HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 PACAB Minutes City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 357 CALL TO ORDER The regular February 2, 2005 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chair Altermatt PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board Member Van Buskirk the pledge of allegiance to the flag ROLL CALL There were present: Deborah Altermatt, presiding, and Karl Van Buskirk Andrew Hettinger *Jerry Waliezer D.J. Whitman Melody Jordan Absent Tom Tougas, Roger Mercer and Doug Lechner *arrived at 12:02 and participated from that point Comprising a quorum of the Board; and Rick Gifford, Assistant City Manager Scott Ransom, Harbormaster Kari Atwood, P ACAB Secretary SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Council member Valdatta said the big topic at EDD is the urea plant that is going to close in Kenai and he pointed out the effects of that would be felt here. He reminded everyone that EDD has a web site for Peninsula businesses. He said he would like to see a (product) branding for our fish over here. Jordan commented that Resurrection Bay sockeyes are at the same time as the Copper River Brand and for some reason especially on the West Coast, the Cooper River sockeyes are more popular. He informed the board that Port MacKenzie had a chip ship in and soon they will have coal and other products moving out of there. 'l~ lloddns A:nn MOID[ n:)uno;) :lln l:}l Ol pll"lOq :}In :}~H PlnoM:}H 'SUB:}Ul :}nU:}A:}l :}lqB~pl B :}ABl{ Ol :}~~l PlnoM A:}l{l, 'lloddns S,plBOq :}l{llOJ :}ql p:}~SB pUB :}A~PBOld :}q Ol ilU~All :}lB A:}l{l P~BS:}H 'Ulll l:}HlB:} UB :}:}S ol :}~H PlnoM:}H 'S:}:}J l:}ilu:}SSBd :}l{l Ol :}SB:}l:)U~ Slu:}:) o~ :}l{l ilU~PpB JO 10ABJ u~ s~ ~l{ p~BS sU~Ul:}I;) ':}.I~l{ l{sy ~l{l Ul01J sm~u:}q ~UOA1~A~ sl~:}J ~H 'lU~Ul~:)UBl{U~ l{sy ~l{llnoqB ~IBl Ol ~~~l PlnoM ~l{ p~BS SU;lW;lI::) '1.1UW :nNRIV3:H :::>rnmd HO.!! ([:tl'l[l([:tlH:::>S .LON SW3:l.I V([N:!InV NO .LN3:WWO:::> N:tlZI.LI:::> 'lBl{l op Ol ABM B ~ABl{ PlnoM 1~ilu~lp13 p~BS p.loJJ!n '1OJ s~ ~SB~l:)U~ ~l{llBl{M s~ lBl{l P!BS WOSURH 'puoq ~l{l PU11J Ol ~P~SB l~S s~ lBl{l lOd B OlU~ oill~ mM pUB ~SB~l:)U~ lBl{l ~ilBUBUl PloOM nOA M.ol{ p~~SB Uup.lor 'l~A Ul~l{l UlOlJ lU~Ull~UlUlO:) B ~ABl{ lOU s~op lnq ~ldo~d AUBUl Ol P:}~IBl SBl{ ~H 'Ul~l{l Ollno P~lU~od u~~q SBq lBl{l pUB l~ .I0J ABd Ol ~ABl{ PlnoM A~l{llnq :mop ~q UB:) n ~:)op lBl{l JO pu~ ~l{l Uo ~q Ol lUBM A~l{l J~ lBl{l p~l~~u~ilu~ S~ l~ p~BS WOSUUlI oMiJIIVliI iJdv:) pSS~A l{:)lB:}S~l ~l{llnoqB p~~SB .I;lZ;lHBA\. 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'p.lllM~S pUll ~illl1Ol{:>UV U:l:lMl~q d!ll ~l{l ~S~ll~ApB Ol ~lOUl op Plno:) pllOll~lll ~l{l ll.{ilnol{l ~l{ p~llS OU!p.IU:)U;l9: 'S:}A p~llS oU!p.lUJU;l9: pUB d!ll Allp B op lsnf ~ldo~d lSOUl J~ p~~Sll uup.lor '%~ lnoqll dn SBM l~ ll{ilnol{l ~q p~llS OU!P.lUJU;l9: '~illllOl{:)UV pUB plllM:lS U~~Ml:}q sl~ilu~SSlld U! SllM ~l~l{l ~Sll~l:)U~ JO lU~:)l~d llll{M p~~Sll Uup.lor ':}nd M~U lllOJ P~~U II S~ ~l~l{l OS ~l~l{ JO lno p~dd!l{s ~q mM IllO:) ~1OUl ~ll:}lll IBO:) ~l{lJO pu~ ~l{llll puod :ll{l IIY Oll~Ull~d II ilu9l~il UO iluq10M ~lll A~l{l, 'plllM~S U~ lsnf lOU n~q nUl ~l{l iluoIll ilu~u~ddlll{ s~ llll{M MOl{S mM pUll II A1Blllq~d 'AllplUlllS uo ~q mM IllA~lS~J l~lU~M ~l{l, 'An~J ~l{l uo sl~ilu~SSlld ~ooq Ull:) pllOlnlll ~l{l pUB pBO.lnUl ~l{l Ol An;)~l~p ~ooq UB;) A~l{l OS Ul~lSAS All:}J ~l{ll{l~M ilU~~lOM ~lB A~l{l, 'uru S~Bql~lld Ol ~ilB1Ol{;)UV ~l{l uo p~sn :lq mM llll{l SlB;) lll~;):lds OMl ilU!SBl{;)ffid S~ pll01Hll.l :}l{l OS vaal u~ dn SBM ~;)~Al~S l:}ilu:}SSlld p~llS ;lA!lUlU;lS;l.ld;lH uO!lu.lod.lo:::> PUO.lUUH B'ISBIV 'OU!p.lUJU;l9: S!"O'l 8~t a'iJDd '[ aUlnlOA samUlW P,l1Jog tUOSltlpV aJ.laUJUJoJ PUD I.lOd WfSDfV 'p.lDMaS fo N!;) City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 359 Whitman commented that after reading your proposals he would like to see some ideas for enforcement and controls. Nick Ranta said the committee are addressing the concerns of enforcement and would like to see everyone follow procedures like having a local business license. He said they have been successful in purchasing some extra smolt from Trail Lakes Hatchery. Last year the charter boats and other businesses all helped pay for the smelt. They would like to see the program continue to grow because there are a lot of changes coming in the future especially for halibut. They are looking for long-term solutions. Valdatta said the board should try to get a direct contact person regarding what is going on with the Tusturnena. He said some moving companies in Anchorage and other businesses are not aware that the ferry will not be coming to Seward. He said we should care about Agrium Kenai Nitrogen Operations shutting down. Ron Long Kenai Peninsula Borough representative said he concerned with some of the language in House Bill 24 - especially the port of call wording. He said Representative Paul Seaton would like the City to support this bill. The borough will be looking at an Ordinance for a borough wide bed tax. The proposal is 8% right now but it will probably be amended a few times before it is approved. Jordan asked what the rational behind the tax was and Long responded that we are looking at a $9 million deficit. Jordan asked ifhe supported it and he said in concept he does but he would like to hear more. March 1 and April 5 there will be public hearings but it would be a ballot initiative that would have to be voted on by the public. Altermatt asked for confirmation that it would be adding 8% on top of the City's 8%. Jordan added that Seward is a small community and 16% is too much. Long said it is a good question to ask, who will be taxed. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA MOTION (Jordan/ Van Buskirk ) approval of Agenda and consent agenda Motion Passed, Unanimous UNFINISHED BUSINESS PROJECT LIST Altermatt said we just went over it last meeting pretty thoroughly. Altermatt asked if maybe someone from DOT could come down and talk to us. Gifford said we could ask but his understanding is the bid should go out in March for the 0 to 8 mile. Jordan asked if it would go toward town or out of town. Gifford said he thought it would be the whole thing the bridges were Phase 1. Gifford said he would see when would be a good time for DOT to come to meet the board. Van Buskirk told he would not be here for the February 16 work session. Ol p:l:l.nJU plUOq :lq.l 'lloddns JO UO~lTIIOS::ll U l::lp~SUOO Ol plUOq :lql p:l)[SU pUU UOSU:lS S~ql 10J :l:mld U~ S:l:lJ :lqlllu9l:l11 P:llS:lllllns :l:lmWWO:) :lq.l "lU P:l)[OOI :lq Plno:) sluu1ll wOlJ spul1] lqllnoql oSlu A:lq.l 'S:lAnUUl:lllU l:lqlo :lWOS su suru qsy l:l~pu:lllunU:ll:) pUU S:llluBq:) l~~l p:lSsn:)s~p A:lq.l 'uo~ssn:)sw l:lqlll1] Sp::l:lU S~ql pUU Al~unWWOO :lql Ol lUBllOdw~ S~ lU:lW:lOUUqu:l qsy :lqllUql p:l:l1llu A:lq.l 'UBld AUU 10J p::lp:l:lU :lq PlnoM lU:lW:l:)lOJU:l JO :ldAl :lWOS lUql p:l:l.nJU A:lq.l ':lSU:ll:)U~ :llUl BAUd ol pBq lsnf luql Sl:lploq d~ls :lql Ol slulloP U:lll:lqlouu llu~ppu lnoqB Ul:lOUO:) p:lss:lldx::l nt~W.I'llIV 'Sl:lluoq lU:l~SUUll ::lqll:llllBl dpq PlnoM :lSU:llOU~ dWUl qounuI :lq.l 'A:lUOW lSOW :lql :lS~Ul PlnoM S:l:lJ l:lllu::lssud :lql ol SlU:l:) AYY :lql llu~PPV 'P:llU:lW:lldw~ S:l:lJ :l:lnp UU :l)[H PlnoM :l:lmmmoo ::lql luql p:lUllOjU~ :ll:lM pUU p:ll:lJJO suondo lU:ll:lJJ~P :l:l1ql ::lql p:lSSfiOS~p plUOq ::lq.l ':ll:ll:)UO:) llu~qlOU lnq lUql lnoqu SUO~SSfiOSW :lWOS U:l:lq puq :ll:lql p~US 8lUllH 'Al:lq:)lUq M:lU U llBlS pUU lU::lwd~nb:l :lql :lsuq:)md Ol :llq~ssod :lq PlnoM n J~ p:l)[SU .I;)~U!>>;)H 'llu~sop S~ JlOPU::lWI3: lB Al:lqOlUq ::llUlS ::lql S~ UWW:lIW l:lqlOUU P~BS:lH ':llOJ:lq qOU:l :lW~p U Ol p:lSOddU su llOWS B SlU:l:) LflSOO MOU PlnoM l~ plU::lq:lq p~US 8lU81{ 'dn llu~oll SUM :l:)~d :lql q:mw MOq p:l)[SU ){.IptsnH U8A 'lU:lA S~ql :lyqBHBAB :lq lOU U!M puu llu~ql :lW~l-:lUO U AlqBqOld SBM lU:lA lSBI q:)lUW qllnolOq :lql pUU qsy AUUW su llu~nq lOU s~ p:lS~Ul s~ luql A:lUOW :lq.l 'dn llu~oll s~ :lo~d :lql pUU llu~~dX:l S! ::lmllfiOBnbV l:lJUI )[00:) ql~M pBq A::lql PUllUO:) Ull:ll-llUOI ::lql lBql p:ll::lMSUU ~UO'I 'l~ ql~M op A:lql op lUqM OS uonU10lS:ll qsy Ol oll l:lqUlU{{:) :lql WOlJ S:lnU::lA::ll Aql:lG :lquo llBd p~US U8P.lOf ;);).'1 UOP8.10lS;)1{ qS!.i p;)AO.ldd8 a.l;)M. 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Al~unwwo::> ::lql m:lU:lq Plno::> l~ p~us SU;)W;)[J 'lqll~ p:lull!s:lp s~ l~ J~ S:lsn AUUW :lAUq Plnoo l~ B:llU qllnou:l llN U SBM l~ lqllnoql ::Iq p~us ~uo'I 'uonuull~s:lp )[lud U :l)[H Ol SW::l:lS Z 7f? d U::llU lBqllOJ :lsn mnw :l)[H Ol P::lW::l:lS plUOq s~qllqllnoql :lqS '::lnss~ s~qllu llu~)[OOI :lq PlnoM plUOq :lqlWql :l:)nou :lqllOJ l:ldud ::Iql p:l)[uuql ll8W.I;)lIV SUOP8PU;)WWOJ~.1 ;)W8N 'S' uo!ssnJs!p spu81dn M.;)N 09f o2vd 'f own/oA so}nurw p.mog tUosJrl.PV OJ.Jowwo:J puv J.JOd lnfsvlV 'p.JVMoS fa ND City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 361 put this topic on the agenda for its next work session and work on getting a resolution together. They agreed they wanted to see it move forward in a responsible manner. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS no action taken January 25, 2005 letter from Elle Zemia Copy of announcement regarding naming the new South harbor area in The Seward Phoenix Log North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Draft Agenda, January 4, 2005 BOARD COMMENTS Hettinger said he just heard that the thrift store would be closing and that was not good news for the community. He wondered if anyone else had heard that. Nancy Erickson from the Phoenix Log said they had been notified about it this morning. Whitman thanked everyone for coming and informed the board that a Coast Guard boat would be at the dry dock and there should be a lot of crew members in town spending money at local stores. Van Buskirk expressed disappointment that the P & Z would want the uplands to be park land. He thought that would we totally ridiculous when it could be so widely used. Jordan thanked Ron Long from the borough for attending these meetings and keeping the board informed. She said she thinks fish restoration is important and was glad that some forward thinking was going on. She would like to see the board stay active and help with it. She also reiterated that she liked the multi-use plan for the uplands. Altermatt thanked everyone for coming and a special thanks to Mark Clemens and Nick Ranta. She said she was looking forward to continuing their discussions on the 16th. CITIZENS COMMENTS Ron Long thanked Jordan for the kind words. He said the assembly did spend a little bit of their discretionary budget because they were concerned about ground fish regionalization prospects. They got a report and with a quick turn around time and it looks like about the only affect on the borough was on p-cod. There may be a small Pollock component. If we were to weigh in at all, our position should be that we would benefit a little more with the scenario that goes for the longer qualifying period as l~Eq;) HEUU;:)HY qElOq;:)G +P--~ ""u U II",.... ,,\(\~ ::10 ~ .....,.. ~..~c::; ....t....... '.(/J... Y, ~ .4'....,~\. ~ il~;.', ~U\ 'C:. ,: .. 'b ..,,,... ~ I: .. -..... .. ... - I \ = : .: rn..Tr.J'S :.: _ . ~V..::L. . .. .. \ : .. -:. ..0 -~,..: ~ ""'~ ~Alll) ~ <:?t :.~O .... ~ ... ;'#;.-.;r-~ .......... ,,'); ~ "",;/I13S::10 ,........ ""u.&"u.'~" LUlqroO;:)S plEOS: POOA\.lV ~ ~~ IUd 5;5;: I lE p;:)WllofpE SEA\. llU~l;:);:)IU ;:)q.l .1N:IWIDIflOfay ";:)nss~ ;:)llnq E SAEA\.IE s~ lEql ;:)snEo;:)q UOHEZHEuoHEl llU~ssnos~p u;:)qA\. p;:)sn ;:)q Ol llU~ojj ;:)lE spo~;:)d llu~JHmb lEqA\. P;:)l;:)PUOA\. ;:)qS "U;:)ql ;:)ou~s AUE u;:);:)q lOU SEq ;:)l;:)qllnq lE;:)A ll~q E SEA\. l! (;661 u~ PO;) oYF'Ed pUll PlEA\.;:)S JO SUU;:)l u~ PUElq1l~ SEA\. llUO'llEql p~ES Ul1P.lOf S.1N:IWWO::l SN:IZI.LI;) 0.1 :ISNOdSIDI NOI.1VlI.1SINIW<IY <INY mIYOH "S;:)~;:)qolllq A\.;:)U PHnq d{::lq Ol 900(; u~ S::l::lJ ::lSU::lOH Ull jJU~Sll::llOU~ s~ ::lIUllD pUll qSH p~llS sua mal:) }f.lUW "sn lOJ ::lq lqll~IU UO~lllZHllUO~jJ::lllEqA\. uo ApnlS 005;'(;$ ){o~nb E ql~A\. Puy PInoo A;:)qllllqA\. SllA\. lllq.l ";:)uo l;:)lloqs ::lql Ol p;:)soddo (;9E a2vd '[ aUlnloA sajnU!W p.lVO[[ ,uOS!(WV aJ.laUlUlO;) puv 1.lOd v1fsvfV 'p.JVM.asJo AJ!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 363 CALL TO ORDER The regular March 2, 2005 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Jordan. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board Member Waliezer led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Melody Jordan, presiding, and Karl Van Buskirk Doug Lechner Tom Tougas Jerry Waliezer Absent: D.J. Whitman, Deborah Altermatt, Roger Mercer, Andrew Hettinger Comprising a quorum of the Board; and Rick Gifford, Assistant City Manager Scott Ransom, Harbormaster Kari Atwood, P ACAB Secretary SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS, AND REPORTS Council member Valdatta commented that everyone should be working on keeping the ferry here in Seward. He passed out a copy of the compromise proposal from the Railroad for the uplands area in the north end of the harbor. Tougas asked if the Yacht Club was ok with this plan and Valdatta said yes and he added that he thought the Coast Guard would like to move over by the railroad dock. Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative said, they have had several meetings over the last few months and what they came up with is the drawings that Valdatta passed out. The railroad would like the sliver of land that was to be leased to Altermatt/Carter. They have been in contact with the businesses that would be pUU uOIssas )[lOM U UI sdmpad II lU )[001 Ol plUOq aql a)[II PInoM aq PIuS aH 'upua'ilv I!::>uno:J qj17I q::>lUW aql Ol paAOW SUM II pUU Iusodold pafOld su'il u'iluaS uaAI'il alaM Aaql 'iluIlaaw I!::>unO::> aql lU AUPUOW lSUI AUS Ol palUUM PIUS wuqun(l p.lumM. :~>NrnV3:H :JI'UlIld lIO.il (l3:'1Il(l3:H:JS ..LON SW3:..LI V(lN3:~V NO ..LN3:WWO:J N3:ZI..LI:J ''iluIPUI1J 'iluma'il JO a::>uulp poo'il U aAuq PInoM puu aZIs lq'ilIl aql sI lIaJ aq PIuS wuqun(l 'spafOld )[::>op yn puu )[::>oP-I aql dn palaJJo puq Aaql puu spa fOld aZIs UlnIpaw AUU puq AlI:J aqlJI pa)[SU puq amluIs!'ilaI aqlluql pappu wuqun(l 'paluasald Aalll suapI aqllu 'iluI)[OOI UI palsalaluI SUM aUOAUU JI auop SUM lUlll uOIluluasald WIl aql JO saIdo::> puq aq luql pmoq aql paUlloJuI aH 'osIu HN.llllIM 'iluIlaaw aq HIM aq puu pafold alll JO ssal'ilold aql uo )[::>aq::> Ol lsnf AUPIl.':! uo SdlO;) aql qlIM 'iluIlaaw u aAuq HIM aH 'vag: qlIM laaw oSIu puu waql ql!M dn MOHOJ Ol anU!luo::> HIM puu spa fOld lOqmq mo uo UOIlUUllOJUI awos waql uaAI'il puq puu UOISSIWWO;) !IUuaa aql qlIM 'iluIlaaw u puq aq luql paUOIluaw aH 'sassauIsnq pmMas laqlo IUlaAas puu laqumq;) aql qlIM 'iluoIu a'ilulOq::>uv uI WO;) ::>Ud papuanu puq aq PIUs wosuUlI noas .I3lSUW.loq.lUH 'uam luql uI 'iluIlq'iln pAaI MOl uI lnd PInoqs AaqllPJ aH 'suoIP!llsallq'ilpq JO asnu::>aq llowIu aql Aq lno dn slq'iln lnd OlluUM l,uPIP Aaqlluql 'iluIlaaw I!::>uno:J u lU pa::>unouuu Aalllluql pappu wuqun(l 'uo 'iluIo'il sI lUqM lno pug: puu AaSB;) ;)& qlIM la'il PInoM aq PIuS aH 'waql op lOU PInoM Aaqlluql PIOl alaM puu S)[IUM sSOJ::> palsanbal puq AlI;) aql PIuS p.lOJJ!~ 'AUU lsanballou PIP Al!;) aql PIOl SBM aH 'Iul!dsoH aql Ol uoslajJar WOlJ S)[IBM SSOl::> AUU aq Ol 'ilUIo'illOU alaM alaqlluql paumaI puq aq PIUs oSIu su~no..L 'S)[lO& ::>!Iqnd qlIM AaSU;);)& PUlUO::> PInoqs suoIlsanb qlIM auoAuu luql papuawwo::>al SUM n 'pa)[lUW am saIlladOld alaql ams a)[Uw Ol anuaAV plS uo AlladOld aAuq Wql aIdoad lOJ lUUllOdwI sI II OS uI sI l! a::>uo PUOl alll 'ilumn::> uo UlnPOlUlOW maA aAg: u aq H!M alallllUql PIUS puu UI suoIpas alll asuqd PInoM Aaqllq'ilnoql aq PIuS su~no..L 'sawIl auuI-auo awos puu samsop 'iluIuaAa awos aq PIno::> alaql PIUS aH 'lOPUllUO::> aqllllIM op Ol aAuq PInoM lUlllJo awos asnu::>aq paq::>uOlddu aq PInoM II MOq AIPBxa ams lOU SUM aq palaMsuu p.loJJ!~ 'sluawaAOldwI aql q::>uOlddu PInoM Aaql MOq MaU)[ PlOJJID JI pa)[su lnq lOJ 'iluI)[OOI SUM nUUllalIV lBqM ams lOU SUM aqs lBlll paluawwo::> uup.lor 'nldV Apua Aq PN ollno aq PInoqs pafold 8 Ol 0 aI!w aql PIuS aH 'PIno::> aq suoIlsanb AUU laMSUU Ol palaJJo puu uo waql WOlJ alupdn UU palUUM AaqlluqM uo pmoq aql WO.IJ UOIP::llIP alOW lOJ pa)[su aH 'puanu Ol .loa WOlJ auoawos lOJ 'iluIlaaw lsuI aql lU pa)[SB puq lluUllalIV PIuS aH 'pmoq alll Ol a'ilppqlO;) )[mI;) la'iluuuw AlD wpaluI Mau aql pa::>npolluI '.I3~UUUW AJD lUUJS!SSV 'p.loJJ!~ "lam ..LlIOd3:"H 3:AI..L YlI..LSINIW(lVS 'APlUI AlIAIPu lq'ilplJJO slOI puq suq )[::>op aqlluql pappB aH 'pawa::>uo::> HU dpq PInoM uuId sIql luql paluawwo::> puu lnopuuq aql uo samluaJ awos lno palUIod aH 'papaJJu 179S agvd '[ aUln[oA samU!JI'l p.lvog il:.lOS!t1.pv ();).laUlUlo:J puv J.loJ VJ/sv/V 'p.lVM.aS]o NO City of Seward , Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 365 report back. He said there is a lot of talk about natural gas and he would like the boards feed back. Ron Long, Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Representative, said the bed tax proposal still has a way to go and the discussions are on going including the option of making it seasonal. The bed tax will have to go to a vote so it cannot be changed until next year. He said the increase of the tax cap from 500 to 1000 dollars was tabled. The Borough Mayor has asked them to look at some other proposals first but they can bring it back from the table if they still feel it is necessary. House Bill 25, that would change the way unprocessed fish is charged was discussed and will have another committee hearing tomorrow morning. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA MOTION (Tougas/ Lechner) approval of agenda and consent agenda with the removal of the February 2,2005 regular meeting minutes from the consent agenda. Motion Passed, Unanimous UNFINISHED BUSINESS PROJECT LIST, Tougas noted that AVTEC had received a grant for the fire training center over at SMIC. Dunham added that he meet with the Commissioner of Labor and he was pleased that this facility was going forward and said he would like to see a major marine training center. Gifford said the City is involved in the training center and he will try and get more information for the board regarding the progress of the facility. Dunham mentioned that Bev Dunham is looking at getting an All American City designation for Seward. Lechner added under marketing that there is a meeting Friday at noon regarding the branding effort. New uplands discussion & Name recommendations, Jordan said this was discussed at the work session and asked Ransom to give a quick update. Ransom said that when they designed the project that area was a fill area and they didn't do any more than that. There will be an opinion from the attorneys addressing ownership and what can be done soon, but parking will be allowed. Jordan said part of the discussion was the harbor area now is basically sitting on the same type of fill and that area could have many uses down the road. Long suggested that if the buildings were built on pilings they might be able to be approved immediately. Ransom said he had not heard that and added that one concern would be getting access to the breakwater rocks. Tougas suggested the board continue to look at this as a multi-use area and take the lead in gathering public comments on what should be happing with it. Jordan said she felt the board agreed and it should move to the top of project list. The stl~no.L pUO;las 'papUaWtl Stl saJnU!W aqJ aAo.lddtl OJ .Iaza!ltlA\. uOHoW 'nows :;lq Plnol.[s 09€ :;lllud uo pUll 6S€ :;lllud UO lI:;lWS plOM :;ll.[l JUl.[l :S:;llluul.[:> llU!MOHoJ :;ll.[ll.[l!M S:;llnu!w :;ll.[l P:;lPU:;lWU .Iaza!ltlA\. 'saJnu!w ~uHaaw .Itlln~a.l 500Z 'z A.nm.lqa.{ SS3NISfUl A\.3N 'UO!SS:;lS ~lOM lX:;lU :;ll.[llU :;l.IOW :;lWOS S!l.[l JU ~ooI Ol P:;l:;l.IllU p.Iuoq :;ll.[l '.I:;ll.[l!:;l u:;lpmq :;lIol.[M :;ll.[l Ann:> lOU Plno:> .I:;lqwul.[:> :;ll.[l puu dn d:;llS Ol P:;lP:;l:;lU A.IlSnpU! :;ll.[llUl.[l p:;lss:;l.IdX:;l SUM W:;l:>UO;) 'l.[HM :;l:;l.IllU l, uop A:;ll.[l sIusodo.Id :;ll.[l :;lpnpx:;l puu JI:;lSl! Aq lU:;lW:;l:>Ulll.[U:;l l.[sy llu!l.Ioddns uOnnlos:;l.I U p.IllM.IoJ llupq ll.[ll!W p.Illoq :;ll.[l P:;lJs:;lllllns .I:;lquml.[;) :;ll.[l WO.IJ p.ltlM.O[J tl.lntl'I 'slOHS!A uo S:;lSU;'l.I:>U! HU llU!Sn:>oJ p:;lUOnnu:> Jnq Al!unwwo:> :;ll.[l Ol IUHA pUll lUUl.Iodw! S! l! :;l:;l.IllU HU A:;ll.[l lUl.[l P:;llS:;lllllnS Utlp.lOr ':;lsu:;ldx:;l s.I:;lAud XUl lUlOU lnq uOnmOlS:;l.I l.[sy l.Ioddns S:;lOP :;ll.[ P!llS:;lH 'lOq.IUl.[ M:;lU :;ll.[llOJ puoq Ol W:;ll.[l :;lsn lOU Plno:> A:;ll.[l UO!lUlOlS:;l.I l.[sy .IoJ l:>:;lHo:> Ol SUll:;lW :;lS:;ll.[l JO AUll p:;lsn A:;ll.[l J! lUl.[l p.Illoq :;ll.[l p:;lUOnnu:> pUll :;l.I:;ll.[llno :;l.I:;lM JUl.[l sIusodo.ld :;ll.[lJo .IOAUJ U! lOU SUM:;ll.[ P!US:;lH ':;lluq:;lP pOOll U U:;l:;lq :;lAUl.[ Plno:> l! :;lsnu:>:;lq Oll Ol pUl.[ umquna AllOS SUM :;ll.[ P!US ~UO'I 'llU!l:;l:;lW :;ll.[l :;lAU:;lI Ol PUl.[ :;ll.[ lnq P:;lZ!llOIodU:;lH ':;llUlS :;ll.[l puno.Ill SlOq.IUl.[ .I:;ll.[Jo l.[l!M p:;l.Illdwo:> :;lllU.I:;lAU MOI:;lq :;l.I:;lM S:;l:;lJ dum.I l.[:>unuI :;ll.[l lUl.[l P:;lPpU:;lH 'lU:;lds:;lq PlnoM A:;lUOW :;ll.[l MOl.[ :;lP!:>:;lP Ol dn l:;lS :;lq PlnoM dnO.Ill U lUl.[l pUll .Ill:;lA lX:;lU .IoJ P:;lP:;l:;lU SUM A:;lUOW :;ll.[l P!US:;lH 'l! p:;lHo:> pUll :;llU!P:;lUll:;lJU! Ull su pu lsnf PlnoM Al!;):;ll.[l 'XUl AlD U :;lq lOU PlnoM H lUl.[l P:;lPPU pUll :;l:>uld U! APU:;l.IIU OS'I $ :;ll.[l WO.IJ :;l:;lJ :;llU.Illd:;ls U SU H J:;lS Ol :;lAUl.[ PlnoM :;lM :;lqAUW P!US wtlqun(l 'S.I:;ll.Illl.[:> llU!l.[SY :;ll.[l HU :;lpnpu! PlnoM :;l:;lJ .I:;lllu:;lssud :;ll.[J Ol P:;lPPU SlU:;l:> AYY Iuuomppu :;ll.[J lUl.[l pUll m:;lA U :;l:>UO p!lld :;l:;lJ .IUHOP U:;llU lnq ':;lSU:;l.I:>U! :;lllmOOW UlOU SUM H lUl.[llno P:;llU!od:;lH 'A.IlSnpU! :;ll.[l WO.IJ :;lWU:> l! 'lS:;lnb:;l.I S!l.[lllU!~W lOU S! Ipuno;) AlD :;ll.[l lUl.[l P:;llU:;lWWO:> wtlqun(l 'Iusodo.Id lU:;l.Im:> S!l.[l l.[l!M :;l:;l.IllU lOU P!P lnq lU:;lW:;l:>Ulll.[U:;l l.[sy l.Ioddns S:;lOP :;lq P!US .Iaza!ltlA\. 'lU P:;l~OOI :;lq Plnol.[s %00 I JO PU:;llSU! %OS :;l~n :;lSU:;l.I:>U! .I:;lHUWS U :;lqAUW P:;lSU:;l.I:>U! :;lq Ol :;l.I:;lM S:;l:;lJ l.[:>unuIluoq :;ll.[l J! lUlll p:;lUOnnu:> OSIU:;lH 'lU P:;l~OOI :;lq Plno:> S:;lss:;lu!snq 11ll .IoJ :;l:;lJ :;lSU:;l:>n sS:;lu!snq :;ll.[l Ol :;lSU:;l.I:>U! Ull :;lqAUW puu llU!l.[sy WO.IJ AUM ;'lWOS U! lY:;lU:;lq S:;lss:;lu!snq HUlUl.[l P:;llS:;lllllnS :;lH 'p:;lJJ:;l :;lS.I:;lAPU Ull :;lAUl.[ PlnoM l! P!US ~H ':;lSU:;l.I:>U! :;l:;lJ :;lllmoow AUll Ol p:;lsoddo SUM :;ll.[ lUl.[l P:;lPPU }(.Iptsng Utl A 'H llU!PUtIJ SUM Al!unWWO:> llU!l.[SY :;ll.[l J! :;llUpdO.Iddu :;l.IOW :;lq PlnoM l! P:;llS:;lllllnS :;ll.[ pUll p:;lfo.Id S1l.[l punJ Ol llU!l.[SY :;l.IlllUl.[l S:;lss:;lu!snq l:;lll.Illl PlnoM S!l.[llul.[llno P:;llU!od OSIU:;lH 'sp:;lfO.Id .I:;ll.[1O .IoJ l! :;lsn Ol :;llUpdo.Idduu! :;lq pynOM H pUllluOg: 3 .IoJ puoq :;ll.[l PutlJ Ol p:;ll.[SnqUlS:;) SUM n ':;l:;lJ .I:;lllU:;lssud :;ll.[l U! :;lSU:;l.I:>U! :;ll.[l Ol p:;lsoddo SUM :;ll.[ PIUS stl~no.L 'snSU:;lSuo:> U Ol :;lWO:> lOU PIP P:;lPU:;lllUlUl.[l S.I:;lqW:;lW :;ll.[llnq UO!SS:;lS ~.IOM :;ll.[llU p:;lssn:>s!p OSIll SUM S!l.[lluql P:;lUO!lU:;lW Utlp.lOr 'aa.{ UOHtl.loJsaH qS!.{ 'U:;l.IU HY :;ll.[l.IOJ p:;lssn:>s!p.Io P:;lAP:>:;l.I :;l.I:;lM SUOnUpU:;lWwo:>:;l.I :;lumu ON 'U:;lm :;lSn-1lInw U :;lq l! llU!AUl.[ JO l.Ioddns U! lU:;lW:;lJUlS A:>nod JO l.IOS :;lWOS :;lnss! Plnol.[s pmoq :;ll.[l :;lqAUW pUll .Ill:;lA :;ll.[l Jlul.[ Aldw:;l :;lq PlnoM II 15uppud ATlio lOJ pasn SUM. II JI lUl.[l palaJJo ~UO'I 'pal(Snqulsa SUM. dIl(SlaUM.O S,AlIJ al.[l ual.[M SIl.[l op Plnol.[s A:;ll.[llUl.[l pa;ullu A:;ll.[.l 'uo SlU:;lWWO:> lOJ SllU!Mll.IP :;ll.[l .!OJ Wn.IoJ :>nqnd U :;lZ!uuzl.Io pUll lU:;lWWO:> :>nqnd ~:;l:;lS Ol :;lnU!luo:> Plnol.[s A:;ll.[l lUl.[l P:;l:;l.IllU p.Iuoq 99€ a3vd '[ aUln/oA sajnulW P.lvofJ ((.lOSlilPV a:J.laUlUlo:J puv J.lOd vlfsvlV 'p.lVM.aS fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 367 Passed Unanimous Resolution 2005-01 recommending the City Administration issues a letter asking for expressions of interest for the operation of the 50-ton travel lift. Jordan said this resolution came out of the last work session and opened it up for discussion. Waliezer expressed concern that it was probably not very profitable and the city provides an excellent service and if it went out to bid an individual may cut service. He also pointed out that there is no grid or alternative to the lift. Tougas said it was his understanding that the approved budget allocated the purchase a new 50-ton lift. Gifford said it is included in the budget but that is why the council wanted this discussion before any purchases were made. Ransom added that he thought the harbor did about 295 lifts last year. Tougas wondered who would be making decisions regarding the interest. Gifford said it was his understanding that there was no obligation in seeing if there was interest and then the board could use whatever information was received to make a recommendation to Council. It was discussed if it would be in the City's best interest to privatize or not. They discussed weather it was an area to privatize or not and what would need to be done if interest was expressed. It was mentioned that maybe privatizing the 250-ton should be looked at as well. Motion to approve JordanNanBuskirk AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Van Buskirk, Jordan Tougas, Waliezer, Lechner Altermatt, Mercer, Whitman, Hettinger none Motion Fails It was decided that a resolution in support of the City maintaining operation of the 50-ton travel lift be drafted at the next work session and then voted on at the next regular meeting. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS no action taken ~ January 25,2005 letter from Elle Zemia Copy of announcement in The Seward Phoenix Log North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Draft Agenda, January 4, 2005 BOARD COMMENTS "",".....,,~ ~~~"~'\~ .::iO il ~""# ~~.:tl~ ....1.~..... ~~ '... ~ ~..::~~\. .i"'~;;" U'l ~ # ...." '."" ... -..-..~ .. , . .. - . rwas . - :0: :G: .. . . - .. .. . .. .. . 0 --~,..: .. ~ "':"'~""{lP. In! <;. \02. '. ~1;:f6i .' ..."~J':- ", (,;]'~ ........... "'"y.... ~'" ~3S:iO \"..~ ',......"",,, l!UqJ ~:)!A plOr ApOpW ~ Aml~l:)~S pmos: pOOMlV !m)l j2ff2'1?',~ wd t~: I lU p~wnofpu SUM JJU!l~~W ~ql. .1N3:WNlIflOray ;lUON S.1N3:WWO:J SN3:ZI.LIJ 0.1 3:SNOdS:rn NOI.1VlI.1SINIWay aNY ffilYOH OJJUP[OOI lsnf ~lU pun Ap!sqns JO PUPI ~wos ~){Ul AUW l! MOll){ A~ql. OUO!PU ~){Ul H!M A~ql un~w 109 s~op l! pUU ~lOpq lS~l~lU! JO SUo!ss~ldx~ p~nss! puq ){U!PO)lluql PlUS ~UO'1 S.1N3:WWO::> SN3:ZI.LI::> ;lUON 89S <Jgvd '[ <JUlnloA S<JjnU!y,{ p.lvog r(.lOS!ilPV <J:J.l<JUlUlO:J puv J.lOC[ tJJfsvW 'p.lVM<JSJO N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 369 CALL TO ORDER The regular April 6, 2005 meeting of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chair Deborah Altermatt. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board Member Hettinger led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL There were present: Deborah Altermatt, presiding, and Karl Van Buskirk Doug Lechner D.J. Whitman Andrew Hettinger Tom Tougas Jerry Waliezer Roger Mercer Absent: Melody Jordan Comprising a quorum of the Board; and Rick Gifford, Assistant City Manager Scott Ransom, Harbormaster Judi Sweeney, P ACAB Secretary SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS, AND REPORTS Council member Valdatta was absent. Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative reported that they were stacking material that is being dredged out of the harbor by the Corps and Wilder's subcontractor. They have taken out 60,000 yards, are still pumping, and will raise the road on Port A venue. Bencardino said they hope to have a permit for more dredging between the cruise ship and freight dock area. He said security cameras are being installed on a pole for the parking lot and the side of the building and dock security will be upgraded. He spoke about the activity on the dock. He reports that the town enjoys using the ARR building. Groups like the girls rowing team, playing baseball in the building, and Jennifer Headke and her group are painting a mural inside the building. He said next week a big new sign would be on the building. He reported that the coal conveyor could not be extended any further than it is now. Bencardino said that out of the clear blue a company from Canada was interested in the coal loading facility. 13 S! l! su uos!.Id aql pappu p.rnoq ;}q.L oWlOlS 13 l;}lJU P;}POl;} puq q::>U;}q ;}ql JO l;};}J 01 luql gU!AUS ;)lWS lU UO!SOl;} WOlJ S;}q::>U;}q ;}lOW gU!SOI lnoqu P;}l;}PUOM uuwl!qA\. oung;}q puq UO!l::!nllSUO::> ;)lWS Ol PUOl ;}l{lluq.L OP;}U!qwo::>;}q PInoqs puu ~U!ql awus ;}ql ;}l;}M ApnlS ;}::>uuss!uuuo::>;}1! selJO;) puu ){::>oG qpoN lS!I sam.Io!.Id W.Ial-l.Ioqs ;}ql uo luql P;}lOU SUM n lS!'] spafO.Id pUU SIUO~ SS3:NISml <I3:HSINMNil OSs;}u!snq P;}qS!uyun l;}pun sl::!;}!old loq.rnq puu spuuIdn JO Uo!ssn::>s!p pappy Alsnow!uUUil 'passud Uonow UPU;}gu lU;}SUO::> puu UPU;}gy JO IUAOlddu (.Iauq3;)'I/su~no.L) NO'I.LO'W Y<IN3:~Y .LN3:SNO':J <INY Y<IN3:~Y .>10' 'IV AOHddV auoN :~NrnY3:H :JI'IRild HO'.>I <I3:'I[l<I3:H:JS .LON SW3:.LI Y<IN3:~Y NO' .LN3:WWO':J N3:ZI.LI:J O){::>Ol ;}AOW;}l Ol l;}qW;}ld;}S U! ){::>uq ;}q Il!M. A;}ql - ;}UOP ;}q Ol GAUq PInoM A;}l{l '900Z ul OAl;}JUS lOJ P;}){.rnw U;};}q suq puu ;}l;}ql IHls l;}lUM){U;}lq PIo ;}l{lJo pud 13 P!US;}H O!;OOZ '!;1 Eldy Ol UO!SU;}lX;} ){;};}M-OMl 13 ql!M. ;}UOP %!;6-06 ;}lUpdn ;}gp;}lG olUOY Z ;}l{l JO ;}sn lOJ Al;}llUld ;}du;) ;}l{l puu D;)Sfl ;}l{l ql!M SUO!lUSl;}AUO::> p0013 puq ;}AUH OP;}Il;}::>uu::>;}q lEM Zl Eldy uo gun;};}W luq.L OS;}!l!Eln puuIdn ;}qllOJ suuId liO S:V;)y d puu 'E::>unO;) 'HN.L l{l!M UO!SS;}S ){lOM 13 ;}q lEM lOq.rnH lSUt[ ;}l{l gU!PlUg;}l wq.L ol::!;}!Old S!l{l lOJ uonuzpol{lnu gum;}g S! lU!od lO!UW Y ol::!;}!old l;}lUM){U;}lq ;)IWS ;}ql ql!M. og Ol gU!putlJ qgnou;} lOU S! ;}l;}ql P!US ,selJO;) ;}ql JO S;}A!lUlU;}S;}ld;}1! :gU!MOIlOJ ;}ql uo POd;}l 13 ;}AUg wosuuH "V dHYY ;}ql Ol P;}p.rnMloJ puu E::>uno::> Aq p;}ssud SUM UO!II!W !;$ JO poddns U! uOnnIOS;}l Y Ol!ud;}l puu ;}::>UUU;}lU!UW 1O gU!PI!nq Iuuo!l!Ppu lOJ qgnou;} lOU SUM l! luql punoJ puu lOqlUq ;}ql JO d!qSl;}UMO ){OOl (SlOq.rnq l;}qlo puu) ;}M ;}::>U!S lUql P!US;}H O;}lUlS ;}ql wo.y spUtlJ Iuuo!l!Ppu lOJ lS;}nb;}l (y dHYY) s,lOlUllS!U!Wpy POd puu Sl;}lSUWlOq.rnH JO uonupossy U){suIY ;}qlJo poddns P;}::>!OA;}H o.rn;}A S!l{l gU!){lud ;}q lSn! PInoM l! luql ;}IDS SUM ;}q spuuIdn qlnos M;}U ;}ql su lUJ su luql P!US;}H OSIUS!Ulddu lOq.rnq op Ol P;}l::!UllUO::> U;};}q puq S;}lUPOSSY puu U!UMS ::>uW luql P;}llod;}l wosuuH nOJS .I;)lSBW.IOq.IBH OPUOl ;}ql uo dn gU!og ;}lU sug!S puu !; 1 Eldy Aq ;}np ;}l;}M 8-0 ;}EW JO UOn::>nllSUO::> AUMqg!q ;}qllOJ sP!H oAuMqgm PlUM;}S ;}ql JO pud su ;}nU;}AY p,E M;}!A A;}ql luql puu AUMqgm p.rnM;}S ;}ql uo S){IUMssol::> U! gumnd ;}q lOU PInoM .LOG P!US ;}H oAl!E::>uJ ;}.rn::> Wl;}l-guoI 13 lOJ UO!SS;}S ){lOM 13 PI;}q {!::>uno;) ogupds S!ql P;}){.rnw puu P;}IU;}S ;}q PInoM U;}.rn gu!){.rnd ;}ql P!US;}H osug IUIDlUU gU!p.rng;}l owod OO:L lU 81 {!ldy gU!l;};}W UMOl 13 ;}q PInoM ;}l;}ql luql P;}PU!W;}l '.I;)~gUBW AJ!;J JUBJS!SSY 'p.IoJJ!~ )f3!H .LHO'd3:H 3:AI.L YH.LSINIW<IY OLE a2vd '[ aUlnIoA sa}nu!w P.Jvofl A.JOS!ilpV a:J.JaUlUlo:J puv }.Jod vJfsvlV 'p.JvMaS!o NO City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 371 form of commerce. Gifford said a Vista volunteer working on an economic development plan and he said one had not been hired yet. He said Shealy and Spanos had been working on the application. Ransom had lay downs regarding the East Harbor project. TNH will break these down for each project. Altermatt asked and was given an affirmative answer whether the harbor was still planning to do the D-E connection in-house? Ransom has to look at the timeline by the first of next year. The dredgers will be back in September and it should take a month to take care of a couple small areas that had to be delayed due to fishery factors. He spoke of a little sloughing off problem around X & Z. In answer to Tougas, Ransom said once X float is done then E F & J can be done. The board asked for an update by the next meeting from the Corps and Wilder. Ransom will have something by the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS It was moved by Tougas, seconded by Waliezer to approved the *March 2,2005 regular meeting minutes as written. RESOLUTION NO. 2005-02 FOR PURCHASE OF A 50-TON TRAVELIFT it was moved by Tougas seconded by Waliezer to move forward to purchase of a new 50-ton Travelift motioned failed following discussion. Altermatt withdrew her motion. Tougas spoke about the 50-ton Travelift and how the harbor department feels that Travelift has gone past its useful life and has indicated that it is a break-even operation. Private sector did not want to get involved with this. He said at the meeting it was decided to see if there was any interest out there. Lechner asked how long the useful life of a Travelift is when the City of Whittier is still using the one we sold them. Altermatt noted that, as far as Whittier goes, the lift is owned privately and is very limited in lifts per year. Whitman said rates would have to go up. Motor pool funds $30,000 raise rates 20% how much down for maintenance. Old machine gearbox everything has been rebuilt 30-year-old machine. Safe machine now, time to get a new one. Waliezer whether we need this machine or not and wondered if it could be postponed another year. Close enough to the end of its life; we need to move forward it would upgrade the dock. Mercer commented about the price of steel may be a factor because right not it is really fluctuating. Whitman questioned what the cost would be to have it refurbished. Ransom said the gearbox has been rebuilt, re-tuned just about everything. Altermatt said she had not realized the request was for a new machine and a new dock. Ransom said it would be approximately $220,000 machine and dock. Whitman said he did not think this request had been engineered out enough to deal with it. Altermatt was surprised about this, but would not recommend running a new machine out on that old dock. Whitman spoke negatively about the request. Altermatt withdrew her motion. Tougas this was budgeted in the motor pool fund to buy a replacement vehicle. Van Buskirk asked if there was any interest from Travelift to rebuild the machine. Ransom, 'ou S! l;:"lM.SUV 'Sl!UI!! Al!::l ;:"Il(ljO lnO S;:"IAOUI ;:"Il( J! p.rooq ;:"Il(l UIOlJ U'3!S;:"Il Ol ;:"IAUl( PlnoM. ;:"Il( J! l! lUl(l punoJ puu P;:"ll;:"lPUOM. .IOl~UmOlH S.LN3.WWO;) ffilVOH tOOl uUld sS;:"Iu!snq P;:"IfOld su'3 VDV3:S . d E::lunO;) ''3uW Al;:"ll(sH ::l!]PUd l(poN '3: VOd l;:"lppn::lS AllU1'f UIOlJ EUUI3: '0 SlU;:"IUIn::lOp '3u!poddns pun lU;:"IUI;:"IlUlS UPU;:"I'3V E::lunO;) ';) ~lUpdfl ~A!lUlS!'3;:"11 S,UOlU;:"IS Inud 'a 'Sl;:"lPIOl( tHI Ol UAOPlO;) JO AlD ;:"Il(l UIOlJ l;:"lll;:"l1 'v :~U!MOHOJ Olin uo UOl~uJ UO!JJu ou S.LlIOdnI ([NV SW3..LI 'lVNOI.LVWlIO.ilNI '3.;)N3.([NOdS3.lIlIO;) 'uO!lnlOS;:"Il U unl(ll;:"ll(JUl poddns JO l;:"lll;:"ll U p;:"lJs~'3'3ns uuwHqA\ ';:"IffiPrulSU.IJU! lOq.rol( Ol 0'3 Plnol(s lUl(J '3U!PUl1J Aun ~~s Ol ;:"IlUl( PlnoA\. 'sdnol'3 l;:"lSn-UOU pun lU!::ll;:"lUIUIO::l 'l;:"lllUl(::l Al;:"lA;:) Ol 1$ U sppu ~.I~snH uUA 'l;:"lqUIUl(::l ;:"Il(ll('3noll(l 0'3 plnOM.lul(lpoddns ;:"ISU;:"Il::lU! spoJP ~;:"IS Ol ;:"I){!! PlnoA\. "AUM. Aun ;:"I!P Ol '3u!o'3 ;:"I.ro A;:"Il(l ;:"Isnu::l;:"lq J!UI!! l(sy xIS '%L lnoqu ;:"I.ro l(sy P;:"I){::lOlS lOJ SUffil;:"ll ;:"Il(l PIuS A~l(l pun ;:"IWUD puu l(sH ;:"Il(l Ol P;:"I){lUl pUll .IOlZOl!lUA\ 'WUl'3Old lU;:"IUI;:"I::lunl(U;:"I ;:"Il(J '3U!PUl1J qof lU;:"Il'3 U S;:"IOp l;:"lqWUl(;) ;:"Il(llUl(l P;:"IlOU ~.I~snH uUA 'UI;:"Il(l l('3noll(J 0'3 Plnol(s S;:"I::lffiOS;:"Il luuo!l!Ppu Aun pun l;:"lqWUl(;) ;:"Il(ll(J!M. '3U!){lOM. ;:"Iq Plnol(s ;:"1M. PIuS nUW.IOlnV 'UIUl'30ld lU;:"IUI~::lunl(U;:"I l(sy l!;:"Il(l l(l!M. ;:"IlqnojJ U! S! l;:"lqWUl(J 'WUl'3Old lU;:"IUI;:"I::lUUl(U;:"I l(S!] S!l(ll(J!M. dn ~UIO::l Ol P;:"IlUUM. SlOlUl;:"ldo l;:"lllUl(::l ;:"Il(l lUl(l PIuS su~no.L 'uo!ssms!p '3U!M.OnoJ ;:"IlUP l;:"ll(lffiJ U Ol p;:"Iuodlsod SUM. pun ~.IP1snH uUA Aq PUO::l;:"lS '.IOl~UmOlH Aq P;:"IAOW .LN3.W3.:JNVHN3. HSM fO-SOOZ 'ON NOI.Lfl'lOSnI :S3:0N :S3:A V :SM.OnoJ su sEuJ UO!lOUI ;:"Il(l ''3U!l;:"l;:"lUI lX;:"IU ;:"Il(llOJ uO!lnlos;:"Il ;:"Il(l :ll!lM.:ll PlnoM :ll{s P!1~s Jluw.laHV 'ss:lu!snq Y!l:lAU1.L UOl-O~ :ll{l U! AUlS Plnol{s :lM lUl{l S! snSU;:"ISUO::l ;:"Il(l PIuS su~no.L ')POP ;:"Il(l ){::l;:"lP-;:"Il SlUOg: ;:"Il(l U! ){::luq l! lnd ~;:"Ilqul!'UAU A;:"IUOUI S! ;:"Il;:"ll(J J! lUl(J PIuS uuwHqA\ 'p;:"Iuodlsod SUM. lnq 'uo!lUAOU;:"IlI lOq.roH l(poN ;:"Il(l U! p;:"Ipnpu! ;:"Iq Ol SUM. pun lusodold HNl Aq dn UMUlP SUM. lUl(l JO llUd S! ){::lOp Y!PAUll ;:"Il(l ;:"IUON unPlof nUUll;:"lllV 'unUIl!l(A\ 'l;:"lUl{::l;:"l1 'l;:"l'3U!ll;:"lH '){l!){Sna un A 'l;:"lZPIUA\. 