HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2006-008 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, AMENDING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, ISSUED BY P&Z RESOLUTION 97-03 TO ALLOW THE SEWARD ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MARINE SCIENCE (SAAMS) (COMMONLY KNOWN AS ALASKA SEALIFE CENTER) TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A DOCK FOR TOUR BOAT OPERATION WHEREAS, the Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Sciences (SAAMS) has applied for a land use activity which shall require an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit from the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission for an expansion of their operation to include a floating dock and boat tours at Tract 2A, Waterfront Tracts and on a portion of the adjacent Alaska Tidelands Survey 174; and WHEREAS, SAAMS wishes to provide another option for visitors who want more exposure to the marine environment; and WHEREAS, providing boat tours from this location can contribute to the economic and social vitality of both the Alaska SeaLife Center and the downtown area and community at large; and WHEREAS, the property is located in the Central Business Zoning District; and WHEREAS, having complied with the public notification process, on March 7, 2006 the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission held the required public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. According to SCC 15.1O.320.D., the Commission shall establish a finding that the use satisfies the following conditions prior to granting a conditional use permit: 'lJsn plJsodo.Jd IJ'II 01 PlJlvllJ.J splJdrn .JvllU11s .JIJ'IIO puv IJsn IJ'II jo uOllV.JlJdo 'u:JlsIJP :JU1Pllnq 'lulJUldOllJttap IJl1s ':JululJlJ.J;JS 'SSIJ;J;JV ollJt\llvIIJ.J slJ.JnrnlJUI 01 PlJllU111 IOU IJ.JV mq IJpnpul {VUI IJSIJ'I.L 'IUV;Jl1ddv IJ'II {q IIJUI IJq llv'Is su01l1pUO;J PlJuolIUIJUI-IJt\oqv IJ'II 111./inj 01 uOlsS/UlUlO;J IJ'II {q UVSSIJ;JIJU plJUllJlJp suoll1pUO;J ;J1fplJds IIV pUV {UV 'iI 'SP:l:lU '3uPlllld '3u!W:l:mo::> AIlllyn::>!l.Illd 'lplll:lS:lll:ll.{lJll.J p:l:lU Amu :lsn S!l.{l :~O!PO!iI 'IJ.JV./iIJM .10 '1llvlJ'I 'MlJjvs ;Jl1qnd IJ'II ollnjUl.Jv'IlJq IOU 111M IJsn plJsodo.Jd IJ'I.L ':1 'AlP!lP:lp lO l:lM:lS 'l:llUM p:l:lU lOU II!M A}!A!PU p:lSOdOld :ll.{l :~O!PO!iI 'lJsn plJsodo.Jd lJ'IIIJt\.JIJS ollJlvnblJpv IJ.JV SIJ11!1pvj puv SIJ;Jlt\.JIJS ;Jl1qnJ '(I (6661) OBld 3!33lB.llS (900Z) OBld 3A!So3q3.1dmo:) Otoz p.lBM3S ':lllJ!l S!l.fllU p:lU!Wl:ll:lp lON :~O!PO!iI 'uvlJ lJt\lsUIJ'IIJ.JdUloJ P.JVMIJS IJ'II '111M (UOUl.JV'I ul S/ IJsn plJsodo.Jd IJ'I.L ':) 'lU:lWUlO::> ::>!Jqnd pun M:l!A:ll l:ll.{lJll.J p:l:lU ll.{'3!W spunPP!l :ll.Jl JO S:lsn '3U!l.{sy pods pun IUUO!lU:ll::>:ll uo :lAUl.{ pyno::> spunI:lp!l p:lsn pun p:lUMO Ap!Jqnd uo smolluoq pun ){::>op :llUA!ld U JO spudw! :ll.{l 'S:l!P:ldOld spunIdn :ll.{l Ol p:lludp!lun :llll spudw! lun::>y!ll'3!S oN :~O!PO!iI PlJ.JlvdUll (IIUV;J1f1u:Jls IJq IOU 111M SlJlJdo.Jd :JU1Ul0fpv jo IJnIVt\ IJ'I.L 'U 'M:lIA:ll UO!SS!WUlO:) '3U!UUUId Ol p:lfqns :llOJ:ll:ll.Jl S! pun Uo!sundX:l un su S:lY!Junb SUO!lUl:ldo luoq mOl pun ){::>op U JO uomppu :ll.{l ,:IUAOlddu pun M:l!A:ll Z~d Ol p:lfqns :lq IfUl.{s sunId uo!sundx:l :lmlll]" lUl.{l s:lY!::>:lds to-L6 uO!lnIos:llI Z~d U!A p:lpU:lUlll AnU:l::>:lllSOW pun SWVVS Ol p:lnss! d[l:) :ll.Jl JO L l:lqumU uompuo:) 'ml:) :ll.Jl U! ll.