HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-88 City Council Agendas (2) AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:JNDAY, DErEMBER 14, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M::!ehan --\,lilliam C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Not available) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Frances Hamon - Handicap Parking follaw-up B. Mark G. William, W.H. Seward Yacht Club - Club House developnent C. Leonard Weirrar, Chief, Bear Creek Fire Dept. - Mutual Aid Agreerrent D. Deborah Lincoln, President, Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps - Mutual Aid Agreerrent E. Tim Pollard, Chief of Staff, Seward General Hospital - Mutual Aid Agreerrent IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 599, arrending the City Code relative to access to public records C. Fesolutions: 1. Proposed Fesolution No. 87-113, authorizing the sale to the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank of $2,550,000 of AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF WE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:tIDAY, D:ocEMBER 14, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< general obligation bonds, Series 1987, authorized by Resolution No. 87-109; authorizing the Mayor or the City Manager to execute a loan agreerrent with the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank for the purchase and sale of such bonds; and providing for related natters 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-114, authorizing the city of Seward to participate as a IlEIl1ber of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Economic Development District, Inc. 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-115, appropriating funds to the Finance Departrrent Budget for the purpose of establishing a professional accounting position X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. December 9, 1987, rrenorandmn from City Manager Garzini recomrrending that Council approve a $16,000 bonus for Marine Marketing and Developrent Director Chris Gates and that his contract be extended for one additional year as set out in the arrended employrrent agreerrent B. Nomination of a ccmm.mity IlEIl1ber to represent the city on the KPB Resource Developrent Corrrnission C. Waterfront Bike Path - Requested by CouncilIlEIl1ber O'Brien XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Construction status report XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT : CONSENT CALENDAR December 14, 1987 Item 1. ABCB notification of request for re- newal of beverage dispensary license and restaurant designation as filed by Niko's Night Club 2. ABCB notification of request for re- newal of Package Store license as filed by Seward Trading Callpany 3. ABCB notification of request for is- suance of a new beverage dispensary (tourism) license and a restaurant designation as filed by Van Gilder Hotel (Donald & Deane Nelson) 4. Noverrber 1987 invoice for legal ser- vices totalling $268.00 as filed by Wiley, Rein & Fielding 5. Decerrber 2, 1987, Finance Depa.rtnent list of Accounts Payable totalling $1,358,247.27 6. Decerrber 9, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager Dien- er recomrrending award of a contract for professional services to DEMERS Associates, Inc., to analyze SCCC fire protection systems for a total contract amount NTE $9,500 7. December 3, 1987, rrerrorandum from E & U Manager Diener recornrrending a- ward of a contract to Brown Construc- tion Corrpany to construct the SMIC water distribution system, Phase I, for a contract amount NTE $218,445.- 54, plus a contingency totalling $18,291.46, for a total project amount NTE $236,737 8. Decerrber 9, 1987, rrerrorandum from E & U Manager Diener recomrending an amendrrent to the Peratrovich, Not- tingham & Drage, Inc., contract to provide final design of the North SMIC Dock for an increased fixed City Manager Recomrrendation Issue letter of objection (Delinquent sales taxes and utilities) File without objection File without objection Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file DECEMBER 14, 1987 CONSENT CALENDAR (CONT'D) Item price of $95,000, bringing the total contract amount to $115,000 9. December 7, 1987, rrerrorandum from E & U Manager Diener rec:ormrending a- ward of a contract to Titan Con- struction Corrpany to construct the Building Maintenance Shop and Exer- cise Yard Roof for an amount NTE $462,006, plus a 7% contingency to- talling $32,340 (Funds available in the SCCC project budget) 10. December 10, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Clerk Murphy reccmrending that Council concur with Mayor's nomina- tion of Jack Goodwill to the Trade Board for a tenn to expire 11/89 11. December 10, 1987, rrerrorandum from Murphy recormending cancellation of December 28, 1987, Council rreeting 12. December 8, 1987, rrerrorandum from E & U Manager Diener noting change orders to the Sarrwhan contract for prison construction as follows: City Manager Recormendations Approve and file Approve nomination of Jack GJodwi 11 to Trade Board Approve cancellation of 12/ 28 Council rreeting For infonnation and file #108 - providing a credit for all incomplete work and materials on Building No.4 Exercise Area fran the exit door at the building outward (-$15,150) #109 - Providing additional office space for OO1'/PF occupancy (+$5,761) #110 - Providing all equiprrent, labor and materials for additional power fran Panel XC to service CX::S system in Room 1-215 (+$732) 13. Noverrber 23, 1987, letter from 001'/ PF Project Manager Grossman setting forth a rronthly activity report rel- ative to prison construction project 14. December 10, 1987, rrerrorandum from E & U Manager Diener relative to re- cent power outages and CEA/City ef- forts to alleviate them 15. Proclamations of the Mayor as fol- lows: For infonnation and file For infonnation and file For infonnation and file December 13-19, 1987 - "Drunk & Drugged Driver Awareness Week" DEX:EMBER 14, 1987 CONSENT CALENDAR (CONT'D) Item City Manager Recamendations 1988 - "Year of the Veteran" "Wishing the Officers and ~n of the USS Alaska Blue Crew a Joyous Holiday Season" CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED AT MEETING AS FOLLOWS: Item No.1 - Recommendation changed to "File without objection" (Utility & Sales Tax accounts bra ugh current) Item No.6 - Moved to Regular Meeting Agenda as New Business, Item "D". AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF 'IRE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COONCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CAIL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:lNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council.rrembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. r-Eehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINU'IES: (CXtober 26, 1987) V. APPFDVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUI.1IR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A proposed resolution approving the execution of an agreerrent for the sale and purchase of electric power (PCWER SALES AGREEMENT) relating to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project [SEE AGENDA ITEM 00. IX(C) (1)] B. A proposed resolution approving the agreerrent for the wheeling of electrical power and for related services (SERVICES AGREEMENT) for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project [SEE AGENDA ITEM 00. IX(C) (2)] C. Proposed long tenn lease of the South one-half of Lot 5, Block 1, Marina Subdivision, 1317 Fourth Avenue, to DJt Bardarson, dba Bardarson Studio, for an art studio/fram- ing shop/gift shcp [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (3)] D. Proposed long tenn lease of the North one-half of Lot 5, Block 1, Marina Subdivision, 1319 Fourth Avenue, to Jerry Lorz, dba The House of Diarrond WillCM, for a gift shop [SEE AGENDA ITEM 00. IX(C) (4)] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior flOtice only) A. Francis Harrron -- Handicap parking IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:JNDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1987,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 599, arrending the City Code relative to access to public records B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactm:::!nt: None C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-066, approving the execution of an agreerrent for the sale and purchase of electric power (l?ONER SALES AGREEMENT) relating to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-104, approving the agreerrent for the wheeling of electrical po.ver and for related services (SERVICES AGREEMENT) for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-105, authorizing the long term lease of the South one-half of Lot 5, Block l, Marina Subdivision, to Dot Bardarson 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-106, authorizing the long term lease of the North one-half of Lot 5, Block l, Marina Subdivision, to Jerry Lorz 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-107, establishing rates for garbage and refuse rerroval services for the period cornrencing January 15, 1987 6. Proposed Resolution No. 87-109, authorizing and providing for the issuance of not to exceed $2,550,- 000 in aggregate principal arrount of general obli- gation bonds of the city for the purpose of raising funds to pay the cost of various capital inprove- !rents in the city, fixing certain details of said bonds, providing for the form and manner of sale of said bonds, and pledging the full faith and credit of the city to the payrrent thereof 7. Proposed Resolution No. 87-110, authorizing a contract for snow rerroval and sanding 8. Proposed Resolution No. 87-111, approving an agree- rrent transferring equiprrent, ownership and control of television transmission station K09DL 9. Proposed Resolution No. 87-112, appropriating $7,000 from the General Fund-Fund Balance to the Corrmmity Develq:rnent Budget for the purpose of completing a Downtown Seward Strategic Enhancerrent Plan AGENDA REGUlAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:NDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1987,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for approval of annual Capital Irnproverrent Projects and Legislative Priority List B. Claim for damages totalling $725.41 as filed by Annette Cass C. Appointnents to two vacant 3-year seats on the Trade Board D. Appointnent of a Councilrrember to the Ex Officio seat on the Corrmunity Hospital Board E. Handicap Parking (Mayor's request) XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: A. Engineering & Utilities Manager briefing on North Bulkhead and Cradles & Rails Project XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CrnMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR November 23, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-108, requesting repeal of AS 4.21.010(c) 2. Wohlfarth, Flint & Gruening in- voice for legal services dated 11/ 10/87 and totalling $3,718.30 3. Finance Department's list of Ac- counts Payable dated 11/06/87 and totalling $1,515,189.85 4. November 16, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting approval of the revised SCCC Project Budget 5. Noverrber 17, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting approval of payment totalling $5,263.28 and a possible additional payrrent total- ling $2,500 to F & J Consultants for repair of the prirrary transla- tor for Mt. Wolcott 6. Noverrber 18, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Clerk Murphy requesting ap- proval of a one-year contract ex- tension with the Seward Phoenix !e9: for display advertising 7. Noverrber 18, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Clerk Murphy requesting auth- orization to solicit letters of in- terest in serving on the KPB/RDC 8. Application for permit for ganes of chance and skill as filed by Am- erican Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 5 9. Change Order No. 2 to the Under- water/Swalling contract for SMIC Transfer Facility civil work and utili ties extension, extending com- pletion date to 03/15/88 10. Noverrber 17, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Manager Recomrrendations Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection For infonnation and file For infonnation and file IDVEMBER 23, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item City Manager Reccmrendations Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener concerning public use area expansion in the Harbor 11. November 18, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Clerk M.1rphy regarding pro- posed agenda format changes For information and file 12. Change orders to the Sanwhan con- tract for prison construction as follows: For information and file #12 - Providing for additional work and materials required for floor drains in housing units per OC/VR #86-SOC-125 (+$125,553) #98 - Providing all labor, materials and equiprrent to apply epoxy paint to the walls of Rocm T-4 in APS Building (+$395) #99 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and materials to accorrplish the installation of flanged, surface-mounted architectural louvers in the motor pool and warehouse buildings (+$2,989) #101 - Deleting coin-operated key function for all visitor lockers in the APS Building (-$2,345) #102 - Installing curb and gutter, adding risers to sewer manholes behind Building #3, sloping away to drain, adding drywell to N.E. and N.W. corners, filling in behind Buildings #2 and #3 to drain to the South away from buildings (+$22,518) #103 - Changing all the pipe railing material under Section 05522 in the corrplex fran round schedule 40 seamless pipe to square steel tube pipe (+$8,040) REGULAR MEETING OF THE SE.WARD CITY COUNCIL r-nIDAY, o:TOBER 26, 1987 7:30 P.M., CITY caJNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SE.WARD, ALASKA AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrerobers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M=ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Slimtis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (10/12/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPaID': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSICN: (With prior notice only) A. Bob Valdatta Corp. Proposed Seward Economic Developnent IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 598, adopting Appendices II-C, III-A, III-C, V-A and VI-B of the Uniform Fire Code C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-099, appropriating funds for the Cormnmity Schools Program and authorizing a public use agreerrent between the city and the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-102, awarding a contract to Herman Leirer, dba Seward Services, for the collection of garbage and refuse 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-103, approving the purchase and financing of a utility line truck AGENDA REr;ULAR MEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COONCIL IDNDAY, OCI'OBER 26, 1987, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposal to lease a 15,000 square foot parcel of land wi thin the Fourth of July Creek industrial zone for the construction of a restaurant as submitted by Harbor Dinner Club, Inc. (Carl Nonnan) B. Corrmunity Hospital Board appointnents XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: YN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE 'ID CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR Item October 26, 1987 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-100, authorizing the city manager to ex- ecute an agreerrent of sale of the city's police dog to Michael Chap- man 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-101, authorizing the sale of a surplus steel truss bridge to the city of Bettles 3. October 9, 1987, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & Groening for legal services rendered through 09/30/87 4. October 15, 1987, invoice from Wi- ley, Rein & Fielding for legal services rendered, Septerrber 1987 5. October 22, 1987, rrerrorandum from Murphy requesting cancellation of the 11/09/87 Council rreeting 6. October 22, 1987, rrerrorandum from Murphy regarding expiration of terms of 2 Trade Board seats 7. Proclamation designating November 1987 as "National Alzhe:ircer's Dis- ease Month" City Manager ReCOllllEndations Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file For inforrration and file For inforrration and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:NDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COONCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (September 28 & October 7, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: SPOCIAL :ITEr-1S: A. Certification of October 6, 1987, regular election B. SWearing-in of nev.rly elected Mayor and Councilrrembers VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REFOR!': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Federal Shared Revenue budget hearing [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (1).] B. Proposed lease of Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Site No. 8 to Kenai Fjords '!burs, Inc. [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C)- (2) .] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSICN: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 598, adopting Appendices II-C, III-A, III-C, V-A and VI-B of the Uniform Fire Code B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and EnaC'tIrent: C. Resolutions: REGUlAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA AGENDA 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-095, arrending the Fiscal Year 1988 budget by appropriating funds from the Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Account 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-096, authorizing a long-tem lease of Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Site No. 8 to Kenai Fjords 'Iburs, Inc. X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointrrent of Vice Mayor XII. CITY MAN2\GER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: "iN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: IX (C). RESOLUTIONS: 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-098, authorizing a professional services agreement for the design of the North Bulkhead Cargo Dock CONSENT CALENDAR October 12, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-093, supporting legislation providing for a rrore equitable distribution of the fisheries business tax rev- enue refunded by the state to lo- cal governrrents 2. proposed Resolution No. 87-094, anending Resolution No. 85-050 by dropping the reversionary language from the quitclaim deed disposing of two buildings to the V. S. Q:Jv- ernrrent 3. proposed Resolution No. 87-097, awarding a contract to General Telephone Conpany of Alaska to ex- tend telephone service to the Ship Transfer Facility 4. CCtober 1, 1987, Finance Dept. list of accounts payable totalling $1,247,243.60 5. CCtober 7, 1987, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Martin re- questing authorization to proceed with lease negotiations with Jerry Iorz and Dot Bardarson for lease of the North one-half and the South one-half , respectively, of L5, Bl, Marina Subdivision 6. CCtober 7 , 1987, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Martin re- questing approval to proceed with the disposal of L 2 & 3, B9, Cliff Addition, as real property surplus to the needs of the city 7. Change Order No. 1 to the Vnderwa- terlSwalling (ViS) contract for SMIC Ship Transfer Facili ty civil 'AGrk (CON-218) - Extension of com- pletion date to 11/15/87 8. Change Order No. 1 to the VIS con- City Manager Reccmrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file Approve and file For inforrration and file For inforrration and file OCTOBER 12, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item City Manager Recorrrrendations tract for SMIC Ship Transfer Facil- i ty civil work & utili ties exten- sion (CON-228) - Extension of com- pletion date to 11/15/87 9. October 8, 1987, rrem::>randum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener relative to the status of the ship transfer project For inforrration and file 10. Septerrber 30, 1987, rrem::>randum fran Finance Director Peirson set- ting forth the Second Quarter-1987 Taxable Sales Report For inforrration and file 11. October 2, 1987, rrem::>randum from E & U Manager Diener noting the folleMing change orders to the Sanwhan contract for prison con- struction: For inforrration and file CO #84 - Providing all labor, equipment and rraterials to install 16-gauge sheetnetal backing for future telephone booth installations (+$775) ; CO #85 - Deletion of all fabricated revised cell furnishings, except book shelves (-$88,330) CO #86 - Providing labor, equipment and rraterials to add tectum board on 3 outside walls of the Control #215 in the APS Building (+$2375) CO #87 - M::>dification of the grade at Gate 0-16 to be level and feathered out to alleM the gate to work properly (+$1364) CO #88 - Providing all equipment, rraterials and labor to add an additional relay control for lighting circuit (+$464) CO #89 - Addition additional circuits to Fire Alarm Control Panel in Building #5 (+$2,000) CO #90 - Supplying drive pins to anchor coat hooks, shelves and desks in cells (+$2955) CO #91 - Performing various jobs within the scope of work called out on the specific directives (+$70,000) CO #92 - Additional asphalt pavement on the project site (+$67,575) CO #93 - Deletion of welded wire and barbed tape wire (-$2100) CO #94 - Relocating fuel oil line, providing food service revisions and reveal to balance joints at panels 23 & 86 for architectural appearance (+$13,967) CO #95 - Additional electrical work, structural revisions, fabrica- tion and installation of steel frames (+$15,575) CO #96 - Installation of the electrical and security IIDnitoring system for Units #2 & #3 lighting (+$5,862) CO #97 - Increasing the depth of burial on the Folger Adams Gates (+$2,230) AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1987, 4:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAM- BERS, CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Canvass of October 6, 1987, regular election VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VII I. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: 1m AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:NDAY, cx:TOBER 5, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY CaJNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREIDNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1rrembers--Fobert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Mgehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEEI'ING AGENDA: V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long tem lease of an unsurveyed :!:136,354 sq. foot (:!:3.13 acres) parcel within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, being part of USS 4827 and Fourth of July Creek Tract A, to Fishing Corrpany of Alaska/Seward Steelworks, Joint Venture, (FCA/SSW JV) for the purpose of constructing a marine repair business VI. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 87-092, authorizing the city manager to execute an agreeJl'ent with Fishing Conpany of Alaska/Seward Steelworks, JV, for the lease of a portion of the Seward Marine Industrial Center VII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: IX. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting cancelled -- Lease negotiations not yet complete. REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL IDIDAY, SEPI'EMBER 28, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council.nembers--Robert D. &xlher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: (September 14, 1987) V. APPRCJ\lAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGLJI.,AA MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long tem lease of an unsurveyed :!:l54,400 sq. ft. (B.5 acres) parcel within the Seward Marine Indus- trial Center, being part of USS 4827 and Fourth of July Creek Tract A, to Seward Steelworks/Fishing Corrpany of Alaska, Joint Venture (SSW/FCA JV) for the purpose of constructing a marine repair business B. Proposed long tem lease of an unsurveyed :t6, 750 sq. ft. parcel wi thin the Seward Marine Industrial Center, being part of USS 4827, to Seward Steelworks/Fishing Conpany of Alaska, Joint Venture, for the construction of an oil treatrrent plant in conjunction with a marine repair business C. Proposed long tem lease, at less than fair rrarket value, of a :!:500 sq. ft. parcel within the Seward Marine Indus- trial Center, being part of USS 4827, to the National Oceanic and Atm::>spheric Administration for the construc- tion of a rerrote sensing weather station [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX (C) (*) .] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Ernest Blatchford -- Request to appeal the decision of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Conmission to grant a variance for the location of a carport wi thin the back yard of Blatchford's property [Decision was rrade following reconsideration of the variance by the AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:lIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< Conmission, as instructed by the Council.] SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. X(A). IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact:nent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 596, prohibiting the con- struction of buildings across platted property lines [ACI'ICN POOTPONED CN 09/14/87 WITH RBJ{JEST TO SCHEDULE A SEX:XIID PUBLIC HEARING.] 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 597, arrending section 10-19 of the City Code to allow the donation of surplus city property to nonprofit organizations C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-091, authorizing a long tenn lease, at less than fair market value, to the U. S. Gove:r:nment, National Oceanic and Atnospheric Administration, National Weather Service, for a public service weather radio transmitter site in the Seward Marine Industrial Center X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Ernest Blatchford request to reverse the action of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrroission granting a variance to construct a carport within Blatchford's backyard [Planning Corrroission action was taken following instructions from Council to reconsider its earlier action denying a variance in the front yard] XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Renewal of campground contract B. Request for authorization to proceed with negotiations with Kenai Fjords '!burs, Inc., for a long tenn lease of Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk Site No. 7 C. Request for approval of administration's reCOlllllEIlded public works projects for the winter of 1987/88 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< AGENDA }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: illNSENT CALENDAR September 28, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Fesolution No. 87-066, authorizing the city rranager to execute a power sales agreenent for its allocation of Bradley lake IX'Wer and to execute wheeling agreenents with REA and CEA [POST- PONED FRCM THE 08/24/87 MEEI'ING] 2. Proposed Fesolution No. 87-089, awarding a contract for restora- tion of transmission line access road (DSR 73976) 3. Proposed Fesolution No. 87-090, requesting municipal assistance funding from the state of Alaska 4. September 18, 1987, Finance Dept. list of Accounts Payable totalling $572,291.50 5. September 22, 1987, Finance Dept. list of Accounts Payable totalling $844,897.91 6. Mayor's appointrrent of Kurt Lind- sey to fill a vacancy on the Plan- ning Commission created by the resignation of Sandy Wassilie, the tem to expire February 1988 7. proclamo.tion designating September 20-26, 1987, EMEK:ENCY MEDICAL SER- VICES WEEK in Seward 1m City Manager Fecormendations Postpone until contract doc- uments are finalized Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file For infornation and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCll, MJNDAY, SEPI'EMBER 14, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCll, CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM>NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counciln:embers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (August 24, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 87-078, recomrrending that the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly amend the Seward Urban District Zoning Code to include provisions for the regulation of livestock on privately-owned city lots [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (1) .] CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) VIII. A. David Headley, representing KRXA Radio proposal Mt. w::>lcott B. Dennis M. Scholl -- Citizen participation in local governrrent IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 597, arrending Section 10-19 of the City Code to allow the donation of surplus city property to nonprofit organizations B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 596, prohibiting the con- struction of buildings across platted property lines C. Resolutions: AGENDA REGUIAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:>NDAY, SEPI'EMBER 14, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-078, recomrending arrend- nents to t.le Seward Urban District Zoning Code regarding livestock within the city 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-087, arrending Resolution No. 87-049 by deleting the boatlift travel charge 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-088, arrending electric rates for large general service custoners X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Mt. Wolcott television translator proposals XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORl'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: 'IN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: YNI. lIDJOURNMENT: CDNSENT CALENDAR September 14, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-079, in support of the Alaska Craftsnan Harre Program for reduced harre ener- gy consunption 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-080, appropriating funds to the Parks & Recreation Dept. budget to fund the Ccmmmi ty Swim Program 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-081, appropriating funds for the Board- walk Lagoon Project 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-082, authorizing a professional ser- vices agreement with R & M Consul- tants to provide an as-built sur- vey of portions of the 115 KV transmission line 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-083, authorizing the award of a con- tract for an autonotive computer analyzer and waiving certain city bid procedures 6. Proposed Resolution No. 87-084, authorizing the award of a pur- chase order to Harley Trucking Co. for paving the SMIC cargo dock w / 0 full utilization of city bid pro- cedures 7. Proposed Resolution No. 87-085, waiving minor irregularities in bid procedures and awarding a con- tract for design and installation of halon fire extinguishing system 8. Pmposed Resolution No. 87-086, authorizing the city rranager to execute a local cooperation agree- ment for the repair of Lowell Creek Tunnel as required by the US Army Corps of Engineers City Manager Rec:c.mrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Appmve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file SEPTEMBER 14, 1987, CCNSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item 9. May 1987 invoice from H'IGP&B for legal services totalling $27,143.75 10. September 1, 1987, notification fran ABCB of application for trans- fer of a Recreational Site Liquor License from Robert A. Garrett to Kim Kowalski -Cozort 11. September 9, 1987, rrenorandum fran Engineering & Utilities Manager Diener requesting authorization to award a contract in the aIIDunt of $9,352 to VWR Scientific for the purchase of SPCC Wastewater Treat- ment Plant laboratory supplies 12. September 9, 1987, rrenorandum fran Engineering & utilities Manager Diener requesting authorization to issue a purchase order to MEI'CO, Inc., for the purchase of winter sand @ $10.50/yard and a purchase order to Van Water & Rogers for the purchase of salt and calcium chloride in the aIIDunt of $5,776.80 13. August 26, 1987, rrenorandum fran Engineering & Utilities Manager Diener requesting authorization to approve Change Order No. 2 to the Harley Trucking Corrpany contract to expand the scope of work to in- clude repair of additional broken pavement 14. September 9, 1987, rrenorandum fran Administrative Assistant Martin re- questing approval of a request to assign SBH Boardwalk Site No. 2 lease fran Jeanne Maddocks to Marv & Linda Mardock for the operation of a sailing instruction and char- ter business 15. September 9, 1987, rrenorandum from Administrative Assistant Martin re- questing approval of a request to assign SBH Boardwalk Site No. 4 lease from Don & Pam Oldow to Wil- liam & Elaine Wheeler for the oper- ation of a charter boat business City Manager ReCOIllll'endations Approve for payment and file File objection to transfer until sales tax account is brought current Approve as recomrended Approve as recomrended Approve as recomrended Approve assignment of lease Approve assignment of lease SEPl'EMBER 14, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont' d) Item City Manager ReCOIlllEndations 16. September 3, 1987, rrenorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager Diener noting the follC!'