HomeMy WebLinkAbout12042007 Planning & Zoning PacketSeward Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting ece~r'~er'4'r771TT" '. p.nr rtt"Z'orirtcrR rat'1' rr Marianna Kcil Chair Term E,:tpires 02/10 1. Call to Order Sue McClure C'ommissiuner Term Erpirec 0'~1B 2. Opening Ceremony MurgurH Anderson Commissioner Term Fxpires UI/U9 Ae~<in Clark Vice-Chair %erni Expires 02/09 vacant Commissioner Term Ezpiree 01~~8 Sandie Rnarh' C.ummic.anner Term Fxpires 02/!0 Rnh Nicks Commissioner term Litpires 02108 Phittip Uates C'iry MungKer Malcolm BroMm Planner Donrtu Clem Planning A.csictmu Vacant F.xerutive i.iaiswt A. Pledge.of.Allcgiaucc. 3. Roll Call 4. Special Reports & Presentations A. City Aduunistration Report 1. Reported Violations, Interpretation and Abatement II. Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations S. Citizens' Commrnts on any subject except (host items scheduled for public hearing. [Those who hm'e signed in wit! be given the lust opportunity tv speak. Time is limited to 2 minutes per speaker arut .i0 »unutes rural time jot this agenda item] C. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda (Approval of Consent Agenda passes al! routine items indicated by asterisk /~). Consent Agenda items are not considered separately unless a Canmirrioner so requests. Tn the event of such a request, the item is returned to the Regular Agenda. J f kenning & Zvning Commission Regular Meeting Agemia December 4. 2007 Page 1 7. Public Hearings (Limit cumments to 5 minutes. Thule- who have..cigned in will be givetn the first opporhtnity to slx~akJ A. Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing -None B. New Business Items requiring a Public Hearing 1. Resolution 2007-20 granting n Conditional Ilse Permit to the Cit}~ of Seward to construct attd manage the operation of thu Loug 'Germ (dare Facility un'lract ll, Seward Tong Term Care Facility Rcplat, U.S.S. 1864 (preliminary plat), within the Instilutiunal 'Zoning District .............. Pagr 3 8. Unfinished Business -None 9. New Business - ~• ~PProve 2008 Planning and Zoning meeting schedule and public hearing cut-off dates ........................................................................................................ Page 28 B. Choose a topic or cancel the December 18, 2007 work session .................. Page 32 * C. Approve November 20, 2007 Re-scheduled Meeting Minutes ................... Yage 33 10. lnformafional hems and Reports (No action required) A. Reminder of January meeting x:hululul un 'lhursdav 1/3/2008 ................. Page 38 11. Commission Comments 12. Citizens' Comments (7.imit to 5 minutes per individual Eac)t individual has one uppurhmity to speak) 13. Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments 14. Adjoarnmenl Planning & 7.aning Commi.ccion Regular Meeting Agendu December 4, 2007 Page 2 Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLAN'NiNG AND 7ANiNG COMMISSION RESOLUTION 20117-20 RESULU"PION 2007-20 OF THE SF.WARD PLANNING AND %ONING COMMISSION OF THE C1TY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTIIVG A CONDITIONAL LJSF. PERMfI' '1'O THE CITY OF SEWARD TO CONSTRUCT AND MANAGE. TRF: OPRRATiON OF TAE. LONG 'TERM CARE FACILITY ON TRACT D, SEWARD LONG TERM CARE FACH,ITY SLJRDIVLSION, U.S.S. 1864 (YKELIMINARY YLAT), W'ITHLN THE INSTITUTIONAL ZONING DiSTR)C.'T WHEREAS, the City of Seward has applied for a Conditional Use Permit (CTJP) from the Seward Ylatuuug and Guniug Cununissiun lu wnstruct end menage the opemtiun of the community Long Tenn Care Facility (LTCF) on, Ttnct D, Seward Tong Tenn ('are Facility Subdivision, U.S.S. 1864, (Preliminary Plat); and WAFRF.AS, at the September 4, 2007 Planning and 7,oning meeting the Commission supported and recommended Zoning and Land lJse Map amendments to change Trat:t D, Seward Long '1'crm Cttrc Facility Subdivision, USS 1864, (Pn;limutary Ytat) front Siuglc Family Residential (R 1) to Instirirtional (INS); and WHEREAS, on November 26, 2UU7 5ewani Cily Council approved Ordinance 2(K17- 007, amending the Land Use Map and the Rezoning of Tract D, Seward Long Term Care Facility Subdivision, USS IR64, (Preliminary Plat) from Single Family Residential (RI) lu lnslitutiurtel (INS); and WHEREAS, according to the Seward City Code, Land Uses Allowed Table 1 S.1 U.225, facilities such as the planned LTCF Jevelopmenl an; alluwul in the htstih~tional Loning District as a conditionally permitted use; and WHEREAS, although the Greenhouse facility (Housing nursiug, retirement, convalescent home) requires institutional zoned property, the philosophy and hotuing facilities an n;sidcnlial in nature; and WHEREAS, the intent is to pmvide a true residential neighborhood by clustering the housing tutits and also providing landscape buffers to the edjau:nl residential and institutional zoning districts; and J J Seward Plannink and Loning Commission Resolution 2007-20 Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, this facility will be wmprised of fora (4) single story ten (10) resident homes and a single story `wrnutons' building to provide support to the humus with the possibility of adding two (2) additional homes in the future; and WAF,RF.AS, on January 9, 2006, by Resolution 2006-04, Seward City Council endorsed Sew•ard's LTCF as an u11-icial Green HouseQU project; un June 25, 2(107 by Resolution 2007-(i0 Council approved the acquisition of Tract D, USS 18(4 long Tetm Care Facility preliminary replat, and on July 9, 2007 by Rcsolutiou 2007-fi3 Council approved additional funding 1'or the site n-design by Architects Alaska of the LTCF located on the new site location of Tract D; and WHEREAS, November 13, 2007 the Planning and Zoning Cuuuuission and Architects Alaska held a public work session to review and discuss the L l'CF' site plan and Conditional Use Permit application; and WHF.RF.AS, as required by Title IS of Seward City Code, public notice and public hearing procedures for granting n Conditional Use Permit, all pmperty owners within thn:c hundred (300) fe~;t and in addition all local property owners who ux the t'orest Acres road network were notified and the property was posted with public notice siga; and WHEREAS, having complied with the public notification process, vu llx~;mber 4, 2007, the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission held the r~uircd public hearing nn the Conditional Use Permit application. 'VU~1', '1'HERE1wORE, BE I'1' RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. According to SCC 15.10320.D., the Commission shall establish a tluding that the. use satisfies tltc iulluwing wndiliuns prior lu granting a conditional use perntit: A The ase fs consistent with the purpose nj thfs chapter (the Seward Zoning Cute) anJ the purposes ojthe zoning district Finding: 'T'his finding has been met. The property is currently coned Institutional. Thr Lvtitutionat Zoning district provides an area 1'or public and private health care uses (SCC 15.05.025. (b) (11). Operating along-term care facility is consistent with the planned uses in the Institutional Toning District. B. The vnlur ujadjufning properly will not be significanfly impaired Finding: This finding shall be met_ Tract D, USS 1864 (Preliminary Replat) is a large an approximately 8 acs parcel located to the sotrth of the Forest Acres residential subdivision. Tract D is adjoined to the South and Past by the large approxumately 51.8 acre parcel owvcxi by the Kenai Peninsula School District. This parcel is zoned f Seward Planning and 'Coning Commission Resolution 2007-20 Page 3 of 5 