HomeMy WebLinkAbout08072007 Planning & Zoning PacketPlanning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting August 7, 2007 Regular Meeting City Comaycsar b�A*nningar753OPm Seward Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meet' A cat / 2001 rJ(JP.mzi, ivics"ri,—iFers Mariwna KW Gal, Imi, &Pbes 01110 1. Call to Order T,,v n vtwchan 2. Opening Ceremony longsipu rs2I)p A. Pledge of Allegiance Magaretlnderson 3. Rop Cap C'emnaso Term hvpims 02109 4. Special Reparls & Presentations K"m Clad A. City Administration Report Cam ukmer Term Expires O2/09 1. Repmted Violations, Interpretation and Abatanent ✓atom B. Other Repartq Announcements & Pcescntntions Canmisslarv, Term cemse, own 1, KPB Plowing Commission Report —Tom SmiN s &AsOrA' 2, Liaman from Seward Bear Creak Flood Service commananer Area Board Perm apisar AIAV 5. Gfn ms' Comments on any subject except Wore items Bob tmw scheduled for public hearing. [These who have signed in commu,lonm ll he given the f ra oPPorluniryto speak Time is limited Term &Piro. 02108 to 1 mimes per speaker and 30 minutes total rime for this agenda lmmj shafts times cihMnnagc, 6. Approval of Agenda and Consent Anguilla.[Approval of Pp 8 p Yawm Consent Agenda all icatedby are indicated emonm em items asterisk %J. Consent Agerda hems a not o rwidared ed separately mrless a Commissioner so requests. In the event Oonnn Won Planning Asnnnm of such a sewer; the Item is reuvvd to the Regular Agenda.) Anne 8,110 &a, ime Labll Planning& Zoning Commission August ), 1007 Regular Meeting Agenda Page I 9. Publie Hearings ILimir commema m 5 minutes Those who have aigned in will he given the frrV vnvorranay m speak) A. Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing —Nave B. New Business Items requiring a Public Hearing — 1. Resolution 2007-14 granting a Conditional Use Permit m Sprig Creek Co vond Center (SCCC) to construct and operate an sddltiom120.6ed m mmum security housing unit on the current SCCC maximum security Pusan sic, withiu the Institutional Zoning District ........ ........._....... .Page 3 U. Hnloblard Business —None 9. New Husinns A. Approve Planning and Zordng Commission suggested changes and comments to the SWC Development Plan and forwarding the plan hack to PAC AB...... Page 13 B. Select Work Session l'opicfor August 21,2Wy... ..... ...................... ... ...... Page 15 * C. Approve Match 20,2007 Special Meeting Minutes ...... ........... ................ ... Page 16 * D. Approve April 5, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes.._....................................Page 21 " F.. Approve May 3, 2009 Regular Mwumu Minutes ........ ...........................Page33 • F. Approve May 15, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes ..... ........... .._......... .......... Page 38 ` G. Approve June 5, 2007 Regular Meting Minutes ............... .......... .._........... Paw 43 • H. Approve June 19, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes._.....................................Page 49 10. Informational Items and Reports (No croon requirel)— A. Notice ofPublic Hearing for the. Aug 14,2007 Special Meeting ... ..............Page 52 B. Approved Resolufon2007- 8,P&Z Priorities list.._.......................................Page 53 It. Commission COmmenm 12. Citizens' Comments [Limit to 5 minor" Per individual — Each individual has one opportunity to speak) 13. Commissions and Administration Response to C.itisens' Comments 14. Adjournment Planning & Zoning Commission Regular MeeNngAgemla August 7,, 2D07 Page 2 Ciro fsewu q Alaska Planning Commission Mm es mar,h20 2007 _ voume5 Pays 150 Call to order The March 20, 20V/ special meeting of ncc Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order st 7:20 pm. by Vice Chair Tom Smith. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Roach' led the Pledge of Allegiancem the Flag. Ran Can Therewere pmsent: Tom Smith presiding, and Kevin Clark Sandie Roach' Bob flick Margaret Anderson composing a goonrm of the Commission; and Scott Williams, Planner (telephonically from Taubman Denny Glen, Planning Assistant Christy Tcmy, Executive Liaison Ala t Manaoma Kel Lynn Hohl City Adminiatradon Report Planner Soon Wlliams repotted on upcoming Commission Agenda loans. Planning Assistant Donna Glary, reported on the following items: • City offices will be closed on Monday, March 26"l The City Council Meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday, March 216 . • Reminder that the Annual Joint Planning and Zoning Work Session was scheduled 6pm on March 27s. • Assistem City Manngerl(Gstim Vesel was vansitioning from working part time into full time. • Approval of the new City Manager Contract would be on the Match 27a Council Meeting Agenda. Community Development and Engineering received the new large formal copier. Other Reports, Announcement; and Presentations- None. Citizens' Comments on Any Subject except Those Items Scheduled For Public Dearing— None 1(0 Cap dSewarn, ela.w. PiannmBCmmMadon Montour Mma20, gaol Yousw6 Page 151 Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda — Motion (Andersoo rClark) Approve the Agenda a" Counter Agenda Motion Paned Unanimous Consent Public Hearings — Resolution 2 413 of Me Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, grasstiog a Conditional Use Permit to Hugh and Iris Darling for the development of a 20-Space Recreational Vehicle Campground / Park at 1303 Nash Road, TIS, HIS Seward Meridian, Government Lots 4 & 3 in a Resource Management Zoning District Commission reviewed additional lay downs From United Sears Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Services. Glens, reviewed information provided ov page'!, 0 arW 9 ofthe packet She stated it was smffsr ommerMa6on Wapprovethe Resolution lnmspuroeto Clork,Gle notedthe1Wy25W, 2006 loner was sent directly to Mayor Shafer and was forwarded to the Commission today. She clarified Mat staffs remwnendaficv remained the same. In response to Anderson and Smith, Willimas statedtM regulatory authority was vested in the Federal Agency and the applicants had been notified W contact We appropriate Agency. Hicks questioned why the Federd requests were not outlined in the Conditional Use Permit. Williams acted the City had nodded the applicants of me Federal mquitemems. Clark confirmed with Williams that by rectifying the developers the City had fulfilled its obligation. Notice of piddle hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opera Al Shafer, inside Cry Limits, stated he owned adjoining propcny to the proposed development. He askedthe Commissionto limit development within the specifiedaraofthe Engle Nest. No one requested to he heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion(AnderwNRuaeh') Approve Resolution 2097-03 Andersonstatedthe Citycl Seveard shouldrout become involved? wirtrregu]atingdevclotuneru user eagle nests or they would have to limit development WI over Seward. She felt me City 's notification to the developers was sufficient. I7 Ciry ofSexaN, Alaska Planning Cumm"son Minulu Motion(Hte"Mosch') Add Condition M2,`ApplicavtshaB comply with all applicable laws pertaining to development of Property including but not limited to the Bold and Golden Eagle Protection AN and Migratory Bird Treaty Act" Hicks spoke in support ofhls amendment fie rented pro Fish and Wi)dlife Services had requested the City's support. Smith scars! this issue should be added to the Commishm'50orty list and the Conardmon should inventory nests to assist developers. Motion Passed Unanimous Main Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Resolution 2009400 of the Seward Pinning and Losing Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, granting a Conditional Use Permit to Locate Four (0) Carer Units to be used as storage on a pad adjacent to the Seward High School in an Institutional Zoning Diatom approvof the ricwed pages le aM tCommission's packet. She stated sula Bu mmevded Public al orks Project an Glens nLyinformed the in the audie that Kenai Peninsula Borough Staff Public Works Project Manager Kevin i.yrns wen in the audience for questions and wrtmrents. Notice of public hearing being Posted and published as reyulred by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. David Moore, the Architect hued by the Kenn Peninsula Borough, onside City Limits, stated he was here to answer any technind questions. In response to Smith, Moore explained these units would house school and emergency supplies that did not include Untenable substanecs. Kenai Peninsula Borough Project Manager Km in Lyons, outside City L ndits, stated he was here in represent the Kenai Peninsula Borough and School District In response to Anderson, Lyons stand the units would house items from all three schools. In response to Commissioner comments, Lyons statM the Borough was not happy wiN the five yen conviction on the codex units proposed by staff in the resolution, in fierfor rpponse to Commfazion comments, he stated the Borough did nothave funds forapermanent structure and the proposed location suited the school's needsbest. He sta¢d Ncueuspnnarionwnidor issues were rmtpertnfdds Covditionn UsePmviL f8 C'hy ofSovad,, AIuska Planning CnmmiUion Mlmres Mw,rh]0 2007 Volume 6 Page 151 Keith Campbell, inside City limits, spoke against allowing the cones units. He supporteda permanent structure for aesthetic reasons and questioned if any schools an the other side of the peninsula bed t0 resort W ounc%units Jim Beckham, inside City Limits, noted he did not oecesseily support the cones units, but nothing could look worse then the hallway that was previously there. He suppcmd tle5yearresiew by staff. Beckham stated his main concesm was that the mad around the school wasn't wide enough makinglhe areadavgerous. He.spokeagainstffice ntt epanemb auscoftherouwe ugh the residential neighborhood. Stockmen staled the mad encroached now his property Howard Ferran, inside City Limits, hoped the coves unit would not become the pernmera rt solution for.storage and supported Beckman's comment. No one requested to be hoard and the public hearing was closed. Motion(Clerk/Ardemon) Approve Resolution 2009-14 Motinn(Hiclt/Clark) Add CYndiHaH 2,"The temporary building posing as tacker rooms should be moved to the same location, placed on foundations and made. "a conforming structures" Motion Passed Doenimoes to response W Commissioner's questions, Glevz stated the driveway was pan of the demolition permit reviewed by staff. Roach win sympathetic W the schools' need for storage but stated the cones units troubled her greatly. Lyons noted the money was not available to build a permanent structure bemuse the foods were not pact ofthe scope of work appropriated by the Slam. In resportcto Roach', Lyoae noted0re schools on the other side of the peninsula none able W utilize the shared School Uistict sin ae warehouse. Fire Chief David Squires responded to Commission discussion by noting the Hire Deparment planned to store Emergency Supplies for the City of Seward's disester prepeednen in these cones wits. Matron (Andersan/Flicks) Change Condition f from a five (5) year reaewat date to a three (3) year renewal date Motion Passed Unanimous Cary f5ewmd Aludu Ploening C'ommuainn Airwo Manch 20, 2007 rdume 6. Pegs l Sd Made Motion Passed Yes: Anderaoa, Clark lReks Smith No; Roach' Informational Items and Reports (No action required) Commission Comments - Roach' Thanked the public for then comments. Anderson stressed her concem that the Kenai Peninsula Borough kept 5eward's students best interest in mind. She wted the Boys and G'nls Club was looking for space m rw then program. Anderson stressed the need for Ne community to revisit dre traffic pedem in this area. Smith supported fie City and the Borough looking for solutions mgemer. Citizens' Comments- Dugh Darling, inside City Lmors, thanked the Commission for acting on Resolut1on200q- 03 the Conditiwd Use Permit for his campground development. In response to Anderson and Roach', Darling stated he was aware of the eagle nest and fie requirement. Commissions and Administration Respouse to Ciirees' Comments - Anderson spoke insupp an at developmwt on fiat side of the bay. Council Memhm Bob Vddmm snake N support of the Commission working wall the School District m solve the storage problem and asked rhetorical questions regarding the Darings' campground development. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. Christy Terry Tom Smith Executive Liaison Vice Chair (City Seal) 20 C'ia, fSew,ud Al era Planning Commuvirm Minis AP+115,, 2007 Vdumeb Page 150 Call to order The April S, 2007 regular meeting ofthe Seward Planning& l nag Commission evascalle to order at'/:30 p.m. by Chat Manama KeiL Opening Ceremony Commissioner Hohl led the Plcdge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call There were present Mammon K61 presiding, and Margaret Anderson Kevin Clark Lyra Hnhl Sandie Roach' I am Smith comprising a quormn of the Commission; and Scutt Williams, Planner Chesty Terry, Executive Liaison Abscnt Hob Racks City Administration Report Planner Scott Williams reported on da following items: • The Community ➢cvelopment Department had scheduled a work session for the Comrission on the Library/ Museum rerun for April IT° at 6:30 pm. • The Community Development Department was very bury with inquiries reganfurg land sates and development. • Williams stated his last day as Interim Planter would be Apri120a. HenotMhehad enjoyed his time with the Commission. Executive Liaison Christy Terry sated she had accepted the position of Engineering Executive Assistant. Williams stated he had no violations, in[erpretadon or abatements 0 report. Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations. KPR Planning Commission Report —Tom Smith City uJS and Alaska P1c=o;y Canamson Minaks Smith directed the Commission to his distributed written oTmI. Liaison from Seward Bear Creek Mused SeMce Area Beard —Randy SbuRm Stander noted the minutes from die last two meetings were included in the Commission packet. He reported the Board was in reclamation to musim consulting services from Retired Flood Plan Manager Christy Miller. Stauffer men listed the Board's 2007 capital projects, discusaed the article to appear in the Seward Phoenix lug, notified the Commission of the upcoming Town Meeting onme October 2006F1ood, and shmrd thatthe Kcnv Wmershcd Puma wasin Seward this week. Cifirms'Commonh on Any SubjeNexcept Those Items Scheduled PorPublic Hearing —None. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda — Motion (Anderson/Smith) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Anderson added item 9.11 "The Question of Ammexados" to the agenda. Bob] pulled the March 6, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes from the Consent Agenda and added item 9,C "Work Session RepoHs'to the agenda. Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Consent Unfinished Business Items requiring a Public Hearing - Resolution 2001-01, of the Sewed Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, grassing an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit issued to Providence Alaska (10/1996) as amended by Ne Seward Board of Adjustment: elimination of conditions 10b related to the requirement for perimeter forcing for the Hellstop located on Lot Is, Original Towhaite of Seward, Marathon Addition, within the h asibtionai name District Williams stated this resolution was postponed to hold a work session. The applicant was pmsent at the work session that was held with the Commission and was m the audience tordglN. Notice of public hearing bring posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Ben Faust, Providence Seward Medical and Care Center, outside City Limits, spoke in favor ofmo resolu[iom In response m Hord, Faust stated it would be preferable to have the fence completely trammed but Providence was willing to compromise. No one else requested to be beard and the public hearing was dosed Sponsored by: Applicant CITY OF SEWARD, ALASI PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2007-I4 A RESOLUTION BY THE SEWARD PLANNING AND Z.DNINC. COMMISSION OF TILE CITY OF SEWARD, ALAS", GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO SPRING CREEK CORRECTIONAL CEKTER (SCCC) TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE AN ADDITIONAL, 20-BED MINIMUM SECURITY HOUSING UNIT ON THE CURRENT SCCC MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON SITE, WITHIN THE INSTITUTIONAL ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, Spring Creek Correctional Center (SCCC) has applied for a conditional use permit fium the Scward Planning and Zoning Commission to construct and operate on additional 20-bcd minimum security housing unit; and WHEREAS, occurring to We Seward City Code, T.and Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225, facilities such as the planed correctlava /praon development an; allow d in the Insdmriaml Zoning INstr n as a conditionally PermiRed use; and WHEREAS, the 20-bed housing unit is an addition W the current maximum sworrty prison and WHEREAS, this Musing unit will be comprised of one (1) single story (20-bur0 housing unit compared withur security fencing; and WHEREAS, baving complied with the public notification pmvas, on August 9, 2007, the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission held the required public bearing on the Conditional Use Permit application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planting and Zoning f.0lrnal66inll thffi: SeeEon 1. According W SCC 15. 10.320.D., the Commission shall establish a finding Jost the use satisfies run following conditions prior to granting a conditional use permit A. The are is ronostent whh the parpme Of Bills chapter (roe Seward Zoning Code) and the par inner ofd r zoning didrict Finding: This finding ban been met. The property is curtuntlY Zoned Institutional (INS), 'rue In6timrional Zoning district provides an rose for public and private administcdtive and government uses (SCC 15.05.025, (b) U 1). Upending a wrreetional fncilby is consistent with the planned uses in the Institutional Zoning District. Seward Planning and Zoning Commission Resolmion 2009-14 B. The value of adjoining property will not be signifaamly Impaired Finding: This finding has been met. The current rnaxhvum security facility of Spring Creek Correctional Center is located on an approximately 262 acre agreed of land, known as SCCC,'I ract A. This large parcel is located on the Pant side of ResurreCtme Bay Northeast of the Seward Marine I iushVal Center. The Warned 20-oral minimum security hauling unit will to located just or the East of The current maximum security facility whirm surenew security fencing. There is no Sndmation that the proposed facility would negatively impair the value ofadjoining property. C. The proposed we is in harmony with the Seward Comptehemoof Pfan. Finding: This finding has been mac The Spring Creek Conecfionel Center is in Itammny with the Sewall 2020 Comprehensive Plan (approved by Council, 2005) and Strategic Plan (1999) in that both plans encourage grewdi and expo vion oflbe Feciliw. Seward 2020 ComorebeonWe Plan The Comprehensive Plan sates' rmtiaae to advocate the Department orcorrxlions and Alaska Seem Legislature to expand the Spring Creek Correchond Center (SCCC)." (3,12.1) (page 19). 8tgeeek Plae (19") The Suaregic Plan states "C n inue to lobby the DepaMtene of Corrections and the state legislahsre to expend the Spring Crew Cone ead Center," (page 6) D. Public Services andfae0ider are adequate to serve the Proposed we. Finding: This belong has Wen mm Spring Creek Conectional Center is a large developed facility with adequate infrastructure. The required public services end irsTmstrnerurce fin the addnarr ed housing unit have been reviewed aM agreed upon by both City gaff and 9CC0 staff. E. The proposed we will not be harmful to the publics jets, healrb or wey re. Winding: This finding Isar Wen met. The current SCCC facility has operated safely for over IS years. There is no reason to believe drat the additional 20-bed unit "old change dre safe operation of the existing facility. F. Any and o0 specya conditions deemed necessary by the commGsbn ro fu✓W the above-mentloned crnditions shaft be met by the appluant These mV Include but are not limited m mearures rehdive to greets, screening, site dewbpmew, building design, operation of the use and Whet similar aspect related to the proposed sea I. Mudifieativas he the site plan dated June T, 2007 which was approved by the commission as a supporting document for this CoudiNonad Use Parent shall be approved by staff or the Commission prior to implementation H Seward Planning and boning Commission Resolution 2007-14 2. Modification to the final approval of this conditional use permit may, upon application by the promisee, be modified by the Planning and ] ing Commission: A When changed conditions cause the conditional use on no longer common to the standards for its approval. B. To implement a different development plan conforming 10 de smndarts for its approval. C. The modifiea¢on plan shall be subject to a public hearing and a filing fee se[ by City Council Resolution. Section 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the proposed use, subject to the above conditions, smuf,05 0m criteria for grmtmg a conditional use permit provided the conditions listed on Section 1, Subsecfion F am met by the applicant, and authorizes the advwdsnation to issue a conditiund use permit to the Spring Crock C'.arrtMion Center to allow Ne constmction and operation of an additioned 20-BW minimum security, housing unit. Section 3. The Plamdng and Zoning Commission finds that adherence to the conditions of this permit is parnmoant in maintaining Ne intent of Seward City Code Section 15.10,320, Ccmditioml Use permits, and auflxr v s the administration to issue a conditional use permit Additionally, the administration shall periodically confirm the use conforms to the standards 0f its approval. Session 4. This recsolmion shall take effect 10 days following its adoption. PASSED ANT) APPROVED by the Seward Planing and Zoning Commission this r day of August 2007. THE CITY OF SEWARD Marianna Keil, Chatr AYES'. NOES: ABSEN]': ABSTAIN: ATTEST: VACANT: One Jean Eewis, CMC City Clerk (City Seat) 5 P&Z Agenda Statement Meeting Date: August], 2009 ,@! Through: Phillip Oates, City Menagcc �F ey, y _ From; Dowa Glenn, lommung Assistant=�M Agenda Item: Resolution 20I-14 granting a Conditions] Use Permit to Spring Creek Correctional Center (SCCC) to construct and operate an additional 20-bed minimum security housing unit on the current SCCC maximum security prison site, within the Institutional Zoning District BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: lbe Spring Creek Conwdond Center (SCCC) but applied hur a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to censmmt and operate an additional 20-bed minimum security housing unit on the contend SCCC maximum security prisons site within the Institutional Zoning District. The current maximum security tannin was constmcted and opened for operative in the late 1980's. Comeudonal/prison facility was added to the Land Does Allowed Table as an allowed use by Conditional Use Permitwith Ordnvece 199425 in June 1994. S[R(RO(INDOG LAND USE AND ZONING: The proposed building site is located to the East of the torrent prison facility, just outside the maximum security financing. SCCC is located on a 262 acre patent), known as SCCC, Tract A and which is within an )nstimtiond Zoning Dletrict. All surrounding parcels are within the Industrial Zoning DhIricl or the large 1 -aomce Management Zoning District The arca of Industrial Zoviog is eamblisbed as a intact iv which the principal use of land is for business, mromachuing processing fabricating, repair, assembly, storage, wholesaling and dishibutiug operations. Reaource Management areas are generally Inge wdeveioped areas with sm public smdccsmmilitiea. As reslaxed by Seward City Code, property owners within three hundred (300) fret of SCCC Tract A, were notified of the proposed Conditional Use Permit action and the propetty was portM with publictu lice signs. Rerommehded conditions 1. Modifications to the site plan dated Ane 1, M07 which was approwod by the Commission as a supporting document for this Conditional Use permit shill he approved by sluff or the Commission prior to implementation. 