HomeMy WebLinkAbout01142008 City Council MinutesCilr uJSerrard..~lacbn Cih' C'ouacil,tliruat~
Jnrraan' N. 1UUR I~oiunm• 37 Pare 4~4?
The January 1 ~, 2008 regular meeting ofthe Seward City Cuuncil was called to order at 7:311
p.nt. by IViayor Clark Corbridge.
lieutenant Tincr Icd the pledge of allegiance to the flag
There were present:
Clark Corbridge presiding and
Vl'illard Dunham T,inda Amberg
Bob Valdatta Tom Smith
Betsy Kellar Jean Rardarson
canprising a quorum of the Cuuncil; and
Phillip Uates, City Manager
Jean L.c+vis, City Clerk
Tim Sezn+vinski, +vas curious to know the cmmcil's opinion on the Seward Ship llryduck
GPA report and suggested the Region Director in Seattle would address the council to clear up any
questions on the report.
Linda Lasuta, felt the public notice on describing Resolution 2007-124 was inaccurate
because she received a bill Gom outside the city limits and inside and theypaid the same charges and
lees lur both. By the city borrowing money from the electric fund to the general fund, she thought
art ol•tuwn utility payers +vcre supporting the electric fund.
Carol Gris+vold, spoke in opposition about the operation at Seward Ship's Drydock. \\ ith
people having cattccr and ravcus with disligured bills, she fell there was some4ting drastically wrong
with the environment. tike showed enlargedphotoyaphsofsandblastingwithoutcontainment,chips
on the beach, recycled glass pushed into the beach mixed with chemicals and paint chips, artd urged
the council to order Se+vard Ships Drydock to enclose their uneontained pollution and have them
fellow best management practices.
MaU Gray, c~pressed his feelings from reports read about Seward Ship's Drydock. He
thought the city needed to catch up with industry best management practices. Other communities
GN ujSeo•urd, Alusku r'ih' Cnunci! ,lVinufer
Jrtnuan' 14. ?OOR I'olurne 37. Pnge 483
had been brouglu into catfonnancc. 1'hc DEC' report found several substances and listed it as a
contaminated site.
Russ Maddox, iterated the DrC report said Seward Ships Drydock was a contaminated site
and stated the city could he held liable for the clean up. I [e thought contaittment needed to be re-
applied tothe lease. ~faddos stated no +vater samples were taken, only srdimcnl samples, and TBT
had been found off the shipyard complex. lle wanted to see a comprehensive assessment dune.
John trench, also spoke to contaminants found by EPA at Seward Ships Dryduck and
emphasized the EPA analysis was based on a "superl'und site" ++hich Seward was not, but
conccnlratiuns wcrc signiliranl lur TBT and other known carcinogens. French said sea utters in our
area had tested positive and thou wcrc other detected levels, therefore this was getting in the marine
system and was toxic to organisms. He felt Seward Ships I)rydock had not complied with the
requests in the report and the city should not ignore that.
Mark Luttrell, stressed that one of the worlds most deadly toxins was heing released across
the bay. Now that this was known, he felt the city should do something about it. Protection should
be forced into the lease and sandblasting be maintained to protect the ecosystem of the area. Cornell
thought at this point it was an easy fix, but urged the city not to wait far something irreparable to
incur. He rou +vantud the city to force wntainment and new wording to the lease.
Jeff stow, spuku and gave an update on the latest construction plans for the Mary Lowell
Center (MCC). Since the design was completed two years ago, with the footprint spanning across ~..
Washington Street, the partnership had changed. Currcutly the platting decision was being
challenged in Superior Court. Mow stated in September ?007, the Forest Service revised their nccals
and dow•nsized dramatically, which would have a significant impact on the design ol'thc building.
DJ Whitman, thought it would behoove this council to pay attention to what DEC and EP.4
+vere saying and not listen to the interpretation of others.
Dunham wanted the rouocil to suspend the rules to allow )•tow to speak further.
Rules were suspruded b,Y unanimous consent.
Jeff Mow, stated a work session would be scheduled to discuss the citys participation in the
Mary Towel l Center He recapped that the. agrccnrcnt was I S% ul'a 37,000 square loot building on
the original design, and he thought the cin•'s share would stilt be 15%, only of a smaller building.
Design of the MLC had not gone beyond the 3~% completion level because of pending changes.