Institutional and currently wntains the Seward public schools. The properties ad,joiuuig to the North and West are largo, undeveloped privately owned parcels. These parcels are currently zoning Single Family Kesidcntial. The planned facilities are msidcntial in nature, arnsistiug of four (4) single story ten (lU) resident homes and a single story corrununs building. There is no indication that the proposed facility would negatively impair the value of adjoining property. C. The propaced ase is in harmony with the Seward Courprehensivr Plan. Finding: This finding has Been met. '!he relocation of the LT('F is in harmony with the Seward 2020 Comprehensive Plan (approved by Council, 2005) and Strategic Plan (1999) in That troth pleas enwuragz growth and relocation of the L'l'CF and health care uoJs of the community. Seward 2020 Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan states "Relocate the long-teen care lacilily and the hospital to a site which will support expansion and modernization." (page 27). Strateeic Plan (1999) The Strategic Plan states "Wc arc a wmmunity that provides an integrated array of health care services designed to protect and improve the quality of file fur all citiu;ns". (page 19) P. Public Services and facilities are adequate to serve the proposed use. Finding: This finding shall be met. Tract ll is currently a large undeveloped parcel whir rro inlrastruc;ture. The required infrastructures planned for this development project will not only serve the new L"fCF but also will aLsu provided improvement to the surrounding neighborhood. All public trtility cascmenls requirul unsite shall bz provided by rix;crnled document and there shall not he any encroachments, above or below ground, in the rrtility easements. F.. Thr proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health ar welfare. Finding: This finding shall be oret. 'the campus and facility will benefit the community in public safety, health, and welfare. This is the very nature of the facility. There is no reason to lxlicve that the LT'GF would increase crime in the neighbvrhord; the campers shall he trash free with well-grcwmed and maintained grounds, and noise pollution should be non-existent. Screening through landscaping is planned to control visual access to the elcmcntary school luc:atul to the East. Extensive planning and study have gone into the planned traffic routes to and from the facility and it is believed that the I.TCF' will have minuend lrnllic impacts to the surrounding neightxrrhood. There is more than ample parking planned for the facility and plenty of additional laud available 1'or future: nculs. The Commi`ion had requested the use of bear safe trash containers which shall tee used on the pn:miscs. K J Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 2(107-20 Page 4 of 5 F. Any and all specifu conditions deemed necessary by the commission io Jullll the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant 'These may include bu! are not limited to measures relath~e to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects related to the proposed use. 1. Mudilicatious to the site plan dated November 2ti, 2007 which was approved by the Commission as a suppvrlirtg document for this Conditional iJse Permit shall be approved by s4dT or the Commission prior to unplementation. 2. Operation shall be wnsistcut with of the 2020 Comprehensive Plan preserving the quiet of residential neighborhoods requiring soundproofing of generators, air quality control units and other sources of noise in wmmercial or institutional zones adjaunt tv nsidential zones. 3. Modification to the final approval vl' this conditional use permit may, upon application by the permitec, be modified by the Planning and Y,onutg C:unuuissiou: A When changed conditions cause the wnditional use to nn longer conform to the standards 1'or its approval. B. To implement a different development plan conforming to the standards for its approval. C. 't'he nruditiwtivn plan shall be subject to n public hearing and a tiling l'ee set by City Council Resolution. Section 2. The Planning and 'Coning Commission finds that the proposed use, subjet;t tv the above conditions, satisfies the criteria for granting a Conditional Usc Pcrnrit provided the cvnditivns listed un Sec:tion 1, Subsec:tiun F are met by the applicant, and authorizes the administration to issue a Conditional i_Jse Perniit to the City of Seward to allow the wnstruclion and manage the operation of the Seward LTCP on Tract D, USS 1864, Lvug 1'crm Care Replat (preliminary plat). Section 3. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that adherure:e. to the. conditions of this pcrurit is paramount in rlraurtauung the intent of Seward City Code Section 15.10.320, Conditional Ilse Permits, and authnmes the administration to issue a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, the administration shall periodically wnlirm the use wuforn>vs to the standards of its approval. ' tion a, This resolution shall take ellwt lU days following its tuioptinn. ~J Seward Planning and Zoning Comnussiun Resolution 2007-20 Page i of S YASSEI) ANT) AI'YR~VED by fhe Seward PLuuting and Zonutg Commission this 4°i day u1' T)eceuib~7 ?007. TIiF. C:TTY C)N' St":WARD Kevin Clark, Vice-Chair AYP:S: NO)/S: AT351:NT Keil ABSTAIN: VACANT: Unc A'T'1'h S l Jean Letitis_, CMC City Clerk (City Seal j Y&Z Agenda Statement Meeting Date: llecember 4, 2007 Through: Phillip Uates, City Manager From: Donna Ulenz, Planting Assistant Agenda lten: Resolution 2007-20 grantirtg a Conditional Usc Fermit to the City Uf Seward to Construct and Manage the Upcration of the Long Tetm Carr Facilit}~ On Tract D, U55 1 R64, Tong Term Care Fuility Subdivision, (Preliminary Plat), ut the Institutional Youiug 1_)istrict RACKC:ROITItTT) & .Ti?STIFiCATION: "lltc City of Seward has applied fur a Conditional T Ise Permit (CUF) to wnstruct and manage the operation of the community Tong Term Care Facility (LTCF) on "Tract D, Tl.S.S. Long Ternt Care Facility Subdivision (Preliminary Plat), in tltc lnstittrtional Toning District. Tn early 2005, the City of Seward began considering potential sites for a new T.TCF in Seward. Uu July 13, 2005 the City Council approved the. first site selection of i.ots 11A and12A of dte Fort Raymond Subdivision. Following extensive site analysis it was determined the LTCF would be better suited elsewhere due to the high cost involved to off-set deficient nah)ral soil characteristics as well as ovctwminK the cast of elevation the site above the floodpLtin. On January 9, 2006, by Resolution 2006-04, Seward City Council endorsed Seward's T.TCF as au official Cin~;n Houscti'8~ project. In March of 2006, Afognak Construction & Excavating olien;d to sell approximately 27.5 acres locates iu the North F'orest Acres area to the. City. In October 2006, flooding significantly damaged the Japp Creek lew adjacent to the new LTCF site. As a result of the flooding; building the LTCF on the North Forest Acres site became problematic. The City Council decided to move forward and acquire a new site for the LT(:F. Un June 25, 2007 by Resolution 2007-60 Council approved the acquisition of Traci D, USS ] RG4 Long Term Care Facility preliminary replat as the new LTCF site Iuc:atiotL SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: The proposed development site is surrounded by Institutional caning to the South and Fast The area to the West and North is Single Family Residential zoning. The Institutional area (approxiuuttcly S1.R aces) to the Sotrth and Fast is currently owned by the Kenai Ycninsula School District and contains the Seward Elementary, Middle and High Schools. The arena to the North and Wcst an. large currently undeveloped areas, zoned Single Family Residential. The Ylarming and 7_onirtg Commission supported and recouuucndrJ Zoning and Laud Use Map amendoents to change 't'ract D, USS 18(14, Seward Long Ternt C'arc Facility Subdivision, (Preliminary Plaq liom Single Farttily Residential (Kl) to Institutional (T1v'S). Council approved thesC amendments un November 2G, 20U7 by Ordinance 2007-UU7. Location: The proposal community L"1'CI•' will be located nn the proposal Tract D, USS I Rf4, Seward Long Term Care I-'acility (Preliminary Plat) Size: Approximately R acres (following kPB approval of the replat) Zuaiag: Institutional F,xistin~ Use; Vacant Proposed Ilse: (:ommttnity Tong Term Cxtre Facility Vinod 'Gone: Located 'iu F'iood 'Woe C, Flood Plain Tktelopment Perutit ant required. Nu historic flooding has b~x:n rewrded. t)n November 13. 