HomeMy WebLinkAbout01162008 PACAB PacketSEVVARD PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING January 16, 2008 Council Chambers Starts at 12:00 noon SEWARD PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARn Regular Meeting January lfi, 2008 12:00 p.m. COUNCIL C'HAMBFRS Ron (wmg Chair Tenu Expires 2008 Theresa Uutts Vice r..hair Term S,~cpires ~p04 PaulSchuldt Roard Memlxr Term Expires 2009 Uarrvl Shaetermcvcr Board Mcrsther i~cmt Expires 2UU9 PaulTougas Board Member Tcrw Expires 2008 Knri Andersou Roard Member Term Expires _'010 Deborah .4ltermatt Board !Member Tenn Expires 2UU8 Phillip Oates City Manager Jim Lewis Acting Ilarbomtastcr Angela Buck inrerim Board Secretary L GALL TO ORDER Z. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCM: 3. ROLL CALL d. SYECIAI.OI2DERS, Y12ESENTATIONS ANll REPOR"1'S :1. ARRC Representative Louis 13cneardinv B. K1'B/r111•) -City Councilmember "I om Smith C. Chamber Report Laura Cloward 1'tesident ll. Administrative Report 5. Citirens' comments on anp subject except those items scheduled fot• public hearing. [Those rsho have signed in u~i!! be given the Jirst nppvrnntrty tP speak. Tina: is limited fo ? mnttttCS per s jrcaker arrd 3U rninrues talal time Jor this agenda itcnr. j 6. Approval of a{;rnda and conseDt agenda [.-9pprnva! gJ'Cansertt Agenda pcrssec all rwrtnae items indicated by asterisk ~. I~Nr~l~~lsnr.n suslNr•_ss A. lliswss possible amendments to the process of reviewing the Project Status IisL .....................................................pK 3 City aJ Seroarri. Alaska Pucctb Agenda a/arch !, ?006 Pcr.Ke 1 R. NEW Bl'ti1NF;SS A. Discussion, review and Board approval of sending draft Ordinance 200R- .L'V/X to Council, amending SCC 2.30.325, Powers and Duties of thr Purl and Commerce Advisory Board .................................................pg 5 K. Selection of Februart• 20, 200R work session topic. 9. CORRESPONDENCE, INEURMA'1'LUNAL ITEMS AND REPORTS (:Vo ae'tion reyuire~) IU. BUARll COMMENTS I1. Cl"flGENS' COMMENTS [5 minutes per indii•idua! - Eurh individual has one oppnrtuniry to .speak J 12. ROARD AND ADMINISTRATION RGSPUNSE'1'U Cl'1'1'l.ENS' COMMENT 13 ADJOURNMENT Cih- nfSeward, Alusku Pacah Agenda :llarcly /• 2006 Puge 2 MrMORANDUM llate: .ianuary lfi, 2008 To: I'urt and Cummetu Advisory I3oan1 I'luuugh: Jim Lewis, Acting Harbormaster from: Angela Ruck, Acting Board Secremry tiubject: On-f;uin~ Project Status List .fit the L)ecemher S, 20D7 wort: session 1 he Board requested to review how the On-Going Project Status i,i5t should be addressed during their tncetings. Currently, the list is considered "unfinished Business" ort the agenda. T>iscussion ensued on how to altpro;tch the list and a request ~,as made to have this topic as a dise;ussinn item on the January 16, 2008 agenda. RI:CULvL\1F.NUATK)N Staff ruontmends the Board evaluate the impnrtattce of the list and place it on the agenda according to their needs. One suggestion would be to put it under "lnfomrational Items and KepuRs -1vu :'lction Kayuired' tlvat way the Board could discuss it when appropriate. Il'discussiun is not needed during a particular meeting, the Board simply dues not ncul to discuss it. Cscating a subcommittee within the F3uard to evaluate how the 1'rvyect Status List should be addressed is another option, but staff would like to remind that any committee (2 members or more) is subject to the. Open Meetings Act, and all meetings on the topic will nerd to be noticed pruper4y. Another option is to review the list atutually (or possibly quarterly), similar to what the Planning and Toning G+mmission does. The Pr~jcet Status i,ist can always he added to as topics arise throughout the year. Ultimsatcly it is thr Boatel's dceision how they want tv address agenda items. ' illese are just some possibilities to consider. PORT AND COMMERCE ADVISORY BOARD " ect Status List Pro Updated 11/7/2007 ARRC TOTE SHIP ARRC EXPANDING DOCK. NEGO TU,TIONS WITH TOTE ARRC COAL FACILITY Initiate a discussicn with otential coal shipments to Cook Inlet GRANT MONEY RECD FOR FIRE TRAINING