.\1ing prison change orders: For infonnation and file Water utility Contract: Zubeck, Inc., CO #2 - Increasing width of road & adding sectionalizing cans to buried portion of electrical cable, +$37,172; Zubeck, Inc., CO #3 - Providing all equiprrent, materials and labor to provide 300' extension to 16" watennain, +24,145; Zubeck, Inc., CO #4 - Deleted by Change Order No. 5 Zubeck, Inc., CO #5 - Installing a 24" x 40 lineal ft. over- flC!'.\1, +$2,914; Wastewater Treatrrent Utility: Northway Development, Inc., CO #2 - Providing equiprrent, materials and labor to acconplish changes to the lagoon ser- vice road, +$24,438; Northway Development, Inc., CO #3 - Providing all equip- rrent, materials and labor to fill the wastewater lagoon, +5,000; and Northway Development, Inc., CO #4 - Providing all equip- rrent, materials and labor to rerrove existing fence and con- struct a new 7' (8' OA.) chain link fence with a swing gate, +$32,154 17. Septerrber 9, 1987, Construction Status Report as filed by Engineer- ing & Utilities Manager Diener For infonnation and file 18. Proclamation designating August 21, 1987, "D::>lly Dieter Appreciation Day" For infonnation and file AMENDED AT MEETING BY CHANGING RECOMMENDATION ON ITEM NO. 10 TO READ "FILE WITHOUT OBJECTION" AND BY INSTRUCTING ADMINISTRATION TO VERIFY EXPENSES AND INCOMING DONATIONS FOR BOARDWALK LAGOON PROJECT PRIOR TO PAYING OUT FUNDS AS APPROVED IN RESOLUTION NO. 87-081. AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY mUNCIL MlIDAY, AUGUST 24,1987,7:30 P.M., CITY COONCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL 'ID ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor-Harry E. Gieseler Council1rernbers--Fobert D. Pooher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. ~han --William C. Noll --Leslie Sinutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (August 10, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF mNSENT CALENDAR AND REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long term lease of a i5, 000 square foot unsur- veyed parcel located within Block 6, Ocearwiew SUbdivi- sion, to Ray and Leslie Sinutis for the purpose of constructing a waterfront restaurant [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (2)] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Donald H. Markle, Cooperative Extension Service - Presen- tation regarding the Alaska Craftsman Hone Program and the construction of energy-efficient horres in Alaska IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 596, prohibiting the con- struction of buildings across platted property lines B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 593, eliminating that portion of Section 17-5.5(B) of the City Code requiring city enployees to submit to annual tuberculin testing 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 594, arrending Section 17-4.11 of the City Code regarding overtirre pay for enploy- ees AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 595, arrending the City Code, Chapter 4, Animals and FCM1, regarding livestock C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-066, authorizing the city ffi3Ilager to execute a pa.ver sales agreerrent for its allocation of Bradley Lake power and to execute wheeling agreenents with HEA and CEA (Postponed from the July 24, 1987, meeting) 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-074, approving a long- tenn lease of a portion of Block 6, Oceanview Subdivision, to Ray and Leslie Sirrutis for the purpose of constructing a waterfront restaurant 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-075, authorizing the city manager to enter into an agreerrent with Alaska Mutual Bank and appropriating funds for interest payments on the Gateway Subdivision loan at Alaska Mutual Bank X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSlOO: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: YN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPOOSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: REGULAR MEETING AGENDA was amended at meeting by adding the following: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) B. Frank Irick -- Presentation concerning Agenda Item No. IX(C) (3) - Gateway Subdivision/AMB Agreement CONSENT CALENDAR August 24, 1987 Item City Manager Reccmrendations 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-076, authorizing the city rranager to execute a safekeeping agreerrent with the First National Bank of Anchorage Approve and file 2. August 11, 1987, rrerrorandum from Harbonnaster Foster Singleton re- questing authorization to pay NEI Synchrolift, Inc., invoice total- ling $8,631 covering cost of in- spection services Approve for payment and file 3. August 17, 1987, rrerrorandum from Manager of Engineering & utili ties Paul Diener requesting Council ap- proval of the revised Spring Creek Correctional Center project budget Approve and file 4. August 7, 1987, rrerrorandum from Manager of Engineering & Utilities Paul Diener noting change orders as follows to the Sarrwhan contract for prison construction: For infonnation and file NO. 60 - Providing all equir;rrent, IPaterials and labor to install all electrical changes as described in Revision No. 5 (+18,990); NO. 61 - Technical representative from Senstar to clarify site drainage anlund the coaxial security system (+3,403); NO. 62 - Providing all equipment, IPaterials and labor to install the electrical rrodifications in the APS kitchen (+$6,676); NO. 64 - Providing all equir;rrent, IPaterials and labor to add 3KVA Sorgel, outdoor transfonrer and priIPary disconnect (+$13,863); NO. 65 - Providing a credit for rrodification of the chain link fence layout within the warehouse building (-$8,384); NO. 66 - Providing all equir;rrent, labor and IPaterials to expand the work on the rronitor doors (+$21,047); NO. 67 - Providing all equipment, labor and IPaterials to install tub/shower units in Rooms T-5 and T-6 (+$5,666); NO. 69 - Providing all equipment, labor and IPaterials to install a 6" concrete pad directly above the 2,000 gallon fuel tank (+$4,512); NO. 70 - Repaint grid line walls in the gymnasium (+$755); NO. 71 - Paint concrete walls in Building No. 2 & 3 (+$7,604); NO. 73 - Providing additional work in Building No. 5 (+$21,337); NO. 74 - logging the perforIPance of Sentrax underground perimeter security system (No cost to project); NO. 75 - Install Kenell No. 3813 (type F) fluorescent light fixture in Roam 1-115 (+$566); CONSENT CALENDAR (08/24/87) - Page 2 NO. 76 - Installation of 16 gauge galvanized steel backing strip in APS building (+$900); NO. 77 - Extending the stainless steel counters (+$1,335); NO. 78 - Adding additional gypsum wall board assembly to stair No. 9 (+$1,300); NO. 79 - Installation of mirror glazing in toilet rooms (+$675); NO. 80 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and rraterials for sand- blasting of the exposed below-grade danpproofing from exterior buildings P.C. panels at 1, 2, 3, 4 to the top of the insulation, which had deteri- orated since first application (+$15,457); NO. 81 - Cutting precast panels to allow for door assembly (+$2,305); NO. 82 - Rerroving and replacing the interior gypsum wall on the north wall (+$2,629); and NO. 83 - Installation of duplex receptacles for room 1-201 and 1-048 (+$2,198). CONSENT CALENDAR was amended at meeting by adding the following: 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-077, authorizing the award of a con- tract for fencing the Marathon Hydro generation plant inlet pond without full utilization of city bid procedures Approve and file AGENDA REGUIAR MEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL r-mDAY, AUGUST 10, 1987, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1rrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (July 27, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEErING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Board of Adjustrrent Hearing -- Appeal of Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Ccmnission denial of a variance requested by Ernest Blatchford for construction of a carport within the front yard setback of Lot 5A, Block 31, Original Townsite of Seward (Council discussion and action on the ar:peal will follav the public hearing) VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSICN: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 593, repealing Section 17-5.5 (b) of the City Code regarding annual tuber- culin tests 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 594, anending Section 17-4.11 of the City Code regarding overtirre pay for city errployees 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 595, amending Chapter 4 of the City Code regarding livestock kept wi thin the city of Seward B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact:nent: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1987, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 591 (Substitute), relating to outdoor assemblies and establishing Chapter 9 of the City Code C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-070, submitting a propo- sition authorizing the sale of $450,000 of general obligation bonds to cover the cost of planning, designing, constructing and acquiring land for a senior/carrnunity center to the qualified voters of the city at the October 6, 1987, regular municipal election 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-071, submitting a propo- sition authorizing the sale of $2. 1 Million of general obligation bonds to cover the costs asso- ciated with the planning, design, and construction of public dock facilities to the qualified voters of the city at the October 6, 1987, regular municipal election X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages totalling $2,226.17 as filed by Jeanne Maddocks, dba Seward Cab Corrpany XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' C<>>1MENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Robert Gottstein - Presentation concerning proposed grocery store development in Seward TWO RESOLUTIONS WERE ADDED TO THE CONSENT CALENDAR AS FOLLOWS: 8. Proposed Resolution No. 87-072, in support of state of Alaska application for location of the Super Collider in Nenana 9. Proposed Resolution No. 87-073, approving a contract for paving Nash Road extension without full utilization of city bid pro- cedures CDNSENT CALENDAR August 10, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-067, approving the receipt of a nnmici- pal assistance grant from the state of Alaska for the purpose of extending electrical service to Camelot Subdivision 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-068, approving the receipt of a nnmici- pal assistance grant from the state of Alaska for the purpose of a senior/corrmunity center 3. PropJsed Resolution No. 87-069, designating city m:mager Ronald A. Garzini as the authorized repre- sentative relative to the purchase of equipnent through the Alaska Surplus Property Service 4. Invoices for legal services for the nonth of April 1987 totalling $37,247.09 as filed by HTGP&B 5. August 6, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Finance Director Bob Peirson re- questing extension of the Hendrix and Esslinger contract to perfonn the FY 1987 city audit 6. August 4, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Deputy City Manager Schaefenreyer requesting approval of MJdifica- tion No. 5 to the Dawson and As- sociates lobbying contract 7. August 4, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener regarding a Notice of Utility Tariff Filing which pro- poses to increase the interim rate charge for electrical pa.ver by CEA 1m City Manager Recomrrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file Approve and file For infonretion and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JULY 27,1987,7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL 'IQ ORDER: II. OPENING ~: III. ROIL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1rrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Sinutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (July 13 and 20, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUlAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Willard Dunham and Shirley ~ynolds, Seward Errployrrent Center -- Past year activities B. Kevin Fenner, KPB Planning Director -- Economic Develop- ment Districts C. David Headley, KRXA -- Proposal to naintain Mt. WJlcott translator IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: None B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactnent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 591, relating to special events permits -- POSTPONED Nr JUNE 22, 1987, MEETING -- Please note proposed Ordinance No. 591 (Substitute) included in agenda packet - Public hearing has not been scheduled for this rreeting 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 592, authorizing the adminis- tration to issue permits for vehicles for hire without the prior approval of the city council AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY ~IL MONDAY, JULY 27, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-053, referring a proposed charter arrendrrent to the electorate at the October 6, 1987, regular municipal election 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-065, supporting the establishrrent of a Kenai Peninsula Borough Economic Developrrent District 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-066, authorizing the City Manager to execute a pa.ver sales agreerrent for its allocation of Bradley Lake Paver and to execute wheeling agreerrents with HoIrer Electric Association and Chugach Electric Association X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposal to lease Small Boat Harbor Waterfront property as submitted by Ray and Leslie Simutis B. Appointrrent of a city of Seward representative to the newly created alaska Railroad Conmmity Briefing Council C. Trade Board Resolution No. 87-001, urging the City Council to support the developrrent of the Spring Creek Seafood Park XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: YN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT : CDNSENT CALENDAR July 27, 1987 I tern 1. Prop::>sed Resolution No. 87-062, authorizing the disp::>sal of quarry rock to D & L Construction Caipany 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-063, awarding a contract to ship gener- ator No. 5 to Boise, Idaho, and back to Seward without full utili- zation of city bid procedures 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-064, authorizing the city mmager to execute a rrerrorandum of understand- ing between the city and AVJ:OC, ac- cepting a grant fran AVJ:OC and appropriating the funds to the Parks & Rec Depart:nent budget 4. ABCB notification of application for transfer of liquor license from Jean E. Lear (Mini Mall) to J. D. & Beverly Perdew (Red Rooster) 5. ABCB request for restaurant desig- nation as filed by J. D. & Beverly Perdew (Red Rooster) 6. July 21, 1987, rrerrorandum from Har- bormaster Singleton requesting ap- proval to pay invoice #812-1430 from Lloyd's Register for shiplift inspection 7. July 22, 1987, rrerrorandum from City Clerk Murphy giving notice of appeal of Planning Conroission Ac- tion as filed by Ernest Blatchford City Manager Reccmrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection Approve and file Approve and file For information and file 8. Change Orders to the Sanwhan con- For information and file tract for prison construction as follcws: CO #53 - Provide all equiprent, rraterials & labor to install EM!' conduit rough-in & co- axial 'IV cable to isolation cell (+$7795) CO #54 - Provide all equiprrent, rraterials & labor to relocate power & corrmunications lines at metal-free zone (+$6859) co #55 - Provide all equiprent, naterials & labor to install 3 position rocker switches w / additional function of silencing the audible signal from each cell (+$2545) CO #56 - Provide all equiprrent, naterials & labor to incorporate architectural revisions described in revision 3 (+$71,700) CO #57 - Provide all equiprrent, naterials & labor to incorporate architectural revisions described in revision 5 (+$187,781) CO #58 - Provide all equiprent, naterials & labor to add electrical receptacles in the APS kitchen, Room 1-119, & add electrical power to fan EF-8 (+$3265) CO #59 - Provide all equiprent, naterials & labor to add six inch concrete slab over fuel oil tanks due to shallOorl top cover & revise tOorler stairs I structural steel due to design deficiency (+$6300) AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 20, 1987, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed funds to contract repair Resolution No. 87-060, appropriating the Street Department and awarding a to Harley Trucking, Inc., for pavement B. Proposed Resolution No. 87-061, authorizing the award of a contract for repair of Gravel Pit Road, Japp Creek, without full utilization of the city bid procedures VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of contract to Metco, Inc., for Lowell Point Road restoration VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JULY 13, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:lNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilnembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (05/11, 06/08, 06/15 & 06/22/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Derenty Tabios, Executive Director for the North Pacific Rim -- Supporting a resolution authorizing an application to the federal governrrent for mutual help housing in Seward [AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (1)] IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 592, arrending City Code Section 20-3 (b) to allov.r vehicle for hire permits to be issued administratively without prior approval of the City Council B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: None C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-050, approving an appli- cation by North Pacific Rim Housing Authority to the federal government for a loan for preliminary planning for a mutual help hoIre ov.rnership program in Seward [POSTPONED AT 06/22/87 MEEI'ING] AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 13, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-058, eliminating the $4 television charge and abandoning the Mt. Woloott television translator 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-059, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement for professional services with Arthur Young and Conpany for an anount not to exceed $8,100 to perform a market survey for rroorage rates for the Nash Road Boat Harbor X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Continuation of Seward Trade and Comrrerce Advisory Board for Fiscal Year 1988 [TRADE BOARD ANNUAL REPORI' AS PREPARED BE CHAIRMAN WILLARD DUNHAM IS ENCIDSED.] XII. CITY MANAGER REPaID'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: "iN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPCNSE TO CITIZENS' CCMJIENTS: YNI. AnJOURNMENT: AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING TO SECTION XI - NEW BUSINESS: B. Request for Council authorization to obligate up to $85,000 for repair of generator c. Request for approval of a purchase order totalling $9,065.00 to cover cost of oil change in gear boxes of Syncrolift 1m mNSENT CALENDAR July 13, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-054, reappropriating $2100 in lapsed funds to cover costs associated with the USS Alaska Port of Call 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-055, reappropriating $500 in lapsed funds to cover costs associated with the 1987 Federated Worren 's Club Sumner Beautification Project 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-056, reappropriating $63,000 in lapsed funds for the purchase of L23-24, B16, ars, fran Jon Andrev.rs 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-057, accepting a grant fran the state of Alaska for a Teen litter con- trol project and appropriating the funds to the Teen Litter Control Project Account 5. Invoices for legal services as fo1- 1CMs: Baily & Mason, June 1987, "Water Utility Application - $31.75 Baily & Mason, June 1987, "General" - $21.14 Wiley, Rein & Fielding, May 1987, "Translator Service & TV Ru1emaking" - $16.34 6. July 9, 1987, Finance Departnent' s list of accounts payable totalling $1,117,011.83 7. ABCB application for restaurant designation as filed by Breeze Inn 8. Request for authorization to con- tinue encroachrrent of structure located on L36, B11, ars, into 2nd Avenue RCM, as filed by Debra Gar- lock 1m City Manager Recornrrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for paynent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file Approve for life of loan or life of structure, whichever terminates first AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council.Jrembers--Robert D. Eooher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Sirm.1tis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Not Available) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. A. Proposed Harbor Enterprise Fund budget for FY 1988 CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Willard Dunham and Shirley Reynolds -- Seward Ehployrrent Center activities during FY 1987 DELETED AT MEETING B. Louie R. March -- Requests for public inforrration IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOIDTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactnent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 590, setting standards for signs on vehicles and vehicles for hire 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 591, relating to special events permits C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-045, adopting the Harbor Enterprise budget for FY 1988 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-046, adopting the Elec- tric Fund budget for FY 1988 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M)N[)AY, JUNE 22, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AlASKA 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-047, adopting the Water and Sewer Fund budget for FY 1988 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-048, setting new electric rates and charges 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-049, setting rates for the Small Boat Harbor 6. Proposed Resolution No. 87-050, supporting an application by North Pacific Rim Housing Authority for planning a IS-unit mutual horre ownership housing help project 7. Proposed Resolution No. 87-051, awarding a profes- sional seIVices contract to Corwin & Associates, Inc., for design of a sewer extension to the ship- lift 8. Proposed Resolution No. 87-052, awarding a profes- sional seIVices contract to Wince-COrthell-Bryson for design of the SMIC water distribution system DELETED AT MEETING 9. Proposed Resolution No. 87-053, referring a proposed city charter arrendrrent to the electorate at the October 6, 1987, regular city election (Arrendrrent would allow the Mayor to appoint standing conmittees of the Council) x. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of contract for electric rreter reading B. Status report -- Proposed surplus of Harbor Departrrent 's Boston Whaler XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' Ca.1MENTS: YNI. AnJOORNMENT: THE FOLLOWING WERE ADDED TO THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AT THE MEETING: X (A): Campground Management Contract Report XI(C): Award of Taxicab Permit to Yellow Cab Company CONSENT CALENDAR June 22, 1987 Item City Manager Re=rrendations 1. Invoices for legal services rendered as follows: Approve for payrrent and file Wiley, Rein & Fielding, April 1987 (Translator Service & TV Rulemaking) -- $1,044.58 Baily & Mason, May 1987 (Bradley Lake Contract) -- $545.27 Baily & Mason, May 1987 (General) -- $149.70 Baily & Mason, May 1987 (Electric Utility Application) $5.65 HTGP&B, January 1987 (General Governrrent & Litigation) $18,811.10 HTGP&B, February 1987 (General Governrrent & Litigation) $20,479.54 HTGP&B, March 1987 (General Governrrent & Litigation) -- $24,370.55 2. ABCB Application for transfer of a package store license from Russ Pace to Jarres Pruitt and change of location of the license File formal objection with ABC Board - Non-payrrent of taxes 1m AGENDA SPOCIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL JU"" E. I 5 I KlIDAY, 11: 30 A. M., CITY COONCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. GieseleF Councilrrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND SPOCIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. RESOLtrrIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 87-044, appropriating funds for the Wausau '!.. CrO\Vley Constructors, et. al, settlerrent VI COONCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COONCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPCl'JSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR June 15, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-43, in recognition of G. Gregory Moo, principal of Seward High School City Manager Recomrrendations Approve and file CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice 'of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 11: 30 ~/Ml on Monday, June ,151987, on the request of the Acting City Manager for the purpose of appropriating funds for settlement of the Crowley matter Signature of Recipient Date Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher ~"' ..- David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll .:,." Leslie Simutis / ~ , '- .:.. ~ ard Pheonix Log KRXA Radio Time Affidavit of Service: I, 4L.E.f.A/'ID('.,~ (I, C t!-./ltcL do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at th~ time and date listed. Dated: &t.z-.::;{' // ~ /~' "...'/. -7 ) / " c.