2()n? the Piannink and Zoning Commission and Architects Alaska ltcld a public work session to review and discuss the L'1'CF silo plan and Conditional Use Permit application. Thuiug the work session a Commissioner had requested additiuual se:ru;ninl; be provided between the i,'LCF and fire st:huvl to the Caa-t of the site. This request has been addressed and additiuual screening shall be placti'd as ralucslcd. As required by Seward L'it}• Cock, property owners within three hundred (300} feet of Tract D, and iu addition, all local property owners who use the Fvtti:st Acres road m;twork, were notified of the proposed Conditional Use Permit action in order to pmv~de more opportunity for public involvement and the property w'as poster] with public notice signs. Recommended conditions: 1. Modifications to the site plan dated November 26, 2UU7 which was approved by the Commission as a supporting document for this Conditional Llse Permit shall be approved by slall~ or the Commission prior to implementation. 2. Operation shall be consistent with of the 2020 Comprehensive Ylan presen~ing the quiet ul resiclentiai neighborhoods requiring soundproofing of generators, air quality control units and other sources of noise in c:ummercial or institutional canes adjacent to residential zones. 3. Modification to the final approval of this conditional use permit may, upon application by the permitee, be modified by the Planning and 7,vning Commission: A When changed conditions cause the conditional use to no longer wtilurm to G~ the standards for its approval. B. To implement a different development plan wnlorming to the standards for its approval. C. 'fhe modification plao shall he subject to a public hearing and a filing lee set by City Guuttcil kesolution. CONSISTENCY CHF;Ch7.IST: Yes No 1. Compreht+zsive Plun (?020) X of the Comprehensive Plan states "Relocate the long term care facility and the hospital to a site which will support expansion and modernisation". (page 27). 2. Strategic Flan (1999) X The Strategic Plan states "Wc are a community that provides an integrated array of health care services desigucd to protect and improve the quality of life for all citizens". (page 19) RECOMMENDATION: titaff recommends approval of Resolution 2W7-2U granting a Conditional Clsc Permit to the Ciry of Seward to wnslruct and utauage the operation of the Long ~I'crtrr C'.are Facility on Tract D, Seward Long Term Care Facility Subdivision, (preliminary plat) subject to certain wnditious. IU ~ ,~~~,w. a~ ,r. ~- - ~ ~ - - -- --,n,,,z,,,.. - - - -- _-: Resolution 2007-20 ~ P & Z Public Hearing -CUP Long Term Care Facility -CUP N on.mey: D.Glenz cn«kw ey: D.Glenz 1 inch equals 385.14tsU'~5 `ee' ~ ! ai„k, m,~ °~~ P & Z meeting of 12(0412007 Tract D, ~ Long Tenn Care Facility Site Conditional Use Permit ti l i i' f? ~ L1 i'i E rosror. ~r~ o ID EC t,! ~ Snow Slcrage - ~-- ,~ Relarnug :^lall ~ d +~D~vi ( °`~~'?' DurnpslzrEn.'~,osu-z ~11 f , Y 7,. ' -~ Park; ~? ~~.+^`~'~!-~~ 1t - 'I~. ~ I': ~' 1' !1111! ~~ + -: li '~ ` Commons y. Building -- r h' iy °~ _ ~_ _xrsbng Trail ~` ~'a~`~;~r @xreting T~ces 'r - ~ LAN '! ~ " . .. ) :~ lrr u=6rr :.: roc? ~i ~~ -~ e~ _a ~ s ~~ ~ I ~e ~ ~ $ V P9'i9 I~` ~ ~ ~! 1 i~ J ~i--~ ~ CHy of Sewall ~~~ q~ i~~~ ~ ~~ i ~ ;iii` Q} ~" Lsltermcenr~ia~ny e1iE ~~N~ I11 f~f~ a s ~ :~ 9. ~i ~i i f P Sponsored by: Corbridge CITY OF SF,\VAKU, ALASKA R1rSOLGTTON 2006-004 A KESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ENDORSL'~iG SF.WARD'S NEW LUNG-TERM CART FACILITY A5 A-N OFFICIAI, GREEN HOUSE® PROJECT, AND SEI-ECTIr1G A NIi~iAL SITE LAYOUT WIIEREA5, the Seward City Councii approved Resolution 2(105-GS on July 13, 2005, approving the site location far the long-term care replacement facility; and WTIF.REA5, the Sewani City Council approved Resolution 2005-131 on November 28, 2005, approving a wntract with Architects Alaska for the planning and design of the uew long- term care replacement facility, with the intent to construct asingle-story residential-style long- term care facility, and WN N,REAS, Architects Alaska has engaged the services of the McCariy Group, a co- developer of the original Green House® approach to elder care, to assist in tranafarming Seward's long-tetra care environtnent from an institutional model of care to a residential-style of care focused on restoring dignity and personal choice to long-term care patients in Seward; and ~ WIiERF,AS, the City of Seward conducted two public meetings on December 9, 2005 and December 19, 2005, to obtain public input on the Green House Mvdel® and to evaluate alternative site layouts, receiving strong public sugpert for the Grin House Model® attd the initial concept designs; and WT<iEREAS, ettdorsemcW of the Green House Mode1® requires adherence to basic guiding principles such as: enhancing the elders' yttality of life; accepting a floor plan that reflects an approved Green IIouse philosophy (including hearth, private rooms with private baths, a single dining table, an open kitchen, outdoor space, alcove and den); incotpvraling self- managed work teams; shifting resources away from supporting the institution and toward the direct care needs of the elders; providing services to no more than ten elders per house; making all spaces accessible to elders; eliminating nurses stations; implementing Urc Green House® organizational sttvctttre; obtaining staff training from the Green House® rerun; agreeing to collect operational and outcome data on quality-0f-life measures and employee satisfaction; and maintaining a restraint-free onvimnment; and WHEREAS, the architects have incorporated public input from tlrc ntcelings of December 9 and 19, 2005, into a final site layout proposal which is attached hereto, representing the final approximate location of the four proposed rt~idential units (providing housing for ten elders in each home}, and the commons building consisting of administrative, therapies, and maintenance space, all of which comprise the new long-term care re~lac;ement facility; and ~~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA 1tESOLUTIOiv 2006-UU4 WHEREAS, in order to meet the severe time constraints of the project timeline, which requires a final schematic design to be completed by the end of February, 2006, it is important to provide clear direction to the architects on the desired site layout, and to officially endorse Sewazd's participation as an official Green House® project. NOW THF.RF""FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU1~iC1L OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Sectio° 1. The Seward City Council hereby endorses the Green House® Project as the model of elder care appropriate for the community of Seward, and desires to become a member of the Center for Growing and Becoming (the official Green Housc® Organization) and expressly authorizes the City to pursue construction of residential-style long-term care housing according to the principles of the Green House® project. Seetlon Z. The Seward City Council hereby approves the final site layout as attached hereto, and authorizes the City and its arohitectural team to move forward with the schematic design phase of the long-term raze project. lion 3. This resolution shall be effective immediately. ..~ PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 9th day of January, 2006. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA l~.,.,~ a_ -r - Vanta Shafer, Mayor APES: Dunham, Valdatta, Lorenz, Schafer, Thomas, Shafer NOES: None A135F,NT: None t~r.rtrrt'-.,•.,- ABSTAiN: None ~ ~ Or' ''~~ `"', 'db, ,~ ,,, • ATTEST: ``~ C::', Jean Lewes <- City/t'lerk, CMC .. (City Seal) ~s Sponsored by: Oates CITY OF SEW'ARD, ALASKA ~" RESOLUTION 2007-060 A RF,SOLUTIUN OF THE CITY COUN(:1L OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCF,F,D WITH THE ACQUISITION OF LAND (GRISWOLD PRUPERTY), COMPRISING APPRO7QMATEI,V 9,11(+/-)ACRES 4FTHN;SOUTHWESTCORNEROF THE UNSL'BDIVIDED REMAINDER OF U.S.S. 1864, AS REFI,ECTF.D iN THE U.S.S. 1864 KPB REPLAY, PLAT NO, 2004-03, INCLUSIVE OF RIGHT-OF-WAYS OF APPROXIMATELY 1.11(+!-)ACRES EXTENDING SOUTII FROM TIIE INTERSECTION OF OAK STREET AND HEMLOCK STRF:F;T AND SUCH ADDITIONAL RIGIIT-UF-WAYS TO PROVIDE CONNECTIN(; ACCESS TO THF. 8 ACRE PORTION OF THF, PROPERTY, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE FUTURE LONG TERM CARE SITE N'UR A PURCHASE PRICE OF SR3Q000.00 WHEREAS, the proposed acquisition is a crucial component necessary to move forwanl with the construction phase for the future bong Term Care Facility ("I,TCP") in Ute City of Seward; and WHEREAS, in comparing alteotative sites for the LTC, the Seward City Council has weiylted the issues of safety, suitability, timing, and price, where the total cost of property acquisition, site preparation, on-site building and landscape design, road and utility design, and installation of paved roads, water, sewer, and electric utility infrastructure; and WHEREAS, time is of the essence in acquiring a site for the construction of the LTCF and the City has located land owned by Carol Griswold and Frart4 Griswold ("Sellers") wlw have agreed to sell to the City sufficient land For consburiing the LTCF on the terms and rpnditinns set forth in the accompanying Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, considering all of !hc twalntttion criteria including cost, thr proposed eight acres of property located direr;tly west of the Seward Middle School ("Griswold property") is equal or superior to all other sites in terms of safety (seismic, soils, proximity to flooding, road access), suitability (soils, sloping, views, access, nrigbbotingprapetiirs), timing(tr-9monihs to ronatnxtion) and overall price; and WHEREAS, the total estimated cost of preparing the Griswold propert y for construction is $2,393,000, including the following: 1)propertyacquisition = $830,000; Z) design vests x SSZS,g00; 3) site work = 5400,000; and utility installation (paved roads, water, sewer, electric) -5620,000, and this rota! package price is lower than any of the other site alternatives considered by the City; and WHEREAS, the total cost of this property relative to all other properties considered by the Cityzr~ults in a minimum cost savings ofS300,000, is addition to being squat orscrperior in termsaf .... nearly all of the other evaluation criteria; and i i;" CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 2007-t160 i .i WHEREAS, the total aforementioned costs are within the original project cost estimates and are expected to be repaid through the issuance ofrevenue bonds which were approved hythe Seward City Council by Resolution 2006-28 on March 13, 2006, as amended in Resolution 2007-50 on May 14, 2007: and WHEREAS, considering the nature of this project and factors of time, cost, and development requisites, the landandright-of--ways described above and in the Agreement will best meet the City's needs; and WHEREAS, Seward City Code Section 7.05.120 permits the acquisition ofreal property by negotiation; and WHEREAS, the essential terms and conditions contained in the form ofpurchase and sale agreement (the "Purchase and Sale Agreement") have been available for public inspection for at least (]0) days in the office afthe City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF OF SM;WARD, ALASKA that: ' Section 1. The recitals are hereby incorporated by this referene:e as findings in support ofthis resolution. The City Council further finds it is in the best interest of the City of Seward ("City") to purchase, by negotiation, and develop private property including right-of -ways in an amount of approximate]y 9.l t acres as substantially described in the accompanying Purchase and Salc Agreement (the "A~xment") for the future sift location of a Long Term Care Facility in the City, subject to capital financing and other conditional terms contained in the Agreement attached hereto. The City Council also finds that the essential terms and conditions in the Agreement and the method of acquisition an; in the public interest. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to proceed with the acquisition of land and right-of--ways (together, the "Property") described as comprising approximately 9.l 1 (+/-) acres of the southwest comer of unsubdivided remainder of U.S.S. 1864, as reflected in the iJ.S.S. 1864 KPB Replat, Plat No. 2004-03, inclusive of right-of--ways of approximately 1.11 (+!-) acres extending south from the intersex:tion of Oak Street and Hemlock Street and such additional right-of- ways to provide connecting access to the 8 acre portion of the Property (all more specifically described in the Agreement), with such Property to be surveyed and platted pursuant to the Gams of the Agreement, and to execute the Agreement for a purchase price of 5830,000.00 in substantial]y the fomr as presenter at this meeting, and any other necessary legal documents to acquire fee simple title to the Properry together with certain right-of--ways and to take all such action necessary under the Agrccmcrtt to complete the purchase. Sri Section 3. The City hereby assumes Seller's road and utility development requirements as l 7 CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA RESOLlJTION 2007-Oti0 r.. described in Seward City Code Title 1 G for the Citys purchase of the Property Section 4. Funds in the amount of $10,000.00 are hereby appropriated from the Creneral Fund fund balance accotmt 101-0000-3050 to the Sewazd Long Term Caze Facility Project Land Account G70-ti700-5910 as an earnest money payment to be made in accordance with the Agreement, and additional funding in the amo~mt of $830,()V0.00 is hereby appropriated from capital futancing proceeds, provided revenue bonds aze approved and issued by the Alaska Municipal Dond Bank. Section S. This resolution shall take effect (30) days following passage and posting. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Cotmcil of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 25th day of June 2007. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA Vanta S6xfe AYES: Dunham, Vaidatta, Schafer, Bardarson, Thomas, Ambcrg, Shafer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ~~ ~ %~ ,..