2. Modification to the find approval of this conditional use permit may, upon application by the permitue, be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commission: A When changed emalitioa cause the conditional use on no longer conform to the standards for its approval. 13. To implement a different development plan conforming m the standards for its approval. C. 'Ilan modification plan shall be subject to a public hearing and a filing fee set by City Council Resolution. CONSISTRNCY CHECKLIST, Yes No Seward 2020 Comprehensive Plan X The Comprehensive Plan smtes "Continue to advocate the Deparmsent of Corrections and Alaska Smte Ugelature to expand the Spring Creak Correolimel Center (SCCC)"( 19). Stratede Plan 19") A The Strategic Plan states "Com(uaa m lobby the Dcpertmmt of Correction; sad the state legislartue m expand the Spring Creek Correctional Center." (page6) RECOMMRNDATION: Stacy nxommends approval of Resolution 2007-14 granting a Conditional Use Permit to the Spring Greek C tonal Center (SCCC) m cwarruct and operate an additional 20-bed n119119Um security housing unit on the cannot SCCC maximum security prison site, within the Inadiluppual 7011191; District. CM OF SEIVARD t� I'LANNIrvG OFFICE ITYI)E SEWARD UU UNITY DEVELOPMENT OFF16E P.O, Box 1 • Seward, Alaska 99664 19 190]) 2244048 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION This completed application is to he submitted to the Community Oevelo(:m¢nf Department no later than tMee 13) weeks en advance of the next regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held the first Tuesday of each month. The application must be accompanied by the a25000 f : ami it property is already developed, an as bu It survey Prepared by a surveyor registered in the State of Alaska; or scaled eke and alevanon plane fqr d ad land APPLICgNT NFORMATION AppraaeS _Spring Creek Correctional Center, State of Alaska AAx,—<, Mile 5 Nash Road _ _ „_ _ 907,2248108 Property owner lit Other than app icaml: City of Seward Address: Telephone No.: PROPERTY DESCifpT ON Adtlress: Mlle S Nash Road Lot Slaw 320 acres Iacres(SF) Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Fourth Of July Creek Tax Parcel No._=_ Land Use Plan reaigroman:Institutional Zoning Designation: Institutional DEVELOPMENT �L IN RM TION A. What sVucuums are located outhe Oseramv? thed"nm Security Prison s 8- What is be exlstingm a of m&vmperty? Maximum Security Prison C. What lathe proposed use ofthe property Add a minimum security housing unit D. What is your davemperand me schedule? Complete by J�nua�ry 2008. J[� urrtum vea lots 8 E. Prior to the Seward Planning and Zoning commission granting a conditional use Permit (CUP), it shall be established that the use satisfies the following conditions iSCC 4 15.10.3201: The applicant hereby alleges that: t. The use is consistent with the thrones of the Seward Zoning Code and the purposes of the zoning district: Spring Creek Correctional Center, State of Aaska is already zoned for a prison this will add 90 more beds to the IN 2. Thevalue of the adjoining property will not be significantly impaired: Spring Creek Contractional Center dominates the 320 acre she already. This will not =sew the va us of any adloininamy. 3. The proposed use is in harmony with the Seward Comprehensive Plan: Spring Creek Correctional Center has been here since 1988 and has been on the Reword Comprehensive Plan as a persomsite since then 4. Public services and facates are adequate to serve the proposed use: Tnis all have very minimal impact on the public services and facilities already Alone Pit for the Prison.— 5. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare: This will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare any more than the prison almady h Any and all specific corrections deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above mentioned condroons shell be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to acmes, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects related to the proposed use. 2 of F. Include building elevation plans and a site plan, drawn to scale. The site plan should nclude. al property dimensions; bl location and dimneweres of existing and planned buildings; of parking configuration: dl drivewayslaccess; el natural features; and fl other pertinent informatipn. I hereby hardly that the above statements and other information submitted are true and accurate fo the beat of my knowledge, and that 1, as applicant, have the following legal Interest in the property: I 1 Owner of record; 0 Lessee; I - Contrast Purchaser; 1 1 Authorized to act for a person who has the following legal interest: I also understand that this Ram will be scheduled for action only if all application materials are submitted not less than three weeks in advance of the nexx regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Commission meeting held the first Wednesday of rokiplowith. Attendant Strouseas Property Owner S Sig azure Enclosed: Fee.$250 (0 Site Plan Elevation Plans p Location Map Other sew, pi m are l]as 3of3 10 s w- 71 T-7 y- P - -*k W x i ri4f lu TEN1t:\1 luI Date: Aagust7,2007 MOV To: planning and Zoning Commission Through: Damon Glenz, Planning Assistant From: Christy Terry, Engineering Executive Assistant Subject: SMIC Development Plan Updmes The Port suit Commerce Advisory Bored held multiple work sessions to solicit public convnents and discuss updates to the Seward Marine Industrial Center Development Plan (Plan). The Board bas elan bend a Public Hearing to collect testimony on the play. The proposed updates have been incorporated into the Plan for review using bald-trdicind-undedies for additions and a anikeffseagb to denote deletions. (Please note: the approved 1995 Seward Marine Industrial Center Development Plan remains in effect until a new plan is adopted by Council) The Bored sent the revised plan to the planning Said Zoning Commission for review and conamuniz and the Commission held a work session an Jose 19, 2007. planning rote l ping suggested one change be Incorporated into the body of me plan. The change has been highlighted in gray: BASIC MARINE INFRASTRUCTURE GOAL A dredged, protected basin wiM adequate docks, ship i fts and uplands an form a core marine industrial center that coal accommodate new businesses in supporting a stable economic base with yearvround jobs. The Basin envisioned M the 1980 Cemmry-Quadra concept was enclosed, protected and dredged to -21 feet mean lower low water (hD.LW) to aecommadace medium draft vessels for ship repair, cargo off loading and general moorage- The basin has been dredged te design with -25 foot berths adjacent to the Shiplifl Dock and the North Dock The basin is protected by a rip rap breakwater along the mot shoreline, by a Slid sheet pile cell breakwater along the south and southwest, and by sheet piling along a section of the North Dead, it N etin open as the bay along the Sint and northwmt sides. 1. The unemctased basin allows swells and surges which fisnes. Pmhlb&Me laudin and an/oadNe of vessels of all sties. and ' ingiimh contributes to the damage of dock facihtim and inerevan the potential for accidents. I:� I a varsue fundingand emelacering to enclose, and proud Me bosun MIC Continue to work with the Corps of Engineers to review the feasibility of 8M federal funding involvement in the breakwater projeets. Commiss'wmvs also noted support for the eaaminadon of setbacks and temporary structures in the SMIC area and are asking the Board or consider incorporating Port Security aspects required under new Homeland Security requirements. The neat step in the process is fw the Commission to forward the Plan back to the Pon and Commerce Advisory Board with Planning and Zoning Commission consumers. RECOMMENDATION: Motion, "I mow b forward the Seward Marine Industrial Center Development Plan bark to the Port and C rneroe Adviwry Board nrds the imoMorreed Planning and Zoning Commission Cements: 1, Under Basic Marine INrostrucmre In. add "Aggressively" 2. Slre Planning end Zoning Cananission supports the Board examkdng setbacks and teapot ary structures in the SMIC area i. the wearing and Zoning Crunmission suggests the Board consider incorporating Port Security aspects required under new Homeland Security requir®ants." 1y MEMORANDUM Data: August 7,2007 To: planning and Zoning Commission flrrough: Dome Gleru, Planning Assistant From: Anne Miry, Executive Liaison Subject: August 21,2W7 Work Session The Commission's current Work Session is scheduled for 630 pm. on August 21`; however the Commission does not have a topic selected for the wud session. Possible Work Session topics for discussion could include my derus off the Priority List or emerging topics Commissioners might be aware of. The Commission currently has a Special Meeting scheduled for Amgmst 14,207 7 at 7;W p.m. This special meeting is sehobded to hold a public hearing for We U.S.S. 186, food R, C and D, Lung Terms Care Facility Rapist. fhis Special Meeting was moved up me week to assist the applicant in meeting We Knout Peninsula Platting Commission mt off dates, The Planting and Zoning Commission has already been committed to holding the toe scheduled metings in the month of August; the Commission could choose to morel the Work session or choose a topic and confirm the work session on August 21, 2007 at h:30 p.m. RECONVAENDuCtION: The Plannhg and Zorthtg Commission set a topic for their August 21, 2007 Work Session or cancel the work session for August. 15 Cin Jsewmd AlavUr P6na,ng Commmiun Yl w March 20 200,yolwe6 Pogo 150 Call In order the March 20, 2007 special meeting of the Seward Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order7:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Tom Smith. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Reach' led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Rog Call 'there were present Tom Smith presiding, and Kevin Clark Sandie Roach' Bob Hicks Mmgaret Anderson comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Scott Williams, Plmmm helephoNeelly from Fairbanks) Donor Glens Planning Assistant Christy Troy, Exe olive Llaimn Absent: Madan %sil Lyra Rom City Administration Report Planner Smolt Williams reported on upcoming Commission Agcodn Items. Planning Assistant Mons Glen relportm on the f Ilnwing items: • City offices will be closed on Monday, March 26m. The City Comrc➢ Merung was resobduld ForTwWay. March 27v, • Reminder that the Annual Joint Planning and]ving Work Session wax scheduled at 6pm on Match 296 . • Assistant City ManagerKirstea Vesel was wnsitioning from working pan herein* fail tune. • Approval of the new City Manager Contract would be on the March 27's Council Meeting Agenda. • Commuwty Development and Engineering tweived the new large format copier. Other Reports, Announcements and Presentations Naar, Cubans' Comments on Any Subject except these Items Scheduled For public Hearing— None I�0 Coy JSe arq gla,U PIm,ning Commtrrtnn Mlnmes dfmrh 20. 