HomeMy WebLinkAbout12052007 PACAB PacketSEWARD PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting December 5, 2(1(17 NOON COUNCIL CHA_VIBERS Ron Long, Chair 1. CALL TO ORDER Roard Member Tcrm Expires 200R 2. Pi.EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE T"heresa Butts, Vice Chair Roard Member 3. ROLL CALL Perm Expires 2UU9 DebmahAltcnnan 4. SPECIAL ORDERS, PRESENTATIONS ANll Roard Member REPORTS 'T'erm Expires 2010 A. ARRC Representative Louis Aencardino Keri Anderson Roard i<9ember B• Chamber Director IAUI'a Cloward term Expires 2010 Paul schumt I . Presentation on Basic Economic Development Board Member Course Term Expires 2009 Darryl Schacfermeyer C• KPR/F.DD -City Councilmember Valdattn Board Member Tenn Expires 2009 D. Administrative Rcpurl Paul Tnu~as 5. Citizrns' comments on any suhjcct except those items Roard Mcrnbcr Tcrm F.xpires 2008 scheduled for ublie hearin Those who hm~e .ci ned in p ~• ~ g will be given the first opportunity to speak. Time is limited Phillip Oates to 2 mimties per speaker mtd 30 minutes total time fur this laity Manager agenda lte»t.~ score a.xansom Fiartxamacter fi. A royal of a rnda and consent a ends A rovul ui' pp g g ~ pP Cnrtcent .Agenda passes id! routine items indicated by :lone Raney asterisk (*i~ Caaertt Agenda items are nut considered Executive Liaison separate!} unless a Buctrd Alentber sn requests. !n the Brent of such a request. the item is returned to the Regular A,t;enclcr.J 7. UNT'INISIIEU BUSINESS A. Project Status List On-Going .................................................................... .. Pagr 3 R. NER` BUSINESS A. Uctubcr 17, ?007 Regular A4rctiug Minutes ............................................... ... Page 5 * B. November 7, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes ............................................. . Page 14 C'. Review Economic Fontm Notes and Provide Feedback on Their ' !bp 1'en Reconunendations ....................................................................................... . Page 22 D. Discussion to update k 2-5 of Section 2.30.325 of the Seward City Code.. .Pagr 24 E. Administrative. Request to Cancel January 2, 200R Regular Meeting........ . Page 2S P. Approve 200R PACAB Meelink and Work Session Schedule ................... . Pege 26 9. CORRESPONDENCE, 1N}'ORMATION~U.. 1'1'EMS AND REPORTS (No action required) 10. BUARD COMMENTS 11. CITI"LEN CO>\iMF.NT5 [S minutes per individual - Eueh individual has one oppu rtunity to speak, J 12. BOARD AND ADMTNSTRATIVE RESPONSE TO CI'I'IGE_VS'C'O14tMENTS 13. AD.IOURNMEN'1' MEMORANllUM ~~- ~. Date: December 5, 2007 To: Port and Couuncrcc Advisory Board Through: Swtt Ransom, IIarbor Maste From: Subject: Project Status List - Un-going At the October l7, 2007 meeting: Ry general consensus, the Roard decided that they would discuss the project statue list H7th the addition of Oates' items, the results of the Economic Fon~m and the roles and responsibilities of PACAB at the next work session. At the November 7, 2007 meeting: Minor changes were suggested but no motion was made to amend tltc list. RECOMIviENDATION: PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD Project Status List U dated 811!2007 TOTE SHIP ARRC EXPANDING DOCK, NEGOTIATIONS WITH TOTE COAL FACILITY Initiate a discussion with terrtial coal shi meets to Cook Inlet IEW COMMERCE GRANT MONEY RECD FOR FIRE TRAINING CENTER SMIC ESTORATION HELD WORK SESSION, ASLC LOOKING FOR $ & HAS PEN IDEA rE BOARD WITH STIP PROJECTS ANNUALLY TOWN REVRALIZATK)N D~IULTI-AGENCY IN PLANNING STAGE )R IMPROVEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE CONTINUING DISCUSSIONS i DOCK PROPOSAL IS AT THE CORP, PROJECT IS TAB D PROJECT EST PURSUE ALTERNATIVE ENGINEERING AND FUNDING IFT EXPANSION TRANSFER PIT WORK RAIL AND FINISH EXPANDING tNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES FOLLOW UP tNITH PROPOSALS AS NEEDED QUARRY ENCOURAGE ROCK SALES t.5 ACRE FILL AREA CONTINUING DISCUSSIONS, REQUESTED A TEMPORARY PLAN iN CONTING DISCUSSIONSI ENCOURAGE LOCAL EMPLOYMENT NARD EXPANSION SOUTH FLOATS IN OR DEFERRED MAINTENANCE South Hbr. Renovetionfim rovements (Ca ital re uest in tor'07 RD MARINE CENTER Follow up as needed KWaTFR DESIGN DEFICIENCY Contact Leslislators, Folow Up as Needed i Cin' nf'.Cmrurd Alusku Pur! and C'amrrcrce Advisory Board .Minutes Oca,ber !'• .0U? Volume 3, Page 492 CALL TO ORDER The regular Ucrober 17, 2007 meeting of the Seward Puri and Commerce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:OU by Board Memhcr i.nng. Pi.F.DGE OF ALLEUlANC:E'1'U "1'HE FLAG Board Memfx;r Long led the Pledge of Allegiance to the llag. Roll Cnll Thcrc were present: Board Memher Ron Long presiding, and Theresa Butts Darryl Schaelcrneyer (Arrived at f 2:05 p.m.) Paul Schuldt Deborah Altcrmatt Kari Anderson (Excused at 12:28 p.nt.) comprising a iluontm of the Board: and ticott Ransom, Harhnr Master Anne Bailey, Executive Liaison Angela Buck, IIarbor Assistant Absent: t'aul Tougas ARRC Representative Louis Beucardino Bencardino stated that the railroad dock had been busy, that there was a dilleaence in the commercial boats that were docking there and that they were beginning to be lwown in the boating world, which was beneficial for the railroad and the Cily of Seward businesses. Bencardino stated that there was a barge that would be docked until May and that dte building would he used for the Parks and Recreations archery this weekend, the Ans artd Crafts show in l7eeemher, and the New• Year's Eve party. I Ie continued that everything was naming smoothly. the freight dock had done well and that they had been looking at gettutg permanent power put in at the freight dock. Chamber Repurl Laura Cloward -None KYB/EUll - Cih~ C:ouncilmembcr Valdatta- None General Fund Budget Presentation and Discussion with Cily Manager Phillip Uates and Finance Director Kris Erchinger City afReward, Aluaku Pnr( and Commerce .advC~urp Buurd .llinu(ee operation budget and briefing were un the City website. He stated the intensive Council budget sessions would take place on October 29-?U, 21107 and November 1-?. 