{'3!llno P:lMOIIU S! l.{::>!l.{M :lsn U S! ){::>op U l.{'3nol.{lIV 'U:llll:ll.Jl U! 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Ap:ldOld :lllI 'l:lW U:l:lq sUlI uO!l!puo::> S!lII :~O!PO!.!I 'Pl.JIS/P :JuluOZ IJ'II jo slJsod.Jnd IJ'II puv (lJpoJ :JU1UOZ P.JVMIJS IJ'II) .JlJldv'I;J S/'II jo IJsod.Jnd IJ'II '111M IUIJIS/SUO;J S/ IJsn IJ'I.L 'V v JO Z :l'3ud 80-900Z 'oN uO!lnIos:llI UO!SS!WUlO:) '3U!UOZ pun '3U!UUUId plllM:lS Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution No. 2006-08 Page 3 of4 1. Modifications to the site plan dated February II, 2006, which was approved by the Commission as a supporting document for this amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, shall be approved by staff or the Commission prior to implementation. 2. The portion of the tidelands requested for lease shall have a proper legal description prior to entering into the lease. 3. There shall be no encroachments, above or below ground, on any public utility easements. 4. The use of the tidelands for a dock and boat shall be done in a manner which minimizes conflicts with public use of the beach and tidelands. 5. Modification of final approval of a conditional use permit may, upon application by the permitee, be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission: A When changed conditions cause the conditional use to no longer conform to the standards for its approval. B. To implement a different development plan conforming to the standards for its approval. C. The modification plan shall be subject to a public hearing and a filing fee set by City Council Resolution. Section 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the proposed use, subject to the above conditions satisfies the criteria for granting an amendment to the conditional use permit issued to Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Sciences provided the conditions listed on Section I, Subsection F are met by the applicant, and authorizes the administration to issue an amended conditional use permit to the Seward Association for the Advancement of Marine Sciences to allow for a floating dock and tour boat operations at Tract 2A, Waterfront Tracts and the adjacent portion of Alaska Tidelands Survey 174, subject to the above conditions. Section 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that adherence to the conditions of this permit is paramount in maintaining the intent of Seward City Code Section 15.10.320, Conditional Use Permits, and authorizes the administration to issue an amended conditional use permit. Additionally, the administration shall periodically confirm the use conforms to the standards of its approval. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect 10 days following its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission this 7th day of March,2006. "",",,,,,, !\..,,~'f .0 _~ ~4lL ~~q} ....l.....;'-(~., .:' .JJ.' ....~,o.. ~ ~IV.?'" ~\Sl ~ ~ ,I '\t ~". ~ ::: ----.w: .. . . ., :: 0: rnr:ilS :.:: .. . ~\:- . - ItII ~ : .. ~ '0 ----- ~. .. .,. -. ...,,'- if-";: ; ,,""((Iv.. "O.',,!IO .., v6i:..:etOd'6~... So'" ~ ..........#/~3S.~O,~~,.....~ )[l:llJ "'IIIU' W:J 'S!M:l'I :lS3.UV ffiIV 1\\3S .10 AU;) ::>IHJ. :lUON ll/oH ,l/:JllO"H 'UOSl:lPUV l!:l)l 'l[l!WS 'pqollS ')[llllJ (lll:lS Al!J) :NIVlSHV :lN3SHV :S30N :S3AV v JO V :llllld 80-900l .0N uOnnlos:l"H UO!SS!wwoJ llu!uoZ puullu!UUllld plllM:lS