207 Y h ne a Poe 151 Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Mellon (AndersodClark) Approve Me Agenda and Consent Agrado Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearings - Resolution 200743 of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, granting a Conditional Use Permit to Hugh and Iris Darbugforthe development ofs 20-Space Recreational Vehicle Campground I Park at 1303 Nash Road, T1S, R1S Seward Meridian, Government Lots J& 5 in a Resource Management Zoning District Commission reviewed additional lay downs from United Steles Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Services. Glerrz reviewed information provided on page 7,8 and 9 of the packet. Stre stated it was amft's reurmmcndatar W apprvve the Resolution. ffim p nse W Clark Glcncnotcd theJuly 25th, 2006 letter was sent directly W Mayor Shafer and was forwarded to the Commission today. She clarified that staffs recommeMation remained the same. In response W Anderson cod Smithy Wi isms smtedthe regulatory mummy was vested in me tederN Agency and] the applicants bad been notified W contact the appropriate Agency. Hicks questioned why the Federal m uests were not outlined in the Conditional Use formal. Wllllams surged the City had notified the applicants of the Federal requirements Clark confirmed with Williams that by mmtifyivg the developers the City had fulfilled its obligation - Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was atoned. AI Shafer, inside City Limit;, stated he owned adjoining property W the proposed development Ile asked the Commission W liamdevelopmevt within the specified areaofthc Cagle Nest No one requested W he heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion(ArltlenndRoach') Approve Resolution 3007-0 Anderson stated the (try of Seward should tat hxome invol ved with regWsting devckymrent near eagle nests or they would have to limit development all over Seward. She felt the City's notification to the developers was sufficient. 0 fay&S5 and Alaska Plonni,y Commiviw MNWa• March 20 2007 Vdume 6 Page 152 Motion(IickgBoncW) Add Condition 02,"AppB®ntahnB comply wish all applicable laws pertaining to development of property including but not limited to the Bald and Golden Eagle Pretecsion Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act" Hicks spoke in support ofhis amendment. He rened chat Fish and Wildlife Services had requested the City's support. Smith staled [his issue should he added to the Commission's priority list and the Commission should inventory nests in assist developers. Motion Passed liummeroug Main Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Resolution 2009-04 of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, grouting a Conditional Use Permit to Locate Four (4) Conea Units to be teed as storage on a pad adjacent to the Seward High School in an Institafional Zoning District Glens reviewed pages 20 and 21 oftba Conunissiov's pocket. She sated staffrecommeMed approval of We msoluti m. Glens infomsN We Commission that Kenai Perdinita Borough Staff Public Works Project Manager Kevin Lyons was in the audience for questions and comments. bofice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. David Moore, the Architect hired by the Kenai Peninsula Borough, outside City Limits, sated he was here in answer any, technical questions. In rospomie to Smith, Moore explained these stints would house school and emergency supplies teat did not include Babout substances. Kenai Peninsula Borough Project Manager Kevin Lyons, outside City Limits, stated he was herein represent the Kenai Perdvits Borough and School District In response m Anderson, Lyons small the units would house items from all Muse schools. In response to Commissioner comments, Lyons stated the Borough was not happy with the five year restriction on the cones wits proposed by staff in the resolution. In further respostse in Commission enormous, he staled We Boma gh did not have funds for a permanent structure and rise proposed location suited the school's nesedsbest. He stated die transportation corridor issues were not part ofthis Conditional Use Permit. 18 Cty^/sevma M;nmes Mmeh 20, 2007 rowme 6. Pugs 153 Keith Campbell, inside City limits, spoke against alloafing the cones arms. Ife supponcd a permanent structure for aesthetic reasons and questioned if any schools on the other side of tls pe urcum had to ream to cones units. Jim Deekham, inside City Limits, noted he did not necessarily support the coax units, bar nothing could look worse then the hallway that was previously there. He supported the 5 year review bycaff. Beckhmv stated las main covicem was that dneroad around the school wasn't wide enough makingtheareadangemus. He spoke against the current traffic padcm because of the mute thorough the residential neighborhoodlba kham.seated the road mereachcd ones his property. Howard Permit, made City Iimits, hoped the wnex comb would not become the permanwt solution for swage and supported Reckhem's comments. No one requested to be board and the public hearing was cloud. Motion (Clarlu Arederson) Approve Resolution 200744 Motion(Hieka/Clark) Add Condition 2,`The temporary building posing as locker moms should he moved to the same location, placed on foundations and made code conforming structures" Motion Passed Unanimous In response es Commissioner's questions, Glenn stated the driveway was part of the demolition permit reviewed by scoff. Reach' was sympathetic an the schools' need for sesmge but stated the coax cries troubled her greatly. Lyons noted the money was not available to build a permanent strumuro because the hands re not port of the scope of work appropriated by the Stare. In response to Roach', Lyons noted the schools on the other side of the peninsula were able es utliee the shared School ➢istrict storage warehouse. Fire Chief David Squires responded to Commission discussion by noting the Firc Department planned to store Emergency Supplies for the City ofScwad'a disaster preparedness to these wnex unit. Matron (Andersadtlicks) Change Condition 1 from a five (5) year renewal date to a three (3) year renewal data Motion Passed unanimous IC� CiN o(.Senmd Ala b Planning C'ommWlan season Mam),20 2009 volume 6 Pa • IS4 Main Mellon Passed Yee; knileroo, Clark, Main SmiM No: Roxb' Informational llama and Reports (No "don required) commission Comments - Reach' thanked the public for their conspectus. Anderson stressed her concern Nat the Kenai Peninsula B orosgh kept Sewazd's students lost interest in mind. She noted the Boys road Girls Club was looking hn apace to ran then program. Anderson shs see l the need for the uemnuntty to revisit the eaBc pattern in this nose Smith supporrM the City and the Borough looking for solutions together. Citizens' Comments - Hugh Darling, battle City Limits, ranked the Commission for acting onBesolumm2007- Rl the Conditional lice Permit for his campground development. In response to Anderson had Roach', During stated be was aware of the eagle cost and the requireruen4. Commissions and Administration Reeponu to Citizens' Comments - Anderson spoke m support ofdevelopment on that side of the bay. Council Member Bob Valdsfraspoke in support ofthe Cnmmiaeion working nith the School District to solve the arose problem and asked rhetorical questions regarding the Darlings' carnpgroucd development. Adjournment Meeting odjoumed at 8:25 M. Christy Terry -_ Tom smith Executive Liaison Vice Chair (City Seep 20 C'ia 1Sewara Almoa Plaenina Commission Mines 4pR5 200J rolume6 Pay, 150 Call ro order The April 5,2007 regmarmeeting ofthe geward Planning& Zoning Commission wescalled m order m 7:30 p.m. by Chair Machinate Kell. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Hold led the Pledge ofAlleglar¢e to the flag. Roll Call There were present; Mernamm Keil presiding, and Margaret Andersoa Kevin Clmk Lynn Hold gauche Roach' Tom Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Scott Williams, Plmmer Christy Terry, Executive Liaison Absent Bob Hicks City Administration Report Parer gent[ Williams reported on the following items: • "1 he Community Development Department had scheduled a work session for the Commission on the Library/ Museum rezone for April t]m at 6:30 pm. • TM Community Development Department was very busy wida inquiries regarding land sales and development. • Williams stated his last day as homfin Planner would he April 2&° Henomdhehad enjoyed his time with the Commission. Executive Liaison Christy Terry stated she had accepted the position of Engineering F ocutive Assistant. Williams stated he had no violations, interpretations or abatements to report Other Reports, Anaouncements and Presentations- KPB Planning Commission Report —Tom Smith 21 O(VWS,wara Alaska Plano/agfcmmtirr:an nunea Smith directed the Commission to his distributed written report 6ianon from Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Am Board -Randy Stauffer Stauffer noted As min gees from lire last two me Rings were included in the Commission bucket. it, rapaej the Board was in negotiation to retain consulting services from Retired Flood Plan Manager Christy Miller. Stauffer then listed the lkaw:Fa 2007 capital projects, discussed the article to appear in the Seward Phoeoia [.og, wro kd the Commission of the upcoming Town Mcwfngon the Octnber Mai Flood, and shard thatthe Kenai Watesshd Forumwas in Sewaidthls week. CBiveue'Commrnb on. any SuhjeGccceptThosa Remo Scheduled For Public Hearing -Noun Approve] of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Mofian(Andenaunimitk) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Andersen added item 9.9 "The Question of Aunenemise to the agenda. Hold pulled the March 6, 2007 Remsh r Meeting Minu tm from the Consent Agenda and added item 9.0 "Work Session Reports" to the agenda. Motion Passed as Amended Continuum Consent Unfmighed Business Irene requiring a Public Hearing - Regulation 2009-01, of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, granting an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit issued to Providence Alaska (1011996) as amended by the Seward Doard of Adjustuenb elimination of condition Ung related m the rcquiremeot for parameter fencing for the Helistop located on Lot Is, Original Townsim of Sewall, Marathon Addition, within the ImHntional Zoning District Wiilianas staid this resolution was postponed to hold a work session. The applicant was present at the work session Wm was bold with the Commission said was in rite audience mrught Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Ben Faust. Providence SewaN Medical and Care Centro, outside City Limits, spoke in favor of the resolution. In response to Hohl, Faust sorted it would be preferable to have the fence completely removed but Providence was walling to compromise. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing wag closed. 