HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-0096ponaored by: Oetce CITY OF SF.WARD, ALASKA ~ RESOLUTION 2008-UIIY A RE6OLU'tTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 6E WARD, ALA6 KA, IN CONTI NUED SUPPOR"F O F THF. MARY LO W ELL CENTER, A MULI'1-AGENCY CENTER ANU 1'HF. DEVELOPMENT OF'I'HF, CITY Uk' SF,W ARD'S CONFERENCE fENTF.A OF APPROXIMATELY 3fiSOSF AND IDRECTING ADMINISTRATION TO REMAIN AN ACTIVE YRO.IF.CT PARTNER WHEREAS, the City ofScweN Mopted Resolution 2004-U99 supportingtha Mary Wwcll Cemer, a Muhi-Agency Ccnla including the Seward Confeence Cevreq std W HEREA6, We administration was direuad and hee taken an active lend mle in pureuivg and helpinK w daclop the plan for the Multi-Agency (kmerand Seward Conference Caner, and WHEREAS, the Cityef Seward recognizesthntlhe Aevelopment ofa Multi-Abarcy Center thnl co-locams federal and smte edmmistrnlive offoca and visitoreompenenls into a ¢ivKlc building includca a City of Sewed wnfecevw conteq and WHF.RF.AS, the City of Seward has supported thin wncepl for many yearn and has deinons¢nted its commilmenl by meelvtionsand vdminismetivesuppon as well asbeing aco-signer r nn vprojmt Memorandum ofAgreemeng end WHEREAS, the City Council has requested fundinKfora MUlti-Ageney Centerthat includes a wnfuwu censer as a PrAcral Iegisla0ve priority sivca 2003; end WHEREAS, in2U0], the Mary Lowell Centerparmerv worcivfouncd thattheUnited States Forest Servicewav rodueivg Ncidevel ofpartieipetion ar nparmorin the Mery Lowell Centardueto financial budges mslraivts; and WIIEREA6, ee a result ofthe United Styles Forcel5avicc's mdaeed pvnicipation, the Cily ndminulration rcvisirod the Ciry's prv[iupelion as a panncr in the Mary Lowell Center in n City Council work session conducted on ]nnuury 26'", 2U08; and WHEREAS, [he Ciry Council was prwertled with multiple seennries ofpmicipatiov as ¢ project partner including the optien or no colLLbmnoe center and sevecal oNer options with a conference ttnter mnginK ffom 10005£, 2WVSF, 3000SF and J650SF; anJ WHEREAS, Iho Ciry Council members supportW tho wntivved participvtiov vs an active partner in Iho Mary Lowell Center and supportN a City of Sewad conference center of approximaloly 3GSOSF because it complimenlW existinK meeting spies in the cummuNty, could suslmnlazgcr wnferences end offer more ^cxibility with partitioned wells. CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA REBULUTION 2008A09 NOW. 'T'HEREFORE., RE IT RESOLVED HY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA that: SecHnn 1. The City Council supports the Mnry Lowell Cen[tt, a Mvhi-AKevcy Center includinK the CityofBCwaN Confarenw Ccnlerbeing cons[metcd in downmvm Scwmd to enhance economic development. cation 1 The admivismation is dirm[cd to wvtinue IakioK m~ active mle in pnreninK and helping w develop tfie plan for the Mary i uwclt Centeq o MWti-AgG~cy Centev and Smvvrd Confemnw Cemu. Serfioe }. The City Cmmcif supports aCityol'Sewwd conRrenw ccntu ofepprnximatety 36505E m compliment existing meetinK spaces in [hc wmmuviry, sustain IarKet covf us end offer more Bcxibility with partitioned wells. 6ectiou A. The City Council greatlyprcfers Mery Lowell Cen[ttdesipp rcvisions whicM1 do not m{uire n bnildivK acmes Washingron SIRG. SecHnn 5. 