HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 City Council Agendas AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. ORDINANCES FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND ENACTMENT: A. Proposed Ordinance No. 552, establishing a community hospital board VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL ANDAIMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: c~ Q~z-~) ~ I . ., t/.e~ ..A:l.~"-C.,z-IG -c ~--u.-~) '~Ce~~~_ 7 ~ ~~cP~ f'lJ, ftt,Jm"2 II ,r." / ;2-/1 0 j?'r- '. ", ,"", I' >1/1 r-.@ ,,' L.;. ,l ,./ j r; Dr:e. 'J LS 0"': '- ~ ,.") if 1 (; 1985 " G/I}- OF,." GIT"" ueVi;l'i '''D r CL€Alt' -;e- /Ift'?~"'~ ~ 4--e~ ~-~) { ;(:2-5;f 5--- ;e:-- ~~~&.~ (JL1._~o~.~ >$ 2- ~ 'J< ~ ~L~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement 1S hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 7:30 PM/~Mx on December 23 , 19J15, on the request of the Councilmembers Hilton & Scholl for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 552 establishing a community hospital board. The Conncil will consider enactment follo'o1ing the public hearing. Signature of Recipient Date Time HARRY E. GIESELER PY /j/t;- ~ /' LJ~] (;) ROBERT BOOHER JOHN GILLESPIE . /' Cl--c.J-<:- <'Ie. , . ~. r. C., \" .~~ .~~.. _J./....._ ~ C::~:;, J /J ., ) t:~j~) ~nJfI7k ~S2r.' ~"A.p .~.~ DAVID HILTON ~J~ j;;/ III <j :: /~JII ) is , I j' ", '" !C{:( . r>< / .i, i ~ MICHAEL MEEHAN LESLIE SHlUTIS KRXA RADIO PHOENIX LOG J'-c <-- II.. c""r- n/tl /;-sr , ?- DENNIS SCHOLL I;) ;J IJ]6 ) "'~.." r" ,. ~.,..} .,If /',31 , , : i /~... ;.. ," 0 'c'. Il..' '-/(, 1:)..2- Affidavit of Service: I ~ ~~/1/1k(' DAIJ,:J Rh1C~(")o-J do hereby s~ . that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: ).;2y/-sr 1Y~<:ilJ t7{ oj. "r-- /2-(7;Yf /I. Il- C/1d ~ .' fD) r~Urn ~ n ~IJ [H; fm. ~ .' _ ~E C 1985 LllJ 0.~ "', .~.. c:<- - ' ~ ,OF':>i:!/'.!- D ~~ CITY CLER CCfU~ ~ ~ /J!~~:r( /~;fs; d- /~ ff C~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~,-~ ~ jU~~ ~~., u AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1985; NOON, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Request for an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters VI COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date wri tten hereon of notice of Specia 1 Meeting of the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Seward, Alaska, to be held at l2Noon PM/AM on December 16, , 19B5, on the request of ~ Councilmembers Hilton & Scholl for the purpose of convening into An executive session in order to discuss a personnel matter. Signature of Recipient illlLRl~ W>3.D~ HARRY E. GIESELER ROBERT BOOHER OHN GILLESPIE DAVID HILTON ,,~ c r '1'-.. X'- C'. \. ~~j~\. j "'>'~" "'VYtAd ~. L~~-U.l' ~~'U:ty -i.imD -t:1V.~IA, La ,_ /)-1L....{'vL1..... . '. MICHAEL MEEHAN DENNIS SCHOLL LESLIE SIMUTIS KRXA RADIO PHOENIX LOG Date Time #b~~~ !::~&i~5 ( J,3.) / / J~ t:;. . ( I ...--' 1/))11/'2,<0 1 /d'~~ J:~A / .:5 I /~: s-t., 1'[_11-&".' / e : y-,," Affidavi t of Service: I, __~~;fcs .P/'fIU'~ j~5;vJ do hereby swear at I delIvered the above-descrIbed to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: ~c:n~~ /:2-//- ?IS- AGENDA REGULAR MEEl'ING OF 'IRE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MCNDAY, DFX:EMBERM," 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIF'IH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL 'ill ORDER: II. OPENING CElID-DNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Cormcilnembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis SPECIAL ITEM: Introduction of Junior Cormcilnember Paul Audette IV. APproVAL OF MINUI'ES: (11/25/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEEl'ING AGENDA: VI. BOroUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 552, establishing a conmunity hospital board 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 553, provisions relative to the Advisory Board arrending City Code Trade and Corrmerce C. Resolutions: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed assessrrents for offsite irnproverrents at Gateway Subdivision AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MaIDAY, DOCEMBER .1-6"/11985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< B. Change Order No. 1 to the R.W. Beck contract for rate study in an arrount NTE $2,126.82 C. Change Order No. 1 to the Torvik Electric contract for electric construction to the prison site in an arrount NTE $19,768.83 D. Award of contracts for the purchase of fuel oil E. Approval of Purchase Order for errergency repairs to Water Well No. 3 F, Approval of professional services agreerrent with Walt Gardner for electric transmission line consultation G. Approval of 5-year Capital Improverrents Projects List H. Appointrrent of Trade and Cormerce Advisory Board rrembers I. Appointrrent of Planning and Zoning Conmissioner J. Proposed trade of lease interests between Russ Pace and Dean Lust XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }W. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE 'ID CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: }WI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR December 9, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-112, in support of Caines Head State Park 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-113, re- questing municipal assistance from the State 3. October 1985 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $103,737.29 4. Claim for damages totalling an un- specified amount as filed by Harry Drew 5. Request for transfer of taxicab per- mit from 1983 white Ford Fairmont to a 1986 Ltd. Ford Country Squire as filed by Jeannie Maddocks, dba Seward Cab Conpany 1m City Manager Re=rnrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Deny claim and file Approve and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL IDNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilnembers--Fobert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis SPECIAL ITEM: Introduction of Junior Councilnember David KnaW IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (October 28, 1985) v. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Herman leirer, representing Seward Senior 's, Inc. Request for funding IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 552, establishing a community hospital board 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 553, provisions relative to the Advisory Board emending City Code Trade and Cormerce B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-108, authorizing the purchase of a vehicle for lease to DOT/PF during prison construction without utilization of the City's bid procedures AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIJ" SEWARD, AI< 2. Prorosed Resolution No. 85-109, authorizing the purchase of rollerskates for the Recreation Depart- ment without utilization of the City's bid proce- dures X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Prorosed local hire ordinance XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Prorosed Change Order No. 2 in an anount not to exceed $1511.00 to Afognak Logging Corrpany for rerroval of additional steel piles B. Prorosed professional services agreerrent with Bill 'Ibskey for transmission line proj ect management and claims assistance of those claims arising from the transmission line and SMIC projects, for a total contract anount not to exceed $25,000.00 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: }NI. ADJaJRNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR November 25, 1985 Items 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-105, auth- orizing purchase of breath-testing & radar equipment for the REDDI program without utilization of City bid pro- cedures 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-106, desig- nating the Planning & Zoning Cornm. as the local historic district commission 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-107, en- couraging preferential business rela- tionships with joint venture fisheries projects supporting shore-based pro- cessors and suppliers 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-108, re- questing restriction of road closures on the Seward Hwy. to nighttime hours between May 1 and Sept. 30 5. Request for compensation for loss of pay and/or annual leave as filed by: Michael J. Meehan -- 10/15-18/85 Bond Signing in New York, $400 Harry E. Gieseler -- 11/11-15/85 AML Conference, Fairbanks, $500 Robert D. Booher -- 11/11-14/85 AML Conference, Fairbanks, $350 David L. Hilton -- 11/12-15/85 AML Conference, Fairbanks, $400 6. Invoices for legal services rendered by Baily & Mason as follONS: September 1985 -- $88.40 October 1985 -- 962.50 7. September 1985 invoice from HTGP&B -- legal services totalling $58,287.55 8. November 13, 1985, Finance Department list of accounts payable totalling $2,408,438.16 9. Application for transfer of ABCB li- cense from Marcia L. CrONell, dba Van Gilder Hotel/Sourdough Room to Hasto- City Hanager Recormendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file File without objection NOVEMBER 25, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Items don, Inc., sane dba 10. Application for renewal of ABCB li- cense as filed by BPO Elks #1773 11. ABCB approval of request for exerrp- tion fran 30 day operation requirerrent as filed by Russ Pace, dba Seward's Folly Package Store 12. ABCB approval of a request for a new beverage dispensary license under 400 (g) as filed by Brad Snowden, dba New Seward Hotel Bar & Grill 13. November 20, 1985, nerrorandurn from City Clerk requesting cancellation of Council rreeting scheduled for 12/23 14. November 13, 1985, rrerrorandurn from Administrative Assistant Kerry Martin relative to the Air Force Rec Camp 15. Trip report, AML Conference in Fair- banks, as filed by City Clerk Murphy City Manager ReCOIllllEndations File without objection For information and file For information and file Approve and file For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis SPECIAL ITEM: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Carl Blankenship IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (October 7, 11, and 14, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: C. Resolutions: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Change Order No. 1 to the Dryden/LaRue and City Electric Contract for design and construction of the Nash Road 69 KV transmission line for an amount not to exceed $20,000 B. Selection of Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Commis- sioner to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of Commissioner Bill Glenn XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR October 28, 1985 Item 1. Invoices for legal services as fol- lows: a. HTGP&B invoice dated 09/17/- 85, totalling $211.80 b. Erwin, Smith & Garnett in- voice dated 09/23/85, total- ling $29.00 2. 