CENTER S!dIC SMIC NEYV COMMERCE HELD'.NORK SESSION. ASLC LOOKING FORS & HAS PEN IDEA FISH RESTORATION UPDATE BOARD WITH STIP PROJECTS ANNUALLY DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION MULTI-AGENCY IN PLANNING STAGE HARBOR IMPROVEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE CONTINUING DISCUSSIONS PROPOSAL IS AT THE CORP, PROJECT IS TAB D (PROJECT EST NORTH DOCK PURSUE ALTERNATIVE ENGINEERING AND FUNDING SHIPLIFT EXPANSION TRANSFER PIT ~NORK RAIL AND FINISH EXPANDING ALTERNATNE ENERGY SOURCES FOLLOW UP WITH PROPOSALS AS NEEDED ROCK QUARRY ENCOURAGE ROCK SALES A CONTINUING DISCUSSIONS, REQUESTED A TE!dPORARY PLAN ,NEW 3.5 ACRE FILL ARE ( CONT'ING DISCUSSIONS! ENCOURAGE LOCAL Eb1PL0YMENT PRISON EASTWARD EXPANSION SOUTH FLOATS IN HARBOR DEFERRED MAINTENANCE Possible u dale and communlication with PACAB fog Phase III SEWARD MARINE CENTER Follow u as needed BREAKWATER DESIGN DEFICIENCY Aweitin vote from Senate Agenda Statement Meering Date: January 2R, 2008 1'0: Mayor, City Council Pmm: Johatuta 1)ollerhide, Assistant Ciry l7erl: Agzndta ltera: Amending Seward t:ity t'.ude 2.30.325, based on reconunrndations by ttte Pott artd Commerce Adyi9<~ry Board. BACkGROlTiU,fi 1LTS"1'1P'1CA7'ION: lluring its regalar meeiing un December 5, 2007, the Seward Port and Commerce .Adtrisory Board nul to discuss the past. current and future roles and responsibilities of the Huard: At this muting, ttm bnasd made suggested amrndmenu nn ttt. section defining these powers attd duties. S hz changes [Wade uerc. as follows: (st~e~trt-= ueletious; bnfd it[dics "'~dditionsj continuance of commercial activity, impruvirrg fhe qualify of life, mtd protecting the (public's bast interest, (4j Advise the cite council on matters invoking the establishment of support scrsdces pertain+t ~ to-the pct-a€Sewevc!-towards the above objectives; (5} Perform othec duties as rcciuested by the csty council. (h) "fhe board shall have no authority to expend or conunit city fiords without first obtaining approval by and any necossar}' appropriations from the city council. (aj !l shall kx: the responsihility of the port and commerce adrdsury hoard to: (1 j Report attnualiy to the cite council at the fit5l'tioundil meeting: of the new fiscal year and ai an} usher lino, :ts m;ry be regiacsird by tfie city council. k'he annual tetsort shall include, at the minimum, a report on the prior year's activities, a list of any anticipated r'eagCsts fhr appropri:rlions fur the yt•ar's planned activities and a tecnnunenda?inttregardis:+;-the c~~utinuatiostufdte sward; (2) ~iakc rec+~mmendarions to the city council concerning the design and cvordittetivn, ~i1' projects. to protrmote-'.sad develop dHrn . Ethrrn;~-totepc~tt-~-Sev~m4 transpurtafinn, !rode, and commerce tlrrnughour Sek~artl; (3) Provi~r inp ur iu the city' council on tm~ttCrs~r~Nting~ke-estal~isttmettt-df itse#tsSiEtti+e~trtrd to tl~Hi+,ve+xenl nt--tr~resettrtes-aaE4~-leultiFt~et~tsnoEli~irs sae4t-es + w . i....,y, ter: ~.;a::;~~n,{per-t~ti;<lerak-ems otharfrsourec~-~tio»}-r4lsska-sluettg..~-~,. £;ctive:rd policy mrd prnceduru/ rnatlen' Involving the esuib/iclnnenl and r.trv Or ~Fw;utt~ ORTalNA1CE 3t)tt8-JIXX I:v' 1'FA T; To update laneu:rge carried fonuard from ilte fon»ation ol'the 1983 Iniemation~~f Trade and Ltdu~trial llcvclopment Advisory Roard and through the iterations that led to today's $vard, and to better deline the Port and Comntcrce Advisory Board's role to support consideratiun of overall aunmerce arrd economic devcioprnent liar the City ofSewarrl, rtther tttart limited tv the specifics of the port of Seward. CON'SIS I'FV'Cl' CIfEC'KLIS`f: Where applicable, this agenda statement is cunsistent whit the Seward Ciq~ Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plans, T:and Use Plans. Strategic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. Other: fiiSC.AL NO`1 E: hone for this par ~=~PProved by rinance T)epartmenU IOI;: httroduce and enact this Ordinance 3008_1:ylX. to amend Sewn puwcrs and duties of thr'Scwardport and Commerec. Advi.;orv [3oard. Sponsored by: Pori and Conuneree Advisory Huard Introduction: January '8, ?008 Public Hearing: P.nactmenr. CITY Ql' SEWARD, ALASKA ORD1NA.tiC.'E 2UOR-XX\ :1N nRDINANCE OF T•HE C.'tTY COli!YCIL l7F TIIE CITF OF SEW r1RD, ALASKA„1ME'YllI?