- X, J~'' Lewis , C5ty Clerk, CMC ~~~~w ~ ~..~, (City Seal) ,`~J~y OF ~~ Rye ~~i~i • t~ _..... ~`J: ~ •v '~.~i S~!'1.L ~:e :. t ti y/p :., a n=~~~ /~ CITY OF SEWARU, ALASF:A RESOLUTION 2007-Oti3 Sponsored by: Oates A RESOLC"1'lON OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA, AUTHORIZING TIIE CITY MANAGER TO APPROPRIATE AN ADDITIONAL 5254,000 MOR'THE SITE RE-DESIGN OF' THE LONG TERM11 CARE FACILITY AND $330,000 FOR ON-SITE CONSTRUCTION MANAC:F.MENT SERVICES TO ARCHITECTS ALASF:A'S CONTRACT REGARDING: 'tHE NEW LTCF SITE ON THE UNSUBDIVIDED REMAINDER OF U.S.S 1864 WHICH IS WEST AND ADJACENT TO THE SEWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL. WHEREAS, on July 13, 2(Hl5 Council approved Resolution 2005-65 authoriZUtg the use of Lots I l A and 12A of the Port Raymond Subdivision #1 as the site for the new Long Term Care Facility (LTCF); and WIIEREAS, on November 28, 2005 Council approved Resolution 2005-131 appropriating $1.2 million for design work and entering the city into a contract with Architects Alaska to conduct the LTCF design; and WIIEREAS, as a result of numerous studies, it was determined that the LTCF would he better suited elsewhere due to the high cost im~olved to off-set deficient naturel soil characteristics as ~ well as overcoming [hc cost of elevating the site above the floodplain; and WHEREAS, Council approved Resolution 2006-71 authorizing the City Manager to proceed with the acquisition of land in Forest Acres Suhdivision for the new site of the fun~rc LTCF; and WHEREAS, Council approved Resolution 2006-77 updating Architects Alaska's design contract to continue their site study and LTCF dc~sigt efforts on the new North Forest Aces site; and WHEREAS, in October 2006, flooding significantlydamaged the Japp Creek levy adjacent to the new L"1'CF site; making building the LTCF on the Forest Acres site problematic, Council decided to move forward with acquiring a new site for the LTCF; and WHEREAS, on Lune 25, 2007, through Resolution 2007- 60 Council started the process of purchasing --<).11 acres of the unsubdivided remainder of U.S.S 1864 which is west and adjacent to the Sewazd Middle School; and WHEREAS, with the change in location of our new LTCF it wi11 be necessary for all services to include geotechnical work, surveying and site design, City of Seward Planning and 7.oning Commission Conditional Use Permit Process, re-patting through the Kenai Peninsula Borough and detailed on-site construction management services; and WHEREAS, stalTis requesting City Council appropriate an additional 558~t,000 to ~~ Cft'Y OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION 1007-063 Architects Alaska's contract for the site re-design of the LTCF and for on-site construction management services regarding the new LTCF site west and adjacent to the Seward. Middle School; and WHEREAS, pet the original contract with Architects Alaska the City has the right to terminate the contract without penalties at anytime; the City will exercise this right if the land acquisition of the Unsuhdivided remtinder of U.S.S 1864 does not take place. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA that: Section l . The City Council oCthe City of Seward, Alaska hereby approves the appropriation of an additional $254,000 for the site re-design of the LTCF and 5330,000 for on-site construction management services to Architects Alaska's contract regazding the new L"fCF site located on the Unaubdividc:d Rcmaiader of U.5.5 1864 which is west and adjacent to the Seward Middle School. i .~ Section 2. Funds in the amount of $584,000 aze hereby appropriated from the proceeds of future revenue bonds to the contracted services account ao. G70-6700-5390. Section 3. This resolution shall take affect immediately upon its adoption. PASSF.U AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City oC Seward, Alaska, this 9th day of July, 2007. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ~1w~~"t _.~~_ Vaata Shafer, Mayor ~V AYES: Dunham, Valdatta, Thomas, Schafer, Bardarson, Amberg, Shafer NOES: None ABSFtiT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: ~. <<~p~uni~isi 1 ° 1' . ,I Lewis, CiM ~ ,..~, -. ~~ 9,9 0 . "'C; V c,ayaT' O•• C ityClerk'- ; G ~ . •. (City Seal) "' SL'::~ o ? ••• q ` ~ ••• ~~ 0 nA~ ~ ,, ~ r C s E CITY OF S E WA RT) CITY OF SEWARD CObib1UNITY nEVT/LOYMENT OFFICE RO. Box 167 Seward, Alaska 99664 ~9u~) zza-anal SEP 2 4 2007 CONDI'T10I~)Ai..L1SL+ PI:RMI'T APPLICA"I'10 PLANPNNO OFFICE 1'hts completed application iv [o be submitted to the C'oWnmuity Dcve . later than three (~) weeks in advance of the next regularly scheduled Ylanniug and 7ontng Commission meeting held the first Tuesday of each month. The applicatton must be nccumpanted by the $250. 0 filiuK fees and if property is already developed, an as-built survey prepared by a gun rynr registered in the Stott of Alaska; nr scaled site ¢nd_clcvarion plans for undcveloyed l~atl AYPLICAVT iNPOk;~iATION Applicant: City of Se~'ard Address: 410 Adams Sheet ur 234 Fourth Ave Telephone ~o.: 224-4020 Property Owner (it other than applleant): Carol Griswold and Frank Griswold Address: PO Boz 1342, Seward AK 99664 (Can,l) Telephone 1\0.: 224-5620 (carol) 519 Klondike Ace, Homer. AY. 99601 (Frank) Address: Lot Size: 8 (acres'SF) Lot: Tract ll Block: NA Subdivision: USS 1864, Seward Long Tcrm Carc Facility Subdivision Land Use Plau Designation: HI 'Coning Designation: R1 Tax Parcel Number: (ln the process of being rezoned and new Land Use Plan Designation to lnstitunonal.) DFVELOP11fF.?IT PkOYOSAL INFOR141ATION A. 1'1'hat structures are located on the property.' None, B. what is the existing use of the properly? Vacant. C. \fi'hxt ix the proposed use of the property? Long Perm Care Facility. D. What is your development time schedule? Spring of 2008 to end of 2009. CO! )ff1Y1T 1 1 /w Iof3 V I F.. Prior to the Seward Planning and Zoning C.anuuission granting x Conditfoual Ilse Permit (COY), it shall hr established that the use satisfies the fallowing conditions (SCC $ IS.lU.32U1: The applicant hereby alleges that: I. The use is consistent with the purpose of the Seward Zoning Code and [he purposes of the zoning district: 1'es, see attached memorandum. 2. the value of the adjoining property will not be aignificandy impaired: Yes, xcc attached memorandum. 3. The proposed use is iu harmony with the Deward Comprehensive Plan: Yes, see attached memorandum. 4. Public services and facilities arc adequate to serve the proposed nse: Yes, see attached mrnu,raudum. S. The proposed use will aot be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare: Yex, see attached memorandum. ,1uy and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the xbovu- mentioued conditions shall be met by the applicant. I6cse may inchtde. but arc not limited to measures relative to access, screeuiug, site development, bmlding design, operation of the use uud other similar aspects related ro [he proposed use. cowehnur t t t9v ~~ FROM : FP.gNK S GRISWCLD FRX N0. : 907 235 7627 Sep. ['7 2007 10:36HN P2 is% -1'-~?.f' 1!P'.; -,;~:;; cIJ Vin!: N ceiti ~• ~;,~ Na. .t5 ` [ta .1~', ~, P. ~,,,~. F. Iac(ode baildlag elevation plan. and • dte pion, drawn to wale. Th• u!e plan should leclude: a) prop.rty dlmaadane; 'a) location and d[meaaioas oI tslering aad planned bupoinge; c) parking eanllguatlaa: d) drirewayalaeceal; a) saran! Caatorar, aad f) other pardnea! intermarlon. 