2007. Board A1ember :lndersun excused herself at 12:28 p.m. In response tv .Altcrmatt, Oates discussed the bed loading issue acrd how they were handling the situation. He stated that it +vac a difficult issue since private, city and state owners were involved. In further response to Altermatt. Oates stated that Qrere. was alt effort to market gravel but it haJ to be economically viable and that the gravel would probabh~ be used for Seward purposes. Tn response ro Schuldt. Oates stated that he would be prepared to discuss the City Department reductions and loss of services with the. Council depending on where their conversation went. Long interjected that he would like to give a heads up in regards tv the $4 million rvad earmark. IIe stated shat at the Borough Road Service At•ea meeting the stele had infotuted them that they would be taking their Sj mil lion federal road eaz mark and applying it to a stare wide formula where they woulJ decide how the money was spent and if any was spent within the Romugh a 40°/n administrative fee would he taken. Long continued that when YACA B looked at this budget before they were not looking at the seasonal sales tax and asked haw off setting the bed ta.~ and passenger fee and how it would plan into the bonding connninnents that had been made. Oates stated that he and Erchinger would discuss this but he believed the bond rcpaymem was independent oC that as long as the pa}7rtents were made. JJrcltingcr clabomted that we would have to maintain the same passenger fees but there could be some level of credit against that in some other form. 1,ong stated that we diJ not have the majorin• suppon from PACAB un all of the items hollered in the budget presentation. Oates replied shat there were two areas in the presentation that referred to PACAR. He said one was the slip assigtuttcnt fee and the others were llte 5% rate inctcase and the parking fees. Schaclcnncyer agreed with Long anJ stated that the board did not come to a consensus on anythirtg and they were to provide written cortunents tv Erchinger if they wanted to. Erchinger refaced to the YAC:AR budget work session. She restatui the question she posedto the Roard and stated that there +vas one fairly strong opposition but she felt she had gotten a consensus from the Bvard. ~rhu6lt cramd that Frehineer's assessment was fair. Crn nj Sw<nd AlnsAn Port and CurnmerceAdvi+ory Rnrvd ~llirnnes Or(uber 1 ?, ; 00' 6blun(e 3, Puge 494 Oates asked if he should take the PACAB support portion oll'of the presentation. Schuldt stated that he does not recall supposing that assessment. Butts recalled that there were four different opinions on every issue but stated that Erchinger's question was misleading. Oates stated that he would take that off of the presentation so he did not misrepresent PACAB. Altcrmatt interjected that there were three new• PACAB members who were not part of that discussion and it would not be a fair representatiun. In response to Tong, E.rcltitger stated drat the goal is $1.3 million but it had not burn calculated what the impact would be of the overall propcrt}~ tax since it would be offset by the public saleh lee. Lung stated that he would like to know what the effect on the individual would be. Oates stated that he would present to Council different variations of the tax approaches and see what the impact is on the itdividual and the accumulation. Tie reiterated that this would be discussed futther with council on Uctobcr 29, 2007. In response to Schaefernteyer, Oates stated drat the public safety tee would be a fee primarily for police and fire protection and would include all entities. ht hutltcr response to Schafetmeyer, Oates stated that they do not have everything worked out in regards to how entities would be charged but before the Council meeting they wotild have a proposal prepared. I:rchinger elaborated drat there were many approaches to this and they needed to look at the cost of administering the program and the manpower available. Sehalermeyer clarified that this would be a universal application across the community to all entities. Alterntatt discussed the Economic Forum, which encouraged a positive business climate but the budget presentation ltit dtc harbor businesses financially and did not encourage new businesses. tYrr' ~ j`.Sevvprd .~Ilarku Purt and Cbw.a+ercr.4cfi~isa)•ljoard ;t~inutrs r~cmLzr I', 200' {'plume 3, PuRr 495 Butts stated that we need to locus on the industrial year round businesses to help provide tahility and year round economic gruet2h and that dte harbor businesses needed to pay a fair share since that teas where a Jnt of money came from. Uates reiterated that his goal was to get this Out to the public and allow public input. i.nng stated that the want to make sure that every business pays a fair share. IIC asked the about the $17.6 million in immediate needs how many they intended to buy. Oates n.plied abvul what was done depended on the money drat was available. In response to Lung, Frchinger stated that whatever cash the CiR~ had on luutd could have been used as a match for the harbor grant. She stated that at this time the Electric r'und had the funds but the city was trying to pursue a bond for generators and did nut take the money out for harbor purposes, Oates stated that if the City had the 3 to (i month reserves they would have been able to pursue