2z Cay Of Seward. Ala,W Piannswu Commission Minutes ApIU, 1097 Volume 6 Page 1,52 Moors Menith/Roarh') Approve Resolution 2007-01 (Madan made oa 3/621)U] and puslpaned) Roach' spoke in opposition an the resolution and noted the request to remove the condition stemmed from maintenance issues that could be addressed in other ways and reiterated her safety concerns, Held s4tedhcrcoacemswith @ehosplW meeting tlwwrMitions ofthehcurrenl Conditional Use Permit. Commission and stab discussed public notice requirements surrounding Hohl's major amendments to Resolution 2W7-01. Anderson and Smith concurred that this resolution was specifically dealing with amending condition 10b of the Conditional Use Permit. Williams stated his concern with the public notice requirements and atmchiug items to this resolution dealing with enforcement. He stated 4ta0'should examine the enforcement questions surrounding the Conditional Use Permit or We Commission could direct staff to bring the Conditional Use permit back for the Commissions; review. HOW suggested postponing the resolution. Kell spoke against postponing the resolution. Hohi spoke against modifying a Conditional Use Permit where the applicant wasn't in compliance with utlur conditions. Smith Acted Providence's request to modify the force was due to their maintenance issues and did not address safety concerns. Anderson stated she was on the Seward City Council when the belistep was approved for this area and initially bad reservations. She noted (late wren no other plat for the hek". Andenun spoke in support ofthe resolution and aced she was willing to look at the COP compliance at later time. Motion alohl/Roseh') &died 1. B should read, "There is no indication that amending the conditional usr permit by avudifying the francs to allow it to be removable during the winter months would substantively change site and/or operating conditions nor urgativetv impact We value of adjoining properties and no negative public comment has been 23 C;N fSemni Almka Planning Corwasim Minutes received frem the neighboring property owners." Commi ulna discussed options surrounding arvending 0re resnlufion specific m tNs ear Witiov I Ob. In response to Williams' enforcement gnesfioms, Rohl stated ber intent was to allow Providence some Flexibility removing the fence based on the weather. Clark stressed trusdvg Providence to make the decision regarding fence safety. Anderson arnf Roach' discussed due ane to al evidence of the last 9 years. Hold remiuded the Commission of Fire Chief Dave Squires' concerns. Motion Passed Yes: Rohl, YnD, Roach', Smith No: Anderson, Clark Motion(HohhSmith) Section 2, repiser 4mmoving condition 10F with, 'amending Condition 10b to allow removable fencing' Motion Passed Unanimous Maio Motion Passed Unanimous Public Hearings — Resolution 2007-05, of the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, granfing a Conditional Use Permit to Tom and Lori Swann the development of an 11— mom hotel at 504 Adams Street located in a Central Rusioess Zoning Dialler Williams mpur1ed the Swarms' request was to convert the historic Independent Ocher of Odd Fellows Hall inmwcieven room ho[elminclude abWirovm and wvkrcwe epece. CYnendyfhe huilding we a single family residence occurring as a bed and breakfast Williams reported there were no parking requirements in tM Ccntml Business District, but the applicant was willing to provide eleven parking spaces. He recommended appmvel ofthe mnditianal usepermit. Notice of public hearing being posted and published nu required bylaw was noted and the public hearing was opened. Keny Mania, inside city limits, spoke in support ofthe project Hcelatifiedthe Commission should addmes the need m vacace the lot Jim with the addition and the sign code needed to he examined regarding the sign projecting low the right of way. 2 I City o/Se~4 AImM Planning Commision Mimter In response to Hold, Tom Swoon stated he would begin wnsrr anion within the rest two years. In furthMrespnnse to Hold, Swann.cfa[ed the refuse containers would go on the comernestto the door on the T. shaped side. Sworn confirmed for Rohl that there was a toml of I I hotel moms plus the resident apartment. In response to Hob], Swann stated he addressed the parking issue under his application item k4. Hold thought *modem spaces were allowed and would help address the parking issue. In response to Mold, Swann slated he had not obst and ADA approval because there was no reamn to until the Commission approved the CUP. He staled the plan would be completed by an architect In further response to Hold, Swarm assured HOW he was mquircd to meet ADA simrdards. He stated he was aware of the needed wplat. Swam voted there would be landscaping. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Williams stated the ordinate was first verifying that the use would be allowed and would then complete the lot line vacation, a building permit would be obtained, and a sign permit wr dd be obtained. Motion (Anderson/Clark) Approve Resolution 2007-05 Chair Kali roled that Clark did not have a conflict of interest baud on Clark operating a competing bed and breakfast. Hod stressed the Commission's practice was to require adequate parking in the Central Business District as it applied to lodgmg. Smith and Anderson concurred Thal the parking Swann was proposing was adequate. Mat (HoWAaderson) Add Section F.1, `Refuse location to be approved by City Staff and may require screening." Motion Passed Unanimous Motion (HohVSmith) Add Section F.2, `The property will be mounted in compliance with SCC k12.01.030." Williams questioned the need fortheconditim sincetharequ'vemarc waspartofthebuilding code and would be required in the building permit process. Kohl spoke in support of the need fur the amendment. Clark questioned ifthei amendment was redundant. 25 Qu4,eward,A1mW Mentor C,muransw dissever surds 2079 volame rt page 155 Motion Passed Yea: Anderson, Clark, Hold, Smith No: Keil, Roach' Hotel suggested compliance language be incorporated into the CUP regarding the sign wds. Kell spoke or support of the current sign. Main Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2001-06, of the Seward Planning Aud Planing Commission of the City of Seward, Alaska, reenmmcuding the Seward City Council approve the Vacation of-%" Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue and Convey Title to the State Of Alaska (AOTEC) for Educational Facilities Williams stated this was an old issue and reviewed the history of the site. He reviewed the provision in Section l of the resolution. Wilitmna slated that this vacation was in conjuncture with the wnveyanw of flock b to lbeolmiun 21109-0. He concluded with staffs recommendation to transfer the entire rigid of -way to the State of Alaska Notice of public hearing being pooled and published as required by law was noted and the public hearingwas opened. Sony Martin, insidecity limits,wMrmdit mdyrrl senseto give the entire right-of-way In the State of Alaska He suggested clarifying the sedora In the resolution. No one the requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion(ClarWSmitb) Approve Resolution 2007-U6 Chair Ke0 ruled that Rohl did not have a crafted of interest based on Rohl's husband being an employee of AVTEC. Held clarified that Alaska SWIG Statutes require the right-of-way divided between the two property owners. She noted the right-of-way had value and the City should receive something for this valuable asset. The rules were suspended to allow Kerry Marlin to speak Marim stated there bad been previous instances where the City had agreed to give away the enure right-nP-way. Andersen suggested the Slam of Alaska had prime properly to node, firs she stated this issue might be more appropriate for the next resolution. Anderson stated her wncenu with draining and public access to First I,ake. 2l City J.Sewwr AlauU Planmry Commuslon MlnwM April S, 200I YWuma 4. Pane 156 Williams discussed converseetionswith AV IBC regardiugperyctual easemena,parkhtgand access to the park. In response to Kcil, Williams sunulsed the Hipp School was built over the right -ref -way to 1956. He slated the details of nor resonance would he decided upon by Council. Keil spoke in support of the vacation as submitted. Hold sided the sapience footage Ming given away would Emit the City's negotiation with the Block conveyance. Commission recessed from 9:15 to 9:25. Kril read Kemi Peninsula Borough Code allowing, in some cases, the entire width ofthe vacated right-of-way to attach to one panel. Hohl read the State Salutes attaclwg the width in equal proportions wids one exception. In response to Hold, Williams stated the planning and Zoning Commission in their advisory role was to review this item prior to Ming decided on by Council. In brother response to Hotel, Williams stated lM ba Wbereas clause was refereeing W the City Manager. Motion Passed Yea: Anderson, Clark, Kell, Roach', Smith No: Hotel Resolution 2009-07, of the Seward Planning And Zoning Commission of the City of Seward, Almka, recommending the Seward City Council approve the Conveyance of Black 6 also Described As: T 1S R I W SEC 10 Seward Meridian SW 000U00i Original Townsite of Seward Federal Adda (School Reserve) BLK 6 to the State of Alaska (AVTFC) for Educational Facilities Williams sard dos wed the companion resolution to the preceding vacation. Heotnlinedthe emrent use ofthc properly. He road the provision in Section 1. Notice of public hearing bring posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Kerry Martin, inside city Iuuia, recommended disposal of the property, but stressed the need to receive odegoate compensation. He outlined some of the available Sate property. to response to one of Mortin's suggested properties, Randy Stauffer, inside city limits, clad5ed the Sate's ownership claims for resources in navigable waterways. No one oleo requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. 27 CuY oSmwrd. Alaska P(armingCamm,iuioa MipWw AnA 5. SOW _ _ vdume 6. Page 157 Williams clarified the City of Seward did not have school powers mid would net likely be operating a school on the site. Motion (Anderson/Clark) Approve Resolution 2MI-07 W it liams roNirmed for Anderson that his recommendations were iwluded m We resolutiov. Anderson discussed her access concerns into Two Lakes Park. Motion (AmdersoNHnh) Amend Section 3. item I following 'Other feature oithe pared,' add 'including entry and emit access to and parking for Two Lakes park' Hotel spoke in support of the amendment and stated this should also be addressed in the fishing process. Williams spoke in support of the need for access to be outlined in the resolution. Anderson discussed the need to have access on the North ere of the property. Williams stated the State owned the pacel on the North end end tlsey would have control over the traffic flow. He statN the provision for access could he used es leverage by the Council. Commission discussed the most appropriate langupge for the amendment Motion passed Unanimous Kcg and poach' discussed the public's interest in the conveyance. The)round AYTEC and private business' contributions to the community. Hotel stared this asset had moronity value in either cash or rode. She supported obtaining comparable compenastion. Hold noted the City could pay the Federal Government to remove the Mutational restrictions. Motion (AndersoWHold) Amend Me ?'a Whereas Claus following 'interest.' to add 'The City is urged to "near other lands in exchange for this transfer, such as the State Shop Site, Fifth and R Street parcel, and acreage behind Forest Acres.' Williams suggested the Commission send a letter to Council with their reuuumenddions. Y crn 4Jsesnard, Aso" Plmm rag Con nimem 1a,mes April 5. 