HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1984-003 . . . . ~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 84-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC POWER FOR THE PERIOD COMMENCING JANUARY 15, 1984 WHEREAS, Section 22.10.000 of the Seward City Code requires that electric rates and charges be fixed by resolution; and WHEREAS, Section 22.40.020(c) requires the payment of a monthly television service charge; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 83-39 was adopted on July 11, 1983, setting electrical rates and charges; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 83-39 established an energy rate for outside city customers which is 10 percent greater than the energy rate for inside city customers; and WHEREAS, the 10 percent surcharge to outside city customers is unnecessary as the cost of providing electrical energy to these custom- ers is virtually the same as for the inside city customers; and WHEREAS, the Seward City Council wishes to amend the electric rates by eliminating the 10 percent surcharge to outside city customers; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The schedule of rates of electric power shall be established by class as follows: Monthly Customer Charge Inside City Outside City Residential Commercial/Industrial $16.20 29.25 $18.00 36.70 Energy Charge Firm $0.0512 Section 2. The monthly television service charge shall be $4.00. Section 3. Miscellaneous charges shall be assessed in accor- dance with Attachments "A" and "B". Section 4. The rates and charges set forth in this resolution shall beeome effective January 15, 1984. -1- - ~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 84-3 . Section 5. Resolution No. 83-39 is hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 16th day of January , 1984. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA QJV~. DONALD W. CRIP , MAYOR Cripps, Gillespie, Swartz, Wilson Hilton, Meehan, Williams None None AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL AND BRUNDIN, At torneys for the City of Seward, Alaska . 7~;1/~ Fred B. Arvidson, City Attorney (City S,~al) . -2- C,WtH' I .--' 7.OH~_ 2 ZlIH" ) ZOHI:: ~ - III~lble (:lLy LindlA (F.Ki"llIlllul'. "0:11 II,U'UII) - elty llllllta lo tilt,. 11, :;(,,,,,,,,.1 1I'ldH.J,'v I- ai' r-Oilll conne('( IIlJ~ hlnla",mv willi 11.&ll :11 ('a. - tllle 12 to tile t:l1l1'~IIC'" f.lpl""'" 1Il('I{','IUf~ IlOlnt ilt l.a",,'n,t. f'ma II Ih)at IIfldu)l {I.XI~a .He: ~^C1L1I'1t:~;) ~0)III,r. 01' 1'f1'S AlIII 1:II^llta,S "-./ tlet-er Teat. eueh test when prev'ou~ IPAI (lconl, rpc' '"'Hhln 2/, uwlllthll S "'0,1111 Reconnectloll to oppruved ex18tln~ IMelf"r Uoat IhHLor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lustallallun 'lu'hullH'~ Sm:l.1 $ 1.11.110 Reconuectlon tc: appH)ved exlstlny. ...et... 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