10/03/85 Finance Department's list of accounts payable totalling $1,976,161.26 3. Request for compensation for loss of pay and/or annual leave while travelling on City business as filed by Mayor Gieseler 4. Request for approval of agreement for professional services with Laura Smith for input of legisla- tive history onto computer for a total contract amount NTE $3,000.00 5. Request to cancel 11/11/85 regular council meeting 6. Request for authorization to pur- chase ROW easement located at Lot 1, Block 2, Goat Haven Estates, from Glenn and Margery Smith for the sum of $1,200, for transmission line easement 7. October 23, 1985, trip report as filed by Kerry Martin 8. October 24, 1985, trip report as filed by City Clerk Linda Murphy 9. Proclamation designating November 18-24, 1985, as "uss ALASKA WEEK" 1m City Manager Recommendations Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file For information and file For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1985, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: SPECIAL ITEM: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember -- George Wiley V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~ VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Judith Martin and John Hill, representing Seward Senior Citizens, Incorporated -- Senior/Community Center Funding IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-102, approving an amendment to the agreement for professional services with Resource Management Consultants, Ltd., for the purpose of preparing functional programming and schematics for the proposed new Seward General Hospital and authorizing funding 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-103, amending the present water rates pertaining to vessels X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALT" SEWARD, ALASKA XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Capital Improvements List -- Prioritize B. Award of contract for professional services to complete land appraisals to Appraisal Company of Alaska in an amount not to exceed $8,400 C. Award of contract for construction of the electrical distribution line to the Spring Creek Correctional Facility in amount not to exceed $62,014.68 D. Award of contract for disposal of a house located at Mile 4, Seward Highway, to Afognak Logging, Incorporated, in an amount not to exceed $5,385.00 E. Change Order Incorporated, $29,236.11 No. 3 contract to in the Power an amount Constructors, not to exceed F. Change Order Incorporated, $18,397.00 No. 5 contract to in the Power an amoun t Constructors, not to exceed G. Change Order No. 1 to the Judkins Construction contract in an amount not to exceed $2,210.00 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR October 14, 1985 ITEM CITY MANAGER RECOMMEDATIONS 1. Attorney bills as follows: Approve for payment and file Baily and Mason, dated 09/19/85, 09/19/85, totalling $656.25 Erwin, Smith & Garnett, dated 09/23/85, totalling $25.00 HTGP&B, August 1985 invoice totalling $56,481.35 2. October 4, 1985, memorandum from Approve for payment and file Comptroller Robert Peirson request- ing authority to pay a claim for damages from Bruce Gabriel 3. October 2, 1985, memorandum from Approve and file Comptroller Robert Peirson request- ing authority to adjust the accounts receivable for the Small Boat Harbor 4. October 10, 1985, memorandum from Approve and file Utilities Manager Paul Diener re- lative to the close-out of the Acres Contract 5. Request for approval of purchase of Approve and file easements for transmission line con- struction as follows: Chugach Alaska Corporation, Forest Acres, Tracts XX, MN, and BJ ($1,679.30) Kenai Peninsula Borough, Lot 1, Bear Creek Fire Station No. 1 (2,000.00) 6. October 10, 1985, memorandum from Adm. Approve and file Asst. Kerry Martin relative to the Army Recreation Camp short-term lease extension AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, OCTOBER Ii, 1985; 11:30 A.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 85-100, appointing an Acting City Clerk B. Proposed Resolution No. 85-101, regarding the purchase and sale of the Spring Creek Correctional Facility Lease Certificates of Participation C. Award of a professional services agreement with Wohlforth & Flint to serve as bond counsel for the Correctional Center Lease Certificates D. Approve an option to lease by Bill McDonald for a 2000-foot channel within Alaska Tideland Survey 174 VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 11: 30 ~AM on Oc tober 11, , 1~5, on the request of the City l1anager for the purpose of considering the following: (2) Proposed Resolution regarding the purchase r.rppk r.nrrprrion~l F~riliry Tp~QP r.prrificates Proposed agreement with Wohlforth & Flint to and (4) Proposed lease option with Bill McDonald. Da te Time (1) Proposed Resolution appointing an Acting City Clerk; and sRlp of tnp Sprinf of Participation; (3) serve as bond counsel; Signature of Recipient /0 II) ~ OD , I, , ., I( Ii !(,CFV , , HARRY E. GIESELER ROBERT D. BOOHER DAVID HILTON, SR. H EL J. l1EEHAN DENNIS H. SCHOLL . I C'> ;. ;tt:: t~{uU-1?~x.~,) A: Z" (- , , I . ((: /-(/1'(-1' LESLIE SUIUTIS KRXA RADIO PHOENIX LOG -/ Affidavit of Service: I, t3f.llIl//S iJ,::;{/;cj~s'){)v0 do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. AJ~-?JS- ,17 /({;2 3 /;1( { /- rJ C::l.3 ~/?5 Z ~~ _h,{)~4~ Dated: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (09/23, 09/30 & 10/02/85) V. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: VI. SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Certification of October 1, 1985, regular election B. Swearing and seating of newly elected Mayor and Members of the City Council C. Selection of Vice Mayor VII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: IX. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1985; 4:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Canvass of October 1, 1985, election VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of not ice of Specia 1 Meeting of the City Counci 1 of the Ci ty of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12: 10 PMXKM on September 30 , 19~, on the request of the City Manager for the purpose of considering the following items: (1) Executive Session/Litigation; (2) Change Order No.l--Street Repairs--Parker Paving; (3) Change Order No.2-- 4th Avenue Dock paving--Parker Paving: (4) Proposed Resolution No. 85-99-- 4th Avenue Dock repairs--Afognak Logging, Inc.; and (5) Contract Extension for Campground Fee Collection--Dala Andrijanoff for 1986 season. Signature of Recipient Date Time DONALD W. CRIPPS -:;-ct:- hOo..J.P JOHN F. GILLESPIE DAVID L. HILTON, SR. -'>l-.....Q b-- ~~:('.~.. BL ~ ~ . "./J~ ~~) c ~:'r r-.L-._~ " MICHAEL J. MEEHAN /t u uS ~'Z 7/f~ 9/( , I' ') 7 - -" ~qp7/PJ' q/";/8<L l, I.. t.'2tl -'(:) t::{ '-'-' DENNIS SCHOLL {;0 - ---- S-)S ",,- S-/ ....-' -. LESLIE SIMUTIS RAYA WILLIAMS - ikd9"~skt~ .L.& - /. / /Ip,'/ J ~jU/ '.~// ;)1'-' / KRXA Radio 7 :300,,'1 /rj /1/ I .:iDf- .-so",-',:> Phoenix Log Affidavit of Service: ~ ,ftC~~> I, ~b- "., ~~4~ ,do hereby swear that I e ivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1985; 12:10 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: A. Request for Executive Session to discuss litigation V. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. Afognak Logging, Inc., without full utilization 85-99, awarding a contract to for 4th Avenue Dock repairs of the City's bid procedures VI. SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Proposed Change Order No. 1 to Parker Paving Company in an amount not to exceed $8,000 for street repairs B. Proposed Change Order No. 2 to Parker Paving Company in an amount not to exceed $14,700 for paving of 4th Avenue Dock C. Extension of contract with Dala Andrijanoff for camp- ground fee collection through the 1986 camper season VII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: IX. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (September 9, 1985) SPECIAL ITEM: A. Presentation to Robert F. Richardson B. Introduction of Junior Councilmember -- Audra Mai V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Bill Toskey, Seward Parent Advisory Committee -- Proposed new elementary school IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 551, providing that the City of Seward does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in its employment practices C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-98, g~v~ng notice of award of contract for construction of the Spring Creek Correctional Facility X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AK XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of contract for dock light repairs in the Small Boat Harbor to Carmody Electric in an amount not to exceed $18,210.00 B. Claim for damages totalling $89.99 as filed by Donald Johnston C. Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $34,110.85 to the Current Electric contract for 69 KV line repair D. Request for vehicle for hire permits as filed by Sharon Bate, dba Seward Cab Company XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR September 23, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-97, na- ming certain public rights of way within the corporate city limits 2. Finance Department's lists of ac- counts payable as follows: a. Checks issued in July 1985 totalling $951,926.53 b. Checks issued in August 1985 totalling $1,221,265.50 3. Request for authorization to re- lease Jack Werner from the terms of the "Agreement Regarding En- croachment" dated 10/07/76 4. Change Order No. 1 to the CCC Ar- chitects contract for development of the comprehensive plan (Time ex- tension only) 5. Amended Change Order No. 7 Ebasco contract for design transmission line (Changing order amount from $72,122 to to the of the change $73,322) 6. Request from Gateway Children's Cen- ter to repay its loan from the City over a period of three years 7. Request for authorization to initi- ate a "sweep" account at FNBA 8. Claim for damages as filed by Bruce M. Gabriel 9. Status report on the new 2500 KV generator 10. Proclamation designating 09/19/85 as Alaska Railroad Day City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file For information and file For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (August 12, 19, & 26, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 551, amending the City Personnel Code to provide that the City of Seward does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in its employment practices B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 550, establishing procedures for the investment and collateralization of public funds C. Resolutions: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Change Order No.1, CHzM Hill 59 KV line inspection contract, totalling $81.60 B. Request for site approval for a proposed new ballfield XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AK XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR September 9, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-94, authorizing a request to assume responsibility for making improve- ments to the 4th Avenue Dock 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-95, authorizing the purchase of sand for winter ice control without full utilization of City bid pro- cedures 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-96, approving a short term lease of a portion of L16, Seward Industrial Park, to Chris Berg, Inc. 4. July 1985 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $47,- 892.24 5. August 14, 1985, invoice from HTGP&B for legal services ren- dered in connection with the Cavanaugh case totalling $570.50 6. Request for authorization to is- sue a purchase order to Hutchings Chevrolet of Soldotna in the a- mount of $17,456.59 for the pur- chase of a I-Ton flatbed truck for the Harbor Department 7. Request for authorization to is- sue a purchase order to Anchorage Chemical Co. in an amount not to exceed $5,355 for the purchase of salt and calcium chloride for win- ter ice control 8. Request to allow encroachment on City ROW as filed by Harry Foosnes 9. September 3, 1985, letter from Gov. Bill Sheffield setting an 11/01/- 85, deadline for receipt of com- munity capital requests City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve for payment & file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file For information and file CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) September 9, 1985, Meeting Item City Manager Recommendations 10. September 10, 1985, memo from City Engineering & Utilities Manager Paul Diener tabulating the results of the bid for construction of the Spring Creek Correctional Facility For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Brad Snowden -- Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk lease IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 550, establishing procedures governing the investment and collateralization of public funds B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-91, authorizing a one- year lease of the shiplift platform between the City and Joel Steelman, dba Seward Steelworks X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Proposed enactment of Ordinance No. 549, increasing the number of allowed camper days per camper unit in licensed camper parks [TABLED 08/12/85] B. Proposed approval of Resolution No. 85-86, forwarding the draft Comprehensive Plan to the Borough Assembly for final adoption [TABLED 08/12/85] AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA C. Proposed approval of professional services agreement for a master fire protection plan [TABLED 08/12/85] XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages totalling $292.00 as filed by Randolph L. Dickey B. Award of contract for construction of concrete foun- dations in the Seward Substation to Judkins Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $5689 C. Approval, promotion merce to Peninsula in concept, of the purchase of community advertising time through the Chamber of Com- assure the establishment of the Seward-based News Bureau D. Change Order No. 6 to the Ebasco contract in an amount not to exceed $13,000 E. Change Order No. 7 to the Ebasco contract in an amount not to exceed $72,122 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: 1m Consent Calendar August 26, 1985 Item 1. July 31, 1985, invoice from Baily and Mason for legal services tot- aling $240.49 2. August 13, 1985, final report relative to the Jap Creek/Spring Creek fish mitigation project City Manager Recommendations Approve and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (07/22 & 08/05/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Draft Seward Comprehensive Plan [See Agenda Item No. IX(C)(l)] B. Proposed lease of shiplift platform to Joel Steelman [See Agenda Item No. IX(C)(2)] C. Proposed Joint Use of Equipment Agreement with Puffin Public Broadcasting for use of the City's satellite receiving station [See Agenda Item No. IX(C)(3)] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. E.T. Corbin -- Seward Little League Association needs IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 549 amending Section 21-26 of the City Code by increasing the maximum number of days allowed per camper unit in licensed camper parks AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-86, recommending that the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly approve the Seward Comprehensive Plan as proposed 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-87, approving a one-year lease of the shiplift platform with Joel Steelman 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-88, approving a joint use of equipment agreement with Puffin Public Broadcast- ing, Inc. 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-89, placing a proposition on the October 1, 1985, regular election ballot relative to a proposed amendment of Section 3.6(c) of the City Charter X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for authorization to execute a professional services agreement for the preparation of a master fire protection plan for an amount not to exceed $20,000 B. Award of contract for Ballaine Blvd. paving XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR August 12, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution authorizing a grant Children's Center No. 85-84, to Gateway 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-85, urging the State Legislature to enact legislation giving prefer- ential hire to Alaskans 3. June 1985 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $24,131.- 93 4. July 25, 1985, invoice from HTGP&B for legal services rendered in con- nection with the Cari Cavanaugh litigation 5. July 31, 1985, memorandum from Adm. Asst. Kerry Martin requesting auth- ority to proceed with development of a long-term lease in coordina- tion with ARR for a new USCG opera- tions center that will straddle property boundaries 6. July 31, 1985, memorandum from Adm. Asst. Kerry Martin relative to the status of Army and Air Force Recre- ation Camp leases 1m City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file For information and file AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1985; 4:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor -- Donald W. Cripps Counci1members -- John F. Gillespie -- David L. Hilton -- Michael J. Meehan Dennis Scholl Leslie Simutis Raya Williams IV. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 85-83, authorizing the award of a contract to Current Electric for transmission line repair without full utilization of the bid procedures set forth in Section 10-8 of the City Code V. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VI. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council, of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 4:00 PMt~{ on Augus t 5 19r..5, on the request of the City Manager for the purpose of authorizing the Citv Manager to enter into a contract to have repairs made to the 69 KV transmission line from Mile 24, Seward Highway to Seward. of Reci ient Date Time NNIS SCHOLL 0_ OJ DONALD W. CRIPPS JOHN F. GILLESPIE ) 0 00 DAVID L. HILTON, SR. ( (): ''''rJ MICHAEL J. ~1EEHAN ~ 0 10 '- oJ LESLIE SIMUTIS o C) RAYA WILLIAMS - 0 <j KRXA RADIO SEWARD PHOENIX LOG ----- Affidavi t of Service: I, L'T_.Z2 C_ c-~C-. do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time te listed, Dated: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 22, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams SPECIAL ITEM: A. Sandra Wassilie, President of the Seward International Friendship Association -- Introduction of Japanese and American Exchange Students IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (07/08/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VII I. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) None IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed OJ:"dinance No. 549, increasing the maximum number of days allowed per camper unity in licensed camper parks B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 547, reordering the agenda for regular council meetings and revising the provisions for addressing the council by the public 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 548, establishing off street parking regulations for the Small Boat Harbor AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 22, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-82, wal.vl.ng bid proce- dures and authorizing the city manager to negotiate a contract for upgrading the Nash Road transmission line X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of contract for study, conceptual design and cost estimates for the Nash Road Small Boat Harbor B. Change Order No.2 not to exceed $21,382.92, to the Power Constructors, Inc., contract for construction of the transmission line C. Proposed renewal of KRXA contract to broadcast City Council meetings D. Modification No. 3 to the Dawson contract for lobbying services through the 1986 Legislative Session XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CONSENT CALENDAR July 22, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-81, al- locating FY 86 Local Service Roads and Trails funds totalling $2,427 2. June 1985 Mason for $87.50 invoice from Baily and legal services totalling 3. July 10, 1985, Finance Dept's list of accounts payable totalling $2,- 507,043.09 4. Request for authorization to pur- chase a ROW easement from Charles Anthony in an amount not to exceed $9,500. for transmission line con- struction City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve for payment & file Approve and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 8, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (06/24/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Willard Dunham -- Trade Board Annual Report IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 547, amending the order of business for meetings of the City Council 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 548, establishing new off street parking regulations for the Seward Small Boat Harbor B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 546, establishing compen- sation for the Mayor and Councilmembers when travel- ling on approved City business C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-74, adopting the City Harbor Enterprise Budget for FY86 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-76, adopting the City Electric Enterprise Budget for FY86 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 8, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: (Cont'd) C. Resolutions: (Cont'd) 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-77, adopting the City Water/Sewer Enterprise Budget for FY86 X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Change Order No. 3 in an amount not to exceed $35,000 to the Acres/Hanscomb contract, including a time extension through September 1985, for claims assistance XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Change Order No. 1 in an amount not to exceed $13,336 to the General Electric Supply contract to cover changes that occurred in the pole list requirements for trans- mission line construction B. Award of contract not to exceed $5,795 for the purchase of a microcomputer from Computer Concepts C. Short-term loan of $50,000 to Gateway Children's Center for the construction of a new facility XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR July 8, 1985 Item 1. Attorney bills as follows: Erwin, Smith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow, dated 06/24/85, to- talling $21.00 HTGP&B, 03/01-06/01/85, legal services in connection with Clark ~ City, totalling $1,746 HTGP&B, May 1985 invoice to- talling $37,105.11 2. Request for continuation of the Seward International Trade & In- dustry Development Board through FY86 3. Request for Aid Agreement of Forestry approval of Mutual with DNR, Division 4. Request for approval of purchase of easements for transmission line construction as follows: Philip Faulkner, L7, Folz Sub. ($625.00) Aletha Racine, Donald Smith, & Shirley Smith, Ll, Stafford Sub. ($6,500.00--Total) Craig Boorman, Tern Lake Es- tates, Add.#I, L2 ($3,500.00) Bernadine Silva, Trail Lake Gp USS 2528, L5 ($6,000.00) 5. Request for authorization to pro- ceed with preparation of amendment to the Harbor Rate Resolution to adopt a rate for movement of bulk materials across City beach prop. 6. Request for ABCB restaurant desig- nation as filed by Apollo Rest. 7. Application for permit of skill and chance as the Republican Party of for games filed by AK, Dist.6 8. Memorandum from Admin. Assist. Mar- tin requesting comments from City City Manager Recommendations Approve for payment & file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve letter of nonobject. File without objection For information and file July 8, 1985 Consent Calendar (Cont'd) Council relative revised Comp Plan ter Plan to the proposed and Airport Mas- 9. Trip report as filed by Linda Mur- phy relative to Local Records Semi- nar at UAF 10. Memorandum from Engineering Manager E. Paul Diener relative to proposed CEA rate increase 11. Memorandum from Harbormaster Singleton relative to the space agreement with Alaska (Harold Johnson) Foster float Marine 1m For information and file For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (June 10, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of Commercial Booth Site No.3, Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk area, to Trails North, Inc. [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(l).] VII I. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Louie March -- Fireworks proposals B. Harold Johnson -- Small Boat Harbor lease IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 546, establishing compen- sation for Councilmembers travelling on City busi- ness B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 542, amending the elections code in order to correct conflicts with the City Charter 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 543, amending the animal control ordinance in order to correct a conflict with State statutes AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 545, prohibiting the pos- session of fireworks in public places C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-73, authorizing the lease of Commercial Booth Site No. 3 (SBH Boardwalk Area) to Trails North, Inc. 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-74, approving the FY86 enterprise budgets 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-75, appropriating funds for digital mapping X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of electric meter reading contract B. Change Order No. 5 Services contract design) in the amount of $58,630 to the EBASCO (Transmission line engineering and C. Change Order No.3 in an amount not to exceed $35,000 and time extension for claims assistance through September, 1985, to the Acres/Hanscomb contract D. Claim for water damage totalling $1000 as filed by James Wahrer E. Engineering Sciences, Inc., v City -- Settlement agree- ment XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR June 24, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-69, authorizing the destruction of certain municipal records 2. Proposed Resolution appropriating funds construction No. 85-70, for road 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-71, appropriating funds for litter control and city beautification 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-72, appropriating sales tax revenues to Seward General Hospital 5. Amended Change Order No. 2 NTE $14,677.93 to the Kumin contract for Senior/Community Center de- sign (Original CO #2 will be cancelled) 6. June 18, 1985, Finance of Accounts Payable $1,658,770.99 Dept list totalling 7. Proposed acquisition of an ease- from A1yeska Investors, Inc., for transmission line construc- tion 8. Trip Report, U.S. Conference of Mayors, as filed by Mayor Donald W. Cripps 1m City Manager Recommendation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (May 13 & 29 and June 6, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed renewal of Ferry Dock lease to the State of Alaska [See Agenda Item IX(C)(l)] B. Proposed renewal of joint use agreement with Resurrection Bay Entertainment Television [See Agenda Item IX(C)(2)] C. Proposed FY86 Operating Budget VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Jean Cripps -- PreHospital Emergency Services Advisory Board update IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 542, amending the elections code in order to correct conflicts with the City Charter 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 543, amending control ordinance in order to correct with State statutes the animal a conflict 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 544, authorizing tion and operation of public health including Seward General Hospital the acquisi- facilities, AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA A. Ordinances for Introduction: (Cont'd) 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 545, prohibiting the pos- session of fireworks in public places B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 541, allowing the City to purchase accrued annual leave from employees C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-66, approving a lease of dock facilities to the Alaska Marine Highway System 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-67, approving a joint use of equipment agreement with Resurrection Bay Enter- tainment Television for use of the City's satellite receiving station 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-68, adopting the Fiscal Year 1986 operating budget X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Albert Schafer v City Stipulation to Dismiss B. Proposed installation of Cluster Boxes by the U. S. Post Office XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR June 10, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-65, setting the salary for the City Manager 2. Attorney bills as follows: a. Baily & Mason, legal ser- vices for April 1985, to- taling $363.24 b. HTGP&B, legal services for April 1985, totaling $25,- 411. 43 3. One-year mutual aid agreement with the U. S. Coast Guard as presented by Fire Chief John Gage 4. Proclamation designating June 16-22, 1985, as "Safety in the Work Place Week" City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file For information and file AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1985: 7:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Dona1d W. Cripps Counci1members--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Spring Creek Correctional Center financing--underwriter selection V. ADJOURNMENT: ca AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MAY 29, 1985, WEDNESDAY, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. U. S. Postal cluster boxes B. FY 86 Budget VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 541, allowing the City to purchase an employee's accrued annual leave B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 539, revising Code provisions for camping on privately owned lots 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 540, concerning collective bargaining with City employees C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-61, revising the Boat Harbor tariff AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-62, requesting a transfer of responsibilities from the State of Alaska to the City of Seward for planning and constructing the Spring Creek Correctional Center X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR May 29, 1985 ITEM 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-56, amending the FY 85 budget 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-57, appropriating $25,000 from the General Fund-fund balance to Prison Planning & Construction Capital Project No. 223000 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-58, appropriating $15,000 from the Harbor Fund-fund balance to Harbor Boardwalk Capital Project No. 212000 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-59, repealing Resolution No. 82-65, regarding Electric Surcharge 5. Proposed Resolution No. 85-60, supporting development of an alpine skiing area on the Kenai Peninsula 6. Professional Services Agreement with Robert M. Nelson to act on behalf of the City on administra- tive and financial matters per- taining to the Spring Creek Cor- rectional Center 7. May 17, 1985, Finance Dept.'s list of accounts payable totaling $1,768,447.49 8. ABCB notice of application for a new restaurant/eating place Public Convenience License ca CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file File without objection AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAI.L TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Ty Wilson B. Presentation of Employee Incentive Award to Loyd Welch IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (April 22, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: A. Request for Executive Session to discuss matters under litigation VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Long term lease at less than fair market value of the Army Rec Camp property to the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers for use by the U. S. Army as a mili- tary recreation facility [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(I)] B. Long term lease at less than fair market value of the U. S. Air Force Rec Camp property to the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers for use by the U. S. Air Force as a military recreation facility [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(2)] C. Disposal by quitclaim deed of two (2) buildings at less than fair market value to the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers, representing the U. S. Air Force, said buildings being identified as the Main Building or Mess Hall and a 20' x 40' quonset hut located within the Air Force Rec Camp [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(3)] D. Sale at fair market value of :t1375 sq.ft. of vacated alley right-of-way between Lots 3-7 and 34-38, Block 11, -1- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 13, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA Laubner Addition, (located on the cliff overlooking the Lagoon) to Real Daigle and Gerald Briske [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(4)] E. Multi-year lease at fair market value of the blue metal building and t6000 sq.ft. of land located adjacent to and south of the Small Boat Harbor Launch Ramp and located within Block 6, Oceanview Subdivision, to Steve Hackett and Megs Testarmata, dba Alaska Treks n Voyages [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(5)] F. Multi-year lease at fair market value of Commercial Booth Site No. 1 in the Small Boat Harbor Waterfront Boardwalk area within Block 6, Oceanview Subdivision, (between "B" and "D" float ramps) to J. B. Bennison, dba Alaska Star Charters and Tours, for the purpose of providing space to ticket and coordinate sightseeing tours and other tour- ist-related services [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(6)] G. Multi-year lease at fair market value of Commercial Booth Site No. 2 in the Small Boat Harbor Waterfront Boardwalk area within Block 6, Oceanview Subdivision, (between "B" and "D" float ramps) to Brad Snowden, dba Snowden's Seafood Shack, for the purpose of selling food and beverage items [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)(7)] H. Proposed restructuring of utility rates [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (8)] I. Proposed FY86 budget VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Jim Fowler & W. C. Casey, both representing the IBEW __ Presentation relative to a proposed employee relations ordinance IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance provisions relative lots No. 539 revising City Code to camping on privately owned 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 540 concerning collective bargaining with City employees -2- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 13, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. provisions relative to service in the Small Boat 538 amending charges for Harbor City Code electrical C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-48 approving a long term lease of the Army Rec Camp property to the Depart- ment of the Army Corps of Engineers for use by the Army as a military recreation facility 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-49 approving a long term lease of the Air Force Rec Camp property to the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers for use by the Air Force as a military recreation facility 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-50 authorizing disposal by quitclaim deed of two (2) buildings located within the Air Force Rec Camp to the Department of the Army Corps of Engineers for use by the Air Force 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-51 authorizing the sale at fair market value of the City I S portion of the vacated alley right-of-way located between Lots 3-7 and Lots 34-38, Block 11, Laubner Addition, to Real Daigle and Gerald Briske 5. Proposed Resolution No. 85-52 authorizing a multi- year lease of the blue metal building located south of the boat ramp in the Small Boat Harbor to Steve Hackett and Megs Testarmata, dba Alaska Treks n Voyages 6. Proposed Resolution No. 85-53 authorizing a multi- year lease of Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Commercial Booth Site No. 1 to J. B. Bennison, dba Alaska Star Charters 7. Proposed Resolution No. 85-54 authorizing a multi- year lease of Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Commercial Booth Site No. 2 to Brad Snowden, dba Snowden t s Seafood Shack 8. Proposed Resolution No. 85-55 establishing rates and charges for electric power x. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Local employee relations ordinance as proposed by Jim Fowler and tabled at the 04/22/85 meeting -3- AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 13, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA B. Senior Citizen/Community Center site XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for approval of a contract for professional services for transmission line inspection NTE 26,400, to CH2M Hill B. Proposed Change Order No.1 in an amount NTE 97,035.80 to the Power Constructors, Inc., contract for construction of the transmission line C. Request that Council reschedule the next regular meeting D. Request from the Kenai/So1dotna Women's Resource Center for funding XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Proposed extension of Fourth Avenue to Airport Avenue B. U. S. Post Office cluster boxes XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: 1m -4- CONSENT CALENDAR May 13, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-42 authorizing a $10,000 loan to Gateway Children's Center 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-43 urging the phase-out of for- eign fishing and processing in the U.S. FCZ off Alaska 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-44 in support of a bid by South- central Alaska to host the 1992 Winter Olympics 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-45 authorizing the City's parti- cipation as a merchant in the Master Charge credit card pro- gram 5. Proposed Resolution No. 85-46 authorizing participation in the State day care assistance program 6. Proposed Resolution No. 85-47 approving Supplemental Agrmt. No. 4 authorizing a 4-month lease extension to the Army 7. Proposed purchase of a Sony word processor for the Harbor Office 8. Attorney bills as follows: 05/01/85 invoice from Gross & Burke totalling $1575 04/23/85 invoice from Erwin, Smith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow totalling $21.23 03/85 invoice from HTGP&B totalling $29,552.27 9. Proposed acquisition of ROW easement from R.T.Crowley for t-line construction City Manager Recommendation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve and file CONSENT CALENDAR -- MAY 13, 1985 PAGE 2 10. Chamber request to discharge fireworks on July 4, 1985 Approve and file 11. Application for permit for games of skill and chance as filed by Seward Elks Lodge #1773 File without objection 12. Request for letter of nonob- jection to encroachment of structure located on Lots 39- 40, Block 16, OTS Approve and file 13. Proclamations as follows: SEWARD CLEAN UP WEEK (May 13-19, 1985) MENTAL HEALTH MONTH (May, 1985) For information and file 1m AGENDA WORK SESSION OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1985, 7:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Dona1d W. Cripps Counci1members-_John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Discussion of port concerns with ILWU V. ADJOURNMENT: ca AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Dennis Scholl --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams SPECIAL ITEM: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Siri Strong B. David Dieckgraeff -- Introduction of exchange students IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (March 27, 1985) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Louis March -- Fireworks regulation proposal B. Sherry Miller, Mike Miller & Penny Hardy -_ Lowell Point Road C. J. B. Bennison, Alaskan Star Charters & Tours __ Harbor lease proposal IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-39, authorizing a short term lease of the shiplift platform to Joel Steelman AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. IBEW request for local employee relations ordinance XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Army and Air Force recreation camp leases XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Discussion of HR 9, relating to natural gas price increases XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CONSENT CALENDAR April 8, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-35, authorizing the transfer of sales tax revenues to SGH 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-36, authorizing a purchase order to Dyna-Med, Inc, for the pur- chase of medical equipment 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-37, in support of continued con- trol of fisheries within the 200 mile zone 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-38, authorizing the purchase of a word processor for the City Manager's secretary without full utilization of the bid procedures 5. March 22, 1985, invoice from Erwin, Smith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow for legal services totalling $21.00 6. April 4,1985, Finance Dept.'s list of accounts payable total- ling $1,017,972.26 7. Change Order No.1 NTE $4,402, to the R&M contract for ROW acquisitions 8. Proposed assignment of leases of Lots 3, 4, 5, & 8, Block 1, Marina Subdivision, from Juris Mindenbergs to Russ Pace 9. Request for letter of nonobjec- tion to transfer of Breeze Inn liquor license from Juris Min- denbergs to Russ Pace 10. Revised mutual aid agreement with Bear Creek Fire Department 11. Status report on mutual agreements -- Fire, Police Emergency Medical Services aid and 1m City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file Approve and file Issue letter of nonobjection Approve and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Rich Yeager B. Swearing in of newly appointed Councilmember Dennis Scholl IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (01/28; 02/04; 02/06; 02/11; 02/15; 02/20; 02/25; and 03/11/85) VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Louis March & Charles Baldwin -- Fireworks regulations proposal B. Duane Steel, KRXA -- Council meeting broadcasts C. Walter Christolear -- Vehicle for hire regulations D. Al Lak~& Jim Fowler -- Opting into PERA IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 537, amending the polling hours during elections B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 535, relinquishi communication center powers to the Ken Borough emergency Peninsula 2. Proposed Ordinance provisions relative of fireworks No. 536, amending City Code to the possession a d discharge C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed transfer Seward Resolution No. 85-14, requ sting the of real property from ARR to he City of 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-30, appropri ting funds for Phase II of the Chemical Bank contr ct for MIC marketing 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-31, appropri ting funds for the purchase of a pumper fire truck 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-32, appropria ing funds for the purchase of a new ambulance 5. Proposed Resolution No. 85-33, calling advisory election relative to PERA a special X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Vehicle for hire regulations -- Darbyshire r quest for relief from deregulation XI. NEW BUSINESS: B. Reconsideration of motion to direct the adminis ration to prepare an ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 41 A. Vehicle for hire permit applications as file by Mary Bellenir B. Request for Council approval of application f r public convenience liquor license as filed by Henry and Chong Ae Chung, dba Peking Restaurant XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CONSENT CALENDAR March 27, 1985 Item 1. February 22, 1985, invoice from Erwin, SMith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow for legal services to- talling $590.50 2. ABCB notice of application for transfer of liquor license from Frank Irick, dba Van Gilder Ho- tel, to Marcia L. Crowell, same dba and location 3. Approval of amended language to Phase II of Chemical Bank con- tract for MIC marketing 4. Resolution of the Seward C of C in support of the placement of park benches in downtown Seward 5. March 6, 1985, Lowell nel Inspection Report by Acres/Hanscomb Creek Tun- as filed City Manager Recommendations Approve for payment & file File without objection Approve and file For information & file For information & file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1985; 7:30 P.M., AVTEC CAFETERIA THIRD AVENUE BETWEEN MADISON & MONROE STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams --Geoffrey Wilson IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (01/28, 02/04, 02/06, 02/11, 02/15, 02/20 & 02/25/85) VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed acquisition McBride Subdivision, Margaret Tripp) for construction of a portion of Lots 11 and 12, (Mile 3~, Seward Highway) from transmission line right-of-way VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Representative of Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps Recommendations for the purchase of a new ambulance B. Charles Lechner -- Request for relief from payment of invoice for electrical repair C. Brad Snowden -- Request for a letter of nonobjection to the issuance of a liquor license for his proposed addi- tion of a bar and restaurant to the New Seward Hotel D. Sherrie Miller, Paul Paquette and Penny Hardy __ Lowell Point Road ownership and maintenance responsibility IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 535, relinquishing emergency communication center powers to the Kenai Peninsula Borough AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1985; 7:30 P.M., AVTEC CAFETERIA, THIRD AVENUE, BETWEEN MADISON & MONROE STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 536, amending the City Code provisions relative to the possession and discharge of fireworks B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 536, amending