2W7 Ydwnxfi Paee 158 Smith supported not giving the land away, but stated the negotiators should be allowed W negotiate the best deal. Roachand Hohl spoke in support of the amendment. Hold stated it was cleaner to outline the Commission wishes or one recommit. Clark supported Council's ability to negotiate. Anderson spoke in support ofher amendment, but suggested following up with an additinrwl letter. Motion Passed Yes: Anderson, Clark Hold, Roach', Smith No: Ked Main Motion passed unanimous By general consene es, the Commission directed Administration in write a letter to Council with recommendations regarding mnveyanee of Block 6. Unfinished husineas January 4, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes llohl suggested postponing the minutes one mom time to allow her to submit her amrndments in writing by Monday to the Executive Liaison. Motion(Andemon/Clark) Approve January 4,2007 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion(HohVClark) Postpone the January 4, 2000 Regular Meeting Minutes Terry mad SCC §2.10.060 allowing Council Members W allow their remarks W be reflroteel in the minutes vcsirGm. She noted in the absence of Rules of procedure for the Commission, Council wee were followed. Kcil spoke against the postponwrnt. Motion Failed Yes: Held, Reach', Smith No: Anderson, Clark Kell HuM began her mnrndments W the minutes. Clark and Keil discussed their conamtx with Hold's amendmenm z9 C;y o0ovard Almka HammMIKC rraa Minna• Hart voted shewas allowed loohengaher comments She stated she was willingm outline treramersdm®te line try line. Smith stated ifen amendments nere verbatim then there shouldn't be aproblem. Williams voted legal council should be remount regarding mending nu uses from 3 months ago. He supported postponing mil Ore nett Regular Meeting in May. Smith asked Williams to olumm an opinion from the Attorneys of what was the legal record of the Commission, Anderson questioned the `bone of contention' in the January Mu mes. Motion (Kelmalij) Postpone to the next Regular Meeting on May 3, 2007 Mallon Passed Yes: Anderson, Clark, Hoh4 Roach', Smith No: Kell March 6, 2007 Regular Meeting Minutes Terry noted Robert's Rules of Order recommends siricOy action minutes to solve constant mmm icwith manures. She noted the Sew^md City CadesWed Wcminutesshoultlbea recordof only swh dusiass as wasaciutlypasscd. Motion (KtNSmi(h) Approve March 6, 2V0] Regular Mating Minutes Motion(HoURnsch') Amend the minutes on page 352 in the sentence above the rules being suspended for Griswold to read, `In response to questions by Hohl about We Rosin it emitting CUP requirements) Williams stated his concerns with mending these items. Roach'temembered Hold was talking about the hospital CUP. Motion failed Yes: Bob], Roach', Smith No: Andemon, Clark, Kull AdmSm mdvelyan parngraphoneonpagel55wrcad`designated.' Administratively comet Comrvissiov 0ainings to reed `Mp.' Hotel staged she only otha rind a copy ofan ADA vansitionplan. 30 Clry qf$ ard. Artma Plunniny Countermen minutes APr11 S. 2007 VWumm6 Puts, 160 Main Motion passed as Amended Unanimous Annexation Anderson surfed the City Council should be utged to open the discussion of Annexation again. After Commission discussion, by general consensus the Commission requestW this Item be placed on the next Regular Agenda. Discussion of work session report Hold spoke in support of work session reports under Special Reports and Presentations on the Commissions Regular Meeting Agenda In response to Clark Hord clarified these reform would not be made by Administration, Anderson supported Hold suggestion. By general consensus, the Commission refines" this as a Regular Agenda Item. International items and Reports CVo action required) Seward hear Creek Flood Service Area Board Agenda for April 2, 2007 and Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board Approved Minutes for February 19, 2007 and March S, 2007. Work Session set for Apra V, 2007 at 6:30 pm to discuss the recommendation that the Seward City Council amend the Seward Land Use Ordinance Zoning Designation of Lora IA Block 8, OTS, form Auto Commercial to Central Bananas Zo ring District to develop a Community Library and Museum. Commission Comments — Clark idcuUficd Council's main ptiority was for the Commission to write an Ordinance for disposal and to identify, city owned land. Roach' d aukcd Hard for putting the work session report on the agenda Anderson asked for a status update on the Sign Ordinance and filing fees. Williams suggested tire Commission continue in review the Land Use Action Fee Schedule. City'✓sewwd nlatW Ptanairq Cmmilano, mosp. April 5, 207 _ _ VWvme 6,, Pape 161 Anderson discussed Ordinance for disposal ofInd onto look at new fill area and solicited inputontheschooiawessandpedeslriandriveuayissue. Shethanked Tpry. Hold stated it is nice to have diffaeut perspective from the Pimmer. She thanked Terry. Smith ihsrderd Williams and Tarty and stated they were good additions. Kcil raueratM race to have change, different kinds of visions and perspectives. She thanked Williars and Terry. Citizens' Comments — Kerry Maniry inside City Limit, noted the Municipal Land Plan outlined a policy-frr land disposal. Martin stated it would take, someone rime to research all fhc property the city owns, but that it needed to he dares. Stauflar, inside City Limits, noted the airspmx abme the SeaLifc Center was a no fly zone due to trainer salary. Commissions and Administration Rosponee to Citizen' Comments — Williams thanked the Commission for his time in Seward. He stressed the need for the Community Development Department to be fully started with their heavy work load. Williams marked Were and Tay for their bard work. Hardly, he nated the new to increase enforcement options in the Planning and Zoning section on me Code. Roach'thanAed Williams. Anderson stated Mania should be pm to work. Hotel encouraged We See, le Center to contact Providence. Keii noted that the flight plan wasdesigned not to night fly over community, which precwe l Stowe Center opening. Adjournment Meeting rel nurnw at 10:56 pm. Anne Bailey Mariame Keil br ecutive Liaison Chair (City Seed) K CIO lsewure Alaska Plumog Cnmans,lon AV wff May$ 2M] VW mrfi P, ,156 Call to or ter The May 3, 2007 regular meeting ofthe Seward Planning ArZoning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chair Marianna Keil. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Ihe" led the Pledge of Allegiance to We ❑M. Roll Call There were present Marimma Keil presiding, and Margaret Anderson Kevin Clark Bob Hicks TOM Smith comprising a quorum of the Commission: and Domea Gloria, Planning Assistant Christy TeM, k cvrmivc Liaison Absent Sandie Roach' Lyme Ham City Administration Report Planning Assistant Donna Glenz reported on the fallowing items: Thanked Marvin Yoder, interim City Manager, for more mid guidance. Welcomed the new City Manager Phillip Oates. Thanked Terry and stated that the Executive Liaison and Tempmary Planner positions have been ported for hiring. Staff were short handed on an interim basis. Northam Edge exercise would mew May 1-18. The Seward portion would occur May ]-I1. Fire Department noted Seward will be the first city on Peribe,ula to mccive sirens with greater audibility and that would he installed within 45 days. 3� Avenue paving project would occur during the next weak. Lest rught and Wright, State, FEMA and local agencies have would hold i m i meetings at the Ray building. Zoning appeal scheduled for Tuesday June 126 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the Pruitt Appeal. Staff provided SMIC Development Plan as a lay down for Commission. Special meeting on May 15io at 6:30 for two public hearings. 33 CrooSetu a Ala w Plunnf�g Cerro. .a4elov Mrmrtae A 3 2007 Volume 6. Page 151 Other Reports, Announcement; and Preseowfions- a{Pn Ph ntiagCommissionRepoH— Tom Smith provided a writtax repnR, stating there was very little activity this month. Lisiaon from Sewall Bear Creek Flood Service Arra Board — Randy Stnafkr not in attendance due to Flood Board meaning. Previous work session review - Chair Chiuus' Comments on Any Subject enceept now loans Scheduled For Public Hearing —Nona Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda — Motion (AndersnnlSmifh) Approve the Agenda and Commat Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Unfinished Business - Anderson asked sr tF why the Jwn 2007 minutes were not on the Agenda Ulenz responded that Commi ssloncr Hold did not submit verbatim curnutenta to he included in the minutes. The Conmuasion had postponed the minutes to allow Hold to suhmit the inf rntation. Commission discussed their desires regarding Hohl's amendments. Keii s scd she would request HOW to have her crnnmerns in by May 2Is. Smith discussed the Rules of Commission procedures and suggested cxarniniag the rates regarding the minutes and rent having them be verbatim. New Business Selects Work Session claw for review and recommendations ofthe Seward wo rpol nh striai Center Development Plan Commission set a work session to discuss the SWC. Development for June 19m a 6:30. Resolution 200149, approving the 2007 P&Z Commission Priority Lief Ulmz stated a work session was held on March 2r and Resolution 2007-08 was the result of the weak session. 3y rkr nfseward Armka Planning Caa nMmWes May 3, 2007 Vdame6 Page 152 Keil thought some items would be taken off the list and kept in their view, such as the Airport and ARRC plans. Keil stated the Municipal Land Plan and weds revision were two main priorities. Smith agreed with Keil. He suggestni one plan be assigned to tech work session for comments and be looked at ever year. Commission should be prepared to make comments onplams that are alreWy scheduled. Kell replied she would like to see a sense ofaccomplishment at the end of the year. Anderson asked about the ARRC and if myNhrg had been done. Clark commented he would like to ka:p them on list to serve as a reminder. Smith stated annually he would like to have them cone mid review their plans at a work session Hickssuggested that there be a list ofpriorities and a separate list ofitems W kxpnack of. Smith continued they shouldn't be on our list but we should look at than every year. Clark stated that the Perks and Recreafion Plan wag an example of the Commission motivating progress. Hicks asked if a priority system could be created and brought back to Commission for discussion. Motion (Smith/Anderoon) Postpone Resolution 2007-08 to the next Regular Meeting Mohan Passed Dimensions; Consent Keil requested the Commission send her their suggestions for her W modify We resolution. Discussion and recommendation to Council regarding Annexation of area North of Seward City Limits Anderson requested this be on the agenda and thanked staff for including information- She continued that businesses mid home construction were still expanding outside city limits and she didn't think the Seward area and population should be divided She would like to mcommend W council that they act on it. Hicks provided an overview ofthe ="aeon process. 3�J Con, ofq vand viuka Pfonnioy Cumov,,& path vs Hers 3 00 Vdume6 Pug, 1sl Hicks interjected that the fastest way to gather W'ormattonwould he inviting Dan Axkhorst. 