'l;:"l::ll;:"lW 'su'3nol :NIVlSaV :.lN3:SaV ZLE a8vd 'f atun/oA sa!nu!J''V p.mof[ tI:.lOS!tl.PV a:J.latutuoJ puv !.loc! m{svlV 'p.lVMaS fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 373 Tougas thanked Harbormaster Ransom for the East Harbor project drawings. He said they were very helpful to have. CITIZENS COMMENTS None BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1 :40 p.m. (Ju$#!~~ .f:fudi Sweeney . Board Secretary ~~ Deborah Altermatt Chair ",,,n.,,,, ..", Of SEEw.'t", ~~~~~):...:'1~ ',-, .:' <>~.?o?-l"V1f.i~ ". ~ ~ :' ....}J- ~o.. ~ : :~ --- \ ':. -. AL'. :.: SE :e: - . . - :.~ ---:# ~ -.. '\-0': ~ ~ 1S\;;.~(f.\l! 1 ...~~...:p, ~ .... ~~.......l< b..Cj :t.~ '~, 1: OF p.v ",..~ ~",.. n,""" 'l::lU Al::lJUS U U! 'i3u!nnd puu AUM~IuM ::Hn 'i3u!PHnq::u '~:lOp ::lql l::lpUn slq'i3n 'i3umulSU! ;)q PInoM A::lql P!US::lH '::lsnoqpunOl ::lql U! ::l:lUUInJ M::lU U S! ::ll::lql 'AllUd ::lA'3 S,lU::l},. M::lN l::lqWUU lOJ sunId ::llU ::ll::lql pun l::lqW::lld::lS U! ::lSnoq::llUM ::lqllU ppq ::lq mM Sl::lAUId Al!;) llod ::lql Aq yn:l!snw y ''i3u!PHnq ::lql JO ::l:lUUU::llU!UW 'i3U!o'i3uo ::lql P::lUO!lU::lW::lH '::lIlln U UM.Ol ::lql dI::lq PInoqs d!qs AAUN ::lql P!US::lH 'l::l::lJ O~S Ol o~z punolU S! d!qs ::lqllq'i3noql ::lH 'n pun ql8 ::lql U::l::lMl::lq ::lW!l::lWOS ;)q PInoM n 'IuAPlU s,d!qs ::lqllOJ p::lp::l::lU ::lq PInoM S::l:l!Al::lS l!::lql J! p::l~SU 'i3upOp::lA::llS lSU::lqlnos 'lsn'i3ny P!W U! 'i3U!A!llU ::lq PInoM A::lql P!US::lH 'l::llSUwlOqlUH::lql pUU puolHulI ::lql ql!M l::l::lW Ol AUpOl UM.Ol U! S! AAUN ::lqlluql P!US;)H 'AUpOl ::llUI 'i3U!A!llU ::lq PInoM d!qs ::lS!TIl:l ::lql P!Us 3A!l8JU3S3.1d3H UO!l8.10d.lO;) P80.lU8H ID(S8IY 'OU!P.l8JU3g s!no'1 'llod::ll Ol 'i3U!qlou 8n8Pl8A .I3qW3W UJuno;) S~HOd:nI ONV SNOUV~N3:S:nId 'SH3:<IHO '1VI;)3:dS III JU8JS!SSV 3JYJO .Ioq.l8H '8!.I0'1 30 813~UV A.I8J3.1J3S 9V;)Vd 'A3U33A\S !pnr .I3JS8W.loq.l8H 'WOSU8H nOJS .I3~8U8W Al!;) JU8JS!SSV '13S3 A U3JS.I!)I pun :plUOg ::lql JO UlTIlonb U 'i3u!spdwo;) .I3~U!H3H A\3.1pUV PU8 '}f.lPlsng U8A 1.18)1 '.I3J.l3W .I3~OH '.I3UqJ3'1 ~noo :lU::lsqy .I3Z3!18 M AJ.l3 r U8WnllA\ ro U8p.lOr APOl3W S8~no~ WO~ pun "5U!P!S::lld 'n8W.l3HV q8.10q3(1 :lU::lS::lld ::ll::lM ::ll::lq~ '1'1V;) '1'10H 'i3uy'::lql Ol ::l:lUU!'i3::lHU JO ::l'i3p::lId ::lql P::lI .I3Z3!18 A\ l::lqW::lW pluOS: ~V'1.i 3:H~ O~ 3:;)NVIn3:'1'1V .iO 3:~(l3:'1d on8W.l3HV .I!8q;) Aq 'w'd to:nlU l::lplO Ol P::lHU:l SUM pluOS: AlOSIAPY ;):ll::lWWO;) pun llOd plUM::lS ::llll JO SOOZ '9 Alnr lJull::l::lW lnInlJ::ll ::lql H3:<IHO O~ '1'1V;) 69S a:l1Jd '[ aULnfOA sajnu!p,{ p.l1Jo[J ~.lOS!ilPV a:J.laUlUlO;) PU1J J.lOJ 1J>fS1JfV 'p.l1JM.aSfo ~J!;) City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 370 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Assistant City Manager Vesel had nothing to report, but answered questions from the board. In answer to Tougas, she said the infrastructure meetings noted on the City Calendar are weekly staff meetings. She said department heads discuss ongoing projects and she would be happy to report the outcome of those. However, they are not open to public. Altermatt asked about a work session on July 13 scheduled for Harbor funding alternate sources. Ransom confirmed that it would be held on the 13th at 7:00 p.m. Vesel mentioned that someone might want to attend the council meeting on the ninth, as Mike Meads would be giving a report on the Ferry Study. Jordan asked about the Mile 0-8 road project, Vesel said that DOT said last week there would be a delay and would not be completing the project this year. In answer to Tougas, Vesel said the waterline project is also put off. Tougas asked if any funding was appropriated for the waterline. AItermatt asked for an up-date on the Vista volunteer and found that no one had the qualifications of grant writing that was sought after. She said that the City would be required to attend two-week management training in the Lower 48 in order to get a volunteer. Harbormaster Ransom asked Sweeney to introduce new Harbor employee Angela DeLoria. Harbormaster Ransom reported that the RFP for the piling had been opened at $437,455. Richard's Pipe and Steel, Inc. was the apparent low bidder and the engineers are checking the bid. Once checked, the order will be placed. In answer to a question, Ransom said the Navy ships will be coming to Seward around derby time but he did not think any would be in the harbor. He said they would most likely be too big to use the harbor. He reported that Quality Asphalt has loaded 40,000 tons of gravel across the dock. Whitman asked where the City and Corps stand on the upland area for use during the derby. Ransom said no parking would be allowed this year until we get the final sign-off from the Corps. Whitman wondered if Seward has a plan (schedule) of when things will be constructed. He said they (Seward Ships Drydock) are getting calls for use of X float. AItermatt remarked that we are having a moorage problem in the harbor this year and wondered about the east side of X float where the military has the whole 750' of dock exclusively. She said they are only using a portion of that dock and wondered, why with such a congested harbor it is [managed] like this for four 40' boats. Ransom said we would look at that in the next year. Ransom said that anchoring off on the buoys would not be allowed. Waliezer said you could make the anchoring work with cables and anchors. CITIZEN COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: SHIOdnI ((NV SW3:.LI 'lVNOIJ.VWHO.!lNI '3::JN3:((NOdSIDllIO:J OfO-SOOZ 'oN uOnnlos<llI ::nn ;JAOlddu Ol.l<lZ<l!lBM Aq p;JpUO::l;JS 'UBp.lOr Aq p;JAOW SUM. II 'UOISSn::lSIP ilUIM.OHOd olIl;JW Plol{ S;JOp puu InJiluIuu;JW sI pmoq ;Jl{l lI;:lJ ;Jl{S oplUOq ;Jl{l ilUIUIUl;Jl JO lOAUJ uI ;J)[ods UBp.lOr opmoq SIl{l ;JnluA lOU op A;Jl{l 'Ipuno::l AlP l;:ll{lOUU l;Jil ;JM. mun lnq 'AlPol{lnu pod U p;J;JU ;JM. PIuS .I<lZ<l!lBM OUOIP;JlIP lOJ ;J;JllIUllliO::l SIl{l Ol )[::luq p;Jl;J;:llS ;Jq PlnoM. iluIl{loU PIuS UBwHqM OSS;JI;Jsn p;JJ A;Jl{l ;:lsnU::l;Jq ilU!M.;JU;Jl ;:lq lOU mM. Sl;JqW;JW ;J;Jll{l op;Jdd;JlS;JPIS U;:l;:lq SUl{ pmoq sIlll o;Jldo;Jd P;JlUI;Jl-pod slI uI ;JSIP;Jdx;J SUl{ pmoq ;:ll{l oAlI::l ;Jl{llOJ AlHU;:l pooil U SUM. pmoq ;:ll{llUl{llPJ ;Jl{s P!US UBp.lOr ouoISSIWWO::l lOqml{ lO AlIlol{lnu pod U ;:lq Plnol{s pmoq ;Jl{l lUl{l lPJ uBwHqM 'nBW.I<lJIV Aq HllJ U! pU;Jl SUM. uOnnlos;JlI ;:ll{l (IlIvoa 3:HJ. .!IO NOUil'lOSSI(( 3:HJ. ~NI((N3:WWO:JnI (IlIVoa i\.lIOSIAav 3::JlI3:WWO:J ((NV J.lIOd 3:HJ. .!IO NOUil'lOSnI V fOO-SOOZ 'oN uOnnlos<llI ~NU3:3:W i\. VW ON . 's<llnU!W ~Un<l<lW .IBln~<l.l 'sooz 'zz q:UBW . SS3:NISila M3:N OlI ilUIM.;JIA;Jl ;Jq PlnaM. puu ;JUO p;JAP::l;Jl lsnf pUll ;Jl{ P!Us WOSUBH oIUsodold U ;:lAUl{ ;:lM. JI p;J)[SU nBW.I<lJIV '::ll;J ';JUUl::l 'Sll{ilH ';JU!l{::lUW M.;JU U Anq ';Jl!d l;J;Jl{S Ol suuld ;JAUl{ ;JM. PIuS WOSUBlI WH OH ;JAP::l;Jl lOU P!P ;JM. lUl{l punoJ puu lUUlil ;:ll{ll{l!M. p;Ju;Jddul{ lUl{M. P;:ll;:lPUOM. sB~noJ. UHlBOa UOl-OS S3:UrnOrnd WH3:J. J.lIOHS 'ls!ll3<lfO.ld SS3:NISila ((3:HSINI.!INil luaSU03 snow!uBuil Aq P<lSSBd uonow *upU;Jilu lU;JSUO::l puu upu;JilV JO IUAOlddu (.I<lZ<l!lBM./UBp.lOr) NOIJ.OW V((N3:~V UJ3:SNO:J ((NV V((N3:~V .!IO 'lV AOlIddV OUIUlOJHU:::> uI p;J)[lOM. pUll W;:llSAS Aonq ;Jl{l lUl{l p;JlU;JUlWO::l ~UO'l oluln)[U A l;Jytl P;JI;:lPOW mq ;Jl{l p;J::lnpOllUI iluno A uuwss;Jliluo:::> ol{ilnoloq ;Jl:{l uI XUl S;JIUS ilUIl::l;JHO::l iluIpmil<ll p<l::lnpOllUI SUM. uOnnlos;Jl l;Jl{lOUY Ol<ll{lOUU l;:lAO AlP ;:lUO iluIpunJ puu iluIsool{::l WOlJ l{ilnolOq ;Jl{l p;JpplS;Jllul{llU;JWpU;JWU uu p;:ll;:lJJO ;Jl{ PIUS;JH ouuld ;:lAISU;Jl{;:lldwo::l ;JPIM. l{ilnolOq ;:ll{l p;Jssud AHuuy pUll A;Jl{lIZ ;Junf uo lUl{l P!US aH <lAnBlU<ls<l.ld<llI ad){ '~uo'1 UOlI IL€ a'5vd 'f iJULn/oA sajnUW'l P.lVOfl tUOS!ilPV iJ:J.liJZUZUO;] puv J.lOJ WfsvlV 'p.lVM.iJS]o N!;] City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 372 BOARD COMMENTS none CITIZENS COMMENTS Robert Valdatta Asked if the North Dock area could be cleaned up. He also noted that near the new Railroad Bridge the sand bar is building up. Ron Long said that the board has been ignored in the past and has not been given the respect you deserve. He said he hopes that this will serve as a wake up call. In the past, we have made the council's job easier. BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT I :04 p.m. , Vaa~~ udi Sweeney Deborah Altermatt Board Secretary Chair ."UIIII".. ,. '" ..,.,...._1 OF SJ2t~}", ~- 6..' ......... 'YL'l. " (~lX)S.~?O.lt{;...:~ ~ .. .....'-l '~'. ~ :: :::? ___ 0', ~ :: : SEAL ': : :e: :8: .. : : - :.~ ---:: ~ ....v"".. C1, .,' Jt " U\.. ..vAt.. ,\~'\..,~~ .:0 , ,,~ " I;; 1 .'. ~ "~h ......1... r..CO .... '-';>'" ~ OF p..\,r~...." ""....n\\\\ j~ I.l~ ....&.'... :.~ . *\ 'S;}A!-lP w~lEpAul.L ;}ql ;}l;}qM U;}lU ;}ql 8U~AOldw~ puu )[OOP lEI ;}ql 8u~o;}p-;}~ . 