1 hereby cercify that the above aiutemanls end other information submUtcd uc tNC and aco¢rnte to tLc boat vCmy ktwwledgr, aad that I, as appliennt, have the Collowiag toga! iatereat is the Property: O Ovger of n:ord; () Lcacee; () Contrscl Purchaser: ~' Autbor;aed ro act fqr a psrson oho ha. the Callmring legal iaroreat: _~Iyoar~ OtDt'v2.r"S I also naderetand that Fthi~a'-it'e'm will he eobedalod Cot ecuon Daly t£ n)1 spplioarion matedala are submitted notlus than three wccJ:a is sdvtaoe o[:he aezt regularly scheduled Plaealag aad Zoaiag Commiaeioa meeting bold tret Wen ~ gy of each mouth. Applicaa!'s Signs tar e; Property Owaer'a Slgaatnre ~~.( 9 ~ / Y- U ~ ~f71A.,t~' c~,et ct' l7- 07 .. Enclosed: Pee: S2S0 ~; ) site Plaa ~ ) 8;evatioa Plea. :_ ) Locntioa Mcp ( ) Other (1 asr:rLwr t e rn 3 o f? ~J cITY of sEWARD Buildingfl• hllginccruyDeyt. r cl itn~ ll;, vo;.22a.ao.t<l ylr.lzl.lossr~. 3 dl-0 Adazm Succl ~ lshrpard~~)l:it}'otscwald.uet Seward. Al.isk,~ AWifit .. }~ MEMORA~I'DU~'I TO: Planning Assistant Donna Glcnz FROM: LTC Facility Project Coordinator Tom Shepard RE: Conditional Use. Yennit Application Long Tenn Care Facility. Tract D, Long'I'erm Care Facility Subdivision items 1- 5 Pg 2 of CUP application DATL-: 9117107 The City of Seward is coming before the Planning and Zoning Cortunission regarding the developmerl of lllc Lour 'term Care Facility un 8 acres of "Tract U, of the USS 1864, Seward Long fern} Care Facility Subdivision (prelintiuary• plat). The site will be the home of Seward's new Long Term Care Facility. The property is needed to incorporate the new Green House; concept in Long tt~rrn care into the new site. The crux ul' the Grccn Hou e'k concept is centered un developing a 'home' cuvirouurcnt which begins in developing a campus. T}le intent is to provide a true residential neighborhood by clustering the housing units acrd providing landscape buffers to the surrounding properties. The current Kenai Pcrtiusula Borough School District Ski Trail that nrns through the property is left as-is and is incorporated into the site plan. This facility is comprised of 4 single story homes and a single story 'cotnmuns' buildurg to provide support to the homes. Artother 2 single story homes are prujectud as part of future development of the site. Irach home will acwuuuodatc lU residents. The houses shall incorporate all the amenities of home, including private bedrooms, private batluuours, euuunurrity living mom (Hearth), kitchen, dining, personal laundry room, exterior living space (patio) and other support spaces as storage and pantry. Other areas are provided to acwrnmodate services to Qrc residents, including Physical Therapy, Oflice, Soiled Rnom and Clcarl Suppl}~. The design of the house locates the kitchen as the center point of the house W allow the staff member [n observe the Front Door, Hearth, Dining and the exterior patio. 'fhe service areas are located to acwnurrodate easy access from the kilchwr by the staff; but discourage aa;ess by the residents. This is a 180 degree turn from the past conventional methodology in long tern} care. This new approach is extremely effective in providing our elderly with the best care possible. This facility will he the first Greenhouses in the state of Alaska a»d will most dei-utitely be a model for other facilities in the state. On January 9'h, 2006 Seward City Council endorsed Seward's Long Turn Care hacility (LTCP) as an ollicial Grccn House~u project With Resolution 2007-06(1 Council directed the City Manager to proceed with the acquisition of the parcel Tract D and the reyuircd ROW, in order to provide land lur the development of the community's Long Tcrnr Care Facility. The Seward i~ Memo Louk Term Care l~acilit~' Conditiunnl i?5e Permit Applicxlion Page 2 of 2 City Council by Resolution 2007-75 approved the Oak Street F.xrension as the official main access point to Utc LTCP property. !n addition, three public workshops were held un the new site :old access. Council weighed criteria including safety, road ownership, positive, negative and traffic impacts, promoting development, and KOW wncems and costs. Although the Greelillouse facility requires Institutional zoned property, the philosophy and facilities are truly residential in nature. Its residents need to he included as part of the surrounding neighborhoods and welcomed into the community. The homes tlrcrnselves are css(artially luxury hurnes with well groomed sturoundings that will add value to the sunvuuding nein;hburhood. Due to @!c nature of the facility it is also appropriate to have the site nestled within between both instihuiuually and residentially zoncil properties. This development will not impair the value of ad}wining properties with either zoning characteristics. Infrastructure improvements lu the surrounding uciglrburhood will he made available such as: water, sewer, access and electrical. Ail services wilt he sized appropriately to accommodate the LTCr. The l:I'C.F is in harmony with the 5ewazd Comprehensive Plan. The Seward Comprehettsivu Plan Volume 1 Section 2.2 Community Values, Health Care supports "Explore new' long-term care. lacility." fiection advocates, "Plan to rclut:ate and rebuild selected city lacilities to inrpsove wmpatibslity with tazrd uses attd increase cast-effectiveness of sert~ices...Relocate the long-term care facility and the hospital to a site which will support expansion and modernization." Based on the Certificate of r\ced Process the Long Term Care facility and the Hospital du not need to he physically co-located. The campers and facility naturally will benefit public safety. health, and welfare. Plus is the very nature oi'the facility. 'Plus is a health care facility: csiurc should be nonexistent; the catupus should he trash free, noise pollution should be nnn existent, and there should be minimal traffic impacts. There arc many, many benefits of having this facility as part of the residential ncirhburlrood- For ail of thse reasons, staff fee4s this rise tits iniv the surrounding euneot uses and the nature of surrounding property. ~5 Cis PRINTTHIS Commissioner Roach' requested -~ ~~+~ this intixmation be added to the CUY lu~c;lc up G.iCliektoPrlnl &AVer'1 uTNISICIOCO States restricting vvttere sex oBenders live By Wenrly kmn, USA TODAY A look al Some the state realnrAlonS on sex offenders. Sule ~rrx ~,r restnulon AuD+ms Orrrltlrs ®nl warx a aye vnpen 2000 fr~l of r,awols. Mlle care rgl.rlB6, Araarnn Sends oecrMmx earl uw wtoxn 2,(%)0 treat u edrods, tlaY rme ccrdevs CalOOlnla Tlyse releesw sirxa NVV. 7 may not Ilvo wm„r 7,IX10 fM d shads. pxxe o0w plabep wnorc kitla pelner. Fbntl+ Olfentlara whaYn but mIIl01i cant Ilve w.lhin 1000 leer d wMre kloe 9~va Georp4 OlhMen cent Ilve, wvxk ar loan wlnlin 7.000 feel d wtrere kas 9ae1C. Itlalro Oflsntlers am Irya w hirer whim 500 feel d+Ulod w1Ur ka5 urq+r ape 18 Illlnols Ofl+naers d Milaren an We ynNin 500 feel d a wYrml IrW4na Vxasm dkntlen rant Iive waMh t,f100 t+a d+ xleot. puWla perk ar ypM pmpreni omsr. bwa Qlrrlrla+rf dnY Ilya WMIxr 2,OOD lest d stitoel q dlitl ®rr. erdety 1(+r11LCkY DnentleR uni Ilya within 1000 feet d sUrpel, Mlltl care fmylly, ball fis10f arltl p~auxn LouKIaM '3enon6 dNntlen rem INe vnlhin 1000 foal a sclloala a rel<aetl BGI'Mf++, IKlutllnp adnrnl bu6ea. W ryuntl paste mmnllsalc~ resales regretrmss tram Ilrinp d bkMng nom fns us+tl manly by Ititls W rare rearuta+. Mlnrmoy prlrlll~ mmmuvortr tleCltle9 whcnrf •.erra6 pete11CH1 may Ova vwlliin t 5W1 fay d school i[arC_[ , YlzsrsalPpl Oamitlm6 rent t>w wNhln 1.500 fed d rvlroor r CNIO re fedrny Yisaoarl tHn,w,s ram nw wMlln t,000 red d eehool a MIW era radlly