'This resolution shell tekc affect immediately neon ils adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of The city of Scwazd, Alaska, this 1 f" day of Fcbrvary, 200A. THE CITY//D''F SEWARD, ALASKA CIaYk s AYES: Valdena, BaNarson, Amberg, Smilh, Kellar, Corbridgc NOES: Nnne ABSENT: Dunham AHSTAIN: None ATTF,ST J .y,c4 ~ nycle~ (City Senl) ais' Council Agenda Statement Meetivg Uale: Pebnrory 11, 2U08 liwugh: Phillip Oates, City Manager Prom: Kim[m Vesel, Assistmt City Manager KK~ Agenda Item: Continued Support of Ne Mary Lowell Cenicq a MWO-Agrncy Center and the Ucvelopmmt of the City of Sewanl's wvf ce center of appmxirrnlely 3650SP and directing admhdavation to remnm av active nrn ec[ artncr BACKGROUND &.NST[FICATIOM The City of Sewazd adopted rculution 2004-0]] supporting [he Mary Lowell Cevmr, a MWti Agency Center including [he Seward CIpllfcmal'R Comer. Adminirtmfinn wns directed and has mken x lead rvle m pursuing and helping [o develop the plan for Ne MWti-Agency Curter and Seward Covfucvcc Curter. ]he City of Sewmd hat supryxLLd this aoocept for many years arW bas demonstrated itc commitment by rcaolutiovs, admivistra0ve support as well as tieing a co- signer on a project Memomndmn of Agreement. The Mnlti-AgmnY Curter has beev included on the Ciry of Scward's Rdmal Icgislativepriodties sinoe2003. In 20U], the Mary Lowell Cevter parmem wero informed the[ the Uniicd Starts Foresr SeMce was reducing their Icvcl of paNCipation as a partner m the Mary Lowell Center due to financial budget restrWvt. Asa esvlt of the llnlled Starts Natiaval Ebrosl Serviw's reduce] parlicipatiom the City advurdstrafiov revisited tba City's partiaparion as a pemwr in the Mary i.nwel Center et e City Conceit wadr scssiov wnducted on /anuary 28, 2(q8. The City Cawcil wns preunted with mWfiple scmvins nfparticipation as a project pertver Wclnding the option of vo toes cc cmtm avd several other optima with a coMermce center ranging from IOOOSF, 2000SP, 3OOOSF, and 3660SF. The Ciry Council members supposed Vu; con Wued participatiuv as m active partner in the Mery Lowell Center and supprnted a City of Seward confrrevcc tearer of appmximmely 3650SE bees u it compliments existing meefmg space N the community, sustains Inrger envferevoee and off more flexibility with perfitimcd walls. Tha City Cowuil also mcoumged the National Park Service to mmidm a MvItLAgmrry Center dear that data not requim We varatinn of Washington Svcct. CUNSIb"I'ENCY CHECKLIST Where applicable, this resnlmlon is nvemnt wiM dre 9ewaW GtY Coda Cbarteq Comprchcnsivc Plar~a, l.mtd Usn Plavs, Strmagic Plan and Ciry Coundl Rnlea ofYroecdums. Other: iz FISCAL NOTE: The appmximatc projected opemtiovs and maintenance costa of ih; 36509F wnference center ranges between $15,000.$40,000 pa year. This oNy includes utilities and does vpt factor N the costs ol'mmapvg, maketing, booking end rvNnlaivivg the veoessay equipment to operetc ds faility. I3epcvding vn how the f ility is managed will dictate the vlditiomd expense and revevu e of the conference tearer facllily. Thnrc will ba a one year, ivitial capital tgWpmevt cxpcvsc ofapprvximately $90,000100,000. Approved by Finance lkpatrnevP„P4~[eQe,gh3 RF.f.OMMENDAI'ION: Approval of Resolution 200A-fp9, directing advuNstrafiuv to continue inking an active role in pursuing sod helping W develop the plan f r the Mary Lowell Cenler, x MWti-Agency Cenler inWUding a Seward Conference C:evta ofapproximazely I650SF to comDlhvent casting meeting spoccs W the commmdty, sustNn lager wnferenccs and o1Ter moro Rexibility with partitioned walls. 13