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RLSOLI T1ON 2007-133
A Ith'.SOLL7 10?1 O}' THG CI7 Y COL'~tiCIL Ob' THT; CLLY OF ti}:iV_~Iill,
:1LAtii~A, Dk:SIGV;1'ITitiG 'L'HF CI1'1 OF S1;iVARD .aS TII1~ iiL~RtL
C:IPt't'.aL O} at:ASt~I AND tti KE~t t:tiTl\'G ['HI: STA'Li'. OF.at.aSKa
TO k:l\T)OR5} T}IIS ll};SIGN:11'IOV.
WHF:KE:1S, dse Seward hfural tiocieq Etas produced and displayed nine murals to date
under dir supervision of master arlisl~ Jennifer }ieadtke, '!'ins Setasvinski, .Icannie Shirk, .Susan
Swiderski, .Eon i'an 7.yle, Tom ~Tissel and Cail I~iebrugpi ;and
11'HFRI:tS, a goal of the Seward ,ittua} Society is to produce a minitncrrtt of arre ntajvr
mural per year, maintain the existing murals and possihh- add some smaller murals; and
ti'ITk ttFAS, [he .Seward Nfurat Sucietyltas specific themes planucd for the next five years;
tR'HN:RL,~5, °Kemeauberinc Exit Glacicr° by [ucaf artist L)ot [3ardatsnn is ni~arin8
completion as the mural o1'2Up7: anal
ii`HGRFAS, Ed 1'ussey will he the itlasler Artist for 2008, desigtling a mural
contnremoratir,; the ! Ol:i ~ year of t}x• ?v'ationa! Park Service; attd
iVHTREAS, the Seward Mural Society has plans to produci• ~ mural represenline the 50
years of Ststchvod ani}ror X15 dears since the -NG:3 Larttrquake; and
~\'HF t2EAS, a ci~ntinuing foal of the Seward Mural Svcicty is to enhance the quality of lil'u
irr Seeeard and fu inea:a.e ttte numberofvisitrns, matryofwhotn come specifically to viesm' and vuji~y
the murnls and
i5'HF: KE<l5, a primary ;oa(of the Seward ~Atral Society is to hays Seward dcsitv~ated as the
Iv9ural Captrtl of ,Alaska; and
ii'Ht!'.KEAS, by nhtainiug pity and State designation as Mural Capital of Alaska, it wuuAi
greztly increase !hi• want evritine possibtlities :tnJ lxiteRtials• in 4btainirtg grant }irrrding fur the
Seward h4ural Society; an~9
li'Itk;RF.AS, urr ~h~ovembcr 'S, 2r10? the Seward Historic Presen ativn Cnnunission passed
resolution 20117-0; iu support of recommending. the City Council designate the City of Scsvard as the.
Mural Capital of Alaska and rocommends requeslin~~ the State of Alaska endorse this designation.
Itb501.1!"LION 2007-133
N(.)«', THEI21iFl_)RE, Rt; IT RH'S41.VN:D Bl"1'H): C'1'1'Y COCNCii. OF THE CITY
ON' 5>v~VAltp, ~L;15KA. that
Section S. the City Council de5igr~ates the t. its of ticward as the chiral Capital of ?tlaska
and is requesting the 5la[e of Alaska endorse this dcsi_,nation.
Sectiua 2. This resolution shall take effect intmedialeh~ upon its adoption.
P aSSLI) aND APPRO~ ED by the City Counei I ofthe City of Seward, :\laska this 10`h day
T1iE CITY Oi' titi~~'ARL), :,LAti1~:1
`" ~~~ /C-~ fi
Clark Corbridge, Mayor ~
Ay'C5: Ihmhant, Valdatta, Amber„ Smith, Kellar, CorhriGlr_e
VOLS: 'vone
ABSE\7 ~ Bardarson
AFtST;~tf~. Sinn
.!~ 4 "LEST:
.Tea[} Lets°is, CMC ~~ v
Citt3~ Clet'tc,
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Council Agenda Statement
Meeting Date: llcccmbcr lU, 2007
l~'rom: Phillip Oalrs, City Manager ~~
Agenda ltcm: Resolution 2007-133, 17tc City Council designates ~-/
the Murnt Capital of Alaska and is requesting the State of Alaska to
endorse this designation
11te Seward ?~9ural Society was formed in 1998 and is the visual arts arm vl' the Pvrt City
Players. anon-prolil group, which has Inng been active in the dramatic and musical arena in the
Seward Area.
The goal of the Seward Mural Society is to paint at least one mural a year and support private
mural prgjrcts. 'fhc murals are designed by an artist and then painted as a community project by
]? to 30 people who volunteer their tout a~td efforts fulfilling the vision lu lx:autify the
community, through public art. and to honor the unique history ul' Seward.
fhr Seward Mural Society has canplcted nine murals to date. The 2007 "Remembering Exit
Glacier" by Dul Bardarsvn, is the tenth. Cd Tussey will br dtc Master Artist for the eleventh
mural conuurmarating 100 years of the National Yark Service in 2008.
The goal of the Seward Mural Society is to enhance the yuality of life in Seward and to increase
tltc nuntbcr of visitors. many of whom come specifically to see the murals.
Qy having Cily and State designation as Mural Capital of Alaska, it would greatly increase the
chaztccs of obtaining grant funds for luturc murals.
Where applicable, this resolution is consistent with the Seward City Code, Charter,
Comprehensive Plans, Land Llse Plans, Strategic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures.
Approved by Finzu~cr llepartment ~'/~'/li~ ~~cr_
Approve Resolution 2007- 133 . The City Council designates the City of Seward as the Mtual
Capital ul' Alaska and is requesting the State of Alaska to endorse this designation.