the harbor grant. In response to Butts. Oates slated that the Cih' had about a 1-month reserve and needed another 1.5 million to get a 3-month reserve. In response. to Lmtg, Ransom referred to the rate increases in the past and what they were used lur but there were not funds to maintain the current infrastructure. L-rchingcr continue) by stating that this year the Harbor would end in a positive light. lltr Roard continued to discuss the past rate increases arrei what they were used for. the bond debt service reserve J'und, what additional revenues Could be used for and the S% increase. Uatrs thatil:ed everyone ivt serving on I'A<~'AB and stated that he would try to improve commurtkations between himself acrd the Board. ()rates suggcsred that PAC'AR may want In consider the lu-lowing prgjccts: [he 3.5 acres in the southern part of the small boat harbor, the Cast side of Resurrection Bay; the federal, state and city priorities; discuss privatization and outsourcing of city services (i.e. parking, project tnnnnaement wtd building inspection); revising Title 15 and ! b ofthe City Code and the synopsis of the IrconumiC Forum. In n:sponse to Burrs, 1rrc•hinger stated that the Jlar rare for (hc. hsrhor slips was being considered at 20"/u, SU% and one equal to the moorage rate. She stated that the one in the budget w•as the one that generated the least revenue but Uates was interested in pursuing the rate that matched City ofSeward. 9/askti Part and Commerce Advi+orp Bourd A~inu~rr Ocra6er !', ZODi 4'olume 3. PaRC 496 h~ response to Schaefermeyer, Erchiugcr stated that the City employees medical plan expenses would be increasing tiom $100 to $155 a month. Admiuistrativc Report Harhormaster Scott Ransom reported on the following items: • Parks and Recreation Direc Wr Karin Sturdy asked Ransom to relay that parking was officially closed and nine businesses purchased 77 seasonal passes for their employees, which was 34% employee permits were purchased by the employer. • Welcomed the new PACAB Board Members. • The new ]executive Liaison was Kathy Mize and would replace Bailey during her maternity leave. Wi[h Council approval the harbor would have a bid for a contract of 3.125 million dollars for renovation ul' I duck, 1' dock, and construction of the bulkhead for the travel lift duck and electric w•ork.1'he work should occur this winter. In response to Buus, Ransom stared that the work would be completed by the summer with a March 31, 2008 deadline fur in water work. Citizens' wmmeuts ou any subject except those items scheduled fur public hearing-None Approval of agenda and consent agenda Motion (Schafermeyer/Altermatt) Approve the Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Schafermeyer requested that some clerical changes be made to the September 12, 2007 minutes. He referred to page 39 of the packet and requested that "what" be added to his comment; page 41 add "want to" to his comment and stated Utat he did not believe the meeting adjourned due to a lack of quorum but due to lack of time. Ry general consensus, the Board approved the changes to the September 12, 2007 minutes and staff would place the amended minutes for approval on the next regular meeting agenda. L'NTINISIII/D BUSINESS- SMIC Development Plan Changes and Comments forwarded back from PlanninK andLoninQ Commission Long introduced the SMIC Development Plan and stated that there was a motion on the floor Crry~ of Sc~~nrd .4(aska Pur! and Canmerce Advisory Board Mlrtutes Oetnher 1 ? 200' 6'n(ume 3, Page 497 Bailey restated the arnendnrent '•SMTC Plan page five under Management add #3 to read, Ensure that the facility and uses are consistent with the reyuirentents of the Maritime Security Act of 20112 ,3.C1'R.104.1 U> as applicable." She stated that this was passed by unanimous consent. Long stated that we were hack to the motion as arncnded and sinted that there were couple of updates on schematics and stated that there was language in the document stating the attachments must he documented and kept current. l le asked Ransom how the documents were updated and kept current. Kartsom recommended that we would gather the appendices inlurmatiun from dtc City departments and suggested that we cantract the project and have someone help compile the infomtation electronically and stated that it was an on-going process. In response to Long, Ransom stated that the cost to update this could stay within the harbor budget but at the moment it was not a line item. Butu reiterated that the appendices everc necessary to understand the document and that it could be done without an excessive amount of work. She suggested that a Land Usc Map with the leases marked out it and a pencil mark aruurtd where the AVTL•C fire training may go. She stated that this was useful information and not just supplementary. In response to Lung, Bailey read the motion on the ^uur as amended. She read, "Support the Planning and Zoning Conunission changes to the Plan, as amended by the Port and Commerce Advison~ Board, artd forward the Plan to Ciq Council for review." Schafonneyer clarited that we are lurwardine this to Council fur their action and asked that that be added to the motion. Long stated that it should bc. sent with the motion and ask Council to recommend the appropriate department to update the attachments. Schaefermcycr stated that Council was the entity to do that and that writing the attachments was a statT ('unction. Bailey clarified that we were voting un the motion on the ^uur. Motion on the Floor as amended Support the Planning nod Zoning Commission changes to the Plaa, as amended by the Port and Commerce Advisory Rnard, and forward the Ylau to City Council for rrvirw and actiou. Cit) ufSewurd. ;tlasku Prn-t