<, U,) ''''" AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Conncilrrernbers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Not available) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of the "Old Depot" building located at 501 Railway Avenue and the preferential use of the 4th Avenue Dock to the Alaska Marine Highway System [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX (C) (2) . ] B. Proposed lease of Boardwalk Site No. 6 to the Resur- rection Bay Lions' Club [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (3).] C. Proposed joint use of equiJ:Xre!lt lease agreerrent with Resurrection Bay Entertainrrent Television, Inc., for the joint use of the city satellite television equiprrent [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (4) .] D. Proposed license agreerrent for use of the Seward Munici- pal Small Boat Harbor Dock and Wharf by Seward Fisheries, a division of Icicle Seafoods, Inc. [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (5).] E. Proposed joint use of equiprrent agreerrent with Puffin Public Broadcasting, Inc., for the joint use of city satellite television equiprrent [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. IX(C) (6) .] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (with prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 590, anending Sections 6-11.6 and 6-11. 7 of the Seward City Code relative to signs on vehicles and vehicles for hire 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 591, providing for the regulation of special public events B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and EnactnEnt: None C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-036, approving an agree- rrent with Seward General Hospital and Seward Volun- teer Antmlance Corps for the provision of errergency rredical services 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-038, providing for the disposal by lease of the "Old Depot" building and preferential use of the Fourth Avenue D::lck to the State of Alaska Marine Highway System 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-039, authorizing a long tenn lease of Boardwalk Site No. 6 (Block 6, Ocean- view Subdivision) to the Resurrection Bay Lions' Club 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-040, authorizing a joint use of satellite television equiprrent lease agree- rrent with Resurrection Bay Entertainrrent Television, Inc. 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-041, providing for the preferential use of a portion of the Seward Munici- pal Srrall Boat Harbor D::lck and Wharf by Seward Fisheries 6. Proposed Resolution No. 87-042, approving a joint use of equipment agreerrent with Puffin Public Broadcasting, Inc. X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. R. W. Beck Rate Study XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Introduction and review of FY 1988 City Electric Fund Budget AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M)NDAY, JUNE 8, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AlASKA B. Introduction and review of FY 1988 City Water and Sewer Fund Budget C. Introduction and review of FY 1988 City Harbor Fund Budget D. Request for approval of the Fort Raymond Subdivision Replat No. 1 and pennission to fo:rward sarre to the Kenai peninsula Borough for final approval and recording E. Appointrrent of a representative to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Alternative Tax Revenue Sources Task Force F. Award of additional contract to Swalling/Unde:rwater for shiplift civil work expansion XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATICN RESPCNSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMEN'I'S: XVI. ADJaJRNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR Jrme 8, 1987 Item 1. Jrme 2, 1987, Finance DepartIrent' s list of accormts payable totalling $584,385.89 2. Change Order No. 1 to the D & L Construction contract for Fourth of July Creek diversion dike res- toration (DSR 3440) for additional restoration work for an arrormt not to exceed $7,500 3. Request for a resolution regarding an application for a preliminary loan for lOW' rent public housing by North Pacific Rim Housing Auth- ority 4. May 18, 1987, Spring Creek Correc- tional Center construction project status report as filed by oor IPF 5. Proclamation designating Jrme 12- 14, 1987, as "Sea Kayaking Syrrpos- iurn Days" 6. Trip report as filed by City Manag- er Garzini relative to his May 12- 14, 1987, trip to Jrmeau concerning Bradley Lake and Intertie legisla- tion 7. Trip report as filed by City Clerk Murphy relative to her May 15-22, 1987, trip to Ft. Worth, Texas, to attend the 1987 IIM: annual confer- ence and her May 26-29, 1987, trip to Chicago, Illinois to participate in the prison refinance closing 8. May 20, 1987, rrerrorandurn and report on the Alaska Railbelt Supply Organ- izational Study 9. May 22, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Eng- ineering & Utili ties Manager Paul Diener noticing Spring Creek Cor- rectional Center construction City Manager ReCOIm'endations Approve for payment and file Approve and file That Cormcil find it not in the public interest to ap- prove such a resolution at this time For infornation and file For infornation and file For infornation and file For inforrration and file For infornation and file For infornation and file JUNE 8, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item City Manager Recanrrendations change orders as follONs: SAMWHAN : No. 47 - Provide all naterials, equiprrent & labor to delete P.C. panels for A.P.S. Building exterior wall from B-6 to B-12 (+$340,000) No. 48 - Provide a credit for the substitution of wall type on the third floor of A.P.S. (-$5,000) No. 49 - Make structural changes and additions in acoordance with Revision No. 2 (+$57,732) No. 50 - Make dirrensional changes as necessary for A. P. S. Building fascia P. M. P. panels (+$1,116) NORTHWAY DEVELOPMENT: No.1 - Design relocation of wastewater outfall so allignment of pipe runs to the south side of electrical substation and to provide clearing limit survey staking (+$5,334) CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED AT MEETING BY DELETING ITEM NO.3. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:tIDAY, MAY 11, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, AIASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1.nernbers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Sinutis SPOCIAL ITEM: A. Introduction of Junior Counci1.nernber Heather Wiley IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (04/27/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed FY 1988 City Operating Budget B. Proposed FY 1988 Seward General Hospital Operating Budget VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSIOO: (With prior notice only) A. Kevin 0' Connor and Lori Draper, representing the Seward Chamber of Cormerce - Sales Tax Proposal B. Sherrie Miller, lDwell Point Services Management Proposal Dispute Carrpground IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIOOS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: None B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 587, arrending the Personnel Code relative to job announcements and terrporary hires [VOTE FOR ENACI'MENT ONLY - POSTPONED FRCM THE APRIL 27, 1987, MEETING - ORD. 587 (SUBSTITUTE), CONSENT CALENDAR May 11, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-031, supporting environrrentally respon- sible oil and gas exploration, de- veloprrent and production wi thin the boundaries of the Arctic Na- tional Wildlife Refuge 2. April 1987 Finance Departm::mt' s list of accounts payable totalling $948,349.71 3. May 5, 1987, rrenorandurn from Ad- ministrative Assistant Martin rec- omrending approval to continue en- croachnents onto city right-of-way of a structure located at Lots 30, 31 and S~ of Lot 32, Block 11, ars (220 Second Avenue), such encroach- ments to continue for the life of the structure (Property Otmers - Mike and Donna Derrchenko) 4. Change orders for prison construc- tion as follows: City Manager Recomrendations Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve encroachnent & file For infonnation and file ~ CONTRACI' - C.O. #51 - replaces top hinged windows at 4 locations at the guard tower (+$7,000) ~ CONTRACI' - C.O.#52 - provide all equipment, naterials and labor to install structural revisions, sections lA, 2A, 3A and 4A (+$11,683) ZUBOCK, INC. CONTRACI' - C.O.#! (Water Utility) - provide all materials, equipment and labor to construct second water utility connection to the 8" diameter for fire flow at west entrance (+$23,781) [Within change order contingency approved by Council] 5. R. W. Beck Cost of Service Study and Rate Analysis (May 7, 1987, rrenoran- durn from E/U Manager Diener) 6. Engineering Activities Report N1ENDED 05/11/87 BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7. Proposed Resolution No. 87-037, approving an Agreement of Sup- port between AST and 5 North Gulf Coast Communities Request for encroachment of structure located at 220 2nd Avenue (OTS) 8. For infonnation and file For infonnation and file Approve & file Approve and file AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA SUBMITI'ED BY ADMINISTRATlOO" AND ENCLOSED, MAY ALSO BE CONSIDERED.] 2. PrOfXJsed Ordinance No. 588, arrending the City Code to allow for a local bidder preference 3. PrOfXJsed Ordinance No. 589, arrending the City Code section relating to Executive Sessions C. Resolutions: 1. PrOfXJsed Resolution No. 87-032, adopting the City Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1987 2. PrOfXJsed Resolution No. 87-033, adopting the Fiscal Year 1988 Operating Budget for Seward General Hospital 3. PrOfXJsed Resolution No. 87-034, appropriating funds for rerrodeling the teen center 4. PrOfXJsed Resolution No. 87-035, appropriating funds for the Iowell Canyon Park Facility and awarding the construction contract 5. Proposed Resolution No. 87-036, approving a Merroran- dum of Agreerrent between the city, the Seward General Hospital and the Seward Volunteer Arrbulance Corps X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW' BUSINESS: A. AppointIrent of Advisory Planning and Zoning Commissioner XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: '/N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: '/NI. ADJOORNMENT : ~1ENDMENTS MADE AT 05/11/87 MEETING: Item No. IX{C) (5) was DELETED. Item No. VIII{C) was ADDED~- Presentation by Dale Clemens concerning construction of Boardwalk around the Lagoon AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987, 12:45 P.M., COUNCIL CHN1BERS, CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler --Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Proposed settlement of VECO litigation VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMINSTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZEN CO~4ENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: 1m Ii)' CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12:45 PM/~Mx on April 23, , 1S87, on the request of the City Attorney for the purpose of approvinq settlement of the VECO litigation Signature of Recipient Date Time Robert D. Booher '2--~~C'/?/ls Harry E. Gieseler '. - Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. I~[f Hichael J. Heehan L ,'J J) William C. Noll Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Log Affidavit of Service: do hereby above-described to person at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper pub1isher"ati!flff,time and date listed. , ~, f"'\'~ (, '. , "-~,., . ".i ' Dated: .Cft7.'~'~;( fA ::i .. , ,t' ,(' ~1 '. '" ,,","" ,,,,' " '<~~!:.~~;;jS'( ----- ~~ ~/~4 :;::?{y. . i 7'~i i ' AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Request for executive session to discuss cur- rent litigation VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZEN COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: 1m I /, I! /' ((II (,/1 ~'tf7;.;l::, f " C 1 ';7.-/7/ (1,;:; ~,S CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special ~leeting of the City Council of the City of April 23, 1987 -' Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12 Noon RM:~ on on the request of the City Attorney for the purpose of calling an Executive Session in order to discuss current litigation (possible setttlement of the VECO suit) Signature of Recipient Date Time Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher ';? 2'].l)/?~1f Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan u -, y./' \ cl William C. Noll Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio y (J 7. Seward Phoenix Log Affidavit of Service: do hereby above-described to at the place of and newspaper Dated: ',', :" ',,1', c) . . >:; Qi I:'; f:" t; f-,. t-' ;'>... ",.'\.(.0'.' l:/ , l1';'~.'.'f~\"'_':')' " . ....."' < c;>\'"- ~r ~" ~~r 1.... ~<C:? /Y 4- ;!'?~')~ ,""rT':J). :~~,.,e ", J~ (VI ~ ~. , ,'. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1987, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Request for executive session to discuss current litigation VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNHENT: 1m CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12 Noon ~llI:~ on April 16 , 19~, on the request of the City Attorney for the purpose of callinq an Executive Session to discuss current litigation. Signature of Recipient Date Time everly Dunham David 1.. Hilton, ./) Michael J. Meehan "'/ -/ t ~ C. Noll # Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher /?e-i7,1 r2_ q<=) p..!Y'-- Leslie Simutis Phoenix Log i//I~ If 7 7..'/5 KRXA Radio Affidavit of Service: \~tG~r-- . do her'by swear that I delivered the - above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. I, Dated: 4 -/0 /?s( ~~-;'+~--~1.~'.'~.,,;h'~ l-(i 3 AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1987, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 87-019, authorizing the execution of a supplemental indenture amending the trust indenture and assignment of lease with respect to the spring Creek Correctional Center and related matters VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed award of contract for restoration of the Small Boat Harbor boat launch ramp to METCO, Inc., in the amount of $21,900 plus a change order con- tingency of $2,200, for a total project amount of $24,100 VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMINISTRATION'S RESPONSE TO CITIZEN COI1MENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD ADVISORY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, APRIL 1, 1987; WED, 7:30 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. ROLL CALL: Chairperson--John Woodruff Camlissioners--Margaret Branson --Larry Johnson --R. "Pete" Peterson --Donald Sutherland --Chester Thorne --Sandra Wassilie III. APprovAL OF MINUTES: (02/04/87) IV. CORRESJ?aIDENCE: V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed Waterfront Plan to include parking, camping, developrent and management of waterfront lands from the Fourth Avenue Dock to the north end of the Small Boat Harbor VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: VIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Right-of-way vacation request as filed by Karena Adler for a portion of Mill Street within Cliff 1\ddition B. Variance request as filed by Seward Cab Corrpany to allow for advertising on its cabs IX. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: X. COMMISSION DISCUSSION: XI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, MARCH 23, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, AIASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CERll'ONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrernbers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. ~han --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis SPOCIAL ITEM: A. Introduction of Junior Councilrrernber Jenny Scholl IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (03/09/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEETING AGENDA: A. City attorney request for executive session to discuss litigation VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII . CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Dennis Scholl, SLAC Program Director -- Health & Social Services Programs and Proposals IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 586, arrending Section 2-11 (c) of the City Code regarding conflict of interest C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-015, authorizing con- tracts for inspection of the syncrolift and appro- priating funds from the Hamor Reserve Account AGENDA REX;ULAR MEEl'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-016, allthorizing the purchase of a marine errergency vessel without full utilization of city bid procedures and appropriating funds from the Harbor Reserve Account 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-017, authorizing the purchase of a Ricoh tabletop copier 4. Proposed Resolution No. 87-018, urging the creation of an Interim Legislative Comnittee to study the Alaska Railroad X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of a Marine Fuel License Agreerrent with Harbor Fuel Service XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CrTIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR March 23, 1987 Item City Manager Recomrendations 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-014, accepting reappropriated State grant funds for renovation of the Senior Citizens Center Approve and file 2. Invoices from Baily & Mason for Approve for paynent and file legal services as follows: Sewer Utility Application (02/87) - $32.00 Water Utility Application (02/87) - $119.50 3. Proposed purchase of an easement from Jean M. Thanas in the arrount of $1,000 for transmission line ID\f access across lot 13, Block 1, Goat Haven Estates Subdivision Approve and file 4. Request for Council affinnative support of an application for va- cation of the north half of the Mill Street RCW between Goverrnrent Road and the Lagoon Approve and file 5. ABCB notification of application for restaurant designation as filed by Juris Mindenbergs for the Breeze Inn Restaurant & Bar Approve and file 6. 1986 Taxable Sales Report as filed by Finance Director Bob Peirson CONSENT CALENDAR WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: For infonnation and file 7. Invoice from Wiley, Rein & Fielding regarding negotiations to re-instate satellite program service for Seward translator December, 1986 Legal fee: Telephone: Total Approve for payment and file & January, $1,056.00 24.88 $1,080.88 1987: 1m AGENDA RffiULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEAVARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:lNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (02/23/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSICN: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 586, amending Section 2-11(c) of the City Code regarding conflict of interest B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-013, approving the purchase of copier equipnent X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Proposed agreerrent for legal services between the city and Hughes Thorsness Gantz Powell & Brundin XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed contract with Pac Tel Com to design/build an electrical distribution line to serve the Spring Creek wastewater treatrrent utility for a project cost not to exceed $74,320 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MaIDAY, MARCH 9, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: YN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: }WI. ADJOORNMENT: CCNSENT CALENDAR March 9, 1987 Item City Manager Recormrendations 1. Proposed Resolution No. regarding reductions in higlMay It'aintenance crew-s 87-011 , state Approve and file 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-012, arrending the Parks and Recreation Department Fiscal Year 1987 budget Approve and file 3. ABCB notification for transfer of beverage dispensary license from Seward's Folly (Russ pacel to Breeze Inn (Juris Mindenbergs) File formal objection to transfer until all past utility bills are paid 4. March 6, 1987, Finance DepartIrent list of accounts payable totalling $742,880.25 Approve for payment and file 5. Request for authorization for line i tern transfer of funds totalling $2500 from the Council Contingency Fund to a special project fund for expenses related to the USS Alaska upcoming visit to Sew-ard Approve and file 6. Request for authorization to pro- ceed with efforts to obtain a 30,000 pound anchor from the Navy for display in Sew-ard Approve and file 7. Proclamations as follows: For information and file Hire the Disabled Veteran Year -- 1987 Girl Scout v~ek -- March 8-14, 1987 Developnental Disabilities Awareness funth -- March 1987 EInploy the Older Worker ~k -- March 9-15, 1987 1m AGENDA REGULAR MEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1987; MJNDAY, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, AIASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Ma.yor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. ~han --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (03/23/87) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORl': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Annual License Agreement and Lease to Ma.rathon Fuel Corporation to operate a fuel marina wi thin the Seward Small Boat Harbor VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Charles Collier, Seward Schools Parent Advisory Conrnittee -- 1987-88 school budget IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 587, amending Section 17-5.3 and 17-6.7 of the Seward City Code relative to job announcements and terrporary appointrrents B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed extension state and Resolution No. 87-020, opposing the of mandatory madicare payments to all local employees 87 2. Proposed Resolution No. 1l15::'021, authorizing the lease of land and license to dispense fuel across city-owned docks, wharves and floats to Marathon Fuel Corporation AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL l-DIDAY, APRIL 13, 1987; 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: DELETED: A. Tirlct?6i4cf / </.rtF/l-~/ hf/ MM4 / f-qrl / flet;fr:VJ.1-W/ /fI0IrPt>m /rfi T/o't/.30 /cInfJ./ ~ I f>IlMlf. M/rMr/WJ./fNbtljf,/fjipft B. Proposed contract award for restoration of a diversion dike at Fourth of July Creek C. Proposed contract award for a security fence at the Io.vell Canyon Diversion Darn D. Proposed contract award for carrpground m3Jlagerrent services E. Consider payment for claim for damages as filed by Joseph Kelly in an amount totalling $179.52 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORl'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' Ca.1MENTS: }NI. ADJOURNMENT : AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING TO "RESOLUTIONS" 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-023, authorizing the purchase of a 10,000 gallon waste oil tank for the Harbor Department without full utilization of the city bid procedures AGENDA WAS FURTHER AMENDED BY DELETING AGENDA ITEM NO. XI(A). CONSENT CALENDAR April 13, 1987 ITEM 1. March 1987 HTGP&B invoices in the amount of $122.50 & $70.68 2. March 18, 1987, request as file by Seward Chamber of Cormerce to discharge a fire- works display on the 4th of July, 1987 3. Change orders -- Sanwhan Arrerica -- Spring Creek Correctional Center 4. April 2, 1987, rrerrorandurn as filed by Deputy City Clerk Audette regarding a request of the Seward Advisory Planning and Zoning Corrmission to declare a Ccmnission seat vacant 5. April 8, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Administrative Assistant Martin regarding reassignrrent of lease RE-048 for the SBH Board- walk Lease Site No. 2 from Mr. Bennison to Jeanne Maddocks 6. April 8, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Martin regarding reassignrrent of lease for security purposes for lots 3 and 8, Block 1, Marina Subdivision from Mr. Mindenbergs to National Bank of Alaska 7. April 6, 1987, rrerrorandurn from Engineering & Utilities Manager Diener updating the status of the Rails and Cradles-civil work 8. April 7, 1987, trip report as filed by Mayor Gieseler CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATIONS Approve for payrrent and file Grant permission and file For information and file Declare Corrmission seat vacant and advertise vacancy Approve and file Approve and file For information and file For information and file CONSENT CALENDAR WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Approve & file 9. Proposed Reso. No. 87-022, authorizing city participation in the Day Care Assistance Program AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY COONCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. ~han --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis SPOCIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Councilrrember Robin Alspaugh IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (02/09/87 special & regular Jreetings) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGtJLAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Youth Services Center concept and location in the Pente- costal Church building, contingent upon receipt and acceptance by the city of a =mnmity developrent block grant. Included in the proposed project are the follow- ing proposed real property transactions: * Disposal of Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, Stewart Subdivi- sion, and Lot 18, Block 1, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision; and * Acquisition of Lots 19 & 20, Block 14, Original Townsite of Seward [SEE AGENDA ITEMS IX(C) (1) & IX(C) (2).] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) None IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: None B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and EnactJrent: None AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AI< C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-009, authorizing the filing of a community development block grant application for the development of a community Youth Services Center 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-010, authorizing the exchange of real property contingent upon obtaining a conmunity development block grant for the develop- ment of a community Youth Services Center X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages totalling $71.14 as filed by Iouie R. March, Jr. B. Claim for damages totalling $12,755.68 as filed by Afognak Logging Corrpany C. Proposed award of contract for alternate, ship transfer system, Construction, Inc. additional additive SMIC, to Underwater D. Request for authorization to purchase electrical supplies totalling in excess of $10,000 XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: irJ. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPCNSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: irJI. ADJOURNMENT: CONSENT CALENDAR February 23, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-007, officially designating the route of the Idi tared National Historic Trail through the city of Seward 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-008, supporting the construction by the Alaska oor/PF of a non-directional beacon at the Seward Airport 3. ABCB notification of application for restaurant designation as filed by the Mini Mall 4. ABCB notification of applications for liquor license renewals as filed by the Mini Mall and Yukon Liquor Store 5. Application for permit for garres of chance and skill as filed by Mt. Marathon Native Association City Manager Recomrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection File without objection CONSENT CALENDAR WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 6. Memorandum of Agreement between the city and the Bureau of Land Management regarding the Iditarod National Historic Trail Manage- ment 1m Approve and file AGENDA REGUIAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY CDUNCIL Jl.DIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987,7: 30 P. M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CDRNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council1rernbers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. ~ehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Sinutis SPOCIAL ITEMS: A. Introduction of Junior Council1rernber 'Ibdd Glasser IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (January 26, 1987) V. APPROVAL OF CDNSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. C. Keith Campbell -- CUrrent status of hospital malprac- tice insurance and Olyrrpic 1994 proposal IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: None B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enac1::nEnt: None C. Resolutions: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Mutual Aid Agreerrent between the city and the Bear Creek Volunteer Fire Depar1::nEnt -- Postponed from the January 26, 1987, meeting AGENDA REX.lliLAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:NDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1987,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Corrmunity developrrent block grant -- Teen Center B. Request for authorization to award a contract to Pera- travich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc., to prepare contract docurrents for restoration of the Seward Small Boat Harbor (DSR 3461) C. Proposed arrendrrent to the professional services agreement with Bob Richards for prison industries rrarketing XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: THE COUNCIL AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEETING AS FOLLOWS: IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: C. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-006, amending the Community Development budget XI. NEW BUSINESS: D. Request for funding for community brochures E. Proposed assignment of lease from Russ Pace to Juris Mindenbergs (Lots 3, 4, & 8, Block 1, Marina Subdivision) -- MOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR, ITEM NO.4 CONSENT CALENDAR February 9, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-005, urging the Alaska Legislature to repeal laws allowing the personal possession and use of marijuana 2. February 4, 1987, IreIlOrandtnn from Administrative Assistant Martin requesting approval in concept to purchase Lots 23-24, Block 16, Original Townsite of Seward, from Jon Andrews for future public safety building or fire hall ex- pansion 3. February 4, 1987, IreIlOrandtnn from Administrative Assistant Martin requesting authorization to en- gage the professional services of Appraisal Conpany of Alaska to conduct an appraisal of city prop- erty located in the Fourth of Ju- ly valley for a fee not to exceed $7,500 4. February 4, 1987, IreIlOrandtnn from Administrative Assistant Martin requesting approval of a reassign- rrent of lease interest in Lots 3, 4 and 8, Block 1, Marina Subdivi- sion, from Russ Pace to Juris Min- denbergs 5. ABCB notification of applications for restaurant designation as filed by: Apollo Restaurant Fairweather Cafe 6. ABCB notification of applications for renewal of liquor licenses as filed by: Apollo Restaurant Fairweather Cafe Harbor Dinner Club Pioneer Bar Tony I s Bar 'Ibny' s Liquor Store City Manager Recorrrcendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection FEBRUARY 9, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item City Manager Recamendations 7. Applications for permit for games of chance and skill as filed by: Seward Chamber of Carrnerce Seward Band & Choir Boosters Sacred Heart Parish File without objection 8. January 27, 1987, rrenorandurn from Administrative Assistant Martin requesting approval of the city's becoming signatory to the Exit Glacier Road ~randurn of Under- standing Approve and file 9. February 5, 1987, rrenorandurn from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting authoriza- tion for the oor project manager to proceed with processing the DOC request for changes for a not- ta-exceed cost of $75,000, and authorization to fund the changes fran the construction contingency account Approve and file 10. proclamations as follows: For information and file 02/16/87 - Job Services Awareness Day 02/08-14/87 - Vocational Education week 1m AGENDA REGULAR MEm'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:IDAY, JANUARY 26, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY CCXJNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:>NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counciln:embers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis SPOCIAL ITEMS: A. Proclamation Day Lawrence "Dewey" Anderson Appreciation IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (01/12/87 -- Special & Regular Meetings) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEEIT'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPOID': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. John Glasser -- ~r parking on Washington Street IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enacbrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 585, amending Section 14-72 of the City Code relative to parking C. Resolutions: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of water utility contract tional Center Spring Creek Correc- B. Spring Creek Correctional Center -- Proposed project budget AGENDA REX;lJIAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL ~AY, JANUARY 26, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSlOO: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSlOO: }0J. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATlOO RESPOOSE ill CITIZENS I CCMMENTS: >rJI. ADJOURNMENT: THE AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEEI'ING AS FOLLOWS: Consent Calendar Item No. 1 -- Proposed Resolution No. 87-004 -- was rroved to: Agenda Item No. IX (C) (1) -- Resolutions Consent Calendar Item No. 2 -- HTGP&B November 1986 invoice was rroved to: Agenda Item No. XI (E) -- New Business Consent Calendar Item No. 4 -- Mutual Aid Agreement with BCVFD -- was rroved to: Agenda Item No. XI (D) -- New Business The following was added to the agenda as a new item: XI. NEW BUSINESS: C. Appoinbrent of Planning & Zoning Comnissioners CONSENT CALENDAR January 26, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-004, agreeing to participate in the PERS Retirement Incentive Pro- gram 2. Noverrber 1986 invoice from HTG- P&B totalling $38,483.74 3. January 15, 1987, Finance Dept. list of accounts payable total- ling $888,484.86 4. Proposed mutual aid agreement with Bear Creek Volunteer Fire Depart.ment 5. Reccmrendation to nominate Shar- on Anderson to be the City's representative on the Borough Resource Developrent Camlission 6. ABCB notification of application for renev.ral of beverage dispen- sary license as filed by Sev.rards Folly 7. ABCB notification of application for renev.ral of liquor licenses as filed by Nev.r Sev.rard Hotel Bar & Grill, Yukon Bar, Niko I s Night Club, Arrerican legion and Dream- land Bowl 8. ABCB notification of application for restaurant designation as filed by Niko's Night Club 9. Applications for perroi ts for Games of Chance & Skill as filed by Sev.rard Rebekah lodge 6A, Mar- athon Homemakers, Wes-Gen Hospi t- al Auxiliary and Republican Par- ty of Alaska-District 6 10. January 9, 1987, letter from Sev.r- ard Fisheries relative to repairs and maintenance made to City dock City Manager Recomrrendations Approve & file Approve for payrrent & file Approve for payrrent & file Approve options 1 & 2 & file Approve and file Object to renewal File without objection Approve and file File without objection For information and file JANUARY 26, 1987, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item City Manager Reccmrendations as required by preferential use agreerrent with City 11. January 18, 1987, trip report as filed by Corrptroller Bob Peirson relative to a rreeting in Anchor- age with elective and administra- ti ve personnel from Southcentral local governrrents 12. January 20, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Man- ager Paul Diener relative to re- cent electrical outages 13. January 20, 1987, rrerrorandum from Fire Chief John Gage rela- tive to Fire Dept. activities during October, November and De- cember 1986. 14. Midyear FY 1987 budget report [REPORI' WILL BE AVAILABLE AT COONCIL MEETING M:>NDAY NIGHT.] 1m For information and file For information and file For information and file For information and file CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 5: 30 PM~ on January 12 19E, on the request of the City Manaqer for the purpose of requesting an executive session to discuss maters under litigation. Signature of Recipient Date Time Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher David L. Hilton ~ I ?o ~ Beverly Dunham /2c(j Michael J. Meehan r' ~I , lVilliam C. Noll / / iJ -~.s~' " ,~/ ~~c:.-<:'" '; ~~..(,,///v <--- . Leslie Simutis /;<"J- /0 o-v \ '- KRXA Radio ~.Jl-7~ ~./ Seward Phoenix Log {!V} I 5"~io Dated: I, do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. ~ s;;: 7 6""'7(:/'5 S t:',yU C?c- Cf?4~N/7W Or=-<, ~A='k ~J 0~6 -, ~e/ Affidavit of Service: CONSENT CALENDAR January 12, 1987 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 87-001, relinquishing interest in Lot 1, USS 3294, (located on the east shore north of the Alaska freight dock) as it pertains to the Munic- ipal land Entitlerrent Act 2. Proposed Resolution No. 87-002, supporting the continuance of the Essential Air Service Program 3. Proposed Resolution No. 87-003, endorsing the nomination of the Alaska Railroad Depot to the Na- tional Register of Historic Places 4. December 11, 1986, nerrorandum from Mayor Harry E. Gieseler requesting approval of a $250 donation to the Sister Cities International Build- ing Fund 5. ABCB notification of liquor lic- ense renewal applications as fol- lows: Peking Chinese Restaurant Seward Trading Conpany Wheelhouse Seward's Folly Liquor Store Showcase Lounge Latitude 60/Bubba 's 6. ABCB notification of applications for restaurant designation as fol- lows: Peking Chinese Restaurant Latitude 60/Bubba' s 7. Applications for Permits for Games of Chance and Skill as filed by: Resurrection Bay Lions & Lioness Gateway Children's Center 8. Change Orders No. 27 and 28 to the Sarrwhan contract for prison con- struction as follows: City Manager Recorrmendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file File without objection Approve and file File without objection For infonnation and file AGENDA REGUIAR MEEI'ING OF THE SE.WARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1987 f 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SE.WARD' ALASKA I. CALL 'lD ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1rrembers--Robert D. Booher --Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Leslie Simutis SPOCIAL ITEMS: A. Sharon Anderson -- Presentation of gift to the City from the USS Alaska IV. APP~~ OF MINUTES: (11/24, 12/08, 12/16 & 12/23/86) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) None IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 585, amending Section 14-72 of the City Code relative to parking B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: None C. Resolutions: None X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1987, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XI. NEW BUSINESS: None XII. CITY MANAGER REFORr8: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }W. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: }WI. ADJOORNMENT: THE AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEETING AS FO:LI..a'JS: The following items were added to the regular agenda: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Change Order No. 33 to the SanMhan contract for prison construction B. Award of a professional services agreement to market the prison industries program to Bob Richards XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: A. Discussion of letter from Alaska Cargo Transport, Inc. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1987, 5:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STS, SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers Harry E. Gieseler Robert D. Booher Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. SPECIAL ITEM: A. Request for executive session to discuss matters under litigation VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: 1m CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at NOON PM/ AM on December 15, 19~8, on the request of the City Manager for the purpose of discussing the Price Waterhouse agreement to assess city com- puter needs, review proposals for purchase of new equipemtn & soft- WdLe, dUU tv uete.r:mine whether to proceed wlth assessment or purchase. Signature of Recipient Date Time Harr E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. 1y;''1 Michael J. Meehan r~/'~ !!'L/s "'3 "? .-- C. Noll O(rr ,." (" Leslie Simutis 2 fA{ Patrick O'Brien KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Loq iL1 /2- J'j- 9g' Affidavit of Service: I, !OIA/.j r!? /,1tJf!r do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and d listed. Dated: ./2-I'I-g'1 AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1988, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. City computer needs - Review of Price Waterhouse agreement to assess city's needs, review of pro- posals for provision of computer equipment and software currently on file, and consideration of whether to proceed with assessment or purchase VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' COMMENTS: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL ~{)NDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CI'IY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SE\VARD, ALASKA I. CAlL TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: II. III. ROIl. CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Cmmcilnanbers-- Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (November 28 and December 5, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR. MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HFARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-130, authorizing the destruc- tion of certain public records [APPROVE] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-131, amending the rates for garbage and refuse rerooval services for the period corrrrencing January 15, 1989 [APPROVE] 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-134, authorizing the city manager to sign a letter agreerrent to resolve certain contractual issues pursuant to REA's approval of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Power Sales Agreerrent and Services Agreerrent [APPROVE] 4. December 7, 1988, IIleIIDrandum from Martin requesting Council consent to the assignment of the leasehold interest held by Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc., to the First National Bank of Anchorage for that portion of the Oceanview Subdivision located in the NE Comer of Block 8, described in City Lease No. RE-On [APPROVE] 5. ABCB notice of applications for renewal of liquor li- censes as filed by Apollo Restaurant and Yukon Bar [FILE IDTHOUT OBJECTION] AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEWARD, AK 6. December 5, 1988, rremrandum fran Diener reconmending Council authorization to issue a no cost change order to Esther Werner to extend the completion date of the Senior Center/Museum Building to March 15, 1988 [APPROVE] 7. Change Order No. 2 to the Seward Construction Services contract (No. CON-308) for the control house addition at the Electrical Substation, extending the contract by 12 calendar days [FOR INFORMATION ONLY] 8. Change orders as follows for certain prison construction contracts: SAMWHAN : 11223 - Provide 64 tarnperproof polycarbonate covers for the inmate accessible thermostats (+$2,937); 11224 - Install in the APS Building an angle ledger and elastorreric coating wrapped up the vertical leg per DCVR 673 (+$650); #225 - S-Pro 193 & 194 credits for the deletion of the island vent in Building No. 3 and substitution of cold-rolled steel for copper tubing (-$5,000); #226 (Revised) - Repair the Sentrax security system (+$1,074) TITAN CONSTRUCTION: fIll - Modify installation of the wall hydrant at grid W(+$297) [FUR INFORMATION ONLY] 9. November 15, 1988, mem::>randum from Diener concerning city snow remval priorities [FOR INFORMATION ONLY] 10. Trip report filed by CmmcilIIEIllber Sinutis concerning meeting with Deputy COrrmissioner of Corrections [FOR INFORMATION ONLY] 11. Port Marketing Director position description [FOR INFORMATION ONLY] DC. PUBLIC HEARINGS: X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR Nal'ICE ONLY: A. Ann Hippe, Audit Manager for Price Waterhouse - City FY 1989 Audit Report Presentation XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLurIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEWARD, AK XII. XIII. B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-132, awarding a contract for city banking services 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-133, approving an agree- ment "lith Price Waterhouse to assess the city's computer needs 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-135 , authorizing the purchase of a dispatch control console and related radio and ccrv equipment for the Seward Police Department mthout full utilization of city bid procedures UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIV. A. December 8, 1988, meroorandum from Murphy recarrrrending protest of renewal of the ABCB restaurant designation as requested by Harbor Dinner Club tmtilall delinquent taxes owed the Kenai Peninsula Borough, including the city's share of said taxes, are brought current CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: xv. XVI. XVII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: ADJOURNMENl' : XVIII. AMENDED AT MEETING AS FOLLOWS: 1. Deleted Audit Presentation 2. Moved Reso. No. 88-134 to Regular Agenda 3. Added Consent Cal. # 12 (Invoice from Wohlforth, Flint, et.al.) 4. Added Unf. Bus. "A" (SBH lease rates) 5. Added New Bus. "B" (1% for Art for SCCC) CITY OF SEWARD P.O. BOX 167 SEWARD, ALASKA 99664 . Main Office (907) 224-3331 . Police (907) 224-3338 . Harbor (907) 224-3138 . Fire (907) 224-3445 . Telecopier (907) 224-3248 December 9, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: SUBJ: THE HONORABLE MAYOR & MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL LINDA S. MURPHY, CMC, CITY CLERK~ B. MAX ROYLE, CITY MANAGE~ AGENDA ADDITIONS - DECEMBER 12, 1988 FROM: THRU: The following items were not received in time to make the regular agenda; however, since there will be only one meet- ing in December, I would like to ask that the Council con- sider adding them to the Consent Calendar on Monday night. CONSENT CALENDAR ADDITIONS: 12. December Gruening [APPROVE 1, 1988, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & ~ / # f ~ for legal services totalling $183.14 --~~; FOR PAYMENT] ~~ ' 13. December 7, 1988, memorandum from Martin concerning Small Boat Harbor lease rates and recommending that Council take no action on these rates at this time [APPROVE AS RECOMMENDED] ~~ ~~, ~- Attachments 'o;tD CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special ~feeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at Noon PM/AM on December 5" 19~, on the request of the Mayor for the purpose of discussing and assuring continuity of legal services for the city of Seward. Signature of Recipient Date Time Seward Phoenix , '2 ;- 3'3~- :f:~~ Harry E. Gieseler ~ Beverly Dunham h David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Patrick O'Brien Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio 3:2a~ I L1 /~ L 6 -~. ('1 (I, , Affidavit of Service: I, LOU;5 ~.-r;l\Ier- do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. D",d l'l-'Hl8 daiJ~ ~ AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1988, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion and assurance of continuity of legal ser- vices for the city of Seward VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' COMMENTS: VIII. COUNCIL AND ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL mNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIITH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAlL 'ill ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: n. III. ROLL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counciltrernbers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF HlNUTES: (Noverroer 7, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-123, adopting the results of the 1987 Kenai Peninsula Borough Special Census and setting the population of the city of Seward [APPROVE] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-124, authorizing the purchase of sewage grinders for the Spring Creek Correctional Center without full utilization of city bid procedures [APPROVE] 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-125, concerning the construc- tion and paving of Cottonwood Avenue [APPROVE] 4. November 1, 1988, invoice from Wohlfarth, Flint & Gruen- ing for legal services totalling $477.13 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 5. Novenber 16, 1988, Finance Department's list of Accmmts Payable totalling $1,387,885.16 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 6. Noverroer 21, 1988, IIEIlX)randum from Administrative Assis- tant Martin requesting Council consent to proceed with lease negotiations with Lee Gordanier and Tanya Sandefur, dba Four Seasons Boat Services, for Lot 1, Block 2, Marina Subdivision [APPROVE REQUEST] AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CI'IY COUNCIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CI'IY HAIL, SEWARD, PK 7. November 22, 1988, meroorandum fran City Clerk Murphy recommending cancellation of the December 26, 1988, Council meeting [APPROVE] IX. PlillLIC HEARINGS: A. Public hearing on the disposal of all city-owned lands located within the Gateway Subdivision to Alliance Bank in consideration of the termination of the city/Alliance Bank Option Agreement dated May 5, 1988 X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR IDTICE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLlITIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 610, enacting a reorganized codification of the ordinances of the city of Seward C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No 88-126, authorizing the disposal of city-owned land within Gateway Subdivi- sion to Alliance Bank in consideration of the termination of the city/Alliance Bank Option Agree- ment of May 5, 1988 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-127, adopting the Fiscal Year 1989 Capital Improvement Projects Priority List for the 1989 Legislative Session 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-128, authorizing a ftmding plan for the city's Fiscal Year 1989 Capital Projects identified in the city's Three-Year Capital Plan 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-129, authorizing city management of public campgrounds, setting camper fees, and appropriating ftmds for preparation for the 1989 camper season XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appoint:rrent of Planning Conrnissioner B. Claim for damages totalling $567.74 as filed by Margaret Deck AGENDA XIV. XV. REGULAR HEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEWARD, l'K C. Request for approval of a settlement agreement in the matter of the Estate of Cavanaugh v. city of Seward, et. al. D. Award of a contract to Seward Construction Services to design and build two instr\.Drent shelters at the Spring Creek Correctional Center Sewer Utility E. Award of contracts to MEl'CO, Inc., and Afognak Logging for snow removal F. Request for authorization to hire Chris Gates as Port Director for the city G. City computer needs H. Carrmmity Hospital Board request for work session with the Cmmcil CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XVI. XVII. XVIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COM1ENI'S: ADJOURNMENT : AMENDED AT MEETING AS FOLLOWS: ADD: Consent Calendar No. 8 (Request to approve administrative correction of Alaska Marine Highway System lease by refund- ing overpayment DELETE: New Business Item No. "H" AGENDA REGULAR MEE!'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY mUNCIL illNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FrITH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAIL TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: II. III. ROIL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1mcmbers--Beverl y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simltis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (10/24 and 10/27/88) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENr CALENDAR: 1. September 30, 1988, invoice from Baily and Mason for legal services totalling $138.75 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] October 14, 1988, invoice from VIiley, Rein & Fielding for legal services totalling $54.05 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 2. 3. Noverrber 1, 1988, Finance Department's list of Accmmts Payable totalling $1,989,911.76 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 4. Extension of contract with the Seward Phoenix Lo~ for display advertising [APPROVE EXTENSION TIlROUGH 12/0 /89] Noverrber 3, 1988, rreroorandum from Murphy regarding resignation of Larry Jo1:mson from the Seward Advisory Planning & Zoning Conmission [ACCEPT RESIGNATION & INSTRUCT CLERK TO ADVERTISE VACANCY] 5. 6. November 2, 1988, rreroorandum from Diener requesting approval of the revised proj ect budget for the Spring Creek Correctional Center [APPROVE REVISED BUDGE!' , EXCEPT THAT APPROVAL OF AN ADDITIONAL At-lOUNT OF $50,000 TO THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESERVE IS CONTINcmr UPON REVISION OF THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BElWEEN' THE CITY AND DOT/PF] REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CI'IY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA AGENDA 7. October 26, 1988, merrorandum from Diener requesting approval of Change Order No. 1 to the contract with Seward Construction Services (Control House Addition for Substation) to cover construction of a utiliduct beside the control house addition for an added contract 3ITOlmt of $2,240 [APPROVE] 8. Change Order No. 7 to the Underwater/Swalling Contract No. CON-218 (Ship Transfer System Civil Works & Util- ities), providing a credit for various revisions in the electrical power distribution system and lighting system necessitated to rreet construction schedule and decreasing the contract aIIDunt by $5,000 [FOR INFORMATION] 9. Change Order No. 4 to the Underwater/Swalling Contract No. CON-228 (Ship Transfer System Civil Work Expansion), providing a credit for various revisions in the elec- trical power distribution system and lighting system necessitated to rreet construction schedule and decreasing the contract aIIDunt by $15,000 [FOR INFORMATION] 10. October 28, 1988, contract completion report as submitted by Diener [FOR INFORMATION] 11. Proclamation of the Mayor designating Noverriber 13-19, 1988, to be AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK [FOR INFORMATION] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NOTICE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESill...UTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 610, enacting a reorganized codification of the ordinances of the city of Seward B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: None C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-120, appropriating funds for the repair and replacement of equipment in the Sewer Lift Station No. 3 and authorizing the exe- cution of a general release to Alaska National Insurance Company, discharging all claims in con- nection with certain damage to the lift station AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1988,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. XIII. Vacation of public rights-of-way within Seward Industrial Park OCTOBER 24, 1988, MEETING] NEW BUSINESS: and utility easements [POSTPONED FRCM TIlE XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. A. Appointments to the Seward Trade and COIIIlErce Advisory Board B. November 2 , 1988, meroorandum from Martin recOIIllEnding Council consent to the collateral assignment of Pruitt's lease interest in city lease property located within Tract A, North Harbor Subdivision, to Key Bank CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCl1MENI'S: ADJOURN1ENI' : AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Proposed Resolution No. 88-121, urging the Governor to appoint a resident of Seward to the Alaska Railroad Board (Consent Cal.) Proposed Resolution No. 88-122, urging the state of Alaska to offer itself as the site of a conference for peace in Northeast Asia (Resolutions) AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1988, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I . CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VI. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 88-119, regarding agreements with Alliance Bank; METCO/Trend, JV; and Hall Quality Builders, as they relate to Gateway Subdivision VII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIII. CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special ~Ieeting of the City Council of the Ci ty of Seward, Alaska, to be held at N~ PM/AM on 10 /:;2 :J- , , 19~ on the request of t~e Cli ~ for the ,purpose of ~ 1~21~ ~(). n-II~ !!U--!~.r~ uJ/~~~/' ~jI~ ~. :! ~ c?~ i3~S/ U ~ ~...c '/0 h::r.L-t.-<J~ 6u...t3DIVISJI/I"--'- signatu~ of Recipient Date Time David L. Hilton, Sr. Harry E. Beverly Dunham Michael J. William C. Noll -J)c C,,-,._ 7'> '-!7<.!,1 <_ IS, '/~ ~ (::::::::~/ 4?--'J ~ 1- ,--=;-- ~ f . , / ~r' aJd.-!fJi:;"J.. kf- '- t~~ jJ ul' 0 ./ Patrick O'Brien 3,tJ Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Loq /6/075""" 1,00 Affidavit of Service: I, -::~~.