Rcdcsi~,m would be needed. Per the National I Iistoric Preservation Act, Mow stated the National
Yark Set~'icc had completed a determination of eligibility ofall structures on the properties that they
had purchased, and none qualilicd for National Historic District designation. The Park Service was
resubmitting them individually to the State Historic. Preservation Ulliccr lur arwther evaluation and
the consideration period was expanded. Funding for the cortshuction had not yet occurred. Muw
said although an omnihus hill had a two million dollar line item in it. the Adminish'atiat had not
signed it. Site preparation needs were being explored. Since none of the huildings were on the +~
historiu register, and if some construction funds wcrc approved, hazardous mitigation would begin
C'iry'vlSt~ourd, a!u•+'ku CiiyCotencil A/mums
Junuury !4. 3~OR Volume J7 PaAe 484
and the Sully's building and the Harbor f)imter Club would be removed. Legends and the Mai
residence would remain a bit longer because of their use.
Motion (Bardarson/Smith) Approval of Agenda and Consent Agcuda
Motion Passed Unanimous
The following was pulled from the C:nfinished Business patiou o!'thc agcndaby the administration:
Resolution 2007-121, Amending The F:Iectric 'Tariff "I"o Establish A New Fer To Equalize
Charges To Customers Outside Of The Cite 1 Jmits, With Customers Inside The Seward Cily
Limns Effective January I, 2008 (Postponed finm 1 //?h cY l ?'lll nreerrirls;l.
The following was removed from the consent agenda:
Designated Dorene Lorenz-Lindsey to serve as the community representative 1'or Seward on
the Friends of the Jesse Lee Flome Project ~9eetings.
"I'he clerk read the following approved consent arcnda items:
_ The November 2G, 2UU7 and llecember lU, 2UU7 regular city council muting minutes lrerr
The ticward City Council wished to continue the existence ofthe Yort and Commerce Advisors'
Roard through .lanuary 31, 20(19.
No objection to the liquor license renewal for the Marina Restaurant.
Ordinance 2008-001, Revising Seward City Code Section 5.3,045 (Computation 1\laximum
Tax), lucreasing 1'he Sales Tax Cap From $500 To $1,000, Effective January 1, 2009, And
Rescinding Ordinance 2007-010 ~rus n1n•ork~ced noel setJora public hearing ai./nnunrl•?8, _'008.
Resolution 2008-001, ;~ulhorizing The City Manager 'fo Enter Into A 60-Month Lease
Agreement ~Vilh Office Tech [ncurporalyd Fur Four Replacement Copiers Por City Hall, The
Harbor, Aud "I"he Fire DeparUneut For A Base Amount Nut To Exceed $70,040.
Proclamations and ;wards
Polar Bear Pluu£e Presentation
A Prescntation was given nn the Alaska Employer Support of the Guard and Keserve
(ESGR) by State Chair Michael A1ichnlsky and Executh~c Director Mike I.arscn.
Cln• of Seward, ~tlosko r'iR' Garners ~blinurec
Janunn !4.:008 fbltrrne t7. Vuge 485
Patriot Awards were given to the City of Seward and Sgt. Valadez after being .,.
nominated by ~[ajor Malcolm Brown and Staff Sgt. Eddie Armstrong.
Borough assrmbly Report. Borough Assemby Representalivr Run Lung nosed a iol of
hard work fiom the harbor crew to prepare the area for the Polar Bear Plunge event and lhanl:ed
them. At the Iasi meclin~•, in addressing adoption of the state capital project priorities, talk came up
about cuts to terry service for Homer and Kodiak. Long couldn't help but notice the increase in
volume Ievcl addresaiug cuts compared lu the entire loss of ferry service for Seward. They hoped to
adopt their federal priorities on February 2, 2008.
Long stated they removed support for' the Chuima Coal Project from their federal priuritics,
and passed a resolution for state support for Seward being named "mural capital of Alaska." `I'hc
Assembly would also be putting forth a resolution to appropriate $10(1,000 from their software
company to accommodate the sales tax cap change, and their .tune 30 CAFR report was in. Long
explained the Borough entered into a partnership with >tational Association of Counties issuing
discount cards which provided prescription drugs to uninsured. Long stated this wac going very
Other topics discussed: an ordinance that would prohibit Assembly members from sitting on
individual city councils failed, an ordinance prohibiting appearance by telceonlcrcnec was defeated,
one to extend an option to Chuitna leased land was addressed, a climate dtanyc impact plan and how
projects were affected ryas adopted, and an ordinance was introduced for the intpoundntcut of
vicious dots. A reconsidered resolution passed on exempt status property tax calculatious which put
the law back as it was. [f a senior was eligible for the petnranent fund dividend, they would be
eligible for rcductiou. Artd linally, two changes to title 29 would he introduced at the January 22,
200R meetine.
In response to council questions. Long said the $20U,OOU "revenue sharing" that they called
"energy assistance" was proportioned out ro conunwtitics.
City Manager's Report City Manager Phillip Oates apologized for the long report but he
had a tot to mention after the holidays.
