.t. proceaaing Feea 34,000 34,000 36,000 34,000 21,000 73,200 37,200 10l.nl . . . EXPENSES FIT 1985 FlY 19116 FlY 1987 FlY 1988 FlY 1988 FlY 19l19 De,.rt...t AccCU'lt N_ Actual Actual Actual Budget 8 ....th. Budget IS ChWlge X ChWlge .....-.....-------....-----...------------------ --------- -----_.-- --------- --------- -----.-.- --------- --------- -------- AdIlini.tration licenses 60 10 16 250 250 Prof...ional Svcs I18lpratice 1 nsurance 23,358 19,958 39,465 70,000 41,31] 70,000 Profe..ional Svcs Bonds , 187 502 m m Profe..ional Svc. Auto Insurance 552 l,Oeil 1,175 2,645 2,645 Prof...ional Svc. Other AdIlin Expense 6,191 10,610 1',8n 21,600 29,144 30, 000 8,400 38.89X Deprecietion Deprecietion, Bide. 2,3611 10,228 11,981 16,200 7,988 16,200 Deprec i et ion Depreciation, Equip. 55,585 48,110O 46,740 66,000 31,156 66,000 PI...il1l ':ell_ Study 20,906 30,000 18,415 15,000 (15,000) -50.001 PI...i 111 New Noapi tel 1,349 6,321 825 6,000 2,853 6,000 C.itel lepr_t Equi~t Purch.ses 30,000 55,000 25,000 83.331 Clinic .ental Expense CI inic ....t.1 Expense 2,018 2,801 8,780 5,712 3,217 6,300 588 10.291 --------- --------- --------. --------- --------- --------- -----.--- --------- "'I:l III TOTAL EXPENSES l,n7,677 1,900,~ 2,075,270 2,168,033 1,266,160 2,343,450 175,417 8.09l QQ n a........ ........= a&:..a:==_ ...a.a... ......... ........s ......... ......... ... t 0 -.I