- - do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: /0 ')-5 - t-r REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTII AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA AGEl'lDA I. CAlL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CERlli:ONY: III. ROIl" CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrnernbers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINlITES: (October 10, 1988) SPECIAL ITEM: A. Eric Barlow and Sean Glerm, representing Seward Teen Club - Presentation of Red Ribbons to Mayor and Council in recognition of "Drug Free America Week" V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: A. City Attorney request for Executive Session to discuss Prison Arbitration Agreerent VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' HEARING : COMMENI'S ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENI' CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-114, supporting state tort refonn as set forth in state Ballot Measure No. 2 [APPROVE] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-115, urging the State Depart- rent of Transportation and Public Facilities to designate the repair and upgrade of the Seward Highway as its Number One priority [APPROVE] 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-116, accepting the federally- funded Seward Marine Industrial Center Rails and Cradles Project [APPROVE] 4. October 2, 1988, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $136.71 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] AGENDA REGUlAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, ocroBER 24, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAlL, SEWARD, AlASKA 5. August 1988 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $16,940.21 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENr] 6. October 11, 1988, narorandum from Schaefenneyer request- ing authorization to offer a one-year contract extension to Hennan Leirer, dba Seward Service, for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse within the city and to execute the necessary contract arrendment if Leirer accepts the extension [APPROVE] 7. October 14, 1988, narorandum from Murphy requesting authorization to reschedule the first November Cmmcil meeting to November 7, 1988 [APPROVE] 8. October 20, 1988, narorandum from Schaefenneyer request- ing approval of the revised Prison Project Budget, contingent upon Council approval of an arbitration agreement with the state of Alaska [APPROVE IF ITEM NO. XIII (B) IS APPROVED AS REQUESTED] 9. October 19, 1988, narorandum from Martin requesting Council consent to vacate the public rights of way and utility easements within Seward Industrial Park, as requested by the city of Seward [ISSUE LETTER OF NONOB- JECfION] 10. October 19, 1988, narorandum from Martin requesting Council consent to vacate a portion of First Avenue between Blocks 11 and 12, and a portion of the alley and easerrents within Block 11, Laubner Addition, as requested by Real Daigle [ISSUE LETTER OF NONOBJECfION] 11. October 19 , 1988, narorandum from Murphy recarrmending that the Mayor appoint Kerry Martin to be the city's representative to the SEE team to study proposed improve- ments to Exit Glacier Road [APPOINI'MARTIN] 12. October 11, 1988, narorandum from Martin concerning the DOT/PF six-year plan [FOR INFORMATION] 13. October 17, 1988, contract completion report as filed by Diener [FOR INFORMATION] 14. October 19, 1988, narorandum from Diener concerning the infonnal petition regarding the Senior/Canmmity Center/ Museum [FOR INFORMATION] 15. October 14, 1988, memorandum from Diener noting the following Prison Construction Change Orders: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEHARD, AIASKA SAMVHAN #219 - Install moisture and fire resistant shims at all anchorage points of window 11151 in Buildings 112 and 113 (+$2,132) 11220 Reroute the waste and supply plumbing lines for fixtures P-8 and P-21 in the guard tower (+$941) 11221 - Install clip angles for Building 114, third floor handrails (+$865) #222 - Revised hardware at doors 1-217, 1-218A and 1-218B, and rework the doors and frames (+$10,657) TITAN CONSTRUCTION 1110 - Reroute the domestic hot and cold water lines in orner to motmt the telephone cabinet per the contract drawings (+$450) [FOR INFORMATION] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: X. PRESENI'ATIONS WITH PRIOR NOTICE ONLY: A. James L. Knudson - Proposed lease of an 18-acre parcel located at Diamond Blvd. and Seward Highway, extending to Hemlock Street B. Linne Bardarson and Jerry Lorz (representing Bardarson Studio and House of Diamond Willow, respectively) Access to the service entrances of their two businesses C. Kevin O'Connor and Andy Patapoff (representing the Chamber of COllIrerce) - Upcoming plans for the Seward Chamber of Conmerce XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-117, adopting the three- year capital budget plan 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-118, authorizing a purchase order to Air Tek for emergency remedial electrical work at the prison AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:>NDAY, OCIOBER 24, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEWARD, ALASKA XII. XIII. 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-119, regarding agreemznts with Alliance Bank; METCO/Trend, JV; and Hall Quality Builders, as they relate to Gateway Subdivi- sion UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIV. xv. XVI. XVII. A. Claim for damages totalling $320.51 as filed by Thomas M. Buchanan B. Request for approval of the prison arbitration agreemznt with the state of Alaska C. Appoint::m:=nt of three rranbers to the Seward Carrmmity Hospital Board CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: XVIII. ADJOURNMENT : AMENDED AT MEETING BY DELETING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 8 AND RESOLUTION NO. 88-119. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL illNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAlL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAlL TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: II. III. ROLL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Cotmci1mernbers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --\Villiam C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (09/26, 10/04, and 10/05/88) SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Certification of October 4, 1988, regular election B. Swearing-in of newly elected Cotmci1mernbers V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. July 1988 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services total- ling $17,964.05 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENI'] 2. August 1988 invoice from Brittain, Mersereau & Pentlarge for legal services totalling $953.95 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENI'] 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-109, urging the Legislature to provide ftmding to municipalities to offset the cost of complying with the provisions of AS 47.37 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-113, authorizing signatures for the city bank accotmt and rescinding all previous resolutions in conflict herewith 5. Change Order No.6 to Contract No. CON-218 with Underwa- ter/Swalling, JV, to machine the transition rails from the lift dock to the rails, for a contract increase AGENDA REGUI.AR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, "OCTOBER 10, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CUY HAIL, SEWARD, ALASKA totalling $1,252 [FOR INFORMATION - WITIUN CHANGE ORDER CONTINGENCY] 6. Septerrber 29, 1988, meroorandum from Diener noting the following change orders to the Samvhan contract for prison construction: 11211 - Rerroval of stumps during earthwork operations (+$7,"819); 11212 - Repair or replace vent pipes at roof pene- trations, decktight seals and repair water damage, and supply and install 33 ice deflectors (+$29,914); 11213 - Install fire department pumper connections in buildings #1, 2, 3, 4 and APS (+$47,588); #214 - Rerrove and replace unsuitable material along the sewer line tmder the service road (+$5,403); . #215 - Install threaded swing joints at the 20,000 and 3~0 gallon fuel tanks (+$1,100); 11216 - Provide one lexgard for the light on the West wall frane in 11307 and a credit for the installation of light on West wall of #305 (+$622); 11217 - Install 46 access hatch doors and paint doors (+$19-;717) ; #218 - Install metal studs on the APS building and gypsum wall board and vapor barrier on Building 113 (+$9,398); and The following change orders to the Titan Construction contract for prison subcontract work: 118 - Install manual override switches, with cost to be shared by the state and Samvhan (+$2,725); 119 - Provide all equipment, materials and labor as requested by DOC to construct a 6" metal stud/GWB wall and IOOdify the window wall, and in the maintenance shop area, add 6 sprinkler heads and a new 4" water flow indicator on the main riser (+$14,108) [FOR INFORMATION - WITHIN BUDGETED CONTINGENCY] 7. Proclamations of the Mayor as follows: October 1988 NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH; October 1988 - OOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS M)NTH; October 16-22, 1988 - NATIONAL BUSINESS WCMEN'S WEEK; October 23-30, 1988 - RED RIBBON WEEK AND DRUG FREE AMERICA WEEK [FOR INFORMATION] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed LEASE of three tmsurveyed parcels containing a total of :1:4.5 acres within USS 4827, located in the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to Inlet Fisheries, AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAlL, SEWARD, AIASKA Inc., for the purpose of constructing and operating a fisheries dock and fish processing facility B. Proposed LEASE of a :1:20,589 sq. ft. parcel located within Block 8, Ocean view Subdivision (1215 Fourth Avenue), to Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc. C. Proposed city 3-year capital budget X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR IDTlCE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: XII. XIII. A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact:rrkmt: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 609, amending the city persormel code by restructuring the holidays with pay schedule for library employees C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-102, approving a lease agreement with Inlet Fisheries, Inc. 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-112, authorizing termination of city Lease No. RE-013 and the long-term lease of the subject parcel to Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. A. Claim for damages totalling $3,194.83 as filed by Greg Thrall B. Selection of Vice Mayor C. Selection of Council Representative to the Conmmity Hospital Board CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCl1MENTS: XVIII . ADJOURNMENT : SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, ocroBER 5, 1988, 4: 00 P .H., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIl..., CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA AGENDA I. CAlL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROlL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Comcilm:=mbers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Hichae1 J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Canvass of October 4, 1988, regular election VI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1988, 6:30 P.M., DISTRICT COURT ROOM CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: VI. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 88-110, finding it in the public interest to award a contract for the purchase of snowguards at the Spring Creek Correctional Center without full utilization of city bid procedures B. Proposed Resolution No. 88-111, awarding a contract for paving and appropriating funds VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: VIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: IX. CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XI. ADJOURNMENT: SUBSTITUTE AGENDA - SUBMITTED IN PLACE OF ORIGINAL AGENDA AT MEETING. AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1988, 6:30 P.M., DISTRICT COURT ROOM CITY HALL, FIFTH AND ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. CITIZENS' COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: V. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 88-110, finding it in the public interest to award a contract for the pur- chase of snowguards at the Spring Creek Correctional Center without full utilization of city bid proce- dures VI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Award of contract to Rasco,Inc., for paving at SMIC and in the Small Boat Harbor VII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: VIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: IX. CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XI. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special ~jeeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 6:30 PM/*M on Or.t--nbpr 4, 1988 , -' on the request of the Interim City Manaqer for the purpose of awarding contracts for snowguards at the Prison and for paving at SMIC and the SBH Signature of Recipient Date Time :J I Harry E. Gieseler C;/l/':-c. j"i.:~" 'II,. Beverly Dunham I I " / /./ . ..,,';- , ~; r;-'" '.J.( I " 1_/ Patrick O'Bripn 1t.A{, )0; )a fi tI7 David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Leslie S~mut:iR q1'fl KRXA R<:.dio ~~d~ Seward. Phoenix Log ./ ,:. Dated: I do hereby delivered the above-described to person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publi'"'" " tho ti7 M, ~;~~ {71tCt~ Ie I Vl-- '----- ~, Affidavit of Service: .. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF 'IRE SEWARD crIT COUNCIL IDNDAY, SEP'l'lliBER 26, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY lWL, CORNER OF FIFl'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAlL TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: II. III. ROLL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1members-- Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirrutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (09/12/88) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS I HFARING: CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. September 14, 1988, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $1,532.54 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 2. September 11, 1988, Finance Depar1::lIent I s list of accounts payable totalling $2,213,434.47 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 3. September 19, 1988, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Util- ities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting authorization to award a contract to Seward Construction Services in the aroount of $13,964, with a budgeted contingency aroount of $1,400, for a total project aroount of $15,364, for construction of a control building at the Seward Sub- station [APPROVE] 4. September 13 , 1988, rrerrorandum from Finance Director Robert Peirson recornrending approval of Change Order No. 1 to Marathon Fuel's petroleum supply contract to include an "economic price adjust:rrent" clause allowing an in- crease or decrease in contractor's price based on changes in purchase price from the refiner [APPROVE] 5. September 19, 1988, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Martin regarding SMIC support activity and noting his letter to Carl Norman explaining the AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPI'. 26, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA Conditional Use Permit process necessary to construct and operate a restaurant in the Industrial Zone IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed CITY LEASE of a ~2.5 acre parcel located at the North end of the Alaska Railroad Terminal Reserve in Sevvard from the Alaska Railroad Corporation for use as a utility pole storage yard X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR mTICE ONLY: A. SGH Administrator C. Keith Campbell - Protective Custody XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: XII. A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 609, amending the Persomel Code by restructuring the "Holidays with Pay" schedule for Library employees B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact:rrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-106, authorizing the lease of land from the Alaska Railroad Corporation for utility pole storage UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XIII. NEW BUSINESS: XIV. xv. XVI. XVII. XVIII . A. Request for authorization to create an additional penna- nent fullti.rre position in the Water/Sewer Utility CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIMINISTRATION RESPONSE 1'0 CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: ADJOURNMENI' : THE SEPTEMBER 26, 1988, AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: CONSENT CALENDAR: 6. Contract award to Metco for provision of sand for winter street maintenance 7. Resolution No. 88-107, confirming the appointment of B. Max Royle as City Manager RESOLUTIONS: 2. Resolution No. 88-108, appropriating funds to the SMIC North Dock Capital Project AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPI'EMBER 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAll. 'ill ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROIL CAll.: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1members--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sinutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (08/22/88) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: CITIZENS' HEARING: COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VII. VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-104, requesting IlllD:licipal assistance funding fran the state of Alaska [APPROVE] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-105, supporting legislation providing for a rrore equitable distribution of the fisheries business tax revenue refunded by the state to local governments [APPROVE] 3. Request for authorization to award a purchase order to hlrora Industries Supply, Inc., for an aroount NTE $5,971.13, to furnish salt, calcium chloride and sand for winter street maintenance [APPROVE] 4. Request for Council consent to the city administration finalizing the preliminary plat of the Seward Industrial Park into Block 2, Marina Subdivision [APPROVE] 5. Proclamation of Mayor designating September 12, 1988, to be JUST SAY NO DAY in the city of Seward [FOR INFDRMA- TION] 6. Change orders to the Samvhan contract for prison con- struction as follows: AGENDA REGUI.AR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ~ 11203 - To provide 3 add. replacement glycol hand Ptllll's~eight & labor (+$4,166); #204 - Grout P.C. panel to concreted column, revise ceiling;drawing, delete doors 1-173 and 1-174, and retain doors 1-70 and 1-106 as per original drawings (+$6,872); 11205 - Install add. structural work for snowloads and wind uplift for proper performance of the Iretal roofing (+$129,942); 11206 - Change the ceiling in room 1-009 from acous- tic tiles type 3 to acoustic tiles type 2 (+$5,001); 11207 - Modification of the handrail at door 4-209B ( +$13l)'()); 1/208 - Revise drainage by adding swales along serviceroad and in the corporation yard grade (+$2,730); 11209 - Reduce the height of door & jamb at door 1-2l8A and 1-218B 2 inches to clear the structural frame and fireproofing (+$2,372); and #210 - Provide a credit for the deletion of the fire sprinkler system boost Ptllll's in building 115 (-$64,924) [FOR INFORMATION] 7. Request for Cotmcil authorization to proceed with prepa- ration of a termination of lease agreement RE-013 (Harold Jomson) and preparation of a new lease agreement for the Oldow/Scoby partnership (A-Frame, corner of S. Harbor and Fourth Avenue) [APPROVE] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed LEASE of SMIC property to Inlet Fisheries, Inc. CANCEILED B. Proposed AMENIMENT TO LEASE with Shoreside Petroleum, Inc., to relocate the LEASE SITE and SITE OF FIRST REFUSAL (Lease site is located in the SMIC - Amendtrent will relocate site 50-100 feet west of the site described in the lease agreement; site of first refusal will be relocated to north side of the lease site) C. Proposed SALE of Lot 12 (~11,177 sq.ft.), Block 8, Gateway Subdivision, to Clint D. Hall, dba Hall Quality Builders, for the sum of $20,677.45 CANCEILED X. PRESENTATIONS WIlli PRIOR NOTICE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY HAll..., SEWARD, AIASKA XII. XIII. C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-101, authorizing a lease arrenclment to lease contract RE-069 with Shoreside Petroleum, Inc., regarding location of the lease site 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-103, requesting that the Governor appoint a resident of the city of Seward to the Alaska Railroad Board UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIV. xv. A. Request for Cowcil authorization to proceed with a letter of default of lease to Dale Clemens for failure to pay sales tax B. Request for Cowcil consent to vacate a portion of "D" Street between Lot 6, Block 16, and Lot 1, Block 22, Federal Addition C. September 8, 1988, tretrorandum from Trade Board urging the Mayor to send a letter to Governor Cowper requesting no action on the state's plan to surplus the Seward Grain Terminal for a period of one year CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XVI. XVII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIHINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENI'S: XVIII. ADJOURNMENI' : AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM TO "NEW BUSINESS": D. Advisory Survey (Alcoholic Beverage Controls) AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:lNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAt1S STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAlL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROIL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler CouncilIrembers-- Bever I y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (08/08/88) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSF11BLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per inill vidual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. August 1, 1988, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $76.75 [APPROVE FOR PAY- MENT] 2. May 1988 invoice from HrGP&B for legal services totalling $33 ,178.61 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 3. June 1988 invoice from HrGP&B for legal services total- ling $25,259.56 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 4. Change Order No. 5 to the Underwater/Swalling Contract for Shiplift Civil Work and Utilities increasing the total contract arOC>unt by $23,522 [FOR INFORMATION ONLY - TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT IS STIIL WITHIN APPROVED Lll1ITS] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of a :1:1.76 acre unsurveyed parcel within USS 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to James Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery B. Proposed land exchange between the city of Seward and Real Daigle as follows: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, MJ\SKA Land to be ac~uired by the city: All of Lot 13, containing :1:3, 00 sq. ft.; and Portions of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, containing :1:2,165 sq. ft.; all within Block 11, Laubner Addition Land to be Deeded to Daigle: The East 30 ft. of Lots 29, 30, 37 and 38, containing :1:3,300 sq.ft., and support of the proposed vacation of :1:2,200 sq. ft. of the alley right of way in favor of Mr. Daigle, all located within Block 11, Laubner Addi- tion X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NOTICE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-084, agreement with James Pruitt, Chandlery approving a lease dba Seward Ships 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-099, authorizing the trade of real property within Block 11 , Laubner Addition, between the city of Seward and Mr. Real Daigle 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-100, accepting the conceptual development plan for the downtown Seward waterfront facilities XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XIII. A. Capital Budget [REQUEST OF MAYOR] NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed Amendrrent No. 1 to the Contractual Agreement Transferring Control of Television Translator Station License K09DL B. SMIC Paving Bid - Request to declare the Wilder Con- struction bid to be non-responsive and authorizing the city manager to negotiate a paving contract with the finn selected for paving by Chugach Forest Products, Inc. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1988, 7 :30 P.M., CITY HAlL, SEWARD, AlASKA XIV. C. City Manager Selection - Authorization to negotiate an employment agreerrent with Max Royle [SIGNED AGREFMENI' TO BE APPROVED BY RESOLUTION AT A lATER COUNCIL MEETING] CITY MANAGER REPORTS: xv. XVI. XVII. XVIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: ADJOURNMENl' : AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:>NDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIITH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CAll.. TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: II. III. ROLL CAll..: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilm2rnbers-- Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --PatriCk O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (July 25, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' CCM1ENl'S ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENl' CALENDAR: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-094, authorizing the city manager to sign a joint agency mernorandun of understand- ing for Exit Glacier Road [APPROVE] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-095, authorizing the purchase of computer equipment for the Conmmity Development Department and waiving formal bid procedures [APPROVE] 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-096, requiring that all maj or facilities, property corners, utilities and roadways within the Seward Marine Industrial Center be identified by city-designated coordinates [APPROVE] 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-097, amending a prior resolu- tion of Council which authorized city participation in the fish tax credit program on behalf of Seward Marine Services [APPROVE] 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-098, authorizing encroachment into the public RCM by the New Seward Hotel [APPROVE] 6. Clalin for damages totalling $479.40 as filed by Robert E. Habben for alleged damage to a 1982 Mazda Pickup Truck [Aill'HORIZE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A SE'ITLEMENT FOR AN AMOUNT Nor TO EXCEED $250.00] AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1988, 7:30 P.H., CITY lWL, SE.WARD, AlASKA 7. Proposed rep1at of Block 11, Laubner Addition, as re- quested by Real Daigle [RECCM1END BOROUGH APPROVAL OF REPlAT] 8. July 25, 1988, memorandum from Finance Director Peirson concerning the court-ordered back pay settlement to Alvin Lakey [RATIFY SETTI..EMENI'] 9. Dawson and Associates contract roodification No.6, extending lobbying services through June 30, 1989 [AP- PROVE] 10. Confirmation of authorization to award a contract to Afognak for the repair of the Seward Marine Industrial Center sewer outfall in an amount not to exceed $18,800 [CONFIRM CONTRAcr AWARD AND AUI'HORIZE PAYMENT 1'0 AFOGNAK] lX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NOTICE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: XII. XIII. A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact:rrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 608, mrending Section 10- 21(c) of the City Code, authorized investments C. Resolutions: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NE.W BUSINESS: XIV. xv. XVI. XVII. XVIII . CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AI:MINISTRATION RESPONSE 1'0 CITIZENS' CCl1MENTS: ADJOURNMENI' : AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Consent Calendar: 11. Award of purchase order to design installation of sewer grinder at SMIC Sewage Treatment Facility 12. CO #1, Construction & Rigging - Shiplift bumper 13. Purchase order for SCCC painting (Swede's Painting) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. B&R Environmental lease (Discussion) NEW BUSINESS: A. Trade Board Appointment AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JUNE 27, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA XII. 3. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-081, providing for the disposal by lease of the "Old Depot" building and preferential use of the Fourth Avenue Lock by the State of Alaska Marine Highway System APPROVED 4. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-082, authorizing a long term lease of city owned property within the Seward Industrial Park Subdivision to Icicle Seafoods, Inc. POSTPONED until 07/11/88 5. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-084, to approve a lease with James Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery POSTPONED until 07/11/88 6. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-089, appropriating funds and awarding a contract for Fire Hall roof replacement APPROVED UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIII. XIV. A. Request filed by Boardwalk Site lessees to lower Board- walk lease rates FAILED FOR lACK OF A JllDI'ION B. Application for M::mte Carlo Permit as filed by Anchorage Chapter of SWeet Adelines FAILED - Clerk to issue letter of objection CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: xv. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XVI. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE 'ID CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVII. XVIII . ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGillAR MEETING OF 'IRE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JULY 25, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CAlL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CAlL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Cmmci1members-- Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --PatriCk O'Brien --Leslie Simutis SPECIAL ITEMS: A. Flag presentation - Grace Scholl B. Introduction of exchange students - Linda Murphy C. Bestowing honorary citizenship on Yukie Takenaka IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (07/11/88) V. APPROVAL OF REGillAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' CCl1MENI'S ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Resolution No. 88-084, approving a lease agreement with James Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery [POSTPONE UNI'IL A SIGNED LEASE AGREEMENT IS ON FILE IN CLERK I S OFFICE] 2. Resolution No. 88-093, approving a short tenn lease of city property to B & R, Inc., dba B & R Environrrental, for storage of container vans [APPROVE] 3 . July 11, 1988, invoice from Wohlforth, Flint & Gruening totalling 248.97 for legal services rendered through June 30, 1988 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 4. April 1988 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services total- ling $33,010.10 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] 5 . July 19, 1988, Finance DepartIIEnt' s list of Accounts Payable totalling $590,387.38 [APPROVE FOR PAYMENT] AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 25,1988,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 6. July 20, 1988, IlEIDrandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager Diener noting prison construction change orders as follows: SAMWHAN - #201 & 202 TITAN CONSTRUCTION - #6 & 7 ZUBECK, INC. - #7, 8 & 9 [FOR INFORMATION] IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long term lease of SMIC property to Janes Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery -- CANCELLED X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR IDTlCE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 608, amending Section 10- 2l(c) of the City Code, authorized investments B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 607, anending Section 14-159 of the Seward City Code relating to convictions and their penalties and adopting the state traffic bail forfeiture schedule C. Resolutions: XII. XIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: A. Lease proposal as submitted by Seward Marine Services for a long term lease of city tidelands between the Anderson Dock and Lowell Creek B. Request for authorization to contract for construction of a test well in Lowell Canyon XIV. XV. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XVI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XVII. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: XVIII. ADJOURNMENl' : AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING NEW BUSINESS, ITEM NO. "C": C. Ak.-Korea Business Council proposed Trade Fair July 25, 1988 COUNCIL AGENDA SPECIAL ITEMS: 1. Flag presentation - Grace Scholl 2. Introduction of exchange students 3. Bestowing honorary citizenship on Yukie Takenaka PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Proposed SMIC lease to Jim Pruitt -- CANCELLED ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 1. No. 608, amending Sec. 10-21(c) of the City Code, authorized investments ORDINANCES FOR PUBLIC HEARING & ENACTMENT: 1. No. 607, amending Sec. 14-159 of the City Code relating to convictions and their penalties and adopting the state traffic bail forfeiture schedule RESOLUTIONS: 1. No. 88-084, approving a lease agreement with James Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery -- TO BE POSTPONED 2. No. 88-093, approving a short term lease of city property to B & R, Inc., dba B & R Environmental, for storage of container vans NEW BUSINESS: 1. Seward Marine Services proposal to lease tidelands AGENDA REGUlAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL mNDAY, JULY 11, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CIW1BERS CITY HAlL, CORNER OF FIFrH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, AlASKA II. CALL TO ORDER: OPENING CEREMONY: I. III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1members-- Bever I y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (June 27, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' HEARING : COMMENl'S ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSEm' CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long tem lease of land to Seward Fisheries, Inc., a division of Icicle Seafoods, located at 601 Old Airport Road, the parcel being rore particularly de- scribed as a portion of Lot 10 and all of Lots 11-15, Seward Industrial Park, and a portion of the Public Access to the Boatlift Dock, to be replatted to consoli- date lots, eliminate interior lot lines and to plat new public access to the Boatlift Dock [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI(C)(I). ] B. Proposed long tem lease of a Il.0 acre unsurveyed parcel within U.S.S. 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to Donald Ennis C. Proposed long tem lease of a II. 76 acre unsurveyed parcel within U.S.S. 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to James Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI(C) (2).] X. PRESENI'ATIONS WITH PRIOR NarlCE ONLY: A. Linda Mardock and Lee Gordanier - Small Boat Harbor Boardwalk lease rates AGENDA XI. REGULAR MEEITNG OF THE SEWARD CITY mUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 11, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HAIL, SEWARD, AIASKA ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: XII. XIII. 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 607, amending Section 14-159 of the Seward City Code relating to convictions and their penalties and adopting the state Traffic Bail Forfeiture Schedule B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 606, establishing Chapter 18 of the Seward City Code, Planning and Zoning C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-082, authorizing a long tem lease of city owned property within the Seward Industrial Park Subdivision to Icicle Seafoods, Inc. 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-084, agreement with Janes Pruitt, Chandlery approving a lease dba Seward Ships 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-090, authorizing city participation in the fish tax credit program on behalf of Seward Marine Services UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIV. xv. XVI. XVII. XVIII . A. Claim for damages totalling $153.50 as filed by Balme Martenson CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: COUNCIL AND AIMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: ADJOURNMENl' : XIII. AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING ITEM: NEW BUSINESS: B. U.S. Post Office "drop box" sites CONSENT CALENDAR July 11, 1988 Item City Manager ReCormJeIldation Approve & file 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-091, authorizing a purchase order for prison roof modifications necessi- tated by the installation of new water heaters without full utili- zation of city bid procedures 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-092, designating beach access and camp- ing areas in the Fourth of July Creek area Approve & file 3. July 6, 1988, rrerrorandun from En- gineering and Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting Council ap- proval of the June 20, 1988, revi- sions to the Spring Creek Correc- tional Center's project budget Approve & file 4. July 6, 1988, rrerrorandum from Die- ner requesting Council authoriza- tion to sell approximately 600 c.y. of undersized shot rock to Afognak Logging Company at a price of $5/ c.y. 5. July 6, 1988, rrerrorandun from Die- ner requesting Council authoriza- tion to approve Change Order No. 1 to the clearing contract with Ste- fanski Brothers for a lump sun amount of $3,000 Approve & file Approve & file 6. June 7, 1988, rrerrorandun from Die- ner noting the following change orders to the Samvhan contract for prison construction: For information & file 11184 - Run circuits and connect cabinet heaters 1141, 42 and 43, and crumge all unmarked conduit from ~" IMC to 3/4" (+$17 ,914); 11185 - Perform all architectural items per Revision 6B (+$12,- 631) ;- 11186 - Extend length of concrete slab in APS building fran 11' 4" to 12~(+$2,000); JULY 11, 1988, CONSENI' CALENDAR (Cont' d) Item City Manager Reconrnendation 11187 - Install a 6" concrete base for the steel coltums under the tower in the APS building (+$1,000); 11188 - Install U-type m::>lding at the glue-on acoustical tile ceilings (+$3,225); 11189 - Provide a credit for the transportation of (1) DOC person for factory training (-$1,626); 11190 - Dewater for RFP 11112 in front of building 113 (+$785); 11191 - Install roof drains and heater at the APS building loading dock <+SI4, 358) ; 11192 - Install electrical connections to the freezer door from heater in the APS building (+$746); #193 - Install angle bracing at the clerestories of Buildings 2 and 3, using detail A-403 (+$33,700); 11194 - Adjust the prefonned Iretal roofing at the APS clerestory hips <m,2l9); 11195 - Install stairs, decks, fuel system, rails and shelving for the a~ DOT/PF office trailers (+$5,500); 11196 - Reposition the window fraIIE 1118 (+$465); 11197 - Install patching due to water damage to the fireproofing (+$4,TIBT; 11198 - Install a vertical stainless steel filler to prevent garbagerran accumulating between the backsplash and the window for food service (+$1,301); #199 - Install drywell 27' north of the outside wall and a second drywell in front of Building 113 (+$10,347); and 11200 - Install type "A" fire stop at the top of CMU walls at Buil~#5 (+$21.043) CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 7. July 11, 1988, memorandum from Approve and file City Clerk Murphy recommending continuation of Trade Board 8. Amendment No.2 to the Campground Approve and file Services Contract, adding 4th of July Creek area campground to list of designated public campgrounds AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF 'ffiE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JUNE 27,1988,7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM:lNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council1Iembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M:!ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirrutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (May 23 and 26, and June 9 and 13, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUIAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOroUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: CCM1ENTS CN AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Renewal of the lease of a :!:1,973 sq. ft. site within the Seward Lagoon Park (Block 1, Oceanview Subdivision) to the Alaska Departrrent of Fish and Game for a salrron managenent and research facility [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (1).] B. License Agreerrent for use of a portion of the Municipal Boatlift Dock, a portion of the City "T" Dock and the Wharf between these docks, all located within the Seward Small Boat Harbor, to Seward Fisheries, a division of Icicle Seafoods, Inc. [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (2) .] C. Lease of the "Old Depot" building at 501 Railway Avenue and preferential use of the Fourth Avenue DJck to the Alaska Marine Highway System [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (3) .] D. Long term lease of land located at 601 Old Airport Road, rrore particularly described as a portion of Lot 10, all of Lots 11-15, Seward Industrial Park, and a portion of the Public Access to the Boatlift Dock, to Seward Fish- eries, Inc., a division of Icicle Seafoods, to REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COONCIL IDNDAY, JUNE 27, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA AGENDA accornrrodate the planned expansion of the Seward Fisheries Plant [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (4) .] E. long term lease of a n.o acre unsurveyed parcel within U.S.S. 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to Donald Ennis -- PUBLIC HEARING CANrRT.T ,F.!) F. long term lease of a :!:1.76 acre unsurveyed parcel within U.S.S. 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to Janes Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (5) .] G. Long term lease of a 12.0 acre unsurveyed parcel within U.S.S. 4827, located within the Seward Marine Industrial Center, to Joel Steelman, dba Seward Steelworks -- PUBLIC HEARING CANCRT.T ,F.!) X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NanCE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 606, establishing Chapter 18 of the Seward City Code, Planning and Zoning B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactnent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-079, authorizing the renewal of a lease wi thin the Seward Lagoon Park for a salrron research and managerrent facility to the Alaska Departnent of Fish and Carre 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-080, providing for the preferential use of a portion of the Seward M..lnici- pal Small Boat Harbor dock and wharf 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-081, providing for the disposal by lease of the "Old Depot" building and preferential use of the Fourth Avenue Dock by the State of Alaska Marine Highway System 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-082, authorizing a long term lease of city ONned property within the Seward Industrial Park Subdivision to Icicle Seafoods, Inc. 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-084, to approve a lease with Janes Pruitt, dba Seward Ships Chandlery XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request filed by Boardwalk Site lessees to lower Board- walk lease rates XIV. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: xv. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XVI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XVII. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: XVIII. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Resolutions: 6. Proposed Resolution No. 88-089, appropriating funds and awarding a contract for Fire Hall roof replace- ment IN ADDITION, CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 9 WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR AND PLACED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA AS NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. "B". CDNSENT CALENDAR June 27, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-085, setting the salary for the city clerk 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-086, dedicating the Nash Road Extension as a public right of way 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-087, authorizing additional purchase or- ders for SCCC hot water system rrod- ifications 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-088, authorizing miscellaneous prison errergency start-up completion work 5. June 10, 1988, Finance Depart:nent list of Accounts Payable totalling $1,302,483.55 6. June 16, 1988, letter from the lo- cal Chamber of Cormerce requesting Council authorization to sponsor a fireworks display within the city limits on Sunday, July 3, 1988 7. June 22, 1988, IreIlOrandum fran En- gineering & utilities Manager E. Paul Diener requesting authoriza- tion for the city manager to nego- tiate and sign a PSA with Kumin & Associates in an arrount N'IE $13,- 700, for design of handicap im- provements for City Hall 8. June 21, 1988, IreIlOrandum from Diener requesting authorization to enter into a contract with S & G Enterprises for electric meter reading service 9. Notice of application for a "r-bnte Carlo" permit for July 2-4, 1988, as filed by ANCHORAGE SOURDOUGH CHAPTER OF SWEEI' ADELINES, INC. City Manager Recormendation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent & file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file JUNE 27, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont' d) Page 2 Item City Manager Recorrrrendation 10. June 14, 1988, rrarorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin outlining city policy regard- ing Vendors For inforwation & file 11. June 21 , 1988, rrarorandum from Diener regarding bid opening for repair of Fire Hall roof For inforwation & file 12. June 21, 1988, rrarorandum from Martin regarding the height & size of the Oldow building in the SBH For inforwation & file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, JUNE 13, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Si.m.1tis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Not available) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: A. Executive Session - Appointed employee evaluations VI. BORCUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: CCMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Resolution No. 88-062 (approved OS/23/88 subject to this public hearing) - Lease of a one-acre parcel 100 feet to the east of the city substation property line wi thin the Fourth of July Creek Industrial Area to Shoreside Petro- leum, Inc. B. Proposed sale of Lots 4-13 and 15-26, Block 1, Gateway Subdivision, to Mmm/TREND, JV [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (3)] C. Proposed sale of Lots 5, 6, 17, 19 and 21, Block 2, and Lot 4, Block 6, Gateway Subdivision, to Clint Hall, dba Hall O1ality Builders [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (4)] X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NarICE ONLY: A. Jom Woodruff, Icicle Foods Seward Plant Manager - Proposed expansion in Small Boat Harbor XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1988, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XII. A. Ordinances for Introduction: None B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 605, regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages, arrending Section 3-8 of the Seward City Code C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-073, appropriating funds from the General Fund Fund Balance to the Parks and Recreation Depa.rbrent Budget for the purpose of operating a Corrmunity Schools Program for the 1988-89 School Year 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-074, appropriating funds for the SMIC North Dock 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-075, authorizing the sale of certain Gateway Subdivision lots to MEl'CO/TREND, JV 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-076, authorizing the sale of additional Gateway Subdivision lots and rrodifica- tion of Option and Purchase Agreerrent with Clint D. Hall, dba Hall Quality Builders UNFINISHID BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIII. XIV. A. Award of contract to Construction and Rigging, Inc., for an anount not to exceed $877,000, to construct the SMIC North Dock B. Award of contract to Afognak logging, Inc., for an anount not to exceed $287,500, to provide granular fill for the SMIC North Dock CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: }f\f . CITIZENS I DISCUSSION: lrVI. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCM1ENTS: lrVII. ADJOURNMENT: lrVIII . CONSENT CALENDAR June 13, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-071, authorizing an arrendment to the participation agreerrent of the city to include employees of the Seward Corrmuni ty Library in the Public Ellployees' Retirerrent Sys- tem 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-072, authorizing the city mmager to grant a step increase to each classified employee of the city 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-077, authorizing signatures for the ci- ty bank account and rescinding all previous resolutions in conflict herewith 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-078, designating Interim City Manager Darryl Schaefenreyer as the autho- rized representative relative to the purchase of equipnent through the Alaska Surplus Property Ser- vice 5. June 8, 1988, invoice from Vibhl- forth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $744.17 6. June 7, 1988, JreIIDrandum from En- gineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener reconmending award of a contract to Seward Construction Services in an anount N'IE $13,445, with a contingency of $1344.50, for a total project award of $14,- 789.50, to construct Punp Station No. 3 Equipnent Building 7. May 31, 1988, JreIIDrandum from Die- ner requesting Council affirmation of earlier poll authorizing the city mmager to award a contract to Warning Li:tes of Alaska in the anount of $17,393.75, for traffic control signs City Manager Recormendation Approve & file Approve & file Approve & file Approve & file Approve for payrrent & file Approve & file Approve & file JUNE 13, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont' d) Page 2 Item City Manager Recormendations 8. June 7, 1988, rrerrorandum from Die- ner recamrrending award of contract to Stefanski Brothers in an anount NTE $15,910, with a change order reserve account totalling $1,600, for shrub and tree clearing Approve & file 9. June 7, 1988, rrerrorandum from As- sistant Finance Director Rick Gif- ford recamrrending award of a Pro- fessional Services contract to Price Waterhouse to provide audit services for the years ending June 30, 1988, 1989 and 1990 Approve & file 10. June 8, 1988, rrerrorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin reconrrending Council consent to the assignrrent of lease inter- est held by D. Bardarson to NBA (SJ.,L5, Bl, Marina Sub) Approve & file 11. June 8, 1988, rrerrorandum from Mar- tin recamrrending Council consent to the assignment of lease inter- est held by R. & L. Sirrn.1tis to FNBA (SBH Boardwalk Site #7) Approve & file 12. Applications for permits for ganes of chance and skill as filed by: File without objection RES. BAY LION & LIOOESS CLUBS PIONEERS OF ALASKA IGLOO #9 PIOOEERS OF ALASKA AUXILIARY #9 13. June 6, 1988, rrerrorandum from City Clerk Murphy concerning proposed Carrelot Subdivision Electrifica- tion project For information & file 14. June 1, 1988, rrerrorandum from Die- ner noting the following change orders to the Titan Construction, Inc. , contract for SCCC Mainte- nance Shop Expansion: For information & file #1 - Retrofit existing snoke detector installations III Buildings 2, 3 and 4 for (+$59,884) #2 - Raise head height of two gates accessing recreational yard 10'6"1:0 14'0" (+$6,661) JUNE 13, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 3 Item City Manager Recorrmendations #3 - Add four additional isolation valves on the APS hydronic systern-(+$1,622) #4 - Chip away the existing concrete in order to facilitate the bonding of new concrete (+$346) #5 - Installation of concrete collars with rebar using a corru- gated-rrEtal pipe (+$1,218) 15. May 25, 1988, memorandum from Die- ner noting the following change orders to the Sarrwhan contract for SCCC construction: For information & file #151 - Providing for installation of Vitrocem flooring to cover walls~in 42 shower rooms (+$25,260) #152 - Extending sewer line to the Southeast across the service road (+$40,750) #161 - M:>ving 24" CMP to Entry Road, staking new location light pole, undercutting and backfilling APS foundation with NFS naterial, miscellaneous undercutting and backfilling, staking & layout for sewer line extension (+$19,250) #166 - Furnishing and installing additional rretal railing at the third floor level (+$1,430) #167 - Installing 2 each, 4" x 12' 0" pieces of angle iron in the concrete floor slab at the overhead door entrance (+$622) #168 - M:>difying interior hatches in control rooms in Buildings No. 2~and 4 (+$5,076) #169 - CUtting swales around Building #3 for flood control on December 9-10, 1987 (+$1,449) #170 - Providing a credit for deletion of fire sprinkler guards within housing units, Buildings 2, 3 & 4, (-$3,873) #171 - Rerroving sturrps on the North side of the APS Building on June~, 17 & 18, 1987 (+$1,900) #172 - Installing reinforcerrent on the top of the standby genera- tor radiator wall in the warehouse (+$3,707) #173 - Providing all equiprrent, naterials and labor to accorrplish work per OC/VR 772 (+$2,260) #174 - Revising the relay settings on the 2,000 KVA transforner to the generator bus (+$749) JUNE 13, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 4 Item City Manager Recormendations #175 - Providing electrical VIOrk for power to the warehouse freezers (+$18,627) #176 - Providing all equiprrent, rraterials and labor to bypass the CMCS System for lighting coordination with CP-3 security system ($6,500) #177 - Extending circuit P/34 or P/36 from the junction box in the ceiling of Room 1-305 and circuit from grid D3.4 to E.3 (+$700) #178 - Installing conduit and conductors for the circuits as shONIl (+$8,300) #179 - Raising light pole standard base as per Revision #4 (+$2,255) #180 - Rerroving sturrps and providing non-frost susceptible rrate- rial backfill (+$13,174) #181 - Providing structural revisions described in Revision #3, Sections 3A, 4A, 9A & 9B (+$2,375) #182 - Applying two coats above grade exterior darrproofing of the APS Building from B-6 to B-12 (+$6,090) #183 - Costs incurred as a result of the issuance and rescinding of Revision #8 (+$5,771) CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12 Noon PM%1'IXon June 9 , 19~~ on the request of the Mayor for the purpose of discussing the city manager vacancy Signature of Recipient Date Time , ---- I:' Harry E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham J. Meehan William C. Noll Patrick O'Brien Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio Seward Phoe Dated: f.n- 8- SS . -- I, I,..OlAI5 R I i t'\.Je.r do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper p"bli,h" at th'~~~ Affidavit of Service: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1988, 7:30 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolutions: SEE UNFINISHED BUSINESS VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 88-061, authorizing the sale of certain Gateway Subdivision lots to Clint D. Hall. POSTPONED FROM REGULAR MEETING OS/23/88. VII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Status of negotiations with Frank Dieckgraeff and Juris Mindenbergs regarding purchase of certain Gateway Subdivision lots. B. Memorandum from Harry E. Gieseler regarding city priorities. VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: IX. COUNCIL AND ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: BY SIGNATURE, I HEREBY VERIFY THAT I HAVE, ON THIS 26 DAY OF MAY, 1988, RECEIVED A COPY OF THE AGENDA FOR SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD May 26, 1988 at 7:30. HARRY E. GIESELER I.>: BEVERLY DUNHAM DAVID L. HILTON, SR.","" ()~d<,~ .>t .'... ..,.OY. LESLIE SIMUTIS ..... ,I' MICHAEL J. MEEHAN WILLIAM C. NOLL , PATRICK O'BRIEN \. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 23, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPEN"ING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirmltis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: (May 9 & 16, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. CITIZEN"S' CCMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HEARING: (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSEN"T CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed Fiscal Year 1989 general fund and enterprise funds budgets [SEE AGENDA ITEMS NO. XI (C) (7), ~), 121-, (10), AND (11).] B. Proposed lease of approximately 5.0 acres directly adjacent to the East of Chugach Alaska Corporation's current leased lands wi thin the Industrial Zone at Mil 4.75, Nash Road, to Chugach Alaska Corporation [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (1) .] C. Proposed acquisition of real property from Esther Werner for the purpose of housing the proposed Senior /Ccmnunity Center/Museum, the real property being rrore particularly described as the North 20 feet of Lot 26 and all of Lots 37, 38 and 39, Block 15, Original ToNnsite of Seward (336 Third Avenue) [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (4).] D. Proposed lease of a :H,500 square foot parcel of unsur- veyed land in the Seward Marine Industrial Center at Mile 5.1, Nash Road, to Seward Cablevision for the installa- tion of a satellite receiving dish to receive and dis- tribute cable television to the Spring Creek Correctional Center [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (3) .] AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL IDNDAY, MAY 23, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AlASKA E. Proposed sale of Lots 4-5, 7-13, 15-22, and 24-26, Block 1; Lots 1-4, 7-16, and 19, Block 2; and Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Gateway Subdivision, to Clint Hall, dba Hall Quality Builders [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (5).] F. Proposed lease of a one-acre parcel to Shoreside Petrole- um, Inc., 100 feet to the west of the city substation property line wi thin the Industrial Zone wi thin the Fourth of July Creek industrial area (USS 4828) [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (6) .] X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NOrICE ONLY: A. Juris Mindenbergs and Frank Dieckgraeff - Proposal to purchase certain lots within the Gateway Subdivision from the city of Seward XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 604, regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages, arrending Section 3-8 of the Seward City Code B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-050, approving a lease agreerrent with Chugach Alaska Corporation, Inc. 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-057, arrending electric rates by reducing the Custorrer Charge for all levels of service 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-059, approving a lease of city-owned property to Seward Cablevision 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-060, authorizing the purchase of property for location of a Senior /Corn- muni ty Center /M.1seum 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-061, authorizing the sale of certain Gateway Subdivision lots to Clint D. Hall 6. Proposed Resolution No. 88-062, authorizing the lease of city-awned property to Shoreside Petroleum, Inc. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SE.WARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 23, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SE.WARD, ALASKA 7. Proposed Resolution No. 88-065, adopting the city operating budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988 8. Proposed Resolution No. 88-066, adopting the harbor enterprise Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988 9. Proposed Resolution No. 88-067, adopting the elec- tric enterprise budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988 10. Proposed Resolution No. 88-068,adopting the water and sewer fund enterprise budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988 11. Proposed Resolution No. 88-069, adopting the Fiscal Year 1989 budget for Seward General Hospital and appropriating $250,000 of local support XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages totalling $108 as filed by Cheryl Keegan XIV. CITY MANAGER REFORI'S: }N. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: }NI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }NIL COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE 'ID CITIZENS' Ca.1MENTS: }NIII . ADJOORNMENT : AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Resolutions: 12. Proposed Resolution No. 88-070, authorizing the purchase of a crane for the Harbor Department and appropriating funds. CONSENr CALENDAR May 23, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-058, authorizing the purchase of a brake lathe for the City Shop without full utilization of city bid procedures 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-063, authorizing signatures for the city bank account and rescinding all previous resolutions in con- flict herewith 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-064, in honor of the twenty-'fifth an- niversary of the State Marine High- way System with special recogni- tion of the M/V 'fusturrena 4. May 10, 1988, invoice from Ybhl- forth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $573.00 5. Invoices from HTGP&B for legal ser- vices as follows: November 1987 - $11,524.34 December 1987 - $23,027.37 January 1988 - $14,953.37 February 1988 - $27,553.09 March 1988 - $34,817.28 6. May 5, 1988, Finance Department's list of accounts payable totalling $444,699.93 7. Defense Agreement between the city and the state of Alaska relating to construction claims seeking re- covery for alleged claims involved in the construction of the Spring Creek Correctional Facility 8. May 11, 1988, rrerrorandum from Man- ager of Engineering & Utilities E. Paul Diener concerning continued maintenance of the fence gates and signing at the Lowell 'funnel en- trance City Manager ReCOOlllEndation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent & file Approve for payrrent & file Approve for payrrent & file Approve and file Approve and file MAY 23, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item 9. May 16, 1988, memorandum from Fi- nance Director Robert Peirson re- questing approval of Amendrrent No. 1 to the Seward CampcJround Manage- ment contract, eliminating the 4th of July campground from the list of designated campgrounds 10. Proclarration designating June 16, 1988, as "U.S.S. AIASKA DAY" City Manager Recormendation Approve and file For inforrration & file CONSENT CALENDAR WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 11. May 23, 1988 Memorandum from Admin. Assistant Kerry Martin requesting approval of assign- ment of lease for security purposes, Lorz to National Bank of Alaska regarding Lot 5, Block 1, Marina Subdivision 12. May 23, 1988 memorandum from Admin. Assistant Kerry Martin requesting approval to sublease a portion of Lot 2, Block 1 Marina Subdivision by Dale Clemens to Ludwig Pfleger. Approve and file Approve and file AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 16, 1988, 6:30 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1members--Bever1y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for Executive Session to discuss Samwhan con- struction claim (Prison contract) VI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: VIII. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special ~feeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 6:30 PM/~ on May 16, , 19E, on the request of the City Attorney for the purpose of discussing pending litigation (Samwhan) Date Time ~ , fL'" . .:::>'::> Harry E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton Michael J. Meehan /o./S: 9:fS William C. Noll Patrick O'Brien J:i Leslie Simutis ward Phoenix Cl/l.1/\..../ Affidavit of Service: I, ),tl.'^f;-' ~ Jc?J"J! do hereby ~~e tha I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: 5-/Er-ff ~;?/~ AGENDA RffiULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MAY 9, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Ma.yor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilnembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. .t-Eehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirrutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (April 25, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGUlAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: COMMENTS CN AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed lease of approximately 5.0 acres wi thin the Fourth of July Creek Industrial Area to Chugach Alaska Corporation ***CANCELLED*** B. Proposed FY 1989 general fund and enterprise operating budgets X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR oorlCE ONLY: A. Don Holland, Elks Club Manager - Requesting waiver of Noon opening of liquor establishrrents on Sunday, July 3, 1988 B. Susan Ferguson, representing Hendrix & Esslinger Presentation of FY 1987 city audit XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: None AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M)NDAY, MAY 9,1988,7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 603, establishing a Library Departrrent and providing for the operation of public library facilities [ENAC'IMENT ONLY - POSTPONED FROM 04/25/88 MEETING] C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-041, approving the transfer of library assets and obligations to the city [POSTPONED FROM 04/25/88 MEETING] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-053, approving a budget for Navy Horreporting Attraction Effort [RESOLUTION AND ALL BACKUP WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT THE MEETING.] XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XIII. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages totalling $600 as filed by G. O. Nelson XIV. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: }N. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: }NI. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }NIL COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS I Ca1MENTS: }NIII . ADJOORNMENT: AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: Resolutions: 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-055, authorizing the purchase of hot water boilers for the Spring Creek Correctina1 Center without full utilization of city bid procedures 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-056, reallocating remaining Federal Revenue Sharing Funds New Business: B. Contract award for street and parking lot striping CONSENT CALENDAR May 9, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-048, authorizing participation in the FY 89 Day Care Assistance Program 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-049, in support of the Alaska/Siberian connection and proposed Friendship Flights between Alaska and the So- viet Union 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-051, awarding a contract for gravel re- moval and maintenance at Fourth of July Creek 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-052, approving a short tenn lease of ci ty-owned property to Akcon, Inc. 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-054, awarding a contract for Harbonnas- ter Building irrprovements 6. May 5, 1988, rrerrorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin requesting approval of an as- signnent of lease for security purposes [Boardwalk Lease Site No. 8 - OldON' & Scoby] 7. May 5, 1988, rrerrorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin requesting authorization for the Seward Enhancement Association to erect welcoming banners in the Small Boat Harbor and the DcwntCMn Business District 8. April 25, 1988, rrerrorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin requesting Council consent to establish a cash clearing account to accept and distribute contribu- tions to the Seward Enhancement Association City Manager Recornrrendation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file MAY 9, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item City Manager ReCOlt1llEIldation 9. Proclamation welcoming the Raven- wood Elerrentary School Fifth Grade Class to Seward, May 19-20, 1988 For infonnation and file 10. Proclamation designating May 15-21, 1988, as CLEAN UP AWARENESS WEEK & May 21, 1988, as SUPER SATURDAY For infonnation and file 11. May 2, 1988, nerrorandurn from Mana- ger of Engineering & Utilities, E. Paul Diener, noting the following change orders to the Sarrwhan con- tract for prison construction: For infonnation and file #124 - Providing for nodification of the grading to interface curb and drainage at the APS building (+$4,800); #140 - Providing for installation of two roof drains and cast iron drain leaders at the southern lower roof of the APS building (+$11,816) ; #141 - Installing lateral structural bracing at Building No. 4 clerestory (+$25,236); #142 - Providing for compensation for irrpact and increased mate- rial costs due to stop work order issued on June 30, 1987 (+$28,500); #150 - Providing for a credit to restock lavatory sink fixtures (-$6,685); #153 - Providing a credit to delete vinyl shower pan liners at 42 shower locations (-$5,763); #154 - Providing for over excavation along west side of the APS building, repair electrical fixtures in DOT/PF office, and over exca- vate at light pole base & install approved fill to rreet corrpaction requirerrents (+$4,599); #155 - Providing for installation of Z Purlins for ridge line on Buildings 2, 3, and 4 (+$8,687); #156 - Providing for revisions of concrete sidewalks, installing concrete stairs and handrails at parking lots (+$5,500); #157 - Providing power circuitry and monitoring for the day tanks (+$6,142); MAY 9, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 3 #158 - Providing 120 V power circuit from panel 6N (+$699); #159 - Providing for additional electrical work (+$3,985); #160 - Installing one explosion proof srroke detector in Roan 5-001 (+$6,655); #162 - Providing for additional striping of red accent paint trim to the APS building and Buildings 2, 3, and 4 (+$10,000); #163 - Providing for excavation of ernbankrrent material from cul-de-sac area with specified backfill material to be utilized (+$9,109); #164 - Providing for a watertight toggle switch for dishwasher and additional control wires (+$1,085); #165 - Providing for replacerrent of electrical circuit breakers (+$83~ # 8 - Providing all equiprrent, materials and labor for over-ex- cavation of silty sand material (+$67,122); #68 - Providing for revised architectural drawings (+$12,632); #94 - Providing all labor, equipment and materials to accorrplish RFP #15, RFP #27 and RFP #17 (+$13,967); #106 - Providing for all electrical work per DCVR's #599, 474, 685, 623, 615, 643, 168 and 346 (+$16,200); and #137 - Providing for installation of steel coltuTlll enclosures (+$14,900) AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M::NDAY, APRIL 25, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council1rembers--Bever1y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. ~ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirrutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (April 11, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. CITIZENS' HEARING: C<>>'JMENTS 00 AGENDA ITEMS NOT SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC (2 minutes per individual; 30 minutes total time allotted - Please sign in.) VIII. APPROVAL OF COOSENT CALENDAR: IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Prop:>sed transfer of public library assets (including real and personal property) and obligations fran the Seward Corrmmity Library to the city of Seward, the real property to be acquired under the Transfer Agreerrent being rrore particularly described as rots 38, 39, and 40, Block 8, Original Townsite of Seward [LIBRARY SITE]; and the proposed acquisition of the Library's beneficiary interest in that certain Deed of Trust Note, secured by a Deed of Trust dated July 22, 1980, and recorded in the Seward Recording District in Book 20, Pages 754-756, and covering real property described as the South one-half of rot 6 and all of rots 7 and 8, Block 16, Original Town- site of Seward [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (2)] B. Proposed acquisition of certain real property within the city limits belonging to the Kenai Peninsula Borough in exchange for the city-owned site designated for a pro- posed new elerrentary school, said property to be acquired being rrore particularly described as rot 1, USS 3294; and Alaska State Land Surv"'?:i. No. 76-69 (Seward Plat Na. 77-8), excepting theref~ Fourth of July Creek Tracts A-E (Seward Plat No. 84-6), and Spring Creek Correctional AGENDA REX:>ULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY CXJUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1988, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA Facility Site, Parcel A (Seward Plat No. 84-12) [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (5)] C. Proposed disposition of certain city-owned real property to the Kenai Peninsula Borough in exchange for borough- awned property located within the city of Seward, said property to be disposed of being nnre particularly described as Lot 8A, Fort Raynnnd Subdivision, Replat No. 1; and Lot 1, Jesse Lee Heights Subdivision Addition No. 2 [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (5)] D. Proposed arrendrrents to the Chugach Alaska Corporation lease which would alter the tenns of the lease with regard to lease assigrurent for financing purposes, right of lessee to terminate lease if unable to receive essen- tial goverrurent permits, and various insurance require- ments [SEE AGENDA ITEM NO. XI (C) (4) ] X. PRESENTATIONS WITH PRIOR NarlCE ONLY: XI. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 603, establishing a Library DepartIrent and Providing for the operation of public library facilities 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 604, amending Section 14-85. 1 of the Seward City Code regulating parking within the Seward Municipal Boat Harbor C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-035, to enter into a cooperation agreement with the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority [POSTPONED FRCM THE APRIL 11, 1988, MEEI'ING] 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-041, approving the transfer of Library assets (both real and personal property) and obligations to the city of Seward 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-042, authorizing the execution of an equiprent lease/purchase agreement by and between the city and Rainier Bank Alaska, N.A., and providing for related matters AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M.:lNDAY, APRIL 25, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XII. 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-043, approving an adden- dum to the lease of city-owned real property by and between the city and Chugach Alaska Corporation 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-044, approving an ex- change of real property by and between the city and the Kenai Peninsula Borough UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: XIII. XIV. A. Change Order No. 1 to the Project Managerrent Agreerrent by and between the city and the State Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (SCCC Construction Managerrent Contract) B. Appointrrent of Seward representative to the Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association Board of Directors C. Appointrrent of a Councilnember to the Seward Enhancerrent Association Board of Directors CITY MANAGER REPORTS: COUNCIL DISCUSSlOO: }N. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }NI. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE 'lD CITIZENS' COMMENTS: }NIL ADJOURNMENT : }NIl I. crnSENT CALENDAR April 25, 1988 Item City Manager Recormendation 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-045, giving recognition to employees of city Public W:lrks, Water and Sewer and Electric Departrrents for their extraordinary efforts during April snowstonns Approve and file 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-046, authorizing the city manager to execute a contract with the Kenai Peninsula Borough for 911 errergen- cy telephone communications ser- vices Approve and file 3. April 11, 1988, invoice from W:lhl- forth, Flint & Gruening for legal services through March 31, 1988, & totalling $2315.50 Approve for payrrent & file 4. October 1987 invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $15,- 533.60 Approve for payment & file 5. Application for permit for ganes of chance and skill as filed by SEWARD EMBLEM CLUB #250 File without objection 6. April 19, 1988, rrerrorandum from Martin concerning oor/PF plans for Exit Glacier Road For infornation & file 7. April 18, 1988, rrerrorandum from Diener concerning change orders to the Sanwhan contract for prison construction as follows: For infornation & file #133 - Providing for the reVlswn of the ceiling height in Building No. 4 Control Room and Corridor (+$3,828) #134 - Providing for a deletion of pistol lockers (-$525) #135 - Providing for change in floor covering from vinyl tile to type C-1 carpet (+$975) #136 - Providing for installation of J type fluorescent light fixture in Room 1-120 (+$1,530) #138 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and materials to renove dowels installed for relocating wall and install dowels at original plan location (+$2,624) APRIL 25, 1988, CONSEN!' CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item City Manager ReooIl1lIEI1dations #139 - Relocating tVJO closed-circuit 'IV carreras to rronitor doors (+$2,325) #143 - Providing survey notes and oorrputations to shCM corrparison of Entry/Service road prior to and after road was utilized for flood repairs (+$680) #144 - Providing terrg::>orary rreasures to prevent flooding of Building No. 3 during the winter of 86/87 (+$3,750) #145 - Installing 10" schedule 40 pipe at Service Road to serve-a:5"a culvert and oonstructing additional swales (+$4,260) #146 - Providing for additional electrical work per proposal #71 (+$7,100) #147 - Providing equiprrent, rraterials and labor for rroving manhole and pipe from service road area (+$1,549) #148 - Providing for better drainage than original plan provided (+$6,500) #149 - Extending rental on additional office space from January 17 to February 17 (+$2,555) CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 8. Proposed Resolution No. 88-047, urging the U.S. Post Office to initiate business mail delivery and the installation of mail drop boxes in the city of Seward Approve & file -<,. ~ Sponsored by: Hilton, Gieseler CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE NO. fi07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, AMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT WHEREAS, the City Council desires to encourage public participation in the local government process; and WHEREAS, there is currently no designated agenda item for public comment on items not scheduled for public hearing prior to Council action on those items; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the public interest to allow public comment concerning action items prior Council consideration of same; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, HEREBY ORDAINS that: Section 1. Section 2-15(a) of the Seward City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) The order of business for the regular meetings of the city council shall be as follows: r ! ... I. Call to order; II. Opening ceremony; III. Roll call; IV. Approval of Minutes; V. Approval of regular meeting agenda; VI. Borough Assembly report; VII. Ci tizens' comments on agenda items not scheduled for public hearing; VIII. Approval of consent calendar; IX. Public hearings; X. Presentations with prior notice only; XI. Ordinances and resolutions; -1- CITY OF ?EWARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE :'JO. 602 (1) Citizens' comrnents on agenda items not scheduled for public hearing. Comments shall be limi tee to items appearing on the agenda but not scheduled for public hearing. All presenta- tions under this agenda item shall be limited to two minutes per person and shall also be limited to a total time of not more than thirty minutes. (2) Citizens' discussion. Comments concerning any item over which the council has control may be made. All presentations under this agenda item shall be limited to five minutes per person. Section 5. Section 2-l8(d) of the Seward City Code is hereby renumbered "Section 2-l8(e)". Section 6.' A new Section 2-18 (d) of the Seward City Code is hereby created to read as follows: (d) Presentations with prior notice. Anyone wishing to make a formal presentation to the council concerning any item not appearing on the agenda must give prior written notice to the clerk no later than Noon on the Wednesday immediately preceding the Monday meeting. Such notice shall set forth the name of the person wishing to make the presentation, his mailing address and the nature of the proposed communication in order that the same may appear on the agenda of the council. Such presentations shall be limited to five minutes unless further time is granted by the presiding officer. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days following its enactment. ENACTED ALASKA, this BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, 11 day of April , 19~. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA -3- REXmIAR MEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M:lIDAY, APRIL 11, 1988, 7: 30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA AGENDA I. CALL ill ORDER: II. OPENING CERFM:lNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M:!ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sinutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 14 & 21, April 4 & 7, 1988 V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REXmIAR MEErING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSlrn: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOlllTlrns: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 603, establishing a Library Department and providing for the operation of public library facilities 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 604, amending Section 14-85.1 of the Seward City Code regulating parking within the Seward Municipal Boat Harbor B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 602, amending the City Council agenda forrrat C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-035, to enter into a cooperation agreerrent with the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority (POSTPOOED FRCM THE 03/21/88 MEErING) X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. A. Appointrrent to the Trade Board to fill the unexpired tenn of the vacant seat created by the resignation of Albert Kawabe CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: XIV. 'IN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: 'lNI. ADJOURNMENT : CONSENT CALENDAR April 11, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-036, in support of SB 303, an act re- lating to state rrarine parks 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-037, in support of the Resurrection River Trail project 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-038, authorizing a professional ser- vices agreement with Arnett Test- ing Laboratory for substation rraintenance testing 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-039, supporting the construction of a toll road to Cordova 5. March 10, 1988, invoice from Wohl- forth, Flint & Gruening for legal services totalling $1,024.08 6. April 5, 1988, Finance Depart:rrent list of accounts payable totalling $1,242,544.02 7. April 5, 1988, rrerrorandum from Har- borrraster Foster Singleton request- ing that Council allow the Harbor to rraintain the 21' Boston Whaler as Harbor inventory 8. April 7, 1988, rrerrorandum from Ad- ministrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin requesting approval of assign- ment of lease from Kenai Fjords Tours, Inc., to Donald J. Oldow, Pamela F. Oldaw, Jack Scoby and Sheila Scoby, dba "The Landing" (SBH Boardwalk Site No.8) 9. ABCB notification of application for renewal of a liquor license as filed by FAIRWEATHER CAFE 10. ABCB notification of request for City Manager Recomrrendation Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment & file Approve for payment & file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection Approve and file APRIL 11, 1988, CONSENT CALElIDAR (Cont' d) Item City Manager ReOOIllllEndations restaurant designation as filed by FAI~ CAFE RAY'S WATERFRONT BAR & GRILL 11. April 6, 1988, letter from city to ABCB lifting city protest of renew- al of the follONing liquor license renewals PIONEER BAR TONY' S BAR TONY'S LIQUOR STORE YUKON LIQUOR STORE For information & file 12. March 24, 1988, annual report of dock maintenance and activity as filed by Seward Fisheries (Re- quired under terms of SFI preferen- tial dock use agreerrent) For information & file 13. March 15, 1988, marrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener concerning change or- ders to the Sanwhan contract for prison construction as follONs: For information & file #72 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and materials to add addi- tional structural steel at guard tONer per submittal STA-095-2 (+$7,305) #100 - Providing electrical power for food service equiprrent items #"9"& #114 in the APS kitchen (+$1,350) # 1 07 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and materials to install 5' snONguards on roofs of APS Buildings 2, 3 & 4, verifying that snON- guards will not alter roof warranties and supplying 20 each 5' snow- guards as spares (+$39,112) #111 - Providing for additional painting on the APS kitchen as required by DEe (+$9,974) #113 - M::>difying the "EE" type lighting fixture in Building #4 control room to eliminate a blind spot (+$877) #114 - Reducing contract to comply with letter from OOL regarding Alyeska Electric, Inc. (-$199,204) #116 - Providing all labor, equiprrent and materials to install seals on chase doors, 160 each (+$714) #117 - Installing drip rail for door 2/3-230 per Detail No. A-903 (+$51~ #118 - Installing one relay box and hookup to connect rronitor (+$21~ #119 - Payment of excess fuel oil in the tank - 4,498 gallons @ $0.70 per gallon, plus 1.5% for bond guarantee (+$3,195) #120 - Installing additional gypsum wall system to fix door No. 1-233B and enclose column and wall corners in Poan No. 1-222 APS Building (+$2,000) APRIL 11, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item City Manager Recormendations #121 - Providing a credit for the rmfinished portion of work on Gates 0-1 and 0-7 (-$952) #122 - Deleting partition, steel doors and frarres, and paint work for CMJ partition; installation of vinyl tile, cerrent plaster ceiling extended, soffit ceiling in grid "c" and patching fireproofing for steel frarre and rretal deck in order to install ceiling suspension system (+$1,860) #123 - Additional se=ity rronitoring requirerrents per final scope of work letter (+#11 ,049) #125 - Backflush 6" waternain to building No. 5 (warehouse) (+$1, 636) #126 - Installing insulation and damp proofing to warehouse and rrotorpool formdation masonry wall (+$18,000) #127 - Performing fleM testing on fire hydrant system over and above testing called out in the basic contract (+$769) #128 - Adding power circuitry in Building No. 4 server for food well rmit (+$1,573) #129 - Installing 45 lof. 24" culvert at Station 3+25 on the service road to irrprove site drainage (+$3,900) #130 - Providing a credit for deleting glass beads from striping paint applied to main parking lot (-$336) #104 - Mormting door frarre 1-306 on Room 1-305 (+$4,000) #105 - Relocating electrical raceways and adding a 24" square access door in room 1-135 (+$3,500) #115 - Revising the head heights for vehicle sallyport gates (+$6,949) #131 - Relocating electronic se=ity equiprrent in the warehouse (+$1,566) #132 - Providing pa.ver circuits for the TV rronitors on control pane1s-r-& 2 (+$2,449) CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: 14. Proposed Resolution No. 88-040, regarding Municipal Assistance and Revenue Sharing Approve and file AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1988, 12:00 NOON, COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers Harry E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Patrick O'Brien Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Compensation of city manager VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF SEWARD P.O. BOX 167 SEWARD, ALASKA 99664 . . Main Office (907) 224-3331 . Police (907) 224-3338 . Harbor (907) 224-3138 . Fire (907) 224-3445 . Telecopier (907) 224-3248 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING April 7, 1988 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Seward City Council will meet in special session on Thursday, April 7, 1988, beginning at 12:00 Noon, in order to consider compensation of the city manager. The meeting will be conducted in Council Hall, corner of Fifth & Adams Streets, Seward. persons are invited to attend the meeting. Chambers, City All interested c? l /~i LINDA .i. MURPHY, M CITY CLERK POSTED: 04/06/88 MAILED OR DELIVERD: 04/06/88 City Hall bulletin board U. S. Post Office Harbormaster's Building Councilmembers City Attorney City Manager Dept. Heads KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Loq " ' CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 12: 00 NO~M11 on April 7 , l~~, on the request of the Mayor for the purpose of considering compensation of the city manager (counter-pro- posal submitted by Rodger Bennett) Signature of Recipient Date Time Harry E. Gieseler 04/06/88 4:30 p.m. Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton 04/06/88 4:30 p.m. Patrick O'Brien '-f / &: /<( 4 ~ 5J 'PMA. J I ~. S ,) '''f . t{" v "'/ C:'-/ ....1 Y' ('J ~ 4/ (/ / {( ( 1-' //.' 'I::'> ,..,... Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll '; Leslie Simutis Inl 'I ('" l.ij/'/j (- /~'J.e0 KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Loq % , .-' 0. <SI.5 ' Affidavi t of Service: I, do hereby swear that I delivered the above-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1988, 4:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH & ADAMS STS., SEWARD, AK I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor Councilmembers Harry E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham David L. Hilton, Sr. Michael J. Meehan William C. Noll Patrick O'Brien Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Selection of City Manager VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: "I,-n) L-L CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date written hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of PM~ on April 4, , 19~8, Seward, Alaska, to be held at 4:00 on the request of the for the purpose Mayor of selecting a city manager Signature of Recipient Date Time Harry E. Gieseler Beverly Dunham ~ : I' J- Oy)O ~30 4.A.:, ~ ~ ,;~ .'36 ~ : ;J,(f ~ 1.' f '::f" ~ David L. Hilton Michael J. Meehan William Noll Patrick O'Brien Leslie Simutis KRXA Radio Seward Phoenix Loq ACEd"" of Smi,,, 1, ---- / 'uk S-' ~~~ ' do ,,,,by sw~1;h~ I deli {jere he ave-described to the person signing therefore at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated:(J~llft AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1988, 7:00 P.M., COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, FIFTH & ADAMS STREETS, SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilmembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. RESOLUTIONS: A. Proposed Resolution No. 88-035, authorizing the execution of a cooperation agreement with North Pacific Rim Housing Authority for construction of single family dwellings under the Mutual Help Home Ownership Program VI. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: VIII. COUNCIL & ADMIN. RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: IX. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M)NDAY, MARCH 14, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Council1rembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. Meehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (02/08 & 02/22/88) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEEl'ING AGENDA: A. Request for Council to suspend the rules of order and add proposed Resolution No. 88-006 to the Regular Meeting Agenda for action VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: A. Mayor Donald E. Gilman - State of the Borough VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed amendrrents to the lease of ci ty-owned property to Chugach Alaska Corporation *PUBLIC HEARING CANCELLED* VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Derenty Tabios, North Pacific Rim Housing Authority - FY 1988 Mutual Help Horre <Mnership Program preliminary application B. Jim Parrish, Seward Enhancerrent Association - Hyett-Palma IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 602, amending the city council agenda format B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 601, regulating the opening and closing of public campgrounds ACTION CNLY - NO PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, MARCH 14, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-030, designating winter carrpground areas and setting fees 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-031, appropriating funds for the purpose of refunding EPA grant funds X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Claim for damages to vehicle totalling $909.43 as filed by Alan McHone B. Claim for water damage totalling $20,920.00 as filed by George D. Willingham XII. CITY MAN1\GER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: 101. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPCNSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: 1011. ADJOURNMENT : THE AGENDA WAS AMENDED AT THE MEETING AS FOLLOWS: 1. Item No. V(A) was approved and proposed Resolution No. 88-006 was added to the agenda as Item No. IX(C) (3) . 2. Consent Calendar Item No. 1 (Resolution No. 88-024) was added to regular meeting agenda as Item No. IX(C) (4) . 3. Consent Calendar Item No. 10 (Baily & Mason Invoice) was added to the regular meeting agenda as Item No. XI(C). 4. Real Estate Agents John Gillespie and Darla O'Connor were allowed to address the public following KPB Mayor Gilman's remarks. CONSENT CALENDAR March 14, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-024, approving receipt of a state grant for providing handicapped access to city hall 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-025, approving receipt of a state grant for construction of the Seward Ma- rine Industrial Center Utilities Extension 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-026, approving receipt of a state grant for the Seward Senior /Cormlunity Center /Museum 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-027, approving receipt of a state grant for Carrelot Subdivision Electrifi- cation 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-028, authorizing the purchase of a pick- up truck for the Harbor Departrrent without full utilization of city bid procedures 6. Proposed Resolution No. 88-029, authorizing the purchase of two waste oil burners and appropriat- ing funds 7. Proposed Resolution No. 88-032, authorizing the paving of certain streets to be paid by the Local Service Roads & Trails Fund 8. Proposed Resolution No. 88-033, awarding a contract for repair of Water Well No.1 without full uti- lization of city bid procedures 9. Proposed Resolution No. 88-034, approving a Mutual Aid Agreerrent between Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Bear Creek Fire Service Area, and accarpanying IT 1988 Op- erations Plan City Manager Recx:mrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file MARCH 14, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item 10. Invoice fran Baily & Mason for le- gal services rendered in January 1988 totalling $34.00 11. Invoice from HTGP&B for legal ser- vices rendered in August 1987 to- talling $24,298.55 12. March 8, 1988, Finance Department list of Accounts Payable totalling $628,051. 62 13. March 10, 1988, rrerrorandum from M.rrphy reccmrending cancellation of the f'.1arch 28, 1988, rreeting 14. March 9, 1988, rrerrorandum fran Martin recOITllTEnding approval of as- signrrent of lease on N!:i of L5, B1, Marina Sub., from Gerald Lorz to National Bank of Alaska for securi- ty purposes only 15. March 8, 1988, rrerrorandum from Martin reCOITllTEnding that the Coun- cil request that the South Fork SnON River Selection Area be re- tained for natural resource manage- ment rather than the proposed use of cormnunity expansion 16. March 9, 1988, rrerrorandum from Diener reCOITllTEnding that Council approve the revised Spring Creek Correctional Center Project budget 17. March 10, 1988, letter from Murphy to the ABCB requesting a 30-day ex- tension for protesting renewal of the following liquor licenses: Pioneer Bar 'Ibny I s Bar 'Ibny I s Liquor Store Yukon Liquor Store 18. ABCB notification of applications for renewal of the follONing li- quor licenses: The Wheelhouse American Legion Post No. 5 City Manager ReCOITllTEndations Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Issue letter of nonobjection when sales taxes are current Issue letter of nonobjection MARCH 14, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 3 Item City Manager RecallllEndations 19. Application for permit for games of chance and skill as filed by: Approve and file Sacred Heart Parish 20. Change Order No. 6 to the Zubeck contract for SCCC water utility construction to provide all labor, equipnent and materials to install fire boost pump in SCCC Bldg. #5 warehouse & associated water lines, valves, manholes, etc.; and to in- stall an additional 12" butterfly valve on the water utility's main 12" line & a manhole w/associated appurtenances for autanatic sam- pling at the Wastewater Treatnent Utility, for an increased cost of $86,000 For infomation and file 21. Change Order No. 1 to the SWalling contract for supplying material for the SMIC North Dock to incor- porate sheet pile the city has on hand, decreasing the contract amount by $43,112 For infomation and file 22. March 9, 1988, memorandum from Peirson concerning 1988 real prop- erty assessed values For infomation and file 23. March 3, 1988, memorandum from Diener with attached report from the Corps of Engineers concerning the Lowell Canyon Tunnel Rehabili- tation Project For infomation and file 24. March 10, 1988, memorandum from Diener concerning the proposal to provide a new Senior Center/Museum For infomation and file CONSENT CALENDAR WAS AMENDED BY CHANGING RECOMMENDATION FOR ITEM NO. 24 TO READ "Authorize administration to proceed with negotiations for acquision of old Post Office building as site for senior/community center/museum" . NEW ITEM NO. 25 WAS ADDED AS FOLLOWS: 25. Proposed sublease of RE-060 (Boardwalk Site No.7) from Ray & Leslie Simutis to Jan- aska Corp. Approve and file AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL KlIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREM)NY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Counci1.rrernbers--Bever 1 y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. ~ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: (Nor AVAILABLE) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 601, anending Section 21-38 of the City Code regulating the opening and closing of public campgrounds C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-016, authorizing the execution of a cooperative participation agreerrent among Alaska municipalities and school districts creating the Alaska Municipal League joint insurance arrangerrent 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-017 accepting deferral to the city for safety inspections and enforcerrent activities 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-018 approving purchase of two PC corrputers 4. Proposed Resolution No. 88-019 appropriating $31,900 fran the general fund fund balance to the fire AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MCmAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY CaJNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HAIL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA department fund for replacerrent of the Seward fire hall roof 5. Proposed Resolution No. 88-020 adopting an optional rate structure for the small general service 6. Proposed Resolution No. 88-021 comnitting support to a Kenai Peninsula area wide customs port of entry office X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Proposal to lease a 15,000 square foot parcel of land within the Fourth of July Creek industrial zone for the construction of a restaurant as submitted by Harbor Dinner Club, Inc. (Carl Normm) POSTPONED FROM OCTOBER 26, 1988 MEETING XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointrrents to Planning and Zoning Comnission XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATICN RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CG1MENTS: }NI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: A. John Burckhardt, S.C.H.A.R.E. XI. NEW BUSINESS: B. Appointment of Economic Development District Representative for Seward CONSENT CALENDAR February 22, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Feso1ution No. 88-022 authorizing the application for patent for the remainder of the publicly awned tidelands wi thin the corporate limits of the city 2. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-023 nominating certain parcels of land for selection pursuant to the Municipal land Entitlenent Act 3. February 10, 1988 invoice from Vbhlforth, Flint & Gruening for legal services rendered in Jan- uary totalling $934.23 4. January 1988 invoice from Baily and Mason for legal services rendered in January totalling $3,064.42 5. February 11, 1988, Finance Dept. list of Accounts Payable total- ling $537,583.49 6. ABCB notification of applica- tion for renewal of liquor li- censes as follows: NEW SEWARD HOl'EL BAR & GRILL THORN' S SH~E IDUNGE DREAMLAND Ba^lL 7. February 18, 1988, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Martin regarding sublease of RE-043 from Janes Pruitt to Harbor Gateway, Inc. City Manager Fecormendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file File without objection Approve and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFI'H AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROIJ... CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilnerobers--Bever1y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M2ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (01/25/88) v. APPIDJAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGUIAR MEEI'ING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposal to contract with Hyett-palroa, Inc., to facili- tate Phase II of the Downtown Enhancerrent Plan [SEE PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. 88-006.] VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Peter O. Hansen, M.D. - Accidental death of his son in IaNell Canyon, July 4, 1986 IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 601, arrending Section 21-38 of the City Code regulating the opening and closing of public canpgrounds B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enact.rcent: None C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-006, appropriating funds fran the General Fund Fund Balance to the Conmuni ty Deve10pnent budget for the purpose of imp1errenting and nonitoring the Business Enhancerrent Strategy Plan REBULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL MJNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, AIASKA AGENDA 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-014, appropriating $100,000 frcrn the General Fund Fund Balance for design and preparation of contract docurrents for Phase I of the hospital construction project X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: }IN. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' CCMMENTS: }lNI. ADJOURNMENT : AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING: X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. SMIC Update - Chris Gates XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. U.S. Navy Enticement - Noll B. Ennis Claim for Damages (Consent Calendar Item No.3) DELETED FROM THE AGENDA WAS ITEM NO. IX(C) (2) - Proposed Resolution No. 88-014, appropriating funds for the hospital construction project. CONSENT CALENDAR February 8, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-015, urging full funding of the Trail Lake Fish Hatchery 2. July 1987, invoice from HTGP&B for legal services totalling $12,454.60 3. Claim for damages as filed by Don Ennis for alleged water damage to his house and personal property to- talling $3536.88 4. ABCB notification of applications for renewal of liquor licenses as follows: LATITUDE 60 APOLLO RESTAURANT 5. ABCB notification of application for renewal of a liquor license as filed by THE RED ROOSTER 6. ABCB notification of request for restaurant designation as filed by: APOLLO RESTAURANT THE RED ROOSl'ER 7. Application for permit for garres of chance and skill as filed by: SEWARD JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL 8. February 1, 1988, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener recornrending award of a contract for SMIC sewer extension to Herndon & Herndon for an annunt NTE $157,860.00 9. February 1, 1988, rrerrorandum from E&U Manager Diener recornrrending ex- tension of a contract with Corwin & Associates for construction ser- vices relative to the SMIC sewer extension project 10. Change Order No. 3 to the U/S con- tract for SMIC ship transfer faci- lity civil work & utilities (#218) City Manager Recomrendations Approve and file Approve for paynent and file Deny claim and refer to city insurance adjusters File without objection Request 30-day extension of tirre to respond to notice Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file For information and file FEBRUARY 8, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item decreasing total contract by $8200 11. Change Order No. 3 to the U IS con- tract for SMIC ship transfer faci- lity civil work & utilities exten- sion (#228) decreasing total con- tract by $17,183 12. February 1, 1988, rrerrorandum from E&U Manager Diener setting forth construction and public works pro- jects status information City Manager Rec::amendations For information and file For information and file AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCll.. ~AY, JANUARY 25, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COONCll.. CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL 'ID ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilrrembers--Beverl y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. ~ --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Sirrnltis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (January 11 & 12, 1988) V. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORT: VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed cooperative rranagement agreerrent with the Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation for the use of a portion of Lot 3, Deacon Subdivision No.2, for a trail- head/parking lot to Caines Head State Recreation Area VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) A. Peter O. Hansen, M.D. - Accidental death of his son in Lowell Canyon on July 4, 1986 IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactment: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 600, adopting the 1987 edition of the National Electrical Code C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-008, authorizing a cooperative rranagerrent agreement with the Alaska Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation for the use of a portion of IDt 3, Deacon Subdivision No.2, for a trailhead/parking lot to Caines Head State Recre- ation Area ,) AGENDA REGULAR MEEI'ING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL JlDNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-009, urging the state of Alaska to resune funding of the Fish Rehabilitation, Enhancement and Deve10prent Program at a level that will ensure the continuation and expansion of the fish by-products reduction industry X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: A. Proposed reversal of the $56,090 in charges remaining on suneel's diesel generation account B. Proposed award of a contract to SWalling Construction Co., Inc., for an arrount NTE $1,055,000 for the purchase of steel sheetpile for the SMIC North Dock XII. CITY MANN3ER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: :N. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATICN RESPONSE 'IO CITIZENS' CCM-ID-lTS: YNI. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING BY DELETING ITEM NO. VIII(A) AND ADDING ITEM NO. VIII(B) (Presentation by John Burnett, Seward Cablevision, regarding broadcast of Council meetings) . CONSENT CALENDAR Janua:ry 25, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-010, accepting matching funds for the corrmmi ty swim program and approp- riating them to the FY 1988 Parks & Recreation Dept. budget 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-011, redefining the downtown historic district 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-012, designating the Van Gilder Hotel as having a special historical sig- nificance 4. Janua:ry 19, 1988, invoice from W:Jhlforth, Flint & Gruening total- ling $5,084, for professional ser- vices rendered in connection with the CDS Series 1987 GO Bonds 5. Janua:ry 11, 1987, invoice from W:Jhlforth, Flint & Gruening for le- gal services totalling $891.31 6. June 1987 invoice from ill'GP&B (ap- proved for payment 01/11/88) - to- tal should read $12,516.48, NOT $11,364.73 7. Janua:ry 11, 1988, Finance Depart- ment list of Accounts Payable to- talling $727,263.56 8. Change Order No. 1 to the Brown Construction contract for the SMIC water distribution system exten- sion, deleting 9 fire hydrant as- senblies and reducing the contract by $6,897.33 9. Assignment of leasehold interest in SBH Boardwalk Site No. 7 (Ray & Leslie Simutis) to First National Bank of Anchorage for security pur- poses City Manager ReCOIllllEndations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payment and file Approve for payment and file For information and file Approve for payment and file Approve and file Approve and file JANUARY 25, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Page 2 Item City Manager Rec::ormendations 10. Claim for damages totalling $670.- 40, as filed by Harold W. Pills- bury, for damage to a 'IV and cord organ which occurred during a December 19, 1987, power outage Deny claim and file 11. Claim for damages for an unspeci- fied arrount as filed by Martin L. Goreson for water damage resulting from a broken water main Deny claim and refer to city insurance adjusters 12. ABCB notification of application for renewal of a liquor license as filed by PEKING CHINESE RESTAURANT File without objection 13. Applications for penni ts for ganes of chance and skill as filed by: WEs-GEN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MARATHON HOMEMAKERS File without objection 14. Proclamation of the Mayor desig- nating February 1988 as E.M.S. r-bnth in the city of Seward For inforrration and file CONSENT CALENDAR AMENDED AT MEETING BY ADDING ITEM NO. 15 -- Proposed Resolution No. 88-013, endorsing the State Senate proposal to homeport U. S. Navy vessels in the state of Alaska (Recommendation to approve & file). CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA SPECIAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Acknowledgement is hereby made of receipt at the time and date wri tten hereon of notice of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, to be held at 1:00 pm~:Jq on January 12, 1988 , -' on the request of the City Manager for the purpose of determining city priority projects to be included in the Governor's Jobs Bill 1.L4~~D. Jk~ _cMKRXA Radio 'J - I ;;' Phoenix Loq fLD7J Ira ~. rJ I II Iff ,I./74-:h1U1. o . j V / It '7-/ rY II.' t71J A .M \ , 0'/")71/tJ.'OOt'Y'V!. Affidavit of Service: I ,~NT)-A S:. 1Ju....1!2 do hereby swear that I delivered t above-described to the person signing theref e at the place of business or residence of the Councilmember and at the office of the radio station and newspaper publisher at the time and date listed. Dated: &t-/-z..-ff AGENDA SPOCIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCn., 'IUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1988, 1:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA 1. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMJNY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Hany E. Gieseler Councilnembers--Beverly Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. ~ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF SPOCIAL MEETING AGENDA: V. NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of priority list for Governor's Jobs Bill VI. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: VII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: VIII. CITIZENS 1 DISCUSSION: IX. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: X. ADJOURNMENT: AGENDA REGULAR MEErING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL l'OIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1988, 7:30 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL, CORNER OF FIFTH AND ADAMS STS., SEWARD, ALASKA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. OPENING CEREMONY: III. ROLL CALL: Mayor--Harry E. Gieseler Councilnembers--Bever1y Dunham --David L. Hilton, Sr. --Michael J. M=ehan --William C. Noll --Patrick O'Brien --Leslie Simutis IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (11/23/87 and 12/14/87) v. APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA: VI. BOROUGH ASSEMBLY REPORI': VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Proposed long tem lease of approximately 20 acres of city-owned waterfront property located in the southwest corner of USS 4828 (Mile 4.75, Nash Road) to Chugach Alaska Corp., Inc., for forest products rranufacturing and/or electric co-generation facilities VIII. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: (With prior notice only) IX. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTICNS: A. Ordinances for Introduction: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 600, adopting the 1987 Edition of the National Electrical Code 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 601, arrending the City Code by setting standards for vehicle windshields and wipers B. Ordinances for Public Hearing and Enactrrent: 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 599, arrending the City Code relative to access to public records [CCNTINUED FROM 12/14/87 MEETING] C. Resolutions: 1. Proposed Resolution No. 88-006, appropriating funds from the General Fund-Fund Balance to the Cornnunity AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL M.lIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1988, 7: 30 P. M., CITY HALL, SEWARD, ALASKA Developroont budget for the purpose of irrplerrenting and rronitoring the Business Enhancerrent Strategy Plan 2. PrOfOsed Resolution No. 88-007, approving a lease agreerrent with Chugach Alaska Corporation, Inc. X. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XI. NEW BUSINESS: XII. CITY MANAGER REPORI'S: XIII. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: XIV. CITIZENS' DISCUSSION: xv. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPrnSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS: XVI. ADJOORNMENT: AGENDA AMENDED AT MEETING AS FOLLOWS: 1. Deletion of Agenda Item No. IX(A) (2) 2. Consent Calendar Item No. 18 was moved to Regular Meeting Agenda as Item No. XI(A) CONSENT CALENDAR January 11, 1988 Item 1. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-001, in recognition of the outstanding contributions of Bonald A. Garzini to the city of Seward 2. Proposed Resolution No. 88-002, authorizing signatures for the city bank account and rescinding all previous resolutions in con- flictherewith 3. Proposed Resolution No. 88-003, appointing Darryl Schaeferrreyer as Interim City Manager and setting his salary 4. Proposed Fesolution No. 88-004, authorizing the purchase of two sentinel sarrpler systems without full utilization of city bid pro- cedures 5. proposed Resolution No. 88-005, setting fees for the Seward Munic- ipal Small Boat Harbor and rescin- ding all prior resolutions in con- flictherewith 6. Decernber 8, 1987, invoice from rbhlforth, Flint & Groening for le- gal services rendered in November , 1987, totalling $471.36 7. Decernber 7, 1987, invoice from wiley, Fein & Fielding for legal services rendered in November, 1987, totalling $2.32 8. December 30, 1987, invoice from H'IGP&B for legal services rendered in June, 1987, totalling $11,364.73 9. Claim for damages filed by John Peed alleging damage to electrical appliances City Manager Fecomrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Approve for payrrent and file Deny claim as recOJl1lE11ded JANUARY 11, 1988, CONSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item 10. January 4, 1988, rrerrorandum from Utility Engineer Jack Anderson recormending award of a contract for diesel oil, regular gasoline, unleaded gasoline, gear lubricant, cleaning solvent and transmission fluid to Marathon Fuel Corp., and recomrrending award of a contract for chassis grease, antifreeze, hy- draulic oil and transmission lu- bricant to Bay Fuels for a I-year period with an aption for a I-year renewal 11. December 21, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utilities Manager E. Paul Diener recomrrending award of a contract to construct a fire ac- cess road at the Spring Creek Cor- rectional Center to D & L Con- struction for NTE $23,900.00 12. December 21, 1987, rrerrorandum from Engineering & Utili ties Manager E. Paul Diener recormending award of a contract for construction of a drainage ditch for the SMIC for NTE $10,890.00 13. January 6, 1988, rrerrorandum from Administrative Assistant Kerry Mar- tin recorrrrending approval of an as- signment of SBH Boardwalk Lease Site No. 5 from Michael McKern to Lee Gordanier 14. ABCB notification of applications for renewal of liquor licenses as filed by the following: Yukon Bar Harbor Dinner Club Breeze Inn Gateway Liquor & Food Mart BPO Elks Lodge #1773 15. ABCB notification of application for restaurant designation as filed by Breeze Inn City Manager Recorrrrendations Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file Approve and file File without objection Approve and file JANUARY 11, 1988, crnSENT CALENDAR (Cont'd) Item 16. Applications for Permits for GaIres of Chance & Skill as filed by: Arrerican Legion Post #5 SEward Chanber of Conrrerce Seward Life Action Council SEward Band & Choir Boosters Assoc. 17. Change Order No. 2 (anended) to the Underwater/Swalling contract for Ship Transfer System civil YlOrk, extending the completion date for electrical work to 02/13/88 18. Januaxy 6, 1988, IreIlOrandum from Finance Director Robert Peirson concerning the possible consolida- tion of the Seward Conmunity Li- brary into the city administrative structure 1m City Manager Recomrrendations File without objection For information and file For informa.tion and file