HomeMy WebLinkAbout12042007 Planning & Zoning Agenda Sewarcl Planning & Zoning Commission J)e,'emher4, 2'10/ Marla~>laKeil Chair Tenrtllpi,~,Gl!l(J SueM<<:I~,~ Com"'L>>i""",," T"''''Ev'''''' ()}/IO MurgarmAwkrst>>l C""'''',,,;ono'T T..,.",F,xpiu~U2ll)9 Ki'I'iI'ICll1rt Yt~'Jwir l'enrt frpircs Gl!09 ,~= Com"'L.,iuntiT T~nrrE.qJirt;,,()}J()fj SmuJi~R"ach' C""''''..,,,,''''''' TumF.rpm..,01/IO ,. R06Hid~ Com",,,,t"""r l_fupircsOl!08 PhillipOales CiryM<multf!/" ,. MulwlmBm",,, P1UTuu!T D,,,,,,,,GI€m Pla""mgA,uiJ!tanl Vac,an, FJ:~cutiV€lia;'on !:SOp,lIl. Re~ulur Meetin/.: II}' CounCIl Lhumbers 1. Call to Order 2. O[lenlng(:eremon~' A PledgcofAllcgiancc ,. RollCall 4. Special Rcpnrb & P"",cntation~ A. City Administration Kcpon 1. R~ported Violations, Inl~'Prelation anJ Abatement D. Other Report.~, Announcemen1.~ & Pre~tarirm~ Citiuns' Comm"'DI~ un an~' subj<<ct ucept thu..... it~ms scheduled for (lublic hearing. [l'hnse w/w haw ,~igncd in wi/{ be giwn Ihe firsl opfXJrlunily 10 )pI!uk. Time is timiled 10 1 minutes per speaker and 10 milUltes IOwl rime for rhis agenda ilem) Al'l'rnnl of A~cnda and ennscnt Agenda. [Approvai of Conselll Agenda passes all rouline ilelm indicared by a~lai)'k (*). Com'!!nl Agenda IlelllS are 1'101 considafd ,leparaldy unless a Commh5iOf/R.r so reque,51,l, In In.., """Ill of SIKh a reque.5l, Ihi.' ilem is returned 10 lhe Regular Agenda.} I Planning & Zoning Commis.5ian Decemher4.1007 f(i.'gular Meeling Ageruia Pagel 7. Puhli~ Hearings [Limil !-vmmerllS ro j minUleJ. Tha)'f who have .Iigned in will be given Ih~ first opporlunily fo SlXa!c) A. Unfinished Bu~iDns Itcms requiring a Public Hearing - None H. New lIu.inCll' Item, requiring a Public Hcarlng L Resolution 2007-20 granting a Cunditional IJ~ Permit to \he City of Seward to COIlStruct lInd maJlllgC the operarion of the Long Term Care Fi!.(.,-ilily on Tract D. Seward Long Term Care facility Repla1, lJ.S.S. 1864 (preliminary I'lat),withinthe Institulioual ZollingPisrrict ..............Pagc3 8. UDfinillho:dHusmess-Nonc 9. NewOusiness- A. AppTOve 2008 Planning and Zoning me>eting schedule and puhlic hearing cut-off daLl-":; ............................................................._.._.......................................Pa~{211 B. Choose a topic or cancel the ~mb,.'T 111, ZOO7 work SCMion .._...__..... Page 32 . c. Approve November 20, 2007 Re-scheduled Meeting Minuh;s ................... Pa~e 33 10. InConnationalUl."ms and Keports (No al'lion required) A. R"mirnlt.'TofJanuarylIll.'l:tingscbooulo.:donlbursdayllJl2008......_..._.....P.gl."]f! n. Commksion Comments 12. Citizens' Com men" [l.imil to 5 minures per individUi1l Each individual has Om! opporlunily 10 speak) 13. Comml~inns and Administntinn RClI(lflMC tn Clti7'en.' Cnmment~ 14. Adjournment Planning & 7.oning r:ommi.t~inn Decemba4,1007 Regular Me!!ling A~wnOO Pagel