and ('nmmerr•e ArA~isory Board Minutes October / "', .'Gp? D'olume 3, Page 49$ Motion ['asked Yes: .4ltcrmatt, Long, Schaefermeyer, Beholds No: Butts Absent: Anderson and Tougas Project Staters List- On-Going and discuss adding a joint work session Seward City Council iv November on the Project Status List Butts referred to page 32 of the packet and asked for clarification about what the Board was supposed to do. Bailey clarified that at the last meeting the project status list was not discussed and was mvveJ to unlluishcd business for this ntccting. Stec stated that it was rcconuncnded to make a motion. i.ong stated that one of the hopeful outcomes of the Economic Forum vests to clarify the roles and responsihilities ofthe Board. He supported adding the five items that Oates suggested to the list and to allow the Board to define their overt roles and responsibilities within the framework of what tvas in the code. Long continued that then we could have a work session with Council to discuss topics. Scltacfermcyer suggested that the Ecvnomic Fvrunt be a topic at the next PACAB work session and that the Roard do their own process before getting together with Council. Alterntatt stated that Oates was curious what the Board thought their roles and responsibilities were and thougltt it was a good idea to meet with the new Council She continued that at the Economic Fvrum there was not a lot discussed in regards tv PACAB's role. Lung stated that there was a prcliminarv meeting combining all of the inlurmation gathered at dtc. mectutg. He said that there tray be ittfonnativn Goth the vtltcr lx,rtiuns ofthc discussion that may help PACAB. He stated that the information from the forum would be available to the public. IIe agreed with Schaefemteyer and wanted to schedule the Economic Fotum as the topic 1'ur Use November Work Session. The Board discussed the date and time for the next Work Session. Butts suggested that we discuss the Boards roles and responsibilities atthe next work session as well. Ry general consensus, the Roard decided that they would discuss the pro•jrct status list with the addition of Oates' items, the results of the Economic 1+'orum and the roles and responsibilities Cih• o/'Sewnrd .4lnskn Anrt urrd Ginunrri e d fi~isnrv Board .'tlinutes Ottoher 17, ?60? Volume 3. Page 499 CORRCSPUNllRNC'E, INFUIt41.4TiON:1L ITEMS AND REPOR7;5 (uo action required)- letter from City Manager Phillip Oates to Prrsidcnt and Chief Executive Officer Pat Gamblr in regards to expansion of the railroad duck. ftuttc stated that she would put her msponse in an email and asked why the City should invest time and enerKy in something that is in duect competition with what was trying to be built across the bav. Schuldt asked how this benedlted the City. Long slated thst this rt~as :~ big topic sttd shuttld poi their feelings irr ut~irirrg. World Tradr Center Alaskan Luncheon B0:1Rll CO~TI\ILNTS t1i[ermatt stated that it was art honor to be back on the Roard, apuiugizcd for her attendance record attd stated that she would like to he at the next work session and hoped they would reschedule since she would he gone for a month starting November ?0, 2007. Long thanked Bailey; Buck and the new nremhers. I Ie reiterated information about the harbor leases artd discussed the tish tax and other areas of growth. He requested that the reorganization for the Clrair and Vice Chair be added to the uext agenda. Ruffs reyuested that the World Trade Center be ntuved to the next agenda. Cl'1'17.F.NS' CUIVIMENTS [.i minutes per indirictuu! -Each indiriduu( has one opportunity to speak.] Ron Hewitt. 338 Nash Knad, stated that on behalf of the Chamber Board they look forvvard to working with P:1CAB on projects. He stated that he looked lurward to the restilts ofthc Economic Conan artd appreciated PAC'AR's hard work. BUARf) AND AD~11NIti fRATION I2faPONS>r TU C'1'1'I7.F.NS' COI\ibll•;NTS-'None. Cip~ u(Seward .4lnska Port and Contmeri e adrisnr~~ l1~arJ;L9uvlrs Ocrn. btr 1 ?. ?00' r'„n.mo 3 F'„o.> 5(1!1 AD,iOLiLt~M11G~1T Mectitlg aJjourned at 2:UU p.m. :~nne Clailey Ron I one. Lsecutive i.inison Buard Member (City Seal) Cifi ol~~++urd, .9lasAu Purr aid Cnmmrrcc Advisory Board .Minutes YnvemCer ? ?04' 6'olume 3, Pale SDI CALL TU ORDLR The regular November 7, 2007 meeting of the Seward Pvt•t and Cotnntcrce Advisory Board was called to order at 12:00 by Roard Member Scharl'crmeyrr. PLEDGF. nF ALLF.GI:LKC'1"; TG TllE FLAG Roard Member Tuugas led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were pn'sertr. Board Member Sehacfernteyer presiding, and Paul Schuldt I)eboralt Alterman Kati ,lttdersun Paut I'uugaa comprising a yuurum of the Board; and Kirstcn Vesel, Assistant City Manager Scott Ransom. Harhorntaster Ahgela Buck. Harbor Assistant Kathy Mize. Temporary Executive T.iaison Absent: Ran Long Theresa Butls ARRC Reprrsentative Louis Bencardino Bencardino stated tltat October was the busiest Octvbcr in eight years. He visited a new ship owned by Edison Schwest that is working for Shell and is headed for Louisiana artd suggested that ,'lnderson visit the ship if she Bets the chance. as it is really something to see. Where are three long liner hpe ships in until L)eeember 23 he feels will come back due to the lower cost ofmovit~q people in and vu[ of Seward compared to llutch Tiarbor. A Shell barge is in until May and the Nordic Viking will leave tanorrow or Friday. The Sampson freight barge will come in on Monday. Bencardino fell that this wilt he a good w7nter. Jarnra,y to March Seward Ships w~17 be tied up nn the west side with a (':oast Guard cutter. In respnnse to Schuldt. Bencardino s!alcd they looked ar adding an 8UU fot>t extension tv the dock but Ure estimated cost was $SOi\4 and the engineer was directed to work on a less expensive option. Une option is un the freight dock to go around the property lint and come back. This would T.,,,.. Cite oJSe+rurrL Alaska Port u»J Commerce Advisarv Roard Minutes ,~'pve+»ber ?, 100? Volume 3, Page 502 In response to Anderson. Renaardino stated they have been in contact with the Port of Atuhurage about the of3luading cranes thug are scrapping as part of their expansion project. In response to Schacletmeyer, Rencardino stated the next coal ship is due at the end of the month and is headed to Clulc. They are marketing heavily and may have another ship headed to another country but have not heard from Korw. hr response to Schaefermuyer, Bencardinv stated that the price of oil seems to be affecting this other courttry•. 