the City personnel code relative to step increases C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-14, requesting the transfer of real property from the Alaska Railroad to the City of Seward (Tabled at 01/28/85 meeting) 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-29, authorizing the acquisition of a portion of Lots 11 and 12, McBride Subdivision from Margaret Tripp for transmission line construction X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Request for relief from the impact of taxicab deregu- lation as filed by Ivan Darbyshire B. IBEW petition XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Change Order No.1 in the amount of $1,113 to the Denali Enterprises contract for additional right-of-way clearing for the transmission line B. Proposed acquisition of additional transmission line construction easements for C. Appointment of Councilmember to replace resigning Coun- cilmember Geoffrey Wilson D. Proposed rescheduling of March 25, 1985, City Council meeting XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CONSENT CALENDAR Item March 11, 1985 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-28, authorizing the issuance of an amended purchase order to CCC Architects and Planners for City mapping services 2. January 1985, invoice HTGP&B for legal services taIling $24,932.51 from to- 3. January 1985 invoice from Baily & Mason for legal services to- talling $89.36 4. Finance Department's list of accounts payable totalling $1,359,636.81 5. Application for permit for permit for games of chance and skill as filed by Resurrection Bay Lions-Lioness Clubs 6. Proclamations as followed: March 3-9, 1985 -_ Women's History Week March 10-16, 1985 Employ the Older Worker Wk 7. March 6, 1985, letter from Har- bormaster Foster Singleton to J. B. Bennison relative to con- cerns about Harbor parking and safety City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file File without objection For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1985, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Bill Withrow IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (02/11/85, two for 02/15/85 & 02/20/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: A. Executive Session regarding litigation VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long-term lease of Small Boat Harbor property to the USDI National Park Service VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Ivan Darbyshire -- Taxicab Ordinance changes B. Dennis Scholl & Loraine McCauley -_ Seward Community Center Location C. J.B. Bennison, Alaskan Stars Charter & Tours __ Bus Tours to Seward IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 533, amending the Vehicle for Hire Code C. Resolutions: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, 7:30 P.M., FEBRUARY 25, 1985, CITY HALL, SEWARD, AK 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-26, authorizing a long-term lease with the National Park Service 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-27, authorizing the purchase of telephone system X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Seward Community Center Proposed Sites B. Authorize the purchase of two outboard motors from the lowest bidder -- Alaska Mining & Diving Supply XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Phase II -- Chemical Bank contract (MIC marketing) XII. CITY ~ANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR February 25, 1985 ITEM 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-25, reappropriating funds to Seward General Hospital for preparation of a Certificate of Need application 2. February 20, 1985, memorandum from Engineering/Utilities Manager Diener regarding payment for additional easements for the transmission line 3. February 21, 1985, letters from Ad- ministrative Assistant Martin rela- tive to the marine fuel dock license agreements 4. February 21, 1985, letters from Ad- ministrative Assistant Martin rela- tive to the Army & Air Force leases 5. February 20, 1985, memorandum from Engineering/Utilities Manager Diener regarding acquisition of easements versus condemnation proceedings 6. February 8, 1985, Corps of Engineers Public Notice of Application for Permit as filed by Anderson Tug & Barge Co. to retain a 6' buoy in Resurrection Bay 7. Application for transfer of liquor licenses as filed by: Werner Investments, Inc. to Richard & Melody Jordan for Yukon Liquor Store Doris Mitchell & John Kinser to Doris Jean Corcoran for The Wheelhouse CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS Approve and file Approve for payment, set Public Hearing for 03/11/85, and file Approve for mailing and file Approve for mailing and file For information and file File without objection File without objection AGENDA WORK SESSION OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1985, NOON, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams --Geoffrey Wilson IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Discussion of Phase II of the contract with Chemical Bank V. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1985; 7:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Geoffrey Wilson --Raya Williams IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Executive Session -- Personnel Matters V. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1985,4:15 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Geoffrey Wilson --Ray a Williams IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 85-24, authorizing the award of a contract for clearing of transmission line easements without the full utilization of the bid procedures set forth in Section 10-8 of the City Code V. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1985; 4:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Geoffrey Wilson --Raya Williams IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 85-23, authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Seward Industrial Development Bonds not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for Seaway Express V. ADJOURNMENT: ca AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1985; 11:00 A.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Geoffrey Wilson --Raya Williams IV. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 85-23, authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Seward Industrial Development Bonds not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for Seaway Express. V. ADJOURNMENT: MEETING RESCHEDULED TO 02/15/85, AT 4:00 P.M. dh AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1985, 7:30 P.M., SEWARD SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Mary Spadaro IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of Small Boat Harbor property to the USDI National Park Service VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Jim Fowler & Al Lakey -- IBEW IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 533, amending the Vehicle for Hire Code B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-21, authorizing a Professional Services Agreement with Harding-Lawson Engineers for the exploratory drilling at the proposed Community Center site AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1985, 7:30 P.M., SEWARD SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Resolution No. long-term and short-term Park Service 85-22, authorizing a lease with the National X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Certification of February 5, 1985, Special Election B. Claim for damages totalling $100 as filed by Carl Norman C. Claim for damages totalling $731. 75 as filed by Lois Daubney D. Award of Contract for Lawing Substation Construction E. Appointment of three Planning & Zoning Commissioners XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR FEBRUARY 11, 1985 ITEM 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-20, relative to the Sablefish Fish- ery in the Gulf of Alaska 2. December 1984, invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $16,829.61 3. January 24, 1985, invoice from Erwin, Smith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow for legal servcies to- talling $289.27 4. Finance Dept. list of accounts payable totalling $2,530,162.89 5. ABCB notice of application for renewal of liquor license as filed by Dreamland Bowl 6. Applications for permits for Games of Skill & Chance as filed by: Gateway Children's Center American Legion Seward Post #5 Seward High School Seward Chamber of Commerce 7. Proposed assignment of leasehold interest in a Portion of Tract A, North Harbor Subdivision, (Lessee, James Pruitt) to First National Bank of Anchorage CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file File without objection File without objection Approve and file AGENDA SPECIAL METING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1985,4:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Canvass of absentee and questioned ballots of the February 5, 1985, special election V. ADJOURNMENT: ca AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1985, 7:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers -- Donald W. Cripps John F. Gillespie David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan Leslie Simutis Raya Williams Geoffrey Wilson IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Executive Session -- Personnel Matters V. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA WORK SESSION OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1985, 7:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers Donald W. Cripps John F. Gillespie David L. Hilton Michael J. Meehan Leslie Simutis Raya Williams Geoffrey Wilson IV. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Seward General Hospital Employee Retirement Plan V. ADJOURNMENT: 1m AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1985,7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Raya Williams --Geoffrey Wilson SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Joe Puckett IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (01/14/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Dan McGough, Alyeska Cable Company -- Proposed cable television service to Seward B. Paul Paquette, Penny Hardy & Sherry Miller -- Lowell Point Road maintenance C. Al Lakey & Jim Fowler -- IBEW petition IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 531, amending the Personnel Code 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 532, amending the Animal Control Code C. Resolutions: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1985,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-16, authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Seward Industrial Development Bonds not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for Seaway Express 2. Proposed purchase lization Resolution No. 85-17, authorizing of outboard engines without full of the City bid procedures the uti- 3. Proposed alternative relative to Resolution No. 85-18, suggesting wording to the ballot propositions the Community Center Special Election X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed amendment to the City's Capital Improvements Proj ects List B. U.S. Park Service lease proposals C. Proposed vacation of alley right-of-way, Lots 3-8 and lots 33-38, Block 11, Laubner Addition, Dairy Hill D. Change Order No.2 in the amount of $17,920 to the Kumin contract to perform additional work on the Community Center study E. Award of contract for developing design and specifica- tions necessary for bid and construction of a marine emergency vessel to Jack W. Sarin, Naval Architect, in an amount not to exceed $6,500 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR JANUARY 28, 1985 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-13, appropriating $75,000 State Grant money to Project Account No. 289 for procurement of a marine emer- gency vessel 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-14, requesting transfer of real prop- erty from the ARR to the City of Seward 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-15, supporting the completion of the Seward Grain Terminal Project 4. Request for funding for 1985 Sum- mer Beautification Project from Seward Federated Woman's Club 5. 01/07/85 Finance Dept. list of ac- counts payable totalling $1,023,462.16 6. Reassignment of the lease of Lot 6, Block 1, Marina Subdivision from Howard Johnson to Michael C. Norman 7. Applications for renewal of liquor licenses as filed by: Latitude 60 Pioneer Bar Pioneer Liquor Store American Legion Club Post #5 Tony's Bar Tony's Liquor Store 8. Application for renewal of liquor license as filed by Thorn's Show- case Lounge 9. Applications for permits for games of chance and skill as filed by: Seward Women's Bowling Assoc. Sacred Heart Parish Seward Rebekah Lodge No. 6A Seward Life Action Council City Manager Recommendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve for payment & file Approve and file File without objection Contest renewal until all taxes are current File without objection 10. Appeal from action of the P&Z Com- For information & file mission denying variances for a structure located at Lot 33, Block 23, Original Townsite of Seward, as filed by Dennis and Shirley Bodine AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilmember Nancy Moxie B. Employee Incentive Awards IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (12/10/84 & 01/07/85) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of property in the Small Boat Harbor area to the U. S. Coast Guard [See Agenda Item IX(C)(l)] B. Proposed 120-day extension of Department of the Army lease of the Seward Army Rec Camp [See Agenda Item IX(C) (2)] C. Proposed City street address and house numbering plan [See Agenda Item IX(C)(3)] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Dennis Scholl -- Alaska Mental Health Trust Lands Claim B. Michael Robinson Friends of the Senior/Community Center -- Fund raising efforts C. Dick Morehouse -- CCC Architects & Planners -- Seward Comp Plan update IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: o -j(J ?r: ,.,'v.. f-,/ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 531, amending the Personnel Code 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 532, amending the Animal Control Code B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 529, prohibiting open con- tainers of alcohol in vehicles 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 530, repealing and re-enact- ing the Vehicle for Hire Code C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-8, approving a long term lease of property located in the Small Boat Harbor to the U. S. Coast Guard 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-9, approving a 12-day extension to the Dept. of Army lease of the Seward Army Rec Camp 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-10, approving the Seward street naming and numbering plan 4. Proposed Resolution No. fer of $141,600 from account to the Shiplift 85-11, approving the trans- the MIC Claim Contingency II account 5. Proposed Resolution NO. 85-12, calling for a special election to be held in the City on February 5, 1985, in order to consider propositions relative to the proposed Senior/Community Center siting, concept and funding X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of agreement with Chugach Electric Association and award of contract to Newbery Electric for the con- struction of the Daves Creek Substation in an amount NTE $893,000 B. Approval of an amendment to the Purchase Order to Con- struction and Rigging for generator placement increasing the NTE amount from $20,000 to $22,200 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1985; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XV. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR January 14, 1985 Item City Manager Recommendations 1. Proposed Resolution No. 85-2, authorizing signatures for the City bank account Approve and file 2. Proposed Resolution No. 85-3, in support of Harbor Air Servo Approve and file 3. Proposed Resolution No. 85-4, appropriating $8400 for the Kumin Contract to provide a siting and program study for a new teen center Approve and file 4. Proposed Resolution No. 85-5, rescinding all prior resolu- tions opposing the Kenai Fjords National Park proposal Approve and file 5. Proposed Resolution No. 85-6, requesting municipal assis- tance funding from the State Approve and file 6. Proposed Resolution No. 85-7, setting new fees for special permit applications Approve and file 7. Invoices from Erwin, Smith, Garnett, Jarrell & Moderow totalling $1119.27, for le- gal services relative to the VECO suit Approve for payment & file 8. November 1984, invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $20,002.43 Approve for payment & file 9. Finance Dept. list of accounts payable totalling $5,952,456.78 Approve for payment & file 10. ABCB applications for renewal of liquor licenses as filed by: Yukon Bar Harbor Dinner Club Breeze Inn Apollo Restaurant The Wheelhouse Niko's Nightclub File without objection CONSENT CALENDAR January 14, 1985 Item 11. ABCB applications for restau- rant designation for the pur- pose of hiring minors as filed by: Breeze Inn Harbor Dinner Club 12. ABCB application for renewal of liquor license as filed by Van Gilder Hotel 13. Applications for permits for games of chance and skill as filed by: Marathon Homemakers Wes-Gen Hospital Auxiliary Seward Senior Citizens American Legion Auxiliary #5 14. CIP amendment to include IMS erosion control project 15. Confirmation of appointment of Bob Peirson as City Comptroller 16. Construction report as filed by Trend Construction, Inc., as required by lease of Lots 3-5, Block 1, Marina Sub. 17. Report on cost of dock mainte- nance and repair as filed by Seward Fisheries as required by its agreement for preferen- tial use of the SBH dock 18. CY84 Building Permit report City Manager Recommendations File without objection Object to renewal until all taxes and utilities are cur- rent File without objection Approve and file Confirm and file For information and file For information and file For information and file AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1985, 12:00 NOON, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson IV. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 84-136, appropriating funds to the Dairy Hill Utility Expansion Project V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for approval of additional easement acquisitions for the electric transmission line right-of-way B. Review of proposals to provide essential air service to Seward as filed by AAI and Harbor Air VI. ADJOURNMENT: 1m AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1985; 12:00 NOON, CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Donald W. Cripps Councilmembers--John F. Gillespie --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --Leslie Simutis --Ray a Williams --Geoffrey Wilson IV. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 84-135, authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Seward Industrial Development Bonds not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for Seaway Express VI. ADJOURNMENT: MEETING CANCELED. 1m