HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-003Sponsored by: App8nvl ~ CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND TANBYC COMMISSION NESOLUTION 2008-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANMNG AND TANDSG COMMISSION OF THE CRY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO KENAI F0ORD6 LODGING. LLq OBA THE HOTEL SEWARD TO OPERATE A LOUNGE/DRINKING ESTABLISHMF,NT WITHIN THE HOTEL SEWARD AT 2O RFTN AVENUE, LOT 12A, BLOCK 9, ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF SEWARD. IN THE CENTRAL BUSBYESfi DIfiTRICT WHEREAS, the eppllcan4 Ecav FJONs Lodging, LLC. DBA d:e Hotel Seward. has requested a Covdinonsl Uu Pe:mit m covswa and apemte a lounge/drinking esmblisMnent within the em:mt Hotel Seward; and WHEREAS, dm Hotel 3ewud is Iwated on Lot 12A. Block 9 of Wa Original Townsiteaf Seward end is witlsin theCmtml BUainoss Zoning District (CBD);eM ~, WNF.RF.AS, az Per the Seward City Cade, Land Uus Allowed, Table IS.l U.225, 8I0 WBe/INW]ng esmb1196mmt IS OIIOWed In tl1e Cenlml 81191nWS ZOmok Dlalnat a9 8 eondidonally penvined use; and WHEREAS, having complied with the Public notifieetiov process; ov February Iq, 20081be Seward Plenving evd Zorw:6 Conmission held dse required public hearing ov the CoMitios:el Ux Permit application. NOW, TNERF,FORE, NE R RESOLVED by Ne Scwud Pluming and ZuNrg Cowuiesion Nu: See_ tl°n 1. AccoNing to SCC 15.10.320.D., the Commission shell establish a fording ilsat We use utisfies tfie following ronditiom prim to granting a conditional use pennk: A. The use tr ronsbhN WM ibepwpose oJW4 cbnpeer (Ibe.Seward ZOn/ng Cods acrd lke pncposes afche zoning dtmkG Fivding: This mnditiov has beau established. The property is zmM Cenrcal Auainese UisMct (CBD). The Cmtrel Business DistdM is ivteMcA to provide for area of convmimt, attractive, wncenvated commercial development Primarily ~ imeMed far n1ai1, fimmcial. entertainment and profeesimal services aocmring srward Plminmg ~ mn;nK Commisdm Reaolmiov 20V6-Oi Page 2 Vf 0 within mielosed strvctwrs. Regulations applying tv Ihis zone are designed m cnenmege a mmpaat group ul' bpsinessas of Um type whip a tmrtmlly hrneficial and located clowcvoagh togMer to encourage walk in trade. A mnnse/m;,d~inK patann nment .a wmwed witmn thn Ccv[ral enainoaa Diavmt by cenditioval nse permit Wm Nye PtenNng and toning Gmmission and any potential Mveru impacts to adjoining properties nr atherpropenies in the Cuvnl R¢viness Disvict aanbe mi4Katcd through conditions estvhlished by the COP. D. TM1e value ofadnining DroFerry will nol6e sign j nIN impnlr¢d Finding: This condition has been met. The neighboring properties are Wednminae0y rwmmerclnl including another hotel and uvcrel parcels owned by the National Park Service to the cost; commercial buvneazes and parking Ims to both the north and south; the commercial t'oanh Avenue downtown hnainesses me m thn wcs1. J C. The prxpared we u in harmony wdh the Seward Cmnprchensivr Plan. Finding: The proposal is in harmony with Ne 9cwerd 2020 Comprehensive Plvn (2006). $cweM Comvnhwsive Plxn 211061 ?.]J.i (HNlet 2) P cowage the athancement of private buaincsscs in dvwntmm Sew:W as the eommuNty's traditional mmil core (paKU IS) r Stntreie pivv lly991 CV VIIIIVC to Support and -awwage Nc Re-vitnlivatinn of DVwnlVwn (page 14). D. Pxlrlk Srrvires