1n respouse to Tougas, Rencardino stated that the coal conveyor is fx;ing upgraded to speedup the process frotu five. day's to three to tour days. Rencardino stated that thet•e was good activity at dte facility with the Port City Players, IiaSSoweett czrniva4. and rowers. [ Ipconr'sng events include on December 4 , 2UU7 the acts & Caelts bac+ar in conjtnution ~s~ith the Christmas 'I rain and the end of the year library fundraiser. Schaefermeyef conunented that a good percentage ofthe comm~uvty attended the 4Ialloween carnival. Chamber Report Laura Cloward Cloward welcomed the new board members. She will be attending the Pacific ~ylarine expo next week. The Chamber is watching tltc budget process closely. 'Ihc Chamber will hold oIT on the marketing budget sv that it can he tied to the. results of the Economic llevelopment Fonun and hudget allocation. fhc Chamber is shitting their events focus and is no longer taking on the tree lighting ceremony attd huliday lighting contest due [v lack of business participation. Upcoming events include a four y'car lditatod centennial celebration that will begin and end in Seward and the 10'^ anniversary of the Alaska SeaLife Center. Cloward also staled that she attended the Basic Cconomic ilevelopmcnt Coarse paid for by the City and would likv to review information that may apply to PACAR. In response to Schaefemteycr, Cluward stated she is uncertain of the status of the Chamber budget nyue>t lv Ute City due to changes during the Friday hudget session. In respoctsc to Schaefermeyer, Cloward stated the fish restoration fund bruught in $1 1,700 last yeat• and $17.000 tlris year. The Chamber is lvuking at ~~rants from the conununity to support. this fund. Altunnatt stated the Council questioned what the Chatnbcr was doing writh these lish .o ~.......; .,...; ....+,. Crn~ n/:Seward..~tlacku Part and Lb~.~r.•: ~•ce.9Jrisv>7•' Uon.•d A4imues ~1`nvenrbCr ?, ?00? Volume 3, Page 5(1 i Cloward stated the City has co-sponsored the first place fish with a $~,0~0 contribution to the salmon dcrh}~. The regnesi 1'vr caniribution teas worded to indicate that because. the City dues not financially contribute to Fish restoration, help in supporting the event that raises money sti it can he done un the comnuutita's behalf is appreciated. The marketing contract resolution is very specific as to what the ntoncv is rased tor. iCl'B/EI)1) -City Councilmemher ~ aldatta - Nune Discussion was held nn whether Valdatta is still the liaison for the. council. Administrative Report Assistant City Manager Kirsten Vesel reported on the following items: • Oates apologized ti,r not attendutg today's ntceting. he is at the i~ML conference. Ciq has entered irate a conn'act with Architects Alaska to do a prcliminary~ schematic design of the multipurpose building in the harbor to relocate the Coast Guard and potentially KOAA attd other organizations. Economic Development 1•orum has been recapped into one document atld there will be anutlter meeting in the near future to discuss the top 10 areas to be fncused on. Recommended a work session to hear Cloward's presentation. hi response to'fougas, Ransom stated the multiuse building is slated to goon the oast end of the beach area where X float is now. In response to Tougas, Ransom stated that they have looked at relocating the. Harbormaster Office Gum time to time but it is centrally located and a low priority. Itt resportxe to Altemtatt. Vesel stated she would take back to Uates the request for PACAB to review the L•cunomic Development Funtm report prior to holding another public meeting. Harbormaster Sentt Ransom reported on the following items: In relcrence to [3encardinds statement about some uftlte [oats Ice have in, he agreed these boats may return next year due to harbor impruventent projects completion that will better accommodate them. Ransom will lie taking a presentation to the Pacific \larinc Expo that is described as a walking tour of the Seward boat hartxir writ[ photos attd music. Ransom thanked Buck for her work on the presentation. Ciry~ JlSeivarJ Alurku Port and Cbmmerca .advisory Bourd 94inmes Kausurn gave a PowerPoint presentation on the harbor projects for the benefit ol'the new mambets at Oates' request. In response to Anderson. Ransom stated protection li-om incoming swells is a problem at X Float so they are not allowing smaller boats there in the winter. In response to Schacfcruteyet, Ransom sorted lltis issue is related to the breakwater fix and that the \4'RDA bill would givC the Corp authorization to tix [he I50 foot breakwater shortage. In response to Altennatt, Ransom stated that we have 66U stalls. !si respvnse to ,1lterntatc, Kattsunt stated the S4.2M for fire renovation of I and 'l ducks came from ttvo State Economic Development direct E~rants not requiring matching funds. in response to SLhaefetYtte}er, Ratti.atn slalul the estimated catuplction date for the ntajur part of the project is .April 15 