\C; SEWARI) CITY CODF.'1'ITLF 2,~SEC'Tl()N 2 iU.325, Yt)~YERS AND 1)L'Til:ti (1F TFiti fOR"1' AtiD CfJb1VI~RC~: ADVfSt)R1' FIVARD ~~'HERF.AS, "Title 2, Section 2.30 ofthc Sewardt ity Code, desigrtates the puwers attd duties 01 the City of Setvatd Boards and Conunissions; and WHEREAS, the Codc sectiotts describing the Board's powers and duties has remained largely unchanged since adoplxd with the formation oC the lrnernational Track and huiustrial llevelopmunt Advisory Board in 1982, laterhzaaninh nc~ ["radeattd Commerce Advisory Board in 1985, formation nfthc Port Developntcnt,Ad6isory C.'ommissism in ]98~, and themcrgerofthetwo nsutting in the Pert and Commence Ad~Ssory Roxrd in 1t19''; and WHERF,AS, in recent years the tasks'8ssi~med to and taken on by the Board have been i'uc:used more on policy development. tYuuughnut the economic spectrum and less on international trade, bulk commaiittCs and other specilics as described in SCC 2.?U.325a 2-4; and ~~ HLRF.Ati, , ^ ur;ierto bettetserye the Cuunci1,administration .md the public and to lxttcr rztlect the H~_rard's curc_nc crle, the Port :ind Conunerce Advisory Board request that the Council tneeting on llecember 5, 2(1(17, the Porl and Commerce. atendments to Seward Cin~ Code section 2.30.325, which role to encompass potcutial consideration ofany are the Bvard has been taeketl with in recent years; and WHEREAS, based un the recommendations of the Pnrt turd Commerce Ad vist~ry Board. the Seward City Council would like the following changes implemented to the City Code.. 7 C['1'Y OF SEVVARD, ALASILA OHDINA!1CE 2008-\XX VON', TIIEI2EFORE, BE 1'l' ORDA[NEU B]' THE CITY COi1NCIL ON'['HF. C[TY OF SF.lYARU, AI.ASIC1 that: ticction 1: The Seward City Code Title 2> Administration; Article 3, Fort and (`uuttuene ~'tdvisory t~oani; Section ~.,t1,?'S, Puwrrs and Tluties; is antendrd by changing the following: (strilEe-et}i-- deletions; 8ofd italics =auditions) (a} It shall he the responsibility of the port and commerce. advisory board to: (I j Report annuslfy to the eit}~ council at the tirsi council meeting of the new tisea( year nrtd at any other time ns Wray be reyucstzdby thz cilvcouncil.l'he atmual repc,n shall include, at the minimum, a report on the'prior ycatas.nctivities, a lisf.;df any anticipated reyuosts for appropriations for the year's'planned activities and a recommendation regarding the cuntiuuation of the board; (?) Make reconunendations to the city council Conezmin~ the design and corn~dinatiun of projects to pnunote and develop demesne-asm#-i+rternaticrnal tr-ansperMlid trade~rnraiththe pe~ward rrans'porlatinn, trade, anA '~:~<, .: cnnrmerce throughout Seward: (3) Provide input to the city council op °°°~s n~•.,,i;;r~z~;R,bli.,h~:n:•->:~n indenk~-te4ated~(};r-~+vet~ient .rte-"~:~.arce° .,~.,~ ~=n~'•.,,':l~ar>mme°~, +~~i~tlr. k-and -~~-;ot=rees~rcrm-A t#trou~lt-tl~-pert-Af Sewntd• policy `'and procedural nudters involving the establishment and cuntinunnce of c~nrntercial actevetj•, improving the yuality of life, port protecting Jb~ pNblir's brsJ iarer~tJ; -.. (4)< ,-advise the eiR cotin~ii un matters imr~hing the establislunont of support sCrviczs pt+Hei-to Chard tuwrrrds the ahnve objectives; (sJ Pe; t~>evr ,~1her drltirs cps regtiestad by !hc cite c~urlcil. (h j The bn,;rd shall le uo nltrhority to expend or commit city funds without first obtaining ahproval by~td any necessary appropriations from the city council. ~.. ^~,: Section 3: Thisurtljiiartcc shall take elTect 10 days following enactmznt. Ei\'ACTFD B' C'I'['Y" COL'PiCIL UN' TIIE CITY OF SF.W';1RD, ALASKA, this °i day ut , X008. fHR CITY UF' BF,WARb, ALASKA Clark Corbridge, Mayor CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA ORDI1~'ANC'I; 2008-kXX Al'GS: i~UES: ~~I~SENT: e\f3S CAiN: A'S'T'F,ST: loanrv.,:.. r~ni~ - City ' ICiR Jan-Ii-08 11:25 FrorCitr of Sexard 224-4038 T-821 P.001/001 F-TB8 0