andJacilieiererc adeyxahroserve Lheprxpxsed m~r. Finding: Thin wnditiort has heen mac Publfo wamr, eeweq noel power aze vuilablc tq We property wtl uvrcndy in use within the Flotel Seward, sa well as adequate fire, police urd solid waste dispnsvl urviwv This myueat is vn interior remodel and is cnrtenNy in the review peocesa with Me Building and Fire depanmenl. While providing onsite puhlie purling in not acquired within the Czmral -usinesn Disvim the Hotel Seward has a hotel perking Int boated on the earth ride nFMe building. F.. TM proprxrd use well nM Leharmfx/rolhepahlk sajery, heaRhmwe(l re Firming: ]Lis wndilion has hren mac The Hotel Seward M1av wder gone the prowls of changing the proper Stara liquor licensing from the New Seward SalVOn hock m Ne oriKinal location within the IWtel Seward. Close walking proximity W the downtnwr wmmeroial disvic[ makes the IVwKe/hotcl laeminn bcucfcial to visitor circvlatlon supporting the dovmtown busirtesa district. Seward P18tming and Zoning Commission Resolution 2008A3 Pagc 3 of 4 F. Anv ertd al/ sprolJk rondpwns deemed necrosery by Ibr mmmi+sion ro JWfdl she above-menlwned rondtdmp shall M mel by Ma applkan< Zhese may WWude bW ax not limped to measum relWise fo ecnss, armninR, sip derloDmrnt, bullding dm/gn, operdlkn of Me urr axd Wber similar a peep refvrcd m Mepropased me. Based an the above Bndiage and caveluabns, approval of the CUP shat{ be aubjeM to she folbwing condlHOVS: I. The sale end use of alcohol shell be m eccvrdmoe wish dw Alcohol -evemge Cuntml Board regWmions ab the City of Seward noise oNinanw. 2. Madificetion of final approval of a conditional use permit may, vpm epPlicatlon by Hre pemnitee, be modified by the Planning and Zoning Commisdon: a. Whrn changed cosMitiovs cause the conditional use to no longer confirm to Hw stavdmds for its apprval. b. Tv implemens a different development plm cosJomdng m the standards Eor its approval. r_ a The modification Dlev shall be subject [o a public hearing end e filing fee ut by Ciry CouvcO Resolution h'edion 2. The Pluming and Zoning Commission finds Wat the pmpvsed use, evbject m Hse above cuvdidaas satisfies the criteria for granting a Conditional Use Permit provided the conditions IistN on Section 1, Subsection F. are met by Ne appiicam, and euthorims dre administrffiim so issue a Cwdifionei Use Perini[ to wnstruct and operete e lounge/drisJring esubGshmevt within rho coven[ f[otel Seward, aubJCCt to the shove condidons. 6ecHVV3 The PlenninS aM Zorwtg Commission finds Ihal adherence to the conditions of Ms permit is pmmnount in malnrelmvg the intent of Seward Ciry Coda Sccion IAIO.IYO; Conditional Use Permits, asM euHsorizes Hse admiW snation to issuc a Cn~ditioswl Use Permit Additionally, the admitistretion shell periodically m~ the use conforms m fie standards of its apprval. SeeHOO 4. ]ids resolution shall inks effect 10 days following its adoption. sewaza rlnnw„s,ma znnmK a~nmis~mn Ruolorion 2f10R-Ol Page 4 of4 PASSED AND APPROVED by [Fe Sew-ud rlawwiK and ZoninK Commixsinn this 19'" dny of FeM1wry 2008. TiIE CPI'Y OF SEWARU M a Kcil, t'hnir AVFS: Andersrvn, Clerk, Keil, McClure NOES: FOnt AtlSFNT: Ro:u:h' ADSTAIN: None VANCANT:Twu ATI ES I". nnEew;e,< C C'eiN Clerk ,,s. }y~t9~~H,. . 4 OflPOq'4f''~O ~'. iax' °b'': '~t RU'~'r~ io". ,~' ~~~NE1~k9,ti,`T,C. ~~~•~OF ALP`.. r