with the hulk finished by June 1 ~. In response to Alterntatt, ltan~om stated the new sl'sp assignment fee in dte Uudget is needed to cover staff time involved in processing slip turnover and to create revenue for replacing timber liners A, B, C, D, and S. This is a cute time charge to new slip holders (approx. ~0 per year) to cover major repairs to slip, electric adjustrncnts, prvicessing leaving slip border atad new slip ltnlder and several bvat moves. Rate is haled on muvrage lbr one year. Ili respvnsc to Schaefermeyer, Ransom stated he is nut certain if the fee has an impact on the ?008 operating budget for the harbor. Ransom stated the intent was for the revenue from this fcc would be used n.placing Moats. A briCf discussion was held on Council support of the slip assessment fcc. Schaefenneycr asked the Board members to address the Cottncil with any concerns un the budget items and voice their opinions. Alterman stated the presentation for the Pacific Marine Expu is nice and recommended showing it tv Council. lliscussion wa3 held on smaller, possible more achievable items that could be budgeted for in the tuttuti. Vesel stated Karin Shn•dy asked her to notify PACAB that Council did increase parking lees in the harbor from SS to $10 nn Friday and proposed raisinK launch ramp fees. G; .' ::7.Sss, urd, Alt~ska Port and Cunurrerce :~ dvienrv Board .Mlnutec \ovember ', '00' t'blume: 3, Page ~l7$ Approval of a~cnda and consent ageuda Motion (Altennatt/Anderson) Approve the Agenda L)iscussiun wss hell un remuvirrg Sl~erial itcrn ?.A. from th e agenda wail a full board was present. fllotiun Passed llnanimUUS Consent The following items were approved under the Cunseut Agenda: Scptemtrer 1?. ?t107 Regular R(eeting ,Lfinutes SPECIAL I'1'F.AIS - NO>ViINATE, VOTE ANll .APPOI NT' A CIIAIR Ah"D VICE CHAiR Schacfermeyer opened the nominations for Chair. Motion (Altermatt/Andersun) Nominate Ron Long as PACAB Chair Seeing nu h~rther nominations, nominations were closed. Motion (Schaefrrmcyerj Appoint Ron Lugg as PACAB Choir ~'IfIt10n Passetl l~'nanlmOUS Consent Schaetermeyer opcatai the nomination for Vice-Chair. Motion (Andrrsun) Nominakc Theresa Butts as PACAB Vice-Chair Motion (Altermatt) Nominate Darryl Schaefermeyer as PACAB Vier-Chair Seeing nn firrther nominations. nominations were closed A ballot vote was held and the results were as lullows: On a nTitten tall}~ note Batts received t,vo votes, Sehaeferrnryer rereivec! two votes. and.Aitrnn.~tt received one vote. No maturity vote obtained, so a second ballot vote was held and the results were zs follows: Ciry~ gfSeH~ar~i Alaska fort arld Conmierce :1 ~•isory Buurd a/inutex UNFINISIIED BUSIN`ESS- Project Status List- On-Going Project Status List was reviewed and discussion was held on updating the list to add current items and updating language. Discussion was held nn the multi-agency huilding and the Forrest Service's possible decreased participation. In response to Tougas, Anderson stated the fire training center at SMiC is part of a large grartt to build a Fire training facility and building, the location of which is on leased city land. Plans fur the building are still in the works. !n respousc. to Schacfcrmcycr, Vcscl stated the lease wish the State on this land is in the final review and should be near a final agreement but the City is still waiting to hear back from the State. Altetmatt suggested changing the warding on the Eastward Expansion item description to include Commercial Basin. Schaelermeyer suggested changing the item description of I Iarbor Deferred Maintenance to (Capital request hi for 'US) artd refresh the list as needed to bring it up to date. OTHER YEW' BUSINESS Cancel December and Januan' Regular Meetings - Discussion was held on holding the December and January regular meetings regardless of lack of stalling and the possibility ul' using staff from the City Clerk's office. Motion (Scharfermeyer/Tuugas) hold December 5 regular meeting as scheduled to the extent that there is administrative support provided by the City. Motion Passed Unanimous Cunsrnt By general consensus, the Board approved holding the .lanuary 2, 2008 regular muting as scheduled. C iN nf.Seirurd, Afuska Por! not! Commerce Advicnry BourJ Minutea Nuvauber ?. ?00? Volume 3, Page SU7 Discussion was held on holding the work sessions in llecemlx r and.Ianuary as scheduled with topics to he selected at a later date. Schuldt tell the meeting at l :49 p.m. Anderson lcfr the meeting at L•>U p.m. Thr Board refrained from doing business briefly until Schuldt returned at 1:51 p.m. to meet the quorum requirements. By general consensus, the Board approved rescheduling the November 21, 2007 work session Io Novcmher 13, 2007 al noon to discuss the roles and responsibilities of PACAB. By general consensus, the Board approved holding a Decemher 19, 2007 work session ax scheduled to discuss the roles and responsibilities of YACAR. )executive Liaison was directed to calendar December and January n,gular meetings and work sessions as previously scheduled. Executive Liaison was directed to add Cloward's presentation nn Economic Development to the December 5 agenda. CORRESPONDENCE, iNFORMATION.4L ITEMS AND REPORTS (no action required)- ~4'orld Tratle Center Alaskan Luncheon Schaefermeyer directed any board members interested in attending any ul' these montlily meetings, to notify the Executive Liaison as there is money hudgeted for this purpose. BOARD COMMENT'S - None. CITIZENS' CO'ViMF.NTS [S minrrles per individual - Lach individual has one opportunity !o speak. / - :None. BOARD AND AD4IINIST'RATION RESPONSE TU ClTi7,F.NS' COMMENTS-None Ciro u/'Sn+~rt(:1{trsku Port pp:! Cnn~merCe Arhison' Baurd alirtures :VovUnGer ?, ?OU' Yo{ume 3 Puga 