'sluoq l;}IIUl 'l;}P~M M;}J U snld Y~I AHu;}llm ;}M sluoq ;}ql JO IIu WI Ol ;}Iqu ;}q II!M n ';}AUq AHU;}llnO ;}M ;}U~qouw Plo lU;}A +OZ ;}lll uuql ;}lOW l;};}J Z Aq ;}OUUlU;}!:l l;}IIUl puu ;}suq l;}P~M U suq luql w~Y~PAUl.L UOl-O!; M;}U V . :8U~MOIIOJ ;}ql ;}P~AOld II!M s~q.L 'SlU;}W;}AO.Idw~ )[Oop!y~pAUllJPu;}q)[Inq lOJ s~ lS;}nb;}lluu18 ;}q.L 'luu18lUawdopAaQ o~wouootlJo 'ld;}Q)lV uO~II!w Z$ U paplUMU SUM pun lOJ pa~Iddu lOqreq ;}ql 'aO~lOU o~rqnd pUU 's8u!laaw 's8u~uaq o~Iqnd SnOl;}U.InU layv '!;I laqW;}AON punolu alaq aq PlnoM puu MOU papn.Ilsuoo 8u~aq are SlUOIJ aql p~us aq 'pafold lOqlUH lSUtI alll 8u~plu8a~ 'Slallm ~aqlloJ WOOl lnoqu paU.!aouoo alaM Aaq,L 'paprulsuoO 8u~aq SlUOIJ Mau lnoqu PlunO lSUOJ 'S'[1 aql ql~M 8~laaw U papuallu lsnf puq aq lUlll pallod;}l mosUlJ"H .IalSBm.lOq.lBH .1110dIDI :!lAI.1VH.1SINIWaV auoN :S.1lIOdIDI aNY SNOI.LV.1N:!lSIDId 'SlI:!laHO 'IVI:J:!ldS A.lBla.l3as HV:JV d 'Jf3Dg Bf.lo'laa B(a~uv A.lBla.l3as HV:JV d 'AauaaMS !pDr .IalsBm.loq.lBH 'mosuBlI n03S .Ia~BUBW AlD 'a~pf.lq.lo:J J(.IBI:J pUU ~preos: aql JO wruonb U 8~s~dwo;) auoN :luasqv .la3.1aw .Ia~olI .IaZaUBA\. A.I.Iar .la~UmaH Ma.lpUV uBmnqA\. T'a J(.I!J(SDg UBA (.IB){ pUU '8u~p~sald 'nBm.lallV qB.loqaa :luasald al;}M ;}l;}q.L 'l'IV;) 'l'l01I '8uIJ aql Ol ;}ouu~8aIIu JO a8pald ;}ql pal J(.I!J(SDgUB A (.IB){laqwaw plUOS: ~V'l.'I :!lH.1 0.1 :!l:JNVI~:!l'l'IV .'IO :!l~a:!l'ld lltlWJ<lllV J!tlq;) Aq 'w'd Or:z:r lU l;}PlO Ol P;}IIUO SUM preos: A.IOS~APV aOl;}mu.IOJ puu llOd preMas aql JO 8u!laaw !;OOZ 'IZ laqw;}ldaS reln8al p;}Inpaqos-al ;}q.L lI:!laHO 0.1 'l'IV;) ELE a8vd '[ awn/oA '5;OOZ 'rz ..laqwaJdas saJnuIW P..lvoE/ ,uOSlt\PV a:J..lawwo:J puv J..lOd IDfsvfV 'p..lVMaS fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes September 21, 2005, Volume 3, page 374 · Bids were opened for Phase I of the project: regarding re-decking "T" & "I." Preliminary study on the piling shows that re-decking is feasible. · The Department of Economic Development $2 million grant for the T -dock bulkhead will be accepted at the next council meeting. · The 50-ton boatlift purchase proposal is to proceed. He said the rates would not be raised to fund the machine. The new machine is capable of lifting wider boats and has a higher clearance. Minor modifications to the dock were approved by Council. Ransom said the quote from Marine TraveliftTM was $227,758 plus freight. He said the old lift would be sold for about $15,000 to cover the freight. · Ransom reported that the bids were opened for the north harbor renovations project and Lash Construction was the apparent low bidder with $1,169,815.00 followed by Ruskin Construction, Harris Gravel and West Construction. · Ransom spoke about a Capital Project request for a $2 million feasibility study of the SMIC basin - to control the severe surge problem that makes using the North Dock unfavorable. He explained that the State would pay $1 million and $500,000 in-kind contribution bringing the City's share to $500,000. City Manager Clark Corbridge reported that the City is in preliminary discussions with the Coast Guard architect team from Juneau. He gave a brief summation of the Council work session. They discussed the role of boards and commissions. Some suggestions were: to reduce the number of board members; hold members to the rule concerning three consecutive absences and they are dismissed; hold the meetings on a specific day each month. A recommendation was made regarding hiring a clerical position for all of the boards and commissions of the city in order to have a secretary that worked for the boards and commissions only. CITIZEN COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: Rick Blythe, introduced himself as Chamber of Commerce board president, however, spoke as a private citizen said that most of the focus is on the harbor area and encouraged the board to broaden their issues. He spoke of a memorandum of understanding with the city for economic development. He spoke of the downtown business that are failing and that he felt has a broad impact on the community. Willard Dunham spoke about fish restoration. He said at the last council meeting he was surprised at the lack of interest in fish restoration when it brings so much revenue, tourism, and commerce to Seward. He agreed with Blythe that the board needs to broaden their focus. He said he would like the board to go back to more commerce and trade, including international trade. Jerry George, slip E-19, Seward Boat Harbor, handed out a three-page memo dated September 20, 2005 and addressed to P ACAB. The memo was a list ofthe frustrations he felt towards the administration's proposed 50-ton TraveliftTM purchase. He made luaSUOJ SDOWJUUUD Aq passud IUAo.lddV .IJuq:J-aJJA JO lmJWlUJoddV odxJI wrn J9pud HV:JV d JO uOHfugapall ssaUJSDg M.aN p3PPV 'UPU3;:!UlU3SUOJ pUU UPU3;:!V JO IllAolddu (){lp{snguuA) NOI.LOW VaNJInV .LNJISNO:J aNY VaNJInV .iO 'IV AOllddV 'lpooq 3lp ;:!UilllllS SUIDl ){OOl OqM l3uqJ3'1 ;:!noQ pUll 'll!nJd Ul!f 'l3Z3!Iui\\ An3f SUM SUlll3A lSUI 3l3lp SUM l3lSUWlOqlUH 3lp Wql P3UO!lU3UI 3qS 'pU3llU Ol lIU P3jJUlnOJU3 pUll 3IllU3S U! odxg: 3ql lU lpooq U 3AUq prnOM l3qWUq;) 3lp P!US 3qS 'lq;:!nos ;:!U!3q 3l3M SP!q UMOl JO lno OS UO!PnllSUOJ lOJ dnI Ol p3puods3l puq lOPUllUOJ IUJOI 3UO AIUO P!llS 3qS 'lpoog Aql3Q l3qUlllq;) lU3UllUIl3d U JO UO!PnJlSUOJ Ol 3JU3l3jal UI '0<:-<:1 lsnlJnv 'Aql3p AUP -3ll!U IUUIlOU 3lp 3q PlnOM Aql3p 3ql JU3A lX3U lUlp pUll JU3A S!ql Aql3p UOUlIUS IrysS3JJns U puq A3lp P!US 3qS 'llod3lu 3AU;:! .Iopa.lJa aJ.lawwo:J JO .I3qWUq:J 'P.lUM.OI:J U.lDU'I 'p3SSllJS!P 3q UUJ l! 3l0jaq plUOq 3lp Ol AdOJ U 3P!AOld 3q P3lS3jJ;:!ns llUW.lallV '3lnlUIS!;:!31 3ql Ol p3ll!llqns su ){lOM JO 3dOJS 3lp SUM S~l P!US l3;:!png pUll lU3Ul3;:!UUllW JO 3JillO 3lp lllql 3JU3!pnu 3lp UlO.y U!U;:!U 3){ods a~l.Ioan A.i:.Ia r 'Sl!pnU pUll S){ooq lU!JUllUY 3lpl3AO ){OOI Ol 3WOJI3M SUM 3q pUll p3l!pnU AlIry lIU SUM l! luql 3;:!lQ3D 'lW p3lnSSU 3qS 'l3;:!pnq 900<: 3lp U! p3l3;:!pnq S! 3JUllluq 3ql 'lJ!I M3U U ;:!U!suqJlnd JO UO!lud!J!lUll U! 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SU S33J Y!I luoq 3ql p3SU3lJU! lOU puq 3M P!US 3qS 'P3lU3ddus!p puq S33J Y!lluoq 3lpWql lU3UlUIOJ 3lp Aq P31zznd SUM 3qS P!US 3qS 'm/ /atW..ll Mau v 1/U!svl{:J..lnd puv sa!l!l.':Jvf /v:J!..lpala al{l 01 s..l!vda..l /V:J.lJ!..l:J 1/u!,ii..loj..tad '1/uppap-a..l apnpu! sa.lJ!..lo!..ld lV1{1 pva..l .Ja1/U!rp.J;;I 'salvw!lsa ISO:J UO!Pn..tlSUO:J puv suvld u1/!sap 'uo!lV:Jiff:Jads 1/u!uuv/d fo luawdo/dtlap ~q paMollof 's..l!vda..l fo ado:Js pa..l!nba..l al{l aU!W..lalap olluawssassv uompuo:J puv uo!padsu! tUvu!w!la..ld v I{I!M u!1/aq Jl!M pa!o..ld 31{L 'm/ /dtlV..ll palV..lO!..lalap al{l 1/u,l:Jv/da..l puv 'pop ml /dtlV..ll puv pval{lflnq a[.ld laal{s Mau v 1/u!Pl.mq 'sa.lJ!l.l:Jvf If:JoP 1/U!lSrxa al{l1/U!pv..l1/dn puv 1/u,l..l!vda..l 01 pal!w!lIOu S! lnq apnpu! ~vw pa!o..ld al{L pval{1flnq Mau v p[.lnq puv apv..l1/dn If:JoP-L punf p/noM ~l!J al{l 1/u!u!v/dxa uO!lV:J!lddv lUV..l1/ al{l W04 w!lvq..latl pva..l .Ja:iU!l{:J.J;;I 'p3AOlddu U33q lOU puq luqlls3nb3J lU3Ul3AoldUlI Illl!du;) S!ql JO IUll!Ulqns l3!Illl3 Ull SUM UlOlJ PU3l puq 3;:!103D 'lW lUqM Wql P3U!UldX3 '.I0lJa.lJa aJuuuJ.i '.Ia~uJqJ.lJI UHSJ.I)I 'S3pUJ3p lOJ dn 3UO;:! lOU puq A;}lp su 'P3S!Ul 3q 3~UlJnill3p lOJ S3lUl luql P3lS3;:!;:!nS;}H 'YHluoq 3l1J 3pnpU~ lOU p~p luqll3;:!png PUUlU3Ul3jJUUUWJo 3JYJO 3ql Ol p3ll!Ulqns SUM WqMJO AdOJ lllO;:! 3q P!llS 3H 'P3lll3ddus!p pllq A3UOUl 3lp luql P3;:!3lIU a~l.IoaD 'UO!lUllS!U!illPll :lql pUll Sl:lUMO lllOq :lql U3:lMl:lq UO!lllJ!unUlUIOJ JO ){JUI p:lA!3Jl:ld :lql lU lU:lUIlU!oddllS!P p:lSS:lldX3 3H '3Z!S s,woq S!q SU qJns SlllOq :llUpOUlUIOJJll Ol Y!I UOl-09 U ;:!U!suqJlnd ;:!U!pnpU! OUl3ill :lql U! SUO!lUPU3UlUIOJ31 SLt a1/vd '[ awnloA 's;ooz 'lZ .J3qwaldas salnu!J'V p..lvo[f tUOS!tlPV a:J..lawwoJ puv I..lOcI WfsvlV 'p..lVMaS fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes September 21,2005, Volume 3,page 376 UNFINISHED BUSINESS GOALS AND PRIORITIES LIST · Marketing Downtown Revitalization Branding Effort completed by Chamber schedule for November meeting - Multi agency facility plans Sept. 21, 2005 open house presentation, encouraged all to attend · Highway Improvement Infrastructure completion moved to next year along with the 3rd Avenue waterline project . Airport still in preliminary stage move to Long-term . 50-ton boat lift, bids open, submitted to Council . Update the board with STIP projects - done · Regarding Shiplift Expansion Whitman spoke about Seward Ships Drydock, where he is employed as General Manager that they are out of room to grow. He said they had repaired nine USCG cutters this year and that each one has about 38-120 people on board that spend time and money. Corbridge encouraged the board to work on a list of legislative priorities as they see them and he would present them to Council. NEW BUSINESS July 5, 2005, regular meeting minutes, were approved in the consent agenda. Board Definitions and Goals (discussed previously) Pacific Marine Expo, November 17-19, in Seattle. It was explained that some members attend at their own expense. Waliezer said that the towboat show was canceled this year and so there would be twice as many marine-related people attending this expo. Whitman spoke in favor of board members attending. Van Buskirk said it was very important especially for marketing the marine industry and Seward Ships Drydock. Altermatt mentioned she thought there was funds budgeted for P ACAB to travel. Erchinger confirmed there is money budgeted for travel and education. Ransom said he attended last year and would be happy to again. Appointment of a Vice-Chair: Hettinger nominated Van Buskirk and Waliezer nominated Ron Long. It was unanimously decided that VanBuskirk would be vice-chair. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS: None BOARD COMMENTS The board thanked the public, the administration, and fellow board members for attending the meeting. Mercer told how he had been in Biloxi, Mississippi for about ten days, helping after Hurricane Katrina. He helped some of the shipping industry get back on course; assisting opening waterways, opening port facilities, etc. Mercer suggested a "rapid assessment of the Port" exercise in case anything happens here, we would be prepared. Van ",."n,"", .,......,"1.'-1 :10 ~ ~#.! ~,J ~ 1\\' ""--~ 'it :,'::/'::"" ....t......~ "<;..~ ", .: ~,-...,o\. ~ ai\'~...~) ~ ~ /1... ~... ~ =; --- ~~ - . ~ .. = 0: rrvr;:rS :.: _ . ~ V ~ . _ Ill! ~ : .. .- ." ----- ~. - ~ '.~ ~.. ~ ~ Q;:..~~OdC~~.~ $' '4'. \T~ .......... "'7 ~ '#"#, 'it1t1-eAO i...-r~) ",1,11 iii't'P'" AlIV.urn:::>3:S mIVOH /J lillN3tlA\~ ~~r/ lIIVH;J ~ 'w'd LO:Z ~NaWNID10f<IV '3U!p::lW ::ll[l u~ UO~lUd~:)~:pud l::lq 10J .l3~U!l{;).la P:Dlump llBW.l311V S~N:>IWWO::> SNaZUD O~ aSNOdSIDI NOUVlUSINIWav <INV mrvOg 'UMOp p::llOA SllM lnq UMO ~::ll[l UO l~ ::lllll::ldO pUll lEl ::ll[l Anq 10 ::lZ~lllA~d Ol p::llUllM :)Hqnd ::ll[l U~ ::lUOAUll J~ p::l)[Sll pllq p1llOq ::lql 'Y!pllOq UOl-O~ ::lql 3u~pre3::l1 lmp p~llS ::lqS 'S::lU!J::l~l 11l9U::lSS::l Aq U::lA~p S~ 3U~l(l,\J::lA::l Alre::lU lUql pU~ U! d::l::l)[ Ol p1llOq ::ll[l p::l)[Sll ::lqS 'l::l3pnq lOqreq ::ll{l 3u~pre3::l1 SUO~SS::lS )[lOM l::l3pnq ::ll[l PU::l}lll Ol p1llOq ::lql JO Ull p::l3llmO:)U::l .l3~U!l{;).la UIlS!.I)! 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Whitman Andrew Hettinger Karl Van Buskirk, Vice-Chair Roger Mercer Ron Long ABSENT: Jerry Waliezer Comprising a quorum of the Board; and Clark Corbridge, City Manager Scott A. Ransom, Harbormaster Judi Sweeney, PACAB Secretary Angela DeLoria Buck, OAIII SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Louis Bencardino, ARRC, noted that as reported in the press, the ARR had above normal passenger service this year, with $3 million in passenger revenue. He said they are working on the building, painting the inside in time for the Christmas train and arts and crafts show, the SeaLife Center Christmas party and Port City Player's New Year's Eve Party. He said they are bringing in gondolas now and steel for West Construction. He said scrap iron from old Nash Road was picked up to be shipped out. He stressed how important it is for locals to have items shipped through Big Foot and Sampson Freight Company. They have good prices and save the cost of transportation between Seward and Anchorage. In answer to Long, Bencardino said passenger revenue was up with 8,000 more people. Ship count was down to 43 for 2006 and Norwegian Lines said they would come back as a "port of call in 2007." He said four navy ships would be coming next summer and that they really liked it here last year. Councilmember Valdatta, (arrived later in the meeting) Ron Long reported that the Economic Development District board (EDD) would meet here for their annual meeting on November 17 at noon. Valdatta is the City's borough 'JUOlSU03 SnOW!UBUn Aq pOlSSlld uOHoW 'lS!I s:}!l!.lo!.ld pUE s{lwll :}l{l Ol UO!leJOlS:}ll{SY llu!ppu puu SUO!lUlU:}S:}ld JO :}Idno:l U JO UO!l!PPU 'U:}ll!JM su s:}lnU!W lluq:}:}w lUlnll:}l ~OOZ 'I Z l:}qW:}ld:}S llu!pnpu! upu:}llV lU:}su03 puu upu:}llV JO IUAoldde (.lOl:l.lOlW/~UO'I) NOI.LOW V<IN3DV .LN3.SN03 UNY V<IN3.DV .>10 'IV AOHddV OlUON :DNmV3.H 3I'Iffild HO.>l U3.IDU3.H3S .LON SW3..LI V<IN3.DV NO .LN3.WW03 N3.ZI.LD 'lluq:}:}W AIUnUEf :}l{l JOJ plUOq l:}qW:}W U:}A:}S Ol :}U!U U wo.y plUOq :}l{lllU!lluul{:l :}lUU!PJOO:l Ol :})j!I PlnoA\ :}l{s P!US nBW.lOlllV 'lU:}A lX:}U 10J :}pew UA\O IDO JO s:}rnl{:lOlq :}wos :}AUl{ Ol AIlll{ll!W :}A\ P!US WOSUBH 'llu!.IuJ:}lU Sllod 1:}l{l0 A\ol{ pUE lUl{A\ :}:}s Ol Ie!:lY:}u~ S! l! P!us:}H 'z:}PluA U! a:Jua.lafuo:J s,.la)sIJUl.loq.lIJH fo uO!JIJpossV Iunuutl :}l{l P:}PU:}llU s)j:}:}W :})j!W pUE S!A\;}'] W!f l:}lsuuuOqlUH Alnd:}a lUl{l P:}llod:}l WOSUBH ':}lupdn uu plUoq :}l{lllU!A!lllOJ A\OlS pUE A:}Iea P:})jUEl{l llBW.lOlJIV '900Z AUy\! Aq :}uop :}q Plnol{s pUE A\OnoJ II!A\ uoqunUlSU! Al!I!lfl 'APU:}l:}q lOU PlnoA\ Al!:l!.lP:}P lnq ':}nu:}A:}l llU!ll:}ll :}nU!lUO:l Ol ':}sUl{d UO!PnllSUO:l :}l{lllu!.IfiP p:}sn :}q PlnO:llUOU X P!US 'SUO!ls:}nb Oll:}A\SUU U! 'wOSUBH 'lU:}A :}l{l JO pu:} :}l{l Aq :}l:}IdwO:l :}q II!A\ UO!lU:lOI:}l pUE UO!ltlnBlSU! l!Ufi slUOU pue llU!A!.IP :}I!d :}l{l JO Al!.loflml :}l{l P!US AOlIBU ':}l!S uo 10P:}dsuI UO!PnllSU03/1:}:}U!llUt[ lU:}P!S:}~ U :}AUl{ mA\ HN.L 'lUOU pty :}l{l :}lU:lOPl Ol s:}U!I pty l!:}l{l lluq:l:}UUO:lS!P S! Wll:}Ioll:}d :}P!S:}lOl{S ~unll:}q sUl{ UO!PnllSU03 'llU!.lds Aq P:}l:}Idwo:l :}q Ol 'A\OPU!A\ llU!A!.IP-:}pd U sUl{ l{su'l P!US :}H 'llU!I!d :}l{l nUlSU! Ol PUllUO:l :}l{l p:}plUA\e u:}:}q sell )jU!po)l wo.y 'w03 l{se'l 'l!SUUll U! pUE :}l:}Idwo:l :}le A:}l{.L 'Sl!UD leou :}l:}l:lUO:l JO PU!,! :}wes :}l{l llU!Alddns S! ':lUI 'SeU!lew :ledsuUl.L ':lUI P:}lS pue :}d!d sPlUl{:lffi W01J p:}l:}A!PP pue p:}l:}PJO u:}:}q sell llU!I1d :SA\OnOJ su SS:}lllOld :}l{l p:}q!.l:Js:}P:}l{ 'p!.Iq UI 'JOp:}dsu! lU:}P!S:}l :}l{l 'MOlS SOlU~V p:}:lnpollU! AOlIBU 'uoqe:lop~ leou X pue SUO!su:}lX:} leo{d 10qlUH l{lloN :}l{lllU!plell:}l 'PlUOH :}l{l Ol p:}ss:}lppe llod:}l sfilels '~OOZ '6 l:}qW:}AON e lno p:}pUEl{ AOlIBU 'SOlABH pUB UBWAN 'l{:lA.l.L '.IOlOlU!~U3. JUOlP!SOlH 'MOlS SOlU~V pUll .lOl:lBUBW pOlfO.ld 'AOlIBU uqor p:}:lnpOllU! Ullll U! 0l{A\ WOSUBH .lOllSBW.lOq.l8H Oll:}AO llod:}l S!l{ p:}Ulfil 0l~P!.lq.103 .lOl~BUBW An3 .LHOd3.H 3.AI.LVH.LSINIWUV 'uoq!sod :}l{l JOJ Aldde HV3V d WO.Y :}uo:}wos lel{l P:}lS:}'B'Bns:}H 'q1L I :}l{ll{llnoll{l S! pO!.l:}d llll!S!ll:}Ape :}l{l pUE :}AqelU:}S:}ld:}l l:}l{loue p:}:}u :}A\ lUl{l P:}SS:}llS:}H ':}A!lUlU:}S:}ld:}l 6Lf aava 'f aUlnloA SiJ)nU!W p.lVog tUOS!ilPV iJ:J.liJUlUlO:J puv J,lOcl vJfsvIV 'p.IVMiJS fo N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Volume 3, page 380 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: PRIORITIES AND GOALS Short-term Marketing Laura Cloward, Chamber Director reported on the multi- agency plans. Cloward said for some reason the Chamber was not counted as a key player in the planning of the Multi-Agency. Cloward said not able to voice anything at the meetings but is trying to stay involved without overstepping her bounds. She said there had been changes to the building the nature of the conference center. Cloward wondered if we are not supporting a bigger building than originally planned. P ACAB was invited to attend these meetings. Altermatt suggested some board members should be there to contribute. Harbor Improvement Infrastructure Ransom mentioned that local support is being used on the harbor expansion project like surveyor, Nick Cline, Hoogland's transportation business, hotels like Holiday Inn and local restaurants are being used in connection with this project. A preliminary survey of the area had been done for the 50-ton Travelift™. Timber piling survey first phase, then an RFP for the decking will be sent out. TraveliftTM delivery is about four months away. Next is a request for another $2 million grant for the sheet pile dock and new lift dock. Regarding the use of the little road near land leased by Kasischke, Ransom said it would be the future site of the boat wash down area and parking for the lift. He said we have a couple of vessels that we need to remove from the harbor and temporarily impound upland. Altermatt was concerned about land sitting without monetary gain. Clark said the City would be taking a more aggressive posture towards money owed in arrears to the harbor. He favored using a collection agency. Fish Restoration Cloward explained that we need to make sure stocks stay high. Mari-culture is working with the SeaLife Center, Inlet, City and the Chamber to improve fish restoration for Resurrection Bay. She said historically it has been too expensive for Cook Inlet. They need to make fish restoration more viable. They produce the sockeye run for Resurrection Bay. They may be able to put a net pen in by the sawmill to grow fish naturally, increasing their viability Cook Inlet Assoc. can harvest 50% to generate more revenue for the sports fishery. Long mentioned experiments with salmon that have helped them adjust from fresh to salt water. Hettinger said it could be marketed as natural fish released in the wild. VanBuskirk said raising hatchery fry is akin to hardening off plants. He said the fish would harden off in saltwater without predation and would have a higher survival rate. NEW BUSINESS None CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS Brochures from Valdez Boat Harbor - hand-outs, noted. BOARD COMMENTS l~Uq:J ~ ,..." 11.11 II,,~ ....,\.~"\'11 :JO $1 #~, !o".s:~ ,"Il"':"" '..I.b '... ".r .... · ,..,'. "<. ;,t. 0:..4 ..',:0 #"~" Ul .~ ~ /1t ... ~ ... ---.- : i i : :e: rrU'8:S :.: .. . J.V ._ ... . . - ". e. 0 ~..$': ... ~ ...~. D~'" ~ ~ ~:'.1. ~Q"~C!"'&\..'': ~ 'J'b', ....,o[oU<lS.