The 2008 Alaska Regional National Ocean Sciences Rmvl (yO5Bl. Phis bowl would be
held iu Seward un February 9, 2008 with the finals being held in Seward on April 2G'h and
27°i at the Alaska Scalife Center. Guvcmor Patin accepted the invitation to attend "Se+vard
Iditarod Days" on Fehmary 2, 2008.
City .4PUIT health insurance. The city's APU f I' health insurance went to art 80'20 plan and
increased individual and family deductibles to $2~0 and SS00. Out of pocket maxinuuns
also increased.
i Lone 'form Carc Facility (LTCFI The purchase of the Griswold property for the Long
Temt Care Facility was completed. Bub Hicks, the new Community Development Director,
would provide primary interface on the construction of the LTCF. The invitation to bid .~
should be out soon with the bid opening and notice of award to occur the tirsl week of
March. Completion of the project should occur in late Augtrst or early 5eptcutbcr 2009.
Cirv o(Srnrarel. Aln.ckn Cifi Corruci/;l/inures
Jnrurttn l4. ?f)08 {'uLrme 37 Prtfw ~R6
Harbor. Four applicants ++rotdd be interviewed for the harborniaster position. 'they arc
Tammy Peterson of Dutch Harbor, Rubyu Pars, Mike Baker and Kari Anderson, all of
Seward. Oates and Deputy Harbormaster Jim Lewis attanded the Corps of L•ngineers first
Alaska Regional Pons :u~d Harbors Conference. There was agreement shat the State needed
to include a vision for ports and harbors in in long range transpurtatiar plan. A "shared
vision fur Comprehensive Study of Alaska•s Navigation Transportation Syslcm" was
Fish llitch. The city was moving forward +vith removal of the culverts at the lish ditch.
bVith the cheapest lix bring a free flowing channel, a dead end would he created nn both
sides with no vehicle access across, but a pedestrian bridge would he put in. ADF&G may
assist in funding this project.
Telephone Voice Over IY Ylan (VOIY). The city was also nwving forward wish this phone
system afrer meeting wi[h TelAlaska's engineers. 7'clAlaska would provide an assessment
of replacing cell phones inside die city limits with the VOfY technology. City wide
completion due mid-February 2008.
i Governors carnal budget was updated and included:
-Revenue sharing of $297,4 l b for Seward.
--State DOT funding for Seward Maintenance Facility of S3.2 million.
--AVTEC received funding for culinary arts facility replacement, new maritime safety
training facility, deferred maintenance and software upgrades.
--No Cundiug was included for the Jesse Lee Home or the levee project.
Electric. the KCA pustpunui the implcrnentation of the new rates in the settlement
agreement with C'lurgach until the cud oCMarch artd a portion of the electric crew moved to
~~~ 4°i Avcnuc.
Seward Port and Conurerce Advisory Board Annual Report Chairman Run Long
used the laserfiche system on the intemet to research his report and thought it worked +acll. MTjor
topics and items im~estigated were:
^ The catcuded cargo fee and recommended deletion with a possibility to look at later.
^ The SM[C Development Plan was written.
^ ,blcmbcr Butts was sent to the alternative energy conference in P;rirbanks.
^ 1\`ork sessions were held on Lowell Point Hydro Project. Resuhed in a split vote and
Ibnvardcd uu.
^ Late passenger penalty fecincrcascs were researched.
^ Membership troubles.
^ Budget presentations on the general frmd, harbor, SMIC and other items.
^ Continued economic forum discussions.
^ Proposed code amendments describing the rote and duties of PACAB.
City Council recessed at ~):0S p.nt.
City Counci I resumed a[ 9:1 S p.m.
Designate Dorene Lorenz-Lindsey To Serve As "1'he Community Ncrresentative b'or Seward
Cite ofSewurrf, alnskn City Council A~linutec
Junuun !4, 2005 t'olumc 37. Page 4N7
On 1'he Friends Of'I'hc Jcssc Lee Home PrnJect Meetings.
Amberg asked for this be pulled from the agenda and wanted to know why the city was
appointing a citizen to someone else's board. She stated Lorenz was already on this board.
Oates stated the Friends ui7esse Lee Home reyuesled Lorenz be validated by the council.
City Comtcil Unanimously Decided It Was Nol Their Business To Tell Thr Friends Of The
Jcssc Lee Home W'ho'I'hry Should Appoint :1s A Community Rrprrsrntalive To Their Board
And'1'herefor•e No Motion'I'o Approve Came Forward.
Discuss And Give Guldancc Pcrtaining'1'o'1'hc Seward Ships Dry Dock EPA Report.
Oates explained what he knew from the CPA report. He stressed the city was not the
cnl'urccmcnl agency for this. The city would follow die recommendations of dte state and federal
agencies that were conducting enforcement. Best operating practice negotiations had not been
aerecd on yet.