508 AnJOlii2~\'A1F.VT Mccting adjourned at 1:59 p.m. Kathy D1izc Daml Schaefetmeyer Temyic~sns-y t:tiecurive i.inisoss 43uard Member (City Sena) F.conumic rurum 7'np 1U TttinKsfl'bemes for C'ommunih• (Busltress): t. Encourage movement between downWwn and harbor hy: • lnstatiing attractive and informative signsge (u~ond) incltrding maps; • f)eveluping walking touts with graphic images along the designated route; • llevelop an awning policy to encourage walking and offer incentives to install Connect boardwalk from train wreck to bike path with seawall 1'or continuity • Install sidewalks and lighting on both sides of 4`" Avenue 2. Lnhatce commercial fishing utdustry • Iruprove support to crew members while in town • Increase transient moorage for commercial fisherman w7th utilities • Encvurage vendor for commercial fishing supplies (minimum inventory) • Market support to lishing fleet 3. Ninisb the 514110 basin- pvtcntial 3200 muvrage feet atd discourage derelict boat storage ~. Consistent interpretation and application of policies- for example: business license fees and tax collection (sales and passenger feed for businesses operating from Seward im a temporary basis- or if code is inadequate, rewrite it. S. Improve customer service attitude from City to citizenry by reinlurcing idea that Cit} (staffs) propose is to sen~e citizens and businesses. Establish a business advvcare'facililaRV to Assisi with licensing, permilling, inspection process. 6. Betlcr define and publicize role of I ACA13, Administration, Chamber, Council, l ~ Z and citizen's grarp in relation to business dea~cJopment. ~. Reduce energy costs by reducing rates and fees associated with our own utilities (electric j yr by exploring aJtrmatitr energy options. $. Encourage developntcnt- residential subdivisions and business- by providing (City) the inliastrturmre. 4, Review harbor lard use to maximize revenue for City and diversity fur reciden~~visirors • Move USCG (and IIarbornrasteri and suppor .AKRR development plan. • Address pedestrian, traffic congestion. 10. Support pmtnership between public school system, post-secondary institutions, businesses and alternative opportunities (Jesse T.ee Home) to foster a healthy and vibrant k-16 education system. Top 1Q "IhinRs !br Chamber (7 to start with): I. Business IIow-Tv Sessions 2. F.ntreprencurial mentonhip 3. Pamiliari~Ation tours 4. llirect marketing to .Attehorage businesses, unions, etc. 5. Market in more trade publications as recommended by industry sectors 6. I3neourage 1utvwledge-based businesses, science/research or tech-based businesses%emplo}~nent and telecommunications (increase community capabilitic>) and foster home-based businesses for this purpose. 7. Grow shoulder season by marketing for conferences, meeting and retreats Top 10 Things/f'hemes for DevelopmenC Top 10 Thing/'1'hemes fur Government: ME1~'IORANDUM Uate: Deccatther 5, ?007 To: Port and Commerce Advisurv Roard Through: Scott Ransom, Flarbur I`4astNrl~ tram: Subject: 1.30,325. Powers and duties. -Discussion ol'poitus 2-5 At the November l~l 2007 work session: Chair Long requested that the hoard rcviety pUints 2-5 and change any language necessary to update this section of the Code, 2 30,325, Poker's and duties. (a) R shall be the. responsibility of the pori and commerce advisory hoard to: (l l Report annually to the city council at the first council meeting of the new fiscal year and at any other time as may br requested h} the city cnunci}. The annual report shat! include, at the minimum, a report on the prior year's activities, a list of any anticipated requests for appropriations fur the Vear's planned activities attd a recommendation regarding the continuation al'the heard; (2) Malec recotnntcndations wthe city council concerning the design and coordination of projects to promote and develop domestic and intcmational transportation and trade links t}trough the potY o1' St ttcnrd; (3) Provide input to the city council on matters involving the establishtent of industry related to the movement of fish resources and hulk couunodities such as wal, grain, timber, minerals and other resources liom illaska through tfte port of Seward; (4) Advise the city council on matters involving the establishment of support xervices pertauting to the pori of Seevard; (5) Perlvmt other duties as requested by the city council, (h'1 11te hoard shall have no authority to expend or commit city funds without first obtaining approval by attd any necessary appropriations from the. city council. (Ord. 512, 198?: C)rd. »3, § 5. Fi, 1936; Ord. 9r231 kFCOA41ti~1F.ND.4'I'lON; Part and Commerce Advisory Board Agenda Statement Meeting llatc: December ~, 2007 Through: ticott R~tsom, Harbor Master ~ From: Agenda item: Cancel January 2, 20081:4CAB Regular Meeting RACKGROLhlD & JUS"11FI 'ATION; The Regular .lanuary Port and Cotnrnerce Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 2, 200R. Administratia~ requests this meeting be canceled due to staffscheduling. The City VSanager, Assistant City Mana);er, HasUortvastes, Executive Lsaison and Harliar Office Assistart iil will all be out. ItLCO1v~1h~lC~+D~1T[ON: Stail~rcqucsts the January 2, 2008 regular meeting be cancelled. PACAB ~lgcnda Statement Date: Docember S, 2007 lo: Pun and Commerce Advisory Ro d 1'hrnugh: Scott Ransom, Ilarbur yfastei~ _ From: tiuhject: Approve the 2008 YACAR Meeting and Work Sessiun Schedule In Ducenther. the Purt and Commerce Advisory Roard should approve the regularly scheduled Port and Commerce Advisot Board Meeting and Work Sessiun Schedule for the coming year. The Pori and Commerce Advisory Roard regular meeting is scheduled to meet al 12:00 p,m. in the city council chambers nn the first Wednesday of each month