2694559, to conduct a presentation on mmessuion. the Commission agreed to have this more cilium driven than Admam1minion, Council m Commission driven. Informational Items and Reports (No action required) Special meeting notice of Public Hearing set fur May 15, 2009, A Request by Brad Snowden to purchase City of Seward land an the West side of Nosh Road; approximately 5 germ of Tra ct HI, Fourth of July Subdivision, Roberts Replat (Staff plans to place item on the May 15, 2009 Special Meeting Agenf) commission Common" — Auder on compacted that she would like w a se Ilm P.xewhve Unison and Clerk positions filled. She welmmed Mr. Oares and thanked Mr. Yoder for his input. Smith stated his support to fill the Liaison position. He thought the meetings rut smoother and created a%emmess amonga the boards and commissions. Smith thought it was a good position and it ahoWd cautious. Hicks welearr d the now, City Manager and thanked Mr. YMer for his time and looked forward to working with Oates. Clark susud he would work as a citizen on the annexation issue. He continued that we miss m Glmm and now we get both Gleme and Terry and he understands the need for more staff and hopes Council does too. He stated that it might behoove the Commission w commurris'afe to the Council the lmporenmoftheCommunity Development Dcpomnent and the card for more slaffand money. Kul reimretcd she'd be gone May I8-June 6 and asked evetysme to review the draft SMIC Plan for June 191°. She continued that she'd be interested in hearing Dan Rockhorst present, She agreed with the used for n Planner. Kell requested the Commission sub panels too the priority, resolution and to umcommoe an items the Commission could accomplish and have separate items m novices Cif eus,CommenH— Hicks would like In see arm"ation examined for Seward. Commissbm and Administration Response to Ci4ums' Comments — 3(� On, 15awmd. AlaAa PlurmNq•CmmntruvwMlnufm Io15 200I Volume K Pgee l $0 Call to order The May 15, 2007 minthumeeting ofthe Seward Planning &Zoning Commissionwsscalled to order m 6:30 p.m. by Chair Marianna Keil. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Hicks led the Pledge ofAhegiance to the flog. Ron Call There were present: Manama Keii presiding, and Margaret Anderson Kevin Cloak, Lyw Hob] Bob Hicks Sandic Roach, Porn smith comprising a quomm ofthe Commission; anal Ikrnma Glenn, Planning Assismnl Christy Terry, Executive liaison Absent: City Administration Report Planning Assistant remedied on the following items: Imarked 'ferry for being Farliamemoutur. The City is continuing to Iook for an Executive Liaison. Informed today that John Bud has been hired as the temporary Manner aml will work on specialized projects. Gku will work on daily projects and issues. Northern Edge 2007 was held last Thursday and Friday and went well. Shmrmon Kovae and ]'ore Swerat were resented to the Historic Preservation Commission at the City Council meeting The Canmissiun is sponsoring the historic mee and plan walk th observance of liismric Preservation month. The Senior Center Project is on track and moving forwazd. The P & Z Regular Meeting was schedWd for Jun, 5n, the Pruitt Appeal was scheduled for June 12m at &30, and the review ofthe SMIC Development Plan was scheduled for the work session on June 1%at 6:30. Other Reports, Amnounceat and Presentations -None 38 CaryfsS and Aleuts Planning e'ommusion Minwu Msy 752007 VWume 6. Page 151 Citizens' Comments on Any Subject ozcept nose Items Scheduled For Public Haring —Nona Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda — Motion (Anderso uSmith) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent New Business Items requiring a Public Hearing Resolution 2009-09 recommending City Council approval ofamen ling 00 Land Use Plan and the rezoming of Lots 14, Block 8, Original'fownsite of Smard, from Auto Commercial (AC) to Central Business District (CBD) Glenn requested a land use map amendment In 2006, the City purchased 6lots m preparation for the development of the Library and Museum project, Glcnz reviewed the land use plan and zoning. Glenz rimed that the request met code requuwevts by being contiguous to the Prenury on the west. She stated thm several phone Conversation and three written letters had bear received in support of the rezone and We project was supported by the Mayor and City Council. Glenz said the Community Development oficehad not received verbal or written oppesitiun w the retone art Nat Stuff recommCMcd approval. Hohl detained the administration forgetting the legal opinion to her question from the work session. KeiI asked if the rezone would include the entire area Glarz received father rezone requests after the public hearing requirements were followed, o, it would not meet nquiremems to add additional lots. She continued there is no opposition but can't add on without more public hearing notices. Clark said that sinee this is an advisory on this issue could this then go to Council. Glenz replied that public notice is needed at the Planning and Zoning level Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Keith CampMO, inside City Limits, spoke in support ofthis resolution and its impartance m the project - Patty Linville, City Librarian, spoke in support and forked the Commission CIY fSeward.. AiarM Plama.,R L'avmixeiou Mimfet M /5 SOUL Volume 6. Po&e 152 No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was ebbed. Motion tAnderson/Ilicks) Approve Revelation 2007-009 Kell handed the gavel N the Vice Chairand asked for a ruliagon a conflict of interest. Vim Ch air Smith stated there war no conNet of inlereat because Kell was fund raising the project brit wouldn't receive financial gain. Rohl reiterated that she was still concerned with the ipMrtrucMre. Roaeb' agreed Mat the amenities of CRR should be Mere. In response to Kell, Clem stated an interior IN )me vacation would M necessary. Anderson confirmed that the lot line vacation will come before the body and fNt the amenities would he addressed m the building permit. Hoh1 agreed that thu will happen for this project but might not happen for Me rest of the block Motion Passed Committee; Rewslution 2007-10 recommending a status for disposal of land owned by the City, which has a legal description of Tend ff/, Fourth of July Crack SWalh isisa, Roberts Rapier Clem, described area for disposal of land She soled that this is not mentioned in the Municipal Lands Management Plan; therefore, the Commission needed to nevicw the request and Provide mwmmmdation to Council. Staff bad strong concerns with supporting an unplanned dcvelepmem and the lack of ktfmstrucmm. In response b Hold, Ghent noted the portion Snowden was requesting was north ofthe gully and down the bluff that provided access. The pie shape would remain city owned. In mponse to Anderson, GIs=noted Rid, RAP and Sole Source policies were decided by Council. Commission supported MCRPP process forthe Ruberb land sale in this area aM Council decided on Sole Sourcing. She stated the UP process was the Press for the public. Anderson understood sole source might be arvcletable because of the apphcanPs costs with surveying. Kell replied drys is one rcasnn to update die Municipal l.nnd Management Plan updated and our politics far acquisitions and disposal of property should be clarified. HO Ciy rtomird ArasM pluming• Ommusion Minutes may is, 1C% resume 6,Pon, 153 Clark reiterated Council tusked the Commission to update those policies. Aadesson school the issues with leased land versus purchressi land. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Kery Martin, Guide City Limits, spoke in support of a study of the area prior to any land sales. Bad Snowden, inside City Limits, spoke in support of his request. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Smith/Hohp Approve Resolution 2011/-10 Smith spoke in mppnrt of the resolution but advocated for a review ofihc arcs. Chief Squires discussed stab concerns with City services in this area Commission end staff discussed development concerns. Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business —None New Business —None Ioformatlonal Items and Reports (No actlan required) —None Commission Comments — Smith appreciated the Robins being in attendance for the meeting. Clark sound Council would be akin a up to SMIC and noted the Commission would be giving input to PACAB on this SMIC Development Plan. Kell commented she would like to have a resolution in snoag mhos on next agenda requceting Council allomte funds for a bench study in order to look at properties across the bay. Ch tuns' Comments —None Commissions and Administration Response m Citizen Comments —Nome W Uky l5'ewa d. Alaska PA,ming C,mmi:...w MLrvme ✓une f. 2007 Volume 6 Page 150 Call ro order The June 5, 2007 regular meeting ofthe Seward Planning& Inning Commission wz called to under at 7:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Tam Smith. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Anderson led the Pledge ofAllegiaooc to the Flag. Roll Cell There were present: I'om Smith presiding, and Margaret Anderson KevmClark Bob Hicks Sandie Roach' comprising a quantum ofthe Commission; and Donor Glenn, Planning Assistant Christycrry, Executive liaison Ablawk: Marianna Red Lyum Hold City Administration Report Planning Assistant reported or the following items - Thanked Terry for her help as Parliamentarian. • Hired, Anne Halley, as The Executive Liaison and she would start on June Iill • The City Manager ImodJohn Hnd as Temporary Planner to work on special projects only. • City Council held an Executive Session tonight discussing site of LTCF. A report shoadd be available soon. •'fhe Senior Center Change Order was approved by Council. • The Consonantly Development Department was working on one sowing complaint io Forest Acres area. • New City website at ww.vcmolkcwad nce. wasnmung. • An appeal hearing was scheduled for Tuesday the 12'a at 6:30, a work session on SM1C Development Plan was scheduled for Tuesday the Ion from 6:30-7:15 and at 7 30 a Special Mx[ing on Forest Acres former LTCF site would he held. In resporew to Roach', filer listed the special projects Hind will be working on. H�) Cary f.Sewa.d Aimed Vtomir{q Crmmmirrww MiriWm J 0 > Volamefi Page 151 to response to Clink, Clenz explained public hearing procedures and deadline requimnenw. to experee to Anderson Clean stated the Council held an Executive Session regarding the LTCF site scleetion and that they were reviewing severd sites. Clink stated that he was assuming they are leading at another location. Other Reparts, Announcements and Pressnmtions- KPB Planning Commission Report —Tom Smith Smith provided a lay down for Commissions review and discussed some items of interest. Andarerm asked if Ordinance 2009-17 limited Senior Citizen property one exempfion. Commission discussed topic. Liaison from Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board —Randy Snuffer Smith wood that they had a meeting this evening. Citizens' Comments an Any Subject except Thu" Items Schedakd ForPnbllc Bearing —None Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda — Motion (Andermoulloach') Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Items Passed order the consent Agenda: January Regular Meeting Minutes Nev, Business lams "Hiring a Public hearing Resolution 2011741, recommending City County approval ofameuding the Load Use Plan and the remaing of Lots 9-9, Black S, Original Towosite of Seward, from Auto Commercial (AC) to Central Business District (COD) Glenn reviewed agenda sotement, resolution and inning of surrounding Iom She explained the substitute ordinance, Staff recommended approving this resolution adding lots to the Ohdmance for Council's approval. Uy Cirynf.SewaM Alm& Planning Coagnawn Mines,, June J, 2007 Vdume 6. Page 152 Notice of public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Ron Mortis, inside City Limits, asked what the differences were between AC and CAD. Glenn exploited the differeuccs between AC and CBD. No one else requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion (Hicks/Clark) Approve Revolution 2007-11 Anderson stated her displeasure with the rezune because one lot will be changed from AC to CBD. Glenznoted the land owner for dmfourlo6 notioelud d in Nerezonewere nmimerestediv retorting their property, but supported the remne. Road' bets this Was spot toning, but it was possible because ofihc surrounding