Oates stated the city could possibly default the Icase, but that would be premature to enter
into until the enforcement agencies concluded their investigation and negotiations. ADEC would Tile
fur igjunclive relief in state court ifthey did not ultimately comply. It would be at that time that the
city would take action on default of the lease. ADCC had not agreed yet, rnt what existed on dre
ground and what the clean up would be. ...
Oates was told liy ADEC, that this was not a superfund site and ground contamination would
consist of scraping off the top of the laud and disposing at the landfill There was contamination
based on the CPA report. Oates noted that based un legal opinions, the City, as land owners, could
be potentialh liable if Seward Ship's left the facility. Uatcs had sent letters asking SSD to keep the
city appraised of any interactions.
Oates reyuesled council agree to the following guidance:
r The City would continue to actively monitor the best practice negotiations.
Il'SSD [ailed to agree with negotiations, DCC would go to court.
r At that time the City could look into default of the lease.
Amberg wanted a work session artd thought possibly a third party would be helpful.
Oates would continue to work on asking DL•C and T-.PA to come to town.
Dunham agreed with the city attorney and cautioned interjecting into the middle of what was
the responsibility of the state and federal agencies invuh•ed to enl'urcc.
Smith stated as owner of the property he wanted to sec the actions and timeline by these
agencies given to the city, and thought it only fair for the operator to know the playing lield.
Noting This N'as :1 Continuing Issue. Cih• Council Agreed To Continue As'1'hc City 1llanager
thrtlincd, And Wished To Br Kept Appraised Of The Situation And Requested A Possihic
('Jry of J'es.ard..4frrsker Gtr CnmrriJ ,1 Jiunres
Jarmnrv 14. ?OU8 !'nJrene t? Pngc 488
V-'ork Sessiat lu Thr Future.
IVk'UR141A'I'IUI\AL ITEMS AI\D REPORTS (14n rrctrorr reyrrired)
Certified Municipal Clerk Certificate by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks fur Johanna
Providence Seward i\4edical Center Financial Statement for November 20O•7
Commendation letter firom Senator Gary Stcvcus ~. Representative Paul Seaton to the Seward
Library Museum Steering Conunittcc. un the 49er' Ball.
Amherg thanked the street department for keeping up on the snow. She also congratulsted
Johanna Dollerhide on her CMC certification and wished all a happy new year.
Dunham congratulated Marilyn Reynolds on the great Polar Rear Plunge Festivities that she
had always produced, and thought there were major changes with transportation patterns and agreed
with sikmin~ on with the shared vision. Ile wanted the city manager to monitor serious internal
problems he had heard of with Chugach Electric.
Bardarsun also congratulated the Polar Bear Committee and the organizers of the 49er hall.
Kellar also thattkcd dtc Library; Museum for the 49er ball and thanked the city employees for
the swift sno+v removal.
Cl'fIZENS' CU~1!\1EN"1'S
Johu French, agreed with Dunham that the city not interject into the middle of DF.C
negotiations until it became a serious problcnr. Hu disagreed wish the attorney and thought the city
could he held liahle on actual fines. He thought it would bc. appropriate to informally inform SSD to
meet the expectations, and do hest practice negotiations. French suggested tttc Coast Guard A4arine
Safety program as another place to look for hest operational practices. He said the EPA report
shu+ved statistically significant differences and was above the threshold as pollution.
DJ Whitman, wanted alt to know the Coast Guard's vessel Sycamore was in Seward tier
repairs and their vessel Spar would be here in late rebruary. Whitman wanted the community to
+vclcumc them to town.
Matt (:ray expressed empathy with the cuntplicatcd 5SD problem and understood how hard
it was dealing ++•ith regulatory agencies. He thought it was good drat the contaminants were now on
the table and being discussed. and commended the council for catching up and doing things right.
L Cray also appreciated the collaboration on getting the old car removed frrnn the wetlands at the head
of the bay.
Cit~~ofScnvard Alnska Cih'!'++++nril,t4inutes
Junnury l4. 1008 4 ohn>sc tJ, YaGe 48U
Dunham thanked DJ \~'hitman for the notification of the t'isiting Coast Guard and wanted
the community to give them a big welcome.
b'aldatta stated there was a citizen who was causing problems with the harbor contractors on
their project and was becoming a public nuisance. h had not only become a nuisance but a safety
hazard and he stressed those actions must be put to a stop.
T'he meeting was adjourned at lU:U4 p.nt.
;-~-' i -
Jcan.'~cw•is, CMC
City C.iesk
Clark Corbridge
(City Seal) ~3+~F ~'/~~~I-•!s~
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