Yorrt+na Jrmp~ ran der aa+rlep d MlMren fiom livlrp near sMOds. churdres. pats and tleY ere rxreerc N+bnexs Oawmcs rant bw wOhin 500 roar d+drbole p Miltl sere /alilaieG Nmv Yax 3erroup dNnMU pm enact mind pmuntls Or YclYtles oa~w,p for kltls. OMO OBenoera ant IM wMm T,t>00 reel d ears. t3Wd care fedlNea a plaras kltla pallier. OBhpoma ORMaera pnT ava wMm ],000 rat d ecfnola. day pre rKttllra or paMa tOrepan DapMrtwi¢ d (:orrrx7iars daaldea when! aRMaala may line. Bann Daaoh Otleraera am'l WC abhor wlNln 500 hatdcommuney salary >'nrre.. TMneaaee OAMdcrs cent INe WNh 1,000 hat d annals. calm ore faal8v;x a eilir vktlrro. Tasaa State Farok OwrO dachas WlM'B dlMdna nwy live a pp. Nrplnla Seine OffeMNS cam taller ratlnin f Orl fat dadgda a ddb pre pmera• WxMnptun HgM1nsk o8s'tdare pn7 am Mpun 880 bd d echtwh a daY pre centefa Want Vlrplnla Orrendera on't live wiMin 1000 feet ar achods orMW prr farness. Links referenced within this article FNr0 tlrn artirJe ar r,~:rywr.uab(~y.taNfKVNnfVarYd1U/-0Y-?Beau-alhndn[ -lial. v Mm?bceimaalpialaklp Y&Z Agenda. Statement Meeting Date: December 4, 2UU7 Through: Phillip Oaks, City Manager _ I•'rom: T)aruta Gle:uz, Planning Assistant Agenda Item: Approve the 2008 P&L meeting and work session schedule. BAc:KI:,ROL'Nll Xc. JiJSTII'ICAIIUV: Lech year in llecemher the Planning and Zunutg C:ommissiun approves the rcgtilarly sc;hedulc;d Plannirg and Inning meetings and scheduled special meeting work sessions fur the coming year. Ace:urdiug to Seward City Code Section 2.3Q22ft, "the Seward Planning and tuning Commission shall meet at 7:30 p.m. in [he city council chautbers nn the lirst Tuesday ol• each month. Sp~.cial mex;tings may be held at the call of the chair or the city tnauager, and at such other times as the commission may detc rmine." Ott July 6, ZI>UG the Planning nerd 7.oning Cutnuiission requested the regular work sessions scheduled 1'ur the third Tuesday of each month, (except June, July and Augustj, be approved as "schedulul special meetings," including the mouths of June;, July and August if a Public Hearing item was submitted by the n:yuired cut-oII'datc. The regular January Planning & Zoning meeting is sc;hcduled fnr Tuesday January 1, 2008; becatLSe January 1, 2UU8 is New Year's uay Holiday it is ru:ommended the January P& Z Muring he reschcdulexl to Thursday, January- 3, 200R. The regular May Planning; 8c Zoning meeting is scheduled for Tucsdny May 6, 2UU8; currently the Borough Assembly meeting is scheduled to mix:t in Seward Council Chambers un May 6, 2008. Due to the scheduled Assembly meeting it is recommended the May P& 7_ Mee[irtg be reschedului to Thursday. May 8, 2008. The regtrlar Octutx r Planning $ Zoning meeting is scheduJe~cl fnr Tuesday C)ctober 7, 2008; curm~tily the City and Borough elections aro scheduled for Oc:tutx:r 7, 2008. Due lu the scheduled elections it is recorrunended the October P& Z Meeting be rese:hcduled to Thursday, Octgher 9, 2W8. 'l~hc regular November Plamung & 7.oning muting is schedulul for Tuesday November 4, 2008; currently the national election is schedulul November 4, 2W8. llue in the se:hcduled election it is recommended the! the 'v'ovemher Pd Z A2eeting he rescheduled to Thursday, November 6, 2007. r-. ;_~ ,~: RF.COMh1ENDnTTON: Motion to approve the 2008 Planning and 7.oning meeting and special meetiuy,/worl session schedule. Included is the reschululing of the regular Planning & Zoning Meetings of Tuesday. January T, 2W8 to Thurcciay January 3, 2008, Tuesday h1ey 6, 2008 u, Thursday May 8, 2008; Tuesday Cktober 7, 2008 to Thursday, October 9, 2008 and the November 4, 2008 to Thursday, November 6, 2008. ~C~ Memorandum CITY OF SEWAIiD , C'OMMiT]~TITY DEVELOPMENT Date: Tecember 4, 2UU7 To: PlattninK & 'Loving Commission Trom: Donna Ulenz. Planning Assistant Subject: ZUUR -Planning & 7.oning Meeting Schedule This memo is to provide a schululc ofthe Plmming Kc Loving Commission Mcetin@s for the calendazywr 200R. Unless otherwise noted the P R Z n~gular meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. The "Sc6edulcd Special Meetings" shall be held ONLY if a Public IIearing item ix on the agenda otherwise the mceting will be heW as a work sessbn commencing at 6:30 pm . nth Reealar Meeting Special P & Z Meellnv [ur Public HcarinE9 or scheduled Work Session January January 3rd (Thursday) January l5m Fehruar} February 5t6 February l9d' March March 416 March 4i1' quarterly Flooel Board W1S 6:30 March 18u' April April l° Apri115ie May May 8"' (Thursday) May 20u' (Borough Assembly in Seward May 6i6) June June 3`d June 3'd quarterly Flood Board W/S 6:30 June 17u' July July 1' July 1514 August August 5i1' August 1916 September September 2i° Septemtx:r 2°° quarterly Flood t3oard W/S 6:30 Septcmtx:r 16th October October 914 ('Thursday) (k:tuher 21"(KPB Xc Local elections Uctober 7i1") November Novemlx.~r 6i6 (Thurrxlay) November 1 Ri6 (National Election November 1"') Tk:eemtxr Tk:cemlx:r god December 2°'' quarterly Flood Boazd W!S 6:30 December l6'h If you have questions or concerns or cannot attend, please call 224-4048 or email dglenro cirvuf~c~rrud_ncr. J~ City of Seward 2007 Planning Zoning Commission Meeting and Agenda Cut-0ff Dates Reminder: Per SCC2.30.220(a), the Commission shall meet at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers on the 1st Tuesday of each month Public Hearing Items Non Public Hearing Notice Meeting Date Variance/CUP/Plat Reviews Items (3 weeks riot to meetin } (2 weeks riot to meeting) December 13, 2007 December 20, 2007 Janua 3 2008 December 31, 2007 N/A Janua 15 2008 , January 15 January 22 February 5 January 29 N/A February 19 Februa 12 Februa 19 March 4 Februa 26 NIA March 18 March 11 March 18 April 1 March 25 NIA April 15 April l7 April 24 Ma 8 ril 29 NIA May 20 May 13 May 20 June 3 May 27 NIA June 17 June 10 June 17 Jul 1 June 24 N/A l 5 Ju 1 July 15 Jul 22 August 5 July 29 NIA August 19 August 12 Au ust 19 September 2 August 26 NIA Se t b 16 em er Se tember 18 September 25 October 9 Se tember 30 N/A October 21 October 16 October 23 November 6 October 28 N/A N b 18 ovem er November 10 November 18 December 2 November 25 N/A December 16 December 16 December 23 Janua 6, 2009 December 30 N/A January 20,2009 ~:x:ommunrty ~avelopment FolderlPlan 7i Zone-Donna~Yearry Stliedules120UB P& Z SclieduleWBZ mig Cut Off Dulea 2008.x1s ~~ P&L Agenda Statement Meeting Dale: December 4, 2007 To: Planning and Z,utung tommission From: Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant Agenda Ilan: Choose a topic or cancel the >7ecembrr 18, 2007 work session AACKGROUNll Rc 7LISTIi'ICATIU'V: No public hearings have been received by staff for the Lh'cemher 18, 2007 possihle special meeting; therefore the date would be reserved as a work session. Uue to the holiday sea.SOn and the possibility ofCommissioncrs being out oftowm or otherwise uuavaifah[e, sla(I~rlx;ommends the Dtx:ember [R, 2007 work session be cancelled. [f the Commissiuu chooses to hold a work xssion the topic will nerd to he selected RS?Cl)1~1h11;I~-DA'11UN: Commission choose a topic or cancel the Ihcember 1 R, 2007 work session. ?2 C'i{i' Ql.Sc~~ard Alaska Planning Cammtcsion Minutes .'~'m•ember 2Q 200' Valum. 6, Page 150 Cnll to order The November 20, 2007 Re-Scheduled Regular Meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 730 p.m. by Chair Marianna Keil. Opening Cerrmony Conutussioncr McClure led the Pledge of .Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There wen: present: Mariaruta Keil presiding, and Sue McClure Sandie Roach' Bob Hicks Kevin Clark comprising a quonrm of the Couurtissiou; and Donna Glero, Plamting Assistant Christy Teny, Temporary• Executive Liaison Absenl was: Margaret Anderson - F.xcased Cily Administration Report Plannin„ Assistant, Donna Glenz updated the Commission of the following business items: • Welcomed Sue McClure to the Cornutission. • "temporary Executive Liaison Kathy Mize had tenured her resignation and had accepted a pcrmarunt position at the Alaska SeaLile Center. • Executive Liaison Anne Bailey had a hahy girl on November I S`. • Harhor Master interviews were lu begot soon. • 'Ilu Alaska Raihroad was to unload two coal trains per week on Wednesday and Saturday thruuglt the winter. • The City Clerk asked Glenz to report that the postings quid updates on the Clerk's City al'eb page were to he corrected soon. • Nn ucw applicatiuus had been received for the Commission vacancy. • "Ihoug6ts and wishes from City Administration to the i.indsey family nn Dale's health issues. • IIappy Thanksgiving tct all the Commissioners. J~~ C'iry of Snvurd Alnelu~ Plmrning ("ommissinn Minutes N"ovemAer2(!, 100% 1'olumeG, Page i `.~1 In response to Roac:h', Cilenz noted Planner Malcolm Brown was still on active dull and planned W teturu m Sew-erd the first port of 21H?3. She clarilicd there was nn ollicial dare set For his return. Kcit noted that four of the taxi cahs, involved in the cooing ccrmplait~t reported at the last Planning Commission Meeting, had been removal. Other keports, Announcements & Presentations -None. Citizens' Comments nn Any Subject except 'Phoce Items Scheduled For FubGc Hearing - None. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Motion (McClure/Clark) Approve the Agenda and the Consent Agenda Motion (hicks/Clark) Ylacc the Uctoher Ili, 2f1(17 Regular Meeting Minutes on the Consent Agenda Motion Passed nanimous Consent Main Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The toffowing items were approved under the Coasenl .9~cnda: Uetober 16, 200? Regular Meeting Minutes Special Items Election of 1'icc-Chair Ikeil opened the [tour for Chair nominations. Motion (Hicks/Roach') F.lect Commissioner Kevin Clark as Vicc- Chair Seeing no further nominations, nominations were closed. Request for Unanimous Consent Motion Passed [Jnanimous Consent Unfinished Rosiness Items requiring a Public Hearing -None ~~ ~~ l'rN ofScm~ard Almka November l0, ?00? t'lamel,rA Commireion Minures D'nlume d. t'age : 52 New Business Items requiring a Public Hearing - Nooe Unfinished Business -None .New Business - Rrsolation 21N17-21 recommending Kenni Peninsula Borough approval of the preliminary plat for Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40, Blnck 23, Seward Origiual Townsitc AVTEC Replal Glenn reviewed the details of Resolution 2007-21. She noted the need for the interior lot line vacation was discovered durutk the building plan review process. Glenn spoke in support of the resolution. !n response to Hicks, tTlen~. stated decks attd the exterior accesses were replaced, also tltcrr was an extensive interior remodel completed. Hicks cited SCC § 15.10.315 (f) `Noncanfomting stntctures' and questioned why a buildutg pcrtnit had been issued before the lot line vacation wt><s approved by the Ylauuiug and Zoning Commission. Hicks stated the work completed seemed to exceed the 50 perci;ut of replacement costs outlined in the section. Hicks noted this invalidated the C'onuttissious authority and placed the Commission into a position of `rubber stamping' the decision ur angering the applicant because of the costs already incurred. Clem. noted that vacation ul' interior lot lines was normally a consent agenda item. She further stated the current policy was 1'or administration to work with applicants as much as possible to allow construction dtuittg the short construction season. Hicks stressed that vacating these interior lot lines was an important policy decision that should have }seen examined by llte Ylamtiug and Luttusg Cuttmtissiun bulorr the applicant was allowed to begin construction. !n response to Roach', Clem noted that there was a reduction ill the number of rooms. Motion (Clark/Hicks) Approve RcsoluHon 2007-21 Clark noted AVTEC wes rututing the risk of the Planning and 7.oning Commission not approving this replat. Keil approved of Administration working lu arc;otnmudate applicants and encourage drvciopment. She noted these repairs improved the health and saltily wnditiuns for the AVT)rC sRtdcnts. ~J C'irt~ njSewmd. Alaaku Plonniag Commixriwi Mimuec ,~'ovemher 2r1, 2~" Y'nlvme q Pnge 1$ 3 Hicks noted there was nn evaluation of how resubdividing these lots in the middle of town would affect Seward. He citet SCC § l5.111.315 lt) sllowing only ordinary repairs for uoneonfurmiug structures. Koach' supported Hicks caution. She requested information on wfierr Yt<c h}drams were located on large developments such ac this. Glens ^oted Fire Chiei L3ave Squires approved the building permit and a[so the replat. Roach' requested staff review sheets be included ut the packet. Glenn noted the information regarding adequate fire protection was inch~ded to illustrate why a suhdi~isivn agreement was nut required. Motion Passed Unanimous Informational Items -None Commission Comments - Roach' thanked Hicks for his hard work nn Title 15 and wished even'one a happy holiday. McClure echoed Roach' comments. Kell welcomed Mc(:.lure and noted she would not he at the Llecember 4°i meeting. Shc rcuunded the Commission that the Luug 7etYrt Care Facility Conditional Use Ycrmit was vn the agenda for that date. Glenn asked for clarification regarding ilte Commissioner's opinion on Administration approving building permits un nouconfotvting stn~cnues. Hicks stated if the repairs were going to he substantial they should not be allowed under SCC § 15.10.315 (f). Glenn and IIicks discussed interpretation of SCC § 15.10.315 (f). Hicks stated this section of the tieward Cudc should be changed if Council wanted to allow n different policy then what was outlined in the Code. Kell noted the Commissivu had always tried to bring nvnconlurming buildings into conformity rather then mandating their deterioration. Glenn noted the policy had also been to encottr.~e interior lot lint vacations. Hicks stated Code required Ivt line vacations to come bel'ure. the Commission because of the land use implications, He noted the vacation disetLSSed touigltt illustrated an example that 3l~ ('iry of Sewm~ Al¢+'ka Pfan~7in,K Commiccion Minures tiovemhvs l0. 2pD7 Volume b, Page 159 had additional implicfltions that the Commission should have been allowed to consider prior to the construction heinQ approved. The Cirmmiriim debated the merits of this section of the Seward City Code. Hicks and Keil advocated updating the code to reflect the cturent policy. By' general consensus, the Commission directed Administration to continue approving building permits fur noncopforming structures undrr the current procedures. Citizens' Comments -None Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments -None Adjournment lvteeting adjotxi~cd et $:29 p.m. Clu'i~ty Ti'm' ~uhstitutc Executive i inisnn Marianna Kcil f'hair (City Sealj ~'> ~7 MF.MORANllUM City of Seward Community Development Dale: December 4.2007 To: YJanning and Y.owng Cnmuussion from: Duzuta Glenn, Planning Assistant Subject: January 3, 2008 Rcgzilar Meeting .2s a rerztiuder to the Cozrzzzzission thr Jazzuarv regular uzeeting has been re-scheduled to Thusday, January 3, 2008, at 7:3U pui due to the Ncw Yeai s llay holiday falling on the first Tuesday of the month. ~"