~~ ~"" ~3S ~O ",,, '41""111"'" /J AIUl<llO<lS preos: ~7:~;;15 'W'd on .1N3:WNHflorav 'silU9<l<lW <lS<lql u~ <llUd~o~llUd 'l<llU<l:l Aou<lilu-~llnw <lql lnoqu <llUO nOA ]~ luql U<lld S,plUA'\OT;) p<loqO<l '1.1llT;) S.1N3:WWO::> .8N3:ZI.LI:J 0.1 3:SNOdSIDI NOI.1VH.1SINIWav aNY mIVoa '<lOU;)l<l]UOO<lPl U su dn l~ l<lS Ol il~ <lre A<lql p~US ~UO'1 'il~l<l<lW lUqllU <lUO<lWOS <lAUq Plnoqs <lA'\ luql pm: AOU<lilu-91nw <lql lO] l<l<lllS uol8u~qSUM. ilu~lUOUA <lql ilu~ssn,)Slp <lq PlnoA'\ il~uoZ pUll ilu~uuuld qilnolos: ulnsu~<ld ~mI<l)l <lql p~us p.lllA'\oT;) slUoq l<lilil~q Aq <lsn lO] lUOU X uo ilu~pd <lql ilu~yqnop P<lAIOS<ll <lnss~ spuuPP~l <lqll<lil Ol p<l<lU <lql l<llU<lO ilU~U~Ull OOO'OOZ$ p<lSOdOld s,:JtUA V p<lUO~lU<lW llnllPlllA S.1N3:WWO::> SN3:ZI.LI:J 'lUql UO :>10<lqo PlnoA'\ <lq p~us '1.1llT;) 'PloS (<ll~S ll!lUA'\US Plo) ll<lqPloD lUql AUpOl plU<lq ~uo'1 'PU<lHU Ol Sl<lqW<lW preoq p<lilumoou<l puu upu<lilu <lql ilu~preil<ll sUO~SS~lUlUOO puu SplUOq lO] UO~SS<lS ilU~U~Ull U SUA'\ 'w'd 00:8-9 lU puu uoou lU ilU9<l<lW SUA'\ aa3 qlL I l<lqW<lAON uo luql p<llOU <lqS '<lynU<lS u~ odx3 <lql ilu~pU<lHU <lq PlnoA'\ l<lZ<lqUM. puu preA'\ol:J 'wosuulI :>1<l<lA'\ lX<lU lUql p~us <lqS 'PlUOq <lql Ol ~uo'1 P<lWOOI<lA'\ nllW.I<JllV 'S;)lmpOlq ;)l(llOJ mosullH p~:>JUUl(lllnllPlllA 'l<ldud <ll(l Ol puu pOUtlOO Ol Sl<lH<l1 pu~s Ol plUOq <ll(l p<lilm A'\<J.lpUV 18f ;Javd 'f ;JlUnlOA S;JJnuIJ1[ p.lVog tUosIIlPV ;J;J.l;JIUIUO:J puv 1.l0cl v'lsvlV 'P.lVIU;JS 10 N!:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Meeting date 12/7/05 Volume 3, page 382 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG Board Member Waliezer led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting December 7,2005 of the Seward Port and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Chair Deborah Altermatt ROLL CALL There were present: Deborah Altermatt, presiding, and DJ Whitman Jerry Waliezer Ron Long Roger Mercer Andrew Hettinger Absent: Karl Van Buskirk Comprising a quorum of the Board; and Scott Ransom, Harbormaster Councilmember Robert Valdatta Louis Bencardino, ARRC Rep. Judi Sweeney, P ACAB Secretary Angela Buck, P ACAB Secretary SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS Louis Bencardino, Alaska Railroad Corporation Representative, spoke of the Christmas train and the Holiday Craft Fair. Everything went smoothly including cleanup. The Alaska SeaLife Center Staff Christmas party is this weekend. The Railroad had to move the x-ray machine back into Warehouse; it can no longer be stored in a conex. The Kenai Cruisers have a sixty-foot sweep-rowing boat in the building from December 8-31. There is someone wanting to build between the two docks. The idea is to build a 150' x 250' structure for storage, as well as office space on the second floor. He said the vessels Norseman, the Crowley Barge and the Calisto are at the railroad dock; noting the railroad dock and the Small Boat Harbor are full. The crew spent money at the craft fair. Quality Asphalt has obtained area outside building filled with asphalt containers. Floor and walls inside the building are now painted and will look nice for the New Year's Eve Party. The Port City Players are putting that event on. Bencardino concluded that local photographer; Ron Niebrugge has nine pictures in the Alaska Railroad calendar. Altermatt noted that she saw a TV program in Nevada about the Alaska Railroad. '5;OOl 'll l;)qW;)::J;)Q ;)l.H UO UO~SS;)S )[lOM HV;)Yd;)'ln lR p;)ssn::Js~p ;)q Plnol.{s s~ql P!RS n8w.rallV 'lju9;);)W lpuno;) II III l! P;)UO~lU;)W plll.{ ;)~ppq.lO;) p~RS wosu8H 'P;)l!l.{ S! AIlll;)l::J;)S ,suo~ss~o::J pUll SplllOq M;)U ;)l.{l U;)l.{M slju9;);)W HY;)Yd uo u~ l~S U!lS PlnoM ;)l.{ j~ WOSU8H P;))[Sll n8W.l3llV 'UMO l!;)l.{l UO plllMlOj ;)AOW pUR ';)A~PllOld ~ Plnol.{s plllOq ;)l.{llllqllpj n8W.l311V 'lPI ;)l.{s ;)lOpq lU;)wujj~IR;)l SplllMOl ;)AOW AUR ;)PllW lOU plll.{ 3~P!.Iq.lO;) .I3~8U8W All:J pUR UMOl jO lno U;);)q plll.{ ;)l.{s llll.{l p~llS n8W.l3llV lS!'] s3!l!.I0Pd PU8 s180~ SS:iINIsno: mlHSINI.>INil "JU3SU03 SnOW!U8Un 'p3SS8d uO!loW .I3JU3:J 3.18:J A31s3A\ p3sodo.ld pUR UO!P3.1!G p.l80O: 'SS3U!Sno: M3N l;)punjO uO~l~ppll ;)ql l.{l~M llPU;)ljll lU;)SUO::J pUll UPU;)ljy jO IllAolddll ( .I3~U!n3H f.iuO'I) NOI.LOW VGN:!IDV .LN:!I"SNO:J GNY VGN:!IDV .>10 'IV AOHddV :~Nrnv:!l"H :JI'lo:nd HO.>l G:!I"IDG:!I"H:JS .LON SW:!I".LI VGN:!I"~V NO .LN:!I"WWO:J N:!I"ZI.LI:J 'l;)ljpnq S,lll;)A lju~wo::J;)ql u~ SllM l~ llll.{llnq ;)lnSun SllM WOSU8H pUll P;)~ ;)q PlnoM ay;)y d lOj lURlS!SSll ;)A9llllS~U~wpll M;)U II U;)l.{M P;)l;)PUOM n8W.l3JlV 'slj~l;);)W ;);)ll~O::J ;)Jnl::JrulSll.yU~ ;)ql PU;)llll Alllllnjj;)l lOU S;)OP ;)l.{ p~llS n8W.l3JlV Ol l;)MSUll u~ p~llS wosu8H "lU;)M Ol.{M ;)SOl.{l P;))[URql n8W.l3JlV 'Al~unillillO::J lnO u~ "U;)A~lj pOD" ;)lll llll.{l S;)~l~pOillillO::J ;)Alll.{ ;)M llll.{ll;)PU~W;)l poolj SllM l~ llll.{~ "PlllM;)S U~ ;);)S pUll ;)){~l ;)ldo;)d llll.{M lll;)l.{ poolj SllM l~ llll.{l lj~llllS "P.lBMOI:J P;))[URql.l3Z3!18A\ "dpl.{ ~;)l.{llOj W;)l.{l P;)){Ulll.{l wosu8H ".I3Z3!18A\ A.I.l3f pUll p.l8MOl;) 8.1n8'} ql!M ;)mll;)S u~ odx3 l.{s~d ;)l.{l lju~PU;)llll UO P;)llod;)l WOSUBH "UOOS ;)UOP ;)q ll!M P;)fOld ;)l.{l pUll AI)[::J~nb ljuoIll ljU~AOW ;)lll SlOpllllUO::J ;)l.{l P~llS;)H "l;))[::Jlld;)ql u~ s~ '::JuI S;)AllH pUll URmAN )[::JAI~ wo.y llod;)l ss;)JjjOld llllll.{l p~llS WOSU8H .I3lS8W.lOq.l8H .LHOd:!I"H :!I"AI.LVlI.LSINIWav 'dn P;)Ull;)P U;);)q plll.{ )[::Jop l.{lloN ;)l.{l llod;)l lSlll Aq llll.{l P;)PUOdS;)l WOSUBH ')[::JoP;)ql uo l.{sllll lju~All;)1 ljU~pllllj;)l ;)PllW sujj~s llll.{l P;)lS;)ljljnS;)H ";)IWS III )[::Jop l.{lloN ;)ql uo l;)llnp pUR l.{Sllll ;)l.{l ;)Al;)S;)P lOU S;)OP l;)lSlluuoqllll.{ ;)qllRl.{l P;)PpR;)H "l~ ;))[~llOU op ;)M ARS Oll;)ll;)!ll U;)n~ lOU SRl{ llll{l Al~unillillO::J AfUo ;)l{l s~ PlllM;)S pUll Al~unillillO::J ;)l{l ;)::JUlll{U;) Ol U;)n~ SRM adI ;)l.{l 'llll.{l AllS Ol UO lU;)M;)H ';)llll lRl.{llll )[OO! ol P;);)U ;)M pUR Slll;)A ~ P;)S~Rl U;);)q lOU Slll.{ ;)llll ;)U~! pry: ;)l.{l P~llS;)H 'os lO SlU;)::J X!S-AllOj ;)ljlRl{::J ;)M pUlllOOj l;)d l$ S;)ljllll.{::J pROlElll ;)l.{l P!llS ;)H ';)ljlllOOW ;)ljlRq lOj S;)llll ;)l.{l ;)S~lll Ol SP;);)U Al~;) ;)l.{l p~RS 8n8p!8 A .I3qw3WH3uno:J fSf a;]vd '[ aUln/oA ml LIZ [ alvp ;]U.11aaJlll samu.1J11l p.mof[ tUOS.1tlpV a:J.laUlUlo:J puv I.lOd Wfsv/V 'p.lVMaS fo ,(l.1:J City of Seward, Alaska Port and Commerce Advisory Board Minutes Meeting date 12/7/05 Volume 3, page 384 NEW BUSINESS Altermatt spoke about the direction that P ACAB should move in. She felts as though after the City Council said they did not want to dissolve P ACAB, but there has not been progress on the City's part to realign and redirect the committee. Long agreed and recommended that a resolution be drawn up making P ACAB a seven-person board and able to see their own budget. Whitman agreed but said he was concerned with Altermatt being chair. If Altermatt was not going to meet with City Manager Corbridge about realignment then the rest of the board should move forward. Harbor Construction Update Agnes Stow, onsite inspector for Tryck, Nyman and Hayes gave a report on the project; fuel float has been moved and should have all utilities and the fuel line back on next week. All the concrete floats are in the water - J and F floats are in place. There will be a walk through to assess whether there was damage from shipping the floats. Piling on E float is ready to install. Lash Construction workers are going to take a holiday, and will be back in January to finish. In answer to Long's question when they can utilize E float, Stow said February. CORRESPONDENCE, INFORMATIONAL ITEMS AND REPORTS Tryck, Nyman and Hayes construction progress report, noted. BOARD COMMENTS Hettinger wondered what the City's status with the design plans of the Wesley Care Center. He wants to make sure that this facility was one the City needed, not just a building that Providence wanted. Valdatta said that there would be work session on December 9, to discuss the long-term care facility. He added that there would be someone coming from Seattle to do a presentation and discuss the environmental impact of the area. On-Going Projects and Goals Waliezer said he would like to change everything on the 'On Going Projects List" to reflect a proactive approach. He said the priorities should be rearranged. Most of the time we read them, sometimes add, and remove them, but not much else. Altermatt thought that was a good suggestion and maybe this could be fixed it at the December 21 2005 work session. Long agreed with Waliezer that we need to make a meaningful move forward in the next few months by making changes to short-term and long-term list. Mercer suggested that the lists have target dates with the most imminent at top. Roger Mercer spoke of the A VTEC program growing and the plans that will be brought to City Council referring to additional funding. Long responded to Valdatta's comments on the non-responsiveness of the City of Seward in regard to the Halibut Charter IFQ by stating that Seward is not eligible for the ...",,,,11111',,,,, ~,..,,~,,\'II :10 il "## ~.. ('~ ..,...... r.t.k'~ 4t', ~ n' ....i\ ~ ilo/;,......tJ'I ':. 4ft ~ .'''Lt' "'ft', ~ ~ .. " ... ..- --.- .. : ~ .. : .: 'lVaS :. E - . . - .... ---~: = ~ '.0. ~:.. ~ ...~JJ- _ d~." D ~ "',?~;.':~2~..~~~. ~ "II 1t13S ~~~) I""..."", l!Ul{;) ~~ A1Ul;'U:>::lS. 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