addition lots. Clark felt it wood he spot zoning if the Commission had created the problem. Smith suggested looking at Ws the next time Commission revised the land Usc Plan. Roach' commend the same amenities required for CBD wood be required. Motion (Hicks/Anderson) Amend Ordinance 2007-X , la Whereas Clause, following twaseurn'to add `and to establish greater contiguity of CBD zoning on Block 8' Motion Passed Unanimous Consent in response to Roach', Smith said what we are passing now is the substitute influence under this resolution. Main Motion Passed as Amended Unanimous Unfinished Business Resolution 2007-08 approving the Planning and Zoning Commission priorities for 2009 Anderson expressed her displeasure and thought Commission needW to review the Capital Improvement Plan annually and ibis should be included in the liabilities. H5 ary!Sena.,, nm,la rmmsag Cammvsma Mbmus .lane $ 2007 Vdame 4 Page 113 Motion (Andera m/Clark) Approve Resolution 2007-08 Clark noted at the last mating, Staff and Keil would meet Woodbine the original resolution, lbcks stated at the Ian meting Keil was asked to update the Resolution to msponse to Ificks, Anderson agreed NM staffing was the top priority but the omen items were not realistic without the proper staffing. Smith stated the Commission could number the priorities and add that the Commission reviewed the CN whom duccted by Cauncil. Ricks asked ifUCommission should he the Municipal Land MaremissntPhm update in to the Capitol Improvements Plan. Smith staled the Coumiission directed staff to develop Commission Rates of Procedures. Motion (Flicks/Roach') Amend Resolution 2007,08, lief of priorities, to add numbering m sequence and amend priority number 2, following 'Update' to add 'in conjunction with the Capital Improvement Plan' Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Motion(Anderso(Rnaeh') Amend Resolution 2W9-08, 5m Whereas Clause, sending 'the Planning Masticator have adequate staffing to accomplish the priorities listed bedew' Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Anderson reviewed me priudty sequence. Mamer(AndereomMicla) Amend Resolution 2007-08, 9't priority, following "CUP's- to include `(Adequate 5taWmg)' Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Main Marine Passed as Amended thrudsous New Rusia es; 1[D Ciy fsewmd Alaska Planning Cnmmivlon Misuses Ane 5, 207 Volume I P�gx --- Revolution 2007-12 recommending the City Council support and fund a study of potential development options for the "bench" area on the East side of Resurrection Ray. Clen7 stated at the last meeting Commission requested a Resolution asking for support and funding of the Nash Road Flinch Study. Glenz specified that monies were not specifically designated. Melion(ClarWAnderson) Approve Resolution 2007-12 Clark spoke in support of the Resolution. He continued that at the last Council Meeting he gave a Commission update upon Ret's request. Motion Passed Rnsnimous Special meeting notice for June 19, 2007, 7:30 pm Commission Comments - Roach' was perplexed that other LTCF sites were being considered and stated her formation in having to handy redo the process. Anderson stand that came rare should be spent on the wtiul studies. She noted the property along the highway is useable and discussed the issue with people warning to buy property that is normally leased. She concluded that Commission should be preactive about what is best for theCi y. Smi ii added when projects were coshed fee Commission got pushed into making decisions without all the facts. Clark sttedthere was ameetingnext Tuesday on ajudieiary item. Re concuned thathe did nut feel good about the LTCF and described what had been involved with locations and money. Citizens' Comments —None Commissions and Administration Response to Citizens' Comments — Anderson stated Dan Rockhorst was invited on June I0 to discuss Annexation and clarified she was doing this as a private citizen. Adjournment Meeting adjoumM at 8:26 M. Cory fSmard, Allow P/wnmg G,mmusion Monier June 79, 2007 volume a Page 150 Call M order The dune 19, 2007 Special Meeting of the Seward Planning & zoning Commission was sidled to order at 9:30 p.m. by Chain Marianna Roil. Opening Ceremony Co➢mtiasioner Roach' id the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call lhrre werepresenc Marmanot Keil presiding, and Kevin Clark Bob Hicks Sandie Roach' comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Doma Olone, Planning Assistant Aram Bailey, Fxecutive Liaison Cloristy Terry, Engineering Executive Assistant Absent: Margaret Anderson Tom Smith City Administration Report Planning Aeeistant repotted on the following items: • Introduced Ame Aailey as the new Exmrtive liaison. ThankeA Terry. • City Manage, Mayor and one Council Member were in Washington DC with the Crops of Bvginrers. • Public meeting on Friday Jane 22, hum on LTCF site selection. • Senior Center was on track and the elevator was operational. • library and Mseam rezone was on the agenda for introduction on Monday the 25"Counted Agenda • Severed inning complaints were being worked on. Otber Reports, Announcements and Presentations- KPB Planning Commission Report —Tom Smith was absent. Randy Stauffer, Seward Bear Creek Flood Service Area Board, noted out last rtiglnwes the Flood Board Regular Meeting. Stauffer updated the Commission on the recent Hooding events and Can fsw and AImM Plaaw gCommission Mimnet Am 19, 2009 Volume 6, Page 151 progress with the Department of Natural Resources. Doresponse to Sad, Stauffer sound the Board continued m work with DNIf to waive Me grovel charge for emergency flood mitigation purposes. Snuffer stressed plats should not he allowed in Flood Zones sad Flood Ways. Citianns' Comments on A" Subject except Those Items Scheduled For Public Hearing - Michelle Schwartz, inside City limits, noted Me Hemlock right-of-way ran adjacent to her home. She spoke against the development of Hemlock. Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda - Motion(CIar"icl®) Approve the Agenda and the Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent New Undress Items requiring a Public Hearing Resolution 2009-13, recommending City Council approval of amending the Land Use Plan and theronnmg of tbirry (30) Tobin the Nerth Forest Acres area previously selected as the Long Term Care site and also known as Tract A, from bectitafionel (INS) m Rural ReeM sit al(RR) and Resource Management (RM) Glean, stated this are was no longer being considered Pot the LTCP and the owner was wquearing a rezone back in original zoning. Community Development has received calls from two out of state properry owners interested in where LTCF was going and sapported Me rezone. Notice of public hearing being posted and published as natural by law was noted and the public bnringwas opened No one requested to be heard and the public hearing was closed. Motion(ClarWHicks) Approve Resolution 2007-13 Clark confirmed with Gletz Nat the land ¢ce map and the zoning had to be chomped. Motion Passed Unanimous Unfinished Business -Name New Business - None luformafioaal Items and Reports (No action required) - Adopted 2009 meeting schedule and supporting agenda statements W Cay ISewmd Ala kzi Pimmig Cromfmron mimics June 19 2009 Vdvme 6. Page 152 Approved Resolution 2007-00, P&L Priorities List Public announcement of the June 22, 2009 Long Term Care Facility update by the City Manager and the Public Hearing Notice of Resolution 20 W-060 authormng the City Manager m proceed with land acgnuition for the future Loop Term Care Facility site Commissioacomments — Clark asked the Commission to think about designating a month for the nasal Community Values Meeting. Keil mggested the meeting be N February and caked Staff to add m Commission schedule. Citizens' Comments — None Commissions and Administration Response to Macros Comments— None Adjournment Meeting adjumved at &00 pm. Anne Bsasy Marianas Keil Ezccutive Liaison Chair (CitySeal) 51 SEWARD PLANNING & NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING August 14, 2007 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public bearing on the fnllowing item of business at it regular meeting of August 14, 2007: RESOLU"PION 2007-15 OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZOIHNG COMMISSION, RECOMMENDING KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH APPROVAL OF THE U.S.S. 1864, TRACTS B, C, AND D, LONG TERM CARE FACH.FF V REPLAT You are being sent this notice because you owa property within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision or are on the road network which could be affected by this action. Copies of the preliminary plat and staff review we on file in the Connumm y Development Office for public The public hewing will commence at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as business permits, in are City Cowed Chambers, City Hall, 410 Adams Strocb Sewall. All ivlcrealed persons aro invited to almnd the meeting and partuipme in the discrosion: or, written comments may be sent to the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission, do City Plower, PO Box 167, Seward, AK 99664, or e mai1edto dglenaZamnf etaardo t. Please feel free to e-mail or call me at (907) 2244NU if you have any questions. Sincerely, n/eCity of Sep/ward, Alaska Domes Glenc d Planning Assistant Jl Sponsored by: Planning and ].Doing Commission CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2W79 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDPIG THE PLANNING COMMISSION PRIORITIES FOR 2007 WHEREAS, the Seward City Council Rules of Procedure, adopted March 14, 199y state that the Council should meet in ov normal joint work session with the Commission every March to address areas of mutual concern; and WHEREAS, rim Commission and Council held a joint work session, Updated and reviewed the Plam ing and Zoning 2M6 Priorities List on March 27, 2007; and WHEREAS, at the May 3, 2007 making the Planning and Zoning Commission regnested the Priorities List be reviewed and presented in priority order; and WHEREAS, a the Jane 5, 2W7 meeting the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and approved the updmed and revised List of Priorities for 2007; and WHEREAS, the Planning Depsrmrent have adequate staffing to acemupkir the priorities listed below. NOW, 'THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commrasion that: Section L The following revised and prioritized List of Priorities for 2W9 is hereby approved: PRIORITIES 1) Proper Staffing ofthe planning Department 2) Municipal Lands Management Plan (1995) —Update in conlunetion with the Capital Improvement Plan 3) City Laml Disposal Policies and Procedures —Review and Updme 4) Rewnte of title 15—Bring It up to doh, clarify, eliminate inconsistencies 5) Planning Commission Rates of procedure —Develop 6) Nash Road Bench Study �3 Savona Plenrdng and Zoning Commission Resolution2007-08 Page 2 of 7) Enforcementinclusive of the fd1lowmg bar not exclusive barrow avfomemeM issues Code Violations any CUP's' (Adequate Stiffing) g) Anmul Community values Meenng 9) Flood Mmagcment 10) Two Cakes Park RePlai 11) Waterfnmt Park RCPlat FOLLOW PROGESS lWkDR BY OTHER RNTITIES AARC Master Plan Airport Master Plan Parka and Recreation Mesta Plan(1993) Seetiuu2. Tins resolution shall takee ect immedialoly upon its adoption. PASSED AN➢ APPROVED by the 4 ardl Planning and Zamng Commission this 5o day of fare, 2000. TIME C11 V OF SEWAR➢, ALASI Tom Smhh, Viet Chair — - AYES: An lmson, Clark, Hicks, Roach', Smith NOES: None ABSENT: IIow'Keil ABSTAIN: None ATTEST': 'OFSz�yl 'eeee. FP...... Q I 3 nT 'e 1 1 IZ T % 3� C YClerk CMC aSh�:i:Eyt ��'t5aa`CCttY Seal) 404,M00 4 5H