and work scssions'special meetings aro scheduled at 12:00 p.m. in the city council chambers on the third Wednesday of each month. Special meetings may be held at lhr~ call of the chair ur the city manager, and at such times as the commissiun may determine.. The 20U}f Ynrt snd Commerce Advisory Board ,ti4eeting acrd 11~ork Session Schedule are tttiached. Approve the 2008 Port attd Commerce .Advisory Meeting attd Work Session schedule. City of Seward 2008 Port and Commerce Advison' Board Meeting attd AKenda Cut-Off Dates Rcsulnder: The Cummissian shall meet at l2:OQp.m. in the Council Chambers on the 1"and 3r1 Wednesday of each month Boards and Commissions Schedule Port and Cornmcrce Advisot•~~ Board November 14, 2007 Work Session at 12:00 p.m. -PACAB Roles and Responsibilities -Notice. out November R. 2007 December 5, 2007 Regular ,tVlceting at 12:00 p.nt. -Agenda fo Clerk's UI'ficc- Novrmbcr 26, 2007 -Grt Packets Together- Novrmbcr 29, 20U7 -12un i'uckrts- Vnvember30, 2007 -Meeting- December 5, 2007 -Action Agenda to Clerk's Uffice- Decrmber 4, 2007 -ivtinutes Iteports- Ctaaard's preserttarion on thr Basrc Fconornic I)evelopmcnt ('nurse she took is oa itx: agenda. (: nfinishcd i3usinrss- -Project Stauis T.ist - Un-Going (Board needs to kuow changes need 8t least general consensus to he chattged. Started a memo for administration-Scnri- to address.) Ncw Business- -Approve 10/17~U7 Regular Meeting Minutes -.~pprnve I Ii7:U7 i2egular 4leeting it4inufes -Review Economic Forum Notes and Provide feedback nn Their "]'np Ten Recununendations -Cancel January 2, 2008 Kegutar Nleetigg -Approval of Regular Port and Comtuerce :'ldvisury Board Meeting and Special Meetiog%Work Session Schedule for 2008 (will need to be amended if January meeting is cancelled. December 19, 2007 Work Session at 12;U11 p.m. -PACAB Roles utd Responsibilities Tanuarv 2.20118 ReQUlar Meeting at 12:00 p.m. - Mai 13e Cancelled? -MceGng-January 2, 20U8 -Actiou Agenda to Clerk's Office- ,ianuary 3, 2008 -M14inutes January 16, 2008 Work Session at 12:00 p.m. FeUruary 5, 2008 Regular Meeting at 12:00 p.m. -Agenda to Clerk'F Office- January 28, 2008 -Get Packets 'l~ogether-January 31, 2UU8 -Rau Packets- February 1, 2UU8 •Mechn~ February 6, 2008 -Action Agenda to C7crk's Office- February 7, 2008 -Minutes Pr1CAB Word; Session l 1/14117 (a~ 12:0(1 p.m. P.ACAI3 ligles S Nespnnsibilities \'fho attended: Paul tichuldt, Paul Tougas, Deborah Alterntatt, Ron Long, Karl Andetsvn (1::13 p.m.l, Kathy ?~4ize. Phillips Oates, and Matt lront the Phoenix LO(i. Notes: Dares addressed the Board aidt suggestions of thing; for them to review. • How to vhtain revenue tv improve the boat hat'bor and floats. How tv run the small boat harbor more efficiently, recommend any changes. What to do with the land produced liom dredging -parks, movable buildings, etc. • PACAB should have a position on the budget that is taken to Council at each meeting. - Slip assigrunent fee is being debated with tawyen, looking at a lesser fee. bong feels the Board be sensitive to the harbor dept - a lot of work being done tiM1C -how to tighten operations over there. Require bvnd or rate increase. Boat disposal. • Outsourcing any of the SYfIC ur Bnat IIarbar funcliuns? • Re~~ew I?conumic Development Fonnn results and identify PACAB Top 10 priorities • PACAB position on Maq Lowell Center? Oates gave alt update on the W'RDA 13111. Appruprintion process is next. Corp may have muucy for the breakwater fir:. There arc claims of large rucks in the way of dredging. The Lowell Canyon tunnel pvrtivrt would involve the Corp reeking it uo•er and they have t5 years to find a fix. if they lied a fix, they have tv do it. Oates reviewed lTUdget stanrs. 5°G increase Yor moorage and lees w•as approved and Cotutcil still needs to address boat latmch and slip assigttntent Pecs. Also bed tax, sales tax and parking. Long discussed the effect of the taxes on the small businesses -three taxes on each sate, Discussion was ltcld nn decreasing State and Federal hording. Discussion was held on pre-PACAB history. 'There was a harbor commission and a trade board that did not work out very well. Oates was agreeable to a PACAB representative being on the hitYng comrttittee for the harbormaster position. Further discussion was held un where the position is being advertised. --' '- '.,^~• ^* its.. (';rv ('ode and interpret FACAB`s rule. He ._.1:-Discussion of section 2.30325 of the Cil~ Code was held and Long asked the Board to revtew #2-#5 and brim, to the December 4 meeting ideal language to uQdate this section. Thar was discussion on the Ciry/l'ACnR relationship with the railroad. Long will ask Gates to im~itc someone frvm the railroad office in Attchurage to x PACA43 meeting. Anderson suggested opening communication with industry leaders. Suggested utviting guest s}~eakers to utiiiu, Icxal industry 4efldess. llixussion was held ott PACAl3's role itt economic development and the relationship with the Chamber n4 Cotttttsescc. Discussion was held rnt what PACAI3 can realistically accomplish in 4 hotus a month. • Suggestion was made to ta1:e S ur 2 topics at a time to address. ;~• Suggestion was made to create 2008 goals. • Suggestion on possibly havinK a eonunittee that meets with the Gltamber Discussion waa held on educating Council on harbor so they have a better understanding of its operations when voting. Discussion was held on efficiency in harbor. Long, stated that the Council does not have a role in tho operation ul'the harbor - that is For staff' under the direction of the City bganager to address. Discussion was held on the uta}or QOSitive changes that have occurred in the harbor and the changing character with the "conunercial basin". Dismissed at 1:45 p.m.