HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2006-022 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006-22 A RESOLUTION BY THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO THE CITY OF SEWARD TO CONSTRUCT AND MANAGE THE OPERATION OF THE LONG TERM CARE FACILITY ON FOREST ACRES TRACT A, SEWARD LONG TERM CARE FACILITY SUBDIVISION, FOREST ACRES ADDITION (PRELIMINARY PLAT), IN THE INSTITUTIONAL ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Seward has applied for a conditional use permit from the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission to construct and manage the operation of the community Long Term Care (LTC) Facility on Forest Acres, Tract A, Seward Long Term Care Facility Subdivision, Forest Acres Addition (Preliminary Plat); and WHEREAS, at the September 5, 2006 Planning and Zoning meeting the Commission supported and recommended to Seward City Council Zoning and Land Use Map amendments to change Forest Acres, Tract A from Rural Residential and Resource Management to Institutional zoning subject to the following special limitation: a 100 foot low density residential buffer be maintained along Tract A adjacent to Rural Residential areas; and WHEREAS, although the Greenhouse facility (Housing nursing, retirement, convalescent home) requires Institutional zoned property, the philosophy and housing facilities are residential in nature; and WHEREAS, according to the Seward City Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225, facilities such as the planned LTC development are allowed in the Institutional Zoning District as a conditionally permitted use; and WHEREAS, the intent is to provide a true residential neighborhood by clustering the housing units and providing landscape buffers to the roads adjacent to residential zones; and WHEREAS, this facility will be comprised of four (4) single story ( 10 resident) homes and a single story 'commons' building to provide support to the homes with the possibility of adding additional facilities in the future; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2006, by Resolution 2006-04, Seward City Council endorsed Seward's Long-term care facility as an official Green House@ project; on June 12, 2006 by Resolution 2006-71 Council approved the acquisition of land in the Forest Acres Subdivision, currently know as Tract A, (preliminary plat) and on July 24, 2006 by Resolution 2006-83 Council selected the final site layout concept; and U81d 3A!Su3q3.1dmO;) OZOZ p.l8Ao\3S 'Sl!Wn Al!;) U!lp!M ;}{q11I!BA11 sJ;}:).md ;}{qlll!nS llU!M;}!A;}l l;}lJll llll!dsol( Al!UOwwoo ;'llp jO UO!ll1:)ol;}l ;}JOltlJ ;}{q!ssod pUll ;}l!S ;)ll ;}l(l lOj I;}:).md s!lp ;}sol(:) l!:)UOO;) Al!;) p.mM;}S '{ll!lU;}P!S;}"M {llm"M Sll 11;}.m S!lp S;}ll1:)!PU! 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U;};}(} Slll( J;}:).md ;}lp jO UO!llod W;}l(llOU 11 'SVIDI~HA\ !; jO l ;}lllld ll-900l uO!lnlos;}"M UO!SS!WWO;) llU!UOZ pUll llU!UUllld p.mM;}S Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 2006-22 Page 3 of5 The Comprehensive Plan states "Relocate the long-term care facility and the hospital to a site which will support expansion and modernization." (page 27). Stratel!ic Plan (1999) The Strategic Plan states "We are a community that provides an integrated array of health care services designed to protect and improve the quality of life for all citizens". (page 19) D. Public Services andfacilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: This finding shall be met. Tract A is currently a large undeveloped parcel with no infrastructure. The required infrastructures planned for this development project will not only serve the new LTC facility but also will also provided improvement to the surrounding neighborhood. All public utility easements required onsite shall be provided by recorded document and there shall not be any encroachments, above or below ground, in the utility easements. E. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. Finding: This finding shall be met. The campus and facility will benefit the community in public safety, health, and welfare. This is the very nature of the facility. There is no reason to believe that the LTC facility would increase crime in the neighborhood; the campus shall be trash free with well-groomed and maintained grounds, and noise pollution should be non-existent. Extensive planning and study have gone into the planned traffic routes to and from the facility and it is believed that the LTC facility will have minimal traffic impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. There is more than ample parking planned for the facility and plenty of additional land available for future needs. F. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects related to the proposed use. l. Modifications to the site plan dated August 24, 2006 which was approved by the Commission as a supporting document for this Conditional Use Permit shall be approved by staff or the Commission prior to implementation. 2. Bear safe trash containers shall be used on the premises. 3. Maple Street shall be developed to allow year round ingress and egress for tractor trailers from Dimond Boulevard to the Commons Building. 4. Development within 100 (one hundred) feet of Afognak Avenue, Cottonwood and Maple Streets will be restricted to 10 (ten) resident homes effectively screening '900Z J"qw"ld"S JO AU}> tpZI s!l{l UO!ss!WWoJ iJu!UOZ ptm iJu!Utmld P.mM."S "lp Aq mL\OlIddV ONY mlssv d '''A!P''lJ'' S"WO:l~ lUuOH11l!lSUI Ol aiJtmt{:l iJu!UOZ al.{l JO lUAOJdd~ s.l!:lunOJ J~ AU}> (0 "uo P"lJ" "){In l]Rqs uOHolosaJ s~J. of' UO!l3<lS 'lUAOJdd~ Sl! JO SplupURlS alp Ol sWJoJUO:l ;)SO "lp WJYUo:) AllU:l!po!lad l]Rqs UOH~JlS~ "lp 'AllUUO!l!PPV 'l!Wl"d "SO lUUO!l!PUO:l ~ aoss! Ol UOH~Jls!U!WP~ "lp saz!lolpo~ ptm 'Sl!Wl"d "SO lUuompuoJ 'OZt'Ol'~l UO!l~S "poJ At!J P.mM."S JO lU"lU! "lp iJU!U!~U~W U! lunOu.m.md S! l!WJad S!lp JO suompuo:) "lp Ol ":luro,,~ l~lp spuy UO!ss!WWoJ iJU!UoZ ptm iJU!Utmld aqJ. of uO!l3aS '(l~ld A.mu!Wnrod) uOHWPV saJ:lV lsrood V p~JJ. 'saJ:lV lsaJod uo Atm~J ".mJ WJ"J. iJu<Y} p.mM."S "lp JO uOH~Jado "lp aiJ~w ptm UO!POJlSUO:l alp M.OllU Ol p.m~S JO At!J alp Oll!Wlad aso I~UOmpUO:l ~ "OSS! Ol UO!l~S!U!~ "lp s"z!lolpo~ ptm 'ltm:lndd~ "lp Aq l"W a.m d UOH:l"sqoS 'I uo!pas uo palsn suompuo:) alp p"p!AOJd l!WJad ;)SO lUuompuo:) ~ iJU!l~ JOJ ~!l"l!l:l alp s"ysH~s 'SUOH!PUO:l aAoq~ "lp Ol p"fqos 'aso p"sodoJd "lpl~lp spuy UO!SS!wwoJ iJu!UOZ ptm iJu!UtmId "qJ. 07: UO!l3<lS 'UOHoIOS""M IpunoJ At!::> Aq las aaJ iJU!l!J ~ ptm iJU!ltl"l.{ :lnqod ~ Oll:lafqos ~ IlUl.{s tmId UO!l~:l!J!POW "qJ. 'J 'lUAOJdd~ Sl! JOJ splupURlS alp Ol iJu!WloJUO:l tmId lu"wdoIaAap lUaJaJJW ~ lu"w"IdUJ! oJ. 'S: 'lUAOJdd~ Sl! JOJ SplupURlS "lp Ol WJoJUO:l JaiJuoI ou Ol "SO ]RUO!lWUO:l alp aSO~:l SUOmpUO:l p"iJtml.{:l u"llA\ V :UO!SS!wwoJ iJu!UoZ ptm iJU!UtmId al.{l Aq P"!J!pow aq '''''l!Wlad alp Aq UOH~:lndd~ uodo 'A~W l!Wl"d ;)SO lUUO!l!PUO:l s!l{l JO I~AOJdd~ lUUY alp Ol UO!l~:l!J!POW '9 .s"uoz lUHU"P!sro ollua~f~ s"uoz lUUOH11l!lSU! JO lUpJ"WWO:l U! "S!OU JO S":lmos Jalpo ptm Sl!un IOJluo:) Atnmb J~ 'SJolw"uaiJ JO iJuyoOJdpunos iJu!l!ob"J SpOOl.{JOq~!"U lUHuap!sro JO la!Ob alp iJU!AJas"Jd UlllcI ~A!su~l.{rodwoJ ozm: ~lp JO ('('6'( lp!M. lUalS!SUO:l ~q llUl.{s UOHwadO .~ 'sro:)V lsroodJo ~a.m lUHuap!sa"M ]RID"M alp wo.IJ {a:)ltld alp JO Japu~ro alp JO saso lU!:lJaWWO:l aJOW ;llp ~JO V a~d ZZ-900Z uonolosa"M UO!ss!WWoJ 8u!UOZ ptm iJU!Utmld P.mM.;lS Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 2006-22 Page 5 of5 THE CITY OF SEWARD ~~ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Clark, Hicks, Hohl, Keil, Roach', Smith None Anderson None ATTEST: {~C47~d"j ty (City Seal) ",it u II"" ...." Or SF2/.-z'/", ...... ~o{ ........ ~"... $' ()':.';:P"'PO~"" ~ ~ ~.~ ~ . .- .. /..... ____ a-. ~ = : SEAL : : :e: :e: - . : - ~... --.:= ~ ..~ '1,.- ~ ~ (j'l~..~t~ 1 '1?~..,*"~ $' " . l'}'bo .....1.. \I'-~ .... ~'" <;: OF ;...V",.... "'"..Il'"